RE: [TMIC] Hi group.

2013-02-15 Thread pjv1234
Hi Dennis I think I remember your name from a few years ago when tmic was a much busier web site. I was tested for West Nile Virus when I was diagnosed with TM, however, I am one of those with no idea how or why I developed it. I'm fortunate to be able to walk with a cane and returned home

[TMIC] need for a neuroloist

2013-01-15 Thread pjv1234
I had the same neurologist for first five years of TM. I had several MRI's and he was satisfied that I didn't have MS (TM left me with cognitive problems). I had been on the same medications for two years, my primary said he would renew my rx when needed, and I didn't feel the need to

[TMIC] Face book

2013-01-14 Thread pjv1234
I've noticed some talk of people comng back to the tmic list for discussions and wondered just how many people actually look at this site anymore. The onky discussion I have is that I received my first flu shot last Wednesday since my 9 years with TM. We had two deaths from the flu in our

RE: [TMIC] Video

2012-04-12 Thread pjv1234
Thank you for sharing and for all the hard work that went into this event. We will all benefit from your efforts since ythe money is going to TM research. Patti - Michigan On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Deborah Nord Capen wrote: Hello All, I hope that everybody here is able to view

RE: [TMIC] Exercising with limited mobility

2012-04-11 Thread pjv1234
HI Barbara, This does look like an great web-site. I m going to check it out further and already bookmarked it for future reference. I also need to get moving. I've been eating too many calories lately and need some motivation to stop eating potato chips and start lifting some


2012-03-06 Thread pjv1234
that reminds me of the hand brace I was given shortly after my attack. It was brought to me because I was holding a rolled-up pair of socks to soften the grip of my clenched hand. I didn't want to let the nurse take the socks away. A therapist soon brought me a plastic hand/arm brace that

RE: [TMIC] Fwd: Fw: Motion induced blindness

2012-02-07 Thread pjv1234
Jim I tried it. It is amazing and enlightening. I'll be sending this to a few people including my nephew who is in in school to earn his commercial pilot license. Thanks for sharing. Patti - Michigan On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 3:57 PM, James Berg wrote: I usually don't forward things but

Re: [TMIC] Everything is relative

2012-01-26 Thread pjv1234
Rob, I read this when you first posted itand reread it today. It's good, true, and enlightening. I have also met normal looking TMers and realized how hard it would be for a non TMer to know what we endure. It allows me to forgive others and myself for trying to put normal in a box.

RE: [TMIC] Extent of your TM? Pins and Needles

2012-01-03 Thread pjv1234
Jim., I googled the wors incomplete spinal cord injury a came across a web site that might answer you question regarding the chance for leg movement and use after a sci. I've had TM for eight years and am always amazed at the info we have at our finger tips. The articles were short and


2012-01-01 Thread pjv1234
John Whether it was a typo or on purpose the mental picture of a super bowel made me smile before I even read your punch line. Then I wondered why you picked Michigan's Detroit Lions team who struggled for many years and could see them running for a touch down in their blue and white

Re: [TMIC] RE Pins and Needles

2011-12-31 Thread pjv1234
Gilly You are right to remide us about cothes, shoes and sock contributing to our TM pain. I think I've posted for eight straight winters that wearing blue jeans in cold weather puts me right to bed due the the intense pain the cold material causes. New TMers beware! It isn't just the heat

Re: [TMIC] RE Pins and Needles

2011-12-30 Thread pjv1234
Thanks Jim'I'll look into them. I fell into the donut hole in December 2011. I ordered my husbansds meds from Canada for five years until he turned 65. We will both be in the donut hole in 2012. Patti - Michigan On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 4:05 PM, James Berg wrote: Gerry and Pati--you

[TMIC] RE Pins and Needles

2011-12-28 Thread pjv1234
Gerry, Many of us faced the same thing. Movement and feeling also brought the feeling of pins and needles. I've taken Lyrica for about three years - it helps a lot. I don't know about side effects except the cost can empty your wallet. I would have stuck with gabapentin, but it was

Re: [TMIC] Homeopathic treatment for TM symptoms

2011-12-20 Thread pjv1234
My husband also had no vitamin D and was put on 5000 IU daily. I tested ok to the surprise of the Endocronologist who promised me that I would be low, because we live in Michigan. I spend as much time out-of-doors as possible in the summer. My B12 is always OK too. However, I just added a

[TMIC] How to educate medical prodessionals

2011-12-16 Thread pjv1234
One of the best tools that I have used in talking to my doctors is repeating something that I learned from someone in TMIC, my online support group. I quote some of you. I ask my doctors about the meds some of you are taking. I Show the combinations that are working and let my doctor that

RE: [TMIC] I am walking better

2011-12-07 Thread pjv1234
That's a good reminder Rob. We have to remember that we are also aging or we could be causing injury to our bodies due to bad posture or the wrong way of stretching due to our crooked bodies. A few years ago I had to go back to PT for a frozen shoulder and it was fixed 100%. It wasn't TM

RE: [TMIC] New to T/M mail list

2011-12-07 Thread pjv1234
We are fighters. Stress always aggravates my symptoms. You don't have to disclose everything at once if you symptoms are stagnant. My neurologist told me, Status quo is good. Anytime you aren't going backward, going forward is easier. Simply disclosing that you had an illness that left

RE: [TMIC] OT No electricity

2011-11-05 Thread pjv1234
Hi Cheryl Glad to hear you and Mitzi are surviving the storm. It seems there is always something to pull those dollars out of our pockets or checkbooks or wherever we manage them. Your area sure has been hit with a lot of storms. I hope your back home and warm soon. Patti - Michigan. On


2011-10-31 Thread pjv1234
HI Susan, Thank you for the information. I smiled when I read your diagnosis of Brown Sequard Syndrome, because it reminded me of the first time it was used by a neuro in my presence. I was seeing the neuro who diagnosed me in the hospotal with TM but his office was 70 miles away. I asked

[TMIC] fatigue

2011-10-29 Thread pjv1234
Gary, I hope your out-of-town siblings know and care how much you are doing to keep your Mom and Dad comfortable in their old age. You must be exhausted. You certainly have a full plate. Are you working also? Pati - also in Michigan and watching the leaves faling one after another -

Re: [TMIC] shingles vaccine

2011-10-20 Thread pjv1234
You answered a question I hadn't asked. I wondered if anyone had gotten shingles since TM. How nasty to have two causes of pain at the same time. (I had a bee sting this summer that caused major pain for about 5 days. I laughed that it took my mind off my TM pain for a while.) Patti -

[TMIC] shingles vaccine

2011-10-19 Thread pjv1234
Our local newspaper has a medical column in the Sunday edition by Dr. Anthony Komaroff. www.ask doctor Sunday had a column titled shingles vaccine is a good idea for adults over 60. A healthy 65 year old woman asked - what is shingles and should I get the shingles vaccine. The doctor

RE: [TMIC] How can a spouse help?

2011-10-10 Thread pjv1234
Andrea, You are a special spouse - searching the 'net for answers and asking how you can help show how much you care for you husband and the future of your family. I have had TM for eight years and have constant pain. However, I enjoy my life in spite of it. I had a good neurologist who

RE: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

2011-10-08 Thread pjv1234
I have those same thoughts when I read the things Akua goes thru day to day. I remember the first time I went grocery shopping after TM. My 76 year old (at the time) Mom took me and a 9 year old boy carried the bags from the car to the house. I would do your grocery shopping if I lived

RE: [TMIC] My son Chris OFF TOPIC

2011-10-08 Thread pjv1234
Jane, I'm sorry for the loss of your son, Chris. God will sustain you thru this difficult time. Stay with us and know many TMers will be lifting you up in prayer as you mourn the loss of both your son and daughter. My condolences to you. Patti - Michigan On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:10 PM,

[TMIC] Lyrica - muscle stffness

2011-10-08 Thread pjv1234
Dalton You mentioned that you have muscle stffness when rising from a chair n the same post you when you said you are now taking Lyrica instead of gabapentin. I think I remember that as being a possible side-effect, but shrugged it off, because it would not stop me from taking Lyrica for

RE: [TMIC] Facebook

2011-10-04 Thread pjv1234
Congratulations on your retirement. I know I've said it before, but I can't imagine working while having TM. I think skydiving is the ultimate gutsy thing to try. I'm not that gutsy, however, I went white water rafteing this spring and found it to be exilerating. Patti On Tue, Oct 4,

[TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time

2011-10-01 Thread pjv1234
Hi I got booted off tmic several months ago by the computer phantom that does that every once in a while and decided not to sign back up for various reasons. I signed up today because I visited with David and Judy Hoops , aka Hey Jude, today and we talked about how long it had been since we

Re: [TMIC] pause from the cause

2010-08-02 Thread pjv1234
I am never pain free, however, I have moments when I didn't think about the pain. Then shazam ! Patti - Michigan john snodgrass wrote: Does anyone ever have moments that they don't feel anything? Moments of no painĀ  but then you move and shazam! there it is again?

RE: [TMIC] good to see posts

2010-07-28 Thread pjv1234
Dalton Thank you for the info on Omega 3's I know there are many reasons to boost our intake, but I didn't remember that better mood is one of them. I'll set them out for my hubby to take starting today (no kidding) and yes, I'll take them too. Your entire post is interesting, but your last

[TMIC] Jude (hey Jude) Talked on Phone

2010-07-26 Thread pjv1234
Prayers, antibiotics, food and fluids have all helped Jude recover from her latest UTI. I talked with her tonight on the telephone and I'm amazed how well she sounds. Jude does not remember my visit last week. She was surprised when her husband told her I had visited. That's how sick she

Re: [TMIC] TM Info request

2010-07-25 Thread pjv1234
Craig Another hearty welcome to the TM family. Yes. the higher temperatures increase my TM symptoms. Everything intensifies. The burning pain feels hotter, the banding feels tighter, my bad leg feels heavier and I stumble more. Oddly, the clonus in my hand is more pronounced and my fingers

[TMIC] Jude (hey Jude) Better News

2010-07-25 Thread pjv1234
Our prayers are being answered and Jude is responding. David said she has become more talkative and is eating better. He sent me a note on facebook that she requested a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast this morning. Ahh. comfort food! I know I don't need to ask you to keep praying.

Re: [TMIC] short story

2010-07-24 Thread pjv1234
Ok Gunny, now I have goose bumps from reading your story. Thank you for your service to our country. Your DI gave you a great piece of advice. We should dwell on our abilities an use them for the good of others. Thanks for sharing. Patti - Michigan wrote: I was

[TMIC] Jude, Hey Jude - Visit

2010-07-22 Thread pjv1234
I visited with Jude this afternoon and shared your prayers and well wishes with her. She smiled when I mentioned that I had several responses from the group. I reminded Jude of her post Does anyone remember Jude. She admitted that she heard from people, but didn't respond. I'm not sure if

[TMIC] about Jude (Hey Jude)

2010-07-21 Thread pjv1234
I talked with Jude's husband, David, this evening after receiving a message from him that she is in a hospice program. David said she went to a hospice camp for ten days and came home feeling better last week. Then she woke up during her first night home with a headache and has gone down

[TMIC] Baclofen Dosage

2010-07-10 Thread pjv1234
I take 10mg Baclofen every 8 hours. This amount causes the least amount of mental confusion and drowsiness. Patti - Michigan

Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2010 #283

2010-07-06 Thread pjv1234
Like Gerry's news, the high temps and humidity in Michigan have made my TM body miserable. Within minutes of going outside my skin feels like it is on fire, my legs feel like petrified wood, my muscles spasm and every joint hurts. TM won yesterday and today - and it hurt. I'm looking for a

RE: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2010 #197

2010-05-19 Thread pjv1234
The first doctor discharged me from ER even tho I was getting progressively worse. Hubby took me to another hospital. They admitted me, I had a Neuro the following morning, MRI in the afternoon and the steroids were waiting for me when i got back to my room. I'm so thankful it turned out

[TMIC] a lot of discussions going on

2010-05-18 Thread pjv1234
Great discussions going on: LYRICA I took 1800mg Neuronton, then 2400mg, then switched to Lyrica because the neurontin took too long to work and stopped before my next dose. The Lyrica works faster and steadier at 100mg / every 8 hrs. My Neuro suggested this switch when I complained of the

[TMIC] Lyrica, Cymbalta AND Baclofen

2010-05-18 Thread pjv1234
Rob I think I was typing my last post wile you were sending yours. I take Lyrica and Cymbalta and must also take Baclofen for the banding and muscle spasms. Lyrica and Cymbalta decrease the neuro pain, but he Baclofen is the first thing I reach for when I've over exerted and my mucles are

Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta Lyrica

2010-05-18 Thread pjv1234
Jeanne I asked my doctor about a generic for Cymbalta because AARP sent me a letter suggesting I try a generic to help cut my copay costs. I don't have the name they suggested in front of me, but my doctor said it was the generic for Effexor and it wouldn't give me any relief with the neuro

Re: [TMIC] TMIC Neurontin--does it exhaust you?

2010-04-17 Thread pjv1234
Jil, That much neurontin also exhausted me, but I took fewer naps as time went on.. It never eliminated TM pain, however, it helped some. My biggest complaint about Neurontin is the time it took to work and how fast it wore off. My Neuro said that was a common complaint and suggested I try

RE: [TMIC] Hospital

2010-03-24 Thread pjv1234
Jeron There is no fault with TM. You didn't do anything to deserve this and couldn't do anything to avoid a recurrence. It sounds like you have a neurologist who is on top of things and knowledgeable. Let us know what treatment you are getting and know many of us are praying for a quick

Re: [TMIC] Canadian Pharmacies Notice Fwd

2010-03-17 Thread pjv1234
The American Pharaceutical companies obviously have Google and MSN under their thumb. Goodsearch still shows the Canadian drug sites. Thanks Candy. I didn't know this was going on. Patti - Michigan CANDISKALLEY wrote: I received the


2010-03-17 Thread pjv1234
I am amazed byal l of you who are able to work (as in paid employment). I am ambitious, but can't imagine working to a schedule. My hat is off to each of you. Patti - Michigan Butcher wrote: With TM, it started with shoulder pain, went to doctor he found weakness in left side,

Re: [TMIC] Doctor Appointment

2010-02-01 Thread pjv1234
Well, I talked with my doctor. He's a glass is half -full kind-of-guy. He said to consider it an experiment and that now I know whether the benefits of Cymbalta outweigh the side effects. Cymbalta is out of the system in five days. So when I took it on the fifth day I learned know how much

Re: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?

2010-02-01 Thread pjv1234
Sitting in the evening is also my worst time with burning. It's not from the inactivity. I'm actually paying for the daily activity and the burning pain that I could ignore while I was busy. I imagine cutting off my left leg at the hip to rid myself of the pain. Patti - Michigan (now you

[TMIC] Doctor Appointment

2010-01-31 Thread pjv1234
I'm here too? I reduced my Cymbalta by 30 mg in December for a few reasons. 1. I didn't want to drive the 70 mile round trip for samples. 2. I didn't want to pay full price at the pharmacy. 3. I wasn't feeling bad, but I also wasn't feeling good - just kind of unemotional I stopped my

Re: [TMIC] (ot) I sing whiter shade of pale

2010-01-23 Thread pjv1234
Very nice Mindy. Thank you for sharing. Patti - Michigan Mindy King wrote: As promised last fall, I finally edited and posted whiter shade of pale to Youtube and Darkness , Darkness as well a Whiter Shade of Pale Darkness, Mindy the Artisan

Re: [TMIC] I'm fessing up

2010-01-09 Thread pjv1234
Barbara I'm a craigslist fan too. I bought quite a few items this way. It's sure better than paying full price. Our daughter got me started using it and I sold a few things last summer. Exercise has been on my mind now that the holidays are over. We looked at ellipticals last week and decided

Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-09 Thread pjv1234
Janice Nichols wrote: How high up did you all get hit by TM? Give me the part of the body, not the #.Thanks, Janice From: Barbara H. Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:40 AM To: randy rankin Cc: Subject: Re: [TMIC]

Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-09 Thread pjv1234
Hi Janice I was hit at C4-C6 - just above the bend when I tilt my head backwards. Grace sent a good spine map that I'll try to forward Patti - Michigan Janice Nichols wrote: How high up did you all get hit by TM? Give me the part of the body, not the #.

Fwd: [TMIC] Spine Map (From Jim Lubin's Makoa site)

2010-01-09 Thread pjv1234
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 13:11:19 -0500 From: Grace M. To: Subject: [TMIC] Spine Map (From Jim Lubin's Makoa site) *This map provides a very rudimentary explanation for different segments of the cord. It's from Jim's Makoa site. You might have to

Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-08 Thread pjv1234
Yes. My lesion was at C4-c6. I sometimes get exactly that feeling when I reach with my right hand. It feels like I have grasped a live wire and makes me think twice about what I had just done. (Did I just stick a fork in an electrical outlet?) I do not have (LeHermittes -sp?) tingling when


2010-01-06 Thread pjv1234
I'm here also. I think the holidays and the cold have caused us all to sit quietly and wait for someone else to do the responding. Janice is good at asking questions that get responses. Linda, what is your question? Patti - Michigan (cold as usual) L T CHERPESKI

Re: Fwd: [TMIC] Th Best is Yet To Come OT

2010-01-02 Thread pjv1234
Peggy Thanks for your post. I agree with you and support what you are saying. I have bad days when the pain seems unbearable and I'm gritting my teeth, but then God gives me the break I need. I put my hope and trust in God. I take meds, see doctors, search the internet, ask my TM family and

Re: [TMIC] our son Daniel

2009-12-26 Thread pjv1234
Barbara, I'm glad Daniel has improved enough to come home. What a Christmas present. Eight days of waiting must have really tired you out. I hope you are able to rest. I will continue to pray for Daniels healing and for you also. Blessings to you, Patti - Michigan Barbara Alma

Re: [TMIC]

2009-11-26 Thread pjv1234
I'm impressed Bobby Jim. I know a lot of men help in the kitchen - my Dad did and my son-in-law does. Somehow I slipped-up in training my hubby! Regardless, I thankful for him. (He offered to take me out last night for supper.) Patti - Michigan bobby jim

[TMIC] Nice update on Jude

2009-11-25 Thread pjv1234
I'm guilty of reading the postings without commenting. I'm guilty of spending too much time on the computer - including facebook. However, I really got hit with the guilts when I saw the birthday wish to Judy (Jude). I was supposed to tell everyone that she is well and everything has been

Re: [TMIC] Fw: Oregon candidate with MS on Segway

2009-10-31 Thread pjv1234
I saw a group of six to eight touring Washington DC on Segways and thought they looked liked the way to see the outdoor sights. I read the Segway pamphlet regarding age and physical requirements and it stated that the person needs to be able to step on and off quickly and wondered if this

Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-10-21 Thread pjv1234
Linda, I forgot about the shoes. Let us know what you think of them. Of course, Gracie wouldn't steer us wrong. Patti - Michigan L T CHERPESKI wrote: Janice, you're so funny. I might add that you've got a lot of company here regarding the age category Ha - I've

Re: [TMIC] OT- I sing

2009-10-20 Thread pjv1234
Hi Mindy I also enjoyed your singing, but didn't comment. I don't have a special voice, yet I know God really, really loves to hear me sing! Really! My 3 yr old grandson was walking around the house Sunday singing rejoice, rejoice as he was playing. I had chills when I read my daughter's

Re: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-10-20 Thread pjv1234
I'm afraid to try them. I know you're all addicted! Maybe this winter when I refuse to go out in the cold! Patti - Michigan Gillian Clark wrote: Games Janice?? Games you say!!! A never ending amount!! hugs Gilly - Original

Re: Fwd: [TMIC] Feet to Hands problems/solutions?

2009-10-01 Thread pjv1234
I was gven a rocker- knife in rehab that I brought home with me. It has a big rubbery handle and an oval shaped blade. Food is cut by rocking the blade. I no longer need it, however, I have bought some kitchen utensils with larger handles. Patti - Michigan CANDIS

Re: [TMIC] Support groups

2009-09-18 Thread pjv1234
It would be extremely helpful to those of us with sporadic memory problems if everyone signed where you are from with each post. I started doing it when I realized I'm not the only Patti. (Yes, there is only one Gunny, but for some reason I thought he lived in Texas.) My 2 cents. Patti -

Re: [TMIC] I met a TMer!!!!!

2009-09-12 Thread pjv1234
It's exciting isn't it? I met Heather from Calgary after two years of emails and phone calls. I met Jude while she was sick and then got to watch her get better and I had the priviledge of meeting Carol and her precious Jim who just passed away as well as Lynne Meyers and two others at a

Re: [TMIC] New Medications

2009-09-05 Thread pjv1234
I take both Lyrica and Cymbalta, however, I also take Baclofen. I take 100mg Lyrica x3, 10mg Baclofen x3, and 60mg Cymbalta in the morning, 30mg Cymbalta in the afternoon. I tried an increase of 120mg Cymbalta in the morning and got brain zaps (Google the term - it's not fun) so I dropped back

Re: [TMIC] New Medications

2009-09-05 Thread pjv1234
I take both Lyrica and Cymbalta, however, I also take Baclofen. I take 100mg Lyrica x3, 10mg Baclofen x3, and 60mg Cymbalta in the morning, 30mg Cymbalta in the afternoon. I tried an increase of 120mg Cymbalta in the morning and got brain zaps (Google the term - it's not fun) so I dropped back

RE: [TMIC] Swine flu vaccine

2009-09-05 Thread pjv1234
Same with my family. Daughter works in a hospital, her husband in a clinic and grandson goes to pre-school. All three get flu shots, she gets the pneumonia shot. Patti - Michigan Patricia Cooley wrote: JUDE I THINK EVERYONE, WITH THEIR DOCTOR, WILL HAVE TO MAKE

[TMIC] BMer's Club and Flu Shots

2009-09-02 Thread pjv1234
I qualify as a member of the TMer BMer club. I hope this is an honor-system membership with no proof requirements. My Neuro and his family get annual flu shots. He advised me to get the shot - yet I haven't done so since TM and likely won't. I didn't have a shot the year I got TM, but

Re: [TMIC] That banding feeling

2009-08-25 Thread pjv1234
Connie, I take 10mg Baclofen 3 times daily and 100mg Lyrica approx every 8 hours. I think the Baclofen helps the most with the banding and know I would be bed- ridden without it. I've been on Baclofen for five years and on this dose for the last three. Patti - Michigan connie markovich

Re: [TMIC] able to move slightly

2009-08-24 Thread pjv1234
This is amazing. I'm speechless. I hope you will continue to gain movement in your thumb and hand. I believe in miracles. Patti - Michigan Jim Lubin wrote:

Re: [TMIC] That banding feeling

2009-08-11 Thread pjv1234
I've had TM for five years and don't expect an MS diagnosis. I've had the banding trom the beginning. During one of my steroid IV's (first five days) I rang for help and told the nurse I couldn't breath and something was squeezing my chest. It was painful and I asked her if I could be having

Re: [TMIC] Lonely need someone to talk to

2009-05-12 Thread pjv1234
Hi Peggy I have stiffness and problems with my hands due to the TM lesion at C4-C6. Like Jeanne,I don't know how much to blame on TM, age, weather, room temperature, or what I'm trying to accomplish. I use a heating pad to keep my hands warm while watching TV in the evening and I have a rice

Re: [TMIC] Lonely need someone to talk to

2009-05-12 Thread pjv1234
Yes, I can move my fingers. I'm right handed and that is the hand that is most affected. I hadn't thought about my joints being stiff, but my hand movement is sluggish and I don't have normal sensation or feeling in most of my fingers. I can grasp items, but have difficulty fingering. I had

Re: [TMIC] Fw: my transverse myelitis story

2009-05-06 Thread pjv1234
Amanda, I have chills from reading your story and I think they started when I read that you can wiggle your toes. I hope you continue to acquire movement and will keep us up-to-date on your accomplishments. I was still healing at nine months and pray that you are too. Patti - Michigan

[TMIC] depression

2009-05-04 Thread pjv1234
Has anyone seen a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc. for depression since being dignosed for depression? Did it help you? Has anyone been on Cymbalta and switched to another antidepressant? For those of you on Cymbalta - are you on it for depression or pain or both and how much do

RE: [TMIC] New Month, New Efforts

2009-05-03 Thread pjv1234
Thank you Akua for allowing us to read from your heart and soul. Brilliant! I read them several times, because your words say so much! I'm not in a chair and feel that you added so much insight as to how it is for you. You should be published . Oncore! Blessings Patti - Michigan Akua

Re: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy

2009-05-02 Thread pjv1234
Linda, Heather and I were just talking about our inability to stand with our heads tilted back without loosing our balance. Patti - Michigan L T CHERPESKI wrote: Heather, I haven't given up yet, but I still can't look up at the stars without almost tipping

Re: [TMIC] New Month, New Efforts

2009-05-02 Thread pjv1234
Akua, Can we read any of your poems? I would like to and I think others would too. Patti - Michigan Akua wrote: thanks Linda, and the neurologist is a she! Akua Congratulations Akua! What a huge accomplishment. I can relate to the neurologist challenges, and am

Re: [TMIC] Zanaflex

2009-05-01 Thread pjv1234
You made me laugh. Thank you for too much information. I've never had any of those experiences. I'm glad your feeling better. Patti - Michigan wrote: Tried the Zanaflex and didn't work well for me.? It relaxed me too much, and when I finally got to the bathroom, I

Re: [TMIC] copy of my response

2009-04-30 Thread pjv1234
Jeanne That was a compliment and I would have responded I take that as a compliment, thank you. or it could have been an original pick-up line. Patti - Montrose jrushton wrote: Jack and I had gone somewhere where there was a crowd and this one guy walked

Re: [TMIC] Newbies other women

2009-04-25 Thread pjv1234
Catherine I replied to Melissa about my experience of buying two pairs of leather oxfords to wear with my AFO in the winter. I thought everything fit fine, however, I injured the top of my foot, because there wasn't enough flexability in the top of the shoe. I recently used it in a pair of


2009-04-20 Thread pjv1234
Hi Marie I'm glad to hear you've been able to talk with Jude. Yes, she is a wonderful woman. I'm also glad you're able to read all of our posts and keep up with such a great group of wounded people. I often think the pain is the worst part of TM. I'm always happy for any TMer who has been

Re: [TMIC] Sandy/Terry

2009-04-20 Thread pjv1234
Hi Sandy Welcome back. I'm glad you had your vacation and hope you have lots of pictures for Terry to review during his recovery. He'll be your handsome bionic man soon. I'll be praying for a successful surgery, speedy recovery and pain-free days ahead. Patti - Michigan

Re: [TMIC] transverse myelitis

2009-04-19 Thread pjv1234
Hi Betty Welcome to our on-line TM family. I was diagnosed in 2003 at age 53 at C4-C6. I also have balance problems and just gave in to using a walker during a short vacation. I was surprised that I was able to walk and enjoy looking at something besides my feet. I hadn't thought about the

[TMIC] Adding to info on Jude

2009-03-31 Thread pjv1234
Hi Jude came home on Monday. I called her at home and asked if Ella was typing her note at the same time she and Jude were talking on the phone and she was. So Ella, thanks for the great news and it's ok if it was a little confusing. Jude has been trying to type to the list and hasn't been


2009-03-28 Thread pjv1234
AMANDA, Thanks for that info, It is the fat cells that Jude and I wanted to donate to research. Now we have a reason to hang on them afterall! I'll have something to laugh with her about! Patti - Michigan Amanda Diskey wrote: I did not add that the stem cells they

Re: [TMIC] Re: How goes it??

2009-03-21 Thread pjv1234
Frank, I hope you heal well and that the worst is behind you. Spring is comming soon so sitting in the sunshine will be an option in your healing process. Are you typing one-handed now? Keep in touch even if you only type I'm here. One-armed hugs, Patti - Michigan

[TMIC] a presurgery update on Jude

2009-03-20 Thread pjv1234
I talked with Jude Wednesday evening by telephone, because I had a sore throat and runny nose and couldn't visit her in person. She had been on the phone all afternoon with other TMers (as Jude would say -you know who you are) and said she realized that her last message sounded like she was

Re: [TMIC] Judes Update

2009-03-18 Thread pjv1234
Janice, I got goose-ubmps reading your note to Jude. This is exactly what the list is about and why we are so glad to have new members who can join in inspiring each other thru the hard times of our TM journeys. Patti - Michigan Janice wrote: Jude, I am new to

[TMIC] Judes Update

2009-03-17 Thread pjv1234
Hi Jude, You write beautiful and inspiring notes. I don't know where everyone is and I also miss having lots of posts to read when I check in. I think there are many of us who read, but sit quietly by while waiting for others to answer the questions that have been asked. March 20th sounded

Re: [TMIC] My TM experience

2009-03-09 Thread pjv1234
Hi Deb, Welcome to the group, although, it sounds like we all had a mental melt-down when you first approached us. I'm glad you tried again. We need fresh faces, ideas, reminders and medical news. Sometimes it is the newcomers who give us oldies the push we need. I am always impressed with

[TMIC] Fwd: Update on Jude

2009-03-09 Thread pjv1234
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 11:24:32 -0700 From: To: Subject: Update on Jude I have an update on Jude, however, sometimes thing move so fast with her that my updates are out-dated and I don't even know it myself. I hope Pam or Ella will post if

Re: [TMIC]

2009-03-04 Thread pjv1234
You reached the TM internet club site. Welcome to a great bunch of people who are eager to help each other with questions and answers regarding Tranverse Myelitis. Patti - Michigan Janice wrote: This is a test for correctness of address.Please reply.

RE: [TMIC] OT: The Donut Hole (rant warning)

2008-12-29 Thread pjv1234
I currently buy meds for my husband thru a Canadian site and save 1/2. I was very apprenhensive when I started, but have had no difficulties in the two years of doing so. I'd be happy to share the info with anyone who needs it. Patti - Michigan Patricia Cooley wrote:

Re: [TMIC] re gabapitin and Lyrica

2008-12-19 Thread pjv1234
Gerry, You made me laugh. I would never have thought of NFTA and snow together! Now I wonder where Global Warming fits into the picture. I liked your little typo- I got stuck on wondering what a wetmer was. (Wetmer's, what's a wetmer?) I thought it had something to do with NAFTA until I

[TMIC] Social Security Disibility Income

2008-12-06 Thread pjv1234
I'm not a Soc Sec expert, however, This is what I know: It took me 18 months from the time I filed until I was approved for Sos Sec Disability Income and have been on it for 3.5 years. I have a right to Work Ticket that allows to attend school or seek training for employment or to work.

Re: [TMIC] Happy Thanksgiving to all my TM'rs

2008-11-27 Thread pjv1234
Happy Thanksgiving from Michigan to my TM Family. I'm sitiing here relaxing (the turkey is in the roaster and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in on the TV) and wanted to say Hi to all of you, or as I would lovingly say it in person, Hi, ya all! Blessings Patti - Michigan [EMAIL

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