Re: [Goanet] Evolutionist Kevin?

2007-07-18 Thread Sunith Velho

Every once in a while one comes across a "scientist" like Santosh who,
from his arrogance it seems, does not seem to realize that his
understanding is, at best, limited.


The thing about scientists is they will freely admit that their 
understanding is very limited(if it indeed is, that is). Infact the best 
scientists in the world will admit that their knowledege is restricted to a 
minute aspect of the natural world.

Further there is no absolutism in Science, a single shred of evidence 
contrary to a scientific theory is enough to bring it down. And the beauty 
is that Scientists move on after that.

However you will find no such humility among religious chest thumpers. They 
claim to know everything from how the universe was created to why 
homosexuality exists, and put the onus of disproving their theories on 

I cannot think of a person more qualified to shed light on the neurological 
basis of human experience than Santosh. He is at the very cutting edge of 
this field.

Empirical science cannot prove naught.

So would you let yourself be exposed to asbestos or encourage pregnant women 
to drink and smoke?

"Pure" science too, for example mathematics, for that matter, cannot
prove naught.

The next time you go shopping, try explaining to the Cashier that your bill 
should actuall be minus ten rupees and that arithmetic is only one of many 
ways of calculating the amount.

What would you say to your employer if he paid you for three days less in a 
month. Would mathematics be involved?

Pure science, too, is based on axioms.  The axioms are
taken for granted.  There is no proof for the axioms, one simply needs
to believe in them.

Would you care to list a single axiom in pure science that one needs to 
believe in with the complete absence of proof.


Re: [Goanet] Bhandares Musings

2007-07-17 Thread Sunith Velho


How could you accuse Bhandare of being anti-Catholic.

He is by his own logic a supporter of the United Methodist Church. After all 
he contributes a large portion of his earnings to the US government, an 
organisation headed by  a Methodist.

Whats worse is that he also provides financial support to the Episcopalians, 
since one of them is the governor of his state.

Guruji must be turning in his grave!

Sunith Velho

RESPONSE: Good for you! As per your wisdom, Texans who pay their state 
>taxes are murderers since their tax-dollars are used to send people to the
nether-world on a one-way ticket 

Re: [Goanet] Bhandare's Musings

2007-07-16 Thread Sunith Velho


To be fair, sometimes Jekyll Bhandare does have a point but Hyde Bhandare 
often steps in with a lot of bigoted crap and 'factual' information backed 
by paranoia instead of proof.

As far as this perception that Muslims all over the world are trying to 
build, of them getting a raw deal in non-Muslim dominated countries, I think 
one has to be objective about this. This paranoia of on Goanet being fed by 
people who have not travelled past Mumbai or Goa, of Christians in India 
being oppressed also has to be looked at in the same manner.

In India, the President, the richest businessman, the biggest Bollywood 
stars and sport stars are all Muslim. To say that a moderate Muslim or 
Christian in India gets a raw deal in any sense is quite unfair.

However, I do admit that religious fundamentalists from both the above 
communities are often at the receiving end from their Hindu counterparts.

When we read about an isolated incident of a missionary being assaulted or 
killed in India, it would be insightful to think of what would have happened 
to a Hindu preacher intent on converting people elsewhere in the world, 
especially rural areas. I would even go as far to say that foreign Catholic 
missionaries and hate-Imams have more freedom in India than aggressive Hindu 
or Islamic preachers would have in any country abroad. A visit to the 
North-East of India or the tribal belts of Chattisgarh will confirm this.

Did you see the furore that was caused in the US Senate over a simple Hindu 
opening prayer? What about the ruckus on Goanet when some mass in Toronto 
was deemed to be to 'Indian'(read Hindu).

Here in the U.K., many Muslims are fighting for the right to be 
fundamentalist. They want official support for the right to force women to 
wear burkhas and other such demeaning practices. Recently a Muslim woman 
police constable didn't want to shake hands with the chief of police because 
he was a non-Muslim male. Another officer didn't want to report for duty at 
the Israeli embassy.

Of course if they are not allowed the above 'rights', then it immediately 
portrayed as an attack against Islamic culture.

It is a shame to see that you have succumbed to this 'Muslims are getting a 
raw deal' line of thought. Do Muslims in India really get a worse deal than 
Dalits, tribals, Tamil Brahmins, people from the North East or various other 
groups? I think moderate Muslims get a better deal in India than they would 
in Pakistan or anywhere else in the developing world.


Are your reasons similar or identical as to why Muslims in India are 

a raw deal? That is if you agree they are getting a raw deal. Is your point
of reference the Battle of Panipat, just about after the Portuguese arrived
in Goa? 

Re: [Goanet] Christianity on GoaNet

2007-07-10 Thread Sunith Velho 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

GL writes:
>Contrast that to Bhandare's even more extensive and illuminating write-up 
>on >caste in Goa and India with absolute no reference to any religion. 
>Standing on >somebody-else's shoulder, to look tall, is a pretty pathetic 

Perhaps you should follow your own advice and get off Chinmaya's shoulders.

As far as words wasted on absurdity go, Kevin Saldanha doesn't hold a candle 
to you or your experimenting Mauxi who turned herself into your Aaji.

Sunith Velho 

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] Religious fundamentalism/to Sunith (Carvalho

2007-07-07 Thread Sunith Velho


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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>By discrediting something because it is
>coming from me, something which you are prone to do,
>you are saying something about yourself.

All the flaws that I have pointed out are in your theory and that too by 
citing numerous examples that clearly defy your hypothesis.

On the other hand you mostly seek to attack my age, family background or 
formal education. While that tactic might intimidate some people like 
Judaline Afonso who you so viciously put down, it often leads to you and 
your posts receiving special treatment from many members.

Returning to the ongoing thread.

>There are many reasons why fundamentalism has made a
>resurgence in the 21st century and as a reaction to
>this, militant atheism too has made a comeback.

On what basis would you say that fundamentalism has made a resurgence this 
century. Is it because the West is now becoming the victim instead of the 

What is this 'militant atheism' that seems to have become so popular among 
politically correct fence sitters. Is it a phrase to describe people who 
insist on evidence and reason in every sphere of life?

>while you are all eager to discredit my
>contention that fundamentalism has reasons such as
>poverty, you don't offer an alternate possible

There is no single explanation for it. People embrace fundamentalism for 
different reasons in different parts of the world. Blaming poverty or lack 
of education while making no mention of religious indoctrination nor the 
role of scriptures is the politically correct way to go about the whole 

Is a madarassa student more likely to be a religious fundamentalist than a 
student at a Buddhist monastery? Is a contributor to Conservapedia more 
likely to be a religious fundamentalist than one of Wikipedia?

It is far too uncomfortable to bring up such key questions while trying to 
maintain  highly intellectual cocktail party image of an 'agnostic secular 

Sunith Velho

Re: [Goanet] Dr. Carmo D'Cruz's course on Warren Buffet

2007-07-05 Thread Sunith Velho


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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Cornel: You should have known better by now. As we have been repeatedly 
informed K3 has garages, condos and patents that put his net worth in the 
nine figure bracket.

Chinmaya: I'm afraid that you have already burned your bridges as far as 
Goanetters and free investment tips go. Mervyn and Gabe are the resident 
experts in this field.


Cornel writes:

>>Dr Bhandare
>>I hope some of the dosh that Dr Carmo advises his students about, also 
>>off on him.

Re: [Goanet] UK bomb plot

2007-07-04 Thread Sunith Velho


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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In a further blow to highly read Selma Carvalho's painstakingly researched
fundamentalist theory, the masterminds of the recent bomb plot in the UK
were found to be doctors with the UK National Health Services.

Her theory is further weakened by the continued existence of a spam list run 
by a well off and highly educated former Goanetter which continues to fill 
my spam
filters at a rate of ten unsolicited emails a day.

I guess its my fault for asking her to abandon her usual areas of expertise
i.e. name calling and inane generalities.

Sunith Velho

Selma's theory of fundamentalism:
> So again, my theory holds true, that extreme
> fundamentalist religious ideas take root in
> poverty and lack of education.

Re: [Goanet] Selma's selective secularism

2007-07-03 Thread Sunith Velho


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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Please take the time to decide your position, it keeps changing comically 
from post to post.

You first compared Muslims in the USA to those in the UK. Then you fail to 
compare Christians from the deep south of America to those elsewhere in the 

You then make the fanciful suggestion that only poor Muslims in Saudi are 
fanatics. And the Sharia was implemented by whom?

If a single factually inaccurate thing is said about Christianity(by someone 
other than Albert), I would be the first to point it out. The reason you get 
so defensive is because many of the things said are completely true but your 
misguided 'loyalty' makes you unable to accept them.

When you have the time, please read the book Jesus and Freedom by Sebastian 
Kappen. If you do not wish to, atleast read his essay called 'Censorship and 
the Future of Asian Theology' which was a response to -the Congregation for 
the Doctrine of the Faith- admonishing the book.

Being from the Goan Catholic faith tradition in no way obliges us to defend 
the barbaric acts of European Saints or Imperialists, though that is what 
the Vatican expects.

Just like in other religions, India has a fine tradition of highly 
intelligent theologians in Catholicism too. The fact that an atheist like 
myself or a right-winger like L.K. Advani are more exposed to these works 
than the average practicing Indian Catholic is a crying shame.

Sunith Velho

"The spirit that split the atom and the spirit that dissects God into 
concepts are at bottom one and the same" --- S. Kappen

Re: [Goanet] Selma's selective secularism

2007-07-02 Thread Sunith Velho


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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 >I also believe conversely, fundamentalism has its roots in
>poverty, which leads to lack of education and being
>disenfranchised from the mainstream. The fact that UK
>Muslims, who apparently live in UK ghettos are more
>prone to embrace fundamentalism than the Muslim youth
>of America, who atleast by the second generation start
l>iving the American dream, is a telling tale.

Further evidence of the type of completely fake secularism that Selma tries 
to portray, by using different yardsticks for different people.

If  what you say above is true, why is the richest nation on Earth, the USA 
also the epicentre of Christian fundamentalism. Is George Bush not part of 
the so called 'American dream'.

Are the Wahabi's in Saudi Arabia impoverished? Was Osama not from one of the 
richest families there.

Did the Hindutva movement rise from the poorest classes i.e. the Dalits?

It seems like organised religion (in its aggressive form) is the only common 
denominator in all the above cases, but Selma is afraid to say it lest she 
jeopardise her position of a closet Vatican loyalist parading as an 
'agnostic secular humanist', who opposes fundamentalism by all except those 
of her faith tradition.

Pardon me Selma, but your slip has been showing for a long time now.

Sunith Velho

Re: [Goanet] Being affronted selectively/reply to Selma

2007-07-02 Thread Sunith Velho


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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>I would have a lot more respect for your righteous
>indignation, had you also declared "ignorance and
>bigotry" when a lot of muck was raked about

Righteous Indignation?!? Far from it, just exposing a woeful lack of 
knowledge of many posters on matters relating to the Indian subcontinent and 
Goa in particular.

You want to discuss Chrsitianity and its role in the sub-continent, try 
reading about what former Hitler-youth Ratzinger caused the Vatican to do to 
Tissa Balasuriya and Sebastian Kappen, both first rate indigenous 

Take a vote among your Goan friends to see how many have read articles by 
these two versus those who watch the charlatan Benny Hinn on Miraclenet, and 
then talk to me about hypocrisy.

In your backyard of Verna, find out about Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues(founder of 
the Pilar order) and his association with the Jan Sangh, Advani and Vajpayee 
in particular. Are you aware that these priests specifically invited L.K. 
Advani to innaugurate their Engineering College in Verna? Why won't anyone 
come out and call them hypocrites. Is it because they have done more for 
higher education than any other organisation in Goa.

You can then read how the Vatican has quite succesfully surpressed 
liberation theology in South America, in its desperate attempt to ensure the 
dominance of a small coterie of cardinals, mostly European.

Then again its best to stick to matters that are your area of interest i.e. 
name calling and innane generalities rather than risk making a fool of 
yourself with specifics.

Unlike you, I feel no obligation to support the hallucination of the Vatican 
being the saviour of oppressed third world pagans, just like most Hindus do 
not feel obliged to support the RSS as the guardian of their culture.

Further, unlike you I refuse to defend the Inquisition, Colonialism, the 
Crusades or Paedophillia in the Church due to some delusional sense of 
loyalty to the Vatican instead of to the real teachings of Christ.

Sunith Velho

[Goanet] Religious Postings - Reply to Kamlaksh and Bhandare

2007-07-01 Thread Sunith Velho


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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>I would not have entered this Religious Debate if it was not for the
>Parrikar's RSS and his BJP party banning Easter in Goa, Holy Easter/Good
>Friday is on par with Ganesh, (Christmas is NOT called HOLY, just

This is a blatant lie that is often repeated on this forum by people with 
little knowledge of what really goes on in Goa.

What Parrikar did was put certain unrestricted holidays such as Good Friday 
and the feast of SFX on the restricted list for government servants.

This is a very common pratice in the private sector.

>Hindus can call Kali Mata (the human blood drinker) a goddess, and have a
>public holiday in Bengal; why did Parrikar pick on Christian HOLY day?

Further ignorance and bigotry on display. Is Kali really human? Did Parrikar 
declare Kali puja a public holiday for Goans? Is he then anti-Bengali?

Sunith Velho

Re: [Goanet] No more religious postings

2007-07-01 Thread Sunith Velho


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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Do you give equal weight or credence to Vidhyadhar Gadgil's belief in 
Pastafarianism as you do to the those of Catholics, Muslims or Hindus?

Do you accept that I COULD be the founder of Goanet and that I sometimes use 
my supernatural powers to morph into an entity called Bosco? If not then I'm 
afraid you are bigot as well. And please do not ask me for evidence to 
support this claim.


FN writes:
>An example of a secular-bigot is my friend and co-villager Kevin
>Saldanha. Or Dr Santosh. (Nothing personal here.) They are so
>convinced about the rightness of their own worldviews (atheism, and
>Science, respectively) that they feel the need to prove everyone
>else's perspective incorrect.

[Goanet] No more religious postings

2007-06-30 Thread Sunith Velho


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

Get your free subscription at: 

Mr. Bhandare,

I humbly request you not to take Gilbert along with you inspite of his 
desperate pleading, to where ever it is he wants you to go.

I'm surprised smokers, atheists, unwed couples, fake experimenters and 
plagiarisers have not been invited on this journey.

Sunith Velho

GL write:
>Wise decision Bhandare.  Aniek por favor!   Can you take the bigots, 
> >hypocrts and others along with you?:=)) Or at least send them an e-mail in 
> >private and suggest they follow your example. 

Re: [Goanet] Knighthood to Rushdie /reply to Ed De Silva

2007-06-23 Thread Sunith Velho 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

Edward de Silva writes:
>All other currencies are below UKs - how about that for a start.
>Why he is given a Knighrhood has a political undercurrent, UK is not 
>It is India that is stupid (killed Indira and got our currency from 
>? during her time to R80/- today).

One Indian rupee can buy 100 Japanese Yen, what do you have to say about 
that. Are Indians richer than the Japanese?

In Indira Gandhi's time do you have any idea of the limit that was imposed 
on the conversion of Rupees to any foreign exchange. Do you know what that 
limit is now? Do you know the reasons for this?

It is best you do some reading before posting on  matters that are not your 
are of expertise, instead of demanding that others do so.

Sunith Velho

Re: [Goanet] God is MY buddy/ response to Gabe

2007-06-23 Thread Sunith Velho 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

Gabe wrote to C.A. Bhandare
>after all we don't do that, about your former beliefs, or
>affiliations and your brethren therefrom ?

Actually many people have done that, not including you Gabe. Hindus have
been derided as backward animal worshippers on this forum by quite a few

We have also seen the issues of Sati and the Caste system brought up, just
like Mr. Bhandare has  brought up the issues of SFX's Inquisition and
rampant paedophilia by priests. This is the 'God is MY buddy' syndrome that
Mervyn Lobo is talking about.

>If you choose, to be like our friend Cornell, or Santosh, then so be it.
>Cornel, has stated his beliefs or unbeliefs, but he would, never ever,
>object to >someone else's beliefs, that goes, too for Santosh.

Not true. Santosh has  been speaking out against irrational beliefs ever
since Goanet started and Cornel does too. What they do not do is attack
beliefs they perceive as harmless. I also believe Santosh has a generous
annual award for those who promote reasoning and rationality. He is much
like the moderate version of Periyar E.V.Ramaswamy, arguably modern India's
most effective social reformer.

Sunith Velho

Re: [Goanet] C.A. Bhandare's envy

2007-06-22 Thread Sunith Velho 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

Mr. Bhandare,

Rest assured that there are other terms reserved for me. Of late I have been 
called a Paki, former-Salazarist and my 'Goan' upbringing has been 

I usually laugh these insults off, but on occasion show these emails at 
parties so that all my friends can laugh at the squirming of the furrow 
browed brigade.

Albert on the other hand faces a real danger to his physical well being from 
his own community. I heard how a group of Chrsitians almost got lynched by 
their fellow Christian brothers in Sao Jose de Areal, a few days ago.

Sunith Velho


Re: [Goanet] Knights of Columbus

2007-06-22 Thread Sunith Velho 

   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -
  Online Media Partner:

The Order of the Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic 
fraternal service organisation, lobbying by this organisation led to the 
inclusion of the phrase 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance of the USA.

It is named after Christopher Columbus, whose 'discovery' of America paved 
way for the subsequent genocide of Native Americans.


St. Columba was also apparently a mass murder, but trivial matters like 
these are not important to the cannonisation process of the Church if mass 
murder is followed by mass conversions.

[quote]Diarmuid was defeated at Cuildreimhne, Co. Sligo and Columba was 
blamed for the hundreds of dead. When a synod called on him to make amends 
by converting an equal number of pagans, he opted to work among the Picts of 
Scotland.[end of quote]

Sunith Velho

>As to your last sentence, I cannot think what you're
>saying. Perhaps you mean Knights of St Columba. Please
>and further,

>I see no references of this monk being a mass

>Gabriel de Figueiredo 

[Goanet] A list for Paulo Dias

2007-06-16 Thread Sunith Velho
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
>Please come with a list of names and then ask them each one by one if they
>are pro-colonial!

All those who see nothing wrong about parades in Goa which involve the
waving of Portuguese flags(my original point). So far the list consists of

1. Selma Carvalho   (?)
2. Bernardo Colaco
3. Jose Colaco
4. Marsh Mendonca

Those classed by me as "ignorants" are those who think that this has no
effect on the way Catholics are percieved in Goa and the rest of India. Make
that list up for yourself.

If anyone rejects my contention that this flag waving is a sign of confused
identity, then please tell my why there are no similar parades taken out by
football supporters of Brazil or Argentina of whom there are a similar(or
much more) number in Goa.

>>A basic democratic right which was denied for centuries
>>under the Portuguese continued to be denied by the new rulers who are
>>.supposed to have liberated us after 1961 (but "technically" as Fred says
>>was a conquest. What a joke!).

The real joke is you continuously comparing the rights of Goans under the
Portuguese colonial regime with those that EVERY  GOAN enjoys today as part
of the Indian union, a privilege they were able to enjoy almost two decades
before the Portuguese people themselves.

If you or anyone provide me a list of CONSTITUTIONAL rights enjoyed by Goans
both pre and post liberation, I will shut up. Go ahead... what are you
waiting for?

Sunith Velho

Re: [Goanet] Frederick Noronha on CA Bhandare ... and JC

2007-06-15 Thread Sunith Velho
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
I agree with all of JC's points.

I also think that all forms of discrimination based on caste, colour or 
religion should be dealt with very seriously.

Fortunately, the Indian constitution provides laws against all forms of 
discrimination. Unfortunately, Indian politicians(of all castes) and the 
bureaucracy have been very lax in applying these laws.

I pray for an end to all forms of organised religion based on dogmas,  and 
sincerely believe that peace will come once this is achieved.

Sunith Velho

- Original Message - 
From: "Jose Colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "for GoaNet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Frederick FN Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Selma Carvalho" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Paulo Colaco Dias" 
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 8:46 PM
Subject: Frederick Noronha on CA Bhandare ... and JC

> 1.  EVERY single religion (except perhaps Buddhism) has been hijacked
> to oppress the less fortunate.
> 2.  Religion is a private matter. It has no business in (public) political 
> life.
> 3.  Those who are forced to convert are NOT converted.

Re: [Goanet] Flags, Colonialism and Sleeping in a History

2007-06-14 Thread Sunith Velho
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

It would help if you were more specific. All we have from you are more 
generalities and the usual age equals wisdom argument. Please remeber that 
age also equals senile dementia in due course.

What points raised by me w.r.t to colonialism are you disputing.

Selma raises none except a weak defense that some posters were born during 
the Portuguese regime and hence I should not dispute their claims. How many 
of the vocal pro-colonialism voices on this forum have lived more then ten 
years as adults under the Portuguese regime?

If anyone is unable to counter my specific points with related arguments and 
instead resort deflecting the main issue by citing the Hindu caste system, 
their age or my familiy history, then I am afraid they are as ignorant as I 
claim them to be. And for that I lament.

Sunith Velho

On 6/14/07, Paulo Colaco Dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sunith, I read Selma's email about you with a pinch of salt but now I 
> really
> believe that she is absolutely right.
> "You espouse such balderdash, charming only because it is balderdash."
> Selma, how true!
> BTW, who died and made you the single expert in Goan history?
> I feel most amused when I read posts from people like yourself that claim
> that those who oppose their views are ignorant of Goan history.
> Come on, grow up.
> I know your name is Velho (which is Portuguese for "old") and I always
> believe that people become wiser through the years but you are certainly
> taking too much advantage of your name, aren't you? I do not think you 
> have
> achieved enough maturity yet to provide an healthy and acceptable argument
> to Selma's provocative post.
> So, here is hoping that you may find some maturity whilst reading whatever
> you are reading at Kings. Otherwise it will be a waste of time and money.
> Good luck!
> Paulo Colaco Dias. 

[Goanet] Maybe BC is faced with Senile dementia....

2007-06-14 Thread Sunith Velho
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
With regards to advanced age and its strong correlation to senile dementia, 
BC provides the perfect example below

BC writes:
>It is not uncommon for a non white or a person from
>the sub contintent usually called the paki to face
>racism in the UK.  Maybe Sunith Velho has faced this
>situation for prolonged periods in London? Therefore
>his ranting against the Portuguese on Goanet is about
>white vs black - my opinion.

With regards to the lamentable ignorance of some Goans, once again BC show 
his ignorance regarding the Pinto Revolt which to many historians is the 
first ethinic rebellion against colonial rule.

He also shows further ignorance of statistics, because he fails to compare 
the number of Goans who hold Indian passports to those that have appllied 
for or hold Portuguese passports.

BC writes:
>The below statement - rebellion / holding flags - make
>no sense. Thousands of Goans hold Portuguese
>citzenship. There are several requests published on
>Goanet wanting more info on the subject. Even hindus
>want to regain their pre 61 Portuguese status

I usually try to avoid replying to his rambling, having been warned by some 
of his neighbours in Macau. I just couldn't let this pass.

Sunith Velho

P.S. Perhaps BC has some type of racist complex because to paraphrase him, 
"it is not uncommon for a non white or a person from the sub contintent 
usually called the MONHE to face racism in Portugal" 

Re: [Goanet] Flags, Colonialism and Sleeping in a History

2007-06-11 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Jose Colaco writes:
>>Sunith Velho wrote: What you are saying is that it is OK to support a 
>>nation that tried to destroy the Hindu community and their culture.

Jose conviniently forgets to write:
>>Sunith Velho wrote: ' waving the flag of that nation in the face 
>>of our brothers.'

Dear Jose,

You have deliberately misquoted me and used only half of my original 
statement. My objection is clear.

Your 'Goan heritage is exactly what it is' line of thought is in my opinion 
apologist nonsense, though it is commonly found among the young right 
wingers all over the West.

There are many Germans who say that the Holocaust was what it was, and the 
German nation should bear no responsibility for it today.The are others who 
say colonialism was what it was, and former imperial nations should have no 
obligation to the lands they exploited. You toe the same line w.r.t. 
Portuguese colonial rule and the Inquisition.

The usual tactic on this forum and the one that you have used to justify 
colonial oppression and persecution, is to point out defects in current 
native society and practices. In this case it is the caste system. I'm 
afraid that this approach make no sense whatsoever.

I think upper castes in India owe a big debt to the opressed classes, no 
question about it. This was recognised by the founding fathers of India when 
they wrote the constitution. What is your point? Bring back the Inquisition?

Your argument only reflects your continuous failure to understand the need 
of societies to be able to reform themselves through SELF DETERMINATION and 
ON THEIR OWN. In cruder terms it would be termed as the 'slave mentality'.

Your contention that this flag waving/display is a sign that people have 
'grown up' is based in fantasy and betrays a very poor understanding of the 
motives of the persons who indulge in this activity in Goa. As any objective 
person will tell you, this is a sign of a people who have a serious identity 
crises brought on by four hundred years of brainwashing by both the state 
and church. They are trying to assert their cultural distinctiveness the 
only way their limited grasp of their own history allows them to.

You don't find the Catalans asserting their regionalist pride by waving 
flags of the former Frankish empire or the Tutsis express theirs by flying 
German flags in the faces of their Hutu counterparts.

Sunith Velho

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Olav Athayde in big trouble....

2007-06-10 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Mr. Athayde,

You will now receive an email(CCed to one Brian S., allegedly a lawyer) from 
K3 threatening to sue you for defamation or libel. Bosco will also be 
threatened with a lawsuit for the second time.

Unless this shameful incident is true that is.

I was threatened with the same a few months ago for pointing out that for 
all his talk about elite insitutions such as IIT, K3 teaches in an 
institution ranked in the bottom 5% of any published engineering rankings.

Sunith Velho

>Those who know Carmo from school days in Bandra will recall how he had
>been caught copying in a Board exam. If not for the intervention and
>'influence' of the Muncipal Councillor of Bandra, late Mr. Oliver
>Andrade also from Velim, to 'cover' the scandal and get Carmo into
>IIT, he would have had no choice but to continue his education (if
>ever) in a
>" patshallah " in Bombay. That Carmo's picture adorns the St.
>Stanislaus ' Wall of Shame' is no surprise. 

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Goan elections

2007-06-10 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Marsh Mendonca writes:
>>I dont see any wrong in people parading with >>Portuguese Flags

What you are saying is that it is OK to support a nation that tried to 
destroy the Hindu community and their culture by waving the flag of that 
nation in the face of our brothers. You are a poster boy for the case I'm 
trying to make.

>>Indians in the Caribean supported the Lankans when >>Team India took a 
>>ealry flight home.Indians in the >>Caribean supported the Lankans when 
>>Team India >>took a ealry flight home.

I see you slept through history class when colonialism was under discussion.

>>Former French colonies in the middle east speak in >>french although 
>>Arabic is thier mother tongue.
>>So do African nations the reason for this is these >>counties are 
>>sucessfull and most dream to migrate in >>these countries.

And never woke up!

Sunith Velho

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] Goan elections

2007-06-09 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 


Parrikar had a lot of young members of the Catholic community campaigning 
for him this election as well because he admitted that he had made certain 
errors in judgement and most people think that he has no direct hand in what 
is perpetrated by some supporters of his party.

To many Ponjekars(including myself), Parrikar as a person is no more 
communal than Churchill or Dinar Tarcar.

As you may be aware Landscape Constructions(Dinar Tarcar's construction 
company) tried to get the Salesians evicted from their premises in Odxel by 
fraudulent means to build the illegal mega eyesore that now stands there. I 
can only imagine the furore it would have caused if he was a BJP candidate

Similarly, when Churchill or Mickky forcibly stop other Goans from 
conducting business in coastal Salcette, we call it protecting Goan 

As long as communal people like Churchill, Mickky and others exist in the 
Catholic heartland there will always be counterparts from other communities.

And as long as some idiots from the Catholic community keep on taking out 
processions in support of the Portuguese football team or drive around with 
Portuguese flags on their cars, there will be other people who stereotype 
the whole community.

Your good friend Robert Newman writes very interestingly about this imperial 

Sunith Velho

FN writes
Reena, You should be asking the upper crust of Panjim that question :-) FN
PS: I think the authoritarianism of the BJP and its hierarchy appeals
to the Catholic elite, or many of them. A friend told me in awe and
shock, "Just you look at the rif raff that's roaming around with Dinar
Tarcar in his campaign." 

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] DNA Studies about Goa

2007-06-02 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

National Geographic and IBM run the Genographic Project which aims to map 
our entire genetic journey thus far. For those who can afford it, 99 USD 
buys you a kit which you use to send your DNA to them. You receive the 
results of your maternal or paternal genetic journey(one choice per kit) in 
a few weeks. For certain tribal groups, the kit is free.

This project was recently in the news because tests on Muslim's in India 
debunked the nonsense being spread by right wing religious types, that most 
Indian Muslims are born of 'foreign invaders'.

The centre in India is the Madurai Kamaraj University, under chief 
investigator Mr. Ramasamy Pitchappan.

A much cheaper option would be to accept the fact that your genetic 
blueprint was 'intelligently designed' in Goa or the Garden of Eden. Indeed, 
we were repeatedly informed on this forum that these 'Scientist/Geneticist' 
characters can teach us as much about DNA as the local Padri/Pujari.

Sunith Velho

> Hello,
> I have heard that there are studies that cover the DNA of the entire
> world population including Goa and western India. Does anyone know
> where can I have access to the results concerning Goa?
> Thank you,
> Cl?udia Pereira.\ 

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] Vote we must!

2007-05-27 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Excerpts from a weekly column in GT:
>>If you, or anyone you know, accepted inducements from a candidate, be 
>>certain you owe
>>no obligation. Vote with a free mind. There is nothing to fear.

Is this an attempt to encourage people to accepts 'inducements' from some 
candidates and then vote for someone else? Shameful!

>>As my cousin, Luis de Sequeira Nazareth, Regional Manager of ?Air France? 
>>from Yemen in West Asia to
>>Pakistan in the East, writes from Dubai, "Even if a voter has accepted 
>>everything from
>>everyone, he must vote his own way. After all, the vote is by secret 
>>ballot. There?s no
>>way a contestant will know who you cast your vote for. We must underscore 
>>this secrecy
>>aspect of the ballot. Everyone knows it, but at times even simple things 
>>must be
>>repeated to be reinforced in people?s minds, for fear of being forgotten."

The "Regional manager of Air France from Yemen in West Asia to Pakistan in 
the East" has apparently lost touch with the functioning of the Goan 
democratic system or maybe elections in general. During the last elections, 
our richest politician made a substantial donation to a Sansthan and warned 
the people of that area that with the new electronic system, ward(vaddo) 
wide results can be easily known. If he lost that ward he threatened to have 
all the illegal extensions of the temple and their houses demolished.

What needs to be 're-enforced' into people's mind is not the above 
disgusting nonsense, but the simple fact that if you do illegal stuff(like 
accepting inducements) yourself then stop complaining when your elected 
representatives do the same on a larger scale.

Sunith Velho 

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] Disposal of Garbage

2007-05-23 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 


You seem to have cursed the Italians by comparing them to Goans, sometime 
ago on Goanet.

Panjim's garbage curse has now descended on Naples, complete with a stinking 
piles of refuse and a row over disposal sites.


Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] Creationism versus Evolution

2007-05-15 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

FN writes:
>>So, Sunith, what is your specific demand?

My demands are as follows:
*Ban all forms of Religious teaching in state funded schools.
*Stop parading religious fiction as plausible scientifc theory in all 
schools(private and public)
*Stop the using of schools(private and public)  to brainwash young children 
with teachings based on dogmas, instead teach them that nothing is beyond 
the realm of reason.

>>I have no problem with what Mario believes... (that's >>his problem).Even 
>>though I don't agree with him.Please tell me why I should be concerned 
>>about his belief

I am concerned about his beliefs because, my spam filters(now that they are 
working) overflow every few days with his unsolicited mails. What he or his 
kind are doing to the US school system is none of my concern. If ID was 
being taught in Indian schools I would be concerned.

Closer to home, what right wing religious zealots such as MM Joshi in India 
are trying to do to our education system because of their private 
(religious) beliefs is of great concern to me. Are you saying that I should 
not be concerned when an HRD minister believes astrology is a science and 
tries to force it into the science curriculum?

If the next Economic Minsiter of India privately believes in numerology, 
should I share your attitude?

Should we also assume that people's private beliefs have no bearing on the 
way they conduct themselves in public life?

Selma has rightly pointed out the perils of an approach that condones 
illogical and sometimes dangerous beliefs in the name of being tolerant 
towards other cultures and religions.


Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] Tolerating Creationism

2007-05-13 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

FN writes:
>So, as far as these creationists don't block you on
>believing what you want, why should you evolutionists >deny them of the

Because creationism (or the Catholic version of it) is trying to creep its 
way into schools all over the world in the guise of a legitimate scientific 
theory and is being used to brainwash young children.

There is as much evidence for Intelligent Design as there is for the theory 
that years ago a galactic warlord called Xenu rounded up 13.5 trillion 
beings from an overcrowded corner of the universe, dumping them on Earth 
before killing them with nuclear bombs(which is what Scientologists 


Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] The credentials of some scientists

2007-05-11 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Richard S. Lindzen is willing to say anything that he is paid(funded) to.

In 1991 he wrote an article entitled ""Passive Smoking: How Great a Hazard?" 
in Consumer Research Magazine, where he claims that the risk to non-smokers 
has been overblown.

The argument in that article are very similar to his argument against global 
warming which basically is we do not know enough yet(according to him). Is 
there a pattern here?

Ross McKitrick(an economist with a grand total of 4 science publications) 
published a paper in 2004 arguing against current mathematical models for 
climate change, only for it to be pointed out that in his calculations he 
had mixed up degrees and radians.


> Here is what Professor Richard S. Lindzen, an
>atmospheric physicist at MIT - that's a REAL
>scientist, folks - had to say on this issue:

>A Danish scientist, University of Copenhagen Professor
>Bjarne Andresen has analyzed the topic in
>collaboration with Canadian Professors Christopher
>Essex from the University of Western Ontario and Ross
>McKitrick of the University of Guelph

Re: [Goanet] The global responsibility

2007-05-10 Thread Sunith Velho
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Mario Gouveia writes(about climate change):
>> Each of us makes decisions that we feel are in our best interests from
>> the options available to us.

The options available to us are.
1. Current scientific consensus.
2. Published papers regarding climate change.
3. Ramblings of a person from small town USA, backed only by obscure
magazine articles and a minute minority of researchers.

I think I'll stick with options 1&2. Thank you !


Re: [Goanet] Against our culture? We were the first kissers...

2007-05-07 Thread Sunith Velho


Goa Sudharop to Release Goan Seniors E-book

May 8, 2007 at 5:30pm at Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

The earliest written record of humans' kissing appears in Vedic Sanskrit 
texts - in India - from around 1500 B.C., where certain passages refer to 
lovers "setting mouth to mouth,"


Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

[Goanet] All the hots about a stupid Richard Gere hug

2007-05-02 Thread Sunith Velho
>>So let's be sensitive to people's cultural differences. We can't
>>impose Western values on everyone and call those global standards!

Where are these 'offended' and sensitive Indians when Shilpa Shetty does her 
vulgar 'jhatkas' and hip thrusts in the B-grade Bollywood films she is 
famous for. Probably fantasising in the back row!

Before this hungama, there was the Mumbai police arresting young couples in 
Bandra for so called 'public indecency'. This is the same police force that 
has an extraordinarily high prevalence rate of HIV  due to the amount of 
time they spend sleeping with prostitutes. India has the highest number of 
commercial sex workers in the whole world, even though prostitution is 
illegal. Applying simple demand/supply logic, it is quite easy to see 
through the 'Indian' culture that these morons are trying to portray.

Loot the country, destroy the environment, visit prostitutes, rape women, 
commit female foeticide, keep caste divides alive but no PDA's or falling in 
love please! It's against our culture. Soli Sorabjee is right, we are 
becoming the laughing stock of the world.

Sunith Velho 

Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Re: [Goanet] What issues, MLA?s

2007-04-29 Thread Sunith Velho 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Dear Gabe,

The issues dearest to the Goan voter(depending on economic background) have 
thus far been,

1. Building illegal extensions or structures in existing properties.
2. Converting ancestral/tenanted land from agircultural/forest zones for 
commercial use.
3. Ensuring that at least one family member gets a goverment job, so that he 
won't have to ever work for his money.
4. Ensuring that 'traditional' occupations like taxi driving and shack 
licenses are protected.

Contrary to what you state, the MLA's have done a fantastic job in 
addressing the above concerns. Their approval ratings in their 
constituenicies would put politicians in the rest of the world to shame.

Issues like how the Government is sleeping over the JNNURM which promises 
thousands of crores of rupees for urban development, are not important to a 
vast majority of the electorate.


Sunith Velho

>>But what are the issues that are dear to Goans? Can anyone list them
>>down because over the years, nothing has been done to even address
>>some of these issues? 

Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

[Goanet] Whats so great about Fundacao Parties/reply to Cornel

2007-03-17 Thread Sunith Velho


The upper castes all over India want to keep the divide alive for obvious 

India's illogical form of affirmative action(read reservations) has ensured 
that the erstwhile lower castes have a reason to perpetuate this ugly 

After all if you convert to religions that do not provide official sanction 
for caste such as Buddhism or Christianity, you lose the right to benefits 
via the reservation route. Regardless of the fact that your economic 
situation remains the same.

Strangely there is another group of people (mostly on this forum) who seek 
to keep the divide alive for no apparent reason. They are the kind who 
introduce words like Bamon, Chardo, Kharvi, Gulfie and Shippie into every 
debate. I think Selma and Carmo have a lifetime membership to this peculiar 

Best Regards
Sunith Velho

do "both sides" really try to keep the divide alive? This >>would be 
contraray to most theoretical and practical >>work on opposition and 
resistance to hegemony in >>relation to social and cultural power in given 
>>societies.However, you
may well have something new for me to explore and I >>wait in 

Re: [Goanet] Whats so great about Fundacao Parties?

2007-03-17 Thread Sunith Velho
Spot on. Fundacao Oriente parties are generally incredibly boring and 
generally filled with drunk old men reminiscing about Portuguese times with 
the infuriatingly smug director keeping them company.

Why anyone  would want to voluntarily subject themselves to such torture 
repeatedly beats me.

Good wifes are also not generic to any particular caste nor class.

These completely are self constructed barriers by those who wish to keep the 
caste divide alive(on both sides).


Why would he want
marriage proposals from impoverished Bamons, or the
Fundacao parties, they maybe quite boring. 

Re: [Goanet] Goan "shippies" and "gulfies"

2007-03-13 Thread Sunith Velho


I only derided the lack of motivation of most youngsters of the Catholic 
community while at school and the tendency of certain members of this forum 
to blame the education system for that.

I pointed out that the opportunity to make money by doing menial labour in 
the Gulf or EUROPE was one of the prime reasons for this.

Unfortunately Selma turned this into a caste debate and then a class debate 
entirely fabricated from the chip (suspended by a Fendi strap) that she 
carries on her shoulder.

She further inroduced the words "Gulfie" and "Shippie" into her posts, thus 
giving K3+5garages+3BHK an outlet for his frustration.

I still haven't got a response from Gllenda(who started this debate), Albert 
or Selma to my initial question as to why relatively poorer children from 
the hinterland regions of Goa outperform those from the more affluent 
coastal villages.


You see, this brouhaha began with our dear Selma, yes the same one
who compared you to Dostoevsky, claiming that Cecil and Sunith derided

[Goanet] Mining Bachao

2007-03-10 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.


It is worthwhile to note that the tax exemption is being sought for a 
valuable non-renewable resource that is being exported out of the country.

There is no industry that compares in ecological destructiveness to mining.

Its has taken over 50 years for our Central Government to come to its senses 
and the cess is just the begining of a phased ban on iron ore exports. Hope 
the cess used for the right purposes.

Guess the dramatic increase in iron ore mining in Bellary and neighbouring 
areas has forced the governments hand.


You'll guys want India to (and believe India can) become a "super
power", and yet are unwilling to sacrifice a share of your
untaxed-for-generations superprofits? How is this possible? Or, are
sacrifices reserved only for those who have no belts to tighten? The
response of the media in Goa over this issue is amazing. How can one
support Goa Bachao at the same time as one backs Mining Bachao to the
hilt? Interesting to see the mining lobby squeeze out free publicity
even from Goanet! FN 

Re: [Goanet] Goan Savages

2007-03-09 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Goans clearly turn a blind eye and tacitly encourage the rampant molestation 
of young and poor "bhaile" kids by foreigners. This was painfully apparent 
in the NDTV expose.

Do we actually expect someone to care about a cop robbing two strawberries 
from some unfortunate kid.

Our eloquent pseudo-intellectuals call other Indians "savages" and worse. 
They come up with brilliant ideas like immigration based on 
surname(different laws for Shuklas and Modis) and labour control. All in the 
name of "broad intellectual debate" and "I thought I would find the answers 
on this forum".

It doesn't matter that the answers are staring everyone in the face.

I guess paedophilia is the fault of those lamani kids. Who asked them to 
come to Goa in the first place and why was that strawberry seller on our 

Sunith Velho

P.S. I almost forgot. Strawberries are not a Goan fruit, traditional 
occupations are dying because of tourism!

>I urge any visitors who witness these dealings to take >photos and send 
>into the authorities or yourselves and maybe something will >be done. 

Re: [Goanet] Smart Money v/s Dumb Money/ reply to Gilbert

2007-03-08 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.


Your mail is 99% FICTION and 1% fact.

It is the Birla's not the Tata's that you are referring to. It is the AV 
Birla Group(Hindalco) that bought the Canadian company Novelis Inc., Tata 
Steel bought Corus which is Anglo-Dutch. The industry is aluminium not 
steel. The Tata's made their fortune in Mumbai while the Birla's made theirs 
in Calcutta, the hub of the opium trade.The community in question is the 
Marwaris not Parsis. As any high school student will tell you, the Paris 
came from Persia to Gujarat not Mumbai and the Marwaris moved in large 
numbers from Rajasthan to Calcutta.

AV Birla made his fortune in Jute Mills not buying ships or land and is 
rumoured to have a part in the Bristish Opium Trade(not Hashish or Liquor).

May I suggest a little fact checking before posting?

Sunith Velho

Gilbert writes:
Recently in the news was India's Tata Steel buying the steel company in 
Canada. A history of Tata(s) was outlined in the magazine story.  It 
reports, the great-grandfather (who landed penniless in Bombay from Persia) 
made his first money with the British, smuggling hashish to China and then 
later boot-legging.  Yet from that money, Tata bought (then built) the ships 
they traded, land in and around Bombay ... and India ... and the rest is 

Re: [Goanet] The corrupt Congressmen

2007-03-06 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.


I am intriuged by your continuous mention of a glowing post about Babush. Is 
it in the archives?

I only ask this because Babush(long before he joined politics) was very 
(in)famous as the biggest illegal moneylender to the Goan real estate 

He was also infamous for his strong arm tactics in collecting debts and was 
rumoured to own a flat in almost every new real estate project.

Before his first election he not only made huge donations to  Church reated 
activites but also to all the Sanvsthans in the Taleigao area.

Just before I left Goa in September, the security guards(all non-Goans) who 
worked for my previous company said that he had arranged Ration Cards for 
all of them using the addresses of the rooms which they had rented.

I wonder who would write a glowing tribute to him on this forum, and would 
like to read what was written.


>A long time ago,  there was a glowing
>post about Babush - but he seems to have fallen out  of >favour of people 
>also the Catholic church. 

Re: [Goanet] Sesa Goa

2007-03-06 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Bhau Chopsticks(BC),

I'm not sure the Italians nor Japanese could run it better than the man who 
built the world's largest steel company from scratch.

Using a fork and knife to put food in your hands, I'm afraid does not make 
you an expert in the steel industry.


BC writes:
As for Sesa Goa the company was run well by the
Italics. They built the foundations for those rising
share prices. Francis D' Melo tell these annadis
something about Sesa.

Re: [Goanet] Making education a priority

2007-03-05 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.


Its much easier if you have no professional Goals.

That way you get to blame the education system, caste system, people from 
outside Goa , people from outside your village and people from outside your 
Vaddo for your lack of success.

Lets wait for a few more generations(as Selma suggested) to encourage Goan 
youngsters to work hard in school instead of doing hard physical labour 
later. Why bother with this "prioritising" philosophy.

In the meantime lets just say it is the Goan education system's fault. After 
all, the numerous Goan students who are doing well using the current 
framework are secretly taking tuitions in the USA!



>What bunch of crap?
>We have had top education when we just lived hand-to-
>mouth existence.

>And there are umpteen examples of this not just in
>Goa but all over India.

>It is about one's priorities and what one is willing
>to go through to achieve one's goals.

Re: [Goanet] Goa's educational system

2007-03-03 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Bosco and Selma,

I admit that my approach to this issue has been curt and migh have cause 
offence to some people. Santosh provided a much more balanced view. The 
point is essentially the same, social factors are affecting Goan education 
much more than the education system itself.

Selma, your argument is purely emotional and unfortunately ignores what I 
initially highlighted in response to Albert and Gllenda, that children from 
the coastal Catholic belts are out performed at school by those from the 
hinterland despite the fact that they are economically better off and have 
acess to good schools.

You do not provide an explanation for this nor have you provided a reason 
for my observation that people from other regions of Goa and India are 
making much more money from tourism in Goa than the locals from the coast. I 
would venture to say that this group of people is the most socially 
immobile(the way in which someone's adult outcomes are related to their 
circumstances as a child) or stagnant group currently resident in Goa.

While Gllenda and Albert chose to blame church run schools for this, I 
blamed the parents and kids themselves.

I did not mention the word Gulfie nor Shippie any where in my post. These 
were entirely fabricated from the huge chip Selma carries on her shoulder. I 
singled out youth who choose to do manual labour via those avenues instead 
of studying hard at school.

There are many people who use these avenues as a genuine career paths like 
the Goan Chefs on Cruise Liners or Officers and Engineers on Merchant 
vessels. They definitely do not fall into the same category, just as Goan 
professionals in France cannot be grouped with the thousands of Goans there 
lifting crates.


>>Gilbert has provided an appropriate quote vis-a-vis
>>inspiration/perspiration. Santosh has provided stats and explanations. 
has provided some insights too. Sunith has been curt. And yes Selma, the
underprivileged don't get an easy ride anywhere. And forever in human 
history there
will always be an underpriviledged class - whether you live in Goa or

Re: [Goanet] Musings on the Bhaile influx

2007-03-03 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.


In your rush to pass the buck you forget that, the fellow from Andhra is 
tending to a fishing net of a Goan owned trawler and the Kashmiri rents from 
a Goan landlord. If you had to spend sometime in Anjuna and Vagator(Goa's 
main drug belt) you would see that all the small time drug dealers are 

Your views are from the perspective of the urban upper class Goan. You would 
be well advised to ask the stake holders i.e. the coastal people on what 
they think "tourism" has brought them.

The beaches are not only meant for the upper classes or castes to enjoy. The 
ramponkars are not there to provide you with a better scenery. If a thesis 
needs to be written it should be based on how tourism has enabled the 
erstwhile backward castes to break through the social barrier. Tourism has 
not only dismantled traditional Goan occupations but has effectively 
dismantled the caste discrimination that was based on these occupations.

I however share your frustration with the situation Goa is currently in, but 
the believe the blame is entirely ours.

All the issues you mention are linked. Polticians(All Goans) convert 
land(owned by Goans) for Big Builders(mostly Goan)  who then need cheap 
labour(Kannadigas, Tullus, etc) to construct mega projects to sell to 
mostly, rich non-Goans. Why blame the construction workers or appartment 
buyers. Does the Goan government legislate on the working conditions the 
construction companies need to provide their labourers with? Where are they 
supposed to go after the days work is done? Is the Government controling the 
land use patterns for real estate? If there were no appartments to buy we 
wouldn't have the louts from Delhi or hooligans from Manchester crowding the 

You have to consider that well educated and travelled people such as 
yourself form a small minority of the total voting Goan population. A vast 
majority of Goans will vote for the Politician who will get illegal things 
done for them whether it is building an illegal compound wall or sanctioning 
a multi-crore project. However they are firm in the belief that illegalities 
should only be commited by residents of the village/vaddo and not anyone 

Is there any chance that someone like Dayanand Narvekar won't get relected? 
His(and all the rests') strategy is simple. Allow all residents of your 
constituency to commit gross illegalities for free(so that they re-elect you 
time and again) and then rake in money by taking bribes for projects in the 
rest of Goa. e.g. trying to sell of the G.M.C. to his cousin, forcing the 
Chairman of the Goa Board to manipulate the marksheets of his nephew and my 
classmate(never an outstanding student) in full public view to make sure 
he(and his brother) got into GMC, selling plots in Dona Paula IT park to his 
brother-in-law, the Socorro IT Park land scam, etc.

Parrikar would be a good CM if he had absolute powers(like JFR Jacob during 
presidents rule). The fact of the matter is even he will compromise on his 
priciples when it comes to grabbing the CM's chair. I won't be surprised in 
Somnath Zuwarkar(a proven corrupt Congressman) stands on the BJP's Taleigao 
ticket against Babush(whom Parrkiar made a minister in the first place).

Goans fully deserve what they are getting.

Sunith Velho

I haven't yet said a word above on the deluge from the other segments of the 
economic spectrum.  That is another
big looming story which only the blind would deny.  The penetration of Goa 
from this end is startling.  There are
now UPwallahs, Biharis, Oriyas in remote villages.  Fellows from Andhra are 
now tending to the fishing nets in
places you least expect them.  Then the drugdealing Kashmiri rats who have 
bought into property along
coastal areas around Candolim & Calangute (by colluding with the local 
politicos) with their phony front stores.
the Tibetans, the Lamanis - oh brother, Goa is getting it from every 
conceivable orifice.  You wanted "tourism" -
here it is. (There's a good PhD thesis waiting to be written how tourism has 
dismantled traditional Goan occupations
within a generation.) 

Re: [Goanet] K3 IIT bondollam

2007-03-03 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Any reason why this didn't happen the last time Parrikar was CM.

Guess you were not on the BJP payroll then.

Why can't you start them now?


>>we Goan IITians will start IIT Entrance Exam coaching 
>>classes all over Goa.

Re: [Goanet] Don't tell Carmo how to eat

2007-02-28 Thread Sunith Velho 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And his sons have a 50 million USD patent which the greedy currency trader 
Mervyn Lobo is trying to misappropriate for free in collusion with the 
devious Roland Francis.

I have watched numerous documentaries on Florida(mostly of the "Girls gone 
Wild" series) and can attest that I have seen girls and boys there eat 
certain foods of each other with neither fork, spoon nor plate.


K3 to Anna-Marie F.:
>>Since I am a leading professor of
>>engineering entrepreneurship and corporate consultant in >>this part of
>>Florida and since my wife is the Vice-President of >>Finance at a major 
>>care company in town which owns three hospitals, we >>are invited to fine
>>dinner parties nearly every other day. 

Re: [Goanet] Albert's Illogic

2007-02-27 Thread Sunith Velho 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


>>You have attacked me, you have attached Selma,  Glenda and I do not know 
>>how many people.
I was not aware that you and Gllenda had bought the sole rights to criticise 
people and institutions on this forum.You have previously attacked the 
church, priests, schools and other Goanetters. You  even went to the extent 
of sending me over 3 personal mails(which is never a good strategy. Ask 

>>I am amused to listen to your  illogical arguments.If God had to make 
>>everyone scientist what would you eat plannets?
Talking about logic, were we.

>>If our goan schools were good from the primary why the hell you left Goa 
>>and went abroad ?
Are we still discussing logic? You know very well that I was educated in Goa 
and I pointed out to you privately that my qualifications(all from Goa) were 
well recognised both by my previous company Hutch and by King's College.

Rest assured that I will attack any further nonsense that you write, student 
life affords me too much idle time.


Re: [Goanet] Forks and Knives

2007-02-26 Thread Sunith Velho 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bernardo's snide comments(that backfired!) and the example provided by 
K3(since I was threatened by a libel lawsuit, I am unable to use this 
individuals name) about  American table manners reminds me of a visiting 
person who I recently had lunch with(from BC's mothership).

He was commenting as to how a posh couple sitting next to us didn't know to 
eat with a fork and knife.

Here in England I had learned that at fancy or very formal dinners one does 
not cut a potato with a knife but does so with a fork.Also stuff like rice 
and mash potatoes are put on the outside of the fork(convex surface) and 

So I had to explain this to that peasant clown from that backward country.

Thank God I'm from Bharat and we accept that people and cultures are 


P.S. If a Kashmiri Pandit can be considered a Bhayya then surely BC bhau can 
be considered a Maharashtrawadi.

Re: [Goanet] Goan Educational System

2007-02-26 Thread Sunith Velho 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You long post still does not hide the fact that the only alternative you 
could think of (whether in jest or not) to a Goan youth being a waiter on a 
cruise liner was being a waiter in Goa.

Please note that the coastal communities are not nearly as economically 
disadvantaged as many from the hinterland.

A brief survey of professional colleges will show you that hinterland 
regions like Quepem, Sanvordem and Bicholim are much better represented than 
Calangute, Anjuna or Colva. You will also find that the middle class and 
lower middle class(economically speaking) vastly outnumber the upper middle 
class or rich in any professional Goan college, because they generally much 
more motivated to study.

This is strange considering that Coastal regions have much better acccess to 
a good education thanks to Church run institutions and the vast majority of 
residents are definitely middle class or above.

Why are most of the cries of outsiders taking over jobs and businesses from 
the coastal villages? Why are only Sashti taxi drivers complaining about 
lack of business?

Whether you like to admit it or not a large portion of the Gulfies or 
shippies who choose to return to Goa buy tourist taxis or open general 
stores( both of which are in excess supply). And whether you like it or not 
a large portion of youth from the coast have no aspirations other than 
simply going abroad(in whatever role and by any means) and returning to do 
the same.

When you talk about levelling the playing field betweeen the rich and the 
poor, just take a look around you anywhere in Goa and see how the erstwhile 
depressed classes now run most businesses and control most of the government 
while the coastal Catholic communities who have always had it better off are 

Are we expected to wait till the education system is upto American standards 
to start working hard? Are hours spent attacking Church run schools going to 
improve anyone's prospects? Is spouting nonsensical generalities (a GU 
degree is not recognised anywhere abroad or our youth can't find jobs as 
CEO's with their pass class Bachelor's degrees) the way to go?

Criticism like the kind Joe Vaz wrote can be constructive, but the nonsense 
we hear from Albert and Gllenda is nothing but a blame game. Unfortunately 
for them we know where the blame lies.


Re: [Goanet] Goa's Educational system

2007-02-25 Thread Sunith Velho 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Your suggestion(sarcastic) that Goan youth should "should stay in Goa 
serving cocktails and mocktails to lager louts" is precisely the low aiming 
blinkered mentality that ails most Goans(especially the coastal Catholic 
community).Goa has four engineering colleges, a medical college, two law 
colleges and a management insitute. Yet you can't seem to see a Goan youth 
in any other role other than serving lager, in Goa or abroad.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why the Goans from the 
coast(predominantly Catholics) are reaping the least benefit of Goa's 
tourism boom or the Indian economic boom. If you can't think beyond being a 
waiter or tourist taxi driver then  there is no point complaining that 
others now own all the restaurants, hotels, travel agenicies and shops. It 
is equally pointless to blame the education system when you can't find a job 
with a pass class non-professional degree.

Open your eyes to the opportunities available to most motivated young Goans 
today, tourism included.


Selma writes:
 It is those hapless fellows that make their way to the Gulf or work onboard 
Instead, they should stay in Goa serving cocktails andmocktails to lager 
louts, so that their children will
be inspired er motivated to do better in school. 

Re: [Goanet] Goa's educational system

2007-02-24 Thread Sunith Velho 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  If you would like to sponsor Goanet's operations contact:

  Herman Carneiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Goan Government's loan(IEFL) is not only interest free but has a 
repayment period of upto seven years. The best part is that you only start 
paying back once you have secured a job or one year after completion of your 
course(whichever is earlier). No collateral is required, just an undertaking 
from the parents that they will pay off the loan incase the student 

The most popular(and expensive) course  for higher studies in India is the 
MBA and it is of a very high standard in many colleges. It costs in the 
region of Rs. 3.5-5.0  lakhs in a top 20 college.

The average salary for an MBA from the Goa Institute of Management(where a 
Goan domicile gets an extra 10 points for the admission process) this year 
was about Rs. 7 lakhs per annum with a placement rate of over 90 %.

Encourage your youngsters to aim for the stars. If you  aim for the rooftops 
you know where you are going to land.

The problem with Goan education is that most students(especially Catholics 
from the Coastal belts) are lacking in motivation. Why bother with working 
hard in school when a job lifting crates in the Gulf, Paris or London awaits 
you. Exchange rates ensure that you can then do hard manual labour for the 
next fifteen years, return to your village, buy a gold chain/bracelet and 
open an STD booth/General store/Tourist taxi and bring up a your children 
with similar aims.

The best part is then you get to complain about bhailes taking jobs in Goa 
forgetting that your husband himself was a 'vhoilo' in the Gulf. You use an 
internet connection provided by bhailes. Your cell phone company/computer 
manufacturer/cruise ship or merchant navy company/food products/drinks are 
all owned by bhailes. GET OVER IT!!

Which school or higher secondary institution do yours and Albert's children 
go to. I'm sure if I'll be able to find numerous alumni from those same 
institutions who have gone on to do very well for themselves, especially if 
they are run by a Church or Sanvsthan. Are you up to the challenge??


Gllenda writes:
>>All cannot take loans. All cannot
>>go to america or australia for further studies. All cannot afford.

[Goanet] How others deal with diversity/ Re to Gabriel

2006-11-11 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Gabriel,

Have you not seen on Indian news channels, coverage of common people 
denouncing and burning effigies of government officials every other day.

Hyde Park seemed pretty tame to me compared to the anti-Government protests 
that regularly occur in India. Witness the current ones in Delhi for a 
better picture.

I also believe that anti-Country(as opposed to anti Government) propaganda 
is taken very seriously in all democracies. If you made anti-UK speeches in 
Hyde park, you would not get away with it  lightly(neither from the public 
nor the government).

I wonder if you can freely and openly do the same in your country of 

I believe the consitution of the vibrant democracy you choose to live in 
cosidered its indigenous people as part of the "fauna" till the 1970's and 
more recently race riots broke out over the use of a beach! Yet you seem to 
condescendingly question the way Indians are dealing with our diversity, us 
being probably the most diverse country in the world.

Your ideas of India and Indian democracy seem to be based less on fact and 
more on some sort of paranoia.

Sunith Velho

--- Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:
> Wouldn't you be jailed and or severely beaten up in
> India if you carried out anti-India propaganda
> today? India is still "sensitive" even though it may
> proclaim to be "democratic".

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Mauxi's Kani - now from China/response to Roland

2006-11-08 Thread Sunith Velho
Hi Roland,

It is a bit extreme to brand all Portuguese Red wines(Vinho Tinto) as being
of no consequence in taste or bouquet. The problem is that the Portuguese
wines that are exported to other countries (the most famous one being Mateus
Rose) are generally of the worst quality and are more suited to cooking! The
Red Wines from the Alentejo region in Portugal are definitely comparable to
the best Riojas from Spain, it would be rare to come across them anywhere
but a speciality wine store.

The Germans do the same with their beer, they keep the best for themselves
and export the rest. It is nearly impossible to get Augustiner or Hofbrau
outside of Germany though these are the local favourites in Munich(missing
from Gabe's wonderful list of beers!).


Sunith Velho

Roland writes:
With regard to Portuguese Moscatel, Grandjo and Tinto they being not
available in the Gulf liquor stores, it wasn't until I came to Canada that I
saw they are really of no consequence in taste, bouquet or by most other
wine standards. The Ports and Sherrys from Portugal and
Spain are world class though I suspect the brands of these two fortified
spirits available in Goa were far inferior to the norm.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goanet's Three Generations/response to Frederick

2006-11-08 Thread Sunith Velho
Hi Roland,

Contrary to your opinion, I think women are extremely logical and 
calculating(more so than most men!)
in most matters, except when these involve their spouses/boyfriends or
clothes.You daughter's present/future suitors will soon learn that!

Also from your post it seems like you are not the only one in your family
who is "telling it as he sees it", your daughter has inherited his trait


Roland writes:

She, Victoria, is equally intelligent, a little too too logical
for a woman but defintely politically correct and blah blah, blah,
just like the majority of the fairer species.

When I rant at home about the driving habits of the Chinese or the
lack of family values of the West Indians or the pronunciations of the
Filipinos, she is immediately on my case, saying "dad, you are a
racist, dad you are too old, or dad you're out of it.". He on the
other hand, will immediately butt in saying "dad is just telling it as
he sees it.".

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Initiating, Participating and Soapboxing/ reply to Cecil

2006-11-08 Thread Sunith Velho
Cecil writes:
Please conclusively, or at least credibly, prove that:
1) The divorce rate in Goa is spiralling
2) That pre and extra-marital sex is as prevalent in Goa as anywhere in the

Hi Cecil,

Please stop beating up on Selma. She was probably comparing the above
statistics in Goa to similar ones in her own youth.

I cannot comment on extra-marital sex, as very few of my friends are married 
and also because adults are more discreet about these matters than

However having lived in a couple of big cities in India and abroad, I must 
say that the pre-marital sex is much rarer in Goa than some of our big 
cities in the rest of India, Mumbai or Bangalore (even Jaipur!) for

To compare it to London or Europe would be a wishful thinking(for Goan
youngsters atleast!).

There are no published statstics to back up my above statements but they are
based on the statistics of un-married European/Indian/Goan friends of mine
as well as my own astute observations in this matter :)). These are in no
way conclusive but are quite credible.

Sunith Velho

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Lost tribe of Africa, Mestizoes, Anglo-Indians and East/ reply to Selma

2006-11-04 Thread Sunith Velho
Hi Selma,

I fully agree with Mario here. While the East Indians are culturally quite
different from other Maharastrian or Catholic communities, they do identify
themselves as Maharashtrians and more particulalry as the original
indigenous inhabitants of Mumbai(a fact of which they are proud of!). Infact
the East Indians I know speak Marathi at home, though they have a good
command of the English language.

Your point that East-Indians consider themselves as ethnically different
from the rest of India(anymore than say, the Manglorean Catholics or Sikhs)
is a bit far fetched to anyone who has had friends from that community.

Cultural diversity is one of the reasons we are proud to be Indian. India
shows that people who don't share a religion, language or customs can still
get along as one(sometimes...). Why shouldn't we celebrate that. As Mario
eloquently puts it "No one in India obsesses on such cultural minutiae, it
doesn't take away from being Indian.."

If the East Indians should be solely described as Maharashtrian then surely
we will have to do the same with Mumbai-Goans, Parsis, Bene Israel Jews,
Anglo Indians and other communities that make up Mumbai.

Amusingly, when I was in working in Mumbai some of my Goan(descent)
friends(from Orlem and Bandra) used to make fun of our East Indian friends
because they were too "local" and not westernised enough. Interestingly many
of these friends had a knowledge of Konkani that consisted of ten words at
most and a picture of Goa that didn't extend beyond their ancestral village,
Anjuna raves or Tito's.

To misquote you misquoting Azeglio "we have created an India, it is time to
create some Goan Indians"

Sunith Velho

I became convinced, that there is no
> justification for a separate ethnic listing.
> The facts of the case can be condensed as followers:
> The worked for the East Indian Company.
> They were converted to Christianity.
> They owned large tracts of land in Bombay which were
> taken over by the government.
Mario observes:
I'm not sure why you are having such a hard time with
acknowledging the distinctive community called "East
Indians".  They are all Maharashtrians and acknowledge
themselves as such, and the term not only identifies
them as Catholics, but distinguishes them from Goan
and Mangalorean Catholics.  Its no more serious than

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Use of Siddis/ reply to Carmo

2006-11-02 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

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Re: [Goanet] A woman without a culture of her own/response to Oscar

2006-10-31 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Dear Oscar,

If Goanet was made up of intolerant bigots such as yourself there would be 
nothing for RKN to be thankful for.

Please remember he is as much a part of this forum as you, me or the other 
7000 Goanetters.

If you are looking to score some brownie points with like minded intolerant 
people such as yourself, I suggest you look elsewhere. Keep your painfully 
aged ideas of "Goan Air/Land" where they belong(in the dustbins of the 

Sunith Velho

--- Oscar Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mr. RKN - You should be privileged to be a
> subscriber of Goanet.  Grow up
> and be indebted that you are privy to our Goan
> Digest, Goan air and our
> properties in Goa.
> How many of us are your subscribers, if you have a
> Digest of your own!
> Oscar Lobo 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Mario's propagated myths about Goanetters

2006-10-22 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Mario writes:
Hey, Sunith,
Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you one of those
misrepresenting the opinion of a certified physician
on this forum recently?

Sunith responds:

You are wrong.

 Can you please answer the following question.
 1. Can anyone quote the journal and article here Gilbert's(the certified 
physician in question) fictitious mice
experiment with its nonsensical conclusions was published ??

Sunith Velho

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Foreign Students Account for Nearly 80% of S&E Doctorates Awarded in America

2006-10-20 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Hi Carmo,

You really do have difficulty in providing facts when asked for, and it is 
you who continue to embarass yourself in this forum.I have provided you with 
the latest official statsics from the National Science foundation but you 
have provided me with a research article that says just

(quote)"Indeed, in a number of highly ranked engineering schools, 
international students account for nearly 80 percent of doctoral students, 
while in fields such as law they rank as low as one percent"(endquote)

How does this prove to anyone but the mentally challeneged that of the 900 
doctorates awarded in computer science 80 % are awared to Indians?

You further provide proof of your ignorance when you claim that Information 
Science and Computer Science are wholly unrelated. In most colleges in India 
as well as abroad the degree is called Computer and Information Sciences. I 
have done my Bachelors in Engineering in India and am doing my Masters in 
the UK, I am well aware of techinical courses and degrees.

Then we are given this gem " ...I quoted was restricted to the very highly 
skilled field of COMPUTER SCIENCE - instead you referred to aggregates of 
the relatively easier fields of computer/ electrical engineering which are 
typically dominated by white Americans.."

Do you ever read what you write?? Can you provide any data to support your 
claim that Computer Science is more difficult than Computer/Electrical 
engineering?? Are you aware that software companies in India provide first 
preference to Computer Engineers rather than BSc./MSc graduates in Computer 
Science. I had asked you to wake up to the real world once before, but 
obviously your eyes are still shut.

Finally, your complete ignorance is revelaled in your below statement

(quote)"But for us IITians, our educated guesses and speculations are as 
good or better than painstaking research done by you  non-engineers."(quote)

There is no use arguing with such garbage!

Did your brain perhaps get a bit mushy while praciticing hanging upside down 
from crosses or is the foam annd froth still in your eyes.

Sunith Velho

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Misinformation regarding cancer/response to Cornel

2006-10-20 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Hi Cornel,

Thank you for your kind words but I must say Mario's posts have no effect on 
me neither personally nor professionally.

Unfortunately he will never grasp the difference between knowledge and 
wisdom because he has none of the former and laughably claims to possess the 

This is obvious from his complete inability to answer a simple question 
which I will now repeat.

1. Can anyone quote the journal and article here Gilbert's ficticious mice 
experiment with its nonsensical conclusions was published ??

It really is disappointing to see an educated(?) adult behave in the 
childish manner that Mario sometimes does.

Sunith Velho

Cornel writes:
How utterly preposterous and disgraceful, on a community site for a
poster to scornfully say to a young Indian intending overseas student that:
"as a developing scholar who fancies himself to have a half-way decent
command of English but still hasn't grasped the difference between knowledge
and wisdom ...etc?"

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] IIT /Indian propagated myths about America

2006-10-19 Thread Sunith Velho
Hi Selma,

I saved you the trouble of finding the statistics mentioned by Carmo. He is
way off the mark and is just propagating a commonly held misconception.

If one studies the statistics for the number of Doctoral scientists and
engineers by race/ethnicity you will find of a total of 685,300 an
overwhelming 535,600(78%) are White and only 108,150 are Asian(15%). So the 
will form an even smaller percentage since Asians include Indians,
Pakistanis, Chinese, etc.

Refer to for further

The situation is slightly better in Computer Sciences and significantly
better in Computer Engineering, but nowhere is the percenatage of Indians
even close to 80%. It is really disappointing to see an IITian providing
such misinformation but then again we are well used to fake experiments and
random statistics on this forum.

Sunith Velho

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] IIT /Indian propagated myths about America

2006-10-18 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Selma and Roland,

In all probability it is true that the students from Harvard and Yale failed 
the IIT entrance exam. This does not reflect on their intelligence but just 
on the extremely wide scope and high level of the IIT-JEE exam. My friends 
who got into IIT started studying for the entrance exam(separate from normal 
school studies) 5 years beforehand i.e. when they were in the eight grade. I 
have studied and answered that exam and I can tell you that it is extremely 
hard. The level of Physics Chemistry and Maths is more suited for graduates 
in those streams than for highschool students.

To get into Harvard and Yale they consider your SAT scores, extra-curricular 
activities, references, etc. There is no way most undergraduates from MIT or 
any other Ivy-League university would pass that exam for the simple reason 
that they have never studied 75% of the topics on the IIT-JEE exam. 
Similarly there is no way any Indian student would get into an IIT without 
studying exclusively for the entrance exam for at least 2-5 years or going 
for special coaching classes(which is the norm today).

But the good news for IIT's and India ends there. The under graduates all 
leave for jobs or higher studies abroad. As a result to get into the post 
graduate courses in IIT is much easier and Phd programmes even easier. To 
get into postgraduate courses in top universities abroad  meanwhile is 
tougher and to do your PhD even tougher.

The result of all this is that the amount of research(industry sponsored) 
and paper publication in IIT's is much less than say MIT, Caltech, Imperial, 
etc. In fact it is in no way comparable. Just for your reference, The annual 
budget of IIT Powai is about $21.3 million a third of which comes from 
sponsored research. The annual budget of MIT is roughly $1 billion out of 
which $250 million comes conducting sponsored research. The innovation and 
cutting edge research carried out in MIT and other top universities abroad 
is years ahead of our IIT's.

Lastly, please don't blame those poor parents who send their children back 
to India for early schooling. If you are looking purely at technical fields 
such as engineering and sciences there is no doubt that Asian high school 
students are way ahead of their Western counterparts. It is one of the 
reasons that in my course here in England there is not a single 
British(Caucasian) member, not even in the teaching staff !! The only 
Europeans in my course are Greeks (who are outstanding mathematicians I must 
admit!). The same is in other top technical colleges in London, I have been 
told(Cornel should be able to shed some light on this). No one here is 
interested in studying anything related to the sciences.

It is not a matter of "garlanding" any one system with accolades, but you 
have to admit the one that works best is the one that produces what 
economies require. Here in England  they are importing doctors. engineers, 
architects and scientists at a mad rate from abroad in spite of having the 
best schools in the world for theses fields here. While this is going on 
you hear young people here complaining on how difficult it is to find a good 
job. The same is the situation in the rest of Europe among youngsters. That 
really get you thinking! Society needs philosophers, artists, political 
scientists, etc but all this has to be balanced by what the economy needs. 
Maybe you could shed some light on the situation of young graduates in 
America and Canada.

Sunith Velho 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Misinformation regarding cancer

2006-10-15 Thread Sunith Velho
Hi Mario,

Can you please follow your own advice and stop boring us with repeated mails 
on this topic(especially since there is no trash section on Goanet to divert 
boring mails to!). By your logic you are even less qualified to comment on 
this topic than Santosh. You are neither a medic and nor a researcher, being 
a cancer survivor does not make you an authority on the scientific aspect of 
this topic either.

Here in College, I have access to vast databases of scientific papers(some 
of the largest in the world) and I could not find a single experiment in the 
last few years that matched Gilbert's FICTITIOUS mouse experiment with its 
nonsensical conclusions. It is more likely he read about the experiment in a 
newspaper rather than a scientific journal.

In PLAIN English let me once again ask.

Can you or Gilbert please provide for the benefit of the scientists on this 
forum the name and date of the journal where the mouse experiment (carried 
out a few years ago) that Gilbert was referring to was published?

I hope you don't wriggle out of this simple question by quoting the same 
experiment Dr. Jayant referred to which was carried out in the seventies and 
not a "few years ago". I wouldn't be surprised if the first time either of 
you heard about the scientific details of that experiment was through Dr 
Jayant's post.

It was very easy to find the one Dr. Jayant mentioned because he is 
obviously well versed in research methodologies and publishing papers. Hence 
he provides references, unlike  Gilbert who was completely unable to do so 
when asked(for obvious reasons!).


Sunith Velho

Mario Goveia writes:
Here is what Dr. Helekar, a medical researcher who is
not qualified to treat any cancer patients had said
Again, my advice as a cancer survivor who faced a
significant probability of not surviving a rare form
of cancer for more than 5 years is that if you develop
symptoms of ANY cancer, please consult a practicing
The last people you want to waste your precious time
on are academics and researchers 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-10-02 Thread Sunith Velho
Mario wrote:
 As further proof, you went out of your way to misquote
Gilbert in order to make your point.
The actual quote after the mice experiment is as
"So "old grand-mothers' tales" are not to be ignored
except at our own peril!"
Previously Gilbert had said, "Many a time, we "mock" peoples' beliefs as 
myths or "Old grandmothers' tale"Yet, often "Old grandmothers' observations" 
are on orclose to the mark."

Sunith responds:
Mario, please go through the post again and tell me what comes immediately 
after the mice expeiment. Please take your time and stop foolishly and 
falsely accusing me of misquoting anyone. I can convert it to audio format 
and send it to you if you are having trouble reading.

The following quote appears in Gilberts Post in Goanet Digest 327 under the 
Subject line "Re: Science as Religion / response to Fred (Gilbert Lawrence)"

(Quote)A few years ago, an experiment was undertaken where a batch of mice 
were injected with an identical quantity (volume)  of aggressive cancer 
cells.  As expected the mice developed multiple tumors (metastasis) in the 
lung.  Half the mice were then operated to remove tumors from just one lung. 
The other half of the batch of mice did not undergo any surgery.  The mice 
were then followed.  The mice with their tumor (partly) removed died much 
earlier than the group where the tumors in both lungs were allowed to grow 
uninterrupted.  Thus the grandmother's observation was accurate.(End of 

So I ask again, Does this paragraph not clearly (no biases involved, just 
plain English) state that the mice experiment has proved the "grandmothers 
kani" as accurate? Of course he falls over his own point in the next 
paragraph when he gives the actual scientific explanation for the results.

Sunith Velho 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Section 377/reply to Selma

2006-10-01 Thread Sunith Velho

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Dear Selma(or the person holding her ransom!),

Should single mothers also be denied this "right" to raise children? They 
too do not fall in the category of a two-gender family. Is the government 
then going to legislate and control fundamental biological processes? Why 
don't us Indians just invite the Chinese to take us over and save us all 
this trouble of the democracy experiment?

What about divorce then. Once a couple has children, should divorce be 
banned? Since obviously it is not best for the emotional well being of a 
child to be brought up in shared/single custody.

If a murderer marries a drug dealer, they are allowed to have and raise 
kids, are we going to deny that right to well intentioned same sex couples. 
Many of these kids will come from adoption homes(in the case of male 
homosexuals). Are adoption homes better for a child's emotional well being 
than two loving parents? Heterosexual couples can have kids and leave them 
at adoption homes, but homosexuals can't adopt and raise them?

Where is the consistency in your argument? What are you actually trying to 
say? Are you just portraying yourself as a defender of equal rights because 
it is fashionable or because you truly believe in equality regardless of 
race, gender or sexual orientation? You strongly object to the word 
"bonkmaro" and then to come out with these views that are clearly 
homophobic(not withstanding your legendary faghag status). There is a 
difference between being politically correct and being liberal in thought.

Sunith Velho

P.S. Please do not accuse me of distorting your views. They are clearly 
mentioned under.

Selma writes:
However, the "right" to raise children
> is another matter. I for one, hope that India does
> not encourage any such moves. Not because I think
> homosexuals are incapable of raising good moral
> human beings, but because I earnestly feel that the
> emotional well being of a child is best served in a
> two-gender family. 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-30 Thread Sunith Velho

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Dear Santosh,

The problem in arguing with Gilbert is that the "point" of his posts keeps 
changing(now it happens in the same post, amazing!), that is why I once 
warned you against it. He is completely incapable of arguing point-counter 
point, and chooses instead to launch into long sermons interspersed with 
self patronising comments, bigotry and the occasional  inapt use of Konkani 
phrases(as we have seen in the past use of bhamto, petoita muree, fugdi, 

This time around everyone was first informed (quote) often "Old 
grandmothers' observations" are on or close to the mark. While their 
explanations for the observations may be unknown or not necessarily be 
correct, only a pseudo-scientist will disregard their observations.(unquote)

In the very next line, following the description of the mice 
study/experiment we are further informed(quote)Thus the grandmother's 
observation was accurate.(end of quote)

We were later warned (quote) So "old grand-mothers' tales" are not to be 
ignored except at our own peril! (end of quote)

In between these two preaching's was the only informative part of the post 
which was (quote) The current explanation for this (statistical significant) 
observation is that the surgery depresses the immune system, allowing the 
tumours to now behave and grow even more aggressively.  Hence cancer surgery 
has undergone and is undergoing significant shift. (end of quote)

To a lay person there were clearly TWO points, no distortion at all !. The 
first was regarding latest cancer treatment(very informative). The next one 
was regarding the validation of a long standing "grandmother's observation" 
by a scientific experiment(pure nonsense!). It was clearly this second point 
you wanted to contradict and I have clearly seen that as has anyone with a 
half-decent command of the English language.

Sunith Velho

Santosh writes:
I humbly request Gilbert not
to put words in my mouth or to point to Frederick's or
anyone else's mischaracterization of my views. And I
ask readers not to rely on someone else's opinion of
what I said or implied. I trust Gilbert would try to
understand and respect this simple principle of any
public discourse. 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Inconvenient Truth /response to Nasci

2006-09-24 Thread Sunith Velho

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Dear Nasci,

That was one of the most bigoted and  ill-informed pieces of writing I have 
read in a long time.

The purpose of discussion is to learn and not to "let of steam". Your 
prejudices are too deep rooted and you will notice that this is one of the 
reasons no one bothers to reply to any of your posts.

I will stop doing so from this post onwards.

Sunith Velho

 Can you not see the point I have been trying to
 make, on this forum, whenever I can; that India's
 backwardness in almost all respects, is due to it's
 'unholy and weird culture' that is intrinsically
 against any change for the better; .
> Thank you for reading me; its been good letting off
> steam!
> Nasci Caldeira
> Melbourne, Down Under.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Inconvenient Truth /response to Nasci

2006-09-23 Thread Sunith Velho

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Dear Nasci,

I always try to put issues in their proper context, after all India as a 
self governed territory is just 59 years old, and Goa much younger. Do not 
mistake this for defensiveness. I also prefer solutions rather than 
monotonous rants about problems. I am sure you are aware of the old saying 
"If you are not part of the solution..."

Interestingly, when they asked Gandhiji what he thought about Western 
civilisation he replied "They could use some!".

The first time I visited my grandmother's house in Velim, I was horrified at 
the "pig toilet" they used there. Is it because we in Panjim were civilised 
and those in Velim "hopeless", or just a matter of putting things in their 
proper context.

Thanks for your kind wishes.

Sunith Velho

Nasci Writes:

Nasci feels and it does look like, you have already
returned from UK, at least in mind and spirit;
considering that you have now accepted some of the
'Inconvenient Truth' and are no longer absurdly
defensive about some of Goan/Indian failures.

You are now truly enlightened! Just like Mohandas
Gandhi did when he left his chappals and his hopeless
Gujerat and went to study in England and became
enlightened! Do you know that this Gandhi found it
tough to comprehend that one can do his daily
excretions in a clean and tiled toilet rather than
under the banyan tree! 

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] An Incovenient truth/Mario

2006-09-22 Thread Sunith Velho

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Mario writes:
What continues to confound me, however, is the utter lack of civic sense and 
respect in India for the physical space of the general public and one's 
neighbors.  This manifests itself in the urinating and
defecating in public, the spitting and throwing of thrash wherever one can 
get away with it and the strange transformation from sane to insane as soon 
as a car door closes behind the driver.

Sunith responds:
Actually what is truly confounding is how Indians are obsessed with personal 
and domestic hygiene, and once out of their house doors all sense of hygiene 
is lost.

The traffic situation is completely beyond my understanding. We have the 
highest accident rate in the world and everyone knows too many people die in 
traffic accidents here, but no one cares. I know of at  least 5 class mates 
and many more family members and acquaintances who have died in vehicle 
accidents (an abnormal figure anywhere else in the world), yet adherence to 
traffic rules has only gotten worse. Witness the massive protests against 
wearing of helmets and compulsory seat belts. Goans have proven that wearing 
helmets causes hair loss, and hair loss is one of the prime causes of motor 
cycle related deaths the world over! I remember when the protests against 
helmets were going on, my company driver told me of an incident in his 
village where a dumper truck(weighing over 10 tons) ran over a fellow 
villager, and that the helmet did nothing to save his life. So obviously 
helmets were useless and just another money making ploy.

Maybe it has something to do with the Indian brain and the sound of shutting 
of doors! Once a door is shut(car or house) reason and intelligence 

Sunith Velho

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Are Goans Homophobe/response to Mario

2006-09-21 Thread Sunith Velho

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Hi Mario,

I think you could end this argument by simply clarifying what "stuffing it 
in your face" would involve.

Most people seem to have interpreted it as, you support homosexuality as 
long as you dont see homosexuals displaying affection in public. If that is 
true and you have the same position on heterosexuals displaying affection in 
public, then no one can accuse you of being a homophobe.

I for one interpreted it as, you have no problem with homosexuals as long as 
they don't hit on you... :)) Fair enough, I guess.

Sunith Velho


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Valmikis article

2006-09-20 Thread Sunith Velho

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Floriano writes:
Only 'Chakas'  will cover for the likes of Sanjiths. (I believe Chaka - Chak
was derived from the word 'CHAKA' meaning Enuch, Izdo)

Sunith responds:
That is really mature of you  Mr. Floriano! (Moderators please note the use 
of foul language to back an illogical argument)

Now lets return to my orginal point.
"I am yet to witness the ANY good work done by all those who insulted 
Sanjith and the campaign on this forum, unless of course lengthy mails, 
abuse and completely un-feasible ideas can be counted as work."

Sunith Velho

- Original Message -
From: "Sunith Velho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Valmiki's article

> Dear Clinton,
> Don't worry, most residents of Panjim are well aware of the benefits of
> chak-a-chak campaign. The best part of it was the super participation of
> school students in the campaign made possible entirely by the hard work of
> youngsters such as yourself. We all know the reason why Panjim is stinking
> again and it does not involve Sanjith nor the campaign.
> I am yet to witness the ANY good work done by all those who insulted
> and the campaign on this forum, unless of course lengthy mails, petty
> and completely un-feasible ideas can be counted as work. Also please stop
> providing statistics and figures as they will be refuted by illogical
> observations and a few personal insults :))
> Keep up the brilliant environmental awareness work you are doing and
> the ramblings of a few individuals frustrated by the sudden lack of
> attention and molly coddling they face.
> Regards
> Sunith Velho
>  I take the below the belt punch at the chaka chak campaign personally as
> was
> one of the few that was involved in that campaign. We spend a number of
> and nights, often skipping lunches to get the programme underway. 25
> were invited, 300 students actively participated in a door to door
> campaign, mass awareness material like educational videos and information
> sheets was generated, a 4 day exhibition on alternates to plastics was
> organized, and the outcome of all this was increased awareness, and
> segregation at source. Quality of segregation was 60% before the campaign,
> and
> after, it was 80 -90%. The reason Panjim stinks is because of an
> government and uncaring citizens. Don?t just blame Sanjit because of a
> personal matter between you and him. Acknowledge the fact that he worked
> towards the solution instead of just sitting quiet.
> ___
> Goanet mailing list

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Inconvenient truths/ Final response to Filomena Giese

2006-09-20 Thread Sunith Velho

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Hi Filomena,

While you didn't say "abolish" in the article this is what you wrote in a 
follow up response " I will let the reader decide who is more "elitist"- me, 
who believes that all slums should be abolished
in today's wealthy India ". (end of quote)

The word "menace" I believe was used by another netter in response to your 
article. (That post is what made me respond!).

Just clarifying. I do not wish to continue this argument any further.

Sunith Velho

Filomena writes:

You have read more into what I wrote in my list of observations on today's 
Goa than was actually there.
You had me callling slums a "menace" in an earlier post.  Now you imply to 
the reader that I had proposed
that slums be abolished. 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] An Inconvenient truth

2006-09-19 Thread Sunith Velho

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Well said Mario, I couldn't have put it better myself !

This is what I have been struggling to try and make people understand 
(especially those living abroad).

The USA has allowed a Goan immigrant such as yourself to fulfil your 
aspirations. Would it not be incredibly selfish if you were to deny that 
opportunity to a fellow Indian who wishes to do the same in Goa. I believe 
the fact that you have lived and worked in the rest of India (in areas 
besides the Goan dominated Bandra, Dhobitalao,etc) has to do with your 
balanced and sensible views on this subject.

Sunith Velho

Mario writes:
As one who considers his ancestry to be Indian first and Goan second, I 
accept this as a fact of India's development, partly caused by Goans 
themselves as they have followed their individual dreams across India and 
the world.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Inconvenient truths about Goa/Sunith

2006-09-19 Thread Sunith Velho

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Dear Filomena,

Finally we are on the same page. I never had a problem with your 
observations per se but just how they were worded.

Rehabilitation sounds so much better than abolish doesn't it. And 
acknowledging poverty as the issue instead of slum structures is far more 

Actually what China does is limit the amount of migration into the booming 
cities. If you are from the country side you have to have a special pass to 
be in the cities(They stole Selma's brilliant idea!). Hence they have far 
fewer problems related to urban housing than us. This is sometimes referred 
to as a "democracy tax" Indians pay vis-a-vis China. Though I have never 
been to China, friends who were lucky enough to visit the countryside(it 
requires special permission to do so) say that there is a bigger rich-poor 
divide there than in India.

The "Maoists" in India are more commonly referred to as "Naxalites" and have 
thus far restricted themselves to the countryside.

Thanks for the many replies.

Sunith Velho

- Original Message - 
From: "Filomena Giese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sunith Velho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Inconvenient truths about Goa/Sunith

> 3.  Your 3 questions -
> 1. Where do you intend to send the slum dwellers once
> the slums are
> abolished?
> -  Improving services, sanitation, housing in slums,
> and paying better wages is not the same as abolishing
> slums.  For decades, peasants and the urban poor in
> India  have been agitating against the oppression and
> exploitation of the poor.  They are called "Maoists" I
> believe and they use terrorism to force results.
> 2. Is it not better to focus on fixing the villages
> rather than demolishing  structures in cities?
> -  China has a policy to do exactly this.  Maybe India
> has a policy like this.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] An Inconvenient Truth - Must authority turn a blind eye/ Sunith's reponse

2006-09-19 Thread Sunith Velho

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Dear Roland,

Its not that I don't see your point, its just that I don't agree with it 
from a Goan perspective. I'll leave it at that. Quality of life and 
happiness will always remain subjective, so I cant argue on who has the 
better life me or you. Walking through forests makes me happy, while walking 
through well organised concrete jungles might make you.

One quick response to your question though.

Roland writes:
Do you wish to say Sunith, that if everyone thinks speeding and 
drunk-driving is harmless and indulges in it, despite the law, the cops are 
not going to be held responsible for enforcing those laws? I shall be every 
interested in your reply.

Sunith responds:
In Goa most people think drunk-driving(driving above the alcohol limit) is 
harmless. When you are stopped by the cops at the night checks(nakabandi), 
no alcohol tests are done though legislation allows for that. The point I'm 
trying to make is who is going to hold the cops responsible for this. The 
voters/citizens should be the ones, but because they think its harmless this 
is simply not an issue. Hence all the alcometers are being used by the cops 
to check if their colleagues are drunk on duty (because the higher 
ups/people are aware that drinking on duty is irresponsible). Point made! 
Thanks for the opportunity.

Sunith Velho

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Inconvenient Truths/ reponse to Selma

2006-09-19 Thread Sunith Velho

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Hi Selma,

All this encouragement is unnecessary. As any brain researcher will tell 
you, the best work done by scientists/researchers is before they reach the 
age of 30. So I have a distinct advantage :))

There was an ad-campaign on Indian TV called "the power of one". It had 
various people like The Mahatma, Mother Theresa, MLK Jr. who have single 
handedly increased awareness and brought about change that impacted millions 
of lives. Rudy Giuliani might fit into that category also. However these 
personalities are a rare combination of will power AND ability.

I am completely incapable of any such actions. I believe in the power of the 
masses, and would rather work towards empowering them through education or 
support of causes that seek to do so.

I don't think I'll be plagiarising any of your ideas in college papers 
unless you can provide me with some brilliantly analytical insights into 
telecommunications :))

Sunith Velho

Selma writes:
First I applaud you because as young as you are, you've certainly held your 
own in this argument, that
too being up against a Dotor, a formidable Roland and lovable me :))

While education and information are at the core of change, I would like to 
cite Rudy Giuliani as an example of how change can occur through sheer will 

Sometimes, we need to be propelled by need and winged by desire to bring 
about change. (Now don't you go
plagiarising my quote for one of your term papers, this is an original. Good 
luck in London :)) 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Heritage Homes

2006-09-19 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Dear Helga,

It was not the Peres ladies who preserved that house but an enterprising 
NRI-return Mr. Varun Sood. The house in question was falling apart and 
abandoned before he bought it. He also owns a wonderful boutique hotel 
called Siolim House.

Most of the boutique hotels in Goa, are old houses that were bought and 
refurbished by Indians not from Goa. Some enterpreneurs like Sheela 
Dhody(Case Britona, Casa Baga,etc) are rumoured to have atleast 20 similar 
properties. Non-goan Indians are at the forefront of this great initiative 
that preserves our architectural heritage and makes loads of money at the 
same time. Rest assured that there are more old Goan houses serving as 
hotels than there are havelis in Jaipur.

Sunith Velho

Helga writes:
That's why its truly commendable that the Peres ladies not only preserved
their beautiful house in San Pedro for their future generations but allowed
everyone else a chance to enjoy it too.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] An Inconconvenient Truth

2006-09-18 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Roland,

Thanks for your reply. First of all this is  free forum. Anyone can comment 
on any topic. If some thought goes behind the suggestions, all the better.

Let me address your concerns point wise

Roland writes:
Having said that, Filomena Giese's original post was merely about 
observations on the situation prevailing in Goa albeit from smoky
western lenses.However, sometimes from an outside and therefore unbiased 
outlook, we must tell it as we see it, whether people resident there feel
defensive or not, as you are so obviously feeling.

Sunith responds:
My main objection to the article was the observation that slums need to be 
eradicated because they spoil scenic beauty. No mention was made about 
poverty. The article was definitely biased against non-Goans and the poor. 
So I reject your contention that views from outside are unbiased. What would 
I have to be defensive about? I am well aware that there are regions of the 
world much more developed than Goa. I am also aware that there are a number 
of issues that need to be addressed in Goa, but these are not independent 
from the rest of India's problems. I am further aware that when I was in 
Goa, I had a lifestyle that  compared to the rich and famous here in 
London(despite being neither particularly rich nor famous!).

Roland writes:
For example you quickly sidestep the issue of enforcement of existing 
legislation with telling us how civic attitudes are slowly being made to 
change from school levels upwards.

Sunith responds:
These issues are not independent. Law enforcement is done by human beings 
not machines. If no one thinks littering is wrong, the cops are not going to 
be held responsible for not enforcing anti-littering laws.

It works like this. Children get aware through education at school. They 
then become voters, bureaucrats or politicians. If all three sections are 
civically aware, positive change follows. If children grow up civically 
unaware, what you get is the present generation of voters, bureaucrats and 
politicians( Uncaring and selfish!). Have you noticed the massive awareness 
campaigns that accompany recycling/garbage campaigns in the West and how 
these mostly feature children(sometimes making fun of adults)? Why are none 
of the western voices on this forum studying how these problems were solved 
in their cities and giving suggestions based on that. Why are magical cures 
being propagated (e.g. Politicians must be made more accountable... how it 
is to be done in today's context no one mentions). That is why when Mario 
comments on economics I study the suggestions(though not fully agree with 

Roland writes:
Iinculcating civic awareness relies more on idealism which by itself is not 
a bad thing, but teaching it to slumdwellers eking out a iving, builders, 
crooks, and corrupt bureaucrats and politicians who are in the terrible 
majority takes a long long time. Time that a quickly depreciating Goa cannot 

Sunith responds:
I completely disagree. Ask Clinton Vaz how environmental awareness is 
increasing exponentially among school kids today. See how in turn how kids 
are making their parents more aware. No idealism, just plain reality. Of 
course no one from abroad sees this in their two week holiday in Goa. Is 
anyone aware that almost 1/3 of Goa is protected forest? Is anyone aware of 
efforts being made to preserve ecology(forest, beaches, turtles,..) by 
brilliant forest officials such as Paresh Porob.

The coastal regions are developing exactly the type of economies the locals 
there desire.

Time is not running out for anyone except the nostalgic goan who wishes for 
the Goa of his youth. Things are not perfect there, but please stop with the 
doomsday predictions.

Sunith Velho

Dear Sunith,

Usually I do not comment on situations prevailing in Goa, since
although I wish well for my ancestral land, I do believe that it is
those who are living there who must either accept or change what

We overseas Goans must help when it is asked for, or help when we see
the need for it, without telling Goans who have a stake in living
there, how to go about it.

Having said that, Filomena Giese's original post was merely about
observations on the situation prevailing in Goa albeit from smoky
western lenses. I say 'smoky' because what we consider unacceptable
due to our own experiences here, is either acceptable or not worth the
efforts to change. for those living in those situations.

However, sometimes from an outside and therefore unbiased outlook, we
must tell it as we see it, whether people resident there feel
defensive or not, as you are so obviously feeling.

For example you quickly sidestep the issue of enforcement of existing
legislation with telling us how civic attitudes are slowly being made
to change from school levels upwards. Practically speaking, when you
are in school, your outlook is sheltered and 'staged' by your

Re: [Goanet] Sleeping with windows open/response to Velho

2006-09-18 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Selma,

I agree it was a bit extreme on my part to lump your idea of labour control 
along with organ harvesting.

Please note that I completely agree(ungrudgingly) that the West today is as 
you state "more organised, more civically responsible, more administratively 
efficient and more politically transparent than systems currently operating 
in Goa". However these systems cannot be magically transplanted into Goa(as 
long as it is a democracy), they are an end-result of a long process of 
societal development. If you look back to London or New York in the early 
1900's you will find that political corruption, ghettos/slums, environmental 
degradation, etc were very present. Expat goans such as yourself however 
were not. Is this perhaps the reason for the numerous quick-fix solutions 
being dished out on this forum?

Also, please provide in defence of your labour control idea one democratic 
country where this idea has been successfully implemented. How on earth 
would we manage to achieve this in India? Wouldn't similar restrictions have 
to be placed on Goans moving to other parts of India. This would result in 
my whole engineering batch of 60 students(all Goans) being unemployed. What 
sense would that make? Frankly speaking, organ harvesting can be implemented 
far more easily than labour control :))

India has changed dramatically since the 1990's. As I have mentioned before, 
goan professionals are known all over India to be intelligent, hardworking 
and possessing great communication skills. This is a welcome change from the 
"sussegad" tab goans are usually burdened with. There is no more "amche" and 
"bhaile/voile" among young professionals, because most of them are working 
outside Goa. Hence please expect strong opposition in the future to any 
labour control idea.

The "good old days" argument was specific to the above subject line, please 
do not take it personally.

Sunith Velho

- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sunith Velho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Goa's premiere mailing list, 
estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Sleeping with windows open/response to Velho

> Dear Velho,
> Because you have lumped my brilliant idea :))
> alongwith organ harvesting, I feel duty bound to
> defend it.
> First of all, I notice that any post, opinion or
> advice by expat Goans has an immediate knee-jerk
> reaction from Goans in Goa. There is no need to carry
> your bag of chips so tediously into every argument.
> Expat Goans may for most part be alienated from the
> realities of Goa, but they mean well. Furthermore, you
> have to, however grudgingly, accept the fact that the
> West is more organised, more civically responsible,
> more administratively efficient and more politically
> transparent than systems currently operating in Goa.
> It is to this end, that expats wonder why these same
> systems cannot be transplanted into Goa.
> Ofcourse the reality is that Goa doesn't have the
> infrastructure in terms of the discipline, will or
> institutions that are needed to make possible the
> order that resides in the West.
> It is close-minded of you to disregard every
> suggestion made based purely on the premise that
> expats wish either for the "good ole days" or put
> forward suggestions out of touch with actuality. Some
> of the suggestions may have merit, some maybe workable
> within a few years and yes some of them are to be
> disregarded but surely every suggestion merits
> discussion at least and not outright disdain.
> selma
> ---
> --- Sunith Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Development will bring with it numerous changes(good
>> and bad). It is or duty
>> to see that the cost to the environment and society
>> is not excessive. It is
>> towards that aim we must strive. Ideas such as visa
>> for Indians, labour
>> control agencies, organ harvesting, mass emigration
>> to the west, return to
>> fascist justice, etc. are pretty lame besides being
>> completely un-feasible.
>> Regards
>> Sunith Velho
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Inconvenient truths about Goa

2006-09-18 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Filomena,

Thank you for your detailed reply.

Perhaps having lived in a semi-authoritarian state like Singapore is one of 
the reasons our views differ regarding how effective Government legislation 
is in deterring public nuisances.
Let me give you a few examples of how this is working out in Goa and the 
rest of India.

1. Smoking is banned by law in all public places in Goa. Do you think this 
has made any difference? However the anti-tobacco campaigns in school and 
the media have proven to be far more effective.
2. Littering and urinating in public is punishable by law in all of Goa, why 
is it that Panjim is cleaner than Margao? Is the much maligned "Panjim 
chak-a-chak" and preceding school campaign responsible  for this?
3. Employing of underage labour is strictly banned in India, yet numerous 
Goan households employ tribal girls illegally.
4. India has extremely strict anti-caste discrimination laws, yet the system 

Isn't it obvious that in a democratic setup, legislation is of limited use 
without civic awareness? This is especially true in India were legislation 
is not backed by effective law enforcement. Of course people in Panjim(on 
the whole) are more aware than the rest of Goa. It is not a question of 
"enlightenment" as you very wrongly and derogatorily put it

My problem with your article is that the blame for our ills is placed solely 
on the government. If the Government forced labour contractors to provide 
adequate housing and healthcare for migrant labour(thus raising the price of 
labour), Goans would be up in arms and take to the streets immediately. What 
most people want is cheap labour, and then that these labourers magically 
disappear into thin air once their work is over. I do not support slums 
because of cheap labour, you have misinterpreted my position completely. 
What I said is that if you are exploiting poor labourers stop complaining 
about slums. I support the right of the opressed to have their say in 
politics also.

What the Times of India and your Goan friends didn't tell you was that most 
Goans themselves vote politicians to the government, so that they can get 
some illegal work done such as converting land, building or regularising 
illegal structures, government jobs for relatives, etc. However they are 
extremely particular that only Goans from that area should be allowed to 
carry on illegal activities.

In your example of the poor family in Jaipur, you once again fail to 
understand the socio-anthropological implications of rehabilitation of slum 
dwellers. It is not merely a question of providing housing. This is what has 
been done in the numerous ghettos/housing projects all over the world. Has 
it improved anything besides scenic beauty?

Let me ask you point blank(very specific questons).
1. Where do you intend to send the slum dwellers once the slums are 
2. Is it not better to focus on fixing the villages rather than demolishing 
structures in cities?
3. Is not your example of the Jaipur wedding a marvellous example of lack of 
civic awareness that legislation can do nothing about?


Sunith Velho

- Original Message - 
From: "Filomena Giese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sunith Velho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Goa's premiere mailing list, 
estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Inconvenient truths about Goa

> Dear Sunith,
> Thanks for your feedback.
> 1.  Let me start with the civic awareness isuue and
> Panaji.  I think I mentioned that much was being done
> in Panaji to maintain old districts like Fontainhas
> and that it was cleaner.  I asked why Maddgaom and
> other parts of Goa were not doing the same.  I also
> mentioned what I had been told: namely, that Panaji
> has imposed a 14,000 rupees fine on plastic garbage.
> Did you miss this part of my small article?
> I was brought up in the old Singapore where people
> littered, spat, filled the open drains with garbage.
> It wasn't until P.M. Lee Kuan Yew imposed high fines
> that people stopped this un-civic behavior.
> People rob, assault, litter, murder, rape and do other
> un-civic things, be it Goa or elsewhere.  They don't
> improve their behavior by themselves.   It's the job
> of government to impose some rules and have a system
> of checks to make sure everyone follows them.  People
> in Panaji are not more enlightened than anyone else in
> Goa.  They just have to follow the rules about plastic
> garbage or pay a hefty fine.
> 2.  My article is not a research article.  It's an
> account of what I saw and was told by residents about
> what is going on in Goa these days.  Glad you did some
> research and found that slums are a result of poverty.
> I came to the same conclusion through ordinary,
> non-expert observation.  Ext

Re: [Goanet] Valmiki's article

2006-09-18 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Clinton,

Don't worry, most residents of Panjim are well aware of the benefits of the 
chak-a-chak campaign. The best part of it was the super participation of 
school students in the campaign made possible entirely by the hard work of 
youngsters such as yourself. We all know the reason why Panjim is stinking 
again and it does not involve Sanjith nor the campaign.

I am yet to witness the ANY good work done by all those who insulted Sanjith 
and the campaign on this forum, unless of course lengthy mails, petty abuse 
and completely un-feasible ideas can be counted as work. Also please stop 
providing statistics and figures as they will be refuted by illogical random 
observations and a few personal insults :))

Keep up the brilliant environmental awareness work you are doing and ignore 
the ramblings of a few individuals frustrated by the sudden lack of special 
attention and molly coddling they face.

Sunith Velho

 I take the below the belt punch at the chaka chak campaign personally as I 
one of the few that was involved in that campaign. We spend a number of days
and nights, often skipping lunches to get the programme underway. 25 schools
were invited, 300 students actively participated in a door to door awareness
campaign, mass awareness material like educational videos and information
sheets was generated, a 4 day exhibition on alternates to plastics was
organized, and the outcome of all this was increased awareness, and improved
segregation at source. Quality of segregation was 60% before the campaign, 
after, it was 80 -90%. The reason Panjim stinks is because of an unconcerned
government and uncaring citizens. Don?t just blame Sanjit because of a
personal matter between you and him. Acknowledge the fact that he worked
towards the solution instead of just sitting quiet.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Sleeping with windows open

2006-09-17 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Frederick,

This is the point I have been trying to make. Isolated observations such as 
the ones mentioned below are no use as indicators in judging the overall 
health of a society. Hence my use of the world "mindless" to describe any 
attempts to do so.

You will notice how Goa is now being described as "unliveable"and "in a 
downward spiral" in this forum. The basis for these statement are a few 
random observations that barely scratch the surface of  the issues facing 
Goa today. Funnily most of the voices advocating the above position are 
pining for the "village life" of their youth all while living in massive 
cities in already developed countries. Most of them were absent during the 
periods when their countries were in transition from developing countries to 
developed ones.They also conveniently ignore the fact that it is the Goa of 
old that caused numerous professionals to migrate to the West in search of 
better prospects.

Development will bring with it numerous changes(good and bad). It is or duty 
to see that the cost to the environment and society is not excessive. It is 
towards that aim we must strive. Ideas such as visa for Indians, labour 
control agencies, organ harvesting, mass emigration to the west, return to 
fascist justice, etc. are pretty lame besides being completely un-feasible.

Sunith Velho

Is "sleeping with windows open" the only basis of judging how peaceful, 
just, and sustainable a society is? Or, is the cleanliness
of the hospitals a better indicator? This is not a defence for post-1961 
prone corruption and misrule, but one can't overlook that a
semi-Fascist dictatorship has pros and cons which are quite different from 
those of a capitalist-if-somewhat-more-egalitarian region where
the rulers are hard to reign in, and the sickness of affluenza (overall 
growing affluence) has come at the cost of the environment,
over-consumption, and selfishness. FN 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Inconvenient truths about Goa

2006-09-15 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Filomena Giese,

It was interesting to read your article and the responses on this forum.

The part on Slums in Goa seems quite poorly written and ill researched. 
First of all it is wrong to compare Bangladeshi migrants in Assam(most of 
whom are illegal) to Indians who reside in the areas of Margao you mention.

Also it is extremely elitist to oppose slums because they detract from 
scenic beauty. Please note that the issue/menace that needs to be addressed 
is poverty. These slum dwellers are fellow Indians and human beings and 
please consider them as so. If they are willing to live in such appaling 
conditions in slums, can you imagine the conditions in their home villages? 
Have you ever spoken to any of these "menaces"?

If you had to build a house or open a labour intensive business here do you 
think you would fnd any Goans wiling to work?? Are the Goans who employ 
migrant labour making any provisions for their stay??

Furthermore, issues like road safety, garbage disposal, heritage 
preservation have much more to do with civic awareness than they have to do 
with "public accountability". In other words we(the people) are the ones 
responsible for running over pedestrians, littering and destroying heritage. 
Blaming politicians and the system is the easy way out.

On a more positive note, the level of civic awareness among youngsters in 
areas like Panjim is increasing very promisingly. You now see many school 
students(and corporation as well!) getting involved in traffic and 
cleanliness drives. Infact, as a long time resident of Panjim I would say we 
are on an upward spiral towards improvement.

Sunith Velho

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Sleeping with windows open

2006-09-15 Thread Sunith Velho
Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. As you may/may not be aware the statement "In 
Portuguese times we used to sleep with windows and doors wide open..." is 
more often than not used to convey the fact that Goa was much safer before 
the "Indians" took over.

However people seem to ignore that all over the world in villages the size 
of Candolim (in the mid 1900's), people slept with their windows open at 
night. In fact I have found through my travels in India that  in many 
villages people still sleep with their windows and doors open(weather 

Enjoy your day too!

Sunith Velho

>"It is mindless statements like 'In Portuguese times we used to sleep with
>windows wide open.". Statement by one of the posters.
>I would first of all like to complete the sentence and say "In Portuguese
>times( time. I dont know about the rest) we used to sleep with
>windows and doors wide open AT NIGHT".
>Secondly I can vouch for it because I myself did it.
>Thirdly I beg to differ that it is not a mindless statement for me. It may
>be for you.
>Have a nice day!
>Richard Cabral

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Contacto Goa

2006-09-12 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Paulo,

Thanks for your reply. If Contacto Goa was made for the purposes you state 
then it has definitely achieved its goals.

Regarding your assertion that there are Goans who deny Portuguese influence 
in Goa, I beg to differ. It is not the Portuguese influence that they deny, 
it is the commonly held misconception that life was better under the 
Portuguese that they deny. It is mindless statements like "In Portuguese 
times we used to sleep with windows wide open or justice was on the 
spot." that are the stones I believe need to be kicked out from our 
shoes. We will never progress if we keep pandering to our erstwhile masters.

Before you label me a lusophbe(like some netters erroneously label 
Frederick), let me mention that my girlfriend is Portuguese and many of my 
closest friends are also Portuguese.


Sunith Velho
Now in London, UK!
(First ImpressionsIts brilliantly multi cultural!)

Paulo writes:
Dear Sunith,

I am not sure if the idea behind the "Contacto Goa" programme was to give an
accurate representation of the Goa of today. I very much doubt that.

In my opinion, and having watched other Contacto programmes (Like Contacto
Macau, for example), I think the idea of the programme is to show a
Portuguese link or a Portuguese connection in the places where the
Portuguese were in the past or where large Portuguese communities live today
(the latter is addressed in other series like for example "Contacto

The problem is that some of our Goans refuse to understand this. They seem
to think the programme was for Goa or for Goans all over the world to watch
and, therefore, it should represent what Goa is today.

 Personally, I think the producers (all Indians or of
Indian origin) have done a great job but like Livia says very well, there
will always be individuals amongst us Goans that live in denial and for whom
this Portuguese influence in Goa is still and will always be a stone in
their shoes that hurts them now and again and they try to kick it out by all
means, unsuccessfully!

Best regards
Paulo Colaco Dias
London - UK 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Contacto Goa

2006-09-11 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Livia,

It would be wrong to say that Mario Cabral e Sa's "appreciation of the 
program "Contacto Goa"  in Goa Today has been also
greatly appreciated by one and all".

I know of many Goans who think that the programme was a completely 
inaccurate representaion of the Goa of today and that Mario's appreciation 
for the program was unwarranted. For me, it seemed more like "saudades" 
captured on film

Unfortunately I have not met my good friend Desmond Nazareth lately, so I 
couldn't pick his brain about the motives/idea behind making the series.


Sunith Velho

Livia writes:
"There are always Devika Sequeiras, Lambert Mascarenhas, Mario Cabral e Sas
(his appreciation of the program "Contacto Goa"  in Goa Today has been also
greatly appreciated by one and all) who have not been able to remove that
stone in their shoes which hurts them now and again and they try to kick it
out by all means." 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Science as a religion (Frederick "FN" Noronha)

2006-09-11 Thread Sunith Velho
Dear Fredrick,

You very rightly state that "if people wish to believe anything, let them do 
so, as long as
it makes them better persons in the real world, what's wrong?". It should be 
remembered that, this coin too has two sides. I believe that this debate has 
seen mocking of belief's on both sides.

You could start a whole new debate about the "long list of myths" promoted 
by science but always remember that Science is one of the schemes of thought 
that is most open to criticism and change(through logical argument). This is 
more than can be said of the various dogmas that are the causes of the 
strife we see in the world today.

Also your statement that "the understanding of Science is still incomplete" 
seems a bit off the mark. It is the understanding of the universe/world 
through science that is incomplete not Science itself.

The so called conflict  between religion and science sometimes begins when 
over zealous religionists try to use science as an intellectual crutch to 
validate/promote their beliefs. This naturally results in a strong backlash 
from scientists. We have seen numerous examples of this on Goanet.

Sunith Velho

The "current state of neuroscientific understanding" is, may I
suggest, wholly irrelevant to people's beliefs and faiths. So why mock

People should be free to believe in whatever they choose, even if it
is not validated by that modern God With Feet Of Clay, Science.
Firstly, the understanding of Science is still incomplete, 'work in
progress' and subject to corrections. More importantly, these are
special fields of endeavour so it's unfair to judge one by the other.
Lastly, if people wish to believe anything, let them do so, as long as
it makes them better persons in the real world, what's wrong?

Maybe we should start searching out the long list of myths promoted by
the world of Science... but that's way off-topic. FN

Goanet mailing list