[MCM] Paul Minor

2009-04-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Updates on Paul Minor's case:

A Surprise Recusal and Promising Result in Paul Minor Appeal Hearing


Free Paul Minor

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[MCM] Report on Gaza, from Physicians for Human Rights/Israel and PMRS

2009-04-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Susan Adelman:

Dear Friends

Below is the news release from Physicians for 
Human Rights-Israel on the release of the report 
they did jointly with the Palestinian Medical 
Relief Society (PMRS) about the recent Israeli 
offensive in Gaza.  It includes a link to a site 
where you can download both the whole report and 
an abbreviated version. I believe that human 
rights have no nationality. All crimes against 
civilians must be condemned and I condemn the 
launching for rockets from Gaza into the southern 
portion of Israel. That, however, is not the 
subject of this report. The scientific evidence, 
the first-person accounts and the conclusions are 
chilling. Please read it.

Peace and lift the siege of Gaza (now!!), Susan

From: t...@phr.org.il
Date: 2009/4/6
Subject: Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and 
the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) 
published today its special report on the Israeli 
offensive in the Gaza Strip, 27.12.2008 - 

Independent fact-finding mission of medical 
experts commissioned by Physicians for Human 
Rights-Israel and the Palestinian Medical Relief 
Society (PMRS) published today its special report 
on the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip, 
27.12.2008 - 18.01.2009

In their report, the experts detail 44 
testimonies by civilians who came under attack 
and by medical staff who were prevented from 
evacuating the wounded. The report provides 
first-hand evidence regarding the broader effects 
of the attacks on a civilian population that was 
already vulnerable on the eve of the offensive.

To download the Report click here 

The experts collected samples of human tissue 
earth, water, grass and mud suspected to be 
contaminated by unidentified chemicals. These 
were sent by the team to laboratories in the UK 
and South Africa for analysis.

During the military operation in January, 
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel called for an 
external independent investigation into the 
events, for the rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip 
and for the opening of the Crossings.

Five independent experts in the fields of 
forensic medicine, burns, medical response to 
crises and public health, from Germany, Denmark, 
South Africa and Spain, immediately answered the 
call and traveled to Gaza between 29 January and 
5 February 2009 for their first fact-finding 
investigation, and then to hospitals in Egypt, 
where some of the most seriously wounded were 
being treated.

The medical experts are:Professor Jorgen Thomsen 
from Denmark, expert in Forensic pathology; Dr. 
Ralf Syring from Germany, an expert in Public 
Health in crisis regions; Professor Shabbir Ahmed 
Wadee from South Africa, an expert in Forensic 
pathology;Professor Sebastian Van As from South 
Africa, an expert in Trauma surgeryand Ms. Alicia 
Vacas Moro from Spain, an expert in International 

From the conclusion of the report:

...Besides the large-scale, largely impersonal 
destruction that the team witnessed and heard of, 
it was especially distressing to hear of 
individual cases in which soldiers had been 
within seeing, hearing and speaking distance of 
their victims for significant stretches of time, 
but despite the opportunity for 'humanisation', 
had denied wounded people access to lifesaving 
medical care, or even shot at civilians at short 

One of the testimonies in the report describes 
the aftermath of an attack. Muhammad Saad Abu 
Halima had lost two brothers and a young sister; 
his wife and daughter were wounded. He told the 
delegation his experience of evacuation:

ŠWe were going down the street Kamal Adwan, and 
we had almost reached the school when the 
soldiers halted us. A tank appeared on the street 
and stopped close to the school. The soldiers 
were occupying the second floor of a building 
which was only 20 meters away from the street. 
They could see that we were all wounded and dirty 
from the explosions, because the tractor was open 
at the back. They shot at us, killing my cousins 
Matar Saad Abu Halima and Muhammad Hikma Abu 
Halima, who were driving us to the hospital. The 
soldiers ordered us to get out of the tractor, 
and they asked me to take off my clothes. I did 
it and they checked all my body. I think they 
were looking for explosives, but we were all 
injured and in pitiful conditions. How could we 
think of carrying explosives when my younger 
siblings and my own children were dying? Then, 
when I was almost expecting death, they shouted 
at me: you can get dressed and go. They did not 
allow us to use the tractor.
I held my sister Shahed in my arms Š but the 
soldiers said that the baby was already dead, so 
they forced me to leave her in the car. I tried 
to help my wife Ghada, who was completely burned, 
and they forced us to walk to the hospital. For 
about 300 meters the soldiers were 

[MCM] Observers shut out of AZ recount

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Observers Shut Out of Pima Recount

Attorney General's criminal investigation 
procedures break ballot custody and make 
meaningful public observation impossible

RTA Recount Situation Report: 3:00 p.m. Monday April 6th
(aka: The Official Chronicles Of The Bored To Tears, Part One)
by Jim March


A total hand-recount of what are alleged to be 
the ballots voted in the 2006 Pima County 
Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) bond 
measure election is being conducted as I write.

Eight teams of three people each (all Maricopa 
Elections Division employees) are doing the sort 
and stack method to pile ballots in three piles 
for each ballot question. It's impossible to 
overstate how tightly the information flow is 
controlled here, or how nontransparent the 
process is.

  The short form is that the preliminary counts 
are matching the official final totals from 2006, 
in broad strokes.

Ballot forensics is going to be a factor here, 
and the chain of custody of these ballots (read: 
could they be fake?) is open to serious question.


For those just joining us: This bond measure of 
May 2006 involved $2 billion worth of 
transportation contracts, which in turn affected 
housing boom issues.  We now know there was a 
ton of fraud in the late lamented real estate 
boom; the question now is, was there also fraud 
in setting the preconditions for that boom, such 
as the RTA bond measure?

There are a number of reasons to suspect the RTA 
race was rigged.  In brief:  The audit logs 
looked very funky; similar bond measures had 
failed repeatedly in years past; Pima elections 
officials had illegally peeked into early 
voting results by printing tallies of the 
scanned-in mail-in ballots; the election 
department's chief systems operator was spotted 
referring to a Microsoft Access advanced 
programmer's manual while using the Diebold 
central tabulator; and much more.1 (See 
articles documenting this investigation).
Long-distance photo taken through a window with optical zoom, by Jim March

Red circles indicate voters' marked ballot selections.

  AZ Attorney General Terry Goddard finally took a 
serious role by declaring the hand-count.  But 
the way he handled it violated every standard 
possible in election transparency, and continues 
to do so.

Goddard will tell you that he doesn't need to be 
transparent at all because this isn't an 
election-related recount.  He's partially right: 
this recount is connected to a criminal 
investigation aimed at the people who run 
elections in Pima County.

But the problem is, in order to treat these 
ballots the same way he would if, say, he raided 
the documents inside a crooked bank, he has to 
take sole control over the very engine of 
Democracy.  He's set himself up to be the sole 
judge of what the people's will was in a real 

No one person can ever be allowed to take that 
control with zero oversight or observation.  It 
leads to horrible dark places.  Governments have 
murdered literally millions of people in order to 
gain that kind of sole control.2  When a single 
government official takes control over the 
processing of election information, even in this 
kind of situation, it's a step towards literal 
hell on earth.

So What Has AG Goddard Done?

1.Over a month ago Goddard seized control 
over the ballots, taking them to points unknown 
and storing them in unknown conditions with zero 
oversight from any other government body, 
political parties or citizen observers.  We still 
don't know where they vacationed.

2.They're now being counted by the Maricopa 
elections office in conditions designed to 
prevent observation -- most particularly 
preventing any independent counts of the vote 

These conditions include:

   a.   The AG's office told political parties to 
provide the names of three observers able to 
spent a week in Phoenix (120+ miles from Pima 
County) -- and then the AG's office would pick 
the final participant.  In the case of the 
Democrats, they picked a retiree in his '70s over 
a younger lawyer with elections law experience. 
Fortunately the retiree is a very competent gent, 
but . . . he's not a lawyer.  The Libertarians 
submitted just one name (mine) and the AG's 
office rejected me on security grounds citing 
the wrongful arrest I was subjected to in San 
Diego County, CA in 2005 -- never mind that all 
charges were rapidly dropped and changes to 
observation procedures were instituted statewide 
in direct response to my action.  So the game is: 
Keep out as many knowledgeable observers as 

   b.  The observers in the room aren't allowed 
any pens or pencils or any electronic note-taking 
gear.  Mind you, this is a 100% hand count; 
electronic manipulation of 

[MCM] Baghdad is now a city of walls

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Powerful reports from Baghdad, by Guardian report Ghaith Abdul-Ahad.

The whole city is divided up, with every neighborhood a walled sectarian
compound; and even as the place has started bustling here and there, the
general quiet is as tense as in a prison torn apart by gangs and guards, and
only recently calmed down. (Yet the killing is still going on, but less openly
and more efficiently than in the past.)

We owe this shattered country everything.


 From Imad Khadduri:

Baghdad - City of Walls

After six years of occupation, hundreds of thousands Iraqis dead, 
four to five million Iraqis displaced, five thousand American 
soldiers dead and tens of billions of dollars siphoned, one end 
result is that Baghdad is a City of Walls.

This is a series of four videos (10-12 minutes each) by Ghaith 
Abdul-Ahad, a Baghdad-born award-winning photographer and journalist 
for the Guardian. The series was shown on Al-Jazeera English channel 
in its Witness program. The last in the series (part 4) is the most 
recently filmed and is definitly worth seeing .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WkPAnIcZz8Witness - Baghdad City of 
Walls - 5 April 09 - Part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WkPAnIcZz8Witness - Baghdad City of 
Walls - 5 April 09 - Part 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK8LGLDLmVQWitness - Baghdad City of 
Walls - 5 April 09 - Part 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK8LGLDLmVQWitness - Baghdad City of 
Walls - 5 April 09 - Part 4

Imad Khadduri

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[MCM] Bank bailout even worse than you expected

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Is the Geithner-Summers plan even worse than expected?
by Chris in Paris on 4/07/2009 06:03:00 AM


And yes, even lower than the already low expectations. One might ask 
how the Obama team could deliver such a potentially lucrative deal 
for Wall Street and a bad deal for taxpayers, but Summers history of 
making millions on Wall Street may provide some guidance. I voted for 
change and I wouldn't mind seeing some on Wall Street in stead of 
this same old, same old. More from Columbia economics professor 
Jeffrey Sachs:

Here's how. Consider a toxic asset held by Citibank with a face 
value of $1 million, but with zero probability of any payout and 
therefore with a zero market value. An outside bidder would not pay 
anything for such an asset. All of the previous articles consider the 
case of true outside bidders.

Suppose, however, that Citibank itself sets up a Citibank 
Public-Private Investment Fund (CPPIF) under the Geithner-Summers 
plan. The CPPIF will bid the full face value of $1 million for the 
worthless asset, because it can borrow $850K from the FDIC, and get 
$75K from the Treasury, to make the purchase! Citibank will only have 
to put in $75K of the total.

Citibank thereby receives $1 million for the worthless asset, while 
the CPPIF ends up with an utterly worthless asset against $850K in 
debt to the FDIC. The CPPIF therefore quietly declares bankruptcy, 
while Citibank walks away with a cool $1 million. Citibank's net 
profit on the transaction is $925K (remember that the bank invested 
$75K in the CPPIF) and the taxpayers lose $925K. Since the total of 
toxic assets in the banking system exceeds $1 trillion, and perhaps 
reaches $2-3 trillion, the amount of potential rip-off in the 
Geithner-Summers plan is unconscionably large.

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[MCM] Sarah Palin's sister-in-law arrested for burglary

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
But at least she brought her little girl along. 
The four-year-old was waiting in the car,

Sarah Palin's Sister-in-Law Arrested for Burglary

The Alaska wildlife tales just keep coming!

Smoke has yet to settle from the feud between 
Levi Johnston - the former fiancé of Bristol 
Palin, who will appear
on The Tyra Banks Show April 6 to discuss his sex 
life with the Alaska governor's 18-year-old 
daughter - and
Sarah Palin, who issued a blistering statement 
condemning Johnston's decision to talk dirty on 
TV. (Johnston,
18, and Bristol Palin welcomed son Tripp last 
December and split earlier this year.)

And now comes a new source of embarrassment for 
the former GOP vice-presidential contender: 
police in Sarah Palin's hometown of Wasilla have 
arrested the half-sister of her husband, Todd, 
for allegedly breaking into a house
in a robbery attempt.

According to the Anchorage Daily News, police say 
Diana Palin, 35, entered the home Thursday 
morning and
made straight for a bedroom cabinet where cash 
was stowed. The house had already been burgled 
twice in
recent weeks. This time the owner, carrying a 
gun, was waiting in a bathroom after seeing an 
unfamiliar car
pull up outside.

The owner, Theodore Turcott, reportedly 
confronted the intruder and detained her until 
police arrived.

In a further twist in the case, Diana Palin's 
4-year-old daughter was apparently waiting in the 
car outside, but
entered the house before police arrived, a 
prosecutor said during a Palmer District Court 
hearing Friday. The
little girl reportedly told police she had been in the house before.

Diana Palin was taken into custody on felony 
burglary charges relating to two break-ins at the 
Turcott house.
A spokeswoman for Gov. Palin declined the newspaper's request for comment.

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[MCM] Obama quietly EXPANDS Bush/Cheney's legal case for wiretapping

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Obama Administration quietly expands
Bush's legal defense of wiretapping program
04/07/2009 @ 10:01 am
Filed by John Byrne


In a stunning defense of President George W. Bush's warrantless 
wiretapping program, President Barack Obama has broadened the 
government's legal argument for immunizing his Administration and 
government agencies from lawsuits surrounding the National Security 
Agency's eavesdropping efforts.

In fact, a close read of a government filing last Friday reveals that 
the Obama Administration has gone beyond any previous legal claims 
put forth by former President Bush.

Responding to a lawsuit filed by a civil liberties group, the Justice 
Department argued that the government was protected by sovereign 
immunity from lawsuits because of a little-noticed clause in the 
Patriot Act. The government's legal filing can be read here (PDF).

For the first time, the Obama Administration's brief contends that 
government agencies cannot be sued for wiretapping American citizens 
even if there was intentional violation of US law. They maintain that 
the government can only be sued if the wiretaps involve willful 
disclosure -- a higher legal bar.

A 'willful violation' in Section 223(c(1) refers to the 'willful 
disclosure' of intelligence information by government agents, as 
described in Section 223(a)(3) and (b)(3), and such disclosures by 
the Government are the only actions that create liability against the 
United States, Obama Assistant Attorney General Michael Hertz wrote 
(page 5).

Senior Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston at the Electronic Frontier 
Foundation, which is suing the government over the warrantless 
wiretapping program, notes that the government has previously argued 
that the government had sovereign immunity against civil action 
under the FISA statute. But he says that this is the first time that 
they've invoked changes to the Patriot Act in claiming the US 
government is immune from claims of illegal spying under any other 
federal surveillance statute.

They are arguing this based on changes to the law made by the USA 
PATRIOT Act, Section 223, Bankston said in an email to Raw Story. 
We've never been fans of 223--it made it much harder to sue the U.S. 
for illegal spying, see an old write-up of mine at: 
http://w2.eff.org/patriot/sunset/223.php --but no one's ever 
suggested before that it wholly immunized the U.S. government against 
suits under all the surveillance statutes.

Salon columnist and constitutional scholar Glenn Greenwald -- who is 
generally supportive of progressive interpretations of the law -- 
says the Obama Administration has invented a brand new claim of 
immunity from spying litigation.

In other words, beyond even the outrageously broad 'state secrets' 
privilege invented by the Bush administration and now embraced fully 
by the Obama administration, the Obama DOJ has now invented a brand 
new claim of government immunity, one which literally asserts that 
the U.S. Government is free to intercept all of your communications 
(calls, emails and the like) and -- even if what they're doing is 
blatantly illegal and they know it's illegal -- you are barred from 
suing them unless they 'willfully disclose' to the public what they 
have learned, Greenwald wrote Monday.

He also argues that the Justice Department's response is exclusively 
a product of the new Administration, noting that three months have 
elapsed since President Bush left office.

This brief and this case are exclusively the Obama DOJ's, and the 
ample time that elapsed -- almost three full months -- makes clear 
that it was fully considered by Obama officials, Greenwald wrote. 
Yet they responded exactly as the Bush DOJ would have. This 
demonstrates that the Obama DOJ plans to invoke the exact radical 
doctrines of executive secrecy which Bush used -- not only when the 
Obama DOJ is taking over a case from the Bush DOJ, but even when they 
are deciding what response should be made in the first instance.

Everything for which Bush critics excoriated the Bush DOJ -- using 
an absurdly broad rendition of 'state secrets' to block entire 
lawsuits from proceeding even where they allege radical lawbreaking 
by the President and inventing new claims of absolute legal immunity 
-- are now things the Obama DOJ has left no doubt it intends to 
embrace itself, he adds.

Both the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the American Civil 
Liberties Union say the sovereign immunity claim in the context of 
the case goes farther than any previous Bush Administration claims of 
wiretap immunity.

Writing about the changes to the Patriot Act last year, the EFF 
asserted that revisions to the Act involved troubling new 
developments for US law.

Unlike with any other defendant, if you want to sue the federal 
government for illegal wiretapping you have to first go through an 
administrative procedure with the agency 

[MCM] Court rules: Franken wins

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And now the fun begins.



http://www.bradblog.com/?p=7049MN SENATE ELECTION JUDGES COUNT 
Tally concludes finding 312 vote win for the Democrat, as Coleman 
prepares his final appeals
But does the Republican have a legal leg to stand on?...



Brad Friedman
Publisher/Editor, The BRAD BLOG


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[MCM] Geithner's dirty little secret

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Asia Time Online - Daily News  
  Apr 3, 2009
Geithner's dirty little secret
By F. W. Engdahl

US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, in unveiling his long-awaited 
plan to put the US banking system back in order, has refused to tell 
the dirty little secret of the present financial crisis. By refusing 
to do so, he is trying to save de facto bankrupt US banks that 
threaten to bring the entire global system down in a new more 
devastating phase of wealth destruction.

The Geithner proposal, his so-called Public-Private Partnership 
Investment Program, or PPPIP, is not designed to restore a healthy 
lending system that would funnel credit to business and consumers. 
Rather it is yet another intricate scheme to pour even more hundreds 
of billions of dollars directly to the leading banks and Wall Street 
firms responsible for the current mess in world credit markets, 
without demanding they change their business model.

Yet, one might say, won't this eventually help the problem by getting 
the banks back to health?

Not the way the Barack Obama administration is proceeding. In 
defending his plan on US TV recently, Geithner, a protege of Henry 
Kissinger and before his present posting president of the New York 
Federal Reserve Bank, argued that his intent was not to sustain weak 
banks at the expense of strong. Yet this is precisely what the PPPIP 
does. The weak banks are the five largest banks in the system.

The dirty little secret that Geithner is going to great degrees to 
obscure from the public is very simple. There are only at most 
perhaps five US banks that are the source of the toxic poison causing 
such dislocation in the world financial system. What Geithner is 
desperately trying to protect is that reality. The heart of the 
present problem, and the reason ordinary loan losses are not the 
problem as in prior bank crises, is a variety of exotic financial 
derivatives, most especially credit default swaps.

In the Bill Clinton administration of 2000, the Treasury secretary 
was Larry Summers, who had just been promoted from number two under 
former Goldman Sachs banker Robert Rubin to be number one when Rubin 
left Washington to take up the post of Citigroup vice chairman. As I 
describe in detail in my new book, Power of Money: The Rise and Fall 
of the American Century, to be released this summer, Summers 
convinced president Clinton to sign several Republican bills into law 
that opened the floodgates for banks to abuse their powers. The fact 
that the Wall Street big banks spent some US$5 billion in lobbying 
for these changes after 1998 was likely not lost on Clinton.

One significant law was the repeal of the 1933 Depression-era 
Glass-Steagall Act, which prohibited mergers of commercial banks, 
insurance companies and brokerage firms such as Merrill Lynch or 
Goldman Sachs. A second law backed by Treasury secretary Summers in 
2000 was an obscure but deadly important Commodity Futures 
Modernization Act of 2000. That law prevented the responsible US 
government regulatory agency, Commodity Futures Trading Corporation 
(CFTC), from having any oversight over the trading of financial 
derivatives. The new CFMA law stipulated that so-called 
over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives like credit default swaps, such as 
those involved in the AIG insurance disaster, (and which investor 
Warren Buffett once called weapons of mass financial destruction), 
be free from government regulation.

At the time Summers was busy opening the floodgates of financial 
abuse for the Wall Street Money Trust, his assistant was none other 
than Tim Geithner, the man who today is US Treasury Secretary, while 
Geithner's old boss, the self-same Summers, is President Obama's 
chief economic adviser as head of the White House Economic Council. 
To have Geithner and Summers responsible for cleaning up the 
financial mess is tantamount to putting the proverbial fox in to 
guard the henhouse.

What Geithner does not want the public to understand, his dirty 
little secret, is that the repeal of Glass-Steagall and the passage 
of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act in 2000 allowed the 
creation of a tiny handful of banks that would virtually monopolize 
key parts of the global off-balance sheet or OTC derivatives 

Today, five US banks, according to data in the just-released Federal 
Office of Comptroller of the Currency's Quarterly Report on Bank 
Trading and Derivatives Activity, hold 96% of all US bank derivatives 
positions in terms of nominal values, and an eye-popping 81% of the 
total net credit risk exposure in event of default.

The top three are, in declining order of importance: JPMorgan Chase, 
which holds a staggering $88 trillion in derivatives; Bank of America 
with $38 trillion, and Citibank with $32 trillion. Number four in the 
derivatives sweepstakes is 

[MCM] A call-to-arms from Don Siegelman

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

Dear Supporter,

I need your help on a critical issue. Time is of the essence. I'm 
asking that you email influential editors and Attorney General Eric 

Attorney General Holder recently abandoned the conviction against 
former U.S. Senator Ted Stevens (R). His decision had nothing to do 
with the merits of the Stevens case, but was based on misconduct on 
the part of the Department of Justice. Attorney General Holder did 
the right thing.

It's been a long time since we have seen the DOJ act courageously. 
Attorney General Holder's action gives me hope that justice can be 
restored and our democracy can be preserved.

An important difference between the Stevens case and my case is that 
I was not accused of taking even a penny for myself. In my case there 
are many instances of government wrongdoing. American Trial Lawyer 
Magazine tagged me as America's number one Political Prisoner, Time 
Magazine said I was a victim of selective prosecution, and CBS's 60 
Minutes exposed that the government used false testimony to convict 
me and withheld critical documents from my lawyers. The House 
Judiciary Committee even has sworn testimony that Karl Rove was 
involved in my prosecution as well as other serious prosecutorial 

Attorney General Holder threw out the case against Ted Stevens 
because the government withheld information that could have been 
critical to the outcome of Senator Stevens' trial.

There's far more prosecutorial misconduct in my case than in the 
Stevens case. Please 
this letter from my lawyer to the Attorney General (PDF) which 
outlines some of those areas of misconduct.

After reading the letter, please email the following editors 
commending Eric Holder for helping to restore justice by dropping the 
charges against Senator Stevens but suggesting that the gross 
prosecutorial misconduct in my case far exceeds the misconduct in the 
Stevens case. Tell them the Attorney General should investigate my 
case and that, when he does, he will find it cries out for justice 
and should also be dismissed.

Please email your comments to:

Adam Cohen, Editorial Page Editor of the New York Times at 
Fred Hiatt, Editorial Page Editor of the Washington Post at 
Bruce Dold, Editorial Page Editor of the Chicago Tribune at 
Cynthia Tucker, Editorial Page Editor for the Atlanta Journal 
Constitutional at mailto:cynt...@ajc.comcynt...@ajc.com
I am also asking that you write to Attorney General Holder at 
mailto:ask...@usdoj.govask...@usdoj.gov to express your support for 
his courageous step toward restoring justice and encourage him to 
help right the wrongs in my case as well.


Don Siegelman
Governor of Alabama 1999-2003

P.S. The cost of my legal defense has been an extraordinary burden on 
me and on my family. If you are so inclined, please 
to my Legal Defense Fund by clicking here. Thank you so much for your 
continued support in these difficult times.


Paid for by Friends of Don Siegelman 2008

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Siegelman email list, 
here to unsubscribe.

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[MCM] Voting news from MN, AZ, NY, TX (and more)

2009-04-08 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

 From John Gideon:

Recounts! We have recounts. Minnesota's Senatorial recount appears to 
be done, as of today, with Franken gaining more votes than Coleman. 
The count of the NY-20 absentee ballots will begin tomorrow. This 
isn't a recount yet but will probably go that way after these ballots 
are counted. The criminal investigation recount in Arizona will go 
throughout this week, at least.

AZ: Pima County - RTA Recount Situation Report: 3:00 p.m. Monday April 6th

LA: Ouachita Parish - No additional ballots found as machines opened 
in city council's District 2 race

ME: When non- U.S. citizens vote

MN: Coleman's chances down to 387 ballots

MN: Senate recount down to 387 ballots - and almost certain appeal
As the three-judge panel nears a decision, both sides are preparing 
for the next step.

MN: Franken extends lead over Coleman

MN: MN Senate Election Judges Count Final Ballots, Find Franken Wins!

NY: NY-20 - Supreme Court allows counting of paper ballots

NY: NY-20 - Absentee count to start Wednesday

OK: Voter ID law stirs partisan passions

PA: Opinion - Pennsylvania doesn't need new voter ID law

TX: Partisan split on display at voter ID hearing in Texas Legislature

TX: Voter ID: House hear testimony, mulls changes in bill

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John Gideon
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To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy. The Creekside DeclarationMarch 22, 2008

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[MCM] Larry Summers is too dirty

2009-04-10 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Obama's Top Economic Adviser Is Greedy and Highly Compromised
By Matt Taibbi, True/Slant
Posted on April 10, 2009, Printed on April 10, 2009

But Summers, a leading architect of the 
administration's economic policies and response 
to the global recession, appears to have 
collected the most income. Financial institutions 
including JP Morgan, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, 
Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch paid Summers 
for speaking appearances in 2008. Fees ranged 
from $45,000 for a Nov. 12 Merrill Lynch 
appearance to $135,000 for an April 16 visit to 
Goldman Sachs, according to his disclosure form. 
-- Washingtonpost.com

So I guess that $45,000 speaking fee from Merrill 
Lynch wasn't technically a bribe because Summers 
wasn't named to Obama's economic transition team 
until Nov. 24 - a full 12 days later. I'm sure 
Larry Summers had absolutely no inkling 
whatsoever that he was going to be one of the key 
advisers to the new administration on Nov. 12.

It likewise makes perfect sense that Merrill 
Lynch, a company just months removed from having 
to be rescued from bankruptcy by an 11th-hour, 
pseudo-state-subsidized buyout by Bank of 
America, would decide to spend $45,000 on a 
speaking appearance by Summers because, well, 
they really valued his economic expertise and his 
proven ability to rally the troops with his 
stirring rhetoric.

It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that 
a) it was eight days after a Democrat was elected 
to the presidency; b) Summers had a long history 
of being one of the key policymakers in 
Democratic Party politics; and c) Merrill was 
absolutely not going to survive more than a few 
more months unless taxpayers forked over another 
20 billion or so to cover the giant hole in 
Merrill's balance sheet that was, at that time, 
still being hidden from Bank of America and its 

And how about that $135,000 appearance for 
Goldman Sachs in April, when Summers was already 
involved with Democratic Party politics again? 
That wasn't a surreptitious campaign contribution 
at all!

But you have to give Goldman credit: it sure is 
thorough. It literally leaves no stone unturned.

One has to love the sequence of events here. Back 
in 2004, Goldman chief Hank Paulson goes to SEC 
chief William Donaldson and petitions to have 
lending restrictions relaxed for the top five 
investment banks. Donaldson rolls over, the 
restrictions are relaxed, and it's a disaster, as 
the top five banks immediately overleverage 
themselves - two of the five, Bear Stearns and 
Lehman, would actually collapse, at least 
partially as a result of being insanely 

In the midst of this disaster, Paulson is named 
Treasury secretary. He does nothing about the 
worsening financial crisis until it is far too 
late, then allows one of Goldman's biggest 
competitors, Lehman, to fail while at the same 
time intervening on a huge scale to save AIG, 
which just happens to owe Goldman a ton of money.

When AIG is bailed out, its government regulator 
is not in the room, but the new chief of Goldman, 
Lloyd Blankfein, is. In fact, Goldman Sachs 
ultimately receives about $13 billion of the 
money paid to AIG by the government in the 
bailout, reportedly getting paid 100 cents on the 
dollar for its AIG exposure, despite the fact 
that the bank claimed it wasn't going to suffer 
severe losses if AIG collapsed.

Later, another former Goldman executive, Ed 
Liddy, is installed as head of AIG -- which just 
happens to get bailed out twice more, the last 
time to the tune of $30 billion.

The last two bailouts of AIG take place after a 
former Goldman chief, Robert Rubin (who, 
incidentally, helped start this mess by ramming 
through a series of i-banker wet-dream 
deregulatory moves as Treasury secretary for 
Clinton in the 1990s), is named to the Obama 
transition team, joining Summers (who had already 
taken $135,000 from Goldman that year) and 
Timothy Geithner (a protege of another Goldman 
alum, John Thain, former president and chief 
operating officer and notorious scumbag).

When it comes time for new Treasury Secretary 
Geithner to name a chief of staff, he chooses 
Mark Patterson, who is less than a year removed 
from working as a lobbyist for Š Goldman Sachs. 
Patterson's great contribution to society as a 
Goldman lobbyist was opposing a 2007 measure 
introduced in the Senate by presidential 
candidate Barack Obama to rein in executive 

I remember watching Obama the presidential 
candidate give a speech in Mason City, Iowa, in 
2007. Obama had made a big show of not having 
registered lobbyists working for his campaign, 
and he promised that lobbyists won't work in my 
White House. The line was a hit and became part 
of Obama's stump speech. I must have heard it two 
dozen times.

A little over a year later, he put a registered 
lobbyist of a bailed-out investment bank into a 
job whose primary responsibility is 

[MCM] Is Obama the financial Dubya? (HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW)

2009-04-11 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

http://blogs.harvardbusiness.org/haque/Umair Haque Edge Economy

Is Obama the Financial Dubya?

5:34 AM Thursday April 9, 2009

As part of its sweeping plan to purge banks of troublesome assets, 
the Obama administration is encouraging several large investment 
companies to create the financial-crisis equivalent of war bonds: 
bailout funds.


As well as BlackRock and Pimco, Legg Mason, another big mutual fund 
company, and BNY Mellon Asset Management, a big asset manager, have 
said they are interested in starting retail investment funds to 
participate in the government's plan.

For the investment managers, the benefits are potentially large. 
These big firms can charge healthy fees to investors for taking part. 
They will also have the marketing prestige of being the firms the 
government turns to at a time of crisis to help sort out the 
country's financial mess.

http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/09/business/09fund.htmlNow, I'm 
pretty slow sometimes. So let me ask some stupid questions.

Is there a reason that people can't just buy equity and debt in the 
plan, well, directly?
Is there a reason middlemen get a guaranteed profit in a new segment?
Is there a reason that only one side of the table is represented in 
this deal - the sell-side?
How come the benefit to taxpayers is still not a part of the calculus?

Here's the only reason I can come up with - and it's a lot worse than 
2009 = Japan 1989.

Obama is the new Dubya. When it comes to finance at least, the 
parallels are way (way) too striking to ignore.


1) Obama has discarded the advice of nearly every eminent economist 
in the world.
2) To go with the advice of his team.
3) Because access to him is apparently controlled tightly by Summers 
and Geithner.
4) So Obama is bubbled from the growing disbelief at his lack of 
economic literacy.
5) A plan that is likely to result in 
looting is blindly sailing ahead.
6) Policy is clearly biased in favour of those who can afford to buy 
it. Hence, banks win - again.
7) And it doesn't matter 
policy works or not - so we get perverse policy after policy.

You know what? Hiring some kids to revolutionize media is how Obama 
won an election. But the failure to do the same across the government 
is going to be how he blows his presidency.

Here's the point: the same toxic managerial dynamics that poisoned 
the Bush presidency are already at work in the Obama administration's 
economic policy-making. And that's not a very good sign.

Umair Haque

Umair Haque is Director of the Havas Media Lab, a new kind of 
strategic advisor that helps investors, entrepreneurs, and firms 
experiment with, craft, and drive radical management, business model, 
and strategic innovation.

Prior to Havas, Umair founded Bubblegeneration, an agenda-setting 
advisory boutique that helped shape the strategies of investors, 
entrepreneurs, and blue chip companies across media and consumer 
industries. Bubblegeneration's work has been recognized by 
publications like Wired, The Red Herring, Business 2.0, and 
BusinessWeek, and in Chris Anderson's Long Tail, to which Umair was a 
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[MCM] British cover-up in G20 death case

2009-04-11 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
in Ian Tomlinson G20 death case was reprimanded over conduct

* G20 pathologist reprimanded over conduct 
* MP asks why first post mortem was held so quickly, and calls for 
public inquiry

http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/paullewisPaul Lewis
http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardianThe Guardian, Saturday 11 April 2009

The initial post mortem examination of the man who died at 
the http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/g20G20protests after being 
attacked by 
a http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/policepolice officer, which 
found he had died of a heart attack, was conducted by a forensic 
pathologist once reprimanded about his professional conduct by the 
General Medical Council.

Ian Tomlinson, a 47-year-old newspaper seller, died on April 1 after 
being assaulted at least once by officers policing the G20 
demonstrations. He had been trying to walk home from work when he was 
confronted by police, hit with a baton and thrown to the ground.

Two days later Home Office pathologist Dr Freddy Patel concluded 
Tomlinson had died of a heart attack. He has previously been 
reprimanded by the GMC, after he released medical details about a man 
who died controversially in police custody.

In a second case, which raised questions about Dr Patel's findings, 
police dropped a criminal investigation after the pathologist gave it 
as his opinion that the victim, a woman, had died of natural causes. 
A man who lived in the flat where the body was found went on to 
murder two other women and mutilate their bodies.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission 
(http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/ipccIPCC) launched a criminal 
inquiry into Tomlinson's death after footage obtained by the Guardian 
showed he had been attacked from behind. Tomlinson had had his hands 
in his pockets and was walking away from police lines.

Last night a second post mortem examination, intitiated by 
Tomlinson's family and the IPCC, was being carried out by Dr Nat Cary.

A source with detailed knowledge of the IPCC investigation expressed 
surprise that the initial post mortem was referred to Dr Patel rather 
than the Forensic Pathology Services, a body of nine independent 
forensic pathologists, including Dr Cary, which usually deals with 
suspicious deaths in London and the home counties.

The selection of Dr Patel could have been a jurisdictional issue 
relating to City of London authorities, the source said.

Who chose the first pathologist and how? said David Howarth MP, the 
Liberal Democrats' justice spokesman. When the first post mortem 
came out saying natural causes so soon after his death, I thought 
that was too quick. He added: At the very least, there now needs to 
be a full and independent public inquiry into the Tomlinson case, and 
the actions of the public authorities in the days after his death. 
Who knew what - and when?

The IPCC took over the criminal investigation into the death of Ian 
Tomlinson on Wednesday, after the Guardian published footage showing 
he had been hit with a baton and thrown to the ground by an officer 
in an apparently unprovoked assault. The Guardian included the video 
in a dossier of evidence handed to the IPCC that also contained 
statements from witnesses who alleged Tomlinson was assaulted by 
police at least once before he died.

Dr Patel is on a Home Office register of accredited forensic 
pathologists, which is managed on behalf of all police forces by the 
National Policing Improvement Agency. Questions have twice been asked 
about his handling of suspicious death cases. In 1999 Dr Patel was 
disciplined by the GMC after he discussed the medical history of 
Roger Sylvester, a 30-year-old black man who died in police custody, 
outside an inquest hearing.

He told reporters: I am aware from the medical records held at 
Whittington hospital that Mr Sylvester was a user of crack cocaine. 
Sylvester's family were devastated by the suggestion and contested 
that he been a user.

Asked about the GMC reprimand last night by telephone, Dr Patel said: 
That is right. It happened a long time ago.

In a separate case in January 2002, Dr Patel found that Sally White, 
38, died of a natural causes resulting from heart disease. Her body 
was found locked in a bedroom in the Camden flat of Anthony Hardy, a 
52-year-old psychiatrically-disturbed alcoholic.

White's death was treated as suspicious until Dr Patel detailed the 
cause of her death as a heart attack. Hardy went on to kill two 
women, Elizabeth Valad, 29, and Brigette MacClennan, 34, and place 
their body parts in bin bags.

Last night, Dr Patel said: As far as I know, my findings [in the 
Sally White case] stand as they were, and I wasn't criticised. He 
declined to comment on whether he was 

[MCM] US chemical companies sued by Kurds over Saddam's poison gas attack

2009-04-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And maybe plaintiffs also ought to name some other, far more 
prominent US defendants, since the shipments of that gas, and other 
lethal weapons, were okayed by the Reagan/Bush administrations.

If the Iraqgate scandal hadn't been shut down by Pres. Clinton at 
the start of his first term, the details of such high-level 
complicity would be much better known--in which case Poppy's
son, perhaps, could not have run for president.


Ethnic Kurds file class action in Baltimore against chemical makers
Daily Record Assistant Business Editor
April 9, 2009 5:32 PM


Five survivors of the 1988 poison gas attacks of ethnic Kurds in Iraq 
have filed a class action lawsuit in Maryland claiming three American 
companies and the government of Iraq violated the Geneva Convention 
by using mustard and nerve gasses to kill tens of thousands of people.

Filed in U.S. District Court in Baltimore, the lawsuit says the 
companies supplied the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein 
with the chemical precursors and compounds needed to make the poison 
gases used in the six-month long Operation Anfal.

One of the companies, Alcolac Inc., was headquartered in Baltimore at 
the time of the attacks but is now defunct. Some of its assets were 
acquired by a French firm, Rhodia Inc., which is mentioned in the 
complaint but not named as a defendant.

A spokesman for Rhodia, David Klucsik, said Alcolac was not acquired 
until 1989 - by a predecessor to Rhodia called Rhone-Poulenc. Rhodia, 
the chemicals arm of Rhone-Poulenc was spun off in 1998.

Rhodia did not exist until 1998, Klucsik said. And, Rhone-Poulenc 
had no awareness of the allegations against Alcolac because the 
acquisition didn't occur until 1989.

Kenneth McCallion of New York, the lead attorney in the case, told 
The Associated Press he filed the complaint in Maryland because all 
three companies have operations there and because Alcolac pleaded 
guilty in 1989 to knowingly violating export laws by shipping a 
mustard-gas ingredient that ultimately went to Iran.

The lawsuit accuses the companies - Alcolac; West Chester, Pa.-based 
VWR International LLC; and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. of Waltham, 
Mass. - of selling lab materials and chemicals used in the 
manufacture of chemical weapons. Valerie Collado, spokeswoman for VWR 
International, said the company does not comment on pending 

The plaintiffs claim the use of mustard and nerve gases during the 
attacks is a clear violation of the Geneva Convention of 1925.

The ban on the use of chemical weapons in warfare was respected even 
during the depths of World War II, when only Nazi Germany had sarin 
nerve gas, the complaint says.

Attempt at genocide

According to New York-based Human Rights Watch, Operation Anfal was 
an attempt at genocide of part of the Kurdish people in northern 
Iraq. The group said its investigation revealed that during Anfal - 
Arabic for the spoils - tens of thousands of ordinary Kurdish 
citizens were executed or disappeared. In addition, some 2,000 
villages were destroyed, displacing hundreds of thousands of people.

The Nashville-based Kurdish National Congress of North America, also 
a plaintiff in the case, has been working for years to build the case 
against the defendants and find a lawyer willing to tackle it, 
according to Dr. Kirmanj Gundi.

Gundi, president of the Kurdish National Congress, said they never 
considered giving up, even though more than 20 years have passed 
since the attacks.

We're doing this on the behalf of the tens of thousands of victims 
of the Anfal attacks, Gundi said. We still have wounded people in 
Kurdistan - the impact of the chemical attacks still affects the 
lives of people to this day.

This will remain with our people for decades to come, he added.

Burying the dead

One of those who lived through the attacks was Meran S. Abdullah, 34, 
of Nashville. In 1988, Abdullah lived with his family in Ekmole, a 
village near the Turkish border that was under the control of Kurdish 
forces, known as the Peshmerga.

On his last day in Ekmole, Abdullah said Iraqi airplanes bombed the 
village. And, while bombings were not uncommon, it became apparent 
that this time it was a chemical attack.

As his mother, father and older brother stayed behind to gather 
personal effects, Abdullah and others headed to higher ground in the 
mountains nearby.

He said his parents and brother were killed in the attack, their 
bodies found near a creek with suitcases still in their hands.

After burying the dead, Abdullah and others hiked to a village on the 
Turkish border. Eventually, the refugees were let into Turkey.

Abdullah said they did not attempt to go back to Ekmole after that.

The Iraqi Army was after us, trying to kill us with tanks, planes 
and chemical bombs, he said. It was either stay there, or go back 

[MCM] Rally for Parsons Fine Art faculty on 4/23!

2009-04-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

 From Joel Schlemowitz:

Support Our Union!   Support Parsons Fine Art Faculty!

When: Thursday, April 23, 12-1 pm
Where: Directly in front of the New School administration building at 66
West 12th Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues, New York City)

What: ACT-UAW Local 7902, the union of part-time faculty at NYU and the
New School, will sponsor a rally protesting mass dismissals of arts
faculty at Parsons the New School for Design. In light of Interim
Provost Tim Marshall's comment that the Parsons situation is very
typical of what happens in the school every single semester, all the
time, all over the place, the event will also highlight a range of
administration actions targeting part-timers across the university.

This is a critical time for part-time faculty at the New School, with
negotiations looming in advance of our contract's expiration on
September 1. Come out! Bring your faculty friends, your artist friends,
your neighbors, your kids! Make a sign! Blow a whistle!

Send Fine Art Chair Coco Fusco, Provost Tim Marshall, and President Bob
Kerrey a Message They Can't Ignore!
See the attached statement for further background on the dismissals of
Fine Art faculty.
For more information, call the union office at 212-432-2120.



On March 10, a dozen part-time faculty members in the Fine Art
Department at Parsons the New School for Design received notice that
their teaching contracts will not be renewed for fall 2009. ACT-UAW
Local 7902 protests this unjust action and deplores the administrative
mentality it represents. The union has filed a number of grievances
related to the dismissals, but contract violations are only part of the

Administrators are trying to hide behind a smoke screen of curricular
change and other management priorities to justify what amounts to the
decimation of a department and the devastation of a faculty. This is
both ethically wrong and institutionally counter-productive. It is
needlessly cruel to hard-working faculty members at a time of terrible
economic insecurity. It is also a terrible management decision, one that
plays havoc with students' need for a stable, experienced faculty and a
robust curriculum in subjects such as painting and drawing. It has set
alarm bells ringing in the wider arts community, generating numerous
statements of support for the Fine Art faculty and condemnation of the
administration's actions from cultural institutions in New York and

At a critical time for labor locally and nationally, this inflammatory
move strikes a blow at our entire membership as we head into contract
negotiations, with our current contract set to expire on September 1,
2009. Unfortunately, there is considerable truth in Interim Provost Tim
Marshall's remark to a New York Times reporter that these dismissals are
very typical of what happens in the school every single semester, all
the time, all over the place. The Provost's comment, and the dismissals
themselves, signal all New School part-timers (89% of the total
university faculty) that we are viewed by the administration as
expendable. Apparently our talents, experience, and past contributions
count for nothing in the face of corporate-style innovation from
above. We view this attitude as part and parcel of the problems that led
to the December, 2008 New School faculty vote of no confidence in the
administration of President Bob Kerrey.

We call on Coco Fusco, the Chair of the Parsons Fine Art Department, to
make a course correction and re-appoint the affected faculty. We call on
Provost Marshall and the Deans to embrace a model of change that
includes substantive involvement of all sectors of the faculty,
part-time and full-time, in the planning process. We call on President
Kerrey to honor his recent commitment to accord part-time faculty a
meaningful voice in decisions affecting curriculum. By drawing on the
creativity and capacity for innovation of proven facultycan--and 
must--break exciting new ground while preserving successful
programs' existing strengths so as not to short-change our students.

Artnet News April 3, 2009
Art Faculty Purge At Parsons The New School?

New York Times April 4, 2009
Parsons Faculty Is Cut Amid Protests by Artists

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[MCM] You guys wouldn't be in the White House without Tom, Tom Feeney's COS tells Rove

2009-04-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And that's probably true.

(For those who want the proper background, do a Google search on Tom 
Feeney and
Clint Curtis.)


Karl Rove accosted by ex-GOP chief of staff


Former Bush adviser Karl Rove was verbally accosted Thursday evening 
by an ex-chief of staff to former Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Fla.).

Rove was quietly having dinner at the tony restaurant Charlie Palmer 
Steak on Capitol Hill when he was aggressively approached by Jason 
Roe, the former Feeney staffer. Roe, now of Federal Strategy Group, 
was loud and boisterous toward Rove. He was apparently (still) 
upset over the following comments Rove made on Fox News, the day 
after the election, in which Feeney - along with many other 
Republicans - went down in flames.

 From FNC:

Rove: It was a big night, no doubt about it, but look, the people 
who got defeated last night were people who had not done their 
homework and hadn't gotten ready for a tough race.

You know, like this guy Feeney in Florida.

Colmes: Tom Feeney, yes.

Rove: Tom Feeney, who - who had a bunch of ethical issues raised and 
then voted against the rescue package. You know, voting against the 
rescue package was supposed to be a sure thing to get you elected in 
some quarters.

Shortly thereafter, Roe had to be escorted away from the table. 
Charlie Palmer Steak management remained typically mum and wouldn't 
even confirm Rove's appearance to Shenanigans, but when asked if 
there was a fight, the reply was, Noo, this is a quiet family 

Rove, when contacted, had no comment.

Roe, when contacted, also had no comment.

UPDATE: According to people familiar with the back and forth, we hear 
this was the conversation between Roe and Rove:

Roe walked over to the table, I'm Jason Roe.

Rove: Oh, the famous Jason Roe.

Roe: I don't know that I'm famous, but I'm Tom Feeney's former chief 
of staff, and I'm offended by your comments on
Fox about Tom. You guys wouldn't be in the White House without Tom. 
And you made these really degrading comments about him that offended 
a lot of people.

(Sidenote: Tom Feeney was the speaker of the Florida House of 
Representatives during the whole Bush/Gore 2000 recount.)

Rove: Well, I have a file on the things Tom Feeney said about George Bush.

Roe: That says more about you than me that you kept a file on Tom 
Feeney. This guy was so restrained in his desire to criticize the 
president - even against this staff's advice. 

Rove: I have a file.
Roe: I'm right here. Tell me to my face what's in that file.
Rove: I'll send you the file.
Roe: Well, I hope the file is the beginning of the conversation and 
not the end. I would love to disabuse you of whatever you think of 
Tom Feeney's loyalty from this file.
Rove: If you keep talking over me, this conversation's going to end 
right now.
Then a lady came over to fill up Rove's water glass, breaking up Roe 
and Rove, and Roe returned to the bar. Rumor has it Rove was waiting 
to have dinner with former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman.

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[MCM] Vote-flipping in Kansas just last week (and more from DVN)

2009-04-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

 From John Gideon:

Voters in Salina, Saline County, Kansas went to the polls this past 
Tuesday and some of them had their votes flipped by the county's ESS 
iVotronic machines. Our 'Featured' article talks about the vote 
flipping and gives some new information. Kansas was warned about 
'vote flipping' in an October letter from the Brennan Center and 
Verified Voting. Naturally they ignored that warning. ESS has now 
admitted that their touch screens lose calibration during the day, 
from normal use, and that they have to be recalibrated on occasion. 
The county seems to be sure that no flipping was done without the 
voter noticing it; a baseless assumption. They think that the voters 
review their ballot before hitting the Vote button. That is a false 
assumption according to studies. The county also thinks they can go 
to the internal audit log to find out what happened. That is not 
possible because the voters touch on the screen happens before the 
audit log records anything.

Featured - KS: Saline County - 'Vote flipping' was not unexpected

AL: Martin voter bill out of committee

MO: In our view: Turning off the voters

NV: Proposed Campaign, election law changes shelved

NY: An Analysis: Scheduled Elections in Nassau County

NY: NY-20 - Murphy edging Tedisco in race for Congress

NY: NY-20 - Democrat in NY-20 ups lead to 46 votes

TX: Fort Bend County - Justice Department and Fort Bend County, 
Texas, Resolve Claims Alleging Voting Rights Violations

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The articles are all included for the information of the subscribers 
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John Gideon
Co-Executive Director

To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy. The Creekside DeclarationMarch 22, 2008

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[MCM] Cops attack protesting New School students

2009-04-13 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here's some coverage much more forthright than the New York Times piece, which
played what happened as a sort of Rashomon-style 
exercise in multiple perspectives.


New York police attack protesting New School students

By Sandy English
13 April 2009


In a display of brutality, the New York City 
Police Department (NYPD) arrested 22 students who 
had occupied the premises of the New School in 
Manhattan's Greenwich Village last Friday. 
Students were struck by police without 
provocation and thrown to the ground, and others 
were pepper-sprayed.

Approximately 60 students occupied a New School 
building on Friday morning. The students were 
demanding the resignation of New School president 
Bob Kerrey, the former Nebraska governor and 
senator, and a Vietnam war criminal, as well as 
the school's autocratic executive vice president, 
James Murtha.

More than 20 police, wearing helmets, carrying 
plastic handcuffs, and wielding batons and 
pepper-spray, appeared at the school as the 
occupation began at about 5:30 a.m. Police 
presence increased throughout morning, as the 
police put up barriers and crime-scene tape to 
seal off the area.

Police vans and a truck from the Emergency 
Service Unit, the police unit that manages 
high-powered weapons and special siege and 
anti-riot tactics, appeared within a few hours. 
Soon, scores of police had surrounded the school 

Emergency medical personnel and the Fire 
Department were also on hand. According to the 
New York Times, by 11:00 a.m. there were more 
than 100 police vehicles present and several 
mounted officers. Police helicopters circled 

At about 11:30, police used bolt cutters to 
remove the chains used by the students to lock 
the doors and entered the building. They told the 
students to kneel on the ground and remove their 
backpacks. They were handcuffed one at a time.

As some of the students tried to exit by a side 
door in the building, police pepper-sprayed them 
and forced them back inside. Police chased down 
protesters on sidewalks near the school, striking 
some and throwing them to the ground, as videos 
by independent photographs have documented.

An NYPD spokesman, Paul J. Browne, denied 
pepper-spray or mace was used in the arrests, 
although, when later confronted with video 
evidence, he admitted that this had happened. 
Speaking of the unprovoked assault by one cop in 
attacking a protester, also caught on video, 
Brown told the media, He pushed him and he fell 

Students arrested face charges of burglary, riot 
and criminal mischief, and have been suspended 
from the New School pending administrative 
review. As the action was going on, President 
Kerrey announced that he no longer considered the 
protesters students.

On Friday evening, more than 200 people, most of 
them students, assembled at nearby Union Square 
to protest the police behavior. The group 
spontaneously began to march toward Kerrey's 
residence on 11th Street, but was turned back by 
police who arrested at least two of the 

Donna Lieberman, executive director for the New 
York Civil Liberties Union, noted after viewing 
the video:

What appears on the video is someone yelling at 
the cops and getting punched in the face for it 
and thrown to the ground and arrested. The Police 
Department has no authority to use physical force 
on somebody in this situation and they have no 
authority to arrest people for yelling at them; 
that is a violation of civil rights plain and 

The faculty union, ACT-UAW Local 7902, which 
represents more than 4,000 part-time and adjunct 
faculty at the New School and at nearby New York 
University, issued a statement that said in part 
that it is gravely concerned with the Kerrey 
administration's harsh response to the New School 
students who recently occupied 65 Fifth Avenue, 
including a massive show of police force.

Bob Kerrey has been a highly controversial figure 
since his installation as the New School's 
president in 2001 because of his role in the 
Thanh Phong Massacre in Vietnam in February 1969.

That such a man could become the head of the New 
School, historically a left-leaning institution, 
whose faculty has included John Dewey, W.E.B. 
Dubois, James Baldwin and Hannah Arendt, was 
rightly seen by many students and faculty at the 
time as a travesty.

At the time, the World Socialist Web Site noted 
that Kerrey's appointment testifies to the 
protracted decay of liberalism in the generation 
which has passed since conflicts over the Vietnam 
War rocked every college campus in America.

Kerrey's appointment as president of the New 
School reflected the debased political 
environment that would allow the US government to 
again embark on a mass killing in another small 
country in a few years time, this time in Iraq-a 
war that enjoyed Kerrey's vocal political support.

Kerrey's undemocratic methods of 

[MCM] Under Cybersecurity Act, President could shut down Internet

2009-04-13 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And note the other two top stories here.


April 13

Cybersecurity Act would give president power to 'shut down' Internet
Greg Fulton -- Monday April 13, 2009
A recently proposed but little-noticed Senate bill would allow the 
federal government to shut down the Internet in times of declared 
emergency, and enables unprecedented federal oversight of private 
network administration.

As firearms sales surge, Democrats drop assault weapons ban
John Byrne -- Monday April 13, 2009
As firearms sales in the United States hit new highs, the Obama 
Administration and Democrats in Congress are squelching talk of a 
renewal of the assault weapons ban passed by Congress that lapsed in 
2004, saying they don't want a distraction from their agenda and 
don't have the votes in Congress.

Amazon sparks Web fury by de-ranking books with gay content
Rachel Oswald -- Monday April 13, 2009
Amazon.com found itself at the center of a Web outcry over the 
weekend when word spread that the on-line sales company had abruptly 
de-ranked hundreds of book titles with gay subject matter on the 
grounds that they were too 'adult.'

Krugman: 'Republicans have become embarrassing to watch'
Post by Ron Bryneart -- Monday April 13, 2009
Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman Pulls no punches in his latest New 
York Times op-ed.

For more go to:

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[MCM] Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: A scandal made in Albany

2009-04-13 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
New York

David Paterson and Kirsten Gillibrand: New Senator, New Scandal

The Governor's pick is genuine machine-made royalty

By Tom Robbins

published: January 28, 2009

UPI Photo/John Angelillo/Newscom

Soul of an old machine: Gillibrand, with accidental governor Paterson

How wonderful that David Paterson has rescued us 
from having those grasping Kennedys snatch the 
state's open Senate seat. The family only has the 
greatest liberal blood in the country pulsing 
through its veins. Its collective dedication to 
public service famously claimed two lives. 
Through the darkest years of Reagan and the 
Bushes, Ted Kennedy kept hope alive on the Senate 
floor for decent laws that might offer affordable 
health care, fairness to workers, and education 
for the poor. The family's scandals, and there 
are a few, were always of the heart and the flesh.

Now Teddy Kennedy is failing and his niece had 
this mid-life notion that, having helped an 
inspiring new president win election, she might 
be able to pick up the family mantle and make her 
own contribution. Maybe she was up to it; maybe 
she wasn't. But the plan dimmed when the media 
people decided she spoke with too many ums and 
ers and you knows to be trusted to represent 
New York. Did you ever hear reporters talk? It is 
why we only write things down. Most of us can't 
be trusted to intelligibly order a pizza.

The other hitch in Caroline Kennedy's plans came 
when she picked up a Fatal Attraction-type 
admirer in the person of City Hall's resident 
billionaire. Michael Bloomberg never had the 
courage to make his own presidential endorsement 
(privately, he told people he liked McCain best; 
oh, yes, he did). Suddenly, here was Kennedy, his 
golden pass straight into the Obama White House. 
He saddled her with his own political hired guns, 
who promptly ran her dream right into the ground.

We'll only know the truth of the last sad chapter 
of Caroline Kennedy's failed Senate bid if she 
decides to tell us, which isn't likely. She has 
too much class to talk about such things. 
Unfortunately, nothing that the governor or his 
people say about the entire affair is to be 
believed. They lied all Wednesday night when the 
rumors about Kennedy's exit from the race first 
surfaced. Then they lied some more on Thursday. 
It was a nanny problem, they said. Taxes. A bad 
marriage. This from a politician who confessed to 
affairs with women on the state payroll. 
Kennedy's people fired back and, at day's end, 
Paterson sued for peace, admitting there had been 
no such last-minute surprises about her candidacy.

Then, on Friday, the governor stood before the 
press, surrounded by a gaggle of politicians, to 
introduce his own brilliant choice. He'd had two 
months to decide, but it took him until 2 that 
morning to make up his mind. And here she was, a 
42-year-old Reese Witherspoon knockoff, legally 
blonde, all giggles and tee-hees, boasting an Ivy 
League education. She's put her Dartmouth 
schooling to such good use that she holds a 100 
percent rating from the National Rifle 
Association and a four-square stance in favor of 
the death penalty.

Kirsten Gillibrand has all of two years in 
elective office. Like Kennedy, she also hails 
from Democratic royalty. In her case, it's the 
Albany branch, where self-service precedes public 
service. Her father is a veteran political fixer 
and lobbyist. His connections stem from his 
fabulous mother-in-law, Polly Noonan, longtime 
confidante and presumed mistress to one of the 
most corrupt mayors in state history. Erastus 
Corning 2nd ruled Albany for more than 40 years, 
most of the time enhancing his family's fortunes 
while dodging grand juries. In 1972, when the 
state investigation commission looked at how 
graft and cost-plus contracts had inflated city 
expenses hundreds of times over, it called 
Corning's Albany the worst-run county in 

Rastus Corning loved Douglas Rutnik, 
Gillibrand's dad, so much that when the mayor 
died in 1983, he left him a politician's most 
sentimental and precious assets: his insurance 
company and his shotgun. There's no question I 
was like a substitute son for him, Rutnik told 
Paul Grondahl, Corning's biographer. The shotgun 
was from the hours the two spent together 
shooting small birds. The insurance firm was the 
result of a lifetime of favor collection: Its 
clients included all the saloon owners, 
contractors, and manufacturers who understood 
that the way to thrive in Albany was to buy your 
coverage from Corning. When Corning helped Nelson 
Rockefeller build the capitol's vast South Mall, 
every tradesman made sure the mayor's firm wrote 
his insurance. Corning's own wife and children 
were so outraged when he left the company to 
Rutnik and the Noonans that they sued to win it 
back. They lost.

The substitute son embraced the surrogate 
father's lessons: His law firm became the 

[MCM] Geithner's rescue plan a load of bull, Congressional panel finds

2009-04-13 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Is Geithner's Game Up?
Damning Report Calls BS on His Smoke-and-Mirrors Bank Rescue Plan

By Mike Whitney, CounterPunch
Posted on April 13, 2009, Printed on April 13, 2009


On Tuesday, a congressional panel headed by 
ex-Harvard law professor Elizabeth Warren 
released a report on Treasury Secretary Timothy 
Geithner's handling of the Troubled Assets Relief 
Program (TARP). Warren was appointed to lead the 
five-member Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) 
in November by Senate majority leader Harry Reid. 
From the opening paragraph on, the Warren report 
makes clear that Congress is frustrated with 
Geithner's so-called Financial Rescue Plan and 
doesn't have the foggiest idea of what he is 
trying to do. Here are the first few lines of 
Assessing Treasury's Strategy: Six Months of 

 With this report, the Congressional 
Oversight Panel examines Treasury's current 
strategy and evaluates the progress it has 
achieved thus far. This report returns the 
Panel's inquiry to a central question raised in 
its first report: What is Treasury's strategy?

Six months and $1 trillion later, and Congress 
still cannot figure out what Geithner is up to. 
It's a wonder the Treasury Secretary hasn't been 
fired already.

From the report:

 In addition to drawing on the $700 billion 
allocated to Treasury under the Emergency 
Economic Stabilization Act (EESA), economic 
stabilization efforts have depended heavily on 
the use of the Federal Reserve Board's balance 
sheet. This approach has permitted Treasury to 
leverage TARP funds well beyond the funds 
appropriated by Congress. Thus, while Treasury 
has spent or committed $590.4 billion of TARP 
funds, according to Panel estimates, the Federal 
Reserve Board has expanded its balance sheet by 
more than $1.5 trillion in loans and purchases of 
government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) securities. 
The total value of all direct spending, loans and 
guarantees provided to date in conjunction with 
the federal government's financial stability 
efforts (including those of the Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as well as Treasury 
and the Federal Reserve Board) now exceeds $4 

So, while Congress approved a mere $700 billion 
in emergency funding for the TARP, Geithner and 
Bernanke deftly sidestepped the public opposition 
to more bailouts and shoveled another $3.3 
trillion through the back door via loans and 
leverage for crappy mortgage paper that will 
never regain its value. Additionally, the Fed has 
made a deal with Treasury that when the financial 
crisis finally subsides, Treasury will assume the 
Fed's obligations vis a vis the lending 
facilities, which means the taxpayer will then 
be responsible for unknown trillions in withering 

From the report:

 To deal with a troubled financial system, 
three fundamentally different policy alternatives 
are possible: liquidation, receivership, or 
subsidization. To place these alternatives in 
context, the report evaluates historical and 
contemporary efforts to confront financial crises 
and their relative success. The Panel focused on 
six historical experiences: (1) the U.S. 
Depression of the 1930s; (2) the bank run on and 
subsequent government seizure of Continental 
Illinois in 1984; (3) the savings and loan crisis 
of the late 1980s and establishment of the 
Resolution Trust Corporation; (4) the 
recapitalization of the FDIC bank insurance fund 
in 1991; (5) Sweden's financial crisis of the 
early 1990s; and (6) what has become known as 
Japan's Lost Decade of the 1990s. The report 
also surveys the approaches currently employed by 
Iceland, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and other 
European countries.

This statement shows that the congressional 
committee understands that Geithner's lunatic 
plan has no historic precedent and no prospect of 
succeeding. Geithner's circuitous Public-Private 
Investment Program (PPIP)--which is designed to 
remove toxic assets from bank balance sheets--is 
an end-run around tried-and-true methods for 
fixing the banking system.  In the most 
restrained and diplomatic language, Warren is 
telling Geithner that she knows that he's up to 
no good.

From the report:

 Liquidation avoids the uncertainty and 
open-ended commitment that accompany 
subsidization. It can restore market confidence 
in the surviving banks, and it can potentially 
accelerate recovery by offering decisive and 
clear statements about the government's 
evaluation of financial conditions and 

The committee agrees with the vast majority of 
reputable economists who think the banks should 
be taken over (liquidated) and the bad assets put 
up for auction. This is the committee's number 
one recommendation.

The committee also explores the pros and cons of 
conservatorship (which entails a reorganization 
in which bad assets are removed, failed managers 
are replaced, and parts 

[MCM] Some truth about those pirates

2009-04-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

We Don't Condemn Our Pirates in Somalia
By K'Naan, URB Magazine
Can anyone ever really be for piracy? Well in 
Somalia, the answer is: it's complicated. 
 more »


Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates

Some are clearly just gangsters. But others are trying
to stop illegal dumping and trawling

Monday, 5 January 2009

Independent [UK]


Who imagined that in 2009, the world's governments
would be declaring a new War on Pirates? As you read
this, the British Royal Navy - backed by the ships of
more than two dozen nations, from the US to China - is
sailing into Somalian waters to take on men we still
picture as parrot-on-the-shoulder pantomime villains.
They will soon be fighting Somalian ships and even
chasing the pirates onto land, into one of the most
broken countries on earth. But behind the
arrr-me-hearties oddness of this tale, there is an
untold scandal. The people our governments are
labelling as one of the great menaces of our times
have an extraordinary story to tell - and some justice
on their side.

Pirates have never been quite who we think they are. In
the golden age of piracy - from 1650 to 1730 - the
idea of the pirate as the senseless, savage Bluebeard
that lingers today was created by the British
government in a great propaganda heave. Many ordinary
people believed it was false: pirates were often saved
from the gallows by supportive crowds. Why? What did
they see that we can't? In his book Villains Of All
Nations, the historian Marcus Rediker pores through the

If you became a merchant or navy sailor then - plucked
from the docks of London's East End, young and hungry -
you ended up in a floating wooden Hell. You worked all
hours on a cramped, half-starved ship, and if you
slacked off, the all-powerful captain would whip you
with the Cat O' Nine Tails. If you slacked often, you
could be thrown overboard. And at the end of months or
years of this, you were often cheated of your wages.

Pirates were the first people to rebel against this
world. They mutinied - and created a different way of
working on the seas. Once they had a ship, the pirates
elected their captains, and made all their decisions
collectively, without torture. They shared their bounty
out in what Rediker calls one of the most egalitarian
plans for the disposition of resources to be found
anywhere in the eighteenth century.

They even took in escaped African slaves and lived with
them as equals. The pirates showed quite clearly - and
subversively - that ships did not have to be run in the
brutal and oppressive ways of the merchant service and
the Royal Navy. This is why they were romantic heroes,
despite being unproductive thieves.

The words of one pirate from that lost age, a young
British man called William Scott, should echo into this
new age of piracy. Just before he was hanged in
Charleston, South Carolina, he said: What I did was to
keep me from perishing. I was forced to go a-pirateing
to live. In 1991, the government of Somalia collapsed.
Its nine million people have been teetering on
starvation ever since - and the ugliest forces in the
Western world have seen this as a great opportunity to
steal the country's food supply and dump our nuclear
waste in their seas.

Yes: nuclear waste. As soon as the government was gone,
mysterious European ships started appearing off the
coast of Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the ocean.
The coastal population began to sicken. At first they
suffered strange rashes, nausea and malformed babies.
Then, after the 2005 tsunami, hundreds of the dumped
and leaking barrels washed up on shore. People began to
suffer from radiation sickness, and more than 300 died.

Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN envoy to Somalia, tells
me: Somebody is dumping nuclear material here. There
is also lead, and heavy metals such as cadmium and
mercury - you name it. Much of it can be traced back
to European hospitals and factories, who seem to be
passing it on to the Italian mafia to dispose of
cheaply. When I asked Mr Ould-Abdallah what European
governments were doing about it, he said with a sigh:
Nothing. There has been no clean-up, no compensation,
and no prevention.

At the same time, other European ships have been
looting Somalia's seas of their greatest resource:
seafood. We have destroyed our own fish stocks by
overexploitation - and now we have moved on to theirs.
More than $300m-worth of tuna, shrimp, and lobster are
being stolen every year by illegal trawlers. The local
fishermen are now starving. Mohammed Hussein, a
fisherman in the town of Marka 100km south of

[MCM] Confirm Dawn Johnsen NOW!

2009-04-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=ggSb8M_3BALylI77uZjCWA..VIEW WEB PAGE 
|  http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=ICZXmHzZOE9dESqEB7uXxw..TELL A 

Please join me in signing the petition now.

Please vote to confirm Dawn Johnsen to head the OLC, and reject all 
procedural efforts to derail the confirmation of this eminently 
qualified nominee.

Dear William,

Republicans in the Senate are banding together and threatening to 
filibuster one of President Obama's best executive branch nominees to 
date: Dawn Johnsen, nominated to head the incredibly important Office 
of Legal Counsel (OLC) at the Department of Justice.

The OLC plays a critical role in ensuring that the government plays 
by the rules. But under President Bush, the office was ground zero 
in providing the legal justifications for torture and warrantless 
spying, offering opinions that defied the Constitution, the Geneva 
Conventions and the Supreme Court. Dawn Johnsen is the right person 
to restore integrity to this vital office.

Part partisan blackmail, part pander to the Religious Right, and on 
all levels, thoroughly soaked in hypocrisy, the GOP's opposition to 
Johnsen cannot go unanswered. And we can't let a filibuster succeed.

http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=Q9ScZ6e51JfQUZRtCv0nVg..Please join 
me in signing PFAW's emergency petition to confirm Dawn Johnsen right 

Then ask five others to join the petition.

Congress is in recess and we need to build this petition into a 
powerful lobbying tool before the Senate reconvenes and the 
Republicans have a chance to move forward with filibuster plans.

Dawn Johnsen's confirmation is tremendously important for the same 
reasons she is being targeted. She's shown a fierce commitment to the 
fundamental constitutional values the Bush administration trashed. 
She was an outspoken critic of legal arguments coming out of the OLC 
-- arguments that supported torture and undermined privacy and due 
process. She put a voice to how we all felt, and made the case in 
clear, legal terms against what we all knew in our hearts was also 
morally wrong.

It's easy to see why senators on the right, interested in protecting 
President Bush's legacy and burying his administration's misconduct, 
would fear Johnsen. And so they have resorted to distorting her 
record and attacking her qualifications. It's not only insulting to 
Johnsen, it demeans the intelligence of those who have to listen to 
it. Johnsen is eminently qualified, having actually headed the OLC in 
1997 and 1998 as Acting Assistant Attorney General (due to the GOP 
holding up President Clinton's nominee to fill that slot at the time, 
Beth Nolan).

Please, if you've needed to read this far to click and sign the 
petition, http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=6vm-dhwYn7mGqL8GT3IS5g..go 
ahead and do it now. We need your signature right away.

As you may know, in addition to being a longtime board member of 
People For the American Way Foundation, I have long been an activist 
for a woman's right to choose. That's why I am so disturbed that the 
most vitriolic public attacks targeting Dawn Johnsen's nomination 
have been about her advocacy on behalf of reproductive freedom. The 
Religious Right -- as PFAW has said -- treats pro-choice bona fides 
as an instant disqualifier, but we can't let Republican senators who 
purport to be pro-choice get away with blacklisting Dawn Johnsen 
because the Right doesn't like her experience working for the right 
to choose.

I promise that I'll be doing all I can to make sure Dawn Johnsen's 
confirmation succeeds. I hope you will be with me every step of the 


Kathleen Turner
Actor, Activist, PFAW Supporter and PFAW Foundation Board Member

P.S. It's equally important that after you sign the Dawn Johnsen 
petition, you ask others to do the same. Please share it with groups 
you are a part of, other activists you may know and your friends on 
Facebook or other online communities to which you belong. Use this 

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[MCM] The sickest Justice

2009-04-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2009/04/clarence-thomasLest we 
forget another of Bush Senior's crimes against democracy.

(It was also Bush the Elder who introduced Mike Connell to Karl Rove 
and Dubya.)


Crime and Justice
Clarence Thomas Is One Seriously Troubled Dude
By Jonathan Stein | Mon April 13, 2009 12:01 PM PST


This New York Times article on a rare public appearance by Justice 
Clarence Thomas -- a talk with high school essay contest winners -- 
is enough to make you feel sorry for the poor schmuck, if he wasn't 
on the most powerful court in the land and thus able to place the 
imprint of his neuroses and obvious self-loathing on the legacy of 
American jurisprudence.

The article makes clear, simply by quoting the famously taciturn 
Thomas, that he believes he is dumber than all the other justices and 
a good number of law professors, and retreats into isolation (I tend 
to be morose sometimes) to nurse his wounds and brood. What an awful 
purgatory of an existence: to know you are a fraud, to know that 
everyone else knows you are a fraud, and yet to be locked into your 
job more or less for life. It's enough to ruin a person. And it 
appears it has.

April 14, 2009

A Reticent Justice Opens Up to a Group of Students



Justice Clarence Thomas has not asked a question from the Supreme 
Court bench since Feb. 22, 2006. He speaks only to announce his 
majority opinions, reading summaries in a gruff monotone. Glimpses of 
Justice Thomas in less formal settings are rare.

But he turned up in a Washington ballroom the other night to respond 
to questions from the winners of a high school essay contest. His 
answers and the remarks that preceded them provided a revealing look 
at Justice Thomas's worldview these days.

He talked about his own school days, reminiscing fondly about seeing 
a flag and a crucifix in each classroom. He talked about his 
burdens and his dark moods and about seeking inspiration in speeches 
and movies. And though the dinner was sponsored by the Bill of Rights 
Institute, he admitted to an uneasy relationship with the whole idea 
of rights.

The institute had arranged for a fancy hot-pink lectern that glowed 
from the inside, and it was odd to see Justice Thomas, who is wary of 
ostentation, standing behind it. His plainspoken manner was in sharp 
contrast to his surroundings.

I tend to be morose sometimes, the justice said.

I am rounding the last turn for my 18th term on the court, he 
added, but his work - this endeavor, he called it, or, for some, 
an ordeal - has not gotten easier. That's one thing about this 
job, he said. You get a little tired.

But he said he has found solace in his den.

Sometimes, when I get a little down, Justice Thomas said wearily, 
he goes online. I look up wonderful speeches, like speeches by 
Douglas MacArthur, to hear him give without a note that speech at 
West Point - 'duty, honor, country.' How can you not hear those words 
and not feel strongly about what we have?

He continued: Or how can you not reminisce about a childhood where 
you began each day with the Pledge of Allegiance as little kids lined 
up in the schoolyard and then marched in two by two with a flag and a 
crucifix in each classroom?

A favorite movie can be a comfort, too.

I have on many occasions or a number of occasions when things were 
becoming particularly routine gone down to my basement to watch 
'Saving Private Ryan,'  he said. I can't tell you why that 
particular movie, except we have it and it's about something 
important in our lives - World War II.

The event, on March 31, was devoted to the Bill of Rights, but 
Justice Thomas did not embrace the document, and he proposed a couple 
of alternatives.

'Today there is much focus on our rights, Justice Thomas said. 
Indeed, I think there is a proliferation of rights.

I am often surprised by the virtual nobility that seems to be 
accorded those with grievances, he said. Shouldn't there at least 
be equal time for our Bill of Obligations and our Bill of 

He gave examples: It seems that many have come to think that each of 
us is owed prosperity and a certain standard of living. They're owed 
air conditioning, cars, telephones, televisions.

Those are luxuries, Justice Thomas said.

I have to admit, he said, that I'm one of those people that still 
thinks the dishwasher is a miracle. What a device! And I have to 
admit that because I think that way, I like to load it. I like to 
look in and see how that dishes were magically cleaned.

He was asked how his religious faith influenced his work on the court.

I think that it really gives content to the oath that you took, 
Justice Thomas said. You say, 'so help me God.' 

There are some cases that will drive you to your knees, he added. 
In those 

[MCM] More on Sand's book: Israel Bartal's review

2009-04-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

 From Jeff Wallen:

Hi Mark,

I've been finding interesting the pieces you sent out on Shlomo 
Sand's book.  I just returned a day ago from Siracusa, Sicily (I'm in 
Berlin, Germany for the semester), and learned while there of the 
large Jewish community that was there from the 1st C. AD until 1493, 
when they were kicked out.  And they recently discovered a wonderful 
Mikveh (ritual bath) buried deeply beneath a building, apparently 
sealed off by the Jews when they left over 500 years ago.

Here's another review of the Sand book which you might find of 
interest, written by Israel Bartal, a prominent Israeli historian 
(and whom I happen to know and respect; he chaired a panel at a 
conference I gave a paper at a year or so ago in Israel; he's a 
historian of Eastern European Jewry):


Being in Germany, all your emails are one of my main American 
glimpses of what's happening in the U.S. (I prefer to read the German 
newspapers, rather than looking online for American news).

Hope you're well,


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[MCM] Rev. Billy, Robert Hillary King to speak at NYU

2009-04-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

 From Drew Phillips:


NYC: 4/16

Reverend Billy blessing and exorcising Kimmel Center, commemorating 
Take Back NYU!'s February Occupation

Take Back NYU! welcomes the Stop Shopping spiritual sensation (and 
NYC mayoral candidate!) REVEREND BILLY to NYU for a sermon on free 
speech and dissent outside the Kimmel
Center.  The sermon will commemorate the hundreds-strong show of 
support for Take Back
NYU!'s February occupation, and exorcise spirits that led to the 
pepper-spraying and clubbing
of demonstrators in the streets the night of 2/19.

The sermon will  be held at 7:30 on Thursday 4/16 outside NYU's 
Kimmel Center at 60
Washington Square South.

He will begin speaking at 6:30 in Jerry H. Labowitz Theater at 715 
Broadway and then
will move to Kimmel at 7:30.


NYC: 4/16 talk by one of the Angola 3 (pushed back to 8.30 pm!)

I was born in the U.S.A.  Born black, born poor. Is it then any 
wonder that I have spent
most of my life in prison?
-Robert Hillary King


A Talk by Robert Hillary King, the Only Freed Member of the Angola 3

In 1970, a jury convicted Robert Hillary King (formerly known as 
Robert King Wilkerson) of a crime he did not commit and sentenced him 
to 35 years in prison. He became a member of the Black Panther Party 
while in Angola State Penitentiary, successfully organizing prisoners 
to improve conditions. In return, prison authorities beat him, 
starved him, and gave him life without parole after framing him for a 
second crime. He was thrown into solitary confinement, where he 
remained in a six-by-nine foot cell for 29 years as one of the 
Angola 3. In 2001, the state grudgingly acknowledged his innocence 
and set him free.

The conditions King endured in Angola almost defy description, yet 
King never gave up his humanity, nor his tireless work towards 
justice for all prisoners. That work continues to this day, now from 
the outside - as he speaks out against the failures and inequities 
of the criminal injustice system, and fights to free his Angola 3 
comrades Herman Wallace and Albert Woodfox, who have been behind bars 
for 36 years, most of them in solitary confinement.

Robert King's story is one of inspiration, courage, and the triumph 
of the human spirit. Says Malik Rahim, co-founder of Common Ground 
Collective (in post-Katrina New Orleans): For a person to go through 
29 years in one of the most brutal prisons in America and still 
maintain his sanity and humanity, that's what makes people want to 
listen to Robert.

Co-sponsored by African Cultural Union and Students Creating Radical Change

Thursday, April 16, 8:30 p.m. (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE!)
Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South, Room 405.
Free and open to the public

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[MCM] Voting reforms that we don't need

2009-04-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here, in a nutshell, is everything that's wrong with election 
reform as understood
by Democrats in Washington. As you'll see from this piece in the 
National Journal,
those would-be reformers are all flying blind, with eyes wide shut to what has
actually been happening to the voters in this country.

In their universe, for example, those millions who couldn't register 
to vote last year
were the victims of mere administrative cluelessness and antiquated practices--
not the victims of a DoJ that had been purging voter rolls of 
Democats from coast
to coast, or of party operatives who had dumped names of Democrats from voter
rolls, or of operatives who had disfranchised countless other Democrats through
voter caging. (All of this has been precisely documented.) In short, 
the reformers
fail to note, or won't allow themselves to see, the flagrant partisan 
dimension to the
problem; and so they cannot even start to solve it.

Unable, or refusing, to perceive that it's the Bush Republicans who 
have subverted
our elections, the reformers also can't or won't acknowledge that 
the voting systems
now in place are there to help keep Democrats (and Independents) out of power.
So they believe that there is nothing wrong with the computerized 
voting systems
that are, by now, used nearly everywhere--systems that are manufactured and
maintained (at vast expense) by private companies owned and run by highly
partisan Republicans; and that, necessarily, conduct their 
vote-counts secretly;
and that are highly insecure and eminently hackable. (It's notable--and cause
for celebration--that the highest court in Germany has lately ruled against
the use of computerized systems in elections.)

That those machines--both DRE's and op-scans--are in general use today
(processing roughly 92% of US ballots) is a predicament deliberately created by
the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which was drafted by Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH),
a  close confederate of Jack Abramoff (whose money-laundering appears 
to have been
dedicated mainly to providing funds to help the party steal 
elections). It was a dreadful
piece of legislation, and ought to be repealed ASAP; but its grave 
flaws are quite
invisible to the reformers, who see it merely as a half-step forward:

Despite some improvements since Congress approved 
the http://www.fec.gov/hava/hava.htmHelp America Vote Act
in 2002, last year's election pointed up the chronic problems 
that http://www.nationaljournal.com/njonline/rg_20081110_1139.phpcontinue 
to plague
American voting.

What are those improvements? The article doesn't say. And what of HAVA's
ill effects? The article does not acknowledge them, but moves on 
quickly to those
chronic problems that HAVA was presumably devised to solve, when it was
HAVA that either caused them or made them worse than ever.

Seeing nothing wrong with HAVA, these reformers also have no problems
with e-voting--and so are now promoting on-line registration as a way to help
those disenfranchised millions to reclaim their voting rights. But 
that idea is just
as dangerous as the notion, also lately floated, of having military 
personnel (and
others) vote on-line: a(nother) terrible idea, because the Internet 
is far too insecure
a medium for such a vital civic institution as elections.

However, there is one point the reformers do get right, and that's 
the need for
solid data to help guide all efforts to protect our voting rights and 
make American
elections accurate, secure and fair (efforts, certainly, that must 
also entail campaign
finance reform--and media reform). In the article below, Doug Chapin of the
Pew Center for the States, and Yale law professor Heather Gerken, 
both stress the
need to base our rerform efforts on a sound empirical basis.

And yet, as far as they're concerned, the stream of valid data is 
extremely thin,
since data means, in their eyes, only certain numbers. So they do 
take note of
all those millions who had trouble registering to vote last year--but 
not the fact
that nearly all of them were Democrats, or that the DoJ had been 
conducting voter
purges nationwide in Democratic precincts only, or that voter caging, 
by Republicans,
had been conducted openly for years; or (to move away from 
registration woes per se)
that, nationwide, there were crippling shortages of e-voting machines 
in Democratic
precincts only, leading to long, long lines; or that both DRE's and 
op-scans were
malfunctioning primarily in Democratic areas. Apparently, the evidence of such
irregularities (and others)--news articles, and updates from election monitors,
and tens of thousands of firsthand reports from citizens themselves--somehow
don't count as data relevant to what we must now do to make the system
function as it ought to in a democractic country.

The fact is that the Democrats, and those presumed reformers working with them,
cannot really be expected to arrive at real reform--because they all 
have earnestly
supported the Republicans' reforms since 

[MCM] John Prados to speak in DC (about his new book on the Vietnam war)

2009-04-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Hi, Mark:

Please feel free to pass this announcement along to anyone you know 
in (or even outside) the DC area. Thanks.

Best, Mike

PS: Here's a good description and cover image of John's book: 

The Johns Hopkins University
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
Southeast Asia Studies

A Book Discussion on

Vietnam: The History of an Unwinnable War, 1945-1975
by John Prados

John Prados
Senior Fellow, National Security Archive
George Washington University

Dale Andrade
Senior Historian, U.S. Army Center of Military History
Author of America's Last Vietnam Battle: Halting Hanoi's 1972 Easter Offensive

Bernard Kalb
Former Television Network Journalist

The Vietnam war continues to generate intense controversy. While most 
people agree that the United States did not win the war, a vocal 
minority ask why victory never came, attributing our defeat to 
everything from domestic politics to the press. Our military never 
lost a battle--how then did it not win the war? John Prados takes a 
fresh look at both the war and the debates about it to produce a 
reassessment of one our nation's most tragic episodes. His book draws 
upon several decades of research, including recently declassified 
documents, newly available presidential tapes, and a wide range of 
Vietnamese and
other international sources.

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009
6:00 PM
Kenney Auditorium
1740 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036

A reception will follow.
RSVP to Hmailto:sea...@jhu.eduusea...@jhu.eduuh with your name and 
affiliation by Friday, April 24th.
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[MCM] Warnings on HR 875

2009-04-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
--- Original Message 
Subject: Re: [MCM] Scratch the previous item re: HR 875 Date: Wed, 15 
Apr 2009 13:23:18 EDT From: 
mailto:mriversi...@aol.commriversi...@aol.com To: 

Hello Dr. Miller,

While I would agree that what was said about the bill in the original 
email wasn't true, I certainly wouldn't go so far as to say that it 
is a good bill.  I've read a great deal of it (the nightmare of the 
food industry is becoming a pet project of mine) and perused what I 
haven't read carefully.  The thing that is scary about the bill is 
the broad language it uses which, essentially, is setting the stage 
for future abuse in the form of regulation that could easily be 
structured to target non multinational agribusiness and eventually 
put certain types of farmers out of business like the above mentioned 
email claimed.  One of a few items in the bill that raises alarms for 
me talks about registration of all food production facilities, 
which would include small independent farms, raising questions about 
exactly how deep the bureaucracy will get and to whom they will 

This looks like a ridiculous overreaction to the recent salmonella 
outbreaks.  Hope it doesn't pass.

A few of the comments following this short piece have good points

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[MCM] Paul Minor's wife dies

2009-04-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From: Roger Shuler [mailto:rshuler3...@gmail.com]

Sylvia Minor, wife of Bush DOJ victim Paul Minor, has died after a 
long battle with breast cancer. Thanks to our justice system, her 
husband of 41 years was not able to be with her at the end:

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[MCM] Red Cross calls for prosecution of Bush torture team

2009-04-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

here to subscribe. 

Bush Six Likely to Be Indicted

Publicizing the indictment movement requires 
placing newspaper ads, organizing national 
call-in days to pressure Congressional 
representatives, intensive media work, teach-ins 
and educational forums. 
consider taking a moment right now to make a 
donation to this new movement for the indictment 
of Bush.
Spanish prosecutors have decided to press 
forward with a criminal investigation targeting 
former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and 
five top associates over their role in the 
torture of five Spanish citizens held at 
Guantánamo, according to Scott Horton, law 
professor and writer for Harper's Magazine and 
The American Lawyer.

We are expecting a decision this week, the 
Spanish prosecutor's office told the Associated 
Press on April 14.

In an extraordinary conclusion to a report by the 
International Committee of the Red Cross that was 
just released, the Red Cross recommended that:
the US authorities investigate all allegations 
of ill-treatment and take steps to punish the 
perpetrators, where appropriate, and to prevent 
such abuses from happening again.

The Red Cross report outlines the capture and 
interrogation and torture of high value 
detainees at CIA black sites.' The report 
evidences criminal conduct carried out by the 
Bush Administration.

Coming from the Red Cross, this presents a major 
obstacle to those who would seek to block 
prosecution or suggest that the conduct carried 
out by Bush officials and the CIA could be 
considered lawful by any means.

This report presents direct evidence of the 
brutality and illegality of the Bush/Cheney 
Administration's torture regime. The officials' 
actions constitute violations of international 
law including the International Covenant on Civil 
and Political Rights (ICCPR), which the United 
States ratified in 1992, and the Convention 
against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or 
Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which the 
United States ratified in 1994. Article 17 of the 
Third Geneva Convention of 1949 prohibits torture 
of prisoners and Article 32 of the Fourth Geneva 
Convention similarly protects civilian detainees.

The Red Cross' demand for prosecution echoes the 
call from Ramsey Clark and the IndictBushNow 
movement: Indiscriminate killing of civilians, 
summary execution, arbitrary seizures of people 
and property, secret unlimited detention and 
torture have been authorized and widely 

We have extraordinary momentum on our side right 
now and we must seize the moment to make 
indictment and prosecution a reality. We will be 
taking out newspaper ads in Europe and in the 
United States. 
consider taking a moment right now to make a 
donation to this new movement for the indictment 
of Bush.

You can also help spread the word by 
a IndictBushNow web button on your blog, website 
or social networking page, 
the petition and 
three friends to do so.

Please take action today,
-- All of us at IndictBushNow.org

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[MCM] A new campaign to Restore Justice at Justice!

2009-04-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Washington, DC
Ilene Proctor PR
(310) 858-6643

Broad Coalition Of Organizations And Individuals Launches Restore 
Justice At Justice Campaign

Demands Redress For Those Politically Prosecuted Under Bush 
Administration, Beginning With Governor Don Siegelman And Paul Minor

Today a broad coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to 
an honest and accountable government launched Restore Justice At 
Justice, www.RestoreJusticeAtJustice.com, a campaign to clean up the 
Department of Justice's sad record of political prosecutions under 
the Bush Administration.  These organizations, representing hundreds 
of thousands of members, have a strong track record of spurring 
action on crucial issues.  The coalition has sent a letter to 
Attorney General Eric Holder, available on the Restore Justice At 
Justice website, requesting that he quickly investigate and identify 
those targeted, and vacate their convictions, beginning with Alabama 
ex-Governor Don Siegelman and Attorney Paul Minor.

The coalition asserts that under the Bush administration, the 
Department of Justice was driven by ideology, and prosecutions were 
often used to settle scores and intimidate the opposition.  The GOP, 
at the direction of Karl Rove, used the DOJ to target political 
enemies including Democratic contributors and those who were a threat 
to GOP electoral gains and big business interests.  The Department 
was used as an arm of the White House to destroy these Democrats. 
 This political profiling resulted in the criminal prosecution of 
many on the GOP list, including Don Siegelman and Paul Minor.  

Last week, Attorney General Holder ordered the dismissal of charges 
against Senator Ted Stevens because of prosecutorial misconduct, 
said coalition spokesperson Brad Friedman.  Because targeted 
political prosecutions also constitute prosecutorial misconduct, AG 
Holder should apply the same standard to Siegelman, Minor, and all 
the others identified as targeted by the Bush DOJ, said Friedman. 
Siegelman and Minor were targets of political profiling, which is as 
unjust as racial profiling. President Obama and Attorney General 
Holder promised to return justice to the Justice Department and free 
the Department from politics. We demand that they do so.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of the signers at 
RestoreJusticeAtJustice.com, has stated publicly that Paul Minor is 
an innocent man who was targeted by Karl Rove, prosecuted by 
crooked Justice Department prosecutors, and sentenced to a 
breathtaking 11-year sentence for non-violent, white collar crimes he 
did not commit, while Minor's wife of 41 years lies in a hospital 
dying from cancer, unable to utter the word l-o-v-e to her husband. 
Kennedy summarizes the case this way:  Karl Rove's crooked henchmen 
at the U.S. Justice Department have turned this dignified gentleman's 
life into a horrible ordeal that is a disgrace to American 
democracy.  **Late Monday, Sylvia Minor died without her husband by 
her side after the DOJ opposed Minor's bail pending appeal and a 
compassionate furlough.

The campaign is spearheaded by VelvetRevolution.us 
http://http://www.velvetrevolution.us/ , a national non-profit 
affiliated with over 150 organizations. The coalition urges other 
organizations that care about justice to sign on to this campaign by 
sending an email to RestoreJusticeAtJustice(at)velvetrevolution.us. 
 Individuals can sign on at www.RestoreJusticeAtJustice.com.

Source: www.RestoreJusticeAtJustice.com 
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[MCM] Right's noise machine a threat to the Republic

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
My subject line alludes to David Brock's The Republican Noise 
Machine, which is still the
best book on the history of that juggernaut.


Right-Wingers Are Desperately Trying to Destroy Obama, and the 
Cowardly Corporate Media Are Helping
By Robert Parry, Consortium News. Posted April 16, 2009.

The right-wing media still pull the reigns in DC, where they could 
sink the Obama presidency and even stymie a Democratic Congress.


Watching Glenn Beck of Fox News rant about progressive fascism -- 
and muse about armed insurrection -- or listening to mainstream 
pundits prattle on about Barack Obama as the most polarizing 
President ever, it is hard to escape the conclusion that today's 
U.S. news media represents a danger to the Republic.

By and large, the Washington press corps continues to function within 
a paradigm set in the 1980s, mostly bending to the American Right, 
especially to its perceived power to destroy mainstream journalistic 
careers and to grease the way toward lucrative jobs for those who 
play ball.

The parameters set by this intimidated (or bought-off) news media, in 
turn, influence how far Washington politicians feel they can go on 
issues, like health-care reform or environmental initiatives, or how 
risky they believe it might be to pull back from George W. Bush's 
war on terror policies.

Democratic hesitancy on these matters then enflames the Left, which 
expresses its outrage through its own small media, reprising the old 
theme that there's not a dime's worth of difference between 
Democrats and Republicans -- a reaction that further weakens chances 
for any meaningful reform.

This vicious cycle has repeated itself again and again since the 
Reagan era, when the Right built up its intimidating media apparatus 
-- a vertically integrated machine which now reaches from newspapers, 
magazines and books to radio, TV and the Internet. The Right 
accompanied its media apparatus with attack groups to go after 
troublesome mainstream journalists.

Meanwhile, the American Left never took media seriously, putting what 
money it had mostly into organizing or into direct humanitarian 
giving. Underscoring the Left's fecklessness about media, 
progressives have concentrated their relatively few media outlets in 
San Francisco, 3,000 miles away -- and three hours behind -- the news 
centers of Washington and New York.

By contrast, the Right grasped the importance of information 
warfare in a modern media age and targeted its heaviest firepower on 
the frontlines of that war -- mostly the political battlefields of 
Washington -- thus magnifying the influence of right-wing ideas on 

One consequence of this media imbalance is that Republicans feel they 
can pretty much say whatever they want -- no matter how provocative 
or even crazy -- while Democrats must be far more circumspect, 
knowing that any comment might be twisted into an effective attack 
point against them.

So, while criticism of Republican presidents -- from Ronald Reagan to 
the two Bushes -- had to be tempered for fear of counterattacks, 
almost anything could be said against a Democratic president, Bill 
Clinton or now Barack Obama, who is repeatedly labeled a socialist 
and, according to Beck, a fascist for pressuring hapless GM chief 
executive Rick Wagoner to resign.

The Clinton Wars

The smearing of President Clinton started during his first days in 
office as the right-wing news media and the mainstream press pursued, 
essentially in tandem, scandals such as his Whitewater real-estate 
deal, the Travel Office firings and salacious accusations from 
Arkansas state troopers.

Through talk radio and mailed-out videos, the Right also disseminated 
accusations that Clinton was responsible for murders in Arkansas 
and Washington. These hateful suspicions about Clinton spread across 
the country, carried by the voices of Rush Limbaugh and G. Gordon 
Liddy as well as via videos hawked by Religious Right leader Jerry 

While not accepting the murder tales, mainstream publications, like 
the Washington Post and the New York Times, often took the lead in 
pushing or exaggerating Clinton financial scandals. Facing these 
attacks, Clinton sought some safety by tacking to the Right, which 
prompted many on the American Left to turn on him.

The stage was set for the Republican revolution of 1994, which put 
the GOP in charge of Congress. Only in the latter days of the Clinton 
administration, as the Republicans pushed for his ouster through 
impeachment, did a handful of small media outlets, including 
Consortiumnews.com and Salon.com, recast the war on Clinton as a 
new-age coup d'etat.

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[MCM] FL Repub proposes vast reform of voting rules

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Just before Election Day, I debated one of Diaz de la Portilla's 
brothers, a lawyer working
for the GOP. It was on Al Jazeera, whose gigantic Middle Eastern 
audience could not possibly
have grasped the truth re: Florida's elections, because my 
adversary's every statement was a whopping lie, and I had little time 
to nail them properly. He lied with the belligerent vigor of
a true believer (the brothers' parents are right-wing Cuban exiles), 
so he was either lying for
the Greater Good (as he imagines it) or, in his own mind, not lying.

In any case, it's interesting to note that his top talking-point was 
that the electoral process
had been going swimmingly in Florida--no problem! This despite the 
(usual) news of
long, long lines in Democratic precincts, due to systematic shortages 
and machine breakdowns:
five-hour waits for (would-be) voters in Miami-Dade, six-hour waits 
for (would-be) voters
in Ft. Lauderdale (where they ran out of paper ballots), seven 
op-scan machines kaput in
Duval County, and so on. None of this made any difference to Diaz de 
la Portilla, who just
kept saying that all was well at Florida's polls.

I guess that wasn't really true; for now his brother Alex, a state 
senator, has come out with
this sweeping plan for the reform of Florida's elections--a plan 
that's clearly meant  to
make it harder for all non-Republicans to vote, as critics have observed.

Such fake reform--advanced by liberals and conservatives--will keep 
on getting
serious attention, until we can break through with some hard truths 
about what's really
happened to American elections, and what's really needed to reform 
them. Certainly it won't
be easy--perhaps it isn't even possible--but our only option is to 
try, and keep on trying.


Overhaul of Florida Voting Rules Is Proposed

Published: April 15, 2009


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Republican lawmakers, who control both houses of 
the Legislature, have proposed sweeping changes to the state's 
election laws, including new procedures on registering voters, and 
requiring voters to use a provisional ballot if they move shortly 
before an election.

The rules would also prevent anyone, including those with video or 
audio equipment, from getting within 100 feet of a line of voters, 
even if that line is outside a polling place. This would also prevent 
anyone from offering legal advice to voters in line.

State Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla, a Republican from Miami and 
sponsor of the legislation, said the changes were a response to 
complaints and problems in the 2008 elections.

We see where there were flaws, where there were holes that have to 
be filled, Mr. Diaz de la Portilla said.

The legislation, for example, would bar election supervisors from 
placing anything on the envelope of absentee ballots that lists a 
voter's party affiliation. It would also give state election 
officials the ability to call for a recount and set new standards for 
audits of voting machines.

Mr. Diaz de la Portilla said nothing in the legislation was intended 
to benefit any particular political party.

But voting rights groups were critical of the legislation, as were 
Democratic lawmakers.

We should be making democracy more open, not putting obstacles in 
the way of people accessing their government, said Senator Charlie 
Justice, a St. Petersburg Democrat.

Elizabeth Westfall, a senior lawyer with the Advancement Project, a 
voting rights group, predicted that the measure would shut down 
voter-registration drives in Florida by outside groups like 
legislation would require voter-registration groups to turn in 
applications within 48 hours after they are first filled out.

This is really Draconian, Ms. Westfall said.

She also criticized the provision that would require voters who move 
less than a month before an election to vote with a provisional 
ballot. She faulted the state for failing to make early voting easier.

Crist ordered polling places to stay open longer last year to 
accommodate throngs of voters who showed up for early voting.

Mr. Diaz de la Portilla defended the requirements for turning in 
voter applications promptly. He said it was important to make sure 
the state's voting rolls were accurate.

People hold onto things and don't turn them in and don't meet 
deadlines, he said.

Ever since the chaotic recount in the 2000 presidential election, 
Florida has repeatedly come under fire by voting rights groups and 
labor organizations. Some of the proposed changes may have to be 
reviewed by the 

[MCM] Why has Spain reversed itself?

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Why did Spain reverse itself re: prosecution of Bush/Cheney's torture team?
As Barry Sussman notes here, it makes no sense in light of how Spain dealt
with Pinochet:


This ruling is wholly inconsistent with the Spanish court's handling of the
Pinochet matter.  The court claims that, If one is dealing with a crime of
mistreatment of prisoners of war, the complaint should go against those who
physically carried it out.

I may be missing something, but this would appear to imply that General
Pinochet's prosecution required that he personally carried out the torture
of which his regime was accused.

I would like to know the back-story behind all of this.  This is a very
disappointing result.


So did Obama have a hand in turning this thing off? David Swanson raises that
important question:

Obama Protecting Bush from Spain?
By David Swanson

The official story is that Spain has decided not to prosecute Bush's 
torture lawyers. Yet the known facts suggest something else entirely.

1-We know that the prosecutor who initiated this effort wants to 
prosecute Bush. He wrote about it months ago. We know that he and his 
colleagues see targeting the lawyers first as a step in Bush's 
direction and more likely to move forward than a case that starts at 
the top.

2-We know from Scott Horton's reporting that Spain and the Obama 
administration have been communicating about this case.

3-We know that the White House's press secretary was asked this week 
about those communications and avoided answering the question at all, 
rather than simply going with the story already reported that the 
U.S. was just observing and gathering information.

4-We know that Obama wants to move forward, does not want to 
prosecute Bush, and is going to extraordinary lengths to maintain and 
expand the power of the presidency (including the power to detain 
without charge, rendition, illegal foreign occupations and strikes, 
the power to make treaties without Congress, rewriting laws with 
signing statements, making laws with executive orders, keeping most 
of Bush's signing statements and executive orders in place, 
unprecedented claims of state secrets and classification and 
sovereign immunity and executive privilege, the power to fire 
whistleblowers, keeping memos and Emails secret, etc.)

5-We know that the top law enforcement official in Spain has made an 
argument for dismissing the case against the lawyers that an 8 year 
old would spot as an illegal absurdity, that was not a necessary 
argument for dismissing the case, but that would be a necessary 
argument for preventing a case against Bush. While he could have 
argued, like Doug Feith, that those engaging in the torture or 
ordering it were more culpable than the lawyers (as they are indeed), 
he instead argued that ONLY those present for the torture are 
culpable, thus exonerating Hitler, Pinochet, and every other official 
who has ordered a crime from a distance.

6-We know that if the top law enforcement official in Spain lacked 
the mental acumen of an 8 year old, Fox News would have pointed that 
out to us during the past couple of days of xenophobic screeching.

7-We know that the rightwing was preparing big attacks on Obama for 
allowing Spain to proceed, and that the official left was not going 
to have his back. Senator Russ Feingold said yesterday that Spain was 
behaving inappropriately.

These facts are at least extremely suggestive of a less than 
independent decision by the Spanish to deny justice and stick to 
looking forward, a decision that certainly does not follow public 
opinion in Spain and was not predicted by reporters in Spain but was 
predicted by Doug Feith on Fox News:

I hope and expect that the Obama administration will communicate to 
the Spanish government that they - that they do not view this as 
simply an attack against some former officials; they view it as an 
attack on the U.S. government - because as I said, the principle 
that's involved here would attack current officials as much as former 

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 12.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Times} p.p2 
{margin: 0.0px 0.0px 12.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Times; min-height: 

David Swanson is the author of the upcoming book Daybreak: Undoing 
the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union by Seven 
Stories Press and of the introduction to The 35 Articles of 
Impeachment and the Case for Prosecuting George W. Bush published by 
Feral House and available at Amazon.com.  Swanson holds a master's 
degree in philosophy from the University of Virginia. He has worked 
as a newspaper reporter and as a communications director, with jobs 
including press secretary for Dennis Kucinich's 2004 presidential 
campaign, media coordinator for the International Labor 
Communications Association, and three years as communications 
coordinator for ACORN, the Association of 

[MCM] Jennifer Brunner is beyond reproach: Cliff Arnebeck

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Cliff Arnebeck replies to Michael Collins:


In regard to the destroyed 2004 Ohio ballots, it was not generally 
reported that the matter of criminal activity in that election was 
referred to the criminal division of the Ohio AG's office, as part of 
a settlement exploration in our King Lincoln case.  When SOS Brunner 
received the information from the boards of elections that many 
ballots (1.8 million) had been destroyed or could not be accounted 
for, she promptly gave these responses to the Ohio AG's office.  The 
AG informed the chambers of the federal court and me, as trial 
counsel to the plaintiffs. Our case had prompted  the court order 
protecting the ballots.  Subsequently, the AG's office provided me 
with a complete set of all of the responses from the boards of 
elections.  These are posted on the web site of FreePress.org in 
their entirety.

When this matter became public, SOS Brunner first indicated that 
culpability in the matter was for the court to determine, and then, 
criticized former SOS Blackwell for not having properly advised the 
boards of elections in this matter.  SOS Brunner was correct.  SOS 
Blackwell instructed the boards of elections about the proper 
procedure for destroying ballots.  While he transmitted the court 
order prohibiting destruction, SOS Blackwell did not advise the 
boards of elections of their mandatory duty to obey the court order, 
or, as SOS, order them not to destroy the ballots.

Please let me know if you have any further questions in this matter.

Best regards,

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[MCM] Gillibrand's vote challenged in Tedisco/Murphy race

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Tedisco (i.e., the GOP) is fighting tooth and 
nail to wipe out Democrat Scott Murphy's
lead in the election to fill Gillibrand's House 
seat. This has now entailed a wholly groundless
challenge to the absentee ballot cast by Gillibrand herself.

As you'll see in the comment below (by Kads), 
Nate Silver gives Tedisco a one-in-500
chance to turn this thing around. And yet the GOP 
will fight to win--regardless of the
will of the electorate, or the letter (or the 
spirit) of the law. Perhaps the party plans to 
this all the way to SCOTUS, as they no doubt intend to do with Coleman's case.

This is just one way in which the GOP subverts 
democracy, while the Democrats just sit
there, twiddling their thumbs.


  Serving Columbia and Dutchess
counties since 1785

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Gillibrand's vote challenged
Murphy still has slight lead over Tedisco

By Jamie Larson

COLUMBIA COUNTY- In an astounding legal maneuver, 
the legitimacy of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's 
absentee ballot was challenged by Republican 
lawyers for congressional candidate
James Tedisco Tuesday, at the Columbia County 
Office Building at 401 State St. in Hudson.

Tedisco and his opponent, Democrat Scott Murphy, 
are in the middle of a too-close-to-call special 
election to fill Gillibrand's seat in Congress 
and every vote counts, including that of the 
woman the candidates wish to replace.

Lead lawyer for Tedisco in Columbia County 
Tuesday, Vinney Messina, challenged the senator's 
ballot on the grounds that, though she sent in an 
absentee ballot, she was in Columbia County on 
Election Day. Both Democratic Board of Elections 
Commissioner Virginia Martin and Republican 
Deputy Commissioner Michael Nabozny overruled the 
challenge, but Gillibrand's ballot was still
put aside as a precaution because there will be a 
court decision on ballot eligibility Wednesday in 
Dutchess County Supreme Court. Thirty-five other 
challenges have also been overruled by both
party commissioners and have been put in a 
separate pile for evaluation after today's court 

Gillibrand's office responded to the challenge 
quickly after it heard the news, saying, The 
Republicans’ challenge is frivolous and without 
merit. This is part of their larger attempt to 
disenfranchise legal Democratic voters and delay 
the inevitable Democratic victory in the 20th.
Every day that the national Republicans waste 
with their dishonest stalling tactics is another 
day Upstate New Yorkers are deprived their member 
of Congress. Sen. Gillibrand looks forward to 
working with Scott Murphy in Congress to support 
President Obama's plans to turn this economy 
around and create good paying jobs.

Gillibrand says she had intended to be in 
Washington, D.C. on the day of the special 
election for
a Senate vote and that is why she requested an 
absentee ballot. She says the challenge lacks 
further foundation because, while she was in the 
20th Congressional District on Election Day, she 
was not
in Columbia County.

Gillibrand has a home on Mt. Merino and is registered to vote in Greenport.

The senator's office also pointed to an election 
law decision on the issue of the challenge. There
was no law that required the actual absence by 
the voter during the time the polls were open for 
an absentee ballot to be validly cast. The 
question was not to consider the voter’s physical 
on the day of the election, but rather the 
voter’s expectations at the time of applying for 
an absentee ballot. [Sherwood v. Albany County 
Board of Elections, 265 AD2d 667, 696 NYS2d.287]

Along with Gillibrand's vote, 18 Columbia County 
election districts were counted Tuesday, covering 
five towns and half the districts in the city of 
Hudson. Murphy gained another 130 county votes 
and Tedisco gathered up 72, putting their 
four-day county total--spanning 13 
municipalities--at: Murphy 251, Tedisco 127.

Two-hundred and fifty ballots have been 
challenged, 26 have been voided due to voter 
error and
one was left blank. Tedisco's legal team has cast 
the vast majority of challenges--36 ballots were 
challenged in Hillsdale alone.

County attorney Daniel Tuczinski will appear in 
Dutchess County Court 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
today on the county’s behalf as the counting of ballots continues.

According to The Associated Press, the state 
Board of Elections reports that unofficial counts 
Tuesday show Murphy with 77,982 votes total and 
Tedisco with 77,935.

Reader Comments

The following are comments from the readers. In 
no way do they represent the view of 

stonepound wrote on Apr 15, 2009 2:04 AM:
 Democracy delayed is democracy denied! 

Kads wrote on Apr 15, 2009 11:58 AM:
 This election may be too close to call but that 
doesn't mean the best election forecaster in the 
US isn't making a prediction. Nate Silver says 
Tedisco has just a 1 in 500 chance of winning. 
This sheds some light on why Tedisco is not only 
challenging every 

[MCM] John Ennis weighs in on SoS Jennifer Brunner

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From John Ennis:

As long as Brunner's term as Ohio S.O.S. is still being evaluated, I 
would like to offer my appraisal.

While in Ohio in 2008, both for promoting my election theft doc Free 
for All! as well as organizing for Video the Vote, the issue of early 
voting was fiercely fought by the Ohio G.O.P. While this
issue had already been passed by the legislature, the GOP 
particularly took issue with Golden
Week, the week in October when people could register and then vote 

Because this allowed poor people and students to vote in numbers they 
never had before, there
was all the Republican resistance you would imagine, and then some -- 
court challenges, threats, press conferences, writing down license 
plates of early voters, etc.  While Jennifer Brunner had maintained a 
thoroughly non-partisan demeanor throughout her term, even in the 
face of being
called a partisan rogue like her predecessor Ken Blackwell, in these 
crucial months leading up
to the national election Brunner went to the mat to keep early voting 
open and accessible.  It was
a continual fight until Ohio was called for Obama.

This is not to endorse her or anyone else for Senate, or to offer 
blanket approval for her term as S.O.S.  Further, for purposes of 
disclosure, S.O.S. Brunner briefly appears in Free for All!  But
so does Cliff Arnebeck, as well as the now former AG of Ohio who 
received the 2004 election
ballot destruction case, and also Ken Blackwell and Mark Crispin Miller.

john w ennis

On Apr 16, 2009, at 8:31 AM, Mark Crispin Miller wrote:

Cliff Arnebeck replies to Michael Collins:


In regard to the destroyed 2004 Ohio ballots, it was not generally 
reported that the matter of criminal activity in that election was 
referred to the criminal division of the Ohio AG's office, as part 
of a settlement exploration in our King Lincoln case.  When SOS 
Brunner received the information from the boards of elections that 
many ballots (1.8 million) had been destroyed or could not be 
accounted for, she promptly gave these responses to the Ohio AG's 
office.  The AG informed the chambers of the federal court and me, 
as trial counsel to the plaintiffs. Our case had prompted  the court 
order protecting the ballots.  Subsequently, the AG's office 
provided me with a complete set of all of the responses from the 
boards of elections.  These are posted on the web site of 
FreePress.org in their entirety.

When this matter became public, SOS Brunner first indicated that 
culpability in the matter was for the court to determine, and then, 
criticized former SOS Blackwell for not having properly advised the 
boards of elections in this matter.  SOS Brunner was correct.  SOS 
Blackwell instructed the boards of elections about the proper 
procedure for destroying ballots.  While he transmitted the court 
order prohibiting destruction, SOS Blackwell did not advise the 
boards of elections of their mandatory duty to obey the court order, 
or, as SOS, order them not to destroy the ballots.

Please let me know if you have any further questions in this matter.

Best regards,


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[MCM] The mote in Russia's eye

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Whatever Russia does to thwart democracy is unacceptable, and that 
includes their fiddling
with the vote in Moldova, and their apparent steps to get the OSCE to 
pull its punches (see below).

I have to note, however, that the OSCE's coverage of our own 
elections under BushCo
was quite poor, as they appeared to pull their punches then as well. 
(There was, of course,
the big exception of their rightly protesting Ken Blackwell's blunt 
refusal to allow their
two men in Ohio even to get near a polling-place, much less venture into any.)

What this country needs--what all democratic countries need--is a 
global conference
on election fraud and vote suppression; and one that takes places 
here, NOT because the
US does it right: on the contrary. It should be hosted here because 
the problem has in fact
been worse in the United States than it has been in many other 
countries (as Jimmy Carter
candidly told NPR in 2006). The best way to approach the global 
problem, therefore,
would be to face it as a problem that afflicts us here as well.

So let's not cluck our tongues at what they're doing in Russia, or 
bitch about the (alleged)
vote-theft in Venezuela, until we face the truth about elections here.



Christian Science Monitor

Russia goes after election monitors

By the Monitor's Editorial Board - Wed Apr 15, 5:00 am ET

Russia goes after election monitors

The gold standard in international monitoring of elections is in 
danger of losing its value. The
latest warning sign comes from the tiny country of Moldova, once part 
of the Soviet empire and
now the poorest country in Europe.

For several years, Russia has tried to weaken the world's champion of 
democratic elections, the 56-nation Organization for Security and 
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). This is the body, set
up during a warming period of the cold war, that has impartially 
judged so many elections in
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union - and whose judgments 
Russia blames for sparking democratic color revolutions on its 

But the OSCE's impartiality has come into question over Moldova's 
disputed parliamentary
elections of April 5. The country, sandwiched between Ukraine 
and Romania, has been shaken
by violent protests against the apparent sweeping win of 
the Communist Party, which has led
the country since the elections of 2001. Young protesters and 
opposition groups claim fraud,
and results of a recount are expected Friday.

The OSCE, however, deemed the election generally free and fair, 
noting blandly that further improvements are required. It has since 
complained about Moldova's treatment of journalists covering the 
election, and says in a confidential report obtained by Reuters that 
the human rights
of some arrested protesters may have been violated.

Not all OSCE monitors, however, agreed with group's overall positive 
assessment of the election. Baroness Emma Nicholson, a British member 
of the European Parliament, told the BBC that she
saw hundreds and hundreds of voters stopped and turned away. When 
she finished observing ballot counting at 1 a.m., the Communists 
stood at about 35 percent, but at 8 a.m. they had nearly
50 percent. The baroness, experienced in monitoring in this part of 
the world, feared manipulation had taken place completely invisibly.

She and several colleagues tried to get really tough points into 
the OSCE's statement, she said,
but they were rejected. The problem is that it was an OSCE report, 
and in the OSCE are, of
course, the Russians, and their view was quite different, quite 
substantially different.

Credible accounts such as this give the impression that Russia is 
making headway in its attempt
  to dilute the OSCE's influence in human and civil rights, a 
goal Moscow has been working toward for several years. For its own 
parliamentary elections in December 2007, Moscow delayed so long
in granting visas to OSCE observers and placed so many restrictions 
on them, that the Vienna-based group did not monitor the vote. The 
following year, the OSCE did not monitor Russia's presidential 
election for similar reasons.

Russia has also enlisted six neighborhood allies in an official 
effort to de-emphasize election monitoring and human-rights work by 
the transatlantic OSCE. Moscow  Co. want the group instead to focus 
on economic, political, and military security. The reform effort, 
which would require consensus, has so far failed.

But in 2010, Russia's friend Kazakhstan takes over the chairmanship 
of the OSCE. It will be the
first time that a nondemocratic nation will lead this international body.

Russia would like nothing better than to check this check on 
authoritarianism. If it succeeds, the OSCE could find itself without 
influence or credibility in a strategic region still struggling to
emerge from the post-Soviet era. More important, voters would be 
without an impartial judge to
tell it as it is.

[MCM] Opponents of e-voting are black helicopter types, says TX commissioner

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
That's really not the most important item in this article, but it was 
so outrageous
that I had to put it in the subject line.

What's most significant in this (rather murky) article is the trend 
toward all electronic
voting in Williamson County, Texas, and the link between that move 
and early voting.


County considers backing all electronic voting

By mailto:newsd...@thehuttonews.comPhilip Jankowski

Daily Press: County considers backing all electronic voting

The specter of all electronic voting may perturb conspiracy 
theorists, or the black helicopter
types, as Commissioner Lisa Birkman classified some at Tuesday's 
meeting of the Williamson County Commissioners Court.

But Commissioners were unable to put their full support behind 
pending legislation in the Senate
and House that would allow for counties to become all electronic on 
Election Day.

I think it is the way of the future, County Judge Dan Gattis said 
during the discussion, but according to Birkman, several people in 
her precinct still would rather have the peace of mind
of seeing their votes cast on a paper ballot.

Williamson County currently offers a paper and electronic system for 
voting on Election Day.
Over the past few elections, more and more voters have opted to use 
the electronic machines, according to county election administrator 
Rick Barron.

A big piece of that trend is continued upturns in the amount of 
people choosing to vote early.
About 70 percent of voters voted early in November, and typical early 
voting turnout for a
municipal election is about 60 percent, Barron said. Early voters can 
only use electronic machines because of the paper nightmare that 
would arise from the use of limited polling places.

On any given Election Day with a prominent state or national race, 
the county will have polling locations set up in all of its 99 
precincts. However during early voting, those locations are
condensed into regional polling places that allow county voters to 
cast their ballot anywhere in
the county.

Current legislation would allow countywide polling places on Election 
Day. Currently, the
practice is not permitted, Barron said.

It's much more convenient for the voter, Barron said. We'd be able 
to reduce the number
of polling places to about half.

But doing so would mean all polling places would have to be 
electronic only. The amount
of paper necessary to ensure a voter from an East Williamson County 
precinct would have a
proper paper ballot available at a polling place in Cedar Park is 
cumbersome to the point that
  it makes the practice impractical and nearly impossible, Barron said.

To enact a countywide, all-electronic voting system would require 
purchasing more than
450 new voting machines at a price tag of between $600,000 and 
$800,000, Barron said.
However, the high price tag could be offset by the drastic cutback in 
the amount of labor
needed to conduct an election.

By cutting the number of polling places in half, the amount of people 
needed on Election Day
drops from about 600 to 300, Barron estimated. Election workers make 
between $8 and $10
an hour, he said. Paper ballots also cost about 29 cents per ballot.

Pending legislation is also in the works to authorize counties to use 
electronic voting machines
that print voting selections on paper as a way to check a ballot. 
However, Barron said using that technology would be a vast cost to 
the county. Printers costing about $800 apiece would be
required for all voting machines.

Since the county began using electronic voting machines, the machines 
have been involved
in one error in 2006, when 6,500 more votes were counted than 
cast. However, the miscount
has been attributed to user error and the administrator involved is 
no longer with the county.
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[MCM] Holder will not prosecute CIA employees for TORTURE

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
and our government, he added, will indemnify all those who have been 
fined or penalized
in any way, and represent them in congressional investigations.


Holder: CIA Officials Will Not Be Charged for Harsh Interrogation Tactics [sic]

Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. said Thursday that CIA officials who 
used harsh interrogation tactics  [sic] -- including waterboarding -- 
on suspected terrorists would not face prosecution and that the 
government would provide free legal representation to any official 
sued for their participation in the now-banned interrogation program. 
In a statement today, Holder also said the government would indemnify 
intelligence officials for any monetary judgment or penalty imposed 
against them and represent them in congressional investigations.

Holder's remarks accompanied the release of one secret legal opinion 
the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel issued to the CIA in 
August 2002 and three the office issued to the agency in May 2005. 
for 2002 opinion; and 
for the 2005 opinions. (Be warned: The files are large.)

Here is the Justice Department statement in full:

The President has halted the use of the interrogation techniques 
described in these opinions, and this administration has made clear 
from day one that it will not condone torture, said Attorney General 
Eric Holder. We are disclosing these memos consistent with our 
commitment to the rule of law.

Holder also stressed that intelligence community officials who acted 
reasonably and relied in good faith on authoritative legal advice 
from the Justice Department that their conduct was lawful, and 
conformed their conduct to that advice, would not face federal 
prosecutions for that conduct.

The Attorney General has informed the Central Intelligence Agency 
that the government would provide legal representation to any 
employee, at no cost to the employee, in any state or federal 
judicial or administrative proceeding brought against the employee 
based on such conduct and would take measures to respond to any 
proceeding initiated against the employee in any international or 
foreign tribunal, including appointing counsel to act on the 
employee's behalf and asserting any available immunities and other 
defenses in the proceeding itself.

To the extent permissible under federal law, the government will also 
indemnify any employee for any monetary judgment or penalty 
ultimately imposed against him for such conduct and will provide 
representation in congressional investigations.

It would be unfair to prosecute dedicated men and women working to 
protect America for conduct that was sanctioned in advance by the 
Justice Department, Holder said.

After reviewing these opinions, OLC has decided to withdraw them: 
They no longer represent the views of the Office of Legal Counsel.

Posted by Joe Palazzolo on April 16, 2009 at 03:33 PM in 
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[MCM] That was no heart attack

2009-04-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.guardian.co.uk/Latest news, sport, business, comment and 
reviews from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk

http://www.guardian.co.uk/ukUK news
police assault on Ian Tomlinson
Ian Tomlinson died of abdominal haemorrhage, says coroner
to this video

A second post mortem on Ian Tomlinson, the passerby who died at 
thehttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/g20G20 protests, shows that he 
died from an abdominal haemorrhage, not a heart attack.

The cause of the injury has not been established, but investigators 
will now have to decide whether 
alleged http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/policepolice assaults on 
the 47-year-old newspaper vendor contributed to his death.

The dramatic shift in the criminal inquiry into the alleged assaults 
by the Independent Police Complaints Commission came today after the 
results of the second post mortem were revealed. Police previously 
said Tomlinson had died of a heart attack.

Tomlinson collapsed and died around 7:25pm on April 1, shortly after 
being attacked by at least one riot officer. He had been attempting 
to walk home from work when he was confronted by lines of riot police.

An officer was suspended and a criminal inquiry launched after the 
Guardian revealed footage showing the attack on Tomlinson from behind.

Today the City of London Coroners Court released the following statement:

On 9 April 2009 HM Coroner for the City of London opened and 
adjourned the inquest into the death of Ian Tomlinson. In so doing he 
received evidence of identification and the provisional findings and 
opinion as to the medical cause of death, from a report prepared by 
consultant forensic pathologist Dr F Patel, instructed by HM Coroner 
to conduct the post-mortem examination. The pathologist's final 
opinion must await the completion of additional tests.

Dr F Patel made a number of findings of fact including descriptions 
of a number of injuries and of diseased organs including the heart 
and liver. He found a substantial amount of blood in the abdominal 
cavity. His provisional interpretation of his findings was that the 
cause of death was coronary artery disease.

A subsequent post-mortem examination was conducted by another 
consultant forensic pathologist, Dr N Cary, instructed by 
the http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/ipccIPCC and by solicitors 
acting for the family of the late Mr Tomlinson.

Dr Cary's opinion is that the cause of death was abdominal 
haemorrhage. The cause of the haemorrhage remains to be ascertained. 
Dr Cary accepts that there is evidence of coronary atherosclerosis 
but states that in his opinion its nature and extent is unlikely to 
have contributed to the cause of death.

The opinions of both consultant pathologists are provisional and 
both agree that their final opinions must await the outcome of 
further investigations and tests. These are likely to take some time.

The IPCC's investigation into the death of Ian Tomlinson is ongoing.
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[MCM] Call for a real investigation of Bush/Cheney's torture program

2009-04-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Via Gianni Ortiz:

Infamous torture memos were released yesterday, 
just as Amnesty activists are meeting with 
Congress calling for accountability.
your voice to theirs. Call for an independent 
investigation into torture.

In a pivotal moment in our call for 
accountability, yesterday the Obama 
administration finally released the four infamous 
memos crafted to provide legal cover for the U.S. 
torture program.

You and I know there is no legal form of torture. 
But Obama wants us to believe that this is a 
time for reflection, not retribution.

We've done plenty of reflecting, and the 
information in the memos only confirms what we've 
known all along. Torture is illegal under both 
domestic and international law and no set of 
legal memos can change that.

Within hours of their release, the memos fueled 
new speculation that there is just too much out 
there now for Congress to ignore calls for 

Incredibly, our lobby week is wrapping up today, 
giving us an amazing opportunity to push Congress 
on accountability, when they're most receptive to 
our calls, both in person and online.

a letter now to Congress calling for a full and 
independent investigation.

Before today, major editorial boards from the 
Boston Globe, Salt Lake City Tribune, and 
Philadelphia Inquirer threw their hat into the 
ring, calling for accountability.

While we may have convinced editorial boards, 
it's Congress that has the power to setup 
independent investigations. This is the last day 
of our lobby week. While Amnesty members finish 
up their meetings, let's hit Congress from both 
on and offline.

an email to your elected officials and tell them 
that you want to know the truth about torture. 
Once members of Congress realize they can't turn 
down the buzz about torture in their own 
districts, they'll have to confront the issue in 

The Obama administration has truly taken some 
important steps to correct past mistakes. Just a 
week ago, the CIA announced that it is no longer 
operating any of the secret overseas prisons used 
to detain terror suspects. While correcting some 
of these bigger problems certainly puts us on the 
right path, it doesn't tell us how we veered so 
far off in the wrong direction.

By this time, anyone who isn't the slightest bit 
curious about how we became a nation that 
tortures needs a wake-up call. And we're just the 
group to give it to them!

Thanks for standing with us,

Njambi Good
Director, Counter Terror with Justice Campaign



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[MCM] Powell knew

2009-04-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Show Red Cross Told Powell Iraqi Prisoners
Were Tortured 

By Jason Leopold   
The Public Record

Thursday, 16 April 2009 11:32


In March 2003, after Iraqi troops captured several U.S. soldiers and 
let them be interviewed on Iraqi TV, senior Bush administration 
officials expressed outrage over this violation of the Geneva 

If there is somebody captured, President George W. Bush told 
reporters on March 23, 2003, I expect those people to be treated 
humanely. If not, the people who mistreat the prisoners will be 
treated as war criminals.

No one in the Bush administration, however, acknowledged the extent 
of their own violations of rules governing humane treatment of enemy 
combatants. Nor did the U.S. news media offer any context, ignoring 
the U.S. handling of Afghan War captives at Guantanamo Bay in 2002 
and the fact that the U.S. military also had paraded captured Iraqi 
soldiers before cameras.

During those heady days of embedded war correspondents reporting 
excitedly about Bush's shock and awe invasion, what Americans got 
to see and hear was how the Iraqi violation of the Geneva Convention 
- the videotaped interviews - demonstrated the barbarity of the enemy 
and justified their punishment as war criminals.

Bush's fury over the POW interviews echoed across Washington. It is 
a blatant violation of the Geneva Convention to humiliate and abuse 
prisoners of war or to harm them in any way, declared Pentagon 
spokeswoman Victoria Clarke on March 24.

That same day, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told the BBC, 
The Geneva Convention is very clear on the rules for treating 
prisoners. They're not supposed to be tortured or abused, they're not 
supposed to be intimidated, they're not supposed to be made public 
displays of humiliation or insult, and we're going to be in a 
position to hold those Iraqi officials who are mistreating our 
prisoners accountable, and they've got to stop.

On March 25, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld added, In recent 
days, the world has witnessed further evidence of their [Iraqi] 
brutality and their disregard for the laws of war. Their treatment of 
coalition POWs is a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

Hypocrisy Exposed

It would take months and years - as documents from Bush's first term 
were gradually released to the public - to reveal the extent of the 
Bush administration's hypocrisy.

For instance, it's now known that the International Committee of the 
Red Cross began an investigation of U.S. war crimes in Iraq from the 
first days of the invasion, interviewing Iraqis captives from March 
to November 2003.

On Jan. 15, 2004, ICRC president Jakob Kellenberger expressed his 
concern to Secretary of State Colin Powell about the Bush 
administration's attitude regarding international law, specifically 
an op-ed by then-State Department legal adviser William Taft IV in 
the Financial Times four days earlier.

In that op-ed, Taft wrote that there was no law that required the 
U.S. to afford due process to foreigners captured in the war on 

American treatment of detainees held at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba is 
fully consistent with international law and with centuries-old norms 
for treating individuals captured in wartime, Taft wrote. We are 
engaged in a war.

It's unclear what Kellenberger cited in Taft's column, because the 
recently released minutes of the meeting were heavily redacted. But 
the conversation segued into Powell asking Kellenberger where in 
addition to Afghanistan, did ICRC have problems with notification and 
access to detainees?

Powell is quoted as saying we are confident of our legal position, 
(referring to legal adviser Taft's op-ed), but we also know the world 
is watching us.

The next month, the ICRC gave Bush administration officials a 
confidential report which found that U.S. occupation forces in Iraq 
often arrested Iraqis without good reason and subjected them to abuse 
and humiliation that sometimes was tantamount to torture in 
violation of the Geneva Conventions.

Some excessive violence, including the use of live ammunition against 
detainees, had led to seven deaths, the ICRC report said.

According to the allegations collected by the ICRC, ill-treatment 
during interrogation was not systematic, except with regard to 
persons arrested in connection with suspected security offences or 
deemed to have an 'intelligence' value, the report said.

In these cases, persons deprived of their liberty under supervision 
of the Military Intelligence were at high risk of being subjected to 
a variety of harsh treatments ranging from insults, threats and 
humiliations to both physical and psychological coercion, which in 
some cases was tantamount to torture, in order to force 

[MCM] Looking for John McTiernan (email only)

2009-04-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

If you or anyone you know has his contact info, I would appreciate knowing it.


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[MCM] Tea party robo-calls

2009-04-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Those tea parties are pure astroturf--expensive propaganda stunts 
with very little
mass support. And now they're using robo-calls to try to grow that 
bogus movement.


 From Greg Dinger:

Hi Mark,

Just received about a 10-second robo-call from this number:

Wildmon JK
210 892 1130

As I wasn't prepared for it, I don't recall the precise words, but 
the voice said something like:

America, are you aware of the tea parties happening across the 
nation? It is time to awake
and pay attention!

Greg Dinger
GreyBeard Design Group
Web Development, Hosting and ASP Scripting

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[MCM] Nadler calls for special prosecutor re: BushCo's torture program

2009-04-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Nadler Asks for Special Prosecutor for Torture
By David Swanson

Congressman Jerrold Nadler has just publicly asked that the Attorney 
General appoint a special prosecutor. Please 
http://www.house.gov/nadler/contact.shtmlTHANK HIM, and please ask 
him and http://prosecutebushcheney.orgask your congress member to 
jointly send to Eric Holder 
http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/39727the letter that Nadler 
and 55 other congress members sent to Michael Mukasey requesting a 
special prosecutor last summer, or an 
http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41743updated version thereof.

Here is a release from Nadler's office:

8th Congressional District of New York
Nadler Applauds Obama Administration's Transparency on Torture Memos
Renews Call for Special Prosecutor and Congressional Investigation

NEW YORK, N.Y. - Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-08), Chair of 
the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights 
and Civil Liberties, praised President Obama and the Department of 
Justice for releasing four legal memos on the torture of detainees 
that had previously been concealed by the Bush administration. Rep. 
Nadler, however, called on the Obama administration to go further and 
appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and, if necessary, 
prosecute those responsible for authorizing the torture. He also said 
that a Congressional investigation is absolutely warranted. Rep 
Nadler released the following statement:

While I applaud the Obama administration for releasing these torture 
memos in the spirit of openness and transparency, the memos' alarming 
content requires further action. These memos, without a shadow of a 
doubt, authorized torture and gave explicit instruction on how to 
carry it out, all the while carefully attempting to maintain a legal 
fig leaf.

These memos make it abundantly clear that the Bush administration 
engaged in torture. Because torture is illegal under American law - 
as the U.S. is a signatory to the Convention Against Torture - we are 
legally required to investigate and, when appropriate, to prosecute 
those responsible for these crimes.

I commend President Obama for his unequivocal rejection of torture 
and for his resolve to move forward. The President's intentions are 
honorable, but don't go far enough. All history teaches us that 
simply shining a light on criminal acts without holding the 
responsible people accountable will not prevent repetition of those 

I have previously urged Attorneys General Gonzalez and Mukasey to 
appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the torture abuses of the 
Bush administration, and now I will convey that same necessity to 
President Obama and Attorney General Holder. We sorely need an 
independent investigation that will provide accountability for these 
terrible crimes. This investigation should not be a witch-hunt to 
punish those rank-and-file C.I.A. operatives who acted in good faith 
on Justice Department instructions. At the very least, those who 
wrote and authorized the memos knowing full well that they were 
instructing others to torture must be held accountable to the law.

We must have a criminal investigation if the U.S. is to reclaim its 
moral authority and prevent repetition of these crimes.

As Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights said 
yesterday, 'Whether or not to prosecute law breakers is not a 
political decision. Laws were broken and crimes were committed. If we 
are truly a nation of laws . . . a prosecutor needs to be appointed 
and the decisions regarding the guilt of those involved in the 
torture program should be decided in a court of law.'

Furthermore, the revelations contained in these memos make it 
abundantly clear that we need additional Congressional oversight 
hearings on this matter. We intend to hold such hearings.

Finally, I particularly want to thank the American Civil Liberties 
Union for their role in bringing these memos to light and for their 
vigilant efforts to ensure that the United States government does not 
engage in torture.

Following are the memos released yesterday: 


Jerrold Nadler has served in Congress since 1992. He represents New 
Yorks 8th Congressional District, which includes parts of Manhattan 
and Brooklyn.

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 12.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Times} p.p2 
{margin: 0.0px 0.0px 12.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Times; min-height: 

David Swanson is the author of the upcoming book Daybreak: Undoing 
the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union by Seven 
Stories Press and of the introduction to The 35 Articles of 
Impeachment and the Case for Prosecuting George W. Bush published by 
Feral House and available at Amazon.com.  Swanson holds a master's 
degree in philosophy from the University of Virginia. He has worked 

[MCM] Lots of news you may have missed, from Consortiumnews.com

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Robert Parry:

Editor's Note: Because we've been publishing more stories, some 
readers say they miss some that fly by. So, each month, we'll point 
out some special stories from the previous month.

Here is a selection from March,  focusing on the decline of the U.S. 
news media and the war-crimes case against George W. Bush:

American Media Misdiagnosis, by Robert Parry, looking at 
journalism's plight. (March 2, 2009)

Memos Gave Bush Total Power, by Jason Leopold, regarding John Yoo's 
memos on all-powerful presidents. (March 3, 2009)

Close the Bush Bullet, by Robert Parry, examining the narrow miss 
for the American Republic. (March 4, 2009)

in the Crosshairs by Gareth Porter and Ray McGovern, assessing the 
pressures for a new Mideast war. (March 4, 2009)

Crimes and Double Standards by Robert Parry, reviewing how the U.S. 
treats atrocities differently. (March 5, 2009)

Wage War on a Realist by Robert Parry, exploring the neocon jihad 
against former U.S. ambassador Chas Freeman. (March 6, 2009)

Derailed Obama Intel Choice by Ray McGovern, dissecting the defeat 
of the Freeman nomination. (March 11, 2009)

Obama's Change Find El Salvador by Don North, previewing the likely 
leftist victory with echoes to the Cold War. (March 11, 2009)

Pro-Life? by Lynne Gillooly, questioning how the abortion issue is 
framed. (March 12, 2009)

Crimes  American Rejectionism by Peter Dyer, tracing the history of 
the laws of war and the recent U.S. resistance. (March 13, 2009)

Is a Neocon Propaganda Sheet by Robert Parry, decribing the decline 
of a once-great newspaper. (March 15, 2009)

Panetta Is Falling Short by Melvin A. Goodman, lamenting how the CIA 
bureaucracy turned Leon Panetta's head. (March 18, 2009)

Servants, Circa 2009 by Barbara Koeppel, exploring the desperate 
world of immigrant labor. (March 18, 2009)

the Oxygen of Journalism by Gray Brechin, reviewing what the nation 
loses with the decline in newspapers. (March 19, 2009)

Obama -- by the WPost by Robert Parry, looking at the power the 
Washington Post retains to shape issues. (March 19, 2009)

Elitists Feel for Wall St. Brethren, by Robert Parry, assessing 
class solidarity over bonues. (March 22, 2009)

Lawyer-Shopping for Torture, by Jason Leopold, chronicling how 
President Bush put ideological lawyers in key spots. (March 24, 2009)

History Hurts Obama's Iran Bid by Robert Parry, explaining what the 
two sides don't know or won't admit. (March 26, 2009)

Angry Mob, But a Movement by Michael Winship, discussing the 
emergence of a new populism. (March 27, 2009)

to Vietnam, Mr. President by Ray McGovern, comparing President 
Obama's Afghan escalation to that earlier war. (March 28, 2009)

Duck Bush Torture Probe by Jason Leopold, noting the changed 
Democratic tone about investigations.(March 30, 2009)

To produce and publish these stories - and many more - costs money. 
And except for book sales, we depend 

[MCM] Fight for a strong bill on global warming

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Now that the US has turned the corner on C02 emissions, let's get down to work.
We need, first, to pay attention to the stark 
realities of what's become of Mother
Earth--and what will certainly become of her, and sooner than you think, if
we don't act.

One place to start: Congress, which must pass a forceful bill ASAP.


Hi Mark,

Representatives Henry Waxman and Ed Markey 
recently began one of the most important 
legislative fights of our lives, a comprehensive 
bill that finally addresses the dangers of 
climate change.

us defend the bill from Big Oil and others intent 
on seeing it fail. »

Previous attempts at a meaningful climate bill 
failed because of the former Administration and a 
Congress that couldn't get effective legislation 
past entrenched Big Oil interests. But we can't 
take for granted that it will be easier now that 
those interests are no longer in the majority.

With their deep pockets, opponents of the bill 
could easily outspend its supporters, by as much 
as 20 to 1. That's why your help is so necessary. 
With your support and the critical leadership of 
President Obama and several key Congressional 
champions, we can overcome the odds and pass a 
strong bill this year.

act today and help pass a strong global warming 
bill. »

Take action link: 

  Thanks for taking action!


Need a Strong Global Warming Bill 
The issue becomes more urgent every day -- new 
satellite data shows that the average wintertime 
sea ice cover in the Arctic in 2005 and 2006 was 
only nine feet thick, a significant decline from 
the 1980s.
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[MCM] BBC: World's forests at grave risk

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Key role of forests 'may be lost'
By Mark Kinver
Science and environment reporter, BBC News

Coniferous forests are particularly susceptible to climatic changes


Forests' role as massive carbon sinks is at risk of being lost 
entirely, top forestry scientists have warned.

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) says 
forests are under increasing degrees of stress as a result of climate 

Forests could release vast amounts of carbon if temperatures rise 
2.5C (4.5F) above pre-industrial levels, it adds.

The findings will be presented at the UN Forum on Forests, which 
begins on Monday in New York.

Compiled by 35 leading forestry scientists, the report provides what 
is described as the first global assessment of the ability of forests 
to adapt to climate change.

  The fact remains that the only way to ensure that forests do not 
suffer unprecedented harm is to achieve large reductions in 
greenhouse gas emissions

Professor Andreas Fischlin,
Assessment co-author

We normally think of forests as putting the brakes on global 
warming, observed Professor Risto Seppala from the Finnish Forest 
Research Institute, who chaired the report's expert panel.

But over the next few decades, damage induced by climate change 
could cause forests to release huge quantities of carbon and create a 
situation in which they do more to accelerate warming than to slow it 

Debate defining

The scientists hope that the report, called Adaption of Forests and 
People to Climate Change - A Global Assessment, will help inform 
climate negotiators.

Warm winters have allowed spruce beetles to cause widespread damage

The international climate debate has focused primarily on emissions 
from deforestation, but the researchers say their analysis shows that 
attention must also be paid to the impacts of climate change on 

While deforestation is responsible for about 20% of greenhouse gas 
emissions from human activities, forests currently absorb more carbon 
than they emit.

But the problem is that the balance could shift as the planet warms, 
the report concludes, and the sequestration service provided by the 
forest biomes could be lost entirely if the Earth heats up by 2.5C 
or more.

The assessment says higher temperatures - along with prolonged 
droughts, more pest invasions, and other environmental stresses - 
would trigger considerable forest destruction and degradation.

This could create a dangerous feedback loop, it adds, in which damage 
to forests from climate change would increase global carbon emissions 
that then exacerbate global warming.

The report's key findings include:

* Droughts are projected to become more intense and frequent in 
subtropical and southern temperate forests

* Commercial timber plantations are set to become unviable in some 
areas, but more productive in others

* Climate change could result in deepening poverty, deteriorating 
public health, and social conflict among African forest-dependent 

The IUFRO assessment will be considered by delegates at the eighth 
session of the UN Forum on Forests, which has the objective of 
promoting the management, conservation and sustainable development 
of all types of forest.

Co-author Professor Andreas Fischlin from the Swiss Federal Institute 
of Technology commented: Even if adaption measures are fully 
implemented, unmitigated climate change would - during the course of 
the current century - exceed the adaptive capacity of many forests.

The fact remains that the only way to ensure that forests do not 
suffer unprecedented harm is to achieve large reductions in 
greenhouse gas emissions.
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[MCM] BBC: Americas on alert for sea level rise

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Americas on alert for sea level rise

Coastal areas in parts of Mexico are among those under threat

By James Painter
BBC Latin America analyst


Climate change experts in North and South America are increasingly 
worried by the potentially devastating implications of higher 
estimates for possible sea level rises.

The Americas have until now been seen as less vulnerable than other 
parts of the world like low-lying Pacific islands, Vietnam or 

But the increase in the ranges for anticipated sea level rises 
presented at a meeting of scientists in Copenhagen in March has 
alarmed observers in the region.

Parts of the Caribbean, Mexico and Ecuador are seen as most at risk. 
New York City and southern parts of Florida are also thought to be 
particularly vulnerable.

The 2007 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report 
suggested that sea levels would rise by between 19cm (7.5 inches) and 
59cm by the end of this century.

But several scientists at the Copenhagen meeting spoke of a rise of a 
metre or more, even if the world's greenhouse gas emissions were kept 
at a low level.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7977263.stm#mapClick to see a 
map showing the cities most at risk

Melting of the polar ice sheets is one of the main drivers behind the 
new estimates.

A rise of one metre will irreversibly change the geography of 
coastal areas in Latin America, Walter Vergara, the World Bank's 
lead engineer on climate change in the region, told the BBC.

For example, a one-metre rise would flood an area in coastal Guyana 
where 70% of the population and 40% of agricultural land is located. 
That would imply a major reorganisation of the country's economy.

Mr Vergara and other experts are also concerned about the effect on 
the large coastal wetlands in the Gulf of Mexico.

Rising sea levels coupled with severe storms could be devastating

These new data on sea level rises are alarming, says Arnoldo Matus 
Kramer, a researcher on climate change adaptation at Oxford 

When combined with the exponential growth of urbanisation and 
tourism along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican 
Caribbean, it is extremely worrying.

A November 2008 study by UN-Habitat on the world's cities pointed out 
that in most Caribbean island states, 50% of the population lives 
within 2km (1.2 miles) of the coast. They would be directly affected 
by sea level rise and other climate impacts.

The Bahamas, the Guyanas, Belize and Jamaica have been pin-pointed by 
the World Bank as being particularly at risk from a one-metre rise.

The coastal plains around the city of Guayaquil in Ecuador, the 
country's main economic hub, are also known to be vulnerable to a 
combination of sea level rises, storms and sea surges.

A recent study by researchers at Espol, a science institute in 
Guayaquil, suggested that even a half-metre sea level rise would put 
the storm drainage system in the southern part of the city under 
severe strain, possibly causing it to collapse.

Fishing threatened

Ecuador's lucrative fishing industry, which is a mainstay of the 
economy, would also be threatened.

A one-metre sea level rise would add another layer of threat to the 
shrimp and other fishing industries', says Espol's Pilar Cornejo, the 
author of a UN report on the issue.

According to a recent World Bank study of more than 80 developing 
countries, Ecuador features among the top 10 countries likely to be 
most affected by sea level rise when calculated as a percentage of 
its GDP.

Argentina, Mexico and Jamaica also appear in the top 10 when measured 
by the impact of a one-metre rise on agricultural lands.

Scientists stress that uncertainties remain about future sea level 
rises, including the behaviour of the giant polar ice sheets, the 
time span over which rises will take place, and their interaction 
with existing coastal conditions.

Communities dependent on fishing are vulnerable to sea level changes

Another factor is the effect global warming will have on Amoc - the 
giant circulation of the Atlantic whereby warm sea water flows 
northwards in the upper ocean and cold sea water goes southwards in 
the deeper ocean.

New research led by Dr Jianjun Yin at Florida State University 
suggests that whereas South American coastal cities are not at threat 
this century from an extra sea level rise caused by Amoc, New York 
City and the state of Florida are.

New York would see an additional rise of about 20cm (7.8in) above the 
global mean due to Amoc by the turn of the century, according to Dr 
Yin's research published this year in the journal, Nature Geoscience. 
Florida would experience less than 10cm (3.9in).

A one-metre rise could be a disaster for parts of Florida, 
particularly in the southern part of the state, Dr Yin told the BBC.

Sea level rise superimposed on hurricane vulnerability makes for a 
very worrying situation.

Mr Vergara is not 

[MCM] 7 steps to feed the planet (and beat back the agribusiness giants)

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Food Rebellions: 7 Steps to Solving the Food Crisis

Resistance to the trade and 'aid' policies that displace farmers and 
increase hunger.

By Eric Holt-Gimenez


April 16, 2009, YES! Magazine The World Food Program
describes the current global food crisis as a silent tsunami,
with billions of people going hungry. Hunger is, indeed,
coming in waves, but not everyone will drown in famine. The
recurrent food crises are making a handful of corporations
very rich-even as they put the rest of the planet at risk.

Built over half a century, largely with public grain
subsidies and foreign aid, the global food-industrial complex
is made up of large corporations that sell grain, seed,
chemicals, and fertilizer, along with global supermarket
chains and food processors.

When these players first came on the scene, world agriculture
was different. Forty years ago, the global South had yearly
agricultural trade surpluses of $1 billion. After three
Development Decades, they were importing $11 billion a year
in food. Immediately following de-colonization in the 1960s,
Africa exported $1.3 billion in food a year. Today it imports
25 percent of its food.

International trade agreements and pressure from the global
North opened up entire continents to cheap, subsidized grain
from the North. This put local farmers out of business,
devastated local crop diversity, and consolidated control of
the world's food system in the hands of multinational
corporations. Today three companies, Archer Daniels Midland
(ADM), Cargill, and Bunge control 90 percent of the world's
grain trade.

The official prescriptions for solving the world food crisis
call for more subsidies for industrialized nations, more food
aid, and more so-called Green (or Gene) Revolutions.
Expecting the institutions that built the current flawed food
system to solve the food crisis is like asking an arsonist to
put out a forest fire. When the world food crisis exploded in
early 2008, ADM's profits increased by 38 percent, Cargill's
by 128 percent, and Mosaic Fertilizer (a Cargill subsidiary)
by a whopping 1,615 percent!

For decades, family farmers the world over have resisted this
corporate control. They have worked to diversify crops,
protect soil and native seeds, and conserve nature. They have
established local gardens, businesses, and community-based
food systems. These strategies are effective. They need to be
given a chance to work.

The solutions to the food crisis are those that make the
lives of family farmers easier: re-regulate the market,
reduce the power of the agri-foods industrial complex, and
build ecologically resilient family agriculture. Here are
some of the needed steps:

1.Support domestic food production.

2.Stabilize and guarantee fair prices to farmers and
consumers by re-establishing floor prices and publicly owned
national grain reserves. Establish living wages for workers
on farms, in processing facilities, and in supermarkets.

3.Halt agrofuels expansion.

4.Curb speculation in food.

5.Promote a return to smallholder farming. On a pound-per-
acre basis, family farms are more productive than large-scale
industrial farms. And they use less oil. Because 75 percent
of the world's poor are farmers, this will address poverty,

6.Support agro-ecological production.

7.Food sovereignty: Recognize the right of all people to
healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through
ecologically sound methods and their own food systems.

The political will to take these steps must come from
informed social movements. These movements already exist, and
are gaining strength in the face of the food crisis. Together
we can fix the food system and solve the food crisis once and
for all.

[Eric Holt-Gimenez wrote this article as part of Food for
Everyone, the Spring 2009 issue of YES! Magazine. Eric is
executive director of Food First. This article was adapted
from 'The World Food Crisis.' Find the full-length version at


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[MCM] ImpeachBybee.org

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller


HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

The New York Times finally 
http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41835wants somebody 
impeached and it's Jay Bybee.

A Spanish judge is 
http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41807seeking an indictment 
of Jay Bybee.

Jay Bybee's legal memos were thrown out by the Bush administration.

Jay Bybee http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/41784signed memos 
authorizing torture.

Jay Bybee is a federal judge with a lifetime appointment.

Lawyers have been held accountable for the crime of pretending to 
legalize crimes before, see: 
v. Joseph Altstoetter.

Any act complicit in torture is a felony under US law.

Every single crime is in the past. Looking forward means looking 
forward to a world in which abuse and criminality cannot be deterred.

HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

I was following orders is a Nazi excuse. CIA employees are 
civilians and don't get orders.

I was following lawyers' advice could permit absolutely anything 
because there is nothing a lawyer cannot be paid to say is legal.

The advice came after the torture began and the torture was never 
limited to the approved techniques.

Secret laws produced as royal decrees are not laws at all, but their 
drafting can be a crime, and in the case of Bybee's memos violated 
the Convention Against Torture.

HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

We can restore power to Congress AND begin to deter future abuses 
through one absolutely necessary action.

HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

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[MCM] John McTiernan indicted

2009-04-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Yes, the one whose documentary, The Political Prosecutions of Karl 
Rove, is out there blowing many minds.


'Die Hard' director indicted in wiretaps case
April 17, 2009, 11:56 PM EST


LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A federal grand jury on Friday indicted a 
Hollywood director who had withdrawn a guilty plea to a charge 
accusing him of lying to federal agents investigating a celebrity 
wiretapping case.

John McTiernan, who directed Die Hard and Predator, was indicted 
on two counts of making false statements to the FBI about private 
investigator Anthony Pellicano and one count of perjury for allegedly 
lying to a federal judge while trying to withdraw his guilty plea.

His attorney, S. Todd Neal, said the indictment is really nothing 
new and promised to rigorously defend his client.

The prosecutor has taken one count and tried to expand it into more 
charges in a new indictment, he said. There seems to be retribution 
because John refused to play ball the way the prosecutors wanted and 
because we were successful on appeal.

McTiernan pleaded guilty in 2006 to making knowingly false 
statements to an FBI agent about Pellicano, whom he admitted hiring 
to wiretap a business associate.

But before he was sentenced, McTiernan asked the judge to withdraw 
his plea, arguing he didn't have adequate legal representation, was 
jet-lagged and under the influence of alcohol when he pleaded guilty.

The judge refused so McTiernan, 58, appealed to the 9th U.S. Circuit 
Court of Appeals, which vacated his four-month sentence and ruled 
that he was entitled to a hearing on whether he could withdraw his 

In February, he was allowed to reverse his plea.

Pellicano was convicted last year of wiretapping film producer 
Charles Roven for McTiernan and bugging phones of celebrities and 
others to get information for his clients. He was sentenced to 15 
years in federal prison.
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[MCM] Bureau of Prisons answers to AG Holder

2009-04-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
So there's no way he could not have overruled them, and allowed Paul 
Minor to attend his
wife's funeral.


From: Jill Simpson [mailto:djsimpson...@yahoo.com]

I wanted your readers to know that the DOJ chain of command directly 
places AG Holder over
the head of the Bureau of Prisons.  You can check this out at the DOJ website.

Folks don't buy that Mr Holder couldn't have picked up the telephone 
and let Mr Minor go to the funeral. He could have, and that is why he 
remained silent. In fact, the buck stops with him.

I discovered the DOJ chain of command chart when they were jerking 
Don Siegelman around,
flying him from here to there. AG Holder just needs to come out and 
admit he ain't going to do anything to help Paul Minor, Gov. 
Siegelman,  Mr Teal or Mr. Scrushy. He should admit that
the only folks he has helped has been Republican phone-jammer James 
Tobin and Republican Senator Ted Stevens.

Amazingly, Holder found the time to respond to their pleas for help 
but not to answer calls from
Democrats who put his boss in office.   One has to wonder what kind 
of file Karl Rove has on Holder, since it was recently reported by 
the press that Karl keeps files even on his GOP allies.


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[MCM] US Marine arrested at Logan Airport

2009-04-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
US Marine arrested at Logan

By John C. Drake, Globe Staff


A US Marine was arrested today at Logan International Airport after 
federal airport screeners discovered a gun, bomb-making materials, 
and ammunition in his checked baggage, State Police and 
Transportation Security Administration officials said.

Corporal Justin Reed, 22, of Jacksonville, N.C., was booked on US 
Airways Flight 877 to Charlotte, N.C., said TSA spokeswoman Ann 
Davis. She said Reed had arrived on a flight from Las Vegas this 

TSA screeners in Terminal B called State Police at 7:10 a.m. after a 
screen discovered the following items in his checked baggage: a 
locked handgun box containing a semi-automatic handgun, a fully 
loaded gun magazine, several boxes of 9 mm and 7.62 mm ammunition, 
three model rocket engines containing an explosive mixture, military 
pull-type fuses, switches, electronics kit boxes with various 
components, and a hand grenade fuse assembly with detonator.

Reed was charged with possession of an infernal machine and 
possession of a concealed weapon in a secure area of an airport. He 
was booked at the State Police barracks at Logan and held in lieu of 
$50,000 bail. He will be arraigned at East Boston Municipal Court on 

Davis said it is legal to have a firearm in checked baggage but that 
it must be declared to security officials. The passenger in this case 
had not declared the weapon, she said. Davis said all checked baggage 
on domestic flights is required to be screened by TSA on originating 

Reed's bags had to be screened again at Logan because baggage 
handlers inadvertently routed them to baggage claim instead of onto 
his connecting flight to Charlotte. Typically bags are not rescreened 
during a layover, she said.

Davis said TSA was actively investigating why the gun and explosive 
materials were not detected during the screening in Las Vegas.

*   *   *   *   *

TV news report from Charlotte:
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[MCM] It's official: Bush et al. will NOT be prosecuted

2009-04-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
So it's also official:

Barack Obama is no Lincoln. He's a Ford.


It's official: No U.S. prosecution of Bush officials


Bad news for anyone hoping that President Obama might still be open 
to the possibility of prosecution of high-level Bush officials: It 
ain't gonna happen.

That much was close to being certain before the torture memos were 
released Thursday. But the statement from Obama released with those 
shocking memos included this sentence: In releasing these memos, it 
is our intention to assure those who carried out their duties relying 
in good faith upon legal advice from the Department of Justice that 
they will not be subject to prosecution.

By singling out CIA interrogators to assure them they will not be 
subject to federal prosecution, I thought perhaps he was leaving room 
for future prosecution of higher ups. Given that he released such 
explosive materials almost without redactions, I thought perhaps he 
might allow himself to be influenced by shifting popular sentiment.

Nope: Obama's right-hand man, chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, explicitly 
rejected that possibility this morning on ABC's This Week. Emanuel 
said that the president believes Bush officials should not be 
prosecuted either and that's not the place that we go. Not that that 
should surprise anyone: Obama said as much from almost his first day 
in office, when he told reporters he wasn't interested in a proposed 
Capitol Hill truth commission.

That commission, of course, still hasn't happened, as our elected 
representatives reach across the aisle to block any prosecution 

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina: I think it would 
be disaster to go back and try to prosecute a lawyer for giving legal 
advice that you disagreed with to a former president.

Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri: I don't think we want 
to look in the rearview mirror.
It ain't gonna happen.

-Jeremy Gantz
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[MCM] Is this the moment for a Special Prosecutor? (Elizabeth de la Vega)

2009-04-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.truthout.org/042009ROf Black Holes and Radio Silence

Monday 20 April 2009

by: Elizabeth de la Vega, t r u t h o u t | Perspective


(Photo: Jim Young / Reuters)

 A former prosecutor examines the special prosecutor debate.

 There is no doubt that sometime in 2002 - if not before - Bush 
administration officials and their lawyers began orchestrating a 
torture campaign, which they calculatedly attempted to justify 
through specious legal memos. They continued to abuse prisoners, and 
to conceal that mistreatment from Congress and the public, through at 
least 2008. In all of this conduct, they have committed grave crimes 
for which they must be held accountable. I believe this to be a 
national imperative of the highest order. I have pored over every 
available book and report about torture, disturbing as they are, and 
I have read the lurid facts and twisted legal reasoning laid out in 
the Office of Legal Counsel torture memos just released by the White 
House. I am increasingly outraged by the day, disgusted by years of 
inaction, and impatient for results. Consequently, I would like 
nothing more than to join with so many friends and associates whom I 
respect in calling for immediate appointment of a special prosecutor.

 Unfortunately, however, I can't do it. Not yet. We must have a 
prosecution eventually, but we are not legally required to publicly 
initiate it now and we should not, as justifiable as it is. I'm not 
concerned about political fallout. What's good or bad for either 
party has no legitimate place in this calculus. My sole consideration 
is litigation strategy: I want us to succeed. And our best hope of 
doing that is to unflinchingly assess - just as any lawyer would do 
when contemplating choices of action in a case - what we would have 
tomorrow if we got what we think we want today. We should obviously 
think twice about pursuing an intermediate goal, however satisfying 
it may appear, if it would be counterproductive in the long term. 
There are times when it's smarter to wait before taking a prosecutive 
step and this is one of them.

 I know that what I have to say may not be popular, but the stakes 
here are too high to ignore bad facts - i.e., those that might run 
counter to our position or the course we've decided to take. So, it's 
better, I think, for me to tell you what I know to be true about 
grand jury investigations and the requisites of preparing a criminal 
case for indictment and trial - even though you might not like to 
hear it. Then you can make this assessment yourselves.

 First, the bottom line: From the perspective of anyone who wants 
Bush and Cheney and their top aides to be held accountable for their 
crimes, the designation of some sort of independent prosecutor right 
now would be the worst possible eventuality. It's a move that has so 
many downsides - and holds so few real benefits - that I would be 
more inclined to question President Obama's motives if he appointed a 
special prosecutor than if he did not. There is a reason why former 
prosecutor Arlen Specter - a Republican senator from Pennsylvania - 
has voiced support for a special prosecutor, while former prosecutors 
Patrick Leahy and Sheldon Whitehouse - Democratic senators from 
Vermont and Rhode Island, respectively - would prefer a public 

 What is it? Well, for starters, there is - under currently 
available US law - no such thing as a truly independent prosecutor. 
There has not been since 1999, when the independent counsel statute 
expired. Accordingly, regardless of the title given this individual - 
and whether she were tapped from inside or outside the Justice 
Department - this appointee would, at a minimum, be required to 
follow internal DOJ policies and her delegated authority could be 
revoked at any time. (The regulations that authorize appointing a 
non-DOJ attorney as special counsel - found at 28 C.F.R. Part 600 
et. seq - actually make possible substantially more attorney general 
oversight into prosecutorial decisions.)

 Under existing federal law, in other words, the notion of a 
special prosecutor who would be entirely free from political and 
institutional influence is illusory. Given that fact - and that it is 
ordinarily an extremely dumb, not to mention unethical, idea to 
announce investigations - when an administration does announce that 
it is naming a special counsel of any sort, it is largely a 
public-relations maneuver. The president thereby appears to be 
committed to the rule of law, but is, in fact, parking an extremely 
inconvenient problem in a remote and inaccessible lot.

 Once this happens, all who wish to avoid the issue have a ready 
excuse. The president can refuse to comment because there is an 
ongoing criminal investigation. (Remember Bush's press person, Scott 
McClennan?) And members of Congress from either party can look the 
other way, because - again 

[MCM] Thom Hartmann: Call Holder NOW and tell him to dump Leura Canary

2009-04-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
She's STILL US Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, and a key player
in the railroading of Don Siegelman:




She's operates from deep inside the pocket of Karl Rove, and should therefore
be out of that position.


From: MARILYN NOYES [mailto:marno...@msn.com]

Thom Hartmann opened his show this morning (4/21/09) saying that 
people should back off calling Holder's office on the torture issue 
for the time being, and that we should be calling to ask Holder to 
remove Leura Canary from her position now.  We should ask that all 
the Bush-appointed U.S. attorneys should be removed from office.  And 
we should ask for the charges against Don Siegelman should be 
dropped.  He said that Eric Holder is a good guy and that we should 
be polite and respectful when we call.  He gave out the phone number: 
202-514-2001  Thom said that Don Siegelman's case is the one that can 
most substantially lead to the prosecution of Karl Rove.

I'm sure I didn't get this down quite accurately, because I was 
trying to listen to the program, type, think and remember, all at the 
same time.  That's too many tasks for me to juggle at once.  LOL

But you get the idea.  Bravo, Thom!

Now he's talking about the spying on Jane Harman and asking how many 
Congressmen and Senators were blackmailed by the Bush 
Administration.  I swear, I feel like I died and went to heaven.  It 
feels like things are coming to a head in this country.  FINALLY!!! 

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[MCM] David Swanson responds to Elizabeth de la Vega

2009-04-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

Response to Elizabeth de la Vega: Disagreement with a Friend and a Hero
By David Swanson

1. If we do not extend the statutes of limitations, the careful and 
considered delay will be immunity

2. The Senate as a whole will never ever approve any useful 
investigation except in committees, but
it might convict following an impeachment that changes public awareness

3. Congressional hearings produce relatively little

4. Congress should extend the statutes of limitations, bust the media 
monopolies to produce more reporting, and reissue and enforce the 
outstanding subpoenas into which lots of careful work went over the 
past 2 years

5. Leahy joined the DOJ in pushing a commission as a substitute, not 
as a first step, and anything
like that begun before a special prosecutor is begun will be treated 
as a substitute

6. Impeaching Bybee should begin at once

7. A House select committee looking into restoring Congressional 
power and restricting
presidential should begin at once or after a prosecution begins, but 
Conyers' or Leahy's proposal
for a commission created by both houses will not go anywhere.

8. House and Senate committees should hold hearings, including to 
reissue all the outstanding subpeonas.

9. I just don't want a hearing begun that is seen as a substitute for 
enforcing laws, and I don't see
an argument for delaying enforcing laws.

10. Betsy knows the law and means well and I'm open to being 
convinced by her, but haven't been yet. And I won't be unless the 
problem of statutes of limitations is addressed at a minimum.

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[MCM] Change the World revisited

2009-04-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
It sad how much this still rocks.



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[MCM] Coleman files appeal with MN Supreme Court ( more from DVN)

2009-04-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

 From John Gideon:

In today's news we have one of the many articles reporting that Norm 
Coleman has filed an appeal of his court loss with the Minnesota 
state Supreme Court. Will this be the final step before the state 
finally has a second Senator?

We've also got a lot more on the voter suppression bill before the 
Florida legislature. The governor has now said he is not happy with 
the bill. He wouldn't use the V word but he came awful close.

National: Voting machine expert criticizes clueless industry report

AL: House OKs bill allowing overseas Internet voting

CA: Press Release - Secretary of State Debra Bowen Announces 
Vote-By-Mail Ballots Available for May 19 Special Election

FL: Voting Rights for the Elderly, and Much More, Now Under Fire by 
Florida Republicans

FL: Election activists say bill in Florida Legislature is bad news

FL: Bill would make voting difficult, Dems say

FL: Crist doesn't like elections bill

FL: Letter To Governor From Mayor of Tampa

MD: Frederick - City Notes - A democratic dilemma

MN: State Effort Matters in Protecting Military Ballots

MN: Coleman files Senate appeal with state Supreme Court

NC: Cumberland County - Inside Politics: Cumberland purges 20,000 voters

PA: Allegheny County - Canvas Reports
Activists say county must test more voting machines

TN: Sullivan County - Election Chief: No Worries for May Balloting

TX: Photo ID bill must be OK'd by federal officials
Under Voting Rights Act, US Attorney General will advise Legislature on bill

**Articles and commentary included in Daily Voting News may not all 
reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. 
The articles are all included for the information of the subscribers 
of Daily Voting News though we realize that the subscribers may not 
agree with the opinions given in all articles or in the commentary**

If you receive Daily Voting News directly from John Gideon and 
VotersUnite and wish to unsubscribe, please send an email to 
jgid...@votersunite.org requesting that you be removed from 
circulation. If you get the email forwarded from someone else you 
must contact them to be unsubscribed.

John Gideon
Co-Executive Director

To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy. The Creekside DeclarationMarch 22, 2008

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[MCM] Bush torture team's Nazi defense: Andrew Sullivan

2009-04-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Case Of Richard Wilhelm Hermann Bruns, Et Al.

Andrew Sullivan


Longtime Dish readers will know what I'm 
referring to. It is a famous war crime 
prosecution against Nazi officers in occupied 
Norway, and the trial took place in 1946. The men 
were accused of using enhanced interrogation 
techniques - or in the original German 
Vernehmung - against captives. The Dish's first 
coverage of this case can be read 
The online account of the trial can be found 
Two things are worth noting. The first is the 
Nazi definition of the term enhanced 
interrogation. Here's the formal description:

Notice how the Nazis ensured that doctors were 
present at all times so that they could monitor 
the captives' response to torture and make sure 
they didn't die or suffer visible permanent 
injuries that could embarrass the regime in 
public (see the Bradbury and Bybee memos for the 
Bush equivalent). Notice the careful measurement 
of how many times someone can be beaten (another 
Cheney innovation). And notice that we are not 
talking about waterboarding - something even the 
Nazis excluded from their enhanced 
interrogation methods. In the case of Bruns, et 
al., this translated to 

On 19th December, 1942, Bruns was present at the 
interrogation of a sick Norwegian. Leg screws 
were fastened to his legs and he was beaten with 
various implements. Later he was thrown 
unconscious into a cellar, where he remained for 
four days before receiving medical attention.

Between 1942 and 1945, Bruns used the method of 
verschärfte Vernehmung on 11 Norwegian 
citizens. This method involved the use of various 
implements of torture, cold baths and blows and 
kicks in the face and all over the body. Most of 
the prisoners suffered for a considerable time 
from the injuries received during those 

Between 1942 and 1945, Schubert gave 14 Norwegian 
prisoners verschärfte Vernehmung, using various 
instruments of torture and hitting them in the 
face and over the body. Many of the prisoners 
suffered for a considerable time from the effects 
of injuries they received.

So you have the abuse of someone with a 
pre-existing injury (Zubaydah), neglect of 
prisoners (ubiquitous at Bagram, Abu Ghraib and 
testified to by FBI agents at Gitmo), measured 
beatings, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, 
and hypothermia or cold baths (also documented in 
the Bybee and Bradbury memos and the ICRC 
report). Now check out the defense against the 
charge of war crimes:

All three defendants appealed to the Supreme 
Court. Their appeal was based on the following 
arguments :

(a) That the acts of torture which the defendants 
had committed were permitted under International 
Law as reprisals against the illegal Military 
Organisation whose activities were at variance 
with International Law.

(b) That the acts were carried out on superior 
orders and that the defendants acted under duress.

(c) That the acts of torture in no case resulted 
in death. Most of the injuries inflicted were 
slight and did not result in permanent 

Do these defenses sound familiar? They failed in 
court. And while modern Americans debate whether 
we can even use the word 'torture' with respect 
to these techniques, previous generations, closer 
to the reality of war and torture than we are, 
had no qualms.

The punishment for these crimes was the death penalty.


Liz Rich

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. 
yours in just 2 easy steps!
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[MCM] More on facebook

2009-04-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Danielle Holke:

The other thing people should know: when you deactivate your account, 
the data remains.

You need to make a request to delete the account:


I've had friends who've deactivated their accounts, thinking they 
deleted them, only to
discover months later that their legacy data was still within the 
Facebook system.

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[MCM] It's not just Facebook

2009-04-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Robert Glenn Plotner:

It's *all* being aggregated. Not just Facebook. The entire internet 
(and beyond). Search engines like Google crawl everything, *even our 
personal websites,* the data mined. And if Google can do it that 
easily, you know that Big Brother goes even further. Facebook's 
primary reason for doing this is to serve targeted (read more 
profitable) advertising. I don't know that on the scale of things 
that it harms me if FB sees that I'm a fan of Van Morrison and serves 
me an ad for tickets. I also don't understand how the government 
could use that against me. Surely, they already know I've been a 
member of Greenpeace for 25 years without FB's help.

However, the link between tracking and marketing is more questionable 
when it comes to the political as it allows both the Republicans 
(VoterVault) and the Democrats (VoteBuilder) to target voters. That 
robocall and that piece of propaganda mailing you received was likely 
precisely targeted by what they know about you via hundreds of 
demographics. In other words, you are expressly made a patsy, told 
only specific information/disinformation in such a way to create a 
psychological/emotional reaction against the idea or opponent they 
want defeated.

To take that one step further, such methods when applied by precinct 
could easily serve as a technological roadmap for election tampering, 
rigging, suppression. My bet is that this has already happened. But 
it's not just internet activity. It's every purchase you make with 
your bank card. Your magazine subscriptions. Your group affiliations. 
Your charitable contributions. Your coupon usage. Yep, NewsCorp owns 
SmartSource, the maker of the coupon inserts that arrive in your 
Sunday paper. Any idea why?


- Original Message -
From: mailto:mark.mil...@nyu.eduMark Crispin Miller
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 8:54 AM
Subject: [MCM] More on facebook

 From Danielle Holke:

The other thing people should know: when you deactivate your account, 
the data remains.

You need to make a request to delete the account:


I've had friends who've deactivated their accounts, thinking they 
deleted them, only to
discover months later that their legacy data was still within the 
Facebook system.


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[MCM] Marcy Winograd on Harman/AIPAC

2009-04-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Harman's Wiretap Woes and the AIPAC Cabal
by Marcy Winograd

How ironic that I made my decision to challenge 
Jane Harman in 2006 after watching her Meet the 
Press interview in which she lambasted the New 
York Times for breaking the story about the Bush 
administration's massive illegal wiretapping. 
Oh my God, I told my husband, who was doing 
Sunday sit-ups in front of the television set, 
this woman needs to be challenged -- on the 
wiretaps, on the war, and on her collusion with 
the Bush mob. 

By the time I poured my coffee and grabbed my 
cell phone, I was off and running, campaigning as 
an insurgent Democratic Party peace candidate in 
the 36th congressional district.

Now we see another page in the script, if we 
believe reporter Jeff Stein that Harman's 
sycophantic defense of the FISA violations was 
part of the deal: She, in return for 
then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' help in 
halting an FBI investigation, would do her best 
to defend and deflect attention from the illegal 
wiretaps.  The fact that Harman, herself, was 
wiretapped, perhaps with good reason, is simply 
serendipitous poetry.

And now it gets interesting.  Will the Democratic 
Party establishment ignore this latest 
development in a longstanding corruption scandal? 
With Harman's next primary more than a year away, 
ignoring her quid-pro-quo may seem to be a viable 
strategy.  But if ignoring it doesn't work, then 
the party establishment may need to distract 
people with something even more insidious than a 
Democratic Party congresswoman in bed with agents 
of a foreign power.  Diverting attention 
elsewhere could make establishment Democrats do 
something they have been reluctant to do -- 
prosecute the Bush administration torturers, 
shine the spotlight on those who gave the orders 
and provided legal cover to waterboard and more. 
This is the kind of cover a progressive Democrat 
could relish. 

Since the Harman-AIPAC story broke - again -- 
friends and bloggers, including members of the 
Progressive Democrats of America have emailed me, 
asking, Will you run again in 2010?  My 
response has been, Or sooner?  (Politicians, 
even grassroots activists like myself, know how 
to answer a tough question with a question.) 
Whether Harman and the Democratic establishment 
can stand this heat, this pall, remains to be
seen, though I wouldn't be surprised if a special 
election snuck up on us before 2010.

The best part about this story is not what we 
know, but what we don't know, the questions that 
beg to be answered.

Who was going to lobby House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 
to make Harman the Chair of the Intelligence 
Committee?   Maybe a moneyed bundler or perhaps 
even a congressperson connected to AIPAC, a 
true-believer in Israel, someone who would never 
raise a question about illegal Israeli 
settlements, home demolitions, 1948 massacres of 
Palestinian villages, or Israeli occupations of 

Right after the 2006 primary, Israel invaded 
Lebanon.  As the Israeli bombs turned Lebanese 
neighborhoods into blood-filled craters,  Harman 
went on television to justify the invasion. 
Never mind the carpet bombing.

Days later, after I, together with LA Jews for 
Peace, organized demonstrations in front of the 
Israeli consulate, Harman invited me and a dozen 
others who worked on my campaign to meet with her 
in her office.  I begged her, literally begged 
her, to call for a cease-fire in the middle east. 
She wouldn't hear of it and drew back when I 
suggested she at least talk to members of 
Americans for Peace Now, an American offshoot of 
an Israeli peace group.

Was Harman a true believer in Israel and AIPAC or 
was she caught up in a script that had spun out 
of control?

Hard to say -- given the fact that so many of our 
Los Angeles-area law makers, from Howard Berman, 
Chair of the powerful House Foreign Affairs 
Committee, to Henry Waxman, Chair of the House 
Energy Committee, have yet to raise a critical 
question about Israel's use of white phosphorous 
and DIME explosives weapons in the open-air 
prison of Gaza.

As much as this story is about Harman, about her 
collusion with a Bush administration bent on 
breaking the law, it is also about the pernicious 
influence wielded in Washington by lobbyists for 
a foreign government.  Israel.

Let us remind Harman and the rest of Congress 
that they represent the people of the United 
States of America. 

Marcy Winograd,
Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles
LA Chapter of Progressive Democrats of America


The Harman-AIPAC Story: A Timeline (tpm)
Roth - April 20, 2009, 5:29PM
story, about a wiretap that picked up Rep. Jane 
Harman (D-CA) discussing the AIPAC spying case 
with a 

[MCM] Struggling US cities using private guards

2009-04-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Cash-Strapped Cities Try Private Guards Over Police
Oakland, Facing Pressure to Crack Down on Crime, Is Among Towns 
Seeking to Improve Safety While Reducing Spending



OAKLAND, Calif. -- Facing pressure to crack down on crime amid a 
record budget deficit, Oakland is joining other U.S. cities that are 
turning over more law-enforcement duties to private armed guards.

The City Council recently voted to hire International Services Inc., 
a private security agency, to patrol crime-plagued districts. While a 
few Oakland retail districts previously have pooled cash to pay for 
unarmed security services, using public funds to pay for private 
armed guards would mark a first for the city.

Hiring private guards is less expensive than hiring new officers. 
Oakland -- facing a record $80 million budget shortfall -- spends 
about 65% of its budget for police and fire services, including about 
$250,000 annually, including benefits and salary, on each police 

In contrast, for about $200,000 a year the city can contract to hire 
four private guards to patrol the troubled East Oakland district 
where four on-duty police officers were killed in March. And the 
company, not the city, is responsible for insurance for the guards.

Oakland is not alone in seeking to improve public safety while 
reining in spending. This month, the Chicago City Council, facing a 
possible $200 million budget deficit, proposed expanding the 
responsibilities of private armed security forces by authorizing them 
to write traffic citations. In New Orleans, neighborhood committees 
have sought to expand special tax incentives to pay for private 
security for neighborhood patrols.

In Oakland -- a city east of San Francisco with about 400,000 people 
-- hiring security guards is the latest nontraditional measure in its 
attempt to reduce crime. Last year, Mayor Ron Dellums announced a 
partnership with the Guardian Angels, a volunteer crime patrol 
organization, in the midst of a rash of restaurant-takeover 
robberies. The partnership disbanded after authorities apprehended 
suspects in the robberies.

Though violent crime in the city was down in the first three months 
of 2009 from a year ago, the city remains one of California's most 
violent, with 124 homicides last year and about 25 so far this year. 
Police also must deal with long-running tensions with residents: The 
killing of an unarmed man by transit police in January sparked weeks 
of protests, and two months later the four officers were killed in 
East Oakland by a parolee.

Oakland police say they consider unarmed guards acceptable, but don't 
support armed guards. People want to go with armed guards because 
they believe it's cheaper, but they lack adequate training [and] 
background checks, said spokesman Jeff Thomason. Oakland police are 
better prepared for this city's streets than a few security guards.

But some local leaders say that with a record budget deficit they 
have few options to reduce the city's violence. We need a 
cost-effective answer to the crime we are facing, said Ignacio De La 
Fuente, a City Council member representing East Oakland who has led 
the push for armed guards. He added that he is confident the security 
company's armed guards -- who will have state-certified public-safety 
training -- are up to par.

Mr. Dellums's spokesman, Paul Rose, says the mayor is concerned that 
private guards would lack proper training, putting the city at 
greater risk of lawsuits stemming from a shooting or other mishap. 
Mr. Dellums and Oakland's police union support an alternative plan, 
to be introduced Tuesday, that calls for the $200,000 dedicated for 
the private guards to be used for overtime for four police officers 
who would patrol the East Oakland area on foot.

International Services, based in Torrance, Calif., declined to 
comment for this story. The company's chief executive, Sam Karawia, 
is a reserve deputy sheriff for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's 
Department as well as the deputy director for the department's 
homeland-security-support unit.

When other U.S. cities have hired uniformed guards to patrol downtown 
districts, they most often have acted more as cleanup crews and 
neighborhood ambassadors than security officials. In the 1990s, 
retailers in crime-plagued locales began to organize business 
improvement districts, which collected fees for area enhancements, 
including hiring armed guards who functioned as backups to local 

A February study of the 30 improvement districts in the downtown Los 
Angeles region said districts with the guards register significantly 
less crime than areas without them. Conducted by the Rand Corp., a 
policy research organization based in Santa Monica, Calif., the study 
found that from 1994 to 2005, violent crime dropped on average 8% 
more compared with the rest of the city during that period.

Some areas of New Orleans 

[MCM] Barbarians get bit

2009-04-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

 From Paul Roberts:

Today I lectured at the National Defense University in Washington DC.

I was supposed to be there in person but for various reasons could 
not. We arranged to
use Skypes for a live video presentation.

At 9AM this morning (April 22), I received a call that the US 
government had shut down
all of its access systems, including video conferencing, because 
hackers had successfully
penetrated the bullet-proof Pentagon security and stolen the plans 
for the new secret F-35
jet fighter.

I did my lecture audio.

Decades ago I read Arnold Toynbee who wrote that the Romans, being 
advanced, built roads into barbarian territories, roads that the 
barbarians used to conquer Rome.

We built the Internet and electronic data base, but does the analogy 
hold?  The question is:
Who are the barbarians?  What barbarian force rivals the US in 
committing crimes against
humanity?  Who, since the Mongols, has been as destructive of 
countries and their civilian populations as the US?

Can a country as incompetent as the US afford the enemies its 
hegemonic ambitions create?

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[MCM] My Tortured Decision

2009-04-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

April 23, 2009
Op-Ed Contributor

My Tortured Decision


FOR seven years I have remained silent about the false claims 
magnifying the effectiveness of the so-called enhanced interrogation 
techniques like waterboarding. I have spoken only in closed 
government hearings, as these matters were classified. But the 
release last week of four Justice Department memos on interrogations 
allows me to shed light on the story, and on some of the lessons to 
be learned.

One of the most striking parts of the memos is the false premises on 
which they are based. The first, dated August 2002, grants 
authorization to use harsh interrogation techniques on a high-ranking 
terrorist, Abu Zubaydah, on the grounds that previous methods hadn't 
been working. The next three memos cite the successes of those 
methods as a justification for their continued use.

It is inaccurate, however, to say that Abu Zubaydah had been 
uncooperative. Along with another F.B.I. agent, and with several 
C.I.A. officers present, I questioned him from March to June 2002, 
before the harsh techniques were introduced later in August. Under 
traditional interrogation methods, he provided us with important 
actionable intelligence.

We discovered, for example, that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was the 
mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. Abu Zubaydah also told us about Jose 
Padilla, the so-called dirty bomber. This experience fit what I had 
found throughout my counterterrorism career: traditional 
interrogation techniques are successful in identifying operatives, 
uncovering plots and saving lives.

There was no actionable intelligence gained from using enhanced 
interrogation techniques on Abu Zubaydah that wasn't, or couldn't 
have been, gained from regular tactics. In addition, I saw that using 
these alternative methods on other terrorists backfired on more than 
a few occasions - all of which are still classified. The short 
sightedness behind the use of these techniques ignored the 
unreliability of the methods, the nature of the threat, the mentality 
and modus operandi of the terrorists, and due process.

Defenders of these techniques have claimed that they got Abu Zubaydah 
to give up information leading to the capture of Ramzi bin al-Shibh, 
a top aide to Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, and Mr. Padilla. This is false. 
The information that led to Mr. Shibh's capture came primarily from a 
different terrorist operative who was interviewed using traditional 
methods. As for Mr. Padilla, the dates just don't add up: the harsh 
techniques were approved in the memo of August 2002, Mr. Padilla had 
been arrested that May.

One of the worst consequences of the use of these harsh techniques 
was that it reintroduced the so-called Chinese wall between the 
C.I.A. and F.B.I., similar to the communications obstacles that 
prevented us from working together to stop the 9/11 attacks. Because 
the bureau would not employ these problematic techniques, our agents 
who knew the most about the terrorists could have no part in the 
investigation. An F.B.I. colleague of mine who knew more about Khalid 
Shaikh Mohammed than anyone in the government was not allowed to 
speak to him.

It was the right decision to release these memos, as we need the 
truth to come out. This should not be a partisan matter, because it 
is in our national security interest to regain our position as the 
world's foremost defenders of human rights. Just as important, 
releasing these memos enables us to begin the tricky process of 
finally bringing these terrorists to justice.

The debate after the release of these memos has centered on whether 
C.I.A. officials should be prosecuted for their role in harsh 
interrogation techniques. That would be a mistake. Almost all the 
agency officials I worked with on these issues were good people who 
felt as I did about the use of enhanced techniques: it is 
un-American, ineffective and harmful to our national security.

Fortunately for me, after I objected to the enhanced techniques, the 
message came through from Pat D'Amuro, an F.B.I. assistant director, 
that we don't do that, and I was pulled out of the interrogations 
by the F.B.I. director, Robert Mueller (this was documented in the 
report released last year by the Justice Department's inspector 

My C.I.A. colleagues who balked at the techniques, on the other hand, 
were instructed to continue. (It's worth noting that when reading 
between the lines of the newly released memos, it seems clear that it 
was contractors, not C.I.A. officers, who requested the use of these 

As we move forward, it's important to not allow the torture issue to 
harm the reputation, and thus the effectiveness, of the C.I.A. The 
agency is essential to our national security. We must ensure that the 
mistakes behind the use of these techniques are never repeated. We're 
making a good start: President Obama has limited interrogation 
techniques to the guidelines set in the Army Field 

[MCM] Condi OK'd torture in July '02

2009-04-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And Rummy signed off on 15 torture techniques c. three months later.
(See the NYTimes piece below.)


Rice gave early approval for CIA waterboarding, Senate report reveals

* Go-ahead in July 2002 is first known official approval
* Finding suggests greater Rice role than she admitted

MacAskill in 
Washington, http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/stephenbatesStephen 
Bates and agencies
Thursday 23 April 2009 12.27 BST

Condoleezza Rice: gave the first known official 
approval of waterboarding, Senate report claims. 
Photograph: Stefan Zaklin/EPA


Condoleezza Rice gave permission for the CIA to 
use waterboarding techniques on the alleged 
al-Qaida terrorist Abu Zubaydah as early as July 
2002, the first known official approval for the 
technique, according to a report released by the 
Senate intelligence committee yesterday.

The revelation indicates that Rice, who at the 
time was national security adviser and went on to 
be secretary of state, played a greater role than 
she admitted in written testimony last autumn.

report (pdf) also shows that dissenting legal 
views about the interrogation methods were 
brushed aside repeatedly. The mood within the 
Bush administration at the time is caught in a 
handwritten note attached to a December 2002 memo 
from Donald Rumsfeld, the then defence secretary, 
on the use of stress positions. I stand for 8-10 
hours a day. Why is standing limited to 4 hours? 
he asked.

The intelligence committee's timeline comes a day 
after the Senate armed services 
an exhaustive report detailing direct links 
between the harsh interrogation programme of the 
CIA and abuses of prisoners at the US prison 
at http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/guantanamo-bayGuantánamo 
Bay in Cuba, in Afghanistan and at Iraq's Abu 
Ghraib prison.

The latest report, which compiles legal advice 
provided by the Bush administration to the CIA, 
indicates that Rice personally conveyed the 
administration's approval for waterboarding 
Zubaydah to the then CIA director, George Tenet, 
in July 2002.

Last autumn, Rice acknowledged to the armed 
services committee only that she had attended 
meetings where the CIA interrogation request was 
discussed. She said she did not recall details. 
Within days, the justice department secretly 
approved the use of waterboarding. Zubaydah 
underwent waterboarding at least 83 times in 
August 2002.

In the years that followed, according to 
yesterday's report, there were numerous internal 
legal reviews, suggesting government lawyers were 
concerned that methods such as waterboarding 
might violate federal laws 
against http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/torturetorture and 
the US constitution. Bush administration lawyers 
continued to validate the programme, but the CIA 
voluntarily dropped the use of waterboarding 
after 2005.

The 232-page armed services committee report, the 
most detailed investigation yet into the 
background of torture, undercut the claim of the 
then deputy defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, 
that the abuse of prisoners in Iraq was the work 
of a few bad apples.

Its release yesterday added to the debate raging 
within the US after President Barack Obama, who 
regards the techniques as 
the way for possible prosecution of members of 
the Bush administration.

Carl Levin, the Democratic chairman of the 
committee, said: The paper trail on abuse leads 
to top civilian leaders, and our report connects 
the dots. The report shows a paper trail going 
from Rumsfeld to Guantánamo to Afghanistan and to 

The report says: The abuse of detainees in US 
custody cannot simply be attributed to the 
actions of a few bad apples acting on their 
own. The fact is that senior officials in 
the http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/usaUnited 
States government solicited information on how to 
use aggressive techniques, redefined the law to 
create the appearance of their legality, and 
authorised their use against detainees.

The report, the result of an 18-month inquiry, 
revealed that the administration rejected advice 
from various branches of the armed services 
against using more aggressive techniques. The 
military questioned the morality and the 
reliability of information gained.

The report condemned the techniques adopted, 
saying: Those efforts damaged our ability to 
collect accurate intelligence that could save 
lives, strengthened 

[MCM] Murder, sadism and torture: BushCo was the combo deal

2009-04-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Murder, Sadism and Torture:
The Bush Administration Was the Combo Deal

Submitted by mark karlin on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 9:57am. EditorBlog
By Mark Karlin


It's not considered politically correct -- even among the 
high-profile progressive political blogs that are now quoted by the 
D.C. Beltway corporate media -- to accuse the Bush Administration of 
murder and sadism. It's the wave now to urge an investigation of 
the torture memos and potential prosecution, but the reality that 
torture resulted in the murcers of an untold number of detainees in 
the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld Gulag is not discussed much.

That's why I wrote a BuzzFlash Editor's Blog yesterday, The Legal 
Case Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Et Al., Is Murder One, Not Just 
War Crimes. Yet, as much as I agree that the torture memo authors 
should be tried (and Judge Bybee impeached), the MSM and progressive 
Internet focus on the memos discounts and dishonors the justice that 
is necessary for those perhaps hundreds of detainees -- many of them, 
if not most of them, innocent of any actual crimes -- who were 
murdered as a result of torture.

This reminder of murder in the name of the War on Terror clearly 
makes many Americans uncomfortable.  But if one becomes a denier of 
death by torture, such as the one detailed in Taxi to the Dark 
Side, one is conceding one of the biggest right wing talking points: 
how can it be torture if no one died? The reality is that many did 
indeed die from torture, but the Bush Administration went to great 
lengths to ensure that the highest profile Al Qaeda detainees were 
not murdered, just so that they could make the case of no harm, no 

Yet, such life-saving torture precautions were not taken at 
Guantanamo, Bagram, Abu Ghraib and the many other prisons around the 
world where lower level detainees were tortured, many of whom died as 
a result or just disappeared.  This is not speculation; this is 

For 8 years, we were not only under the rule of an administration 
with reckless disregard for life (remember that hundreds of thousands 
of Iraqis have died as a result of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld initiated 
war there, as well as thousands of American soldiers), we were under 
the government of a president and senior staff who were stimulated 
by exercising power over who should live and who should die.

There is no question that George W. Bush, going back to his erotic 
thrill over setting the record for executions as Governor of Texas, 
barely conceals an inner sadistic streak that no doubt probably began 
with blowing up squirrels as a child.  And Cheney and Rumsfeld just 
regard any non-American life as cheap and expendable in pursuit of 
American control over the world's natural resources.

The Washington Post last year reported that Bush's inner circle met 
regularly in the basement of the White House and approved specific 
torture measures.  It was also reported that Bush personally viewed 
torture videotapes of at least one high profile Al Qaeda member 
before the CIA allegedly destroyed the evidence. 

Everything that is now being revealed in documented form, we pretty 
much knew before, except now we are seeing the written text.  Cheney 
was using torture not to get more information to prevent terrorist 
attacks, but to try and get a top Al Qaeda operative to recite 
Cheney's script that Osama bin Laden was connected to Saddam Hussein, 
a meme that Cheney has never stopped repeating.  Unfortunately for 
Cheney, it is not true and so he needed to waterboard a couple of 
Osama's lieutenants more than 200 times in a month in order for them 
to make up the Osama/Saddam link to get him off the hook. That's a 
War Crime, a regular crime and just plain sadistic.

Rumsfeld thought himself a Master of the Universe. With reckless 
disregard for the truth in his blathering Pentagon briefings and 
reckless disregard for life in the torture protocol he had 
distributed to all the military sites of interrogation around the 
world (along with parallel CIA guidelines), he joined his sadistic 
partners in sanctioning torture unto death.

As I noted yesterday, how quickly we have forgotten the tortured dead 
of Abu Ghraib that we saw in body bags as military and contracted 
interrogators mocked the bodies.  How quickly we have forgotten 
even the surely understimated accounts of homicides issued by the 
Pentagon.  How quickly we have forgotten the suicides by torture in 
Guantanamo.  How quickly we have forgotten people like the innocent 
Afghani taxi driver who would have been just another unknown victim 
of two days of deadly torture if not for Alex Gibney's brilliant and 
grueling documentary.

So while the blogosphere and some of the corporate media debates 
about what should happen to the attorneys who wrote up the torture 
memos, BuzzFlash wants to know when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld will be 
charged with murder?

In all likelihood 

[MCM] DC Council wants Sequoia to yield documents

2009-04-24 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
DC Council Special Committee asks judge to enforce subpoena


A special D.C. Council committee investigating 
widespread errors in two primary elections last
year asked a D.C. Superior Court judge yesterday 
to enforce a subpoena against the company that 
provides voting machines to the District.

Lawyers from Jenner  Block and Hunton  
Williams, who are representing the committee, 
argue that Sequoia Voting Systems voting machines 
failed during primary elections held on Feb. 12 
and Sept. 9, and source code and other voting 
materials will show whether sleeper glitches 
are to
blame for glaring errors. One of the errors 
mentioned in court filings are election returns 
that showed nearly 4,759 votes were cast in the 
Sept. 9 primary election in Precinct 141 even 
the precinct has only 2,388 registered voters.

Lorelie Masters, a partner at Jenner  Block 
representing the special committee, tells the BLT 
that similar errors were replicated in several 
other precincts. She adds that outside of 
Sequoia's software failing, there's no logical 
explanation for how these anomalies occurred.

On Sept. 18, the special committee slapped 
Sequoia with a subpoena to obtain documents and 
other materials, including the source code data. 
Sequoia, which has provided voting materials and 
machines to the District for over 20 years, has 
so far refused to comply with the subpoena, 
saying that the materials either aren’t relevant 
or are proprietary.

In court filings, Masters says the special 
committee has tried to reach a compromise with 
Sequoia, offering to have the source code data 
sealed under a protective order. But Sequoia 
fired back that the District must post a $20 
million bond before it would turn over source 
code data. Masters says, I've never seen 
anything like this happen before, and the special 
committee obviously did not pursue it.

The company has argued previously that the fault 
lies not with its software or equipment, but on 
some type of electrical or static discharge that 
might have taken place.

In a statement, Councilmember Mary Cheh, 
chairwoman of the Council Board of Elections and 
Ethics Investigation special committee, says 
Sequoia has no legal justification for its 

Sequoia's source code is critical to our 
investigation, Cheh says. We can[t move forward 
without it. The special committee has spoken to 
all of the people who ran the election, now we 
need to look
at the software that administered it.

In addition to Masters, the team of lawyers 
representing the special committee includes 
Jenner  Block associates Kristina Filipovich, 
Caroline Lopez, Damien Specht and Nicholas 
Stephanopoulos. Hunton  Williams has partner 
Virginia Albrecht and associates Aaron Flynn, and 
E. Carter Chandler Clements working on the case. 
Sequoia does not have a lawyer listed on the 

A spokeswoman for Sequoia was out of the office, 
and did not immediately return voicemails.

Posted by Jeff Jeffrey on April 24, 2009 at 02:57 
PM in 
Courts and Government
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[MCM] Tedisco throws in the towel

2009-04-24 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Yet another sign that the Republicans are finished.

(All the more reason to watch out for them)


April 24, 2009


TEDISCO CONCEDES, STEELE SWEATS? It took a little longer than 
expected, but Republican Jim Tedisco 
the special election in New York's 20th today, and Rep.-Elect Scott 
Murphy (D) is headed for Capitol Hill.

Murphy takes over in the seat from its previous Democratic occupant, 
Kirsten Gillibrand, whose appointment to the United States Senate set 
up the special election for this marginal district.

The election was on March 31, three and a half weeks ago, but it took 
this long to get a winner because it was so close and involved a 
lengthy process of counting and litigation of absentee ballots. Still 
not all of the ballots have been reported in, but it became very 
clear over the last few days that there was really no way Tedisco 
could have pulled it off.

Murphy's victory, while expected as the vote tallies came in, is 
nevertheless something of an upset win for Democrats. New York's 20th 
is a Republican district -- as recently as 2006, GOP voter 
registrations in the district outnumbered Democratic registrations by 
15 points -- and Republicans 
heavily to win this race. For that matter, Tedisco is a well-known 
leader in the state legislature, while Murphy only moved to the 
district three years ago.

It was, at least on paper, a race Republicans should have won. They didn't.

Which leads us to the next question: just how painful is this defeat 
for RNC Chairman Michael Steele? He not only poured a lot of money 
into this race, Steele also pointed to New York's 20th
as a race that would help turn things around for the Republican Party.

Back in January, 
boasted, That win will send a powerful signal to the rest of the 
country ... that our game is not up,

That seemed like safe bravado in January, when Tedisco looked like a 
sure thing. But that win
has become that loss. Does that mean, by Steele's reasoning, that a 
powerful signal has been sent
to the rest of the country that the Republican Party's game is up?

There were some rumors in February that a GOP defeat in this special 
election would put Michael Steele's job in jeopardy. Something to 
keep an eye on.

-mailto:sbe...@washingtonmonthly.comSteve Benen
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[MCM] Sam Seder's absentee vote also challenged by Tedisco

2009-04-24 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Tedisco's having given up the fight should not distract us from how 
dirtily he and his
party waged it, fighting tooth and nail to force a victory in the 
election to fill Kirsten
Gillibrand's House seat.

This is how he would have won--indeed, the only way he could have won.

The fact that the Republicans are over as a national party doesn't 
mean that they won't
keep on trying to win. On the contrary: They will continue trying 
to play exactly
as they've played it since 2000.


Tedisco Tries To Make Roadkill Of Sam Seder's Ballot

By http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/blogs/kleefeldEric 
Kleefeld - April 23, 2009, 5:39PM


We can now add another illustrious name to the list of absentee 
voters whose ballots in the NY-20 special election have been 
challenged by the campaign of GOP candidate Jim Tedisco: Sam Seder, 
the liberal talk-radio host with Air America!

Sam http://twitter.com/SamSeder/status/1588124171posted a message 
on Twitter yesterday: NY20th race Tedisco challenged my absentee 
ballot. 4 days before the election I was jury foreman for a trial in 
NY20th. Challenge Fail.

The Tedisco camp had previously challenged U.S. Sen. Kirsten 
Gillibrand's ballot -- the person that Tedisco is seeking to replace 
in Congress -- and now Sam is on the list, too.

The jury had served on March 26 and March 27, and Election Day was 
March 31. Since this past October, Sam has maintained a second place 
in New York City for his radio job, and voted absentee because he 
would be at work on Election Day. Other than the need to be in New 
York City for work, he has been living full-time in Columbia County.

In fact, I was able to confirm with Columbia County Democratic 
election commissioner Virginia Martin that Sam's ballot has indeed 
been challenged by the Tedisco campaign -- on the grounds that he 
does not legitimately live in the district. Martin overruled the 
challenge, while the Republican deputy commissioner sustained it, 
keeping the vote out of the count until further notice.

Sam told me that he found out through a friend of his who had 
contacted the county for the list of challenged ballots. He was 
sending out e-mails to people saying, check on this list to see if 
your name was on it, Sam said. And he was quite surprised to find 
his name on the list: I thought there was no way that my ballot was 
gonna be challenged.

Sam was none too impressed when I told him that the Tedisco campaign 
alleged that he wasn't a resident of the district. Jerks, he said. 
I mean, I could tell you I've attended far more Livingston town 
meetings than Jim Tedisco has.

He added: I just think it's ironic that this guy doesn't live in the 
20th, and he's challenging my residency.

And Sam's service on a jury should be proof enough that he's a 
resident. Columbia County commissioner of jurors Loretta Salvesvold 
could not confirm for me the circumstances of any individual juror, 
but she could explain to me the general law that eligibility for jury 
service is dependent on a person's primary residence being in that 
area -- that this is where the person spends most of their time.

An e-mail for comment to the Tedisco campaign has not been returned.

(Also, it is indeed true that Tedisco doesn't live in the district. 
However, the federal Constitution does not have a district-residency 
requirement, only a state-residency requirement. There are in fact 
House members on both sides of the aisle right now, who either don't 
live in their districts or didn't at the time when they were first 
elected -- and this number goes up significantly if we count the ones 
who really live in Washington.)
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[MCM] NYTimes editorial on Don Siegelman

2009-04-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
A great step forward by the Times. Let's use it to push Holder toward 
proper treatment
of Don's case. (Throwing out the case, and starting an investigation 
of all those who
forced it, would be proper treatment.)

And let's also use it to induce the Times to call for a thorough 
investigation of the hundreds
of selective prosecutions by Rove's DoJ.


The Siegelman Case

The New York Times
April 25, 2009


Attorney General Eric Holder's recent decision to drop all of the 
charges against Ted Stevens,
the former Republican senator from Alaska, because of prosecutorial 
misconduct raises an
important question: What about Don Siegelman? A bipartisan group of 
75 former state attorneys general has written to Mr. Holder asking 
him to take a fresh look at the former Alabama
governor's case. He should do so right away.

Mr. Siegelman was convicted in 2006 on dubious corruption charges. He 
spent nine months in
prison before being released on appeal, and he faces years more 
behind bars. He has long insisted
that the case against him was politically motivated and that 
prosecutors engaged in an array of professional and ethical 

Many aspects of the case require further scrutiny. United States 
Attorney Leura Canary is the
wife of a prominent Republican political operative who was a strong 
opponent of Mr. Siegelman.
Her office prosecuted Mr. Siegelman. Ms. Canary said that she recused 
herself from the
prosecution, but questions have been raised about whether she actually did.

Mr. Siegelman's supporters have long argued that he was targeted by 
the Justice Department
because he was Alabama's leading Democratic politician and stood a 
good chance of once again being elected governor [as he had been in 
2002: a victory that was stolen from him--MCM.]
A Republican lawyer in Alabama, Jill Simpson, has said that she heard 
Ms. Canary's husband, William Canary, say that he had discussed the 
prosecution with Karl Rove, the senior White
House political adviser.

In the case of Mr. Stevens, who was convicted of felony charges for 
failing to disclose gifts
and services, Mr. Holder was so troubled by the way the prosecution 
was carried out that he
decided to drop the case entirely.

According to the Siegelman camp, at least three of the same officials 
who have been accused
of prosecutorial misconduct in the Stevens case were involved in Mr. 
Siegelman's prosecution.
If true, this alone would seem to justify a thorough investigation of the case.
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[MCM] Jesus Killed Muhammad

2009-04-26 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here's another link to Jeff Sharlet's new Harper's piece, which I 
can't recommend
strongly enough.


This week at

We thought you might be interested in this bit of Buddha-killing:

Killed Muhammad
Jeff Sharlet
The crusade for a Christian military.

- The KtBniks

You're receiving this friendly but unsolicited message because
we thought you might be interested. You're on no list and will receive
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[MCM] Mimi Kennedy's letter to the Times, re: Don Siegelman

2009-04-26 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From: mimi kennedy
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 1:15 AM
To: mailto:lett...@nytimes.comlett...@nytimes.com

Re: Governor Don Siegelman's prosecution by Bush's Justice Dept.

As a child, I heard about writers, artists and politicians in 
Communist Russia being imprisoned and hospitalized, careers ruined, 
for false reasons, because they were considered a threat to the 
government's Party.

It can and did happen here. Don Siegelman's second term win as 
governor of Alabama was mysteriously flipped in the wee hours by a 
corrected electronic opti-scan count in a single county behind 
closed doors.  His indictment, by Rove-friendly U.S. Attorneys for 
crimes never charged against Republicans who behaved similarly, was 
followed by conviction and humiliating treatment - strip search and 
solitary confinement. The press took little notice. Rove was 
successful in disappearing a popular southern Democrat he'd 
targeted, early on, as a threat to his GOP southern strategy. This 
case is one of the worst abuses in the U.S. Attorney scandal and 
Justice Dept corruption. It must be reviewed so nothing like it can 
ever happen again.

Mimi Kennedy
Chair, Progressive Democrats of America
Van Nuys, CA   91406

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[MCM] Irish dump e-voting, go back to hand-counting paper ballots

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Irish reject e-voting, go back to paper


The Irish government has given up on e-voting and is moving back to 
paper. The cost of continuing with the failed system is too high, and 
the crisis-stricken country is too cash-strapped.

File this in the exporting democracy category, or not: a recent 
report from Europe serves as a reminder that serious problems with 
e-voting aren't just an American malady, although it's much easier to 
move back to paper ballots if your country is fairly small. Just ask 
the Irish, who have 
their decision to scrap their e-voting system and return to paper. 
Ireland has already put about $67 million into building out its 
e-voting infrastructure, but the country has apparently decided that 
it would be even more expensive to keep going with the system than it 
would be to just scrap it altogether.

In a statement, Ireland's Environment Minister John Gormely blamed 
the decision partly on the economic crisis, which has had an impact 
of nearly Icelandic proportions on the country's real estate market 
and banking system.

It is clear from consideration of the Report of the Commission on 
Electronic Voting that significant additional costs would arise to 
advance electronic voting in Ireland. This decision has been taken to 
avoid such costs, especially at a time of more challenging economic 
conditions. The financial and other resources that would be involved 
in modifying the machines in advance of implementation could not be 
justified in present circumstances, Minister Gormley said.

Ireland's decision that it can't bear the continued costs of e-voting 
is merely the latest in an ongoing string of such decisions, in which 
states like 
http://arstechnica.com/security/news/2006/12/8338.arsOhio and 
have said that it's just too expensive to limp along with what is, in 
essence, a failed, poorly planned, large-scale IT infrastructure 
deployment. Few governments that scrap their existing e-voting 
systems go all the way back to paper like Ireland, though. In the 
case of Florida, for instance, the state moved totally to optical 
scan machines (and then 
managed to screw up an election).
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[MCM] Must-read piece on the secret count in Pima County, AZ

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Dave Griscom:

I have just blogged an article by attorney Bill Risner recently 
submitted as a Letter to the Editor of
the Tucson Citizen, a daily newspaper.  Since it does not seem to 
have been published yet, I have composed my own title for it:

http://impactglassman.blogspot.com/AZ Attorney General Recounts 
Pima County RTA Ballots in Secret, Foiling Citizen Efforts to 
Determine Whether or Not this $2 Bn Initiative Was Stolen

(for future reference 

This is a beautifully written, highly expert, and very, very 
important progress report on the shaky status of honest elections in 
our United States.  Please do read it.


David L. Griscom
Residence: San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico (not mailing address)
We receive snail mail sent to the following address:
3938 E Grant Rd #131
Tucson, AZ 85712-2559
Phones in Mexico:
52 622 226 1495 (52=Mexico country code)
1 520 829 4601 (VoIP: This is a U.S. domestic call)
Blog (Politics, Economy): 
Blog (Geology): 
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[MCM] FL election bill is STILL A THREAT!

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From: mailto:kind...@comcast.netKindra Muntz:


We are not out of the woods yet.

Keep the pressure on, and get the message to 
voters in every county in Florida to call their 
State Senator and Representative to KILL the 
elections bill.

We don't want it IN ANY FORM.  We don't need it.

Find your Senator HERE:  http://www.flsenate.govhttp://www.flsenate.gov

Find your Representative HERE: 

Kindra Muntz

President, Sarasota Alliance for Fair Elections (SAFE)
Co-Founder, Florida Voters Coalition
Member, VoteTrustUSA Leaders
Member, RoundTableOnVoting

Election bill stalls during house session
-- byJames Miller


TALLAHASSEE -- An elections bill that has 
galvanized civil liberties groups and Florida 
Democrats up to U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson was left 
Friday in a sort of legislative limbo.

The House didn't take up the bill in its 
week-ending session, despite a proposed rewrite 
that eliminated many of the provisions that had 
brought together critics.

The Legislature's session is scheduled to end 
next Friday, and for the bill to have life the 
Senate must pass a version and send it to the 
House, according to the office of the House 
Republican majority.

Senate action remained a possibility, though.

I think the sooner we have a concrete bill that 
we can work with as we prepare for the 2010 
elections, the better, said Sen. Mike 
Haridopolos, a Melbourne Republican, adding that 
he planned over the weekend to look at a rewrite 
that had been discussed by House Republicans.

The original proposal was criticized for, among 
other things, prohibiting interaction with voters 
at polling places; blocking use of retirement 
center and neighborhood association 
identification cards and creating a registration 
system for people who get paid to circulate state 
ballot-initiative petitions.






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[MCM] John Gideon ailing

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Some dreadful news about John Gideon, a heroic election integrity 
activist, and the driving force
behind Daily Voting News.



Blogged by Brad Friedman on 4/27/2009 12:29PM  
News About Our Friend John Gideon...
Some troubling news came in last night concerning John Gideon, my 
friend, colleague, frequent BRAD BLOG guest blogger and the 
years-long publisher of the indispensable Daily Voting News. Allow 
me to defer to the announcement just released by Ellen Theisen, 
John's partner at VotersUnite.org...

From: Ellen Theisen
Date: Mon Apr. 27, 2009 11:18am PT
Subject: To John Gideon's friends

Our friend and colleague, John Gideon collapsed in his home on Sunday 
morning where he was discovered by his family and rushed to the 

Medical staff told me last night (Sunday) that he was in very 
critical condition. And today he remains in the ICU, with a 
preliminary diagnosis of meningitis.

Brad Friedman and I have been in regular contact with John's family, 
and I'm leaving now to go to the hospital in Seattle, which is the 
best neurological facility in the entire region.

Starting tomorrow, some of us will be taking steps to cobble together 
a perhaps somewhat truncated version of the Daily Voting News in 
order to attempt to fill his shoes until his return. But as you all 
know, they are very big shoes to fill.

Please send your good thoughts to John and his family. I will, of 
course, keep you updated as I learn anything more.

Ellen Theisen

I'll certainly do my best to keep you all up to date here on John's 
condition as things warrant and/or change.
I plan on doing my best to keep things rolling here in the interim as 
usual, as I suspect he'd like me to, and to help Ellen in getting out 
the DVN as well as possible during his absence, which we all pray 
won't be long. But thanks for your patience, in advance, if I'm 
slowed down a few steps here for a bit, as I suspect I may be, while 
doing my best to work with Ellen and John's family in support...

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[MCM] Apologists for torture just won't quit

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The tribunes of the right are standing up for torture--which Joe 
Scarborough has now
justified as an expression of rational fear, while David Frum 
asserts, against all evidence,
that we don't know whether BushCo's torture program helped ensure 
the nation's safety.



Actually, we do know that there's not a shred of evidence to back the 
claim that BushCo's
torture program helped protect the nation from another terrorist 
attack. In fact, there's evidence
suggesting that the program only sparked the regime's bogus terrorist alerts.

And there is something else we know: that torture is immoral. It's 
wrong. That's why the
Reagan DoJ rightly prosecuted a quartet of Texas cops for 
waterboarding suspects to extort confessions:

Jason Leopold | Reagan's DOJ Prosecuted Waterboarding Case

It's getting pretty tiresome listening to these people try to argue 
that the torture had some
salutary practical intention or effect. When you waterboard somebody 
over 180 times--
somebody, moreover, who had already spilled his guts under legitimate 
you're not doing it because you want to get some useful information, 
or for any other
rational reason. You're doing it because you like to do it, like to 
have it done.


April 27

Cheney should release Iraq memos, outed CIA agent's husband says
By John Byrne -- April 27, 2009
The husband of the CIA agent outed by the Bush Administration in the 
wake of the Iraq war demanded Monday that former Vice President 
Cheney release transcripts of his testimony in the CIA leak case 
after Cheney publicly called for more documents to be declassified in 
the war on terror.

Rove mocked spending on flu preparedness
By Raw Story -- April 27, 2009
Bush's Brain doesn't appear to be quite so prescient in the face of a 
potential global flu epidemic.

Iraq PM: Deadly US raid 'breach' of security pact
Agence France-Presse -- Monday April 27, 2009
BAGHDAD (AFP) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said a US raid on 
Sunday in which a policeman and a woman were shot dead was a breach 
of a landmark security pact with Washington.

Exposed: Geithner's ties to Wall St.
The New York Times -- April 26, 2009

For more go to:

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[MCM] Harper's cover story, Jesus Killed Muhammad, on newsstands tomorrow!

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller


The May 2009 issue of Harper's is arriving on
newsstands tomorrow, April 28th, 2009!

Subscribers also have instant access to this 
article at 

To view the newsstand cover, 

For Immediate Release:
April 16, 2009

Media Contact: Rabinowitz/Dorf Communications
(202) 265-3000

Harper's Magazine Cover Story: Evangelical 
Proselytization Still Rampant in U.S. Military

Under Obama Administration, Offending
Officers Continue to Serve, Promoted

ALBUQUERQUE – The May issue of Harper's Magazine 
reveals the continued practice of Christian 
evangelical proselytization in the American 
military and a lack of recourse within the Obama 
administration, according to a leading civil 
rights watchdog group prominently featured in the 
magazine's cover story.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF: 
and its founder and president Mikey Weinstein 
were profiled by Jeff Sharlet in his piece for 
Harper's Magazine, “Jesus Killed Mohammed: The 
Crusade for a Christian Military.”  Mr. Weinstein 
is the nation's leading advocate for the 
protection of individual soldiers' constitutional 
rights to religious freedom and a frequent critic 
of the U.S. military hierarchy's blind eye to 
efforts to evolve the nation's military into a 
modern day band of Christian crusaders.

“Every man and woman who joins our military 
swears an oath to protect and defend the 
Constitution of the United States and it is 
unforgiveable that many continue to dictate how, 
when and to whom a soldier can pray while in 
uniform,” said Mikey Weinstein, founder and 
president of the Military Religious Freedom 
Foundation (MRFF).  “The Harper's Magazine report 
by Jeff Sharlet exposes shocking new instances of 
bigotry and evangelical proselytization within 
our nation's military that emboldens our enemies, 
endangers our soldiers on the battlefield and 
threatens the core of our country.  Equally 
disturbing is Mr. Sharlet's revelation that 
despite President Obama's well-publicized efforts 
to show the Muslim world that this is not a war 
against Islam, numerous offending officers and 
military professionals responsible for these 
actions continue to serve in high-ranking and 
influential positions, and many of them stand to 
be promoted.”

In Mr. Sharlet's piece, Mr. Weinstein shares his 
experiences with anti-Semitism as a “doolie” at 
the U.S. Air Force Academy; his advocacy and 
legal counsel on behalf of thousands of active 
duty soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen 
afflicted from religious persecution in the line 
of duty; and his continued call for reforms 
within the Pentagon to restore the U.S. 
military's adherence to its constitutional 

Additionally, Mr. Sharlet interviewed a number of 
current and retired military officers and 
professionals on their thoughts and experiences 
regarding the protection and evasions of 
religious liberties in the military.  His report 
details a number of known and unknown instances 
of evangelical proselytization within the 
military, both domestically and in the war 

The following are examples of evangelical 
proselytization practices detailed in the 
Harper's Magazine cover story:

An Easter Sunday raid on Iraqi insurgents in 
2004.  Special Forces Officers, inspired by a 
showing of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the 
Christ, wrote the words “Jesus Killed Mohammed” 
in Arabic on their Bradley Fighting Vehicle and 
shouted the saying in both English and Arabic to 
entice Muslim soldiers into the open before 
embarking on an attack to put down the insurgency.

A meeting of an underground all-male, cadet-led 
prayer group at the U.S. Air Force Academy where 
members discuss, among other things, the 

[MCM] Shattered myths about the torture program (Scott Horton)

2009-04-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

The Stomach-Turning Truth About Bush's Torture Programs

By Scott Horton, The Daily Beast
Posted on April 28, 2009, Printed on April 28, 2009

In the space of a week, the torture debate in 
America has been suddenly transformed. The Bush 
administration left office resting its case on 
the claim it did not torture. The gruesome 
photographs from Abu Ghraib, it had said, were 
the product of a few bad apples and not of 
government policy. But the release of a series of 
grim documents has laid waste to this defense. 
The Senate Armed Services Committee's 
report-adopted with the support of leading 
Republicans senators John McCain, John Warner, 
and Lindsey Graham-has demonstrated step by step 
how abuses on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan 
had their genesis in policy choices made at the 
pinnacle of the Bush administration. A set of 
four Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel 
memoranda from the Bush era has provided a 
stomach-turning legal justification of the 
application of specific torture techniques, 
including waterboarding.

As public and Congressional calls for appointment 
of a prosecutor and the creation of a truth 
commission have proliferated, President Obama 
stepped in quickly to try to turn down the heat. 
A commission would not be helpful, he argues, and 
he has made plain his aversion to any form of 
criminal law accountability. Republicans, 
meanwhile, bristle with anger as they attempt to 
defend against the flood of new information. But, 
in the end, Obama's assumption that the torture 
debate has run its course and that the country 
can now move on, as 
pundit Peggy Noonan urged, may rest in some 
serious naïveté: Karl Rove and Dick Cheney have 
different ideas. They're convinced that Bush-era 
torture policy is a promising political product 
for a party down on its luck. Its success on the 
political stage is just one more 9/11-style 
attack away.

The latest disclosures can best be grouped in 
terms of the destruction of a series of 
long-enduring myths and the emergence of some new 

The Broken Myths

1.  Torture was connected to some rotten 
apples, mostly enlisted personnel from rural 
Appalachia who were improperly supervised.

The Senate Armed Services Committee meticulously 
documents the abuses that were chronicled at Abu 
Ghraib, Bagram Air Base, and other sites and 
links them directly to techniques that were 
approved by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld 
and other senior officials in the Bush 
administration. Even in the case of Abu Ghraib, 
it shows step-by-step how directions given by 
Rumsfeld that the harsh techniques he adopted for 
Guantánamo be imported to Iraq, specifically for 
use on high-value detainees at the Abu Ghraib 
facility. Among the 232-page report's 
conclusions: The abuse of detainees in U.S. 
custody cannot simply be attributed to the 
actions of 'a few bad apples' acting on their 
own. The fact is that senior officials in the 
United States government solicited information on 
how to use aggressive techniques, redefined the 
law to create the appearance of their legality, 
and authorized their use against detainees.

2.  The torture techniques were derived as a 
last resort, only after other techniques had 
failed and that interrogators in the field pushed 
for their use.

The report shows, however, that the effort to 
identify and seek authority to use harsh new 
techniques started shortly after 9/11-that is, in 
2001, well before there were any prisoners on 
whom they could be used. It also shows that the 
effort had its origin in the White House, 
specifically in the office of Vice President 
Cheney and involved a series of persons who had 
Cheney's confidence.

Conversely, the report and other documents 
emerging since its release shows that 
interrogators in the field raised sharp 
objections to the use of the techniques and 
steadily questioned their efficacy. The team 
dealing with one prisoner, for instance, voiced 
the view that he had already furnished all the 
evidence he was likely to produce and that 
further waterboarding would be pointless. 
Nameless higher-ups overrode their judgment. 
That group might well include Cheney, who is 
known to have maintained a sharp interest in this 
particular detainee and kept on his desk a file 
marked detainees in which he collected data 
related to the use of torture. The Senate report 
documents a series of military officers who 
raised objections against the use of torture and 
insisted that their opposition be recorded. And 
report has emerged from July 2002 (just as the 
OLC memos were being commissioned), in which the 
military's Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) 
expressly referred to the techniques which were 

[MCM] On Siegelman's case (and others), Obama has to get it right

2009-04-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From: Roger Shuler [mailto:rshuler3...@gmail.com]

Why is it critical for the Obama administration to support thorough 
investigations of the Don Siegelman case and other justice-related 
matters? Because the long-term success of the Obama presidency might 
depend on it:


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Siegelman Case: Why Obama Must Get It Right on Justice Issues

Pressure seems to be growing on the Obama administration to support 
complete investigations and accountability regarding apparent 
wrongdoing in the George W. Bush Department of Justice (DOJ).

Obama needs to be listening. The long-term success of his presidency 
might depend on it.

The New York Times on Saturday opined that Attorney General Eric 
take a fresh look at the prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don 
Siegelman. Such a review becomes even more imperative, the Times 
notes, now that Holder has asked that charges be dismissed against 
former U.S. Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) because of prosecutorial 
misconduct in his case. Wrongdoing by prosecutors probably was at 
least as grave in the Siegelman case, probably more so, the Times 
Many aspects of the case require further scrutiny. United States 
Attorney Leura Canary is the wife of a prominent Republican political 
operative who was a strong opponent of Mr. Siegelman. Her office 
prosecuted Mr. Siegelman. Ms. Canary said that she recused herself 
from the prosecution, but questions have been raised about whether 
she actually did.

Mr. Siegelman's supporters have long argued that he was targeted by 
the Justice Department because he was Alabama's leading Democratic 
politician and stood a good chance of once again being elected 
governor. A Republican lawyer in Alabama, Jill Simpson, has said that 
she heard Ms. Canary's husband, William Canary, say that he had 
discussed the prosecution with Karl Rove, the senior White House 
political adviser.

Sources say The New York Times is not just writing editorials on the 
Siegelman case. Times reporters also are checking into the curious 
relationship between two Alabama newspapers--The Birmingham News and 
the Mobile Press-Register--and prosecutors in the Siegelman case. And 
Justice Department investigators, checking into the same issue, have 
found substantial evidence of improper connections between 
prosecutors and Alabama journalists regarding the Siegelman case.

Christine Bowman, at BuzzFlash, writes that 
http://www.buzzflash.com/articles/analysis/726Holder must build on 
momentum from the recent release of Bush torture memos to conduct a 
thorough cleansing at the DOJ. Like the Times, Bowman focuses on the 
Siegelman case:
One DOJ conservative ideologue who needs to be dumped immediately is 
Canary, the US Attorney in Alabama who prosecuted and jailed 
Democratic Gov. Don Siegelman. (He's out and mounting an appeal now.) 
Thom Hartmann urged listeners to his April 21 radio show to call Eric 
Holder's office at 202-514-2001 and politely urge him to replace her.

Why is it critical that Obama pay attention to these calls for 
justice at Justice? Much of the good he is likely to accomplish in 
his presidency could go down the drain if he doesn't.

Veteran journalist Robert Parry has written that perhaps 
biggest mistake of Bill Clinton's presidency was his decision to give 
the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations free passes on 
corruption. That caused Americans to view the Reagan and Bush 
legacies in a much more favorable light than they would have if 
wrongdoing had been exposed.
In business lingo, Clinton allowed the Reagan/Bush brand to not be 
tarnished. And that led to the disastrous presidency of George W. 
Bush, which undid much of what Clinton had accomplished.

What does the Reagan/Bush brand of Republicanism stand for? It 
personifies greed, graft, corruption, income inequality, financial 
speculation, lax regulation, international cluelessness, economic 
decay, environmental degradation, and more.

Obama has said he wants to look forward and not backward. But if he 
doesn't look back and make sure wrongdoing is exposed, another 
president in the Reagan/Bush mold will come along and undo much of 
what Obama now is working to achieve.

The bottom line? If Obama doesn't get it right on justice issues, 
much of his effort in other areas is going to be wasted.

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[MCM] Times reporter seeks adults who've had to move in with their parents (email only)

2009-04-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller


I'm looking for someone to interview outside of New York and really need
your help.

According to US Census data, the high number of layoffs and unfavorable
economic conditions have forced many grown adults to move back home with
their parents, and some parents to move home with their adult children. For
a story about the ups and downs of this living arrangement, do you know
anyone who fits the bill? Or more specifically, do you know someone outside
of New York who might know someone who fits the bill? I ask because it's
been really hard for me to find people in this situation, mainly because
living quarters in NY are typically tight so this doesn't occur as often in
the Big Apple as it does elsewhere.

Thank you for forwarding this to anyone who might know someone either whose
kids have moved back home with them, or whose parents have come to live with
them. I'm not looking for young adults who move home after college because
they haven't yet found a job. Rather, the people I'm looking for are
full-fledged adults who previously established their own households, but had
to give that up due to economic circumstances.

I am reachable at the below email and phone.

Thanks so much for your help!


Julie Scelfo, Reporter
The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018-1405

  ph: (212) 556-8704
fax: (212) 556-5999

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[MCM] INN forced to halt production on Free Speech TV

2009-04-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From a donor to FSTV and INN:

FSTV Gags Independent National Newscast

The Free Speech TV network (FSTV), widely perceived as a progressive
broadcast provider, has forced its daily evening news show, International
News Net (INN), to cancel production. Now in its seventh year as a reliable
source of high-quality, in-depth daily reporting on world affairs, INN has
now been forced to halt production through a pattern of discriminatory revenue-
sharing and scheduling practices.  These include selective blocking of the
viewer donor base, discriminatory revenue-sharing, and exclusion from 
scheduling in key communities.

Both INN and its parent FSTV network are viewer-supported.  But FSTV has
now refused requests from INN, as well as major donors and guests for 
the newscast,
to be scheduled at airtimes convenient for viewers on the West Coast--where
financial support for both FSTV and INN have traditionally been strongest.

Meanwhile, FSTV has arbitrarily allowed on-air fundraising and prime 
time access for
other daily informational programs.  As a result of FSTV policies, 
unfairly favored
programs are growing disproportionately, while INN, denied the same advantages,
has faced extinction.

Ironically, FSTV has used the highly-reputed INN brand to raise 
money for itself,
but does not allow INN, its so-called broadcast partner, to make 
on-air appeals for
funding--or even to share in the revenues gained from the network's 
annual two-month
fundraising drive, to which INN has drawn many viewers.

INN believes that the world of alternative media has been severely 
harmed by FSTV's
treatment of its flagship program. Without an independent platform 
such as INN to challenge
and inform the mainstream media, countless journalists will have one 
place less to tell their
vital stories; and INN's international audience will be deprived of a 
great independent
daily global newscast.

In the recent past, I have contributed $x, to both FSTV and INN. 
Therefore, as a
donor and a citizen who wants to stay informed, I ask that FSTV made 
a good faith
effort to come to terms with INN.


Rich M

For more information, please contact:


Lenny Charles: Creator, Producer, on air 917-293-8509
Claire Brown: Interviews and guest database 310-479-9698
Val Van Cleve: news 212-431-5987
Tom Kiely: Creator, on air interviews 917-837-1211


Jon Stout FSTV general manager 303-442-8445x116
Eric Golatis FSTV program director 303-442-8445x108
Than Reader FSTV operations manager 303-442-8445x102
Ashley Seymor FSTV development 303-442-8445x128

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[MCM] FBI's new way of tracking terrorists in cyberspace

2009-04-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
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[MCM] In memory of Ken Saro-Wiwa

2009-04-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Joel Shitney:


Ken Saro-Wiwa was a writer/environmentalist, lobbying Shell Oil to 
stop polluting his part of Nigeria. The junta arrested Ken and used a 
kangaroo court to have him hanged.

This month, a court in New York will decide if Shell was at fault for 
Ken's death. But this Saturday, in partnership with our dear friends 
at PEN, Guernica brings you an event in commemoration of Ken, with 
his son and others, and moderated by our good friend Okey Ndibe.

Please forward...

May 2, 2009 | Standing Before History: Remembering Ken Saro-Wiwa

Introduction by http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/786Larry 
Siems, with http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/759Ken Wiwa, 
http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/668/prmID/1832Richard North 
Patterson, with a reading by 
http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/645Steve Connell and 
http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/680Sekou; moderated by 
http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/765Okey Ndibe

Cosponsored by 
magazine and the Martin E. Segal Theatre, The Graduate Center, CUNY

On November 10, 1995, Nigeria's military dictatorship hanged Ken 
Saro-Wiwa, one of the country's most acclaimed and popular writers 
and the leader of a grassroots environmental movement in the oil-rich 
but impoverished Niger Delta. The region still seethes with unrest 
and many of the issues Saro-Wiwa gave his life to raise will be the 
subject of a http://wiwavshell.org/resources/campaign-video/lawsuit 
opening in New York this month against oil interests for complicity 
in his murder. Join Ken Wiwa Jr. and author Richard North Patterson 
for a discussion of Ken Saro-Wiwa's literary and political legacy, 
with readings from Saro-Wiwa's work by Steve Connell and Sekou.

When: Saturday, May 2, 2009: 1-2:30 p.m.
Where: Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth 
Avenue/34th Street 
Free and open to the public


Joel Whitney
646 981 3937
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[MCM] In memory of Ken Saro-Wiwa (cleaned-up version!!)

2009-04-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Joel Whitney:


Ken Saro-Wiwa was a writer/environmentalist, lobbying Shell Oil to 
stop polluting his part of Nigeria. The junta arrested Ken and used a 
kangaroo court to have him hanged.

This month, a court in New York will decide if Shell was at fault for 
Ken's death. But this Saturday, in partnership with our dear friends 
at PEN, Guernica brings you an event in commemoration of Ken, with 
his son and others, and moderated by our good friend Okey Ndibe.

Please forward...

May 2, 2009 | Standing Before History: Remembering Ken Saro-Wiwa

Introduction by http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/786Larry 
Siems, with http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/759Ken Wiwa, 
http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/668/prmID/1832Richard North 
Patterson, with a reading by 
http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/645Steve Connell and 
http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/680Sekou; moderated by 
http://www.pen.org/author.php/prmAID/765Okey Ndibe

Cosponsored by 
magazine and the Martin E. Segal Theatre, The Graduate Center, CUNY

On November 10, 1995, Nigeria's military dictatorship hanged Ken 
Saro-Wiwa, one of the country's most acclaimed and popular writers 
and the leader of a grassroots environmental movement in the oil-rich 
but impoverished Niger Delta. The region still seethes with unrest 
and many of the issues Saro-Wiwa gave his life to raise will be the 
subject of a http://wiwavshell.org/resources/campaign-video/lawsuit 
opening in New York this month against oil interests for complicity 
in his murder. Join Ken Wiwa Jr. and author Richard North Patterson 
for a discussion of Ken Saro-Wiwa's literary and political legacy, 
with readings from Saro-Wiwa's work by Steve Connell and Sekou.

When: Saturday, May 2, 2009: 1-2:30 p.m.
Where: Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth 
Avenue/34th Street 
Free and open to the public


Joel Whitney
646 981 3937

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[MCM] Two tributes to John Gideon

2009-04-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Bo Lipari:

For John
Posted on April 28th, 2009 by bolipari


This morning I woke to the impossible news that my friend John Gideon 
was gone.  Somehow, a big, vibrant man I had seen just a few weeks 
ago, would no longer be there; a fisherman who went out each and 
every day to bring in a daily catch of information to feed the many 
depending on him would not be returning with the evening tide.

I first met John about 6 years ago when the nascent Election 
Integrity movement was just a couple of handfuls of people around the 
country beginning to connect via email. I've been trying hard to 
remember what we first talked about, and exactly how we hooked up, 
but try as I might the details are lost in time. Over the years as 
the network grew, we emailed, talked, but met in person only four 
times. In this virtual community of ours, this is the way of things - 
lots of communication, very little face time.

When he started Daily Voting News I was impressed with the simplicity 
and brilliance of the idea - a clipping service about all things 
Election Integrity. Early on I used to scour the New York State 
papers for articles, and send John anything I found for DVN. But it 
didn't take too long to realize that John was way better than I was 
at finding articles, turning up even obscure little pieces about New 
York that I missed completely. It wasn't long before I'd just wait 
for my copy of DVN to hit my Inbox to find out what was being said 
that day about New York on the web.

John was one of those rarest of persons who believe that if we are 
going to get democracy right, we've got to get elections right, and 
if we're going to get elections right, someone is going to have to 
roll up their sleeves and pitch in every single day and do the grunt 
work. John got up every single day and did the grunt work. And in 
doing so, he helped me in bigger ways than just the essential 
resources he provided. He helped me get up every morning and do my 
work, because even when I felt discouraged, even when I was dejected, 
even when I felt just too damn tired to go on, I knew over there on 
the other coast my friend John Gideon was already awake and working 
for democracy.

Mortality bites, leaving us with memories, regrets and wishes. I last 
saw John just a few weeks ago at a conference in Seattle. At the end 
of the conference I went over to him to say goodbye, but I was 
hurrying to get outside to take pictures before the good light faded, 
so I just gave him a pat on the back, and a handshake, and joked that 
I'd see him next year. Now I regret that I didn't forget about the 
damn camera and had stopped to talk with him a bit, had given him a 
big hug, had told him how much he inspired me, and how much he had 
done for us and how much we all needed him. But I didn't, I just said 
goodbye and left.

Tomorrow I'll get up and go on with this work. Today, I need to 
grieve for John Gideon, my colleague, my provider, my friend. Goodbye 
John, you left us too soon, we mourn your loss.

 From Bev Harris:

John Gideon: 1947-2009 - Loss of a giant voice in election integrity

One of the nation's leading election integrity watchdogs, John 
Gideon, 62, passed away Monday April 27. Gideon was editor of the 
very widely distributed Daily Voting News, featured on Bradblog. 
Together with Ellen Theisen, he co-founded the prominent election 
integrity Web site VotersUnite.org. In the early days of Black Box 
Voting, John Gideon played an important role by corresponding with 
each and every new member in our forums. He also helped assist 
VerifiedVoting.org when it was a fledgling organization.

He succumbed rather suddenly to bacterial meningitis. He passed away 
with his family by his side.

John Gideon earned a reputation for painstaking accuracy. He 
developed a breadth of knowledge about certification processes and 
all major voting machines. Yet more impressive (for some of us 
middle-aged folk), he had an amazing ability to remember details 
whenever needed, synthesizing knowledge from thousands of articles, 
research papers and visits.

Always courteous, he was respected by election officials, 
secretaries of state, voting rights attorneys, and the often-raucous 
grass roots election reform community. Gideon was consistently 
intellectually honest, demonstrating the ability to consider new 
ideas and rethink old ways, whether or not it was popular. Once he 
latched onto key concepts for election transparency, he held onto 
them with the stubbornness and backbone required of great patriots.

Sometimes you can't replace important voices in a civil rights 
movement. I don't think we'll ever be able to match John's unique 
voice. I do have confidence, however, that his vast and effective 
communications reach developed many new voices, and that together 
the individuals John Gideon inspired will at least help to fill the 
hole we're left with in our hearts, and in our 

[MCM] John R. MacArthur tells us why You Can't Be President

2009-04-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This is the video of a talk Rick gave at the McNally Jackson Bookstore a few
months ago. Although the posting of the video is surely tardy, the 
talk, and the
book that is its subject (You Can't Be President), are as fresh as 
breaking news:


You can also link to the above at News from Underground, my blog at
http://www.markcrispinmiller.com. (For those of you who are reading this
on the blog, just glance over to the right.)

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[MCM] A solemn tapdance by the NYTimes' Public Editor

2009-04-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
NYT Public Editor Dances Around 'Brutal Truth' of Torture


Clark Hoyt's New York Times public editor column on Monday, Telling 
the Brutal Truth, brings the ongoing debate over whether 
waterboarding is torture to brave new heights of absurdity.

Hoyt opens the column:

A LINGUISTIC [all caps are Hoyt's] shift took place in this 
newspaper as it reported the details of how the Central Intelligence 
Agency was allowed to strip Al Qaeda prisoners naked, bash them 
against walls, keep them awake for up to 11 straight days, sometimes 
with their arms chained to the ceiling, confine them in dark boxes 
and make them feel as if they were drowning.

Reading this, you might think, Finally, in its news pages, the Times 
is going to call waterboarding what it is and what it always has been 
since its first recorded use during the Spanish Inquisition -- 
torture. Plain and simple. Yet you would be gravely disappointed.

For Hoyt then writes:

Until this month, what the Bush administration called 'enhanced' 
interrogation techniques were 'harsh' techniques in the news pages of 
The Times. Increasingly, they are 'brutal.' (On the editorial page, 
they long ago added up to 'torture.')

Such wordplay echoes the deadpan satiric riffs of The Marx Brothers, 
Monty Python and George Carlin. It's hardly a stretch to imagine 
Groucho, Cleese or Carlin, in the role of a buffoonish government 
official or a radio or TV anchor oblivious to the inanity of his own 
news copy, delivering these lines in which Orwellian jargon is 
dispensed to the breaking point of all reason and laughter is the 
only sane response...when such lines are intended as comedy.

Of course, the screamingly obvious subtext, the 800 lb. gorilla 
juggling chainsaws under klieg lights, if you will, is the absurdity 
that what's in question here is not whether to call the techniques 
such as waterboarding torture but rather whether to call them 
harsh or brutal.

The following paragraph encapsulates Hoyt's stubborn unwillingness to 
actually fulfill his column's title -- Telling the Brutal Truth -- 
and the obfuscation he employs to keep the focus away from the 800 
lb. gorilla called Torture. Simultaneously, and preposterously, when 
taking into account what's actually at stake here, he portrays the 
Times' editorial struggle over whether to use harsh or brutal as 
a noble journalistic enterprise worthy of praise. 

The choice of a single word involved separate deliberations in New 
York and the Washington bureau and demonstrated the linguistic 
minefields that journalists navigate every day in the quest to 
describe the world accurately and fairly. In a polarized atmosphere 
in which many Americans believe the nation betrayed its most 
fundamental ideals in the name of fighting terror and others believe 
extreme measures were necessary to save lives, The Times is 
displeasing some who think 'brutal' is just a timid euphemism for 
torture and their opponents who think 'brutal' is too loaded.

Thus, the preponderance of this column lies almost wholly within 
these pointless parameters, as ludicrous as two emergency room 
doctors pedantically debating whether the point-of-entry of a new 
patient's gunshot wound was his chest or his back as the patient 
bleeds to death on the operating table.

Hoyt provides he said/she said examples to show how the public has 
reacted. But in doing so, in this context, he turns the very idea of 
news reporting -- that it should be based on fact rather than opinion 
-- on its head and, in effect, concedes that Times editors, on news 
stories as serious as torture, are allowing public sentiment to color 
their reports.

Robert Ofsevit of Oakland, Calif., asked, 'Why can't The New York 
Times call torture by its proper name?' He added, 'Please find more 
backbone and fulfill your journalistic responsibilities by describing 
these immoral and illegal practices for what they were.' Theodore 
Murray of Cambridge, Mass., said that if The Times fails to adopt the 
word torture, 'you perpetuate the fantasy that calling a thing by 
something other than its name will change the thing itself.'

But Cynthia Jacobson of Phoenix said The Times is 'outrageously 
biased' to use a term like brutal. 'The Times has simply placed 
itself as one actor in a political fight, not a neutral media 
outlet,' she wrote.

And herein lies the crux of what Hoyt -- who is supposed to be the 
Paper of Record's ombudsman, not its cheerleader -- should be 
addressing in this column: 1) If the Times called techniques such as 
waterboarding torture in its reporting, which it should based on U.S. 
and international law, legal experts, historians, military judges, 
combat veterans and human rights organizations, and described, 
however briefly, what that torture entailed, then the use of 

[MCM] Two on Sen. Specter's votes

2009-04-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Ding Dong, The Witch Ain't Dead.
by Chris Floyd


The reaction to Specter's turning of his blood-spattered coat (or 
rather, his re-turning, as he began
his political life as a Democrat) has been marked by the total 
amnesia that is the chronic affliction
of our dozy, cozy media mandarins. The idea that Specter will vote in 
lockstep with the Democratic leadership's wishes, thus providing a 
filibuster-proof majority, is, of course, ludicrous, and flies
in the face not only of Specter's own extensive (and deeply 
conservative) legislative record, but
also the record of the current Democratic Party in the Senate. They 
can't even get real Democrats
to vote their way on every issue. (Nor should we want them to; 
mindless factional conformity is hardly something to aspire to -- 
although our media analysts seem to think it's the cat's meow.)

As for Specter's bolting presaging the death of the GOP, what can one 
say? This is a level of
political analysis worthy of a 12-year-old who just started watching 
CNN for the first time a few months ago. Backed by the nation's 
wealthy elite and most powerful corporations, in control of 
statehouses and city halls across the land, buttressed by lavishly 
funded think tanks, political operations and a vast network of 
partisan media outlets -- and supported by tens of millions of 
ordinary citizens -- the Republican Party is not going to die or 
wither away anytime soon. Any more than the Democratic Party died 
after the much-larger wipeout it suffered in the Reagan landslide of 
1984, or the so-called Republican Revolution of 1994. If the 
Republican Party didn't die in 1964 or1944, when it was thrust much 
farther to the margins than it is now, it is not about
to expire or even become irrelevant in the imperial politics of our day.

Anyway, wasn't it just a few years ago we were talking about a 
permanent realignment of American politics to the Right, under the 
unbreakable, unshakeable strategies of the great
helmsman, Karl Rove? Such permanent realignments generally have a 
short shelf-life. But
it seems our progressive triumphalists are just as giddily oblivious 
of history as their Bushist predecessors.

 From Jerry Policoff:

I doubt today's Senate vote on the conference report to accompany S. 
Con Res. 13 (which deals with reconciling the different versions of 
the House and Senate budget bills) was all that important, but I 
could not help but be struck by the vote.  It passed with 53 ayes and 
43 nays (3 not voting).

Evan Bayh and Robert Byrd joined 41 Republicans INCLUDING ARLEN 
SPECTER  (yes, they are still listing Specter as a Republican) in 
voting nay.  One might have thought that, for appearance sake if 
nothing else Mr. Specter might have at least considered sitting this 
one out if he could not bring himself to vote with the Democrats.


Grouped By Vote Position
YEAs ---53
Akaka (D-HI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Begich (D-AK)
Bennet (D-CO)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Burris (D-IL)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Conrad (D-ND)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Hagan (D-NC)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kaufman (D-DE)
Kerry (D-MA)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (ID-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
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[MCM] CDC was warned of flu 18 days before WHO alert

2009-04-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Company warned officials
of flu 18 days before alert was issued

By Les Blumenthal| McClatchy Newspapers

http://www.mcclatchydc.com/251/story/67283.htmlCompany warned 
officials of flu 18 days before alert was issued | McClatchy

WASHINGTON - A Washington state biosurveillance firm raised the first 
warning about a possible outbreak of swine flu in Mexico more than 
two weeks before the World Health Organization offered its initial 
alert about a public health emergency of international concern.

Both federal and international health officials had access to the 
warning from Veratect Corp. Later e-mails calling attention to the 
company's subsequent report that the disease was possibly spreading 
in Mexico were sent to 10 officials of the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention, said Robert Hart, the company's chief 

Hart said he wasn't sure why health officials didn't act sooner.

They have a lot of other responsibilities, Hart said on Thursday. 
But every day makes a difference.

CDC officials in Atlanta said they were aware of Veratect's claims 
and hadn't been working with the company.

We have nothing to add about their claims, said CDC spokesman 
Llelwyn Grant, adding that the CDC and other public health agencies 
had plans in place to deal with a flu pandemic and responded rapidly 
once they became aware of the Mexican outbreak.

Veratect, based in Kirkland, Wash., uses a technique known as data 
mining to automatically search tens of thousands of Web sites daily 
for early signs of looming medical problems or civil unrest anywhere 
in the world. Anything of interest is turned over to a team of 35 
analysts to determine its significance and to post on the company's 
Web site. The company markets access to its Web site to government 
agencies, businesses and others and has tried unsuccessfully to sell 
its service to the CDC, the World Health Organization and the 
Department of Homeland Security.

Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., who talked with the CDC, the Department of 
Homeland Security and other agencies as late as January about 
Veratect, said the federal government had made a mistake in not 
purchasing the company's program, especially in light of the flu 

I am very upset about this, Dicks said. Not to have it is totally 
ridiculous. This is a perfect example of why they needed this and now 
we are paying a price.

Earlier this year, Hart said, Veratect gave free access to its Web 
site to the CDC and the WHO on a trial basis.

On April 6, 18 days before the WHO issued its alert, Veratect 
reported on its Web site a strange outbreak of respiratory disease in 
La Gloria, Mexico, noting that local residents thought the outbreak 
was linked to contamination from pig breeding farms nearby.

Hart said the information was available to the CDC and many state and 
local health authorities. The company's server showed an 
epidemiologist at the Pan American Health Organization, which is part 
of the World Health Organization, looked at the message about the La 
Gloria outbreak twice, on April 10 and 11, Hart said.

Ten days after the warning was first issued, on April 16, Veratect 
reported the disease was possibly spreading in Mexico with an 
unspecified number of atypical pneumonia cases detected at a 
hospital in Oaxaca. Because of the heightened concern, an automated 
e-mail was sent to 10 people at the CDC to notify them the report was 

With the outbreak apparently spreading, Hart said the company's chief 
scientist, James Wilson, called people he knew at the CDC's Emergency 
Operations Center on April 20 to alert them to what was happening in 
Mexico. At that point, the CDC was focused on possible swine flu 
events in Texas and California, and a physician at the emergency 
operations center indicated the CDC was not aware of the spreading 
outbreak in Mexico, Hart said.

We thought this deserved immediate attention and they started 
looking at it, Hart said.

Four days later, the World Health Organization made its announcement.

Veratect's warnings came as President Barack Obama prepared for his 
trip to Mexico, arriving in Mexico City on April 16. The White House 
said Thursday that an Energy Department staffer who was part of the 
advance team for Obama's visit is suspected of having contracted 
swine flu in Mexico and transmitting it to his family in Maryland. 
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the man, who wasn't 
identified, never got within six feet of the president.

Hart said his company's system operated as it was supposed to.

We don't make predictions, he said. We give the earliest wisp of 
smoke before the fire.

Hart said he wasn't critical of the CDC or other health 
organizations, adding that what was needed was an effective global 
health monitoring system that Veratect should be a part of.

Hindsight is great and it's hard to say whether (the delay) altered 
anything, he said. The only way to stop anything like this is to 
break the 

[MCM] More on swine flu

2009-05-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Dr. Meryl Nass:

The way I would tell if the virus were lab-made would be to look at 
its genome and compare with existing influenza strains.  I doubt it 
has been decoded yet (it will be soon) though these viruses change 
fast.  Pending that information, I do not think things are suspicious 
yet . . . especially given what seems to me like low virulence.

More likely, the flu viruses recombined with swine genes from pigs at 
Smithfield Farms, a massive industrial farming enterprise located at 
the epicenter of the epidemic.  Flu viruses commonly recombine in 
both pigs and many types of birds, so having a mix of genes from 
different hosts is
not at all as strange as it sounds.

Recall that SARS had about a 50% death rate.  It dropped after very 
aggressive treatment at a level Canada (and only a first world 
country) could provide.  The 1918 flu had a 1-2% death rate, still 
horrendous.  This one does  not appear to have anywhere near those 
rates.  Other flu strains that looked pretty scary died out after a 
few months.

We see the worst cases first in a new illness; the less severe cases 
do not get typed.  Given that, this death rate seems pretty tame.

But we still are missing an awful lot of information.

If someone who has been in contact with people exposed in Mexico, or 
otherwise is at high risk for this strain, starts coughing, develops 
a temp of at least 100 degrees or a sore throat--she should wear a 
mask and stay in her room as much as possible, preferably with the 
window open to lower the viral count indoors.  We do not yet know 
whether Tamiflu will be very helpful or not.  Theoretically it should 
provide some benefit, used early.  She should get a nasal swab (NOT 
the rapid test, which has low accuracy), but use a PCR method or 
viral culture to look for influenza A.  If positive, the specimen 
should be sent to the state lab for typing for H1N1.

Meryl Nass, MD
Mount Desert Island Hospital
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
W  207 288-5081 ext. 1220
C   207 522-5229
H   207 244-9165
pager 207 818-0708

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[MCM] Specter's flip just doesn't matter: William Rivers Pitt

2009-05-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And please let's not forget that, in his big push 
on behalf of Clarence Thomas (a/k/a
the best man for the job), Specter took a big dump on Anita Hill.

The complete transcripts of those hearings are in print:



Truthout Original

It Just Doesn't Matter

Wednesday 29 April 2009

by: William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t | Columnist


 As the news of Arlen Specter's defection to 
the Democratic Party rolled across the news waves 
yesterday, I kept hearing Bill Murray from the 
movie Meatballs in my head: It just doesn't 
matter! It just doesn't matter! It just doesn't 

 Which is not entirely true, of course. The 
fallout after Specter woke up on the left side of 
the bed on Tuesday has been entirely 
entertaining, largely hilarious and just 
significant enough to warrant a little serious 
attention ... but that's just politics, which is 
also the entire reason Specter jumped. I now 
find my political philosophy more in line with 
Democrats than Republicans, claimed Specter, but 
that's a lot of hooey; as a Republican, Specter 
consistently supported several of the most 
extreme right-wing pieces of legislation ever 
presented before the Senate.

 No, Specter flipped for one simple reason: He 
was facing an insurmountable primary challenge 
from his right flank, in the guise of 
conservative House member and former Club For 
Growth president Pat Toomey. Down by double 
digits in the polls, Specter did the simple math, 
figured his chances of re-election were far 
stronger if he campaigned under the Democratic 
banner, and ran into the waiting arms of his 
colleagues across the ideological aisle.

 For the GOP and its supporters, the defection 
brings yet another shock to an already decimated 
Republican system; this was rough news for them 
and no mistake about it. A parade of long 
Republican faces and clenched Republican jaws 
have been marching across television screen since 
the announcement to denounce Specter, the 
Democrats, President Obama, and pretty much 
anything else that came into their sight.

 A lot of people said, well Specter, take 
McCain with you, and his daughter, growled Rush 
Limbaugh after the news came out. RNC Chairman 
Michael Steel said in a statement, Let's be 
honest. Senator Specter didn't leave the GOP 
based on principles of any kind. He left to 
further his personal political interests because 
he knew that he was going to lose a Republican 
primary due to his left-wing voting record.

 With Specter's departure, goes the media 
refrain, the last vestiges of so-called 
moderate Republicanism are on the verge of 
being swept away entirely. But is Arlen Specter 
actually a moderate, and does his departure 
actually change anything? Consider Specter's 
most significant votes over the last eight 
years, wrote Salon's Glenn Greenwald on Tuesday, 
ones cast in favor of such definitive right-wing 
measures as: the war on Iraq, the Military 
Commissions Act, Patriot Act renewal, 
confirmation of virtually every controversial 
Bush appointee, retroactive telecom immunity, 
warrantless eavesdropping expansions, and Bush 
tax cuts (several times). Time and again during 
the Bush era, Specter stood with Republicans on 
the most controversial and consequential issues.

 Arlen Specter, continued Greenwald, is one 
of the worst, most soul-less, most belief-free 
individuals in politics. The moment most vividly 
illustrating what Specter is: prior to the vote 
on the Military Commissions Act of 2006, he went 
to the floor of the Senate and said what the bill 
'seeks to do is set back basic rights by some 900 
years' and is 'patently unconstitutional on its 
face.' He then proceeded to vote YES on the 
bill's passage.

 Specter's ideological inconsistency even 
extends to the act of switching parties, as 
evidenced by his reaction when James Jeffords 
(I-Vermont) dumped the GOP in 2001 and briefly 
handed majority control of the Senate to the 
Democrats. Specter said then-Vermont Sen. Jim 
Jeffords' decision to become an independent was 
disruptive to the functioning of Congress, 
reported The Los Angeles Times on Wednesday. He 
proposed a rule forbidding party switches that 
had the effect of vaulting the minority to 
majority status in the middle of a congressional 
session. ' If somebody wants to change parties, 
they can do that,' Specter said at the time. 'But 
that kind of instability is not good for 
governance of the country and the Senate.'

 Pretty funny stuff right there.

 The supposedly big deal for Democrats is the 
fact that, once Al Franken finally wends his way 
past Republican roadblocks and takes his 
Minnesota Senate seat, the addition of Specter to 
the Democratic caucus lifts their majority to the 
much-ballyhooed number 

[MCM] Did Rice admit to criminal conspiracy? ( more from Raw Story)

2009-05-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
May 1

Rice may have admitted to conspiracy, former Nixon counsel says
By David Edwards and John Byrne -- May 1, 2009
In little-noticed comments Thursday, the former White House counsel 
for President Richard Nixon John Dean said Thursday that former 
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice may have unwittingly admitted to 
a criminal conspiracy when questioned about torture by a group of 

Contractors paid $1,000 a day to supervise, design torture program
By Raw Story -- May 1, 2009
Two former military officers, both psychologists, were paid $1,000 a 
day by the Central Intelligence Agency to supervise the torture and 
waterboarding of US detainees, according to a report published late 

Charges against Israeli lobbyists in espionage case to be dropped
By John Byrne -- May 1, 2009
The Justice Department will drop charges against two former lobbyists 
for the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, the Washington 
Post is set to report.

GOP IT guru's sisters question events surrounding his death
By Stephen C. Webster -- April 30, 2009
The sisters of Michael Connell, a GOP IT consultant and former 
associate of Karl Rove who died in a plane crash last December, are 
now questioning the circumstances surrounding his death.

NYT Public Editor tap dances around 'Brutal Truth' of torture
Clark Hoyt's New York Times public editor column on Sunday, Telling 
the Brutal Truth, brings the ongoing debate over whether 
waterboarding is torture to brave new heights of absurdity.

For more go to:

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[MCM] 9/11 witnesses intimidated by Bush/Cheney's minders

2009-05-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

All the more reason to demand a new--that is to say, a 
real--investigation. (See below.)


From: AJ mailto:ajlei...@fas.harvard.eduajlei...@fas.harvard.edu
Subject: [9-11-290] Petitions
To: mailto:9-11-...@meetup.com9-11-...@meetup.com
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 7:28 AM

If you will be in or near New York anytime between now and July 3rd, 
its your responsibility to help get people to sign the petition for a 
new investigation of 9/11.  We currently have just over 35,000 
signatures and need 75,000 (40,000 more) in order to guarantee a spot 
on the ballot for voters to choose whether or not they'd like a new 
investigation.  This amounts to getting a bit over 600 petitions a 
day!  This will be difficult, but NOT impossible. 

Only people who are registered NYC voters can sign it, so tell 
anybody and everybody you know that could sign it.  Go to 
http://www.nyccan.org/http://www.nyccan.org/ for more details.

Need more motivation?  If you go to Union Square in Manhattan and get 
at least 12 people per hour to sign the petition, you will make 
$15/hour.  I've already gotten one friend to do it just for the money 
even though he has no interest in 9/11 truth.  Try to get as many 
people involved as possible!

If there are 150 or so people in this group (I believe there are), 
and each one of us works for just 22 total hours, we'll hit 75,000 by 
July 3rd.  I realize this is a Boston list, but I'm sure not all of 
us will be in Boston for the summer.

I plan on getting at least 1,000 sigs during the month of June by 
both working in Union Square and going door-to-door in other boroughs 
like Queens and Brooklyn.  We should all try to make this sort of 
commitment if we can.  If everybody pitches in, we can really make a 
HUGE difference.

Thanks, and sorry for the lengthy message.

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