RE: Date picker

2004-09-07 Thread Shawn Grover
Check the date-picker on's good, flexible, and free.


-Original Message-
From: Nando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 4:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Date picker

ummm ... have you tried pulling it out of the source at yet? 

On Tue, 07 Sep 2004 18:17:02 -0400, Chris Musial
 does anyone have a link to one of the dynamic date pickers you would see on a travel site like orbitz, or carnival cruise lines?Im looking for something attractive for the cheapest possible without having to alter the way it is coded or the way it looks.
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RE: Desc Output

2004-08-06 Thread Shawn Grover
Or you can do a query of query, and change the sort order on your result set...


-Original Message-
From: Scott Brady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 9:57 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Desc Output

If you can't do it in the query, there are ways to do it in CF.

Probably the easiest/best way I can think of in the 30 seconds of
thought I've given it is for something like this:

cfloop from=#yourQuery.RecordCount# to=1 step=-1 index=i
#yourQuery.yourColumn[i]#br /


- Original Message -
From: Shahzad.Butt 

How can I output the results of the query starting from last record
found by query and finishing at starting record found? Can't change the
Order by from Desc to Asc in the query because of loads of reasons.

Scott Brady 
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RE: VMWare was Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-19 Thread Shawn Grover
Do a google search for The Art of Unix Programming, read through the first half of the book, then reflect on your statements...While they are not wrong, the intent behind them seems misplaced (my personal take on this, though I haven't been following the thread).

In The Art of Unix Programming, you get an interesting history on WHY various OS's are the way they are, as well as the philosophy behind coding styles.Something I think we should all consider (myself included - there's always room to grow).

Now, that said, this topic sounds like it should be on cf-community.


 Finally, I'll simply remind you that it wasn't until OS X that Macs
 supported preemptive multitasking! I guess that's innovation for you - I
 running OS/2 2.1 back in late '93, and it had preemptive multitasking. Now
 that was an innovative platform, although the GUI was fugly.

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RE: VMWare was Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-19 Thread Shawn Grover
Sorry Dave,

When I read that phrase about Mac OS/X being multithreaded whereas OS/2 had this capability long beforehand, I interpreted the statement in a derogatory way (perhaps erroneously?).While the statement is accurate that OS/2 was able to do multithreading long before Mac OS/X, the reasons for this have a lot to do with the intended purposes of the operating systems.OS/2 was designed to be multi-user, whereas the old Macs were only intended for a single user.This impacted design descisions for the OS's.

I found after reading the Art of Unix Programming that I had a better understanding of the reasons behind the choices made for the various OS's, as well as a greater insight on good coding methods.

But, I think this conversation isn't well suited to CF-TALK.


-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 3:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: VMWare was Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

 Do a google search for The Art of Unix Programming, read 
 through the first half of the book, then reflect on your 
 statements...While they are not wrong, the intent behind 
 them seems misplaced (my personal take on this, though I 
 haven't been following the thread).

Can you be more specific than that?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444 
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RE: Releasing client to do another process?

2004-07-13 Thread Shawn Grover
Open a new window, then bring your main window to the front, via _javascript_.If you want to allow the user to navigate away from your page, this would be the only way to do so and allow the long running process to continue.


-Original Message-
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 4:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Releasing client to do another process?

You could call another CF page in an image tag - it'll run, but the rest of
your page should download fine (although the browser won't consider it

Something like this:

img src="" height=1

Jim Davis

From: Dave Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 2:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Releasing client to do another process?

Hi folks,

Okay, here's my situation.I have a process that I want to run whenever
a user registers for my system.The problem is, this process can take
some time and I don't want to make the user wait for it to complete.Is
there any way in CF that I can, in a sense, 'fire off a process' but
release the client to continue on to the next page so they don't have to
wait for it to finish?

Any ideas are welcomed and appreciated.Thanks! 
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RE: login methods

2004-06-28 Thread Shawn Grover
I've been thinking on this for some time...

In the past, we put the username/password into a database (properly encrypted of course), and checked login's against that table.However it quickly became an issue where each application had it's own login system.My thoughts on this are to create an authentication web service.Depending on the environment/requirements, permissions can be handled by the applications in question, or by an application for managing the logins.

For instance, an HR supervisor may need to create a user account for a new employee.They would open the GUI interface that calls the appropriate routines from the authentication web service to create a new user account.The question is where do the permissions for the user get stored.If the HR supervisor only had access to an HR application, then that application might be used to match the user account to the permissions needed for the app.However if the HR Supervisor was responsible for assigning permissions to ALL internal applications, then it makes more sense to store those permissions in the authentication web service.

I think the storage of permissions will come down to a judgement call for each organization, but by at least moving the authentication into a web service will allow that magical single login.Microsoft tried to do something like this with Passport, but failed - mostly because the storage of the authentication information should be kept at an organizational level, not a global level by a for-profit company which has a number of trust issues.

My thoughts


-Original Message-
From: George Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 9:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: login methods

Hi all,
Rick Root's statement that he doesn't see the point of a cflogin tag
for applications made me think of this. What login methods/processes
do most people use? OK, that's too generic a question! In a
multi-environment situation (where people from different organizations
have to use the same application), what are the principles you use to
log people in? And keep in mind that people from different
organizations also have to have access to other different applications
using the same individual login.

So far as I can see, only something like Shibboleth
( really solves this problem, at
least for me, from an educational/research institution perspective.
Has anybody used this type of distributed authentication system?

Now this sounds like a really rambling post!

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RE: cf5 session variables

2004-06-09 Thread Shawn Grover
with CF5, you can configure the server to automagically lock for you.We routinely configured the server to automatically lock on read, but put policy in place to have the coders do a manual lock (via cflock) anytime they assigned a value to a session variable (writes).

If you do not configure the server, then all reads and writes should be locked. (to the best of my knowledge at least).


-Original Message-
From: Doug James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 9:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: cf5 session variables

Could someone please refresh my memory regarding session variables and cf5.
Should all reads and writes be locked?
Has anyone experienced problems with session variables being passed from 
a cfm template to an html page and then on to a 2nd cfm template?


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RE: JS Question

2004-06-09 Thread Shawn Grover
This looks like a case of mixing server side and client side logic.Try dumping the values of the variables via a JS alert() just before calling the getElementById.See if it's what you are expecting.


-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 9:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: JS Question

I have a CFLOOP that outputs 10 tables. Think of the 10 tables as pairs of

T1 / T2
T3 / T4
T5 / T6
T7 / T8
T9 / T10

There is a link in each top table (T1,T3,T5,T7,T9) that when clicked on
should display the table below it (T2,T4,T6,T8,T10 respectively.)

The HTML for the link is as follows:

cfloop from=1 to=5 index=x

trtda href=""  return
false;Company #x#/a/td/tr

table style=display:none; id=tbl#x#  trimmed off  /table


The JS is as follows:

if(document.getElementById(x).style.display == 'block'){
 document.getElementById(x).style.display = 'inline';
 document.getElementById(x).style.display = 'block';

The error says Object Expected but when I try and pass in
document.getElementById(tbl#x#) that does not work either.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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RE: Get Database Tables, etc

2004-06-04 Thread Shawn Grover
In MS SQL Server (2000), you can use the system stored procedure sp_tables.

Issuing the command:

exec sp_tables

will list all the tables in the current database, with a column for table type (System or Table).More details are in the online help for T-SQL.

There are similar stored procs for getting the primary keys, foriegn keys, and lists of databases.I also know database systems other than MS SQL have similar functions for getting the meta data of a database.



-Original Message-
From: Robert Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Get Database Tables, etc

I know I have seen this on the list before but I can't find the exact code. 
Does anyone have the code for querying a database and returning a list of 
tables and/or column info?

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RE: TRIMMED: whats your opinion on this cfm program?

2004-06-04 Thread Shawn Grover
I wrote a program about two years ago that could analyse a database, and create a functional web site consisting of pages for each table that allowed selecting a record to edit, editing a record, as well as adding a new record or deleting one.It did so by creating all the SQL statements that were necessary, gave you the option of using CFQUERY or CFSTOREDPROC (and creating the scripts for the stored proc).The program was never intended to create a commercial level application, but to create a starting point from where the detailed business rules could be applied while minimizing the time to develop the lower level data access.

In answer to Emmet's questions, the program did handle foriegn keys properly (i.e. if a field was a foreign key, then a select box was used instead of a text box, and the select box was populated from the related table).So, yes, it's possible to handle this type of situation.


(PS.The next generation of the above mentioned program is being developed and has started beta testing.If you're curious, you can get more inforamation from This site is being expanded on almost daily, and should include documentation fairly soon.)

-Original Message-
From: Emmet McGovern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 1:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: TRIMMED: whats your opinion on this cfm program?

I'm too lazy check the app out right now.I'm curious to know if it
handled the relations in the database the way it was supposed to?



Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 2:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: TRIMMED: whats your opinion on this cfm program?

ok, i just had a client ask me why they shouldnt just buy this program
so i downloaded it, ran it against their db  in about 10 seconds had a
fairly complete site, couldnt believe it. Of course it needed a few
and a face lift but the code seemed fairly decent, complete with user
logins, file uploads, form validations, htmlarea integrated, pop up
Maybe im in a rush to get outta here right now but was fairly impressed.
was curious bout what you all think

i had the code but i guess it was to long
so i uploaded everything it made (in 10 seconds)

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RE: Recommendation for a book about writing documentation

2004-06-01 Thread Shawn Grover
What your asking for falls under the category of Technical Writing.When I was studying programming in school, the Technical Writing class was required.It covered a number of points like knowing who the target audience is, how to present step by step instructions, etc.

A quick google search for technical writing returns 7,090,000 results (
There should be enough in there to get you started or at least help you narrow down your search.



-Original Message-
From: Tom Kitta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 10:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Recommendation for a book about writing documentation 

I am looking for something about writing both requirement documentation as
well as user manulas. Mostly requirement documentation, the manual writing
tips would be a nice bonus in a book. I can also always get 2.

-Original Message-
From: Won Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 11:58 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Recommendation for a book about writing documentation

At 11:03 6/1/2004 -0400, you wrote:

I am looking for a book about documentation writing (computer application
documentation). I looked in my local bookstore but didn't find anything.
searched amazon but all the titles I have look at have none or very poor
explanation as to what given book contains. I am sure many people here
many good books about the art of writing good application documentations.
would be grateful if these people would share with me their book

What kind of docs: manuals, requirement docs, inline documentation?
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RE: More XML goodness...

2004-05-20 Thread Shawn Grover
Check your CF Admin pages.Specifically the detailed information for you DSN.There is an option there to restrict the size of a field to 64k characters, and is on by default.
I believe this is a performance tuning setting, but can be turned off in situations like yours.

Of course, this is only one place where the situation might be caused from...

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Joe Tseng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 2:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: More XML goodness...

First, thx to the guys who helped me out earlier.And because of their
help, I've gotten to the point where I've got another question.

A bit of background - I've got a view in Oracle that's got 21 columns and
1066 rows; I was told the number of rows is going to grow larger.It
seemed to me CF was a bit slow to generate the XML, so I thought my area
of focus should change to generating the XML in Oracle.

As a result of that change in direction, I wrote the code below (using a
bit of SQLX) to generate XML directly from the database:

cfparam name=strComma type=string default=

cfquery name=getGALColumns datasource=#REQUEST.DataSource# maxrows=1
select * from tivoli.gal_pc_data_view order by last_name

cfset strGALColumns = getGALColumns.columnlist

cfset strQuery = select

 cfloop index=columnname list=#strGALColumns#
cfset strQuery = strQuery  strComma 
cfset strComma = ,

cfset strQuery = strQuery 
)) as results
from tivoli.gal_pc_data_view

cfquery name=getGALEntries datasource=#REQUEST.DataSource# maxrows=2

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?

The CFM script does not finish running; it cuts off directly in the middle
of the XML document.What I just noticed though is that the total number
of characters generated was 64000; is this some magic number?Is this
some built-in CF limit or is this an Oracle limit?

Side question: is there some way to generate an XML document without
filling up a single variable?

System config #1:
Solaris 8
Apache HTTPD 2.0.48
ColdFusion MX 6.1 (J2EE) / JRun 4

System config #2:
Solaris 8
Oracle 9i

Joe Tseng

Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish.
Teach a man to fish, you give up your monopoly on fisheries. 
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OT: Recovering a SQL Server 6.5 Device file?

2004-05-19 Thread Shawn Grover
Sorry for the off topic, but we've exhausted Google and MSDN on this issue, and the list just happens to have a bunch of experts on it, so I'm hoping

We have an older database server that finally crashed it's motherboard.This server was running NT4 with SQL Server 6.5.Because it's NT4, I can't just drop the drive into a new box and hope it'll work (it won't).And I'm not too concerned about the OS anyways, but I am concerned about the database files.Unfortunately the tech who last worked on this server was only backing up the database device file - not the databases themselves.We've done a pretty thorough search of MSDN and Google trying to figure out how to access the database in the device file - all with no luck.I'm confident the data is intact and good, but we just can't get access to it.

The data includes billing information, so is considered critical.Luckily we did find a backup of the database from two weeks prior to the crash (guess the tech did a manual backup), so we're not hurting t bad.But we do need the data after the backup up till the date of the crash.

Anyone have any tips or suggestions?

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RE: How would I do this?

2004-05-18 Thread Shawn Grover

Pages loaded in IFrames are loaded asynchronously from the main page.

If you have three jobs, you might create a main page with three IFRAMES.Set the src of the IFrames to a page which will do one specific task (I'll call this a sub-page for now).The sub-page can use _javascript_ to update the parent as needed.So, if you had a table that indicated the state of each job, you can set the initial state when the page loads, and call the appropriate action page in the iframe(s).Then when a task/sub-page is complete, get a reference to the parent page element and change it's value accordingly.

I've used IFrames for this type of behavior for some time now, and find it very handy.There are a few gotcha's of course, but overall it's simple enough to put in place.I guess the only real catch is if your target browser doesn't support IFrames.



-Original Message-
From: Troy Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: How would I do this?

Oh, one other thing.

How could I submit several requests to various back-end systems (RDBMS, 
IMAP, HTTP, etc. ) simultaneously.

For example, I want to execute the following request simultaneously. 
All requests are independent of others.So I do not have to wait for 
one come back before processing the next on.
1. query on RDBMS_1,
2. run another query on RDBMS_2,
3. request an http page from a web server,
4. query an LDAP server.

It does not matter which process comes back first/last.It does not 
matter if one of them fails.

I did not want to execute them procedurally.If they do excute 
procedurally, then I would have to wait for a prior request to complete 
before moving own to the next request.

Can ColdFusion do this?


Troy Simpson wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am using ColdFusionMX on Solaris8/9
 I need to query some resources that do not respond in a timely manner
 and as a fix, I can not cache the data.
 So what I would like to do is submit the request(queryies) to the
 various backend systems, then respond to the user with something like
 Preparing results.One moment please...
 Then I would like to auto-submit the page about every 1 to 2 seconds to
 determine what responses have been fullfilled and update the client with
 a status of which requests have been completed and which requests are
 still working.
 Is this possible with CFMX?
 I would presume this would require some multi-threading, etc.
 Thanks for you help.
 Troy Simpson
 Applications Analyst/Programmer, OCPDBA, MCSE, SCSA
 North Carolina State University Libraries
 Campus Box 7111 | Raleigh | North Carolina
 ph.919.515.3855 | fax.919.513.3330
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RE: Class not found error when browsing to a CFC directly.

2004-04-22 Thread Shawn Grover
Haven't seen any response on this, so I'm hoping a bump might elicit some responeses.(I won't bump it again after this one.)


-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 12:00 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Class not found error when browsing to a CFC directly.

Hi gang.

I was trying to demonstrate CFMX's self documentation of CFCs to a co-worker, so punched in the URL to a CFC file.I got the error listed below.

I've seen this occur before but have not been able to determine the exact circumstances where I would see it.I initially suspected it was a problem in how we were calling our CFCs(i.e. MyObj = createObject(component, #oConfig.CFCPath#.rules.myCFC); ), but have seen this work with no problems before as well.So I'm a little confused.The error being reported is in a Java class, and does not point to any code we've written.

Any tips or suggestions on this?Thanks muchly.


(ps.We're on CFMX 6.0.An upgrade to 6.1 is not an option at this point.)

Here's the error I'm seeing:
Object Instantiation Exception.
Class not found: coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxyFactory

The Error Occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\componentutils\cfcexplorer.cfc: line 175

173 : cfscript
174 : if ( IsDefined('arguments.path') and arguments.path neq '' ) {
175 : proxy = CreateObject( java, coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxyFactory ) ;
176 : comp = proxy.ResolvePath( arguments.path, getPageContext() ) ;
177 : } else { 
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Class not found error when browsing to a CFC directly.

2004-04-19 Thread Shawn Grover
Hi gang.

I was trying to demonstrate CFMX's self documentation of CFCs to a co-worker, so punched in the URL to a CFC file.I got the error listed below.

I've seen this occur before but have not been able to determine the exact circumstances where I would see it.I initially suspected it was a problem in how we were calling our CFCs(i.e. MyObj = createObject(component, #oConfig.CFCPath#.rules.myCFC); ), but have seen this work with no problems before as well.So I'm a little confused.The error being reported is in a Java class, and does not point to any code we've written.

Any tips or suggestions on this?Thanks muchly.


(ps.We're on CFMX 6.0.An upgrade to 6.1 is not an option at this point.)

Here's the error I'm seeing:
Object Instantiation Exception.
Class not found: coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxyFactory

The Error Occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\componentutils\cfcexplorer.cfc: line 175

173 : 			cfscript
174 : if ( IsDefined('arguments.path') and arguments.path neq '' ) {
175 : 	proxy = CreateObject( java, coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxyFactory ) ;
176 : 	comp = proxy.ResolvePath( arguments.path, getPageContext() ) ;
177 : } else {
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RE: Javascript remoting with cfcs

2004-03-17 Thread Shawn Grover
I don't know how useless this would be - I can see potential for it right away.

For instance - what if I had a page that had to dynamically change or update parts of the page (i.e. search results)?I currently do this sort of thing by calling a new page in a hidden IFrame, which will then generate new output, and use _javascript_ to replace the target DIV's innerHTML.This makes the page look to be dynamic, and not reload (therefore saving form values and helping preserve the user experience).With your approach, I should be able to move the output generation into a CFC, and update the page with a simple JS call, and no page reload or call to an IFrame.This brings business rule logic back to the server where it should be, and gives me greater control over the process.Either way would work, but now all of a sudden, I can see where a web service is useful.In the past, it's been a little grey

My thoughts...


-Original Message-
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: _javascript_ remoting with cfcs

On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 15:27, Nathan Strutz wrote:
 That's great, but man do you have a lot of time on your hands... 
I guess - took about 2 days to do the whole thing (would've taken longer
if Dave didnt hook me up with the soap SOAPAction value )

 It's a 
 cool toy for sure though, although I can't think of a use for it.
Hehehe - yeah I know me either really. I had a dream to make it a couple
days ago so I figured might as well.

 browser compatabile is the _javascript_? like will it run on IE5~ish browsers?
It works on my linux Mozilla 1.4.1 and IE 6.0. I *think* it'll work on
IE 5... I should try XP too.

Well it's kind of neat even if it is usless at present.

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RE: CFIF Insanity

2004-03-16 Thread Shawn Grover
I've seen the same behaviour if a quote is missing from a string within an IF block, or if a tag in a CFIF block is missing the end angle bracket .


-Original Message-
From: Richard Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 5:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFIF Insanity

J E VanOver wrote:

 Can you postyour code?
 Unmatched comment tags?

It turned out to be something similar.Some parts of the code contained 
comments that started with !--- and some that started with !--.I 
went ahead and replaced all of the latter with !--- and that seems to 
have fixed it.


Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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RE: JavaScript: Retrieving Remote HTML

2004-03-12 Thread Shawn Grover
One method would be to include Page B with a _javascript_ include (script src="" and have Page B put the string you're after into a _javascript_ variable.After the include, your code can see that variable as if it were on the same page.

I'm sure there's more elegant solutions though.


-Original Message-
From: Nikhil Madani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 1:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: _javascript_: Retrieving Remote HTML

I know this forum might not be the most relevant place for _javascript_ help, but anyway here is my problem:

On a certain page A, I have a _javascript_ function that needs to retrieve
HTML code from another web page B, possibly on another server.I know for a fact that the page I'm trying to reach will output a single string and I need to set a _javascript_ variable with that value.

(For those curious, this other page is a cfm page where I create a string
value based on the url params)

Any ideas?

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RE: JavaScript: Retrieving Remote HTML

2004-03-12 Thread Shawn Grover
So, besides the XML approach (which sounds VERY interesting), there are two methods suggested.I've done both myself, and personally prefer the IFrames.

The first method would be something like so:

script src="">
x = js_string_set_in_pageB.cfm;

The second would be something like so:
 var TargetString
 document.getElementById(myIFrame).src = "">

And Page be would be something like this:

... some CF Code ...
 window.parent.TargetString = #Some Value#;

(Notice the variable is being set in the IFrame itself - this way you don't have to worry about the Asynchronous issues, and can even call functions on the parent page (which you sometimes have to do to make sure the values you are working with stay in the proper memory scope - it's a pain to refer to a variable that was set in a window/iframe that was then closed or changed).

I would recommend one of the above two methods, but would also suggest exploring the XML.

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Nikhil Madani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 1:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: _javascript_: Retrieving Remote HTML

Interesting..can't hurt to try it out! Only drawbacsk seems to be how different browsers handle the IFRAME element.
Thanks Mark...

(P.S- To others reading this message- I'd still be interested to know if you've got a different take on this issue...(no offense to you Mark))

Check out IFRAMEs 
I haven't used them yet but it might be just what you're looking for.

-Original Message-
From: Nikhil Madani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 3:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: _javascript_: Retrieving Remote HTML

That's definitely possible, but I surely cannot do an script
src="" from within a _javascript_ functionis there
a way I could assign the js variable (created on page B)to a global scope
that I can then 
access inside any _javascript_ function on page A?

 One method would be to include Page B with a _javascript_ include 
 (script src="" and have Page B put the string you're 
 after into a _javascript_ variable.After the include, your code can 
 see that variable as if it were on the same page.

 I'm sure there's more elegant solutions though.

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RE: Strip HTML from String

2004-03-02 Thread Shawn Grover
There are functions for this at

-Original Message-
From: Bailey, Neal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 10:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Strip HTML from String

Hello everyone...

I saw a while back that someone either posted a snippet or a link to a tag
somewhere that would strip out HTML tags from a string. I tried looking
though my e-mail but cant seem to find it, also tried looking on a few
exchanges but they did not do what I needed. 

Basically if I have a string that looks like this: 

code to strip
Here is some font face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serifsample/font test
with a a href="">

output of striped code
Here is some sample test with a link.

Thanks for any help... 

Neal Bailey
Internet Marketing Manager
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RE: How to know when you have the last record?

2004-02-26 Thread Shawn Grover
cfif myquery.currentrow lt myquery.recordcount
 img src="">

(going from memory, so can't be 100% certain I got that right)


-Original Message-
From: Jeff Fongemie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:26 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: How to know when you have the last record?


I'm outputting a query as a list. Visually, I'm inserting an image between each record. It looks great until the last record, and I get the image at the very end.

What would be the best way to know that I'm at the end of my record set and not show the image?

Something like: cfif not lastrecord(myquery.recordcount)
img src="">

Is there an easy way to accomplish this?


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RE: The Dangers of Java

2004-02-17 Thread Shawn Grover
If you are hard coding the page to redirect to, when not then hard code it on the form processing page instead of on the form itself?That would remove one security issue altogether - you would now need to modify the processing page to redirect somewhere else.

My thoughts.


-Original Message-
From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 1:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: The Dangers of Java

So, if I encrypted the redirect on the form page and unencrypted it on the
page where I want to do the forward. Then, are there any major issues?

As to your question about untrustworthy developers vs. untrustworthy users,
I'm really not sure.
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Help with speeding up a string replace on a large file.

2004-02-11 Thread Shawn Grover
We have a case where we have 30+ instances of text in an RTF document that need to be replaced with specific database values.The routine we have does work, but it's pretty slow.In one case, we have a 1+ meg file, that we need to do the 30 replacements on via the REPLACENOCASE function.This file is taking approx 3-5 minutes to open.We've explored using REREPLACE instead, but are not seeing any noticable speed improvement.

The algorithm we have is something like so:

1. read file into a memory variable via the CFFile tag with action="">
2. Loop through our elements to replace
3. do an replace on the file in memory for the current element
4. End loop
5. Write the new file out to a temporary file (which we manage through another process).

We've used the GetTickCount function to narrow down exactly where the delay is, and it's in the loop - not on the read and write commands.

I'm sure there's a better way to do this - we're looking for a sub 10 second response time, if possible.Any suggestions?

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Mailto with an embedded form?

2004-02-09 Thread Shawn Grover
A client wants us to use the mailto: protocol of an anchor tag to open an
email with an HTML form embedded in it.something like so:

a href="" PROTECTED]body=form name='myForm'
action='' method='post'Comments: input type='text'
name='comment'/formEmail Me/a

However, when I try this out the body is put into the email as code - not
rendered as a form.I'm trying to tell the client this isn't a desirable
solution, but want to cover my butt.Is there a way to make this happen
using an anchor tag and the mailto: protocol.

I know I can do this with CFMAIL, but for this project we have to allow use
of the native email client for creating the email. (simplest way to give the
user access to their address book).

Thanks in advance.

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RE: Page Cache..

2004-02-09 Thread Shawn Grover
Another idea would be to put the three pages in your form onto one page as
hidden divs (except the first - that one should be visible).Then provide a
way to move between the pages (next/back links that would hide/show the
appropriate divs).And a Finish link/button that submitts the form.

Doing it this way will only put the main form on the history - hitting back
takes you to the page you were on before going to the form.

Another method is to make use of a hidden IFrame.Submit your form into an
iframe.Do whatever processing you need in the IFrame, then use _javascript_
to change the parent page with a 

Using the replace will prevent the back button from loading the first page
of the form.

There's always a way to work around the back button limitations...


-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Brodie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 8:33 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Page Cache..

Caution: There is no true way of completely diabling the back button

With the short answer out of the way, here's some _javascript_ that will make
it harder for folks to move backwards on your page.

Step one: Open the first page of the application in a new window. Use this
script as an example of preventing the back button from appearing in the

script language=_javascript_!--'myPage.html','MyWindow','toolbar=no');

Step two: Disable the right clicker using this script from Dynamic Drive.
Please note that it only works in IE consistantly

script language=_javascript_

//Disable right mouse click Script
//By Maximus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) w/ mods by DynamicDrive
//For full source code, visit 

var message=Function Disabled!;

function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all!document.getElementById){

document. Function(alert(message);return false)

// -- 

Jeremy Brodie
Edgewater Technology

phone:(703) 815-2500

Hi there:
I'd like to avoid back button in the IE...I have a wizard with 3 pages..If
click on the button Step 2 u are not allowed to go back to the page 1. I
used CFcache tag with timestamp=0 but itdoesn't work..any idea?
MSc. Hassan Arteaga Rodrguez
Microsoft Certified System Engineer.
DIGI- Grupo de Desarrollo
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RE: Mailto with an embedded form?

2004-02-09 Thread Shawn Grover
We present the user with a default list of TO addresses, based on the
context of the project they are working on.However the email being sent
may need to go to others not in the default list, or some on the list may
not need to see the email.Basically, the user get's to decide who the
email should go to.

Thanks for the input though.


-Original Message-
From: Jamie Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 12:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Mailto with an embedded form?

In order to get it parsed as HTML by the mail client, you need to pass
some extra headers, etc. I'm fairly certain this is not possible in
the context of a mailto. Besides, you're already pushing the mailto to
the point of failure.

However, in your (probably simplified) example, I can't see why the
user would need to access the address book, since [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
hardcoded anyway. Can you explain that requirement?


On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 09:58:28 -0700, in cf-talk you wrote:

A client wants us to use the mailto: protocol of an anchor tag to open an
email with an HTML form embedded in it.something like so:

a href="" PROTECTED]body=form name='myForm'
action='' method='post'Comments: input type='text'
name='comment'/formEmail Me/a

However, when I try this out the body is put into the email as code - not
rendered as a form.I'm trying to tell the client this isn't a desirable
solution, but want to cover my butt.Is there a way to make this happen
using an anchor tag and the mailto: protocol.

I know I can do this with CFMAIL, but for this project we have to allow use
of the native email client for creating the email. (simplest way to give
user access to their address book).

Thanks in advance.


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Help with Blob data?

2004-02-06 Thread Shawn Grover
We are converting an old Power Builder app to a web application.The
designers of the old system decided to store MS Word documents, and images
as BLOB data in the database, and now I need to extract this information to
create physical files for use with our system.One would think to query for
the blob data, and dump that to a file directly would work fine, but not in
this case.It turns out the original app takes that blob data and passes it
as an argument to an OLE object.My experience with OLE used like this, and
BLOB data is rather limited, so I'm looking for ideas...any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

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RE: Invoking CFC from within a CFCATCH block

2004-02-06 Thread Shawn Grover
Isn't this what the CFERROR tag was meant for?Or has it been deprecated
with MX and the CFC concept?


-Original Message-
From: Craig Earls [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 2:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Invoking CFC from within a CFCATCH block

It seems like if I invoke a static method of a CFC from within a CFCATCH
block the CFCATCH scope is cleaned out. Meaning I can't create a stock Error
handler CFC and call that from within a CFCATCH block without having to
individual passing in each of the CFCATCH variables (Type...)

Is there any way to specify a default error handler? I am stuck using a
shared server where I cannot get access to the server error logs, and no one
seems to know how to create an application specific error log... 
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RE: Groupwise and mailto - Resolved

2004-01-28 Thread Shawn Grover
Turns out Groupwise follows the RFC to the letter, whereas Outlook allows
for non-standard formats (go figure).

Where outlook accepts mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]subject=testbody=test
mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]subject=testbody=test, Groupwise doesn't.To do
the same in Groupwise you need to use: mailto:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]body=test body=test - note the use
of a question mark after the email address.

Just goes to show - one should find the Standards document (the RFC) when
working with protocols - not a ho to reference on the web.


-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 11:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Groupwise and mailto

Hi all.My appologies for the OT, but I'm not sure where else I can get
help on this.

I need to set the To, Subject, and Body fields of an email using the method
href="" PROTECTED]subject=testbody=test in an anchor tag.
This works perfect using MS Outlook.But I'm having troubles with Groupwise
(the client's mail client).Using the above, I get
[EMAIL PROTECTED]subject=testbody=test in the TO field, and the subject
and body are not populated.

I've done some research online via Google, and found reference to this
issue, but these references indicate this is the case for GroupWise 5.5 and
should be resolved in newer versions.My client is using GroupWise 6.5, and
still seeing this problem.

Do I need to do something different on the URL?Or is there something I can
get the client to do to their GroupWise (an add-on or something)?

Thanks for any help.

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Regex Help?

2004-01-28 Thread Shawn Grover
I have routine that reads in an RTF file, and then needs to find bookmarks
and insert a value for the bookmark.I'm usings CF's replace function,
and it works, but takes way too long in some cases.So I thought that if I
use regular expressions (with the REReplace function), I might speed things

This is the string I'm searching for:{\b0 {\*\bkmkstart bookmark_name}

The regex I have come up with for this thus far is :
but this isn't matching.

Any tips on what the regex should be for that string?Am I even close?

Thanks in advance.


(ps.I'm a regex newbie - can you tell?)
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RE: Regex Help?

2004-01-28 Thread Shawn Grover
Solved.The regex I'm using now is 

\{\\b0 \{\\\*\\bkmkstart bookmark_name\}

Guess I was close.

Thanks though.


-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 3:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Regex Help?

I have routine that reads in an RTF file, and then needs to find bookmarks
and insert a value for the bookmark.I'm usings CF's replace function,
and it works, but takes way too long in some cases.So I thought that if I
use regular expressions (with the REReplace function), I might speed things

This is the string I'm searching for:{\b0 {\*\bkmkstart bookmark_name}

The regex I have come up with for this thus far is :
but this isn't matching.

Any tips on what the regex should be for that string?Am I even close?

Thanks in advance.


(ps.I'm a regex newbie - can you tell?) 
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RE: How to Pass Varibles on Multipage Form?

2004-01-28 Thread Shawn Grover
Or do it via _javascript_.I'd personally do a multipage form as a wizard
type of interface with hidden DIVs.But this depends on the nature of the
form, your coding preferences/skills, and how much data to be processed...


-Original Message-
From: Robert Redpath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: How to Pass Varibles on Multipage Form?

Couldn't you just set them as session variables?


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Spear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:How to Pass Varibles on Multipage Form?

Try something like this...

!--- Create hidden form fields for the Form scope ---
cfloop collection=#form# item=ii 
 cfoutputinput type=hidden name=#ii#
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OT: Groupwise and mailto

2004-01-27 Thread Shawn Grover
Hi all.My appologies for the OT, but I'm not sure where else I can get
help on this.

I need to set the To, Subject, and Body fields of an email using the method
href="" PROTECTED]subject=testbody=test in an anchor tag.
This works perfect using MS Outlook.But I'm having troubles with Groupwise
(the client's mail client).Using the above, I get
[EMAIL PROTECTED]subject=testbody=test in the TO field, and the subject
and body are not populated.

I've done some research online via Google, and found reference to this
issue, but these references indicate this is the case for GroupWise 5.5 and
should be resolved in newer versions.My client is using GroupWise 6.5, and
still seeing this problem.

Do I need to do something different on the URL?Or is there something I can
get the client to do to their GroupWise (an add-on or something)?

Thanks for any help.

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RE: Can CF do this?

2004-01-19 Thread Shawn Grover
CGI.REMOTE_ADDRESS (I think - I'd have to look it up to be absolutely sure).

However, do not expect this to be 100% reliable.The reported IP address
can be a proxy server's address, or may not be reported at all (depending on
the browser).


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 6:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Can CF do this?

Again for security reasons, and maybe I don't need to do this... Can cold 
fusion capture a users ip adress and store it in a database on a given even 
like user login? If so, what code would I use?

I'm sure I could find the answer myself, but a little help would be a big 
time saver!

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CFHeader/CFContent woes.

2004-01-10 Thread Shawn Grover
I know this is a relatively common question on the list, but the common
answers/solutions just aren't working for me.

I've built a testing page to isolate my problem with the following code:

CFHEADER NAME=Content-Disposition VALUE=attachment;
cfcontent type=application/msword
file=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\app\fax_tenant.doc deletefile=No

The problem is that no matter what I do to the cfheader line, I NEVER see
fax_tenant.doc as the requested filename.I see the name of the .cfm file
(which is word_test.cfm in this case).I wouldn't really care if the thing
would at least display or save the word file.

I've tried changing the cfheader line to read VALUE=inline;
filename=fax_tenant.doc, and VALUE=filename=fax_tenant.doc - both had
absolutely no effect.
I've blew away my browser and server cache, and the compliled java classes
for the page, and still saw no difference. 
I've tested this on two other workstations, and they saw the same behavior.
So it's not workstation specific.

I'm stumped.I have another application on the same server that does the
same two lines (with application specific values of course), and it runs

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?The server is CFMX 6.0, and an
upgrade to 6.1 is not an option at this time.

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RE: CFHeader/CFContent woes.

2004-01-10 Thread Shawn Grover
sorry, the page is on an internal development server.

I just noted though the problem doesn't occur in Netscape 7.1, but does in
IE 6.0.I've also found refernce to a windows bug, but not the details of
the bug.I need this to work in IE 5.5 or better (client workstation
configuration), but don't know what else I can do to resolve this.Any


-Original Message-
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 3:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFHeader/CFContent woes.

Shawn Grover wrote:
 CFHEADER NAME=Content-Disposition VALUE=attachment;
 cfcontent type=application/msword
 file=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\app\fax_tenant.doc deletefile=No
 The problem is that no matter what I do to the cfheader line, I NEVER see
 fax_tenant.doc as the requested filename.I see the name of the .cfm
 (which is word_test.cfm in this case).I wouldn't really care if the
 would at least display or save the word file.
 I've tried changing the cfheader line to read VALUE=inline;
 filename=fax_tenant.doc, and VALUE=filename=fax_tenant.doc - both had
 absolutely no effect.
 I've blew away my browser and server cache, and the compliled java classes
 for the page, and still saw no difference. 
 I've tested this on two other workstations, and they saw the same
 So it's not workstation specific.



I don't get it
immigrants don't work
and steal our jobs
- Loesje 
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RE: CFHeader/CFContent woes.

2004-01-10 Thread Shawn Grover
The final code I have written is similar, but to isolate the problem, I have
created a simplified page with just the CFHeader and CFContent lines.The
problem is that the cfheader seems to be ignored by IE.The mime type
appears to be working fine thus far.


-Original Message-
From: Bryan F. Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 3:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFHeader/CFContent woes.

I always use application/unknown. Here is the code that I use.

cfheader name=content-disposition
cfcontent type=application/unknown
cflocation url="">
cfcatch type=any /cfcatch

The try/catch is there because if someone hits cancel, you will recieve
a socket connection has been reset error.

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 5:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFHeader/CFContent woes.

I know this is a relatively common question on the list, but the common
answers/solutions just aren't working for me.

I've built a testing page to isolate my problem with the following code:

CFHEADER NAME=Content-Disposition VALUE=attachment;
cfcontent type=application/msword
file=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\app\fax_tenant.doc deletefile=No

The problem is that no matter what I do to the cfheader line, I NEVER
fax_tenant.doc as the requested filename.I see the name of the .cfm
(which is word_test.cfm in this case).I wouldn't really care if the
would at least display or save the word file.

I've tried changing the cfheader line to read VALUE=inline;
filename=fax_tenant.doc, and VALUE=filename=fax_tenant.doc - both had
absolutely no effect.
I've blew away my browser and server cache, and the compliled java
for the page, and still saw no difference. 
I've tested this on two other workstations, and they saw the same
So it's not workstation specific.

I'm stumped.I have another application on the same server that does
same two lines (with application specific values of course), and it runs

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?The server is CFMX 6.0, and an
upgrade to 6.1 is not an option at this time.

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RE: CFHeader/CFContent woes.

2004-01-10 Thread Shawn Grover
sighs No luck on that.
I've worked around the problem for now by opening a new window and directing
it at the UNC path to the file in question.The application is intended for
an Intranet, so this should be a resonable solution.

Thanks anyways.


-Original Message-
From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 4:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:CFHeader/CFContent woes.

Shawn Grover wrote:
The problem is that no matter what I do to the cfheader line, I NEVER see
fax_tenant.doc as the requested filename.I see the name of the .cfm
(which is word_test.cfm in this case).I wouldn't really care if the thing
would at least display or save the word file.

I had this problem with IE with a Perl script, of all things... the solution
was to add the content-length property. I assume the same thing might work
with CF if you add: 

cheader name=content-length value=#your_filesize_in_bytes#

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RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance o f WI NWORD.EXE?

2004-01-09 Thread Shawn Grover
Unfortunately, my client hasn't updated his server yet, and likely won't for
some time.So, we are stuck running CFMX 6.0.

Further research indicates I have two choices left to me - either do the
work client-side or remove the Office 2000 objects, and use the Office XP
objects.Both cases leave a lot of unknowns, but at least I have a couple
of options to explore.I just wish this task wasn't due today

Thanks for the input.

Shawn Grover

-Original Message-
From: Mike Townend [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 4:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance o f

you havnt mentioned which version of CF you are using...If you are using
6.1 then there is a new function ReleaseObject() that may be of use to you.


-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 9, 2004 01:15
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance o f

Well, the server has been restarted, and the Quit command does indeed
clean up the instance.However, if I run into any errors at all before the
Quit command (and I'm expecting a few while I'm developing the page), I run
into the same situation again - the instance of word is not cleaned up, I
cannot remove it, and a new instance is created when the page is loaded

I'm sure someone has created word documents on the fly using the office
automation tools before (server-side that is), so can someone point me to a
resource that would help me through this process?Thanks.


-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 4:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance of

 I'm using the following code:

!--- If it exists, connect to it ---
 brTrying to connect to Word Object
!--- The object doesn't exist, so create it ---
 brWord Object not found, trying to create one

 I don't see the catch section running, so I'm apparently
 connecting to an existing instance of a Word Object.
 However, I am getting a new WINWORD.EXE process running
 whenever I run this code.The moment I have a second
 instance (or more), my processing begins to bog down badly.

 Is there any way to prevent this situation?

Are you closing off the COM object once you've finished your work?

If not, then you're leaving the connection active, which can sap
resources badly 
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Need help with MS Word Automation

2004-01-09 Thread Shawn Grover
I am having problems finding information on using Word Automation.What I
am trying to do is use CFMX (6.0) to open a MS Word template (.dot file),
find the bookmarks in the file, insert data from our database at the
bookmark locations, and then save the document as a new file on the server.
Once the file has been saved, I need to push it to the client browser (via a
UNC path).

I think I have the information I need to work with the bookmarks, and know
how to push the resulting file to the client.But I'm having problems
reliably opening the word.application object.

I'm sure this has been done before but am finding very little references in
how to do it.Am I just misreading what I have found?Is there some trick
that I don't know about? 

Thanks for any tips.

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RE: Need help with MS Word Automation

2004-01-09 Thread Shawn Grover
Thanks Sam.Your presentation helped clarify a number of points for me.
Basically the automation capabilities suck (as far as server side access
goes).But I think I have found a solution by saving the template as HTML
then tweaking the output as needed, and pushing it to the client as a word
document.I never thought that Word's ugly XML might actually come in handy
one day... grins/

Thanks again.


-Original Message-
From: Samuel R. Neff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 11:29 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Need help with MS Word Automation

If you're open to options other than automation, take a look at these links:

Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office: Breezo and examples 

Serving Word 




 -Original Message-
 From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 1:06 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Need help with MS Word Automation
 I am having problems finding information on using Word 
 Automation.What I am trying to do is use CFMX (6.0) to open 
 a MS Word template (.dot file), find the bookmarks in the 
 file, insert data from our database at the bookmark 
 locations, and then save the document as a new file on the server.
 Once the file has been saved, I need to push it to the client 
 browser (via a UNC path).
 I think I have the information I need to work with the 
 bookmarks, and know how to push the resulting file to the 
 client.But I'm having problems reliably opening the 
 word.application object.
 I'm sure this has been done before but am finding very little 
 references in how to do it.Am I just misreading what I have 
 found?Is there some trick that I don't know about? 
 Thanks for any tips.
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RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance o f WI NWORD.EXE?

2004-01-09 Thread Shawn Grover
Did that, I do get the catch block running, but the winword.exe instance
isn't killed.

I have found another suitable method - save my templates as HTML, read in
the file, modify it as needed, then push it out as a word document.No need
of Word automation with this method.Will just have to train the users in
this slight difference.

Thanks anyways.


-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 1:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance o f

 Well, the server has been restarted, and the Quit command
 does indeed clean up the instance.However, if I run into
 any errors at all before the Quit command (and I'm expecting
 a few while I'm developing the page), I run into the same
 situation again - the instance of word is not cleaned up, I
 cannot remove it, and a new instance is created when the page
 is loaded again.

 I'm sure someone has created word documents on the fly using
 the office automation tools before (server-side that is), so
 can someone point me to a resource that would help me through
 this process?Thanks.

Put your processing code into a CFTRY, then below it, run the quit()

That way if your code breaks, it'll still end the process, and with some
intelligent coding, you can still see the error generated. 
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Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance of WI NWORD.EXE?

2004-01-08 Thread Shawn Grover
I'm using the following code:

 !--- If it exists, connect to it ---
	brTrying to connect to Word Object
 !--- The object doesn't exist, so create it ---
	brWord Object not found, trying to create one

I don't see the catch section running, so I'm apparently connecting to an
existing instance of a Word Object.However, I am getting a new WINWORD.EXE
process running whenever I run this code.The moment I have a second
instance (or more), my processing begins to bog down badly.

Is there any way to prevent this situation?


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RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance o f WI NWORD.EXE?

2004-01-08 Thread Shawn Grover
I had thought of that, but my server currently has multiple WINWORD.EXE's
running, so will not process my (revised) page to execute the oWord.quit()

I have been doing some research and discovered that MS doesn't recommend
using the Word.Application object (for Word 2000) on the server side, due to
some known problems.They are recommending using the OfficeXP web
components instead.Here's where I found that info:
:80/support/kb/articles/Q257/7/57.aspNoWebContent=1 NoWebContent=1;EN-US;317316;EN-US;317316 

I'm currently waiting for our sys admin to finish installing the latest
service packs for Office 2000 on the server, and then reboot it.I'll try
out my code again at that time, with the Quit command.

Thanks for the response.Any other suggestions are appreciated.


-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 4:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance of

 I'm using the following code:

!--- If it exists, connect to it ---
 brTrying to connect to Word Object
!--- The object doesn't exist, so create it ---
 brWord Object not found, trying to create one

 I don't see the catch section running, so I'm apparently
 connecting to an existing instance of a Word Object.
 However, I am getting a new WINWORD.EXE process running
 whenever I run this code.The moment I have a second
 instance (or more), my processing begins to bog down badly.

 Is there any way to prevent this situation?

Are you closing off the COM object once you've finished your work?

If not, then you're leaving the connection active, which can sap
resources badly 
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RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance o f WI NWORD.EXE?

2004-01-08 Thread Shawn Grover
Well, the server has been restarted, and the Quit command does indeed
clean up the instance.However, if I run into any errors at all before the
Quit command (and I'm expecting a few while I'm developing the page), I run
into the same situation again - the instance of word is not cleaned up, I
cannot remove it, and a new instance is created when the page is loaded

I'm sure someone has created word documents on the fly using the office
automation tools before (server-side that is), so can someone point me to a
resource that would help me through this process?Thanks.


-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 4:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Creating a Word.Application COM object needs a new instance of

 I'm using the following code:

!--- If it exists, connect to it ---
 brTrying to connect to Word Object
!--- The object doesn't exist, so create it ---
 brWord Object not found, trying to create one

 I don't see the catch section running, so I'm apparently
 connecting to an existing instance of a Word Object.
 However, I am getting a new WINWORD.EXE process running
 whenever I run this code.The moment I have a second
 instance (or more), my processing begins to bog down badly.

 Is there any way to prevent this situation?

Are you closing off the COM object once you've finished your work?

If not, then you're leaving the connection active, which can sap
resources badly 
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WDDX vs raw XML?

2004-01-05 Thread Shawn Grover
We have a situation where we need to pass complex data structures from the
server to the client, and from the client back to the server.In the past,
I've handled this with WDDX, but am aware of a quasi limit to how deep you
can nest WDDX packets.Our current app is going to need multiple levels -
probably 4 or 5. (i.e. the Base object has a collection which contains other
objects that contain collections which contains other objects that contains
collections, etc).

We've done some brief exploration of the XML functions in CFMX, and suspect
this is probably the best choice for complex data like this.However, I'd
like to hear from others in the group to see if there are any other
reasonable alternatives.(other than creating individual WDDX objects for
each possible collection).

Any thoughts?Thanks in advance.

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RE: WDDX vs raw XML?

2004-01-05 Thread Shawn Grover
We had a previous app that went 3 levels deep, the third level became messed
up - the angle brackets and quotes for the XML tags got escaped.That could
have been an issue with how we were doing the serialization (had to handle
dangerous characters), but that particular system had a limit of two deep.

Thanks for the response.Any other comments?


-Original Message-
From: Tom Kitta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 4:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: WDDX vs raw XML?

I don't think 4 or 5 should pose as a problem. I know I have a WDDX
solutions that has around 5 or 6 and it works fine. Also you may check out
wddx site and see whatever there is a limit or no limit at all. It would be
strange in my opinion if the limit (if any) was set to something under 10.

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 6:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: WDDX vs raw XML?

We have a situation where we need to pass complex data structures from the
server to the client, and from the client back to the server.In the
I've handled this with WDDX, but am aware of a quasi limit to how deep
can nest WDDX packets.Our current app is going to need multiple levels -
probably 4 or 5. (i.e. the Base object has a collection which contains
objects that contain collections which contains other objects that
collections, etc).

We've done some brief exploration of the XML functions in CFMX, and
this is probably the best choice for complex data like this.However, I'd
like to hear from others in the group to see if there are any other
reasonable alternatives.(other than creating individual WDDX objects for
each possible collection).

Any thoughts?Thanks in advance.

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Verity Language Packs?

2003-12-09 Thread Shawn Grover
Hi all.

I have a base install of CFMX (not upgraded to 6.1 yet), and am finding that
Verity has some problems indexing french content.So, we've done some
research and determined we need to install the Verity Language Pack.I've
downloaded the asian/european language pack, and now need to apply it.
However the file is just a zip file, but doesn't have any install
instructions - no readme.txt, setup.exe, or any other file that might hint
at this.So, now I'm confused.Do I just dump the files into some folder
in the CFMX folders?Can anyone offers some guidance? Thanks.

If it helps, what we are seeing is that the french content is getting
indexed, but when we display a highlight from the colleciton, the accented
characters are getting mangled/converted into odd characters, sometimes
unprintable characters.Our research suggests this would be fixed by the
language pack.Can anyone comment on this?Are we going down the right

Thanks in advance.

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OT: Arden Weiss - virus sending messages to the list?

2003-11-06 Thread Shawn Grover
Hi all.Don't know if I'm the only one, but I've been getting emails from
an Arden Weiss.The messages seem to be CF related, and come with an
attachment.The attachment is a .scr file.I myself have never had
dealings with Arden Weiss (that I can remember), and know better to open
.scr file attachements.

Arden, if you are still monitoring the list, please run an antivirus scanner
on your system.

I've included a sample of the message below, without the attachement.


Sample message
Will I see you at the CF meeting next Tuesday (the 10th) -- think I will go
to this one -- they are off into the CF MX relm and here I am just starting
with CF5 but I must at least be aware of what's going on there?

Centervile house rehab is in slow-down mode for the res

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Accessing a user's Groupwise address book from CF?

2003-10-24 Thread Shawn Grover
I'm not familiar with the capabilities of Groupwise, so thought I'd ask the

We have an application that (if possible) will access the address book for a
given user in GroupWise.Is this possible?Anyone have any tips how to go
about it?I suspect security will kick in, but we will be able to provide
the username/passwords if needed.

If this isn't possible (or isn't very easy, which means longer coding times
and increase budget requirements), then we will find another solution.

Thanks for any imput.

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RE: Accessing a user's Groupwise address book from CF?

2003-10-24 Thread Shawn Grover
Oops, I forgot to mention that a quick google search didn't really find
anything.But my search terms may not be the greatest


-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 4:25 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Accessing a user's Groupwise address book from CF?

I'm not familiar with the capabilities of Groupwise, so thought I'd ask the

We have an application that (if possible) will access the address book for a
given user in GroupWise.Is this possible?Anyone have any tips how to go
about it?I suspect security will kick in, but we will be able to provide
the username/passwords if needed.

If this isn't possible (or isn't very easy, which means longer coding times
and increase budget requirements), then we will find another solution.

Thanks for any imput.


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Mime type for a dwf file?

2003-10-17 Thread Shawn Grover
We have a system where a user can upload files, then later access these
files (with security) through a CFContent call.We set the mime types for
most of the common files (images, documents, spreadsheets, etc.), and the
browser handles the files accordingly (opens the appropriate plug-in if it's
available).Recently we have had a request to handle Autocad files.I've
changed my code to specifically recognize dxf, dwg, and dwf, and set the
mime types accordingly.However, even with this, the browser is not
recognizing the mime type and firing the plugin.If I link to the file in
question directly, the plugin get's fired.I've tried drawing/x-dwf,
image/x-dwf, and image/vnd.dwf (though I didn't expect this one to work
- I don't think this is a valid mime type).

Does anyone have any suggestions on which mime type I need to specify?Or
maybe another way to get the plugin to fire?Thanks in adavance.

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RE: Web imap email

2003-10-14 Thread Shawn Grover
Any linux box running Courier-IMAP, or similar packages...These normally
run on top of Sendmail, Postfix, qmail, or some other message transfer
agent.They're all open source.

If you visit the user documentation pages at the Gentoo linux website, they
have a guide for setting up an email server, with virtual hosting, and web
based IMAP services.The guide is Gentoo specific, but only in terms of
installing the packages.Configuration of the packages would be the same
regardless of the Linux flavor being used (though file locations may
( )

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Everland, Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 11:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Web imap email

Anyone know of any free or near free products out there that interface to
the IMAP protocol.

Robert Everland III
Web Developer
Fidelity Integrated Financial Solutions
A Division of Fidelity National Financial
601 South Lake Destiny Drive
Suite 300
Maitland, FL 32751-7263

Phone:407-875-1818 x4568


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RE: How to deliver up the page and continuing processing?

2003-10-14 Thread Shawn Grover
Set an IFrame on your page, with a source pointing at the main processing
file.So your page get's rendered, but then loads another page into the
The downside with this is that if the page is long running, and the user
closes their browser or navigates off the page, the processing won't get
completed properly.

Failing that, you can use CFFlush to push the current client side elements
to the browser, but continue server side processing.


-Original Message-
From: Nick Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: How to deliver up the page and continuing processing?

How do you (can you) make a CFM template deliver up the current Web page 
(template) then move on to process other info, e.g., update DB, sends some 
emails, etc? This is not parallel processing. More like finish and deliver 
up the current page then proceed on to another template. In this case the 
info the Web page visitors will be served up is not dependent on completion 
of all process. Some of the follow on processing could get delayed, and we 
want to avoid delaying viewing by the user.

I know -- a question like this often solicits a ton of responses such as 
that shouldn't be a concern with good programming, on a good server, etc. 
Please spare me that lecture :-)




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RE: Coldfusion VS Zope (Python) ... HELP!!

2003-10-10 Thread Shawn Grover
If it helps any, I've just started implementing Zope on my personal server,
but code in CF professionally.My experience thus far is that Zope does
have a lot of potential to make life easy.I've installed Plone on top of
Zope, then within an hour, I had a basic web site up and running, with
editing capabilities, online management of the site, and some other nifty
tools thrown in like search capabilities, and and news listings.From what
I've read, you can take a section of your site (like news listings) and
create an RSS feed for them with a (relatively) few keystrokes/mouse clicks.

To create something from scratch like this in CF would have taken at least a
week or two by an experienced CF programmer (this is my own opinion).So,
the 3 or 4 days I've spent figuring out the installation routines for Zope
and Plone, and getting a basic feel for the tools have been well spent.
Currently I'm trying to figure out how to setup the CMFVisualEditor tool for
Zope to provide WYSIWYG editing of pages.Once I have this done, then I'll
be diving deeper into customizing my templates.If all goes well, I'll be
able to publish my sight by Monday.If I were doing this in CF, my target
publish date would be a month or two down the roadOh, and btw, I
haven't yet had to do any python scripting.(I face the same deal as you
with regards to python - I don't know it)

Don't get me wrong, I love CF and have done and seen other's do some very
amazing stuff with it.But for my personal server, I've choosen the open
source route, and CF doesn't play well with Gentoo Linux.

My recommendation would be to at least become partially familiar with Zope,
then make a judgment for your specific needs.



-Original Message-
From: Glen Salisbury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 8:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Coldfusion VS Zope (Python) ... HELP!!

Hey everyone.

I've currently been asked by my boss to do a large application in Zope.

We always done Coldfusion but despite the fact that he is not technical,
he's certain that the project we are doing could be built faster in
Zope.Despite that I've already made a case that Zope market is tiny,
(try doing a job search on it) and that none of the dev team knows Python
Does anyone have any pros / cons that are fact based that a case could be
either way?

Has anyone here coded in Python? If so which is faster to code in?

Thanks for your input.

- Glen Salisbury
Application Engineer


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CFContent and PDF problems

2003-10-08 Thread Shawn Grover
We're using a CFContent to push files to a client page (after they've
clicked on an appropriate link of course).Things are working for image
files, but we are getting odd behaviour when we try to view PDF documents.

Here's the code in question:

!--- Set the name of the download file in the HTTP header ---
CFHEADER NAME=Content-Disposition VALUE=filename=#oFTS.OriginalName#
!--- Send the file (using the physical path to it) ---
cfcontent type=#sMimeType# file=#sSourcePath# deletefile=no

and the supporting variables are:
Mime TYpe: application/pdf
File Name: 2003100809073301noisereport.pdf
Path and File:

What's happening is that the PDF file is getting dumped as raw text to the
page, or we see a prompt to save our action page (getfile.cfm).However,
this is a near exact copy of an existing routine from another application we
did.In the other application, the PDF plug-in kicks in and we view the
file in Adobe Acrobat.It would appear that in the process of copying and
modifying the code, something minor was changed to result in this new
behaviour.However, we've now had 3 people look at the code and we don't
see anyting that should be causing this issue.

Does anyone see anything wrong or have any suggestions?My thoughts are
that we have missed something stupid...

Thanks in advance.


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RE: CFContent and PDF problems

2003-10-08 Thread Shawn Grover
Thanks for the reply.I've added inline; and attachement; to the value
of the CFHeader tag - neither one made a difference in the behaviour.

I read through the RFC, and this appears to apply more to email than to web
pages.However, I made sure I understood the concepts involved.

The thing is that we have similar code in production that works fine.In
this particular case, our binary files get dumped to the web page as raw
text.I can change this behaviour a little to a point where we ARE prompted
to save, but then the filename we're prompted with is for the action page,
not the one set in the CFHeader tag, and when we do agree to open/save the
file, nothing happens (the saving dialog just opens and no data get's
transferred).This is repeatable with PDF and DOC files.However, for some
reason JPG and GIFs work fine. 

Thanks again for the reply, but I'm still looking for a solution (digging on
my side, as well as hoping someone on the list might be able to help out).


-Original Message-
From: Mosh Teitelbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 1:12 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFContent and PDF problems


Your CFHEADER is missing a value.The VALUE for the Content-Disposition
header should begin with either inline; or attachment; as in:

CFHEADER NAME=Content-Disposition
VALUE=inline; filename=#oFTS.OriginalName#

See RFC1806 ( for more details.

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 942-5378
Fax: (301) 933-3651

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 12:52 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFContent and PDF problems

We're using a CFContent to push files to a client page (after they've
clicked on an appropriate link of course).Things are working for image
files, but we are getting odd behaviour when we try to view PDF documents.

Here's the code in question:

!--- Set the name of the download file in the HTTP header ---
CFHEADER NAME=Content-Disposition VALUE=filename=#oFTS.OriginalName#
!--- Send the file (using the physical path to it) ---
cfcontent type=#sMimeType# file=#sSourcePath# deletefile=no

and the supporting variables are:
Mime TYpe: application/pdf
File Name: 2003100809073301noisereport.pdf
Path and File:

What's happening is that the PDF file is getting dumped as raw text to the
page, or we see a prompt to save our action page (getfile.cfm).However,
this is a near exact copy of an existing routine from another application we
did.In the other application, the PDF plug-in kicks in and we view the
file in Adobe Acrobat.It would appear that in the process of copying and
modifying the code, something minor was changed to result in this new
behaviour.However, we've now had 3 people look at the code and we don't
see anyting that should be causing this issue.

Does anyone see anything wrong or have any suggestions?My thoughts are
that we have missed something stupid...

Thanks in advance.



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OT: IIS not rendering ASP?

2003-09-30 Thread Shawn Grover
We have a web server that has been setup for virtual hosting.But for some
reason it is refusing to interpret the ASP files.A request for an ASP file
results in the text of the file being passed to the client, with no server
side processing.

We have searched MSDN, and the official solution is to install service
pack 1.The server already has the latest SP installed, so this should not
be the issue.We are scouring the web for any tips, but haven't found
anything that works ye (found a few promising suggestions, but they didn't
do the trick).We need to get the virtual hosting working and stable before
we install CFMX - we have a need for both CFMX and ASP.

Any tips are welcomed.Thanks in advance.

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RE: IIS not rendering ASP?

2003-09-30 Thread Shawn Grover
Thanks, we've checked that the ASP.dll was setup.But still no luck.
(setting up on the ISAPI tab causes the site to not work at all, but it IS
listed under the Home Directory tab / Configuration button).Navigating
to the virtual server, we get the text of the iisstart.asp file. (The site
documents are set for default.html and index.html - no mention of
iisstart.asp.)Navigating to a user created asp page (which we know works
fine) causes either the same type of behaviour, orHTTP 403.1 Forbidden:
Execute Access Forbidden - and we have checked all the security settings,
reset the permissions, and ensured Script and Execute access was turned
on...This is a weird one, I'm almost tempted to rip out IIS and put in
Apache, but I'd get shot for that.
Thanks for the tip.Any others?

-Original Message-
From: McGill, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: IIS not rendering ASP?

First thing I would do is go into IIS control panel and confirm that the
extension *.asp is mapped to asp.dll under the properties for that
particular website. I'm sorry not to be able to tell you which tab it is -
I'm not near a box with IIS running - but I think it is under the
Configuration button, then one of the tabs that is in the next form. If
you're lucky enough for this to be the problem, just add the mapping
there... (Hit Add  Enter ASP in the extension field  Browse to ASP.DLL)
Good luck,

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A request for an ASP file results in the text of the file being passed to
the client, with no server
side processing.


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RE: IIS not rendering ASP?

2003-09-30 Thread Shawn Grover
The lockdown tool wasn't explitly run, but it might have run as part of
service pack 4.We'll try running the tool manually and see what happens.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 10:44 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: IIS not rendering ASP?

By any chance was the iis lockdown tool run on this and set to stop asp?

You might want to rerun the tool and ensure that asp is allowed.


-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 12:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: IIS not rendering ASP?

Thanks, we've checked that the ASP.dll was setup.But still no luck.
(setting up on the ISAPI tab causes the site to not work at all, but it IS
listed under the Home Directory tab / Configuration button).Navigating
to the virtual server, we get the text of the iisstart.asp file. (The site
documents are set for default.html and index.html - no mention of
iisstart.asp.)Navigating to a user created asp page (which we know works
fine) causes either the same type of behaviour, orHTTP 403.1 Forbidden:
Execute Access Forbidden - and we have checked all the security settings,
reset the permissions, and ensured Script and Execute access was turned
on...This is a weird one, I'm almost tempted to rip out IIS and put in
Apache, but I'd get shot for that.

Thanks for the tip.Any others?


-Original Message-
From: McGill, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: IIS not rendering ASP?

First thing I would do is go into IIS control panel and confirm that the
extension *.asp is mapped to asp.dll under the properties for that
particular website. I'm sorry not to be able to tell you which tab it is -
I'm not near a box with IIS running - but I think it is under the
Configuration button, then one of the tabs that is in the next form. If
you're lucky enough for this to be the problem, just add the mapping
there... (Hit Add  Enter ASP in the extension field  Browse to ASP.DLL)
Good luck,

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A request for an ASP file results in the text of the file being passed to
the client, with no server
side processing.


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RE: Editing Files In-Line

2003-09-23 Thread Shawn Grover
Then if need be, you can do a cffile with action="" to write out the 
modified file, or just dump sFileContent to the client. 
This may not be the most elegant solution, but it'll work... (a regular 
_expression_ replace might be much more efficient). 
-Original Message- 
From: Richard Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:29 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Editing Files In-Line 
Is there a way in Cold Fusion to make changes to a text file without   
actually opening that file?  
Suppose, for example, that I have a file "myfile.html" which contains   
the string "***REPLACE_THIS***".  How can I have Cold Fusion replace   
that string in the file?  

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RE: Editing Files In-Line

2003-09-23 Thread Shawn Grover
H. now that mail is being sent as HTML, I'm not seeing tags that are 
being discussed 
-Original Message- 
From: Paul Giesenhagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:34 AM 
To: CF-Talk 
Subject: Re: Editing Files In-Line 
It will have to open it up.  
That should getcha!  
Paul Giesenhagen  
  - Original Message -   
  From: Richard Crawford   
  To: CF-Talk   
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:29 AM  
  Subject: Editing Files In-Line  
Is there a way in Cold Fusion to make changes to a text file without
actually opening that file?   
Suppose, for example, that I have a file "myfile.html" which contains
the string "***REPLACE_THIS***".  How can I have Cold Fusion replace
that string in the file?   

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RE: Design Structure and cfinclude

2003-09-19 Thread Shawn Grover
One method we use is to create our pages as include files themselves.  We
then build the main display page with simple code to set Page specific
information (like Title, template, etc.).

We have a template file for the application that includes the specified
files at the required point.

So I might have a template like this:

cfparam name=PageTitle default=
cfparam name=IncludeFile default=no_includefile.cfm
trtd colspan=2cfinclude template=myheader.cfm/td/tr
tdcfinclude template=menu.cfm/td
tdcfinclude template=#IncludeFile#/td
trtd colspan=2cfinclude template=myfooter.cfm/td/tr

and my main calling page would look like this:

cfset PageTitle=Test Page
cfset IncludeFile=main.cfm
cfinclude template=mytemplate.cfm

The main.cfm file would do anything required by that specific page.

We've moved to this because it allows us to change our templates across the
entire application with a change to a single file.  It also for more modular
code, which leads to code reuse (in terms of the template at least).  

This method also allows you to add javascript references or style references
on a per page basis, or on a system wide basis.

Hope this helps with your setup.


- Original Message - 
From: Shannon Rhodes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 10:45 AM
Subject: Design Structure and cfinclude

 We all know that cfinclude is perfect for design headers and footers, 
 but now that I'm actually redesigning my site to take advantage of 
 this, I'm running into some perplexing problems.  (Please don't 
 suggest FuseBox, that's way overkill for this site and I don't have 
 the time for it).

 My initial thought was: set up an Application.cfm and OnRequestEnd.cfm

 in each major section, which would call a header/footer for that 
 section.  I would be able to pass a url variable to request a 
 print-friendly version instead, or to request no display at all (for 
 action only templates). Global variables would be cfparam'ed, and one 
 page title and set of meta tags would be defined per section.  Voila, 
 new pages can be content-only without even a cfinclude 
 line---everything would be called by the

 As I'm getting into this, I'm finding that I don't like the loss of 
 page-specific flexibility.  I'm told that dynamically generated meta 
 tags often are missed by search engines, for example, and I don't have

 a way to override the standard section page title for pages that 
 really ought to
 their own title.  I'm also stuck with defining all CSS and JS in one 
 long file, even if some style definitions and JS functions are only 
 needed on
 page, because I've made the header of my document standardized.  Seems

 I'm adding all kinds of unnecessary download time.  Plus, my section 
 specific Application.cfm idea kind of forces me to model my 
 directories after my site navigation, when I'd actually prefer to 
 avoid a lot of third level directories and keep pages logically 
 grouped instead (after all, navigation sometimes changes over time 
 anyway, but who wants to move directories around).

 I think I need a balance between letting CF templates do it all for 
 me, and the tedious work of writing in each page information that is 
 probably the same 80% of the time in a given section.

 Can anyone suggest a best practices approach to using cfinclude for
 elements?  Should I hard code in most of the head area of documents, 
 so I can put in page-level titles, meta tags, and page-specific styles

  JavaScript, followed by a cfinclude containing the remainder of the 
 head with links to the master style sheet, and any design code that 
 will not change, followed by another include for section-specific 
 design images?
 suggestions are appreciated!



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RE: OO modeling Hell

2003-09-18 Thread Shawn Grover
I think you are on the right track but missed the business rules end of OO.

I would do the same as you - create objects for dealing with my underlying
tables.  I call these objects data access components, and normally store
them in a different folder called data.  Now, you have the concept that an
event, venue, and a time slot are related.  This is a business rule.  In
this case, I create another object that will implement the business rules.
In your case, I might call the new object an Event object, but store it in a
different folder or name it differently so that I know it is NOT a data
access component.  This object would then do any application specific
validation, and processing.  The tough part with this is that you have to
make a choice where your transactions take place - in the database, or in CF
(or whatever language you're using).  If you opt for placing the
transactions in the database (I'd recommend this where possible), then the
call to the stored proc should happen within one of your data access
components - the business rule component should not be dealing directly with
the database, that is not it's role.

Conceptually, you might end up with something like this:

  - Data Access Components
  - Event data access component
  - Venue data access component
  - Timeslot data access component
  - Specialized data access component (if needed).
  - Business functions
  - Save Event (-which might call individual functions on the member
data components)

Not sure if this is entirely clear, but hopefully it get's you moving in the
right direction...


-Original Message-
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 1:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OO modeling Hell

Sorry - thismay be semi-off topic (but then again it may be semi-on
topic - possibly even flat-out on topic!)

I'm working on modeling an existing procedural system (first built in CF
4) to CFMX and want to implement correctly (as possible) in an OO/CFC

I'm doing the static model now and have run into a conceptual problem.
Hoping for some opinions.

The system is an event planner for a large, single-day festival.
Stripping it down to the problem domain we have a database model with
three tables:

1) Events: All the events taking place.

2) Venue: All the locations that events can take place at.

3) TimeSlots: All of the tied begin/end times for events.  For example
10:00-14:00, 10:00-11:00, 13:00-15:00, etc

In the DB this works well.  Events and TimeSlots are joined with
EventsToTimeSlots (many to many).  You can then query easily based on
start-time, end-time, or duration.  EventsToTimeSlots also links to
Venues.  This allows an event to occur at any time and each time to be
located at a distinct venue.

So we may have a dance troupe appearing at 8pm-10pm at the Boston Ballet
bulding, then from 11pm-midnight at Boston Common.

When converting this to an object model I naturally began by considering
Event, Venue and TimeSlot as objects.  (Right?)  My issue is how
to deal with the three-part join.

I have, for example, an array in each TimeSlot object containing a
references to all the events taking place.  I can then loop through all
the timeslots and collect all the events taking place at any time or of
a certain duration.  Sorting this kind of return may be a problem, but
not (I think) big one.

I can also have an array of references in each Venue object to events
taking place there.  Lastly (I'm guessing) can have a two-dimensional
array of TimeSlot and Venue references in each Event linking each
timeslot to a venue.

Is this the best way to do this?

Should I instead some sub object that directly represents my join
table that contains a reference to an Event, TimeSlot and Venue?  Maybe
called Schedule or something?

Or should each TimeSlot object contain a single reference to an Event
and Venue and just have a lot of duplicate StartTime/EndTimes?  (I don't
think I would as it would be more difficult to present the details of a
single event.)

Does this whole Timeslot idea just not fit in OO as well as it does in
the relational system?

In the end the model I want should allow each event object to quickly
get the venue and time for each performance (perhaps that goes without
saying) but I also want to be able to easily list All events at Venue,
All events at TimeSlot and All events at StartTime/EndTime.

Thanks in adavance,

Jim Davis


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RE: OO modeling Hell

2003-09-18 Thread Shawn Grover
In this case then...

A specific event object would have a property for venue, and another for
time slot.  These properties would be of type Venue and type Timeslot
respectively (that is, Event.Time would be a timeslot object based on the
timeslot class, and Event.Venue would be a venue object based on the venue
class). Try not to use the same name for both your properties and your class
definitions, otherwise you might get errors, and cause confusion.

When you look at a venue object, it doesn't really have a direct correlation
to a specific event, or time, so will not have properties for these
elements.  Same with a Timeslot object - there is no real direct correlation
between a venue and an event, so no properties for these here either.  Yes,
a timeslot can be associated with a venue and/or an event, but the timeslot
iteself doesn't really care.

So, I'd make a generic timeslot object (with start time, end time, and any
needed methods), a generic venue object (with location and any needed
methods), and then an event object with properites for the event details
including timeslot and venue.

When it comes to listing items by timeslots or venues, this would be a
specialized query of your data.  Perhaps the Timeslot object could have a
method PrintSchedule that will do whatever is needed to create a schedule,
but scheduling is a time related function so logically should be with the
Timeslot object.  On the other hand, a Venue might also have a
PrintSchedule method that would list only the events for that particular
venue.  The implementation details are, of course, best left to you.  But I
post some possibilities here in hopes it might help you determine where
things should go.

I should make a disclaimer though - I don't know the specific details of
your requirements, so my examples might be completely off...



-Original Message-
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: OO modeling Hell

I think I misrepresented my problem.

The objects are virtual - they have no database access themselves
(this is handled, as you suggest, by separate implementation classes,
which handle all persistent data access).

The problem I'm having is that in the procedural world I'm coming from I
would have a big run which returned, for example, all the events taking
place at a Venue.

In the object world, after all this stuff has been instantiated and
cached, I'm having trouble connecting the objects together.  In this
specific case an Event can have several TimeSlots each at its own Venue,
a Venue can have many events and a Timeslot can have many Events.

In use all of this information will actually be stored as cached objects
in memory - there will be no DB calls.  This is possible because of the
(relatively) small size of the total dataset (about 200 events at some
70 venues) and should increase performance significantly.

My old version of the system simple loaded all of the data into
persistent (application scoped) queries and the application pulled it
from there using QofQ.

Thinking in objects I'm not sure how to translate that...

Am I confusing everybody else as much as I am myself?  ;^)

Jim Davis

 -Original Message-
 From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:56 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: OO modeling Hell
 I think you are on the right track but missed the business rules end
 I would do the same as you - create objects for dealing with my
 tables.  I call these objects data access components, and normally
 them in a different folder called data.  Now, you have the concept
that an
 event, venue, and a time slot are related.  This is a business rule.
 this case, I create another object that will implement the business
 In your case, I might call the new object an Event object, but store
it in
 different folder or name it differently so that I know it is NOT a
 access component.  This object would then do any application specific
 validation, and processing.  The tough part with this is that you have
 make a choice where your transactions take place - in the database, or
 (or whatever language you're using).  If you opt for placing the
 transactions in the database (I'd recommend this where possible), then
 call to the stored proc should happen within one of your data access
 components - the business rule component should not be dealing
 the database, that is not it's role.
 Conceptually, you might end up with something like this:
 EVENT Rules
   - Data Access Components
   - Event data access component
   - Venue data access component
   - Timeslot data access component
   - Specialized data access component (if needed).
   - Business functions
   - Save Event (-which might call individual functions on the
 data components)
 Not sure if this is entirely clear

RE: OO modeling Hell

2003-09-18 Thread Shawn Grover
Sounds like you're on the right track.

Regarding your sample approach below, I'd have to say that this depends on
how you want to code it, and what the requirements of your application are.
You could have one event object that contains an array/collection of time
slots and venues, or you can have an array/collection that has a single
event which in turn has a single timeslot and venue.

When I think about an event, I don't think of it having multiple times - I
think about each time being a separate event, and the schedule is a
collection of individual events.  However, that's me.  This sort of thing is
the type that will spawn many different opinions, all of them correct in one
way or another.  The bottom line is how YOU think about an event, and what
the application requires of the event object.  The rest is just a different
approach to implementation.

From the OO perspective, you have objects and collections.  Collections are
in fact objects, but sometimes it's easier to think of them as being a
little different.  A collection is used whereever you can have more than
one.  i.e. An event can have many timeslots, so the event object would have
a collection to hold the timeslots (normally a plain array will do the
trick, but this really depends on your coding language).

Your application sounds to me like your object approach should be something
like this:

Schedule Object (Collection of timeslots)
  - Timeslot object
  - Event Object
  - Venue Object
  - List Events By Time method
  - List Venues by event method
  - List Times for event method
  - Add Event method (i.e. Schedule.AddEvent(object Timeslot, object Event,
object Venue)  )
  - Remove Event method (i.e. Schedule.RemoveEvent(object Timeslot, object
Event)  )

Try not to duplicate your data if you don't need to.  Having an array of
event objects in your timeslot AND venue objects would be a management pain.
Probably simpler to either allow duplicate timeslot objects for the same
time period, or go with a collection of events that can have a timeslot
property.  Another option is to create different objects depending on how
you are looking at the data - If I'm looking at things from an events point
of view, then an events collection with the event object having time and
venue properties makes sense.  If I'm looking at things from a venue
perspective, then a venue object with a time collection, and each time
having an event object makes sense.  However, this last option may take much
longer to implement.

When I made reference to query your data, the actual location of the data
doesn't matter - if it's in memory, then your functions/methods will be
written to use the memory, if it's in a database, the functions/methods will
be written to use the database.  That's the nice thing about OO - you don't
really care how a function works, just how to call it (it's interface), and
what it returns.  This buys you a great deal of flexibility.  For instance,
you mentioned you are working with memory based data.  If down the road you
needed to put your data into a database, you change the corresponding
functions, but not change their interface (when you can), and no other
changes should be needed.  The display routines likely would never need to
be touched.

Are you developing this in CFMX?  If so, you can't do a FULL implementation
of OO principles yet (it'd be nice if MX natively supported raising events
between objects), but you can get real close now.  If you are developing in
something else, like VB.Net, you have other options open to you for how your
objects work. (different error handling routines, raising events, handling
events, etc.)

Once you get thinking in OO terms (and this IS a shift in thinking from
procedural languages), life will get easier, and you will have other options
available to you.  Like converting your CFMX objects into web services.
(yes, I know you can do this sort of thing with procedural languages too,
but I find it's much easier to understand if you understand OO principles).

So, the bottom line is to look at your application in an OO manner, and
decide which object model makes the most sense for you.  I can't tell you
this, but hopefully I've helped you understand things enough to be able to
make the choice.



-Original Message-
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: OO modeling Hell

I'm getting it I think... one point is that an event can have many times
and venues.  Physically you might have this:

Donald Knack, The Junkman
12pm-1pm-   Hynes Convention Center
2pm-3pm -   Hynes Convention Center
4pm-5pm -   Hynes Convention Center
7pm-10pm-   Boston Common Bandstand
12am-12:10am-   Boston Common Frogpond

In the above example there is one Event, 5 TimeSlots and 3 Venues.

The Event object should link to multiple timeslot/venue pairs.

My initial 

RE: Can I Throw within cfscript???

2003-09-16 Thread Shawn Grover
You can write a wrapper function for CFTHROW then call that function from
within your CFScript block...

-Original Message-
From: Andy Ousterhout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 2:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Can I Throw within cfscript???

Do I have to go out of the script language to throw and error or is there a
way to do it within cf-script(without separate function call that throws



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Mail_Attachments is a reserved word?

2003-08-27 Thread Shawn Grover
Hi ya.  We were using CFFile to store some files into a folder called
Mail_Attachements, and running into problems on our production server.
Worked fine in development, but the production server would crap out at that
point.  The solution turned out to be changing the directory name to
attachements (and the corresponding code), then everything worked as it

Is Mail_Attachments a reserved word?  This is the only explanation we can
think of for this behaviour.  

Thanks for the input.


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OT: Use JS to determine window size of parent document?

2003-08-21 Thread Shawn Grover
We have a situation where we have an IFrame on a page which contains a
table.  We need to set the width of the table to the width of the window
(the frame's parent document), scrolling the frame if necessary.  We have
tried using window.width, with no luck.  Searches of the web finds
references that IE doesn't allow access to the window properties after it's
been rendered (we could grab the height/width when the window is being
created, but we cannot control who/what objects will call this window).
Also, all the sample code we've seen online uses screen.

I'm sure there's a way to do this, but the obvious methods don't seem to be
working.  Unless we've missed something even simpler...

Any tips or suggestions are appreciated.


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RE: CF or .DotNet what do you think?

2003-08-06 Thread Shawn Grover
We have two development teams at the moment - one using .Net, and the other
using CFMX.  We've had discussions in house and have come to the agreement
that we could theoritically swap languages for the two projects, and the end
results would be roughly the same (with regards to performance, completion
time, etc.).  Developers will try to stick with what they know.  But I can
tell you from personal experience that good knowledge of VB code (pre .Net)
doesn't mean much when you introduce the .Net platform.  The learning curve
is abreviated, but it's basically a new language (VB.Net, ASP.Net, etc.).
So, your developers will face a learning curve regardless of what platform
is chosen (unless of course they are VB.Net developers as opposed to VB 6
developers).  The learning curve for .Net is much steeper than CF.

On the other hand, our .Net team feel that you may have a few more options
open to you with .Net because you can leverage the desktop type of code on
the server.  Personally, I've yet to see what .Net, PHP, JSP, etc. can do
that CF can't.  In my eyes, the language/platform you choose is more of a
political decision for managment, or the client.

My thoughts, not yours...


-Original Message-
From: Eric Creese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 2:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF or .DotNet what do you think?

A while back I had posed a question about CF vs .DotNet.  Well the
discussion here is picking up again and want to go to the mat for CF. I
know, like it, and have built several apps and sites. I have 4  VB
developers on staff with limited ASP and web development. They of course
will probably lean towards .DotNET. One who has more ASP experience had to
let me know that a real developer would use ASP and that CF is for
non-developers. Another basically said CF can not provide the robustness
needed for a full blown App.

Well I am asking for this boards feedback on the matter. Your pros and cons
would be much appreciated for my presentation.



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Unwanted control characters in text area

2003-07-23 Thread Shawn Grover
We have a text area that allows a user to enter HTML code.  This works fine,
but we are seeing unwanted characters added to the field value.
Specifically the character #160;.

We have been unable to find where this character is comming from.  The
process is as follws:  1) user enters HTML in the text area (with or without
the help of the eWebEditPro editor), 2) the data gets saved to the data
base.  3) The page gets refreshed and pulls the field contents from the
database.  At this point we are seeing the extra characters in the field.  I
have been unable to determine if this happens when the data goes to the
database, when it comes from the database, or when it's being rendered.  The
database records do not show any weird characters, but when we take the
value and preview it (dump the field to an HTML page), the character
appears.  If the record get's saved again, the character itself WILL appear
in the database, and previewing the new record in HTML shows this characrer
plus an extra one before and after it.

I just did a google search and didn't find anything relating to this issue
(but maybe my search terms weren't quite right).  So, I'm a little stumped.
In the short term I'm searching for ##160; and replacing it with a space
when I save my data, but this isn't fixing the cause of the prolbem.

Any ideas?



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RE: Unwanted control characters in text area

2003-07-23 Thread Shawn Grover
Thanks Tony.  But the problem is that these characters are appearing in the
first place.  These cause our generated content to look like crap, and not
match what was entered.

Specifically we end up seeing  all over the place (#194;).  However, this
code does not appear anywhere in our entered data (nor does the 160), and is
not initally present in our database records.  There is no obvious reason
for this character to be showing up at all.  We've checked our code
thoroughly, and narrowed it down to something relating to the textarea
tag, or in transferring the data from the database.  This is the only place
we see this problem at all.  If it helps any the data we enter might
originate from Ektron's eWebEditPro editor.


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:13 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Unwanted control characters in text area


160 -- --

tony weeg
uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
tony at navtrak dot net
office 410.548.2337
fax 410.860.2337

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 2:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Unwanted control characters in text area

We have a text area that allows a user to enter HTML code.  This works
fine, but we are seeing unwanted characters added to the field value.
Specifically the character #160;.

We have been unable to find where this character is comming from.  The
process is as follws:  1) user enters HTML in the text area (with or
without the help of the eWebEditPro editor), 2) the data gets saved to
the data base.  3) The page gets refreshed and pulls the field contents
from the database.  At this point we are seeing the extra characters in
the field.  I have been unable to determine if this happens when the
data goes to the database, when it comes from the database, or when it's
being rendered.  The database records do not show any weird characters,
but when we take the value and preview it (dump the field to an HTML
page), the character appears.  If the record get's saved again, the
character itself WILL appear in the database, and previewing the new
record in HTML shows this characrer plus an extra one before and after

I just did a google search and didn't find anything relating to this
issue (but maybe my search terms weren't quite right).  So, I'm a little
stumped. In the short term I'm searching for ##160; and replacing it
with a space when I save my data, but this isn't fixing the cause of the

Any ideas?



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RE: Unwanted control characters in text area

2003-07-23 Thread Shawn Grover
Correct.  The page is a form with about 12 fields - one of which is the text
area that allows HTML entry (used in conjunction with the web editor).  None
of the other fields on the page present this problem, and I have never seen
it before in any other application.

-Original Message-
From: Andre Turrettini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 1:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Unwanted control characters in text area

it does not appear from an input text box with everything else the same?

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 1:41 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Unwanted control characters in text area

Thanks Tony.  But the problem is that these characters are appearing in the
first place.  These cause our generated content to look like crap, and not
match what was entered.

Specifically we end up seeing  all over the place (#194;).  However, this
code does not appear anywhere in our entered data (nor does the 160), and is
not initally present in our database records.  There is no obvious reason
for this character to be showing up at all.  We've checked our code
thoroughly, and narrowed it down to something relating to the textarea
tag, or in transferring the data from the database.  This is the only place
we see this problem at all.  If it helps any the data we enter might
originate from Ektron's eWebEditPro editor.


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:13 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Unwanted control characters in text area


160 -- --

tony weeg
uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
tony at navtrak dot net
office 410.548.2337
fax 410.860.2337

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 2:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Unwanted control characters in text area

We have a text area that allows a user to enter HTML code.  This works
fine, but we are seeing unwanted characters added to the field value.
Specifically the character #160;.

We have been unable to find where this character is comming from.  The
process is as follws:  1) user enters HTML in the text area (with or
without the help of the eWebEditPro editor), 2) the data gets saved to
the data base.  3) The page gets refreshed and pulls the field contents
from the database.  At this point we are seeing the extra characters in
the field.  I have been unable to determine if this happens when the
data goes to the database, when it comes from the database, or when it's
being rendered.  The database records do not show any weird characters,
but when we take the value and preview it (dump the field to an HTML
page), the character appears.  If the record get's saved again, the
character itself WILL appear in the database, and previewing the new
record in HTML shows this characrer plus an extra one before and after

I just did a google search and didn't find anything relating to this
issue (but maybe my search terms weren't quite right).  So, I'm a little
stumped. In the short term I'm searching for ##160; and replacing it
with a space when I save my data, but this isn't fixing the cause of the

Any ideas?



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dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


File Synchronization, Asynchronously?

2003-07-22 Thread Shawn Grover
I have two web applications on separate servers, but using a common
database.  One server is on the Intranet, the other is located outside the
local network.  The applications allow a user to upload a file to be used on
the web pages (and a database record gets created).  But, under certain
conditions the file must be accessible to both the internal and external
server.  We don't want the external server to be accessing files off the
internal server.  

So, if I upload a file to the internal server, I also need to copy it to the
external server.  But, we don't want the user to wait while the server to
server transfer occurs (from client to server is fine though).  Can anyone
think of an easy way to do this?  Right now, I'm thinking the easiest way
might be to use CFSchedule to trigger a form post to the other server, or
even an FTP session.  

I know I can come up with a solution that works, but would appreciate any
comments/tips/suggestions for this process, or even an alternative process.
Keep in mind though that I only have the capabilities of the CF Server
and/or database server (MS SQL 2000) - no third party tools are allowed.

Thanks for any responses.

Shawn Grover

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: File Synchronization, Asynchronously?

2003-07-22 Thread Shawn Grover
Yep, this would be the easy way.  However, the files in question will likely
range in size from a few K to 30+ Meg.  The external server is co-located at
a public site, and we need to worry about bandwidth.  Centralizing the files
on a trusted share will still result in increased bandwidth utilization (the
files can be accessed multiple times).  10 people accessing a 20 Meg file
would be a significant bandwidth hit, 100 people, even more so.  (i.e.  The
trusted share may be placed on the external server, but the employees on the
internal network need to access the file(s) on a regular basis.  So we'd be
transferring the file to the internal network multiple times.  If we could
transfer it once, and have the internal users use that copy, then the
external bandwidth usage does not take a beating.)

With regards to putting the files into the database, that might be feasible,
but would require changes to existing systems, and would not alleviate the
bandwidth usage issue.


-Original Message-
From: Mosh Teitelbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 11:36 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: File Synchronization, Asynchronously?


Even though the 2 servers are located on separate networks, you can create a
trusted share on one server that can be made accessible from the other
server.  Then restrict access by user account to further secure the share.
This would allow the accessing server to be able to access the other
server via standard drive letter conventions.

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 942-5378
Fax: (301) 933-3651

 -Original Message-
 From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 12:35 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: File Synchronization, Asynchronously?

 I have two web applications on separate servers, but using a common
 database.  One server is on the Intranet, the other is located outside the
 local network.  The applications allow a user to upload a file to
 be used on
 the web pages (and a database record gets created).  But, under certain
 conditions the file must be accessible to both the internal and external
 server.  We don't want the external server to be accessing files off the
 internal server.

 So, if I upload a file to the internal server, I also need to
 copy it to the
 external server.  But, we don't want the user to wait while the server to
 server transfer occurs (from client to server is fine though).  Can anyone
 think of an easy way to do this?  Right now, I'm thinking the easiest way
 might be to use CFSchedule to trigger a form post to the other server, or
 even an FTP session.

 I know I can come up with a solution that works, but would appreciate any
 comments/tips/suggestions for this process, or even an
 alternative process.
 Keep in mind though that I only have the capabilities of the CF Server
 and/or database server (MS SQL 2000) - no third party tools are allowed.

 Thanks for any responses.

 Shawn Grover


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RE: Cons to Fusebox

2003-07-20 Thread Shawn Grover
Your statements assume the apps in multiple locations all belong to one
client.  If I had 3 clients who each required a shopping cart app (for
instance), I doubt very much if they would want their system to be even
partially located on server's outside their domains.  In this case (which is
common among software shops) one would need to copy the common code to each
of the domains.  Then, if a fix is done for one site (to the common code),
then it is very likely that fix needs to be applied to the other sites as
well.  I don't see how FB helps with this situation any, nor makes it any
worse.  This issue would exist regardless of what architecture or
methodology was implemented.  But yes, I agree that there are tools
available to synchronize remote folders which would make this issue easier
to deal with.

rant on
The next comment is directed at GL.
It's people like you who make a mailing list frustrating.  I'm here to
gather information, and stay current with the issues that affect my trade.
To hear someone like you spout off that you are oh so superior because I
don't do it like you makes me want to puke. You have a different way of
doing the job - that's fine.  But to hear you cut down people who don't do
it your way is just stupid.  Grow up.  I've seen too many people -
programmers, techs, or otherwise - with this attitude, and everyone of them
runs into a situation where they are put in their spot.  A little knowledge
does not make you an expert.  (And notice I did not even for a second attack
your skills as a programmer?  Isn't that how it's supposed to be done?  A
general discussion - not a bashing without cause.)
/rant off

Roger Benningfield said:
(1) FB2 places no particular limits on the locations of your individual
fuses. In my case, each JournURL community is an independent instance of an
FB2-ish app, but all instances share dsp_s, act_s, qry_s, custom tags, and
CFCs that are stored in centralized locations.

(2) Ignoring any potential architectural issues, the problem you're
describing could have been solved with an automation app like AutoMate
( One click (or a scheduler) will copy
files across directories and FTP them to the appropriate remote locations.
Would have been a whole lot simpler than scrapping most of the code and
starting from scratch.

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.


RE: Cons to Fusebox

2003-07-18 Thread Shawn Grover
-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 3:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Cons to Fusebox

If I were to start a new project tomorrow, I could either grab Fusebox (or
Struts, or whatever) and start architecting and coding, or I could start
building a framework, and refine it and test it, and then start
and coding, once the framework is complete.  Fusebox4 has been months in
development; Struts 1.1 was much longer than that, and both have both been
years from the initial get-go to now.

I'm going to take this statement at face value for a moment, even though I
suspect you mean differently.  So, what I'm hearing is that your client says
they want X, and you begin coding X immediately.  But I do not see in you
statement where the requirements gathering and planning process has taken
place to determine if the client really wants X, or maybe X and Y and Z.

If this is the case, then yes, FB may make it easy for you to backtrack and
add Y and Z afterwards.  But if you've done the requirements gathering
beforehand (I'll assume you normally do Barney - this is simply for
discussion puposes), then you would have planned for X Y and Z from the
start, before any code was written.  In which case, FB still doesn't really
buy you anything that simply following good practices would.  Yes, it makes
things easier in some ways, however, so does Object Oriented Programming,
and so does Struts, or any other methodology - even some home grown ones.

As near as I can tell from this discussion, it comes down to a matter of
coding style.  If you prefer the FB style of coding, then do it.  If you
prefer a custom style of programming, then do it.  There is no right way
to do the code - other than making the application do what it's supposed to.

My thoughts, not yours...



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RE: RE: Cons to Fusebox

2003-07-18 Thread Shawn Grover
Very true, as we both well know.  However, if the requirement gathering is
done, then the proper planning, the system you've built can normally handle
these situations - regardless of what framework/architecture/methodology
you've chosen.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 4:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: RE: Cons to Fusebox

 But if you've done the requirements gathering
 beforehand (I'll assume you normally do Barney - this is simply for
 discussion puposes), then you would have planned for X Y and Z 
 from the
 start, before any code was written.

As anyone who gathers requirements can attest to, getting every single
requirement up front is impossible.


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Cons to Fusebox - From the trenches

2003-07-18 Thread Shawn Grover
I undertook a project which was partially completed before I became involed.
The project up to that point had been done in a modified form of FB2 on
CF5. I ran into large number of problems simply because the code was not a
full FB implementation.  Had it been, a number of things would have been
easier.  However, it was not in the best interests of the project to start
from scratch and rewrite the code in full FB implementation, or some other
archeticture.  So, I had to work with what was there, and follow the FB'ness
of the application as closely as possible.  

Looking back on the project, I think it was a good example of where FB was
not well suited.  This was an very complex application (basically rewriting
a desktop app to the web, but in such a way that there was no difference
between the two - either in functionality or interface).  Some of the pages
did so many different things given so many different conditions - the FB
approach hindered the process I think.  I'm sure some would argue that FB is
very good at this type of application (sorry I can't give more details -
NDA), but in my eyes, even had FB2 been implemented correctly, it would have
made debugging and maintenance of the application extremely difficult.

Now that CFMX can support components and most of the object oriented
approach to programming, I'm finding this to be a much better, and more
robust solution. If I can figure out how to simulate events serverside (but
within the CFC framework), I wouldn't see a need for any other language on
the web. On the otherhand, I know FB3 and FB4 have improved significantly,
and may be as robust as applying OOP concepts.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:25 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Cons to Fusebox

While I still don't like it, I do have a better understanding of why others
might like it, and perhaps would even agree that it may help some people
with their development process. Without this thread, I probably wouldn't
have that understanding.

I find myself very much agreeing with you, Dave, in that I think this thread
has been very educational. I do wish people would not react so personally
when someone says they dislike a particular methodology or framework. I
personally don't think one framework can solve all problems in web
development, and that each application should be viewed on its own merits
and the first question that should be asked is: What's the best tool for
this job?

For example: Let's say you've inherited a ColdFusion application that's not
in Fusebox, and you've got to work on it/enhance it in some way within a
short time period. Is it better to sit and recode that app to be a Fusebox
app, or is it better to take the app as is and recode where needed? I've
never coded in Fusebox (or in ColdFusion, for that matter, though I can edit
articles on both), but I would imagine that there are times when you'd want
to use Fusebox and there are times when time constraints/other issues might
cause you to decide to use some other methodology/framework or your own
coding guidelines for a more generic ColdFusion app.

Thoughts from people who are actually in the trenches here?



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RE: Cons to Fusebox

2003-07-17 Thread Shawn Grover
Brian, you are starting to come across as being aggresively opposed to this

As for your message:

I work pretty much in the same fashion Dave has indicated.  However, I have
absolutely no data layer logic on my display page.  Any data layer logic is
accessed via a function call to a business rule object, and the business
rule object accesses whatever data layer objects it needs.  I then have my
basic data that I place into the page as needed.  So, by simply applying OOP
principles, I achieve the abstraction and encapsulation you and other FB
proponents seem to be offering as what makes FB so good.

Seing as all actions start from a page request, why not let the page
determine what needs to be done?  FB does the same thing, using a different
method (index.cfm switch case).  In both cases (FB vs OOP), the end result
is a page that is rendered correctly and using some kind of architecture.

I have had to occasionally use a dynamic destination for my forms - using a
variable made sense in these cases.  However, I didn't need to use FB to do
this, and using the OOP principles, this is very simple to implement to what
ever degree of complexity the page in question requires.

I think we can all agree that abstraction is a good thing.  But, there are
times when it simply isn't needed.  Do I need a complete framework and
abstraction layer to know that 2+2=4? Or do the work? (maybe a little too
simplistic for an example, but I think it makes the point).

You and others make references to Java, java struts, javadocs, and other
similar features.  But I've yet to see anyone mention that Java is NOT a
file based programming language.  By this I mean that I can write a complete
application with one java class, or that once the application is compiled, I
don't have to request a file to see the next window.  In theory I could do
that with CF as well, but that would just be stupid.  Web applications need
web pages.  Web pages are files (and may have some dynamic parts to them).
Files are stored in directories.  The same can be said about Java
applications, but the compiled java app doesn't really care what directory
the source files were stored in - whereas a web application does.
Documenting the functions, classes, and logic of a java application is a
little tougher because you are not forced to create a single file for every
class or function, or display page/window.   So, java struts, and javadocs,
(and the equivalents for .Net and other languages) provide useful features
for a non-file based language.  On the other hand, a simple good naming
standard (and some reasonable thought beforehand) with regards to the
directory structure of a web application, can also prove as a Guide.  I can
look at the directory structure and know the basic layout of the
application.  Does this mean that FB isn't needed? No.  Does this mean that
FB is the only method? No.  Does this mean that my method (using OOP
principles) is better? No.  Does it really matter in the long run?  No - as
long as there is SOME documentation, and some thought in the structure of
the application, and the application does the intended job.

Now, that all said, I've previously stated that my experience with FB is
limited to the FB2 days, and even that isn't very extensive.  The point I
would really like to make is that FB does provide a method for people to
structure their applications in a useful manner.  However, and I think this
is the point that Dave was trying to get to, not all of us need this method.
A large number of us have previous programming experience (specifically
meaning non-web based) and think of structure before we write code, because
we know this must be done, or suffer the consequences.  Someone new to web
development may feel the need to start coding right away (how many of us
DIDN't do this at one point).  For these people especially, FB is a great
idea, because it forces the structure a good application should have.
Whether the structure is based on FB, OOP, or some other
framework/methodology doesn't really matter in my eyes, as long as there IS
a decent structure. And FB is excellent for those who simply like what it
provides.  But for those who prefer a bit more independance, and have the
ability/experience to understand the importance of a program structure and
proper planning, FB doesn't really offer anything we don't already do.

For the record, I'm going to check out FB4 as a result of this thread, just
to see what's changed since FB2, and see if it applies to any of the work
I'm doing at the moment or in the near future.  Thanks to all for the
discussion - it's been a good one I think.


-Original Message-
From: Brian Kotek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 6:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Cons to Fusebox

Dave Watts wrote:
I don't like controller structures, or hub-and-spoke frameworks, or
whatever you want to call them. I think they add needless complexity to
CF applications. I 

RE: Cons to Fusebox

2003-07-16 Thread Shawn Grover
My FB knowledge is a bit old (FB2 days), but what I remember is that FB
basically provided a programming framework.  For those of us that had a
programming background (i.e. desktop applications), building a programming
structure is/was a natural thing.  On the otherhand, web developers without
that programming background (i.e. they knew HTML, and are/were relatively
new to scripting) would benifit from FB because it imposed structure on the
applications they were creating.

I know FB has evolved since those days, so maybe this view is outdated.
From what I've seen of this thread, it might be worth looking at FB again.
But now that I can build components, and basically implement OOP techniques,
I don't know if FB would offer me anything that I can't already do through
another method.

My thoughts, not yours


-Original Message-
From: Clint Tredway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 6:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Cons to Fusebox

I recently helped on a project that used Fusebox. I tell you what.. Talk
about doing more than what you need. I will never understand using
Fusebox. It took more time to build the parts that I needed to get done
using Fusebox than it would have had I just built it the way that I do

I know it may work for some, but for me.. I don't like it. 

My 2 cents...


-Original Message-
From: GL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 7:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Cons to Fusebox

Right Barney. I've architected dozens of FB3 sites without ever needing
to use a recursive call to the fusebox. 

Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that FB3 has garnered a lot of
bad press. Everyone in the FB community loves FB3! I've been to most of
the conferences and have been on the HOF list for a few years. In my
opinion the only bad press I've heard is from overly clever folks who
try to make things as complicated as possible rather than just getting
the job done. FB 3 gets the job done with tons of upside. FB4 sounds
like it'll be great also, but shouldn't take anything away from FB3.


-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 7:26 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Cons to Fusebox

Wow.  I'm impressed.

From what I've gathered, applications making heavy use of recursive
calls to the fusebox are not the norm for FB3 applications, and the
performance gain you mention is tied directly to that style of coding.
If you don't make use of recursive calls, you'll see a performance
increase with FB4 over FB3, but it won't be nearly that substantial.

I'm not beating a dead horse, just don't want to let anyone get the idea
that FB4 is orders of magnitude faster for all situations.  It might be
for some, but not all.


Barney Boisvert, Senior Development Engineer
voice : 360.756.8080 x12
fax   : 360.647.5351

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Kotek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 4:43 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Cons to Fusebox

 I should have been clearer, in that the application in question used
 multiple CFMODULE calls to recursively call the Fusebox core and 
 populate several sections of content.  Other than the change from FB3 
 to FB4 (along with the elimination of the CFMODULEs), no other changes

 were made to the application.  The processing time for an average page

 in this application dropped from 400 ms to 40 ms when using Fusebox 4
 in production mode (a setting in the fusebox.xml file).  Obviously, 
 your mileage may vary, but I feel this is a pretty good example of the

 increase in performance that FB4 can deliver.

 Brian's comparison needs qualification.  If a request takes
 400ms to render,
 but 350 of that was a slow query, then it'll only drop to around
 360ms with
 FB4.  It's only the framework code that is enormously faster, not the

 application code.  In my experiences, the framework overhead was
 but fairly small (never more than 10-15%) of total execution
 time.  Assuming
 that tenfold decrease is valid (it's probably reasonable), you're
 only looking at shaving 10% off your total execution time.  The point
 is that FB3
 isn't horribly slower, it's the application that takes most of
 the time, not
 the framework.  FB4 is has a lighter weight execution time, but
 it's a small
 difference overall.


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dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


CFAbort in CFScript?

2003-07-14 Thread Shawn Grover
I think this is a stupid question, but is there any way to end processing of
a CF page from within CFScript similar to a CFAbort.

I know CFAbort is a tag, and tags can't be used in cfscript.  However, there
have been so many other improvements to CF with the MX release that I
wouldn't be surprised if there is a method to do this.  Thus far, I have not
found a way to do so, which means I have to set an abort flag within the
cfscript block, then check this flag and abort when I close the block.  This
isn't too much of a problem to do, but I'm curious if there's a way to put
the exit command where it makes the most sense.  

Thanks for any responses.


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


FW: (clug-talk) CFMX on Gentoo Linux?

2003-06-16 Thread Shawn Grover
Has anyone been able to get CFMX running on Gentoo Linux?  When I try to
install the linux version (trial version from the web), I get a bunch of
strange errors.

---Errors ---
Configuring the installer for this system's environment... 
dirname: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
objectfile: No such file or directory 
/bin/ls: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shred
object file: no such file or directory 

... snip ... 

Launching Installer ... 
rm: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
objectf file: No such file or directory
--- End Errors ---

I've tried installing the Java 1.4.1 SDK, and saw no difference.  My
research into the install issues suggest this is a JVM problem.  I've
examined the files that get extracted, and don't see an executable I can run
myself.  So if this is a simple path problem I can't change the paths and
then re-run the install.  Or have I missed something? (I'm relatively new
with Linux, so I wouldn't be surprised.)  I do have a file under
the /library directory.

I realize CF is only supported on Red Hat Linux, but I've been very
impressed with the optimizations Gentoo allows and would like to use it as
my development server.  If I can't get CF running, I'll probably have to do
a crash course in PHP.

Thanks for any responses.


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ColdFusion and related topics.


How do you pass the location of your CFCs to other CFCs?

2003-06-12 Thread Shawn Grover
We are trying to follow good OO coding standards as we develop our CFCs, but
have hit a minor snag.

Basically, an action page will call a business rule component.  But first,
it needs to know where we've stored the components.  That's fine, I can set
a variable in Application.cfm.  Now the business rule component may have
need to access other components (other BR or data access components), I can
hard code the path to the components during development, but it'd be VERY
nice if I didn't have to replace these values when the project is delivered
(different server and base directory) or we moved our development server.
How do YOU handle this?

We've toyed with the idea of using a central configuration object which all
objects could instantiate if needed, but then how does the CFC know where
the config.cfc is?  Next, we considered specifying a variable in the Request
scope, but this means the components MUST know something about the
environement they are being used in, which breaks OO coding standards (think
black box).  So, the only other option we can think off is to pass the path
to the objects, either on a per function basis, or through an init
function right after the component is created.  This option is probably the
most robust overall, but means revising a number of components that already
exist.  So, I'm thinking that leaves us with the Request scope variable.
Are there any other options we're missing?  (reading from a file presents
the same problem - how does the cfc know where the file is located without
breaking OO standards?).

Thanks for any input/suggestions.


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RE: How do you pass the location of your CFCs to other CFCs?

2003-06-12 Thread Shawn Grover
If we had a single folder for CFCs, then I can see this working.  However,
we've separated our CFCs like so...


We are using the folder to separate data access components, business rule
components, and presentation layer components.  I guess we can maybe move
our components into appRoot/cfc and distinquish them via a naming
standard...  But I'm still looking for an alternative.

Just re-read your message - We might be able to assume the components will
be in a fixed root folder - That would solve our problem - instead of using we'd be able to reliably use
cfc.type.component.  I need to think this through some more and speak with
the client regarding folder location/naming (the app will be deployed to an
existing web server), but right now I can't see why it wouldn't work right.

-Original Message-
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: How do you pass the location of your CFCs to other CFCs?

If the CFCs are related, why not use the same directory? Ie

/root/wwwroot (web files here)

If your app was, you could make a mapping that points to root,
then all your cfcs would have the path:


And of course, if whatever needs to access whoever in the same package,
it can just call whoever. 

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Mindseye, Inc
Member of Team Macromedia (

Blog :
Yahoo IM : morpheus

My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. - Yoda 

 -Original Message-
 From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:32 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: How do you pass the location of your CFCs to other CFCs?
 We are trying to follow good OO coding standards as we 
 develop our CFCs, but have hit a minor snag.
 Basically, an action page will call a business rule 
 component.  But first, it needs to know where we've stored 
 the components.  That's fine, I can set a variable in 
 Application.cfm.  Now the business rule component may have 
 need to access other components (other BR or data access 
 components), I can hard code the path to the components 
 during development, but it'd be VERY nice if I didn't have to 
 replace these values when the project is delivered (different 
 server and base directory) or we moved our development 
 server. How do YOU handle this?
 We've toyed with the idea of using a central configuration 
 object which all objects could instantiate if needed, but 
 then how does the CFC know where the config.cfc is?  Next, we 
 considered specifying a variable in the Request scope, but 
 this means the components MUST know something about the 
 environement they are being used in, which breaks OO coding 
 standards (think black box).  So, the only other option we 
 can think off is to pass the path to the objects, either on a 
 per function basis, or through an init function right after 
 the component is created.  This option is probably the most 
 robust overall, but means revising a number of components 
 that already exist.  So, I'm thinking that leaves us with the 
 Request scope variable. Are there any other options we're 
 missing?  (reading from a file presents the same problem - 
 how does the cfc know where the file is located without 
 breaking OO standards?).
 Thanks for any input/suggestions.


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: Back Buttons

2003-06-04 Thread Shawn Grover
Also, if your form action page doesn't do any client side output (i.e.
javascript), then the browser won't know about it, and a 
history.back(); will return you to your form.  This method won't work if you
are doing anything with cookies, otherwise, it works pretty well.

-Original Message-
From: Cassidy Symons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 2:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Back Buttons


At 03:52 PM 6/3/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Is there away to make the back button do history -2 instead of -1 on
certain pages... I am trying to bypass a form post page to return my
users to where they origiannlly came from...

Any ideas...

Kris Pilles
Website Manager
Western Suffolk BOCES
507 Deer Park Rd., Building C
Phone: 631-549-4900 x 267


Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.


RE: Calendar recommendations?

2003-05-31 Thread Shawn Grover
Or, one query to get all the events for the month, then using query of a
query or looping through the records, you could populate the calendar table
as it's being generated.

-Original Message-
From: Austin Govella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 3:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Calendar recommendations?

 u could try this

I've seen several calendar generators like this, and they could work if I 
knew how to tie them into a db listing the events for a particular class. 
I can't envision how to do that on my own.

My only brainstorm would be to query the db for each date on the calendar.
  But that'd be up to 31 queries, and that doesn't seem right. Is this the 
best way to populate a calendar? It seems really intensive.



Host with the leader in ColdFusion hosting. 
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RE: Making the MX Popup Menu Javascript Dynamic

2003-05-30 Thread Shawn Grover
The COOLjsMenu and COOLjsTree look pretty good. Decent prices too.

-Original Message-
From: Jamie Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 1:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Making the MX Popup Menu Javascript Dynamic

I hacked up the popup javascript generated by DreamWeaver MX, so I
could make the popups data-driven (see below, if interested). I only
have one problem, though: mm_menu.js doesn't dynamically size the
popup cells, so if your data is longer than your static width, it's

Apparently DreamWeaver MX (and, I guess, Fireworks MX) itself
calculates and sums glyph widths, according to font and size (in other
words, it takes into account the width difference of an Arial i and
M). It seems like this could get hairy, if I were to try to
calculate these myself.

Does anybody know how to modify mm_menu.js to dynamically size these
popup cells, OR know of any comparable, free DHTML popup app that
does dynamic sizing? (I used to use HierMenus, but they want $1500+
for it now -- what a GOUGE.)


script language=JavaScript
function mmLoadMenus() {
  if (window.mm_menu_1) return;
cfset jsLoopIdx = 0
cfoutput query=getHeadlines group=section_name
cfset jsLoopIdx = jsLoopIdx + 1
  window.mm_menu_#jsLoopIdx# = new Menu(root,500,18,Arial,

} // mmLoadMenus()
script language=JavaScript src=mm_menu.js/script
script language=JavaScript1.2mmLoadMenus();/script

cfset jsLoopIdx = 0
cfoutput query=getHeadlines group=section_name
cfset jsLoopIdx = jsLoopIdx + 1
img src=images/sec_btn_top.gif width=151 height=4 alt=
a href=javascript:;
onMouseOut=MM_startTimeout();img #button_image#
name=button#jsLoopIdx# alt=#section_name# border=0/abr
img src=images/sec_btn_bot.gif width=151 height=3 alt=


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: Help with CFC and recursion?

2003-05-27 Thread Shawn Grover
Thanks for the tips Sean, Raymond, et al

I had tried using the VAR bit before, but the code choked.  I didn't even
think of doing it in CFSET tags.  (And, I learned that a CFTRY tag is
interpreted as executable code.)  The function is working now.

As for my use of the CFPROPERTY tags, I know they are kinda useless in the
manner I'm using them, EXCEPT for documentation.  If you pull up the CFC in
a browser directly (i.e. http://myserver/mydir/mycfc.cfc), then you get a
very nicely formated page documenting everything there is to know about the
component.  If you don't use the CFPROPERTY tag, then the properties section
is empty.  We are intending to print these screens to document our classes,
so having the properties listed is an added bonus.  Also, some of our
components will likely become web services in the near future - we're still
getting the core code into place so we can proceed with the presentation

Thanks for the input on recursion, and some tips on CFProperty - on which I
have not been able to find any great details.


-Original Message-
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 8:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Help with CFC and recursion?

On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 17:41 US/Pacific, Shawn Grover wrote:
 I've tried a number of combinations for the code, and always seem to 
 get a
 similar result.

You need to use 'var' to declare your variables local - otherwise they 
are just instance variables and get overwritten by each recursive call.

   cfproperty name=Category

Why bother with this if it isn't a Web Service? cfproperty has no 
useful purpose except for type-checking Web Service returns.

   this.Category = createObject(component,;
   this.List = this.Category.List();   

   cffunction name=BuildTree access=public returntype=string 
   cfset qRoot = getChildren(0)

cfset var qRoot = getChildren(0)

   cfset sTree = 

cfset var sTree = 

   cfloop query=qRoot
   cfset sTree = sTree  AddNode(qRoot.Category_ID,
   cfreturn sTree
   cffunction name=AddNode access=private returntype=string
   cfargument name=CategoryID type=numeric required=Yes
   cfargument name=CategoryName type=string

cfset var sChild = 
cfset var qChildren = 

   sChild = [#JSStringFormat(Arguments.CategoryName)#,
 'javascript:node_clicked(#Arguments.CategoryID#);', null;
   qChildren = getChildren(Arguments.CategoryID);
   for (x=1; x lte qChildren.RecordCount; x=x+1) {
   sChild = sChild 
 AddNode(qChildren.Category_ID[x], qChildren.Category_Name[x]);
   sChild = sChild   ], ;
   cfreturn sChild
   cffunction name=getChildren access=public returntype=query 
   cfargument name=ParentID type=numeric required=Yes

cfset var qTemp = this.List
cfset var qChildList = 0

   cfdump var=#Arguments#
   cfset qTemp = this.List

You can delete this line ^^^

   cfquery name=qChildList dbtype=query
   Select *
   From qTemp
   Where Parent_ID = #Arguments.ParentID#;
   cfreturn qChildList


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Encryption in MX?

2003-05-27 Thread Shawn Grover
In the past (with CF 4.5 and 5), I've used the undocumented CFUSION_ENCRYPT
function for encrypting my values.  Is there something similar in MX?  The
documentation I've found thus far only indicates the native Encrypt()
function, which is known to have some issues (like being easy crack, and
needing triple the space of your string once it is encrypted.).  I'd rather
not use the Encrypt function, and before examining the options at
and elsewhere on the web, I wanted to find out what people on the list are
using for encryption.  Comments or suggestions are welcomed...


(ps.  I've just realized the CFUSION_ENCRYPT function still works in MX, but
would still like to hear what others are using).

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RE: Help with CFC and recursion?

2003-05-27 Thread Shawn Grover
We're declaring a Clear function which initializes the THIS properties to a
valid, known state.  Our procedure is to ensure the clear function matches
the CFPROPERTY declarations, and we call the Clear function when the CFC is

-Original Message-
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 4:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Help with CFC and recursion?


Are other folks relying on cfproperty for auto-documenting public data 
members? How do you deal with keeping the cfproperty tags in sync with 
what you actually do with this scope variables?

Sean A Corfield --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood


Get the mailserver that powers this list at


RE: Help with CFC and recursion?

2003-05-27 Thread Shawn Grover
This falls under the black box concept, in that the component isn't
supposed to know about the environement is getting used in.  We don't care
if some arbitrary code changes the properties.  However, we do care about
having valid data before it is placed into the database.  So, our components
(data access components at least) have an isValid() function which is
public, and is also called internally when a save is done.

When I first started exploring components in detail (all of 3 weeks ago),
this was the first issue we ran into - you can't really type cast your
properties, then enforce that type casting (at least not when using a CFC as
a component - I understand this may be different when used as a web
service).  We were initially going to create get and set methods for member
variables (not in the THIS scope), but quickly realized this was
meaningless, because I was free to set variables on the object willy-nilly.
For example, a component might have two official properties - say x and
y.  I can freely create my own properties by assigning a value to them
(like javascript)...  :

oPos = createObject(component, myposition);
oPos.x = 5;
oPos.y = 6;
oPos.z = 15;//This is not an officially supported property
oPos.MyOwnProperty = Hi ya Bob;  //another unofficial property

If you do a cfdump of the oPos object, it DOES reflect the two additional
properties, even though they were not defined in the CFC.  So, doing get's
and set's to enforce data type becomes meaningless - instead of saying
oObj.getProperty(); a user could do oObj.Property = 1;, and x =
oObj.Property;, bypassing the functions.  We decided it was easiest to
simply validate the properties before saves, and allow the calling code to
call the isValid method as well.

k, I've rambled on long enough...  hope this helps someone out there.


-Original Message-
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 5:30 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Help with CFC and recursion?

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 16:20 US/Pacific, Shawn Grover wrote:
 We're declaring a Clear function which initializes the THIS properties 
 to a
 valid, known state.  Our procedure is to ensure the clear function 
 the CFPROPERTY declarations, and we call the Clear function when the 
 CFC is

And what's to stop some arbitrary method just setting to some 
value? (or, worse, some client code that instantiates a CFC and then 
sets the public data)

cfproperty name=bar type=numeric/
cffunction name=clear
cfset = 0/

cfset foo = createObject(component,foo)/
cfset foo.clear()/
cfset = Hah! I'm a STRING now!/

Sean A Corfield --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood


Get the mailserver that powers this list at


RE: i think im gettin hacked

2003-04-03 Thread Shawn Grover
I'm coming into this late, so don't know if it's been said yet or not.  But
does your box have intrusion detection?  By that I mean is there an
alarm/warning/log entry when someone takes the cover off the box?

If so, then the alarm would only happen when the box was powered up, but it
would happen regardless of the software/OS - unless you have the motherboard
software installed.  And newer motherboards can use the sound cards for
alerts and such.  My ASUS can speak the progress when booting up (fun at
first, but get's annoying, so I turned that feature off).

Something else to check at least.  Good luck.


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 9:17 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: i think im gettin hacked

aim off. still happens.

weird stuff.


Tony Weeg
Senior Web Developer
UnCertified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
Information System Design
Navtrak, Inc.
Mobile workforce monitoring, mapping  reporting

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: i think im gettin hacked

Are you sure it's not an Instant Messenger sound?  I've had strange
sounds like that before, I thought it was my AIM.  Actually, I've had
sirens before, but it only happened a couple of times, and I don't know
what caused them.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 10:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: i think im gettin hacked

seriously tho, no one has ever had this happen...WOW!


Tony Weeg
Senior Web Developer
UnCertified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
Information System Design
Navtrak, Inc.
Mobile workforce monitoring, mapping  reporting

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 10:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: i think im gettin hacked

ok, or ill get rocky to take a dump on it.


Tony Weeg
Senior Web Developer
UnCertified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
Information System Design
Navtrak, Inc.
Mobile workforce monitoring, mapping  reporting

-Original Message-
From: Casey C Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 10:53 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: i think im gettin hacked

When it starts to go off, kick the hell out of the machine and see if it



Tony Weeg tony
04/03/2003 08:49 AM
Please respond to cf-talk

Subject:RE: i think im gettin hacked

it's a siren.  its not a sound that I have ever heard...and all
processes seem/appear to be normal in my task manager.  and I don't see
a process that is getting any cpu time at tellin you, this is


Tony Weeg
Senior Web Developer
UnCertified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
Information System Design
Navtrak, Inc.
Mobile workforce monitoring, mapping  reporting

-Original Message-
From: webguy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 10:44 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: i think im gettin hacked

Get pstools from, and see what owns the process.

Chould be a outlook meeting alert ?


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 April 2003 16:27
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: i think im gettin hacked

by the way...

if I restart the machine...and do not happens
if I restart the machine...and happens
if I restart the machine...and login as a different happens

speakers on/speakers off, system down, system updoes this sound like
a virus? or really can a bios or mboard or cpu problem, trigger a siren
from my speakers?


Tony Weeg
Senior Web Developer
UnCertified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
Information System Design
Navtrak, Inc.
Mobile workforce monitoring, mapping  reporting

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 10:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: i think im gettin hacked

that's the thing, they arent, I can play music all day long on them, I
can play music fine for like 1-3 minutes, and then the freakin mic either :)


Tony Weeg
Senior Web Developer
UnCertified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
Information System Design
Navtrak, Inc.
Mobile workforce monitoring, mapping  reporting

-Original Message-
From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 10:05 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: i think im gettin hacked

Tony - your speakers could be fried.  Or, if you have a microphone
attached, make sure it isn't near the speakers (maybe it's feed back).


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Cheap CF hosting?

2003-04-02 Thread Shawn Grover

It appears they are just starting up, but so far I'm satisfied with the
performance of their servers, and the tech support.  
Supports CF 5.0 and CFMX.  Tons of drive space, DSN support, etc.  99$ USD /


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:17 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Cheap CF hosting?

Anyone have recommendations for CHEAP CF hosting, preferably MX?  I tried
signing on with Exciteworks, but their paypal stuff doesn't work.  I also
tried nexpoint, but their ordering system doesn't work either.

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: OT - Recommend a good, free web tracking software

2003-04-01 Thread Shawn Grover
Webalizer is pretty good.

Free (i.e. open source), cross platform, and easy to setup - if you don't
mind working with config files


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT - Recommend a good, free web tracking software

Anyone have any good recommendations as well as links?

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Using variables in a Switch case?

2003-03-26 Thread Shawn Grover
CF 5 doesn't like this:

cfset nID = 3
cfset nTest1 = 2
cfset nTest2 = 3
cfswitch expression=#nID#
cfcase value=#nTest1#
cfcase value=#nTest2#

It throws an error saying the cfcase must have a constant value.  So, if I
do this instead:

cfcase value=2
cfcase value=3

all works as expected.

The downside is that we have a large number of items where their IDs will be
changing on a regular basis (update, and replace in a different system
assigns a new ID - our code is keyed on that ID).  We are assigning these
IDs into a structure in application.cfm to minimize the number of changes we
need to make when the IDs change.  But, this switch block doesn't like that
plan.  Is there any way to do this with the variables?

Thanks in advance.

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: Using variables in a Switch case?

2003-03-26 Thread Shawn Grover
Thanks for the replys.

I was hoping to avoid if... elseif... elseif... else type code.  And I
don't think the dynamic includes are the best answer in our case (although
it is a creative solution that might work for us elsewhere...).

I think we're stuck with changing our IDs in the application.cfm, AND the
page with the switch block.  

Thanks anyways.


-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 4:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Using variables in a Switch case?

You could do this:

-- main_template.cfm --
cfset nID = 3 /
cfinclude template=case_#nID#.cfm /

-- case_2.cfm --
br /Two

-- case_3.cfm --
br /three

Not quite as easy to edit a several cases at once, but if the cases are
reasonably separate, that might provide exactly the behaviour you want.


Barney Boisvert, Senior Development Engineer
AudienceCentral (formerly PIER System, Inc.)
voice : 360.765.8080 x12
fax   : 360.647.5351

 -Original Message-
 From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 2:46 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Using variables in a Switch case?

 CF 5 doesn't like this:

 cfset nID = 3
 cfset nTest1 = 2
 cfset nTest2 = 3
 cfswitch expression=#nID#
   cfcase value=#nTest1#
   cfcase value=#nTest2#

 It throws an error saying the cfcase must have a constant value.  So, if I
 do this instead:

   cfcase value=2
   cfcase value=3

 all works as expected.

 The downside is that we have a large number of items where their
 IDs will be
 changing on a regular basis (update, and replace in a different system
 assigns a new ID - our code is keyed on that ID).  We are assigning these
 IDs into a structure in application.cfm to minimize the number of
 changes we
 need to make when the IDs change.  But, this switch block doesn't
 like that
 plan.  Is there any way to do this with the variables?

 Thanks in advance.


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: Followup [cflogin]

2003-03-19 Thread Shawn Grover
Where would I find Ray's Powerpoing presentation?  Is it publicly available


-Original Message-
From: Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Followup [cflogin]

Once I had the logic and concepts down, I started writing my pseudo code
last night, mapping out where I would put everything, went to bed early,
came in, and in about two hours had hammered out the whole thing, and it
worked right off the bat first time I tested it.

Now it's on to formatting and tweaking, but every single line of code worked
like a charm.

Hats off to all that helped, because you really helped me *understand* what
was going on, and I think that's more important than anything.

I wholeheartedly recommend Raymond Camden's brilliant Powerpoint
presentation on CFMX security from last year's DevCon, that was the most
helpful document I found on the new MX security features.

Get the mailserver that powers this list at


RE: Followup [cflogin]

2003-03-19 Thread Shawn Grover
Thanks to you and Ray.  :D

I get so much mail these days, I need to pick and choose which threads I
read, so I missed the previous posting on this.


-Original Message-
From: Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 9:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Followup [cflogin]

on 3/19/03 11:29 AM, Shawn Grover at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Where would I find Ray's Powerpoing presentation?  Is it publicly

He posted the link here the day before yesterday, so I'm assuming it's okay
to repeat it:

I'm telling ya, it helped me out a LOT.

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