Subject: Re: LET'S CONTINUE W. THE COMMENTS!! (Was: No more PUG comments - My thoughts...)

2001-05-06 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

I agree too.

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Fairy is unsubscribing...(for a little while)

2001-05-06 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hi folks,

Just a quick note to say adios! For those of you that don't know, we are
moving house over the next couple of weeks and my hubby has already left to
start his job in our new town (which is 15 hours drive away), so guess who
is left to do all the packing/moving/cleaning etc. while still trying to
keep my photographic appointments, oh, and there is this little matter of a
couple of kids that need looking after tooSo anyways, due to my PDML
addiction, I will be unsubscribing (TEMPORARILY) so that I can pack up my PC
and concentrate on other things for a bit.  I will be arriving in our new
house on the 21st of the month, so will be back at about this time.  I
wasn't going to unsubscribe, but just didn't want to come back online and
find 3000 PDML messages waiting in my Inbox.  Anyways, I will submit to the
gallery this month as I have a really good idea for the Architecture
subject and I may just go and shoot it this afternoon.

As for my take on the comments to the PUG, I feel that we should definitely
keep them in some way, shape or form, but that we should just be a little
more subtle about how we give what would be perceived as the negative
aspects of  a shot.

I would also like to thank Adelheid for the comments on EyeSpy.  My dog is
so big that he is an easy model.  He is too lazy to be running off anywhere
too fast!

So please feel free to email me off-list to stay in touch, but I will only
be checking my email once every couple of days, so please don't be annoyed
if immediate replies aren't forthcoming.  I will lurk around PDML until
tonight if anyone else has something they need me to know or would just like
to say Au Revoir



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Subject: PUG Commentary, Gary L. Murphy

2001-05-04 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Paul Stenquist wrote:

It's not just two countries that this photo depicts,
it is, realistically, two worlds. I find that an intriguing
thought.Overall, a very nice rendering of a somewhat conventional scene.

I agree totally with Paul's comments, I loved this shot!


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Subject: Re: Gerald's crass comment....

2001-05-04 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Treena wrote:

I ... respectfully disagree. I took that comment in a humorous manner as
way of making a point. Reminds me of a rather colorful relative, actually. I
basically got a chuckle out of it and went on. There's been worse posted on
the PDML, and I'm sure in the future I'll be responsible for some of it. :)
I didn't really have a problem with it.

Fair enough, Treena! :-)  I guess it was the context that really annoyed me
mostI just don't us to be made to feel like this is a boys club as
photography already generally is in everyday life.  Sure sexist jokes can be
funny, but really do we all need to be reminded about this type of stuff
here?  .Ah, anyways, I don't want to digress even further here, and
it is late in these parts so I won't go into it any more, let's just agree
to disagree and leave it at thatUs girls gotta stick together you know!
heehee ;-)

Chris wrote:

I'll have you know that that is an extremely rude and insensitive
comment.  I know a lot of very polite and friendly drunks who talk about
non-sexual subjects.  So there!

Really? Not in this hemisphere! If you can even find a drunk that CAN talk
in the pubs in outback Australia (where I am so lucky to be located), he/she
will be doing one of a number of things:

1.  Trying to bum a cigarette from you or asking you for a dollar to add to
the one he/she already has so as to buy another beer.

2. Talking about football or saying show us yer tits!, wanna root?
(Aussie colloquialisms, not my words!)

3.  Grabbing said tits or getting a handful of arse.

Needless to say, I don't go to the pub much these days


Gerald wrote:

Fairy, I truly am sorry you were offended by my

H(in my best impersonation of my mother voice): You are forgiven,
JUST this once! ;-)

Seriously, Tanya, you are right about one thing, this isn't a pub (though
the blood alcohol content of some posters might lead one to think that), but
at the same time this is also not a monastery.  And certainly I hope you
don't think my comment was directed at you personally or as any general
attack on females.  

Of course I know this place is not a monastery Gerald, I mean geez, I have
had people emailing me asking what colour sarong I am wearing on any given
I also know that you were not directing that comment towards me or as a
attack on females and that it was meant as tongue-in-cheek.  I just felt
that it was
used out of context and was something that was totally unnecessary.  I mean
we are trying to put a point across about respecting each other and
peoples' feelings when a comment such as that is posted?!? (And I did say WE
there are more than just myself who are posting on my side of the fence -
Tom C,
for example).

It is you, not we, who is talking about tact and consideration on this
thread.  I started this thread as a defense of not needing to care much
about tact and consideration with PUG comments.  After having read other's
viewpoints on it, I still hold the same opinion.  Certainly some folks are
more graceful with criticism than others, but that shouldn't mean the blunt
person's thoughts are no less valid than yours, their character no more a
target of attack than yours, and their right to speak openly and freely no
more impugnable than yours.

I do not know WHERE the idea that I feel that my thoughts are more valid
somebody elses just because I may choose to endow them with a little tact
have possibly been conveyed.  I have never, and will never lay claim to such
a fact.
Actually , I feel that MY offering a genuine technical critique of anyone's
work would
be TOTALLY invalid, as I am too inexperienced and lacking in technical
knowledge to
offer anything that they probably wouldn't already know, and probably better
than I.
I have never alluded that Shel's comments (or anybody elses for that matter)
were less valid
than mine, that he deserves an attack of character more than I would or that
he has less of
a right to speak freely than I do.  I am totally dumbfounded by the thought.
Shel obviously
has many years of training and experience and his comments would obviously
be taken very
seriously and with deep consideration, and this is my point exactly.  He is
obviously well
respected and as such, being just a little more subtle,would ensure that he
is continued to be
and that people do welcome his thoughts and appreciate his taking the time
to partake in sharing his
knowledge with them. He has the opportunity to pass on his great eye and
talent in a way
that truly can inspire and encourage people rather than deflate and
discourage them,
I just don't see why it is so hard to do this. I'd be truly honoured and
humbled to be in
such a position.

Aaack, what's a little water under the bridge, hope we can all be friends
again after all is said
and done here! (*smiles sweetly through her eyelashes, as the introduction
of Louis Armstrong's
What A Wonderful World plays 

Subject: Re: Gerald's crass comment....

2001-05-04 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Gerald also wrote:

I am probably as far as a man can be from being a disgusting pig.  This is
most offensive character attack I have ever experienced here.  And it was
uncalled for.

Sorry Gerald, I forgot to respond to this in my last post.  I just wanted to
point out that I did not say that you WERE a disgusting pig- I said that
you were acting like one when you posted that comment and there is a big
difference!  Although from the description that Shel wrote, I gotta
wonder ;-)


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Subject: Re: Subject: Re: About PUG Commentaries

2001-05-04 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Stan wrote:

Yes Tanya - I wasn't very clear in my comments, but in a back-handed way it
was complimentary. I agree with Mark's comments (which I alluded to) about
the marvelous shot you had on your page recently. ...

Thanks Stan, MUCH appreciated!!

If you are so blessed as to
be able to produce such a wonderful image, why denigrate it? No work
involved you say? Just luck you say? Nonsense.
I will grant that sometimes people get lucky. But people who seem to be
consistently lucky probably have something else going for them, like talent.
It wasn't luck that had you recognize the moment, that caused you to compose
and frame the shot the way you did, that led you to pick that frame from
among the 35 others on the roll, . . .

You and Shel both seem to belong to the old Puritan School of Photography
and Life: if you don't work hard for what you get, then what you get is
nothing but a gift from the devil! You must work! {Corollary: if you use an
auto-focus lens, a built-in light meter, a motor drive, and/or color film
processed by someone else then you haven't worked hard enough to deserve a
good image.}

Point taken, I just sometimes feel that with so much yet to learn, I don't
know that I could honestly view anything I have thus far produced as a true
work of art.  I guess I will soon learn to accept thse things as time
progresses and I thankyou for trying to teach me!

(who REALLY needs some sleep now!)

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Subject: Re: Subject: PUG comments

2001-05-03 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Albano said:

Thanks for your comment...

You're most very welcome!!

And I suppose you enjoyed all the great kid's photography available in this
month's pug...

Oh, of course I did!  I just realised that I didn't include any of the kids
shots (except for Bill Robb's) in my list of favourites that I posted
here, however, I have to say that they are all great.  Even though I failed
to mention them,  all of these shots have of course received considerable
viewing from me as I am always studying other people's approaches to child
portraiture to try and gauge things from another's perspective.  I too,
particularly like the Doctor's Office - how cute! 8-)


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Subject: RE: About PUG Commentaries

2001-05-03 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Bucky wrote:

I agree with you that honest critique is healthy and useful.  Rude
however, is not.  It is a trivial task to convey useful feedback without
being contemptuous (This is just a typical, amateurish photograph,
something just barely worthy of a beginner photographer).

All hail Bucky! Somebody finally gets my point!  Of course we should only
offer honest critiques, there is no use in just trying to plump egos here,
but rude critique is simply not justified.

In his critique Shel said something along the lines of This is just a
typical, amateurish photograph,
something just barely worthy of a beginner photographer.  In subsequent
postings, he elaborated on this a little which put that particular comment a
little better into context for me, however, I don't understand why it would
have been so difficult to simply state, from the beginning, something like
this This is just a typical, amateurish photograph, something just barely
worthy of a beginner photographer.  I happen to know that John is an
experienced photographer, who I believe is capable of producing an image
which shows a greater level of technical expertise and emotion, blah, blah.
He would still have been honest, and constructive, and encouraging whilst
giving a critique that is relevant to the particular photographer and
without coming across as seeming so harsh and inconsiderate to some.

By the same token, if I were to submit a shot of a horse jumping, and
knowing that you all know that my experience and passion is with
portraiture/fashion, I would expect something along the lines of  Fairy has
tried to expand her expertise by trying a subject that is completely foreign
to her, as such this shot in particular could have several improvements
which would assist it in looking both more professional and in having more
impact to the viewer.  Perhaps a sharper focus on the horse, a more even
exposure (especially the background) and overall a little more dramatic
lighting to increase dimension, rather than that shot by fairy is such
total crap, I don't like it, the horse is out of focus, the background is
overexposed, and overall it is just flat and well, boring.

Of course, we are not always familiar with the particular photographer's
line of experience, and so in cases like this it would be much easier not to
assume anything and just attempt to be at least pleasant about a critique eg
personally, I don't feel shots of horses jumping, however, this is a
totally subjective thing.  I would however like to suggest a couple of
improvements.  One could be to place the horse in sharper focus, secondly to
bracket the shot to ensure the correct exposure (particularly when the
background is so bright) and thirdly to attent to shoot from a different
angle to achieve greater dimension to the shot through different lighting.
I would however, like to comment that the composition is fantastic and the
timing is great, and that this was a great effort by the photographer in a
difficult situation and with a difficult subject.

BTW, my above example of a horse jumping was only used as it is about as far
away as I could imagine a subject to be from my usual stuff.  Please no one
who has posted horse jumping photos here or previously, be offended or feel
that I am using them as an example!!

It's just a basic grasp of grammar really.  As someone has already pointed
out, we don't have body language to rely on over the internet and as such, I
believe that we should take special care to phrase our words to prevent us
from being misconstrued or taken out of contextnow have I made myself
clear? ;-)

hehein saying all of this, I don't feel that we need to sugar coat
everything, just offer honest and constructive comments while being a little
considerate of the fact that the picture wouldn't have been submitted by the
photographer if he/she didn't feel that it had some type of merit or felt
some type of excitement about the shot.

And just remember that just because we personally don't like something, this
doesn't mean that it is crap.  God, I have seen people pay gazillions of
dollars for a dot on a page that my 3 year old could have painted and yet
critics have called them amazing, fantastic, inspiration works of art etc.

Just something more to think about


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Gerald's crass comment....

2001-05-03 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Gerald wrote:

I would rather my friends tell it to me straight.  No sugar coating it for
me.  If I want someone to always tell me nice things regardless of the
facts, I'll hire her for a night.

Ok, Gerald, how about this thenI think that is quite possibly one of
the most offensive remarks I have ever seen posted on PDML.  I am not a
feminist or an easily offended person, but seeing that we are talking about
TACT and CONSIDERATION on this thread, I feel that you would do quite well
to employ some yourself, and perhaps take a couple of lessons about on how
NOT to sound like a disgusting pig as well

fairy. 8-(
(who could never be hired for a night or even a minute for that matter,
and who will no longer be contributing to any other comments made my Gerald
until he formally and publicly apologises for making such a sexist,
patronising and distasteful remark...

PS I am not the only female contributor here, but fear that I will become
just that if people continue to make such crass and unnecessary comments.
Just because we are talking about Pub atmospheres here, doesn't mean we can
all start talking like a bunch of drunks

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Subject: Re: About PUG Commentaries

2001-05-03 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Stan wrote:

1. One part of the criticism I saw quoted was to the effect that it is
harder to take pictures like this that show peoples faces. Implied judgment
that harder is better. In this Shel is joining Tanya in a very strange world
view that equates quality of outcome to effort required. Remember Tanya's
reaction to Mark's positive judgment of her one portrait? He said: you
could charge $500 for that one image . . ., she said Oh, but I just took
that, it didn't take any time at all! So what Shel? So what Tanya? I will
judge the image by what it does for me, thank you very much, not by what you
did or didn't do to put it in front of me. 

Urrrm, thanks, Stan, I think?!?  I guess I'll take that as a compliment (and
a wake up call) hehe8-)


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Subject: Re: temperature range of MZ-5N (OT)

2001-05-02 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Todd wrote:

- -10 to 0 degrees C isn't even cold.  The camera will be fine.

It's cold enough for me!  There's no use if my camera's work, but my fingers
are frozen!  Just for the record (and totally off topic, sorry!), in my town
the coldest is has gotten in the past ten years is 3 degrees Celcius!  Now
snow 'round these parts!  It is officially autumn now, and last night it
got down to a freezing 19 degrees Celcius, with a top expected today of 32
degrees.  Needless to say, I hate the cold!!

Frank, good luck in Nepal, I'll be thinking of you while I am sitting here
sweltering under the airconditioner or lying around in the pool!


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Subject: Re: SMC-FA 1.4/50 vs. 1.7/50

2001-05-01 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

John Mustarde wrote:

But, unfortunately I never got the A electrical contacts back into
place, so now my A 50/1.7 is an M 50/1.7.

John, would you mind explaining to me the difference between the M and the
A? (I have an A)...


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Subject: RE: Agfa APX 25

2001-04-30 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

"Well, you're 
not supposed to eat it with a spoon,silly. IMNSHO little beats a scrape of 
Vegemite on hotbuttered wholemeal toast. And I am not an 
Aussie...""I suggest that you leave the vegemite to the 
true Aussies unless you have depressed nasal and taste 
senses. It's a little like eating hoisin sauce straight from the 

Hi everyone, I 
am still around! I just had to comment on this cause it is so funny. 
So many non-Aussies (and especially Americans) think that vegemite can be eaten 
like peanut butter. But the opposite is true, and to be a vegemite 
conoisseur is a true artform! As Jody said, if you place anymore than a 
"scrape" of it on your toast, you will end up gasping for breath! But add 
a little scrape of vegemite to thick hot toast made on really fresh bread and 
dripping with about 6 inches of melted butter (no comments about cholesterol, 
thanks!) and YUMMY! NOTHING beats it - except maybe the other aussie 
tradition ofa vegemite and cheesesanga (sandwich)or a steamy 
hot meat pie and tomato sauce!

Actually, it is 
almost breakfast time for me now, and it is vegemite toast day today (well, 
actually it is everyday, and it's also the only thing that my kids will eat for 
breakfast too!)


Help for James...

2001-04-23 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hi guys,

I know that I shouldn't do this due to Netiquette 
and all, but I received the following email from a new member who is having 
problems (again) with his PDML subscription. I tried to forward it to the "help" 
email address but it rejected, so I'll post it here in the hope that someone 
"who knows" will see it and give this poor guy some assistance:

"- Original Message - From: "jmadams" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 4:48 
AMSubject: Help Hello Tanya, Sorry to bother you, 
but I'm desperately trying to find out why I am not seing any of 
the dozens of posts I sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
over the past two weeks.  My main PC died, and after two 
days trying tp build a new one I remembered I had set up my 
laptop for email/internet access for my trip to Japan.  
Anyway I have tried to find out who runs the list, and emailed Chris 
Brogden yesterday, but he has not replied. I did find that my 
mail settings had been changed from plain text to HTML. I know 
the Vancouver Linux User Group (VanLUG) list, I belong to, 
rejects the later, but at least notifies you automatically so you can 
fix it.  If you know who is in charge of the list, 
please can you forward this and ask if I am being blocked from osting to 
the list.  Cheers James"

Thanks guys and 

Subject: Portrait Book Recomendation (specially for Tanya)

2001-04-23 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Albano wrote:

Hi, gang.
I started reading the book Outdoor and Location Portrait Photography by
Great book for everybody interested in portrait photography, with lots of
It has a lot of tips for people wishing to start as a pro photographer too,
I think it can be very usefull for Tanya, regarding her new project.
Believe me, it's worth a look.

Thanks for this Albano, I'll see if I can get my hands on it!

BTW, I just realised that I send my last email (the one about helping James)
as html, so I am begging for your collective forgiveness.  I 'm not worthy,
I'm not worthy, please forgive me, oh, wise ones.



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Help for James...

2001-04-23 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer


if you are reading this, I keep getting all of the emails I send to you back
with an error message that says recipients mailbox size has exceeded
storage quota.

Maybe you should phone your server, this could be where your troubles


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Subject: Re: KMP lens of the week [2]

2001-04-22 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Petit Miam wrote:

So no married people then?  ;)

Hey, that's what I wrote a couple of days ago!  Must be the Aussie/NZ
link...we even think alike!


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Subject: Tanya's photo adventures

2001-04-20 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Bob wrote:

"I just wanted to say how much I've been enjoying reading the posts from =
Tanya about her portrait ventures, and the various responses from other =
members. This is in part because I'm starting off my own portrait =
business here in Oregon, though not with quite as much verve (I don't =
have either the stomach or time right now to book 20+ sittings in =

Hope you'll keep us all posted on your progress."

Hi Bob, and thanks for posting this.  I was just about to post an "update"
when I read your message, so here goes...

Firstly, somebody mentioned that I should be considering income tax.  For
those who don't know, in Australia we have what is called the "tax free
threshold" which means that you can earn $6500 per year before you have to
pay any tax.  This "venture" with the day care centres/eistedford/bookings
in my home town, will see me with earnings of about $9,000 by the late
May/early June.  Of this, after expenses, I will find myself with about
$3500-$4000.  Now, as this is going to be "a business" per say, and as you
have all seen my "shopping list", you will realise that I will effectively
be making "zilch" from all of this as every cent is going straight back into
equipment "for the business".  Total amount of tax to be paidZERO.  Of
course, if things continue this way, that will change as I won't be
continually spending that much on equipment/expenses (especially once I have
my printer/scanner, my profit margin will increase as I will have less lab
costs, and I will be buying my film in bulk soon too, so that is another
cost to be reduced).  So, before you all go worrying that I'll be dragged
off to the slammer by some big mean tax man, I assure you that I know my way
around these things.  I used to model and then had my own agency, so I am no
stranger to being self-employed.

Ok, so today I took another three bookings, bringing my total up to 14.
This is only from the one centre though.  It won't be until this coming
Monday that we kick things off with the second day care centre.  So, what
this means is that, booking wise, I have almost reach the quota that I set
myself for this particular centre, with the second lot starting to come in
(hopefully) next week.  At this stage, I am not even beginning to think
about the Eistedford or the bookings my Mum keeps making for me down there
(even though I asked her to stop, all of these people who knew me "way back
when" keep saying, "Wow, Tanya's coming home? What she's doing photography?
Really, she's that good? (this is my Mum we're talking about here, she's
probably making them think that I've won a Pullitzer Prize or something!)
Well, make sure you keep an appointment spare for me.  etc, etc."   So you
guys thought that my town was small with a population of 24,000?  Well,
guess how many are in my Mum's town (called Clermont, FYI)? All of 1500
And guess what else?  My Mum is a nurse, so she can (and has) told me just
who is pregnant in town and who is due before I get down there, "just to
make sure I don't miss anyone".  The only thing that seems to be forgetting
is that I am only there for like 8 days, and it WAS supposed to be a
holiday.  Looks like she's gonna have her hands full looking after my boys
for that entire 8 days - well, at least she will if she doesn't stop
bragging about me and start keeping her "motherly pride" to herself.

Ok, so here's the thing, my first bookings are next weekend, while my hubby
is home for his 4 days off.  I have booked myself out completely for each
and everyone of those 4 days, beginning at 8 in the morning through to 7 in
the evening (ie. 4 x 2 hour sessions per day, allowing an hour in between
for delays, eating etc).  What this means is that I have 6 days to get
organised and to sew my little butt off cause I have got costume ideas
bursting out everywhere and I really need to get them to fruition before I
lose my motivation (I get into these "modes" about 2 or 3 times a year where
my mind just goes into overdrive and ideas just pop out everywhere, luckily
this time I have a practical and hopefully, profitable outlet for these
ideas).  I have been making grass skirts, togas, ponchos, fairy wings, even
Adam and Eve costumes!

So, I guess what I am saying is this; I will be taking a little hiatus from
PDML for a bit so that I can focus on making this thing work.  I really need
to put all of my energies into it (rather than sitting in front of a pc all
day) to ensure that I am a) organised b) prepared and c) organised...oh, and
did I mention organised?

I will still be lurking, and will of course drop an occasional line to say
hi and to let you all know that I'm still around,  how things are going with
it all, and of course, you all will be my lifeline when anything goes wrong
with my gear! But until this first lot of bookings is over (about a
fortnight away from now), I'm going to be pretty flat out.

I am aiming for 50 bookings to be booked, paid for and shot by mid June, and

Subject: KMP lens of the week [2]

2001-04-19 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Boz wrote:

"Just a few additions. My intention is to 
gather comments by single peopleand write a summary..."

Does this mean that married people can't submit their 
comments? ;-)


My shopping list...

2001-04-18 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Ok, everyone, I have spent the last four or five days in front of this box
going over dpi and resolutions and print/scan speeds and bits, and
usb/parallel/scsi etc, etc.  Finally, I *think* I have come to a decision.

But firstly, for all of you Aussie lurkers - anyone who is looking to buy
the cheapest peripheral equipment in Australia should go to .  The prices listed here have proven without fail to
outprice every retailer I have contacted, even the likes of Harvey Norman
etc, usually by at least $30-$40 and they only charge $15 delivery to
anywhere in Aus.  You can buy online, and they have every single model/brand
listed that I have wanted to look at.  Needless to say, it is where I will
be buying my major stuff from.

Ok, so my Day Care Centre venture has seemingly taken on a life of its own,
and I am already nearing my quota of 20 bookings per Centre (I am working
with two centres in two towns).  I am totally overwhelmed by this, I have
only advertised the "promotion" since Monday at both locations and I am
already in possession of 11 $25 booking deposits!  I also have 10 sittings
booked for the last week of May when I visit my Mum in my home town and have
had to ask her not to take any more!  Then today, I had a phone call from a
lady who is the President of the local Eistedford Committee who said she had
"heard about me" and offered me the position as the "official photographer"
for the regional Eistedford the week prior to me going to visit my mum (an
Eistedford is where kids with all sorts of talents - dancers, choirs, poets,
etc all get together to display their art and also compete with each other).
This Eistedford runs for 10 days and has over 32 schools taking part and is
a really big deal in our town.  I will not be paid for taking the
photographs, but of course will sell the prints! Yay, I am just thinking
of all those mums that want to buy shots of their little girl's first time
on stage in a tutu!

So anyways, in view of all of this I am going to be hiring a nanny for my
kids and working my butt off (and believe me, my butt could do with it after
sitting here in front of this pc so much lately, hehe.).  In return for all
of this, after all of my expenses have been covered (nanny, film processing,
travel etc), and also allowing for "extras" that always seem to rear their
ugly heads (such as cameras that like to sky dive over cliff-faces)and after
squeezing a really good discount out of the local lab, I should find myself
with a clear profit of $3700 in my hot little hand!  (I won't even go into
the logistics of how many hours I will be working to do this, my head is
spinning just thinking about it).  So with respect to this $3700, here is my
shopping list for the next two months (it will take about this long before I
see all of the $$$):

1. Epson Stylus Photo 1290 $860
2. Canon CanonScan N640P SFlatbed Scanner $130
(I am buying this as an upgrade to the CanoScan FB630P that I already have
and love and will be giving to my mum
when I get my new stuff).
3. HP Photosmart S20 Film Scanner $800
4. Pentax SMC-FA 100m/3.5 Macro $400
(sorry guys, just can't stretch it to afford the 100/2.8)
5. Pentax 500 FTZ Flash $600
6. A CD Burner of some description approx. $500
7. Lighbox $100
8. Darkroom stuff for doing my bw negs $100
(chemicals, daylight tank  squeedgee tongs)
9. Spare Cartridges for Printer $150
10. A3 Photopaper $ 100
11. A4 Photopaper $50
12. New Camera bag of some description
13. A manicure/pedicure and facial. (I'll need it after all of the work I'll
be putting in and all the nails I'll break while loading/unloading film! No
joke, this IS an industry hazard!)

And lastly but definitely not least, I will also be able to pay the generous
PDML'er who sent me my ME Super!!!

Yay, I am in seventh heaven, (and yep, I know that I have alot
of work ahead of me, but I THRIVE under pressure..)

God, I am SUCH a girl.  I just LOVE to shop! (even if it is for things that
most would consider to be "boys toys"! )

fairy. 8-)

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Subject: Re: My shopping list...

2001-04-18 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Guys and gals, I am going to reply to all of your responses thus far, in
this one message, so please bare with me...

Paul Stenquist wrote:

"Everything sounds great -- except those squeegee tongs."

Thanks Paul, I have had this comment from a few people and am happy to
dispense with this item from my list!  After all, if I wanted scratched
negs, I'd just take them to the lab...:-)

Colin Brendemuehl wrote:

" Check out the pricing on a Microtek ScanMaker 5.
With Tranny adapter built in, and a price close
to the flatbed/film scanner pair you have,
it's at least worth the look.  Less real estate
on your desk as well.

Also, how about the manual focus A100/2.8 for 1/2 the price!"

Thanks Colin, I just looked up this scanner on the Microtek website, it is
listed as $1149!  That is waaay out of my league, don't forget that the
prices I quoted are in Australian Dollars! US$1149 is like AUD$2300!  I
have, however looked into a number of different flatbeds and have generally
decided against them, room on my desktop is not an issue, so I am going to
stick with the small flatbed that I have chosen and put most of my $$$ into
a dedicated film/negative scanner.

In regards to the FA 100mm/3.5 lens, there are a couple of reasons that I
have chosen this lens in particular.  Most importantly, it is for the macro
capabilities, second most-importantly is the Autofocus, I also like this
particular focal length and at this price, this is the fastest lens that
combines all of these things in the one lens, and at an affordable price.
While I am preferring to shoot manual focus at present, there are times
(such as when the little girls are dancing around in their tutus on stage),
that Auto Focus would be preferred.  It is also a good length for the kids
portraits that I've been shooting and the AF will also help when I am trying
to get them to sit still enough to take the shot.  I also want another macro
lens, but with the type of work that is coming up for me, I probably won't
have much chance to use it.  I do favour closeup macro shots of kids hands
and feet though, and it is plenty fast enough for macro, it would be rare
that I would shoot wider than 3.5 (you tend to lose sharpness after that and
besides, most of the shot would be out of focus)...

Colin, thanks again for your advice...

Kevin Thornsberry wrote:

"Have you considered shooting all color film and doing a conversion to BW
in the computer on those images which look best that way?"

I have Kevin, but sort of considered this to be "cheating" to an extent.
What does everybody else think about this?

Robert Harris wrote:

"The AF500FTZ flash may not be ideal at this time. It is designed for
TTL auto use with the latest Pentax bodies. It works only in manual mode
with older cameras (such as MEs). ..."

Robert, the AF500FTZ is for use with my two AF bodies (PZ-20 and MZ-50).  I
already have a little flash for the ME Super (an AF160) which, is TTL,
btw).  I have looked into many of the models you have suggested but have
found the 500FTZ to be the best value for money and to have the most
features (I can't wait to try out some different effects with the
stroboscopic flash etc).

Robert also wrote:

"2)  I assume that Australia has the equivalent of our "Murphy's Law" --
...I urge you to get a second camera body and a second
flash. (Also, have extra cables if you use flash off camera, etc., not
to mention carrying lots of spare batteries for camera and flash.)"

Robert, I have three bodies, always carry at least one spare set of
batteries for each, and
also have an Achiever 630AF flash which will act as a "backup" to the
AF500FTZ, if need be.
I am also going to buy a little Sigma 430FT next week (which is only
US$100), and which I had
been planning to buy before any of this stuff came up.  I think that I will
then be suitably "enabled" and
prepared for any failures as they arrive.  Later on, I intend to replace the
PZ-1P that I recently lost,
so if anyone will be selling theirs to finance the purchase of an MZ-S,
please let me know! ;-)

"3)  Since little Susie may be moving across the stage, it may be
difficult to frame every shot well  with prime lenses, which means you
may have to do some serious cropping for prints.  You may want to at
least consider having a zoom with you on the job -- although fast ones
are very expensive while slow ones make shooting by available light more

I have two zoom lenses, both pretty slow, but will be useful for a situation
just as you described above.  They are
Pentax SMC-A 70-210/f4, and an Autofocus Sigma 35-80/f4-5.6 which came on my
PZ-20 body.  I am also
hoping that the Pentax SMC-FA 100mm/3.5 (or 2.8 if I can afford it) macro,
that I am intending to purchase, will
also help me here.  I know that it is not a zoom, but it is a good focal
length and the Autofocus will be a big plus here.

"4) This probably does not need to be said, but I will say it anyway.
Since you will be getting new equipment for these 

Bad grammar, sorry...

2001-04-18 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Uuugh! I just reread my last post to do with my "shopping list" and noticed
that I wrote this sentence:

"Most importantly, it is for the macro
capabilities, second most-importantly is the Autofocus, I also like this
particular focal length and at this price, this is the fastest lens that
combines all of these things in the one lens, and at an affordable price."

That is an incredibly embarrassing example of my grammatical skills, in tune
with the "gobbledy-gook" that one of the other PDML'ers aplogised for the
other day.

Of course, it should read;

Most importantly, it is for the macro capabilities, and just as paramount is
the Autofocus.  I also like this particular focal length and at this price,
this is the fastest lens available that has the combination of all of these


(who I assure you, does have some level of literacy skills)...

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Subject: Re: US Copyright law

2001-04-17 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hey guys, I just wanted to add something that I discovered about Australian
Copyright law today.  It is from the Copyright Council Website, but it has
frames and is a pain to give a URL to so I will just paste some of it here.
What I have discovered is extremely worrying, particularly for me in my
small town.  It is NOT standard practice in our town (or other similar towns
in the region), to ask clients to sign a contract or a model release, and I
have often heard complaints from many and bad reports about those
photographers who require it.  However, after reading this info.  I will be
requiring that anybody who "commissions" me to take their portrait or to
shoot their wedding etc. WILL have to sign a document of some description.
It will probably be something similar to the one that Tom R posted.  But
anyways, this is what it says:

This first part is directed to the CLIENT in regards to pictures they have
purchased or commissioned:

"For photographs, the general rule is that the first owner of copyright in a
work is the photographer. However, if
you paid a photographer to take a photograph before 30 July 1998, you would
be the first owner of copyright,
unless you agreed otherwise with the photographer. It is not necessary that
such an agreement be in writing if it
was made before the photograph was taken. For photographs taken after 30
July 1998, the photographer is the first owner of copyright in commissioned
photographs. However, if you commissioned a photograph for a 'private or
domestic purpose' after that date, you would be the first owner of
copyright, unless you agreed otherwise with the photographer. 'Private or
domestic purpose' includes family portraits and wedding

And this:

"If you are the owner of copyright in a photograph, then, generally, you are
the only person entitled to make
copies of the photograph - for example, by making new prints from a
negative, making colour photocopies or
scanning into computer memory. However, if, prior to the taking of the
photograph, you tell a photographer about
the purpose of the photograph, or if the purpose is understood from the
circumstances, then the photographer may be able to prevent you using the
photograph for other purposes. For example, if a photographer agrees to take
photograph for publication in a magazine, he or she may be entitled to
prevent the photograph being used on
posters even though the client is the owner of copyright.

I have paid for a photograph - am I entitled to the negative?
Ownership of a negative or transparency is determined by general property
law and not copyright law. The owner
of a negative will usually be the person who paid for the film on which the
negative image appears. If the
photographer is the owner of the negative, he or she is unlikely to be
obliged to give it to you, even if you are
the owner of copyright in the image. Again, you may need to check your
agreement with the photographer.
If you are the owner of copyright, you may make copies from prints in your
possession if you are unable to get
access to the negatives. On the other hand, a photographer may own the
negative but is not thereby entitled to
make prints for display in the studio or for any other purpose without your
In some situations a person may have possession of prints or film without
being the owner. For example, a
photographer may charge a client for materials but retain possession of the
negatives. In this situation, the
client may be the owner of the negatives, and the photographer may be a
"bailee" with a duty to keep the
client's property safe. The client may be entitled to request return of his
or her property at any time and the
photographer may be obliged to return it if requested.
How can I get extra copies where there is a copyright notice on the back of
photograph and the photographer has long since gone out of business?
If you own the copyright in the photograph, you may get copies made even if
a copyright notice with the
photographer's name is on the back of the photograph.
If you do not own the copyright, you will need permission from the copyright
owner. This may be an individual
photographer, or it may be a company. If an individual photographer is the
copyright owner, but no longer
operating the same business, you may be able to track him or her through a
professional organisation such as the
Australian Institute of Professional Photography. If copyright was owned by
a company, and the company has
gone out of business, you may be able to get information from the Australian
Securities and Investments
Commission about what happened to the company's assets (which include
Does the photographer have the right to charge for subsequent prints made
from the
You will need to check your agreement with the photographer, and what the
photographer agreed to do in return
for the fee you paid. If the photographer agreed to take certain photographs
and supply you with one set of

Subject: Re: US Copyright law

2001-04-17 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Just a bit more to add to my last post about copyright  The document also
says the following;

"For photographs taken after 30 July 1998, the first owner of copyright in
photographs taken for "private or
domestic purposes" (e.g.; wedding photographs) is the client, unless the
photographer and client agree otherwise.
However, the photographer is the first owner of copyright in photographs
taken after 30 July 1998 for all other
purposes (e.g.:commercial shots), unless the photographer and client
otherwise agree. If you were commissioned to take photographs for a wedding,
or any other private or domestic use, your client will own copyright unless
you reached an agreement to the contrary. This means that your client, as
the copyright owner, has the right to reproduce the photographs whether from
negatives, prints or proofs."

"There is no system of registration for copyright protection in Australia.
Copyright protection does not depend upon
publication, a copyright notice, or any other procedure - protection is free
and automatic."

blah, blah, blah...

Wedding photographers in Australia beware!  And ALWAYS have them sign some
sort of contract...


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Subject: Re: (Was: Fairy pics) (no sexual innuendo)

2001-04-16 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Tom R wrote:

"Of course, if you get a bad rep, you will have a hard time,
especially in a small town."

My point exactly! But things seem to be going ok so far!



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Subject: Re: Off Topic, but....What is the lowdown on Printers and Scanners?

2001-04-16 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

To all who have replied so far, just wanted to keep you posted.  I am really
thinking that I will be going for the Epson Stylus Photo 1290 for the
printer.  I just can't get past some of the great comments I have seen, and
the idea of being able to put an A3 sized print on my wall that I have
created of my kids, really gets me there...Oh, yeah, that's right this stuff
is supposed to be for business - so I'll rephrase that last comment; the
idea of being able to put an A3 sized print in my portfolio of a portrait I
have shot etc

For the scanner, I am really trying to decide if a full on neg scanner is
worth it for me.  The CanoScan D660U is just so hard to go past at only $275
and I can't see me needing any more than the 1200x1200 dpi res. that it
offers.  A new alternative that I am considering though is the HP Photo S20
(2400dpi) that I just discovered before reading a post from another PDML'er
recommending it to me.  I can get one for around au$800, so when compared
with the CanoScan FS2710s (2720 dpi) at $1350, it is a pretty hot contender.

Ok, so thankyou for all of your replies thus far.  Already, there have been
too many on and off list for me to reply individually, so I will just post
regularly to keep you all updated on how my research is progressing in
relation to your responses.

Thanks again, now I'm off to sleep, it's after 1am here


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Subject: RE: Off Topic, but....What is the lowdown on Printers and Scanners?

2001-04-16 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Actually peoples, one more thing, before I hit the hay.  I just discovered
that the HP Photo S20 scanner lists in its specs that while it has a
scanning resolution of 2400dpi for negs, it only has 36-bit colour depth as
compared with the 1200x1200dpi scanning resolution and 42-bit colour depth
of the CanoScan D660U.  Does anybody have enough technical knowledge to be
able to compare the differences that the 36-bit vs 42-bit would offer?  How
does 1200x1200 dpi compare with a res. which is listed just as 2400dpi?

Phew, I am gonna be a scanner guru when I get through all of this


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Subject: OT newbie tripod question

2001-04-16 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Haha! I responded to that last post before I read this:

"Oops. Could I be thinking of Bogen/Manfrotto's latest Convertible? I just
reread the price Tanya paid, and it seems rather low for the model I saw."

I think you are probably right there Paul as I wasn't aware that it could do
this, would be cool if it could though


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Subject: OT newbie tripod question

2001-04-16 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Paul Stregevsky wrote:

"To me, one of its most attractive features is its
off-the-shelf ability for its center post to be quickly reconfigured as a
horizontal macro arm."

Paul, I didn't know it could do this, any idea how to go about it?


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Vs: Manners ( Was: Fairy pics)

2001-04-15 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Raimo wrote:

"OK, Lasse, I admit that was a bit over the top - but I do not like half of
the PDML bandwith being used by one poster - reminds me of one Gregory long
time ago..."

Raimo, why is it that you have chosen to attack Jody and not myself?  If you
had been observing PDML over the past week or so, you would have noticed
that the majority of postings have been by ME or about questions that I hav
asked or in regards to topics that were posted, yep, by little 'ole ME.  So
much so, that I even apologised to the PDML on-list at one point for taking
up so much bandwidth... a point btw, that nobody else seems to mind.

" It really is not mandatory to reply to each and every mail..."

This is called common courtesy Raimo,  a skill that you do not appear to
have mastered, but one which seemingly come naturally to Jody.

"When you call me "an asshole and a coward"..."

He is telling the truth

One more thing that it may pay for you to consider is the fact that Jody,
myself and a number of other posters are in the SOUTHERN Hemisphere.  We do
not receive the digest/postings during our work hours as many of you
northerners do.  The emails pile up in our inboxes while we are SLEEPING, so
it makes sense for us to read them during the day and then post responses to
them chronologically.  I have noticed (as you would have if you had OPENED
YOUR EYES), that frequently Jody, myself, Rob Studdert and a number of
others who post from Australia and New Zealand follow a similar pattern, and
will go for 2-3 digests (I subscribe to the digested form of PDML)  without
posting any responses and then post a "bulk" number of responses to those
topics that they are involved with or interested in, one after the other

"All the best!"

Is this a joke, considering what you have been posting lately?


PS I suspect that somebody is suffering male PMS.

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Aperture Question...

2001-04-14 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hey everyone, just a quick question before hubby kicks me off the

This may seem like a totally dumb question, but please remember that
everything I know about photography I have taught myself, so you can expect
that I will have missed a few things here and there.

At  a BBQ on Friday night (don't say it, I know BBQ = meat = very naughty
for Good Friday, but I'm a vego anyways, so kids ate sausages
though. hehe)...  Anyways, at a BBQ on Friday night, a woman and I were
talking about photography and she claimed that she had this friend who was
an "expert" on landscape photography, which I basically know ZILCH about.
She claimed that his number one tip was to shoot EVERYTHING in landscape
photography at f22 to ensure maximum depth of field.  Ok, so here is my
question, (and please forgive me if I am wway off track here), but when
you are shooting, say a lake, or a beach scene at 6.30 at night and you need
more light, doesn't it make sense to shoot as wide open as possible?  The
lady I spoke to argued the point of depth of field with me, but unless I am
rally mistaken, I thought that the theory behind a lens which focuses at
"infinity" meant that after your subject is a certain distance away from the
lens (eg. 8 metres on my Vivitar 28/2) the focusing switches to infinity
which basically means that everything is in focus anyways?  I mean, if that
is not the case, than what is the use of having a "fast lens" when only a
miniscule amount of your shot will be in focus?

I am sure that I sound really backward and totally clueless to even very
basic photography rules on this, but if her friend is truly an "expert" then
wouldn't he be correct in his f22 theory?  And if he is, can somebody please
elaborate on this for me, cause I have definitely lost the plot

Oh, btw, Merry Easter!! (Well, some people say "Happy Christmas" you know!)


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Subject: Re: My decision...

2001-04-13 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Jon Hope wrote:

"If you are paying the above prices for re-prints anywhere in Australia you
are paying way too much. Take as an example a pro lab here in Perth, Mirage
Photographics ( who have the following prices for

6x4 $1.00
7x5 $2.40
14x11   $12.00
20x16   $23.00

If your local mini-lab is charging above this then you are getting ripped
off. :-) Time to find a pro-lab with reasonable prices."

John, thankyou so much for this information!  Being in Mt Isa, it becomes
very easy to "settle" for what is on offer close to home (we are extremely
isolated).  I have researched a variety of QLD labs and their prices have
never been more than 1 or 2 dollars cheaper than here, so I never worried
about it considering postage and time delays etc.  The lab here charges the
following prices:

4x6$1.00 (less if there is more than 10)
6x8$5.95 (yep, same as 5x7, as apparently they "use the same paper".
8x10  $12.95
8x12  $29.95
11x14 (I'm not game enough to ask!)

Mirage photo in Subiaco has just found itself a new customer!  (btw, I used
to live in Subiaco!)


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My decision...

2001-04-12 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Ok, firstly everybody THANK-YOU so much for your insightful, informative and
detailed replies.  I am glad to see that this topic has progressed into a
full-scale discussion that can be useful for many others on the list, as
well as myself.

Thankyou also to those of you who have offered encouragement and also praise
of my work on  I am not naive or stupid enough to consider
anything I have produced to be faultless or even anything much more than
amateur in its appearance, but judging by your responses,  and those of the
kids' parents that I have worked with, I must be doing at least SOMEthing

It is now at a point where it is physically impossible for me to reply to
you all individually.  There has been such an overwhelming number of
responses and posts on this topic that I just don't have the time, and with
my poor neglected hubby being home, I'd soon be divorced if I even attempted
it! ;-)

So I will summarise by saying that I have read EACH and EVERY response and
analysed them all to the "nth degree"  in a bid to come to a decision about
how I should approach any prospective "clients" and in what direction I
should take as far as photographing for payment is concerned.

I have tried to come up with a situation that will allow me to make some
money, will allow me to keep my creative control, will be value for money
for the client, will provide the client with portraits that are soulful,
thought-provoking and very personal, will not jeopardise the standing of
other photographers in town, is in line with what others in town charge, AND
will offer me promotion and experience and a chance to add to my portfolio.
I have considered all of your suggestions of "sales", discounts, donations,
etc, etc and I have devised a plan of attack, which should in theory,
provide all of the above as well as satisfy you lot as well.  It is a
combination of a number of the ideas input through your suggestions on PDML
and will work in conjunction with fundraising efforts with my son's day-care

I will be offering each parent a special "Exclusive" priced sitting (which
must be booked and paid through the day-care centre) of $250, while
stressing that payment via cash or cheque must be paid on the day of the
shoot or prior (to emphasise the importance of the "special" price).  For
this, I will spend 2 hours with each child at their choice of location/s
(petrol/travel is not an issue as it only takes 10 mins to drive from one
side of town to the other, and I mean from boundary to boundary here, no
exaggeration, that is how small this town is!)  I will shoot 3 rolls - 2 x
24 exp colour, 1 x 36 exp bw.  The child/children/family can make use of my
props/costumes etc or they can wear what they already have (this will be
discussed in an initial meeting with the parents so that I know "what I am
in for" and can make alternative suggestions to ensure that I have the input
and the outcome that I want from the photographs).  They will receive
(included in the $250); a single set of all prints (except for the crap ones
that I will - and always do - ditch before they see them), so about  70-80
shots in all, printed at 5x7 size.  For an extra $75 they may have an 8 x 10
enlargement that is framed in a handmade, rustic style frame in their choice
of coloured stain (these are beautifully constructed, high quality frames
that a friend of mine is going to produce for next to nothing in a bid to
promote his "rustic" furniture business).  Of course, any other
enlargements/reprints will be subject to cost plus a small mark-up on my
behalf (probably 25% to 50%-ish).  I am also looking into bulk-buying a
number of basic albums to present the shots to the clients in and for them
to keep.

In return for their support and assistance in promoting me/my work, I will
be "donating" $25 from each sitting to the day-care centre.  They jumped at
the chance when I offered it to them as they are constantly fundraising to
try and make ends meet. When I said to them, "we only need 20 sittings and
you have $500 in your pocket", without any effort on your behalf, they were
extremely excited.  There are over 70 kids enrolled in the centre, so 20
sittings should not be too out of reach. I will earn about $2500 after
expenses, a total of about $60 per hour (about 40-45 hours shooting time),
not including the work I put in at home on props/costumes/backdrops etc,
which I would be more than happy with. I may also be able to increase my
profit margin by approaching the lab that I use and striking up a deal for
the processing and film since I will be purchasing large amounts (eg. about
40 rolls coloured film - probably Fuji reala 100, 20 rolls bw - Kodak
TCN-400, plus 5x7 printing (doubles, I'll keep one set for myself) of all of
these films).  This shouldn't be hard as they already offer me a discount
cause I give them so much business.

I look at it like this,  if I can book at least 20 sittings like this, I
will then have enough money to 

Subject: 'mint' SMC-K 24/2.8 with 150$ BIN on ebay!

2001-04-11 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Daphne wrote:

"looks good
why do these always show up *after* I buy an expensiv-er lens"

Daphne, that would be because of a stupid little irk called "Murphy's Law",
and it sucks, don't it!?!



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Fairy pics

2001-04-11 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Doug F wrote:

"The two have radically different audiences, success criteria, and
control principles. If they ever meet, it's dumb luck at worst and
serendipity at best. The odds are that they never meet. The best
scenario I can imagine is where they meet only at the cash register.
That way, you're "art" stays pure and your bank account stays full. :-)"

Exactly Doug.  It is a merger that I am really putting a lot of effort into
making work.  If it ever comes to a point where I have to sacrifice my
creative control or my artistic input to please a "client" or to make some
money, lets just say that this whole thing will once again become a hobby.
I really love what I am doing and I know too many pro photographers who have
warned me against becoming "pro" because the love of what you are doing fast
becomes overshadowed by the need to please the customer and by how much they
are paying you.  I can say right now that this won't be happening to me,
no-way, no-how

Integrity is much more important to me than $$$.  Basically, I only want to
earn enough so that my poor hubby doesn't have to work an entire week just
to buy me a certain lens or flash that I feel I "need"...


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Fairy pics

2001-04-11 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Ken Archer wrote:

"Do you
really want to be known as the woman here in town that takes great
pictures, gives great service and she is CHEAP?"

Ken, I am not sure why it was your comment in particular that hit home with
me, but I just had something else come to mind;  on many occasions, I have
had people say to me (about many things, not just photography)  "geez, that
is s expensive, but it's worth the money".  I guess this is the point
that you guys are all trying to make to me here, and that this is the way I
should be thinking.  I just need to gain the confidence and the trust in
myself to believe that what I am doing IS "worth the money".  Hopefully, in
time this will come.

However, (now please don't attack me for being naive or over-sensitive
here), as most of you know, I have alot of stuff posted on  NONE
of my stuff has ever received a critique rating of above 4 or 5 on that
site, I have this guy here in town (yep, the one hour guy again,) who
constantly looks at my stuff and picks it to pieces without ever having
anything nice to say, and I also have a good friend in Toronto who is s
talented and yet living on the bones of his arse cause he can't get any
work.  I am entering some competitions later this month (locally/regionally)
and I am hoping that should I find any success with these, it will be a
little reassurance that I do have "what it takes".  I know, I know, I
shouldn't rely on these sort of things for determining my "market value"
(hehe, sorry, that was a really bad joke from Temptation Island if any of
you watched it), but I just need to be sure that I can stand out from others
in my own right.  Parents are easy to please, as long as their kids look
good, they don't care about the technical stuff, but I just want to be sure
that I am doing at least some of the technical stuff correctly too.  I
haven't had anyone teach me anything or "mentor" me face to face, I have
learnt everything I know from books and the internet over the passed 9
months or so, and I guess this is where I get my insecurities from.

Sorry, rambling, yet again


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Subject: Re[2]: suggested student cameras?

2001-04-11 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Alin Flaider wrote:

"Put a K/M lens on MZ-M and you get center weighted meter. Switch to
  manual mode and the bar graph it appears in the viewfinder is more
  accurate and more suggestive than any match needle.
  And please don't tell me a student has to cock the shutter in order
  to get a grasp on photography basics..."

I agree totally with Alin  here.  I learnt everything that I know to date
from starting with an MZ-50.  You don't need to have a camera that is all
manual, just so long as you use it AS a manual camera. ie. no AF and only
use it "metered manual mode".  This is what I have done, while at the same
time, also being able to use its more automatic functions to your advantage
eg. AF when shooting kids.  Personally, I do feel though, that I purchased
and tried to master my PZ-1p too early on.  It was totally mind boggling to
a beginner, and I think that my recent loss may have in fact been a blessing
in disguise to a certain point as it has now forced to learn, in depth, just
what my other cameras are capable of doing.

On another side of the coin though, the ME Super that I now have will prove
beneficial particularly for long exposures (due to its lower battery usage),
cost (again due to lower battery usage  wy cheaper batteries) and also
the fact that there is less electronically that can go wrong with it
(cheaper and fewer repairs - hopefully).  And besides, I think that it is
kind of fun to "cock the shutter"...

BTW, I was watching Arena last night.  On "Destination Style" (a show that
features a different fashion shoot and photographer each week), I was most
pleasantly surprised (and shocked) to see that the pro photographer who was
featured, and who, I might add was a very talented woman, was using an ME
Super and what appeared to me to be a SMC-A 50mm lens!  Her resulting shots
were fabulous to say the least, and it was really cool to see her manually
"cocking" (there has GOT to be a better word for this "action" btw) the
shutter between shots, especially when she was shooting incredibly fast!
That is a talent in itself...


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Subject: Re: Fairy pics

2001-04-11 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Tom V wrote:

"This guy is obviously an ass."

True, I agree that he is, but he is also a rich one who is making lots of
$$$ from this town by being just that

BTW, I have FINALLY gotten through reading/replying to all of the
digestsI am yet to respond to those who communicated to me off-list,
however, I think it is time to give me kids a bit of attention.  You "kids"
can have me back in a couple of hours when the other two go down for their

Thanks again to EVERYBODY who gave advice, a response or told of a personal
experience with respect to my questions.  Be ware, I will be asking some
stuff about copyright a bit later on...



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Subject: Re: Fairy pics

2001-04-11 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

David Chernicoff wrote:

"The mild ones are the
stories about customers who come in to complain that the color photocopy
enlargements they did themselves of the 5x7 they bought (not wanting to
spring for 8x10) doesn't look good."

I really don't think I want to hear about the not-so-mild to hot stories
It is stories like these that remind me what a sad, sad world it is that we
occupy...  It also brings up the point of copyright that I wanted to ask
about.  I am guessing that in light of my "transition" into the world of
child portraiture, I should at least "invest" in some sort of mechanism for
marking my shots with copyright information.  Can you guys offer suggestions
as to the best way to do this? ie. a sticker/stamp on the back etc? And how
should this information be phrased?  What information should be included?

I'd better look into some sort of "business name" too, perhaps I'll call it
"Fairygirl's Frames". hehe...


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Fairy pics

2001-04-11 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Oops, almost forgot, David also said:

"Who would have lent you an LX body until you were back on your metaphorical
feet, if you lived a tad closer."

Remember what I said earlier about the internet "closing geographical
boundaries"? *wink*

No, seriously though, I have had many offers since the PZ-1P for assistance
to becoming "re-enabled", ranging from clearcut donations, to extremely
cheap offers of sales, to outright "you can borrow this for as long as you
like"...  So thankyou to everyone who did this (or even thought of doing
it), you are all very generous and I must say, TRUSTING people -
particularly the PDML'er who did send me his ME Super in good faith that I
would pay him "when I can afford it"...


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Fairy pics

2001-04-11 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Tom C wrote:

"You know it's rather interesting... I detect that our group has become
somewhat protective and mother-hennish about one of our new members."

This is kind of ironic, as anybody who knows me in day to day life always
looks at
me as the "mothering" one and also one who is extremely "protective" of
those I consider
to be my friends.  I am surprised that you have been able to detect my
"accent" though
(this is amusing to me, as it is you guys that I consider to have the
"accent"), I guess maybe
my spelling of "arse" gave it away.  (Not exactly a "lady-like" word to use

"I don't know if it's because she has a delightful writing style replete
foreign accent, if it's because she's shown a few photos of herself  (OK,
how many times did each of you guys go back to her page about the roll of
Fuji running through the camera in about 15 seconds..."

Ok, so enough, "feathering fairy's ego".

In a bid to get this back on topic and before I am aprehended by the
band-width police,
I will post some more shots of myself in a sec, but they do HAVE a
Pentax-related purpose,
as you will soon see.  (And they are also really crappy photos to boot...)

"I hope her husband is not too jealous though.  He sounds like a pretty nice

BTW, my hubby is a reeeally nice guy, that is why I married him!  He comes
home today for 4 days over
Easter,so I will disappear for the next few days, just in case you all
wondered where I went, I at least owe
him a few days of my attentions...Oh, yeah, and he's an extremely jealous
guy, but an incredibly
selfless one at that, and would never dream of coming between me and my new
found "passion"
(photography). As such, he is happy for me to communicate with whomever,
whenever I need to in a bid
to learn what I need to...(especially if it might make us some money in the
long-run, hehe. He DOESN'T like
me working for "peanuts"...hmmm, sounds kind of like you guys really...)


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Fairy Pics...

2001-04-10 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hi all, well, I have had an incredibly busy past couple of days, I have been
shooting my butt off (no crass remarks, thanks! ;-) )

So I wanted to show you all what I have been up to.  The following link will
take you to my "newest stuff" folder on  The stuff shot this past
weekend begins with and includes the landscape shots.

So, these are my first instalment in the "Fairygirl's Fairy Pics"
archive  Anybody else got some fairy pics?

One more thing, a while back, somebody was asking about various softener
type filters and I suggested the use of pantihose over the lens.  Well, to
show the effect, here are two examples.  The first is with the stocking (I
used white and just tied it straight over my lens), the second is without.
Basically, it just reduces the contrast, and almost "dulls" the shot to an
extent, but I like the effect, particularly when used in a context such as
"fairy" type pics.  Oh yeah, here are the links:

With stocking -

Without -

Both shots taken same camera (PZ-20), same lens (SMC -FA 35-80mm zoom that
came with my PZ-20), same film (TCN 400) same exposure (f4, 1/90 sec),
within about 30 seconds of each other.

BTW, I made the costume (wings, headpiece, tutu, wand) earlier on that
morningaren't I clever! hehe.  Gonna make some adult wings tonight, I'll
post the results...

Anyways, lemme know what you all think...

Oh, yeah, what do you all think of the sunset/landscape shots? They were my
first ever attempt at landscapes, I asked the lab to do as little colour
adjustment as possible and this was the result.  I love the colours
(composition leaves a lot to be desired, I know...), but I think they are ok
for a first attempt  Shot with Reala 100 by the way.

Thanks in advance, and please enjoy...


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Subject: Re: Direct from Chasseur d'Images-translated !!!!!!!!

2001-04-10 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

In regards to this;

My translation is not good !!!
I just want to explain this after reading that some members are still
thinking that CdI Tests are not reliable
And after this mail, I think I will unsuscribe the pdml First, because I
will not have enought time to spend there and also I am fed up with argueing
about reliable tests or not. (As far as I have always readen all the tests
and not the stars only. I do think that saying true helps more Pentax )
Sorry, but even I hope I would be selected for the Pug in a coming future,
it seems that here, I do not find the mud for staying.

See you


Concernant les pentaxistes amricains !
-Amricains, franais ou javanais, les penxistes comme les contaxistes,
leicaistes et qqs autres commencent  me courir sur le haricot, svre !

About US Pentaxists :
I am going to be fed up with American, french or javanish pentaxists or
contaxists or leicaists and others. (the exact expression is very french)

 En effet, quel journal autre que CI, quels journalistes autres que ma
Denis ou GMC ont dfendu avec acharnement le droit de vivre et de prosprer
des marques "secondaires" ? Qui a publi des tests logieux sur les
objectifs Leica ? Sur les botiers Pentax ? Sur les systmes et les
meilleurs objectifs de chaque marque ?

Indeed, CI (CdI) , jurnalists such as me, GMC or Denis always fight with
heart to defend the right to live for "secondary class" Trades, by publing
laudatory tests about Leica Lens, Pentax SLR, and in fact all systems and
best lens and items of each trade , do not we ?

 J'en ai vraiment TRES gros sur la patate de savoir que des gens que je ne
connas pas dans un coin que j'
ignore parlent de moi en mettant en cause mon honntet alors que j'ai tjs
dfendu l'intrt de Pentax bec et ongles, quand la marque tait dfendable
(et videmment critiqu ce qui tait critiquable, c'est mon boulot !).

I feel my soul bleeding by hearing that some people who I do not know from a
country which I do ignore, these people are talking about me and suppecting
my honesty when I always defend with armed hands the Pentax interest when
the trade is defensible. ( and of course, I criticize things that have to
be, because it is the essence of my job !)

Alors, si le fait d'appartenir  une communaut minoritaire vous rend tous
intolrants au point qu'il nous serait interdit d'avoir une opinion
lorsqu'elle est fonde et argumente sur votre marque chrie; si le fait d'
oser une critique en la justifiant par des arguments rationnels et
vrifiables nous fait passer pour des tratres  la cause, je te le dis
net, je prfre que vous lisiez d'autres canards o, au moins, vous serez
peinards. tout le monde il est beau et gentil ds lors qu'il passe de la
pub !

If the fact that belonging to a minor community makes you all intolerant
such as you cannot have a negative opinion for your favorite trade even when
it is due to a real fact or after objectif arguing, if the only fact to dare
to express a review, justified by rationnal and verifiable arguments , if
this only fact leads you to see us as treacherous to Pentax, then I prefer
you to read an other magazine where at last, you will feel relax, because
thanks to commercial, everything will appear perfect and kind !

CI n'est pas le bulletin de liaison de la secte des adorateur de Pentax ni
un parti politique aveugle et sourd ddi  la dfense corporatiste des
intrts d'une minorit, qu'on se le dise !

CdI is not weekly news of the sect of worshippers of Pentax nor a politic
party which is blinkly or deafly dedicated to defending minor community
interests !

Je t'autorise  faire cho  mes remarques, car je tiendrai exactement les
mmes propos en public ! Mais je n'autorise personne  travestir ma pense
en la dformant.

I allow you (Pentaxclover) to echo this notices because this is exactly the
same words I will express in public !
But I allow noone to pervert my thougs by deforming them


I have but one thing to say, and it is.



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Subject: Re: Fairy Pics...

2001-04-10 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Paul Stenquist wrote;

"Hi Fairy,
Some beautiful pictures here. I particularly love the BW of the grouped
flowers, the flower toppling over in the vase, and the baby on the
cloud. (I guess I'm a softy.) Many other good shots as well. Nice work.

Thanks for taking the time to view my pics and to comment, Paul.  Ths shots
that you mentioned are my favourites too.  It is actually quite interesting
as the bw shot of the tulips is quite possibly my MOST favourite pic I have
ever shot, and yet it doesn't tend to draw the attention that the colour
ones do.  I just love the contrast and the way the light falls on the top of
the flowers.  Speaking of light, I forgot to mention that EVERYTHING on that
page was shot with only available light (I only own one flash - a crappy
Achiever 630AF, that doesn't seem to work properly - always seems to
overexpose everything so I rarely use it).  The first group of shots on that
page (the still lifes) are about a month old now, but I have left them there
as collectively, they are still my all time favourites.

I am glad that you enjoyed viewing them and thanks again for commenting.

BTW, for anyone who is interested, I just had a phone call from the mum  of
the two little girls that I shot on the weekend (the little girl dressed as
a fairy is the sister of the one with the coloured flowers around her).  She
was so overjoyed with the results.  She called me a "legend!".  Anyways,
apparently she took them to the childrens day care centre this afternoon and
now has a list of at least 10 other mums that want me to perform some sort
of magic with their kids.  Of course, I am extremely excited by this
prospect (I may actually be able to make some money to buy the new flash
that I need and a decent printeranother PZ-1P would be nice too...) but
at the same time am also extremely nervous at the idea.  I mean, this could
turn into a very large volume of work, and what if the shots I did this past
weekend were just a fluke and I end up stuffing up big time with the next lo
t?  Then my name would be mud in a very small town where I have suddenly
been placed at celebrity status just cause I managed to make this lady's
little girls look cute on film (they already look extremely cute in real
life).  Also, I am a little worried that I will run short of ideas to make
each shoot as individual to the child as possible.  I don't want to become
like these supermarket jobs such as Pixifotos where they do the same setup
with each kid regardless of their personality, take 10 shots (all of them
smiling or laughing) and then say, "next"  I also don't want to be
denigrated to doing cheesy and gimmicky setups with the kids, I'd like to
keep them as natural as possible while still adding some element of
creativity and fun into the shots.  Ok, so I know I am rambling, so I'll
shut it now, but any advice from others who have shot alot of
family/portraits/kids would be greatly appreciated.


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Fairy pics

2001-04-10 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Firstly, thanks Doug for the link and for taking the time to make such a
detailed response to my questions.

There are some cute ideas on that web page, however, I differ slightly with
my view of how to shoot kids than these guys do, as I am planning to only
shoot children with available light and predominantly in natural rather than
studio type settings (at least that's the plan for now, we'll see how long
it lasts for!).  I am really aiming for candid expressions and poses here.

You said: "1.) If your friend with the two daughters showed the shots off at
school and
the other mums want to hire you to do the same for =their= kids, that means
they want you to DO THE SAME FOR THEIR KIDS. They want you to do the same
poses, the same expressions, the =same=. Mums often pay a lot of lip service
to having "different" portraits done of their kids, but most of them
actually fear anything that will make the kids appear different."

I have actually thought about this myself and adopted that very same view.
I am thinking that all of these women will want me to shoot all of their
kids so that the end results are very similar to what the were originally
shown.  I can only hope that this won't happen and that I can truly cater
each shoot specifically to the personality of each child.

Doug also said: "2.) When you hung those wings on the kids, you already
jumped over the
cheesy line, so it's too late for that particular dilemma."

I disagree with this one Doug.  The family of the little "fairy" girl is
almost bordering on being "hippy".  ie they are extremely New Age (hence her
Dad's veggie patch that she was sitting in etc).  They are "for" all things
natural and to do with nature.  It is for this reason that we chose to dress
her as a "flower fairy" - to try and keep within their ideas and beliefs.
She is also a very inquisitive, curious and very "cheeky" little girl and we
thought that this would be a great way to show off those attributes.  It
wasn't simply a case of "hanging a pair of wings on her" to make her look
cute.  For example, if I were to photograph a little girl of the same age
whose parents were much more traditional and straight-laced in their
beliefs, I would perhaps have her sitting in her room playing quietly with
some toys or reading a book etc.  I fully intend to cater each shoot
specifically to the child and his/her family's personalities and beliefs, so
to avoid the "cheese" factor.  Oh, and I REFUSE to sit any kids in picnic
baskets or surround them with teddy bears - uuugh! how unnatural is that?!?

"3.) There's Business, and there's Art. Rarely do they wind up in the same
county, much less on the same shoot. Look at it this way: When you did your
friend's little girls, it was probably as a sort of practice, like, "Hey, I
need to do some fairy photos, mind if I borrow the girls?" In that
situation, the girls are models, there to prop up your Photographs. This is
your Art. Now, when the other mums want you to shoot their kids, those kids
go from being models, or props, to being Subjects. Notice the shift. Now the
photo has to be built to support the subject. This is Business."

I do of course understand this, and this my exact view.  I do  not however,
wish to compromise my creative input and would never go so far as to
shooting something that I didn't like just to please a "client" or in this
case, the kids' parents.  Thus, my approach to use a context for each kid
that will bring out their true personality and nature and beliefs ie.
"support the subject" (to please the parents) while at the same time
injecting my own interpretation of how to do this ie. "prop up my
photographs" (eg. in this case, putting on the fairy wings.).  I must say
though, that I didn't at any time say to this lady "I need to do some fairy
pics do you mind if I borrow your girls".  I instead thought "who do I know
that has a little girl who has the personality to be a "flower fairy", and
who's parents would view this in a personal context, and who would like some
nice shots of their girls?"  BTW, the parents also paid for all film,
processing and my petrol money (they live over 2 hours away), in exchange
for me taking those shots.  I viewed in this instance, my payment as being
able to keep the negs, which I see as my major learning tool in all of this.

"4.) Charge real money. Decide what your prices are and stick with them. If
you give your work away, you'll get a rep as a "cheap" photog, and nobody
will want to pay you a fair price later."

I have decided at this stage to charge au$200 per session (extra for petrol
if there is travel involved).  This includes 3 rolls of film (their choice
of colour, bw or a combination), "double" prints of all shots taken in 6 x
8s, and also all styling/costuming.  I believe this to be fair and just at
this stage in the game.  It allows the parents to receive up to 80 different
shots, with two copies of each at a usable size, with a variety of moods,
and a good mix of bw and 

Subject: Re: Reasonable price for A* 1.8 135mm

2001-04-10 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Paul Stregevsky wrote:

"Close focusing distances for various K-mount 135s:

Vivitar 135/2.8 CF: 1.7 feet (CF = Close Focus)
Pentax 135/2.8F,FA: 2.3 feet
Vivitar 135/2.3: 3 feet
Pentax 135/2.8A: 3.9 feet
Pentax 135/1.8A*:4 feet
Pentax 135/2.5K: 5 feet
Pentax 135/3.5M: 5 feet
Tamron 135/2.5 PK[a}:??? (Tanya? Anyone?)
Vivitar 135/2.5 PK: 5 feet
Zenit 135/1.8 MC
 Fodis-1K   5.2 feet"

My Tamron 135/2.5 PKA Close Focus "officially" focuses at approx. 4 feet or
1.2m, but I just got it down to about 1.0 m.  Geez, I'd love that Vivitar
though, focuses down to 1.7 feet!


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Very OT Subject: RE: Vivitar Series 1 28mm/f2

2001-04-10 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

William Robb wrote:

"We can offer you a bit more entertainement value as well.
By chance, this month's PUG is an open gallery, and you have 10
days to submit an image."

William, I gather that when you say "open gallery" it means that you can
submit something of any subject you wish?  However, I do not know why I am
even asking this question as there is NO way I'll be submitting.  Anything
that I have got to offer would look positively amateur in comparison to the
stuff you guys can do.  Judging in particular from last month's gallery, I
would be totally out of my league if I were to submit anything, and besides,
you have all seen pretty much everything I have ever produced that was half
way decent.

And while, I am quite happy in the improvements I have been making of late,
I hardly think that baby portraits are worthy, from a photographic/technical
viewpoint, of the time it would take for somebody to critique the shot and I
am sure that there are many others more worthy than I of the space that I
would take up on the web page...

Not trying to sound negative here about my apparent "talent" (or lack of
it), just being realistic.  As far as photography goes, I really know very
little and am by far only a crass learner.


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Subject: Re: Fairy pics

2001-04-10 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

John Francis wrote:

"Sounds pretty darn cheap to me!  By the time you work out an hourly
rate (accounting for *all* the time you are there, waiting for kids
to be ready), and adding processing, preparation and book-keeping time,
you're probably working at below minimum wage, and with no allowance
towards the cost of your equipment."

William Robb wrote:

I think you are selling yourself WAY to cheaply.
You should be charging that much per hour, not per shoot.

Guys, my husband agrees with you all 110%, and so do I to an extent.
there are many other factors that I must consider here.  These include but
are NOT
limited to the following;

1.  First and foremost, my lack of experience.  Despite being given the gift
of an "eye"
for photography and generally for "what looks good", I still have a lot to
learn technically,
and as I said before, I still don't trust myself enough to be sure that I
will get ANY good
shots out of 3 rolls, albeit 10 good shots from one roll.  Therefore, I feel
that I must offer
somebody who is willing to pay me at least 3 rolls to ensure that they get
enough shots
to fulfill their needs.

2.  My lack of equipment.  I cannot possibly expect people to pay me good
money when
I can't offer them the "best" technology and procedures around.  (I mean, I
don't even have
a flash that works properly and I don't even have a hand held light meter
(and wouldn't know
how to use one if I did), I have to rely completely on TTL)

3.  Lots of competition.  Due to the fact that this is such a small town, my
competition is many
and varied.  There are frequent travelling setups (like Pixifoto etc) who
come through town.  In
fact there were two lots here just last week.  There are also at least 4 or
5 local "pro" photographers
who have the experience and equipment that I don't, and most of who also
work in the few minilabs
in town so don't have to pay for ANY processing costs and very little for
film.  One such guy that I
know quite well charges only $150 per session for a "studio" sitting (plain
grey backdrop, softbox/strobe
lighting), for about 1-2 rolls of film with all of the 4x6 prints given to
the customer.  He has over 15
years experience (about 15 times what I have), all of the latest equipment
and still only charges this much.
He also manages the Kodak minilab and has no processing/film costs so puts
the 100 bucks straight into
his pocket.  On average, he spends about half an hour with each "client" to
"achieve" the shots that they want.
I personally find his portrait work boring and uninspirational (he is an
incredibly talented landscape photographer though),
and feel that he charges too much (particularly because I know that it
doesn't cost him anything and he spends so
little time and energy with the people), but he still gets many "clients"
and his weekends are booked up for
months in advance.  So, somehow, if I am to make a go of this, I need to
compete with people like this guy.
The only way I know how, (because I don't have the experience or the
equipment), is to try and offer
better "value for money" which in this case means, larger prints, more
prints, more time and energy spent
with the kids.  The mother of the little fairy in the shots I posted earlier
said to me that the thing that really
"got" her about the shots I took was that they have so much "heart", and
that I went to great lengths to consider the
child's and the parents beliefs, personality etc and to cater specifically
to those things rather than just
saying "smile" and then "that's a wrap!".

4.  Because I am only learning here, I consider that being paid "below
minimum wage" is not really an issue.
I am hoping that with this approach, "my time will come" one day, and I will
reap the rewards then by
having the experience to be able to charge top dollar for a service that I
consider to be first class.  As I
said before, my husband disagrees strongly with this, particularly as I
spend alot of time while I am not
shooting preparing, designing and sewing, backdrops, costumes, props etc and
he feels that people don't
appreciate all of the effort that I put in.  But, as I said, I believe that
"my time will come" and that alot of
effort put in now will result in hopefully, one day, me becoming somebody
whose talents are highly sought
after (not at all ambitious, am I?).  And besides, how could I possibly
sleep at night knowing that I had
overcharged somebody when I know that there are others in town that could do
a "better" job than I can.

Bill D. Casselberry wrote:

"I had just read Tanya's original post and was about to say
the same. This sounds almost a give-away. Most destructive
to gainful employment is the double 6x8 prints. Not only are
they surely more expensive than 4x6 *PROOFS!* - they are most
likely sizable enough that enlargment orders will be the exception,
rather than the rule."

I understand this Bill,  but I see it like this - it costs me au$14.95 for a
set of doubles of 4x6 prints from a
roll of 24.  It 

Subject: Australian Release date for MZ-S

2001-04-09 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Paul wrote:

"I thought the Aussies amongst us may be interested to know that the C R =
Kennedy web site has a description of the MZ-S, nothing we don't already =
know, with the release date anticipated as July."

Hey Paul, you beat me to it! I was just about to post that too!


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Subject: RE: Vivitar Series 1 28mm/f2

2001-04-09 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hi Peter,

I am guessing that Stan wrote that last reply prior to reading your comments
about the powerzoom and its affects on mounting that lens, and this is why I
didn't worry to respond (and you did it for me now anyways!).

I am glad that you did provide this info though, as even though I did work
out that it was that "ridge" that was in the way of the lens mounting
correclty, I wasn't aware what the ridge (and power zoom contacts) were for
and might very well have continued to try to mount it, thus damaging my

I have had another very recent acquisition  (last week) of an ME Super
(offered to me by a very generous PDML'er who wish to remains anonymous.
BTW, thanks again, if you are reading this!).  The 28mm works perfectly on
the ME Super and as it turns out, is a wonderful lens which has now found a
permanent home on this body.  As far as extra specs for it go, I have no
idea what else you may need to know?  It has 55mm filters, is a Vivitar
Series 1 f2/28mm prime with "PK" written on its mount and also the following
written on the inner rim of the filter thread "Auto Wide-Angle No.22838226".
Does anybody know what "Auto" means?  I am guessing it has something to do
with "autoexposure" on the relevant bodies?

As for establishing a list of other lenses that are affected by this, I
agree that it would be a good idea.  I am unaware of any others at this
stage, but will receive the Vivitar Series 1 VMC 28-90 f2.8/3.5 macro next
week and will let you know what I discover then.

Right now though, I'm gonna do some scanning and show you all what I've been
up to on the weekend


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Subject: Re: Kodak T400CN

2001-04-06 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

The only bw I have ever shot has been c41 films, and primarily, Kodak
T400CN.  I really like this film however sometimes the "sepia" toning that
it gives can be a leaning a little too much toward the red side of things.
(That could just be my crappy lab though).  On the other hand, stay away
from the Kodak "Select Series" BW (also c41 film).  The labs hate to
process it and say that they can't get an accurate colour balance.
Everytime I have used this film, I get the roll back with some shots looking
like true bw, others sepia, and some even with green and blue tinges, it
can be extremely annoying, but I guess you could use it to your benefit
creatively as well


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Subject: RE: Vivitar Series 1 28mm/f2

2001-04-06 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Peter wrote;

"1. Can't you work any bloody pentax gear? - just kidding."

Uuurm, apparently not!  But that lens is a VIVITAR, so there!! (And I have
it working now, so DOUBLE there!) ;-)

I recently posted a similar issue with my PK Vivitar Series one 70-210 see

There is a large black ridge around the diaphragm control lever on the back
of the lens that is much bigger on my Series 1 than on other K mounts I own.
It catches on a little box in the MZ mount at about 5 O'clock as you look
into the mount cavity. This in turn doesn't allow the lens to go fully home.
If that is what is happening with yours (and it could be different) then
there isn't a solution this time."

This is exactly what is happening!  (and thanks for the link, btw)  I  had
just worked it out and was about to
post about it when I saw your response, however, I also have in my hot
hands a new ME Super that a rather generous PDML'er sent in my general
direction, and the lens works perfectly on it!  So, my plan is to leave it
permanently on the ME Super, and use my other bodies for other stuff.  I
like to thank everybody who offered ideas and advice about this btw, there
way too many for me to respond to you all individually, but I have read what
you all wrote and taken it under advisement...hehehe ;-)

"p.s.  Have you done a still life shot of your smashed PZ1p yet?"

No Peter, unfortunately on the day that I smashed it I was so upset that I
it to this local guy who calls himself a camera repair man.  He basically
in my face when I showed it to him and mumbled something along the lines of
"dumb broad" as I walked out the door!  Anyways, I left the bits and pieces
as I wasn't exactly thinking straight and my kids were hanging out the
windows of
my car telling me to "hurry up, mum".  I went home, posted about it on PDML,
somebody emailed me asking for the parts, so I phoned the guy and told him
to throw them away and that I'd collect them later and lo and behold the
had thrown them to the tip!!! G!  I know where I won't be taking any
camera repairs, that's for sure!  Typical mentallity of people in this town

"p.p.s.  Can you get me an invite to the fashion shoot in NY?  ;-)"

Sure, the more the merrier! Ha! Actually, Chunglee is having trouble getting
in himself
this season, says he has left it too late, so we'll have to wait and see if
he can get in, but
I honestly don't think I'll have the dollars to get over there by September.
Building our
new house is number one priority at the moment, closely followed by Uni.
fees, oh and
there's this little matter of a couple of kids to feed and a mother who is
severely addicted
to buying photographic equipment from this place called Ebay


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Subject: Re: bad processing

2001-04-05 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Ok, so you guys think you've got it bad, well here's my story! (hehe, I love
to tell stories!)...

The city I live in is called Mount Isa, there are just over 20,000 people
here.  There are about 5 chemist/pharmacies in Mt Isa, all offering film
processing/printing, and ALL of whom send their stuff to either Townsville
(12 hours away) or Brisbane (too far away to comprehend, about 20 odd hours,
I think).  There are also two one hour labs.  One is a Kodak lab that is
managed by a friend of mine and who thankfully will cross-process.  Apart
from this fact however, their machine sucks.  No matter how long they spend
adjusting colours (or not adjusting them as I usually request), the colours
are always yucky (for want of a better word!), they are always too busy to
get anything out within 3 days or so despite their "one hour" claims and
they charge $18.95 for a 24 exp roll of 6x4s!!!  The other lab in town is
better, well, it depends on what you call better, I guess.  They do manage
to get your prints out within the hour, the colour is generally good (but I
now stipulate that I want NO colour correction on ANY of  my prints, its
better for me to learn that way anyhow...), they only charge $23.95 per roll
for a DOUBLE set of 6 x 8s.  Sounds good you reckon?  Well, yeah, to an
extent.  However, every single roll I have ever had has had hge pieces
of dust in it (which isn't too bad cause they reprint them for free), my
last lot I had done all had least 1 or 2 "splodges" per print that were a
result of water marks on the negs and EVERY set I have had back has had at
least two or three negs with a huuge scratch right down the centre.  I
actually thought that it was my camera doing this at first,  but took some
shots to the Kodak lab whereby they came back with crappy colour, took ages
and cost a fortune, but didn't have any scratches.

My dilemma is this; over the past week I have been offered my first paying
work - going to a couple of local restaurants and shooting shots of the
patrons to pin on their noticeboards and also to sell.  I have also had a
number of parents approach me about shooting their new born babies after
they've seen some of my stuff floating around in the hands of proud mothers
whose babies I have shot before (friends of mine who I don't charge).  So if
these people are going to actually pay me money to take their photo, I at
least owe it to them to have them printed in a fairly decent manner.  So I
think this is what I am going to do...  For BW I am going to process the
film myself and just have the prints made of the shots that I like (I don't
have an enlarger to do this myself), and for colour, I guess I am going to
have to find a reputable "pro" lab that charges an arm and a leg, to send my
stuff to and hopefully get some better results.  You know my friend in NY,
Chunglee? Well, he offered to hand print everything for me for nothing, just
because he thinks I have what he calls an "artistic gift" and wants the
results to be as true as possible, but I don't trust the mail enough to send
my negs to the other side of the world, I don't want him wasting his time
printing my stuff which looks positively childish next to his, and plus I
shoot sometimes 6 to 7 rolls per week, I could never ask him to do so much.
Next year, when I go to Uni, I will be in Townsville (the bigger city where
most places send their stuff to from here), we will be in our new house with
my very own especially built dark room, AND I will also have access to all
of the University's darkroom facilities, so the problem definitely won't
exist then.  But in the meantime, what's a girl to do..?

hehe. ;-)


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Subject: RE: Ebay Auction...

2001-04-05 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Meelis said:

"Well, I can use my Pentax to photograph a fairy queen? But I can't know,
what kind of magic lens I need for this:( -- This is a really good theme
for Pentax-list."

I for one, agree that this would be a great theme for photographs, I'll see
what I can shoot over the weekend and post 'em on Monday

Anyone else want to join in on the fun?

fairy. 8-)

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Subject: Re: Ebay Auction... - private (very OT!)

2001-04-05 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

I just wanted to let you all know that I just reread my last post on this
topic (which is below) and have the following explanation to make.  I am NOT
illiterate, I CAN spell, and I CAN type, just not that well at four in the
morning (when I wrote this).  It was lucky in fact, that I can touch type,
cause I couldn't see a thing through my extremely heavy eyelids and bleary
eyes (obviously, judging by the amount of errors I made in that post!).

So I am sorry, if any of you once thought that I was actually quite literate
and then were grossly disappointed after reading this:

"Well to let you all know, guess what happened to me today??? I received in
the mail today, from an anonymous sender, a almost new PZ-20 with Sigma
35-70 zoom, still in original packaging!!  I tell ya, I thought all my
Christmases had come at once! There was a small typed note inside that said
"For you to enjoy, you deserveit" (SHOULD BE A SPACE IN THERE), and was
signed "An Admirer".  I didn't know whether to be worried that I may have
had a stalker or just be extremely thankful to whoever my "benefactor"
was!!!  I wanted to tell my hubby about it as I was so excited but chose not
to as he worries insesintly (SIC!) about me, owing (TO THE FACT) that he
works so far away and is only home for a few days out of the month.  As it
turns outthough, (NEEDS A SPACE) it was from my sneaky husband, who ordered
it out of one of my PhotoTrader magazines he had snuck out to workwith  (YET
ANOTHER SPACE NEEDED) him!!  Gotta love him forthinking(HOHUM, ANOTHER

ETC, ETC, BLAH, BLAH, you all get the idea...


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Subject: Re: Ebay Auction... - private

2001-04-04 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Bob wrote:


I think it's a typo...$80 vs $8.

Nothing short of 20 pounds in weight should cost $80 to ship to you.  We
have a US Postal site with a rate calculator.


Tell Goodwill you want them to send it Global Priority Mail for $9.00."

Bob, it was no typo!  They have an account with UPS (United Parcel Service)
where they come and pick the goods up for delivery and this is what they
quoted them, I even went onto their website ( and did the
calculations myself.  The figure I got was actually US$87!

I asked if they would please send it via USPS (US Postal Service), but they
said that they would only do this if I agreed to pay an extra US$20 because
they would have to take it to the post office themselves, so the total came
to $3 packaging, +  $18 postage, + $2 insurance + $20 taking it to the post
office charge = Grand Total of $ 43!!! I think that this is also
unreasonable, and plus it blows out my budget.

I mean really, 20 bucks just to take the thing to the post office?!? Call me
petty here, but I am not paying that!

Anybody have any other suggestions?!?


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Subject: RE: Ebay Auction...

2001-04-04 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Peter wrote:

"Or maybe a US resident PDML member could act as a mailing address for
"fairygirlmeyer" (you wont live that down Tanya) and forward it to Oz at a
more realistic price?"

LOL! Peter, "fairygirl" is my screen name for a modelling forum that I often
post on (yes, I used to model).  It kinda stuck and now it is also my AIM,
MS Instant Messenger and yes, my Ebay screen name!

Well, what can I say.I admit itI LOVE fairies!!! (The type with
wings, before you guys say anything mean!)

Oh and Peter, if you're going to pay out on someone you should at least
spell their name correctly, I'll have you know it's actually
"fairygirlmAyer" and that'll be MRS fairygirlmayer to you;-)



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Subject: RE: Ebay Auction...

2001-04-04 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Len said:

"Huh?  The eBay details say $8 sh, how can that change to $80???"

Yes, Len, my point exactly!  It also says, and I discovered this afterwards,
"seller will post to United States only" but I bidded on this auction
through the Ebay Australia website!  Something is definitely amiss here...


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Pentax SMC-F 50/1.7

2001-04-03 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Does anybody have any comments on or experience with the SMC-F 50/1.7?  I
have checked both Stan's and Boz's and other Pentax sites but cannot find
anything by way of user comments or reviews, only specs.  Any info would be
greatly appreciated and thanks in advance...


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Subject: OT: Long pig, with chewy bits

2001-04-02 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hm, burger, anyone?  I'll have mine medium-rare thanksnot!



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April Fool's Day!

2001-04-01 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

OMG, you guys had me going!  I was seriously thinking, what the heck is
going on here?!?  I mean think of it from my point of view, April Fool's Day
was YESTERDAY in Australia, so here's me thinking that Shel was turning to
APS, and that she didn't "like" me cause I didn't receive one of her emails,
William was switching to Nikon(!), Doug was gonna kick me off the list (and
how on earth would I be able to limit my posts to 2 per week?!?) and that
all of the participants would start to hate each other in a constant attempt
to not be this week's "victim"  Oh, and lastly,  that post from
Yoshihiko Takinami, well that was just plain scary!

I only wish that I could tell all of you the my dead PZ-1P was an April
Fools joke! :-(



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Subject: RTF

2001-03-31 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Anthony Farr wrote:

"Was RTF invented by a battery manufacturer?  IMO the only merit of RTF is
that it's there.  It astounds me that anyone would seriously use one as
their flash unit of choice.  They are too close to the lens and cannot be
used off-camera or bounced.  Even if they could they would be too weak for
bouncing.  What they do well is to spec up the camera and jack up its price.
I wouldn't even consider one as a back-up if my off-camera unit failed,
there'd be another flashgun in my camera trunk (yes I use one of those big
deep aluminium trunks, they carry heaps and make a good seat, work-surface
or substitute stepladder).

The MZ-S would look much more purposeful and professional without that
pissant little RTF on top!  What prospective MZ-S owner wouldn't have the
$$$s for a decent flashgun, or even a crappy one?  What prospective MZ-S
owner would wish to be seen using such an entry level consumer targeted
gadget on an otherwise professional grade tool?

IMnsHO, RTF is about as useful as tits on a bull."

LOL! Anthony, spoken like a true Aussie!  I agree with your view here to a
certain extent.  However, it is only recently that I have started to take
photography seriously and for the first 6 months-ish of owning my MZ-50, I
just ran around like a crazy woman taking snap shots of everything I could
find, usually with the camera on "program" and always using the flash if it
said I needed to.  I now have two flash guns (albeit crappy Achiever ones
that I am hoping to upgrade to a Pentax 500FTZ and a Metz 45cti (I think
that's the correct model) later this year).  So, I do however, think that
having RTF on all camera bodies can be useful for a number of reasons.

a) as a fill flash when shooting candidly outdoors when your baby runs into
a shadow that you weren't anticipating...

b) for candid "family" snaps eg kids opening xmas presents where you don't
want to be lugging around big heavy gear and would prefer to just pick up
your camera and shoot that cute shot.

c) when you are trying to be inconspicuous but need just that little more
"punch" (and don't want to be "punched!)

There are other reasons but those are just a couple off the top of my head.
Also, cameras such as the MZ-50 aren't aimed towards the pro market,  so the
inclusion of RTF is almost essential in its marketing.

I do understand your point about the MZ-S though, but can only imagine that
it has been included for the consumer who wants to have the "top of the
line" camera to brag to his friends about, but is still just a "happy

Anthony also wrote:

"The MZ-S would look much more purposeful and professional without that
pissant little RTF on top!  "

To be honest Anthony, I am not in photography for "appearances" and quite
frankly, I don't give a hoot what my gear looks like.  It could be pink and
green with yellow polkadots and as long as it had the features I needed and
assisted me in taking a good photo, I couldn't care less.



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Subject: I really dont like Hoya HMC filters....... Now

2001-03-31 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Personally, I have never had any problems with Hoya filters, except for
one - the Softener(B).  Personally, rather than just "softening" a shot, I
feel that it makes it look washed out, almost to a point of being
over-exposed.  As a few others mentioned previously, the most tried and true
method of creating a softening or diffusing filter is to wrap nylon stocking
over the lens.  An alternative that I have used and prevents vignetting is
to get a larger piece of the pantihose or tulle, whichever you choose to
use, and stretch it between a craft loop (don't know if that's what its
called but that's what i am calling it!) - one of those circular frames that
women  (and men if they choose! hehe) use to hold their fabric in place for
embroidery.  You can then hold this in front of the lens as you shoot.  Some
of you may not like this idea as it means you need to use both hands
however, I love the flexibility it gives.  Obviously this can only be done
when using a tripod and probably a cable release, so it wouldn't be suited
to every situation, but it has on many occasions allowed me to shoot, one
shot with softener, one shot without, repose the model, shoot again with it,
shoot again without etc.  So as soon as I get the prints back, I can compare
the effect and choose which one I would prefer (ie with softener or
without), rather than look at the prints and think "geez, i wish I'd used a
softener" or "geez, i wish I hadn't used a softener" etc

Hope this helps and at least makes some sense - I know I can be very
long-winded at times! (Typical woman, you see! Well, so my hubby says...)



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Subject: Re: Cokin soft filter in Australia

2001-03-30 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Ted's Camera Stores (you can order online!):

Address/Phone: SYDNEY
254 Pitt St.
Ph: (02) 9264 1687

Also, there is a "contact us" page on their website for email enquiries.

Personally though, I prefer Photocontinental in Brisbane - you can't order
online though, you have to phone them.  But if you do phone order, they
deliver extrmely quickly - I live in Mt Isa and placed an order on
Monday for a Manfrotto tripod and some darkroom acceassories and received it
first thing Wednesday morning.  Totally Amazing!  They are having 50th
Birthday celebration sale at the moment, so you may be able to get some good
deals.  They are also the largest camera retailer/wholesaler in the Southern
Hemisphere so they have pretty good "buying power".  Contact details:

Ph (Brisbane):  07- 3849 4422


Hope these help!


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Subject: Re: OT: Bovine Growth Hormone, Bad Milk Lesions

2001-03-30 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

I have chosen to remain out of this thread, however, in his last post, Juan
Buhler said:

"I have just one thing to say about all these threads: Talk about
MacDonald's makes me hungry. This week, I ate there twice, only
because of all the mentions of McD's here in this list. Now you're
making me want to go for a milkshake."

I just wanted to say that Juan, I hope your medical insurance is up to date,
cause if you keep eating that much Macca's, you are going to be needing
itEver heard of the term "high cholesterol"? ;-)

Personally, as I have mentioned previously, I won't eat meat from Macca's
and will only eat the occasional chicken nugget, however, my kids love it
and we limit their visits to one per fortnight (pay day!) when they view it
as their "treat" for being "good boys"Any more frequent visits than
that, I would definitely view as a health risk though



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Subject: AW: What would you pay for this? Vivitar Series 1, 28-80mm/2.8-3. 5 Macro

2001-03-29 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

To start off the subject line of this is a typo - I meant to say that this
lens was a 28-90mm not a 28-80mm

Bernd, thankyou so much for your advice, I just wanted to check that what
you have said applies to the 28-90mm Macro, and not a similar 28-80mm as I
just realised that I made a typing error in the subject line of this post...


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Subject: Re: Jonesing for a photo fix (not shopping related)

2001-03-28 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

on 3/27/01 9:48 PM, Kevin Thornsberry at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I get the following:
- --
Webshots Community Error
A problem has been detected.

You do not appear to be the owner of this album.
Make sure you are logged in.
- --

Oh well.


I got the same thing,

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Subject: Re: Camera lens balance

2001-03-28 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 20:58:17 -0800, Alan Chan wrote:

"I think it has so much to do with the size and shape of the body rather
the weight when talking about balance. For instances, the MZ-M is too small
for the A70-210/4, but handles a lot better with the FG grip. I even feel
the MZ-M with the FG grip feels better than the Z-1p which was shaped nicely
(but a bit short)."

Could someone please enlighten me as to what a "FG grip" is?  Thanks to all
of you "in the know". :-)


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Does Anybody Know what this is?!?

2001-03-28 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hi Everyone,

You know my friend with all the Pentax Gear for sale?  Well he has what he
calls "Video Pentax K Mount Lens Adaptor" and is asking if any of you
wonderful people would happen to know what kind of video it suits.  He
doesn't speak English that great, so I don't know if what he calls it is the
right name, but here are some pics

Would be most grateful if anybody could shed some light on this


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What would you pay for this? Vivitar Series 1, 28-80mm/2.8-3.5 Macro

2001-03-28 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hi again,

Well, I have been offered the following lens for au$195.

Could you guys offer me some advice as to whether or not this would be a
good buy (I can't afford to "waste" the money that I am able to spare for

I am looking at it as a replacement to the Sigma 28-80mm/3.5-5.6 Macro, that
I lost in the PZ-1P accident.  I have been told that this Vivitar is a very
good lens and have found it listed on the "Cult Third Party Lenses" web
page.  However, I would still like to know these things;  Would it be a
suitable replacement to the lens I lost, or would it be worse/better?  Is
the au$195 (approx. US$90) a fair price to pay?  Will this lens be able to
be used on my MZ-50 with the meter functioning correctly?  (I have been told
that it is a PKA mount, but that there is no "a" setting on the aperture
ring?!?)  How well does this lens perform in its "macro" mode?

Following the loss of my Sigma lens, which although was very slow, I no
longer have a zoom lens in any way shape or form, nor do I have anything
that has macro capabilities.  Those of you that have seen my stuff on will know that I have recently acquired a growing interest in
macro and close up photography, so I am desperate to at least replace the
lens that I lost, to upgrade it would be even better, but its that funny
thing called "lack of money" stopping me yet again

Thanks for any advice you guys can give on this...


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Subject: Re: pentax-discuss-digest V1 #511

2001-03-28 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

On Wed, 28 Mar 
2001 07:55:30 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

"I'm AMAZED at 
the total lack of commentary on the arrival of the NEW flagship MZ-S body. 
Is this an Apple Fool's joke played on me or is there a flagship. For 2 
years I've waited and now noone speaks of it. When, where? We all know 

Umm, Burt, have 
you been receiving a different digest from me? There has been substantial talk 
about the MZ-S (and the other models also being released) over the past couple 
of days in particular. I am quite sure that its not an "Apple Fool's" 
joke, but you might want to check to see just how far it has fallen from the 



Subject: Re: This is for my Penance...

2001-03-28 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Ann Sanfedel wrote:

"I could see em loud and clear - who is the Carrie fisher look alike ? :)

Ann, I've never been told that I look like Carrie Fisher before!  I don't
mind, but I can't say that she'd be too flattered as they are probably the
worst I have ever looked in a shot!  Did you read the dialogue that goes
with those shots?  I posted them purely for entertainment value and not to
display either my modeling or photography (my son took these) "prowess".


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Subject: Re: 50mm f1.4-K versus 50mm f1.4-A

2001-03-27 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Paul  Daphne,

I have found "slimslim" to be a great seller, having purchased from him
several times.  He also regularly emails me just to say Hi! and I have
spoken to his wife often too, they are great sellers and very genuine

Just thought I'd let you know.


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Subject: RE: just found a deal on a zx-m kit!!

2001-03-27 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Go here:

for reviews on PhotoAlley.  The general concensus seems to be that they are
pretty good to deal with.

Check out the comments about AAA Camera Exchange though!

Generally, as far as Mail Order's online go, I think that BH and Adorama,
(and Photocontinental if you are in Australia - I ordered a new tripod from
them on Monday and just received it - this is no mean feat considering that
I live about 20 hours drive from the city that the store is located in and
our mail service only comes to town once per day!) are generally the best.

Hope this helps.


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Subject: Re: Cokin filters

2001-03-27 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

On  Tue, 27 Mar 2001 13:20:57 -0800, Bob Blakely wrote;

"Cokin filters suck canal water. Compared to even a cheap, screw in glass
filter, they are
sharpness reducing, contrast destroying, dispersion generating flair

So what filters do yo prefer then, Bob?  And which filters do others on the
list prefer? And why do you prefer them?

Tanya. :-)

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Subject: Re: OT: pic 'o the week

2001-03-27 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Tom wrote: 

"Yes, that's true. Adams, Bresson and Weston all wore tube socks up to
their knees.

Bresson draws now, so he wears support hose."

H...thanks for the advice, but I think I'll stick to pantihose:-)


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Uuuugh, I am so embarrassed!!

2001-03-26 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

I am so sorry peoples!  I changed my Outlook Express Options back to
MIME/html as I was sending some pictures to a friend and I forgot to change
it back to "plain text" before posting all of my last responses!

Please forgive me for jamming up the entire last digest (#504) with all of
that rubbish!



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Pentax M 50mm/1.4, Listed on Ebay today...

2001-03-26 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

I just saw these on Ebay - just listed today, in case anybody is interested.
I thought that there might be particular interest in it as there seems to be
alot of debate going on about it over the past couple of days:

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Subject: Re: What you hate to see on ebay

2001-03-25 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

I think I tend to agree with Chris, however, I have often wondered if this
is a common practice on Ebay - for example the auction for the p30t that I
lost the other day - it sat on au$121 for 8 days with not an ounce of
activity and then finally only two hours before the close of the auction, it
doubled in price, with a war going on with my proxy bid and this other
person continually driving the price up.  I wasn't there to put in one final
higher bid (thank god, it would have been too much to pay anyways), but the
auction ended on au$270!  Again, this doesn't explain the fact that this
person won the final auction bid, unless of course it backfired on him and
he thought that I would continue to outbid him!  Of course, it could have
been the same sort of circumstance as the auction David posted, and I am
well aware of  "snipers", but NO bidding activity in 8 whole days?  It sure
does make you wonder.


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Subject: Re: Gear for sale.

2001-03-25 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Yeah, I know it, sorry guys no FA or F lenses here, and of course these are
what I too would like for my wish list, actually, I might post on that topic
in a second

And yeah, sorry, again, I forgot to mention that all of these prices are in
Australian Dollars.  Halve them to find the US equivalent.



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Subject: Re: Swan Song Photo!

2001-03-25 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer


forgive me, here I am totally confused and this is probably only due to my
own lack of knowledge and experience here.  The lens is a Tamron 135/2.5
with the adaptall mount that says PKA on it.  There is no "a" setting on the
aperture ring.  (I take it that this is what the "A" in PKA stands for?
Shows how much I know).  So if it is not a true PKA and it is not quite a
PK, I guess I am stuck between a rock and a hardplace here.  Can anybody
else offer some suggestions?  Well, at least I do know that I can use it in
TV mode and compensate when I am not using it wide open.  This was more than
I could do a couple of days ago!  Thanks everyone for the time you've spent
with me on this


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Subject: Re: What you hate to see on ebay

2001-03-25 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Yeah, the only thing is that Buy It Now isn't available to Australian
bidders! :-(

I do understand the need of course to watch an auction very closely at its
conclusion and to bid accordingly if you REALLY want something, I have done
this myself, so I guess it makes me a "sniper" as well.  However, as you
pointed out, it is when they are new bidders with no feedback and especially
when they signed up on the day of the auction, that we all need to be
watching our backs!

The story of being contacted the following day by the seller claiming to
have had the highest bidder withdraw from the sale - now that is so
blatantly obvious that that person should be barred from selling just on
this action alone.  I mean if they're not happy with the way the auction is
heading, the should have either put a reserve on it or just advertised it as
a "for sale" in the newspaper, rather than hoping that bids on an auction
reach a certain level

Well, we live and learn, and the internet is host to many and varied

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Subject: RE: Girls like Pentax? (was: Camera Recommendations)

2001-03-25 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Well, this girl likes Pentax.  And I won't even consider looking at any
other brands (unless they are compatible with Pentax, but even then it would
have to be a relly nice package to convert me)



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Subject: RE: Subject: Re: Swan Song Photo!

2001-03-25 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Todd, I am not sure that I am game to try your suggestion...I'll have to
think some more on that one,  I don't understand enough technically to know
why that would work, however, I'll take your word for it.  Thanks also for
taking the time to try to help this damsel in distress.

Peter, I see that you understand my confusion here, especially being a past
owner of the exact same lens.

Even if we don't solve the mystery of making it work on the MZ-50, I guess
we have at least learnt the possible menaing of the "A" in PKA, thanks to

Now please go to bed and sleeep, I'd hate to be the cause of your brain
exploding due to exhaustion! hehe.

Thanks for your help, I dare say that I will look for your further responses
tonight (Monday) which will then be your Monday morning and you should be
refreshed and ready for me to pick that brain of yours once again! ;-D

PS Where in the UK are you located?


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Subject: SV: Pentax wish list

2001-03-25 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Well, I am going to separate mine into two sections - a "reasonable 
possibly achievable wish list" and a "only if I win the lotto dream list";

Ok, so here goes:

"Reasonable  Possibly Achievable Wish List"

Replacement PZ-1P for the one I lost.
New MZ-S
Carbon fibre Manfrotto tripod and pro ball head
Tamron FA 70-210/f2.8 lens
Pentax Ltd AF 43/1.8
17mm fisheye lens of some description
Photoquality printer - ;probably Canon BJC-8500 or similar
Neg scanner - probably Canon FB1210 with slide/neg attachment
Pentax 500FTZ flash
Minolta Meter V/Sekonic 308
Basic Darkroom setup with enlarger of some description
Ringlight of some description to match the lenses in my collection
Photoshop 6.0
Lumiquest ProMax System

and the " Basically Impossible, Not In A Million Years, Only If I Win The
Lotto and Walk On The Moon Dream List";

1 x PZ-1P (for sentimental reasons, hehe)
1 x 645
2 x MZ-S
1 x MZ-S digital equivalent
1 x Contax 645 and full range of Zeiss lenses to match
Apple G4 Titanium Powerbook
Carbon fibre Manfrotto tripod and pro ball head
Entire range of Pentax Ltd lenses
A couple of Powerzoom lenses
17mm fisheye lens of some description
A SMC FA 17-400mm/f1.8 with REAALLY nice bokeh (sorry, I like that word now,
had to use it somewhere) - (can't hurt to dream, hehe)
Best going A3 size photoquality printer for my new G4 Powerbook
Best quality Neg/slide scanner available with at least 3000 dpi - (hehe)
2 x Pentax 500FTZ flashguns
3 x top of the line Metz or equivalent hotshoe flashes for the other bodies
in my now burgeoning collection
A couple of really good light/colour temp meters for ambient/flash
Top of the range darkroom and studio setup (including flash heads, stands,
softboxes, umbrella's,  backdrops etc and all of the mod cons)
Ringlight as above
Full range of Lumiquest on Camera diffusers
Photoshop 6.0
A personal tutor to teach me to use Photoshop 6.0
Shares in Pentax Corp!

Oh, and what collection would be complete without an LX Gold just for fun?

Hohum, that was fun, now I have to go and beg the bank not to cut off my
maxed out credit card


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Your all time favourite lens....

2001-03-25 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Ok, so this topic has probably been done to death, but seeing as I am new
around here, I would be interested to know the following from whoever cares
to respond

What is your alltime favourite Pentax compatible lens? And why is it your

I don't care if it's 100 years old or was released last week, whether it is
screw or K mount or whether it is AF or MF.  It can even be a third party
lens, as long as it is compatible to Pentax bodies.

I am asking this purely for selfish reasons so that I can learn more about
the range and about the qualities that the favourites possess.  However, I
will keep all of the responses in a separate folder and if anybody wants me
to, I can post them at a later date.

Thanks in advance.

Tanya. 8-)

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Subject: Re: Swan Song Photo!

2001-03-24 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Todd wrote:

You can use the lens with the MZ-50, but the light meter is almost useless,
it will meter for the F2.5 aperture no matter where you set the aperture
ring.  So either use it wide open, compensate the reading for how many
stops you have the lens set down from F2.5, or ignore the light meter and
get exposure settings from elsewhere.

"Todd, thankyou so much for this!  I had no idea that I could use it in TV
mode providing that it is wide open.  I almost always shoot in manual and
hadn't even considered trying the other modes.  I am so happy that I can
now use this lens!  I was quite disappointed to find that the meter wouldn't
work with the lens and not having a handheld meter, I had rendered it
virtually useless on this camera!  So basically, what you are saying is that
if I want to use it say on f5.6, then I just slow down the shutter speed
the camera advises by 21/2 stops? Makes sense now!  I am renewed, I
can use my lens, and in actual fact, it may prove beneficial to my
learning to have to work this way for some time, as I will really have to
think about the relationship between the f-stops and the shutter speed.  So,
there we go, there is a silver lining after all!"

Tom (the big day photo one) wrote:

"You should have that hand looked at. That's not right."

Yes, you should have seen my husband's face as he tried to count all of
his fingers and toes when he was born!

"Just how close does it focus? "

Tom, it focuses at 1.4 metres or 4 ft.  I personally think that that is too
especially for a lens that is labelled as "close focus", but there you have
At what distance would a 135mm without "close focus" normally focus?

"That's pretty nice bokeh"

Thanks, and that is the exact reason that I took that shot, I just wanted to
it out a bit.  Now, to go slightly off topic (but I don't really care cause
it is my
topic anyways!), you know that until I read the PDML Glossary, I had never
heard of the word "bokeh", but had a feeling that some lenses looked better
out of focus than others.   Do you know what?  In the past week, since I
learned that the word exists, I have seen  heard it used in direct
conversation with
me at least 5 or 6 times!  Isn't strange how these things work?

"So what are you going to do? I'd trade in that mz-50 and get a couple of
super programs, but that's just me..."

Well, I'm keeping the mz-50 for now, however, I have just had a more than
offer from another PDML'er and it seems that I have been EXTREMELY fortunate
to acquire an ME Super, basically for nothing!  So, I guess that the plan is
to work
with these two bodies, at least until the camera fairy sends a reeeally
cheap Ebay
PZ-1p my way, or until the MZ-S is released and the prices of the PZ-1p go
the gurgler.  I may consider, depending on how financial I can get, on going
with an Mz-5n
if I can't get a hold of the Pz body before too long (I'm talking Xmas
here - we're building
a house this year remember!)  Of course, if anybody knows how to contact
Easter Bunny
directly, please put in a good word for me!

However, after tonight's lotto draw, all of this will be a distant memory
me and I'll be
purchasing shares in Pentax with a lifelong subscription to whatever
equipment takes my
fancy...heehee. ;-)


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Subject: RE: Subject: Re: Swan Song Photo!

2001-03-24 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Peter wrote:
"This is a copy of a post from a few weeks ago  -  I re-send it because it
relevant to what Todd was saying to Tania about using K mount lenses on an
MZ50.  Note this is by Erwin Vereecken not myself.  I think it's quite
clever though.

Just thinking of something,

 If you put your M50 f1.7 on your MZ-50, for more then just one occasional
 shot, you could do the following:

 Manually select an ISO speed of 2 and 2/3 stops lower then reality (ISO16
 for and ISO100film, ISO 32 for a 200film, etc..)

 With the camera on manual, the light meter will now show you
 which diaphragm
 to select. The middle of the meter range will be f4.0, one higher
 f5.6, one
 lower f2.8 etc, all the way from f1.4(which you don't have) to f11,
 including the half stops.

 Should work fairly quick, withouth calculations.

 There is a theoretical 1/6 stop overexposure, but that should'nt have a
 visible influence on the result. If you think your camera has a
 tendency to
 overexpose anyway, lower ISO speed by 2 and 1/3 stop, that will give a
 theoretical underexposure of 1/6 stop.

 It's not real easy, because if you would have several manual lenses, you
 would have to change ISO everytime you change lens, f.i. for a f2.8, lens
 ISO would have to be lowered 1 stop to keep f4 in the midle, and if you
 mount an automatic lens in between, you shouldn't forget to put
 ISO back to

Peter thanks for your attempt to help me here, but I have only one thing to
say "wwooosh!"  That all just went straight over my head!  Well, not
really, but I am sitting here trying what Erwin suggests and I can't for rhe
life of me get my meter to do anything but flash at me in any other mode
except tv - no matter what ISO I set it at.  I have a T400CN loaded at the
moment and I am clueless here!  I did notice however that you mentioned that
this is for "K" mount lenses; the lens I am using is a Tamron with PKA
adaptall, would this make any difference?

Thanks in advance.


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Subject: A TRAGIC, TRAGIC day....Even on

2001-03-23 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hey, does anybody here speak French?



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Subject: A TRAGIC, TRAGIC day....Even on

2001-03-23 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer


It took me a while, but I finally found an online translation site (my
French is very basic).  Please pass on my thanks to those who responded - I
think I got the general idea!  Take this as a warning to all though - never
mix your passion with your kids!! (Unless you have somebody else there to
look after the kids!)



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Subject: OT: Olympic spirit

2001-03-23 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Bob, this is truly inspirational - certainly makes my recent posts about the
loss of my PZ-1P completely trivial and insensitive.  I mean god, at least
we have running water, electricity, food in our bellies and a safe,
comfortable roof over our heads.


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Swan Song Photo!

2001-03-23 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Just wanted to show you all the very last shot on the very last roll of film
that my PZ-1P was able to make.  (I saved the roll from the recovered pieces
of my camera and this was one of the 6 photos that were able to be

BTW, yes, that is my little man, Jaimyn Spirit - the almost three year old
who caused this whole thing!

I used my recent addition of my Tamron 135/2.5 close focus (nice colour
saturation, eh?).  Lucky for me, because, prior to these few shots, I had
not even had a chance to use this lens and I now cannot use it, as it
doesn't have the "a" setting on its aperture ring and therefore won't work
with my MZ-50.  Murphy's Law, I tell ya!  Here are three more from that roll
(the remaining 2 aren't worth keeping - light affected from the fall)

Sorry, can't remember the exposure readings, but they aren't exactly the
best of shots anyways.  I will however, always keep them for "sentimental"
purposes!  They were all taken in and around my back yard at about 5pm in
the afternoon (the day before that FATEFUL day!), of course using only
available light.

Anyways,  judging from these shots, it looks as though it will be a really
nice lens - just gotta get a camera to go with it now!  Oh well, Que Sera


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Subject: Panoramic Mode

2001-03-22 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 21:50:21 +1100
Subject: Panoramic Mode


Hey Paul!

"This is probably a really stupid question but it has been playing on my =
mind for a while."


"I have an MZ-5n which as most of you know has a panoramic format.  My =
question is how exactly does this work bearing in mind the standard 35mm =
frame size.  Does the image spread over two frames or is the effect =
created during the processing stage? =20

Also I have read in magazines that the same effect can be acheived by =
taking the usual image then cropping top and bottom followed by an =
enlargement of the remaining elongated image.  Is one way better than =
the other?"

You answered the question yourself Paul, I could be wrong, but I am certain
that the MZ-5n works the same as the PZ-1p, in that they both have what is
referred to as a "panoramic mask" whereby as you said yourself, the top and
bottom of the neg are cropped off to create an elongated image.  It only
the standard one neg. and therefore, I personally believe that its just a
little marketing trick.  Your negative in effect becomes even smaller than
and as such, of course when enlarging to a size proportionate to say a 5x7,
really need to enlarge maybe to a 6x8 - of course, this would result in loss
detail if you were to enlarge too much, and anyways, it is nothing you can't
yourself with a pair of sharp scissors and a ruler.  Hope I don't sound too
I've had a bad day, actually, make that a TRAGIC day, and read my post to

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2001-03-22 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hello all,

I apologise for my tardiness in keeping up with all of your wonderful
replies - all I can do is blame it on the fact that today was shopping day
and I had to screaming kids begging me to take them to Macca's for "happy

However, I digress, and as such I must now revert back to the tragedy of
today.  Actually, multiple tragedies really, so here goes

So we went to M'Donalds - just me and my two toddlers.  Had a nice lunch and
decided to go up to our local tourist lookout for a walk.  Being a nice day,
naturally, I chose to take with me my trusty third baby (my other two are
human), my PZ-1P.  Warning, the following may be distressing for some
readers, and especially the author  We got to the top and it was almost
sunset, so I thought, hey, why don't I set up my tripod and take some
selfportraits of myself and my boys with the sunset behind us.  Hmmm, so far
so good.  Tripod set up, cable release set up, smile, snap! smile, snap! a
couple of nice pics for sure.  Of course after two photos, my almost three
year old (my oldest), decided to make a bolt for it categorically stating
that he wanted to "play in park, no more pottos mum".  With that, he bolted
down the path of the lookout.  Me being a normal, concerned mum, tried to
grab him for fear of him falling over the 50ft cliff on the other side of
the walkway, whilst trying to hold my other baby (aged 16 months) and
untangle myself from my cable release at the same time.  I am almost too
upset to even type this, but, alas, I shall continue, if not to console
myself, then to at least make somebody out there feel some morsel of pity
for me!  The following moments were like one of those slow motion scenes out
of a movie where all the sound gets blurred and somebody yells out
"nooo" whilst trying fruitlessly to prevent a tragedy from happening.
Well, today, I was that somebody and my tragedy did happen.  Lets just say
that my Pz-1p, complete with sigma 28-80 macro zoom, pentax cable release,
achiever 630af flash and (crappy) vanguard tripod, all went a tumbling
straight over the cliff face.  About 10 seconds and 50ft later, I opened up
my eyes (after all of the crashing and smashing sounds had stopped) to find
debris scattered down the cliff face at a huge variety of intervals.  I am
so devastated, that camera was indeed my baby.  I can't buy anything else
this year (except maybe something pretty cheap and nasty), as we are
building a house and I start Uni next year which will be expensive, so now,
I am stuck with nothing but an MZ-50.  (Despite my previous claims that I
have a Pt-30, I was actually exagerrating a little in the assumption that I
would win an auction that I was bidding for it on.  In a wonderful climax to
my day, I arrived home to find that I had been outbidded, and the auction
had ended while I was trying to climb down the cliff and rescue my little
black pieces of metal and glass that were once a very expensive camera.)!  I
am in a severe state of shock and mourning, I sure hope some of you guys
have some miraculous words of comfortBTW, I had only had the PZ-1p since
Christmas, after I saved for two months to buy the thing!  So, can anybody
hazard a guess at which item (apart from the cable release which didn't have
a scratch on it) survived this travesty?  The crappy Achiever Flash, of
course!  I must have done something really bad in a past life to deserve
such torture..I will never again enjoy a "happy" meal..

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Subject: A TRAGIC, TRAGIC day....

2001-03-22 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Paulo Ernest Wrote:

"Look at the bright side, at least your children are safe. Cameras can be
replaced eventually.

Speaking of which, the MZS is scheduled for release in a few months."

Yes, of course, my children are my main concern and they were both initially
quite distraught at seeing my reaction to what had happened, I had to make a
game out of it to stop them from crying and play "spot the debris", whereby
they pointed out where all the bits and pieces were as I picked them up.
They ended up having a grand 'ole time with a really nice little old lady
who sat with them to make sure that THEY didn't fall down the cliff-face.!
I am afraid the the MZ-S will be way out of my league in monetary terms,
however, I am hoping that its release will drive the price of the PZ-1p

Tiger Moses wrote:

"Is the item covered under home owners insurance?
Did you buy with a credit card that may havve a extended warrantry and
disaster policy.  Remember the old commercials where the kids sticks the
dripping peanut butter and jelly sandwaich in the VCR slot?
Since the thing is less than 6 months old, you may be able to make a claim,
if you card has one of those, many platinum cards do!

My Zx-5n fell of my tripod the first time I used th etripod becuase I didn't
mount my quick release lock correctly!
Landed on the lens, saved the camera, lucky me!"

Unfortunately, no and no.  I discovered last year when my purse was stolen
out of my car containing a month of my husbands salary, that our home
contents insurance only covers items when they are actually IN the home.  I
was sure that there was a clause that allowed for items to be covered while
in the car and while travelling etc. but I was obviously wrong.  In regards
to the credit card thing, I paid cash for this one (gave me a better deal).
Wanna know how much it cost me? au$1900!  This is approximately US$850 and I
see now that they are going on Ebay for like US$400!  I could have bought
two for the price of my new ONE!  Unfortunately, now I am on "camera
equipment rations" until our new house is built and cannot even afford the
US$400 to buy a second-hand one, oh, well, i shall muddle along with my

Paul Stenquist wrote:

"Sorry to hear about your tragedy. But your concern for your child was the
correct response. It's unfortunate that you lost the camera, but you did the
right thing. Perhaps you can figure out a way to generate a few extra
dollars so that you can replace the camera and lens as soon as possible. You
can still do some good work with your other camera. Perhaps some portraits
of neighborhood children. Or you might inquire at local real-estate agencies
to see if they have a need for house photos. I once made quite a bit of
extra cash shooting the for-sale houses. Good luck."

Thankyou for your suggestions Paul.  I was actually thinking of doing some
sort of cheesy setup at our local markets and charging willing parents small
for some cute shots of the kids while shopping at the markets.  I was
thinking of maybe combining it with face painting and shooting their faces
in all their technicolour.  Gotta put a bit more thought into it yet though.
I was also thinking of having my hubby wip up a few nice wooden frames and
decorating them and then framing some local landscapes and still lifes that
I have been doing of late.   I don't think that I have enough
knowledge/experience at this point to do the real estate agent thingy, but
it is a really good suggestion.  As I mentioned above, of course, my
children were my main priority and I thank the universe that they were OK.

Chris Brogden wrote:

"Ah, what a day.  Maybe it's time for Bill to tell the story (complete with
pics) of the tragic incident involving his Pentax 67.  And you thought
*you* had it bad.  :)"

I would love to hear and see this story, even if only to console myself a
little!  Bill, are you listening? ;-)

Collin Brendemuehl wrote:

"Check your homeowner's insurance policy.
Might be worth the effort."

Thanks Chris, see above response, re: contents insurance policy.

:-) Tanya.

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Re: A TRAGIC, TRAGIC day....

2001-03-22 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Ok, so I refuse to enter into any type of debate about the quality of
Mcdonalds beef!?!  Besides, we always eat the chicken nuggets! hehe.

However, to everyone else...

Peter, I discussed my insurance in my previous post, unfortunately, it
wasn't covered. However, my main priority of course always was and is my
human babies, and luckily, they are just fine.

Takehiko Ueda wrote

"What you did was the right choice I think.  You can also
think this is the chance for you to get yourself an

Well, I do see that there is a rather intensive battle going on here between
LX and non-LX users and these things do of course, happen for a reason, I
may look into it, however, there is an LX on auction on ebay at the moment
and with 4 days to go it has already hit the au$600 mark (out of my

aimcompute wrote: "It might do the rest of us some good if you could take
some shots of the
pieces you recovered.  I'm quite curious what a PZ-1p/lens looks like after
a 50 ft drop."

I will do my best to do this for you, however, I took it straight to the
camera shop when it happened in a fruitless bid to somehow have it put back
together, the guy simply looked at me and said "sorry, i stopped doing
jigsaw puzzles in primary school" and laughed rather smuggly to himself as I
had been gloating over my purchase to him for some time (he is a canon
user).  I left the parts there in my disgust.  I will go back today and see
what he has done with them.   Fingers crossed that all will be present and
accounted for.  I actually had the urge to run home and get my MZ-50 and
take a shot of all of the debris where it lay after the event, but it would
have been impractical with my kids and it was getting dark etc so I just
picked it all up and dropped it off to the camera guy.  I might go back to
day and see if I can at least take shot of the cliff face for you.

John Mustarde wrote:

"I once had a PZ1p and A* 200/4 Macro take a rolling dive off a park
bench onto the concrete. But your loss is worse - my camera and lens
were both insured and repairable."

Yep, not insured or repairable, but as I said before, these things happen
for a reason, and I am sure that there must be another opportunity of some
description waiting for me out there - just gotta find it.

Doug Brewer, thanks for your post about the 8-ball analogy.  I learned Doug,
boy did I learn!  I think I will be buying a relly good, really stable
tripod before I buy another expensive camera body, and my kids and camera's
just aren't a good scenario to consider any more!  But, yes, once again, at
least my boys are safe


Sorry for the lengthy responses guys, I just wanted to make sure that I
didn't miss anybody, I didn't anticipate on receiving so many responses when
I posted this!

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Aaaaargh, you guys are hilarious!

2001-03-22 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

I am totally bewildered by the fact that the entire last digest I received
(#484) was made up almost entirely with comments about my Tragic Day post.
I am definitely not entering into the McDonalds debate - I am too new here
to try to step on anybodies toes, but each to their own, an lets just say
there is a reason that I only let my kids eat chicken when we eat out (and I
am not referring only to McDonalds here).  So despite all of the bickering
concerning this, I am happy to say that you all at least succeeded in
cheering me up, so I guess that is one good argument for going "off topic"!

Now to go off topic yet again, (and with the hope that I don't sound totally
clueless here), can somebody enlighten me on what a "right angle viewfinder"



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2001-03-22 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Hi again everyone,

In view of my recent "tragedy", I have had a very generous offer to purchase
a P30n at a great price.   Can anyone fill me in on some specs/past
experience with this model?

Thanks in advance.

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Introduction to ME! :-)

2001-03-20 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Well, hello everyone, my name is Tanya.  I am new around here after being
introduced to the list by
Paul Stregevsky when he tried to talk me out of buying a lens from Ebay
(only 'cause he wanted if
for himself, of course! ;-) )

I am sending this post in two parts as the first one bounced - apparently, I
talk too much! LOL, a
common problem with me, I'm afraid! 8-)

I don't know that I have alot to offer to you guys on the list, as I am by
far very new to the SLR game,
having only purchased my first SLR last August - and that only being an
MZ-50 anyways.  However, I have
since progressed somewhat and I now own a P30t, Pz1-p and the Mz-50.  I have
a few lenses - the
standard sigma 28-80 macro that comes with the MZ-50, astron 28-70 zoom and
70-210 mm
(both came with the p30t) an SMC-A 50mm/1.7, tamron 135mm/2.5 close focus
and the
Vivitar 28mm/f 2 that Paul tried to talk me out of.  Quite a motley crew of
lenses, I know, but I am
on a tight budget and just trying out different things as I go along.

My interest in photography centres mainly around fashion, candid portraiture
(children in particular) and
weddings, although, I do seem to have developed quite a knack for creative
still-lifes of late.  From
January next year, I will be studying a Bachelor of Photography at James
Cook University, so I will
be spending this year buying up big to ensure that I have all of the
requirements on my equipment
list, as well as learning heaps (that's where you guys come in!) to be "up
to speed" with the other
students when I begin.  I am 24, and a very busy mum of two baby boys (who
you will see in the links
below), so while my husband is very supportive, I still anticipate that I
will be more than run off my
feet when my studies commence and I would like to get a bit of a head start.
So that you guys can
put a face to the name, this is me (with my boys):

To be continued in next post.

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Introduction to ME, continued.....8-)

2001-03-20 Thread Tanya Russell Mayer

Continued from first message

I have some stuff posted on and here are the links, if anyone is
interested (they aren't too
flash, but I am learning!):

I am located in sunny Queensland, Australia (you know, the Great Barrier
Reef, Whitsunday's etc?)!
So I am sweating my butt off right now in the middle of summer. While you
guys are talking about
snow and ice and your lenses/camera gear being able to function in below
zero temperatures, I am
praying that my air conditioner doesn't die and leave me to suffer in 40+
temperatures (Celsius) and
90% humidity!

As I said, I don't know that I could really offer much to this list at this
stage, however, I have been told
by many a pro that I "have an eye" for composition and a "creative flare"
that many yearn for.  I hope
that this is true and that I may use it in some way to contribute here -
maybe with some art direction
or ideas for photoshoots.  You will see in the links above, that all of the
styling and makeup for shots
involving models have been done by myself, as well as the setting up and
composing of still lifes etc
and the posing of wedding shots.

I offer this input only so that I don't feel like I am doing all the
"taking" by being a part of this list, as I
fully intend to bombard you guys with questions as I think of them!  Now to
confirm this, my first query
is in regards to the Pz-20.  Is anybody familiar with this model (I believe
that it was released in '94 and
discontinued in '95)?  I know that it is only a fairly basic model, but I
have had one offered to me for a
good price and I am genuinely interested in the "hyper" mode function that
it offers.  All  comments
and advice would be greatly appreciated.

auction on Ebay, I am glad that somebody noticed that!  I saw it last night
and was laughing so hard
I could barely breath!  There is also a really nice PZ-1p for auction if
anybody is interested:

Thanks in advance, and it is nice to me among other people who believe that
Pentax is second to none!

Tanya Mayer.

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