[newbie-it] problema modem adsl digicom

2002-11-05 Per discussione gandalf virgilio

  Ciao a tutti !
  Ho installato da poco la Mandrake 8.2, purtroppo non riesco a 
  configurare il modem Digicom Michelangelo USB.
  Il programma di configurazione hardware lo vede con tanto di 
  caratteristiche; ma quando provo a configurare la connessione adsl non lo 
  mette tra le voci di modem da usare per la connessione..
  Come fare ?
  Premetto ho appena cominciato a conoscere l'universo di Linux.
  Grazie a tutti !


___ IncrediMail - il mondo della posta elettronica si 
è finalmente evoluto - Clicca 

[newbie-it] Proxy socks

2002-11-05 Per discussione Russo Antonino

Ho Mandrake 9 e lo utilizzo come proxy per una 
connessione ADSL condivisa da varie macchine. Il proxy è stato fatto utilizzando 
Squid, che purtroppo non supporta il protocollo socks e quindi addio a chat, 
winmx e varie. mi è stato detto di montare un server socks. qualcuno mi sa dire 
dove trovarlo e come installarlo? io ho scaricato una versione da www.nec.socks.com (forse l'indirizzo non è 
corretto) ma non so come installarlo. Mi hanno detto che devo scaricarne uno 
come RPM. Da dove? E poi come si installa? Grazie in anticipo per quanti 
vorranno rispondere!

Re: [newbie-it] accesso a partizioni... di altre distribuzioni

2002-11-05 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Mon, 4 Nov 2002 17:51:30 +0100
giamgax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Buona giornata alla lista.
 Ho installato la 9 su di un nuovo hd (hdb). Ho voluto mantenere la 8.2 sull'altro hd 
(hdb3, 5, swap) in comproprietà con win$ . 

Ci sono troppi b :-)
Per fissare le idee mi riferisco a hda=disco-vecchio e hdb=disco-nuovo

 Sul  Lilo ho aggiunto la possibilità di accedere a hdb3, e qui cominciano i problemi.
 1. Lilo mi propone solo l'immagine del kernel nuovo - la 8.2 va ma senza parecchi 
servizi (audio, supporto fat ecc.)
 2. Come posso fare per accedere alle partizioni della vecchia versione dalla nuova?

Credo si possa fare tutto graficamente da mcc.

Comunque per vedere le altre partizioni, a mano, occorre:

- creare in mndk-9 una directory per ogni partizione da montare, ad es /mnt/home82 per 
- aggiungere in /etc/fstab una riga per ogni partizione, ad es.
  /dev/hda5   /mnt/home82   ext2defaults1 1
- lanciare mount -a

Mentre, per sistemare lilo, occorre:

 che sia montata la partizione di 8.2 che contiene /boot (ad es. /mnt/root82)
a questo punto puoi usare mcc o
- aprire /etc/lilo.conf e controllare che l'immagine del kernel da cui viene
  lanciata la 8.2 abbia l'indirizzo completo: NON devovono esserci /boot/...
  ma solo /mnt/root82/boot/... 
- chiudere /etc/lilo.conf e lanciare lilo per trascrivere le modifiche su MBR

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Linux su un secondo HD - DualBoot

2002-11-05 Per discussione Andrea Celli
 Guarda che non ci sono problemi, se dovessi fare una operazione del genere 
 basta togliere grub o lilo dall'mbr prima di staccare il secondo hd.
 Per toglere grub o lilo dall'mbr devi avviare con il cd di windows 2000 e 
 giunto alla schermata iniziale delle scelte scegliere l'opzione per 
 ripristinare w2000. 

C'è anche un altro metodo: usare il loader di win2k per lanciare anche Linux.

Come fare è spiegato nel mini-howto Linux+Nt-loader che trovi tradotto in italiano
in molti posti, ad es. ildp.linux.it

In sintesi:
 - installi Linux senza toccare MBR, in modo che parta con un floppy di boot
 - entri in Linux e copi il settore di boot della partizione Linux su un file e lo 
metti su un floppy
 - entri in w2k copi il file in C:\bootsect.lnx
 - apri il file boot.ini e aggiungi una riga chedice di avviare Linux da 

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Linux su un secondo HD - DualBoot

2002-11-05 Per discussione Alessandro Salina
Ciao e grazie per la velocissima risposta!!!
Nel frattempo ho scaricato la Mandrake User DocSection dal sito mandrake
user e nella sezione System Recovery Ho letto una cosa interessante ma non
so se è valida anche per la distribuzione 9.0 ( questi documenti si
riferiscono direttamente alla versione  8.2)!!!

Nella sezione System Recovery--The Mandrake Linux Rescue System si legge
che facendo boot con il Fd di boot è possibile premendo F1 e digitando
rescue al prompt, avere accesso a molte opzioni interessanti per
effettuare Recovey
  1.. Re-install Boot Loader. This is useful if you've recently
(re-)installed another operating system which erased the boot loader
installed by Mandrake Linux. This operation will revert this so that you can
start every configured operating system from the boot loader menu again.

  2.. Restore Windows Boot Loader. Upon installing the boot loader, Mandrake
Linux makes a backup copy of the previous boot code. This operation writes
this backup copy back to the boot sector, thus erasing the boot loader
installed by Mandrake Linux.


L'opzione 2 è quindi equivakente con quella da te proposta?? Sai se è
disponibile anche per la versione 9.0??


Re: [newbie-it] Linux su un secondo HD - DualBoot

2002-11-05 Per discussione sandro
Hash: SHA1

Alle 10:05, martedì 5 novembre 2002, hai scritto:


   2.. Restore Windows Boot Loader. Upon installing the boot loader,
 Mandrake Linux makes a backup copy of the previous boot code. This
 operation writes this backup copy back to the boot sector, thus erasing the
 boot loader installed by Mandrake Linux.
 L'opzione 2 è quindi equivakente con quella da te proposta?? Sai se è
 disponibile anche per la versione 9.0??


Sinceramente non lo so. La procedura descritta da me riguarda l'utilizzo di 
windows 2000 (ossia della sua opzione di ripristino), mentre nel punto 2 
che riferisci si parla di una funzione di mdk che non ho mai provato.
Bisogna fare attenzione perché il ripristino del bootloader è diverso tra 
windows 9.x /Me e la famiglia NT (NT, 2000, XP). Nel primo (win 9.x) caso è 
sufficiente dare il comando fdisk /mbr, nel secondo, ovviamente, no.
Bisognerebbe sapere a quale situazione si riferisce il punto 2 cioè se 
comprende anche una installazione NT.
In passato su una macchina avevo installato sia windows 2000 che mdk 7.1 e ho 
utilizzato l'opzione che ha sintetizzato Andrea Celli per installare il boot 
loader (lilo in quel caso - dato che lilo non gestiva la partenza di un 
sistema nt, o almeno erano queste le notizie che circolavano in giro) e ho 
utilizzato la procedura descritta nel post precedente per ripristinare una 
situazione senza linux. Ti posso assicurare che funziona.
Attualmente, invece, su un'altra macchina ho Mandrake 9.0 e Windows xp e il 
tutto viene gestito con grub installato nell'mbr.
Se ti posso dare un consiglio:
Per l'installazione (e convivenza tra w200 e linux) installa pure nell'mbr
Per la rimozione vai con la soluzione che ti ho dato, che ho verificato che 

- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] kooka

2002-11-05 Per discussione mario
scusatemi,ho 2 problemi,come faccio ad aquisire immagini da scanner con KOOKA
ha riconosciuto lo scanner ,ma come faccio a dirgli aquisisci!!?
problema2:come faccio a spedire un fax con K, oppure indicatemi un buon 
programma alternativo,stò tentando di usare MDK in ufficio con un vecchio 
disco da 4giga devo dire che ne sono abbastanza sodisfatto,volevo 
ringraziarvi tutti per la disponibilità
grazie ancora

[newbie-it] MDK 9.0 nei negozi

2002-11-05 Per discussione Daniele Micci
scrivo per un rilevante problema tecnico... ;)
Qualcuno ha già trovato il PowerPack della nuova Mandrake in qualche negozio 
di Roma? Io la sto cercando nei negozi di informatica e nelle librerie che 
vendono software, ma ancora non ne ho trovato una copia... forse qualcuno è 
stato più fortunato di me.
Grazie in anticipo per le eventuali risposte ed indicazioni!


Re: [newbie-it] problema modem adsl digicom

2002-11-05 Per discussione Paolo Tomiato

- Original Message -
From: gandalf virgilio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 9:05 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] problema modem adsl digicom

Ciao a tutti !
Ho installato da poco la Mandrake 8.2, purtroppo non riesco a configurare il
modem Digicom Michelangelo USB.
Il programma di configurazione hardware lo vede con tanto di caratteristiche
 ma quando provo a configurare la connessione adsl non lo mette tra le voci
di modem da usare per la connessione..
Come fare ?
Premetto ho appena cominciato a conoscere l'universo di Linux.

Grazie a tutti !

Visto che vedo che comunque puoi accedere a internet, hai provato a guardare

PS: guarda che il formato html x i messaggi alle liste e' assolutamente

Re: [newbie-it] impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il percorso di rete

2002-11-05 Per discussione Paolo Tomiato

- Original Message -
From: Paolo Tomiato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il
percorso di rete

impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il percorso di rete
questo e' il messaggio che ricevo se tento di accedere al mio server linux mdk
9.0 dalle 2 macchine win2000 della mia rete domestica.

Non e' che mi rispondo da solo ma volevo solo aggiornarvi sugli sviluppi.
In questi giorni ho continuato a fare prove su prove e ho anche reinstallato
varie volte il SO provando vari livelli di sicurezza e alla fine di tutto ecco
che cosa ho scoperto:

I vari moduli di configurazione della mkd 9.0 funziono malissimo e in modo
approssimativo(come nelle versioni precedenti, del resto). Nello specifico i
vari pannelli del Mandrake Configuration Center spesso nn portano a termine
correttamente la configurazione ed hanno una loro logica alquanto criptica (ma
forse sono io che nn capisco un cazzo )

Un po' + efficaci e funzionali sono le varie voci di drakconf, l'utility di
configurazione da shell

Alla fine per riconfigurare eth0 correttamente ho dovuto usare il caro buon
vecchio linuxconf anche se dichiarato deprecable da red hat e anche se
continua a darmi degli errori nei log che nn riesco a decifrare

Ma veniamo al mio problema,... ho scoperto che se riattivo il firewall da mdk
control center (in modalita' xwindows) si crea in interfaces, sotto
/etc/shorewall (spero che il percorso sia giusto ma sono in uff e vado a
memoria) una eth0 replicata che impedisce al servizio di startare correttamente
al boot (da appunto un messaggio di eth0 replicata) e, quando si verifica cio',
le mie macchine win$ vedono e navigano correttamente le risorse condivise in

Se rimetto le cose a posto a manina, e cioe' modifico il filo interfaces
net eth0 
msq eth0 
net ppp0 
msq eth0 
il shorewall starta ma se riconfiguro la condivisione dell'accesso a internet al
reboot successivo tutto come prima: dai clients win$ navigo in internet ma nn in

e questo e' quanto

Re: [newbie-it] kooka

2002-11-05 Per discussione pigi
 scusatemi,ho 2 problemi,come faccio ad aquisire immagini da scanner con
 KOOKA ha riconosciuto lo scanner ,ma come faccio a dirgli aquisisci!!?

quando apro kooka ho in basso 2 pulsanti scansione finale e scansione di 
anteprima ... e va tutto ok

Ho provato anche xsane, pero' spesso mi si pianta!

Per quanto riguarda i fax non ci ho ancora provato: se ci riesci fammi sapere!


[newbie-it] openoffice senza help nella 9.0!?

2002-11-05 Per discussione pigi
Ho appena istalla to la 9.0 che contiene anche openoffice, ma ho scoperto che 
la guida in linea non c'e': e' un baco mio o manca davvero?
E se manca come la si installa?

grazie e un saluto


Re: [newbie-it] X e vicinanze

2002-11-05 Per discussione tom
Alle 22:07, domenica 3 novembre 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto...sempre che 
abbia capito bene!:

 uno script di shell (e va reso eseguibile):
 exec /usr/bin/wmaker

Ti chiedo scusa.quali sono i comandi da linea per crearlo?

Ciao , Tom

Fw: [newbie-it] openoffice senza help nella 9.0!?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Paolo Tomiato

- Original Message - 
From: Paolo Tomiato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] openoffice senza help nella 9.0!?

Adesso sono in office e nn posso esserne sicuro ma se vai nella utilita' di
installazione dei pacchetti in ambiente xwindows alla voce [workstation] se il
filo della guida c'e' dovresti poterlo installare agevolmente!

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 5:47 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] openoffice senza help nella 9.0!?

Ho appena istalla to la 9.0 che contiene anche openoffice, ma ho scoperto che
la guida in linea non c'e': e' un baco mio o manca davvero?
E se manca come la si installa?

grazie e un saluto


Re: [newbie-it] Linux su un secondo HD - DualBoot

2002-11-05 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 17:21, martedì 5 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:

 Scusate un attimo..magari sto dicendo una c@@@a !! frustatemi se
 Se il Boot Manager viene installato nel MBR del primo Hd..che fastidio
 da al 2° Hd???
 Mi spiego meglio..una volta tolto l'Hdb (fisicamente) con MDK,la
 chiamata al Winz2000 dovrebbe rimanere li!! o no??

Sinceramente io ho avuto solo una volta un problema ed esattamente sul 
portatile su cui avevo installato sia linux che w98se, però erano entrambi 
installati sullo stesso disco: tolsi la partizione linux e riestesi la 
fat32 (con partition magik) e al riavvio non mi permetteva più di fare il 
boot di w98 - risolsi riavviando da floppy e dando il fatidico fdisk /mbr.
Negli altri casi, sia su questa workstation (mdk9.0 - xp) sia sull'altra (w98 
- mdk8.2) i sistemi sono installati su dischi differenti.
Facendo tesoro dell'esperienza sul portatile, ogni volta che devo togliere 
linux faccio prima un bel fdisk /mbr (o nel caso di nt/2000/xp l'altro 
metodo) e poi rimetto a posto le partizioni - ma questo è dovuto, 
sinceramente, a paura (leggi pure personale fifa nera scaramantica) 
:-)) e non a considerazioni tecniche approfondite.
Diciamo che, comunque, utilizzando il comando fdisk /mbr) prima e togliendo 
la partizione dopo non si corrono rischi.
In effetti, prima dell'esperienza negativa col portatile, rasando la 
partizione linux prima e facendo fdisk /mbr dopo era sempre andata bene.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il percorso di rete

2002-11-05 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 16:03, martedì 5 novembre 2002, Paolo Tomiato ha scritto:
 - Original Message -
 From: Paolo Tomiato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:03 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it] impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile
 trovare il percorso di rete

 impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il percorso di
 rete questo e' il messaggio che ricevo se tento di accedere al mio server
 linux mdk 9.0 dalle 2 macchine win2000 della mia rete domestica.

 Non e' che mi rispondo da solo ma volevo solo aggiornarvi sugli sviluppi.
 In questi giorni ho continuato a fare prove su prove e ho anche
 reinstallato varie volte il SO provando vari livelli di sicurezza e alla
 fine di tutto ecco che cosa ho scoperto:

 I vari moduli di configurazione della mkd 9.0 funziono malissimo e in modo
 approssimativo(come nelle versioni precedenti, del resto). Nello specifico
 i vari pannelli del Mandrake Configuration Center spesso nn portano a
 termine correttamente la configurazione ed hanno una loro logica alquanto
 criptica (ma forse sono io che nn capisco un cazzo )

 Un po' + efficaci e funzionali sono le varie voci di drakconf, l'utility
 di configurazione da shell

 Alla fine per riconfigurare eth0 correttamente ho dovuto usare il caro buon
 vecchio linuxconf anche se dichiarato deprecable da red hat e anche se
 continua a darmi degli errori nei log che nn riesco a decifrare

 Ma veniamo al mio problema,... ho scoperto che se riattivo il firewall da
 mdk control center (in modalita' xwindows) si crea in interfaces, sotto
 /etc/shorewall (spero che il percorso sia giusto ma sono in uff e vado a
 memoria) una eth0 replicata che impedisce al servizio di startare
 correttamente al boot (da appunto un messaggio di eth0 replicata) e, quando
 si verifica cio', le mie macchine win$ vedono e navigano correttamente le
 risorse condivise in samba

 Se rimetto le cose a posto a manina, e cioe' modifico il filo interfaces
 net eth0 
 msq eth0 
 net ppp0 
 msq eth0 
 il shorewall starta ma se riconfiguro la condivisione dell'accesso a
 internet al reboot successivo tutto come prima: dai clients win$ navigo in
 internet ma nn in intranet

 e questo e' quanto
Confermo ed aggiungo: anch'io ho avuto parecchie difficoltà nel navigare in 
internet, dopo aver installato e configurato con il MCC 'sto Shorewall 
(firewall di default di questa distribuzione - anche l'unico...); a 
proposito, che gli aveva fatto a Mandrake Bastille??
Beh, ho potuto risolvere solo configurando a mano tutto quanto, altrimenti mi 
si impediva l'accesso in rete per una questione di imposibilità di DNS a 
risolvere i nomi.
Seguo mdk dalla 8.0, ed è la prima vlta che la distribuzione mi lascia 
alquanto perplesso; ho notato dei passi indietro nella stabilità del sistema, 
inutili e deleteri sviluppi in applicazioni che si erano rivelate stabili ed 
efficienti (per esempio le schermate di installazione degli rpm, proliferate 
inutilmente a discapito della chiarezza), soliti problemi con il supermount e 
con una visione, diciamo originale, di file basilari come fstab (avete notato 
che il fs scelto di default per i cdrom è auto? I miei dopo 2 minuti 
craschavano, impedendomi l'accesso al contenuto dei dischi), per non parlare 
della scelta dei programmi presenti nei tre cd (quelli di Linux  C. per 
intenderci, anche se qua il discorso è più labile, in quanto sappiamo che la 
distribuzione in vendita contiene molti più cd); non ho trovato traccia di 
nessus, di checkinstall (!), ed i file necessari per l'installazione di lyx 
risultano corrotti.
Davvero, molto perplesso...
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Linux su un secondo HD - DualBoot

2002-11-05 Per discussione Alessandro Salina
Grazie a tutti per le info datemi!
- Original Message -
From: Alessandro Salina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Linux su un secondo HD - DualBoot

 Questo è il mio problema:
 Sul mio pc sono presenti 2 HD
 1) Master con installato W2000
 2) Slave vuoto

 Ora vorrei installare linux Mandrake 9 sul secondo HD e vorrei avere una
 sorta di dual boot( ad esempio GRUB)
 Ora in futuro è probabile che debba staccare uno dei due dischie qui
 sorgono i primi dubbi
 Cosa succede se tolgo il secondo HD?? Se installo Grub sull MBR dovrebbe
 bloccarsi tutto non permettendomi nemmeno di lanciare W2000 o sbaglio???
 Come si può eliminare GRUB dall MBR senza compromettere l'esecuzione di
 Come si può ovviare a questo problema?? Devo cercare la soluzione più
 semplice ed immediata!

 Per evitare ogni problema ho pensato di installare Linux e creare
 un Fd di boot ma sinceramente questa idea mi convince poco

 Qualche suggerimento???


[newbie-it] CD MDK 9.0

2002-11-05 Per discussione tom
Ciao a tutti
Ho preso sta sera Linux$C per provare come era la nuova MDK.
qualche minuto fa cercavo di fa partire l' installazionesenza sucesso
mi daca una serie infinita di errori di settori sull hdc (il lettore cd)..
quindi deduco che il primo e fondamentale CD di instalazione sia bugato!
Se non ricordo male qualche tempo fa era sucessa una cosa del genere! 
ma non ricordo ne l'oggetto ne (cosa piu importante) la soluzione!
Ricordo che i cd erano stati ri masterizzati.se non ricordo male con 
Nero, ma non ricordo che opzioni erano stae attivate-disattivate
Qualcuno mi puo dare una mano!
Domani tentero,in alternativa,di sostituire i cd dal mio edicolante di 
fiducia ;)

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il percorso di rete

2002-11-05 Per discussione Paolo Tomiato
 Confermo ed aggiungo: anch'io ho avuto parecchie difficoltà nel navigare in
 internet, dopo aver installato e configurato con il MCC 'sto Shorewall
 (firewall di default di questa distribuzione - anche l'unico...); a
 proposito, che gli aveva fatto a Mandrake Bastille??
 Beh, ho potuto risolvere solo configurando a mano tutto quanto, altrimenti mi
 si impediva l'accesso in rete per una questione di imposibilità di DNS a
 risolvere i nomi.

Moolto interessante!!! finalmente una risposta concreta.
Quindi mi confermi che il problema interessa il DNS; allora avresti anche la
pazienza di spegarmi passo-passo cosa devo fare x fare funzionare il tutto?
Guarda, oramai sono cosi' confuso e ammareggiato che sono come un bambino nelle
tue mani...

Aspetto nuove e x adesso vado a dormire che sono cotto, spero di leggerti al +

PS: mi basta anche qualche dritta su cosa andarmi a leggere che la
documentazione ce l'ho ma sono talmente frastornato che nn so + da dove

Re: [newbie] Mandrake menu

2002-11-05 Per discussione Nicolas VERITE
Le mar 05/11/2002 à 04:29, Paul Rodriguez a écrit :
 Anybody know of a way to get rid of the Mandrake menu on the gnome
 - Paul Rodriguez

In menudrake, you will be able to restore the GNOME default menu.
(the same for KDE and other environments)


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Re: [newbie] making rpm installation easier for newbies

2002-11-05 Per discussione Robert
you can also use the command   'locate xx'   in a terminal.  the x's
being the name of the software you want to find.
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] making rpm installation easier for newbies

tek1 wrote:
 i've been using windows quite a bit, but slowly making the move to
 linux.  :)

 lately, i installed opera6 on linux.  downloading the rpm and installing
 it was easy, but post-installation, i wasn't able to find where the
 opera executable was.  knowing rpm command line and other commands, it's
 easy to find where opera was installed, but for someone completely new
 to linux, i think that they would be lost.

 one suggestion for improving rpm and other installation programs for
 linux is to put a icon on the desktop for the user to easily find.
 also, somehow placing the icon somewhere in the kmenu (for kde) or
 asking the user in which folder (i.e. applications) a shortcut should be
 made would make newbies transition to linux a lot easier.

 this installation problem/situation is not limited to opera, but is
 related to all gui-based software installed on linux that is to be used
 in the point-and-click fashion by end users...

 i think that the above would be one of the first problems faced by
 individuals and companies making the switch from windows to linux...

 anyone know if there are future plans for rpm to include an icon on the
 desktop and/or in the desktop environments' (kde/gnome) folders upon
 package installation?

Menu integration is more to do with the people who write the packages -
some packages will add KDE or GNOME menu entries; most do not.  Package
writers could, I suppose, add icons to be put on the user's desktop, but
  most people probably wouldn't want this.  Remember that Linux is
designed as a multi-user system, and a lot of users would object to
icons popping up on their desktops every time the sysadmin installed a
new program.

An easy way to find files in RPM packages is to use the Software Manager
(in 9.0 you neeed to select uninstall software; in 8.* you just click
on the installed tab).

Remember also that nine times out of ten the command to run a program is
the same as the name of the package (usually in lowercase).

Sir Robin

You almost never hear that word computer anymore, do you?
They're part of everything now. They used to be boxes with
keyboards, you know. - Tad Williams

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] clock help

2002-11-05 Per discussione Richard Urwin
 How about this: an 
 external box connected to an AC outlet, inside an optocoupler with
 schmitt-trigger(sp?) and a connector for a serial cable? Connect to a
 serial port on your PC, you could get a nice TTL signal on one of the
 readable pins on the port.

That's a nice idea. Give it an IEC plug and socket and it would go
between the PC and the AC outlet. In fact it is so simple that it might
fit into an IEC plug or socket housing, but those things are a tight fit
already. If you could get away without a schmitt-trigger you wouldn't
need a power supply for it. Having two opto-isolators each sensitive to
a different half-phase would mean you could do the debounce in software:
On CTS irq: disable CTS irq, enable DSR irq
On DSR irq: disable DSR irq, enable CTS irq

It also gives you a 100Hz clock.

Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
around the clock, around the globe, visit http://www.messagelabs.com

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Re: Montage script, was Re: [newbie] The Gimp

2002-11-05 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 1:35 am, you wrote:
 On Mon, 4 Nov 2002 21:07:48 +

 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm definitely interested.  I've got to get these out quickly, so I'll
  be using my old windows program to print the contact sheets, but by next
  weekend I hope to have time to really get to grips with this.  It sounds

 Assuming you have your images in subdirectories containing 20 images each
 (or at least something manageable--I wouldn't go more than 60), this
 script will look at each of those subdirectories and generate a montage.
 The resulting montage uses the name of the folder, so test-1 folder
 produces test-1.jpg. I also like to store my montages in another
 directory, referenced by the variable IndexDir. That and ImageDir--the
 main directory containing all the subdirectories--are really the only
 variables you have to set up.

 Caveats: this does not check to see if the outfile exists--if it does, it
 will write over it. Obviously you're going to have to move the directories
 out of ImageDir, or you will be generating the same montage every time you
 run the script.




 LABEL=`basename %f`


 for folder in `find $ImageDir -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d`
   echo Folder is `basename $folder`
   OUTFILE=`basename $folder`$EXT
   for i in `find $folder -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname '*.jpg'`
   WIDTH=`identify $i | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F x '{print $1}'`
   HEIGHT=`identify $i | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F x '{print $2}'`
   if [ $HEIGHT -gt $WIDTH ] ; then
   echo -rotate 90 $i -label %f -noop  list.$$
   echo $i -label %f  list.$$
   montage -geometry 200+2+5 -background white -font $MYFONT -tile 4x5 `cat
 list.$$` $IndexDir/$OUTFILE
   rm list.$$

 echo Done!

Thanks Todd.  All printed, copied, and ready for the weekend's work.


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Re: [newbie] making rpm installation easier for newbies

2002-11-05 Per discussione Anne Wilson
Of course - we know that now.  But the point being made is that competely new 
users don't.  I'm sure it would not be difficult for programmers to write in 
the option for a link on the desktop.  Nor would it be difficult for Mandrake 
to provide link in the What-to-do menu that tells how to use menuDrak to add 

Small touches like this would not cause any problem for the experienced, but 
would greatly help newbies.


On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 9:44 am, you wrote:
 you can also use the command   'locate xx'   in a terminal.  the x's
 being the name of the software you want to find.
 - Original Message -
 From: robin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 11:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] making rpm installation easier for newbies

 tek1 wrote:
  i've been using windows quite a bit, but slowly making the move to
  linux.  :)
  lately, i installed opera6 on linux.  downloading the rpm and installing
  it was easy, but post-installation, i wasn't able to find where the
  opera executable was.  knowing rpm command line and other commands, it's
  easy to find where opera was installed, but for someone completely new
  to linux, i think that they would be lost.
  one suggestion for improving rpm and other installation programs for
  linux is to put a icon on the desktop for the user to easily find.
  also, somehow placing the icon somewhere in the kmenu (for kde) or
  asking the user in which folder (i.e. applications) a shortcut should be
  made would make newbies transition to linux a lot easier.
  this installation problem/situation is not limited to opera, but is
  related to all gui-based software installed on linux that is to be used
  in the point-and-click fashion by end users...
  i think that the above would be one of the first problems faced by
  individuals and companies making the switch from windows to linux...
  anyone know if there are future plans for rpm to include an icon on the
  desktop and/or in the desktop environments' (kde/gnome) folders upon
  package installation?

 Menu integration is more to do with the people who write the packages -
 some packages will add KDE or GNOME menu entries; most do not.  Package
 writers could, I suppose, add icons to be put on the user's desktop, but
   most people probably wouldn't want this.  Remember that Linux is
 designed as a multi-user system, and a lot of users would object to
 icons popping up on their desktops every time the sysadmin installed a
 new program.

 An easy way to find files in RPM packages is to use the Software Manager
 (in 9.0 you neeed to select uninstall software; in 8.* you just click
 on the installed tab).

 Remember also that nine times out of ten the command to run a program is
 the same as the name of the package (usually in lowercase).

 Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] making rpm installation easier for newbies

2002-11-05 Per discussione Anders Lind
On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 10:05:35 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Of course - we know that now.  But the point being made is that competely new 
 users don't.  I'm sure it would not be difficult for programmers to write in 
 the option for a link on the desktop.  Nor would it be difficult for Mandrake 
 to provide link in the What-to-do menu that tells how to use menuDrak to add 
 Small touches like this would not cause any problem for the experienced, but 
 would greatly help newbies.

I agree to some extent with you Anne...personally I don't use either Gnome or
KDE anymore but WindowMaker which I really love and like and there you always
need to dock the icon yourself on the desktop and there are no menus like in
KDE and Gnome. 

Just some ranting 


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[newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
Having come from a RedHat and Slackware background, I personally don't
have a problem in changing my desktops/window managers - but after
loading Mandrake 9.0, I wasn't able to locate a tool/utility to do so
via the GUI - not that it took me too much effort to manually edit the
~/.xsession file to reflect my preference - but is there something I'm
missing? Am I looking in all the wrong places?

I *thought* that I had checked through all the menu options in both KDE
and GNOME, but still, I couldn't find anything that would allow me to
change wm's easily. So, that being the case, and me never being maniacal
enough to say I know it all, I'd really like to know from anyone if
there's a trick I'm missing...

Really appreciate! Cheers!


November 3rd 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!   Mashed potatoes can be your friend.  !

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Richard Urwin
There's a drop-down list on the login dialog box...

Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: 05 November 2002 11:21
Subject: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

Having come from a RedHat and Slackware background, I personally don't
have a problem in changing my desktops/window managers - but after
loading Mandrake 9.0, I wasn't able to locate a tool/utility to do so
via the GUI - not that it took me too much effort to manually edit the
~/.xsession file to reflect my preference - but is there something I'm
missing? Am I looking in all the wrong places?

I *thought* that I had checked through all the menu options in both KDE
and GNOME, but still, I couldn't find anything that would allow me to
change wm's easily. So, that being the case, and me never being maniacal
enough to say I know it all, I'd really like to know from anyone if
there's a trick I'm missing...

Really appreciate! Cheers!


November 3rd 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!   Mashed potatoes can be your friend.  !

This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
around the clock, around the globe, visit http://www.messagelabs.com

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RE: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
Hmmmdrop down list - well, I'd say I see one, but ya know, I really
hate logons with GDM/XDM/KDM - so I generally opt to logon and start X
manually anyways...only time I like XDM's is on a Solaris/Irix/HPUX
box...and this it ain't! (grin)

Nah...I don't want to go that route. I really like the control of a
text-based logon, but would like to change the WM preference INSIDE of a
GUI - in RedHat, you have the switchdesk script which is easily
modified to incorporate quite a number of different desktops or wm's -
that's what I was looking for - otherwise, I can just create a script to
change my ~/.xsession - which I don't mind writing, but I really didn't
want to reinvent the wheel as it were. And actually, the more I think
about it, I might be able to copy the switchdesk application/scripts
from one of my RH vm's and modify it to work with MDK...hmm

...any other suggestions mate? Appreciate that one for sure...

November 5th 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!  The other cat's food is automatically !
!preferable to their own.!
-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Richard Urwin
Sent: Tuesday, 5 November 2002 10:22 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

There's a drop-down list on the login dialog box...
Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 22:49:33 +1100
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmmmdrop down list - well, I'd say I see one, but ya know, I really
 hate logons with GDM/XDM/KDM - so I generally opt to logon and start X
 manually anyways...only time I like XDM's is on a Solaris/Irix/HPUX
 box...and this it ain't! (grin)

You may already have it installed, if not install Xtart.

From init 3, as usr run command Xtart and a numbered menu listing of the WMs you have 
installed will be shown.
Then select by # the WM you wish to launch. 


It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame.
Charles A Edwards

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
Gollygee, that worked! Must say, gotta give ya a big Thanks for that
one, Mr. Charles - and for all the years I cussed BellSouth...(grin) Now
I feel more at ease with my MDK install - now I just gotta get all my
nifty little tools/utilities and scripts done up in it and I'll be even
happier! (Hated not having pico right off the bat...almost had a heart

Peace from Oz!


November 3rd 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!   Mashed potatoes can be your friend.  !

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Charles A Edwards
Sent: Tuesday, 5 November 2002 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

You may already have it installed, if not install Xtart.

From init 3, as usr run command Xtart and a numbered menu listing of the
WMs you have installed will be shown. Then select by # the WM you wish
to launch. 

It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame.
Charles A Edwards

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Franki
load an app called Xtart,

its from a console, you type Xtart, it detects what wm are installed and
gives you a nice list..

It was written by Civilme, formerly from mandrakesoft...

very handy.



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: Tuesday, 5 November 2002 7:50 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

Hmmmdrop down list - well, I'd say I see one, but ya know, I really
hate logons with GDM/XDM/KDM - so I generally opt to logon and start X
manually anyways...only time I like XDM's is on a Solaris/Irix/HPUX
box...and this it ain't! (grin)

Nah...I don't want to go that route. I really like the control of a
text-based logon, but would like to change the WM preference INSIDE of a
GUI - in RedHat, you have the switchdesk script which is easily
modified to incorporate quite a number of different desktops or wm's -
that's what I was looking for - otherwise, I can just create a script to
change my ~/.xsession - which I don't mind writing, but I really didn't
want to reinvent the wheel as it were. And actually, the more I think
about it, I might be able to copy the switchdesk application/scripts
from one of my RH vm's and modify it to work with MDK...hmm

...any other suggestions mate? Appreciate that one for sure...

November 5th 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!  The other cat's food is automatically !
!preferable to their own.!
-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Richard Urwin
Sent: Tuesday, 5 November 2002 10:22 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

There's a drop-down list on the login dialog box...
Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] M9.0 / Grip V 3.0.1

2002-11-05 Per discussione John Richard Smith
M9.0, Grip v 3.0.1 track info display problem

One of Grip's more endearing features is it's ability
to read the track info of wave file on a CD and
display the track information like artist,and song

Try as I may I cannot get this function to display on
M9.0 Grip v3.0.1 with discs known to have this information
on them and proven to work in M8.2 's version Gripv2.98.6.

The excellent help file , which sets the standard on
how help files are written has not helped me solve
the problem.

Is there a bug with this Grip 3.0.1 version or am I not
configuring it right, any suggestions welcomed ,
as this was a very useful and enduring feature
of this programme.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] detachable menus in gnome

2002-11-05 Per discussione Terry Sheltra
I haven't tried it to see if it works.  I did try to do the tip about 
the transparent panels, but got far too complex for me to deal with (I'm 
still fairly new in the Linux world), so I decided not to mess with 
things, and leave them as they are.  Perhaps someone else out there has 
gotten things working with it, and can help shed some light on it for you.


Paul Rodriguez wrote:

Hi, terry.  I tried this, but it didn't work.  Is it working for you?

- Paul

On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 14:29, Terry Sheltra wrote:


If you go to the website:


Under the tips section (I believe), there is an walkthrough explaining 
just that.


Paul Rodriguez wrote:


Anybody know how I can get the menus to be detachable in Gnome?

- Paul

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Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330
Composed on a 100% Micro$soft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] scanimage error

2002-11-05 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi
On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 7:45 am, Pilagá wrote:
 El Lun 04 Nov 2002 19:08, escribió:
  I have astra 2000P got working after installing sane-backends-1.0.9 tar
  file. Now it works only as root. When I set +s to scanimage and use as
  user, I get following error.
  [lvgandhi@localhost lvgandhi]$ scanimage --format out.tiff
  [umax_pp_low] SendWord failed  got 0xE8 instead of 0xC0 or 0xD0
  [umax_pp_low] Blindly going on .
  [umax_pp_low] Unexpected reg19: 0xE8 instead of 0xC0 or 0xD0
  [umax_pp_low] CmdSetDataBuffer(initbuf) failed ! (umax_pp_low.c:5251)
  scanimage: no SANE devices found
  For xscanimage I get the following error
  xscanimage umax_pp:0x378
  Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.
  This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper
  program instead. For further details, see:
  Refusing to initialize GTK+.
  How to make it work both as user?

   This is what developers said: Note that the backend needs to run as root.
 To allow  user access  to the scanner run the backend through the network
 interface (See saned(1) and sane-net(5)).  A more  relaxed solution
 (security wise) is to add suid bit to the fron­ tend (See chmod(1)).  The
 backend drop root priviledges as soon  as  it  can, right after gaining
 direct access to IO ports.

   Also, Stef Voltz tell me:

 Try usin gthe ppdev mode. With latest version, you may launch xsane as:
 xsane umax_pp:/dev/parport0 , and then run as normal user. Provided
 ppdev device is usable by user, and exists in MDK 8.2 (which should be the

 Also, you may edit umax_pp.conf in /usr/local/etc/sane.d to have a
 option which points to /dev/parport0. Here's an excerpt from my


 # specify the port your scanner is connected to. Possible are 0x378 (lp0)
 # 0x278 (lp1)
 #port 0x378
 port /dev/parport0

 # the following options are local to this scanner

   You can contact Stef (developer) at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thanks for the info.
Which distro you are using now. I don't have /dev/parport0. I have mdk9. I 
installed scanner using control center. I edited dll.conf and also 
umax_pp.conf for port 0x378 as I didn't have /dev/parport0. Then I did 
rpm -e sane-backends-1.0.8 and compiled src 1.0.9. Now it works as root. How 
to get /dev/parport.

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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[newbie] Sylpheed 0.8.5-compilation problems

2002-11-05 Per discussione Anders Lind
Hello friends,

now with the keen help of this list I have managed to solve
my NFS-problems and now I encountered something else:

I wanted to upgrade my Sylpheed-version to 0.8.5 from 0.8.2
that I am using today. RPM misses a lot of dependcies and 
I don't wanna work through them all so I decided to try
and compile it myself instead (Kvirc3 took about two hours
to compile on my Pentium 166 (I don't want to think about how
long a kernel compile would take LOL)) but when I run ./configure
on this MDK 8.2-system I get the following error:

Checking for GLIB-version = 1.2.6... no
The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found
If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in 
your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG enviroment variable to the 
full path to glib-config

Now I have a couple of questions.

This has been tried on two MDK 8.2-machines with the same result
which leads me to think that GLIB is strangely installed if at all
installed on 8.2 (Please note that I do not have Gnome installed,
but I have Gnome-libs and so on installed). I tried to download a
glib-RPM but only with the result that there was a conflict if
tried to upgrade (Which should mean that glib is installed I guess)
If I do whereis glib I cannot find it. Can anyone point me in the 
right direction on what I should and can do

Best Regards,

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[newbie] Mandrake startup

2002-11-05 Per discussione Flux
When Mandrake starts up, a list of various drivers/modules/devices scrolls on the 
screen.  I'm sure you all know 
what I'm talking about.  Strangely enough, the first time I installed Mandrake Linux, 
this list was displayed in the 
text console.  Since I reinstalled Mandrake, the list scrolls past in a X-Windows 
graphical screen.  Does anyone 
know why that is?  What happened to change that behaviour?  Thanks for any input!


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Re: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Robert
On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 23:19:00 +1100
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gollygee, that worked! Must say, gotta give ya a big Thanks for that
 one, Mr. Charles - and for all the years I cussed BellSouth...(grin) 
I think you can also go to the Mandrake control center, boot, and then boot config and 
change the default gui from there.


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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed 0.8.5-compilation problems

2002-11-05 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Anders's mail, d.d. Tue, 5 Nov 2002 15:18:02 +0100:

which leads me to think that GLIB is strangely installed if at all
installed on 8.2 (Please note that I do not have Gnome installed,
but I have Gnome-libs and so on installed). I tried to download a
glib-RPM but only with the result that there was a conflict if
tried to upgrade (Which should mean that glib is installed I guess)
If I do whereis glib I cannot find it. Can anyone point me in the 
right direction on what I should and can do

Hi Anders,
Try re-installing glib again from the MDK CD's. If necessary, use the -force
parameter. Then try compiling again. I did a full install of mdk 8.2 on my
machine and glib is in /usr/lib

good luck

A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.
--Edgar Watson Howe

http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.3
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

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Re: [newbie] making rpm installation easier for newbies

2002-11-05 Per discussione tek1
who should we direct the feedback about rpm and application icons to?  the 
people who manage rpm or those who manage the windows managers (kde, gnome, 
etc.), or the companies who create the distributions (i.e. mandrake)?

i am a consultant and looking to help companies make the switch from 
windows to linux, but i know that not knowing *easily* where an application 
was installed will stop newbies dead in their tracks...

i wonder if lindows or the new desktop manager that redhat created has this 
application icon feature...?  still a big supporter of mandrake though!  :)

At 11:18 02/11/05 +0100, you wrote:
On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 10:05:35 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Of course - we know that now.  But the point being made is that 
competely new
 users don't.  I'm sure it would not be difficult for programmers to write in
 the option for a link on the desktop.  Nor would it be difficult for 
 to provide link in the What-to-do menu that tells how to use menuDrak to add

 Small touches like this would not cause any problem for the experienced, but
 would greatly help newbies.

I agree to some extent with you Anne...personally I don't use either Gnome or
KDE anymore but WindowMaker which I really love and like and there you always
need to dock the icon yourself on the desktop and there are no menus like in
KDE and Gnome.

Just some ranting


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Defrag?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Owen Berio
After two weeks of trial and error I began to wonder about defraging my 
Mandrake dedicated box.  I have version 8.2 with a standard installation.
Does this version have a defraging utility?

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Re: [newbie] Defrag?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 07:29 pm, you wrote:
 After two weeks of trial and error I began to wonder about defraging my
 Mandrake dedicated box.  I have version 8.2 with a standard installation.
 Does this version have a defraging utility?

This gets asked a lot but basically, because of the way Linux is setup 
(superior), you don't have to defrag

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] starting xmms from menu

2002-11-05 Per discussione T C
I removed soundwrapper from the command for xmms using menudrake, but
it didn't make any difference. I suppose I can just make a shortcut on
the desktop for xmms and not worry about it, but I'd like to find out
why it doesn't work and fix it. The really strange thing about this is
that xmms used to work from the menu.


--- Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The command called upon from the menu is soundwrapper xmms whereas
 what you're typing from the commandline is probably just xmms. I
 don't know what soundwrapper does, but I imagine if you remove that
 from the menu entry using menudrake, it'll fix the problem.
 This isn't a great solution. I would want to find out why
 isn't working properly, but in the meantime this solution won't hurt.
 On Mon, 4 Nov 2002 08:12:36 -0800 (PST)
  Yesterday I tried to use xmms, starting it from the menu (K -
  Multimedia - Sound - Xmms). The only thing that happened was an
  indicator appeared on the panel with the hour glass turning, then
  about a minute it disappeared. Xmms did not run. I opened a
  window and as a user typed xmms at the command prompt (without
  quotes of course), and xmms popped up and worked. Tried from the
  again and still won't work. What's happening here and what can I do
  about it?
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Re: [newbie] Defrag?

2002-11-05 Per discussione cervixcouch

After two weeks of trial and error I began to wonder about defraging my
Mandrake dedicated box.  I have version 8.2 with a standard installation.
Does this version have a defraging utility?

This gets asked a lot but basically, because of the way Linux is setup 
(superior), you don't have to defrag

What is it about Linux's setup that makes defrag unnecessary?

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[newbie] using MS fonts in Mdk

2002-11-05 Per discussione Angus Auld
Greetings, I  just wanted to pass this along...I thought I would import my MS 
fonts from my windows partition (winME), after reading about being able to do that 
with Drakfont. Also, I read that MS fonts are much better than those used by Mdk. 

I am more partial to readability than style, and I really like just plain old Arial 
font. Arial was not available in Mdk however. 

Well, I used Drakfont in the Mandrake Control Center-System Configuration Tool to 
get windows fonts. Drakfont imported the fonts w/o trouble, and I am now using MS 
fonts (Arial [Monotype]). I can't believe the difference! The fonts are so much 
I will never bash MS for their fonts at least, again ;-)

This has made my Mandrake 9.0 look so much cleaner and easier on the eyes.

Just thought I would share my observations. :-)
All the best.


How do you destroy a righteous person? Give him or her one follower! --ancient 
Cherokee saying (fr. Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams)

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[newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-05 Per discussione Christian Goldstein

I've been using KDE for the past few days and now I feel like I could switch 
to some other Windowmanager ( I was told KDE isnt the best choice when it 
comes to speed and reliability ), or at least *try* to do so. I remember 
using WindowMaker a few months ago, but I didn't like it that much. I mean, 
it *was* fast and reliable, but I had some problems with the interface and 
unless someone here can recommend a good place to get a tutorial or some 
additional information, I would think twice before going back at it.

Okay, to make a long story short: if anyone could either recommend me a good 
windowmanager or give me a hint on where I can find some background 
information on them (WindowMaker in particular), I'd be thankful.

Thanks in advance!

 - Christian

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Re: [newbie] anacron

2002-11-05 Per discussione Derek Jennings
If you stop anacron/cron then your system will not be able to perform 
essential maintenance.
Your log files will fill up up to infinity, your temporary files will not be 
erased, and your system will not perform any security checks.

What is the problem with having it running?


On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 7:20 am, Noah Hicks wrote:
 I need to know how to get anacron to stop running as often as it seems to
 be. I have found the task file in the /etc dir but I can't see how to
 modify it and the man page is hard for me to understand.  Could anyone tell
 me how to do this?  Unless there is some task I need it to do, I would like
 to get it to cease completely.  Can I just remove the cron.daily and
 cron.weekly files? This is what I have now:

 [noahlocalhost etc]$ cat anacrontab
 # /etc/anacrontab: configuration file for anacron

 # See anacron(8) and anacrontab(5) for details.


 # These entries are useful for a Mandrake system.
 1   5   cron.daily  run-parts /etc/cron.daily
 7   10  cron.weekly run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
 30  15  cron.monthlyrun-parts /etc/cron.monthly


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Re: [newbie] M9.0 / Grip V 3.0.1

2002-11-05 Per discussione bascule
are talking about cddb - looking the info up from a net database, or cd-text 
which is info actually on the cd, your description fits the lookup over the 
net of cddb info


On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:28 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

 Don't need to, do I , the info is there on the disc to be read by grip
 it chooses to do so,which usually is on startup or fresh disc entry.First
 you get track1, track2, track3 etc etc , then a moment or two later
 it says something like , track1, artist joe blogs, title when I get up
 in the Morning.


'What good is a candle at noonday?'

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Re: [newbie] Anyone else tried Texstar's improved KDE fonts?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Jordan Elver
Thanks for the recommendation. Just installed the packages along with 
libqt3-devel and libqt3 and they look great. Real improvement :-)
I have only had a quick look though. I'll take a closer look later.


On Monday 04 Nov 2002 11:03 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Has anyone else tried out Texstars modified fonts for KDE yet?
 They are absolutely wonderful !! I thought my fonts were good until I tried

 Tex has recompiled libqt3 for Xft-2 which (I think) is what makes RedHat
 8.0's fonts so nice. Any KDE (or qt) application will have nice fonts.

 To get them all you have to do is install
 libqt3, Xft-2.0, freetype2 and fontconfig from

 If you have imported Truetype fonts from Windows with drakfont add a path
 to them in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf by inserting the line


 among the other font paths.

 Restart the X server and that is it! Beautiful clear truetype fonts.

 Problems you might get include :
 Double spacing in konsole : Just select a different font to fix it.
 Blocky fonts in kdm : Open kcontrol as root and select a different font for
 kdm in SystemLogin Manager

 If you are not sure you can recover your system back to its previous state
 in the event of a problem, then it is probably not a good idea to try this.

 Tex's forum thread is here


Jordan Elver
File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)

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Re: [newbie] Defrag?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Robin Turner

After two weeks of trial and error I began to wonder about defraging my
Mandrake dedicated box.  I have version 8.2 with a standard 
Does this version have a defraging utility?

This gets asked a lot but basically, because of the way Linux is setup 
(superior), you don't have to defrag

What is it about Linux's setup that makes defrag unnecessary?

The best way is to think of your file file system as a bunch of folders 
with those transparent envelopes for inserting paper. Let's imagine you 
have a twenty-page report to file.  The Windows method is to look for 
the first empty envelope and start slotting in pages from there.  This 
works well enough in a new folder, but once you start removing pages 
(deleting files) you end up putting, say, the first ten pages in, then 
finding the next envelope is full, so you put the next ten pages 
somewhere else. The more the disk gets used, the more files get split 
up, so eventually you have to go through and swap all the pages round - 
 i.e. defragment.

The UNIX/Linux method is that if you have a twenty-page report to file, 
you look through the folder for a space which has at least twenty free 
envelopes. Consequently, files only get split up if they're very big and 
your disk is very, very full. Logical, really, and not a new technology 
- this type of filesystem has been around since the 1980s.

Defragmentation, like virus-checking, is one of those cures for problems 
which Microsoft introduced, but which people now accept as an inevitable 
part of using a computer.

Sir Robin

A free man ought not to learn anything under duress.
Compulsory physical exercise does no harm to the body,
but compulsory learning never sticks in the mind. - Plato

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] Defrag?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 05:06 pm, Jan Wilson wrote:
[021105 10:49]:
  This gets asked a lot but basically, because of the
   way Linux is setup (superior), you don't have to
  What is it about Linux's setup that makes defrag

Jan, in addition to the answers already given :
Linux file systems :
ext2, ext3, XFS and Reiser don't need defragging.
However, the newly ported JFS from IBM is extremely fast 
and reliable, but needs an occasional defrag.
Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-05 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 06:38 pm, John Richard Smith 
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when
  working with images, but have come across a real
  puzzler.  In the large batch of photos I'm working
  with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images.
  Some of the .bmps were written by a windows program,
  and some by gPhoto.  The .jpgs display as thumbnails,
  but the .bmps don't.
 In a third directors there are images that were
  captured from video by a windows application, then
  trimmed in Gimp.  These all show as .BMP.  These
  images do display as thumbnails.
 All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32
  partition, so renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no
 Any ideas, anyone?

Anne, BMP's are a lot of things. Essentially it is nothing 
than a collection of bits. I remember form my OS/2 days 
a great application - PMView - that gave a thorough 
explanation of the various .bmp-formats. There IS a big 
difference between Windows- Unix- OS/2- etc. etc. when it 
comes to bmp-pics.

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] anacron

2002-11-05 Per discussione Derek Jennings
You can see the daily jobs in /etc/cron.daily

Whenever you install an RPM which needs 'maintenance' a file gets dropped in 
here for the daily processing.

For example logrotate  will compress your old logs and delete the oldest 
entries. It will cause a bit of hard drive activity, but not a vast amount 
(unless you have big logs)

The weekly job slocate.cron will cause a lot of harddrive activity, because it 
compiles a database of every file on your hard drive for use by the slocate 
command. (If you have it installed)

The daily msec job is checking on the file permissions of all your system 
files, so that could cause a bit of activity.

If you find the daily job annoying, why not set it to run at a more convenient 
It is only a matter of editing the /etc/crontab file.
For instance in this line

56 10 * * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.daily

All the scripts in location /etc/cron.daily are scheduled to run at 10:56 
every day

If you want a nice GUI to setup cron jobs, then there is one in webmin.


On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:15 pm, Noah Hicks wrote:
 Well the only problem I'm having is that when it's running, it slows the
 system down.  There's a lot of HD activity and the programs I'm running
 slow down significatly.  This can last for a good 3-4 min.  I find it kind
 of irritating.  Seems like it only does it once a day though.  I'm just
 running a laptop for webbrowsing, word processing and data analysis with a
 few simple console apps.  How high do my security settings need to be?

 Thanks for helping me figure this out

 BTW is there something wrong with the list server?  I got your reply but I
 didn't get my own message.

 On Tuesday 05 November 2002 11:24, Derek Jennings wrote:
  If you stop anacron/cron then your system will not be able to perform
  essential maintenance.
  Your log files will fill up up to infinity, your temporary files will not
  be erased, and your system will not perform any security checks.
  What is the problem with having it running?
  On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 7:20 am, Noah Hicks wrote:
   I need to know how to get anacron to stop running as often as it seems
   to be. I have found the task file in the /etc dir but I can't see how
   to modify it and the man page is hard for me to understand.  Could
   anyone tell me how to do this?  Unless there is some task I need it to
   do, I would like to get it to cease completely.  Can I just remove the
   cron.daily and cron.weekly files? This is what I have now:
   [noahlocalhost etc]$ cat anacrontab
   # /etc/anacrontab: configuration file for anacron
   # See anacron(8) and anacrontab(5) for details.
   # These entries are useful for a Mandrake system.
   1   5   cron.daily  run-parts /etc/cron.daily
   7   10  cron.weekly run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
   30  15  cron.monthlyrun-parts /etc/cron.monthly

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Re: [newbie] Anyone else tried Texstar's improved KDE fonts?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:00 pm, PBone wrote:
 The last time I tried this I ran into a problem where bullets wouldn't
 displasy on openoffice. Has this been fixed?

I just tried OpenOffice.  'Text' bullets do not seem to work, but 'graphical' 
bullets do  (FormatNumbering/Bullets).  I agree that could be an issue for 
some people.


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Re: [newbie] Defrag?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Bob Read
Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 November 2002 07:29 pm, you wrote:
  After two weeks of trial and error I began to wonder about defraging my
  Mandrake dedicated box.  I have version 8.2 with a standard installation.
  Does this version have a defraging utility?
 This gets asked a lot but basically, because of the way Linux is setup
 (superior), you don't have to defrag

I've known this for some time, but can anyone direct us to an online
explaination/description of Linux file systems?


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[newbie] Best Linux Laptop

2002-11-05 Per discussione Flux
I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times, but what's the best laptop for the 
average Linux distro?
I had, at first, targeted Compaq's Presario 2800T, but I caught wind that Compaq's 
suck for Linux. (This could 
explain my current problems)  I'm buying two new laptops for me and my boss, and I'm 
sorta going with the HP 
Pavilion ze5000 series, unless I hear really bad things about them.  

Anyway, I'd be happy to hear everyone's input.  Thanks!


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Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-05 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 9:06 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 November 2002 06:38 pm, John Richard Smith

  Anne Wilson wrote:
  I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when
   working with images, but have come across a real
   puzzler.  In the large batch of photos I'm working
   with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images.
   Some of the .bmps were written by a windows program,
   and some by gPhoto.  The .jpgs display as thumbnails,
   but the .bmps don't.
  In a third directors there are images that were
   captured from video by a windows application, then
   trimmed in Gimp.  These all show as .BMP.  These
   images do display as thumbnails.
  All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32
   partition, so renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no
  Any ideas, anyone?

 Anne, BMP's are a lot of things. Essentially it is nothing
 than a collection of bits. I remember form my OS/2 days
 a great application - PMView - that gave a thorough
 explanation of the various .bmp-formats. There IS a big
 difference between Windows- Unix- OS/2- etc. etc. when it
 comes to bmp-pics.

 Kaj Haulrich

and I thought .bmp was a lowest common denominator!  As a 'collection of 
bits' I thought it would be the simplest format, understood by all.  The 
programs I use for editing have no problems with them, but I have seen other 
problems in windows programs, such as the one that I use for contact-print 
sheets can't read the .bmps direct from the video capture.  If I open them in 
an editor and re-save there is no problem.

Nothing's simple, is it?


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[newbie] Hardware question

2002-11-05 Per discussione Anne Wilson
I have been using a usb gizmo under windows to capture stills from an 
analogue video camera.  There's no chance, I think, of getting a Linux driver 
for this, so I wonder what next.  There's the possibility of graphic cards 
with svid input - but I don't want to have to grovel behind my desk.

Is there any hardware available that would allow me to have a front panel or 
desktop connection?  If not, can anyone recommend a suitable video card?


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RE: [newbie] Best Linux Laptop

2002-11-05 Per discussione Franki
why not get Dells???

more bang for your buck...

and compaq's don't just suck for linux, they suck period...



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Flux
Sent: Wednesday, 6 November 2002 5:02 AM
To: Linux
Subject: [newbie] Best Linux Laptop

I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times, but what's the best laptop
for the average Linux distro?
I had, at first, targeted Compaq's Presario 2800T, but I caught wind that
Compaq's suck for Linux. (This could
explain my current problems)  I'm buying two new laptops for me and my boss,
and I'm sorta going with the HP
Pavilion ze5000 series, unless I hear really bad things about them.

Anyway, I'd be happy to hear everyone's input.  Thanks!


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Re: [newbie] detachable menus in gnome

2002-11-05 Per discussione Paul Rodriguez
Apparently, it only works for certain gnome apps like evolution or
gnumeric, and gimp (-useful here).  But I was looking for something to
make the gnome menus detachable.  

- Paul

On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 08:47, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 I haven't tried it to see if it works.  I did try to do the tip about 
 the transparent panels, but got far too complex for me to deal with (I'm 
 still fairly new in the Linux world), so I decided not to mess with 
 things, and leave them as they are.  Perhaps someone else out there has 
 gotten things working with it, and can help shed some light on it for you.
 Paul Rodriguez wrote:
 Hi, terry.  I tried this, but it didn't work.  Is it working for you?
 - Paul
 On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 14:29, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 If you go to the website:
 Under the tips section (I believe), there is an walkthrough explaining 
 just that.
 Paul Rodriguez wrote:
 Anybody know how I can get the menus to be detachable in Gnome?
 - Paul
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 Terry Sheltra
 PC Technician/Network Administrator
 University of Virginia
 School of Architecture
 Registered Linux User #218330
 Composed on a 100% Micro$soft-free PC

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Best Linux Laptop

2002-11-05 Per discussione Charlie
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 02:02 pm, Flux wrote:
 I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times, but what's the best laptop
 for the average Linux distro? I had, at first, targeted Compaq's Presario
 2800T, but I caught wind that Compaq's suck for Linux. (This could explain
 my current problems)  I'm buying two new laptops for me and my boss, and
 I'm sorta going with the HP Pavilion ze5000 series, unless I hear really
 bad things about them.

 Anyway, I'd be happy to hear everyone's input.  Thanks!


I'd rather give you a link since I don't want to get into the refund the MS 
tax since my laptop will never boot anything but Linux debate.



and a site with information about bare (no preinstalled OS) laptops. I think 
that was the idea, I haven't checked the site for a few months.


Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
The control of the production of wealth is the control of human life itself.
-- Hilaire Belloc

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Re: [newbie] Defrag?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 03:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  After two weeks of trial and error I began to wonder about defraging my
  Mandrake dedicated box.  I have version 8.2 with a standard installation.
  Does this version have a defraging utility?
  This gets asked a lot but basically, because of the way Linux is setup 
  (superior), you don't have to defrag
 What is it about Linux's setup that makes defrag unnecessary?
You can run an FSCK from the text console logon...that's basically the
whole shebang...otherwise, ext2fs and ext3fs don't need to be
defragmented as it were.

Wed Nov  6 09:20:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

Mountain Dew and doughnuts...  because breakfast is the most important
of the day.

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Re: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 03:57, Christian Goldstein wrote:
 I've been using KDE for the past few days and now I feel like I could switch 
 to some other Windowmanager ( I was told KDE isnt the best choice when it 
 comes to speed and reliability ), or at least *try* to do so. I remember 
 using WindowMaker a few months ago, but I didn't like it that much. I mean, 
 it *was* fast and reliable, but I had some problems with the interface and 
 unless someone here can recommend a good place to get a tutorial or some 
 additional information, I would think twice before going back at it.
 Okay, to make a long story short: if anyone could either recommend me a good 
 windowmanager or give me a hint on where I can find some background 
 information on them (WindowMaker in particular), I'd be thankful.
 Thanks in advance!
  - Christian
I was advised that you can try running Xtart (either from the GUI or
from text mode) - it's a utility script that allows you to choose
between desktop/window manager of your choice. Otherwise, you can
manually edit the .xsession file in your home directory. On the last
line you will see:
exec /usr/bin/startkde
which you can change to say,
exec /usr/bin/X11/englightenment
exec /usr/bin/X11/wmaker
exec /usr/bin/gnome-session
...or whatever you desire...

If you don't have Xtart already loaded, you can snag it from the CD#1
through the Mandrake Software package installer.

Wed Nov  6 09:25:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

Cecil, you're my final hope
Of finding out the true Straight Dope
For I have been reading of Schrodinger's cat
But none of my cats are at all like that.
This unusual animal (so it is said)
Is simultaneously alive and dead!
What I don't understand is just why he
Can't be one or the other, unquestionably.
My future now hangs in between eigenstates.
In one I'm enlightened, in the other I ain't.
If *you* understand, Cecil, then show me the way
And rescue my psyche from quantum decay.
But if this queer thing has perplexed even you,
Then I will *___and* I won't see you in Schrodinger's zoo.
-- Randy F., Chicago, The Straight Dope, a compendium
   of human knowledge by Cecil Adams

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Re: SV: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 04:43, Anders Lind wrote:
 I've been using KDE for the past few days and now I feel like I could switch 
 to some other Windowmanager ( I was told KDE isnt the best choice when it 
 comes to speed and reliability ), or at least *try* to do so. I remember 
 using WindowMaker a few months ago, but I didn't like it that much. I mean, 
 it *was* fast and reliable, but I had some problems with the interface and 
 unless someone here can recommend a good place to get a tutorial or some 
 additional information, I would think twice before going back at it.
 I love WindowMaker, it is a nice and smooth windowmanager, there are plenty
 of documentation on www.windowmaker.org
 Okay, to make a long story short: if anyone could either recommend me a good 
 windowmanager or give me a hint on where I can find some background 
 information on them (WindowMaker in particular), I'd be thankful.
 Personally I don't mind KDE either, but on a P 166 Mhz it is sloow.
Why not just settle for something like say, Enlightenment? It's fast,
highly configurable, has heaps of themes, low on resource, has heaps of
epplets with it...(it is in your package if you want to install it)

Wed Nov  6 09:30:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

You tried it just for once, found it alright for kicks,
 but now you find out you have a habit that sticks,
 you're an orgasm addict,
 you're always at it,
 and you're an orgasm addict.
-- The Buzzcocks

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] anacron

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 05:15, Noah Hicks wrote:
 Well the only problem I'm having is that when it's running, it slows the 
 system down.  There's a lot of HD activity and the programs I'm running slow 
 down significatly.  This can last for a good 3-4 min.  I find it kind of 
 irritating.  Seems like it only does it once a day though.  I'm just running 
 a laptop for webbrowsing, word processing and data analysis with a few simple 
 console apps.  How high do my security settings need to be?
 Thanks for helping me figure this out

Sounds like it could be updatedb or maybe tripwire running in the
background? When updatedb runs, there is quite a bit of disk activity,
and the larger the disks, the more the activity...

When it happens, why not open up a term and type ps -Ae and see what's
the last in the PID list...that might start to point to the villian...

Wed Nov  6 09:30:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

You tried it just for once, found it alright for kicks,
 but now you find out you have a habit that sticks,
 you're an orgasm addict,
 you're always at it,
 and you're an orgasm addict.
-- The Buzzcocks

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Best Linux Laptop

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 08:33, Franki wrote:
 why not get Dells???
 more bang for your buck...
 and compaq's don't just suck for linux, they suck period...
IBM laptops should be notably the best for linux. The current models
have drivers, and remember, IBM is working to put linux in the
mainstream...(and don't it piss M$ off?)(g)

Wed Nov  6 09:35:01 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

Giving up on assembly language was the apple in our Garden of Eden: 
whose use squanders machine cycles are sinful.  The LISP machine now
LISP programmers to abandon bra and fig-leaf.
-- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] M9.0 / Grip V 3.0.1

2002-11-05 Per discussione John Richard Smith
bascule wrote:

are talking about cddb - looking the info up from a net database, or cd-text 
which is info actually on the cd, your description fits the lookup over the 
net of cddb info


On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:28 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:


Don't need to, do I , the info is there on the disc to be read by grip
it chooses to do so,which usually is on startup or fresh disc entry.First
you get track1, track2, track3 etc etc , then a moment or two later
it says something like , track1, artist joe blogs, title when I get up
in the Morning.



Oh, I am definately talking about the the info that comes from the disc 
nothing to do with the net whatsoever.Most modern CD's come with content
info on them , so when you copy the disk in a writer programme for
instance , provided that the correct read instructions are given , it
copies the disk info as well, xcdroast does this nicely.
Grip mere reads this info and displays it as I show you before.
Not all CD have this info but from a certain date they seem to of gone 
in for
listing this track song and artist detail on all CD produced thereafter.


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] M9.0 / Grip V 3.0.1

2002-11-05 Per discussione John Richard Smith
bascule wrote:

are talking about cddb - looking the info up from a net database, or cd-text 
which is info actually on the cd, your description fits the lookup over the 
net of cddb info


On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:28 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:


Don't need to, do I , the info is there on the disc to be read by grip
it chooses to do so,which usually is on startup or fresh disc entry.First
you get track1, track2, track3 etc etc , then a moment or two later
it says something like , track1, artist joe blogs, title when I get up
in the Morning.



Oh, I am definately talking about the the info that comes from the disc 
nothing to do with the net whatsoever.Most modern CD's come with content
info on them , so when you copy the disk in a writer programme for
instance , provided that the correct read instructions are given , it
copies the disk info as well, xcdroast does this nicely.
Grip mere reads this info and displays it as I show you before.
Not all CD have this info but from a certain date they seem to of gone 
in for
listing this track song and artist detail on all CD produced thereafter.


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Best Linux Laptop

2002-11-05 Per discussione Lanman
Eurocom Laptops are some of the few I'm ever seen that are fully
certified for Linux. I've personally installed about twenty-five of them
with no problems whatsoever.

Did I mention that you can purchase them with or without an operating




Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-05 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:38 pm, you wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working with images, but
have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of photos I'm working
with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images. Some of the .bmps were
written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto.  The .jpgs display as
thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.

In a third directors there are images that were captured from video by a
windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show as .BMP.  These
images do display as thumbnails.

All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32 partition, so renaming
*.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.

Any ideas, anyone?


What about the name of the files ?


Non-displaying ones are in the order of pic3.bmp and displaying ones are 



Well I'm not familiar with those file names as such but I do know many 
windblows file names have to be changed, that is what jhead and chcase 
are there for, but just as
an experiment try changing the name to something all lowercase and see what

John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] 9.0 Shipped

2002-11-05 Per discussione Dennis Myers
Just got the boxed set of ML 9.0 today. Just as the Mandrake Store said, they 
started shipping end of October first of November. Shipping label dated 31 
Oct recieved 5 Nov Dublin Ireland to Omaha Nebraska, 6 days, not bad will 
reinstall on the test machine tonight. Oh, I got the Power Pack Edition. Fun! 
Watch the mail, kids.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-05 Per discussione CYPHFER
I use boot magic as my boot loader. Windows XP must be on the C drive since Boot Magic is a windows application. I just have lilo save to the LINUX partition. Boot Magic locates the windows and LINUX boot loaders. Boot magic is very easy to configure and use.

[newbie] switching video cads (what do i need to do?)

2002-11-05 Per discussione Paul Rodriguez
Hi, I just swapped my incompatible ATI 8500 for a more compatible
GeForce4 on recommendation of the list.  Is there any prepping I need to
do to my system before I switch cards?  Can I just swap out the cards
first and then install the drivers?  Or do I need to edit inittab to
start are runlevel 3, switch cards, and install nvidia drivers, then
switch back to runlevel 5?

- Paul Rodriguez

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] M9.0 / Grip V 3.0.1

2002-11-05 Per discussione bascule
the word 'you' and a ? are missing, the sentence below is a question not a 


On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 7:36 pm, bascule wrote:
 are talking about cddb - looking the info up from a net database, or
 cd-text which is info actually on the cd, your description fits the lookup
 over the net of cddb info


 On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:28 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Don't need to, do I , the info is there on the disc to be read by grip
  it chooses to do so,which usually is on startup or fresh disc entry.First
  you get track1, track2, track3 etc etc , then a moment or two later
  it says something like , track1, artist joe blogs, title when I get up
  in the Morning.

...[Arthur] leapt to his feet like an author hearing the 
phone ring... 

- Who says that the character of Arthur isn't 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] switching video cads (what do i need to do?)

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
Just yank the card, replace it, then after a successful powerup, install
the nVidia drivers!

November 3rd 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!   Mashed potatoes can be your friend.  !

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Paul Rodriguez
Sent: Wednesday, 6 November 2002 10:05 AM
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] switching video cads (what do i need to do?)

Hi, I just swapped my incompatible ATI 8500 for a more compatible
GeForce4 on recommendation of the list.  Is there any prepping I need to
do to my system before I switch cards?  Can I just swap out the cards
first and then install the drivers?  Or do I need to edit inittab to
start are runlevel 3, switch cards, and install nvidia drivers, then
switch back to runlevel 5?

- Paul Rodriguez

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Anyone else tried Texstar's improved KDE fonts?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Damian
El Lun 04 Nov 2002 20:03, Derek Jennings escribió:
 Has anyone else tried out Texstars modified fonts for KDE yet?
 They are absolutely wonderful !! I thought my fonts were good until I tried

A little something to add: TRY Texstar's Mozilla packages! (mozilla XFT) ;o)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] switching video cads (what do i need to do?)

2002-11-05 Per discussione Robin Turner
Paul Rodriguez wrote:

Hi, I just swapped my incompatible ATI 8500 for a more compatible
GeForce4 on recommendation of the list.  Is there any prepping I need to
do to my system before I switch cards?  Can I just swap out the cards
first and then install the drivers?  Or do I need to edit inittab to
start are runlevel 3, switch cards, and install nvidia drivers, then
switch back to runlevel 5?

Harddrake/kudzu will detect your new card and install the XFree86 
drivers (worked for me when upgrading from a Trident to a GeForce). Then 
you can install nVidia's drivers and edit your XF86Config-4 file as per 
the README.  Alternatively, install the nVidia drivers before changing 
cards, edit the config file and save it to something like 
XF86config-4.new. Then change cards, boot into runlevel 3, mv your old 
config file to something like XF86Config-4.panic (don't use .old as 
that's the default file for old versions and can be overwritten) and 
finally mv your new file into position. Cross fingers and startx.

Sir Robin

A free man ought not to learn anything under duress.
Compulsory physical exercise does no harm to the body,
but compulsory learning never sticks in the mind. - Plato

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Hardware question

2002-11-05 Per discussione Bryan Tyson
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 16:25, Anne wrote:

 I have been using a usb gizmo under windows to capture stills from an
 analogue video camera.  There's no chance, I think, of getting a
 Linux driver for this, so I wonder what next.

I have connected a camera to the composite input of my Hauppage WinTV 
and grabbed stills using KWinTV.

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Best Linux Laptop

2002-11-05 Per discussione Bill Winegarden
Hi Flux,
Alway willing to get involved in a slagfest. Count me as one vote for
Mandrake! (or 2 if you allow vote fixing)

Bill W.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 1:02 PM
Subject: [newbie] Best Linux Laptop

 I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times, but what's the best laptop
for the average Linux distro?
 I had, at first, targeted Compaq's Presario 2800T, but I caught wind that
Compaq's suck for Linux. (This could
 explain my current problems)  I'm buying two new laptops for me and my
boss, and I'm sorta going with the HP
 Pavilion ze5000 series, unless I hear really bad things about them.

 Anyway, I'd be happy to hear everyone's input.  Thanks!


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Defrag?

2002-11-05 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 11:00 am, you wrote:
  After two weeks of trial and error I began to wonder about defraging my
  Mandrake dedicated box.  I have version 8.2 with a standard
  installation. Does this version have a defraging utility?
  This gets asked a lot but basically, because of the way Linux is setup
  (superior), you don't have to defrag

 What is it about Linux's setup that makes defrag unnecessary?

It does its own housekeeping so that a defrag is unnecessary.

  Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Hardware question

2002-11-05 Per discussione Technoslick

I have a Bt848KPF video capture card that came with my 3Com BigPicture
Vidcam. I did a little research on it and found that the Brooktree chipset
on the card is very compatible under Linux. I can see on the card that it
was made by Hauppage. I no longer care to use the Webcam that came with it,
but instead use the card for retrieving video from my VHS-C recorder. Did
you have to make any adjustments or configurations in MDK 9.0 after you
installed it for it to work? Does KWinTV work well for video retrieval and


- Original Message -
From: Bryan Tyson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hardware question

On Tuesday 05 November 2002 16:25, Anne wrote:

 I have been using a usb gizmo under windows to capture stills from an
 analogue video camera.  There's no chance, I think, of getting a
 Linux driver for this, so I wonder what next.

I have connected a camera to the composite input of my Hauppage WinTV
and grabbed stills using KWinTV.

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] X not shutting down cleanly

2002-11-05 Per discussione tim lentowitz

i have lm 8.2 and set it up for run level 5, medium security.  for one of my 
user id's whenever I log out the system just hangs.  the only thing that 
works to get the system to respond is ctrl-alt-f1, then i have a logon 
again, su to root, then reboot the machine (because if i try to do startx it 
tells me an x session is still running).

if i log on as other users things are fine.  i log on.  i log off. back to 
the graphical log on screen as expected.


Surf the Web without missing calls! Get MSN Broadband.  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] lm 8.2 boot configuration

2002-11-05 Per discussione tim lentowitz

in the boot section of the mandrake control center i can choose to have the 
machine auto logon, what user id to use, and have kde be invoked as the 
window manager.

problem:  one of my user id's doesn't show up (and wouldn't you know it that 
is the one i want to use since it is the one that exits cleanly when i log 

thx in advance.

Choose an Internet access plan right for you -- try MSN! 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] scanimage error

2002-11-05 Per discussione Pilagá
El Mar 05 Nov 2002 19:53, escribió:
 thanks for the info.
 Which distro you are using now. I don't have /dev/parport0. I have mdk9. I
 installed scanner using control center. I edited dll.conf and also
 umax_pp.conf for port 0x378 as I didn't have /dev/parport0. Then I did
 rpm -e sane-backends-1.0.8 and compiled src 1.0.9. Now it works as root.
 How to get /dev/parport.

I'm sorry, but I can't go beyond. My Astra 2000 is dead, and I can't check it 
under MDK 9.0. As I said, some time ago work very fine with MDK 8.2. But feel 
free to write to Stef, a very good guy that help me a lot.


GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
9:44pm up 34 min, 2 users, load average: 0.03, 0.10, 0.08

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] 9.0 Shipped

2002-11-05 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 06:01 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Just got the boxed set of ML 9.0 today. Just as the Mandrake Store said,
 they started shipping end of October first of November. Shipping label
 dated 31 Oct recieved 5 Nov Dublin Ireland to Omaha Nebraska, 6 days, not
 bad will reinstall on the test machine tonight. Oh, I got the Power Pack
 Edition. Fun! Watch the mail, kids.

Thanks for the heads up.
-- cmg

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] anacron

2002-11-05 Per discussione Noah Hicks
Ok thanks Derek, that helps my understanding alot.  I got that line in 
crontab.  It shouldn't be as much of a problem.  I wonder if anyone could 
make this program run in smaller parts over the course of a whole day.  
Wouldn't that make it much more inconspicuous on the system?
oh well thanks for the tips

On Tuesday 05 November 2002 14:16, Derek Jennings wrote:
 You can see the daily jobs in /etc/cron.daily

 Whenever you install an RPM which needs 'maintenance' a file gets dropped
 in here for the daily processing.

 For example logrotate  will compress your old logs and delete the oldest
 entries. It will cause a bit of hard drive activity, but not a vast amount
 (unless you have big logs)

 The weekly job slocate.cron will cause a lot of harddrive activity, because
 it compiles a database of every file on your hard drive for use by the
 slocate command. (If you have it installed)

 The daily msec job is checking on the file permissions of all your system
 files, so that could cause a bit of activity.

 If you find the daily job annoying, why not set it to run at a more
 convenient time?
 It is only a matter of editing the /etc/crontab file.
 For instance in this line

 56 10 * * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.daily

 All the scripts in location /etc/cron.daily are scheduled to run at 10:56
 every day

 If you want a nice GUI to setup cron jobs, then there is one in webmin.


 On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:15 pm, Noah Hicks wrote:
  Well the only problem I'm having is that when it's running, it slows the
  system down.  There's a lot of HD activity and the programs I'm running
  slow down significatly.  This can last for a good 3-4 min.  I find it
  kind of irritating.  Seems like it only does it once a day though.  I'm
  just running a laptop for webbrowsing, word processing and data analysis
  with a few simple console apps.  How high do my security settings need to
  Thanks for helping me figure this out
  BTW is there something wrong with the list server?  I got your reply but
  I didn't get my own message.
  On Tuesday 05 November 2002 11:24, Derek Jennings wrote:
   If you stop anacron/cron then your system will not be able to perform
   essential maintenance.
   Your log files will fill up up to infinity, your temporary files will
   not be erased, and your system will not perform any security checks.
   What is the problem with having it running?
   On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 7:20 am, Noah Hicks wrote:
I need to know how to get anacron to stop running as often as it
seems to be. I have found the task file in the /etc dir but I can't
see how to modify it and the man page is hard for me to understand. 
Could anyone tell me how to do this?  Unless there is some task I
need it to do, I would like to get it to cease completely.  Can I
just remove the cron.daily and cron.weekly files? This is what I have
[noahlocalhost etc]$ cat anacrontab
# /etc/anacrontab: configuration file for anacron
# See anacron(8) and anacrontab(5) for details.
# These entries are useful for a Mandrake system.
1   5   cron.daily  run-parts /etc/cron.daily
7   10  cron.weekly run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
30  15  cron.monthlyrun-parts /etc/cron.monthly

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] 9.0 Shipped

2002-11-05 Per discussione walt

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Carroll Grigsby
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.0 Shipped

On Tuesday 05 November 2002 06:01 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Just got the boxed set of ML 9.0 today. Just as the Mandrake Store
 they started shipping end of October first of November. Shipping label
 dated 31 Oct recieved 5 Nov Dublin Ireland to Omaha Nebraska, 6 days,
 bad will reinstall on the test machine tonight. Oh, I got the Power
 Edition. Fun! Watch the mail, kids.

Anyone know when it will hit the stores in the USA Don't know why I
would want to buy it though, can't get 9.0 to install on my computer
anyway..have a conflict that I can't find...have no problems with 8.2.
Tried installing redhat 8.0 and the installation stopped at the same
point and redhat support gave me some ideas on how to get it to install
including doing a web search to see if anyone else had the same
problems. LOL (so useful) I love mandrake and have been following each
build in anticipation of it being my only OS but alas, winxp has to stay


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] 9.0 Shipped

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 12:24, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 November 2002 06:01 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  Just got the boxed set of ML 9.0 today. Just as the Mandrake Store said,
  they started shipping end of October first of November. Shipping label
  dated 31 Oct recieved 5 Nov Dublin Ireland to Omaha Nebraska, 6 days, not
  bad will reinstall on the test machine tonight. Oh, I got the Power Pack
  Edition. Fun! Watch the mail, kids.
 Thanks for the heads up.
 -- cmg
Dang...and to think that I got my MDK 9.0 on Monday...(for $9.80AUD
along with my APC mag from the newsagents)...is Australia really that
far ahead of the rest of the world? (g)


Wed Nov  6 12:45:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

I've been there.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] 9.0 Shipped

2002-11-05 Per discussione ET

 Anyone know when it will hit the stores in the USA Don't know why I
 would want to buy it though, can't get 9.0 to install on my computer
 anyway..have a conflict that I can't find...have no problems with 8.2.
 Tried installing redhat 8.0 and the installation stopped at the same
 point and redhat support gave me some ideas on how to get it to install
 including doing a web search to see if anyone else had the same
 problems. LOL (so useful) I love mandrake and have been following each
 build in anticipation of it being my only OS but alas, winxp has to stay

so if you tell us here and what the error was, maybe we could help? what 
have you done so far to find the conflict?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] 9.0 Shipped

2002-11-05 Per discussione Trevor Rhodes
 Dang...and to think that I got my MDK 9.0 on Monday...(for $9.80AUD
 along with my APC mag from the newsagents)...is Australia really that
 far ahead of the rest of the world? (g)

Haven't you noticed that at times when installing it will ask for the 3rd CD, 
the internationl one?  That you don't have?  And neither do I, as the third 
CD that comes with the mag is not the third CD it's asking for.  I'd rather 
have the full version as this one is just a stopgap measure.  Nice though. 


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Re: [newbie] wine

2002-11-05 Per discussione Trevor Rhodes
 When I received errors like that, it was because I was trying to run a
 program via WINE from a directory that wasn't mapped in WINE.  In other
 words, you're trying to run a program in directory A, but there is no Drive
 mapping in the WINE config file for directory A.

I'm having trouble getting one program to work.  It's called Homecook from 
Mountain Software.  It's the last thing keeping me with M$ on a second 
machine.  If someone can tell me how to get that working under Wine I'd be 


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Re: [newbie] wine

2002-11-05 Per discussione jbarron201
That is the same reason I  ask I have a cad I need,this
weekend some of the guys in our local LUG want to try it
in Crossover Office. 
Joe Barron
  When I received errors like that, it was because I was trying to run a
  program via WINE from a directory that wasn't mapped in WINE.  In other
  words, you're trying to run a program in directory A, but there is no Drive
  mapping in the WINE config file for directory A.
 I'm having trouble getting one program to work.  It's called Homecook from 
 Mountain Software.  It's the last thing keeping me with M$ on a second 
 machine.  If someone can tell me how to get that working under Wine I'd be 
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] 9.0 Shipped

2002-11-05 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 13:13, Trevor Rhodes wrote:
 Haven't you noticed that at times when installing it will ask for the 3rd CD, 
 the internationl one?  That you don't have?  And neither do I, as the third 
 CD that comes with the mag is not the third CD it's asking for.  I'd rather 
 have the full version as this one is just a stopgap measure.  Nice though. 
Well, ya know, being an ex-Yank, I figgered that I'd stick to
yank-English - so the International stuff didn't mean much to me...but
I would like to get the SOURCE CD...which I'm hoping a mate will d/l
for me and burn...overall, though, being that I get APC all the time
anyways, it was a nice addition to the package...so I won't whinge too
much about it...if I don't like it, I can delete the VM and load
something else! (Nice thing about VMWare!)
Wed Nov  6 13:40:01 EST 2002

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Television is now so desperately hungry for material that it is scraping
the top of the barrel.
-- Gore Vidal

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RE: [newbie] 9.0 Shipped

2002-11-05 Per discussione Franki
I have that as well,

but thats ok, I had already gotten the download edition, and it has the 3rd

why don't you just download it its only 450mb, you got the two big 700mb
ones with the mag.

even on dialup, 450mb is only a couple of days



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Trevor Rhodes
Sent: Wednesday, 6 November 2002 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.0 Shipped

 Dang...and to think that I got my MDK 9.0 on Monday...(for $9.80AUD
 along with my APC mag from the newsagents)...is Australia really that
 far ahead of the rest of the world? (g)

Haven't you noticed that at times when installing it will ask for the 3rd
the internationl one?  That you don't have?  And neither do I, as the third
CD that comes with the mag is not the third CD it's asking for.  I'd rather
have the full version as this one is just a stopgap measure.  Nice though.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Hardware question

2002-11-05 Per discussione Bryan Tyson
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 19:53, Technoslick wrote:

 I have a Bt848KPF video capture card that came with my 3Com
 BigPicture Vidcam. I did a little research on it and found that the
 Brooktree chipset on the card is very compatible under Linux. I can
 see on the card that it was made by Hauppage. I no longer care to use
 the Webcam that came with it, but instead use the card for retrieving
 video from my VHS-C recorder. Did you have to make any adjustments or
 configurations in MDK 9.0 after you installed it for it to work? Does
 KWinTV work well for video retrieval and editing?

I am still on Mandrake 8.1, but I did not need to do anything special to 
view my camcorder on KWinTV. I would say this program is OK for 
creating video clips if you don't need sound. I have only been able to 
record silent video clips with KWinTV, despite the presence of a video 
+ audio option. KWinTV cannot be used for video editing as far as I 

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Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] M9.0 / Grip V 3.0.1

2002-11-05 Per discussione John Richard Smith
bascule wrote:

the word 'you' and a ? are missing, the sentence below is a question not a 


On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 7:36 pm, bascule wrote:

are talking about cddb - looking the info up from a net database, or
cd-text which is info actually on the cd, your description fits the lookup
over the net of cddb info


On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:28 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

Don't need to, do I , the info is there on the disc to be read by grip
it chooses to do so,which usually is on startup or fresh disc entry.First
you get track1, track2, track3 etc etc , then a moment or two later
it says something like , track1, artist joe blogs, title when I get up
in the Morning.



It's read from the disc.

Here is one read by grip v2.98.6 from a commercially bought disc ,
not a copy,with no internet involved.


John Richard Smith

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