Re: [newbie-it] spedire la posta

2003-06-19 Per discussione syd
* Arwan wrote:

 Terzo: ho mandato a puttane tutto e ho scaricato ssmtp.tgz, umiliando 
 inutilmente la mia testardaggine e seguendo i consigli di syd e Giuseppe.

Arwan in questi giorni provero' a configurare il pacchetto sendmail
fornito dalla slack e vediamo se riusciamo a tirarne fuori qualcosa.
Magari chiediamo a Giuseppe che gia' lo ha usato qualche giorno fa
quale e' la sua configurazione. Dai Giuseppe.. 

 Quarto, la somma delle frustrazioni: MA COME CAZZO SI INSTALLA SSMTP??? Non ha 
 il configlure, ne make, ne' niente di niente. Solo, che ho lanciato 
 senza risultati; niente readme, niente manuale... solo un man/ssmtp.8 
 praticamente incomprensibile... ed era l'unico tgz che io abbia trovato in 
 rete su ssmtp.

Io ho scaricato questo pacchetto: ssmtp-2.48.tar.gz.
Lo trovi qui


$ tar xzvf ssmtp-2.48.tar.gz
$ cd ssmtp-2.48
$ make
$ su
# make install

In fase d'installazione di chiede l'hostname: tu conferma quello che
ti propone.


# cd /etc/ssmtp

entri con il tuo editor preferito nel file ssmtp.conf e assegni alla
voce mailhub l'indirizzo del server smtp del tuo provider. Ad
esempio io navigo con il cui smtp e'
Puoi anche scrivere l'indirizzo IP del server smtp ottenuto, nel mio
caso con

$ ping

Quindi aggiungi la stringa FromeLineOverride=YES

Dovresti avere quindi alla fine 

$ cat /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf


Per il mailhub ho usato la tecnica del ping come ti ho spiegato sopra
e per hostname ho lasciato quello di default

Prova e se non ti funge dovrai solo spippolare sulla voce hostname.
Ma prima prova, poi ne parliamo.

Per la tua frustrazione a causa di sendmail.. Arwan e' normale, non
devi scoraggiarti. D'altra parte sei partita in quarta pretendendo di
configurare al meglio sendmail quando ancora qualche giorno fa non 
sapevi la differenza tra un MUA ed un MTA. Adesso che ti
_tranquillizzi_ con ssmtp avrai tutto il tempo per spippolare su
sendmail ;))

Slackware 9.0 * K 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] kernel

2003-06-19 Per discussione tom
On Wednesday 18 June 2003 18:53, piter wrote:
 ciao ML,
 dopo essere riuscito a sostuire il vecchio kernel con il nuovo, mi è
 passato sotto il naso questo articolo:

  solo che son bloccato subito all'inizio perchè quando dò il comando
  make xconfig oppure make menuconfig la risposta è questa:

 *make: *** No rule to make target `config'.  Stop.*

 ho provato anche con #linuxconf ma mi da questo messaggio:

 Error message from remadmin :Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Error message from remadmin :Xlib: No protocol specified
 Error message from remadmin :
 Error message from remadmin :
 Error message from remadmin :Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0

sembra un problema di librerie di x (lo dico nella mia estrema ignoranza)
io per non saper ne leggere ne scrivere controllerei tra il softw installabile 
se ci sono xlib o pacetti dev-gtk e li installerei in massaal limite puoi 
sempre disinstallare


 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Legge Malek: Ogni idea semplice sara' espressa nella maniera piu' complicata.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

[newbie-it] tuxrace e driver nvidia

2003-06-19 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Ho un piccolo problema con tuxrace.
Nulla di grave, ma i nipotini vogliono giocarci :-)

Io ho una scheda geforge2-mmx che con i driver Nvidia non ha mai
dato alcun problema.
Da quando ho installato la 9.1 e, contemporaneamente, la nuova versione
dei driver, si impalla il sistema se cerco di fare alcune discese di tuxrace. 
La discesa che dà maggiori problemi è quella con tutti gli spunzoni di 

Ho cercato un po' su google, ma non ho trovato nulla.
Qualcuno ha avuto problemi analoghi o ha indicazioni da darmi?

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] ehm...

2003-06-19 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Arwan ha scritto:
 Raga', scusate il tono della mail di ieri, ero sull'esasperato andante, non ce 
 l'avevo con voi.

Io pensavo invece di si... Di certo ti abbiamo quasi un po trascinata 
in questa scelta. 
Già incominciavo ad avere forti sensi di colpa.
Comunque è sempre gagliardo quando una donna _testarda_ si incavola di 
brutto :))
Arwan perchè fai così se ti servono info chiedi, ricordati che almeno 
per quanto mi riguarda ci puoi contare (ovviamente fino a quando ne avrai 
bisogno o meglio fino a quando ne sarò all'altezza). Capisco anche la tua 
ansia di sistemare tutto al più presto, solo ti chiedo di presentare un 
problema alla volta, non come hai fatto ultimamente ;) .
Affrontare problemi che si accavallano uno sopra l'altro, alla rinfusa non 
aiuta l'informazione, anzi non dai tempo nemmeno a te stessa di assimilare 
i concetti e gli altri non si rendono poi più conto di cosa puo servirti 
realmente e quello che invece è superfluo per te.

Scaricati e installa la versione ssmtp che ha gia anche syd, la mia è la 
versione 2.60.3-1 ed è un rpm.
Una volta installato ssmtp, ricordati fra le altre cose da fare di inserire 
in .muttrc la seguente riga:
set sendmail=/usr/sbin/ssmtp
o comunque inserisci la path precisa dove si trova il tuo file binario ssmtp.
Per quanto riguarda ssmtp non devi leggere nessun manuale per farlo
funzionare, sono solo quattro righe di configurazione, io l'ho installato, 
ho scritto le quattro righe nel file di configurazione ssmtp.conf e l'ho 
Pensi che se era così difficile da usare ti sarebbe stato consigliato ? 
Quando ne senti la necessità non esitare a chiedere spiegazioni.
Per quanto riguarda la configurazione di sendmail invece ti consiglio di
soprassedere per il momento, anzi è meglio che sendmail non sia attivo.
Quando usi fetchmail che, senza indicazioni nel file .fetchmailrc riguardo
all'utilizzo di un mda, utilizza per default l'mta di default ossia nel tuo
caso sendmail, ricordati di questo fatto se decidi poi di rendere inattivo 
Per far funzionare fetchmail che non ti scaricherà più la posta non trovando
più l'mta di default, dovrai specificare un mda alternativo in .fetchmailrc 
ossia procmail, ma questo gia lo sai fare.

Se per prova vuoi mandarmi delle mail dirette fai pure, ti dirò se tutto va 
bene e soprattutto controllerò i tuoi headers. Intanto consolati con ssmtp 
che comunque anch'io uso, non è un peccato, sottovalutarlo invece si.
Per quanto riguarda sendmail e rispondendo quindi indirettamente a syd,  
ultimamente avevo deciso di toglierlo definitivamente dal mio sistema e 
configurare fetchmail ad usare procmail come mda.
Prossimamente vorrei provare dinuovo con sendmail, poi con postfix ed altri 
mta, ma per questioni di tempo continuo sempre a rimandare; ti confesso però 
che l'altro motivo è che ssmtp funziona troppo bene e occupa pochissimo spazio. 
Una volta che avrai sistemato tutto e avrai fatto la transizione definitiva 
da kmail a mutt allora potrai giocare con sendmail e altri mta se lo riterrai 
Comunque da questa tua controrisposta ti vedo già più serena ed è un buon 

Ciao, Giuseppe. 

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9 (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20


2003-06-19 Per discussione Pietro Giampa'

[newbie-it] File ps e ricerca

2003-06-19 Per discussione Luigi Beltramini

sapete come si fa a ricercare del testo all'interno di un file .ps?

[newbie-it] mnt/windows

2003-06-19 Per discussione Dan
Ciao a tutti!
Qualcuno mi sa dire cosa posso aver toccato nella configurazione durante
l'installazione? Su un pc di un mio amico ho installato la 9.1 e quando si
esplora mnt/windows i file si vedono correttamente (impostazioni di
sicurezza normali), sul mio pc quando apro mnt/windows non si vede nulla!
Windows è installato in un altro hd, un ide, mentre linux è su uno scsi, e
le impostazioni di sicurezza erano medio-alte, le ho cambiate in normali ma
continuo a non vedere i file di windows!
Qualcuno sa dirmi qualcosa? o è il mio pc completamente sfatto dal caldo?

Re: [newbie-it] spedire la posta

2003-06-19 Per discussione syd
* syd wrote:

 $ tar xzvf ssmtp-2.48.tar.gz
 $ cd ssmtp-2.48
 $ make
 $ su
 # make install

Aggiungo: lanciando il ./configure cosi' come ti ho indicato il
binario finira' in /usr/local/sbin. Io uso installare molti pacchetti
sotto /usr/local nonostante non sia proprio lo standard slackware.
Se tu vuoi invece installarlo sotto la piu' classica dir /usr allora
devi dare

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr

A seconda di come installerai quindi dovrai poi nel ~/.muttrc

set sendmail = /usr/local/sbin/ssmtp


set sendamail = /usr/sbin/ssmtp

Sia nel primo caso che nel secondo dovrai commentare la riga di set
sendmail che ora e' settata su sendmail (commentala e non cancellarla
se poi vuoi ritornare su sendmail!!!)

LU 285930 * LM 167646

Re: [newbie-it] File ps e ricerca

2003-06-19 Per discussione freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 19 June 2003 17:04, Luigi Beltramini wrote:

 sapete come si fa a ricercare del testo all'interno di un file .ps?

mh, devo ammettere che l'unica volta che ne ho avuto bisogno,
ho convertito il .ps in testo con ps2ascii (c'e' anche pstotext).

- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] sono nuovo

2003-06-19 Per discussione linuxnic
Un buongiorno a tutta la lista.Mi sono appena iscritto.Prima di chiedere 
cose che magari posso risolvere da solo vorrei sapere l'indirizzo giusto 
Grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] mnt/windows

2003-06-19 Per discussione Emma e Gigi
Alle 18:51, giovedì 19 giugno 2003, Dan ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti!
 Qualcuno mi sa dire cosa posso aver toccato nella configurazione durante
 l'installazione? Su un pc di un mio amico ho installato la 9.1 e quando si
 esplora mnt/windows i file si vedono correttamente (impostazioni di
 sicurezza normali), sul mio pc quando apro mnt/windows non si vede nulla!
 Windows è installato in un altro hd, un ide, mentre linux è su uno scsi, e
 le impostazioni di sicurezza erano medio-alte, le ho cambiate in normali ma
 continuo a non vedere i file di windows!
 Qualcuno sa dirmi qualcosa? o è il mio pc completamente sfatto dal caldo?

Non è che per caso il sistema Windows di cui parli è XP con formattazione 

RE: [newbie-it] sono nuovo

2003-06-19 Per discussione piter
benvenuto in lista,

ti FW una risposta che diede Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
il Wed, 7 May 2003 14:58:55:

In generale:

Questa in particolare:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/


-- Messaggio originale --
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 22:32:53 +0200
From: linuxnic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie-it] sono nuovo

Un buongiorno a tutta la lista.Mi sono appena iscritto.Prima di chiedere

cose che magari posso risolvere da solo vorrei sapere l'indirizzo giusto

Grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] ehm...

2003-06-19 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Thursday 19 June 2003 16:17, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] ehm... (e 
chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), Giuseppe Ferruzzi ha scritto: 

 * Arwan ha scritto:
  Raga', scusate il tono della mail di ieri, ero sull'esasperato andante,
  non ce l'avevo con voi.

 Io pensavo invece di si... Di certo ti abbiamo quasi un po trascinata
 in questa scelta.

Ma no, figurati. E' da marzo (anzi, febbraio) che faccio pensierini su mutt, 
quella delle vostre spiegazioni era un'occasione da cogliere al volo.

 Già incominciavo ad avere forti sensi di colpa.
 Comunque è sempre gagliardo quando una donna _testarda_ si incavola di
 brutto :))

Mi sollevi il morale... oggi poi ho avuto una batosta ascoltando una 
conferenza... cavolo, sono ancora scombussolata.

 Arwan perchè fai così se ti servono info chiedi, ricordati che almeno
 per quanto mi riguarda ci puoi contare (ovviamente fino a quando ne avrai
 bisogno o meglio fino a quando ne sarò all'altezza). Capisco anche la tua
 ansia di sistemare tutto al più presto, solo ti chiedo di presentare un
 problema alla volta, non come hai fatto ultimamente ;) .

Non mi faccio problemi a chiedere, solo che di indicazioni me ne aveta date un 
sacco, e non venirne fuori... insomma, e' anche una questione d'orgoglio! Poi 
scoppio... ;-)
quella di afrrontare un problema alla volta e' una tecnica che ho sempre usato 
anch'io... infatti prima ho sistemato la ricezione, poi il filtraggio, e ora 
tocca alla spedizione, ma tra mutt e sendmail (o quant'altro) c'erano troppe 
interazioni non ancora chiare.

 Scaricati e installa la versione ssmtp che ha gia anche syd, la mia è la
 versione 2.60.3-1 ed è un rpm.

Scaricata, sabato vedo di installarla (domani gnaffo')

 Una volta installato ssmtp, ricordati fra le altre cose da fare di inserire
 in .muttrc la seguente riga:
 set sendmail=/usr/sbin/ssmtp


 o comunque inserisci la path precisa dove si trova il tuo file binario
 ssmtp. Per quanto riguarda ssmtp non devi leggere nessun manuale per farlo
 funzionare, sono solo quattro righe di configurazione, io l'ho installato,
 ho scritto le quattro righe nel file di configurazione ssmtp.conf e l'ho

Che sono le quattro righe ceh ha scritto anche syd tempo fa... appropo', per 
fare ping al sito di inwind sapete che indirizzo devo dare?

 Quando usi fetchmail che, senza indicazioni nel file .fetchmailrc riguardo
 all'utilizzo di un mda, utilizza per default l'mta di default ossia nel tuo
 caso sendmail, ricordati di questo fatto se decidi poi di rendere inattivo

Piano piano... ma fetch non si occupa di prelevare la posta dal server? E' che 
gli serve interagire con send?

 Per far funzionare fetchmail che non ti scaricherà più la posta non
 trovando più l'mta di default, dovrai specificare un mda alternativo in
 .fetchmailrc ossia procmail, ma questo gia lo sai fare.

Si', richiamando procmail come ha fatto syd... ma perche' e' indispensabile? 
Perche' non li mette nello spool e basta?

 Se per prova vuoi mandarmi delle mail dirette fai pure, ti dirò se tutto va
 bene e soprattutto controllerò i tuoi headers.

Intanto vedo di spedire, poi (punto secondo) cerchero' di sitemare gli 
headers. Che con una marea di ML... ;-)

 Intanto consolati con ssmtp
 che comunque anch'io uso, non è un peccato, sottovalutarlo invece si.

Infatti... solo che avevo gia' installato sendmail, e mi sembrava comodo da 
provare, soprattutto perche' gli appunti che ho (quelli di Antonecchia) si 
riferivano a lui.

 Comunque da questa tua controrisposta ti vedo già più serena ed è un buon

Ci ho dormito sopra... e mi sentivo in colpa per tutte le parolacce che ho 
scritto ;-)


Re: [newbie-it] mnt/windows

2003-06-19 Per discussione tom
On Thursday 19 June 2003 18:51, Dan wrote:
 Ciao a tutti!
 Qualcuno mi sa dire cosa posso aver toccato nella configurazione durante
 Qualcuno sa dirmi qualcosa? o è il mio pc completamente sfatto dal caldo?

ma c'è in fstab?


 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
(:-D Messaggio a proposito di un'altra persona pettegola...
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] mnt/windows

2003-06-19 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:51, giovedì 19 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] 
mnt/windows,  Dan   ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti!
 Qualcuno mi sa dire cosa posso aver toccato nella configurazione
 durante l'installazione? Su un pc di un mio amico ho installato la
 9.1 e quando si esplora mnt/windows i file si vedono correttamente
 (impostazioni di sicurezza normali), sul mio pc quando apro
 mnt/windows non si vede nulla! Windows è installato in un altro hd,
 un ide, mentre linux è su uno scsi, e le impostazioni di sicurezza
 erano medio-alte, le ho cambiate in normali ma continuo a non vedere
 i file di windows!

è probabile che l'installazione sicura non abbia aggiunto le opzioni 
user o umask=000 nella linea di stab relativa alla partizione vfat


- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] kernel

2003-06-19 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:53, mercoledì 18 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] kernel,  
piter   ha scritto:

  solo che son bloccato subito all'inizio perchè quando dò il comando
  make xconfig oppure make menuconfig la risposta è questa:

 *make: *** No rule to make target `config'.  Stop.*

hai installato i sorgenti del kernal, vero ?

 ho provato anche con #linuxconf ma mi da questo messaggio:
 Error message from remadmin :Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

sei in console da root in una sessione dell'utente?
  root non può accedere al display usato da X per l'utente


- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] mnt/windows

2003-06-19 Per discussione Dan
Rispondo un pò a tutti... è XP Professional e se fstab (o stab, non sono
assolutamente pratico) è modificabile in qualche maniera proverò a cambiare
i parametri. Grazie!


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] mnt/windows

Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:51, giovedì 19 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it]
mnt/windows,  Dan   ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti!
 Qualcuno mi sa dire cosa posso aver toccato nella configurazione
 durante l'installazione? Su un pc di un mio amico ho installato la
 9.1 e quando si esplora mnt/windows i file si vedono correttamente
 (impostazioni di sicurezza normali), sul mio pc quando apro
 mnt/windows non si vede nulla! Windows è installato in un altro hd,
 un ide, mentre linux è su uno scsi, e le impostazioni di sicurezza
 erano medio-alte, le ho cambiate in normali ma continuo a non vedere
 i file di windows!

è probabile che l'installazione sicura non abbia aggiunto le opzioni
user o umask=000 nella linea di stab relativa alla partizione vfat


- --


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] Fwd: ddclient

2003-06-19 Per discussione Giacomo
sto cercando di far funzionare ddclient, ma ricevo questa risposta:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] giacomo]# /usr/sbin/ddclient
WARNING:  unable to determine IP address

il file di configurazione l'ho postato in allegato


Giacomo Piva --
FerraraLUG --
DeepSpace6 --


ICQ #Uin: 173565743
GnuPG fp: 6365 91F4 C112 BB34 B42C 8D93 5C8B 0931 ACD5 DB96
365 91F4 C112 BB34 B42C 8D93 5C8B 0931 ACD5 DB96
## Define default global variables with lines like:
##  var=value [, var=value]*
## These values will be used for each following host unless overridden
## with a local variable definition.
## Define local variables for one or more hosts with:
##  var=value [, var=value]* host.and.domain[,host2.and.domain...]
## Lines can be continued on the following line by ending the line
## with a \
#daemon=300 # check every 300 seconds
syslog=yes  # log update msgs to syslog
mail=root   # mail update msgs to root
pid=/var/run/   # record PID in file.
#use=watchguard-soho,fw= via Watchguard's SOHO FW
#use=netopia-r910,   fw= via Netopia R910 FW
#use=smc-barricade,  fw=  # via SMC's Barricade FW
#use=netgear-rt3xx,  fw=  # via Netgear's internet FW
#use=linksys,fw=  # via Linksys's internet FW
#use=maxgate-ugate3x00,  fw=  # via MaxGate's UGATE-3x00  FW
#use=elsa-lancom-dsl10,  fw=   # via ELSA LanCom DSL/10 DSL 
#use=elsa-lancom-dsl10-ch01, fw=   # via ELSA LanCom DSL/10 DSL 
#use=elsa-lancom-dsl10-ch02, fw=   # via ELSA LanCom DSL/10 DSL 
#use=alcatel-stp,fw=   # via Alcatel Speed Touch Pro
#use=xsense-aero,fw=  # via Xsense Aero Router
#fw-login=admin, fw-password=XX # FW login and password
## To obtain an IP address from FW status page (using fw-login, fw-password)
#use=fw, fw=, fw-skip='IP Address' # found after IP Address
## To obtain an IP address from Web status page (using the proxy if defined)
#use=web,, web-skip='IP Address' # found after IP Address
#use=ip, ip=   # via static IP's
#use=if, if=eth0# via interfaces
#use=web# via web
protocol=dyndns2# default protocol # default proxy   # default server # default server (bypassing proxies)

login=abadir# default login
password=   # default password default MX
#backupmx=yes|no# host is primary MX?
#wildcard=yes|no# add wildcard CNAME?

## dynamic addresses
## (supports variables: wildcard,mx,backupmx)
##, \
 protocol=dyndns2   \

## static addresses
## (supports variables: wildcard,mx,backupmx)
# static=yes\
# protocol=dyndns2  \

## custom addresses
## (supports variables: wildcard,mx,backupmx)
# custom=yes\
# protocol=dyndns2  \

## ZoneEdit (
#,  \
# protocol=zoneedit1,   \
# login=your-zoneedit-login,\
# password=your-zoneedit-password   \
# your.any.domain,your-2nd.any.dom

## EasyDNS (
#,   \
# protocol=easydns, \
# login=your-easydns-login, \
# password=your-easydns-password\
# your.any.domain,your-2nd.any.domain

## Hammernode ( dynamic addresses
# protocol=hammernode1, \
# login=your-hn-login,  \
# password=your-hn-password \


Re: [newbie-it] ehm...

2003-06-19 Per discussione syd
* Arwan wrote:
 Che sono le quattro righe ceh ha scritto anche syd tempo fa... appropo', per 
 fare ping al sito di inwind sapete che indirizzo devo dare?

$ ping

oppure metti direttamente e' il server smtp del provider inwind. 
ssmtp e' un MTA ridotto che tramite la porta 25 contatta il server
smtp del tuo provider e gli consegna le mail da inviare (ad inviarle
quindi ci pensa inwind). Ricorda.. porta 25; in fase di installazione
di ssmtp ti verra' chiesto quale porta usare. Devi solo accettare
quella proposta che e' appunto la 25.
Per la configurazione di ssmtp segui la mia precedente mail
(precedente a questa) e solo se non ti funge allora passi alla mia
vecchia mail sull'argomento. Le due configurazioni si differenziano
per l'impostazione dell'hostname.
A proposito: sai qual'e' il tuo hostname? A meno che tu non l'abbia
modificato dovrebbe essere che trovi indicato in
/etc/HOSTNAME. E' questo il secondo parametro che ti verra' chiesto
in fase d'installazione di ssmtp; ti dovrebbe essere proposto quello
che l'applicazione legge automaticamente in /etc/HOSTNAME... quindi
devi solo confermare.
Se ti viene proposto un nome diverso.. c'e' qualcosa che non va ;))

  Quando usi fetchmail che, senza indicazioni nel file .fetchmailrc riguardo
  all'utilizzo di un mda, utilizza per default l'mta di default ossia nel tuo
  caso sendmail, ricordati di questo fatto se decidi poi di rendere inattivo

 Piano piano... ma fetch non si occupa di prelevare la posta dal server? E' che 
 gli serve interagire con send?

Fetch preleva dai server pop e.. basta. Poi le mail devono
essere _trasportate_ da qualcuno.. ops.. qualcosa ;)
  Per far funzionare fetchmail che non ti scaricherà più la posta non
  trovando più l'mta di default, dovrai specificare un mda alternativo in
  .fetchmailrc ossia procmail, ma questo gia lo sai fare.
 Si', richiamando procmail come ha fatto syd... ma perche' e' indispensabile? 
 Perche' non li mette nello spool e basta?

Come sopra.
Il trasporto lo fai fare o a un MTA (sendmail) il quale comunque si
appoggia sempre ad un MDA (procmail) o direttamente all'MDA.
Ma se lo puo' fare direttamente un MDA perche' farlo fare ad un MTA
che in ogni caso deve richiamare un MDA? Perche' ci sono casi in cui
un MTA risulta indispensabile essendo un'applicazione capace di fare
cose che un MDA non puo' fare. Per un uso home del pc un MTA
puo' anche essere disattivato in fase di smistamento. Se avessi una
rete da gestire (molti utenti, ognuno col suo/suoi account) allora avresti
bisogno di un MTA per lo smistamento oltre che tra i vari utenti
anche tra i vari account.
 Ci ho dormito sopra... e mi sentivo in colpa per tutte le parolacce che ho 
 scritto ;-)

E ti dovremmo credere?

LU 285930 * LM 167646

Re: [newbie-it] ehm...

2003-06-19 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Arwan ha scritto:
  Quando usi fetchmail che, senza indicazioni nel file .fetchmailrc riguardo
  all'utilizzo di un mda, utilizza per default l'mta di default ossia nel tuo
  caso sendmail, ricordati di questo fatto se decidi poi di rendere inattivo
 Piano piano... ma fetch non si occupa di prelevare la posta dal server? E' che 
 gli serve interagire con send?

Fetchmail preleva la posta dal server pop e la inoltra al sistema locale non fa 
le consegne ossia il delivery (la funzione di MDA) nel tuo spool. E' stato già 
ridetto senza un MTA (sendmail, postfix ecc.) la posta non può essere ne inviata 
ne consegnata. 
Per questo dato che tu hai problemi con sendmail ti si è chiesto di usare ssmtp 
per l'invio della posta e procmail (MDA) per la consegna, entrambi sopperiscono 
alla mancanza di un MTA che incorpora le due funzioni.
Il compito di fetchmail è quello di prelevare la posta, poi si appoggia ad un 
altro programma che fa la consegna, fetchmail non agisce da solo. Il fatto è che
siamo troppo abituati ad utilizzare programmi come kmail e mozilla mail per esempio
che hanno incorporate tutte queste funzioni in se. Fetchmail invece è specializzato 
a prelevare la posta e inoltrarla al sistema locale, Procmail è specializzato nella 
consegna alle varie inbox che può essere semplice o complessa tramite filtri. Mutt 
è specializzato ad amministrare la posta e finalmente tramite ssmtp viene abilitato 
anche a spedire la posta. Mutt sostanzialmente serve per leggere la posta, ma è
altamente configurabile tanto che può implementarsi con funzionalità specifiche
di altri programmi , creando un sistema sofisticato di gestione della posta.

 fare ping al sito di inwind sapete che indirizzo devo dare?

Su mailhub in ssmtp.conf inserisci i numeri che ti appaiono con il comando

Questo è il mio output per esempio 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] giuseppe]$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

Allora in ssmtp.conf ho inserito la seguente riga:

  Per far funzionare fetchmail che non ti scaricherà più la posta non
  trovando più l'mta di default, dovrai specificare un mda alternativo in
  .fetchmailrc ossia procmail, ma questo gia lo sai fare.
 Si', richiamando procmail come ha fatto syd... ma perche' e' indispensabile? 
 Perche' non li mette nello spool e basta?

Perchè che cambia o nello spool o da un'altra parte è lo stesso tanto è sempre
procmail (un MDA) che consegna.

  Intanto consolati con ssmtp
  che comunque anch'io uso, non è un peccato, sottovalutarlo invece si.
 Infatti... solo che avevo gia' installato sendmail, e mi sembrava comodo da 
 provare, soprattutto perche' gli appunti che ho (quelli di Antonecchia) si 
 riferivano a lui.

Se vuoi fare presto non indugiare con ssmtp. Con sendmail ci sarà il tempo
per configurarlo quando si è poi tranquilli che tutto funziona.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9 (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

[newbie-it] processi zombie

2003-06-19 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Facendo per curiosità top ho avuto questo output:

top - 02:48:38 up 10 days, 14:27,  3 users,load average: 0.07, 0.05,0.07
Tasks: 111 total,   1 running, 109 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie

Come faccio a killare questo processo zombie? Non è tra i processi 
visibili e il man non mi ha aiutato molto...
Grazie e buonanotte!
- -- 
Ho preso lezioni di lettura veloce ed adesso sono capace di leggere 
Guerra e
Pace in venti minuti.  Parla della Russia.
-- Woody Allen
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re[2]: [newbie] [Fwd: [Mandrake Off Topic] LICQ/Dynamically opening ports in Linksys router]

2003-06-19 Per discussione rikona
Hello Technoslick,

Monday, June 16, 2003, 12:00:42 PM, you wrote:

T No, thankfully. It just has to be an executable that shows itself
T in calling for services through ports that need to be opened.

Are you certain that it actually knows that the exact app is running
on the original computer? This might be just port triggering in which
ANY app on *THAT* computer will trigger the port to open, with
returned packets routed to that IP. (The router remembers the IP
address, NOT the app running). It might be that the app name is just
there to help the reader remember which app is using which ports that
are being triggered.

You could check this by having two apps that use the same port. Place
one app name in the router table, but run the other app on the same
machine, and see if it opens the port anyway.

BTW, port triggering does not need H.323 to work, and would work with
the linux box, for any app, just as well.

Dynamic port triggering is certainly better than static port opening.
I am comforted by having the fw first check the md5 signature of the
designated app - if it's OK, then open the port for that app only.

T Exactly. If you have ICQ (continuing the example) run at different
T times over the network by different clients, you would need to go
T into DMZ just to keep up with the requests. If you do that, it
T can't be a firewall anymore.

T To provide software firewalls on each client that would do this as
T needed, you still would have to put the router's firewall into DMZ or
T nothing gets through the firewall barrier to the Web.

Not necessarily. A stateful inspection firewall can provide protection
without needing to create a DMZ. I run a SI firewall, with app-aware
fw's on each computer. The SI firewall does not need a DMZ (at least
for this purpose). The app-aware fw's allow ONLY a specified app for
the designated port(s), and will deny the same port(s) to any other

T Gnomemeeting is suppose to be a NetMeeting clone/client. It's got
T to be as much a security issue in Linux as in the Windows
T environment.

If it needs all those ports, then yes, it would be a big risk. If you
need to leave that many ports open, why bother with a firewall? :-)

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Image Win partitions from linux floppy?

2003-06-19 Per discussione rikona
Hello Derek,

Wednesday, June 18, 2003, 2:36:07 AM, you wrote:

DJ I am not sure what you are trying to achieve here. I know partimage can create 
DJ partitions, but I was not aware it could be used to create ghost images.

It's not quite 'Ghost', which can create a clone disk. I was thinking
of using partimage to create an image of disk1, but put them on disk2.
It would not be a clone, but could restore back to another disk1 to
create a semi-clone. :-)

DJ As for booting Mandrake from floppy. No

I know I can't do the whole GUI thing, but I'd settle for just enough
to run a script, which in turn would run partimage. Could a REALLY
barebones MD be set up to do only that?

DJ However if you snag yourself a copy of Knoppix
DJ You will get a fully bootable Linux system from CD with a large set of tools.
DJ It runs in memory and will not harm an existing Win installation.

Interesting idea, especially if one of the tools is partimage.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[4]: [newbie] Max HD size backup?

2003-06-19 Per discussione rikona
Hello Derek,

Wednesday, June 18, 2003, 2:44:52 AM, you wrote:

DJ You might like to check out drakbackup which is a Mandrake GUI for
DJ rsync Get the updated version the one on the CD is broken.

Thanks for the heads-up about being broken. Worst thing is a backup
that is no good!

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 15:24, JoeHill wrote:
 On 19 Jun 2003 15:21:44 +1000
 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I'm still dying to get the linux installer for RTCW
 that should be available from
 i think you still need to install it on a win box and copy the pak files
 over tho.

Er, copy them where?

Thu Jun 19 16:50:01 EST 2003
 16:50:01 up 6 days, 4 min,  3 users,  load average: 1.62, 0.76, 0.39
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Rudd's Discovery:
You know that any senator or congressman could go home and make
$300,000 to $400,000, but they don't.  Why?  Because they can
stay in Washington and make it there.

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Re: [newbie] Image Win partitions from linux floppy?

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 15:27, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Thursday 19 June 2003 12:38 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 19:36, Derek Jennings wrote:
   However if you snag yourself a copy of Knoppix
   You will get a fully bootable Linux system from CD with a large set of
   tools. It runs in memory and will not harm an existing Win installation.
  I dunno. I booted with a Knoppix CD, opened a terminal, typed fdisk -d
  /dev/hda1 it it hurt the Windows installation...
 Perhaps Windows got broken, but I'd say that the computer was improved.
 -- cmg

There was heaps of free space on the partition when I was done...(grin)

Thu Jun 19 16:50:01 EST 2003
 16:50:01 up 6 days, 4 min,  3 users,  load average: 1.62, 0.76, 0.39
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Rudd's Discovery:
You know that any senator or congressman could go home and make
$300,000 to $400,000, but they don't.  Why?  Because they can
stay in Washington and make it there.

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[newbie] How to add session types to users

2003-06-19 Per discussione John Richard Smith
How can I add session types ( kde, gnome etc ) to users when you are not 
yet on desktop.
I can drop to a root terminal, but what do I call ?


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] sis 6215c and mandrake linuxes

2003-06-19 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi
I have a PC cel 300, 160 MB ram with the graphic chipset sis 6215 and a 
Hyundai deluxescan 14S monitor. I could get a decent X. I get only 320x200 
res X. Whether any body works with this setup with any version of 
mandrake(7.2, 8.1,8.2,9.0 or 9.1). Even somebody works only with card can 
also guide. I have searched thro' google but still I am where  I was. I have 
read in one mail archive that while configuring X one can force to choose 
between X 3.3.6 or 4.2 in mandrake 8.2. How can it be done?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-19 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Langsley T Russell wrote:

Below are the contents of my /ect/lilo.conf and fstab files. Do they
give a clue as to what the problem is?

say's that the lilo boot device lies in your MBR

append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi
I doubt whether hdb=ide-scsi is correct.
hda = your first hard drive,
hdb = your second hard drive if you have one, but is reserved for such,
hdc = your cdrom or dvd , if configured  master
hdd = your writer if configured  slave (determined by jumpers on the 
back of your dives)

so assuming your cdrom is master and writer is slave, I would guess that 
your writer is hdd, therefore the correct entry in the append line is 
hdd=ide-scsi. If your writer is configured master then the correct line 
is hdc=ide-scsi.

Get this correct and your home and dry.

append=failsafe devfs=nomount
add the hdd-ide-scsi to this append line as well.

your windblows boot script,

In case you ever need to tell it where the boot floppy is.

fstab currently reads:

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1

where your mandrake OS is

none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0

I've never known what this does, someone please explain

none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

nor this

/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2

home partition

/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0

this is supermount on your floppy drive, fine if it works.

/mnt/hdb /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/hdb,fs=auto,--,user 0 0
/mnt/scd0 /mnt/scd0 supermount 

well it's trying to supermount a scsi-em hdb, as explained I think this 
should be /mnt/hdd and /dev/=/dev/hdd if you want supermounted scsi-em 

dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,suid 0 0

I don't know what this is and it's wrong anyway. I would remove it.

/dev/scd1 /mnt/scd1 auto user 0 0

Again I don't know what this is so I would remove it.

/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0

Your windblows OS

/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0

Looks like a Fat32 partition

none /proc proc defaults 0 0

This is always there but I don't know exactly what it does

/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

swap partition.

I think all your've got to do is remove the nonsense lines, and amend 
the hdb to something like hdd, and make sure  they are  identicle in 
both fstab and lilo.conf and it will likely work in supermount, if not, 
then like me and my machine it will have to be automount, in which case 
the fstab entries will have to be changed. Supermount is flakey on some 

John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
There are instructions on id's site if I remember correctly. I will have
a look when I get home tonight. But you can install using wine to get
the pak files if no winblows on your pc then install it natively. It has
to unpack them. As well as getting the installer there are now patches
for the Linux client as well. I am sure that D Olson will have it on his
site (can't remember what it is at the mo all links at home).

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 7:54 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 15:24, JoeHill wrote:
 On 19 Jun 2003 15:21:44 +1000
 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I'm still dying to get the linux installer for RTCW
 that should be available from
 i think you still need to install it on a win box and copy the pak
 over tho.

Er, copy them where?

Thu Jun 19 16:50:01 EST 2003
 16:50:01 up 6 days, 4 min,  3 users,  load average: 1.62, 0.76, 0.39
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Rudd's Discovery:
You know that any senator or congressman could go home and make
$300,000 to $400,000, but they don't.  Why?  Because they can
stay in Washington and make it there.

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This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
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Business Computer Projects Ltd
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RE: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-19 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
Quick check does scd1 and scd0 exist in /dev  /mnt? Did you manually
change your fstab, as it looks kinda bad as it has scd0 and scd1 as well
as hdb being mounted which I assume are all the same device. lilo looks
okay to me though.


-Original Message-
From: Langsley T Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

Thanks to a great deal of help from people here, primarily the two
Johns, Yesterday I actually managed to burn two CDs using Xxcdroast.

Today when I logged on I got two failure lines in my mandrake boot info.
They were both for scd1. They both said FAILED scd1 does not exist. 

I checked in MCC to see if the CDRW drive is still listed and it is not.
When I logged off yesterday it was there twice, once as hdb and once as

At this point I'm unable to access the drive at all. So I've actually
taken a step backward. When I started the device at least appeared in
the hardware list as a CD ROM and I could use it as a reader.

Below are the contents of my /ect/lilo.conf and fstab files. Do they
give a clue as to what the problem is?

append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi
append=failsafe devfs=nomount

fstab currently reads:

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0
/mnt/hdb /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/hdb,fs=auto,--,user 0 0
/mnt/scd0 /mnt/scd0 supermount
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,suid 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/scd1 auto user 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

Again thanks for all the help with this.

LTR  }}:{(

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This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
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Business Computer Projects Ltd
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Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Robin Turner
Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 23:32, JoeHill wrote:

this guy is a *nutjob*.

Er, Joe, don't talk about family members like that, mate. It's not nice.
The guy's a liberal wuss.  Targetting computers is not what we need, we 
need to go after the criminals themselves, and the solution is Black 
ICE.  The next generation of Palladium should include a Trustworthy 
Computing feature which would cause epileptic fits in users who 
attempted to use pirated material or illegal hacker software such as Linux.

Sir Robin

Some guy breaking into a government computer system and wreaking havoc
makes for a more interesting movie plot than some guy writing device
drivers. It's hard to work in a good 10-minutes car chase scene with some
guy who writes device drivers... - tjc, post to LWN
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Spontaneous desktop switching

2003-06-19 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 11:47 AM 6/17/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Okay, I was wrong. I've removed 3ddesktop, but I _still_ switch
desktops by double-pointing to either edge of my screen. Is that
some KDE feature I don't know about and maybe turned on my accident?
if you mean whizzing the cursor to the edge  it goes to the next desktop: 
Yes.  Enlightenment has it too...its under the KDE Options IIRC 
somewhere...  I think i found it by rightclicking the desktop.

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] How to add session types to users

2003-06-19 Per discussione John Richard Smith
How can I add session types ( kde, gnome etc ) to users when you are not
yet on desktop.
I can drop to a root terminal, but what do I call ?

I did,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# kde

_XSERVTransSocketINETCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running
Fatal server error:
Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't 
already run

When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
the full server output, not just the last messages.
This can be found in the log file /var/log/XFree86.0.log.
Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
startkde: Starting up...
kbuildsycoca running...
 running as realtime process now (priority 50)
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
ERROR: kmix: Mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and that
the soundcard driver is loaded.
ERROR: kmix: Mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and that
the soundcard driver is loaded.
ERROR: kmix: Mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and that
the soundcard driver is loaded.
ERROR: kmix: Mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and that
the soundcard driver is loaded.
ERROR: kmix: Mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and that
the soundcard driver is loaded.
ERROR: kmix: Mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and that
the soundcard driver is loaded.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
ERROR: kmix: Mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and that
the soundcard driver is loaded.
ERROR: kmix: Mixer cannot be found.
Please check that the soundcard is installed and that
the soundcard driver is loaded.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# kdecore (KAction): WARNING: 
KActionCollection::KActionCollection( QObject *parent, const char *name, 
KInstance *instance )


Which gets me to kde desktop but not via the gui login manager which 
does not give me the luxury of kde or gnome etc amoungst the session 
types in the dropdown menu.

Where do I go to add these desktops to the login managers session menu ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 03:21 PM 6/19/2003 +1000, you wrote:
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 15:02, JoeHill wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 15:57:00 -0600
 FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 can't find a link to download it...
Femme's doing it to dick tease to us ...
pffft not my fault you need viagra honey.
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

RE: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 17:29, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 There are instructions on id's site if I remember correctly. I will have
 a look when I get home tonight. But you can install using wine to get
 the pak files if no winblows on your pc then install it natively. It has
 to unpack them. As well as getting the installer there are now patches
 for the Linux client as well. I am sure that D Olson will have it on his
 site (can't remember what it is at the mo all links at home).

Ah, thank you so very very much! Oh, the joy of playing RTCW! (Yeah,
played it, won, but have to do it again as I don't have any more servers
to build for a while)(grin)

Thu Jun 19 18:05:00 EST 2003
 18:05:00 up 6 days,  1:19,  2 users,  load average: 0.34, 0.49, 0.47
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Q:  What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead
lawyer in the road?
A:  There are skid marks in front of the dog.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 17:57, Robin Turner wrote:

 The guy's a liberal wuss.  Targetting computers is not what we need, we 
 need to go after the criminals themselves, and the solution is Black 
 ICE.  The next generation of Palladium should include a Trustworthy 
 Computing feature which would cause epileptic fits in users who 
 attempted to use pirated material or illegal hacker software such as Linux.
 Sir Robin

See? We're already branded as crims!

Thu Jun 19 18:05:00 EST 2003
 18:05:00 up 6 days,  1:19,  2 users,  load average: 0.34, 0.49, 0.47
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Q:  What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead
lawyer in the road?
A:  There are skid marks in front of the dog.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 01:02 AM 6/19/2003 -0400, you wrote:
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 15:57:00 -0600
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

can't find a link to download it...

+ Joe Hill
grrr best I can / could do was find this:

you need to register... but thats free to do.  I'd host this for you all 
but I don't intend to play the game.

Frankly I bought the stupid game  Never play it. :|  Figures huh?  Sigh... 
if you're really super stuck i'll ISO the silly thing  put it on ftp.

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 18:05, FemmeFatale wrote:

 pffft not my fault you need viagra honey.
 FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

For me, viagra was a waste. But at least now she doesn't have to use the
magnifying maybe that's a blessing...

Thu Jun 19 18:10:01 EST 2003
 18:10:01 up 6 days,  1:24,  2 users,  load average: 0.43, 0.44, 0.44
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's;
I will not Reason and Compare; my business is to Create.
-- William Blake, Jerusalem

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Re: [newbie] Bookmarks in Galeon

2003-06-19 Per discussione Marc Oestreicher
On Wednesday 18 June 2003 01:39 am, eric huff wrote:
  Bookmark _saving_ is one area where, i hate to say it, none of
   the browsers i have tried in linux works as well as internet
   explorer.  Editing, that's a diff story, but the bookmark
   filing in IE is pretty good.

  Not knowing anything about Galeon I had completely ignored this 
thread until now. But If I am understanding correctly you may want 
to try Opera as a browser. I think it will organize bookmarks the 
way you want,

Composed on a 100% Microsoft and
 Windows free computer with
Mandrake Linux 9.1

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Re: [newbie] my first linux post - ethernet drive

2003-06-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 19 Jun 2003 12:06 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys:
 I just installed the Mandrake 9.1 after much sweat! I need to hook to the
 internet though. How do i install my ethernet driver from floppy, and where
 do i get the driver from? I know most of you passed this stage, please
 help. This is my first!


Here is where you learn something great about Linux. -

Virtually every driver for almost all the available hardware is already on 
your system and will be installed automatically. And No you do not need to 
reboot all the time either.

Just go through the networking wizard in Mandrake Control CentreNetworking, 
and most likely your Ethernet will be working afterwards. The panel in the 
Networking GUI will tell you which driver it is using. Same goes for all the 
other hardware you have.

If you get problems come back to us.



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Re: [newbie] Difference between Linux and Linux Enterprise?

2003-06-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 18 Jun 2003 11:13 pm, Gareth Qually wrote:
 What is the difference between these two?

 And I have a problem with the two booting. Enterprise will boot fine with
 the new Nvidia Drivers I installed. Linux wont. The reason is I tried
 unsuccessfully to set-up a dual monitor display. So I changed the X86config
 file back again, and the Enterprise version will boot fine, but not the
 Linux version. The problem is the 'Linux boot' refers to the config file I
 have already fixed. Thanks


 Gareth Qually

The NVIDIA driver has to be compiled for a specific kernel version. If your X 
is working with the Enterprise kernel, then you must have the Enterprise 
version of the Nvidia driver installed. 


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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Image Win partitions from linux floppy?

2003-06-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
OK I have taken a look at partimage.  (I was confusing it with 'parted' the 
partition maker) It looks like it does just what you want.

And it IS on knoppix. I just checked.

Knoppix is really awfully good. Just stick the CD in a Windows machine and 60 
seconds later it is running a 'real' operating system.


On Thursday 19 Jun 2003 7:28 am, rikona wrote:
 Hello Derek,

 Wednesday, June 18, 2003, 2:36:07 AM, you wrote:

 DJ I am not sure what you are trying to achieve here. I know partimage can
 create DJ partitions, but I was not aware it could be used to create ghost

 It's not quite 'Ghost', which can create a clone disk. I was thinking
 of using partimage to create an image of disk1, but put them on disk2.
 It would not be a clone, but could restore back to another disk1 to
 create a semi-clone. :-)

 DJ As for booting Mandrake from floppy. No

 I know I can't do the whole GUI thing, but I'd settle for just enough
 to run a script, which in turn would run partimage. Could a REALLY
 barebones MD be set up to do only that?

 DJ However if you snag yourself a copy of Knoppix
 DJ You will get a fully bootable Linux system from CD with a large set of
 tools. DJ It runs in memory and will not harm an existing Win

 Interesting idea, especially if one of the tools is partimage.


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Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione MWafkowski
Orrin Hatch is a Liberal!? Shet, then things are even worse than I
thought here in AmeriKa.

Let me know when the conservatives arrive so I can start digging a hole in
the ground.

Mike Wafkowski

- Original Message -
From: Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:57 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

 Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 23:32, JoeHill wrote:
 this guy is a *nutjob*.
  Er, Joe, don't talk about family members like that, mate. It's not nice.

 The guy's a liberal wuss.  Targetting computers is not what we need, we
 need to go after the criminals themselves, and the solution is Black
 ICE.  The next generation of Palladium should include a Trustworthy
 Computing feature which would cause epileptic fits in users who
 attempted to use pirated material or illegal hacker software such as

 Sir Robin

 Some guy breaking into a government computer system and wreaking havoc
 makes for a more interesting movie plot than some guy writing device
 drivers. It's hard to work in a good 10-minutes car chase scene with some
 guy who writes device drivers... - tjc, post to LWN

 Robin Turner
 Bilkent Univeritesi
 Ankara 06533

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.487 / Virus Database: 286 - Release Date: 6/1/03

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Re: [newbie] How to add session types to users

2003-06-19 Per discussione g

John Richard Smith wrote:
How can I add session types ( kde, gnome etc ) to users when you are not
yet on desktop.
I can drop to a root terminal, but what do I call ?
what are you trying to accomplish? end results? do you boot cl or x?

Later  I did,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# kde
_XSERVTransSocketINETCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running
if you boot, or, where already in 'x', this is proper.

need replies to above before trying below;

startkde: Starting up...
kbuildsycoca running...

if in x, dropped how ever to cl, return with 'alt+f7'.

works for me when i 'ctrl+alt+fx' [x=1,2,3,4,5,6] from x to cl.

also, cyoa. be very careful playing root. ;)

[how is monitor?]

peace out.


think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email:  text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 18:04, FemmeFatale wrote:

 you need to register... but thats free to do.  I'd host this for you all 
 but I don't intend to play the game.
 Frankly I bought the stupid game  Never play it. :|  Figures huh?  Sigh... 
 if you're really super stuck i'll ISO the silly thing  put it on ftp.
 FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Ha! Got it. Dig that. Wow. Cool.

(In all honesty, I would have dug down and done it all myself, but it's
a great exercise as to getting help from helping hands.)

Damn does it feel good to be 5 months out of the RedHat crew...(even if
the help comes from a Pinko...)(grin)

Thu Jun 19 20:05:00 EST 2003
 20:05:00 up 6 days,  3:19,  2 users,  load average: 2.36, 4.24, 2.39
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

If God hadn't wanted you to be paranoid, He wouldn't have given you such
a vivid imagination.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 18:58, MWafkowski wrote:
 Orrin Hatch is a Liberal!? Shet, then things are even worse than I
 thought here in AmeriKa.
 Let me know when the conservatives arrive so I can start digging a hole in
 the ground.
 Mike Wafkowski

40 years of digging left me in Australia. Far cry from Michigan or Texas
or Kain-Tuk.

Thu Jun 19 20:10:00 EST 2003
 20:10:00 up 6 days,  3:24,  2 users,  load average: 0.06, 1.60, 1.74
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Chism's Law of Completion:
The amount of time required to complete a government project is
precisely equal to the length of time already spent on it.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
Ok, Femme, Mr. Ron (I don't live in a trailer up a holler) Hall, and all
the other gamerz; THIS IS BLOODY BRILLIANT.

Native, fast, smooth. Can't believe it. Wasn't this nice when I ran
the damn game under Win98SE or WinXP. Brilliant. NOT that I play games
often, but since I don't have much to fix on my machines nowadays, well,
I had some time to play around.

Now if I can get American McGee's Alice to run, I'll have my three
faves: Alice, Half-Life (and all mods) and RTCW.

I bought QuakeII a few weeks back - anyone know of a linux
installer/launcher for that? (grin)

Thu Jun 19 20:40:01 EST 2003
 20:40:01 up 6 days,  3:54,  2 users,  load average: 1.03, 1.02, 1.07
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The following quote is from page 4-27 of the MSCP Basic Disk Functions
Manual which is part of the UDA50 Programmers Doc Kit manuals:

As stated above, the host area of a disk is structured as a vector of
logical blocks.  From a performance viewpoint, however, it is more
appropriate to view the host area as a four dimensional hyper-cube, the
four dimensions being cylinder, group, track, and sector.
. . .
Referring to our hyper-cube analogy, the set of potentially accessible
blocks form a line parallel to the track axis.  This line moves
parallel to the sector axis, wrapping around when it reaches the edge
of the hyper-cube.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Mike Wafkowski
Stephen - What if I dig real fast...any timeframe for getting out of
Bushville, aka Nixonovia aka Reaganomica?
I'm surrounded by young people licking their lips and grateful about what
useless consumer good they're going to
buy with the $300 GIFT sent personal like from GW - There must be some way
out of here...did I miss the Revolution?!

shish! Quiet!

Homeland Security is at the door. Gotta run!


The author of this email has been profiled by TIA as a threat to national
security. #23454533maT
(formerly known as the citizen named Mike Wafkowski) is no longer
available to receive any responses to this message.

Your Friend and Protector
John Ashcroft
Attorney General

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

 On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 18:58, MWafkowski wrote:
  Orrin Hatch is a Liberal!? Shet, then things are even worse than I
  thought here in AmeriKa.
  Let me know when the conservatives arrive so I can start digging a
hole in
  the ground.
  Mike Wafkowski

 40 years of digging left me in Australia. Far cry from Michigan or Texas
 or Kain-Tuk.

 Thu Jun 19 20:10:00 EST 2003
  20:10:00 up 6 days,  3:24,  2 users,  load average: 0.06, 1.60, 1.74
 |____  |kuhn media australia|
 |   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
 |  .\__/ || |   |  ||
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

 Chism's Law of Completion:
 The amount of time required to complete a government project is
 precisely equal to the length of time already spent on it.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.490 / Virus Database: 289 - Release Date: 6/17/2003

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Looking for advice

2003-06-19 Per discussione Paul Kaplan
I have a new machine at work that has W2K Pro on a single 40Gb NTFS partition.  
I plan to resize the partition and install LM9 on the drive so as to be able 
to dual boot.  Since there are some files that I need to be able to 
read/write from both environments and I don't have the option of converting 
the NTFS partition to fat32, I'm thinking I will need at least three 
partitions; one for W2K, one for Linux, and one to hold my working 
directories.  I expect to have the machine for 3 years (lease term), but I 
don't anticipate my company upgrading W2K during that time.  My current W2K 
install uses ~3-4Gb and I have another 4-5Gb of user stuff that I keep 

My questions:
What are people's thoughts on a partitioning scheme?  One option is 4 x 10 Gb, 
with 1 W2K, 1 Linux, and 2 x vfat.
Do people think this will allow for reasonable bloat (oops growth) on the W2K 
side over the next three years (software inventory  management software, 
virus software)?  How about the Linux side?
What about vfat as a choice for the transfer partition?  Would I be better to 
use ext2/3 and find a W2K solution for reading/writing to ext2/3?  (My 
preference however is ReiserFS for Linux.)  Any experience/suggestions for 
such a tool?


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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] [Fwd: [Mandrake Off Topic] LICQ/Dynamicallyopening ports in Linksys router]

2003-06-19 Per discussione Technoslick
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 02:13, rikona wrote:
 Hello Technoslick,
 Monday, June 16, 2003, 12:00:42 PM, you wrote:
 T No, thankfully. It just has to be an executable that shows itself
 T in calling for services through ports that need to be opened.
 Are you certain that it actually knows that the exact app is running
 on the original computer? This might be just port triggering in which
 ANY app on *THAT* computer will trigger the port to open, with
 returned packets routed to that IP. (The router remembers the IP
 address, NOT the app running). It might be that the app name is just
 there to help the reader remember which app is using which ports that
 are being triggered.

'Port Triggering' is the feature present on this particular
router/gateway. No other app but the one assigned in the router, and
only to the extent that the range is specified there, will open any
additional ports. If I specify the exact name of the executable that
will be needing specific ports open, it would seem logical that any
client on the network that runs this app will dynamically open the
specified ports upon request. I have checked this out. Any PC in this
house can run ICQ, simultaneously, at that, and those ports do open up
to allow for the need. Secondly, running another IM needing a similar
set of ports open, same machine or another, is dead in the water. This
feature is specific as well as dynamic, and will not allow other traffic
through not specified in the router. That's Port least
the way Linksys does it. :0)

 You could check this by having two apps that use the same port. Place
 one app name in the router table, but run the other app on the same
 machine, and see if it opens the port anyway.

Been there. Done it. Doesn't work.

 BTW, port triggering does not need H.323 to work, and would work with
 the linux box, for any app, just as well.

That may be. I was speculating since there was not better to do with my
limited understanding. ;0)

 Dynamic port triggering is certainly better than static port opening.

You got my vote! I like this feature immensely. If I have to open up my
firewall, I want to do so transparently and for the least amount of

 I am comforted by having the fw first check the md5 signature of the
 designated app - if it's OK, then open the port for that app only.

Your current firewall, you mean?

 T Exactly. If you have ICQ (continuing the example) run at different
 T times over the network by different clients, you would need to go
 T into DMZ just to keep up with the requests. If you do that, it
 T can't be a firewall anymore.
 T To provide software firewalls on each client that would do this as
 T needed, you still would have to put the router's firewall into DMZ or
 T nothing gets through the firewall barrier to the Web.
 Not necessarily. A stateful inspection firewall can provide protection
 without needing to create a DMZ. I run a SI firewall, with app-aware
 fw's on each computer. The SI firewall does not need a DMZ (at least
 for this purpose). The app-aware fw's allow ONLY a specified app for
 the designated port(s), and will deny the same port(s) to any other

I think you missed my point. My position on this discussion has been
geared toward the particular situation in which some of us are in: we
use a hardware firewall (via router) and wish to open ports for H.323
communications. If the router cannot open ports dynamically, it will
require being placed into DMZ mode (for those that didn't know this, DMZ
-- De-Militarised Zone -- means all ports open!) Some routers are not
able to provide dynamic ports at all. These will have to be placed in
DMZ mode, as well. I have a friend who's using an SMC Barricade
router/gateway/firewall that is an excellent device, but not capable of
Port Triggering or Dynamic Ports. To video conference, that router must
be placed into DMZ mode. With Dynamic Port Triggering, the router
automatically adjusts port usage for the specified apps that would need
it, as needed.

Where I think we are running two separate ideals here is that I'm
assuming that whether an SI firewall is in use or not, the router's
firewall is still functional. In this scenario, it doesn't matter what
the SI firewall will, or will not do. If the last firewall to govern
inbound/outbound traffic is the router, it ultimately rules. Do you see
my point? 

I think what you are telling me, correctly so, is that *if* I had a
stateful inspection firewall running, and tweaked properly, I wouldn't
need the hardware firewall. I wouldn't argue the point. I think you are
correct, from what I have read about the way they operate. Be that as it
may, it doesn't apply because it's about how to protect ourselves with
what we have -- hardware firewalls that come with our IP forwarding
routers -- and how to open the needed ports without excessive violation
of security. 

To summarize, any SI firewall operating behind one of these routers is
at the mercy of that 

[newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill

this guy is a *nutjob*.

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.  


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Re: [newbie] Image Win partitions from linux floppy?

2003-06-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve here. I know partimage can create 
partitions, but I was not aware it could be used to create ghost images.

As for booting Mandrake from floppy. No

However if you snag yourself a copy of Knoppix
You will get a fully bootable Linux system from CD with a large set of tools.
It runs in memory and will not harm an existing Win installation.


On Wednesday 18 Jun 2003 4:46 am, rikona wrote:

 I've been snooping around to find backup/imaging solutions. Partimage
 supposedly can image FAT  NT partitions. Would it be possible to boot
 Mandrake from a floppy (on a Win Machine), and use partimage to image
 a primary disk to a removable secondary disk? If so, my Ghost could
 fade into oblivion. :-) Another win for open source...


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Re: [newbie] aol, html and related issues (A possible Solution.)

2003-06-19 Per discussione Anne Wilson
Did you manage to do this?  I'd like to see it on the TWiki pages


On Monday 26 May 2003 4:37 pm, HotPOP wrote:
 this is good, but we need to also post something for aol users...
 I'm going to see what I can come up far as aol is
 concerned.. there's got to be a way to fix the settings...

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Frankie
 Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 2:21 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] aol, html and related issues (A possible

 Hi guys,

 In the interest of helping newbies to the list in a friendly and
 non threatning manner.. which I believe is necessary..

 I have created a entry on our web formum, (hosted from a mandrake
 box no less)

 Basically its not for general discussion, as we have the list for
 that, instead its for posting helpful info to newbies on posting
 HTML, starting new threads
 and so on...

 so instead of flaming them or whatever, we can point them to a site
 where they can get info
 specifically for the mandrake list.

 I'd like to ask those of you with experiance with different mail
 clients (like lookout, lookout express, Eudora, AOL etc) to
 post info on how to make them list friendly..

 You don't have to become a member to post.

 If anyone is feeling particularly verbose (that means you Stephen
 :-) perhaps someone could add something about the best ways to get
 a question answered.

 This way, we can just point the newbie to a specific page that
 details what they are doing wrong...
 and give them info on how to fix it.. without upsetting their
 delicate natures. :-)

 I started a couple already just have not added anything in the way
 of content yet.

 Mandrake List etiquette:;action=di
splay;num =1053929011

 Making your mail client list friendly;;action=di
splay;num =1053929740

 What do you guys think? a good idea? no point going through with it
 if its not approved by you guys.

 The url's are pretty long right now.. but I can fix that..
 when we have some content, I will make shortcut links..
 so will point to one.
 and will point to the other.
 (or I could put them in the master directory and just call them as: and

 all up to you guys.. just wanted to help with this issue as I have
 scared off many a newbie myself in my early attempts at conversion.



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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On 19 Jun 2003 20:44:41 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I bought QuakeII a few weeks back - anyone know of a linux
 installer/launcher for that? (grin)


there's an 'enhanced' version I believe as well, more eye candy, 16 bit
graphics i think.

also, there should be an installer for it from either id or loki...

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

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Re: [newbie] missing libraries, awkward fonts

2003-06-19 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons
Isaac Curtis wrote:

Hey all:

I'm back on Mandrake after a one year hiatus (had no computer at all for that 
time).  I feel like I'm back at square one and running into the same problems 
I did several years ago and I don't remember exactly how to deal with them 
all.  At the top of the list right now are fonts and libraries.  

I'll start with the library problems.  I can't install any downloaded 
packages because the computer can't seem to find any of my libraries.  I get 
the following error trying to install some new KDE packages:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] blackstripe]# rpm -ivh arts-1*
error: failed dependencies:
audiofile is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1   is needed by arts-1.1.2-0.9x.1

Now, of course all those files are on my computer.  I haven't been out of the 
game for that long!  But why can't the computer find them?  I installed 
everything just to avoid hassles (including obscure outdated email clients 
and every singlne language version of staroffice, which were later cleaned 
out, but the point is that EVERYTHING is here).  What can I do to fix this so 
that I can get going on updates?

Run rpm --updatedb and see if it continues.

The second problem is with fonts, I know I used to have to tinker around a 
bit to get the anti-aliasing running and to get support for the basic 
internet fonts.  Where do I go to find that stuff out again?  Any help on 
these two issues would be much appreciated, most all of the other basics are 
taken care of.  Thanks for your time.

You should not have to do anything to get anti-aliasing to work if you
are using a recent version of Mandrake.  If by basic internet fonts
you mean MS fonts you can either add them using the Mandrake Control
Center or use the msfonts rpm.  If you need to know where to get it let
me know.


PS: This should be sending in plaintext-- if it's not I'm embarassed/sorry, I 
think I set it to plaintext earlier but now I can't find the option in KMail. 
 Yell at me if I messed up and I'll fix it straightaway.  Thanks.


Brant Fitzsimmons

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On 19 Jun 2003 18:07:30 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Ah, thank you so very very much! Oh, the joy of playing RTCW! (Yeah,
 played it, won, but have to do it again as I don't have any more
 servers to build for a while)(grin)

I love setting the zombies on fire n watchin' em explode!

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

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Re: [newbie] Looking for advice

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 20:55, Paul Kaplan wrote:

 My questions:
 What are people's thoughts on a partitioning scheme?

This is how I generally do it - as I setup/sell machines with dual-boot
quite often and dislike future issues - and most of the machines that
cross my path have at least the one 40gb drive:

* Win2k/WinXP partition: 10gb (primary partition)
  (Installed before any other OS)

* Linux parition: 8gb
  (/boot is a primary, all the other partitions, if required, are
extened - and I LOVE ReiserFS)

* Data (shared) partition: 22gb
  (FAT32 partition sharable between the two OS's)


...and if you want to go one better, you can just install MDK on the
whole lot, and then use VMWare to run Win2k inside of MDK...
(Then you never have to might have to close down the VMWare
session with Win2k, but hey, we're all used to that...)

Thu Jun 19 21:30:00 EST 2003
 21:30:00 up 6 days,  4:44,  2 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.02, 0.07
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

There once was this swami who lived above a delicatessan.  Seems one
day he decided to stop in downstairs for some fresh liver.  Well, the owner
of the deli was a bit of a cheap-skate, and decided to pick up a little extra
change at his customer's expense.  Turning quietly to the counterman, he
whispered, Weigh down upon the swami's liver!

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Re: [newbie] How to add session types to users

2003-06-19 Per discussione John Richard Smith
g wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

How can I add session types ( kde, gnome etc ) to users when you are not
yet on desktop.
I can drop to a root terminal, but what do I call ?

what are you trying to accomplish? end results? do you boot cl or x?

Later  I did,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# kde
_XSERVTransSocketINETCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running

if you boot, or, where already in 'x', this is proper.

need replies to above before trying below;

startkde: Starting up...
kbuildsycoca running...

if in x, dropped how ever to cl, return with 'alt+f7'.

works for me when i 'ctrl+alt+fx' [x=1,2,3,4,5,6] from x to cl.

also, cyoa. be very careful playing root. ;)

[how is monitor?]

peace out.


Hi George,

How are you.

I had this experience with knoppix, ok don't laugh.
Anyway the long and the short of it is that I was left with a graphical 
login with an odd set of users I have never ever had anything to do 
with, and it was not difficult in MCC ro remove these clandestined users 
and put back my user, fine. Trouble is something didn't just remove and 
replace users it eliminated my graphical desktop choices from session 
types. Yes I know I can boot to desktop on the Cl, I just did so, via my 
previous email including kde, I guess gmone will be similar. I just 
wanted to learn how to set up the graphical login window to include my 
session choices, ie kde, gnome and icewarm, and blackbox etc., etc.

I gave up in the end and elected to reinstall, but that is a windblowish 
solution, and I just think I would like to know how to get my session 
choices back in the login window. That's all.

About the monitor, not had a good working M9.1 dektop to work with yet, 
so I'm still with M9.0 for the time being. Until and unless I get that 
fully working M9.1 desktop I'm affraid I cannot give a definative 
answer. I know the screensaver is ok, that works fine. I am not sure 
about full screen shutdown, don't think the settern arguement applies 
though ? , doesn't seem to, but I do get the old involutary screen 
shutdown in M9.0 as before, even with the replacement screen , so it's 
looking OS related to me, meaning the likelyhood of an identicle problem 
in both monitors is extremely long odds, but one thing I have definately 
noticed the involuntary screen shutdown occures infrequently BUT is most 
often occuring with a temperature DROP, not a rise in temperature as 
previously thought. So if I have a warm day or too with rising 
temperatures , everything is OK, but just as soon as I get a drop in 
temperatures , it plays up for a while. so the involuntary blank screen 
thing seems to be monitor related, while the planned blankscreen 
shutdown (with the setterm command) seems to be OS related, and therein 
lies the crux of the matter, two problems manifesting themselves as one 
problem. Hope I make sense to you.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

  On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 15:02, JoeHill wrote:
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 15:57:00 -0600
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

can't find a link to download it...

Femme's doing it to "dick tease" us about this game...I'm still dying to
get the linux installer for RTCW and for HL...(not that I've really
spent any time looking as I would trust someone to throw the URL up in
an email or detail instructions on their personal website or something)

You have to register with the site for free, then look on the right
hand side of the page for the "New Downloads" box. The Linux build is
the first option.
Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Re: [newbie] Bookmarks in Galeon

2003-06-19 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons

eric huff wrote:


  Bookmark _saving_ is one area where, i hate to say it, none of
the browsers i have tried in linux works as well as internet
explorer.  Editing, that's a diff story, but the bookmark
filing in IE is pretty good.


I agree. At least Konqueror arranges them in alphabetical oder in
the drop down menu.  I think it's crazy that Mozilla doesn't,or
maybe it does and I just don't know how to do it yet. :-)

I tried everything i could think of to get it to alpabetize, but 
couldn't.  Plus, the mozzilla that came with 9.1 is so borked, it 
eventually stopped working all together for me. Even after deleting 
the mozilla dir.


Were you using the most recent version of Mozilla released for 9.1? I
believe it's version 1.3.1. It's working pretty well for me. It's
gets very extensive use throughout the entire day without any trouble.

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 06:56:50 -0400
Mike Wafkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Homeland Security is at the door. Gotta run!
 The author of this email has been profiled by TIA as a threat to
 national security. #23454533maT
 (formerly known as the citizen named Mike Wafkowski) is no longer
 available to receive any responses to this message.
 Your Friend and Protector
 John Ashcroft
 Attorney General

Oh, you and me gonna get along fine...

Heh. Well done. 
+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On 19 Jun 2003 16:53:53 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Er, copy them where?

I believe the installer creates /usr/something/games/wolf/main

copy the pak files to main.

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 20:56, Mike Wafkowski wrote:
 Stephen - What if I dig real fast...any timeframe for getting out of
 Bushville, aka Nixonovia aka Reaganomica?
 I'm surrounded by young people licking their lips and grateful about what
 useless consumer good they're going to
 buy with the $300 GIFT sent personal like from GW - There must be some way
 out of here...did I miss the Revolution?!
 shish! Quiet!
 Homeland Security is at the door. Gotta run!
 The author of this email has been profiled by TIA as a threat to national
 security. #23454533maT
 (formerly known as the citizen named Mike Wafkowski) is no longer
 available to receive any responses to this message.
 Your Friend and Protector
 John Ashcroft
 Attorney General

Shit (wiping a tear from my eye) - another Real American assimilated.

Thu Jun 19 21:35:00 EST 2003
 21:35:00 up 6 days,  4:49,  2 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.19, 0.13
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

VMS Beer: Requires minimal user interaction, except for popping the top 
and sipping.  However cans have been known on occasion to explode, or 
contain extremely un-beer-like contents.

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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 08:47:53 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:


fsck WineX!

er, IMHO.

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Forbes can *@$ my *#$

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed

2003-06-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 14:46:33 -0400
dlwiggers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can't find the Sylpheed plugins I plugged in.
The instructs are in the READMEs

You need to go into Configuration/Plugins and load each plugin you wish
to be able to use.
The dir location is /usr/share/sylpheed/plugins
Once you have loaded the plugins go to Configuration/Other Preferences
to set up the spamassassin, clamav, dillo, and image_viewer plugins.


The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher
esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
-- Nietzsche
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] How to add session types to users

2003-06-19 Per discussione g

John Richard Smith wrote:

I had this experience with knoppix, ok don't laugh.
i have had a few with k, but not like yours.

I just think I would like to know how to get my session 
choices back in the login window. That's all.
that clears it up. got me on that one, that is, i have never had to
go thru setup you need. i still boot cl and type 'kde' when i use x.
your needs have been posted before, i do not recall what solutions is,
and grepmail did not show up anything in current lists. you will most
likely get a reply answer before i can gather cd archives and pull
answer. if not, will check when i get back this afternoon. i am on my
way out door to finish up a control system i have been setting up. i
will not be back until after 0 gmt and you will be long time asleep.
if nothing posted, will pull archive and check.

About the monitor,
will also run some searches on screen blanker.
it can be set, just do not recall how and where.

peace out.


think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email:  text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Robin Turner
Robin Turner wrote:
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 23:32, JoeHill wrote:

this guy is a *nutjob*.

Er, Joe, don't talk about family members like that, mate. It's not nice.
The guy's a liberal wuss.  Targetting computers is not what we need, we 
need to go after the criminals themselves, and the solution is Black 
ICE.  The next generation of Palladium should include a Trustworthy 
Computing feature which would cause epileptic fits in users who 
attempted to use pirated material or illegal hacker software such as Linux.

Sir Robin

I've just posted an extended version of this fantasy on my web journal ( ).  It's just after the piece about SCO 
suing Sams and O'Reilly for pirating the code to Hello World.

Sir Robin

Hackers appear to wear black more because it goes with everything and 
hides dirt than because they want to look like goths.
 - Eric Raymond

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] video editing

2003-06-19 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday June 18 2003 06:35 pm, Linus Drouhard wrote:
 I tried Cinelerra and couldn't get any file menus, anything.
  Just a screen with a bar down the center.  I tried mouse clicks
 (randomly since there were no buttons on the screen, and various
 keys on the keyboard.  Nothing.  The help file said to open the
 file menu and  well, I gave up and am trying Kino.  It seems
 ok. I'm still trying to figure out Kino.  It seems to work only
 as root.  I have Pinnacle 8.5 for windows, which works really
 well (other than the fact that it's in windows).


 It sounds like the app opened in a window bigger than your 
screen. If/when that happens, hold down an Alt key and grab the 
center of the screen with a L-click+hold with your mouse. That'll 
allow you to move the screen around to look for it's buttons. Or 
you can resize the widow to fit your screen once you can find the 

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] OT, new game for linux ppl!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Robin Turner
Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 21:30, JoeHill wrote:

On 19 Jun 2003 16:53:53 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

Er, copy them where?
I believe the installer creates /usr/something/games/wolf/main

copy the pak files to main.

Already done this arvo. Been playing. Now I'm trying to figure out a way
to get Alice to run...
(Without WineX)
IIRC Alice will work on the vanilla wine (haven't played for some time, 
but I  don't think I had winex installed then).  If you're talking about 
running it in methodist mode (i.e. no wine at all) I wish you luck. 
Hmmm, maybe it's time I played that game again.

Sir Robin

Hackers appear to wear black more because it goes with everything and 
hides dirt than because they want to look like goths.
 - Eric Raymond

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] Pre-installed LM9.1

2003-06-19 Per discussione Peter Watson
Although its not yet on their website some of you in the UK may be 
interested to know that Evesham are advertising a PC with Mandrake Linux 
9.1 preinstalled in this months PC Pro mag


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Re: [newbie] Orrin Hatch: farging icehole!

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 16:49:24 +0300
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

  It's just after the piece about SCO 
 suing Sams and O'Reilly for pirating the code to Hello World.

/joehill pisses self

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-19 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 19 June 2003 08:55 am, JoeHill wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 08:47:53 -0400

 Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 fsck WineX!

 er, IMHO.

Well...I've heard a lot of pro and con arguments about WineX. I have to admit 
that I myself have mixed feelings. One argument goes that because a 
particular game will work under WineX, that game manufacturer won't port to 
Linux. Transgaming argues that they are making much easier for companies to 
port to Linux because of their experience.

As for myself, I don't own any Windows game that has a native Linux port - I 
always buy native ports, if I have a choice. about Starcraft and Diablo2: LOD or Warcraft 3? From my 
understanding of cosmic events - Blizzard says just plain no. My 2 sons love 
these 3 games and want to play networked with me. So whats the choice for me 
here? Just tell them too bad - sorry about your luck there? I could buy a 
copy of WinXP, setup dual booting, then buy these Windows games. OR I could 
use WineX to run these games under Linux and when I send in the warranty card 
let them know that I'm running it under Linux, (my preferred OS) and please 
consider future ports for this OS.

I've actually had people tell me that its better to buy Windows and install it 
to play Windows games than to use can anyone reach that 

Personally, (and I don't want to hurt anyones' feelings here) I think thats 
just universally dumb.

and thats IMHO big grin

PS I live for the day when all games are simu-released for Linux and that 
other OS (Or Linux only!) :-)



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Re: [newbie] This is an outrage!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 07:53, JoeHill wrote:
 Damn them to hell!

I AGREE!  It is the blasphemy of blasphemies.  May they all rot in lakes
of what they have made.



Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk   Linux Mandrake 9.1
Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Evolution 1.2.4-1.1mdk
Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed

2003-06-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 09:24:43 -0400
Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The dir location is /usr/share/sylpheed/plugins
My booboo should be /usr/lib/sylpheed/plugins


The hardest part of climbing the ladder of success is getting through
the crowd at the bottom.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk


Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-19 Per discussione JM5379
my sons and i also play D2 LOD; i've tried to find out if
blizzard was ever going to port to linux and was told that for
all intents and purposes, Diablo is a dead end.  whoever bought
blizzard is intent on focusing on the other games and isn't
putting any effort at all into diablo any more other than

i've tried repeatedly running it under winex but it always runs
slow on my machine; i'm convinced that's more a question of the
hardware than winex, due to other problems i keep running up
against.  but with winex3.0 i have finally got it working.

--- Original Message ---
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more

On Thursday 19 June 2003 08:55 am, JoeHill wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 08:47:53 -0400

 Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 fsck WineX!

 er, IMHO.

Well...I've heard a lot of pro and con arguments about WineX. I
have to admit 
that I myself have mixed feelings. One argument goes that because a 
particular game will work under WineX, that game manufacturer
won't port to 
Linux. Transgaming argues that they are making much easier for
companies to 
port to Linux because of their experience.

As for myself, I don't own any Windows game that has a native
Linux port - I 
always buy native ports, if I have a choice. about Starcraft and Diablo2: LOD or Warcraft 3? From my 
understanding of cosmic events - Blizzard says just plain no. My
2 sons love 
these 3 games and want to play networked with me. So whats the
choice for me 
here? Just tell them too bad - sorry about your luck there? I
could buy a 
copy of WinXP, setup dual booting, then buy these Windows games.
OR I could 
use WineX to run these games under Linux and when I send in the
warranty card 
let them know that I'm running it under Linux, (my preferred OS)
and please 
consider future ports for this OS.

I've actually had people tell me that its better to buy Windows
and install it 
to play Windows games than to use can anyone reach that 

Personally, (and I don't want to hurt anyones' feelings here) I
think thats 
just universally dumb.

and thats IMHO big grin

PS I live for the day when all games are simu-released for Linux
and that 
other OS (Or Linux only!) :-)



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[newbie] Alsa tools RPM for Mdk 9.1

2003-06-19 Per discussione Brian Parish
9.1 includes alsa, but not the tools.  Does anyone know of a compatible
rpm for this?  The source tarball from the alsa site complains about
wrong versions - the usual issues.  I've fought the alsa battle too many
times in the past - don't want to do it no more.


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[newbie] re cannot get to /mnt/c_windows from konqueror

2003-06-19 Per discussione Mike Carter
Hi Joe,
my output re win_c
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root25088 May 29 19:57 10things.pps*
drwxrwxrwx8 root root 8192 May 29 00:44 advisor/
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root 1632 May 31 21:38 aspi.log*
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root0 May 26 21:45 autoexec.bat*
-r-xr-xr-x1 root root  2278848 Jun 18 10:37 avg6db_f.dat*
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root  194 Jun 13 20:49 boot.ini*
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root  194 Jun 13 20:41 boot_sav.ini*
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root0 May 26 21:45 config.sys*
drwxrwxrwx2 root root 4096 May 27 22:06 Converted Music/



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Re: [newbie] missing libraries, awkward fonts

2003-06-19 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 13:03:19 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As for fonts it is really quite easy now with Mandrake 9.1
 Just set up the urpmi sources as I described. Ignore the Mandrake Fonts GUI 
 you no longer need it, and just type in a root terminal
 urpmi msfonts msfonts-style freetype2
 and all Microsofts TrueType fonts will be installed for you, as well as the 
 'enhanced' freetype package.

I'm struggling with fonts here this morning and tried the above command - what 
returned was no package named msfonts
Did I do something wrong or is this specific to 9.1?  I'm using 9.0

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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 10:17:28 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered: about Starcraft and Diablo2: LOD or Warcraft 3? From my 
 understanding of cosmic events - Blizzard says just plain no. My 2
 sons love these 3 games and want to play networked with me. So whats
 the choice for me here? Just tell them too bad - sorry about your luck

oh, sure, bring the kids into it. my soft underbelly. if my daughter
told me she wanted Bill Gates' Porsche 954, I'd kill him to get it.

Wait, that's not a good example.

Simpson's quote time again:

Marge: Homer, you shot the zombie Flanders!
Homer: He was a zombie?

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

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[newbie] Re: my first linux post - ethernet drive

2003-06-19 Per discussione altraide
Hi Jennings:
thanx for the advice. I used the netconfig wizard, and voila! I'm online.

Derek Jennings writes: 

On Thursday 19 Jun 2003 12:06 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi guys:
I just installed the Mandrake 9.1 after much sweat! I need to hook to the
internet though. How do i install my ethernet driver from floppy, and where
do i get the driver from? I know most of you passed this stage, please
help. This is my first! 

Here is where you learn something great about Linux. - 

Virtually every driver for almost all the available hardware is already on 
your system and will be installed automatically. And No you do not need to 
reboot all the time either. 

Just go through the networking wizard in Mandrake Control CentreNetworking, 
and most likely your Ethernet will be working afterwards. The panel in the 
Networking GUI will tell you which driver it is using. Same goes for all the 
other hardware you have. 

If you get problems come back to us. 



Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies. - Nietzsche

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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-19 Per discussione Langsley T Russell
Hi John and Tony. 

I do indeed have my CDRW mounted as hdb. I did this only because I
didn't have a spare cable lying around and did have the unused connector
on my HD cable. Therefore I believe that the hdb ID is accurate if not

I actually had the CDRW working again yesterday  but when I rebooted
this morning, I once got the failed does not exist at boot up and the
CDRW drive has once again disappeared from my hardware list in MCC.

John you said:
  append=failsafe devfs=nomount
 add the hdd-ide-scsi to this append line as well.

Does that go within the quotes? And will that solve my problem or must I
go out and get an additional cable and make my CDRW either hdc or hdd in
order to get this working properly?

Tony, you asked if I had modified my fstab file myself. No I did not. To
the best of my knowledge the scd0 is my actual SCSI CD ROM drive. hdb
and scd1 are however both referring to my new CDRW drive. Do I need to
alter this? if so, what should it say? and yes both scd1 and scd0 exist
in /dev  /mnt?

Again thanks for all your help. 

LTR  }}:{(

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Re: [newbie] missing libraries, awkward fonts

2003-06-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 19 Jun 2003 3:38 pm, Curt Tresenriter wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 13:03:19 +0100

 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As for fonts it is really quite easy now with Mandrake 9.1
  Just set up the urpmi sources as I described. Ignore the Mandrake Fonts
  GUI you no longer need it, and just type in a root terminal
  urpmi msfonts msfonts-style freetype2
  and all Microsofts TrueType fonts will be installed for you, as well as
  the 'enhanced' freetype package.

 I'm struggling with fonts here this morning and tried the above command -
 what returned was no package named msfonts Did I do something wrong or is
 this specific to 9.1?  I'm using 9.0 Thanks

That package is in Texstar and Tex does not keep a 9.0 source anymore.
Make sure you have only defined 9.0 sources. If you install packages from  a 
9.1 source you could screw up your system.

The font handling in 9.1 is a *lot* better than 9.0, and since a lot of the 
9.0 sources are disappearing off the net I would recommend upgrading.



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Re: [newbie] Alsa tools RPM for Mdk 9.1

2003-06-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 19 Jun 2003 3:38 pm, Brian Parish wrote:
 9.1 includes alsa, but not the tools.  Does anyone know of a compatible
 rpm for this?  The source tarball from the alsa site complains about
 wrong versions - the usual issues.  I've fought the alsa battle too many
 times in the past - don't want to do it no more.


Do you mean alsa-utils? It is in the distro

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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-19 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 19 June 2003 10:35 am, JoeHill wrote:

 oh, sure, bring the kids into it. my soft underbelly. if my daughter
 told me she wanted Bill Gates' Porsche 954, I'd kill him to get it.

Just like me, ain't it?

Have you asked her lately if she wants it? :-)

 Wait, that's not a good example.

Nah, its perfect.

 Simpson's quote time again:

 Marge: Homer, you shot the zombie Flanders!
 Homer: He was a zombie?




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Re: [newbie] Insert Name Here

2003-06-19 Per discussione Michael
On Wednesday 18 June 2003 12:49 pm, g wrote:

 i have several friends here in mem, tn, that are ex jar heads. from there
 current state, i can assure you, with time, head games they played with
 you will one day be something to laugh and joke about.

oh i'm over it, for the most part.  i've been out for just over 2 years.  took 
me 6 months to realize that i could mouth off to someone and actually NOT get 
in trouble for it, cause people that were my rank i was ok with, it was those 
above me that would really tick me off and wasn't allowed to talk back to 
w/out getting in trouble.  now that i'm over that part, i'm actually pretty 
mouthy and won't take $%^ from anyone, except online, because winning an 
arguement online is like winning the special olympics...when it's all over, 
you're still retarded.  

but believe me, aside from the crap i had to deal with, we did a LOT of stuff 
in the barracks that we all would've gotten in tons of trouble for, and it 
was all fun.  won't ever forget that stuff.

in the end of April i drove down to Florida (i'm in central PA) for a buddy's 
wedding.  i was stationed with him for 3 1/2 years, and that's when i first 
met him.  i hadn't seen him in 2 years, and out of everyone i met while i was 
in, there's only 2 that i keep in good contact with, but they are both 
friends that i'll never forget.  those bonds are just as strong as family 

 how many sand fleas did you hold burial for?

none.  just let them lie dying where they fell!  actually, couldn't swat at 
them or your a$$ would be getting railed by the DIs, so i just kinda took the 
bitings like a man, well, about as good as anyone can take being eaten alive 
and not moving or flinching.  :)

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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-19 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 19 June 2003 11:31 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 my sons and i also play D2 LOD; i've tried to find out if
 blizzard was ever going to port to linux and was told that for
 all intents and purposes, Diablo is a dead end.  whoever bought
 blizzard is intent on focusing on the other games and isn't
 putting any effort at all into diablo any more other than

 i've tried repeatedly running it under winex but it always runs
 slow on my machine; i'm convinced that's more a question of the
 hardware than winex, due to other problems i keep running up
 against.  but with winex3.0 i have finally got it working.

What hardware are you using? Lowest machine I had it running on here was a 
K6-III @ 475mhz with 192 megs Ram and a Voodoo 3000 card. It worked very well 
there. Ran it for a long time like that.

BTW, when you ran the video test under Diablo2, did you pick 2D or 3D? Its odd 
but you can tell very -little- difference between them except that 2D is 
faster and more stable.



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Re: [newbie] Insert Name Here

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 11:20:54 -0400
Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 winning the special olympics...when it's all over, you're still

sorry to butt in, but that is dark, dark humour.

have to admit, I laughed tho!

I'm going straight to hell, thanks a lot ;)
+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

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[newbie] ACPI failed -another one!

2003-06-19 Per discussione Inhabitant of Zion

I noticed on last boot up that I am getting a failed message for ACPI.

Can anybody tell me where I find the log to see why this is failing.

Somebody else on this list asked a while back and as far as I can see
from reading the thread nobody answered on this particular question.


I  have dreamed a dream but now that dream has gone from me.

MSN:[EMAIL PROTECTED]ASCII ribbon campaign /\
ICQ:92791912   - against HTML email \/
vCards /\

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Re: [newbie] missing libraries, awkward fonts

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 09:38:20 -0500
Curt Tresenriter [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I'm struggling with fonts here this morning and tried the above
 command - what returned was no package named msfonts Did I do
 something wrong or is this specific to 9.1?  I'm using 9.0
1. Go here and configure all your sources:

2. then as root, urpmi [packagename]

make sure you add texstar, that's where the msfont and msfont-style rpm
come from.

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

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Re: [newbie] missing libraries, awkward fonts

2003-06-19 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter
Hi Derek,

  I'm struggling with fonts here this morning and tried the above command -
  what returned was no package named msfonts Did I do something wrong or is
  this specific to 9.1?  I'm using 9.0 Thanks
 That package is in Texstar and Tex does not keep a 9.0 source anymore.
 Make sure you have only defined 9.0 sources. If you install packages from  a 
 9.1 source you could screw up your system.
 The font handling in 9.1 is a *lot* better than 9.0, and since a lot of the 
 9.0 sources are disappearing off the net I would recommend upgrading.

I just discovered the easyurpmi site and set up sources a couple days ago.
 I have 9.1 here, just waiting on Maxtor to get my replacement disk to
me. For a while at least I'd like to keep 9.0 for comparison and as a
backup for when I seriously break 9.1.. what I've read about upgrading
(as opposed to a clean install) leaves me a little gunshy.
 Will there be a time when no sources are available for 9.0?

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Re: [newbie] Insert Name Here

2003-06-19 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
On Thursday 19 June 2003 11:18 am, JoeHill wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 11:20:54 -0400

 Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  winning the special olympics...when it's all over, you're still

 sorry to butt in, but that is dark, dark humour.

 have to admit, I laughed tho!

 I'm going straight to hell, thanks a lot ;)

yeah, it's really dark humor, but it's the damn truth!  i mean, really, online 
arguementsthat just kind of sums it up as to how meaningful they 
are...and to anyone that takes offense to that reference, think twice before 
arguing back!  lol

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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-19 Per discussione JM5379
it's a k6-3 700mhz, had 256mb, now has 512mb.  i believe i've run
3d, i may try 2d and see if that helps.  i also moved the video
from 24- to 16bits (nvidia geforce 2 w/64mb + the new drivers). 
that seems to have helped some, but this system has always had
one problem or another.

thanks for the advice.

--- Original Message ---
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more

On Thursday 19 June 2003 11:31 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 my sons and i also play D2 LOD; i've tried to find out if
 blizzard was ever going to port to linux and was told that for
 all intents and purposes, Diablo is a dead end.  whoever bought
 blizzard is intent on focusing on the other games and isn't
 putting any effort at all into diablo any more other than

 i've tried repeatedly running it under winex but it always runs
 slow on my machine; i'm convinced that's more a question of the
 hardware than winex, due to other problems i keep running up
 against.  but with winex3.0 i have finally got it working.

What hardware are you using? Lowest machine I had it running on
here was a 
K6-III @ 475mhz with 192 megs Ram and a Voodoo 3000 card. It
worked very well 
there. Ran it for a long time like that.

BTW, when you ran the video test under Diablo2, did you pick 2D
or 3D? Its odd 
but you can tell very -little- difference between them except
that 2D is 
faster and more stable.



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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-19 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Langsley T Russell wrote:

Hi John and Tony. 

I do indeed have my CDRW mounted as hdb. I did this only because I
didn't have a spare cable lying around and did have the unused connector
on my HD cable. Therefore I believe that the hdb ID is accurate if not
I see, that's fair enough, if just a litle unconventional.

I actually had the CDRW working again yesterday  but when I rebooted
this morning, I once got the failed does not exist at boot up and the
CDRW drive has once again disappeared from my hardware list in MCC.
John you said:



append=failsafe devfs=nomount

add the hdd-ide-scsi to this append line as well.

Does that go within the quotes? 

like this,

append=failsafe devfs=nomount hdb=ide-scsi  note the spacings

And will that solve my problem or must I
go out and get an additional cable and make my CDRW either hdc or hdd in
order to get this working properly?
Don't think so, though I've never actually done it your way. is the 
harddrive set at master , and the writer set as slave ? becuse if they 
are both set as master , oops it will not like that. One has to be 
master make that the hard drive, one slave. If that does not work buy a 
new cable, they don't cost that much.

Tony, you asked if I had modified my fstab file myself. No I did not. To
the best of my knowledge the scd0 is my actual SCSI CD ROM drive. hdb
and scd1 are however both referring to my new CDRW drive. Do I need to
alter this? if so, what should it say? and yes both scd1 and scd0 exist
in /dev  /mnt?

I didn't think it was your work. In my experience it loked like the 
installers work.I've had some wonderful entries myself recently.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] missing libraries, awkward fonts

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 10:31:32 -0500
Curt Tresenriter [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I just discovered the easyurpmi site and set up sources a couple days
  I have 9.1 here, just waiting on Maxtor to get my replacement disk to

this worries me, I here a lot of Maxtor's failing on this list...

 For a while at least I'd like to keep 9.0 for comparison and as a
 backup for when I seriously break 9.1.

 what I've read about upgrading (as opposed to a clean install) leaves
 me a little gunshy.

no reason to be at all. if 9.0 installed easy, 9.1 will just as well. It
gets easier for me each time, less to do after the initial install.

  Will there be a time when no sources are available for 9.0?

Of course! Go try to find anything for 8.2 right now, knowwhatimean?
+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

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Re: [newbie] Another super newbie question

2003-06-19 Per discussione Brian Parish
On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 09:54, Ralph Bagwell wrote:
 My 9.1 install went so-so on my left machine ( I simply replaced
 the drive - installed XP - left half of the 40 GB available - ) Four
 things failed to install - two from the first disk and two from the
 second disk. When Linux failed to boot , I selected Linux - nonfb
 and it booted . 
 What is nonfb ?
 I have a system connecting to the web  (using the nonfb option) and
 the names of the four programs that didn't load. How can I attempt to
 install them. BTW each of the four items are readable and copyable
 from the CD's (using Windows - same CD reader - same everything
 booting up in XP)
nonfb means no framebuffer.  It's driving your video card in dumb
mode.  Can you post the names of the apps that failed?


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Re: [newbie] Insert Name Here

2003-06-19 Per discussione JoeHill
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 11:34:05 -0400
Crak600 - Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 yeah, it's really dark humor, but it's the damn truth!  i mean,
 really, online arguementsthat just kind of sums it up as to how
 meaningful they are...and to anyone that takes offense to that
 reference, think twice before arguing back!  lol

they can be fun though, with the right kind of idiot, bounce them around
for awhile, get them all hyped...admit it's happened to me before but I
learned my lesson, now i just have fun.

been to the OT list yet?

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Don't believe the Hype!

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Re: [newbie] missing libraries, awkward fonts

2003-06-19 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 10:45:04 -0400
JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1. Go here and configure all your sources:
 2. then as root, urpmi [packagename]
 make sure you add texstar, that's where the msfont and msfont-style rpm
 come from.

Been there did that... but I didn't see texstar listed for 9.0

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Re: [newbie] Bookmarks in Galeon

2003-06-19 Per discussione eric huff
 eric huff wrote:
 I tried everything i could think of to get it to alpabetize, but
 couldn't.  Plus, the mozzilla that came with 9.1 is so borked,
  it eventually stopped working all together for me. Even after
  deleting the mozilla dir.

 Were you using the most recent version of Mozilla released for
 9.1?  I believe it's version 1.3.1.  It's working pretty well for
 me.  It's gets very extensive use throughout the entire day
 without any trouble.

Yep. Alphabetises fine in bookmark editor, but the puldown doesn't 
at all...

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