Re: MD: need _brand_ for optical cable with slim grip ends

2001-09-24 Thread Ed Heckman

on 9/24/01 3:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of a brand of cable I can buy that has a 'narrow'
 end? I need to know a brand, because I can't eyeball cable ends when
 buying from the web or mail order.

Try this

or here


 Ed What the Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| How a person masters his fate is more important than what his|
| fate is. |
|  -- Wilhelm von Humboldt |

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MD: TOC Cloning on JB940

2001-09-09 Thread Ed Heckman

I just recently received a new Sony JB940. Does anyone happen to know if TOC
cloning is possible with this unit? I have a disc I've been sitting on for a
while that I accidentally deleted a live track from, and I'm hoping to be
able to resurrect it.

 Ed What the Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it,  |
| but what he becomes by it.   |
|   -- John Ruskin |

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Re: MD: The dying MD format :-)

2001-08-31 Thread Ed Heckman

on 8/31/01 12:57 AM, Shawn Lin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my personal observations, MD is only a dying format in North

Is it really any wonder? When was the last time you could find a decent
selection of MD equipment?

I currently have a Kenwood MD unit in my car. And I'd love to upgrade it to
a unit that uses MDLP, which is PERFECT for use in a car. But the only MDLP
Kenwood has released so far with MDLP is the low end unit. The current model
equivalent to the unit I have does not have MDLP. And the Sony units just
look hideous. I wouldn't want to put one in my Mercedes. (It's old, but it's
still has class.)

Or consider the MZ-R900. Sony finally released it here not very many months
ago, but only in that hideous red color. (I bought a blue one from Japan
almost a year ago.) And now they're already shipping an upgraded model to
the rest of the world.

Or how about a boom box that uses MD? Can anyone even name one that ships in
the US? Or a clock/radio/MD?

Lets face it. I read about cool MD stuff all the time THAT I CAN'T EVEN BUY!
Sony, and other MD manufacturers have been treating the US market like
second class citizens. You can't sell products that aren't available. Is it
any wonder MD is not doing well in the US?

On the plus side, I've noticed more and more low end units in stores like
Sears, Circuit City and others. Of course, those stores never even carry the
good stuff anyway. I wonder if that trend has anything to do with the lack
of availability?

 Ed What the Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Lack of something to feel important about is almost the greatest |
| tragedy a man may have.  |
|  -- Arthur E. Morgan |

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Re: MD: Sony ECM-MS957 mic

2001-07-24 Thread Ed Heckman

on 7/24/01 9:49 AM, heddy Boubaker at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking for a very good mic, mainly to record live music, to use with my
 brand new MD recorder. I tested many but with no great success but from
 technical specs the MS957 seems to be a very good one for my needs (the AT822
 is more expensive and seems to be technically equivalent) so I'm looking for
 any advice from enlightened users of this mailing-list ;-)

I have one of those mics. It does a very good job of picking up whatever
it's recording. (I've used it for recording the orchestra I play with.) It
comes with a bag for the mic and its accessories. It also comes with a very
nice tabletop mic stand. My biggest problem with it is that it's a fairly
fat mic and I have to make sure it fits in any mic clips that I buy.

It's really funny seeing the mic set up next to my MZ-R900. It's so much
bigger than the recorder itself.  :-)

 Ed What the Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| While there is a chance of the world getting through its |
| troubles, I hold that a reasonable man has to behave as though   |
| he were sure of it. If at the end your cheerfulness is not   |
| justified, at any rate you will have been cheerful.  |
|-- H.G. Wells |

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Re: MD: Firewire?

2001-05-10 Thread Ed Heckman

on 5/10/01 12:40 PM, James Jarvie at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone please explain (in simple terms) what
 Firewire is?  

Hopefully I can make this simple.

Firewire is Apple's name for a connection technology that was designed to
replace SCSI. Firewire is also known as iLink (Sony's name) and IEEE 1394
(the official standard name).

It's designed to allow tranfers at up to 400Mb/second compared to about 12
for USB. (I *think* those numbers are correct, but this is just off the top
of my head.) It's also designed to allow communications between devices
without requiring a computer. Up to 63 devices can be attached to a Firewire
chain. (Theoretically anyway.) The devices to not have to be turned off
before plugging/unplugging the Firewire connections.

There are two types of connectors; a 4 pin and a 6 pin connector. The 6 pin
connector carries power that can be used to power some devices without
requiring a separate power cord. The 4 pin connector does not provide power.
(Sony's iLink uses the 4 pin version.)

Firewire is the basis of a relatively new specification named HAVi that is
designed to interconnection home A/V equipment such as TVs, Receivers,
MiniDisk decks (!), video cameras, etc. A computer is optional. (USB
requires everything to go through a computer.) Sony has designed a system
called LISSA that uses iLink to interconnect the components. I believe it's
based on the HAVi specification. (See for more info
on the spec.)

The most common current uses for Firewire are connecting hard drives and
video cameras to computers. Hopefully other devices using Firewire will
become more common soon.

 Ed What the Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be  |
| tomorrow where your thoughts take you.   |
|   -- James Allen |

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Re: MD: Fw: Vaio

2001-05-09 Thread Ed Heckman

on 5/8/01 12:25 PM, Francisco J. Huerta at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry, but that is just incorrect. If you mean incompatible with a few
 PC-only applications, yes.
 With a few PC apps? Sorry, but I could only find Macromedia and some Office
 stuff. Our database won't run on Apple (Progress). Our ASP won't run on a
 Mac (Citrix). Nor the clients for those apps. Sun and Windows NT will. This
 is enterprise stuff, not the apps you would run on your home-home office.

For the record, those aren't the only choices for similar technologies. The
goal of using computers is TO GET WORK DONE, and usually for tasks that are
common across most offices. In your case, the people who implemented the
system chose software that's (mostly) Windows only. There is no way that
Macs will fit into that environment without changing the software used for
everyone. But the same would also hold true in a Mac only environment where
the software a company is using runs only on Macs.

I'm a consultant who does custom database development in 4th Dimension. (4D
is a powerful cross-platform, client-server database system. For more info,

4D's biggest advantage is that it's not SQL. 4Ds biggest disadvantage is
that it's not SQL. :-) In other words, because it's not SQL, it can do
things that SQL can't and the overall costs are almost always much lower.
But if being a SQL system is more important than other considerations, then
4D won't be chosen. That's life. The same type of comparison can be made
between Macs and Windows.

Back to the point I was starting to make. Changing internal systems just to
accommodate a different computing platform is the *wrong* reason to go
through such a painful and expensive change. Correct reasons include
reducing costs, increasing reliability, doing things that can't be done with
the old system, the need to support changing standards, etc. It doesn't
sound like these things held true in your case. In that case, the
experiment to integrate Macs into your environment was doomed from the

But back to MiniDiscs and Sony in general. Overall, I haven't had any
particular problems with Sony equipment. I absolutely HATED the End Search
button with a passion. But my R50 and now my R900 are working just fine. On
the other hand, I don't usually buy Sony products because other
manufacturers often (but not always) offer more bang for the buck.

 Ed What the Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Wisdom too often never comes, and so one ought not to reject it  |
| merely because it comes late.|
| -- Felix Frankfurter |

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Re: MD: Fw: Vaio

2001-05-09 Thread Ed Heckman

on 5/8/01 11:41 PM, Chad Gombosi at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well the wierd thing here is that you must have been buying these G3s when
 they were rather old because there has never been a G3 with a list price of
 less than $1000 US from Apple, this price would have had to have been from a
 retailer with a good mark down sale.
 With this is mind, I'm left wondering how old the Mac was at the time,
 compared to the PC.

He's describing the current low end iMac. And that price is the current
price from Apple's online store. (No markdown.)

 Basicly right now a top of the line G4 will run you about $3000 (no
 monitor). It's hard to spend that much on a PC if you tried, without getting
 RAID arrays and high-end server cases with multiple power supplies, quad
 proccessors etc.

For the last couple of years, Macs have been competitively priced in
comparison to first and second tier Wintel machines. But there's no way they
can beat the price of el-cheapo vendors and hand-built machines. (In the
case of a hand-built machine, there's no labor involved in the price paid.
So how much is your time worth?)

I just bought a new PowerBook G4 with a 500 MHz processor and as little RAM
and the smallest hard drive Apple ships in it. Then I added third party RAM
and a different hard drive. The end result is that I spent a couple hundred
less than Apple's loaded configuration and I wound up with a twice and much
RAM and a bigger, faster hard drive to boot.

In short, it IS possible to overspend on a Mac. But it's also possible to
configure a Mac at highly competitive prices.

 Ed What the Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Winning has a joy and discrete purity to it that cannot be   |
| replaced by anything else.   |
|  -- A. Bartlett Giamatti |

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Re: MD: Fw: Vaio

2001-05-09 Thread Ed Heckman

on 5/9/01 7:50 PM, Tk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you did it that route, to make it a better purchase... you can also buy
 an Oxford911 bridge based Firewire enclosure put the old drive in. So
 you'll have a nice external storage and still saved some extra bucks on top
 of what apple is chargin... and the added bonus of an external HD.

After I recover from the overall shock of spending that much money at once.

 Ed What the Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Government is not the generator of economic growth; working  |
| people are.  |
|-- Senator Phil Gramm |

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Re: MD: headphones

2001-04-24 Thread Ed Heckman

on 4/17/01 12:33 AM, Matt Wall at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sorry again about this stupid e-mail reader, i hate outhouse express anyway
 here is the original e-mail i tried to send

Go to Preferences.

Click on the Compose tab.

Select Plain Text from the Mail Format popup menu.

Click the OK button.

Everyone should now be happy. :-)

 Ed What the Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Where there is great love, there are always miracles.|
|-- Willa Cather   |
|   Death Comes for the Archbishop |

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MD: FW: Plugs, humans and grounds....

2001-04-11 Thread Ed Heckman


From: "Wong, Ed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 09:51:07 -0400
To: "'Ed Heckman'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Plugs, humans and grounds

I cant post to the MD list from this address - feel free to repost

why some plugs are polarized (one
prong is wider than the other)

So we're all kinda sleeping though EE2 or was that EE3... except for the
really nerdy types who are paying rapt attention. We're doing AC - and the
math gets really weird.
The guy who teaches the class is some big power engineer for PSEG (the big
central NJ power supplier) Turns out since few people like doing this stuff
- you can make alot of $$$ at it if you are good at it (aka you *like* it).

Near the end of class, some guy raises his hand in the back (Id like to say
it was me, but it wasnt) and asks...
We all now know that AC means that the voltage fluctuates between + and - an
approximate 115 volts (in a standard single phase North America standard AC
Thanks to todays lecture we now are armed with the ability to calculate the
phase angle differnces between the three phase poles.
So why do AC powered itmes have these polarized plugs?
It makes no difference to the "motor" which way the plug goes it. If it goes
in the wrong way - the motor is just phase shifted - not "inverted" or
"reversed". Obviously inductive devices (aka heaters etc) could care less
about phase or polarity.

The response was intersting...

In turns out that some items are "case" grounded. Thus the shell has some
voltage at its surface. The voltage is not enuff to pierce the skin -
(calculated in a seperate lecture in Electromagnetic Field ), so you dont
get a shock.
But if you were to pick up two devices and the case grounding were to be out
of phase (aka the plugs reversed) then the potential differnce between the
two hands would be
(rapid scribbling from the guys up front - and a shout of 2 times 120v is
240v from the middle of the room)
For a bonus question - what is the estimated power range of the tools in
question in order to electrocute the home handyman in the above scenario?
*Define* all appropriate assumptions taken...

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Re: MD: MDLP (was can't get my message on board)

2001-03-15 Thread Ed Heckman

on 3/15/01 2:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My question was, because i have a r55 and an r90, does LP2 stereo sound better
 or is it comparable to standard mono? and is the r900 really better than the

Here's part of a message I sent just after I got my R900 on the sound
quality of the LP modes:


 Last night I spent a couple of hours checking out the sound quality on my
 R900 and comparing it to my R50. To do this, I recorded "The throne room
 and end title" from the Star Wars suite digitally to a disc on the R50,
 then moved the disc to the R900 and recorded it again using standard
 stereo and LP2 modes. Then I listened to all 4 recordings through the
 R900 using my Sony NC10 earbuds. (The CD was played through the R900 with
 the R900 paused in record mode.)
 On a scale of 1-10 with the CD being placed at 10, this is how I would
 rank the sound quality of the various recordings:
 Recorded on R50:  9.5
 R900 stereo:  9.8
 R900 LP2: 9.2
 I didn't specifically test the LP4 mode in this manner, but I have used
 it. I would probably rate it somewhere around 7.6.
 I should note that it took very, very careful listening with my eyes
 closed and as little outside noise as possible for me to be able to hear
 the differences between the 4 versions. I would say that under normal
 listening conditions there would be no detectable differences between the


As to your question about the R90 vs. R900, my not so humble opinion is that
the R900 is the definite, hands down winner.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to   |
| confuse them.|
| -- Madeleine L'Engle |

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MD: Sony Clie 700 uses ATRAC?

2001-03-14 Thread Ed Heckman

I was just checking out the specs on the Sony Clie 700 (their version of the
Palm) that's supposed to be released on April 7th. On the specs page I found
a VERY interesting little piece of text, "ATRAC3". Does anyone here read
Japanese? Can you explain what this means?

Here's the link:

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| True power is knowing that you can, but you don't.   |
|  -- Juliet Alicia Jarvis |

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Re: MD: Sony MDLP Walkmans and shuffle play

2001-02-28 Thread Ed Heckman

At 2/26/01 5:40 AM, Simon Mackay wrote:

Does anyone know whether the Sony MDLP-capable MD Walkmans can support
"segue-shuffle" where, if a MiniDisc (usually a home-brew
personal-favourites compilation MD) is edited with no silence gap between
tracks, the next track starts coming through as soon as the current one ends
when the machine is in shuffle-play? This is a feature that I enjoy a lot
with my MD Walkman when I am playing my compliation MDs.

It seems to work this way. I did a quick test last night and I couldn't 
hear any gaps.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps  |
| instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only   |
| test the fibre of a character, but strengthen it. Every  |
| conquered temptation represents a new fund of moral energy.  |
| Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a|
| soul nobler and stronger than it was before. |
| -- James Buckham |
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Re: MD: R50 or R90/R900

2001-02-05 Thread Ed Heckman

At 2/4/01 3:15 PM, John Small wrote:

Since both are available (R50 at $250, R90 at $220) is there one reason to
prefer one model over the other?  Beyond the R90 issue is there some 
reason to
prefer the R900 over either the R50 or R90, aside from the LP feature?  These
are the only three portable player/recorder models being considered.

Wow, I'm surprised no one answered this yet.

All other things being equal, the R900 is far superior to the older 
machines. It's battery life is longer, it's faster (more responsive) than 
the R55 and R90; but not the R50. It finally allows you to set it so End 
Search is automatic. And it supports MDLP, which IMNSHO, is a big step 

The only real drawback to it is that it has one output for both 
headphones and line out. It uses a software setting to control the output 
instead of a hardware switch, and it reverts to headphone mode at the 
drop of a hat. But this is just a minor annoyance in an excellent design.

In short, unless there's a particular reason not to, get the R900 over 
other choices. I have one and I'm VERY happy with it.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the |
| reason so few engage in it.  |
|-- Henry Ford |
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Re: MD: Sony E500 vs. E700 vs. E900

2001-01-09 Thread Ed Heckman

At 1/8/01 11:28 PM, J. Coon wrote:

No, I haven't listened to it at all.  It is just that when I record
something, I want it  to be very close the original.  MD is very close
to CD quality.  However, from the reports of people that have posted
their experiance to the list,  they can tell a difference between
standard MD and LP mode.  As I recall, they said the extra long play
mode on some of the units is only good for recording lectures. 

I was one of those people that posted my opinion of LP. I did a short 
comparison test between the LP and regular modes. I could hear a 
difference between standard mode and LP2. But I had to listen for it. 
This difference will probably not be apparent under normal listing 
conditions. As a result I'm REALLY looking forward to being able to 
install a MiniDisc head unit in my car that supports LP.

LP4 mode does make some noticeable impact on the sound quality. If your 
hearing is damaged you may or may not notice a difference. But it's STILL 
better than most MP3's I've heard.

In short, standard mode is for those times when sound quality is most 
important, LP2 is great for day-to-day use, and LP4 is perfect for those 
times when recording time is most important.

IMNSHO, units without LP are history.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| The work praises the man.|
|  (Irish proverb) |
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Re: MD: PS/2 compatible keyboard?

2001-01-04 Thread Ed Heckman

At 1/3/01 1:09 PM, Ken Clinger wrote:

My home MD deck allows for titling via a PS/2 compatible keyboard. Since
I have a Mac, I'm not sure what this actually means. Will any keyboard
that works with a Windows computer work with my MD deck?

If you have a Mac with a USB port, buy the Microsoft Natural Keyboard 
Pro. Your fingers and wrists will thank you for it, and you can use it 
for the deck too. (Just not at the same time.) I'm very happy with mine 
even though I *still* bleed in six colors.  ;-)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home. |
| -- Confucius |
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Re: MD: Aiwa FM80

2000-12-20 Thread Ed Heckman

At 12/20/00 4:04 PM, zaheerm wrote:

I'm looking at buying an Aiwa FM-80 sometime this week. Some reviews on the
Net indicate its a great MD recorder, but others report problems. I know
that in terms of features its much more feature packed than the Sony MZR70,
but at a similar price is it worth choosing the Aiwa over the Sony?

Get a Sony R-900 if you can. They're only available from Japan at the 
moment. But in my book, they stand head and shoulders over the F80/C80's.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| The life that conquers is the life that moves with a steady  |
| resolution and persistence toward a predetermined goal. Those|
| who succeed are those who have thoroughly learned the immense|
| importance of plan in life, and the tragic brevity of time.  |
|-- W. J. Davidson |
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Re: MD: MDLP- makes a good thing better!

2000-12-08 Thread Ed Heckman

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

At 12/8/00 8:27 AM, J. Coon wrote:

yes, but how does it sound? Can you edit it as closely as a regular MD?  

Here's the relevant portion from a message I posted a little over two 
months ago:

Last night I spent a couple of hours checking out the sound quality on my 
R900 and comparing it to my R50. To do this, I recorded "The throne room 
and end title" from the Star Wars suite digitally to a disc on the R50, 
then moved the disc to the R900 and recorded it again using standard 
stereo and LP2 modes. Then I listened to all 4 recordings through the 
R900 using my Sony NC10 earbuds. (The CD was played through the R900 with 
the R900 paused in record mode.)

On a scale of 1-10 with the CD being placed at 10, this is how I would 
rank the sound quality of the various recordings:

Recorded on R50:  9.5
R900 stereo:  9.8
R900 LP2: 9.2

I didn't specifically test the LP4 mode in this manner, but I have used 
it. I would probably rate it somewhere around 7.6.

I should note that it took very, very careful listening with my eyes 
closed and as little outside noise as possible for me to be able to hear 
the differences between the 4 versions. I would say that under normal 
listening conditions there would be no detectable differences between the 


 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| The best things in life aren't things.   |
|  -- Art Buchwald |
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RE: MD: electronics from Japan (volts) Sony gum pack and charger

2000-12-01 Thread Ed Heckman

At 12/1/00 12:06 PM, Yaniv Eyny wrote:

I looked at the converter it is $30 at  I thought maybe I
should just get an American battery charger (wall wart(. I don't have it
here but it is probably the standard gum pack battery.  Does anyone know
where I can get the charger and perhaps also an extra battery.

I bought an extra battery and charger from Planet MiniDisc If you search for NH-14WM you will see 
a list of several items, including the battery (NH-14WM) and the charger 
(Sony's part number BC-7HT).

FWIW, I'm very impressed with the battery charger. It's quicker than 
charging the battery internally and it's very compact and slick.


 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| The 10 Cannot-ments: |
|  1. You CANNOT bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.|
|  2. You CANNOT help small men by tearing down big men.   |
|  3. You CANNOT strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.  |
|  4. You CANNOT lift the wage-earner by pulling down the  |
|   wage-payer.|
|  5. You CANNOT help the poor man by destroying the rich. |
|  6. You CANNOT keep out of trouble by spending more than your|
|   income.|
|  7. You CANNOT further the brotherhood of man by inciting|
|   class-hatred.  |
|  8. You CANNOT establish security by borrowing money.|
|  9. You CANNOT build character and courage by taking away man's  |
|   initiatives and independence.  |
| 10. You CANNOT help men permanently by doing for them what they  |
|   could and should do for themselves.|
|   -- Abraham Lincoln |
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Re: MD: electronics from Japan (volts)

2000-11-29 Thread Ed Heckman

At 11/28/00 8:24 PM, Yaniv Eyny wrote:

I just got the Sony 900 Player from Japan.  The charger expects 100 v.
Will this damage the battery?  Is it worth getting a converter? 

Yes, get a converter. Pushing 120 volts through the wall wart may not 
kill anything immediately, but it WILL cause damage.

Also, is there anywhere I can find translated instructions?

My manual had English instructions in the last 1/3rd or so. There weren't 
any pictures there because you're supposed to look in the Japanese 
section for the pictures.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Swift gratitude is the sweetest. |
|  (Greek proverb) |
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Re: MD: Play one and stop in portable md

2000-11-02 Thread Ed Heckman

At 11/2/00 3:52 AM, Arto Leskinen increased the world's knowledge by 

Does any of the portable md-players have play one song and stop 
operation? No repeat etc. Does any of them have programming?

The new Sony MZ-R900, the Aiwa F70 and F/C80 do. Older Sony models don't, 
although I don't know about the lasted Sony play only model. I also don't 
know about Sharps or other manufacturers. You should check the equipment 
browser at

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Stigmas are the corollaries of values. If work, independence,|
| responsibility, respectability are valued, then their converse   |
| must be devalued, seen as disreputable.  |
|  -- Gertrude Himmelfarb  |
| "The De-moralization of Society" |
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Re: MD: noise-cancelling headphones

2000-10-18 Thread Ed Heckman

At 10/17/00 3:06 PM, matthew c. mead increased the world's knowledge by 

I'm going to Paris over thanksgiving week, and I plan on taking
my Sharp 722 and some music.  I'm curious if anyone has used the
various brands of noise cancelling headphones.  If so, which ones
seem to work well, and which don't?  Thanks!

I used the Sony NC-10 earbuds on my flights to and from Califonia. (I 
live in Pennsylvania.) It was amazing how much noise they really removed. 
Just putting them in cancelled quite a bit of noise, but turning on the 
active cancellation still made a world of difference. And it certainly 
didn't hurt that they sound good too.  :-)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you   |
| want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo |
| breaks down. |
| -- Oprah Winfrey |
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Re: MD: portables with digital gain control

2000-10-13 Thread Ed Heckman

At 10/13/00 2:00 PM, David W. Tamkin increased the world's knowledge by 

The Sharp 831 is supposed to have it, as is the Sony R90, perhaps the R900.
As a general guide, I'd say check the specs on models that have come out
since the beginning of 1999.

The R900 does have digital gain control.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| We would have much peace if we would not busy ourselves with the |
| sayings and doings of others.|
|  -- Thomas A. Kempis |
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Re: MD: Funky charging on the R900

2000-10-11 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/24/00 5:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] increased the world's knowledge by 

The model number is BC-7HT.

Thanks for the lead. I bought a charger plus a spare battery from Planet 
Minidisc about 2 weeks ago. This let me use the two rechargeables to 
record all the sessions I was in at a conference last week. It really 
saved my butt.

Don't let the specs fool you, the R900 gets significantly less recording 
time on the rechargeable battery than 8 hours. I say only about 6 hours 
(or so) in LP4 mode. And playback time isn't that much better. (These 
estimates are based on the battery indicator in the display.)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| In a single day, Samson slew a thousand Philistines with the |
| jawbone of an ass.  Every day, thousands of dreams are killed|
| with the same weapon.|
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Re: MD: Recommend Portable

2000-09-29 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/29/00 5:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] increased the world's knowledge by 

I'm new to the list. I'm a photographer who wishes to purchase a MD
portable recorder. I plan to record live audio to accompany my photos.

I'm very, very impressed with the new Sony MZ-R900. It will meet all of 
your needs except for fade in and out. That's only available on the new 
Sony decks such as the JE640 and JB940. Fortunately, the decks do allow 
you to apply the "Scale Factor Edit" feature to recordings you've already 

The major drawback to the R900 is that it's currently only available in 
Japan. There are three retailers I know of that you can purchase it 
through. I bought mine from Japan Direct 
They were the most expensive, but they ship very fast and they're very 
easy to work with. Two others are Hat-In and 
Hyperjack I don't 
have any direct experience with the other two. IMHO the R900 is good 
enough that it's worth the extra effort to order it from Japan.

You can find an excellent review of the R900 at


 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Problems loom large when men don't.  |
|-- Robert James Bidinotto |
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MD: R900 Sound Quality

2000-09-26 Thread Ed Heckman

Last night I spent a couple of hours checking out the sound quality on my 
R900 and comparing it to my R50. To do this, I recorded "The throne room 
and end title" from the Star Wars suite digitally to a disc on the R50, 
then moved the disc to the R900 and recorded it again using standard 
stereo and LP2 modes. Then I listened to all 4 recordings through the 
R900 using my Sony NC10 earbuds. (The CD was played through the R900 with 
the R900 paused in record mode.)

On a scale of 1-10 with the CD being placed at 10, this is how I would 
rank the sound quality of the various recordings:

Recorded on R50:  9.5
R900 stereo:  9.8
R900 LP2: 9.2

I didn't specifically test the LP4 mode in this manner, but I have used 
it. I would probably rate it somewhere around 7.6.

I should note that it took very, very careful listening with my eyes 
closed and as little outside noise as possible for me to be able to hear 
the differences between the 4 versions. I would say that under normal 
listening conditions there would be no detectable differences between the 

So does anybody know when Kenwood will be coming out with a car stereo 
that supports the LP modes?

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that|
| which he exercises over himself. |
|-- Elie Wiesel|
|   Memoirs: All Rivers Run to the Sea |
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MD: Funky charging on the R900

2000-09-23 Thread Ed Heckman

Ok, this one is for you other R900 owners out there.

Have you noticed anything funky about recharging the R900? I don't mean 
needing to push the button to start charging, although that's funky 
enough. I'm referring to the fact that it doesn't seem to take a full 
charge without having to hit the charge button more than once.

And Sony, if you're listening. Please go back to how charging was handled 
on the R50. You didn't have to push any buttons, and the battery could be 
recharged while the unit was recording or playing. I definitely prefer 
this approach.

(BTW... I've gotten pretty sick of the "coupon" threads. I've just been 
deleting them without reading 'em. Can we get back to MiniDiscs now?)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.|
|  -- Colin Powell |
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Re: MD: Other MZ-R900 New features

2000-09-22 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/21/00 6:36 PM, David W. Tamkin increased the world's knowledge by 

What I'm wondering is whether, if you turn manual end search off (which I 
guess can be seen as turning automatic end searching on), does the old 
shortcut to track 1 on Sony portables (END SEARCH, PLAY, STOP, PLAY if I 
remember right) still work?

Yes it does.

I accidentally made an interesting discovery last night. It is possible 
to record as both standard MD and LP2 on the same disc. I suspect that 
it's possible to mix any number of modes on the same disc. You just can't 
remove the track mark between tracks with different modes.

I also noticed that the recorder remembers the last recording mode used. 
Last night I recorded a rehearsal using LP2. Now, even if I change the 
disc, it retains the LP2 mode. I suspect this is also true of the other 
modes as well.

BTW... as far as a live recording goes, LP2 is very, very good. I 
couldn't detect any artifacts. But then again, I don't exactly have 
"golden ears."

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.|
|   -- Ansel Adams |
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Re: MD: Other MZ-R900 New features

2000-09-22 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/22/00 3:57 PM, David W. Tamkin increased the world's knowledge by 

H I also noticed that the recorder remembers the last recording mode used. 
H Last night I recorded a rehearsal using LP2. Now, even if I change the 
H disc, it retains the LP2 mode. I suspect this is also true of the other 
H modes as well.

Now *that's* new.  Sony portables traditionally lose the recording mode and
revert to stereo as soon as you press STOP if you had been recording in mono.

I just confirmed it. It does remember the last recording mode for all 4 
modes, not just LP2 and stereo.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Our ego is our silent partner--too often with a controlling  |
| interest.|
|  -- Cullen Hightower |
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Re: MD: Other MZ-R900 New features

2000-09-22 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/22/00 6:42 PM, PrinceGaz increased the world's knowledge by typing:

I wonder whether other things may be similarly held whilst "power
is unavailable", such as the recording mode, manual record level,
display choice (title, time played, disc remaining etc), or are
they not classed as "setup options" and therefore are volatile.

Recording level is automatically reset when you stop recording, as is the 
automatic marking. However, the microphone sensitivity is remembered.

It seems that Sony made a definite decision about what settings would be 
retained between each recording and which would be reset.

One quick question which has probably been answered somewhere, does
it have program play (and if not, why not, Sony?)

Yes it does.

One other subjective comment I have about it is that it feels very solid. 
Much more solid, in fact, than my C80 which feels positively flimsy by 
comparison. And just as solid as my R50.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| People with tact have less to retract.   |
|  -- Arnold H. Glasow |
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Re: MD: Other MZ-R900 New features

2000-09-21 Thread Ed Heckman

I just received my new R900 today. Yippee!

Now for some quick thoughts on it.

At 9/18/00 3:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] increased the world's knowledge by 

I think the blue looks nice.  A little more green in it than the blue on the 
R-50.  Slightly irridescent.

Definitely. I would call it a slightly green turquoise color more than a 
true blue.

The controls work well.  Ergonomics are fine.

Yep. Definitely better than my C80. Every button is easy to push, but not 
so easy that you'll push them accidentally. I have large hands with 
fingers than are relatively slim. The small buttons on the C80 are just 
about impossible for me to push, let alone someone with thicker fingers. 
The R900's buttons are easy enough for me to push that I imagine someone 
with thick fingers won't have much trouble. They're also well spaced.

I did get a little confused about how to stop the thing since the 
stop/charge button isn't well labeled as stop.

The level meter is horizontal and only goes halfway across the display, so 
it is difficult to tell where the peak level is until you get a reference 
point. There are no calibration marks for this, so that is not great, but 
it corresponds with the far right hand edge of the "rec mode" button.

I've noticed that the last segment is right under the "rec" indicator 
with the second to last segment being right under the "sync" indicator.

I do have a few minor complaints so far. First of all, I hate that I have 
to have "Synch" turned off to set the digital recording level. Although, 
now that I think about it, this may not be such a big deal because if 
synch is on then the unit automatically records as the CD is playing, 
which isn't exactly my goal when setting the recording level.

I'm also disappointed that you can't set the recording level while 
recording. This isn't such a big deal when recording from another 
pre-recorded source. But it is a big deal when recording live.

At this point it looks like it may just replace the R50 as my favorite 
portable. And I easily prefer it over the C80. But only time will tell 
for sure.  :-)

And of course, the first thing I did to it was to set End Search to 
automatic! ;-)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time. |
|   -- Abraham Lincoln |
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Re: MD: Other MZ-R900 New features

2000-09-21 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/21/00 4:44 PM, PrinceGaz increased the world's knowledge by typing:

So am I correct in assuming that when set to auto end search, the
only use of that button is to move the play position to the end of
the disc?  Nice to have, yes, but a bit OTT for a dedicated key?

The End Search button still moves the play position to the end of the 
recording. But it's also used in editing track names. But if there are 
other uses, I haven't found them yet.

Also are the supported modes for record as well as playback,
SP stereo, SP mono, LP2 stereo, LP4 stereo?


Is there an LP2 mono available on it or any Sony deck (940?), and given 
that LP4 relies on joint-stereo encoding- LP4 mono is not possible?

The manual doesn't make any apparent reference to LP4 mono. At this point 
I'm assuming that it doesn't exist.

And speaking of the manual, the little drawings next to the cautions in 
the Japanese section are pretty funny. They gave me the biggest smile. 
(After having a new toy to play with, of course.)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Nothing is so embarrassing as watching someone do something that |
| you said couldn't be done.   |
| -- Sam Ewing |
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Re: MD: Other MZ-R900 New features

2000-09-18 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/18/00 3:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] increased the world's knowledge by 

I wish Sony had not dropped the disc capacity and play 
location meter that is on the R-50.  That was handy, but was dropped on the 
R-90 (R-55?).  Perhaps I was the only one who used it.

You aren't the only one who liked that. I have an R50 and an Aiwa C80. I 
definitely miss this feature on the C80.

As for reliability, the C80 is in the shop for the second time. And I 
only bought it about 2 months ago.  :-(

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| No one beneath you can offend you. No one your equal would.  |
|  -- Jan L. Wells |
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Re: MD: thanks for help

2000-09-17 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/17/00 5:55 AM, HK Hill increased the world's knowledge by typing:

And I promise
not to use it on the cigarette adapter again.

I'm glad to hear that your unit isn't dead. :-)

Most adapters that plug into the cigarette lighter have a fuse in them. 
Have you checked it to make sure it's OK?

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| You don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note.|
|-- Doug Floyd |
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Re: MD: Other MZ-R900 New features

2000-09-17 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/16/00 7:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] increased the world's knowledge by 

Overall, I am very pleased with the R-900.  I got a blue one.

Cool! I also ordered the blue one. (Supposedly it will ship this Monday.) 
How does it look? I wonder which one will be the most popular.

I haven't seen a good picture of the display anywhere on the web. It 
seems to be very small, but packed with information. Can you give a brief 
review of it? How well does it handle? In other words, how comfortable is 
it to use the buttons/jog levers while holding it with one or both hands?


 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| There is no greater burden than great potential. |
|-- Charles M. Schultz |
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Re: MD: still need help

2000-09-14 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/14/00 4:43 PM, HK Hill increased the world's knowledge by typing:

I took my Aiwa AM-F5 on a road trip, using a 4.5V cigarette lighter
adapter(pretty sure it's 4.5). On day 3, the unit stopped working--tried
recharging battery, but it wouldn't power up at all. I've had the unit for a
couple of years and use it a lot. Do you all think I killed the battery,
maybe it has reached the end of it's life, or have I killed the unit?

Batteries usually just die slowly. They just hold a little less of a 
charge each time you recharge it. Usually you won't even realize it's 
happening until you suddenly realize that you're only getting about 15 
minutes out of a full charge instead of 6 hours (or something).

It sounds like your unit is broken. :-(

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Never miss a chance to keep your mouth shut. |
|   -- Robert Newton Peck  |
|  A Day No Pigs Would Die |
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Re: MD: MD comes through

2000-09-10 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/10/00 9:12 PM, Graham Baker increased the world's knowledge by 

It seems that nothing can get this through to the arrogant Sony Corp.
The dismal response to our end search petition shows just how much they

Well, guess what!?! According to the new Sony 
MZ-R900 lets you set whether or not it will do automatic end search! 
Unfortunately, it comes set to manually use the end search, but you can 
bet that it will be the first change I make after I buy one!

Woo Hoo!!!

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| In the long run men hit only what they aim at.   |
|   -- Henry David Thoreau |
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Re: MD: Pre-Recs/Blank Quality

2000-08-21 Thread Ed Heckman

At 8/21/00 2:13 AM, las increased the world's knowledge by typing:

Again you can't use 2000 technology to discredit 1960+ state of the art.


Things get easier all of the time.  But that doesn't mean that recording an
album to tape was so difficult that it couldn't be done by the average 

If I remember correctly, the point was why was there a market for 
prerecorded cassettes, but why isn't there a market for prerecorded MDs.

I'm old enough that I remember 8 tracks and reel-to-reel tapes. I was 
definitely "the average person" during the period when LPs and cassettes 
ruled the music industry. I couldn't afford anything close to the high 
end equipment you discussed. Even good equipment required significant 
manual fiddling to get a decent recording, and even then the quality 
wasn't anywhere near as good as a prerecorded tape.

In short, there are three simple reasons why prerecorded tapes 
flourished, while prerecorded MDs don't:

1. Recording LP's to tape was a time consuming process that usually 
required some fiddling. Recording a CD to MD is as simple as it can get, 
even with "low-end" equipment.

2. A tape recorded from an LP was simply inferior to prerecorded tapes 
unless you happened to own very high-end equipment. Even then pops and 
clicks from LPs were common. I doubt that an audible difference can be 
heard between a MD recorded from a CD and a prerecorded MD.

3. Cassette players were everywhere. You could buy a tape and play it at 
home, in the car, on a portable player and on a boom box. MD players 
aren't nearly so ubiquitous. Most people will only be able to play a MD 
either at home or on their portable. But a CD can now be played anywhere 
a cassette could.

To me, these reasons where why I preferred to buy cassettes before CDs 
took over. And these reasons are why I prefer to buy CDs and record them 
to MDs myself. (Note: I have a MD portable and a car stereo that plays 
MD. But that's it.)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart. |
| -- Mort Walker,  |
|King Features |
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Re: MD: Pre-Recs/Blank Quality

2000-08-20 Thread Ed Heckman

At 8/20/00 8:56 PM, las increased the world's knowledge by typing:

But there were records around.  All they had to do was buy the record which
was cheaper than the prerecorded tape to begin with and make a copy of the
record.  This is exactly the analogy that you are making between the CD and
the prerecorded tape.

But recording a record to a tape was _much_ more hassle than recording a 
CD to a MD. You had to have a decent record player and pretty good tape 
recorder. Then you had to make sure you had a tape that was long enough. 
You also had to make sure that one side of a record could fit on one side 
of the tape. Then you had to make sure that you weren't attempting to 
record on the tape leader. And finally, you had to start recording the 
tape and playing the record at the same time--no easy feat. And that was 
just one side that you just recorded. Now you have to flip the tape AND 
record and do it again.

With MD all you have to do is plug the optical plug into the portable MD 
(if you don't have a preconnected deck setup.), push play/pause on the CD 
player, push record on the MD, then push pause on the CD player to start 
the recording. Then just sit back and wait for it to finish.

In the process, you wind up with tracks premarked, sometimes (rarely) 
tracks already named, and a (almost) exact digital duplicate of the 
original. Compare this to the less than perfect copy of an LP that you 
were guaranteed to get.

(Why do I get the feeling that I just missed the point?)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.   |
|-- Joseph Joubert |
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Re: MD: MZ-E900, R900 - scary Sony!

2000-08-17 Thread Ed Heckman

At 8/17/00 9:50 AM, Leon increased the world's knowledge by typing:

Sony really is going all out this time, it seems. To the extent that they're
getting the news out on a week when so many people are on holiday in Japan.

Where did you find this info?

Did they get rid of End Search? (I doubt it)

Does it support the new LP mode?


 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| It's past time to go when you start asking yourself if it's time |
| to go.   |
|   -- William Rotsler |
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Re: MD: Scale Factor Edit

2000-08-15 Thread Ed Heckman

At 8/15/00 4:53 PM, David W. Tamkin increased the world's knowledge by 

it's a feature of certain new units that will adjust the volume level of a
track after it's been recorded.

That sounds good. Does this only work on the unit doing the scaling, any 
unit with this feature, or any MiniDisc player? Put another (slightly 
different) way, is this a permanent change to the info on the disc, or is 
it forgotten as soon as the disc is ejected?


 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| It's better to be known by six people for something you're proud |
| of than by 60 million for something you're not.  |
| -- Albert Brooks |
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MD: Aiwa F80/C80 Question

2000-08-14 Thread Ed Heckman

If you own an Aiwa F80 or C80, could you check how well the recording 
head (the small white plastic piece in the lid) clears the minidisc slot 
when your recorder is open?

I just get mine back from the repair shop after having this part fixed. 
(I bought it 5 weeks ago and they've had it for 4.) It was damaged when I 
put a disc in and it caught the head and bent it backwards. (very ugly) 
But it still appears possible for it to catch on a disc. In other words, 
it's hanging into the slot area a little. My Sony R50 lifts this head 
about 1/16" above the slot when the unit is open, so this makes me think 
that the Aiwa unit isn't right.

Thanks for your help.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| It's a rash man who reaches a conclusion before he gets to it.   |
|   -- Jacob Levin |
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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread Ed Heckman

At 8/7/00 2:11 AM, las increased the world's knowledge by typing:

As some one stated before, Sony should come out with a very basic unit.  
No editing features
or they should be hidden under a flap labeled "for advanced users only".

They need the equivalent of the simple cassette deck for many Americans.  
But Sony is a
Japanese company.  They my have their name on our records and movies now, 
but I think that
they stay totally away from the creative end.  If Sony had it's own people 
making movies and
records for the US market, they'd be out of business by now.

I disagree, sort of. I understand your suggestion for simplicity, but I 
don't think that's the issue. MD's are already dead simple to record with 
like a tape. Just stick the disc in and hit record. (Unless you're using 
a Sony portable and have to contend with that STUPID End Search button.)

If you want to do editing on a tape, you simply wind to the spot that you 
want to record over and start taping again. If you want do simple editing 
on a MD you can't use the same approach because MD is a random access 
medium instead of a linear medium like tape is. But I don't think the MD 
approach is really any harder. In fact, it's EASIER to do more advanced 
editing if that's what you want to do.

No, I think the issues are different. They would be cost, understanding 
MD's convenience, understanding MD's reliability, understanding MD's 
quality, availability, and compatibility with new technologies.

As far as cost goes, all you have to do is compare the price of a 
minidisc recorder and a bunch of blanks to the price of a tape recorder 
and a bunch of blank tapes. There is a SIGNIFICANT gap between the low 
end of the MD market and the low end of the tape market. There is also a 
gap between prices at the high end, but it's not as significant. IMHO, 
this price gap is giving people enough sticker shock that they're saying, 
"I don't care if it IS better, that's too much money." Granted, things 
are getting better, but not much. Blank prices have been falling into an 
appropriate range. But recorder prices have been staying the same while 
manufacturers cram everything into smaller and smaller units at the cost 
of usability and expense. Now they need to focus on usability and cost 
cutting. (My R50 is significantly easier to use than current models, 
including my Aiwa C80.)

But, I think the biggest problem is simply consumer education. Everyone 
who has seen and heard my MD recorder in action wants one; especially 
when they understand MD's advantages over other media. But this 
information gets lost in the noise when someone ventures into an 
electronics store. Think of it, you have hundreds of square feet of huge 
electronic noisemakers (big screen TVs, monstrous speakers, racks and 
racks of stereo equipment, etc.) it's VERY easy to overlook these tiny 
little devices that would take no more than 4 square feet even if the 
store carried every model made. Add to this the fact that you can only 
find MD in dedicated electronics stores, and that those stores don't 
usually carry more than two or three models and the consumer either won't 
even notice them or conclude that it's a niche market. (And it currently 
is.) The MD industry MUST find a way to educate the consumer and make MD 
systems available everywhere that tape recorders and CD players are, 
including electronics departments of major department stores, mom and pop 
stores, music retailers and ESPECIALLY music instrument retailers.

Here are the things consumers need to learn about MD:

-- Convenience. Consider how convenient these tiny things are. You can 
fit any portable player/recorder in any pocket you have. (Except maybe a 
watch pocket.) Can you say that about a CD player? NO! Can you say that 
about a tape player/recorder. Not usually. You can take them anywhere you 
can take a portable tape recorder. Can you say that about a CD recorder? 
No. You can rerecord and edit a MD any time you want. Can you say that 
about a CD? NO! Is it as easy to edit a tape? NO! Can you quickly jump to 
any spot on a tape like to can on a MD? NO! You can carry more MD discs 
in your car than either tapes or CDs. You can even carry a bunch in your 
pockets. You can't do that with CDs or many tapes. Can you get more time 
out of a tape by changing a setting on your recorder? No, not unless you 
have a special (read: expensive) recorder. MD also provides the ability 
to make one digital copy of your CDs. This means that I can have a copy 
of my favorite CDs in the car while the original CD stays in my office 
where it's both safe, and available in my office. Many people do this 
with a tape, but the quality is not nearly as good and they have to worry 
about flipping the tape over during the recording process. A MD copy is 
as simple as pushing two buttons: record on the recorder and play on the 
CD player.

-- Reliability. Can you use a tape for as long as a MD? No. Can you 
rerecord a tape as 

Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread Ed Heckman

At 8/7/00 11:58 AM, las increased the world's knowledge by typing:

So what would you give as the explanation that the MD is so popular in 

I'm no expert on Japan, so this is only an educated guess. That said, 
it's my understanding that Japan is a much more technology oriented 
society than the US. They're more willing to try something new and cool 
than the US is. It also seems that they are big fans of miniaturization, 
something MiniDisc excels at over older technologies.

They also have a significantly larger choice of models, lower media cost, 
and other related infrastructure such as the ability to have a selection 
of songs placed on a MD at a kiosk.

As for the cost of an MD vs tape, I don't think that you would pay less for a
top of the line cassette tape then the $1.50 or so that MDs can be bought for
if you look around.  But that's on the net.  The price in the stores would 
have to be $1.50.

I think the prices of the discs themselves aren't too far out of line 
anymore. They're still about 50% more than a decent audio tape, which 
isn't _too_ bad. But there's still some room for improvement.

Sony and the other manufactures must love things like the stick.  No moving
parts.  If something is going to go wrong with a unit that was not a lemon to
begin with, moving parts would be my first guess.  Also, they can make stick
players for next ot nothing.

In other words, "Profit Margin." They must be raking it in right now. I 
wonder how long it will be before the consumers realize how expensive and 
limited those pieces of junk are and there's a major backlash.

The problem is the Stick itself.  I think that the cost of memory is 
expensive compared to a cassette, CD or even MD.  Static RAM like the kind 
in the stick is even more expensive.  Just how low can they drop the price 
of a
Can they drop it to $1.00 for 650 MB?  I don't think so.  But I admit I'm
clueless as to the actual cost of memory for the OEM.

The cost for RAM is outrageous on comparison to magnetic and MO medio. 
The current low price for computer RAM is in the $.75/MB range and hasn't 
gone any lower than that for a year. The price I last paid for MDs was 
about $.023/MB (assuming that MDs hold about 140 MB.) But I paid about 
$.001/MB for CDRs the last time I bought them. There is no way that RAM 
is going to get anywhere close to those costs any time in the next 10 
years, if then. And in the mean time, I expect MO media costs to continue 
to drop.

I don't think that we are ever going to see growth in the MD market place in
the US.

I've seen it in my area, but only as a result of other people seeing me 
use my equipment. I think that's the only way it will grow.

BTW... I'm staying away from the prerecorded discs question. In my 
personal usage, I prefer to buy a CD then copy to a MD for portable use 
while the original CD stays safely (and conveniently) in my office. But 
you're right about people not buying players only without a selection of 
prerecorded discs to choose from.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| It is the man who goes straight to his goal, obstacle or no  |
| obstacle, that commands our respect, gets our confidence, and|
| gets to the front. He is the man who is sought in an emergency,  |
| not the man who is afraid of obstacles, who magnifies|
| difficulties.|
|   -- Orison Swett Marden |
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Re: MD: Sony MZ-R50

2000-05-26 Thread Ed Heckman

At 5/25/00 7:38 PM, Stainless Steel Rat increased the world's knowledge 
by typing:

Never was.  For its day it was the smallest, but that is the extent of its
superiority.  If you want something in the same general class, the
MZ-R90/91 is superior in every respect.

That's BS. Here's a list of areas where the R50 is superior to the R90/91:

-- The R50 can be charged while playing or recording. The R90 cannot.

-- The remote on the R90 does not have a track mark button. The R50 does.

-- The R50 had a thumb wheel. The R90 has a jog lever. I definitely 
prefer the thumb wheel when creating titles.

-- The R90 is MUCH more sluggish than the R50 in startup and track seek 
times. (R90 Startup = 8 sec. R50 Startup = 2 sec.)

-- The placement and shape of the main buttons (Play, Stop, FFwd, and 
Rwnd) on the R50 is much better than those of the R90.

-- The track mark placement on the R90 is less precise than the R50.

I'm not saying that the R90 doesn't have any improvements over the R50, 
because it does. Unfortunately, it also takes some steps backwards over 
the R50.

But both of them (still!) have that stupid End Search button. So this 
means that my next recorder purchase will NOT be a Sony of any model.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Even more exasperating than the guy who thinks he knows it all   |
| is the one who really does.  |
|  -- Al Bernstein |
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Re: MD: Sony MZ-R50

2000-05-26 Thread Ed Heckman

At 5/26/00 3:33 PM, Stainless Steel Rat increased the world's knowledge 
by typing:

* Ed Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Fri, 26 May 2000
| -- The R50 can be charged while playing or recording. The R90 cannot.

Given the R50's woefully short battery life, it needs this.  The R90's NiMH 
cell lasts three to five times as long as the R50's NiCD cell.  Charge
while playing is unnecessary on the R90.

You must be thinking of the R55. The R50 lasts 4 hours on recording and 7 
hours on playback. The R90 lasts 6.5 hours when recording and 11 hours on 
playback. The R90 is better, but the R50 is adequate for most purposes. 
And if you need more time, adding AA batteries should give you whatever 
you need.

| -- The placement and shape of the main buttons (Play, Stop, FFwd, and
| Rwnd) on the R50 is much better than those of the R90.

Not really.  And the R50's buttons are smaller.

You *must* be thinking of the R55.

| -- The track mark placement on the R90 is less precise than the R50.

If that degree of precision is a requirement, why aren't you using a studio 
deck for editing?

Why should I have to?

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| He knows not his own strength that hath not met adversity.   |
|-- Ben Jonson |
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Re: MD: USB to S/PDIF interface

2000-05-17 Thread Ed Heckman

At 5/17/00 10:20 AM, Richard Wright increased the world's knowledge by 

I'm thinking of developing a USB to S/PDIF optical interface for the PC 
(and possibly the Mac if it's not too difficult!) and I just wanted to see 
what the level of interest would be, and how much people would be prepared 
to pay for the one. Initially, I am looking at only providing an output on 
the interface - the addition of a digital input would probably double the 

You had better get busy! There's already one in the works called 
ThunderWire. Here's the URL:

 Ed "What the" Heckman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dimension i Technologies(717) 560-4114
| Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries. |
| -- James A. Michener |
|"Chesapeake"  |
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Re: MD: RE: Car MD/CD combo/MDX-C7900

2000-04-28 Thread Ed Heckman

At 4/27/00 9:10 PM, Austin Wallender increased the world's knowledge by 

What other head units are people looking at besides the Sony ones?

I recently installed a Kenwood KMD-870R. (It's last years 44W x 4 unit.) 
I've been really happy with it. It doesn't look like it belongs in a 
disco and the controls are very good. There is one rocker button that 
controls volume and a separate 4-way set of buttons to control the radio 
and MiniDisc player and any changer. Left and right control the radio 
tuning or fast forward/reverse and the up and down buttons control the 
band or selected disc if you have a changer installed. The play/pause 
button is near the other 4 buttons. It's very intuitive and I don't even 
have to look at the thing to make any necessary adjustments.

But why would you even bother with CDs in a car? I have yet to see a car 
that provides an environment where you can hear any differences between 
MD and CD. But CD's require more storage room and they're easier to 
damage. Heck, I bought a cheap Sony portable CD player with an optical 
out and I just dumped a bunch of CDs to MiniDisc. There's nothing illegal 
about it (this falls under fair use provision of the Copyright Act) and 
my CDs stay in the house where its safe and I can listen to them there. 
If one of the MiniDiscs in my car is ever damaged, lost or stolen, then 
all I have to do is make another copy.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Lack of something to feel important about is almost the greatest |
| tragedy a man may have.  |
|  -- Arthur E. Morgan |
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Re: MD: Sony MZ-R100 - WOW!

2000-03-28 Thread Ed Heckman

At 3/28/00 11:35 AM, Richard Wright increased the world's knowledge by 

All you people who bought MZ-R90s and 91s will be truly jealous. And 
someone at Sony seems to be reading this list regularly, as everything 
everyone wants has been incorporated into the design! Marvellous :-)

Why do I get the feeling this page is about 4 days early?

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except  |
| what you're going to do now and do it.   |
|-- William Durant |
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Re: MD: Sony MZ-R100 - WOW!

2000-03-28 Thread Ed Heckman

At 3/28/00 3:17 PM, Richard Wright increased the world's knowledge by 

Looks great, I guess the release date will be this saturday (April 1).

Yeah, that's right - it says so on the webpage - I'll be going over there 
on Saturday to pick one up (NOT!) :-)

Did you notice the part number for the radiation suit? That was a nice 

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting |
| what one is trying to achieve.   |
|-- Paul Nitze |
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2000-03-11 Thread Ed Heckman

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I thought it would be great if sound 
systems went to FireWire to interconnect the components. Well, last night 
I was reading the March 2000 issue of Popular Science while I was at the 
doctor's office. According to that issue, an extension of the FireWire 
standard named HAVi has been developed to do exactly that. And the first 
products are expected to ship this summer!

Does anyone know where to find more info on these upcoming products?

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is   |
| getting up and taking action.|
|   -- Al Batt |
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Re: MD: HAVi

2000-03-11 Thread Ed Heckman

At 3/11/00 3:37 PM, Matt Wall increased the world's knowledge by typing:

Different extensions/specs for firewire have been trying to get out there
for some time now, i know it's been well over a year now.  The spec is not
done an they dont expect the final to be done for quite a long time.

If it's not done, then why are they saying that products should be 
shipping this summer?

Apple did have a great idea in the firewire idea, but it took them way 
too freggin long and too much in licensing fee's to try and get it out 

I agree that it took too long, but products are shipping now. I just wish 
the peripheral vendors would catch up. But forget the complaints about 
licensing fees. At $.25 per port it's nowhere near being large enough to 
be a deal breaker. Those who complain about it usually are just using it 
as an excuse for why they're not using FireWire when the real reason is 
probably closer to them not understanding how to implement it.

The specs for the next generations of firewire are still a long way 
from being anywhere near actual use where 2 companies can make a 
product and actually have them work together. 

So what? The current version of FireWire is plenty fast enough for any 
consumer audio/video system.

Right now i'm looking out for usb2, it's not my favorite either, but as 
much of the world that uses usb already over firewire it has a much 
better chanch of making it. 

Again, so what? USB2 isn't here yet. It's not even close. And when it 
does ship, it will probably cost about as much to implement as FireWire. 
(Hey, speed costs money.)

But as for right now in the mass comsumer market i say look for more 
usb devices they will be much easier to find and you will probably have 
a much easier time finding drivers for them too. 

I think you're missing the point of HAVi. Its purpose is to provide a 
single digital connection between audio and video components that will 
carry both control signals and audio/video data. It's also supposed to a 
standard that's supposed to be supported by more than one vendor. 
Supposedly you could connect a Sony TV to a Panasonic DVD player, a Sharp 
MiniDisc player and a Denon receiver and have them all work together 
properly. (That's the pipe dream, anyway.  G) That you will be able to 
connect a computer to an HAVi system is something of a bonus. But once 
such systems are in place, the computer drivers should appear rather 

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| The most efficient labor-saving device is still money.   |
| -- Franklin P. Jones |
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Re: MD: Refurbished Sharp 702s

2000-03-02 Thread Ed Heckman

At 3/2/00 6:15 AM, PrinceGaz increased the world's knowledge by typing:

In addition all non-Sony units lack a feature to
manually set the recording position after the already used part :-)

I don't know about decks, but you're absolutely right about the 
portables. Non-Sony units don't have this "feature" because THEY DON'T 
NEED IT! They do it automatically! They assume (correctly) that you want 
to keep what you've already recorded unless you specifically indicate 

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Oh, the difference between nearly right and exactly right.   |
|   -- Horace J. Brown |
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MD: Perfect Portable (Was: Refurbished Sharp 702s)

2000-03-02 Thread Ed Heckman

At 3/2/00 10:46 AM, Ralph Smeets increased the world's knowledge by 

I'm under the impression that you haven't met PrinzeGaz yet... He's our
'provoker'. I mean, he just likes discussion to much ;-)

I guess not. I noticed his smiley, but I just had to get that off my 
chest anyway. I feel much better now.  ;-)

BTW... I've looked at other portables as possible replacements for my R50 
for this very reason. But all of them, even the new Sony's, seem to have 
various usability drawbacks when compared to it. For example, the jog 
dial is WONDERFUL. I also love how easy the R50 makes it to mark and 
unmark tracks (push a button and you're done).

If Sony made a version of the R50 that had the following modifications, I 
would buy one YESTERDAY and tell my friends that they should buy one too:

-- the R90's battery life (actually, the R50's form factor should
  allow a longer life)
-- a backlit display
-- an "automatic" end search when recording
-- the ability to start playing from the beginning without having
  to use the jog dial
-- without cutting the performance (such as the R90's less precise
  track marking or slower startup times)
-- slightly lighter (It doesn't have to be smaller, although slimmer
  might be possible if they're very, very careful about it.)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Dig the well before you are thirsty. |
|(Chinese proverb) |
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MD: Feedback on Minidisc Mall?

2000-03-02 Thread Ed Heckman


I need to order some 80 minute discs. Unfortunately, they're pretty hard 
to find, especially at decent prices. I've found some at, but their policies have me a little worried. Has 
anyone bought anything from them? Are they OK? If not, can you recommend 
someplace good who would have them in stock? (I want to stick with TDK, 
Maxell or Sony discs for now.)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Diplomacy gets you out of what tact would have kept you out of.  |
| -- Brian Bowling |
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Re: MD: Perfect Portable

2000-03-02 Thread Ed Heckman

At 3/2/00 4:26 PM, David W. Tamkin increased the world's knowledge by 

| -- the ability to start playing from the beginning without having
|   to use the jog dial

You can open and reclose the clamshell, or you can press END SEARCH, PLAY,

Yep, you guys are right. I didn't realize this 'cause it's not entirely 
obvious, nor is it in the manual. Thanks!

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind   |
| of order that sets me free to fly.   |
| -- Julie Andrews |
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Re: MD: Micro keyboard for titling?

2000-03-01 Thread Ed Heckman

At 3/1/00 4:31 AM, Guy Churchill increased the world's knowledge by 

I may not have made it perfectly clear, but I was referring to
portable recorders NOT home decks (which I do prefer to see PS/2 port or
some type of PC comms link - USB preferred).

Didn't I recently see something about Kenwood experimenting with adding 
FireWire to a MD deck? I believe their goal was to have it completely 
replace the current optical digital connections.

Imagine the possibilities of putting such an interface on all audio and 
video equipment. (Many video cameras already have such an interface.) You 
could connect your computer to your A/V setup letting you do amazing 
stuff. For example, use the computer to title tracks, dump MP3s DIRECTLY 
to MD, use MD Data disks to hold and display pictures on computer, TV, or 
any other viewing device, or have the computer scan video signals for 
certain topics and have the VCR (or DVD RAM) record the show, or record 
that show you wanted after the football game *finally* ends, etc.

FireWire would also make a great independent standard. No more "I have to 
buy a Sony to match the rest of my system."

Does anyone know if something like this is coming down the pike?

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we  |
| shall find the way.  |
|   -- Abraham Lincoln |
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MD: Editing on the Aiwa's

2000-02-25 Thread Ed Heckman

Now that I know that I can't avoid the Sony R50's major drawback, I need 
to know about possible replacements.

One of the things I love about the R50 is how easy it makes editing stuff 
that's on the disc. Setting track marks, erasing tracks, moving tracks 
and setting titles are all dead simple operations. The reviews I've read 
of the Aiwas lead me to believe that their editing features are not as 
simple to use as the Sony's. Is this really the case? Or does it sound 
worse than it really is?

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Not all of us have to posses earthshaking talent. Just common|
| sense and love will do.  |
|  -- Myrtle Auvil |
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