R: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.0 su win2k

2001-12-11 Thread Davide Giacomazzi

Perchè vuoi installare Mdk sopra il virus per eccellenza ?
Il mio consiglio è di installarlo su un disco a parte.

-Messaggio originale-
Da: mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 10 dicembre 2001 20.43
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.0 su win2k

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 2:33 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.0 su win2k

E' possibile far girare la versione 8.0 da una sessione Windows 2000?
Esiste qualche software per caricare Linux da W2k?
Tipo quello per W98 che c'era...
tutto questo per evitare lunghi reboot per far partire Linux!

esiste vmware (ma costa),
ti emula una macchina all'interno della quale installi il SO che preferisci.
Gira anche sotto GNU/Linux (consentendoti di emulare win$)



slack8 GNU/Linux 2.4.14-pk @ hp XE3
R.U.# 219755 R.M. #110932

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Re: [newbie-it] La mia MDK ha un bug.....?

2001-12-11 Thread Sandro

Il 19:04, lunedì 10 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
 rimettiamo le cose in ordine...
 1) il livello di sicurezza e' settato su medio, ma non penso influisca
 2) effettivamente ha ragione Luigi, scarta i caratteri dopo l'ottavo
 A questo punto mi chiedo:
 1) questa limitazione vale solo per le password utente? (la mia pass di
 root è di 12 caratteri e li controlla tutti) 2) dove e' documentata la
 limitazione a 8 caratteri? Ho letto molta, forse troppa, roba e questa cosa
 mi era proprio sfuggita 3) lasciamo perdere l'aggiunta di utenti da bash,
 ma utilizzando userdrake non dovrebbe dirti qualcosa tipo ehi pistola e'
 inutile che continui a scrivere? Boh...
 Grazie a tutti, mi rileggero' un'altra volta faq ecc. ecc.

Non credo che il problema sia nel numero dei caratteri, io ho una password di 
15 caratteri per l'utente normale e di 18 caratteri per root.
Oltretutto, tempo fa in alcune distribuzioni, al momento dell'installazione e 
dell'immissione delle password per root e per utente c'era un warning che 
informava di non mettere password troppo corte - nessun riferimento a 
password lunghe.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux Machine: 103048
Linux User: 203143

Re: [newbie-it] La mia MDK ha un bug.....?

2001-12-11 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, root wrote:

 rimettiamo le cose in ordine...
 1) il livello di sicurezza e' settato su medio, ma non penso influisca
 2) effettivamente ha ragione Luigi, scarta i caratteri dopo l'ottavo
 A questo punto mi chiedo:
 1) questa limitazione vale solo per le password utente? (la mia pass di root è di 12 
caratteri e li controlla tutti)
 2) dove e' documentata la limitazione a 8 caratteri? Ho letto molta, forse troppa, 
roba e questa cosa mi era proprio sfuggita
 3) lasciamo perdere l'aggiunta di utenti da bash, ma utilizzando userdrake non 
dovrebbe dirti qualcosa tipo ehi pistola e' inutile che continui a scrivere?
 Grazie a tutti, mi rileggero' un'altra volta faq ecc. ecc.

Be' si la password di root credo ne accetti fino a 21 di caratteri.
Il livello di sicurezza non c'entra niente. E direi di piu' non e' molto 
utile. In realta' quello che accade quando alzate il livello di sicurezza 
e' che alcuni servizi vengono disabilitati. Come dire: Se murate porte e 
finestre niente piu' ladri a casa vostra.
Comunque suggerirei di non navigare come root. Ho gia' visto pacchetti rpm 
strani in giro.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] La mia MDK ha un bug.....?

2001-12-11 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Sandro wrote:
 Non credo che il problema sia nel numero dei caratteri, io ho una password di 
 15 caratteri per l'utente normale e di 18 caratteri per root.
 Oltretutto, tempo fa in alcune distribuzioni, al momento dell'installazione e 
 dell'immissione delle password per root e per utente c'era un warning che 
 informava di non mettere password troppo corte - nessun riferimento a 
 password lunghe.
Che tu abbia utenti con una password di 15 caratteri e' normale. Ma il 
punto e': Se immettono solo i primi 8 correttamente che succede?

Hai sempre la mandrake 8.0?
Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] Ricezione fax

2001-12-11 Thread Alberto Zanoni

vorrei sapere se ci sia qualche tool grafico per la ricezione dei fax, che 
eventualmente si attivi automaticamente. Uso xfax per l'invio, e mi trovo 
molto bene, ma non ha l'opzione per la ricezione. Attualmente per ricevere 
fax digito

fax receive nomefile

da linea di comando.

Qualcuno può aiutarmi ? Grazie anticipate,

Re: [newbie-it] lilo

2001-12-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Grazie, è già qualcosa! Magari smanettando un po'...
 Non so se, e come si possa cambiare l'immagine,
 però ti posso dire che aggiungendo append = nologo
 a /etc/lilo.conf nella sezione relativa a Linux
 l'immagine in questione non appare più.

 Ciao, Beppe.

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 10:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] lilo

 : No, veramente non mi riferivo ad Aurora!! Quando ho installato lilo
 : ho detto di visualizzare la schermata dove si selezionano i sistemi
 : operativi in 1024x768. Come sfondo usa un'immagine viola, se non
 : male. Mi piacerebbe cambiarla, comunque grazie lo stesso per
 : ENx
 : Fabio Manunza wrote:
 : Ciao, penso tu ti riferisca ad Aurora, che ti informa sui
progressi di
 : connessione del sistema.
 : Vai sul Mandrake Control Center, sezione boot. Da li puoi
scegliere il
 : front-end grafico che più ti aggrada.
 : Fabio
 : - Original Message -
 : Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 9:04 AM
 : Subject: [newbie-it] lilo
 : qualcuno saprebbe dirmi se si puo` e come si fa a cambiare
 : di sfondo di lilo quando parte in modalita` grafica?
 : Grazie ENx
 : --
 : Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia:
 : Studi e lavori? Con LOL ti prepari da casa con l'assistenza on-
line di un
 : docente.
 : Clicca qui: http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=59d=10-12

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: http://www.email.it/f

Studi e lavori? Con LOL ti prepari da casa con l’assistenza on-line di un docente.

Clicca qui: http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=59d=11-12  

Re: [newbie-it] La mia MDK ha un bug.....?

2001-12-11 Thread Sandro

Il 03:56, martedì 11 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
 On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Sandro wrote:
  Non credo che il problema sia nel numero dei caratteri, io ho una
  password di 15 caratteri per l'utente normale e di 18 caratteri per root.
  Oltretutto, tempo fa in alcune distribuzioni, al momento
  dell'installazione e dell'immissione delle password per root e per utente
  c'era un warning che informava di non mettere password troppo corte -
  nessun riferimento a password lunghe.

 Che tu abbia utenti con una password di 15 caratteri e' normale. Ma il
 punto e': Se immettono solo i primi 8 correttamente che succede?

 Hai sempre la mandrake 8.0?

Acc..., hai ragione. Ho digitato solo i primi 8 caratteri della password e 
sono entrato ugualmente. Roba da non credere.
Si, ho la mdk8.
Ho provato adesso sulla rh7.2 (sul portatile) e, giustamente, non mi fa 
entrare digitando solo i primi 8 caratteri.
Quindi, a questo punto, è un bug della mdk?
Sandro -un po' deluso:-((

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux Machine: 103048
Linux User: 203143

Re: [newbie-it] La mia MDK ha un bug.....?

2001-12-11 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Sandro wrote:

 Il 03:56, martedì 11 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
  On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Sandro wrote:
   Non credo che il problema sia nel numero dei caratteri, io ho una
   password di 15 caratteri per l'utente normale e di 18 caratteri per root.
   Oltretutto, tempo fa in alcune distribuzioni, al momento
   dell'installazione e dell'immissione delle password per root e per utente
   c'era un warning che informava di non mettere password troppo corte -
   nessun riferimento a password lunghe.
  Che tu abbia utenti con una password di 15 caratteri e' normale. Ma il
  punto e': Se immettono solo i primi 8 correttamente che succede?
  Hai sempre la mandrake 8.0?
 Acc..., hai ragione. Ho digitato solo i primi 8 caratteri della password e 
 sono entrato ugualmente. Roba da non credere.
 Si, ho la mdk8.
 Ho provato adesso sulla rh7.2 (sul portatile) e, giustamente, non mi fa 
 entrare digitando solo i primi 8 caratteri.
 Quindi, a questo punto, è un bug della mdk?
 Sandro -un po' deluso:-((
No, non e' un bug. E' che e' sempre stato cosi' storicamente sui sistemi 
unix ed AIX. Ora che il problema sicurezza e' piu' sentito alcune 
distribuzioni stanno cambiando.
COmunque a proposito di sicurezza: Provate ad installare nmap (dalla 
distribuzione mdk standard) ed applicatelo al vostro computer.
ANche con una password di 30 lettere la sicurezza e' difficile.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] posta intranet

2001-12-11 Thread Rodolfo Colombo

Ho un problema che sintetizzo
premetto che utilizzo felicemente e unicamente mdk 8.1,
sto in una azienda con circa 300 computer che utilizzano windows nt
workstation, un server NT, due server AIX
il server NT fa da server anche per la posta elettronica ed ha indirizzo
per esempio e si chiama Srieti1
l'amministratore del sistema ha creato un dominio che si chiama
rietidom.com ed ha creato gli account per le caselle di posta intranet, per
esempio il mio è [EMAIL PROTECTED] il mio IP è ok
io sono inoltre connesso ad internet tramite un router ISDN con il suo
indirizzo e con linux va tutto bene.
Il problema è che se configuro un qualsiasi client mail per la posta intranet
la posta la ricevo regolarmente ma non viene inviata a gli altri della rete e
questo con qualsiasi client io provi
ho provato in tutti i modi
dove sbaglio
quando configuro il client nell'account do l'indirizzo del server NT
esempio e server SNMP lo stesso indirizzo ma questi non
raccoglie i miei invii mi manda soltanto la posta
che devo configurare devo dire a postfix qualcosa o devo istruire linux a
inviare cercare il dominio intranet ?
Ciao Rodolfo


Re: [newbie-it] Soundcards

2001-12-11 Thread Stefano Sebastiani

  soundcards: OPTi sound system e OPTi SoundExpression MPU-401. La prima
  saundcard ha il Tool di configurazione che manda il messaggio: modprobe:
  Can't locate module isa-pnp.
  Grazie per gli eventuali consigli
  Fabio Congiu

 Solo per farti perdere tempo, lo so. Ho l'identico problema, finanche la
 stessa scheda. Non consola me, credo sia lo stesso per te; cmq mi unisco
Ho anch'io la stessa scheda (Mad opti 931 Pro) e molti problemi audio, un 
collega su ICOLI mi ha scritto:

Re: Modulo ad1848
Date:01:45:50, lunedì 10 dicembre 2001
Riferimenti: 1

Quando Sun, 09 Dec 2001 18:54:27 GMT
 Questo modulo mi sta facendo impazzire, esso non è presente, e per questo 
 l'audio non funzia correttamente, ma io ho una OPTI 16 e il modulo dovrebbe 
 messere [MDK 8.1] mad16.o
 La scritta che questo modulo non funzia mi compare durante i lavori dalle 
 consol terminale, disturbando e costringendomi al riavvio a lanciare sempre 

Ho la stessa scheda (penso). Eccoti la mia configurazione:
Kernel 2.4.9 ricompilato senza supporto devfs (non ho mai provato con).
Configurazione kernel:

Non conosco mandrake, controlla se i moduli ci sono nel kernel che hai
installato (guarda in /lib/modules): e' una scheda vecchiotta.

output di lsmod:
Module  Size  Used by
mad16   7648   0
ad1848 16832   0 [mad16]
sb_lib 33728   0 [mad16]
uart401 6368   0 [mad16 sb_lib]
opl3   11368   0 (unused)
sound  56492   0 [mad16 ad1848 sb_lib uart401 opl3]

options sound dmabuf=1
options sb mad16=1
options opl3 io=0x388
options mad16 io=0x530 irq=9 dma=3 dma16=0 mpu_io=0x300 mpu_irq=5 \
joystick=1 cdtype=0x00

Non uso isapnp.conf, ho fatto riservare l'irq 9 e 5 al bus isa tramite il
bios (altrimenti il 9 me lo pigliava la scheda di rete e il modulo
andava in crisi).

P.S.: non ho mai provato il joystick

Io non sono riuscito ancora a sistemare la mia scheda comunque giro i 
consigli sperando che uno di voi sia più bravo2 di me.

Re: [newbie-it] shutdown and usb

2001-12-11 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 21:44, sabato 8 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Ho un problemino da qualche giorno, lo shutdown abortisce, costringendomi
 ad un halt hardware nel momento di smontare l'usb.

 Come rimediare?

se non sbaglio c'è una soluzione per questo problema sul sito 
www.mandrakeforum.com ... prova a cercare usb o shutdown o errata.


Re: [newbie-it] Shutting down Mandrake 8.1

2001-12-11 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 22:47, sabato 8 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 ciao a tutti,
 ho un piccolo problema :

Ciao Domenico,
il problema è lo stesso, quindi anche per te vale la risposta che ho dato a 
Stefano: guarda sul sito www.mandrakeforum.com ... cerca usb o shutdown o 
errata, non ricordo; ma la soluzione c'è (o, almeno, ne sono quasi sicuro).


Re: [newbie-it] devfs and sound

2001-12-11 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 20:27, sabato 8 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Come consigliatomi ho dismesso il devfs.
 sndconfig a quel punto ha fatto il suo dovere, ascolto file midi con
 playmidi e file wav,  (da mc).
 Però da interfaccia grafica non ho suoni di sistema, non posso sentire file
 midi (kmidi abortisce ) e non ho più il dev/cdrom (qualcuno conosce il
 major e il minor number per ricrearlo?) per sentire i cd musicali.

 Chi mi può consigliare?

per KMidi non so (non uso i file MIDI, quindi non ho guardato granchè la 
cosa). Per il dev/cdrom, basta creare un link simbolico. Verifica nel file 
/etc/fstab quale periferica è montata in /mnt/cdrom e da console di root crea 
il link con:
ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdrom
dove hdX va sostituito col nome di periferica trovato in /etc/fstab.
Per i suoni di sistema, verifica il mixer audio del KDE: potresti avere i 
volumi settati a zero!


Re: [newbie-it] La mia MDK ha un bug.....?

2001-12-11 Thread Gnubbo

On 11 Dec 2001 at 11:43, Luigi De Pascale wrote:

 No, non e' un bug. E' che e' sempre stato cosi' storicamente sui sistemi 
 unix ed AIX. Ora che il problema sicurezza e' piu' sentito alcune 
 distribuzioni stanno cambiando.
 COmunque a proposito di sicurezza: Provate ad installare nmap (dalla 
 distribuzione mdk standard) ed applicatelo al vostro computer.
 ANche con una password di 30 lettere la sicurezza e' difficile.

NNessun dubbio,
ma il problema e' un altro... quanti sono a conoscenza di questa cosa?
Se da nessuna parte trovo scritto che la password puo' essere di max 8 caratteri 
corro il rischio di assegnare pass apparentemente diverse, con le conseguenze che 
lascio ben immaginare.  
Il bug e' nella documentazione. Ho riguardato parte degli appunti, manuali,,, e non 
l'ho trovato scritto da nessuna parte.

Spero di non offendere nessuno se (domani) s-posto la questione su qualche ng, 
sono curioso di conoscere l'opinione dei guru di usenet.

Ciao a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] Tuxracer

2001-12-11 Thread Gnubbo

On 10 Dec 2001 at 20:35, Fabio Congiu wrote:

Date sent:  Mon, 10 Dec 2001 20:35:30 -0500
From:   Fabio Congiu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] newbie-it@linux-
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[newbie-it] Tuxracer

 Ho provato ad installare, con il tool Mandrake Software, Tuxracer ma non
 funziona, non parte il gioco pur essendo presente come applicazione
 nella categoria divertimento.
 grazie Fabio

lancialo da xterm e guarda i messaggi di errore
(Mesa e' installato?)


[newbie-it] xawtv

2001-12-11 Thread Michele De Lorenzi

Ciao a tutti.
Ho un problema con xawtv.
Il programma funziona e ricevo bene i canali.
Il problema si ha quando voglio catturare una immagine jpeg o ppm che
viene catturata male. Vedere l'allegato:

attachment: snap-la 7-20011212-080348-1.jpeg

Re: [newbie] mandrake xdos and vintage dos games

2001-12-11 Thread skinky

|  On Sunday 09 December 2001 23:29, you wrote:
|   and i figured out how to get xdos to work [although in su mode]
|   {any way to launch it as a reg user?}

Have you tried editing the /etc/dosemu.users file?  You can add:

fred c_all unrestricted private_setup

for user fred.  This gives the user unrestricted privileges and the 
private_setup allows the user to have a private dosemu lib in your home 
dir (~/.dosemu/lib).  I don't really know much about dosemu but I've been 
reading about it this morning and found that I can run xdos as user by 
editing the users file as above.  HTH

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] ssh and x

2001-12-11 Thread Miark

Why have you set 10.0 and not 0.0?


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 3:39 PM
Subject: [newbie] ssh and x

 I'm having problems starting x through an ssh connection.  When I log on I 
 get the following message:
 Last login: Mon Dec 10 21:15:50 2001 from xx.xx.xx.xxx
 /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth: (stdin):1:  bad display name hxx-xx-xx-xxx:10.0
 in add command
 where the x's are my ip address.  I'm sure I had x working the first time I 
 logged on.  It hasn't worked since.  Anyone know how to fix this?

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] mozilla/galeon upgrade questions

2001-12-11 Thread chrisp

Preston wrote:

Hello all,

Using Mandrake 8.1 (download edition) I want to upgrade to Galeon 1.0.
 I also downloaded Mozilla 0.9.6 and installed it.

Now, here is where things get screwy.  While upgrading Mozilla it says
0.9.4 is needed.  Shouldn't this be covered by the newer release?  Is
there a particular procedure for upgrading programs?  Most upgrade
easily with kpackage, why is mozilla being such a pain?

Anyway now Galeon (for the most part) works and Mozilla gives me an error (unable
to execute /usr/bin/mozilla).  Someone mind helping me out with
upgrade procedures?

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had the same problem what I did was uninstall 0.9.4 via software manager 
download the rpm and install it

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] General firewall getting started type questions

2001-12-11 Thread Brian Parish

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 12:22 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 December 2001 20:15, you wrote:
   Brian, LM installs the tinyfirewall by default. This is a very basic
   install of Bastille so you do not need to uninstall or turn it off.
   Just bring up a console and su to root, then  change directory by 
   typing cd /sbin without the quotes and from the prompt. Then again
   from the prompt type
   InteractiveBastille without the quotes and just as I show it. This
   will start the Bastille install, you can do it from KDE or single user
   mode, but I prefer KDE cause it is nicer looking.  :  )  anyhow, when
   it asks about packet forwarding you can use that if you have a LAN
   setup, otherwise I don't believe you need it.  When it gets to the file
   limits question say no, it will screw up your ability to su from a user
   console. Come back if you have questions. HTH
  Hmmm.  InteractiveBastille results in this output:
  [root@server sbin]# InteractiveBastille
  Using Tk user interface module.
  Only displaying questions relevant to the current configuration.
  Can't locate Bastille_Tk.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib /usr/lib/pe
  rl5/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1
  /i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr
  /lib/perl5/site_perl/ /usr/lib/Bastille) at /usr/sbin/InteractiveBastill
  e line 276.
  [root@server sbin]#
  I don't think that's what you had in mind.

 Ok, that's cause you don't have Bastille-Tk-module installed. Pick it up
 off of your software manager and then try it again.  Should go like clock

Well, after having shot myself in the foot by  failing to list eth0 as a 
trusted interface and thereby denying myself access to my usually 
keyboardless, mouseless, screenless server, and then having attached a 
keyboard etc and reversed this, I am Bastilled.  Thanks muchly to all who 
responded. (including Frank - yes I'll check out gShield too).


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Re: [newbie] where can I set mouse sensitivity?

2001-12-11 Thread robin

Paul Rodríguez wrote:

where can I set mouse sensitivity either in linux or gnome?

If by linux you mean the command line, you do it (as root) with gpm -r 
[some number] - see man gpm for details.  Can't help you with GNOME, as 
I haven't used it for ages, but in KDE you can set loads of mouse 
parameters by going to Control Center, then Peripherals-Mouse-Advanced.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Bastille

2001-12-11 Thread poogle

Thanks to Skinky  Dennis, 
I've now used InteractiveBastille and checked www.grc.com and all ports show 
as closed. A stealth scan at sygate shows all ports blocked except the 
following so it would appear to be working (or nearly).

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 02:12 am, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 December 2001 04:40, poogle wrote:
 |  I have iptables installed, all the Bastille packages and used
 | BastilleChooser rather than baffle myself with InteractiveBastille, done
 | a stealth scan at http://scan.sygatetech.com which shows ports as
 | closed rather than stealth, I understand from previous posts that if
 | Bastille is running properly that ports should show as stealth, can
 | someone tell me where I've gone wrong please ?
 |   --

 IIRC the Sygatech port scans should show as blocked if your computer is
 to be invisible to the internet.  Try Shields Up at www.grc.com - that
 will show your ports as being in stealth or closed mode.  If that
 shows as closed something's wrong which I can't help you with because I
 use Tiny Firewall (in mcc) but hopefully someone else can help you.



Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
by it)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts

2001-12-11 Thread Miark

Hi all,

I've got myself in a real bind. I've spent this night
replacing sendmail with Postfix and everything works
except my CGI scripts which is more or less disasterous.

The CGI scripts are set up to use /usr/sbin/sendmail.
It works as normal users, but nobody (which apache
runs as) can't seem to do it.

I've read through the Postfix website for clues, but
it's coming on 5 am and I'm about fried. If anyone 
has an idea, _please_ let me know at your earliest


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts

2001-12-11 Thread Randy Kramer

Miark wrote:
 I've got myself in a real bind. I've spent this night
 replacing sendmail with Postfix and everything works
 except my CGI scripts which is more or less disasterous.


Sometime after you've had some sleep, would you mind posting a brief
explanation of what the CGI scripts have to do (or how they interact
with) Postfix?  Or, do they only interact with Apache, but somehow your
installation of Postfix stopped them  working with Apache?

Trying to learn,
Randy Kramer

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Re[2]: [newbie] mozilla/galeon upgrade questions

2001-12-11 Thread Preston

Hello chrisp,

Tuesday, December 11, 2001, 3:31:37 AM, you wrote:

c Preston wrote:

Hello all,

Using Mandrake 8.1 (download edition) I want to upgrade to Galeon 1.0.
 I also downloaded Mozilla 0.9.6 and installed it.

Now, here is where things get screwy.  While upgrading Mozilla it says
0.9.4 is needed.  Shouldn't this be covered by the newer release?  Is
there a particular procedure for upgrading programs?  Most upgrade
easily with kpackage, why is mozilla being such a pain?

Anyway now Galeon (for the most part) works and Mozilla gives me an error (unable
to execute /usr/bin/mozilla).  Someone mind helping me out with
upgrade procedures?

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c Hi
c had the same problem what I did was uninstall 0.9.4 via software manager 
c download the rpm and install it


Best regards,

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[newbie] Help! how to uninstall

2001-12-11 Thread Paul Binder

I just got a new computer, and I want to remove Mandrake from my old one to 
free up space on it, and install mandrake on my new one.

Only thing Is I have no idea how to uninstall Mandrake from my system. I do 
not want to Fdisk the whole thing, because I still have Windows Me on the 
computer as well, with files I want to keep.

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[newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread Tom Brinkman


BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker 
operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos 
Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.

Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_

History is a tool used by politicians to justify their intentions.
-- Ted Koppel

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Re: [newbie] Help! how to uninstall

2001-12-11 Thread Mark Weaver

I can answer this in one word. 


Seriously, you can kill the installation just by doing an fdisk on that
partition and the entire thing is gone. there really isn't much more to
it then that. 

If you're want to replicate your current installation to another machine
_that_ is a whole other matter and I would strongly suggest addressing
that on the expert list. you might give civileme a holler at
MandrakeSoft and ask him directly what that would entail. you can
address it directly on the expert list. He reads it quite regularly.
There are, i believe, quite a few references to be seen on the Mandrake
forums covering replication also.

but, just plain old uninstalling of your Mandrake installation is just
an Fdisk away.


Paul Binder wrote:
 I just got a new computer, and I want to remove Mandrake from my old one to
 free up space on it, and install mandrake on my new one.
 Only thing Is I have no idea how to uninstall Mandrake from my system. I do
 not want to Fdisk the whole thing, because I still have Windows Me on the
 computer as well, with files I want to keep.
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread NDPTAL85

On Tuesday, December 11, 2001, at 09:56 AM, Tom Brinkman wrote:


 BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker
 operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos
 Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.

 Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_

 History is a tool used by politicians to justify their intentions.
 -- Ted Koppel

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Adequacy.org is a dark humor parody site. Everything they print is a 
joke like the onion.com.

All this..and more!

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread Mark Weaver

O gawd! Tom...does that mean if I want to remain a good, faithful
american that I have to get rid of my Mandrake computers? for that
matter all my Linux computers??

I don't feel so good all of a sudden...  ;(


Tom Brinkman wrote:
 BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker
 operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos
 Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.
 Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_
 History is a tool used by politicians to justify their intentions.
 -- Ted Koppel
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread Robert Todd


- Original Message -
From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 8:56 AM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?


 BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker
 operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos
 Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.

 Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_

 History is a tool used by politicians to justify their intentions.
 -- Ted Koppel

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] msec and Bastille

2001-12-11 Thread Mark Stewart

So I've trying to bone up on all things security-related and was trying to
figure out what relationship, if any, there was between Bastille and msec.
Is msec a UI layer over Bastille or is it a separate security tool? Are the
two complementary or exclusionary. Should I run both or pick just one?


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread gunner carstens

I surely hope this is a big joke!
Else...poor kids.
Tirsdag 11 December 2001 09:56 skrev du:

 BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker
 operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos
 Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.


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[newbie] detecting an internal ISA modem

2001-12-11 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Just enquired on the price of an external USR modem and was quoted about
R800. Before I end up having to fork out this dough I wondered how to
make the system detect new hardware i.e. the ISA USR modem, eventhough
it doesn't display it under the Mandrake Control Centre when I am logged
as as either a user or root.

Tnx to Ed who suggested I try the command
of'/proc/pci|/home/hylton/proc-pci'. Turns out on opening the box that
the USR modem is in an ISA slot.  I tried to use the command but replace
the PCI with ISA and all I got was something about command not found.

Before I have to cough dough, please tell me how to get this working.
Perhaps Dave in Iowa would let me know how he gets his USR modems

Registered Linux user #229959

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 11:13 am, Mark Weaver wrote:
 O gawd! Tom...does that mean if I want to remain a good, faithful
 american that I have to get rid of my Mandrake computers? for that
 matter all my Linux computers??

 I don't feel so good all of a sudden...  ;(


 Tom Brinkman wrote:

   Well, I've already reported you to the FBI and CIA since you didn't 
capitalize 'AMERICAN'. So you'll soon be feelin _REAL_ bad.  In the mean 
time ...

   I can't quite agree with the article on one point.  I don't believe 
professional help is absolutely necessarily needed. Just try to write all 
'0's to the hardrive(s) that contain(s) Mandrake or any other Lunix 
operation.  Kick your kids out'a the house, don't let 'em back in, EVER. 
'Course this is only a quick and dirty fix. You'll still need to be ever 
vigilant.  OTOH,

   Replacing the computer(s) would be a last resort (IMNSHO). If you can 
RMA the HDD(s) (you wrote '0's to), install new one(s), and get William 
to help you install a real, safe operation system.   www.microsoft.com 
You'll be OK. Don't be afraid, it's simpler than Chinese arithmetic, and 
twice as safe.  Works great.

   I'm fixin to do all this myself. This is my last post EVER usin Lunix.
I should have my AMD chips replaced in just a few days with real safe 
AMERICAN ones from Intel. I don't have to watch for subversive kids since 
I kicked 'em out of the house before they were 33, and I watch 'em 
closely when and if they visit.

   Hope this helps,
Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_

Did I SELL OUT yet??

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Re: [newbie] xscreensaver-gl

2001-12-11 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Sorry for posting to the list before I had exhausted my options.  I
found the answer on the xscreensaver web site FAQ.

On versions of xscreesaver  3.34 (as in the ones included in Mandrake)
there is a default memory limit (to protect against runaway memory) of
50M.  Nvidia cards send a false reading to xscreensaver indicating they
are using  128M of memory when trying to run a GL screensaver and the
program quits.

It is safe to turn off this feature by editing the .xscreensaver file in
you home directory and changing the memoryLimit: from 50M to 0.

And viola!

-Paul Rodríguez

On Tue, 2001-12-11 at 12:24, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 xscreensaver runs well, so does my 3D acceleration.  (I have a geforce2
 card)  Games run excellently.  But I've never managed to get
 xscreensaver-gl to work.
 I get the following error for any of them, this one is for atlantis for
 atlantis: couldn't create GL context for visual 0x21.
 xscreensaver: child ppd 9905 (atlantis) exited abnormally (code 1).
 What's going on and how can I fix this?
 -Paul Rodríguez
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Re: [newbie] detecting an internal ISA modem

2001-12-11 Thread Dan Shackelford

Assuming that is not a winmodem ... you might take a look at it via
statserial and see if that gives you the info you need.

At 05:19 PM 12/11/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Just enquired on the price of an external USR modem and was quoted about
R800. Before I end up having to fork out this dough I wondered how to
make the system detect new hardware i.e. the ISA USR modem, eventhough
it doesn't display it under the Mandrake Control Centre when I am logged
as as either a user or root.

Tnx to Ed who suggested I try the command
of'/proc/pci|/home/hylton/proc-pci'. Turns out on opening the box that
the USR modem is in an ISA slot.  I tried to use the command but replace
the PCI with ISA and all I got was something about command not found.

Before I have to cough dough, please tell me how to get this working.
Perhaps Dave in Iowa would let me know how he gets his USR modems

Registered Linux user #229959

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o o o o o o o o  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  o _ 
o  _|   | 
  .][__n_n_|DD[  _  |   | 
_/oo O oo`  ooo   ooo  'o!o!o o!o!o` 

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Re: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts

2001-12-11 Thread Miark


Yes, I expected my experience to be just as yours was.
Doing a which on sendmail brings up /usr/sbin/sendmail
and this is where sendmail is executed from in my CGI
scripts. As you said, this shouldn't be affected anyway.

I do still have sendmail installed but only because install 
instructions said I could, and recommended running both for
a day or two to make sure all the old mail gets picked up.
I was pretty careful to following the directions to the T.

I don't think old sendmail was written over the new because
it _does_ work for regular users. Or do I misunderstand? 

Incidentally, here is the exact test script that I'm using:


open(MAIL, |sendmail);

print MAIL To: miark
From: art\@gardnerbusiness.com
Subject: test

This is a test.;

close MAIL;

I can run it. Art can run it. If I su to nobody,
I run it, but the mail doesn't get sent.


 One day I saw the error of my ways and took the leap, 
 installing and configuring postfix..

 All my mailing CGI scripts continued to work fine.
 are you sure that you have the path to sendmail in your scripts??
 I would also ask if for ose reason you have both sendmail and postfix
 if so, that is very likely your problem as its possible that the
 postfix/sendmail binary was replaced by the sendmail/sendmail binary, which
 will not work and will cause the problem you describe.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
 Sent: Tuesday, 11 December 2001 10:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts
 Miark wrote:
  I've got myself in a real bind. I've spent this night
  replacing sendmail with Postfix and everything works
  except my CGI scripts which is more or less disasterous.
 Sometime after you've had some sleep, would you mind posting a brief
 explanation of what the CGI scripts have to do (or how they interact
 with) Postfix?  Or, do they only interact with Apache, but somehow your
 installation of Postfix stopped them  working with Apache?
 Trying to learn,
 Randy Kramer

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RE: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts

2001-12-11 Thread Franki

you can have both installed, but only if they put the sendmail binary in
different locations..

if they are putting then in the same place, that is the problem, it is the
sendmail binary that is being used, and since it doesn't work with postfix,
the mail will not be sent..

if you installed from mandrake rpms, then you have a problem...

if you must have both, then get the src of postfix and configure it for a
differnt sendmail binary location.. and point your scripts at that...



-Original Message-
From: Miark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2001 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts


Yes, I expected my experience to be just as yours was.
Doing a which on sendmail brings up /usr/sbin/sendmail
and this is where sendmail is executed from in my CGI
scripts. As you said, this shouldn't be affected anyway.

I do still have sendmail installed but only because install
instructions said I could, and recommended running both for
a day or two to make sure all the old mail gets picked up.
I was pretty careful to following the directions to the T.

I don't think old sendmail was written over the new because
it _does_ work for regular users. Or do I misunderstand?

Incidentally, here is the exact test script that I'm using:


open(MAIL, |sendmail);

print MAIL To: miark
From: art\@gardnerbusiness.com
Subject: test

This is a test.;

close MAIL;

I can run it. Art can run it. If I su to nobody,
I run it, but the mail doesn't get sent.


 One day I saw the error of my ways and took the leap,
 installing and configuring postfix..

 All my mailing CGI scripts continued to work fine.

 are you sure that you have the path to sendmail in your scripts??

 I would also ask if for ose reason you have both sendmail and postfix

 if so, that is very likely your problem as its possible that the
 postfix/sendmail binary was replaced by the sendmail/sendmail binary,
 will not work and will cause the problem you describe.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
 Sent: Tuesday, 11 December 2001 10:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts

 Miark wrote:
  I've got myself in a real bind. I've spent this night
  replacing sendmail with Postfix and everything works
  except my CGI scripts which is more or less disasterous.


 Sometime after you've had some sleep, would you mind posting a brief
 explanation of what the CGI scripts have to do (or how they interact
 with) Postfix?  Or, do they only interact with Apache, but somehow your
 installation of Postfix stopped them  working with Apache?

 Trying to learn,
 Randy Kramer

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] I need your immediate help!

2001-12-11 Thread Paul Rodríguez

I recently found out that when using lilo, you need to always update it,
even if it is already pointing to the right kernel image.  Run
'/sbin/lilo -v' after every kernel install, upgrade or compile if you
are using lilo.  Even though it may already be pointing to the right
words, it needs to update where on the boot sector that file is.

-Paul Rodríguez

i always read a section in kernel upgrading that you have to update your lilo 
configuration so it will be pointing to the new kernel. you should also try to keep an 
entry of the old kernel so that if the new kernel stinks you can boot using the old.
 Programming, an artform that fights back.
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[newbie] New Forum

2001-12-11 Thread Cortney M. Masters
register..check it out.  The Last Stop.

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[newbie] Networking Problem

2001-12-11 Thread Neil R Porter

Hi All

I'm baffled.  I have a 3 computer network at home.  Using a switch, I
have my Linux machine and two other XP workstations all connected.  The
Linux box acts as a gateway for the net and a print server etc. and the
xp workstations are simply used for day-to-day work.  I have it set up
so I can share files between all 3 computers (using a combination of
microshaft's connection wizard thingy and samba/komba2).  Everything was
fine until recently one of the XP machines stopped sharing it's files
(and was unable to connect to the other two computers' shared files),
although the other two computers still happily share files and printer.

The 'faulty' xp machine still takes it's connection for the net through
the linux box though! - so no major network hardware problem I

Linux ip: -  (gateway)
Xpbox1 (faulty share machine): - (mask,,
Xpbox2: - (mask,, gateway

Both the linux box and XPbox2 can ping each other, and I can ping both
the linux box and the XPbox2 from the 'faulty' XPbox1.  However, and
perhaps crucially, I cannot ping XPbox1 from either linux or XPbox2.

Phew, that took some writing and no doubt has taken some reading if
you've bothered to get this far :)

Can anyone offer me help please... I know this is not strictly a Linux
query as it seems XPbox1 is to blame, but I'm sure someone out there
might have some ideas to try at least.  Could it be a hardware issue?
That's all I could find in the way of help on the MS knowledge base




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[newbie] Networking Problem

2001-12-11 Thread Neil R Porter

Hi All

I'm baffled.  I have a 3 computer network at home.  Using a switch, I
have my Linux machine and two other XP workstations all connected.  The
Linux box acts as a gateway for the net and a print server etc. and the
xp workstations are simply used for day-to-day work.  I have it set up
so I can share files between all 3 computers (using a combination of
microshaft's connection wizard thingy and samba/komba2).  Everything was
fine until recently one of the XP machines stopped sharing it's files
(and was unable to connect to the other two computers' shared files),
although the other two computers still happily share files and printer.

The 'faulty' xp machine still takes it's connection for the net through
the linux box though! - so no major network hardware problem I

Linux ip: -  (gateway)
Xpbox1 (faulty share machine): - (mask,,
Xpbox2: - (mask,, gateway

Both the linux box and XPbox2 can ping each other, and I can ping both
the linux box and the XPbox2 from the 'faulty' XPbox1.  However, and
perhaps crucially, I cannot ping XPbox1 from either linux or XPbox2.

Phew, that took some writing and no doubt has taken some reading if
you've bothered to get this far :)

Can anyone offer me help please... I know this is not strictly a Linux
query as it seems XPbox1 is to blame, but I'm sure someone out there
might have some ideas to try at least.  Could it be a hardware issue?
That's all I could find in the way of help on the MS knowledge base




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[newbie] menudrake

2001-12-11 Thread Paul Rodríguez

To whoever maintains/develops menudraake, please make it easier to add
custom icons (i.e. icons not in predefined locations.

-Paul Rodríguez

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Re: [newbie] auto update of files?

2001-12-11 Thread Liam O'Connell

Paul Rodríguez wrote:

 I heard once of a program that will automatically update files on your
 computer from a remote server.

rsync? there is a manpage.

?  Any body know how I can automate, say,
 going to a website, downloading and installing a src.rpm made daily from
 CVS while I sleep?

try a cron job that does

cvs update [etc., etc.]
rpm -blt (?) [blah, blah] (or whatever it is again)

(BLT, mmm...)

on a daily basis.


p.s. sorry for the vagueness of the explanation, but I only know that 
this is possible - I haven't ever actually implemented it.

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Re: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts

2001-12-11 Thread Miark

Frank, you talked me into nuking sendmail and 
re-installing Postfix from the tarball. It's done.

The old main.cf is fine. I did a newaliases. 
I did a postfix reload. I have sent a few messages 
and they seem to be working. Some got caught in the 
queue earlier but they've been dribbling out slowly. 
(Is there a way to have postfix send everything in 
the queue immediately?)

Anyway, the regular accounts seem fine. Unfortunately,
my CGI scripts are _still_ not sending e-mail.

Any other ideas? An aliases problem? Permissions?
A configuration setting? What could it be?!!

Thanks for your help thus far.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts

 you can have both installed, but only if they put the sendmail binary in
 different locations..
 if they are putting then in the same place, that is the problem, it is the
 sendmail binary that is being used, and since it doesn't work with postfix,
 the mail will not be sent..
 if you installed from mandrake rpms, then you have a problem...
 if you must have both, then get the src of postfix and configure it for a
 differnt sendmail binary location.. and point your scripts at that...
 -Original Message-
 From: Miark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2001 1:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts
 Yes, I expected my experience to be just as yours was.
 Doing a which on sendmail brings up /usr/sbin/sendmail
 and this is where sendmail is executed from in my CGI
 scripts. As you said, this shouldn't be affected anyway.
 I do still have sendmail installed but only because install
 instructions said I could, and recommended running both for
 a day or two to make sure all the old mail gets picked up.
 I was pretty careful to following the directions to the T.
 I don't think old sendmail was written over the new because
 it _does_ work for regular users. Or do I misunderstand?
 Incidentally, here is the exact test script that I'm using:
 open(MAIL, |sendmail);
 print MAIL To: miark
 From: art\@gardnerbusiness.com
 Subject: test
 This is a test.;
 close MAIL;
 I can run it. Art can run it. If I su to nobody,
 I run it, but the mail doesn't get sent.
  One day I saw the error of my ways and took the leap,
  installing and configuring postfix..
  All my mailing CGI scripts continued to work fine.
  are you sure that you have the path to sendmail in your scripts??
  I would also ask if for ose reason you have both sendmail and postfix
  if so, that is very likely your problem as its possible that the
  postfix/sendmail binary was replaced by the sendmail/sendmail binary,
  will not work and will cause the problem you describe.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
  Sent: Tuesday, 11 December 2001 10:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts
  Miark wrote:
   I've got myself in a real bind. I've spent this night
   replacing sendmail with Postfix and everything works
   except my CGI scripts which is more or less disasterous.
  Sometime after you've had some sleep, would you mind posting a brief
  explanation of what the CGI scripts have to do (or how they interact
  with) Postfix?  Or, do they only interact with Apache, but somehow your
  installation of Postfix stopped them  working with Apache?
  Trying to learn,
  Randy Kramer
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Partition-setup trickery for a 40 Gb hard drive

2001-12-11 Thread Ville V Sinkko

Yesterday I bought a 40 Gb hard drive to replace my old 2-gig one.
The oldish BIOS refuses to detect it so I asked around for alternative
ways to get the disk working so that I can the olde Win95/Mandrake
doubleboot on it. I received a helpful reply describing the general
process, but newbie as I am, I need some help in applying it for
Mandrake (8.1).

It's the first step of the process that I can't figure out:
  Make a small (10 megs) as /dev/hda1 and mount your Linux boot
   partition there. Do this before you install Windows. Then install
   Windows... [snip]... then install Linux... [snip]

OK, so I do what I think it says. I fire up the Mandrake installation utility
and start setting the system up. When the time comes to create the partitions,
I make a /boot partition. Then I'm apparently supposed to stop the
installation procedure, exit the installer and install Windows before
finishing the Linux install. But the installer won't let me do that: it keeps
complaining that I should make a /root partition or stuff to that effect. What
am I misunderstanding here? Can someone give me insight on this?

(And BTW, the partition size slider in the Mandrake installer is so
big-grained that it won't let me create a partition smaller than 196
megs. Is there any way around that?)


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Re: [newbie] Partition-setup trickery for a 40 Gb hard drive

2001-12-11 Thread Onur Kucuk

VVS Yesterday I bought a 40 Gb hard drive to replace my old 2-gig one.
VVS The oldish BIOS refuses to detect it so I asked around for alternative
VVS ways to get the disk working so that I can the olde Win95/Mandrake
VVS doubleboot on it. I received a helpful reply describing the general
VVS process, but newbie as I am, I need some help in applying it for
VVS Mandrake (8.1).

VVS It's the first step of the process that I can't figure out:
VVS   Make a small (10 megs) as /dev/hda1 and mount your Linux boot
VVSpartition there. Do this before you install Windows. Then install
VVSWindows... [snip]... then install Linux... [snip]

VVS OK, so I do what I think it says. I fire up the Mandrake installation utility
VVS and start setting the system up. When the time comes to create the partitions,
VVS I make a /boot partition. Then I'm apparently supposed to stop the
VVS installation procedure, exit the installer and install Windows before
VVS finishing the Linux install. But the installer won't let me do that: it keeps
VVS complaining that I should make a /root partition or stuff to that effect. What
VVS am I misunderstanding here? Can someone give me insight on this?

VVS (And BTW, the partition size slider in the Mandrake installer is so
VVS big-grained that it won't let me create a partition smaller than 196
VVS megs. Is there any way around that?)

VVS +Cinquo

The installer does not like it because you did not define a root
partition. So the installer does not know where to install. Just
define a 10MB or so /boot , as hda1, then define your windows
partition as hda2 (maybe you will have to make it active) then define
your mandrake root partition.

The trick is that /boot and windows first partition shall be named
as hda1 and hda2 (or vice versa) and that they are both limited to the
first 8GB. Rest will be managed by lilo and your OS.

For the slider, try the arrow keys on your keyboard.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [newbie] Networking Problem

2001-12-11 Thread Derek Jennings

Never used XP, but is this was a win98 question I'd say the problem was that 
you were not logged into the windows box with a valid username/password.

For some reason if you give windows the wrong password it does not stop you 
logging on and seeing all the files, but it will stop you browsing the 

I think they call it security?


On Tuesday 11 December 2001 19:03, Neil R Porter wrote:
 Hi All

 I'm baffled.  I have a 3 computer network at home.  Using a switch, I
 have my Linux machine and two other XP workstations all connected.  The
 Linux box acts as a gateway for the net and a print server etc. and the
 xp workstations are simply used for day-to-day work.  I have it set up
 so I can share files between all 3 computers (using a combination of
 microshaft's connection wizard thingy and samba/komba2).  Everything was
 fine until recently one of the XP machines stopped sharing it's files
 (and was unable to connect to the other two computers' shared files),
 although the other two computers still happily share files and printer.

 The 'faulty' xp machine still takes it's connection for the net through
 the linux box though! - so no major network hardware problem I

 Linux ip: -  (gateway)
 Xpbox1 (faulty share machine): - (mask,,
 Xpbox2: - (mask,, gateway

 Both the linux box and XPbox2 can ping each other, and I can ping both
 the linux box and the XPbox2 from the 'faulty' XPbox1.  However, and
 perhaps crucially, I cannot ping XPbox1 from either linux or XPbox2.

 Phew, that took some writing and no doubt has taken some reading if
 you've bothered to get this far :)

 Can anyone offer me help please... I know this is not strictly a Linux
 query as it seems XPbox1 is to blame, but I'm sure someone out there
 might have some ideas to try at least.  Could it be a hardware issue?
 That's all I could find in the way of help on the MS knowledge base



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread Lanman

Who says Tom doesn't have a sense of Humour? 


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread Preston

Hello Tom,

Tuesday, December 11, 2001, 9:56:07 AM, you wrote:

TB  http://www.adequacy.org/?op=displaystory;sid=2001/12/2/42056/2147

TB BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker 
TB operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos 
TB Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.


This is just too funny...

Best regards,

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[newbie] mandrake xdos and vintage dos games

2001-12-11 Thread chris huston

I'm trying to play a few of my favorite dos games
using linux xdos.

Is there a location where i can move the dos games into
its directory structure so i can reach them via xdos?

thank you,

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker
 operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos
 Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.
 Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_
 History is a tool used by politicians to justify their intentions.
 -- Ted Koppel

What the heck is that Tom? I couldn't ever get thru to the website... ;-(


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[newbie] DVD Software?

2001-12-11 Thread Pete Taylor

Can anyone recommend the best DVD playing software? I'm using 8.1.
Pete Taylor

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Re: [newbie] DVD Software?

2001-12-11 Thread Terry C

Take a look at www.videolan.org


--- Pete Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone recommend the best DVD playing software?
 I'm using 8.1.
 Pete Taylor
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Re: [newbie] DVD Software?

2001-12-11 Thread Miark

Ogle's works wonderfully for me:



- Original Message - 
From: Pete Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 1:57 PM
Subject: [newbie] DVD Software?

 Can anyone recommend the best DVD playing software? I'm using 8.1.
 Pete Taylor

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] mandrake xdos and vintage dos games

2001-12-11 Thread skinky

On Wednesday 12 December 2001 09:48, chris huston wrote:
|  Hi,
|  I'm trying to play a few of my favorite dos games
|  using linux xdos.
|  Is there a location where i can move the dos games into
|  its directory structure so i can reach them via xdos?

As per README.txt instructions, I made a new directory called drives in 
/var/lib/dosemu/, created a symlink called C to the mounted dos drive, 
then edited /etc/dosemu.conf

# mkdir -p /var/lib/dosemu/drives
# cd /var/lib/dosemu/drives
# ln -s /dos C

Using your favourite editor (I use vim) as root, edit /etc/dosemu.conf:

$_hdimage = drives/*

I can now access all files on my dos drive.  My dos drive is usually 
mounted as vfat on /mnt/windows but I created some aliases for root to 
speed up the dos mounting:

alias mdos='mount -t msdos -o umask=000 /dev/hdb1 /dos'
alias mw='mount /mnt/windows/'
alias ud='umount /dos/'
alias uw='umount /mnt/windows'

# mkdir -p /dos # mount position for my dos drive

so all I have to do (as root) is unmount windows and mount dos before 
running xdos:
# uw# umount /mnt/windows
# mdos  # mount /dos
exit# [Ctrl+D] to return to user
$ xdos  # run xdos as user

and when I'm finished with xdos:

$ su
Password: [password]
# ud# umount /dos
# mw# mount /mnt/windows

I think you can make symlinks in /var/lib/dosemu/drives to any dos-useable 
dir on your hd which will give you access to those dirs.  For example 
you'd end up with:


and your /etc/dosemu.conf accesses all links in your drives dir.  HTH

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread PENA FAMILY

I tried going to the same site and couldn't get in. Probably overloaded with
hits from too many curious lookyloos.

- Original Message -
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker
  operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos
  Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.
  Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_
  History is a tool used by politicians to justify their intentions.
  -- Ted Koppel

 What the heck is that Tom? I couldn't ever get thru to the website... ;-(




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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] detecting an internal ISA modem

2001-12-11 Thread Ed Tharp

OK try cat /proc/interrupts

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 10:19, you wrote:
 Just enquired on the price of an external USR modem and was quoted about
 R800. Before I end up having to fork out this dough I wondered how to
 make the system detect new hardware i.e. the ISA USR modem, eventhough
 it doesn't display it under the Mandrake Control Centre when I am logged
 as as either a user or root.

 Tnx to Ed who suggested I try the command
 of'/proc/pci|/home/hylton/proc-pci'. Turns out on opening the box that
 the USR modem is in an ISA slot.  I tried to use the command but replace
 the PCI with ISA and all I got was something about command not found.

 Before I have to cough dough, please tell me how to get this working.
 Perhaps Dave in Iowa would let me know how he gets his USR modems

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Re: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts - FIXED

2001-12-11 Thread Miark

Hi all,

The problem is fixed. For anyone interested, here's
what happened. My CGI scripts were set up to use
sendmail, which they should, but they also had
sendmail-specific switchs added--something like
/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t or somethinglike that.
Anyway, Postfix didn't like the switches, so I 
eradicated them, and everything works beautifully. 



- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 4:58 AM
Subject: [newbie] Postfix and CGI scripts

 Hi all,
 I've got myself in a real bind. I've spent this night
 replacing sendmail with Postfix and everything works
 except my CGI scripts which is more or less disasterous.
 The CGI scripts are set up to use /usr/sbin/sendmail.
 It works as normal users, but nobody (which apache
 runs as) can't seem to do it.
 I've read through the Postfix website for clues, but
 it's coming on 5 am and I'm about fried. If anyone 
 has an idea, _please_ let me know at your earliest

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RE: [newbie] DVD Software?

2001-12-11 Thread Ingo Bauer

Well  I should put my 2c worth in .. I like xine

To be found @ http://xine.sourceforge.net


-Original Message-
From: Miark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] DVD Software?

Ogle's works wonderfully for me:



- Original Message - 
From: Pete Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 1:57 PM
Subject: [newbie] DVD Software?

 Can anyone recommend the best DVD playing software? I'm using 8.1.
 Pete Taylor

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] detecting an internal ISA modem

2001-12-11 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 16:52:39 -0500
Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK try cat /proc/interrupts
 On Tuesday 11 December 2001 10:19, you wrote:
  Just enquired on the price of an external USR modem and was quoted about
  R800. Before I end up having to fork out this dough I wondered how to
  make the system detect new hardware i.e. the ISA USR modem, eventhough
  it doesn't display it under the Mandrake Control Centre when I am logged
  as as either a user or root.
  Tnx to Ed who suggested I try the command
  of'/proc/pci|/home/hylton/proc-pci'. Turns out on opening the box that
  the USR modem is in an ISA slot.  I tried to use the command but replace
  the PCI with ISA and all I got was something about command not found.
  Before I have to cough dough, please tell me how to get this working.
  Perhaps Dave in Iowa would let me know how he gets his USR modems
In some ways the installation and set-up of an ISA modem is the same as that
for a PCI modem, but there are some major differences.
An ISA will nearly always be a jumpered, you will need to use these to manually
set the IRQ, I/O, and Com port.
These must be properly set so that there are no conflicts with any other 
hardware or with any settings in the system BIOS.
The setserial command can them be used to define your modem and allow for its
operation in linux.

Here are 2 sites that may be of assistance in your endevor.



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RE: [newbie] Networking Problem

2001-12-11 Thread Neil R Porter

Nope... It's off... Gawd I have no idea what's happening with it :(

 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: 11 December 2001 22:01
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Networking Problem
 On Tue, 2001-12-11 at 13:03, Neil R Porter wrote:
  Hi All
  I'm baffled.  I have a 3 computer network at home.  Using a 
 switch, I 
  have my Linux machine and two other XP workstations all connected.  
  The Linux box acts as a gateway for the net and a print server etc. 
  and the xp workstations are simply used for day-to-day 
 work.  I have 
  it set up so I can share files between all 3 computers (using a 
  combination of microshaft's connection wizard thingy and 
  samba/komba2).  Everything was fine until recently one of the XP 
  machines stopped sharing it's files (and was unable to 
 connect to the 
  other two computers' shared files), although the other two 
  still happily share files and printer.
  The 'faulty' xp machine still takes it's connection for the net 
  through the linux box though! - so no major network 
 hardware problem I 
  Linux ip: -  (gateway)
  Xpbox1 (faulty share machine): - (mask,, 
  Xpbox2: - (mask,, gateway
  Both the linux box and XPbox2 can ping each other, and I 
 can ping both 
  the linux box and the XPbox2 from the 'faulty' XPbox1.  
 However, and 
  perhaps crucially, I cannot ping XPbox1 from either linux or XPbox2.
  Phew, that took some writing and no doubt has taken some reading if 
  you've bothered to get this far :)
  Can anyone offer me help please... I know this is not 
 strictly a Linux 
  query as it seems XPbox1 is to blame, but I'm sure someone 
 out there 
  might have some ideas to try at least.  Could it be a 
 hardware issue? 
  That's all I could find in the way of help on the MS knowledge base 
 Is it possible you have misconfigured the built-in firewall 
 on that XP box?
 Will the third world war keep Bosom Buddies off the air?

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading KDE on Mandrake 8.0

2001-12-11 Thread Grant Fraser

Yes, I did the upgrade. No, its not a problem. My machine still thinks its 
running 8.0
You get a few more icons too.
When you do the upgrade make sure you download all of the developer files 
too. It doesnt matter if you are a developer or not, the files seem to take 
care of a lot of weird dependencys.


On December 11, 2001 11:27 am, you wrote:
 I'm trying to upgrade KDE 2.1.1 to 2.2.1 on Mandrake 8.0 - I only want the
 updated Knode! but I'm being told that I should install Mandrake Desk 8.1.
 Will this damage my install of 8.0? (Everything else is working fine at the



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] detecting an internal ISA modem

2001-12-11 Thread Ed Tharp

and MOST important, turn OFF plug and pray aware OS in the BIOS

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 17:22, you wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 16:52:39 -0500

 Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  OK try cat /proc/interrupts
  On Tuesday 11 December 2001 10:19, you wrote:
   Just enquired on the price of an external USR modem and was quoted
   about R800. Before I end up having to fork out this dough I wondered
   how to make the system detect new hardware i.e. the ISA USR modem,
   eventhough it doesn't display it under the Mandrake Control Centre when
   I am logged as as either a user or root.
   Tnx to Ed who suggested I try the command
   of'/proc/pci|/home/hylton/proc-pci'. Turns out on opening the box that
   the USR modem is in an ISA slot.  I tried to use the command but
   replace the PCI with ISA and all I got was something about command not
   Before I have to cough dough, please tell me how to get this working.
   Perhaps Dave in Iowa would let me know how he gets his USR modems

 In some ways the installation and set-up of an ISA modem is the same as
 that for a PCI modem, but there are some major differences.
 An ISA will nearly always be a jumpered, you will need to use these to
 manually set the IRQ, I/O, and Com port.
 These must be properly set so that there are no conflicts with any other
 hardware or with any settings in the system BIOS.
 The setserial command can them be used to define your modem and allow for
 its operation in linux.

 Here are 2 sites that may be of assistance in your endevor.



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-11 Thread Lee Roberts

Hash: SHA1

Thanks for the good laugh! :-D

At 09:56 AM 12/11/2001 -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:


BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal
hacker  operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named
Linyos  Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.

Tom Brinkman _ South Texas, USA_

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use http://www.pgp.com


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Re: [newbie] sound driver (awe32 and terratec)

2001-12-11 Thread Brian Parish

On Wednesday 12 December 2001 4:26 am, you wrote:
 (Where )can I find drivers for Soundblaster Awe32 and Terratec Maestro

 Is there any site where all linux drivers are gathered?



You'll find a supported sound card matrix there too.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Setting up internet connection in Mdk 8.1

2001-12-11 Thread Curt Tresenriter

Hi all,
My first post here, can someone can point me in the right direction.

I'm using a D-Link 530TX+ LAN adapter - it installed the 8139too driver, 
but it won't configure and connect to the internet.
I've been told my card needs the via-rhine driver and that I should be 
presented with a list of drivers to choose from when going through config. 
I deselected auto detection and also tried both normal and expert modes, 
but I don't get a choice.
How do I get this driver installed?


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Re: [newbie] Help! how to uninstall

2001-12-11 Thread Brian Parish

That's true, but with one proviso - don't forget to tidy up the boot manager 
too.  If you just use fdisk to remove the Linux partition, chances are you 
are killing your active partition and therefore your machine don't boot no 

Before removing anything, make your C drive (in M$ terms) your active 
partition - i.e. the one that boots.  Then reboot and check that Windoze 
comes up with no sign of a boot manager.  Then you can safely zap the Linux 
partition, create a new one and format at for Windoze use.

Have fun with the new machine and the REAL operating system!  I guess the 
next questions we see from you will be about Samba ;-)

On Wednesday 12 December 2001 3:03 am, you wrote:
 I can answer this in one word.


 Seriously, you can kill the installation just by doing an fdisk on that
 partition and the entire thing is gone. there really isn't much more to
 it then that.

 If you're want to replicate your current installation to another machine
 _that_ is a whole other matter and I would strongly suggest addressing
 that on the expert list. you might give civileme a holler at
 MandrakeSoft and ask him directly what that would entail. you can
 address it directly on the expert list. He reads it quite regularly.
 There are, i believe, quite a few references to be seen on the Mandrake
 forums covering replication also.

 but, just plain old uninstalling of your Mandrake installation is just
 an Fdisk away.


 Paul Binder wrote:
  I just got a new computer, and I want to remove Mandrake from my old one
  to free up space on it, and install mandrake on my new one.
  Only thing Is I have no idea how to uninstall Mandrake from my system. I
  do not want to Fdisk the whole thing, because I still have Windows Me on
  the computer as well, with files I want to keep.
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Setting up internet connection in Mdk 8.1

2001-12-11 Thread Ed Tharp

is plug and pray aware OS turned off in BIOS?
how do you know it won't configure? what file are you reading this 
information from?

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 19:05, you wrote:
 Hi all,
 My first post here, can someone can point me in the right direction.

 I'm using a D-Link 530TX+ LAN adapter - it installed the 8139too driver,
 but it won't configure and connect to the internet.
 I've been told my card needs the via-rhine driver and that I should be
 presented with a list of drivers to choose from when going through config.
 I deselected auto detection and also tried both normal and expert modes,
 but I don't get a choice.
 How do I get this driver installed?


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Re: [newbie] Setting up internet connection in Mdk 8.1

2001-12-11 Thread Curt Tresenriter

Yes, pnp is off. Not reading from a file, but when I click on the internet 
connection on the desktop, it tries to connect but fails and tells me to 
configure it. The LAN connection box asks for eth0 IP address, wind'ohs (in 
the TCP/IP settings) is set to obtain the IP address automatically. I 
thought the nic card was at (or .2) but neither one works.
I'm probably missing something simple. This is my first foray into the 
Linux world, so I'm about as green as they come.
I'm thinking that the 8139too driver is actually the correct one, but I'm 
not sure.

At 07:20 PM 12/11/01 -0500, you wrote:

is plug and pray aware OS turned off in BIOS?
how do you know it won't configure? what file are you reading this
information from?

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
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Re: [newbie] Setting up internet connection in Mdk 8.1

2001-12-11 Thread Derek Jennings

open up netconf

(From your KmenuConfigurationNetworking)
Select Host Name +IP button 
Select Adaper 1
Select eth0 as the net device
Select Via-rhine from the drop down box for kernel module

Thats it.

I have that card and it was auto detected perfectly. I wonder if you have an 
IRQ conflict.?  Might be an idea to check wuth HardDrake

Good luck


On Wednesday 12 December 2001 00:05, Curt Tresenriter wrote:
 Hi all,
 My first post here, can someone can point me in the right direction.

 I'm using a D-Link 530TX+ LAN adapter - it installed the 8139too driver,
 but it won't configure and connect to the internet.
 I've been told my card needs the via-rhine driver and that I should be
 presented with a list of drivers to choose from when going through config.
 I deselected auto detection and also tried both normal and expert modes,
 but I don't get a choice.
 How do I get this driver installed?


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Re: [newbie] Setting up internet connection in Mdk 8.1

2001-12-11 Thread Ed Tharp

in that case (your ISP requires you to use DHCP) do NOT put any number where 
ever you are attempting to configure it, instead, just get number 
automagicilly or use DHCP or BOOTP or something along those lines.  

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 19:41, you wrote:
 Yes, pnp is off. Not reading from a file, but when I click on the internet
 connection on the desktop, it tries to connect but fails and tells me to
 configure it. The LAN connection box asks for eth0 IP address, wind'ohs (in
 the TCP/IP settings) is set to obtain the IP address automatically. I
 thought the nic card was at (or .2) but neither one works.
 I'm probably missing something simple. This is my first foray into the
 Linux world, so I'm about as green as they come.
 I'm thinking that the 8139too driver is actually the correct one, but I'm
 not sure.

 At 07:20 PM 12/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
 is plug and pray aware OS turned off in BIOS?
 how do you know it won't configure? what file are you reading this
 information from?
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Re: [newbie] Setting up internet connection in Mdk 8.1

2001-12-11 Thread Curt Tresenriter

Yeah, the dhcp/boot is selected.
So the nic IP is also automatically assigned as well as the machine's IP?

At 07:54 PM 12/11/01 -0500, you wrote:

in that case (your ISP requires you to use DHCP) do NOT put any number where
ever you are attempting to configure it, instead, just get number
automagicilly or use DHCP or BOOTP or something along those lines.

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Re: [newbie] Setting up internet connection in Mdk 8.1

2001-12-11 Thread Derek Jennings

Hold on Curt
i just checked on the D-Link site. It is the 8139 driver for that card. Check 
this out.  http://support.dlink.com/faq/view.asp?prod_id=488

Mine must be the 530TX without the 'plus'

So if it has installed the correct driver then whats your problem?


 On Wednesday 12 December 2001 00:05, Curt Tresenriter wrote:
  Hi all,
  My first post here, can someone can point me in the right direction.
  I'm using a D-Link 530TX+ LAN adapter - it installed the 8139too driver,
  but it won't configure and connect to the internet.
  I've been told my card needs the via-rhine driver and that I should be
  presented with a list of drivers to choose from when going through
  config. I deselected auto detection and also tried both normal and expert
  modes, but I don't get a choice.
  How do I get this driver installed?

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading KDE on Mandrake 8.0

2001-12-11 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker

On Wednesday 12 December 2001 22:48, you wrote:
| Yes, I did the upgrade. No, its not a problem. My machine still thinks its
| running 8.0
| You get a few more icons too.
| When you do the upgrade make sure you download all of the developer files
| too. It doesnt matter if you are a developer or not, the files seem to take
| care of a lot of weird dependencys.
| Grant

I'm just wondering what happens in the event of a non-recoverable crash.. 


Mandrake 8.0 User since 8 October 2001
Registered Linux User no 240308

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Re: [newbie] Kernal Panic

2001-12-11 Thread Mark Weaver

On Sun, 09 Dec 2001 14:53:27 -0800
irl60 [EMAIL PROTECTED] frantically pecked out this message:

 Hi list
 Oh man have I done it this time!
 I am using LM 8.1. I was trying to install a local printer, went to the 
 printer setup in Hardrake, than half way through that when I was asked to 
 name the printer the system froze. I used Xkill to close the window, and 
 tried to start it all over again, but no luck it died again, but this time 
 I couldn't even use Xkill, so I hit the reset switch, and up came a bunch 
 of stuff starting with the word init.
 Tried to reboot again and this time it said: Kernal Panic: No Init found. 
 Try passing init= option to Kernal.
 Do I have to do a re-install without formatting, or maybe there is some 
 'geeky' magic stuff I can do at the konsole eh? What do you guys think?


here's some geeky magic stuff for you. at the lilo/grub prompt...which ever you're 
using, try passing this to the kernel to get yer system to boot.

 linux init=/sbin/init

I believe that is the init the kernel is looking for. 

hope this helps...

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  9:05pm  up 1 day, 23:01,  1 user,  load average: 1.74, 1.15, 0.75

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Re: [newbie] Telnet display problems

2001-12-11 Thread Mark Weaver

On 10 Dec 2001 08:31:25 -0600
Ben Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] frantically pecked out this message:
 I have a problem in telnet.  When I go to a console window this doesn't
 happen, but when I telnet into other servers, my display is staggered.
 Like this:
 Login:  testuser
 Last login: Wed Oct 6 22:07:20 from linux
 The next line starts where the line above it ends.  I've tried other
 terminal types, but nothing seems to change it.  Anyone have any ideas?
 I'm running ML 8.1.
 Ben Lee

Not a clue Ben, but telnet is evil. ssh on the other hand is wonderful AND it's 
secure. Prolly won't stager the text on the screen either. although i can't be sure 
since i really don't know why that is happening.

since my two cents isn't really worth all that much i guess i'll jest shuut up.

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  9:05pm  up 1 day, 23:01,  1 user,  load average: 1.74, 1.15, 0.75

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[newbie] NVidia

2001-12-11 Thread Steven Spears


I'm trying to install the new NVidia drivers on my wife's machine and I'm 
having a bit of a problem. When I install the rpm for 8.1 it says this:

Preparing...### [100%]
   1:NVIDIA_kernel  ### [100%]
modprobe: Can't locate module NVdriver

NVdriver installed successfully

I'm using this command: rpm -ivh NVIDIA*

Any help or points to the proper location for help would be greatly 
appreciated. I've already tried going through the archives to no avail. 



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Re: [newbie] NVidia

2001-12-11 Thread Paul Rodríguez

This happenned to me as well.  Did you by any chance update her kernel
(the kernel module is compiled for the stock kernel).

What I did was download the source rpm and then (as root):

rpm --rebuild NVIDIA_kernel.src.rpm
rpm -ivh /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i686/NVIDIA_kernel...rpm

then install the NVIDIA_GLX.rpm

-Paul Rodríguez

On Tue, 2001-12-11 at 22:09, Steven Spears wrote:
 I'm trying to install the new NVidia drivers on my wife's machine and I'm 
 having a bit of a problem. When I install the rpm for 8.1 it says this:
 Preparing...### [100%]
1:NVIDIA_kernel  ### [100%]
 modprobe: Can't locate module NVdriver
 NVdriver installed successfully
 I'm using this command: rpm -ivh NVIDIA*
 Any help or points to the proper location for help would be greatly 
 appreciated. I've already tried going through the archives to no avail. 
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