Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion" [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 03:01, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I assume this part is accurately translated:

"So there were two parallel lines of research: on one side, the
deuterium and palladium people, who never got anything . . ."[...]

Yes, it is. Several people on discussion boards I read on the matter 
have criticized that excerpt from the original audio interview for the 
same reasons (and also, because in my opinion it reinforces skeptics' 
argument that F&P' experiments were a scam. Many still think that).


[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion" [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Gluck
a word is missing: "technological" I will comment at Daniele's blog.
Otherwise he cannot claim the paternity of Cold Fusion, or of Ni-H LENR.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:10 PM, SHIRAKAWA Akira  wrote:

> On 2011-04-15 03:01, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> I assume this part is accurately translated:
>> "So there were two parallel lines of research: on one side, the
>> deuterium and palladium people, who never got anything . . ."[...]
> Yes, it is. Several people on discussion boards I read on the matter have
> criticized that excerpt from the original audio interview for the same
> reasons (and also, because in my opinion it reinforces skeptics' argument
> that F&P' experiments were a scam. Many still think that).
> Cheers,
> S.A.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:Re Bonsai ecats

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Gluck
I have asked:

Dear Ing. Rossi,

It was some dispute between
your supporters regarding the minimum size of the E-cat generator- 2.5 kW?
Do you mean that smaller sizes are impossible to manufacture for some
technical reason or only not practical or notefficient? Again
metaphoricallly, bonsai E-kittens or cat babies are excluded, or just not
interesting technologically?
I imagine that you had and can manufacture miniatural generators if you
wish- for special applications (?)

Thank you!
Peter (also Ing. – from 1959)
And Andrea Rossi has answered- very promptly, politely and correctly, in my

Dear Ing. Peter Gluck:
Good question. At the moment I am not focused on bonsai-ecats, and there are
difficulties to be overcame. Theoretically such difficulties could be
resolved, I think. At the moment the focus is on the industrial
applications, because the market is there, now. But our R&D will arrive also
to try to make good results with very small amounts of reactants. It is not
easy, but I think is not impossible. Now I am focused on my 1 MW unit, but
we’ll talk again about the important issue you put a spotlight on.
Warm Regards,

That's it!
Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Mattia Rizzi
On january 2010 "A new energy source" they say that the isotpic ratio of Cu is 
nearly natural background.
On March 2010 they correct it and say that isotopic ration of Cu is different 
from background.

RE: [Vo]:The Best Way to Avoid Infringement

2011-04-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Robin:

> In reply to  Wm. Scott Smith's message of Thu, 14 Apr 2011 15:13:42 -0700:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >If they immediately have virtually free energy, but no new goods and
> have been already developed, the economy will feel the extra money; this
> cause inflation.

Yes, I believe it could... at least initially. However... it would
simultaneously stimulate the economy through increased spending. Kind of
like getting a massive tax rebate. This will cause the economy to want to
product more products, which in turn increases the supply of products and
services. Eventually a new supply & and balance equilibrium will be created,
stabilizing inflation. 

> If I understand inflation correctly, then it's when the price goes up
> a matching increase in actual value (price may also be the price of

IMO, the questions that should be pondered are: (1) what mechanisms drive
the price of a product to go up, and (2) what's happening to the status
productivity while currency is maintained as a fixed supply?

I would simplify the definition of "inflation" as simply meaning it occurs
when there is too much money chasing too few products and services.
Increased supplies of money, while simultaneously maintaining a fixed supply
of products and services, automatically generates an artificial increase in
demand for products and services. This results in price increases through
the supply and demand equation - aka inflation. The solution to keeping
inflation at bay is to increase productivity (increases in supply of
products and services) in more-or-less direct proportion with increases in
the supply of currency.

The implementation of automation, as has often been discussed within the
Vort Collective, throws a vexing wrench into the productivity equation since
the traditional use of labor as a means of spreading "productivity"
throughout society is being removed. What to do with all that surplus
"labor" needs to be addressed. IMHO, the solution is to create new products
consumers want to buy along with new forms of services... particularly new
services that in the past might have been perceived as non-existent and/or
considered irrelevant and/or unproductive, like the National Association of
Professional Video Game Players - The NAPVGP.

The solutions: Either print less money - or take it out of circulation such
as with the recent mortgage lending fiasco. (which generates extremely
unpleasant side-effects - recessions and depressions), or produce more
products and services while keeping the supply of currency more-or-less
fixed. The best solution, IMHO, is to increase the supply currency in direct
proportion to increased supplies of products and services. However, this is
often a difficult thing to manage since it would seem to be nearly
impossible to accurately interpret the status of just how productive the
country really is at any given moment in time.

> However when something actually gets cheaper to produce (energy), then the
> consequence is real growth, not inflation.

I would agree with this assessment. I would also add that this
interpretation is the equivalent of producing more products while keeping
the supply of money stable. Decreasing the amount of energy needed to create
the product would certainly do that.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Gluck
The simplest explanation of this contradiction is that "they" do not want to
tell what the isotopic ratio of Cu is- and will not tell till the scientific
report of the Bologna Univ. is published.
Unnnatural, natural? The first is a mistery at the 2nd power, the other a
mystery at the 3rd power.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Mattia Rizzi wrote:

>  On january 2010 "A new energy source" they say that the isotpic ratio of
> Cu is nearly natural background.
> Source:
> On March 2010 they correct it and say that isotopic ration of Cu is
> different from background.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:Another perspective on feasible Ni-H reations

2011-04-15 Thread Horace Heffner
I originally proposed the following reactions as justifying the Rossi  

 58Ni28 + p* --> 59Cu29 *  --> 59Ni28 + neutrino
 58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Zn30 *  --> 60Ni28 + 2 neutrinos
 60Ni28 + p* --> 61Cu29 * --> 61Ni28 + neutrino
 61Ni28 + p* --> 62Cu29 * --> 62Ni28 + neutrino
 62Ni28 + p* --> 63Cu29
 64Ni28 + p* --> 65Cu29

This has the now obvious problem of producing radioactive 59Ni, via  
the first reaction. Is there any potential reason only the second  
reaction should be probable? Yes. The reason is the same reason  
behind my suggestion that nuclear catalytic reactions may be  
responsible for the bulk of D+D-->4He (net) reactions in Pd, as  
described here:

in association with reports C and D. Since few people read linked  
references, here is the important part of what is said in regards to  
those reports:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Report C, including 288 reactions in 20 pages, 44 kB, demonstrates 3- 
body nuclear catalytic LENR reactions, which can more simply just be  
be called “nuclear catalytic reactions”, or NCRs, a new class of LENR  
reaction proposed by this author. This class of reaction may provide  
a fundamental new understanding of how hydrogen fusion most often  
occurs in a lattice, by use of the lattice heavy element nuclei as  
catalysts. A given hydrogen atom is much closer to lattice element  
nuclei than to any other hydrogen atom in the lattice. If a hydrogen  
nucleus is in the deflated state, it is much more probable it will  
tunnel to a lattice nucleus than to the site of another hydrogen  
nucleus which is much further away. Tunneling distance is in an  
exponential term of the tunneling probability. The lattice nucleus  
can thus act as a catalyst for multiple simultaneous deuteron  
reactions which would otherwise not be feasible under less than  
extreme loading conditions. In that magnetic gradients are necessary  
to the tunneling of deflated state nuclei, and thus heavy element  
LENR, it is therefore also true that magnetic gradients are important  
to n-body heavy element catalytic LENR. High magnetic fields are also  
important to deflation fusion because it tends to spin align the  
deflated nucleus and thus improve spin coupling binding energy. While  
only 3-body reactions of the type:

X + 2 D* --> X + Y

were selected for Report C, it is also true that many more (n+1)-body  
catalytic reactions of the form:

X + n D* --> X + Y

can be found in Report A, and reactions solely of that type are in  
Report D. It is likely that 3-body catalytic reactions, rather than n- 
body reactions, n > 3, dominate heavy element catalyzed LENR, so  
Report C was created to show only those reactions, though it is very  
boring as they are all exactly of the form:

X + 2 D* --> X + 4He2 + 23.847 MeV

What notably changes is the energy deficit due to deflated electrons.  
It appears elements heavier than tin can be expected to be capable of  
weak reactions and heavy element transmutation LENR.
It is especially notable that no equivalent report is feasible for  
the strong force catalytic reactions:

X + 2 p* ---> X + Z

because no such reactions are feasible producing stable Z, because pp  
is not a stable particle. This makes for a significant difference  
between light water and heavy water experiments. Light water  
experiments are not capable of heavy element catalytic LENR unless  
weak reactions follow the creation of the compound nucleus. This  
makes such reactions rare. It is feasible for X + n p* --> X + Z  
heavy element transmutation reactions to occur via strong force  
reactions, but only in the cases n > 2, or the cases of reactions of  
the form X + 2 p* --> Y + H. It is important to note that

X + 2 p* --> Y + H

is energetically not the same as:

X + p* --> Y

because the negative energy due to the two catalytic electrons in the  
former greatly exceeds the negative energy provided by the single  
catalytic electron in the later reaction. Further, two additional  
bodies are available to carry off kinetic energy. For example,  
consider the two reactions:

26Mg12 + p* --> 27Al13 + 8.271 MeV [3.663 MeV]
26Mg12 + 2 p* --> 27Al13 + 1H1 + 8.271 MeV [-1.593 MeV]

The trapping energy of the extra deflated electron provides a strong  
catalytic influence due to the initial negative reaction energy, i.e.  
due to deflated electron binding energy immediaely post fusion.

Report D, 136 kB, including 2,016 reactions in 94 pages, provides all  
the energetically feasible X + n D* --> X + Z Reactions, for n = 1 to  
4. These are in the set of all n-body heavy element nuclear catalytic  
LENR reactions, a new class of reaction. Note the preponderance of  
negative energies in brackets for the heaviest lattice elements. This  
indicates good prospects for subsequent weak reactions when these  
heavy elements are in the lattice.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: [Vo]:Re Bonsai ecats

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Rossi wrote:

. . . our R&D will arrive also to try to make good results with very small
> amounts of reactants. It is not easy, but I think is not impossible.

That's good!

This does not contradict his previous statement, it clarifies it. Many of
Rossi's assertions seem like misdirection or lies because of the medium. He
is answering complicated questions with short e-mail messages. It is like
giving a physics lecture via twitter.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Peter Gluck  wrote:

The simplest explanation of this contradiction is that "they" do not want to
> tell what the isotopic ratio of Cu is

No, the simplest explanation is that they are having difficulty doing mass
spectroscopy, and they keep getting conflicting results. Many people do,
even experienced researchers at major universities.

Mizuno used to send a sample to three different groups of experts and get
three different answers. With some samples, that is. It depends on the
element, the extent of the shift, and the type of spectrometer. Some shifts
are large and easily detected.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Re Bonsai ecats

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Gluck
I agree. It was only the impossibility to make generators < 2.5 KW
what I could not accept.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Rossi wrote:
> . . . our R&D will arrive also to try to make good results with very small
>> amounts of reactants. It is not easy, but I think is not impossible.
> That's good!
> This does not contradict his previous statement, it clarifies it. Many of
> Rossi's assertions seem like misdirection or lies because of the medium. He
> is answering complicated questions with short e-mail messages. It is like
> giving a physics lecture via twitter.
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion" [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell

SHIRAKAWA Akira wrote:

I assume this part is accurately translated:

"So there were two parallel lines of research: on one side, the
deuterium and palladium people, who never got anything . . ."[...]

Yes, it is. Several people on discussion boards I read on the matter 
have criticized that excerpt from the original audio interview for the 
same reasons . . .

But Peter Gluck wrote: ". . . one word is missing: 'technological.'"

What do you mean by "missing word"? Did Focardi say this and it is 
missing from the translation? Or did he fail to say this and he should have?

If he said it, I judged him too harshly.

I hope that is what he meant, in any case.

You see that he is outspoken and he says all kinds of things, including 
stuff better left unsaid. Maybe he was just exaggerating, or mouthing 
off. It is hard to believe he does not know there have been positive 
results from palladium.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Horace Heffner

On Apr 15, 2011, at 5:10 AM, Mattia Rizzi wrote:

On january 2010 "A new energy source" they say that the isotpic  
ratio of Cu is nearly natural background.

On March 2010 they correct it and say that isotopic ration of Cu is  
different from background. 

I see their paper has the same typo mine did, namely:

  p + e --> n + v'

which should read:

   p + e --> n + v

It is a natural mistake to make and overlook, partly because the  
reverse reaction creates an antineutrino.

The important statement referenced must be: "These allowed us the  
determination of the ratio Cu63/Cu65=1,6
different from the value (2,24) relative to the copper isotopic  
natural composition."

This shows an enrichment in Cu65 abundance over natural abundance.

The article seems to ignore the huge signatures of radioactive  
products that should be in the ash.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Gluck
What you say means NO reliable measurements can be made.
Take please a look at the Web for *Ni isotope measurements*. Inductively
coupled mass spectrometry is very performant, even the small variations in
natural abundance of the Ni isotopes can be measured and evaluated.
If you wish I can found you an analytical lab relatively near to Atlanta
and you could ask them about precision and price both for Ni and Cu.
I can ask at my former workplace- however they have worked mainly with
lighter elements/isotopes.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Peter Gluck  wrote:
> The simplest explanation of this contradiction is that "they" do not want
>> to tell what the isotopic ratio of Cu is
> No, the simplest explanation is that they are having difficulty doing mass
> spectroscopy, and they keep getting conflicting results. Many people do,
> even experienced researchers at major universities.
> Mizuno used to send a sample to three different groups of experts and get
> three different answers. With some samples, that is. It depends on the
> element, the extent of the shift, and the type of spectrometer. Some shifts
> are large and easily detected.
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell

Peter Gluck wrote:

What you say means NO reliable measurements can be made.

Experts tell me that would depend on who is making them.

Take please a look at the Web for *Ni isotope measurements*. 
Inductively coupled mass spectrometry is very performant . . .

Is that the method Focardi used? In both studies?

The fact is, we have contradictory reports. Focardi says one thing, 
Essen says another. There are two possibilities:

1. They are getting different answers from the same sample (or the same 
type of sample) because one of them is doing mass spectroscopy incorrectly.

2. The sample they sent to Essen is fake.

I discount explanation #2. I cannot think of any reason why they would 
bother to do that. If they didn't want him to learn the nature of the 
material, they would politely refused to send him anything. They would 
not go to the trouble of sending a carefully dummied-up fake sample. 
These people are busy and do not have time for such elaborate 
deceptions. Furthermore, why would they send him a fake sample that 
calls into question their claims, with natural isotopes?

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:Another perspective on feasible Ni-H reactions

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene

An immediate response is this: if that if two deflated protons can get
together in such a way as in the second reaction - then why would they not
simply emerge as deuterium most of the time? i.e. a deflated version of
P-e-P ? 

You tend to subscribe to Ockham more than me, so why not go with the
simplest alternative? As a magic number and extremely stable nucleus - Ni
--> Zn seems to be so unnecessary.


I originally proposed the following reactions as justifying the Rossi  

  58Ni28 + p* --> 59Cu29 *  --> 59Ni28 + neutrino
  58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Zn30 *  --> 60Ni28 + 2 neutrinos
  60Ni28 + p* --> 61Cu29 * --> 61Ni28 + neutrino
  61Ni28 + p* --> 62Cu29 * --> 62Ni28 + neutrino
  62Ni28 + p* --> 63Cu29
  64Ni28 + p* --> 65Cu29

This has the now obvious problem of producing radioactive 59Ni, via  
the first reaction. Is there any potential reason only the second  
reaction should be probable? Yes. 

Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion" [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 16:04, Jed Rothwell wrote:

But Peter Gluck wrote: ". . . one word is missing: 'technological.'"

What do you mean by "missing word"? Did Focardi say this and it is
missing from the translation? Or did he fail to say this and he should

He didn't say that in the interview and in retrospect he should have.
I don't believe he really thinks there haven't been positive results 
from Pd-D LENR research, he was more referring to their scale. In that 
sense he is somewhat right that the difference between those and 
his/Rossi's is so large that in practical terms other researchers 
haven't got anything so far.

You see that he is outspoken and he says all kinds of things, including
stuff better left unsaid. Maybe he was just exaggerating, or mouthing
off. It is hard to believe he does not know there have been positive
results from palladium.

It was a very informal interview on a local radio station (located in 
Bologna) with people that he already knew and already invited him a few 
times in the past months. Focardi probably didn't expect that an 
international audience would dissect it word by word, so he spoke 
without filters as he, reportedly, usually does.


Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
I don't suppose Essen took a look at the geometry of the sample?  It
would be telling to examine the composition with an electron



2011-04-15 Thread southronfolk

[Vo]:Deflated P-e-P

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene
There could be a reason why Horace's deflated fusion model doesn't work with
only hydrogen- IOW a version of the proton fusion reaction - leading to
deuterium; BUT if it can fit, then it provides many clear advantages to a
Rossi-type of device, and cannot be ruled-out simply because the inventor
thinks otherwise. 

As for expectations based on what has been reported: They seem to match,
since some slight radioactivity (with a built-in time delay) would be
expected - due to eventual deuterium fusion, once enough deuterium shows up
... and to Rothwell's delight (and Krivit's embarrassment), since in the end
the Rossi effect could still be hydrogen fusion followed by a delayed
deuterium fusion reaction. If some radioactivity is seen, most of it could
be from tritium - but it might take weeks for it to show. This seems to
explain reported results.

To put this into a Universal perspective - you must appreciate that the most
common reaction in the universe is the fusion of two protons into deuterium,
releasing a positron and a neutrino as one proton changes into a neutron. 

Life on earth is absolutely dependent on this reaction.

H + H  →  D + e+(positron) + neutrino + .42 MeV

The reaction is extremely slow, even in the gravity well of a solar-sized
mass - because the protons must tunnel through an 'unmasked' Coulomb
barrier, which presumably would be absent - in the deflated model of a
trapped electron. 

IOW the Coulomb barrier would be attenuated by the deflation, allowing a
greatly enhanced rate.

Warm and sunny regards, 

Dr. Pepper

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene 


An immediate response is this: if that if two deflated protons can get
together in such a way as in the second reaction - then why would they not
simply emerge as deuterium most of the time? i.e. a deflated version of
P-e-P ? 

RE: [Vo]:Deflated P-e-P

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene
In addition to the fusion of deflated hydrogen, there is an alternative in
the possible fusion of IRH (inverted Rydberg hydrogen).

The difference between the two, as I understand it is that IRH is trapped in
2D (two dimensions) on a dielectric surface via 'mirror charge' while
according to Horace, the deflated hydrogen has its electron trapped in or
near the nucleus, and a dielectric is not necessary.

In fact, the two might be related or even identical, once everything is
understood. You can include in that category: the deeply-redundant hydrino.

... but many metal oxide surfaces present a “Lawandy-type” dielectric for
accumulation of ultra dense hydrogen IRH. This could be the predecessor
state for a modified P-e-P reaction and it would need to be different in a
number of details (such as: what happens to the positron).

IRH has been seen on zirconia, iron-oxide and nickel-oxide. This paper by
Miley is very important. He has actually documented the species.

>From there on, the we can posit that hydrogen fuses into deuterium either
using energy borrowed from the zero point field or not, but in the end the
ash is deuterium, and this provides the falsifiability.

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

There could be a reason why Horace's deflated fusion model doesn't work with
only hydrogen- IOW a version of the proton fusion reaction - leading to
deuterium; BUT if it can fit, then it provides many clear advantages to a
Rossi-type of device, and cannot be ruled-out simply because the inventor
thinks otherwise.

As for expectations based on what has been reported: They seem to match,
since some slight radioactivity (with a built-in time delay) would be
expected - due to eventual deuterium fusion, once enough deuterium shows up
... and to Rothwell's delight (and Krivit's embarrassment), since in the end
the Rossi effect could still be hydrogen fusion followed by a delayed
deuterium fusion reaction. If some radioactivity is seen, most of it could
be from tritium - but it might take weeks for it to show. This seems to
explain reported results.

To put this into a Universal perspective - you must appreciate that the most
common reaction in the universe is the fusion of two protons into deuterium,
releasing a positron and a neutrino as one proton changes into a neutron.

Life on earth is absolutely dependent on this reaction.

H + H  →  D + e+(positron) + neutrino + .42 MeV

The reaction is extremely slow, even in the gravity well of a solar-sized
mass - because the protons must tunnel through an 'unmasked' Coulomb
barrier, which presumably would be absent - in the deflated model of a
trapped electron.

IOW the Coulomb barrier would be attenuated by the deflation, allowing a
greatly enhanced rate.

Warm and sunny regards,

Dr. Pepper

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene


An immediate response is this: if that if two deflated protons can get
together in such a way as in the second reaction - then why would they not
simply emerge as deuterium most of the time? i.e. a deflated version of
P-e-P ?

[Vo]:Op-Ed news -- not Main Stream Media, but it's a start

2011-04-15 Thread Alan J Fletcher

Fairly good summary.

> Christopher Calder is an advocate for world food supply security 
with no financial interest in any energy related business.

Unlike the notoriously flawed "cold fusion" experiments using 
deuterium and palladium conducted by Stanley Pons and Martin 
Fleischmann in 1989, Rossi's invention is decidedly "hot" in that the 
reactor yields generous amounts of reliable heat.  The reaction is so 
powerful that even a first year engineering student could easily 
measure the E-Cat's healthy net energy gain.  We therefore know with 
certainty that the E-Cat's energy is real and not an illusion created 
by measuring error, a possibility that haunted the work of Pons and 
Fleischmann.  In some tests E-Cats have continued to produce stable 
heat output for very long periods of time even after all energy 
inputs were switched off.

 Sherlock Holmes would ask what are the odds that Rossi, 
Focardi, and Levi could all go insane at the same time, deciding to 
throw away their reputations, careers, and scientific legacies by 
endorsing a fraudulent energy scheme.  How could a public test 
closely observed by 50 scientists be faked?  The E-Cat produced so 
much energy that if the power had come from the wall socket, the 
power cord would have melted.  No tiny hidden battery could have 
possibly unleashed so much energy, and the small amount of hydrogen 
gas consumed during the reactor test was independently measured at 
less than 1 gram, thus simple combustion is ruled out as an energy 
source.  Overall hydrogen consumption for the E-Cat is estimated at 
0.01 grams of hydrogen to produce 10 kilowatt hours of heat.  The 
only reasonable explanation for the excess energy produced is some 
form of low energy nuclear reaction (LENR).  Thus, no matter how 
improbable it is that Rossi and others have discovered a new field of 
physics, it must be true according to the practical logic of Sherlock Holmes.


[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion" [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
I guess Focardi must have meant there has been no significant technological
progress. After all, he did mention Fleischmann's explosion. (He has it
going the wrong direction.)

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Deflated P-e-P

2011-04-15 Thread Horace Heffner

On Apr 15, 2011, at 7:38 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

There could be a reason why Horace's deflated fusion model doesn't  
work with

only hydrogen-

The model works fine.  The model explains heavy element fusion as  
well.  It is p-p or p-e-p that does not occur with observable, but  
not because the model does not work.

More comments below.

IOW a version of the proton fusion reaction - leading to
deuterium; BUT if it can fit, then it provides many clear  
advantages to a
Rossi-type of device, and cannot be ruled-out simply because the  

thinks otherwise.

As for expectations based on what has been reported: They seem to  

since some slight radioactivity (with a built-in time delay) would be
expected - due to eventual deuterium fusion, once enough deuterium  
shows up
... and to Rothwell's delight (and Krivit's embarrassment), since  
in the end

the Rossi effect could still be hydrogen fusion followed by a delayed
deuterium fusion reaction. If some radioactivity is seen, most of  
it could
be from tritium - but it might take weeks for it to show. This  
seems to

explain reported results.

To put this into a Universal perspective - you must appreciate that  
the most
common reaction in the universe is the fusion of two protons into  
releasing a positron and a neutrino as one proton changes into a  

Life on earth is absolutely dependent on this reaction.

H + H  →  D + e+(positron) + neutrino + .42 MeV

The reaction is extremely slow, even in the gravity well of a solar- 

mass - because the protons must tunnel through an 'unmasked' Coulomb
barrier, which presumably would be absent - in the deflated model of a
trapped electron.

IOW the Coulomb barrier would be attenuated by the deflation,  
allowing a

greatly enhanced rate.

Warm and sunny regards,

Dr. Pepper

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene


An immediate response is this: if that if two deflated protons can get
together in such a way as in the second reaction - then why would  
they not
simply emerge as deuterium most of the time? i.e. a deflated  
version of

P-e-P ?

Weak reactions take much longer then strong reactions. THe key to  
deflation fusion, when it comes to weak reactions, is the strong  
reaction occurs first, giving the weak reaction time to occur if  
there is an energy deficit, by trapping the electron.  I say this in  
my paper.

Proton pairs don't bind by the strong force, so this eliminates the  
prospect for the follow-on weak reaction, at least at readily  
observable levels.  See:
"Helium-2 is a hypothetical isotope of helium which according to  
theoretical calculations would have existed if the strong force had  
been 2% greater. This atom would have two protons without any neutrons."

"A diproton (or helium-2, symbol 2He) is a hypothetical type of  
helium nucleus consisting of two protons and no neutrons. Diprotons  
are not stable; this is due to spin-spin interactions in the nuclear  
force, and the Pauli exclusion principle, which forces the two  
protons to have anti-aligned spins and gives the diproton a negative  
binding energy.[7]"

I also explain why the deflated state does not form with measurable  
probability in plasma.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

RE: [Vo]:Deflated P-e-P

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene

> Proton pairs don't bind by the strong force, so this eliminates the  
prospect for the follow-on weak reaction, at least at readily  
observable levels.  

Well - They can bind for an indeterminate period, according to Nyman.

Go down to "Strong Force between Two Protons". Simulations made with two
different kinds of physics software show the following:
1) Two protons placed closely together will repel each other most of the
2) Two protons shot at each other will repel each other most of the time.
3) However, it is occasionally possible to shoot protons at each other with
the right speed and quark positions so that they latch on to each other -
held in place by the Strong Force. 


[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion" [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
I am surprised no one else has picked up on this. This part of the Focardi
interview is likely to put the President of Greece and the Min. of Energy in
the hot seat:

it was easy to convince the Greek President, the minister... Consequently
Greece has signed a contract with Rossi and can build these devices.

I suppose the press will hear of this, and will be asking questions.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 06:17 PM 4/14/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax


I'll say it, Rossi is probably real.

I would say "almost certainly" real.

But I and everyone else can, sometimes, be fooled. The only way to
totally avoid being fooled would be to believe nobody, and even then,
we'd fool ourselves, and we'd disbelieve a lot of honest, sincere people.
A loss.

Well said. I agree.
I personally agree with both statements ... but at present I have to go
with :

The December/January experiments were too short to rule out ANY of
these theoretical fakes. But if Levi's informal reports on the February
trial are accepted, then ALL chemical fakes are eliminated. However,
neither the January or February reports rule out a Tarallo Water
Diversion Fake. 

The March report probably rules out a Tarallo fake --
but since the Horizontal arm was NOT unwrapped, it does NOT rule out all
chemical fakes.

At present the Rossi eCat has NOT been proven to be
real. However, a few simple improvements to the experimental setup will
almost certainly do that.
Here's hoping that Kullander and Essén  close the remaining
loopholes in their anticipated new test.

Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion" [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 21:07, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I am surprised no one else has picked up on this. This part of the
Focardi interview is likely to put the President of Greece and the Min.
of Energy in the hot seat:


Does it? Personally when I heard that in the original audio I assumed 
what Focardi said was a huge simplification of what actually went on 
between Stremmenos and the Greek government. But you're right, I guess 
the press would like to hear the details about that.

By the way, I think that has something to do with Nickel mining, of 
which Greece is number 1 in Europe (excluding Russia). Having nickel 
powder production on site where it's produced would be quite convenient, 
I suppose, and I guess special permits would be needed. If Rossi's 
reactor will be successful, expanded Nickel mining alone would bring a 
lot of needed new jobs that the government might want to regulate. Also 
if this will actually happen, the Greek government might want to tax 
nickel used in E-cat power production to account for the loss of 
revenues due to the decrease of hydrocarbon usage. Maybe this is what 
Focardi was referring about in a few words.

There has been a post about that on Passerini's blog last week, with a 
nice and in my opinion informative discussion among users (in Italian 
only, unfortunately):


[Vo]:An Optical Battery

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton

April 13, 2011

Solar power without solar cells: A hidden magnetic effect of light
could make it possible
ANN ARBOR, Mich.—A dramatic and surprising magnetic effect of light
discovered by University of Michigan researchers could lead to solar
power without traditional semiconductor-based solar cells.

The researchers found a way to make an “optical battery,” said Stephen
Rand, a professor in the departments of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Physics and Applied Physics.

In the process, they overturned a century-old tenet of physics.

“You could stare at the equations of motion all day and you will not
see this possibility. We’ve all been taught that this doesn’t happen,”
said Rand, an author of a paper on the work published in the Journal
of Applied Physics. “It’s a very odd interaction. That’s why it’s been
overlooked for more than 100 years.”

Light has electric and magnetic components. Until now, scientists
thought the effects of the magnetic field were so weak that they could
be ignored. What Rand and his colleagues found is that at the right
intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not
conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects
that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected. Under
these circumstances, the magnetic effects develop strength equivalent
to a strong electric effect.

“This could lead to a new kind of solar cell without semiconductors
and without absorption to produce charge separation,” Rand said. “In
solar cells, the light goes into a material, gets absorbed and creates
heat. Here, we expect to have a very low heat load. Instead of the
light being absorbed, energy is stored in the magnetic moment. Intense
magnetization can be induced by intense light and then it is
ultimately capable of providing a capacitive power source.”

What makes this possible is a previously undetected brand of “optical
rectification,” says William Fisher, a doctoral student in applied
physics. In traditional optical rectification, light’s electric field
causes a charge separation, or a pulling apart of the positive and
negative charges in a material. This sets up a voltage, similar to
that in a battery. This electric effect had previously been detected
only in crystalline materials that possessed a certain symmetry.

Rand and Fisher found that under the right circumstances and in other
types of materials, the light’s magnetic field can also create optical

“It turns out that the magnetic field starts curving the electrons
into a C-shape and they move forward a little each time,” Fisher said.
“That C-shape of charge motion generates both an electric dipole and a
magnetic dipole. If we can set up many of these in a row in a long
fiber, we can make a huge voltage and by extracting that voltage, we
can use it as a power source.”

The light must be shone through a material that does not conduct
electricity, such as glass. And it must be focused to an intensity of
10 million watts per square centimeter. Sunlight isn’t this intense on
its own, but new materials are being sought that would work at lower
intensities, Fisher said.

“In our most recent paper, we show that incoherent light like sunlight
is theoretically almost as effective in producing charge separation as
laser light is,” Fisher said.

This new technique could make solar power cheaper, the researchers
say. They predict that with improved materials they could achieve 10
percent efficiency in converting solar power to useable energy. That’s
equivalent to today’s commercial-grade solar cells.

“To manufacture modern solar cells, you have to do extensive
semiconductor processing,” Fisher said. “All we would need are lenses
to focus the light and a fiber to guide it. Glass works for both. It’s
already made in bulk, and it doesn’t require as much processing.
Transparent ceramics might be even better.”

In experiments this summer, the researchers will work on harnessing
this power with laser light, and then with sunlight.

The paper is titled “Optically-induced charge separation and terahertz
emission in unbiased dielectrics.” The university is pursuing patent
protection for the intellectual property.


Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
Could another variable be the amount of time that the ash spends in the
Rossi reactor? When the Reaction first begins, the isotopic ratios could be
random in the same way that a few samples among a population will produce
widely varied statistics.

But when the reactor runs for a very long time, the isotopic ratios begin to
resolve around a natural distribution, much like a large statistical sample
will produce a reliable description of a large population.

The isotopic ratios might all depend (as a function of time) on the way the
ash was produced.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Peter Gluck  wrote:

> The simplest explanation of this contradiction is that "they" do not want
> to tell what the isotopic ratio of Cu is- and will not tell till the
> scientific report of the Bologna Univ. is published.
> Unnnatural, natural? The first is a mistery at the 2nd power, the other a
> mystery at the 3rd power.
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Mattia Rizzi wrote:
>>  On january 2010 "A new energy source" they say that the isotpic ratio of
>> Cu is nearly natural background.
>> Source:
>> On March 2010 they correct it and say that isotopic ration of Cu is
>> different from background.
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion" [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Gluck
What I wanted to say with the missing word "technological"?
The truth is that Pd-D LENR has contributed to science but has not succeeded
to become an energy source.
If it ever will, that's an open question but in the spirit of fairness you
cannot tell that Pd- D is nothing.
The second non-ethical aspect in Focardi's discourse was that he well knows
that Piantelii is the leading scientist in the field of Ni-H but he just
mentioned "en passant" about Habel *and *Piantelli, as somebody of no

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 5:32 PM, SHIRAKAWA Akira

> On 2011-04-15 16:04, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> But Peter Gluck wrote: ". . . one word is missing: 'technological.'"
>> What do you mean by "missing word"? Did Focardi say this and it is
>> missing from the translation? Or did he fail to say this and he should
>> have?
> He didn't say that in the interview and in retrospect he should have.
> I don't believe he really thinks there haven't been positive results from
> Pd-D LENR research, he was more referring to their scale. In that sense he
> is somewhat right that the difference between those and his/Rossi's is so
> large that in practical terms other researchers haven't got anything so far.
>  You see that he is outspoken and he says all kinds of things, including
>> stuff better left unsaid. Maybe he was just exaggerating, or mouthing
>> off. It is hard to believe he does not know there have been positive
>> results from palladium.
> It was a very informal interview on a local radio station (located in
> Bologna) with people that he already knew and already invited him a few
> times in the past months. Focardi probably didn't expect that an
> international audience would dissect it word by word, so he spoke without
> filters as he, reportedly, usually does.
> Cheers,
> S.A.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Quality control in cold fusion.

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
Rossi has stated his catalyst is not homogeneous, so it must be heterogeneous
where the nuclear process happens between the contact surface of the iron
oxide nano-particle and the nickel oxide nano-particle.

The crystal structure of the nickel oxide is too dense and perfect for
hydrogen to penetrate the surface of the NiO nano-particle. Any interaction
with hydrogen is at the surface.

On the other hand, the iron oxide (Fe2O3) nano-particle is very porous and
allows hydrogen to enter to great depth. In the many crystal defects
therein, cold plasma is formed. At the surface interface between the iron
and nickel nano-particle, the conditions are right for a nuclear process to

I speculate that the large electrostatic attractive forces at the surface of
the NiO nano-particle and the magnetic orientation character of the iron
oxide nano-particle (Fe2O3) interact in some way to precipitate a situation
where nuclear fission of the cold plasma happens.

The key to this process is atomic defects in condensed matter where highly
dense cold plasma of hydrogen can accumulate.  This is the role that Fe2O3

Remember that nickel is not critical to the Rossi process. Many other metals
can serve almost as well including copper.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Peter Gluck  wrote:

> i would not ask the secrets of a good friend. But about his performances
> yes! And therefore I knew that Ni-H works, therefore Rossi's E-Cat is real
> Catalitically active oxides work at the interface with the real catalyst in
> heterogeneous catalysis.
> Do you say NiO is not reduced  to Ni and water in the conditions
> of the E-cat?
> My guess is that Rossi has a very good method of activation of Ni , this
> can-as I already said comprise an additive. But this additive is  a
> promoter, not the catalyst per se.
> Despite the fact that I was one of the first to say that cold fusion is
> similar to catalysis and has to learn from catalysis-
> I don't think that Rossi has a non-nickel catalyst. Catalysing what?
> For the time given  showing that you are original and different, even more
> than you really are. Vederemo!
> Peter
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:12 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
>>  Piantelii stated he will hide the secret of Ni-H reaction, even from a
>> good friend.
>> Rossi has denied every mode of Ni catalytic activity except oxides.
>> NiO-H has a role in many hydrogen based catalytic reactions with a highly
>> reactive nano-particle surface. And oxide based nano-particle catalysts are
>> the next big thing in chemistry.
>> NiO provides a possible evolutionary transition between what Piantelii did
>> and what Rossi is doing; from a Ni bar surface treatment to nano-particles.
>> Lipid based fabrication and production of Fe2O3 is indicated in Rossi’s
>> patent; Ni2O3 is compatible with Fe2O3. This is consistent and compatible
>> with Ni2O3 formation in Piantelii’s annealing process.
>> Piantelii surface treatment of his nickel bar suggests Ni2O3 oxide
>> formation where annealing is important. Ni2O3 formation on NiO can be judged
>> by a color shift from green to black/green on the surface of a Nickel bar.
>> Piantelii stated that he can tell if a bar will work by looking at it.
>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Peter Gluck wrote:
>>> Piantelii is my good friend but I do not remember that he has worked with
>>> nickel oxide.
>>> The problem with NiO is that it will be reduced with H2 and the formed
>>> water will build a great pressure in the cell. Not a problem that cannot be
>>> solved- e.g. the Cincinnati zircoanium group cell I have worked with was
>>> also at a high pressure and we had no accidents.
>>> But why NiO?
>>> peter
>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Peter Gluck wrote:

> Perhaps you are right regarding Rossi's quality control efforts,
> but I want to ask you- on what basis are you speaking
>  about NiO and not Ni?
> As regarding Pd based clasical LENR/CF a total characterization
> of say Pd cathodes is much too complex- beyond what is called
> usually quality controll. Terrible difficulties of describing
> metallurgy, morphology, granularity etc.We have to appreciate the heroic
> efforts
> and work of so many good scientists, I think
> peter
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
>> Quality control in cold fusion.
>> Cold fusion has suffered from little or no quality control on the
>> materials used in its reactions.
>> I believe that Rossi’s big accomplishment is bringing quality control
>> to the fabrication of his materials.
>> After Rossi finally discovered what factors made his catalyst work, he
>> established a 

RE: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene
From: Mattia Rizzi 


> the isotopic ratios begin to resolve around a natural distribution


This is non-sense. A nuclear reaction should produce non-natural




Yes. It is clear from the Swedish analysis that this is CANNOT be a nuclear
of reaction of nickel at all. 


Nickel certainly can provide a good matrix in which protons fuse into
deuterium. This seems to be the only conceivable way that the metal can
maintain a natural distribution, and yet participate in the large amount of
gain (in a non-nuclear way).


If there is anything nuclear, and the metal isotope distribution is natural
- then it is almost a guarantee that it must involve only hydrogen, no


This conclusion is falsifiable. 

Re: [Vo]:Deflated P-e-P

2011-04-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Jones:


> 3) However, it is occasionally possible to shoot protons at each other with
> the right speed and quark positions so that they latch on to each other -
> held in place by the Strong Force.

Without one of the protons converting into a neutron? I thought that
was impossible.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Mattia Rizzi
>When the Reaction first begins, the isotopic ratios could be random

Isotopic ratio from natural background is constant, with low deviation.

>in the same way that a few samples among a population will produce widely 
>varied statistics.

Check how many atoms (and isotopes) are contained inside 1g of matter.

> the isotopic ratios begin to resolve around a natural distribution

This is non-sense. A nuclear reaction should produce non-natural distributions.

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

Could another variable be the amount of time that the ash spends in the Rossi 
reactor? When the Reaction first begins, the isotopic ratios could be random in 
the same way that a few samples among a population will produce widely varied 

But when the reactor runs for a very long time, the isotopic ratios begin to 
resolve around a natural distribution, much like a large statistical sample 
will produce a reliable description of a large population.

The isotopic ratios might all depend (as a function of time) on the way the ash 
was produced.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Peter Gluck  wrote:

  The simplest explanation of this contradiction is that "they" do not want to 
tell what the isotopic ratio of Cu is- and will not tell till the scientific 
report of the Bologna Univ. is published. 
  Unnnatural, natural? The first is a mistery at the 2nd power, the other a 
mystery at the 3rd power. 

  On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Mattia Rizzi  wrote:

On january 2010 "A new energy source" they say that the isotpic ratio of Cu 
is nearly natural background.
On March 2010 they correct it and say that isotopic ration of Cu is 
different from background.

  Dr. Peter Gluck 
  Cluj, Romania

RE: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Mark Iverson
Could the protons be fusing into Helium (perhaps providing some of the heat), 
and then the Helium



From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

From: Mattia Rizzi 


> the isotopic ratios begin to resolve around a natural distribution


This is non-sense. A nuclear reaction should produce non-natural distributions.




Yes. It is clear from the Swedish analysis that this is CANNOT be a nuclear of 
reaction of nickel at


Nickel certainly can provide a good matrix in which protons fuse into 
deuterium. This seems to be
the only conceivable way that the metal can maintain a natural distribution, 
and yet participate in
the large amount of gain (in a non-nuclear way).


If there is anything nuclear, and the metal isotope distribution is natural - 
then it is almost a
guarantee that it must involve only hydrogen, no metal.


This conclusion is falsifiable. 

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
Thank you for your insight.

“If there is anything nuclear, and the metal isotope distribution is natural
– then it is almost a guarantee that it must involve only hydrogen, no

This is probable true.

Would it not be ironic that the fusion/fission of just hydrogen produces
nickel and copper without nickel entering into the reaction in any way,
contray to what Rossi thinks?

I am surprised that you are not well versed in the work of the LENR team: Dr
H. Hora, and Dr. G.H. Miley. From a large volume of LENR experimental
results, Dr Miley has developed a theory of LENR transmutation that predicts
this natural abundance of isotopes around the magic atomic numbers of

2, 6, 14, 28, 50, 82, 126…

Now, 28 is the atomic number of nickel, and the fission of the super atom
formed during the fusion of many atoms will result in an array of elements
that cluster around peaks defined by these magic numbers:

2 – helium
6 – carbon
14 – silicon
28 – nickel

There will be many transmutation events producing nickel whose atomic number
(A) is 28, but also some lesser amounts producing copper (A = 29) and even
less zinc (A = 30).

On the other side of the Boltzmann quark distribution described by the
expression N(Z) = N’ exp (-Z/Z’) where Z’ = 10.

You get more cobalt (A = 27) and even less Iron (A = 26).

All these elements have been seen is Rossi ash.

Around the lower order magic numbers carbon (A = 6) and silicon(A = 14) are
clustered the following elements:

8 - Oxygen
9 - Fluorine(captured to form fluorides)
10 - Neon (outgased ?)
11 - Sodium
12 - Magnesium
13- Silicon (mentioned as ash)
14 - Phosphorus
15 – Sulfur (mentioned as ash)
16 – Chlorine (mentioned as ash)
17 – Argon (outgased ?)
18 – Potassium (mentioned as ash)
19 – Calcium (mentioned as ash)

A further consequence of the LENR evaluation leads to the ratios R (n) (n =
1, 2, 3…) of the Boltzmann probabilities, namely R (n) = 3n. This suggests a
threefold property of stable configurations at magic numbers in nuclei,
consistent with a quark property.

It is as if a large amount of hydrogen atoms form into a cold plasma  go
into a quantum mechanical blender and turned into a coherent quark soup. In
an instant, when the quark soup fissions, this LENR process produces atoms
whose isotopic character is the same as exists in nature. This is to be
expected since the inherent properties of quarks define what comes out of
the fission process. This LENR fission process is done so gently and at such
low energies that no unstable (radioactive) elements are produced.

Emitted X-rays energies correspond to the speeds of these various fission
fragments rebounding away from the center of this fission process.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Mattia Rizzi wrote:

>  >When the Reaction first begins, the isotopic ratios could be random
> No.
> Isotopic ratio from natural background is constant, with low deviation.
> >in the same way that a few samples among a population will produce widely
> varied statistics.
> Check how many atoms (and isotopes) are contained inside 1g of matter.
> > the isotopic ratios begin to resolve around a natural distribution
> This is non-sense. A nuclear reaction should produce non-natural
> distributions.
>  *From:* Axil Axil 
> *Sent:* Friday, April 15, 2011 9:42 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)
> Could another variable be the amount of time that the ash spends in the
> Rossi reactor? When the Reaction first begins, the isotopic ratios could be
> random in the same way that a few samples among a population will produce
> widely varied statistics.
> But when the reactor runs for a very long time, the isotopic ratios begin
> to resolve around a natural distribution, much like a large statistical
> sample will produce a reliable description of a large population.
> The isotopic ratios might all depend (as a function of time) on the way the
> ash was produced.
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:
>> The simplest explanation of this contradiction is that "they" do not want
>> to tell what the isotopic ratio of Cu is- and will not tell till the
>> scientific report of the Bologna Univ. is published.
>> Unnnatural, natural? The first is a mistery at the 2nd power, the other a
>> mystery at the 3rd power.
>> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Mattia Rizzi wrote:
>>>  On january 2010 "A new energy source" they say that the isotpic ratio
>>> of Cu is nearly natural background.
>>> Source:
>>> On March 2010 they correct it and say that isotopic ration of Cu is
>>> different from background.
>> --
>> Dr. Peter Gluck
>> Cluj, Romania

RE: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Mark Iverson
Perhaps the 'secret' catalyst is the Nickel and its catalyzing the fusion of H 
into He...



From: Axil Axil [] 
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

Thank you for your insight. 


"If there is anything nuclear, and the metal isotope distribution is natural - 
then it is almost a
guarantee that it must involve only hydrogen, no metal."


This is probable true.


Would it not be ironic that the fusion/fission of just hydrogen produces nickel 
and copper without
nickel entering into the reaction in any way, contray to what Rossi thinks?


I am surprised that you are not well versed in the work of the LENR team: Dr H. 
Hora, and Dr. G.H.
Miley. From a large volume of LENR experimental results, Dr Miley has developed 
a theory of LENR
transmutation that predicts this natural abundance of isotopes around the magic 
atomic numbers of

2, 6, 14, 28, 50, 82, 126.

Now, 28 is the atomic number of nickel, and the fission of the super atom 
formed during the fusion
of many atoms will result in an array of elements that cluster around peaks 
defined by these magic

2 - helium
6 - carbon
14 - silicon
28 - nickel

There will be many transmutation events producing nickel whose atomic number 
(A) is 28, but also
some lesser amounts producing copper (A = 29) and even less zinc (A = 30).

On the other side of the Boltzmann quark distribution described by the 
expression N(Z) = N' exp
(-Z/Z') where Z' = 10. 

You get more cobalt (A = 27) and even less Iron (A = 26).

All these elements have been seen is Rossi ash.

Around the lower order magic numbers carbon (A = 6) and silicon(A = 14) are 
clustered the following

8 - Oxygen
9 - Fluorine(captured to form fluorides)
10 - Neon (outgased ?)
11 - Sodium
12 - Magnesium
13- Silicon (mentioned as ash)
14 - Phosphorus
15 - Sulfur (mentioned as ash)
16 - Chlorine (mentioned as ash)
17 - Argon (outgased ?)
18 - Potassium (mentioned as ash)
19 - Calcium (mentioned as ash)

A further consequence of the LENR evaluation leads to the ratios R (n) (n = 1, 
2, 3.) of the
Boltzmann probabilities, namely R (n) = 3n. This suggests a threefold property 
of stable
configurations at magic numbers in nuclei, consistent with a quark property.

It is as if a large amount of hydrogen atoms form into a cold plasma  go into a 
quantum mechanical
blender and turned into a coherent quark soup. In an instant, when the quark 
soup fissions, this
LENR process produces atoms whose isotopic character is the same as exists in 
nature. This is to be
expected since the inherent properties of quarks define what comes out of the 
fission process. This
LENR fission process is done so gently and at such low energies that no 
unstable (radioactive)
elements are produced.

Emitted X-rays energies correspond to the speeds of these various fission 
fragments rebounding away
from the center of this fission process.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Mattia Rizzi  wrote:

>When the Reaction first begins, the isotopic ratios could be random
Isotopic ratio from natural background is constant, with low deviation.
>in the same way that a few samples among a population will produce widely 
>varied statistics.
Check how many atoms (and isotopes) are contained inside 1g of matter.
> the isotopic ratios begin to resolve around a natural distribution
This is non-sense. A nuclear reaction should produce non-natural distributions.

From: Axil Axil   
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

Could another variable be the amount of time that the ash spends in the Rossi 
reactor? When the
Reaction first begins, the isotopic ratios could be random in the same way that 
a few samples among
a population will produce widely varied statistics.


But when the reactor runs for a very long time, the isotopic ratios begin to 
resolve around a
natural distribution, much like a large statistical sample will produce a 
reliable description of a
large population.


The isotopic ratios might all depend (as a function of time) on the way the ash 
was produced.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Peter Gluck  wrote:

The simplest explanation of this contradiction is that "they" do not want to 
tell what the isotopic
ratio of Cu is- and will not tell till the scientific report of the Bologna 
Univ. is published. 
Unnnatural, natural? The first is a mistery at the 2nd power, the other a 
mystery at the 3rd power. 

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Mattia Rizzi  wrote:

On january 2010 "A new energy source" they say that the isotpic ratio of Cu is 
nearly natural
On March 2010 they correct it and say that isotopic ration of Cu is different 
from background.

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
As per my last post, helium is produced in large amounts because it is one
of the magic number elements. But the fusion of helium is not required for
the formation of the other elements in the Rossi ash.

IMHO, at the current time, the catalytic interaction at the surface
interfaces of a heterogeneous admixture of iron and nickel nano-particles
produces a fusion/fission reaction of only hydrogen resulting in the
isotopic ash distribution seen in the Rossi ash product.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Mark Iverson  wrote:

>  Perhaps the 'secret' catalyst is the Nickel and its catalyzing the fusion
> of H into He...
> -Mark
>  --
> *From:* Axil Axil []
> *Sent:* Friday, April 15, 2011 2:11 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)
>  Thank you for your insight.
> “If there is anything nuclear, and the metal isotope distribution is
> natural – then it is almost a guarantee that it must involve only hydrogen,
> no metal.”
> This is probable true.
> Would it not be ironic that the fusion/fission of just hydrogen produces
> nickel and copper without nickel entering into the reaction in any way,
> contray to what Rossi thinks?
> I am surprised that you are not well versed in the work of the LENR team:
> Dr H. Hora, and Dr. G.H. Miley. From a large volume of LENR experimental
> results, Dr Miley has developed a theory of LENR transmutation that predicts
> this natural abundance of isotopes around the magic atomic numbers of
> 2, 6, 14, 28, 50, 82, 126…
> Now, 28 is the atomic number of nickel, and the fission of the super atom
> formed during the fusion of many atoms will result in an array of elements
> that cluster around peaks defined by these magic numbers:
> 2 – helium
> 6 – carbon
> 14 – silicon
> 28 – nickel
> There will be many transmutation events producing nickel whose atomic
> number (A) is 28, but also some lesser amounts producing copper (A = 29) and
> even less zinc (A = 30).
> On the other side of the Boltzmann quark distribution described by the
> expression N(Z) = N’ exp (-Z/Z’) where Z’ = 10.
> You get more cobalt (A = 27) and even less Iron (A = 26).
> All these elements have been seen is Rossi ash.
> Around the lower order magic numbers carbon (A = 6) and silicon(A = 14) are
> clustered the following elements:
> 8 - Oxygen
> 9 - Fluorine(captured to form fluorides)
> 10 - Neon (outgased ?)
> 11 - Sodium
> 12 - Magnesium
> 13- Silicon (mentioned as ash)
> 14 - Phosphorus
> 15 – Sulfur (mentioned as ash)
> 16 – Chlorine (mentioned as ash)
> 17 – Argon (outgased ?)
> 18 – Potassium (mentioned as ash)
> 19 – Calcium (mentioned as ash)
> A further consequence of the LENR evaluation leads to the ratios R (n) (n =
> 1, 2, 3…) of the Boltzmann probabilities, namely R (n) = 3n. This suggests a
> threefold property of stable configurations at magic numbers in nuclei,
> consistent with a quark property.
> It is as if a large amount of hydrogen atoms form into a cold plasma  go
> into a quantum mechanical blender and turned into a coherent quark soup. In
> an instant, when the quark soup fissions, this LENR process produces atoms
> whose isotopic character is the same as exists in nature. This is to be
> expected since the inherent properties of quarks define what comes out of
> the fission process. This LENR fission process is done so gently and at such
> low energies that no unstable (radioactive) elements are produced.
> Emitted X-rays energies correspond to the speeds of these various fission
> fragments rebounding away from the center of this fission process.
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Mattia Rizzi wrote:
>>  >When the Reaction first begins, the isotopic ratios could be random
>> No.
>> Isotopic ratio from natural background is constant, with low deviation.
>> >in the same way that a few samples among a population will produce
>> widely varied statistics.
>> Check how many atoms (and isotopes) are contained inside 1g of matter.
>> > the isotopic ratios begin to resolve around a natural distribution
>> This is non-sense. A nuclear reaction should produce non-natural
>> distributions.
>>  *From:* Axil Axil 
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 15, 2011 9:42 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)
>> Could another variable be the amount of time that the ash spends in the
>> Rossi reactor? When the Reaction first begins, the isotopic ratios could be
>> random in the same way that a few samples among a population will produce
>> widely varied statistics.
>> But when the reactor runs for a very long time, the isotopic ratios begin
>> to resolve around a natural distribution, much like a large statistical
>> sample will produce a reliable description of a large population.
>> The isotopic ratios might all depend (as a function of time)

RE: [Vo]:Deflated P-e-P

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene
Steven - the simulation does not go there.

It is too complicated for me to say if the simulation is accurate or not. I 
like it, and have not found anything obviously wrong with it yet. Everyone 
interprets the shadows on Plato's cave in their own way

If one doesn't mind admitting that he is, in effect, working backwards from 
real results- (which is the case here) and that the goal is trying to explain 
those anomalous results (of Rossi) in the most coherent way possible, then 
Nyman's SIM is the one key missing ingredient which would make the H -> D 
reaction feasible; and it is clear that this is the ideal reaction which best 
fits the results.

... that does not indicate that it is correct - just that it could be the best 
available choice to date (of many unlikely scenarios) 

To continue the Sherlock imitation, and in going back over some old comments on 
the blog, it seems Focardi said early-on that deuterium kills the Rossi 
reaction. Now to my thinking, one way that he would know this is: if it had 
been a recurring problem and that they had figured out a way to the purge of 
deuterium periodically, as it accumulates. 

There is not much rationale for every even trying the two isotopes together, 
since D costs a million times more, and moreover - Focardi is a "hydrogen man" 
(protium) all the way. 

By that, I also mean since H works well on its own - no way do you waste time 
with D, since it can never make commercial sense, even if it improves the 
reaction rate by a large amount. Ergo, when someone mentions D at all in the 
context of a Ni-H demonstration - then it is probably because deuterium has 
been a recurring problem in the recent past! Get it? Or do you find that logic 
too convoluted?

-Original Message-
From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson 

> 3) However, it is occasionally possible to shoot protons at each other with
> the right speed and quark positions so that they latch on to each other -
> held in place by the Strong Force.

Without one of the protons converting into a neutron? I thought that
was impossible.

Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Michele Comitini
Two major claims about Rossi's must be verified (cause and effect):

1. It is nuclear (the cause)
2. It gives far more thermal energy than consumed electrical  energy
so there is a commercial viability (the effect)

An experiment should focus only on calorimetry since the claimed
effect would be lots of heat .  Let's forget the cause, at the moment.
The simple question: "Is the fire (really) hot?" still needs to be
answered.   All other questions come afterwards.  And since such
could be really simple, we should wonder why it was not done right away?

Since the claim is a 200 ratio for out/in  the following simple
components could be used besides the E-cat,  H2 gas tank and  control

1) a (sealed) room without power outlet.
2) a number of car batteries that can provide the necessary but
limited amount of energy
3) a tank full of water (how many cubic meters would be enough to
avoid a reaction out of control?) well insulated (quasi adiabatic)
4) a simple liquid mixer (using power from a dedicated pack of batteries)

Just connect the in and the out of the E-cat to the tank and measure
the temperature in different points of the tank at regular
intervals until batteries are exhausted.  Check the level of water
inside the tank stays the same. Weight everything before and
after.  At the end there should be a positive T increase and should be
much more than the one that could be possibly generated by
the batteries (even the mixer ones) and by burning the missing mass.


2011/4/15 Alan J Fletcher :
> At 06:17 PM 4/14/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  wrote:
> I'll say it, Rossi is probably real.
> I would say "almost certainly" real.
> But I and everyone else can, sometimes, be fooled. The only way to totally
> avoid being fooled would be to believe nobody, and even then, we'd fool
> ourselves, and we'd disbelieve a lot of honest, sincere people. A loss.
> Well said. I agree.
> I personally agree with both statements ... but at present I have to go with
> :
> The December/January
> experiments were too short to rule out ANY of these theoretical fakes. But
> if Levi's informal reports on the February trial are accepted, then ALL
> chemical fakes are eliminated. However, neither the January or February
> reports rule out a Tarallo Water Diversion Fake.
> The March report probably rules out a Tarallo fake -- but since the
> Horizontal arm was NOT unwrapped, it does NOT rule out all chemical fakes.
> At present the Rossi eCat has NOT been proven to be real. However, a few
> simple improvements to the experimental setup will almost certainly do that.
> Here's hoping that Kullander and Essén  close the remaining loopholes in
> their anticipated new test.

[Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell

[This was previously titled "What Rossi Says list")

This list is not comprehensive. These are items I thought are significant.

Sources are sometimes shown in parentheses after the item. SL = Shirakawa
List, Focardi = Focardi radio interview, April 5, 2011

Some items are marked “CONTRADICTION” at the end, where two or more
statements appear to contradict one another.

To avoid confusion, the term “turn off” here refers to turning on or off the
resistance heaters used to control the reactor. “Quench” means stop the
reaction itself.

There may be important comments in Italian in SL that I do not understand.

Calorimetry is not addressed in detail here, since it has been discussed

All statements by Rossi and Focardi are reported here, regardless of whether
I or others suspect they may not be true.

Questions from me are shown in square brackets.


The volume of the 15 kW reactor cell is about 1 liter. The smaller 4 kW
reactor cell volume is ~50 ml.

During the Feb. 10 test, the 15 kW reactor was operated for about 18 min. at
~130 kW.

Smaller devices are safer to operate.

The 1 MW (thermal) device will be made of many smaller ones ganged together.
It was originally planned to be made up of ~130 10 kW units, where 30 were
held in standby to replace or augment older ones as the power decreased.
They now plan to use ~300 units.

These cells (“modules” - Rossi) are designed to be connected in series and
in parallel. (SL)

Maintenance and operation is similar to that of a conventional boiler. (SL
“normal boiler” comment)

The minimum power of the e-Cat reactor unit is presently 2.5 kW, with the
present design and engineering. Smaller units may be engineered in the

These cells are made of stainless steel. In the mini-Rossi unit, the
stainless steel cells are inside a larger copper pipe. Cooling water flows
around the walls of the cell.

The device does not produce gamma rays except for a slight increase over
background (Rossi, SL) The device produced a large burst of gamma rays when
it started up. (Celani) CONTRADICTION

The device produces no radioactive nuclear ash. There may be intermediate
radioactive products. “We are not able to know which instable atoms are
produced DURING the operation of the reactor, but we can analyze the
composition of the powders left AFTER the operations: in such powders we do
not find instable elements.” (SL)

The device requires 1-cm thick lead shielding, presumably for safety.


Minimal operating temperature is 400°C. (SL)

The optimal operating temperature is 600°C. [RIGHT?]


The effect is triggered with resistance heaters. There are five in the 15 kW

The reaction is modulated with the resistance heaters.

The resistance heaters are high-powered trigger the reaction and then hours
reduced to maintain it.

The reaction can be made self-sustaining with the resistance heaters turned
off. This was done in a preliminary test with U. Bologna professors. (SL)
However, this mode is not recommended because it is unsafe and it is
difficult to quench the reaction. There is a “risk of explosions” (SL). The
device is inherently safe; “if you violate [safety rules] the reactor
[quenches].” (SL) CONTRADICTION

To ensure safety, Rossi prefers the control electronics be externally
powered rather than powered by the device itself with a thermoelectric or a
steam turbine generator.

The input output ratio has been as high as 200 in recent tests; 80 W in 16
kW out, sustained, and it went over 1600 during the 130 kW burst. The ratio
is “always over 6” (SL). (Footnote. I do not think the input/output ratio is
meaningful for this device – Rothwell)

The device will need maintenance and new nickel catalyst every six months.

Picograms of Ni and H are consumed (SL)

There are 100 g of nickel in the larger cell. There are “several milligrams”
of Ni in the larger cell but “not all of the nickel in the reactor reacts.”
(SL) [Could this mean nuclear active material?]

The actual consumption to make 10 kW is about 0.1 g of nickel and 0.01 g of
hydrogen per hour. This is the “mass of Ni that you need in the reactor” but
not all of this actually reacts. “The efficiency is very low, due to the
probabilistic issue.”  (SL).

The Ni lattice can be disrupted to a certain extent. (SL: “Does the
integrity of the Ni lattice have to be maintained ? do damage, disruption,
and melting impede the results? No, it is not necessary within certain

The effect can be quenched with the following methods:

Where hydrogen is injected with electrolysis, stop electrolysis to cut off
the supply of hydrogen. (Focardi)

De-gas the cell.

Inject N to displace the H.

Increase the flow rate to cool the catalyst. (This may have to be done
quickly, to induce a thermal shock – Rothwell)

A small percentage (2% to 3%) of deuterium will quench the reaction.



Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 23:46, Jed Rothwell wrote:


Good job!

I'll try collecting other questions/answers from various posts in 
Rossi's blog. I'll post them in this thread unsorted.

By the way, I think the question/answer date is important and should not 
be taken out of context. The E-Cat apparently continuously evolved over 
time since January.


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
The proper way to organize this type of data is through the use of a
relational database. That is how systems engineers do it. The primary key
would be the time of origination. The secondary keys could be calorimetry,
nano-particle, ash product, isotopic ratio…

MS access would be the simplest.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 5:58 PM, SHIRAKAWA Akira

> On 2011-04-15 23:46, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> [...]
> Good job!
> I'll try collecting other questions/answers from various posts in Rossi's
> blog. I'll post them in this thread unsorted.
> By the way, I think the question/answer date is important and should not be
> taken out of context. The E-Cat apparently continuously evolved over time
> since January.
> Cheers,
> S.A.

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 23:46, Jed Rothwell wrote:

The 1 MW (thermal) device will be made of many smaller ones ganged
together. It was originally planned to be made up of ~130 10 kW units,
where 30 were held in standby to replace or augment older ones as the
power decreased. They now plan to use ~300 units.

Originally there were even less units planned:

* * *

Andrea Rossi
March 26th, 2010 at 9:36 AM

Yes, we are making a 1 MW power reactor constituted by 50 modules of 20 
kw each[...]

* * *


Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Michele Comitini  wrote:

> Since the claim is a 200 ratio for out/in  the following simple
> components could be used besides the E-cat,  H2 gas tank and  control
> box:
> 1) a (sealed) room without power outlet.
> 2) a number of car batteries that can provide the necessary but
> limited amount of energy

This is not necessary. Power meters can be relied upon. Normal scientific
instruments and procedures should be used to test this device. Carl Sagan
was wrong. Extraordinary claims do not require extraordinary proof. They are
best supported with ordinary evidence from off-the-shelf instruments and
standard techniques. (M&R)

A test with batteries would be "showboating" in my opinion. It would be
giving the skeptics and their unrealistic doubts more respect than they

It is physically impossible for the wire used in this device to conduct more
than ~3 kW. The wire would melt. Years ago, plug in electric heaters drew ~3
kW and the wires became very hot. Those were thick wires. Heaters nowadays
are limited to 1.5 kW, or 12.5 amps.

To be specific, from the photos I take this to be: 18 AWG, 1.0 mm, 2.3 max
amps transmission, 16 amps chassis wiring. ("Chassis wiring" means a short
stretch of uninsulated wiring inside a machine.)

See: Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas

It is preposterous to suggest that you could use this wire to conduct 16 kW
at any voltage. Furthermore, Levi looked inside the box at the control
electronics and found only "5 simple PLC" (programmable logic control). Such
devices are rated at one power level and will not work at far higher levels.
They would burn up, along with the wire.

Fletcher's scenarios are "Just So Stories" meaning that in real life we can
dismiss them. The devices he describes are physically impossible. The people
and instruments in his stories would have to react precisely the way he
imagines they might -- the slightest variation in their actions or use of
instruments would instantly reveal the fake nature of the device. One glance
in the wrong direction, one touch of the wrong component, and all would be
revealed. The observers would have to be hypnotized to follow Rossi's every

His scenario demands that 50 or more highly experienced engineers and
scientists suddenly forget how to do experiments, and how to take
rudimentary common sense steps such as holding their hand briefly over the
device to confirm it is radiating heat, and over the outlet tube to
determine that it is warm. Three of the observers in the January 14 test
assured me they did check the tube, and it was too hot to touch, therefore
the reactor was definitely producing the level of heat the instruments

The outlet tube would be stone cold in the scenarios Fletcher imagines.

His scenarios also assumes that Rossi is a lunatic who has spent €1 million
to produce a fake that will be completely revealed soon when they open up
the cell and look inside.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 23:46, Jed Rothwell wrote:

The effect can be quenched with the following methods:


Inject N to displace the H.

Recently he added:

* * *

2. I’ve read that you once had to stop the machine by insufflating 
nitrogen and that the E-cat has to be steered or controlled by 
electricity. What would happen if there’s a break in the supply of 
electricity ? would it then be necessary to stop the machine, and if so, 
how? Is there a need for an alternative supply of electricity to step 
in, in form of a (rechargeable) backup battery, in such situations? And 
would it be a safety step to replace the hydrogen tube with a nitrogen 
ditto in order to stop the process by an automatic valve which opens up 
when needed ? for ex if the machine becomes overheated?

Andrea Rossi
March 30th, 2011 at 7:00 PM

Dear Mr Ake Ostlund:
1- when the powder has to be changed, as you correctly suggest, the 
hydrogen tube has to be disconnected
2-I neve insufflated Nytrogen. That info was wrong. If there is a black 
out, the E-Cat automatically stops, for lack of current: it is 
intrinsecally safe

Warm Regards,

* * *

Ok, I'll post all of these in a list later, not going to create a new 
post each time, although I'm tempted.


Re: [Vo]:What Rossi Says list

2011-04-15 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Thu, 14 Apr 2011 18:29:59 -0400:
> wrote:
>> 15 kW for 18 hours at 5 MeV / reaction equates to 120 mg of Nickel. IOW the
>> amount that would actually react is 120 mg.
>I gather you are suggesting that much of the Ni will eventually react, 
>but in the 18-hour experiment only 120 mg did react. 

In this case I suspect that is what Rossi was saying.

>The rest is 
>"unburned fuel" if you will. It will eventually  . . . do what? 
>Transmute into copper?


>I wonder what keeps the whole shebang from going off at once?

According to Rossi, sometimes it (nearly) does (note the 130 kW output for a
short period).

>A "catalyst" is a material that promotes a reaction, and is then freed 
>up to promote it again. Catalysts are not used up. So perhaps it is a 
>misnomer to call this a catalyst.

Mills catalysts need to be recycled. I think that means the conditions under
which they form are different to the conditions under which they are destroyed,
though there is no net change over a full cycle in either quantity or energy
content. That may also be true of Rossi's catalyst.

Robin van Spaandonk

[Vo]:The mechanism behind the fail safe nature of the Rossi process.

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
The mechanism behind the fail safe nature of the Rossi process.

I believe that the magnetic property of Fe2O3 in a key part of the Rossi
process and is the way that the Rossi process achieves failsafe operation. .

When the temperature of the catalyst get to about 577C (the Néel
 point)  the Fe2O3
nano-particle loses its magnetic organization and the nuclear heat
production slows. The Rossi will tend to reach a temperature equilibrium at
about 600C more or less and avoid a run away meltdown .

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil  wrote:

> The proper way to organize this type of data is through the use of a
> relational database. That is how systems engineers do it.

Great idea! Are you going to do that for us? Thanks!

Add to the list:


The control box contains 5 simple PLCs, and weighs ~7 kg. (Levi)

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Rossi wrote:

> 2-I never insufflated Nytrogen. That info was wrong. If there is a black
> out, the E-Cat automatically stops, for lack of current: it
> is intrinsically safe

Okay. I think I should just delete the statement about N:

Inject N to displace the H.

This was either a misunderstanding or he has retracted it. It is not
important. The purpose of the list is to present an up-to-date description
of what Rossi now thinks, not to hold him to previous statements or find out
how often he has changed his mind.

The statements marked CONTRADICTION are usually between Rossi and someone
else, although in one case it was Rossi versus Rossi. We will leave that as
is, unless he makes a definitive statement one way or the other.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Michele Comitini
> It is physically impossible for the wire used in this device to conduct more
> than ~3 kW. The wire would melt. Years ago, plug in electric heaters drew ~3
> kW and the wires became very hot. Those were thick wires. Heaters nowadays
> are limited to 1.5 kW, or 12.5 amps.
Jed I agree with you ... but then they can claim superconductors... ;-)
Batteries as all other instumentation besides the E-Cat should not be Rossi's.
Rossi's should not even be in the room.

The point is that a *closed* system takes away many possible arguments
such as  Tarallo's paradox.

BTW see they are good!

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-16 00:37, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This was either a misunderstanding or he has retracted it. It is not
important. The purpose of the list is to present an up-to-date
description of what Rossi now thinks, not to hold him to previous
statements or find out how often he has changed his mind.

Fair enough.

I'm not sure if I will be able to send them, but what follows is a 
series of text files containing raw question/answers I found relevant 
from Rossi's blog up to the "JANUARY 15th FOCARDI AND ROSSI PRESS 
CONFERENCE" post, which will take alone some dedicated work to process 
entirely (you used part of that for the list in the opening post).

By the way, what caught my attention in particular is that it appears 
that the reactor shielding is made of lead and boron, not lead only, but 
that might be outdated information.


Andrea Rossi
April 16th, 2010 at 8:27 AM

Gent. Sig. Luca:
Se non ci fossero radiazioni gamma, non potrebbe funzionare il reattore: 
lfenergia si ottiene proprio in virtuf della generazione di raggi gamma e di 
altre reazioni descritte nel mio brevetto. Quello che ha detto il Prof. 
Focardi, che in base ad un contratto che abbiamo con lfUniversitaf di Bologna 
ha controllato le radiazione residue nellfambiente, ef, appunto, che non ci 
sono radiazioni residue fuori dal reattore. Tali misurazioni, ovviamente, sono 
state necessarie al fine di certificare la sicurezza dellf reattore sia sotto 
il profilo della protezione individuale, sia della protezione ambientale. Il 
grosso vantaggio di questo apparato ef che non usa materiale radioattivo e non 
lascia residui radioattivi, ne come rifiuti solidi, ne come emissioni 
La ringrazio per la Sua apprezzata attenzione e Le porgo cordiali saluti,
Andrea Rossi


Giancarlo Rossi
June 19th, 2010 at 3:49 PM

Gentile Prof. Andrea Rossi

Sono un semplice appassionato, vorrei porre qualche domandac

1) State usando qualche isotopo particolarmente pesante del Nichel (Nichel-64 
che dicono costi 100.000 dollari per 5 grammi?)

2) State usando DEUTERIO oppure se ho ben capito IDROGENO ?

3) Utilizzate forse il LITIO come gcatalizzatoreh della reazione.


Giancarlo Rossi

(Ma non era meglio se svolgeva queste ricerche in Giappone o in Cina, paesi 
assolutamente privi di risorse e di lobby assassine?)

Andrea Rossi
June 20th, 2010 at 2:52 AM

Gent. Sig. Giancarlo Rossi,
Grazie per la Sua attenzione; ecco le risposte:
1-No, usiamo Ni nella sua composizione isotopica naturale
3-Non posso dare informazioni in merito ai catalizzatori
4- Nella mia vita ne ho passate di tali, che ormai non mi impressiono piu di 
5- Ho la fortuna di potere lavorare negli USA, e Le assicuro che, almeno dal 
mio punto di vista, non esiste Paese migliore al mondo
Cordiali saluti,
Andrea Rossi


Andrea Rossi
April 6th, 2011 at 5:43 AM

Dear Mr M:
We have contacts in the whole world, but our commercial operations will begin 
in November, after the start up of our 1 MW plant in Greece.
Thank you for your kind considerations,
Warm regards,
Warm Regards,


John Fisher
March 16th, 2010 at 12:29 PM

As I understand it you can control the rate of energy production in the nickel 
by adjusting the hydrogen pressure, and this method was used to maintain 
constant output power during the periods of energy measurement. Is this correct?

Andrea Rossi
March 16th, 2010 at 2:16 PM

Actually, is more complex. You are asking confidential issues. Sorry.


Andrea Rossi
March 26th, 2010 at 9:28 AM

A module with a power of 20 kw has a volume of 20 liters and weights 30 kg. 
Bigger powers are made with more modules, because for safety reasons I prefer 
to add up series and parallels with the cooling fluids , not with the reactors, 
to maintain small energy reactors.
Andrea Rossi


Andrea Rossi
March 26th, 2010 at 9:36 AM

Yes, we are making a 1 MW power reactor constituted by 50 modules of 20 kw 
each: I prefer for safety reasons to add series and parallels with the cooling 
fluids, not making bigger reactors, to maintain small and well tested reactors 
which we learnt perfectly to control. Soon wefll put in operation the first 
section of the 1MW plant, in the USA and when we will have everything well in 
operation we will communicate the data. We want not to make press conferences 
if we have not an industrial plant operated not by us, as it has been up to 
now, but by the very high level

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:
> Rossi wrote:
>> 2-I never insufflated Nytrogen. That info was wrong. If there is a black
>> out, the E-Cat automatically stops, for lack of current: it
>> is intrinsically safe
> Okay. I think I should just delete the statement about N:

Why?  That ain't no H2 tank in the Jan demo image.


RE: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene
Yes. Do not delete this ! It is important.

Add this one to the growing 'contradictions' list, because I am sure that at
one time he said he can operate the device for a period of time with no
electrical input.

How can it then be possible to shut down automatically with no current
unless you flush with N ?  ... and Terry is correct: the tank is labeled as
nitrogen. Surely he is not so careless (miserly) as to fill this tank with
H2 to cut cost ?

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

Jed Rothwell wrote:

> Rossi wrote:

>> 2-I never insufflated Nytrogen. That info was wrong. If there is a 
>> black out, the E-Cat automatically stops, for lack of current: it is 
>> intrinsically safe

> Okay. I think I should just delete the statement about N:

Why?  That ain't no H2 tank in the Jan demo image.


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> Surely he is not so careless (miserly) as to fill this tank with
> H2 to cut cost ?

Not likely.  I think his H2 (large) tank is shown in Fig. 10 here:


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
Between then and now, Rossi may have come up with a way to make his
catalyst(s) sub-critical, that is, always requiring some external heat to be
input as a control on the output heat production.
Provarication may not be an issue here.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Yes. Do not delete this ! It is important.
> Add this one to the growing 'contradictions' list, because I am sure that
> at
> one time he said he can operate the device for a period of time with no
> electrical input.
> How can it then be possible to shut down automatically with no current
> unless you flush with N ?  ... and Terry is correct: the tank is labeled as
> nitrogen. Surely he is not so careless (miserly) as to fill this tank with
> H2 to cut cost ?
> -Original Message-
> From: Terry Blanton
> Jed Rothwell wrote:
> > Rossi wrote:
> >> 2-I never insufflated Nytrogen. That info was wrong. If there is a
> >> black out, the E-Cat automatically stops, for lack of current: it is
> >> intrinsically safe
> > Okay. I think I should just delete the statement about N:
> Why?  That ain't no H2 tank in the Jan demo image.
> T

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread francis
On Fri, 15 Apr 2011 14:11:56 Axil wrote [snip]

It is as if a large amount of hydrogen atoms form into a cold plasma  go

into a quantum mechanical blender and turned into a coherent quark soup. In

an instant, when the quark soup fissions, this LENR process produces atoms

whose isotopic character is the same as exists in nature. This is to be

expected since the inherent properties of quarks define what comes out of

the fission process. This LENR fission process is done so gently and at such

low energies that no unstable (radioactive) elements are produced,

Emitted X-rays energies correspond to the speeds of these various fission

fragments rebounding away from the center of this fission process.[/snip]



I like your term "Gentle fissions" and your concept that only the hydrogen
is participating to produce the natural  distribution of elements and
isotopes based on magic numbers, It agrees with my hunch that hydrides are
only formed when The system is self destructing in runaway. It is very
likely the threshold temperature and control loop are intended to turn the
hydrogen gas into a "bond state oscillator" where h2 keeps getting
disassociated then cooled back down to reform h2 and emit energy over and
over again. your blender?  The threshold level is discounted by the nickel
geometry creating a tapestry of different vacuum energy densities as the
atoms appear to shrink down between ever smaller geometries. I think these
small atoms reflect normal catalytic action amplified by Casimir geometry
and the relativistic nature Naudts suggested for the hydrino actually
applies to any reactants in a catalyst. My point is the energy density
suppression between Casimir boundaries accelerates time from our perspective
exactly like the increased energy density of a stellar mass slows time from
our perspective. The slow gradient of changes in energy density at our scale
are not mirrored by the abrupt changes provided by nature in the surfaces of
Casimir cavities, As an atom seems to shrink into ever smaller Casimir
confinement these dramatic changes in energy density are equivalent to
changes in velocity on the spatial axis - what we see as time dilation
appears to these gas atoms like open space and random accelerations that
keep pumping more and more gas, deeper and deeper into this relativistic
plane with your blender/bond state oscillator. 


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-16 01:36, Jones Beene wrote:

Yes. Do not delete this ! It is important.

Add this one to the growing 'contradictions' list, because I am sure that at
one time he said he can operate the device for a period of time with no
electrical input.

How can it then be possible to shut down automatically with no current
unless you flush with N ?  ... and Terry is correct: the tank is labeled as
nitrogen. Surely he is not so careless (miserly) as to fill this tank with
H2 to cut cost ?

By shutting down hydrogen supply, as Focardi said in his latest 
interview. After hydrogen pressure decreases by a certain amount the 
reactor supposedly stops working by itself.

P.S.: By the way, did my other email containing a long list of questions 
and answers by Rossi reach the group?


RE: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Mark Iverson
You forgot to mention Rossi's quote about seeing 100keV to 300keV particles... 
I think that's a
reasonably important piece of data!
I've posted it twice; not going to do it again just look for postings in 
the last 3 to 7 days
with 300 keV at the end of the subject line.


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 7:51 PM, SHIRAKAWA Akira

> By shutting down hydrogen supply, as Focardi said in his latest interview.
> After hydrogen pressure decreases by a certain amount the reactor supposedly
> stops working by itself.

If the system is in a runaway condition, I'm sure there is enough H2
in the reactor to take it to meltdown.  Look at the configuration, the
H2 is injected into the reactor at 300 psi and likely shut off.  There
is no gas return port that I can see.  To shut the reaction down, you
have to inject N2.  These tanks are usually pressurized around 2500
psi; so, you can send in a lot of N2 without a gas return port.

> P.S.: By the way, did my other email containing a long list of questions and
> answers by Rossi reach the group?

Yep, I saw it with all the attachments.


[Vo]:BLP posts another job opening - Battery Development Scientist/ENgineer

2011-04-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

I think it's a recent post.

I would interpret this as possibly meaning: "I'm not dead yet!"


Steven Vincent Johnson 

RE: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene
Shutting down H2 supply cannot work, since the gas in the reactor is highly
pressurized and consumed slowly, so the reaction would not be abated on H2
shut-down - in fact not for an extended period - possibly hours or days. 

Do you release pressurized and very hot hydrogen into a room where many
people may be gathered? Answer: No. it would be instantly explosive.

Now, it's indeed possible that the Nitrogen tank was there BECAUSE this was
a public demo and Rossi anticipated that it would be impossible to release
the pressurized H2, so he had to fashion an alternative for the demo only.
However, does he normally risk release in a factory situation, where workers
could be present? Maybe it could be ported outside, so N would not be
necessary - but only a fool would dispense with it.

Anyway, the demo situation would be the rationalization that makes the most
sense for the N but it is still a contradiction.

-Original Message-
From: SHIRAKAWA Akira 

On 2011-04-16 01:36, Jones Beene wrote:
> Yes. Do not delete this ! It is important.
> Add this one to the growing 'contradictions' list, because I am sure that
> one time he said he can operate the device for a period of time with no
> electrical input.
> How can it then be possible to shut down automatically with no current
> unless you flush with N ?  ... and Terry is correct: the tank is labeled
> nitrogen. Surely he is not so careless (miserly) as to fill this tank with
> H2 to cut cost ?

By shutting down hydrogen supply, as Focardi said in his latest 
interview. After hydrogen pressure decreases by a certain amount the 
reactor supposedly stops working by itself.

P.S.: By the way, did my other email containing a long list of questions 
and answers by Rossi reach the group?


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton  wrote:

> > Okay. I think I should just delete the statement about N:
> Why?  That ain't no H2 tank in the Jan demo image.

Who knows what it's doing there. Maybe they use it to purge the cell or
clean out the tubes.

The thing is, he says that was a misunderstanding and he never asserted that
N is used to quench the reaction. I don't recall where I heard that. Looking
around I see no record that Rossi said it. I looked in the SL and did not
see it. So I say let's take him at his word on this. This is a minor issue.
The contradictory statements about Ni isotope enrichment *are* important,
and I would not propose removing them.

If we find an earlier statement from him saying he used N, I suppose we can
leave it in, and put in another statement next to it, with the label

If someone else said they use N, I guess that person was misinformed. No big

I'll bet N would work! They should try it.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 03:22 PM 4/15/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Michele Comitini
<> wrote:

Since the claim is a 200 ratio for out/in  the following

components could be used besides the E-cat,  H2 gas tank
and  control


1) a (sealed) room without power outlet.

2) a number of car batteries that can provide the necessary but

limited amount of energy

This is not necessary. Power meters can be relied upon. Normal scientific
instruments and procedures should be used to test this device.

Power meters can NOT be relied on.  
is almost certainly due to high-frequency crud confusing "normal
scientific instruments and procedures"
Carl Sagan was wrong.
Extraordinary claims do not require extraordinary proof. They are best
supported with ordinary evidence 
I agree -- see "Rothwell's Razor" -- but the ordinary evidence
has to be complete.
from off-the-shelf instruments
and standard techniques. (M&R)
See above.
A test with batteries would be
"showboating" in my opinion. It would be giving the skeptics
and their unrealistic doubts more respect than they deserve.
It is physically impossible for the wire used in this device to conduct
more than ~3 kW. The wire would melt. Years ago, plug in electric heaters
drew ~3 kW and the wires became very hot. Those were thick wires. Heaters
nowadays are limited to 1.5 kW, or 12.5 amps.
To be specific, from the photos I take this to be: 18 AWG, 1.0 mm, 2.3
max amps transmission, 16 amps chassis wiring. ("Chassis
wiring" means a short stretch of uninsulated wiring inside a
See: Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas

It is preposterous to suggest that you could use this wire to conduct 16
kW at any voltage. Furthermore, Levi looked inside the box at the control
electronics and found only "5 simple PLC" (programmable logic
control). Such devices are rated at one power level and will not work at
far higher levels. They would burn up, along with the
I agreed with you on this one. 

Fletcher's scenarios are
"Just So Stories" meaning that in real life we can dismiss
Except for extending the inner line of the Tarallo fake down the output
hose (and selecting some of the chemicals) every single fake I've
analyzed has been suggested by somebody else, including the original
observing team.  
Everyone else on the web/academia is demanding more stringent proof. They
are NOT dismissing them.
Even my methodology comes from an observer:
As Villa reported:
   In the present test, as a precautionary attitude, whatever
was not known, not disclosed or not understood has been considered as the
energy source. 
  The duration of the tests would be directly proportional to the
mass and volume of unknown origin. 
The devices he describes are
physically impossible. 
The methodology proof of the chemical/finite storage methods does exactly
that.  By setting the bar at 100% fuel and 100% efficiency all
quibbling about engineering efficiency goes away. Why settle for
"improbable" when you can have "impossible" or
"unlikely" or "would have noticed" with very little
extra work.
The people and instruments in
his stories would have to react precisely the way he imagines they might
-- the slightest variation in their actions or use of instruments would
instantly reveal the fake nature of the device. One glance in the wrong
direction, one touch of the wrong component, and all would be revealed.
The observers would have to be hypnotized to follow Rossi's every
I include air-breathing and fume-emitting combustion as not eliminated,
because nobody checked it.  But I also include closed systems, where
nothing is output except heat, and where the weight of the apparatus
doesn't change. They are indistinguishable from a wrapped eCat except
that they eventually run out of fuel.
His scenario demands that 50 or
more highly experienced engineers and scientists suddenly forget how to
do experiments, ...
Gee : Essen  admits it :
Hello group,

In answer to a question from a concerned person regarding water flow 
measurements during the last Rossi E-cat test/demonstration, Hanno Essén
perhaps unconsciously, that there will be a follow-up experiment next
Here's the original email as posted by him on an italian discussion forum
personal info omitted):

* * *

I remember clearly that there was no adjusting of the pump during the
experiment. There was a tank of distilled water on the floor below the
pump. Unfortunately its refilling and weight etc were not checked.
These things will be better checked in a follow up experiment next

Best regards
Hanno Essén

They also  forgot to weigh  the hydrogen bottle. They accepted
many of Rossi's statements as fa

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mark Iverson  wrote:

> You forgot to mention Rossi's quote about seeing 100keV to 300keV
> particles... I think that's a reasonably important piece of data!

Okay. Not sure where to put it. We may need more & better categories.

I guess that would come under DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS.

OPERATIONS is supposed to be how you make the thing work. How you twiddle
the knobs.

I did not give much thought to these categories.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:09 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> If the system is in a runaway condition, I'm sure there is enough H2
> in the reactor to take it to meltdown.  Look at the configuration, the
> H2 is injected into the reactor at 300 psi and likely shut off.

Simply depressurizing the reactor by opening the valve to release the
H2 pressure might not work.  By all our estimates, H2 has saturated
the Ni and will not leave the metal quickly before a meltdown.  No, I
really think you have to pollute the reaction with N2; which, by the
way, lends credence to Peter Gluck's theory that it is polluting gases
which prevent these experiments from showing the same results that
Rossi has seen.

Clean and bake your metal in a vacuum and seal it in the reactor.
Then inject the H2.  I think that will give you heat.  It might be the
Fe2O3 which makes it take off like an ECat.  It might be the Cu.  It
might be both.

Look carefully at what Rossi says.  In one response to a question, he
uses the word 'catalysts'.  Plural!  Nickel, rust and copper?


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
Piantelii said that he used N to stop a run away meltdown before he found
that D2 would stop the reaction on HIS system.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> > Okay. I think I should just delete the statement about N:
>> Why?  That ain't no H2 tank in the Jan demo image.
> Who knows what it's doing there. Maybe they use it to purge the cell or
> clean out the tubes.
> The thing is, he says that was a misunderstanding and he never asserted
> that N is used to quench the reaction. I don't recall where I heard that.
> Looking around I see no record that Rossi said it. I looked in the SL and
> did not see it. So I say let's take him at his word on this. This is a minor
> issue. The contradictory statements about Ni isotope enrichment 
> *are*important, and I would not propose removing them.
> If we find an earlier statement from him saying he used N, I suppose we can
> leave it in, and put in another statement next to it, with the label
> If someone else said they use N, I guess that person was misinformed. No
> big deal.
> I'll bet N would work! They should try it.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Harry Veeder

Mattia Rizzi wrote: 
>A nuclear reaction should produce non-natural distributions.

but how did the natural distributions arise in the first place?


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jones Beene  wrote:

> Do you release pressurized and very hot hydrogen into a room where many
> people may be gathered? Answer: No. it would be instantly explosive.

There is only a tiny bit. Pressure is low. What is the pressure, by the way?

To scram a real, commercial device I would recommend the cells be vented
then pumped out, with gas from all cells vented out of one hose. The hose
should go outside, I guess, and it should ignite the gas at the end.
Deliberately, I mean, with a spark. Put the end of it high up, like
the exhaust pipe from a gas-fired water heater. Kind of like burning off
gases at a Saudi oil refinery.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:Deflated P-e-P

2011-04-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jones:


> By that, I also mean since H works well on its own - no way do you waste time
> with D, since it can never make commercial sense, even if it improves the
> reaction rate by a large amount. Ergo, when someone mentions D at all in the
> context of a Ni-H demonstration - then it is probably because deuterium has
> been a recurring problem in the recent past! Get it? Or do you find that logic
> too convoluted?

Thanks for the clarifications.

I’m still looking at the flickering shadows! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil  wrote:

Piantelii said that he used N to stop a run away meltdown before he found
> that D2 would stop the reaction on HIS system.

Wouldn't it be ironic if they end up using D2 to scram the reactors?

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:

> Power meters can NOT be relied on.

Bull$hit!  The right instruments used correctly provide accurate results.


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
This is a ridiculous voice input error:

The resistance heaters are high-powered trigger the reaction and then hours
reduced to maintain it.

I guess it was supposed to be:

The resistance heaters are used at high power to trigger the reaction, then
power is reduced to maintain the reaction. In the Feb. 10 test, 1000 W
triggered, and 80 W maintained.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:24 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:
> What is the pressure, by the way?

I think he said 25 bar which would be about 360 psi.


RE: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene
Our sun is a second (or third) generation star. The previous supernova which
created all of the elements and isotope balances that are found on earth,
are the products of a certain starting mass, age, temperature, and other
variables that existed billions of years ago. These influenced that prior
Nova, and determined precisely what we see today as unique isotope ratios in
our (local) system among trillions of other unique systems. All of them are
different locally.

However, physical nuclear reactions are supposed to be universal, not local.

For a universal reaction to reproduce the exact same ratio as found in a 10
billion year old nova/supernova, one of trillions ... well, the odds of that
happening are ... shall we say - astronomical?

-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder 

Mattia Rizzi wrote:
>A nuclear reaction should produce non-natural distributions.

but how did the natural distributions arise in the first place?


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton  wrote:

> > What is the pressure, by the way?
> I think he said 25 bar which would be about 360 psi.

Ah. 24 atm. I thought it was low, like 4 atm. I guess it would make quite a
bang if they exhausted it into the room and it ignited.

(Why are there so many ways to measure pressure?)

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Harry Veeder
he said he never insufflated nytrogen.
That is not the same as saying he never injected nitrogen.
Could this be an example Rossi's sense of humour?



- Original Message 
> From: Jones Beene 
> To:
> Sent: Fri, April 15, 2011 7:36:03 PM
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device
> Yes. Do not delete this ! It is important.
> Add this one to the growing 'contradictions' list, because I am sure that at
> one time he said he can operate the device for a period of time with no
> electrical input.
> How can it then be possible to shut down automatically with no current
> unless you flush with N ?  ... and Terry is correct: the tank is labeled as
> nitrogen. Surely he is not so careless (miserly) as to fill this tank with
> H2 to cut cost ?
> -Original Message-
> From: Terry Blanton 
> Jed Rothwell wrote:
> > Rossi wrote:
> >> 2-I never insufflated Nytrogen. That info was wrong. If there is a 
> >> black out, the E-Cat automatically stops, for lack of current: it is 
> >> intrinsically safe
> > Okay. I think I should just delete the statement about N:
> Why?  That ain't no H2 tank in the Jan demo image.
> T

Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 05:28 PM 4/15/2011, Terry Blanton wrote:
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:15 PM,
Alan J Fletcher  wrote:
> Power meters can NOT be relied on.
Bull$hit!  The right instruments used correctly provide accurate
I'll raise you TWO bullshits :

 Power from the 220V line was monitor
and logged by a “WATTUP?” Pro Es power meter.
Mains supply voltage fluctuations not to exceed +/- 10% of the nominal
*Some inverters have extremely fast rise times and can damage the
electronics. The .Net is recommended if using with an inverter. 
* Some loads and environments cause excessive noise, which can corrupt
calibration data thus leading to erroneous data. This is typically not a
problem. But especially for industrial studies where the data is
critical, we highly recommend the .Net. This model has significant
hardware and software improvements to reduce the likelihood of errors.

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:47 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:
> Terry Blanton  wrote:

> (Why are there so many ways to measure pressure?)

Because all people are under it?  :-)


Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 05:50 PM 4/15/2011, Alan J Fletcher wrote:
At 05:28 PM 4/15/2011, Terry
Blanton wrote:
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:15 PM,
Alan J Fletcher  wrote:
> Power meters can NOT be relied on.
Bull$hit!  The right instruments used correctly provide accurate
I'll raise you TWO bull$hits :
Make that THREE : (on experimental procedures).
The temperatures recorded in [Test 2] are
shown in fig 4. Unfortunately the original data has been lost but the
different evolution is evident. 

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:50 PM, Harry Veeder  wrote:
> he said he never insufflated nytrogen.
> That is not the same as saying he never injected nitrogen.
> Could this be an example Rossi's sense of humour?

Under the influence of N2O?  Love that stuff!


Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:50 PM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:

> I'll raise you TWO bullshits :

You'll lose.  Give me a good digital oscilloscope with current and
voltage probes that outputs CSV data to an Excel spreadsheet and I'll
give you power measurements within the sampling error per one Mr.


Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 05:59 PM 4/15/2011, you wrote:

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:50 PM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:

> I'll raise you TWO bullshits :

You'll lose.  Give me a good digital oscilloscope with current and
voltage probes that outputs CSV data to an Excel spreadsheet and I'll
give you power measurements within the sampling error per one Mr.

If you read my document you'll see that I recommend the use of 
oscilloscopes, both to get the accurate non-sinusoidal power AND to 
verify there's no HF or phase futz.

I win because THEY used the wrong equipment, despite specific warnings.

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Horace Heffner

On Apr 15, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Mark Iverson wrote:

Could the protons be fusing into Helium (perhaps providing some of  
the heat), and then the Helium burning?


Yes, however this then provides no explanation for the large amount  
of copper.

60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 58Ni28 + 4He2 + 7.909 MeV [-8.973 MeV]
62Ni28 + p* --> 59Co27 + 4He2 + 00.346 MeV [-7.760 MeV]
64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 4He2 + 11.800 MeV [-4.734 MeV]
64Ni28 + 4 p* --> 64Zn30 + 4He2 + 25.635 MeV [-9.362 MeV]

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 9:05 PM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:

> I win because THEY used the wrong equipment, despite specific warnings.

No, you lose because you did not read what I said:


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:

> Power meters can NOT be relied on.

Bull$hit!  The right instruments used correctly provide accurate results.


Plus, there are perfectly good power measuring instruments that are
not oscilloscopes.


Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Terry Blanton
Hey, let's agree that most experimenters measure power incorrectly.


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread Harry Veeder

>From: Jed Rothwell 
>Sent: Fri, April 15, 2011 8:32:34 PM
>Subject: Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device
>This is a ridiculous voice input error: 
>The resistance heaters are high-powered trigger the reaction and then hours 
>reduced to maintain it.
>I guess it was supposed to be:
>The resistance heaters are used at high power to trigger the reaction, then 
>power is reduced to maintain the reaction. In the Feb. 10 test, 1000 W 
>triggered, and 80 W maintained.
>- Jed

If all energy is convertible and equivalent as - modern physics preaches - what 
is the purpose of maintaining a small supply of energy when the reaction 
gets much hotter?
Clearly the quality of the input energy matters.
I don't think the reductive notion that all energy is "equivalent" exists in 
alchemical tradition.


RE: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Hoyt A. Stearns Jr.
I picked up a conventional rotating eddy current rotor utility power meter
at a junk yard, and it's really quite accurate ( Public service laws require
a certain precision since you're being charged for the power).  ( The number
Kh stamped on the label is watt hours/revolution ).  I recently bought a
fully digital power meter from for US$17 :

which has also proved quite accurate.  I haven't tried it with
pathologically shaped waveforms, though.  Yes -- a $20,000 scope would be
better :-) .

My guess is it's using the new ICs designed for the electronic versions of
smart utility meters.

Hoyt Stearns
Scottsdale, Arizona US

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 9:05 PM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:

> I win because THEY used the wrong equipment, despite specific warnings.

No, you lose because you did not read what I said:


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:

> Power meters can NOT be relied on.

Bull$hit!  The right instruments used correctly provide accurate results.


Plus, there are perfectly good power measuring instruments that are
not oscilloscopes.


Re: [Vo]:[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of "Ni-H Cold-Fusion\" [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
Mössbauer spectroscopy is a
based on the recoil-free, resonant absorption and emission of gamma
rays  in
This resonant emission and absorption was first observed by Rudolf
his graduate studies in 1957, and is called the Mössbauer
effect  in his honor.
Mössbauer received a Nobel Prize in 1961 for this work.

Like NMR spectroscopy ,
Mössbauer spectroscopy probes tiny changes in the energy levels of an atomic
nucleus in response to its environment. Typically, three types of nuclear
interaction  may be
observed: an isomer shift , also
known as a chemical shift
; quadrupole
splitting ; and, magnetic
or hyperfine splitting ,
also known as the Zeeman effect .
Due to the high energy and extremely narrow
linewidths of gamma rays,
Mössbauer spectroscopy is one of the most sensitive
techniques in terms of energy (and hence frequency) resolution, capable of
detecting change in just a few parts per 10e11.

Depending on the local environment of the Fe atoms and the magnetic
properties, Mössbauer spectra of iron oxides can consist of a singlet, a
doublet, or a sextet. If the iron is superparamagnetic a telltale hyperfine
sextet structure will be detected.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:26 PM, francis  wrote:

> Jed wrote [snip]
> Focardi says some things that are supposed to be confidential. I will leave
> it to the reader to find those bits, as an exercise. He's got a big mouth.
> I'll bet this ruffles some feathers![/snip]
> Focardi says “and then there's this chemical compound. The issue came up
> during that demonstration because, when some people tried to measure the
> gamma rays, Rossi objected, because by measuring the gamma rays they would
> have also measured the gamma rays emitted by this secret compound, and so
> they would have understood what it was, what was in it.”
> He is revealing that it is a chemical compound that emits gamma rays…. That
> it participates in the nuclear reaction?
> Fran

Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Harry Veeder
Has anyone described the necessary chain of stellar events that would produce 
the present isotopic abundance of copper and is there proof that all those 
events actually happened?

My point is perhaps some elements/isotopes are formed naturally by a LENR 
process rather than by a succession 
of stellar events. Therefore the reason why the isotopic abundance produced by 
the rossi reactor is natural is because the rossi reactor emulates how nature 
does it.


- Original Message 
> From: Jones Beene 
> To:
> Sent: Fri, April 15, 2011 8:43:40 PM
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)
> Our sun is a second (or third) generation star. The previous supernova which
> created all of the elements and isotope balances that are found on earth,
> are the products of a certain starting mass, age, temperature, and other
> variables that existed billions of years ago. These influenced that prior
> Nova, and determined precisely what we see today as unique isotope ratios in
> our (local) system among trillions of other unique systems. All of them are
> different locally.
> However, physical nuclear reactions are supposed to be universal, not local.
> For a universal reaction to reproduce the exact same ratio as found in a 10
> billion year old nova/supernova, one of trillions ... well, the odds of that
> happening are ... shall we say - astronomical?
> -Original Message-
> From: Harry Veeder 
> Mattia Rizzi wrote:
> >A nuclear reaction should produce non-natural distributions.
> but how did the natural distributions arise in the first place?
> Harry

Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan J Fletcher  wrote:

>  Power from the 220V line was monitor and logged by a “WATTUP?” Pro Es
> power meter.

Plus a clamp-on ammeter.

So you think that a watt meter can be wrong by a factor of 200 (16 kw)? Or
by a factor of 1,600 (130 kW)? Because if cannot be anywhere near that
wrong, you are wasting your time considering it.

I understand that these are merely hypothetical examinations of what *could*
happen. However, when you consider how a trick might work, you should pay
some attention to how that trick might fail to work, and to the fact that if
the person testing the machine took even minimal common-sense precautions,
or looked closely at the machine, the trick would be immediately revealed.

The thing is, I could add dozens more impossible tricks, or a hundred more
variations. For example, maybe Rossi waited until the professors left the
room for a moment and then swapped instruments with fake one. Where would he
find ones that looked exactly alike? Well, he hired someone to brake into
their labs, photograph the equipment, and make an exact duplicate. The FBI
did this in a episode of the "Soprano's." Sure, it could happen.

Or, lets say, when they were not looking, he substituted a machine that
looked exactly the same except it had a fuel line going through one of the

Or, he hypnotized them, and by power of persuasion and post-hypnotic
suggestion, made them believe they saw 130 kW. That could happen too!
Hypnosis is remarkable.

I could go on like that all day, getting farther and farther removed from
reality. I have not addressed the fact that they are now testing the gadget
in Rossi's absence and they will soon open it up and find whatever trick he
is using. Forget about motive or the likelihood of anyone actually doing
this. If we fantasize and assume that anything can happen, we can come up
with an endless series of reasons why *any* experiment might be fake or
wrong. You can disprove the moon landings. The skeptics have been doing that
for years with Pd-D experiments by McKubre and others. I could a far better
job than they do, and not a single one of their hypotheses is worth
considering, but that does not stop them.

You need to draw the line, and exclude  tricks that any experienced person
would detect in a few minutes. You need to exclude tricks that only the FBI
would have the resources to do. The trick has to be plausible, or it is a
waste of time thinking about it.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Jones Beene
Wait a minute. You want to change half the Standard Model of Physics in
order to suggest that Rossi's device has some tiny chance of being
theoretically possible in the oddball way that he thinks it is - when we're
not even sure that it's not a total scam?

... now that is true devotion to a cause 

-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder 

Has anyone described the necessary chain of stellar events that would
the present isotopic abundance of copper and is there proof that all those 
events actually happened?

My point is perhaps some elements/isotopes are formed naturally by a LENR 
process rather than by a succession  of stellar events. Therefore the reason
why the isotopic abundance produced by the Rossi reactor is natural is
because the Rossi reactor emulates how nature does it.


Re: [Vo]:About isotopic ratio on spent fuel (E-Cat)

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
The scam status of the Rossi reactor has nothing to do with natural
abundance in Lenr reactions. It has been shown that all Lenr reactions
produce waste conformant to natural abundance. Like all Lenr reactions, the
Rossi reactor show natural abundance in it’s ash product. This should lend
credence to the claim that the Rossi reaction is real and that it is a valid
Lenr Reaction.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Wait a minute. You want to change half the Standard Model of Physics in
> order to suggest that Rossi's device has some tiny chance of being
> theoretically possible in the oddball way that he thinks it is - when we're
> not even sure that it's not a total scam?
> ... now that is true devotion to a cause 
> -Original Message-
> From: Harry Veeder
> Has anyone described the necessary chain of stellar events that would
> produce
> the present isotopic abundance of copper and is there proof that all those
> events actually happened?
> My point is perhaps some elements/isotopes are formed naturally by a LENR
> process rather than by a succession  of stellar events. Therefore the
> reason
> why the isotopic abundance produced by the Rossi reactor is natural is
> because the Rossi reactor emulates how nature does it.
> Harry

Re: [Vo]:Is it nuclear, or is it Memorex?

2011-04-15 Thread Harry Veeder
Alchemy was more than just a collection of blind rituals.
It was based on a natural philosophy which may contain some precious insights
that were buried with the rise of the mechanical philosophy.


--- Original Message 
> From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson 
> To:
> Sent: Thu, April 14, 2011 11:04:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Is it nuclear, or is it Memorex?
> Robin, Harry,
> Just to clarify some of my ramblings...
> My use of the term "alchemy" was an oversimplified reference to the
> desire to transmute common elements into valuable elements... i.e. the
> desire to "transmute" lead into gold. The point I was trying to imply
> is that the old-world "alchemical" (almost ritualistic) pursuit of
> creating gold from common elements is, in a sense, metaphorically
> equivalent to the new-world pursuit of generating lots of clean cheap
> excess heat, or energy.
> I would even go so far as to speculate here that what Rossi seems to
> be doing with his e-cat reactors is analogous to an alchemical
> "ritual" - in the sense that if you follow the recipe to the letter,
> and in the right sequence, it would seem that you can end up
> generating lots of heat. No one yet knows why these "ritualistic"
> sequences-of-events work in the manner that they do. That's what
> rituals are really good at doing: Producing a desired result,
> particularly when the fundamental physics that might scientifically
> explain what's happening remains (a present) a baffling mystery.
> Alas, I've often noted that some of the metaphors I conjure up
> occasionally cause more confusion than their intended purpose.
> Win a few metaphors... lose a few metaphors.
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Mass balance in the Rossi ash.

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
Mass balance in the Rossi ash.

IMHO, Rossi can’t tell how much nickel or hydrogen is used, consumed, or
transmuted in his reactor because of the large amount of Iron (and other
undocumented elements) that are produced by erosion from the walls of the
reaction vessel.

How can a pico-level mass determination be done in such a dirty environment?
Can someone explain?

[Vo]:The long running time of the Rossi process is a clue.

2011-04-15 Thread Axil Axil
The long running time of the Rossi process is a clue.

The very long running times of the Rossi process being reported to run up to
two years, lends weight to the opinion that elements in the catalyst are not
consumed in the Rossi reaction. The nanopowder that makes up the various
components of the catalyst remains functional for a very long time.

If nickel was consumed, the nano-nickel particles would be systematically
destroyed over time. A hydrogen only nuclear process in which only hydrogen
transmutes to other elements is the likely explanation.