Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Would You Replace a Transporter With?

2014-07-29 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
 My wife loves the controller. we have two in use and I have a 3rd in a
 box. Never noticed the battery issue, but both are always sitting in
 charging cradle, and only briefly removed to select something or change
My wife also loves the SBC, and only ever uses it or the Touch's
touchscreen to control our SBs. Even though she was the first in the
family to have an iThing. Our SBCs are rarely out of their cradles for
very long, and because of the slow-to-wake-up syndrome I've gravitated
toward using my iPad or iPod touch when listening on our deck or on the
sofa of our living room. And speaking of battery drain, the iPod touch's
goes down pretty damn fast when the wifi is turned on.

Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it. 'MSI single-core Atom
('Debian' ( Squeeze 6.0.x) feeding: Living room:
'SB Touch'
 'Emotiva XDA-1'
 'NAD C325 BEE'
 'Vandersteen 1' (;
Kitchen/Dining: 'SB2'
 'AudioSource Amp100'
 2 pair of 'Polk RC60i'
(; Basement:
 'JVC JA-S44'
(  'ESS
Tempest LS8'
Bedroom: 'SB Radio'
Study: 'Squeezelite local player'
 'Klipsch ProMedia 2.0'
Backyard deck: 'SB Receiver'
(  'AudioSource Amp100'
 'Polk Atrium 45'
(; Kid's
bedroom:  'Boom'
(; Roaming
controllers: Retina iPad with Squeezepad  iPeng, iPod touch with iPeng,
3 'SB Duet Controllers'
(, various SB infrared
remotes, 'Nokia N800' (; In the
bullpen (boxed up and ready to use if one of the above quits): 'SB3'
and one more 'SB Receiver'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Would You Replace a Transporter With?

2014-07-26 Thread aubuti

pablolie wrote: 
 Given the fact we now probably rather control our music from a
 smartphone or tablet app, the Controller now seems a droll anachronism.
True in many cases, I'm sure. But a big plus of the SBC is that it's
usually where you need it and turned on. With smartphones and tablets
too often someone has taken it to surf the web or (gasp) make a phone

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Would You Replace a Transporter With?

2014-07-25 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
 I purchased a new duet shortly after they were released. Set it up
 initially and ran it for a few years  and never had a single issue with
 receiver or controller (other than sometimes fuzzy artwork). Never so
 much as a reset. But like you, it was always connected via ethernet. 
 Sold the duet receiver after acquiring several TOUCH units, but still
 use the CONTROLLER.
My Duets have also served me well. I received 3 SBCs and 2 SBRs through
the beta program. Two of the SBCs succumbed to the UUID issues that
occurred in some of the early beta units, and Logitech graciously
replaced those with production models that are still going. The ethernet
port failed on my original SBR (also an early beta model), and Logitech
replaced that -- I still have both.

I think the big issue with the Duet was in the setup (or re-setup). The
procedure is a little convoluted to begin with, and even if you follow
the instructions to the letter there still seems to be a random element
of what will it do this time? They have worked for me because (a) I
haven't needed to change the setup much and the network is sold, and (b)
when I do need to change the setup on the one with working ethernet
(last time was 2010, I think) I use Net::UDAP instead of faffing about
with the usual setup procedure.

Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it. 'MSI single-core Atom
('Debian' ( Squeeze 6.0.x) feeding: Living room:
'SB Touch'
 'Emotiva XDA-1'
 'NAD C325 BEE'
 'Vandersteen 1' (;
Kitchen/Dining: 'SB2'
 'AudioSource Amp100'
 2 pair of 'Polk RC60i'
(; Basement:
 'JVC JA-S44'
(  'ESS
Tempest LS8'
Bedroom: 'SB Radio'
Study: 'Squeezelite local player'
 'Klipsch ProMedia 2.0'
Backyard deck: 'SB Receiver'
(  'AudioSource Amp100'
 'Polk Atrium 45'
(; Kid's
bedroom:  'Boom'
(; Roaming
controllers: Retina iPad with Squeezepad  iPeng, iPod touch with iPeng,
3 'SB Duet Controllers'
(, various SB infrared
remotes, 'Nokia N800' (; In the
bullpen (boxed up and ready to use if one of the above quits): 'SB3'
and one more 'SB Receiver'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another interesting read - this time about speaker development.

2014-07-03 Thread aubuti

did you mean to include a URL?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Logitech and Squeezebox

2014-06-05 Thread aubuti

captain-insano wrote: 
 No you were fucking wrong
  Stratmangler wrote: 
  It's taken you over seven years to get around to responding - well done!  
Witty responses like that take time to formulate. But it took only two
minutes more to go back and edit something in the original post. Hmm.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Would You Replace a Transporter With?

2014-03-21 Thread aubuti

mlsstl wrote: 
 I didn't mean to diss Sonos, but they are a pre-existing product from a
 private company that has had the good fortune to not get sold to a
 number-crunching mass marketer. I strongly suspect that if Logitech had
 acquired Sonos, they would have met a fate similar to Squeezebox. 
 Other than high-end manufacturers taking the occasional stab at an
 overpriced player with a host of limitations, there doesn't seem to be
 too much new activity in the player world. That was the basis of my
 comment about the state of things for music-only players.
Thanks for the fuller explanation. I agree with you point by point,
especially the one that Logitech could have sentenced Sonos to
death-by-incompetent-acquisition as easily as it knocked off SB. 

The only other thing I'd add in the way of music-only players is the
surge of AirPlay enabled equipment. Which could be characterized as mass
market manufacturers making stabs at competitively priced players with a
host of limitations, which will probably turn out to be good bets for a
lot of them. Good financial bets that is -- not anything to do with the
audiophile forum.  ;-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Would You Replace a Transporter With?

2014-03-19 Thread aubuti

mlsstl wrote: 
 It is a pity that Logitech abandoned the Touch  Transporter, but
 apparently that is the state of affairs these days for music-only
 players. There is currently no alternative that is as good. I'm looking
 forward to my system to continue running for many years to come.
It is a pity indeed, but it depends on what you mean by that being the
state of affairs for music-only players. Logitech didn't know how to
sell Squeezeboxes. On the other hand, Sonos appears to be doing rather
well. I'm not saying that Sonos is as good as Squeezebox, because in my
opinion it isn't. But for a large chunk of users the weaknesses of Sonos
(eg, lack of extensibility, constraints on library size) are non-issues.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone used this... AudiophileOptimizer

2014-03-05 Thread aubuti

bonze wrote: 
 And both seemingly misunderstanding how a Squeezebox setup actually
Or even grokked the more general difference between a network music
_server_ (eg, LMS) and a network music _player_ (eg, Squeezeplay on a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone used this... AudiophileOptimizer

2014-03-05 Thread aubuti

Quad wrote: 
 The initial post asked about any experience with that tool in a
 slimdevices setup. That's what I answered to by giving some details in
 which context my experience took place. What's wrong with that?
 But of course fair reactions were beyond hope. :-)
Nothing's wrong with that, just not particularly germane when it's
obvious from subsequent posts that Deaf Cat was talking about using
Audiophile Optimizer to tweak a server computer that is streaming to
physical Squeezeboxes (SB2 and a Touch). I suppose you should get credit
for presenting the very different use case of laptop as network player,
a case in which the AO software could actually make a conceivable

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Would You Replace a Transporter With?

2014-02-18 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
 I think sonore has been building these for several years, well before
 Touch was discontinued. Basically an audiophile vortexbox.
No, this one is the audiophile Touch, or because it has no display,
maybe more accurately the audiophile Duet Receiver. The audiophile
vortexbox is a different product, costing US$2500 and up Although I guess that one is a
Receiver and a VB appliance in the same box.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Would You Replace a Transporter With?

2014-02-12 Thread aubuti

ralphpnj wrote: 
 Please excuse my ignorance but what is CSOS?
Community Squeeze Operating System

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone used this... AudiophileOptimizer

2013-11-26 Thread aubuti

I didn't wade through the whole advert, but in my opinion there is no
reason to use this with a SB system. The boogeyman jitter is not going
to insert itself between the server running LMS and the Squeezebox that
is connected to the audio setup. That trip from the server to the SB is
made asynchronously over ethernet or wifi, for which timing errors (ie,
jitter) are not an issue, unless you include as timing the extreme
case of dropouts because the data can't be supplied fast enough.

If one connects their computer directly to their audio system then there
-might- be a rationale for such a product. Mind you, there are some who
contend that jitter is even an issue over TCP/IP networks, but I'll let
them explain to you how that supposedly works.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is your personal philosophy as an audiophile?

2013-08-06 Thread aubuti

If cost is a big consideration then go ahead and use your Win8 laptop or
an old, re-purposed computer you may have lying around like you did
before. You already have the Squeezeboxes, right? So the financial cost
can be as low as zero. 

Ripping and tagging CDs does take time. But once you start getting into
accessing your entire music library via a remote, playing your favorite
mixes of albums or tracks, you'll appreciate it.

There are services that will do ripping and tagging for you, but again,
at a cost.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is your personal philosophy as an audiophile?

2013-08-05 Thread aubuti

satkinsn wrote: 
 The SB3 is exclusively a radio tuner for me, and my big project needs to
 be moving all the shiny spinning discs I think I'll want to hear over
 the next 20 years to some sort of server - but I'm torn because of the
 abundace of options: I ran Vortexbox for a year or so and liked it, but
 thought the tagging was weak. I could run a Win 8 box with JRiver and
 dbPowerAmp, both of which I own, but Windows is fussy. Or I could use a
 Mac, but that means buying further into the Apple eco-system, maybe,
 than I want. As a Linux guy, I'm inclined to go the V'box route and
 build a player or two using a Pi or one of the other boards, but on the
 other hand, I'm not sure I want to work that hard.
If you don't like the tagging that comes with Vortexbox, but you're
comfortable with it as a music server, why not do your ripping and
initial tagging with dBpoweramp in Windows and then just serve it up
from another computer running Vortexbox? Imo, any fussiness of Windows
is completely over-ridden by the ease of ripping and getting the initial
tagging right using dBpoweramp. Then you can finetune your tags either
with mp3tag in Windows or puddletag in Linux. 

Squeezeboxes will delight you more and more once you get those shiny
spinning discs on to a music server.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is your personal philosophy as an audiophile?

2013-08-05 Thread aubuti

For the server hardware, there are plenty of quiet, low energy
consumption x86 boxes available. I have one based on an Intel Atom CPU
-- it's not silent, because it has a fan, but it's quiet and it's
located well outside my listening areas. Running full tilt it draws 23w,
and using power management software to put it into suspend takes it down
to 2w when not serving music.  It cost around $275 several years ago. Go
to and search on barebones systems and look at the offerings
from Foxconn, Shuttle, and similar manufacturers. If you're not in the
US there is probably something similar where you are.

Moving files over the network as you rip batches of CDs is easy. A Win 8
laptop is often not the ideal system for serving music, because you're
rebooting for the weekly Windows security updates, or maybe you'll take
it somewhere, etc. As for ruining the internal drive, how many disks are
you talking about? I've done a few hundred on a laptop drive with no
signs of degradation of the drive. If you have thousands of CDs that
could be more problematic, so external CD drives start to make sense.

Of course, ripping and tagging is an investment of time, so make one or
more backup copies of your music library on USB external drive(s), and
keep at least one off-site, rotating it in for backups on a regular

Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it, and it's '100% wind
powered' ( 'MSI single-core Atom
('Debian' ( Squeeze 6.0.x) feeding: Living room:
'SB Touch'
 'NAD C325 BEE'
 'Vandersteen 1' (;
Kitchen/Dining: 'SB2'
 'AudioSource Amp100'
 2 pair of 'Polk RC60i'
(; Basement:
 'JVC JA-S44'
(  'ESS
Tempest LS8'
Bedroom: 'SB Radio'
Study: 'Squeezelite local player'
 'Klipsch ProMedia 2.0'
Backyard deck: 'SB Receiver'
(  'AudioSource Amp100'
 'Polk Atrium 45'
(; Kid's
bedroom:  'Boom'
(; Roaming
controllers: Retina iPad with Squeezepad  iPeng, iPod touch with iPeng,
3 'SB Duet Controllers'
(, various SB infrared
remotes, 'Nokia N800' (; In the
bullpen (boxed up and ready to use if one of the above quits): 'SB3'
and one more 'SB Receiver'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-06-06 Thread aubuti

Actually the SB Receiver (the player part of the Duet) is not the same
as an SB3. Most of all it has a different DAC, and there are other
differences as well (no headphone port, no IR receiver, etc). See

But whether it measures, or sounds, differently or not is an empirical

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do all lossless file types sound the same? (MEASUREMENTS)

2013-05-29 Thread aubuti

Why is there any expectation bias because you know that A and B are
different? That they are different is a given in ABX testing, so that
expectation is always correct. The task is to determine whether X is A
or B, and whether X is A or B is completely random. 

ABX is very simple. Listen to A, then listen to B, knowing that it is
different from A. Then listen to X and choose whether it is A or B.
Repeat N times, with X being randomly A or B each time. Choose correctly
a high enough percentage of the time and you can be confident that you
didn't choose correctly merely by guessing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do all lossless file types sound the same? (MEASUREMENTS)

2013-05-29 Thread aubuti

JerryS wrote: 
 I don't want to turn this into an argument because I just don't know
 enough about it.  My point is that if the brain knows that A and B are
 different file types then it is going to be working pretty hard to
 detect audible differences.  If it finds such differences then it is
 easier to discern them in X because the brain now knows where to listen
 for them (different phrases, difference notes, different instruments
 etc).  If on the other hand the first two plays in triangle testing are
 from the same file, then the brain has not prelearnt the cues to pick up
 the differences on the third play.  It would not be surprising if the
 sensitivity and specificity of ABX and triangle testing are different
 because of this prelearning.
I think that pre-learning often takes place long before anyone sits
down to a particular ABX, triangle, or any other type of comparative
listening session. Indeed, there are people who consciously train
themselves to identify the differences in lossless versus lossy, and
even more casual comparative listeners learn to pick out certain
instruments that reveal differences. And it seems there are a few who
train themselves in identifying the differences between lossless and
lossless (misguided in my opinion, but that's just my opinion).  

I don't see why having those cues about where the listener _thinks_ they
hear a difference between A and B is a bad thing at all. It most
certainly does not bias the test results. Keep in mind that often there
are differences that exist but that listeners cannot hear (see
Archimago's recent thread and blog on comparing lossless and lossy). If
they really can hear a difference, then that will be borne out in their
assignments of X to A or B.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do all lossless file types sound the same? (MEASUREMENTS)

2013-05-29 Thread aubuti

JerryS wrote: 
 Well, good place to leave it I think? I can't think of an easy way of
 demonstrating whether the two methods do or do not give identical
 results and I am not convinced that you have demonstrated that they
 theoreticaly should give the same results.  Doesn't matter that much
 anyway, given my cloth ears  8-)
Sure, we can leave it there as far as I'm concerned. I would not claim
that they give identical results, because the testing methods are
different. Maybe there are times when the triangle method is more
appropriate than ABX. But I think for the cases in which the basic
premise is that there is something different (different codecs,
different cables, what have you), then ABX is perfectly appropriate. 

And, ABX is easier to implement for comparisons of different codecs on
the same hardware, especially with the ABX component in foobar2000.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do all lossless file types sound the same? (MEASUREMENTS)

2013-05-28 Thread aubuti

JerryS wrote: 
 Lots of references to ABX testing in this forum.  Is there any
 theoretical reason why this should be more robust than triangle testing?
I'd be interested to see the science behind it, because there is a
subtle difference in the methodology. But either way you're picking the
odd one out. The only difference with ABX is that the randomness is
limited to third sample (X). You're always getting either ABA or ABB. 

To turn the tables, why should the possibility of getting BBA or AAB
make more sense intuitively?  

Note also that in terms of identifying the different one (or the
matching one), the triangle's BAA and BAB are equivalent to ABX's ABB
and ABA, respectively.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Connected Acoustic SRI amplifier - Equalization possibilities

2013-05-13 Thread aubuti

Welcome. I think you're likely to get a better response in the DIY forum
than in the Audiophile forum, as many (but not all) audiophiles do not
believe in EQ. Or they don't believe in packages such as the SB

Unless you are really interested in doing this kind of surgery on your
SB-plus-SRi kit, I would recommend you start over and get a standard SB.
It could be another Duet Receiver, or a Touch, or a Classic, or
whatever. Anything that does not have a built-in amp. Then simply buy a
separate hardware equalizer or equalizer/pre-amp and plug it into a
separate amp. 

If you really want to get elbow-deep in the entrails of the beast, I
don't have the technical expertise to help you, but good luck!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best top end player now ?

2013-01-25 Thread aubuti

Julf wrote: 
 Just curious, did you set up a proper double-blind ABX test?

SoftwireEngineer wrote: 
 No, I have no interest in convincing anybody of anything. I think I have
 the lowest priced system of all the posters in this thread (but believe
 the performance of my system is way high and I attribute it to my
 pairing it with proper accessories and tweaks ). I am all about
 price-performance. I will try anything if it is cost-effective.
Interesting point of view. I also value price-performance, which is
exactly why I prefer to do blind testing as much as is practically
possible if only to convince _myself_. Even if you don't go the DBT
whole nine yards it is often easy to do a less rigorous, but still
revealing, single blind test. Many of the differences I am sure I that I
can detect when I know what I am listening to (or tasting, in the case
of wines and single malts) either disappear or become a lot more subtle
when I don't have the visual/mental cues. 

On the other hand, in day to day usage the visual/mental cues are still
there, and there are many people who are unbothered in taking that into
account when evaluating sound quality or price-performance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best top end player now ?

2013-01-25 Thread aubuti

guidof wrote: 
 That great wine sure tastes not so great out of a styrofoam cup . . .
Agree 100%. Though it may still taste better than a crummy wine out of a
styrofoam cup. Empirical question, more research needed

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Turntable use with Transporter

2012-12-26 Thread aubuti

Maybe I'm not thinking creatively enough, or am taking the easy way out,
but it sounds to me that your best solution would be adding a pre-amp,
ideally one with a phono input (and corresponding phono pre).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ** High Bit-Rate MP3 Test Up! **

2012-12-21 Thread aubuti

Stratmangler wrote: 
 Get one of these and you don't need a DAC with a USB connection.
 They also do a version with a BNC connector.
Good idea. Then I would only need a new amp/pre with a SPDIF or BNC
I'm just trying to do a good ABX on my existing system here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ** High Bit-Rate MP3 Test Up! **

2012-12-20 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
 ABX Component for Foobar2000 can automate ABX comparisons.
Sorry for straying off-topic, but I have a question about foobar2000's
ABX. It works great, but only for doing ABX using the computer running
foobar2k, which isn't a great help when I want to compare on a decent
hifi system. Using a pedestrian Y-adapter from the computer's sound card
to the preamp puts the comparison at the mercy of the computer's sound
card, which is not a pretty picture, at least with my current laptops.
And I haven't made the leap to an external DAC that would work off a
computer's USB port. 

Does anyone have a good setup they can recommend for using foobar's ABX
on a real sound system?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ** High Bit-Rate MP3 Test Up! **

2012-12-13 Thread aubuti

Quad wrote: 
 What slightly disqualifiy these results are statements like this:
 -extremely high degree of statistical confidence
 barely statistically significant difference-
 Statistical significance is a zero/one decision. Either it is
 significant or it is not. You can't tell anything more.
 Disclaimer: I don't claim to hear a difference between MP3 320kbps and
 FLAC and I'm looking forward to Archimago's Musings.

garym wrote: 
 Well, I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree. Without
 digging two deeply into experimental design, in my own field we tend to
 look at statistical tests of hypotheses and consider things like
 parameter estimates from something like an OLS regression equation or
 ANOVA, etc. and we want to know the p-value associated with the
 parameter estimate rather than only whether the estimate is either
 significant or not based on the pre-planned significance level
Exactly. Statistical significance is only significant or not with
respect to a particular (and generally arbitrary) cutoff value such as
0.01, 0.05, etc. The relevant underlying statistic, the p-value, is
continuous, not binary. So there is nothing wrong with the extremely
high degree or barely significant statements.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0.Radiostation trouble

2012-12-09 Thread aubuti

This is a well-known issue. The problem lies with the combination of
TT3.0 and transmissions of some internet radio stations. For example of
past discussions, see

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0.Radiostation trouble

2012-12-09 Thread aubuti

I think post #6 in the link I gave pretty much sums it up. As far as I
know it's only an issue with low sample rate material.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best top end player now ?

2012-12-04 Thread aubuti

jh901 wrote: 
 The fatigue I refer to is digital fatigue.  Only the absence can be
 appreciated, so unless members actually listen to the units discussed
 here, then ignorance will indeed be bliss.  A true shame, but I hope we
 have a silent majority here.
My spending priorities consign me to the blissfully ignorant and I have
no problem with that, but I have to call BS on the term digital
fatigue because it is meaningless. Maybe the recording is bad or the DA
conversion is bad or the speakers are bad or the room is bad or as
bhaagensen notes it's just too f'ing loud for too long. But unless
you're talking about tired fingers, it isn't digital fatigue.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] If external DAC used, does SB3 or Touch make much difference?

2012-10-26 Thread aubuti

toby10 wrote: 
 I think you would be hard pressed to hear any difference between the SB3
 and Receiver, pretty much same audio architecture.  The SB3 display can
 be completely dimmed (set to OFF while playing) if you honestly feel it
 hampers audio quality.
Agree 100%.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] If external DAC used, does SB3 or Touch make much difference?

2012-10-25 Thread aubuti

There was a fair bit of discussion after the Touch's release (and even
before release once the secret was out and beta testers could discuss it
on the forums) about the comparative quality of the SB3/Classic digital
outs and the Touch's. A lot of people, including some whose opinions I
respect a great deal, concluded that the Touch's digital outs are better
than the SB3's. You're right that the SB's DAC doesn't enter into the
picture, but the explanation given was that the Touch has a cleaner (I
think that was the main operative word) signal path from data input to
digital output.  

Whether you can hear that difference with your ears and your music on
your system in your listening room is a separate question. To put it in
terms of the question in the thread title, I suspect that for most
people it would not make much difference.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Surge protector question

2012-08-06 Thread aubuti

toby10 wrote: 
 Monster brand anything is generally considered over hyped  over priced.
Monster also has a history of overly-aggressive and anti-competitive
business practices, such as this attempt to intimidate Blue Jeans Cable
(which I happen to think is a very respectable brand, unlike Monster):

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another Nail in the Golden Eared Audiophile Coffin..

2012-07-24 Thread aubuti

jh901 wrote: 
 The conclusion you guys are making seems to be that all gear sounds the
 same.  You really believe that?
I don't think anyone has made that hyperbolic conclusion except you.  I
think any of us would agree that some components or systems sound better
than others, and that some have a sound that we prefer even if one
doesn't claim it is better.  The conclusion from the first link in the
OP and much of the subsequent comments is that some reported differences
are based not at all on the actual sound, but on other information, such
as the brand, model, or price tag of the components in question.  This
is not breaking news, but it still astounds me how many people will not
consider that these non-auditory factors may play a role in their
auditory perceptions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another Nail in the Golden Eared Audiophile Coffin..

2012-07-09 Thread aubuti

SBGK wrote: 
 I have never used blind testing because I believe humans are best suited
 to A/B testing
How's that? Given that blind testing is typically A/B done by humans

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Need Repair for Dead Transporter

2012-06-23 Thread aubuti

amcluesent wrote: 
 Very poor, I suppose that level of 'service' is OK when you're churning
 out mice and and keyboards.
 At least with the real hi-fi suppliers like Linn, McIntosh, Naim etc.
 you're not left high and dry.
And another reason why Logitech will not be selling anything remotely
resembling the Transporter after they've exhausted their current stock
of components.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best server for Transporter

2012-06-13 Thread aubuti

Usually barebones units come with the drive cables you need, and it
appears that this one does, too. Did you take a look at the manual on
the website you linked to:

I recommend 2GB RAM. You won't need all that if you're only running LMS,
but at current prices there really isn't any reason to be stingy and go
for 1GB. Installation of the OS can be done from a USB stick for most
Linux distros.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best server for Transporter

2012-06-12 Thread aubuti

pkfox wrote: 
 Hi Aubuti, do you have one of these units ? They do look appealing but
 the graphics capability would be wasted  with my setup.
No, I don't. I keep my server well away from the listening room, so a
fanless unit was overkill for me. I bought a barebones Atom-based
system (see link in sig below), and after adding RAM and hard disk it
cost a lot less than the Fit-PC. 

At least one person frequenting these forums has a Fit-PC2 (maybe RonM?)
and loves it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best server for Transporter

2012-06-11 Thread aubuti

reasonably priced is a pretty vague term, but as we're in the
Audiophiles forum I'll assume you mean expensive  :-)

If you want quiet, capable, and convenient you probably can't do better
than the Fit-PC line ( The Fit-PC computers are
also ridiculously small. They take 2.5 hard drives, which are also a
lot quieter than their 3.5 counterparts. Or if you have the budget, get
an SSD. And in the grand scheme of things, the Fit-PC is not absurdly
expensive. It's more than many other alternatives, but it is quite
reasonable for what it is.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-05-27 Thread aubuti

Jeff Flowerday wrote: 
 If you don't initiate a WOL event to a sleeping server, you do get the
 blackest blacks you could ever imagine.
 Try it!
Love it!  I tried it and it really does take the noise floor down to
almost imperceptible levels.  ;-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-05-24 Thread aubuti

LarsHP wrote: 
  Let's assume, that jitter does play a role in digital audio. 
Well it definitely does not play a role in the transmission of the data
via ethernet (or wifi) between the pc/NAS and the SB. TCP/IP has no
timing beyond making sure that enough data gets to the SB on time to
avoid dropouts (and keeping in mind the Touch's reasonably large
buffer). If you want to assume that jitter plays a role in TCP/IP  then
you won't have a fact-based discussion.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-05-24 Thread aubuti

darrell wrote: 
 If I were starting from scratch, I'd get the mini-pc and a large USB
 disk, and forget about the NAS.
I agree completely. You can get a lot more processing power per dollar
(or pound or euro) with a small form factor pc than with a NAS. The pc
also tends to be more flexible when it comes to choosing OS, changing
hardware, etc. In addition, you often get better power management with a
pc, so that even if the pc draws more watts than the NAS (and that is an
_if_ because some NASs are power hungry), the total power consumption
can be less by using suspend/hibernate/shutdown and wake-on-LAN.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-05-24 Thread aubuti

LarsHP wrote: 
 As I said - I am no computer engineer, but my statement was regarding
 timing in the digital domain in general, not certain parts of the
 digital domain.
Then I really don't understand why you specified a certain part of the
digital domain, i.e., -From my point of view a difference (if any)
regarding jitter using a NAS vs. a PC would be that the CPU speed and
perhaps RAM speed of the PC is higher and thus timing of the data stream
could be more precise.-

Jitter downstream exists, though whether it is audible to humans (using
modern equipment) is a matter of debate.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How old are these audiophile reviewers???

2012-05-10 Thread aubuti

mlsstl wrote: 
 One can leaf through the Playboy and Esquire magazines of that period,
 or watch how movies  TV presented trendy young men, and get a pretty
 good idea that good hi-fi systems were hot stuff. 
Playboy had pictures and/or articles about hi-fi systems?? Can't say I
ever noticed them

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-07 Thread aubuti

Willakan wrote: 
 Agreed, but I still don't see why more emphasis wasn't placed on
 discussion of the test conditions from the get-go, to establish whether
 it could be classed as meaningful and/or to attempt to reproduce it.
NoRoDa has provided a lot of the details of test conditions in various
posts in this thread and the thread to which he linked when starting
this thread. Btw, it is easy to find those posts by clicking on the link
that shows NoRoDa's username, and then choosing View Forum Posts. Also
don't forget to see the ancillary material by member baardbaard, who
was also involved in the tests.

Perhaps most important, NoRoDa has already said that the test ...wasn't
double blind or very scientific in any way..., which may be why more
details were neither offered or requested by other forum members. But
now that you're a part of the discussion, feel free to ask about details
that haven't been included yet. My take-away from NoRoDa's disclaimer is
that that time would be better spent trying to improve the protocol
rather than trying to reproduce it. Having two SB Touch players to test
side-by-side seems to be a critical improvement over (almost?) every
other comparison that has been posted on this topic in this forum, which
generally compare the same Touch before/after mods.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread aubuti

The OP has already stated that it was not terribly rigorous (see post
#1943 in the thread
But if you're going to blame the test procedure when someone at least
actually bothered to try (single) blind testing, what on earth do you
make of the endless claims of staggering, night and day, or not
subtle that the proponents keep making based on non-blinded testing?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread aubuti

ralphpnj wrote: 
 Simple: I believe that all those claims are completely worthless. Well
 not really completely worthless since when these claims are make by a
 reviewer in one of the high end audio magazines the claims then can be
 made into great quotes by equipment manufacturers.
Obviously. I was directing the question to the person who suddenly chose
to single out as flawed one of the few test cases in which someone at
least considered expectations bias and made a modest attempt to account
for it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread aubuti

ralphpnj wrote: 
 Yes I fully understood that to be how you meant your post, however I
 rarely miss a chance to bash the high end audio press :)
Ok, glad I could help with teeing that one up for you  :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-13 Thread aubuti

TheOctavist wrote: 
 you wont find anything statistically relevant. ever.
NSS. It's called calling his bluff. Maybe too subtle, but at least
soulkeeper and mcr got it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-12 Thread aubuti

TheOctavist wrote: 
 I have done this often to bands I record(or to myself). I do a take, and
 hit a switch on , say an eq only to hear damn that was good ...but I
 hadn't engaged anything at all, but put it from OFF into bypass mode. .
 I do this with bands too. ill say im going to change this compressor a
 bit and without doing anything, I replay the take, they go damn brah,
 that sounds much better
Thanks, and I personally don't find that surprising. But I really was
looking for some of the purported well documented cases where
sufficiently large population of double blind testers were reporting
significant differences, which I also interpreted (perhaps foolishly)
the 'significant differences' to be the statistically-relevant kind.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-11 Thread aubuti

magiccarpetride wrote: 
 There are well documented cases where sufficiently large population of
 double blind testers were reporting significant differences in the sound
 quality while in reality the experimenters were merely playing an
 identical configuration over and over and over.
Please, name at least one such study. I would be interested to see what
the variables were, and if there were no variables (eg, everything
constant except the listeners' psyches), how they did the statistics.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-04-02 Thread aubuti

SBGK;698976 Wrote: 
 so maybe you need to have a triple blind test which include these
Of course, that's what all the naysayers have been missing. To really
detect the effects of these revolutionary mods one needs an equally
revolutionary test method: triple blind. Please, do tell exactly how
that works


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hi Res

2012-03-26 Thread aubuti

Archimago;697475 Wrote: 
 Realize that a lot of this depends on the hardware you're running the
 server off of.  In my case, it's a Core 2 Quad at 2.4GHz.
I believe the speed of Browse Music Folder also depends on the number
of items in each directory. For a given library, a very flat
structure of Albums/Tracks will generally take longer to load than a
more hierarchical structure such as Artist/Album/Tracks or [first
letter of artist name]/Artist/Album/Tracks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hi Res

2012-03-26 Thread aubuti

Archimago;697537 Wrote: 
 Mine is a very flat structure. Album/tracks, and if lots of albums for a
 particular artist - artist/album/tracks. Seems vey fast with the Windows
 build of LMS! And this is with the music all on WD Green 2TB drives, so
 not speed daemon HD's...
 I wonder if the OP is running LMS off a NAS which may be underpowered
 for a large library.
Fair enough, although that's not to say it wouldn't be faster if your
organization were deeper instead of flatter. But if it works, don't
mess with it. ;-)

You're also right that running an underpowered NAS on a large library
could be responsible for the OP's symptoms. In fact, it could also
happen if LMS is running on a decent pc but the library is on a NAS
(network latency).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Can anyone tell me how the wireless protocol works?

2012-03-16 Thread aubuti

darrenyeats;695950 Wrote: 
 About your comment about the integrity of the digital data - I agree but
 you mention it for ethernet and of course the comment applies equally to
 wifi. The question about wifi AND ethernet is about noise which might
 affect the player, not data.
Point taken. Although actually, for some of the fringe on this forum
the question is also about how the noise will affect the data over
ethernet. Personally, considering the distance, floors, walls,
switches, etc that come between the computer and the SBs, I'll take my
chances on an electrically noisy computer affecting either the data or
the player.  :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Can anyone tell me how the wireless protocol works?

2012-03-14 Thread aubuti

stop-spinning;695800 Wrote: 
 Yes but there's RFI everywhere - one more wireless connection won't make
 a difference surely?
 Anyway - whats the lesser of two evils - directly connected to an
 electrically noisy computer - or RFI (which is all around us anyway)?
Yes there's RFI everywhere, but some believe that the RFI is more
damaging to SQ if one of the RFI sources (the Touch's antenna) is
inside the same little box as the DAC, CPU, etc. Inverse square law and
all that.

As for directly connected to an electrically noisy computer, well,
that shouldn't affect the integrity of the digital data that gets sent
down the ethernet cable.

Reasonable (and unreasonable) people differ on whether either of those


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] downsampling on SB3 to wav

2012-03-14 Thread aubuti

th00ht;695849 Wrote: 
 hi JJZolx, I have seen reports that the SB is very well capable of
 playing 96 material.
Touch and Transporter, yes. All other SB models, no.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-16 Thread aubuti

Soundman;690607 Wrote: 
 It's not suitable to test TT-mods. As Triode writes: The applet only
 supports changes which can be made on the fly without restarting
 Touch. The TT-mods always require a restart (except for TT -k). Comes
 to it that the TT-mods should be tested all together, which is not
 possible with Triode's app. But it's the sum of all of them which
 really makes the difference.
I don't think Triode, or anyone else, ever said that they tested
TT-mods (although it may be possible to incorporate some in the
future). But are you saying that the only mods that could possibly make
a difference or be of any interest are those in TT? That there isn't
anything else out there that could make a difference? Wow.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-16 Thread aubuti

Soundman;690872 Wrote: 
 I didn't say anything like that. Read again! That's one of the problems
 in this forum btw. Some people seem to read hastily and answer to
 posts, without understanding them, or they turn around statements
 anyway they want, just to make them fit their own bill...
Sorry for taking it the wrong way. But in response to Octavist's
suggestion that people try out triode's ABX, 'you responded'
( only
wrt the TT mods, which was never part of Octavist's suggestion. So yes,
some people seem to read too hastily


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-11 Thread aubuti

Munroe;690155 Wrote: 
 Apparently, no one purchasing the Touch uses the unit self contained, 
 so many conversations turn to arguing results in conjunction with this
 DAC or that DAC, which is hard to filter through any information of
 value regarding the analog outs (which would be of some value as you
 have a constant to go up against).. 
I think the only way one could conclude that one purchasing the
Touch uses the unit self contained... would be by reading a very very
small and unrepresentative subset of the threads on this forum. A _lot_
of people use the Touch's analog outs, albeit that percentage is a lot
smaller in the audiophile forum. Look outside this thread and you'll
see a lot of discussion of the analog outs on the Touch.

I don't have an external DAC -- I've been toying with the idea but I
think upgrading speakers and amp may make more sense for my next
upgrade. I've tried the TT 2.0 mods and concluded that just maybe they
made some difference to the sound. But it was so inconclusive that when
the next Touch firmware upgrade wiped out the TT mods I frankly couldn't
be bothered to do them again. And yes, I understand it's only a simple
10-15 minute operation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Finished with Pandora?

2012-02-10 Thread aubuti

mashley;689831 Wrote: 
 How many people have gotten fed up with Pandora waiting for them to get
 their act together for streaming to us at a higher bitrate to our
 devices, and have now moved on to another music source.
I still use Pandora a little because they still give me what they
originally promised me many years ago: music that they choose based on
my thumbs up/down. At 128kbps. For free. Or rather for the price of
hearing adverts now and again.

For slightly higher quality (192kbps) and on-demand music selection I
use Rhapsody. At the special $5/mo rate it's only a little more
expensive than Pandora One, but it's so much more useful to me
because I select what I play. When the rate goes up to $10/mo I'll have
to choose between staying with Rhapsody, switching to MOG, or dropping
the on-demand service.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-04 Thread aubuti

Soundman;688560 Wrote: 
 We found a simple way to do this:
 1. Two or more people are required to do the test: the operator and the
 listener(s) and - of course - two devices (with and without mods).
 2. The operator uses the mute-switch to turn the sound on and off and
 the input-selector to choose the device.
 3. The listeners can neither see which device is playing nor what the
 op does, to make sure that they never know which device is playing.
 4. Before activatig a device the op mutes the sound, selects a device
 with the input-selector and turns the sound back on. The operater may
 of course play the same device several times in a row or switch back
 and forth. Like that it is not predictable what he does.
 5. The op writes down what he did and the listeners note what they hear
 (and keep silent during the test).
 6. Compare the notes to see the results.
 7. Repeat the test with another op if desired... and so on...
 Done like that, the listeners can only rely on what they hear... or
 guess :-)
Okay, but that is _not_ a double blind test at all, because the
operator knows what is being selected. Even if the operator doesn't
know which Touch is connected to which amp input, he or she will know
whether the sound is ABAB or AAAB. By definition, in a double-blind
test neither the listener nor the operator have any knowledge of what
is playing. The point of double-blind is to make sure that no
communication between the listener and the operator, including subtle
non-verbal communication and even unconscious signals, influences the

Don't get me wrong: as I said before, even a single-blind test is a big
step forward from most of the discussion/claims around here. And I
happen to believe that it's possible to minimize 'contamination' from
an operator who is not 'blinded'. But you're wrong to call it a DBT.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-04 Thread aubuti

Soundman;688564 Wrote: 
 Sorry for that. In that case I missunderstood the term DBT. Comes to it
 that my native tongue is Swiss-German. However, the listeners and the
 op did not see each other and none of them was a hypnotist :)
Sure, no foul. It's good to see at least someone apparently trying to
take expectation bias and placebo effects seriously.

Btw, I only know a tiny smattering of German, but isn't the German word
almost identical (doppelblind)?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezebox A/B/X testing?? Is there an app? Can someone dev one?

2012-02-03 Thread aubuti

It's not as flexible as the foobar ABX app, but ages ago Malcolm Wotton
posted a nice little Perl plugin for comparing WAV vs. FLAC, and I
think the later version also compared MP3. Someone may be able to adapt
it to other comparisons.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-03 Thread aubuti

superbonham;688349 Wrote: 
 Any suggestion on how to set up a blind test for these (and similar)
 settings is appreciated.
I'm especially interested about ways to blind the switching of
sources. I would think that usually requires software doing the
switching, or some customized hardware, especially to allow for the
possibility of _not_ changing the source sometimes (eg, ABAB ABAA

Mind you, I think even single-blind is a huge leap beyond most of what
is reported here


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-02-02 Thread aubuti

evdplancke;688071 Wrote: 
 I was using the Touch with a mix of local flac files with their Spotify
 premium equivalent version in one single playlist.
Note that not all 320kbps MP3s are equal. Some have said that Spotify
applies dynamic compression which, if true, would certainly affect the
aural signature. For example, see post #10 of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice please - upgrade priority

2012-01-17 Thread aubuti

guidof;684598 Wrote: 
 But if I could test the difference with a short run of cat6, as I did,
 why not? It was only $15 and worth every dime to me. 
Maybe there's a typo or something, but now I'm puzzled about the
results of your test. In post #6 of this thread you said -In my
system, even a better (Monster, $15) cat6 Ethernet cable did cause a
significant SQ improvement. I know, tough to believe, but that has been
my experience.- 

But in the post from last November that you just cited you said -At
this point it's really immaterial which of the two sounds better, but
for the record it's NOT the Monster.-


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice please - upgrade priority

2012-01-17 Thread aubuti

garym;684617 Wrote: 
 I've made the double blind test suggestion many times on this forum and
 to my knowledge, no one has ever reported back with any results. Plenty
 of people report back their (often very mistaken) concerns about why
 double-blind tests are not valuable. 
Even suggestions for single-blind tests get the same reactions, or lack


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice please - upgrade priority

2012-01-17 Thread aubuti

guidof;684631 Wrote: 
 True. And this disinclination in an audiophile forum is surprising to
 Yes, yes, -Consumer Reports- does hold double blind wine tasting, but
 how many enophiles do you know who would subject themselves to such? 
Well, there are audiophile forums (eg, hydrogenaudio) and scarequote
audiophile forums. On this particular forum, very little surprises me
any more. But I am surprised that some people are so dismissive of the
possibility of the placebo effect. In contrast, I find it easier to
understand the argument of some that 'I like it better and I don't care
if it's placebo or not', even when it costs significant money. 

And I know lots of oenophiles and appreciators of other fermented
beverages that rather enjoy a (single-) blind taste test now and again.
Like music, they/we mostly enjoy knowing beforehand what we are drinking
or hearing, but blind taste tests can be fun now and again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice please - upgrade priority

2012-01-17 Thread aubuti

garym;684638 Wrote: 
 I'm aware of *many* single-blind tastings in the wine aficionado
 community. Downright common from my experience. It's a good way of
 removing price (or country of origin) bias from opinions
'Bottle Shock' ( being only one
of the more famous examples


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Replacing existing cables

2012-01-15 Thread aubuti

Mnyb;684169 Wrote: 
 even at BJC's UK site ? I most be conditioned to live at fringes of
 civilsation is that really that much for shipping ?
The UK site is just a web site. The cables are still coming from
Seattle, and they ship via FedEx.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Replacing existing cables

2012-01-14 Thread aubuti

On the BJC US site the two cables appear to be priced almost the same.
Both are good cables, and very reasonably priced. If you have RFI
issues then I'd say go for the Belden 1694A. If not, then either would
serve you well. And if you really can't decide, buy both and compare


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Replacing existing cables

2012-01-14 Thread aubuti

Can't help you much there. In earlier posts you referred to something
about a minimum length of 1.5m for coaxial, but I have no idea what
your source is for that, so it's hard for me to evaluate. Where did you
get that info? Also, it may (or may not) make a difference whether the
Belden is being used for analog (as I understand you intend) or


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Replacing existing cables

2012-01-14 Thread aubuti

tank121;683920 Wrote: 
 I'm ordering both analogue and coaxial to replace my 
 Existing cables
both analogue and coaxial doesn't really help. The Belden 1694A is a
coaxial cable that may be used for either analog or digital. And in
post #21 you seemed to be asking about choosing between the LC-1 and
the 1694A. I could be wrong, but I believe the LC-1 is analog only.

I agree with garym and Jeff Flowerday: the cables should be long
enough, but not too long. Like Abe Lincoln said, a man's legs should be
long enough to reach the floor.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-11 Thread aubuti

SBGK;683244 Wrote: 
 can you provide an example of me giving someone grief, get real.
reality bites:
SBGK;683123 Wrote: 
 and some people want to influence others by decrying the efforts of
 others without any positive contribution of their own, is that a power
 trip thing ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What's happened to Phil Leigh?

2012-01-10 Thread aubuti

audiomuze;683014 Wrote: 
 It'd be great if all the Touch mod threads and questions could be moved
 to the Touch or DIY forums. Why they were started here is beyond me.
That's funny, because the first soundcheck's mods thread originally
started in the Touch or General forum, and Klaus (aka soundcheck) was
thoroughly dismayed that one of the moderators moved it here. Although
I bet he has different reasons for believing that discussion doesn't
belong in Audiophiles

Hey Phil, glad you're around.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] lose of connection with Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-06 Thread aubuti

1) yes, an SB Controller can control a Touch, or any other Squeezebox
model, including software players such as SqueezePlay, SoftSqueeze, and

2) no, using an SB Controller won't solve your disconnection problems.
It would appear that something is not right with your wifi network, or
perhaps with your Touch. Using a different controller doesn't change


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

Welcome, and I'm sure you'll get a lot of good recommendations, but
first let's start with a clarification about the budget: 1000 - 2000


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

sc53;678767 Wrote: 
 Yeah but that doesn't allow for a CD player 
...or a tuner. And if the OP goes for self-powered speakers, then
he/she would need a preamp between the sources and speakers, not an


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

jean2;678797 Wrote: 
 My wife also wanted to keep the radio and the CD player. I went cold
 turkey, and I connected the SB-Touch only, the old radio and CD are no
 longer active. The trick was to make sure all CDs are available on the
 Touch and easy to find. The SB-Touch will most likely provide all local
 radio stations. After getting familiar with the SB-Touch, my wife never
 asked back for the radio or CD player, and welcomed the addition of a
All our partners are different, so when the OP emphasizes -A
requirement from my SO. Need a CD player.- I take that as
non-negotiable, at least until the SO gets won over by the SB.

In my family we did away with the tuner and kept the CD player on the
main system. My wife has grown to like the SB ecosystem, but I do hear
Why can't I just play FM radio? when our local public radio station's
stream has problems. The CD player only gets used if a friend comes over
with a CD, or for one of my wife's exercise CDs (I've offered to put
them on the server, but she'd rather not for some reason).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-16 Thread aubuti

soundcheck;677164 Wrote: 
 Instead of charging a 200$ premium for a rather useless and low quality
 (compared to tablets or phones) UI they could offer a discounted tablet
 + App as an option.
Your earlier comment about a headless Touch going for $100 at least
had a smiley. You can't seriously believe that 70+ percent of the
Touch's cost (both hardware and software) is in the ui. There's a place
for a headless unit, and I think Sonos is an apt comparison. But I don't
see Logitech going that route again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter for Sale

2011-12-14 Thread aubuti

Is this a regular Transporter or the more recent TP SE, which doesn't
have the knob? And is your Cali location Cali, Colombia or someplace


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-07 Thread aubuti

RGibran;675179 Wrote: 
 With all due respect, there are alot of things in this thread that
 _don't_make sense yet folks continue to do them in the name of improved
Exactly. By the trust your ears and don't over-think it ethos of the
toolbox development, the reason for setting SPDIF priority to 01 is
because it sounds better to that person.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Replacing existing cables

2011-12-04 Thread aubuti

I don't know those cables, but I am very happy with my Bluejeans LC-1
connecting a Touch to NAD integrated amp. And it's easy enough to order
in the UK via their UK site: There is
still shipping and perhaps customs duty to consider.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-11-07 Thread aubuti

guidof;668346 Wrote: 
 When I moved from the University of Illinois to the University of
 Maryland, it took me a couple of concert performances to fully
 appreciate how much worse the sound of DC's Kennedy Center was to that
 of Urbana's Krannert Center. 
 Above all, keep enjoying the music!
And get thyself to the Strathmore Center, my fellow Mer'lander!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best option for an outdoor music system

2011-10-25 Thread aubuti

jcowling;665299 Wrote: 
 A volume control on the wall would be nice.  Here is a weather proof
I can vouch for that Niles outdoor inline volume control. I have that
same model on my outdoor system, for those times when you need to
change the volume faster than you can find the SB remote. But it's not


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stylish tiny amp for Touch

2011-10-19 Thread aubuti

There's also this one from Audioengine: I don't know anything
about their amp, but their self-amplified speakers get great reviews
around here for being excellent value for money.

Or if you want to go real minimalist you could forget the new amp idea,
sell your speakers and buy a pair of self-powered speakers. What's more
minimalist than an amp you can't see? And oh-so-stylish, too  :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stylish tiny amp for Touch

2011-10-19 Thread aubuti

Ok, if US$200 is too steep then that narrows things down a lot.

Earlier, when I dissed the Sonic Impact as not being stylish I was
thinking of 'this model'
But I had forgotten about its bigger brother, which looks like it may be
closer to your taste
( It's a little
cheaper than the Audioengine, but you may have a hard time finding one.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stylish tiny amp for Touch

2011-10-18 Thread aubuti

Sorry, but your famous subtlety may be tripping me up here. Are you
saying the Sumoh looks like it's from a MIG cockpit? If not, what's
wrong with a Sumoh? 

Then there's the other minor details that would help in answering your
question, such as power amp vs integrated, power requirements, budget,
things like that.

Also, while auto-sensing is a good thing in many applications, if
energy draw when idle is a concern you should look at some T-class
amps, many of which draw next to nothing when they are on but not
playing anything. Here are a couple examples, leaving out the Sonic
Impact amp, which is popular, but definitely _not_ stylish!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz on Vortexbox Appliance

2011-10-09 Thread aubuti

rgro;662157 Wrote: 
 Um, yeah, this is kind of what I was afraid of.  And, since I know
 even less about linux than I do about Windows, I'm really reluctant to
 even start until I can get some good guidance from somebody like
 Andrew, Ron O. or the like
I don't want to throw cold water on your attempts, but it seems to me
that the author's guidance is salient here. Namely, Inguz on Linux

* PC running Debian or Ubuntu (or probably other Debian-type
distributions). But you are running Vortexbox, which is Fedora-based,
definitely not debian.

* At least 2GHz CPU processor. The author also notes The most
important thing is to have a fast CPU.  NAS devices or other low-power
processors won’t be fast enough. But the CPU on your VBA is only
1.66GHz. The VBA's low-power credentials come back to bite you in this

So your initial question was apt. Rephrased, it could be: has anyone
successfully installed Inguz on a computer with a too-slow CPU and an
unsupported OS? Until such a person turns up, I think you're asking for


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best option for an outdoor music system

2011-10-04 Thread aubuti

RonM;661185 Wrote: 
 Sound is better than most outdoor speakers.
That wasn't my experience when I moved from using a Boom outdoors to
using an inexpensive combo of SB Receiver, Audiosource AMP100, and Polk
Atrium 45 speakers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best option for an outdoor music system

2011-10-04 Thread aubuti

RonM;661232 Wrote: 
 I did say most.  yrmd.
I noticed that, and to be honest, I haven't listened to most outdoor
speakers :-) But I thought I'd chime in since the equipment in my
outdoor system is pretty near bottom of the scale, with the speakers
only $100/pair and the amp about $90.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best option for an outdoor music system

2011-10-01 Thread aubuti

Soulkeeper;660694 Wrote: 
 Without a dedicated listening position, stereo is pointless IMO. I think
 I would place the speakers evenly, and perhaps try a LRLR configuration
 for even distribution of the sound. (And maybe experiment with LRRL for
 some semblance of stereo.) Switching the cables back and forth should be
 a breeze, so if you don't like it you can easily go back to the
 default(?) LLRR setup.
In a space that's 80 feet by 25 feet I LRRL would give a reasonable
stereo sound for those at the ends, but way too much right channel for
those in the middle. And LLRR would do the opposite: fine in the middle
and hugely unbalanced at the ends (all left at one end, all right at the
other). I would definitely recommend LRLR over either LRRL or LLRR.
Imagine 3 clumps of people spread out along the 80' length. The ones at
either end would get more than a semblance of stereo, and those in the
middle would more than a semblance of stereo with the channels
reversed. And it would be fairly smooth transitions as one walked along
the length. I have my kitchen speakers set up LRLR and it works well. 

I hadn't thought about mono, but that's definitely worth a try.


Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it, and it's '100% wind
powered' ( 'MSI single-core Atom
(Debian Lenny 5.0.6) feeding: Living room: SB Touch  'NAD C325 BEE'
 'Vandersteen 1' (;
Kitchen/Dining: 'SB2'
 'AudioSource Amp100'
 2 pair of 'Polk RC60i'
(; Basement:
 'JVC JA-S44'
(  'ESS
Tempest LS8'
Bedroom: Boom; Study: SB Radio; Backyard deck: 'SB Receiver'
 'AudioSource Amp100'
 'Polk Atrium 45'
(; Kid's
bedroom: 'SB3'
 'Klipsch ProMedia 2.0'
Roaming controllers: iPod touch with iPeng, 3 'SB Duet'
Controllers, 'Nokia N800'
(; Limbo:one
more 'SBR'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Logitech offer: 50% off any one item

2011-09-29 Thread aubuti

desertrat58;660521 Wrote: 
 Looks like they finally found the price sweetspot...
...or it may be more accurate to say that they finally hit the bottom
of their finite (and not-to-be-replenished) inventory.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best option for an outdoor music system

2011-09-27 Thread aubuti

I agree on the suggestion to use passive speakers. Normally I would also
agree with the suggestion of an amp indoors along with a Duet Receiver
or SB Touch, and I'd add a weatherproofed in-line volume control, for
those times you need to drop the volume quickly and can't find the
remote fast enough. 

But since you've thrown an iPod in as the music source I'm not sure
what to say, esp in the Audiophile forum. Maybe an iPod dock and an amp
that can be hauled in and out whenever tunes are needed? 

For outdoor passive speakers I have been happy with Polk Atrium 45.
They are only about $100/pair, so with your budget and the amount of
space you need to cover I would look higher in the Polk lineup. And be
sure that your speaker cable is rated for outdoor use -- ordinary
speaker cable isn't.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Delay one channel only?

2011-08-25 Thread aubuti

Phil Leigh;652659 Wrote: 
 In practical terms the best one can do is to fix the skew control and
 stop worrying about exactly where one's head is at.
...or just use headphones.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-08-25 Thread aubuti

magicj1;652854 Wrote: 
 This still does not work. (/$ tar xf touchtoolbox2.0.tar 
 tar: can't open 'touchtoolbox2.0.tar': No such file or directory)
The tar command can't find the file. Did you move it to the top-level
directory (/), or did you leave it in /root?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Teflon tape

2011-07-29 Thread aubuti

Stratmangler;645014 Wrote: 
 does tea made using water boiled in a similarly treated kettle have
 improved flavour ?
In particular, the hots are hotter.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Teflon tape

2011-07-29 Thread aubuti

pski;645061 Wrote: 
 And with toast, we are back to blacker blacks.
'...none...none more black'


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Spotify versus Rhapsody Audio Quality

2011-07-15 Thread aubuti

I don't know what the percentage is, but I've been pleasantly surprised
that every time I've bothered to look during my playing around so far
(ie, since last night) they've all been 320k.


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