Re: [newbie-it] installazione MDK 8

2001-07-01 Per discussione gblinux pratica non ho ancora risolto molto.
Le cose stanno così:
Sono andato sul sito della xfree86, per chi interessa

qui (nel file README) ho trovato informazioni su come installare la patch
per xfree86_4.0.3
Infatti la 4.1.0 dovrebbe supportare la mia scheda, ricordo che si tratta di
una s3virge 86C325.
i comandi da impartire sono edl tipo:

gzip -d 4.0.3-4.1.0.diff1.gz | patch -p0 -E

rm -f xc/programs/xieperf/images/image.012
rm -fr xc/fonts/bdf/latin2

gzip -d  4.1.0.tgz |tar vxf

alcune cose non mi sono chiare:
I) - il testo dice di applicare questi comandi a to a clean 4.03 source
di cosa si tratta ? come faccio ad ottenere questo ?
II) - dice di partire dalla directory contenente la dir xc/
o provato a cercarla e non l'ho trovata, dov'è ?

mi è sorto il dubbio che non tutto è stato installato durante
l'installazione di MDK8.
Allora ho voluto fare una ricerca di quali pacchetti sono installati. ho
usato i comandi rpm
tipo rpm -Uvh..., rpm -Va, rpm -qpi con il seguente risultato

Errore usando rpm:
cannot open packages index using db3
Argomanto non valido (22)
the rpm database cannot be opened in db3 format. if you have just upgrade
the rpm package you need to convert your database to db3 format by running
rpm -- rebuilddb as root
error: cannot open Packages database /var/lib/rpm

ho provato ad eseguire rpm --rebuilddb
ho ottenuto

error: cannot open Packages index

cosa posso fare ? mi sembra di esser un poco bloccato
vi ringrazio tutti in anticipo


- Original Message -
From: freefred [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] installazione MDK 8

 On Monday 25 June 2001 14:51, Stefano Salari wrote:

  ...ed ora la doccia fredda: Ho visto sul sito di kde
  ( che per far girare l'ambiente sono
  necessari questi rpm:

   kde-i18n-Brazil-2.1... 26-Mar-2001 08:13   1.4M
   kde-i18n-Catalan-2.1.. 26-Mar-2001 08:13   614k
   kde-i18n-Chinese-2.1.. 26-Mar-2001 08:13   754k
   kde-i18n-Chinese-Big.. 26-Mar-2001 08:13   703k

 queste sono pero' le localizzazioni per i vari paesi,
 di solito si installa quella italiana e quella inglese.
 Sono tante, e grazie a dio puoi farne a meno:-)

 Comunque, riguardo al thread, aspetterei prima di reinstallare il tutto.
 Non ti parte X, non sembri avere problemi di windows
 X e' appunto un server, su cui si appoggiano le varie
 grafiche.Ma volendo potresti lanciare solo X e un'applicazione,
 avresti uno schermo grigio con solo la finestra del programma.

 la S3Virge (che ho avuto anch'io) ha sempre avuto problemi
 con l'xfree in effetti.
 Tempo fa infatti avevano fatto un xserver apposito, l'S3V
 se non ricordo male.
 Se ti funzionava con la mdk 7.2 e ora no, puo' darsi
 che tu abbia questa volta installato l'xfree 4 e prima usavi
 il 3.3.6 o anche solo aggiornato la versione del 4.

 Ti consiglio prima di tutto di controllare che versione di xfree stai
 usando e poi cercare a o in rete se e come e da cosa
 e' meglio supportata la tua scheda.

 Puoi anche provare a leggere il file  /var/log/XFree86.0.log (o
 qualcosa del genere) per vedere se ti da' messaggi di errore
 piu' significativi

 Come gia' ti hanno detto vedere quale server sta usando il tuo pc
 e se questo supporti la tua scheda.

 guarda qui:

 in pratica dice che la tua S3 e' ben supportata dal xfree 3.3.6
 (con l'xserver XF86_S3,  ma anche quello vga)
 e forse, ma non ho ben controllato, dall'xfree 4.1.0, che e' appena
 uscito e quindi di certo non hai installato.
 Direi che in fase di installazione tu abbia scelto di usare l'xfree 4
 (versione 4.0.3?) che sembra non supportare la tua scheda, o cosi' pare.

[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2001-07-01 Per discussione OzzY

Re: [newbie-it] installazione MDK 8

2001-07-01 Per discussione gblinux

ok, ho provato
rpm --version

è la 4.0

mentre i comandi
 rpm -qa |grep rpm
 rpm --initdb

danno sempre l'errore

cannot open Package Index using db3...

a quanto pare, sono proprio messo male se voglio installare qualcosa


Re: [newbie-it] installazione MDK 8

2001-07-01 Per discussione massimo t

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 12:50 
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] installazione 
  MDK 8 pratica non ho ancora risolto molto.Le cose stanno 
  così:Sono andato sul sito della xfree86, per chi interessa 
  (nel file README) ho trovato informazioni su come installare la patchper 
  xfree86_4.0.3Infatti la 4.1.0 dovrebbe supportare la mia scheda, ricordo 
  che si tratta diuna s3virge 86C325.i comandi da impartire sono edl 
  tipo:gzip -d 4.0.3-4.1.0.diff1.gz | patch -p0 
  -Erm -f xc/programs/xieperf/images/image.012rm -fr 
  xc/fonts/bdf/latin2gzip -d  4.1.0.tgz |tar 
  vxfalcune cose non mi sono chiare:I) - il testo dice di applicare 
  questi comandi a "to a clean 4.03 sourcetree"di cosa si tratta ? come 
  faccio ad ottenere questo ?II) - dice di partire dalla directory 
  contenente la dir "xc/"o provato a cercarla e non l'ho trovata, dov'è 
  ?mi è sorto il dubbio che non tutto è stato installato 
  durantel'installazione di MDK8.Allora ho voluto fare una ricerca di 
  quali pacchetti sono installati. housato i comandi rpmtipo rpm 
  -Uvh..., rpm -Va, rpm -qpi con il seguente risultatoErrore usando 
  rpm:cannot open packages index using db3Argomanto non valido 
  (22)the rpm database cannot be opened in db3 format. if you have just 
  upgradethe rpm package you need to convert your database to db3 format by 
  running"rpm -- rebuilddb" as rooterror: cannot open Packages database 
  /var/lib/rpmho provato ad eseguire "rpm --rebuilddb"ho 
  ottenutoerror: cannot open Packages indexcosa posso fare ? mi 
  sembra di esser un poco bloccatovi ringrazio tutti in 
  è capitato anche a me e dopo vari tentativi ho 
  rislto così :
  nome_del_pacchetto --rebuilddb
  e poi installi normalmernte, ovvero 
  rpm -ivh nome_del_pacchetto
  il tutto nel path dove hai scaricato il 
  e da root

[newbie-it] (newbie-it) unsubscrive

2001-07-01 Per discussione texstefano

Re: [newbie] Installation Questions

2001-07-01 Per discussione Paul

It was Sat, 30 Jun 2001 21:07:14 -0400 when [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1. I was asked during installation something like 1) remove windows 2) use
the current windows partition 3) create a new partition.  I want to keep
windows, so option 1 is out.   What is the difference between option 2 and

2 will try to downsize the windows partition so there is space for Linux. I
don't like options like that because they do nasty things to the partition
3 looks for any remaining space on the drive that is not claimed by another OS
and will use that space.

2. I choose to use the current windows partition and it installed all but
the 3 minutes remaining and froze.

Since you can mail, you can probably boot Winders. Find something like
partition magic or so to resize the winders partition. That way you have space
available for Linux. If you cannot find partition magic or can't afford it,
you may consider reinstalling winders and leaving space available.


Major premise: Sixty men can do sixty times as much work as one man.
Minor premise: A man can dig a posthole in sixty seconds.
Conclusion: Sixty men can dig a posthole in one second.
-Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] C compiling errors

2001-07-01 Per discussione Paul

It was Sat, 30 Jun 2001 20:51:15 -0700 when Rajagopal Iyengar wrote:


I have a Mandrake 7.0 version of linux on my pentinum III 450 Mhz. I have
included both include and lib libraries in my path. I am trying to compile a
C program and it says it cannot find the files. I looked at the include and
lib directories, the files are there? Do I need to set up any other
environment variables?

Hi Raj,
Could you send a report on the messages that come up? The files is kind of
vague. There are so many files, so much diskspace...
You can dump the output of the compile to a file by doing

cc prog.c   output.txt
make prog  output.txt


Major premise: Sixty men can do sixty times as much work as one man.
Minor premise: A man can dig a posthole in sixty seconds.
Conclusion: Sixty men can dig a posthole in one second.
-Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Olaf Marzocchi

At 08.34 01/07/01, you wrote:
I do a lot of home video editing the total cost of my own built machine is
still 1/3 of what a high end Mac costs. Exclude the iMac which at their
cheapest, or affordable if you like, is still a $1000 without a rebate. I
don't use anything smaller than a 17 monitor since my eyes are going ka ka.
The iMacs is not an appealing or an option for me personally.

You could plug any monitor you want to the iMac.

I like the PowerMacs but all of the ones I have seen even with rebates are
still out of my range and many many people. I guess like any luxury if you
willing to eat spam and bologne use the toothpaste until the tub is rolled
flatter than paper than great.

Just curios does anyone run Linux, without third party software, on a Mac? I
saw a package claiming to run Red Hat Linux on any Mac. Just curios to see
how that is done with or without a third party software.

Linux on a Mac? stupid. Buy a PC it's cheaper!!!

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione etharp

On Sunday 01 July 2001 03:30, Olaf Marzocchi wrote:
 At 08.34 01/07/01, you wrote:
 I do a lot of home video editing the total cost of my own built machine is
 still 1/3 of what a high end Mac costs. Exclude the iMac which at their
 cheapest, or affordable if you like, is still a $1000 without a rebate. I
 don't use anything smaller than a 17 monitor since my eyes are going ka
  ka. The iMacs is not an appealing or an option for me personally.

 You could plug any monitor you want to the iMac.

 I like the PowerMacs but all of the ones I have seen even with rebates are
 still out of my range and many many people. I guess like any luxury if you
 willing to eat spam and bologne use the toothpaste until the tub is rolled
 flatter than paper than great.
 Just curios does anyone run Linux, without third party software, on a Mac?
  I saw a package claiming to run Red Hat Linux on any Mac. Just curios to
  see how that is done with or without a third party software.

 Linux on a Mac? stupid. Buy a PC it's cheaper!!!
not stupid.  Mandrake for Power PC, and use broadcast 2000 for video 
editting smooth in my humble opinion. 
But truly expensive for the  Power PC MAC. of course you can build a P4 PC 
with 512 megs ram and a uwscsi 2 hard drive that will do the editting even 
better (also in my opinion) for a few bucks less than buying the Power MAC

[newbie] Newbie and Siemens Celvin EasyPC.

2001-07-01 Per discussione Brian Durant


I am new to the list and to Mandrake. I would like to do a dual install (Win
98 SE (UK)/Mandrake) on my daughter's Fujitsu/Siemens Celvin EasyPC. I have
Partition/Boot Magic, so this shouldn't be a problem in theory. It is
however, unclear to me as to whether the EasyPC (legacy free) standard is
supported. EasyPC has no serial or parallel ports. Everything, including
floppy drive, keyboard, etc. is USB based. Looked in the archives and found
no mention of Celvin, EasyPC or legacy free. Any ideas or advice?



Re: [newbie] curious .... My last comment on the subject.. Great suggestion for Mandrake.

2001-07-01 Per discussione Randy Kramer


David E. Fox wrote:
 So far so good...some servers should be included, postfix / apache
 probably for starters. No need for innd,postgresd, etc. Again, the
 current installation profiles need to be tweaked - one shouldn't have
 to go for a server install to get a few necessary (plus some that
 aren't - depending on what you want to do) plus 'workstation' plus
 'development' to get a basic workstation with some development and
 server capability -- which I think is what many want.

Include Samba server and client, pre-setup to easily allow enabling of
file and printer sharing, in both directions.

Also, make sure standard installation:

- Makes printing Just work (including to a shared remote printer on a
Windows box)

- Makes sound Just work

- Makes CD burner Just work (including easy selection of DAO option --
maybe the default for audio CDs)

- Provides good looking fonts (for any hardware) by default, allows easy
selection of good looking alternates

- Prominently displays list of hardware that works / does not work on
the box (or booklet attached to box but readable before buying) (tough
to do).

- Starts (Free)Civ for a local single player game with one command
(which starts client and server, starts game, and has a more about
FreeCiv button that briefly explains that Civ on Linux includes a
client and a server to make it easy to play multiplayer games over a
network (or locally), but can make it a little confusing for someone who
just want to play a local single player game.  Someday you'll want to
learn the commands to start the server and client separately, when you
do press help_for_multiplayer.  (Or have multiplayer be an option on
a startup menu after you start Civ with the single command.  Or, default
to multiplayer, and ask How many players on this computer?, How many
players on other computers?, and How many computer players?)  (I
guess I should send this to the FreeCiv list.)

Randy Kramer

[newbie] missing rate... dirheader.html Error Message

2001-07-01 Per discussione Skinky

Hello yet again everyone

I have posted this message before, but I'm getting real desperate.  This is
my last attempt at installing Linux as I can't go any further.  I don't even
know what the following error message means, therefore can't find a solution
(what is a rate?).  I've searched and searched the net; this mailing list's
archives; asked Mandrake Experts (no reply); searched and searched some
more, but I am STUCK and can't go any further.  I'm starting to wonder if it
is worth the time and effort I have already put into it!  I have tried six
times to intall Mandrake 8.0 but the same error message is displayed at the
same stage of the install process.

I am STILL trying to install from hard drive.  After creating a native linux
partition and booting with a boot disk (hd.img), I selected install to own
partition (linux native partition).  All goes well for a while and then an
error message comes up:


An error occurred
missing rate for  !-- Beginning of:
/www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html --

Can anyone tell me what this means?  I went back into Windows and searched
thru the entire Linux directory of files that I downloaded for a file
named htdocs or dirheader.html but found nothing.  I'm kind of at a loss as
to what to do.  I've search thru the net for clues but again found nothing.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Re: [newbie] LimeWire Installation

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jose Mirles

In order to get LimeWireOther to work follow these steps

Download Sun's latests JRE
Install Sun's JRE
Get LimeWireOther
Run /usr/java/jre1.31/bin/java -classpath install

This is assuming you accepted all the default paths in the JRE

That should do it!

On Friday 29 June 2001 21:10, Jon Doe wrote:
 On Saturday 30 June 2001 03:39 pm, you wrote:
  Yah, download the Other package and make sure you have the JRE on your
  system, and follow the instructions for installing . I never did get
  the linux package to install.  Good luck,

 I couldn't get the Other package to work either. I did get
 gtk-gnutella to install though.

[newbie] Its here...!

2001-07-01 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Okay, I got my crash-suit yesterday, and the included bonus was phenom! ;-)

PS Now I have a question. I had already placed an order for the v8.0 Powerpack
thru the Mandrake online store. I also bought a t-shirt as well as making the
open-source contrib. My question is, how do I cancel that order? (note I only
want to cancel the order for the Powerpack, not the t-shirt or



Re: [newbie] alternative kernel 2.2.19, 2.4.3 linus install and after

2001-07-01 Per discussione s

On Sunday 01 July 2001 09:50 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 30 June 2001 22:15, s wrote:
  I was wondering if someone could tell me how to load 8.0 from the
  cds using 2.2.19 kernel.  

 On install you go to expert mode, then at individual package
 selection you click the two cyan arrows at the bottom of the panel
 which say toggle between tree and flat list to bring up an alpha
 list.  You then scroll fown to the k's and select either or both of
 kernel22-2.2.19-10mdk and kernel-linus-2.4.3-2mdk.  This gets them

 Now at bootloader time, you click on Modify and write doen the
 informations from one of the linux boots.  Then you exit that modify
 and click Add.  You enter all the same information except  labels and
 boot image.  You choose a different boot image. You will find
 vmlinuz-2.2.19-10mdk and/or vmlinuz-2.4.3-2mdklinus in the drop down
 list.  make the boots and label them appropriately.

 If you have already installed, then use the software manager to
 install the kernel(s) you want.  Following that, use Control Center
 to first list an existing linux boot then to make new one(s) with
 label and boot image changed.

 This is the basic.  Later if you want to be really fancy with the
 multiple personalities you have given your computer, it is possible
 to use mkinitrd for each of them separately.

 You might want to try kernel-linus 2.4 before 2.2.19 to see the
 performance.  As you know we have deliberately slowed our stock 2.4
 on some systems to protect from a nasty hardware bug that was first
 announced just days before our release.  I think kernel-linus does
 not have this protective feature.


Thanks so much for taking the time to reply.   :-)

[newbie] XAW TV and sound

2001-07-01 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

I was having working XAW TV. I wanted to record sound from the tv show.
I tried to use grecord(sound recorder) with source as video. it gave
erro and sound from xaw tv also gone. How to restore the sound to xaw
tv? sound is working otherwise for system sounds and xmms.

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

[newbie] Mandrake 8 and sis 6215

2001-07-01 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

I was trying to install MDK 8.0 in a machine with SIS card 6215. While
installing it starts in graphics. I saw in console one as 16 bpp, driver
as cfb16, no acceleration and FBDev used. But after installation GUI
doesn't  work. First I get hanging with Super check serial port. I have
also observed one more funny thing while install. Though I have 3 button
ord mouse, it shows buttons 5 and zaxismapping in tty1. I saw X as 3.3.6
using X -version after installation. But xf86config leads to a file that
compatible with X 4. It didn't give option of selecting X while
installing. How to go about mdk
8.0 and sis 

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

Re: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-07-01 Per discussione Judith Miner

 Since there is so many risks of constantly using a root account, how
in the world are you supposed to get work done without being logged in
as root?? 

I am a new user and am looking for a desktop alternative to Windows. I
have no interest in consoles, command lines, writing scripts, compiling
kernels, etc. I just want a solid system supporting a complete, useful,
and reasonably intuitive GUI that lets me do what I need to do and want
to do.

I am the sole user of my home/home office computer. My husband on rare
occasions might write an e-mail on the Windows side of the computer, but
he would have to be hog-tied to get him into the Mandrake 8 side.

After getting mightily annoyed at having to run su in a console or run
Super User file managers or give my root password time after time in
order to run Mandrake Control Center or other root-only utilities, I now
log in all the time as root. Before the geekoids on the list warn me of
my impending eternal damnation,g let me explain my reasoning:

I am the sole user. I am thus both root and judy (the only user). If I
want to do something that will affect the all-important system files,
I'm going to do it whether I'm logged in as user or root. So working as
user does nothing but make me jump through more hoops to do what I'm
going to do anyway. Why not avoid the hassle and work as root all the
time? One password per session and no consoles for su-ing, I can
unmount my Zip disks at will, I can deal with all files in all file
managers, I can edit what I need to, I can install programs without

See, these security features can't stay the way they are if Linux is
to attract even the Mac's share of the desktop market. Home business and
consumer users will react the way I did
and just get fed up and abandon Linux if they have to go through these
endless permissions, logins, and passwords to manage their systems. In a
home system, you're constantly installing or upgrading software or
making changes to your display or your hardware. Any consumer GUI has to
accommodate such usage, which is nothing at all like what a larger
network requires.

It seems to me that something could be incorporated into Linux desktops
to make them friendlier to SOHO and home users while maintaining some
system safety. For example, have a super user login that allows the
equivalent of root access, but throws up a warning message when the
root/user is about to make a change ordinarily reserved for
root--something like You are about to change system files, which could
have bad consequences. Okay? Cancel?
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] The Root account

2001-07-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Well at least it wasn't your mother -- that happened to me once!

On Sun, 1 Jul 2001 06:20, Franki wrote:
 kinda funny,,

 My girlfriend saw me working on a linux server I had here, and she was
 watching when I logged in as root

 it took two hours to convince her that I wasn't a dirty bast@rd and that it
 was the standard all power account,,

 she is still looking at me strangely :-)



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michel Clasquin
 Sent: Saturday, 30 June 2001 7:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] curious  My last comment on the subject.. Great
 suggestion for Mandrake.

 On Saturday 30 June 2001 10:35, Franki wrote:
  Hi all,
  think about it..
  take one mdk install,
  remove all servers and the multiple apps of the same apps, settle on one
  for each,, one word processor, one spreadsheet, one text editor,, one of

 except games, of course

  settle on just Gnome or KDE, nothing else.. (probably KDE as its just
  that bit more like win blows to look at)

 but with the loser's essential libraries all loaded and ready to go.

  no choice of console or X at boot, make it always boot to GUI...


  they could call it Mandrake Linux for Windows users.

 Youi like getting sued by Microsoft, then? Bad idea.

  - winblows asks you if you want to install a notepad..
  - Linux asks you how many different text editors you want to install, or

 I know, I know. I installed mdk 7.2, and mdk 8 came out before I had even
 gotten around to trying out all the ftp clients!

  It has so many extra featurs over windoze,, consider the following..
  Here is what is needed..
  1. A current 2.4 kernel...
  2. a poll to ask everyones opinion on what is the easiest most useful of
  each app type that should be included in this distro.
  3. One of each app type only... use the above poll to determine what app
  should be chosen for each app type.

 OK, I'll bite. Here are my suggestions:

 Since we are basing this discussion on a KDE setup, it seems logical to use
 KDE apps unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise. So, we are
 talking Kwrite, kppp, Konqueror etc etc The reverse of this would apply if
 were to go for a GNOME desktop, of course. The only real problem is that
 KOffice is IMHO not quite ready yet (though there are some interesting
 rumours about  the next version going around). So if we are going to bundle
 an office suite, it will most likely have to be star office - but i have
 downloaded some alpha code for Ability Office for Linux to look at, so that
 range is expanding a bit. That one will probably not be free though. Which
 raises another question: is this new distro to be like Debian -
 free in all respects, or can it contain non-GPL free-beer and even


 xmms - it looks like Winamp, sounds like winamp, it even uses winamp skins.
 newie essential.

 Netscape/mozilla: for compatibility reasons

 xgalaga - just because

 GIMP - Yes I know it is a Gnome app, but you could hardly not mention it
 separately, right?

  4. No servers included in this distro.
  5. market it as linux for windoze users... the power of linux with the


  of windows. (that may not appeal to us, ,but it will appeal to windoze
  6. possibly even a file manager that calls / (c drive) /home (my docs)
  and /usr (prog files) and /proc (linux) and /mnt/floppy (a drive)


  drive)  to help them feel at home, although thats proably overkill...



 7. Hide the root account even more than is being done already. Extensive
 use of kdesu is the key here. Package the root password as knowing a
 special secret code that lets you install new things rather than as just
 the password of some weird user called root. (Honey, do we know anyone
 called Root?)

  because it cuts down on alot of the reasons that linux is great, but it
  should still be done because its the best way to lure disgruntled windoze
  users over to the greener pastures..

 Some good ideas here. Hope the mandrakeans are reading this forum.

 Hey, what was the name of Mandrake the Magician's sidekick again? Lothar, I
 think. How's that for a name: LotharLinux.

 Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
 This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

 Hi, is that the U S Patent Office? I'd like to patent the FOR-NEXT loop,
 please ...

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] curious .... My last comment on the subject.. Great suggestion for Mandrake.

2001-07-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 20:59, Michel Clasquin wrote:
 On Saturday 30 June 2001 10:35, Franki wrote:

 xmms - it looks like Winamp, sounds like winamp, it even uses winamp skins.
 A newie essential.

XMMS is actually part of the GNOME project. It works equally well in KDE, 

 Netscape/mozilla: for compatibility reasons

 xgalaga - just because

Hehehe... Add xbill and freeciv to that!

 GIMP - Yes I know it is a Gnome app, but you could hardly not mention it
 separately, right?

  4. No servers included in this distro.
  5. market it as linux for windoze users... the power of linux with the
  ease of windows. (that may not appeal to us, ,but it will appeal to
  windoze users..)
  6. possibly even a file manager that calls / (c drive) /home (my docs)
  and /usr (prog files) and /proc (linux) and /mnt/floppy (a drive)
  /mnt/cdrom (d drive)  to help them feel at home, although thats proably



 7. Hide the root account even more than is being done already. Extensive
 use of kdesu is the key here. Package the root password as knowing a
 special secret code that lets you install new things rather than as just
 the password of some weird user called root. (Honey, do we know anyone
 called Root?)

  because it cuts down on alot of the reasons that linux is great, but it
  should still be done because its the best way to lure disgruntled windoze
  users over to the greener pastures..

 Some good ideas here. Hope the mandrakeans are reading this forum.

 Hey, what was the name of Mandrake the Magician's sidekick again? Lothar, I
 think. How's that for a name: LotharLinux.

Lothar was actually the old name of HardDrake, back in the Mandrake 7.0/7.1 

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-07-01 Per discussione C.Heaven

On June 30, 2001 02:43 pm, you wrote:


 After getting mightily annoyed at having to run su in a console or run
 Super User file managers or give my root password time after time in
 order to run Mandrake Control Center or other root-only utilities, I now
 log in all the time as root. Before the geekoids on the list warn me of
 my impending eternal damnation,g let me explain my reasoning:

 I am the sole user. I am thus both root and judy (the only user). If I
 want to do something that will affect the all-important system files,
 I'm going to do it whether I'm logged in as user or root. So working as
 user does nothing but make me jump through more hoops to do what I'm
 going to do anyway. Why not avoid the hassle and work as root all the
 time? One password per session and no consoles for su-ing, I can
 unmount my Zip disks at will, I can deal with all files in all file
 managers, I can edit what I need to, I can install programs without

 See, these security features can't stay the way they are if Linux is
 to attract even the Mac's share of the desktop market. Home business and
 consumer users will react the way I did
 and just get fed up and abandon Linux if they have to go through these
 endless permissions, logins, and passwords to manage their systems. In a
 home system, you're constantly installing or upgrading software or
 making changes to your display or your hardware. Any consumer GUI has to
 accommodate such usage, which is nothing at all like what a larger
 network requires.

begin sarcastic comment

Perhaps you should forward your comments to Microsoft in order to save their 
impending doom on the desktop due to implementing the very same super user 
concept in their NT based operating systems.

end sarcastic comment

Restricted super user authority is a hallmark of *NIX, and is one of the 
primary reasons it is so stable.  Microsoft recognized this when they went to 
work on NT, and carried on w/ the practice thorugh Win2k.  Regardless of the 
crap coming w/ XP one major advancement is the same multi-user/permission 
based concept.  The bottom line is that the majority of PC users who claim to 
be proficient know jack, and need to be protected from themselves more than 
anything else.  This is one of the primary reasons our company deploys Win2k 
on the desktop - to stop users from trashing their systems, and then 
requiring us to fix their mistakes.  We promote the very same practice to 
home users in order to prevent kids, or other family members from installing 
some piece of hellware that guts Windows.

Don't hold your breath waiting for Linux distributors to remove su, and 
permission based file structures.  Not only would such a distro be non POSIX 
compliant, no self respecting *NIX vendor would abuse such a time proven and 
effective model.

If this concept had of been implemented in the 9x line of products (even 
though the underlying technology is absolute junk) I can hardly imagine how 
astronomical the world wide productivity gains would have been over the past 
seven years - compared to what has actually transpired.

Considering you just started using *NIX I guess it isn't fair to expect you 
to fully understand, and respect the benefits of POSIX.  However, I will bet 
a dime to a dollar that if you continue using *NIX, and don't respect it's 
structure you will end up w/ an unstable operating system just like Win 9x.




[newbie] Chess

2001-07-01 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All, I downloaded a statically linked program called rgXnetchess_static 
that the author told me should work on my LM8. His instructions were to just 
chmod +x rgXnethchess_static and then I should be done. I have not tried 
this yet, because I was not sure that could be all that I do to get this 
installed. I have never installed anything like this before. Does anyone know 
how to install a program like this? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 19:55, steve campbell wrote:
 On Friday 29 June 2001 20:58, PENA FAMILY wrote:
  I agree comletely, Linux is still very young and developing. My twist on
  the car analogy is like this
  Windows is the average car which the vast majority drives and get from
  point A to point B. There are lemons depending on everything from quality
  and price but they get the larger slice of the consumer pie.
  Macintosh is the BMW and Mercedes...etc. You pay for the high quality and
  since everything is included your less likely to have problems again
  barring any X factors like quality control and bad management.
  Linux and other althernative OS, whichever term you want to use, is the
  kit car. The old Chevy or Ford you want to tweak to run and look like you
  want it to. You can remove the air conditioner to boost engine
  performance. Get rid of manufacturer settings again to get that boost you
  want. Doing whatever you want to make it run, look, and feel just the way
  you want and to reflect your individual personality. The only problem
  this is a small market there are problems with making those tweaks. You
  can problems but the point is to make the changes you want.

  LOLlinux is a formula-1 car, a right bloody nightmare to get used to
 but totally flexible and manouverable, not to mention fast as hell:)

 steve ( Obi-Juan Montoya)Campbell

Please don't say the driver is Mikka Hakkinen (he's Finnish) -- I'm a Ferrari 

P.S. As I write this Michael Schumacher is leading the French Grand Prix!!!

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Again, well said!

Like any community, there are a variety of members with a variety of
goals.  Some of us would like to see Linux on the desktop be the OS of
choice for normal people.  I'd like to see that, and will be trying to

From what I've heard, Mandrake is one of the distributions that has a
similar goal (as does KDE, AFAIK (As Far As I Know).)

Thanks for your letter!
Randy Kramer (not a representative of Mandrake, just a user on the list)

Judith Miner wrote:
--other good stuff snipped

 Most people would have given up by now and just wiped Linux off the
 drive. I'll be posting my questions on this list and hope I'll find
 solutions for the problems that pop up every time I try to do something.
 I see wonderful potential in KDE, Gnome, and other desktops, but this
 thing is not ready for prime time. I hope things will get a bit more
 polished and complete by the time Windows XP is released because I think
 this may be THE moment of opportunity for Linux on the desktop.

[newbie] Rage 128 and Mandrake 8

2001-07-01 Per discussione Philip Mayer


I read all the stuff about the Rage problems on Mandrake, especially
the how-to @ and
the info on

I still don't get my Rage Fury AGP 32mb to work with X. If I switch to
640x480 it shows a functional, but very weird looking X (doublefeature),
otherwise the screen goes blank, my monitor shuts down and the system
locks up.

Could someone provide me a link to some more information on this ? I
had Suse 7.0 installed previously and it just worked fine. I'd rather
use Mandrake, though ... Suse has something to say about this on, I didn't
do that on Suse 7.0 but maybe it will help figure out what the problem 
is, I'm too much of a newbie to get that working on Mandrake :(

I'm working on an Athlon System with an Asus mainboard.

Thanks a lot!


RE: [newbie] curious .... My last comment on the subject.. Great suggestion for Mandrake.

2001-07-01 Per discussione Franki

I think you guys are missing the point..

This is an install to woo windoze users,

mandrake makes the mini router/firewall distro...

why not a version that matches windows functionality without all the rest..

clients of everything, not servers  they require configuration and in the
end will make the distro might as well get the full

match the functionality of windows, and let them understand that before you
give them the option of more...

They can always buy a added functionality cd or download the rpms from a
mandrake site dedicated to it...

keep it simple, and they will come... (good marketing slogan actually :-)

There is a HUGE need for a distro that doesn't offer so many options that it
drives would be users away



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
Sent: Sunday, 1 July 2001 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious  My last comment on the subject..
Great suggestion for Mandrake.


David E. Fox wrote:
 So far so good...some servers should be included, postfix / apache
 probably for starters. No need for innd,postgresd, etc. Again, the
 current installation profiles need to be tweaked - one shouldn't have
 to go for a server install to get a few necessary (plus some that
 aren't - depending on what you want to do) plus 'workstation' plus
 'development' to get a basic workstation with some development and
 server capability -- which I think is what many want.

Include Samba server and client, pre-setup to easily allow enabling of
file and printer sharing, in both directions.

Also, make sure standard installation:

- Makes printing Just work (including to a shared remote printer on a
Windows box)

- Makes sound Just work

- Makes CD burner Just work (including easy selection of DAO option --
maybe the default for audio CDs)

- Provides good looking fonts (for any hardware) by default, allows easy
selection of good looking alternates

- Prominently displays list of hardware that works / does not work on
the box (or booklet attached to box but readable before buying) (tough
to do).

- Starts (Free)Civ for a local single player game with one command
(which starts client and server, starts game, and has a more about
FreeCiv button that briefly explains that Civ on Linux includes a
client and a server to make it easy to play multiplayer games over a
network (or locally), but can make it a little confusing for someone who
just want to play a local single player game.  Someday you'll want to
learn the commands to start the server and client separately, when you
do press help_for_multiplayer.  (Or have multiplayer be an option on
a startup menu after you start Civ with the single command.  Or, default
to multiplayer, and ask How many players on this computer?, How many
players on other computers?, and How many computer players?)  (I
guess I should send this to the FreeCiv list.)

Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] RAID controller support in LM8?

2001-07-01 Per discussione jason-snyder

 The A7M266 uses DDR RAM and has the VIA chipset. It supports up to 2GB of
 RAM (the A7V supports 1.5GB, and the A7A 3GB, though I have never
 personally heard of a 1GB stick of RAM, but maybe they exist).

I thought the A7M266 had an AMD northbridge and a VIA south bridge.

Here are a couple of mentions of RAM modules that go up to 1GB:

Re: [newbie] Spell checker in Kmail is not working??

2001-07-01 Per discussione Romanator

On Sunday 01 July 2001 02:39 pm, you wrote:
 On Sunday 01 July 2001 14:17, you wrote:
  Hi Kmail users,
  For some bizarre reason, the Spellchecker is not working. Is there 
  that is not configured correctly in Kmail?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  The Happy Kmailer by Tux  Sons.

 Is Ispell or Aspell installed?


Ispell is installed but Aspell is not. However, I just fixed it! By default, 
Kmail does NOT add the Spellchecker button to the toolbar. You must add 
the ABC Spellcheck button to the toolbar. Then, click on the Spellchecker 
button to begin the spellcheck.


[newbie] Gettin' certified

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jason Guidry

I know that no one on this list has any problems sharing opinions...

So I wanted to know if anyone had an opinion on a good A+ cert book,
hopefully leading to *nix networking (ie not MCSE).

Or maybe a website that's not looking to suck down a month's worth of my
meager rural texas teacher salary?

Thanks in advance.

[newbie] Kmail question

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jim Kempton

Hey all

Is there a Kmail config file wherin is stored all the settings PARTICULARLY 
filter rules?  If so, uh, where is it please.  When I back up I wanna back 
this up too.


MJK Systems-IT Consultants  Training
Phone/Fax-020 8697 4912
Mobile-077 4066 3292
Linux User #-196384

[newbie] Easy Install Error

2001-07-01 Per discussione Michael Mitchell

First error to appear is:
ERROR! Could not uncompress second state ramdisk

ON pressing the enter key as asked:

Fatal error in state 1:  Accessing corrupt shared library.

This after four days of downloading the cd iso for 8.0!  Can this be made
easier, or explained in some manner?

Or is the norm holding:  If it can go wrong for me - it does?


Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] Easy Install Error

2001-07-01 Per discussione etharp

this can be a hardware or bad software problem... (not to be mean, but if you 
have to download with a dialup connection, you might consider 
www/ to get a disk set that is the same as the ISO you 
downloaded and burned (you did burn the ISO to a disk?)

On Sunday 01 July 2001 16:43, Michael Mitchell wrote:
 First error to appear is:
 ERROR! Could not uncompress second state ramdisk

 ON pressing the enter key as asked:

 Fatal error in state 1:  Accessing corrupt shared library.

 This after four days of downloading the cd iso for 8.0!  Can this be made
 easier, or explained in some manner?

 Or is the norm holding:  If it can go wrong for me - it does?


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

RE: [newbie] curious .... My last comment on the subject.. Great suggestion for Mandrake.

2001-07-01 Per discussione Franki

Maybe a tiny floppy app, that can probe a windows system and give a report
of what is likely to work with linux and what isn't ...

then give heaps of the disks to mandrake resellers, so people can try one in
thier computers before buying the winlinux distro

just a thought, or you could make the same file downloadable on lotsa we

would be handy to have a windows app that queries windows
system/device-manager to look for compliant/non compliant devices and
print a little report to screen...

thats something that even more experianced linux users would find handy

just more of my inane thoughts..  my apologies..  :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David E. Fox
Sent: Monday, 2 July 2001 2:54 AM
To: Randy Kramer
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious  My last comment on the subject..
Great suggestion for Mandrake.

 Include Samba server and client, pre-setup to easily allow enabling of
 file and printer sharing, in both directions.

Oh yes. Many will want that.

 - Makes printing Just work (including to a shared remote printer on a
 Windows box)

 - Makes sound Just work

 - Makes CD burner Just work (including easy selection of DAO option --
 maybe the default for audio CDs)

OK for printing and sound - go for CUPS. Personally sond  printing have
worked out of the box for me, others' mileages may vary, of course. I don't
have a CD burner, but I do know there are a few different programs that
do this task differently, perhaps equally well, I don't know. But pick
one, and roll its code into Konqueror, and let people burn CD's from inside
the file manager. After all, you work with disks / floppies the same way,
why should CD's be different?

 - Provides good looking fonts (for any hardware) by default, allows easy
 selection of good looking alternates

I agree in principle, but many good fonts are copyrighted, and the free
ones don't always look too good. I've been to a few free sites and they
have some interesting fonts there, but not ones you would want to use in
business correspondence. (Personally, 99% of my 'formal' correspondence is
done in either Palatino or New Century Schoolbook, and the major WPs that
I use provide those fonts.) I figure most people on Windows just use Arial
because it's the default, but it doesn't look too good either :).

And why provide so many conflicting fonts - I mean, there's 100dpi, 75dpi,
unscaled fonts, scaleable fonts, Cyrillic fonts, etc. I know they have their
uses, but they probably don't all need to be included in a scaled-down
'newbie' distribution.

And while we're on the subject of fonts, how about documentation? The
current thing seems to be to provide it in a slew of differing formats -
I mean there's DVI howtos, PS howtos, html howtos, info-based documentation
(that requires 'info', natch), man pages, DocBook stuff, etc., etc. It
would be nice if all this stuff could all be in the same format, and
generated on the fly when needed (I've always thought the idea of
separating man and cat pages, and deleting unused cat pages since they
could always be reconstructed was a good way of doing things).

 - Prominently displays list of hardware that works / does not work on
 the box (or booklet attached to box but readable before buying) (tough
 to do).

You might need a rather large booklet actually. :) But if you look at
the lists, there are a lot of questions about such and such a thing, like
Winmodems, wondering if or whether these will be supported. Having a
bright red sticker on the box warning: doesn't work with Winmodems
may be helpful, and it may not be. It might be better to have a few known
working configurations, and steer the person in the direction of those
configurations. (Scenario: user goes into computer store, gets a copy of
this distribution. On the back cover is a suggested list of components -
user goes around the store with a shopping cart, picks up the components,
and takes it over to the service counter to be assembled.) The way to
beat MS at their own game is to just not buy branded 'assembled'
computer systems. After all, people have for a long time bought
stereo components.

 - Starts (Free)Civ for a local single player game with one command
 (which starts client and server, starts game, and has a more about
 FreeCiv button that briefly explains that Civ on Linux includes a

the hell with that -- I want Monopoly! :)

Actually I was at my mom's house playing Parker Brothers' monopoly on
a windows box yesterday -- it can be played either single player (with
computerized opponents)  or it can be quickly configured (separate menu
option) to play multiplayer over the internet. And it's done as a single
component, not (perhaps) haphazardly with different binaries with different
options, depending on how you want to play.

 Randy Kramer

David E. Fox

[newbie] StarOffice and Linux2.4.3-20mdk

2001-07-01 Per discussione RobertLuzader

Perhaps someone can give a newbie some advice.  I recently purchased
Mandrake 8.0 and so far I'm pretty satisfied.  Having worked in the Windows
world for the past few years it's great to see other operating systems
coming about.   The install went very well and over all I'm impressed with
the ease Mandrake 8.0 loaded up, but (Here it comes,,, always a but) After
installing Staroffice 5.2 and trying to open it my system hangs.  This
requires a reboot to get things running again.  I've been to the Sun site
and the only thing I've found is a recommendation to go back to a different
Kernel and that StarOffice is coming out with (Who knows when) an upgrade.
Therefore there will not be a patch  Has this been encountered by
others? also Why would Mandrake include it with their system if it wouldn't
run properly?

Any guidance would be appreciated.


Re: [newbie] StarOffice and Linux2.4.3-20mdk

2001-07-01 Per discussione Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

Robert, I have also the powerPack Edition but I had a staroffice file 
downloaded before from sun URL and it works fine. Did you install it as root 
and then as user? or you just make a whole install?

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

El Dom 01 Jul 2001 23:42, escribiste:
 Perhaps someone can give a newbie some advice.  I recently purchased
 Mandrake 8.0 and so far I'm pretty satisfied.  Having worked in the Windows
 world for the past few years it's great to see other operating systems
 coming about.   The install went very well and over all I'm impressed with
 the ease Mandrake 8.0 loaded up, but (Here it comes,,, always a but) After
 installing Staroffice 5.2 and trying to open it my system hangs.  This
 requires a reboot to get things running again.  I've been to the Sun site
 and the only thing I've found is a recommendation to go back to a different
 Kernel and that StarOffice is coming out with (Who knows when) an upgrade.
 Therefore there will not be a patch  Has this been encountered by
 others? also Why would Mandrake include it with their system if it wouldn't
 run properly?

 Any guidance would be appreciated.


Re: [newbie] StarOffice and Linux2.4.3-20mdk

2001-07-01 Per discussione etharp

you did run star office setup as a user first didn't you?

On Sunday 01 July 2001 17:42, RobertLuzader wrote:
 Perhaps someone can give a newbie some advice.  I recently purchased
 Mandrake 8.0 and so far I'm pretty satisfied.  Having worked in the Windows
 world for the past few years it's great to see other operating systems
 coming about.   The install went very well and over all I'm impressed with
 the ease Mandrake 8.0 loaded up, but (Here it comes,,, always a but) After
 installing Staroffice 5.2 and trying to open it my system hangs.  This
 requires a reboot to get things running again.  I've been to the Sun site
 and the only thing I've found is a recommendation to go back to a different
 Kernel and that StarOffice is coming out with (Who knows when) an upgrade.
 Therefore there will not be a patch  Has this been encountered by
 others? also Why would Mandrake include it with their system if it wouldn't
 run properly?

 Any guidance would be appreciated.


RE: [newbie] Gettin' certified

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jason Guidry

Yes, very funny.  I hadn't thought to specify, but actually recommendations
on both would be nice.  Looking at some sample exams I think I could be
COMPTIA A+ certified in a couple months, so that would be where I want to

I just wanted to find a platform neutral book instead of buying the study
pack from Microsoft Publications.  I already know far too much about Win
3.1, 95, 98, ME, m-o-u-s-e...

Linux networking is the next step.  I will check out your (chris')
recommendation, most appreciated.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Keelan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 5:25 PM
To: Jason Guidry
Subject: Re: [newbie] Gettin' certified

On Sunday 01 July 2001 15:35, you wrote:
 I know that no one on this list has any problems sharing opinions...

 So I wanted to know if anyone had an opinion on a good A+ cert book,
 hopefully leading to *nix networking (ie not MCSE).

 Or maybe a website that's not looking to suck down a month's worth of my
 meager rural texas teacher salary?

 Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure if you're going for COMPTIA's A+ Certification or you mean A+
in doubleplusgood.

If you mean the former, sorry, can't help you. If you mean the latter, then
read Linux Network Administrator's Guide. There's a mirror at:

It begins with basic TCP/IP and Ethernet networks and goes on to cover lots
of stuff including, NFS and SAMBA.

- C

Re: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-07-01 Per discussione Judith Miner

Thanks, Matt, for describing the perils of routinely working as root.

 well, after once having to ctrl alt backspace out of xwindows and
subsequently loosing my whole linux install, and then later suffering ap
owerloss and again losing my whole system both while logged in as root i
realized the wisdom of logging in as user and then becoming su when i
need to. 

I do have a UPS so should have time to shut down in orderly fashion if I
lost power, but even the potential of hosing the system gives me pause.
I do expect to work as user once I get the system functioning fully. For
now, just about everything requires me to be root, so I can't see the
point of messing with su throughout my session. Plus, su requires a
console and I avoid--and intend to continue avoiding--consoles whenever
possible. I expect the GUI to insulate me from consoles and command
lines. Obviously, it's not there yet.

 actually between using alt f2 to run any program you want as root 

I haven't found that Alt-F2 let me run programs as root. If the program
requires root privileges, invoking and typing in Alt-F2 when logged in
as user has done nothing at all, in my limited experience. Is there some
magic command modification I just don't know about?

 the fact that mandrake 8.0 is much better at recognizing when you
need to be root and prompting you for the password it isn't that much of
a burden. 

I suppose burden is in the eye of the beholder. I find constant typing
of the root password to be annoying in the extreme and results in a fair
amount of lost time if you have to do this several times in a few hours.
 --Judy M.

Re: [newbie] curious .... My last comment on the subject.. Great suggestion for Mandrake.

2001-07-01 Per discussione Judith Miner

Frank wrote:
 There is a HUGE need for a distro that doesn't offer so many options
that it drives would be users away 

I think you have many good ideas, but speaking as a Windows user who has
recently installed Mandrake 8, it wasn't the large number of options
that is the problem, but the unfinished business of the GUI after you
get the thing installed. The first time I installed, I chose the default
options for my own purposes and did not pick and choose individual
programs. I reinstalled Linux in a couple of days because I felt I
didn't know what was on the system. I've always done Custom Installs of
all my Windows programs (including Windows itself!) and I don't like to
depend on what other people think I should have. So I reinstalled Linux
with a custom installation and went through the entire programs list in
the Mandrake graphical installer. I was, frankly, much happier with that
because I had a better idea of what was available and what I did and did
not want.

I think it would be fine for something like the Mandrake installer to
offer an additional option called Basic that would include a
pre-selected, limited number of programs. A user can always install
others after using the system for a bit.

The real problems come after you start using Linux--or trying to. I
still haven't gotten my system set up to the stage where I can try some
productivity apps for real. My current problem is getting my Type 1
and TrueType fonts installed and available to the programs I want to
use. This is one of the roughest edges of Linux on the desktop. Its font
handling is abstruse, unfriendly, poor, and just plain weird. It's
totally different from Windows or the Mac. Where is something like Adobe
Type Manager when we need it? Even in my Windows 3.0 days, my PostScript
fonts were rasterized correctly for the screen and printer (PostScript
or not) and they were available seamlessly to all my applications that
were font-capable. I find it astonishing that fonts seem to be an
afterthought on the Linux desktop. Gajillions of often-ugly screen fonts
get installed. How can I dump them? All they do is make for a long font
list of useless junk. It's hard to find the necessary information
because context-sensitive help isn't here yet.

Another example of something that is unacceptable as it stands now: the
first time I tried to eject a Zip disk, it wouldn't go. First I got
scared that it was stuck in the drive (an ATAPI internal). Then I
thought I'd try doing an eject command in a console. Somehow that
worked--I don't know how I figured out how to include the /mnt/zip
qualifier. Eventually I kinda sorta figured out how to deal with Zip
disks, which get mounted through the supermount feature in Mandrake 8,
but still have to be unmounted by root in order to eject them.
Doubtless, I could fix that up so user could do it--but I don't know
how. I also don't know where to look and the directions would have to be
in something other than geekspeak, which is probably an unrealistic

I could give you a list of other things that would quickly drive
would-be users away, as you put it. I think they could all be solved,
probably in short order if some distro truly wanted to appeal to Windows
users who want to become Linux users but not techies. I don't think it's
too many choices that drive people away, but an interface that is too
thin and quickly leaves the unprepared user in the clutches of long,
obscure command lines. This won't fly, folks. No matter how wonderful
the underlying architecture is, it has to be easy to use to have a
chance of succeeding as a desktop OS.
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Judith Miner

  Thanks for recounting how Linux has become more user friendly since
your Slackware 2.x days. Though I have just started using Linux, I've
followed it over a few years and installed it now because I thought it
was finally reaching the point where a normal person could use it.
I've found it easy to install and I had no trouble configuring the
dialer and connecting with my ISP. The browsers are working fine, I
downloaded and installed Opera in addition to the ones that came on the
CDs. I looked at but did not set up a couple of e-mail clients, and
could kiss Windows good-bye if browsing were the only thing I did. I
just need to get my security firmed up and will try the suggestion
posted on this list, for which I thank you and others.

 linux still has some problems for the average user, but at the same
time it has been rapidly progressing since the command-line based
Slackware 2/3 days. 

I agree and look forward to the progress of the next few months. Let's
all hope that by the time Windows XP comes out, Linux will make more
strides toward user friendliness because I do think more Windows users
will be looking for a way out of Microsoft's clutches.
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jose Mirles

I don't think it is a matter of perference as much as it is a matter of 
what Linux really is. Linux is a networking os just like any UNIX or UNIX 
clone. Whwn dealing with networking OSes, you need user groups, root 
access, etc. 

We can write to each other all we want about changing how Linux works, but 
folks, Windows 2000 has its users, user group, administrator (root), etc. 
Anytime you deal with an networking OS you will have all of that.

COuld they make a single user version of Linux? No. Linux is POSIX 
compliant and it will lose that in the change. 

Even though we are all newto Linux, don't you think we owe it to the Linux 
community in general to read up on it and see what it is all about, 
instead of just jumping in and then thrashing it because it isn't Windows?

On Sunday 01 July 2001 14:10, tazmun wrote:
 I echo Judith's concerns 100 %.  I think there are  many here who
 desperately want to keep Linux as sort of an elite OS(and free) status
 that eliminates many users simply because of it's complexity.  To keep
 Linux where it is right now...maybe that works and maybe it
 doesn'tbut to companies that are trying to promote Linux like
 Mandrake who eventually hope to make a buck somewhere along the line, I
 think they will fold their tent and go elsewhere if progress is not
 being made, and by progress I mean becoming a serious competitor for
 windoze.  Not only for the OS but also the desktop.  To do this we have
 to go with mainstream user concepts I think which I feel the other
 writer, Judith, is a fairly good representative of. But it goes beyond
 my preferences to just plain common business sense in my opinion. 
 Unfortunately the part we all hate is hiding around this corner too,
 just like windoze it will be all about dollars.   But with real
 competition at least it hopefully won't get out of control like
 Microsoft did.


 - Original Message -
 From: Judith Miner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 3:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] curious 

   I'm wondering about FreeBSD    or MAC OS X   any potential
  competition there? ... any way to combat the OS monopolistic intent of
  I installed my first Linux OS about 10 days ago on a spare computer
  (headed for my grandchildren soon) so I could try it out before I put
  in a dual boot with Win 98SE on my real computer in my home office.
  I liked it enough that I did install Mandrake 8 on my home office
  computer a week ago. The spare computer will have its hard drive wiped
  and I'll put back 98SE before the computer goes to the grandchildren
  (ages 5, 3, and 7 months).
  I am a very experienced and proficient Windows user but have no
  interest in doing my own programming. I dislike command lines and want
  a well-designed, stable, flexible GUI that leaves me in charge of my
  own computer. I am fed up with Microsoft, which becomes more and more
  oppressive and aggressive, and I fervently hope never to buy another
  Microsoft OS. However, I have work to do and any alternative OS has to
  let me do what I need to and want to without a lot of hassles.
  I run a small nonprofit organization, so I have to do general office
  things like maintain a small database, design new, small databases as
  needed, manage finances through Quicken, use a small spreadsheet once
  a year, do business correspondence, maintain Web pages, design posters
  for publicity, and write and produce lots of publications, such as
  newsletters, brochures, pamphlets, and booklets. For personal use, I
  need an up-to-date e-mail client and a few up-to-date Web browsers, I
  use Mastercook for my recipe collection, I do a lot of graphics work
  with CorelDraw, Photoshop LE, Photoshop Elements, PhotoPaint, other
  graphics programs, I have a serious greeting card hobby and have 11
  greeting card programs for ideas and a source of graphics and verses
  (I make the actual cards in CorelDraw). I have numerous other
  consumer-type programs, several dictionaries and encyclopedias and
  other reference works, over 2000 Type 1 and TrueType fonts, and a
  large collection of photos and clip art. Unless I can run these things
  or their equivalents under Linux, I'll always need a Windows
  I really want Linux to work out as a desktop system for me. I think it
  has the potential, but so far my experience is that
  Linux-on-the-desktop is incomplete, has rough edges all over the
  place, and is desperately unfriendly once you have to get beneath the
  surface. Its geeky origins are obvious and frankly, Linux will never
  make it to the mainstream unless it is shepherded by developers who
  comprehend and
  enthusiastically embrace what normal people want in the interface to
  their OS. From my almost-two-weeks of membership on this list, I am
  seeing confirmed what I've noticed time after time on anything related
  to Linux: its biggest boosters live in a world of their own, 

Re: [newbie] curious .... My last comment on the subject.. Great suggestion for Mandrake.

2001-07-01 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Two good ideas!

Randy Kramer

Franki wrote:
 Maybe a tiny floppy app, that can probe a windows system and give a report
 of what is likely to work with linux and what isn't ...
 then give heaps of the disks to mandrake resellers, so people can try one in
 thier computers before buying the winlinux distro
 just a thought, or you could make the same file downloadable on lotsa we
 would be handy to have a windows app that queries windows
 system/device-manager to look for compliant/non compliant devices and
 print a little report to screen...

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Rita F. Koenigs

Microsoft is considered a great company by many; it can be
argued that they are great because of innovative ideas ... Will
.NET be considered amazing by many? Will Windows XP succeed? 

Can one honestly say that Micro$soft has such a huge presence
mostly because of unfair business practices? 

Their goal is to have as much power in as many areas of computer
technology as possible. While some of their tactics have been
illegal, the same amount of  time has elapsed for *every company
to have innovative ideas.

Along with power, the Company has amassed a great deal of money
... research and development over the years has produced
innovative ideas, and * some cut-throat business practices (not
ALL) which have been difficult to stop...but what keeps them
legit, I guess, (I'm only trying to be objective here ... I'm
just an inexperienced person curious about computers who is
jumping on the linux bandwagon with not a lot of ease, having a
real problem with the M$ monopoly) is their innovation. It seems
a bit unfair to say that M$ has not been innovative, both from a
marketing and technological standpoint.

BUT ... I hope that in the future, kids, adults, businesses,
*everyone will experience a world where Micro$oft NO LONGER has
an enormous share in *everything related to computers, and where
there are many more companies that can call themselves no less
dominant than Micro$oft.


  linux still has some problems for the average user, but at
 the same
 time it has been rapidly progressing since the command-line
 Slackware 2/3 days. 
 I agree and look forward to the progress of the next few
 months. Let's
 all hope that by the time Windows XP comes out, Linux will
 make more
 strides toward user friendliness because I do think more
 Windows users
 will be looking for a way out of Microsoft's clutches.
  --Judy Miner

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[newbie] Update Re: missing rate... dirheader.html Error Message

2001-07-01 Per discussione Skinky

- Original Message -


 I am STILL trying to install from hard drive.  After creating a native
 partition and booting with a boot disk (hd.img), I selected install to own
 partition (linux native partition).  All goes well for a while and then an
 error message comes up:


 An error occurred
 missing rate for  !-- Beginning of:
 /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html --

Hi all

I think I've found the problem file: Mandrake/Base/Serial.

If I try to download the file with Internet Explorer (right-click  select
save target as), it gets saved as a blank .txt file.  Obviously using this
file (after removing the .txt extension) when installing Mandrake doesn't

If I click on the file link itself, it opens a blank web page.  On viewing
the page's source I get the following (saving and using this file when
installing also doesn't work):

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;

If I download the Serial file using GetRight, the contents when viewed in
Notepad is as follows:

!-- Beginning of: /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html --

div align=center

table cellspacing=0 cellpading=0

td align=center valign=top
a href=''img src='/images/pmsearch.gif'

td align=center valign=top
!--start 120x60--

SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript LANGUAGE=JavaScript
SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript LANGUAGE=JavaScript

!-- // hide from old browers
z=120x60;ord=' + ord + ' name=frame1 width=120 height=60
frameborder=no border=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0
SCROLLING=no'); file://--/SCRIPT

SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.1
br=!ie;sz=120x60;ord=' + ord + '/SCRIPT

r=!ie;sz=120x60;ord=67903291373337260? border=0 height=60


!--end 120x60--




!-- End of: /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html --

Oh sh_ _!  I just copied and pasted that from Notepad but it doesn't look
anything like that in Notepad!  I've included the Serial file as an
attachment.  Perhaps someone might know what the problem is.  Or better
still, maybe someone would be kind enough to email the file to me?

I'm looking to buy the CDs from someone in NZ if possible because it doesn't
look like I'll get Mandrake installed from the files I downloaded.  But in
the meantime...


PS. Sorry for the long message.

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jeanette Russo

Well the breakup was supposed to be a remedy for M$ business cut throat
business practices and antitrust violations.
Looks like it is not going to happen now.

- Original Message -
From: Rita F. Koenigs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious 

 At this time I see no objective reason for splitting up
 Microsoft ... what purpose will it serve? And why is Bill Gates
 so dead-set against it? What's the threat? Is it just a
 comfort-level thing? A nuisance change that he's concerned
 about? Or is it a huge threat to their monopoly? In fact, the
 remedy is seen as tepid by some people who are not M$ fans.
 Perhaps the latest suit is not a strong one  are there ones
 that are? But litigation is such a slow and contentious process,
 I just think M$ is able to play that game better than anyone
 else (sounds painfully familiar).

 Has anyone really figured out a market that hasn't been tapped
 yet, within the industry, that Microsoft hasn't and will not be
 able to steal? Maybe better innovation is the answer, not
 litigation. Just wondering.

 The only real desktop option out there is the Mac  thinking
 of kids, adults, etc  and it seems that there needs to be
 more of an effort by others to become more user-friendly. There
 just doesn't seem to be a huge market out there for power
 users  or even curious users who are willing to struggle
 through what seems like techie,
 hard-to-understand-on-a-higher-level-than it says so in the
 manual attempts to solve *many wierd techie problems. It's a
 shame about the IMAC not cutting it for people beyond the
 fanatical ... what are you basing that opinion on, besides what
 you see personally?

 I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
 highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their

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[newbie] nbtstat equivilent?

2001-07-01 Per discussione JENNIFER

Is there a NBTSTAT eqivilent in the *nix world?

[newbie] Alcatel usb ADSL

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jan Brosius


I use win2K and Mandrake-Linux 8.0 on the same PC . I have an ALCATEL usb
ADSL modem called Speedtouch usb.

Alcatel have made a driver for this usb modem for Linux in tar form . Does
anyone know how to install it in Mandrake 8.0 or does anyone

know of an rpm file for this driver


Jan Brosius

FW: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Franki

couple of little points I would add to that...

years ago when the www was new, netscape developed a pretty not browser and
called it navigator..

ms then came up with IE and in order to get rid of NS, they bundled it
with Windows, so that people who already had a browser would use that
instead of downloading one,, it worked

They are doing the same now to AOL and others with instant messaging and
media player..

do you really want to lose winamp, realplayer and a myriad of others, and
just use Microsoft media player?

do you want .NET and hailstorm to hold all your details and credit card
details and sell the use of them to everyone else??

Thats what microsoft are doing (or trying to do now.)

Also, microsoft tout full standards support for XML and SOAP (which is a
method by which different apps in different places written with different
languages can talk to each other in a standard format...)

Then they said that they will protect their property (which it isn't) by
adding hooks to their versions so that no app can talk to a ms app as well
as another ms app... so JAVA perl and other programs won't be on the same
level of functionality as anything MS writes.. they did the same thing with
other APPS as well, like office. it links in to windows far better then what
other developers are permitted to, the result is that the MS apps perform
better and ms has garnered another monopoly..

Also, if Ms are so full of innovation, why is hotmail (a microsoft service)
still using freebsd servers? and why has microsoft admitted nicking freebsd
code for their own apps??

and why does the MS license for their programing products say that you will
be in breach of your license if you use one of the tools you bought from us
to develop software for any other OS but windows... (like linux which they
called viral software).  yep, thats playing fair...

doesn't ANY of that make you think that perhaps they are the ones stifeling
innovation?? it should a several federal US judges thought so, and about 80
percent of industry experts appear to as well...

I don't hate Microsoft, I wouldn't be that petty... I just hate what they
are being permitted to do... (IE FORCE absolutly everyone to use microsoft
products for everything they can get away with...)

They have done even worse stuff with XP, and they know that they can get
away with it...

Think about it, the whole DOJ case was based on IE being in win95,,, they
didn't stop, they made millions selling it, all while the court case was
happening.. the same will happen with XP, by the time they lose the case and
get made to retract it.. they will have already made their millions...  and
they know it...  thats why the are still engaged in behaviour that got them
in the sh1t in the first place..

All of this is provable stuff, go and look at to see ZDnets
reports on it..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rita F. Koenigs
Sent: Monday, 2 July 2001 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious 

Microsoft is considered a great company by many; it can be
argued that they are great because of innovative ideas ... Will
.NET be considered amazing by many? Will Windows XP succeed?

Can one honestly say that Micro$soft has such a huge presence
mostly because of unfair business practices?

Their goal is to have as much power in as many areas of computer
technology as possible. While some of their tactics have been
illegal, the same amount of  time has elapsed for *every company
to have innovative ideas.

Along with power, the Company has amassed a great deal of money
... research and development over the years has produced
innovative ideas, and * some cut-throat business practices (not
ALL) which have been difficult to stop...but what keeps them
legit, I guess, (I'm only trying to be objective here ... I'm
just an inexperienced person curious about computers who is
jumping on the linux bandwagon with not a lot of ease, having a
real problem with the M$ monopoly) is their innovation. It seems
a bit unfair to say that M$ has not been innovative, both from a
marketing and technological standpoint.

BUT ... I hope that in the future, kids, adults, businesses,
*everyone will experience a world where Micro$oft NO LONGER has
an enormous share in *everything related to computers, and where
there are many more companies that can call themselves no less
dominant than Micro$oft.


  linux still has some problems for the average user, but at
 the same
 time it has been rapidly progressing since the command-line
 Slackware 2/3 days. 

 I agree and look forward to the progress of the next few
 months. Let's
 all hope that by the time Windows XP comes out, Linux will
 make more
 strides toward user friendliness because I do think more
 Windows users
 will be looking for a way out of Microsoft's clutches.
  --Judy Miner


RE: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Franki

The reason they don't want to be split, is because then their application
branch would be forced to compete with their competitors on an even footing,
and no more bundling Microsoft versions of competitors apps in the windows
OS, since their current app people would no longer be working for the same
company that writes the windows OS

that was the idea behind spliting up Ms..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeanette Russo
Sent: Monday, 2 July 2001 7:19 AM
To: Rita F. Koenigs; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious 

Well the breakup was supposed to be a remedy for M$ business cut throat
business practices and antitrust violations.
Looks like it is not going to happen now.

- Original Message -
From: Rita F. Koenigs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious 

 At this time I see no objective reason for splitting up
 Microsoft ... what purpose will it serve? And why is Bill Gates
 so dead-set against it? What's the threat? Is it just a
 comfort-level thing? A nuisance change that he's concerned
 about? Or is it a huge threat to their monopoly? In fact, the
 remedy is seen as tepid by some people who are not M$ fans.
 Perhaps the latest suit is not a strong one  are there ones
 that are? But litigation is such a slow and contentious process,
 I just think M$ is able to play that game better than anyone
 else (sounds painfully familiar).

 Has anyone really figured out a market that hasn't been tapped
 yet, within the industry, that Microsoft hasn't and will not be
 able to steal? Maybe better innovation is the answer, not
 litigation. Just wondering.

 The only real desktop option out there is the Mac  thinking
 of kids, adults, etc  and it seems that there needs to be
 more of an effort by others to become more user-friendly. There
 just doesn't seem to be a huge market out there for power
 users  or even curious users who are willing to struggle
 through what seems like techie,
 hard-to-understand-on-a-higher-level-than it says so in the
 manual attempts to solve *many wierd techie problems. It's a
 shame about the IMAC not cutting it for people beyond the
 fanatical ... what are you basing that opinion on, besides what
 you see personally?

 I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
 highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their

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Re: [newbie] mount a floppy

2001-07-01 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

Kevin Fonner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what is the command to mount a floppy drive?

mount /mnt/floppy

This, of course, assumes that you have /mnt/floppy in your

Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there.
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: [newbie] Kmail question

2001-07-01 Per discussione Lin Kenham

Hi Jim and all,
All config files that are particular to a user are in the users /home
directory, or for root are in /root. I always backup /root /home as well as
/usr/local - which is where I add my scripts or progs I have found.
I also backup /etc/fstab, ..*.conf, ...conf.*  config.* and 
Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Jim Kempton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, July 01, 2001 21:36
Subject: [newbie] Kmail question

Hey all

Is there a Kmail config file wherin is stored all the settings PARTICULARLY
filter rules?  If so, uh, where is it please.  When I back up I wanna back
this up too.


MJK Systems-IT Consultants  Training
Phone/Fax-020 8697 4912
Mobile-077 4066 3292
Linux User #-196384

Re: [newbie] Zip Drive question

2001-07-01 Per discussione Lin Kenham

I have found that the device for ZIP 100 is /dev/sda1 for an ext2 f/s and
/dev/sda4 for a DOS or VFAT f/s on the ZipDisk. I hope this helps
-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, June 30, 2001 09:07
Subject: Re: [newbie] Zip Drive question

It was Sat, 30 Jun 2001 00:26:52 -0500 when Dave wrote:

OK---this is my second post so I hope this isn't a stupid

Will my External Parallel 100 mb Zip Drive work with LInux Mandrake 7.2?
Ps: I did finally get the settings right on my USR 33.6 modem(didn't
a manual...tinkered with it till I got it right.)

It is not a stupid question. You're stupid when you don't ask!
And yes, the zip will work. You have to find the proper modprobe command
it on boot.

1.Turn on the drive and insert a disk.

2.Type modprobe ppa or modprobe imm. This will load the module.

3.Try to mount the drive as 'root':
  mount /dev/sd[x]4 -t vfat /mnt/disk

4.If mount doesn't complain, you've got it.

(from )

Then stick the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local and you're done (this will
require the drive up and loaded though). If you want, you can create a
for that, to run when you need the drive.


I prefer rogues to imbeciles, because they sometimes take a rest.
-Alexandre Dumas (fils) - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] curious .... My last comment on the subject.. Great suggestion for Mandrake.

2001-07-01 Per discussione Romanator

On Sunday 01 July 2001 05:06 pm, Judith Miner wrote:
 Frank wrote:
  There is a HUGE need for a distro that doesn't offer so many options

 that it drives would be users away 

 I think you have many good ideas, but speaking as a Windows user who has
 recently installed Mandrake 8, it wasn't the large number of options
 that is the problem, but the unfinished business of the GUI after you
 get the thing installed. The first time I installed, I chose the default
 options for my own purposes and did not pick and choose individual
 programs. I reinstalled Linux in a couple of days because I felt I
 didn't know what was on the system. I've always done Custom Installs of
 all my Windows programs (including Windows itself!) and I don't like to
 depend on what other people think I should have. So I reinstalled Linux
 with a custom installation and went through the entire programs list in
 the Mandrake graphical installer. I was, frankly, much happier with that
 because I had a better idea of what was available and what I did and did
 not want.

 I think it would be fine for something like the Mandrake installer to
 offer an additional option called Basic that would include a
 pre-selected, limited number of programs. A user can always install
 others after using the system for a bit.

 The real problems come after you start using Linux--or trying to. I
 still haven't gotten my system set up to the stage where I can try some
 productivity apps for real. My current problem is getting my Type 1
 and TrueType fonts installed and available to the programs I want to
 use. This is one of the roughest edges of Linux on the desktop. Its font
 handling is abstruse, unfriendly, poor, and just plain weird. It's
 totally different from Windows or the Mac. Where is something like Adobe
 Type Manager when we need it? Even in my Windows 3.0 days, my PostScript
 fonts were rasterized correctly for the screen and printer (PostScript
 or not) and they were available seamlessly to all my applications that
 were font-capable. I find it astonishing that fonts seem to be an
 afterthought on the Linux desktop. Gajillions of often-ugly screen fonts
 get installed. How can I dump them? All they do is make for a long font
 list of useless junk. It's hard to find the necessary information
 because context-sensitive help isn't here yet.

 Another example of something that is unacceptable as it stands now: the
 first time I tried to eject a Zip disk, it wouldn't go. First I got
 scared that it was stuck in the drive (an ATAPI internal). Then I
 thought I'd try doing an eject command in a console. Somehow that
 worked--I don't know how I figured out how to include the /mnt/zip
 qualifier. Eventually I kinda sorta figured out how to deal with Zip
 disks, which get mounted through the supermount feature in Mandrake 8,
 but still have to be unmounted by root in order to eject them.
 Doubtless, I could fix that up so user could do it--but I don't know
 how. I also don't know where to look and the directions would have to be
 in something other than geekspeak, which is probably an unrealistic

 I could give you a list of other things that would quickly drive
 would-be users away, as you put it. I think they could all be solved,
 probably in short order if some distro truly wanted to appeal to Windows
 users who want to become Linux users but not techies. I don't think it's
 too many choices that drive people away, but an interface that is too
 thin and quickly leaves the unprepared user in the clutches of long,
 obscure command lines. This won't fly, folks. No matter how wonderful
 the underlying architecture is, it has to be easy to use to have a
 chance of succeeding as a desktop OS.
  --Judy Miner


A good portion of what  you have mentioned has been covered in the Mandrake 
archives. People are working on these features and more than can mentioned in 
a few brief emails. Rather than stepping on the gas and trying to drive 100 
miles an hour, I think it would be a good idea to get a good book on Linux, 
sit back and do some reading. Then, if you have additional questions, people 
would be more than happy to help you out. 

Registered Linux User #179293
Kmailer by Tux

Re: [newbie] Update Re: missing rate... dirheader.html Error Message

2001-07-01 Per discussione Romanator

On Sunday 01 July 2001 07:24 pm, Skinky wrote:
 - Original Message -


  I am STILL trying to install from hard drive.  After creating a native


  partition and booting with a boot disk (hd.img), I selected install to
  own partition (linux native partition).  All goes well for a while and
  then an error message comes up:
  An error occurred
  missing rate for  !-- Beginning of:
  /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html --

 Hi all

 I think I've found the problem file: Mandrake/Base/Serial.

 If I try to download the file with Internet Explorer (right-click  select
 save target as), it gets saved as a blank .txt file.  Obviously using this
 file (after removing the .txt extension) when installing Mandrake doesn't

 If I click on the file link itself, it opens a blank web page.  On viewing
 the page's source I get the following (saving and using this file when
 installing also doesn't work):

 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
 META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;

 If I download the Serial file using GetRight, the contents when viewed in
 Notepad is as follows:

 !-- Beginning of: /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html --

 div align=center

 table cellspacing=0 cellpading=0

 td align=center valign=top
 a href=''img src='/images/pmsearch.gif'

 td align=center valign=top
 !--start 120x60--

 SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript LANGUAGE=JavaScript
 SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript LANGUAGE=JavaScript

 !-- // hide from old browers
s z=120x60;ord=' + ord + ' name=frame1 width=120 height=60
 frameborder=no border=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0
 SCROLLING=no'); file://--/SCRIPT

 SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.1
a br=!ie;sz=120x60;ord=' + ord + '/SCRIPT

2 ;abr=!ie;sz=120x60;ord=67903291373337260?IMG
b r=!ie;sz=120x60;ord=67903291373337260? border=0 height=60


 !--end 120x60--




 !-- End of: /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html --

 Oh sh_ _!  I just copied and pasted that from Notepad but it doesn't look
 anything like that in Notepad!  I've included the Serial file as an
 attachment.  Perhaps someone might know what the problem is.  Or better
 still, maybe someone would be kind enough to email the file to me?

 I'm looking to buy the CDs from someone in NZ if possible because it
 doesn't look like I'll get Mandrake installed from the files I downloaded. 
 But in the meantime...


 PS. Sorry for the long message.

Before selecting a file, hold down the [shift] key and then click on the file.

Registered Linux User #179293
Kmailer by Tux

Re: [newbie] Easy Install Error

2001-07-01 Per discussione Romanator

On Sunday 01 July 2001 04:54 pm, etharp wrote:
 this can be a hardware or bad software problem... (not to be mean, but if
 you have to download with a dialup connection, you might consider
 www/ to get a disk set that is the same as the ISO you
 downloaded and burned (you did burn the ISO to a disk?)

 On Sunday 01 July 2001 16:43, Michael Mitchell wrote:
  First error to appear is:
  ERROR! Could not uncompress second state ramdisk
  ON pressing the enter key as asked:
  Fatal error in state 1:  Accessing corrupt shared library.
  This after four days of downloading the cd iso for 8.0!  Can this be made
  easier, or explained in some manner?
  Or is the norm holding:  If it can go wrong for me - it does?
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at

Sounds like it could be a bad ISO or CD. Have you tried creating a floppy 
with the cdrom.img save to it? Reboot your computer with this floppy and see 
how the installation goes.

Registered Linux User #179293
Kmailer by Tux

Re: [newbie] nbtstat equivilent?

2001-07-01 Per discussione Michael D. Viron


What does nbtstat do?  Is it anything like netstat?


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 08:00 PM 07/01/2001 -0400, JENNIFER wrote:
Is there a NBTSTAT eqivilent in the *nix world?

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jose Mirles

The experts agree that splitting would be bad. You would wid up with two 
gaint powerhouses rather than one. 

I think that fining them ten billion dollars would do the trick, Then 
double it everytime they are violate any agreements. They may be the 
richest company out there, but they have shareholders to answer too.

On Sunday 01 July 2001 20:23, Franki wrote:
 The reason they don't want to be split, is because then their
 application branch would be forced to compete with their competitors on
 an even footing, and no more bundling Microsoft versions of competitors
 apps in the windows OS, since their current app people would no longer
 be working for the same company that writes the windows OS

 that was the idea behind spliting up Ms..

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeanette Russo
 Sent: Monday, 2 July 2001 7:19 AM
 To: Rita F. Koenigs; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] curious 

 Well the breakup was supposed to be a remedy for M$ business cut throat
 business practices and antitrust violations.
 Looks like it is not going to happen now.

 - Original Message -
 From: Rita F. Koenigs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 8:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] curious 

  At this time I see no objective reason for splitting up
  Microsoft ... what purpose will it serve? And why is Bill Gates
  so dead-set against it? What's the threat? Is it just a
  comfort-level thing? A nuisance change that he's concerned
  about? Or is it a huge threat to their monopoly? In fact, the
  remedy is seen as tepid by some people who are not M$ fans.
  Perhaps the latest suit is not a strong one  are there ones
  that are? But litigation is such a slow and contentious process,
  I just think M$ is able to play that game better than anyone
  else (sounds painfully familiar).
  Has anyone really figured out a market that hasn't been tapped
  yet, within the industry, that Microsoft hasn't and will not be
  able to steal? Maybe better innovation is the answer, not
  litigation. Just wondering.
  The only real desktop option out there is the Mac  thinking
  of kids, adults, etc  and it seems that there needs to be
  more of an effort by others to become more user-friendly. There
  just doesn't seem to be a huge market out there for power
  users  or even curious users who are willing to struggle
  through what seems like techie,
  hard-to-understand-on-a-higher-level-than it says so in the
  manual attempts to solve *many wierd techie problems. It's a
  shame about the IMAC not cutting it for people beyond the
  fanatical ... what are you basing that opinion on, besides what
  you see personally?
  I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
  highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Re: [newbie] curious .... My last comment on the subject.. Great suggestion for Mandrake.

2001-07-01 Per discussione Jose Mirles

Excellent answer!

On Sunday 01 July 2001 20:29, Romanator wrote:


 A good portion of what  you have mentioned has been covered in the
 Mandrake archives. People are working on these features and more than
 can mentioned in a few brief emails. Rather than stepping on the gas and
 trying to drive 100 miles an hour, I think it would be a good idea to
 get a good book on Linux, sit back and do some reading. Then, if you
 have additional questions, people would be more than happy to help you

 Registered Linux User #179293
 Kmailer by Tux

[newbie] Star Office in Mandrake 7.2

2001-07-01 Per discussione Lynn Sadler


I'm a new user of Linux and Mandrake.  I've installed Mandrake 7.2 and quite 
pleased with it.  However, I'm still quite confused about loading software 
other than rpms.  I've got the rpms down fairly well since it seems to be a 
no-brainer how to install them.

I've downloaded Star Office from in the 12 segments.  Sun says to use 
the so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en-000.bin file to install the software.  Apparently 
I don't understand and obviously don't know what I am doing.  I've tried 
several different ways to install and it doesn't work. Could anyone tell me 
how this should work?

Also is there any book or booklet that gives the rudimentary ways of working 
with LM7.2 and KDE (a kind of dummies book)?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Lynn Sadler
powered by the Penquin (Linux-Mandrake)

RE: FW: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Franki

perhaps you should consider working for them... i use win2000 cos I
currently have to 

but I have found very little innovation in ms products.. and I ought to
know, used to be an oem reseller

don't get me wrong, they have developed a good working GUI, but have you
seen Geowrite and goeworks?  I used to have them on my commodore 64 years
ago, and windows still bears a strange resemblance to that

strange that...

There is no doubt that MS is a competitor,, the simple matter of the fact is
that you seem to support a monopoly in theory..

I am sure if you worked for one of the hundreds of companies that MS crushed
to get where they are, you would have a more wider view of this...

Take for example... right back at the start, IBM and Microsoft where taken
to court  by Digital research who accused them of stealing dos code from
them,, (IBM had to support MS in this because they only had MS dos to work
with back them for the PC)

anyway, they denied it, and tried to prove it by bringing in a PC with msdos
on it, the digital research guy promptly typed in a hidden code, and low an
behold, a digital research copywrite logo appeared in MSdos ... gee, how did
that get there..

obviously MS and IBM lost that case,, and settled.. (although caldera, the
current owner of whats left of digital reseach may be picking up that ball
soon.) anyway, part of the settlement was a gag order,, and thats a standard
tactic for Ms,, every time they lose or settle a court case, they make a gag
order a condition of settlement... which some would argue is a good business
tactic... but its why people like yourself don't hear about all the bad

The simple fact of the matter is that when you have 90 odd percent of the
worlds desktop PC's OS, and you offer a bundled  package, the chances are,
if it works, most people won't download and try alternatives...

This is not a variable, it is now court proven and apeal denied.. microsoft
ARE a monopoly, and they DO use that to illegally  leaverage themselves,
which is fine for ordinary bussiness (not the illegal part, but its not
illegal if you are not a monopoly.), but when you have the size and power of
microsoft, you have to be restrained, because new and innovative companies
or just smaller companies, simply can not compete with a product that comes
for free with windows..

Also, you have missed the point of the whole standards things,

XML, SOAP, Wc3 are all standards bodies of recent vintage, they were
designed to enable companies to create innovative product that put
everyone on an equal footing... and Sun, Netscape and the other participants
are following them almost religiously... NS 6 beta is a buggy but almost
exact to the letter implimentation of the standards
IE5.5 isn't...

There is no real standard yet for instant messaging, streaming media and
some of the other areas...

and I certainly don't blame AOL for locking out others in the instant
messaging protocols,, I would too in their position..

if they let microsoft instant messanger link with AOL, then who would
download the AOL version since the Ms one is BUNDLED WITH WINDOWS???  AIM
would go the way netscape is now

If people had the choise of downloading MS instant messanger or AOL
messanger, then that would be fair... and I would think that people had a
fair choice..

newbies learn what they have in front of them,, and like IE, Ms instant
messanger is part of windows, and once you learn a piece of software, and it
works well enough.. then most people don't go trying the oppositions
product  its as simple as that, I can't believe you are saying its not
anticompetitive.. it was so blatent that a team of judges couldn't revoke
the ruling of a judge they all declaired to be prejudiced...

Having said all of that, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I
certainly don't begrudge you yours...
Thats what open source is about, the right to choose,, something Ms don't
think we should know we have... (and most newies don't.)

have a lovely day... :-)



-Original Message-
From: Jose Mirles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 2 July 2001 9:33 AM
To: Franki; Rules Address for MDK
Subject: Re: FW: [newbie] curious 

On Sunday 01 July 2001 20:21, Franki wrote:
 couple of little points I would add to that...

 years ago when the www was new, netscape developed a pretty not browser
 and called it navigator..

 ms then came up with IE and in order to get rid of NS, they bundled it
 with Windows, so that people who already had a browser would use that
 instead of downloading one,, it worked

No, it was Netscape's refusal to correct errors which still plague it
today that destroyed Netscape. Navigator 3.03 was a rock solid browser,
then Netscape became big headed and started creating their own extension
and then tried to throw Communicator at us. They have no one to blame but
themselves. Hardcore Navigator users (me included) simply chose a better
product in IE.

RE: FW: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Franki

oh yeah, I meant to respond to this as well..

MS is full of innovation. Thanks to them millions upon million of users
can now use a PC. OS2 didn't do that, neither did UNIX or Linux. It was
Windows 3.1 that started it and Windows 95 that really made PC's sell. I
may not like MS, but I can not denied their kudos.

thats not innovation, its marketing MS's marketing companys costs them a
half a billion a year,

and they earn every cent..

Re: [newbie] How do I change the default permanently?

2001-07-01 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

Mandrake wrote:
 A3 paper size useless here, need us letter size.
 How do I change it permanently?
 Linux is cool
Have you tried the Printer icon on the

Properties -General -Paper size - Letter

Save - OK


[newbie] hardware compatibility/general network questions

2001-07-01 Per discussione Rita F. Koenigs

Well, I still have not personally installed MD 8.0 or
successfully installed a modem. But I have read more of the
manuals/books, etc and have asked for help from a computer
store that has one tech support person who is pretty familiar w/
Linux (but says he's not an expert on Mandrake).

But that's not stopping me from thinking about networking 3 old
computers, all with Linux installed! I'll still have one Win 98
machine upstairs, a DELL Latitude, 233 MHZ, 132 MB RAM, 2.9 GB 
 975 MB hds for the kids, me, and husband, while I
experiment/learn Linux, etc. That machine is set up just like a
desktop and is not used outside the home there's a
keyboard and mouse attached, making it much easier for kids to

The first machine, the one I'm using downstairs now, is the one
where the Linux OS was installed by CompUSA, and the modem was 
installed by a small computer store guy ... 500 MHZ CPU ... 64
MB RAM, 6.4  2.9 GB harddrives

The 2nd one (downstairs) currently has 40 MB RAM, 216 MHZ AMD
K6, w/ 2 1.9 Quantum Fireball hard drives. I've checked all the
hardware in the SUSE database, and it seems fine ... but I need
at least 64MB RAM for the install (32 MB for text install which
I'm NOT up for . BTW, the CompUSA guy said he had to do a
text install, so who knows what that means)

The 3rd one (upstairs) currently has 40 MB RAM, 200 MHZ AMD -K6,
a 1.62 GB Fujitsu and 202 MB WS Caviar hard drives. The
motherboard is ASUS VX97 ... I couldn't find the hard drives or
the motherboard on the SUSE list ... should I assume, then, that
it's not a good idea to try to install it onto this machine? Or
are there other places to find out about hardware compatibility?

The first question I have is related to hardware ... the 2nd
about the general networking idea.  I'm thinking that the
Netgear stuff we bought a couple years ago will work ... 

Have I got the general idea here? The 3Com network card that the
computer store guy successfully installed will be in machine #1
... Computer #2 would have Netgear FA3101X REV D1, #3 would have
the FA310TX REV - D2 ... and one of those machines would also
have the Netgear 4-Port 10Base-T Ethernet Hub (model EN104).

The printer would be shared by all the machines (old HP Deskjet
400), and each machine could be on the internet  ... one at a
time, though, since our phone line makes a very slow modem
internet connection. Compared to other houses, in other
neighborhoods, it's pretty slow. Very annoying. Plus, there will
never be DSL here, and cable modem is not yet here.

A network person would have to come and put CAT5 plugs at the
ends of the cables that the remodel guys put through the walls
since we haven't been able to figure that out  but I think
I've got the overall idea ...

Is there a glaring problem, though, with the hardware in the 3rd
computer that I'm not aware of? I can see justifying an upgrade
on that machine, but I'd love to avoid it if possible.

Any help would be appreciated ... I'm wondering which machine
should be the hub  how you choose those kinds of things... 

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] Rage 128 and Mandrake 8

2001-07-01 Per discussione Eric Ekong

That is funny. My ATI Rage Fury 128 has been working ever since
Mandrake 7.1 came out. It uses the generic ATI Rage FURY driver. Oddly
enough I also have another machine that has a ATI All IN Wonder which
uses the same driver and I haven't had any problems.  I am using the 
AGP verisons in both cases.

Eric Ekong
Mandrake User

* Philip Mayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010701 13:19]:
 I read all the stuff about the Rage problems on Mandrake, especially
 the how-to @ and
 the info on
 I still don't get my Rage Fury AGP 32mb to work with X. If I switch to
 640x480 it shows a functional, but very weird looking X (doublefeature),
 otherwise the screen goes blank, my monitor shuts down and the system
 locks up.
 Could someone provide me a link to some more information on this ? I
 had Suse 7.0 installed previously and it just worked fine. I'd rather
 use Mandrake, though ... Suse has something to say about this on, I didn't
 do that on Suse 7.0 but maybe it will help figure out what the problem 
 is, I'm too much of a newbie to get that working on Mandrake :(
 I'm working on an Athlon System with an Asus mainboard.
 Thanks a lot!

 1:46AM  up 12:07, 2 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

[newbie] mount a floppy

2001-07-01 Per discussione Kevin Fonner

what is the command to mount a floppy drive?

Kevin Fonner
Vice President and CTO
Greenfern Corporation

Phone:  (888) 411-3923
Fax:  (877) 807-4064

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Romanator

On Sunday 01 July 2001 12:55 pm, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Again, well said!

 Like any community, there are a variety of members with a variety of
 goals.  Some of us would like to see Linux on the desktop be the OS of
 choice for normal people.  I'd like to see that, and will be trying to

 From what I've heard, Mandrake is one of the distributions that has a
 similar goal (as does KDE, AFAIK (As Far As I Know).)

 Thanks for your letter!
 Randy Kramer (not a representative of Mandrake, just a user on the list)

 Judith Miner wrote:
 --other good stuff snipped

  Most people would have given up by now and just wiped Linux off the
  drive. I'll be posting my questions on this list and hope I'll find
  solutions for the problems that pop up every time I try to do something.
  I see wonderful potential in KDE, Gnome, and other desktops, but this
  thing is not ready for prime time. I hope things will get a bit more
  polished and complete by the time Windows XP is released because I think
  this may be THE moment of opportunity for Linux on the desktop.

I'm sure you will find over the next several versions that Linux Mandrake 
will provide an option for all users.  Just keep the constructive cristicism 
coming folks.

Registered Linux User #179293
Kmailer by Tux

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione Romanator

On Sunday 01 July 2001 02:02 pm, you wrote:
 On Sunday 01 July 2001 12:55 pm, Randy Kramer wrote:
  Again, well said!
  Like any community, there are a variety of members with a variety of
  goals.  Some of us would like to see Linux on the desktop be the OS of
  choice for normal people.  I'd like to see that, and will be trying to
  From what I've heard, Mandrake is one of the distributions that has a
  similar goal (as does KDE, AFAIK (As Far As I Know).)
  Thanks for your letter!
  Randy Kramer (not a representative of Mandrake, just a user on the list)
  Judith Miner wrote:
  --other good stuff snipped
   Most people would have given up by now and just wiped Linux off the
   drive. I'll be posting my questions on this list and hope I'll find
   solutions for the problems that pop up every time I try to do
   something. I see wonderful potential in KDE, Gnome, and other desktops,
   but this thing is not ready for prime time. I hope things will get a
   bit more polished and complete by the time Windows XP is released
   because I think this may be THE moment of opportunity for Linux on the

I'm sure you will find over the next several versions of Linux OS, Linux 
Mandrake will provide an option for all users.  Just keep the constructive
criticism coming folks.

Registered Linux User #179293
Kmailer by Tux

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-01 Per discussione PENA FAMILY

With all due respect I keep hearing that remark about Apple. That initially
it is expensive but in the long run you save money. Frankly, a BMW and Volvo
are expensive at first but in the long with the quality and safety you save
money. Of course you have to be able to afford it. You either have the large
down payment and make those large monthly payment or you have the credit

I do a lot of home video editing the total cost of my own built machine is
still 1/3 of what a high end Mac costs. Exclude the iMac which at their
cheapest, or affordable if you like, is still a $1000 without a rebate. I
don't use anything smaller than a 17 monitor since my eyes are going ka ka.
The iMacs is not an appealing or an option for me personally.

I like the PowerMacs but all of the ones I have seen even with rebates are
still out of my range and many many people. I guess like any luxury if you
willing to eat spam and bologne use the toothpaste until the tub is rolled
flatter than paper than great.

Just curios does anyone run Linux, without third party software, on a Mac? I
saw a package claiming to run Red Hat Linux on any Mac. Just curios to see
how that is done with or without a third party software.

Re: [newbie] Dual Heads

2001-07-01 Per discussione Tim Holmes

As of about an hour ago or so, I finally was able to get DualHead
working on my Mandrake 8.0 box.

I had problems getting it installed because I didn't have the right
drivers, and the Matrox support web page was down all damn weekend.
Once I got the mga and mga_hal driver in the right place, all I had to
do was use the PowerDesk app that you need to install, and it edited my
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file for me.  Now I have two 19 monitors and I'm
loving all the extra space.

I'm running the Matrox Millenium G400 MAX.  One 19 HP M90, and one 19
SONY Trinitron A400/L

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

11:39PM  up 10 hrs, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
| Do I have to buy a new secondary monitor, or are there options for 
| configuring monitors in MDK8 (I have already tried the vidcard setup and it 
| does not work)
| _
| Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] How do I change the default permanently?

2001-07-01 Per discussione Mandrake

A3 paper size useless here, need us letter size.

How do I change it permanently?

Linux is cool