Re: [newbie-it] Cos che sfrutta tanta memoria (lunghetto)?

2002-05-31 Per discussione ku68

Ciao LukenShiro alle 22:33, giovedì 30 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Il 30.05.02 alle 18:47, il notabile ku68 proferi' codeste parole:

 Ma, dato che finche' non si riducono le variabili in gioco avrai una
 bassissima probabilita' di individuare qual e' il problema, prova ad
 andare per esclusione: inizia a non utilizzare kde come w.m., ma
 magari gnome, 
anche con gnome ho avuto il solito problema...

 Altra possibilita' e' utilizzare un programma tipo 'cpuburn' per
 mandare a pieno regime (meglio ancora avviando piu' istanze
 contemporaneamente) la cpu, farla surriscaldare [attenzione che la
 temperatura non salga troppo, pero' .. dovresti tenerla sotto controllo
 tramite lmsensors, che monitorizza i sensori termici della scheda madre]
 e verificare il comportamento del sistema in caso di iperattivita'
 O in alternativa potresti svolgere un'attivita' impegnativa come un
 ciclo lungo e ripetuto di compilazione del kernel (non importa il
 prodotto finale, quello che interessa e' l'attivita'). 
Eh? Non so nemmeno come iniziare? ;-)
Grazie dell'aiuto

Re: [newbie-it] kde da red hat?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Andrea Celli

ku68 wrote:
 Ciao e scusate le domande probabilmente banali ma ho comprato la rivista perché in allegato c'è openoffice 1.0.
 Casualmente c'è anche la distro red hat 3.0 e ho letto che contiene kde 3.0
 La mia domanda è questa: è possibile upgradare la versione di kde di mdk 8.2
 con la 3.0 dai cd della red hat? Se sì come si fa'?

Credo di no.
Comunque, il kde3 di Mandrake e` fatto in modo di installarsi
a fianco di kde2, non in sostituzione.
Quindi tutti i pacchetti vengono messi in /opt/kde3/...
invece che /usr/...

Se anche gli rpm di RH sono organizzati cosi`, potresti farcela.
Basta dare rpm -qlp kde3-qualcosa.rpm per vedere come
e` organizzata distribuzione dei file.

Se i file sono tutti del tipo /usr/bin/.., /usr/lib/...
allora puoi provare ad installare cambiando la 
coollocazione. Dovrebbe esserci un'apposita opzione
--prefix per rpm. Qualcosa del tipo:
 rpm -ivh --prefix=/opt/kde3 file.rpm

ciao, Andrea

PS. Attento, comunque che e` gia` uscito kde-3.0.1

Re: [newbie-it] kde da red hat?

2002-05-31 Per discussione freefred

On Friday 31 May 2002 09:10, ku68, talkin' about [newbie-it] kde da red 
hat? wrote:
 Ciao e scusate le domande probabilmente banali ma ho comprato la
 rivista perché in allegato c'è openoffice 1.0.
 Casualmente c'è anche la distro red hat 3.0 e ho letto che contiene
 kde 3.0 La mia domanda è questa: è possibile upgradare la versione di
 kde di mdk 8.2 con la 3.0 dai cd della red hat? Se sì come si fa'?

Io te lo sconsiglierei.
E' vero che si basano su rpm, ma ormai sono due distro
differenti, a mio avviso.
In questo caso potrebbe andarti bene perche' quello del kde3
non e' un upgrade.
Il kde3 si installa completamente a parte, e IN TEORIA
dovresti sempre avere la possibilita' di scegliere se lanciare il
kde3 o il kde 2.2.
Il fatto e' che, probabilmente avrai problemi di dipendenze,
e forse allora dovresti incominciare a mischiare
i pacchetti mandrake e quelli Red hat.
Insomma, io aspetterei quelli della mdk.
Forse pero' qualcuno ha provato e sa qualcosa in piu'.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Luigi

1:Sei sicuro di avere tutte le ventole funzionanti a dovere??
2:Il tuo alimentatore è un 300W nel caso tu abbia un athlon?
3:Prova ad aprire il case e vedi se fa lo stesso difetto!
ciao auguri Luigi
- Original Message -
From: Ferdinando [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 5:48 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] Perché s'impianta?

 Ho letto i test. Da quanto ne so, il malloc significa, letteralmente,
 allocation, e quindi significa che non riesce ad allocare la memoria, se
 tutta almeno alcune locazioni. Cerca di fare lo stesso test anche sotto
 e controlla se non vede le stesse locazioni.
 Sempre per quanto riguarda win, c'è da considerare che è lo stesso sistema
 che si incarica di gestire tutta la memoria, e quindi, probabilmente, è il
 sistema che è in grado di riconoscere e saltare le parti difettose.
 Se vuoi fare una prova più drastica, leva un banco alla volta (suppongo
 tu abbia due banchi da 128 M) e vedi come si comporta il sistema.
 Ciao e fammi sapere.

Re: [newbie-it] wine

2002-05-31 Per discussione Luigi

Se ti interessa io ho provato Vmware e va davvero bene te la consiglio..
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 6:42 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] wine

 Salve ragazzi!
 Come avrete capito dal oggetto mi sto cimentando con questo
 ma non funge!
 ok dovrebbe emulare programmi MS-bindows...magari si rifiuta,o cosa
 ancora piu probabbile io non l'ho saputo configurae a dovere!
 l'errore che mi riporta è questo di seguito.
 Capite a cosa fa riferimento l'errore?
 Grazie degli eventuali chiarimenti

 Ciao , Tom
 [root@*** HOME]# wine /mnt/windows/Programmi/TinMessenger/TinMessenger.exe
 err:module:map_image Could not map section .text, file probably truncated
 err:module:PE_fixup_imports Module (file) socks5.dll (which is needed by
 C:\Programmi\TinMessenger\TinMessenger.exe) not found
 p.s. se servono altre infoditemenelolo'

Re: [newbie-it]UNBUBSCRIVE

2002-05-31 Per discussione kroton

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 6:34 PM
Subject: [newbie-it]UNBUBSCRIVE


Re: [newbie-it] kde da red hat?

2002-05-31 Per discussione giamgax

ku68 wrote:

Ciao e scusate le domande probabilmente banali ma ho comprato la rivista perché in allegato c'è openoffice 1.0.
Casualmente c'è anche la distro red hat 3.0 e ho letto che contiene kde 3.0
La mia domanda è questa: è possibile upgradare la versione di kde di mdk 8.2 
con la 3.0 dai cd della red hat? Se sì come si fa'?


ci ho provato e mi sono incasinato con le dipendenze. Me le andava a 
chiedere dai CD di mdk.
Domanda: è possibile caricare i CD di RH come fonti alla pari di quelli 
di mdk???
Se si come si fa???


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R: [newbie-it]UNBUBSCRIVE

2002-05-31 Per discussione rosanna

è veramente bella!
- Original Message -
From: kroton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it]UNBUBSCRIVE

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 6:34 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it]UNBUBSCRIVE


Re: [newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-31 Per discussione ku68

Ciao Luigi alle 16:06, venerdì 31 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 1:Sei sicuro di avere tutte le ventole funzionanti a dovere??
 2:Il tuo alimentatore è un 300W nel caso tu abbia un athlon?
ho un PIII 500
 3:Prova ad aprire il case e vedi se fa lo stesso difetto!
Mah a volte lo fa a volte no anche appena acceso:-(
 ciao auguri Luigi
eh eh ci vuole qualche macumba ... ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] lilo.conf

2002-05-31 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi

Tutto a posto.Grazie miKe   :-)  
Saluti da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: [linux] --- MODEM HCF ROCKWELL/CONEXANT FUNZIONANTE!!!

2002-05-31 Per discussione Arwan

Scrive Fabio:

(Friday, May 31, 2002, ore 4:27:41 PM, a proposito di [newbie-it] Fwd: [linux] ---   

FM Questo è per Arwan..
FM Forza e coraggio!!

Orbene... e' un secolo che leggo solo i titoli delle mail, per fortuna
che questo era in maiuscolo... ALE'! Un messaggio per me...

FM Finalmente è uscito un driver che riesce a far funzionare il mio modem,
FM lo potete trovare sul sito che
FM qualcuno di voi mi ha dato tempo fa. Adesso è uscita la versione 0.93
FM che funziona!!!

Mi ci fiondo e provo, anche se con la 8.2 ho altre cose che non mi
funzionano piu'... tipo la macchina digitale!
Prima o poi riusciro' ad entrare a regime!


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

[newbie-it] Cerco programmi per...

2002-05-31 Per discussione Arwan


Ritorno con alcune domande che feci secoli fa, cui nessuno (o pochi)
rispose. Ripongo le domande perche' sono ancora a caccia, magari
qualcuno di nuovo (o l'esperienza maturata nel frattempo) ha dei

1) cerco un programma che faccia quello che realizza Photoshop: in
particolare ho bisogno di gestire i livelli di testo mantenendo i
parametri (scritta, font, etc); gimp mantiene livelli separati ma per
quelli di testo, una volta creata la scritta, non da' possibilita' di
modificare, bisogna rifare tutto. Devo fare delle tessere
personalizzate, sapete che palle se ogni volta mi tocca impostare i
parametri e, soprattutto, controllare che le scritte siano omogenee
tra tessera e tessera.

2) cerco un programma simile a FileMaker, per gestire il mio archivio
di libri. Ho bisogno di qualcosa di semplice, ad interfaccia grafica,
dove personalizzare le schede ed inserire i dati senza dover
programmare o creare un data-base ex-novo. Avevo provato MySQL e
qualcos'altro, anchce se dire provato e' una parola grossa: l'ho
installato e non sono riuscita a farlo partire...

Nella speranza di far partire modem e machina fotografica, vi

A presto,
 Arwan  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie-it] pc che si pianta quando accedo al floppy

2002-05-31 Per discussione Luca

Ciao a tutti
ho un piccolo problemino con l'accesso al floppy, ogni volta che tento di 
scrivere sul dispostivo il mio pc si pianta brutalmente e per uscire da 
questa situazione l'unica soluzione è riavviare
(Quando dico si pianta intendo ke non è possibile muovere neanche il 
Ho notato che in /etc/fstab il montaggio del floppy e del cdrom veniva fatto 
col supermount:
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0

Ho provato a cambiarlo per vedere casomai fosse il supermount 
a darmi questo problema ( visto ke luken un po di tempo fa aveva detto che il 
supermount poteva dare dei problemi), ma nonn ho risolto granchè visto che 
adesso mi da errore nel montaggio dei dispositivi all'avvio. 
Il file fstab l'ho modificato in qesto modo:
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,iocharset=iso8859-15,ro 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 
0 0

C'è qualcuno che è già incappato in questo tipo di problema???
Vi sarei grato se potreste aiutarmi a risolverlo...
Grazie a tutti in anticipo

[newbie-it] Messaggio finale kde e suono con Gnome

2002-05-31 Per discussione nicola

Scusate la banalità dell'argomento, ma vorrei sapere se qualcuno riesce ad 
ascoltare il messaggio finale di logout in kde(2.2), io per quanto ho provato 
non riesco mai a sentirlo per intero, la lunghezza non conta, sembra che sia 
solo un problema di percentuale nel buffer che viene svuotato troppo presto. 
Inoltre sarei immensamente grato se mi sapeste dire come attivare gli effetti 
sonori sotto gnome, io sono riuscito ad attivare quelli di sawfish, cioè 
quelli per gli eventi delle finestre, ma in nessun modo riesco a sentire il  
messaggio di avvio e chiusura. Tramite il tool di corredo di gnome sembra che 
i file vengano accettati in quanto li suona, ma se confermo e poi rientro i 
files wav che ho selezionato sono ancora presenti, ma non me li fa più 
sentire, a meno di premere applica (ma cosa applico se non ho fatto niente?). 
C'è qualcosa da configurare preliminarmente? (tenete presente che non ho 
alcun problema di volumi settati a zero, visto che sotto gnome se suono un 
file questo funge!!) Io uso gnome 1.4 fornito a corredo di mdk 8.2, e stò 
usando ALSA come sistema sonoro, ma non credo che il problema sia ALSA in 
quanto mi si ripresenta tale e quale con OSS. HELP!!!

Ciao Nicola

Re: [newbie-it] pc che si pianta quando accedo al floppy

2002-05-31 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 02.06.02 alle 20:11, il notabile Luca proferi' codeste parole:
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
 0 0
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat
 user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0

Si', d'accordo che hai eliminato il supermount, ma cosi' hai tolto di
mezzo anche il devfs in fase di montaggio, senza pero' disattivarlo
seriamente .. probabilmente e' per quello.
Metti un devfs=nomount nel menu del bootloader (con il solito append
per lilo, e senza per grub).

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] pc che si pianta quando accedo al floppy

2002-05-31 Per discussione Luca

Alle 20:49, venerdì 31 maggio 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:
 Il 02.06.02 alle 20:11, il notabile Luca proferi' codeste parole:
  /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
  0 0


  /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat
  user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0

 Si', d'accordo che hai eliminato il supermount, ma cosi' hai tolto di
 mezzo anche il devfs in fase di montaggio, senza pero' disattivarlo
 seriamente .. probabilmente e' per quello.
 Metti un devfs=nomount nel menu del bootloader (con il solito append
 per lilo, e senza per grub).
Ho provato a farlo, il mio lilo.conf era fatto in questo modo:

append=quiet devfs=mount  **

 e al posto di mount (sulla riga con gli asterischi) ho sostituito nomount, 
ma non è cambiato nulla, mi da sempre fallito nel montaggio dei filesystem, 
potrebbe dipendere da qualcos'altro
PS: Visto che sei molto + esperto di me, è giusta la supposizione da cui son 
partito??? cioè che il problema sia il supermount? 
Ti ringrazio

Re: [newbie-it] pc che si pianta quando accedo al floppy

2002-05-31 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 03.06.02 alle 00:10, il notabile Luca proferi' codeste parole:
 Ho provato a farlo, il mio lilo.conf era fatto in questo modo:
   append=quiet devfs=mount  **
  e al posto di mount (sulla riga con gli asterischi) ho sostituito nomount,

il lilo (dopo la modifica e prima del riavvio) l'hai dato, veeero? ;)

 è giusta la supposizione da cui son partito??? cioè che il problema
 sia il supermount?

Direi che pero' il supermount _non_ e' il diretto responsabile dei tuoi
problemi: questo sempre partendo dal presupposto che tu stia ancora
usando il kernel mandrakizzato originario]. Se, viceversa, hai un kernel
naturale (non patchato -mdk; e che quindi non ha abilitato il
supermount) era quello.

P.S. vabbe' lasciare libera la fantasia, ma sei avanti nel tempo di
circa due giorni :)

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc1 ;-)

[newbie-it] Mailing list in KMail

2002-05-31 Per discussione F.Manini

Ho installato Mandrake 8.2 e KDE 2.2.2 con KMAIL.
Vorrei sapere come si fa a fare una mailing list. Nella barra degli
strumenti  in CARTELLA c'è l'opzione CREA che indica il supporto della
mailing list.
Non riesco tuttavia a capire come fare per costruirla.
Grazie Francesco.

Re: [newbie-it] pc che si pianta quando accedo al floppy

2002-05-31 Per discussione Luca

Alle 00:28, sabato 1 giugno 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:

 il lilo (dopo la modifica e prima del riavvio) l'hai dato, veeero? ;)

si fatto

 Direi che pero' il supermount _non_ e' il diretto responsabile dei tuoi
 problemi: questo sempre partendo dal presupposto che tu stia ancora
 usando il kernel mandrakizzato originario]. 
supposizione esatta, non mi sono ancora spinto fino alla compilazione di un 
nuovo kernel

 P.S. vabbe' lasciare libera la fantasia, ma sei avanti nel tempo di
 circa due giorni :)
Grazie per l'incoraggiamento ;)

Re: [newbie-it] Mailing list in KMail

2002-05-31 Per discussione freefred

On Friday 31 May 2002 18:32, F.Manini, talkin' about [newbie-it] Mailing 
list in KMail wrote:
 Ho installato Mandrake 8.2 e KDE 2.2.2 con KMAIL.
 Vorrei sapere come si fa a fare una mailing list. Nella barra degli
 strumenti  in CARTELLA c'è l'opzione CREA che indica il supporto
 della mailing list.
 Non riesco tuttavia a capire come fare per costruirla.

mh no, se ho capito bene quello che intendi,
quello che fa il kmail e' filtrare i messaggi mettendoli in quella 
cartella, che corrispondera' appunto a una mailing list.
non a niente a che vedere con la creazione
(e gestione presumo) di una mailing list.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie] 2 Q's about KWord: persistent margin settings; word count feature

2002-05-31 Per discussione Dimitris Ioannou

Hello Alan

You can create a template from a document name it
something (eg.Alan for example) and whenever you open
KWord it asks you which one to open A4 or anything
else you tell it to open an Alan doc. from the
template you just created. As for the counting of
words there is an option. Go to File}Statistics and
there you have it. You can adjust this option to be
called by giving it a shortcut on keybord (I use
Ctl+M, which is unique and not global or something
like it) you can fix this by going to Tools}Configure
Shortcuts}Statistics}Custom Key}Select Ctr+M or
anything you like as long as it doesn't mix with
something already used by the system globally or other

Hope this helps



 --- Alan Tu [EMAIL PROTECTED] :  Hello,
I'm using the version of KWord which came
 with Mandrake 8.2.
 1.  The default margins are too small, but it seems
 that I need to adjust
 the margin settings to my liking for each page. Is
 there a way to have the
 margin settings persist for all pages in all
 2.  Is there a word count feature? I cannot seem to
 find one.
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[newbie] Creating cds using gcombust from ISO image?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Jerry

OK.. i figured if i told gcombust to use an existing image (an .ISO)
(2nd option on the burn tab... just below Data files/no image) it woul d
create a disk extracting individual files from this image.. wrong?  i
guess so since when it was done i listed the contents of the cd and it
was an exact copy of the ISO file, not the disk that the ISO was of. 
what am i doing wrong here?  any ideas?  thanks.. or .. just point me to
the right howto/man page since i've been browsing for hours and reading
things that seem to have nothing to do with what i'm looking for. 
thanks :-)


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione Brian Koppe

I don't understand the concept behind a United Linux distribution, BUT I 
do think it would be wonderful if all the Linux distros would get 
together in concert and decide on unified standards.  There are too many 
differences with how they work.  Granted, there will always be things 
that each distro does themselves, and maybe even would prefer not to 
share, but they need to all get together and agree on a directory 
structure, etc etc.  I think this will be a good step towards that if 
the other distros get in on it too.  The other fruits of UL, however, I 
am not as thrilled about.

Brian says:
Use Mozilla for your browsing, e-mail, and IRC needs!
v 0.9.9 available for free at

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Re: [newbie] Unreal

2002-05-31 Per discussione Brian Koppe

Well, I was talking about Unreal. If I had been talking about Unreal 
Tournament, I would have said UT or Unreal Tournament.


Ok, that's what I thought - I was thrown off by your mention of the 


Brian says:
Use Mozilla for your browsing, e-mail, and IRC needs!
v 0.9.9 available for free at

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Re: [newbie] Open Office 1.0 Printing problem

2002-05-31 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Thursday 30 May 2002 2:21 pm, Roland Hughes wrote:
 Is anyone having printing problems with OO1.0. I can print out of every
 other app but nothing comes out of OO. I have set the printers up and it
 will see the printers I have set up under the cups print system but
 nothing is queued up even though it acts like it is printing properly.


Try using a different font.  I had that issue with the Ooffice647D (?)  
provided with Mandrake 8.2. Depending on the font I used the job would go to 
the printer and then fail. (Try looking at the print job  manager at 
http://localhost:631 to confirm the jobs are going to the printer)

Since I moved to Ooffice1.0 (compiled by ranger ) I 
have not had a problem.


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Re: [newbie] How to fax a document?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Thursday 30 May 2002 10:39 pm, Josef Lowder wrote:
 What are the quickest, easiest, and/or best ways to send a fax from
 Mandrake Linux 8.1?

 1. Is it possible to fax a text file directly from the command line? How?

 2. How does one setup the system to fax a document as a print output from
 the K text editor (or from KWord or from any other text/word processor)?

 3. I just installed Win4Lin (terrific program! for only $49) so I can use
 Pagemaker 6.0 until I can find and figure out how to use something Linux
 based that would be equivalent to Pagemaker.  So, how do I configure a
 printer so that I can send a Pagemaker document as a fax?

 Any help anyone can provide on any or all of the above variants of this
 same question would be very much appreciated.

 Joe Lowder
 Mesa, Arizona

 PS: I hope to get as completely converted to Linux as possible, but until I
 can achieve that goal, Win4Lin is a fantastic transitional product! 
 Anybody else out there using it?

Printing to fax is actually easier than most people think. All you need to do 
is install the efax rpm.
If you are using the CUPS printing system you will notice that in addition to 
your real printer you have three 'pseudo printers' to print to pdf, email, 
and fax.
To configure the fax pseudo printer KmenuApplicationsSend a Fax
This will open the 'Send a Fax' GUI select 'Settings' anter your fax details 
and in the 'System' pane select 'efax System'
The command should look something like mine
/usr/bin/fax NAME=%user DEV=%dev PAGE=%page FROM=%from send %res %number 

By default it will try to use the modem on /dev/modem  if you want to use a 
specific serial port set that up in the 'Fax' pane.

Now to send a fax from your applications simply select the pseudo fax printer, 
and a GUI will pop up asking where to send the fax.

One word of warning.  If you use a font not understood by ghostscript the fax 
will fail in the conversion stage to postscript.

Also if you want to print a fax or pdf  from Openoffice in a root terminal
cd /usr/lib/openoffice/program

Add a printer and make the print command
qtcups --stdin

Now you will have an extra printer in Openoffice which when selected will 
offer you all the pseudo printers.



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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Thursday 30 May 2002 8:48 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 shane wrote:
  On Wednesday 29 May 2002 09:44 pm, Damian G did speak unto the huddled
  masses, saying:
  another part of the problem is that since the sooftware can be obtained
  free, the support by those who (usually) know it best is what should be
  charged for.  yes, there is still great user support, but sometimes you
  need more.  look at it as the evolution of free trade on the net.

 OK - but in Wins, I can manage most things, and visit a friendly
 professional for paid help when I'm really stuck.  Where do I find a
 similar expert in linux, where I could take my box in on a Saturday
 morning and spend an hour or two watching, talking, listening and learning?

 Perhaps we need some sort of directory of such help.  There must be
 someone here in West Yorkshire, but I've not come across him/her.


Of course there is :-)

Just take along all your computers and lan cables to the next meeting.


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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Sorry for the delay replying Anne I was busy upgrading to KDE3.01 (its very 


 Ping - the situation is complicated, when Mdk is running.  Under W2K
 serving ping is OK and reasonable speed.  Under Mdk, however -

 From W98 m/cs - ping by number is fast and returns 1 ms round trip.
 Ping by name gives similar statistics, but there is a delay of 1 3/4
 minutes before anything appears on screen!

 From my m/c, ping by number is no problem.  Ping by name does not work at
 all - 'unknown host Andy'.

 Does this suggest anything?


So your cabling/ethernet adapters are fine, but name lookup on the segment is 
really slow. This implies the Win98 machine is trying to resolve host names 
from lots of places before finally giving up and asking the linux box. The 
configuration advice Gerald gave you yesterday looks good. Adding the Linux 
machine to the Windows DNS list will enable it to resolve host names on the 
local segment.   Once it has learned the name it will persist until it 
eventually expires from the cache. In any case DNS name lookup is not used 
for Samba which will learn 'Netbios' names in response to a poll. (I think)

If 'Andy' is the Netbios name of the remote computer I do not think you can 
use that in a ping unless you configure nss_wins in the Linux machine as 
described in rangers comment to this post

But thats quite exotic. You do not need to install nss_wins in order to get 
Samba working.

Have you managed to access shares on the Windows computer yet using komba2 or 
konqueror as described in that link I sent you?


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Re: [newbie] Creating cds using gcombust from ISO image?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 16:18, Jerry wrote:
 OK.. i figured if i told gcombust to use an existing image (an .ISO)
 (2nd option on the burn tab... just below Data files/no image) it woul d
 create a disk extracting individual files from this image.. wrong?  i
 guess so since when it was done i listed the contents of the cd and it
 was an exact copy of the ISO file, not the disk that the ISO was of. 
 what am i doing wrong here?  any ideas?  thanks.. or .. just point me to
 the right howto/man page since i've been browsing for hours and reading
 things that seem to have nothing to do with what i'm looking for. 
 thanks :-)

So, you entered the name of the iso in the text box and then clicked on
the combust button at the bottom? Weird. are you sure the iso is good? 

Just a thought, but you didn't select the iso file in the data files
tab? I doubt it, but that is about the only other thing i can think of
that would cause what you describe.

Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] How to fax a document?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Manuel Soto

But, how can I make the pseudo printer. I have efax  cups and fax2cups
but I don know how to create a pseudo printer.

On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 08:53, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Thursday 30 May 2002 10:39 pm, Josef Lowder wrote:
  What are the quickest, easiest, and/or best ways to send a fax from
  Mandrake Linux 8.1?
  1. Is it possible to fax a text file directly from the command line? How?
  2. How does one setup the system to fax a document as a print output from
  the K text editor (or from KWord or from any other text/word processor)?
  3. I just installed Win4Lin (terrific program! for only $49) so I can use
  Pagemaker 6.0 until I can find and figure out how to use something Linux
  based that would be equivalent to Pagemaker.  So, how do I configure a
  printer so that I can send a Pagemaker document as a fax?
  Any help anyone can provide on any or all of the above variants of this
  same question would be very much appreciated.
  Joe Lowder
  Mesa, Arizona
  PS: I hope to get as completely converted to Linux as possible, but until I
  can achieve that goal, Win4Lin is a fantastic transitional product! 
  Anybody else out there using it?
 Printing to fax is actually easier than most people think. All you need to do 
 is install the efax rpm.
 If you are using the CUPS printing system you will notice that in addition to 
 your real printer you have three 'pseudo printers' to print to pdf, email, 
 and fax.
 To configure the fax pseudo printer KmenuApplicationsSend a Fax
 This will open the 'Send a Fax' GUI select 'Settings' anter your fax details 
 and in the 'System' pane select 'efax System'
 The command should look something like mine
 /usr/bin/fax NAME=%user DEV=%dev PAGE=%page FROM=%from send %res %number 
 By default it will try to use the modem on /dev/modem  if you want to use a 
 specific serial port set that up in the 'Fax' pane.
 Now to send a fax from your applications simply select the pseudo fax printer, 
 and a GUI will pop up asking where to send the fax.
 One word of warning.  If you use a font not understood by ghostscript the fax 
 will fail in the conversion stage to postscript.
 Also if you want to print a fax or pdf  from Openoffice in a root terminal
 cd /usr/lib/openoffice/program
 Add a printer and make the print command
 qtcups --stdin
 Now you will have an extra printer in Openoffice which when selected will 
 offer you all the pseudo printers.

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[newbie] KMail addressbook backups / LM8.2

2002-05-31 Per discussione John Richard Smith

I had no trouble creating my kmail addressbook from my old 
netscape.ldif  file.

Since then of course I have gone on to create more new addresses.

I back up to the kab file in home/.kde/share/apps/kab/addressbook.kab
and subsequently restore it via the kmail-file-addressbook -import 
etc but this always fails.

There is kmail - file - import but no catagory for importing 
addressbook.kab files.

So how does one import address.kab addressbook files to kmail ?

John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie] (Most) Linuxes unite

2002-05-31 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

From what I have read they are not interested in the desktop side
anyway, only the server. Also Mandrake have been contacted, but after
the signing of the deal, but the same time as redhat.


-Original Message-
From: Robin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] (Most) Linuxes unite

I'm all in favour of distros uniting if they're offering basically the
same thing, but the diversity of distros is one of the strengths of
Linux.  The average First World home user doesn't want the same distro
as the impoverished hacker trying to set up a server on an i386, and
neither of them need the NSA's Crack me and I blow off your balls
distro (sorry, I forget the actual name).

/start{flamebait} OTOH, what I would realy like to see is the GNOME
people finally accepting that the Qt widgetsa are better./end{flamebait}

Sir Robin

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 02:18, shane wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 May 2002 03:52 pm, Miark opened a general hailing
 and transmitted to all open stations:
  Linux distributors including Caldera, SuSE and TurboLinux
  are expected to join forces tomorrow to unite on a common
  distribution... The US CEO for Mandrake - the most popular
 i noticed this too.  an interesting thought, one of the things i like
 linux, and indeed all OSS, is the evolution of it.  with so many
 programers, and users who actively contribute to the community, you
 features in your software that users ask for, rather than features
 managers think look cool.
 in turn, the best of breed have a chance to win out.  mandrake is
 mentioned in the group.  could it be they are not fighting redhat
 mandrake does have the desktop lead.  do these other companies see it
as a 
 redhat/mandrake world they are fighting?
 if so, will this be a matter of standards only, or will theses
 effectivly merge?  and how does this reflect the stock question that
 come up in another thread?  if everyone sees you as the competition
 that mean you are succeeding?  or about to be cut out?
 can't wait for the announce. and mandrakes reply.
 If Microsoft is innovative in any area, it is in creating new forms
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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione Marc

OK - but in Wins, I can manage most things, and visit a friendly 
professional for paid help when I'm really stuck.  Where do I find a 
similar expert in linux, where I could take my box in on a Saturday 
morning and spend an hour or two watching, talking, listening and learning?

Perhaps we need some sort of directory of such help.  There must be 
someone here in West Yorkshire, but I've not come across him/her.


   Well this might not help you right away but the growth rate of Linux seems to be 
fast enough that that local professional help should be avalable soon, just a matter 
of time. Maybe any day or maybe a few years. If you do a search and find the 
statistics for linux growth and extend the curve into the future a bit I think that 
will see that more local help is not to far off in the future.
   Maybe it's time to start a local users groupe in your area.


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Re: [newbie] Samba - Half there?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Thursday 30 May 2002 8:10 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Quote from O'Reilly's Samba book:

Gosh.. you are keen.  ;-)

 If you are presented with a dialog requesting the password for a user
 IPC$, then Samba did not accept the password that was sent from the

 I presume this means that the client m/c sent the Win login and
 password, but it was refused, so requesting a new one?

 It goes on to say

 If you are using Windows 98 or Windows NT Service Pack 3 or above, this
 is probably because the client is sending encrypted passwords instead of
 plaintext passwords.  You can remedy this situation by performing two
 steps on the Samba server.  First, add the following entry to the
 [global] section of your Samba configuration file:  encrypt
 password=yes.  Second, find the smbpasswd program on the samba
 server...and use it to add an entry to Samba's encrypted password
 database.  For example, to add user steve to Samba's encrypted password
 database, type smbpasswd -a steve.  The first time you enter this
 password, the program will output an error message indicating that the
 password database does not exist;  it will then create the database...

 I presume that Webmin added the users to the encrypted password list.
 Just to be sure, I tried adding Andy and Micky as advised.  It didn't
 say 'I already know about them', but it didn't cure it either.

Yes webmin will have done that for you. Now you are learning the command line 
as well as the GUI :-)


You _must_ be root when you use smbpasswd or else it acts differently.
As root it will add a user to the database and set their password. As non root 
it will just change the local users password.

The symptom you are getting is consistent with a conflict between 
encrypted/non encrypted passwords. I'm not even sure how to change that 
option in Win98 but maybe its worth a try changing it in Linux?
Also are you quite sure that the password you have defined is the actual 
password your Win98 user used when logging into their computer?
Win98 lets you use a computer even if the username/password does not exist, 
but then Networking does not work.  (Well its security of a sort)

Tell you what try this:-
insert this line in the [Globals section] of your smb.conf file
log level = 4
Then restart the Samba server  (using Webmin or Mandrake Control 

Now try accessing the Linux shares and take a look in /var/log/samba

You should see a file for your Win98 machine, and the log will tell you what 
did and did not work.


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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT? MDK Partitioning

2002-05-31 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 30 May 2002 05:13 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
 On Thu, 30 May 2002 22:50, et wrote:
  the file system for / and /boot need to be compiled into the
  kernal, not loaded as a module, that was (as I understand it) the
  reason not to use reiserFS for those partitions. however in later
  kernals, the journal FS can be complied to the kernal during
  install, ending the no ReiserFS for /boot reasoning. however,
  since most newbies don't know weither the file system is loaded
  as a module or is compiled into the ReiserFS /boot
  still seems a fair rule.

 Thanks, clear and concise. Just the info required.

I've been usin ReiserFS for almost two years. During that time 
I've always installed Mandrake into one big 'ol '/' partition (IOW, 
no separate /boot partition, or any other for that matter).  ReiserFS 
has always been loaded as a module, not compiled into the kernel.  
During this period I've used dozens of kernels from 2.2.x up to my 
current 2.4.18-13k7 that I compiled. Making my own kernel from 
mandrake sources has always been one of the first things I do shortly 
after a fresh install. Usually within days. Still either with the 
default install kernel, or my own, ReiserFS has always been a module. 
'lsmod' always shows ReiserFs module loaded.

 I've never had a problem with ReiserFS loaded as a module with 
/boot being ReiserFS (or XFS).  I see this /boot can't be Reiser,
or even /boot must be ext2 all the time.  I don't know where it 
comes from, or why these ideas persist. I can only say it's never 
been true here with many kernels, and usin first with an Intel/Intel, 
now with an AMD/VIA system.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] How to fax a document?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Friday 31 May 2002 2:50 pm, Manuel Soto wrote:
 But, how can I make the pseudo printer. I have efax  cups and fax2cups
 but I don know how to create a pseudo printer.

Isn't it already there?
Just look in KDE Control CentreSystemPrinting Manager
The bottom device in the list is 'Send to Fax'  That is the pseudo printer.

If it is missing for some reason open KDE Control Centre as root (by typing 
kcontrol in a root terminal)
Press the button 2nd from left at the top of the print manager screen which 
adds a pseudo printer

In the Command settings box enter kdeprintfax %in
In Location box enter  External
In Requirements enter  exec:kdeprintfax
Then click 'Add' then 'OK'


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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:48 pm, Anne Wilson did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Perhaps we need some sort of directory of such help.  There must be
 someone here in West Yorkshire, but I've not come across him/her.

if we did have a directory of such things it might look like this and 
i might be the editor there.  ;)

Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Bugs, Lacking Features, IRQ Conflicts, 
System Crashes, Non-Functional Multitasking, The Y2K Problem and The Blue 
Screen of Death (BSOD) are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., 
Redmond, Washington, USA.

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 30 May 2002 8:48 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

 OK - but in Wins, I can manage most things, and visit a friendly
 professional for paid help when I'm really stuck.  Where do I find a
 similar expert in linux, where I could take my box in on a Saturday
 morning and spend an hour or two watching, talking, listening and

 Perhaps we need some sort of directory of such help.  There must be
 someone here in West Yorkshire, but I've not come across him/her.

Apart from the excellent suggestion by Derek, do you have a local LETS 
(time bank) scheme?

There's one here, and I'm thinking of joining as a 'Linux person' :)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 30 May 2002 10:32 pm, Franki did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 If it goes ahead as planned, it could hurt mandrake long term... (if they
 don't join)

on the other hand it is basically 1 distro with merit, 1 new comer without, 
and 2 that died and started stinking some time back.  also the way they are 
doing it seems anti GPL in someways.  unless it somehow catches on with 
companies who buy linux it will just fade away.  also they seem to be 
worried about servers mostly.  unless redhat joins (don't hold your breath, 
but they could) they have somewhere between little and no chance this will 
take hold.

 simple reason is that if all those companies are promoting the use of
 unitedlinux then not many of them will advocate the use of a non
 unitedlinux based distro..

will they?  i wonder.  all those companies support both linux _and_ MS.

 Then again, Mandrake is already lsb,, or close isn't it? so they dont
 have a huge amount of work to do to match it anyway..

if i recall mandrake is LSB but i question 3 of the 4 distro in UL.

 so really, they could just wait till the disto appears and change to
 support total compatability with it.. and advertise as such.. without
 rubbing heads with anyone..

likely the best plan.

We have forgotten who we are.  We have alienated ourselves from the 
unfolding of the cosmos, become estranged from the movements of the Earth, 
turned our backs on the cycles of life. -UN Environmental Sabbath Program

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

On Friday 31 May 2002 04:12 am, Michael Adams did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 So, one question comes to mind.

 Would the United liberation front ;-) support the SuSe alternative to

or connectives port of apt?  or maybe urpmi?  no, none of those.  the pres 
of caldera reports the UL distro will not be compiled.  download source 

UL day 2.  already the reports are conflicting.

Followers of tao are nonconformists.  The conventional label our behavior 
erratic, antisocial, irresponsible, inexplicable, outrageous, even 
scandalous.  We hear other voices than they do.  -Deng Ming-Dao

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Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Unreal

2002-05-31 Per discussione darklord

On Friday 31 May 2002 01:00 am, you wrote:
 On Friday 31 May 2002 12:17 am, you wrote:
  It is the Loki release for Linux, right? If so, then grab it. Works great
  with my Geforce here

 No, someone hacked the UT installer and made it so you can use Unreal in
 Linux now too. I am told at MUB that it is really cool, so I am looking to
 get it now.

  Its a wonderful game though, and worth the effort to get it setup... ;-)

 I have a tutorial on installing UT on my site.

Oh sorry then, I misunderstood. I did have Unreal setup one time with some 
Linux installer or the other, back on my old 475mhz machine with a Voodoo 
3000 video card. Video was fine (great looking game in fact) but I never 
could get the sound to work with that installer

Good luck with your efforts!


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[newbie] Xine question...

2002-05-31 Per discussione darklord

I looked thru the archives, and on Xines' Sourcforge site, but couldn't find 
the info I wanted... I did install all the plugins that came with Mandrake 

Is there a plugin for Xine that will allow it to do menu navigation like 
Ogle? I did figure out how to use Nav to pick individual files) Also, on 
some of my DVD's I get a no Xine plugin for Ts.vob or something like 
that... Is there a plugin for that as well?

Thanks all!

PS Ogle works great here, on 99% of my DVD's but I wanted to get Xine fully 
working so I could do a head 2 head comp. The DVD's that Ogle won't do here 

Legend of Hell House (sits forever, choppy video)
Ghostbusters (can't launch movie - but can play individual scenes)
Arrival 2 (Arrival 1 on the flip side works great - go figure)
Jackson County Jail (sits forever, can pick scenes but never starts them)


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione civileme

Michael Adams wrote:

On Fri, 31 May 2002 19:29, Brian Koppe wrote:

I don't understand the concept behind a United Linux distribution, BUT I
do think it would be wonderful if all the Linux distros would get
together in concert and decide on unified standards.  There are too many
differences with how they work.  Granted, there will always be things
that each distro does themselves, and maybe even would prefer not to
share, but they need to all get together and agree on a directory
structure, etc etc.  I think this will be a good step towards that if
the other distros get in on it too.  The other fruits of UL, however, I
am not as thrilled about.

So, one question comes to mind.

Would the United liberation front ;-) support the SuSe alternative to RPM's?

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The directory structure is standardized as the File Hierarchical System 
2.2.  The run-time libraries and startup structures are addressed in the 
Linux Standards Base 1.0.  There are things left unaddressed in those 
documents, like where desktops go, but then Mandrakesoft is only one 
member of a coalition who made those standards and the others were 
mostly concerned with server use.

United Linux seems to say that others do not comply with those 
standards, a typical sales stunt, and probably a counter move to RHs 
competitive upgrade offer.

I find it interesting that they made no mention of the efforts of the 
NSA to develop a very very secure linux or the adjustments necessary to 
the standards to accommodate it.  It is about as spy-proof as software 
gets by the spies themselves...  NSA has issued a completed source for 
the kernel and security routines (37 Mb download) and I think you can 
guess we will be looking carefully at it for possible incorporation.


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[newbie] phpSysInfo question

2002-05-31 Per discussione Barry Michels

This script will show data right after a reboot, for about an hour or so,
then N/A's everywhere.  Any ideas why?  I've searched through their forums,
but they don't help.  Their main suggestion is not to run php in safe mode,
but I don't.  I've tried re-starting several processes, but nothing I do
short of rebooting will fix it.  I'll never set a record for the longest
up-time doing that... :)

If you notice the 'Modified by' text at the bottom, keep in mind that this
problem was occurring before I modified it.  The only changes I made were to
what data was shown in the templates.  Which brings up another question:
does any one know where the command is to create the title?  I want to get
rid of the intranet IP address.


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione Miark

 I find it interesting that they made no mention of the efforts of the 
 NSA to develop a very very secure linux or the adjustments necessary to 
 the standards to accommodate it.  It is about as spy-proof as software 
 gets by the spies themselves...  NSA has issued a completed source for 
 the kernel and security routines (37 Mb download) and I think you can 
 guess we will be looking carefully at it for possible incorporation.

That seems inconsistent with their we want a back door to Winsux
behavior. Why would the NSA want us normal folk to have very secure
machines? Doesn't that just make their sky games more difficult?


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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT? MDK Partitioning

2002-05-31 Per discussione civileme

Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Thursday 30 May 2002 05:13 pm, Michael Adams wrote:

On Thu, 30 May 2002 22:50, et wrote:

the file system for / and /boot need to be compiled into the
kernal, not loaded as a module, that was (as I understand it) the
reason not to use reiserFS for those partitions. however in later
kernals, the journal FS can be complied to the kernal during
install, ending the no ReiserFS for /boot reasoning. however,
since most newbies don't know weither the file system is loaded
as a module or is compiled into the ReiserFS /boot
still seems a fair rule.

Thanks, clear and concise. Just the info required.

I've been usin ReiserFS for almost two years. During that time 
I've always installed Mandrake into one big 'ol '/' partition (IOW, 
no separate /boot partition, or any other for that matter).  ReiserFS 
has always been loaded as a module, not compiled into the kernel.  
During this period I've used dozens of kernels from 2.2.x up to my 
current 2.4.18-13k7 that I compiled. Making my own kernel from 
mandrake sources has always been one of the first things I do shortly 
after a fresh install. Usually within days. Still either with the 
default install kernel, or my own, ReiserFS has always been a module. 
'lsmod' always shows ReiserFs module loaded.

 I've never had a problem with ReiserFS loaded as a module with 
/boot being ReiserFS (or XFS).  I see this /boot can't be Reiser,
or even /boot must be ext2 all the time.  I don't know where it 
comes from, or why these ideas persist. I can only say it's never 
been true here with many kernels, and usin first with an Intel/Intel, 
now with an AMD/VIA system.

Well, Tom, tis no problem with one system on the machine, but put on 
another linux distro or even a Mandrake with a different filesystem in 
use, and multiple booting won't work, particularly not with an XFS /. 
 The reason is in the initrd.img which loads those modules needed at 
boot time and what the modules support.

So, in most cases it is not a problem, but back in 8.1 if you made /boot 
an XFS partition, the initrd needed to mount /boot implied a kernel able 
to support XFS, so a dual-boot with RH, for example, was impossible. 
 Therefore a /boot being ext2 is a good idea for those wanting to 
multiboot multiple distros, or multi-boot Mandrake systems with 
DIFFERENT filesystems, like one JFS one XFS, one Reiser, etc.

One big / is great for those brave souls who install eveything every 
distro or who believe (ha) that the upgrade will someday really work as 
advertised.  (Take a lesson from windows where billions were spent on 
upgrades and they still mostly don't work completely).

For me, there is  

/boot  (Usually common to all systems)
/(Sometimes common to more than one system)
/home  (usually common to several different systems)
/usr(sometimes common to several Mandrakes)
/opt(usually unique to each system)
/usr/local  (always unique to one system)

Now another thing, and very important...  DON'T use software RAID for 
your / partition or else the Update/Upgrade function absolutely will not 
work and your work installing a new system is multiplied manyfold.  I 
don't know about the rest of you folks, but I reach for the disk with 
the Update program when I have a major change to make (like a new video 
card), or a major change to make in software profile (like adding in all 
the servers).


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione civileme

Miark wrote:

I find it interesting that they made no mention of the efforts of the 
NSA to develop a very very secure linux or the adjustments necessary to 
the standards to accommodate it.  It is about as spy-proof as software 
gets by the spies themselves...  NSA has issued a completed source for 
the kernel and security routines (37 Mb download) and I think you can 
guess we will be looking carefully at it for possible incorporation.


That seems inconsistent with their we want a back door to Winsux
behavior. Why would the NSA want us normal folk to have very secure
machines? Doesn't that just make their sky games more difficult?


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Ummm, the focus has changed in the intelligence community lately.  It is 
more on preventing spying than performing it.  The whole issue is in 
source and is either GPL or public domain (yes, wide open for enhance, 
extend and claim) for those exclusively done by the NSA, as is required 
by Federal Law.  I am tickled that they released the thing rather than 
just circulating it to the security-related Federal Agencies, and I am 
also pleased that they observed the strictures of the GPL, in letter and 
in spirit.


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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Friday 31 May 2002 10:34 am, Shane wrote:
 On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:48 pm, Anne Wilson did speak unto the huddled

 masses, saying:
  Perhaps we need some sort of directory of such help.  There must be
  someone here in West Yorkshire, but I've not come across him/her.

 if we did have a directory of such things it might look like this and
 i might be the editor there.  ;)

FWIW: The British magazine, LinuxFormat, has a list of UK LUG's in each 
issue. The March issue shows 69 LUG's. It's also available online at; another listing is at The 
West Yorkshire LUG is at; there are other LUG's in 
Huddersfield, Manchester and Blackburn. Happy hunting.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Friday 31 May 2002 10:55 am, Miark wrote:
  I find it interesting that they made no mention of the efforts of
  the NSA to develop a very very secure linux or the adjustments
  necessary to the standards to accommodate it.  It is about as
  spy-proof as software gets by the spies themselves...  NSA has
  issued a completed source for the kernel and security routines
  (37 Mb download) and I think you can guess we will be looking
  carefully at it for possible incorporation.

 That seems inconsistent with their we want a back door to Winsux
 behavior. Why would the NSA want us normal folk to have very secure
 machines? Doesn't that just make their sky games more difficult?


Visit interesting)
The National Security Agency is the Nation's [USA] cryptologic 
organization. It coordinates, directs, and performs highly 
specialized activities to protect U.S. information systems and 
produce foreign intelligence information.

Linux was chosen as the platform for this work because its growing 
success and open development environment provided an opportunity to 
demonstrate that this functionality can be successful in a mainstream 
operating system and, at the same time, contribute to the security of 
a widely used system. Additionally, the integration of these security 
research results into Linux may encourage additional operating system 
security research that may lead to additional improvement in system 

Your tax dollars at work ... betch'a Billy G's fixin to have a baby ;)
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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RE: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

My guess is, the more secure the desktops the better, but your email
messages are ours for the taking.

-Original Message-
From: daRcmaTTeR [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

On Fri, 31 May 2002, civileme wrote:

 Miark wrote:
 I find it interesting that they made no mention of the efforts of
 NSA to develop a very very secure linux or the adjustments necessary
 the standards to accommodate it.  It is about as spy-proof as
 gets by the spies themselves...  NSA has issued a completed source
 the kernel and security routines (37 Mb download) and I think you
 guess we will be looking carefully at it for possible incorporation.
 That seems inconsistent with their we want a back door to Winsux
 behavior. Why would the NSA want us normal folk to have very secure
 machines? Doesn't that just make their sky games more difficult?
 Ummm, the focus has changed in the intelligence community lately.  It
 more on preventing spying than performing it.  The whole issue is in 
 source and is either GPL or public domain (yes, wide open for
 extend and claim) for those exclusively done by the NSA, as is
 by Federal Law.  I am tickled that they released the thing rather than
 just circulating it to the security-related Federal Agencies, and I am
 also pleased that they observed the strictures of the GPL, in letter
 in spirit.

this is incredibly interesting. where does one find the files to compile
the NSA's version of Linux. I'd love to take a look at this system. 

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good

Penguinized since 1997
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Re: [newbie] 2 Q's about KWord: persistent margin settings; word count feature

2002-05-31 Per discussione Damian G

 I've use kword for some time now and found it quite reliable.
 I forget where kword sets margins, but I never bother with that 
 anyway. I want all my printer output set within margins and use the 
 device the distro gives you for that.That used to be qtcups, alas,
 someone thought it a good idea to remove the nice little gui 
 interface in qtcups in LM8.2, and left us with a spastic little magin
 setting device called alignmargins in a shell.
 I'm not sure what you refer to by word count, no, not like a text 
 editor has a word and line counters.
 If you mean like in Klyx the Latec so called word processor, no,
 On the otherhand if you mean block the type from left to right margin,
 then yes, it's that little icon in the menu bar.

uhm.. i'm using 8.2 and i do have qtcups. are you sure you just
didn't install it?


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Re: [newbie] (Most) Linuxes unite

2002-05-31 Per discussione D. Olson

On Friday 31 May 2002 09:56 am, you wrote:
 From what I have read they are not interested in the desktop side
 anyway, only the server. Also Mandrake have been contacted, but after
 the signing of the deal, but the same time as redhat.


Well, it doesn't matter because they invite any company to join, and all this 
is is a base for distros... There will still be SuSE, Turbo, etc. just all 
will be compatible... Really isn't a bad idea, IMO.

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Re: [newbie] Unreal

2002-05-31 Per discussione D. Olson

Quake or Quake 2? I have a tutorial on my site for Quake.

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[newbie] Lock up/ Shut off all internet capability?

2002-05-31 Per discussione db

For reasons to long to describe, I must run Redhat 5.2 as one boot along
with Mandrake 8.2 on another.  When the machine is booted to Redhat 5.2
there is no need for network connectivity and I am worried about it getting
hacked.  Making it secure with a firewall/etc would probably be difficult in
any case and since I can't depend on people to unplug the machine at that
point, I would like to lock up /shut off 5.2's network connectivity without
having to reinstall it.
Can anyone tell me how?

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Re: [newbie] Compiling Permission?

2002-05-31 Per discussione K Montgomery

If your question is as it sounds, your user account obviously needs to
have executable access.  Typing ls -l `which gcc` should show you the
existing permissions on the file.  You can either make gcc executable by
other (chmod o+x `which gcc`) so that all users can run it, or you can
make it group executable (chmod g+x) and make sure your user is in the
group that has access.

The first solution is probably better for you, provided you have no
security concerns.

- Kathy

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:27, Barry Michels wrote:
 I've just embarked on my first Linux application and can't even compile.
 When I try to start a new project, I get 'Permission Denied'.  I can run gcc
 as root, but what permission do I need to give my user account so I can
 compile when logged in normally?

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Re: [newbie] Possibly OT? MDK Partitioning

2002-05-31 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Friday 31 May 2002 11:02 am, civileme wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  I've never had a problem with ReiserFS loaded as a module
  with /boot being ReiserFS (or XFS).  I see this /boot can't be
  Reiser, or even /boot must be ext2 all the time.  I don't know
  where it comes from, or why these ideas persist. I can only say
  it's never been true here with many kernels, and usin first with
  an Intel/Intel, now with an AMD/VIA system.

 Well, Tom, tis no problem with one system on the machine, but put
 on another linux distro or even a Mandrake with a different
 filesystem in use, and multiple booting won't work, particularly
 not with an XFS /. The reason is in the initrd.img which loads
 those modules needed at boot time and what the modules support.

 So, in most cases it is not a problem, but back in 8.1 if you made
 /boot an XFS partition, the initrd needed to mount /boot implied a
 kernel able to support XFS, so a dual-boot with RH, for example,
 was impossible. Therefore a /boot being ext2 is a good idea for
 those wanting to multiboot multiple distros, or multi-boot Mandrake
 systems with DIFFERENT filesystems, like one JFS one XFS, one
 Reiser, etc.

Well thanks, guess i've been dodging bullets ;) Fortunately all 
my XFS tries were with 8.2.  and your explaination leads me to 
suspect that's might why I had some XFS gremlins.  I didn't multi 
boot, but I did have another storage partition that was Reiser.

 One big / is great for those brave souls who install eveything
 every distro or who believe (ha) that the upgrade will someday
 really work as advertised.  (Take a lesson from windows where
 billions were spent on upgrades and they still mostly don't work

 Well, I always install rather than upgrade.  Yes I'm a brave 
soul (sometimes ;), and I'd be the first not to recommend one big '/' 
to anybody but a single user desktop.  I do backup /home to another 
partition regularly, and occaisionally to CDR.

 For me, there is

 /boot  (Usually common to all systems)
 /(Sometimes common to more than one system)
 /home  (usually common to several different systems)
 /usr(sometimes common to several Mandrakes)
 /opt(usually unique to each system)
 /usr/local  (always unique to one system)

 I sort'a knew I'd havt'a install over multiple partitions if (as 
I was recently considerin a look at RH7.3) I were to boot more than 
one Linux distro. Up till now I've just booted Mandrake and W98.

 Now another thing, and very important...  DON'T use software RAID
 for your / partition or else the Update/Upgrade function absolutely
 will not work and your work installing a new system is multiplied
 manyfold.  I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I reach
 for the disk with the Update program when I have a major change to
 make (like a new video card), or a major change to make in software
 profile (like adding in all the servers).


Thanks again, but I've never even considered RAID as an option.
BTW, I jumped on that  link you 
recently posted. $24.50 + $9 2nd day air.  Not so much 'cause I need 
a new modem, but I do need to have other use of my one ISA slot.  UPS 
should be bringin it this afternoon, I'll post a 'review' after some 
experience with it.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

On Friday 31 May 2002 09:47 am, Tony S. Sykes did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 My guess is, the more secure the desktops the better, but your email
 messages are ours for the taking.

behold the magic of pgp!  :)  i rarely use it, but it is nice to have when 
it makes you feel safe

Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 31 May 2002, civileme wrote:

 Miark wrote:
 I find it interesting that they made no mention of the efforts of the 
 NSA to develop a very very secure linux or the adjustments necessary to 
 the standards to accommodate it.  It is about as spy-proof as software 
 gets by the spies themselves...  NSA has issued a completed source for 
 the kernel and security routines (37 Mb download) and I think you can 
 guess we will be looking carefully at it for possible incorporation.
 That seems inconsistent with their we want a back door to Winsux
 behavior. Why would the NSA want us normal folk to have very secure
 machines? Doesn't that just make their sky games more difficult?
 Ummm, the focus has changed in the intelligence community lately.  It is 
 more on preventing spying than performing it.  The whole issue is in 
 source and is either GPL or public domain (yes, wide open for enhance, 
 extend and claim) for those exclusively done by the NSA, as is required 
 by Federal Law.  I am tickled that they released the thing rather than 
 just circulating it to the security-related Federal Agencies, and I am 
 also pleased that they observed the strictures of the GPL, in letter and 
 in spirit.

this is incredibly interesting. where does one find the files to compile 
the NSA's version of Linux. I'd love to take a look at this system. 

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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Re: [newbie] Compiling Permission?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Barry Michels

Awesome!  I changed the permissions yesterday, but on the wrong file.  I had
to follow the links from gcc to /etc/alternatives and then back to gcc-2.96
to figure out which one to change.  Had to do the same thing with c++  


- Original Message -
From: K Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Compiling Permission?

 If your question is as it sounds, your user account obviously needs to
 have executable access.  Typing ls -l `which gcc` should show you the
 existing permissions on the file.  You can either make gcc executable by
 other (chmod o+x `which gcc`) so that all users can run it, or you can
 make it group executable (chmod g+x) and make sure your user is in the
 group that has access.

 The first solution is probably better for you, provided you have no
 security concerns.

 - Kathy

 On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:27, Barry Michels wrote:
  I've just embarked on my first Linux application and can't even compile.
  When I try to start a new project, I get 'Permission Denied'.  I can run
  as root, but what permission do I need to give my user account so I can
  compile when logged in normally?

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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[newbie] Divx movies -- yes or no?!

2002-05-31 Per discussione Miark

I've been to many sites trying to figure out if these
old Divx movies can be played in Linux, but I can't
seem to find a straight answer.

Can they, or can't they? If so, how?


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux / NSA

2002-05-31 Per discussione Miark

I'm sure the NSA could crack any PGP e-mail in a minute or two
if they wanted to.


shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 On Friday 31 May 2002 09:47 am, Tony S. Sykes did speak unto the huddled 
 masses, saying:
  My guess is, the more secure the desktops the better, but your email
  messages are ours for the taking.
 behold the magic of pgp!  :)  i rarely use it, but it is nice to have when 
 it makes you feel safe
 Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies.
 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606 @

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione Charlie

May 31, 2002 10:37 am,daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 this is incredibly interesting. where does one find the files to compile
 the NSA's version of Linux. I'd love to take a look at this system.
Registered user 244963 at
1. We prefer not to change the root password, it's an nice easy one

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say

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Re: [newbie] Divx movies -- yes or no?!

2002-05-31 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

By old Divx movies.. you are referring to DivX 3.x ? Yeah sure... afaik 
all players for linux that support DivX can play it well. I personally use 
MPlayer, which supports something like 50 different formats, including all 
versions of DivX (even the latest 5.something), asf, mpg and so on. There 
is a lot of documentation on their site and in the tarballs about how it 
works, so I won't waiste my time writing pages of repeated text ;-)


On Fri, 31 May 2002, Miark wrote:

 I've been to many sites trying to figure out if these
 old Divx movies can be played in Linux, but I can't
 seem to find a straight answer.
 Can they, or can't they? If so, how?


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione Miark

On the other hand, I bet ol' Billy is grinnin' like a chesire cat over 
this filth:

..the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution outlines how open source might 
facilitate efforts to disrupt or sabotage electronic commerce, air 
traffic control or even sensitive surveillance systems.

Unlike proprietary software, open source software does not make the 
underlying code of a software confidential.

'Computer systems are the backbone to U.S. national security', says 
Fossedal, chairman... 'Before the Pentagon and other federal agencies 
make uninformed decision to alter the very foundation of computer 
security, they should study the potential consequences carefully.'

Tell me Billy isn't greasing their FUD skid.


 Visit interesting)
 The National Security Agency is the Nation's [USA] cryptologic 
 organization. It coordinates, directs, and performs highly 
 specialized activities to protect U.S. information systems and 
 produce foreign intelligence information.
 Linux was chosen as the platform for this work because its growing 
 success and open development environment provided an opportunity to 
 demonstrate that this functionality can be successful in a mainstream 
 operating system and, at the same time, contribute to the security of 
 a widely used system. Additionally, the integration of these security 
 research results into Linux may encourage additional operating system 
 security research that may lead to additional improvement in system 
 Your tax dollars at work ... betch'a Billy G's fixin to have a baby ;)
 Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 7:10 pm, Miark wrote:

 ..the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution outlines how open source
 might facilitate efforts to disrupt or sabotage electronic commerce,
 air traffic control or even sensitive surveillance systems.

 Unlike proprietary software, open source software does not make the
 underlying code of a software confidential.

 'Computer systems are the backbone to U.S. national security', says
 Fossedal, chairman... 'Before the Pentagon and other federal agencies
 make uninformed decision to alter the very foundation of computer
 security, they should study the potential consequences carefully.'

When I saw 'air traffic control' I smelt a scoundrel. The following is 
flagrantly OT but demonstrates that someone who knows what they're 
talking about is, occasionally, useful ;)

As someone who works in air traffic management and the architecture and 
UI of systems thereof ... all I can say is that the de Tocqueville 
Institute is offering the most gorgeously fluorescent red herring.

Windows would not get within shouting distance of a core ATM system 
because of its reliability problems, because you get everything bar the 
kitchen sink thrown in and, by far the most important reason, because 
Microsoft is _extremely_ reluctant to alter basic functionality. (A 
friend told me an a story of working on a banking system for one of the 
UK Big Four banks which was using Internet Explorer as a front end for 
browsing information; the bank wanted various things not merely turned 
off or obfuscated but _removed_ and Microsoft would not budge despite 
having money thrown at it; in the end the front end was written from 

When, if things go wrong, you kill people, you want the technically best 
solution, and these tend to be a mixture of closed and open source.

All the modern ATM systems I know are based on a flavour of Unix 
(typically AIX or Solaris) which is customised by working closely with 
the vendor. There is also quite a bit of open source in there; most 
usually X11, again customised. I'm pretty sure Linux-based systems will 
appear soon; that they haven't already is because ATM moves slowly and 
carefully, for obvious and good reasons.

A lot of uninformed 'analysts' also seem to think that it's easy to hack 
into ATM systems. This is not true, certainly not in the UK; they run 
on networks separate from the public telephone, wireless and broadband 
networks, and usually use customised protocols. These protocols are the 
right solution for the wrong reason (historical compatibility with some 
very cranky old systems) but the notion of some 14-year-old telling 
planes to go all over the place from their back bedroom is 
preposterous.The Internet, or even TCP/IP, and ATM do not mix!

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 31 May 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Friday 31 May 2002 10:55 am, Miark wrote:
   I find it interesting that they made no mention of the efforts of
   the NSA to develop a very very secure linux or the adjustments
   necessary to the standards to accommodate it.  It is about as
   spy-proof as software gets by the spies themselves...  NSA has
   issued a completed source for the kernel and security routines
   (37 Mb download) and I think you can guess we will be looking
   carefully at it for possible incorporation.
  That seems inconsistent with their we want a back door to Winsux
  behavior. Why would the NSA want us normal folk to have very secure
  machines? Doesn't that just make their sky games more difficult?
 Visit interesting)
 The National Security Agency is the Nation's [USA] cryptologic 
 organization. It coordinates, directs, and performs highly 
 specialized activities to protect U.S. information systems and 
 produce foreign intelligence information.
 Linux was chosen as the platform for this work because its growing 
 success and open development environment provided an opportunity to 
 demonstrate that this functionality can be successful in a mainstream 
 operating system and, at the same time, contribute to the security of 
 a widely used system. Additionally, the integration of these security 
 research results into Linux may encourage additional operating system 
 security research that may lead to additional improvement in system 
 Your tax dollars at work ... betch'a Billy G's fixin to have a baby ;)

Ya know Tom - ginning broadly and chest puffed out with Pride, it's 
things like this that give me such a sense of pride. I LOVE being a 
Linuxer. I'm downing loading SELinux as I write this and I can't wait to 
get home from work to being putting it all together!

I've never build a linux system from scratch before, but I think its time 
that I did. 

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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Re: [newbie] NSA / PGP

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

On Friday 31 May 2002 11:26 am, daRcmaTTeR did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 On Fri, 31 May 2002, Miark wrote:
  I'm sure the NSA could crack any PGP e-mail in a minute or two
  if they wanted to.

 i'm quite sure you're correct.

i doubt that.  it is simply a matter of raw math.

in short if they had a super computer than can only be imagined today (not 
built) it would take hundreds of years to guess a key.

or to quote another page:

To recover a particular (128 bit) key, one must, on average, search half the 
keyspace. That is 127 bits: 


If you had 1,000,000,000 machines that could try 1,000,000,000 keys/sec, it 
would still take all these machines longer than the universe as we know it 
has existed and then some, to find the key. IDEA, as far as present 
technology is concerned, is not vulnerable to brute-force attack, pure and 

the key size i use (again only once in awhile, but i use it) will take 
300,000,000,000,000,000,000 MIPS-years to factor.  let them break that in 
2-3 minutes.

as for backdoors, do you think they could do that to an open source project?  
nobody would notice?  nah.

When everyone agrees around here, it means that something must be wrong.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] NSA / PGP

2002-05-31 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 8:36 pm, shane wrote:

 i doubt that.  it is simply a matter of raw math.

 in short if they had a super computer than can only be imagined today
 (not built) it would take hundreds of years to guess a key.

Ah, but they don't use (general purpose) supercomputers. They use _very_ 
specialised computers; I read somewhere that the NSA has its own chip 
fabrication plant ...

Your code cracker will likely be a PCI card inside a common-or-garden 
PC, not a black box performing the breaststroke in a lake of liquid 
nitrogen. (And the standard PC could be running Linux ;)

And it may well use algorithms nobody in the 'free world' knows about. 
There's a known precedent: one of the most astonishing things I've read 
for ages is that the RSA algorithm was invented in secret about a 
decade before it was 'invented in public':

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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[newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

Hi all - 

Please forgive me for waisting your bandwidth.
After about - what - half a year on the list, I'm suddenly censored out.
Don't know why - to many beers and cheers maybe ?
Makes me kind'a sad, though. I think this list is very unique, informative, 
helpful and - sometimes - amusing.

So : if this mail infects your screen, send it to /dev/null. Then I'll be 
happy again ! 


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

On Friday 31 May 2002 11:10 am, Miark did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 Unlike proprietary software, open source software does not make the
 underlying code of a software confidential.

ah security by obscurity!  the number of ways it is wrong are endless!

Doing my part to piss off the religious right.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

On Friday 31 May 2002 12:53 pm, Kaj Haulrich did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Please forgive me for waisting your bandwidth.
 After about - what - half a year on the list, I'm suddenly censored
 out. Don't know why - to many beers and cheers maybe ?
 Makes me kind'a sad, though. I think this list is very unique,
 informative, helpful and - sometimes - amusing.

i am confused, how are you censored out?

Fundimentalism stops a thinking mind.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione Robin

On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 19:26, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Friday 31 May 2002 10:34 am, Shane wrote:
  On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:48 pm, Anne Wilson did speak unto the huddled
  masses, saying:
   Perhaps we need some sort of directory of such help.  There must be
   someone here in West Yorkshire, but I've not come across him/her.
  if we did have a directory of such things it might look like this and
  i might be the editor there.  ;)
 FWIW: The British magazine, LinuxFormat, has a list of UK LUG's in each 
 issue. The March issue shows 69 LUG's. It's also available online at; another listing is at The 
 West Yorkshire LUG is at; there are other LUG's in 
 Huddersfield, Manchester and Blackburn. Happy hunting.

LinuxFormat is also a nice mag in its own right.  I bought a copy the
last time I visited my motherland, and what did I find sellotaped to it
but Mandrake 8.2!

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux / NSA

2002-05-31 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 31 May 2002, Miark wrote:

 I'm sure the NSA could crack any PGP e-mail in a minute or two
 if they wanted to.

i'm quite sure you're correct.

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione Azrael

On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 23:24, Robin wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 19:26, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 10:34 am, Shane wrote:
   On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:48 pm, Anne Wilson did speak unto the huddled
   masses, saying:
Perhaps we need some sort of directory of such help.  There must be
someone here in West Yorkshire, but I've not come across him/her.
   if we did have a directory of such things it might look like this and
   i might be the editor there.  ;)
  FWIW: The British magazine, LinuxFormat, has a list of UK LUG's in each 
  issue. The March issue shows 69 LUG's. It's also available online at; another listing is at The 
  West Yorkshire LUG is at; there are other LUG's in 
  Huddersfield, Manchester and Blackburn. Happy hunting.
 LinuxFormat is also a nice mag in its own right.  I bought a copy the
 last time I visited my motherland, and what did I find sellotaped to it
 but Mandrake 8.2!
 Sir Robin

Totally off topic now.. but my Mozilla project Hermes gets _two_
pictures in this months Linux Format!! I'm so proud!!!

-- Azrael

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Re: [newbie] no such file or directory?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 31 May 2002 17:12:40 -0700

 first thank,s a bunch for you guys that have help and put up with me
 trying to configure my linux box.I finally got time to use the advice
 i was given the other on configureing my internet connect in knosole
 root cat/etc/resolv.conf  gave me no such file or directory
 kwrite/etc/resolv.conf the same I,m not getting the info they told me
 to expect at all in fact  that same thing no such file

Even I did not think to ask this before.
Are you running a firewall on your wk2 system?

If so you will need to configure it to allow your 2nd nic to act as a
trusted device.

The manner you do so can vary from firewall to firewall.
ZoneAlarm being very simple and and BlackIce a real pain.


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Re: [newbie] Divx movies -- yes or no?!

2002-05-31 Per discussione Vincent Colombo

DivX is not the same as the now defunct Circuit City DVD competitor
wannabe Divx. DivX (also called DivX:), I believe it is) is a form of
video compression. So no, you can not play your Circuit City Divx disc
on Linux (or anywhere else for that matter). At least you have a nice
Abyss coaster. ;)


On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 15:44, Miark wrote:
 Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  By old Divx movies.. you are referring to DivX 3.x ? 
 I have _The_Abyss_ here. I dunno what version of Divx it is. This is the 
 rental deal, mind you. Maybe that goes without saying.
  Yeah sure... afaik 
  all players for linux that support DivX can play it well. I personally use 
  MPlayer, which supports something like 50 different formats, including all 
  versions of DivX (even the latest 5.something), asf, mpg and so on. 
 It also has about 50 dependencies. I thought Xine was a pain in the ass.
 MPlayer is the pain-in-the-ass king of installations.
  is a lot of documentation on their site and in the tarballs about how it 
  works, so I won't waiste my time writing pages of repeated text ;-)
 What other players will read a divx movie rental?
  On Fri, 31 May 2002, Miark wrote:
   I've been to many sites trying to figure out if these
   old Divx movies can be played in Linux, but I can't
   seem to find a straight answer.
   Can they, or can't they? If so, how?

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Friday 31 May 2002 04:29 pm, shane wrote:
 On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:28 pm, Anne Wilson did speak unto the huddled

 masses, saying:
   9 months later some jack@ss from the district office formatted the
   harddrives because we don't have a license for that OS!
  You must have wept

 actually, it gets worse, they bought 30 win 98 copys to install, then found
 it was dog slow on those machines, bought new machines.

 win 98 at $65 a pop times 30 = $1950
 30 new machines to run said software = $33000
 being smart enough to know linux means multiple installs from one purchased
 cd = priceless

A comment and a question:
First, given the current emphasis on TCO, you haven't included the labor 
hours expended on this disaster. Be sure to include all of the planning 
meetings that were held to make sure that everything went smoothly.
Second, maybe I read too much Dilbert, but did the cretin that made these 
decisions have pointy hair?
-- cmg (splitting my sides at someone else's grief)

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[newbie] where are user docs for wv?

2002-05-31 Per discussione dunc

Can anyone kill my frustration please?

I have selected wv when I installed 8.2 but have not been able to
find/use the docs for this. 
So unfortunately I cant try to configure or use the program and cant
seem to get it to start.

Ideally I want to be able to get netscape 4.7 to open word docs and have
them readable. At the moment if I
save the .doc attachment and then open in say star office I just get
loads of garbage and formatting info.

Any help would be gratefully received.

might then be able to get the wife to dump xp.


Duncan Bayne

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Re: [newbie] where are user docs for wv?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Derek Jennings

wv is an application which AFAIK gets called up by other applications such as 
Abiword. So when you open a Word document in Abiword it will use wv to do the 
translation for you. However wv/Abiword does not support the more exotic Word 
features so do not expect documents to translate perfectly.
Abiword is not on your Mandrake CD's but can be downloaded from

man wvAbw
man wvHtml

If you want to view word documents embedded in Netscape, then I think the only 
way to do that is with Codeweavers crossover plugin which also gives you 
other cool features like streaming embedded media using Windows Media Player 
and Quicktime.  Crossover plugin is not free, but a demo version is available 

If you want to save the Word documents and then view them in another 
application then StarOffice 6.0 ought to be able to do that without 
'garbage', or else use OpenOffice1.0 which is basically the same as 
StarOffice except its free.
Are you using Staroffice 6.0, or the less capable 5.2?
Openoffice (pre 1.0) is on your Mandrake CD#3



On Friday 31 May 2002 11:39 pm, dunc wrote:
 Can anyone kill my frustration please?

 I have selected wv when I installed 8.2 but have not been able to
 find/use the docs for this.
 So unfortunately I cant try to configure or use the program and cant
 seem to get it to start.

 Ideally I want to be able to get netscape 4.7 to open word docs and have
 them readable. At the moment if I
 save the .doc attachment and then open in say star office I just get
 loads of garbage and formatting info.

 Any help would be gratefully received.

 might then be able to get the wife to dump xp.


 Duncan Bayne

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Re: [newbie] Strange problem with the mouse/screen

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

Hash: SHA1

i do not recall the fix for sure, but i think you need to change the 
software cursor setting in the XFreeconfig.  you might want to look in the 
archives as this was covered not long ago at all.

On Friday 31 May 2002 04:05 pm, Matt Blake did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Every now and again using any windows manager - mainly gnome or kde, i
 get a strange problem with the mouse - it is as if the area the mouse
 can move in shifts 2cm to the right but the actual screen stays in the
 same place.  So for example when i want to click on the gnome icon to go
 into the main menu i have to click the mouse about 2cm to the right of
 the actual icon. The only way to stop it is a complete reboot - which is
 obviously pretty annoying!

- -- 
sin lies only in hurting others unnecessarily.  all other sins are invented 
nonsense. (hurting yourself isn't sin, just stupid) -heinlein

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] What is openfind?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Charlie

May 31, 2002 04:12 pm,Jon Doe wrote:
 Anyone know what openfind is? I found this is my apache logs: - - [31/May/2002:00:09:07 -0400] GET / HTTP/1.0 200 2438 - - [31/May/2002:00:09:07 -0400] GET / HTTP/1.0 200 2438
 - Openfind data gatherer,
 Openbot/3.0+([EMAIL PROTECTED];+

 I went to the website but its in Chinese.
 Just wondered if anyone had ever heard of it before.
A very good question! I wonder what the answer is?

It seems to be a robot that's gathering statistics regarding Linux usage. How 
it works is a mystery but there's a lot of pages 

If you want to read a bit more about robots/agents whatever try this link:

Note to self: find someone that can decipher this load of excrement and 
explain it to me :-)
Registered user 244963 at
If a person (a) is poorly, (b) receives treatment intended to make him better,
and (c) gets better, then no power of reasoning known to medical science can
convince him that it may not have been the treatment that restored his health.
- Sir Peter Medawar, The Art of the Soluble

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Friday 31 May 2002 06:30 pm, you wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 23:24, Robin wrote:
  On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 19:26, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   On Friday 31 May 2002 10:34 am, Shane wrote:
On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:48 pm, Anne Wilson did speak unto the
masses, saying:
 Perhaps we need some sort of directory of such help.  There must be
 someone here in West Yorkshire, but I've not come across him/her.
if we did have a directory of such things it might look like this
   s/ and i might be the editor there.  ;)
   FWIW: The British magazine, LinuxFormat, has a list of UK LUG's in each
   issue. The March issue shows 69 LUG's. It's also available online at; another listing is at
   The West Yorkshire LUG is at; there are other LUG's in
   Huddersfield, Manchester and Blackburn. Happy hunting.
  LinuxFormat is also a nice mag in its own right.  I bought a copy the
  last time I visited my motherland, and what did I find sellotaped to it
  but Mandrake 8.2!
  Sir Robin

 Totally off topic now.. but my Mozilla project Hermes gets _two_
 pictures in this months Linux Format!! I'm so proud!!!

 -- Azrael

I'll make a note to look for it when it finally shows up here -- in another 
two months. I just got the April issue today at the local Borders. It's an 
excellent read, though, and well worth reading. Most of the other Linux 
magazines seem to be aimed more at developers, sysadmins and other propeller 
heads, but LinuxFormat has a ton of material for end users.

BTW, was there ever any consensus as to whether Marc should buy some Mandrake 
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux

2002-05-31 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 31 May 2002, Miark wrote:

 On the other hand, I bet ol' Billy is grinnin' like a chesire cat over 
 this filth:
 ..the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution outlines how open source might 
 facilitate efforts to disrupt or sabotage electronic commerce, air 
 traffic control or even sensitive surveillance systems.
 Unlike proprietary software, open source software does not make the 
 underlying code of a software confidential.
 'Computer systems are the backbone to U.S. national security', says 
 Fossedal, chairman... 'Before the Pentagon and other federal agencies 
 make uninformed decision to alter the very foundation of computer 
 security, they should study the potential consequences carefully.'
 Tell me Billy isn't greasing their FUD skid.


I smell what you're steppin, and to a small degree I agree, but on the 
other hand I also have the feeling that the source not being closed 
source only serves the computing public as to allow the software to be 
made even more secure. and besides...who is in who's bed?

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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Re: [newbie] Strange problem with the mouse/screen

2002-05-31 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Saturday 01 June 2002 01:05 am, Matt Blake wrote:
 Every now and again using any windows manager - mainly gnome or kde, i
 get a strange problem with the mouse - it is as if the area the mouse
 can move in shifts 2cm to the right but the actual screen stays in the
 same place.  So for example when i want to click on the gnome icon to go
 into the main menu i have to click the mouse about 2cm to the right of
 the actual icon. The only way to stop it is a complete reboot - which is
 obviously pretty annoying!

 For various reasons i reinstalled mandrake 8.2 and the problem is the
 same. Does anybody have any idea why this is happening or how i can
 solve it?

 thanks for any help

Matt, this is a bug in some Trident chipsets, especially cyberblades.

The solution is surprisingly simple : pass the option sw_cursor to the file 

To do that, open a console and become root. Now, fire up a text-editor of 
your choice, for example type : mcedit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (without the 
quotes, of course).

Scroll down the file until you find *Section Device*. A few stanzas down 
that section, remove the hash-mark (#) in front of *Option sw_cursor*.

Save the file, un-root yourself and restart the X-server (or logout and in 



Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Instant Messengers

2002-05-31 Per discussione Warren Post

Jabber (see and it's various front ends, such as Gabber.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On 31 May 2002 00:37:13 +0100
Matt Blake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anybody know which (if any) instant messengers are compatible with
 MSM Messenger on Linux?  Seeing as most people still use windows, it
 would be useful to have something that is.

Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 04:39 pm, Carroll Grigsby did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 BTW, was there ever any consensus as to whether Marc should buy some
 Mandrake stock?

well i don't know about Marc, but when my 401 rolls over i am spending half 
of it on Mandrake, and i don't care if i see a return.

- -- 
Fundimentalism stops a thinking mind.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 01:39 pm, Kaj Haulrich did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Two days ago I posted a question of my own, concerning spam. Maybe that's
 the reason ? - Maybe the list has some filter who react to the phrase
 spam ?

interestingly i forwarded (to this list) the message you sent me that never 
showed.  my forward failed to appear too.

...bad message!  go to /dev/null!

- -- 
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 03:37 pm, Carroll Grigsby did speak unto the huddled
masses, saying:

 First, given the current emphasis on TCO, you haven't included the labor
 hours expended on this disaster. Be sure to include all of the planning
 meetings that were held to make sure that everything went smoothly.
 Second, maybe I read too much Dilbert, but did the cretin that made these
 decisions have pointy hair?
 -- cmg (splitting my sides at someone else's grief)

go ahead, laugh at my pain... :P

and no the cretin involved is bald, but still a PHB.

- --
The idea that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armour to
lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the
fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into
it in the first place. -DOUGLAS ADAMS, Author

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Unreal

2002-05-31 Per discussione FemmeFatale

daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Thu, 30 May 2002, s wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 12:00 am, D. Olson wrote:
   On Friday 31 May 2002 12:17 am, you wrote:
It is the Loki release for Linux, right? If so, then grab it. Works great
with my Geforce here
   No, someone hacked the UT installer and made it so you can use Unreal in
   Linux now too. I am told at MUB that it is really cool, so I am looking to
   get it now.
Its a wonderful game though, and worth the effort to get it setup... ;-)
   I have a tutorial on installing UT on my site.
 Hi s,
 since I haven't been able to get Quake running in Linux yet I don't really
 have anything to compare it to. :( I have noticed though that there are a
 few bugs in the Linux version of UT that don't exist in the windows
 version.  for some reason if I use two directional keys at the same time
 as I'm often used to doing to move forward and sideways at the same time
 the strafe left or strafe right actually get stuck in the game and at tmes
 it's not easy to get unstuck. this normally results in my character
 getting fraged. Once my characters guts are all over the wall though the
 game straightens out. I've also noticed a difference in the mouse
 behavior. It seems to take more travel to achieve the same results as
 compared to windows game play.
 any thoughts or comments?
 a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR

For windows there were patches released to get rid of these bugs.  Try
to see if its the same for Linux.

As for the mouse hm...if its like Q3, you might try setting your mouse
speed in the game higher.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] NSA / PGP

2002-05-31 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 31 May 2002, shane wrote:

 On Friday 31 May 2002 11:26 am, daRcmaTTeR did speak unto the huddled 
 masses, saying:
  On Fri, 31 May 2002, Miark wrote:
   I'm sure the NSA could crack any PGP e-mail in a minute or two
   if they wanted to.
  i'm quite sure you're correct.
 i doubt that.  it is simply a matter of raw math.
 in short if they had a super computer than can only be imagined today (not 
 built) it would take hundreds of years to guess a key.
 or to quote another page:
 To recover a particular (128 bit) key, one must, on average, search half the 
 keyspace. That is 127 bits: 
 If you had 1,000,000,000 machines that could try 1,000,000,000 keys/sec, it 
 would still take all these machines longer than the universe as we know it 
 has existed and then some, to find the key. IDEA, as far as present 
 technology is concerned, is not vulnerable to brute-force attack, pure and 
 the key size i use (again only once in awhile, but i use it) will take 
 300,000,000,000,000,000,000 MIPS-years to factor.  let them break that in 
 2-3 minutes.
 as for backdoors, do you think they could do that to an open source project?  
 nobody would notice?  nah.
good point shane! I feel better now. 

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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Re: [newbie] Lock up/ Shut off all internet capability?

2002-05-31 Per discussione civileme

db wrote:

For reasons to long to describe, I must run Redhat 5.2 as one boot along
with Mandrake 8.2 on another.  When the machine is booted to Redhat 5.2
there is no need for network connectivity and I am worried about it getting
hacked.  Making it secure with a firewall/etc would probably be difficult in
any case and since I can't depend on people to unplug the machine at that
point, I would like to lock up /shut off 5.2's network connectivity without
having to reinstall it.
Can anyone tell me how?

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Well, you should have SysVinit available in RH 5.2  Call it up in 
graphical mode and shutdown network.  If you really need sockets as in 
KDE or GNOME which I do not believe were available in RH 5.2, then open 
it, but set local only--in other words, put

ifdown eth0

(and any other network interfaces except lo)

in the script /etc/rc.d/rc.local


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux / NSA

2002-05-31 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Miark wrote:
 I'm sure the NSA could crack any PGP e-mail in a minute or two
 if they wanted to.
 shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 09:47 am, Tony S. Sykes did speak unto the huddled
  masses, saying:
   My guess is, the more secure the desktops the better, but your email
   messages are ours for the taking.
  behold the magic of pgp!  :)  i rarely use it, but it is nice to have when
  it makes you feel safe
  Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies.

Heh, i've followed teh Intelligence community for years now.  YEs they
can crack PGP but they can't crack it if the encryption alogrithm is
high enough.  Say... 1024? :)

The estimate (From an Intelligence source no less) says it will take
about 40 years to crack that. 

Course encrypting would take a while too.  But you can do it.  Use
DESA.  They can't crack that  I think its builtin to PGP.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] What is openfind?

2002-05-31 Per discussione mike

Charlie wrote:
 May 31, 2002 04:12 pm,Jon Doe wrote:
  Anyone know what openfind is? I found this is my apache logs: - - [31/May/2002:00:09:07 -0400] GET / HTTP/1.0 200 2438 - - [31/May/2002:00:09:07 -0400] GET / HTTP/1.0 200 2438
  - Openfind data gatherer,
  Openbot/3.0+([EMAIL PROTECTED];+
  I went to the website but its in Chinese.
  Just wondered if anyone had ever heard of it before.
 A very good question! I wonder what the answer is?
 It seems to be a robot that's gathering statistics regarding Linux usage. How
 it works is a mystery but there's a lot of pages

found these websites  

Maybe someone can decipher what these are??? 

found this java script:

 language=JavaScript script 
function OpenfindSubmit(thisForm)
if (thisForm.query.value == ) {
return false;
} else {
if (thisForm.ServiceID.selectedIndex == 1) {//
powerplant Web PAGE search
thisForm.action =
} else if (thisForm.ServiceID.selectedIndex == 2)
{// WNS search
thisForm.action =;;
} else if (thisForm.ServiceID.selectedIndex == 3)
{// powerplant BBS search
thisForm.action =
thisForm.QUERY.value = thisForm.query.value;
} else if (thisForm.ServiceID.selectedIndex == 4)
{// powerplant News search
thisForm.action =
} else if (thisForm.ServiceID.selectedIndex == 5)
{// image search
thisForm.type.value = image;
thisForm.action =
} else if (thisForm.ServiceID.selectedIndex == 6)
{// audio search
thisForm.type.value = audio;
thisForm.action =
} else if (thisForm.ServiceID.selectedIndex == 7)
{// software search
thisForm.type.value = software;
thisForm.action =
} else if (thisForm.ServiceID.selectedIndex == 8)
{// Literature search
thisForm.type.value = literature;
thisForm.action =
} else {// default, powerplant CD search
thisForm.action =
thisForm.Query.value = thisForm.query.value;
return true;

 TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 of
align=center border=0 
 FORM name=Openfind onsubmit=return
OpenfindSubmit(this) method=get 
 INPUTS type=hidden name=Function value=search 
 INPUTS type=hidden name=redirect value=ON 
 INPUTS type=hidden name=type value=image 
 INPUTS type=hidden name=Query 
 INPUTS type=hidden name=QUERY 

alt=Openfind border=0 width=100
 TD more valign=center align=middle 
 INPUT size=24 name=query 
 SELECT name=ServiceID 
 OPTION value=0 selected¤ÀÃþ/OPTION 
 OPTION value=1ºô­¶/OPTION 
 OPTION value=2ºô§}/OPTION 
 OPTION value=4 ·sD/OPTION 

Re: [newbie] NSA / PGP

2002-05-31 Per discussione FemmeFatale

daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Fri, 31 May 2002, shane wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 11:26 am, daRcmaTTeR did speak unto the huddled

   i'm quite sure you're correct.
  i doubt that.  it is simply a matter of raw math.
  in short if they had a super computer than can only be imagined today (not
  built) it would take hundreds of years to guess a key.
  or to quote another page:
  To recover a particular (128 bit) key, one must, on average, search half the
  keyspace. That is 127 bits:
  If you had 1,000,000,000 machines that could try 1,000,000,000 keys/sec, it
  would still take all these machines longer than the universe as we know it
  has existed and then some, to find the key. IDEA, as far as present
  technology is concerned, is not vulnerable to brute-force attack, pure and
  the key size i use (again only once in awhile, but i use it) will take
  300,000,000,000,000,000,000 MIPS-years to factor.  let them break that in
  2-3 minutes.
  as for backdoors, do you think they could do that to an open source project?
  nobody would notice?  nah.
 good point shane! I feel better now.
 a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
Figures I made my own post before I saw this... i said DESA, I mean
IDEA. Heh, sorry ;p

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-05-31 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 Hi all -
 Please forgive me for waisting your bandwidth.
 After about - what - half a year on the list, I'm suddenly censored out.
 Don't know why - to many beers and cheers maybe ?
 Makes me kind'a sad, though. I think this list is very unique, informative,
 helpful and - sometimes - amusing.
 So : if this mail infects your screen, send it to /dev/null. Then I'll be
 happy again !
 Kaj Haulrich

well i got this email.  Don't know what you're talking about though.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Instant Messengers

2002-05-31 Per discussione mike

Warren Post wrote:
 Jabber (see and it's various front ends, such as Gabber.
 Warren Post
 Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
 On 31 May 2002 00:37:13 +0100
 Matt Blake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anybody know which (if any) instant messengers are compatible with
  MSM Messenger on Linux?  Seeing as most people still use windows, it
  would be useful to have something that is.

also there is kmsn works great

try here

 or kmerlin  


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Re: [newbie] where are user docs for wv?

2002-05-31 Per discussione civileme

dunc wrote:

Can anyone kill my frustration please?

I have selected wv when I installed 8.2 but have not been able to
find/use the docs for this. 
So unfortunately I cant try to configure or use the program and cant
seem to get it to start.

Ideally I want to be able to get netscape 4.7 to open word docs and have
them readable. At the moment if I
save the .doc attachment and then open in say star office I just get
loads of garbage and formatting info.

Any help would be gratefully received.

might then be able to get the wife to dump xp.


Duncan Bayne

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man wvdial
man wvdial.conf
man wvdialconf


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Re: [newbie] no such file or directory?

2002-05-31 Per discussione jbarron201

Thank,s Charles yes I do have a firewall but not worried about the win2k
system took it down to try connect after not getting the pop up to set up a
port was worried about the Mandrake box didn,t figure out how to turn it off
it is set on standard .I,ve got a book for 8.1 comeing tomorrow afternoon
can,t wait between time shortage ,bother you guys, reading help doc,s this
has been a pain can,t understand why everthing configured so easy until I
got to the cable.
- Original Message -
From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] no such file or directory?

 On Fri, 31 May 2002 17:12:40 -0700

  first thank,s a bunch for you guys that have help and put up with me
  trying to configure my linux box.I finally got time to use the advice
  i was given the other on configureing my internet connect in knosole
  root cat/etc/resolv.conf  gave me no such file or directory
  kwrite/etc/resolv.conf the same I,m not getting the info they told me
  to expect at all in fact  that same thing no such file

 Even I did not think to ask this before.
 Are you running a firewall on your wk2 system?

 If so you will need to configure it to allow your 2nd nic to act as a
 trusted device.

 The manner you do so can vary from firewall to firewall.
 ZoneAlarm being very simple and and BlackIce a real pain.


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Re: [newbie] Announcement: UnitedLinux / NSA

2002-05-31 Per discussione shane

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 06:03 pm, FemmeFatale did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 Heh, i've followed teh Intelligence community for years now.  YEs they
 can crack PGP but they can't crack it if the encryption alogrithm is
 high enough.  Say... 1024? :)

1024?  you want me to use weak encryption?  ;P

- -- 
Microsoft: Writing viruses has never been easier!

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Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] What is openfind?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 08:04:56 -0500
mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 found these websites  

LOL, highest quality Chinese websites? My site is 100% english.

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