[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain

2008-10-18 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
  On Oct 17, 2008, at 12:33 AM, raunchydog wrote:
   John McCain Brings Down The House - Al Smith Dinner Part 1
   Video http://tinyurl.com/5dlrzy
  Yeah, that John McCain--he's just the life of the grand old party.
  Time for you and shemp to share a room with rubber walls
  somewhere.  You can invite Judy to the party as well.
 It was a *very* funny speech, extremely well
 delivered, with near-perfect timing. It did
 indeed bring down the house at several points.

Yeah, if I was a citizen of the USA, I might almost
vote for John on the basis of that performance!  :D

[FairfieldLife] 'The Messiah Has Spoken'

2008-10-18 Thread Robert
Londonerry, NH 
October 17th, 2008
At a glitzy fundraising event in Manhattan at which Bruce Springsteen and Billy 
Joel performed Mr Obama warned high-roller supporters: Don't underestimate the 
capacity of Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Don't 
underestimate our ability to screw it up.
But much of Mr Obama's speech in Londonderry - punctuated by cries of We all 
love you Obama, I love you and We will work with you - was devoted to the 
kind of quasi-religious sentiments and motivational-coach style exhortations, 
the kind of pride that set him up for a big fall in January.
I want you to believe, said the candidate, clad in an open-necked shirt and 
barn jacket. Not so much believe just in me but believe in yourselves. Believe 
in the future. Believe in the future we can build together. I'm confident 
together we can't fail.
There was a carnival atmosphere among the crowd of some 4,000, who almost 
drowned Mr Obama out as he reached his crescendo and said: I promise you. We 
won't just win New Hampshire. We will win this election and, you and I 
together, we're going to change the country and change the world.
Mr Obama was described as preternaturally confident in a gushing endorsement 
by the Washington Post on Friday.
His supreme self-belief has also been the target of late-night comedians. With 
just 19 days left until the election, Barack Obama warned supporters today to 
guard against overconfidence, Tina fey of Saturday Night Live reported.
Then he boarded Air Force One, blasted 'We Are The Champions' and shouted 'I'm 
King of the World'.
Both Democrats and Republicans in New Hampshire appear convinced that Mr Obama 
will win. 
We feel we're on the brink of a whole new life in this country, said Betsy 
Whitman, 69. 
Sure, he'll win, said Marlene Hulme, 70, at the Londonderry event. Our 
expectations were high today and he knocked it out of the park.
A lone McCain supporter at the rally said she too was convinced that the 
Republican nominee was finished. McCain has lost, said Deborah Barnhart, 48, 
who runs a landscaping business.
He's lost because the Messiah has spoken and we're going to change the world. 
That's all people want to hear after eight years of Bush. Obama thinks he's 
won. Everyone here thinks he's won.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Being the skunk at an atheist convention

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   If the dinosaurs had brains big enough for communication, they 
   have created their own stories to pass down through the ages.
  Even if they had they're all extinct so unless they whispered it
  to their descendents, the birds, it's gone forever.
  But then the birds would have their own myth wouldn't they?
  Unless something funny is going on and all things are inter-
  related and came from the same source. You can see the problem
  of creationism right here.
 Here's one conjecture of how the vedic creation story can be 
 by scientific discoveries.  According to the latest news, the 
 Collider has been completed in Switzerland, although its 
 shut down for repairs.  The scientists there should determine if 
 atom or subatomic particles function like thought or 
 If yes, is it possible that these atoms or subatomic particles can 
 maintain distinct type of consciousness?

I don't think that whether atoms function like thought
is on the agenda at CERN, they are more interested in whether
string theory has any basis in fact (I'll put money on not)
and whether things like dark matter (which appears to slow 
down galaxies spinning, and if real accounts for 90% of the
universe though we can't see it!)are real or just errors 
in the Newtonian understanding of gravity.

The LHC isn't powerful enough to be definitive with
any current theories, a lot of things they are hoping
to find fit into several possibles. They just want to know
if they are on the right track but solving all the mysteries
of the universe will have to wait a bit longer.

I think it's pretty cool there are so many gaps in mans 
knowledge about nature, but I'm not convinced that religious
ideas will be filling them anytime soon, simply because they
were dreamed up by people as part of creation myths and 
cultural stories, they weren't slowly and painstakingly 
worked out on paper. But you never know, there's bound to 
be surprises. I was reading that possible gaps have been
found in Einsteins relativity which will shake things up
a bit. I think everyone will be astonished if intelligent
atoms turn up now and I'm not asware of any suspicions in 
that direction.
 If the answer is yes again, then we can have a possible explanation 
 of how the prajapatis were able to travel instantaneously the 
 universe to affect the growth of matter or organisms--leading to 
 development of humanoids-- in planets that can support life.  In 
 other words, the prajapatis were conscious living entities who were 
 able to utilize the quantum mechanical effects of the atomic 
 structure to travel and influence the development of life in other 
 planets throughout the universe.

Occams razor, does life need these guys as an explanation
for how it appears? I would be surprised if the answer is 
yes. In fact I'd put money on a No here as well.

The main trouble I have with creationism is that it doesn't
explain anything. If these guys did start life, where did
they come from? And where are they now?

As I said yesterday Darwin's genuis was explaining the 
amazing complexity of life using simple, observable chemical 
processes. Up til then everyone had assumed that something
as amazing as us must have been created by something even
more amazing. It's the old watchmaker story, if you are 
strolling along and find a watch on the ground you know
that someone made it, therefore (they think)we must have 
had a creator because we are so complex. Every civilisation
then casts it's own particular creator. These vedic quantum
dudes are just another watchmaker I reckon. Happy to be
proved wrong though.


2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
   Travis' research sounds fascinating but I'd want to see it 
   replicated with James Randi standard controls to sort out what
   (if anything) is happening. I'm not going to hold my breath
   about it though because it means a complete overhaul of
   many disciplines and on the flimsiness of the alleged evidence
   there's no point getting excited.
  Correction, it requires a complete overhaul of everything
  we think we know. And on what evidence? An unrepeated
  study and some hilariously dodgy time series analysis.
  Give us the world peace the IA course promised and we'll
  have to take it seriously.
 Statistically there is less war and civil war that ever before in 
 history, and it has been steadily decreasing. This is not proof, 
 you watch too much news and don't realise you are only seeing ever-
 diminishing pockets of violence, and blowing them all out of 
 proportion in your mind. Peace has come (as long as Bush and Cheney 
 leave quietly)

Or maybe we've just finished exterminating all the bad guys.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ebert on W

2008-10-18 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  bob_brigante wrote:
   Oliver Stone's W., a biography of President Bush, is 
 fascinating. No
   other word for it. I became absorbed in its story of a poor 
 little rich
   kid's alcoholic youth and torturous adulthood. This is the 
 tragedy of a
   victim of the Peter Principle. Wounded by his father's 
 disapproval and
   preference for his brother Jeb, the movie argues, George W. 
   and rose until he was finally powerful enough to stain his 
  I wonder how many people will stay away because they are tired of 
  in any way, shape, or form.  And some will stay away because it 
  dig up enough dirt on him.  It's playing up the hill from me but 
  probably wait until next week to go see it.
 I'll stay away because I rarely watch anything in realtime anymore -
 I turn on the captioning at home and watch it fastforward. Another 
 good article on the movie:
 W. is the rare Oliver Stone film that had to tone down the 
 historical record because the truth was too lurid. How the hell do 
 you tell the uncensored story of a guy like George W. Bush? No one 
 would believe it.

I went to see the film tonight...I'm a big fan of Oliver Stone.
'W' is a lot different than I expected. It is much more sympathetic 
interpretation, than I might have expected from Mr.Stone.
The film wants to take you inside of Bush's psychology, and by the 
end of the movie, you might just feel a little sad for our President 
By the end of this movie, you feel that Mr. Bush is a very lost soul.

By the end of this movie, you might feel that President Bush, has set 
the stage for something very new, like a real change is needed.
He seems to set the stage for a landslide of change...
Obama/Biden '08.

[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain

2008-10-18 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
  On Oct 17, 2008, at 12:33 AM, raunchydog wrote:
   John McCain Brings Down The House - Al Smith Dinner Part 1
   Video http://tinyurl.com/5dlrzy
  Yeah, that John McCain--he's just the life of the grand old party.
  Time for you and shemp to share a room with rubber walls
  somewhere.  You can invite Judy to the party as well.
 It was a *very* funny speech, extremely well
 delivered, with near-perfect timing. It did
 indeed bring down the house at several points.
 It appears someone has a little trouble
 summoning her sense of humor. Oddly enough,
 both Obama and Hillary, the butts of most of
 McCain's jokes, seemed to think they were a
 (Obama's was pretty good too, some excellent 
 lines, not quite as boffo, mainly because his
 delivery wasn't quite as polished.)
 Boy, when you get to the point where you can't
 appreciate a witty speech by someone you 
 disagree with politically, I'd say it's you
 who's ready for the rubber room.

I agree with you, on this one, Judy...
I also thought John McCain was very funny; a natural...
I wish him continued success in the Senate, and continued success 
with his appearences on SNL and David Letterman.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent UK Program on 9-11

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is some interesting allegations at about 39 minutes into the 

Pretty amazing, if true. But it all sounds a bit far-fetched
to me. I can't see how soldiers playing computer games could 
fly real planes into the WTC and not know, if their leaders 
are so ruthless why not do it themselves and not involve
a group of people they'd have to silence?

I don't get the missile at the pentagon theory either.
If they flew real planes at the WTC why not at the pentagon?
Did they not think a boeing would do enough damage. The
offical explanation is more convincing, the explosion blew
the wings off and the building around the hole collapsed.
Simple but effective.

The weirdest part of that was the two guys on the sofa
sounding totally blase about the whole thing, it doesn't 
say much for the government if anyone thinks the kidnapping
and murder of all these people is unsurprising or even likely.


2008-10-18 Thread Robert
I know a little about this stuff, so let me give this a try...
 Please explain a superconductor to me?
A superconductor is a conductor of electricity which has no 
resistance. It is implied in a state of Absolute Zero, would produce 
a structure which would offer no resistance to an electric current.
 Please explain a wave in a field?
The field and the wave in the field are one and the same.
The wave produces the field, and vice-versa.
 Please explain an electromagnetic field?
An electromagnetic field is produced from electicity and magnetism.
 Please explain how an EEG machine works?
Picks up minute variations of voltage, produced by the brain, by the 
firing of neurons of the brain.
 Please explain how an electromagnetic fluctuation can travel?
The electromagnetic field travels at the speed of light.
A change in the field, which travel at the speed of light, makes the 
field change and because of the infinite quality of the field, 
fluctuations appear to be spontaneous.
 Please explain how any fluctuation/energy could travel far?
Because they travel at the speed of light, and as one approaches the 
speed of light, time ceases to exist, as we know it.
This is how consiousness which can be compared to light, effects at a 
 Please explain how a laser beam works and how it can hit the moon,
 whereas a regular flashlight cannot?
Laser light is different than regular light, in that it is produced 
through an exact synchrony of a wave of light.
Regular light is not diffused and not synchonized.
 Please explain what exactly is a photon?
A photon is something that physicist came up with to explain light in 
terms of a particle. A particle of light is called a photon. Because 
light acts sometimes as a particle and sometimes as a wave, it was 
easier to explain light in this way, although light itself is an 
absolute of the Universe.
 Please explain quantum wave functions that are not coherent and why 
If waves are not aligned, then one wave can cancel out another...
Like the waves of the Ocean, one can cancel another out, if is is 
opposite in it's size and timing...
Likewise a wave that is in sync with another wave will increase and 
support each other.
 Please explain how coherent quatum wave functions, by definition 
 travel further (as in a laser beam?
Because the waves are in tune with one another and continue to 
support each other through time and space.

[FairfieldLife] Obama as hypnotist

2008-10-18 Thread aztjbailey

[FairfieldLife] One for the vegetarians -- plants cry for help when attacked

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
A short overview article on new research that
indicates that plants are smart enough to call 
for help when attacked:


Ponder this next time you chow down on your meal
of veggies and fruit feel all superior to those 
who eat meat.

Can't you just imagine the horrified cries for
help that a field full of produce would emit if
Bevan walked into it?   :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama as hypnotist

2008-10-18 Thread Robert
Now, when I snap my fingers, you will go to the poll of November 4th...
And, you will see the ballot, and on the ballot you will see the name 
of Senator Barack Obama...when you see the name Obama, you will check 
that box.
After you check the box for Senator Obama, you may go home and follow 
your regular routine.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Lady Killers

2008-10-18 Thread Robert
 Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis. You've seen the
 misogynistic vomit (including death threats) hurled
 at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
 post here, not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
 and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.
 You have no excuse.

Women, Can't Live with 'em, can't live without 'em.


2008-10-18 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  Maharishi--the guy was obviously a deluded egomaniac.
  Do you know how important this is? NO democracies;
  NO starvation.
 So you're saying if we get rid of all democracies,
 we'll get rid of starvation as well?
 (Ever notice how the more excited Vaj gets about
 bashing Maharishi, the less coherent he becomes?)

Like John Lennon said: we don't care about this ism and that ism...
We will cure starvation of our brothers and sisters around the world, 
when we decide to...
With all the technology we have, that allow farmers to grow as much 
food as it would have taken thousands of workers, in the past.
When we have computers that do the work or thousands, if not millions 
of people...
When we have a world that has thousands of millionaires, hundreds of 
When we evolve enough to see our brothers and sisters as ourselves, 
as Maharishi used to say, when we become more unified in Unity 
Consciousness, then we will feed everyone who is hungry...
Doesn't have anything to do with what you call your system of 
Besides, I thought Reagan did away with the Soviet Union?
What happened with that one?
And, Bush looked into Putin's eyes, and what did he see?

[FairfieldLife] Hysterical woman making McCarthyist claims (was Re: The Lady Killers)

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis. You've seen the
  misogynistic vomit (including death threats) hurled
  at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
  post here, not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
  and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.
  You have no excuse.
 Women, Can't Live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

I'm not sure who you're quoting, Robert,
but I can guess. Therefore I demand that
she back up her claim of death threats
made *on this forum* against her and
Raunchydog and other women who attempt
to post here. I want the exact quotes, 
and the message numbers of the posts in
which these death threats were made.

And there have to be *three* such threats,
because she listed at least three supposed 
targets of those threats. And they all have 
to be CLEARLY death threats, on the 
level of, I or someone else is going to 
kill you. 

If the person who posted this cannot produce
such backup, I think we can all write her
off as *just* as hysterical and *just* as
much a loon as Raunchydog and the sad, sad,
out-of-balance women whose words she reposts

I'm doing this because recently another 
hysterical woman tried to do the exact same 
thing. Representative Michelle Bachmann
essentially channeled Joe McCarthy and called
Obama very anti-American and suggested that
a Congressional witch hunt was needed to ferret
out other such potential traitors. When asked
to back up her remarks, she could not or 
would not. Currently a campaign is underway
in Congress to censure her for her remarks.


I'm suggesting that Judy (I'm assuming it was
Judy, since I don't read her direct posts and
Robert didn't attribute) is doing EXACTLY
THE SAME THING above. She's channeling Joe
McCarthy and *claiming* that people on this
forum have made death threats against her
and Raunchydog and other women who attempt
to post here.

I think that at worst this is a LIE, and at 
best it is a hysterical stretching of the truth
and overreaction to what might actually have been
said and the context in which it was said. And so 
I'm calling on Judy to back up her claim.

My bet is that she can't. Remember, the death
threats in question have to be something that
anyone here, regardless of their political views,
would see as an actual, real, death threat, some-
thing that if they saw it in another context,
they would feel duty-bound to report to the police.

If Judy feels that such statements have been made,
I demand that she post all three of them (she 
claimed that such threats had been made against
at least three women). If she cannot or will not,
I think that we should all recommend mental health
professionals that she could consult to get back
to some semblance of normality.

[FairfieldLife] 'Perfect Political Storm favors Obama'

2008-10-18 Thread Robert
I’ve studied the polls and the electoral map for months, and I no longer 
believe that John McCain can win. Unless Barack Obama slips up, Jeremiah Wright 
shows up or a serious national security emergency flares up, Obama will become 
the 44th president of the United States.*

The wayward wizards of Wall Street delivered the election to Obama by pushing 
the economy to the verge of collapse, forcing leery voters to choose between 
their pocketbooks and their prejudices. McCain delivered it to Obama with his 
reckless pick of Sarah Palin. That stunt made everything that followed feel 
like a stunt, tarnishing McCain’s reputation and damaging his credibility so 
that when he went negative it backfired. And, some radical rabble among 
McCain’s supporters delivered it to Obama by mistaking his political rallies 
for lynch mobs. 
This perfect storm of poor judgments has set the stage for an Obama victory. 
It’s over. Fast forward to Nov. 5.
President-elect Obama (yes, get used to it) could wake up that morning as one 
of the most powerful presidents in recent American history. Not only is his 
party likely to maintain control of both houses of the Congress, it could 
dramatically strengthen its hand. 
According to a New York Times/CBS News poll released this week, the percentage 
of people who say that they approve of the way their own member of Congress is 
handling his or her job has never been lower and the percentage who say they 
disapprove has only been higher once before: on the verge of the Republican 
Revolution in 1994 when the Republicans picked up 54 seats in the House and 8 
in the Senate. But this time voters seem to be more disenchanted with 
Republicans than with Democrats. In November 1994, the Republican Party’s 
favorable rating was 54 percent and the Democrats’ was 44 percent. In the most 
recent poll, the Democrats’ favorable rating was 52 percent and the 
Republicans’ was 37 percent.
Some think that the Democrats could even pass the magic 60 mark in the Senate, 
providing them with a filibuster-proof majority. The last president to enjoy 
that advantage was Jimmy Carter. 
Add to that the possibility of Obama appointing several justices to the Supreme 
Court (Carter didn’t appoint any) and the probability of him receiving an 
enthusiastic embrace from the international community, and we could see an 
administration unlike any we’ve seen for more than a generation.
Obama would make history by simply assuming office. But then, the question of 
governance: could this gifted, 47-year-old, first-term senator with a 
razor-thin political résumé harness his enormous power to push through an 
agenda that would meet our daunting challenges and secure our future?
History will be the judge, but on Nov. 5, it’s on.
*If I’m wrong, I’ll take my crow with a six pack of Liquid-Plumr. 
Published: October 17, 2008 

It’s over.

Charles M. Blow  New York Times
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[FairfieldLife] Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
I leave it to you to decide. It DOES contain the
phrase too stupid to live, and speaks of both
Judy and Raunchydog bursting into flame. I guess
if you're insane, you could construe this as a 
death threat, but I suspect that most sane
people wouldn't quite see it that way.

Before I get to the post that that Judy may claim 
contains a death threat, please allow me to post 
two other short relevant quotes. The first is from 
Judy herself, today, in FFL post #194535:

 It appears someone has a little trouble
 summoning her sense of humor. ...
 Boy, when you get to the point where you can't
 appreciate a witty speech by someone you
 disagree with politically, I'd say it's you
 who's ready for the rubber room.

Also relevant, from my FFL post #193034:

 When in
 one of my posts I introduce something with the
 phrase, In related news..., that's supposed to
 indicate that what follows is a joke. You know...a
 joke, satire, fiction, one of those goofs that is
 written just for a laugh. I'm pointing this out 
 just in case there are folks out there who are so 
 humorless and uptight that they might not perceive 
 a made-up news article AS satire, and might be 
 tempted to take it as seriously as they take 

And now, what Judy may claim is a death threat, 
from my FFL post #194006:

 Obama would like to thank Judy, Raunchydog, and the Repubs...
 ...for winning the election for them. 
 Ironically, the more that the tag-team of Republican
 crazies and former-Hillary-supporter crazies rant and
 post negative screeds about Obama, the lower Repub-
 lican poll ratings sink (Palin's favorability rating
 *in Alaska* is now only 36%), and the more money that
 Obama is able to raise for the campaign.
 In related news, a poll conducted at bellweather
 Internet chat site Fairfield Life indicates that the
 popularity rating on that site for posters Raunchydog
 and Judy Stein (considered representative of Republican
 tactics) has dropped in the last week from the next-to-
 lowest Category Y (Strident revenge harpies from Hell)
 to the lowest possible Category Z (Dumb angry cunts
 too stupid to live.)
 Experts are studying the possibility that, since there
 is no lower level to sink to in terms of favorability
 ratings, if Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
 Obama activism at this point, something more drastic
 may happen to the two activists -- actually bursting
 into flame.
 Scientists from MUM have been called in to watch the
 situation and study it in terms of the Maharishi Effect.
 If, as theorized, Raunchydog and Judy Stein DO get so
 uncontrollably angry that they burst into flames, teams
 of scientists are in place to capture the event on film
 so that it can later be analyzed to see if, as described
 in the Vedas, the spontaneous combustion event really
 does start in their pants.

Now that this one's taken care of, doncha look
forward to what Judy is going to come up with to 
back up her claim that she and others have been 
victims of death threats on FFL?

You *know* that she'll have to do it. Otherwise,
she'd have to apologize for having said what she
said, and we all know that that has the same
chance of happening as someone opening a popsicle
stand in Hell. 

So don't you look forward to reading the things 
she'll try to portray as death threats? I know 
I sure do.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] 'W' aims to reach the 'Open-minded Middle'

2008-10-18 Thread Robert
timing is problem 
Weiser had to drop politics to create rounded version of Bush
Journal Sentinel film critic
Posted: Oct. 18, 2008
The trick to being topical is timing. 


'W.' includes (from left) actors Richard Dreyfuss (Dick Cheney), Josh Brolin 
(George W. Bush), Toby Jones (Karl Rove), Rob Corddry (Ari Fleischer) and 
Thandie Newton (Condoleezza Rice). 


When screenwriter Stanley Weiser wrote the 1987 film Wall Street for director 
Oliver Stone, the main character's greed is good motto captured the essence 
of the trading scandals that had just rocked the financial world.
There are no such pithy mantras in the pair's new film, W., but this 
biopic-type portrait of outgoing President Bush necessarily would seem to have 
a brief shelf life.
The production was lightning fast because people felt there would be no market 
for it after the election, Weiser said.
Stone and Weiser, who met in film school, briefly flirted with a Wall Street 
sequel - it is now being planned without them - when Stone suggested a Bush 
The take that Weiser came up with was to show Bush's tumultuous youth, his 
contentious relationship with his father, his finding God, and to interweave 
these stories to tell his life. And to show the failures of the Iraq war, 
Weiser said. 
Make no mistake: Weiser is a partisan, and Stone, who directed the 
controversial films JFK and Nixon, wears his politics on his sleeve.
But they have created a curiously sympathetic portrait of a flawed but 
personally appealing man's rise to power. 
I had to completely park my politics at the door to write the film, said 
Weiser, who spent three summers after film school on a farm in Mount Horeb on a 
screenplay that was never made. 
My politics are hard left, but I basically realized that . . . there was 
another side to him. I saw that he had human foibles like anyone else. People 
would rather go out for a beer with him than Al Gore, who was ramrod stiff and 
intellectual. And that's the guy who got elected.
For research, Weiser consulted numerous books written about the Bush 
presidency. And as if anticipating charges of inaccuracy, the film's Web site, 
www.wthefilm.com, has links to biographical and historical references used as 
background and notes when creative liberties were taken for the benefit of 
The documentary Journeys With George - by Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of House 
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who traveled with the press corps during Bush's 2000 
campaign - made Weiser realize that he has a charming earthiness that is very 
Seeing that film, the screenwriter said, was a pivotal moment in writing the 
During a phone interview, Weiser said his wife smiled when she heard me ask 
about why actor Josh Brolin portrayed Bush as always talking and eating, 
because I eat with my mouth open, too. 
Bush, Weiser said, went from cigarettes to chewing tobacco to cigars to 
Altoids. He always has something in his mouth.
Weiser believes Bush's early alcohol problems, his short attention span and his 
jogging and mountain bike riding all reflect this nervous energy.
According to Weiser, a visually striking Iraq war room strategy sequence in the 
film was calculated by Stone to suggest Dr. Strangelove, and that 
dramatically it was intended as the apotheosis of all the discussions within 
the administration leading up to the war.
I was trying to show how neo-conservatives wanted war for oil, Bush was 
interested in terrorism, and then-Secretary of State Colin Powell opposed the 
invasion plans and was badly beaten down by them, Weiser said.
But it is unclear who the audience is for a film humanizing a divisive 
president made by a controversial director. 
That's unfortunately the problem, Weiser said. It's too left for the right, 
and too right for the left. I knew that going in.
The aim is to reach the people in the middle, who are open-minded.
Journal Sentinel film critic

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[FairfieldLife] Death Threats

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
The claim that actual death threats have been made on
Fairfield Life is a serious one, and one that I do not
take lightly. If the poster who made this claim cannot
back up this claim with actual quotes that fit the
definition on the following Wiki page -- may inflict 
physical injury on anyone -- I demand a public retrac-
tion of the statement and an equally public apology.


I've been a member of Fairfield Life for some time now.
I have never seen a death threat made on this forum.
Not once. 

I have seen people actively *wish* for another person's
demise, but that's not a death threat. A death threat 
is where you say, I or someone else will kill you.

I have actually seen such statements on other Internet
groups, one of them sadly another spiritual forum. When
a poster on that forum started making statements like,
I know where you live, and I'm going to go there and
find you and beat you to death (no shit...someone on
a spiritual forum really did say this), I'm as outraged
as anyone else. In that case, although he didn't say it
to me, I got in touch with the person who said it and 
told him in no uncertain terms that if he continued I 
would report him to the police. 

So I don't take death threats lightly. 

Nor do I take the claim that they have been made on 
this forum lightly. I think that's a knowing lie.

I think that the person who made this claim needs to 
either prove her claim with exact quotes or retract the 
claim and apologize to us all.

[FairfieldLife] 'The Next Level'

2008-10-18 Thread Robert

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Being the skunk at an atheist convention

2008-10-18 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 As I said yesterday Darwin's genuis was explaining the 
 amazing complexity of life using simple, observable chemical 
 processes. Up til then everyone had assumed that something
 as amazing as us must have been created by something even
 more amazing. 

It seems to me that you are mixing up two quite separate questions
here (Just as Dawkins did in his recent TV series in the UK):

Q1) How does the diversity of life come about? ie. How do complex,
sophisticated attributes develop from simpler organisms. This is your
first sentence. Darwinism seems to be an excellent explanation for
that. And it stands opposed to those religious beliefs that hold that
all the species we find on Earth were plonked there some time ago 'of
a piece' by God.

Q2) How does the animate evolve from the inanimate? (This is implicit
in your second sentence I would say). This is by far the more
interesting question to most folks who are religious. Call me
stupid - and I'm sure you will - but as Darwinism is a theory about
how 'good' heritable traits are encouraged by natural selection, how
could it EVER explain 'heritability' itself? Don't you need to
presuppose 'life' to get Darwinian evolution going in the first place?
If so, the latter can never provide an explanation for the former.

That's not meant to be an argument for a 'God Of The Gaps'
necessarily. But only to say that the supposed great conflict between
Darwinism and religion is just so much hot air. Especially in the
hands of Dawkins!

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread raunchydog
More painful than truth is the display of closed hearts, closed minds,
and callous attitudes toward the one in four women in our country who
have tasted the fruit of misogyny on their bloodied lips.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Notice anything in common in the responses
 to Anglachel's essay?
 Jesus, somebody's on the rag or needs to get laid!
 As an old friend, a retired psychiatrist used to say:
 An orgasm a day, keeps the Shrink away! :-)
 This lady, Anglachel, has far too much time on her
 hands. She's wallowing in anger and resentment.
 Really, I think anybody who takes crap like this
 seriously needs to do some serious thinking about
 a vacation.
 Your obsessive, festering victimhood laments amplify
 an infantile perspective void of courage and character.
 Not one of the responses addresses any of
 Anglachel's points, even in attempted
 Instead, all of them attack the messenger.
 Feste inadvertently gives the game away:
 It's painful to read (I couldn't get through
 even half of it).
 Yes, sometimes the truth hurts.
 And when it does, all too often a river in
 Egypt is enlisted to wash it away.


2008-10-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So you're saying if we get rid of all democracies,
 we'll get rid of starvation as well?
 (Ever notice how the more excited Vaj gets about
 bashing Maharishi, the less coherent he becomes?)

Thats Vaj in a nutshell.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threats

2008-10-18 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The claim that actual death threats have been made on
 Fairfield Life is a serious one, and one that I do not
 take lightly. If the poster who made this claim cannot
 back up this claim with actual quotes that fit the
 definition on the following Wiki page -- may inflict 
 physical injury on anyone -- I demand a public retrac-
 tion of the statement and an equally public apology.
 I've been a member of Fairfield Life for some time now.
 I have never seen a death threat made on this forum.
 Not once. 
 I have seen people actively *wish* for another person's
 demise, but that's not a death threat. A death threat 
 is where you say, I or someone else will kill you.
 I have actually seen such statements on other Internet
 groups, one of them sadly another spiritual forum. When
 a poster on that forum started making statements like,
 I know where you live, and I'm going to go there and
 find you and beat you to death (no shit...someone on
 a spiritual forum really did say this), I'm as outraged
 as anyone else. In that case, although he didn't say it
 to me, I got in touch with the person who said it and 
 told him in no uncertain terms that if he continued I 
 would report him to the police. 
 So I don't take death threats lightly. 
 Nor do I take the claim that they have been made on 
 this forum lightly. I think that's a knowing lie.
 I think that the person who made this claim needs to 
 either prove her claim with exact quotes or retract the 
 claim and apologize to us all.

Judy has lost her game. It's become old and stale, empty, pointlessly
defensive and ineffective. All that's left is bitterness. Such a
shame. Now she claims misogyny when others point it out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread raunchydog

Words Matter

Bitter fruit of bigots

The hangman's noose

Twisted necks

Bulging eyes

Limp limbs

In tangled branches

Broken dreams of brothers

Broken promises to sisters

Vile beneath

Hoods well hidden

Their whispered breath

Spreads an evil frost

As opaque ghosts

On windowpane

Dead brown leaf

Mahogany veneer

Turning curled

Dangling swaying

Dropping loose

Crushed underfoot

Headstone lettered

Humiliating epitaph

Cloaked by night

Blood reddened

Guiltless violence

Bond of shame

Racial hatred

Skin stripped whipped

Misogyny its sister

Frenzied fear of clit

Such denial deep

Who will weep?

Be it common slur or insult

Fevered killings oft result


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 More painful than truth is the display of closed hearts, closed minds,
 and callous attitudes toward the one in four women in our country who
 have tasted the fruit of misogyny on their bloodied lips.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Notice anything in common in the responses
  to Anglachel's essay?
  Jesus, somebody's on the rag or needs to get laid!
  As an old friend, a retired psychiatrist used to say:
  An orgasm a day, keeps the Shrink away! :-)
  This lady, Anglachel, has far too much time on her
  hands. She's wallowing in anger and resentment.
  Really, I think anybody who takes crap like this
  seriously needs to do some serious thinking about
  a vacation.
  Your obsessive, festering victimhood laments amplify
  an infantile perspective void of courage and character.
  Not one of the responses addresses any of
  Anglachel's points, even in attempted
  Instead, all of them attack the messenger.
  Feste inadvertently gives the game away:
  It's painful to read (I couldn't get through
  even half of it).
  Yes, sometimes the truth hurts.
  And when it does, all too often a river in
  Egypt is enlisted to wash it away.

[FairfieldLife] Who wrote that ?... FFL and Plagarism...please clearly cite the source

2008-10-18 Thread mainstream20016
FFL has become a good source of reading on many topics. Yet far too
many FFL posts are vague about the identity of the actual author or
original publication. Even our most universally admired FFL posters
copy, cut and paste with scant or at best late attribution (at the end
of the post).  Please cite at least the author at the beginning of the
post, lest FFL become a virtual plagarist place. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hysterical woman making McCarthyist claims (was Re: The Lady Killers)

2008-10-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 18, 2008, at 3:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis. You've seen the
misogynistic vomit (including death threats) hurled
at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
post here, not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.

You have no excuse.

Women, Can't Live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

I'm not sure who you're quoting, Robert,
but I can guess. Therefore I demand that
she back up her claim of death threats
made *on this forum* against her and
Raunchydog and other women who attempt
to post here. I want the exact quotes,
and the message numbers of the posts in
which these death threats were made.

Not to mention death threats against...Jackie Kennedy?
Wouldn't those clearly be a waste of said threatener's time?

I too am interested in seeing the quotes, but
I'm not going to hold my breath.


[FairfieldLife] Safe

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
My best friend is pregnant (not with my baby), and thus
has been looking to move into a new apartment here in
Sitges. Because my work schedule has slowed down for a
while, I've been helping her look. As a result, I've 
had the opportunity to see 30-40 fairly upscale apart-
ments in the Sitges area in the last few weeks.

And you know what every one of them had, and every single
real estate agent pointed out as a perk for the apart-
ment and thus an enticement to rent it?

A safe.

Some sort of wall safe or hidden-in-the-floorboards safe.
And although the real estate agents always point out that
the safe is fireproof, as if the reason you'd want to
keep valuables hidden away in it is in case of fire, as
far as I can tell this is always said with a knowing
wink wink nudge nudge know-what-I-mean inflection.

In Spain, after 40 years of Franco, the reason you would
want a safe on your property is that you don't fully trust
the banks. You want to keep a handy stash of cash and
jewels and other valuables so that if the banks go bust
or the world goes to hell in a handbasket, you don't.

And y'know...I find that a fairly healthy attitude. I've
been watching the UK tourists in Sitges panicking lately
and making desperate phone calls from cafes to move their
money from British banks to Irish ones. The reason? As 
far as I can tell from overhearing conversations, savings
in British banks are not necessarily insured if the bank
goes bust. These tourists are worried because all of their
money is in a bank somewhere in Britain.

The Spanish, on the other hand, never put all of their
money *anywhere*. Even the younger generations, who never
knew Franco and the joys of living under a Fascist dic-
tatorship, seem to have inherited this quality from their
parents, who did. They keep a certain reserve in cash or
other negotiables, too...just in case.

Spain is similarly skittish with regard to credit. When you
open a bank account here, you don't get checks with that
account. You can't. Almost all transactions here between
individuals and the other companies or individuals with 
whom they do business are handled electronically. The reason
is that, under Franco, checks became viewed as worth less 
than the paper they were printed on.

In the same vein, you rarely see credit cards, the way that
they work in the US. Almost everyone uses debit cards, which
means that -- other than a small 'overdraft' amount, limited
to a few hundred Euros -- they have to have the money in the
bank for anything they purchase on the card. 

There ARE exceptions, of course, and like most other EU nations
some Spanish have been being lured into insupportable personal
debt in recent years. But for the most part, theirs seems to
be a largely cash economy. 

And again, I can't help but see this as a Good Thing. If the
shit comes down over this recent financial meltdown, my Spanish
neighbors (and me, because I've lived this way for decades now)
will, I think, be in a somewhat better position than, say, the
Irish, who are now officially the highest personal debtholders
in the EU. (And the Brits want to move their money to *Irish*
banks...go figure!)

I thought of this, and decided to share it with you no matter
how inane it might be, because I just had to add some capital
to my personal safe. It's not built into the wall; it's out in
the garden, in a secure, locked-down spot known only to me, a 
few trusted friends, and my attorney. And it may be illusion
that makes me think that I'm somehow safer by keeping some of
my assets there, but yes...I definitely do feel safer.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent UK Program on 9-11

2008-10-18 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I can't see how soldiers playing computer games could 
 fly real planes into the WTC...

I haven't seen the video but fly-by-wire has been commonplace
for very many years now, and remote control would be a straight
forward extension.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread raunchydog
Strange Fruit Lyrics

Southern trees bear strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

Pastoral scene of the gallant south,
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,
Here is a strange and bitter crop.

Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday Video

http://tinyurl.com/34g3b3 http://tinyurl.com/34g3b3

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Words Matter

 Bitter fruit of bigots

 The hangman's noose

 Twisted necks

 Bulging eyes

 Limp limbs

 In tangled branches

 Broken dreams of brothers

 Broken promises to sisters

 Vile beneath

 Hoods well hidden

 Their whispered breath

 Spreads an evil frost

 As opaque ghosts

 On windowpane

 Dead brown leaf

 Mahogany veneer

 Turning curled

 Dangling swaying

 Dropping loose

 Crushed underfoot

 Headstone lettered

 Humiliating epitaph

 Cloaked by night

 Blood reddened

 Guiltless violence

 Bond of shame

 Racial hatred

 Skin stripped whipped

 Misogyny its sister

 Frenzied fear of clit

 Such denial deep

 Who will weep?

 Be it common slur or insult

 Fevered killings oft result


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  More painful than truth is the display of closed hearts, closed
  and callous attitudes toward the one in four women in our country
  have tasted the fruit of misogyny on their bloodied lips.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Notice anything in common in the responses
   to Anglachel's essay?
   Jesus, somebody's on the rag or needs to get laid!
   As an old friend, a retired psychiatrist used to say:
   An orgasm a day, keeps the Shrink away! :-)
   This lady, Anglachel, has far too much time on her
   hands. She's wallowing in anger and resentment.
   Really, I think anybody who takes crap like this
   seriously needs to do some serious thinking about
   a vacation.
   Your obsessive, festering victimhood laments amplify
   an infantile perspective void of courage and character.
   Not one of the responses addresses any of
   Anglachel's points, even in attempted
   Instead, all of them attack the messenger.
   Feste inadvertently gives the game away:
   It's painful to read (I couldn't get through
   even half of it).
   Yes, sometimes the truth hurts.
   And when it does, all too often a river in
   Egypt is enlisted to wash it away.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread feste37
As is clear from the context of my post, this lady's screed was
painful to read because she was wallowing in anger and resentment,
determined to be a victim. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Feste inadvertently gives the game away:
 It's painful to read (I couldn't get through
 even half of it).
 Yes, sometimes the truth hurts.
 And when it does, all too often a river in
 Egypt is enlisted to wash it away.

[FairfieldLife] Third debate parody

2008-10-18 Thread Vaj

If you missed the Wed, SNL parody of the third debate here it is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Being the skunk at an atheist convention

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
  As I said yesterday Darwin's genuis was explaining the 
  amazing complexity of life using simple, observable chemical 
  processes. Up til then everyone had assumed that something
  as amazing as us must have been created by something even
  more amazing. 
 It seems to me that you are mixing up two quite separate questions
 here (Just as Dawkins did in his recent TV series in the UK):
 Q1) How does the diversity of life come about? ie. How do complex,
 sophisticated attributes develop from simpler organisms. This is 
 first sentence. Darwinism seems to be an excellent explanation for
 that. And it stands opposed to those religious beliefs that hold 
 all the species we find on Earth were plonked there some time 
ago 'of
 a piece' by God.
 Q2) How does the animate evolve from the inanimate? 

Nobody knows, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
The earliest fossils are 3.5 billion years old and they 
are simple bacteria, which is all there was for a billion

Nobody knows the exact climate and chemical composition
of the early earth but they are working on it. I'm sure 
they'll let us know when they find it. It can't be that 
difficult as life started so soon after conditions were 

Is that a sign of a religious type of faith? No, I don't
think so. If, say, trilobites had appeared fully formed
500 million years ago then you could say something
suspicious was going on but as life had the good grace 
to start in the sea (where things are more likely to be 
buried and thus be undisturbed to mineralise properly)
we have so many really good fossils and can trace the
evolution of what is to be everything we know now
incredibly accurately.

(This is implicit
 in your second sentence I would say). This is by far the more
 interesting question to most folks who are religious. Call me
 stupid - and I'm sure you will - 

No. sorry to disappoint you old chap ;-)

 but as Darwinism is a theory about
 how 'good' heritable traits are encouraged by natural selection, how
 could it EVER explain 'heritability' itself? Don't you need to
 presuppose 'life' to get Darwinian evolution going in the first

No. The ability evolve has, erm, evolved. Because for a billion
years or so life was simple bacteria it was only when two types
of bacteria, archae and eubacteria fused with a few others later
to form a more complex type of cell (eukaryote) with DNA in a 
nucleus and sexual reproduction rather than division by simple 
budding. That cell is the descendent of us and everything else,
our cells *still* have evidence of both types of early bacteria, 
it's what they pass on when they replicate that's changed over 
the years. When I say our I mean life on earth, cellularly 
it's all the same.

But nobody really knows how DNA got going, yet. That it evolved 
too seems obvious, to get all that way back in our understanding 
and then say Ah well, maybe there is a God to get us over this 
bit we don't understand seems sad to me. Some insist on that wiggle 
room at the beginning being evidence of a divine hand and I guess
it's impossible to say for sure until all the facts are in but
I doubt it. I hope it'll be known in my lifetime though.

 If so, the latter can never provide an explanation for the former.
 That's not meant to be an argument for a 'God Of The Gaps'
 necessarily. But only to say that the supposed great conflict 
 Darwinism and religion is just so much hot air. Especially in the
 hands of Dawkins!

Great conflict? I think the debate Richard Dawkins started
after 11/9 is essential for society, we have to question
whether what we believe is truth, fantasy, useful or outdated.
The only conflict is that some don't want to discuss it for some 

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread raunchydog
Since Feste is fearful of discussing anything about the actual topic
of the article, misogyny and sexism in politics, but rather judge the
messenger of the article, then I can only conclude he is wallowing in

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As is clear from the context of my post, this lady's screed was
 painful to read because she was wallowing in anger and resentment,
 determined to be a victim. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Feste inadvertently gives the game away:
  It's painful to read (I couldn't get through
  even half of it).
  Yes, sometimes the truth hurts.
  And when it does, all too often a river in
  Egypt is enlisted to wash it away.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As is clear from the context of my post, this lady's screed was
 painful to read because she was wallowing in anger and resentment,
 determined to be a victim. 

I would asy determined to pose as a victim. You
will notice that none of the sad, sad stories 
being posted are *hers*.

One of the things that seems to happen to older 
women who are exposed to radical feminist ideas
late in life is that they hear so many horror
stories about victims that they start to imagine
that they are victims, too. 

I saw this all too often in Rama's women students,
who would suddenly shift from being happy, ful-
filled women to being monotopical on the subject
of the mistreatment of women. The more that they
read the radicals of the feminist movement (like
Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon), the less
balanced and more monotopical they became in their
conversations. They began to try to turn *every*
conversation, in *every* context, towards women
as victims and men as oppressors. It got so
that even their women friends wrote them off and
refused to have anything to do with them.

Some got over this, and passed through this 
silly phase of becoming aware of feminist principles
and settled on a more balanced view. Others literally
became so paranoid that they wound up in institutions.
It was a sad thing to see, especially because some of
the women who went this route were my friends.

So while this particular rap may not have any statis-
tical or scientific basis, and is based solely on my
observations of about 30 women and what they went
through, here is my theory of what happened to them,
and what seems to be happening to Raunchydog.

1. They began to assume a victim mentality because
being a victim (while in *every* case they had never 
been victimized themselves) and identifying with the
victims of *real* abuse and *real* misogyny boosted
their egos and made them feel more important, as if
by empathizing with the real victims emotionally they
had become victims themselves.

2. Many of them began to display false memory syn-
drome and practice revisionist history, claiming
abuse of themselves to friends who knew from first-
hand experience that none of it was true. For example,
one woman began to claim that she wound up in the
hospital because her boyfriend beat her up. In reality,
the two women she was claiming this to *had been present*
when the woman tripped and fell down a flight of stairs,
putting *herself* in the hospital as a result. The 
woman in question kept claiming that No, her boyfriend
had done it all, and then began claiming that her women
friends were lying to cover up for him.

3. Their careers and real life began to suffer. Many
of these women began feeling so sorry for themselves 
(again, with no cause that was evident to relatives, 
friends and roommates) that they started skipping work, 
and eventually got fired. When this happened, naturally
they blamed having been fired on misogyny, not on not
showing up for work.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.
I am NOT trying to say that misogyny does not exist,
or that bad things don't happen to good women, at the
hands of men who deserve to have the shit beaten out
of them in a back alley by other men who don't share
their attitudes toward women. That, sadly, DOES happen. 

What I'm saying is that Raunchydog's rants here smack
of *imagined* abuse, not real abuse. I think she lost
it over Hillary's loss, and has gotten involved with
a bunch of women who think like Dworkin and MacKinnon
and are essentially monotopical in their focus on 
misogyny. They can't see anything ELSE; they can't
FOCUS on anything else. And, as we all know, 
What you focus on, you become.

Bottom line is that Raunchydog's rants are so off the
wall and out of balance that I don't believe a word
of them. I think she's mood-made herself into a very,
very dark place that has very little to do with reality,
hers or anyone else's. She doesn't even WRITE most of 
the angry, single-focus garbage she posts here...she 
just forwards the words of women even more angry and 
deranged than she is.

And I feel for her. I'd love for something to happen
that allows her to see more than misogyny in the world.
I'd like to see her pass through this preadolescent
phase of discovering feminism and segue to more adult
and balanced feminist positions. 

But honestly, I don't see that happening. I think that
if she has been unable to break this mono-focus fake
victim routine by now, she's not going to be able to
do so in the future. It's more likely that she'll wind 
up in an institution somewhere, as several of the
women I saw go through this did. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Feste inadvertently gives the game away:
  It's painful to read (I couldn't get through
  even half of it).
  Yes, sometimes the truth hurts.
  And when it does, all too often a river 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent UK Program on 9-11

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, uns_tressor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
  I can't see how soldiers playing computer games could 
  fly real planes into the WTC...
 I haven't seen the video but fly-by-wire has been commonplace
 for very many years now, and remote control would be a straight
 forward extension.

Yes I know, but it just seems like such a crazy way to go about
the attack, why don't the generals (Or whoever) do it themselves
rather than bring in innocent people they are going to have to
silence later, especially kidnapping their kids and poisoning
them with depleted uranium. It's such a lot of work!

That's the trouble with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories they
are so complex and involve thousands keeping silent and
incredible new technology like explosives that don't make any 
noise and buildings you can demolish without the usual hassle 
of taking down interior walls and tying the opposite corners 

None of them are as convincing as the idea that a bunch of
religious maniacs hi-jacked some planes and flew them into
public buildings all over the US. Simple, effective.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Safe

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My best friend is pregnant (not with my baby), and thus
 has been looking to move into a new apartment here in
 Sitges. Because my work schedule has slowed down for a
 while, I've been helping her look. As a result, I've 
 had the opportunity to see 30-40 fairly upscale apart-
 ments in the Sitges area in the last few weeks.
 And you know what every one of them had, and every single
 real estate agent pointed out as a perk for the apart-
 ment and thus an enticement to rent it?
 A safe.
 Some sort of wall safe or hidden-in-the-floorboards safe.
 And although the real estate agents always point out that
 the safe is fireproof, as if the reason you'd want to
 keep valuables hidden away in it is in case of fire, as
 far as I can tell this is always said with a knowing
 wink wink nudge nudge know-what-I-mean inflection.
 In Spain, after 40 years of Franco, the reason you would
 want a safe on your property is that you don't fully trust
 the banks. You want to keep a handy stash of cash and
 jewels and other valuables so that if the banks go bust
 or the world goes to hell in a handbasket, you don't.
 And y'know...I find that a fairly healthy attitude. I've
 been watching the UK tourists in Sitges panicking lately
 and making desperate phone calls from cafes to move their
 money from British banks to Irish ones. The reason? As 
 far as I can tell from overhearing conversations, savings
 in British banks are not necessarily insured if the bank
 goes bust. These tourists are worried because all of their
 money is in a bank somewhere in Britain.
 The Spanish, on the other hand, never put all of their
 money *anywhere*. Even the younger generations, who never
 knew Franco and the joys of living under a Fascist dic-
 tatorship, seem to have inherited this quality from their
 parents, who did. They keep a certain reserve in cash or
 other negotiables, too...just in case.
 Spain is similarly skittish with regard to credit. When you
 open a bank account here, you don't get checks with that
 account. You can't. Almost all transactions here between
 individuals and the other companies or individuals with 
 whom they do business are handled electronically. The reason
 is that, under Franco, checks became viewed as worth less 
 than the paper they were printed on.
 In the same vein, you rarely see credit cards, the way that
 they work in the US. Almost everyone uses debit cards, which
 means that -- other than a small 'overdraft' amount, limited
 to a few hundred Euros -- they have to have the money in the
 bank for anything they purchase on the card. 
 There ARE exceptions, of course, and like most other EU nations
 some Spanish have been being lured into insupportable personal
 debt in recent years. But for the most part, theirs seems to
 be a largely cash economy. 
 And again, I can't help but see this as a Good Thing. If the
 shit comes down over this recent financial meltdown, my Spanish
 neighbors (and me, because I've lived this way for decades now)
 will, I think, be in a somewhat better position than, say, the
 Irish, who are now officially the highest personal debtholders
 in the EU. (And the Brits want to move their money to *Irish*
 banks...go figure!)
 I thought of this, and decided to share it with you no matter
 how inane it might be, because I just had to add some capital
 to my personal safe. It's not built into the wall; it's out in
 the garden, in a secure, locked-down spot known only to me, a 
 few trusted friends, and my attorney. And it may be illusion
 that makes me think that I'm somehow safer by keeping some of
 my assets there, but yes...I definitely do feel safer.

Safe manufacturers in the UK are one of the few businesses
enjoying growth at the moment. All the share sellers are buying
gold and keeping it at home apparently.

I decided I would quite like one myself this week. Kind of cool
to have a big old one with a dial. Not sure what I'd keep in it 
yet though. I suppose if nothing else I could guarantee no-one 
finishes the peanut butter without me knowing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Safe

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Safe manufacturers in the UK are one of the few businesses
 enjoying growth at the moment. All the share sellers are buying
 gold and keeping it at home apparently.
 I decided I would quite like one myself this week. Kind of cool
 to have a big old one with a dial. Not sure what I'd keep in it 
 yet though. I suppose if nothing else I could guarantee no-one 
 finishes the peanut butter without me knowing.

Well said. The most valuable item in my safe
(at least to me) is a pair of nose glasses. You
know the ones -- black, clunky empty lens frames 
and a big, bushy Groucho mustache under the 

The reason I keep them there is that if the shit
ever does really go down, I want to be able to
don a good pair of nose glasses and wear them. 
No one on earth can take themselves completely
seriously while wearing nose glasses, and I 
consider not taking oneself seriously to be
one of the most valuable survival skills.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Being the skunk at an atheist convention

2008-10-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
  A beautiful and profound quote, Vaj. Thank you for sharing it. I 
  don't see it as a refutation of Nabs statement, and perhaps you 
  don't either. In any case that is some great writing.
 Right, a beautiful quote he copied and pasted.
 Please read his own words here and you will quickly see that this 
 quote, amongst others, is intelligence he does from time to time.

The other quote I fully appreciated was yours, ...the Vedas
are the eternal song of nature. I get Vaj's point of view and 
though I don't see things the same way as he does, he seems open to 
an exchange of ideas.

[FairfieldLife] 'Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies'

2008-10-18 Thread Robert

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Central University

2008-10-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 17, 2008, at 9:22 PM, gullible fool wrote:

I'd say the very fact that they're rajas to begin with
indicates a fairly serious level of disconnect.

The TMO money-grubbers do not care if there is a disconnect between  
the rajas and reality. They care only about making a disconnect  
between the faithful and their million dollar raja course fees, and  
before that, their million dollar enlightenment course fees. Ka- 
ching! Or is it Cha-ching! now?

Hey, whatever works!


[FairfieldLife] Mans Sues God, and Fails on Technicality

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo

Legal case against God dismissed. 

A US judge has thrown out a case against God, ruling that because the 
defendant has no address, legal papers cannot be served. 

The suit was launched by Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers, who 
said he might appeal against the ruling. 

He sought a permanent injunction to prevent the death, destruction 
and terrorisation caused by God. 

Judge Marlon Polk said in his ruling that a plaintiff must have 
access to the defendant for a case to proceed. 

Given that this court finds that there can never be service 
effectuated on the named defendant this action will be dismissed with 
prejudice, Judge Polk wrote in his ruling. 

Mr Chambers cannot refile the suit but may appeal. 

'God knows everything' 

Mr Chambers sued God last year. He said God had threatened him and 
the people of Nebraska and had inflicted widespread death, 
destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the 
Earth's inhabitants. 

He said he would carefully consider Judge Polk's ruling before 
deciding whether to appeal. 

The court, Mr Chambers said, had acknowledged the existence of God 
and a consequence of that acknowledgement is a recognition of God's 

Since God knows everything, he reasoned, God has notice of this 

Mr Chambers, a state senator for 38 years, said he filed the suit to 
make the point that anyone can sue anyone else, even God. 

From the BBC website:


[FairfieldLife] Sri Ramana Maharshi answers various Q's RE: sidhis

2008-10-18 Thread Rick Archer
Question: Are the Siddhis (super-natural powers) mentioned in
Patanjali's Sutras true or only his dream?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: He who is Brahman or the Self will not value
those Siddhis. Patanjali himself says that they are all exercised with
the mind and that they impede Self-realisation.

Question: What about the powers of so-called supermen?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: Whether powers are high or low, whether of the
mind or of a supermind, they exist only with reference to the one who
has the power. Find out who that is.

Question: Are Siddhis to be achieved on the spiritual path or are they
opposed to Mukti (liberation)?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: The highest Siddhi is realisation of the Self,
for once you realise the truth you cease to be drawn to the path of

Question: Then what use are the Siddhis?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: There are two kinds of Siddhis and one kind may
well be a stumbling block to realisation. It is said that by Mantra,
by some drug possessing occult virtues, by severe austerities or by
samadhi of a certain kind, powers can be acquired. But these powers
are not a means to Self-knowledge, for even when you acquire them, you
may quite well be in ignorance.

Question: What is the other kind?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: They are manifestations of power and knowledge,
which are quite natural to you when you realise the Self. They are
Siddhis, which are the products of the normal and natural Tapas
(spiritual practice) of the man who has reached the Self. They come of
their own accord, they are God given. They come according to one's
destiny but whether they come or not, the Jnani, who is settled in the
supreme peace, is not disturbed by them. For he knows the Self and
that is the unshakable Siddhi. But these Siddhis do not come by trying
for them. When you are in the state of realisation, you will know what
these powers are.

Question: Does the sage use occult powers for making others realise
the Self, or is the mere fact of his Self-realisation enough for it?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: The force of his Self-realisation is far more
powerful than the use of all other powers.

Though Siddhis are said to be many and different, Jnana (knowledge)
alone is the highest of those many different Siddhis, because those
who have attained other Siddhis will desire Jnana. Those who have
attained Jnana will not desire other Siddhis. Therefore aspire only
for Jnana.

Although the powers appear to be wonderful to those who do not possess
them, yet they are only transient. All these wonders are contained in
the one changeless Self.

Greedily begging for worthless occult powers (Siddhis) from God, who
will readily give Himself, who is everything, is like begging for
worthless stale gruel from a generous natured philanthropist who will
readily give everything.

In the Heart, which catches fire with the blazing flame of supreme
devotion, all the occult powers will gather together. However, with a
heart that has become a complete prey to the feet of the Lord, the
devotee will not have any desire for those Siddhis. Know that if
aspirants who are making efforts on the path to liberation set their
heart upon occult powers, their dense bondage will be strengthened
more and more, and hence the lustre of their ego will wax more and more.

The attainment (Siddhi) of Self, which is the perfect whole, the
radiance of liberation, alone is the attainment of true knowledge,
whereas the other kinds of Siddhi, beginning with Anima (the ability
to become as small as an atom) belong to the delusion of the power of
imagination of the foolish mind.

People see many things which are far more miraculous than the
so-called Siddhis, yet do not wonder at them simply because they occur
every day. When a man is born he is no bigger than this electric bulb,
but then he grows up and becomes a giant wrestler, or a world-famed
artist, orator, politician or sage. People do not view this as a
miracle but they are wonder struck if a corpse is made to speak.

Questioner: I have been interesting myself in metaphysics for over
twenty years. But I have not gained any novel experience as so many
others claim to do. I have no powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience,
etc. I feel myself locked up in this body and nothing more.

Sri Ramana Maharshi: It is right. Reality is only one and that is the
Self. All the rest are mere phenomena in it, of it, and by it. The
seer, the objects and the sight all are the Self only. Can anyone see
or hear, leaving the Self aside? What difference does it make to see
or hear anyone in close proximity or over enormous distance? The
organs of sight and hearing are needed in both cases and so the mind
is also required. None of them can be dispensed with in either case.
There is dependence one way or another. Why then should there be a
glamour about clairvoyance and clairaudience?

Moreover, what is acquired will also be lost in due course. They can
never be permanent.

Question: Is it not good to acquire powers such as telepathy?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Mans Sues God, and Fails on Technicality

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB

It's got me imagining a story about some poor 
schlep who works as a process server, and has
been assigned the task of nofifying God of 
the lawsuit. What a cool scene it would be 
if he succeeded, eh?

Schlep: So dude...do you know where I could 
find God around here? I've been looking for 
him for some time.

God: What have you been looking for Me...uh...
I mean, Him for?

Schlep: I want to serve him.

God: I just *love* that in a seeker. Ok, I'm God.

Schlep: Cool. [ hands him a legal envelope ]
Consider yourself served.

God: Shit. I *knew* I shouldn't have given those
peons Free Will...it's been nothing but a pain
in the ass ever since.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Legal case against God dismissed. 
 A US judge has thrown out a case against God, ruling that because 
 the defendant has no address, legal papers cannot be served. 
 The suit was launched by Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers, who 
 said he might appeal against the ruling. 
 He sought a permanent injunction to prevent the death, destruction 
 and terrorisation caused by God. 
 Judge Marlon Polk said in his ruling that a plaintiff must have 
 access to the defendant for a case to proceed. 
 Given that this court finds that there can never be service 
 effectuated on the named defendant this action will be dismissed 
 with prejudice, Judge Polk wrote in his ruling. 
 Mr Chambers cannot refile the suit but may appeal. 
 'God knows everything' 
 Mr Chambers sued God last year. He said God had threatened him and 
 the people of Nebraska and had inflicted widespread death, 
 destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the 
 Earth's inhabitants. 
 He said he would carefully consider Judge Polk's ruling before 
 deciding whether to appeal. 
 The court, Mr Chambers said, had acknowledged the existence of God 
 and a consequence of that acknowledgement is a recognition of 
 God's omniscience. 
 Since God knows everything, he reasoned, God has notice of this 
 Mr Chambers, a state senator for 38 years, said he filed the suit 
 to make the point that anyone can sue anyone else, even God. 
 From the BBC website:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Ramana Maharshi answers various Q's RE: sidhis

2008-10-18 Thread do.rflex

~~ Delicious ~~   Thanks, Rick.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Question: Are the Siddhis (super-natural powers) mentioned in
Patanjali's Sutras true or only his dream?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: He who is Brahman or the Self will not value
those Siddhis. Patanjali himself says that they are all exercised with
the mind and that they impede Self-realisation.

Question: What about the powers of so-called supermen?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: Whether powers are high or low, whether of the
mind or of a supermind, they exist only with reference to the one who
has the power. Find out who that is.

Question: Are Siddhis to be achieved on the spiritual path or are they
opposed to Mukti (liberation)?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: The highest Siddhi is realisation of the Self,
for once you realise the truth you cease to be drawn to the path of

Question: Then what use are the Siddhis?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: There are two kinds of Siddhis and one kind may
well be a stumbling block to realisation. It is said that by Mantra,
by some drug possessing occult virtues, by severe austerities or by
samadhi of a certain kind, powers can be acquired. But these powers
are not a means to Self-knowledge, for even when you acquire them, you
may quite well be in ignorance.

Question: What is the other kind?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: They are manifestations of power and knowledge,
which are quite natural to you when you realise the Self. They are
Siddhis, which are the products of the normal and natural Tapas
(spiritual practice) of the man who has reached the Self. They come of
their own accord, they are God given. They come according to one's
destiny but whether they come or not, the Jnani, who is settled in the
supreme peace, is not disturbed by them. For he knows the Self and
that is the unshakable Siddhi. But these Siddhis do not come by trying
for them. When you are in the state of realisation, you will know what
these powers are.

Question: Does the sage use occult powers for making others realise
the Self, or is the mere fact of his Self-realisation enough for it?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: The force of his Self-realisation is far more
powerful than the use of all other powers.

Though Siddhis are said to be many and different, Jnana (knowledge)
alone is the highest of those many different Siddhis, because those
who have attained other Siddhis will desire Jnana. Those who have
attained Jnana will not desire other Siddhis. Therefore aspire only
for Jnana.

Although the powers appear to be wonderful to those who do not possess
them, yet they are only transient. All these wonders are contained in
the one changeless Self.

Greedily begging for worthless occult powers (Siddhis) from God, who
will readily give Himself, who is everything, is like begging for
worthless stale gruel from a generous natured philanthropist who will
readily give everything.

In the Heart, which catches fire with the blazing flame of supreme
devotion, all the occult powers will gather together. However, with a
heart that has become a complete prey to the feet of the Lord, the
devotee will not have any desire for those Siddhis. Know that if
aspirants who are making efforts on the path to liberation set their
heart upon occult powers, their dense bondage will be strengthened
more and more, and hence the lustre of their ego will wax more and more.

The attainment (Siddhi) of Self, which is the perfect whole, the
radiance of liberation, alone is the attainment of true knowledge,
whereas the other kinds of Siddhi, beginning with Anima (the ability
to become as small as an atom) belong to the delusion of the power of
imagination of the foolish mind.

People see many things which are far more miraculous than the
so-called Siddhis, yet do not wonder at them simply because they occur
every day. When a man is born he is no bigger than this electric bulb,
but then he grows up and becomes a giant wrestler, or a world-famed
artist, orator, politician or sage. People do not view this as a
miracle but they are wonder struck if a corpse is made to speak.

Questioner: I have been interesting myself in metaphysics for over
twenty years. But I have not gained any novel experience as so many
others claim to do. I have no powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience,
etc. I feel myself locked up in this body and nothing more.

Sri Ramana Maharshi: It is right. Reality is only one and that is the
Self. All the rest are mere phenomena in it, of it, and by it. The
seer, the objects and the sight all are the Self only. Can anyone see
or hear, leaving the Self aside? What difference does it make to see
or hear anyone in close proximity or over enormous distance? The
organs of sight and hearing are needed in both cases and so the mind
is also required. None of them can be dispensed with in either case.
There is dependence one way or another. Why then should there be a
glamour about clairvoyance and clairaudience?

Moreover, what is acquired will also be 

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  As is clear from the context of my post, this lady's screed was
  painful to read because she was wallowing in anger and resentment,
  determined to be a victim. 
 I would asy determined to pose as a victim. You
 will notice that none of the sad, sad stories 
 being posted are *hers*.

From yesterday's post by Anglachel, the same woman
who wrote the screed Feste couldn't finish

I have been raped more than once, always in my own home,
always by someone I knew. I am lucky that the only man
who threatened to kill me decided to batter holes in the
wall beside my head while screaming how he would kill me
instead of doing the deed. I am also lucky that I was
able to leave that situation behind.


(She's mentioned this before in passing, but she's
never harped on it.)

 I saw this all too often in Rama's women students,
 who would suddenly shift from being happy, ful-
 filled women to being monotopical on the subject
 of the mistreatment of women. The more that they
 read the radicals of the feminist movement (like
 Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon), the less
 balanced and more monotopical they became in their
 conversations. They began to try to turn *every*
 conversation, in *every* context, towards women
 as victims and men as oppressors. It got so
 that even their women friends wrote them off and
 refused to have anything to do with them.

Also for the record, Anglachel writes about
many things, not just feminism-related topics.
She decided to do a series of posts on violence
against women; it's by no means her sole topic.

 Some got over this, and passed through this 
 silly phase of becoming aware of feminist principles
 and settled on a more balanced view. Others literally
 became so paranoid that they wound up in institutions.

And for the record again, becoming so
paranoid that one winds up in an institution
is not caused by involvement in feminism
(or in anything else), even by obsessive
involvement. Paranoia that requires 
institutionalization is an endogenous mental
illness; the specific content is incidental.

 1. They began to assume a victim mentality because
 being a victim (while in *every* case they had never 
 been victimized themselves) and identifying with the
 victims of *real* abuse and *real* misogyny boosted
 their egos and made them feel more important, as if
 by empathizing with the real victims emotionally they
 had become victims themselves.

Yes, many decent human beings who have not
themselves been victimized by oppression or
other hardship do empathize and identify with
the real victims. The civil rights movement,
for instance, had a substantial component of
white people, as did abolitionism before that.
There are innumerable other examples of a
positive answer to the old question, Am I
my brother's--or sister's--keeper?

Whether such human beings are motivated by ego
or by the purest altruism is an interesting 
theoretical discussion but not very relevant
to the practical reality of the attempt to
improve the conditions of people's lives. (One
might even suggest it's a matter of what's
called enlightened self-interest: The 
conditions of my life will improve if those of
my neighbor's life do as well.)

 What I'm saying is that Raunchydog's rants here smack
 of *imagined* abuse, not real abuse.

Oddly enough, Barry appears to have forgotten
his (correct) assertion above that none of the
stories raunchydog has posted were *hers*.

 I think she lost
 it over Hillary's loss, and has gotten involved with
 a bunch of women who think like Dworkin and MacKinnon
 and are essentially monotopical in their focus on 
 misogyny. They can't see anything ELSE; they can't
 FOCUS on anything else. And, as we all know, 
 What you focus on, you become.

However, as we also all know (at least those 
of us who have been paying attention),
raunchydog doesn't post exclusively about the
abuse of women. It's just one of her concerns
(and I'd guess she's been a feminist for some
time; she supported Hillary *because* she's a
feminist, her feminism wasn't newly inspired
by Hillary).

The concern about abuse of women has been
heightened recently among many, many women
because of the misogyny unleashed by the 
candidacies of Hillary and Palin, which, as
we've seen, has been repeatedly echoed on this
forum, by Barry in particular.

And that concern does tend to become intensified
when it's not taken seriously, when it's brushed
off and dismissed and trivialized, when the
messenger is attacked for having brought the
message--as Barry, who is one of those most
guilty of misogyny on FFL, is doing now.

 Bottom line is that Raunchydog's rants are so off the
 wall and out of balance that I don't believe a word
 of them.

Again, as Barry himself asserted above,
raunchydog hasn't 

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread raunchydog
As usual, Barry has a lot to say about what he imagines others, think,
feel and experience without owing his nasty habit of making shit up to
diminish, from his pompous throne of judgment, those he considers
inferior to himself, and every time he dumps his load, he only shows
the smallness of his hissy fits.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  As is clear from the context of my post, this lady's screed was
  painful to read because she was wallowing in anger and resentment,
  determined to be a victim. 
 I would asy determined to pose as a victim. You
 will notice that none of the sad, sad stories 
 being posted are *hers*.
 One of the things that seems to happen to older 
 women who are exposed to radical feminist ideas
 late in life is that they hear so many horror
 stories about victims that they start to imagine
 that they are victims, too. 
 I saw this all too often in Rama's women students,
 who would suddenly shift from being happy, ful-
 filled women to being monotopical on the subject
 of the mistreatment of women. The more that they
 read the radicals of the feminist movement (like
 Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon), the less
 balanced and more monotopical they became in their
 conversations. They began to try to turn *every*
 conversation, in *every* context, towards women
 as victims and men as oppressors. It got so
 that even their women friends wrote them off and
 refused to have anything to do with them.
 Some got over this, and passed through this 
 silly phase of becoming aware of feminist principles
 and settled on a more balanced view. Others literally
 became so paranoid that they wound up in institutions.
 It was a sad thing to see, especially because some of
 the women who went this route were my friends.
 So while this particular rap may not have any statis-
 tical or scientific basis, and is based solely on my
 observations of about 30 women and what they went
 through, here is my theory of what happened to them,
 and what seems to be happening to Raunchydog.
 1. They began to assume a victim mentality because
 being a victim (while in *every* case they had never 
 been victimized themselves) and identifying with the
 victims of *real* abuse and *real* misogyny boosted
 their egos and made them feel more important, as if
 by empathizing with the real victims emotionally they
 had become victims themselves.
 2. Many of them began to display false memory syn-
 drome and practice revisionist history, claiming
 abuse of themselves to friends who knew from first-
 hand experience that none of it was true. For example,
 one woman began to claim that she wound up in the
 hospital because her boyfriend beat her up. In reality,
 the two women she was claiming this to *had been present*
 when the woman tripped and fell down a flight of stairs,
 putting *herself* in the hospital as a result. The 
 woman in question kept claiming that No, her boyfriend
 had done it all, and then began claiming that her women
 friends were lying to cover up for him.
 3. Their careers and real life began to suffer. Many
 of these women began feeling so sorry for themselves 
 (again, with no cause that was evident to relatives, 
 friends and roommates) that they started skipping work, 
 and eventually got fired. When this happened, naturally
 they blamed having been fired on misogyny, not on not
 showing up for work.
 I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.
 I am NOT trying to say that misogyny does not exist,
 or that bad things don't happen to good women, at the
 hands of men who deserve to have the shit beaten out
 of them in a back alley by other men who don't share
 their attitudes toward women. That, sadly, DOES happen. 
 What I'm saying is that Raunchydog's rants here smack
 of *imagined* abuse, not real abuse. I think she lost
 it over Hillary's loss, and has gotten involved with
 a bunch of women who think like Dworkin and MacKinnon
 and are essentially monotopical in their focus on 
 misogyny. They can't see anything ELSE; they can't
 FOCUS on anything else. And, as we all know, 
 What you focus on, you become.
 Bottom line is that Raunchydog's rants are so off the
 wall and out of balance that I don't believe a word
 of them. I think she's mood-made herself into a very,
 very dark place that has very little to do with reality,
 hers or anyone else's. She doesn't even WRITE most of 
 the angry, single-focus garbage she posts here...she 
 just forwards the words of women even more angry and 
 deranged than she is.
 And I feel for her. I'd love for something to happen
 that allows her to see more than misogyny in the world.
 I'd like to see her pass through this preadolescent
 phase of discovering feminism and segue to more adult
 and balanced feminist positions. 
 But honestly, I don't see that happening. I think that
 if she has been unable to break 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent UK Program on 9-11

2008-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
Hugo wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, uns_tressor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
 I can't see how soldiers playing computer games could 
 fly real planes into the WTC...

 I haven't seen the video but fly-by-wire has been commonplace
 for very many years now, and remote control would be a straight
 forward extension.


 Yes I know, but it just seems like such a crazy way to go about
 the attack, why don't the generals (Or whoever) do it themselves
 rather than bring in innocent people they are going to have to
 silence later, especially kidnapping their kids and poisoning
 them with depleted uranium. It's such a lot of work!
Because the generals are no good a video games.  It takes the younger 
recruits who they filtered out and found good at games to do such remote 
flying.  It also takes specialized people to fly the drones.  Ever try 
to fly a toy remote controlled airplane?
 That's the trouble with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories they
 are so complex and involve thousands keeping silent and
 incredible new technology like explosives that don't make any 
 noise and buildings you can demolish without the usual hassle 
 of taking down interior walls and tying the opposite corners 
Nope, it wouldn't take thousands to pull this off.  The explosives made 
noise as fire fighters reported. 
 None of them are as convincing as the idea that a bunch of
 religious maniacs hi-jacked some planes and flew them into
 public buildings all over the US. Simple, effective.
Religious maniacs who could barely fly a Cessna and spent the prior 
evening at a strip club?  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Safe

2008-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 My best friend is pregnant (not with my baby), and thus
 has been looking to move into a new apartment here in
 Sitges. Because my work schedule has slowed down for a
 while, I've been helping her look. As a result, I've 
 had the opportunity to see 30-40 fairly upscale apart-
 ments in the Sitges area in the last few weeks.

 And you know what every one of them had, and every single
 real estate agent pointed out as a perk for the apart-
 ment and thus an enticement to rent it?

 A safe.

 Some sort of wall safe or hidden-in-the-floorboards safe.
 And although the real estate agents always point out that
 the safe is fireproof, as if the reason you'd want to
 keep valuables hidden away in it is in case of fire, as
 far as I can tell this is always said with a knowing
 wink wink nudge nudge know-what-I-mean inflection.

 In Spain, after 40 years of Franco, the reason you would
 want a safe on your property is that you don't fully trust
 the banks. You want to keep a handy stash of cash and
 jewels and other valuables so that if the banks go bust
 or the world goes to hell in a handbasket, you don't.

 And y'know...I find that a fairly healthy attitude. I've
 been watching the UK tourists in Sitges panicking lately
 and making desperate phone calls from cafes to move their
 money from British banks to Irish ones. The reason? As 
 far as I can tell from overhearing conversations, savings
 in British banks are not necessarily insured if the bank
 goes bust. These tourists are worried because all of their
 money is in a bank somewhere in Britain.

 The Spanish, on the other hand, never put all of their
 money *anywhere*. Even the younger generations, who never
 knew Franco and the joys of living under a Fascist dic-
 tatorship, seem to have inherited this quality from their
 parents, who did. They keep a certain reserve in cash or
 other negotiables, too...just in case.

 Spain is similarly skittish with regard to credit. When you
 open a bank account here, you don't get checks with that
 account. You can't. Almost all transactions here between
 individuals and the other companies or individuals with 
 whom they do business are handled electronically. The reason
 is that, under Franco, checks became viewed as worth less 
 than the paper they were printed on.

 In the same vein, you rarely see credit cards, the way that
 they work in the US. Almost everyone uses debit cards, which
 means that -- other than a small 'overdraft' amount, limited
 to a few hundred Euros -- they have to have the money in the
 bank for anything they purchase on the card. 

 There ARE exceptions, of course, and like most other EU nations
 some Spanish have been being lured into insupportable personal
 debt in recent years. But for the most part, theirs seems to
 be a largely cash economy. 

 And again, I can't help but see this as a Good Thing. If the
 shit comes down over this recent financial meltdown, my Spanish
 neighbors (and me, because I've lived this way for decades now)
 will, I think, be in a somewhat better position than, say, the
 Irish, who are now officially the highest personal debtholders
 in the EU. (And the Brits want to move their money to *Irish*
 banks...go figure!)

 I thought of this, and decided to share it with you no matter
 how inane it might be, because I just had to add some capital
 to my personal safe. It's not built into the wall; it's out in
 the garden, in a secure, locked-down spot known only to me, a 
 few trusted friends, and my attorney. And it may be illusion
 that makes me think that I'm somehow safer by keeping some of
 my assets there, but yes...I definitely do feel safer.
A Bay Area news report the other evening focused on booming sales of 
safes in the area.  For the same reason too. :-D

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As is clear from the context of my post, this lady's
 screed was painful to read because she was wallowing
 in anger and resentment, determined to be a victim.

She *has* been a victim, as I explained to Barry.

Now that you know she has indeed been a victim,
would that make her screed any less painful
for you to read? Or is it just her anger and
resentment that you find difficult to deal with,
victim or not?

Yes, it was clear from the context that you
wanted to blame her rather than yourself for your
inability to tolerate the pain of reading what she
had to say. That's why I said you gave the game
away *inadvertently*, you see.

I'd like to think, at any rate, that you have
enough humanity to find any account of the
mistreatment to which women are commonly
subjected painful, regardless of whether the
account is from an actual victim; but that the
pain is so acute that you can't quite bring
yourself to accurately identify its source.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Feste inadvertently gives the game away:
  It's painful to read (I couldn't get through
  even half of it).
  Yes, sometimes the truth hurts.
  And when it does, all too often a river in
  Egypt is enlisted to wash it away.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mans Sues God, and Fails on Technicality

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's got me imagining a story about some poor 
 schlep who works as a process server, and has
 been assigned the task of nofifying God of 
 the lawsuit. What a cool scene it would be 
 if he succeeded, eh?
 Schlep: So dude...do you know where I could 
 find God around here? I've been looking for 
 him for some time.
 God: What have you been looking for Me...uh...
 I mean, Him for?
 Schlep: I want to serve him.
 God: I just *love* that in a seeker. Ok, I'm God.
 Schlep: Cool. [ hands him a legal envelope ]
 Consider yourself served.
 God: Shit. I *knew* I shouldn't have given those
 peons Free Will...it's been nothing but a pain
 in the ass ever since.

Excellent. But, no kidding everyone's at it:





Perhaps this is why we don't hear much from the big guy
anymore, he's too busy briefing his legal team.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
  Legal case against God dismissed. 
  A US judge has thrown out a case against God, ruling that because 
  the defendant has no address, legal papers cannot be served. 
  The suit was launched by Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers, 
  said he might appeal against the ruling. 
  He sought a permanent injunction to prevent the death, 
  and terrorisation caused by God. 
  Judge Marlon Polk said in his ruling that a plaintiff must have 
  access to the defendant for a case to proceed. 
  Given that this court finds that there can never be service 
  effectuated on the named defendant this action will be dismissed 
  with prejudice, Judge Polk wrote in his ruling. 
  Mr Chambers cannot refile the suit but may appeal. 
  'God knows everything' 
  Mr Chambers sued God last year. He said God had threatened him 
  the people of Nebraska and had inflicted widespread death, 
  destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the 
  Earth's inhabitants. 
  He said he would carefully consider Judge Polk's ruling before 
  deciding whether to appeal. 
  The court, Mr Chambers said, had acknowledged the existence of 
  and a consequence of that acknowledgement is a recognition of 
  God's omniscience. 
  Since God knows everything, he reasoned, God has notice of 
  Mr Chambers, a state senator for 38 years, said he filed the suit 
  to make the point that anyone can sue anyone else, even God. 
  From the BBC website:

[FairfieldLife] Hysterical woman making McCarthyist claims (was Re: The Lady Killers)

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Oct 18, 2008, at 3:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis. You've seen the
  misogynistic vomit (including death threats) hurled
  at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
  post here, not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
  and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.
  You have no excuse.
  Women, Can't Live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
  I'm not sure who you're quoting, Robert,
  but I can guess. Therefore I demand that
  she back up her claim of death threats
  made *on this forum* against her and
  Raunchydog and other women who attempt
  to post here. I want the exact quotes,
  and the message numbers of the posts in
  which these death threats were made.
 Not to mention death threats against...Jackie Kennedy?
 Wouldn't those clearly be a waste of said threatener's time?

Nobody said there had been death threats against
Jackie Kennedy, stupid.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent UK Program on 9-11

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hugo wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, uns_tressor 

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
  I can't see how soldiers playing computer games could 
  fly real planes into the WTC...

  I haven't seen the video but fly-by-wire has been commonplace
  for very many years now, and remote control would be a straight
  forward extension.
  Yes I know, but it just seems like such a crazy way to go about
  the attack, why don't the generals (Or whoever) do it themselves
  rather than bring in innocent people they are going to have to
  silence later, especially kidnapping their kids and poisoning
  them with depleted uranium. It's such a lot of work!

 Because the generals are no good a video games.  It takes the 
 recruits who they filtered out and found good at games to do such 
 flying.  It also takes specialized people to fly the drones.  Ever 
 to fly a toy remote controlled airplane?

Yep, takes about ten minutes to learn and if you're not
planning to land...

Besides someone must have taught the guys to fly these
drones, someone in charge perhaps? 

  That's the trouble with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories they
  are so complex and involve thousands keeping silent and
  incredible new technology like explosives that don't make any 
  noise and buildings you can demolish without the usual hassle 
  of taking down interior walls and tying the opposite corners 

 Nope, it wouldn't take thousands to pull this off.  The explosives 
 noise as fire fighters reported. 
  None of them are as convincing as the idea that a bunch of
  religious maniacs hi-jacked some planes and flew them into
  public buildings all over the US. Simple, effective.

 Religious maniacs who could barely fly a Cessna and spent the 
prior evening at a strip club?

Strip club eh? Probably rehearsing for those 72 virgins. Bunch of 

The people on united 93 phoned their friends and family  and 
told them what was going on so it must have been arabs with 
*some* flying skill.

And an FBI agent reported that there were many middle eastern men
taking flying lessons in Arizona. Let's face it they didn't need to 
know how to take off and land so how hard could it be?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threats

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The claim that actual death threats have been made on
 Fairfield Life is a serious one, and one that I do not
 take lightly. If the poster who made this claim cannot
 back up this claim with actual quotes that fit the
 definition on the following Wiki page -- may inflict 
 physical injury on anyone -- I demand a public retrac-
 tion of the statement and an equally public apology.

Anyone who checks the page will find that Barry's
quote is WAY out of context; it's a definition of
when a death threat becomes a crime, i.e., when it
has been used successfully to coerce someone to
engage in conduct from which there is a legal right
to abstain or abstain from conduct in which there
is a legal right to engage.

Barry's quite safe from criminal prosecution in
this case (at least in Alaska, which is where the
legal definition above applies), since neither
raunchydog nor I have been so coerced.

Here's the pertinent Wikipedia quote defining a
death threat:

[Death] threats are usually designed to intimidate
victims in order to manipulate their behavior...

As to apologies, I'll quote from a post of Barry's
of around a year ago:

And I apologize to no one, unless I have the idea
to do so first. When someone gets in my face and tries
to tell me that I have affronted them and that I need
to apologize for it, I register what they say, but then
I just continue merrily with my life. Let *them* worry
about how fuckin' affronted they are, since they
obviously are.

However, no apology is called for in this case
anyway, as Barry knows. Those affronted are the
people against whom the death threats have been
made, not the person who has made them. If
anyone deserves an apology, it's the former (but
note that no demand for one has been made either).


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Lady Killers

2008-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
 No, it's the men who hide behind faux feminism 

With you as the sole judge of what's faux and what's fer real real no
doubt.  I'm gunna have to go with the actual rather than virtual women
in my world on this one, sorry.  And sorry to say I'm also not gunna
run them by your official judgment first.

and self-righteously 

Ouch!  Gotta get in the digs don'tcha.  Feel better now?

insist they and their brothers

I could almost hear you spit that word out.  So you can express
solidarity with women but if I do it with certain men I am
contemptible.  I see a pattern here.

 are not the enemy, who close their eyes and ears
 to what's going on

Or have a different opinion to what is going on.  How about that option?

 while fatuously proclaiming their
 innocence and good intentions.
 Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis.

You are easily stunned.

 You've seen the misogynistic vomit

I've seen people jerking your chain. You're predictability is stunning
Judy. SNAP!

(including death threats)

I'm with Turk on this one.  How about some proof on this?  

 hurled at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
 post here,

And you would like some special treatment perhaps?  Very feminist! 
Right on sista, special protective treatment for all women so they can
be equal.  attempt to post here?  WTF, Raunchy seems to be doing
just fine.

 not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
 and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.

Did people on a public forum say bad things about public people? 
that's a first.  Thanks for pointing that out, I'll get right on
stopping all of that immediately. I'm just glad to hear than male
public figures have not been subjected to this kind of verbal assault.
(with the possible exception of my calling Guru Dev a hobo) 
 You have no excuse.

And your assumption that I need one show one of the many differences
in how we approach other people Judy.

You are running old school feminism that verges on being a man hater.
 Good luck with that strategy. I think it is time to put you BF online
so we can determine if you have damaged our brother's self-esteem with
your aggressive form of assumptively judgmental feminism.  

I'll buy the negative effect of language on young women who are
forming their identity.  But at our ages we have no excuse for being
so touchy that we equate language with actual physical violence to
women.  You are missing a critical distinction in your zeal to make 
men wrong. 

See ya at the Wymin's Djimbe drum circle at Dupont Circle in D.C. 
Everyone is gunna get tribal tattoo armbands and talk about how
terribly Guy Ritchie treated Madonna over a steamy cup of miso. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  The guys you are dogging out all have
  loving relationships with the women in their lives
 Whether it's even the case that all the men on this
 forum *have* women in their lives, the fact is that a
 large percentage of men who abuse women would smugly
 declare they had loving relationships with those
  and you ought to
  trust your sisters on the ground about these men.
 I don't believe we've heard from your girlfriend
 lately, or any of the wives or girlfriends (or even
 the one-night stands) of the men on this forum. What
 sisters on the ground are there for us to trust
 with regard to the behavior of the men on FFL?
 We see how the men here treat *us*. And we see how
 our sisters on the ground are treated in the
 quotes raunchydog posted. We see how Hillary and
 Sarah Palin and Cindy McCain and Jackie Kennedy
 have been treated here.
  The ones you should watch IMO, hide behind religious piety
  and their purity from low desires.
 No, it's the men who hide behind faux feminism and
 self-righteously insist they and their brothers
 are not the enemy, who close their eyes and ears
 to what's going on while fatuously proclaiming their
 innocence and good intentions.
 Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis. You've seen the
 misogynistic vomit (including death threats) hurled
 at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
 post here, not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
 and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.
 You have no excuse.

[FairfieldLife] I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread raunchydog
...The viciousness and glee with which they set about the task ought to
concern anyone who still cares about citizen participation, and freedom
of speech...I AM JOE

First, a pre-emptive apology for the intentional non-humor to follow. I
promise that all future non-humor will be strictly unintentional.

We've all witnessed a lot of insanity in American politics over the last
few years. Up until the last few days, none of it has seriously bothered
me; hey, just more grist for the satire mill. But after witnessing the
media's blitzkreig on Joe 'the Plumber' Wurzelbacher, I can only muster
anger, and no small amount of fear.

Politicians -- Sarah Palin, Bill Clinton, et al. --  obviously have to
put up with some rude, nasty shit, but it's  right there in the jobs
description. Joe the Plumber is different. He was a guy tossing a
football with his kid in the front yard of his $125,000 house when a
politician picked him out as a prop for a 30 second newsbite for the
cable news cameras. Joe simply had the temerity to speak truth (or, if
you prefer, an uninformed opinion) to power, for which the
politico-media axis apparently determined that he must be humiliated,
harassed, smashed, destroyed. The viciousness and glee with which they
set about the task ought to concern anyone who still cares about citizen
participation, and freedom of speech, and all that old crap they taught
in Civics class before politics turned into Narrative Deathrace 3000,
and Web 2.0 turned into Berlin 1932.0.

Godwin's Law! you say? if the jackboot fits, wear it.

If it's meta-memes and meta-meta-narratives these media headlice want,
so be it. I hope you will join me in expressing a simple bit of
solidarity with this guy, Spartacus style. I AM JOE. I am a Wal Mart
schlub in flyover country who changes my own oil and unclogs drains
without a license. I smoke and drink beer and toss the football in the
front yard with my kid, and I figure I can fend my way without handouts
from some Magic Messiah's candy bags. Most everyone in my family and
most everyone I grew up with is another Joe, and if you screw with them,
you screw with me.

Are you a Joe? Say it proud. Leave it on every goddamn newspaper comment
section and online forum. Let these pressroom and online thugs know you
won't stay silent when they try to destroy the life of a private citizen
for speaking his mind -- because for every one of them, there are a
million Joe Wurzelbachers. And for that we should all be thankful.


Update: G.M. writes:

I just am so mad about this media anal exam they're giving this  guy
that I made a graphic...if you like it you can use it or post it for 
download to get people showing solidarity.

Many thanks.

You can download the full size original of G.M.'s graphic here
http://www.flickr.com/photos/iowahawk_blog/2951062466/sizes/o/ .

  [i_am_joe]  http://www.flickr.com/photos/iowahawk_blog/2951062466/

Snotty, Presidential Candidate Laughs at Plumber

http://tinyurl.com/5lb9ng http://tinyurl.com/5lb9ng

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I leave it to you to decide. It DOES contain the
 phrase too stupid to live, and speaks of both
 Judy and Raunchydog bursting into flame. I guess
 if you're insane, you could construe this as a 
 death threat, but I suspect that most sane
 people wouldn't quite see it that way.

The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
indeed the one in which he made the death threats
to which I was referring, as he knew from the
start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
Obama activism at this point, something more
drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
actually bursting into flame.

As everyone here is aware by now, Barry typically
expresses his real feelings in the context of 
what he purports to be a joke, satire, fiction,
one of those goofs that is written just for a

He also repeatedly boasts about his ability to
push people's buttons.

Looks like this time it's Barry's buttons that
have gotten pushed, big-time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
 The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
 indeed the one in which he made the death threats
 to which I was referring, as he knew from the
 start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
 and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
 Obama activism at this point, something more
 drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
 actually bursting into flame.

These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  I leave it to you to decide. It DOES contain the
  phrase too stupid to live, and speaks of both
  Judy and Raunchydog bursting into flame. I guess
  if you're insane, you could construe this as a 
  death threat, but I suspect that most sane
  people wouldn't quite see it that way.
 The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
 indeed the one in which he made the death threats
 to which I was referring, as he knew from the
 start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
 and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
 Obama activism at this point, something more
 drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
 actually bursting into flame.
 As everyone here is aware by now, Barry typically
 expresses his real feelings in the context of 
 what he purports to be a joke, satire, fiction,
 one of those goofs that is written just for a
 He also repeatedly boasts about his ability to
 push people's buttons.
 Looks like this time it's Barry's buttons that
 have gotten pushed, big-time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Snotty, Presidential Candidate Laughs at Plumber
 http://tinyurl.com/5lb9ng http://tinyurl.com/5lb9ng

What a crap video, you can't tell anything about what Obabma
was actually saying at the rally. It was too out of context.
Why would he just mock someone that everyone else could 
obviously relate to. As with a good many of your posts I think 
there is more to this than meets the eye.

And I also think that the more you earn the more tax you should
pay, Joe already earns $250,000, how much more do you need? 

It sickens me that billionaires in London pay less tax than
the people who clean their toilets.

Tax the rich and give it to the poor. I'm a proper leftie I am.

[FairfieldLife] Hysterical woman making McCarthyist claims (was Re: The Lady Killers)

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
   Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis. You've seen the
   misogynistic vomit (including death threats) hurled
   at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
   post here, not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
   and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.
   You have no excuse.
  Women, Can't Live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
 I'm not sure who you're quoting, Robert,
 but I can guess. Therefore I demand that
 she back up her claim of death threats
 made *on this forum* against her and
 Raunchydog and other women who attempt
 to post here. I want the exact quotes, 
 and the message numbers of the posts in
 which these death threats were made.
 And there have to be *three* such threats,
 because she listed at least three supposed 
 targets of those threats.

Nope, I did no such thing, sorry. I referred
to misogynistic vomit that *included* death
threats and mentioned a range of targets without
specifying who among those targets has been
subjected to the death threats and who has been
subjected merely to the other misogynistic vomit.

Barry's a writer with a good grasp of semantics,
so he's well aware of this.

 Remember, the death
 threats in question have to be something that
 anyone here, regardless of their political views,
 would see as an actual, real, death threat, some-
 thing that if they saw it in another context,
 they would feel duty-bound to report to the police.

Unfortunately, Barry does not get to define what
*I* mean by death threats in such a way as to
conveniently exclude the death threats he made
against raunchydog and me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mans Sues God, and Fails on Technicality

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  It's got me imagining a story about some poor 
  schlep who works as a process server, and has
  been assigned the task of nofifying God of 
  the lawsuit. What a cool scene it would be 
  if he succeeded, eh?

 Excellent. But, no kidding everyone's at it:
 Perhaps this is why we don't hear much from the big guy
 anymore, he's too busy briefing his legal team.

Anybody wonder if perhaps God could be preparing
a few countersuits?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
  indeed the one in which he made the death threats
  to which I was referring, as he knew from the
  start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
  and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
  Obama activism at this point, something more
  drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
  actually bursting into flame.
 These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.

Judy still hasn't gotten the joke.

The whole bursting into flame routine 
was a setup for the final liar, liar,
pants on fire reference.

But if she chooses TO burst into flame
spontaneously, I will be happy to credit
her -- for the first time -- with having
mastered at least one of the siddhis.
True, the make an ash of yourself siddhi
is not considered one of the useful ones,
but it's not exactly chopped liver.

 In related news, a poll conducted at bellweather
 Internet chat site Fairfield Life indicates that the
 popularity rating on that site for posters Raunchydog
 and Judy Stein (considered representative of Republican
 tactics) has dropped in the last week from the next-to-
 lowest Category Y (Strident revenge harpies from Hell)
 to the lowest possible Category Z (Dumb angry cunts
 too stupid to live.)

 Experts are studying the possibility that, since there
 is no lower level to sink to in terms of favorability
 ratings, if Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
 Obama activism at this point, something more drastic
 may happen to the two activists -- actually bursting
 into flame.

 Scientists from MUM have been called in to watch the
 situation and study it in terms of the Maharishi Effect.
 If, as theorized, Raunchydog and Judy Stein DO get so
 uncontrollably angry that they burst into flames, teams
 of scientists are in place to capture the event on film
 so that it can later be analyzed to see if, as described
 in the Vedas, the spontaneous combustion event really
 does start in their pants.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
I know you are bright enough to see the blatant misrepresentation of
the concepts here.  Most small business owners I have done mortgage
loans for don't take out near $250,000 a year as salary.  They do
anything they can to avoid taking the money out this way.  After they
are done with their write-offs they often have trouble qualifying for
a mortgage with their IRS reported personal income.  By the time a guy
is claiming $250,000 as personal income he is writing off many times
that.  By the time Joe hits this number he will be in the top earning
percentage and Obama's tax plan has it right, he can afford to pony up
a bit more.  It has nothing to do with growing his business because he
has already poured all he can into his business to avoid paying taxes
on personal income.

Oh yeah, and the out-of-context quote they kept repeating was
transparently bullshit.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ...The viciousness and glee with which they set about the task ought to
 concern anyone who still cares about citizen participation, and freedom
 of speech...I AM JOE
 First, a pre-emptive apology for the intentional non-humor to follow. I
 promise that all future non-humor will be strictly unintentional.
 We've all witnessed a lot of insanity in American politics over the last
 few years. Up until the last few days, none of it has seriously bothered
 me; hey, just more grist for the satire mill. But after witnessing the
 media's blitzkreig on Joe 'the Plumber' Wurzelbacher, I can only muster
 anger, and no small amount of fear.
 Politicians -- Sarah Palin, Bill Clinton, et al. --  obviously have to
 put up with some rude, nasty shit, but it's  right there in the jobs
 description. Joe the Plumber is different. He was a guy tossing a
 football with his kid in the front yard of his $125,000 house when a
 politician picked him out as a prop for a 30 second newsbite for the
 cable news cameras. Joe simply had the temerity to speak truth (or, if
 you prefer, an uninformed opinion) to power, for which the
 politico-media axis apparently determined that he must be humiliated,
 harassed, smashed, destroyed. The viciousness and glee with which they
 set about the task ought to concern anyone who still cares about citizen
 participation, and freedom of speech, and all that old crap they taught
 in Civics class before politics turned into Narrative Deathrace 3000,
 and Web 2.0 turned into Berlin 1932.0.
 Godwin's Law! you say? if the jackboot fits, wear it.
 If it's meta-memes and meta-meta-narratives these media headlice want,
 so be it. I hope you will join me in expressing a simple bit of
 solidarity with this guy, Spartacus style. I AM JOE. I am a Wal Mart
 schlub in flyover country who changes my own oil and unclogs drains
 without a license. I smoke and drink beer and toss the football in the
 front yard with my kid, and I figure I can fend my way without handouts
 from some Magic Messiah's candy bags. Most everyone in my family and
 most everyone I grew up with is another Joe, and if you screw with them,
 you screw with me.
 Are you a Joe? Say it proud. Leave it on every goddamn newspaper comment
 section and online forum. Let these pressroom and online thugs know you
 won't stay silent when they try to destroy the life of a private citizen
 for speaking his mind -- because for every one of them, there are a
 million Joe Wurzelbachers. And for that we should all be thankful.
 Update: G.M. writes:
 I just am so mad about this media anal exam they're giving this  guy
 that I made a graphic...if you like it you can use it or post it for 
 download to get people showing solidarity.
 Many thanks.
 You can download the full size original of G.M.'s graphic here
 http://www.flickr.com/photos/iowahawk_blog/2951062466/sizes/o/ .
   [i_am_joe]  http://www.flickr.com/photos/iowahawk_blog/2951062466/
 Snotty, Presidential Candidate Laughs at Plumber
 http://tinyurl.com/5lb9ng http://tinyurl.com/5lb9ng

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mans Sues God, and Fails on Technicality

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   It's got me imagining a story about some poor 
   schlep who works as a process server, and has
   been assigned the task of nofifying God of 
   the lawsuit. What a cool scene it would be 
   if he succeeded, eh?
  Excellent. But, no kidding everyone's at it:
  Perhaps this is why we don't hear much from the big guy
  anymore, he's too busy briefing his legal team.
 Anybody wonder if perhaps God could be preparing
 a few countersuits?

That sounds worryingly Old Testament Judy. Is it still
fire and brimstone or something more up to date do you

Re: [FairfieldLife] One for the vegetarians -- plants cry for help when attacked

2008-10-18 Thread gullible fool

Can't you just imagine the horrified cries for
help that a field full of produce would emit if
Bevan walked into it?   :-)
That is why some vegetation actually prefers to be genetically modified. 

Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Sat, 10/18/08, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] One for the vegetarians -- plants cry for help when 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 3:28 AM

A short overview article on new research that
indicates that plants are smart enough to call 
for help when attacked:


Ponder this next time you chow down on your meal
of veggies and fruit feel all superior to those 
who eat meat.

Can't you just imagine the horrified cries for
help that a field full of produce would emit if
Bevan walked into it?   :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 And I also think that the more you earn the more tax you should
 pay, Joe already earns $250,000, how much more do you need?

Oh, goodie, another contribution to my compendium
of inaccurate statements about Joe the Plumber from
the educated spiritually aware folks on this forum.

Joe never said he earned $250K; in fact, he said
what he earned wasn't even close. Turns out he made
$40K in 2006, according to his divorce papers.

What he told Obama was that *if* he eventually
managed to buy the plumbing business he currently
works for, and *if* that business ends up making
over $250K *in profits*, so that his *personal*
taxable income rises above $250K, THEN under
Obama's tax plan, it looks as though he might pay
more tax than he would under McCain's.

(I think that's a fine idea myself, BTW.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
  And I also think that the more you earn the more tax you should
  pay, Joe already earns $250,000, how much more do you need?
 Oh, goodie, another contribution to my compendium
 of inaccurate statements about Joe the Plumber from
 the educated spiritually aware folks on this forum.

Whoa, hold your horses. I was only going by what he 
said on the video, which was, let's face it, cunningly 
edited crap. 

I didn't even know who Joe was until yesterday and not
having the vote in your fine country wasn't all that 
interested. Maybe I'll just let you guys carry on with 
the debate without me.

 Joe never said he earned $250K; in fact, he said
 what he earned wasn't even close. Turns out he made
 $40K in 2006, according to his divorce papers.
 What he told Obama was that *if* he eventually
 managed to buy the plumbing business he currently
 works for, and *if* that business ends up making
 over $250K *in profits*, so that his *personal*
 taxable income rises above $250K, THEN under
 Obama's tax plan, it looks as though he might pay
 more tax than he would under McCain's.
 (I think that's a fine idea myself, BTW.)

Good for you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life after death - the Hindu explanation

2008-10-18 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Life After Death

I am sympathetic to the idea of reincarnation. But not to this concept:

*The last thoughts just before death are the most powerful thoughts in
creating the next life.*

I think (but may be wrong) that this idea is also in the Tibetan Book
Of The Dead?

It's an idea that seems so 'ad hoc', so arbitrary. Not right at all.
Like so:

I'm walking along one day and all's well with the world. I'm doing
positive thoughts (you know, Jimi's Butterfies and moonbeams  fairy
tales...) when  .. BANG.. a meteorite lands on my head and I'm
extinguished with those benign vibes governing my next incarnation.


Same scenario.. But as my bad luck would have it, I'm in a deeply
negative funk thinking doom  gloom over the latest bank crisis and my
pension fund. Quite a different incarnation no doubt - perhaps as
Ebenezer Scrooge?

Crazy! And I hope it's not true.

 Putting an end to our fears, classical Hindu metaphysics holds the
 answers to the universal questions about the end of our life
 Death is the most fateful experience of each of our lives. But no
 Hindu really fears death, nor does he look forward to it. Death for
 the Hindu is merely transition, simultaneously an end and a new
 Over two thousand years ago Saint Tiruvalluvar wrote that Death is
 like falling asleep, and birth is like awakening from that sleep. In
 one of the ancient languages of our religion, the physical body had a
 name which literally meant that which is always dropping off. When
 key truths are understood and accepted about the nature of the soul
 and the cycles of birth, life, dying, death, afterlife and rebirth,
 all sense of foreboding and fear of death perish. Here we explore
 those realities.
 What is the Eastern perspective on Death?
 For Hindus, death is nobly referred to as mahaprasthana, the great
 journey. When the lessons of this life have been learned and karmas
 reach a point of intensity, the soul leaves the physical body, which
 then returns its elements to the earth. 
 The awareness, will, memory and intelligence which we think of as
 ourselves continue to exist in the soul body. Death is a most natural
 experience, not to be feared. It is a quick transition from the
 physical world to the astral plane, like walking through a door,
 leaving one room and entering another. Knowing this, we approach death
 as a sadhana, as a spiritual opportunity, bringing a level of
 detachment which is difficult to achieve in the tumult of life and an
 urgency to strive more than ever in our search for the Divine Self. 
 At death we drop off the physical body and continue evolving in the
 inner worlds in our subtle bodies, until we again enter into birth. We
 are not the body in which we live but the immortal soul which inhabits
 many bodies in its evolutionary journey.
 What is this soul which never dies?
 Our individual soul is the immortal and spiritual body of light that
 animates life and reincarnates again and again until all necessary
 karmas are created and resolved and its essential unity with God is
 fully realized. Our soul is God's emanational creation, the source of
 all our higher functions, including knowledge, will and love. Our soul
 is neither male nor female. It is that which never dies, even when its
 four outer sheaths change form and perish as they naturally do. 
 The soul body has a form just as the astral body has a form, but it is
 more refined and is of a more permanent nature. It is this body which
 reincarnates, creating around itself new physical and astral bodies,
 life after life after life. 
 This process matures and develops the body of the soul. The body of
 the soul is pure light, made of quantums. It is indestructible. It
 cannot be hurt or damaged in any way. It is a pure being, created by
 God, maturing its way to Him in final merger. 
 The body of the soul is constant radiance. Its mind is
 superconsciousness, containing all intelligence, and is constantly
 aware, does not sleep and is expanding awareness as the soul body
 matures. The body of the soul lives in the eternity of the moment,
 simultaneously conscious of past and future as a one cycle. 
 The true nature, everlasting secure personal identity, is realizing
 oneself as the soul body. This is truly finding our roots, our source,
 our indestructible, ever-maturing soul.
 What are the five bodies?
 In Sanskrit, the bodies of our being are called kosa, which means
 sheath, vessel, container or layer. They are the sheaths through
 which the soul functions simultaneously in the various planes of
 The kosas, in order of increasing subtlety, are as follows: 
 --annamaya kosa: Sheath composed of food. The physical body,
 coarsest of sheaths. 
 --pranamaya kosa: sheath composed of prana (vital force). Also known
 as the etheric or health body, it coexists within the physical body as

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 I know you are bright enough to see the blatant
 misrepresentation of the concepts here.

Boy, are you not getting it. There's no
misrepresentation of the concepts involved. In
this post, nothing was said to contradict anything
you go on to write about the realities of owning a
business. That isn't the complaint.

The complaint is that simply because he raised the
perennial question of whether imposing higher taxes
on those who have done well to benefit those who
have done less well is fair, Obamazoids have gone
after him *personally*, digging into his private
affairs, mocking him, denouncing him for who he is,
claiming he was a Republican plant, even that he
was in cahoots with the Keating family to further
McCain's candidacy.

I made a post last night containing examples of the
*factual misstatements* that have been made on FFL
about him (and Hugo has just thoughtfully contributed

Don't know if you remember, but during the 2006
campaign something very similar happened to the family
of a kid who testified, on behalf of Democrats, to his
parents' difficulties obtaining health insurance for
him (as I recall, he had some chronic health condition,
or had had an accident requiring extensive treatment).

The right-wingers tore into him and his family just
as the lefties are now doing to Joe the Plumber. And
the left was just outraged, *outraged*, I tell you.

It's the hypocrisy, stupid.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread Peter

--- On Sat, 10/18/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 1:34 PM
  The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
  indeed the one in which he made the death threats
  to which I was referring, as he knew from the
  start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
  and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
  Obama activism at this point, something more
  drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
  actually bursting into flame.
 These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.

Hey Curtis, the day Judy apologizes is the day we fly high in the golden dome!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
 no_reply@ wrote:
   I leave it to you to decide. It DOES contain the
   phrase too stupid to live, and speaks
 of both
   Judy and Raunchydog bursting into flame. I guess
   if you're insane, you could construe this as
   death threat, but I suspect that most
   people wouldn't quite see it that way.
  The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
  indeed the one in which he made the death threats
  to which I was referring, as he knew from the
  start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
  and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
  Obama activism at this point, something more
  drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
  actually bursting into flame.
  As everyone here is aware by now, Barry typically
  expresses his real feelings in the context of 
  what he purports to be a joke, satire, fiction,
  one of those goofs that is written just for a
  He also repeatedly boasts about his ability to
  push people's buttons.
  Looks like this time it's Barry's buttons that
  have gotten pushed, big-time.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
   And I also think that the more you earn the more tax you should
   pay, Joe already earns $250,000, how much more do you need?
  Oh, goodie, another contribution to my compendium
  of inaccurate statements about Joe the Plumber from
  the educated spiritually aware folks on this forum.
 Whoa, hold your horses. I was only going by what he 
 said on the video, which was, let's face it, cunningly 
 edited crap.

Sorry, but it wasn't edited in such a way that it
became misleading. It was, sad but not surprising
to say, *Obama* who misled by suggesting that Joe
had claimed to be making $250K.

If you actually watch what he says to Obama on the
same video, he very clearly states that the business
he *wants to buy* is making $250K, not that *he's*
making that much.

 I didn't even know who Joe was until yesterday and not
 having the vote in your fine country wasn't all that 
 interested. Maybe I'll just let you guys carry on with 
 the debate without me.
  Joe never said he earned $250K; in fact, he said
  what he earned wasn't even close. Turns out he made
  $40K in 2006, according to his divorce papers.
  What he told Obama was that *if* he eventually
  managed to buy the plumbing business he currently
  works for, and *if* that business ends up making
  over $250K *in profits*, so that his *personal*
  taxable income rises above $250K, THEN under
  Obama's tax plan, it looks as though he might pay
  more tax than he would under McCain's.
  (I think that's a fine idea myself, BTW.)
 Good for you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life after death - the Hindu explanation

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  Life After Death
 I am sympathetic to the idea of reincarnation. But not to this 
 *The last thoughts just before death are the most powerful 
 thoughts in creating the next life.*
 I think (but may be wrong) that this idea is also in the Tibetan 
 Book Of The Dead?
 It's an idea that seems so 'ad hoc', so arbitrary. Not right at 
 all. Like so:
 I'm walking along one day and all's well with the world. I'm doing
 positive thoughts (you know, Jimi's Butterfies and moonbeams  
 fairy tales...) when  .. BANG.. a meteorite lands on my head and 
 I'm extinguished with those benign vibes governing my next 
 Same scenario.. But as my bad luck would have it, I'm in a deeply
 negative funk thinking doom  gloom over the latest bank crisis 
 and my pension fund. Quite a different incarnation no doubt - 
 perhaps as Ebenezer Scrooge?
 Crazy! And I hope it's not true.

Not wishing to argue or anything, I think you 
have some misconceptions about the nature of
this teaching. It's based on the premise that
the passage through the Bardo from death to
rebirth is (or can be) a completely conscious
experience. You never lose consciousness;
you merely step through a doorway wearing
the state of consciousness you had just
before you stepped through it.

While I suspect that the state of attention 
one has at the moment of death affects everyone,
the teaching about it being *able* to help 
determine the nature of your next life is really
for adepts of certain techniques that are prac-
ticed in the Bardo, after death, consciously.

If one knows those techniques, then to some 
extent one's ability to practice them successfully
is affected by the state of attention one brings
with them to the experience.

Using your two examples above, if you were in 
what you describe as a negative funk and walked
through a doorway you'd never been through before,
do you think you'd be as prepared to deal with
what you found there as if you would be if you
walked through the doorway doing positive 
thoughts? (Hint: this is TM intro lecture

Same thing in the Bardo, with regard to the
state of attention you take with you when you
walk through the doorway of death. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  I know you are bright enough to see the blatant
  misrepresentation of the concepts here.
 Boy, are you not getting it. There's no
 misrepresentation of the concepts involved. In
 this post, nothing was said to contradict anything
 you go on to write about the realities of owning a
 business. That isn't the complaint.

Yes there is.  It makes it look like it is likely that Joe will take
out $250,000 and still be an average Joe.  He wont.  He will be a very
fat cat who is hiding most of his income.  His example proves Obama's
point about who should get a bit of a tax enhancement, sort of an
upgrade if you will, an elite tax benefit, with a little positive spin.
 The complaint is that simply because he raised the
 perennial question of whether imposing higher taxes
 on those who have done well to benefit those who
 have done less well is fair, Obamazoids have gone
 after him *personally*, digging into his private
 affairs, mocking him, denouncing him for who he is,
 claiming he was a Republican plant, even that he
 was in cahoots with the Keating family to further
 McCain's candidacy.

I am against using real people as props without their permission as
John McCain did in the debate.  I think he was way out of line because
by now we know what happens when they get mentioned. If the Obama
campaign is supporting the tactics you mention then I am against that

Remember the flap about the lady behind the counter Hillary mentioned
who claimed she was never tipped?  The whole use of real people as
political props is out of hand IMO.  I agree that this is uncool for
both sides.

 It's the hypocrisy, stupid.

I am s glad I am made of rubber and you are made of glue.

Hypocrisy discovered in politics?  Now THAT'S a headline!

 I made a post last night containing examples of the
 *factual misstatements* that have been made on FFL
 about him (and Hugo has just thoughtfully contributed
 Don't know if you remember, but during the 2006
 campaign something very similar happened to the family
 of a kid who testified, on behalf of Democrats, to his
 parents' difficulties obtaining health insurance for
 him (as I recall, he had some chronic health condition,
 or had had an accident requiring extensive treatment).
 The right-wingers tore into him and his family just
 as the lefties are now doing to Joe the Plumber. And
 the left was just outraged, *outraged*, I tell you.
 It's the hypocrisy, stupid.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo 
And I also think that the more you earn the more tax you 
pay, Joe already earns $250,000, how much more do you need?
   Oh, goodie, another contribution to my compendium
   of inaccurate statements about Joe the Plumber from
   the educated spiritually aware folks on this forum.
  Whoa, hold your horses. I was only going by what he 
  said on the video, which was, let's face it, cunningly 
  edited crap.
 Sorry, but it wasn't edited in such a way that it
 became misleading. It was, sad but not surprising
 to say, *Obama* who misled by suggesting that Joe
 had claimed to be making $250K.
 If you actually watch what he says to Obama on the
 same video, he very clearly states that the business
 he *wants to buy* is making $250K, not that *he's*
 making that much.

I actually watched it twice just to make sure I hadn't 
nodded off somewhere during the 1:11 and missed the bit 
where he says what he actually earns. He didn't say it
so I didn't know, and if I bought a company that made  
$250,000 yearly for *less* than that sum I'd be pretty 

  I didn't even know who Joe was until yesterday and not
  having the vote in your fine country wasn't all that 
  interested. Maybe I'll just let you guys carry on with 
  the debate without me.
   Joe never said he earned $250K; in fact, he said
   what he earned wasn't even close. Turns out he made
   $40K in 2006, according to his divorce papers.
   What he told Obama was that *if* he eventually
   managed to buy the plumbing business he currently
   works for, and *if* that business ends up making
   over $250K *in profits*, so that his *personal*
   taxable income rises above $250K, THEN under
   Obama's tax plan, it looks as though he might pay
   more tax than he would under McCain's.
   (I think that's a fine idea myself, BTW.)
  Good for you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- On Sat, 10/18/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's 
claimed death threats?
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 1:34 PM
   The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
   indeed the one in which he made the death threats
   to which I was referring, as he knew from the
   start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
   and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
   Obama activism at this point, something more
   drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
   actually bursting into flame.
  These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.
 Hey Curtis, the day Judy apologizes is the day we fly high
 in the golden dome!

Notice that it's not the person who *made* the
death threats who is thought to need to apologize,
but rather one of the people *against whom the
death threats were made*.


And yes, Curtis, they *are* death threats. They
were made in a purportedly humorous context, but
when they come from someone who has spewed the
most vicious hatred toward raunchydog and me (in
my case for many years), the context becomes

And they aren't death threats legally speaking,
but that isn't the point either. They don't have
to be to stand as examples of intense misogyny.

If you don't believe they express the wish--
perhaps subconscious--on Barry's part that
raunchydog and I die violently, preferably by
his hand, you're painfully naive about how the
human mind works.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
  These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.
 Hey Curtis, the day Judy apologizes is the day we fly high in the
golden dome!

Or even the day I would desire to enter the mold infested, golden 
mammaries of the Age of Enlightenment! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- On Sat, 10/18/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed
death threats?
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 1:34 PM
   The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
   indeed the one in which he made the death threats
   to which I was referring, as he knew from the
   start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
   and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
   Obama activism at this point, something more
   drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
   actually bursting into flame.
  These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.
 Hey Curtis, the day Judy apologizes is the day we fly high in the
golden dome!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
  no_reply@ wrote:
I leave it to you to decide. It DOES contain the
phrase too stupid to live, and speaks
  of both
Judy and Raunchydog bursting into flame. I guess
if you're insane, you could construe this as
death threat, but I suspect that most
people wouldn't quite see it that way.
   The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
   indeed the one in which he made the death threats
   to which I was referring, as he knew from the
   start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
   and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
   Obama activism at this point, something more
   drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
   actually bursting into flame.
   As everyone here is aware by now, Barry typically
   expresses his real feelings in the context of 
   what he purports to be a joke, satire, fiction,
   one of those goofs that is written just for a
   He also repeatedly boasts about his ability to
   push people's buttons.
   Looks like this time it's Barry's buttons that
   have gotten pushed, big-time.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 18, 2008, at 12:34 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
indeed the one in which he made the death threats
to which I was referring, as he knew from the
start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
Obama activism at this point, something more
drastic may happen to the two activists --
actually bursting into flame.

These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.

Since we know  the Cubs are would have to win the  World
Series--twice in a row!--before that happens, Curtis, I'll be
glad to do it for her. :)

Barry, I was seriously wrong on this one, I dumped on you for
 no reason, (or, if I did have reasons, they were completely
irrational  and way off anyone else's BS meter, anyone else
but me, that is) and I humbly apologize now, and every
time in the future I make wildly inaccurate or false assumptions.
Just excuse it as the rantings of an antisocial ignoramus.

There you go! :) Don't thank me, Judy, it was nothing.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 18, 2008, at 1:22 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

I am against using real people as props without their permission as
John McCain did in the debate.  I think he was way out of line because
by now we know what happens when they get mentioned. If the Obama
campaign is supporting the tactics you mention then I am against that

Remember the flap about the lady behind the counter Hillary mentioned
who claimed she was never tipped?  The whole use of real people as
political props is out of hand IMO.  I agree that this is uncool for
both sides.

I'm guessing they *did* have permission,  and that the guy
was a plant.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Oct 18, 2008, at 12:34 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
   The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
   indeed the one in which he made the death threats
   to which I was referring, as he knew from the
   start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
   and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
   Obama activism at this point, something more
   drastic may happen to the two activists --
   actually bursting into flame.
  These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.
 Since we know  the Cubs are would have to win the  World
 Series--twice in a row!--before that happens, Curtis, I'll be
 glad to do it for her. :)
 Barry, I was seriously wrong on this one, I dumped on you for
   no reason, (or, if I did have reasons, they were completely
 irrational  and way off anyone else's BS meter, anyone else
 but me, that is) and I humbly apologize now, and every
 time in the future I make wildly inaccurate or false assumptions.
 Just excuse it as the rantings of an antisocial ignoramus.
 There you go! :) Don't thank me, Judy, it was nothing.

The thing is, Sal, I would have settled for a
McCain-on-Letterman style apology. You know,
something along the lines of:

I retract the statement, and apologize
to the members of Fairfield Life for 
claiming that actual death threats had
been made on their forum. I screwed up.

That response would have allowed Judy to drop
the subject, with some semblance of dignity 
and integrity intact. Her actual response 
does not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
 And they aren't death threats legally speaking,
 but that isn't the point either. They don't have
 to be to stand as examples of intense misogyny.

I think they express hatred towards two individuals.  I don't buy your
move to try to generalize it as against all women.  You guys are
running a version of radical old school feminism that I rarely
encounter in women these days.  And you are conflating the concepts of
misogyny and sexist language which is bogus and hurts your cause.  
You are both dishing out and taking some heat for it.  When you equate
our words with actual violence against women you invoke a bit of a FU
response from certain men here.  I was going to claim that it was tit
for tat but I may have to research that phrase a bit first to avoid
being accused of being a woman beater for using those words. 

 If you don't believe they express the wish--
 perhaps subconscious--on Barry's part that
 raunchydog and I die violently, preferably by
 his hand, you're painfully naive about how the
 human mind works.

Both you and Raunchy MAKE Turq's day as far as I can see.  He is
obviously enjoying responding to you both in an intense way.  I think
he would be greatly disappointed if you both stopped posting let alone
died in a burst of feminist flame.  I know I would. 

you're painfully naive, Ouch!  And here I was thinking of myself as
s cynical and snarky about how the human mind works.  I'll have to
work on that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
  --- On Sat, 10/18/08, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's 
 claimed death threats?
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 1:34 PM
The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
indeed the one in which he made the death threats
to which I was referring, as he knew from the
start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
Obama activism at this point, something more
drastic may happen to the two activists -- 
actually bursting into flame.
   These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.
  Hey Curtis, the day Judy apologizes is the day we fly high
  in the golden dome!
 Notice that it's not the person who *made* the
 death threats who is thought to need to apologize,
 but rather one of the people *against whom the
 death threats were made*.
 And yes, Curtis, they *are* death threats. They
 were made in a purportedly humorous context, but
 when they come from someone who has spewed the
 most vicious hatred toward raunchydog and me (in
 my case for many years), the context becomes
 And they aren't death threats legally speaking,
 but that isn't the point either. They don't have
 to be to stand as examples of intense misogyny.
 If you don't believe they express the wish--
 perhaps subconscious--on Barry's part that
 raunchydog and I die violently, preferably by
 his hand, you're painfully naive about how the
 human mind works.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent UK Program on 9-11

2008-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
Hugo wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Because the generals are no good a video games.  It takes the 
 recruits who they filtered out and found good at games to do such 
 flying.  It also takes specialized people to fly the drones.  Ever 
 to fly a toy remote controlled airplane?

 Yep, takes about ten minutes to learn and if you're not
 planning to land...
Well gee, maybe they should have hired you then.  :-D   

 Besides someone must have taught the guys to fly these
 drones, someone in charge perhaps?
No, they would have attended specialized training from people who were 
specialized in that system.  The military has been licking their chops 
at all this kids who have played video games since childhood and what 
expert remote weapons people they make.  Maybe some of them in 10 years 
will be high ranking but not now.  I know about the video game stuff 
because I've worked in that industry for years.

 That's the trouble with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories they
 are so complex and involve thousands keeping silent and
 incredible new technology like explosives that don't make any 
 noise and buildings you can demolish without the usual hassle 
 of taking down interior walls and tying the opposite corners 
 Nope, it wouldn't take thousands to pull this off.  The explosives 
 noise as fire fighters reported. 
 None of them are as convincing as the idea that a bunch of
 religious maniacs hi-jacked some planes and flew them into
 public buildings all over the US. Simple, effective.

 Religious maniacs who could barely fly a Cessna and spent the 
 prior evening at a strip club?

 Strip club eh? Probably rehearsing for those 72 virgins. Bunch of 

 The people on united 93 phoned their friends and family  and 
 told them what was going on so it must have been arabs with 
 *some* flying skill.
You can't call from a cell phone at that altitude in a jet.  Some 
believe that the calls were made from a hanger in Cleveland where Flight 
93 landed due to a bomb threat.  On one call left on an answering 
machine there is a bankground voice of a woman saying you did good as 
the caller was hanging up.
 And an FBI agent reported that there were many middle eastern men
 taking flying lessons in Arizona. Let's face it they didn't need to 
 know how to take off and land so how hard could it be?
There is a huge difference between a Boeing passenger jet and a Cessna.  
It can be quite hard as many airline pilots have pointed out.   Also 
many airline pilots say they themselves could not have made the 
maneuvers that the supposed jet that hit the Pentagon made.  Also folks 
at the Boeing planet in Seattle might find the notion that the wings 
folded up and collapsed into the hole, laughable.  That's not how the 
planes are built.

Sorry, but I don't buy the 19 arabs (many who are still alive) armed 
with box cutters conspiracy theory as many who have taken the time to 
look into and read the reports (even just the ones which contain only 
news reports) don't either.

Some people like to adopt the official version because if it proves to 
be wrong then they are off the hook.  It takes a braver person to 
espouse that the official version is wrong and something else was 
going on.  Why not explore the possibilities?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life after death - the Hindu explanation

2008-10-18 Thread enlightened_dawn11
how is the state of attention described, as the one to adopt while 
remaining conscious through the Bardo and onto rebirth? i am just 
curious how specific it gets, and which attributes are mentioned. 

I can think and feel the death experience as one of complete 
disolution, in which relative manifestation, any hint of a personal 
identity, is absent, infinite. 

I find myself, though, in spite of my acceptance of my complete 
dissolution at death, with the desire anyway to continue exploring 
relative existence after death. its just more fun, right? as 
satisfying as the experience of pure nothingness, pure calm is, 
there's more to do in the relative, just as we do on this planet; 
learn and become, and just have a blast. so I would prefer having 
another vehicle to continue to enjoy relative existence after death, 
though I will be happy either way.:)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost1uk@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ 
   Life After Death
  I am sympathetic to the idea of reincarnation. But not to this 
  *The last thoughts just before death are the most powerful 
  thoughts in creating the next life.*
  I think (but may be wrong) that this idea is also in the Tibetan 
  Book Of The Dead?
  It's an idea that seems so 'ad hoc', so arbitrary. Not right at 
  all. Like so:
  I'm walking along one day and all's well with the world. I'm 
  positive thoughts (you know, Jimi's Butterfies and moonbeams  
  fairy tales...) when  .. BANG.. a meteorite lands on my head 
  I'm extinguished with those benign vibes governing my next 
  Same scenario.. But as my bad luck would have it, I'm in a deeply
  negative funk thinking doom  gloom over the latest bank crisis 
  and my pension fund. Quite a different incarnation no doubt - 
  perhaps as Ebenezer Scrooge?
  Crazy! And I hope it's not true.
 Not wishing to argue or anything, I think you 
 have some misconceptions about the nature of
 this teaching. It's based on the premise that
 the passage through the Bardo from death to
 rebirth is (or can be) a completely conscious
 experience. You never lose consciousness;
 you merely step through a doorway wearing
 the state of consciousness you had just
 before you stepped through it.
 While I suspect that the state of attention 
 one has at the moment of death affects everyone,
 the teaching about it being *able* to help 
 determine the nature of your next life is really
 for adepts of certain techniques that are prac-
 ticed in the Bardo, after death, consciously.
 If one knows those techniques, then to some 
 extent one's ability to practice them successfully
 is affected by the state of attention one brings
 with them to the experience.
 Using your two examples above, if you were in 
 what you describe as a negative funk and walked
 through a doorway you'd never been through before,
 do you think you'd be as prepared to deal with
 what you found there as if you would be if you
 walked through the doorway doing positive 
 thoughts? (Hint: this is TM intro lecture
 Same thing in the Bardo, with regard to the
 state of attention you take with you when you
 walk through the doorway of death.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread raunchydog
Once again Sal plays it safe identifying with her male abusers. Sal,
step away from the dark side and admit you suffer from Stockholm
syndrome. We're here to support your recovery. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Oct 18, 2008, at 12:34 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  The post of his that Barry goes on to quote is
  indeed the one in which he made the death threats
  to which I was referring, as he knew from the
  start: Dumb angry cunts too stupid to live
  and If Raunchydog and Judy continue their anti-
  Obama activism at this point, something more
  drastic may happen to the two activists --
  actually bursting into flame.
  These are not death threats.  Time to apoligize Judy.
 Since we know  the Cubs are would have to win the  World
 Series--twice in a row!--before that happens, Curtis, I'll be
 glad to do it for her. :)
 Barry, I was seriously wrong on this one, I dumped on you for
   no reason, (or, if I did have reasons, they were completely
 irrational  and way off anyone else's BS meter, anyone else
 but me, that is) and I humbly apologize now, and every
 time in the future I make wildly inaccurate or false assumptions.
 Just excuse it as the rantings of an antisocial ignoramus.
 There you go! :) Don't thank me, Judy, it was nothing.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 18, 2008, at 1:44 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

If you don't believe they express the wish--
perhaps subconscious--on Barry's part that
raunchydog and I die violently, preferably by
his hand, you're painfully naive about how the
human mind works.

Both you and Raunchy MAKE Turq's day as far as I can see.  He is
obviously enjoying responding to you both in an intense way.  I think
he would be greatly disappointed if you both stopped posting let alone
died in a burst of feminist flame.  I know I would.

I know I would too!  Reading Judy's stuff is almost better
than Letterman.  She has comic skills I doubt she's even
aware of.


[FairfieldLife] Terrifying News from the Early Universe.

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo

Supermassive black holes common in early Universe

Posted: October 17, 2008

Observations of a spectacular collision of galaxies in the distant 
Universe have revealed that colossal black holes were present when 
galaxies were just beginning to form.

The observations were made with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) in 
Hawaii, which focuses on wavelengths of 200 microns to 1 millimetre 
that are most sensitive to the very cold gas and dust associated with 
the earliest evolutionary stages of stars, galaxies and planets. The 
SMA can peer into these primordial interstellar clouds and witness 
the birth of stars.

This new image reveals two galaxies where we only expected to find 
one, says Professor Rob Ivison, lead author of the study that will 
be published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical 
Society. Remarkably, both galaxies contain super-massive black 
holes. Such monsters are rare and we now suspect that the radio 
galaxy had only `turned on' because it is involved in a collision 
with a previously unknown galaxy, which helps feed its black hole and 
thus power the radio jets.

The two galaxies – and their central black holes – smashed together 
in a dramatic collision, but because this cataclysmic event occurred 
less than two billion years after the big bang, the galaxies will 
have long since merged, creating a single monstrous black hole. The 
implications are wide reaching, and the astronomers can't help but 
wonder how many other colossal black holes may be lurking unseen in 
the distant Universe.

Whole story:



So that's a black hole with at least 30,000,000,000 solar masses
wandering around out there. And there are probably billions of
them as most (if not all) galaxies have a large black hole at the
centre. Luckily there's no chance of them affecting us, they are
so far away in time as well as space that, should they wander near
our little corner of creation we'd notice huge changes in the orbits
and trajectories of our close neighbouring galaxies. And as they 
are millions of light years away the human race will be long dead
by the time one reaches us. So we can all sleep safe in our beds.

We're so lucky we live somewhere nice and quiet where we can
evolve in peace. There aren't even any stars about to go supernova
near enough to us to affect life for many years yet. Humanity
will be long gone or will have evolved into something else, hopefully 
still sentient, by the time our suns orbit of the galactic centre
takes us anywhere near something dangerous. A billion years is
how long our little star takes wander once round the galaxy. It'll
be happy 5th galactic birthday in 300 million years. Shame there
won't be anyone around to buy a card.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
Curtis wrote:
 Or even the day I would desire to enter 
 the mold infested, golden mammaries of 
 the Age of Enlightenment! 
But, you are a 'Minister' of the Age of
Enlightenment, Curtis. LOL!!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   I know you are bright enough to see the blatant
   misrepresentation of the concepts here.
  Boy, are you not getting it. There's no
  misrepresentation of the concepts involved. In
  this post, nothing was said to contradict anything
  you go on to write about the realities of owning a
  business. That isn't the complaint.
 Yes there is.  It makes it look like it is likely that
 Joe will take out $250,000 and still be an average Joe.
 He wont.  He will be a very fat cat who is hiding most
 of his income.

I didn't see that expressed. What I saw expressed
is that he's an average Joe *now* who *hopes* 
someday to become a very fat cat. That was the
whole point of the question he initially shouted
at Obama from the crowd, Do you believe in the
American Dream?--the dream of the average Joe
or Josephine that if s/he works really hard, s/he
might one day become wealthy.

  His example proves Obama's
 point about who should get a bit of a tax enhancement, sort
 of an upgrade if you will, an elite tax benefit, with a 
 little positive spin.

Ignoring the snarky tone, yes, I couldn't agree
more. I would *love* to make enough money that
I'd be eligible to pay additional tax under Obama's
plan, and I believe in spreading the wealth around.
I don't think that takes away from the American 
Dream in the slightest.

Joe, however, disagrees with me on the principle
of the thing. He's a Republican; I'm a Democrat.

Does that entitle me to tear apart his private life
and heap imprecations (and false accusations) on
his head?

 I am against using real people as props without their
 permission as John McCain did in the debate.  I think he
 was way out of line because by now we know what happens
 when they get mentioned. If the Obama campaign is
 supporting the tactics you mention then I am against
 that too.

The video of the discussion Obama had with Joe was
immediately put up on YouTube, where McCain's people
apparently saw it and briefed their boss so he could
use it in the debate. It's pretty clear that the
encounter was unplanned, but equally clear that Obama
decided to engage in it because the TV cameras were
there to get it on tape, where it would become a
source of sound bites for the news shows as well as a
YouTube resource for his campaign.

So he participated in the process that made Joe a
star. McCain used it to his advantage by exalting
Joe, and now Obama is using it to *his* advantage
by belittling Joe.

 Remember the flap about the lady behind the counter Hillary
 mentioned who claimed she was never tipped?

Yes, another excellent example.

  The whole use of real people as
 political props is out of hand IMO.  I agree that this is 
 uncool for both sides.

It wouldn't be such a problem if a candidate's
supporters didn't then try to use the person to
do the other candidate dirt by putting the person
under a microscope (and of course if the media
didn't eagerly go along with it).

  It's the hypocrisy, stupid.
 I am s glad I am made of rubber and you are made of glue.
 Hypocrisy discovered in politics?  Now THAT'S a headline!

Yeah, you know, that's why It's the hypocrisy, STUPID.
In this case, wasn't accusing you of being a hypocrite,
merely of not recognizing that the complaint was about
the hypocrisy of the Joestorm, not about whether his
situation was a realistic example of the principle he
was discussing with Obama.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent UK Program on 9-11

2008-10-18 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hugo wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  Because the generals are no good a video games.  It takes the 

  recruits who they filtered out and found good at games to do 

  flying.  It also takes specialized people to fly the drones.  

  to fly a toy remote controlled airplane?
  Yep, takes about ten minutes to learn and if you're not
  planning to land...

 Well gee, maybe they should have hired you then.  :-D   
  Besides someone must have taught the guys to fly these
  drones, someone in charge perhaps?
 No, they would have attended specialized training from people who 
 specialized in that system.  The military has been licking their 
 at all this kids who have played video games since childhood and 
 expert remote weapons people they make.  Maybe some of them in 10 
 will be high ranking but not now.  I know about the video game 
 because I've worked in that industry for years.

  That's the trouble with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories they
  are so complex and involve thousands keeping silent and
  incredible new technology like explosives that don't make any 
  noise and buildings you can demolish without the usual hassle 
  of taking down interior walls and tying the opposite corners 

  Nope, it wouldn't take thousands to pull this off.  The 

  noise as fire fighters reported. 
  None of them are as convincing as the idea that a bunch of
  religious maniacs hi-jacked some planes and flew them into
  public buildings all over the US. Simple, effective.


  Religious maniacs who could barely fly a Cessna and spent the 
  prior evening at a strip club?
  Strip club eh? Probably rehearsing for those 72 virgins. Bunch of 
  The people on united 93 phoned their friends and family  and 
  told them what was going on so it must have been arabs with 
  *some* flying skill.

 You can't call from a cell phone at that altitude in a jet.  Some 
 believe that the calls were made from a hanger in Cleveland where 
 93 landed due to a bomb threat.  On one call left on an answering 
 machine there is a bankground voice of a woman saying you did 
good as 
 the caller was hanging up.

No, really? I don't know it's all too vicious and cynical.
I don't think western governments are that bad. We went
downhill morally *after* 9/11 but it's all a bit much for me
that it was planned and exeuted just to bring about a new
American empire. And if it was it didn't work particularly

  And an FBI agent reported that there were many middle eastern men
  taking flying lessons in Arizona. Let's face it they didn't need 
  know how to take off and land so how hard could it be?
 There is a huge difference between a Boeing passenger jet and a 
 It can be quite hard as many airline pilots have pointed out.   
 many airline pilots say they themselves could not have made the 
 maneuvers that the supposed jet that hit the Pentagon made.  Also 
 at the Boeing planet in Seattle might find the notion that the 
 folded up and collapsed into the hole, laughable.  That's not how 
 planes are built.
 Sorry, but I don't buy the 19 arabs (many who are still alive) 
 with box cutters conspiracy theory as many who have taken the time 
 look into and read the reports (even just the ones which contain 
 news reports) don't either.
 Some people like to adopt the official version because if it 
proves to 
 be wrong then they are off the hook.  It takes a braver person to 
 espouse that the official version is wrong and something else was 
 going on.  Why not explore the possibilities?

Oh, I do explore them. I always watch the conspiracy docs when
they're on. I just haven't been convinced yet.

keep it coming though, I'll always watch things like that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Curtis wrote:
  Or even the day I would desire to enter 
  the mold infested, golden mammaries of 
  the Age of Enlightenment! 
 But, you are a 'Minister' of the Age of
 Enlightenment, Curtis. LOL!!!

I'll bet that is the funniest comment ever in crazy world.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo 
 And I also think that the more you earn the more tax you 
 pay, Joe already earns $250,000, how much more do you need?

Oh, goodie, another contribution to my compendium
of inaccurate statements about Joe the Plumber from
the educated spiritually aware folks on this forum.
   Whoa, hold your horses. I was only going by what he 
   said on the video, which was, let's face it, cunningly 
   edited crap.
  Sorry, but it wasn't edited in such a way that it
  became misleading. It was, sad but not surprising
  to say, *Obama* who misled by suggesting that Joe
  had claimed to be making $250K.
  If you actually watch what he says to Obama on the
  same video, he very clearly states that the business
  he *wants to buy* is making $250K, not that *he's*
  making that much.
 I actually watched it twice just to make sure I hadn't 
 nodded off somewhere during the 1:11 and missed the bit 
 where he says what he actually earns. He didn't say it
 so I didn't know

You said, Joe already earns $250,000. Why did you
say that if you didn't know?

, and if I bought a company that made  
 $250,000 yearly for *less* than that sum I'd be pretty 

And that's relevant here exactly how? He said 
that's what he expected he'd have to pay.
Obviously that doesn't mean he's currently
making $250K or even that he'll be making $250K
when he buys it.

Again, my point is that Obama supporters (including
those who won't be able to vote for him) are happy
to pass on misinformation detrimental to Joe and
don't seem to care that it isn't accurate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread raunchydog
curtisdeltablues, if you read this post, make sure you are wearing an
athletic cup. I feel for you, Buddy.

 I tell you, I never worried much for the Second Amendment but now I am
beginning to truly understand why people have weapons to protect their
lives and property. You just don't know what these nutcases are
going to do any longer. Especially to women, since Obama and his
followers truly hate them with deep passion. This from the party that
pretended all these years to actually care what happens to women, thus
duping them into carrying their water for them.  Uppity Woman

http://tinyurl.com/5h2gyc http://tinyurl.com/5h2gyc

Ballistic Obama Supporter Assults Middle Aged Woman with Stick from Her
McCain/Palin Sign by Uppity Woman 10/17/08

While the 
unteer-in-new-york/  Democrat-leaning media continues to scare
undecided voters with bedtime stories about some mythical angry McCain
supporter whom nobody has seen
e-no-one-shouted-kill-him-about-obama , here is a real district
attorney's complaint documenting an unprovoked assault by an enraged
Democrat against a McCain volunteer in midtown Manhattan: Defendant
grabbed the sign [informant] was holding, broke the wood stick that was
attached to it, and then struck informant in informant's face
thereby causing informant to sustain redness, swelling, and bruising to
informant's face and further causing informant to sustain
substantial pain.

These are some sick bastards. I Just cannot comprehend how any woman
could possibly support their enabler. It's like they are almost
deliberately voting for their own future oppression. Like a co-dependent

Starting all the way back to the Primaries, Barack Obama has given a
wink and a nod to the bashing of women any time someone feels like it.
Young women are worried about Roe v. Wade? Women would have a lot more
than that to worry about with Barack Obama as President. This man is a
major misosgyny Enabler. He has set gender relations back a minimum of
40 years. I honestly can't imagine what more some women need to see
come out of this campaign short of a telephone pole on their
heads—in order for them to Get It.

Here's a shot of the woman's eye injury, a copy of the DA's
complaint and a photo of the slimeball who beat up on a woman, shielding
his brave self's face.

Of course, you won't hear about this on CNN or MSNBC. They are too
busy investigating a plumber. But it's just as well because the
bloggers would probably make up some stories about the woman this sack
of crap hit and somehow manage to make it her fault. Later they will all
go home and kick the crap out of their wives and dogs.

Aren't you a Real Brave Man, dirtball? We really want cool guys like
you picking Presidents. I only regret I wasn't the woman standing
there, because you would be grabbing your sorry crotch instead of
covering your face in this photo, you bastard. Somebody ought to take
YOU in a room and only one of you comes out.

  [252]  http://uppitywoman08.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/attacker.jpg


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Words Matter

 Bitter fruit of bigots

 The hangman's noose

 Twisted necks

 Bulging eyes

 Limp limbs

 In tangled branches

 Broken dreams of brothers

 Broken promises to sisters

 Vile beneath

 Hoods well hidden

 Their whispered breath

 Spreads an evil frost

 As opaque ghosts

 On windowpane

 Dead brown leaf

 Mahogany veneer

 Turning curled

 Dangling swaying

 Dropping loose

 Crushed underfoot

 Headstone lettered

 Humiliating epitaph

 Cloaked by night

 Blood reddened

 Guiltless violence

 Bond of shame

 Racial hatred

 Skin stripped whipped

 Misogyny its sister

 Frenzied fear of clit

 Such denial deep

 Who will weep?

 Be it common slur or insult

 Fevered killings oft result


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  More painful than truth is the display of closed hearts, closed
  and callous attitudes toward the one in four women in our country
  have tasted the fruit of misogyny on their bloodied lips.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Notice anything in common in the responses
   to Anglachel's essay?
   Jesus, somebody's on the rag or needs to get laid!
   As an old friend, a retired psychiatrist used to say:
   An orgasm a day, keeps the Shrink away! :-)
   This lady, Anglachel, has far too much time on her
   hands. She's wallowing in anger and resentment.
   Really, I think anybody who takes crap like this
   seriously needs to do some serious thinking about

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Recent UK Program on 9-11

2008-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
Hugo wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can't call from a cell phone at that altitude in a jet.  Some 
 believe that the calls were made from a hanger in Cleveland where 
 93 landed due to a bomb threat.  On one call left on an answering 
 machine there is a bankground voice of a woman saying you did 
 good as 
 the caller was hanging up.

 No, really? I don't know it's all too vicious and cynical.
 I don't think western governments are that bad. We went
 downhill morally *after* 9/11 but it's all a bit much for me
 that it was planned and exeuted just to bring about a new
 American empire. And if it was it didn't work particularly
I think one of the misnomers people have is the 9-11 truth movement is 
saying it was the whole government when no one is saying that at all.  
It has been alleged by a number of people from journalists to former 
insiders that there are rogue factions inside the US government who for 
years have been trying to steal control.  If caught and tried we 
probably never would hear about it.  Some allege that Bush outside of 
being warned about a possible attack knew nothing of it and was even 
threatened that day.  There are also allegations of involvement by 
finance interests (whose trail was conveniently destroyed in the 
demolition of building 7).

And it is also alleged that it was a *failed* false flag attack.  More 
were supposed to happen that day but were thwarted.  And imagine this: 
what if the government rounded up everyone involved and announced that 
factions of the military were involved.  Just imagine how the public 
would think and feel confident about that (and thus why they might keep 
something like that secret).

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
Judy wrote:
 Oh, goodie, another contribution to my compendium
 of inaccurate statements about Joe the Plumber from
 the educated spiritually aware folks on this forum.
 Joe never said he earned $250K; in fact, he said
 what he earned wasn't even close. Turns out he made
 $40K in 2006, according to his divorce papers.
 What he told Obama was that *if* he eventually
 managed to buy the plumbing business he currently
 works for, and *if* that business ends up making
 over $250K *in profits*, so that his *personal*
 taxable income rises above $250K, THEN under
 Obama's tax plan, it looks as though he might pay
 more tax than he would under McCain's.
 (I think that's a fine idea myself, BTW.)

So, you're in favor of a progressive income tax.

I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes about 
250, 270 - 80 thousand dollars a year, your new tax 
plan is going to tax me more isn't it? I'm getting 
taxed more and more for fulfilling the American 
dream. - Joe

Give me one good reason why I, Joe, or anyone else
should have to give up their hard-earned wages and 
give it to someone else who hasn't earned a dime.

To raise taxes simply to give it to the someone else
is wrong-headed and it's socilaism. I'm not in favor
of redistributing wealth as an artificial means to
improving the economy.

Why would Richard Hughes, who probbably already pays
a large part of his wages, have his taxes increased 
so that he can give it to someone else? Who would 
want to work hard and get ahead if the payroll tax 
is going up? 

Taqxation on earned income is a dumb idea and it's 
a really dumb Obama plan. Progressive taxes are 
argued to create work disincentive.

What was shocking and more relevant than anything 
else that has been said in the entire campaign is 
what Barack Obama said. He told Joe that it is okay 
to soak those making more than $250,000, even small 
businesses making that, because then you can 
spread the wealth around and everyone benefits. 
That is redistribution of wealth -- taking from the 
rich (and from the kinda rich) and giving to the 
not so rich and the poor.

Read more:

'Joe the Plumber on Obama's Plan - Scary and Socialist'
Posted by Lorie Byrd
Wizbang, October 16, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life after death - the Hindu explanation

2008-10-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11

 how is the state of attention described, as the one to adopt while 
 remaining conscious through the Bardo and onto rebirth? i am just 
 curious how specific it gets, and which attributes are mentioned. 

I studied Phowa for only about a year, and so 
I have to go on record as being too much a novice 
to comment authoritatively. Vaj or others here
may feel confident to reply more fully.

 I can think and feel the death experience as one of complete 
 disolution, in which relative manifestation, any hint of a 
 personal identity, is absent, infinite. 

I suspect that this could be -- although not
necessarily would be -- the experience of 
someone who died while completely enlightened.
But Tibetan tradition still holds such indi-
viduals as being able to decide whether to
reincarnate or not, even after enlightenment.
Maharishi did not share their view.

 I find myself, though, in spite of my acceptance of my complete 
 dissolution at death, with the desire anyway to continue exploring 
 relative existence after death. its just more fun, right? as 
 satisfying as the experience of pure nothingness, pure calm is, 
 there's more to do in the relative, just as we do on this planet; 
 learn and become, and just have a blast. so I would prefer having 
 another vehicle to continue to enjoy relative existence after 
 death, though I will be happy either way.:)

My feelings exactly. Bring them new incarnations on. 
Or not. Whatever.

[FairfieldLife] Unintentional humor

2008-10-18 Thread do.rflex


[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
Curtis wrote:
 I know you are bright enough to see the 
 blatant misrepresentation of the concepts 

The concept is redistribution of wealth, and 
it's a really dumb idea that got started with
Karl Marx and Adam Smith. Progressive taxes 
create work disincentives. With a progressive
tax there's no monetary incentive to make more
income above a base level. That's the point 
Joe was trying to make. 

Did you take ECON 101 at MUM?.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Could this be one of Judy's claimed death threats?

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  And they aren't death threats legally speaking,
  but that isn't the point either. They don't have
  to be to stand as examples of intense misogyny.
 I think they express hatred towards two individuals.  I
 don't buy your move to try to generalize it as against
 all women.

Right, the Some of my best friends are women

It doesn't have to be against *all* women to be
misogny. Or rather, it can be held in check as
long as the women one encounters behave
appropriately. When they don't--when they
express disagreement and vigorously stand up for
themselves and for other women--all of a sudden
the underlying misogyny rises to the surface,
and the women who are behaving inappropriately
are criticized in terms that apply specifically
to women, including criticism that involves
threats of physical punishment.

If it were only raunchydog and me, that would be
one thing. But it's not; it's Hillary and Palin 
and Cindy McCain and Jackie Kennedy and a whole
bunch of women who have posted to this forum
who didn't behave appropriately as far as
Barry was concerned.

  You guys are
 running a version of radical old school feminism that I rarely
 encounter in women these days.

You need to get out more. If it's old school,
it's currently undergoing a major revival because
of two prominent women who have been behaving
inappropriately by fancying themselves to be
credible presidential timber and drawing the kind
of reaction I described above.

  And you are conflating the concepts of
 misogyny and sexist language which is bogus and hurts your

No, it's not bogus. Sexist language is just the
milder end of a continuum.

 You are both dishing out and taking some heat for it.

Nobody here was dishing it out gratuitously,
Curtis. We've been dishing it out in response
to actual demonstrations of misogyny, initially
against Hillary, then against female *supporters*
of Hillary who dared to call attention to those 
demonstrations, and subsequently against Palin.

What we're taking heat for is pointing out and
criticizing real-life expressions of misogyny.

  When you equate
 our words with actual violence against women

Nobody's been doing that either, Curtis. We're
pointing out that words reflect thoughts, and
thoughts can and do generate action. Both words
and actual physical violence against women are
functions of misogynistic thinking.

The words of a given misogynist may not ever
rise to the level of physical violence, but
they reinforce misogynistic thinking among
those who are capable of such violence and 
thus enhance the chances that it will take

  If you don't believe they express the wish--
  perhaps subconscious--on Barry's part that
  raunchydog and I die violently, preferably by
  his hand, you're painfully naive about how the
  human mind works.
 Both you and Raunchy MAKE Turq's day as far as I can see.
 He is obviously enjoying responding to you both in an
 intense way.  I think he would be greatly disappointed if
 you both stopped posting let alone died in a burst of
 feminist flame.

Above you acknowledge that Barry's death threats
express hatred towards two individuals. Now you
seem to be saying Barry enjoys hating us and would
be disappointed if we were no longer around to be
the targets of his hatred and the focus of his
violent fantasies.

Such a deeply spiritual guy, that Barry. I'm sure
he'll appreciate your encomium.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 curtisdeltablues, if you read this post, make sure you are wearing an
 athletic cup. I feel for you, Buddy.

Anyone who is looking out for the welfare of my nutsack is appreciated

Having read this I realize that it is not the desperate act of an
imbalanced weirdo, but is in fact concrete proof that Obama and all
his supporters hate all women.  Nice catch!

I look forward to McCain Palin in the White House now that I realize
the TRUTH about Obama and ALL the people who prefer him to Grumpy
Mcstinky Pants and his side kick...oh shit, I almost said something
about a women!  I guess my old Obama woman-hating ways are still
there!  Let's see now, how about...Sarah, Hockey Mom and the ruffler
of feathers of all the old boys(not John) and the healthcare that we
need to support with the new job creation and getting government off
our backs while regulating much more intensely at the very same time,

BTW the nutshot so commonly thrown out as the punch line of a woman's
jokes, is actually harder to achieve for a woman's self defense than
most people realize.  Most men have a childhood full of sports where
we gain a 6th sense about possible nut damage, so it is very hard to
hit them.  Next time you want to defend yourself form a nutjob like
this dude with the stick, I recommend a stun gun or Taser.  Once he is
down on the ground you might get your nutshot  to symbolically strike
out against all men for all women.  I hope that helps. 

  I tell you, I never worried much for the Second Amendment but now I am
 beginning to truly understand why people have weapons to protect their
 lives and property. You just don't know what these nutcases are
 going to do any longer. Especially to women, since Obama and his
 followers truly hate them with deep passion. This from the party that
 pretended all these years to actually care what happens to women, thus
 duping them into carrying their water for them.  Uppity Woman
 http://tinyurl.com/5h2gyc http://tinyurl.com/5h2gyc
 Ballistic Obama Supporter Assults Middle Aged Woman with Stick from Her
 McCain/Palin Sign by Uppity Woman 10/17/08
 While the 

 unteer-in-new-york/  Democrat-leaning media continues to scare
 undecided voters with bedtime stories about some mythical angry McCain
 supporter whom nobody has seen

 e-no-one-shouted-kill-him-about-obama , here is a real district
 attorney's complaint documenting an unprovoked assault by an enraged
 Democrat against a McCain volunteer in midtown Manhattan: Defendant
 grabbed the sign [informant] was holding, broke the wood stick that was
 attached to it, and then struck informant in informant's face
 thereby causing informant to sustain redness, swelling, and bruising to
 informant's face and further causing informant to sustain
 substantial pain.
 These are some sick bastards. I Just cannot comprehend how any woman
 could possibly support their enabler. It's like they are almost
 deliberately voting for their own future oppression. Like a co-dependent
 Starting all the way back to the Primaries, Barack Obama has given a
 wink and a nod to the bashing of women any time someone feels like it.
 Young women are worried about Roe v. Wade? Women would have a lot more
 than that to worry about with Barack Obama as President. This man is a
 major misosgyny Enabler. He has set gender relations back a minimum of
 40 years. I honestly can't imagine what more some women need to see
 come out of this campaign short of a telephone pole on their
 heads—in order for them to Get It.
 Here's a shot of the woman's eye injury, a copy of the DA's
 complaint and a photo of the slimeball who beat up on a woman, shielding
 his brave self's face.
 Of course, you won't hear about this on CNN or MSNBC. They are too
 busy investigating a plumber. But it's just as well because the
 bloggers would probably make up some stories about the woman this sack
 of crap hit and somehow manage to make it her fault. Later they will all
 go home and kick the crap out of their wives and dogs.
 Aren't you a Real Brave Man, dirtball? We really want cool guys like
 you picking Presidents. I only regret I wasn't the woman standing
 there, because you would be grabbing your sorry crotch instead of
 covering your face in this photo, you bastard. Somebody ought to take
 YOU in a room and only one of you comes out.
   [252]  http://uppitywoman08.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/attacker.jpg
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  Words Matter
  Bitter fruit of bigots
  The hangman's noose

[FairfieldLife] Re: I am Joe

2008-10-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
Richard Hughes wrote:
 I actually watched it twice just to 
 make sure I hadn't nodded off somewhere 
 during the 1:11 and missed the bit where 
 he says what he actually earns. 
Apparently you nodded off. You missed the
part about the inequality of pregressive
income taxation. A progressive payroll
taxation can only be justified if there
is a corresponding increase in the amount 
of representation to mathch the increase 
in payroll taxation.

There should be no taxation without rep-
resentation. If Obama wants to raise my
payroll tax, then I should have an increase 
in my representation.

In most countries it's the top 5% that
pay over 50% of the payroll taxes, but 
they have only 5% of the voting weight.

Those that pay the most in income tax 
should have the greater vote as well -
it's only fair. Higher payroll tax payers
should have a greater say in elections
than those who pay less in payroll tax.

[FairfieldLife] Re: It hurts

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  curtisdeltablues, if you read this post, make sure you are 
wearing an
  athletic cup. I feel for you, Buddy.
 Anyone who is looking out for the welfare of my nutsack is 
 Having read this I realize that it is not the desperate act of an
 imbalanced weirdo, but is in fact concrete proof that Obama and all
 his supporters hate all women.  Nice catch!

Wonder how many misogynistic WORDS this imbalanced
weirdo read before becoming inspired to indulge in
misogynistic violence.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unintentional humor

2008-10-18 Thread raunchydog

Blinded by the Light

Sainted halo
All aglow
Light our lives
Here below

Awe inspired

Fulfill desire

Lemmings, have fun

Voting for the One

A collection of Obama's halos, intentional and not humorous.







--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


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