Re: Lombard frying batteries???

2006-02-18 Thread Dan K
of situation is a second identical complete working PowerBook. It makes things so much easier to have known-good working parts to swap in and out for testing purposes. */Not not-all-that-helpful advice* dan k -- . carracho://

Re: TiBook hinge replacement?

2006-02-10 Thread Dan K
to remove the complete panel, makes things alot easier to manage. The data cable is very vulnerable to damage, so be super careful whenever you have to fiddle with it. dan k -- . carracho:// hotline://

Re: Bottom case

2006-02-09 Thread Dan K
/tibook_display.html Alternately, when I didn't want to mess with the real-nasty-deal, I've had reasonable success with cyanoacrylate (eg: SuperGlue.) Just apply sparingly, to be avoid squeezeout and the resultant mess and sticking-of-the-fingers-to-the-TiBook. :-P dan k

Re: bad pixel counts and Applecare

2006-01-29 Thread Dan K
the LCD Panel Bright - 4 or more Dark - 6 or more Combination - 8 or more [/quote] dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by

Re: ibook G4 Combo drive in Pismo?

2006-01-24 Thread Dan K
: dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small

Re: downloading movies

2006-01-22 Thread Dan K
it, bypassing the anti-copying protections. That said, AFAIK the actual copying of owned DVDs' contents for personal use remains legal. That's nice and simple, right? :-P It's never legal to copy a DVD you don't own, however I'm quite sure lots of folks do this with little ethical angst. ;-) dan k

Re: Lombard display lines

2006-01-18 Thread Dan K
such as your LCD displays. Just takes one . . . sorry dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog

Re: My Pismo is dead

2006-01-18 Thread Dan K
1 400/500 TiBooks (very similar inside, doncha know.) dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog

Re: Battery not charging properly.

2006-01-08 Thread Dan K
, if anyone wants to reset a problem non-Apple battery they use the Power Manager reset for their 'Book, and/or the good ol' OF 'reset-nvram/reset-all' combo. Those should both be pretty safe. dan k . carracho:// hotline

Re: Recommended glue for TiBook

2006-01-02 Thread Dan K
use one of the two-part plastic adhesives (like an epoxy, but I believe they're actually an acrylic), auto parts store is one place that'll have 'em. You might also consider an instant adhesive (superglue.) Depending on what part is broken it may be adequate. dan k

Re: Pismo DVD RW drive query?

2005-12-23 Thread Dan K
: dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog

Re: Superdrive Question?

2005-12-22 Thread Dan K
on the lens before tossing the drive. It's quite common for a bit of dust on the lens to foil proper operation with one media and not the other. dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: Pismo DVD/CD-RW drive

2005-12-09 Thread Dan K
US$90. BTW, here's my page on Lombard/Pismo expansion bay optical drive swaps: dan k . carracho

Re: Ti parts interchangability

2005-12-09 Thread Dan K
got a usable TiBook. dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics

Re: 2 gen iPod connection to load tunes

2005-12-06 Thread Dan K
to power the iPod while connected. The 2-port OWC card is a much better choice for your situation. dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by http

Re: 2 gen iPod connection to load tunes

2005-12-03 Thread Dan K
port, the iPod's power adapter into the other port and you're good to go. hth, dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by

Re: Lombard OS9 hotsync to PalmV?

2005-11-11 Thread Dan K
/handheld'. Dang it I don't have an IRDA-equipped Mac handy with which to test . . . dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by

Re: $50 iBooks @ UVA

2005-08-17 Thread Dan K
off that lot in a couple of years? That's if enough survive to even bother! dan k dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by http

Re: Question about a Powerbook G3

2005-08-06 Thread Dan K
included Lombard, the clamshell iBook, the original iMac and the Blue White PowerMac. All PCI Macs have openfirmware, worlds old and new. dan k dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: Utilities

2005-07-29 Thread Dan K
to be able to tweak some of X's more obscure user interface settings, TinkerTool is what I use. It's nice to be able to run OSX's scheduled background cleanup chores any ol' time you like, I've been using MacJanitor. Ahh, that's enough for now. dan k . http

Re: real estate situation

2005-07-06 Thread Dan K
Heck, for all intents and purposes, there _isn't_ any difference! dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small

Re: Tibook display pinout

2005-06-07 Thread Dan K
amount of discussion on this very topic, I've yet to see a reasonable and cheap solution. While not as cool, perhaps you can just hold the panel for the next broken-display TiBook that crosses your desk . . . dan k I previously wrote: FYI, TiBooks use an LVDS interface to drive the LCD

Re: TiBook screen cable pinout?

2005-06-04 Thread Dan K
/tibook_display.html dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Refurbished

Re: Ibook DVD question

2005-05-04 Thread Dan K
before. It gets easier though after you take 'em apart and put 'em back together a few times. dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by http

Re: iBook 500 Questions

2005-04-10 Thread Dan K
?artnum=58430 dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Refurbished

Re: iBook repair

2005-04-04 Thread Dan K
feet, the Pismo gets 100. They pinched the AP cable putting it back together, that'll need to be replaced. Shame about your combo drive getting the heave-ho, what are the chances you'll ever see that again?!? dan k . carracho

MCE Wallstreet optical EBM

2005-03-26 Thread Dan K
be used in both Wallstreet and 3400/Kanga? dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronicshttp

Re: Pink screen

2005-03-15 Thread Dan K
(without quotes of course, and then enter) it'll say OK reset-all (and enter) and it'll restart This will probably have no effect on your screen, but then again . . . ? dan k . carracho

Re: Lombard cd-rw?

2005-03-10 Thread Dan K
vicki Duggan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi the Lombard is a lot easier to get an internal cdrw for, also if [snipped stuff] the fitting is very easy and someone on this list has a to do page on it ! own up who ever it is. That'd be me: dan k

Re: woohoo! FINALLY snagged a Wallstreet CD/RW!!!

2005-03-09 Thread Dan K
. Hmmmphhh! Dang it, I was sooo excited, I guess I should have done some basic thinking before getting all worked up. Anyway, sorry for the distraction, dan k . carracho:// hotline://

woohoo! FINALLY snagged a Wallstreet CD/RW!!!

2005-03-08 Thread Dan K
EBM webpage immediately after its arrival. I don't usually get this charged up about this-sort-of-thing, but I've been hunting one of these for a _long_ time now. Snif,snif, too bad I don't even use my WS at all any more . . . Anyway, woo hoo!! dan k . http

Re: External Antenna

2005-03-08 Thread Dan K
/ti_antennae.html It ain't pretty, but could be almost acceptable if one was a bit tidier with the application. dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books

Re: Pismo repairs

2005-02-28 Thread Dan K
Manager and the nvram (from OpenFirmware.) dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronicshttp

Re: can my Lombard read a Seagate ST15230N SCSI-2 external

2005-02-18 Thread Dan K
that drive has a 50 pin narrow (hence the N) interface, and should work fine for you.DOn't concern yourself with the SCSI-2 designation, all SCSI flavors can talk to each other just fine. It's the pin count that's of interest, and 50 pins is just dandy for your purposes. hth, dan k

Re: Satanic Lombard - Exorcised!!! And how about a Superdrive?

2005-02-16 Thread Dan K
is gonna be a tad underpowered for encoding video DVDs, but will work fine for burning data DVDs. Whaddya wanna do with this here DVD burner? dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: help me diagnose The Satanic Lombard please

2005-02-09 Thread Dan K
the hot tip for a speedy 'Book, but the alternative is worse. Also noted, the OP was trying to install an OS from CD, so if the L2 is kaput 3rd party solutions wouldn't work in this case. dan k . carracho:// hotline

Extraneous quoted material swamps list!

2005-02-09 Thread Dan K
. . . Could youz folks _PLEASE_ cut out the quoted deadwood in your thread responses? Digest #2164 consisted almost entirely of unnecessary reposted material. Y'all certainly aren't the only offenders, but this digest had to win some sort of extraneous content award. :-P Many TIA, dan k

Re: LG/Mat DVD Swap Help Needed

2005-02-09 Thread Dan K
to boot. hth, dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics

Re: AirPort in TiBook ???

2005-02-03 Thread Dan K
, the 1024x screen is just too small for my daily usage needs. I trust you won't be shy about announcing the result of _your_ comparo. :-) dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: Playing DVDs on a Wallstreet running OSX

2005-01-23 Thread Dan K
notes: Wallstreet/PDQ -- snip Alternately, rather than wade through devnotes (as fun as that may be), I previously collected all the relevant infos on this page: As you'll see, Ben is spot on with his assessment. dan k

Re: To iBook or AlBook, that is the question

2005-01-20 Thread Dan K
for that eventuality. dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Refurbished

Re: ADB Hot-Swapping on Wallstreet -- reference

2005-01-17 Thread Dan K
. Mac OS doesn't know how to deal with hotswapped ADB devices. To use a newly added device you have to manually reset the ADB bus. Google/MacUpdate/whatever search for and download ADB Parser, an Apple dev utility which will do just that. dan k . http://macdan.n3

Re: CD-RW for Wallstreet?

2004-12-27 Thread Dan K
, if anyone has one and could take some pics of the inside for me I'd be able to add that info to my EBM page. (TIA :-) dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books

Re: CDRW for clamshell iBook

2004-12-25 Thread Dan K
. On a clamshell, the drive must set as bus Master to be bootable using the C startup key. Many OEM drives by default are set to Slave. It's not difficult to mod a drive to enable bus Master, but it's something to keep in mind. dan k . carracho

Re: red screen on clamshell

2004-12-25 Thread Dan K
several reports of an nvram reset curing a pink tint on Lombard PBs and I'm wondering if this might work on iBook. Also, the nvram reset may help the battery. Probably not, but worth a try. dan k . carracho:// hotline

Re: CDRW for clamshell iBook

2004-12-23 Thread Dan K
:// dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by

Re: TiBook question

2004-12-20 Thread Dan K
'. The antennae are under those. Hal, I'm just curious why you ask? FYI, here's what I did for better TiWiFi reception (in case that's your interest): dan k . carracho://

Re: Pismo HD

2004-12-17 Thread Dan K
attention lately. dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics

Re: DV editing and dvd burning realistic on a Pismo?

2004-12-08 Thread Dan K
aren't very good. You can buy a better codec (product's name escapes me just now) but straight out the box Instant DVD USB does a superior job. hth, dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: Questions about replacing a G4 Ti Logic Board

2004-12-06 Thread Dan K
have any real degree of commonality are the first and second generation DVI 'Books (667/800 and 867/1gHz) which are nearly identical throughout. dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: Aluminum and Alzheimer's

2004-12-03 Thread Dan K
Thread is extremely silly, for more reasons than one! However . . . AlBooks are anodized and not bare aluminum, thus contact with their surface doesn't expose a user to bare aluminum at all. dan k . carracho://

Re: Pismo Questions

2004-12-02 Thread Dan K
Rad Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked: OK, next question, are there any replacement/upgrade drives so I can get CDRW and maybe DVDRW? Visit my PowerBook EBM optical drives upgrade page: dan k .

Re: Lombard and OSX?

2004-11-25 Thread Dan K
distinguish between Pismo and Lombard is to read the name printed on the screen bezel. If just PowerBook then it's a Pismo, otherwise it's a Lombard. A 400 Lombard can run any version of X (so far), the later the better. dan k . carracho

Re: TiBook display repair (follow-up)

2004-11-02 Thread Dan K
. _That_ part you got quite right, a TiBook's LCD is a double PITA to replace and their CCFL a triple PITA! :-P dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books

Re: Replacement DVD Drive for Pismo

2004-10-31 Thread Dan K
: and more EBM optical drive replacement infos here: dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: TiBook display repair (follow-up)

2004-10-31 Thread Dan K
guess though, so don't blame me if you burn down your neighborhood or something! Sorry I can't be more positive about the answer, but this is one of those take-yer-chances sort of deals. However, do tell us (or me anyway, am I the only one interested? :-) the outcome please! dan k

Re: TiBook 667 ID and wifi reception

2004-10-19 Thread Dan K
rebuilt _another_ 667 DVI and it seems to have much better reception than did my old 667 DVI on its built-in antennae. Maybe I'm just dreaming . . . perhaps I better do some scientific tests to see what's up! dan k . carracho://

TiBook 667 ID and wifi reception

2004-10-18 Thread Dan K
a pair of antennae swiped from a clamshell iBook. Looks pretty crappy (and the antennae stick out rather inconveniently) but the reception is outstanding!: dan k . carracho

Re: TiBook display replacement (was: TiBook display crisis)

2004-10-03 Thread Dan K
and bottom edge excess pixels. see my page: hth, dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored

Re: Wallstreet

2004-09-19 Thread Dan K
lasers or lenses or something, DVDs and CDs using different technologies or lightwave frequencies or something. (heh heh, I _really_ do something, just forget the exact details.) dan k . carracho:// hotline

Re: Virus protection?

2004-09-19 Thread Dan K
the circumstance where I'd forward any unknown attachment to anyone, wintel user or otherwise. Does anyone do that?!? Again though, I use no M$ SW, so perhaps I'm just out of it or something. dan k . carracho:// hotline

Re: Is A Wallstreet PRAM Hack Possible??

2004-09-14 Thread Dan K
. For example, look in DigiKey's current catalog, page 1189, Panasonic VL2330-1VC P086-ND $7.38/each (or 10 for $66.38) But with six needed, that's not exactly the sort of economy you wanted. Maybe you can find 'em cheaper elsewhere? dan k .

Re: Capacity of laptop batteries

2004-09-14 Thread Dan K
I've been using a couple of utilities which very nicely divine lots of battery information, X-Charge and XBattery. Graphs and logs and stuff with a proper GUI. None of that arcane grepping stuff for dumb-as-a-post-lil'-ol'-me!! :-) Google for DL links. dan k

Re: CD burner for Pismo bay?

2004-09-12 Thread Dan K
Depends on the drive. See my page for some details: dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by http

Re: Wireless Drivers For OS 9 OS X

2004-09-06 Thread Dan K
and another nice page of wireless infos: dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by http

Re: Wireless Drivers For OS 9 OS X

2004-09-05 Thread Dan K
Kenneth Vann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote a very nice list of wireless card drivers! Thanks Ken! I'm looking forward to being able to bookmark whatever page on which your excellent list ends up. dan k . carracho://

Re: ibook SE

2004-09-03 Thread Dan K
do the same with a Pismo under X . . . sigh grabs Pismo 400, pulls DVD EBM, inserts CD EBM . . . Yep, X's ADP launched fine in absence of DVD-ROM drive. Yeesh! :-) dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: CD-R drive for Wallstreet

2004-09-02 Thread Dan K
Wallstreet optical EBMs use non-standard mechanisms, WRT both the electrical interface and the physical form factor. Visit my PB EBM page for more details: sorry :-( dan k . carracho

Re: ibook SE

2004-09-02 Thread Dan K
ADP under X. Anyone care to confirm this hypothesis? I tried a DVD drive in my gen 1 blueberry iBook and couldn't play DVDs with ADP. Anyone able to use VLC or other players on a gen 1 iBook? If it works, is it actually _usable_? dan k .

Re: Will these parts work in a WS Series II, among others?

2004-08-28 Thread Dan K
I seen, owned or handled one, so cannot comment on the specifics. Find a very few details here: dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: Will these parts work in a WS Series II, among others?

2004-08-28 Thread Dan K
else turns up. Ah, well it just happens I have a page that sort-of covers that territory too: scroll toward the bottom and find some info on upgrading TiBook opticals. dan k . carracho

Re: new CD drive for Pismo

2004-08-27 Thread Dan K
All are welcome to stop by my EBM page for infos on replacing PowerBook optical drives: dan k . carracho:// hotline://

Re: Will these parts work in a WS Series II, among others?

2004-08-27 Thread Dan K
:// dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics

Re: Need LCD for Clamshell iBook

2004-08-25 Thread Dan K
. The Dell panel had an EMI shield attached, but it just unscrewed. Everything else was identical to the iBook's panel, hooked it up and it's working perfectly. I suggest an eBay title-and-description search for this string, exclude the brackets: [lt121su*] dan k

Re: Where to find QuickTimeLib-MakeImageDescriptionForEffect?

2004-08-24 Thread Dan K
for more?!? dan k . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Refurbished

Re: DVD Decoder card

2004-08-21 Thread Dan K
. The VST card works with Apple's drivers and appears to the 'Book as the same HW. I have some extra unused VST decoder cards for sale, contact me off-list if interested. dan k . carracho:// hotline

Re: Question about drive usage/visualization software

2004-08-15 Thread Dan K
utility for HD maintenance? DiskSurveyor is exactly the sort of thing ye seek, though it's for OS9 so I dunno if it'll work under Classic: A nice app, but I never used it enough to justify buying. Don't know what else similar is out there though. Dan K

Re: DVD on 500mhz G3 Only?

2004-08-10 Thread Dan K
one of those work? And now for something completely different! Will S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: snip Coming from a list nanny is outrageous ! Really poor judgment. Dan K time to step in and do your job. I'm not a list nanny, no-one would dream of handing such tremendous responsibility to lil' ol

Re: DVD on 500mhz G3 Only?

2004-08-09 Thread Dan K
AFAIK do NOT support DVD playback. Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronicshttp

Re: DVD Issue on Lombards.

2004-08-07 Thread Dan K
G3 (but Lombard's ain't.) The later OS 9 DVD Player app (v.??) uses the G3 rather than the ATI hw decoder. At some point Apple decided to separate the DVD playback function from HW dependencies, esp since overall their systems were getting fast enough to not need a separate HW decoder. Dan K

optical drive replacement infos

2004-07-31 Thread Dan K
: Haven't got any, so I can't offer any specific advice. However, I'd bet long odds that all later iBooks and AlBooks use standard form-factor drives and therefore should be pretty straightforward swapping candidates. That is all. :-) Dan K .

Re: Travelstar drive noises, and FW TDM, HELP

2004-07-24 Thread Dan K
for this sort of . . . errr, thing. Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronicshttp

Re: Another iBook question

2004-07-21 Thread Dan K
-warrantied item, without first trying to get a replacement. Not that I'm complaining mind you . . . :-) hth, Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored

Re: dark area on Pismo screen

2004-06-25 Thread Dan K
the BL bulb yourself, it's probably best to not do it. LCD panels are a very fragile and it's oh-so-easy to ruin an otherwise working display. hth, Dan K . carracho:// hotline://

Re: CD-R in ibook

2004-05-29 Thread Dan K
, but it is helpful to have the factory manual or other detailed takeapart instructions. Google for either. hth, Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by http

Re: TiBook 550mhz with vertical racing stripe on screen

2004-05-26 Thread Dan K
caused by an open (or shorted) connection among the _zillions_of_tiny_ connections at the LCD's edge. LCD replacement is likely the only cure, but selling is probably the best choice if you cannot tolerate the defect. Keep in mind your TiBook is worth more as parts than whole . . . Dan K

Re: Mac CD-RW Burners (For Powerbook G4?)

2004-05-18 Thread Dan K
/sled/caddy/thingy. Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics

Yet Another Wallstreet hinge repair technique

2004-05-16 Thread Dan K
. . . using a clutch from a 12 display's hinge: Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored

Re: iBook clamshell speed bump ? (*)

2004-05-15 Thread Dan K
:// hth, Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics

Re: Adding RAM to WS II

2004-05-14 Thread Dan K
for compatibility. Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Refurbished

Re: So What's the deal with MCE

2004-05-14 Thread Dan K
here: Sadly, the lack of EBM upgradability is a major incentive to dump your WS and move up to Lombard or Pismo. Dan K . carracho:// hotline://

Re: iBook clamshell power-plug loose (*)

2004-05-14 Thread Dan K
Duo PB500iBook (original) -- LB 4 3 5 6 HD 3 3 2 5 RAM2 2 3 1 (just some arbitrary examples, just MHO, etc. . . .) Heck, maybe something like this already exists, anyone know of such a thing? Dan K

TiBook display takeapart

2004-04-23 Thread Dan K
details on the same page as well once I've done it. Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics

Re: Interchanging parts on Ti PowerBook models

2004-04-16 Thread Dan K
, Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Refurbished Drives

Re: Any instructions on disassembling my Titanium screen assembly?

2004-04-10 Thread Dan K
to metals and plastics, but it's best used in a well ventilated area as the fumes are ferocious! Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by http

TiBook hinge source - $50 a pair

2004-04-08 Thread Dan K
need or want TiBook hinges now may be the time to stock up. :-) Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small

Re: Battery: iBook Clamshell

2004-04-05 Thread Dan K
into 9 again and with any luck the battery will then show up OK. nglish-North_American/Macintosh/PowerBook/PB_G3_Series/ i.bin hth, Dan K .

Re: Pismo Expansion Bay Brainstorming

2004-04-05 Thread Dan K
yet): Dan K . carracho:// hotline:// . -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog

Re: iDVD a pismo or older mac...

2004-03-29 Thread Dan K
not the type of solution for which you were looking. FWIW, I've got a couple of EBM DVD-R/W drives, neither usable with iDVD (Matshita UJ811b, Toshiba 6012 (??something like that).) Dan K . carracho:// hotline

TiBook w/broken hinges - TiDesktop

2004-03-15 Thread Dan K
Whaddya do with a broken-hinges TiBook? Here's what I've been thinking: BTW, eBay prices for bare 15.2 LCDs are down around US$200 . . . Dan K . carracho:// hotline

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