Re: [TMIC] Mike

2010-04-26 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 10:20 AM, wrote:

  My younger brother Mike passed away at 12:40 AM this morning from brain
 cancer. He was 58.

I am so very sorry.   There are no words that can truly comfort you but
please know   I will pray for you during this difficult time.
Blessings  Prayers

Re: [TMIC] Looking for TMr's for support groups

2009-09-17 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Trudy from Northern Virginia   :)

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Catherine wrote:


 That is a wonderful idea.  Why don't we all just say where we are from ..
 as I have seen here.  Several support groups may start.  Thank you for a
 great idea

 So I will start...

 Catherine, caretaker   Central Mass.

 *From:* kevin weilacher
 *Sent:* Saturday, September 12, 2009 4:59:53 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Looking for TMr's from N.E. Ohio area

 Who here on the list is from what is classified as the N.E. Ohio area.
 I have the 2007-2008 TMA directory and I'm sure that there have been some
 changes or updates.
 I'm looking at trying to start a NE Ohio TMA support group. I know there is
 an Ohio support group but I believe the closest area is Columbus. Honestly,
 that is a bit too far for me to drive for support meeting get togethers.
 I know Gunny is on here and I know about Ella in Elyriacan anyone help
 me out..?
 I think we could benefit from something like thisespecially in light of
 the recent posting from Gilly...where she said that she just recently met
 another TM'r. How many others are out there that would like to meet another
 TM'r and you might have someone in your back yard so to speak that you
 don't know about.


Everything is possible for one who believes,
still more for one who hopes,
even more for one who loves

Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I am right there with you! I am amazed how everything effects everything...
 I get terrible shooting pains down my legs when I am constipated!! Prunes,
prunes and more prunes.  :)

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 6:14 PM, wrote:

 I teach high school and have pains n my side and other places - do those
 count? Pardon the humor.
 --Original Message--
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
 Sent: Aug 10, 2009 5:48 PM

 Have a pain all the time on my right side. When I become constipated the
 pain becomes much worse and goes all the way up to my shoulder

  Ann in Virginia

  -Original Message-
  From: Kevin Wolfthal
  Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 5:16 pm
  Subject: [TMIC] question

 Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
  your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
  worse, such as spasms?


 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Everything is possible for one who believes,
still more for one who hopes,
even more for one who loves

Re: [TMIC] arts page

2009-07-06 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
 With Carol's great news about Jim and your beautiful paintings
what a great week!!

Find the thing that stirs your heart and make room for it.

 Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 10:24:21 -0400

 Subject: Re: [TMIC] arts page

 Dear Wim,
 I am so excited about the font you so kindly sent me! I have sent it to all
 my children
 Interestingly enough my oldest daughter (37) prints very much like that

 No, not related to Derek Ogilvie. as far as I know.   tho I do pray a
 great deal...  :)
 Do you have a studio, or do you sell you paintings? What an incredible
 gift. I am very
 jealous.  I do not seem to have an eye for color at all...

 The Cry  I thought is was called the Scream...   just came back
 from New York Met of Art... what an incredible experience...  So glad that
 so many share their gifts or what a dull world this would be...


 Find the thing that stirs your heart and make room for it

 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 7:27 AM, wim from holland wrote:


  Are you related to Derrek Ogilvie, the Scotchman who talk with the souls
 of disseased persons?

 There is also a font named Ogilvie for the pc, it is more like a mystic
 letter, but usefull for special text. Ít is in the attachment so you can
 install it on your pc if you not already have it.

 The woman is not my daughter, one of the guys made a joke about that. It is
 to a painting , painted in 1851, but for that time he was his time way

 Wim from Holland.
 Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 14:15:42 -0400
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] arts page

 You are so gifted!! I hope you will continue to send us your paintings!
  The orchid is beautiful. as is your daughter!

 Everything is possible for one who believes, still more for one who
 even more for one who loves

 On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Grace M. wrote:

 *Your paintings are beautiful Wim!*

 Everything is possible for one who believes,
 still more for one who hopes,
 even more for one who loves
 Are you related to Derrek Ogilvie,
 Alle tips en trics. Ontdek nu de nieuwe Windows 

 Everything is possible for one who believes,
 still more for one who hopes,
 even more for one who loves

 Heb jij de nieuwe Messenger nog niet?! Download 'm 

Everything is possible for one who believes,
still more for one who hopes,
even more for one who loves

Re: [TMIC] Update on Jim

2009-07-05 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Carol,What fantastic news! You must be absolutely exhausted and
exhilarated  Please remember to take care of yourself. I am so blessed
to have a
caregiver just like you. Always there!
 Blessings !
Everything is possible for one who believes,still more for one who hopes,
even more for one who loves

On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 11:30 PM, wrote:

  What a difference a week can make. I am so thankful to have my honey on
 the road to recovery. The doctor said today that he will be at the hospital
 a couple more weeks and then to an in patient rehab. I am voting for
 Marlette which is where he had the rehab in 2005. I know many of the
 therapists he had have moved on to bigger and better things but the new ones
 will be good too and it is much closer than the over an hour ea way I have
 been driving each day. He is off the vent and ready to start building his
 muscles back up.Thank you all for your prayers and concern.GOD is so good.
 love ya carol and jim

 Make your summer sizzle with fast and easy 
 recipes the grill.

Re: [TMIC] arts page

2009-07-05 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
You are so gifted!! I hope you will continue to send us your paintings!  The
orchid is beautiful. as is your daughter!

Everything is possible for one who believes,still more for one who hopes,
even more for one who loves

On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Grace M. wrote:

 *Your paintings are beautiful Wim!*

Everything is possible for one who believes,
still more for one who hopes,
even more for one who loves

Re: [TMIC] Unsubscribing for awhile

2009-07-04 Thread Trudy Ogilvie

As we Irish are known to say on one's departure (preferably with a wee bit
of whiskey)

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be ever at your back, May
the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your
fields... And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.


P.S. I think our  pHranq3ue has had a wee bit of something..  hmmm...
you'd think he would share!   :)

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 11:07 PM, Jenna wrote:

 I just want to let you all know I have to unsubscribe for awhile.  I have
 left GA and will be working my way to Vancouver WA.  I am going to be
 without internet from time to time.  And when I do get a chance to get
 online, I probably won't have much time.

 But I need to tell you all how very much this group has meant to me, and
 the support I have gotten over the last OH MY GOODNESS 9 YEARS TO BE
 EXACT.I just realize the symptoms started the very end of June and I was
 in TX at the time on a family vacation.  Because we couldn't figure out what
 was wrong with me and why I kept becoming more and more numb, we headed back
 to GA.  We got on late on the 3rd of July. Obviously I had the slow onset
 TM.  I spent most of the 4th in the ER.  Being told things like, well you
 haven't had a stroke, and you don't have a brain tumor, but we don't know
 what is wrong with you.  You need to see a Neuro.  ASAP!!  I won't get into
 what a difficult time that was, because so many of us have been through it.

 But here it is exactly 9 years later and I am so very much better and
 moving on with my life and trying to get back to the career I had, before I
 had kids.

 I am going back to the Airline Training School, I went to in 1983.  I am
 ready to go back into the travel and tourism industries.  I had a great
 career, and now I just need current training to get back into it.

 So I just wanted to say so long to you my dear and wonderful friends that I
 will miss very much reading everyday what is going on with you!

 Dearest Jim Lubin, thank you, thank you, thank you, for starting this for
 all of us.  9 years ago it was so hard to find out anything about Transverse
 Myelitis.  The only reason I found you was because I had a brother in
 medical school at the time and he found Dr. Kerr, and what Hopkins was doing
 and that led me to TMA.

 Those of you that I am close with know who you are!!  Because I don't post
 to the list that much just to the person.  I don't really know why I do it
 that way, but that is what I do.

 Dear miss Kim Harrison, no more protest about me leaving, I will miss
 seeing you and you still have my sweater, so I have to come back to GA to
 get it!!!   Got it girl???  I love you!!

 Jude, I care so very much about you and I am so happy you are doing
 better!  Please keep in touch when you have time!!

 There are so many of you I want to say something to, but I just can't this
 is harder than I thought it would be!!

 The last person I have to say something about is Pam, she was such a
 wonderful friend.  I miss getting jokes from her and sending jokes to her!!
 I miss you so very much!!  You are so right TIAD!!!   I am for the first
 time in 45 years going to do what is best for me and not live to please

 I love you all and will miss you very much and after I get settled and if I
 am not over whelmed with being a 45 year old in school 7 hours a day 5 days
 a week, I will get back on the list again!  Jenna

 P.S.  Any of you that might live near Vancouver, WA or Portland, OR let me
 know.  I would love to meet you while I am out in the great northwest!!

Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions

2009-07-03 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Akua wrote

If I could get ANYWHERE, I would go
I thought of all those on this list who would love so much to be able to go
as Akua said, anywhere. Here we are going on about not doing something
and for what reason and there are friends of ours on this list who do not
have the choice.
 I have at times wanted to scream at my closest friends because they could
just get up and go!! I can't carry a plate from the sink to the table. I
have almost become obsessed with watching how people walk. How quickly they
turn around and go thru a doorway with not a thought about it. As they say
it is what it is  You know that face we put on for people mine is
beginning to show alot of wear  tears.
But as we have been
finding out on this list people are realizing talents and gifts they
never knew they had.

You are an unrepeatable oneness  ... Karl Rahner

P.S. Found a website for different types of greeting cards and not that

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Akua wrote:

 As I can get nowhere, it is moot.
 I am paralyzed and wheelchair bound and perhaps because I can't pass
 there is no quibbling.
 The hardest thing for me was to return to work  in a wheelchair and in pain
 , work  untold hours and week and then get fired. The next hardest ego thing
 and physical thing was to do poetry readings from a wheelchair.  I couldn't
 move/dance/gesture as I once did. It is harder to breathe and pull my range
 of voice/sound up that was the ego blow.

 After that, I am just glad to be here.  The death/loss of friends at such
 early ages --- my sister says that we were the  battering rams and so have
 suffered more physically ---  makes  all who remain so very very precious to
 me. My college classmates raised money to help me come home. I would love,
 love, love to be at the next reunion.


Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions

2009-07-02 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Janice,Not sure what year it is for you ... but my husband and I went to
High School together and always went back when we could for reunions...when
our 40th came up I was 2 yrs. into TM..  I didn't go  I couldn't face
them.. I was tooo proud.. too vain... I was the captain of the cheerleaders
and now I needed an ugly walker to get around..but I AM still the
original dancing fool... I love to party and we always had a fantastic
time..I do regret not going to it !! I have such great friends home! What
the hell was I thinking!! I missed so much! .. My 45th (yes I'm 63 yrs.
young) is coming up and I wouldn't miss it.  I've decided to just say I
have a spinal cord injury and most people will end it there..  And YES I
will get out on that dance floor and my husband will hold me up and we women
will get up and sing New York, New York and we will laugh and cry over the
good ol'days  And like ladyOwl  said, we really haven't changed all that
much.. we are very much the person we were way back when...  so here I
am. a great deal older but hopefully a great deal wiser.
Carpe Diem!!!

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential
is invisible to the eye

 Antoine de St. Exupery (from the book The Little Prince)

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 11:47 PM, Janice wrote:

  I have another question for you all that want to answer:

 I will be having another class reunion shortly and graduating from the
 hometown high school, I was usually one of about 15 that
 helped to plan it.We had around 500 in our graduating class.Anyway,
 I am debating whether or not to be a part of the
 planning or even attending the reunion.This is the first reunion since
 I got clobbered with TM.  I still have to use a cane and
 would maybe need my wheelchair.I was fairly well known and I am afraid
 I would be answering questions all nite about TM. My question is:
  Would you let TM keep you from attending a reunion?Be honest.   If
 you were faced with this decision this weekend,
 what would you do?


Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Fw: Red Shirts

2009-07-01 Thread Trudy Ogilvie

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 6:50 PM, wrote:

 Dell Laptops: Huge Savings on Popular Laptops - Deals starting at 

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 18:12:01 EDT
 Subject: Fwd: Fw: Red Shirts

 *Red  Shirt
 If  the red shirt thing is new to you, read below  how it went for a man...

 Last  week, while traveling to Chicago on business, I  noticed a Marine
 sergeant traveling with a  folded flag, but did not put two and two

 After we boarded our flight, I  turned to the sergeant, who'd been invited
 to  sit in First Class (across from me), and  inquired if he was heading

 No, he  responded.
 Heading out I asked?

 No.  I'm escorting a soldier home.

 Going to  pick him up?

 No. He is with me right now.  He was killed in Iraq , I'm taking him home
 to  his family.

 The realization of what he  had been asked to do hit me like a punch to the
  gut. It was an honor for him. He told me that,  although he didn't know the
 soldier, he had  delivered the news of his passing to the  soldier's family
 and felt as if he knew them  after many conversations in so few days.

 I turned back to him, extended my hand,  and said, Thank you Thank you for
 doing what  you do so my family and I can do what we do.

 Upon landing in Chicago the pilot  stopped short of the gate and made the
 following  announcement over the intercom.

 Ladies  and gentlemen, I would like to note that we have  had the honor of
 having Sergeant Steeley of the  United States Marine Corps join us on this
  flight He is escorting a fallen comrade back  home to his family. I ask
 that you please remain  in your seats when we open the forward door to
  allow Sergeant Steeley to deplane and receive  his fellow soldier. We will
 then turn off the  seat belt sign.

 Without a sound, all  went as requested. I noticed the sergeant  saluting
 the casket as it was brought off the  plane, and his action made me realize
 that I am  proud to be an American.

 So here's a  public Thank You to our military Men and Women  for what you
 do so we can live the way we  do.

 Red Fridays.

 Very soon, you  will see a great many people wearing Red every  Friday. The
 reason? Americans who support our  troops used to be called the silent
 majority.  We are no longer silent, and are voicing our  love for God,
 country and home in record  breaking numbers. We are not organized,
  boisterous or overbearing.

 Many  Americans, like you, me and all our friends,  simply want to
 recognize that the vast majority  of America supports our troops. Our idea
 of  showing solidarity and support for our troops  with dignity and respect
 starts this Friday --  and continues each and every Friday until the  troops
 all come home, sending a deafening  message that ... Every red-blooded
 American who  supports our men and women a far, will wear  something red.

 By word of mouth, press,  TV -- let's make the United States on every
  Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming  football game in the bleachers.
 If every one of  us who loves this country will share this with
  acquaintances, coworkers, friends, and family,  it will not be long before
 the USA is covered in  RED and it will let our troops know the once
  silent majority is on their side more than  ever, certainly more than the
 media lets  on.

 The first thing a soldier says when  asked What can we do to make things
 better for  you? is. We need your support and your  prayers. Let's get
 the word out and lead with  class and dignity, by example, and wear
  something red every Friday.



 It's raining cats and dogs -- Come to 
 a place where pets rule!

Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!

2009-06-30 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
RobThat is the question of the day!!  I just wish somehow we would be able
to tell when too much is too much..  It's been seven years of stop and go
exercise. And who can really tell us that answer..   Yes, if my body would
give me some indication that I should slow it down NO, NO
and we pay for days and then stop exercise. Rob I am 63 years young. I
believe that exercise is a key to staying healthy... BUT I am s
frustrated. I work out on the machines at the gym then a swim... that was
NOT good.  So choose my poison... swim or gym???  I've been doing some
travelling lately and I am home after a week back on Long Island. Took me 7
hours to drive up... did I tell you Rob (no offense) but I HATE
the ^^%#**## New Jersey Turnpike  almost as much as I hate the %%$#@
Belt Pkwy...  It was a fantastic trip... and of course you have to party at
least one or two nights. I worked my way from Islip, L.I. then to Mineola,
then to Forest Hills, then to the BIG APPLE.  Then drove home to Va.
early Sat. morning only to hit horrendous traffic on a bridge just outside
the Holland Tunnel.  I know this is too much info for everyone but your
stuck with me and I want to share my blessings and my curses with this
group!!  I have taken 1 and 1/2 Vicodin every day since I've been home. I'm
getting ready for my trip next week to Phoenix for my son's graduation. BUT
 my husband, my hero, will be with me and will take good care of me as will
my four adult children. And we will be in one place all week. Chris will be
a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine... it's been a very long journey for him
but he has accomplished his dream.  O.K I will put you all out of your
misery with this t long e-mail.   take care!
Find the thing that stirs your heart
and make room for it.  Joan Chittister

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

  I refuse to even discuss the petty arguments and disagreements
 that seem to happens several times a year. To discuss them actually provides
 legitimacy to the discussion. Stop being so quick to argue and remember the
 purpose of the list. No one needs to take sides….if what is written does not
 apply or offers words you do not care for…just delete it!

 Do you ever think of how a new visitor to the site reacts to
 bickering….my guess is it turns them off…and that is a tragedy! If one
 member has a problem with what someone else says. why not try to just
 contact that person directly and not to the group as a whole. Remember we
 are all in this together and inevitably when these things occur the next
 thing that happens is we see the word unsubscribe. When one is in 24/7
 pain and discomfort it is easy to pick a fight or disagreement…anything at
 all to avoid what is really the problem. TM

 New topic: Exercise

 Exercise….when is enough enough?

 I tend to exercise in spurts….I am either following a regular
 routine or giving into my pain and discomfort and doing nothing at all!  I
 am not very good at knowing when I am overdoing it and therefore make the
 same mistakes over and over. After pretty much doing nothing for the past 6
 months I am now back to swimming 3-4 times per week and I have never felt
 worse. My legs feel weighed down and I am walking far worse than normal. The
 level of discomfort and Pain are also off my charts. So what do I
 do….probably stop exercising and see if my legs feel better….that being said
 we have had horribly huimid,wet weather in the New York area the entire
 month of June…so I am not certain if the over exercising or the weather is
 making the TM flare up. Even after 12 years I have not really learned to
 listen to my body….part of this is due to the fact that I am not in
 discomfort while exercising….but hours later it is as if my body is just
 realizing I over did it and I have to pay the price.

 My main exercise is swimming (and a little treadmill)….for the
 first 10 years of TM I had far fewer breaks from the exercise routine …and
 then all of a sudden when I hit 60 I kinda gave up and threw in the towel….I
 kinda just quit. I felt hopeless and helpless…therefore I just started back
 on my routine…and so far the pain far outweighs the gain.

 I will attempt to introduce moderation to my exercise and try to
 remember I am closing in on 62 so I would guess non related TM problems are
 beginning to surface such as arthritis. I still have a lot on my plate…I
 drive 80 miles a day to work and sometimes I am just so exhausted that the
 thought of a workout is something I cannot handle. That being said I do find
 that when I let myself get out of shape and gain addl. Weight I always feel
 worse…and I can assure you that this is not a vanity issue.

 I would appreciate hearing from the group as to what exercises
 works for them…how do you know when you are over doing it? I am seeing Dr.
 Kerr on Weds and will pose the question to him…I have a feeling 

Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!

2009-06-30 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Akua,Knowing what I do of you... you would have loved coming to the Met
Museum... My daughter and I got there around 1:00 and stayed till 7:00
Absolutely AMAZING. I have an incredible pic of the top of the museum with
an incredible piece of work that looks like a huge silver tree branch.
So there we were a beer in hand at the top of the MET with so many people
from so many countries. just enjoying life!
As I told Todd..   he better help us out!!!   :)  He has completely
changed our diet. At the top of the forbidden list  redmeat!!  Fish is in
(well some fish) and now our THanksgiving turkey has to have been breastfed
by it's mother..  :)
have a good one...
Find the thing that stirs your heart and make room for it.   Joan

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Akua wrote:

 the ^^%#**## New Jersey Turnpike almost as much as I hate the %%$#@
 Belt Pkwy... It was a fantastic trip... and of course you have to party at
 least one or two nights. I worked my way from Islip, L.I. then to Mineola,
 then to Forest Hills, then to the BIG APPLE.

 My old hometown. I was born in Manhattan grew up in the South Bronx and

  Chris will be a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine...

 HIP HIP HOORAAAY! Hopefully you will get him to work on us!
 I've been a nonmeat
 eater for 36 years now and am always looking for new tips!


Re: [TMIC] weaning off of Tyenol?

2009-06-23 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I'm begining to feel like a nobody on this list!  [?] First we find out
Gunny was the drummer for the Edsels!!... Now Kevin
is a photog who actually met the boss  not only met him but photographed
him  what was he like?. I would guess
Have a good one!
Thanks for the encouragement Kevin.I have now been off Cymbalta for
about 5 days!  Of course my husband has been missing for awhile  :)  I'm
sure he'll come out of hiding soon

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.netwrote:


 Good luck weaning off the Cymbalta. I couldn't handle the side effects of
 or Lyrica. Terrible digestive problems.

 I got to meet Billy Joel with his wife (at the time) Christie Brinkley and
 Alexa. I photographed them and did a family picture album for them. Small
 world. :)

 All the best,

 Trudy Ogilvie wrote:

 I have two sons 29  33  May I send you their addresses!  Actually they
 are very good to me...
 I slowly weaned off Cymbalta... but since it comes in various dosages I
 could do that easily...
 90mg,  60mg,  30mg... It definitely helped with my pain but since being
 diagnosed with MS
 I would like to try a drug LDN - low dose naltraxone. Before trying tho
 I'd like to get off of some of my meds.
 Make sense? Still holding on to Lyrica.  But now I will see if I do get
 depressed,  the Cymbalta was helping with
 that also. I was originally on it for pain.
 Trudy   ( who is not far from where Billy Joel grew up in N.Y.)
 Sort of nice not being home... I can sit and read and answer all my
 e-mails... take my time and enjoy!

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Kevin Wolfthal 
 wolft...@optonline.netmailto: wrote:

Hi all,

Because I haven't been able to get my pain treated properly, I've
been taking
Tylenol Extra Strength w/Acetaminophen for a long time.  I don't
take it every
day, but regularly.  I take the bare minimum dose, usually no more
than one a
day.  I have not had liver probems, but recently, new warnings
have come out
about long term use of acetaminophen.  So I am cutting my usage
down.  Just
wondering if there is a proper 'weaning off' of meds like Tylenol?
 I tried
going cold turkey, but that didn't work.  I will ask my doc about
this also,
just wondered if there's a basic weaning off rule.


PS: My Mom turned 86 today!  Amazing lady!  I made her some Josh
Michael Buble, and Billy Joel cd's, and gave her flowers.  :)


Re: [TMIC] Play this

2009-06-22 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I am back here at the old sod as we Irish call home.  A small town on Long
Island, N.Y. It's very hard to come home...
I'll be here a week first at my brother's house catching up with old friends
and then heading into New York to visit my Youngest daughter, Meghan (27),
I was starting to get anxious about seeing everyone again. Did not sleep
well at all... opened your e-mail, watched the movie which put everything
back in the right perspective... What a gift that movie was for me today!
One of my closest friends still cannot accept the fact that her brother died
on 9/11 in one of the towers. I will be with her tomorrow believe me New
Yorkers will NEVER forget. One of the hardest realities of coming back to
New York is the skyline  But on Thursday night  they'll be a meeting of
the Clan nieces, nephews, cousins  friends all and the wonderful
stories we will tell  Sorry for going on so much but you are my family

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 5:28 PM, wrote:

  May You Be Blessed Movie

 Download the AOL Classifieds 
  local deals at your fingertips.

Re: [TMIC] Listen

2009-06-22 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Gunny!!  Not only are you a U.S. Marine (one of the few good men)
.. you were the  original drummer for the Edsels..
Do you still do autographs??? with picturesthat really is awesome!
Semper Fi

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 6:23 PM, wrote:

  Just sittin here reminiscin. I know some of you do and some of you don't,
 but this is the first song I was ever on. Yeah, I was thr original drummer
 way back in 1959. There's only two originals here on this tape. Marshall
 Sewel on the lft, and Harry Green the guy with the galsses and the white
 hair, next to Marshall. This is the PBS broadcast.YouTube - The Edsels -
 Rama Lama Ding Dong

 Download the AOL Classifieds 
  local deals at your fingertips.

Re: [TMIC] weaning off of Tyenol?

2009-06-22 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I have two sons 29  33  May I send you their addresses!  Actually they are
very good to me...
I slowly weaned off Cymbalta... but since it comes in various dosages I
could do that easily...
90mg,  60mg,  30mg... It definitely helped with my pain but since being
diagnosed with MS
I would like to try a drug LDN - low dose naltraxone. Before trying tho I'd
like to get off of some of my meds.
Make sense? Still holding on to Lyrica.  But now I will see if I do get
depressed,  the Cymbalta was helping with
that also. I was originally on it for pain.
Trudy   ( who is not far from where Billy Joel grew up in N.Y.)
Sort of nice not being home... I can sit and read and answer all my
e-mails... take my time and enjoy!

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.netwrote:

 Hi all,

 Because I haven't been able to get my pain treated properly, I've been
 Tylenol Extra Strength w/Acetaminophen for a long time.  I don't take it
 day, but regularly.  I take the bare minimum dose, usually no more than one
 day.  I have not had liver probems, but recently, new warnings have come
 about long term use of acetaminophen.  So I am cutting my usage down.  Just
 wondering if there is a proper 'weaning off' of meds like Tylenol?  I tried
 going cold turkey, but that didn't work.  I will ask my doc about this
 just wondered if there's a basic weaning off rule.


 PS: My Mom turned 86 today!  Amazing lady!  I made her some Josh Groban,
 Michael Buble, and Billy Joel cd's, and gave her flowers.  :)

RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-19 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

 I too have been on Lyrica for quite a few yearsh.. so that means that 
you WERE all with me last week at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware! I rarely drink 
liquor - but weren't those Margaritas fantastic!!! Yup 5 days of just the 
ladies  eight of us, partying, shopping, sunning!!  I am a beer/wine 
person.I have weaned myself off of Cymbalta... but not much chance of 
weaning off Amstel light or Pinot Grigio!! Not EVERY day (well almost not 
every day!) but I do enjoy my cold beer and wine! Besides since Feb. 7th 2002 I 
always walk as if I've had a few!!I definitely need a walker/cane to get 
around...It's TGIFwatch out for those walls or floors. been there done 
Sunday I head up to New York for a week of visiting friends and family!! I'm 
sure I'll see you there too!  :)

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:16:33 -0500

it looks like I got some answers to my question. It now seems that I need to 
drink alcohol with my lyrica to get rid of my anger. It also looks like I have 
to time my beer, wine or scotch as well as my lyrica. Well doing this I will 
have to avoid walls, floors and toilet rings. It will also give me amnesia and 
send me into lala land so I won’t know I am angry. 
 ROTFLMNAO (rolling on the floor laughing 
my NUMB ass off)
you to those who answered because it has given me a great laugh. I spoke with 
doctor and we decided since I was going to be lessening my lyrica gradually 
we are hoping the anger will dissipates. I think the anger is more due to the 
fact that I let myself catch that darn virus which threw me back into a TM 
I have never been on a anti depressant and I don’t know how I feel about 
starting one as normally I am able to handle the little bouts of depression I 
get with my TM. I really am afraid of adding more medication to the mix as 
going on lyrica I have been able to get rid of most other medication and just 
keep a few on hand for break through pain  sensations when I need it. 

you again all.. sometimes I wonder where I would be if I did not have a life 
full of laughter. 
Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®.


2009-06-19 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Catherine  Family
May God's love wrap and enfold you, embrace you and guide you and bring you

 Julian of Norwich


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Catherine wrote:

 Thoughts and prayers to you and your family Carol and Jim.  May the Lord
 Bless You and Keep You.


 *Sent:* Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:58:54 PM

  This morning when I got to the hospital, they told me the Pulmonary
 director wanted to talk to me. They have tried several times to wean him
 from the Ventilator, with no luck. The next step is to move him to an acute
 pulmonary facility. It broke my heart, but I must focus on GOD as he knows
 what is best. We are thinking a place in Kalamazoo would be the best choice,
 farther from Jodi and Dave, but they can do it easier than Eric and Cindy
 and the 4 girls. I believe this is the best choice and these facilities have
 very good track records. I love you all. Pray for Jim and Me and the care
 givers. carol

 Dell Days of Deals! June 15-24 - A New Deal 

Re: [TMIC] Update on my honey

2009-06-16 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
YES! YES! YES! Enjoy every single second of this red letter day! dance in
the momentfor Dance is the hidden language of the soul.Blessings and
continued prayers!

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 10:39 PM, wrote:

  *This is a red letter day. Today is the first day that I can say I really
 believe the words I've been professing each day. I believe he is going to
 make it. They put a trach in today and he was breathing good and looking
 sexy again. I even got a couple kisses and a mouthed I love you before I
 left. I just about floated home. Now I know we have a long ways to go but he
 has overcome so many challenges with his TM that I am sure he will beat this
 too! God Bless all of you for your prayers. We love you. carol and jim.  Our
 family is the glue that has kept me together, we are so blessed.*

 *An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

Re: [TMIC] Update on Jim

2009-06-11 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Please know Jim is in my prayers and my thoughts ..  May the Holy Spirit
fill you with peace today!

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 6:59 AM, wrote:

  It is morn June 11th and I will be leaving soon for the hospital. Jim had
 a very bad day yesterday. They will be inserting a feeding tube tomorrow as
 he can't swallow and the temporary system they tried yesterday is not
 working and he has to have nourishment.His mind did not seem to be affected
 at first and we are hoping that the what he is going thru now is causing the
 confusion and agitation he is having now. Please continue to pray for him as
 he has for any and all of you our friends. I will try to keep the updates
 coming. Love carol and jim

 Dell Deals: Don't miss huge summer savings on popular laptops starting at

Re: [TMIC] Pam. Montz

2009-06-08 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I too am stunned.there really are no words. A beautiful person, who was
ready for fight for each one of us.. But her life has not ended merely
changed. She is closer to us now than she's ever been in the gentle
breeze, just around the corner at the edge of the rainbow. She is living the
life now that she always believed in.Can you just imagine the joy she is
experiencing... she loved much and she will
rejoice MUCH...  it is her loved ones and here dearest friends that need
our support... Jude and Linda I know you will miss her terribly
 am so sorry you truly her . and Jude you must wear the earrings
because of all the joy she felt when she gave them to you..
So wear them when you want and think of the beautiful friendship they
represent...  not sadness but incredible joy...
My prayers are with you!

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 9:00 PM, wrote:

  I have some sad news. I had written to Pam Thurs (I think) and received
 this reply today. I don't know anything other than this but let's keep her
 family in prayer..Ella

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 10:56 am
 Subject: Re: Hi Pam

  pam passed away sat. night at touro hospital

 *An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

[TMIC] The Wii

2009-06-04 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I just sent this e-mail to Janice:  I want to thank you all for your

It was a store closing of Circuit City. It was a bit crazy and I'm sure it
had been a long day for this guy who is probably out of a job.  I have
learned so much from being disabled. 99% of the people are so very kind
but every once in awhile you get hurt and it takes awhile to get over it..
life is too short But in many respects I have become a true advocate for
myself - especially   dealing with doctors
It's a miserable rainy day here in VA.
I just finished reading a book called people of the book ... it was very
good ... so I might just might take out that thing called an iron and do
some of my blouses etc... I'm trying not to go shopping!! All the stores are
having great sales  I really don't NEED anything[?]  I hope you
have a great day!

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Janice wrote:

   Did you go back and get the Wii?   If you did, I hope you gave that guy
 a piece of your mind!! Janice


Re: [TMIC] A tribute to veterans I thought you would enjoy

2009-06-03 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
That was beautiful .so moving!!  It truly touched on all aspects of the
war things I hadn't thought about in years. Thanks, we owe so much to
these men and women!  Thanks Gunny
Semper Fi

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:11 PM, wrote:

 We found the real 'Hotel 
 and the 
 diner. What will you find? Explore 

Re: [TMIC] Wii Fit

2009-06-02 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
There was a WI on sale at Circuit City When I went to buy it the
salesman said there was no way I could do the exercises!  HM .. whydid I
listen to him.. I have the setup so I just need the program... I think
it's pretty expensive... But I'm going to check it out again...
Great news from all of you that are doing it.  Challenging ourselves in even
the smallest ways keeps us truly alive...  no potato couches in
this group!  :)
Have a great day. it's beautiful here in Virginia

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:38 AM, wrote:

  Hi Jan,

 I'm glad I inspired you! :-)

 I was afraid at first maybe it would be a waste of money because there are
 many of the exercises I can't do -- like anything involving standing on one
 foot.But there are plenty of things I can do with it that challenge me, and
 there are plenty of things my kids can do that challenge them even though
 they're younger and more fit and able than I am.

 The first time I used it I could barely do ten minutes. Then one day last
 week I had worked up to almost half an hour.

 The more you do with it, the more it unlocks new exercises, so it doesn't
 become old hat and boring.

 I'm enjoying it! I hope you are, too.

 Barbara H.

  In a message dated 5/27/2009 5:38:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:


 You were my inspiration, or maybe you just 'pushed' me to get the Fit for
 our Wii...
 Thank you, though my first time on it wasn't pretty!!  We'd talked about,
 but after
 they were out the first time Frank went to get one we just forgot and
 then your
 message.I'll need practice alot to get the balance test to say I'm
 doing OK!!

 --- On *Tue, 5/26/09,* wrote:

  I'm wondering if any other of the walking wounded have tried a Wii Fit?
 I just got one for Mother's Day (it's something I asked for).They place a
 lot of emphasis on balance, which I have trouble with. Hopefully there will
 be some improvement on that front!

 It has one exercise where you step on and off the board. Some years back I
 had tried low-impact step aerobics, but my knees couldn't handle the step.
 But the Wii board is low enough that it is no problem.

 So far it's pretty fun, though I am not placing well as far as scores go.
 But at this point I'm just trying to get some kind of movement and activity
 in, whether I make big scores or not. But even my younger and more active
 sons enjoy it. I didn't think it would be challenging enough for them, but
 it is.

 Barbara H.

 We found the real 'Hotel California' and the 'Seinfeld' diner. What will
 you find? Explore 

 We found the real 'Hotel 
 and the 
 diner. What will you find? Explore 

Re: [TMIC] Wii Fit

2009-06-02 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
You are so right.   I think I was just so embarrassed by how he said it
in front of people, I just wanted to get out of there..  I'll learn! it
may take awhile but I'll learn!!! Trudy

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:48 AM, wrote:

 Don't listen to people. People are idiots. I was told that PT wouldn't help
 me and that I would not be able to use the tread mill but I did both and
 improved greatly. Feel free to forward to group if you want.

 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

 *From*: Trudy Ogilvie
 *Date*: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 11:29:48 -0400
 *Subject*: Re: [TMIC] Wii Fit

 There was a WI on sale at Circuit City When I went to buy it the
 salesman said there was no way I could do the exercises!  HM .. whydid
 I listen to him.. I have the setup so I just need the program... I think
 it's pretty expensive... But I'm going to check it out again...
 Great news from all of you that are doing it.  Challenging ourselves in
 even the smallest ways keeps us truly alive...  no potato couches in
 this group!  :)
 Have a great day. it's beautiful here in Virginia

 On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:38 AM, wrote:

 Hi Jan,

 I'm glad I inspired you! :-)

 I was afraid at first maybe it would be a waste of money because there are
 many of the exercises I can't do -- like anything involving standing on one
 foot.But there are plenty of things I can do with it that challenge me, and
 there are plenty of things my kids can do that challenge them even though
 they're younger and more fit and able than I am.

 The first time I used it I could barely do ten minutes. Then one day last
 week I had worked up to almost half an hour.

 The more you do with it, the more it unlocks new exercises, so it
 doesn't become old hat and boring.

 I'm enjoying it! I hope you are, too.

 Barbara H.

 In a message dated 5/27/2009 5:38:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:


 You were my inspiration, or maybe you just 'pushed' me to get the Fit for
 our Wii...
 Thank you, though my first time on it wasn't pretty!!  We'd talked about,
 but after
 they were out the first time Frank went to get one we just forgot and
 then your
 message.I'll need practice alot to get the balance test to say I'm
 doing OK!!

 --- On *Tue, 5/26/09,* wrote:

  I'm wondering if any other of the walking wounded have tried a Wii
 Fit? I just got one for Mother's Day (it's something I asked for).They place
 a lot of emphasis on balance, which I have trouble with. Hopefully there
 will be some improvement on that front!

 It has one exercise where you step on and off the board. Some years back I
 had tried low-impact step aerobics, but my knees couldn't handle the step.
 But the Wii board is low enough that it is no problem.

 So far it's pretty fun, though I am not placing well as far as scores go.
 But at this point I'm just trying to get some kind of movement and activity
 in, whether I make big scores or not. But even my younger and more active
 sons enjoy it. I didn't think it would be challenging enough for them, but
 it is.

 Barbara H.

 We found the real 'Hotel California' and the 'Seinfeld' diner. What will
 you find? Explore 

 We found the real 'Hotel 
 and the 
 diner. What will you find? Explore 

Re: [TMIC] antidepressants

2009-05-29 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Please do let us know how it goes. I take 60mg. of cymbalta every day... I
would like to get off of it. My initial reason for getting on cymbalta was
for the pain...  I thought it wasn't very effective as an anti-depressant???
That's what my neuro told me...  Thanks for sharing!!

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Lawrence King we4king...@verizon.netwrote:

 Dear friends.I am continuing to feel better.  Now that I look back I can
 see that I have been Improving for about a month even though I'm passed the
 2 year mark.  The hope it has given me above and beyond the general coming
 to terms and acceptance that one should reach by their 2 year mark, has
 made me decide that I am ready to get off my antidepressant.  I have read
 that Cymbalta is very difficult to come off of and that other people have
 had good results opening the capsules and reducing the dose incrementally
 themselves every few days.  I just spoke with my doctor and have her
 blessing in this endeavor as she has had other patients wean off
 successfully doing this.

 Cymbalta saved my life and helped with the nerve pain in ways that other
 antidepressants do not but I am ready to face the world again.  Will keep
 you all informed of my progress!

 Mindy the Artist

Re: [TMIC] Check this out

2009-05-27 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Gunny,Wow!!! you absolutely made my day!!  You ol' softie
Semper Fi

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Janice wrote:

 I will now expect one of these emails on a regular basis.   Very Good

 - Original Message -
 *Sent:* Tuesday, May 26, 2009 7:33 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Check this out


 We found the real 'Hotel California' and the 'Seinfeld' diner. What will
 you find? Explore 


2009-05-15 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
After reading all the e-mails it just proves once again that total strangers
- people you've never even met - can be such a driving force in your life.
Where would we be without the List. To hear how people battle this disease
is awe-inspiring... We share so much of our real feelings.  It's here we are
most ourselves and most truthful. Yes, I've been depressed, yes I have at
times thought I could not go on, yes I have cried in the shower, yes I have
problems with incontinence, yes I have wanted to scream at the top of my
lungs - I am in PAIN, real pain, every single day -24 hours. Yes, I am so,
so fatigued that I just cannot do one more thing today and yes, thank you,
thank you that I have someplace to go where everyone understands - where I
can vent - where I can share - where I can get the best and latest info
about this disease that attacked me on Feb. 7, 2002 - My night from
hell  I can now walk with a walker and at times a cane. I do believe
that I have improved and continue to improve. And I am also one of those who
has a deep, absolute Faith in my Creator and I just want to thank all of
you who are so caring and who take the time to welcome and reply to so many
messages! You are the ones who make this List so awesome.
Trudy Ogilvie
TM/MS  2/07/2002
Fairfax County, Va.

Re: [TMIC] test

2009-05-15 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
 Rob got you here in Virginia..  I have too have been having some
problems with e-mail.  They are coming in very late It's been
awhile hope all is well.Trudy

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 9:43 AM, jrushton jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.comwrote:

 I got you, Rob, and I, too, miss several for some reason??  J

  *---Original Message---*

  *From:* Robert Pall
 *Date:* 5/15/2009 7:31:38 AM
 *To:* tmic
 *Subject:* [TMIC] test

 Can anyone let me know if you are rec'g this…it appears I am not getting
 any mail…perhaps just a slow mail day!

[TMIC] Poetry

2009-05-09 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Akua thank you so much for sharing your poems.   They're beautiful, please
continue to share them with the list. Each one of us takes it in to our very
personal lives in our own way. Routine  is a painful truth - just like
this horrid disease. I plead to know what lesson in legs loss
Again thank you!

RE: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy

2009-05-02 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Can't imagine being without this group Jude ... we definitely share a 
close-knit bond.even discussing our most embarrassing moments...  I can't 
tell you how many times I didn't quite make it to the restroom so I always 
had an extra pair of clothes in my car...   there was that time at school (I 
taught computer in an elementary school. Well I didn't make it... There I was 
in the hallway standing AGAINSTthe wall waiting for the kids to go by. When I 
got back to the lab I told the tech I worked with that I fell in the 
camode.. I am rather thin so they believed me home I went.  After that 
I always kept a change in my desk.  Another time I sat at my desk for what 
seemed like hours waiting for some teachers to get out of room so I could go in 
the Tech closet and change.  I finally went the depends route.  Now I take 
sanctura and it does a good job for me. Tho I think there was article that 
some incontinence drugs cause memory loss. just what I need to hear 
I'll be 63 next week... and I've always blamed my memory loss and my four 
Love yaTrudy

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
troubles; It empties today of its strengths.

Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 22:50:44 -0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy

AOL Email


  You are  so funny, Trudy...we do have our 
  own vocabulary regarding TM...kind of like twins do.
  I love you,
  In a message dated 5/1/2009 4:27:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Crazy I know. 
  so is this damn TM .. only those of you on this list can 
understand words like banding, numbness,
fire and ice. 
change your shoes . watch out... change your clothes . watch 
 Access 350+ FREE radio stations anytime from anywhere on the web. Get the 
Radio Toolbar!
Hotmail® goes with you.

RE: [TMIC] New Month, New Efforts

2009-05-02 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Aku,What an awesome accomplishment! I am trying to commit myself to 
journalingI do enjoy going back and reading what I wrote weeks ago. Hard to 
explain! I have a book from when I was in rehab for 5 weeks back in 02... I've 
come a long, long way..But I do not have the gift for poetry.  Would you 
consider sharing some of your poetry with us???  For Christmas my son gave me 
the book Birdsong - Rumi A persian poet. I have also bought so many cards by 
Maya Aneglou - her poetry is beautiful and she also has such agift for writing 
verses that you felt but didn't know how to put into words.  
I am also going to try Naltraxone but I think I'm supposed to slowly wean 
myself off of Lyrica? What has been your experience with Naltraxone? 
ShalomTrudy - in wet, rainy, damp Virginia -  hey  - maybe I'll try to turn 
that into a poem.I doubt it tho... my growing up years you weren't even allowed 
to color outside the line

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
troubles; It empties today of its strengths.

 Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 17:40:44 -0400
 Subject: [TMIC] New Month, New Efforts
 April was National Poetry Month and I met the challenge of writing at 
 least one poem a day
 every day in response to prompts.  Over 30 new works!!!
 I am so proud of me, as since contracting TM, my writing has 
 suffered, as has my reading. I wrote a couple of poems about my 
 condition-- which I generally avoid.
 Yesterday after a long struggle(10 months) I got to see a neurologist 
 a few blocks away, who listened, renewed my script for Naltrexone and 
 is pursuing getting me therapy at  home!
 (The neurologist I went to in my pcp's practice took my money  and 
 told me he only does stroke would ONLY refer me Strong Hospital, 
 which is 110
 unreachable (and unaffordable $700 roundtrip) miles away and refused 
 to renew my script)
 I slept today until 1p.m. (9 hours) and  i didn't realize how much 
 energy it took.
 I found out that the deadline for the 5310 grants for paratransit 
 vehicles was today.
 But I learned that there is a taxi service that has a van in the city 
 next-door. Their costs
 are prohibitive ($36), but not outlandish ( like the school bus 
 company that charges $75 just
 to show up).
 Again if anyone has any information on nonprofit startups or funding 
 for paratransits, it would
 be welcome.
 Happy May Day!

Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don’t worry about storage limits.

[TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy

2009-05-01 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Hi Barbara,Congrats on having 3 good nights of sleep! I'll bet you feel like a 
whole new person..  I really don't work so hard, I do pace myself and if it 
doesn't get done it doesn't get done. I do have someone come in every other 
week to help me so I'm fortunate for that. My washing machine broke and I am 
now trying to catch up on that disaster. My husband (Mac) is fantastic to me. 
It's odd in that seven yrs. ago when this hit we were having some 
difficulties that all changed when TM came along. Crazy I know.   so is 
this damn TM .. only those of you on this list can understand words like 
banding, numbness,fire and ice. change your shoes . watch out... 
change your clothes . watch out..   But I am back and committed to 
doing my exercises. I do feel much better and a real sense of accomplishment.  
Again, so glad you're sleeping, it makes a huge difference.Take care - 
Blessings!TrudySpringfield, Va   (the sun just peeked out - it's supposed to go 
away for the weekend.   

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
troubles; It empties today of its strengths.

Subject: wow, you work too hard Trudy
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 17:00:22 -0400

Hi Trudy,

You work too hard, I could not clean all day, whether I wanted to or not.  If 
not for a automatic washer/dryer, the wash would not get done.  And, if it goes 
for floors, I can do a small amount but not a lot.  It kills my back, and I'm 
in bed for days.  So, it's someone else's job.  I do clean the spots on the 
kitchen floor iwth paper towels though from time to time, since hubby or 
daughter in-law aren't really responsive on the job, lol.  It doesn't seem to 
be as important to them that it is and looks clean as it is to me.  

My speed is dusting and cleaning kitchen/bathrooms and laundry.  I can do most 
things that are off the floor and I cannot do too much in a day and still 
manage to cook dinner.  I don't cook dinner everyday, but try to do it most 
days.  Pete (hubby) usually handles breakfast most days and it's a nice trade 
off as he loves breakfast.  That's one of the good parts of his retirement.  He 
also makes my coffee in the morning and then again at night.  And, he is sure a 
handy guy to have around I know that I don't think that I could have gotten 
through this whole TM thing without him, he's been so good at accepting the 
changes that it has made in our lives.  I say accepting, and I am not sure it 
is the right word, as it is a hard thing to say.  We do have to accept it, 
don't have to like it as none of us do, but we just roll with it.  It just is 
what it is.  Can't change it, and cannot deny it anymore, although I tried that 
for about 18 months.  Now, it's been almost 10 years.

I use 40 mg Baclofen at night for spasms, and generally it works pretty well, 
although there are those nights when it doesn't seem to work.  Maybe it is and 
if I hadn't taken it, they would be a whole lot worse, but they definately keep 
me from sleeping.  That is usually on a day that I've done too much.  I've had 
2 DVT's in my left leg, and sometimes I think that the problems and pain in 
that leg are worse than the complications that TM has caused in my life.  
Although, I didn't get the DVT's until I was in the hospital paralyzed from TM. 
 Darned leg!

But I have slept 3 nights straight and am a happy camper today.  Yippee!  I 
hope you all can take something positive from me and do something positive for 
yourself to get on the right track if you've slipped off as well.

Hugs to all, Barbara A

 Can't afford a new spring wardrobe?  Go shopping in your closet instead! 
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RE: [TMIC] copy of my response

2009-04-29 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Barbara,You have always been there for everyone on this TMIC list... with  hugs 
and all. I had no idea you were in so much pain. Sleep is crucial to even 
trying to have a good day. It's rainy and miserable here and my legs are 
giving me some real problems. I did take a vicodin since I will be here in the 
house all day cleaning etc. (my clothes washer has been broken for a week  :) I 
also have learned to give myself some recuperation time when I've over done 
it. Someone a very, very long time ago posted the spoon theory. I thought I 
had saved it. But it was a great way to explain how fatigue, pain etc...  
effect your day. You've only got so many spoons Taking a shower, blow 
drying your hair, just getting out the door uses up a spoon or three!... I 
don't remember it all but it was a great way of explaining your day to 
friends cause of course we all look so good how could we be in that much 
pain or fatigue or anxietyTake care and hugs to you!Trudy

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
It empties today of its strengths.

Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 00:03:45 -0400
Subject: [TMIC] copy of my response

I forgot to include the TMIC when I answered these nice messages of advice so I 
am forwarding to the group.  Thanks again ladies and Rob.

Hugs, Barbara A

-Original Message-



Sent: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 8:56 pm

Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #361

Hello Ladies,

I already have another TV, actually, we have 5 TV's in the house and I have my 
own laptop, with WIFI.  I didn't ever think of taking it outside though, that's 
something interesting to try and see if it'll work.  That's one of the reasons 
that I've been in the bedroom so much though, lol!!!  It's been too easy to do.

It's ok if I spend most of the day when I need to recuperate after a day of 
overdoing it, but I just don't want it to be too big in my life, and that is 
what had occured.  I am working on that not happening too often now, and so 
far, so good.

Thanks for all the support!  I appreciate it!!!

Hugs, Barbara A

Can't afford a new spring wardrobe? Go shopping in your closet instead! 

 Can't afford a new spring wardrobe?  Go shopping in your closet instead! 
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2009-04-29 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Jeff,Positive thoughts and lots of prayers! May your recovery be quick and 
you're out of the hospital and back home to fill us in on the results of your 

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
troubles; It empties today of its strengths.

Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:08:23 -0400

Jeff,  Good Luck with your surgery.  My thoughts and prayers will be with you.  
I hope that the outcome will be all that you want and need

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

- Original Message -
From: jeff bernier
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:41:19 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern



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RE: [TMIC] Amanda needs our support!!

2009-04-22 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Amanda,Welcome to the TM website which of course was created by Jim Lubin. I 
have been out of touch for awhile, my one and only grandchild was here visiting 
from San Francisco. I'm so glad you are coming to Johns Hopkins. I was seen up 
there by Dr. Pardo and it is a great group of doctors. Some of the hotels give 
you nice discounts if you are going to be a few days at Johns Hopkins. When my 
husband found out he had prostate cancer 6 different surgeons said it was too 
late... they were sure the cancer had spread! We went up to Johns Hopkins and 
met one of the most incredible doctors from the Prostate group. Dr. Burnett was 
fantastic and we feel saved my husband's life.  Keep in touch, this is a 
wonderful group of people!TrudyVirginiaTM/2002MS/2006

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
It empties today of its strengths.

Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 14:10:21 -0700
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amanda needs our support!!

Thank you Heather! I am actually going to John Hopkins in July to see one of 
the neurologists in the TM center. I am very excited!! Jim Lubin is a 
fascinating person isn't he! 

From: Pieter and Heather
To: jrushton; Janice; 
Amanda Diskey; tmic
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:16:32 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amanda needs our support!!

Another place to get information is the TM Association website as well.  Also 
the John Hopkins website has good information too.  I go to the TMA website 
everyday as well.  
Jim Lubin our computer guru who started this site years ago is also a quad on a 
ventilator.  I know he does not live totally independently as he has help but 
he does very well from all I have read. 
As Jeanne says, read all you can and get educated about this TM.  It has played 
havoc with s many lives.  Whether we are affected a lot or a little it 
changes us and those around us.
Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 
From: jrushton 
To: Janice ; Amanda Diskey ; tmic 
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amanda needs our support!!

..yes, and read all you can from everyone because there are so many 
similarities even tho our injuries may be totally different.  Sometimes, right 
out of the blue you will read something that can really help you but the main 
thing is getting educated about this old thing that we have.  We're all here 
for you every single day!!  Jeanne

---Original Message---

From: Janice
Date: 4/21/2009 10:20:13 PM
To: jrushton;;  tmic
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amanda needs our support!!
Amanda, you certainly have my support and prayers, but I have no ideas for you. 
  There are others here who are
quads and you will surely hear from them.  Let us hear more from you on how you 
are doing.   Janice

- Original Message - 
From: jrushton 
To: ; tmic 
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amanda needs our support!!
I got it through our tmic??

---Original Message---

Date: 4/21/2009 6:54:35 PM
To: jrushton
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amanda needs our support!!
what is her email addy?

- Original Message - 
From: jrushton 
To: tmic 
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:34 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Amanda needs our support!!

Hi, everyone!  We have a new TMer that wrote in last week.  She must have 
problems with the chat line because she hasn't heard from anyone but me and one 
other person and that is really unusual for our group!!  I'll copy her note to 
show you that she needs us and our support!!  ::)) Jeanne in Dayton

Amanda's note:
I was wondering if there is anyone here who is a c6 quad with very little use 
of their hands and no use of their legs that lives independently. I am needing 
to talk to someone who can offer some advice on how I can do some things.



Windows Live™ SkyDrive™: Get 25 GB of free online storage.

RE: [TMIC] Clothes??

2009-04-22 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Bobberino,How are you??? It's been awhile since we have heard from you and how 
is the missus doing?? I certainly hope all things are still economically 
o.k. in Elvisland..Good to hear from youTrudy
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
troubles; It empties today of its strengths.

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Clothes??
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 20:17:41 -0500

My wife and mother-in-law wear Hanes 
underthings.  I like their tee-shirts but not their shorts.   Both 
Target and Walmart carry them and prices are similar.  Also at 
Costco's. Another brand of undies me missus likes is 'Barely there'.  

Check them out.
Bobberino in 

  To: jrushton ; tmic  
  Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:47 PMSubject: 
  Re: [TMIC] Clothes??

  Walmart carries lots of 
  Hanes.   Could be 
To: tmic   
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:46 
Subject: [TMIC] Clothes??


  The other 
  day we were talking about getting clothes that do not make our skin 
  hurt and I just found the Hanes site.  It has a lot of things 
  that might help us???  Just an idea..Jeanne in Dayton  


Windows Live™ SkyDrive™: Get 25 GB of free online storage. tulip2.jpg

Re: [TMIC] Balance

2009-04-17 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I absolutely agree Lori. we are, each one of us, unique!!! As you can
see it is nice to discuss things and find out that others have the same
reaction.. Especially regarding clothes and balance!! I too watch my feet
way t much. In my house I'm a pro . walk outside and it's slow
going... As far as the exercise if someone needs encouragement to do what
you gotta do we are here for you also. Just put the word EXERCISE in the
heading and those who want will get involved. It seems a bit safer than
discussing Politics or Religion! :) just kidding!! My one and only
Grandchild is visiting me so I am over the top with joy! It's a beautiful
here in Virginia... Take care all Trudy
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Jan Hargrove jmh1...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

 WELL PUT, Lori!!!

 --- On *Fri, 4/17/09, Lori Biehler* wrote:

  PT needs to be done for each person, at their ability level. If you can
 only move a toe, move that toe. If you can’t move anything, than I don’t
 know what they do for you. No one should ever tell anyone what PT to do or
 not to do. If you feel better after moving some, and your doctor says it is
 OK for you, than do it. I myself do exercise at a gym and started out in PT
 over 9 years ago. It has helped me so much and not only helps my mobility,
 it helps keep my bones strong, etc. I saw Dr. Kerr starting when he opened
 his practice and he advocates exercise and always has told me if you can do
 it, go for it.

 Exercise hurts healthy people, building muscle hurts, that is just how it
 is. You get tired, but so do healthy people. I like to sleep, so if I sleep
 a bit longer and more soundly on gym day, more power to me. Others I know
 that exercise feel the same way and would never stop, it helps us a ton.

 If you feel better using your legs for a few hours, use them, maybe in time
 you will feel better using them for a bit longer, or it will easier for you
 to use them during your 2 hours. Either way, anything that helps you feel
 better and is good for you is great to keep up!


 *From:* Trudy Ogilvie []
 *Sent:* Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:12 PM
 *Cc:* Pieter and Heather;
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Balance

 So does this mean you think that PT is meaningless? Why do my legs feel
 better after a work out than when I get up from my chair after 2 hours of
 answering e-mail, paying the bills, throwing out all the junk mail and
 making doctor appointments. Do you honestly feel that it's a waste of
 time???  Seriously my friend, I am interested  in your opinion in whether PT
 is worth the effort.

 I thought you once said that exercise was very important for us??

 I could be wrong, it's happened maybe once before  :)


 P.S. You never did announce the winner of what to do about your falling
 down and really injuring yourself but I'll forgive you I guess it
 was much more serious than you thought originally.  I am so sorry you wound
 up in the hospital.   I hope you are doing better.

 On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 4:12 PM, wrote:

  Lack of Proprioception

 Proprioception is the ability to know where each and every part of your
 body is spatially.

 Before TM I typed 70 words per minute with few mistakes.  I took the typing
 course in junior high school, then decided to be an English Major in
 College, and just got better and better. I took a 23 year breather while
 practicing medicine, then got back into writing (Typing) only to be struck
 down with TM 15 months later, Aug 2000.  Within several months my typing was
 down to 5, five, words per minutes with constant mistakes.  My fingers had
 lost the ability to fly out and down to hit the right key.  I had, have, to
 look at my fingers, so don't see my mistakes on the screen.

 Practice does not make my finger do any better.

 I hope that helps


Re: [TMIC] Balance

2009-04-16 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
So does this mean you think that PT is meaningless? Why do my legs feel
better after a work out than when I get up from my chair after 2 hours of
answering e-mail, paying the bills, throwing out all the junk mail and
making doctor appointments. Do you honestly feel that it's a waste of
time???  Seriously my friend, I am interested  in your opinion in whether PT
is worth the effort.
I thought you once said that exercise was very important for us??
I could be wrong, it's happened maybe once before  :)
P.S. You never did announce the winner of what to do about your falling down
and really injuring yourself but I'll forgive you I guess it was
much more serious than you thought originally.  I am so sorry you wound up
in the hospital.   I hope you are doing better.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 4:12 PM, wrote:

  Lack of Proprioception

 Proprioception is the ability to know where each and every part of your
 body is spatially.

 Before TM I typed 70 words per minute with few mistakes.  I took the typing
 course in junior high school, then decided to be an English Major in
 College, and just got better and better. I took a 23 year breather while
 practicing medicine, then got back into writing (Typing) only to be struck
 down with TM 15 months later, Aug 2000.  Within several months my typing was
 down to 5, five, words per minutes with constant mistakes.  My fingers had
 lost the ability to fly out and down to hit the right key.  I had, have, to
 look at my fingers, so don't see my mistakes on the screen.

 Practice does not make my finger do any better.

 I hope that helps


Re: [TMIC]

2009-04-14 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
JaniceIt's incredible what a difference a really good therapist can do for
you! My new therapist has definitely made a difference in my walking and my
attitude.  I had pretty much given up after 7yrs. of any real improvement.
The big BUT is you have to do your exercises faithfully every day. I
took a nasty fall in an elevator and I did nothing for two weeks but rest! I
cannot believe how much I have regressed. This 62 year old body just does
not want to return to that exercise routine!! Boy you are so right ...
blood, sweat and tears!!! ARGH!!  We'll send each other positive vibes to
help keep us focused! Oh you'll definitely say some Oh God
if she makes me do one more lunge I'm gonna die!!  :)
P. S. I cannot close my eyes and balance myself. I get dizzy.. anyone
Please let me know if my font on my e-mails is too big???

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:31 AM, L T CHERPESKI wrote:

  Hi Janice,

 This new session of leg therapy sounds very positive.  And I know what you
 mean by blood, sweat and tears - but it will definitely be worth all the
 effort.  I am already seeing you in the pool again!  No more hospital food.
 I will keep you in my prayers.  Be sure to let us know how you're doing.
 Just keep visualizing that water!


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Janice
 *To:* transverse myelitis
 *Sent:* Monday, April 13, 2009 9:17 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC]

 Well, I am really into a new session of leg therapy with a new therapist
 and getting excited about being able to get stronger
 and hopefully walk better with less pain.  This therapist is supposed to be
 really good.   This will be done with blood, sweat and tears - litterally.
 But, I can see me getting closer to getting into the pool again.   I dearly
 loved my water aerobics.Please say a prayer for me as I always do for my
 TM friends.

 This is a last-ditch effort on our part.  If  this doesn't do it, my only
 alternative will be drugs and lots of sitting.   The enthusiasm
 for swimming from you is overwhelming.   I used to dream when I was in the
 hospital about walking in the water again.   Then, I would wake up to
 hospital food!

 It is getting late, so I will sign off.Really enjoy all the issues we
 discuss - I learn from them.


Re: [TMIC] Balance

2009-04-14 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Heather  Barbara,I use a chair in the shower. I do not feel safe standing
in a shower..  My therapist also
recommended wearing ankle weights around the house. They definitely make you
aware of where your feet are most of the time. She has used the word
propreoception many times and I asked her can you improve on it.  She said
yes, but it's a very, very slow process and she wasn't sure about my
improvement.  I use a walker, I am a lector (reader) at church and I can
hold onto the lectern for balance. I'm so sorry Barbara you had to quit
singing. When I go out with friends I use a cane. As long as I have
someone's arm to hold onto I can do o.k. but I
am waiting for the day that all I need is a cane
Take care!
Trudy (in rainy damp Virginia which is not helping my legs today!)

P.S. Gunny, thanks for replying I would have been trying to remember that
name all day!

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Pieter and Heather


 I find the same thing.  I was especially happy one day when I realized that
 I could close my eyes in the shower when washing my hair.  It doesn't
 'always' work as I do find myself closing my eyes but tend to keep the tip
 of my elbow against the wall of the shower.the balance thing again.  I
 didn't know there was a name for it.

 Heather in Calgary

 - Original Message -
 *To:* ;
 *Sent:* Tuesday, April 14, 2009 7:32 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Balance

 Yes, that's one of my continuing problems. My balance is worse when
 standing still (even with eyes open) than walking, though I sometimes lose
 balance while walking, too.

 When I was taking physical therapy, my PT had a name for that, but I don't
 remember what it was. She had me stand on a pillow with my eyes closed and
 lean as far as I could in one direction and then another while she stood by
 to catch me if I fell (don't try this at home alone!!!)

 It's improved, but it is still a factor. Sometimes at church a larger group
 will be singing across on stage just holding their music, and I think, I
 could never do that! I ended up leaving choir because I felt like I couldn't
 keep my balance. Having some reference point helps -- the back of my legs
 touching a chair or just touching a table or the wall. I don't need to hold
 on to or lean on something, usually -- just have something to touch.

 Barbara H.

  In a message dated 4/14/2009 9:25:04 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

 P. S. I cannot close my eyes and balance myself. I get dizzy.. anyone

 *The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

Re: [TMIC] Lack of Communication

2009-04-13 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Fantastic!  I am so glad you had such a great trip. When you mentioned
memories it reminded me that at times when asked what I did I would
sometimes say I am a Memory Maker. I was married in 1970 and once we began
having children and the fact that we were a Military family (USMC)and moved
quite a bit it made it useless for me to try to work. Actually I was
fortunate to be able to stay home with my four children and we did move 13
times in 20 years.  So whenever I had to fill out a form that asked what I
did I would try to come up with some original answers. So sometimes I was
a Domestic engineer, or Domestic goddess...however I felt that day. I think
I had a few others but can't remember them right now! Can you tell I was
pretty sensitive about my job title.   :)
Hope you had a wonderful Easter!
Blessings and Shalom
P.S. Did you send a picture?? I could not get it to open?

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 9:01 PM, jrushton jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.comwrote:

 Hi, Trudy!  We did have a wonderful time today!  There were at least
 20 of us and we met in our little town and held the lunch at what was the
 mayor's house when we were growing up.  Now you can have lunch and dinner
 there, the original wallpaper is still there, old photos and all sorts of
 antiques and wonderful gifts that you can buy.  I just love going to places
 like that and it felt so good to be 'home'.  Both of my sisters were there
 and also my cousin who spent so much time with us growing up.  I'm doing the
 scrapbook for everyone and they all like seeing the photos from each
 luncheon.  Such fun and so worth the trip and effort to go!!  Talk about
 making memories..j

  *---Original Message---*

  *From:* Trudy Ogilvie
 *Date:* 4/8/2009 4:58:30 PM
 *To:* jrushton
 *Cc:* tmic
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Lack of Communication

 Jeanne have a fantastic time. Our 45th High School reunion is in October
 and my husband and I are going since we graduated together way back in 1964!
  I only missed the 40th I was still trying to get my life back together
 after TM hit. But definitely looking forward to this reunion.  So again,
 have a blast Trudy

 On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 10:07 AM, jrushton 
 Hi, Jan,

 It looks like we TMer's are back in business with all of the notes going
 back and forth and your temp. problem is one of the main subjects right
 now!  I'm so glad we're back in business as I miss you all when we take
 our 'naps' as we do off and on.

 I'm off to stay with my little Sis for a couple nights so we can meet up
 with my big Sis and go to our monthly '60's Chicks' luncheon in Grandview
 which is where we graduated from.  All Grandview 'chicks' no matter what
 year they graduated try to meet and we have lunch, chat for a couple hours
 and off we go.  It is really a special time as we have all learned how
 special life is and is not to be taken for granted. Some we haven't seen
 since graduation or longer.  Take care, all!  Jeanne in Dayton

  *---Original Message---*

  *From:* Janice
 *Date:* 4/7/2009 9:52:58 PM
 *To:* transverse myelitis
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Lack of Communication

 Hey Guys!!!  Sounds like everyone is really ready for SPRING!I am
 really ready to dig my hands into the dirt and  get my flower pots ready for
 summer.I can't plant in the ground anymore, but I sure go nuts with my
 pots!We have already planted pansies and they are looking great.   Won't
 be long for spring.

 Got another question for you all.  Do you have a problem with all of a
 sudden getting too hot  -  and no one else is?   It isn't
 hot flashes, had a complete hysterectomy over 20 years ago.   This just
 started since TM (2007).   My doc has given me patches
 of clonidine.  You change it every week and it does help - doesn't cure it,
 but it helps.   I am dreading warm, humid weather because that is when it is
 the worst.  We live in Missouri and the summers get pretty warm and humid.
   But we keep our house pretty cool in the winter too.I really notice it
 when I am more active.
 What about you all?

 I have only been on the site a couple of months, but I really miss your
 chatting when it is quiet.I know every one of us has a lot to deal
 with, some more than others.   But, when we are emailing, we are all on
 level ground and getting to know the real person, not
 just the TM person.   I have many friends, but I count myself very
 fortunate to have found you all.


Re: [TMIC] Lack of Communication

2009-04-09 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Heather I have found that sometimes you just have to do what you have to
do!!  I flew alone to be with my mom when she was in her late 80's and I was
so glad that I did. Everyone was so kind and helpful. I too use a walker and
sometimes a cane!  Long trips are awful but my son is getting married in
Lima, Peru in November and I am definitely going to be there! I have hand
controls on my car because I do not have any real control over my legs. All
rental cars have handicapped equipped cars. And they are not allowed to
charge extra for the device. There are different types but it's so easy, you
catch on very quickly. Tho it sounds like you have lots of people to ferry
you around. Have a wonderful time!! I love it when our family gets together!
Cherish those moments!Again, ENJOY!!!

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:20 AM, Pieter and Heather pieterheat...@shaw.cawrote:

  Janice et al,

 I will be flying.  I have done this before.  I take my walker and my cane.
 I get a bulkhead seat.  Hubby and I were back to Ontario last fall.
 However, he just doesn't feel like going this soon. However, my Mom is 85 so
 I feel I want to go.  My daughter, 2 sisters and all their families are
 there as well as my husbands four sisters.  So there will be lots of people
 to visit as well as my old friends.  My only problem is that when I get
 there I have to rely on others to ferry me around.  I can only drive with
 the left foot accelorator.  It is a four hour flight which seems quite
 long.  I also take my air/gel filled seat cushion from my wheelchair.  It is
 5 1/2 yrs old now and still going strong. (knock on wood).  Without this
 cushion I would have a terrible time trying to sit for that length of time.
 I'm s ready to get off the plane when we land.  I do not need to change
 planes or anything so that is another good thing. I have found that everyone
 involved with air travel has so far been really good.  Oops. with one
 exception.  Last fall I flew back east first and my husband followed a week
 later.  Going through security here in Calgary my WalkAide set off the
 security and I had to take it off the leg, explain to them what it was etc
 etc.  Wires, batteries etc.  Almost missed my flight.  This time I have
 located the booklet on it and will keep it handy.  Last fall I misplaced it
 just prior to packing.  I actually had it packed.  Then decided to take a
 different carry-on piece of luggage and could not for the life of me figure
 out where the booklet went.  I found it in January this year when I was
 moving some things around to do with our luggage.  NOW  I know where it
 is.   Of course with the memory problems that we have (well some of us have)
 with TM I could forget where it is by that time.  LOL

 Heather in Calgary

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Janice
 *To:* Pieter and Heather ; ;
 tmic ; jrushton
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 08, 2009 7:09 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Lack of Communication

 You are so brave to travel alone.   I am trying to get the strength I need
 to travel, by car, with my husband, to Savannah, Ga.
 I am in therapy for my legs now and hopeful I can make a trip like that
 this fall.   It would be to see my sister and her husband.
 I love Savannah deeply, but will not go during the hot months.   We used to
 go every March - a perfect time to visit there.  Sure hope I can make it
 this fall.I know you all will have a great time and it is justly

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Pieter and Heather
 *To:* ; Janice ;;
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 08, 2009 2:08 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Lack of Communication

 Funny how this came up.  I live in Calgary, 2000 miles from where I grew up
 in Hamilton Ontario.  About a dozen or more of my high school friends get
 together every May now.  Used to be at Xmas every year since 1964, but with
 age, road conditions they now meet in May.  I don't often see these gals but
 am hoping to get there this year for the little reunion in mid-May.  Really
 looking forward to it as it has been more than 40 years since I have seen
 some of them.  TM or not I plan to get there this year.  Hubby staying home
 so I'm flying solo this time.  I have lots of family there too and miss them
 all terribly.

 Heather in Calgary

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Jan Hargrove
 *To:* Janice ; tmic ;
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:28 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Lack of Communication


 I understand how great keeping those contacts alive is!!  I've become much
 more active
 with my class affairs since tm came to stay!!  TM let's you know 

Re: [TMIC] Lack of Communication

2009-04-08 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Jeanne have a fantastic time. Our 45th High School reunion is in October and
my husband and I are going since we graduated together way back in 1964!  I
only missed the 40th I was still trying to get my life back together
after TM hit. But definitely looking forward to this reunion.  So again,
have a blastTrudy

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 10:07 AM, jrushton jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.comwrote:

 Hi, Jan,

 It looks like we TMer's are back in business with all of the notes going
 back and forth and your temp. problem is one of the main subjects right
 now!  I'm so glad we're back in business as I miss you all when we take
 our 'naps' as we do off and on.

 I'm off to stay with my little Sis for a couple nights so we can meet up
 with my big Sis and go to our monthly '60's Chicks' luncheon in Grandview
 which is where we graduated from.  All Grandview 'chicks' no matter what
 year they graduated try to meet and we have lunch, chat for a couple hours
 and off we go.  It is really a special time as we have all learned how
 special life is and is not to be taken for granted. Some we haven't seen
 since graduation or longer.  Take care, all!  Jeanne in Dayton

  *---Original Message---*

  *From:* Janice
 *Date:* 4/7/2009 9:52:58 PM
 *To:* transverse myelitis
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Lack of Communication

 Hey Guys!!!  Sounds like everyone is really ready for SPRING!I am
 really ready to dig my hands into the dirt and  get my flower pots ready for
 summer.I can't plant in the ground anymore, but I sure go nuts with my
 pots!We have already planted pansies and they are looking great.   Won't
 be long for spring.

 Got another question for you all.  Do you have a problem with all of a
 sudden getting too hot  -  and no one else is?   It isn't
 hot flashes, had a complete hysterectomy over 20 years ago.   This just
 started since TM (2007).   My doc has given me patches
 of clonidine.  You change it every week and it does help - doesn't cure it,
 but it helps.   I am dreading warm, humid weather because that is when it is
 the worst.  We live in Missouri and the summers get pretty warm and humid.
   But we keep our house pretty cool in the winter too.I really notice it
 when I am more active.
 What about you all?

 I have only been on the site a couple of months, but I really miss your
 chatting when it is quiet.I know every one of us has a lot to deal
 with, some more than others.   But, when we are emailing, we are all on
 level ground and getting to know the real person, not
 just the TM person.   I have many friends, but I count myself very
 fortunate to have found you all.


Re: [TMIC] Where is everyone

2009-04-07 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Me too  Trudy

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 9:49 AM, jrushton jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.comwrote:

  I'm here, too...thought I was the only one!!  Jeanne

  *---Original Message---*

  *From:* Jan Hargrove
 *Date:* 4/7/2009 9:23:00 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Where is everyone

   I've noticed that folks are not online or some suchI'm so
 glad you're home
 and making such good progress!!!
 Hugs, jan

 --- On *Tue, 4/7/09,* wrote:
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Where is everyone
 Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 8:57 AM

 *I am still here, but there has been little or no activity for a long
 time.  I came home from the hospital and there was no one on the List.*
 *Love you,*

  In a message dated 4/7/2009 9:18:22 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
I haven't had any messages in 2 days.Is it just really quiet?
Cheryl in rainy Easthampton,Mass.

 *A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 


Re: [TMIC] Support Access to e-books for People with Disabilities

2009-04-07 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I filled out the form and it would not send. I signed it and it kept sending
me a message that it was processing the signature. After an hour or so I
went to close my computer  down and it still didn't go??

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Lawrence King we4king...@verizon.netwrote:

 I just got this from NSCIA and thought it was worth your attention.

 Mindy the Artist

 Begin forwarded message:

 *From: *NSCIA
 *Date: *April 7, 2009 2:39:26 PM EDT
 *To: *
 *Subject: **Support Access to e-books for People with Disabilities*

 As part of its role in the Reading Rights Coalition, NSCIA is engaged in a
 campaign to obtain access for people with print disabilities to e-books
 available for Amazon’s new Kindle 2 e-book reader. The new reader, which
 Amazon is working to make fully accessible, has the ability to use
 text-to-speech to read these e-books aloud; but under pressure from the
 Authors Guild, Amazon has announced that authors and publishers will be
 allowed to disable the text-to-speech function.  Please read and sign the

 Language is fundamental to being human, and access to information -
 whether for education, entertainment or communication - is an integral part
 of life. In fact, it's how many living with disabilities find access to the
 information and resources they need to achieve the highest possible quality
 of life. Restricting that for any reason is not acceptable. Like screen
 readers and other forms of text to speech, electronic book readers will
 provide greater access to information for all people K. Eric Larson,
 executive director and CEO of NSCIA, said recently.

 More than 25 organizations have joined to form the Reading Rights
 Coalition, which has set up an on-line petition to urge the Authors Guild
 and Amazon to reverse course.

 If you are using screen access technology, the first three fields on the
 form to sign the petition may not be announced. They are, in order: (1) a
 drop-down menu from which to select your prefix (Mr., Mrs., etc.); (2) an
 edit field for your first name, and (3) an edit field for your last name.
 The rest of the fields should announce themselves as you tab to them.

 If you do not want to receive any more newsletters, click this 

 To update your preferences and to unsubscribe visit this 
 Forward a Message to Someone, visit this 

 powered by phplist v 2.10.9, © tincan 

Re: [TMIC] Where is everyone

2009-04-07 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Oh No... do you think we've all been left behind :)

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 9:30 PM, CANDIS KALLEY cakal...@embarqmail.comwrote:

 Makes one think about 2012 being the last year in the INCA calendar.(?)

 Candy K.

 - Original Message -
 From: Akua
 Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2009 8:40:27 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Where is everyone

 Shivering in Arctic April. Snow blues. Cold grey.
 Mourning the senseless loss of adult students
 in Binghamton, stunned by earthquake in Italy
 waiting for Spring to be sprung


Re: [TMIC] Thank you

2009-03-28 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Amanda wrote:  I just want to be me again!
I don't think there's anyone on this list that has not said those very same
words over and over again. And we know the you is still you but what's
on the outside has changed so much that we live in a totally different world
now. Somedays we accept it better than others. But I have met the people who
will never accept it and they are so unhappy, so miserable, so hateful of
It's perfectly o.k to have a pity party every now and then, heaven knows
we deserve it. There are so many frustrations, not the least of which is
that we look o.k. and do you really want to know how I'm doing... Sit down,
this is going to take awhile.  Yes, faith, family and friends have gotten
me thru this... but only one day at a time.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Amanda Diskey wrote:

 I just want to say that I am amazed at the amount of information I have
 gotten from you all about stem cell research and use! I never expected such
 a response, but I didn't know who else to ask. Of course my family and
 friends just want me to get better, and I want to be normal again so bad I
 would do anything to be that way. I miss playing with my kids, and cleaning
 my house, and driving, and going to work, using my hands, not wearing
 depends, and not being embarassed to go in public because of all of the
 above. I just want to be me again! I was looking for an easy fix, even if it
 cost 30,000, but thanks to this list I can make a more informed decision.
 This list is a wonderful place to go for information or support. I don't
 post a lot, but I always read the posts. Thank you all so much for
 understanding when no one else does!


 *Sent:* Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:03:50 PM
 *Subject:* tmic-digest Digest V2009 #200

 -Inline Message Follows-

 tmic-digest DigestVolume 2009 : Issue 200

 Today's Topics:
   Re: [TMIC] going to DC[ Lawrence King 
 we4king...@verizon.n ]
   Re: [TMIC] Embrionic Stem Cell Discu  [ Lawrence King 
 we4king...@verizon.n ]

 -Inline Message Follows-

 Try to find the Albert Einstein memorial near the Vietnam Vets Memorial 
 Constitution Ave.  we wanted to get there but the bone chilling cold 9F.
  got the better of us and we gave up on both.  It's a site most tourists
 miss and don't know about.  and the museum of natural history is renovated
 and wonderful... you can see the hope diamond.
 I want to hear about it when you get back!

 On Mar 26, 2009, at 9:09 PM, wrote:

  Mindy the Artist

 Thanks Mindy
 I found the info on the tourmobile before we decided that I needed some
 sort of transport and I forgot about the wheelchair storage on the bus so
 that link was helpful. .  It will be perfect.  I found that it was the only
 bus through the cemetary - one of our desired stops.   I know we are going
 to use their two-day pass and see all of those sights.  Did you have a
 special spot that I might miis if I wasn't aware of it in advance?  I'm
 taking all the advice I can get.
 Patti - Michigan

 -Original Message-
 From: Lawrence King
 Cc: Lawrence King
 Sent: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 2:38 pm
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] going to DC

 Hi Patti,
 We went to DC in Jan for my father-in-laws funeral at Arlington Natnl.
  Cemetery and decided it was now or never to show the kids DC.  What ever
 your needs are I encourage you to take this tour bus: not the other ones.  I
 believe it cost us $32 per adult a day and we could get on and off at will.
  I am walking wounded and would have been in agony if I had to walk from
 monument to monument.  I gave you the disability page so you can discuss
 your needs with them.  this is the only tour that has Natln. park
 service affiliation (and the monuments are a natnl. park)  and be happy
 there are accommodations at all the monuments to allow full access
 regardless of  your level of ability.  So enjoy yourself and wear an Obama
 button (the workers will be friendlier)

  Mindy the Artist

 What a story!  You couldn't make that up if you tried and I think it's
 better (or worse) than anything I've seen on House.  Your miracle is that
 you lived long enough to get to the right hospital and that they started you
 on steroids.  Thanks for sharing the details.

 You brought up the subject of maneuverability and I need help dealing with

 I decided it was time to go to Washington DC - a long-time desire of my
 hubby and myself.  I always use a cane and have a wheelchair that I loaned
 out a year ago, but could get back. I quit wearing my AFO after two years
 because my feet burn and I prefer to wear shoes that I can take off every
 time I sit 

Re: [TMIC] going to DC

2009-03-27 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
On a beautiful snowy night in Wash. D.C.  I sat on Einstein's lap. It was

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:10 PM, Lawrence King we4king...@verizon.netwrote:

 Try to find the Albert Einstein memorial near the Vietnam Vets Memorial 
 Constitution Ave.  we wanted to get there but the bone chilling cold 9F.
  got the better of us and we gave up on both.  It's a site most tourists
 miss and don't know about.  and the museum of natural history is renovated
 and wonderful... you can see the hope diamond.
 I want to hear about it when you get back!

 On Mar 26, 2009, at 9:09 PM, wrote:

 Mindy the Artist

 Thanks Mindy
 I found the info on the tourmobile before we decided that I needed some
 sort of transport and I forgot about the wheelchair storage on the bus so
 that link was helpful. .  It will be perfect.  I found that it was the only
 bus through the cemetary - one of our desired stops.   I know we are going
 to use their two-day pass and see all of those sights.  Did you have a
 special spot that I might miis if I wasn't aware of it in advance?  I'm
 taking all the advice I can get.
 Patti - Michigan

 -Original Message-
 From: Lawrence King
 Cc: Lawrence King
 Sent: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 2:38 pm
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] going to DC

 Hi Patti,
  We went to DC in Jan for my father-in-laws funeral at Arlington Natnl.
  Cemetery and decided it was now or never to show the kids DC.  What ever
 your needs are I encourage you to take this tour bus: not the other ones.  I
 believe it cost us $32 per adult a day and we could get on and off at will.
  I am walking wounded and would have been in agony if I had to walk from
 monument to monument.  I gave you the disability page so you can discuss
 your needs with them.  this is the only tour that has Natln. park
 service affiliation (and the monuments are a natnl. park)  and be happy
 there are accommodations at all the monuments to allow full access
 regardless of  your level of ability.  So enjoy yourself and wear an Obama
 button (the workers will be friendlier)

  Mindy the Artist

 What a story!  You couldn't make that up if you tried and I think it's
 better (or worse) than anything I've seen on House.  Your miracle is that
 you lived long enough to get to the right hospital and that they started you
 on steroids.  Thanks for sharing the details.

 You brought up the subject of maneuverability and I need help dealing with

 I decided it was time to go to Washington DC - a long-time desire of my
 hubby and myself.  I always use a cane and have a wheelchair that I loaned
 out a year ago, but could get back. I quit wearing my AFO after two years
 because my feet burn and I prefer to wear shoes that I can take off every
 time I sit down (even in public.)  I looked pitiful sitting with my brace
 beside me letting my feet breathe.  So, I will need to use a walker and/or
 be pushed in a wheelchair in Washington and am concerned about my hubby
 lifting the chair in and out of our car.  I have looked at 3 wheeled walkers
 that would be easier to maneuver in crowds, 4 wheeled walkers of all kinds,
 a 4 wheeled that turns into a transport chair ($400), and just a simple
 transport chair itself   A transport chair is a wheelchair for being pushed
 in, with (4) ten-inch wheels instead of the large wheels on the back for
 self-maneuvering.  The transport chair ! is about 12 lbs. lighter than my
 wheelchair and would be easier to get into my small car.  The 4 wheeled
 walker that turns into a wheelchair is $400 on-line.  A transport wheelchair
 is $200 at Walmart.  I can buy a 3-wheeled or a 4-wheeled walker for $50
 each on Craigslist.  What would YOU take to Washington DC?  What will I
 How will I feel using one for the first time?

 I DON'T want to have to use any of them!  I'm ANGRY!

 Patti - Michigan

 Need a job? Find employment help in your 


 Need a job? Find employment help in your 

[TMIC] Re: How goes it??

2009-03-20 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
ARGH!!!  So sorry... I can understand why you haven't written... are you
left-handed??   That would really be tough..
Hang in there and hope you've got someone to help you out?  I mean who's
going to stir the martinis??  :)
take care

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 4:16 PM, wrote:

  Just wondering how things are going...


 I thought I wrote an email before going to the hospital, so many days ago.

 I just was released, am home, and recouping from all the surgeries to my
 left hand, wrist, radius  ulna (bones in forearm) and Elbow.

 Typing is very difficult so will write more tomorrow


[TMIC] Jude

2009-03-19 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Please know that I will be sending you warm thoughts and lots of love and
prayers.  You are stronger than you think...and you have
us to help you.. always.
With much love
P. S.  We have been a bit quiet lately. Frank got us all going for awhile
there, I wish he would get back to us
and let us know how he's doing... but that's Frank and Jude, he'd never
leave us! Every list has its problems
 now and then, misunderstandings etc.. hey, it's a big family... do not
worry about us. Take care of you!

Re: [TMIC] need help with rehab center recommendations in US

2009-03-19 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I am here in the D.C. Area where there are a number of military hospitals.
At Fort Belvoir, VA. they are building an absolutely beautiful new facility.
Not sure when it will be ready. Do you know what branch they're in... I
agree with her... a dependent is not going to get the best and fastest
care... but he is presently in the military which should make a difference,
we are retired... Medicare has been great to me and Tricare for life.. maybe
we'll know more after your very sweet god-daughter gets more info... Trudy

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 8:32 PM, wrote:

 Hello all,

 Our god-daughter, Monica, works as an aide at Craig Hospital,
 which exclusively treats spinal cord and brain injuries in the Denver, Co.

 She called last night and told me about one of her patients who is a
 paraplegic with no movement in legs or toes, but has sensation.  She does
 not have a diagnosis.  She didn't say how strong the sensation was.  This
 occured from a flu that she couldn't shake.  Needless to say,  this lady is
 very anxious since the doctors are telling her the same thing that we've all
 heard - that they can't tell her what her outcome will be, just do her
 therapy and see what comes.

 Monica didn't have too much information for me when she called, but will
 look at her chart tomorrow when she goes back to work.  She thinks this all
 started about 4 months ago, but doesn't know the progression from the flu to
 symptoms, etc.

 Why am I telling you all of this???  I hate saying this lady, but that's
 all I know at this point.  Anyway, her husband is in the military and got
 orders to transfer to Germany right before this occured.  He was able
 to delay his deployment for a short time, but will need to leave soon.  She
 doesn't know if she will be able to get good therapy once she leaves the
 country as a dependent, and of course, wants the best for herself.  I know
 as a military person it would be great, but possibly not as a dependent.

 She wants to know if anyone can recommend any rehab centers around the
 country.  Any area at this time will be considered, but she'll need to look
 into what her insurance will pay, if anything, and evaluate what she can
 do.  Please let me know if you have any information about a center you've
 either been to or heard of and I'll pass it on.  From looking at the Craig
 Hospital website, it looks like a very good center.  I just know that they
 will be releasing her eventually and we all are scared when that happens.

 Thank you, and as always, big hugs,
 Barbara A in sunny CA (at least the sun is shining today and in mid 60's)

 Great Deals on Dell 15 Laptops - Starting at 

Re: [TMIC] Hi Everyone

2009-03-17 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Hi Janice!  Welcome to the group...   I am Trudy ... 62yrs. young!  TM hit
me in the middle of the night from hell...  2002. MS arrived in 2008...
 You will find a great group of people here and don't hesitate to ask any
questions..  We've all been there.  I live in Virginia. Tho I am a born and
raised New Yorker! :)  Again..  Welcome!Trudy

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Janice wrote:

  Hi!I am Janice from Missouri.Been a 62- year old TM victim for 2
 years and just venturing out on the computer to meet others with TM.
 Hope you are doing well.

 - Original Message -
 *Sent:* Tuesday, March 17, 2009 8:27 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Hi Everyone

 How is Jude doing.  I have'nt seen any postings for some reason or other.
 I had to subscribe again. I have been concerned about all.Jane in
 Splendora Tx

 Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or 

Re: [TMIC] Pain

2009-03-17 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Janice,I take 150mg. of Lyrica 2x a day. I also take 90mg. Cymbalta. I also
have been given vicodin if it really gets bad. I have a great deal of nerve
pain from the waist down. Fatigue is a huge problem. I'm sure the arthritis
doesn't help much! I have just begun a new exercise program to strengthen my
legs. I walk with a walker.  Take care!

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Janice wrote:

  I hate to keep bugging you all with questions, so I hope you don't mind
 and will take a minute to answer.

 Several of you have talked about the pain that you have, apparantly even
 after several years of TM.   I am assuming we are all talking about nerve
 pain - which I have in my legs and back and use a spinal cord stimulator
 for.Is this correct or is there something else out there causing
 this?  Also, would you please give me the name of the medicine you
 take for pain?

 I have another appointment with my neuro on April 1 and would like a little
 backup as to what else is out there that is working for others.   My
 stimulator is working pretty well, but the TM is really aggravating the
 arthrtis that I have in the lumbar region.

 That is the only question I have for now, but I am sure I will have more
 later - if you don't mind.


Re: [TMIC] When God

2009-03-15 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Tomorrow morning I will count up the results and take the winning advice-
doctor ( with X-Ray), martinis, physiotherapy, no rugs, or foot drop

pH, It is now 10:20 p.m. EDST and I was hoping to find out the results of
the voting!
Ah, is it the Ides of March that makes you hesitant  We would never,
ever betray you my friend. Tho you most definitely think differently than
most of us...You have a very endearing quality.
Anxiously awaiting your decision.  :)
Is there a prize

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 5:18 PM, frank @ franksheldon. com wrote:

  I am so sorry about the arm!

 Voting will continue till 9pm  EDST tonight, March 14.

 Tomorrow morning I will count up the results and take the winning advice-
 doctor ( with X-Ray), martinis, physiotherapy, no rugs, or foot drop

 Sleep well


Re: [TMIC] When God

2009-03-14 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I am so sorry about the arm! Honestly, when I fell on my knee I was in a
wheelchair for 3 months, like we don't have enough problems. You mentioned
footdrop. I tried one of those devices (the Walk Aide and the Bioness
11300) I was really impressed. It actually lifted up my foot. Takes a bit of
stimulation but the nerves get the message. It is expensive and it didn't
work for me. My friends saw the woman on MSNBC who was able to climb hills
after she used this device, I got all these phone calls... they were so sure
this was the answer for me..  Now, after trying it out I have to e-mail all
of them and say, Not for me!!!  I know they're going to feel worse than I
do. ! Tho I did find an excellent physical therapist so that's good...

Well, it's always nice to hear from you and I mean that sincerely.  Now
as far as what you should do...
my recommendation:  cut back from 3 martinis down to 2... I know how hard
that's going to be... I mean,
I couldn't do it... but maybe you can. [?]
Take care!

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:42 AM, wrote:

  When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go,
 only 1 of 2 things will happen. Either He'll catch you when you fall, or
 He'll teach you how to fly!

 Well, I must have a different  god.

 Several days ago, my left toe ( foot drop on left side) caught the rug and
 I went flying.  I foolishly put out my left arm ( my bad arm) and landed on
 my left hand with a crunch. My hand and arm hurt, but then they always hurt.
  So I go on about my life till the next morning when I notice my left hand
 is very swollen, but the pain is not too bad if I don't move any part of my
 left hand. I hide my hand through the day, elevate the hand above my heart
 and everything gets better, but the swelling comes back when I lower my arm.

 My left hand is almost useless at the best of times.  It is numb, has
 neuropathic pain, the fingers don't work, has severe allodynia and has
 slight swelling.  So it is not much worse than before the accident.  People
 tell me to go to the doctor who will send me for an X-ray which may show a
 fracture which will need to be treated ( Surgery? Pins? Cast? all with
 potential problems).

 So, What do you think I should do?




Re: [TMIC] When God

2009-03-14 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Heather,I am so happy for you! Yes you are correct about the peroneal nerve,
(thanks to you I now know what it's actually called) if they get no reaction
then you are not a candidate for the device. The Physical therapist I go to
has the Bioness 1300 which she tried on me more than once. Tho the nerve
reacted, my problem is not foot drop but balance. My hips just don't listen
to me! I use a walker and a cane to get around. I am back doing some pretty
intense physical  therapy... It's helping but it's going to take a great
deal of willpower to get to where I would no longer need the walker  Do you
exercise every day? The Gunny told me I'd be in big trouble if I didn't
exercise every day! I'm married to a Marine - so I'm doing just as the
Gunny ordered.
Heather take care!

P.S. So glad you agree with me about our phranque We know he's going to do
exactly as he wants! :)

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Pieter and Heather

  Hi Trudy,

 I'm using the WalkAide in a 3 yr Clinical Trial. Fortunately for me it
 helps.  There is 'NO WAY' that I will be climbing hills etc (I too watched
 that video).  But, it does help my leg feel less tired after shopping,
 walking etc.  My right leg (the one with foot-drop) does not turn to the
 outside hence giving me reprieve from the pain of bursitis in the front part
 of my right hip.  I was taking shots of cortisone for that every 6 months.
 My right foot points ahead now instead of to my right side.

 Fortunately I was tested and re-tested to see if the electrodes properly
 stimulated my peroneal nerve before they enrolled me in this clinical
 trial.  I am almost at one year now (in May).  Hope to continue using it for
 the 3 years and beyond.

 I do agree with the pricing though.  It is expensive.  Here it would cost
 $4500.00 to buy.  However, with this Clinical Trial I only had to pay
 $500.00 as the rest is covered by the trial.  For this I am so grateful.

 Not everyone is eligible to use this device.  It depends on whether or not
 the connection is still there with the peroneal nerve.  At least that is how
 I understand it.  I was only the 3rd of 13 people who were tested at the
 time I started this trial that it worked for.  Out of the 9 people in this
 particular clinic who are in the trail there are only 2 of us who wear it
 continually during the day.  Not that big a percentage.

 I agree with you about Phranque and his martinis too though.  LOL


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Trudy Ogilvie
 *Cc:* tmic
 *Sent:* Saturday, March 14, 2009 8:51 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] When God

 I am so sorry about the arm! Honestly, when I fell on my knee I was in a
 wheelchair for 3 months, like we don't have enough problems. You mentioned
 footdrop. I tried one of those devices (the Walk Aide and the Bioness
 11300) I was really impressed. It actually lifted up my foot. Takes a bit of
 stimulation but the nerves get the message. It is expensive and it didn't
 work for me. My friends saw the woman on MSNBC who was able to climb hills
 after she used this device, I got all these phone calls... they were so sure
 this was the answer for me..  Now, after trying it out I have to e-mail all
 of them and say, Not for me!!!  I know they're going to feel worse than I
 do. ! Tho I did find an excellent physical therapist so that's good...

 Well, it's always nice to hear from you and I mean that sincerely.  Now
 as far as what you should do...
 my recommendation:  cut back from 3 martinis down to 2... I know how hard
 that's going to be... I mean,
 I couldn't do it... but maybe you can. [?]
 Take care!

 On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:42 AM, wrote:

  When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go,
 only 1 of 2 things will happen. Either He'll catch you when you fall, or
 He'll teach you how to fly!

 Well, I must have a different  god.

 Several days ago, my left toe ( foot drop on left side) caught the rug and
 I went flying.  I foolishly put out my left arm ( my bad arm) and landed on
 my left hand with a crunch. My hand and arm hurt, but then they always hurt.
  So I go on about my life till the next morning when I notice my left hand
 is very swollen, but the pain is not too bad if I don't move any part of my
 left hand. I hide my hand through the day, elevate the hand above my heart
 and everything gets better, but the swelling comes back when I lower my arm.

 My left hand is almost useless at the best of times.  It is numb, has
 neuropathic pain, the fingers don't work, has severe allodynia and has
 slight swelling.  So it is not much worse than before the accident.  People
 tell me to go to the doctor who will send me for an X-ray which may show a
 fracture which will need to be treated ( Surgery? Pins? Cast? all with
 potential problems).

 So, What do you think

[TMIC] MS List

2009-03-12 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I know there's a great MS list available to anyone who wishes to join. I
went to the MS website and there's quite a few and could not find the one Iam
looking for. I know it's YAHOO but there are quite a few lists...  any

Re: Fw: [TMIC]

2009-03-08 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Janice,So glad you found this website. You have really been thru a tough
time. Your family sounds awesome! I too refer to my husband now as my hero
He has been incredible and my kids and my friends also. This is good place
to share your worries and your fears because we have all been there. I have
had TM since 2002, it struck in the middle of the night, I was paralyzed
from the waist down.
I use a walker and have come a long way. So hang in there!

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Janice wrote:

 I am going to tell my story because I feel odd man out!Also because
 you all have already been so giving and including of me.   I thank you so
 The 2nd week in January, 2007, I had weakness in my legs.   I did water
 aerobics, so thought I was exercising too hard.  By Saturday, the 13th, my
 legs collapsed and my husband got me to the ER.  I never had the striking
 pain so many of you talk about when myelitis first hits.During the 1st
 week in the hospital I was a Code Blue because the catheter gave me an
 infection and it went systemic.   After that my body just kind of fell
 apart.I developed a bleeder in the colon and they almost didn't find
 it soon enough.   After colon surgery I was kept in a sleep state for 3
 days.  My family had no idea if I would survive.  Every 3rd day after that
 something else happened to my body.  My doctors would not leave town.   I
 spent 9 weeks in the hospital, part in rehab, and needed 19 ppints of blood.
 I have a colostomy and still have some trouble with my bladder.   I self
 cath twice a day. But, if you would see me today sitting down, you would
 think I was the picture of health.I use a cane to walk and because of
 the feeling in my legs coming back with nerve pain, I have a stimulator
 implanted in my back.   It helps cover the pain.  I have a
 wonderful husband, my hero, and a loving daughter, son-in-law, and 4-year
 old grandson. We have many really good friends that have never left my
 side and we do many social things - love that!Well, that is my story.
 Hoping to get to know all of you.

 - Original Message - From:
 To: Janice
 Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 7:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC]

  Hi Janice
 I just turned 59 a week ago.  TM hit me 5.25 years ago when I was 53.  My
 lesion was at C4 thru C6 level and it affected me from the chest down,
 however, you wouldn't know it looking at me when I'm sitting down.  I use a
 cane to walk and have an ankle foot orthotic (AFO) that I seldom wear due to
 my burning feet.  Most of my body has the searing/burning pain.  My right
 side still shows some signs of the original paralysis and I type with one
 finger and thumb on each hand.
 I worked full-time as a bank manager until the Wednesday I went to work
 and tried to work thru various muscle spasms.  I went home at 2:30, went to
 ER and that was the end of my career.  There were times I truly thought I
 was loosing my mind and will never know if it was the medications I took or
 the stress of TM.  TM gave me some bowel and bladder problems, but I only
 wear a heavy duty panty-liner now.  So I'm doing well compared to some on
 the website.  Some of us have shared some real personal info in order to
 help others understand TM.
 Don't be afraid to ask or share - it's the way we help each other.

 Patti - Michigan

  Janice wrote:

 I am anxious to get to know everybody and hear about their stories and
 they are doing.
 - Original Message - From:
 To: Janice; transverse myelitis
 Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 7:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC]

  You reached the TM internet club site.  Welcome to a great bunch of 
  who are eager to help each other with questions and answers regarding
  Tranverse Myelitis.
  Patti - Michigan
   Janice wrote:
  This is a test for correctness of address.Please reply.

[TMIC] OT - Faith Sharing -

2009-03-07 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Well, I feel I should get this started. I was born and raised a true New
York Irish Catholic. I have two priests in my extended family and 4
religious sisters.At the age of 19 I entered the Dominican Order of
Religious. After three years,  I left the Order and a few years later
married my high school sweetheart and moved 13 times in twenty yrs. with 4
kids and a golden retriever.  Mac graduated from the Naval Academy and went
Marine Corps. We landed here in. Va. in 1987
as he was sent to the Pentagon. We are now both 62 and we have one beautiful
18 month old grandson. My oldest daughter is in San Mateo, Ca. youngest
daughter in New York, one son in Arizona and another in Santa Monica.
My faith is everything to me and I could not get out of bed without it. I
could not face the day without the absolute belief that God is with me,
holding me up every minute of every day. I read the bible and I always have
another  spiritual book along side of it. I did read The Shack (a number
one best seller) and would like to get other opinions about it.
I believe in the resurrection and that we are called to be a joyful
people. I don't believe too many people get thru this life without
suffering! Christ didn't and neither did his mother. I do question and doubt
and become frightened at times that's o.k. I know that the God of all
creation understands ME and will never leave me ..
He is with me till the ends of the earth.
I am reading a excellent book for Lent by Joyce Rupp called Open the Door.
For the next six weeks, I am learning how to open the door of my heart, and
to find which door I keep firmly shut and why?

I hope this begins some true faith sharing. We are all in this journey
together. We take different paths but with the knowledge that we can learn
so much from each other!


Re: [TMIC] Computer Ignorance

2009-03-06 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Greetings and welcome to the TM website.
My name is Trudy I live in Northern Virginia and am 62 yrs. young! TM hit me
7 years ago at the C5-6 level. It was decided 2 yrs ago that I have MS so I
take MS med every day. This is a great family to belong to if you have TM
or really any autoimmune disease. I walk with a walker because balance is a
definite issue with me.
You can ask as many questions as you wish, even the embarrassing ones! We've
all been there.
There are members of this website who are very knowledgeable and up to date
on what's going on in the autoimmune world so don't hesitate to ask.
again Welcome!!

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Janice wrote:

  I want to thank you all for responding to my email.   I feel
 included. How can I begin to learn about you all and what you have been
 through? Do I just ask you to email me (if you wish to) and we can chat
 or is there another way it is done?   You can tell
 my lack of computer savvy with how things are done!   If someone has
 the time, I would appreciate a little more info on how this is
 done. Also, is it rude to ask ages of you all?   I am 62 and have had
 this for 2 years.Thanks guys.

Re: [TMIC] granddad

2009-03-05 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Congrats! awesome, fantastic, incredible, Wim, just wait till the first time
you hear her say Grandpa! or Pop-Pop as Mac is called. Enjoy, enjoy every

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Pieter and Heather

  Congratulations Wim

 I'm a grandma too and it has surely helped me deal with TM knowing I have
 these two little ones to look forward to seeing all the time.

 Hugs to you and your wife
 Heather in Calgary

 - Original Message -
 *From:* wim from holland
 *To:* TMIC
 *Sent:* Thursday, March 05, 2009 5:30 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] granddad

 Just a short note from Holland. My oldest son has become a father, so I am
 a grandfather now. It felt like I had my own child again in my arms. She is
 the most beautifull girl I have ever seen since my own daugther. Here name
 is Tess. This little sunshine I like to share it with all of you. Life is so
 much nicer to live now, it is more a rich feeling I ever could inmagine.

 Wim from Holland

 Ook nieuwsgierig naar de nieuwe Messenger? Download 'm 

Re: [TMIC] Loving thoughts

2009-03-04 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I agree Jeanne, we will keep our site. And of course I also agree that we
will continue to thank God and let our fellow TM'ers know that we are
praying for them. But I am talking more about sharing our faith with each
other. For example, maybe I'd like to share something I read during my
morning meditation. Or a book, such as The Shack. I am a born and raised
Irish Catholic and I would not mind if someone might have some questions
about Catholicism. I'd like to learn some of the festivals that the Jewish
community celebrate. I have no desire to change anyone's religion but I
would love to learn more about someone else's religion. I read Max Lucado
and Henri Nouwen and  the poems of  Rumi (the Sufi Poet). What are your
thoughts about suffering and how do your beliefs help you? But this is a
website for TM not religious beliefs. So if we agree to put OT-Religious
content' then only those who want to will open the e-mail and share their
thoughts. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't but I'd like to give it a try.

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:55 AM, jrushton jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.comwrote:

Hello, dear one...

 Not to worry..  We will keep our site.  We have such family of friends that
 I don't want to take a chance on losing any of you. I would imagine that if
 you don't want to thank God and talk about prayer, you would probably be
 uncomfortable on here.  We seem to come thru no matter what 'decisions' are
 made in how to handle that issue! :)

 And thank you so much for the update on you!!!

 Love you all..Jeanne in Dayton

  *---Original Message---*

 *Date:* 3/3/2009 6:17:08 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Loving thoughts

 *Hello All,*
 *Just wanted to keep you informed as to what is going on here in snowy,
 c,c,c,cold, gray and nasty Michigan.  *
 *As usual, I have another UTI but this time it is being treated?
 differently.  My doctor is at a loss as to what antibiotic to put me on
 because I have become immune to all of them that can be given orally.*
 *The doctor is consulting with my infectious disease specialist to see if
 he can come up with something given by IV at home.  I am so tired of going
 to the hospital, but may have to if the doc cannot come up with something.
 *I believe that today I see the wound care specialist.  Dave says that
 when he changes the dressings, the wounds look pretty good.  One side has
 quite a bit of drainage that is looking a bit green but that's all.
 Hopefully, I will be on something soon to get everything under control.*
 *Rick called me yesterday.  What a dear friend.  I am so fortunate to have
 friends like all of you that I can depend upon to help keep me positive when
 I'm not feeling well.  I got a sweet card from Trudy.  The card is lovely on
 it's own, but the words Trudy wrote are very special.  Faithful Pam calls me
 almost every day...the last time she called we talked forever.*
 *Who else calls?  Ella is a regular, Linda checked in with me last week
 and I know that I am missing someone.  Please forgive me, my friend.  I
 appreciate the outpouring of love.*
 *I can't help but think that our group is a very special entity and hate
 to think of everyone leaving and going to the Yahoo site.  Does anyone know
 if Jim Lubin has anything to do with the other site?  He works so hard to
 maintain this List, I hate to think of people abandoning him simply for a
 change of pace.*
 *It is my hope that people will keep their place on this List and if they
 feel the need to meet new people and read about new ideas and such, I hope
 that they can belong to two sites and not eliminate this one.
 Unfortunately, I only have enough energy to answer email on this one.*

 * Well, please take my loving thoughts with you today and enjoy whatever
 it is that you will be doing.  *
 *Your Jude*

 *A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

Re: [TMIC] Pain Drugs

2009-02-28 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Do you have MS? I am on Lyrica and Cymbalta. So I've got to figure out how
to work it all out. I have a prescription for LDN and I have decided to try
it. Were you on any drugs before the LDN??  I applaud you. I am not very
good about my diet and I know it is essential towards improving my health. I
have gone back for more PT... The Gunny warned me that I'd better get back
to a daily regimen or else!  :)  He of course is right. It's Lent for us
Catholics and if I ever wanted to improve my health the next six weeks are
certainly an opportunity. The only time I can actually stick to my promises.
To improve my health and of most of all to my spirituality.
Thanks for writing

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Akua wrote:

  I've been taking low dose naltrexone since 2006 and my pain abated.
  I  now only take LDN and aspirin ( for blood thinning as  I had a blood
 clot when I first got TM).

 Every so often I repeat this  message to sing the praises of LDN-- and
 perhaps spare someone else unnecessary meds.

 I also have a vitamin regimen, am a non meat eater, am lactose intolerant,
 and  my diet is  fresh food



RE: [TMIC] For you MSr's

2009-02-28 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

So much of what you shared is exactly where I am at. I cannot organize my 
thoughts. It's awful, and my memory is totally gone! I take a drug called 
sanctura for incontinence and I'm not sure it's worth it. Also I hear that 
copaxone is another drug that causes memory loss. It's been 7 yrs now and my 
friends and family have finally begun to understand how fatigue is such an 
incredible factor in this disease. My husband is awesome but it all takes 
awhile. I also agree with you on the religion. I wonder if we just make sure 
we put OT-Religious Content in our Subject area, those of us who wish to share 
our spiritualside can do so. I think that would be great. I wouldn't mind 
asking Jim Lubin if that's acceptable to him??? I agree, I think we are missing 
out on a very crucial part of who we are! Our spiritual side And we would 
be adamant that all religions are welcome as long as we respect each other and 
no evangelizing. Just my thoughts, meanwhile know you are in my prayers. Hang 
tough!! Trudy

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
It empties today of its strengths.

Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 11:42:01 -0800
Subject: Re: [TMIC] For you MSr's

I am physically capable of doing the things I did before but my mind can't seem 
to organize my day in a productive way. This, too, shall pass...for 
both you and your hubbykeep positive thoughts in your heart and mind!!

Mindy the Artist

On Feb 28, 2009, at 1:45 AM, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

Mindy, I forget where you are from, but if you could find a TM or maybe even a 
MS support group and take your husband with you, he might have some hah ha 
moments.  I run a support group in So CA and so many people bring someone close 
to them that doesn't quite get it.  When they hear others describe the things 
the TM'er  has described it is as if a light goes off and a new kind of 
sensitivity sets in.
Let me know where you are from and maybe I can help you find a group near by.
Take care,
Cindy McLeroy

- Original Message -
From: Lawrence King
Cc: Lawrence King
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] For you MSr's

Thanks Linda,  and you too Jill for bringing up the subject! 

I don't post very often but I've been following the group off and on for more 
than a year and a half and the advice I've gotten  from everyone about meds. 
has literally saved my life.  I never lost mobility, can still skip and run if 
I have to.  My balance sucks and I use a cane from time to time but no-one 
could see my pain or have any Idea what I was (and still am) going through!  
sometime I would corner friends and acquaintances and pour out my story.  I 
would even take their hand and tip my head down in hopes that the shock would 
jump from my hand to theirs so that they would feel a bit of what I was going 
through and know that I wasn't some flake case.

after 6 months of this pain I was ready to jump off a cliff like the 
unfortunate herd of pigs who receive the legion of demons Jesus encounters 
possessing  the mad man outside of the city of Gadarenes.  But I did not want 
to hurt my husband and children.  This Sunday is my 2 year anniversary of TM 
and I don't want to jump off a cliff anymore but I still trying to come to 
terms with it all,  I've come a long way but my husband is still a bit baffled 
by the changes in me.  he has reaffirmed his commitment to me and our marriage 
of 22 years but he has a long way to go  when it comes to understanding the 
remaining me and the new parts that have been shaped by this invisible pain.

I figure that medical researchers have until my 8 year old turns 22 to come up 
with effective central pain syndrome treatment or cure... and yes Icontinue 
to pray for it to go away.  the shocks don't bother me as much as the 24/7 

I hope we all find it gone someday!

Mindy the Artist

On Feb 27, 2009, at 9:31 PM, L T CHERPESKI wrote:

I have that too, Mindy - not 24/7 though.  My lesions are high up like yours, 
C4,5  6 and I get the shocks down both arms and hands, and when I bend my head 
I get them from the right side of my neck up the right side only of my head. 
That's a real special one.  
Jill, I don't have MS either.  I think with these crazy diseases there are many 
symptoms that are similar.  Does that ever go away???  That would be nice, but 
I've had TM almost 7 years now and I still have these symptoms.  I'm sure many 
people do not have them anymore - and I hope yours go away!
Linda - Eagle, ID
 Original Message -

From: Lawrence King
Cc: Lawrence King
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] For you MSr's

I have L'hermettes sign on top of the sensation that I have my finger stuck in 
a light socket 24/7.  Imagine that, electrocution with electric bursts... but I 
don't have 

Re: [TMIC] Be my strength

2009-02-21 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Dear Jude
Remember Jude that nothing, absolutely nothing will ever separate you from
the love of Christ Jesus. The Spirit is being poured out on you and the
Spirit of God will make you strong, so let go of all your fears and know
that we are storming heaven with love and prayers for you! Love...  Trudy

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 11:02 AM, wrote:

 *Dear Jude,

 As you face this surgery, just remember that we are all with you in spirit,
 even though you may not know all of us.  We are right by your side with
 powerful energy and prayers as you enter the unknown.  As frightening as it
 is, God will lead you through it.  He will be there holding your hand.

 You have such an unselfish attitude worrying about us, that you won't be
 able to comfort us.  Just get well soon and return to us in good health.
 Thank you for your love and concern.

  Priscilla in TN


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 11:49 pm
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Be my strength

  Dearest Jude,

 It is indeed a comfort to know that this wonderful TM Family is always here
 for us.  And you are right - we are all brothers and sisters, we have so
 much to share.

 You will be in my prayers, Jude, all the way. I pray you will find peace in
 knowing we are all here for you, as you have always been for us. You've said
 you need our strength. We will be your strength.

 Love to you, dear Jude,


 - Original Message -
 *Sent:* Monday, February 09, 2009 12:15 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Be my strength

 * difficult it is for some of us to keep smiles on our faces
 and thanksgiving in our hearts.

 With the loss of loved ones, family strife, difficulties out of our
 control, lurching, falling, not walking at all and the pain and agony of TM
 it is a miracle to find ourselves within a group of people with arms long
 enough to stretch around each and every one of us.

 It seems as though we all believe in something larger than ourselves.  We
 are strong in our personal faiths and each one of us has a place within this
 group.  If even one of us leaves the List, something is lost forever.  When
 a new member joins, something is gained.  We are stronger yet.

 I must apologize for the times that I have been out of commission and not
 there for those of you that are in need of comfort.  Please know that even
 though I may not be writing to the List, you are all, my brothers and
 sisters, in my Prayers...Always.  Know that in your heart of hearts and may
 it help to know that I am still there for you.

 When I am at my lowest, I take such comfort in knowing that you are there
 for me.  You hold me up, clear my head, help me with the pain while I wait
 for the next shot of morphine.  Your love lifts me up, your Prayers and
 thoughts keep me strong and I know that I am not alone.

 Some of you call regularly, some send cards and pictures, others send
 flowers and a couple of you that live nearby, even visit in person. One of
 you stands by me Praying and Singing Hymns even when I cannot join you.
 Know my thanks is true.

 I will shortly be going through a surgery that I am not feeling comfortable
 about.  I have thoughts of not making it through.  I need you to help me.  I
 worry about the infection spreading even stronger throughout my body and
 blood.  I am not yet ready to die.

 Thank you all for being my lifeline.  I am counting on you to send your
 Prayers up to God in Heaven in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.  It does
 not matter if you do not believe...I will believe for both of us.

 Thank you for your help.  I am scared and need your strength.  Give me only
 the energy you can spare.  I love you.  I am not going to be writing much
 but if you need me, let me know.


 A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

 *A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

 Looking for work? Get job alerts, employment information, career advice
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[TMIC] Adult camp

2009-02-12 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

In an e-mail quite a while ago someone mentioned that there was a camp for 
Adults (are we handicapped or disabled) to go to a camp about 2 hours from 
Atlanta, Ga. Does anyone by any chance have the info on that  In beautiful, 
awesome 70 degree weather in Va. here in Feb!The snow will arrive this weekend. 
 As they say payback is a bitchTake careTrudyWorrying does not empty tomorrow 
of its
troubles; It empties today of its strengths.
Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync.

Re: [TMIC] Today Show

2009-01-28 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
So sorry Kevin, isn't that what makes our condition so exhausting! You never
know when you wake up each day how you're going to feel. I am going to look
into it but I really appreciate your e-mail. It brought me back down to
earth for awhile there I was dreaming of maybe playing tennis again some
day... That's o.k. I am more than blessed in being able to go and do
whatever I want with my car Hand controls and my walker.
Have a good one!

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:02 PM, kevin weilacher hwyfli...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I was a guinea pig test of that exact device in the Physical Therapy
 section at the hospital where I go for my PT.
 I had no success at all with it. I was told that it was probably because
 the nerves in my legs that this device activates, were not functioning.
 The representative that was doing the demo even had the device cranked up
 all the way.., to the point that it felt like I had lightning shooting out
 of my toes, and I still had nothing.
 Two other people that they demo'd on had had strokes and they did have some
 success with the device.
 My neuro told me that the level of effectiveness with a device like this on
 a person with TM, is determined by where their lesion is and what nerves are
 affected by the TM.
 I guess I'm one of the lucky onesOh well..
 *From:* Trudy Ogilvie
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:06:25 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Today Show

 Please take a look and tell me what you think??  Click on the woman with
 the MS story to tell..

RE: [TMIC] Today Show

2009-01-28 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Barney,You guys up in New York are having a tough time of it. My brother lives 
out on Long Island and my daughter lives and works (now for Barclays previously 
the infamous Lehman Bros.. )  We finally got our first snow. It was beautiful 
at first, now it has turned to freezing rain. And for some reason people in 
this area think driving faster on ice and snow is the best and quickest way to 
get somewhere  :) (I live next door to Washington, DC - in Virginia.Well, good 
luck!!! I hope and pray that your insurance company agrees to the WalkAide.  We 
should hold a bake sale or sell Krispy Kreme donuts outside the Pentagon! I did 
for my son's soccer team.  Up at 3:00 a.m to pick up the donuts then set up 
outside the Pentagon. Tho probably now they wouldn't allow that anymore  
Well take care and hope all is well with you and your 
familySincerelyTrudyWorrying does not empty tomorrow of its
troubles; It empties today of its strengths.Subject: RE: [TMIC] Today ShowDate: 
Tue, 27 Jan 2009 14:12:49 -0500From: bernie.butc...@honeywell.comto:;

Hi Trudy – I saw this show this
morning – it’s a WalkAide -  I was fitted for one  now it’s
up to my insurance – it costs about $5,000.00. It worked for me, but I
won’t be able to climb any mountains like she was. All it did was lift my
toes, so I won’t need my AFO brace any more. There is also an exercise
mode where I can sit  it will trigger every 4 seconds to build leg


in NY praying for early spring

From: Trudy Ogilvie
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009
1:06 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Today Show


Please take
a look and tell me what you think??  Click on the woman with the MS story
to tell..


Windows Live™: E-mail. Chat. Share. Get more ways to connect.

Re: [TMIC] Tuesday am

2009-01-28 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
And me too!!!  Lots of uplifting news this weekJude I can't get out to
my mailbox due to this snowstorm that has turned into an icy nightmare but
you are in my thoughts and prayers...  Kim you're doing awesome, keep us
informed and sounds like Patti made it thru her first day back with flying
colors. There will always be obstacles for us to face but in the end they
make us stronger! Trudy

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Catherine wrote:

 I second that!  Catherine

 *From:* jrushton
 *To:* Patricia Cooley; tmic
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:58:24 AM
 *Subject:* RE: [TMIC] Tuesday am

   *I am so very thankful for you doing better, dear Jude, for you Kim
 getting to your doctor and thru your surgery so well, and for you Patti, for
 this new adventure you are taking.  I am truly thankful that you are strong
 enough to even do the part time let alone tackle the full time.  I am
 blessed for all of you, every one of you TM'ers that are such a strong part
 of my life.  I thank God for each and every one of you.  Jeanne in Dayton*

  *---Original Message---*

  *From:* Patricia Cooley
 *Date:* 1/27/2009 10:01:42 AM
 *Subject:* RE: [TMIC] Tuesday am





 *From:* []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 27, 2009 7:07 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Tuesday am

 Morning, I can not talk; my neck is so sore and hurts. Well made it thru
 surgery, had no clue it was going to hurt so much later. I have a drain tube
 coming out of my neck, once they check it they might let me go home today.
 Need lots of pain meds right now!!

 They have these compression wraps around my legs that squeeze and release
 my legs from ankles to thighs. To stop blood clots and let me tell you they
 feel great!! Its likes having leg messages now this is something I want to
 take home!

 They are going to set me up with some physical therapy; I have some
 weakness in my arms which I don't need with the wheel chair walker.

 Still working on 1 to 4 hours sleep so having  a hard time with
 consternation and memory issues, I have to write everything down..

 If all goes well I will be back to work Monday!  And will have an income to
 pay for all of this Yippee

 So once I find out if I am going home I will pass the word on!

 Thanks again for all the encourgement and prayers I can really feel the
 support and friendship

[TMIC] Re: Alas, the joys of having TM

2009-01-28 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I love it, I absolutely love it  Isn't it the absolute worst... not to
be too gross but some go on forever!!!  Thanks for sharing  I would bet
there are a few more embarrassing stories  out there. again thanks for a
good laugh Jeanne!with much love

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:59 AM, jrushton

*I'm going to tell on myself after reading Trudy and Patti's e-mails
 about working...*
 *I was a full time hard working lead nurse when the TM hit and of course,
 was off for quite some time due to the paralysis.  The clinic insisted that
 I not worry, that they were going to keep my position (I think because
 nobody else wanted it!! :)) for whenever and however I was able to return.
 They even wanted to set up a room where I could rest and nap if I needed
 to.  *
 *When I was ready to try, I had to figure out how to get there which was
 40 miles so they insisted on taking turns coming to get and take me back
 home!  Finally Jack worked with me helping me get back to driving and I have
 NO idea how I did it but I did.  So the big day came and off I went.  I had
 called them to let them know I was on my way and when I got there, there
 were pictures and signs all over the place showing everyone with this
 horrified look on their faces.  Such fun.*

 *Anyway, I didn't work one-on-one with patients like I did when I was just
 nursing...I just walked around being bossy!!  I liked that and when I got
 back they had a walker all duded up with streamers, a horn, stickers, and a
 basket.  Well, if they got smart with me, they got a whack from my walker
 wheel.  They were scared to death of me...rght. *

 *One day one of the nurses was about to give an allergy shot and she got a
 phone call and asked me to give the problem.  As I was standing
 right next to the patient giving him his shot, what happened but I released
 a great, big, loud fart  The patient was one I knew well and he was
 gracious enough to not even flinch or let on like he heard but there was NO
 way he couldn't.  I finished, went back to my desk and put my hands to my
 face and cried. The nurse that I was helping came right in and asked what
 was wrong and began crying right along with me until I started laughing and
 then we had a hard time stopping. Here I get to be a nurse for the first
 time in a long, long time and what do I do but let loose with a great big
 fart!  *
 *You know that with this TM, some of us lose control of bodily functions
 and that was one of them.  Of course, it took all of about five minutes for
 everyone to hear about it so it was a day of laughter all day long.  I just
 wasn't able to continue working and had to put my resignation in not long
 after that and was given a wonderful going away party and guess what was
 the big highlight???  Anyway, like I said...this is a story telling on
 myself...* *Jeanne in Dayton*

  *---Original Message---*

  *From:* Trudy Ogilvie
 *Date:* 1/27/2009 11:17:18 AM
 *To:* Patricia Cooley
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Tuesday am

 Patti,  You will do just fine. Just getting back to work will give you the
 energy to hang in there.  I know exactly how you feel. I had to go back with
 a walker. It was a bit humiliating but God gives us what we need when we
 need it. So stay strong, remember you are never alone, God will always send
 you an angel to help you if you need it. I cannot open many of the heavy
 doors at school, clinics etc.  but it seems that there's always some kind
 person ready to help me - some much older than I and some very surprising
 young angry looking kids that turn out to be angels.!!! At first my pride
 would not let me accept the help but I have learned it is good to give
 and to receive! Have wonderful day let us know how it goes!

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Patricia Cooley 





 *From:* []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 27, 2009 7:07 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Tuesday am

 Morning, I can not talk; my neck is so sore and hurts. Well made it thru
 surgery, had no clue it was going to hurt so much later. I have a drain tube
 coming out of my neck, once they check it they might let me go home today.
 Need lots of pain

Re: [TMIC] Tuesday am

2009-01-27 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Patti, You will do just fine. Just getting back to work will give you the
energy to hang in there.  I know exactly how you feel. I had to go back with
a walker. It was a bit humiliating but God gives us what we need when we
need it. So stay strong, remember you are never alone, God will always send
you an angel to help you if you need it. I cannot open many of the heavy
doors at school, clinics etc.  but it seems that there's always some kind
person ready to help me - some much older than I and some very surprising
young angry looking kids that turn out to be angels.!!! At first my pride
would not let me accept the help but I have learned it is good to give
and to receive! Have wonderful day let us know how it goes!

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Patricia Cooley patticoo...@wi.rr.comwrote:





 *From:* []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 27, 2009 7:07 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Tuesday am

 Morning, I can not talk; my neck is so sore and hurts. Well made it thru
 surgery, had no clue it was going to hurt so much later. I have a drain tube
 coming out of my neck, once they check it they might let me go home today.
 Need lots of pain meds right now!!

 They have these compression wraps around my legs that squeeze and release
 my legs from ankles to thighs. To stop blood clots and let me tell you they
 feel great!! Its likes having leg messages now this is something I want to
 take home!

 They are going to set me up with some physical therapy; I have some
 weakness in my arms which I don't need with the wheel chair walker.

 Still working on 1 to 4 hours sleep so having  a hard time with
 consternation and memory issues, I have to write everything down..

 If all goes well I will be back to work Monday!  And will have an income to
 pay for all of this Yippee

 So once I find out if I am going home I will pass the word on!

 Thanks again for all the encourgement and prayers I can really feel the
 support and friendship

Re: [TMIC] kim Monday AM update

2009-01-26 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Kim,Great attitude!!!  I find too with this dam TM it's better to joke about
it at times then worry over it!!!  It is what it is but you are truly
wrapped in a  blanket of prayer today so relax cause we got you

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:18 AM, wrote:

  Monday morning update

 Ok on NPO until after surgery at 2:00 with the steroids its not going to be
 easy. For breakfast I was able to have 2 Ambian's and one Morphine shot, so
 this is my breakfast of champions today! LOL… think this will get my mind
 off of food while I am in a coma! He he he

 Jenna will be here today with me and once  I am out of recovery she will
 send a broadcast email on how I am doing. I feel good and this is and it's
 the right decision to make. They took me off the steroids yesterday for
 about 3 hours and the pain/stinging in my arms came back so seeing as this
 has been going on for four years it's time to bit the big one, get it done
 and move one.

 Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers!!!

Re: [TMIC] Any news on Jude?

2009-01-24 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
You are incredible!!! The good thoughts and prayers just keep on coming!!
Love ya

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 2:51 AM, wrote:

 *Yes,  I have an update on myself.  But first, thank*
 *you all for the love and prayers sent my way.  *
 *I am sure I could feel the warmth of all of your *
 *arms around me and the prayers have worked, *
 *because I am now home.*
 *The doctors still do not know the names of the *
 *bacteria that has invaded my body.  They have *
 *sent cultures out to U of M in Ann Arbor (A2), *
 *but no one can figure out what kind of bacteria *
 *they are.  I now have several new ones and all the*
 *docs say is that the bacteria is colonic in nature,*
 *meaning they come from the colon, but they have *
 *not been seen before so no one knows how to treat *
 *them.  There is no problem with sending me to *
 *Ann Arbor, but so far it has been sufficient to *
 *send the labs, and I agree with that.*
 *I am just a tad septic, with an attack of *
 *autonomicdysreflexia that caused my blood *
 *pressure to plummet.  I was talking to Gunny at *
 *the time, so it is his fault!!!   LOL...  My home nurse*
 *had just arrived so when she got in the house, *
 *Gunny hung up, but he waited online for me, not *
 *wanting to leave me alone.  The nurse took vitals *
 *and my blood pressure was 85/54 and she *
 *immediately called 911.  I remember nothing after *
 *that, but woke up in the hospital later on.*
 *They didn't do a whole lot for me in the hospital *
 *because the drugs they were giving me were *
 *making me feel sick.  Each time they tried a new *
 *med I would throw it back up at **them and so they*
 *quit that after a while.  The **wounds,*
 *(pressure sores) are what are infected and ** now *
 *the bones in that vicinity are dx'd as being *
 *diseased too, so treatment it very difficult.  This *
 *time, before sending me home, they took deep *
 *biopsies and lots of blood to send to the various *
 *labs in the area, including A2.*
 *Umm, I have not had much energy.  All blood *
 *levels are low, except for the ones that are *
 *supposed to be low...those are high!  *
 *Well, folks, I am getting tired and sleepy. So *
 *will go for now and catch you up on the rest*
 *I love and appreciate you all.*

Re: [TMIC] JUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2009-01-22 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I too want to thank you so much for keeping us informed of what is happening
to Jude. She is in our prayers and our thoughts! It's hard to believe all
that she has been through. Yet she still worries about us! I must admit that
I have come and gone on this list over the last 7 yrs... but Jude has been
faithful.  When one of us suffers we all suffer When I got home today I
was almost afraid to check the list for fear that she had gotten much
worse. I have lost Jude's home address. If anyone has it, please e-mail
it to me... ThanksTrudy

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Patricia Cooley patticoo...@wi.rr.comwrote:



 *From:* []
 *Sent:* Thursday, January 22, 2009 7:16 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] JUDE!1







 From Wall Street to Main Street and everywhere in between, stay up-to-date
 with the latest news

Re: [TMIC] OT- The Numbers-OT

2009-01-14 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
No, you've got to go . are you sure it's 5,000?  I thought it was 15,000
 Isn't there something you can do! This is going to be awesome. This will be
thee most historic event ever!!  And of course you are used to the cold. I
think they're trying to scare us with all the numbers being thrown around.
Hoping we bedroom people won't show up!  All bridges going into town are
closed.It is incredible. I don't do well in a crowded metro car...  Did it
once for breast cancer and won't do it again. We were like sardines! I could
hardly breathe So I will watch it at home on my television. They are
predicting sun but COLD...
I do hope you get to go!

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 4:54 PM, wrote:

 Dear Gang,

 Well, As you know, I received my invitation from the Inaugural Committee a
 while ago, then I learned about the numbers:

 Approx.. 2,000,000 people

 Approx.. 5,000 porta potties

 Therefore: 400 people to one potty

 The average visitation to a potty takes 4 minutes

 Therefore: 1600 minutes for everyone to go once

 So 1600 minutes divided by 60 minutes in an hour:  26.6 hours for everyone
 to visit once.

 I don't think I'm going


Re: [TMIC] OT: NO SISSY Friend

2009-01-14 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Great sentiment!!  I especially like #8[?]  Thanks for thinking of us!
and Hugs to you too!Trudy

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 2:26 AM, wrote:

  I really liked the sentiment of this message.  If you don't like it, just
 delete it.  Hugs to all, Barbara

 None of that Sissy Crap

 Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good,
 but never actually come close to reality?

 Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship.

 You will see no cutesy little smiley faces on this card - Just the stone
 cold truth of our great friendship.

 1. When you are sad --I will jump on the person who made you sad like a
 spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!

 2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

 3. When you smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I must be
 involved in.

 4. When you're scared -- we will high tail it out of here.

 5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much
 worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby

 6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.

 7. When you are sick --Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't
 want whatever you have.

 8. When you fall -- I'll pick you up and dust you off-- After I laugh my
 butt off!!

 9. This is my oath...I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask -- because
 you are my FRIEND!

 Friendship is like peeing in your pants

 Everyone can see it, But only you can feel the true warmth.

 Send this to 10 of your closest friends,

 Then get depressed because you can only think  Of 4.

 Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews
 on AOL Autos.

 Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read
 reviews on AOL Autos.

 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG.
 Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.6.0/1601 - Release Date:
 8/8/2008 9:02 AM

 *A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

 *A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 


[TMIC] Washington Post article/Intravenous immune globulin

2009-01-11 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Did anyone get a chance to read the Washington Post article I sent out. A
young teenager was given intravenous immune globulin. at Children's
hospital after he was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis, when the steroids
didn't work. Two weeks later he walked out and has made the basketball team
at his college. I asked my neuro about this and she said that it was too
late for me, but if I insisted she would help me work with Medicare (they
really give you a hard time!) to give it a try. Tho she said I would have to
have these infusions every 8 weeks or so for the rest of  my life? She did
say that she doubted very much that it would help at all. Has anyone
here ever had these infusions...??

Carol I was wondering if you could talk to your neuro?   Just a thought!

Also I use the same quote as you but it's only on my Hotmail account.. It
was nice to see it again!


2009-01-10 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I could not agree more!! The major problem with e-mails is you cannot see
the person's face nor their particular way of speaking. I am grew up in New
York... need I say more.. yet still some of my friends don't know if I'm
joking or serious in an e-mail.  So as a result you definitely have some
misunderstandings and I think that is what happened here. There is truly
no one on this list who would intentionally hurt someone's feelings.  Yet it
happens all the time. We don't want anyone leaving this list. We do need
each other.So please, let's just chalk it up to an unfortunate
misunderstanding.  You know if we all went to gmail, we could put a picture
up and at least you would get an idea of who you are talking to. just my
idea . you will not hurt my feelings if you disagree...  tho I am from
New York and most definitely connected to the Irish Mafia  .. just a
joke  :) Trudy
P.S. Jude we need you!! don't even think about it are you sure you're
not catholic??   (jk) means joke!

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 6:21 PM, wrote:

  No, Jude, you are most definitely NOT a part of any problem--if there
 even is one.

 Naturally when people are involved, not everything suits or pleases
 everyone and some things may annoy certain ones but not others.
 If we just try to stick to the guidelines set up for the list (although I
 can't remember them or know how to find them--maybe they should be sent once
 in a while) that would help but there will still be some little rubs now
 and again.

 But, anyway, Jude, you are an encouragement and I know of nothing that you
 have written that is a problem.

 Gary in snowy SW Michigan

 - Original Message -
 *To:* ;
 *Sent:* Saturday, January 10, 2009 1:16 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] UNSUBSCRIBE

*I respond to a lot of my email directly to the person who wrote it,
 even though it was sent to the List.*
 *I also write directly to the List and would like to know if I am one of
 the  persons this email is written about?  If I am making a problem for
 someone I would like to offer an apology and will remove myself from the
 List, even though it is a life saving group for me.*
 *Without the support from the friends I have made from this List, I don't
 think that I would have recovered from the pneumonia and staff infection
 last year.  I still have the bug and rely on my friends more than ever.*
 *Please let me know if I am part of the problem and I will say my goodbyes
 so that others will be able to use the List for what they need it to be.*

  In a message dated 1/10/2009 1:01:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:


 What can be done about some of the unnecessary discussions that have been
 occurring on this site in the past 8 or so months. They have been many
 people who have left this group and I believe it might be because of the
 bantering back and forth.

 Is it possibly that the ones doing the bantering can be removed off the
 list or blocked instead?

 The type of discussions in the past weeks have bothered me just a touch.

 I joined the group because I lost the use of my leg, followed by my bladder
 and recently had an attack on my brain stem that resulted in trigeminal

 I joined the group for help and because I was out there in the world
 without answers and in fear and desperation.

 I can handle a lot of the stuff that is said but I have noticed that when I
 read this bantering back and forth that it creates a negative focus in my
 mind and clogs up my email.

 I have thought that I might just get a new email account just for this TM
 group or just talk to friendly members using another Internet service so
 that I don't have to read the drama. I get enough of the drama from high
 school students where I work.

 *A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

Re: [TMIC] Deepest Sympathies to our member Rick and his family.

2009-01-06 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
You are so right Gracie,there are no words, just a great deal of prayer for
you and your family.

On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Grace M. wrote:

 *I am so very sorry to hear of the recent loss of you son.  There really
 are no appropriate words at a time like this.  Just know that you and your
 family, are in our thoughts and prayers.*

[TMIC] Exercise 2009

2009-01-06 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Would someone please give me an incentive to exercise every day. Does it
really make a difference?  Also is anyone heading to D.C. for the huge
celebration and festivities during the Inauguration? Maybe we can do

Virginia, cold, wet and rainy day and we're taking down all our Christmas
decorations... Bah humbug!

Re: [TMIC] Pain

2008-12-31 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Dear Jude,After just reading your e-mail I surfed around on the net about
pressure sores and how serious and painful they can be. I found one site I
thought informative tho I have a feeling you know all this and are hoping
for some new found idea as to how to heal the pain.
As for the pain in your heart, I am so so sorry.  True family and friends
stay with you thru it all... I reminds me of the story in the Scriptures
about the sower and the seed... some fell on rocky ground and for awhile
they were caring and joyful but... eventually the world's glitter got in
the way ... but we here in the TM group we are like the seed in the
good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good
heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance.Luke 8:15 (New
American Standard) We will always be here for you because you know that we
pray for you and all of our TM group, every day!!
May this year bring us peace, joy and perseverance!!!
Love ya

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 5:07 PM, wrote:

 *Have many of you had pressure sores that have become infected and are
 extremely painful?*
 *I know I only post when it's rainy weather but I really need some help.
 The problem is that there are two major sores, one on each butt cheek.*
 *I can find no comfortable position. *
 *And my family came through at Christmas time as usual...not one phone
 call, not one visitor, not one email.*
 *They were angry because we didn't make it to the get together.  I told
 them I can only travel by ambulance because I am not allowed to sit at all.
 They thought it was a joke.*
 *It's not fair...*
 *I love you guys.*
 * *

 One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo
 Mail. Try it 

[TMIC] E-mail OT

2008-12-31 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I was sure I had put OT in the e-mail I sent to Jude but I guess since it
was a reply it didn't accept the OT  ? not sure... but I do not want
to upset anyone on the last day of the year.  Again. be happy, eat, play,
dance, celebrate a new year . a new administration for the U.S.
 What  a world we live in!!!Happy New Year to my TM friends

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; It empties today of its

Re: [TMIC] SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-12-11 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Gerry,You've got the prayers and positive thoughts... especially with this
group...  That's exactly how I like my snow in front of a fireplace..
tonight we are getting deluged with rain here in Northern Va. With all that
we have yet to do for Christmas I guess rain is the best thing right now...
Take care of yourself and know you are in my prayers..

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 3:13 PM, Gerry Surette suret...@sympatico.cawrote:

 We in Montreal have received 10 inches of snow 3 inches of freezing rain
 then another 3 inches of snow. tonight and tomorrow  another 8 inches of
 snow. I love seeing it on the ground it is beautiful; being housebound it is
 a joy to see it I regret the number of people who have to go out in this.
 please keep me in your prayers as my white blood count cell count has gone
 down to 22,000. the critical level is 25,000. I can bleed uncontrolably. I
 have been prescribed an anti rejection transplant pills which is suppose to
 prevent this. I had my spleen removed  on April 29th. but Apparantly didn't
 work. I need all the prayes and positive thouths. otherwise I feel great for
 the shape I am in. gerry

  From: Patricia Cooley
 Subject: RE: [TMIC] SNOW!!
 Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 10:59:03 -0600

 Enjoy it Pam.  We just had a 7 to 12 inch snow fall on Tuesday and it is
 COLD - in the low to mid 20's.  We are scheduled to have over 100 inches
 snow this year.  We would be glad to send some to you so you can continue
 enjoy.  The kids would love it.  I am waiting for Spring.  Hopefully, I
 won't be so cold.

 Patti in Wisconsin

 From: []
 Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 8:04 AM
 Subject: [TMIC] SNOW!!








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Re: [TMIC] survey - American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association

2008-12-06 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Bernie, glad to hear from you and looks like you've still got your sense
of humor!!!  Survey is completed! Very easy and simple to do Take care!Go

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 4:05 AM, Bernard Pelow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: who is willing to take the time,
 please fill out this short survey for the AARDA; it's extremely important
 that they have accurate statistical information on the autoimmune community,
 *especially* if your family suffers from more than one autoimmune disease
 - even if it's not the same one!  See the website for a full list if you're
 not familiar with other autoimmune disorders, though if your family members
 have them, I'm sure you're already somewhat familiar, ha ha.  Thank you so
 much for your time, it's greatly appreciated!  The more accurate information
 the AARDA gets from the actual community, the better they can shape and
 create the trials necessary to assist us!  And if anyone is interested,
 there is also a portion included at the bottom of the survey where you can
 include your personal information so that you can be contacted if you fit
 criteria for research purposes, so if you're interested in participating in
 a study that they might be doing, by all means, list your information.  But
 keep in mind - studies can also be rigorous and can require a lot of time
 and energy, for some (actually, probably many of us) with TM and many other
 autoimmune disorders, this is an undertaking not to be considered lightly;
 so include your information if you're interested, but if you are contacted,
 be sure to intimate what your limits are, and be clear what you are and are
 not capable of and how much you will participate in.  EG: filling out forms,
 talking on the phone, forwarding medical records, to actually going in and
 having physicals or participating in the whole studies if desired.  Thanks
 for reading and the consideration - and spread the word if you know another
 community where this website would be applicable and appreciated!

 On a more personal note, sorry I haven't been online guys, but all hell has
 broken loose in the family medically, and I don't get on the computer much
 anymore.  Hope everyone is doing as well as can be, and certainly better
 than I feel, har har har.  *grin*  Special thoughts and prayers to Jude, and
 anyone else in similar situations.  Will try to be more forthcoming with
 information and better at interacting in the near future - a silver lining
 is coming (it's gotta be *grin*).

 Namaste ~

Re: [TMIC] OT Holiday Cheer OT

2008-12-04 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
This truly restores my faith in people!! What a great gift!!Trudy

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The Benefactor of the Ball
 Va. Man Spends $1 Million on Inaugural Package for Disadvantaged
 By Michael E. Ruane
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Thursday, December 4, 2008; A01

 It was billed as the biggest, most eye-popping of the inauguration hotel
 packages: the JW Marriott's $1 million build-your-own-ball offer. You get
 300 rooms, four suites, $200,000 worth of food and drink, and a primo site
 overlooking the Pennsylvania Avenue parade route.

 And it was snapped up within hours of Barack Obama's election as president
 by a customer the hotel declined to identify.

 This morning, the Marriott is scheduled to announce that the buyer is a
 Virginia businessman who wants to bring to the inauguration disadvantaged
 people, terminally ill patients, wounded soldiers and others down on their

 Earl W. Stafford, 60, of Fairfax County, the founder of a Centreville
 technology company who grew up as one of 12 children of a Baptist minister,
 said he will provide his guests lodging, food and special access, as well as
 beauticians, gowns and tuxedos, if necessary.

 Stafford has paid the $1 million, a spokesman said, and is prepared to
 spend $600,000 more for a breakfast, a luncheon and two balls at the hotel.
 Stafford said he hopes to recoup some of the $600,000 from other sponsors,
 yet to be recruited.

 We wanted to . . . bless those who otherwise wouldn't have an opportunity
 to be a part of the great celebration, the inauguration and the
 festivities, he said in an interview yesterday. Our objective is to bring
 in a cross-section of society -- those who are distressed, those who are
 terminally ill, those who are socially and economically disadvantaged, those
 veterans who are wounded and served our country.

 Stafford said the idea was inspired by his deep religious faith and the
 good fortune that has come his way. The inauguration is an opportunity to
 remember the less fortunate and remind the country of its traditions of
 benevolence, he said.

Re: [TMIC] Devics NMO Relapse.

2008-11-27 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Grace,I know there really are no words that can heal the pain and the
depression you are going thru. I will pray for you. Just know that you have
people who do understand and do care and will be thinking of you no matter
how far away we are. Keep writing to us... it helps!
we'll listen and we'll keep in touch with you we want to . write
every day if it makes you feel better. You will get thru this
In my thought and my prayers!!

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:23 PM, Lawrence King [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 my thoughts and prayers are with you.  I have witnessed how you have been
 instrumental in helping others in their affliction and wish the same could
 happen for you.  you are one of my hero's on this list!

 Mindy the Artist

 On Nov 26, 2008, at 12:08 PM, Grace M. wrote:

 *Sorry for being out of touch, but have relapsed.  It is my vision this
 time.  We did an emergency chemo and three days of IV SoluMedrol and I'll be
 repeating chemo on Devcember 8th.  My vision has not improved much, and I am
 very disheartened.*
 *I just had an MRI of the cord, brainstem and brain, about three months
 ago and everything was stable---so, this really hit me out of the blue.*
 *Why couldn't it have been simple MS?  Why this?   We have recently had
 several deaths among our  Devic's Advocacy members and have several more
 that are in terrible shape.  My heart just can't cope with it anymore.  I
 HATE this.*

Re: [TMIC] Caregivers

2008-11-21 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Gunny,Don't lose touch with us! And don't count out your grandson yet. And
remember that invitation is always there for you. If you come to visit Dr.
Kerr please stop by and we'll have a toast to the Corps.
Semper Fi

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 11:00 AM, jrushton

  Gunny, you are a very special man.. Jeanne

Re: [TMIC] another story

2008-11-21 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Tobe, Did you know that you can have hand controls put on your car?  It
would definitely be a wild ride if I ever tried itI also can't feel my
feet nor do I know where they are unless I'm looking right at them. One of
the reasons that I now hate the dark.  I certainly feel lots of pain but
that's about it. I had hand controls put on my car and it sure made my life
so much better. In some states you can get some help paying for it. Tho I
was not able to get it here in Virginia. Please let me know if there is
anything I can do to help you with this? I think if you type in hand
controls for the handicapped you might find a list in New York. If you're
interested let me know and I'll help you find some info on it.
Have a great Thanksgiving

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 9:30 AM, T Kanon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Everyone,
 I have another story about how a friend interpreted our illness.
 Unfortunately I can no longer drive due to TM.  I can't feel my feet.  So I
 applied  for and received a special permit that allows me to put up to ten
 license numbers on it. I listed several friends who take me places and they
 can park at meters without paying or on alternate side days.
 One friend asked me if she could borrow it and not knowing how to say no
 I lent it to her.  She continued to ask me for it and I said I can't.  I
 could lose the priviledge and it is not meant to lend out.  She asked me
 whom did I know to get a permit like that and passed the word around that I
 was selfish.  Lately I find people very annoying
 Brooklyn NY   :O)

Re: [TMIC] Jims surgery today at Port Huron General

2008-11-20 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
You are both in my thoughts and prayers.  It will be a great Thanksgiving to
get him home.  Take care and enjoy our one day of the year dedicated just to
eating food...with NO guilt  :)

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 9:45 PM, Jan Hargrove [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Glad all went well!! am sure home will be heaven on earth!!   janh

 --- On *Wed, 11/19/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 Subject: [TMIC] Jims surgery today at Port Huron General
 Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 7:24 PM

  Jim had his gall bladder surgery today. All is well so far. Having TM
 really makes a simple Laproscopic surgery a bit more of a challenge, just as
 having had a radical prostatectomy makes TM more of a challenge. Jim has had
 an artificial sphincter since 1992 as a result of the surgery. His nurses
 had no idea what that was and that they would have to see, that he could
 void, so he wouldn't explode .Anyway it was a real revelation for them. I am
 sure that as soon as they let him have some solid food he will be ready to
 come home and get back to his routine of riding the bike at the gym etc.
 Happy Thanksgiving to all of you ,carol and jim

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Re: [TMIC] Neurontin again

2008-11-16 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Would you say that goes for Lyrica also?  I used to take 2400mg. of
Neurontin for years... then Lyrica became the next in drug..Trudy

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 8:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Frank, you take it, don't you?

 I tried Neurontin in 2001.  It made me too sleepy so it was stopped. In
 August 2001 I saw Dr. Kerr who started me on Marinol, Phenobarbital and

 If anyone is thinking of stopping Neurontin, tell your doctor before, AND
 TAPER DOWN slowly

 Good Luck


[TMIC] USMC Birthday

2008-11-10 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Have not heard from the Gunny in quite awhile and I hope he gets this! Today
is the birthday of the Marine Corps. Thank youGunny for serving your country
and I hope you have a very Happy Birthday. If there any other Marines on the
list I hope your
having a great day!

Semper Fi

Re: [TMIC] neuro report - went to my primary neuro - back in hospital - questions

2008-11-10 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
What's most important is that you believe in this guy Homes... and that's
huge. You are already ahead of the game. So glad the gabapentin helped. You
can also help by doing some deep breathing exercises and a little morning
meditation (on whatever you want)
Your body is going thru a tough time and you can calm it down a bit just
breathing right and giving it some quiet time.  Meanwhile,
we'll keep sending you lots of good vibes  thoughts and prayers and
whatever else we can do for you ... we will...
take care

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 10:23 PM, randy rankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hormes says that my brain stem was demylenating and I'm back in the
 hospital. Tomorrow they will do a lumbar puncture and several specific test
 and start me on steriods and other stuf. Hormes is the guy that got me back
 on my feet when I lost my right leg in 2006 so he believes that he can stop
 this problem and get it all fixed. If it keeps going, I 'm at great risk of
 loosing more than hearing in my right ear and terrible facial pain - there
 are already electric shocks going down my leg and making my feet feel like
 i'm standing on an electric grid but those are rare. The gabapentin really
 made a BIG difference with the pain but i still keep getting facial funny
 feelings and in my hands ect - and the vertigo is still horrible enough to
 cause me to loose my balance. I think after the hospital I should be ok ---
 surely surely this will be fixed and go away and I can get back to life ???
 what do you all think?/??

Re: [TMIC] i think i'm starting to get answers to the TM and the present problem ... stress/virus ... feedback???

2008-11-09 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Randy,What a nightmare! I am so, so sorry. My husband has Menier's disease,
an inner ear autoimmune disease, and when it was at its worst he was so very
That too they think is caused by a virus.  Don't know if you have time for
it but they say that practicing deep breathing exercises and meditation can
help in calming down the body at times. And do not let the bitches of this
world get to you.  Anyway hang in there and know we're thinking about you!
Take care

On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 1:40 AM, L T CHERPESKI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Randy, sweetie, I'm thinking we need a group hug!!!  Seldom am I left
 speechless, but I seriously cannot believe what you have been going
 through.  I'm not sure if you saw Frank's post, but he had a bit of advice
 for you.  Sorry I have no advice to offer, but you know we all want you to
 get better - and soon!

 Big hug for ya

 - Original Message -
 *From:* randy rankin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *To:* Betty [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; TM Group ; 
 *Sent:* Friday, November 07, 2008 5:50 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] i think i'm starting to get answers to the TM and the
 present problem ... stress/virus ... feedback???

   I went to my chiro doc today and he has hired a lady who works on
 trigger points and muscles.

 She found that my neck(front/back) muscles were very tight and worked on
 them. she found trigger points all over the place and after she finished
 working on them i was so much better - the face was soft and I could
 open/close my mouth without problem; therefore, it CAN'T be a TMJ problem.

 BUT the pain in/near my ear never stopped. I am under the gabapentin so it
 keeps it all calm; however, when I got home, the electric shock feeling back
 (in/near) my ear but this time it also shot down my face/neck and into my

 She thinks, and I do too, that this is the shingle virus attack my nerves.

 Dr.Hormes, the first neuro that I ever worked with, said that he felt that
 my TM was caused by a virus. I mentioned this to the new neuro and he also
 agreed. I see/hear/read that the shingles virus is often associated with TM.

 THe fact that shingles can also attack the inner ear and the fact that the
 neuro SAW somethings in my ear very clearly makes me believe that the cause
 of all my problems is the virus that causes shingles.

 Each time that i have a MAJOR stress in my life, I get hit with something
 big like this.

 1993 - I graduated from school and was jobless -I was having to work crazy
 jobs with convicts and rough type people - it was a scary experience and I
 was just a kid.

 2005 - I worked for a bitch from hell who makes the devil look like a good
 guy. she treated me like  fill in the blank and i got hit with TM
 the same year that i worked for here

 2006 - my house was demolished by a tornado - less than a week later my
 bladder stopped working and the dr. said it was TM related

 Recently, I got audited by the IRS and had to pay 4500. I'm working on my
 doctorate and i have one class with another bitch from hell as an
 instructor. during our Saturday classes she sits up behind her desk and asks
 us condescending questions. as soon as we try to answer, she cuts us off and
 embarrasses us in front of the class (except for her favorite students) -
 she obviously doesn't like me. others in the class notice the same thing. i
 have had to restart my stupid project times because she didn't like it - the
 class cost 2500 and you have to have a 85 to pass the class. not long after
 i started this class my first recent symptoms appeared.

 So i am now more than ever thinking that this might by a virus that's being
 triggered by stress.

 what do you all think??


2008-10-26 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Dear F
Your apology is humbly accepted!!  Through the years you have helped so many of 
us with this dreaded TM that you are certainly permitted an outburst or two!
You have been our doctor in residence. It's nice to have you back. 
Better to be passionate about something that will truly have an enormous effect 
on all Americans then the be apathetic!  Have a great day. 

 Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 08:10:10 -0400
 Subject: [TMIC] ot. for PRESIDENT: OT
 ..this list is not to be used to discuss
 politics,religion,race etc
 I am very sorry for my outburst.  I have been very involved in both the 
 Canadian and U.S. election campaigns.
 I find politics takes my mind off my constant central (neuropathic) pain.

Stay organized with simple drag and drop from Windows Live Hotmail.

[TMIC] MS drug /maybe??

2008-10-24 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

My daughter saw this article on Yahoo and sent it on to me. Very interesting 
since some of us have TM/MS I thought you might want to read it... 
It's certainly an improvement over what's being going on with some of the 
TM'ers on this list. :)

Frank. welcome back!! you certainly arrived with an agenda!!! Now read this 
article tell us what you think and then have your martini...

There is always Hope! Trudy

– Researchers at the University of Cambridge said they have found that 
alemtuzumab, a drug originally developed …
 LONDON (AFP) – Researchers at the University of Cambridge said Thursday they 
 have found that a drug originally developed to treat leukaemia can halt and 
 even reverse the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis (MS).
 In trials, alemtuzumab reduced the number of attacks in sufferers and also 
 helped them recover lost functions, apparently allowing damaged brain tissue 
 to repair so that individuals were less disabled than at the start of the 
 The ability of an MS drug to promote brain repair is unprecedented, said Dr 
 Alasdair Coles, a lecturer at Cambridge university's department of clinical 
 neurosciences, who coordinated many aspects of the study.
 We are witnessing a drug which, if given early enough, might effectively 
 stop the advancement of the disease and also restore lost function by 
 promoting repair of the damaged brain tissue.
 The MS Society, Britain's largest support charity for those affected by the 
 condition, said it was delighted at the trial's results, which must be 
 followed up with more research before the drug can be licensed.
 This is the first drug that has shown the potential to halt and even reverse 
 the debilitating effects of MS and this news will rightly bring hope to 
 people living with the condition day in, day out, said head of research Lee 
 MS is an auto-immune disease that affects millions of people worldwide, 
 including almost 100,000 in Britain and 400,000 in the United States.
 It is caused by the body's immune system attacking nerve fibres in the 
 central nervous system, and can lead to loss of sight and mobility, 
 depression, fatigue and cognitive problems. There is no cure, and few 
 effective treatments.
 In the trial, 334 patients diagnosed with early-stage relapsing-remitting MS 
 who had not previously been treated were given alemtuzumab or interferon 
 beta-1a, one of the most effective licensed therapies for similar MS cases.
 After three years, alemtuzumab was found to reduce the number of attacks the 
 patients suffered by 74 percent over the other treatment, and reduce the risk 
 of sustained accumulation of disability by 71 percent over interferon beta-1a.
 Many individuals who took alemtuzumab also recovered some of their lost 
 functions, becoming less disabled by the end, while the disabilities of the 
 other patients worsened, the study in the New England Journal of Medicine 
 Alastair Compston, professor of neurology and head of the clinical 
 neurosciences department at Cambridge, said alemtuzumab was the most 
 promising experimental drug for the treatment of MS.
 He expressed hope that further trials will confirm that it can both 
 stabilise and allow some recovery of what had previously been assumed to be 
 irreversible disabilities.
 Alemtuzumab was developed in Cambridge and has been licensed for the 
 treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

You live life beyond your PC. So now Windows goes beyond your PC.

Re: [TMIC] The Web

2008-10-19 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I'm not having any problems with the Web now if you have some time...
I've got lots of other problems.  :)Please tell Pam she is in our prayers.
I'm glad to hear she is doing so well

On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 5:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 *Is anyone else having difficulty getting on the Web?  I have tried
 five sites and keep getting the same message, Sorry, cannot find server.
 *Am I doing something wrong?  I need to do some research on blood diseases
 and cannot get access...Help!*

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RE: [TMIC] (no subject)

2008-10-16 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

It's been a miserable week for me also. Still waiting on the results of a CT 
scan of the kidney, which was done because something was seen on the 
ultrasound and he needed a better look and that was last Friday. Finally, I 
called today and was told the nurse would definitely get back to me tonight. I 
also asked for a copy of the ultrasound and the CT scan. yes, of course 
said the kind receptionist I'll mail it tomorrow! No phone call and I'll 
let you know when the mail arrives! I hate to be so cynical but I think with 
the economic situation the way it is things could get worse! But you never 
know. things could get better!
Have a nice day!

 Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 06:41:29 -0500
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] (no subject)

 I know, fact we all do. Trying to find a provider that can even 
 take the time to sit down and talk to you, let alone figure out all of these 
 symptoms and findings is almost impossible! They can treat our symptoms with 
 meds but answering all of our questions is another things. I do find the 
 specialists do have more time but we would have to go to a different one for 
 each of the 'things' we have going on!! Plus, I don't know about you but we 
 just don't have the money to pay what the insurance doesn't cover!! You've 
 got all of us with prayers and encouragement, Linda...

 Jeanne in Dayton

 ---Original Message---

 Date: 10/16/2008 6:44:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] (no subject)

 I don't know Jean, I am just very frustrated. I had a cat scan done last 
 month and I have an enlarged lymph node in my lung along with 1 cyst in my 
 spleen, a few in my liver, and a few in my kidneys. I have had a lot of 
 wheezing and coughing. I was on prednisone and an antibiotic again and felt 
 great for a few weeks, but seem to be declining again I was looking at 
 nuerosarcoidosis and other types of sarcoidodsis and I seem to have a lot of 
 what I was reading. I just wish some doctor could explain to me what the heck 
 is wrong with me!!

 Linda in Pa

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Re: [TMIC] For Bob

2008-09-20 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I am so sorry about your wife and your bouts with depression. but I have
to say I have such great respect and admiration for you, even tho you are
going thru such difficult times.. you still care about others. You are
worried about JudeYou are truly an inspiration. Many of us on this list
go thru periods of depression. It's an every day battle. at times we
win and times we lose... I was slipping into that poor me attitude... then
I read your e-mail we are all in this together
thank you!!!

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 9:17 PM, jrushton [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  Bless your heart, Bob.  Linda is right about your place being full.  Know
 that you have lots of people that will be thinking and praying for you and
 your family.  Jeanne in Dayton

 *Sent:* Friday, September 19, 2008 9:40 PM
 *To:* bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] jude

  Gee Bob it sounds like your plate is pretty darn full.  My goodness.  I'm
 sorry to hear that your wife has alzheimers - what a devastating disease.
 I'm glad your depression is better.  Please know that you're in my
 thoughts.  Take care


 - Original Message -
 *From:* bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Friday, September 19, 2008 2:28 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] jude

 i went into depression twice ..was hospitalized two times for 6 days..i
 feel a lot better now..i live alone because my wife has alzheimers and has
 been in a nursing home for 4 years..can't take care of her with me having TM
  Guilliam Berra syndrome..i use a cane for short distances but use the four
 wheeled cart with brakes and a seat for longer distances..i have a caregiver
 who checkes on me twice a day..i have to have a catherer in me for the rest
 of my life because TM blocks to signals for my blatter to
 caregiver changes the leg bag to the night bag each day and vice
 verses...have a good day everone one

 - Original Message -
 *To:* bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 09, 2008 8:14 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] jude

  Bob - 12 days in the hospital!  How are you doing - are you ok
 Please give us an update.

 Thank you

 - Original Message -
 *From:* bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *To:* tmic
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 09, 2008 10:57 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] jude

 how is jude doing  i just spent 12 days in the hospital and just came
 home last evening..can i please have an update on jude?thank you


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RE: [TMIC] For Bob

2008-09-20 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

Thank you! But I have to honestly say you are always there to give 
encouragement and you take the time to answer everyone... that is so 
important... no matter what the  subject you make sure that there is someone on 
the other side of this computer who is listening. How important is that
Trudy in beautiful Virginia

 Subject: Re: [TMIC] For Bob
 Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2008 08:45:40 -0500
 Beautifully said, Trudy.  What a nice person you are..
 Jeanne in Dayton

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