[freenet-chat] Fw: Light a Candle for Unity

2001-09-14 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

- Forwarded message --
>I received a printed e-mail message from a woman on the train this
>and I thought I'd re-produce it and pass it on. Do with it what you can
>"Light a Candle for Unity!
>Though terrorists may ahve struck out at us as Americans, let us come
>together and show our unity. Let us show that though our arm may have
>hurt, they can't dim the heart of America which rages bright. On
>September 13, 2001 at 10:30 pm EST, walk out your door and light a
>lantern to show the world that our spirit burns bright. Gather with
>ones or neighbors but let our light burn in the night to show that we
>united and that we remain string.
>Please pass this on to anyone you know...print it up and pass it out to
>neighbors who may not have internet access, post it to message boards,
>clubs, news stations, anywhere and everywhere there is a PROUD
>And thats that..

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Re: [Freenet-chat] RE: Technology the F.B.I. doesn't want you to have for your business!

2001-08-04 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Was this message sent to the entire Freenet-chat email system?  Or 
just to me?
And why did someone send this in the first place?  I don't remember 
writing in order to get this response.
On Fri, 03 Aug 2001 17:35:42 -0700 "**EddieB**" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Hi and thanks for writing!  I will reply to your mail a.s.a.p.
  You've no doubt heard about my FORMER website with AutoResponder 
  Technology so good the FBI shut us down! We knew these systems were 
  great! No wonder we were so excited. Must be great technology if the 
  government is worried  about it enough to shut us down...don't you 
  And for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING read all the 'gory' details at http://AutoResponderz.com and take a 
  look at a variety of systems that you can own and control for your business. 
  You too can now get this same remarkable technology for your 
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  call it criminal!   
  My personal choice for a business such as 
  yours would be the AutoResponderPlus System...at under $100.00 (install not 
  included) this is the perfect web-based, single administrator (you can allow 
  your other associates access though) system with capabilities for unlimited 
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  inspectors and the like. They also have a free downloadable version. I've 
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  If you, on the other hand, you don't feel comfortable with letting your 
  other associates access to the administration panel..."the" Maxsponder (http://www.maxsponder.com/g.o/eddieb 
  ) and Vari-Pro 
  Systems ( http://www.varpro.com/cgi-bin/aff/clickthru.cgi?id=eddieb )
  are also available on the siteboth are heavy duty, super-strength, 
  MySql, muti-user systems and cost about $550.00-$600.00 totally installed. 

  Because of my background, education and experience in real-estate, 
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  technical end so I'm certain this would be the most cost-effective way to go. 
  I'm sure after reading the benefits of this system below you'll agree. 
  Please feel free to contact me if you need further help or forward this to 
  friends and associates that you feel may be interested. 
  Here's a totally cool and now free email program I just love (and I 
  paid for it)...perhaps you could use it too...
  Regards and have a great day,
  Ed Bennett  
  P.S.  If you need adult humor (cause I know I need something to 
  laugh about!) Subscribing is always easy Just click heremailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=subscribe_Joke_of_the_Day!   
  Train, Educate, Communicate and Update 
  for the system below 


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  Ability to track the exact source of all subscriptions. Track 
  exactly where your autorespopnder subscribers are coming from. See how 
  effective each of 

Re: [freenet-chat] Suggestion... large files in freenet.

2001-08-03 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 09:28:22 -0400 Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Michael D. Carey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > hotdame.mpg
> > 1:
> > 2:
> > 3:
> > 4:
> Freenet 0.4 is going to have splitfiles capability.  It won't be
> mandatory, but will instead be the responsibility of the client
> programmer.  (Freenet "clients" include things like fproxy, as well
> as FreeWeb and manifest tools.)
> So in short, your wish is already being granted. :)

Well the file splitting SHOULD be mandatory, and completely transparent. 
A part of the 0.4 node client.

Like when you send someone a 5 meg .mpeg in an email useing Outlook
Express 5, and they recieve it useing Outlook Express 5, as far as they
are concerned they recieved ONE email, but in actuality they may recieve
50 individual emails which are then recombined transparently by the email
client.  Why not make it so that the Freenet network WILL NOT transport
files larger than say 500k, at least the 0.4 nodes, and that anything
larger being recieved by a 0.4 node is automaticaly converted to a
split-file Metadata package that can be reached with the same CHK as
before, but transparently requests multiple segments instead of one huge

I think this would improve the network immensley.

Oh yeah, and please put in file transfer resume if a transfer operation
is stopped before the entire file has been retrieved and reassembled, or
sent on to other nodes in an insert operation.  This would make it much
easier for users who DON'T have T3 connections to the net to use Freenet
as if it were a fast FTP site or HTTP site or something.

You could download Flashget or Go! Zilla or any number of other download
resume clients if you don't understand what I'm talking about.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Suggestion... large files in freenet.

2001-08-03 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 01:29:19 -0600 "Michael D. Carey"
> Forgive me if someone has already suggested this.
> I notice Freenet has problems with large files.  Freenet
> should limit the size of individual files uploaded to under
> 1M.  Freenet clients would be required to post large files
> in multiple parts...  like Usenet...  Data disassembly and
> reassembly will be handled by the client...  Be it the
> client built into freenet.jar or a "third party" client.
> Wouldn't this take resolve many of the problems with large
> files...?  Also, it seems <1M packets of data would be
> transferred more reliably across many nodes than one large
> one...?

Yes, finaly someone else who thinks Freenet should do file
splitting/recombining for faster data transfers and stuff.

1) Limiting the file size and splitting/recombinging increases the
efficeincy and speed of the network
2) It would allow users to resume a very large download, thus you
wouldn't need a Dedicated T3 connection or something in order to use
3) Users could theoreticaly resume very large uploads too, by splitting
the file and sending the segments from last to first before inserting the
single redirect file that tells a node how to retrieve and recombine all
of the segments.

FTP and HTTP sites use this technique to make file downloads faster and
easier for users, Email uses MIME and UUE encoded segments to transport
large files over limited email systems which limit message sizes to only
500k.  Why can't someone do this on Freenet?  If it is to be implemented
at all, it should be implemented in the Freenet client, not a third party
client, unless you want to create a new kind of key that only the
thirdparty client can insert or retrieve properly.

Also a random HTL system would be a good idea, so that no matter what HTL
a user puts into a request or insert, it will always come up random on
whatever node it gets to.  This should apply for maximum AND minimum HTL
numbers, so that HTL 1 and HTL 2 don't always work. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] Node list

2001-08-02 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 11:26:55 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian
Clarke) writes:
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 08:24:40PM +0200, Stefan Reich wrote:
> > The problem is that in the end, it is impossible to hide that you 
> are
> > running a Freenet node (at least if it's not transient).
> It is not, and was never, a goal of Freenet to make it impossible 
> to
> determine whether someone is running a node.  Having said that, we 
> will
> be taking some precautions in 0.4 to make it more difficult to 
> harvest
> node addresses.  I did propose a system a while back called "Shadow
> nodes" which would allow someone to hide their node address using 
> one or
> more other Freenet nodes as a proxy.  Nobody except those nodes 
> would
> know that you are running a Freenet node.
> Ian.

Sounds like a great idea. :)  However, any node that can be found by
someone can be attacked by the state or federal legal systems of whatever
country they reside in.  We still need some kind of legal defense for
Freenet nodes and their node operators, in at least one country.  Without
that, any permanent node operator is takeing a huge risk of prosecution.

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Re: [freenet-chat] The End Game From Microsoft. Really.

2001-08-02 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:32:56 -0400 Seth Johnson
> Folks, read this.  I speak in grave tones a lot of times, but let's 
> be
> very clear, now:
> The end game is upon us.  The apolitical BSD license is now being 
> pitted
> directly against the GPL license, by M$ itself.
> It's so very sly.  Just think about it.  But if we see it right up, 
> we
> *might* be able to counter it.  I don't know:
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2001/06/27/dotnet.html
> Ask me what I mean, if you don't see what I'm saying.  I'm pissed 
> and
> anxious as heck about this.
> Seth Johnson

I don't understand why this idea is better than GNU GPL, I mean sure you
can look at the source code, but you can't USE the source code.  You have
to come up with your own unique code, which is really quite difficult in
programming when you are trying to do the same thing.  It would be easier
to use other people's code in your own implementation while giving them
the credit they deserve for their work.

I don't see how this threatens GNU GPL.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Node list

2001-06-26 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 00:08:33 -0500 Jay Tamboli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Have you guys seen this?
> freenet:MSK@SSK@2xLCU-BEVZHcbiuMH9e6K~6Ds9YQAgE/who_is_using_freenet//
> It's a list of nodes.  I guess this isn't really an exploit or
> attack of any kind because you don't know who's requesting or
> publishing what, so, unless Freenet becomes illegal, this is
> useless.  I wonder if any ISP's would forbid a user from running
> a node, provided that node doesn't constantly saturate a
> broadband connection.

Yes, freenet is about the freedom to trade information without being
censored, includeing information that might be used to hurt people.

I don't know if an ISP would care whether you have a node or not as long
as the LAW doesn't step in and force them to shut you down.  If they say
you are useing way too much bandwidth, just limit the bandwidth your node
is able to use!  My node crashes when more than four simultanious
connections are active, so, I limited it to only four.  So, you can limit
your node in the same way.

If someone put my credit card number and other personal stuff onto
freenet, I would be upset, worried, and maybe a little frightened.  But I
would get my card reported as stolen and get a new card, then I would
maybe wait and see if any of the other info might cause any major
disruption in my life.  If it doesn't, I'll just go on.  If it does,
well, there are ways of dealing with it.

I wonder how that publisher got his/her list of node addresses.

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[freenet-chat] Juno email crashed

2001-06-26 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Well I use Juno for email, as you may have noticed, and just recently I
ran Juno and Freenet AND Frost all at the same time.  They got screwed
up, data got put in places it shouldn't be and Juno's email database for
my account got destroyed.  I had to delete my Juno account and start all
over from scratch.  I'm back, but limping.  Frost lost it's entire
keypool of over 12000 keys and had to start updateing from scratch again.

I don't know what kind of damage was done to my node, I hope no settings
were screwed up.

Anyway, I've learned my lesson, no more useing Juno or any other resource
hog while also useing the resource hogs called Freenet and Frost.  I do
love freenet, and I really love frost, but MAN, java apps eat up my

Thanks to Jan-Thomas Csornak, maker of Frost, I am now running at a much
faster speed because he told me to tell windows to use the DMA for the
hard drives instead of just the processor.  Man the speed is incredible!!

I think that's how his last name is spelled.  Anyway, I'm happy despite
the loss of Thousands of email addresses and emails, some of which were
important.  Most of the freenet-chat mail that I downloaded sunday I
never actualy saw.  It was all gone before I could read it.  I was
wondering if I could look at the most recent stuff from freenet-chat on
the freenet website or something.

Well, have a nice day. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] Rebrithing, no flame intended

2001-06-22 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 12:12:39 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I just saw a 20/20 episode last night about rebirthing and it 
> talked
> > about how a little girl died in a terrible accedint during the 
> rebirthing
> > therapy.
> Here's an interesting study into society and human habits of 
> perception.
> Firstly, one thing the media will never tell you is that the fatal 
> incident
> was *NOT* accepted rebirthing therapy. Calling it rebirthing is 
> like
> referring to decapitation as accepted medical practice.

Well that is a HUGE relief.  But you can understand why those
practitioners called it "Rebirthing" right?  I mean, what they are doing
is wrong, IMHO, but I understand why they call it that.  They are putting
a little kid, curled up in a fetal position, in a blanket which is wraped
completely around her/him and held shut at one end, forming a kind of
sack, then four adults with four large pillows push and lean on this
little child for a while, who knows how long.  Then they say, "Do you
want to be born now little baby?" or something and they open up the
closed end and out emerges the "baby" into her/his "mother's" arms.  This
is supposedly supposed to help create a bond between child and parent
that wasn't there before and was in danger of never developing at all.

I can understand the need for an adoptive parent to create a bond with
thier adopted children, but this method is by far much too dangerous and
should be condemed.  It should not be called by the same name that David
McNab's organization uses, it would be like calling the two different
sects of the LDS church the exact same name.  It would be an insult to
both parties.

I am a member of one of those two sects, and disagree a great deal with
the members of the other sect, but I am not going to be rude and flame
them.  Their church is called The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ
of Later-Day Saints, I think.  It might have another name, but thats the
one I think describes that particular offshoot of my particular sect.

Anyway, this therapy that those practitioners were useing may be a
deviant offshoot of the original version of Rebirthing and should not in
any way be called the exact same name, because confusion would result.

> In cases where doctors commit gross misconduct, and kill their 
> patients,
> society comes down hard on the individual doctor, and doesn't blame 
> the
> profession.
> But with less established treatment modalities, if one practitioner 
> commits
> misconduct, then society comes down on the profession as a whole. 
> All this
> falls into the category of 'neophobia' - fear of what is truly new.

I agree completely.  One so-called mormon family who happens to be
polygamists make people think that All mormons are polygamists, which is
by far NOT true.  I for one don't see anything wrong with multiple wives
or multiple husbands as long as it is not an abusive relationship and is
a loveing and supportive relationship.  I don't think there should be any
laws against polygamy in any way.  There should be laws against lying,
cheating, stealing, and abuseing, which all might happen when a man has
more than one wife, but polygamy should not be blamed for all of these
terrible things.  Any marriage or relationship can be abusive, no matter
what the surcumstances.

And Cancema, an actual cure for cancer which my mother has used to cure
her cancer, is shunned by the medical community and the people who make
it are forced to not suggest that this stuff DOES ACTUALLY WORK!!!  I
KNOW for a fact that it works, and I'll tell anyone anywhere the truth,
no matter the consequenses.

And if rebirthing therapy works as well as David sais it does, and I'm
starting to believe he is right because I have come to trust him, then
I'm probably going to try it out and see for myself.  What harm could it
possibly do?  NONE.  What harmfull side-effects are there in many if not
most of the therapies and drugs used by the medical community?  There so
many really bad side-effects that I can't list them all.  Anything from a
slight headache to DEATH occurs because of the crap those people push on
thier patients.

> The basic fact of the incident is that it *was not* rebirthing. The
> practitioners departed totally from what is accepted rebirthing 
> technique.

Well that is good to hear.  I would say that they need a good swift kick
to the head, but they are probably just going to go to prison for a

> It's sad to note that the police investigators, legislators and 
> media did
> not even bother to consult the extensive literature available. It's
> abhorrent that they didn't even bother to talk to one of the scores 
> of
> medical practitioners who now use the rebirthing technicue. If they 
> had,
> they would have recognised that the death was not caused by 
> rebirthing, but
> by a desperate and criminal departure from that technique. 
> Rebirthing
> encourages a fullness of breathing - to imagine a so-ca

Re: [freenet-chat] Node operators responsibility

2001-06-22 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001 09:01:11 +0200 Volker Stolz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> PrintKey checks a keyindex obtained from somewhere (or generated 
> yourself)
> against your store. Sure, key names don't mean anything, but they 
> may be
> a hint to the content. And if the Freenet-server can get at the 
> data,
> someone els can, to.

So it is just like takeing a keylist and then running requests for all of
those keys on HTL 1 to determine which, if any, of those keys actualy
exist on a particular node.  And there is a way to do that to anyone's
node by simply setting the node address for that person's node instead of
your own, right?  So, what you are saying makes sense in that anyone can
bombard one single node with thousands of known keys in order to find out
what data it has.  And all that without takeing possesion of that
particular computer.

> >And as for encrypting my store, I am useing PGPdisk, which means 
> that my
> >entire datastore and all of the settings and stuff are encrypted
> How come your freenet_node works? If the store is encrypted, the 
> node
> shouldn't be able to read anything. I hope you see the point. As 
> long
> as the node can get automatically to your data, someone else can, 
> too.
> E.g. the feds busting in your door ;)

Let me explain how PGPdisk works.  PGPdisk encrypts and decrypts the
contents of the disk on the fly after putting in the passphrase.  You can
set it up so that after 15 minutes of inactivity on that disk, it is
unmounted, and thus inaccessible.  If the power gets turned off, the disk
is no longer mounted.  Only when the disk is mounted can any data be read
or written.  My node works because I have the disk mounted.  If the disk
is inactive for 15 minutes, it is unmounted.  If the computer is shut
down or put into sleep mode, it is unmounted.  Even if the PC is powered
suddenly, none of the encrypted data can be accessed.  At least, that is
how I think it works.  Talk to the PGP people for more details.

It doesn't work the same way as a PGP encrypted message which has to be
completely decrypted, worked on, then completely encrypted, which can
take a long time if you are working with a very large file.  PGPdisk is
very different.  It first creates a file, a .pgd, and you determine the
size of that file before creating it.  Once created the size cannot be
changed.  If it is a large file, say 600megs, it can take a very long
time to create the file.  Once the file is created and mounted, all data,
includeing the file system, is encrypted on the fly.  All data is
decrypted only when accessed, and encrypted only when writen.  If the pc
is shut off, any data that is still buffered would not be the entire
contents of that disk, and probably wouldn't amount to much more than a
single file.

If you find you need more space on your PGPdisk you would need to create
and mount a larger disk and copy the files from the old one to the new
one.  I just found out that windows doesn't copy the LFNs along with all
the other data, so you have to rename the short 8.3 dos names back to the
long file names that you had before you unmount and delete the old

Also, when you create a PGPdisk the program uses random data generated by
various things that are going on on the computer, including whatever the
user happens to be doing.  I like moveing the mouse around in random
motions which speeds up the random data gathering process. :)

So a PGPdisk is a very good way of protecting your node from people who
come in and take possesion of your PC, but there is no way to protect
your node from bad people trying to find out exactly what data your node
has on it.  I could try to find out exactly what data is on my node by
getting Steve's keyindex and makeing a huge batch file that requests
every single one of those keys with HTL 1.  I would probably come up with
a few hits.  Unless my datastore has been totaly deleted. :)

This could provide a node operator with a possible way of censoring
his/her node, by finding out if there is any illegal content on it, then
wipeing the entire datastore whenever they find any.  But this only works
if you totaly trust that there is only one central keyindex location
which EVERYONE ALWAYS uses when inserting illegal content onto freenet. 
But such an assumption would be monumentaly stupid.

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Re: [freenet-chat] it didnt work

2001-06-22 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Ok, I suggest, first of all, that you uninstall or delete whatever freenet 
stuff You have right now and do a CLEAN and FRESH installation.  Make darn 
sure you have a version of java installed, java 1.3.1 is the newest that I am 
aware of.  Then install freenet, the newest version is available on the 
web.  I think it is  I can't wait for 0.4 to come in. 
Also, freenet isn't an ISP, and your node isn't cloaked or invisible 
either.  As soon as you install your node and start useing it, there will 
be ways to knowing of it's existance.  I hope sometime soon some way of 
cloaking and securing all nodes from prying governments is found and 
You have some heavy legal action between you and the federal government of 
the US?  Good luck man.
On Thu, 21 Jun 2001 12:49:55 -0500 "ttcoop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  I downloaded the java thing and your 2 other 
  things , but didnt install jave before freenet. the shortcut appears but 
  nothing.  I installed jave rerun install of freenet and it stalls and 
  says cannot find file/freenet.exe.  I looked in freent programs file and 
  didnt see it.  Im not good on pc, but trying [  I have heavy legal 
  action against US GOV in FED ct--so really need yor secure ISP , maybe they 
  already took posessionof my pc, how can i get your freenet installed and 

Re: [freenet-chat] Reasonable use Issues.

2001-06-22 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

I disagree.  I think this is a very bad idea.  The legal battle is going
to happen no matter what you do, and all they have to do is prove that
freenet CAN be used for illegal uses.  That is all.  Not that it IS being
used for tradeing child porn or pirated software, but that it CAN be used
to do that.  And all the proof they need already exists and there isn't a
damn thing anyone can do to change that.  What we can do though is prove
that a node owner can't possibly censor his/her own node and that freenet
as a whole cannot possibly be censored, and all the proof we need already
exists and there isn't a damn thing any government can do to change that

The battle will happen, and win or lose, I believe freenet will survive
and keep freedom alive around the world.

Even if the battle is lost in one country there are still many others in
which it could be won.  But that doesn't really matter because I think
freenet will survive anything the legal systems out there can do.

Besides, because of the nature of freenet, no one can prove where a file
originated or who originaly uploaded it, so the prosecuters can plant
evidence without anyone being able to prove that they did so.  So, what
good would it do to only post GOOD, LEGAL content on freenet when the
prosecuters are going to post illegal content anyway just to prove that
it can be done and that there is no way to trace it down or censor it?!

Can you answer that?  I don't think so.  So, what I'm saying is, do
whatever you want because when the war starts nothing you do now or will
do in the future will matter.  It is already set to go, all the variables
are filled up, all the facts already exist.  All that is going to happen
will happen no matter what content you put onto freenet.

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 19:17:39 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Hi,
> I've been following the evolution of freenet with interest and its
> implications in terms of intellectual property and other censorship
> issues.  One of the ways the developement of freenet and related
> progects such as eof will withstand the coming legal assault on its
> existance is ensuring that its overall use and content is "innocent" 
> and
> "legit".  To help facilitate this progects such as apt-get and mail
> should be concentrated on first, therefore when the inivitable 
> assault
> begins freenet users and developers will be able to point at all 
> the
> innocent uses it's being put to.  Also site authers should refrain 
> from
> inserting files of legaly dubious nature unless they really do 
> believe
> they have a genuine reason to do so.  After all the lower the 
> content of
> "illegal" stuff is the less reason there will be to take action 
> against
> it.  
> Finally a question related to the above, can isp's some how block
> freenet ie by blocking freenet signals (if this is a silly question
> forgive me but my technical knowledge is limited (I'm still waiting 
> for
> some kind soul to provide all the freenet bits and bobs in .deb 
> format
> so I can apt-get install and play))   
> from
> Patrick
>  () ()
> |  |---|  | 
>  () ()
> -- 
> Commercial Exporthttp://www.idealx.com
> Ingenieur Commercial Exporthttp://www.idealx.org
> ___
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Re: [freenet-chat] Reasonable use Issues.

2001-06-22 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001 11:13:45 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I've already written a response to the arguments for GOOD behavior on
freenet, so I'm not going to respond to it again.

> Going further would it be possible to reverse engineer the 
> Freenet's
> node server to act like a normal node but for the following little
> extras:  The ability for the node owner to tell it to "goble up"
> information packets corresponding to specified key names which it 
> may
> have on the hard disk. (This order is not broadcasted onto Freenet

What do you mean by "goble up"?  Are you asking if you can tell the node
to find and delete certain files?  If so, I don't know.  I do know that
requesting a key with HTL 1 makes it so that ONLY your node recieves and
processes that request.  The rest of freenet would not recieve that

> itself to avoid the propogating effect of a key request). The next 
> extra
> is that will act to any outside requests for specified keys by 
> giving a
> negative response to the request without broadcasting the request
> further.  Imagine further there a lot of such "official" nodes were 
> set
> up that they had very high bandwidth connections and large storage
> capabilities compared to the average abilities of "unofficial" 
> nodes. 

What are you talking about?  There are no "official" or "unoffical"
nodes, all nodes are run by USERS, not by the freenet development team. 
They are programers, and probably run nodes of their own, but they don't
say what node can be trusted and what node can't, or what node should be
used and what node shouldn't.  You can add any number of nodes to the
network, all that is needed is a very short list of known node addresses
of Permanent Nodes.

Some nodes are bigger and faster than others, but there is no way of know
which is which.

> Wouldn't this cripple Freenet's capabilities?  Lastly and the most
> sinsiter would be a Freenet worm or virus attack where nodes are
> directly targeted?

First of all, no freenet node is capable of running executable code that
it recieves from the network, therefore no virus or worm could possibly
work to destroy freenet.  And second, any user who runs an executable
file without useing a really good anti-virus package deserves whatever
he/she gets.  It is easy to insert a virus onto freenet, what isn't easy
is knowing whether something is infected by a virus before downloading
and scanning it.

There is a system of trust that can be set up for SSKs, but you can't
know or trust completely any KSK or CHK out there.

Well, my opinion is, give them all the amunition they want, cause they
can provide it themselves if they want to.  I've already said as much in
a previous message, but thats my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Re: Node operators responsibility

2001-06-19 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 12:24:11 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian
Clarke) writes:
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 03:20:02PM -0400, Aaron Guy Davies wrote:
> > This reminds me of a question I've been meaning to ask someone: 
> would a
> > standard webmail site, ie Hotmail, Yahoo, etc., if accessed 
> *entirely*
> > thru anonymizing proxies, from account setup on, be considered 
> securely
> > anonymous?
> It depends on the anonymity of the anonymizing proxy, but with a 
> robust
> anonymizing proxy, which routed through several independent 
> machines, I
> see no reason why not.
> Ian.

In my experience Hotmail and Iwon mail and other webmail systems don't
like anonymizers such as Safeweb.  I can't get them to work at all.  I
can't log into my account, create a new account, or anything.  They just
don't work.

As for secure email, well, I KNOW for a fact that hotmail and Iwon are
not secure, they don't use SSL or anything like that.  So if you want to
have secure email send/recieve while also being anonymouse, I would
suggest that you don't use webmail.

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[freenet-chat] Rebrithing, no flame intended

2001-06-19 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

This message is NOT meant as a flame to anyone, especialy not David, whom
I respect and like as a person, but I am concerned about methods of
"therapy" that either border very closely on abuse, or cross the line
into murder.

I just saw a 20/20 episode last night about rebirthing and it talked
about how a little girl died in a terrible accedint during the rebirthing
therapy.  I must also mention that the episode also talked about another
little girl for whom the therapy worked quite well.  I'm not totaly
biased against rebirthing, I'm just concerned about this one girl's

She kept saying she couldn't breath, and the adult practitioner said she
Knew she could breath and didn't believe the girl.  Well she may have
been able to suck air into her lungs in order to then force air past her
vocal cords, but that doesn't mean she is breathing OXYGEN  So,
basicaly, this lady is out on bond and this other practitioner that was
also there helping are going to be tried for the abuse of a child
resulting in death.

I specificaly didn't like the part of the therapy where the practitioner
yells in the kid's face over and over again.  That is going WAY too far. 
The actual simulation of the womb and birthing process doesn't seem all
that bad to me, and in fact I can see where the psychological benefit
would be, if that person experienced some kind of trauma in thier first
moments of life outside of the womb and somehow kept that memory in the
subconcios or something.

The practitioners SHOULD be monitoring the person inside the simulated
womb of blankets and pilows for signs of physiological distress, AND
there should at least be an oxygen tube in there.  That would at least
simulate the umbilical cord in some way, and the ability of the mother to
know when there is something wrong with the baby she is carying.  I mean,
if you are going to simulate the womb and birthing process, why not take
it that much further?

I realize that the REAL birthing process is an extremely traumatic event
for both mother and child, but it usualy doesn't result in any permanent
injury, either physical or psychological, and usualy doesn't result in

I would like it if the human race didn't give live birth to such LARGE
offspring.  I would like it if human mothers instead developed an
external pouch into which a tiny featus can grow and mature until it is
time to leave, then simply slip out of an already very large hole. :)  No
pain for the mother, no pain for the child, no stress, just a nice good
time. :)  That would make us marsupeals or something right?  Like a
Kangaroo or something. :)

Or even better, MALES should cary and give birth to children after
getting egs from females. :)  Like Sea-horses. :)

I'm not sure what kind of benefit it would have for a child who can't
trust thier adoptive parents or foster parents.  I mean, if you have been
bounced around from home to home for many years in the foster system, and
your real parents abused you or something, then I don't think ANY kind of
therapy will ever work very well.  All you can do is try to provide a
stable and loving environment, where the rules are always clearly stated
and never change, and where there is plenty of praise for a job well
done, and punishment is only doled out when it is necessary.

The yelling in one's face is exactly what they do in boot camp.  I am
against forceing ANYONE to have to endure that kind of crap.  But I do
think that sometimes the only way to get someone to behave is to punish
them when they misbehave.  This however does not necessarily mean abusing
them emotionaly or physicaly.  Even if the intention of yelling at
someone is to get them to yell back and release their anger, it is still
extremely abusive and traumatic.  That kind of trauma can do more harm
than good.  Believe me, I know

I've had more than enough of my fill of emotional and physical abuse and
I refuse to simply accept any more of that crap.  If anyone tries to
force such crap onto me ever again, I WILL fight back.

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[freenet-chat] "Windows 95 CD-key.txt"

2001-06-16 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Hello, I am in a bit of a jam here.  You see I stored certain OEM keys
for Windows 95 CD-ROMs in a file, then lost that file.  I can't find any
hard copy either.  I was just wondering if maybe someone might have a
copy of that file, or maybe has another file with OEM keys in it for
Window CD-ROMs.

The reason I stored that in a file is because I knew I would probably
lose the hard copy of the key that came with windows, and I did.  And now
I can't find the file.  DARN IT!!  This means that I will not be able to
install any version of windows until I find the key.  ARGH!!  I NEED that

I think I gave a couple of copies to a friend of mine and I am waiting
for him to call me back, but he probably threw away the hard copy and
maybe deleted the file off of the disk I gave him.  GRR!!

I suppose I could ask my dad if he could help find it, he might know
someone with a copy.

I concider Win95a to be abandonware, as is Win95b, because they are not
being made or sold by Microsoft or any of thier licensed vendors.  So, I
do not think that it is wrong to have "illegal" copies of either of those
OSes or the keys to unlock the installation programs.

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Re: [freenet-chat] node

2001-06-08 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Uhm, you don't connect to nodes manualy, you install a node on your
machine and it handles everything behind the scenes.  You don't need to
know any nodes yourself, all you need to know is a key for a file you
want to request, or a place to find keys.

On Thu, 7 Jun 2001 14:55:53 +0200 "Jose Torres Zapata"
> excuse me
>  i cannot find a node to connect to, and the direction in FAQ 
> doesn't seem
> to work
> can you help me? many thanks in advance
> ___
> Chat mailing list
> http://lists.freenetproject.org/mailman/listinfo/chat

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Re: [freenet-chat] Frost error

2001-06-08 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 11:03:25 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan-Thomas
Czornack) writes:
> Hi
> Frost does not find the swing class JTree. You should use an actual 
> which has Java Swing included. You can get it at java.sun.com. Frost 

I DO have an ACTUAL JDK, it is JDK 1.2.2.  I didn't know there was a JDK
1.3.  I didn't even know what the swing JTree was either.  If you are
going to create a program that requires SPECIFIC things, then you should
LIST those specific things and explain how to get them.  That way users
can actualy USE the program. :)

> should
> work fine with JDK 1.2 and greater. Actual version seems to be JDK 
> 1.3.
> You don't need to change anything in your classpath to run Frost.

Well thats a good thing, I guess.  Still, I was unable to get Freenet's
command line interfaces to work properly until I added the freenet stuff
to the classpath.

I'll go to java.sun.com and download the most recent JDK available. 

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[freenet-chat] Frost error

2001-06-05 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

I tried to use Frost for windows but it wouldn't start up.

Nothing I do works.  I added frost to the classpath and it still won't

Here is my classpath:


If my classpath is incorrect, tell me what to do to make it right.

Here is the output from the Java text window:

E:\frost>java -cp .;classes;data frost

Frost, Copyright (C) 2001 Jan-Thomas Czornack
This is free software, and you are welcome to
redistribute it under certain conditions.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
javax.swing.JTree: metho
d setToggleClickCount(I)V not found
at frame1.jbInit(frame1.java, Compiled Code)
at frame1.(frame1.java:299)
at frost.(frost.java:28)
at frost.main(frost.java:62)

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Re: [freenet-chat] fist-fucking!!

2001-06-05 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001 18:03:29 -0400 Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Aaron P Ingebrigtsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I am not please that you have sent me this virus infected file.  I 
> hope
> > someone teaches you a lesson.  And don't try to hack into my PC, 
> it is
> > impenetrable.  Have a terrible day.
> Do you actually think that the person whose computer this came from 
> was
> even *aware* the message was sent?  Almost certainly, this message 
> was
> generated by the virus, totally without the computer owner's 
> knowledge
> or permission.

There is no proof one way or another.  I guess I can't be mad at the guy
if he didn't intentionaly send me that virus, but I CAN be angry at
people who don't take proper precautions to protect thier systems from
such viruses.  GRR!!  At least when the virus sends itself to me after
infecting their computer.

My computer is very well protected against hackers and viruses and I'm
not worried about such things getting past my programs.

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[freenet-chat] -keyIndex bug

2001-06-01 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Has the -keyIndex bug been fixed yet?

I have freenet version, which I think is the most recent
version available.  I just need to know if the -keyIndex function inserts
the key input by the user, which it shouldn't do, or the key that freenet
ends up displaying on the screen after it has inserted the file, which it
should do.

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Re: [freenet-chat] PGP signatures

2001-06-01 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 31 May 2001 07:45:40 -0500 "Mathew Ryden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> then you are seeing the effect of someone who didn't use an 
> algorithm
> optomized for speed. if you do a similar thing with PGP you'll 
> notice it's
> much faster - pgp also has installed things to make finding the 
> password
> more difficult and from knowing how full an archive is -- I doubt 
> UC2 has
> such stringent standards.

I don't want speed, I want security.  If I have to wait longer for better
security, fine. :)

Also, I tried to encrypt with PGP and it restarted three times before it
got 10% done.  What do I do?

> well, I'm 95% sure that each of Rand1 and Rand2 are 56 bits but I 
> can't be
> bothered to double check for sure.

Well, you could look at UC2 yourself and test it's capabilities instead
of telling me what you THINK it's capabilities are. :)

I will agree with you that the more bits are used for the encryption key
the better. :)

In PGP the best passphrase is the longest and most complex, yet still
rememberable passphrase. :)

In UC2 the best password is generated by a random password generator and
is very difficult to remember.  And the longer the password the better.

How would you do a brute force attack successfully against a UE2
encrypted archive?  Do you just setup a program that generates passwords
till it finds the right one, or is there a way to crack open the file and
figure out the password from the content of the file?

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Re: [freenet-chat] fist-fucking!!

2001-06-01 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

I am not please that you have sent me this virus infected file.  I hope
someone teaches you a lesson.  And don't try to hack into my PC, it is
impenetrable.  Have a terrible day.

On Thu, 31 May 2001 12:57:44 -0700 (PDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> horny sexy kinky amateurs Xena boys girls 

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Re: [freenet-chat] PGP signatures

2001-05-31 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 31 May 2001 02:14:53 -0500 "Mathew Ryden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Are we talking about PGP or UC2 here? If pgp, you either have a very 
> slow
> computer or I'm shocked at norton for having such an unoptomized 
> algorithm.

I was talking about UC2 which uses MD5 hash.

> > But is Triple-DES better at encrypting useing SHA1 hash than the 
> current
> > CAST algorithm?
> No. Assuming Triple-DES is at 112 bits and CAST is at 128, CAST is 
> better.
> Especially if you assume that the NSA is still years ahead of the 
> non-gov't
> crypto world - they probably have made breaking triple-DES trivial 
> (DES is
> already trivial).

Hmm, yes I can see how more bits makes it harder to figure out the
encryption key.

> > I ask because Triple-DES does this neat thing where it Encrypts 
> with
> > Rand1, Decrypts with Rand2 and Encrypts again with Rand1, makeing 
> it
> > totaly freaking impossible to break the encryption.  I think it is 
> a VERY
> > strong encryption method.
> it's fairly strong for documents you don't mind being readable quite 
> soon. a
> triple-des encrypted file is still only as secure as the key that 
> encrypts
> it - in this case the key is Rand1 . Rand2. Assuming that they are 
> both 56
> bit keys (as are all DES keys if memory serves) then Triple-DES gives 
> you
> 112 bits of security (becuase you reuse a key it doesn't make the 
> security
> any stronger on key attacks).

Well I don't know how many bits Rand1 and Rand2 are, but I do know that
they are generated by MD5 based on the password and the archive being

> Hash is, by defination, the same for any file. Encrypting and 
> decrypting
> both occur in linear time, correct.
> -Mathew

Yes, linear, one right after the other, no weird temporal mechanics
required. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] PGP signatures

2001-05-30 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Wed, 30 May 2001 21:50:00 +0100 "Adam Langley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 02:11:14PM -0500, Mathew Ryden wrote:
> > MD5 is insecure. Don't use it. SHA1 is quite secure.
> MD5 isn't bad, but here is the draft for the new SHA FIPS for all
> those really paranoid people out there:
> "NIST is proposing 
> the expansion of the hash standard to include additional algorithms 
> that produce a 256-bit, 384-bit, and 512-bit message digest."
> (general page) http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/tkhash.html]
> (the draft doc) http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/shs/dfips-180-2.pdf
> First person to suggest that we need 512-bit CHKs gets a slap.
> -- 
> The Street finds its own uses for technology.

When I tried to encrypt a 500+ megabyte archive it spent a half hour just
trying to hash out the two crypto-random numbers, then it spent 10 hours
trying to encrypt the huge file and it never finished, because I canceled
the process.  If it takes that long to ENCRYPT a file of that size, it
would be nearly impossible for a hacker to decrypt it without the right
password.  How long it would actualy take is beyond my ability to guess,
but I'm sure that even the fastest computers would take a long time to
process the encrypted file.  I have nothing against MD5 and Triple-DES,
it's just that it doesn't use the keypair functions that PGP uses so that
people can do decryption/encryption without shareing their passwords via
insecure methods.

But is Triple-DES better at encrypting useing SHA1 hash than the current
CAST algorithm?

I ask because Triple-DES does this neat thing where it Encrypts with
Rand1, Decrypts with Rand2 and Encrypts again with Rand1, makeing it
totaly freaking impossible to break the encryption.  I think it is a VERY
strong encryption method.

And the bigger the file, the bigger the hash, and the longer it takes to
encrypt or decrypt the file.  It takes like 5 times as long to encrypt or
decrypt an archive as it does to create and store files in it.

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[freenet-chat] How do I view this file?

2001-05-30 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

How do I view this file properly?  It is a Unix text file with what looks
HTML code in there.  Here is the file, it is a very small example file
nothing more.

And also how do I view a file containing wierd symbols as well as what
looks like HTML code, when the file is a Unix Text file?  Here is the
example text of that file:

Äöïî Òïîáìøä Òõüì Ôïìëéåî. The Fellownship of a Ring

 Foreword 1
 Prologue 1
 1. Concerning Hobbits 1
 2. Concerning Pipe-weed 1
 3. Of the Ordering of the Shire 1
 4. Of the Finding of the Ring 1
 note on the shire records 1
 Book I 1
 Chapter 1 A Long-expected Party 1
 Chapter 2 The Shadow of the Past 1
 Chapter 3 Three is Company 1
 Chapter 4 A Short Cut to Mushrooms 1
 Chapter 5 A Conspiracy Unmasked 1
 Chapter 6 The Old Forest 1
 Chapter 7 In the House of Tom Bombadil 1
 Chapter 8 Fog on the Barrow-Downs 1
 Chapter 9 At the Sign of The Prancing Pony 1
 Chapter 10 Strider 1
 Chapter 11 A Knife in the Dark 1
 Chapter 12 Flight to the Ford 1
 Book II 1
 Chapter 1 Many Meetings 1
 Chapter 2 The Council of Elrond 1
 Chapter 3 The Ring Goes South 1
 Chapter 4 A Journey in the Dark 1
 Chapter 5 The Bridge of Khazad-dùm 1
 Chapter 6 Lothlõrien 1
 Chapter 7 The Mirror of Galadriel 1
 Chapter 8 Farewell to Lõrien 1
 Chapter 9 The Great River 1
 Chapter 10 The Breaking of the Fellowship 1
 Book III 1
 Chapter 1 The Departure of Boromir 1
 Chapter 2 The Riders of Rohan 1
 Chapter 3 The Uruk-Hai 1
 Chapter 4 Treebeard 1
 Chapter 5 The White Rider 1
 Chapter 6 The King of the Golden Hall 1
 Chapter 7 Helm's Deep 1
 Chapter 8 The Road to Isengard 1
 Chapter 9 Flotsam and Jetsam 1
 Chapter 10 The Voice of Saruman 1
 Chapter 11 The Palantîr 1
 Book IV 1
 Chapter 1 The Taming of Smêagol 1
 Chapter 2 The Passage of the Marshes 1
 Chapter 3 The Black Gate is Closed 1
 Chapter 4 Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit 1
 Chapter 5 The Window on the West 1
 Chapter 6 The Forbidden Pool 1
 Chapter 7 Journey to the Cross-roads 1
 Chapter 8 The Stairs of Cirith Ungol 1
 Chapter 9 Shelob's Lair 1
 Chapter 10 The Choices of Master Samwise 1
 Book V 1
 Chapter 1 Minas Tirith 1
 Chapter 2 The Passing of the Grey Company 1
 Chapter 3 The Muster of Rohan 1
 Chapter 4 The Siege of Gondor 1
 Chapter 5 The Ride of the Rohirrim 1
 Chapter 6 The Battle of the Pelennor Fields 1
 Chapter 7 The Pyre of Denethor 1
 Chapter 8 The Houses of Healing 1
 Chapter 9 The Last Debate 1
 Chapter 10 The Black Gate Opens 1
 Book VI 1
 Chapter 1 The Tower of Cirith Ungol 1
 Chapter 2 The Land of Shadow 1
 Chapter 3 Mount Doom 1
 Chapter 4 The Field of Cormallen 1
 Chapter 5 The Steward and the King 1
 Chapter 6 Many Partings 1
 Chapter 7 Homeward Bound 1
 Chapter 8 The Scouring of the Shire 1
 Chapter 9 The Grey Havens 1

\author{ Krepta}


\parskip=10pt plus 10pt minus 2 pt
\begin {document}

This is a new document


Next chapter

The End


[freenet-chat] P2P networks also in development

2001-05-30 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Has anyone looked at the other P2P networks also in development and
compared them with Freenet?  Maybe even found some inspiration for
improving freenet?

I found a link that listed several interesting P2P sites on Yahoo at
ring.  One of the interesting sites is for a network called Alpine, at
http://cubicmetercrystal.com/alpine/.  I think Microsoft's version of a
P2P network is going to be crap, but, I can't blame them for at least
trying. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] PGP signatures

2001-05-30 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 29 May 2001 08:18:13 -0400 (EDT) Aaron Guy Davies
> On Mon, 28 May 2001, Aaron P Ingebrigtsen wrote:
> > On Sat, 26 May 2001 14:05:40 -0400 (EDT) Aaron Guy Davies
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > 
> > > You obviously still don't understand PGP. Please go read the 
> manual.
> > 
> > I understand PGP pretty well, it is the GnuPG program I don't 
> understand.
> > 
> > The files I was talking about were generated by PGP, not made up 
> by my
> > imagination.  Also, I figured out that .sig files are detached 
> signatures
> > and require the file to which they were signed in order for them 
> to
> > decrypt properly or whatever.  So if you don't have krepat.txt 
> which
> > contains only the text "hello" then you would get some kind of 
> error. 
> > The .asc file though is the text file AND signature, which is 
> really what
> > I wanted in the first place. :)
> The point is that PGP *signatures* have nothing to do with 
> encryption, and
> are only useful in conjunction with the document they were generated 
> from.
> A signature is basically a secure hash of the document it signs, 
> verifying
> that the document has not been changed since it was signed. They 
> don't
> encrypt anything, and they don't mean anything without a document. A 
> *key* is what you're probably looking for. Public keys are what you 
> need
> if you want to encrypt a document for someone else to read. The 
> .asc
> files, if I remember correctly, contain the public key in text 
> format.

But the signature IS encrypted, otherwise you would be able to extract
the data no matter what file you point it at, and the text of the
signature would never change no matter what file or message you sign.  I
know the signature doesn't encrypt the message or file that you are
signing, that is a different function. 

I was wondering, which do you think would be better, Cast, Triple-DES, or
IDEA?  UC2 uses MD5 hash for the two crypto-random numbers that it uses
to encrypt useing Triple-DES.  PGP can do CAST, Triple-DES, or IDEA
encryption, and I think I might be able to change the hash from SHA1 to
MD5, but I'm not sure.  Anyway, which do you think is better?

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Re: [freenet-chat] Anarcast!

2001-05-30 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Freenet uses an inform server to inform nodes about each other.  This
should be replaced by something that can't be attacked, but, I don't know
what.  There is an option to turn off inform read/write in the settings
for freenet, and I think you can tell it to look at a file full of node

Also, freenet depends upon people knowing about existing keys, and
currently everyone is useing keyservers such as Steve's Key Index which
you can put your keys on and browse other keys.  I sure hope freenet's
dependance on such centralized servers is removed some time in the near

On Tue, 29 May 2001 10:08:57 +0200 "Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso"
> Hi!
> On Tuesday 29 May 2001 09:57, you wrote:
> > > > A network consists of nodes and a central inform server. When 
> a node
> > > > starts it registers with the inform server.
> > >
> > > I think a central server seems breaks the idea of a peer-to-peer 
> network.
> >
> > Fascinates me that no one has yet tried to DMCA the Freenet inform 
> server
> > ;}
> Erm... I think I must ilustrate myself before use my keyboard... Is 
> there in 
> FreeNet something as a centralized server?? So please, can you give 
> me some 
> URL for my own information?
> > David
> Thanks by the light, David.
> ___
> Chat mailing list
> http://lists.freenetproject.org/mailman/listinfo/chat

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Re: [freenet-chat] Freenet & MojoNation

2001-05-29 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sun, 27 May 2001 05:40:48 +0900 Sam Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ian Clarke wrote:
> > On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 05:02:03AM +0900, Sam Joseph wrote:

> > Freedom of Speech is all about
> > tolerating things of which you disapprove, since you expect
> > people who disapprove of your opinions to tolerate your right
> > to express them.
> Is it? Okay fair enough.  But what about tolerating those who are 
> doing
> things contrary to the rights of other people?  I mean Freenet is

Everyone should have the right to privacy and secrecy, surely, and spies
should be found and stoped, I guess.  But when you are hurting people it
would not way on my mind at all to see your privacy and secrecy violated
in order to stop you.  I don't know how we can build a moral code into
computers or any network without censorship, so, I guess we will just
have to fight evil in the real world, instead of the digital one.

> Should we defend the rights of those disseminating ideas that help
> governments oppress individuals?  I mean maybe the point of Freenet 

Everyone's right to free speech must be defended, yes, even bad ideas or
lies, but the actions of an oppressive goverment can be countered as well
as helped by the same system, freenet.  Should we allow countries other
than the US to have nuclear weapons?  Well, I think it is more a question
of how would YOU feel if your enemy were the only one with a kind of
weapon that can desimate you?  That must be how other countries feel, so,
lets let everyone have these terrible weapons, to give them a sense of
security.  Then once everyone knows that thier weapons are just as much a
threat to you as yours are to them, they might settle down and behave

Good people might be hurt by freenet, but bad people can be hurt by
freenet too, and much worse I imagine. :)

> is
> that no one should be allowed to judge what can be used for 
> oppression
> and what can't.

Yes, you must judge only for yourself and your children what data is good
or bad, right or wrong, until your children become adults and must think
for themselves.

> I am very happy to tolerate people expressing the idea that child
> pornography is good or bad or .. - god why do I always end up on 
> that,
> okay, lets say anything I disapprove of.  I would fight to the death 
> to
> defend your right to express your opinion about something, be it 
> life or
> death for unborn children, the right to sodomize, the right to fly 
> like
> a bird, whatever, but isn't that different from your right to
> disseminate images of me doing unspeakable things to donkeys, or
> whatever?

You might be hurt by such dissemination, but there is no way to prevent
it without giveing the power of censorship to someone, who would then
most likely be corrupted by that power sooner or later.

> Seems to me like there is a fundamental gap between the right to
> expressing one's opinion and the right to distribute images, files,
> whatever.  Maybe we can't draw the line in terms of computer 

What if someone calls you a donkey's butt kisser on live TV, would that
hurt you in any way?  What if someone told his friends that he saw you
doing unspeakable things to a donkey.  Would that not be the same thing,
esentialy, as distributeing pictures of you doing those things?  I think
it would be the same thing.  Speech, pictures, music, software, it all
amounts to the same thing.  It is all information.  And the freedom is in
the expresson of information, not in merely thinking thoughts.

> Maybe the bottom line is that we have to make it free to distribute 
> all
> kinds of data under any circumstances, which is what Freenet 
> advocates,
> right?  Why does that make me feel uncomfortable?  Am I just some 
> crazy
> facist who has to overcome his terrible inhibitions and embrace the
> brave new world?

Not facist, no, for that would mean you want to have total control over
everyone and everything for yourself and only yourself.  But control over
information by any sentient being or group of beings is inherintly wrong.
 There is no right way to handle it.  Eventualy anything you attempt to
do would be corrupted and become extremely difficult to fight against.

Even if your intention is noble, such as stoping a serial killer who gets
his kicks out of distributeing movies and pictures of his crimes on
freenet as they happen or soon after, it would be corrupted by people who
want to silence good people who are trying to distribute secret
government documents from China about the killings of christians and
such.  You cannot create a system of censorship that cannot be corrupted.
 It is not possible.

You need to accept the fact that censorship is inherintly wrong, even if
the oposite, total information anarchy, can hurt good people, it is still
far better than the harm done by bad people with the power to control

The best way to fight the evil of this world is to do it in real life, by
confronting people who you KNOW a

Re: [freenet-chat] Virul Freenet?

2001-05-29 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Fri, 25 May 2001 22:15:18 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian
Clarke) writes:
> If course it would be possible, perhaps not exactly great for Freenet 
> PR
> though...
> Ian.

I was thinking of just doing it in benighted countries as part of a fight
for freedom.  But, I guess it would target any computer no matter where
it happens to be, so, I guess it would be bad PR.  And I am well aware of
the effects of Public Opinion, though I don't think that the public is
informed of the truth nearly as much as they should be.

Although freenet doesn't promise to educate people with truth and nothing
but the truth, it does make it possible to get the truth out there for
people to see and judge for themeselves. :)

I think that freenet is a very good thing for everyone, and the sooner
everyone else realizes that the better. :)

Might we instead set up a secret society which creates cheap computers
and installs them secretly in strange places, like the insides of street
lamp poles or something?  I mean, if the government is tracking down
nodes by harvesting node caches and maybe even inform.php on the freenet
site, it would help our users a LOT if they have to deal with thousands
of hidden computers in cities all over the country with no way of
tracking down the people who created or installed the things. :)

I mean, a 486 laptop with a network card and Linux installed on it could
be set up and hidden somewhere, but it might be too expensive to use
those.  I was thinking more along the lines of much cheaper technology
that can do the same kind of thing.  Like the cell phones that are so
cheap and made of such flimsy material, like paper, that you can buy one
for like $15 or something, use it a couple times, and throw it away. :) 
The inventor of that cell phone technology is also developing laptop PCs
with the same purpose in mind.  That purpose being to create something
that is extremely cheap, but still works very well and can be thrown away
without much fuss or concern. :)

If we could get those kinds of PCs running on freenet and hidden away
whereever we can, that would slow down the governement taskforces a great
deal. :)

We have the technology that allows a computer to comunicate with other
computers useing only the power systems in a house.  If this could be
expanded a little, we could turn the power grid of a city into a freenet
hub of sorts.  I mean, it would be very difficult to track a signal going
through the power lines if you don't have a sensor on every single
individual power pole or power line for each building or complex.  So
pluging those cheap computers into the power lines of things like street
lamps and stuff would make finding and prosecuting freenet users harder
still. :)

Are my ideas good enough to concider?  I hope so, because I want to
minimize the "casualties" of this war for freedom of speech as much as
possible.  I want as few people as possible to be imprisoned or fined or
hurt in any way.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Anarcast!

2001-05-29 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Mon, 28 May 2001 15:05:05 -0400 (EDT) "Mark J. Roberts"
> So I was bored and I came up with a simple p2p network idea. Here it 
> is.
> A network consists of nodes and a central inform server. When a 
> node
> starts it registers with the inform server.
> Clients read the list of nodes from the inform server. They hash 
> the
> address of each node.
> To insert a file:
> split file into small chunks
> hash each chunk
> insert each chunk to node with closest hash
> insert redundant chunks
> To request a file, for each chunk hash, request it from the closest 
> node.
> If any chunks fail, use the redundant chunks to reconstruct the 
> data,
> and reinsert the missing chunks.
> I'm writing the server code today (around a select() call, btw) and 
> I'm
> going to write a part-assembling client proxy as soon as possible.
> Is anyone interested in testing this? It's not as magical as 
> Freenet,
> which means it stands a good chance of actually working.

I will test it, but I would like it better if such a thing were
implemented in freenet.

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Re: [freenet-chat] PGP signatures

2001-05-29 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sat, 26 May 2001 14:05:40 -0400 (EDT) Aaron Guy Davies
> You obviously still don't understand PGP. Please go read the manual.

I understand PGP pretty well, it is the GnuPG program I don't understand.
 The files I was talking about were generated by PGP, not made up by my
imagination.  Also, I figured out that .sig files are detached signatures
and require the file to which they were signed in order for them to
decrypt properly or whatever.  So if you don't have krepat.txt which
contains only the text "hello" then you would get some kind of error. 
The .asc file though is the text file AND signature, which is really what
I wanted in the first place. :)

Anyway, maybe I'm just getting tired or something, I just don't want to
generate a new keypair with GnuPG when I already have a keypair that was
generated by PGP.

I can work with GnuPG, I guess, but it will be difficult for a little
while longer.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal responsibility and filtering

2001-05-25 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 24 May 2001 08:26:51 +0100 "Patrick Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It means that if there is a risk of my losing my job because of 
> what's on my
> hard drive, I need to know that Freenet uses some secure encryption 
> method.
> As was pointed out, there is no risk here.

Yep. :)

> Not sure about your point about control of the internet.  No-one 
> controls
> the phone network or postal network yet that is no bar to freedom of 
> speech.

The internet is controled by the government, and the government has the
right to tap a phone line doesn't it?  So they have control of phone
systems too.  As to the postal network, I suppose that is true, unless
you work for a government facility that has secrets to hide, like in the
military, then your every piece of mail is read and censored before being
sent or recieved.  So there goes freedom of speech by phone and by mail. 
Lets see, they have the ability to monitor internet traffic, thanks to a
little black box that they now have the right to force ISPs to install
into thier hardware, I think it is called Carnivore.  The ability to
monitor communications and the ability to track communications is the
ability to censor.  Plain and simple.  You cannot guarantee freedom of
speech when censorship is being used, or the right to use it whenever you
want is reserved.  And you cannot use censorship when you have guaranteed
freedom of speech as freenet does.  They cannot co-exist.  You can only
have one or the other, not both.  To say you can is an outright lie!!

> Freenet will be an interesting technical project but it neither adds 
> nor
> takes away from freedom anywhere.  The truth is, by the time you 

That is NOT correct by any means.  The government has the ability to
monitor all unencrypted traffic on the internet, AND they supposedly have
the right to secretly demand the decryption keys from you.  This is bad,
very bad.  It is like they are saying that only THEY should have the
right to privacy or secrecy, and that anyone else who even attempts to
ensure thier own privacy or secrecy is in violation of the law.  

Freenet is the ONLY system that GUARANTEES freedom of speech to anyone
who is able to use the internet.  Those who are not able to use the
internet because of corporate or government firewalls or laws about
unauthorized modem use are going to be left outside the culture of
freedom.  I think it would be a good idea to try to expand the freenet
concept to wireless communication technology which can be masked as
regular, perfectly normal, and legal communications.  Like perhaps
searching for local transmissions, then doing a piggy-back kind of deal
where the original signal is modified and overriden, but, the signal
isn't modified enough to cause any concern among anyone who might be
monitoring the signals.  I've seen someone do this kind of stuff on Star
Trek and stuff so I don't know if it can be done, but I hope it can. :)

> need to be
> untraceable, you already have lost your freedom.  Its the ability to 

Freedom of speech is not the ability to communicate openly, freedom of
speech is the ability to communicate unharrased and unharmed by anyone,
about anything you want to communicate.  In China this is impossible.  If
you speak openly against the governemnt, your either imprisoned for life,
tortured to try and get names of co-conspirators out of you, or killed
outright, or some combination of those.  In the US if you say "I'm going
to assasinate the president, hehehe" with a little disclaimer at the
bottom that you are just kidding, you would probably be found and
arrested on charges of threatening the president.  Or some such crap.  If
you come up with a way to power your house or car easily and cheaply you
will most likely be hunted down by Big Auto or Big Oil or both and they
will find some way of silencing you, legal or not.  You don't just need
Freenet in order to protect you from Governments, but also to protect
yourself from criminals and secret agencies who answer to no one.

Do you really believe that the KGB wouldn't have hunted down and killed
any who dared to cross them or steal data from them?  There are too many
people out there who would gladly kill to keep their secrets, are you
actualy saying that one shouldn't worry about them and that therefore
freenet should be nothing more than a hobby or favorite pastime?!  

> be open
> about your identity that constitutes freedom.

Being open about your identity doesn't constitute freedom, it constitutes
utter stupidity when people are out to hurt or kill you if they can find

Freedom is the ability to do anything you want as long as you are not
hurting anyone else.  True freedom does not exist in this or any other
country as long as people have the ability to kill you or imprison you,
or shut you up despite the fact that you haven't hurt anyone else.

Take the drug war for instance.  How does smokeing marijuana hurt anyone
else but yourself, unless you are subjecting peo

[freenet-chat] Freenet as an ISP?

2001-05-25 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

I was wondering if it might be possible to create a network of computers
that telephone each other and use the freenet protocol to communicate. 
It would make freenet a totaly seperate network from the internet, but
Fidonet users seem to get along just fine. :)

Fidonet is a completely seperate information network from the internet
and totaly supported by BBS owners who donate thier computers,
electricity, time, and effort to the BBS/Fidonet community.  Perhaps we
could set up something similar.

Perhaps we can even setup a system where a computer with only one single
modem and one phone line can participate by accepting calls, downloading
the anonymously transfered data useing a modified version of the Freenet
protocols, then disconnects and dials another computer that it knows
about. :)  In this way it would make a node slower, but, it would be a
totaly seperate network which would make censorship so much harder. :)

So basicaly requests would take longer too because you would input a
request, the computer would dial a known and trusted node and upload the
request and then disconnect if the data doesn't exist on that node.  Then
some node somewhere, hopefully in your local area, would call your node
and upload the data to your node. :)  And if no computer calls your
computer in, say, half an hour, you can assume that the data doesn't
exist anymore on the network. :)

I would really like it if Freenet were setup to automaticaly repeat a
request every 10 minutes or so until the data is recieved sucessfully. 
Then requested data would definitely be assumed non-existant if it
doesn't arrive in like an hour. :)

The down side would be that long distance charges would have to be
obsorbed by someone somewhere in order to extend the network beyond the
local area code. :(  I couldn't afford that, but maybe some nice people
somewhere might donate that capacity to the community.  I also wouldn't
be able to setup my computer to accept calls, since I only have one phone
line in the house.  I would only be able to download or upload data if I
were calling out.

Oh, that gives me an idea, a computer should automaticaly upload any data
that the computer it is calling doesn't have if that computer is setup to
NOT recieve calls, and thus would not be listed anywhere in the network. 
This way a node owner would still be able to donate computer capacity to
the network. :)

So my computer would be told to call another computer, to either request
data or insert data, or both at the same time, and the two computers
would compare their data caches and any data that my computer has which
the other computer does not would be inserted with htl1, except for files
that I have told the computer to insert which would then be inserted at a
higher htl.  Then my computer could disconnect, and then dial again to
rerequest reguested data if it hasn't already downloaded the data
successfully.  This way no one would be able to trace any specific data
directly to me, but, would be able to get data from me if I trust them
enough to add thier number to my trusted list. :)

And the file transfer protocol should be Zmodem, and nothing else. 
Zmodem is the absolute best that I can think of when communicating PC to
PC over phone lines.

But maybe the network could be linked to the internet by some people who
are willing to donate that capacity. :)

Anyway, I think this is a good idea, and would work well in areas where
the internet is restricted, such as in China.  I mean, they can't trace
down every single phone call.  So calls could be made to known and
trusted nodes, the phone number lists can be encrypted so that they can't
be easily harvested from captured nodes, and you wouldn't need the
internet in order to communicate. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal responsibility and filtering

2001-05-25 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Fri, 25 May 2001 07:18:20 +0100 Leo Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 09:12:58PM -0700, Dev Random wrote:
> > Well, if you split up the files, then you can have nodes that do 
> not have
> > enough information to reconstruct any particular file.  It's a 
> future
> > feature, I would hope.
> I don't mean to be pedantic, but wouldn't you still then have all 
> the
> blocks on your node when you request the file? Or maybe the node 
> could
> ensure that it never cached all the blocks for one file - but then 
> it
> would have to be able to tell the file from the block, which would
> defeat the point, no?
> I think I'd just better go back and sit in my hole for a while.

All of the blocks would be stored temporarily in the node just like any
other file, but it would be a good idea to give freenet the abilty to
start putting a large file together before it recieves all of the blocks,
this way the download can be resumed after a disconnection, or the
download can actually be completed despite a relatively small node cache.
 Lets say your node can have only 1mb of data on it at a time, and lets
say you are downloading a 15 meg file.  Under the current freenet
configuration I think you would not be able to download that file because
freenet reconstructs the file only after downloading the whole thing to
the node cache.  I think thats how it works.   Anyway, if it begins
constructing the file after the first little piece is downloaded, like
Flashget (Jetcar), Getright, and Go!Zilla all do when downloading from
resumable sites, then it would go very smoothly and no one would be able
to retrieve the entire chunk of data from your node when it is
disconnected from the rest of freenet. :)

So, that problem is solved in my head at least.  I hope some developer
for freenet gets the idea and starts working on makeing it a reality. :)

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[freenet-chat] PGPdisk

2001-05-25 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

I solved that little problem I was haveing with PGPdisk, it was being
caused by my system scanner.  Since I was creating the file myself, I
knew I didn't have to worry about the file being infected, so, I
temporarily disable my system scanner before mounting the PGPdisk, then
reenable the system scanner.

But I just recently had another problem. I didn't have any idea what a
VPN was before I got PGP, and I didn't know what PGPnet was or how to use
it, but, I installed it and told it to protect my Dial-up Adapter, or
whatever.  I told it what key to use for authentication too.  Then I got
online and was surfing without any problems.  Then my modem disconnected
and thats when the problem started.

You see, MSN tried to connect again, but, it didn't even start dialing,
instead it said something about how it needed to install some components
or whatever.  Anyway, somehow my DUN files got screwed up and I had to
reinstall Dial-Up Networking from scratch, makeing sure to replace every
single file even if windows does suggest keeping them.  I found out that
I couldn't just let those files stay there because I tried letting them
stay there in an earlier reinstall and all it got me was a connection to
the internet with no TCP/IP.  So, I installed from scratch and now I am
able to get online and surf to my hearts content. :)

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[freenet-chat] Virul Freenet?

2001-05-25 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

I was wondering if it might be posible to create a virus which is
designed to find computers that are permanently connected to the
internet, then install a permanent freenet node that is somehow like a
trojan.  I doubt that a really good virus scanner and firewall package
would miss it, but not everyone is as tight in their security as they
should be. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] Re: I've designed a global file system, it will obsolete NFS, Gnutella, etc. I want to be assimilated by freenet!

2001-05-23 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Fri, 18 May 2001 15:51:31 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Guys!
> > Aaron P Ingebrigtsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >
> >>> I personaly would really like some kind of Windows Explorer 
> extension
> for
> >>> freenet that makes windows think that freenet is some kind of 
> CD-R
> drive
> >>> or something, you know, write once, read only media.
> >
> >David McNab ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >> Personally, I feel it's highly viable and desirable to implement 
> a
> Windows
> >> virtual disk that interfaces with Freenet. I think Aaron was 
> flamed most
> >> unfairly.
> > Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For what it's worth, I wasn't flaming Aaron -- just pointing out 
> the
> > reason why it would be incredibly difficult to implement his 
> wish.
> > As I said in the prior message, I think it would be a rather 
> useful thing
> to have.
> OK, OK, this IS driving me crazy now. What Aaron wants, while not 
> trivial,
> is also not too hard under Windows. It's called a shell name space
> extension. It is built as a Windows DLL using C++ and the MFC. It is 
> then
> registered to run with IE's explorer tree. I have code that does 
> this. The
> only problem is conceptual: How do you want to map freenet to a 
> Windows
> explorer interface. This would be a fun project if someone has the 
> idea for
> how the mapping might look. If anyone is interested (Aaron?), let me 
> know
> what you interface ideas are.
> Jeff Furgal

Cool. :)

Ok, here is what I want, in more detail:

Every key in Steve's Key Index must be read each time the internet
connection is activated, but the internet must not be used if a
connection is not detected, this way it only connects to the site when
the user wants to be online.  Then it should be able to read freenet, if
the freenet client is running.  If niether the freenet client is running,
nor an internet connection is detected, then the Vdrive should not be
actively accessible from anywhere on windows.  To try to access it would
bring up a warning dialog or something that tells the user to connect to
the internet and run the freenet client before opening the Freenet
Explorer Drive.  Or something to that effect.  It must also have the
ability to add keys to Steve's Key Index, but only if the user tells it
to, after being prompted, whenever a user inserts a file.  The user
should be able to add a file to freenet under any of the "directories" in
the drive, but only if that user is able to plug in the private key when
prompted during an attempt to insert a file under an SSK.  Perhaps it
should have the ability to keep a file handy for storing and retrieving
private keys, but the file should be encrypted with the user's own
password.  Yes, passwords must be linked to the inserting of files under
any SSK. :)

And it would be nice if SSKs could have shortcuts pointing to them, just
like any other Windows file.  Like when you create an SSK for the first
time, the interface creates a shortcut to that SSK calling it the name of
the user or something, like "Krepta's Freenet Subspace" or something. 
This way the user can easily get to his/her own subspace without haveing
to remember his/her public key.  Yes, the public/private keys should be
made to be in the background somehow, so that users don't HAVE to
remember them, or even have to see them unless they want to.

Also, the user might want to keep secret copies of thier personal
directory list, so make it so that the program can optionaly keep it's
own private keyindex when inserting files, so that these files can be
retrieved, but not by useing any of the keys on the public keylists. 
Also make it so that backups of the users settings, encrypted private
keylist, and encrypted private key file for his/her SSKs, can be stored
and retrieved easily on freenet.

It is all well and good to create an interface that makes freenet look
like a drive, but it is more complex than simply listing directories and
file names from a keylist and retrieving files from freenet.

And last but not least, the vdrive MUST be mapped to a drive letter, and
windows MUST treat it as if it were a write-once/read-only disk drive, it
must not be treated like a conventional network drive, because most
networks allow you to write over files that have already been writen
there by that same user, and freenet does not allow this.  Once you write
a file, it can't be deleted or overwriten, it can only be left there. 
Perhaps you can setup a function that allows you to set a particular key
as invisible if you want it to be, map it to the delete function or
something.  That way the system will not allow you to overwrite a file
even if you can&#

Re: [freenet-chat] Yet another damn 'permanence' proposal

2001-05-23 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

This idea might seem nutty to some, but I think it is a good idea,
especialy since one might want to keep files on freenet simply so that
they can access it later on another machine.  But I think it might just
be easier to setup a program that automaticaly reinserts certian files
that a particular user would like to keep available on freenet for
his/her own selfish reasons.  And if more than one person is doing this
with the same file, good, that just means the file will be more readily

So, for instance, a porn freak might want to keep varios favorite porn
files available on the net, so, he/she reinserts the files under his/her
own private subspace and keeps that entire subspace actively updated
often enough for the files to stay readily available whereever he/she
goes.  But the CHK would be identical to any other copy of the file on
freenet and therefore no extra data is being added, no matter how many
people are trying to keep a particular file on freenet.  It doesn't
matter how many SSKs are posting a particular file, as long as the file
NAME remains the same, that way you can do a search and easily find what
you are looking for.

A more socialy acceptable use would be a system backup which is encrypted
and inserted with a CHK.  Then you just have a program that reinserts
that file regularly useing the CHK.  As long as you know the CHK of the
file you can go to any computer, download the file to that computer, and
set up an updater there too.  This way an old backup that would only be
used by ONE user on the entire freenet could be kept on freenet
permanently for as long as there are active updaters running.

Perhaps nice people might be persuaded to setup updaters for other
people's files, for no other reason than to be charitable. :)  Who knows.

I hope the file spliting thing gets implemented soon on freenet.  Then a
huge file can stick around longer. :)

On Sat, 19 May 2001 07:23:57 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> OK - I *do* know that the whole Freenet architecture is dependent on
> ephemeral storage, and the ability of nodes to purge older less 
> popular
> files.
> But an idea came to me for how *some* files could be kept available
> permanently.
> The idea would require that some people anonymously volunteer to 
> work as
> 'Freenet archivists'.
> All this would require is:
> 1) For archivists - using an 'archive' program which copies 
> retrieved keys
> into a 'permanent cache' directory on their hard disk, and also 
> maintains a
> database of such keys.
> This is simple - archivist is browsing, and thinks 'i feel this 
> should be
> permanently available'; (s)he then runs:
> freenet_archive key_uri [-scomment]
> 2) For clients - anyone who requests a key and fails, can run an 
> 'archive
> request' client which simply writes an archive request to a 
> keyindex:
> freenet_archive_request key_uri
> 3) For archivists - run an 'archive server' program which regularly 
> harvests
> the 'archive request' keyindex and re-inserts any requested files 
> which are
> found on the archivist's permanent store, also logging such 
> re-insertions to
> another 'archive response' key index.
> 4) For clients - 'archive request' client can check the 'archive 
> response'
> key index (say over the last 2 days) and see if their request has 
> attracted
> a response:
> freenet_archive_status
> This won't guarantee permanence of all material, but it does give
> individuals the power to guarantee that materials of their choice 
> will
> always be available within a (say) 48 hour window.
> Summary - software required:
> 1) client - send archive request to key index, log this in local 
> database
> 2) server - add files to archive, browse archive, prune archive
> 3) server - daemon - read archive requests, reinsert keys found in 
> archive,
> log successful reinsertions to an 'archive response' key index.
> 4) client - daemon which periodically peruses 'archive response' and 
> seek
> items previously logged to local database.
> If no-one has any objection to this, I'd like to make it my next 
> project
> once FreeWeb goes beta.
> If someone beats me to it, I'll support totally.
> Suggestions - very welcome and appreciated.
> Cheers
> David
> ___
> Chat mailing list
> http://lists.freenetproject.org/mailman/listinfo/chat

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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal responsibility and filtering

2001-05-23 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 22 May 2001 22:53:14 +0100 "Patrick Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all,
> I'm learning to program and thinking of using Freenet as a back-up 
> resource
> in a project I'm working on.  I doubt this will ever have commercial 
> value
> but its an interesting thing to work on...
> The question is one of legal responsibility if some child porn is 
> dumped on
> the server.  Ian Clarke's essay makes clear his view that freedom of 
> speech
> and copyright protection can't co-exist.  But computers and HR 
> managers with
> the authority to fire you do comfortably co-exist.  Is some kind of

What does that mean?  The computer and the manager don't comfortably
coexist because the manager has total control over the computer.  If the
manager doesn't want something on the computer, it gets deleted.  If YOU
want something on the computer, too bad.  I am of course talking about
computers that are owned and operated by the company for which you work. 
If my dad were to install an MP3 player on his computer at Intel, he
would probably be reprimanded, and the program would probable be deleted.
 But even if he managed to somehow keep it a secret, they do automatic
hard drive wipes and software reinstalls like once a week on ALL
computers.  So, the employee has no real control over his/her computer at
work.  Just as a citizen has no control over the internet at large
because it is owned and controlled by Governments and large businesses. 
Except for freenet exists.

This isn't a very good analogy of the relationship between freedom of
speech and censorship.  A better analogy would be the relationship
between Fire and Ice.  Fire melts Ice, and Ice, by its very lack of heat
and it's water, quenches or causes the flames to die.  Fire and Ice can't
coexist comfortable, they are constantly absolute enemies.  The freedom
of speech is like fire, and censorship is like ice.  Censorship tries to
quench and kill freedom of speech, while freedom of speech tends to melt
away efforts at censorship.  To have a system that totaly supports
Freedom of Speech you cannot have any power of censorship.  To have a
system that totaly supports censorship you cannot have freedom of speech.

They cannot coexist because they are deadly enemies and shall awlays be
deadly enemies.

Freenet is the only online environment which truely allows absolute
freedom of speech.  No other system can do it.  Period.

> filtering possible to ensure that your machine either excludes 
> certain types
> of files? For example, .jpg or .mpg?  Or perhaps a way to specify 
> that all
> files that are not of a certain range of types simply don't end up 
> on a hard
> drive that I have resposibility for?

There is no way to censor something while also guaranteeing freedom of
speech, and you cannot guarantee freedom of speech while you are
excersising censorship.  You can only have one or the other, not both.

It is like guaranteeing 24-hour sunlight while also rotating the earth
around on it's axis as well as setting in orbit around the sun.  It can't
be done.  Or like guaranteeing breathable air while also reserving the
right to remove the air, replacing it with a vacuum whenever you feel
like it.  It can't be done.  Guaranteeing freedom of speech while
reserving the right to censorship is a lie, an outright lie!!!  Period.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Re: I've designed a global file system, it will obsolete NFS, Gnutella, etc. I want to be assimilated by freenet!

2001-05-23 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 17 May 2001 21:17:43 -0400 Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> David McNab ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Personally, I feel it's highly viable and desirable to implement a 
> Windows
> > virtual disk that interfaces with Freenet. I think Aaron was 
> flamed most
> > unfairly.
> For what it's worth, I wasn't flaming Aaron -- just pointing out 
> the
> reason why it would be incredibly difficult to implement his wish.
> As I said in the prior message, I think it would be a rather useful
> thing to have.

But the guys that created freenet are so much better at programming in
any language than I am, and surely as time goes by better programmers
will become interested in helping the project along.  So, my wish can't
come true by my own hands.  So what?  Someone out there has the ability,
and some day maybe someone with the ability will help out freenet.

I don't think it would be incredibly difficult for someone who knows what
they are doing.  The people who created Xdrive and Idrive and other
vdrive drivers for Windows 95 and above would find it quite easy to adapt
thier current programs to do what I propose.  The difficulty would be
convincing one of their briliant programers to actualy help out the
freenet project.

But that is for diplomatic types, which I'm not, so I can't help there

Any tool a user needs can be created, eventualy, in one form or another,
some day.  Why not just keep an archive of good ideas around, and when
the ability to create the tools becomes available, create them.  It's
better than just ignoring the ideas as being totaly rediculous or
incredibly difficult to bring to reality.  If you can't do it yourself,
give the idea to someone else.  If they can't do it, they pass it on. 
And so on.  Until it eventualy gets to someone who either CAN do it, or
knows someone who can.  Then the tool may be created at last. :)

Anyway, I've got ideas popping into my head along with lots of other
random thoughts all the time.  My brain is like a constantly moving
kaliedascope, or however you spell it.  It can be very difficult to form
a coherent train of thought and type it out in a way that others can
understand it.

Sometimes I can't understand a word of what I've typed for a few minutes,
and go back and start from scratch again.  It is very frustrating haveing
Attention Deficite Dissorder.  GRR!

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Re: [freenet-chat] RE: windows virtual drive (was: a really long subject line)

2001-05-23 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

The HTML version of Steve's Key Index looks very much like a windows
explorer window of a virtual drive.  The only thing is it has a difficult
interface for adding keys to the index.  And I can't figure out how to
add keys to an index useing the freenet cli client.  GRRR!!

An FTP interface would be nice, but it would have to be like a local FTP
server right?  Well, anyway, it could work out really good I think. :)

I have a local FTP server that I can setup to use on my PC.  If I had a
vdrive program for freenet I could add it to the FTP server.

On Fri, 18 May 2001 16:36:57 -0400 "Darren Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Personally, I feel it's highly viable and desirable to implement a 
> Windows
> > virtual disk that interfaces with Freenet.
> Agreed, that would be pretty cool.
> > For the idea to fly, there would need to be a coherent scheme for 
> mapping
> > Freenet keys into the hierarchy of folders and files which Windows 
> expects
> > from a disk driver. Also, Windows expects the driver to already 
> know what
> > files are already there.
> Over at the EOF project, I'm working on an FTP interface into 
> Freenet, and
> I've
> had to come to terms with similar issues.  As you mention further 
> down in
> your
> email, MSKs actually provide a pretty decent solution to this - you 
> can
> treat an
> MSK as a virtual directory with filename->key mappings, and links to 
> other
> MSKs can be mapped as links to other directories.  Of course one 
> would
> expect their freenet virtual drive to be more comprehensive (that 
> is, to
> encompass all of freenet, or at least a large portion of it) than an 
> server,
> so MSKs don't solve the problem entirely, but they could provide a 
> decent
> starting point.
> Darren S.
> ___
> Chat mailing list
> http://lists.freenetproject.org/mailman/listinfo/chat

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[freenet-chat] Tunneling for live streaming audio/vidio

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Is it possible to do Tunneling for live streaming audio/vidio without
comprimising the anonymity of the providers/users on freenet?  I'm just
thinking that if it were possible to do this, you could create a totaly
free cell phone network by creating Freenet node cell phones.  Each phone
would transport whatever voice data is being sent or recieved by other
people but it would somehow do it in such a way that whatever data it
recieves is re-broadcast with only a second or two of lag.  Sure there
would be a lot of lag, and the farther away from the person you are
talking to the more lag there would be, but it would be a free network,
which is definitely worth the one time cost of the phone.  Maybe you
could even setup a system by which you just purchase a disposable phone
for like $1.00 or something, punch in your private key, call the public
key of someone you want to talk to, then throw it away. :)

You wouldn't even need to give the phones access to the internet version
of freenet, just make it so they rely on other phones nearby for data
storage and transmission.  This would mean that each phone would have to
be on at all times and constantly waiting for data to retransmit in the
background, which would use a lot of power, but I am sure that people
would use that power in a cell phone anyway just so that they can know
they are being called.  I mean, my mom leaves her cell phone on 24/7,
same with my dad, but their phones don't DO anything but sit there
waiting for an incomming signal.  This way you can use all that
potential, and wasted, power and processing to help create a totaly free
calling network via a Cellular version of freenet.  You could call it the
Freecell network, or something.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Re: I've designed a global file system, it will obsolete NFS, Gnutella, etc. I want to be assimilated by freenet!

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 17 May 2001 19:19:47 -0400 Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Aaron P Ingebrigtsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I personaly would really like some kind of Windows Explorer 
> extension for
> > freenet that makes windows think that freenet is some kind of CD-R 
> drive
> > or something, you know, write once, read only media.
> That would be useful.  Now, get the Windows kernel source code and 
> write
> up a nice little FreenetFS driver.  Why don't you ask Billy Gates 
> for the
> source?  I've heard he's a really nice guy, and he's sure to lend 
> you a
> hand.

Hey, I keep telling everyone I'm not much of a programmer.  Why does
everyone always throw my program suggestions in my face and tell ME to
write it myself?!  What do we have progammers for in the first place if
not to create the tools that users want?!  I'm a user aren't I?  So why
should any of my suggestions for tools be totaly rediculous just because
I can't write them myself?

Ok, so it would be difficult to do since Microsoft is such a crapper, but
so what?!  Freenet obviosly has a windows interface programmed for it, so
how did that come to exist dispite all the crap built into windows and
spewed by Microsoft?!

All I'm saying is do something similar to X-drive, which puts a special
kind of device driver into the system that fools stupid windows into
thinking it is actualy looking at a drive.  My freaking digital camera
does the same thing!!!  My Kodak camera has this little "System Folder"
in "My Computer" which makes it look like I'm looking at a drive, when I
am really looking at the memory card inside my camera.  How can they DO
that when Microsoft is such a crapper and windows is full of so much crap
that writing anything at all for windows is nearly impossible?!!!

I guess we will never know how such miracles can occur since they are
beyond the capacity for mere mortals to understand.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Which is why . . .

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 15 May 2001 10:56:34 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> IMO, the death penalty serves to increase the incidence of violent 
> crime.
> The existence of such a penalty puts a chill into the community, and 
> sends
> the message that a government is capable of lethal violence. In such 
> a
> scenario, it's easier for a criminal to rationalise his/her violent
> tendencies.

Many crimes, violent and lethal ones, are commited in an attempt to avoid
being captured, tried, convicted, and executed.  These crimes at the very
least can be instantly eliminated by eliminating the death penalty.  If
you take away someone's hope, you make that person desperate, and
desperate people are capable of anything.  And they usualy do a whole lot
more damage when they are desperate, without any hope of a better future.
 Hope is the only thing that keeps prisoners in prison, not prison
guards, or bars.  If you had the power to sentence the population of an
entire prison in a major city to death, effective immidiatly, and actualy
used that power, you would find that prisoners will overpower and kill
thier guards and escape into the general populace.  You will also find
that they would do anything, ANYTHING, to keep from getting caught.

Thats what happens when you have legal murder in this country.

> And another point - it's not too hard to frame a person for 
> premeditated
> murder. All it takes is a bit of time, money, planning etc to put a 
> person
> into a situation where they can be seen as having motive, to abduct 
> them
> away for a while so they have no alibi, kill some poor mug, and 
> plant a bit
> of DNA, personal items etc on the scene. A bit of money will buy a 
> team of
> disillusioned (perhaps ex-) detectives who will provide expertise. 
> Maybe
> pull off a string of similar murders beforehand to get the District 
> Attorney
> all hot under the collar, and the public screaming for blood. Unless 
> that
> person is wealthy enough to afford an OJ-style 'Dream Team', 
> they'll
> fry/spike/choke for sure.

This is absolutely true, the system is no where near good enough to
sentence only the guilty.  I doubt it is even 50% accurate when you are
dealing with capital punishment cases.  

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Re: [freenet-chat] RE: I've designed a global file system, it will obsolete NFS, Gnutella, etc. I want to be assimilated by freenet!

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sun, 13 May 2001 17:57:44 -0700 "Josh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> My system IS designed to protect freedom of speech.
> Actually, my goal is to "make a global file system that's impervious 
> to the
> NSA."
> So yes, freedom of speech is very important to me. In fact, if my 
> dream
> becomes a reality, there will be unique challenges that the 
> (central
> security) organization must deal with. I expect China to be a much 
> more
> difficult case to deal with than America, because we are so used to 
> having
> freedom of speech. So I'm already aware of all the issues we will 
> have to
> deal with. That alone is a discussion in itself, but it will be 
> democratic
> and realistic.
> The method is a bit different than yours, but the results are the 
> same. I've
> designed a separate system, out of necessity, called UNI-ID, for 
> UNIversal
> IDentification. In fact, the security portion was the last part that 
> I
> designed, and I found myself with a unique challenge. In order for 
> the
> encryption and authentication features to work, there must be a way 
> of
> uniquely identifying end users and servers, and authenticating them. 
> Often,
> security requirements will kill an otherwise good design. The 
> location
> independence dictates security: If I can get www.cnn.com's files 
> from my
> neighbor, I must have a way of authenticating them, otherwise my 
> neighbor
> can produce false files, thereby rendering the location 
> independence
> useless.

This is achieved with SSKs isn't it?  Only the owner of that particular
subspace can create content on it, right?  And what about PGP?

> This is where the authentication system comes into play. It's also 
> the
> public key authority.
> I can tell you from experience, because I've been researching the 
> same
> thing, "distributed security" is an oxymoron. Only a single 
> security
> authority can make a global file system work. Respecting peoples 
> right to
> privacy is something that will be built into the bylaws of the 
> non-profit
> foundation which will run UNI-ID. I expect us to have a working 
> relationship
> with the Secret Service, FBI, Customs, and all the same agencies of 
> the
> foreign governments. I hope to use a "virtual law firm" model, where 
> end
> users may or may not choose to sign power of attorney to us. From 
> law
> enforcements perspective, you must have a good case with good 
> evidence
> before you ask us to

But law enforcement organizations are inherently very much against
Freenet-like interfaces and very much pro-censorship.  How could you hope
to appease them while also protecting users?

> I want to go into more details about the security, but you really 
> need to
> see the design to understand it.
> Basically, its psuedo-anonymous. Your account acts as an email 
> forward
> service, so the world can contact you, if you choose. But UNI-ID 
> does not
> contain enough information to identify the end user. If law 
> enforcment
> demands somebodys identifcation info, because they threatenend the 
> president
> for example, then the info we have will not be enough for them to
> immediately identify the person, only enough to reduce it down to a 
> set
> number of possibilities. Since this email is going out to everyone, 
> I wont
> go on for 10 pages to explain the details.

Hmm.  So instead of giveing them an impossible to find target, you are
giveing them a merely difficult target to find?  This is not good. Mind
as well just tell them everything they want to know.

> I've actually  invented 2 things, the file system, and the 
> zero-knowledge
> based authentication system.
> Ironically, the record industry will probably love this, because 
> I've
> addressed their concerns. Copyrights become a decryption issue with 
> my
> system, and the encryption keys (and security groups) can be 
> obsoleted, so
> once a private key is illegally distributed, it can be obsoleted.

Uh, come again?  How do you use a file without decrypting it?  And once
it's decrypted wouldn't you be able to store it as an unencrypted file,
thus makeing this obsoletion of encryption keys incapable of helping keep
software and music piracy down?  I mean, really, how does it work?

> One of my scenarios is something called "the anywhere pc", and 
> basically it
> shows how somebody can use the internet as "the primary disk", and 
> go to any
> PC connected to the internet and access their same files. The 
> location
> independence allows for this, so does the permanent caching. If you 
> go to a
> new location, such as Kinkos Copies, at first its slow  while your 
> files
> transfer there. But the permanent caching then kicks in, and its 
> fast from
> that point on. Your files are encrypted, so the local copies are not 
> a
> security risk. Because the internet is the primary disk, if you 
> don't return
> to Kinkos, after time the cached (encrypted) copies will be purged.

I would like this, make it like an NT worksta

Re: [freenet-chat] Re: I've designed a global file system, it will obsolete NFS, Gnutella, etc. I want to be assimilated by freenet!

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sun, 13 May 2001 15:01:22 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian
Clarke) writes:
> Josh,
> I have already sent you two emails - haven't you received them?
> > I'm in a bit of a catch-22, in that I don't want to give the 
> design out,
> > unless I feel you're open to merging forces.
> I therefore suggest you study the Freenet documentation so that you 
> can
> determine specifically where there is overlap.
> > I believe we have the same goals, but different methods of getting 
> there.
> > Before I disclose the design, I simply need to know if you're open 
> to
> > developing a new network file system standard, the byproducts of 
> which will
> > be the accomplishment of the same goals as freenet, but a whole 
> lot more.

I don't understand why a file system has to have anything to do with
networking.  It's just a means of storing and retrieving data right?  So
who cares what the file system is, as long as the data can be read and
writen by all the programs you are useing, and as long as the data isn't
terribly vulnerable to corruption or deletion either by natural events or
accidents or unauthorized users, it shouldn't matter what file system you
use.  Should it?  I mean, I am sure that some file systems are better
than others at protecting data, thats fine, but what does the network
have to do with it?

I personaly would really like some kind of Windows Explorer extension for
freenet that makes windows think that freenet is some kind of CD-R drive
or something, you know, write once, read only media.  And you can make it
so that it ads and retrieves keys from Steve's Key List server and stuff.
 It would be great. :)  Though I don't know how you would handle the
deletion of listed keys that no longer exist on freenet. :(

Maybe you could make it so that it keeps a DBRed key list only of the
particular Subspace that that user has created. :)  That way only that
one user would see that list of files and directories, but windows would
see each Subspace as a drive, and assign a drive letter to it. :)

Anyone used X-drive or Desktop Drive or Idrive?  They are doing similar

> Of course I am happy to improve Freenet, but until I see details of 
> your
> design I have no idea whether there is an opportunity.  You should 
> know
> that Freenet is the result of years of effort, and so while we are 
> open
> to new ideas, we are also very sceptical until we can see details.
> Additionally, you should know that if your work is to be 
> assimilated
> into Freenet, you will not be able to enforce your patents.  As I 
> am
> sure you are aware, the Open Source community is not a big fan of
> software patents.

Yes, we all dislike copyright and patent law.  Especialy those of us have
have been hurt in some way by those laws.  I'm not saying that I have
been hurt, but I have been frustrated.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Can you help me?

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Uhm, I don't know much about programming, and I wasn't aware that there was 
such a thing as Mpeg Layer 4.  Do you mean MP3?  I don't have any 
source code for any MP3 players.
On Sat, 12 May 2001 06:57:16 +0700 "Dinh Nguyen huy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  I'm a student in Vietnam. I want to programming to play mp4 
  format files. Can you help me about this ? Can you send me or talk me a url to 
  download a source of mp4 player ? I'm programming with VB6. 
  Please reply me soon.
  Thank you,
  Tran Quang Huy

Re: [freenet-chat] PGP signatures

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 11 May 2001 19:40:46 -0400 Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Aaron P Ingebrigtsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Could people just kind of post thier PGP signatures here?  It 
> would
> > be nice to have a list of everyone's PGP signatures under one
> > subject.
> *Why*?  That's what your public key ring is for!  (Not to mention 
> the
> public key servers)

But my keyring isn't public, nor is it updated from a central
location to which all freenet chat users add thier public keys. 
Also, I don't know how to look up individuals on this list on any
keyserver.  I don't know if the email address they use for this list
is the same as the key they generated.  I would like to just be able
to add the keys of people I like or trust whenever I want to.  And
that is most easily done when messages are signed, right?

Anyway, for some reason I can't add attached signatures to my
keyring.  Only keys that are inline, like when I sign my messages. 
In otherwords, Juno has no PGP plugin support so I have to use the
clipboard for encrypting and decrypting messages, and unless the
signature is part of the message text it won't work.  ARGH!

So it would be nice if people would, just once in a while, make thier
public keys available to people like me who are haveing some

If this is too much to ask, fine.  Just go about your regular


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Re: [freenet-chat] Re: Distributed Security

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Mon, 14 May 2001 13:35:30 +0200 "Stefan Reich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Josh wrote:
> >I can tell you from experience, because I've been researching the 
> same
> >thing, "distributed security" is an oxymoron. Only a single 
> security
> >authority can make a global file system work.
> Why, no. The way Freenet uses public keys to identify publishers and 
> ensure
> file integrity is truly distributed and very secure. It doesn't 
> require a
> central security authority.

Yeah, SVK>SSK is the most secure, and totaly anonymous of all the keys on
freenet, if you want to have some semblance of file content guessability
and secure, private, file insertions.

Why have a central athority for anything?  We all go through life trying
to figure out who we can and cannot trust, and we learn from experience
and from other's experiences.  So if you get a file from some SSK and the
file has a really nasty virus or webbug or something, then you put that
SSK in your "Not Trusted" list and tell your trusted friends about your
experiences.  And they will also probably add that SSK to their "Not
Trusted" lists.

I don't need anyone, least of all the Government, telling me who I can or
cannot trust, or who I must or must not trust.  It is totaly up to me to
decide that.

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Re: [freenet-chat] PGP signatures

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 11 May 2001 21:50:59 +0100 Leo Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 11:30:46AM -0700, Aaron P Ingebrigtsen 
> wrote:
> > Could people just kind of post thier PGP signatures here?  It  
> would
> > be nice to have a list of everyone's PGP signatures under one
> > subject.  Or you could just put your PGP signature on all your
> > messages. :)
> Umm, what would we be signing if we posted pgp sigs here? Do you 
> mean
> public keys?

You signed your message somehow didn't you?  For some reason I am
unable to open your pgp signature with my pgp program so that I can
add your public key to my keyring.  GRRR.

Anyway, I'm useing Juno, which doesn't support the Outlook Express
PGP plugins which you might or might not be useing.  I don't know.

I'm signing this message with my PGP signature.  I think that the
signature is determined by the content of the message as well as the
public key and passphrase.

If you can help me, that would be great. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal vulnerabilities (was: JRE License)

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Fri, 11 May 2001 15:32:36 -0400 (EDT) Aaron Guy Davies

> And with the possible exception of the arsenic thing, what of this 
> is
> different from Clinton? Or Gore?

Need I remind you all that I disliked Clinton and Gore just as much as I
now dislike Bush?  I guess I do.  I was never a supporter of Clinton, nor
his once-arch-rival Gore.  Sometimes I agree with Democrats, sometimes I
agree with Republicans, and sometimes I just disagree them all!!  Anyway,
I don't know for a fact that Clinton supported the death penalty or that
he supported the drug war, because I can't remember very much from those
years.  If he did, I dislike him very much.  Same with Gore.

Anything else you want to add to the list of crap that both sides
support?  Go ahead. :)

I am very much against certian things, and very much for other things.  I
have very strong opinions, and not so strong opinions.  And I'm also
suffering memmory loss, so a lot of the stuff that I would have been
upset about are no longer accessible, and so I don't think about them.

Just remind me of all the stuff Clinton and Gore stand for and compare
those to the things Bush stands for.

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Re: [freenet-chat] microsoft

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Mon, 14 May 2001 20:25:08 +0300 "Kalle A. Sandstr\"om"
> On Sun, May 13, 2001 at 08:33:22PM -0700, Josh wrote:
> > To clarify, I know that the Russians sole the code, because I saw 
> it on cnn.
> > 
> > And to any of my federal friends: Robert Hassen is spelled with 1 
> s.
> > Don't bother me, I have a file system to build.
> Oh, you tortured artist, you.  Stranded all alone in a sea of 
> idea-stealing
> intellectual-property-haters, with microsoft hot on your heels, 
> doing all
> they can just so that they could rip off your revolutionary file 
> storage
> scheme!
> When I was little, I used to stick these small bits of wood under 
> my
> fingernails.  It didn't get me the respect I OBVIOUSLY deserved, 
> though.
> Maybe that was because I didn't register myself a domain name for 
> the
> bits-of-wood-under-fingernails-hurt-like-hell-ow-ow-ow project.
> P.S. Did I mention that your mother was a hamster, and your father 
> smelt
> of elderberries?  Well she was, and he does.

Oh my, you are a very funny and very freakish person indeed.  I enjoyed
your message immensly. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] FreeWeb DNS Standard

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sun, 13 May 2001 13:41:47 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Example:
> 1) You have a freesite which is already accessible as
> 'freenet:MSK@SSK@ughughugh/pot-mart//'
> 2) You want FreeWeb users to be able to surf the site as 
> www.pot-mart.free
> 3) You insert a KSK key 'freenet:KSK@freeweb/pot-mart', containing 
> the data:
> 'Detective George Johnson's Cannabis Emporium'
> and the metadata:
> Redirect\n
> Increment=86400\n
> baseline=210100\n
> End\n
> freenet:SSK@ughughugh/pot-mart\n
> (you need to change the baseline and increment if your site doesn't 
> use the
> standard values)
> 4) Yippee! Your visitors can reach you on FreeWeb via 
> www.pot-mart.free
> Any questions - please ask.

Ok, how would someone like me, who knows nothing about metadata and
refuses to use MSKs, DBRs, or CHKs be able to add a site to freeweb?

Tell me to create a text file, how to format that file, and what info to
put into it.  Or give me a KSK of a real freeweb site.

Also, it would be great, awesome even, if I could get freeweb to work on
my piece of crap PC. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] Which is why . . .

2001-05-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sun, 13 May 2001 01:08:10 -0400 "Darren Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > imagination.  I don't understand how he could wreak so much pain 
> and
> > horror with so little thought.  If he must die, then he must feel 
> the
> He served a long stint as an american soldier, IIRC.  Isn't that 
> what they
> are trained (conditioned) to be able to do?  ("not human 
> casualties,
> soldier - collateral damage!")

Yeah, thats true.  We are litteraly creating monsters in the military,
but I hope their training also tries to balance that need to kill with a
need to help and protect the innocent.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Re: David and Aaron!

2001-05-11 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Fri, 11 May 2001 13:43:04 -0400 frankg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I wasn't trying to start a debate about copying
> software.
> That wasn't the point. Do we really need the SPA's
> attention or PGP's lawyers fucking with Freenet?
> You didn't see the irony about a guy posting a msg
> about being secure by posting a link to a pirated
> (oops that bad word again) version of PGP on this list.

Oh, yes, I see the irony.  It was an insecure message which exposed David
to the risk of legal action being taken against him.  His mistake.  But
how does that effect you in any way?  They are going to attack freenet
anyway, they have all the amunition they need.  Nothing we do or say on
here or on freenet will change that.

> Ok Mark, start posting your warez links d00D. Threaten
> the U.S. president like that other dork. Freenet really
> needs this type of publicity.

Ok, you know nothing about me, and you are calling me a dork.  Are you
still in grade school or something?

> People have been *oh my* censored on this list. Yes, I remember at 
> least
> one guy was blocked from these mailing lists.

Hmm, I have never seen you before, and never known anyone to be blocked
from the list, but I think people who go around calling people nasty
names and getting into stupid online arguments for no good reason might
become a candicate for censure.  Not that I like censorship, I hate it,
but I also don't really like being called an idiot or a dork.

> So don't call me the thought police. I told those idiots to shut
> up. I didn't block them from Freenet's mailing lists, which has
> been done by Freenet official members.

So if we choose to ignore you and not shut up, you would be unable to
control us, right?  You can ignore David and me if you like.  I have no
problem with that.  In fact, lets just ignore each other from now on.  I
won't read anymore messages from you, and you won't read messages from
David or me. :)  Ok, problem solved.

> Everyone loves censorship. Its a bitch deciding when its wrong
> or right huh?
> Remember the kid on the dev list who tried to remove the pedophile
> picture test.jpg with htl 1 attacks? Tavin Cole had problems with 
> him
> try removing pedophile pictures.
> Then we see Tavin talking about Think Cash, a way to prevent 
> spammers
> from posting to Freenet. I know spammers are worse than pedophiles,
> but... nah that isn't censorship. Nah.
> We all love censorship.

I don't like censorship, in fact, I would rather communicate with people
on this list securely useing PGP.  But, unless other people want to do
it, it will never happen will it?

The only kind of censorship I will ever support is the right and ability
to ignore anyone you want to.

So, I will now excercise that right and ignore any messages from you,
good day. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] Which is why . . .

2001-05-11 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Yep, courage is required to stand and fight.  As for stamina, I 
thought that was merely a physical ability?  You don't absolutely have to 
fight your enemies physicaly you know.  A brain can do so much more than 
merely direct huge muscles to pumel things and people. :)
Censorship is hypocracy in this country.  You can't have freedom of 
speech or freedom of expression if someone else has total control over what you 
can or cannot say.  Like flag burning.  You may not like it, you may 
be offended by it, but burning a flag in a disrespectfull maner is an expression 
of one's opinion, isn't it?  And all people everywhere should have the 
right to express their opinions in any way they wish as long as they are not 
hurting anyone else, right?  So flag burning should be perfectly legal, 
unless you are burning someone who happens to be wearing a flag, or something 
like that. :)
To think otherwise is to be a hypocrite.  To think that people have 
the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression, and then to think that 
they should only be free to express YOUR opinions or the things YOU think are 
right is total hypocracy.
As for Charleton Heston, I may not agree with him all the time, but who am 
I to say that he isn't genuine in his opinions or expressions?  Am I a 
telepath?  Can I read his mind?  NO.  No one can tell me that the 
opinions I express every day are not really my opinions, because they don't 
know, and can't know.  Maybe Mr. Heston is just a media act, a publicity 
stunt, but so what?!  Does that mean that the message isn't genuine, or 
that it is a lie?  Not necessarily.
As for McVeigh, I am against putting him to death by lethal 
injection.  I am against the death penalty in general, but if I were for it 
I wouldn't want to be humane about it.  No sir.  I would want McVeigh 
to die a long, agonized death by the most extreme forms of torture known to 
man!!  What he did to those kids, their mothers, and inocent families is 
beyond my imagination.  I don't understand how he could wreak so much pain 
and horror with so little thought.  If he must die, then he must feel the 
full wrath of the People who were hurt or killed by him!!  Period!!  
THAT is justice
I am against the death penalty for several reasons:
1) For the guilty, death is a blessing, not truely a punishment.
2) For the innocent, being killed for a crime they did not commit is a 
horrible thing, and the system is NOT good enough to kill only the guilty.
3) As for money, if we are killing people just to save money then we should 
be investing our money in rehab instead of incarciration for most of the 
convicted criminals in our society.  Are we?  NO!!
4) I think it would be a better idea to rehabilitate those who can be 
changed, and kick the rest of them out of the country.  And devise some way 
of keeping them out until their innocense is proven or something.
As for watching it, beware lest the justice system be transformed into a 
mere media circus, where the guilty are merely those who are most entertaining, 
and the innocent are those who have enough money, or are not entertaining enough 
to be overlooked or ignored by the system.
I have watched and read so much in my life about the depravity of the human 
race.  I know that the media we have today is all about entertainment, and 
not nearly enough about truth and facts.  I don't want to transform the 
justice system into another entertainment medium, where the people who are the 
most guilty are the most entertaining.  If you want to watch someone die, 
There just might be a problem, some kind of evil that could destroy you.  
On Thu, 10 May 2001 20:30:13 +0200 "Stephen Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Which is why it takes supreme courage, stamina and 
  dedication to stand up and fight for human rights and democracy.  
  Censorship never works, whatever the reasons for imposing it.  People 
  just turn a blind eye.  Just like guns and the 2nd Ammendment to the 
  Charleton Heston.  His is just an act anyway.  He isn't for 
  real.  Shoot'em up. And let's get that McVeigh dude on the web. We all 
  paid for it, we should get to watch.  Either that, or copy 

Re: [freenet-chat] David and Aaron!

2001-05-11 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 10 May 2001 19:22:20 -0400 frankg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ATTENTION: David McNab and Aaron P Ingebrigtsen
> Do freenetproject.org a favor and keep your pirate
> warez chit chat OFF this list. Don't post links to
> pirated software here.
> Here is David McNab advising node operators to 'take
> precautions', and in the next sentence he's giving out
> a link to pirated software on a public mailing list.
> Brilliant. Any other sage security advice?

Why?  They have all the facts they need to launch an attack against
freenet, simply because of the nature of freenet.  Not even because of
the stuff you can get on freenet.

How is talking only about the good things on freenet going to change
that?  It won't.

As for advertiseing pirated software on a public email list, that is a
risk the advertiser takes.  We all know this.  By saying you have pirated
software in public, you take the risk of being hunted down and punished
by the government.  It is not your risk, nor freenet's, but David's and
anyone else's who chooses to do what David did.

And anyone who sais that they are haveing trouble with PGP Disk, such as
I have, is not necessarily saying that they have pirated software.  Did I
say I downloaded and installed pirated software?  No.  How do you know
that I haven't purchased it?  You don't, do you?

Do you have to give proof of purchase for a piece of software before you
can talk about that piece of software?  I sure hope not, that would be a
huge pain in the neck.  Most of my software is shareware, freeware, or
purchased.  I freely admit here and now that I do have abandonware.  If I
go down in flames for haveing Doom or something, oh well.  As for pirated
software, well, if I can't pay for it because I have no money, then I'm
not STEALING money from the authors of the programs.  If I do get enough
money to pay my debt I will concider any pirated software I have to be
part of that debt and will pay for them.  Otherwise, I can't pay when I
have no money, so, back off.

If I get arrested and imprisoned for what I am doing, oh well.  I'm
willing to take that risk if it means helping other people to have TRUE
freedom of speech and freedom of expression.  And I'm willing to take the
risk if it means getting what I need in order to keep my computer working
and to protect it from hackers, viruses, and damage and stuff.  The games
aren't really worth the risk, but, as long as I'm risking it for a good
cause, why not have some fun too?! :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal vulnerabilities (was: JRE License)

2001-05-11 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 10 May 2001 19:45:02 -0400 Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Aaron P Ingebrigtsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Bush is about to cross the line with his activities.  Soon he may 
> actualy
> > hurt some or many americans, maybe even kill them.
> In what way would this be new?  The US government kills its citizens 
> all
> the time, many of them in the name of the "War on Drugs".  Since 
> this
> "War" is being carried out by the agencies of the executive branch,
> the president is responsible for it.

Ah, but the President is not all powerfull.  If he tries his best to stop
the drug war, then I cannot fault him on that.  But if he supports it, or
does nothing to stop it, then yes, he is at least partialy at fault.

> (And don't even think for a moment that it's acceptable because the 
> people
> who are murdered are "just drug users".  Many of the people killed 
> weren't
> even drug users; they were innocent people who just happened to be 
> in
> the wrong place at the wrong time.  You can find several incidents 
> with
> a properly worded web search -- the first one I stumbled across was 
> the
> death of Patrick Dorismond, 
> <http://www.cato.org/dailys/04-07-00.html>.)

Oh I don't think it is acceptable even if they are "just drug users". 
Drug Users are not the true criminals in the drug war, it is the
government and the big drug cartels who are the true criminals.

I think it is totaly wrong that bounty hunters have the powers of police,
but none of the checks and balances that keep them in line.  A bounty
hunter can just break into your house without knocking, or anouncing
themselves, without any warrants for entry, searching, or arrest, and you
cannot legaly do anything to protect yourself or your home from them.  It
is totaly wrong in every way that I can think of.

Putting up a bounty for someone is the same as putting out a mob hit on
someone.  Only it is somehow more legal because it is the government that
does it.

> http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/
> http://www.drcnet.org/
> http://www.cato.org/

I fully support stopping the drug war.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal vulnerabilities (was: JRE License)

2001-05-11 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

> What exactly is Bush doing that's going to kill so many people?

Hmm, lets see, for starters he supports the death penalty in a system
that kills innocent people for crimes they didn't commit.  He is trying
to get rid of a new Clean Water rule that drops the threshold of arsenic
in the water from 50 ppb to like 10 ppb, which is what it is in the rest
of the civilised world.  Arsenic can cause cancer by the way, and oh
yeah, IT'S POISON!  He supports the drug war, I think.  That in
itself is bad enough.  He supports the destruction of our environment in
so many ways that affect us directly, and very very badly.

I wouldn't be surprised if Big Oil, Big Auto, and Big Tobacco all have
him in thier collective pockets.

I'm sure there many more things that he is doing, but I can't remember
them.  I'll list them when I remember them.

I think I have listed enough reasons to dislike him, even to hate him. 
And I think I have enough cause to hope he gets removed from office soon,
by any means necessary.

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[freenet-chat] PGP signatures

2001-05-11 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Hash: SHA1

Could people just kind of post thier PGP signatures here?  It would
be nice to have a list of everyone's PGP signatures under one
subject.  Or you could just put your PGP signature on all your
messages. :)

Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.5.2


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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal vulnerabilities (was: JRE License)

2001-05-10 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 10 May 2001 11:19:23 -0700 Rob Cakebread <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  I am going to laugh my ass off when the Secret Service
> show up at your door.

Yeah, I'm sure you will.

And right or wrong, the Secret Service doesn't take kindly to threats of
any kind against the President.

Oh well.

If I have to give my life to save the lives of innocent people, good, at
least my life will have meant something after all.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal vulnerabilities (was: JRE License)

2001-05-10 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Wed, 9 May 2001 19:21:04 -0400 (EDT) "Mark J. Roberts"
> On Wed, 9 May 2001, Aaron P Ingebrigtsen wrote:
> > If he is trying to force people to do things, or not do things, 
> when they
> > aren't hurting anyone else, or the environment, but I guess I 
> don't
> > support him.  But I sure as HELL don't support Bush!!  I could 
> KILL the
> > SOB if I had the ability and lack of morals required for murder.
> Is killing someone always wrong?

Nope.  Killing is right when it is in self defense or self defense by
proxy.  In other words, it is OK to kill someone who is trying to kill
you or is trying to kill someone that you care about.  If lethal force is
not being threatened, then you cannot apply lethal force yourself.

Bush is about to cross the line with his activities.  Soon he may actualy
hurt some or many americans, maybe even kill them.  If he does, then he
should be punished to the full extent of the law.  And if the law won't
do a damn thing, then the citizens of this country have a duty to take up
arms and solve the crisis themselves.

I sincerely hope that Bush doesn't push things that far, but if he does,
I will be one of the supporters of any action taken by the justice
system, or the citizens, to stop Bush from doing any further damage.

And if Bush want's to take that as a threat, so be it.  If the only way
to stop Bush from hurting or killing innocent people is for me to kill
him myself, I'll try to find a way.  Even though I hope it never ever
comes to that.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Security - Legal Precaution

2001-05-10 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

I tried to create a 100mb PGP disk, and everything went fine up until the 
actual mounting of the file as a drive.  The whole PC keeps freezing up and 
won't let me to anything at all.  I have to keep turning off my PC and 
turning it on again.  I only have a Pentium 150 mhz with 32megs ram.  
What can I do?  How large of a file can I create and actualy mount?
Oh yeah, and KSK isn't secure, someone should insert a new key under an 
SSK. :)
And I am absolutely bursting at the seams to talk about these two books by 
Christopher Stasheff.  I GOTTA get it out of my system.  So, this is 
just a notice that I will be posting the info and stuff on freenet and then 
talking about it in a message or two soon. :)
On Thu, 3 May 2001 17:18:10 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Hi all,
  After my flight of paranoia, I've put my whole 
  Freenet data store on an encrypted PGP disk.
  This means that if my PC is powered down (eg in 
  the course of being confiscated), there'll be no way of accessing the Freenet 
  datastore without a valid passphrase - not even with valid Freenet 
  I'd advise all freenet node operators to take 
  similar security precautions.
  Windows users might be interested in using PGP 
  disk, which makes it stupidly easy to create an encrypted virtual drive as a 
  file on disk.
  I was fortunate to locate a copy of the 'FULL' 
  export-restricted PGP software on Freenet, via the key freenet:KSK@software/windows/pgp-full.zip (or

Re: [freenet-chat] Legal vulnerabilities (was: JRE License)

2001-05-09 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Wed, 2 May 2001 14:42:17 -0400 (EDT) "Mark J. Roberts"
> On Wed, 2 May 2001, Aaron P Ingebrigtsen wrote:
> > Forceing stupid people to not do stupid things isn't going to 
> work.
> > Forcing people to do what some bigshot thinks is smart isn't going 
> to
> > work either.  Just leave everyone alone!!
> And you supported Nader?

I have a very poor memory, I can't remember much of anything about Nader
and I don't know if his site is still up.
If he is trying to force people to do things, or not do things, when they
aren't hurting anyone else, or the environment, but I guess I don't
support him.  But I sure as HELL don't support Bush!!  I could KILL the
SOB if I had the ability and lack of morals required for murder.

> > This is total crap.  This is a kangaroo court and this guy is 
> getting
> > railroaded!!!
> >
> > I am very angry about this, as you can see.
> You must have some strong beliefs about judicial integrity to lash 
> out at
> a thought experiment. ;p

I have strong beliefs about the integrity of ALL authority figures.  The
judicial branch can be corrupted, and I believe that it has been, at
least partialy.  If that was just a thought experiment, fine, but you
know where I stand on that subject.  The burden of proof is on the
accuser not the accused.  The accused is NOT required to proove his or
her case.

But if it is a real case, then I hope very much that some judge with
morals and integrity can fix the whole thing some day in the future.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal vulnerabilities (was: JRE License)

2001-05-02 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Wed, 2 May 2001 23:31:25 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > D. McNab is compelled
> > to move to Colorado, where he's made to do punitive labor putting
> > "Keep this Bag Away From Small Children" onto plastic 
> Piggly-Wiggly
> > bags.
> This is one thing that Rebirthing and Freenet have in common - they 
> both
> strive to restore power to the individual, and incur wrath of 
> powers-that-be
> along the way. Reaction to the Colorado incident is testament to the 
> power
> of the media. Why? Because the 'therapy' used was not even 
> Rebirthing - it
> was a bizarre form of psychodrama. Rebirthing encourages strong 
> free
> breathing, it doesn't stifle it. To call the Colorado incident 
> Rebirthing is
> like saying that Freenet is a joint project between RIAA, BSA, 
> Doubleclick
> and Radiate. But, thanks to inaccurate reporting, the state of 
> Colorado has
> made it an offense for anyone to recommend the use of Rebirthing, 
> let alone
> administer it.

Well I know nothing about this incident or rebirthing, but I think that
you should be able to do whatever you want as long as you are not hurting
anyone else.  Period.  So if rebirthing is somehow harmfull to people,
which I doubt, then people should be educated about it's effects and
anyone forcing people to use or practice it should be arrested and
charged with abuse of some kind.  Otherwise, leave people alone.  If you
want to drive without a seat belt, stupid though it may be, go ahead.  If
you die becuase of your stupidity, so much the better for the rest of the
species.  If you learn from your mistake and get smarter so much the
better for the species.  Forceing stupid people to not do stupid things
isn't going to work.  Forcing people to do what some bigshot thinks is
smart isn't going to work either.  Just leave everyone alone!!

> It's chilling to contemplate the devastation that could be caused by 
> an
> orchestrated media campaign. Consider...
> "Jail Inevitable for Freenet Child Porn Hacker"
> REUTERS - Los Angeles, October 18:
> Freenet activist Fred Bloggs admitted in court today that he could 
> not rule
> out the presence of child pornography on his hard disk, including 
> images of
> children as young as three being sexually molested and mutilated.


> Counsel for the accused claimed that his client is oblivious to the 
> nature
> of the files in the Freenet datastore on his disk, since the files 
> are
> encrypted and he lacks the decryption keys. But on cross-examination 
> by
> prosecution, Bloggs was unable to prove that he had never possessed 
> the
> decryption keys.

The burden of proof is on the prosecution, not the deffendant.  What they
hell is going on here?!  Your not supposed to prove your innocence, they
are supposed to prove your guilt.  And lack of proof against is not proof
for, or vise versa.  Whatever happened to Innocent Until Proven Guilty!!!
 WHAT THE HELL?!!!  Lack of proof that you do not have the decryption
keys is not proof that you had or have the decryption keys.  WHAT THE

> But what stunned legal observers was the report of a technical 
> analysis of
> the accused's system. Software engineering consultants acting for 
> the
> prosecution installed the accused's computer into a small Local Area 
> Network
> (LAN), and installed the Freenet software with empty data stores on 
> all the
> other computers.
> Upon typing a short character sequence into the other computers, 
> the

Yeah right.  Since when is anything on freenet a "short character
sequence"?  Please, they are obviosly lying here, they are totaly
railroading this poor freenet user.  ARGH!!!  Even if all you want to
do is request hello.txt you have to type something like "frequest
hello.txt hello.txt" which isn't a short sequence.  A short sequence
would be something like "dir" or something.  And also how could you
request a whole bunch of files off of freenet with only a short character
sequence?  I bet what they did is they grabbed the entire keylist from
Steve's Key List, put it all into a batch file called "get.bat" or
something and that is what they typed to show how to download all these

> consultants' computers downloaded 1800 megabytes of data from the 
> accused's
> system, then proceeded to show graphic movies, including one of a 5 
> year old
> girl being brutally raped by several men. All members of the jury 
> were
> clearly horrified as these movies were played in court.

Why do these files need to be played in court?  So what if there happens
to be some really horrible crap on this guy's node.

Even if he did download these files, what proof is there that he created
these files, or that the creators of these files proffited financialy in
any way from the transfer?  NONE  So he might have a sick mind, so
what?!  You should be able to do anything or think anything you want to
as long as you are not hurting anyone else.  And I have not seen how
downloading porn hurts a

Re: [Freenet-chat] Freenet Newbie, Semi-capable Linux User, Directory Insertion Question

2001-05-02 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Wed, 2 May 2001 06:22:20 -0400 Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I believe that the START command is equivalent to "nohup ... &" in 
> the
> Unix world -- i.e., it runs a program in the background.  Or 
> something
> like that.

I've only used Linux/Unix in a very limited way, I didn't get as in depth
as I wanted to.  And so I don't know all of the different commands and
programs that the Unix world uses.

> > There is no "start" command in DOS or Windows that I have ever 
> seen.
> It definitely exists in some versions of Windows (at least NT).  
> I've
> seen references to it before

I am really amazed that I do in fact have a start.exe file in my
windows/command directory.  But is it usefull in DOS mode?  I wonder if
this program exists in Win95a.  Here is the command line output:

C:\>start -?
Runs a Windows program or an MS-DOS program.

START [options] program [arg...]
START [options] document.ext

/m[inimized] Run the new program minimized (in the background).
/max[imized] Run the new program maximized (in the foreground).
/r[estored]  Run the new program restored (in the foreground). [default]
/w[ait]  Does not return until the other program exits.

> That's untrue.  DOS can (and frequently *does*) have multiple TSRs 
> in
> memory at once.  Use the MEM command to see them.

The following modules in memory are being listed from Win95b's DOS CLI
window.  If I listed the modules in memory before being booted into
windows most of these would be there.  So, yes, I guess you can have
multiple programs in memory at once, but I don't know how many programs
like Mouse.com can be put into DOS's memory system at once.

Mouse is the only program that isn't started by the system or by
config.sys.  So, can you start multiple programs in the background when
they aren't designed to be TSRs?  Mouse is designed to be a TSR, but
other programs like Doom or Laplink III are not supposed to be TSRs.  And
what about task swapping?  DOS, as far as I know, does not support task
swapping, switching from one running task to another running task like on
Unix/Linux.  Is it possible that DOS 7 can do this?

Modules using memory below 1 MB:

  Name   Total   Conventional   Upper Memory
  SYSTEM  34,000   (33K)  9,744   (10K) 24,256   (24K)
  HIMEM1,168(1K)  1,168(1K)  0(0K)
  EMM386   4,320(4K)  4,320(4K)  0(0K)
  COMMAND  7,280(7K) 80(0K)  7,200(7K)
  WIN  2,480(2K)  2,480(2K)  0(0K)
  vmm32   13,584   (13K)  6,816(7K)  6,768(7K)
  COMMAND  8,064(8K)  1,056(1K)  7,008(7K)
  ANSI 4,320(4K)  0(0K)  4,320(4K)
  IFSHLP   2,864(3K)  0(0K)  2,864(3K)
  SETVER 832(1K)  0(0K)832(1K)
  DOSKEY   4,688(5K)  0(0K)  4,688(5K)
  MOUSE   17,280   (17K)  0(0K) 17,280   (17K)
  Free   638,608  (624K)621,040  (606K) 17,568   (17K)

> > > > for %f in ( *.* *\*.* ... ) do rem %f
> > Yes, as far as I can tell, it does not recurse the directories.  
> > IT!!!
> Try installing the Unix tools -- either DJGPP's set, or Cygwin's 
> set.
> Then you can write shell scripts (subject to DOS limitations on 
> file
> names, lack of "fork()" in the DJGPP toolkit which is DOS-based, 
> etc.).

If you can give me links to websites or files, that would be great. :)  I
just tried to get to Steve's Key Index and it wouldn't load up.  GRR!!!

> In a Unix shell, your command would look something like:
>   find . -print | while read f; do blah blah $f; done
> (And you can do more subtle constructions using "xargs", etc.)

I don't know what you are talking about here, I don't remember enough
about Unix to be able to do this.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Dumb question about CLI auto-redirects

2001-05-02 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Uh, what?!
Listen, every file on freenet is first a CHK.  No file on freenet 
exists that is not first a CHK.  CHKs are the "Workhorse of Freenet" 
If you don't want CHKs, you don't want files.  It is as simple as 
If you want to insert a file, it generates a Contenet Hash Key, which by 
the way is just as secure as SSKs because you can't change a file without also 
changeing the CHK.  All other keys are redirected to CHKs as far as I 
On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 00:22:06 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Is there any particular reason why the command 
  line clients (by default) automatically insert keys as a CHK then insert a 
  redirector to that key?
  Is there any real advantage to this - 
  particularly when inserting SSKs which themselves are pretty 
  Is there any real loss of security, or any other 
  disadvantage, in setting '-autoRedirect no' by habit?

Re: [freenet-chat] Dumb question about CLI auto-redirects

2001-05-02 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Uh, what?!
Listen, every file on freenet is first a CHK.  No file on freenet 
exists that is not first a CHK.  CHKs are the "Workhorse of Freenet" 
If you don't want CHKs, you don't want files.  It is as simple as 
If you want to insert a file, it generates a Contenet Hash Key, which by 
the way is just as secure as SSKs because you can't change a file without also 
changeing the CHK.  All other keys are redirected to CHKs as far as I 
On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 00:22:06 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Is there any particular reason why the command 
  line clients (by default) automatically insert keys as a CHK then insert a 
  redirector to that key?
  Is there any real advantage to this - 
  particularly when inserting SSKs which themselves are pretty 
  Is there any real loss of security, or any other 
  disadvantage, in setting '-autoRedirect no' by habit?

Re: [Freenet-chat] Freenet Newbie, Semi-capable Linux User, Directory Insertion Question

2001-05-02 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001 12:14:38 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Aaron P Ingebrigtsen (Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 04:53:10PM -0700):
> > If I go do dos and type "start" it will say that it cannot find 
> the file
> > or command.  So what are you talking about?
> strange... i can remember the old freenet-batches (finsert.bat 
> frequest.bat)
> used start.
> start [options] programm [parameters for programm]

Well in DOS there is no need for a START command of any kind in order to
start an executable file.  DOS automaticaly recognizes all command and
executable files by file name and extension and searches it's PATH and
current directory for any executable or command file that matches the
name you type at the CLI.

So instead of typeing "START dir /p" you just type "dir /p" and you will
get a directory listing with paused output every screenfull.

There is no "start" command in DOS or Windows that I have ever seen.

> and there's AFAIK a option that makes start execute the programm in 
> background.
> but then, i have no WIN and can't check, thus.

Well that would be nice, if I had such a command or executable. :)  But
then, DOS can only have ONE TSR program at a time I think.  And Windows
can start any number of programs in their individual windows. :)

> > > can't you use a for-loop
> > I don't want to use it anymore.  Why?  Because I have multiple 
> version of
> > files and I only want to upload the most recent versions, not an 
> entire
> > directory structure off of my hard drive.
> well, then it seems like you have to maintain such huge batches...

Yes, but I don't have any other choice at the moment.

> > > e:
> > > cd \private\freenet\website
> > > for %f in ( *.* *\*.* ... ) do finsert
> > SSK@bar/Krepta's_Freenet_Web_Site/%f %f
> > 
> > Actualy the correct command in the batch would have %%f instead of 
> just
> > %f, and it would insert under the key without recreating the 
> directory
> > structure, AND it would insert with the all CAPS DOS 8.3 names of 
> the
> > files, not the lowercase win95 longnames that they should be.  And 
> the
> > ... shouldn't be there, it will just make such a mess at the end 
> of the
> > thing.
> "..."  should mean "and so on"

Well DOS batch syntax doesn't look at it that way, it just looks at it as
a text variable input, which then gets passed to the command as "rem
...".  If the command had been finsert it would have tried to insert "...
..." as a key AND file, which would not have worked.

> > I tried this sinple test command at the command prompt:
> > 
> > for %f in ( *.* *\*.* ... ) do rem %f
> > 
> > And the output was this:
> > 
> strange DOS behaviuor  actually *.* should include each file in 
> this directory,
> *\*.* all the files in all subdirectories  don't ask me why this 
> doesn't work.

Yes, as far as I can tell, it does not recurse the directories.  DARN
IT!!!  It lists the files in the current directory in DOS 8.3 uppercase
format.  GRR!!  It could be an easy replacement for the DIR command, but
DIR is far better. :)

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Re: [Freenet-chat] Freenet Newbie, Semi-capable Linux User, Directory Insertion Question

2001-05-02 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001 12:14:38 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Aaron P Ingebrigtsen (Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 04:53:10PM -0700):
> > If I go do dos and type "start" it will say that it cannot find 
> the file
> > or command.  So what are you talking about?
> strange... i can remember the old freenet-batches (finsert.bat 
> frequest.bat)
> used start.
> start [options] programm [parameters for programm]

Well in DOS there is no need for a START command of any kind in order to
start an executable file.  DOS automaticaly recognizes all command and
executable files by file name and extension and searches it's PATH and
current directory for any executable or command file that matches the
name you type at the CLI.

So instead of typeing "START dir /p" you just type "dir /p" and you will
get a directory listing with paused output every screenfull.

There is no "start" command in DOS or Windows that I have ever seen.

> and there's AFAIK a option that makes start execute the programm in 
> background.
> but then, i have no WIN and can't check, thus.

Well that would be nice, if I had such a command or executable. :)  But
then, DOS can only have ONE TSR program at a time I think.  And Windows
can start any number of programs in their individual windows. :)

> > > can't you use a for-loop
> > I don't want to use it anymore.  Why?  Because I have multiple 
> version of
> > files and I only want to upload the most recent versions, not an 
> entire
> > directory structure off of my hard drive.
> well, then it seems like you have to maintain such huge batches...

Yes, but I don't have any other choice at the moment.

> > > e:
> > > cd \private\freenet\website
> > > for %f in ( *.* *\*.* ... ) do finsert
> > SSK@bar/Krepta's_Freenet_Web_Site/%f %f
> > 
> > Actualy the correct command in the batch would have %%f instead of 
> just
> > %f, and it would insert under the key without recreating the 
> directory
> > structure, AND it would insert with the all CAPS DOS 8.3 names of 
> the
> > files, not the lowercase win95 longnames that they should be.  And 
> the
> > ... shouldn't be there, it will just make such a mess at the end 
> of the
> > thing.
> "..."  should mean "and so on"

Well DOS batch syntax doesn't look at it that way, it just looks at it as
a text variable input, which then gets passed to the command as "rem
...".  If the command had been finsert it would have tried to insert "...
..." as a key AND file, which would not have worked.

> > I tried this sinple test command at the command prompt:
> > 
> > for %f in ( *.* *\*.* ... ) do rem %f
> > 
> > And the output was this:
> > 
> strange DOS behaviuor  actually *.* should include each file in 
> this directory,
> *\*.* all the files in all subdirectories  don't ask me why this 
> doesn't work.

Yes, as far as I can tell, it does not recurse the directories.  DARN
IT!!!  It lists the files in the current directory in DOS 8.3 uppercase
format.  GRR!!  It could be an easy replacement for the DIR command, but
DIR is far better. :)

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Re: [Freenet-chat] Freenet Newbie, Semi-capable Linux User, Directory Insertion Question

2001-04-28 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sat, 28 Apr 2001 15:35:59 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Aaron P Ingebrigtsen (Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 04:28:42PM -0700):
> > I'll put my batch files in this message.  It is easy to do 
> insertions
> > with batches, but it takes forever.  I wish I could start multiple
> > instances of the freenet insert program with just one batch, and 
> have
> > them all run simultaniously on my Win95 system.
> AFAIK you can do this with the start-command.

What is the start command?

If I go do dos and type "start" it will say that it cannot find the file
or command.  So what are you talking about?

> (hahaha... even CP/M supports starting programms in background)

Uh, this isn't CP/M, and DOS only supports background programs when they
are TSRs or when you are in an Miltitasking evironment like Windows.  And
I don't know if I can start multiple simultaneous instances of finsert
with one batch file.  I suppose I could create a whole bunch of batch
files then select the all from explorer and hit enter.  But thats not the
same thing.

> > @echo off
> > g:
> > cd \freenet
> > finsert 
> SSK@/Krepta's_Freenet_Web_Site/red.png
> > e:\private\freenet\website\red.png
> > finsert 
> SSK@/Krepta's_Freenet_Web_Site/sign.png
> > e:\private\freenet\website\sign.png
> .
> can't you use a for-loop

I don't want to use it anymore.  Why?  Because I have multiple version of
files and I only want to upload the most recent versions, not an entire
directory structure off of my hard drive.

> e:
> cd \private\freenet\website
> for %f in ( *.* *\*.* ... ) do finsert
SSK@bar/Krepta's_Freenet_Web_Site/%f %f

Actualy the correct command in the batch would have %%f instead of just
%f, and it would insert under the key without recreating the directory
structure, AND it would insert with the all CAPS DOS 8.3 names of the
files, not the lowercase win95 longnames that they should be.  And the
... shouldn't be there, it will just make such a mess at the end of the

I tried this sinple test command at the command prompt:

for %f in ( *.* *\*.* ... ) do rem %f

And the output was this:












E:\PRIVATE>rem ... ...

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Re: [Freenet-chat] Freenet Newbie, Semi-capable Linux User, Directory Insertion Question

2001-04-27 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:37:13 -0400 Rich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have been able to get the basic gist of freenet insertion and 
> requesting in a few hours.  No problems there. However, I've been 
> trying 
> to find some information on inserting an entire directory from my 
> computer to Freenet.
> Let's say I have mirrored the recent SDMI paper "Reading Between the 
> Lines: Lessons from the SDMI Challenge" in HTML.  This mirrored 
> directory simply contains one html file and some images that display 
> within the page.
> How would I post this to freenet so that I don't have to maintain 
> the 
> page like a site (i.e Snarfoo, gj's, etc...) and the images will 
> appear 
> properly when the HTML file is requested?  What about if the 
> directory 
> contains subdirectories (like an image directory or whatnot)

I will take this in stride. :)  I have a freenet site and I was useing a
combination of Date Based Redirect (DBR) and Version Based Redirect
(VBR).  Everyone else seems to want to use DBRs such as MSK@, but I would
much rather use VBR because my site isn't changed often enough to require
an automated DBR such as MSK@.  If you have a site like Yahoo.com that is
changeing on an hourly bases or daily basis then a DBR like MSK@ is a
good choice.  But for those who's files are not being changed very often,
and are being used again and again on webpages and such, a DBR like MSK@
is too much work and is pretty confuseing to boot.

I am now completely switched to VBR only, so in order to get the most
recent version of my site would would click on my splash2.html page, then
follow the link trail through the VBR.html files till you are no longer
able to get the next VBR.  Then you just hit the back button and click
onthe link to the most recent version of my Index.html page. :)

I use DOS batch and the freenet command line interface to do all of my
inserting and updateing.  I don't use MSK@ and I no longer use the
javascript based DBR which was setup to link to the VBR Index.html. :) 
I'll put my batch files in this message.  It is easy to do insertions
with batches, but it takes forever.  I wish I could start multiple
instances of the freenet insert program with just one batch, and have
them all run simultaniously on my Win95 system.

Anyway, once you have created a subspace, by inserting any file you want
under the key "freenet:SVK@" you will need to save the private and public
keys that freenet generates and insert your files under
freenet:SSK@(priv-key)/dir/file.ext.  You can use my batch files as an
example to follow. :)

If you don't want to have an updateable website, don't use the VBR or DBR
systems, just create a subspace and insert the files and forget about
them.  And only do reinsertions when you think the files might not exist
anymore. :)

Ok, here are the steps to createing a site on Freenet:

1) Insert any file you want to uner the key "freenet:SVK@" with nothing
after the @ symbol.
2) SAVE the private and public keys that freenet generates for your new
3) Insert files under the private key into freenet.
4) If you want to create an updateable site you may want to use a DBR or
VBR method of updateing, such as MSK@ or the older javascript DBR or the
VBR method I devised for my site.
5) Reinsert files if you think that they may not exist anymore on
6) Don't give up out of frustration, ask for help if you need it. :)

You may want to use FreeWeb which looks increasinly like a very good and
wonderfull program.  Thanks to David McNab. :)

Here are my batch files.  Enjoy. :)


@echo off
cd \freenet
finsert SSK@/Krepta's_Freenet_Web_Site/red.png
finsert SSK@/Krepta's_Freenet_Web_Site/sign.png
if "%1"=="" goto b
goto a

Re: [freenet-chat] Basic question about inserts

2001-04-27 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

My understanding is that a node sends a request to more than one node at 
the same time.  Maybe that isn't the case.  But if my notion is 
correct then that means that there is no way of knowing how many nodes your 
request has been sent to unless you sent it with an htl of 1. :)
Even an htl of 2 can mean that your request was sent to 6 or 15 nodes or 
something.  It depends upon how each node is setup and how many multaneous 
connections it actualy achieves in the process of sending a request on to other 
nodes.  Also, nodes can be busy just like any server or network 
system.  You may be able to get the file at a low traffic period of 
On Wed, 25 Apr 2001 10:16:06 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  When a typical file gets inserted, how many nodes 
  actually end up with a copy of the file?
  If I have htl=n, does this mean the file actually 
  gets cached onto n nodes?
  I ask because I inserted some stuff at a high 
  For various reasons, I've had to delete my 
  datastore, and now I can't retrieve this stuff, no matter what request htl I 
  Otherwise, could this be related to a high 
  percentage of nodes being transient?

Re: [freenet-chat] private key vulnerability

2001-04-27 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sat, 21 Apr 2001 20:43:41 +0200 nomad creaktop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> Hey 
there.> > I know this should probably be aimed at the devel list, 
but i'm not > > subscribed, and i suspect that most people on the 
devel list also > subscribe > this one.> > Is it 
possible that there is a vulnerability with the submission of > private 
> keys to in-freenet keyindeces while inserting the data for that 
> key.> > OK, that probably wasn't that clear, here is an 
example:> > If I enter:> > finsert -keyIndex snarfoo 
-htl 40 SSK@(priv-key)/image.jpg > 
c:\images\image.jpg> > then there is output at the end of the 
process that my key has been > added > to snarfoo under 
KSK@snarfoo1 (or a similar key)> this key can be retrieved by 
anyone> and i have downloaded such a key which subsequently gives the 
I believe that the -keyIndex command on the freenet CLI is only for putting 
keys onto a keyserver, not for inserting files into freenet.  So you 
basicaly told freenet to insert your private key into that keyserver.  Your 
mistake, not freenet's.  You should have put in your public key, not 
private key.  finsert -keyIndex snarfoo SSK@(pub-key)/image.jpg is the 
proper way to insert a key into a keyserver.  Since you already compromised 
the security of that subspace you will need to create a new subspace.
The key listed on the keyserver is the key you put in at the comand line, 
period.  I don't know if you can insert a key into a keyserver on the same 
line as the command for inserting a file onto freenet.  It would be nice if 
you could. :)

Re: [freenet-chat] private key vulnerability

2001-04-27 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Sat, 21 Apr 2001 20:43:41 +0200 nomad creaktop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey there.
> I know this should probably be aimed at the devel list, but i'm not 
> subscribed, and i suspect that most people on the devel list also 
> subscribe 
> this one.
> Is it possible that there is a vulnerability with the submission of 
> private 
> keys to in-freenet keyindeces while inserting the data for that 
> key.
> OK, that probably wasn't that clear, here is an example:
> If I enter:
> finsert -keyIndex snarfoo -htl 40 SSK@(priv-key)/image.jpg 
> c:\images\image.jpg
> then there is output at the end of the process that my key has been 
> added 
> to snarfoo under KSK@snarfoo1 (or a similar key)
> this key can be retrieved by anyone
> and i have downloaded such a key which subsequently gives the key:

I believe that the -keyIndex command on the freenet CLI is only for
putting keys onto a keyserver, not for inserting files into freenet.  So
you basicaly told freenet to insert your private key into that keyserver.
 Your mistake, not freenet's.  You should have put in your public key,
not private key.  finsert -keyIndex snarfoo SSK@(pub-key)/image.jpg is
the proper way to insert a key into a keyserver.  Since you already
compromised the security of that subspace you will need to create a new

The key listed on the keyserver is the key you put in at the comand line,
period.  I don't know if you can insert a key into a keyserver on the
same line that you insert a file on freenet, but it would be nice if you
could. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] state of freesite insertion

2001-04-19 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 16:24:49 -0500 Rick Dietz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm getting ready to move some web material into freenet and I'm 
> just
> curious what the current state-of-the-art is in freesite insertion.  
> There
> are several nice freesites up right now.  what are authors using to 
> insert
> their material and handle updates?
> -rick

Good luck trying to figure out how to do an MSK site.  MSK is a DBR that
I am not willing to do, at least not fully.  Maybe as an experiment just
to see how much I like it.

I am currently doing DBR (Date Based Redirect) and VBR (Version Based
Redirect) combined.  Though I am thinking of just going completely over
to VBR.

I use the DOS batch system to insert and update my site.  One nice
feature of MSK I must admit is the way you can easily set it up to
automaticaly redirect to the same page after only one update per week or
month or whatever.  You can even set it so that it uses a certain period
of time for constant redirects, like daily or weekly or monthly stretches
of time, then just update to 1 or 2 future increments.  Thats very nice.
:)  If you can figure out how to create an MSK in the first place. 

The first thing you need in order to put a site onto freenet in a secure
subspace is the public and private keys for your subspace.  In order to
get them you can insert any file you want under the key "svk@", and there
may be another way useing the command line interface, but, I don't know. 
Save the private and public keys that it generates.  It is important that
you remember that the public key is for retrieving files from your
subspace and the private key is for inserting files under your subspace. 
Never let anyone know your private key.

Now, to insert a file under your subspace you insert under the key
"SSK@(private key)/(directory structure)/(file)".  And retrieving the
file is the same except you use the public key.

I use two seperate batch files for my site, one for updateing all of my
files, includeing the DBR, and one for just updateing the DBR.

I used SHIFT, a DOS Batch command which changes the first variable of the
command line to the next available variable.  So when I type "binsert2
2001-4-18 2001-4-19 2001-4-20" the batch inserts my DBR,
(date)/index.html, under each date until it gets a blank variable and
stops.  If it gets nothing at all, it does nothing.  If I type "binsert2"
nothing happens.

When I do start doing VBR instead of DBR/VBR I won't need to modify my
Batch programs very much, I won't realy need to get rid of the DBR
commands at all.  It's no problem to just leave the command line blank
after the batch name.

My reasons for useing VBR in conjunction with DBR, and even useing it
without DBR, are:

1) It is easier for me to do.
2) I don't have a clue how to make an MSK and it seems impossible to get
any help from anyone since they all use Linux.
3) I want the ability to easily test my site links and pictures and stuff
BEFORE inserting it.
4) I want my users to be able to browse any version of my files, if they
want to, easily.
5) I want my users to be able to guess the contents of any file on my
site based on the keys that they are inserted under.
6) Because I want to be able to insert my site and not have to reinsert
it every single day.

If none of that makes sense to you, whatever.  That is how I feel and I'm
sticking to it.

Flush is just a batch I cooked up for deleteing all the temporary files
that get generated by freenet and other programs.  I don't like letting
stuff build up till I run out of free space.  Flush uses the Dosnix
command, RM, which you may recognize as a Unix command. :)  Dosnix is a
set of programs designed to work in DOS, only better than anything DOS
has already. :)

Here are the batch files, minus the actual private key I use. :)


@echo off
cd \freenet
finsert SSK@/Krepta's_Freenet_Web_Site/red.png
finsert SSK@/Krepta's_Freenet_Web_Site/sign.png
if "%1"=="" goto b
goto a

Re: [freenet-chat] Thoughts about Freenet

2001-04-19 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 23:06:42 +0900 Sam Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> My apologies if this is a already a well-hashed out topic, but I 
> don't
> see a FAQ for freenet chat, and I didn't see anything as I skimmed 
> some
> of the chat archives so heres goes.
> I have recently been looking at Freegle.com and I saw the various 
> porn
> and child porn files in the recent additions page.  I know that in 
> a
> previous philosophy document Ian Clarke talked about how there was 
> no
> established link between child porn and people becoming paedophiles, 
> but
> I think there is another angle to look at this from.
> Perhaps we might be able to agree that child porn requires the abuse 
> of
> minors, since we don't consider them able to give consent to take 
> part
> in the creation of the pornography.  I don't know if everyone 
> agrees,
> but isn't child porn the product of child abuse?

Not necessarily abuse, but yes, mostly it does involve some kind of real
abuse.  A mother of three has been emprisoned for putting pictures of her
darling babies on her family website.  They were like 1 year old or
something and being bathed in a little tub or something.  Explain how
that is abusive, other than embarisment for the kids when they get
older?!  My mom has done the same thing, only not putting it on the web. 

I am probably not remembering that correctly, but I'm pretty it was just
an innocent motherly thing that she did, not an abusive or pornographic

So, all I am saying is that it may or may not involve physical or mental

> I am very interested in the Freenet project, distributed search and 
> free
> speech, but I get an uncomfortable feeling when I think that my 
> Freenet
> node might hold child pornography that will get served up to those 
> who
> want it.  In the same way that people buying ivory or trafficking 
> in
> ivory are not necessarily directly involved in killing elephants, 
> aren't
> they providing a framework in which ivory will get shipped around 
> and
> provide incentive for elephants to be killed.

This is not a good analogy.  The Ivory business survives because of
money, pure and simple.  Freenet does not require payment of any kind in
order to access the goods, and, the goods can be freely copied any number
of times and thus are not rare.  Ivory is even MORE in demand for these
killers because it is illegal.  The more illegal something is, the more
rare it becomes, or the more costly it becomes to get it.  That drives up
the market price.  And that drives greedy peple to kill the elephants. 
The best way to protect the elephants is to make it so that Ivory is no
longer wanted by anyone, or is somehow being produced without killing any
elephants.  We now have nanotechnology which will soon give us the
ability to create organs, limbs, cars, and ivory tusks with nothing more
than the basic elements of which these items usualy are made.  A diamond
can be created too I imagine.

The distributors of files on freenet get nothing in return for the files
they are inserting, unless someone decides to donate money to them.  But
money transfers are traceable, so, if there is a Child porn provider out
there who wants money for the stuff they put out there, they are probably
going to get caught sooner or later.

> Perhaps I am not being logical here, but can't child abuse be 
> reduced by
> restricting the availability of child porn?  Maybe we think that 

The restriction of any information exchange is inherently bad.  Giving
any government or business the ability to censor information is giving up
the right to free speech.

> this
> can be logically detached from the actions of those running Freenet
> nodes, but it strikes me that in order to promote free speech, we 
> could
> have a Freenet system that only held text files, and didn't support
> image or sound files.  

This is not possible.  Any file can be transformed to and from a text
file.  Ever heard of UUE?  Ever heard of MIME?  Yeah, email uses text for
everything, no binary data files like .mp3.  Most email programs
seamlesly transform such files to and from Base-64 text encodeing such as

> Now this might stop people from making videos 
> of
> suppression by oppressive regimes available, but it seems to me that 
> the
> goal of free speech would still be met.  People would still be able 
> to
> express their opinions on any subject anonymously (if that is the
> objective of free speech), but child pornographers or distributers 
> of
> child pornography would not be supported, and I am presuming that we 
> are
> in agreement that we don't want to support them.

If you reduce information transaction on any network, like freenet, or
the rest of the internet, to non-encoded text files, that would be
extraordinarily bad.  Oh, so very very bad.

If supporting such files means helping the law to find and apprehend
child abusers, I'm all for it.  If not, well, it is an acceptable price
to pay for f

Re: [freenet-chat] Re: Justified Paranoia!

2001-04-19 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 17:49:46 +0300 "Kalle A. Sandstr\"om"
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 09:16:34PM +1200, David McNab wrote:
> > > And I am absolutely appauled at the British Licensing of TVs.
> > 
> > Other things in Britain are appalling.
> > 
> > Such as the new law which gives spooks total power over electronic 
> comms.
> > For instance, an MI5 official can approach *any* employee of a 
> company, and
> > demand all the company's encryption keys.
> > If the employee refuses, it's an automatic 2-year jail term.
> > If the employee tells anyone else that (s)he has handed over keys, 
> it's also
> > 2 years in jail.
> > Same for home computer users.
> > 
> > Sadly here in New Zealand, a new law coming in which gives not 
> just spies,
> > but also any police officer, the power to demand keys as well.

All of which is absolutely horrible.

> All of which becomes pretty much useless when use of
> http://www.rubberhose.org/> Rubberhose becomes standard 
> practice.

It would be nice if I could actualy install and USE rubberhose, but, oh
well.  I guess these developers think only fellow software developers
would ever be interested in it.

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Re: Child Porn (was: Re: [freenet-chat] Thoughts about Freenet)

2001-04-19 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 17:46:01 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Society needs to totally get off the belief that "suppression makes 
> problems
> go away".
> More generally speaking, government health budgets and health 
> insurance
> premiums the world over could be slashed if only people could be 
> educated
> and supported to flush up their suppressed pain, stress, desires 
> and
> inclinations.
> So many times, we've seen people totally eliminate diseases from 
> their
> bodies, even as severe as cancer, through gaining the courage and 
> procuring
> the support to flush up and release all kinds of "stuff" they've 
> had
> suppressed throughout their lives.

Speaking of stuff, how would one flush up stuff and get rid of it,
without suffering legal or social consequenses?

It is difficult enough just to think about one's painfull past sometimes,
but to talk about it with anyone, even a trusted church leader, can be
very overwhelming.

I find it much easier to talk over a chat or email or messaging system of
some kind.  Like when I want to talk about the few abuses I've suffered
from my parents or from other people.  It is far easier to let it out
anonymously. :)

For instance, I have certain sexual things that I keep secret, even from
my conciosness, as much as possible.  This is bad, from what I hear.  How
do I talk about it without getting abused mentaly or physicaly by people
who have the power to do so?

Did you know that we are all females in the early stages of development
before we are bombarded by hormones that change our organs and stuff? 
The penis and testicles and scrotum aren't all that different from the
female sex organs.  There are size differences of course, but the Penis
is like the reverse of the tube that goes up into the uterus.

It is possible for hormone imbalences to cause male changes in one place,
but not in another.  Therefore you can litteraly develop male sex organs
but have a female brain.  And yes there are differences between male and
female brains.

So homosexuality is really just the result of chemical imbalences dureing
development, which may or may not have been caused by genetics.  

And there is nothing to be ashamed of, natural error in physical
development, and genetic code, is a part of all living things.  Without
it evolution would be much too slow.

My ears developed incorrectly, they are too small and they aren't at the
right angle.  My jaw is also too small, my teeth don't all fit.  I had a
friend who was born with webbed feet, like an aquatic animal.  There are
dogs with extra toes.  There are humans born with tails.  There are so
many different kinds of things that nature throws into the genetic and
developmental soup that it really doesn't matter what stuff you were born
with. :)

Uhm.  I'm done.

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Re: [freenet-chat] new mailing list

2001-04-19 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 01:11:35 -0400 Tavin Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I propose the creation of a new mailing list, 
> for the discussion of these OT issues which are diluting the usual
> pithiness of the chat list.

What does pithiness mean?

And it isn't OT because a room devoted to CHATing is devoted to any topic
one might want to talk about.  Period.  There is no such thing as an off
topic message in a room who's only topic devotion or restriction is that
of "Chat".

I think it is great to be able to chat about anything you want, as long
as others aren't being spammed unecessarily.

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[freenet-chat] Freenet for PDAs?

2001-04-18 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

I was wondering if maybe we could make a version of freenet for PDAs.  I
mean, they can transfer data useing an IR transmitter/reciever.  Just
make it so that the PDA version can't try to store large files, only tiny
ones, like the size of about 157k or something.  I mean, most of the
programs and documents that PDAs can handle these days are not very big. 
You can't put a 60 meg file on a PDA.

Make it so that when freenet is running on a PDA it is always actively
searching for an IR signal from any other freenet-enabled PDA.  And it
would be great if it could run in the background so that you can do other
stuff with your PDA. :)

The downside is that the PDA would have to be exposed constantly to the
outside world  so that it can get line-of-site transmission.

The upside is that you can easily equip internet or otherwise networked
desktop and laptop computers with IR ports and special add on software
that allows freenet to communicate with PDAs and other similarly equiped
machines. :)

What do you think?

Also, I'm thinking of dumping DBR entirely and going completely over to
VBR.  Sure it might be a bit more clicking for users, but it frees me up
a LOT.  Just recently our phone was disconnected because of these massive
long distance charges that hadn't been payed.  UGH.  Anyway, I very
easily could have been unable to update the DBR regularly enough to allow
users to get to my site.  This would be bad.  So I'm thinking I could
just create a splash2.html page that doesn't do DBR at all, only VBR, and
put that key on Steve's Key Server.  This way people will be able to get
to my site and will never have to wait for a DBR that may or may not show

Tell me if you think users would be OK with that.  If not, I guess users
will have to be on their own when I am unable to update regularly.

I will still update all my files weekly though.

Also, I want to come up with some kind of reward system for those who
choose to donate $1 to me, or more.  I was thinking of makeing it so that
they can get rid of the ads on my site, but only after they have donated
at least $1.  This way perhaps I can get some money, and please some
users at the same time.  Kind of like selling something I guess.  Selling
the right to no ads. :)

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Re: [freenet-chat] Legal Issues of Freenet for Law School paper

2001-04-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Perhaps the good and bad of Copyright might be a good topic.  I 
mean,look at abandonware for instance.  It is illegal to provide 
someonewith a piece of software that is no longer being copied, 
distributed,or sold in any way shape or form by the copyright owners.  
So it wasillegal for me to obtain a replacement copy of Cybercon III by 
U.S.Gold Ltd., to replace the totaly damaged and unrepairable copy 
Ipurchased years ago from some store somewhere.  And I tried and 
triedto find the company and couldn't.  As far as I know the 
companydoesn't even exist anymore, and the copyright exists in some kind 
oflimbo, or was transferred to some other company or individual 
orsomething.  I have no idea.  And even if I were able to get hold 
ofthe company, they most likely wouldn't be willing to sell me a newcopy 
of the old game, and wouldn't even be willing to search for thedata in their 
old data storage media.  In fact, most companiesdestroy data that old, 
and the media that they are stored on.  Soplease, someone, explain to 
me how I am hurting anyone anywhere inthe entire freaking world by 
downloading an old game for a FreakingAtari wich can also be played on an 
old Tandi machine with a freaking286 or 386 processor! 
According to copyright law I commited a crime, either directly 
bydownloading the data, or indirectly by accepting the file fromsomeone 
else who commited a crime by makeing it available to me.  Howis this so 
incredibly wrong that anyone should be punished?  Who isbeing 
hurt?  How is anyone being hurt?!  I tell you here and now 
thatCopyright law does more harm than good, and efforts to enforce 
itthreaten to totaly destroy all of the rights that our ancestorsfought 
and died for.  How can anyone justify current Copyright law inany 
way?  To me, they can't.
How about the idea that privacy is not important, nor expected?  
Theidea that if you have something to hide from public knowledge, 
youMUST therefore be commiting some horrible crime.  I say that 
privacyis one of the fundamental rights that all human beings deserve 
tohave if they choose to have it.  And I say that any efforts to 
invadeone's privacy must be strictly controlled so that it can only 
occurif there is an extreme reason for suspicion.  This is called 
I'm not a law student, and I haven't completed very much 
educationbeyond High School.  At least, not officialy. :)
I may not know a whole lot about the law, or how it works, but I doknow 
that people are being hurt every day by the laws and the justicesystems of 
the US and it's states.  And I do know that I will doanything to help 
change that.
On Sat, 14 Apr 2001 19:00:49 -0500 "Chad Phillips"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I am a third year law student and a computer programmer. I am doingan 
independant study over Intellectual Property.  I haven't picked 
aspecific topic yet.  Does anyone have any ideas on topics for 
anIntellectual Property paper that would concern Freenet.  Some ideas 
Iwas tossing around are : legal liablity of node operators, who theRIAA 
might could sue (could they go after the programmers?) etc.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
thankschad phillips
-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for 
non-commercial use 

Re: [freenet-chat] Cracking CHKs and SVKs

2001-04-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Well, I don't know, but I do know that as technology advances, sodoes 
the technology to fool it. :)
So, as encryption advances so does anti-encryption.  And 
asanti-encryption advances so does encryption.  It is all just like 
thedance of life that happense every day in the natural world, only 
it'sall being done by humans, rather than natural evolution.
However long it takes for these new machines to crack one 
singleencrypted file, it will still take long enough that new 
encryptionalgorithms will be writen to replace the old ones before any 
realdamage can be done by the crackers.  I'm confident of that.  
If youencrypt all of your data, and messages, regardless of how 
importantor unimportant it is, then that would give the computers a great 
dealmore work to do, wich would take a great deal more time. :)
Current best technology is at least 10 times better than what I 
havenow, so, I am way behind. :)
On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 19:09:51 +1200 "David McNab"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:I 
saw a TV news item about a new generation of CPUs, which canapparently run 
at 30 times the speed of the best current technology.
Made me think about Freenet's encryption.
Has anyone worked out what order of magnitude of calculations 
isrequired to derive the CHK of an encrypted file?
Any idea of how long it would take, say, an Athlon/Intel 1GHz CPU?Or A 
high-end Cray?
What about other cracking - eg deriving the private key to match 
anSVK/SSK public key?
And how hard would it be for large agencies eg FBI, CIA, 
ChineseIntelligence, NSA, MI5, IRS etc to do this?
Just curious.
-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for 
non-commercial use 

Re: [freenet-chat] I need a few 'FreeGate's

2001-04-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

Your gate is going to be publicly known anyway due to datastores 
andinform.php.  Though it is a bit more difficult to harvest 
nodeaddresses that way rather than just looking at public email lists. 
As always, my node is open, as long as I'm online.  Just go to 
mywebsite at http://krepta3000.webhop.org.
If I am emprisoned or fined, maybe I'll just go over the edge finalyand 
commit suicide.
On Mon, 16 Apr 2001 21:27:42 +1200 "David McNab"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
writes:Hi folks,
I'm doing some tests on key visibility, and need to use a couple 
of'FreeGate's.(What's a FreeGate?)A FreeGate is a Freenet node which 
is configured to allow FProxyconnections from outside, to use the system as 
a Freenet Gateway.
If you have your fproxy/firewall etc set up to allow fproxy 
requestsfrom outside, and your have a fixed hostname or IP address 
(dynamicDNS is cool), please let me know.
I promise I won't thrash your connection or do anything illegalthrough 
it.I just want to get a feel of things, like what HTL I need 
forinserting to make sure keys become visible.
If you don't want your FreeGate address generally known, email 
meoff-list - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks so much!
-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for 
non-commercial use 

Re: [freenet-chat] music industry guy claims monitoring of freenet

2001-04-17 Thread Aaron P Ingebrigtsen

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 21:06:08 +1200 "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: "Mark J. Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, David McNab wrote:
> >
> > > Reminds me of the BSA's recent anti-piracy scare campaign in 
> Scotland
> (?),
> > > where vans with weird-looking antennas were stationed outsite 
> rail
> stations,
> > > claiming to be able to detect PCs running pirated software.
> >
> > I have a weird antenna that can detect bullshit!
> Maybe the following will quell your skepticism
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/14562.html
> http://www.fitug.de/news/horns/horns101100071208.html
> http://www.safermag.com/html/safer31/news.html
> http://www.xent.com/FoRK-archive/feb98/0055.html

According to that last article of email it seems possible for a PC to
transmit, though very very faintly, a signal to identify every piece of
software that it is running.  But it would also be possible to very
easily mask or scramble that signal with another piece of software, or
hardware, so it seems pretty pointless.

And I am absolutely appauled at the British Licensing of TVs.  That is
just wrong!!  Do they come and confiscate your TV if they find you
haven't paid up on your license?!

TV is free here because it is paid for by advertisers and Political
campaigns.  Can't they do that in the European Union?

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