[slim] Re: Suggestion

2006-11-30 Thread ModelCitizen

Yup, I think a forum devoted to the Transporter might be useful too.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: 6.5.1has mind of its own

2006-11-29 Thread ModelCitizen

What is your dyn dns address?
This'll make it pretty quick to figure out if it's a security issue.


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Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Slimserver wants a FAST machine

2006-11-29 Thread ModelCitizen

Peter;158399 Wrote: 
 MelonMonkey wrote:[color=blue]
 Yes, for raw operations C is faster and assembly language is even 
 faster, but in real world speed is limited by disk access times and 
 database transactions. Perl is no slower in accessing databases than
 assembly language.
I'm not sure you are not completely correct on this. I know he's Mac
(Linux plus GUI) based and that Slashdot runs on a *nix based servers
but Perl on Windows seems quite inefficient. CYG-Win (or whatever it
is) just does not cut the mustard.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30145

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[slim] Re: Slimserver wants a FAST machine

2006-11-29 Thread ModelCitizen

There is a quite a difference between running SlimServer via the remote
as opposed to the web gui. I ran a 192mb, 500ghz PII dedicated Windows
XP machine for Slimserver 5.*/6.2/6.3 for a long while. Using the
remote (my usual device) was fine but the web gui was pretty pants (I
could even say it sucked). Scanning was slow but it always happened
while I was asleep so I didn't care.
Unfortunately 6.5 was too much for this machine so I gave it away.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Transporter arrived but...

2006-11-29 Thread ModelCitizen

Mine makes a much more musical sound than that... with no noise
Set it up properly and then see.
Otherwise contact technical suppport.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30151

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[slim] Re: Media Center PC as remote

2006-11-25 Thread ModelCitizen

MelonMonkey;157437 Wrote: 
 I don't know.  ;)  I run Slimserver on a PowerMac G4 with Mac OS 10.4.8
 and there's no chance I will ever try installing it in Windows.  I
 might move it to Linux in the future, but Windows just isn't a suitable
 OS for any kind of server-based software. At least not with a desktop
 installation of XP Pro.
 I don't mean to upset anyone, but running this stuff on Windows would
 be like building the foundation of a skyscraper using toothpicks
 (without glue).
I've been running umpteen types of server (including SlimServer) on XP
Pro at home for a long time and find it absolutely rock solid. Never a
problem, never a crash.
I am also a partner in a web hosting business. We used to run FreeBSD
exclusively but in recent years have included Windows 2003 servers.
We've had virtually no problems with these either and doing almost
anything on them is so much less of a headache then trying to do a
similar think with *nix.
BTW, I'm not upset, just bemused.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Is there a way to send song info (now playing) to Trillian chat?

2006-11-25 Thread ModelCitizen

I really do not know Trillion but wonder if it might be possible somehow
to use the announce html ouput of Last.FM (via the Last.fm/SlimScrobbler


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Skin Breaks SlimServer!

2006-11-22 Thread ModelCitizen

I've assumed you are on Windows. If not, hopefully you'll know what to

It sound's like you may have installed 6.5 over a non-6.5 installation
without deleting the Program Files/slimserver directory. Unfortunately
the uninstall of 5.2/3 etc does not remove all the files left in this
directory and this screws up the installation of 6.5. I believe if you
search for default2 on this forum you'll find others who have had
exactly the same thing.

Add /default to the URL of your Slimserver and it'll bring you back to
the default skin (if I was you I'd add /fishbone instead and then
select Help from top right and choose the Tan version...  the best skin
for a PC by a long way imho!)

Saying this, I think you'd be wise to uninstall your current 6.5,
delete the SlimServer diretory found in Program Files and then install
6.5 from afresh again. Otherwise you may well encounter other

Why on earth there are not big warnings about this on the 6.5 download
page and the installer is beyond me. SlimDevices have had long enough
to sort it out. It's not as if it's a new issue or anything.



Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29936

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[slim] Re: How do I set player menu settings globally (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)

2006-11-19 Thread ModelCitizen

mkanet;155826 Wrote: 
 I am still very new to Slimserver, but the more I use it, the more I
 realize it is in it's very early stages of development.
This is one of the oddest statements I've read in this forum.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29830

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[slim] Re: things that drive me nuts...

2006-11-19 Thread ModelCitizen

pablolie;155985 Wrote: 
 ...when an utterly unchanged configuration, for no reason, stops
 working. nothing has changed. the slimplayer now can't connect to the
 server, dammit. it's worked flawlessly for months on end, and NOTHING
 was changed.
This is the sort of sentence one generally has to eat later.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Is it possible to modify Now Playing display on Slimserver?

2006-11-19 Thread ModelCitizen

vdorta;155976 Wrote: 
 I modify practically all my filenames and choose the SB file.ext Title
 Format while playing a track so that I have all the information I need
 from a track; however, the Slimserver Now Playing display adds from
 (CD title) information that I don't need. Is there a way to eliminate
 this extra information so that the display is exactly like the one on
 the SB?
I'm interested to know why you so this. Is it because you use wavs
which don't support tags (which doesn't look to be the case judging by
your signature)? Otherwise why not tag the files correctly and then use
either the default Slimserver display stuff or install Michael Herger's
excellent MusicInfo plugin to expand your display options?


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29865

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[slim] Server settings options appearing in player settings dropdown

2006-11-16 Thread ModelCitizen

Hello all,
Sporadically over the last three weeks or so my player settings drop
down menu is poluplated with the servers setting items as well as the
player items.
Restarting SlimServer sorts it out so it's not too much of a problem
but it does seem to have been happening with at least the last four
6.5.1 nightlies I've used so I'm thinking I should report it as a
bug but am relucatant to unles it can be corroborated.
So, has anyone else seen this?
Or, if there is a bug existing for it can someone point me to it so I
can add myself to it?




Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29759

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[slim] Fonts - wierd naming and SqueezeboxG Fonts Plugin

2006-11-16 Thread ModelCitizen

A two part query:

I've just installed SqueezeboxG Fonts  by Bob Vilhelm (obtained via
plugins page) into my Windows 6.51 installation. Although I've put them
into the SlimServer/server/Graphics directory as instructed they do not
show up as font options in Player Settings/Display. Does anyone have
them working sucessfully? This for my Transporter and SB3.

Which leads me to this

The default font titles listed in the GUI are not too clear (and the
capitalisation is odd):


I wanted only the two largest fonts to cycle using the remote so picked
full and High... and recieved one large font and one very, very small
font. I'll try them all tonight to find which are the two largest, but
really I'd like the plugin fonts to work too as they might be the
clearest ones.

Anyone got any previous experience?



Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29760

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[slim] Re: Server settings options appearing in player settings dropdown

2006-11-16 Thread ModelCitizen

kdf;155250 Wrote: 
 It is covered by bug 3267 as it has a very large scope already requiring
 in a rip up of the existing code for the pulldown. -kdf
I'm sure you're right but to me that bug looks like it's adressing
SlimServer set up rather than confusion of information in the drop down
between server settings and player settings.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29759

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[slim] Re: Rave about the new Transporter Remote

2006-11-06 Thread ModelCitizen

The backlit buttons are welcome, but I find that in the dark it would be
more useful if the letters above the buttons were lit up.
Overall I like the new remote but it does not seem much a departure
form the last one


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29426

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[slim] Re: 6.5 service stops sporadically

2006-10-29 Thread ModelCitizen

Just thought I'd better write back to this thread.
Since I added the exclusion for .my* files to my virus scanner
SlimServer 6.5.1 has stayed up. It didn't stay up when I had added just
.myl to the exclusion list.
Thanks all.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29031

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[slim] Re: Music Folder Problems

2006-10-28 Thread ModelCitizen

Use the network (UNC) path (the one that starts with \\), look in
network neighbourhood. It is possible that you may need to run
SlimServer service under an account that has network privileges too.
The default install under local system account does not.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29135

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[slim] Re: Are there any radio stations for children?

2006-10-26 Thread ModelCitizen

I found a children's program on our Digital radio the other day:
It broadcasts from the web site in a Microsoft format I think, at
least, when I clicked on the radio link using Firefox I got:
Sorry you must have Interent Explorer to Listen Live (sic!). Looks
like a high quality affair. :-)


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29062

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[slim] Re: Anyway to transfer settings from one player to another?

2006-10-26 Thread ModelCitizen

JJZolx;149720 Wrote: 
 If this takes you more than 5 minutes I'd be amazed.  Most of the
 complex settings are Server settings, which you won't need to touch.
Ha, you obviously don't use all those fiddly up and down arrows to
personalise your menu display. Getting that as I (and the family) like
it takes well over five minutes running the web GUI on a 1.5Mhz 1gb RAM


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29047

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[slim] 6.5 service stops sporadically

2006-10-25 Thread ModelCitizen
 replcaed 6.3.1 with a 6.5 beta (what seems like years
ago). I did a completely new uninstall and install, deleting the
Program Files/Slimserver directory. Since then I've done at least two
completely clean installs of 6.5.

I'm on XP and using the 6.5.1 nightlies (this last crash happened with
last night's nightly). The random SlimServer service stops have abeen
happening ever since I first installed 6.5. At least one cause of the
problem at one time seemed to be the Music Info plugin.

I run these plugins (all 6.5 verion):

Music Info
Last FM
Lazy Search (only installed this recently, crashes occured before it
was installed)

I've disabled the majority of the plugins that come with the SlimServer
installtion, leaving only:

Date and Time
Random mix
Rescan Music library
Save Playlist

I run Nod32 and have excluded .myi files from the scan.

Any help appreciated (or even any Me too's!).



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: UK Transporter bundle, trial period, duty...

2006-10-25 Thread ModelCitizen

When I worked out the costs, using 17.5% VAT (which of course you still
have to pay on the locally supplied ones) and a 5% import duty it still
worked out cheaper to get it from the States (at the current exchange
rate). It also appears that at the moment you may get it quicker if
ordered directly from SlimDevices... and you get a free SB3 (if this is
still listed on the SD web page). As it comes with a UK plug buying it
direct was a no-brainer for me.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29033

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[slim] Re: 6.5 service stops sporadically

2006-10-25 Thread ModelCitizen

I don't know, you guys. I try to include all the information I can to
cause as little hassle as I possibly can and no-one reads it! :-)
To copy from my post:

I run Nod32 and have excluded .myi files from the scan.

I don't run any other virus scanners.
Any other suggestions very welcome.



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29031

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[slim] Re: 6.5 service stops sporadically

2006-10-25 Thread ModelCitizen

I run Nod 32 virus scanner (only) and already exclude .myi files from
the scan. I'll try excluding .my* now and see what happens.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29031

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[slim] Anyway to transfer settings from one player to another?

2006-10-25 Thread ModelCitizen

I'm certain the answer will be no but no harm in trying.
I have mu SB3 set up perfectly for me. Tomorrow I'm going to replace it
with a Transporter. Is there anyway I can import the settings from the
SB3 to the Transporter?
I ask as it took quite a while using the gui web interface (which is
slow for me and I rarely need to use it apart from to set things up) to
do stuff like set up the menus I want to appear when I use the remote
(my favoured control).
It'll probably take me over an hour to set up the Transporter in the
same way otherwise.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29047

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[slim] Re: 6.5 service stops sporadically

2006-10-25 Thread ModelCitizen

Just in case this was missed... and bearing in mind that there was
someone who thought it was Fishbone that caused their crash of 6.5.1...
and that the only time I have performed an action at the exact time
6.5.1 service crashed (i.e. opened up Fishone on secondary machine)
what does this (from Windows event log) mean:

The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( Application ) cannot be
found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry
information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote
computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this
description; see Help and Support for details. The following
information is part of the event: Can't call method displayAsHTML on
an undefined value at /PerlApp/Slim/Web/Pages/Status.pm line 153.



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Buy a Squeezebox now or wait?

2006-10-24 Thread ModelCitizen

peejay;149264 Wrote: 
 Get one now before accepting the risk that the next manufacturing run of
 cases has a different logo on the front.
My sentiments entirely. I shall be well aggrieved if my Transporter
arrives with anything but a pure SlimDevices logo on it!  :-).
I did idly wonder about buying ten Transporters now just in case they
became classic collectors items in the future.

I do hope Slim fix the knob soon though. I can see that becoming a
little annoying quite quickly.



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Album plays with Cue sheet but does not show different tracks

2006-10-24 Thread ModelCitizen

fingers;149206 Wrote: 
 I'll bite.  Which forum is that?
As you suspected, it was a joke.
SlimServer has never been very good at handling cue sheets and there
always seem to have been one issue or another with them since I first
got a Slim Device. Personally I rip all my mix/live albums as
individual files and keep the cue sheet (renaming the file extention to
.cue_ so SlimServer can't see it).
As I use Flacs there are no issues with gapless playback etc.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Open Source Dream Falls Apart?

2006-10-20 Thread ModelCitizen

Mark Norton;148341 Wrote: 
 The whole point of this thread is to point out to people working with
 Open Source that you are being taken for a ride if you do not receive
 commercial recompense for your efforts.
Yup... as you'll know, having three cars and one driver... these goods
are very hollow and unsatisfying marks of success. The ownership of
them will not make you happy. All they'll make you do it wonder why you
feel hollow and unfulfilled... plus many everyday people will really
dislike you or think you are pathetic for promenading your wealth
infront of them and thinking it makes you important and superior.
I'm afraid you've rather missed the mark with this one.
I'm sure Sean's sense of self-fulfillment (like Michael Hergers and the
other contributors too) comes mostly (99%) from doing something they
believed in and enjoyed. The rest is just baubles.
Unfortunately out current shallow glossy magazine western society
promotes baubles above the (to me) obviously important things that
bring individuals happiness and fulfillent.
Give me a bicycle, fresh air and open country roads over the
planet-destroying, selfish, short sighted and ego-centric behaviour of
someone who owns three gas guzzling cars any day. 
That about sums it up really.



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28873

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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread ModelCitizen

Dan Sully;147560 Wrote: 
 Too late, Sean already has a Porsche.
Hopefully it's easier to park than the last one.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28821

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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread ModelCitizen

)p(;147694 Wrote: 
 The design of the 1000 sure comes close to the brushed metal rounded
 corners look of the sb3 already...seems like a pretty good basis for
 creating the sb remote everyone seems to want ;)
Judging by a comment Sean made some time back and the new SD ownership
I'm sure it can only be a matter of time before there is a new remote.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28821

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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread ModelCitizen

Jetlag;147847 Wrote: 
 I was just getting ready to order a Transporter, but now I am quite
 hesitant.  My concerns?
 1.  Will we continue to see the release of dailies, timely updates
 and bug fixes or will this turn into a rare firmware upgrade once every
 blue moon?  Will these frequent updates (usually created as a response
 to user input) disappear altogether?
 2.  DRM - I don't own and iPod or Zune because of it (nor do I use
 iTunes, Rhapsody, etc as I refuse to pay $1 for a lossy crappy sounding
 MP3 song | Your opinion may be different).  I don't illegally trade or
 sell my music, but once I buy a CD, I want to use the FLAC files I make
 from them as I wish whether it be in my home setup, on my DAP, in my car
 or on my laptop.  Because of Logitech's more mainstream computing
 presence (for lack of a better term), will we soon be forced to pay for
 and download Logitech branded MP3s that will only play on the
 Logitech-Slimdevices gear and possibly ONLY on that specific player?
 3a. What is Logitech's plan for continued support of FLAC?
 3.  I love the integration between my Infrant NV ReadyNAS and my
 current SB2 and SB3.  Will this relationship continue with SS being
 part of the ReadyNAS OS or will this also vanish in the future due to
 big company corporate meddling in my much loved current setup?
 4.  How soon will we see the SB3 and Transporter appear with a Logitech
 logo emblazoned on the front? 
 Much trepidation and concern over the future of my music

Go and buy it! 
I'm very glad I've ordered a Transporter and one with a SlimDevices
logo on it too (although this might not change). For the first time in
the three or so years I've owned a Squeezebox I now have a system that
causes me no trouble at all. I have no reason to upgrade as 6.5.1
provides all the features I require and it just seems to work (I'm even
perfectly happy with the current remote as my main controller). I'm
pretty sure it'll work just as well in the Transporter (when it

So, if Slimdevices decided to go interplanetary travelling I would not
really care. At last I have what I want, an audiophile network player
that only requires powered speakers or a power amp and speakers.
In the event of things changing... (i.e. new MS OS, new wireless
standards, new super-compressed lossless files etc) I am sure that
there are already enough SB*'s around that the open source software
would get updated.

I do think Sean should have made the firmware open source before
selling the company though!  :-)



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28821

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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread ModelCitizen

CatBus;147877 Wrote: 
 If, for example, Logitech negotiates licensing terms for the WMA codec
 that charges them per codec supported by the device, then it is in
 their finincial interests to reduce the number of supported codecs as
 much as possible.  I have no idea if such terms exist, but it would be
 not unlike the licensing terms for OEMs that charges them per unit
 shipped, regardless of the MS software on the unit (which works as an
 incentive not to ship non-MS software).
I bet you that terms like this probably do not exist in written format,
but that they do exist. And this is a big worry. I am certain that it
would be easier to aquire a license for Apple/MS stuff if you did not
accommodate the opposition (open source and free flac etc).
Out local newspaper the Evening Argus (known coloquially as the Evening
Anus), a US owned Gannet publication, informs newsagents that if they
stock rival start up papers (the independant Brighton News being the
case in point) they will not be supplied with the Argus. This is not
writtent down anywhere, but it happens.
As for SqueezeNetwork... I really would not get too attached to this.
It's almost inevitable that it will disappear or not change at all. It
doesn't make any money and it's not generally a reason anyone buys a

As for not being able to buy a CD... who tf cares? There are loads of
bittorrent sites you can download lossless CDs from for free. And I do
not care one s*** about whether I do this as I have almost inevitably
bought that same album already in a now redundant format (i.e. vinyl or
CD) and, as far as I am concerned, paid for the music, not the format. I
have been ripped off by the music industry for years (i.e. had to buy
the same music on CD, only to find it sounds flat and crap compared to
my original, and now degraded vinyl). I am not going to be ripped off
by record companies or hardware vendors anymore.



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28821

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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-19 Thread ModelCitizen

ModelCitizen;147905 Wrote: 
 I bet you that terms like this probably do not exist in written format,
 but that they do exist. And this is a big worry. I am certain that it
 would be easier to aquire a license for Apple/MS stuff if you did not
 accommodate the opposition (open source and free flac etc).
 Our local newspaper the Evening Argus (known coloquially as the Evening
 Anus), a US owned Gannet publication, informs newsagents that if they
 stock rival start up papers (the independant Brighton News being the
 case in point) they will not be supplied with the Argus. This is not
 written down anywhere, but it happens.
And from:
I wonder how this will affect Logitech's relationship with Apple. 
Logitech makes all sorts of iPod accessories as part of Apple's Made
for iPod licensee program, and soon, its new Slim Devices department
could be competing with Apple, when it releases its networked media
player (tentatively called the iTV) early next year.



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28821

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[slim] Re: Stop this Various Artists Madness !

2006-10-18 Thread ModelCitizen

I have to agree that the way that SlimServer 6.5.* handles folders is
painful. I've got a folder called 70s pop singles under a folder called
MP3 and a folder in the root of my drive also called 70s pop singles.
The reason for this is that I keep my (few) MP3s separate from my
Flacs. All the files in these two folders have the same album tag (70s
pop singles) yet Slimserver lists them as two albums  (both called 70s
pop singles)... and there is no way round it.
I much preferred the arrangement as it was in 6.3.

Yes, I agree, it'd be good to have a switch allowing us to switch off
Slimserver's over-clever folder behaviour.

One other thing:
Shouldn't the Compilation tag have a value of 1, not Yes? (Or maybe
that's the same thing in some taggers).



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28780

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[slim] Re: Changed Sorting in 6.5 Browse Music Folder

2006-10-18 Thread ModelCitizen

kdf;147062 Wrote: 
 The truth is that it is more a case of 6.5 finally doing it correctly 
 according to the design. Punctuation is ignored for purposes of  
 sorting. It was never intended to match windows explorer.

Why is the the *correct* way? The bug report does not make that clear.
What advantages does performing sorting in the new way help SlimServer?
For me and all Windows users it would be better if we got expected
beahviour (i.e. the same as Windows), if there were no obvious stated
advantages with the new implementation.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Real Music Visualisation

2006-10-18 Thread ModelCitizen

That's given me an idea for our halloweeen party!
Shame about gravity though... it's be great if the flames came out the
bottom too.
Hmmm. have to think some more.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28809

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[slim] Re: Tons of Problems with 6.5

2006-10-16 Thread ModelCitizen

JPKaro;146737 Wrote: 
 It appears to me that SD development follows feedback of the user
 community closely, which is great. However, I consider myself as being
 more of a final product consumer than a beta tester, and prefer
 stable releases over cutting edge. For me it's mostly about listening
 to music, rather than troubleshooting software. The 6.5 release was a
 bit of a let-down in that regard.
Meet a different model! Slimserver is made by it's users.
However, after the 6.3.0/6.3.1 mess, as chronicalled on these forums)
it does appear like 6.5.* is repeating this, new SlimDevices quality
control people or not.

However (and this is a big one or two):

1) Only the people with problems post to the forums
2) The software is agressively cross platform, which if you are a user
of Windows (like the vast majority of other personal computer users)
comes with some downsides.

Another painful thing is that you really need to *completely* remove
your old 6.3.* installation (including plugins) before installing 6.5
as the architecture (seperate scanner, new database etc) is so
different. Unfortunately this is not at all made plain on the
Slimserver download pages (why not?? it's a simple thing to

The upside is the community, the help that's offered on these forums is
phenominal, second to none. These guys are angels and will help you fix
almost anything (bar your toilet).



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28416

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[slim] Only rescan playlists bug perhaps?

2006-10-15 Thread ModelCitizen

I've been spending some time making playlists.
As I've added/change/renamed playlists I've occasionally got Slimserver
to Only rescan playlists.

I find that if I rename a playlist Slimserver still keeps a listing of
the playlist's old name even though it also adds it by its new name as

Could this be a bug?

XP. SlimServer nightly from about the 11th Oct.



Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28702

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[slim] Re: The tale of the tenacious tag

2006-10-12 Thread ModelCitizen

I deleted the whole of this folder:
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\Cache


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Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28571

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[slim] Re: Slimserver shuts down by itself - why?

2006-10-12 Thread ModelCitizen

In don't suppose by any chance this could be due to the 6.5 MySQL/virus
scanner problem? Try excluding .myi files from you anti-virus scan and
see if that helps.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28032

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[slim] Re: V6.5 huge FileCache

2006-10-11 Thread ModelCitizen

andyg;145320 Wrote: 
 If you really do have 100s of GB's in your FileCache directory, the
 first time you run a build of 6.5 with the cache cleanup code, it will
 take a long time for it to clean out the cache.  Just let it run.  For
 more detailed info you can run slim.exe --d_server from the command
I think it's 100s of megabytes Andy!  :-)
It's certainly taking a little time for my install to reduce the cache
but it does seem to be reducing. I installed the nightly from the 11th
Oct 24 hours ago (having previously run the nightly from the 3rd
October), at which point my C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\Cache
directory was over 300mb. It's currently at 108mb.

Sorry if the post appears twice, but the first time I hit submit it was
nowhere to be found!



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox3 (with linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP
250  Shahinian Arcs. Plus other annoying black boxes
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28105

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[slim] Re: Album cover battle

2006-10-11 Thread ModelCitizen

I found it a bit bloody and unpleasant. Did remind me of iTunes though.


Now what?

Squeezebox3 (linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250
 Shahinian Arcs. Plus other irrelevant, superfluous and annoying black
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28582

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[slim] Re: Duplicate Albums

2006-10-10 Thread ModelCitizen

slimpy;144904 Wrote: 
 Another (unverified) solution you might want to try: Tag all compilation
 tracks with the COMPILATION=1 tag. I'm not sure if this works though as
 I haven't actually tried it. But telling slimserver explicitely to
 treat these tracks as compilation could do the trick.
This did not work for me due to the music being spead over vartious
directories. For all compilations albums each with their own directory
it works fine (i.e. cures multiple listings of compilation albums).


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox3 (with linear PSU)  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP
250  Shahinian Arcs. Plus other annoying black boxes
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: 6.5.1 - dos window keeps opening

2006-10-08 Thread ModelCitizen

In addition my Slimserver service startup type has been changed from
Automatic to Manual (it's possible that the account it uses has been
changed from an Administrator account to a local account too, but can't
be certain).


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28438

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[slim] Re: 6.5.1 - dos window keeps opening

2006-10-08 Thread ModelCitizen

JJZolx;144351 Wrote: 
 Was this ability added only to enable the use of mapped drives?  There
 are much better ways to address that issue.
I have always been surprised that Slimserver does not either install
itself under a user account that has network access or creates one
itself whilst installing. The mapped drives issue for Windows is a
hardy perennial here. It's a query that comes up with annoying
However, not being much of a computer bod there are probably issues
with creating accounts that I do not understand.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Does Fishbone skin have a Home?

2006-10-08 Thread ModelCitizen

This doesn't happen to me. Perhaps you should try to clear your browser


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Tons of Problems with 6.5

2006-10-07 Thread ModelCitizen

Many 6.5 problems seem to result from not having completely uninstalled
6.3... and all the plugins. It is best (on Windows) to uninstall 6.3
(using Windows uninstall facility) and then make sure you delete the
Program Files/Slimserver directory before installing 6.5. Unfortunately
after this you have to reinstall all your plugins... making sure you get
the 6.5 version of each plugin.
It'd be good if the SlimDevices donwload page made this clear.
The tags bit is probably a different issue though.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: 6.5.0 can't see network UNC paths anymore

2006-10-07 Thread ModelCitizen

Funny, but I found that upgrading to the latest 6.5.2 nightly reset my
SlimServer account to local (whereas I normally run it under my
administrator acount so it can access network shares). In addition it
seemed to change the service startup to manual (should be automatic).
It sounds like you've done this but it's not completely clear... does
your SlimServer service run under an account that has network
privileges? To test, set it to your administrator account and see if it
will scan your music. Make sure you use the UNC path for server


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28262

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[slim] Re: Playlist file type

2006-10-04 Thread ModelCitizen

I make playlists in Foobar, and then I open them up in a text editor and
search and replace for the paths.
Hope that helps.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25911

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[slim] Re: V6.5 huge FileCache

2006-10-03 Thread ModelCitizen

andyg;141719 Wrote: 
 To run this script:
 Install ActivePerl if on Windows.
 Place cachedump.pl in your SlimServer's 'server' directory.
 Run at a command prompt: perl -Ilib -ICPAN cachedump.pl C:/Program
 After it's done, open up the cachedump.txt file.
 Replace the last item with your cache directory if it's different.
I have Active Perl 5.88 installed on XP. I dumped dumpcache.pl in my
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server directory (I have a default
SlimServer installation).

I then tried the command above from the C: prompt, and then tried it
again changing the forward slashes to back slashes, but just got this:

C:\perl -Ilib -ICPAN cachedump.pl C:/Program
Can't open perl script cachedump.pl: No such file or directory

C:\perl -Ilib -ICPAN cachedump.pl C:\Program
Can't open perl script cachedump.pl: No such file or directory

cachedump.pl is certainly in this directory:
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server
It's icon shows it is associated with Active Perl. If I double click
the file a dos box opens and closes... so I guess most of my end seems

Does anyone (errr.. Andy?) have any idea why it's not working for me.
I've looked to see if I am doing something stupid, but missed it if I



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: V6.5 huge FileCache

2006-10-03 Thread ModelCitizen

I had tried that but thought it's inclusion made my post too long... :-(

here's the output (using your path as posted with the forward slashes):

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\serverperl -Ilib -ICPAN cachedump.pl
C:/Program Files/SlimServer/server/Cache
Directory C:/Program does not seem to contain a FileCache directory.



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: V6.5 huge FileCache

2006-10-03 Thread ModelCitizen

Well, the script worked, but the output flummoxes me. The output
contains 153 lines of fitstretches and 9 lines of squash. 

I have 1,060 folder.jpg files, each resting in the individual album
folders. Virtually all (barring mistakes) are 300 pixels by 300

Anyway, that aside, quick maths: 1,060 times average folder.jpg file
size (est at 38kb) equals around 40mb.. and if the cache creates and
hold thumbnails then this total byte size should be a lot smaller. So I
still don't understand why my cache size is 185mb (and even wierder too,
why it was 246mb just two days ago, when I've not upgraded my SlimServer
installation or added any music to it).

Tonight it's:
185mb, 299 folders, 4,287 files
Two days ago it was:
246mb, 4,286 folders, 13,981 files

Hopefully it will continue to shrink at this rate!



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28105

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[slim] Re: Duplicate Song Titles

2006-10-02 Thread ModelCitizen

Is it a Various Artists album? If so try a forum search for just that.
Otherwise do you have a playlist that references that album which may
have the wrong paths in it.
Or maybe you have two sets of tags in the album - look at it with a tag
editor and see if you do.

Otherwise, you need to post a lot more info for anyone to be able to



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28193

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[slim] Re: V6.5 huge FileCache

2006-10-01 Thread ModelCitizen

ModelCitizen;141559 Wrote: 
 My cache directory is 246mb and contains a staggering 13,981 files in
 4,286 folders.

It seems that (at least) 4096 folders are sub folders of
SlimServer\server\Cache\FileCache. This folder has 16 subfolders
(called 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f). Each of these directories 
has another 16 simlarly named subfolders and each of those a further 16
similarly named subfolders.
Windows counts 4,276 folders and 13,843 files in the FileCache folder.
I can't seem to find anything like that number of files (but I guess
they must be in one of the directories somewhere though).


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28105

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[slim] Re: V6.5 huge FileCache

2006-10-01 Thread ModelCitizen

Ramage;141609 Wrote: 
 All those folders (1-F) in the cache, are they produced by Lazy Search
 for indexing?
 To answer my own question - maybe not as I don't have the Lazy Search
 on my v6.5.0. So what are they??
I don't have Lazy Search installed either. Each file seems to be
contain information about an individual track though.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Compilation albums problem since v 6.3 and in 6.5

2006-10-01 Thread ModelCitizen

gorgenyi;141610 Wrote: 
 I’m not sure whether it’s actually my setup / os problem or bug. Since v
 6.3 I have an issue with compilation albums. In most cases they are no
 longer kept as a single entity by slim server when scanned but
 completely randomly, are split into many albums. Each listing holing 1
 or many songs under them.
 Does any one else has this problem?
 It’s been absolutely fine until v.6.3,  6.3 was a lot less responsive
 then previous versions, 6.5 is very quick, but this problem remains.
 I have no add ins, using win xp pro, Pentium 4, 2.5GH, 2 gig ram.
There is lots of info about this on the forum. My compilations broke
first on 6.3 (as did many other peoples). The cure is to add the custom
tag COMPILATION with a value of 1 to all songs in compilations (this
took me only a minute or two to achieve using Foobar2000). Also ensure
that under Server Settings/Behaviour/COMPILATIONS that you have Group
compilation albums together selected.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: V6.5 huge FileCache

2006-10-01 Thread ModelCitizen

Ramage;141659 Wrote: 
 I agree looks like tag info.  I also noticed in mine that duplicate
 info from a previous scan of a different music directory has remained. 
 Could this account for some of the inconsistencies experienced after
 repeat scans of the music directories??
 What will happen if the cache is deleted?
I've been delting the whole cache folder and all subdirectories whilst
trying out the 6.5 betas to ensure that SlimServer truly does do a
clear and rescan of the database. All that happens is that SlimServer
recreates it as it starts up and then does the scan (which can take a
while depending upon library size and computer power). So, yes, you can
delete it (stop SlimServer service first though).


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: V6.5 huge FileCache

2006-10-01 Thread ModelCitizen

radish;141681 Wrote: 
 Just to drop in on the question of the 4096 directories arranged in a
 tree, that sounds like a hashmap to me. If you drill down until you
 find an actual file, you'll see the first 3 characters of it's name
 correspond to the directory path to find it. I'm guessing the filenames
 are hashes either of the content of the file or some other data
He's not just a pretty face you know! This all checks out with my


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: V6.5 huge FileCache

2006-09-30 Thread ModelCitizen

My cache directory is 246mb and contains a staggering 13,981 files in
4286 folders. My library is about 350gb (mostly flac).
As I have been told to delete my cashe directory to get SlimServer to
completely rebuild it's database I assumed that it was the index of my
music. If this is the case deleting it will force a rescan of
SlimServer as soon as it is restarted.
Taking the shortcut out of Windows startup will only disable the System
Tray icon I think. You need to disable the SlimServer service to ensure
SlimServer does not rescan on start up recreating the cache file.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: I can't fall asleep in 3 minutes. Can you?

2006-09-30 Thread ModelCitizen

kdf;141529 Wrote: 
 On 30-Sep-06, at 7:00 PM, MeSue wrote:
 Is there any chance this behavior will change?
Why not?


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: 6.5 - no sound at all

2006-09-29 Thread ModelCitizen

I have fixed it. I had to do a complete and clean reinstall of 6.5
(deleting my SlimServer folder after uninstallation but saving saving
my plugins folder, cache folder, slimserver.pref, types.conf and
convert.conf, so no arduous reconfiguration required afterwards).
Thanks for the help.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Gapless mp3 playback when is it going to be fixed??

2006-09-25 Thread ModelCitizen

Ben Sandee;136224 Wrote: 
 On 9/14/06, CatBus CatBus.2e51db1158259801 (AT) no-mx (DOT)
 wrote:Transcoding at the server is a great workaround for gapless
 playback, and I'm very grateful we have it.  But true client-side
 gapless MP3 playback support would be a very good feature--and not just
 a feature only a few rare cases would take advantage of.
 I realize anyone can hear the gaps -- I certainly can hear them
 (although they are VERY short, almost inaudible).  But I'm also able to
 contain my rage at them and still enjoy my music.  If gapless MP3 were
 added I would certainly use it.  On the other hand, if gapless were
 important to me I wouldn't hesitate to migrate to a format that
 supported it more uniformly,
 rather than waiting for the feature to be added to my player.

The gaps are not that short (are we talking microseconds or cloth
ears?) and they are very annoying. Many other players support this and
SlimServer should too. Unfortunately migrating away from SlimServer is
not that easy as nothing else quite does the trick... and perhaps this
is why people are so eager to get their particular problems sorted.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-24 Thread ModelCitizen

joncourage;139266 Wrote: 
 One-button, automated backup/export of all configurable
yes this is a good one. It took me quite a while to work out which
files/directories I had to save so I did not have to reconfigure
SlimServer each time I upgraded to another nightly.

But still for me the main bugbear is the scanner. If I change a
playlist (in a third party app like Foobar or Winamp) and want to hear
it instantly (a pretty common occurence) I should not have to scan my
whole music directory. This is particularly irksome when I add just one
file that already exists in my library to a playlist. In this case I can
see no need for SlimServer to require any sort of scan for the music
files, but instead I've got an hours worth of scan ahead of me before I
can hear the playlist!


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26874

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[slim] Re: Does Fishbone skin have a Home?

2006-09-23 Thread ModelCitizen

Nostromo;138904 Wrote: 
 The default skin, in comparison, looks like a spreadsheet. But I'm not
 sure I like Fishbone's color scheme. A bit too dark for my taste. The
 best looking skin, IMO, is Nokia 770. I just wish there was a version
 for normal-sized computer screens.
Yes the default skin really does need some work. I find it quite
amazing that SlimDevices are putting out a default skin like this in
this day and age, when it could easily be so much better. They really
need to employ a web developer (and ergonomics specialist).
However, I think you should try the Fishbone tan version. When you are
in Fishbone click on Help. You should see an item (maybe the last one)
that states something like Fishbone style changes. Try the tan one.
You may have to delete your browser cache to get it to work correctly,
but in my humble opinion it's the best.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: 6.5.0 and Plugins advice

2006-09-22 Thread ModelCitizen

I have been using all these plugins barring the iTunes one on 6.5 for
quite a while now with no problems. Go to the plugins page on the
SlimDevices web site and download and install the 6.5 version of the
plugins. There are no concerns about running as a service.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27692

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[slim] Re: 6.5 - no sound at all

2006-09-22 Thread ModelCitizen

oreillymj;138142 Wrote: 
 I've seen some weird issue where the SB and server get's out of synch.
 The power is off on the SB according to the web UI, but the player is
 actually on.
 Using the Web UI to send a power off/on combo got the SB back in synch
 with the server.
 If that doesn't work, I'd try a hardware reset. Hold down Add on the
 remote while cycling the power.
Thanks for this but I'm sorry I do not understand what you mean by
send a power off/on combo from the web UI. I tried a factory reset of
the Squeezebox just in case but as expected no joy.

The problem seems to be that SlimServer is not outputting any audio at
all, so no players work (software or hardware). Lame and Flac processes
appear to be running but are using no cpu cycles so I assume are not
receiving any info from SlimServer. I've tried running the software
with various debug switches enabled but the log is just blank. Event
viewer is similarly uninformative. I've checked all my settings and all
apear to be OK.
I gues the next step is a clean reinstall, but I am getting fed up with
the time it takes to reconfigure the software and plugins every time I
upgrade/reinstall, so would like to avoid this.

Does anyone have any idea which debug switches to use?



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: anyone know anything about this?

2006-09-22 Thread ModelCitizen

Quite a nice example of an eBay scam. He had about 16 Squeezebox3's and
Ready Nas for sale with all auctions ending at very similar times.
Despite the bad press eBay receive in the Uk I am heartened to see that
they have removed the dodgy listing already.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Wish List for SlimDevices

2006-09-22 Thread ModelCitizen

gian;138582 Wrote: 
 I would never trash my dashboard with such cheap plastic... you know, SD
 has spoiled us SB3 lovers with such a smart design...
You never had an SB1 or 2 then?


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Saving configuration - which files to backup

2006-09-21 Thread ModelCitizen

I want to upgrade my 6.5b3 to 6.5 full. I want to make sure that I dont
have to go through resetting up any of my config or reinstalling
Am I right to think that the only files I need to keep copies of are:


This on Windows.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] 6.5 - no sound at all

2006-09-21 Thread ModelCitizen

I've been running the 6.5 betas nightlies with very few problems.
Tonight I installed the 6.5 full release and updated the firmware.
Since then I've had no sound at all.
The VU meter on my Squeezebox2 doesn't register any audio although
apart from that the display is normal and looks like music is being
played, my headphone socket is quiet. I've tried running Softsqueeze
locally and still no sound.
I've tried flacs and mp3s and Internet radio. Still no sound. I've
rebooted everything to no avail.
flac.exe and lame.exe appear to be running but are not using any
processor power.

I haven't a clue what to do now.

I did keep my slimserver.pref and types.conf from my last beta
installation, but I have now tried getting the thing to work with the
ones from the new full release and also my saved files. Still no

This on XP.

Any suggestions as to what I should do would be very welcome indeed.



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Saving configuration - which files to backup

2006-09-21 Thread ModelCitizen

I have to agree that they should be simply saved, or not overwritten.
However this is not the case and as per usual, this is probably due to
the cross platform nature of SlimServer.
I know that I have seen posts about this before but I can't seem to
find them. The Wiki does not appear to have any info about it I can
find either.
At least you only have your config files to deal with. Since upgrading
to the full 6.5 I have no sound!


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Biography as screensaver?

2006-09-19 Thread ModelCitizen

Hi Michael,
Somewhere in this thread I'm sure you requested that anyone let you
know if they experienced any bugs.. I can't find it now, but hope my
memory serves me well.

I have recently had a problem with Slimserver stopping. Dan Sully is
currently trying to diagnose it. I am becoming a little suspicious that
it could be your screensaver plugin that's causing it. It's hard to test
it though as does it so infrequently. Anyway I managed to trap the
reported error when the thing froze and the thread is here if you have
any interest: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27478
The last post includes the error.



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=14230

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[slim] Re: Upgrade Ready Today ?

2006-09-19 Thread ModelCitizen

Who knows. After the 6.3.* debacle (and the imminent release of
Transporter) I think Slim are making sure it's dead ready before
stating that 6.5 is stable.
However, my impression is that 6.5b3 is very stable indeed so I
wouldn't hesitate in trying it out.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27556

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[slim] Re: Biography as screensaver?

2006-09-19 Thread ModelCitizen

Michael Herger;137418 Wrote: 
 Somewhere in this thread I'm sure you requested that anyone let you know
 if they experienced any bugs.. I can't find it now, but hope my memory
 serves me well.
 It's always good to have people know about problems with their plugins,
 even if they don't ask for it.
 I have recently had a problem with Slimserver stopping.
 Are you using 2.01?
I wasn't but am now. Thanks for the update.



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] 6.5b3, 2 Various Artists albums with same name

2006-09-16 Thread ModelCitizen

I have two folders holding files with the album tag set as 80s Pop
Singles (one in my MP3 folder and one in my Flac folder). The files are
by various artists and all include the Compilation tag with value set to

When I use the GUI I appear to have two albums called 80s Pop Singles.
One contains all the files from one folder (MP3 files) and the other
the files from my Flac folder.

Is there anything else I need to set to get them to appear as one

Thanks for any help


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: 6.5b3, 2 Various Artists albums with same name

2006-09-16 Thread ModelCitizen

Patrick Dixon;136722 Wrote: 
 I'm pretty sure this is intended behaviour (why would you want it any
 other way?).

This is a shame. I like to keep the few MP3s I have separate from my
Flacs and not mix the two formats. This is neat and has never caused me
problems as previously all files have been held in an alums directory
and each albums has contained wholly flac foilkes or wholly MP3s.
However in this case the various complication albums of 70s and 80 pop
have so much dross on them that I thought it better to just keep the
tracks I like and dump the others. As I cannot get all the tracks I
want in Flac format I have to make do with MP3 for some of the rarer
ones. I'd rather not put these in amongst my Flac files. I'd like them
to appear as one album though (yeah I know I could make a playlist but
I tend to use albums and genres more than playlists and using an album
tag means I not have to muck around adding individual tracks to
playlists as I add them to my music disk).
I hope that makes sense Patrick.

I suppose SlimServer organises it the way it does is to make sure that
albums that have the same name do not get all their tracks dumped under
one album heading. Bummer.

if anyone can suggest a hack that will still enable me to keep my Flacs
and MP3s separte but still play them all as one album, I'd be grateful.
The only hack I can think of is to create a bespoke genre - 80s Pop
Singles, which is what I'll have to do unless I can think of anything
else (I'd prefer the genre to stay as Pop though).


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27465

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[slim] Album/artist sorting issue in 6.5

2006-09-15 Thread ModelCitizen

XP Pro, 6.5b3, default skin.

If I list albums all OK, then from the resulting dropdown I select I
select Artists,Album  I would expect to get Artists listed in
alphabetical order on the left with their albums on the right.
Instead I get albums on the left and srtists in alphabetical order on
the right. These are (randomly) interspersed with Various Artists
This may be a registered bug, but I can't find it.

All Songs   
70s Pop Singles by Various Artists   
Hits by 10CC   
The Singles by 10CC   
Urban Gamelan by 23 Skidoo   
Black Secret Technology by A Guy Called Gerald   
Warp 10+1 Influences (disk 2) by Various Artists   
Totally Wired 6 - A Collection From Acid-Jazz by Various Artists   
Does the Cosmic Shepherd dream of Electric Tapirs? by Acid Mothers
Temple and the Melting Paraiso U.F.O.   
Colours by Adam F   
Fahrenheit Project Part Two by Various Artists   
Songs Of Praise by African Head Charge   
Vol. 2-Great Vintage by African Head Charge   
Drums Of Defiance by African Head Charge Versus Professor Stretch   
Analogue Bubblebath 1 by AFX   
Analord 01 by AFX   
Analord 02 by AFX   
Analord 03 by AFX   
Analord 04 by AFX   
Analord 05 by AFX   
Analord 06 by AFX   
Analord 07 by AFX   
Analord 08 by AFX   
Analord 09 by AFX   
Analord 11 by AFX   
Chosen Lords by Various Artists   
Moon Safari by Air   
Talkie Walkie by Air   
Abstract Music EP by Akufen   
Akufen - Deck The House EP by Akufen   
Dada by Akufen  
My Way by Akufen   
Psychometry Vol.2 by Akufen   
Quebec Nightclub by Akufen   
Greatest Hits by Al Green   
The Complete Stax/Volt Singles: 1959-1968 (Disc 6) by Various Artists  

The Complete Stax/Volt Singles: 1959-1968 (Disc 7) by Various Artists  

King Of The Blues Guitar by Albert King   
Love It To Death by Alice Cooper


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27438

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[slim] Re: Album/artist sorting issue in 6.5

2006-09-15 Thread ModelCitizen

aubuti;136509 Wrote: 
 The relevant bugs are:

Crikey, you're good at finding bugs!



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27438

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[slim] Re: slimGhost maybe more appropriate.....

2006-09-13 Thread ModelCitizen

rtrimarchi;135844 Wrote: 
 hi ,
 does it sound 'NORMAL' to you all that I change the Music Folder in the
 server settings and run a complete clear+rescan and after I still get
 the same number of playlists and songs ??
 By the way... the new Music folder has ONLY 10 songs (mp3).
 Isn't it odd ?
 ...or it is ME  :-(
If the old folder had ten songs and the new folder has ten songs then
it seems very normal. Otherwise it's odd.

That was easy... anyone got anything more difficult?



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27355

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[slim] Re: Looks like Apple are joining the party

2006-09-12 Thread ModelCitizen

bklaas;135625 Wrote: 
 a nice little blurb on ehomeupgrade sums up my feelings on iTV well.
 I thought exactly the same thing when I read Jobs' pitch of near DVD
 quality when describing 640x480 movie downloads (and DRMed movie
 downloads, at that). I think Jobs could unveil a plate of dog turd on a
 clean white plate, call it iPoo, and the apple fan boys would go crazy.

Hear hear, what a very depressing presentation that was.. aimed at
barely sentient sheep. Work hard all your life just to buy the latest
ultimately unsatisfying slickly marketed crap and then die. The end.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27325

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[slim] Re: Official 6.5.0 Beta 2 - lost Player settings

2006-09-11 Thread ModelCitizen

It's not a problem for me on XP.
I've just noticed the undock function. Super!
I am a bit worried by the Sleeping in 14 minutes countdown.
SlimServer seems due to go to sleep in 6 minutes now. As I am listening
to music I'd really rather it didn't. I'll have to figure out how to
stop it I guess.

I am having a few other problems with Fishbone though... but a new
thread for that I think.



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27273

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[slim] Official 6.5.0 Beta 2 - Fishbone oddities?

2006-09-11 Thread ModelCitizen

XP Pro.
I've been running the 6.5 beta for a couple of weeks now and always
used the default skin (I am pretty sure I've not even looked at
Fishbone on 6.5, but am not completely certain).

Now seemed like a reasonble time to have a look at my favourite skin,
Fishbone (tan style). After installing 6.5b2 (via Windows exe) over my
existing installation I changed to the Fishbone interface (using the
drop down server setting menu). Surprisingly I immediately received a
mainly tan Fishbone with some black Fishbone buttons (server settings)
and the currently playing track listed with a black background (making
the text unreadable). I used the help page to set the style to tan to
see if it would clear the black fishbone remnants. This didn't change
anything - I have a sucpicion that clicking Change style to tan in
Firefox doesn't actually do anything (at least nothing appears to
happen). (BTW. I did click Click here to refresh and see the new

I cleared my cache and restarted the browser but still no change.
All this was in Firefox.

I opened up IE and cleared the cache, restarted it and then browsed to
SlimServer. The black Fishbone version displayed (perhaps confirming my
suspicion that changing to tan in Firefox does nothing). I changed the
Fishbone style to tan and although it's virtually all tan now (i.e. the
server setting buttons are not the black ones as still seen in Firefox)
the background of the currently playing track is still black (making
the text unreadable).

I am intigued as to why it works better in IE than Firefox though



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27279

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[slim] Re: Biography as screensaver?

2006-09-09 Thread ModelCitizen

you are a star!

Your plugins are phenominal. The scrolling screen saver functionality
has made these two plugins my definite favourites. I'm exceptionally
grateful you have added it. Lovely. Thanks.

One small thing. I installed them but did not do the Perl modules. On
the Squeezebox screen I was promted with somehting along the lines of
You probably need to install some perl modules for this to work
correctly. See documentation. Perfect!

Anyway, I decided to install Active Perl as this seemed to obviate the
need for adding any further CPAN modules. However, the installation
changed nothing so I installed your CPAN pack and all was fine.

Maybe I have to actively start Active Perl or something?

XP Pro. Slimserver 6.1b



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=14230

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[slim] Re: slim server will not start - Perl58.dll

2006-08-24 Thread ModelCitizen

Well, I'm glad you posted about this as I have experienced the very same
thing trying to install 6.2.2 onto a Windows 2000 machine.


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
 I hope it was more thorough than when you brought that Pentium 166
 96MB of RAM round to my place and wanted to install Linux on it :)
Yeah, thanks for reminding me of that Robin!  :-)
At the time my company were running two FreeBSD based nameservers on
486s with 64mb RAM each so thought it would be OK. I didn't realise
that all the Linux graphical stuff would cause such an overhead.
When I commissioned my present music server laptop (P500, 192mhz PII) I
tried about four different Linix/FreeBSD installs. I had no luck with
any of them so installed XP Home.


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

When the firmware installed correctly I found that SlimServer 6.5 could
not access my music. It looks like an old bug may have resurfaced. The
only account I seem to be able to run SlimServer on so that it has
permission to access my music files across the network (to a Windows
Home machine) is my own administrator account, so this is what I run it
under. Installing the latest 6.5 executable over my existing 6.5
installation caused the SlimServer account to be set back to local
system account.
I've reopened the old bug.
Otherwise it is looking promising. I am now uninstalling 6.3.1 from my
underpowered music server latop and installing 6.5. I'm keeping my
figers crossed that I'll have enoough horses to run it.


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

Triode Wrote: 
 When you have a blank screen does the server think ther is a player
 Which 6.5 nightly are you using?

SlimServer had died. I restarted it.
I was using the nightly I downloaded last night.
So far it appears to be running well, but this is on my main PC that
has a reasonable amount of oomph.


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Looking to buy a Squeezebox 3 Query

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

If you do consider buying another NAS maybe you shoud read this
thread... when you have a few hours to spare. It can read a bit like
War and Peace. Most entertaining.


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

Thanks. Will do.
I need to delete the 6.5 database from my music server as I have
installed 6.5 on it and copied across the SlimServer Program Files from
my main machine (so I don't have to set up all the codecs, plugins and
config again).
Could you possible tell me where it is (on Windows)? I've searched the
forums but cannot find the answer.


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

Cheers. I have deleted contents of SlimServer directory and restarted
SlimServer. It seems to be recreating the stuff now.


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[slim] Re: Which setting controls this?

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

I don't know what SlimServer version you are using but.
You need to set Group Compilation Albums Together in Server
Settings/Behaviour/Compilations to get one album listed with all the
tracks by different artists listed in it.
If you have albums with the same title (i.e. Greatest Hits) I'm not too
sure what will happen to these (I've found it inconvenient to use albums
titles such as Greatest Hits and always include the artists name in
the album tag as well as the title).
if you are on 6.3.* you may have to make a tag called COMPILATION and
set the value to 1 for all your compiltaion albums if you still get
various artists vagaries.
There are quite a few recent threads about this oddity.


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26560

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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

As I am now reporting back on my experience of installing 6.5 I've
continued in the beta forum:


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26544

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[slim] Re: What makes the Transporter worth $1700 (or more) more than the SB3

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

If Transporter sounds better in your system then it will be worth the
money to those who take the sound so seriously that they throw loads of
money at achieving their nirvanha. If you don't have a pretty high end
system the chances of you noticing the difference between it and a SB3
are virtually non-existent.

The two pertinent points for me are:

1) As Pat pointed out the high end market is very small... margins are
high (the opposite of the iPod/fridge pile-em-hight mentality..
although I might be a little wrong on the iPod bit as I think the
margins when I bought my 3rd generation 40gb piece of crap were
probably quite high). In the audiophile world the Transporter is very
cheap. In this oddly convoluted world cheapness seems to be a reason
not to buy a product! I am interested to see who will actually buy it.

2) The software will have to be rock solid (especially on the OS of
least resistance).

Saying that... there is a reasonable chance I will buy it, having  a
moderately high end system. I would want to listen to it first though.
I will have to be convinced that Slimserver 6.5 is totally robust
though as I have spent far, far too long getting the software to work
correctly up to now (it's been going on for at least two years) and do
not want to spend any more time doing it, especially if I've spent £2k
(which is what I hope it doesn't cost in the UK, but think it probably
will). This I think is the crux of it's success. You cannot persuade
someone to buy a 2k piece of kit, however well the hardware is
engineered, if they have to spend any time at all maintaining the

I will then dump my ugly and unnapreciated Benchmark Dac, my SB2, my
linear PSU and probably my Naim pre-amp... meaning the thing will not
end up costing me less of an arm and a leg... in the end.

I'd like to think that's it and I'll not buy any more hifi after
that... but I'm sure that's pretty much pie in the sky.



Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25927

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[slim] Re: Anyone have an SB2 for sale?

2006-08-20 Thread ModelCitizen

Seeing as you're desperate i'll sell you mine for $299.00


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25996

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[slim] Re: Looking to buy a Squeezebox 3 Query

2006-08-19 Thread ModelCitizen

ashmant Wrote: 
 1 - Do I need to use the slim server software as I already have a
 networked storage system in use (i.e can the SB3 search this
 permanantly connected network storage - SNAP with GuardianOS)?
You will need Slimserver, as Pat says. Nothing else will do. You will
be able to access the music stored on your Nas as the SS library.
Whether you will be able to hack around your NAS and get SlimServer to
run on it is a different matter. Try a forum search on your NAS name to
see if anyone else has posted any comments about it.
ashmant Wrote: 
 2 – I pay a subscription to Digitally Imported music for CD quality
 internet radio, will this work on the SB3 as they normally use cookies
 or a user name / password?
I'm 99% certain you will be able to do this by making up a playlist
(m3u, pls etc) with the contents something like this:
http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8020
ashmant Wrote: 
 Help is naturally apreciated as I am desparate to buy this.
OK. You can buy it now.
Digitally Imported looks very interesting. Think I'll try it out


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26542

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[slim] Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-19 Thread ModelCitizen
 be either other programs running
on the server or slimserver processing a complex task.

 0.002 :   138036 : 81% 
 0.005 :18602 : 11% #
 0.01 : 4165 :  2% #
 0.015 : 1120 :  1% 
 0.025 : 7248 :  4% ##
 0.05 :  688 :  0% 
 0.1 :  364 :  0% 
 0.5 :  385 :  0% 
 1 :   36 :  0% 
 5 :   38 :  0% 
=5 :   45 :  0% 
max  : 56.367177
min  : -0.008761
avg  : 0.007770

Timer Accuracy
Slimserver uses a timer mechanism to trigger events such as updating
the user interface. This graph shows how accurately each timer task is
run relative to the time it was intended to be run. It is measured in

Timer tasks are scheduled by the server to run at some point in the
future. As only one timer task can run at once and the server may also
be performing other activity, timer tasks always run slightly after the
time they are scheduled for. However if timer tasks run significantly
after they are scheduled this can become noticable through delay in the
user interface.

 0.002 : 6139 : 47% ###
 0.005 : 2873 : 22% ###
 0.01 : 3224 : 25% 
 0.015 :  168 :  1% 
 0.025 :   67 :  1% 
 0.05 :   58 :  0% 
 0.1 :   81 :  1% 
 0.5 :  121 :  1% 
 1 :   37 :  0% 
 5 :   90 :  1% 
=5 :  145 :  1% 
max  : 55.997836
min  : 0.00
avg  : 0.210063

Timer Task Duration
This graph shows how long each timer task runs for. It is measured in
seconds. If any timer task takes more than 0.5 seconds this is likely
to impact the user interface.

 0.002 : 6964 : 54% ##
 0.005 :   42 :  0% 
 0.01 :  569 :  4% ##
 0.015 : 1217 :  9% 
 0.025 : 4113 : 32% ###
 0.05 :   53 :  0% 
 0.1 :   20 :  0% 
 0.5 :   24 :  0% 
 1 :0 :  0% 
 5 :1 :  0% 
=5 :0 :  0% 
max  : 1.012572
min  : 0.000203
avg  : 0.007812


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26544

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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-19 Thread ModelCitizen

Cheers Triode. I was nearly at this point anyway. I've installed it on
my main machine and will try it. I hope it will run on my underpowered
dedicated laptop but do not hold out much hope. Maybe it's time to
trash it.
I've spent so many hours getting 6.3.* to work correctly that I'll be
glad to see the back of it.


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26544

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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-19 Thread ModelCitizen

Cheers but I tried Linux. Panic, Panic cannot mount root. I tried your
(?) Slimserver CD. I couldn't get this to work either. I tried another
four versions of Linux... within the time I had to get it right I had
no joy.
I am sticking with Windows. I do not want to spend time learning new
Os's. I would prefer to spend as little time on my computer as pssible
(it's unhealthy!). Unfortunately SlimServer seems inclined to make me
spend a lot more time fussing about with the damn things.

My next post vents some of my frustration.



Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26544

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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-19 Thread ModelCitizen

I tried to get my Squeezebox to connect to my alternative 6.5 version
of SlimServer and the box froze at Press Right now to use SlimServer.
I've had to power off to recover.

I am now trying to balance out the time I take to put CDs in the CDX
(and lack of playlists, internet radio etc) against all the time (over
two or three years) I have spent trying to get the SlimServer software
working properly. It's not looking good for SlimServer. However
AlienBBC (and other convenient stuff) is so huge in my life that I have
no choice but to continue.

But I am really pissed (and not American). I just want some stable
software that I do not have to spend hours getting to work correctly
(I'd rather be fishing.. screwing about with computers became tedious a
long, long time ago).

I recently asked on this forum about the percentage of
Mac/Windows/Linux downloads for Slimserver. SlimDevices chose not to
publish the figures (or didn't see the post, but I think that's
But, if my hunch is correct and the vast majority of downloads are
Windows I think SlimDevices ought to consider making a cut down Windows
only version of the software that just works (and takes advanyage of
Windows features/bugs like being able to add multiple directories for
your Music Directory, scanning progress bars, the thing that makes
indexing files so much faster... this one is really important... so I
(and I'm hoping I am right to assume) many others can just listen to
music and not have to keep f* around with the software and
configuration to get the damn thing to work.

I'm hoping that the Transporter might well make this a necesssity
anyway (I often wonder if Sean is stuck between a rock and a hard
place). I imagine most of the people who'll pay $2k for a SB3 plus are
older and most likely Windows based. If you pay $2k for a box you are
not going to put up with flaky software. 

Sorry for the whine. It's saturday night, I'm stuck inside baby sitting
my kid.. and I can't even listen to music the way I want to!


Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26544

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[slim] Re: Help needed with dropours and Server Network Help

2006-08-19 Thread ModelCitizen

Rebooted Squeezebox. Asks me to update firmware (why didn't it do this
first time around?... yes I know, it's beta). Did that and get some
message like bad state or something.

I can hear the owls outside now. It's probably a better bet to listen
to them for an hour or two.  :-)



Squeezebox2  Benchmark Dac1  Naim NAC 82  Naim NAP 250  Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26544

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