Re: [newbie-it] wget nuova domanda

2003-10-01 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Andrea Celli ha scritto:
 Come si fa a recuperare solo l'elenco dei file di una directory?
 Con pavuk ci riesco usando l'opzione -ftpdir. Con wget
 ho provato a maneggiare l'opzione --spider, ma non ci ho
 cavato molto :-(

Al contrario di ftp con http le cose sono più complicate con wget.
Per quanto riguarda --spider a me funziona con ftp, scarico il 
solo elenco dei file di una directory, ma il file che mi 
ritrovo è nel formato html, per questo a wget preferisco curl con 
l'opzione --list-only perchè scarico un listato nel suo aspetto 
tipico direttamente nella shell. Con http invece sono entrambi 
Tuttavia con wget dopo alcune prove sono riuscito a scaricare dal 
sito dell'amico di Chiara un file index.html che altri non è che 
l'elenco dei soli file jpg contenuti nella directory della URL 
specificata, questo comando forse potrebbe fare al caso tuo, prevede 
l'utilizzo dell'opzione -E e dell'opzione -R con la quale ho 
effettuato un reject del file robots.txt. 

$ wget -E -R 'robots.txt,+img+'

per questioni di tempo ho provato solo con la URL suddetta, con altre
URL ci sarebbe da rivedere l'opzione -R, ma si potrebbe utilizzare solo
l'opzione -E perchè con la URL suddetta  se ne ottiene sempre il file 
index.html col solo elenco dei file della directory specificata.
Mi sembra di essere riuscito a scaricare l'elenco che tu chiedi
anche se in formato html e senza nessuna indicazione aggiuntiva
riguardo la dimensione dei file ecc.
Il difficile con http sembra ora effettuare una copia ricorsiva 
dei file dell'intera directory con wget.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

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Red Hat 9.A (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

[newbie-it] stampante

2003-10-01 Per discussione rocky
ciao ragazzi grazie a voi mi sto avicinando bene al mondo di linux 
con la mia mandrake mi trovo bene anzi benissimo a parte il problema
stampante che non vuol sapere di farla funzionare ho provato i vari
inseriti di defoult tipo lexmark z41 z42 z51 z53 z82 ma niente fa solo
pagina nera quando stampo a gia dimenticavo la mia stampante e la
lexmark Z45
ho fatto un giro in rete ma niente che potesse interesare spero che voi
risolvere il mio problema... 

Re: [newbie-it] stampante

2003-10-01 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 08:37, mercoledì 1 ottobre 2003, rocky ha scritto:
 pagina nera quando stampo a gia dimenticavo la mia stampante e la
 lexmark Z45

per mia fortuna (e tua sfortuna)  non ho mai avuto a che fare con 
stampanti lexmark

 ho fatto un giro in rete ma niente che potesse interesare spero che voi
 risolvere il mio problema...

l'unica cosa che ti posso suggerire è di dare un'occhiata a
se c'è qualcosa per Linux a proposito di una stampante,
lo trovi lì.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] mouse ottico (SOLUZIONE)

2003-10-01 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message - 
From: Santarella Benedetto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] mouse ottico (SOLUZIONE)

  PS.Del mouse sono riuscito anche a configurare i bottoni laterali!!
  (totale 5 bottoni) Se a qualcuno interessa posso postare una mini

 A me interessa

5 con rotellina? anche a me

   \ | /
 (@ @)
 Benedetto Santarella


  Home Page ==
  Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

[newbie-it] Opera shared o static?

2003-10-01 Per discussione AF
Ciao a tutti.
Mi potete spiagare quale tra le due versioni di Opera è più opportuno o 
conveniente installare? e perché? Grazie.
Sono stata povera e sono stata ricca.  Ricca e' meglio.
-- Sophie Tucker

[newbie-it] icq e shorewall

2003-10-01 Per discussione Antonluigi
ciao a tutti.

qualcuno mi sa dire come fare per dire a shorewall di
far connettere icq o roba simile a internet?


Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il filtro 

[newbie-it] MINI-HOWTO configurazione Mouse a 5 Bottoni

2003-10-01 Per discussione kudega
Allora sono dovuto andarmi a rivedere gli appunti perchè non mi  
ricordavo più... :) Cmq il primo passo è andare a modificare X86FConfig

Section InputDevice
 Identifier  Mouse0
 Driver  mouse
 Option  Device /dev/mouse
 Option  Protocol ExplorerPS/2
 Option  Buttons 7
 Option  ZAxisMapping 6 7
 Option  resolution 200
Ho aggiunto le ultime righe che prima non c'erano.
7 assi che sono:
i 2 soliti bottoni di qualunque mouse, i 2 laterali, la rotellina che  
funzica da 5° bottone e il movimento di quest'ultima Up e Down!!
Resolution 200 è per il problema del mouse ottico, (già postato pochi  
giorni fa).
Il secondo passo da fare è mettere un file di configurazione da noi  
creato in modo che parta in automatico, con kde basta metterlo sotto  
Ed in questo file metteremo...

# Configura gli assi del mouse
xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5
Per provare a vedere se i tasti laterali funzionano digitate:
xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
vedrete che i tasti laterali del vostro mouse funzioneranno al posto  
della rotellina!! E la rotellina del mouse... non funzionerà più perchè  
ovviamente ai tasti laterali non avete settato nessuna funzione in  
In poche parole andate ad invertire la funzione della rotellina con i  
tasti laterali del mouse.
Ora che avete verificato che anche i tasti laterali funzionano potete  
rimettere a posto le posizioni degli assi rimettendo 1 2 3 6 7 4 5
Ora non ci resta che assegnare ai nostri tasti laterali un'azione  
quindi per prima cosa dobbiamo scaricare un programmino chiamato
imwheel scaricabile all'url:
è un tar.gz di dimensioni ridotte 476 K.
Una volta installato il nostro imwheel creiamo il file di conf dove  
andremo ad inserire l'azione dei pulsanti laterali...

# File di conf dei bottoni laterali del mouse
None, Up, Alt_L|F1
None, Down, Alt_L|F4
Ora non ricordo di preciso, però Up e Down erano inerenti al movimento  
della rotellina, None... , mentre quelli che ci servono sono Alt_L|F1 e  
F4. Nel centro di controllo di kde andiamo a vedere le azioni sotto la  
voce Scorciatoie della tastiera, ad esempio nel mio per iconificare  
la finestra basta premere Alt_L + F1... quindi avrete già capito come  
impostare altre azioni nel file imwheelrc ad esempio Alt_L + F4 server  
per killare la finestra. Nel file imwheelrc il + viene sostituito dal |  
Cmq quando scomppattate il tar.gz nel README troverete spiegazioni più  
Ultima operazione è quella di legare l'azione assegnata al mouse,  
semplicemente mandando in esecuzione imwheel... come?
imwheel -k -p -b 67
questa riga aggiungetela nel file precedentemente creato sotto  
in modo che ogni volta che parte kde vi setta il mouse come dal file  

Per spiegazioni o chiarimenti sono sempre a disposizione.
ciao ciao

Re: [newbie-it] mouse ottico (SOLUZIONE)

2003-10-01 Per discussione kudega
On 01.10.2003 12:27, carmine de pasquale wrote:
- Original Message -
From: Santarella Benedetto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] mouse ottico (SOLUZIONE)

  PS.Del mouse sono riuscito anche a configurare i bottoni
  (totale 5 bottoni) Se a qualcuno interessa posso postare una mini

 A me interessa
5 con rotellina? anche a me
Si 5 con la rotella...
I 2 soliti + 2 laterali più la rotellina che funge da bottone centrale  
e da rotellina!
Cmq l'ho già postato qualche giorno fa... non vi è arrivato?
Ha come soggetto MINI-HOWTO configurazione Mouse a 5 Bottoni
Ok... lo rispedisco e fatemi sapere!
Ciao ciao Davide

Re: [newbie-it] Opera shared o static?

2003-10-01 Per discussione freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 01 October 2003 16:19, AF wrote:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Mi potete spiagare quale tra le due versioni di Opera è più opportuno o
 conveniente installare? e perché? Grazie.

E' una regola generale.
Shared significa che il programma usa delle librerie condivise (un 
programmatore te la spiegherebbe in maniera molto piu' tecnica),
che quindi devono essere presenti nel tuo sistema, infatti il file e' di 
solito piu' piccolo.
(Un paragone d'esempio sono le .dll di windows)
La versione static ha le librerie statiche, in pratica le porta gia' con se'.
E infatti e' un file di dimensioni maggiori.
Opera se non sbaglio ha le QT come shared, quindi se hai il kde
le hai certamente.
La differenza tra i due files e' che lo static certamente funziona,
lo shared potrebbe non farlo.
(Io di solito scaricavo la shared, e andava benissimo.Poi una volta
non mi partiva, per un problema di librerie, e da allora quindi prendevo
sempre la static, ma e' questione di scelta personale, e di velocita'
di connessione.)

- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Opera shared o static?

2003-10-01 Per discussione artasersec
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 16:19:02 +0200, AF [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ciao a tutti.
Mi potete spiagare quale tra le due versioni di Opera  pi opportuno o 
conveniente installare? e perch? Grazie.
Io ho scaricato e installato l'RPM QT Shared per RedHat 8/SuSE 8.1/Mandrake 
9  da 3.6 MB e va benissimo con Mandrake 9.1, al massimo poi puoi 
scaricare, a parte, i plugin flash per completare il browser.

La volpe conosce molti trucchi; l'istrice uno solo, ma buono.  (Archiloco)

Re: [newbie-it] x Paolo Brusasco e non solo

2003-10-01 Per discussione paolo brusasco
p.s. il maledetto mplayer mi fa sentire il signore degli anelli solo in 
inglese. se guardo la lingua selezionata del dvd mi dice italiano. se 
cerco di selezionare un'altra lingua o riseleziono italiano si inchioda 
il sistema e devo resettare. non posso neanche aprire un'altra console 
perche' non mi fa il login. ripeto, sopratutto coi dvd, buona fortuna. ciao.

Corrado wrote:

Re: [newbie-it] wget - BUGscript

2003-10-01 Per discussione Ikki The Porcupine
Il corriere di Linux

Scoperto il primo bug nel programma Iget (Ikki wget)
Cominciamo bene ;-D

 a = 1
 if [ $a  59 ]
   if [ $a  10 ]
   wget -x${a}_.jpg
   wget -x${a}_.jpg
   a=`expr $a + 1`

versione senza bug

a = 1
while [ $a  59 ]
if [ $a  10 ]
wget -x${a}_.jpg
wget -x${a}_.jpg
a=`expr $a + 1`

Sono un fenomeno para...
... plegico!!!
Naturalmente non metto in dubbio la presenza di altri bug.



Re: [newbie-it] Opera shared o static?

2003-10-01 Per discussione Ikki The Porcupine
Alle 16:19, mercoledì 1 ottobre 2003, AF ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Mi potete spiagare quale tra le due versioni di Opera è più opportuno o 
 conveniente installare? e perché? Grazie.
 Sono stata povera e sono stata ricca.  Ricca e' meglio.
   -- Sophie Tucker

Opera è basato sulle librerie QT, le stesse di kde
Tempo fa usavo ankio opera (6.0) ma lo installavo da cdrom (versioni static) 
xkè con la connessione analogica la bolletta diventa salata come il mar morto

La differenza sta nel fatto che:
- static è compilato con tutte le librerie di cui abbisogna
- shared è compilato senza le librerie (ke devono essere già presenti sul tuo 

Usando kde (dovrebbe avere gia tutto ciò ke occorre a opera), oppure 
scaricandoti le QT (8 MB se non erro), risparmi spazio su ram xkè le QT 
vengono caricate una sola volta e condivise tra tutte le applicazioni ke ne 
fanno uso (se sono compilate shared, si intende).



Re: [newbie-it] mouse ottico (SOLUZIONE)

2003-10-01 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message - 
From: kudega [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] mouse ottico (SOLUZIONE)

 On 01.10.2003 12:27, carmine de pasquale wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: Santarella Benedetto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 6:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] mouse ottico (SOLUZIONE)
PS.Del mouse sono riuscito anche a configurare i bottoni
(totale 5 bottoni) Se a qualcuno interessa posso postare una
   A me interessa
  5 con rotellina? anche a me

 Si 5 con la rotella...
 I 2 soliti + 2 laterali più la rotellina che funge da bottone centrale
 e da rotellina!
 Cmq l'ho già postato qualche giorno fa... non vi è arrivato?
 Ha come soggetto MINI-HOWTO configurazione Mouse a 5 Bottoni
 Ok... lo rispedisco e fatemi sapere!
 Ciao ciao Davide

arrivato! ne ho anche uno a 2 rotelle e 3 bottoni, a palla, non ottico,
ma dovrebbe essere lo stesso. ora ci provo

Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-01 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Eric Huff wrote:
Does anybody know the correct way to get side thumb buttons on a

microsoft intellimouse explorer working as back and forward in
mozilla under 9.1?

   Option Device /dev/psaux

I have never tried this (just saved joe's post cuz it looked
helpful).  Anyway, here is a post from way back.
I notice you have /dev/psaux and he had mouse:
Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I use all buttons on MS Explorer mouse?

I dropped deadman a quick question on this mouse, but would be
interested to know if any of you have input or experiences to

the instructions on his site should apply to any mouse with 5
buttons or
even 7. you are using xmodmap, like this (in your .xinitrc):
xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 

plus an entry in your XF86Config:

Section InputDevice
Identifier Mouse0
Driver mouse
Option Protocol ExplorerPS/2
Option Device /dev/mouse
Option Buttons 7
Option ZAxisMapping 6 7
now, you can let go of the Explorer part and give it a shot, to my
mind it shouldn't matter. of course if it doesn't work, just put it
to normal (your system even keeps a backup of your old XF86Config
you to rename and use).
Personally, it seemed to wreak havoc with my WM and mousewheeling
desktops, so I commented it out for now. I'll give it a shot later.

Thanks eric, but as far as I can tell what you told me will make x see 
that there are 7 buttons, 5 actual, and 2 for the wheel, and map the 
scrolling to the wheel (buttons 6 and 7) what I'm looking for is 
getting the buttons 4 and 5 (thumb buttons) to perform a specific 
function. The first part I believe I have working already. It seems like 
I just need to find the correct systax for the mozilla entry in the 
imwheelrc file, but since none of the entries that I have found on the 
web seem to work the way they should, I'm not entirely sure that I have 
imwheel set up correctly or that imwheel is even the way to do this 
anymore. Anyway, I'll keep looking, thanks for the response.


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Re: [newbie] Me thinks I got a virus

2003-10-01 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi
I think e2fschk is a front end that invokes the correct fsck.* program. 
If you type man fsck.ext3 you are shown the e2fschk man page.

On my MDK9.1 there is no fsck.reiserfs command, only fsck.ext3. Could it 
be an alias?

The command should output something. In my case the output is (hda1 is 
an ext3 partition):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]# e2fsck -f /dev/hda1
e2fsck 1.32 (09-Nov-2002)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/hda1: 3914/895840 files (1.1% non-contiguous), 1553092/1791239 blocks

On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 02:55, Raffaele Belardi wrote:

Or bad disk.I've had two disks breaking up recently, behaviour is always 
_very_ strange.
You could check partitions with

# e2fschk -f -c /dev/hda?

-f forces the check
-c performs bad block scan (I've never done this, don't know how long it 
Substitute hda? with the name of your partitions.

Does that command work with Reiserfs partitions?
I've tried to check /home by doing an init 1 as su and running
fsck.reiserfs  it doesn't display anything and the command prompt is
redisplayed.  I'll try the rescue disk next.



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2003-10-01 Per discussione Aron Smith
Came across this intersting

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Re: [newbie] cron error

2003-10-01 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi
I don't know about the cron error, but regarding the mail output, man 
cron says:

When executing commands, any output is mailed to the owner of the 
crontab (or to the user named in the MAILTO environment variable in the 
crontab, if such exists).

Naturally, there must be a mailer deamon running (sendmail or other) for 
that to work. Sorry if I state the obvious.


I get following error.
Sep 30 05:29:02 lvghomepc anacron[1507]: Job `cron.daily' started
Sep 30 05:29:02 lvghomepc anacron[1770]: Updated timestamp for job 
`cron.daily' to 2003-09-30
Sep 30 05:29:51 lvghomepc anacron[1507]: Job `cron.daily' terminated (exit 
status: 1) (mailing output)

Oct  1 05:26:29 lvghomepc anacron[1480]: Job `cron.daily' started
Oct  1 05:26:29 lvghomepc anacron[1892]: Updated timestamp for job 
`cron.daily' to 2003-10-01
Oct  1 05:26:30 lvghomepc ADVXctl: httpd -HUP succeeded
Oct  1 05:26:33 lvghomepc last message repeated 11 times
Oct  1 05:28:04 lvghomepc su(pam_unix)[6800]: session opened for user root by 
Oct  1 05:28:15 lvghomepc anacron[1480]: Job `cron.daily' terminated (exit 
status: 1) (mailing output)

but var/log/cron shows no errors as given below and root also didn't show any 
mail .
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lvgandhi]# cd /var/log/cron/
total 10
drwxr-xr-x2 root root  120 Sep 28 02:24 ./
drwxr-xr-x   12 root root 1152 Oct  1 05:26 ../
-rw-r-1 root root0 Sep 28 02:24 errors
-rw-r-1 root root 6351 Oct  1 05:28 info
-rw-r-1 root root0 Sep 28 02:24 warnings

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cron]# tail info
Sep 30 21:01:00 lvghomepc CROND[3262]: (root) CMD (nice -n 19 run-parts 
Sep 30 21:08:13 lvghomepc crond[1475]: (CRON) STARTUP (fork ok)
Sep 30 21:08:17 lvghomepc anacron[1533]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2003-09-30
Sep 30 21:08:18 lvghomepc anacron[1533]: Normal exit (0 jobs run)
Oct  1 05:21:24 lvghomepc crond[1425]: (CRON) STARTUP (fork ok)
Oct  1 05:21:29 lvghomepc anacron[1480]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2003-10-01
Oct  1 05:21:29 lvghomepc anacron[1480]: Will run job `cron.daily' in 5 min.
Oct  1 05:26:29 lvghomepc anacron[1480]: Job `cron.daily' started
Oct  1 05:26:29 lvghomepc anacron[1892]: Updated timestamp for job 
`cron.daily' to 2003-10-01
Oct  1 05:28:15 lvghomepc anacron[1480]: Job `cron.daily' terminated (exit 
status: 1) (mailing output)

I think exit status 1 indicates error. Where this mailed output goes.

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[newbie] marked letters in filename

2003-10-01 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi
I have big directories containing files with english and italian or 
french filenames. Non-english filenames sometimes contain marked 
letters, which are not managed well by samba or by the ISO fs.

One example of marked letter is the second 'a' in foglio-attività.doc.

Is there a way to identify filenames containing such marked letters, and 
maybe convert them to english letters? I tried with a simple perl 
script, but it doesn't work well:


while () {
print if !(/\p{IsASCII}/i); # no go, it does not report all the 



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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
yankl wrote:
On Monday 29 September 2003 05:37 am, Margot wrote:

Thanks to all who have tried to help with this. Still no sound, but I
don't have any more time and energy to devote to this problem right now.
It seems I messed up on my reinstall when I was trying to get the
internet connection going - succeeded in that but broke everything else!
I'm still running 9.0 - 9.2 will be ready soon, and I can live without
sound until then, and then perhaps someone can point me to a checklist
so I make sure I get the 9.2 installation right!
Thanks again for all your time and patience - even though we din't fix
it, I've learned a lot of useful stuff!
I am sorry that you gave up on your sound.
I have one more idea may be you like to try it. In the past I had a problem 
where too much time where assigned for a process to hold a sound device. So 
in the kde control center (kcontrol not mcc) you need to change parameter in 
Sound - Sound System. Check mark auto suspend if idle for: and change time 
to about 1 second . Then in the LookNFeel - Sytem Notification disable all 
sound notifications. 

Thanks for the suggestion Yankl - I gave it a go, but sadly it didn't 
make any difference.


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Re: [newbie] installing sound drivers

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
Steven Nelson wrote:

asoundlib.h wasn't in /usr/include/sys. i searched for it and it said 
that it was in /alsa-lib-0.9.7.  i didn't install the lib files, that 
was why it was not in there. i installed the lib files and asoundlib.h 
was in /usr/include/sys. ran the utils setup and it installed fine. i 
opened the alsamixer directory after that and tried to open the 
alsamixer by double clicking the icon, nothing happened. then tried to 
run the alsamixer and it said this alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open 
failed for default: No such device. know why it would say that?


I haven't got my sound working yet, but I had this problem too as part 
of my package of things not working! Solved this by following Anne's 
advice to go to Software Installer on MCC and install everything with 
alsa in the name.

Hope it works for you too.


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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 1:58 am, yankl wrote:
  Yanki's tip may not be relevant to Margot, but it's one worth
  noting. It got rid of some intermittant annoyances with sound on
  my system.

 Glad I could help.

 And again my name is YANKL NOT YANKI. :)

Sorry about that. Lower case i and l are not always obvious - and my 
eyes are not what they were - too much computing? g

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] cron error

2003-10-01 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 1:13 am, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I get following error.
 Sep 30 05:29:02 lvghomepc anacron[1507]: Job `cron.daily' started
 Sep 30 05:29:02 lvghomepc anacron[1770]: Updated timestamp for job
 `cron.daily' to 2003-09-30
 Sep 30 05:29:51 lvghomepc anacron[1507]: Job `cron.daily' terminated (exit
 status: 1) (mailing output)

 I think exit status 1 indicates error. Where this mailed output goes.

It goes to the email address (or users mail spool file) listed in the 
MAILTO= parameter in /etc/crontab

If you want it to go to an email address then you must either be running a 
mail server to have the ssmtp RPM installed to forward the mail to a mail 
server. (Config file in /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf )


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Re: [newbie] OT - specifying From in mail

2003-10-01 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 5:30 am, Todd Slater wrote:
 I have a script that sends mail to a list, but I need to specify the
 from in the mail. I can't figure out how to do this with the mail
 command. Possible?


Try using the sendmail command (even if you use Postfix) There is the -F and 
-f options to force the from field

If you do not run a mail server on that machine the ssmtp command has the same 



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Re: [newbie] Wireless Interet

2003-10-01 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 1:57 am, Teilhard Knight wrote:
  On Tuesday 30 Sep 2003 8:16 pm, Teilhard Knight wrote:
 Huff, Derek, I don't know what I am doing wrong because I do not succeed in
 connecting to Internet.

 My encryption key is a ten digit number, so I wrote in the corresponding
 fields as: s:xx.

Are you **sure** it is an ASCII string that just happens to be numbers. Or 
could it be a Hex number which just happens not to include any digit larger 
than 9 ?
Try again giving it in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

 The modem-router assigns the directions IP, so I never unchecked the DHCP

 I also know my ESSID: 2wire806. I suppose here I do not have to be careful
 with capitals or lower case letters.

Keep the capitalisation the same as in Windows

 I will try in a moment to write an IP address from the pool in the router,
 and see if I can connect.

 I think I followed your instructions carefully. Maybe I am doing something


Also what do you see if you enter iwconfig  and ifconfig in a root terminal?
It may be the link is working but your default route is set to use a fixed 
ethernet. (Post us the result from a 'route' command )



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Re: [newbie] Maxtor Hard Drive Dual-Slave Jumper Setting?

2003-10-01 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Mark Weaver wrote:

The Other wrote:


Thanks to all who answered my question, and especially to Frank.

This drive was not marked (an OEM drive that was sold by PC Peripherals
under their serial number).  It came with no documentation.  Many thanks
Frank for getting me the PDF documentation file.
My embarrassment shows that I didn't think to Google on the model 
My age is showing.  I hit the Internet long before Google started and 
I keep
forgetting how capable these new search engines are.

Best Regards,
The Other Stephen Stubbs
Champaign, IL   USA
- Original Message -
Google 4W030H2 master slave jumper found many pages which led to this


See page 2-6 (adobe page 14).

yep! if ya can't find it on google it doesn't exist.


There is another that sometimes is even better, namely,

try it sometimes when you cannot get the answer you want from google.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 03:21, Margot wrote:
 yankl wrote:
  On Monday 29 September 2003 05:37 am, Margot wrote:
 Thanks to all who have tried to help with this. Still no sound, but I
 don't have any more time and energy to devote to this problem right now.
 It seems I messed up on my reinstall when I was trying to get the
 internet connection going - succeeded in that but broke everything else!
 I'm still running 9.0 - 9.2 will be ready soon, and I can live without
 sound until then, and then perhaps someone can point me to a checklist
 so I make sure I get the 9.2 installation right!
 Thanks again for all your time and patience - even though we din't fix
 it, I've learned a lot of useful stuff!
  I am sorry that you gave up on your sound.
  I have one more idea may be you like to try it. In the past I had a problem 
  where too much time where assigned for a process to hold a sound device. So 
  in the kde control center (kcontrol not mcc) you need to change parameter in 
  Sound - Sound System. Check mark auto suspend if idle for: and change time 
  to about 1 second . Then in the LookNFeel - Sytem Notification disable all 
  sound notifications. 
 Thanks for the suggestion Yankl - I gave it a go, but sadly it didn't 
 make any difference.
One more thing,,, If I am correct about these facts; this is an 'onboard
sound chip', and you have enabled it in one place in your bios, after
having disabled it previously to use a add on (pci-or-isa) sound card. 

there is in some bios a second (and much more hidden) setting to enable
the on board sound it might be under a different menu, and you might
even have to scroll down to find it, (if my memory serves, and what a
joke that would be) I have one setting under legacy devices and another
in PCI control, or something along those lines. check every entry on
your BIOS for a second sound setting...

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[newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
An interesting reply from my MEP Caroline Lucas...

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: Software Patents
Date:   Wed, 01 Oct 2003 11:08:19 +0200
From:   Caroline (Dr) Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Margot,

Thanks you for your email on software patenting. You'll be pleased to
note that it was the Green Group here in the Parliament that was the
only effective opposition to the proposal.
We, after months of delay, finally voted on the Commission proposal last
Wednesday, 24th September. It had been the intention of the European
Commission and numerous European governments to adopt a system that is
similar to the American one.
Software patents favour huge companies that can afford a legal
department, therefore harming small and medium-sized enterprises who are
responsible for much of the innovation in the IT field. Patents are
expensive, create much administrative work, and are granted slowly and
for a lengthy time period, while the life cycle of software is short.
The Green Group in the European Parliament was, and will remain, very
active on this topic, leading resistance to the Directive (see our
website and click on software patents).
Ahead of the vote we successfully managed to persuade enough MEPs to
substantially modify the text of the Commission proposal in the
following ways:
· to exclude software from patentability (but only in one part of the
· to prohibit the patenting of intellectual methods (software, teaching
methods, business methods etc); and
· to allow reverse engineering and interoperability.
However, the draft Directive remains ambiguous and contradictory
(articles 2  4 contradict each other, with the preamble contradicting
the legal articles). As currently drafted I believe it will open the
gate for software patents in the European Union, just as the Commission
and UK government originally intended. It is for this reason that, after
voting in favour of the amendments mentioned above, but I voted against
the Directive as a whole.
Furthermore, and rather ominously, given our success in the Parliament,
the Commission may now withdraw the draft Directive and seek a
legislative route that does not involve democratic scrutiny. We must all
therefore remain alert and continue to campaign on this issue.
Best wishes,


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Re: [newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 12:36:24 +0100
Margot [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 An interesting reply from my MEP Caroline Lucas...

Wt! Well done, Margot!

As Robert A. Heinlein once noted, of course the game is rigged, but if
you don't bet, you can't win, keep up the good fight!

Go Greens!
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Life is knowing how far to go without crossing the line.

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[newbie] Word Perfect conversion to Open Office

2003-10-01 Per discussione Smith Joe
Hi all,

I recently installed Mandrake 9.0 on a K6 III based machine and I am impressed by the overall comfort level. Having come from a DOS background I have a lot of WP51 files I would like to convert to use in OO... Any pointers to where a converter can be found?

Many thanksLysergius says,"Stay light, but trust gravity!"
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search

Re: [newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione John Richard Smith
So does this leave us with a satisfactory position ?
I'm not at all sure.
I'm curious as to why Europeans are not trying to get the principle of 
the GPL incorporated into European law. Wouldn't this be better than 
hedging around trying to determin what is patentable and what it not. If 
the GPL was part of European law then the force of that licence would be 
upheld in European courts. That would stop large companies with oudles 
of money tying anyone up for years while courts decide who owns what and 
can use what and when. The GPL is an open use licence , any software  
offered under GPL is usable by anyone else, no matter who created it. If 
it isn't offered under GPL it's not available for general use without 
express permission, with or without charge. As it is at the moment even 
if a piece of software is offered under GPL it's not certain that it can 
be used without the user agreeing to use it under GPL, which is I think 
why we are being asked to accept the GPL licence everytime we install a 
new OS.


Margot wrote:

An interesting reply from my MEP Caroline Lucas...

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Software Patents
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 11:08:19 +0200
From: Caroline (Dr) Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Margot,

Thanks you for your email on software patenting. You'll be pleased to
note that it was the Green Group here in the Parliament that was the
only effective opposition to the proposal.
We, after months of delay, finally voted on the Commission proposal last
Wednesday, 24th September. It had been the intention of the European
Commission and numerous European governments to adopt a system that is
similar to the American one.
Software patents favour huge companies that can afford a legal
department, therefore harming small and medium-sized enterprises who are
responsible for much of the innovation in the IT field. Patents are
expensive, create much administrative work, and are granted slowly and
for a lengthy time period, while the life cycle of software is short.
The Green Group in the European Parliament was, and will remain, very
active on this topic, leading resistance to the Directive (see our
website and click on software patents).
Ahead of the vote we successfully managed to persuade enough MEPs to
substantially modify the text of the Commission proposal in the
following ways:
· to exclude software from patentability (but only in one part of the
· to prohibit the patenting of intellectual methods (software, teaching
methods, business methods etc); and
· to allow reverse engineering and interoperability.
However, the draft Directive remains ambiguous and contradictory
(articles 2  4 contradict each other, with the preamble contradicting
the legal articles). As currently drafted I believe it will open the
gate for software patents in the European Union, just as the Commission
and UK government originally intended. It is for this reason that, after
voting in favour of the amendments mentioned above, but I voted against
the Directive as a whole.
Furthermore, and rather ominously, given our success in the Parliament,
the Commission may now withdraw the draft Directive and seek a
legislative route that does not involve democratic scrutiny. We must all
therefore remain alert and continue to campaign on this issue.
Best wishes,


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 13:20:34 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 So does this leave us with a satisfactory position ?
 I'm not at all sure.

Of course not. It won't be satisfactory until all Political interference
in the affairs of software and the internet is strictly forbidden. The
internet is the last chance we have at a truly free market of ideas, as
Adam Smith envisioned it, and has been so extensively corrupted by
government protected monopolies like MS, the RIAA, and the MPAA.

 I'm curious as to why Europeans are not trying to get the principle of
 the GPL incorporated into European law. Wouldn't this be better than 
 hedging around trying to determin what is patentable and what it not.

Absolutely. This should be the focus *everywhere*, so that we can prove
William Gibson wrong, and the future *will* be distribute evenly (see my
manifesto). However one might feel about Richard Stallman and his
ideology, the FSF, the GPL, and the like are the only things standing
between *our* vision of the internet as an extension of the human
nervous system for communication and exchange, and another Big Media

Rest assured, I believe Information Will Be Free.

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Happiness isn't having what you want, it's wanting what you have.

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Re: [newbie] video configuration

2003-10-01 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 04:04:58 +
Steven Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i have installed a video driver for a radeon, it is fglrx. in mandrake
 control center i opened hardware and then change your screen
 resolution. it says the resolution is 1024*768 16bpp. i tried to
 change it to 24bpp but 16bpp is the only choice that it gives me. i am
 not sure what the xf86config-4 file says, i don't know where to look. 
 # Any number of screen sections may be present.  Each describes
 # the configuration of a single screen.  A single specific screen
 section# may be specified from the X server command line with the
 -screen# option.
 Section Screen
 Identifier  Screen0
 Device  ATI Graphics Adapter
 Monitor Monitor0
 DefaultDepth 24
 #Option backingstore
 Subsection Display
 Depth   24
 Modes   1024x768
 ViewPort0 0  # initial origin if mode is smaller than
 #Virtual 1280 1024

The above is the pertinent section of the -config-4 which relates to
your screen size and resolution.

You are running at 1024x768 with 24bpp


You are always doing something marginal when the boss drops by your desk
-- Murphy's Laws on Work n°22
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon


Description: PGP signature

[newbie] Portable OGG player(s)?

2003-10-01 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
I know there is some interest in this, so this might be interesting:

What I couldn't figure out from the article is if it requires proprietary 
software to run it...


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Re: [newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
John Richard Smith wrote:
So does this leave us with a satisfactory position ?
I'm not at all sure.
No, it is not satisfactory - look again at the last 2 paragraphs of 
Caroline Lucas's message:

However, the draft Directive remains ambiguous and contradictory
(articles 2  4 contradict each other, with the preamble contradicting
the legal articles). As currently drafted I believe it will open the
gate for software patents in the European Union, just as the Commission
and UK government originally intended. It is for this reason that, after
voting in favour of the amendments mentioned above, but I voted against
the Directive as a whole.
Furthermore, and rather ominously, given our success in the Parliament,
the Commission may now withdraw the draft Directive and seek a
legislative route that does not involve democratic scrutiny. We must all
therefore remain alert and continue to campaign on this issue.
But at least the Green MEPs are aware of the situation, unhappy about it 
(as we are), and prepared to keep working on it. I've asked Caroline to 
keep me informed of developments. We now need to keep up the pressure on 
our MEPs - all of them, not just the Green ones!


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Re: [newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione John Richard Smith
HaywireMac wrote:

On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 13:20:34 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

So does this leave us with a satisfactory position ?
I'm not at all sure.

Of course not. It won't be satisfactory until all Political interference
in the affairs of software and the internet is strictly forbidden. The
internet is the last chance we have at a truly free market of ideas, as
Adam Smith envisioned it, and has been so extensively corrupted by
government protected monopolies like MS, the RIAA, and the MPAA.

I'm curious as to why Europeans are not trying to get the principle of

the GPL incorporated into European law. Wouldn't this be better than 
hedging around trying to determin what is patentable and what it not.

Absolutely. This should be the focus *everywhere*, so that we can prove
William Gibson wrong, 

William Gibson
   person Author of cyberpunk novels such as Neuromancer
   (1984), Count Zero (1986), Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Virtual
   Light (1993).
   Neuromancer, a novel about a computer hacker/criminal
   cowboy of the future helping to free an artificial
   intelligence from its programmed bounds, won the Hugo and
   Nebula science fiction awards and is credited as the seminal
   cyberpunk novel and the origin of the term cyberspace.
   Gibson does not have a technical background and supposedly
   purchased his first computer in 1992.

and the future *will* be distribute evenly (see my
manifesto). However one might feel about Richard Stallman 

Richard Stallman
   person Richard M. Stallman.  Founder of the GNU project.
   He resigned from the AI lab at MIT so he would be free to
   produce free software which he could then distribute on his
   own terms.  He went on to establish the Free Software
   Foundation to support the production of free software and
   ensure its free distribution.

and his
ideology, the FSF, the GPL, and the like are the only things standing
between *our* vision of the internet as an extension of the human
nervous system for communication and exchange, and another Big Media
Rest assured, I believe Information Will Be Free.


OK , so I've got some reading to do.

But how should we be going about getting GPL incorporated into at least 
European Law.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Budianto Yudi
I install madrake linux 9.1 from CD. 

Problem 1 : 
when the installation ask for the languange which i 
choose, the mouse pointer always hang, and i must reset my 
computer and start over the linux installation so the 
mouse pointer can be moved. Why ? is there something wrong 
with my mouse ?

Problem 2 :
In the summary part of the installation, I configure my 
display adapater, when it offer me to test my display 
adapter, the mouse pointer always hang, so i must use 
keyboard to finish my installation. Is this a serious 
problem ? how must i do to fix it ?

Problem 3 :
in the exit part of the installation. the linux always 
reboot the system. when it goes to the black screen there 
is some error this.

install succeeded
sending termination signals ... done
sending kill signals ... done
unmounting file systems ...
 /mnt umount failed
failed to umount some file systems
How to fix this error ? 
After i reset my computer and runs linux for the first 
time linux run for fsck and linux offer me to repair 
automatically and i choose yes. 
but after that I cannot run into xwindows and the linux 
ask about login name.

I note some error when linux preparing the system to run 
xwindows. there are some error when loading the saslauthd. 
The linux says there is error with shared library or 
directory doesn't exist. How to fix this error ?

Please help me. I need it urgent.
Instan Diskon Setiap Hari...
Setiap hari jam 10 malam sampai jam 7 pagi 
Dan setiap Hari Libur.. 
berlaku mulai 1 September - 31 Desember 2003,
Khusus Jawa Timur...

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RE: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
What type of mouse have you got and how is it connected?

-Original Message-
From: Budianto Yudi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 2:06 PM
Subject: [newbie] Urgent ! Error after installation reboot.

I install madrake linux 9.1 from CD. 

Problem 1 : 
when the installation ask for the languange which i 
choose, the mouse pointer always hang, and i must reset my 
computer and start over the linux installation so the 
mouse pointer can be moved. Why ? is there something wrong 
with my mouse ?

Problem 2 :
In the summary part of the installation, I configure my 
display adapater, when it offer me to test my display 
adapter, the mouse pointer always hang, so i must use 
keyboard to finish my installation. Is this a serious 
problem ? how must i do to fix it ?

Problem 3 :
in the exit part of the installation. the linux always 
reboot the system. when it goes to the black screen there 
is some error this.

install succeeded
sending termination signals ... done
sending kill signals ... done
unmounting file systems ...
  /mnt umount failed
failed to umount some file systems

How to fix this error ? 
After i reset my computer and runs linux for the first 
time linux run for fsck and linux offer me to repair 
automatically and i choose yes. 
but after that I cannot run into xwindows and the linux 
ask about login name.

I note some error when linux preparing the system to run 
xwindows. there are some error when loading the saslauthd. 
The linux says there is error with shared library or 
directory doesn't exist. How to fix this error ?

Please help me. I need it urgent.

Instan Diskon Setiap Hari...
Setiap hari jam 10 malam sampai jam 7 pagi 
Dan setiap Hari Libur.. 
berlaku mulai 1 September - 31 Desember 2003,
Khusus Jawa Timur...


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disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
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The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
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Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
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Business Computer Projects Ltd
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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 30 2003 05:37 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 17:40:45 -0400

 Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I'll look forward to seeing your letter.  Will you sign it JH
  or haywire? ;-) Best,

 *If they print it...* Who knows where it will end up?

 Dear Editor,

 The abovementioned article is so rife with inaccuracy and
 untruth, it is difficult to believe it was not dictated directly
 from Redmond and printed verbatim.

 First of all, the reason Microsoft is the target of most hack
 attacks has nothing whatsoever to do with it's market share. The
 internet suffers unduly because of egregious security flaws in
 Microsoft's operating system, *despite* the fact that most of
 the websites on the Internet and most of the Internet's structure
 is built on Unix, Linux, and other non-Microsoft platforms. The
 internet continues to function in a useable manner day-to-day
 only because the non-Microsoft software that it runs on is able
 to cope with the load that Microsoft vulnerabilities generate.

 This bit of propagandistic fluff is clearly an editorial response
 to the report issued recently by the Computer and Communications
 Industry Association, which quite rightly heaps almost all of the
 blame for the woes of the average user's Internet experience
 squarely where it belongs: Microsoft. The fact that said report
 is not mentioned *once* is in itself a glaring oversight on the
 part of the journalist.

 Microsoft's corporate culture is characterized by inattention to
 security, and has been for decades, not the hardware
 manufacturers, not vendors of Unix products, not the Open Source
 community, only Microsoft.

 This is why, increasingly, Governments across the globe are
 turning to alternatives to Microsoft, not only for the reduced
 costs and less restrictive licensing terms, but out of concern
 for their security. The U.S. govenment itself is turning to Linux
 to power it's most secure operations, such as the N.S.A.

 I would hope that Mr. Lohr, supposedly the author of this
 article, do more and better research to get his facts straight in
 the future.

 T Bruce Milne

All right, where is the real JoeHill?   ;)

BTW, M$ servers are currently 23.5% of all web servers and their 
share has been in decline over the last year.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 13:53:49 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 But how should we be going about getting GPL incorporated into at
 least European Law.

By voting and writing and voting and writing some more, and if that
doesn't work...

Malcolm X:

By any means necessary.

All rhetoric aside, people need to get out of their houses, if only
metaphorically, and make their voices heard. The first word to learn and
use is No.

As in:

No, I will not use this OS because it is restrictive and insecure and
is the product of an illegal monopoly.

No, I will not buy this DVD player because it supports an egregious set
of terms and conditions on my fair use of media that I purchased with
my hard-earned money.

No, I will not buy this CD because the company that produced it sued a
12 yr old girl for downloading a Britney Spears song, instead of making
it easier and cheaper for people like that girl to access the song.

And so on.

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last.
-- Marcus Aurelius

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Budianto Yudi
PS 2 mouse.
Instan Diskon Setiap Hari...
Setiap hari jam 10 malam sampai jam 7 pagi 
Dan setiap Hari Libur.. 
berlaku mulai 1 September - 31 Desember 2003,
Khusus Jawa Timur...

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Re: [newbie] OT - specifying From in mail

2003-10-01 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 10:41:51AM +0100, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 5:30 am, Todd Slater wrote:
  I have a script that sends mail to a list, but I need to specify the
  from in the mail. I can't figure out how to do this with the mail
  command. Possible?
 Try using the sendmail command (even if you use Postfix) There is the -F and 
 -f options to force the from field

Thanks, Derek. I fogot to google groups before posting, and I found
mhmail does the job nicely, too.


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RE: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
No wheel or any extra buttons and you are choosing this mouse when

-Original Message-
From: Budianto Yudi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Urgent ! Error after installation reboot.

PS 2 mouse.

Instan Diskon Setiap Hari...
Setiap hari jam 10 malam sampai jam 7 pagi 
Dan setiap Hari Libur.. 
berlaku mulai 1 September - 31 Desember 2003,
Khusus Jawa Timur...


-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects - Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
or the postmaster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  immediately.

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the recipient(s)
to verify the integrity of such emails.

Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
Fax: +44 (0)161 355-3001

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Budianto Yudi
No i choose standard mouse.
Instan Diskon Setiap Hari...
Setiap hari jam 10 malam sampai jam 7 pagi 
Dan setiap Hari Libur.. 
berlaku mulai 1 September - 31 Desember 2003,
Khusus Jawa Timur...

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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 08:15:48 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

Hey, Tom! Haven't seen ya 'round much, I guess you've been busy
helping to squash bugs for 9.2?

 All right, where is the real JoeHill?   ;)

Ya, I figured if I left out things like the author is a complete
fscking moron, and I want to kneecap him with a shovel, it would have
more chance of actually getting printed... :-D

 BTW, M$ servers are currently 23.5% of all web servers and their 
 share has been in decline over the last year.

This is the thing, we've got to get the truth out there, MS is a target
because they are *insecure*, it matters not what their share of the
market is, except that the effects of their incompetence would be far
less annoying if more people would drop them as their OS at home and at

I did my own very small part yesterday, I couldn't convince a friend to
switch to Linux, but I got them to use Mozilla and Thunderbird instead
of the usual virus-spreaders.

*And* I'm sending my sis a couple of CD's, Knoppix and Morphix, so she
can try out Linux and go fromt there. I *will* convert her, resistance
is futile!

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
You have all eternity to be cautious in when you're dead.
-- Lois Platford

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Budianto Yudi wrote:
No i choose standard mouse.
well ok... its your computer.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.1
ICQ# 27816299

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Budianto Yudi wrote:
PS 2 mouse.
yes...I have one too!

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.1
ICQ# 27816299

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Re: [newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione mooney
On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 14:36, Margot wrote:
 An interesting reply from my MEP Caroline Lucas...
  Original Message 
 Subject:  Re: Software Patents
 Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 11:08:19 +0200
 From: Caroline (Dr) Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dear Margot,
 Thanks you for your email on software patenting. You'll be pleased to
 note that it was the Green Group here in the Parliament that was the
 only effective opposition to the proposal.
 We, after months of delay, finally voted on the Commission proposal last
 Wednesday, 24th September. It had been the intention of the European
 Commission and numerous European governments to adopt a system that is
 similar to the American one.
 Software patents favour huge companies that can afford a legal
 department, therefore harming small and medium-sized enterprises who are
 responsible for much of the innovation in the IT field. Patents are
 expensive, create much administrative work, and are granted slowly and
 for a lengthy time period, while the life cycle of software is short.
 The Green Group in the European Parliament was, and will remain, very
 active on this topic, leading resistance to the Directive (see our
 website and click on software patents).
 Ahead of the vote we successfully managed to persuade enough MEPs to
 substantially modify the text of the Commission proposal in the
 following ways:
 · to exclude software from patentability (but only in one part of the
 · to prohibit the patenting of intellectual methods (software, teaching
 methods, business methods etc); and
 · to allow reverse engineering and interoperability.
 However, the draft Directive remains ambiguous and contradictory
 (articles 2  4 contradict each other, with the preamble contradicting
 the legal articles). As currently drafted I believe it will open the
 gate for software patents in the European Union, just as the Commission
 and UK government originally intended. It is for this reason that, after
 voting in favour of the amendments mentioned above, but I voted against
 the Directive as a whole.
 Furthermore, and rather ominously, given our success in the Parliament,
 the Commission may now withdraw the draft Directive and seek a
 legislative route that does not involve democratic scrutiny. We must all
 therefore remain alert and continue to campaign on this issue.
 Best wishes,

Thanks Margot.

Might it be possible to get Caroline's permission to forward her letter
to you to the more 'rabid right'right anti-Europe British tabloids, I'm
sure they'd love the last paragraph - elected representatives over-ruled
by bureaucrats.

Paul M

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Budianto Yudi
 install madrake linux 9.1 from CD. 

Problem 1 : 
when the installation ask for the languange which i 
choose, the mouse pointer always hang, and i must reset my 
computer and start over the linux installation so the 
mouse pointer can be moved. Why ? is there something wrong 
with my mouse ?

Problem 2 :
In the summary part of the installation, I configure my 
display adapater, when it offer me to test my display 
adapter, the mouse pointer always hang, so i must use 
keyboard to finish my installation. Is this a serious 
problem ? how must i do to fix it ?

Problem 3 :
in the exit part of the installation. the linux always 
reboot the system. when it goes to the black screen there 
is some error this.

install succeeded
sending termination signals ... done
sending kill signals ... done
unmounting file systems ...
  /mnt umount failed
failed to umount some file systems
How to fix this error ? 
After i reset my computer and runs linux for the first 
time linux run for fsck and linux offer me to repair 
automatically and i choose yes. 
but after that I cannot run into xwindows and the linux 
ask about login name.

I note some error when linux preparing the system to run 
xwindows. there are some error when loading the saslauthd. 
The linux says there is error with shared library or 
directory doesn't exist. How to fix this error ?

Please help me. I need it urgent.
Instan Diskon Setiap Hari...
Setiap hari jam 10 malam sampai jam 7 pagi 
Dan setiap Hari Libur.. 
berlaku mulai 1 September - 31 Desember 2003,
Khusus Jawa Timur...

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RE: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

Don't keep sending the same email to the list or people will just start
ignoring it. What hardware is your system?

-Original Message-
From: Budianto Yudi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Urgent ! Error after installation reboot.

  install madrake linux 9.1 from CD. 

Problem 1 : 
when the installation ask for the languange which i 
choose, the mouse pointer always hang, and i must reset my 
computer and start over the linux installation so the 
mouse pointer can be moved. Why ? is there something wrong 
with my mouse ?

Problem 2 :
In the summary part of the installation, I configure my 
display adapater, when it offer me to test my display 
adapter, the mouse pointer always hang, so i must use 
keyboard to finish my installation. Is this a serious 
problem ? how must i do to fix it ?

Problem 3 :
in the exit part of the installation. the linux always 
reboot the system. when it goes to the black screen there 
is some error this.

install succeeded
sending termination signals ... done
sending kill signals ... done
unmounting file systems ...
   /mnt umount failed
failed to umount some file systems

How to fix this error ? 
After i reset my computer and runs linux for the first 
time linux run for fsck and linux offer me to repair 
automatically and i choose yes. 
but after that I cannot run into xwindows and the linux 
ask about login name.

I note some error when linux preparing the system to run 
xwindows. there are some error when loading the saslauthd. 
The linux says there is error with shared library or 
directory doesn't exist. How to fix this error ?

Please help me. I need it urgent.

Instan Diskon Setiap Hari...
Setiap hari jam 10 malam sampai jam 7 pagi 
Dan setiap Hari Libur.. 
berlaku mulai 1 September - 31 Desember 2003,
Khusus Jawa Timur...


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This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
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disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
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The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
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[newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Budianto Yudi
Sorry, but I have serious problem and I can not solve it.
My hardware is 
Processor AMD duron 750
Motherboard Shuttle
VGA SIS onboard
Sound SIS ac7018 onboard
old monitor SVGA
Memory SDRAM 128 mb.
Is there something wrong with my computer ?
is there someone solve this ?

I install madrake linux 9.1 from CD. 

Problem 1 : 
when the installation ask for the languange which i 
choose, the mouse pointer always hang, and i must reset my 
computer and start over the linux installation so the 
mouse pointer can be moved. Why ? is there something wrong 
with my mouse ?

Problem 2 :
In the summary part of the installation, I configure my 
display adapater, when it offer me to test my display 
adapter, the mouse pointer always hang, so i must use 
keyboard to finish my installation. Is this a serious 
problem ? how must i do to fix it ?

Problem 3 :
in the exit part of the installation. the linux always 
reboot the system. when it goes to the black screen there 
is some error this.

install succeeded
sending termination signals ... done
sending kill signals ... done
unmounting file systems ...
  /mnt umount failed
failed to umount some file systems
How to fix this error ? 
After i reset my computer and runs linux for the first 
time linux run for fsck and linux offer me to repair 
automatically and i choose yes. 
but after that I cannot run into xwindows and the linux 
ask about login name.

I note some error when linux preparing the system to run 
xwindows. there are some error when loading the saslauthd. 
The linux says there is error with shared library or 
directory doesn't exist. How to fix this error ?

Please help me. I need it urgent.
Instan Diskon Setiap Hari...
Setiap hari jam 10 malam sampai jam 7 pagi 
Dan setiap Hari Libur.. 
berlaku mulai 1 September - 31 Desember 2003,
Khusus Jawa Timur...

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Re: [newbie] multiple bash_history?

2003-10-01 Per discussione dan radom
* Fajar Priyanto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Content-Description: clearsigned data
 Hash: SHA1
 Dear all,
 I use to open 2 consoles in each virtual desktop. I notice that each console 
 keeps its own bash history, so, I'm confused... where are those bash_history 
 files kept? I look in my /home/user directory, there is only 1 bash_history 
 file. It's a bit difficult to check what I have typed if I forget in which 
 console I typed it.

AFIAK nothing is written to .bash_history / $HISTFILE until you exit


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Re: [newbie] Me thinks I got a virus

2003-10-01 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi
I use Journalling FS too (ext3) and, according to man, e2fsck can 
process ext3 also:

E2fsck also supports ext2 filesystems countaining a journal, which  are 
also sometimes known as ext3 filesystems, by first applying the journal 
to the filesystem before continuing  with  normal e2fsck processing.

I don't know if ReiserFS is different and requires a different tool.


Oops, I'm (apparently) using Journalised FS and that seems only to be for 
ext2.  Any ideas on checking sectors and marking bad ones bad on a harddrive 
which uses JFS?

On Wednesday 01 October 2003 02:49 am, you wrote:

You have to be root for that command. It is not in the path for normal
users (it is in /sbin/e2fsck).


I'm not able to find that file on my harddrive, nor in the MCC
installation. I get an error message that there is no such command.
I'm using M9.1 here.

Raffaele Belardi [EMAIL PROTECTED] on
09/29/2003 11:55:58 PM
Or bad disk.I've had two disks breaking up recently, behaviour is always
_very_ strange.
You could check partitions with
# e2fschk -f -c /dev/hda?

-f forces the check
-c performs bad block scan (I've never done this, don't know how long it
Substitute hda? with the name of your partitions.
You need to be root and the partitions must not be mounted. The easiest
way to do that is to boot from the mandrake CD1 and type F1-rescue.


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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione robin
HaywireMac wrote:

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 17:40:45 -0400
Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

I'll look forward to seeing your letter.  Will you sign it JH or
haywire? ;-) Best,

*If they print it...* Who knows where it will end up?

Assuming you haven't sent it off, here are a couple of my famous 
nit-picks ...

operating system, *despite* the fact that most of the websites on the
Internet and most of the Internet's structure is built on Unix, Linux,
and other non-Microsoft platforms. 

SAhould be are, not is.

The internet continues to function in

Internet needs a capital I.

a useable manner day-to-day only because the non-Microsoft software that
it runs on is able to cope with the load that Microsoft vulnerabilities

Microsoft's corporate culture is characterized by inattention to
security, and has been for decades, not the hardware manufacturers, not
vendors of Unix products, not the Open Source community, only Microsoft.
That's a run-on sentence; the part after the not is not properly 
linked to the main clause.

restrictive licensing terms, but out of concern for their security. The
U.S. govenment itself is turning to Linux to power it's most secure
operations, such as the N.S.A.
Should be its, not its.

I would hope that Mr. Lohr, supposedly the author of this article, do
more and better research to get his facts straight in the future.

Should be does, not do, unless you're heavily into subjunctives.

Nit-picking aside, it's a very good letter, and I hope they publish it.

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione robin
HaywireMac wrote:

On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 13:20:34 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

So does this leave us with a satisfactory position ?
I'm not at all sure.

Of course not. It won't be satisfactory until all Political interference
in the affairs of software and the internet is strictly forbidden. The
internet is the last chance we have at a truly free market of ideas, as
Adam Smith envisioned it, and has been so extensively corrupted by
government protected monopolies like MS, the RIAA, and the MPAA.
Haywire Mac citing Adam Smith?  What is the world coming to?

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Word Perfect conversion to Open Office

2003-10-01 Per discussione robin
Smith Joe wrote:

Hi all,
I recently installed Mandrake 9.0 on a K6 III based machine and I am 
impressed by the overall comfort level.  Having come from a DOS 
background I have a lot of WP51 files I would like to convert to use 
in OO...  Any pointers to where a converter can be found?
I don't know of any Free/Open Source converter.  Star Office can convert 
WP files, and I believe this functionality will eventually be available 
for OO.

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Mandrake Gaming edition.

2003-10-01 Per discussione Anguo

There used to be a gaming edition for Mandrake 8.1.

Do you know if Mandrake has abandonned the idea of doing it 

Who bought the gaming edition at that time?
What was there inside that we cannot have in some other way?



Couldn't think of a sig, 
so think of something funny and pretend I said it.


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[newbie] How can i find out why my computer was shut down.

2003-10-01 Per discussione Dan Gordon
This morning when I woke up my computer was not running, it looks like
it crashed somehow as when i started it back up it said it was
improperly shut down.  How can i find out what went wrong, what log can
i read and how can i read it ?  There are two computers in this room and
the other one was still running ok.

Dan Gordon

Wed Oct  1 11:30:18 EDT 2003
 11:30:18 up 26 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.04, 0.04
This universe shipped by weight, not by volume.  Some expansion of the
contents may have occurred during shipment.

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Re: [newbie] Software Patents

2003-10-01 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:30:08 +0300
robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Haywire Mac citing Adam Smith?  What is the world coming to?

Hey, he wasn't all bad...he even warned quite vehemently in some of his
writing about the dangers inherant in Capitalism, specifically the
formation of monopolies and trusts. He could never have foreseen, of
course, the version of Corporate Capitalism we have today, and so was
much more of a fan of Capitalism than he would be now, I'm sure.

I always have, and always will, believe in the *free market*!

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
There is more to life than increasing its speed.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Budianto Yudi wrote:
 install madrake linux 9.1 from CD.
Problem 1 : when the installation ask for the languange which i choose, 
the mouse pointer always hang, and i must reset my computer and start 
over the linux installation so the mouse pointer can be moved. Why ? is 
there something wrong with my mouse ?

Problem 2 :
In the summary part of the installation, I configure my display 
adapater, when it offer me to test my display adapter, the mouse pointer 
always hang, so i must use keyboard to finish my installation. Is this a 
serious problem ? how must i do to fix it ?

Problem 3 :
in the exit part of the installation. the linux always reboot the 
system. when it goes to the black screen there is some error this.

install succeeded
sending termination signals ... done
sending kill signals ... done
unmounting file systems ...
  /mnt umount failed
failed to umount some file systems
How to fix this error ? After i reset my computer and runs linux for the 
first time linux run for fsck and linux offer me to repair automatically 
and i choose yes. but after that I cannot run into xwindows and the 
linux ask about login name.

I note some error when linux preparing the system to run xwindows. there 
are some error when loading the saslauthd. The linux says there is error 
with shared library or directory doesn't exist. How to fix this error ?

Please help me. I need it urgent.
I believe you have a partition error. Are you partitioning your drive 
through the expert install or are you allowing the installation routine 
to partition the disk for you? And what kind of drive are you installing 
Mandrake on? I ask because it sounds as though not everything is getting 
correctly written to disk. Another cause for this could be bad media. 
i.e. the Cd's you're installing from.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.1
ICQ# 27816299

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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione robin
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 4:27 pm, robin wrote:

HaywireMac wrote:

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 17:40:45 -0400

Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

I'll look forward to seeing your letter.  Will you sign it JH or
haywire? ;-) Best,

*If they print it...* Who knows where it will end up?

Assuming you haven't sent it off, here are a couple of my famous
nit-picks ...

operating system, *despite* the fact that most of the websites
on the Internet and most of the Internet's structure is built on
Unix, Linux, and other non-Microsoft platforms.

SAhould be are, not is.


Beg to disagree. In this sentence 'most' refers to 'the largest part', 
which is singular.

Most is not a subject; the subject is most of the websites on the 
Internet and most of the Internet's structure, which is plural (and 
would still be plural without the second phrase).

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 20:44:53 +0300
robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Most is not a subject; the subject is most of the websites on the 
 Internet and most of the Internet's structure, which is plural (and 
 would still be plural without the second phrase).

I think he's right, Anne, I worded it poorly :-(

Now I am deeply shamed. I must atone for my grammatical sins by...

How does one atone for grammatical sins?

Hail Oxford's English Dictionary, full of grace, blessed art thou

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
That that is is that that is not is not.

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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 6:44 pm, robin wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 4:27 pm, robin wrote:
 HaywireMac wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 17:40:45 -0400
 Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 I'll look forward to seeing your letter.  Will you sign it JH
  or haywire? ;-) Best,
 *If they print it...* Who knows where it will end up?
 Assuming you haven't sent it off, here are a couple of my famous
 nit-picks ...
 operating system, *despite* the fact that most of the websites
 on the Internet and most of the Internet's structure is built on
 Unix, Linux, and other non-Microsoft platforms.
 SAhould be are, not is.
 Beg to disagree. In this sentence 'most' refers to 'the largest
  part', which is singular.

 Most is not a subject; the subject is most of the websites on
 the Internet and most of the Internet's structure, which is plural
 (and would still be plural without the second phrase).

 Sir Robin

I agree that the first phrase is, but I took it to mean the second 
phrase, which is singular, being 'the largest part'.g  However, 
this is totally OT and doesn't help HM's effort at all.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione mooney
On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 20:44, robin wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 4:27 pm, robin wrote:
 HaywireMac wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 17:40:45 -0400
 Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 I'll look forward to seeing your letter.  Will you sign it JH or
 haywire? ;-) Best,
 *If they print it...* Who knows where it will end up?
 Assuming you haven't sent it off, here are a couple of my famous
 nit-picks ...
 operating system, *despite* the fact that most of the websites
 on the Internet and most of the Internet's structure is built on
 Unix, Linux, and other non-Microsoft platforms.
 SAhould be are, not is.
 Beg to disagree. In this sentence 'most' refers to 'the largest part', 
 which is singular.
 Most is not a subject; the subject is most of the websites on the 
 Internet and most of the Internet's structure, which is plural (and 
 would still be plural without the second phrase).
 Sir Robin

Shouldn't that read Internets' structure then?  8-)

Paul M

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
yankl wrote:

I assume you have run lspci or lspcidrak and see just one device in it. If you 
see tow then you still need to go to BIOS and play with settings before you 
can reinstall your system. 


I'd never heard of lspci or lspcidrak until you just mentioned them - 
here are the results:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266 AGP]
00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 04)
00:0b.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port 
(rev 01)
00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 PCI to ISA Bridge
00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:11.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB (rev 1b)
00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 AC97 
Audio Controller (rev 30)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8751 [ProSavageDDR P4M266] 
VGA Controller

[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrak
bash: lspcidrak: command not found
(Tried it as root as well, but still got command not found)

I had another look in BIOS and can't find any other settings to play 
with that obviously relate to sound. There are some I'm not sure about 
though, because I don't fully understand what they are:

Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should this be 
Yes or No?

Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best Performance 
- I opted not to on both these, because it didn't say what it was going 
to do!


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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione robin
mooney wrote:

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 20:44, robin wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

operating system, *despite* the fact that most of the websites
on the Internet and most of the Internet's structure is built on
Unix, Linux, and other non-Microsoft platforms. 


SAhould be are, not is.   


Beg to disagree. In this sentence 'most' refers to 'the largest part', 
which is singular.

Most is not a subject; the subject is most of the websites on the 
Internet and most of the Internet's structure, which is plural (and 
would still be plural without the second phrase).

Shouldn't that read Internets' structure then?  8-)


No, because Internet is singular.  It's the subject as a whole which 
affects the verb.

In deference to people with low bandwidth and/or low patience, I'll post 
any more replies to this thread on the OT list, where they are used to 
my grammar fascism ;-)

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 1, 2003 01:10 pm, Margot wrote:
 yankl wrote:
  I assume you have run lspci or lspcidrak and see just one device in it.
  If you see tow then you still need to go to BIOS and play with settings
  before you can reinstall your system.


 I'd never heard of lspci or lspcidrak until you just mentioned them -
 here are the results:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspci
 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
 00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266 AGP]
 00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev
 04) 00:0b.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port
 (rev 01)
 00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 PCI to ISA Bridge
 00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
 00:11.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB (rev 1b)
 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 AC97
 Audio Controller (rev 30)
 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8751 [ProSavageDDR P4M266]
 VGA Controller

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrak
 bash: lspcidrak: command not found

 (Tried it as root as well, but still got command not found)

 I had another look in BIOS and can't find any other settings to play
 with that obviously relate to sound. There are some I'm not sure about
 though, because I don't fully understand what they are:

 Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should this be
 Yes or No?

 Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best Performance
 - I opted not to on both these, because it didn't say what it was going
 to do!


Margot the statement above regarding never having heard of lspcidrake was not 
entirely accurate. You actually posted a response to my message detailing 
what one could expect to be found in the draksound troubleshooting dialogue. 
Of course having too many 'suggestions' from such busybodies as myself it's 
easy to be confused. After this response I'll go back to lurk mode. (-;

- From what I just saw on the list archive I use

it would seem that sympa is playing Hide the post again. sigh

All of these commands need to be run as super user or root. If one of the 
commands suggested doesn't appear to have an entry in the system you're 
working with don't panic. Syntax and spelling, as well as any required 
capitalizations, are extremely important in any 'nix system.

Just for grins'n'giggles (and as an illustration of how to prevent hair loss 
g) open a terminal as super user or root and type:

dra Tab

by which I mean hit the Tab key. That's the bash auto-completion function. It 
may actually help you in some situations.

I'll step off again, you have plenty of help, and seem to have enough 
determination to figure this out with that help.

Good luck;
- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
13:29:18 up 11 days, 2:50, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.11, 0.14
An adequate bootstrap is a contradiction in terms.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] Why so many reboots ?

2003-10-01 Per discussione Chris Blake

Just an OT question since I been using MDK for the last 9 months and am
frustrated that I still have to install Windows for my clients.

Why does Linux install everything in one go, with minimal input required
by user, and windows reboots every .5 seconds whenever something is

As an example, I am currently installing Win2K and Win98 on 7 machines,
first you install the OS that requires around 10 reboots, then once you
done that you then have to install motherboard drivers and things which
requires another million reboots before you can actually say 
Well, now its over, I can actually use the fscking thing now 

Why ?

Chris Blake
Support Consultant
Office : (011) 782-0840
Fax: (011) 782-0841
Mobile : 083 985 0379

Everyone's in a high place when you're on your knees.

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione yankl
On Wednesday 01 October 2003 03:10 pm, Margot wrote:
 yankl wrote:
  I assume you have run lspci or lspcidrak and see just one device in it.
  If you see tow then you still need to go to BIOS and play with settings
  before you can reinstall your system.


 I'd never heard of lspci or lspcidrak until you just mentioned them -
 here are the results:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspci
 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
 00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266 AGP]
 00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev
 04) 00:0b.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port
 (rev 01)
 00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 PCI to ISA Bridge
 00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
 00:11.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB (rev 1b)
 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 AC97
 Audio Controller (rev 30)
 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8751 [ProSavageDDR P4M266]
 VGA Controller

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrak
 bash: lspcidrak: command not found

 (Tried it as root as well, but still got command not found)

 I had another look in BIOS and can't find any other settings to play
 with that obviously relate to sound. There are some I'm not sure about
 though, because I don't fully understand what they are:

 Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should this be
 Yes or No?

 Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best Performance
 - I opted not to on both these, because it didn't say what it was going
 to do!

lspcidrake. I have a problem some time remember the commands name endings 
because I use tab too much. From what I remember  lspci outputs the 
/proc/bus/pci/devices. It is shown two cards on your mother board; are you 
sure that you do not have two cards one on board and one in the  pci slot?

If you 200% sure that you have one sound card and have not install any new 
hardware in lets do #lspcidrake -v -f and post it. We are interesting in 
vendor and device number. I am guessing some other hardware reports it self 
as audio controller. 
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086

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RE: [newbie] network problem?

2003-10-01 Per discussione Burrows, Scott
Is it necessary for me to mount everything I wish to be able to see?

I'd like to be able to browse the entire Windows network that my MDK 9.1 box
is attached to.  

How can I do that?

Surely not by mounting every resource.


 -Original Message-
 From: Raffaele Belardi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] network problem?
 it is used both ways, i.e to see linux disk from windows and 
 In the former case you need the samba server, in the latter 
 the client.
 I did this rather a long time ago so I'm not sure I really 
 didn't have 
 to do any configuration for the client. Currently I only need 
 to issue:
 smbmount //ip_address_of_W2K_PC/share_name /mount_point
 to see the W2K share from linux. I have to use the IP address because 
 the local network is mess (Novell + W2K + Sun) and DNS doesn't always 
 resolve for me.
 I think you need use the smbclient front-end only for debugging.
  Forgive my ignorance Paul, insn't Samba used to allow 
 Windows users to
  connect to and use Linux stuff?
 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Kaplan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:39 PM
 Subject: [newbie] network problem?
 I am trying to connect to a W2K network with Active 
 Directory.  I am using 
 Mandrake 9.1 with the samba3rc4 contrib rpms.
 When I issue smbclient3 //server/directory
 I get a password prompt for the directory.  After entering my 
 password, I get 
 the smb prompt.  From there all sub-directories are visible 
 to the ls 
 However, when I issue smbclient3 //server/share
 I get the following:  could not resolve mount point.
 What's wrong here?  Any help is appreciated.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
  Go to

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[newbie] List weirdness

2003-10-01 Per discussione mooney
I, too, am getting weird responses to mails.

I have been getting an unable to deliver message, despite my mail
getting through (I checked on marc).

Like Anne, responses to mails are showing up, but not the originals.

Now tonight I get a message from the admin saying only list members can
post messages (and the message was posted.

Finally, I'm off on 2 weeks hols, and I can't seem to unsub from the

Off to try again,

Paul M.

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
Charlie M. wrote:
Hash: SHA1
October 1, 2003 01:10 pm, Margot wrote:

yankl wrote:

I assume you have run lspci or lspcidrak and see just one device in it.
If you see tow then you still need to go to BIOS and play with settings
before you can reinstall your system.

I'd never heard of lspci or lspcidrak until you just mentioned them -
here are the results:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266 AGP]
00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev
04) 00:0b.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port
(rev 01)
00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 PCI to ISA Bridge
00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:11.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB (rev 1b)
00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 AC97
Audio Controller (rev 30)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8751 [ProSavageDDR P4M266]
VGA Controller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrak
bash: lspcidrak: command not found
(Tried it as root as well, but still got command not found)

I had another look in BIOS and can't find any other settings to play
with that obviously relate to sound. There are some I'm not sure about
though, because I don't fully understand what they are:
Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should this be
Yes or No?
Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best Performance
- I opted not to on both these, because it didn't say what it was going
to do!

Margot the statement above regarding never having heard of lspcidrake was not 
entirely accurate. You actually posted a response to my message detailing 
what one could expect to be found in the draksound troubleshooting dialogue. 
Of course having too many 'suggestions' from such busybodies as myself it's 
easy to be confused. After this response I'll go back to lurk mode. (-;

Aha! Yankl asked about lspcidrak, which is what I did, and got 
command not found. You asked about lspcidrake, with an e at the 
end. I didn't recognise one as being a typo!

- From what I just saw on the list archive I use

it would seem that sympa is playing Hide the post again. sigh

All of these commands need to be run as super user or root. If one of the 
commands suggested doesn't appear to have an entry in the system you're 
working with don't panic. Syntax and spelling, as well as any required 
capitalizations, are extremely important in any 'nix system.

Just for grins'n'giggles (and as an illustration of how to prevent hair loss 
g) open a terminal as super user or root and type:

dra Tab

by which I mean hit the Tab key. That's the bash auto-completion function. It 
may actually help you in some situations.

Thanks Charlie - I got a list of words - presumably commands? - starting 
with drak. The Tab tip is a useful thing to know.

Can I assume that it will always be drak if at the beginning, but 
drake if at the end? Or is it irregular, like English spelling? g

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 9:01 pm, yankl wrote:
 On Wednesday 01 October 2003 03:10 pm, Margot wrote:
  yankl wrote:
   I assume you have run lspci or lspcidrak and see just one
   device in it. If you see tow then you still need to go to BIOS
   and play with settings before you can reinstall your system.
  I'd never heard of lspci or lspcidrak until you just mentioned
  them - here are the results:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspci
  00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
  00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266
  AGP] 00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live!
  EMU10k1 (rev 04) 00:0b.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs
  SB Live! MIDI/Game Port (rev 01)
  00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 PCI to ISA
  Bridge 00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master
  IDE (rev 06) 00:11.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB
  (rev 1b) 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies,
  Inc. VT8233 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 30)
  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8751 [ProSavageDDR
  P4M266] VGA Controller
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrak
  bash: lspcidrak: command not found
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$
  (Tried it as root as well, but still got command not found)
  I had another look in BIOS and can't find any other settings to
  play with that obviously relate to sound. There are some I'm not
  sure about though, because I don't fully understand what they
  Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should
  this be Yes or No?
  Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best
  Performance - I opted not to on both these, because it didn't
  say what it was going to do!

 lspcidrake. I have a problem some time remember the commands name
 endings because I use tab too much. From what I remember  lspci
 outputs the /proc/bus/pci/devices. It is shown two cards on your
 mother board; are you sure that you do not have two cards one on
 board and one in the  pci slot?

 If you 200% sure that you have one sound card and have not install
 any new hardware in lets do #lspcidrake -v -f and post it. We are
 interesting in vendor and device number. I am guessing some other
 hardware reports it self as audio controller.

Remember that she said she had two lots of holes for the jacks.  Of 
course, one set could be for a modem.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
yankl wrote:
On Wednesday 01 October 2003 03:10 pm, Margot wrote:

yankl wrote:

I assume you have run lspci or lspcidrak and see just one device in it.
If you see tow then you still need to go to BIOS and play with settings
before you can reinstall your system.

I'd never heard of lspci or lspcidrak until you just mentioned them -
here are the results:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266 AGP]
00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev
04) 00:0b.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port
(rev 01)
00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 PCI to ISA Bridge
00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:11.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB (rev 1b)
00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 AC97
Audio Controller (rev 30)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8751 [ProSavageDDR P4M266]
VGA Controller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrak
bash: lspcidrak: command not found
(Tried it as root as well, but still got command not found)

I had another look in BIOS and can't find any other settings to play
with that obviously relate to sound. There are some I'm not sure about
though, because I don't fully understand what they are:
Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should this be
Yes or No?
Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best Performance
- I opted not to on both these, because it didn't say what it was going
to do!
lspcidrake. I have a problem some time remember the commands name endings 
because I use tab too much. From what I remember  lspci outputs the 
/proc/bus/pci/devices. It is shown two cards on your mother board; are you 
sure that you do not have two cards one on board and one in the  pci slot?

If you 200% sure that you have one sound card and have not install any new 
hardware in lets do #lspcidrake -v -f and post it. We are interesting in 
vendor and device number. I am guessing some other hardware reports it self 
as audio controller. 

I get very confused about when should be drak and when should be drake!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrake -v -f
unknown : VIA Technologies Inc|CPU-to-PCI Bridge [BRIDGE_HOST] 
(vendor:1106 device:3148 subv:1106 subd:)
unknown : VIA Technologies|VT8633 [Apollo Pro266 AGP] 
[BRIDGE_PCI] (vendor:1106 device:b091)
snd-emu10k1 : Creative Labs|SB Live! (audio) [MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO] 
(vendor:1102 device:0002 subv:1102 subd:0020)
emu10k1-gp  : Creative Labs|SB Live! (joystick) [INPUT_OTHER] 
(vendor:1102 device:7002 subv:1102 subd:0020)
unknown : VIA Technologies|VT8233 PCI to ISA Bridge [BRIDGE_ISA] 
(vendor:1106 device:3074 subv:1106 subd:)
unknown : VIA Technologies|VT82C586 IDE [Apollo] [STORAGE_IDE] 
(vendor:1106 device:0571)
usb-uhci: VIA Technologies|VT82C586B USB [SERIAL_USB] 
(vendor:1106 device:3038 subv:0925 subd:1234)
snd-via8233 : VIA Technologies|VT8233 [AC97 Audio Controller] 
[MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO] (vendor:1106 device:3059 subv:1297 subd:0142)
unknown : S3 Inc.|VT8751 [ProSavageDDR P4M266] VGA Controller 
[DISPLAY_VGA] (vendor:5333 device:8d04)
unknown : Virtual|Hub [] (vendor: device:)
unknown : Epson Corp.|USB Printer 
[Printer|Printer|Bidirectional] (vendor:04b8 device:0005)

I am 300% sure that I have never installed any hardware - wouldn't know 
where to start - and the invoice from the vendor only mentions AC97 
on-board sound, there is no mention of (and no charge for!) any sound card.

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 9:01 pm, yankl wrote:

On Wednesday 01 October 2003 03:10 pm, Margot wrote:

yankl wrote:

I assume you have run lspci or lspcidrak and see just one
device in it. If you see tow then you still need to go to BIOS
and play with settings before you can reinstall your system.

I'd never heard of lspci or lspcidrak until you just mentioned
them - here are the results:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266
AGP] 00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live!
EMU10k1 (rev 04) 00:0b.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs
SB Live! MIDI/Game Port (rev 01)
00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 PCI to ISA
Bridge 00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master
IDE (rev 06) 00:11.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB
(rev 1b) 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies,
Inc. VT8233 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 30)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8751 [ProSavageDDR
P4M266] VGA Controller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrak
bash: lspcidrak: command not found
(Tried it as root as well, but still got command not found)

I had another look in BIOS and can't find any other settings to
play with that obviously relate to sound. There are some I'm not
sure about though, because I don't fully understand what they
Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should
this be Yes or No?
Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best
Performance - I opted not to on both these, because it didn't
say what it was going to do!
lspcidrake. I have a problem some time remember the commands name
endings because I use tab too much. From what I remember  lspci
outputs the /proc/bus/pci/devices. It is shown two cards on your
mother board; are you sure that you do not have two cards one on
board and one in the  pci slot?
If you 200% sure that you have one sound card and have not install
any new hardware in lets do #lspcidrake -v -f and post it. We are
interesting in vendor and device number. I am guessing some other
hardware reports it self as audio controller.

Remember that she said she had two lots of holes for the jacks.  Of 
course, one set could be for a modem.


I think I sorted that bit out, with help from Bryan - the second hole, 
when I studied it more carefully with a torch, turned out to be blue and 
not green! I'll have to get better lighting at floor level!


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 10:19 pm, Margot wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 9:01 pm, yankl wrote:
 On Wednesday 01 October 2003 03:10 pm, Margot wrote:
 yankl wrote:
 I assume you have run lspci or lspcidrak and see just one
 device in it. If you see tow then you still need to go to BIOS
 and play with settings before you can reinstall your system.
 I'd never heard of lspci or lspcidrak until you just mentioned
 them - here are the results:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspci
 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
 00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266
 AGP] 00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live!
 EMU10k1 (rev 04) 00:0b.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs
 SB Live! MIDI/Game Port (rev 01)
 00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 PCI to ISA
 Bridge 00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master
 IDE (rev 06) 00:11.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB
 (rev 1b) 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies,
 Inc. VT8233 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 30)
 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8751 [ProSavageDDR
 P4M266] VGA Controller
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrak
 bash: lspcidrak: command not found
 (Tried it as root as well, but still got command not found)
 I had another look in BIOS and can't find any other settings to
 play with that obviously relate to sound. There are some I'm not
 sure about though, because I don't fully understand what they
 Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should
 this be Yes or No?
 Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best
 Performance - I opted not to on both these, because it didn't
 say what it was going to do!
 lspcidrake. I have a problem some time remember the commands name
 endings because I use tab too much. From what I remember  lspci
 outputs the /proc/bus/pci/devices. It is shown two cards on your
 mother board; are you sure that you do not have two cards one on
 board and one in the  pci slot?
 If you 200% sure that you have one sound card and have not
  install any new hardware in lets do #lspcidrake -v -f and post
  it. We are interesting in vendor and device number. I am
  guessing some other hardware reports it self as audio
  Remember that she said she had two lots of holes for the jacks. 
  Of course, one set could be for a modem.

 I think I sorted that bit out, with help from Bryan - the second
 hole, when I studied it more carefully with a torch, turned out to
 be blue and not green! I'll have to get better lighting at floor


I know *that* feeling, too g  I thought you had found two complete 
sets of holes.  Were they just one set, but mounted in two rows?

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 10:47, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 20:44:53 +0300
 robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Most is not a subject; the subject is most of the websites on the 
  Internet and most of the Internet's structure, which is plural (and 
  would still be plural without the second phrase).
 I think he's right, Anne, I worded it poorly :-(
 Now I am deeply shamed. I must atone for my grammatical sins by...
 How does one atone for grammatical sins?
 Hail Oxford's English Dictionary, full of grace, blessed art thou
 among... Great Weights g

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 10:19 pm, Margot wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 9:01 pm, yankl wrote:

On Wednesday 01 October 2003 03:10 pm, Margot wrote:

yankl wrote:

I assume you have run lspci or lspcidrak and see just one
device in it. If you see tow then you still need to go to BIOS
and play with settings before you can reinstall your system.

I'd never heard of lspci or lspcidrak until you just mentioned
them - here are the results:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M266 Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266
AGP] 00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live!
EMU10k1 (rev 04) 00:0b.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs
SB Live! MIDI/Game Port (rev 01)
00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233 PCI to ISA
Bridge 00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master
IDE (rev 06) 00:11.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB
(rev 1b) 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies,
Inc. VT8233 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 30)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8751 [ProSavageDDR
P4M266] VGA Controller
[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ lspcidrak
bash: lspcidrak: command not found
(Tried it as root as well, but still got command not found)

I had another look in BIOS and can't find any other settings to
play with that obviously relate to sound. There are some I'm not
sure about though, because I don't fully understand what they
Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should
this be Yes or No?
Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best
Performance - I opted not to on both these, because it didn't
say what it was going to do!
lspcidrake. I have a problem some time remember the commands name
endings because I use tab too much. From what I remember  lspci
outputs the /proc/bus/pci/devices. It is shown two cards on your
mother board; are you sure that you do not have two cards one on
board and one in the  pci slot?
If you 200% sure that you have one sound card and have not
install any new hardware in lets do #lspcidrake -v -f and post
it. We are interesting in vendor and device number. I am
guessing some other hardware reports it self as audio
Remember that she said she had two lots of holes for the jacks. 
Of course, one set could be for a modem.

I think I sorted that bit out, with help from Bryan - the second
hole, when I studied it more carefully with a torch, turned out to
be blue and not green! I'll have to get better lighting at floor

I know *that* feeling, too g  I thought you had found two complete 
sets of holes.  Were they just one set, but mounted in two rows?


hanging head in shame No, just one set - Green, Blue (that I thought 
was another green) and Pink. Maybe it looks tidier with everything 
plugged in at the back, but it would be a lot easier to use if they were 
all at the front!


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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Margot
Aron Smith wrote:
On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 10:47, HaywireMac wrote:

On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 20:44:53 +0300
robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

Most is not a subject; the subject is most of the websites on the 
Internet and most of the Internet's structure, which is plural (and 
would still be plural without the second phrase).
I think he's right, Anne, I worded it poorly :-(

Now I am deeply shamed. I must atone for my grammatical sins by...

How does one atone for grammatical sins?

Hail Oxford's English Dictionary, full of grace, blessed art thou
among... Great Weights g

And, as a penance, spend the next year reading all the posts on the 
newsgroup alt.english.usage !

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Re: [newbie] Word Perfect conversion to Open Office

2003-10-01 Per discussione Bob Read
robin wrote:
Smith Joe wrote:

Hi all,
I recently installed Mandrake 9.0 on a K6 III based machine and I am 
impressed by the overall comfort level.  Having come from a DOS 
background I have a lot of WP51 files I would like to convert to use 
in OO...  Any pointers to where a converter can be found?

I don't know of any Free/Open Source converter.  Star Office can convert 
WP files, and I believe this functionality will eventually be available 
for OO.

Sir Robin

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Bob Read  // Registered Linux user #287118
Soli Deo Gloria-Solus Christus-Sola Gratia-Sola Fide-Sola Scriptura

The Church of The Master [Baptist]
Providence, Rhode Island

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione yankl
On Wednesday 01 October 2003 05:15 pm, Margot wrote:
 snd-emu10k1 : Creative Labs|SB Live! (audio) [MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO]
 (vendor:1102 device:0002 subv:1102 subd:0020)
 emu10k1-gp  : Creative Labs|SB Live! (joystick) [INPUT_OTHER]
 (vendor:1102 device:7002 subv:1102 subd:0020)

that shows a driver snd-emu10k1 running. It possible that you compiled a sound 
driver in kernel. Unless you like to recompile a kernel, I would sugest to 

However before you do it try to


it will give you a list of modules your system running. Check if you have 
snd-emu10kl in the list. If you do, then try to remove it by

#rmmod snd-emu10k1

try to listen to some sound.
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086

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Re: [newbie] XFce 4.0

2003-10-01 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Sunday 28 September 2003 11:41 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 I finally got around to making the RPM's for XFce 4.0, available at as always.
Cool.  Are these checkinstall rpms or are they built from spec file?

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] Wireless Interet

2003-10-01 Per discussione Teilhard Knight
 On Wednesday 01 Oct 2003 1:57 am, Teilhard Knight wrote:
   On Tuesday 30 Sep 2003 8:16 pm, Teilhard Knight wrote:
  Huff, Derek, I don't know what I am doing wrong because I do not succeed
  connecting to Internet.
  My encryption key is a ten digit number, so I wrote in the corresponding
  fields as: s:xx.

 Are you **sure** it is an ASCII string that just happens to be numbers. Or
 could it be a Hex number which just happens not to include any digit
 than 9 ?
 Try again giving it in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

I have tried it already. No connection either.

  The modem-router assigns the directions IP, so I never unchecked the
  I also know my ESSID: 2wire806. I suppose here I do not have to be
  with capitals or lower case letters.
 Keep the capitalisation the same as in Windows


  I will try in a moment to write an IP address from the pool in the
  and see if I can connect.
  I think I followed your instructions carefully. Maybe I am doing

 Also what do you see if you enter iwconfig  and ifconfig in a root
 It may be the link is working but your default route is set to use a fixed
 ethernet. (Post us the result from a 'route' command )

I'll do that in a minute, thanks.


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[newbie] USB not hot-swappable in Linux?

2003-10-01 Per discussione Merlin Zener
I find that unless I have my USB external hard drive connected and
powered up *before* booting, Linux won't find it. Is that the way it
normally is, or is there something wrong with my system?

Is the there equivalent of the stop device function, so I can safely
unplug without powering down the computer first?


Merlin Zener
Piano, Synthesizer

registered Linux user number 328618

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Re: [newbie] Given Up (was Who uses AC97?)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 01 October 2003 03:10 pm, Margot wrote:


 Under PCI Plug and Play Setup - Plug and Play Aware O/S - should this be
 Yes or No?

 Also, options to change all settings to Optimal or Best Performance
 - I opted not to on both these, because it didn't say what it was going
 to do!


AFAIK, the plug-n-play option should be NO.
-- cmg

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[newbie] Using K3B making an ISO

2003-10-01 Per discussione Heather/Femme

Trying to make an ISO with K3B...

its not working though...I tell it to burn the image (ISO) to K3B's temp
dir...and the dir isn't full but it just sits cd activity or

I looked in the manual..which doesn't exist btw... and nothing.

Don't know what to really google for either...

um  I be a stoned out puppy so don't hurt Me too much...k?  Ty

Oh  Franki, I'm burning this for you..soits in your best interests to
help me :D

Ceiling Art,

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[newbie] waiting for X server to shutdown

2003-10-01 Per discussione Thomas Williams
OK, here's the problem. I was running Sylpheed-Claws 0.9.5. I had it set up to use the 
trayicon. The problem was that it wasn't functioning properly. Instead of it showing 
up in the kicker it was showing up as a small icon on the desktop, yet there was a 
space for it on the kicker. After launching and shutting down Sylpheed a couple of 
times the space in the kicker was growing. There was now room for at least 3 icons. So 
I figured that if I shut down the X server and brought it back up everything would be 
right. Either that or just simply shut down the kicker and restart it, but I didn't 
like that idea so I opted for shutting down the X server. So I shut it down and then 
try to start it back up. I get Waiting for X server to shutdown. I kind of needed to 
get back into KDE (the WM I'm using) and I switched to root and launched it that way. 
After all, it would at least tell me where the problem was. It launched, it worked 
well, but I still had no clue as to what the problem w
 as. Its obvious that its something written to a file or something in my user space, 
but what? Anyway, I thought at one point I had it. I shutdown X server in root and 
tried my idea. Just some temporary files that I found. Something about .X0-lock. 
Anyway, tried my user launch again, still didn't work. So I tried to get back into KDE 
via root again. It too now says Waiting for X server to shutdown. What is going on 
here? I had to use linuxconf to create a new user and launch X server under that 
before I could actually use it. I'm afraid to shut down again for fear it'll do the 
same thing. Anyone got any ideas?

Tom Williams

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 17:24:38 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also -
 If your mouse gives you problems you can continue using the cursor 
 arrow keys.  Near the end you are given a chance to go back and 
 choose your mouse.
 In my opinion 128MB is a bit tight.  I would put in a bit more RAM if 

tsk tsk..Anne learn to clip pls ;)

Apprentice List Moderator *won't say nazi..sorry*

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Re: [newbie] Using K3B making an ISO

2003-10-01 Per discussione Roland Hughes
I used KB3 and just right clicked the iso image file and said burn and away it 
went. Did not tell it to burn to a folder just burn the the iso directly(the 
second kb3 selection from the right click.

On Wednesday 01 October 2003 03:47 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:

 Trying to make an ISO with K3B...

 its not working though...I tell it to burn the image (ISO) to K3B's temp
 dir...and the dir isn't full but it just sits cd activity or

 I looked in the manual..which doesn't exist btw... and nothing.

 Don't know what to really google for either...

 um  I be a stoned out puppy so don't hurt Me too much...k?  Ty

 Oh  Franki, I'm burning this for you..soits in your best interests to
 help me :D

 Ceiling Art,

MicroSoft - The company that made the internet unsafe!

Linux Counter #241069

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Re: [newbie] Me thinks I got a virus

2003-10-01 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 17:03:29 +0200
Raffaele Belardi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I use Journalling FS too (ext3) and, according to man, e2fsck can 
 process ext3 also:
 E2fsck also supports ext2 filesystems countaining a journal, which 
 are also sometimes known as ext3 filesystems, by first applying the
 journal to the filesystem before continuing  with  normal e2fsck
 I don't know if ReiserFS is different and requires a different tool.


yes it does... reiserfs-progs IIRC...

I have never used it...but I did find too that if you reinstall at all,
MDK installer wants to remove it b/c it conflicts with somethng else!?

Like a Rock (stone?)

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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 14:26:40 -0700
Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 10:47, HaywireMac wrote:
  On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 20:44:53 +0300
  robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   Most is not a subject; the subject is most of the websites on
   the Internet and most of the Internet's structure, which is
   plural (and would still be plural without the second phrase).
  I think he's right, Anne, I worded it poorly :-(
  Now I am deeply shamed. I must atone for my grammatical sins by...
  How does one atone for grammatical sins?
  Hail Oxford's English Dictionary, full of grace, blessed art thou
  among... Great Weights g

Flog yourself with the entire 26 volume set.

Flogging Femme

(from flogging molly, great band)

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Re: [newbie] Why so many reboots ?

2003-10-01 Per discussione Damian Gatabria

That's the price you pay when you tie absolutely everything
to the kernel. 
Adding a new driver? -- reload the kernel (=reboot)
Changing HW config? -- reload the kernel (=reboot)

and so on..

on win98, reboots are really impossible to explain. Changing
an ip address? (or any aspect of the network setup at all) -- reboot.

On the other hand, i think you are exaggerating a little bit --
10 reboots to install the OS? more like 3... :oP

and finally, to answer your question:

Because people don't want to learn, don't care about
the problems they can't see (closed standards? what's that?)
and because those problems you see with Windows setup
being painful is not their problem really (even if they
were to use Linux, they would be calling you --or 
someone else-- in order to get things to work. Whether
it's hard and requires a million reboots or not, it's
your problem. They don't wanna --and won't-- do it themselves).

Whenever a problem appears on your screen, you try to figure
what happened and how to fix it or avoid it from happening again.

Whenever a desktop user sees a problem in his screen, he/she
goes uf, grabs the phone and calls you. 

This is why they seem so stubborn and closed-minded about change.
It's, quite simply, not their concern. You (we) are the ones
supposed to keep the computer going. right? That's what
we get paid for.

Of course, any of us can start babbling things like OH 
BUT IT *IS* THEIR PROBLEM TOO! HOW ABOUT ..(fill in problem here).. 
But 95% of the pc-using population just don't know or care.

Or, at least, that's the way i see it.

El mié, 01-10-2003 a las 16:57, Chris Blake escribió:
 Just an OT question since I been using MDK for the last 9 months and am
 frustrated that I still have to install Windows for my clients.
 Why does Linux install everything in one go, with minimal input required
 by user, and windows reboots every .5 seconds whenever something is
 As an example, I am currently installing Win2K and Win98 on 7 machines,
 first you install the OS that requires around 10 reboots, then once you
 done that you then have to install motherboard drivers and things which
 requires another million reboots before you can actually say 
 Well, now its over, I can actually use the fscking thing now 
 Why ?

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Damian Gatabria

Start the installation again. make it reformat all your linux
partitions. Choose the right mouse driver for your hardware. 
(when it asks, choose standard ps/2 or whatever fits your
mouse description)

In X configuration, choose either VESA or sis driver. Do not
set your color depth to more than 24 as 32bpp is not supported
with your video card.

mandeake 9.1 is older than your chipset, that's why
your video card is not being correctly set up. However 
you can choose your driver manually as I descibed above, 
and you should be fine.


El mié, 01-10-2003 a las 11:42, Budianto Yudi escribió:
 Sorry, but I have serious problem and I can not solve it.
 My hardware is 
 Processor AMD duron 750
 Motherboard Shuttle
 VGA SIS onboard
 Sound SIS ac7018 onboard
 old monitor SVGA
 Memory SDRAM 128 mb.
 Is there something wrong with my computer ?
 is there someone solve this ?
 I install madrake linux 9.1 from CD. 
 Problem 1 : 
 when the installation ask for the languange which i 
 choose, the mouse pointer always hang, and i must reset my 
 computer and start over the linux installation so the 
 mouse pointer can be moved. Why ? is there something wrong 
 with my mouse ?
 Problem 2 :
 In the summary part of the installation, I configure my 
 display adapater, when it offer me to test my display 
 adapter, the mouse pointer always hang, so i must use 
 keyboard to finish my installation. Is this a serious 
 problem ? how must i do to fix it ?
 Problem 3 :
 in the exit part of the installation. the linux always 
 reboot the system. when it goes to the black screen there 
 is some error this.
 install succeeded
 sending termination signals ... done
 sending kill signals ... done
 unmounting file systems ...
/mnt umount failed
 failed to umount some file systems
 How to fix this error ? 
 After i reset my computer and runs linux for the first 
 time linux run for fsck and linux offer me to repair 
 automatically and i choose yes. 
 but after that I cannot run into xwindows and the linux 
 ask about login name.
 I note some error when linux preparing the system to run 
 xwindows. there are some error when loading the saslauthd. 
 The linux says there is error with shared library or 
 directory doesn't exist. How to fix this error ?
 Please help me. I need it urgent.
 Instan Diskon Setiap Hari...
 Setiap hari jam 10 malam sampai jam 7 pagi 
 Dan setiap Hari Libur.. 
 berlaku mulai 1 September - 31 Desember 2003,
 Khusus Jawa Timur...
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Re: [newbie] Using K3B making an ISO

2003-10-01 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 18:00:21 -0700
Roland Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I used KB3 and just right clicked the iso image file and said burn and
 away it went. Did not tell it to burn to a folder just burn the the
 iso directly(the second kb3 selection from the right click.

you misunderstand.

I wish to *make* an ISO image file.  NOT burn one that is already
present on my hard drive.

Wallpapered Femme

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Re: [newbie] Using K3B making an ISO

2003-10-01 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 19:04:34 -0600
Charlie M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Ceiling Art. (-;
 Exactly what image are you trying to burn? Or are you trying to make
 an ISO to burn to a disk? Give me some hints and I'll see if I can
 help you figure it out, OK?
 Peace Luv;

*Waves from the ceiling*
Trying to *make* an ISO from a CD.

Not burn one that is already made.


it just says error and the creating image file bars don't move...

helpful error.

Yours From on High,
Femme Morphalot 

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Re: [newbie] Using K3B making an ISO

2003-10-01 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 15:47, Heather/Femme wrote:
 Trying to make an ISO with K3B...
 its not working though...I tell it to burn the image (ISO) to K3B's temp
 dir...and the dir isn't full but it just sits cd activity or
 I looked in the manual..which doesn't exist btw... and nothing.
 Don't know what to really google for either...
 um  I be a stoned out puppy so don't hurt Me too much...k?  Ty
 Oh  Franki, I'm burning this for you..soits in your best interests to
 help me :D
 Ceiling Art,
Luv did you run K3b setup and make sure the files that it asks for(the
ones it can't find) ,are downloaded shoud need only 1 or 2
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Re: [newbie] Why so many reboots ?

2003-10-01 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 01 October 2003 03:57 pm, Chris Blake wrote:

 Just an OT question since I been using MDK for the last 9 months and am
 frustrated that I still have to install Windows for my clients.

 Why does Linux install everything in one go, with minimal input required
 by user, and windows reboots every .5 seconds whenever something is

 As an example, I am currently installing Win2K and Win98 on 7 machines,
 first you install the OS that requires around 10 reboots, then once you
 done that you then have to install motherboard drivers and things which
 requires another million reboots before you can actually say
 Well, now its over, I can actually use the fscking thing now 

 Why ?

In spite of all of the FUD that you've read on ZDNet and that ilk, installing 
Linux is a pretty simple thing to do. But then you knew that.

You left out the fact that when your Linux installation is done, you've pretty 
much got everything you need -- a choice of browsers, several office suites, 
games, utilities until hell won't have it, servers, compilers. With luck, 
even your network and web access are working. It usually takes me about an 
hour to install a new Mandrake version to the point where I can access the 

However, once you finally get Windows up and running, you have none of the 
above other than the notorious Explorer malware transport system. First, 
you'll need a virus scanner and a firewall, then you'll have to get all of 
the MS updates, updates to the updates, updates to the updated updates -- 
each of which involves yet another reboot. Repeat for hardware drivers, with 
the added joy that you'll have to seek out each manufacturer's site and 
negotiate through yet another maze of menus. OK, bubba, now you can load your 
applications. Again, you'll have to get the latest updates. Yup -- more 
surfing, more reboots. Whoopee!

And now you know why I haven't gotten the nerve to try to resuscitate my old 
Win98SE installation since I rebuilt my system four months ago. I don't need 
no aggravation.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Per discussione Eric Huff
 BTW, M$ servers are currently 23.5% of all web servers and
 share has been in decline over the last year.

Cool site.  It get's a bookmark for sure

So, how many of the famous worms/virii *predominantly* targeted ms
servers as opposed to desktop computers?

It seems Nimda and SQL Slammer Worm did.  Sobig was mostly home

The reason i ask is that when i argue to people that it's insecurity
and not popularity that get's MS in trouble, i can't use the ones
that directly affect desktop, since those are more popular.  (even
if the same code is in a server, the # of comps is still higher...)


Mandrake HowTo's  More:

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Re: [newbie] USB not hot-swappable in Linux?

2003-10-01 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
El mié, 01-10-2003 a las 20:45, Merlin Zener escribió:
 I find that unless I have my USB external hard drive connected and
 powered up *before* booting, Linux won't find it. Is that the way it
 normally is, or is there something wrong with my system?
 Is the there equivalent of the stop device function, so I can safely
 unplug without powering down the computer first?

That's weird. 

Boot up with the usb drive unplugged.

Once you finished booting, plug it in.

Do (as root) a `tail -20 /var/log/syslog` 

There should be something there about usb-storage.

Maybe Linux sees the drive but it's not mounting it?


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Re: [newbie] Using K3B making an ISO

2003-10-01 Per discussione Heather/Femme
On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:30:02 -0700
Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Oh  Franki, I'm burning this for you..soits in your best interests
  to help me :D
  Ceiling Art,
 Luv did you run K3b setup and make sure the files that it asks for(the
 ones it can't find) ,are downloaded shoud need only 1 or 2

Yes IIRC I did...but I do not remember it asking for files...

should I rerun setup?

Blob on the roof

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