Re: [LegacyUG] Standardization

2008-06-17 Thread Gene Young

Mary Young wrote:

NB why would anyone, anywhere in the world, put a stop after Miss?
It's not a contraction.
Mary Young

It was my understanding it was short for Mistress. ;-)

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Standardization

2008-06-17 Thread Gene Young

Wynthner wrote:

If that is the case then what is Mrs. short for??

1.  a title of respect prefixed to the name of a married woman: Mrs. Jones.
2.	a title prefixed to a mock surname that is used to represent possession of a particular 
attribute, identity, etc., esp. in an idealized or excessive way: Mrs. Punctuality.

[Origin: abbr. of mistress]

—Pronunciation note Mrs., first recorded in the early 17th century, was originally, like Miss, an 
abbreviation of mistress. Mrs. and mistress were at first used interchangeably in all contexts, but 
by the second half of that century, the written form of the abbreviation was largely confined to use 
as a title preceding a woman's surname.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Version 7 set relationships

2008-06-13 Thread Gene Young

Robert57P via Gmail wrote:
Nope - that's not what I was looking for.  Yes, it prints a good chart 
of the relationship between those 2 people.  But I recall a generic 
chart that showed no names, just a diagram that showed what a second 
cousin once removed was - i.e.: it had a whole series of relationships 
on one chart (self, parent, grand parent, great grand parent, etc, etc, 

On the Top Menu Bar Select Reports  All Reports (Books and Others)...  under blank charts select 
Relationship Diagrams  Select your language of choice.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] zooming to pins in maps

2008-06-13 Thread Gene Young

Thankfully everyone isn't as negative as you - Cathy has given the good news that GE 
is planned - that will be of immense help.


You are the one being negative.  I was pointing out solutions to the situation as it exists.  You 
are also being offensive.  PLONK

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Error 35603: Invalid key

2008-06-11 Thread Gene Young

Bruce Jones wrote:

When I try the same report, I get
Run-time error '339':
Component 'MSCOMCTL..OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly
registered: a file is missing or invalid
When I click on OK Legacy terminates
I tried a reinstall but still get the same message  results.

Yes, I have an idea.  Click on the link at the bottom of every Legacy User 
Group Email

Online technical support:

Then select • Solutions by Error Number, error 339 and you get your solution:
• Error 339 (Click here Error 339 in Widows Vista)
• Error 372

• Error 2007 - Invalid Bands Collection
Also see DLL or OCX file is changed, missing, out of date, or invalid

Sometimes when installing or uninstalling software that shares common system files with Legacy 
problems can arise. For example, when installing another program, a different version of a shared 
system file may be installed. In addition, when uninstalling another program, a person may say Yes 
to the prompt about deleting shared files. As a result Legacy will give error messages or won't run 
at all. In addition, there are a few spyware scanners and some anti-virus programs that can also 
disable Legacy by removing critical system files.


  Make certain that any spyware scanners or antivirus programs are temporarily disabled. It's 
important that if a spyware scanner wants to remove a file like ActBar.ocx that you do not allow it 
to do so, or the problem will just keep repeating.


  Repair your Legacy program by updating it. Often missing or out-of-date files will be 
replaced when updating.

  Go to to download and install the Legacy 7.0 
Update file.

  If you have Legacy 6.0 or an earlier version go to .

  If these steps fix the problem, you can stop here.

   3. If the above steps do not fix the problem, then uninstall Legacy and then reinstall it. If 
this solves the problem, you can stop here.
   4. If the above steps do not fix the problem and the file you are having trouble with is on the 
list below (check the error message), then download and save the file to the C:\Windows\System32, 
the C:\Windows\System or the C:\WINNT\System32 folder depending on your operating system:

  ACTBAR.OCX (Error 2007 - Invalid Bands Collection)
  MSVBVM60.DLL (version
  RESIZE32.OCX (version
  WSPELL.OCX (also see helpWspell.asp)

  If the missing file is VSPRINT8.OCX, then download both of the following:


  If the missing file is VSPRINT7.OCX, then download both of the following:


  If these steps don't solve the problem please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the 
details of the file you need replaced.

If you are using Vista there is an alternate solution there.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Email list for legacy solutions only?

2008-06-11 Thread Gene Young

Mark K wrote:

What a lot of ill informed nonsense.
How on earth is it easier to sort through every damn email than to 
simply look at a forum and then choose the topics you are interested in 
You don't get every single useless, repeated and unwanted email clogging 
up everything.
Message boards are in no way slower to email and usually faster, all the 
ones I use are instantaneous. 
Your point of sorting a mailing list is uneducated - a forum is 
basically a sorted email list except you don't have to receive or look 
at every email, you only look at what you are interested in.
If you were on dial up now I doubt you would be wanting to receive  a 
100 plus emails daily on a slow list let alone the thousand you would 
receive on most.
Did you ever wonder why mailing listed have almost died everywhere and 
forums took over - faster, easier, better searching, better history and 
you only look at what you want. 

I suggest you unsubscribe if mailing lists are so odious to you.  Having a strong opinion about 
something does not give you the right to call someone who believes otherwise uneducated.  You are a 
rude individual who doesn't even know how to follow the rules of the list you are criticizing. 
Please unsubscribe and go to the forum on rootsweb.  We will all be much happier.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Sources - Master and Detail

2008-06-10 Thread Gene Young

Robert57P via Gmail wrote:
Intermittently on this LUG I see references to OP.  What's that stand 
for? Operator?  Operating Program?  OutPut?

Original Poster, the person who started a particular thread.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] to-do list by location - multiple sendings

2008-06-10 Thread Gene Young

Wayne Martell wrote:
It is getting ridiculous! I have sent messages 38 hours ago, 22 hours 
ago, and 19 hours ago and none have them have appeared. Obviously, 
Millennia's mail server needs some maintenance.

Wayne Martell
Victoria, BC, Canada

You are correct, it is getting ridiculous.  A quick check shows the following messages from you to 
the list since 6/5/08.

6/5/08 - [LegacyUG] Whats New in Legacy Video
6/6/08 - Re: [LegacyUG] v7
6/7/08 - [LegacyUG] V7 - Marriage Information Screen
6/7/08 - Re: [LegacyUG] Ver 7 mapping and push pins
6/8/08 - Re: [LegacyUG] to-do list by location - multiple sendings

Obviously the messages are going through the list and out to the subscribers.  This means Millenia's 
mail server is doing its job.  That leaves something on your end not working correctly.  Check your 
junk folder and your ISP.  It's not Millenia's fault.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Re: Legacy Charting Pre-release - SUCCESS!

2008-06-09 Thread Gene Young

Jan Roberts wrote:
How does one uninstall the pre-release Legacy Charting?  I can’t find it 
listed in the Add/Remove Programs list, and in the Programs list it 
shows up under Legacy 7.0 (along with Legacy Charting 7.0), but the only 
uninstall is for Legacy 7.0, not Legacy Charting.


Use windows explorer to browse to the legacy7 folder on your hard drive.  You should see an 
uninstall program there for Legacy Charting.  If you are unsure, get the assistance of an 
experienced windows user to help.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Images in rtf reports

2008-06-09 Thread Gene Young

ronald ferguson wrote:


Do you embed them in Word? I have to with Open Office - but don't know about 

Ron Ferguson


New Blog: Free Contacts Database for use with Open Office
View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:

Subject: [LegacyUG] Images in rtf reports
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 14:25:34 +1000

I usually create descendant reports etc. as RTF files, then I edit them in
Word and send them to fellow researchers. However, I have discovered that
although I select 'embed the pictures in the file' they do not display on
anyone else's computer. This problem existed in Version 6, and persists in
Version 7. Do others have the same problem? How can I overcome it?


As I understand it (and I could be wrong) in an rtf, an embedded picture is only a link to the image 
on your hard drive.  (I think OO actually copies an image to the document, which is why Ron's works) 
 Try pasting the image into your rtf document and see if that works.  I do not use Word so can not 
test for you.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Email list for legacy solutions only?

2008-06-09 Thread Gene Young

Judith H wrote:

I  too would prefer that type of list, or rather, a 'normal' board where one
can scan the headings and read only what is of interest.

Thank you.

I am having a hard time understanding why you can not scan the headings of your emails, reading the 
interesting ones and deleting the others.  Again, who do you expect to foot the bill?

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Version 7 - Purchase Price

2008-06-09 Thread Gene Young

Scott Failmezger wrote:
I purchased the download upgrade to Version 7 from the legacy store for 
$29.95. Two days later I get an e-mail that I can purchase the upgrade 
for $21.95.
How can I get my $8 dollars back?

Try contacting Millenia.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Run-time error 3260

2008-06-08 Thread Gene Young

Brenda Van Dyke wrote:

I am running Windows Vista, Legacy 7, build  Upgraded from 6.0;
installed over version 6 (did not create a new folder).

I decided to run a Potential Problems report.  It gets about halfway
through and I get:  Run-time error 3260: could not update; currently locked
by user 'admin' on machine 'xx'  (NOTE: 'x' is the name of my

This is an Access run time error.  Legacy is built on the Access DB structure.  This error usually 
means that while you had a db open as a limited user an Administrator also logged on, locking the 
db.  Is your computer on a network and someone else is opening the db, are you logged in as a 
limited account when you open the db?  There are a number of possibilities, none of which, 
unfortunately, I can solve for you.  I suggest you contact Millenia Support directly and give them 
as much information as you can.

Good luck.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Ver 7 mapping and push pins

2008-06-08 Thread Gene Young

Bert van Kootwijk wrote:

Rightclick on the pushpin, than you can drag it.


No, you can not drag the push pin.  You will only move the map around.  Find the location that you 
want the pin to be, right click in that location and answer yes to the question in the pop up box.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Email list for legacy solutions only?

2008-06-08 Thread Gene Young

Al Wakenhut wrote:
Would it be possible to set up a special email list limited to those of 
us whom have specific questions about using Legacy?  Not to complain, 
but many of us do not have the time to read a large volume of emails 
from people who have complaints about the service or just want to chat.  
I could further explain my question but then I would only be adding to 
the problem.
Thank you, 

In as much as running an email list costs $, who is to pay for it, considering we already have one 
free list paid for by Millenia?

By all means, feel free to start your own but, as for me, I think I'll put up with the questions 
that do not interest me to get to the ones that do.  It's cheaper all around that way. ;-)

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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[LegacyUG] Re: [LegacyUserGroup] (No Subject)

2008-06-08 Thread Gene Young

Being new to Legacy, I am just now playing with the new feature the 
Sourcewriter.  I never really documented my source in any type of
way- here is my question.  On the Iowa Genweb site is the transcript of 
a book on Allamakee County Cemetery Records.  This book was
written by Dale P. Woodmansee, 1989.  People have entered his work on 
the site.  So would the source be a data base or a book-

Your source would be where you read the information.  In this case an online source, that being a 
transcription of the original book.  If at sometime in the future you actually read the book, then 
the book would become your source.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] What's New in Legacy video

2008-06-07 Thread Gene Young

Wayne Martell wrote:
Nothing happens when I click on this link ...'sNewInLegacy7.html

Is there another link? Or just a simple list?

 It does work, but do you have flash player installed?  The video requires it 
to run.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] v7

2008-06-07 Thread Gene Young

Al Mallory wrote:

We download-only  version users appear to be extremely low on the
priority list.

I've sent a couple of emails to sales and am waiting patiently for a response.

Have any download-only  pre-paid V7 users received an email with their
new customer number?


If you read all the emails on this list you would have read  the reasons also.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] German Location Names?

2008-06-06 Thread Gene Young

GeoSci wrote:

Does anyone have any idea about the proper name for the location
below?  I have found I have recorded at least 3 for the same place!

Edenkoben, , Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Edenkoben, Germany
Edenkoben, Pfalz, Bayern, Germany

As you know - Legacy likes a 4 part location (city, County, State,
Country) or equivalent.

Legacy Geodatabase gives

Edenkoben, , Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

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Re: [LegacyUG] German Locations

2008-06-05 Thread Gene Young

GeoSci wrote:

Was given the following as a location from a relative:
Evangelisch-Reformierta, Kirche, Edenkoben, Pfalz, Bayern, Germany

Any idea how to put it so the mapping progrom will map it? (or where it is??)


Legacy Geodatabase gives

Edenkoben, , Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

This is about ten miles west of Heidelberg.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Installing version 7

2008-06-04 Thread Gene Young

Leon Chapman wrote:


I would recommend installing in a new Directory (e.g., c:\Legacy7\)

Back up your existing Legacy 6 database and picture files.
Then copy your database and picture files into the correct locations under:
c:\Legacy7\Data and

This way you can run either Legacy 6 or Legacy 7.

If you wish to keep v6, be very careful.  I told v7 to install to a new directory (Legacy7) and it 
went ahead and installed it in Legacy (overwriting v6).  Fortunately it turned out OK as I see no 
need now to keep v6 available and a plus was that v7 has kept all the custom settings I had in v6.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] New V. 7

2008-06-04 Thread Gene Young

I have watched the What's new video and have just downloaded the Del 
V. 7- I know that I have downloaded the version due to
the fact that I can add the married name option for the index-  
however, the mapping feature is not seen on the ribbon at the
top of the screen- in fact, it still looks like V.6- do I need to switch 
it on some where?  I can't wait to play with it and really

start to clean up my sources.

Right click on the toolbar (ribbon) and a box will pop up allowing you to customize the toolbar. 
See help for particulars.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] helpful hints at startup

2008-06-03 Thread Gene Young

Debbie Medeiros wrote:

For some reason I lost those helpful hints at startup and can not figure 
out how to get them back. Can someone please help?


Select View  Tips Window  Check Show this Welcome Screen next time you start 

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] What is TMG?

2008-05-31 Thread Gene Young

Mike Fry wrote:

Gene Young wrote:

Thomas Herson wrote:
I'm wondering if a lot of people aren't reading all their e-mail 
before responding to a quesion. That could be the reason why hours 
after a question has been posed people continue to respond even 
though the answer has been posted a dozen times or more.

Because, due to the nature of the internet, some people do not receive 
their email until after a response has been sent.  Because of the lag 
in receiving their email they send an answer, in an attempt to be 
helpful, without KNOWING a response has been sent.  Unless EVERYONE 
agrees to NOT answer a question before 24 hours have passed this will 
continue to be the norm.  I, for one, would rather receive five 
responses relatively quickly than one response too late.  :-)

No Gene. That's not what Thomas was trying to get at. I think what he 
was trying to say was: Why don't people read *ALL* of their received 
messages before they reply to one. Then, they might notice that replies 
have already been received and that consequently they do not need to add 
a superfluous reply.

My answer addressed just that.  I a person has not SEEN the previous thirty answers posted, then he 
THINKS he is the first to answer and doesn't find out the truth until ALL the mail catches up.  It 
will continue this way until the backbone of the internet truly achieves consistent and reliable 
SPEED OF LIGHT throughput.  :-)  Ain't gonna happen in this lifetime! :-(

Of course, maintaining correct threading would also help this!

Speaking of threading, I believe this equine has been sufficiently flogged.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: time delays Re: [LegacyUG] What is TMG?

2008-05-31 Thread Gene Young

Dawn Crowley wrote:
Nope.  My computer waits until I spend time carefully craft a response 
to a question lacking any replies.  Pushing send then generates 
somewhere between 2 and 12 other replies, some of which were actually 
sent over 24 hours ago.  It must be a conspiracy.  g

I try to hit Get new messages (F5 in ThunderBird) before composing and sending a message.  This 
helps by insuring I have the most recent posts AVAILABLE, but it also doesn't always work.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] What is TMG?

2008-05-30 Thread Gene Young

Thomas Herson wrote:
I'm wondering if a lot of people aren't reading all their e-mail before 
responding to a quesion. That could be the reason why hours after a 
question has been posed people continue to respond even though the 
answer has been posted a dozen times or more.


Because, due to the nature of the internet, some people do not receive their email until after a 
response has been sent.  Because of the lag in receiving their email they send an answer, in an 
attempt to be helpful, without KNOWING a response has been sent.  Unless EVERYONE agrees to NOT 
answer a question before 24 hours have passed this will continue to be the norm.  I, for one, would 
rather receive five responses relatively quickly than one response too late.  :-)

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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2008-05-27 Thread Gene Young

Dick wrote:
*Is there a reason why the archives URL   ...   ...  
keeps coming up with this message? *
*Dick Schweiss*


You don't have permission to access 
/ on this server.

Apache/2.2.4 (Ubuntu) mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.1 PHP/5.2.3-1ubuntu6.3 
Server at Port 80

It works for me.  Possibly there was a temporary problem with their server.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Descendant Book Report

2008-05-25 Thread Gene Young

Susan Daily wrote:

Hi Anne,
Since you are new, this is just an FYI: 

 [And please also check the etiquette
guidelines link as emails to the list should be in Plain Text format, 
for example.]

Your reply was in HTML.  You should practice what you preach.  I notice also that there is another 
post by you in HTML.  You might want to check that you have your mail reader set to NOT reply in the 
format received.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Downloadlink for Version 7

2008-05-25 Thread Gene Young



as Millennia told me, this is the correct downloadlink for version 7:

I do not believe that you were supposed to make this link public at this time.  In any event, the 
link without the basic password is useless.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Not fair Millennia!

2008-05-16 Thread Gene Young

Art Seddon wrote:
Of course they paid for it first and we old-timers haven't because a way has 
NOT been available.

Art Seddon\


This old-timer paid for a new V6 Deluxe shortly after it was announced that a free upgrade to V7 was 
included.  Obviously a way was available.  I saw an opportunity to be assured of a faster upgrade 
route and took it.  I don't understand all the crying about being treated unfairly.  Everyone had 
the same opportunity.  You can't cry and blame someone else because you failed to take the 
opportunity when it presented itself.  Every new product roll out (including upgrades) has to have a 
well mapped and organized plan in order to succeed on the most levels.  For the people crying that 
they have been using Legacy for years so they should be first I can only say, I and others have been 
using Legacy forever also.  We have already paid for the upgrade through the process made available 
  by Millenia Corp to every established user.  Do you really feel that you deserve the upgrade 
before us, even though you have not pre-paid.  A line has to be drawn someplace and the roll out 
commenced in orderly stages or we will all be waiting even longer while Millenia repairs their 
crashed servers caused by download overload.  Please be patient and allow the process to continue 
with out all the ME-TOO BOO HOO's and return the list to genuine Legacy issues and drop the I 
Whine issues. g

Just another old old-timer.
Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 6.0 and a USB Flash Drive

2008-05-15 Thread Gene Young

Mark Wilson wrote:

Legacy *does* run very slowly via MojoPac, however, it also requires 
installation of the MojoPac software on the host computer.  This, too, 
would not work on a host computer where installation of software is not 

No, MoJoPac does not have to be installed on the host computer.  It runs entirely from the flash 
drive.  I know this to be true as I have done it.  It requires nothing loaded on the host computer 
and leaves NO traces on the host computer when disconnected.  As has been pointed out the host 
computer must be running with an administrator account but I have not encountered a problem in this 
respect as most people never set up limited accounts on their computers and only run as administrator.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 6.0 and a USB Flash Drive

2008-05-15 Thread Gene Young

Gary Templeman wrote:

- Original Message - From: Gene Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 4:37 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 6.0 and a USB Flash Drive

Mark Wilson wrote:

Legacy *does* run very slowly via MojoPac, however, it also requires 
installation of the MojoPac software on the host computer.  This, 
too, would not work on a host computer where installation of software 
is not permitted.

No, MoJoPac does not have to be installed on the host computer.  It 
runs entirely from the flash drive.  I know this to be true as I have 
done it. It requires nothing loaded on the host computer and leaves NO 
traces on the host computer when disconnected.  As has been pointed 
out the host computer must be running with an administrator account 
but I have not encountered a problem in this respect as most people 
never set up limited accounts on their computers and only run as 

Gene Y.

But it may become a problem as more people migrate to Vista, since it 
has a default to more restrictive permissions. Have you tried it on a 
Vista computer?

Gary Templeman

I won't own a Vista Computer.  I don't know if MoJoPac has been updated to 

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 6.0 and a USB Flash Drive

2008-05-14 Thread Gene Young

JLB wrote:
Somebody, who may or may not be an LUG-er, told me they had Legacy 
running on Mojopac on a USB flash-drive.  

That would be me. g There is a free version (MoJopac Free) that works just fine, although a little 

Unless you'd be trying to use
it where you can't have administrator rights (public libraries, hotels, 
etc) it might work.


As long as the USB port is not locked out it should work on any XP computer.  The program and 
operating system run entirely on the USB drive.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] to the powers that be

2008-05-14 Thread Gene Young
The thing that you are overlooking is that it costs real money to establish and maintain a list, not 
to mention the time involved.  Since this list is free for all to use the cost is transparent, and 
therefor free, right?

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] to the powers that be

2008-05-14 Thread Gene Young

Wynthner wrote:

No offense, but.
We can't keep posters from using :
1. Non-text (html, etc.),
2. Off Topic posts
3. Mail reciepts
Asking them to use prefixes to subject lines just might be a bit much...
I *do*, however, think it is a great idea!

I was going to post the exact same thing but figured I'd just get flamed for 

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy on Portable Hard Drive

2008-05-12 Thread Gene Young

Tim Rosenlof wrote:

I've never had that problem. Just the scanned ones are saved. I've used
a cannon portable scanner (Awesome for places that have no power close
by)and also have a epson visioneer. Niether does what you claim.


My Lexmark does.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Learning patience on mailing lists

2008-05-08 Thread Gene Young

Elizabeth Richardson wrote:
Gary, the message in question said you were subscribed, not 
unsubscribed. While I agree that folks should have realized no one was 
targeting them specifically and that it was a general list problem, your 
list of logical realizations did not apply to this situation.


They are both logical and reasonable, something many listers were not.  Common sense, patience and 
simple courtesy would have gone a long way to avoiding the larger congestion caused by the me 
too'ers and what's going on with MY list.  Remember, this list is a FREE resource provided by 
the good people at Millenia and NO ONE has the right to complain if there is a small problem that 
will inevitably be taken care of.  And for all of you listers who did not receive, did not read, or 
just deleted Jim's messages, the problem was not caused by the list server.  It was a problem with a 
subscriber.  The mail delivery delays have more to do with the congestion on the Internet Backbones 
that with the Millenia servers.  In other words they did an excellent job of handling a problem that 
did not originate with them and over which they had little control.  Kudos to them and can we PLEASE 
now drop the subject and get back to genealogy and away from kvetching?

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Add a NEW person or Link to an EXISTING person.

2008-05-03 Thread Gene Young

Lavern Hall wrote:


I'm having a real go-around understanding the difference between these
two options: Add a NEW person or Link to an EXISTING person.  Every
time I enter
an individual whom I know to be a relative, am I not Adding a NEW
person, and wouldn't I select that option?

If I were to add this new person (a relative) and select Link to an
Existing person,
that selection takes me to the name list where, it seems to me, that
I'd have to select
*everyone* in the family (direct and collateral individuals) to link
this new person?

If you already have a person in your database related by , say marriage, and you later discover that 
this person is the son, daughter, father or mother of another person in your database you would then 
link to the existing person by selecting that person in your name list.

If the person is not already in your database in some capacity then you would 
add the new person.

I have often had a person in my database who was married to a known anscestor only to later discover 
that this person was also th offspring of another ancestor.  Linking to an existing person saves 
having two entries of the  same person.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Update to pre-release of Legacy Charting available (7.0.094)

2008-05-02 Thread Gene Young

Mike Fry wrote:

Luc Comeau wrote:

Here is a download link for the update. 

Thanks for that. I now have the updated version.

1) You need to be connected to the Internet
2) Start your current version of Legacy Charting
3) Click on the tab Tips  Updates
4) Click on the red download button.

What I was trying to convey was that version 7.0.077 (and the previous 
beta version for that matter) didn't indicate that a newer version was 
available. When clicking on the Tips  Updates tab, I was still being 
told that I had 7.0.077 (correct at that time) and that it was the 
latest version (incorrect). Also, no red Download button. So your new 
version available detection code doesn't work. Or perhaps it now does, 
but we'll have to await another version to find out whether it does or not.

The red update link is in the upper left corner of the page.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Geo Locations

2008-04-28 Thread Gene Young

Judy wrote:
Will SKS please remind me how to customize the Geo locations so that 
they are added with the word County in the actual location  i.e.  
Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, and NOT Watertown,Jefferson, New 
York.  I've searched the Geo help files and can't locate it, but I know 
it is somewhere.

Since this last update, little quirky things are going on with my Legacy 
program - nothing terribly major, just irritating. This is just the latest.

Many thanks,


Searching the archives produced

which answers your question.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] saving file, etc

2008-04-15 Thread Gene Young

Pat Jones wrote:

Cathy, Sherry, Ron and Jenny:

I first copied the original file using the save as, then made the 
changes to the new file.  When I went back to see the original file, it 
too had changed to match the new file (easy to tell the change as the 
original file had several more columns in the index view than the new 
file did; after deleting those columns in the new file and then going 
back to look at the original file, those columns were missing in the 
original file as well.)

I asked Sherry for help and am eagerly awaiting what she can come up with.

BTW, I'm using the latest updated version 6.

I may be missing the point here but if you are just creating different files in order to show 
differences in the screen views, you are doing it the hard way.  It would be much easier to start 
with the first view you wish to show them and make a screen shot of it.  Save that one as 
File_View_1.jpg (or tiff or bmp or gif whatever is your preferred format.)  Then make your first 
change and take another screen shot and so on, naming them sequentially.  Save them all to the same 
folder, say \presentation\.  Then use a program like irfanview which will allow you to display the 
images as a slide show.  With Legacy running in the background it is an easy matter to use alt-tab 
to switch between the two programs as needed to answer questions.  If you are really ambitious you 
can use power point or open office to make a proper presentation.  Much cleaner and faster than 
having many files to manage.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Importing From

2008-04-14 Thread Gene Young

ronald ferguson wrote:

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:14:07 +0100
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Importing From

ronald ferguson wrote

The odds are that Legacy is Looking for the Gedcom in your Legacy/Data
file. When the lisy comes up with your Gedcoms on it (or not) have a
look at the box at the top, it probably sats Data. Click the folder
with the up arrow on it until you reach My Computer and use the
plus signs to open up the trees until you reach My Documents,
Highlight it and click Open

When using the Import Wizard you don't get the usual Look in option,
it searches through all the folders on your computer automatically and
there is no option to select a particular folder.

I did think of suggesting the OP used the Import from... Gedcom file...
option, but thought that as they had chosen to use the Import Wizard
perhaps they would not be comfortable with the do-it-yourself approach.
Jenny M Benson


I have no doubt that it is the case when using the Import Wizard, but I don't use 
it. If one selects FileImport and then any of the other options it goes to the 
Data File.

Ron Ferguson

I just tried a test of the import wizard and it is broken in the latest release.  It found only one 
gedcom located in my program files/Mudcreek folder, even though I have a number of them in various 
folders under My Documents.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Importing From

2008-04-14 Thread Gene Young

Sherry/Support wrote:


I could somewhat duplicate this.  The Import Wizard in v6.0.0.190 located 18
files.  A search of my hard drive through Windows Explorer located 24 files.
Legacy v7 beta found 22 files.

The ones that seem to be missing are in the My Documents folder but that
could be a quirk of Vista..

I'll make sure that Brian, the bug coordinator, sees this and checks it out.

Thanks for using Legacy.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

I am using XP and the files it could not locate were in folders under My 

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Exporting a Legacy file to Access

2008-04-12 Thread Gene Young

Valerie Garton wrote:

I want to put the inforamtion in CULLODEN ONS, a Legacy family history file
in a place where I can search the birth years, and then search again in that
search for the place and then the father.

Actually that can all be done in the one search once the inforamtion is in
the new place - Access, MS Works database or Excel.

If you had included this information in the original post you would have received the answers 
sooner.  This is the type of detail we have been asking you to provide so we can help you better.  I 
am still trying to determine which one of the helpful responses you received was nasty.  They were 
all positive responses intended to try to help you get what you desire.  There are more than a 
couple of ways to achieve what you asked for in this request.  You have received a good one from 
Luis Salreta.  If that does not do what you need, repost.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] transcribing early censuses

2008-04-12 Thread Gene Young

Melanie Tucker wrote:

Does anyone have a template they use to transcribe the earlier censuses 
that just had tally marks for males/females?  I would like to use 
something where I could just copy, paste the text from the transcription 
into my Legacy database.


Do you want an Excel sheet or a PDF file?

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Exporting a Legacy file to Access

2008-04-11 Thread Gene Young

Valerie Garton wrote:

I would like to export a file from Legacy and then import it in to Access.

Could some one please give me directions.

Again you have failed to state the objective you are seeking.  Do you want a small piece of your 
file exported or the entire thing?  Is there specific information you wish to extract?  We can not 
help if we do not know what your goal is.

Your entire file can be opened in Access but you MUST work only with a COPY.

In windows explorer, browse to the location where you keep your family file. (Use your file name in 
place of filename.fdb)

Right click on the file (filename.fdb) and select copy.  Then press CTRL and V together.  You should 
then have a file named copy of filename.fdb.

When you open Access select to open files of type *.* all files.  You will then be able to see your 
file (copy of filename.fdb) and open it directly in Access.

I would seriously suggest you have someone with a good knowledge of Access with you the first time 
you attempt this.  Access is not an easy program to use without prior knowledge.  It is NOT 
intuitive or user friendly.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been unsubscribed

2008-04-07 Thread Gene Young

Gary Brown wrote:


He posted to a closed subject after being advised that doing so would result in 
being unsubscribed.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Sources and the elusive version 7 .... again.CHAT SLANG DICTIONARY

2008-04-06 Thread Gene Young

Wynthner wrote:

AIUI=As I Understand It.

For those who are unfamiliar with various acronyms used in email and newsgroups, see here for 

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Sources and the elusive version 7 .... again.CHAT SLANG DICTIONARY

2008-04-06 Thread Gene Young

Wynthner wrote:

AIUI=As I Understand It.

For those who are unfamiliar with various acronyms used in email and 
newsgroups, see here for

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Print Setup

2008-04-05 Thread Gene Young


I've looked all over the Legacy Manual 6.0 and in the Help files, but can not 
find how to start each generation on a new page.  Is that option available and 
if so, would someone be so kind as to steer me to it?


In which report?  You must be specific in your request in order to get the correct answer to your 

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Run Time Error

2008-04-04 Thread Gene Young

Yvonne Murgatroyd wrote:

Please turn off the HTML, there are tips in the archives for this, and stop sending those Cute 
animated sig lines from Incredimail.  Incredimail is considered spyware by all the major spyware 
detection companies.  It collects personal information and is not nice to inflict on a mailing list.

Thank you,

Gene Y.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Where is the Gold

2008-04-04 Thread Gene Young

Wayne Boian wrote:
Why is it that places like Fort Knox, Kentucky (where the gold vault is 
located) will not show up on the Master Location List?

If you truly mean the Master Location List, You must enter locations there that you use.  If you are 
talking about the Geolocation list, I don't know.  I would suspect that it might be that Fort Knox 
is not a location in the sense of a city/town in a county in a state.  Fort Knox encompasses 109,000 
acres in three Kentucky counties and would probably be more of a property holding of the US 
Government rather than an address in and of itself.  It can, however, be entered in the Master 
Location List.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Where is the Gold

2008-04-04 Thread Gene Young

Wayne Boian wrote:

Thanks Gene,
I need to drink more coffee. I was talking about the Geolocation list.


That's OK.

I'd offer you some of mine but I already drank it all. g

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Re tiff format

2008-04-03 Thread Gene Young

Shirl wrote:

Can someone explaing to me whats a tiff format is?

Tagged Image File Format

It is just another image format.

Gene Y.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Blended Family?

2008-03-30 Thread Gene Young

Kirsten Bowman wrote:


You're correct about the term, of course.  Stepchild was the word used in
the original documents but in today's terminology they would probably be
foster children.  (I don't think there was any actual adoption.)  Changing
the children's settings doesn't appear to have any effect on the Descendant
Book Report, though, and probably wouldn't be reflected in my GEDCOM posted
at RootsWeb--which is what I'm really after--except perhaps in Notes or
Events (which I don't post).

Individual Report for Samuel DAYTON Page 1
Samuel DAYTON [3] Name: Sex: M
Birth Date: Place: 21 Jan 1818 Coventry, Chenango, NY, USA
Chr. Date: Place:
Death Date: Place: 21 Jul 1898 Stearns County, MN, USA
Burial Date: Place: 23 Jul 1898 Saint Cloud, Stearns, MN, USA
Cause of Death:
AFN #:
Spouse: *Catherine GOAS [2] (11 Jul 1820 - 28 Aug 1902) [MRIN:1]
Marr. Date: Place: 1 Jul 1841 Venango County, PA, USA
Status: Date: Separated 1870
Children: 1 Foster Child DAYTON [157] ( - ) (Father: Foster ) (Mother: Foster )
Marriage Notes (Catherine GOAS)
Lived in New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Iowa according to Joyce Dayton Brandstetter, 328 
17th Ave. No., Onalaska,

Wisconsin 54650 (11 May 2000).
They separated in 1870, Catherine took the younger children and went to live with 
her son Clark.

The parent relationship check box is grayed out on the descendant book report so I guess that will 
never show.  On an individual report though, it does show as in the sample above for the child of 
Samuel DAYTON.  Perhaps the programmers can address this omission.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Blended Family?

2008-03-30 Thread Gene Young

ronald ferguson wrote:


It is not greyed out on mine, neither in Descendant Book nor Descendant 
Narrative Reports, and the relationship shows up fine in the reports. I suggest 
that you try resetting (bottom right of the opening page) or if that doesn't 
work deleting the Descend.usr file.

Ron Ferguson


Tried both and Legacy did not rebuild the .usr file.  File maintenance did no good either.  Since 
everything else works to mu satisfaction I shall wait patiently for V 7.0

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Blended Family?

2008-03-29 Thread Gene Young

Kirsten Bowman wrote:
  Is there a way that I can include Margaret's nieces

and nephew in Frederick's Descendant Book Report as stepchildren of both
Frederick and Margaret?  How?


They would not be step-children, they would be at most adopted.  This can be indicated under 
children's settings.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Family Tales g

2008-03-27 Thread Gene Young

MagnoliaSouth wrote:

These were stories she was known for repeating
over and over again, but none of us tired of hearing them. How would I
source that? I don't have any of them in writing, only oral. 

I would create a Master Source Type of {Oral Family History}.  I would then 
source all of Grandma's
stories as {Narratives of GRANDMA'S NAME}, Author {Narratives of GRANDMA'S 
NAME}, Published
information as {told to whoever, whenever}  the whenever could be over a span of xx 
years or from
 to , however you prefer.

I would then enter the stories in the general notes of the person the story 
pertains to and source
it with the new source.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

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Re: [LegacyUG] Settings for report options to sort data

2008-03-24 Thread Gene Young

Angela Gabbard wrote:

I need help generating a report and have it sort by date of birth.

The easiest way is to go to and download GEDxlate.  Then export 
a gedcom from Legacy and import it into GEDxlate.  You can include any data you wish and then 
GEDxlate will create an Excel file, Access file, .CSV file or a plain text file, your choice.  It is 
then very easy to sort as you desire and arrange the columns to your taste.

Gene Y.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Settings for report options to sort data

2008-03-24 Thread Gene Young

Gene Young wrote:

Angela Gabbard wrote:

I need help generating a report and have it sort by date of birth.

The easiest way is to go to and 
download GEDxlate.  Then export a gedcom from Legacy and import it into 
GEDxlate.  You can include any data you wish and then GEDxlate will 
create an Excel file, Access file, .CSV file or a plain text file, your 
choice.  It is then very easy to sort as you desire and arrange the 
columns to your taste.

I just tested this and due to the way that Legacy exports the date it will not work.  When you sort 
on the dates field it sorts first by the day of the month, then the month and last the year. 
GEDxlate is still a great tool to have though.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Geo database bug??

2008-03-23 Thread Gene Young

Tim Rosenlof wrote:

There is no feature you are talking about. You would need a program like
animap. I keep the Redbook not to far from the computer. You can go to
the state's webpage and sometimes they may show the information you are
looking for.


Hi --

Where do you get the map feature with Legacy where you can find where 
the town was before the current county location.

Thank you,

Chris Smithson

If you go to you can browse through each state to 
see a changing map depicting the county boundaries from year to year.  I use it extensivly to 
determine which county a location was in in any particular year.  I can then note the progression in 

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] User Group Mail Archive

2008-02-19 Thread Gene Young

ronald ferguson wrote:


If this is local it is a big area as it includes Manchester, England! I am sure 
it has nothing to do with IE7 which I have used for ages and was able to search 
the archives last week without a problem, and there has been no change to my 
browser since then. In any event, come to think of it, I just used the MSN 

Ron Ferguson

The mail archives have apparently been hijacked as I wound up being re-directed 
to the below site.

Gene Y.
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Re: [LegacyUG] User Group Mail Archive

2008-02-19 Thread Gene Young

Jackie King wrote:
Actually the link to that on the bottom of the search page is a text ad 
that has been placed on google.

Those ads are what is paying for the archives site - since it is a free 
archives site.

Then it must be broken because I didn't click on anything and wound up at that 

Gene Y.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Information Left Out of Reports

2008-02-15 Thread Gene Young

Barbara Ford wrote:

Thank you, Ron and Cathy,
Sounds like you all persisted until you came up with the answer!

I'm sure it would've been much easier for you if I could have been
clearer with my descriptions (with my lack of understanding of child
list and main entry). I am learning, thanks to the patience of folks
like you.

Would my only work-around (short of not ending a report with that
generation), be to make the private relationship names not be private?
I did try that (unchecking private). Wallah! Last marriage is there.
So, that is definitely it.

Thanks so much again (probably too late for that bug to be fixed in V7?).


If you still want to keep that person private, put privacy brackets ( [[ ]] ) around her name and 
any other information about her that you do not wish to show.  You can then print the report without 
showing her information, only that she existed.  After you print your report you can then return 
everything to the original way it was.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Information Left Out of Reports

2008-02-15 Thread Gene Young

Susan Daily wrote:

I think Gene suggested you could delete the brackets afterwards
because he presumed at some point you would want to see the name in a
report. You can leave them there forever if you wish! ;-)



Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] need to unsubscribe

2008-02-12 Thread Gene Young

Barbara Gillon wrote:
Would someone kindly tell me how I unsubscribe from this has 
been so helpful...I will be back.

Barb G.

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Answered off list.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations

2008-02-11 Thread Gene Young

Ray Campbell wrote:

Entering the same location in Legacy 6 gets pretty tiresome.
Is there a way I can enter key letters in the location area such as 
NWT for birth location and have it enter Northwest Territories or 
enter RRS for Red River Settlement, MB, Canada.
I would like to make a few of these for entering certain locations into 
the birth locations and death locations.

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Create a dummy location called NWT.  Enter this as the location for as many places as you need. 
When finished, go to the master location list and merge NWT into the correct location (Northwest 
Territories).  Then recreate the dummy location for the next time.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
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Re: [LegacyUG] Can I copy a Master Source?

2008-02-09 Thread Gene Young

Bill Bienia wrote:


It is a bit counter intuitive. Rather than creating a copy then making 
changes to it, you have to edit the Master Source record, then 
reluctantly hit save (I say reluctantly because sometimes it saves it 
(if there are no people attached to it) and sometimes it asks you if you 
want to save it or save it as a new Master Source (if there are people 
attached to the original source), and then tell the program you want to 
save it as a new master source by hitting the appropriate button. If you 
are creating a bunch of sources before attaching them to people, you 
cannot use this method – you must create individual new sources for each 


Does anyone know it this behavior is fixed in version 7, i.e. can you do 
the copy first then make changes?

 I have created an unlinked individual named MASTER SOURCES and attached any 
unlinked source to it.
This guarantees that the source will be copied rather than changed.
Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG]File ID#s - was (no subject)

2008-02-01 Thread Gene Young

Mike Fry wrote:

JLB wrote:

To me, it is a space or screen estate problem. The area between the list 
of sources and the buttons is used to display details from the selected 
source. This is presented as data from the Master Source record first, 
followed by data from the Source Detail record. The File ID # is part of 
the Source Detail record and as such, may or may not show depending on 
the amount of data in the Master Record and Detail Records that precede 
it. I think that this is the reason why some File ID #s appear and some 

It could also be something as simple as the Detail Information Tab not having a check mark in the 
bottom left box Add this  Detail to the Source Citation on Reports or in the box labeled Include 
this Citation on Reports.  There are too many variables here for accuracy without seeing all the 
settings possible.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Error creating CD to share

2008-01-27 Thread Gene Young

Cathy wrote:

Hi Donna,

You can create a CD with the Passage Express button if you download the 
free version of PE.

Unfortunately there is no place I could find where you can still download the free version, only the 
 deluxe one.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Error creating CD to share

2008-01-26 Thread Gene Young

Donna Mc R wrote:
I press the Create CD button, but I get an error saying:
Could not run the executable file Not found\Passage.exe from Legacy



1) To create your CD, first open Legacy. Then click on the Create CD button in the main toolbar. 
(Make sure you have installed Legacy's latest update.) If you have not yet downloaded our free 
Create CD software (which is a special, free edition of our add-on software, Passage Express), 
Legacy will prompt you to first download and install it.

2) Next, decide if you want to include the entire Legacy family file, or create a subset of it. If 
you are creating a CD for the wife's side of the family, then select the Create a Subset option 
where you can then specify to only include her side.

3) Follow the steps to give your project a title, an author, and decide what you want to include on 
the CD.

4) Once the CD is designed, click on the Test Project link to see what the CD will actually look 
like when your family member inserts it into their computer.

5) When you are satisfied, click on the Publish button.

Just like that, you've created a family heirloom!

If you want to really customize the CD and pick from other layouts and designs, the deluxe edition 
of the CD-creation software, Passage Express, is also available. Learn more about it here.

If that doesn't work you need to contact support.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] District of Columbia

2008-01-25 Thread Gene Young

familyjesse wrote:

Okay, pardon my confusion, but how would you address Virgin Islands. I have
family from the Virgin Islands and there are two designations for them:

Virgin Islands, Danish West Indies
Virgin Islands, USA 

The Virgin Islands are territories of the USA. So how are people designating
places like Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico... and in past times Philippines.

I believe Virgin Island locations would be entered thus:

Hermitage, St. John, Virgin Islands

No USA, no Great Britain.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] List of Death Locations?

2008-01-23 Thread Gene Young

Cathy wrote:

This would find Individuals that have a Death Place, not a list of those 

Like Ron, I don't think it can be done in Legacy.

The closest would be to export people with a death place to a new file 
and do a location report but that would be messy picking out the death 
places. You could simplify it by exporting just a basic gedcom so you 

At 01:27 AM 23/01/2008, you wrote:

Try this:
Go to SearchFind (or just press CTRL-F).
Set the following:
Look for whom? = Individual
Where to look? = Death Place
How to look? = Not Equal To
What to look for? =(Nothing)

Barbara Ford wrote:

Is it possible to generate a list of all Places of Death? If so, how?

After doing the search as described, export only those people to a gedcom.  Then download GEDxlate 
Lite from  This program will convert the gedcom to an excel 
(or access) file with just thefields you want included.  Include the death location field, open in 
excel and sort on the death location field.  It is fairly quick and very easy.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Old Style MONTHS???

2008-01-22 Thread Gene Young

Peter Haughton wrote:

Sounds Good Dave, BUT when the Julian Calendar was
established, the start of the year was 1 January and all
those months that are (and were) based on the Latin
name for the number were two out, as they had been for
several centuries before that.

Taken from the Quaker website:;int1stparentnodeid=93929amp;int2ndparentnodeid=89813amp;int3rdparentnodeid=89813amp;strareacolor=aqua

Quaker usage

Quakers followed the national practice, with one exception. They objected to using those names of 
days (Sunday to Saturday) and months (January to August) which derived from heathen gods or 
goddesses, employing instead numbers: thus Sunday was for them First Day. They had no difficulty 
(until 1752 - see below) with the months September to December, which derived from numbers; but for 
the other months, they substituted numbers, writing them out as First Month, Second Month, and so 
on. They sometimes used Roman numerals (i-xii) for these, and sometimes Arabic (1-12).

The problem for the modern reader is remembering that the year did not begin on 1 January until 
1752, so that until 1752 February was Twelfth Month and March First Month for Quakers. Furthermore 
the months September to December were literally (in translation from the Latin) Seventh Month to 
Tenth Month, and therefore those names could truthfully be used. But once the year began in January, 
this was no longer the case, and so from 1752 all months were referred to by Quakers by their 
number. September became Ninth Month, which it now was, and so on.

It is often helpful, in making notes from Quaker manuscripts, printed works, and digest registers of 
births, marriages and burials, to write down the old style numbers as in the original text, but add 
the new style names after in square brackets, such as:

29 ii [April] 1731 or 29 2 mo. [April] 1731
12 x [December] 1740 or 12 10 mo. [December] 1740

That should settle this OT subject.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] My emails not showing on list

2008-01-20 Thread Gene Young

John Murray wrote:

Hello List
I find it strange that within the past hour I have sent two emails to the list 
seeking advice but they have not appeared on my computer even though I have 
received answers to the questions,  so clearly my messages must be appearing.   
Can anyone explain this?

If you are using Gmail it will not show your original email.  This is a known problem with gmail and 
one of the many reasons I will not use it.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Run Time Error '405'

2008-01-09 Thread Gene Young

GeoSci wrote:
In trying to source many Census Events - I keep getting Run time error 
'405'  Unable to show modal form within this context - and the 

I presume you are running either Win 98 or ME.  This is a windows bug, not a 
Legacy error.

Support may also wish to look at this as the solution given does not appear to be available to 
Legacy users as I believe the form settings are hard coded into the program.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] mrin search

2007-12-16 Thread Gene Young

JLB wrote:
No, I'm trying to do a search of MRIN's using Detailed Search.  I , and 
another person, figure it's bugged.


Carl Cox wrote:

I am not able to do a detailed search for MRIN less
than 100.  It tells
me there are no such records.  Yes, there are...

I selected Marriage List, then clicked on the MRIN number. So I can 
see (and tag if I wish) those numbers. Is this what you would like to do?

A detailed search on MRIN and RIN does not appear to return valid results.  They either return no 
results matching that criteria or totally erroneous results.  A search for all RINs less than 800 
returned one of 237 and two over 2000.  It is definitely a bug.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Capitalizing problem

2007-12-08 Thread Gene Young

Susan Daily wrote:

Take a look at your Master List - Locations and see if there are two 
Germanys on your list, one in title case and the other in all caps. If 
so, merge the two, so that the one in all caps becomes the only version.
If this is not the case, then I offer sympathies, because I know how 
annoying it is to have to type the whole word just to get it to appear 
instead of the one you don't want appearing. Not sure why it would keep 
the smaller letters when you get to the Y though. I will have to test 
that sometimes when I've got Legacy running.

Because Germany is indexed before GERMANY.  As soon as Germany is displayed hit the drop down arrow 
at the end of the field and you will probably see GERMANY listed just under Germany.  As stated 
above you can merge the two into the capitalized one or leave it as is and select which you prefer.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Now the LDS stuff is turned back on!

2007-12-06 Thread Gene Young

Sherry/Support wrote:

Whaa  Your data is saved to the .fdb file as soon as you click on the
Save button in any edit window.  It's not scattered all over your computer
- it's saved to the .fdb file that you're working in.  I don't know where
you got the idea that data is scattered all over your computer, but that's
*totally* wrong.


Actually, while the data is saved to one file, the information IS scattered over the hard disk in 
non contiguous sectors.  I think this is what was inferred.  If your O/S loses data from the FAT it 
can mess things up but this does not seem to be the case here.  It sounds more like some program the 
OP had running was not behaving politely and not releasing unused memory.  As has been discovered 
and posted, a restart will usually rectify the problem.  The moral here is When in doubt, do a cold 
reboot!  This amazingly does fix a multitude of problems.  g

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy on a flash drive

2007-11-30 Thread Gene Young

Charlotte Jack wrote:
do you know if it will also work with Windows 2000, I think that most of 
the ones at our FHC are running Windows 2000


Not that I am aware of.  You will have to go to their site to see if they have a free version that 
is compatible.  The other alternative is to buy the paid version.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy on a flash drive

2007-11-30 Thread Gene Young

Charlotte Jack wrote:
Is there anyway to load the Legacy program on a flash drive and have it 
work on a computer at the FHC that does not have Legacy on it. I put it 
on the flash drive and was able to use it from there on my computer at 
home but when I took it to the FHC it will not work.

Charlotte Jack


Go to and download the free version of 
Mojopac.  Follow the directions and documentation and Legacy will run from the USB drive on any 
computer running XP.  I use it and it does work, albeit a little slower than direct.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Geo

2007-11-28 Thread Gene Young

Art Seddon wrote:


I enter Carson City, NV in the Location field and click on tthe little 
blue globe.

It comes up with Carson City, Carson City (city), Nevada, USA.
So, OK, I hit enter get the error message There was never a county by the 
name of Carson City (City) in the state of Nevada.

(You should check the spelling or the original source documentation.)

Well, the original source was Legacy.

When I check MS Streets and Trips I find that Carson City is one of those 
independent cities like St. Louis, MO, but why does Legacy give me the info, 
then give me an error message?

The County verifier and the Geo location database are two separate things.  Since Carson City is an 
independent city,  Carson City (city), is just a place holder that can be deleted if you so choose. 
 It does indicate, though, that it is not connected with any county, which may be useful.  AS far 
as the county verifier goes, that is just a tool to help you and can be ignored in this type of 
situation.  Remember, this is genealogy and not much is written in stone (except tombstones, and we 
all know they are NEVER wrong.) ;)

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Died in ?

2007-11-25 Thread Gene Young

Arnold Sprague wrote:

Hi Jack,
I like your At Sea example.
I have someone in my database who died at the very end of a 
cruise in New York City harbor. (She did not drown.) I'm having 
difficulty with place, so would At Sea work here?

If the ship was in fact in New York Harbor then the location of death would be New York City, New 
York.  I would list the location as Aboard ship, New York Harbor, New York City, Manhatten, New York 
State, USA, assuming of course that the ship was at a dock in Manhatten.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Create PDF bookmarks

2007-11-02 Thread Gene Young


Do PDF files created in Legacy have this feature and I just haven't 
found it?

IF NOT, then is there another way to get this bookmark feature on my PDF.

The only way I know of to insert bookmarks into a PDF document is to use the full version of 
Acrobat, a rather costly investment.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] website

2007-10-25 Thread Gene Young

Syble Glasscock wrote:
I updated my website and the Home page has the background color, but the 
other linking pages are just a white background.
Also, I have the Events listed in my files with the Date first, but it 
has listed them as the Event such as Census first.
If you go to the Home link and click on Perryman family which I've not 
updated yet, all the pages have the background color and the Events are 
listed with the Date first.  What am I doing wrong?


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The source code for your home page has a body tag like:
body BGCOLOR=#FF  background=sky.gif.

All the others are;

The blue background comes from the [background=sky.gif] portion which is missing in all the 
white pages.  It must be aded to EVERY page or you must use a CSS style sheet.  That is beyond the 
scope of this list and you should seek the assistance of someone local to show you.  Once explained 
hands on, so to speak, it should be very clear to you.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] website

2007-10-25 Thread Gene Young

Syble Glasscock wrote:
I created my original Cline pages and Perryman pages in Legacy 6 Deluxe, 
and then this update was created with Legacy 6 Deluxe also.  I didn't 
have to go into every page before, so I'm assuming there's something 
I've not checked or unchecked in the creation of these updated pages.
I looked at the Index.html or the Perryman pages, but if there's 
something different,I'm missing it.


I see what you did now.  When you go to Internet  Create Web Pages you must go to the 
Graphics Tab.  Once there, at the top of the page, you will see Background.  Check the Radio 
button marked Use background as a fixed watermark.  Next select the button marked Select then 
browse to your Legacy folder and select the folder named BackGrnd.  In there you will find a number 
of background image files, one of which is Sky.bmp.  That appears to be the one you used for your 
home page.  Once you have done that you will have to re-create the web pages and they should then 
have the background you desire.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Please Unsubscribe from this group

2007-10-23 Thread Gene Young

Laura wrote:

Sorry have no clue but it must be a error but please remove this email 

from the list

I have replied to Laura off list direct with directions.  People who wish to be un-subscribed do not 
read the messages so therefor cannot follow directions in them.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] ?? easy way to upload Legacy web pages to 'freepages' ??

2007-10-14 Thread Gene Young

J B Coats wrote:

Hi Allen

I am using XP [regular]

Am looking forward to your posting a 'how to' use the ftp routine to 
create a virtual web drive  for quick/easy way to upload Legacy created 
web pages.

The current routine with freepages on rootsweb involves doing it one 
page at a time.  Extremely laborous for the Legacy pedigree created output.


The only way I have found to map an internet drive to my PC is with a program called netdrive. 
While it has worked for me with other sites, when I tried it with freepages on rootsweb it crashed 
my computer EVERY time, causing a total reboot.  I have to conclude that rootsweb doesn't like to 
play nice with net drive.

If all you wish to do is upload multiple pages, or even an entire web site, at once then use an ftp 
client.  That is what I use for freepages at rootsweb and it has woked well for me.  I use 
FileZilla, a free program.  As this is getting to be off topic for the Legacy group you can contact 
me off list for help.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] printing and/or saving to PDF

2007-10-09 Thread Gene Young

Mary Young wrote:

Dear Jess
Why would you need a pdf add-on for Legacy when pdf printing is
included in the program?
Mary Young

Unless you have the full Adobe program you can not edit these reports.  By creating your reports as 
RTF or text files, you can edit them and then, when you are satisfied that they look good, print 
them to a PDF printer and distribute them as pdf files.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Important individuals to your file with no direct family tie

2007-10-08 Thread Gene Young

Jess M wrote:

I would, however, like to find a way to link him in
the system, so that it will be intact during file
sharing or future reports.

I would create an event named close friend or best friend and attach that event to your 
grandfather.  I would then put all the information you have on this gentleman in the event notes as 
a narrative.  You can also enter all his information in as any other, but not linked to any one. 
With the event, you can have it print out in your reports, etc.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] County Verifier Info

2007-10-08 Thread Gene Young

Jess M wrote:

Recap: Is there a way that I am not finding, to
override the county verifier FOR THIS INSTANCE ONLY. I
do not wish to turn it off all together, it would
defeat the purpose of the tool.

Short answer, no.  You can just ignore that message for that location whenever it pops up but I 
prefer to locate the name of the county it was in at that time and then in the location notes give 
the present day county.  I use for this.  Can you 
tell us the location name and county?

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] County Verifier Info

2007-10-08 Thread Gene Young

Jess M wrote:

Sure, it's Beaufort county, North Carolina, circa
1690's to early 1700's.
An excerpt from her book: Beaufort Precinct of Bath
Co. became Beaufort Co. in 1705, but oftentimes
counties were formed years before they functioned as
new counties because of lack of men and facilities. So
it was with Beaufort. The area was lightly populated.

1705 - Bath Co. divided into Wickham, Archdale, Pamptecough Precincts
1710 - North Carolina and South Carolina made separate provinces
1712 - Pamptecough name changed to Beaufort. Archdale name changed to Craven.  Wickham name changed 
to Hyde.

There were other changes according to where in Beaufort you are talking about.  For instance Pitt 
County was form in 1760 from the western half of Beaufort.  The link I gave in my previous post 
shows graphically how it evolved so you can trace it to the present day and make the appropriate 
notations in the location notes in Legacy.  (See, it does have to do with Legacy and how to enter 
date therein. g)

The correct location for pre 1705 would be Bath County, Province of Carolina, 
Great Britain.

In 1705 the name would have changed to Pamptecough Precinct, Province of 
Carolina, Great Britain.

In 1710 it would have been Pamptecough Precinct, Province of North Carolina, 
Great Britain.

In 1712 It would have been Beaufort, Province of North Carolina, Great Britain.

I would enter it by the correct historical location name for the time period in question and in the 
notes for those locations give the evolution of the location to the current place name.  It becomes 
more historically correct and avoids problems with the county verifier.

Hope this was a help,
Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] IGI error search

2007-09-27 Thread Gene Young

Dawn Crowley wrote:
I have the latest build of Legacy 6 Deluxe.  I have searched the IGI via 
Legacy previously without any trouble.  After clicking on the temple 
icon, selecting a person, and clicking on search, I get the following 
error messages:

   There were problems logging into

   You are not currently logged in to search the IGI.  You may want to 
check your account information by clicking on Options 
and selecting FamilySearch Account Settings.


From the archived messages;

I don't know it it will help but it is worth a try.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] VIEW ONLY setting?

2007-09-12 Thread Gene Young

Tracy Skegg wrote:

 I'd love to have a lock on the file so
munchkin can't adjust anything really important. 


I don't know how you can lock your file but you can easily lock your computer.

1. Right click on your desktop;
2. Select NEW  Shortcut
3. In the Text box in the Wizard that asks for the location of the item enter;

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

4. Select Next
5. Name it lock desk top (or anything you wish) and select OK.

Now give your user account a simple password (I use my initials as they are quick and easy to 
enter).  Now when you double click your new shortcut you will lock your desktop and the munchkin 
will not be able to access anything (unless she crack your password and then you have bigger 
problems that sss)

You may also drag the shortcut to your taskbar for a one click lock.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Error Message

2007-09-10 Thread Gene Young

Judy Hampton wrote:

 Error getting next deleted MRIN.

Error 3021: No current record.

Would you like to TRY IT AGAIN?

 I get this message when I try to add a new person.  I am unsure why or why
to click.  If I click quit it quits the program if I click no or yes it
doesn't go away so I can't add a new person.  Sometimes if I click yes and
no several times it goes away and lets me add a new person.  But it was
doing this before when I was using a external hard drive and at some point
it wouldn't let me access my data.  I am starting other from scratch and
loading the individuals in again using an external hard drive but the
program is on this external drive.   I am hoping this will solve the program
but when the message starting appearing,  I am worried the same thing may
happen.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks  Judy Hampton

I usually do not reply to people who ignore the NO HTML rule of this mailing list.  In this case I 
will give you a hint.  At the bottom of each email are four links.  One of them is:

Online technical support:

Use it.  The answer is there if you read the page and try and find it.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Default browser etc in OptionsCustomizeLaunch

2007-08-30 Thread Gene Young

Pat Hickin wrote:

SO-O-O, I decided to go ahead and put in Firefox as my ALTERNATE BROWSER in Legacy's OptionsCustomizeLaunch.  However, even 
though I can put my cursor in the Alternate Web Browser space, and get a flashing straight vertical line, it will not accept single 
character I type. If I click on the Launch button, nothing happens. If I click on the Change button, I am taken 
to a folder I created L_MULTIMEDIA BU, which is in another folder I created 1L BU 20060808-1248, which is in 
the Data folder inside the Legacy folder, which is directly on my C drive rather than inside my Program Files. SO-O-O I 
don't know HOW to enter a default browser.

You can not type in that box.  You must select Change then browse to and 
select FireFox.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.


Please turn off HTML in you email client.  It is against the rules of this list and is inconsiderate 
of those on dial-up or other limited access.

Thank you.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Default browser etc in OptionsCustomizeLaunch

2007-08-30 Thread Gene Young

Pat Hickin wrote:

Thanks so much.  Windows told me to go to IE (if it had 4,5,6 and gave no 
instructions for 7, which is what I have).  IE says it is NOT my default 
browser; Firefox says it IS my default browser.  Which is the way I want it.

However, when I click ANY link in ANY email, NOTHING happens (includes those at 
the bottom of your email).  I have to cut and paste the url.

On the other hand, when I'm on an Internet site, the browser DOES go to the site I click 
on.  Though of course there are times when the url is not shown, but the message says, 
e.g. click here to go to . . .  and I click on here but nothing will happen; 
at other times I'm taken to wherever without a problem.  I haven't been very observant 
about when this does/does not happen.

Should you respond to this off-list?  Or should I just try to get help from 
MicroSoft or Legacy Support and not bother you!!?

My computer does weird things anyway (when I was typing the preceding line, it 
wanted to do it in all-caps.  I had to put the cap locks key ON to get it to 
type lowercase. This and other paragraphs worked just as they should in re 

Also, in Legacy when I click on InternetLegacy Home Page and get the no default 
browser message, and click on OK, nothing happens -- whereas it used to go ahead and 
take me to the Home Page anyway (same with the other Internet options).

SO-O-O, I decided to go ahead and put in Firefox as my ALTERNATE BROWSER in Legacy's OptionsCustomizeLaunch.  However, even 
though I can put my cursor in the Alternate Web Browser space, and get a flashing straight vertical line, it will not accept single 
character I type. If I click on the Launch button, nothing happens. If I click on the Change button, I am taken 
to a folder I created L_MULTIMEDIA BU, which is in another folder I created 1L BU 20060808-1248, which is in 
the Data folder inside the Legacy folder, which is directly on my C drive rather than inside my Program Files. SO-O-O I 
don't know HOW to enter a default browser.
 It sounds very much as if you have operating system problems, possibly a virus or spyware.  If you 
know someone who is competent in the area have them go over your PC for you.  If you do not have 
such a friend download and run AVG free virus scanner and AdAware.  You can google for download 
sites and just follow the included directions.  Also, you stated you use FireFox.  Under tools  
options  Main  make sure that the box at the bottom is checked to always check if FireFox is the 
default browser then hit check now.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Family Name History

2007-08-22 Thread Gene Young

Valeris Garton wrote:

Sorry t0o be so dumb but what does EOB stand for ???

I know I will say  Oh of course when I get the answer.

When I reach the end of a branch (a person who died with no
descendants), I put 
EOB in the Title Suffix box so that when I am looking at various charts

EOB  = end of a branch

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Please truncate your mail

2007-08-20 Thread Gene Young

Kirstin Martinez wrote:
I use Thunderbird. Is there a way to automatically add the hyphen hyphen 
space in thunderbird?

There is an add on for Thunderbird called Signature which can be installed from

Just create a custom signature with the hyphens inserted as the first line.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.

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Re: [LegacyUG] OT but pertinent IMHO

2007-08-18 Thread Gene Young

Cathy Champion wrote:

To the group:
  I am new to this group and am wondering why so many people on this list are so cranky. 

1) Possibly because there are so many who have a proprietary feeling about the list, believing it is 
THEIR list. g

  It makes me hesitate to ask questions for fear of getting a rude reply. 

2) Do not hesitate, the delete key cures all rudeness.

  For instance, I was interested in the posts about trimming emails and the difference about top and bottom posting.  I'm on a couple of lists that pitch a fit if you don't trim them, and sometimes I forget and they yell at me (sniff, sniff).  Using the two dashes in my signature line will remedy this breach of email etiquette for me very nicely.  

3) Again a feeling of propriety.  It is my computer so I will do as I please.  The responses to your 
email evidence this.

  I think, perhaps, part of the problem is that people either don't read the post 
carefully, or it's written so poorly (one long sentence, no punctuation and typos that 
make NO sense) that the question is misunderstood.  I think we need to take a chill pill 
and SLOW DOWN.  My father's favorite phrase comes to mind here:  Don't get your 
underwear in a bundle.

4) Aside from some truly giving and helpful people on this list (thank you BTW Ron) there are also a 
large number of people who feel they deserve an immediate and full answer and explanation to their 
question with out considering that it may not have a quick, easy or favorable answer.

  I usually lurk, but am trying to decide if Legacy is the program I really 
want, so I will probably be asking a lot of DUMB questions.  If this irritates 
you, please hit the delete key instead of being mean and I will appreciate it 
  Thank you.

5) There are also the people who are getting frustrated at the number of people who either refuse to 
read or refuse to follow Legacy User Group guidelines which can be found at:  Of all the lists I belong to this certainly has the 
highest percentage of users who violate the rules on a regular basis.  I am not talking of newbies 
who transgress once but err no more when advised.  I am talking of repeat offenders. Some listers do 
 get somewhat testy and post sharp replies.  As for myself, I keep a list of those repeat offenders 
and when they post a question to which I have the answer, they will never know. Much more elegant 
than a nasty reply.

This gist of it all is, this list is what it is.  A FREE resource to be used or ignored, users 
choice, warts and all.  If one plays by the rules and makes judicious use of the delete key it is a 
useful and enjoyable resource.  If you allow the whiners to upset you, you loose a great family of 

Just my 2c worth.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer  Cox.


Yes my delete key is ready for the flamers!  VBG

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