Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Musical Fidelity X-DACv3 and X-PSU v3

2010-05-07 Thread omega

Hi, I Have upgraded my X-Dac V3 (replaced all electolytics, super regs,
Better PSU, rhodium / gold Rca´s)

But one last Mod modification remains.. and that is to upgrade the
Clock to a Ultraclock/Superclock.

Is there anyone who have the schematics for X-DAV V3 ?


/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-09 Thread omega


Yes good clean power, is in my opinion where to start.

In my setup i have 2 regular isolation transformers 1:1 wiring.
One Feeding the Analog equipment, and one for the digital stuff.

Some Ferrit Magnets / Cores to reduce HF. 
(Only on the Main power cords) I have removed the Ferrit on the cable
feeding the SB, I have a linear PSU.

I used to have some Noise harvesters from PSAudio, But nowadays a
prefer the sound without them.

I Have tried with a true ONLine UPS from APC APC SMART-UPS RT 

I thought that could be a shepher solution than PS audio Powerplant
and vs Products.
But the APC SMART-UPS RT in my system only make things worse.
Sounded noisy and added harmonics to the mains frequency.


/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-09 Thread omega

cdmackay;404725 Wrote: 
 omega wrote:
  I Have tried with a true ONLine UPS from APC APC SMART-UPS RT
  I thought that could be a shepher solution than PS audio
  and vs Products.
  But the APC SMART-UPS RT in my system only make things worse.
  Sounded noisy and added harmonics to the mains frequency.
 I wonder if that model supplies power normally from the battery, or 
 whether the battery is only there for backup?
 It seems to me that a simple battery really ought to be the cleanest 
 source of power, and the cheapest. Has anyone tried this, for low-power
 sources, at least?

It is an ONLINE UPS from APC´s RT line.

Constant generating AC Power from the battery.

Only if the UPS is overloaded, then the UPS Switches to Regular AC



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Good sound from Squueezebox

2008-12-07 Thread omega

Hi maxrob200!
Sounds strange with direct access vs Router, But who knows? 

I hear a difference between Slimserver Firmwares,Router wireless
channels, Flac VS WAVE..
This is Pretty weird to.. But i Believe All this has to do with EMI

Anyway maybe this thread interests you?


/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread omega

Johan73  Rodney_Gold

There's another thing you can try:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any changes to FW v.83 that would effect sound?

2007-12-25 Thread omega


I tried the beta firmware V83, and Wow! realy good !

I have also tried the latest FW V84.. but The Magic and Good things is
gone in this version.

Any news why this FW sounds better?


/mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-12-25 Thread omega


The 21 of january -08 
we gonna meet Hammers friend at the Royal Institute of Technology to
see if we can track this thing down.


/mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-09-02 Thread omega

Hi Again!

Both me and Hammer are back from Holiday.

We are waiting to get some help from Hammers friend at the Royal
Institute of Technology.
He is a researcher and has very limited time. 

Things may take a while, But please be patient. We realy like to track
this thing down.

I have tried Audiodiffmaker but i got strange results, Both With my
CD and the SB3.

After reading this thread:

I will not continue with Audiodiffmaker

And Johann
You are welcome to listen at my home here in Stockholm to this Thing

maybe you don´t have to feel ashame to be Swedish...
Send me a private message, how to contact you etc. If you are


/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-04 Thread omega

In the late 80´s One Hifi magazine here in sweden did a listening test
on Digtal transports (CD players) to a External DAC.

The CD players sounded much difference from each other, 
They fought this difference was because of the transports reading
capabilities, more stable CD mechanism etc.

Then they measured the Digital stream from the Cdplayers to see witch
CDplayer was the best reader
But during the measure all CD players had identical bitstream, all was
Equal good !

This made the testers really confused, Why did they sound different ?

They couldnt explain why there was a difference.


Note, i am not claming the SB3 to have high jitter or anything regaring
this litte story.

I think there is a more to learn in the future regarding digital
we maybe not have discovered all the things affecting the Sound.

When the CD was new in the 80´s it was perfect sound forever

-Mark Lanctot

This thing about streaming flac as Wave.

I don´t think Wave sounds better than Flac, They are bit identical.

But i think streaming flac as Wave sounds better than streaming FLAC
as FLAC.

My only guess regaring this is:

1.The Slimservers Flac Codec is better Unpaking the Flacfiles?   

2.The CPU in the SB3 gets more stressed Unpaking flac vs Wave, and
more increased load causing extra EMI  Jitter?

And the Wireless vs Wire.

I think this has something with RF affect the digital signal on the


I have 2 old fashion isolation transformers for my Stereo.
One isolation transformer for the Amp and one isolation transformer for
the other (DAC, SB3, ETC)


I have tried the replugging mains 180° to the SB3, but i can´t hear
any difference.
But i think the replugging mains 180° only works with analog
All my equipment have the right phase according to my taste.

I have had my new Ultramatch Pro SRC2496 connected a few days, And
is´s a keeper !! :-)

Now the sound is even better ! Wow ! :-)

The SRC2496 is connected like this:
SB3 Optical out Sp/dif 16/44 - SRC2496 use internal clock not SP/dif
 AES/EBU 44/16 - DAC (Musical fidelity X-Dac v3)

I have tried difference settings on the SRC2496 like upsampling,
20-Bit, 24-Bit, use SP/dif clock etc.
But I think leaving the signal untouched 16/44 and Only reclock
(use internal clock) and send AES/EBU instead of Sp/dif. sounds best.

And the Pause, power on/Off, Pause still works... 

Best regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-02 Thread omega


- mister pig 

I Also think Streaming Flac as WaVe sounds better than Stream FLAC
as FLAC.

And i think Wired connection sounds better than Wireless
Strange but maybe this have something with emi interference ?

Anyway have you read my thread ? Design miss in SB3 digital output?
or Slimserver problem ?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread omega

Hi truckfighters 

I could believe it has something to that we phase, neutral and ground
here in germany (may be in sweden also)?
we can plug our devices like we want into the wall sockets. and I also
claim that there are sonical diffences by replugging mains 180° of
transporter and my amp. but this is not an unknown fact here in
germany. a lot of people are aware of the issue and there are even
devices out there to detect the correct phase of the mains plug.

Yes it´s same here in Sweden regarding this, I Know about this and all
my Gear is in right Phase. 

Strange that this thing works! 
First when i heard about it a didnt believe it, But then i tried

I don´t know about US but UK can´t do the 180°

I will try to replugging power to my SB3 and see.

Thanks for the Tips !

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-31 Thread omega

Hi !

I have just bought a Behringer SRC 2496

I plan to connect this like this:
SB3 Optical out Sp/dif 16/44 - SRC2496 use internal clock not SP/dif
 AES/EBU 44/16 - DAC (Musical fidelity X-Dac v3)

I post my listening tests later.


Do you have a receiver that can decode Dolby Digital (AC3) or DTS?

No i don´t have a DTS receiver.


You have a good point there, A real super blindtest is fair regarding
I will talk to Hammer and see when we can do this.
Even if i allready have done a quick blindtest before...

Anyway both me and hammer are soon leaving sweden for a couple of weeks
during vacation.
So all this measuring and testing is put on hold for a while.

We both have been quite bissy lately so there haven´t been any test and
measures lately.


/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread omega



I have installed Audacity  audiodiffmaker today and started some

My Laptop only have a Mono-Mic in, so a tested on my Slimserver PC 

I wanted to learn  Test Audacity and audiodiffmaker before i began
testing on the SB3  DAC.

I connected my NAD CD player to the line in on the Soundcard.
Started testing with a Music Audio CD.

But i always get a audible difference wave (A-B) how matter i do.

I have tripple checked all settings Line in levels etc, and i start
recording as careful i can be.
(Same start point pressing rec in the programs and Play on the CD

But i end up with the same diff file how matter i do.

I tried to record both from audiodiffmaker and Audacity but the same

The diff file is almost quiet but i can hear the track/song very very
very weak. 
(I can follow  recognize the song easy)

And i pickup much interference from the PC, Fan noise etc. 

I tried the SB3 analog output for a test run but there is the same
strange diff file there to.

I think i need som better soundcard that is 100% quiet and have a
S/PDIF in for this test?

But why this diff file ? i shall be quiet? i don´t change anything
during the A and B recordings.

And this test must be quiet during tuning, otherwise it´s useless to
go on with this. 

Do you have some tips regarding this?

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread omega


Hi Again!

You might try the laptop - even if it's mono you can just record one

Not good i have only mic in the signal gets distroted how matter i
set signal level.

Also just as a test, try taking the difference of two identical files
(like two copies of the same recording) and make sure you get

Works ok :-) silence ! so audiodiffmaker is working ok!

You do have the option in audiodiffmaker checked that time-aligns the
recordings before taking the difference, right?

I run with Default time-aligns settings.

Difference Extraction
Time Aligment

Delay Capacity = 15 %
Delay resolution = 20n [SEC]

GAIN all settings Default..

Is there some other settings? 

I Think there's something wrong with the recording process, I end up
with the same using SB3 Or CD player.
Both can´t be broken.

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread omega


Thanks for the tip  Web Link.

I will talk to Hammer he also have a laptop and Desktop
We can try his computers and see how things sounds.

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-19 Thread omega

You've _modified_ a Squeezebox such that you claim to hear a
difference, and then call it a design miss but go on to state that an
unmodified SB3 would probably not exhibit the problem.

The only Modifications that i have to my Squeezebox is:

1. A Custom Linear powersupply. (Hammer is still running on the
2. A Digital isolation transformer on the Coaxial Digital output on the
SB3. (Both me and Hammer have this Modification)

When i discovered the problem or effect my SB3 was i original state..
Only the Custom Linear powersupply.
I still hear the same effect through the unmodified Optical output on
the SB3...

I only tried the digital isolation transformer Modification to se if
that fixed the problem...
I was satisfied with the optical output in the firstplace.

When i talked about remove the isolation transformers  power
cleaners i ment the AC current 220V/50 HZ feeding my whole Stereo.
Not removing the Digital isolation transformer inside the SB3.
I still hear the same effect through the unmodified Optical output on
the SB3...

And is a External DAC a Modification ?

Yes i think i propably not going to hear any differance or have much
more difficult to distinguish between good and Bad sound.
Running through the analog outputs on the SB3 and removing the
isolation transformers  power cleaners (AC current 220V/50 HZ)

And if i remove my Elac CL 4Pi Plus (A universally applicable
omnidirectional tweeter) Then my problems will ge gone.

I just tried to get a point in the previous post.
Not all people is running with an External DAC etc and probably and not
hearing this effect.

Or as you wrote in the previous post:
My system isn't very high-end at all, so it could possibly have been
masked in the digital out--analog conversion--speakers--room
effects chain but I doubt that. 

Good grief. All the people are convinced that this is not a placebo
thing and that makes it NOT a placebo thing? If you haven't tested
using blind or double-blind methods, thereby isolating knowledge of the
test condition from the test, the results simply cannot exclude the
placebo effect.

My girfriend did a blindtest on me, i know this doesn´t prof a thing...
It have to be blind/double-blind
But you asked me to consider the possibility that the effect we are
hearing is perceptual?

I still believe Sigmund Freud has nothing to do with this...

You can't measure any difference so far but still insist there is a

Hammer and i Will try more measure later...

I know this arguing is not leading anywhere, it´s just makes all of us
involved angry,
I really don´t want to fight.
You guys at logitech have your belief, Me and Hammer  Co have ours.

Anyone reading this thread and having the know-how and proper tools,
and the time, please help us.

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-18 Thread omega


I tried it, too. The results aren't really relevant, since I didn't
run the tests blind or double-blind. Let's just say I heard *exactly*
what I expected I would hear.

Did you hear the effect ?


You will see that I did in fact suggest some very simple tests that
Omega could have easily performed which would have helped to elucidate
the problem. _He_ refused.

We are not refusing.. Just haven´t got the time and equipment to do all
easily performed testing..

Both me and Hammer works full+++ time..
And this testing/Measuring Is occurring on our free time, During the
weekends ... If there is time...

Last Sunday, we meet a friend of Hammer and did an analog measurement
with an Oscilloscope on the digital output (SB3).
Everything looked ok, nothing to explain the effect thing

My and hammers soundcards don’t have a Digital in.. Maybe planning
baying one.
Then we try programs like Audio DiffMaker etc.

Hammer and I are not so good in the Digital Domain
We need help from someone who has the know-how and the measuring
tools for this. (Jitter etc)

We hope to get some help from Hammers friend at the Royal Institute of
Technology to track this thing.
He is a researcher and has very limited time.  

Anyone reading this thread and having the know-how and proper tools,
and the time, please help us.

A good test track to hear the effect..

Cowboy Junkies The Trinity Session
Track one Mining for Gold

Listen to the back round Noise and Vocal focus



/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-18 Thread omega

-Robin Bowes 

My system:

SB3 (Latest firmware and Slimserver) I am Only playing .Flac files done
with EAC /Plextor
Digital Out from SB3 - Musical Fidelity X-Dac v3 - Musical Fidelity
X-10 V3 Tube Buffer - Cambridge AZUR 840A Amp.
Speakers: Chario Hyper 2000 Tower Reference + Elac CL 4Pi Plus (A
universally applicable omnidirectional tweeter)
SB3 Linear power supply, Isolation transformers, Filters etc.

Hammers system:

QUAD ESL Speakers, 
Custom built Tube amplifier,

Hammer has built his own DAC (I Think it´s a Crystal/Cirrus Logic's
chip inside ?)

Hammer is planning to set the Dac to synk on internal clock instead
of SB3 clock. (Or something.. i really don´t know much about this)
To see if we can isolate the problem.

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-18 Thread omega

So if I'm understanding you, the two measurements you have taken have
shown no difference in the signal, correct?

Yes, the two measurements have shown no differance
The pinknoise test showed a small differance but this is propably due
to the pinknoise and average time?

And it´s hard to see any small differance when working with a analog
Oscilloscope... To Compare A/B...
We plan to do more analog measurements later.

Will you at least consider the _possibility_ that there's no problem
with the output stage and that the effect you are hearing is

Yes and No...

Yes, there could be a problem with the slimserversoftware or
compatibility with our DACS or something else.

No, I don´t think the effect that we are hearing is perceptual,
All people that have listen in my and hammers homes are convince that
this is not a placebo thing. 

My system isn't very high-end at all, so it could possibly have been
masked in the digital out--analog conversion--speakers--room
effects chain but I doubt that.

Are you running with a external DAC ?
What amplifier, Speakers etc do you have?
You are propably not going to hear any differance through the analog
outputs on the SB3.

Both me and Hammer have a very fine tunned system.
If we remove all the isolation transformers and power cleaners
external DAC etc
we propably not going to hear any differance or have much more
difficult to distinguish between good and Bad sound.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread omega

seanadams;213834 Wrote: 
 How exactly do you suggest we bet on something if you won't accept
 simple empirical evidence that you are wrong? Will the winner be
 whoever can yell I AM RIGHT the loudest? Or whoever can get the most
 friends to come post on this forum?
 No, I am not interested in a bet with you. But if you don't mind, I
 would like a dime bag of whatever you're smoking. 


Okey, so a bet is not an option, as I understand from your quite rude
post. (Quite dishonest of you to imply that I am some kind of
drug-addict and not fit to use your product. But I'm obviously mentally
fit enough to buy the bl-dy box as long as I don't criticize it.)

Whatever, what I'm suggesting is nothing else but a scientific result.
As probably even you know; scientifical tests are repeatable and can be
duplicated in identical settings. 

Furthermore, a true scientist don't accept the absence of an occurence
as proof for its non-existence. I.e. it is not possible to say that
You don't have brother since I've not seen him. or God doesn't exist
since I've not seen Him. or The squeezebox is without faults since
I've not encountered any.

I respect if you don't want to gamble about facts but I believe that
you are man enough to obey facts. Aren't you?

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread omega

Hi !  

About this original cd versus a cdr Offtopic thing..

If they sound different could it be because of things like:

1. Original Cds have aluminium coating and Cdr have another coating
.(Gold or silver?)
Anyway some of them are Green some are silver some black etc.. 

If its easier for the Cdplayer to read the Cdrs = less error
correction, jitter etc.. better sound?
I mean the different Coating maybe reflect the laser light easier ?

2. Different thickness of the plastic disc?
Thinker = more stable when spinning less wobble more stable exact
reading less error correction, jitter etc.. better sound?

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-11 Thread omega

Hi Craig!

We only used Inguz pink noise source during the measure.
I am not using Inguz DSP plugin.

I got the result from the measurement, but this shows nothing.
This measure not measuring Phase etc.

I and Hammer65 will continue investigate this, And post if we found

Best regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-11 Thread omega

Triode;213519 Wrote: 
 Anyone wanting to understand the slim architecture more and the impact
 of powering off and on the player could try turning on the
 d_slimproto_v debugging and looking at the lines which starts
 sending.  This shows all the control frames sent from the server the
 You will see that the difference between pausing and unpausing a track
 and pausing, powering off, powering on and unpausing is minimal - just
 a few different grfe (graphic i.e. display frames).  This is the reason
 for the arguement that nothing special is happening by powering off...

This nothing special Just a few grfe minimal
could affect things?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-11 Thread omega

AndyC_772;213523 Wrote: 
 I've read lots of unlikely things about how to make equipment sound
 better. Some of the more entertaining ones are at :)

Fun reading ! :-)

A found out a other thing, with my Xbox360 if Restart my OLD CRT TV
it transforms the picture to super 1080P !
Wow you must try this out! :-) 

Even my Dog and Cats can realy see this!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-11 Thread omega

Anyway from one thing to another.. 

I Have seen on many of my OLD cd from mid 80´s

If i look through the sun or a bright light, on Some CD´s there are
many tiny holes in the aluminium surface!

But some CD from the same period is perfect.

Is this Ageing or just a bad pressing?

Someone know?

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-11 Thread omega

SoftwireEngineer;213574 Wrote: 
 I have thought that the Squeezebox sounded better after a restart !!!
 But I never tried hard to confirm this.

Why not give it try?

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-11 Thread omega

cliveb;213817 Wrote: 
 Pinholes in the aluminium coating on CDs was pretty common back then.
 They were there from the start - it's not an ageing thing. I'd guess
 that perhaps the sputtering technology used wasn't quite perfected at
 the time.
 But they are nothing to worry about. The CD spec requires that a hole
 up to 0.9mm in diameter can be completely corrected by the CIRC error
 correction. Tiny pinholes are much smaller than that.

Thanks for the fast replay !


/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-11 Thread omega

seanadams;213810 Wrote: 
 Yes, that must be it. Different pictures on the screen.

Hi Seanadams!

Are you up for a bet?

If someone or Hammer65 and I really founds out and can provide with
all the technical facts, that this thing realy is something and not
placebo are you upp for a reward then?

Like.. humm.. a transporter! each..

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-09 Thread omega

Hi !



To clear things out.
Both me and hammer65 are audiophiles that love the squeezebox, we
both hear this effect and most of our friends to.

We are not the same person.

we both have the same ISP here in Sweden Bredbandsbolaget
We work at the same office.

We are 100% serious about this and not some kids playing around and
Trolling your forum.
If anyone at Logitech want conntact with us we can send our e-mail or
telephonenumbers to confirm our existence.

Anyone reading this thread is warm welcome to listen at both my and
Hammer65 Stereo (visiting sweden during vacation etc)
If this thing is a placebo or collective obsessional behavior then
it´s very easy to get New members here i sweden 
Then 90% of all people that have been home at my and Hammers65 homes
are now Members of our little believer club.

I am not a brain scientist or a doctor, perhaps this is a placebo,
but none that have been listen at our homes think it is.

I started this thread in this audiophile forum because we needed help
from more pepole to track this down.
It´s to bad that not anyone more hear this thing, This is very

I contacted Audio data lab for a starter to see if this is measurable
during a simple Pink noise test.
anyway i talked to the Measure guy today, he got strange Measure
result, and he wants to do more measures later this week.
We used S_pinknoise_20_-6dBfs.flac from downloaded from
Next measure the Measure guy is bringing his own Sweeps and Test

As i wrote earlier we don´t think this showing anything, But why not
give it a try?

We then go further with using a computer soundcard, record the digital
output from the Squeezebox etc.

But why can´t you guys at Logitec help us out here?
Hammer65 and i don´t know how to measure jitter etc.

You demand proof before investigate any real phenomenon, this not so
easy for two normal squeezebox users...

But we will try to deliver.. I understand your point of view, Realy.

If you are open minded, Please do som Measure on the digital out etc.
I Think it´s easier for logitec to track this down, You have all the
mesuring devices and so on.

Best regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-09 Thread omega

Hi S-Man

Only ON/OFF on the remote Red button se step 5-9

1. Power on your SB3.
2. Select a good recording, start to play. (My and Hammers sound is now
High END)
3. Select another track on the same album (The sound is now reduced Hi
4. Select the same recording / track that you started with in step 2.
(The sound is still reduced Hi FI)

5. Press the pause on SB3 remote.
6. Power OFF your SB3. Red button
7. Power on your SB3.  Red button
8. Press Now Playing on SB3
9. Press Pause on SB3 remote, Now the sound is back on High END

To clarify some more.

Both Hammer65 and i run through good external DACs
We have not done this test through the analog outputs on SB3. 

We both have custom build linear power supplys

We only play FLAC streamed as WAVE.
But we hear the same thing if Streaming FLAC as FLAC.

We have tried to downgrade to slimerver 6.5.0 but the problem is still

we have tried Wired and Wireless but the problem is still there.

We have tried Optical and Coaxial digital output and the problem is
still there.

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-09 Thread omega

Hi S-Man

One more thing..

If we change the volume from Fixed to Adjustable in player
settings, Then the PAUSE Fix don´t work. (We are not able to hear any

But Fixed Volume setting sounds way better than Adjustable so
that´s not an option for us.

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-09 Thread omega


you wrote this in this thread:


If you want to ensure 16-bit passthrough with the additional bits being
zeroes, choose fixed digital volume in player settings.


Can you please explain some more about this for me?

Many other in this forum claims that Fixed sounds better than
variable. But is this a placebo thing to?

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-06 Thread omega

Hi the Measure guy from AUDIO DATA LAB was here today + many other
Many of my friends is very interested in this.
I will get the result of the Measure at Monday. 

We run Pinknoise S_pinknoise_20_-6dBfs.flac from
downloaded from Inguz
Measure from the analog outputs from my DAC (Musical Fidelity X-dAC V3)

We did 4 Measures, 2 Goodsound and 2 Not so good sound

The measure guy said this is a quite simple measure, And maybe not
showing anything.
This Fenomenia is maybe some phase or overtone thing.?

But soon we know?!

yesterday daniel a friend of mine was visiting me, but he had more
difficult hearing The PAUSE thing
He said - maybe?! Some volume increase or something but i´m not

But Stefan and Hammer65 were here during the measure.
They both heard the The Better sound Easy.

We all also heard The change if we played
S_pinknoise_20_-6dBfs.flac out on the speakers and did the PAUSE

-Phil Leigh

Thanks for the tip, 
I have tried resume after power off, but it seems to give the same
result but not always?. (I Only run a qick test this evening)
i will try this more later in the weeked.

Can you try installing slimserver version SlimServer_v6.5.2.exe ?
And see if you hear something.

I have downgraded to 6.5.0 but i can´t listen this evening..
Reporting more about this later.


I maybe try audiodiffmaker later, 
Thanks for the tip !!

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-04 Thread omega

-Phil i I did the 63 preeamp setting.. but the same result.


I selected neil youngs album Rust never sleeps the first track My
My, Hay Hay (Out of the Blue)

My girlfriend then played the first track My My, Hay Hay (Out of the
Blue) for 5 times in a row.

She started the track from the beginning each test run, Played the song
for about 30 sec then press the Pause
Then a very short break, Then she had two options.

1. Just press Pause again and continue  = The same Sound no High End
2. press Pause and power OFF, power ON, Now Playning, Pause =
High End Effect

I was not aware of any of her Choices during the test, My eyes was

2 Times she Just pressed Pause again and continue  = The same Sound
no High End Effect
3 Times She pressed Pause and power OFF, power ON, Now Playning,
Pause = High End Effect

I was 100% right all the time...

About the Click sound you mention, My SB3 is always silent, i Have
never heard any Clicks During power On/Off.
But i have the Digital Outputs Always on setting and a External Dac.

My brother was visiting yesterday, he needed som help with a GPS and
a map program too his Computer,
Anyway i did Test Run on him. This was not a Blind Test

But i just said:

-Sitt in the Sweet spoot and listen to my new Stereo setup, it sounds
realy good.

I selected Hellsongs album Lounge and track Run to the hills
Then i played this for a lite time , Then i Restarded the track from
the beginning and i did the Pause and power OFF, power ON, Now
Playning, Pause = High End Effect

I did not tell him anything, (This was just a test for my own).

Then he said:

-Now it even sounds better! 
-What did you do ? Removing som kind of filter ?
-The sound is more free now, feels like more Air.

Then i told him about this hole thing, (Placebo etc)
And i played more track from other albums.

He LOL about it the hold thing! 

He said:
-This is not a placebo thing! The differance is huge!

Later this week another friend will visiting me and pickup som CD´s
that i ordered for him.
The group is called Groundation a nice reggae band i can highly
I will do a Test Run on him too.

Anyway i have not have the time for much testing this week,
I am planning a Firmware and Slimserver downgrade, just for

Hammer65 is doning some testing and will post something later?

But This friday AUDIO LAB DATA is coming home to my flat and measure
I will start with Pink Noise Wave and se if we see something.

But the guy a talked with said that a Spektrum Analyse maybe not
showing anything.
They measure from 20 HZ - 20.000 HZ Only and if this is a Overtone
thing beyond 20.000 HZ..
We will try and see this for a starter.

This kind of measurement cost some money... I will se how far i will
take this thing..

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-03 Thread omega

I have a internal Digital Isolation transformer on the SB3. + A
Linear Powersuply.

And i have 2 isolation transformers for the 230V / 50 HZ + A
Regular HiFI filter (Noise Harvester)
Here inte sweden we got 223V / 50 HZ i think in the us it´s 110V/60

The hole chain must be perfect from the power in the wall to the

We are talkin about very very fine detials here..

isolation transformers for the 230V / 50 HZ is quite expensive, not
all people have them.
And without them you gets a lot of dirt from the Power net..
It dosen´t matter how good your stereo is if you don´t have Clean

isolation transformers for the 230V / 50 HZ is one of the best
uppgrade i ever done!
This makes the hole stereo isolated from the power net.

My girfriend did a blindtest on me yesterday, yes it´s not in my mind..

Hammer65 and i are goning to try with a Benchmark Dac or some Jitter
Measure device.

We think if we got some lines of code to the slimserver thats do the
same thing that happens during power off /On when you jumping between
tracks, our problem would be gone.

Fragmentation of the buffer in SB3 ? Jitter ? we realy don´t know.
But some thing happens when you jump between tracks...

If we start a hole album at power on the sound i good all the time. (if
we leave it on Track 1,2,3,4, etc)

Best Regards

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega

Hi again!

I Have tried both wireless and wired, The result is the same.

But if i change the volume from Fixed to Adjustable in player
settings, Then the PAUSE Fix don´t work. (We are not able to hear any

But Fixed Volume setting sounds way better than Adjustable so
that´s not an option for us.

Hammer65 have the same result, and also thinks that Fixed sounds way
better than Adjustable

Do you people hear differance in Streaming Flac as WAVE?

What Digital Output is you people using? (Optical or Coaxial)

It´s easier to hear from the optical if you have an unmodified Coaxial
Output on your SB3

After work i will install an older Firmware / Slimerver just for

I have talked to Hammer65 today (We work in the same Office)
We are going to measure this! (Pink noise etc)

One more thing mabye it´s easier to hear differance if you try to lower
your BAS setting on your amplifier? (I Have not tried this yet)

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega

Hi Again!

seanadams, you say you can´t hear The effect
What Stereo gear did you use during the test? External DAC ? and fixed
output in player setting, Stream Flac as Wave etc?
How many tracks did you test ? For how long did you test?, Had you
allready make up your mind?

What Speakers etc ? It´s harder to hear The effect trough headphones
(I haven´t tried this , but hammer65 have)

Can you tell me what appens when i press power off on the SB3? (Even if
you can´t hear this thing, And think it´s only in my and hammer65
I think there is some Digital Synk reset or buffer thing during power

And when you change track, the digital synkrionsation between SB3 and
external dac gets Out of synk ?
I think it´t a easy  to fix if you know what happens during Power
on/oFF, Change track etc.

Me and Hammer65 are thinking about to measure this through the
analogoutputs from our external dacs.
And do a full 3D spektrum analyze on it.

seanadams, do you have measure equipment ?

I have the Digital Outputs Always at on Setting in Slimserver / SB3.

I haven´t test the internal Dac i don´t think anyone will be able to
hear The Effect trough the SB3 Analog outputs.?  

If i change the volume from Fixed to Adjustable in player settings,
Then the PAUSE Fix don´t work. (We are not able to hear any
But as a wrote earlier the Fixed sounds way better than Adjustable

It´s easier to hear on my system because i have a A universally
applicable omnidirectional tweeter

Hammer65 QUAD ESL and they don´t get so high in frequency. (The
focus on midrange)

This can´t realy be a Placebo thing Both of us can hear this cleary and
my girfriend to.

Later in this week my brother is coming Visiting me, ang a will put him
in the Test seat

Anyone planing visiting Sweden, Stockholm, Me and hammer65 can do a
Demo for you.
I am ready for all Blid test there is !

We realy want a fix for this because SB3 is Great, we all LOVE IT ! 

Best regards to all of you!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega

Hi Phil Leigh,

Do you have Fixed Volume Setting And no auto gain settings?
Optical or Coaxial output ?
Stream Wave as Flac?

How long / Many recordings did you test?

What server / Firmware Version ?

Sweetspot listening etc?

Just came home from the office, 
Tested again, a can clearly hear this..

listened to Phil Keaggy Acoustic Sketches
I can realy here it so clear on some tracks 
(More air) strange but i can´t ignore this.

Anyway later this week i plan to measure, (Hope it is measurable)
This people are going to help me.

But any way i understand you people, you must think me and Hammer65
is mad? 

I can´t blame you. 
You done my test and couldn't hear it though.
Thats make us so frustrating Why is we able to hear it ?

There must be some more people out there hearing this?

Hammer65 and i both have Tubes in our system maby it´s easier to hear
with that ?

I realy don´t know..

Hammer65 think is´s something with the klocks / Synk.

You know we don´t think this is a placebo thing.
I realy don´t beleive in mass psychosis.
Mabye it´s the northen light or all the LSD we take here i sweden for
keep us happy? :-) 

Anyway i feel what way this is leading.. 
Most peolple don´t care litening to us crazy swedes.

I can live with this bugg, 
I am happy to have a workaround for it.
Nowdays i´am quite fast with the remote :-)
Just hit the Pause Off / On Pause

If i listen to a hole record the good sound is there all the time.
So the fix is only needed when jumping between tracks

Feels a littlebit sad because i recommended the SB3 for Hammer65

But Hammer65 bougth a old SB2 today. 
He are going to give med a call later today,
But i think the Problem is in the Firmware or slimserver.

We will continue invetigating this,
Post anything we found out.

I planning to get a TVIX but im not sure how it´s sound from the
digital outputs (Jitter, Buffers etc)

But High end is fun, it´s qute fun but frustrating to running into
problems like this one,

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega

This is me and Hammers Player Audio Settings:

Turn OFF Audio:Outputs always on
Crossfade Duration:0
Digital Volume Control:Digital output level is Fixed
Preamp Volume Control:0
Audio Startup time:0
Bitrate limiting:No Limit
Volume Adjustment/Replay Gain:Disable Volume Adjustment.
MP3 Streaming Method:Direct Streaming

And Stream Flac as Wave, External DAC. Power supplys filters good
cables etc etc..



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega

Hi Agian Phil Leigh!

Thanks for giving this a try! :-)

Can you test one more thing?
If you have a Optical cable, Try the Optical Out from SB3
Mabye your Altmann JISCO+UPCI is helping you ?
Please try without the Altmann JISCO+UPCI over Optical.

Both me and Hammer65 hear the differance in Stream Flac as Wave.
And many more in this forum.
Anyway i hear the bugg with Flac streamed as FLAC.

Do you have the X-PSU also ? (I Have)

Best regards

/Mats the strange Swed  ! :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega

Hi Phil.

I just tried to set the Analog out Volume on 100% (On The remote)
But the same thing,
Way are you thinking about the Analog output ?

My PREAMP VOLUME CONTROL is 0 In slimserver.

can you you hear this effect with both stream flac as
wav and stream flac as flac?
-Yes i Do and my friend.

I can understand if most people don´t hear this effekt
It´s very very high up in the Room area Freqenzy.

Please try without the altman and Optical or a Combo.
Mabye you then can hear the changes i talking about.

Do you have a Linear supply to your SB3 ?

It´s offcource not Night and Day but quite annoying.

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega


I Run on 6.5.2 but i will try to downgrade. (Running out of ideas now)

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega

HI igain Phil! :-)

Thank for all your time and chatting with me!

Ok now i understand i will try this 63 setting.
Mabye not this evening, Me and my girfriend live in a flat, And is´s
quite late here in sweden for more testing.
I send i report later!

One more Question,
You are running with Tact why are you using the X-Dac then?
Is not tac a Digital amp ? SB3 digital out -TACT digital in -
Analog to Speakers.

Are you using the room correction on you Tact?
If is can you disable this during my Pause Off/On test?

Please tell me a litte more of you setup.

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega

ok Phil i understand.

I Have a good room with big paintings on the walls to kill nasty room
echos etc, and a very big carpet on the floor.
And Camebride Azur 840a amp. 
Do you listen in stereo or 5.1 ?

To bad that you cant turn the TACT room correction off.
I think it´s harder for you to hear my bugg, with Room Corr ON.
But if it sound´s bad OFF, i Understand.

You have a very good Stereo ! :-)
But with the digital room treatment it´s impossible to sort things out,
(Longer digital paths) if my problem is in some digital buffer or synk,
mabye your Tac sort this things out and you are not having the same
problem as i have, because your TAC fix this for you?

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-02 Thread omega

Phil, I liten only in stereo,
Please try, if you have the time without the altman, And with Optical
some day.

If you can hear the things i and Hammer65 do without the altman then
we know it´s jitter or clocks.
I don´t know how good the X-DAC v3 is on treating jitter?

My friend Hammer65 have built his own DAC i think it´s Crystal
inside. He is very good on the electronics side,

He helped me modd my SB3 Coaxial Output with a digital isolation
Before that modd the Coax sounded much worse than the optical

We both work at the same office and talk alot about high end etc 

I am only a computer engineer so iam not that good building stuff
like Hammer65

/Mats :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-01 Thread omega

Hi, everyone !

I have found a big problem with SB3 / slimerver Audio!

The first audio track that´s being played after SB3 power on always
sounds better ! Or more High END

If i select another track / CD or play the same track again (Pressing
PLAY on remote)
The Quality of the musik gets much more reduced !!!

It´s like some high frequencys disappears.
The Music sounds flatter or less Room like moving from High END
To Hi FI

The reduced frequencys is of course easier to hear on different Audio

Try This at you own system ! 

1. Power on your SB3.
2. Select a good recording, start to play. (My sound is now High
3. Select another track on the same album (The sound is now reduced Hi
4. Select the same recording / track that you started with in step 2.
(The sound is still reduced Hi FI)
5. Press the pause on SB3 remote.
6. Power OFF your SB3.
7. Power on your SB3.
8. Press Now Playing on SB3
9. Press Pause, Now the sound is back on High END again 

Please try this on various music, when your know where to listen you
start to hears this Bugg easy!

Listen in the Reverb region / High frequencys.

You have to A/B listen for a while to start hear this !!

I stream Flac as Wave but if i stream Flac i can hear this to.

I have the Vol setting to FIXED in slimserver - Player setting -

There is the same problem on Wired or Wireless

There is the same problem on Optical  Coax.

I Have only tried this with External DAC.

My friend hear this also om my system. 
He also gets the same result on his system.
(External Dac, Quad ESL, etc)

We both have very good Hi End Gear / revealing speakers etc. external

It´s easier to hear on my system because i have a A universally
applicable omnidirectional tweeter

My system:

SB3 (Latest firmware and Slimserver) I am Only playing .Flac files done
with EAC /Plextor
Digital Out from SB3 - Musical Fidelity X-Dac v3 - Musical Fidelity
X-10 V3 Tube Buffer - Cambridge AZUR 840A Amp.
Speakers: Chario Hyper 2000 Tower Reference + Elac CL 4Pi Plus (A
universally applicable omnidirectional tweeter)
SB3 Linear power supply.

Best Regards !

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-01 Thread omega

Hi ezkcdude,

This has nothing to do with listening fatigue...
I can go back to the High End any time, Pressing the PAUSE on the
remote, and Power OFF / ON the SB3 as described above.

Does´s my friend suffer from listening fatigue to ?
He hear the same thing as i do, here on my system and at home at his

Have you tried at your own system?

Don´t get me wrong, But i Think not all people will hear this.
difference in hearing, Not so revealing speakers etc.

Make sure you have the Fixed volume setting on your SB3.

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-01 Thread omega

Hi amcluesent,

Whay are you pepole not beliving me?

This make me sad.
Have any of you tried the PAUSE Power OFF / ON fix?

I came just from my listening room,
I can hear this on almost any track!

My girlfriend hear this to.. 

And my Friend, so that´s makes 3 of us now!


Make sure you sit In the Sweet spot

I Have my speakers toed in to the lisening area.

My SB3 digital out is always on, Setting

If anyone reading this live in SWEDEN (Stockholm) or planning
I can demo this at my place..

My friend and i are going to measure this,

Because it´s som much in the higher frequencys this gets reduced

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-01 Thread omega

Hi Again!

I forget one thing,

Default i think the SB3 Optical output sounds more clearer / Better
than the coaxial.

But i have modded the Coaxial output with a digital isolation
transformer and now the Coaxial output is the best digital output.

You easiest hear the bugg from the Optical output if you have a
default digital undmodded Coaxial on your SB3.

I have done a/b listening test allt day, there is some thing that´t is
wrong. (The PAUSE fix works every time!)

I wounder way the PAUSE OFF / ON PAUSE thing works?
Mabye something with the digital clocks from SB3 to DAC?

Something with the digital buffer?

Strange, but i realy love the High end sound :-)

I Have tried with wave files, The same problem is there to..

Best Regards to all of you!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-01 Thread omega

Hi seanadams.

Hammer65 is a friend of mine. (We work at the same Office)

We are not the same physical person,
Do you think we write this becasue it´t fun?

I found out the SB3 bugg, and i demostrated this at my home for
Hammer65, then he found out the same problem at home.

Told him about my Thread here in the Forum.

My ISP is Bredbandsbolaget, It´s one of the biggest ISP here inte
sweden, I really dont know if Hammer65 have the same ISP?

Nearly identical writing style, is that identical?
I saw nearly to identical pepople today, they must be the same person
?! :-) Just a bad joke.

We propably share the same bad school English ?
We both are swedes and English is our second language.

But is´t there anyone reading this having the same problems as i and
Hammer ?

Have you tried to listen , seanadams?

There must be more than me and Hammer65 that is pure audiophils?
Running on simmular gear, external DAC etc?

PLEASE give this i try, It´s not placebo!
PLEASE give this i try, It´s not placebo!
PLEASE give this i try, It´s not placebo!
PLEASE give this i try, It´s not placebo!
PLEASE give this i try, It´s not placebo!
PLEASE give this i try, It´s not placebo!
PLEASE give this i try, It´s not placebo!

I think most people reading this don´t even try to listen.
They allready have make up their minds..
No this is not possible.. 

Later today i will try to Downgrade the SB3 to see if there is a
problem in firmware / Slimserver.

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume Problem Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-03 Thread omega

Hi, Everyone !

I Have found out what the problem was! 

To my Dac and Tube bufferstage i have an external powersupply X-PSU

I Unplugged the X-PSU and plugged in the orginal powersupplys that
came with the X-dac v3 and X-10 v3...

Viola ! Wow  Now i can´t hear any difference between 80%-100%
Volume setting ! :-)

The X-PSU v3 must be broken and cannot deliver enuff power?

/Mats :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume Problem Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-02 Thread omega

Skunk, About the channel separation iam not sure, But i have done some
more testing today.
I prefer the 80%-90% volume setting because the music sounds more open
and less harsh treble. (More tube like sound) 
About the Fidelity Recordings that are properly mastered, I prefer
the reduced volume setting on them to.
But mabye my mind is playing with me?

What volume setting do you prefer? 80% 100% etc?

I Think some of the Effect can be explained by the Neilson_Lund
And some of other thinks like OP amps / Dac having more headroom? 

About the Ideal Waveform Squeezebox Volume setting test, is that from
the SB3 Analog outputs?

Newbuyer, I have only done some quick testing with the Analog output
from the SB3.
To make thinks clearer, i Compared my external dac to SB3 to find out
if something was wrong with my Dac.
But i emediatly heard that my dac sounded better than SB3 internal
I havent done so much testing regarding volume settings from the SB3
analog outputs.
But as you wrote to compare the SB3 analogs, and your DAC, each at 80%
is the right thing to do.

I highly recommend Squeezebox! is extremely easy to use and  sounds
very good from the analog outputs.
And if you want to go further with a external DAC or The Transporter
then you have true HI-END ! :-)

Best regards!

/Mats :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume Problem Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread omega

Tanks for the link/replay Kim!

But if Digital Clipping is the problem, then must this happen in my
dac because of to hot signal? 

Because if the signal is Clipped in the mastering there´s nothing i can
do about it. (The distortion is already there)

But i have found this 80% effect on all my music and most of it is
before The loudness War

maybe my dac in not Clipping but just sound better with more

How are your digital volume setting?

Best Regards
/Mats :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Strange Volume Problem Please Read and try This at you own system !!

2007-01-01 Thread omega

everyone Reading this thread please try at your system and post your
comments / Results.

Best Regards !

/Mats :-)


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