Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Favorite audiophile nonsense phrase

2011-07-08 Thread aubuti

adamdea;639757 Wrote: 
 Good luck explaining that in Cork.
...not to mention Delhi, Sydney, Lagos, etc etc. The sun never sets on
colour with a u.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-07-08 Thread aubuti

Covenant;639766 Wrote: 
 A while ago I reported problems with crackling after installing the
 Touch Toolbox. Klaus suggested installing 7.6 which I have done. Its
 not sorted the problem, I still get crackling with the buffer set to
 Its a shame because the mods ,IMHO, make a huge improvement to sound
 Is there any setting to the router that might improve things? Its a
 Netgear DG834PN and connection is by ethernet cable.
The router has absolutely nothing to do with the software audio (ALSA)
buffers that are being changed by the tweaks. The router is almost
certainly not the cause of your crackling. My suggestion is to
experiment with different settings for the software buffers via TT.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter EAC vs. CD audio... Throwing Down the Gauntlet !!!

2011-06-23 Thread aubuti

Toy Maker;637680 Wrote: 
 Please explain what a ABx test is??
 Yes Tom will know when I am switching sources.
For an explanation of ABX test, see 'adamslim's post'
( just a few
posts above (#22). Or wikipedia's entry is decent:

If you don't do ABX, then are you going to do several trials,
randomizing which source is A and which source is B, so that if Tom
detects a difference then you can see whether he consistently prefers
one over the other (this is another of adamslim's good suggestions
above)? Or are you sometimes going to not really switch inputs when you
say you're switching, to see if he reports a difference even when it's
the same source?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter EAC vs. CD audio... Throwing Down the Gauntlet !!!

2011-06-22 Thread aubuti

Toy Maker;637606 Wrote: 
 Most if not ALL of the 15+ systems that will be at the fest are In the
 $10,000+ range...  ours fall into the $50,000 range. Not sure what $300
 units you are talking about...
Probably the $300 Sennheiser headphones you mention in the first post
on the Carver forums.

Toy Maker;637606 Wrote: 
 I recently learned that EAC wav files are 100% uncompressed, as perfect
 to the original CD track as possible. So FLAC files are out too. I can
 make FLAC files using EAC as well... We could A-B test wav vs FLAC for
 a 2nd test. But we will have enough on our plate already I think.
All wav files are uncompressed, not only EAC wav files. And the
compression in all FLAC files is _lossless_ (that's what the L stands
for in FLAC), and therefore as equally perfect to the original CD track
as wav.

Toy Maker;637606 Wrote: 
 We came to the conclusion, that there will be (2) parts to the test. 
 1) Can you hear a difference between the 2 sources...  and Tom will
 have to document what cues he hears in each recording, that don't match
 2) Which of the 2 sounds better, and why  test-2 will only have to be
 done if test-1 is NOT NULL.
 The perfect outcome in my opinion would be in test-1, that there is no
 difference, and we never even go on to test-2
 I hope the outcome IS null, that they DO sound the same. THAT IS THE
I don't see how you're going to do the statistics on that test. Part 1
sounds like it would be much better to do it as an ABX test, which
would provide more conclusive results than Tom saying I hear these
differences. I understand that Tom won't know which source is A and
which source is B, but will he know when you are switching them?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Can a netbook fully replace a squeezebox?

2011-06-06 Thread aubuti

To make a netbook act like a Squeezebox you'll need to run one of the
software players on it (SoftSqueeze, SqueezePlay, or squeezeslave). One
thing you'll lose with software players is reliable synchronizing of
multiple players. A few people get lucky, but in general you can only
be assured of solid sync'ing with hardware SBs. 

Another thing you'll lose is free access to Pandora. Software SBs only
play Pandora if you have a paid subscription, which admittedly isn't
very expensive. 

Unless you have a really long cable from the netbook to your amp,
you'll have to put up with a computer in your listening room. Sometimes
that's not a problem, sometimes it is. 

Finally, if sound quality matters to you, the soundcards of most
netbooks are vastly inferior to the audio components of a SB, so your
sound quality won't be as good either.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-25 Thread aubuti

psweetie;633233 Wrote: 
 Thanks for the explanation.  Wonder whether the digital mod should
 potentially turn off the sound affects (and stop the unecessary process
 as you say) as well as muting the other outputs just to ensure that the
 crackles do not appear?  Easy enough to do oneself but it is not part
 of the explanation at the moment?
Actually it is part of the explanation. In fact you're supposed to do
it before actually running the 'toolbox'. See 'soundcheck's blog'


  1.1.2 Touch settings
  Open the setting menu on the Touch:
  1. Audio settings
  Crossfade: none
  Volumeadjustment: No volume adjustment
  SoundEffects: None 
  Volume: 100%


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-22 Thread aubuti

PasTim;632632 Wrote: 
 I could do more cable / switch swapping and get no further (I was
 already down to only one cable and one switch in common).
The point is that you may have a network that is 90% fine, but that
perhaps you were unlucky and chose the weakest 10% (ie, a particularly
bad switch or cable) to do the heaviest data work, and then chose the
same weakest 10% for your test. If that were the case it wouldn't be
surprising for your isolation test to replicate the same problems
you're having on the full network.

PasTim;632632 Wrote: 
 So I'll carry on listening to flacs.
Absolutely nothing wrong with that!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-21 Thread aubuti

I know you believe it's not your network, but that's still where the
symptoms are pointing. Did you ever try a different switch or cables,
as suggested in post #643? I wouldn't be at all surprised if a standard
consumer-grade switch started gagging on that much data. 

Btw, it sounds like the buffers you are changing from 3600 to 2 are
the Alsa playback buffers on the Touch, not the network transmission
buffers associated with the Touch's rebuffering. So it's not surprising
if changing them doesn't help with the Touch's rebuffering.

As for EQ, a lot of people find it helpful in sub-optimal listening
rooms. And sub-optimal listening rooms are often critical for
maintaining domestic harmony  :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cat5 or not ?

2011-05-08 Thread aubuti

My rule of thumb is if the walls are open, run ethernet cable. At least
go with cat5e instead of cat5. Future proofing a bit with cat6 is a
good idea, but you should note that ensuring gigabit transfer speeds
requires more than buying the right type of cable. There are also specs
about the minimum bend/curve radius, pulling tension, and so on if you
want to be sure of getting the transfer rate that cat6 is capable of.

And you don't need cat6 or gigabit for your music, but someday you may
want higher bandwidth applications in that room, and opening the walls
then will be a lot more inconvenient.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cat5 or not ?

2011-05-08 Thread aubuti

What is your throughput on file transfers?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cat5 or not ?

2011-05-08 Thread aubuti

ralphpnj;630039 Wrote: 
 Exactly my point! 60MBytes/sec is a little more than half of
 100MBytes/sec and nowhere near 1000MBytes/sec, which is supposed to be
 the speed for Gigabit Ethernet.
Actually, if he is getting 60MByte/s that is 5x faster than what he
could get with cat5 and standard 100Mbps equipment. The real question,
of course, is whether michael123 is really getting 60MBps, or only
60Mpbs. Huge difference.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Automatic Volume Adjustment?

2011-05-07 Thread aubuti

darrenyeats;629849 Wrote: 
 Spotify is available for Squeezebox now.
Yes, but not where the OP lives. And that's who asked the question.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Automatic Volume Adjustment?

2011-05-06 Thread aubuti

mashley;629808 Wrote: 
 Anyone Interested in putting forward some signatures to petition Pandora
 to finally Re-Code to a higher bitrate?
In case you weren't aware, they already have their Pandora One service,
which streams 192kbps. It's a subscription service for $36/year. The
drawback is that it only works with their web-based player. Supposedly
they've been promising Logitech (and presumably Sonos et al.) an API
that will let it work with other players, but so far nothing tangible.

Alternatives? It depends a lot where you are. I believe Spotify streams
at a high bitrate, but it's not available in the US yet. Rhapsody does
192kbps. There are various internet radio stations that do 192kbps or
better, including Radio Paradise.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Automatic Volume Adjustment?

2011-05-05 Thread aubuti

Also, let's not forget that Pandora is streaming at 128kbps. In that
case, losing bits because of attenuated gain would be the least of your
worries when it comes to sound quality.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-15 Thread aubuti

snottmonster;625526 Wrote: 
 So in all seriousness, please point me to any such measurements - I'd be
 very interested to see them and the conclusions drawn.
Start around post #329 in this thread. Note that those are Phil's
measurements on the analog outputs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-15 Thread aubuti

snottmonster;625542 Wrote: 
 Urghh... Thanks (I think). I got as far as the new claim that A Windows
 based server sounds better then a Linux based server on the same HW (ie
 about 10 pages) and felt the will to live slowly draining from my
No, no -- have another beverage (espresso, ale, wine, whiskey,
whatever) and keep reading. You have to get to the part about shielded
vs unshielded ethernet cable.  ;o)

And as for 'Gazjam's question'
yes, I did try the mods. I didn't do extensive comparisons, but I'm not
even sure I heard 'something'. So far the best I can give the mods is a
'maybe' for audible improvement under my current conditions (system,
room, ears, etc). 

The one definite plus is that it finally pushed me to run cat5e cable
to that part of the house.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-15 Thread aubuti

magiccarpetride;625607 Wrote: 
 Can you supply us with definitive measurements proving that you're
 actually alive?
Sure. Your point? 
Obviously I heard 'something', i.e., the music. But in my case I cannot
say with any degree of certainty that I heard a difference in sound
before and after soundcheck's mods. I _can_ say with certainty that I
did not hear the '\staggering improvements in the sound quality\'
( that
you and others report hearing (and you hadn't even disabled wifi yet).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-15 Thread aubuti

magiccarpetride;625617 Wrote: 
 OK, let me ask you this: are you, or have you ever been able, to hear
 ANY differences in the sound quality when comparing two systems?
Most definitely. Again: what's your point?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-14 Thread aubuti

magiccarpetride;625428 Wrote: 
 Maybe it is an urban myth, but I swear that I saw with my own eyes a
 bumblebee who could fly.
Of course they fly. And of course their flight is consistent with
aerodynamics/engineering principles and equations. The myth is the part
about the engineers producing an unassailable proof. According to the
myth, aerodynamics engineers could prove that bumblebees couldn't fly
because they applied the wrong principles, because they didn't know any
better. Now such proofs are easily assailed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-04-10 Thread aubuti

It is well-known that louder music almost always sounds better when
played at louder volumes (well, up to a point). As garym says, internet
radio stations tend to send a louder signal than what you would have
from a properly ripped CD. And if you use replaygain on your ripped
tracks the volume difference will usually be even greater. It's the
same thing as television commercials being louder than the usual

The bottom line is that there probably isn't anything wrong with your
system. It's especially hard to imagine internet radio -- which is
usually very lossy and compressed -- sounding better than your properly
ripped lossless tracks, unless it's the lack of volume matching that is
fooling you. Try giving them a good comparison _after_ you have
adjusted the volume so that they are playing at the same level and see
if you still like the internet radio better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-31 Thread aubuti

No, not at all. They are three different things. Power off puts the
system in standby. Factory reset restores all user-controlled settings
to the factory defaults. Xilinx reset re-initializes the processor.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-30 Thread aubuti

I don't want to argue with success, but were you trying to play hi-res
(24/96 or higher) material when you thought the Transporter sounded
less detailed? Because that would be the only situation in which any
downsampling would be necessary. The Duet Receiver can handle up to
24/48, so if you were listening to that or standard redbook 16/44.1
then downsampling wouldn't be an issue and wouldn't explain the
difference in sound quality you heard when the players were sync'd.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-30 Thread aubuti

garym;621970 Wrote: 
 agree, and not sure, but question: is the bitrate limiting a per player
 thing (it appears so in the settings under player/audio). And if it is,
 if bitrate limiting is turned on for the duet would that affect the
 transporter as well if keep players in synch is turned on? Seems like
 if the bitrate limit is on, the default level for LAME is V9 (which
 would be a very low bitrate mp3!).
Bitrate limiting is definitely a per-player settings, but I'm not sure
what happens if you sync a bitrate-limited player with a non-limited
player. It's certainly worth seeing (a) if bitrate limiting is turned
on for the Duet Receiver, and if so, (b) how it sounds when bitrate
limiting is turned off.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-30 Thread aubuti

Apesbrain;621985 Wrote: 
 Are you all sure about the function of this setting?
 * Integration:* (on tab in SBS
 -By default, many player settings are synchronized between Squeezebox
 Server and To disable this feature, select the
 Disabled option below.-
 I always thought having this Enabled meant _per_player_ settings were
 synchronized between local SBS and mySB; not that there was any
 synchronization _across_ multiple players.
You are absolutely right about that. That setting supposedly
synchronizes alarms and other settings between mysb and local SBS,
although in my experience it just messes them up!  That setting has
absolutely nothing to do with sync'ing of streams to players.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-30 Thread aubuti

One definition for the verb to sync, two different applications of
that verb. :-) 
One is sync'ing settings, the other is sync'ing audio playback. They
are completely independent of one another. Sync'ing mysb/SBS settings
does not sync playback, and sync'ing playback does not sync mysb/SBS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] squeezebox setup for audiophiles

2011-03-29 Thread aubuti

adamdea;621719 Wrote: 
 Having analysed out your system quite carefully, I reckon your problem
 is that you don't have any speakers.
Some audiophiles end up overdoing the transparency and blacker
blacks thing


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] In Wall speakers for garage conversion

2011-03-23 Thread aubuti

As always with audio, and especially with speakers, a lot depends on the
budget. There are some very good two channel in-wall speakers available,
although I don't know if any will sound as good as your Dynaudio
floorstanders. Even so, as discussed in that earlier thread, your
garage conversion involves a lot of compromises, so those floorstanders
likely wouldn't achieve their true potential anyway. 

Paradigm makes some good in-wall speakers, as do Tannoy and many
others. But without a price range it's hard to say a lot more.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is Transporter compatible with CAT6 cabling?

2011-03-12 Thread aubuti

I don't have a Transporter to test, but I'm pretty sure that anything
that works with cat5 or cat5e should work with cat6.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] If you can hear it, can you measure it?

2011-02-18 Thread aubuti

Soulkeeper;612076 Wrote: 
 Contrary to what people may think, placebo doesn't lose its effect once
 you realize it's placebo.
Maybe the placebo continues to have its effect for some
people/situations, but actually it is much more common for the placebo
effect to disappear once it is exposed as a placebo. At least that's
the case in medical settings -- the literature on audio placebos isn't
as vast as the medical literature. (Many would say it's only


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-02-16 Thread aubuti

magiccarpetride;611634 Wrote: 
 For some reason, my statement seems to solicit interpretations that I'm
 talking about restaurant food.
Maybe because you prefaced it with -This is the same as when I'm
ordering a meal-, which you presumably don't do with friends and

Fwiw, I am also usually interested in how a meal is prepared.
Especially if it's from friends or family and especially if I like it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] If you can hear it, can you measure it?

2011-02-15 Thread aubuti

magiccarpetride;611141 Wrote: 
 See what I'm saying? Even if you haven't changed any component in your
 system, and are listening to the same track again, something else in
 your surroundings has changed (including your own conditions), and that
 change influences how you experience the second replay of the same
 My question is: since you can hear that something is different, can you
 measure the difference?
In that case you are no longer -comparing two audio components
side-by-side-, which is how you initially posed the question. Instead
you are comparing two different states of a much more complex system.
The difference can probably be measured, either qualitatively (yes,
qualitative measurement is not an oxymoron) by systematically eliciting
from the listener how they felt at different times. Or if you insist on
-buttons and dials and blinking lights and beeping sounds-, maybe
measurement using something like this: But certainly
not with microphones or anything hooked up to the audio components.

In either case, even if you measure a difference you've changed so many
variables that you can't attribute the difference to audio components or
any other aspect.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-02-10 Thread aubuti

Personal attacks or a hijacking. Seems that the author has one of the
other definitions of support in mind for this support thread.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-02-10 Thread aubuti

Thanks for the test results Phil. One question about the inferences. You
say that the biggest measured changes were induced by disabling the
unused audio outputs and the wlan. But is it possible that the order of
switching things off matters? That is, maybe turning off the screen
istead of the digital and USB outputs in Test 3 would have a larger
increment than in Test 5, but by Test 5 diminishing returns have
started to set in.

In other words, are you sure the effects of the different steps are
orthogonal? I understand that no matter the order you'll get to the
same difference in Test 5. I'm just asking if maybe the effect for each
incremental step may depend on what steps preceded it. (I'm not an EE,
but that would be a natural question in statistics.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-02-10 Thread aubuti

Phil Leigh;610141 Wrote: 
 I do believe that the steps are indeed truly orthogonal, but I just
 don't have time to test all the sequential permutations. 
 All of the effects are within the same order of magnitude, so maybe
 it's irrelevant?
Fair enough. Even if they are correlated somehow it wouldn't make a
huge difference in the incremental effects.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-02-10 Thread aubuti

soundcheck;610140 Wrote: 
 Even by leaving out Jive2/Buffer and server based flac decoding on the
 SW side,
Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks to me like FLAC _was_ decoded
on the server:

-3) track was streamed to Touch as PCM from sbs 7.6 on XP sp3. via


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New to the sound stage, looking for some help to get started

2011-01-30 Thread aubuti

I have no idea how much shipping would be to the other side of the pond,
but Seattle-based Blue Jeans Cable ( do a great
job of high-quality and relatively inexpensive cables, with no snake


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Quality of digital outs from the Squeezebox

2011-01-28 Thread aubuti

stop-spinning;605225 Wrote: 
 Is the Squeezebox unique in the sense that it transmits its music data
 using TCP/IP to the receiver - which of course will always ensure music
 data with 100% integrity due to how this protocol works? In comparison,
 how does the Sonos Bridge accept music data? Does that use Jitter free
That's a good question. Sonos uses its own proprietary mesh network,
as opposed to Squeezebox, which uses the standards and protocols of
typical home computer networking. I couldn't see anything on the Sonos
site about error control, but I have to think they have some kind of
error checking. It's not exactly rocket science.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] WTB Transporter black

2011-01-26 Thread aubuti

The TP SE (no knob) is available at Logitech's US site. Other than that
I can't think of a place better than the three you mentioned.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Quality of digital outs from the Squeezebox

2011-01-24 Thread aubuti

diego;604931 Wrote: 
 Couldn't it be, that the volume control algorithm recalculates the
 stream anyway, in every setting, no matter if its on 80%, 90% or 100%?
 I mean, there is a given input, a volume percentage set by the user,
 and that gives as a result a recalculated output. In case of lets say,
 90%, the output is different from the input (cut dynamics). In case of
 100%, the output is the same, as you wrote... but it is still
 recalculated by the processor, causing cpu/kernel load. So, if my guess
 is right, 100% is of course 100%, bit by bit. But the processor uses its
 resources anyway, the same as if it would cut it down to 90% volume. And
 these resources could be held ready for more important calculations...

As I read post #114 in 'this thread'
(, it
appears that the same variable calculations are done with or without
the mod. The only difference is that with the mod, after doing the
calculations, whatever is calculated for the variable is replaced by
the constant 2^16. So the load on the CPU is the same.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New to the sound stage, looking for some help to get started

2011-01-21 Thread aubuti

There's not much you can do within that budget, certainly not in the
Audiophiles forum. One option would be to forget about the T-amp for
now, and instead combine those funds with the speaker budget to buy a
pair of self-powered speakers such as the Audioengine 2 (A2, see That probably is a diversion from your
upgrade path to a surround system, but it may be the best fidelity
you'll find for your budget.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Non wireless use of SB

2011-01-21 Thread aubuti

I'm probably not understanding something here, but if you want to avoid
the wireless on the SB Receiver why not just configure it to use the
ethernet port instead?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Non wireless use of SB

2011-01-21 Thread aubuti

There are various NAS (network attached storage) devices that can run
SBS. Check in the 3rd Party Hardware forum. Or you could look at a
low-cost, low-energy server, such as a SheevaPlug or a small dedicated
server. Either would be more likely to give you more oomph for your
buck than a NAS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Searching for Server

2011-01-09 Thread aubuti

It's a bit different from what SuperQ describes, but it seems that the
ServerPowerControl (SPC) plugin (see could meet the
OP's needs. And the advantage is that it is already written. You can
use the SPC menus on the Transporter to put the Mac Mini to sleep and
switch the TP to Or you can have that happen automatically
after the TP has been idle for a user-specified period of time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is a Transporter SE?

2011-01-07 Thread aubuti

Mnyb;600649 Wrote: 
 On this forum ?
LOL. Sorry, I forgot.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My perfect audiophile box

2010-11-12 Thread aubuti

blu.vulcan;589013 Wrote: 
 It would be acceptable if only it could handle hi-resolution files...
Well now you're changing the specs (it can be audiophile without being
hi-res). Next you'll say it should be less than 75Ā€. :-)

The SBR does 24/48. If you need 24/96 you'll need to raise your price
threshold or start pitching the idea to hardware makers. Or both.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How much can transport mechanism affect SQ?

2010-10-14 Thread aubuti

magiccarpetride;582612 Wrote: 
 To me, room treatment is analogous to messing with various curtains.
 Some curtains will make the room more shady, some will make it more
 bright etc. But essentially all the objects in the room still remain
 visible. It is just the matter of personal preference that dictates how
 bright or soft a lighting you prefer.
The important thing is that the room _interacts_ with the music and
changes the characteristics of the music on the route from your
speakers to your ears. If you have crappy sound coming out of the
speakers then room treatment can't cure that, but a crappy room or poor
speaker placement can seriously degrade the quality of the sound before
it gets to your ears. And in that case you can keep upgrading your
equipment until the cows come home (to provide milk for the cheese, of
course) and it won't do any good until you fix the room.

Or to use your analogy, imagine those objects in the room are fine
paintings. How much you see in them depends very much on the quality of
the light in the room, which is dictated in part by the curtains. If the
curtains are too dark (or too light) then you can't enjoy the paintings
as much, even though the paintings are still the same objects in the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Upsampling Question

2010-10-12 Thread aubuti

I'm pretty sure the Pandora stream is 128kbps. Pandora's premium service
streams at 192kbps, but that is not yet available (and may never be) on
SB players. You get the same 128 whether you listen via or

I can't answer your question about upsampling because I've never tried
it, but I don't see how it would improve the quality of the lossy
stream being sent by Pandora, because it would only be making up any
information it would be adding to the audio stream.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Skeptical about the ABX tests

2010-10-12 Thread aubuti

magiccarpetride;582342 Wrote: 
 In conclusion: if I can't even consistently repeat two consecutive
 moments in a reliable fashion, what gives me the arrogance to
 think/believe that I'll be able to reliably achieve a conclusive test
 when changing some links in my audio chain?
That's one reason why real ABX tests do lots of replications. You
should never trust any test with N=1 or N=2. 

Repeat the tests a lot of times, and if that musical nirvana occurs
predominantly (for which there are precise statistical definitions)
with one system configuration then you can say that that configuration
is objectively better to your ears (with the 'your ears' part still
containing a lot of subjectivity). If the musical nirvana occurs
randomly with respect to system configuration, then those other factors
such as atmospheric conditions, body chemistry, or whatever have more
influence than the difference in the system configuration.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Skeptical about the ABX tests

2010-10-12 Thread aubuti

Fair point, but no one said the tests all have to be done in the same
sitting, or even the same day. Or for that matter, with the same piece
of music. In fact, that would be a really bad way to do ABX testing. A
better way would be one that takes into account the different types of
music one listens to and the different moods we find ourselves in. 

That said, I am sure that some people -- because of lack of time or
patience -- do marathon sessions of playing a few tracks, or snippets
of tracks over and over until it borders torture. I agree that little
if anything would be gained from that. Strictly speaking it wouldn't
necessarily be biased, but it would be useless.

However, I disagree that a good test only leaves you exactly where you
started. Well designed tests can rule out the placebo effect. In other
words, one can subjectively say that component X makes a night-vs-day
difference compared to component Y, and then be unable to distinguish
the two objectively in a blind ABX test. If a listener cannot
objectively tell the difference, but is happier knowing that component
X is in his rack instead of component Y, that is something different.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Skeptical about the ABX tests

2010-10-12 Thread aubuti

magiccarpetride;582373 Wrote: 
 Listening to music is like making love. You have to be in the mood.
 Otherwise you leave disappointed.
...though the ABX tests for lovemaking can get a lot more complicated,
especially double-blind


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Agggghh Transporter gone

2010-10-06 Thread aubuti

Lefatshe;581241 Wrote: 
 This whole thread and no one mentioned looking on for a
 used Transporter?
I'm a step ahead of you Chumza. See 'post #2'


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Agggghh Transporter gone

2010-09-29 Thread aubuti

The SB Touch is very good, or you could look for a Transporter on There's a second-hand one available there now, with
an asking price of US$1200:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Unbalanced Analog Cable Help

2010-09-22 Thread aubuti

Nonreality;578197 Wrote: 
 Ok so if you do have longer runs, what gets messed up sound wise?  The
 imaging?  I hope this isn't too simplistic because I'm truly
Long runs of unbalanced cable are susceptible to interference, such as
picking up a hum from adjacent AC wires.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch V Classic Digital Output

2010-07-19 Thread aubuti

Search these forums a little and you'll see that this has been analyzed
more carefully by others and discussed at great length, and the
consensus seems to be yes. Based on my own side-by-side non-blind
testing I think so, too.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What's next or is this it?

2010-07-09 Thread aubuti

Where are these $1k earbuds you keep referring to? The ones on Logi's US
web site max out at $420. Admittedly, even that is more spendy than I
would have expected Logitech to go.

I also notice that the more expensive earphones Logitech sells are from
Ultimate Ears, which they bought out in 2008. It wouldn't surprise me at
all if in a few years time the pricier earphones disappear from the
line, with Logitech choosing to focus on the mass market sub-$300
models, or even sub-$150 models.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What's next or is this it?

2010-07-07 Thread aubuti

Where did you see an announcement that it was dropped? I certainly think
the TP's days are numbered at Logitech, because it's just a part of the
business they don't know very well or have any comparative advantage

If you're referring to the absence of the TP on the Logitech web, that
doesn't necessarily mean anything, because their web site is a
disaster. Or at least the SB part of their web site is.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Monster cables.

2010-05-12 Thread aubuti

+1 for Blue Jeans Cable

They are much cheaper than Monster, and by all accounts I've read as
good or better quality. In addition, Monster has a bad track record on
being overly agressive and anti-competitive. See

Btw, I still have a pair of ESS Tempest LS8 with Heil AMT from my
college days -- still sound great after all these years.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Disabling Transporter wireless

2010-04-05 Thread aubuti

jusisan;530170 Wrote: 
 The reason I'm trying to disable wireless is to to lose every g-type
 wireless-device from my network, leaving my two routers communicating
 via the faster n-network most of the time. The network drops it's speed
 whenever g-type devices are connected, and hence I'd like to disable the
 Transporter's wireless for the time being.
Have you actually tested this and confirmed that the speed on the n
devices actually drops when a g device is in the mix? Because that's
not the ways it's supposed to work. It's not at all like the old b/g
mixed network problems. See, for example, this thread:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Small form factor Amp/receiver

2010-02-19 Thread aubuti

I've seen good reviews of the Trends Audio T-10 amp
(, but I've never heard one. The
Parasound Zamp v3 may also fit the bill, although it's more of an
in-rack design than a bookshelf design.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS questions

2010-02-03 Thread aubuti

richardw;513343 Wrote: 
 flac. i checked all the settings...all the same except of course the
 formats that are turned off in the nas but that is not an issue.
Please don't take this as an insult, but are you sure it was _all_ the
settings? Especially check the bitrate limiting, replay gain (under
Player  Audio  Volumne Adjustment), and the actual player volume that
is set in SBS. I know it seems obvious, but explaining the measured
volume difference isn't easy -- unless it's _very_ easy because of one
of these settings.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS questions

2010-02-03 Thread aubuti

richardw;513421 Wrote: 
 i am guessing that no one thinks it is possible for the nas embedded
 player to just sound different than the pc player? or that processor's
 can impact sound of the player? i am not saying this is the case rather
 throwing them out as possibilities.
The thing is they aren't players working through sound cards. They are
servers (and server software), just sending 0s and 1s to your router,
with the network protocol (TCP/IP) guaranteeing that what gets sent is
what gets received, and then passed on to your Transporter.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS questions

2010-02-03 Thread aubuti

richardw;513447 Wrote: 
 true. 1's and 0's are funny things. digital cables are a method to move
 them and can sound dramatically different moving identical bit perfect
 information. shouldn't but do.
That may be true for SPDIF or the like, but not when transmission of
the 0s and 1s is by an error-correcting protocol like TCP/IP. I am not
denying that you're hearing differences. But the source of the
difference is not which machine you are using for the server. Let's see
what the log files say.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice Please

2010-01-31 Thread aubuti

Actually there is at least one downside to WAV, and that is its very
poor support for metadata (tags). It is possible to tag WAV files, but
there aren't any widely accepted standards, so what works on SBS may not
work with other software, and vice versa. Tagging support in FLAC is


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS questions

2010-01-29 Thread aubuti

Yes and no. I don't know what the specs of the ReadyNAS Duo are, but
they are probably not as good as the VortexBox appliance, which has a
1.6GHz Atom CPU and 1GB of RAM. About a year ago I switched from a
LinkStation NAS to an MSI Wind desktop that is essentially the same
hardware as the VB appliance. The concept is the same: a small,
headless (no monitor, mouse, or keyboard) box in my basement running
SBS and serving files. But the performance difference is immense, and
the system is easier to maintain (I use Ubuntu Linux, but any OS will
do, including the VortexBox version of Fedora Linux).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS questions

2010-01-29 Thread aubuti

JohnSwenson;511737 Wrote: 
 Just a little clarification, there are two different things commonly
 referred to as vortexbox, one is free software that can be installed
 on just about any PC, the other is the vortexbox appliance. This is a
 computer with the vortexbox software AND SBS preinstalled. 
...and to clarify a little further, there are *two* different vortexbox
appliances. The original is based on MSI hardware, and the newer micro
appliance is based on the Fit2PC platform.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS questions

2010-01-29 Thread aubuti

richardw;511767 Wrote: 
 the last thing i have to try is getting another old machine running with
 windows and using it headless for only running sbs, controlled with my
 laptop, duet controller or droid. i am unclear on how to do it but can
 figure it out. i am also unclear if a big hd can be installed or if i
 must use an external usb hd. a project for another day (or 2).
As long as the old pc can take the big hard drive it won't be a problem
for SBS if it's internal. In fact it's usually fewer problems if it's
internal. But depending on the age of the computer, BIOS limitations may
limit the size of the drive you can install.

As for running a Windows box headless, you could look into VNC. There
are free VNC server and client software that I believe work on Windows.
Overall a headless arrangement is much easier with Linux, so you may
want to consider that route, even though it will require converting
those WMA Lossless albums to FLAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS questions

2010-01-28 Thread aubuti

The only possible sonic difference would be if the server fails to
deliver the bits to the Transporter in a timely fashion, i.e., if you
get audio dropouts or stuttering or the like. There are no subtle
differences: a NAS won't give you a better soundstage, a laptop won't be
more transparent, and a supercomputer won't lift a veil.

Most of the NAS discussion is over in the 3rd Party Hardware forum,
including a lot of people who use the ReadyNAS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS questions

2010-01-28 Thread aubuti

If you are willing to give up on the NAS idea, then there are a lot of
inexpensive, small form fact PC solutions available. The least expensive
route is to re-purpose and old desktop or laptop. Or there are
super-small devices like the Sheevaplug. And the Vortexbox Appliances
(both the original and the mini) would also do much better than a NAS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile portable player - with some conditions

2010-01-20 Thread aubuti

maggior;508598 Wrote: 
 I think it is the opposite.  By having your mp3 library a subset of your
 FLAC library, you are managing.  How is that easier than just having a
 mirror?  A mirror could be mangaged by a daemon process.  And why is it
 that somedoby that does that have too much time on their hands and too
 much money?  Disc space is cheap, so having a complete mirror is not
 Certainly the simplest case would be to just have a single copy of your
 music files.  No matter how you slice it, there is some management
 imposed when you have a mirror in another format to manage, though it
 could be automated in some fashion.
+1. It would take way more time for me to decide which tracks I wanted
to convert to MP3 than it does to just convert the whole thing, which
dBpoweramp or can do completely unattended. I have a hard
enough time choosing what subset of my MP3 library I want to put on my
portable players. Deciding in advance which ones I wanted to convert to
MP3 would only add another step to process -- disk space and CPU cycles
are much cheaper than my time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile portable player - with some conditions

2010-01-19 Thread aubuti

Robin Bowes;508293 Wrote: 
 On 19/01/10 21:51, kphinney wrote:
  Robin Bowes;508260 Wrote: 
 The only benefit seems to be that you don't have to transcode, which
 I've already pointed out is easy [1]. Oh, and you save a bit on disk
 space since the mp3 copy of your library takes up a certain amount of
  kphinney;508307 Wrote: 
  You're still missing the point:  If you have a FLAC library and an MP3
  library it can only take more physical space than a FLAC only library. 
  1+1 = 2, not 1, not 0. 
  Looks like it just makes an MP3 copy of an existing FLAC, hence, more
  space used.   
Actually kphinney, you are missing the point. Re-read Robin's post. He
wrote that a benefit of doing it your way (ie, having a FLAC-only
library) is that it takes less space than having that FLAC library
*plus* a MP3 copy of the library. You two are in vehement agreement on
that point.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile portable player - with some conditions

2010-01-19 Thread aubuti

kphinney;508320 Wrote: 
 I agree keeping 15% additional space isn't that big of a deal, but
 unless someone can point me to an automated method for transcoding,
 adding to, and organizing a separate library I think it's more of a
 hassle than it's worth.  Much easier to use a FLAC native device.
Set up to run periodically via cron or whatever the
Scheduler-du-jour is in Windows.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile portable player - with some conditions

2010-01-19 Thread aubuti

kphinney;508386 Wrote: 
 How long is everyone going to ignore the OT?  Yeah, flac2mp3-whatever
 can transcode just like a hundred other programs.  The OP wants a PLAYER
 that plays FLAC, ogg, and mp3.
 Start another post on the benefits of mp3flac2-whatever from
 Robin-the-eternal-guest.  Why does audiophile forum become I know
 better than you and ignore your question a good deal of the time?

Come on now. You can see that people are simply answering the equally
off-topic question/request that *you* posed, namely:

kphinney;508320 Wrote: 
 unless someone can point me to an automated method for transcoding,
 adding to, and organizing a separate library I think it's more of a
 hassle than it's worth.

Meanwhile, the OP has gotten plenty of responses about players that
support FLAC, Ogg, and MP3.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile portable player - with some conditions

2010-01-08 Thread aubuti

I have an older SanDisk Sansa model (e260), which plays FLAC after
reflashing the firmware with Rockbox ( This is
something that SanDisk actually supports, unlike many manufacturers. I
have been happy with it, and I suspect the Sansa Clip is as good or
better. Rockbox works on a lot of players, so even if a player you like
doesn't support FLAC or Ogg out of the box, it may be possible to
reflash the firmware with Rockbox.

If you plan to load your portable with FLAC you may want to consider a
hard drive based player instead of a flash player. If you get an 8GB
Sansa Clip and add an 8GB SDHC card (8GB being the current sweetspot for
price/capacity of micro-SDHC cards), that's 16GB, or about 40-50 CDs.
That may be fine for you, but you may find it limiting, and get tired of
not having that CD you want to listen to just then. Or tired of swapping
files on and off the device. Of course, carrying multiple SDHC cards and
swapping them in and out is another possibility.

That said, if you go for a hard drive player the battery usually runs
down a lot faster with FLAC than with MP3. Whether it is more constant
drive access or more CPU cycles to decode I don't know, but that's what
I've generally seen reported. 

Personally I don't imagine I'd ever put FLACs on a portable player
because I doubt I could tell the difference between lossless and high
bitrate MP3 in a noisy environment like a plane, train, etc. If you want
to have a chance of hearing the difference definitely get some good
noise isolation earphones like the ER4.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile ripping software

2009-12-22 Thread aubuti

AlAz;498059 Wrote: 
 Anyway, I heard once the effect of a demagnitizer for discs. The effect
 was real - small, but real.
Okay, I'll bite: vinyl, CDs, or HDDs?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any audiophiles got a SB Touch to beta test?

2009-12-17 Thread aubuti

zzvelik;496380 Wrote: 
 The positive beta reviews coupled with last Friday's delay announcement
 makes me wonder if the Touch is being crippled in some way so it doesn't
 take any market share away from the Transporter.
I don't claim to understand much about Logitech's strategic vision, but
I am 100% certain that Logitech's vision of the future looks a lot more
like the $300 Touch than the $2000 Transporter. Or even the heavily
discounted $1200 TPs that have been appearing on audiogon. Besides, if
they wanted to cripple the Touch why delay it, when they could 'cripple'
it today by sending it out before the software is ready. You need more
than that for a good internet conspiracy theory.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Amplifier with auto power on ?

2009-11-29 Thread aubuti

In addition to auto-sensing the amplifier will also have to be powerful
enough to drive your speakers, and be within your budget. Three
inexpensive options are the Audiosource Amp100, Audiosource Amp200, and
the Parasound Zamp v3. I have the Audiosource Amp100 driving two pairs
of Polk Audio in-ceiling speakers in my kitchen and I'm happy with it.
But it's far from an audiophile system or audiophile environment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any audiophiles got a SB Touch to beta test?

2009-11-13 Thread aubuti

Thanks John. I did a quick comparison the other night and I thought the
SBT analog out sounded better than the SB3. But I don't completely trust
that first impression because (a) it wasn't blind, (b) the SBT had
better interconnects, and (c) the SBT didn't only sound better, it
sounded louder, and I know all too well how those are positively

Re (c) I set the volume of both the SBT and SB3 to 100, but didn't fine
tune it beyond that. Can anyone tell me what the analog output level of
the SBT is, because I can't find it in the specs. I know the SB3 is
6.0Vpp. And so far I'm not curious enough to go buy a SPL meter to
equalize the volume levels. After getting the volume level squared away
I can deal with (a) and (b). (Interestingly, my wife was listening and
liked the SB3's sound better, and it was blind to her.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter being phased out?

2009-11-12 Thread aubuti

pfarrell;484570 Wrote: 
 We know he likes cars. Long ago there was a photo posted of a nice big
 expensive German car, triple parked in a no parking zone. I forget if it
 was a BMW or MB. Ferraris are nice, as are Maserattis.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A small amp for my livingroom setup.

2009-09-24 Thread aubuti

What's your budget? I don't know those speakers, but you probably
wouldn't go wrong with a Parasound Zamp v3.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Replay Gain and FLAC

2009-07-24 Thread aubuti

You can add track replay gain and album replay gain tags easily with
various tools, including foobar2000 and Robin Bowes'
script. If I'm not mistaken, flac itself can add replay gain tags.
dBpoweramp is great for adding track and album gain tags at rip time,
but I've never tried using it on existing FLAC files. But I don't think
any of these will help if there is actual clipping in the wave form.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Replay Gain and FLAC

2009-07-24 Thread aubuti

pablolie;443134 Wrote: 
 However, it seems smartgain in the squeezeboxes can not dynamically
 correct/address very significant differences between tracks 
Why can't it?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Oh My, Is All WiFi Limited to 16/44.1

2009-05-21 Thread aubuti

timequest;425441 Wrote: 
 I just read about Wi-Fi being limited to 16/44.1.  
Where did you read this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker amp recommendations please

2009-04-07 Thread aubuti

iPhone;413433 Wrote: 
 Do you have the electronics and are just looking for Speakers? If yes, I
 still go back to my post in the Speaker Thread. Used Vandersteen Model 2
 Signatures either the original or the newer II's. For brand new, the
 Thiel 1.6s or the Vandersteen Model 1C. It is hard to beat a flooring
 standing full range speaker that is also time and phase aligned using
 first order matched crossovers. The Model 1C really doesn;t take up
 anymore room then a pair of monitors on stands and one gets so much
 more bang for the buck. It is worth the time to at least go listen to a
I'm looking to upgrade my amp as well, because the ones I have
available (a 'vintage' JVC JA-S44 and a gagTechnics SA-EX140/gag)
are only basic low-to-mid end consumer grade that probably won't do
justice to the speakers. I'm willing to go second-hand on the amp as
well, so I'm hoping that the amp will eat only $200-300 out of the
$1200 budget. That budget isn't written in stone, but I do want to be
careful around that slippery slope. Based on your posts and others and
several reviews I've read the Vandersteen 1C and 2 Signature are top
candidates and I will definitely give them a serious listen. Thanks to
you and others for the other suggestions -- it really helps to narrow
down a couple things before walking into the store.

Any particular recommendations for an amp to go with Vandersteens?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker amp recommendations please

2009-03-30 Thread aubuti

I'm looking to upgrade the system in my living room/lounge and would
like some advice to help come up with a shortlist to audition. I've
seen the similar threads that have come up in the past (including 'this
thread on speakers'
(, and it seems
like there are a lot of good options. Now I'm hoping to narrow down the
choices based on the room specifics. 

The room is about 13ft x 15ft (4m x 4.6m) with an 8ft ceiling, and
because of the room arrangement the speakers will probably need to go
along the longer wall, and cannot be placed more than a foot or so from
the back wall. The hardwood floor is mostly covered with thick area
carpet, and there is a mixture of soft and hard furnishings. We listen
to various types of music, rock, acoustic, vocal, classical, although
not much jazz. 

My budget is around US$1200 -- I don't feel obliged to spend that much,
but I could exceed it by a little and be okay. I'm fine with going on
the second-hand market such as Audiogon. And I should say that I'd be
open to active monitors or amp+passive speakers.

Thanks in advance for any insights.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] From I-Tunes (or any other store) to Music Collection... Best Practises?

2007-10-09 Thread aubuti

pablolie;233613 Wrote: 
 The reason I do not want to do the latter [convert to FLAC instead of
 MP3] is because, sometime down the line, I want to remember the quality
 of the source. The 192k MP3 to me is a constant reminder that, perhaps,
 sometimes, I should upgrade the file. If I store it as a FLAC I'll just
 forget... I know there are also many other ways of dealing with that
I can see that argument, but what works better for me is to use the
FLAC Comment tag to remind me that it comes from a lossy source.
Another reason I prefer converting my few dozen iTunes lossy tracks to
FLAC is that I find the FLAC/Ogg tagging much more straightforward than
ID3 tags. It seems that whenever I have a tagging/slimserver problem
it's with the 3% of my tracks that are MP3. YMMV


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread aubuti

hammer65;213420 Wrote: 
 I have been an audiofile for many years and tried a lot of different
 equipment both transistor/valve amplifiers, dynamic/electrostatic
 speakers. Some of my friends are constructors of HiFi-equipment and I
 have lend my ears for many critical listening sessions. 
 It's very sad that you Seanadams has an negatively attitude to
 critisism. Isn't it important as a constructor/inventor to be
 openminded and try to listen to critical voices. Even if our problem
 sounds rather strange. I have contacted a friend/researcher at the
 Royal Institute of Technology here in Stockholm for help with the
 measurement. Maybe this measurement will tell us if everything is
 placebo or not.
Sean *is* being open minded. He has explained how the SB is designed,
what different functions do, and reported on his own measurements and
listening tests. He and others in the forum have also patiently
explained how to test things yourself.

So far you not only haven't proven anything, but you haven't even
presented any serious data, or even given the impression that you are
willing to provide data to back up your claim. One supposed blind test
with N=5 is it. Why not *do* some of the tests that have been
suggested, such as recording and comparing the digital output, post the
data here, and then we can discuss the issue. If you can't back up your
claims with real data then there is nothing to investigate further.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread aubuti

omega;212012 Wrote: 
 seanadams, do you have measure equipment ?
LOL! Do you think Sean might have had some measure equipment *when he
invented* the Slimp3 and the SB?
 This canĀ“t realy be a Placebo thing Both of us can hear this cleary and
 my girfriend to.
Looking forward to hearing the results of your *blind A/B* tests.

FYI, I tried your test, and couldn't hear it the effect you claim. That
could be because my audio equipment is only hi-fi, not high end.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Looking for tiny amp!

2007-05-11 Thread aubuti

Mark Lanctot;201301 Wrote: 
 If these are off their Lifestyle system, the speakers cannot be
 powered by anything other than what's in the Bose bass module.  The
 bass module contains custom crossovers and filters and the speakers
 will sound very, very poor without it.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think the same applies to the Bose Acoustimass
speaker line as well.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Apple's Airport Express With Squeebox

2007-02-04 Thread aubuti

This isn't really an 'audiophile' answer, but I think a critical
question is how do you want to control your secondary/outdoor SB? With
an airport express you'll either have to (a) run back in the house to
select/skip/etc. tracks, or (b) control the SB inside via PDA or
similar networked remote. My guess is you'll be much happier with
another SB, simply from a convenience standpoint. And the bonus is that
people at poolside don't have to listen to the same tunes as the people


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Lossless Downloads

2007-01-13 Thread aubuti

crooner;170080 Wrote: 
 The URL is giving me an error. Is this correct?  or part of the take
 days feature?
I believe that the last part of the URL in
stands for whatever Top Level Domain. So that would be
or or whatever is appropriate for where you live/shop.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-17 Thread aubuti

ModelCitizen;163057 Wrote: 
 I'd like to try this.
 Can you tell me how you can use this Foobar2000 ABX test with a
 dedicated audiophile set up (i.e. not via a computer sound card with
 associated computer electrical noise and ambient noise).
 I probably couldn't tell the difference between a 96khz mp3 and a
 lossless file with my computer's audio set up!
It's not Foobar2k, but a few months back someone posted a perl script
that makes it easy to create the audio files for blind AB testing on
your audio system. The first post has a script for testing flac vs.
wav, but a subsequent post has an amended script for creating the files
to test lossless (I think it might be wav) vs. MP3. See:


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: MP3 to FLAC

2006-08-31 Thread aubuti

autopilot;132505 Wrote: 
 The data lost when compressing to MP3 is lost forever. The FLACS will
 sound the same. You will just end up with bigger files, absolutly no
All true, but there actually _might_ be some point to doing it. I'd say
that 90% of my tagging problems with slimserver come from the 5% of my
collection that is MP3. The FLAC/Ogg tagging/comment system is really
straightforward, whereas the IDV3 tags in MP3 can be a real pain, and
further complicated if you add replaygain, which are stored in APE
tags. For example, I'm still trying to sort out a handful of MP3s for
which slimserver has created an other genre for no readily apparent
reason. Even putting the relative merits of the different tagging
systems aside, dealing with two systems is unnecessary aggravation.

I've toyed with the idea of wasting some disk space by converting the
MP3s to FLAC, just to simplify management, although I haven't done it
yet. Of course, years from now I'll probably forget that the original
source was MP3s, and wonder why those FLACs sound so crappy..


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Slim Devices NAS Device

2006-06-12 Thread aubuti

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What do you think about the new SD NAS device?

- Awesome! Where can I get one?
- Nice. I'll put that on my wish list.
- Not for me, but it sure is pretty.
- Lame idea. Have the SD folks lost their minds?

I don't use iTunes with slimserver, but according to the wiki slimserver
and iTunes do _not_ need to be running on the same machine. Slimserver
just needs to be able to read the iTunes library xml file. The wiki
entry is clearly still a work in progress, but it does seem clear on
this point.

Coming at it from a slightly different angle: I couldn't see anywhere
in the Infrant web docs what operating system the NAS is running, but
I'd certainly expect it's some flavor of Linux. As iTunes is
Mac/Windows only, it would have to run on a different machine, and the
wiki indicates that's do-able.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Slim Devices NAS Device

2006-06-07 Thread aubuti

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What do you think about the new SD NAS device?

- Awesome! Where can I get one?
- Nice. I'll put that on my wish list.
- Not for me, but it sure is pretty.
- Lame idea. Have the SD folks lost their minds?

I think this is a smart move on the part of both companies. For SD, it
starts to address the it's too complicated for the average user
complaints. I'm not sure what the analogous complaints are in the
Infrant camp, except maybe but what would I _do_ with a TB of
storage? (answer: fill it with flac!).

My first reaction was that I wished they'd aimed for a lower price
point, like 1 SB with about half that amount of storage on the NAS. But
they probably saw the people willing to part with a K$ (that's
kilo-dollar) and more for Sonos, Olive, etc. and decided to get a piece
of that action. Yes, it's still much cheaper to make an alternative from
scratch, but I don't think they were aiming for the 'enthusiast' market
that hangs out in the forums.

And the real beauty is that each company is continuing to do what they
do best, and leaving it all completely modular.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Slim Devices NAS Device

2006-06-07 Thread aubuti

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What do you think about the new SD NAS device?

- Awesome! Where can I get one?
- Nice. I'll put that on my wish list.
- Not for me, but it sure is pretty.
- Lame idea. Have the SD folks lost their minds?

kolding Wrote: 
 One thing I hope they add is something like what Olive does, a ripping,
 preloading service.  Buy the device, get 100 CD's ripped for free type
 of thing, and the ability to rip as many others as you desire for
 appropriate fees.
Well, it's not thrown in gratis, and apparently not as well-publicized
as it might be, but it is already out there:


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Calling all audiophiles - Uncompressed or lossless?

2006-03-03 Thread aubuti

Kyle Wrote: 
 I'm not sure the zip file analogy is valid here.  If all of the sixes in
 your spreadsheet had one pixel out of place, chances are slim that
 anyone would notice.  However, critical audio listening might indeed
 pick up such a minor discrepancy.  That said, I believe that FLAC
 produces the same audio signal as WAV, and for me the bandwidth issue
 (I'm running wireless) makes it a no-brainer.
The validity of the zip analogy is that both zip and flac are lossless.
So there won't be any pixels, decimal points, or anything else out of


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where is the incredible sound?

2006-02-20 Thread aubuti

pablolie Wrote: 
 Cost is not the issue. The biggest mirrored drive I could get when I
 bought my Netgear SC101 was 400GB, I got 2 of them - now the largest
 one is 500GB. It simply is not large enough to house my collection
 -losslessly- and allow for headroom for growth.

Then why not simply get additional drives? As others have pointed out,
slimserver can easily work with music collections on multiple drives.
If need be, get an additional SC101, too.


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