[Ugnet] Here is why the World Bank withheld aid to Uganda

2014-04-07 Thread Geoffrey B. Tindimwebwa

Here is why the World Bank withheld aid to Uganda

. By Danielle Douglas


. April 3 at 5:57 pm

What will Jim Yong Kim and the World Bank do with Doing Business and its
rankings of nations for their accessibility to commerce? (Yuri

What will Jim Yong Kim and the World Bank do with Doing Business and its
rankings of nations for their accessibility to commerce? (Yuri

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim stopped by The Washington Post on Thursday
to chat about some of the changes under way as the bank moves to eradicate
extreme poverty by 2030. 

Throughout discussions about energy projects in the Democratic Republic of
Congo, deficits in Indonesia and private sector growth in Burma, one key
concern kept coming up: What role should the World Bank play when conflicts
arise in member nations?

Kim has been an outspoken critic of institutional discrimination and its
impact on the economies of developing countries, especially in light of the
recent spate of anti-gay laws around the world (check out his recent op-ed
y.html  in The Post). But the World Bank is in the business of apolitical
development - meaning its loans and grants aren't supposed to come with a
political agenda. 

Check out what the leader of the global lender has to say on this and more.
(We'll have more from Kim next week in a sit-down video interview on the
structural changes he is making within the World Bank.)

You say that you try not to meddle in politics, but aren't you concerned
that by lending to some governments you're legitimizing the regime?

Some 85 countries in the world have anti-gay legislation. We were just about
to sign an agreement for $90 million dollars for a health project in Uganda.
And Uganda had just announced a very repressive law. What I did is say we're
not going to stand up and start commenting on all 85 countries that have
these laws, but what we can do is say this is about supporting health-care
systems. How can we be sure that our commitment to non-discrimination is
going to be upheld in the context of this particular project? 

In that case, I took a careful look. I know that country and the health-care
system in Africa. I just wasn't convinced that we could ensure
non-discrimination. So we pulled it back. Now there is a conversation that
started in Uganda that never would have happened if we were not able to do
that. I have very specific levers, very specific capacities to ask
critically important questions. And that's how it works. Engagement, but in
the context of the loans and grants, we can ask very pointed and difficult

What will your role in Uganda be going forward?

There are other things that we are much more focused on, specific
infrastructure projects that we'll go forward on because there I can't
imagine how they will be specifically related to this particular issue. But
in the case of a health clinic, the question is, is there a responsibility
for health workers to report activity of the men and women who come to the
clinic? And if there is, we would be violating some very basic values and
principles we have about anti-discrimination. So we're looking at it now.
We're restarting the conversation with the Ugandan government. And we think
this is an important conversation.

How do you handle something like what Russia is doing in Crimea?

Both the Ukraine and Russia are important members of our group. Right now,
the Ukrainian government has committed itself to a really ambitious reform
agenda, which includes things like removal of fuel subsidies which is
important as they need resources for other things. What we're doing now in
Ukraine is putting together a loan package to support the poorest [people]
because the people who are going to be hit the hardest by the reforms and
the potential increase in prices are going to be the poorest. So it's
basically social support programs that we are giving to the Ukraine.

We continue to work with Russia on any number of projects, but we also have
made some clear statements about what we think could happen to their
economy. If the Ukrainian crisis is minimal and doesn't have much of an
impact, we think that their growth numbers are going to be around 1.1
percent or 1.2 percent next year, which cuts their growth in half. But if
the impact is much more far reaching, which it could be, then we see a
potential contraction of the economy of up to 2 percent. I can make that
statement very clearly because that is what we do, we make projections and
send very clear messages about what could happen. I urge on a personal basis
that we work through a very peaceful solution that's agreeable to as many
parties as possible.

We can constantly preach for peace, work for peace. 

[Ugnet] Correct Kampala’s Natural Segregation

2006-09-25 Thread d b

Proposal: Correct Kampala’s Natural Segregation
Based Asian Building Dollar Paged Rental Charges



In Kampala City, commercial premises rental charges are pegged between US 10 
and US 28,9 dollars per square meter.  It’s an equivalent of Shs 18’500/- and 
Shs 53’465/- per square meter. The figures given above are exclusive of value 
added tax of 18% and the so-called utility (electricity, water) fees that range 
between 5% and 15% of total rental charges of the premises space. 

The charges are irrespective of location of commercial premises and Asians own 
majority buildings. 

Any sort of rentable commercial premises, putting into consideration human 
needs for adequate space and ergonomic requirements will be not less than 20 
square meters (6 sq feet).   If that were the pre-condition, for all rented 
commercial and office space in all Uganda’s urban centres, then for every 
Uganda business person, it will cost him or her between Shs 370’000 (US 200 $) 
and Shs 1’069’300 (US 578 $) every month in regard to ruling rental charges. 

The charges are paid in dollars for all buildings owned by Uganda Asians.

In essence, those are the charges paid for office space whether down town or in 
high profiles locations of the city. Unfortunately, majority Uganda Africans 
have no ability whatsoever, to foot such rental charges every month.

Integrated Development Research and Consultancy (IDRC – WWW.IDRCONSULTING.COM) 
in course of its duties, discovered recently, a good majority of Uganda 
Africans irrespective of their business, cultural, economic and social status 
were located in basically dilapidated and squalid environments i.e. areas 
around Nakivubo stadium. An area referred to as Kampala business district, 
filled with mud, dirty storm and sewerage water, congestion, filthy and highly 
polluted William, Johnstone, Luwum, Burton, Nakivubo place, Entebbe, Nakasero, 
Nkrumah and Ben Kiwanuka Streets. 

It had been established; Uganda Africans are vacating all prime land and 
property now taken over by foreigners (Arabs, Asians) and being squeezed into 
one city corner. For IDRC, the conditions that are prevailing and generating 
such conditions in Kampala City were not readily understood then. We set 
ourselves to investigate the circumstance and reasons that have generated such 
society structuring. 

Among our study were the following;

a.  The Social Structure of Property ownership in Kampala City
b.  Rental charges per square meter of commercial office space
c.  Mode of payment like in what currency
d.  Social clustering in given areas of Kampala city
e.  Utility and amenity provisions in respective studied areas
f.  Urban and social planning differences and similarities
g.  Slumisation and ghettorisation of Kampala and its causes   

Sample studies done in Jinja and Mbarara reflect similar problems. Other towns, 
which had originally Asian property ownership, might be facing the same 
difficulties as Kampala since they have similar structural and organisational 


As we write now; Bombo, Kampala-Jinja roads are boundaries demarcating “Native” 
Ugandans Kampala from Asians and Arabs Kampala. The Asians and Arabs have taken 
over the entire upper part of Bombo, Kampala-Jinja roads. They buy or lease off 
buildings and raise rental charges and Africans are thrown into the streets.

The method used is very simple; Uganda business people can’t afford to pay 
dollar-pegged rental charges, since their earnings are very modest. When the 
dollar appreciates the business space for buildings owned by Asians 
automatically goes up. Resources starved Ugandans are therefore, relegated to 
filthy and dirty environs around the old taxi park were, they are now finding 

As a result, Uganda African business acumen has been confined and discouraged 
naturally. Young upcoming business Uganda Africans have got no chance to join 
the modern business world into such environment not because of lack of ability, 
talent and will.

Unfortunately nothing has been done to assist, resource starved Ugandans, with 
commercial and residential housing facility into predominately African 
enclaves. Further still, provisions for proper urban planning that brings about 
necessities for essential utilities and amenities, is totally lacking in all 
our urban centres. 

As result, areas from the old taxi park; west, south and northwards are 
speedily becoming a mixture of typical slum areas and when upgraded revert to 
typical ghettoes with a mismatch of high rise buildings, erected in the most 
disastrous manner. 

Reasons for the above development in our study, reveals that where the 
government has erred by not guiding and providing provisions namely; financial 
support to urban planning authority, guiding physical planning, placement of 
public utilities, schools and health care centres inclusive, Uganda Africans 
have collapsed back into what they basically

[Ugnet] Luwero Genociders

2006-09-25 Thread d b
Luwero Genociders

For those who have been sending me mails suggesting that we should slow down 
and be kind on murders that went on from 1980 to 1986 in Luwero, they are 
totally mistaken. 

As I write today, there are people still dying in Luwero as a result of that 

The resolution to bring the genociders to book was reached very long time ago. 
Its implementation has been slow for very clear reasons – natural justice 
should take its cause not to be interpreted for something else. 

Besides, the International Criminal Courts is a law-regulated institution in 
exercise and practice of modern law. 

Next, we had to establish facts and circumstances under which many people were 
killed. We started with government officials, in higher positions: the facts 
were made clearer when we discovered that many of those who were murdered met 
their death in nothing other than petty squabbles, jealous over monetary issues 
and power positions. More surprisingly others were murdered, to lay ground for 
a justification of the war, as a very well known Marxist Moaist ideological 

In a way, their own killed them using Obote’s army! Everything had to be done 
to justify the war.

Our study then shifted to the lowly of our society. Remember for a period of 
over one year we gathered names of common people in Luwero who were murdered 
and published them on the internet. Not a single person came out to pin point 
that Obote’s government was involved in the murder of such people.

On the contrary, we discovered how people were even pulled from churches at 
Kasala mistakenly accused of supporting Uganda Peoples Congress and executed 
for such a petty reason. Shockingly we discovered the majority of war 
causalities in Luwero met their fate that way. Every person in Luwero was 
expected to be against UPC!

There are more issues than what meets the eye about Luwero murders. More data 
is yet to come public and the alleged hidden agendas of the Luwero war 
executioners.  For us since we have been effortless in investigating, so we are 
not bothered at all. 

You can run but not hid from justice. Remember, Europe has the largest number 
of former National Resistance Fighters themselves victims Luwero war and witch 

These and so many others, are only in waiting for a day when the beans will be 
spilled. They were wise they run away before they could be annihilated with 
vital data in the process of seeking justice.

The Acolis will correctly handle the issue of Acoli. We have no reason as of 
now to interfere with the obvious. 

People can’t be stupid all the time. Now those too can be called traitors of 
self-seeking liberators.

Bwanika , Nakyesawa Luwero.



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[Ugnet] RE: Re: what Buganda Mps did Know

2006-09-13 Thread d b
Buganda Women, Children misery  Robbery Theology:

Professors Nsibambi, Bukenya, Kiwanuka, Makubuya abaganda are tired. Your 
government is silently eradicating Buganda through poverty. Remember Bataka 
Bu?! Our efforts therefore, will not stop to bring your government to book for 
premeditated torturing and murdering of O’Buganda. 

Buganda does not need your Mputa I- II oil – Buganda is more than 1000 years 

Evidence on genocide

Those sending me all high-quality data on Luwero genocide, I thank you so much, 
continue doing so. Go on and further get that from the Kingdom of Acoli too. 
The International Criminal Court is in waiting and justice will be done. Our 
archivers please record that Peter Mayiga Monitor article, untold story in 
Luwero for further study and investigation.

A one Mukasa who sent me data on killings that went in West Nile in 1985 please 
send it were I told you for your own safety. 

Likewise, look at the internet among the Buganda home pages, organisations, 
discussion list and send all that data to such sites – mean time will get the 
resources to start a auto programmed data based WEBSITE and a LUGANDA MAGAZINE 
to document all Baganda murdered as the result of the Luwero war in Mityana, 
Mubende, Kiboga etc, before we proceed to the ICC at the Hague.

Contribution of pictures of the dead is also very vital and crucial to tracing 
their origins. Baganda aren’t fools neither are Baganda ignorant as presumed.
State religion and Buganda

In social medicine, (I am a practising sociologist) COUNSELLING PROFESSION MUST 
BE LEGITIMISED after years of thorough education. The department of social work 
and religious studies at Makerere or the school of psychiatry at Mulago know 
about it! Those practicing counselling without proper education and practicing 
licences are doing it illegally. Such vice has generated children sacrifice, 
women rape, and out right stealing by the practioneers.
It’s misuse leads to disqualification, annulment of practicing licence and 
might lead to long-term imprisonment. 

Where did these pastors and prophets get the professional qualification to 
practice such trade?! Established churches and mosques have a very streamlined 
mode of operations, not every one can become a sheikh or priest. Moreover 
seminaries in Uganda are affiliated to Makerere Universities for that sole 

 Dr. Kigozi of Butabika has written countless articles on such issues. Do you 
realises increasing psychiatric problems among the Baganda? The medical 
fraternity must come in and save Buganda. These pastors and prophets promise an 
un-knowledgeable community of instant wealth – without work and remedies even 
to natural ailments. The same type of micro – finance ideology peddled by the 
government, where ignorant peasants borrow and instantly become rich! 

This is teaching robbery! The stories are abundant of people having lost 
property and land. There is an Asian millionaire, who has specialised in this 
type of trade. You want to pay back on an agreed date he disappears only to 
come to you the following day to take away your premises for failure of 

Investors! We are going to fight back.

Buganda cultural heritage is being ruthlessly attacked through;

a.  Papyrus churches  (twisted Marxists type of robbery theology) by 
b.  Intensifying Poverty of knowledge and want in Buganda (killing 
co-operatives  agriculture production)
c.  Land grabbing from Buganda
d.  Killing off rich Buganda peasant and traders - they don’t get incentives
e.  Micro finance borrowing leading to c
f.  Ecological war i.e. Kalangala, Mubende, Luwero, Mabira leading to b.
g.  Non promotion and war destruction of small and medium industry in 


Through churches, they tell you last funeral rites is devilish, our herbal 
medicine scientifically identified by our long lost grandparents is evil spirit 
worshiping, Buganda naming is backward and selling wine through the papyrus 
churches is godly. So Buganda did not have a God?!!

Selflessness and Buganda glory

We aren’t using your money, however our efforts have been relentless, very 
successful and strategically incorruptible. We’ve scored highly, to diminish 
the oppression of the peoples of Buganda. 

Use your money to do likewise. If you are better off enjoying your fuel 
guzzling car, spend on another semester; get fat cheeks on another hamburger, 
heavens bless you and don’t talk for Buganda for God’s sake. 

Segregation on Buganda Land

How much money has NRM allocated to the Lord Mayor Alhajji Nasser Ssebagala to 
upgrade Katwe and Kisenyi – 6 million Uganda shillings to clean the street when 
the Chinese prime minister was here!

How much money has NRM allocated to the Lord Mayor Alhajji Nasser Ssebagala to 
unblock sewer and Indian gutter open constructed drainage network? Nil. 

We’re industrialising with faeces in our Buganda’s backyard.

Today: Bombo, Kampala-Jinja

[Ugnet] RE: Re: what Buganda Mps did Know

2006-09-13 Thread d b

If you want to understand the mentality of Uganda leaders, drive on Uganda 
roads, visit any Uganda town, Kampala streets or visit Uganda town bus and taxi 
terminals. Certainly, many of these locations, are quite different from 
politicians homes who always prefer high-sounding names i.e. Muyenga, Buziga, 
Ntinda, even if the place might lack proper sewerage facilities or a proper 
road to one powerful man in a banana republic. 

In nature, common sense and rationalism are combined to come to social and 
system organisation among higher primates i.e. human beings. That is not among 
Ugandan political class!

The implications are deeper, for an African Politician, driving in a traffic 
jam or passing by a filthy town or village, can’t see anything and in that 
respect if is a powerful politician, has nothing to do to rectify the situation.

There is more to this fact, IMPROVISING by these types. A politician will on 
that basis get ten policemen to follow him through a traffic jam. Or will make 
sure he becomes a minister to acquire a four will drive, to beat the pot holed 
road to his village or squeeze himself through the commons. I am amazed by this 
behavioural structure!

The above is a scientific study!

It has been raining, and you can imagine; mangoes, passion fruits, bread or 
taxi drivers parking in the middle of huge excrement flow, sending a terrible 
stinking foul smell and that is okay for UTODA and this government. 

You might blame KCC however, government policy is such that KCC will not have a 
mechanical engineering section but rather procure services – as the case might 
be in Global Fund or any other NRM government social services sector.

Uganda, has no known motor and vehicle industrial establishment to either meet 
her transportation needs or replace the existing, despite an over 20-year 
advent of Japanese made mini-buses. Mini buses are a precursor to a modern 
Uganda transportation system. It’s a millennium disaster resulting into 
dismantling of (colonialism) Uganda Railways (UR) and Uganda Transport 
Corporations (UTC) by NRM. 

Welcome come to Uganda government transport policy.

Individuals alleged to be Uganda Taxi Operators Association (UTODA) utilised 
the gap to capture the trend above. Subsequently, launching the most primitive 
transport system ever, in Uganda’s modern history. UTODA today, is a limited 
company of, which usefulness as an association for taxi drivers is more 
political and profit maximisation than meeting the country’s socio-economic and 
health needs. Ask any taxi driver if they know who and what UTODA is, few even 
know the proprietary of that entity and what it stands for!  UTODA is a dreaded 
entity by all taxi drivers and discussing or mention of UTODA appears to send 
shivers among them.

Yet, taxi drivers operate in the filthiest, congested and most toxic 
environment ever known in Uganda. Taxi and bus drivers are the most 
psychologically and sociologically affected labour force in Uganda. Politicians 
predominantly own taxis and buses. 

Drivers and conductors, wake up at 05.00 a.m. and get off their jobs at 11.00 
p.m., implying they work more than 15 hours a day. It is a negative trend for 
family men and a sole reason why taxi drives, are the source of the gravest 
Uganda modern social ills; like drug use, excessive alcohol intake and violent 
behaviour. Taxi drivers have a higher incidence of violence among them, than 
any other working group in Uganda.

In a sentence taxi drivers have lost all human dignity forced or indirectly 
brought on them.

The recent presidential and parliamentary election not a single driver dared 
mention any other party other than National Resistance Movement - you can 
imagine the primitivism despite the oppressive conditions these people work in!

As bodaboda, taxi drivers are expected to shout political slogans even though 
they get nothing from the state.

Scientific driving regulations, a person driving a public service vehicle will 
be working only 4 – 5 consecutive hours and resting for 1 – 2 hours before 
resuming work afresh. That is in civilised societies that care about the health 
of their own people.

 Uganda taxi drivers have to take to his boss between 50,000 to 70,000 shs 
daily and on top of that pay taxi fees raging from between 4500 per route and 
monthly fee of 20,000 in addition to taking care of fuel and mechanical needs. 

Funny enough when motor vehicles particularly matatu and buses slaughter 
people, Uganda police interpret it as over speeding overlooking the very 
origins of the problem – forcing taxi and bus drivers, overworking into such 
terrible omnivorous conditions as illustrated above.

Given that Kampala is a wetland, basic hydrological engineering study shows the 
city would be utilising water transport on Lubigi and Nalukolongo, Mayanja, 
even on garbage filled Nakivubo channel as alternative transport system. 


[Ugnet] From Middle to Medieval class

2006-08-29 Thread d b
 emancipating all 
Buganda women from NRM colonialism and futile liberation theological 

b.  Buganda has a flag and an emblem, which should be in possession of 
every Muganda’s home. Distribute them to Buganda. Why are Baganda not wearing 
their flag?

c.  Use Arcview, for those who have the knowl-edge to design a map of 
Buganda from satellite images and distribute wildly wherever you can distribute 
it. You can buy the satellite image from EUROPEAN SPACE EuSpaceImaging.com 
Support : Phone: + (49) 89  130 142 0 • Fax: + (49)89 130 142 22 • 

d.  Use some of your earnings to design Buganda Kingdom; Rings, Watches, 
Badges, Bracelets with the Kings  Queen’s faces, Lady S, Muteesa I, King Chua, 
Muteesa II. I can assure you, if they are designed with a test of social 
classing, you will be rich in a single week of launching it.

e.  Design T-shirts, blouses, caps, with designer fashion with any piece of 
Buganda culture or past glory and distribute or sale at a small (marginal fee). 
There are a lot of Baganda in this industry – do the needful.

f.  Start Buganda special hire facility; for weddings, baptism, and other 
such social events and functions for both poor and rich Baganda. The church can 
do it what is more powerful? 

g.  Musicians should join the bandwagon and sing about the destruction of 
Buganda cultural heritage. They can go a step further and start His Majesty’s 
Buganda recording studios.

h.  Post cards, pens, bags, and diaries should not be forgotten. Imagine 
carrying around a pen with King Muteesa I or the most beautiful queen Naginda.

i.  Filming and video making has become the simplest technology. Buy 2000 
computer disk and get busy with documenting Buganda cultural heritage and past 
glory- distribute 500 hundred free of charge and 1500 at a fee. Allow 

Man makes his own history. Buganda material wealth is her never diminishing 
social and cultural heritage.

Think big and act small with things that matter across the section of Buganda 
people. Done, with His Majesty’s will, royalties can be paid on earnings and 
the Kingdom will regenerate, in the most possible shortest time.

Buganda Women, children misery:

I’ve been grappling to lay my hands on certain facts and finally luck smiled on 
me. In the past recent, I’ve written about the collapse of the state. Some 
people wrote back to condemn me of being a conservative, without asking how I 
came to such a conclusion.

Virtually all institutions that are socially and economically vital, to the 
existence of a nation state were either privatised or vandalised by NRM thugs 
and subsequently collapsed. In essence, a nation state called Uganda does exist 
in name but not in its service to the citizens.

The most vital entity today that exists in Uganda is Uganda Revenue Authority. 
It taxes the medieval traders and hands over the proceeds to a robbery state. 

Today, the country called Uganda has no ability what so ever, to design and 
later build; a road, a hotel, even latrines, hospitals, a shoe, even a shirt. 

Ugandans have no capability of doing so.

Roads are designed by foreign entities, hotels designed by Ugandan can easily 
be classed and defined because of their simplicity, class rooms collapse, 
hospitals are donated; dresses, shirts and trousers are virtually imports from 
Asia or Europe, shoes are got from Dubai and the used ones.   

In economics and I think, it was meant a nation state essentially provide, the 
most basic services as; shelter, food, and medicare.

Today Saturday, 26 August 2006, early in the morning I embarked on a journey 
that has seen me deep into Luwero. I visited all homes I know and acquaintances 
that still exist. Effectively all are manned by old fading souls. The majority 
are women yet with their grandchildren and distant relatives in company.

Some are so weakened with not having enough food, living in collapsing homes 
and indeed all of them lack medicare, even the most rudimentary. There is no 
better definition of desolation, poverty and despair in this country than the 
state of affairs in which old people and especially women and children find 
themselves into.

I am so stricken by the despondency of our people are facing.

Thugs and the medieval (middle) class

What amazes me, is the growing number of filthy rich. However this should not 
be taken as the rich one known to you and me, the hard working people here, in 
Asia, European and North American countries. 

There is a very simple process through which one can become filthy rich in this 

a.  The very lowly have turned to petty trade living by crook or pure 
robbery: here falls the school teachers, health workers, policemen and women, 
bodaboda, taxi drivers, shop owners, importers of old cloth and shoes etc,
b.  People without connection within the state apparatus form churches

[Ugnet] National Resistance Movement’s Obshchin a, Mir!

2006-08-17 Thread d b

To Professor Kiwanuka Ssemakula
  Prof. Kiddu Makubuya
  Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya
  P.M. Professor Apollo Nsibambi
  V.P. Professor Balibaseka Bukyenya
  Major Kinobe James 
 Katikiro Daniel Mulika
 Toro Kingdom MPs
 Buganda Kingdom MPs
  Bunyoro Kingdom MPs

Baganda county chiefs do go to Kyankwanzi

I wrote the article below after many days of thoughts, consultation and trying 
to understand what the NRM leadership meant by

a.  Bonnobaggawale (rich for all, in Russian “Obogaschaites” in France 
b.  Agricultural zoning
c.  Value addition
d.  District creation

What was all this meant to mean and how could the state achieve all? Was it to 
confuse or pointing to a grand design?

What I didn’t understand then, was NRM grand plan to force all muluka chiefs to 
Kyankwanzi in its obscure effort, to turn this country into yet something we 
are to witness.

We must map Buganda and all it boundaries and these maps distributed to all 
Buganda homesteads and children in Buganda schools. It is even becoming more 
crucial to re-write the geography of Buganda to erase some inconsistencies –the 
onus is on Buganda and Baganda to do needful. 

In Buganda, the Baganda have always been agricultural and there is no need to 
enrich their status by taking their village chiefs to Kyankwanzi. In fact, 
there is no need for Buganda and Baganda to borrow money from the 
micro-finances. There has never been food rationing, distribution or scarcity 
in Buganda.

Some of us, have been in economics classes, grew in farming families and we 
know what we are talking about. We even experienced cattle farming. What is it 
we don’t know then?

Coffee, cotton, beans, maize, vanilla, pineapples, mangoes production, even 
cocoa in Bugerere and Kyagwe in Buganda, had never been trigged by Kyankwanzi 
indoctrination and a impractical micro financing ideology but rather market 
rules i.e. prices and demand.

Where does chicken, goats meat, mutton and pork eaten in Buganda come from?

Offer Buganda a good price for their crop or product and see how much they will 
produce it in the most possible shortest time. Wasn’t this the case with 

Most Baganda in trade and commercial businesses, housing, construction, export 
and import businesses, all started off as farmers. Now, where is NRM taking us? 

We in Buganda left on our own, we have a comprehensive programme to develop 
Buganda with or without micro financing. We want our nation back and we’ll get 
it even if it means waiting for another 3000 years. 

Into the past recent, people made a lot of money from Vanilla and there was no 
Kyankwanzi and micro financing. I’ve been checking on prices and they have 
never gone down. Why doesn’t the government build a factory to package vanilla 
and then sell it on commodity exchange markets? 

Remember NRM itself, passed the warehouse system law that could provide the 
most necessary incentive to agricultural production and its so-called 
bonnabagaggaware hogwash.

Why then set up a micro finance ministry? Pour all money their and let economic 
rules determine production. It is quite simple, to channel the micro finance 
money through designated traders who will then buy from farmers and the boom 
will go on.

NRM is not intent to developing Buganda but rather to disorganise Buganda 
through indoctrination in order to achieve their objective of a military East 
Africa and a failed African union.

Buganda, must reject this very dangerous trend.

Buganda has a choice of starting a commodity exchange market where Buganda 
state can sell beans, fruits, maize, coffee, and sugar, virtually anything. 
More still, if the state wanted development it could for example start beef, 
fruit, bean, rice, vanilla canning and packing industry with the micro finance 

Canned beef, beans will be consumed by the soldiers and prisons. Canned fruits 
and beans will be eaten by school children and in hospitals. The rest will be 
sold so cheaply on the northern, central, eastern and southern African markets.

Buganda farmers will be producing then. I want NRM to tell it to the Baganda 
that skimmed milk will lack buyers in the east, central and southern Africa if 
it was produced here? 

Buganda has the richest heritage in agricultural farming and production. That 
heritage can be taken a step further if the warehousing system is establish in 
all counties of Buganda. My parents in Luwero used to sell cotton and coffee in 
Bulemezi in exactly the same way. 

We even used to sell a lot cassava for starch making to a certain trader in 
Jinja. Moreover cassava could be used to make high nitrous biscuits for 
children and the army.

Every home, where I grew up had enough food and produce to sell –Buganda was 
awash with riches. In Masaka people build trading centres as elsewhere they 
bought vespa and motorcycles and built houses. 

Buganda and Baganda chiefs

[Ugnet] Baganda Bakiga get ready of dying

2006-08-13 Thread d b

President Yoweri Museveni Kaguta
Professor Bukenya Balibasseka
Professor Nsibambi Apollo
Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya
Hon. Mutagambwa Miria
Hon. Omar Atubo
Hon. Kibirige Ssebunya
Hon. Jessica Eriyo
Hon. Jennifer Namuyangu

Drying Rivers, Mutilated Hills

Buganda and Baganda get prepared to died of starvation.

If you want to fully grasp the intent of this article please acquaint yourself 
first, with what happens in the eastern lift valley in Kenya. Why is it so dry? 
Why doesn’t it receive huge amounts of rainfall? 

Those more scientifically inclined and would like to educated themselves on 
effects of human activities (Anthropogenic Mechanisms) in their local 
environments (Bio- Morphologies) please refer to the article at this link; 
The paper offers an insight into human activities in unconscious or indirect 
self-annihilation. So destroy what you have and the consequence will be more 
devastating. Indeed many Africans are regurgitating commercialisation of 
agricultural, hybrid farming and so on, as if it is given root to heaven, it is 
not. Let me go straight to the issue.


Good, it’s happening in our lifetime. Rivers are drying up in the entire 
country, as the programme for modernisation of agriculture and national 
agricultural advisory services takes root. 

Uganda must abandon extensive commercialised agricultural prospects; it’s 
simply not suitable and sustainable in Uganda for two reasons; 1. Unique 
ecological mosaic that Uganda is. 2.  Labour economics demands. 

Uganda has two climatic influences the micro and macro (global) but micro 
climatic influences are more noticeable and crucial to our environment, ecology 
and human temperament. 

How do you create employment for the working people, by extensive 
commercialisation? Moreover, developed nations are quickly abandoning extensive 
commercial agriculture and farming, Uganda government is foolishly embracing. 

Today the European parliament has set new rule for animal and crop farming. 
Uganda is moving in the opposite direction.


Uganda is not affected much by continental and global climatic factors. Uganda 
is rather a unique block of land, in the African interior. And it is exactly 
for this reason, Ugandans must be extremely careful, when they use their land 

There are to types of climatic formations; micro and macroclimates.

In a sentence, one can logically conclude, Uganda is far more affected with 
microclimatic factors rather than macroclimates.

This fact is due to the; 

a.  Distance from coasts (east and west), 
b.  Relief and futures (rwenzori, western high lands, East, Western rift 
valleys) that form Uganda’s landmass against continental and global influences. 
c.  On the eastern , northern and southern fronts Uganda is boarded with 
massive land bodies, the size of Europe and more. Sudan and Congo (drc) are 
huge landmasses.

If you follow then weather patterns, and forecasts on any of the international 
television channels you’ll realise this fact. Most rainfall into Uganda is 
either a formation of local factors or wind movements eastwards over the Congo 
forests.  Since western Uganda is boarded with a massive land body Congo and is 
hilly, it is therefore logical, sufficient rainfall laden clouds, don’t reach 
far into the middle of Uganda as the case is with Northern Uganda.

The above leaves us with one option that generates a lot of water, namely local 
factors. These factors are the heights of hills that provide cooler climates 
and vegetation cover like forest that enables formation of rainfall through 
limited hydrological processes i.e. condensation and plant transpiration. 
Plants produce a lot of water bye the way as well as evaporation from God’s 
massive water bodies; the Kyoga, Albert, Victorian etc. 

Uganda therefore is endowed with a unique microclimatic formation.

Indeed, Uganda’s western mountainous hydrological systems are phenomenon and 
quite typical in Peru Mountains. The habitants in Peru for example, use simple 
hundreds meters of polythene bags, hanging on wires, extended over a long 
space, to generate a lot of water for; irrigation, domestic use and power 
generation from due and mist. 

The same technique, therefore will be the state of technology to produce clean 
and pure water in the entire mountainous north eastern, western and south 
western Uganda. 

Kazibwe’s valley dams, people don’t see with their eyes, will be clearly 
visible then.

What has happened?

The Bakiga in western Uganda, have mutilated the entire hills and swept them 
clean of all alpine trees and instead planted; sweet potatoes (ebitakuri), 
millet (oburo), beans (ebihimbo) everywhere. It is a catastrophe of gigantic 
proportions, with devastating implications we’ll realise sooner than latter. 

I really can’t understand why President Museveni, unscientifically imposes 
restrictions on the national forest authority (NPA

[Ugnet] Our Towns , Africans Our Ways

2006-08-06 Thread d b


Professor Balibaseka Bukenya
Professor Nsibambi Apollo
Professor Kiddu Makubuya
Hon. Omara Atubo
Mr. Mayanja Nkanji Joswa

Our Towns, Africans  Our Ways

There are two articles, both appearing in the New Vision in a space of a week. 

One written by former conservative party leader, NRM Economic Planning and 
Finance Minister, Buganda Prime Minister, Attorney General and currently Uganda 
Land Commission chairman Mayanja Nkanji Joswa. 

The Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Hon. Omara Atubo wrote 
another article. Mayanja’s article appeared in July’s week 30 and Atubo’s 
article in week 32.

The articles are a violation of the Town and Country Planning and Public Health 
Acts and other laws.

The articles are circuses and absurdities, defending allocation of land and 
justifying government acts, which is politically all right for the authors and 
professionally, morally and ethically, erroneous and silly to the public. 

The two government officials widely refer to the land act. However, laws do not 
work in isolation of other laws hence “The Uganda Land Act Rev. Ed. 2000, under 
the Functions of the Commission Sec. 49 clause (d) states clearly; “PERFORM 

That clause, gives the above authorities including the two officials, sweeping 
powers to call on the other laws including cancellation of illegal allocation 
of land including its misuse. Other laws are; the road act, water act, local 
government act, forest act, NEMA regulation and statute, building regulations, 
town and country planning act, criminal laws etc. 

Bye way the above laws are not considered in any of the injudicious allocation 
of land some of, which was offered to Uganda government by the Buganda Kingdom 

I therefore, challenge Mr. Atubo and Mayanja lawyers by profession, instead of 
writing “rudimentary” and biased articles in the national media to mislead the 
public, to instead point to studies including; HYDROLOGICAL, SOCIOLOGICAL, 
were made in regard to allocation of land for the establishment of the 
following premises;

a.  Garden City placement
b.  Hilton Hotel localisation on Nakasero Hill
c.  ShopRite Game placement at Lugogo
d.  Relocation of Shimoni TTC and a Primary school
e.  Allocation of Kitante school land
f.  Karim Hotel behind Serena Hotel
g.  Sudir Kabira Club
h.  Numerous Car Washing bays in Kampala
i.  Motor garages placement in and around Kampala
j.  Mukwano soap Industries
k.  Design and construction of Nakivubo channel
l.  Battery industry on Luthuli avenue
m.  Allocation of land on Luthuli avenue – the green belt
n.  A building on the traffic island on Wilson, Johnsson, Ben Kiwanuka 
o.  Placement of the State House at Nakasero
p.  Location of numerous petrol stations in the capital
q.  Location of the New Taxi park
r.  Allocation of URC land on Entebbe road
s.  Buildings in the miniprice corridor and that in the former Local Bus 
t.  Etc,

All the above premises are in total violation of the law reform newly released 
SANITATION and HOUSING laws page 6118 Cap 281 sec. 55, 57,70,71 and so on.

Uganda has A WATER STATURE 22ND DECEMBER 1995. Kampala being a Lake Victoria 
wetland, anyone draining water must apply for easement rights section 35 (1). 
All the above named premises do not have permits allowing them to create the 
buildings on land deemed to contain water resources.  

Under the RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, Ugandans, have a right to see those 
respective studies in detail from the institution you lead. Now, that we have 
an information and communication technology ministry go ahead and append them 
on the internet.
I’ve got in my possession, an aerial hydrological study image of GAME shopping 
department location. If Kampala get higher levels of rainfall as the case was 
in the past, the facility will have to relocate or the entire Jinja road will 
have to be redesigned to accommodate water levels from as far as Ntinda, Nakawa 
and Naguru areas.

Alternatively, there will be excavation to realign the entire drainage system 
including draining subterranean streams and springs flowing underground with 
devastating consequence on Lake Victoria. 

Moreover the SOUTHERN BYPASS was designed to start from here that has not been 
affected for over quarter a century because NRM people built in the road 
reserve, expecting to cash in on compensation funds! Get data who built 
expensive buildings in the road corridor.

Buganda and Baganda want the government to relocate and leave Buganda alone, we 
are tired of hypocritical and self- deceptive politicians, destroying

[Ugnet] Luwero Genocide and ICC

2006-07-25 Thread d b
Prime Minister Professor Nsibambi Apollo
Speaker of Parliament Ssekandi Edward
Head of the European delegation in Uganda
European Ambassadors in Uganda
Uganda’s Members of Parliament

Luwero Genocide and ICC

Allow me to address you on genocide in Luwero in this open letter. 

The issues of genocide in Luwero Triangle, will never go away and finally will 
be arbitrated, by the International Criminal Court. 

Amazingly the European Ambassadors in Uganda, who recently visited the mass 
graves could only look and not assist government to apprehend those who 
perpetuated to mass murder of innocent civilian. 

The act of being terribly silent, given the European experiences of Adolf 
Hilter in Germany, Rwanda genocide smacked of an anti democratic stance 
untypical of European culture.

The era of impunity has passed world over and those who committee atrocities 
against peoples of the world, for power and their glory, history judge them 
harshly. In fact Europeans would have understood right away that government’s 
action of inviting them onto the scene of mass killing, was a cry for 

We residents of Luwero who bore the brunt of a primitive war we are kin to see 
the European Community ambassadors in Uganda, who have visited the mass grave 
of our beloved sisters, brothers, friends and parents, encourage criminal 
investigation into the genocide.

Impunity has been the sole impediment to social justice and a grand design by 
politicians, to entrench authoritarianism and inflict misery on to their own 
citizens. Donor fund cutting does not go further for it penalise those it 
intends to support living under unbearable circumstances.

The rule of law should therefore prevail over conformity.

NRM prides itself that thousands of people were massacred and they were there 
to witness the annihilation, helplessly. It is then quite surprising, for over 
20 years, NRM has done nothing to investigate or made any attempts to apprehend 
those who ordered and carried out the massacre!

Rwanda did start criminal proceedings into the genocide, to show and prove to 
the entire world the wrong and right in black and white. Why has Uganda failed 
to do the same?

Those who peddle lies and try to pervert the truth about mass murder in Luwero, 
will have their day in the courts of law. 

Luwero, a piece of land sandwiched between two army barracks Nakasongola in 
Buruli county and Bombo in Bulemezi county, its only where NRM was operating, 
massacres took place and one finds mass graves.

I visited Nakasongola in Buruli in the 80’s, shockingly Nakasongola’s Kanyonyi 
barracks and the entire surrounding in Buruli areas, never saw village to 
village carnage of citizens as the case was in Luwero!

We people coming from Luwero, who lost lots of people in that war, are 
committed to bringing the perpetuators to justice, whatever the cost. We have a 
right to do so. 

The policy of elimination of the people who rejected or opposed the war started 
in Luwero. The concept of savage torture i.e. tying people’s hands (kandoya) 
behind their backs, straining to rapture their chest muscles, started with in 
Luwero. Burning people with molten plastic was exercised in Luwero with such 
merciless savagery. You only need those who went through the experience to 
realise the enormous suffering people went through.   

In this forum, with an intention of getting more information about the murders 
in Luwero, I once posted tens of names, of people who disappeared in Luwero, 
picked from their homes or churches. Some of these people disappeared never to 
be seen again. 

Others, their legs were shattered with bullets since they had a different 
opinion of the war. Can it justice the terrible suffering the people went 
A mass murder is a mass murder it doesn’t matter where s/he comes from. The 
issue of Luwero will never be silenced even if it means all of us dying. 

There are hundreds of parents who can’t tell where their children disappeared 
in Luwero bushes for fear of retribution. There are women who don’t know the 
fate of their husbands.

NRM/A must fully account for the following;

a.  What happened to the people who opposed NRM/A war in Luwero.
b.  Account for all people in Luwero forced to join NRM/A war in Luwero and 
died in combat, who 20 years are still unaccounted for.
c.  To openly show the people of Buganda where all Luwero combatants who 
died in the war are buried.
d.  List names of all civilians those who directly or indirectly died in 
that war and what they died of.
e.  Explain what happened to people who fell victims to NRA disguise as 
Uganda People’s Congress supporters?
f.  Set up an independent investigation by ICC into the murder of 
g.  Release Nagenda commission of inquiry report.

MPs in the 8th parliament should fully understand the implication of the war in 
Luwero or get educated on those issues. Their ineptness into the matter

[Ugnet] Buganda Women lIberated ?

2006-07-16 Thread d b

Hon. Janat Mukwaya
Hon. Syda Bumba
Hon. Mutagambwa Maria
Hon. Bitamazire Gerldine
Buganda Women Parliamentarians
Mukyala Esther Nsibambi
Mukyala Dr. Margaret Bukenya


Hon. Deputy Speaker Rebbeca Kadaga
Parliament Avenue
Uganda Legislature

Baganda Women liberated – How?!

Under which regime, so many Buganda women became victims of merciless violence? 
More Buganda women have been murdered under the past twenty years than any 
other period in the history of this country. That is the empirical and 
realistic truth based on data from media reports and other sources. 

On average, a woman is murdered in Buganda every month!

Suffering of Buganda women for that reason, can only be explained as being 
generated by the present state of affairs. Buganda women have fallen prey to 
among others; 

a.  Acid attacks, women faces deformed – the number is staggering.
b.  Gruesome murder of Buganda woman almost every month. 
c.  Women’s children sacrifices that has become a norm.
d.  A squalid and slummy environs in Buganda towns, Buganda women is the 
e.  Buganda young women majority in local brew trade – balembeka.
f.  Buganda women majority in papyrus churches – soul searching.
g.  Buganda girls majority in women trafficking and trade

On all the above, is no concern for NRM government apart for propaganda 
purposes, and nothing has ever been done to rectify the situation. The murder 
and torture therefore, for Buganda women can continue.

We’re still studying, the structure of marijuana and narcotic drug use among 
Buganda women in Buganda townships. Which I am told is rampant among young 
Buganda sex workers as well as among Buganda university students, without 
secure financial support for higher education. 

The poor souls turn to marijuana, to manage street life to pay a costly path to 
higher education. 

Buganda women’s lives, are increasingly becoming meaningless and yet more 
uncertain in all Buganda trading centres. They are disposed to a baseless and 
uncultured life style.  

In Lukaaya we are told, Buganda women go for as low as 1000 shillings a night. 
At Sheraton, Equatorial and Speek hotels, a Buganda university student or 
graduates, are as cheap as US $ 10 a night. At “Half London” were Hon. Miria 
Matembe once launched a battle to save Buganda girls, they go for a bottle of 
bell lager or pilsner beer. 

At Makerere, Kyambogo, Kampala International or Nkumba university campuses, 
it’s worse. For a lunch of Katogo in run down slums of; Wandegeya, Banda, 
Kabalagala, one can earn a graceful and cultured Buganda girl. 

Buganda must rise up and defend Buganda kingdom, otherwise a nation is on the 
verge of collapse. All is happening to our Buganda women and ladies when 
Professors; Nsibambi, Bukenya, Kiwanuka, Makubuya are quietly eating!

One encyclopaedia Britannica ( I can’t recall the volume, publication year and 
page), it’s written by one British historian, the collapse of the roman empire 
started with neglect for their women, who opted to live own lives, from a very 
oppressive nation state. 

The Roman Empire, it was not so long before then, it completely collapsed.

Polythene bags for a nappy

Travelling in taxi from upcountry towards Kampala, I vividly witnessed how NRM 
liberated Buganda and Baganda women. Women are numerous as the number of 
districts.  Tears fell from my heart for what I am about to describe shows the 
very terrible state of affairs this country Buganda is going through. 

I was seated besides a graceful beautiful Muganda woman, who had a baby of 
about 12 months. The woman had wrapped a black polythene bag into a white piece 
of cloth. It’s exactly the same piece of cloth, with its black polythene bag 
that woman wrapped around the child’s behind.  It was a nappy of sorts.

The polythene bag will hold urine and faeces tightly until the woman and the 
baby probably reaches their destination. 

I was enraged. 

Do children in this country have any rights to a decent life and well-being 
what about Buganda women?!

NRM claims to have liberated Buganda and Baganda women from what? And support 
has been massive in both parliament and outside it. How did liberate NRM  
Buganda and Baganda women?

It’s pure nonsense!

For quarter of a century, I have leaved among European people. I never saw such 
a degrading women and children’s condition. Children would never go hungry, or 
leave into such primitivity, forced on their mothers and families.

I lived a better life before modernisation came to this country as a child. 

If a European or an African women alike, got a child and for some reason she 
had no support or provisions – a social office and the hospital or an 
equivalent of the ministry of gender and social development, will make sure, 
the woman is fully facilitated with provisions, to such an extent that the 
woman and the baby will leave a relatively civilised life. 

I’m still so troubled with NRM

[Ugnet] What Buganda Mps don\'t know

2006-07-10 Thread d b

Uganda Unviable Nation State 


Buganda /Baganda Parliamentary Caucus   
Professor Nsibambi Apollo
Professor Bukenya Baribasseka
Professor Kiwanuka Ssemakula
Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya
Dr. Kiddu Makubuya


Speaker of Parliament Hon. Ssekandi Edward 
Parliament of Uganda, Kampala, 
Parliament Avenue

Soon the air Buganda and Baganda breath will be poison. The water they drink 
will be filled with bacteria and faeces. I’ve followed were Lubigi crosses the 
road to Ndegye – it as dirty as at Kawempe! The Towns modelled by the British, 
for Baganda to live in are now, pig stables and slums. Buganda is a free 
Baganda Internally Disposed Camp where Baganda can sleep under an African 
colonialism and enslavement.  In Buganda no day goes by without a child, a 
woman or a person being murdered. Murder is so common that the entire 
population of Buganda is immune to grotesque murder scenes! The rate of 
civilian homicide in Buganda is hitting all record high. Modernisation!

How much are Baganda and Buganda knowledgeable, about what exactly happened in 
Buganda and to Baganda in Luwero? Only two days ago, I was informed how a 
childhood friend, who spent seven years in Luwero bushes, was looking for me 
and subsequently run mad. Know one could assist him.

My grandfather was at Nakaseke hospital, after a stomach operation on the fate 
full attack of the hospital, he died on his way home and remained unburied 
besides the road for a month, from where he was later picked, to hurriedly be 

We advise the Baganda and Buganda MPs to interest themselves into the issues of 
Baganda and Buganda besides “eating” and just following. Set-up telephone 
lines, radio programmes etc., were the Baganda and Buganda can offer direct 
information, on the execution of the war in Luwero. You will be horrified and 
knowing exactly what happened helps Baganda and Buganda history.

I also congratulate the NRM government for having shown the world the skulls of 
People in different areas of the so-called Luwero Triangle were innocently and 
ruthlessly murdered. It disturbs the Baganda and Buganda, whenever they hear of 
Kony International Criminal Court, this and that. Was their no Kony in Luwero?! 

The Baganda and Buganda will not rest until justice is served. 

Power, Governance and Corruption
The current Professors Nsibambi and Bukenya’s regime in Kampala, has no ability 
what so ever; to run, administer and transform Baganda and Buganda. If attempts 
are made to do so, given the hundreds of years Buganda and Baganda have 
accumulated; administrative, political and organisational abilities, the 
transformation will be a NEGATIVE TRANSFORM. A distortion of well-known facts, 
this is already happening with cutting down forest, agricultural decline, slum 
development all Buganda and moral characters. 

There is no way, one can transform a transform, since the question becames from 
what to what? 

In all sectors, Baganda and Buganda were internally or external transformed; in 
agriculture i.e. commercial farming, internal and foreign trade, socio-economic 
administration, environmental sustainability or otherwise. The Baganda and 
Buganda did all, even before pseudo revolutionaries emerged. 

The above social trajectories, are well embedded into the material wealth of 
Buganda and Baganda. Practiced as; cultural, linguistic and sociological 
arrangements. It’s a social embodiment, as well as a realistic philosophy of 
the political and cultural Baganda and Buganda!

Facts on ground speak for themselves, based on several years of analysis of all 
sectors and proxy NRM strategies, starting with running down of both the Uganda 
Commercial Bank and the Cooperative Bank.

There is detailed information, on the exact reasons why UCB and the cooperative 
banks worked perfectly well why during and under Field Marshal Idi Amin. Not a 
single shilling was stolen from those banks.

A perverted civilised NRM government, once in power, set itself to vandalise 
these banks by loaning its bush lumpens millions of shilling, they used to 
acquire premises they had very little knowledge to manage and develop.  
Besides, vandalism of UCB started well before, through direct robbery of money 
from those banks as directed by those who run NRM/A.

How can such an entity be of any use and good intention to Buganda and Baganda?

Buganda Utilities 

If one travels along any given major road from the capital city of the Kingdom 
of Buganda Kampala, you will realise the total break down of the basic 
infrastructure. What used to be telephone lines, are now dry lame poles, with 
broken wires hanging helplessly into the air. Despite the low telephone 
distribution, estimated to be about 2,000,000 people, owners of both mobile and 
fixed lines, of the entire population of all nations of Uganda composed of 
approximately 27,000,000 million people about 14 percent.

Electric poles and power lines especially in Buganda trading centres are 

[Ugnet] To Buganda and Baganda MPs

2006-07-04 Thread d b
 the people of Buganda and Baganda from misery.

District creation in Buganda

I grew up in Luwero, lived and travelled widely in the area stretching from 
Lwampanga, Bugerere to Buikwe in Kyagwe. My Grand father was a Medical Doctor 
in Mubende where he also had a huge farm growing coffee and tea. The same goes 
with my parents in Luwero who had huge coffee and cotton shambas. We never 
starved, my grand father in Luwero had more than a 100 heads of cattle, coffee 
and cotton shambas from, which through hard work with his children acquired 
sizebale wealth. He had lorries and buses. 

To me growing up into such conditions was enough experience in the intricacies 
of farming and marketing. We used to sale coffee and cotton in Kikyusa and 
Nakaseke if not Luwero trading centre. All my uncles had acquired bicycles, 
land and homesteads with wives. My uncle who was murder during the war built 
the first cement building in Kiwoko – he left it unfinished.

I witnessed first hand, how the Baganda maintained Gombolola and Masaza now 
Local Council seats that were basically built with reeds and grass. I saw and 
heard all different types of languages and people including Indians and 
Europeans. In Kayunga, I once played with Indian children in the small 
corridors of their mabati dhukawaris.

Hard work, spirit, warmth and time spent by Baganda and in building Buganda is 
astonishing. Especially, when I see Buganda and Baganda in the present “modern 
nation state”, in such a sorry state and misery.  It is a desecration of 
Kabaka’s Kingdom.

Luwero therefore, is my home in body and mind. 

Baganda Luwero Soldiers Socio-economic Status

I am requesting Baganda MPs therefore, 72 of them to ask the NRM government in 
Uganda to get and document a list of all Baganda Luwero soldiers, dead and 
alive and subsequently list the following;

a.  How many of Baganda Luwero war veterans/soldiers got bursaries i.e. for 
education possibilities from the state house so far
b.  Their current socio-economic status i.e. their current homestead 
incomes, welfare state, economic standing and financial status.
c.  Those who are dead what they died of i.e. medical reports, or war dead 
military reports.
d.  The fate of Baganda war veterans/soldiers who got lost during the war 
and what NRM/A know about them
e.  Their ranks in the army and professionalisation, financed by NRM/A 
military training here and abroad for Baganda war veterans/soldiers

Orphans and widowed in Luwero

I am now aware, some very rich people from western Uganda alleged with 
connections to the sate house, have benefited from state house bursaries. 

Luwero has apparently a lot of orphans and widows. One will therefore assume, 
the state house bursaries were directed to the widows and orphans, in this 
region to pick up from the whims of a destructive war, executed on the backs of 
“ignorant” Baganda peasants. The Baganda and Buganda MPs should therefore list 
the following in that respect;

a.  Luwero orphans and widows beneficially of this state house bursaries.
b.  Number of Luwero orphans and widows whom for the past 20 years have 
graduate from universities as a result of such help and assistance.
c.  Luwero war veterans and soldiers that have been assisted in the same 
manner and as such graduated from universities.
d.  Number of widows and orphans in Luwero triangle currently under the 
same arrangement.

Land in Luwero Triangle 

We have heard about people within the NRM/A who acquired more than 50, 100, to 
way above 200 acres of land in Luwero triangle. Since acquiring such land is 
not a crime, it will be most essential, to erase any doubts among the citizens 
and the following documented by Baganda MPs justify sch huge land sales among 
the Baganda and also to put the records straight;

a.  The process such people, the land proprietors, in the first place 
acquired that land i.e. source of funding etc.,
b.  Document the people who owned that land prior to selling it, donating 
it or otherwise and where they were resettled.
c.  How much money every acre of land was sold to land proprietors.
d.  When land titles, were processed and transferred to current proprietors.
e.  List possible reasons for acquiring land that is not in any meaningful 
way utilised during the past 20 years.
f.  List the regional composition of those land proprietors. For instance 
we have had Presidents Idi Amin and Milton Obote but facts are such that those 
regimes officials, did not acquire such huge tracts of land in Buganda.  
g.  What that land is being used for currently 

We will assume, as land exchanged hands in Luwero for better use possibly, from 
alive and dead ignorant Baganda peasants, there existed also designs and 
modernisation projects in Luwero better than the three collapsed milk 
processing factories in Mbarara. 

It is prudent therefore that Baganda MPs document such developments since 1986.



2006-06-27 Thread d b

If you want to understand the mentality of Uganda leaders, drive on Uganda 
roads, visit any Uganda town, Kampala streets or visit Uganda town bus and taxi 
terminals. Certainly many of these locations, are quite different from 
politicians homes who always prefer high-sounding names i.e. Muyenga, Buziga, 
Ntinda, even if the place might lack proper sewerage facilities or a proper 
road one powerful man in a banana republic. 

In nature, common sense and rationalism are combined to come to social and 
system organisation among higher primates i.e. human beings. That is not among 
Ugandan political class!

The implications are deeper, for an African Politician, driving in a traffic 
jam or passing by a filthy town or village, can’t see anything and in that 
respect if is a powerful politician, has nothing to do to rectify the situation.

There is more to this fact, IMPROVISING by these types. A politician will on 
that basis get ten policemen to follow him through a traffic jam. Or will make 
sure he becomes a minister to acquire a four will drive, to beat the pot holed 
road to his village or squeeze himself through the commons. I am amazed by this 
behaviour structure!

The above is a scientific study!

It has been raining, and you can imagine; a mangoes, passion fruits, bread or 
taxi drivers parking in the middle of huge excrement flow, sending a terrible 
stinking foul smell and that is okay for UTODA and this government. 

You might blame KCC however, government policy is such that KCC will not have a 
mechanical engineering section but rather procure services – as the case might 
be in Global Fund or any other NRM government social services sector.

Uganda, has no known motor and vehicle industrial establishment to either meet 
her transportation needs or replace the existing, despite an over 20-year 
advent of Japanese made mini-buses. Mini buses are a precursor to a modern 
Uganda transportation system. It’s millennium disaster resulting into 
dismantling of (colonialism) Uganda Railways (UR) and Uganda Transport 
Corporations (UTC) by NRM. 

Welcome come to Uganda government transport policy.

Individuals alleged to be Uganda Taxi Operators Association (UTODA) utilised 
the gap to capture the trend above. Subsequently launching the most primitive 
transport system ever, in Uganda’s modern history. UTODA today, is a limited 
company of, which usefulness as an association for taxi drivers is more 
political and profit maximisation than meeting the country’s socio-economic and 
health needs. Ask any taxi driver if they know who and what UTODA is, few even 
know the proprietary of that entity and what it stands for!  UTODA is a dreaded 
entity by all taxi drivers and discussing or mention of UTODA appears to send 
shivers among them.

Yet, taxi drivers operate in the filthiest, congested and most toxic 
environment ever known in Uganda. Taxi and bus drivers are the most 
psychologically and sociologically affected labour force in Uganda. Politicians 
predominantly own taxis and buses. 

Drivers and conductors, wake up at 05.00 a.m. and get off their jobs at 11.00 
p.m., implying they work more than 15 hours a day. It is a negative trend for 
family men and a sole reason why taxi drives, are the source of the gravest 
Uganda modern social ills; like drug use, excessive alcohol intake and violent 
behaviour. Taxi drivers have a higher incidence of violence among them, than 
any other working group in Uganda.

In a sentence taxi drivers have lost all human dignity forced or indirectly 
brought on them.

The recent presidential and parliamentary election not a single drive dared 
mention any other party other than National Resistance Movement - you can 
imagine the primitivism despite the oppressive conditions these people work in!

As bodaboda, taxi drivers are expected to shout political slogans even though 
they get nothing from the state.

Scientific driving regulations, a person driving a public service vehicle will 
be working only working 4 – 5 consecutive hours and resting for 1 – 2 hours 
before resuming work afresh. That is in civilised societies that care about the 
health of their own people.

 Uganda taxi drivers have to take to his boss between 50,000 to 70,000 shs 
daily and on top of that pay taxi fees raging from between 4500 per route and 
monthly fee of 20,000 in addition to taking care of fuel and mechanical needs. 

Funny enough when motor vehicles particularly matatu and buses slaughter 
people, Uganda police interpret it as over speeding overlooking the very 
origins of the problem – forcing taxi and buses driver working into such 
terrible omnivorous conditions as illustrated above.

Given that Kampala is a wetland, basic hydrological engineering study shows the 
city would be utilising water transport on Lubigi and Nalukolongo, Mayanja, 
even on garbage filled Nakivubo channel as alternative transport system. 

Further still, these 

[Ugnet] (no subject)

2006-06-19 Thread d b

Is Destroying Buganda a Policy?

Prime Minister Prof. Apollo Nsibambi
Vice President Prof. Balibasseka Bukenya
Speaker Edward Ssekandi
Prof. Semakula Kiwanuka
Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya
Hajji Moses Kigongo

Allow me to address you, through this forum on issues that are very disturbing 
in regard to Buganda region. I’ve noted with dismay, the rampant misery and 
poverty your government, is inflicting on Buganda and the Baganda people. 

You should understand, the National Resistance Movement/Army revolutionary war 
was a deliberate destructive venture, executed as such in Luwero and for that 
matter in Buganda. The war was conducted to economically and socially 
incapacitate and cripple the war zone, which bye the way is Buganda. Factories 
were destroyed as well as the social infrastructure-the Baganda were left in 
misery and despondence.

I will request you for first hand information, to go to Luwero, Nakaseke, 
Kiboga and make a head count of; both cattle  crop farms, factories, homes and 
other social infrastructure destroyed and of that, how much had been restored 
in the past 20 years!

We the commons, we see you in your black and dark screened limousines, enjoying 
the fruits of your sacrosanct status in wonderment. 

You have turned a blind eye, when destruction of the, moral, social and 
ecological zone referred to as Buganda is taking place – and this being done 
with you the Baganda, comfortably in government, which is most disturbing.

Baganda war Veterans

I see my childhood friends languishing in villages their lives totally 
destroyed and in a mess.

It will take only six months and less than 150 million shillings to train 
Baganda NRM veterans; in masonry, carpentry, motor mechanics, electronics, 
machine design, technical drawing, shoe/clothe making and design, clay making, 
glass making, building construction and so many other trade.

The Baganda Luwero war veterans, out of desperation are becoming a menace and 
being used especially by NRM Resident District Commissioner to committee crimes 
as they did in the 80’s in Luwero!   

The Baganda veterans forcedly, took over Kasana Luwero playground. They had 
nowhere to do business. Really, building a market or setting up a building 
where these people could rent and do some trade will not cost more than 90 
million shillings.
In Kampala, these some people, basically and totally illiterate are being used 
to grab land i.e. Wakiliga ground clearly meant for a community playground in 
greater Kampala planning scheme! A land, which is a health threat to their 
lives, the market was never planned but just placed there. 

Attempts by former Lord Mayor Ssebanna Kizito, to inform the veterans about the 
illegality of the market as per the Public Health and The town and Country 
Planning Act attracted violence against the person of the mayor. They tried to 
shoot him as documented on Uganda televisions. 

The government, your government responded with chilling silence.

Recently, the same people have been grabbing land, under high power lines where 
they endanger their own lives and those of the general public. Uganda 
electricity distribution had to turn to violent means to uproot them from 

There is another piece of land below Mulago, they have forcedly taken over in 
Kampala, against the protestation of a constitutionary legitimate Urban 
Planning Authority, the Kampala City Council. You and your NRM government are 
very silent above such! Let me ask you, did you really believe that is an 
appropriate place for an unplanned market?

Let me inform you Baganda politicians, such things will never happen in Mbarara 
Town Council for example. Recently Mbarara town council has been clearing and 
cleaning the streets of illegal structures including vehicle parks. 

And for that matter, is the old and new taxi parks in your wisdom termed as 
taxi terminals for human beings?

In Kampala, NRM government will come out to protect criminality, acts of 
violence and directly disorganise organisation, acts that are in direct and 
clearly in contravention of the laws of Uganda. 

On the other hand NRM government will disallow such in Mbarara!

It is flabbergasting that Buganda and Baganda can be taken for fools and you 
high ranking Baganda in government, keep silent against such blatant disrespect 
of the laws, destruction and neglect of your own! 

Why doesn’t NRM government stop the mayor of Mbarara from chasing street 
illegals and illegal construction in Mbarara town but can do the same in 
Kampala? Buganda and the Baganda are being irreparably being destroyed morally 
and physically and you can’t see anything?! 

RDC problem

Why should Kampala in particular have so many RDCs? To whom are these people 
answerable, the parliament, president, to whom? Can you see the problem? In 
Mbarara there was a Musoga RDC who did a lot for that region he was chased away 
by the Banyankore. They never wanted him and how did the executive react?!

The above 

[Ugnet] Prof. Nsibambi, Bukenya Resign

2006-06-19 Thread d b

Is Destroying Buganda a Policy?

Prime Minister Prof. Apollo Nsibambi
Vice President Prof. Balibasseka Bukenya
Speaker Edward Ssekandi
Prof. Semakula Kiwanuka
Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya
Hajji Moses Kigongo

Allow me to address you, through this forum on issues that are very disturbing 
in regard to Buganda region. I’ve noted with dismay, the rampant misery and 
poverty your government, is inflicting on Buganda and the Baganda people. 

You should understand, the National Resistance Movement/Army revolutionary war 
was a deliberate destructive venture, executed as such in Luwero and for that 
matter in Buganda. The war was conducted to economically and socially 
incapacitate and cripple the war zone, which bye the way is Buganda. Factories 
were destroyed as well as the social infrastructure-the Baganda were left in 
misery and despondence.

I will request you for first hand information, to go to Luwero, Nakaseke, 
Kiboga and make a head count of; both cattle  crop farms, factories, homes and 
other social infrastructure destroyed and of that, how much had been restored 
in the past 20 years!

We the commons, we see you in your black and dark screened limousines, enjoying 
the fruits of your sacrosanct status in wonderment. 

You have turned a blind eye, when destruction of the, moral, social and 
ecological zone referred to as Buganda is taking place – and this being done 
with you the Baganda, comfortably in government, which is most disturbing.

Baganda war Veterans

I see my childhood friends languishing in villages their lives totally 
destroyed and in a mess.

It will take only six months and less than 150 million shillings to train 
Baganda NRM veterans; in masonry, carpentry, motor mechanics, electronics, 
machine design, technical drawing, shoe/clothe making and design, clay making, 
glass making, building construction and so many other trade.

The Baganda Luwero war veterans, out of desperation are becoming a menace and 
being used especially by NRM Resident District Commissioner to committee crimes 
as they did in the 80’s in Luwero!   

The Baganda veterans forcedly, took over Kasana Luwero playground. They had 
nowhere to do business. Really, building a market or setting up a building 
where these people could rent and do some trade will not cost more than 90 
million shillings.
In Kampala, these some people, basically and totally illiterate are being used 
to grab land i.e. Wakiliga ground clearly meant for a community playground in 
greater Kampala planning scheme! A land, which is a health threat to their 
lives, the market was never planned but just placed there. 

Attempts by former Lord Mayor Ssebanna Kizito, to inform the veterans about the 
illegality of the market as per the Public Health and The town and Country 
Planning Act attracted violence against the person of the mayor. They tried to 
shoot him as documented on Uganda televisions. 

The government, your government responded with chilling silence.

Recently, the same people have been grabbing land, under high power lines where 
they endanger their own lives and those of the general public. Uganda 
electricity distribution had to turn to violent means to uproot them from 

There is another piece of land below Mulago, they have forcedly taken over in 
Kampala, against the protestation of a constitutionary legitimate Urban 
Planning Authority, the Kampala City Council. You and your NRM government are 
very silent above such! Let me ask you, did you really believe that is an 
appropriate place for an unplanned market?

Let me inform you Baganda politicians, such things will never happen in Mbarara 
Town Council for example. Recently Mbarara town council has been clearing and 
cleaning the streets of illegal structures including vehicle parks. 

And for that matter, is the old and new taxi parks in your wisdom termed as 
taxi terminals for human beings?

In Kampala, NRM government will come out to protect criminality, acts of 
violence and directly disorganise organisation, acts that are in direct and 
clearly in contravention of the laws of Uganda. 

On the other hand NRM government will disallow such in Mbarara!

It is flabbergasting that Buganda and Baganda can be taken for fools and you 
high ranking Baganda in government, keep silent against such blatant disrespect 
of the laws, destruction and neglect of your own! 

Why doesn’t NRM government stop the mayor of Mbarara from chasing street 
illegals and illegal construction in Mbarara town but can do the same in 
Kampala? Buganda and the Baganda are being irreparably being destroyed morally 
and physically and you can’t see anything?! 

RDC problem

Why should Kampala in particular have so many RDCs? To whom are these people 

[Ugnet] Nadduli gone, Luwero Land Grabbing Resumes

2006-06-14 Thread d b
Nadduli gone, Luwero Land Grabbing Resumes

Mr. President Yoweri Museveni
Vice President Balibasseka Bukenya
Prime Ministers Apollo Nsibambi 

I was excited for once, when your vision led you to realisation that indeed the 
National Resistance Movement is corrupt to the core. Truly if you have just 
known it, that is the tip of the iceberg.

Your Vice president mentioning, he was going to do something about land 
grabbing and forged land titles, was of even a great timely relief for s in 

The conflicts that have become so endemic in NRM Uganda; poverty, moral 
degradation etc, right from 1986 have their origins in a. CORRUPTION b. Land 
grabbing.  But corruption and land grabbing, rampant in NRM circles, is a 
precursor to yet a more primitive way of capital accumulation, Uganda has ever 
witnessed. Therefore, our social direction is more mystical than it has ever 

But who is corrupt and who is a land grabber? Why is it that NRM people are so 
much interested in reckless acquisition of land?

This is not the first time I am writing about the vices. I am only confirming 
fears in case of Luwero, now that LC V Nadduli Abdul who has been fighting the 
land grabbers, is out of the way. The people of Luwero might be facing a 
nightmare once again, from your very NRM people.

Just a few months ago, I was beyond Butalangu the new seat of Nakaseke 
district. There, some few people who actually as you will discover, are your 
former NRM went and fenced off people’s land including as I was informed 60 sq 
km of Buganda kingdom’s lands, Kabaka’s land.

To fence off such a huge chunk of land, yet there is virtually nothing on it is 
economically illogical and criminally revealing.

In this open forum, I’ve once openly written, one of your ministers wrote 
letters I saw with my eyes to people in Luwero, directing them to vacate land, 
on which they have stayed for decades, some more than 70 – 80 years. Land was 
virtually taken over and trees on it cut down to make charcoal by alleged owner 
for sale in Kampala! 

If such ministers had rights to that land who processes their land titles on 
land, which is seemingly not theirs?

Among the population, the vice has created animosity, in the region that had 
never witnessed such i.e. in Nakasongola, Kiboga and Mubende, as far as I can 
remember. Land grabbers are only people who have unlimited means to violence 
and some form of state protection. They grab land in the open at times using 
state resources.
In fact, the past Luwero administration used all legal means in regard to what 
was going on and that was it.  Nothing happened to land the grabbers, may be 
they stopped waiting for another time. And it is now!

None of these characters had ever been brought to book or apprehended by the 
law enforcing forces for the wanton destruction and suffering, they inflicted 
onto the citizens! Yet we have very clear land laws, but in regard to what I 
saw in 2001, I doubt if the law is ever followed by NRM untouchables.

I’ve also mentioned in this forum, a mularo widowed old woman in her 70’s her 
cows were enclosed in, her herdsman taken and imprisoned by LC corroborators 
with NRM cadres, she was also being forced to vacate land. Neither she nor the 
herdsman had committed any crime!

There is overwhelming evidence of land grabbing now that state finances are 
hard to come by. 

People from Luwero want a clear demonstration by the state and all its law 
enforcing entities to fully investigate what is going on in Luwero triangle. 
Luwero people should get a catalogue of all land acquired by people outside 

The death of the people during the war, who once owned these pieces of land or 
lack of children and grand children to oversee these premises and property, is 
no warrant for grabbing land from old helpless people.

Community wise, there is no free land in African societies. In both Acholi and 
Teso the message has been very clear. No Land grabbing. If the state wants 
land, there very clear provisions on the law books on how to get land. The same 
law are enshrined in Uganda constitution.

Further still, if the state had embraced modern rural and urban planning 
methods none of the above situation would have arisen. It is only in a 
primitive country like ours people are evicted by so called land proprietors 
who for the past 20 years can’t export a kilo of meat. The situation of just 
dumping the Bakiga in Kibale is reminiscent, on a basis of will to till land 
and not even setting up basic infrastructures in Kibale is a pointer of lack of 
social, political and ideological direction. What is meant by industrialisation?

One hears how people have acquired hundreds of acres of land in Mubende, Kiboga 
and Luwero and one wonder if these were empty spaces land. Really, I can’t see 
how some of this land can be utilised effectively either in cattle or crop 

Uganda as of now has no basic infrastructure to talk of in both beef

[Ugnet] Obscene sum for software development

2006-06-14 Thread d b
Obscene sum for software development

You have heard! Local Governments setting up school buildings only to be blown 
away by wind or swept away by floods. Really, it shows a case of a country that 
has reached the lowest ebb! For the ministry of works, can’t use the cheapest 
of technologies to design, model and later distribute stronger and better 
building designs.  No they can’t!

This is a computer age, and not even a minister’s village in Ntinda has a 
proper sewer system. Now we hear, Nakasero is the new Muyenga without the most 
basic infrastructure in place for the roads, drainage or sewer, last updated by 
the colonialist. They knew what we don’t know!

What the executive would have done, is to get an architect design a Nakasero 
landscape and put in all possible scenarios to get a real time feeling of what 
reality would be, Nakasero turning out to be what it will be into the future. 
It is the remaining green in the city.

Lugogo is gone for super markets as if such markets could not be located in 
better places!

Nakasero today is a commercial area from a residential area, politician 
ignoring technical advice because they knew better! The buildings here have the 
worst architectural designs, I have ever seen -its to whom it may concern.

Falling classrooms, the works ministry can’t develop simple software to measure 
wind force, or water pressure if that is the problem, cement and sand mixture 
to offer free to contractors. The problem is deeper though, save for 
illuminating the impossibility of the modernisation of the Africa.

The approximate total sum of all moneys that has gone to foreign companies to 

a.  NSSF
b.  Warehouse registry
c.  Bank of Uganda data system
d.  Driving Permits 
e.  National Identity Card
f.  Public Service Commission Registry
g.  Local Government Computer System
h.  Financial Computerised system (planning ministry)
i.  Soldiers pay roll system (defence ministry)
j.  Land title registry
k.  Company registry
l.  Birth and death certificate registry
m.  Vehicle licensing registry (ura)
n.  Tax /revenue Registry (ura)
o.  Voters card registry

As far as I have read, none of the above system is nationwide or for that 
matter services the country at large!

It is an obscene sum if you can imagine it developing software using foreign 
entities. Really, developing countries are very interesting but so-called 
politicians are more than a disaster. 

Modernisation is a song, for no one in government sees a need to stop the 
country from financial haemorrhage. 

And very few Ugandans if any, have been involved in practical development of 
above software system and basic infrastructure. Now, how do you maintain and 
later run a software on a national level, you never development and is not 
synchronised with various crucial departments?

Ugandans have been ferried around the world to go and acquire different 
competences in maintaining and running different software.

The above task will squarely lie with Uganda Computer services and Makerere 
University Institute of Computer sciences. Makerere I hear is a government 
funded higher education institution. 

Take an example of Tax/revenue, Business registry and National Identify 
Card/Driving permit 
May be those registry will have been synchronised – are they and we know they 
are not!

Take land titles and ground rents registry – those registers will be reconciled 
but we know they are not.

The same goes with road licensing of vehicle and physically registering 
vehicles – these registers will be run along tax databases. We know that might 
not be the case as recent Interpol stolen car cases revealed.   

To me if Kampala is a slum and politicians feel well about it, and that Uganda 
since independence has never developed a single town centre, is no longer a 
strange phenomenon –they are Africans.




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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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[Ugnet] To develop computers programmes for the state

2006-06-06 Thread d b
 into this area. This point has got two
advantages, that is, they will be people coming into the world, and wholly
dependent of the merge resource they have at their disposal and having
adequately learnt to survive in such conditions. 

All students must be in the age gap of 20 - 30 years.

The TEACHING group should be in ages of 30 - 65 only, since this means only
those who can jump into this situation will be able to take themselves out.
If we cannot get teachers in computer programming we can use university
graduate in this field on condition that they work as a group, to develop
their knowledge. The results are the same. Uganda has a pool of computer,
communication expert spread all over the world. Unless we develop this area
these people will never in our lifetime be able to find a feasible job in
this country.

This institution is not a money making venture, something which must clearly be 
spelt out to every one associated to the institution, but an innovation 
institution which is there to test all ideas, in the computer and communication 
world and stretch human ability in the world of thinking and logic.
Those teachers at Ph.D. level, * who are willing to work at the most least 
reward *, should be allowed their own research ventures, together with the
economic establishment in the region, for example banks, post, 
telecommunication, etc.  Provided 30 - 35 % of their earnings are returned as 
input into the school welfare which should be accounted for in quarterly, half 
year, and annual spending and income reports. Where does the technology being 
used by NMT, Uganda posts, Celtel come from? Does it make and economic sense to 
talk about development if we can\'t even produce the manpower later alone the 
technology used in these fields? 

Students from the institution, who will prove innovative in first year or 
within a period of their course or under a period less than five years and have 
came up with super innovations which can be deemed as socially and economically 
viable and beneficial, should be recruited as researchers and later be awarded 
doctorates at Makerere university. As long as their work can be published, 
documented and used to benefit society. The state must make this possible since 
the best computer programmers, computer programme developers (Bill Gates) I 
have seen here in Europe are actually not university trained or graduates.

The infrastructure needed is as follows:

1). 2 powerful satellite dishes at US 5000 $ to create independence for the
institution from Uganda post limited or any other institution which might
be providing such activities.
2). A digital or fibre optic telephone network/line subsidised by the

3). Three hundred (300) full multimedia computer units at approximately US
300,000 $. This cost must even be lower, well furnished with UNIX, windows
95, NT, COBOL, Visual basic, Computer Aided Design CAD, Object orientated
analysis and design, plus machine language and geographical information
systems (GIS), c ++, mathematics toolkits, Pascal Delphi, imaging etc. 

4). 5 powerful servers with approx. 300 MHz each (speed) at US 6250 $ for
storing and distribution of information as the case is with the Internet.
IBM AS/400 are most preferable, since they are have multiprocessors with
speed exceeding 300 MHZ

5). 12 classrooms to function as computer laboratory, with 25 computer
units each, categorised on the basis of the first two courses.

6).  5 classrooms for machine and robotics design, with all necessary materials 
needed in that field, like cartographic capabilities, machine and
robotic design.  Points 5 and 6 plus student residents can cost about 
20,000,000 million Uganda shillings that is US 2 dollars, plus locally made 
beds and with some labour in applying the economies of scale. 

7).Thirty milk cows and 50 egg laying hens unknown cost. 

8). Teachers monthly salary about 20 teachers at 20 * 40, 000 = 800,000 /= 
shilling (800 dollars) monthly on condition that the first best students, in 
the first two years should do teaching on an obligatory basis, for atleast one 
year and half as a precondition for research duties. Teachers
should be able to provide themselves on the schools resources, like milk and 
free education for atleast two or three children and medic care.

9). Teachers housing facilities self-contained (2 or 3 rooms and kitchen and 
bathroom - 20 units at 20 * 1,000, 000  = 20,000,000 /= Shs (20,000 dollars) 
10). 1000 old units of old but working computer units, which can help, in 
practising repair and computer design.

11). Twenty-five (25) printers for about US 18750 $ the price might even be
much lower.

A). COMPUTER PROGRAMMING and SYSTEM DESIGN 40 points - with mathematics as
a theoretical base. (Major course for one-year intensive practical studies). 
(Two terms) 
B). Machine designs 10 points and Robotics 10 points. (One term) C). Basic 
sociology theory (Marx Karl social theory, African

[Ugnet] ICT dollar charges what is to be done?

2006-05-30 Thread d b

How fair is taxation of dollar charging enterprise done i.e. in the housing, 
computing and media industry, given the shifting dollar rate to the shilling? 
Can Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) collect those moneys from companies that get 
super profits from charging Ugandans in dollars? Are Ugandans being robbed? 
What are the standards and how does URA and Ministry of Finance tackle the 

Despite abundant tools to watch cable and satellite based television channels, 
Uganda has only one entity providing for such services, the so-called DSTV. 
They charge all Ugandans in dollars or at least their charges are pegged to 
dollar rates. Many Ugandans could freely watch those channels, if they knew the 
technology and how it works! Infact, the monopoly has stunted technological 
development in that sector, where URA would be collecting a lot of money. 
Ugandans today, will be making parabola dishes, decoders and designing high 
frequency antennas. It is a very big industry.

If one has a dual band decoder or a free to air satellite equipment, with a 
feedhorn For example, one will be able to watch many of the channels sold to 
Ugandans by DSTV. Luckily, majority satellites are located at the equator for 
wider signal coverage, even though they might not be beaming their signals into 
Uganda directly. 

Why should Uganda children not be able to access the learning channel, 
discovery or animal planet for example? BBC has education transmission in 
sciences and art fields for example. The same channels could be accessed 
through the Internet, which offers abundant free education tools.

The new Ministry of Information Technology will have to start on a higher note. 
For instance it will have to set up a commission of inquiry to get details into 
why innovators i.e. those of voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) were not given 
the necessary support by Uganda Communications Commission?

Secondly the information ministry will have to solicit information on how quick 
and feasible given infrastructure can accelerate information communication 
spatial spread. Thus will also have to attend to immediate Uganda computer and 
information communications professionals’ needs and how they can be helpful to 
the nation. 

Not least, the ministry will be seeking to look into problems faced by the 
Ministries of Education, Health, Local Governments, the department of 
information, Uganda Broadcasting Services, Uganda Posta and Works etc.

Another scenario is to study how banks especially, have faired in mitigating 
cyber crime now that banks are fully computerised and not loosing millions 
digital fraud.

Crucially important is to study the failures of the Ministry of Communication 
and UCC. What happened to all projects that were initiated i.e. rural 
communications development programme? To what extent has those projects be 
attained, sustained and who benefited? Why are districts, not connected yet 
such a project existed under the UCC? Accountability for the dollar funds 
collected from all communication mediums including Internet service providers 
and FM radios? What happened to the Uganda portal launched by MOHWC?

Who designs Uganda software, and of Uganda Revenue Authority? If not Ugandans 
why foreigners design out computerised taxation system?

In Kampala, for every ten Internet cafés the majority, are run by Pakistanis or 
Indians.  At the counter of Internet cafés there might be a Ugandan. Usually 
s/he’s merely working for a few thousand shillings per day; ordinarily it is a 
university graduate in one computer field. Ugandans, who have tried the trade, 
have abandoned it under threatening dollar charges, by service providers. 

Even the zero taxation has not helped matters, Ugandans without any source of 
stable funding and staggering power connection bills – they seem to have bitten 
the dust. For those who have tried alternative power sources, costs have eaten 
away all their savings.

There is more to this, corruption and hypocrisy among Ugandans.
Why is it that Ugandan could not design a “digitised driving permits”, Uganda 
maps, a national identity card, NSSF software, soldiers salary registers, 
automated transcripts, public services worker’s register, automated audited 
Global Fund Accounts, computerised Postal Office letters tracking system etc.  
is there a need to have a computerised warehouse billing system?

The World Bank funded Internet based health project would be placed in every 
district and referral hospital.

UTL Internet connection fees for example of between 64kps to 256 kps cost 
between 90 and 300 United States dollars. That is between 162000 and 54 
Uganda shilling per month.  

At my home in Europe I could pay much less, a figure of 250 crowns per month 
that is 37500 shillings. It was higher, since I had added services i.e. free 
website at more than 100 mega bytes and five email addresses and free support. 

I could also install and make local and international 

RE: RE: [Ugnet] Open Letter - Truth and Reconciliation

2006-05-30 Thread d b
Hon. J. Akena

I will come to your office in a couple of days 
and we start mapping a way forward. The country in 
a terrible mess as you can see what else can one 
do other than rse ones voice!


2006-05-26 14:05 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Great to know that you are still on the net. I will produce the fire when 
necessary, and not for its own sake. I hope that we could work together on 
some of the ideas you used to present on the net.


J. Akena



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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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RE: [Ugnet] Open Letter - Truth and Reconciliation

2006-05-25 Thread d b


You looked wonderfull but I am expecting fire not as you sat and looked on


2006-05-25 14:05 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]


H.  E. The President of Uganda 
President\'s Office 
Parliamentary Buildings 
Parliamentary Avenue 


Dear Mr. Yoweri  Kaguta  Museveni



1.  On 12th May, 2006 you took oath to lead Uganda for another 5 years after 
the widely disputed electoral process and after presiding over the affairs of 
Uganda for the last 20 years.   By 2011 you will have been at the helm of 
Uganda for 25 years out of its forty nine (49) years as an independent 
country. In terms of time held in office you would have left a legacy of 
leading the nation for slightly more than half of its existence.

2.  Your Excellency,  your recent  oath requires you to:

a)  Uphold, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. 

b)  Observe the Laws of Uganda. 

c)  Promote   the welfare of the people of Uganda. 

It is this oath that should guide your conscience and set parameters for you 
if you want a befitting legacy as you embark on the next five difficult years 
of your chosen career.


3.  As millions of Ugandans, its friends and yourself are   aware,  for the 
last  43 years, independent  Uganda has  failed  to genuinely  emerge as a 
peaceful and united country,  in spite of   some periods of  relative peace  
and calm.  The general tendency and misfortune, has been the misery of civil 
war, massacres, destruction of property, torture, wanton human rights abuses 
and abrogation of the rule of law.   For much of the four decades of 
independence, Ugandans have exchanged roles as victims of abuse and 
perpetrators of such abuse.  Hate, anger, revenge, vengeance, acrimony, 
mistrust and suspicion have characterized relations between individuals, 
communities and tribes.All this has bled dry any efforts to build a 
truly   peaceful, prosperous and united Uganda   where patriotism and love of 
one\'s fellow citizens reign. 

4.  The first period of this, our painful history of 24 years (1962-1986) was 
undera total of five Presidents (one of whom also served as Executive 
Prime Minister), three Presidential Commissioners and one head of a Military 
Commission (whom you deputized). The second phase of this very painful 
history, now in its 21 st year, has seen Your Excellency as the uninterrupted 

5.  There were and still remain unexplained allegations of abuses and serious 
violations in the first phase (1962-1986). The crisis in Buganda between 1964 
and 1966 and its aftermath needs clear scrutiny.  Who were the perpetrators of 
the crisis, who were the real victims?  These remain unexplained questions.
The military coup of 1971 and the resultant 8 years of carnage under a fully 
fledged military dictatorship also requires that questions are asked and 
answered.   Who masterminded and carried out the coup? Who were its 
beneficiaries and who were the victims of the coup and of the Amin\'s 
government?  Who did what in this period?   The politics, maneuvers and 
unexplained massacres and murders during 1979-1980 period need further   
investigation.  Needless to mention, the ghosts of the Luwero Triangle still 
haunt us.   Who started the civil war, how was recruitment done and how was 
the successful war prosecuted? Who killed hundreds of civil servants and local 
chiefs? On the part of UPC, we would like to know how our leaders in the 
Luwero triangle were killed and their properties destroyed and by who?   Who 
aided   and abated this war behind the scenes?

6.  The Luwero war led to and fed into the 1985 coup detats.  For nearly a 
month after the July 1985 coup, hundreds of people in the Luwero triangle, 
Kampala, Mukono, Kamuli, Iganga, Jinja, Lira, Apac were massacred and their 
properties destroyed or   looted. Who were the real brains and hands behind 
the 1985 coup?  Who were the victims and real perpetrators of the wanton 
violations and abuses? These and many other questions cry out for answers. 

7.  An attempt was made by the Justice Arthur Oder Human Rights Commission of 
Inquiry to inquire into the human rights violations allegedly committed 
between 1962 and 1986.   However, the nature of the inquiry and the 
restrictive political circumstances under which it was conducted militated 
against an impartial dispensation.   Very many   victims and witnesses kept 
away and very few perpetrators of abuses were willing to testify and confess 
their crimes and excesses in absence of a reconciliation framework.   The 
abuses and excesses of this period need to be investigated afresh under the 
changed political environment with an impartial   truth and reconciliation 

8.  In the immediate

[Ugnet] Envoys help Gen.M7 to prosecute Luwero Criminals

2006-05-22 Thread d b


I challenge the National Resistance Army/Movement to engage the
International Criminal Court to investigate atrocities committed in Luwero.
Taking envoys to visit graves is not enough if the culprits are not brought
to book.

There were rebels in West Nile under Moses Ali fighting upc government, but
there are no mass graves. There were FEDEMU and VUMBULA rebels in Mukono,
Bugerere and UFM in Bujuko forest, but there are no mass graves as in
Luwero. Why?

The true nature of the so-called liberation war in Luwero is emerging.
People coming from Luwero are tired of being used and mocking their dead!
Mass graves in Luwero is someone’s work and soon or later justice will take
its course.

If people were against the acts of rebel forces of the national resistance
movement would they survive in Luwero jungles? Let NRA tell us what happened
to such people who refused to join NRA/NRM! UPC youth wingers a good number
of them Baganda in Luwero, where are they and who killed them? Certainly
armed forces under the UPC government would not have killed their own

The time has come, for all of us people in Luwero to wake up and start
writing about what actually happened in Luwero under NRA/NRM insurgence.
Fear to reveal what exactly happened is serious self-deception and mantel
governments will continue to use to project own agendas.

Is Luwero any better than it was before NRA/ NRM insurgence? Cotton and
coffee shambas, families, homesteads and the entire infrastructure were
destroyed. More than seven coffee haulers and cotton ginneries were
destroyed. Nothing in the 20 years has been done there!

NRA/ NRM prides itself in how they put on UPC colours to confuse the
citizens. What happened to the confused citizens?

Luwero people should form committees, enlist with the international criminal
court (ICC) to reinvestigate how people were killed in Luwero. There is
already a wealthy of information to start with and combatants, who were
fooled and because of their social disposition were sidelined, are a good
source of information about NRA/M. ambushes so effectively used, victims
where not only soldiers but also innocent civilians like medical and public
servants. The intention was to paralyse the state.

If UPC killed so many people why not release the Nagenda Commission of
Inquiry report in Luwero atrocities? Is the NRA/NRM hiding something?

What happened in Luwero is typical and characteristic of Marxist/Maoist
rebel insurgency. And indeed many families can’t trace their loved one up
to this day in Luwero, who involuntarily joined the rebels.

The world community instead of visiting graves should ask more questions and
what NRA/M did with those who opposed it during that war.

Concerned Luwero citizen - Bwanika



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[Ugnet] ICT, COMMUNICATION MEDIUM meaninglessness

2006-05-16 Thread d b


Why do we have scandals like “computerised plastic driving permits”,
national identity cards, mal-functioning NSSF software, ghost soldiers,
delayed transcripts, public services grossed up workers register,
non-audited Global Fund Accounts, Postal Office mis-addressed letters etc.

What happened to the World Bank funded Internet based health project?
Laughable isn’t it?

What is Ugandan’s; information communication technology, postal, telephony
and broadcasting development backbone? At least there should exist, basic
structures to go by. That is, if there is any? It is easier to access all
forms of communication mediums outlined above in Europe, United States,
Canada and some parts of Asia than when in Uganda!

Logically, high and medium developed nations will have higher unit usability
cost – the industry and trade is extensive and when economies of scale are

Affordability is very limited of all mediums mentioned above in Uganda. One
can’t easily access Uganda Broadcasting tv/radio over the Internet in
Uganda. It will be costly. Faxing within Uganda is equally costly there are
virtually no clear landline connection all over the country. My mobile and
computer are yet to receive faxes.

But then we have audited bank accounts, automated teller machines, automated
billing system over mobile phones, during the elections in march, Daily
Monitor automated polling station worked efficiently, GSM based newscast and
updates is also a reality in Uganda.

Uganda is now a bastion of out sourced computer jobs – barony!

Two lines of arguments arise; one banks are working and Uganda Communication
Commission is not. Second, Ugandans are incompetent, and foreigners
competent. There are more parameters to this i.e. corruption, selfishness
and indifference.

All indications show, Uganda is moving towards a Ministry of information
technology, a welcome move. With developments in other sectors such as the
gigantic Faculty of Computer Sciences at Makerere, that has not been able to
produce a single group of nations computer literate programmers, this one
too might end up as an ivory tower.

The above based on facts, i.e. Uganda at large, is outsourcing all its,
needs and requirements for computer aided business administrative work and
software development. Politically and economically, it is massive deskilling
of the people. NRM strategy is working very well, encouraging investors to
do their job while we Ugandans, milk them of taxes. URA is busting with
soaring revenues!

Uganda public communication mediums are in shambles, many years since the
inception of Uganda Communication Commission, mandated to do research work
and not least develop appropriate technologies into the fields of
communication media. Is UCC hitting a dead end as any other African

The facts shows that UGANDA SOCIAL SECURITY FUND contracted, yes contracted
a South African computer firm to design the software algorithm for their
clients. Will such a programme be to big for Makerere University, or a
premeditated UCC will all dollars at its disposal?

Uganda has a lot of computer programmers who can do such work within a day
and later test it for a week, monitor it for years, improve on it along over
the years and all will be done!

Uganda contracted, as far as I’ve read the same firm (nssf) to design
software algorithm for a computerised national driving permit. Note too that
this permit has generated a lot of controversy in many circles, some
referring to the permit as a mere plastic card.

Anyhow and interestingly so, how could a driving permit, just that card “be
so computerised” without a national identification card? It appears a
driving permit is only offering data on particular individuals eligibility
to handle vehicles on public roads. What is the national driving permit
based on?

The NATIONAL IDENTITY CARD has only generated corruption and NRM is crying
foul that some (aah yes indeed some) cadres are very corrupt. Really, what
does it take to design a comprehensive national identity and why should it
be contracted out if a government academic institution could not do
research, monitor, evaluate and later develop one?

When I looked in some of the programmes, I’ve on my box, as former student
of script design, I discovered a complete software with a complete programme
that could i.e. register; ones birth date, social security number, address,
passport photo, id card number, names and expiry date.

One could modify it to have bank accounts withdraw and debiting, employment
station, a complete database and so many other things.

This is what the Indians have been doing in this country to earn billions of
shillings - modification of computer programmes to fit into what does not
exist in reality in Uganda. And they have property rights on such code!

For example non-existence of a national identification card, birth and death
registers, social security numbers, implies an absence of a 

[Ugnet] wha does K\'la Govt want with Kampala?

2006-05-08 Thread d b
NRM Modernisation of Kampala

Stockholm City major reason for initiating a toll system was due to motorised 
pollution. They gave in to the forces of nature. Prior they had made an 
elaborated study of the entire archipelago environmental impact that involve; 
water, air, soil profiles, plants and not least people. The rests were very 

For another time, I’m writing to highlight the fate of Kampala region and its 
suburbs. The situation has reached alarmingly an unsustainable level. I’m once 
again challenging, National Resistance Movement government, MULAGO MEDICAL 
SCHOOL, UTODA now a limited company, KCC, Ministry of Works, Housing and 
Communication, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender and Social Development, 
NEMA (has done its job) to start clinical studies on consequences of 
environmental pollution on human life in Kampala.

It is estimated between 6000 – 8000 diesel guzzling minibuses are operating in 
this region of less than 1000 sq km. Uganda is registering more than 200 old 
Japanese vehicles per month. 

Kampala is increasingly accumulating pollutants of all types; toxic garbage, 
polythene bags, faeces besides lethal gasses like nitrogen oxide, sulphur 
oxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, lead, and hydrocarbons. 

 Nakivubo Channel and wetland destruction, is posing a greater danger to people 
living along them. Dry periods come along with foul smell from stinking water 
logged in the channel. 

The philosopher king his excellence the president of the republic of Uganda in 
his missive in the new vision directed the parliament legalised National 
Environment Management Authority to hear stay the eviction of wetland 
encroachers as NRM finds an amicable solution! One can’t fail to be 
flabbergasted and question the intention of this regime.

NRM is poised to completely destroy Kampala. It might be too late to reverse 
the damage. Kampala is accumulating million tonnes of garbage on a daily basis. 
Market places are mostly affected, in the inner city and suburban markets.

At St. Balikuddembe, Karelwe and Natete Markets vendors are now openly opposing 
the abolition of market dues! Garbage and filthy is chocking them. Today 
Saturday 6 may 2006, I’ve been in Natete and a downpour left the sceptic tank 
pouring its content in the public road drainage to the disgust of the dwellers.

That is the major road to Rwakitura.

Kampala has no sewerage system at all. If it exist it’s only 8% of the 196 sq 
km that Kampala covers. Ntinda minister’s village has a lagoon to empty its 
shit. Even a minister’s village can’t be connected to major sewer lines.

A six square kilometre Nakivubo wetland has been reduced to just a third. Human 
settlements, are coming up everywhere as NRM human settlement policy! MoWHC and 
MoWLE are very silent on the matter. It’s NEMA, KCC and the Local Government 
doing the needful, whenever they get governments blessings.

Unplanned human settlements are equally impacting negatively on the population 
living in Kampala. It’s a gradual process that will see an area extending as 
far as Mukono, Entebbe, Buloba and Matuga affected in the same manner. 

Children among others are the most affected; taxi drivers and city dwellers 
working in highly motorised corridors are equally affected and more so women. 

During dry spells, motor vehicles stir dust that creates a canopy of dust over 
the city. They emit diesel fumes and particles hanging over Lake Victoria. With 
deliberate destruction of Lake Nalubale, with solid waste through Nakivubo 
channel and particulate particles – an ecological imbalance of this once 
beautiful peninsula is a reality.  

Last week, one news media reported cancer cases at Mulago general hospital are 
on the increase. 

However, the journalist who filed the report did not clearly, detail 
explanations of the causes and cluster population affected. In the news 
segment, majority images were children, with half limbs and others rotting, 
cancer eating them away. The physicians appeared to be helpless as they blamed 
the problem on lack of facilitation.

Though the physicians were point focused, the problem is deeper.  
The facts are now becoming very clear. Medical doctors in and around Kampala 
are struggling with some rare coughs, fevers and other diseases among the 
children and adults. There appears to be no medication that can cure these 
strange diseases.   

I for one, in the past one and half year, has suffered three times of very rare 
coughs resulting in severe headaches and very high fevers. Prompting me to take 
test laboratory that have nothing but some sort of bacteria infection, which 
may be, was not readily understood.   

On top of that, Indians (investors) are bringing in expired drugs and one of 
the Indian was recently relived of his duties from his executive directorship 
of Uganda drug whatever and discontinued from practicing medicine in Uganda.

As reported into the past, any person who has not been in Kampala 

[Ugnet] Lord Mayor n Stockholm

2006-05-08 Thread d b
The Lord Mayor of Mukono Town Council, Mr. Ssenyonjo Muyanja Johnson will be in 
Stockholm, Sweden around the second last week of May 2006.Most probably after 
25-may 2006. You can check with Stockholm City Hall for further details.

Ugandan’s in the area give him a large welcome and dialogue within him about 
the future of our cities and towns and show him around the city decay and 
success stories. 

call +256 75 2972960 for details



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[Ugnet] ICT in Uganda Forget it Is it UCC?!

2006-05-02 Thread d b

ICT? Forget It!

The Information Communication Technology has finally been murdered and buried. 
Hail Uganda Communications Commission and Ministry of Works, Housing and 

I’ve not come across any single home in Uganda that has an Internet connection 
for domestic other than commercial use! AMAZING ISN’T IT? 

Uganda it is said has the most liberal ICT regime. That is rubbish here are the 

A logical solution to Uganda’s ICT impasse is to have a commission of inquiry 
into the entire communications sub sector. And we must all strive to that end 
and bring the dirt into the open.

A banker with a complete computer donation from South Africa asks, me what to 
do to provide his kids with ICT at home? The prices are ridiculous he can’t 
afford however much he and her wife likes! 

A senior lecturer of geography and planning, asks me to sell off her computer 
box, it is a burden she tried to get connected. The computer in her words, is a 
money sucker, she hates it.

Several schools have taken on the fad but computers, old or new are still in 
boxes or found humble corners were they keep them unused. 

A chemical engineer wonders if there is away he could go around the terrible 
connection fees. Yet his work in data bank will offer him flexibility to work 
at a distance, as his work place cover the entire breadth of Uganda.

An electronic engineer tried it a month and felt ICT was for the rich. The 
ministry of ICT will with same parameters fail terribly. Another near workers 
house has a terrible experience, he does not want to reveal to me!

A lawyer thinks with his earnings it is a luxury. He laughs a lot when I talk 
about ICT.

A number of private and public entities have similar experiences. Along Kampala 
Bombo road were computer wares are peddled, not more than 5 units a month leave 
the shop shelves, if they sell at all. They are turning to digital cameras and 
flat screen televisions.

Ownership of a computer despite zero taxation has not produced any positive 
effects. But the ICT rich are getting richer on a small clientele of consumers 
paying in dollars!

When the dollar economy invaded this country, people morals were corrupted to 
shameless level. These types today, claim to be the harbinger – they are not. 
ICT usability in Uganda is only expanding in medium and large-scale entities, 
basically owned by foreigners.

For the common Ugandan, they can as well forget ICT.

Amazingly, American and European weather stations now manned from the skies 
offer ready meteorological data about the entire breadth of Uganda while 
Ugandans themselves know almost nothing.

Travellers coming from Europe certainly overwhelmed by the beauties of the Nile 
and the hinterland, did a lot of studies in biology, physics etc. They did not 
have Internet linked digital cameras nor did they have telephone to communicate 
to their countrymen about newfound knowledge.

Is there no need to reach out to Uganda communities who cannot travel to 
distant regions? It is amazing that the Ituri populations have not exploded. 
Ugandans would share their scientific demographic control secrets!

Uganda Public Communication sectors are in shambles and end users don’t seem to 
see the problem.  Amazingly so, Uganda’s Public Communication Infrastructures 
have not designed categories of data according to need and want or to what 
types of data given institutions establishments.
Hospitals for example need a Public Communications Infrastructure to transfer 
particular forms of data. It might be medical data i.e. x-ray or ultra sound 
images, epidemiological data etc. It’s such an expensive venture for a country 
without enough resources to transfer data.

Had the nation utilised its facilities optimally at Uganda Telecoms or at 
Uganda Broadcasting Corporation though UCC regulation etc, it would offer ready 
tailored courses online saving huge amounts of tax funds that could instead go 
to buying other medical amenities i.e. beds and sundries etc.
UCC must be in limbo as well. It is a dead ended entity. No we have MTN, 
CELTEL, CAFES and they regulate don’t they? They call for investors in 
communication facilities for rural regions and that is it – things start to 

There would be no need to have major referral hospitals, as medical specialist 
would utilise Uganda Broadcasting networks to offer real time specialised 
medical treatment at a distance. Uganda as a nation state, should apply its 
communication infrastructures to this endeavour. 

Major communication network loop, solving standing problems of information 
distribution will be very simple to attain.  Department directors will for 
instance logon computers to get specific data that regards their specialised 
trade. Who cares?

The Ministry of Works, Housing and Communication for example is the blind 
leading the blind. Huge amounts of money wasted were online data delivery will 
solve the problem.

It is pitiful that technology has not 

[Ugnet] Indian Mafia Infiltrate all State Institutions

2006-04-24 Thread d b
 Indian Mafia Infiltrate all State Institutions

To the government if it feels, there are different laws for the people resident 
in this country, it can as well abolish entities like Kampala Urban Planning 
Authority (KCC), National Environment Management Authority, National Forest 
Authority etc. and let the Indians govern this country.

Sunday Visions article of the 17 Sunday April 23 2006,  “Cops hunt Indian Over 
Sex Slavery”, The New Visions Saturday April 22, 2006 article Karim defies KCC 
order and goes on to set up a structure without approved architectural and 
engineering plans, the Madhvanis rejection of setting up a golf cause in a 
properly identified location and instead seek to establish one in a 
conservation area in Queen Elizabeth National Parks, Bidco establishment of 
palm oil farm irrespective of massive oil and soap raw material like the 
nsogasoga, cacao and cashew nuts, adding floors with KCC approval on the former 
Drapers building now the Crane Bank, encroachment on Lake Victoria wetlands 
with flower farms, buying off city plots and land through questionable 
tendering process epitomises illegality and shows Indians in this country, will 
do anything to expand their business empire without due consideration to the 
laws of this country. 

These Indians own all gambling places in down town milking the least endowed of 
our society. These Indian will make money in the most inappropriate conditions, 
an extreme for exploitation.  It is Indians who sold non-functioning generators 
to Uganda Electricity Board in the 80’s and we call them investors!

It is sickening but Ugandans don’t forget so easily. 
Just move around Kabila Club and the stench is chocking. Sewerage from this 
business ends up in peoples home. Legal procedures brought against the Indian 
proprietor were all dismissed from Uganda courts of law in the most 
questionable manner! 

Urban and health laws are very clear. Despite that fact, the proprietors have 
gone ahead to do their business as if nothing happens. Ugandan’s complaints 
can’t be heard anywhere as the Indians have both the political and financial 
backbone to corrupt any government official.

Wetlands have been grossly encroached by Indian firms and the law of the nation 
even the state security agencies can’t do anything. These are investors. 
Ugandans must wake before these hugs destroy our country. They now employ 
another trick by hiding behind poor Ugandans to violate Uganda laws.

Should Ugandan remain slaves in their own country? What options are left for 
Ugandans in such circumstances? 

Bwanika (sociologist, evolutionary biologist, environmental scientist  




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[Ugnet] UCC not Individuals must own .ug domain

2006-04-19 Thread d b
for the benefit of the customer. 
The company is not heavily weighed down body, it is lean, operational, focused 
and we strive to resolve issues that are brought to our knowledge instantly. 

We are very efficient. We have made space available. It takes less than three 
hours from the time you register to get your domain. It will soon get to 15 
minutes to get it on the global Internet. 
That is what we consider to be our global role. Even if paying is a 
requirement you do not pay until 30 days after when you have demonstrated that 
you can use it. 

What is the performance of your trade in terms of new client getting more .ug 
First of all our customers include global brands like google 
(www.google.co.ug), Microsoft, Toshiba, Fugistu and others. 
Locally we have all the ministries, local press like www.monitor.co.ug and 
But the problem is that business has not taken on the Internet here in Uganda, 
you could also blame it on literacy levels. 
Someone could have the money but cannot use the Internet. Business people 
should also know that they would have an advantage using the .ug address.

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone  calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min 
with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
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ba href=http://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet 
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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] How Ugandans Ended into Servitude

2006-04-17 Thread d b

Avsändare: Hamis Kaheru [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mottagare: \d b\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ämne: Re: [NEWSENDER] - How Ugandans Ended into Servitude - Message is from an 
unknown sender 

 Please identify yourself properly and fully, indicating what you do, and
provide your portrait photo.

Hamis Kaheru :

Bwanika is a senior consultant witth intergrated development research and 
consultancy at  idrconsult.com a specialist in planning matters. I am also an 
environmental sciencitist specallising in earial particles. I am also a 
sociologist with spcialising in research methdologies, holding diplomas in 
advanced  courses in evolutionary biology , economics and gender studies.

He was born in Nakyesawa in Luwero now Nakseke district. In the attched photo 
in the middle is Bwanika the man(senior) , on the left is Bwanika II and on the 
right is Bwanika Jr.

How Ugandans Ended into Servitude

There are two remarkable advertisements running in Uganda media these days. One 
is invitation for prequalification for provision of consultancy services for 
the proposed “BEAUTIFICATION” of Entebbe-Kampala road corridor. 

Among others in the advert is the

-   Demolition of unsightly kiosks, stall and latrine replacing them with 
organised ones.
-   Proper and hygienic market premises
-   Patterned grass and tree planting
-   Renovation and painting of road side structures
-   Wise use of wetlands
-   Stop road side trading, jua kali etc,
-   Relocation of billboards
-   Establishment of good agricultural practices.

If the government feels embarrassed with the grotesque scenery along Entebbe 
road corridor, why not relocate Uganda’s Capital City to Mbarara for example? 

Ask what is meant with the “establishment of good agricultural practices” along 
Entebbe –Kampala road? Mulching, irrigation, large scale farming, hybrid 
farming?! Our people should really be worried. Already land along that road had 
been sold off to flower farmers without due regard to environmental concerns. 
The government is very silent about it. 

Flower farms are known for their excessive use of herbicides and pesticides. 

In the Soviet Russia, the state due to its impotence, arrogance and “political 
myopia” could plough miles and miles of land, plant it with Irish potatoes or 
cotton farms, without scientifically analysing the consequence of such acts. 
Diversion of water from Amu Darya and Sry Darya to irrigate cotton fields, 
dramatically led to a near demise of fish rich Aral Sea. It had never recovered 
and the cotton fields turned in salt rocks!

Potatoes could rot in the soil, as there were no mechanised systems to harvest 
the large farms on time. Sometimes, the state could bring in the army recruits 
to harvest 10s of kilometres of potato farms but with miserable success! 
Russians nearly starved and turned to importing wheat from the USA!

Exactly as with the National Resistance Movement Regime in Uganda, the Soviet 
Russian intentions were overtly political and emotions of the ruling class, 
rather than socio-economic   needs and environmental concerns of the society.

Reading through a set of things the Ministry of Works, Communication and 
Housing wanted a consultant to do, I realised they could have been done by a 
district physical planning department in Wakiso. Not least Entebbe 
municipality, which is a planning authority in Entebbe together with their 
counterparts in Kampala City Council, at a low cost to the taxpayer, could do a 
better job. 

In fact such things would not be strange to them as they are today. 

Imagine the gross ignorance i.e. where renovation and painting of roadside 
structures is concerned. How many are they? If it were to be done in a 
better-organised manner, imparting skills into our citizens, certainly there 
would be proper planning, organisation and hygiene. The government as a 
primitive entity that it is, its ad hoc acts, thinking today, of something they 
would have done years ago, compounds the socio-psychology of the ruling class 
in Uganda.

One can’t delink ones upbringing, with ones way of thinking it is a fact of 
cultural sociology.
Rethinking over the issue, I could not fail to laugh at the National Resistance 
Movement mannerism. Entebbe – Kampala road is 38 km. Except for the common 
wealth meeting here in Uganda due next year, the African has never seen a 
necessity to “beautify” and even plan the entire corridor as a major gateway 
out of this country.

“Beautification” is for the foreigners, an act not so important for Ugandans. 
What a colonial mentality?!
Last night Saturday 9th 2006, I went to Karelwe and passed through Wandegeya, 
the conditions at that market place is deplorable. Tears filled my eyes as men, 
women and their children were involved in what appeared to be brisk business-on 
the surface. That was past 8.00 o’clock in the evening. 

I could not comprehend the darkness into the market area, munaku

[Ugnet] How Ugandans Ended into Servitude

2006-04-10 Thread d b
How Ugandans Ended into Servitude

There are two remarkable advertisements running in Uganda media these days. One 
is invitation for prequalification for provision of consultancy services for 
the proposed “BEAUTIFICATION” of Entebbe-Kampala road corridor. 

Among others in the advert is the

-   Demolition of unsightly kiosks, stall and latrine replacing them with 
organised ones.
-   Proper and hygienic market premises
-   Patterned grass and tree planting
-   Renovation and painting of road side structures
-   Wise use of wetlands
-   Stop rod side trading, jua kali etc,
-   Relocation of billboards
-   Establishment of good agricultural practices.

If the government feels embarrassed with the grotesque scenery why not relocate 
the Uganda’s Capital City to Mbarara for example? 

What is meant with the “establishment of good agricultural practices” along 
Entebbe –Kampala road? Mulching, irrigation, large scale farming, hybrid 
farming?! Our people should really be worried. Already land along that road had 
been sold off to flower farmers without due regard to environmental concerns. 
The government is very silent about it. 

Flower farms are known for their excessive use of herbicides and pesticides. 

In the Soviet Russia, the state due to its impotence, could plough miles and 
miles of land plant it with Irish potatoes or cotton farms, without 
scientifically analysing the consequence of such acts. Diversion of water from 
Amu Darya and Sry Darya to irrigate cotton fields dramatically led to a near 
demise of fish rich Aral Sea. It had never recovered and the cotton fields 
turned in salt rocks!

Potatoes could rot in the soil, as there were no mechanised systems to harvest 
them large farms on time. Sometimes, the state could bring in the army recruits 
to harvest 10s of kilometres of potato farms but with a miserable success! 
Russians nearly starved!

Exactly as with the National Resistance Movement Regime in Uganda, the Soviet 
Russian intentions were overtly political and emotions of the ruling class 
rather than socio-economic   needs and environmental concerns of the society.

Reading through a set of things the ministry wanted a consultant to do, I 
realised they could have been done by a district physical planning department 
in Wakiso. Not least Entebbe municipality, which is a planning authority in 
Entebbe together with their counterparts in Kampala City Council, at a low cost 
to the taxpayer, could do a better job. In fact such things would not be 
strange to them as they are today. 

Imagine gross ignorance i.e. where renovation and painting of roadside 
structures. How many are they? It were to be done in a better-organised manner, 
imparting skills into our citizen, certainly there would be proper planning, 
organisation and hygiene. The government as a primitive entity that it is, its 
ad hoc acts, thinking today, of something they would have done years ago 
compounds the socio-psychology of the ruling class in Uganda.

One can’t delink ones upbringing with ones way of thinking it is a fact of 
cultural sociology.
Rethinking over the issue I could not fail to laugh at national resistance 
movement mannerism. Entebbe – Kampala road is 38 km. Except for the common 
wealth meeting here in Uganda due next year, the African has seen a necessity 
to “beautify” and even plan the entire corridor as a major gateway out of this 

“Beautification” is for the foreigners, an act not so important for Ugandans. 
What a colonial mentality?!
Last night Saturday 9th 2006, I went to Karelwe and passed through Wandegeya, 
the conditions at that market place is deplorable. Tears filled my eyes as men, 
women and their children were involved in what appeared to be brisk business-on 
the surface. That was past 8.00 o’clock in the evening. 

I could not comprehend the darkness into the market area, munaku tadobba 
(paraffin tin lamps) giving a faint lease of light behind stalls of 
merchandise. Looked like a midnight street candle prayer. A sea tramping into 
the mud knee high was quite disheartening.

All over this country, it is the same despicable and unsightly scenery. Our 
people have become a social disgrace, at their own peril, a situation they 
surely can’t do nothing about.

Reports allege powerful politicians and army officers have made efforts to grab 
huge chunks of miles of land along the road including Kisubi school land.

Second advert coming only weeks after the first one, is to construct a road to 
Munyonyo! I’ll look for the details. As norm suggests this one too is to 
construct what is going to become a common wealth road to a Multimillion 
Munyonyo resort beach. 

So far Nakasero is UTV or hospital has been earmarked for a 90 million dollar 
hotel that in addition to Shimoni primary and teacher’s college hotel rated to 
be in billions of shillings. Here’s where antediluvian emotions override common 
sensuality and rationalism. Nakasero 

[Ugnet] on karamoja

2006-04-10 Thread d b
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 14:27:49
From: Bwanika 
Subject: ugnet_: Cattle keeping and modernisation of Karamoja
  -Technical Solution to water problem 
X-UIDL: 7cdfd2c01dd7e042b792b92a8fffbee5

Eng. L.V. Ocaya N.U.R.P (Prime Ministers Office)
Hon. Otim Omara Yafes 
Hon. Okorimoe Akech Janet Grace 
Hon. Logiro Ngorok Peter 
Hon. Lokawua Michael Wilson Lote 
Hon.  Lokeris Teko Peter 
Hon. Lorika Nacha Rose Women 
Hon.  Lorot John 
Hon. Adome Lokwii Callistus
Hon. Abura Kene Francis
Hon . Muruli Mukasa (Nakasongola)
Hon . Johnsson Nhuuke (Isingiro South)
Hon.  Moses Ali 
Hon.  Nobert Moa (Gulu Municipality)
Hon.  Onapito Ekomoloit
Hon. Gerald Ssendawula  
Hon.  Paul Etiang
Hon.  A. Owiny-Dollo  

To all Members of Parliament

Is there a water problem in Uganda at all or it is lack of knowledge?

In Karamoja there are two main river tributaries, which flow from the region 
around Kaboong and Loyoro which rivers are called Okok and Okere. Up northwards 
these rivers have two-bifurcation river Dopeth and Longiro.

Around Loyoro it is about 1803 meter above see level and around Koboong it is 
2086 m.b.s. All these rivers and their bifurcation drain in a valley, which 
stretches from Ngora, Usuku to somewhere near Turutoko around river Okere on 
the eastern side.  River Okere is feed by two seasonal rivers, which flow as 
far as the hills on the most eastern side of Moroto. There are other small 
seasonal rivers, which drain through the southern part of Karamoja, river 
Ukutat from between Lorengedwat and Amuda and river Muchilmaket just on the 
east of Nabilatuk. These two seasonal rivers flow in Lake Bisina, which I do 
believe, is part of Lake Kyoga.

If we take a geometrical measurement of the drainage basin from Lake Bisina to 
the highlands behind Kaboong it is more than 609 km. which means that those 
rivers drain through almost the western part of Karamoja. In the drainage 
valley where these rivers end it is about between 1200 and 1440 meter above sea 
level. The same rivers start in a region, which is between 1800 and 2086 above 
sea level. That is a difference between 400 – 800 meters in a distance of over 
600 kilometres from the highest point to the lowest point.

I don’t want to pretend that I really understand the hydrological nature 
(hydraulic geometry) of these rivers. But given to the geophysics of this 
region, Karamoja is a relatively flat region hence one contributory factor to 
its dryness. Moreover, through analysing the tributaries network of the major 
rivers in the region, one understands that there is total distribution of water 
all through out Karamoja. Which by the nature of the landscape, the flat 
savannah land can’t hold water for a sustainable period of time without human 
intervention, due to high precipitation.

But if you go back and study closely River Okere, you will find that if one was 
to build a barrier (Dam) near Turutoko trading centre through time, water level 
will start rising upstream hence filling up the two rivers which flow from the 
hills behind Moroto! This I know theoretically, practically from observations 
that it is possible without reducing water flow (discharge) into the drainage 
valleys around Okere.

The same will apply to the bifurcation of river Okok if a dam was to be built 
where these two tributaries (Dopeth and Longiro) join. Hence successively 
increasing the water levels upstream. The same must apply to river Ngolalapolon 
near the trading centre at Lokjehar.

What I am thinking about is the interruption of water flow (discharge) by 
successfully building dams from down stream, upstream therefore causing change 
in drainage basin geometry (widening drainage valleys), change in water flow 
regimes (velocity) from the many tributaries as mentioned above. I strongly 
feel, if the dams are high and wide enough through water discharge will exceed 
what it is today due to the gravitational force upstream.  

Secondary I do feel in between dams their will be a sort of artificial Lake

Formation along the drainage basin and valleys. 

This will be indeed good for this is not stagnant water which can then be 
pumped out at an environmentally sustainable rate to given location where the 
geometry allows diversification of daily activities. 

Now, to attain any success for this project to work in an efficient way we need 

a. To measure total discharge for the major rivers Okere and Okok
b. Water flow speed. (velocity) at given points
c. Seasonal variations in water levels/volume in all rivers and their 
d. Geometry of the river basin and adjacent regions

Through those variables then one can be able to determine how water can be 
equally distributed throughout Karamoja without many problems, using diesel 
water pumps to given water collection centres. This\'s very feasible because I 
have seen it in Uganda in different locations.  
Certainly there are many wells and natural springs which can be dammed in the 
manner I

[Ugnet] (no subject)

2006-03-27 Thread d b
why did the government,the media  tell lies and why was the parlaiment quite 
about it - where is sarah nabakoza

Govt loses 9bn in Nytil-Picfare sale

   By Wamboga-Mugirya

   Minister of Finance (Privatisation), Manzi Tumubweine 
yesterday shocked MPs when he revealed that Uganda is
   to lose US$ 4.9m (over Shs 8.8bn) expected from sale of 
East Africa\'s largest textile factory, NYTIL in Jinja.
   Manzi, who was giving an account of the 7-year old 
privatisation process at a workshop for MPs at Nile Hotel
   Conference Centre, said government will not get the money 
because Picfare Ltd which bought NYTIL, has been
   struck off the registry of companies. 
   \As we talk now, there\'s no NYTIL-Picfare Ltd as lenders 
[of money to Picfare] have sold it off to Southern
   Range of Hong Kong...Government will not get US$4.9m,\ he 
said causing murmurs across the workshop
   chaired by Alleluya Ikote (Woman MP Pallisa). 
   Manzi said government has decided to forego the US$4.9m, 
as a hard option so as to retain over 1,000
   workers and possess NYTIL factory intact.
   He said Picfare has already been sold to Southern Range, 
while Picfare uprooted old NYTIL equipment and
   exported it to Rwanda, where they have another textile 
   NYTIL was this year placed under receivership of 
PriceWaterhouseCoopers by London-based Commonwealth
   Development Corporation (CDC) following failure to pay US$ 
8.4m (over Shs 14bn). 
   Manzi, however, said CDC has managed to get out US$3.75m 
(over Shs 5bn) from Picfare but lost a balance
   of US$ 4m (over Shs 6.2bn) -- which Picfare has failed to 
   He revealed that a delegation from Busoga recently asked 
government not to close NYTIL as it would deny
   eastern region huge employment.
   In his report, \Privatisation: Policy, Status and 
Wayforward\ Manzi also revealed that government has bagged
   Shs 220.3bn as net revenue from public enterprises so far 
divested, but has only Shs 68.1bn banked after
   deducting Shs 152.1bn.
   Manzi said todate 103 divestitures are complete, 21 of 
them assets sales; 2 (two) concessions, six
   repossessions, five pre-emptive rights and 37 other share 
sales with a sub-total of 71 divestitures.
   He said there have been 32 liquidations, strike-offs and 
dissolutions, adding up to 103 (total divestitures).
   MPs Beatrice Kiraso, chairperson Finance Parliamentary 
Committee and Paul Etyang (Tororo) strongly
   castigated the way privatisation has been handled leading 
to huge losses in unpaid sales money.
   Businessman Frank Katusiime and Privatisation Unit (PU) 
Director, Michael Opagi defended it, blaming poor
   handling on lack of expertise. 

   November 09, 2000 23:47:13

New Vision (Kampala)
April 29, 2002 

ARMY Commander Maj. Gen. James Kazini has revealed that renegade UPDF Lt.  Col. 
Anthony Kyakabale led the March 17, 2001 attack on Kasese town.

He said Maj. Patrick Muhindo’s former aide identified as Kawuda, and other 
people still at large assisted Kyakabale.

Kazini was on Saturday night speaking as chief guest at hotel Margherita  in 
Kasese at a party hosted for him by the Kasese business community.

The party was to congratulate him upon his promotion to the rank of Major  
General and his appointment as the army commander. He was flanked by the  
Second Division commander, Poteli Kivuna.

The business community was led by its chairman, Costa Wambale, who is  also the 
district chairman for the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce  and Industry.

\Your vehicles and other property were not burnt by the ADF but by Kyakabale 
assisted by Maj. Muhindo and facilitated by foreign forces,\ Kazini said.

He said a nine-year-old pupil called Kagaba from Mother Care Primary school, 
who was abducted during the attack, had been seen in a neighbouring country 
which he did not name.

Kyakabale, who is under the custody of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in 
Kigali, Rwanda, is on record for having declared war on Uganda.

He is also linked to Col. Kizza Besigye\'s Reform Agenda, a loose political 
organisation calling for change in the Movement government.

Kazini said ADF terrorists who had been trained in Pakistan, burnt Uganda 
Technical College Kichwamba in 1998. Over 80 students were killed and others 

He said the terrorists were trained by the al- Qlaeda group of suspected terror 
mastermind, Osama Bin Laden.

Kazini was quoting the former ADF chief of records, Haji Sadat Kinobe, who 
surrendered to the UPDF 

[Ugnet] Institutions and the led

2006-03-21 Thread d b
 lucrative income 
earner. Pity that we do not know how to solve the fuel impasse that is clearly 
destroying the environment.

10. Uganda TransOcean was dismantled during the war only be replaced by 
what I do not know.

11. Uganda Development Bank it has been discovered is a necessary tool in 
development now it is being revived by state capitalisation! Laughable isn’t 
it? Was the Uganda Development Bank propensity not hinged on a vibrant private 

12. Meat parkers could not be saved by the pastoralists despite the fact 
that Uganda is mobilising for meat export via the modernisation of agriculture. 
It will be flown out of the country and the cheapest means railway transport go 
to the dogs

13. The Lint Marketing Board could have been transformed into Agoa but then 
Agoa came to late when the game plan was all over – praise the spirited 

I started writing this article a few days ago on today I have read this in the 
New Vision about Kategaya’s Book “ the necessity to retire is even more so in 
our situation where state institutions are not firmly functional and decisions 
are taken on almost a personal basis”.
What is in place? Where is the state? 

  B. in Kampala, Uganda.



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The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] In a paper tent the circus has started

2006-03-06 Thread d b
 of Africans, the sixth and seven parliament. But they 
made their money by the way, i.e. 7 million x 12 months = 84,000,000 x 5 years 
= ug shs 420,000,000

Let us say a prayer now that the old timers are out and new comers are in come 
may – fellow citizens the circus has only just started. 

Subject: ugnet_: Is there any deal in hydropower production privatisation deal
  at all? 
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: ugandanet@kym.net
X-UIDL: 56e73bebccda9d43a5051d89a292ea32

Is there any deal in, hydropower production privatisation deal at all? 

a. What is deregulation; which is used interchangeably with privatisation? 
b. What is privatisation; which is used interchangeably with deregulation? 

Let me try to tell you what Mr. Ojambo said. (see below) He said, let UEB be 
deregulated into three sectors:

a) Generation
b) Transmission
c) Retailing (Distribution mine)

Whereby no hydropower-generating firm etc. will be allowed to engage in more 
than one of the three functions above. He also never said that let the UEB be 
privatised because there is nothing to privatise. How can you privatise a 
single production entity? 

But will the above mean that we have reduced the cost for power production and 
who pay or simply where does the money, which pays for various administrative 
and managerial entities managing different production and service entities come 
from? Uganda is a developing country where incomes are very low to maximise 
profits in such manner.

UEB is the only sole producer of electricity in Uganda on a commercial scale 
though with some marginal subsidies. On the other hand this a self-incurred 
problem through the inefficiency in the accounting section and service section. 
More over the state is the largest debtor, which implies the government is 
intentionally killing off UEB without paying off debts promptly. 

Therefore, in order to optimise profit and productivity, you can only change 
*management or organisation style * along private managerial line but not 
privatise its production section, since there still will be no competitors but 
only one producer, the UEB.

 If we take what Mr. Ojambo suggests below it implies that we are set for two 
scenarios if we privatise.

a. We are going to increase the cost of management since UEB which was managing 
the three entities above will in this case be split into three units all with 
their own management costs thus the cost of electricity going up or remaining 
at the same price. It will be the consumer to suffer and exacerbating 
underdeveloped into this sector.

b. If the case is such that we are going to have different entities managing 
different production process of electricity, we\'ll be set to face, 
organisational and managerial problems, leading to high costs and conflicting 
firm interest which again leads to a or a duopoly.

The above, is based on a very basic argument. Electricity as an *essential 
consumption commodity* not easily provided because of the infrastructural 
needs, for example not every firm in the electricity business can set-up their 
national electricity infrastructure will only make consumption of electricity 
expensive for the peasant consumer. 

Therefore, the argument that hydropower consumers can easily switch from one 
distributor to another is null and void. For the distributor will have to pay 
for delivering electricity from one given location to another since the 
distributor might not own the national grid. Those are extra costs, which costs 
will be levied on to the consumer plus some marginal profits to keep the 
distributing firm into business! 

But the technology is there, though very expensive for low earning or cash 
strapped Ugandans. In such situations, we cannot have privatisation of 
electricity production or generation- because of the cost involved in both 
managerial, organisational and distribution of electricity.

Do we like privatisation? It is seems not. Why? Mr Vukoni writes an Italian 
company and the Arua catholic diocese wanted to produce electricity in Arua 
region. That means, UEB would have had another competitor in the production and 
selling of electricity in Arua. That means in return, we would have two 
producers and sellers, in that market. The result would have been, a clear 
cut-throat competition, with UEB placing the products in Arua market at the 
whims of market forces. Supplied at a specific price and the other electricity 
producers also offering electricity at a given price.  That is called 
competition, along competitive production potential. The consumer will be the 
winner since will decide from whom to buy electricity from.

Does the above work in real life, let us say, the above mentioned privatisation 
takes place? Given the circumstances, I have mentioned above, according to Mr. 
Ojambo\'s argument, I hope we will hit a dead end, if we follow Mr. Vukoni\'s 

[Ugnet] In praise of inconsistence

2006-03-01 Thread d b
 of them threatened 
to block the national budget if the loans were not sliced, angering activists.  

 Kiraso also tabled a similar list of politicians and top civil servants who 
acquired government pool houses and had refused to pay. 

 Some names appear concurrently on the two lists.   Only sh10.9b of a total of 
sh31b expected from the pool houses scheme had been collected by 31, July 2000. 

 The Kiraso committee recommended that defaulters be prosecuted and that the 
Government assess and the charge interest and tax arrears on those who have not 
transferred the cars to private number plates. 

 Justice Arthur Oder took a vehicle worth sh300,000 and has only paid sh50.000 
while Justice D. Wangutusi has an outstanding balance of sh878,880 on a vehicle 
worth sh1.8m. 

 Elly Turyamubona, the chairman of the Court Martial Appeal Court,  has only 
paid sh120,000 for a vehicle worth sh3m. 

 Other top ranking officials include the Parliament Sergeant-At-Arms, Mr. Ahmed 
Kagoye, who has only paid sh80,000 for a vehicle worth sh2m. 

 Ends (Back)

Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: ugandanet@kym.net
Content-Type: text
X-UIDL: 7ab62386a48157ba5a20273ca198e893
Status: RO

The use of electromagnetic (EM) therapy has not yet hit South Africa except for 
diagnosis and most recently immuno therapy monitoring.  I don\'t want to claim 
much knowledge on what I don\'t know as EM is in another specialty of  
radiology.  It is about proton and electron spining, protons adopt an angular 
spin and therefore a magnetic field. The movement of these spining things  
leads to electricity, while loss of electrons leads to charge. 

Simply I would say, the Indian\'s pins cause a sharp pain which stimulate the 
body\'s defence mechanisms. Sharp pain is an immergency warning, even 
adrenaline is screted before we know what is happening. Most important however 
is that conduction of the pain stimulus is by flow of ions along nerves 
(electrical impulse) and change in the electric charge of cell membrane\'s  
(membrane potential). The latter leads to release of immune chemicals etc, I 
presume. Here, I believe that instead of using pain to stimulate the defence 
mechanism, those chaps are using an electric current or electromagentic waves 
to stimulate the immune system. 

I can only say that for every good drug on the market, over 1000 compounds  
with similar activity were left out, or better put, for every method of 
treatment in  medicine, many methods with similar aims were left out for some 
reason or another.  This could be due to side effects or inadequate results. 

For instance, there are many chemicals that can stimulate the body\'s defence   
mechanisms (or immunity), but only a few are clinically useful in treatment of 
disease. For example, vitamins can only serve to a certain limit as immune 
modifiers, they don\'t feature much when we want to modify the body\'s immunity 
in the treatment of immune diseases such as arthritis and HIV.  Now, when a 
person, medical or non-medical, promotes a vitamin product or EM as the best 
treatment for arthritis or HIV, it reflects irresponsiblity or sheer lack of 
knowledge about the product and medical ethics.  It is this failure to 
understand our limitations that causes confusion and rejection.

I appeal to any one who understands what those chaps are doing to let us 
know.  Mine is a theory.


To: ugandanet@kym.net
Subject:Re: ugnet_: Of  the Walubo-Bwanika models
Date sent:  Wed, 15 Dec 1999 16:13:12 -0500
Send reply to:  ugandanet@kym.net


With a Tongue in the cheek

You do not have to go to a separate forum. Just do it here so that some of
us observers and none scientists can also have a go at the politics of the


- Original Message -
From: @ 
To: ugandanet@kym.net
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 10:19 AM
Subject: ugnet_: Of the W-B models

 A and B,
 I must thank both of you for providing some variety to the ugnet menu. As a 
person interested in Mathematical modelling, I cannot help smelling a 
mathematical rat in the three postulates so
 succinctly stated in  Andrew\'s  part-post below. Through some different forum 
I would be happy to share, with those it may interest,  some of the mathematics 
that helps to predict the three postulates below.
 ---Original Message

 Eletromagnetic (EM) waves are produced when protons move from one energy
 level to another. This differs from Microwaves that are produced when
electrons move from one energy level to another, and also differs from X-rays 
are produced when electrons hit positively charged surface at an angle.

Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 14:23:26 EST
Subject: Re: ugnet_: book on malaria
To: ugandanet@kym.net

[Ugnet] Political threats can\'t change me

2005-09-14 Thread d b
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. The List's Host is not 
responsible for them in any way. -

Any person who send me internet threats is wasting time.
I have my own political thinking and that will never change 
by sending threatings mail to me.

More still those who think or assume that your are computer experts 
the day I will unrevel your dealings that is when you will be done
so be careful - knowledge is not a monopoly I know your entire 
network - therefore I do not fall into your political and socially groupings,
and I do not suport you dirty agendas hidden in pecunirary motives

Bwanika Daniel.


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[Ugnet] Wakaliga Market a National Health Security Risk

2005-09-05 Thread d b

 Wakaliga Market a National Health  Security Risk

Contrary to the laws governing Kampala city and market localisation, the 
so-called veterans established a market at a former garbage dump at Wakiliga, 
on a territory not gazetted for a market. (Once before it was turned into a 
garbage dump) All in direct infringement on urban laws, threatening public 
health and the security of city dwellers!

Past history of Wakaliga, will automatically entail an environmental assessment 
impact report is in place plus a health report from Kampala City Council health 
department. KCC laws in return, will scrutinise the suitability of establishing 
an exclusively fresh food market on that territory, where a site map and 
structure plans will then be approved. 

The veterans and their supportive state agents did none!  

Wakaliga was once a dumping place of all sorts of garbage, Kampala generated. 
These included animal cadaver and medical waste (placentas, used syringes and 
dead foetuses) direct from surrounding medical institutions. Twenty years on, 
is not enough for human habitation of Wakaliga and its surroundings. Indeed if 
this country’s politician were really concerned for public health and welfare, 
it would have cleaned this place first by removing all soils from Wakaliga that 
was generated and cleaned Wakaliga all water sources before an settlements are 
located on the territory.

An elected mayor of Kampala, a top authority on urban issues by virtual of his 
position, was threatened with violence in daylight, captured by radio and 
television stations. The white hall legal department, Uganda parliament, Uganda 
police and the inspector general of government could do nothing! Government an 
announced policy of, one law, two citizens prevailed and the market in two days 
was standing! 

In an amazing indifference, the market is under the National Army logo and 
can’t understand how national institution logos, could be used for an illegal 
public market within a civilian community. Even Idi Amin couldn’t do such a 
thing in Kisenyi.

Repeated warnings from Kampala city council that the market is illegal – has 
fallen on deaf ears – threats of violence and lawlessness rules! 

Top public officials originating southwest, west and northwest use Wakaliga 
road but an ugly scene on the road does not appeal to their urban 
sensibilities. The market as it is, located in an urban region is a score in 
the eye, with primitive structures lack of water and toilet facilities. The 
market is in a wetland implying all nature water sources; will further be 
polluted by garbage generated from there.

Evidence can really be seen from the dark golden like colour water in Mayanja 
River – typifying the increase in nutrient levels in the water.

Who is the law in this country?

Bwanika , Environmental Sceintist.

Nakyesawa , Luwero.  



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[Ugnet] Global Funds and its recepients

2005-08-30 Thread d b

The Uganda Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) were hitherto organized around 
partnership coordination structures like the self coordinating entities 
mechanism of the Uganda AIDS Partnership committee. The Uganda Network of AIDS 
service Organizations (UNASO), formed and mandated by AIDS Service 
Organizations (ASOs) to coordinate HIV/AIDS and related programmes, acts as the 
national coordinator of all ASOs representing them at the various national fora 
in the effort. As partners in the Uganda Global fund to fight HIV/AIDS, 
Tuberculosis and Malaria (UGFATM), these structures have been adopted with 
UNASO mandated to represent the private/non-government sector on the National 
Coordinating Committee (NCC).

The Uganda Civil society appreciates the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and 
Malaria for recognizing the role of CSOs in the fight against the pandemic. We 
are also pleased by the consequent principles of additionally, rapid 
disbursements and Public private partnership.

The CSOs are thankful to the Executive Director Prof. Richard Feachem for 
visiting Uganda and particularly meeting them to share experiences on the 
progress of the Uganda Global fund. 

The CSOs are grateful to the global fund for the disbursements so far received 
by Uganda and the grant agreements already signed for more rounds of 


1.  The CSOs are concerned that whereas there was a delay of almost one 
year between the signing of the grant agreement for round one and the 
disbursement, part of the 2 year approved funding has not yet been received. 
There are concerns as to whether Uganda will be able to access all the funds on 
this round given the delays in the disbursements and the subsequent 

2.  The CSOs understand that according to the original arrangement, CSOs 
were supposed to receive 49% of the total funds in Uganda. However, there has 
been debate on whether the said 49% is of the total fund or only limited to the 
direct implementation component of the fund. 

3.  Following the principle of Public Private Partnership and fair CSO 
involvement, we are concerned about the limited participation, constrained 
communication and information flow between the Project Management Unit (PMU) 
and stakeholders on the progress of the fund especially concerning 
implementation of activities and management at local and grass root levels. 


1.  We recommend that disbursements are speeded up so as to ensure 
efficient implementation of planned programmes. At country level, we recommend 
that, if need be, structures are put in place to ensure quick disbursement to 
direct implementers, lead agencies and sub-grantees. 
2.  We strongly recommend that, as earlier agreed, 49% of the total grant 
received by Uganda be implemented by Civil Society Organizations to ensure 
effectiveness of the fund.
3.  We recommend that the principle of Public Private partnership, 
transparency and CSO involvement be valued and practiced and that the revised 
CCM guidelines be adhered to.


The burden of the three diseases in Uganda is still overwhelming. With the 
opportunity of resource mobilization there is a ray of hope. The challenge 
ahead remains on the efficient and effective utilization of the available 
opportunities to step up our response against the diseases and save the 
vulnerable population. The Civil Society organizations in Uganda strongly 
welcome and is fully committed to the innovation of the Global fund.




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[Ugnet] National Resistance Movement’s Obshchin a, Mir!

2005-08-22 Thread d b
, that every single government have only one duty that is 
to make sure education gets the hugest chunk of the national cake. Today 
unfortunately, I can write with authority on the subject and tell Ugandans that 
UPE does not work, and as a result it has resulted into rabid privatisation of 
education! Indeed there are small children, who can’t attend school because 
they lack shs 3500 for what they call examination fees! (see for example: 
delivering education through market forces pg. 41 – 44; University Education in 
Uganda by A. B. K. Kasozi

Is privatisation of education making the poor poorer or richer? Preciously 
because of this fact young people now graduating from virtually all 
institutions have been turned into mass consumers of social capital without 
production, a mass tragedy for this country of which consequence we are yet to 

Another government strategy, a fifth programme is accidental, that is HIV/AIDS 
that has opened floodgates for free money, and for medical research funds and 
exponential growth of HIV/AIDS related NGOs. 

Uganda as opposed to Cuba, the citizens, the biggest majority have not 
benefited from such medical research. Retrial virus drugs are still imported 
and majority (90%) sick people in this country buy medicare, if at all they 
have the money to pay for it! Making them poorer besides their contribution in 

Surprisingly, doctors in Uganda are unemployed – what is more telling. Couldn’t 
HIV/AIDS funding make medical professional and practice easier!

Water is coming to virtually all Uganda’s small towns against the background 
that 90% of our population is rural living in native settlements. That by 
itself defeats the entire logic of the above strategy as backbone for better 
healthy care.

Sadly the peasants would well benefit from good roads to reach quickly to the 
said markets, I doubt as a practical researcher who has been to Nakasero, Owino 
and other such markets that a native in Kasese, Bushenyi, Mbale, Kapchwora and 
Arua do benefit from the government strategy. 

An explanation as to how the so called “war on poverty” can benefit the poor in 
regard to transport costs, where virtually all Ugandans produce the same thing, 
low prices and total lack of government support in form of storage facilities, 
subsidies and corresponding processing industry, 90% rural population that 
largely depends on own produce – please let me know about the secret weapon.  

Modern commercialised agriculture is a disaster since the majority poor can’t 
afford herbicide, pesticides, animal drugs, and synthetic fertilisers. Worst of 
all there are no ready markets for such produce against the background that 
majority Ugandans are rural based depending on their wit and weal to feed 

Once I heard that Africans don’t eat chocolates, a rather dense argument since 
it is Africans who grow and produce cocoa! 

There are simpler ways Uganda transformational can be solved but that will be 
for another day


Nakywesawa , Luwero.




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Re: [Ugnet] ANARCHISTS museveni ABOVE THE LAW?

2005-08-13 Thread B Wambuga
cealing treachery of their mentor, comrade and colleague. Otherwise, what is their new invention? Theirs is an in-marriage rivalry for succession and inheritance which serious outsiders, the majority of Ugandans, are bound to ignore. FDC is a self-sugared bait incapable of leading Uganda to modernity. Tumukunde's (or is it Pulkol's) PAP could stop where it has reached. All other similar attempts are bound to fail because they are neither genuine nor well-founded. Above all, Uganda deserves a methodology and dispensation unimaginable by the intellectuals and strategists of FDC, PAP and all offshoots of NRM. The writer is a freelance journalist
Published on: Wednesday, 10th August, 2005

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[Ugnet] Besigye addresses people in Gulu

2005-08-08 Thread B Wambuga
Beseigye addressed people in Gulu over the weekend by Phone. Read for your self and hear what he had to say.

Besigye addresses Gulu rally on phone

Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye
By Chris Ochowun THE exiled chief of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), retired Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye (right), on Sunday addressed a vast crowd who braved the scorching sun at Kaunda ground to witness the launch of the party FDC office in Gulu. He addressed them by telephone from South Africa. Besigye said President Yoweri Museveni had subjected the Acholi to dehumanising conditions in the displaced people’s camps. He called MP Reagan Okumu’s phone which was connected to loud speakers. The crowd cheered with excitement as Besigye addressed them. He said, “I salute you all the people of Acholi upon your firm decision to support the launch of FDC offices in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts.” He said it was unfortunate that the Acholi had been left homeless and hungry because of the bad leadership of Museveni. “We shall not allow this kind of dictatorship to continue and the dry banana leaves people are being forced to carry
 go back where they belong,” he said. Foreign friends of the dictator have abandoned him because he is war monger, corrupt and violations of the constitution and human rights”, Besigye told the crowd in a 9 minutes address during the launch of FDC in Gulu. He said legitimate leaders of Acholi were being subjected to torture and imprisonment and were being blackmailed by the dictatorship.
Published on: Tuesday, 9th August, 2005--
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[Ugnet] Are you still a Kifaro fanatic?

2005-08-07 Thread B Wambuga
Here we go again with those Kifaro stories in Bweyale.
Read on.

Kifaro owango ot i Bweyale centa
David Lakoch MAC mo ma kibyeko ni obedo kifaro otyeko poto atura ka owango woko ni kwic kwici ot pa Mego Ajati ma obedo lacat wil i Bweyale. Mac man opoto ikine ka cawa 10 ki nucu me dye wor me ceng aryo ka owang wa odiko kama jami ma onongo tye iot meno owang ducu niruk iot. Latin awobi mo me mwaka 15 ma onongo obuto iot meno oloyo to cwicwi ka lwak aye olare ikare ma mac man ocake ma mego Ajati onongo tye wa i Arua inino meno. Jo ma gin olimo kacan man cut cut, gutito ni jami magi onongo obedo me dukan dok owang ducu labongo laro ne.
Published on: Wednesday, 3rd August 2005

Kifaro burns a house in Bweyale center.

A mysterious fire believed to a “Kifaro” broke out and burnt a house belonging to Mego Ajati to complete ashes. Mego Ajati was a businesswoman in Bweyale.

The unexplainable fire occurred at around 10.30 p.m on Tuesday burnt on until morning incinerating everything in the house. 

A young boy of 15 years old fled from the fire and was rescued by the community. He was sleeping in the house at the time. Mego Ajati was away on a trip to Arua on that fate full night. 

The people who lost some items there said they had not evaluated the shop merchandise, and therefore could not estimate the value.
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[Ugnet] Museveni disappears in Sudan

2005-08-07 Thread B Wambuga
Despot Museveni cut and disappeared from the Sudan and did not attend the funeral he had driven all the way for to Yei in Sudan.
WHy, what happened? The main reason for him to go was to attend his "freind's" funeral. But the DIctator started a fire not even himself could turn out.

Ugandan president skips Garang’s funeral 
ÓæÏÇäíÒÇæäáÇíä.ßæãsudaneseonline.com8/7/2005 5:45am KAMPALA, Aug 6, 2005 — A day after stunning the world by suggesting that the helicopter crash in which Sudan vice president John Garang was killed may not have been accidental, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni stayed away Saturday from the ex-rebel leader’s funeral. 
Uganda had announced earlier in the week that it would be represented at the funeral "by the highest authority in the country" but had not specified exactly who that meant although Museveni as head of state and government fits the description. 
Ugandan Information Minister James Nsaba Buturo would say only that Museveni had gone on Friday to the town of Yei in southern Sudan "to see the body and after paying his last respects, he returned to Uganda." 
In Yei, the Ugandan leader raised eyebrows by suggesting the July 30 chopper crash in which Garang died might not have been accidental, contrary to official explanations. 
"Some people say accident, it may be an accident, it may be something else," Museveni told mourners in Yei, noting that Garang had perished on his presidential helicopter and that an unspecified "external factor" might have been responsible. 
The comments irked Sudanese officials and distressed diplomats and others in Sudan where there has been fierce speculation that Garang was assassinated. 
Sudanese Information Minister Abdul Basit Sebdarat said late Friday that Museveni’s remarks were "extremely worrying" in light of the fact that an international team is now investigating the crash. 
"Uttering statements or speculations ahead of the investigation would harm the probe and the chances of finding the facts," Sudan’s official SUNA news agency quoted Sebdarat as saying. 
Anger over Garang’s death and conspiracy theories are blamed for much of the deadly violence in Khartoum and Juba that erupted after news of the fatal helicopter crash broke on August 1. 
UN special envoy to Sudan Jan Pronk told reporters in Juba on Saturday ahead of Garang’s funeral that there was no reason to think the crash was anything other than an accident due to poor weather, darkness and possible pilot error

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[Ugnet] External factor in death of Garang

2005-08-06 Thread B Wambuga
Dictator Museveni also chips in here according to Al-Jazeera!

Friday 05 August 2005, 16:57 Makka Time, 13:57 GMT  

Museveni hinted that the crash might be the result of foul play


Troops deploy for Garang's funeral

Sudan riot toll put at 130

Sudanese bid farewell to Garang

Garang death to be probed

Uganda's president has said the helicopter crash that killed Sudanese First Vice-President John Garang may not have been an accident.
"Some people say accident, it may be an accident, it may be something else," President Yoweri Museveni said on Friday, becoming the first official of any government to publicly suggest the 31July crash may have been the result of foul play.  "The [helicopter] was very well equipped, this was my [helicopter] the one I am flying all the time, I am not ruling anything out," he said, noting that an international panel of experts had been appointed to look into the crash.  "Either the pilot panicked, either there was some side wind or the instruments failed or there was an external factor," Museveni told southern Sudanese mourners in the town of Yai where Garang's body was brought ahead of his Saturday funeral in Juba.  His comments were met with silence from the crowd, which had earlier greeted the arrival of Garang's coffin with wailing, ululation and
Waiting for the inquiry Garang's successor as chief of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), Salva Kiir, declined to comment on the specifics of Museveni's remarks, but said the group was eager to hear the results of the investigation. 

"The (helicopter) was very well equipped, this was my (helicopter) the one I am flying all the time, I am not ruling anything out"
Yoweri Museveni,Ugandan president
"All options are open and cannot be ruled out," Kiir said after telling the mourners to reject the violence that has engulfed parts of Sudan since Garang's death and urging them to hold to their ex-leader's vision for peace.  "This is not the time for rioting," Kiir said, blaming unspecified opponents of peace for wanting "to provoke a situation that would lead us back to war". 
Speculations Museveni did not elaborate on what he meant by an "external factor", but there has been widespread speculation in southern Sudan that the aircraft might have been somehow sabotaged or shot down.
A journalist based in Uganda told Aljazeera that theUgandan newspapers hadspeculated that Garang was not the target of the helicopter crash, but thatthe actual target had beenthe Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni.Commenting on President Museveni's remarks, Idris al-Qadi said the Ugandan press had implied that some Rwandan partiesmighthave beenbehind the crash andthat itwas meant for Museveni and not Garang.
However, until Friday, officials in Khartoum and Kampala, members of the SPLM/A leadership and Garang's widow, Rebecca, had all dismissed such possibilities and maintained thatthe crash was accidental. 

Aljazeera + Agencies

There you go!

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[Ugnet] Fwd: Comments following the Referrendum!!!!!

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga
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Here are yet more comments on the referrendum especially for those who have missed out on the bigger picture about the turn out for the exercise. 
Read on...
God heard Matembe’s prayers
By Mary Karugaba MBARARA Woman MP Miria Matembe has said she had been fasting and praying for this referendum and God had answered her prayers. “I prayed that peace prevails and God’s will be done. Peace has prevailed and this reflects God’s will,” Matembe said. She was on Thursday answering questions about the low voter turnout for the referendum. She said the low turnout was an indicator that despite President Yoweri Museveni’s campaign for the ‘YES’ side, Ugandans know what they want and can no longer be pushed. Matembe said she was happy that finally many Ugandans share her views “that the referendum was useless.” Quoting from the Bible Matembe said, “Let those with eyes see and ears listen. I hope the Government gets the message.” Ends

Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005
Museveni no longer popular opposition 
Opposition MPs were on Thursday happy that despite massive campaigns by President Yoweri Museveni in the referendum, many Ugandans did not vote, writes Vision Reporter. They said, for the first time, people had opposed the President’s call to go and vote. “I am extremely happy that people shunned the referendum. It was useless and a waste of time. I hope the President gets the message that he is no longer popular the way he used to be,” Abdul Katuntu said. Ken Lukyamuzi said, “It is now the opposition who have won. I am happy that our call to boycott the referendum has made an impact, despite constant threats that we would be arrested.” Ends

Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005

“I never knew that I was giving support to a thief, a liar and one who wanted to get personal liberation,”.Dr. Sulaiman Kiggundu Download today's top songs at MSN Music from artists like U2, Eminem, & Kelly Clarkson 

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[Ugnet] Fwd: I am sorry I backed Museveni

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga
How times and history enable many of us to come around with the truth, and begin to live a better life. Uganda is one such country that God indeed gave it all it needed to grow into a prosperous country. Coming to terms with our past and and forging the way ahead for all of us is the WAY and indeed tha truth. Yay, and the life we so need.
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B. Wambuga wa Balongo
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This is becoming a increasing realisation on the parts of many a Ugandans who blindly backed Museveni in his illgotten intentions in Uganda. Many more are yet to come.
Read on...

“I’m sorry I backed Museveni’

LET HIM GO: Njuba addresses Kiboga residents. Below, Kiggundu raises the FDC flag
By Moses Nsubuga FORUM for Democratic Change (FDC) Envoy Dr. Sulaiman Kiggundu has blamed President Yoweri Museveni for the closure of Greenland Bank. Addressing an FDC really in Kiboga District on Friday, Kiggundu apologised to Ugandans for supporting Museveni to fight the Obote regime. “I never knew that I was giving support to a thief, a liar and one who wanted to get personal liberation,” he said. “Closing Greenland Bank was President Museveni’s initiative, characterised by hatred towards the people,” Kiggundu said. He said Museveni copied former Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere’s system of intentionally impoverishing Tanzanians and implemented it in Uganda. “We should not be fooled to that extent. The 
wind of change has come and it is time for Museveni to go,” he said. FDC Executive Coordinator Sam Njuba said the rate at which poverty was growing in Uganda could easily be equated with that of the people living in displaced people’s camps in northern Uganda. “You are impoverished and fooled by Museveni to the extent of wearing essanja like night dancers. You should shun such behaviour in your district,” he said. Ends
Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005
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[Ugnet] Regime change does not work in Africa, says Museveni

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga
es, the victories inbattle and independence in 1980.In the evening Presidents Mugabe and Museveni witnessed the signing ofco-operation agreements in agriculture and tourism by Zimbabwean and
 UgandanMinisters of Agriculture and Tourism at State House before they addressedthe joint Press conference.After the signing of the agreements, the two leaders said the agreement andPresident MuseveniâEUR(tm)s visit had paved the way for further co-operationin other areas such as mining and health.President Museveni invited President Mugabe to visit Uganda and Cde Mugabeaccepted the invitation.Last night President Museveni was scheduled to address Zimbabwean businesspeople at a dinner before returning home.
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[Ugnet] Who to blame time......Museveni or Mutale!!

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga
It's stock taking time now that the entire referendum thing has flopped. Or did it? Or did the dictator as usual on knowing that he would loose if he had stayed on the wrong (No) side, decided to play safe by sticking with the "Yes" side?
It seems to me that cunning as he is, the dictator knowing that his time was getting deemer and, the sun setting out in the west was here, decided to go with the flow only if he could buy just a little bit of time. His unrelenting persuite for the "Yes" vote was not genuine, even to the unsuspecting eyes of the Ugandan population. The entire project between him and Mutale was to cause as much confusion as they could, but ensure that not both of them were really caught on the wrong side. A case for arguement is that when dictator Museveni made the pronouncement in Kyankwanzi about opening up the political space, Mutale never raised a finger that it was foul play by the dictator.
Now comes the referendum, Mutale makes a big deal out of it. And now that the exercise is all done, albeit with with gross unestimation of the Ugandan population intelligence and understanding of politics, everyone who was fooled and coopted into this massive fraud is beginning to find where to lay the blame.

Mutale, EC caused low voter turnout’ 
By Moses Nsubuga If it were not for Maj. Roland Kakooza Mutale and the Government, Ugandans would have overwhelmingly participated in the just concluded referendum, Kiboga political leaders have said. “It is absurd to note that the tree symbol for which the Government had advocated was confused by Mutale. He confused residents by telling them not to vote for the tree yet the Government was for the tree. Many people were confused on these two side,” Dan Kiwalabye, the Kiboga East Member of parliament said. “In 2001, people voted massively but this time there was a lot of confusion because there was little public education about the exercise,” Kiwalabye said. He added that if the government had stepped in to stop Mutale and his campaign against opening up of the political space, many people would have overwhelmingly voted. The Resident District Commissioner, Margaret Kasaija, accused the Electoral Commission (EC) of not
 conducting enough civic education about the referendum saying this had led to failures in the voting process. “Can you imagine people did not know what a referendum was? It is as if EC never carried any mobilisation about the exercise,” Kasaija said. However, a 67-year-old woman, Flavia Namagembe, excited Kasaija at Wattuba polling station when she said she had voted a tree because it was advocated by President Yoweri Museveni. “There is no way I can refuse to vote President Museveni’s tree when I got rich during his regime,” she said. Ends
Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005
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[Ugnet] Uganda classic case of success story, IMF

2005-07-31 Thread B Wambuga

When UPC was in power, it was blamed for everything wrong. UPC was removed from power, and indeed NRA/M came and brought "Sleep" to the people of Uganda who had never slept ever since independence. UPC made it impossible for things to happen, let alone lay a foundation for the development of this poor country. 

This was the contention of both UPC critics and Anti-Obote Ugandans in cahoots with other non Ugandans.

Now with twenty years under its waist and still counting, many Ugandans are still paying heed to the proverbial "sleep". Many have turned on all sides and the sleep gets deeper and sweeter towards the late hours of the morning just when it is beginning to dawn to other Ugandans that time was up. The cocks are crowing and the birds are singing in the air.
But to many, the realities of the NRA/M mare is beginning to come to fruit with the increasing number of homeless children on the streets of Kampala, and other cities and towns. 

The Night commuters who we have lived to know in the north was always swished away like they were some fairy tale about a long dead and gone village in Uganda. In fact UPC was blamed for that one too.The fact of the matter is that the realities of the failed administration of the NRA/M is here and the sooner it is accepted the better it will be for all of us. 

A writer in Uganda noted this and called upon fellow citizens to take heed. 

Children do not belong on the street

HOME IN THE OPEN: Some of Kampala’s countless street children take a nap near Pioneer Mall
Fellow Ugandans and the Ministry of Gender and Development, it is with much concern for our nation and its future that I highlight what we witness every day on the streets of Kampala and other growing towns, with little or no concern. The number of the street children is increasing and so is their age. Reading the It’s Kawa pull-out in the Sunday Vision of July 17, I was touched by the story entitled, “The monkey boy now a man.” Many thanks to the soldiers who saved Robert and all those people who were involved in raising him, especially at his new home, L’Arche. Robert was rescued at the age of six and is now 27, and this was said of him by the community Director at L’Arche: “Although Robert has learnt a lot, he has a long way to go.” In view of this, what is the way forward for our children on the streets? Some of these children are younger than Robert was when he was raised by the monkeys. These children don’t have even monkeys 
 to raise
 them. They do not experience any love or have someone to find them food. It is heart-breaking. I am ready to join hands with any child-loving Ugandans to see that our children grow up in homes not on the streets. We are not safe with a generation of street children and parents. Let us do something before it’s too late. Medrine Nabalema Kayunga 
Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005------
B. Wambuga wa Balongo
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[Ugnet] Other Issues Besides Urban Planning

2005-07-22 Thread d b
Other Issues Besides Urban Planning

-   You’re an engineer or planner in Uganda put in a tie a Dubai imported 
suit, sit in your office and let contracts do you work and get a fat pay – 
that’s the trend in this country.  

-   So hard working Asians in this country, conditioned to tough vocation 
before good life are handsomely being paid: at least for majority dirty work 
they are there and doing it without reservation. 

-   It is a pointer, pattern and symptom for lack of social value, social 
code and a deeply corrupted society -

-   Ugandans behaviourism is very interesting. Someone thinks of getting a 
good life; first get a car, house, money and a lot of it before working.

-   Reflected as soon as you land at the airport calls and demands start 
raining – be this give me that elevated on a national level. Refusal implies 
the true characteristic of Ugandans becomes exposed- try it and see!

-   Put on it on a politics pedestal – a tragedy strikes. People don’t run 
to DP or NRM-O for nothing, its a hope for free donations – a begging culture 
so entrenched and embedded in this society. 

-   Disastrous and tragic events are about to happen in this country unless 
there are new genuine ways of tackling basic issues in this case; Society 
Poverty Attitudes that alienates many, Uganda Politics and worst of all, the 
Elitist problem.

-   A mother of three strangles her husband – reason man not pecuniary well 
facilitated. A man poisons a woman – let him down in pursuit of a good monetary 


-   Another A level failure is a medical doctor, practising medicine in one 
of Uganda’s suburb, of Kampala for a year – no one takes notice or discovers a 

-   Desperation and lack of knowledge awareness in society. 

-   I have observed, many a university graduates are unemployed YET they 
are the largest consumers of: social capital, industrial and financial.

-   And most of them are just paper tiger with no knowledge at all social 
or otherwise.  But great funfair makers and bash entrepreneurs one of the 
rapidly expanding sector in Uganda.

-   Real workers in Kikubo, Luwum  Ben Kiwanuka Street, Owino, villages, 
and taxis are the marginally educated.

-   Interestingly it has been thought capital is created by the University 
education – That is not true it is created by the medium educated people  
illiterates, AGOA girls, factory workers, builders on site, road workers, food 
vendors, fish mongers 

-   and the like without that class no CAPITAL formation. 

-   Slave labour -  the African Phenomenon - Read for instance: LESTER 
THUROW – GENERATING POVERTY, mechanisms of Distribution in the U.S. Economy. 
Especially the chapter on Deviant Observations in the Labour Market (you also 
need a deeper understanding and /or experiential of the American society)

-   Uganda has no problem with Education (science below arts or otherwise), 
Human Resources, Desire and Will among the lower masses of our society is very 

-   I have just been discussing the same with a general manage of a media 
establishment, he has two concerns; a). His workers don’t take work seriously 
hence turning to employing foreigners b). He employs engineers and architects 
to do some building work however they had never stepped on construction site!

-   Compare the same with public offices which are empty by 11.00 a.m. 

-Now parliament has legalised 20 new districts, and Hon Professor MP 
reminded legislators that new districts would not interpret into resolving the 
poverty problem.

-   Need I say more? 

-   Most districts those in existence are laying off workers as a 
consequence of graduated tax abolition. There is no alternative (TINA 
formation) YET more are created.

-   Trade with foreign countries will never develop Uganda – since the 
majority population, are rural poor with no ability to be part of currency 
games – which Uganda policy makers call “international trade ”.

-   Trade must be triggered internally at a ratio of 60:40 that is internal 
consumption at 60% and 40 % externally. Uganda has 80 % population rural 
outside major consumption and foreign traded commodities patterns.

-   How much Vanilla, Coffee, Cotton, Nakasongola Bullets and guns is 
consumed in Uganda? 

-   Compare to how many washing machines, cars, fighter planes, TV, nail 
cutters, lip sticks are consumed in Europe as compared to those exported items

-   Now without what I call congruent internally enduring structures – that 
have total control of its own societies members, there will be total fail in 
transformational and what hear being called  “development “ trajectories!

-   Next, it is not Pentecost Churches, Media Pornography (fashion  making 
money in the church), cultural, liberation theology or piglet and bodaboda 
donations that can

[Ugnet] Leadership crisis in Uganda.

2005-07-16 Thread B Wambuga
Ugandan leadership in crisis. 
Please read, and enjoy.

Crisis of integrity in Uganda's leadership 

Kizza Besigye

South Africa 
The extent to which Uganda's leaders deceive, manipulate and fleece the people they are supposed to lead has assumed crisis levels. Ordinarily, leaders are supposed to be role models of their societies. In fact, the Constitution provides that the President shall be the "fountain of honour". Yet, you find him, ministers, MPs and other national leaders deceiving infront of cameras. Presently, I have been provoked to express my dismay by publications in the Daily Monitor of July 13. 
President Museveni, while addressing a press conference on July 12, is reported to have said: "As an army officer, Mutale was forgetting that he is barred from making political statements". He also reportedly said: "Tumukunde's electorate, the Army Council, forced him to resign," adding that "if he had not, the council would have recalled him".
It will be recalled that, responding to concerns expressed by the 8th NEC meeting at Munyonyo on June 17, Mr Museveni said: "I will be able to convince the Kakooza Mutales”. This is a person who is directly responsible to him, using or abusing his office and resources (since we are not told that he took leave) with impunity. 
It is now less than two weeks to the referendum-voting day, and he is telling the nation that Mutale is forgetting that he is committing an offence!Even more serious are his assertions regarding Brig. Tumukunde. The President who swore to uphold, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, knows that MPs (including Army MPs) are only representatives of their constituencies and NOT delegates who carry (as conduits) the views of those constituencies. 
Even if an MP has and expresses different views from those of the entire constituency that elected him, it is no ground for recall of that MP. 
Of course, at the next election, the constituency would determine the fate of such an MP. This is the position of the Constitution that Museveni swore to uphold. If he has any difficulty in understanding the provisions of the Constitution, he has many legal advisors. I challenge him or his legal advisers to contradict the above Constitutional position.
Grounds for recall The grounds for recalling an MP are provided in Article 84(2) of the Constitution as follows: A Member of Parliament may be recalled from that office on any of the following grounds-

Physical or mental incapacity rendering the member incapable of performing the functions of the office; or 
Misconduct or misbehaviour likely to bring hatred, ridicule, contempt or dislike to the office; or 
Persistent deserting of the electorate without reasonable cause. Even where these grounds are cited by a petition of the electorate in the process of recall, the Electoral Commission has the duty to inquire and confirm genuineness of the petition. 
Therefore, if he wants the Army MPs to only serve as conduits of the Army Councils' views, he should amend the Constitution further to make it reflect his wishes. It should also be remembered that the Army Council is not representative of the UPDF since all its members are appointed by him.
However, the above notwithstanding, the President calls a press conference at State House and deceives the nation! As all this is going on, Defence Minister Amama Mbabazi was addressing journalists and writing an opinion article for the country saying that President Bush did not advise Mr Museveni to leave office in 2006.Mbabazi was reacting to press reports, which quoted US ambassador Jimmy Kolker saying that at a meeting between Bush and Museveni, Bush recommended that they both retire to their ranches at the end of their terms. Both the ambassador and Mbabazi asserted that they attended the meeting where this took place. Even if we took the version of Mbabazi that Bush raised the matter of whether Museveni was preparing to retire, its meaning in diplomacy would not be different from that which Bush's ambassador plainly presented. 
BriberyMbabazi must have also forgotten that soon after the said meeting, the government tried to misrepresent what transpired, until a verbatim report of the meeting was published. This reminds me of the saying "banteera bataamanyire nkakabwa k'omwibagiro" meaning that a dog chased from a slaughter-place always believes that it was by mistake (it comes back). Mbabazi pointed out an important caveat by the US officials he interacts with, and which he seems to accept; that "US Administration has no problem with Uganda amending her Constitution if it is done legally and transparently". 
The whole Constitution amendment process was manipulated right from the appointment of the Ssempebwa Commission, through bribery of MPs and the legal Committee, to the roll call voting in Parliament. 
This is the background to the case of the two MPs who the US ambassador reported to have confided in him that they were 

[Ugnet] Urban planning Bush Economics

2005-07-15 Thread d b
Urban planning  Bush Economics 

-   They did the garden city near Kololo of course and now another hotel 
also near Kololo besides another hotel – Katwe and the likes can go to hell! No 
planning at all by just mere guesswork! It is terrible 

-   This despite the fact that Kampala is full of empty spaces and/or with 
dilapidate buildings in dire need for renovation.  Typical of Muyenga type of 
mental configuration! 

-   KCC is now in a battle to guess planning of Kampala Road in 
anticipation of the commonwealth summit – for the Kampala dwellers. VERY 

-   If you ever lived with Nigerians or Ghanians – well West Africanism 
tells a tale of their ways by what they do.  What do West Africans think of 
Ugandans for example?

-   In a small town the town planning entity tried green planning by 
planting mangoes, oranges trees along the streets – I couldn’t fail to be 
disheartened unthinking Ugandans. 

-   It is a waste of time, resources and human life to assume Uganda and 
Africa at large will ever develop out of its state of paralysis, without the 
most basic infrastructures – enduring and antagonistic institutions.

-   Here we go, job well done, the honourable members of parliament granted 
themselves gratuity, pension and a right to determine their wages upward, one 
might say! Opposition politicians, woo!

-   Constituency development fund, well workers pensions, arrears, and 
unpaid salaries to the police force, teachers  medical workers wages amounts 
to billions of shillings!

-   For instance you mediate to the populace a political economic theory. 
Laughter! See for example Capraso A. James  Levine P. David 1992: Theories of 
Political Economy. (Absent)

-   Well as Uganda is a huge slum – and it is precisely for this reason, a 
miserable Uganda’s economic story is readily told. 

-   Written everywhere in desperation and squalid life style the African is 
subjected to.

-   The country will most certainly collapse under a huge unnecessary 
spending – or simply stagnate. We have now in place, more than 10 new 
districts.  330 mps 

-   Regional tier.  Truly an absurdity.

-   Sociologically, besides slums there always (natural laws) would develop 
mega rich suburbs enclosed to shut out the poor. 

-   It is not the case outside Kampala but in and around Kampala were 
minting money is a religion.

-   Subculture - One Ugandan singer added salt to injury by saying it all, 
to the media, “we all use drugs “- only days after, a fight erupts preciously 
at 2.30 a.m. knives drawn and some got bed ridden seriously sick.   

-   Africa’s identity crisis!

-   Solomon Asch, “Effects of Group Pressure Upon the Modification and 
Distortion of Judgments,” in Dorwin Cartwright and Alvin Zander , eds Group 
Dynamics: Research and Theory (Evanston, III: Row, Peterson, 1953). 

-   Surprised (?) not as yet! We have arrived with the Negro Angels and 
Street Gangs. What is missing? Revolvers

-   Someone asks me, my religion, “sociology” I answer.

-   It is interesting in its own way – “reality deviation “ must always be 
accompanied with some nasty events.

-   Somewhere else Darwinian Economics can be very interesting to grasp - 
for therefore we approach the endless pity of state craft inanity! 

-   I remember a battle of words in the 80’s between Sweden and the United 
states of America - the swede made sure nothing like Americanism encroached on 
what they thought was particularly Swedish- education system!

-   In Uganda one wonders how people really survive sometimes- people pay 
taxes on sugar, water, breads you name it.

-   Go in a hospital and services are merger, the elderly no pensions or 
provisions, children no books, pens, nothing, mother’s antenatal clinics are 
terribly poor facilitated if not deadly.

-   A mother who’s husband has managed a two monthly salary to afford his 
wife’s weeks stay at one hospital also buys; surgical tools, plastic sheets, 
groves, plastic basins for the hospital! 

-   She’s booked in a class A ward – upper class – negation at a single 





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[Ugnet] Urban Planning - Beyond Kampala

2005-07-07 Thread d b
Urban Planning - Beyond Kampala

-   Uganda is a huge slum! Thanks to African revolutionaries. 

-   Kampala is in government hands i.e. gazetted aaah !- what is the real 
issue - PLANNING isn\'t it

-   Money problem? Create a UTODA – Uganda Taxi Owners and Transporters 
Association or something like that- all taxi drivers are your members and 
you’ll ever died filthy rich as Utoda boss Katongole and his associates.

-   You didn’t know this – if you have a matatu taxi and you for example 
work on Masaka route you pay a cash fee i.e. a parking fee so they call it, of 
shs 4500 /- and then when you enter both new and old taxi park you pay cash 
down fee of between shs 15,000 - 20,000/- per route plus a monthly sticker of 
shs 20,000/-. SEE!

-   Reasons are causes – and Uganda Police is fighting a wrong cause. UTODA 
is the culprit where do they put all the money?  Sticker fee per month brings 
in Ug Shs 200,000 x 6000 (taxis) = 1,200,000,000.  URA = Uganda Revenue 

-   Both the new and old tax parks are filthiest places in Kampala you can 
imagine of and taxis are ramshackle lot.
-   One might think all pigs are equal – NOT. Listen I’ve got hundreds of 
pictures of Kampala. 

-   Show them to people like Members of Parliament or government officials, 
they get shocked (!) of what their capital city looks like! I too ‘am 
surprised, they get surprised. Were do they live? 

-   Anyhow that is what is termed as class that goes with knowledge gaps 
and free lunches. To my amazement one got real troubled, tears filled his eyes! 

-   Wandegeya Katanga, Kabalagala Nile special, Larger, chicken thighs, 
concubines and four-wheel drive.

-   I’ve all along been very critical of the media and I’ve not spared the 
so-called opposition who practice “sofa politics”; as mundane, dreary and 
travail with no sense of purpose. 

-   Every government and politicians have managed only one thing- to turn 
the entire country into one huge slum, with astounding type of despondence – 
everywhere, including Entebbe Kitoro.

-   There is a sociological explanation to this mind set and configuration; 
I will not go into here.  

-   In Uganda, Road Construction Engineers long time ago discovered, once 
you dig a world war trench NO it is called drainage channel system by KCC 
terminology along the road – or call it a seasonal river channel, storm water 
problem is also solved.

-   All do it multiplex, zimwe construction (ZC), Japanese construction 
what is it called Ko……..whatever and so on. 

-   It is a complicated matter, it calls for dipper understanding however 
if engineers dig a kilometre long trench, NO drainage channel system as it is 
on Wakaliga and many other Kampala city slum roads to channel water away from 
what I don’t know -

-   Then we marvel at the nature of road construction engineering and 
Kampala City Council’s engineers’ hydrology systems knowledge. “We took our 
engineer to task to explain potholes” TC - KCC. 

-   Minister of state for health got  ”shocked ” by the situation in 
Katanga, 2 kilometres away from the city centre.

-   He precisely ordered immediate remedy via the National Water and 
Sewerage Corporation to construct sewerage and water network in Katanga – AND 
THEN problem instantly solved.

-   A handle though students hostel are sitting on sewerage system –yes 5-6 
floor building sitting on sewerage system and one wonders where the foundation 
of the buildings themselves are located?!!

-   The battle between nature, capitalists read power holders, I mean 
money-makers and the law on one hand has started in earnest.

-   This country is very interesting – a European who’s leaved here for two 
years has written a book about the country she says, might land her into 
trouble – she has been everywhere from top to the least lower class of Uganda.  

-   A town clerk (TC) receives a delegation of Europeans to do spot site 
seeing of a filthy town – he comes into a newly acquired pointed shiny shoes, a 
suit and a snow-white shirt. Sort of wedding party.

-   I keep a distance and watch in an astonishing befuddlement!

-   The Europeans are more prepared for the event, with snickers, canvas 
shoes and shorts as if they knew the place before hand – a picturesque meet 
I’ve ever witnessed. 

-   I was at a certain district where I introduced my thorough urban 
planning strategy- the LC V who grasped the issue directed the Chief 
Administration Officer (CAO) who never was willing to grasp the issue to act on 
it - immediately.

-   LC V calls for further discussion with me on possibility of 

-   CAO informs me after two days, “it was not their priority to urban 
plan, they have changed plans” – I take my time, explained again with new 
information and he changed plan again to accept my programme again! Turn tables

-   In another district, 

[Ugnet] Urban Planning , Media Politics

2005-06-29 Thread d b
To Mr. Ojambo

Urban Planning, Uganda Politics  the Media

-   Over 200n voted yee , democracy and power.

-   Motorisation of transportation; Matatu and Bodaboda in recent times has 
facilitated the quickest rural to urban migration, a debacle ever experienced 
in Uganda’s modern history. It will take years to evaluate the consequences.

-   The only precondition is a few coins and hit the road what comes next, 
“tell it to the mountain”. 

-   In fact I’ve discovered, Uganda’s hottest economic growth sectors, 
thriving Bars, Hair Dressing, Mivumba clothe selling, Security Companies, one 
room rentals in wetlands and Road Side food vending, is a response on demand 
side, to absorb but also augmented with an excess supply of new urban migrants. 

-   They eat, seek cheapest labour market entry, they hunt for cheapest 
shelter (mizigo), and also try to find a fashionable outlook, to bit off the 
village in them. These types are particularly women 

-   Enter Bodaboda – and the mix becomes the more real and interesting. In 
mukono Bodboda are demanding their bucks back as bodaboda has only entrenched 
poverty than alleviating it.

-   Japan had announced a US 4.2 $ to “transform” Kampala junctions by 
Japanese engineers and new vision reporter called a graphic model an “aerial 
view”. So far so right.

-   I was very happy however left me also dumbfounded – that on the 
following Saturday I was at Wandegeya to restudy traffic flow. 

-   Science hence technology is a social practice and for this reason a 
social activity.

-   All the time traffic jam stretched beyond Makerere gate, Stanbic Bank 
on Wandegeya – Bwaise stretch and the same was repeated on Mulago and Bombo 
road stretch.

-   My fears were for once re: grounded – the symptom is known but not the 
remedy as the Japanese tries to battle traffic jams in Kampala.

-   Will renewed efforts by the Japanese to help the Uganda Afrikaans help 
– heavens forbid since morning rush hours are still chaotic on Bakuli – Mengo, 
Natete as it is at Nakawa junction all the time.

-   If the Japanese hard work is to redesign the entire city – their 
geo-anthropocentric (earthquakes) influenced engineering for wider roads will 
do Kampala a great deal of good but will leave us as they found us.  

-   My ¼ century stint living among Europeans taught me one thing – the 
media has a limited impact and capacity in the development of any society. 
Particularly if not guided by a principal. 

-   When stretched, the media will either corrupt the society or the media 
itself will be corrupted by its own acts. 

-   It has three distinctive arrays; a). Media balancing of a profit motive 
and social concern, b). Mediation struggle with antagonistic 
principles/ideology  reality c). Media presumptive bias hence limitation to 
fore tale reality. 

-   In January, I used a held belief that mediating urban planning could 
but with some reservations solve the problem. I was wrong! 

-   I visited virtually all media houses in Uganda and was almost shocked 
when I was told everywhere, Urban Issues were not a favourable discussion issue 

-   It was a very dangerous field which either will land media houses in 
“trouble!”, “ be closed down” , “ the subject was an interesting” , or  “face 

-   In fact all managers in directing position – were willing to meet me 
for the first and second time but when I presented a format of what to write or 
talk about – like traffic congestion, slum growth, they never wished to meet me 

-   They suggested remote contact i.e. by e-mail or phone. In their mindset 
I was too radical, rebellious to the existing order and revolutional at that to 
be accommodated.

-   I can now attest, one TV station can now go in details they never will, 
before I approached them on the same urban issue which before then was 
approached in a conformist manner.

-   Written text was resisted with all vigour, the print media could muster 
 - they fear loose of income writing home about a subject uninteresting (!) and 
in that case so dangerous to expose the political class 

-   Here the political class means the profiteering class – on taxis 
matatus, dilapidated building ownership, landlords, opposition political class, 
indeed government tax rebates on fossil fuels guzzled by a hundreds of vehicles 
were in danger of loosing their wealthy.

-   These were actually some of the reasons given to me by those media 

-   The rest went to the extent of warning me – how I will be phased out 
i.e. killed if ever I talked about urban planning. These threats are real, I 
can confirm them – I registered many.




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2005-06-25 Thread B Wambuga
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From: megan anyira [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Publicity Wing [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: UPCUSA SECONDS WEGULODate: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 21:56:02 -0700 (PDT)"Can UPC show us the people who ran to them for protection like the people of the north are running away from the LRA?” Opondo asked.Members, If my memory serves me right, there is time around 1985 as M7 was being beaten into exile, his organisation unlished the most vicius attack on the people of Luwero as a farewel. Those who escaped run into Bombo Barracks. The UPC Government asked the Red Cross to help in asertaining the safety of these Ugandans who had run for safety into the barracks of the army that Ofwono is now accusing. Iam sure there are poeple in this Organisation who recognise and 
recallthis episode and can put an accurate time to it thereby being able to fish out the actual report from the Ugandan papers of the time. If Iam not mistaken, I think even the bbc carried a caption.Mr Ofwono Opondo, said, “There is no need for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and we shall not have one anyway.”Opondo has never entertained any concept of truth. If he had, he would come to terms with the fact that the people in the North never run into M7's barracks. They took shelter in Townships, sleeping on the verrandas. It is fromthere that they were herded into the so called camps that were used to guard the barracksfrom Kony.I am very supportive ofthe call for this kind of inquiry. It is not the first time this suggestion has been made, by the way. We just have to keep hammering at 
it.Megan.Publicity Wing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Comms,UPC USA seriously seconds Mr. Wegulo's suggestions about the truth and reconciliation, and International Inquiry into the massacres in Luweero.I think this is serious business here.Read On.Wegulo said there is need for the country to be told the truth about who fired the first bullet and who killed which people.Probe Luweero massacres - UPCCHARLES MWANGUHYA MPAGIKAMPALAThe Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) has challenged President Yoweri Museveni to institute an international inquiry into the killings in Luweero Triangle during the bush war between 1981-1986.They also challenged Museveni to allow a public debate to get to the depth of the 
massacres, which according to the government estimates resulted in the death of about 300,000 people.The chairman of the UPC Constitutional Steering Committee, Mr Badru Wegulo, told journalists yesterday that Museveni has a habit of digging up the skulls of Luweero whenever an election nears. He said Museveni uses this as a scarecrow to win votes.“If the government is concerned about Ugandans, we demand that an international commission be set up to investigate who is responsible for the killings in Luweero,” Wegulo said.He said UPC wants the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a public debate with Museveni at “a time and venue of his convenience so that we can deal with these matters once and for all.”The Movement Spokesman, Mr Ofwono Opondo, said, “There is no need for a Truth and Reconciliation 
Commission and we shall not have one anyway.” The MP for Samia Bugwe North, Mr Aggrey Awori said, “We are tired of Luweero and the demonisation of UPC. They have stretched us far enough. How many deaths can we pin on Museveni?” he said.Awori said he would also move a motion in Parliament to block unending compensations to alleged victims of the war.Opondo dismissed UPC’s call for international investigators.“We do not need the international community to come and tell us who killed the people in Luweero either. The survivors are there and they can tell us who destroyed their homes. Can UPC show us the people who ran to them for protection like the people of the north are running away from the LRA?” Opondo asked.Wegulo said there is need for the country to be told the truth about who fired the first bullet and who killed which 
people.-Meet FREE Music: Get 5 FREE songs when you buy 1 song at music.msn.com-Yahoo! SportsRekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football Meet FREE Music: Get 5 FREE songs when you buy 1 song at music.msn.com 

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Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 11, Issue 147

2005-06-25 Thread B Wambuga
Netters, These "infamous words" were uttered by none other than himself Mr. Grace Ibingira at a rally in Buganda in 1965 when he was already campaining to belittle Milton. 
The context of the whole thing was about where the Baganda should stand on the issue of the future of Uganda in the light of the imminent conflict between Uganda Government and Buganda Kingdom. In fact Mr. Ibingira being a UPC at the time knew what he was saying when he made such an utterance. He was infact threatening the Baganda ironically. He was talking to the people from the lost counties when he was justifying the reason for the refferendum which had just recently been concluded a couple of years before.
Being a UPC at the time some of the Baganda who heard the utterance attributed it to Apollo Milton Obote. you know people have the tendency of attributing things said by a member of any organization to the leadership, especially if it befits their attempts to propagate misleading political games, or wedge dubious interjections into "political myths". This is the only statement that suppossedly was made by a man like Obote of all the things he said over all these years!!. I mean how could any politician survive by just "one statement" and beat all odds. Would one expect dictator Museveni survive just because of his REAL statement about the "Northern Biological Substance". This is very simplistic, serious as it is. 
In case you need any reference to this speech, I send you to the US Library of Congress reports on the 1966 Crisis and the build up to theUPC Annual Delegates Confefernce in Gulu, and the emergence of the 1967 Constitution.
I think in the interest of political sanity, it is time this issue should be put to rest once and for all. 
Again these were NOT Apollo Milton Obote's words. They were Grace Ibingira's. But for reasons best known to those who are just trying to find words to attack Obote person, they hold on to the quotation. 
But remember, no promonent Ugandan politician refers to those words because they know the source of the utterance, and do not wish to be associated with them if dragged to the court of Law.
I rest my case. Aluta continua!

Bwambuga.ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Akena,I like this:"NzeAkena, mwana waObote, mwana waOpeto, mwana waAkaki, mwana waEngena, mwana waAkaki, mwana waOcure, mwana waOakityena, mwana waWonruku, mwana wa Okwangiro"Your friend Mulindwa hate to see you giving your identity like this. Why? because he is hiding. We've asked him to do so more than 20 times but he always keeps mumm.2. one or two years ago, you and I argued for a truth and reconciliation Commission. Apart from you, the rest of UPC members on this net rejected it. Dont you realise that you're an island ( Pemba) in a big ocean ( Indian Ocean) ?J. Ssenyange---From: "jakena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: ugandanet@kym.netTo:
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 11, Issue 147Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 11:33:52 -0700I maintain that Obote never said such a thing. The most appropriate course of action is for you and those who insist that Obote ever uttered such to prove it, but what seems to be the norm is somebody comes up with something which is propagated all over the place and the accused is left to prove their innocence. UPC has come up with a better suggestion in that we should have a Truth and Reconciliation Commission where all such matters should be addressed. If you are not prepared to bring it up, let me assure it is in my best interests to see this highly publicised lie is shown for what it really is, a blatant lie created to denigrate Obote and to mobilise the Baganda against Obote and the UPC. Reading between the lines of your posting you have come to
 realisation that Baganda have been duped but at the same time our brother Ssemakula would like to propagate the writings of Ibingira as the gospel truth without seriously analysing his motives, self-interests and purpose because it serves Ssemakula's over-riding interests of 'hating' and promoting 'hatred' of Obote.NzeAkena, mwana waObote, mwana waOpeto, mwana waAkaki, mwana waEngena, mwana waAkaki, mwana waOcure, mwana waOakityena, mwana waWonruku, mwana wa Okwangiro - Original Message - From: Simon Nume To: ugandanet@kym.net Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:05 PM Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 11, Issue 147 Akena Much as he may be regretting it, Obote DID say such a thing. He said this during Obote 1. Infact at one point it was be
 echoed by all his goons in Kampala, who incidentally had all the top posts and owned the same houses in Kololo and Nakasero now occupied by the 'long noses' During Obote 2 - Obote' goons used to joke about the wails of the Baganda who were always attacked , raped and murdered DAILY in their houses in Kampala and surburbs, late at night, while Obote's goons were looking for M7 and 

[Ugnet] Town Clerk -made more sense

2005-06-21 Thread d b

Fellow citizens  - New Vision on June 5, 2005 curried a statistical photo 
exhibition of Kampala Roads potholes. They counted every pothole on every newly 
constructed and old constructed road.

When I read this article I couldn’t fail to see the illogic nature of the 
Afrikaans, incompetence, unseriousness, insincerity of our people, brunt liars, 
and sheer foolishness of KCC.  

a.  As a first step to understand that KCC understand what they are talking 
about potholes, I challenge what is his name by the way, yes Ssegane to come up 

b.  Such maps will be in place update every quarter of year. KCC does not 
even have a cartographic department – Kampala City Council Uganda – what an 

c.  A packed Matatu weights way above 4000 tonnes, therefore vibrations and 
constant pounding on road structures is what solely destroys roads in Kampala.

d.   Flyovers mbu is the solution for less than 10,000 vehicles!  woo what 
planning nonsense.  Kampala has a population of about 20,000 vehicles – a 
small city in Europe of a smaller size will have about 250,000- 500,000 

e.  Many roads are badly designed therefore subject to the full force of 
chemical weathering, garbage litter, water erosion on top of erratic hot 
tropical climate – has KCC ever launched a study to find out how to mitigate 
these problems?  KCC knows better!

f.  Kampala today is over 10 kilometres in radius on all sides - therefore 
the current transport infrastructure is not feasible in anyway to contemporary 
city planning - if a kilometre of a road cost shs 250 million – what is the 

g.   For KCC it is TINA formation (there is no alternative) Makerere 
University engineering faculty and KCC engineers taken to task to explain 
potholes, stupid.

h.  The British built a railway from Mombasa to Kasese why can’t build a 
tram system on all 900 km of Kampala city roads and how much will KCC save from 
maintenance and road construction costs?

i.  Why has KCC not started a district bus service – lack of money or 
matatu ownership?!!

j.  In fact the majority of Kampala people would be cycling to work, if 
there were any sort of structure in place i.e. cycling tracks on all roads. 4 
wheel drive.

k.  Mark you garbage litter another debacle leaching roads, can generate 
electricity, income for KCC and for lighting of entire city at a very low cost 
than polluting Kitezi. 

l.  There is what we call SPATIALITY (low technical solution) – that is 
localisation and population spread over a wide area – this will enhance 
decongestion, disorganisation, cleanliness, and of course solve all what is 
called Kampala traffic/road problems.  

m.  Relocating all major commercial and trading activities will completely 
decongest the city- move owino market to Natete, Kawempe, move trade from 
Kikubo to Katwe or Kasubi move all taxis out of the city and reintroduce city 
buses or trams – simple no potholes. 

n.  Had KCC been competent enough today it will own broadband cable network 
all over the city breadth, to take services into the suburbs hence pushing the 
population to work outside the city. 

o.  Does KCC have any development fund later all on investments to fund 
city development plans? LGDP stupid!

p.  All what was written up does not add up but a reflection of people lost 
into their own world, so arrogant to assume that every one of us is gyrating in 
the same mess.

If you can’t do it contact me I will help you at no cost what so ever, so long 
as you pay my professional experts for their lost income, doing the job.

Me Bwanika @



 ~¨¨~¨¨ ~¨~¨~¨ ~¨ ¨¨ ~¨~~¨¨¨

Monday June 20, 2005 on page 49, The City Council of Kampala Town Clerks Office 
P.O. Box 7010 Kampala, Uganda Telephone 231446 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
arrogantly and what to me seems most stupid and rare breed placed a response on 
half page in New Vision.

Note Half page 17.5 cm x 6 col/26cm x 4 col) New Vision New Advertisement rates 
effective 1 July 2005 2,580,000 compare with old rates.

Here you go.

1. We refer to the article by Stephen Abili, which purported to portray our 
city of Kampala as full of nothing but potholes.

2. Whereas we appreciate the concern expressed by Sunday vision, we still think 
that your story would have made more sense if only your reporter had been 
professional enough to find out from us what the problem is, if any.  (!)

3. Indeed, your reporter would have found out that we are more concerned about 
the potholes than any other person. Potholes have been the subject of many 
discussions both by the management committee and the executive committee of the 
council. During these meetings, we have taken our engineers (indeed!) to 
task to explain to us what plans

[Ugnet] Urban Planning, NAADS Economomics/ists

2005-06-14 Thread d b
Urban Planning, NAADs  Economics/ists

1.  A bug hit Makindye and only last May 2005 four people perished in 
dysentery related disease after having been rushed to Mulago, in what seems to 
be hygiene prevalent bone disease - on filing this report, more are still dying.

2.  What really made matters very interesting, was the fact that this 
year’s budget made a small statement, in order to be a “capitalist you must 
first be a socialist”.

3.  Can Uganda problems be solved YES but not with state robbery! However 
from express penalty receipts and all new forms of levies (kcc property taxes)- 
the rich will be rich.

4.   Our dear beloved Mayor also mentioned some form of levies on out door 
advertisements. It sounded good if it is a by law implemented soon.   

5.  Now I hear Value Added Taxes raised to 18% on what? - menvu (ripen 
banana), bogoya (bogey), and food vendors- a disorganised state is always in 
form of an un-steady state.

6.  Public accounts, Assets and Owners equity in Uganda simply means 
strangle the Chief Administrative Officers and their troupers.

7.  In recent budget pronouncement there were three small things that 
captured my attention namely a). Rejection of Keynesian full employment via 
donor funds in a non-industrialised nation with 80% peasants and b). Poverty 
Promotion via agriculture and peasants re-generation of it under a hybrid crop 
spell. c). Lack of National Capital Investment (owino market)

8.  But even then - Europe was re-constructing what’s been destroyed during 
the war

9.  What is Uganda’s total capital investment and assets net worthy, if 
Uganda was a company; in form of buildings, roads, production entities (dams, 
factories etc), transport and communication (Uganda air Lines, Railways)

10. Donor funds must therefore go to building railways, roads contracted to 
sub-standard contractors etc., maybe to raise Uganda’s capital investment and 
assets net worthy re: URC, URA, UA, UCB, UDB, UTC, UPTC (utl  Uganda Posta) 
and so on and so forth. Aaah foods and beverages, lint marketing board. 

11. Capitalists’ ways of thinking are interesting- now if we think of URA 
they will argue for every shilling invested in above entities, one or two must 
be returned to the investor.   

12. Virgin boss was here that poor country boy (miracle maker) Branson on 
Uganda government invitation!!! Colonialism was defeated or a win-win situation 
- laughter.

13. Citizens the said 40 % of donor funds was also calculated in the next 
financial year budget (!) implying short of donor funds - turmoil and chaos 
will ensure in the ministry planning and finances.

14. The first pronouncement was probably right - donor funds (Keynesian 
full employment theory) will never develop Uganda as anywhere in Africa 
basically for several reasons; 1). Mismanagement and Disorganisation of the 
State apart from the repressive arms of the state 2). Rampant State Supported 
Corruption on all levels 3). Misallocation of funds in non-productive sectors - 
MP development funds. 4). Lack of basic National Development structures etc.

15. Notice only worthy projects are designed, funded and constructed by 
foreigners; Chinese buildings, Denmark funded Judiciary, EU Northern bypass, 
Japanese constructed roads and junctions in Kampala/Traffic lights, Agoa 
Bugolobi textile factory by Sri - Lankanese, Norwegian and Swedish funded 
Makerere University, Germany water system, Lira cotton factory Chinese, even 
Mulago general hospital is donor funded - what else?!!

16. By the way how much money was collected by Major General Wamala 
Katumba’s Uganda police - 

17. May be URA is not actually doing any job and Maj. Gen. K.W. is doing it 
for them express penalty receipts and all new forms levies (kcc property 
taxes), hence boosting URA coffers (service sector)

18. But if the state urban planned what will be the return on every 
shilling allocation over a year period? Investment net worthy, owners’ equity 
and total nation assets? 

19. The police are still sleeping in mama yiingi ya pole - budgetary 
mis-allocation and the construction sector.

20. The budget as any other budget Uganda made, did not meet sectoral 
demands or explain monetary/fiscal out/input as part of budgetary allocation 
namely: 1). Extractive Industry (Congo gold); 2). Production industry (agoa); 
3). Thermal, Gas, Hydro 4). Construction Sector, (northern bypass, DFCU houses) 
5). Trade, Hotel  Restaurants, 6). Posts, Transport and Telecommunication 7). 
Banking and Insurance industry 8). Public Service sector and other service 
(UPE); 9) Agriculture, Forestry and fisheries (Bona Bagagaware).

21. What were the taxes got from each sector and how did those sectors fair 
on a production level? 

22. No body in government can exactly tell you how much the above sectors 
absorbed in form of budgetary allocation and contribution to the state

[Ugnet] What If Tumu spills the beans?

2005-06-12 Thread B Wambuga
Read on about the consequences of if Tumukunde spills the beans.

WHAT IF: Tumukunde spilled the beans? 


You have probably read the story of mother hawk who was teaching young hawk to hunt. One afternoon, she sent young hawk down to earth to get something for dinner. Young hawk descended on a family of ducks, grabbed one duckling, flew back to their sky home and presented his catch to his mother. Mother hawk asked her son, "What did this duckling's mother say when you picked her child?" "She said nothing," young hawk reported.
"Ah!" exclaimed mother hawk. "We can't eat this duckling. We do not know what his mother is planning to do. So take back her child and try another bird."
And so back to earth young hawk flew. After returning the duckling, he went and attacked a family of chicken. As he flew away with one chick, mother hen made a lot of noise, tried to chase after him and continued complaining as young hawk flew out of sight. He presented his new catch to mother hawk and described the reaction of mother hen.
Mother hawk's face broke into a broad smile and she said, "Very well. This one we can eat in peace. We know what its mother can do or more precisely, what she can't do." Reading about two senior Ugandan officials, Vice President Gilbert Bukenya and Brig. Henry Tumukunde recently, the story of mother hawk and her son came to mind. 
One can conclude that Bukenya's tormentors can do whatever they want with him. He cannot harm them. They already know what he is not capable of. He can't even spill any beans, otherwise he wouldn't have proclaimed his capacity to spill.
On the other hand, Tumukunde can be compared to mother duck. Maybe he too has no beans to spill. But you cannot know for sure until you force his hand. Detaining him and slapping charges on him might be a higher risk than sending him out of the army and letting him join party politics to contest for public office. 
Tumukunde cannot defeat President Museveni in an election. The voters would punish him and send him to join the perpetual contestants like Kibirige Mayanja and Francis Bwengye. 
But keeping him detained creates many uncertainties. The man is a lawyer who knows how to secure his rights and a spymaster who has a lot of information at his disposal. Even if you continue trying him in an army court martial behind 10 closed doors, his lawyers can proceed with other cases in the normal courts which are open to the public. They can address press conferences to "explain" why their man is in detention. He can then say anything he wants through the lawyers.
What if he decides to spill the beans on the many things he participated in? The man is no saint and unless he committed all his sins alone, there certainly are other people in the system who were is collaborators. Tumukunde is accused of harbouring thousands of ghosts on the payroll of the army. But it is said that commanders inherit ghosts and hand them over to their successors when they are transferred. What if he reveals the entire chain of ghost management?
The man told voters in 2001 that whatever they do, the guns that brought them to power are still around. What if he reveals the role that the gun was supposed to play in elections?
The man has an arsenal of information. What if he tells or he knows about corruption? What if he spills the beans on privatisation? Here he would have many allies in the form of MPs who are tired of being accused of sabotaging the privatisation process. What if as a citizen and taxpayer he sues the people who "borrowed" the money from the sale of parastatals and "forgot" to pay back? What if as a citizen he sues the defence ministry over the junk helicopters?Most Ugandans cannot do this because they don't have the evidence. But an angry, well-informed ex-spy chief who is obviously in search of publicity for political capital and martyrdom, can do this. A man who prefers to be put on the back of a pick-up and driven through Kololo like a small criminal instead of sitting inside the cabin is certainly itching for an opportunity to make a point. It could be safer to let him go and shop for votes than provoke him to revenge.

What's your take on it?
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[Ugnet] Economics , Inflation 80 % peasants

2005-06-11 Thread d b
 Urban Planning 
course, its now three or four years ago.

-   Uganda’s Urban problems are much more than movement politics. 
Surprisingly my data shows movement politicians are more interested in the 
issues of urban planning than non-movementist. 

-   I have this data with me because I meet all sorts of people!

-   Now ask, who has the jurisdiction over Kampala Urban region, other 
small towns and municipalities?

-   All people who said they were going to kill me because I was talking 
about urban planning are in fact multipartist. They threatened me open on 
Ugandanet, privately etc.

-   They tried for three months here in Uganda and are people I know very 
well who tried to know everything about me through hacking into my computers, 
threatening me, sending mails some of, which I have and what have you! Even 
tracking my telephone conversations.

-   Mark you Uganda has all urban laws, which by the way are in place by 
can’t be implemented. Who implements the law and how?

-   First to plan a small town like Kampala is very very very simple given 
to the temperament of our people and society organisation and one does not need 
more than 5 committed planners and a few enforcing personnel. 

-   When you break an urban law as any other law you’re liable to face the 
full force of the law.

-   Today courts of law are used to tell us how MPs murdered so and so – 
whether the story is true or not, how DP won constitutional case against UPM or 
NRM and all that.

-   Who enforces the law? May be is the question and if they can’t enforce 
it then why?

-   There are no efforts what so ever to redeem the situation – show me 

-   Listen from streetlights, pavements, roads, buildings on Kampala Road, 
to housing structures under KCC permit in slums – nothing is in the slightest 
meets urban planning provisions. 

-   That is KCC POWER to PERMIT and CONTRACT.  

-   KCC hires its personnel so KCC knows better who works with what, where 
and when.

Modern cities or at least vibrant cities flourish under three things:
a) Law and order/basic security.
b) Creating scared space
c) Creating an environment that supports commerce.

-   These are just very small portions of what is all about urban planning. 
In fact as of today there is a lot of security in Kampala and other towns! A 
lot of open space and those full of commerce.

-   Therefore the above are not urban planning per se. I will not go 
further into that, I am still doing some studies on the prototypes and 
subsequent human reaction.

-   Claiming that land tenure system is a problem is rubbish. Is ownership 
of land superior to urban laws? What happens if a tenant can’t renovate a 
building in the USA or Canada?

-   What happens if a tenant or landlord can’t meet hygienic precondition 
in the cities of USA or Canada? 

-   Even in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe they are trying to maintain what Ian Smith 
left behind – Oops. 

-   So what is special about Kampala or bluntly Africans? It is easier to 
kill robbers in the city, chasing tax defaulters, than meeting health, 
construction, traffic and civic urban laws?!! 

-   Unfortunately Kampala Mayor is old, a politician rather than urban 
planner, slow and out of step with contemporary urban development strategies, 
therefore can’t solve Kampala urban planning issue.

-For if that were the case, he will become a victim of his own actions 
and circumstance - that is what has always happened. 

-   I was a councilor in Europe and I do exactly know what human beings are 
by comparing my self to them - not small gods- therefore consulting the people 
is useless. May be a sole reason why urban planners are trained to a degree 
levels and above.

-   What will Owino trade tell about Owino planning or Muchiga eguli 
(potent gin) seller tell about a slum she is living in?

-   Mark you all those against my efforts to urban plan Uganda, are holders 
of degrees and above, then what will a Muganda landlord or Munyankole wannabe 
unschooled in urban issues have for a analysis about the subject matter???! 

-   I have met more than a hundred so called urban planner that are 
informing my urban planning strategy – if they knew or had an idea of what they 
know – their will be much than what don’t see now. 

-   Urban planning is a complex matter by the way and you must really be 
schooled in many things.  

Me Bwanika @



2005-06-09 15:16 skrev george ojambo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr Bwanika:

Now that you are on the ground, you can observe first hand the situation in 
the country/city.
I was equally surprised by the arguments made that foreign aid was fuelling 
inflation in Uganda. In essence proponents of such bizarre claims were 
pleading with the donors to cut back. Why not simply refuse donor money if 
that is the case?

My own interpretation of the situation

[Ugnet] development NOt yet

2005-06-11 Thread d b
[BFA-Oz] Pan African Bicycle Conference 
farrenvicnet.net.au 2000-11-16 03:27:57 [ FULL ]  
Dear bicycle promoters and bicycle lovers,
we got to know about your address because of your engagement with bicycle
We would like to introduce you the idea of a Pan African Bicycle Conference
(PABIC), on which we want to discuss new strategies towards creating a
common eye and approach considering non-motorized mobility, particularly
with a focus on bicycles in Africa.
This idea was developed by First African Bicycle Information Office (FABIO),
a civil society organization involved in lobby  advocacy, sensitization
capacity building on issues of bicycle mobility through accessing
information, knowledge and skills related to bicycles. FABIO is based in
Uganda, working in collaboration with Jugendhilfe Ostafrika based in
The PABIC, the first one of its nature, is to be hosted in Uganda, Jinja in
November 21st - 25th 2001. Hosting this conference in Uganda has been due to
a number of factors i.e. for effective organization purposes since the
initiators of the idea are based in Uganda. Also the Ugandan Government
through the Ministry of Housing and Communication supports the conference.
The conference will provide an opportunity for sharing among all bicycle
mobility promoting initiatives in Africa and elsewhere in the world. It will
also look at developing a new strong networking system within and with other
bicycle activity related organizations/ institutions.
We would like to keep you informed about the future development of the
preperation of this event. To make this happen it also needs a lot of input
and some support from other organizations. So we would like to take the
opportunity to invite every interested party for their input. Some of you
have already received the proposal for the PABIC, and if not please do not
hesitate to contact us in case you would like to receive it and any further

Besides this we are establish a communicaton forum for interested parties to
keep in closer contact with us as well as a FABIO-newsletter once a month.
Using these possibilities we want to find appropriate ways on how to
communicate with all interested individuals and organizations. So please get
back on us, if you would wish to get involved closer, and we will then put
your e-mail into our contact list.
Thank you very much for your interest and it would be nice to hear from you.

With many greetings from Jinja,

Richard Kisamaddu Patrick Kayemba Andreas Woll




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[Ugnet] Urban Planning , Economics of a Psychiatric City

2005-06-09 Thread d b
Urban Planning, Economics of a Psychiatric City 

-   At times one wonders, recent pronouncement in Uganda parliament were 
such that the government of Uganda, discovered donor money was creating over 
supply of money which cost Uganda 25 billion annually to suck out of the 
economy through treasury bills - conclusion Government does not need that money 
via donor founds apart from for roads, railways, schools etc.

-   Fellow citizen what is new about the above?! 

-   This is an old 1930’s Keynesian theory of full employment. Increase 
money supply hence consumption followed by industrial production, which money 
comes back to the state through taxation - what did Uganda government and its 
marionettes in Bank of Uganda discover. Economist!! 

-   Most probably what is strange is that the money is siphoned by 
four-wheel drive consumers, government officials and does not reach NRM 

-   Exactly in the same way they discovered Uganda had no data about donor 
funds some time back which necessitated the same donor to create another 
project in bank of Uganda to track the same funds!  

-   To their prise - MP have now a development fund - what will district 
council do? You wonder - money supply!!!

-   Are you surprised - that is Uganda.

-   A preacher kicks her stiletto shoes aside seems they’re too high for 
locomotion when preaching. 

-   All of a sudden, a spirit, she calls a woman in the congregation and a 
miracle happens - “get these shoes and all your problems will be solved”. 

-   The receipt get a half a million shoe, shakes like hell and immediately 
collapses on ground - welcome to a new religion, prophets and prophetess and 
get rich philosophy.

-   As if that is not enough - another woman caught unawares by a 
prophetess miracle, is shouted up caught in an inscrutability of fate and 
longing - receives a handbag to her worth.   

-   She jumps up and down caught between joy and a speculate event - a 
miracle has happened! She also collapses on ground - before she gathers herself 
back to her seat with a rare bag! What a prise

-   Become a pastor and be converted into Uganda’s most rich. Note you must 
learn shouting amplitudes.  

-   I thought he was very sick - he wakes up though, from a concrete 
pavement in smattering heat, scattering rags and polythene bags aside, raises 
his hand into an empty air and a dim voice begs for one shilling.

-   Around him; rotten paws, mangoes, maggots filled food and urine - what 
I can’t tell is where all Kampala psychiatric patients ease themselves when 
nature calls?  

-   Indeed, I have seen the man in that very same spot many times - behind 
the fence near Crane Bank parking lot, come rain or sunshine.

-   You might think this is all what meets the eye, 

-   But thousands of Karamojongs are languishing with their toddlers in 
Kisenyi, Nakivubo, Sheraton, Kampala road or anywhere they can scavenge a grain 
of maize to force into empty bellies.

-   How these mothers and their children travel all the way from Karamoja 
to Kampala is still a mystery to me. 

-   To judge a shape of a nation state, traditional or modern, it’s 
primarily imperative to gauge the state of mind of her people, the society and 
their social, environmental and mental healthy.

-   Ugandans are known of their friendly personalities NOT by accident - 
however this might be a myth given to the state of urban organisation and 

-   While the lame and invalid - bake themselves in the tropical sunshine 
begging for a coin, neither government nor Kampala City Council seems to have a 
clue of what is taking place.

-   Indeed they do - but they can afford more money to politics.

-   A seemingly unknown phenomenon is spreading all over the country, more 
yet to come when frustration sinks in among the rural -urban migrant.

-   A Rastafarian lady named Senkebejje sung a song - “ Ah God if you can 
buy me a Mercedes Benz…”

-   Undeniably, I have witnessed something rare - I hope you also do. 

-   Fat mini bearing girls from western Uganda in droves are turning to 
Enguli (crude Walagi) distilling and retail trade. 

-   First I thought I was just being particular. No it is the same 
everywhere in this City and its suburbs via The Philosophy of Money - Simmel 

-   Young men from the central and western region, the alcohol consumers 
(usually young men) are likewise supporting the money minting profession.

-   Notice the above trade used to be of the Nakyeyombekeddes, (mature 
Baganda women divorcee and widowed) - the transformation is so stark to be 

-   The number of invalid is on the raise into the city, at Imperial Hotel 
shops, one good evening I meet a former bodaboda rider, begging me for help, he 
lost a leg and medical bills emptied his saving. 

-   He is no longer a man- he explains tears 

[Ugnet] B'Leo of FDC getting really confused

2005-06-07 Thread B Wambuga
What people can do to eat can sometimes go to extremes. Now we have someone from Kioga in Lira has a real story to tell here.

UPC disowns MP Ojok  

Joe Wacha

THE Uganda People's Congress (UPC), has disowned the Member of Parliament for Kioga County, Mr B'Leo Ojok, and warned party supporters against registering with him.A press statement issued on Monday by the party’s district organising committee chairman, Mr Nasuru Ogwang, said Ojok had no authority to mobilise UPC members to register with him. 
“We know that Ojok is a member of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and its coordinator for zone 15."UPC does not allow dual membership of her party members," Ogwang’s statement reads in part.
Ogwang said he was prompted to issue the statement following radio announcement by the MP inviting UPC supporters to his home in Nabweyo in Kioga to register.Ojok’s phone was off and he could not be reached for a comment by press time.
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[Ugnet] Welcome

2005-06-05 Thread B Wambuga


I must say, you are very welcome to discuss matters affecting our country with us (although you have not been very active - have done more listening than talking). For me it is enough to know that you are a nationalist and a peace-loving Ugandan/African. Feel free to contribute constructively for thebenefit of our motherland, Uganda.

Best regards,

K Heru
Joicye nansikombi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear UPC Members:

I must introduce myself, I AM NOT A COMRADE OR UPC.
I am a Ugandan and very much concerned of what has happened to our Nation Uganda.
My villageLuweero, my clan and my familly werevery much buttered by Movement.
I have been keen in reading almost all net news.As a Uganda Ihave the obligation.

On June 2nd 2005. I managed to attend a Presentation by a former American Embassador to Uganda,which took placein Washington DC .There were many
Ugandans and other nationalities. He presentedwith clear, and precisenewest
information regarding our Motherland Nation Uganda. Many people were emotionally 
taken up andI saw some shedding and cleaning their tears, on hearing the way Ugandans"suffereing.

My only humble request I ask you all who write onwebs accusing your fellow so called Comrades. To STOP and concentrate on fighting our biggest enemy (Museveni  Movement).
Whether some DP,UPC or FDC have crossed and join them or not. Please, Please,
let us Unite and remove this Monster.This man has many informers they read all
what you write.That is why this man got the Government on a" Silver Plate" and managed
to stay in power for such a long time. ( Oh Come on!!!) Is that what you can waste your time and energy to write 

As a Uganda I am your sister. But as a Party I amnot a UPC. We have a saying in Luganda language that says"Yours is yours come let it be". 

I remain your sister Ugandan. 

		Yahoo! Mail 
Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour___
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[Ugnet] Urban Planning the African ways

2005-06-04 Thread d b
Urban Planning the African ways

Dear Beloved Mayor,

-   I’m at a dangerous spot-crossing junction, Lawum Street; Namirimbe road 
towards the NEW (!) taxi park, from the other side comes a bicycle rider at a 
terrible speed almost knocking me down. I jump aside, missing me by an inch.

-   In an instant a young man of about 17, jumps off the saddle and breaks 
instantly standing over the bicycle!

-   Catching his passenger cargo an awares, promotes a smartly dressed and 
dark glass wearing elderly gentleman into a shout: Oyenda kutomera, vuga 
tugyende a’muhanda!

-   An otherwise shaken poor boy jumps onto the pedals immediately, leading 
the bicycle to wobble a bit before the poor boy manages to stabilise and then 
cross a busy dangerous junction spot. 

-   A medicine doctor at Mulago surgical department has just told me a sick 
joke, “ these days they are not short of resource inputs, they have a surplus 
of amputated limbs ”. He laughs it off.  Bodaboda

-   I hope you’ve noticed too, a survey done by me of all buildings on 
their Architectural and construction status shows the following; 

-   (a). Buildings that do not satisfy urban architectural and construction 
guidelines but also environmental and ergonomics provisions are all owned and 
built by Ugandans. In fact the majority are not complete!

-   (b). Buildings that do satisfy architectural and construction 
guidelines and meet environmental and ergonomics provisions are all owned and 
built by foreigners or Ugandan Indians. In fact they are complete with 
marvellous: parking lots, landscaping and spacing!

-   Uganda and in this particular instance Afrikans, are very funny people 
– now we have discovered the Chinese to be very friendly. 

-   They don’t disappoint – they have managed to integrate their 
architectural and construction culture into Kampala’s modern buildings –

-   Afrikans carrying the bricks and heavy work , the Chinese managing and 
directing at time under shouts.

-and we Ugandans directionless, we have now a ministry of foreign 
affairs starkly standing alone as Chinese architecture marvel standing above 
the white hole near his highness – the lord mayor.

-   Has Uganda a culture and scientist like architectural, construction 
engineers or design artist?!

-I doubt look at Kampala and one wonder!  

-   I passed by is it called Bulange, yes the Baganda parliament  and CBS 
fully blasting music to the amusement of the residents in the vicinity. It is a 
parliament though

-   Towering UCB has been turned from a Jewish / Arab desert architectural 
and construction wonder into an Indian castle more less a temple housing Buddha.

-   Exactly as Uganda has had an investment authority solely responsible 
for investment – besides mega - corporate investments with huge capital input, 
Ugandans have failed more of the 60 % medium and small foreign investments 
because of greed and blunt theft.

-   Yet more seem to be thinking of pulling out to other countries in the 

-   Characters that have failed investment in Uganda according to a Germany 
acquaintance are actually those in power positions, not bayaye, peasants and 
street lumpen. 

-   they ask for an exorbitant difference (enjawulo /Kintu kidogo on 
everything) you fail they conspire to outwit you or fail you.

-   No wonder in a radius of three kilometres outside Uganda’s capital 
Kampala there is a ring of a slum city – this is the most and effectively 
expansive part of the urban district.

-   Just imagine that Ministers, MPs, government officials, army commanders 
and their entourage slave servants parked on land lovers with heavy machine 
guns – see nothing of a problem in traffic, buildings or anything else.

-   Those at Kikama were touring industrial establishment as their military 
commanders curriculum course last month. 

-   What drives politics in Uganda is an amazing phenomenon.

-   I have been in Lufuka Kirimayaga, Ndejje in Namasuba, Najjanankubi, 
Luwafu, Zana area –it is an amazing tragedy, how appalling the situation is 

-   The choice was indeed not stochastic – was made on assumption that a 
small sub-urban area with National Housing and Construction housing facilities 
on Entebbe road might be better – it is only a disaster. 

-I did  a spot survey in some of the rich mans’ villages – here too 
despite hundreds of million housing facilities many are in extremely poor shape 
or unfinished.

-   They tried to destroy my urban planning project but they failed with 
rumour mongering and lies  now where are they?

Me Bwanika @




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[Ugnet] Micro Urban power facilities

2005-05-29 Thread d b
Integrated Development Research  Consultancy www.idrconsulting.com is a 
private Urban Planning entity incorporated in Uganda, East Africa, working with 
local government authorities, municipalities and town councils on urban 
planning related issues. 

IDR  C would like to come in contact with:

1.  Urban Micro Hydro Power Producers, on Small Urban Streams or Rivers.
2.  Urban Micro Power Producers, using Urban Generated Waste (Bio and 
none-Bio waste products).

Stream and river morphology and geometry, according to environment laws should 
remain in their natural form in case of micro hydropower production facilities 

Urban Centres referred to, have urban population concentrations ranging from 
three (3) million to twenty thousands (20,000) people. All urban centres are in 
constant transformation phase and with residential, commercial, small and 
medium scale industrial growth hence Urban Micro Power demand expansion needs.

Any firm, company or producers of micro power technology facilities, interested 
in private and capital venture in urban micro power generation, contact IDR  C 
operations director in writing, either by e-mail or physical addresses given on 
the website above.






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[Ugnet] UPC Constitution

2005-05-28 Thread B Wambuga
I think these people need a brief copy of the UPC Constitution;

The Uganda People’s Congress of Uganda.

"The Uganda People's Congress” (U.P.C.) referred to here as "the Party" is one of the Uganda Independence founding parties formed in the late 1950’s to fight colonialism in Uganda and Africa as a whole.
The Emblem of the Party is "the Open Hand" (for Peace, Unity and Justice), with a flag as it symbol.
The Flag in its three colors of Black, Red and Blue depicts the philosophy of the party. The Black (for African Personality), Red (for human equality and Brotherhood) and Blue (for Peace and Justice).And it is represented by Blue at the bottom in horizontal form with Black on top, Red in the middle, as its tri-colors.
The Aims and Objectives of the party can be summarized as follows; (1) To build the Republic of Uganda as one country with one people, one Parliament and one Government.(2) To defend the Independence and Sovereignty of Uganda and maintain peace and tranquility, and to preserve the Republican Constitution of Uganda.(3) To organize the Party to enable the people to participate in framing the destiny of our Country.(4) To fight relentlessly against Poverty, Ignorance, Disease, Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism, Imperialism and Apartheid.(5) To plan Uganda's Economic Development in such a way that the Government, through Parastatal Bodies, the Co-operative Movements, Private Companies, Individuals in Industry, commerce and Agriculture, will effectively contribute to increased production to raise the standard of living in the Country.(6) To protect without discrimination based 
 on race,
 color, sex or religion every person lawfully living in Uganda and enable him to enjoy the fundamental rights and freedom of the individual, that is to say:(i) Life, Liberty, Security of person and Protection of the law;(ii) Freedom of Conscience, of _expression_ and association;(iii) Protection of Privacy of his home, property and from deprivation of property without compensation.(7) To ensure that no citizen of Uganda will enjoy any special privilege, status or title by virtue of birth, descent or heredity;(8) To ensure that in the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms no person shall be allowed to prejudice the right and freedom of others and the interests of the state;(9) To support organizations, whether international or otherwise, whose aims, objects and aspirations are consistent with those of the Party;(10) To do such other things that are necessary for the achievement of the aims, objects and aspirations of the Party.
The Membership of the Party shall be open to any citizen of Uganda who:(i) accepts the Aims and Objects of the Party; and(ii) is of the age of 18 or over; and(iii) is not a member of any other Political Party; and(iv) does not support tribalism and parochialism; and(v) has paid admission fee and membership dues as prescribed by the UPC National Council*.There shall be an Annual Delegate Conference, which shall be the Supreme Authority of the Party and shall be composed of the following:(i) The Members of the National Council.(ii) The Members per Parliamentary Constituency, elected by the Parliamentary Constituency Conference annually.
Duties of the Annual Delegates Conference (1) The Annual Delegate Conference shall lay down the broad basic policy of the Party:(2) The Annual Delegates Conference shall enact or amend the Constitution of the Party;(3) The Annual Delegates Conference shall be the sole body to elect President of the Party.(4) The President shall immediately after his election, appoint a Vice-President, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, Secretary-General, Assistant Secretary-General and National Chairman and National Vice-Chairman, all of whom shall be members of the Central Executive Committee. The President shall have powers to dismiss or replace any of the members so appointed by him.(5) The President shall hold office for a term of seven years.(6) The President shall relinquish office on being voted out by a resolution supported by two-thirds majority at the Annual Delegates Conference. The motion for the resolution 
 must be
 signed by at least one-half of the members of the National Council;(7) A President removed under Article 7(6) shall not be eligible for re-election;(8) The Annual Delegates Conference shall consider reports from the President on matters affecting the Party and the Country.(9) To elect a new President in case of death, resignation or retirement while in office.
The President of the party shall appoint members of the Party to constitute the Presidential Electoral Commission which Commission will process applications from party members for candidature for the National Assembly, consult with Party organs or any application and approve, on behalf of the national Council, candidates for the National Assembly elections.

PRESIDENT__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the 

[Ugnet] Uganda People's Congress

2005-05-28 Thread B Wambuga
The Congress of the people.
Please see the attachments.

Bwambuga.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com inline: Dr AMO.jpginline: flag.gifinline: hand.gifinline: banner.gif___
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[Ugnet] In and Out of Katwe and beyond- Kampala City Welcmes U

2005-05-25 Thread d b

Dear Beloved Mayor

Katwe Slum City, Religious Schools and 50 cents 

-   Just inside the slum city – business thrives by all means possible.

-A religious school within the neighbourhood with holy book recitals 
and the young ones answer in unison.

-   Around them, filthy and dirty smelly air comes from all corners. Urine 
here, faeces there, raw sewage there.

-   Town “Hole” was presented to Kampala Municipality Council by Sheth 
Nanji Kalidas Mertha M.B.E opened by Governor Sir John Hathorn Hall G.C.M.C., 
D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C., (master of ceremony) Monday September 1950

-   What has changed then? 55 years, Independent and old at 43, Makerere 
Ivory Tower 83 complete years – 


-   Ado at the other corner of the road, Manchester and Ass-enal jumper and 
buggy bearing young slum men impress upon the passing girls with – their music 
system blurring out 50 cents accompanied with vigorous debate about who is who 
in RB.

-   I turn to look at the other side, I can see inside Lubiri Barracks, Oh 
I mean Lubiri Palace and many many banana plantation extending as far as the 
eyes can see. 

-   Back - it is a music-recording studio into a muddy ramshackle house – @ 
a near falling stage – I pose to think about the MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND GENDER.

-   Nearby, a billboard announcing condoms another MTN, Celter, Nile 
special, Club and so on.There is a one street coming up – a citizen’s 

-   In a distance a heated discussion, “ abaNiggers mwaana bakuba emiziiki” 
(Negroes are music endowed) another shouts back “Gwe mwanna abaNiggers balina 
sente” (Negroes are filthy rich) 

-   I bust in hearty laughter, almost falling off my legs.

-   Fellow citizens below Katwe there is a small KCC advert in soil – 
“Welcome to Kampala City and so on….

-   Flight of time vindicates and history will absolve us – had it no been 
for the struggle to bring the internet to Uganda, were will we be?

-   My first step in Katwe was not so successful, my newly acquired 
gumboots were soiled badly- I hear malaria kills millions but what is here 
tales a different story. 

-   I turn to the help of a water-logged pond left behind by several days 
of down pour  – heavy scrubbing into the mud with the help of another leg, 
luckily cleans off the terrible thing.  

-   I move on.

-   Miniature gullies, which emerge from what goes for hastily designed 
latrines, and “side “ bathrooms smells like hell, raw urine, sewage, condoms, 
shit you name it – it is all there. 

-   Good heavens help our people. There is a condom in the middle of road. 

-   There too emerges a tiptoeing very young modern woman wrapped in a fine 
towel, with painstakingly burnt hair, hopping to skip and dodging, I think pup 
and muddy waters along the path to a one-unit room on a multipurpose block of a 

-   She disappears in one of numerous muzigo

-   No, many children don’t die of dysentery, diarrhoea – I am in Katwe 
proper - it is malaria.

-   We must be adapted for quite long to resist such encumbrances! 
Colonialists call us monkeys, rare apes! Aaah, Bloody Dirty Racists! 

-   Bantusitan. Soweto.

-   Originating from a very remote region, what I see now defies 
explanatory power. Can it fit poverty, misery, desolation, despair, agony or 
ignorance – I can’t tell.

-   Maybe with a new economic vocabulary like “Okulembeka” – they actually 

-   It is holiday time, children with mucus, some so dirty, with rags on, 
to imagine them living another day but they do!

-   They mingle, jiggle and play children games - while dysentery, 
diarrhoea below their feet flows in all directions at times helped in an open 

-   It is sickening – I move to the left.

-   With their mothers some comfortably sited on verandas unconcerned as 
they marvel the tricks of their playing kids, it chills me in the spine. I am 
tired and jittery. 

-   Pup here and there and many children in fact as sick dogs, cats and the 
like mill around them. One dog has so many bits it’s about to die I guess.

-   As elsewhere in Kamwokya Kitoro, here too labyrinths snakes through a 
thousand mud and reed houses some newly constructed others in just as lame as 
the builders minds themselves.

-   It disturbs me really. Stupid Racists Colonialists - what an absurd 

-   Now I can see Kampala City -  a lot of it.

-   It is Africa architecture of a rare breed YET we survive 2005. I can 
now see the workers house far away in blue.

-   A hawker all covered in merchandise head to toe, all of the sudden 
surfaces behind another house calling for buyers (who is buying, who is buying) 
attracts my attention.

-   In one hand he’s carrying a small radio at full volume – It is radio 
West I usually listens to in Lunyankore.


[Ugnet] About Prof. Apollo Nsibambi Rd,-Welcome To K’la City

2005-05-22 Thread d b
Dear Mayor

-   Just around, Professor Apollo Nsibambi Road – a very young man with an 
American emblem handkerchief fastened on his head, safari boots and trimmed 
jeans well below the knees, puffing on a heavy roll of marijuana cigarette 
stick, staggers head-on into our BodaBoda. 

-   BodaBoda swings to the sides, missing him by a few centimetres, I stop 
my rider well ahead to watch a phenomenon.

-   The man is high – in spite of this we continue on with our business- 
the rest is history……..

-   Here comes the ghetto and uncontrolled television media- K’Nigeria.  

-   After of my daily cores – a friend directed me to a good dish downtown 
– an African lunch to be precise.

-   Lunch goes for a single note, a 1000 bobs not so much to ask questions. 
Moreless ”step not on mine ” but with benches and a single sorts of a dirty 


-   My lady cook had no Mukwano star soap or the little was long finished. 
I revert to my handkerchief to do the needful after a nice meal. 

-   Goat meat, Wugari (Posho) and some green vegetables, prepared with a 
human touch and very delicious indeed. But.DIRTINESS IS AN AFRICAN AFFAIR.

-   After some few hours – I got a terrible high temperature, preceded with 
severe grumbling stomach; a close examination reveals a bacteria infection. 

-   A quick and close medical combat, ‘am still arrive, kicking and back on 
Kampala streets. 

-   Is it the food vendors or KAMPALA CITY COUNCIL – blame it on me. 

-   That was the day before this..

-   I’ll comeback to that – another day.

-   I have spared thIS afternoon to do a thorough study of KOSOVO, an 
upcoming and thriving wetland suburban CITY sprawl, now occupied by the lowerly 
of our society. 

-   Kampala is expanding well beyond all the seven hills.

-   And Kamwokya Kitoro ´am moving their soon 

-   Kwate Kinyoro will be covered too.

-   Behind Bulange, ride straight along Ssentema road until you come to 
where the road almost ends in a small trading centre turn left, I direct my 
BodaBoda pilot to move forward.

-   Kosovo is an emerging sub-urban enclave filled with all sorts of people 
from Banyarwanda, Kenyanese, Sudanese you name it. It is a free world down 

-   To new arrivals from all corners of Uganda – a free city has opened up 
in Kosovo!

-   Hurriedly papyrus to wattle made houses are coming up quickly; 

-   Chicken, goats, pigs, cats, dogs are crammed at times into one house 
with their masters – a jumble.

-   Good for waragi distilling, pig rearing, prostitute trade, guessed life 
style combined with cheap city live – KOSOVO is still a virgin city suburb of 
immeasurable proportions.

-   At Kikandwa – near the backpackers, garbage dump offer free pig daily 

-   Kosovo is Kosovo and one wonders how KAMPALA CITY COUNCIL could at 
least not plan it for the poor

-   NO they will do it, a Namuwongo approach 2025.

-   A quick survey reveals – a planned cemetery, remnants of Colonial 
Planning can readily be seen at least from carbon dating 1960.

-   We are Independent! 

-   On my way here, I stopped over the former Uganda Commercial Bank main 
branch  - with unstoppable vigour building still goes on. Imagine crested 
towers remodelled not to look crest towers.

-   Opposite Bank of Baroda I have noticed an elderly woman of some 70 
years or so – she keeps walking around to get a coin, call it begging.

-Last time I gave her transport back to Gayaza – she is still around. 

-   Fellow Citizens we are liberated – well in upper class enclaves some 
beings are well better liberated than others. 

-   From the French agency for development Kampala City Council has now 
money to build public toilets in 35 parishes.  So apply now if you want a 
tender to do the work.

-   The bill according to KCC for redesigning Clock Tower, Jinja Road and 
Kampala Entebbe Road junction is shs 32 billion – the contracts are the 
Japanese according to the City Engineer. They are also the funder, the 
designers,planners, engineers and so on.

-   Meanwhile Makerere University refutes allegation that it can’t teach 
engineering Aaah I meant sciences courses.

I wish to remain  Bwanika in Afrika




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[Ugnet] Economic vs Urbna Planning

2005-05-19 Thread d b
Economic, Development Theory vs Urban Planning 

-   I am heading to Kazo ANGOLA to wittiness a shriving sub –urban filthy 
city sprawl! Why Angola?! I will discover. 

-   I am through with Katwe and further inside after messing up my gumboots 
terribly bad. 

-   Children here are to “who it may concern” do the pup in labyrinths 
snaking through muddy waters and ramshackle muddy houses going for houses.

-   It is terrible out there but it is also Kampala City. Good lord save 
our people from a piggy lifestyle. 

-   We have now in place a rigorous and exhaustive Urban Plan ready for 
implementation; we have started with the central region, soon moving east and 
northwards, as resources are made available.

-   We do consult, study, develop and improve – 


TOTAL SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION (dfwa-U) currently our sole preoccupation. Delta.

-   Human beings as natural beings and by nature do not change it is 
appearance that changes. Revolutionaries. We are precisely focusing on that. 

-   KCC how could Katwe deteriorate and expand to such a mega filthy piggy 
enclave into Makindye, Kibuli and beyond without the Kampala City Council 
counselling people into a better life? 

-   We are very knowledgeable where the limits of politics particularly in 
African even, in countries like Senegal. We have transformed (Z) to doing.

-   After five months of intensive study in the villages and towns, I have 
come to a realistic grasp with the flux of socio-economic political trends in 
Uganda and an elitist mentality. 

-   In fact we were written off as people who didn’t know what we are after 
– now they all know better. Those intimidating me don’t waste your time.

-   Who by the way are the engineers of the most rare corruption 
establishment ever, past and current political impasse in Uganda.

-   Current socio-economic political trends will continue for sometime in 
this African country. 

-   Unless administrative core politics at municipal and district level are 
guided, strengthened on implementation and supervision level under the laws- 
Uganda has no future. We are therefore setting the pace. Alfa

-   The alternative is to go fully-fledged federation based on current 
district socio-demographic configuration- hence harmonisation of 
social-economic and politic beliefs and the nexus of antagonistic ideologies.

-   It is however no solution.

-Given to inherent weakness in these institutions, which are basically 
pedestal on organic solidarity not so much compatible with a modern medialised 
and marketised thought matrix.

-   People who’ve gained (now free radicals!) but also lost out in NRM 20 
year socio-economic political stint are current opponents of the current 
government, to settle personal long socio-economic and political grievances, 
redundancy? (Diminishing returns)  

-   They are the majority and more vocal even in the trends of pervasion of 
justice and the said rule of law they offer to re-establish.

-Peasants and simple privatised government institutional workers have 
absolutely gained nothing and will gain nothing with the above arrangement.

-   The ontological status of the problem.

-   Implying losers to the next regime of politics and politicians will 
solve nothing, instead generate the next bout of political salvo and the 
impasse will continue.

-   The above category can be subdivided into two groups, a combination of 
economic and political power quest. 

-   To solve such typically African political gridlock  – we’ll have to 
come to terms with several issues some of which are being tackled like housing 
in Wakiso on a national scale.

-Agriculture as elevated today is empty but not necessarily a useless 

-   However will bear nothing but further misery as high breed crops and 
commercialised intensive farming take root and collapses at the same time. 

-   The peasant will be a peasant.

-   That will be the demise of the agriculture sector, as we have known it 
in Uganda economic history. Economics gone sour with cash crops.

-   I’ve therefore developed a comprehensive matrix for physical planning 
and social planning we will implement nation wide.

-   To totally divert socio-economic politic development and trends.

-Hence lessening the impact of politics on social and economic 
inclination to save the peasant from political garbage.

-   What it entitles is guidance of what should be done, how and when in 
form of rural and urban planning and transformation.

-   In essence it delimits stochastic political hearsay, tittle-tattle and 
individualised competition for resources i.e. corruption and synergies wasted 

[Ugnet] In The City Councillors

2005-05-12 Thread d b

Beloved Mayor,


- Sunday down pour left some dead, houses and shop submerged. Actually - some 
houses were floating vessels as traders stood inside them, carrying on with 
normal business as nothing has happened- Africa!? 

- As promised I’ve been around Kamwokya and further below as a “my car” touring 
Kampala city. A Bizarre Tourist.

- And some one told me to keep quite because they “know what I write about”. 
Right, they knew and did no-thing about it?

- Asked, what has Kampala City Council for an Urban Transport Programme i.e. a 
tram (Light Train) from Jinja, Mukono to Bujuko, from the Central Station to 
Makerere University / Mulago axis from Kampala to Entebbe?  My Car

- Noo Nothing! So what is KCC planning? EU funded bypass, latrines (PAPSCA) 
and …….I am coming to that.

- Who have been Mayors of Kampala in the past 40 years – I shot back! And 
indeed who have been the ministers of local government for the past 20 years?

- The Local Government Ministry allocates millions of development funds to the 
likes of Kampala City Council and indeed some money is sitting unused or spent 
on study tours or sub-standard contracts and seminars!

- Have you been at Sir Apollo Kagwa Rd. near Delhi Graden Aah gardens indeed 
and the rats! In the City

- Yes Kampala district is largest business region in the entire country – TAXES 
TAXES TAXES TAXES TAXES. UTODA collects Shs 200 million a month! 24 billions a 
year – where is the money?

- Besides all types of tax levies; parking fees and I have to believe how the 
government has done nothing indeed.

- From Kamwokya Kitoro thanks to tree slaughtering, Bwaise, Kawempe and Kololo 
can clearly be seen from all directions - the birds and corresponding nature 
can go to hell.

- And adjoining hills before late will be no more – right, let open hill soils, 
deep gullies and all excavations be covered then.  It is called landscaping.

- No, we have world class open trenches (world war one type) is it water 
channels, to carry mud, garbage, sledge and slit all way down to Kamwokya 

- I have read about your crusade on tree planting.

- I challenge KCC to come up with a map clearly detailing electrical lines, 
water/sewerage pipelines and telephone/internet infrastructure!

- Does KCC have clear maps of public road reserves or not? Yes I mean land use 

- But …… don’t you think your planners are not telling you the right thing? I 
have investigated the pavements and road design.

- Is work a poor workmanship and making money or sheer ignorance among pavement 

- Which brings me to another question?

- Madam speaker Sir, does KCC works department, have road testing and designing 

- Madam speaker Sir (aah), does KCC works department have a pavement testing 
and designing facilities?  

- Let alone pavement design and construction guidelines? To whom it may concern!

- Does KCC have architectural, building construction and testing laboratories 
i.e. structural, inbuilt and outside environment, sound and vibration, air 
pollution and circulation?

- Does KCC have human resources, supervision facilities and on road 

- How could a city road develop garbage dumping, potholes to such a level that 
a paved piece of asphalt only 30 centimetres, remain of a three or five meters 
wide road?

- How possible there is no level pavement in town I meant city?

- How possible can it be that flats in Kamwokya built way back almost 40 years 
are still looking the same? Kampala City Council has no money indeed YET 
Kamwokya is linking up with Bwaise in a mega slum sprawl.

- That is called housing facilitation. KCC flats 

- Isn’t there a real problem?

- I stopped over at the Bat Valley - the similarity at Makerere Kivulu is 
striking. It might also be a good research facility for social arts, is it 
called social sciences students!

- Slumisation is with Kampala City. 

- What colour my eyes is dirty brown walls of mad extending as far as the eye 
can see and far away as the horizon extends.

- Then comes the filthy dirt winding slum roads 

- Hre Africa becomes enigmatic. Government is made up of trees. 

- Well can KCC explain what, how and where there is guidance on Kampala City 
civil works?






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[Ugnet] Decentralisation Mismatch Urban Planning

2005-05-12 Thread d b
District, Municipal, Town Councils  RDCs 
a Decentralisation Mismatch

- I’ve written about decentralisation mentioning a combinatory system, driving 
it to its stagnation and perpetual demise.

- In that respect much ink is spilled about corruption but nothing has been 
said about its emergency on administrative and organisational levels.

- For corruption to exist enduring socio-economic and political structures must 
be excessively compromised.

- Just imagine that the same parliament passes a political party bill and the 
same parliament also passes a referendum bill. Don’t waste my time.

- THE LAW - VERY INTERESTING INDEED, HAS CAST a DICE. My last check revealed 72 
parties picking forms and more than 10 registered.

- A mismatch implying Uganda’s problems are far from being resolved.

- Well as there is craving for constitutional amendments, straightening up 
enduring and cascading structures does not arise. No business for the 

- Proponents for and against constitutional changes a large majority are all 
compromised and working within the system for their self-sustenance.

- A system that has RDC, LC V, Mayors on top and DEOs up and Municipal EO down, 
DSOs up and  (LDU) down, DHOs up and LHO down etceteras becomes gothic and 
liable and susceptible to internal contradictions.  

- A Member of Parliament therefore, must be largely ceremonial and his/her 
position symbolic. 

- Proponents of decentralisation saw my arguments as a move in the opposite 
direction devoid of analysis of embedded conflicting structures.

- However in all places I have been Chief Administrative Officers are largely 
very healthy people given to their body size compared to rest co-workers!

- Now, enter our traditional structures – with all kingdom super and 
sub-structures from which decentralisation derives and was assumed as a 
modernisation stance. 

- What does the district do that can’t be done by municipalities or town 

- Suppose five kingdoms get their way – and start administering roads, schools, 
healthcare centres, what will be the role of districts, municipal or town 

- A Combinatory  

- On municipal level we have; mayors, town clerks, financial administrator as 
well as planners, municipal agents of whatever nature there is. 

- Same system is replicated above with LC.V (governors), then Chief 
Administrative Officers (C.A.O), district planners and works, Chief financial 
officers (C.F.O) and facilitators as well as planners and councillors of this 
and that. 

- The above system is repeated on town, municipal council level.

- In fact some forms of healthcare is offered on municipality or town council 
level as education and social welfare.

-  The gist comes with ALLOCATION OF FUNDS and implementation of such 

- In essence district, municipal and town councils all have to share small 
amounts of money – in form of grants and central government budgetary 

- But who implements what for instance district and urban road construction – 
city or district councils?

- Most often there is no working relationship what so ever between district 
councils, town or municipal councils.

- The next problem comes with who get the rewards in form of wages, praises and 
indeed akasiimo, kitu kidogo- 

- That is where corruption becomes even more rampant and enigmatic.

- Rooting corruption from i.e. the district administration will in turn push it 
down to the town council level and vice-vicer.

- For instance if one is royal to municipality affairs, the same does not apply 
to the district level because of different sociological and monetary issues.

-  When ones work is dismissed, under-funded, ignored and praises go somewhere 
else since one is a lower cadre or less desired there up – there is a real 
- All in all, decentralisation is system as self-demotivator and the cost is 
rampant corruption everywhere since everyone must get a fat payback check.

- I believe to maintain such a system the country must be very rich indeed. 

- Let us talk federal

- I will assume, when districts decide to get together i.e. in form of a 
federate districts more emphasis should be on the social and economic rather 
than political implications.

- Why 

- Who is paying for the decentralisation mismatch? Taxpayers? Or donors?

- Next time wait for a scholarly analysis of social transformation re: urban/ 
rural planning as I try to finally set an ideological stand point in change the 
current political impasse.

I wish to remain Bwanika @






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[Ugnet] Uganda under Dic. M7 in Brief

2005-05-07 Thread B Wambuga

Police holdGULU — The Police are holding a 48-year-old Somali for tearing Uganda currency notes worth an unspecified amount of money. The OC crime at Gulu Police Station, Vincent Ouma, told the press on Tuesday that the man identified only as Mohammed was arrested on Monday for tearing the sh5,000 currency notes. He said Mohamed would be charged with malicious damage of property

Envoys blocked from seeing MPs

DISAPPOINTED: Envoys interact at Buganda Road Court after the case was adjourned

By Hillary KiiryaEnvoys, relatives and politicians who went to court yesterday to interact with the opposition MPs facing murder charges were denied access.Police and prison authorities, who tightly guarded the entrance to the prison cells, refused to open for the sympathisers after court adjourned the case.The two MPs, Reagan Okumu (Aswa) and Michael Ocula Nyeko (Kilak) and three others appeared before buganda Road Court yesterday.The prosecutor, Jane Kajjuga, said the Police had finished investigations into the allegations against the suspects, who include David Ochieng, councillor Ochan Laryan and Steven Olanya Otim.“The Police file on this matter has been submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions, who is studying the file,” the State Attorney said.The five are accused of murdering the Pabbo LC3 chairperson, Alfred bongomin, on February 12, 2002, in Gulu district.The British High Commis
 the Royal Danish Embassy, the Italian Embassy and the Embassy of Ireland were among the many missions that sent representatives to court for the case.The sympathisers, who later retreated the gate, hurled insults at the security, saying, “This government is not the best. How can they refuse us to interact with our people? Some of us have come from Gulu to see our representatives. What is wrong with seeing them and giving them food?”Compared to the previous court sitting, more envoys, politicians and relatives, who included children and the elderly, filled the courtroom.Published on: Saturday, 7th May, 2005

Uganda overtakes Nigeria in fraud
By Steven OdeuUGANDA has overtaken Nigeria as the leading source of bank cheque fraud, according to Citigroup’s Johan Hartman, the fraud manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa. “Fraud has nothing to do with the country or ethnicity. It is the individuals who defraud banks and international businesses. Of recent, Uganda has recorded more fraud attempts than Nigeria in sub-Saharan Africa,” Hartman said in an interview on Thursday.Without giving corresponding statistics, Hartman, who is also a senior officer in Citigroup’s security and investigative services said, Uganda had a very high risk of fraud in cheque and manual funds transfer since most individuals attempt to defraud companies in the Far East, especially motor vehicle dealers in Japan.“An increase in fraud over a period of time without decreasing erodes confidence in the business community,” he said.Nadeem Lodhi, the managing director
 Citibank Uganda, said fraud in the local and international market had become sophisticated, increasing the impact of huge potential loss for financial institutions. According to the International Monetary Fund, South African banks are organised and efficient, but their returns on capital are low by world standards due to fraud.Citibank on Thursday organised a seminar to sensitise customers about the need to use their Citidirect online banking, which they said is more secure.Justine Bagyenda, Bank of Uganda’s director of commercial banking said fraud was depleting earnings of banks and eroding their capital base.She advised banks to emphasise the principle of ‘know your customer and employee.’Ends
Published on: Saturday, 7th May, 2005

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[Ugnet] The Urban Dweller

2005-05-02 Thread d b

To my beloved Mayor

The Urban Dweller battles the Rains

-   The latest hit in Kampala is K’Nigeria  “bottle a man and save energy” 
– all billboards and radio stations have announced the song – now we know.

-   And Wittgenstein Ludwig a former chair and predecessor to Isaac Newton 
was asked the most difficult thing to do, he replied,  “ helping a fly out of a 

-   On Hoima road – at the so called Kasubi market heavy down pour has 
swept all mud on the newly constructed Kasubi road, down the gullies to cover 
the emerging pot holes near the gas station, indeed KCC will have no job to do 
there and then.

-   Further ahead – rainwater has swept the road clean of all tribes of 
garbage offering drainage water an opportunity to hop over dug trenches into 
the road.
-   Wonderful Kampala City Council. At times one is caught between crying 
and laughter!

-   Rubigi has been camaraderie to bicycle transporters, turning 
pedestrians bad luck into a BodaBoda money-minting occasion. I was about to 
shout Swines, Buffons but……

-   From Bwaise across the big swamp to Hoima road disaster has struck.
-   Heavens opened up for a concrete four hours marathon  – and hell broke 
loose like nothing you’ve never seen before. 

-   Water among the African, is fantastic scenery of bizarre absurdity.  It 
was time for me to catch a glimpse on reality – is it termed a real time event?

-   My fine shoe had betrayed me at first – trying to squeeze myself on now 
very narrow pavements to save the shine on it. 

-   This is Kampala in Afrika – blame God who created rain!

-   BodaBoda cyclists never offered space for quick locomotion, have long 
hijacked the pavements to escape natures’ calamity. 

-   Water was in direct battle, a serious confrontation with the African.

-   All the same, I hit the road – for no time is better than this time to 
understand the battle on Kampala streets and its suburbs, between rains, 
citizen merchants and their merchandise.

-   Poor me forced off the pavement – a Matatu came to an instant stop, a 
squeal to be precise, almost knocking me off the road. Instantly a passenger 
jumps out – a smartly dressed lady of no cheap variety. 

-   A handbag swung turns it into an umbrella covering well-tended 
hairstyle I mean a hair do, now heavily bombarded with tropic torrential rains 
and nowhere to hide - gods’ tears turn a hair do into disorder.

-   With a sudden bust of motor engines – BodaBoda cyclist had spotted a 
coin and tens of them almost ride into her calling on top of their voice Mamma 
tugende (Madam board this one).

-   Uganda and her citizens are gripped into market terrorism, a hysteria 
only comparable to paranoia.

-   Newspaper vendors and many other clans of ware peddlers, whenever wind 
blows water into their direction they squeeze further into the legs standing 
above them! 

-   Kampala becomes more exciting and awesome.

-   I mind my own business – I have to pick my gumboots to catch on a 
battle of wits; as water battles the citizens.

-   Matatus are at a standstill in their insect file motion – reason being 
there is low traffic police manning the junctions. 

-   The sole one I have seen at a junction is drenched all through – I 
remembered recent TV documentary of crumbling police resident at Naguru- I feel 
so sorry for the guy.

-UTODA (what does it stand for!) hey hey; yes they are called “traffic 
wardens” are hidden away from the elements.  Chaos becomes an ordered.

-   30 minutes jammed in a terrible traffic pack, a distance of not less 
than 500 meters is covered.

-   I jump off the ramshackle piece of steel – and hit the street again 
heading towards a business mercantile lane down town mayor.

-   A milliard of merchandise stacked away in heavy white and black 
polythene bags – as does business proprietors tells of the misery Kampalians 
and Ugandans face on a daily basis.

-   Water can be really treacherous, some wooden benches, rakes or 
something like that have been thrown off their crooked legs just by sheer force 
are floating down into the streets.

-   Trust Matatu drivers as owner pick their pieces, they Matatu driver dog 
them at such terrible speed missing them by a whisker. 

-   Driving was created in Uganda I reason for once. 

-   Water rapider - is a testing time especially for women- I look over and 
virtually all street traders stand still in a heavy down pour covered in 
polythene bags close to their merchandise. 

-   Everywhere!

-   Kampala City council is a deny of incompetence, a paradise of dupes, 
bedbugs only good for nothing- does KCC have an investment fund?   

-Previously I have been trying my eyes on Uganda owned buildings NONE 
and true to Africanism few if none is full furnished and finished. Political 
science and kyankwanzi ideology.

-   Kampala skyline 

[Ugnet] The Urban Dweller battles the Rains

2005-05-01 Thread d b

To my beloved Mayor

-   The latest hit in Kampala is K’Nigeria  “bottle a man and save energy” 
– all billboards and radio stations have announced the song – now we know.

-   And Wittgenstein Ludwig a former chair and predecessor to Isaac Newton 
was asked the most difficult thing to do, he replied,  “ helping a fly out of a 

-   On Hoima road – at the so called Kasubi market heavy down pour has 
swept all mud on the newly constructed Kasubi road, down the gullies to cover 
the emerging pot holes near the gas station, indeed KCC will have no job to do 
there and then.

-   Further ahead – rainwater has swept the road clean of all tribes of 
garbage offering drainage water an opportunity to hop over dug trenches into 
the road.
-   Wonderful Kampala City Council. At times one is caught between crying 
and laughter!

-   Rubigi has been camaraderie to bicycle transporters, turning 
pedestrians bad luck into a BodaBoda money-minting occasion. I was about to 
shout Swines, Buffons but……

-   From Bwaise across the big swamp to Hoima road disaster has struck.
-   Heavens opened up for a concrete four hours marathon  – and hell broke 
loose like nothing you’ve never seen before. 

-   Water among the African, is fantastic scenery of bizarre absurdity.  It 
was time for me to catch a glimpse on reality – is it termed a real time event?

-   My fine shoe had betrayed me at first – trying to squeeze myself on now 
very narrow pavements to save the shine on it. 

-   This is Kampala in Afrika – blame God who created rain!

-   BodaBoda cyclists never offered space for quick locomotion, have long 
hijacked the pavements to escape natures’ calamity. 

-   Water was in direct battle, a serious confrontation with the African.

-   All the same, I hit the road – for no time is better than this time to 
understand the battle on Kampala streets and its suburbs, between rains, 
citizen merchants and their merchandise.

-   Poor me forced off the pavement – a Matatu came to an instant stop, a 
squeal to be precise, almost knocking me off the road. Instantly a passenger 
jumps out – a smartly dressed lady of no cheap variety. 

-   A handbag swung turns it into an umbrella covering well-tended 
hairstyle I mean a hair do, now heavily bombarded with tropic torrential rains 
and nowhere to hide - gods’ tears turn a hair do into disorder.

-   With a sudden bust of motor engines – BodaBoda cyclist had spotted a 
coin and tens of them almost ride into her calling on top of their voice Mamma 
tugende (Madam board this one).

-   Uganda and her citizens are gripped into market terrorism, a hysteria 
only comparable to paranoia.

-   Newspaper vendors and many other clans of ware peddlers, whenever wind 
blows water into their direction they squeeze further into the legs standing 
above them! 

-   Kampala becomes more exciting and awesome.

-   I mind my own business – I have to pick my gumboots to catch on a 
battle of wits; as water battles the citizens.

-   Matatus are at a standstill in their insect file motion – reason being 
there is low traffic police manning the junctions. 

-   The sole one I have seen at a junction is drenched all through – I 
remembered recent TV documentary of crumbling police resident at Naguru- I feel 
so sorry for the guy.

-UTODA (what does it stand for!) hey hey; yes they are called “traffic 
wardens” are hidden away from the elements.  Chaos becomes an ordered.

-   30 minutes jammed in a terrible traffic pack, a distance of not less 
than 500 meters is covered.

-   I jump off the ramshackle piece of steel – and hit the street again 
heading towards a business mercantile lane down town mayor.

-   A milliard of merchandise stacked away in heavy white and black 
polythene bags – as does business propri


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[Ugnet] UPC in the West want 3rd Term

2005-05-01 Thread B Wambuga

UPC wants ‘third term’
By Ebenezer BifubyekaTHE Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) needs a ‘third term’ and should start mobilising members to achieve this goal, Dr. Patrick Rubaihayo, a top party official, has said. A member of the newly- established Constitutional Steering Commission, Rubaihayo said UPC led by Obote had its ‘first term’ in the 60s and a ‘second term’ from 1980 to 1985. “Now we want a third term with a party president from the western region,” he said.Rubaihayo, a former minister in Obote’s second regime, was addressing a UPC consultative meeting for the southwestern region at the Catholic social centre in Mbarara on Saturday.The meeting chaired by East African legislative assembly MP Yona Kanyomozi, attracted about 200 UPC leaders from Kisoro, Kabale, Ntungamo, Mbarara, Bushenyi, Kamwenge, Rukungiri, Kasese and Kanungu. Rubaihayo said they would resuscitate UPC with the theme, “fight
 poverty, ignorance, diseases and state-inspired corruption,’” which he said were brought by President Museveni. “Museveni has commercialised politics. A certain boy shocked me when he said he saw a sack full of money, which supporters of a movement candidate had during the just-concluded Mbarara municipality parliamentary by-elections,” he said. Rubaihayo said they would amend the UPC constitution in August. He said they would seek advice and guidance from the UPC members before they made the amendments. 
Published on: Monday, 2nd May, 2005
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[Ugnet] Poor Ugandan VP

2005-04-29 Thread B Wambuga
Once again I sympathise with our Ugandan VP in his reaction to the British move to cut Aid to Uganda. One wonders how VP Bukenya could not tell the difference between the British third term and dictator Museveni's third term. Bukenya should realise that Blair followers do not have to wear "Bisanja", and go bamboozling people everywhere and Blair blasting out about whether the British want it or not, he will still be there for fifty years. Furthermore, Blair and his party do not have to muzzle the Britts and drag them to a referendum about changing any system. 

I see they are really beggining to act erratically. They know that they arefalling now. Remember Mr. Aziz?

The Vice President, Prof. Gilbert Bukenya, criticised the British government for practicing what he termed double standard on the question of the third term.“The British oppose the third term pushed by Ugandans simply because we are poor and we cannot stand up and tell them off,” Bukenya said on Tuesday while addressing members of the Uganda Local Government Association from 10 districts in the Central region at Mpigi.He said: “Let the British High Commissioner to Uganda first advise Tony Blair to stop seeking a third term before he opposes Museveni.” 
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Re:For Musamizi: [Ugnet] Buganda's treachery in Uganda...

2005-04-29 Thread B Wambuga
Bwana Musamizi,

This is current in the "Opinions and Comments" section of the monitor. musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mr Wambuga:

Where and when was this published?B Wambuga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Return of a Patriarch and Baganda’s history of treachery

By Elias Biryabarema

If we were all to be as ravenously vindictive as the Baganda are in their crusade against the return of the patriarch, Dr Milton Obote from Zambia, then what a nasty nation Uganda would be.In fact, if people were to be humble and forgiving, then Baganda would know better: for they can’t have forgotten that they colluded in the first theft of Ugandans’ sovereignty; the British having tapped into their legendary gullibility, opportunism and propensity for treachery to launch their vicious aggression against the Ugandan people.It was they that shook the hands of Captain Lugard and his imperial ilk and proceeded to swiftly turn themselves into proxies and compatriots of the enemy. The Baganda treasonously ganged up with the British to desecrate and destroy Bunyoro, subsequently annexing all other regions through a crafty mix of deception and intimidati
  on to
 put them under the queen’s rule. What was the motivation for this crime? Greed, avarice and mindless naivety. Through the six decades or so of the stifling British colonialism, Ugandans never forgot the “enemy within” that was in fact the real force of white repression, for it was he (Buganda) that had traded off our power in their evil schemes—and childlike excitement—with Europeans.It is thus logical to ask why the Banyoro, who had their royal heritage ravaged, their land stolen and the rest of our people conquered and humiliated, have never so much as asked the Baganda to apologise, let alone atone for that criminal conduct. For a people with such historical record of criminality therefore, (it’s not entirely unfair for the sons to bear the sins of their forefathers, but Europeans still carry the guilty over their savagery of Jews and are continuing to pay huge amounts for crimes of seven decades ago); how stupefying that they are the first to cast the fir
 stone. That they are cheerleaders of efforts to strip Obote of his truest image as the father of the nation, the loudest in stoking hatred against him, ever more ready to undercut efforts to return this man. How vexing!We must rise collectively to douse this unworthy anti-Obote fire and let our Mzee return in peace and enjoy his evenings with the reverence, grace and honour he deserves. The issue of culpability in the Luweero massacres is a muddy and complex one. And I would say it’s useless to let unexorcised ghosts of the past entangle current efforts to steady Uganda on its onward march: a situation that inevitably requires national harmony, goodwill and a culture of respect for retired leaders, more so for an independence figure that Obote is. Obote’s account of what went on in the jungles of Luweero and the counterpoint by Museveni excerpted from his Mustard Seed book, have just shown us the futility of trying to fix blame for crimes in a hig
 fluid and volatile period that the early 1980s were. After reading both stories, you end up persuaded by neither: suffice to note here though, that clues have continued to pop up incriminating NRA insurgents, said to have used the cruel guerilla tactic of brutalising civilians while disguised as their enemy forces to discredit and rob it of grassroots support. What we are certain of is that soldiers murdered civilians: as to whether they were UNLA and under Obote’s explicit directive or NRA on Museveni’s orders will perhaps remain infinitely mysterious. Museveni himself, who accuses Obote, was reported to have wondered while in northern Uganda recently whether Obote was aware of the killings or savage soldiers simply committed those atrocities on their own. That wondering suggested his awareness of the difficulty of attempting to pin Obote without compelling proof. The Luweero war has little authentic documentation that offers us evidence abundant
 plausible enough to determine the guilty with pinpoint accuracy. Let us nurture a culture not of retribution, but reconciliation. John Nagenda through his acidic Saturday writings, alongside Luweero boss, Hajji Abdul Nadduli, have been leaders in denigrating Obote, scorning him as an unrepentant and unremorseful master minder of massacres. What is good for the gander is also good for the goose: If we demand that Obote apologises, then I would rather Nagenda and Nadduli show the way by first apologising or better still atoning for the criminal treachery of their forbears that inflicted such harm to the peoples of this nation. The Banyoro have never forgotten. 
Years of blistering attacks and defacing will not diminish Obote’s noble role in the evolution of Uganda as a modern state and Africa as a continent: notably his patriotic personality, his chivalrous stewardship of the independence stru

[Ugnet] Identity Theft!!!!

2005-04-29 Thread B Wambuga
I am having a hard time beleiving the writter of the letter copied herebelow. On analysing it carefully, I come with the following facts about the writer and "his" intentions:
a- the writer is a man, not a woman as "he" wanted us to beleive from "his" signature. The diflection of "his" tone is macho. Add to that the use of the verbs are masculine not feminine.

b-The approach to the issue of suffering has more of a "manly" feeling without a tone of lady feeling.

c-His logic of arguement is more militaristic than a politician's. That means he must served in the military or some kind of security organ.

d- Obviously the man is not a northerner or of Luo decent, say by the undertone of his language (although he seems to have quiet a handy knowledge of the north). His spelling or the area he has referred to do not have the Luo twang in them. 

e-And finally, the topic he has choosen to talk about is misconstrued and missed the point.

So members, the guys are hurting and they are now coming out even in comuflage and identity theft tactics.

Obote apologists mistaken 

I just can’t understand why so many Obote apologists have sprung up of late.Many of them are quick to absolve former president Milton Obote from the Luweero massacres by arguing that Obote was defending the country! This is a deeply painful insult to the people of Luweero; especially the ones who lost loved ones. A leader of a country certainly does not defend his country by killing the very people he is supposed to defend. Neither will I buy the argument that the majority of the Luweero people died in crossfires between UNLA forces and NRA. Available evidence indicates that there was a deliberate policy of reprisal against entire villages whenever it was suspected that the rebels had any kind of contact with those villages.We have had other similar insurgencies in Uganda during the present regime. A case in point is the ADF insurgency in the West. Until it came to an end, never did we witness any kind of reprisal or massacre car
 ried out
 by the government forces, it was always the insurgents who meted out atrocities. The only blemishes on the otherwise clean UPDF record are the POW deaths at Mukura, Burcoro and Kasese. And typical of the NRA/UPDF code of conduct, the culprits in all those incidents were arrested and brought to book. I know of no court martial that was carried out against any UNLA officer or man for human rights violations during the UPC administration.Obote himself should stop trying to fool the country. The citizens of Luweero very well knew who was their tormentor. Had it to have been the NRA as he wants us to believe, the citizens of Luweero would easily have detected it and the elite amongst them would have brought it to the international limelight. Right now the people in the north of Uganda are very much aware that it’s the LRA that’s abducting, killing and maiming them. The cries for Obote’s pardon are completely misplaced. Those clamoring for Obote’s p
 would like to hide him behind the amnesty being extended to the rebels. Obote should not now come out of the blue and shield himself from prosecution by pleading that the amnesty should be extended to him. Let him be tried for the crimes he committed. Frankline AumaKampala 

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[Ugnet] Buganda's treachery in Uganda...

2005-04-28 Thread B Wambuga

Return of a Patriarch and Baganda’s history of treachery

By Elias Biryabarema

If we were all to be as ravenously vindictive as the Baganda are in their crusade against the return of the patriarch, Dr Milton Obote from Zambia, then what a nasty nation Uganda would be.In fact, if people were to be humble and forgiving, then Baganda would know better: for they can’t have forgotten that they colluded in the first theft of Ugandans’ sovereignty; the British having tapped into their legendary gullibility, opportunism and propensity for treachery to launch their vicious aggression against the Ugandan people.It was they that shook the hands of Captain Lugard and his imperial ilk and proceeded to swiftly turn themselves into proxies and compatriots of the enemy. The Baganda treasonously ganged up with the British to desecrate and destroy Bunyoro, subsequently annexing all other regions through a crafty mix of deception and intimidati
 on to
 put them under the queen’s rule. What was the motivation for this crime? Greed, avarice and mindless naivety. Through the six decades or so of the stifling British colonialism, Ugandans never forgot the “enemy within” that was in fact the real force of white repression, for it was he (Buganda) that had traded off our power in their evil schemes—and childlike excitement—with Europeans.It is thus logical to ask why the Banyoro, who had their royal heritage ravaged, their land stolen and the rest of our people conquered and humiliated, have never so much as asked the Baganda to apologise, let alone atone for that criminal conduct. For a people with such historical record of criminality therefore, (it’s not entirely unfair for the sons to bear the sins of their forefathers, but Europeans still carry the guilty over their savagery of Jews and are continuing to pay huge amounts for crimes of seven decades ago); how stupefying that they are the first to cast the fir
 stone. That they are cheerleaders of efforts to strip Obote of his truest image as the father of the nation, the loudest in stoking hatred against him, ever more ready to undercut efforts to return this man. How vexing!We must rise collectively to douse this unworthy anti-Obote fire and let our Mzee return in peace and enjoy his evenings with the reverence, grace and honour he deserves. The issue of culpability in the Luweero massacres is a muddy and complex one. And I would say it’s useless to let unexorcised ghosts of the past entangle current efforts to steady Uganda on its onward march: a situation that inevitably requires national harmony, goodwill and a culture of respect for retired leaders, more so for an independence figure that Obote is. Obote’s account of what went on in the jungles of Luweero and the counterpoint by Museveni excerpted from his Mustard Seed book, have just shown us the futility of trying to fix blame for crimes in a hig
 fluid and volatile period that the early 1980s were. After reading both stories, you end up persuaded by neither: suffice to note here though, that clues have continued to pop up incriminating NRA insurgents, said to have used the cruel guerilla tactic of brutalising civilians while disguised as their enemy forces to discredit and rob it of grassroots support. What we are certain of is that soldiers murdered civilians: as to whether they were UNLA and under Obote’s explicit directive or NRA on Museveni’s orders will perhaps remain infinitely mysterious. Museveni himself, who accuses Obote, was reported to have wondered while in northern Uganda recently whether Obote was aware of the killings or savage soldiers simply committed those atrocities on their own. That wondering suggested his awareness of the difficulty of attempting to pin Obote without compelling proof. The Luweero war has little authentic documentation that offers us evidence abundant
 plausible enough to determine the guilty with pinpoint accuracy. Let us nurture a culture not of retribution, but reconciliation. John Nagenda through his acidic Saturday writings, alongside Luweero boss, Hajji Abdul Nadduli, have been leaders in denigrating Obote, scorning him as an unrepentant and unremorseful master minder of massacres. What is good for the gander is also good for the goose: If we demand that Obote apologises, then I would rather Nagenda and Nadduli show the way by first apologising or better still atoning for the criminal treachery of their forbears that inflicted such harm to the peoples of this nation. The Banyoro have never forgotten. 
Years of blistering attacks and defacing will not diminish Obote’s noble role in the evolution of Uganda as a modern state and Africa as a continent: notably his patriotic personality, his chivalrous stewardship of the independence struggles, two episodes of presidential incumbency, development of some of the best infrastructure Uganda has ever known and contribution to the planting of the seed that would give birth to today’s AU, OAU. That’s not to 

[Ugnet] what should be done - about Urban centers

2005-04-25 Thread d b

-   Who designs cities: Engineers, Biologist, Planners, Sociologist, 
Ecologist, or Politicians or stake holders? Make your take! 

-   Which town, city or municipality in Uganda is planned, designed 
environmentally, residentially, the infrastructure both communication and 
amenities – NONE!!

-   See what has happened with the former Commercial Bank Building – isn’t 
it terrible – I challenge KCC to produce a SITE MAP of UCB building location, 
APPROVED original architectural design UCB building, AND  the reasons why the 
building was built the way it was originally constructed. 

-   After a thorough investigation into urban planning issues in this 
country, I am more than convinced – the government, local governments, 
municipalities and town councils including Kampala City Council have no ability 
what so ever; to plan, design, model and organise this country’s; towns and 

-   Which town, city council or municipality in Uganda has for example a 
map making or road engineering design department in this country – NONE!! 

-   I challenge Kampala City Council (KCC) to produce Economic, 
Topographical and Thematic maps of Kampala, this challenge goes to Entebbe and 
Jinja Municipality too.

-   I challenge KCC, Jinja and Entebbe municipality to produce detailed 
local council road designs maps as per topographical studies, environmental 
studies, weathering and erosion principals. 

-   I challenge KCC , Jinja and Entebbe municipalities to produce micro 
climatic data and maps of all buildings that have been built in Kampala in the 
past recent 10 years and even those newly approved plans.

-   You are free to visit us at www.idrconslting.com for instant 
consultancy for urban planning and design in your region.

-   How do you plan without maps and how do you built roads without maps 
and engineering design or civil works studies?!!

-   In Uganda you ask in bewilderment who built a house on a hill side – 
poor people and their educated counterparts quickly without reflection answer a 
one MUGAGA(rich fellow)!

-   Mark you, there are no planned roads, water, sewerage or 
telecommunication facilities in place so the mugaga digs a huge sceptic tank by 
the side of his mansion on the hill, leading to contamination of water tables 
below: where the poor slum dwellers live 

-   My findings shows, Uganda’s media too, disturbingly and shockingly, 
both written and visual has boxed itself into a corner for being self 
subversive and telling excessive lies to gain political credence, in order to 
make money! 

-They therefore fear to write and or talk about urban issues afflicting 
even these media houses maybe more, than people who have nothing, for fear of 
closure and imprisonment!

-   Then there is a problem of hierarchal structures in administration 
combined with NRM tribal structures. 

-   The man or woman above can’t be advised or antagonised lest a lower 
officer looses his or her job- a stalemate warranted. Tribal sentiments are 
also rampant when an officer in the hierarchy is a western, trust me no one 
will ever mention any mistake in the organisation for fear of implications! 

-   Billions of Uganda Tax Payers Money, is wasted year in year out on 
foreign trips by City, Town, and local council workers in tickets and 
allowances, to educate them about urban planning issues. 

-   It’s a waste of time since there is no visible transfer of such 
experiences on ground or anywhere in this country’s town or city. 

-   Moreover it is nonsensical if not out right stupid to assume, a person 
uneducated specifically in urban planning will visit a city or municipality and 
draw any lessons thereof instead of fancying nothingness. They learn lessons 
about what?

-   On the outset, I will propose that any future Mayor/s, Town clerk/s, 
Town and City Planners, Engineers all must have shown and documented experience 
in planning besides academic documentation in urban planning.

-The above officials must be sworn and contracted government workers 
and not elected officials affiliated to any political organs per their 
professional duties, and only committed to their contractual work.

-KCC and/ or any other entity offering the same duties, will never 
develop any town, city as they are ravaged with; corruption, hedonism, 
incompetence, ignorance and lack of will to resolve this country’s urban issues.

-   For example the problems, Jinja , Kampala and other towns and 
municipalities are facing are primary; political, organisation and innovation. 

-   These problems have been acerbated by government officials and 
antagonistic political organs sometimes based on sheer malice and ignorance. 
These politicians at times have got no clue what so ever about urban planning, 
design and appended socio-economic, technological and environmental issues. 

-   Many of these officials 

[Ugnet] Messianic Rapture Born Again Ideology

2005-04-24 Thread d b
Messianic Rapture  Born Again Ideology

-   Liberation theology has arrived – at the end of time when Rubaga , 
Namirembe and Kibuli are down in the trenches – a sign of times in Revolutional 

-   Ndobolo and kwasakwa a sort of afrikanisation of the wafransa and 
wangereza indeed.  

-   A councillor of a certain town council whispered to me – “ we have a 
huge problem of psychiatric cases what do you think the solution might be” –I 
kept quite to that, the media has spent enough ink about the issue. 

-   A good old friend has just phoned in to inquire about Uganda Education 
– I don’t disappoint I give him first hand account and a graphically 
illustration, of what I have seen and heard. Money talks, He gasps.
-   First one feels, there’s something terribly wrong, current Uganda 
rulers and government led by University graduate are experiencing.

-   But really one fails to explain it, not until one falls back to 
scholarly guidance of anthropology and sociology to grasp fact of matter - the 
generative mechanisms.

-   I have been told by the lowerly of society, as a result of their 
frustration, how rich students in Universities bribe lecturers to make notice 
for them and offer for higher marks on cash payments – that should not sound 
strange in a country like ours.

-   Every does it – so the saying goes.

-   Causes are reasons, indeed society has reached the lowest ebb, between 
primitivity and something that can’t be explained, it appears the worst is yet 
to come.

-   Last time an old gentleman was caught sodomising a neighbours’ pig not 
for the first time but many more times.

-   That does not make real news but what you don’t read about in 
mainstream media.

-   I was headed to a given destination – therefore took a matatu taxi, 
seated behind me were two smartly dressed ladies.

-   They talk about god and all things in between heaven and earth and 

-   We come at traffic police roadblock - one, the most talkative, whispers 
to the other, “ really that is why we pushed them out”, with a bust of laughter 
pointing to a traffic policeman as the matatu jerks into a forward thrust. I 
freeze for once all reset passengers dead quite.

-   English language is betrayal the ladies fall back to Kinyankore 
parables – praising the Lord the giver and how they have managed to be in power 
because, as they convince each other “we came with a lot of knowledge in 
statecraft management”! My lower jaw almost falls

-   I sit still to receive on this conversation – and English spoken was 
not amateurship exposing people behind the words to be of a greater 
intellectual altitude, I reason to myself.

-   The entire story is about God and NRM affiliated political power – 
sordid and the explanations are simplistic and sometimes outright silly, the 
combination of gods will and nrm political power shocks me a little bit.

-I have been reading and studying Arthur and Marilouise Kroker 
articles: Redemptive Violence and Panic Insecurity, Born Again Ideology The New 
Protestant Ethic, Inauguration Day Blues  the Messianic Rapture of *End 
Times*a friend mailed to me.

-   I am therefore not shocked into sheer surprise and start to grasp the 
state of born again region state top, the state and the messianic Born again 

-   By accident I was looking for book importers - an occasion to 
window-shop and get acquainted with who is who in business Uganda.

-   Somewhere I come across a shop where persons behind the counters, 
either speak any normal Uganda language or imperfect English, as norm will 
suggest, with: Lebanese, India, and European owned shops.

-   I become inquisitive, and in front of me are two towering well built 
ladies with pouring fat everywhere, their English too bad to manage run a shop 
of such a high class status in terms of items and prices.

-A close investigation will show who owns what in all upper class 
shops, there at Kampala , Jinja road even though the same items can be found 
down town in Owino market.

-   Such a social structure tells a tale of its own, I link up back to the 
messianic prophetess.

-   East and North is virtually not represented but at the same time 
dominated by one region in such a business bazaar troubles me.

-   Two weeks ago a debate broadcast live on TV ensured, as MP after Mp 
tried to outdo the other on question of science. What science was not wasn’t 
the question but who said the most beautiful words!

-   Some explains the superiority of science to arts and vis visa – I don’t 
know who won

-   Really, no one asked whether terracing in Kigezi (soil erosion), 
Mulching in Buganda (organic farming), Granaries (silos) all over Uganda, 
Traditional Music with accompanying instrument, or domesticating animals, food 
cropping were part of the science or art – 

-   an opinion a friend who wanted to 

[Ugnet] Chiluba speaks out on M7 begging Obote

2005-04-19 Thread B Wambuga

It was my duty to help Obote

By Andrew Mwenda 

Former Zambian President Frederick Chiluba talks to Andrew Mwenda about how President Yoweri Museveni requested him to talk to Dr Milton Obote about his returnOne time I was in Kampala, either on a state visit to Uganda, or attending a conference. President Museveni approached me and asked me if I could talk to former President Milton Obote. I asked President Museveni what he needed me to tell Obote and he said parliament in Uganda was making a law regarding retired presidents. I do not remember all the details now, but I recollect that President Museveni asked me whether I could convince President Obote to take advantage of the law and return to Uganda. I felt this w
 as a
 good thing.So when I came back here to Lusaka, I invited former President Obote to State House. I told him that Uganda’s parliament was considering a law to allow him to return home. I told him about the request from President Museveni and added that I felt he did not want to stay in Zambia forever. I told Obote I was very willing to broker his return, but only if he was willing and happy to return home. As host, I also was conscious of the fact that Obote may interpret my request as a polite way of asking him to leave Zambia. So I made it clear to him that if he was reluctant to return home, my government would respect his concerns and we would remain happy to stay with him.Then President Obote told me that there were things happening in Kampala, which made it difficult for him to accept President Museveni’s invitation. I asked him what was happening. He said “Well, my father has died in very suspicious circumstances and so has my mother.
  So I
 don’t know where this law is pointing. Maybe I am a target they have not reached quickly. Perhaps after this law, they think I will take it as bait and get into Uganda very quickly so that they can kill me too. I am sorry I am not available.” Obote then told me that President Museveni had once said at a public rally that if he, Obote, landed at Entebbe airport, he would be shot dead. 

I HAD TO HELP: Former Zambian president, Frederick Chiluba and Andrew Mwenda during the interview. Chiluba says letting Obote stay in Zambia during his term was his responsibilty (Monitor photo).
Although I did not believe this story, I learnt later that President Museveni had actually been quoted in the local press in Uganda making those remarks and the government had not dismissed these reports. I became suspicious that there was likelihood that President Obote’s fears had some basis. So I left him. I said “Sir, thank you very much. I will go and deliver this message to my brother in Uganda.” And so I went and reported to President Museveni about my discussions with Obote. President Museveni received the information respectfully and said, “It is okay, if he does not want to return home, that is his choice. We have played our part. Now we have placed the matter in Obote’s hands to seize the opportunity.” That is where my role as a go-between, between the two presidents ended. There wasn’t any fuss. I had a good relationship
 President Obote. I had heard about him when he was president, when he was overthrown, when he returned to power and when he was overthrown again. 
I also knew that he used to love Zambia and that President Kenneth Kaunda was his friend. I knew that he was now in exile here in Lusaka. When I was president-elect, I was conscious of his position here in Zambia, and I was concerned that since President Kaunda was the one who had brought him here, our election may cause him discomfort and fear. We knew that Dr Obote had come to Zambia and surely in life, when you are running away from something, you must have somewhere to run to. In the political world we live in today, not everybody should say no to you, otherwise people would never save their countries. No one knows when these circumstances might occur. And so the unfortunate developments, which happened during Dr. Obote’s presidency, were not reason for us not to shake hands or stay with him. I felt that with Dr. Kaunda gone, (especially since he had brought Dr. Obote to Zambia) I had that responsibility transferred
  to me
 and after elections, I went to the official residence and I asked people to bring Dr. Obote over. I thought he was going to be very anxious and ask himself that if the new government made no contact with him, was that the end of his stay in Zambia? What was next? To stop him from making any frantic efforts to get to know what his next destination would be, I felt bound and obliged to ask him to come and see me so that I could assure him. As president-elect, I invited him to visit me at my home where I gave him assurances that he was still welcome to stay in Zambia if he so wished under our administration.I don’t remember precisely everything that I said but basically it was to reassure him that he was home in Africa among his own people and they would 

[Ugnet] Obote should agree to go court

2005-04-11 Thread d b

Let Mr. Apollo Milton Obote agree to go to court- data we collected for five 
years is very interesting about Luwero.
Indeed Luwero people being so ignorant they seem not to know who killed - that 
will be a world class case and I know excatly why Obote is very much feared.




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[Ugnet] University Gradautes - African Town/Cities

2005-04-10 Thread d b
What should be done- Re:Urban Planning and design

-   Which town, city or municipality in Uganda is planned, designed 
environmentally, residentially, the infrastructure both communication and 
amenities – NONE!!

-   See what has happened with the former Commercial Bank Building – isn’t 
it terrible!! I challenge KCC to produce a SITE MAP of UCB building location, 
APPROVED original architectural design UCB building, AND the reasons why the 
building was built the way it was originally constructed. 

-   After a thorough investigation into urban planning issues in this 
country, I am more than convinced – the government, local governments, 
municipalities and town councils including Kampala City Council have no ability 
what so ever; to plan, design, model and organise this country’s; towns and 

-   Which town, city council or municipality in Uganda has for example a 
map making or road engineering design department in this country – NONE!! 

-   I challenge Kampala City Council (KCC) to produce Economic, 
Topographical and Thematic maps of Kampala; this challenge goes to Entebbe and 
Jinja Municipality too.

-   I challenge KCC, Jinja and Entebbe municipality to produce detailed 
local council road designs maps as per topographical studies, environmental 
studies, weathering and erosion principals. 

-   I challenge KCC , Jinja and Entebbe municipalities to produce micro 
climatic data and maps of all buildings that have been built in Kampala in the 
past recent 10 years and even those newly approved plans.

-   You are free to visit us at www.idrconslting.com for instant 
consultancy for urban planning and design in your region.

-   How do you plan without maps and how do you built roads without maps 
and engineering design or civil works studies?!!

-   In Uganda you ask in bewilderment who built a house on a hill side – 
poor people and their educated counterparts quickly without reflection answer a 
one MUGAGA(rich fellow)!

-   Mark you, there are no planned roads, water, sewerage or 
telecommunication facilities in place so the mugaga digs a huge sceptic tank by 
the side of his mansion on the hill, leading to contamination of water tables 
below: where the poor slum dwellers live 

-   My findings shows, Uganda’s media too, disturbingly and shockingly, 
both written and visual has boxed itself into a corner for being self 
subversive and telling excessive lies to gain political credence, in order to 
make money! 

-They therefore fear to write and or talk about urban issues afflicting 
even these media houses maybe more, than people who have nothing, for fear of 
closure and imprisonment!

-   Then there is a problem of hierarchal structures in administration 
combined with NRM tribal structures. 

-   The man or woman above can’t be advised or antagonised lest a lower 
officer looses his or her job- a stalemate warranted. Tribal sentiments are 
also rampant when an officer in the hierarchy is a western, trust me no one 
will ever mention any mistake in the organisation for fear of implications! 

-   Billions of Uganda Tax Payers Money, is wasted year in year out on 
foreign trips by City, Town, and local council workers in tickets and 
allowances, to educate them about urban planning issues. 

-   It’s a waste of time since there is no visible transfer of such 
experiences on ground or anywhere in this country’s town or city. 

-   Moreover it is nonsensical if not out right stupid to assume, a person 
uneducated specifically in urban planning will visit a city or municipality and 
draw any lessons thereof instead of fancying nothingness. They learn lessons 
about what?

-   On the outset, I will propose that any future Mayor/s, Town clerk/s, 
Town and City Planners, Engineers all must have shown and documented experience 
in planning besides academic documentation in urban planning.

-The above officials must be sworn and contracted government workers 
and not elected officials affiliated to any political organs per their 
professional duties, and only committed to their contractual work.

-KCC and/ or any other entity offering the same duties, will never 
develop any town, city as they are ravaged with; corruption, hedonism, 
incompetence, ignorance and lack of will to resolve this country’s urban issues.

-   For example the problems, Jinja , Kampala and other towns and 
municipalities are facing are primary; political, organisation and innovation. 

-   These problems have been acerbated by government officials and 
antagonistic political organs sometimes based on sheer malice and ignorance. 
These politicians at times have got no clue about urban planning, design and 
appended socio-economic and environmental issues. 

-   Many of these officials have commercial interests in areas where they 
serve and for that reason have got no; ability, disposition, propensity, 

RE: [Ugnet] Mulago Dialysis Machine

2005-04-01 Thread d b
Mr. Nixon Andama

I propose that the government put on sale all SUV vehicles bought to all 
government officials and the money raised minus purchase of cheaper vehicles 
should go to buy those machines - as Kagame did in Rwanda.

The government has the money to buy those machines if the government was not 
filled up with thieves. At least 5 millions to every MP can equip mulago as you 
have so pointed out – dons\'t it?


2005-03-31 18:49 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mulago Hospital, the only referral hospital to 90% of our population had only 
two Dialysis machines until recently when one of them broke down. So we can 
all imagine what a horrendous situation this is and remember that we will all 
be judged by history for not “giving to those in need” when we could.
UNAA President Rosette Serwanga is leading a fund drive for the purchase of 
two or more machines.
After the story appeared in the printed media on 22nd January (New Vision). 
Mulago Hospital director, Dr. Gideon Kikampikaho, had some discussion with Mr. 
Abdul Kimbugwe Treasurer of UNAA.
There are 2 main problems with the Dialysis Unit:
There has not been a service provider registered with the Manufacturers of the 
machines to give satisfactory service. However reasonable service has been 
achieved using a technician from Nairobi, and a resident serviceman trained 
from the Mulago Workshop.
The Number of machines have just been 2. This contrasts greatly with our 
neighbours in Kenya who have more than 30 machines in Nairobi. This means any 
failure of one or two machines leaves our patients very vulnerable. .
The Manufactures of the Machines have recently appointed agents in Tanzania, 
to cover Uganda and Tanzania. The agents were invited to assess the machines 
in Mulago and make a comprehensive report.
In summary, the report states that the machines have defective CPU boards and 
a defective Ultra-filtration Unit. These are major components. The AK (100 
Model of machines is old (10 years) and the spares are not available with the 
Manufacturers. They recommend Mulago purchase AK95 Model. This model costs 
US$26,000 each. At the moment Mulago needs at least 6 machines equivalent to 
about $150,000.
Meanwhile Meditec Uganda, a distributor of Gambro dialysis machines has also 
recommended AK 95 model machines at $25,652.00 each.  We need to raise 
$153,912.00 for the six machines.
Please make your contribution for this very noble and important cause. The 
form can be downloaded at ba href=http://www.unaanet.com 
For God and My Country.
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[Ugnet] Africa look to science to solve its problems

2005-04-01 Thread d b

By the way what is civil engineering about in Uganda - flower can grow in 

Africa should look to science to
solve its problems – Icipe boss

Special Correspondent  
It was one of those newspaper reports that readers either ignore or give only a 
casual glance.  

On June 17, 2003, Danson Mungatana, one of the youngest members of Kenya\'s 
current parliament – probably because of the glut of mangoes that seasonally 
occurs in his Garsen constituency – asked the government to put up a 
fruit-processing factory there.  

The media reported Mungatana\'s appeal and one man, Dr Hans Herren, the 
outgoing director general of the International Centre for Insect Physiology  
Ecology (Icipe), wrote to Mungatana and set up an appointment for two days 



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[Ugnet] Johnnie Cochran Dead

2005-03-29 Thread B Wambuga

Superstar Lawyer Johnnie Cochran Dies
By GREG RISLING, Associated Press Writer

Attorney Johnny Cochran arrives at Manhattan Supreme Court in ... 
LOS ANGELES - Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., who became a legal superstar after helping clear O.J. Simpson during a sensational murder trial in which he uttered the famous quote "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit," died Tuesday. He was 67.
Cochran died of a brain disorder in Los Angeles, said law partner Randy McMurray.
"Certainly, Johnnie's career will be noted as one marked by celebrity cases and clientele," his family said in a statement. "But he and his family were most proud of the work he did on behalf of those in the community."
With his colorful suits and ties, his gift for courtroom oratory and a knack for coining memorable phrases, Cochran was a vivid addition to the pantheon of great American barristers.
The "if it doesn't fit" phrase would be quoted and parodied for years afterward. It derived from a dramatic moment during which Simpson tried on a pair of bloodstained "murder gloves" to show jurors they did not fit. Some legal experts called it the turning point in the trial.
Soon after, jurors found the Hall of Fame football star not guilty of the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.
For Cochran, Simpson's acquittal was the crowning achievement in a career notable for victories, often in cases with racial themes. He was a black man known for championing the causes of black defendants. Some of them, like Simpson, were famous, but more often than not they were unknowns.
"The clients I've cared about the most are the No Js, the ones who nobody knows," said Cochran, who proudly displayed copies in his office of the multimillion-dollar checks he won for ordinary citizens who said they were abused by police.
"People in New York and Los Angeles, especially mothers in the African-American community, are more afraid of the police injuring or killing their children than they are of muggers on the corner," he once said.
By the time Simpson called, the byword in the black community for defendants facing serious charges was: "Get Johnnie."

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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[Ugnet] Vagina Monologues, Politics Media Theory

2005-03-27 Thread d b
Vagina Monologues, Politics  Media Theory

To some, it was pornography, to others freedom and to the rest women liberation 
- a revolution in making. Societies are interesting phenomena and can’t fail to 
see ludicrousness and nonsensicality.

There is a European anthropologist who got terribly disgusted the way Africans 
danced wiggling their lower parts – first he intoxicated the African with booze 
to get to the real thing. 

Pity him he was used to ballet I’ll assume.

Now, think of Ndobolo, Kwasakwasa and the girls can do their thing – say they 
love it, to feel their anatomical composition and configuration.  

There are secrets only; psychologists, medical workers, sociologist and 
criminologist know in details.

I don’t mean in Uganda, it is the USA, Canada and Europe I mean to be precise. 

There’s also astrology, love and a penchant for an easy life on dreams filled 
and unfulfilled. Chaos becomes real.

Women battering and homicide here reached a point of non- iterate causality - a 
double causality. But all in all, there are underlying mechanisms; I have no 
space here to delve into. 

Homicide reports about women in Europe on a daily basis is like blinking; in 
the USA the situation can’t be reversed unless the entire society structures 
and appended institutions change. 

These and many other issues are not for Uganda media to write home about in 
pursuit of the political dream.

Now I can’t understand how that factor in into Uganda women’s situation.

The reason I like contemporary social research and trash is interestingly how a 
solution can instantly become a problem!

When I looked in my collection of books - I discovered it under “theories of 
Reality – deviation and sub title: Conspiracy or Hegemony theory – “ conspiracy 
or hegemony theory can, with little exercise of the imagination, be found to 
account or many of the findings about content as reflecting exercise of 
societal control by self- interested elites or classes. Their power is likely 
to be reinforced by public ignorance of social reality…., 

- pg. 196 Denis McQuail - Mass Communication Theory, An introduction 2 nd Ed. 

Claim or counter claim – the V- monologues was destined to nothingness;

1.  The proponents of the vagina monologues gave no numbers of battered 
women, men to women violence, women on women (acid) and women to men violence 
in Uganda. This made matters worse if the question was in the context rather 
than content, it crashed.

2.  As if women were in non-existence, men did more talking and writing as 
if women in Kampala were functionally illiterate about such matters.

3.  Wittingly the vagina become the subject i.e. the objective character of 
experience – don’t mind, free will and weal at Speek, Sheraton Hotels  women 
of the night, Uganda changing society i.e. women seduction of young men etc. 
(recently a woman raped a man - a Mutoro nail painter) 

When I did a minor investigation, a red G-string tight panted figureless women 
bored to a Matatu under such stress to enter it – I was left wondering why not 
a dress into such unfavourable conditions. 

The V-monologue is a success I am yet to read Newtonian ethics!




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[Ugnet] Re: For EM: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington

2005-03-26 Thread B Wambuga
Registration in a lay man's language means that Bwana Museveni has accepted defeat. There is no more tricks in the eyes of the court. You as a Ugandan in Kampala or Luwero can, repeat can, now go to the constitutional square and sing ee mamma, na UPC, and incase you are arrested, they have to come with an official reason why they are arresting and possibly detaining you. Is your arrest on the basis of loittering or because of your conscience. It is not proof that Uganda as a state is now politically open and things will any different regarding freedom of speech. 

As for the second question, NRM never refused UPC as a party to sell CD's and Tapes in Washington. Rather, NRM made it illegal for us to do those things. 
You see EM, we in UPC like to do our things legally and transparently. We are not very good at doing things under the table. In fact each time one of us tries, we get caught, and end up in jail. So NRM made it very easy for us to do illegal things which unfortunately we are not very good at doing. That is our only complaint.

The floor is yours EM.

BWambuga.Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Can you kindly in a lay man's language explain to me what that registration means? Should I as a Ugandan in Kampala or Luwero see this certificate as proof that Uganda as a state is now politically open and things will be any different under NRM leadership regarding freedom of speech?

Lastly and I do not tend to ask a whole lots of questions, how did NRM refuse UPC as a party to sell CDs and Tapes in Washington, a party that has been able to make meetings in taxi cabs of Kampala?

Ears to you.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: B Wambuga 
To: Uganda Net 
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 5:40 AM
Subject: [Ugnet] Fwd: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington

By now we almost all of us are aware that Uganda Peoples Congress Party is now officially registered and issued with a certificate from the Registrar General. That means our party now has the legal manadate to operate legally without fear or favour. We are no longer holding our meetings in Taxi cabs anymore.

All Ugandans are now legally free to communicate and exchange ideas with the trully Ugandan party.You may now xontribute in all ways possible to see your party grow and develop your country. For those who were there at independence in 1962, you made your pledge to your country. Now come and revisit that pledge and renew your committmenthere now.

You may now place your order for a copy of the UPC Patriotic Songs on CD's and Tapes.
It includes songs in the Ugandan languages and English for those who are linguistically challenged.

The Washington Bureau of UPC wishes all a Happy Easter holidays.

UPC Oyee, 
Everywhere, UPC

BWambuga.Note: forwarded message attached.
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[Ugnet] RE: Response to noc'l: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington

2005-03-26 Thread B Wambuga
Thank you for your question you possed to me. I will strife to respond although that came from a different angle. I respect your question though.

As you know,Otema Allimadi is deceased (RIP). I respected him and I will not speculate on what he did or said before his death. BUT just for your information, UPC is a political organization. In UPC, we believe inbringing change through political means. We are not like some people I know who believe in and worship the guns!!!
I think as intelligent humans, we have better and more intelligent ways we can resolve our conflicts and differences. 

God Bless us all; 
For God and our Country.Okuto del Coli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Wambuga, I was moulded UPC even if Iam now non-party political, my question to you is:WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF SUBSEQUENT LRA ASSERTIONS (LRA-PRESS RELEASES) IMPLICATING THE UPC WITH THE LRA? I say so because, to the best of my knowledge, the late PM, Otema ALLIMADI, never retired from the UPC party. Now we hear he was a founder leader to the LRA?!?!?What do you make of what is being forwarded to us? Are those " Obal UPC"?best rgdsnoc'l--- On Sat 03/26, B Wambuga  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
From: B Wambuga [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: ugandanet@kym.netDate: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 02:40:32 -0800 (PST)Subject: [Ugnet] Fwd: UPC Patriotic Songs in WashingtonNetters.By now we almost all of us are aware that Uganda Peoples Congress Party is now officially registered and issued with a certificate from the Registrar General. That means our party now has the legal manadate to operate legally without fear or favour. We are no longer holding our meetings in Taxi cabs anymore.All Ugandans are now legally free to communicate and exchange ideas with the trully Ugandan party. You may now xontribute in all ways possible to see your party grow and develop your country. For those who were there at independence in 1962, you made your pledge to your country. Now come and revisit that pledge and renew your committment here now.You m
 ay now
 place your order for a copy of the UPC Patriotic Songs on CD's and Tapes.It includes songs in the Ugandan languages and English for those who are linguistically challenged.The Washington Bureau of UPC wishes all a Happy Easter holidays.UPC Oyee, Everywhere, UPCFOR GOD AND OUR COUNTRYThanks,BWambuga.Note: forwarded message attached.
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 --- Begin Attached Message---Dear Netters and Commrades,We are pleased to announce that we now have the UPC Patriotic Songs on CD's and Tapes available in Washington at our Washington Bureau.If you were looking for some of those songs that remind you of whatever, or you just want to reconnect with your motherland through those songs, you are invited to place your order for a copy of UPC Patriotic songs. You can order for either or both from Washington and you have your own copy within just a few days.You are reminded that since this is in an effort to raise money for our beloved party, the fee is only US $15.00 per CD or Tape. All the money goes to benefit the party in its programmes to mobilise for the return to Kampala come 2006. Please send money order only. And do not forget to notify us through our email[EMAIL PROTECTED]Please include your full address and email for our response to you. 
 We also
 invite you to send in any suggestions and/or comments about your Washington Bureau.Again, please order for your copy while we still have some CD's in stock.Thank You, and God Bless Uganda.Magomu WachaPublicity Wing,UPC Washington Bureau_FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! http://toolbar.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200415ave/direct/01/ --- End Attached Message---___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.nethttp://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Lord Mayor Ssebaana - We Can Help

2005-03-18 Thread d b
Dear Lord Mayor Ssebaana Kizito

I’m writing to you this letter in hope that it will reach you in time. We have 
met before and I can still feel the remorse you showed when we discussed 
Kampala Urban planning problems.

Mayor, I am dismayed that after all this long in position of Lord Mayorship of 
Kampala City, our beloved capital city, the conditions ruling into the city are 
only getting worse without any hope and tangible solution to issues afflicting 
our capital city.

I am sympathetic to your own position as the Lord Mayor, since politicians are 
not in position to help you out with Kampala problems. 

Indeed that is not their problem; they have better things to worry about!

Some observations have been made and are as follow:  

- In the middle of Kisenyi we have a dissenter waiting to happen. Kisenyi long 
ago was taken over by the Somali community with a strong culture of using 
narcotic type of drug the Kati (Mairunji) To the Somalis Kati consumption is a 
culture but not for desperate and miserable Ugandan who might get addicted to 
this terrible psychotic drug.

Taxi drivers, some of them are now high on drugs if not drunker to manage 
pressure on them.

The location of Kisenyi is a soar to the entire existence of the city.  The 
situation that rules here obtains almost everywhere in Kampala and the 
surrounding suburbs: from the slums of Kansanga, Natete, Bakuli now extending 
beyond Kasubi to Wakiso, Mulago Kivulu, Kamwokya, Kitintale, Nagulu, Bwaise, 
Lungujja Kosovo etc.

Poor people are living in deplorable conditions only comparable to pigs - this 
is unbelievable. 

-   Traffic lights a very simple digital technology that would have 
mitigated some serious traffic problem on critical major city junctions has 
failed us.  Yet we have a full faculty of technology and electrical engineering 
at Makerere and Kyambogo State universities. This is a serous matter, in light 
that only Japanese money and technology can do such a trick for an entire 
nation of 24 million people.

-   The cross junction at spear motors, Jinja, Ntinda road would have been 
remodelled and expanded into a wide circular junction with two lanes on all 
sides to speed up Ntida bound motor, traffic giving way to Jinja, Mukono bound 
traffic. In fact traffic from Spear motors side, will flow smoothly towards 
Kampala without stopping and those heading to Ntida will keep a right rule 
regulation. In a worst situation there would have existed traffic lights as in 
case of Wandegeya.

-   Your Lordship, you recently categorically stated that buildings in fire 
fighting vehicles ways will be demolished, however as the city is turning into 
an unplanned built environment, your very offices have solely sanctioned that 
situation. This is circumstances not only obtain in the inner city but 
everywhere in and outside Kampala city.  What happens when Matatu old and 
NewTaxi parks were to catch fire – were is the escape route – wouldn’t it be in 
order that these parks were order unsafe, health, architectural wise etc, to 
human traffic and thus closed off long time ago?!

-   We all like development but the architectural and topographical 
morphology (landscape) of beauty of city hills is aggressively being 
undermined. All over the city, hills are being excavated at an alarming rate 
without due consideration, to the physics of Kampala topology. Such acts have 
primarily resulted into increased soil erosion and mine landslides ending up 
into the valleys and blocking waterways, at a higher cost for KCC than 
estimated. The same situation at the both hills facing Namboole sports stadium, 
Gaba, Bunga, Mutundwe- Nalukolongo Natete section, the hill facing Banda and 
Kyambongo etc. It is appalling scenery to a trained eye, yet much could be done 
to mitigate the situation at a very low cost.  

-   The recently acquired former Uganda Commercial Bank Building is being 
transformed, I hear to a residential and shopping mall facility on the once 
flower filled pavement - for goodness sake what does the physical plan of this 
particular location suggest – it is horrible to say the least, architectural 
builds of historical value can be remodelled out of place of the environment 
into which they were originally modelled.

-Many building (towers) down town facing the old tax parks though 
standing are in such a poor state that if Kampala City Council was a serious 
entity, these buildings could be condemn to closure.  Tiles are piling off 
falling down on people and some structural models are so much under stress 
putting people in real danger. Mukwano has set pace and we should take a leaf 
to learn from him, how city malls can be modelled i.e. small is beautiful and 

-   Your engineers started digging open trenches to solve flood rainwater. 
In a modern city this is a disaster not only to human and motorised traffic. 
Whenever we have torrential rains, garbage is simply carried down stream 

[Ugnet] Was Kigezi underdeveloped and how?

2005-03-11 Thread d b

Somewhere in the nineties a force of Uganda – Rwandanese and Rwandanese citizen 
launched a war from Uganda. A point of entry into Rwanda was in South Western 
Uganda - Kigezi. 

The process of war left Rwanda villages virtually empty of human population, as 
an orgy of manslaughter and wanton killing went on both sides. More than 2 
million Rwandese went into exile in the Congo, about or more than a million 
people were killed.

Now, Uganda production industry had a feast day and indeed Kigezi enjoyed the 
fruits of war as the Uganda merchandise passed through this region on its way 
into Rwanda, Kivu etc.

Who else could Rwanda Patriotic Forces turn to for material products and trust 
more than Uganda?  “War is good because it creates instant economic booms”.

Logically Rwanda entire production capacity was eliminated, the entire 
production forces in Rwanda both physical and human were either decimated or 
physically eliminated by systematic destruction and killing respectively. 

Business dominated by the Hutu where left in shambles. The situation that ruled 
here is reminiscent of what happened in Uganda in 1970, 1979 and 1985-6.

Kenya once enjoyed that kind of situation and in fact her industry profited the 
more on Uganda state of paralysis, that towns like Eldoret and Busia developed 
out of Uganda desperate situation.

In principal a Tusti dominated Rwanda country was ravaged on such a scale that 
her source of both human and material resource for some years was based on 
Uganda resources. From milk to blankets, toiletries, building material and even 
simple food stuffs like cassava (muwogo)

The same situation obtained in Kivu region in the Congo – which was completely 
devastated by war and on top of that the natural forces volcanic eruption 
destroying part of the urban region.

Which region in Uganda would have benefited most from Rwanda misery?

However Rwanda has since come out of this malaise and in fact develops faster 
than Uganda has ever done.

The question still remains - which Ugandans profited on the five-year war trade 
boom – notice Kigezi still remains one of the poorest districts in Uganda 
today. The situation is so precarious that Ugandans here are migrating as far 
as Northern tip of the Congo and Uganda to do all jobs to bring home a coin for 

Truth is, those who dominated trade here are practically politicians and their 
cronies – cry the beloved country as Kigezi sink further into an abyss of 

Above is a vivid example of African politics decay and why Africa still will 
wiggle in misery and poverty for some time to come, especially in a unique 
country like Uganda. 

For your homework, ask does African government fail or they are failed?

When time arrows, I write how Luwero was systematically underdeveloped.

Hear from me later,

Bwanika (dfwa-u)



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[Ugnet] Greed as Politics in A Soft State (dfwa-u)

2005-02-27 Thread d b

Why we are as we are!

Now just imagine that a man climbs a street light on Kampala or Bombo Road with 
a motive to steal the light and so he does – how possible could such an act 
take place without anybody reacting?! Or let us just imagine that no body 
reacts at all and why exactly?

Mark you, as compared to the past – Uganda urban centres are filled with 
security guards from all former fighting forces manning and guarding buildings. 
All these so called security agencies, in one way or the other are owned by 
government officials with a military background! Their business acumen and 
shrewdness and the poor’s laziness!  

Many Ugandans might be quite expectant - I am not, unless there is a strong 
movement to stand firm on the ground, against the ruling order ready to 
practically do something about our situation. 

If you were made a procurement officer for ambulances for a third world 
country, what will you buy? Citizens ambulances are cabin pickups, many of 
donated to each and almost every district or small dispensary. Better than 
nothing but a pickup can’t deliver a wounded soldier, without worsening his 
/her situation – but this is Uganda. Look at ambulances on the west bank in 
Palestine or military ambulances indeed there’re not pickups!

Observation shows, since 1979, when there was massive looting – the habit has 
been fully internalised and legalised, into Ugandans psychic and unfortunately 
lifted to the highest society level of governance.
The collapse of clothes making factories, UCB and in particular Uganda railways 
and Uganda Airlines are two dazzling examples. These are special in that it’s 
government officials and their allies, who stole everything – today’s 

 Aah sanity and the peasant!

I have personally interacted with one of the above entities with a sole motive 
of getting more information about what exactly is happening and I have some 
reasons to fear for the future of our country.

Is there no single person who can for example run a light city train (tram) or 
at least a cow wagon on given lines i.e. to tackle city traffic congestion? 
Think about it and ask what the matter really is? Mark you; all senior 
government officials have been at least once in European, Asia or North America 

Owners of bodaboda and matatu – the boss!

Or who sabotaged Wavamuno buses, Entebbe buses, and recently suggested public 
buses now transferred to Kenya? Who told lies about Uganda Airlines, Kichwamba 
– liberators indeed. 

Why is it that politicians on the opposition side and its supportive media 
infrastructure don’t talk about such issues - what is their fear or at stake!?  
There must be something greater than mere ignorance on their side, if not 
deliberate malice.

The majority of well to do – of our society reside in and around the capital 
city Kampala. Usually in so-called posh suburbs of the city with slums 
surrounding them. 

What happens and I say to all of them, the issue is a skin off their noses.
Unfortunately not a single individual, however highly placed or status on any 
society level has ever intervened into the conditions that rule in the city.  
Now why should they get concerned with society poverty, degeneration and the 

Do you remember Barlonyo no kichwamba 

This is shocking and must worry us a lot, on the one hand, the most wise are 
ready to stop any entity that tries to arrest that order in and around the 
In fact the same people have been at the forefront of furthering and acerbating 
the situation in the capital by: running money ventures detrimental to the 
development of the city, some have a premeditated idea that any governmental 
intervention into the same, is a danger to their monetary standing hence their 

So whatever happens in this country, is not that country is not organised to 
tackle it but rather that interested parties with their internal motives, only 
understood by them are well organised to stall all such progressive changes. 
- and you believe them if you wish.

Bwanika (dfwa -U)


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[Ugnet] Another legal fraud again!!!!

2005-02-25 Thread B Wambuga
Please reaad yet another scheme that "Bank-Robber-turned-President" dictator M7 is coming up with.
Read carefully!


Constitutional Amendment: Omnibus Bill and Committee Voting another fraudBy Prof. Morris Ogenga-LatigoFeb 25, 2005 
On Tuesday, 15th February 2005, the Attorney General, Prof. Khiddu Makubuya, tabled before Parliament Bill No. 2: The Constitutional Amendment Bill 2005 for its First Reading. 
Prior to the tabling of this Bill, the desperate expectation of Ugandans was that sanity would prevail and that the Constitution would not be subjected to selfish, subversive, treacherous and wicked manipulation just to ensure that the 'Third-Term' or 'Kisanja' project succeeds. That Parliament may become part of this fraud, even inadvertently, is the greatest tragedy.
Not long ago, Hon. Dora Byamukama as Chair of the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee brought the Speaker of Tanzania's Parliament, Rt. Hon. Musekwa, to talk to MPs about Tanzania's transition to multiparty politics. That evening at a party at Parliament, the Speaker of our Parliament, Rt. Hon. Edward Ssekandi, in conversations with MPs, argued that, by his interpretation, the Constitution could be amended using one "Omnibus Bill". 
About the same time, coincidentally, a team of lawyers assembled at Mweya Safari Lodge by President Yoweri Museveni and his Kisanja zealots also zeroed on the "Omnibus Bill" as the best strategy for overcoming impediments to removing the Presidential term limits provided in Article 105(2) of the Constitution.
At the First Reading of the Constitutional Amendment Bill, Rt. Hon. Edward Ssekandi spoke extensively about the impending amendment process. He was emphatic that, unless otherwise challenged, when the Bill reaches the Committee Stage to be considered clause by clause, he would use the simple majority rule to vote on the amendments as provided in Parliament's Rules of Procedure. His argument was that the Constitution requires 2/3rd majority votes only at the Second and Third Readings of the Bill.
With due respect, both positions of the Speaker, on the "Omnibus Bill" and Committee Stage voting, lay bare our Constitution to predatory attack by the political jackals hunting for the Kisanja. They also run counter to what the Constitution commands of the institution he leads, spelt out in Article 79(3), that: "Parliament shall protect this Constitution..".
Intent of the CA Delegates
In the Preamble to our Constitution, the Constituent Assembly (CA) Delegates declared that they "Do hereby, in and through this Constituent Assembly, solemnly adopt, enact and give to ourselves and our posterity, this Constitution of the Republic of Uganda..". Doing so, the Delegates saw the Constitution as a lasting instrument of democracy and governance that Ugandans would uphold for a long time, and for posterity. 
Based on the history of constitutional development the world over, the Delegates knew that once in a while it would be necessary to amend this or that provision of the Constitution so as to enhance its value and meet specific long-term challenges. By the Preamble and by history, they certainly never anticipated, let alone imagined, the massive overhaul of the Constitution as is now being undertaken.
In undertaking the wide-ranging amendment of the Constitution, therefore, we must and can only be guided strictly by the intent and expectations of the Founders of our Constitution, by the provisions for amendment laid down in Chapter 18 and, where required and consistent, by Parliament's Rules of Procedure. Acting otherwise undermines the obligation imposed upon us to, at all times, uphold and protect the Constitution. It also creates the risk of our being in breach of the Constitution.
The 'Omnibus Bill'
Article 258, the first in Chapter 18 of the Constitution, provides in clause (1) that: "Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, Parliament may amend by way of addition, variation or repeal, any provision of this Constitution in accordance with the procedure laid down in this Chapter." The Constitution then sets out the procedures for and specifies those provisions whose amendments require either referendum (Article 259), approval by District Councils (Article 260), or just amendment by Parliament only (Article 261).
In Chapter 18, there is no specific provision that spells out the procedure under which the Constitution may be amended using one 'Omnibus Bill'. In this circumstance, must we and are we right to interpret the three articles (259, 260, 261) as merely clarifying the process of amending the Constitution, and not as three distinct procedures for amending three distinct groups of the provisions of the Constitution? My considered response is an emphatic NO! 
In the first instance, if the framers of the Constitution wanted to merely clarify the amendment process, they would have included as a matter of necessity a 

[Ugnet] Pardon for sake of Party

2005-02-24 Thread B Wambuga
This is a translation form Rupiny Newspaper. This is only a translation:

Please pardon

About 200 UPC suporters from the various gombololas in Kwania County have decided to pardon and agree on the nomination and support for Tom Anang Odur for the 2006 parliamentary campaign. Members agree that although he [Odur] acted in a manner which was annoying to the members, it is time to pardon him so that he can contest the seat come 2006. This idea was passed on 16.2.2005.
-P Obong

Otime kica
OCWAK pati me UPC ame kato 200 oya i gombola apapat ame tye Kwania, omoko awange acel me timo MP me Kwania, Tom Anang Odur, kica me dwoke diki maca i yera me 2006 kadi otimo bal bot obol kwirere. Joni okato kede tam gi ni i16.2.2005. –P. Obong
Published on: Wednesday, 23rd February, 2005
God Bless!
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Re: [Ugnet] Did I read correct?????

2005-02-24 Thread B Wambuga
Bro Nume,
That is exactly what I read. 
Having said that, the real issue is that given the current white paper in the house for the debate onthe "removal" of the term limit, (remember we do not know the fate of the proposal on the removal of the term limit) no one has said whether the two proposalswere to be debated separetely or concurently. 
Secondly we already know the technical error imminent in how the "Omnibus bill" will be passed, and the expected fraud unlying the whole process. Now the issue is why the rush in withdrawing other parts of the bill while submitting anotherversion of the same thing, specifically on the third (read fifth) term.

The point is this people want it only their way or the high seas.

BWambuga.jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mw. Nume,your interpretation is correct.The proposals of our honorables are getting more and more ridiculous. Why should we tamper with the constitution just to accomodate a president who has already had 4 terms ? We have been told that the reason they want to change Article 105 is because the incumbent has been a very good president, so we need to give him more terms as a present ! Are we going to change the constitution every time we have a new president depending on whether the MPs think he has been a good or bad president ? Can you believe this crap !!! And I thought a constitution is supposed to be a long-lasting document.KasangwawoFrom: Simon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: ugandanet@kym.netTo: ugandanet@kym.netSubject: Re: [Ugnet] Did I read correct?Date: Thu, 24 Feb 200
 03:33:31 -0800 (PST)Mr WambugaIt seems that term limits are to lifted to allow the first president who will win under multi-parties to rule for life. Should he die or lose a subsquent election then term limits would apply to the SECOND leader who comes in.Is this what you read ???NumeB Wambuga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Netters help here--MPs get new 3rd term proposalA NEW proposal to amend Article 105 to lift the presidential term limits was yesterday floated before the legal and parliamentary affairs committee, writes Cyprian Musoke.The proposal, presented by Mawokota South MP Henry Mutebi Kityo (right), is to be examined by the committee, now scrutinising the constitutional (Amendment) Bill 2005.It proposed the exemption (from term limits) of th
 e first
 elected regime after the transition to multi-party politics, but that the limits should be retained in the Constitution for the subsequent governments elected thereafter.It was seconded by Freddie Ruhindi, Bright rwamirama and John Byabagambi.EndsPublished on: Thursday, 24th February, 2005-Hullo!!!What could this mean?Bwambuga.-Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Sports - Sign up for Fantasy Baseball.___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.nethttp://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/-Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Sports - Sign up for Fantasy
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[Ugnet] Did I read correct?????

2005-02-23 Thread B Wambuga
Netters help here

MPs get new 3rd term proposal

A NEW proposal to amend Article 105 to lift the presidential term limits was yesterday floated before the legal and parliamentary affairs committee, writes Cyprian Musoke. The proposal, presented by Mawokota South MP Henry Mutebi Kityo (right), is to be examined by the committee, now scrutinising the constitutional (Amendment) Bill 2005. It proposed the exemption (from term limits) of the first elected regime after the transition to multi-party politics, but that the limits should be retained in the Constitution for the subsequent governments elected thereafter. It was seconded by Freddie Ruhindi, Bright rwamirama and John Byabagambi. Ends
Published on: Thursday, 24th February, 2005
What could this mean?


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