Re: SM2 - customize toolbar ??

2009-12-19 Thread Phillip Jones

gNeandr wrote:

   [19.12.2009 15:36]»Martin Freitag« wrote:

gNeandr schrieb:

Do I miss something or doesn't allow SM2 to customize the toolbars?

If customize is able, please direct me the way ...

for an answer to the original question.

Click and hold mouse button on an empty space of the Navigation bar.
Context menu pops up.
Choose customize.
Customize window opens up

choose desired item to move to navigation or bookmarks bar or move from 
Navigation or book marks bar.

First thing to remove is move the bookmarks item off of the bookmarks 
bar move it back customize menu window.

Second move the home button off of the bookmarks bar to the Navigation bar.

Makes you wonder about some of these GUI designers  . Home button 
should always be on the Navigation Bar. And Book Marks is already in the 
main menu. why duplicate it.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Who are Seamonkey's core user base?

2009-12-19 Thread Phillip Jones

Benoit Renard wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Benoit Renard wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

I do like the way we had a forms manager as in SM 1.1.x  and sad that it
removed because they didn't have the time, energy, know-how or desire to
do a port of it in the new code.

This is correct.

(Despite all the protestations otherwise by the developers, they decided
because they didn't use it there wasn't a need for it so they dumped

But this is wrong. You gave the correct explanation at first, so why do
you follow it up with lies?

Patches welcome.

It isn't a lie if they thought was useful for people to use. they would
have made the effort to find someone to look at and port it over. But
since they didn't use it they didn't see a need.

No one stepped up in the span of, what, two years, to work on it, and by
now they weren't going to hold up the release for it. You talk as if
it's easy to find someone to work on something, especially when everyone
is already busy doing other work.

Stop spreading nonsense already.

Well that made it easy to get rid of it. Did anyone bother look to find 
the originator of the original code?

No you don't need to hold up release if no one is willing/able to work 
on it.

no lies , just facts is facts.

It must have not been to0 terrible to code. I mean you have a person to 
come up with a replacement in the form of an add on. Get him to added it 
in SeaMonkey.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Who are Seamonkey's core user base?

2009-12-19 Thread Phillip Jones

chicagofan wrote:

Benoit Renard wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Also if some one sends you an image as an attachment that is so large
you have to scroll side to side or up and down the is a menu  choice
Autofit  and it reduce to fit screen.

That feature has been built-in since SeaMonkey 1.1.x. Open the image
directly (which you probably do) and click on the image.

Thank you so much!  I had no idea that was available, and have friends
that frequently send pictures that you can't appreciate, because of the
size.   I thought VIEW image was for trying to see pictures that give
you only that little MS block... and had never tried it on one of those
large images, that I *could* see.   That's a great feature.   :)

in 1.1.x I never was able to get a image to reduce. I was able if a I 
had a problem with an image I could double click on it and it would open 
in its own page (if sent as an attachment).

I've been a user of a Mozilla all in one since the days of Netscape 
Navigator 3.0.1.a Gold.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 personal toolbar )bookmarks)

2009-12-19 Thread Phillip Jones

Mr. Cheese wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

me2 wrote:

How do I NOT show the bookmarks folder in my toolbar? I mean the one
SM adds that is named Bookmarks, this isn't needed any way since
Bookmarks appears in the top drop downs, and it takes up room that I
need for other folders- I don't believe 2.0 did this?

Right click on that toolbar, choose Customize in the box that appears,
and drag that extra Bookmark into the Customize box.

I tried this and now my Personal toolbar is gone. It still shows in the
bookmark file. I don't see a way to restore it. Pls help
Check to see you haven't clicked on the little arrow  to far left, to 
simply close the personal Bar.  the arrow (or Flippy) should be point up 
not to the right.

Also, check in View  Options and see if you have Personal Toolbar 

And if you try it again this time just click on the icon for bookmarks 
on the personal Toolbar and drag it to the customize window.  not the 
whole personal toolbar.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Strange issue with email/newspost

2009-12-19 Thread Phillip Jones

Ant wrote:

On 12/19/2009 1:35 PM PT, Hartmut Figge typed:

Exactly Ditto for me, too!


AOL (in this specific case!)

Synonym for 'me too'. ;)

I don't get that American OnLine (AOL) as me too? Eh?

Interesting. I never noticed people say that and I have been around
online since BBS', Prodigy, dial-up Internet via PPP and SLIP (not using
AOL). Oh well.
Oh, Yes I've  seen that Me too!!! man a time.  Not just in AOL but other 
newsgroups and forums as well.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: When opening a(n) news/usenet server, how do I not make it download headers?

2009-12-19 Thread Phillip Jones

Ant wrote:


In v1.x, I open a news/usenet server and it only told me how many unread
posts and total posts but not download posts. In v2.0.x, it does the
same BUT also download the posts. How can I have v2 NOT download any
posts until I highlight a specific newsgroup?

Thank you in advance. :)

Edit  mail and news Groups  Server Settings.

uncheck in Sever setting uncheck the first two items.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Who are Seamonkey's core user base?

2009-12-19 Thread Phillip Jones

Robert Kaiser wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Well that made it easy to get rid of it. Did anyone bother look to find
the originator of the original code?

You mean Netscape? Or actually a Netscape employee named morse, who
wrote or imported the wallet code in early 1999 and placed it into and who does
not work on anything related to Mozilla any more, has no email address
available and who probably doesn't care a bit about SeaMonkey?

No you don't need to hold up release if no one is willing/able to work
on it.

Right, and that was the case - and still seems to be. People are talking
a lot about it, but the only thing that changes something is someone
willing to work on it and delivering that work in a patch.

It must have not been to0 terrible to code.

Have you actually read it? See the above link, dig into the code (that
is, when you find what's the password management and what the form
management parts of it in the first place) and make a picture yourself.
We did not find anyone willing to maintain that code or work on it to
make it work well with the new platform infrastructure - but maybe you
come to different conclusions.

I mean you have a person to
come up with a replacement in the form of an add on. Get him to added it
in SeaMonkey.

You're welcome to help and take that part of getting him to add it in
SeaMonkey, we'd all be happy about it.

Robert Kaiser

Never mind you still can't see a users point of view. So I give up . its 
useless. I am but one user and since I am a user I would have no 
standing with him a developer, nor would I have the funds to pay him to 
do it. So I guess will have to make do until he gets tired of 
maintaining it.

So this is the last on the subject.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 personal toolbar )bookmarks)

2009-12-19 Thread Phillip Jones

Mr. Cheese wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Mr. Cheese wrote:

chicagofan wrote:

me2 wrote:

How do I NOT show the bookmarks folder in my toolbar? I mean the one
SM adds that is named Bookmarks, this isn't needed any way since
Bookmarks appears in the top drop downs, and it takes up room that I
need for other folders- I don't believe 2.0 did this?

Right click on that toolbar, choose Customize in the box that appears,
and drag that extra Bookmark into the Customize box.

I tried this and now my Personal toolbar is gone. It still shows in the
bookmark file. I don't see a way to restore it. Pls help

Check to see you haven't clicked on the little arrow to far left, to
simply close the personal Bar. the arrow (or Flippy) should be point up
not to the right.

Also, check in View  Options and see if you have Personal Toolbar

And if you try it again this time just click on the icon for bookmarks
on the personal Toolbar and drag it to the customize window. not the
whole personal toolbar.

OK, Here's what happened. When I selected customize the personal
toolbar changed to personal toolbar items. I didn't recognize this so
I dragged it to the customizing window. Ergo MY personal items
disappeared. Not obvious to me (sigh)

Thx to all who made suggestions

Were you able to get it back??

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Receive pictures in body of email

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Mike C wrote:

When someone sends me a picture or a small gif file in the body of an
email I only receive it as an attachment.

How do I get to receive it in the body of the email like it was sent?

Mike C


And you can Keep the images.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Receive pictures in body of email

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

BeeNeR wrote:

On or about 12/20/2009 1:40 AM, Mike C typed the following:

When someone sends me a picture or a small gif file in the body of an
email I only receive it as an attachment.

How do I get to receive it in the body of the email like it was sent?

Mike C

Click on 'VIEW' and then click on Display Attachments InLine.

Uh, Bee,

He wanted to see if he could receive pictures that are in body of email 
not as an attachment.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: When opening a(n) news/usenet server, how do I not make it download headers?

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Ant wrote:

On 12/19/2009 5:48 PM PT, Phillip Jones typed:

In v1.x, I open a news/usenet server and it only told me how many unread
posts and total posts but not download posts. In v2.0.x, it does the
same BUT also download the posts. How can I have v2 NOT download any
posts until I highlight a specific newsgroup?

Edit  mail and news Groups  Server Settings.

uncheck in Sever setting uncheck the first two items.

They're already unchecked. :( Opening up a news/usenet server still

I also told it to prompt me to download or not if each newsgroup has
over 100 new post. This gets annoying when it prompts for every groups
with over 100 posts after opening a news server. I haven't even clicked
on a newsgroup!
opening the the server even in SM 1.1.18 would download headers. That 
exactly it just the headers. you actually read the message off the 
server. the bodies are left on the server. the only way message bodies 
are saved is if you have messages synchronization set to download when 
off line. Then you have set Mozilla as newsgroup to download when Off 
line. Then only and only then are bodies downloaded.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Who are Seamonkey's core user base?

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Philip Chee wrote:

On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 20:57:54 -0500, Phillip Jones wrote:

since I am a user I would have no
standing with him a developer, nor would I have the funds to pay him to
do it. So I guess will have to make do until he gets tired of
maintaining it.

You don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of Open Source. Perhaps
you should just give up and install Maxthon.


No I'll just use SM as is. Sm is 100 times better than any alternative. 
Just disappointed at things left out. But I've been through this rodeo 
before. Back when the removed in Communicator the ability to check 
bookmarks for dead links. I fussed about the same then and it did no 
good then. Now I've got tons of links I have no idea whether are dead, 
been renamed or what. But I just persevere.

You do what you can do. We just have to deal with it.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Who are Seamonkey's core user base?

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Robert Kaiser wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Never mind you still can't see a users point of view.

Never mind that I was one of the first people in the project to suggest
we introduce some management window for the new form data, to come in a
later version after 2.0 - I suggested that back in January or February
of this year. But what it needs to get done is someone to do the work,
suggestions and rants alone are not enough.

Robert Kaiser

I've given up. I will just muddle along and deal with it.

I went through the same upset back in Communicator days when they 
removed the ability find and remove dead/duplicate/changed URLs in the 
bookmarks.  and there have been other battles. I finally decide I am 
beating my head against a brick wall and no one pays attention, so I 
give up.

Each item removed, raises my blood pressure and aggravates my reflux 
disorder, But that's me.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Need a site check for SM 2.01

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

chicagofan wrote:

I'm unable to see the building photos at this site.  Is it my settings,
or a site conflict?  TIA for any checks... and advice.

Works for me.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: only one blank tab on new browser - problem is back, and worse

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Margo Guda wrote:

Martin Freitag wrote:

Margo Guda schrieb:

Not too long ago, I wrote about a problem when starting SM2.01 where I
would not get my home pages loaded. It seemed to resolve itself when I
did a disk clean.
However, the problem is back, and it is worse than ever.
Whatever startup option, either for the browser startup or just a new
window, and whatever option - home page, current selected group of tabs,
previous session... - all of them produce only a single blank tab. The
same thing happens when I try to open a link from my desktop or from
another program. Or when I click on a saved web page.
What's worse is I then tried to create a new profile and see if it the
problem persisted. The first time I started SM in this new profile it
ran as expected. There was of course no home page, so I set one and
tried to restart SM. NOTHING at all happened. It would not even bring up
the profile manager. Reinstalling also did not help. What finally
brought SM back up was removing the profiles.ini file from the profiles
directory. The newly created profile has the same problem as the old
one, so I had the new profiles.ini reference my existing profile and
removed the two other ones.
I have now tried to install an extra copy of SM in a new location. I'm
getting the same results. Can anyone help me?

Try to use a new pofile with that extra copy you installed.
Mayb youshould perform a chkdsk -f on that drive that holds your SM and
the drive which holds your profile.


Additioinally, with two profiles installed, the old installation will not
start up anymore.
The new one does but I only get home pages loading with the new profile.
I'd like to find out how to get the old profile working correctly again.


Now that you have two Profiles go to tools menu switch Profile and 
choose your old profile.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Receive pictures in body of email

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Mike C wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Mike C wrote:

When someone sends me a picture or a small gif file in the body of an
email I only receive it as an attachment.

How do I get to receive it in the body of the email like it was sent?

Mike C


And you can Keep the images.

What's done?
And what images?

I sent you some images (gif) as per your request in the body of an email.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: The SM2 downgrade

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Martin Freitag wrote:

Graham schrieb:

It's that bad.

No, not THAT bad. ;-P

First there's the need to provide your master password when you start
it. Yes, I know it's been complained about at length, but how on earth
could something like that slip through the development process? Do the
developers not use master passwords?

If it only asks once, what'S your problem?
Is it possible that you have fetching mails on start without opening
MailNews enabled in the preferences and it needs your Master-PW for that?

If you have a Master Password set, it is supposed to ask as soon as you 
open SM. What some are complaining of is that they never/ever had a 
Password set and that now they are required to supply one.

Now you do need to supply you user name and password for each of your 
email addresses but your supposed to have SM to save those the first 
time so that you don't have to supply them each time you open your 


Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: any word/hope on restoring form manger? (no content)

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

me2 wrote:

From the sounds of things . No.

download the Form History manager add on. It's a decent substitute. Its 
not perfect but it will work okay.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Who are Seamonkey's core user base?

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

JAS wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Philip Chee wrote:

On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 20:57:54 -0500, Phillip Jones wrote:

since I am a user I would have no
standing with him a developer, nor would I have the funds to pay him to
do it. So I guess will have to make do until he gets tired of
maintaining it.

You don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of Open Source. Perhaps
you should just give up and install Maxthon.


No I'll just use SM as is. Sm is 100 times better than any
alternative. Just disappointed at things left out. But I've been
through this rodeo before. Back when the removed in Communicator the
ability to check bookmarks for dead links. I fussed about the same
then and it did no good then. Now I've got tons of links I have no
idea whether are dead, been renamed or what. But I just persevere.

You do what you can do. We just have to deal with it.

Phillip you might try this as it is
what I use -- just a thought.

no version for Mac or SeaMonkey Thanks

That feature was years before it s time It was back in the day of 14.4k 
baud modems. Would be great on today's DSL or Cable Modems.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: only one blank tab on new browser - problem is back, and worse

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Margo Guda wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Margo Guda wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Margo Guda wrote:

Not too long ago, I wrote about a problem when starting SM2.01 where I
not get my home pages loaded. It seemed to resolve itself when I did a
However, the problem is back, and it is worse than ever.
Whatever startup option, either for the browser startup or just a new
window, and whatever option - home page, current selected group of
previous session... - all of them produce only a single blank tab. The
thing happens when I try to open a link from my desktop or from another
program. Or when I click on a saved web page.
What's worse is I then tried to create a new profile and see if it the
problem persisted. The first time I started SM in this new profile it
ran as
expected. There was of course no home page, so I set one and tried to
restart SM. NOTHING at all happened. It would not even bring up the
manager. Reinstalling also did not help. What finally brought SM back
up was
removing the profiles.ini file from the profiles directory. The newly
created profile has the same problem as the old one, so I had the new
profiles.ini reference my existing profile and removed the two other
I have now tried to install an extra copy of SM in a new location. I'm
getting the same results. Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.

Its a Bug.
there are two ways it will happen. you can over come it but it always
comes back.

If you happen to not have Preference  Appearance  Browser and Mail
news both checked. It is guaranteed that you will see this.

And when you go to the section Browser make sure that the name for your
Home page doesn't have an extra space.

I do have both Browser and MailNews checked. and both of them do
start up.
And I do have the problem. Not only when starting, but any new browser
In about:config I cannot find any extra spaces in my home page names. Is
there another place I should check where an extra space could be hiding?

If it's a bug that can be overcome I could live with it but now it's


Try go to your home page after seeing about:blank

then try going to Preferences  Browser in the new Box for desired page
delete the URL for your home page remove all characters including spaces
and any returns.

next click use click use current page.

next quit out preferences. Quit out of SeaMonkey.

restart SeaMonkey. Should go to your home page.

should last about next 10 or so start ups. and you'll have to do it again.

No such luck. I never got to my homepage. It just starts with the blank tab.

Put in your home page where the about:blank is then go to it. The go to 
preference Browser and set up your Home page.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: The SM2 downgrade

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Martin Freitag wrote:

Graham schrieb:

It's that bad.

No, not THAT bad. ;-P

First there's the need to provide your master password when you start
it. Yes, I know it's been complained about at length, but how on earth
could something like that slip through the development process? Do the
developers not use master passwords?

If it only asks once, what'S your problem?
Is it possible that you have fetching mails on start without opening
MailNews enabled in the preferences and it needs your Master-PW for

If you have a Master Password set, it is supposed to ask as soon as you
open SM. What some are complaining of is that they never/ever had a
Password set and that now they are required to supply one.

Now you do need to supply you user name and password for each of your
email addresses but your supposed to have SM to save those the first
time so that you don't have to supply them each time you open your


When and how SM asks for your Master really depends (or should depend)
on how you have your prefs set - for ex.; I'm set for SM to ask for the
Master the first time it's required, so it should not ask at startup
because you haven't done anything - unless your Home page has a stored
password for login, it should wait the user polls for new mail/messages
in Mail/News, or visits a site with a stored password.  So in theory, a
user should be able to go for a whole session without ever having SM ask
for the Master depending on what he's doing.  But that doesn't seem to
be the case, and I had to do the about:config workaround in spite of my
Pref settings when I upgraded to 2.0.

At least that's how it worked at one point, and it got broken sometime
prior to and during SM 1.1.18, when SM started asking for my Master
seemingly at random - and freezing the app; example - if I'm in the
middle of trying to download something with a dialog box up, SM will
often ask for my Master when it's not required and freeze - I have to do
a Force Quit and start over.  So far, I can't recall seeing this happen
with 2.x.x - at least not the freezing part.

  I have set the first time its needed. But it ask for Mater Password as
soon as SeaMonkey is opened. Always worked for me this way in
Communicator, Mozilla, and SeaMonkey 1.1.x why should it change now.

And yes my Username and password are required to go into my email
accounts. And I have SeaMonkey  set to remember them so that I don't
have to enter them.

That's my point - it shouldn't, unless you're in a situation as I
described above.  I remember when it didn't work the way it's working
now with 2.x.x (my 1.1.18 install never asks/asked at start up)...but the
about:config workaround makes it work the way it should, and that's good
enough.  For now.

Its always worked for me that way even back in communicator.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.0.1 upgrade

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Ken Rudolph wrote:

Wow!  I just noticed that the security upgrade to SM 2.0.1 was
handled invisibly behind the scenes without my active participation
or even noticing that it happened (although I think I did check
approve without thinking about it when Zone Alarm told me that
SeaMonkey was attempting to contact the Internet.)  That's quite a
change from SM 1.x, more like Firefox's upgrades.  I'm not a huge
fan of automatic updates, preferring to handle my computer tasks
personally.  But I have to admit I liked this a hell of a lot better
than the backup/uninstall/download/reinstall method for past SM
updates!  Thanks, guys.

in SM 1.1.18 and lower there was no automatic update Best I can remember 
when you were notified you were required to go to website and manually 
download the update. Now they have gone to FireFox way of notifying and 
then download silently the notifying you of the install. With the window 
People I can see with all the virus problems I can see why they would 
freak-out. On macs which I use its no big deal. I've been doing 
automatic updates with no issues. In the future if the playing levels 
and Virus writers pay more attention to Macs I may get concerned.
But being updated from Mozilla as opposed from any mirror sites I would 
tend to think we should have no worries what so ever about infections.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: When opening a(n) news/usenet server, how do I not make it download headers?

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Ant wrote:

On 12/20/2009 8:00 AM PT, Phillip Jones typed:

In v1.x, I open a news/usenet server and it only told me how many
posts and total posts but not download posts. In v2.0.x, it does the
same BUT also download the posts. How can I have v2 NOT download any
posts until I highlight a specific newsgroup?

Edit  mail and news Groups  Server Settings.

uncheck in Sever setting uncheck the first two items.

They're already unchecked. :( Opening up a news/usenet server still

I also told it to prompt me to download or not if each newsgroup has
over 100 new post. This gets annoying when it prompts for every groups
with over 100 posts after opening a news server. I haven't even clicked
on a newsgroup!

opening the the server even in SM 1.1.18 would download headers. That
exactly it just the headers. you actually read the message off the
server. the bodies are left on the server. the only way message bodies
are saved is if you have messages synchronization set to download when
off line. Then you have set Mozilla as newsgroup to download when Off
line. Then only and only then are bodies downloaded.

Right, but why am I getting prompt to download more than 100 new posts
(just headers) when I set download 100 only or prompt me what to do if
more than 100? When I open up a news/usenet server, I just want to see
how many unread and total posts there are. From here, it sometimes
prompt me when there are more than 100 unread posts in the newsgroups.

You should have chosen mark rest as read.

Once you check mark rest as read its remembered.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Who are Seamonkey's core user base?

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

»Q« wrote:,  wrote:

Benoit Renard wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Never mind you still can't see a users point of view.

The user's point of view is irrelevant in this case, and not what
we were talking about. It was a development issue, plain and

...if users aren't being considered in a development path, that's a
pretty inconsiderate way to develop a product.

That's a huge if.  The consideration, explained dozens of times so
far, was not users want a form manager but we don't care but rather
users want a form manager but there's not one or a way to get one in a
realistic time frame.

SeaMonkey 1.1 was released well over three years ago, which is
approximately forever in browser timelines.  Projects that don't make
new releases wither and die.  2.0 took so long because there was so
much work to be done and so few developers dedicated to doing it.  Did
they do every bit of work any every might wanted them to?  Well, no,
because there aren't enough of them or enough time for that.  What they
did do was put a lot of work in to produce a modern browser suite.

I find it amazing that some people conclude that the devs either don't
care about users or actively work against users' wishes, when those
same people continue to use the browser suite (either 1.1.x or
2.0.x) that those same devs have spent years to produce.

Is it quite possible because there absolutely nothing out on the market 
any better than SeaMonkey. Absolutely nothing. I have Safari, iCab, 
FireFox, OmniWeb, Opera, Camino. SeaMonkey blows the socks off of all of 

The devs have asked for and gotten a lot of constructive feedback from
users in this group, but multiple posts complaining about the same
feature ad nauseam and filled with all manner of malicious, unfounded
allegations about devs are only sapping energy that could be used to
improve SeaMonkey.

There was no accusations that developers were sapping energy. SM2 is a 
greatest Browser/Mail/news Product bar none. There is nothing on Earth 
and possibly Mars any better. Is it perfect. No. Are we disappointed in 
left out items. You Betcha!

IMO, what users who want a forms manager should now do is look for an
extension developer who might provide one;  there are some for Firefox
that people could check out and encourage the authors to make
SM-compatible.  At least one complainer has already said he's
completely unwilling to do that, but others could do it.

If your referring to whom I think you are. He said that as a lowly user 
such as he, he would be ignored, an individual user has no standing with 
developers. And, he didn't have the funds to pay him. If he had money, 
and influence he would be on the phone with him in a heart beat.

An individual user has no influence with a developer.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Who are Seamonkey's core user base?

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Philip Chee wrote:

On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 17:25:37 -0500, Leonidas Jones wrote:

Philip Chee wrote:

You don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of Open Source. Perhaps
you should just give up and install Maxthon.

Not an option, he's on a Mac.

Parellels, VMWare Fusion, probably Virtual Box.


If I had an Intel Mac Possibly. But with a PowerPC That's out.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Who are Seamonkey's core user base?till not an answer

2009-12-20 Thread Phillip Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Philip Chee wrote:

On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 17:25:37 -0500, Leonidas Jones wrote:

Philip Chee wrote:

You don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of Open Source. Perhaps
you should just give up and install Maxthon.

Not an option, he's on a Mac.

Parellels, VMWare Fusion, probably Virtual Box.


VirtualBox is great, though I've never tried on a G4, which is where
Phillip is.  Still not an answer for a full time browser regardless.

Safari would be the best, though I know he doesn't want to go there.


I have Safari I and I can do less with it than SM and its slower.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: The SM2 downgrade

2009-12-21 Thread Phillip Jones

Martin Freitag wrote:

Graham schrieb:

Martin Freitag wrote:

Graham schrieb:

First there's the need to provide your master password when you start
it. Yes, I know it's been complained about at length, but how on earth
could something like that slip through the development process? Do the
developers not use master passwords?

If it only asks once, what'S your problem?
Is it possible that you have fetching mails on start without opening
MailNews enabled in the preferences and it needs your Master-PW for that?

Because there are times when I do not want my passwords etc. to be
automatically dished up by the browser. In other words, I want it to
work like SM 1 did, which is to ask when the master password is first
required (as the option states).

If you fetch mail in start, wouldn't it be required then?
It's possible that you have to disable that functionality in the
preferences to get rid of an initial asking for the Master-PW.

If I have to run the browser with the
master password permanently permanently provided, then there's not a
whole lot of point having a master password at all.

Oh there is, it encrypts your passwords on the disk ;-)

Second it is just mind-numbingly slow. It takes for ever to resolve site
addresses and forever to download web pages. It often just times out. SM
1.1.18 has no problems at all, on the exact same system (neither does

I've never heared that before about SM2 compared to SM1, I would
recommend testing with another profile or in safe-mode.

Nice to hear you tried...

Flashblock will not install. It just gets itself into an install loop:
every time you start SM 2.0.1, Flashblock tries to install again.

Flashblock works like a charm in SM2, that's another reason I think
your SM2-installation and/or profile is not ok.

Well, it got itself into this state all by itself, and didn't work right
from the very moment it was installed.

Looks like you're not even willing to find a solution, but just
complaining about the current state, this won't get you any further,
sry. When flashblock works fine for all others you should consider your
setup being corrupted somehow. This might even be your file-system and
not SM itself.

The new download progress dialog's ridiculous small buttons are another
issue, but this has been beaten to death (and I wish this new design had

As you already read about it, feel free to create an improved version ;)

Ah yes, that childish response. The answer to all criticism of any open
source project.

Well I hear a bit too often, too. But there's some truth in it. I would
prefer a different functionality too but I don't have the
time/knoweledge (yet?) to change it myself. I'm using the download
statusbar extension for now.


I tried status bar and while it works, despite Download Manager's tensey 
weensy buttons and indicators. I found download manager far better. 
After I got it to work.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: only one blank tab on new browser - problem is back, and worse

2009-12-21 Thread Phillip Jones

Margo Guda wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Margo Guda wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Margo Guda wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Margo Guda wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Margo Guda wrote:

Not too long ago, I wrote about a problem when starting SM2.01
where I
not get my home pages loaded. It seemed to resolve itself when I
did a
However, the problem is back, and it is worse than ever.
Whatever startup option, either for the browser startup or just
a new
window, and whatever option - home page, current selected group of
previous session... - all of them produce only a single blank
tab. The
thing happens when I try to open a link from my desktop or from
program. Or when I click on a saved web page.
What's worse is I then tried to create a new profile and see if
it the
problem persisted. The first time I started SM in this new
profile it
ran as
expected. There was of course no home page, so I set one and
tried to
restart SM. NOTHING at all happened. It would not even bring up the
manager. Reinstalling also did not help. What finally brought SM
up was
removing the profiles.ini file from the profiles directory. The
created profile has the same problem as the old one, so I had
the new
profiles.ini reference my existing profile and removed the two
I have now tried to install an extra copy of SM in a new
location. I'm
getting the same results. Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.

Its a Bug.
there are two ways it will happen. you can over come it but it
comes back.

If you happen to not have Preference  Appearance  Browser and Mail
news both checked. It is guaranteed that you will see this.

And when you go to the section Browser make sure that the name
for your
Home page doesn't have an extra space.

I do have both Browser and MailNews checked. and both of them do
start up.
And I do have the problem. Not only when starting, but any new
In about:config I cannot find any extra spaces in my home page
names. Is
there another place I should check where an extra space could be

If it's a bug that can be overcome I could live with it but now it's


Try go to your home page after seeing about:blank

then try going to Preferences  Browser in the new Box for desired page
delete the URL for your home page remove all characters including
and any returns.

next click use click use current page.

next quit out preferences. Quit out of SeaMonkey.

restart SeaMonkey. Should go to your home page.

should last about next 10 or so start ups. and you'll have to do it

No such luck. I never got to my homepage. It just starts with the
blank tab.

Put in your home page where the about:blank is then go to it. The go to
preference Browser and set up your Home page.

I don't follow this last instruction. When I start up the browser, or
a new
window, the blank tab shows about:blank as its location. But this is not
listed in my preferences as the home page. I have a group of tabs, and
are all in the list. I did what you suggested earlier, and edited that
and used the current page as my home page. (blank). Then I found my tabs
again and loaded them, and again made the current group my home page.
Between each such change I OKed out of preferences then out of SM, and
restarted. The only thing I ever see is the about:blank tab I described.
BTW I have also tried - in yet another location - a later version, 2.1
a1pre. I tried it with the same profile. Here, there is no problem
with the
home page loading or the back navigation button working. I am not
I'll switch though, as too many add-ons are not compatible.

In The go to box (window) where about:blank type in your Homepage URL
(example: in place of about:blank type (using my
ISP in the example)
Hit return.
wait for home page to load
go to preferences  Browser and in the Home page box delete what's
there. then click on use current page.

The go to box is BLANK. It's when I hover over the tab title that in the
statusbar the about:blank appears. The home page contains the tabs I
have defined as such. When I press the HOME button on my navigator
toolbar SM loads them all, no problem.
I think the situation you assume is different from my problem. The home
page definition is not overwritten, as far as I can tell. SM just does
not load the home page when I open a new window, either by
doubleclicking a file or link on my computer when it's not yet running,
when I click its icon to start SM, or, from the menu or the statusbar
browser icon open a new window when SM is already running.
And of course, the old install does not even start with more than one
profile in the profiles directory.

Type your home page URL in the blank go box then hit return. Then follow 
the rest of my direction.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it

Re: 2.0.1 upgrade

2009-12-21 Thread Phillip Jones

Ray_Net wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Mike C wrote:

Ken Rudolph wrote:

Wow!  I just noticed that the security upgrade to SM 2.0.1 was handled
invisibly behind the scenes without my active participation or even
noticing that it happened (although I think I did check approve
without thinking about it when Zone Alarm told me that SeaMonkey was
attempting to contact the Internet.)  That's quite a change from SM
1.x, more like Firefox's upgrades.  I'm not a huge fan of automatic
updates, preferring to handle my computer tasks personally.  But I
have to admit I liked this a hell of a lot better than the
backup/uninstall/download/reinstall method for past SM updates!
Thanks, guys.

I never did thebackup/uninstall/download/reinstall method.
I always just installed updates over the old and it always just took
care of itself no problem.  It sounds like you went through a lot of
unnecessary extra work.

The unnecessary extra work was needed to avoid adding traces of
previous versions in the windows registry. We don't know if this is
again the case.

It's bad form to install over top a previous version whether PC, Unix,
Linux, or Mac. If there is the least bit of corruption it will remain.
if you do a clean install then no traces of corruption are there (unless
you have corrupt install). On Mac's to guarantee a clean install move
current application to Trash (but do nor empty Trash) This forces an
install to a different section of the hard drive. I assume on PC by
creating a new directory to put an install in does the same thing.

On windows, you have to use the windows part Add/remove Programs to
remove the old application letting a clean windows-registry. Then start
the SM-install program.

Each OS has their own system of doing a clean install.

One curiosity: On Snow Leopard from what I've been reading You are not 
asked whether to do a clean install. It can be done but you now have to 
go through some hoops to do so.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.0.1 upgrade

2009-12-21 Thread Phillip Jones

Mike C wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Mike C wrote:

Ken Rudolph wrote:

Wow!  I just noticed that the security upgrade to SM 2.0.1 was handled
invisibly behind the scenes without my active participation or even
noticing that it happened (although I think I did check approve
without thinking about it when Zone Alarm told me that SeaMonkey was
attempting to contact the Internet.)  That's quite a change from SM
1.x, more like Firefox's upgrades.  I'm not a huge fan of automatic
updates, preferring to handle my computer tasks personally.  But I
have to admit I liked this a hell of a lot better than the
backup/uninstall/download/reinstall method for past SM updates!
Thanks, guys.

I never did thebackup/uninstall/download/reinstall method.
I always just installed updates over the old and it always just took
care of itself no problem.  It sounds like you went through a lot of
unnecessary extra work.

The unnecessary extra work was needed to avoid adding traces of
previous versions in the windows registry. We don't know if this is
again the case.

It's bad form to install over top a previous version whether PC, Unix,
Linux, or Mac. If there is the least bit of corruption it will remain.
if you do a clean install then no traces of corruption are there (unless
you have corrupt install). On Mac's to guarantee a clean install move
current application to Trash (but do nor empty Trash) This forces an
install to a different section of the hard drive. I assume on PC by
creating a new directory to put an install in does the same thing.

Well I guess I stand corrected :-[
Maybe I'll uninstall first from now on.

  From what you guys said the unnecessary extra work
is actually necessary extra work :-(
 Chance are you can get away with just installing over top., But the 
odds are higher for corruption to kick in.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Bookmarks Icon in Personal Toolbar

2009-12-21 Thread Phillip Jones

BeeNeR wrote:

How do I turn off the Bookmarks Icon in my Personal Toolbar?

The 'HELP' file says it can be turned off:

  Note: Standard buttons on the Personal Toolbar such as Bookmarks,
Search, Go, Print and Home cannot be rearranged, but they can be turned
off and on.

I think that's in error and it doesn't mean Personal Toolbar.  I think
it is referring to Navigation Toolbar since that's where the 'HELP'
file takes me.

Turning Buttons On and Off
1.   Open the SeaMonkey
   Edit menu and choose Preferences.
2.   Click Browser.
3.   Under Select the buttons you want to see in the toolbars,
   choose the buttons that you want on your toolbar.
4.   Click OK.

In any case there is no option for 'Bookmarks' there.

Seems to be unneccessary in the 'Personal Toolbar' anyhow since there is
already a way to get to 'Bookmarks' via the 'File Edit View Go Bookmarks
Tools Window Help line.

In SM1.1.18 and lower You actually can turn this on and off.
IN SM2.x You use the Customize menu and drag the icons to places desired 
and add to by dragging out of customize menu. Ir removing by dragging to 
customize menu. If you drag off the menu but not into customize window 
you lose that item.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't send email in Seamonkey 2.0

2009-12-21 Thread Phillip Jones

marstokyo wrote:

I just upgraded to Seamonkey 2.0. I like it for its mail feature. But
now, when I try to send an email I get this message:
Sending of message failed.
An error occurred sending mail: Unable to authenticate to SMTP server It does not support authentication (SMTP-AUTH) but
you have chosen to use authentication. Uncheck 'Use name and password'
for that server or contact your service provider.

I'm using and have tried to figure out how to correct
this but to no avail. They're not interested in helping problems with


Edit  mail and Newsgroups  Server Settings  make sure 
always use Authentication   is un checked

Also there is a new feature in SMTP Server
Edit  mail  newsgroups  SMTP

click on edit for the SMTP Server for Earthlink and uncheck use secure 
authentication. Its been  a pain since they have put this little item in 
in 2.0.x

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.0.1 upgrade

2009-12-21 Thread Phillip Jones

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Mike C wrote:

Ken Rudolph wrote:

Wow!  I just noticed that the security upgrade to SM 2.0.1 was
invisibly behind the scenes without my active participation or even
noticing that it happened (although I think I did check approve
without thinking about it when Zone Alarm told me that SeaMonkey was
attempting to contact the Internet.)  That's quite a change from SM
1.x, more like Firefox's upgrades.  I'm not a huge fan of automatic
updates, preferring to handle my computer tasks personally.  But I
have to admit I liked this a hell of a lot better than the
backup/uninstall/download/reinstall method for past SM updates!
Thanks, guys.

I never did thebackup/uninstall/download/reinstall method.
I always just installed updates over the old and it always just took
care of itself no problem.  It sounds like you went through a lot of
unnecessary extra work.

The unnecessary extra work was needed to avoid adding traces of
previous versions in the windows registry. We don't know if this is
again the case.

It's bad form to install over top a previous version whether PC, Unix,
Linux, or Mac. If there is the least bit of corruption it will remain.
if you do a clean install then no traces of corruption are there (unless
you have corrupt install). On Mac's to guarantee a clean install move
current application to Trash (but do nor empty Trash) This forces an
install to a different section of the hard drive. I assume on PC by
creating a new directory to put an install in does the same thing.

On windows, you have to use the windows part Add/remove Programs to
remove the old application letting a clean windows-registry. Then start
the SM-install program.

Each OS has their own system of doing a clean install.

One curiosity: On Snow Leopard from what I've been reading You are not
asked whether to do a clean install. It can be done but you now have to
go through some hoops to do so.

...not just Sno-Lep.  For any install of SM on a Mac you just drag the
app from the disk image to where you want it.

So I'm left thinking that a truly clean install on a Mac would require
wiping out everything associated with SM by using a third party app like
App Delete.  Which would of course mean you'd also be deleting all of
your previous Profile and Pref information.

I'm talking about install of Snow leopard system from the DVD.

Most all applications either install from a dmg file , Pkg install or 
drag from dmg to appropriate folder. If you leave the old application in 
the applications folder (Directory) it will ask if you wish to replace 
and older version 

If you move old app to Trash you don't get this message.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.0.1 upgrade

2009-12-21 Thread Phillip Jones

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Mike C wrote:

Ken Rudolph wrote:

Wow!  I just noticed that the security upgrade to SM 2.0.1 was
invisibly behind the scenes without my active participation or even
noticing that it happened (although I think I did check approve
without thinking about it when Zone Alarm told me that SeaMonkey
attempting to contact the Internet.)  That's quite a change from SM
1.x, more like Firefox's upgrades.  I'm not a huge fan of automatic
updates, preferring to handle my computer tasks personally.  But I
have to admit I liked this a hell of a lot better than the
backup/uninstall/download/reinstall method for past SM updates!
Thanks, guys.

I never did thebackup/uninstall/download/reinstall method.
I always just installed updates over the old and it always just took
care of itself no problem.  It sounds like you went through a lot of
unnecessary extra work.

The unnecessary extra work was needed to avoid adding traces of
previous versions in the windows registry. We don't know if this is
again the case.

It's bad form to install over top a previous version whether PC, Unix,
Linux, or Mac. If there is the least bit of corruption it will remain.
if you do a clean install then no traces of corruption are there
you have corrupt install). On Mac's to guarantee a clean install move
current application to Trash (but do nor empty Trash) This forces an
install to a different section of the hard drive. I assume on PC by
creating a new directory to put an install in does the same thing.

On windows, you have to use the windows part Add/remove Programs to
remove the old application letting a clean windows-registry. Then start
the SM-install program.

Each OS has their own system of doing a clean install.

One curiosity: On Snow Leopard from what I've been reading You are not
asked whether to do a clean install. It can be done but you now have to
go through some hoops to do so.

...not just Sno-Lep.  For any install of SM on a Mac you just drag the
app from the disk image to where you want it.

So I'm left thinking that a truly clean install on a Mac would require
wiping out everything associated with SM by using a third party app like
App Delete.  Which would of course mean you'd also be deleting all of
your previous Profile and Pref information.

I'm talking about install of Snow leopard system from the DVD.

Most all applications either install from a dmg file , Pkg install or
drag from dmg to appropriate folder. If you leave the old application in
the applications folder (Directory) it will ask if you wish to replace
and older version 

If you move old app to Trash you don't get this message.

...oh, I thought you were talking about a clean install of SM or other

As for Mac OS system upgrades, I've always just installed them over the
existing system and never had any issues.  I do the Repair Permissions
dance both before and after system upgrade/install, but other than that
nothing special.

In previous installs to Snow Leopard You were asked to do either a clean 
install or Archive and Install, or install over previous install I tried 
installing X.4 over 3 and never could not get it to work finally I had 
to use the option of archive and install.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Bookmarks Icon in Personal Toolbar (SOLVED)

2009-12-21 Thread Phillip Jones

BeeNeR wrote:

On or about 12/21/2009 5:16 PM, Jens Hatlak typed the following:

BeeNeR wrote:

How do I turn off the Bookmarks Icon in my Personal Toolbar?

Right click it, choose Customize... and drag it into the
window/dialog/sheet that opens.

The 'HELP' file says it can be turned off:

Help has not been updated for that; I just filed Bug 536257.

Thanks for noticing! :-)

Seems to be unneccessary in the 'Personal Toolbar' anyhow since there is
already a way to get to 'Bookmarks' via the 'File Edit View Go Bookmarks
Tools Window Help line.

It's certainly redundant but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's
really a matter of opinion: Some like it like that, others (like you)
don't. SeaMonkey is all about choice so you're free to set it up the way
you like it, and others may do so as well.



Thanks Jens - I did try that (only once) and must be I didn't drag it as
far as thought I did since it didn't work.  My bad for not trying it
again.  Just went to 'HELP' to see if I was doing something wrong and
found out the 'HELP' file didn't really help.

All's under control now.  And thanks for filing a bug report.

Personal Toolbar is very handy. you can have a folder full bookmarks you 
want handy or you can drag links from navigation bar directly to 
personal Toolbar.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.0.1 upgrade

2009-12-22 Thread Phillip Jones

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

...not just Sno-Lep.  For any install of SM on a Mac you just drag the
app from the disk image to where you want it.

So I'm left thinking that a truly clean install on a Mac would
wiping out everything associated with SM by using a third party app
App Delete.  Which would of course mean you'd also be deleting all of
your previous Profile and Pref information.

I'm talking about install of Snow leopard system from the DVD.

Most all applications either install from a dmg file , Pkg install or
drag from dmg to appropriate folder. If you leave the old application in
the applications folder (Directory) it will ask if you wish to replace
and older version 

If you move old app to Trash you don't get this message.

...oh, I thought you were talking about a clean install of SM or other

As for Mac OS system upgrades, I've always just installed them over the
existing system and never had any issues.  I do the Repair Permissions
dance both before and after system upgrade/install, but other than that
nothing special.

In previous installs to Snow Leopard You were asked to do either a clean
install or Archive and Install, or install over previous install I tried
installing X.4 over 3 and never could not get it to work finally I had
to use the option of archive and install.

I think I've only ever done an Archive and Install once, and I can't
remember what the reason was...I must have been troubleshooting
something.  I installed Sno-Lep right over Lep on my Intel iMac, and Lep
right over 10.5.x on my G5 iMac.

Which I sort of wish I hadn't done now...I should have partitioned that
drive an created a tri-boot capable machine, or dual boot at the very
least.  I still have uses for OS 9, so one of these days I'll clone that
drive, partition, and do the dance to at least make it dual boot.

You considered the possibility of using SheepShaver runs OS 9 on Intel 

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: How to disable PDF files inline when Sending (Not Forwarding)

2009-12-22 Thread Phillip Jones

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

I just sent an email (SM 2.0.1) with a PDF file as an attachment. The
recipient gets a 7 page email containing PDF code and also receives the
PDF as an attachment.

The header of the email shows

Content Type: multipart/mixed;

but I think it should show Content Type: attachment/file or some such.

I have Preferences, Mail  Newsgroup Composition

Forward Messages check As Attached.

That may work for forwarding messages but what about sending messages?
How do I make sending a file as an attachment as the default.? Anything
in About:config that can fix this?

I have both Acrobat 9.0 Pro Extended and Acrobat Reader 9.0 installed. I
don't know if that may be screwing things up.
Preferences  Mail  newsgroups  Send make sure to have checked the 
first Item ask me what to do (Mail prompts you to choose format) either 
choose HTML or Plain Text but not both.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-22 Thread Phillip Jones

NoOp wrote:

But apparently do not understand the risks associated with html and
javascript in emails. You can of course choose to ignore the default
settings  SeaMonkey/about:config allows you to do that.


JavaScript was in html mail as far as back perhaps Netscape Navigator 
3.0.1.a Gold.  and the h=whole time not once did I experience a Problem 
And I have viewed many a html or newsgroup post with JavaScript in it 
and not once a problem. Yet recently there is all the fear of JavaScript.

Talk about something dangerous, talk about Active-X. Active-X is a lot 
more Dangerous than JavaScript.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-23 Thread Phillip Jones

NoOp wrote:

On 12/22/2009 06:39 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:

NoOp wrote:

But apparently do not understand the risks associated with html and
javascript in emails. You can of course choose to ignore the default
settings   SeaMonkey/about:config allows you to do that.


JavaScript was in html mail as far as back perhaps Netscape Navigator
3.0.1.a Gold.  and the h=whole time not once did I experience a Problem
And I have viewed many a html or newsgroup post with JavaScript in it
and not once a problem. Yet recently there is all the fear of JavaScript.

Talk about something dangerous, talk about Active-X. Active-X is a lot
more Dangerous than JavaScript.

SeaMonkey doesn't run Active-X  so the reference isn't relevant here.

You've also been advocating html  javascript in email for as long as I
remember. I wonder how your spam rate is? Also keep in mind that you run
a Mac, so the issues of something spinning up on your Mac vs that of a
Windows user is perhaps different.

Just because you've kept the blinders on all these years doesn't mean
that html  javascript in emails is a good thing. Google will certainly
show you that.

I have very little spam. I have one email box have open just to catch 
spam. and this one that I have been using for years I average about 4 
to 5 pieces a day. SM Spam filtering works well Plus My computer is set 
up to operate in stealth mode. If anyone else that has a Mac might be 
able explain better what that is. Plus my ISP doesn't use static IP. and 
uses DHCP. On the mailbox I keep as a spam Catcher the spam filtering I 
have set up through my ISP's web-mail catches some and about once a week 
I go into web mail and dump spam the have retained in junk folder I look 
and to see  whats what and delete about once a a week. I expect I have 
less spam than most of the other here do. On the spam catcher account I 
am considering the Possibility of instead of sending to a Junk folder 
just to delete out right . But their is always the possibility some one 
legit might post and might be caught in the filtering.

SM's filtering might be better if I dump the training data File I 
haven't reset it in years.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM2.0.1 and extensions

2009-12-23 Thread Phillip Jones
I just had to remove Lightning and PerfBar extension because they were 
making SM2.0.1 crash at every turn. Now I am back to just Forms History 
Control, Image zoom, QuoteColors, and web developer. I sent in reports 
with my email address. I didn't have any problems until I installed 

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2.0.1 and extensions

2009-12-23 Thread Phillip Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

I just had to remove Lightning and PerfBar extension because they were
making SM2.0.1 crash at every turn. Now I am back to just Forms History
Control, Image zoom, QuoteColors, and web developer. I sent in reports
with my email address. I didn't have any problems until I installed

Prefbar is always the first extension I install.  Lightning comes pretty
quick after that. Both are working fine from here.  What versions of
these extensions are you using?


Lightning  had pre3 at the end of the version number.
and Prefbar was the latest version that was compatible with SM 2.0 I got 
it from Mozdev

Forms history control was recently updated to 1.1.4 from 1.1.3 but that 
was before the download of Prefbar.

I hadn't

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Happens every Year .

2009-12-24 Thread Phillip Jones

question wrote:

Merry Xmas to all

And to all a Good night!

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: off line view of web sites

2009-12-24 Thread Phillip Jones

Danny Kile wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

JeffM wrote:

Danny Kile wrote:

I use a program called Local Website Archive.

I find it fascinating that the website for a company in that business
doesn't pass muster:
5 Errors


Who says that Company Web Designers (whether in house or paid) pay one
whit attention about W3C specifications.

Granted the ones the are here have had it hammered in their head. I'd be
very surprised if MS, Adobe, Intuit if you were check theirs would be. 5
error is not a heck of a lot.

On my own site I've spent literally months (not every day and not every
minute) re working mine to be W#C compliant to at least XML (XHTML) 1.0.
Transitional spec. And I still not sure I've go everything.

I checked,,,,
and thet all had hundreds of errors. All their site seem to
work just fine, so much for validator. I did and it was the
only site that passed.

I hope everyone doesn't take my post the wrong way. I am all for the W3C 
standards. I wish every website was 100 Compliant even those from MS. 
(which they don't, or didn't for a long time, so that only people that 
used IE could view their content.)

But realities are I would be surprised most profession and non Pro web 
designers never heard of W3C.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0.1 won't print emails

2009-12-24 Thread Phillip Jones

Peter wrote:

SeaMonkey 2.0.1 won't print emails, or anything.

Can anyone help please?..

Thank you.


works for me

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: off line view of web sites

2009-12-24 Thread Phillip Jones

Mark Hansen wrote:

On 12/24/2009 9:35 AM, Danny Kile wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

JeffM wrote:

Danny Kile wrote:

I use a program called Local Website Archive.

I find it fascinating that the website for a company in that business
doesn't pass muster:
5 Errors


Who says that Company Web Designers (whether in house or paid) pay one
whit attention about W3C specifications.

Granted the ones the are here have had it hammered in their head. I'd be
very surprised if MS, Adobe, Intuit if you were check theirs would be. 5
error is not a heck of a lot.

On my own site I've spent literally months (not every day and not every
minute) re working mine to be W#C compliant to at least XML (XHTML) 1.0.
Transitional spec. And I still not sure I've go everything.

I checked,,,,
and thet all had hundreds of errors. All their site seem to
work just fine, so much for validator. I did and it was the
only site that passed.


So much for validator?

The validator checks to see if the code that makes up the HTML/CSS is
correct. If it's not correct, it generates a validation warning/error.

If it's not correct, it's not correct. There are no two way about this.

The fact that a web site appears to function correctly doesn't mean the
HTML/CSS has no problems. Some problems can be big and some can be small.
Some will affect only certain browsers, some will affect only certain parts
of the application, etc.

Are you really saying that if the site appears to work to your standards
even with validation errors, that the validator has no value?

The validator is good for people that know about and want to check to 
see how well they have written their code. So that they know it will 
work with *Any* Browser. However, There are many don't even know about 
W3C let a lone about the validator. Many professionals.

For example Adobe's Forums have moved from WebX to Jive ClearSpace. and 
talk about a train wreck. there is no way that is even remotely 
validates with the validator.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2.0.1 and extensions

2009-12-24 Thread Phillip Jones

David E. Ross wrote:

On 12/23/2009 7:47 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

NoOp wrote:

On 12/23/2009 07:18 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

I've got PrefBar 4.3.1 installed and running fine. Lightning is an older
nightly, I'll try installing the beta release and see how it works.
Forms history also updated for me to 1.1.4. SM 2.0.1 haas yet to crash
since I installed it, on two machines.


Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20091206 Lightning/1.0b1 SeaMonkey/2.0.1

Prefbar 4.3.2

No issues.

I updated both Prefbar and Lightning, so far so good but small sample size.

   Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20091206 Lightning/1.0b1 Mnenhy/ SeaMonkey/2.0.1

With Prefbar 4.3.2.

Phillp, try here for the Lightning rc:


Is it possibly a Mac-specific issue?  That is, is it possible that some
of the extensions don't work right on a Mac?

I have the following:
* Adblock Plus 1.1.2 (
* Flashblock 1.3.15 (
* PrefBar 4.3.1 (
* Show Password On Input 0.1.3 (
plus some that came automatically with SeaMonkey.

These are all running okay on my PC with Windows XP SP2 and
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
  Gecko/20091206 SeaMonkey/2.0.1

I plan to install PrefBar 4.3.2 tonight.

I really can't say all I know is since I removed Prefbar and Lightning I 
have been crash free. and with them installed I was crashing about every 
10 minutes.  I sent reports on 3 of them and used my email address.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-25 Thread Phillip Jones

fel wrote:

On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 13:16:19 -0800,  in wrote:

I understand the risks involved with fooling around with about:config if
one doesn't know what one is doing...workarounds are fine for
experienced users, but not for the masses.

Absolutely.  Us masses just make our changes directly in prefs.js.
But seriously,  I wonder just how dumbed down you think that a computer
should be.

A computer is only as smart or dumb as the user.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Happens every Year .

2009-12-25 Thread Phillip Jones

NoOp wrote:

On 12/24/2009 09:49 PM, Philip Chee wrote:

On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 12:52:02 -0800, NoOp wrote:

On 12/24/2009 12:32 PM, question wrote:

Merry Xmas to all

In the USA there is a template for this:

To My Democrat  Friends:

You are obviously not an American because the correct terminology is
Democratic not Democrat.

Anyway, happy holidays. :-)

Democrat refer in this discussion to the person who votes Democratic 
party affiliation.

While Republican refers either, the Party itself or the Party Affiliation

You Can be a Liberal Democrat, or Conservative Democrat or Moderate 

You Can be a Liberal Republican, a Moderate Republican, or Conservative 

Then there are Independents.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-25 Thread Phillip Jones

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

fel wrote:

On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 13:16:19 -0800,   in wrote:

I understand the risks involved with fooling around with about:config if
one doesn't know what one is doing...workarounds are fine for
experienced users, but not for the masses.

Absolutely.  Us masses just make our changes directly in prefs.js.
But seriously,  I wonder just how dumbed down you think that a computer
should be.

A computer is only as smart or dumb as the user.

...your interface should be dumbed down to accommodate the dumbest
user that you are targeting your product to, or that you expect would
possibly want to try your product.  Simpler is better, useful
instructive information provided is always even better.

What if you grandmother would like to use SM because you recommended it?
   Or your 3rd grade aged nephew?

You'd have more trouble with the Grandma than the 3 or 4 year old.
I worked for a school system system as a Audio-Visual Electronics 
Technician. when computers first came out  (TI-88, Commodore 64 and 128, 
Apple II, Apple IIe, Winn 286, 386, Epson Equity, IBM PS1 and 2.

I found that the Kids took to the computers like ducks to water. while 
the teachers were scared to even tun the computers on. Often a 5, 6, 7 
year old was assigned to turn the computer on and get it running.

one funny incident one of the librarian gave a program Floppy to a 
Child. the child came back  a minute or two later  saying teacher need 
her to come get the computer going. she went and fond that they had a 
TI-88 which used cartridges. and she had asked for floppy that to go in 
an Apple IIe and folded it up to put in the slot of the TI-88.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Happens every Year .

2009-12-25 Thread Phillip Jones

NoOp wrote:

On 12/25/2009 04:37 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:

NoOp wrote:

On 12/24/2009 09:49 PM, Philip Chee wrote:

On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 12:52:02 -0800, NoOp wrote:

On 12/24/2009 12:32 PM, question wrote:

Merry Xmas to all

In the USA there is a template for this:

To My Democrat  Friends:

You are obviously not an American because the correct terminology is
Democratic not Democrat.

Anyway, happy holidays. :-)

Democrat refer in this discussion to the person who votes Democratic
party affiliation.

While Republican refers either, the Party itself or the Party Affiliation

You Can be a Liberal Democrat, or Conservative Democrat or Moderate

You Can be a Liberal Republican, a Moderate Republican, or Conservative

Then there are Independents.

Then there are... never mind.

You just enjoy debating, don't you?

Leave it. It was a spur of the moment, lighthearted, post in response to
the OP. Don't make it one of your I am right, you are wrong debates. OK?

Seek treatment, do something, but don't make an issue out of a friggin
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays thread.

Wasn't intended to be a debate. Just an explanation.

Oh I Left out a another category Libertarian.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-25 Thread Phillip Jones

Stefan wrote:

art skriver:

1) In the navigator window Personal Toolbar, the rightmost bookmark item
will occasionally overlap the dropdown menu icon depending on the
overall window size. This appears to be unique to the bookmark list. The
location edit box does not exhibit this behavior (it does not overlap
the history dropdown menu).

If I'm not mistaken, there is a bug filed for this. IIRC it's an old
problem - I think 1.1.x also had this issue.

2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

Oh, you mean the grippies?

toolbargrippy {
display: -moz-box !important;
} in userChrome.css should get them back.

Beware that it doesn't look that nice, though ;-)


Use any theme other than the default theme and you get grippies. I've 

Orbit 3+1 which I am currently using
SkyPilot that I can use but interferes with QuoteColors,
SeaMonkey Modern,
Venerable Modern,
Walnut which has some missing or generic icons,
and then SeaMonkey Default.
Default is the only without the grippies.

Get with the program please. Forget about Apple suggestion for user 
interface. They are not interested in the amount of space taken to 
create the grippies and the fly up fly down ,and fly in/out window 
action. Heck even the Mac Addressbook and, and Kodak Easy Share have fly 
out side windows. and iPhoto has some fly-down windows with a grippy bar 
of its own.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Happens every Year .

2009-12-26 Thread Phillip Jones

Philip Chee wrote:

On Fri, 25 Dec 2009 19:37:06 -0500, Phillip Jones wrote:

Democrat refer in this discussion to the person who votes Democratic
party affiliation.

While Republican refers either, the Party itself or the Party Affiliation

You Can be a Liberal Democrat, or Conservative Democrat or Moderate

You Can be a Liberal Republican, a Moderate Republican, or Conservative

Then there are Independents.

You forgot the Libertarians.


I know. After No Op Comment about I was arguing, I noted I forgotten 
about Libertarians. Noted is was not arguing just explaining.

I'm use to being fussed at. Because I have the same affliction my dad 
had he could say or write something and mean it one way, and people 
would take it being insulting or argumentative, when he was Joking or 
explaining. I have the same gift.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-26 Thread Phillip Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

Stefan wrote:

art skriver:

1) In the navigator window Personal Toolbar, the rightmost bookmark item
will occasionally overlap the dropdown menu icon depending on the
overall window size. This appears to be unique to the bookmark list. The
location edit box does not exhibit this behavior (it does not overlap
the history dropdown menu).

If I'm not mistaken, there is a bug filed for this. IIRC it's an old
problem - I think 1.1.x also had this issue.

2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

Oh, you mean the grippies?

toolbargrippy {
 display: -moz-box !important;
} in userChrome.css should get them back.

Beware that it doesn't look that nice, though ;-)


Use any theme other than the default theme and you get grippies. I've
Orbit 3+1 which I am currently using
SkyPilot that I can use but interferes with QuoteColors,
SeaMonkey Modern,
Venerable Modern,
Walnut which has some missing or generic icons,
and then SeaMonkey Default.
Default is the only without the grippies.

Get with the program please. Forget about Apple suggestion for user
interface. They are not interested in the amount of space taken to
create the grippies and the fly up fly down ,and fly in/out window
action. Heck even the Mac Addressbook and, and Kodak Easy Share have fly
out side windows. and iPhoto has some fly-down windows with a grippy bar
of its own.

I've re-examined the default theme.. Turns out there is not much to do 
to get the grippy action back.

If you'll look ther is the actual bar but with a center Dot. (which 
currently does nothing  put in code to click on the dot (circle) for the 
fly up fly down or fly right left action to engage on clicking on the 
dot, will fix the problem No extra cosmetic Changes needed I will put 
some screen shots pointing out the dot, and put on my site for you to 
look at.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-26 Thread Phillip Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Stefan wrote:

art skriver:

1) In the navigator window Personal Toolbar, the rightmost bookmark item
will occasionally overlap the dropdown menu icon depending on the
overall window size. This appears to be unique to the bookmark list. The
location edit box does not exhibit this behavior (it does not overlap
the history dropdown menu).

If I'm not mistaken, there is a bug filed for this. IIRC it's an old
problem - I think 1.1.x also had this issue.

2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

Oh, you mean the grippies?

toolbargrippy {
  display: -moz-box !important;
} in userChrome.css should get them back.

Beware that it doesn't look that nice, though ;-)


Use any theme other than the default theme and you get grippies. I've
Orbit 3+1 which I am currently using
SkyPilot that I can use but interferes with QuoteColors,
SeaMonkey Modern,
Venerable Modern,
Walnut which has some missing or generic icons,
and then SeaMonkey Default.
Default is the only without the grippies.

Get with the program please. Forget about Apple suggestion for user
interface. They are not interested in the amount of space taken to
create the grippies and the fly up fly down ,and fly in/out window
action. Heck even the Mac Addressbook and, and Kodak Easy Share have fly
out side windows. and iPhoto has some fly-down windows with a grippy bar
of its own.

I've re-examined the default theme.. Turns out there is not much to do
to get the grippy action back.

If you'll look ther is the actual bar but with a center Dot. (which
currently does nothing  put in code to click on the dot (circle) for the
fly up fly down or fly right left action to engage on clicking on the
dot, will fix the problem No extra cosmetic Changes needed I will put
some screen shots pointing out the dot, and put on my site for you to
look at.

Here are the screen shots the arrows are mine pointing out the Dot. On 
the themes with gripies  clicking on the actual grippy gives the spring 
loaded action. on the actual bar grabbing anywhere on the bar except 
where the grippy is not,  allow manual adjustment of the width of the 

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-26 Thread Phillip Jones

art wrote:

On 12/25/09 9:27 PM, Stefan wrote:

art skriver:

  1) In the navigator window Personal Toolbar, the rightmost bookmark item
  will occasionally overlap the dropdown menu icon depending on the
  overall window size. This appears to be unique to the bookmark list. The
  location edit box does not exhibit this behavior (it does not overlap
  the history dropdown menu).

If I'm not mistaken, there is a bug filed for this. IIRC it's an old
problem - I think 1.1.x also had this issue.

  2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
  side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
  windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

Oh, you mean the grippies?

toolbargrippy {
 display: -moz-box !important;
} in userChrome.css should get them back.

Beware that it doesn't look that nice, though ;-)

Thanks, that addresses #2.

#1 may be related to the size of the box model for the #PersonalToolbar
node or one of its' children. Unfortunately, the DOM Blink Selected
Element is not functional on the MacOS X version and thus makes this a
challenge to chase down.

could you not look at the code in the modern theme that allows Grippies 
and see how its implemented there then adapt the code for the default theme.

I'm waiting for SailFish to fix SkyPilot but he no longer seems 
interested. It has a Minor conflict with  QuoteColors.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-26 Thread Phillip Jones

Stefan wrote:

Phillip Jones skriver:

Stefan wrote:

art skriver:

1) In the navigator window Personal Toolbar, the rightmost bookmark item
will occasionally overlap the dropdown menu icon depending on the
overall window size. This appears to be unique to the bookmark list. The
location edit box does not exhibit this behavior (it does not overlap
the history dropdown menu).

If I'm not mistaken, there is a bug filed for this. IIRC it's an old
problem - I think 1.1.x also had this issue.

2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

Oh, you mean the grippies?

toolbargrippy {
display: -moz-box !important;
} in userChrome.css should get them back.

Beware that it doesn't look that nice, though ;-)


Use any theme other than the default theme and you get grippies. I've
Orbit 3+1 which I am currently using
SkyPilot that I can use but interferes with QuoteColors,
SeaMonkey Modern,
Venerable Modern,
Walnut which has some missing or generic icons,
and then SeaMonkey Default.
Default is the only without the grippies.

Yes, and the reason is that the default theme should blend in with the
OS as much as possible. I do agree that you could argue that there is
missing functionality, but I fail to see how the current toolbar
grippies could be made to fit in nicely in a unified toolbar. Note also
that the default theme has functionality that for example Modern lacks
(dragging the window from the toolbar/status bar).

Get with the program please. Forget about Apple suggestion for user

And get a user interface designed for windows/linux?

They are not interested in the amount of space taken to

create the grippies and the fly up fly down ,and fly in/out window
action. Heck even the Mac Addressbook and, and Kodak Easy Share have fly
out side windows. and iPhoto has some fly-down windows with a grippy bar
of its own.

I looked at Addressbook and iPhoto and I don't see any toolbar grippies
in those apps.


they have the bar with the dot.
click on the the little dot with the i in it  and the window opens and 
closes drag the bar adjust size. EasySharepicture001.png
click on the button with blue background with the arrow expands and 
collapes this window
Click on the square with the arrow opens expands and collapes this windows
shows top part of window
Bottom part of the same window not button it i with blue circle the 
opena and closes this window.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-26 Thread Phillip Jones

art wrote:

On 12/26/09 1:23 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:

art wrote:

  On 12/25/09 9:27 PM, Stefan wrote:

  art skriver:

1) In the navigator window Personal Toolbar, the rightmost bookmark item
will occasionally overlap the dropdown menu icon depending on the
overall window size. This appears to be unique to the bookmark list. The
location edit box does not exhibit this behavior (it does not overlap
the history dropdown menu).

  If I'm not mistaken, there is a bug filed for this. IIRC it's an old
  problem - I think 1.1.x also had this issue.

2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

  Oh, you mean the grippies?

  toolbargrippy {
   display: -moz-box !important;
  } in userChrome.css should get them back.

  Beware that it doesn't look that nice, though ;-)

  Thanks, that addresses #2.

  #1 may be related to the size of the box model for the #PersonalToolbar
  node or one of its' children. Unfortunately, the DOM Blink Selected
  Element is not functional on the MacOS X version and thus makes this a
  challenge to chase down.

could you not look at the code in the modern theme that allows Grippies
and see how its implemented there then adapt the code for the default theme.

I'm waiting for SailFish to fix SkyPilot but he no longer seems
interested. It has a Minor conflict with  QuoteColors.

The patch that Stephan posted works fine for me although the grippy that
is part of the Modern theme would look a bit better. As these are
built-in themes, there are no external resources to manipulate so it is
a bit more adventurous to change :-).

FWIW - Venerable Modern 1.2 and Modern Mozillium 1.2 both have a problem
with the popup history list background that is invoked when typing in a
URL. It shows as transparent which makes it hard to read. The manually
invoked history icon does not have this problem (white background). It
doesn't appear that these have been updated for a while (1.2.20080705).

Have you tried  Orbit 3=1 v2.0 although the throbber to go back to the 
SM page or show progress looks strange it does that, plus show progress. 
Now if it had the SeaMonkey throbber it would be perfect has great 
looking buttons. Some people may not like the orange backgrounds in the 
buttons I sort of like them.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-28 Thread Phillip Jones

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Stefan wrote:

Rufus skriver:

Stefan wrote:

Rufus skriver:



I suspect its a labeling mismatch, probably due to the difference in
naming between SM and FF. In SM it has always been the Personal
Toolbar, going back to Moz Suite days, in FF, its been the Bookmarks
toolbar as long as I can remember.


That's what I seem to recall...and that there is also a Personal Items
or Personal Bookmarks folder included by default in a newly created
Profile - right?

Personal Toolbar Folder in my profile.


That's what I have too.  And I also have a Personal Bookmarks folder
that I believe is a default include.

But SM is acting properly, even though the menu item says one thing and
the folder says another.  Not being a code-head, I assume there's a
pointer which isn't dependent on the folder name?  Seeing as it's
working...or should the installer/migration have renamed it?

Oh - and with 2.0.1, the previous grayed out empty items in my
Bookmarks list under 2.0 went away.

On Mac Version of SM 2/2.0.1 The personal Toolbar Shows as Personal Tool 
Bar when you go to Bookmark Menu and choose Manage Bookmarks and also on 
the View Menu it shows as Personal Toolbar.

Must be a PC thing.

Actually for what it does it should be named Personal Toolbar. Why? 
because it a Place you want to personally keep up with every day or keep 
at the ready for added convenience.

On FireFox it is called Bookmarks bar in both places.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-28 Thread Phillip Jones

Philip Chee wrote:

On Sun, 27 Dec 2009 14:14:55 -0800, Leonidas Jones wrote:

I suspect its a labeling mismatch, probably due to the difference in
naming between SM and FF.  In SM it has always been the Personal
Toolbar, going back to Moz Suite days, in FF, its been the Bookmarks
toolbar as long as I can remember.

As far as I know in Firefox it is still officially called the Personal
Toolbar although of course most users refer to it as the Bookmarks toolbar.


No, in 3.5.6  its called Bookmarks Bar which is confusing and redundant 
in a way. Inside Bookmarks Folder directory;  is a Bookmarks Bar?

FF 3.5.6

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-29 Thread Phillip Jones

Robert Kaiser wrote:

Daniel schrieb:

Us masses should not even be, directly, touching prefs.js!! Make the
changes in user.js and let SM copy them into prefs.js!!

Right, you shouldn't touch prefs.js - the masses should also never touch
or have a user.js at all, though (IMHO, we even should remove that
feature as about:config is better nowadays). And the masses also
should not ever need to touch about:config as well, everything a normal
mass-user should need to look into is the graphical preferences window.

Robert Kaiser
How about some type of switch for average user and expert user. Expert 
user would be as now allows User.js files and working with about:config.
Th Average user mode would have no ability to create a USER.js or and 
about:config would be hidden.

That way after a person has dealt with SM for a year or two could then 
turn on expert mode to get the powers we now.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-29 Thread Phillip Jones

Robert Kaiser wrote:

Phillip Jones schrieb:

could you not look at the code in the modern theme that allows Grippies
and see how its implemented there then adapt the code for the default

When Stefan designed the new default theme for Mac, he decided that the
grippies don't look fitting or good on Mac, so he did put in a small
piece of CSS to always hide them, the userChrome.css hack he posted here
just reverses the function of that bit.
I'd be much happier if that was a pref one could set with toolbar
customization - maybe that's something that could be done for a later
version (2.1 or so).

Robert Kaiser

Just making the Dot click-able would be acceptable and just have the fly 
in/out/up/down action tied to the dots if the little rectangle with the 
dimples is so garish looking?

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-29 Thread Phillip Jones

MCBastos wrote:

Interviewed by CNN on 29/12/2009 18:16, Robert Kaiser told the world:

Rufus schrieb:

...maybe just Toolbar Items? Or Personal Toolbar Items?

What I have thought about is Personal Bookmark Items, which is about
as long as the current one and goes better in line with the current name
of the toolbar, though still pointing to bookmarks.

Maybe even just Personal Bookmarks, but that could be too little precise.

I have to disagree. Generally speaking, ALL bookmarks are personal
inasmuch as they are a personal customization, and the ones in the
toolbar aren't any more personal than the other ones.

What about something like Quick Bookmarks? That's fairly descriptive
-- they are bookmarks, but they are easier to access (and therefore
quicker) because they are in a toolbar.

Personal Toolbar is the best is where you personalize the specific items 
you want quick access to.

The way I use Bookmarks If I find a site I want to save to go back to on 
occasion I simply bookmark it. That means it they are just loose in the 
bookmarks Folder. However I have some items that I go to at least once a 
week if not once a day I place them within sub folders, or loose on The 
Personal Toolbar I don't even use the sub folder created by SM from 
Scratch other than what I create on the Personal Toolbar. I don't put 
anything else other than bookmarks on the personal Toolbar. So to me the 
most apt description is Personal Toolbar.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-29 Thread Phillip Jones

Robert Kaiser wrote:

NoOp wrote:

Perhaps not the masses; but having the ability to quickly change
path/user enmass in prefs.js is what enables me to easily transport an
entire .mozilla folder to another machine   have it working in a matter
of minutes.

Sure, that's the power of text-based and/or easy-to-read storing
formats. But then, anyone editing configuration files manually is
probably not the masses, as you state. ;-)

Robert Kaiser
I didn't dream of modifying about config items until I went to last 
version or two of Mozilla. And I've been a User of Mozilla Products 
since Netscape Navigator 3.0.1.a Gold.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-29 Thread Phillip Jones

art wrote:

On 12/29/09 7:50 AM, Robert Kaiser wrote:

Phillip Jones schrieb:

  could you not look at the code in the modern theme that allows Grippies
  and see how its implemented there then adapt the code for the default

When Stefan designed the new default theme for Mac, he decided that the
grippies don't look fitting or good on Mac, so he did put in a small
piece of CSS to always hide them, the userChrome.css hack he posted here
just reverses the function of that bit.
I'd be much happier if that was a pref one could set with toolbar
customization - maybe that's something that could be done for a later
version (2.1 or so).

Robert Kaiser

Thanks for the insight.

The .css hack does work and also restores the rollover highlighting as
well. Although the grippy style could be enhanced a bit, it's really not
that bad.

The other theme bug that I had mentioned in the original posting had to
do with incorrect Personal Toolbar bookmark overflow handling at the
right margin overlapping the chevron overflow menu icon. This seems to
be unique to the Default Theme as the Modern theme doesn't exhibit this

There are a number of chevron-related Bugzilla entries although it's not
clear if they are related to this. Is there a similar .css hack that can
address this ? Maybe box model resizing ?

 where is that css code I'd like to try it for the default.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-30 Thread Phillip Jones

art wrote:

On 12/29/09 7:57 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

art wrote:

  On 12/29/09 7:50 AM, Robert Kaiser wrote:

  Phillip Jones schrieb:

  could you not look at the code in the modern theme that allows Grippies
  and see how its implemented there then adapt the code for the default

  When Stefan designed the new default theme for Mac, he decided that the
  grippies don't look fitting or good on Mac, so he did put in a small
  piece of CSS to always hide them, the userChrome.css hack he posted here
  just reverses the function of that bit.
  I'd be much happier if that was a pref one could set with toolbar
  customization - maybe that's something that could be done for a later
  version (2.1 or so).

  Robert Kaiser

  Thanks for the insight.

  The .css hack does work and also restores the rollover highlighting as
  well. Although the grippy style could be enhanced a bit, it's really not
  that bad.

  The other theme bug that I had mentioned in the original posting had to
  do with incorrect Personal Toolbar bookmark overflow handling at the
  right margin overlapping the chevron overflow menu icon. This seems to
  be unique to the Default Theme as the Modern theme doesn't exhibit this

  There are a number of chevron-related Bugzilla entries although it's not
  clear if they are related to this. Is there a similar .css hack that can
  address this ? Maybe box model resizing ?

I can't seem to get the userChrome.css addition to work.


Lee  Phillip:
Here's what I use in the userChrome.css:

/* add the toolbar grippy to the default theme */
toolbargrippy { display: -moz-box !important; }

FWIW - I also have this entry:
/* widen the hotspot for splits between folder pane and message pane in
mail */
#folderpane-splitter { width: 3px !important; }

Like all overrides, they to follow the @namespace entry line (it's the
cascade phenomenon in .css :-)).
 I already have a UserChrome.css setup to over come some Jive 
Clearspace defect in the Adobe forums. I'll have to figure out how to 
add this  as well.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Trouble with PDF's

2009-12-30 Thread Phillip Jones

Tom Pamin wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 12/30/2009 2:20 PM, Tom Pamin wrote:

I'm using SM 1.1.18 with Win7 64-bit. I keep getting an Adobe popup box
with a question mark when I try to open pdf's in SM. What is causing
this? If I reboot it works for awhile, then goes back to the question mark.

Is it possible that it is something from Adobe Reader?

The next time this happens, try using Adobe Reader to open a PDF file
that you already have.  First, double-click on the PDF file to see if it
opens in Adobe Reader.  If that works, then close the PDF file and then
try to open it via the File menu on the Adobe Reader menu bar.

Don't test it now.  Wait until you have the problem again.

I do have the problem now. I just tested the Reader, and it works fine.
When I try to open a pdf file in SM, I get the Adobe box with a question
mark. When I use IE, it works fine.

Try Preferences Browser Helper Applications
Click on the listing for PDF. choose Reader.

Or if you have plugin use AdobePDF plugin.

On Mac it only works with Safari on windows it works with anything and 

*Side Note*: for Mac Users download PDFViewer by Schubert it works with 
everything except Internet Explorer allows 
SM/FF/Safari/OmniWeb/opera/and iCab to open PDF within browser.

Most people here despise the idea of a Pdf opening directly in a 
Browser. But I think it great. A lot of my website uses PDF's and makes 
convenient to view the pages.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: browser won't open html files on disk

2009-12-31 Thread Phillip Jones

Stefan wrote:

Rufus skriver:

Stefan wrote:

Stefan skriver:

Rufus skriver:

Robert Kaiser wrote:

phillipm wrote:

major problem: SeaMonkey will not open HTML files located on my HD
not when double-clicked, not with keyboard command, not with Finder
menu option either. The application will launch but the file is not
displayed ... just a blank screen. The only way to get the page to
display is you use the Open File... menu within SeaMonkey. !?!??!
Very odd ... Any clues?

This is known and will be fixed in the 2.0.2 update.

Robert Kaiser

This is working for me with 2.0.1 - if I double click on an HTML file
located in a folder, it opens just as I would expect.

No one mentioned it in this thread, but the issue only happens when
SeaMonkey is already running.


And it's Mac-only (just to clarify).

Ok - with SM running it's not working, but I'm not getting a blank page
- my Home page comes up in a new window, even though I have my Pref set
to open a new tab.

I'm also using a MacBook Pro like the OP, running SnoLep.

Yeah, it depends on your new window preference (phillipm should have his
set to open a blank page)

But if You do That it opens about:Blank which it should never do. It 
should either open the item  or open you home page window.

I have a Bug where I have home page to open and if I don't have Browser 
and email to starts (just email), it opens about Blank. There is two 
ways to cure it for a little while before it creeps up again.

Go to Preferences appearance and set Browser and email to open at start 
up shut down preferences , Shut down SM2  start SM and its fixed.

Or go to preferences  browser  and remove all content with the Box. 
Then choose use current page. and That fixes it for a while. about:blank 
should never come up for any reason.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-31 Thread Phillip Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

art wrote:

On 12/29/09 7:57 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

art wrote:

On 12/29/09 7:50 AM, Robert Kaiser wrote:

Phillip Jones schrieb:

could you not look at the code in the modern theme that allows
and see how its implemented there then adapt the code for the default

When Stefan designed the new default theme for Mac, he decided that the
grippies don't look fitting or good on Mac, so he did put in a small
piece of CSS to always hide them, the userChrome.css hack he posted
just reverses the function of that bit.
I'd be much happier if that was a pref one could set with toolbar
customization - maybe that's something that could be done for a later
version (2.1 or so).

Robert Kaiser

Thanks for the insight.

The .css hack does work and also restores the rollover highlighting as
well. Although the grippy style could be enhanced a bit, it's really not
that bad.

The other theme bug that I had mentioned in the original posting had to
do with incorrect Personal Toolbar bookmark overflow handling at the
right margin overlapping the chevron overflow menu icon. This seems to
be unique to the Default Theme as the Modern theme doesn't exhibit this

There are a number of chevron-related Bugzilla entries although it's not
clear if they are related to this. Is there a similar .css hack that can
address this ? Maybe box model resizing ?

I can't seem to get the userChrome.css addition to work.


Lee  Phillip:
Here's what I use in the userChrome.css:

/* add the toolbar grippy to the default theme */
toolbargrippy { display: -moz-box !important; }

FWIW - I also have this entry:
/* widen the hotspot for splits between folder pane and message pane in
mail */
#folderpane-splitter { width: 3px !important; }

Like all overrides, they to follow the @namespace entry line (it's the
cascade phenomenon in .css :-)).

No success.

 as well as for me too. I've removed that since it may interfere with 
my patch to Jive Clearspace forums.

This is what I currently have:

#jive-wrapper {

width:100% !important;

background-color: #ff !important;

background-image: none !important;


@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain( {
  body {
font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif !important;

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-31 Thread Phillip Jones

art wrote:

On 12/31/09 9:33 AM, Phillip Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

  art wrote:

  On 12/29/09 7:57 PM, Leonidas Jones wrote:

  art wrote:

  On 12/29/09 7:50 AM, Robert Kaiser wrote:

  Phillip Jones schrieb:

  could you not look at the code in the modern theme that allows
  and see how its implemented there then adapt the code for the default

  When Stefan designed the new default theme for Mac, he decided that the
  grippies don't look fitting or good on Mac, so he did put in a small
  piece of CSS to always hide them, the userChrome.css hack he posted
  just reverses the function of that bit.
  I'd be much happier if that was a pref one could set with toolbar
  customization - maybe that's something that could be done for a later
  version (2.1 or so).

  Robert Kaiser

  Thanks for the insight.

  The .css hack does work and also restores the rollover highlighting as
  well. Although the grippy style could be enhanced a bit, it's really not
  that bad.

  The other theme bug that I had mentioned in the original posting had to
  do with incorrect Personal Toolbar bookmark overflow handling at the
  right margin overlapping the chevron overflow menu icon. This seems to
  be unique to the Default Theme as the Modern theme doesn't exhibit this

  There are a number of chevron-related Bugzilla entries although it's not
  clear if they are related to this. Is there a similar .css hack that can
  address this ? Maybe box model resizing ?

  I can't seem to get the userChrome.css addition to work.


  Here's what I use in the userChrome.css:

  /* add the toolbar grippy to the default theme */
  toolbargrippy { display: -moz-box !important; }

  FWIW - I also have this entry:
  /* widen the hotspot for splits between folder pane and message pane in
  mail */
  #folderpane-splitter { width: 3px !important; }

  Like all overrides, they to follow the @namespace entry line (it's the
  cascade phenomenon in .css :-)).

  No success.


as well as for me too. I've removed that since it may interfere with
my patch to Jive Clearspace forums.

This is what I currently have:

#jive-wrapper {

width:100% !important;

background-color: #ff !important;

background-image: none !important;


@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain( {
 body {
   font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif !important;

This may be causing one or more CSS cascading rule conflicts. Do you
have these entries after the default XUL @namespace entry ?

We have a Problem on the Jive Clearspace adobe forums where the box used 
to type in does go full width of screen but is sat to about 40%. This 
code was created by some of the people there to get around the problem. 
In fact its based on a script for Greasemonkey and another extension I 
have no way of knowing is braking any rules or not.

This is the exact version as written in the UserContent.css for SM1.18 
and SM2 and because of the specific excepting built in it only kicks in 
for the adobe forums. :

#jive-wrapper {

width:100% !important;

background-color: #ff !important;

background-image: none !important;


@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain( {
  body {
font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif !important;

@-moz-document url-prefix(;) {
  td.MS_WH_ZoneSpacing { width: 1% !important; }
  td.MS_WH_ZoneSpacing + td { width: 98% !important; }

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: No MAIL Print button in 2.0?

2009-12-31 Thread Phillip Jones

Tom wrote:

I can't see how to add a Print button to my email client in Version
2.0.1.  Is the only way to print an email by clicking on FILE--PRINT?

Thanks, Tom

Click on the menubar and hold, a menu should pop up choose customize.
when menu opens drag the printer icon to desired location  menu bar.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: No MAIL Print button in 2.0?

2009-12-31 Thread Phillip Jones

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 31.12.2009 19:49, Mark Hansen wrote:

   --- Original Message ---

On 12/31/2009 5:42 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:

  Tom wrote:

  I can't see how to add a Print button to my email client in Version
  2.0.1.  Is the only way to print an email by clicking on FILE--PRINT?

  Thanks, Tom

  Click on the menubar and hold, a menu should pop up choose customize.
  when menu opens drag the printer icon to desired location  menu bar.

Aren't these instruction specific to Mac? According to the headers on the
original post, the user is on Windows.

For Windows, right-click on the Mail Toolbar and select customize.

By the way, the menubar is the component which includes File, Edit, View,
Go, etc. drop-down menus.

Phillip was close, just missed the part about right-clicking. It's also
a menubar in the mail component - File Edit View ... and so on that you
can right-click on and select customize. You can also right-click on the
Mail Toolbar as well which is right under the menu bar. ;-)

Actually, that's correct. You can use right click (or control click on 
Mac most likely alt click on PC) But I have to remember also that on a 
Mac Laptop just holding down the mouse (Track pad) button will bring up 
the menu as well. I have to remember other platforms don't have that 
ability. sorry.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Post at mozillazine

2010-01-01 Thread Phillip Jones

compositor wrote:


I made this post at MozillaZine community, but was wondering if someone
could answer it here instead.

Hope Someone can help!

I disagree with the post. I hate tabs worth a passion but that me I 
prefer open windows and have new material replace the content of the 
previous window. I have enough of a time concentrating on one window at 
a time much less flipping from one to the other in tabs. I prefer doing 
one thing at a time.

Besides with the slow 1mb Synchronous DSL line. SM2 is slow enough as it 
is. and with items in tabs slow it down even more.
Now for as for putting X's to dimiss a tab if your going to use tabs 
that is a good thing

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is there a way to encrypt or add a password to SM2's addressbook?

2010-01-01 Thread Phillip Jones

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Ant wrote:


Just wondering since I have personal datas in my addressbooks.

Thank you in advance and happy new year. :)

Other then using a master Password, I know of none.


I don't think the Address Book is encrypted, even with a Master Password
- I've been using a Master for years, and I've never had to enter it to
access my Address Book.

...good idea, though - for Forms too.

But if a master password is setup right. You need to enter the master 
Password SeaMonkey to even open. I have it so it will start but then you 
must put in password for it to finish loading if its not put in the it 
will not start.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: No MAIL Print button in 2.0?

2010-01-01 Thread Phillip Jones

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Tom wrote:

I can't see how to add a Print button to my email client in Version
2.0.1.  Is the only way to print an email by clicking on FILE--PRINT?

Thanks, Tom

In addition to the other responses, I would note that almost every
Windows program will respond to CTRL-P, even those that pretend not to
have print functionality. For example, when a website pops up a window
stripped of all menus and toolbars, you can still print the content this

And on The Mac Side of things Command (open Apple)Key - P also will 
bring up the printer. I suspect the is some type of short cut key for 
Linux/UNIX people as well.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is there a way to encrypt or add a password to SM2's addressbook?

2010-01-02 Thread Phillip Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Ant wrote:


Just wondering since I have personal datas in my addressbooks.

Thank you in advance and happy new year. :)

Other then using a master Password, I know of none.


I don't think the Address Book is encrypted, even with a Master Password
- I've been using a Master for years, and I've never had to enter it to
access my Address Book.

...good idea, though - for Forms too.

But if a master password is setup right. You need to enter the master
Password SeaMonkey to even open. I have it so it will start but then you
must put in password for it to finish loading if its not put in the it
will not start.

That's what I thought, though I have never used a master password and
have no intention of doing so, based on my usage.


Because of all the Banking, Financial, and Credit Card info I have. I've 
always set up that way. The only one that lives with me  is my 85 year 
old mother, that doesn't even know how to turn my computers on. But if 
some one were to steal my computer they would have a good pay day were 
it not for my password protection. Unless you live in a community that 
has had zero crime in 100 years, its unsafe not to do so.

Gone are the days in the 50's where you could leave doors, screen doors 
and windows opened and unlocked.

In today's world if you don't at least Lock and protect everything. And 
in some cases you don't put bars on doors and windows, even after 
locking your doors and windows, you stand to get cleaned out.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is there a way to encrypt or add a password to SM2's addressbook?

2010-01-02 Thread Phillip Jones

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Ant wrote:


Just wondering since I have personal datas in my addressbooks.

Thank you in advance and happy new year. :)

Other then using a master Password, I know of none.


I don't think the Address Book is encrypted, even with a Master Password
- I've been using a Master for years, and I've never had to enter it to
access my Address Book.

...good idea, though - for Forms too.

But if a master password is setup right. You need to enter the master
Password SeaMonkey to even open. I have it so it will start but then you
must put in password for it to finish loading if its not put in the it
will not start.

That's what I thought, though I have never used a master password and
have no intention of doing so, based on my usage.


I have always used a Master Password, and it has never been required in
order to launch SM.

Does for me both for SeaMonkey and FireFox. As soon as I open (either 
double-click on application, or click on application in Dock) the first 
thing that comes up is the Master Password Box if you don't get it right 
the only thing you can do is quit. Dismissing the box the box come right 
back. This is exactly as it is supposed to do. You don't anyone else 
getting into the Browser without your knowledge.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0.1 Footprint

2010-01-02 Thread Phillip Jones

Philip Chee wrote:

On 02/01/2010 13:44, David E. Ross wrote:

places.sqlite  2.1 MB

You could try vacuuming the places database.

What does that mean and how do I do it?

Some background:


For users that are not techno nerds. what exactly does this procedure 
do. and does it damage anything you have setup in SM to make it work 
like you want. ? I've saved the code to try after I find out exactly 
what it does.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Arrow in the address bar

2010-01-03 Thread Phillip Jones

compositor wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

compositor wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

The arrow in the Flock Location Bar is simply a Go button, which can be
added in SeaMonkey and placed next to the Location Bar, or any other
spot you desire.

Hi Lee

I can't see a go button in customize I'm afraid unfortunately as much
as I appreciate your help I really believe it should be back to the
drawing board for the devs cause at least it's stable but very basic I feel.

Try installing the Orbit 3+1 2.0 theme.
It has a very obvious Go Button.
If the the button doesn't show mouse to a clear spot on menubar and 
right click and hold mouse button down a window will pop up, choose 
customize. If the go button is there drag it on whichever side of window.

And for Mac users you can also Control-Click, or even click and hold and 
the Context window will pop up.Of all the Themes I used Other than 
SkyPilot which I can no longer use because it interferes with quotecolors.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Lost HTML

2010-01-03 Thread Phillip Jones

Mark Hansen wrote:

On 1/3/2010 8:23 AM, bsalisbu wrote:

During recent tweaking of my mail, I lost the ability to read HTML mail.

All other things went fine.  What do I need to reset to correct the HTML
Thanks,  Bill

In SeaMonkey 1.1.X, it's View -  Message Body As -  Original HTML

As well as in SM2.0.1

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Lost HTML

2010-01-03 Thread Phillip Jones

Daniel wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Mark Hansen wrote:

On 1/3/2010 8:23 AM, bsalisbu wrote:

During recent tweaking of my mail, I lost the ability to read HTML mail.

All other things went fine. What do I need to reset to correct the HTML
Thanks, Bill

In SeaMonkey 1.1.X, it's View -  Message Body As -  Original HTML

As well as in SM2.0.1

My interpretation of the OP is that s/he sees nothing in a received HTML
email. Even if s/he had selected Message Body As -  Plain Text, s/he
should still be seeing something!

Not necessarily. if SM is set to Block Images its possible there is no 
text content, except within the Graphics.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Facebook zynga poker

2010-01-04 Thread Phillip Jones

Alisher wrote:

Hello! I have just downloaded seamonkey 1.1.17 from ubuntu karmic
repository (apt-get). This is the old version. But I can use it to
play poker on Facebook (that was the whole reason for downloading it).
Then I update to version 2 (the newest one, had to compile from the
source) and no more poker (tables could not be seen, same problem in
Google-chrome for Linux, chromium, Firefox 3.5). I was just wondering
what has changed in the newest versions of seamonkey that does not let
me see the tables in the facebook poker. I know it is not the flash
issue, because the flash is the same everywhere (version 10). Any
support will be appreciated.

If this is done through Email and not through a Web URL its possible 
they are using JavaScript. and JavaScript in email has been banned by 
the powers that be.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: No MAIL Print button in 2.0?

2010-01-04 Thread Phillip Jones

Tom wrote:

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 31.12.2009 19:49, Mark Hansen wrote:

  --- Original Message ---

On 12/31/2009 5:42 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:

  Tom wrote:

  I can't see how to add a Print button to my email client in Version
  2.0.1.  Is the only way to print an email by clicking on FILE--PRINT?

  Thanks, Tom

  Click on the menubar and hold, a menu should pop up choose customize.
  when menu opens drag the printer icon to desired location  menu bar.

Aren't these instruction specific to Mac? According to the headers on the
original post, the user is on Windows.

For Windows, right-click on the Mail Toolbar and select customize.

By the way, the menubar is the component which includes File, Edit, View,
Go, etc. drop-down menus.

Phillip was close, just missed the part about right-clicking. It's also
a menubar in the mail component - File Edit View ... and so on that you
can right-click on and select customize. You can also right-click on the
Mail Toolbar as well which is right under the menu bar. ;-)

Thanks.  I'm good to go.
I always consider the Menu bar that contains the major task (File Edit 
View Option Tools window and help and other at the Main level) the Main 
menu bar. whereas other items such as send address attach spell security 
(I'm using the mail/news Task bars as an example) as menubars.

If I were at system level File edit view would be at on the main menu 
bar In Fact on Mac the first three items after the application name in 
the main menubar, are the same identically the same as on the Main 
menubar at system level  (which is called Finder).


In SeaMonkey its SeaMonkey File Edit View. at system level it Finder 
File Edit View

So since you can't alter the main menubar only menubars or application 
menubars can be altered

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: No MAIL Print button in 2.0?

2010-01-04 Thread Phillip Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Tom wrote:

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 31.12.2009 19:49, Mark Hansen wrote:


I always consider the Menu bar that contains the major task (File Edit
View Option Tools window and help and other at the Main level) the Main
menu bar. whereas other items such as send address attach spell security
(I'm using the mail/news Task bars as an example) as menubars.

If I were at system level File edit view would be at on the main menu
bar In Fact on Mac the first three items after the application name in
the main menubar, are the same identically the same as on the Main
menubar at system level (which is called Finder).


In SeaMonkey its SeaMonkey File Edit View. at system level it Finder
File Edit View

So since you can't alter the main menubar only menubars or application
menubars can be altered

Hi Phillip,

I think by calling all thse things menu bars, you are confusing the
issue, particulary since the application Menu bar behaves very
differently on Mac OS X.  There is only one true Menu bar, which is
where File  Edit  View, etc. are located. On a Mac, this is detached
from the application window, and appears at the top of the desktop. On
Windows and Linux, it s part of the application window, and appears at
the top of that window.

The others are toolbars of various kinds. Click the View menu item, and
then Show/hide, you will see the Naviation Toolbar, the Personal
Toolbar, as well as others either added as custom toolbars or via
extension, such as the Preferences Toolbar and the Web Developer Toolbar.

Calling all of them menubars simply makes it harder to understand what
you are talking about.


I just never consider them other than menu bars or sub menu bars  You 
click on then and in most cases you have other menu choices if you hold 
them down some if you tap them or click fast they immediately do things.

to me they are another set of menu choices.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cookie Control

2010-01-05 Thread Phillip Jones

BeeNeR wrote:

Are there any plans to update the security of cookies to the settings
that were available in 1.x SM?  i.e.  Preferences/Privacy
Security/Cookies/Allow cookies based on privacy settings.

Being able to have different levels of acceptance/denial of various
cookies was, at least *I* though, a great idea.

Also click Manage Cookies and look at each tab.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore Form manger...(no content)

2010-01-05 Thread Phillip Jones

MikeyG wrote:

On 1/4/2010 10:24 AM, me2 wrote:

Yep. That would be nice ... would be nice if Firefox used the Old
SeaMonkey Form Manager, too!
The subject has been beat to death. The powers that be don't have the 
manpower, knowledge, interest, desire, willingness to do so.

As a workable substitute download the extension Forms History manager 
extension It works not as great as with SM 1.1.8. But it will do. I've 
already use it sever times to make corrections. They way they describe 
the seamonkey built in Manager to make correction simply does not work 

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cookie Control

2010-01-05 Thread Phillip Jones

BeeNeR wrote:

On or about 1/5/2010 9:05 AM, Phillip Jones typed the following:

BeeNeR wrote:

Are there any plans to update the security of cookies to the settings
that were available in 1.x SM?  i.e.  Preferences/Privacy
Security/Cookies/Allow cookies based on privacy settings.

Being able to have different levels of acceptance/denial of various
cookies was, at least *I* though, a great idea.

Also click Manage Cookies and look at each tab.

Yes, I can block or set session only for sites.  BUT it must be done for
each individual site manually (type in or copy  paste).  This means I
have to look at each cookie, determine if I want to allow, set for
session, or deny access manually.  1.x had many more options, and when
sent the way I wanted it I basically could let well enough alone.  It
worked fine with little intervention from me.

Try the *web Developer * 1.1.8 extension It has controls over Cookies.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore Form manger...(no content)

2010-01-05 Thread Phillip Jones

me2 wrote:

On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 09:14:32 -0500, Phillip Jones  wrote:

The powers that be don't have the
manpower, knowledge, interest, desire, willingness to do so

I hope we have not reached the point where seamonkey, or indeed any
free software, will defined by a few - the genius of its origin was
a browser that encompassed several vital tools under one umbrella. To
start cutting off any of these, form manger included, diminishes the
original concept and automatically removes some users who had depended
on a given ability. If the powers that be really want to send people
to other browsers this is great way to start.
BUT I really believe that the importance of form manger was just
underestimated and there remains hope for its restoration.
There is a glimmer of hope. there has been some rekindled interest in 
adding a forms manager, But, it will not be along the lines of the one 
in 1.1.8. It would be more along the lines of the extension Forms 
History Manager. But Most likely it would make a return in version 2.1 
or 2.2 (remember updates are in .1 increments so it will be quite aways away

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Outgoing server

2010-01-05 Thread Phillip Jones

Mr. Cheese wrote:

I spend the winter at another location. In the past I merely had to
change my outgoing server name to my new location ISP in order to send mail.
I now get the following messsge:

An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded:
Authentication Failed, must login. Please check the message recipient
email ID and try again.

Note: the mail ID is whatever recipient to whom I am sending.
Retrieving mail is not a problem

This has worked in previous years. Any help would be appreciated

There is a  a new setting in SM 2  that should be off by default but is 
turned on.
EDIT menu  Mail  Newsgroup settings  SMTP choose edit  uncheck use 
secure authentication.

This wasn't in SM1.1.8 and lower.
Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cookie Control

2010-01-05 Thread Phillip Jones

David E. Ross wrote:

On 1/5/2010 6:43 PM, NoOp wrote:

On 01/05/2010 06:23 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

NoOp wrote:

On 01/05/2010 03:27 AM, BeeNeR wrote:

Are there any plans to update the security of cookies to the settings
that were available in 1.x SM?  i.e.  Preferences/Privacy
Security/Cookies/Allow cookies based on privacy settings.

Being able to have different levels of acceptance/denial of various
cookies was, at least *I* though, a great idea.

Perhaps you missed this thread?
Disappointed in changes to cookie management SM 1.1.18 vs. 2.0RC1

The fact that something has been discussed a lot here does not mean the
user community is satisfied with the outcome. Whether you're talking
about the Form Manager or the Cookie Manager, there are a lot of people
out here who miss the old functionality and want it back. You can say
no until you're blue in the face, but that won't change what people
want. If you recall the history of computer software, a lot of programs
have lost market share or even failed entirely by telling the user he
absolutely can't have what he wants and the programmers know better what
he should have. Hell, this isn't even peculiar to software -- it's true
for lots of products of all types.

I keep meaning to upgrade to 1.1.18 for the security fixes, but I'm in
no hurry to upgrade to a program that doesn't do important things that
I've come to know and love in v. 1, and I certainly won't be out there
promoting v. 2 to my friends by bragging about the lost features.

You may not like it, but the truth is the truth, reality is what it is,
and facts are stubborn things. These are features the users want.

Cool your jets. That thread not only discusses the issue, but also
provides links to the bug report(s) regarding the issue. If you recall,
you actually commented on the thread - BeeNeR did not, and may have
actually found the information in the thread helpful.

For those too lazy to look up  read the thread, here are the bug
reports referenced:
[Missing option to restrict third-party cookies]
[Allow sites to set cookies for the original site only missing from
cookie preferences]
and that last is marked as a duplicate of:
[reimplement third party cookie blocking]
And no, I've no idea why it is marked as such.

So rather than getting pissed off at me because I referred BeeNeR to the
thread, feel free to review the bug(s) and figure out a solution if you
are capable of doing so.

The first two bug reports were closed as duplicates, eventually pointing
to #421494.  There was actually a code-change for that one that
supposedly fixed the problem.  However, implementing the fix apparently
depends on fixing three other bugs: 436471, 441166, and 450450.

When I open the Preferences window in SeaMonkey 2.0.1 and select
[Privacy  Security  Cookies], I see Cookie Acceptance Policy with a
choice among three radio buttons.  One of those radio buttons is Allow
cookies for the originating website only.  To me, that means Don't
allow third party cookies.  Does this not work in SeaMonkey 2?

From my Readings of the bugs it was there but it don't work.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore Form manger...(no content)

2010-01-06 Thread Phillip Jones

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

me2 wrote:

On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 09:14:32 -0500, Phillip Jones  wrote:

The powers that be don't have the
manpower, knowledge, interest, desire, willingness to do so

I hope we have not reached the point where seamonkey, or indeed any
free software, will defined by a few - the genius of its origin was
a browser that encompassed several vital tools under one umbrella. To
start cutting off any of these, form manger included, diminishes the
original concept and automatically removes some users who had depended
on a given ability. If the powers that be really want to send people
to other browsers this is great way to start.
BUT I really believe that the importance of form manger was just
underestimated and there remains hope for its restoration.

There is a glimmer of hope. there has been some rekindled interest in
adding a forms manager, But, it will not be along the lines of the one
in 1.1.8. It would be more along the lines of the extension Forms
History Manager. But Most likely it would make a return in version 2.1
or 2.2 (remember updates are in .1 increments so it will be quite
aways away

What I've noticed in my survey of Mac alternatives to SM is that quite a
few are integrated with Apple Keychain - including Safari, which looks
like it may store forms information I'm not a Safari user I
don't really know. But what I do know and like about Keychain is that is
encrypts it's contents and those contents are protected by a password of
it's own outside of any parent app...

...and I like the idea of using a standalone outside of the browser
itself which is integrated as a part of the basic function of the OS -
does the PC and/or Linux world include anything similar to Apple
Keychain? If so, maybe the way to go is to exploit that (existing?)
capability on both platforms for storage of such information?

Just a suggestion...if no one provides this capability other than Apple,
it's pretty much moot.

As I recall, Camino uses the Keychain. There was a Mcc port of TB in the
works, I recall downloading an early copy.  I don't know if it still is
under active developement.


I know Camino does, and I was a bit surprised to find that Google Chrome
does too.  I'm also a bit surprised at how much alike Safari, Camino,
and Chrome all look (and Firefox, for that matter)...but I've only taken
cursory looks and need to survey their feature sets deeper.

I haven't played with Opera as of yet, but from the website it looks
like it has it's own Password Manager like SM.  It seems to be the most
SM-like in that it's an integrated suite.  Dunno about it's capability
as a usenet reader, though.

Camino is based on FireFox, but uses the Mac interface,
SM, FF, and Camino is based on Gecko Engine.

Safari, iCab, OmniWeb, Opera are webkit

iCab is unusual in that it will (automatically if turned on check for 
bad code based on latest w3c specs. Green smile face shows up if correct 
or a Purple Sad face show if there are errors. you can click on this and 
generate a report which you can then save as a text file which you can 
send to webmaster.

For example here is error report for opening (home) page:

It couldn't find Doctype declaration so it based the check on XML 1.0 
Transitional. Setting for Strict, Transitional, or Frameset seems to 
make no difference check for variants of HTML there are hundreds of 
errors, so XML or XHTML seems to be correct setting.

I've managed to correct pages on my website so all of mine I hope are in 
the green. I've converted all to at least XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore Form manger...(no content)

2010-01-06 Thread Phillip Jones

David Wilkinson wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

iCab is unusual in that it will (automatically if turned on check for
bad code based on latest w3c specs. Green smile face shows up if correct
or a Purple Sad face show if there are errors. you can click on this and
generate a report which you can then save as a text file which you can
send to webmaster.
For example here is error report for opening (home) page:

It couldn't find Doctype declaration so it based the check on XML 1.0
Transitional. Setting for Strict, Transitional, or Frameset seems to
make no difference check for variants of HTML there are hundreds of
errors, so XML or XHTML seems to be correct setting.

I've managed to correct pages on my website so all of mine I hope are in
the green. I've converted all to at least XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

SM/FF have HTML Validator extension. I had to hack it for SM2 2.0/2.1 but it
works well.

It's amazing how few sites pass validation, especially from the big players.
Wikipedia and most Mozilla sites are a happy exception.

I am not a web developer, but my simple site passes validation, and I just
cannot fathom why web developers do not have enough pride in their work to fix
the bugs. I mean, really, it's so easy to do.

Doesn't work of Mac OSX.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore Form manger...(no content)

2010-01-06 Thread Phillip Jones

David Wilkinson wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Doesn't work of Mac OSX.

You mean HTML Validator extension doesn't work on Mac OSX?

I wouldn't know about that. It works on Windows, but you have to hack the
version numbers for SM2.

yes. Now it does work in FF, and I in fact used it to clear some minor 
issues on the web pages on my website. The main problem I found was not 
adding %20 for spaces.

I have two places where I use the same Flash movie. and Using Flash 8 It 
created the flash movies from  images I put in it. The movie plays fine 
but according to the Validator  w3C says the embed command is not legal.

Other than that I am 100% W3C complaint according to this Validator.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore Form manger...(no content)

2010-01-06 Thread Phillip Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

David Wilkinson wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

iCab is unusual in that it will (automatically if turned on check for
bad code based on latest w3c specs. Green smile face shows up if correct
or a Purple Sad face show if there are errors. you can click on this and
generate a report which you can then save as a text file which you can
send to webmaster.
For example here is error report for opening (home) page:

It couldn't find Doctype declaration so it based the check on XML 1.0
Transitional. Setting for Strict, Transitional, or Frameset seems to
make no difference check for variants of HTML there are hundreds of
errors, so XML or XHTML seems to be correct setting.

I've managed to correct pages on my website so all of mine I hope are in
the green. I've converted all to at least XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

SM/FF have HTML Validator extension. I had to hack it for SM2 2.0/2.1
but it
works well.

It's amazing how few sites pass validation, especially from the big
Wikipedia and most Mozilla sites are a happy exception.

I am not a web developer, but my simple site passes validation, and I
cannot fathom why web developers do not have enough pride in their
work to fix
the bugs. I mean, really, it's so easy to do.

Doesn't work of Mac OSX.

You lost me Phillip, what doesn't work on OSX?


The HTML Validator extension. Does work for FF

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore Form manger...(no content)

2010-01-06 Thread Phillip Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

David Wilkinson wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Doesn't work of Mac OSX.

You mean HTML Validator extension doesn't work on Mac OSX?

I wouldn't know about that. It works on Windows, but you have to hack the
version numbers for SM2.

If that's what he means, lets look a little deeper:

Note, he has the various platforms pretty well covered, including Mac OS
X for both Intel and PPC.


But not for SM2 does on FF3.x

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restore Form manger...(no content)

2010-01-06 Thread Phillip Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

me2 wrote:

On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 09:14:32 -0500, Phillip Jones  wrote:

I know Camino does, and I was a bit surprised to find that Google Chrome
does too. I'm also a bit surprised at how much alike Safari, Camino,
and Chrome all look (and Firefox, for that matter)...but I've only taken
cursory looks and need to survey their feature sets deeper.

I haven't played with Opera as of yet, but from the website it looks
like it has it's own Password Manager like SM. It seems to be the most
SM-like in that it's an integrated suite. Dunno about it's capability
as a usenet reader, though.

Camino is based on FireFox, but uses the Mac interface,
SM, FF, and Camino is based on Gecko Engine.

Safari, iCab, OmniWeb, Opera are webkit

iCab is unusual in that it will (automatically if turned on check for
bad code based on latest w3c specs. Green smile face shows up if
correct or a Purple Sad face show if there are errors. you can click
on this and generate a report which you can then save as a text file
which you can send to webmaster.
For example here is error report for opening (home) page:

It couldn't find Doctype declaration so it based the check on XML 1.0
Transitional. Setting for Strict, Transitional, or Frameset seems to
make no difference check for variants of HTML there are hundreds of
errors, so XML or XHTML seems to be correct setting.

I've managed to correct pages on my website so all of mine I hope are
in the green. I've converted all to at least XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

What I find interesting is that even though they share code, I would
have expected the interfaces to be differently themed, just seeing as
(supposedly) different people are working on each...if only just to
brand them more; particularly because one can use themes.

But they all look an feel nearly identical, even if they do have
differing feature sets. Just wasn't expecting that. Makes me wonder just
who's doing what to/with whom.

Not a complaint, just a surprise. I've been using NS/MS/SM exclusively
for so long I don't know what other folks have been up to. If I had any
topical worry it would be about the various products being somehow
limited in diversity, and thus restricting my choices somewhat.

Phillip, are you really sure about Opera being Webkit?


It what I've read.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: iCab and DOCTYPE [was Restore Form manger...(no content)]

2010-01-07 Thread Phillip Jones

Philip Chee wrote:

On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 09:21:54 -05001, Phillip Jones wrote:

For example here is error report for opening (home) page:
HTML Error (0, 0): The Doctype definition of the document is unknown.

It couldn't find Doctype declaration

You are mistaken. It found a doctype. It just didn't understand what it

These are the first two lines in the source code:

html xml:lang=en-US lang=en-US dir=ltrhead

This doctype is the new HTML5 doctype. All modern browsers should have
no problems with this (well apparently except iCab).

so it based the check on XML 1.0
Transitional. Setting for Strict, Transitional, or Frameset seems to
make no difference check for variants of HTML there are hundreds of
errors, so XML or XHTML seems to be correct setting.

This is wrong. Please file a bug against iCab. If it doesn't understand
the doctype or can't find one it should fall back to quirks mode
tagsoup. Defaulting to XML or XHTML is clearly a bug.

I've managed to correct pages on my website so all of mine I hope are in
the green. I've converted all to at least XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

Big mistake. You should have converted to HTML5 which is the official
successor to all the previous HTML as well as current XHTML standards
(there won't be a XHTML 2.0).


It does show the page page its just the error checker they base on W3C 
shows these errors I have tried FF with the Validator Extension and it 
does come up clean

And the error checker is adjustable you set  what to check by if there 
is none listed.  I'll send a note along with  with the notation they 
need to add HTML compliance.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Nightly Tester Tool interferes with nightly Tester Tool

2010-01-07 Thread Phillip Jones
I unlike a lot of people I Like to view PDF's with Browser So I use the 
PDF Browser Plugin from Schubert of Germany. The Nightly Tester Tool 
renders non working.

I installed per Phil Chee's recommendation to allow HTML Validator to work.

After forcing install of HTML Validator. I noted that I could no longer 
see PDF's from within SeaMonkey.

After disabling Nightly tester Tool functionality returned.
Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Nightly Tester Tool interferes with nightly Tester Tool

2010-01-07 Thread Phillip Jones

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

I unlike a lot of people I Like to view PDF's with Browser So I use the
PDF Browser Plugin from Schubert of Germany. The Nightly Tester Tool
renders non working.

I installed per Phil Chee's recommendation to allow HTML Validator to work.

After forcing install of HTML Validator. I noted that I could no longer
see PDF's from within SeaMonkey.

After disabling Nightly tester Tool functionality returned.

Are you saying that everything is now working?  The Validator continued
to work when NTT is disabled?

The other extension that can enable outdated extensions is Mr Tech, you
might see if that works better for you.


Yes Validator is working after the force install.

But with Nightly tester tool in interferes with PDF Browser Plugin and 
also Quote Colors.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Nightly Tester Tool interferes with nightly Tester Tool

2010-01-07 Thread Phillip Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

I unlike a lot of people I Like to view PDF's with Browser So I use the
PDF Browser Plugin from Schubert of Germany. The Nightly Tester Tool
renders non working.

I installed per Phil Chee's recommendation to allow HTML Validator to work.

After forcing install of HTML Validator. I noted that I could no longer
see PDF's from within SeaMonkey.

After disabling Nightly tester Tool functionality returned.

Are you saying that everything is now working?  The Validator continued
to work when NTT is disabled?

The other extension that can enable outdated extensions is Mr Tech, you
might see if that works better for you.


Yes Validator is working after the force install.

But with Nightly tester tool in interferes with PDF Browser Plugin and
also Quote Colors.

I've installed MrTech and it didn't interfere with PDF Browser Plugin.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Nightly Tester Tool interferes with nightly Tester Tool

2010-01-07 Thread Phillip Jones

Phillip Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

I unlike a lot of people I Like to view PDF's with Browser So I use the
PDF Browser Plugin from Schubert of Germany. The Nightly Tester Tool
renders non working.

I installed per Phil Chee's recommendation to allow HTML Validator to work.

After forcing install of HTML Validator. I noted that I could no longer
see PDF's from within SeaMonkey.

After disabling Nightly tester Tool functionality returned.

Are you saying that everything is now working?  The Validator continued
to work when NTT is disabled?

The other extension that can enable outdated extensions is Mr Tech, you
might see if that works better for you.


Yes Validator is working after the force install.

But with Nightly tester tool in interferes with PDF Browser Plugin and
also Quote Colors.

I've installed MrTech and it didn't interfere with PDF Browser Plugin.

 And QuoteColors works as it should. Evidently Nightly Tester Tool has 
some serious defects.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.If it's Fixed, Don't Break it
support-seamonkey mailing list

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