[newbie-it] sylpheed (aiuto) e web-browser

2001-03-12 Thread Alessandro

1) Dopo l'articolo su LinuxC. ho tentato di installare sylphhed sulla
mia distro SuSE 7.0.
 Ho scaricato il file da freeshmeat, perch quello sul Cd non riuscivo a
utilizzarlo (l'ho provato su mdk   7.2 ed  veremante ok).
 L'archivio si trova in /usr/src/packages/SOURCES/sylpheed-0.4.61, ma
dopo averlo scompattato e letto i file README e INSTALL, al momento
del ./configure inizia il primo guaio.
 l'output  il seguente:

 cheking for glib-config...no
 cheking for GLIB - version = 1.2.6...no
 ***the glib-config script installled by GLIB could not be found
 ***If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
 ***your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG evironment variable to the
 ***full path to glib-config.
 configure:error: Test for GLIB failed. See the file 'INSTALL' for help.

 Sono andato a cercare se avevo installato nel mio sistema un pacchetto
tipo Glib e ho trovato glib-1.2.8   installato.
 Tutti gli altri messaggi mi sono oscuri.
 Preciso che non uso gnome, ma ho installato gimp e ovviamente tutte le
dipendenze relative.
 Se qualcuno mi pu aiutare a risolvere da qui in avanti, o almeno
indicarmi dove trovare un rpm  che funga con la SuSE 7.0.

2) facendo degli esperimenti con i vari mta e browser, ho utilizzato
ktop per vedere la necessit dirisorse dei vari programmi.
 Normalmente uso Windowmaker come wmanager e ho notato che usando
NetscapeMail/Browser ho una voce  "memoria" che indica 20M e una
voce "residente" che indica 12M.
 Ora per lynx ottengo 2720 e 1640, ma per konqueror definito sulla
rivista 'leggero' leggo 15M/9880 (il vecchio kfm consuma 8848/4912).
 Per conqueror lo posso avviare solo se avvio kdeinit che apre 5
processi da 12M/+-4000.
 Vorrei sapere come posso valutare la leggerezza di un programma, in
base alla voce "memoria" o a quella"residente" e magari anche cosa
vogliono dire precisamente questi due termini.
 Per curiosit ho visto che Star office "ciuccia" ben 83M/49M, e pur non
sapendo cosa questo vuol dire mi   sembra tanto.



[newbie-it] Ksendfax, fax

2001-03-12 Thread Alberto Zanoni

scusate, ancora sull'invio dei fax. Vorrei tentare di usare il comando fax, 
con le varie opzioni del caso, all'interno di Ksendfax, visto che i comandi 
base sono configurabili. Qualcuno usa il comando fax per madare files ? Puo' 
spiegarmi come fa, e / o quali interfacce GUI usa ? Grazie anticipate,


Re: [newbie-it] Settaggio di WINE

2001-03-12 Thread Andrea Celli

Per favore non postare in html!

Drive C]
[Drive D]

come path devi dargli il percorso nell'albero delle directory di
Sei sicuro che e` giusto?
Di solito Mandrake mette i file sistems montati in /mnt.
Quindi /mnt/floppy, /mnt/dos, /mnt/cdrom,

[Drive F]

sicuro che la tua home directory Linux sia "network"
e abbia "filesystem=win95" ?

Non ho davanti la mia configurazione, ma queste impostazioni
mi lascoano moolto perplesso. :-)

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] bash

2001-03-12 Thread Andrea Celli

 Ciao a tutti,
 improvvisamente la bash non fa pi il prompt come al solito con il mio
 nome (localhost etc. etc.) ma si presenta solo come "bash-2.04".
 Il problema  che non riconosce pi alcuni comandi nemmeno con il login
 come root, l'unico modo per eseguire lo shutdown, per esempio,  quello
 di terminare la sessione e riaprirne un'altra come root.
 Qualcuno mi pu aiutare?

Hai pasticciato con qualche file di configurazione personale tipo
.bashrc, .bash_profile, .bash_xyz (stanno nella tua home e li
vedi con "ls -a")?

Se root funziona, non dovrebbe essere successo nulla di spiacevole
a quelli "generali", tipo /etc/profile, ...

Forse la cosa piu` semplice e` creare un nuovo utente e poi confontare 
i suoi .bash con i tuoi.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] KDE2.1 [LM7.2]

2001-03-12 Thread freefred

On Monday 12 March 2001 10:24, Andrea Celli wrote:

 Il condizionale e` d'obbligo perche' da ieri non mi funziona piu`il
 kcontrol: prima mi sembrava che funzionassae :-?

 Devo cercare di capire meglio cosa e` successo.
 In pratica si apre ma non mostra nessun menu su cui agire.
 Quelli che stavano nella finestra di sinistra

 A qualcun altro e` successa la stessa cosa?

Il kcontrol e' un po' cambiato e funziona.
Probabilmente hai seguito una procedura un po' troppo bruta
e non soddisfi qualche dipendenza.
Non so essere piu' preciso.
Pero' al limite invece di forzare tutto forse allora
sarebbe meglio disinstallare tutto il kde vecchio
e installare col -i quello nuovo.


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ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


[newbie-it] Modem isdn usb

2001-03-12 Thread Atreiu

 Sono un principiante di linux 
mandrake e gerenalmente di linux.Ho installato sul mio sistema la mandrake 
versione 7.2,ma nn riesco a fargli riconoscere il mio modem isdn e usb(dell 
Trust).Vorrei sapere se è possibile far funziuonare questo modem sul 
  Oliverio Marco

[newbie-it] partizioni mandrake?? quanto grandi?

2001-03-12 Thread legion


devo installare linux mandrake 7.2.e non so che dimensione dare alle

2 gb per la root e 128 per lo swap (64 mb ram) in media vanno bene?

i due cd di mandrake (linuxc. di gennaio) quanto richiedono?



Re: [newbie-it] partizioni mandrake?? quanto grandi?

2001-03-12 Thread Enrico Mischi

Il 14:13, lunedì 12 marzo 2001, scrivesti:


 devo installare linux mandrake 7.2.e non so che dimensione dare alle

 2 gb per la root e 128 per lo swap (64 mb ram) in media vanno bene?

Possono andre bene queste dimensioni ma io ci metterei un po' di swap in 
più (200 Mb)

 i due cd di mandrake (linuxc. di gennaio) quanto richiedono?

Una installazione completa dovrebbe richiedere circa 3 Gb ma ti ritroveresti 
con un sacco di roba che di sicuro non userai mai.
Io ho installato la mia Mandrake 7.2 selezionando ogni singolo pacchetto che 
mi sarebbe servito e occupa circa 800 Mb



Prego  e  Ciao

[newbie-it] Modem in parallelo!?

2001-03-12 Thread Enrico Mischi

Salve .
E' vero che con il Kernel 2.4.0 si puo' effettuare una connessione con pi 
modem in parallelo e sommare di conseguenza la velocit di ciascun modem??
(naturalmente usando anche + linee telefoniche...)


[newbie-it] Upgrade a KDE 2.0.1

2001-03-12 Thread Enrico Mischi

Salve a tutti 
ho letto molti msg su questo argomento, ma non ho capito se tutto quello che 
dicevate corrispondeva a quanto scritto sul readme degli rpm di KDE 2.0.1
Lo metto qui di seguito e poi ditemi se secondo va bene anche questa  

Installare gli rpm di KDE 2.01 per Mandrake

Queste istruzioni sono per l'upgrade di KDE 2.0/Mandrake 7.2.  Coloro che 
possiedono versioni precedenti devono PRIMA installare le qt2.2.1 o pi 

Se stai  eseguendo KDE  necessario seguire i seguenti passi:

1. Crea una directory dove mantenere gli rmp per KDE 2.0.1
2. Esegui il download degli rpm in quella directory
3. Fai il logout ed entra in una console ordinaria da root, spegni X in modo 
da non avere KDE in  esecuzione mentre stai effettuando l'upgrade
4. Entra nella directory che hai creato per gli rpm
5. Se hai KDE 2.0
rpm -F *.rpm
rpm -ivh *.rpm
6. rpm --rebuilddb
7. update-menus -v

Fatto tutto questo esegui il login come normale utente e fai ripartire X. 
Dopo di questo potresti aver bisogno di eseguire il logout e il login 

Se non segui un processo del genere potranno mancare alcuni elementi di KDE 
dal menu e il kpanel potrebbe mostrare molte rotelle dove invece si 
dovrebbero trovare delle icone.


Quando mi direte che si puo' passare al 2.0.1 senza troppi problemi, inizier 
a scaricare (col mio bel 56K) tutti quei bei pacchetti!!!

Grazie a tutti e Ciao!

Re:[newbie-it] Problemi con LILO

2001-03-12 Thread Giuseppe Foti

Salve, ho un disperato bisogno di aiuto perchè non 
riesco a risolvere un problema con LILO.Al boot della macchina appare 
LIL- e la macchina va in blocco.Il problema è comparso dopo aver 
cercato di aggiungere una riga al file liloconf : append="ide2=0x8000,0x7802" 
che doveva servire ad avviare linux senza passare ogni volta il suddetto 
parametro (necessario essendo il mio disco un Quantum Fireball ATA 100).La 
distribuzione di Linux che ho istallato è la Mandrake 7.2 e sul sistema è 
presente anche una partizione Windows.

Il mio /etc/liloconf (riesco a fare BOOT da 
dischetto) dopo innumerevoli ed inutili tentativi appare così:


Qualcuno può dirmi come devo modificarlo o cosa 
devo fare per riportare tutto ad una condizione normale???GrazieGiuseppe 

Re: [newbie-it] bttv scheda studio pctv (bt848)

2001-03-12 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 15:09:23 +0100
Antonio Bonifati [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ho letto che bttv non accetta pi l'argomento vidmem=base
 perch dovrebbe capire da solo l'indirizzo del
 frame buffer della scheda video. Tuttavia l'auto
 detect pone bttv su 0xe600, mentre quando
 avvio la X mi dice che il frame buffer della mia
 scheda video inizia da 0xe540 e non ho modo di
 dire a bttv che il framebuffer si trova a questo indirizzo.
 Ho trovato un tutorial di uno che l'ha fatta fungere sotto
 mdk7.1, dove l'argomento vidmem funzionava
 ringrazio per ogni idea

Premetto che non ho mai usato questo tipo di schede quindi quello che sto per dirti e' 
solo, come dici tu, un' idea.
Hai il supporto I2C installato? Dico questo perche' io lo uso per far funzionare l' 
hardware monitor della mia scheda madre e durante la compilazione ho visto che serve 
anche per il Video4Linux (videodev).
Se usi il kernel 2.4 lo devi  attivare nella compilazione mentre nel 2.2.17 puo' 
essere presente solo come modulo, quindi controlla se ce l' hai o no, dovrebbe 
trattarsi del modulo i2c-algo-bit (e altri).
Ripeto che questa e' solo un' idea quindi prendila con le dovute cautele :-))


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] [OT] dimensione swap

2001-03-12 Thread Emiliano 80

Scusate per la domanda che non rientra proprio nell'argomento della lista, comunque se 
quallcuno mi risponde mi farebbe un piacere.

Io ho due blocchi di memoria ram: uno da 128 Mb, uno da 64MB.
Se po' essere utile ho una scheda video integrata sulla scheda madre che utilizza 8Mb 
di ram
Quante partizioni SWAP e di che grandezza devo fare?

Grazie e scusate ancora

Se vuoi un indirizzo di posta elettronica gratuito, 
iscriviti a http://www.katamail.com

[newbie-it] update-menus -v

2001-03-12 Thread Tommaso Leddi

 Io ho seguito la procedura "classica":
  $ rpm -Uvh *.rpm --nodeps
  $ rpm --rebuilddb
  $ update-menus -v

a proposito di update-menu:
quando lancio questo comando mi viene stampato questo:

 Update-menus[1106]: Dpkg not locking dpkg status area. Good.
Update-menus[1106]: Reading installed packages...
Update-menus[1106]: Reading translate info in 
Update-menus[1106]: Reading menuentryfiles in /etc/menu/
Update-menus[1106]: Reading menuentryfiles in /usr/lib/menu/
Update-menus[1106]: Reading menuentryfiles in /usr/lib/menu/default/
Update-menus[1106]: Running menu-methods in /etc/menu-methods/
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//menu
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//twm
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//sawfish
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//gnome-panel
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//kde
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//icewm
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//WindowMaker
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//blackbox
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//enlightenment
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//AfterStep
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//lesstif-mwm
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//fvwm2
Update-menus[1106]: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//fvwm

e dopo quest'ultima linea, tutto si blocca sino a che non faccio un Ctrl+C

Non sembra che sia normale. Cosa devo fare?


 e sembrerebbe tutto ok.
 Quindi non sembrerebbe esserci bisogno di "istruzioni" particolari.

 Il condizionale e` d'obbligo perche' da ieri non mi funziona piu`il
 kcontrol: prima mi sembrava che funzionassae :-?

 Devo cercare di capire meglio cosa e` successo.
 In pratica si apre ma non mostra nessun menu su cui agire.
 Quelli che stavano nella finestra di sinistra

 A qualcun altro e` successa la stessa cosa?

 ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Aiuto configurazione rete con MDK 7.2

2001-03-12 Thread Modnar

- Original Message -
From: "Matteo Merlin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 9:17 PM
Subject: Fw: [newbie-it] Aiuto configurazione rete con MDK 7.2

 Mi sa che ho combinato un casino in precedenza cercando di modificare i
 della mia macchina (localhost.localdomain)... e il problema  che anche
 aver tentato caricando tutti i servizi di avvio... qualora accedo come
 utente normale e tento di mandare una mail a root. (scrivendo "mail
 'mail' mi risponde con questo messaggio:

 send-mail: could not find any active network interfaces

 Cosa vuol dire? Come faccio a mettere a posto la cosa? Credo che prima di
 tentare di modificare il nome della mia macchina (e incasinare le
 impostazioni di rete) mail funzionasse perch ogni tanto arrivava a root
 qualche mail da parte dei vari servizi che non funzionavano...

 aiuto!  :)

 Matteo Merlin

Sempre io aggiungo in coda che credo di aver capito meglio che il problema
sta in "postfix" infatti anch'esso mi risponde con lo stesso esatto
messaggio di sendmail o meglio,  sendmail che invoca postfix e da l'errore
per conto di postfix...

Il problema forse  un po' pi chiaro, ma purtroppo rimane e di conseguenza
rimane anche la mia richiesta d'aiuto...

[newbie-it] Aiuto configurazione rete con MDK 7.2

2001-03-12 Thread Modnar

- Original Message -
From: "Modnar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 6:10 PM
Subject: Aiuto configurazione rete con MDK 7.2

 - Original Message -
 From: "Matteo Merlin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 9:17 PM
 Subject: Fw: [newbie-it] Aiuto configurazione rete con MDK 7.2

  Mi sa che ho combinato un casino in precedenza cercando di modificare i
  della mia macchina (localhost.localdomain)... e il problema  che anche
  aver tentato caricando tutti i servizi di avvio... qualora accedo come
  utente normale e tento di mandare una mail a root. (scrivendo "mail
  'mail' mi risponde con questo messaggio:
  send-mail: could not find any active network interfaces
  Cosa vuol dire? Come faccio a mettere a posto la cosa? Credo che prima
  tentare di modificare il nome della mia macchina (e incasinare le
  impostazioni di rete) mail funzionasse perch ogni tanto arrivava a root
  qualche mail da parte dei vari servizi che non funzionavano...
  aiuto!  :)
  Matteo Merlin

(12/3/2001 --- ore 17,00)
Sempre io aggiungo in coda che credo di aver capito meglio che il problema
sta in "postfix" infatti anch'esso mi risponde con lo stesso esatto
messaggio di sendmail o meglio,  sendmail che invoca postfix e da l'errore
per conto di postfix...

Il problema forse  un po' pi chiaro, ma purtroppo rimane e di conseguenza
rimane anche la mia richiesta d'aiuto...

(12/3/2001 - ore 20,30)
Mmmm, la cosa mi pare pi seria, infatti ho provato a stabilire una
connessione telnet col mio computer e il messaggio di risposta  sempre lo
stesso anche con telnet. Dunque il problema sta nella configurazione della
Ho provato a mettere nel modulo di linuxconf relativo alla rete come primo
adapter l'ip a e il device a eth00 (ovvero come prima periferica
ethernet, anche se non ho una scheda ethernet, seguendo i consigli
dell'help) e non ho per messo niente nel campo hostname+domain

La cosa non ha cambiato nulla... il problema, ahim, rimane...

Re: [newbie-it] [OT] dimensione swap

2001-03-12 Thread John Asher

Il 12 Mar 2001 18:18:09 +
Emiliano 80 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto con piena coscienza:

 Scusate per la domanda che non rientra proprio nell'argomento della lista, comunque 
se quallcuno mi risponde mi farebbe un piacere.
 Io ho due blocchi di memoria ram: uno da 128 Mb, uno da 64MB.
 Se po' essere utile ho una scheda video integrata sulla scheda madre che utilizza 
8Mb di ram
 Quante partizioni SWAP e di che grandezza devo fare?
 Grazie e scusate ancora

Se vuoi abbondare fai una partizione da 127Mb per la swap...basta e avanza.
con 128Mb di Ram non ho quasi mai usato swap, e quando l'ho usata mi sono sempre 
limitato a 10-20mb al massimo...

See YA

---=[ Project ARM ]=---
ICQ: 7048108
 Coder of Project ARM

Re: [newbie-it] KDE2.1 [LM7.2]

2001-03-12 Thread Massimo

Mi si bloccano spesso le applicazioni in mandrake 7.2
che cosa uso al posto di ctrl alt del ?
la tastiera sotto linux non edita la chiocciolina cosa posso usare?
 Grazie a chi vorra rispondere

Re: [newbie-it] blocco kde

2001-03-12 Thread Antonio Bonifati

 Esiste qualche combinazione di tasti per poter killare KDE, quando si
 blocca, senza resettare tutta la macchina? (Per fortuna la versione
 2.0.1 va meglio della 2.0). Ciao e grazie.

In generale per killare il server X ci sono 3 metodi:

* Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (a meno che non sia disattivata questa possibilit in 
/etc/X11/XF86Config, in tal caso metti un # davanti a DontZap per attivarla)


* premi Ctrl+Alt+FX dove X  la consolle testuale virtuale da cui
avevi avviato il server X e poi Ctrl-C, pu sembrare grezzo ma
funziona ;)


* apri una finestra di terminale digiti "ps x | more" per vedere un
elenco dei processi in esecuzione. Cerchi poi kde-session e tieni
a mente il numero corrispondente nella colonna PID. Quindi digiti
"kill PID" sostituendo a PID il numero trovato prima.


[newbie-it] problemone mouse!!!!!!

2001-03-12 Thread legion

ho un problemonein mdk 7.2 ho erroneamente cambiato le impostazioni del
mouse (in drakconf).mettendo un mouse diverso dal mio.(bravo
ora all'avvio parte solo la modal. testo,faccio init5 a parte quella
grafica...ma il puntatore rimane fermo e non posso fare niente!!!
come posso risolvere questo problemone? dalla modalita testo? come?

help! help!


Re: [newbie-it] KDE2.1 [LM7.2]

2001-03-12 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 18:42, luned 12 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
 Mi si bloccano spesso le applicazioni in mandrake 7.2
 che cosa uso al posto di ctrl alt del ?
 la tastiera sotto linux non edita la chiocciolina cosa posso usare?
  Grazie a chi vorra rispondere

Premetto uno "strano!" a tutti e due i problemi che incontri. A me capita che 
si chiudano per un errore il Konqueror e Kmail. Ma raramente. Per il resto 
direi che tutto funziona moolto bene! :-) (e l'abbandono definitivo di 
Windows diventa sempre pi probabile!)
Nek men K - APPLICAZIONI - MONITORING c' un programma chiamato GESTIONE 
PROCESSI. Usa quello. Ti conviene, ad ogni evenienza, inserirlo nella barra 
del KDE.
Per quanto riguarda la tastiera, prova con ALT GR + q...


Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto configurazione rete con MDK 7.2

2001-03-12 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 18:10, luned 12 marzo 2001, scrivesti:

  send-mail: could not find any active network interfaces
  Cosa vuol dire? Come faccio a mettere a posto la cosa? Credo che
  prima di tentare di modificare il nome della mia macchina (e
  incasinare le impostazioni di rete) mail funzionasse perch ogni
  tanto arrivava a root qualche mail da parte dei vari servizi che non
  aiuto!  :)
  Matteo Merlin

 Sempre io aggiungo in coda che credo di aver capito meglio che il
 problema sta in "postfix" infatti anch'esso mi risponde con lo stesso
 esatto messaggio di sendmail o meglio,  sendmail che invoca postfix e
 da l'errore per conto di postfix...

Il povero postifx non c'entra nulla. se leggi il messaggio di errore, ti 
dice che non riesce a trovare nessuna interfaccia di rete... quindi il 
problema  nel setup di rete. Cosa ti dice il comando ifconfig?

Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova 
Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie] recompiling the kernel

2001-03-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Look at the "Kernel Upgrade" section of 

BTW, please do not post to the list in HTML, it is poor etiquette.

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 16:27, Adam Baxter wrote:
 I've heard of some things, such as, recompiling the kernel, could
 possibly help the computer go faster and more effecient. How is this
 possible and how do you do it?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] printing via samba

2001-03-12 Thread dede

I am using Mandrake 7.2 with samba 2.07.
I have problem that my client (windows 95) cannot print via samba.

The error comment on client is : There was an error
writing to \\Buaya\printer for printer (Canon)  BJC-210SP) The netwrok name
cannot be found

For disk share running well. On server I try to test print and work well
I already follow the printer troubleshooting on windows but no result.
And I already read printing.txt that came with samba distribution..and also
can't help.

My steps are :
- /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart
(in this step smb always failed, why ???)
- testparm
- testprns lp
- smbclient -L localhost

Here is my smb.conf
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from localhost.localdomain (
# Date: 2001/03/08 14:12:06

# Global parameters
 workgroup = ITS
 netbios name = BUAYA
 domain logons = no
 server string = samba %v on (%L)
 interfaces =
 security = user
# password server = kancil
 encrypt passwords = Yes
 debug level = 0
 syslog = 2
 log file = /var/log/samba/samba.log.%m
 max log size = 50

 os level = 34
 local master = yes
 preferred master = yes
 domain master = yes
 wins support = yes

 auto services = made
 remote announce =
 hosts allow = 1.1.1. localhost

 comment = domain logon service
 path = /export/samba/logon
 public = no
 writeable = no
 browsable = no

comment = canon kesayanganku...
printable = yes
printing = BSD

I also use this command before but it doesn't work..
#   print command = /usr/bin/lpr -P%p %s
print command = echo "printed %s on %p"  /tmp/printlog
print command = cp %s /tmp/tmp.print
lpq command = lpq -P%p
lprm command = lprm -P%p %j

printcap name = /etc/printcap
printer = lp
min print space = 2000

path = /var/spool/public
printer = lp
read only = yes
guest ok = false
valid users = made

 comment = data drive
 path = /mnt
 writeable = Yes
 guest ok = Yes
 map system = Yes
 map hidden = Yes
 volume = simple data drive
 follow symlinks = No

Is there some thing wrong with the smb.conf ??? Did I miss any step ??

Please help me...

From Bali

Re: [newbie] cd music can not play in lm8, need help

2001-03-12 Thread eric

Charles A Edwards wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of eric
  Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 7:26 PM
  Subject: [newbie] cd music can not play in lm8, need help
  Dear lm8 user or expert:
 I put in a muxic cd, then choosing multimudia and sound
  and cdplayer
  , hit play
  but it is not play at all ( as root)
  No help kust a comment. I have the opposite problem with 8.0b. I can play
 cds but sound works no where else.
Charles  (-:
 Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

I do not know what you mean, do you mean you cannot listen music, no
sound?   Although thanks your good will to reply me , but I really need
a experienced user or expert to guide to get my music cd work on LM8.

need companion's help again


Re: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

2001-03-12 Thread Dan LaBine

Michael; Mandrake 7.2 doesn't run properly on the ata100 on the ASUS A7V 
board just yet. I'm running that board on this system. 8.0 may support 
it, but since it's still a Beta product, don't expect it to run properly 
yet. Use the standard IDE interfaces for now. Apparently there is a way 
to make it work on 7.2 but even so it's still "buggy". Try installing 
your O/S using the stabdard interface, and then switching to the ata100 
interface afterwards.

michael wrote:

 With primary ata100 cable connected to both hd's 7.2 won't install, and
 8.0 only gets half way thru the second disk. Does anyone have any
 experience with this board?

Dan LaBine
Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd
Registered Linux User #190712

Re: [newbie] Laptop

2001-03-12 Thread Michael Scottaline


 I would love to put Mdk7.2 on my laptop but I am told there is problems with 
 the video on some machines.  I have a PIII600 with 256MB ram and a 12gb hdd 
 with an S3Savage/MX 8MB video card.  Could anyone tell me if the video here 
 would be supported, and if not, are there any tweaks you can use to get 
 support or to make the card work?
Why not try the XFree86 website and check supported cards there.
Then you'll know for sure.  I believe in L-M 7.2 you have 
the choice of using 3.3.6, or 4.0.x.  Check both before deciding
which to instll at setup time.
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1 Java: JESSE -- What's that, pleas

2001-03-12 Thread Rob Regennitter

On Saturday 10 March 2001 05:41 am, you wrote:

I've had the same problem using 1.3.I downloaded the Jdk1.2 and it worked 
better.  the java console comes up with no problem.  there's a JDK1.2 with 
the kde2.1 beta2 for mandrake.  Usually at www.kde.org in the unstable 

 Dear friends:

 The IBM Java Virtual Machine is working flawlessly, so far, in KDE 2.1's
 Konqueror. As good and as fast as in Netscape 4.76.

 I have one question, for which I believe there is an answer. But, being
 a newbie, I think I bet let an expert comment on this and on whether any
 of us users really need it.

 With the Virtual console on, I get the following message when I launch a
 Java applet:

 Java VM version: 1.3.0
 Java VM vendor:  IBM Corporation
 Unable to load JSSE SSL stream handler, https support not available

 Now I know that Sun has a free JSSE SSL file that is very easy to

 Question 1: Can one install Sun's Java2 JSSE SSL into IBM's Java 2?

 question 2: What in the world is JSSE SSL. Do us ordinary users that do
 not use servers need it?

 Question 3: If JSSE SSL is worth getting, is there an IBM version of
 this (probably under a different name). I would obviously prefer
 installing the IBM version of JSSE since I am using IBM Java.

 I've looked at the IBM site at:


 Unfortunately, I need a little (lots!) of help figuring this out.
 Hopefully, this will also be use of to other members of the list who are
 using IBM's Java.

 Thanks so very much.


[newbie] Compiler Woes

2001-03-12 Thread - Ron -

This is my third post for this problem. I was thinking of using the subject 
"How do I get off this F* list"  since those seem to get tons of answers!

I can't compile Knapster because I get the error below. There's gotta be a 
simple way.. I check the Mandrake page  I seem to have all requirments
but still no go.  Please
checking for KDE... libraries /usr/lib, headers /usr/include
checking for extra includes... no
checking for extra libs... no
checking for kde headers installed... configure: error: your system is not
able to compile a small KDE application!
Check, if you installed the KDE header files correctly.



[newbie] Install Mandrake over a natwork

2001-03-12 Thread Development.Pretoria

Is it possible to install Mandrake linux over a network?
I now this is possible for other Lin4win-like systems.


Could I get it natively installed over a network, without having a cd on the


Re: [newbie] Disk usage

2001-03-12 Thread Renaud OLGIATI

On Sunday 11 March 2001 19:12, Neville Cobb wrote:
 The URL for Xdiskusage is http://xdiskusage.sourceforge.net/
 The page contain a binary which can be run by a user if you change the
 execute permissions on the file once you download it.


I'll give it a try.

 Death to all fanatics.
  ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

Fwd: RE: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

2001-03-12 Thread Pavel Zubkov

Thanks to everybody who responded.  I will go with Computer Helper Guy, seems a
bit easier.  Unfortunatelly it is next to impossible to buy a boxed LM 7.2 in
Toronto.  Not even Universities or colleges carrying it.  I bought my 7.0 in
college store but they had no idea that 7.2 is availible.  Somehow Toronto
is a Red Hat city, that is sad, wee need more choices.  But i guess it's life.
Thanx for the responce.

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: RE: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 11:51:31 -0800
From: "John Arkoulis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try Staples. In Vancouver they have both versions and they are $10 cheaper
than Future Shop

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of s
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 in Toronto, Ont. Canada.

Well, if you're spending and losing lots of time searching locally, you
possibly order if from somewhere off the web and get it delivered in
comparable time.  There are too many to begin listing, but start and LM own
site, they have links to ordering and there's cheapbytes.

Are there WalMarts in Canada?


On Saturday 10 March 2001 07:43 am, you wrote:
 Hi to everybody.  Stupid question:  does anyone from Toronto knows where
 buy LM 7.2?  I searched for  a while but couldn't found the place that
 sells it. If anyone knows of a store in Toronto that sells LM 7.2 could
 let me know, please.
 Thanx in advance,


Pavel Zubkov

Re: [newbie] Compiler Woes

2001-03-12 Thread David Boles

Why don't you email the author and ask him what that error message means?

-Original Message -
From: - Ron -
Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 05:09:17 +
Subject: [newbie] Compiler Woes

 This is my third post for this problem. I was thinking of using the subject 
  "How do I get off this F* list"  since those seem to get tons of answers!
  I can't compile Knapster because I get the error below. There's gotta be a 
  simple way.. I check the Mandrake page  I seem to have all requirments
  but still no go.  Please
  checking for KDE... libraries /usr/lib, headers /usr/include
  checking for extra includes... no
  checking for extra libs... no
  checking for kde headers installed... configure: error: your system is not
  able to compile a small KDE application!
  Check, if you installed the KDE header files correctly.


David Boles
My GnuPG Key ID: 78A3ABD0

Re: [newbie] stupid useless program talk

2001-03-12 Thread Vic

I wish it *would* work for me, I get so pooped off and bang the
keyboard everytime I see that stupid connection refused message,
why does it not just shut up and connect?

On Saturday 10 March 2001 08:25 pm, so spoke David E. Fox:
 On Monday 05 March 2001 03:57, you wrote:
  I don't see what good 'talk' is.

 Apparently other people can't either, which is why we have proprietary ICQ
 protocol clients and servers etc.

 ICQ is there to fill a need that shouldn't really need to exist - chatting
 directly with a user over the internet. Unfortunately, not everyone has a
 real direct internet connection, or is running Linux :).

Re: [newbie] stupid useless program talk

2001-03-12 Thread Vic

Yeah, all I wanted was aback up for when both ICQ 
and aol im puck up and don't me connect,
then my buddies can ssh into my machine, and
we can all use the talk thing like I used to back
in the 70's.

On Sunday 11 March 2001 10:05 am, so spoke Meph Istopheles:

   While I've not been using Linux more than a couple of years,
 I'd started back in later '94/early '95 with shell accounts in
 either SysV or FreeBSD boxes.  Each had talk,  I liked it.
 Later, I found ytalk.  It works a little better  supports a few
 more features.

   Maybe I'm getting old (though I've always been a bit
 misanthropic;-), but when it comes to communication, I prefer a
 text-based deal.  I don't chat much, but I've tried some of the
 gui apps,  some of the avatar systems on the Web.  All in all, I
 prefer ytalk.

   But I've not taken the time to figure out why talk isn't
 cooperative either in lm7.2 or in RH 6.0.  It wouldn't be so bad
 if talk actually worked -- primitive as it is -- but I, for one,
 haven't figured out why it just sits  times out even when set up
 on the boxes where the people are.


Re: [newbie] Compiler Woes

2001-03-12 Thread Thomas Adam


Compiler issues!!! Dear oh dear. In Kde, load up
"rpmdrake". In the Library section, look for kde
source files. Ensure that you have GCC compiler
installed and that you  have glibc header files.

I am sorry for being so vague. When I get back home I
will look at the problem more closely...

I hope that helps a bit...

Thomas Adam

--- - Ron - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  This is
my third post for this problem. I was
 thinking of using the subject 
 "How do I get off this F* list"  since those
 seem to get tons of answers!
 I can't compile Knapster because I get the error
 below. There's gotta be a 
 simple way.. I check the Mandrake page  I seem to
 have all requirments
 but still no go.  Please
 checking for KDE... libraries /usr/lib, headers
 checking for extra includes... no
 checking for extra libs... no
 checking for kde headers installed... configure:
 error: your system is not
 able to compile a small KDE application!
 Check, if you installed the KDE header files

Thomas Adam
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School

e-mail (school): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e-mail (yahoo) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

Re: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

2001-03-12 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi Dan,

Kindly advise :

  Use the standard IDE interfaces for now. Apparently there is a way to 
 make it work on 7.2 but even so it's still "buggy".

Is it using IDE cable for ATA33/ATA66 to connect the ATA100 hard disc first 
before installation ?

Try installing your O/S using the stabdard interface, and then switching 
to the ata100 interface afterwards.

Is it after installing Mandrake 7.2 then changing the IDE (ATA33/ATA66) 
cable to ATA100 cable ?

Can Linux ran properly afterwards

Thanks in advance.


michael wrote:

With primary ata100 cable connected to both hd's 7.2 won't install, and
8.0 only gets half way thru the second disk. Does anyone have any
experience with this board?

Re: [newbie] Compiler Woes

2001-03-12 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Do you have the corresponding -devel packages of the libraries 
required for normal binary runtime?

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 16:09, - Ron - wrote:
 This is my third post for this problem. I was thinking of using the
 subject "How do I get off this F* list"  since those seem to get
 tons of answers!

 I can't compile Knapster because I get the error below. There's
 gotta be a simple way.. I check the Mandrake page  I seem to have
 all requirments but still no go.  Please
 checking for KDE... libraries /usr/lib, headers /usr/include
 checking for extra includes... no
 checking for extra libs... no
 checking for kde headers installed... configure: error: your system
 is not able to compile a small KDE application!
 Check, if you installed the KDE header files correctly.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] How to burn CD RW in Mandrake 7.0

2001-03-12 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi all people,

Kindly advise:

How to burn CD RW in Mandrake 7.0  Can it support UDF burning and reading ?

Thanks in advance.


Re: [newbie] Curiosity

2001-03-12 Thread Renaud OLGIATI

On Monday 12 March 2001 00:47, Derek Rayne wrote:

 Warning: The following hosts are unknown:


When I got fed up with getting the same message from Netscape each time it 
strated, I added the three domain names above to the " localhost" 
line in the /etc/hosts file.

Never been bothered since  ;-)


Ron the Frog, on thhe banks of the Paraguay River.
 Death to all fanatics.
  ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

Re: [newbie] Dependencies included in rpm package?

2001-03-12 Thread DRX

Thomas Adam wrote:
To solve this problem


browse to the rpm file. select it and press F3 and
then manually install the files.


 Thank you, Thomas.  Yes, this might help -- if I can figure out how to
install those files manually.  If I can't do it through rpm, and they are
not supposed to be compiled, how do I do it?  Is it just a matter of moving
them to the correct directories?

Thomas Adam
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School

e-mail (school): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e-mail (yahoo) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Curiosity

2001-03-12 Thread Meph Istopheles


 On Monday 12 March 2001 00:47, Derek Rayne wrote:
  Warning: The following hosts are unknown:


On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
 When I got fed up with getting the same message from Netscape
 each time it strated, I added the three domain names above to
 the " localhost" line in the /etc/hosts file.

 Never been bothered since  ;-)

  You know, for years (since M$  NS started this), I just
couldn't get it.  While once you're on-line  have been using a
browser, any url starting with home.whatever works fine, it's
rarely worked as an initial home page.  Also, with Internic, I
think they've changed their url (long ago now) to something like
NetworkSolutions.Com.  First, do away with home  replace with
www  try the NetworkSolutions.Com url.  Should work much better.



Re: [newbie] Good word for Mozilla .8

2001-03-12 Thread Adam Greene

Active Server Pages are is a Server Side Script that uses any Active Script
Language (ie. VBScript, JavaScript, PerlScript, etc) also with ActiveX
Objects to provide interface to Databases, MS Exchange, and Business
Objects, etc.  It is a Microsoft Technology but Apache has some kind of
support for ASP.

- Original Message -
From: "michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Good word for Mozilla .8

 .ActiveServerPages ( i think) is proprietary microsnot technology designed
 to hide scripts and zoomy stuff so you have to pay for it.
 BTW it reenders perfectly in Windows' Netscape 4.76--since i can't seem to
 load linux on my box

 Benjamin Sher wrote:

  Dear friends:
  But Mozilla .8 renders this .asp format SUPERBLY, at least on this page.
  Really astonished. What, by the way, is this .asp format that eludes
  Konqueror and Opera? Whatever it is, Mozilla does a great job at
  rendering it.
  Sher's Russian Web
  Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

2001-03-12 Thread Adam Greene

What if you add the idedma (or is it dma) switch to the kernel boot
sequence.  ie.  idedma=100.  I know that under LM 7.2, as it is booting, it
says something like "assuming 33Mhz IDE, use XXX switch to change it".
- Original Message -
From: "Dan LaBine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 5:23 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

 Michael; Mandrake 7.2 doesn't run properly on the ata100 on the ASUS A7V
 board just yet. I'm running that board on this system. 8.0 may support
 it, but since it's still a Beta product, don't expect it to run properly
 yet. Use the standard IDE interfaces for now. Apparently there is a way
 to make it work on 7.2 but even so it's still "buggy". Try installing
 your O/S using the stabdard interface, and then switching to the ata100
 interface afterwards.

 michael wrote:

  With primary ata100 cable connected to both hd's 7.2 won't install, and
  8.0 only gets half way thru the second disk. Does anyone have any
  experience with this board?

 Dan LaBine
 Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd
 Registered Linux User #190712

Re: [newbie] recompiling the kernel

2001-03-12 Thread Adam Greene

When you installed Linux you would have had to 
installed the kernel source then you would go to the directory called 
"/usr/souce/linux" (sometimes its /usr/src/linux-2.2.18 or something like 
that). then you would type "make menuconfig" then once you have made all 
the settings for your computer, type "make dep", "make install", "make modules", 
"make modules_install". But I must warn you this is a tricky thing for a 
newbie. (It can get sticky for those who know what they are doing). 
The biggest speed increase comes from two things, you can compile the kernel 
optimized for your particular processor (LM comes compile for Pentium, but you 
can optimize for PIII, Cyrix, Athlon/Duron/Thunderbird, etc). The second 
comes from removing drivers from the kernel that you are using (why have ISDN 
support when you don't even have one or plan to get one).

  - Original Message - 
  Adam Baxter 
  Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:27 
  Subject: [newbie] recompiling the 
  I've heard of some 
  things, such as, recompiling the kernel, could possibly help the computer go 
  faster and more effecient. How is this possible and how do you do 

[newbie] Telnet/IP MASQ

2001-03-12 Thread Nadin Merali

I dont know what I changed, but I can telnet into my Linux machine
(Firewall) from my internal network, however I can do it from the

What is the ipchain command I need to allow me in again?,  I also cant
ftp, access the apache website in my linux server.

And my other question is what is the difference in IPCHAINS for INPUT,
OUTPUT and FORWARD, I am confused as to the meaning of these



Re: [newbie] Compiler Woes

2001-03-12 Thread Adam Greene

You need to make sure that you have installed KDE development RPMs (I belive
they are found under development in DrakeRPM).

- Original Message -
From: "- Ron -" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:09 AM
Subject: [newbie] Compiler Woes

This is my third post for this problem. I was thinking of using the subject
"How do I get off this F* list"  since those seem to get tons of

I can't compile Knapster because I get the error below. There's gotta be a
simple way.. I check the Mandrake page  I seem to have all requirments
but still no go.  Please
checking for KDE... libraries /usr/lib, headers /usr/include
checking for extra includes... no
checking for extra libs... no
checking for kde headers installed... configure: error: your system is not
able to compile a small KDE application!
Check, if you installed the KDE header files correctly.



[newbie] pcmcia problems

2001-03-12 Thread Jason High

I'm trying to install 7.2 on a Dell Latitude C800 laptop.  I'm currently running RH7, 
but I don't like it and want to use Mandrake.  When I installed RH, the first time I 
rebooted I got a kernel panic because of the pcmcia module.  I had to boot 
interactively and not load the pcmcia module, then install the updated module and I 
was fine.  When I try to install Mandrake, right after I choose the type of 
installation it tries to detect pcmcia devices and locks.  I'm sure that it's the same 
problem, but how am I supposed to update the pcmcia module if I can't even get 
Mandrake installed.  I'm sure that there is an option that I must be able to pass to 
tell it to not detect pcmcia, but I have no idea what it is.

Thanks in advance.

Email account furnished courtesy of AntiOnline - http://www.AntiOnline.com
AntiOnline - The Internet's Information Security Super Center!

Re: [newbie] 24 hrs -- not just for the military

2001-03-12 Thread Shane Roppel
Yes, this is true, and even known to me. But, the military did create the 24hrs clock system.   - Original Message - From:Kipling Cooper Sent:Friday, March 09, 2001 5:37 PM To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Re: [newbie] 24 hrs -- not just for the military * Shane Roppel [EMAIL PROTECTED] [07 Mar 01 18:23]: I'm not big on the whole military time thing here... could someone tell me how to change the time format kde2 to 12 rather than 24?FWIW, the 24hr clock is used by many who work shifts, such asmedical staff (like my mother) and railwaymen. I guess growing upwith it, I never figured counting to 24 caused such discomfort.For reasons unknown to me, French Canadians also seem to prefer the24hr clock.--Good Hunting!Kipling+(Linux Newbie since 24 Dec 00) Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

RE: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

2001-03-12 Thread Charles A Edwards

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stephen Liu
 Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 7:48 AM
 Cc: Dan LaBine
 Subject: Re: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

 Hi Dan,

 Kindly advise :

   Use the standard IDE interfaces for now. Apparently there
 is a way to
  make it work on 7.2 but even so it's still "buggy".

 Is it using IDE cable for ATA33/ATA66 to connect the ATA100
 hard disc first
 before installation ?

 Try installing your O/S using the stabdard interface, and
 then switching
 to the ata100 interface afterwards.

 Is it after installing Mandrake 7.2 then changing the IDE
 cable to ATA100 cable ?

 Can Linux ran properly afterwards

 Thanks in advance.


 michael wrote:
 With primary ata100 cable connected to both hd's 7.2 won't
 install, and
 8.0 only gets half way thru the second disk. Does anyone have any
 experience with this board?

As you have found there is a problem with the installer and an onboard
Promise controller. Here is what will work on most systems.
 At the installation splash screen press F1 and at the boot prompt (it will
be at the bottom of the screen) enter the following:
 lspci -vv | less
 use the space bar to scroll down until you find your Promise controller.
You will see 5 heximal number strings showing the I/Os for the controller,
write down the first 4 sets (call them a,b,c,and d).
 Reboot your system.
 At the installation splash screen press F1 and at the boot
prompt enter:
linux ide2=0x8400, 0x8002 ide3=0x7800, 0x74002
(These are from my system you will need to enter those from yours).
The formula to use is ide2=a, (b+2) ide3=c (d+2).
 If there are no other problems the installation should then run.

Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

[newbie] forget password of root

2001-03-12 Thread Hipólito López

Hi to all...

What can I do, if a forgot the password of root?

(I can login with other user, but I don't remeber the password)

Thanks in advance.


Re: [newbie] stupid useless program talk

2001-03-12 Thread Meph Istopheles

  Morning Vic,

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Vic wrote:

 Yeah, all I wanted was aback up for when both ICQ
 and aol im puck up and don't me connect

  Might have a look at EveryBuddy.  I'd only set it up once for a
friend who was temporarily on AOL.  She was never on-line when
I'd tried to find her, so I don't know how well it works, but it
supports many formats.

 then my buddies can ssh into my machine, and
 we can all use the talk thing like I used to back
 in the 70's.

  Wish I had tome to figure out what's keeping ytalk from
working.  I've not actually set it up in lm7.2, but I know that
I'd tried talk earlier (on another install now).

  If I can get some priorities out of the way, I'll set it up 
let you know how it goes.



Re: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

2001-03-12 Thread Eunice Thompson

If anyone is interested in how to make this work visit:

Stephen Liu wrote:
 Hi Dan,
 Kindly advise :
   Use the standard IDE interfaces for now. Apparently there is a way to
  make it work on 7.2 but even so it's still "buggy".
 Is it using IDE cable for ATA33/ATA66 to connect the ATA100 hard disc first
 before installation ?
 Try installing your O/S using the stabdard interface, and then switching
 to the ata100 interface afterwards.
 Is it after installing Mandrake 7.2 then changing the IDE (ATA33/ATA66)
 cable to ATA100 cable ?
 Can Linux ran properly afterwards
 Thanks in advance.
 michael wrote:
 With primary ata100 cable connected to both hd's 7.2 won't install, and
 8.0 only gets half way thru the second disk. Does anyone have any
 experience with this board?

Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires
tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth.
-- Nero Wolfe
Eunice Thompson

RE: [newbie] Good word for Mozilla .8

2001-03-12 Thread Jeremy Yeung

remove me

Jeremy Yeung
Staff Engineer

process. to the power of e.

  10 Canal Park
  Cambridge, MA 02141
  617-949-1000 (Phone) 
  617-949-1030 (Fax)
  email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Web:  http://www.aspentech.com

-Original Message-
From: Adam Greene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Good word for Mozilla .8

Active Server Pages are is a Server Side Script that uses any Active Script
Language (ie. VBScript, JavaScript, PerlScript, etc) also with ActiveX
Objects to provide interface to Databases, MS Exchange, and Business
Objects, etc.  It is a Microsoft Technology but Apache has some kind of
support for ASP.

- Original Message -
From: "michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Good word for Mozilla .8

 .ActiveServerPages ( i think) is proprietary microsnot technology designed
 to hide scripts and zoomy stuff so you have to pay for it.
 BTW it reenders perfectly in Windows' Netscape 4.76--since i can't seem to
 load linux on my box

 Benjamin Sher wrote:

  Dear friends:
  But Mozilla .8 renders this .asp format SUPERBLY, at least on this page.
  Really astonished. What, by the way, is this .asp format that eludes
  Konqueror and Opera? Whatever it is, Mozilla does a great job at
  rendering it.
  Sher's Russian Web
  Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Sis530 Xfree driver

2001-03-12 Thread Ari Toivola

I have great problem with Xfree86 configuration to SiS530, I can set it
in X-windows only with generic 640x480x8bit. I ghanged to SiS530 with
800x600x16bit in DrakConf, it seems ok and  after saving configuration
and starting X again, the old configuration comes back. The XFree
package includes SiS530 driver, so the configuration goes elsewhere or


Re: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

2001-03-12 Thread michael

On Monday 12 March 2001 04:48, you proffered:
 Hi Dan,

 Kindly advise :
   Use the standard IDE interfaces for now. Apparently there is a way to
  make it work on 7.2 but even so it's still "buggy".

 Is it using IDE cable for ATA33/ATA66 to connect the ATA100 hard disc first
 before installation ?

 Try installing your O/S using the stabdard interface, and then switching
 to the ata100 interface afterwards.

 Is it after installing Mandrake 7.2 then changing the IDE (ATA33/ATA66)
 cable to ATA100 cable ?

 Can Linux ran properly afterwards

 Thanks in advance.


 michael wrote:
 With primary ata100 cable connected to both hd's 7.2 won't install, and
 8.0 only gets half way thru the second disk. Does anyone have any
 experience with this board?
Thank you for the help. However, when I booted from the UDMA5 interface, LM8
called hda hde and hdb hdf. Since when I configured LM7.2 I called the 
partition in which it lives hda3 and from which it boots hda, it just hangs 
after the IRQ screen

Know anything about hdparm? How much leeway do I get before the disk is 

1) I only use ATA100 cables, even on my cdrw.

RE: [newbie] forget password of root

2001-03-12 Thread Franki

if you are using lilo, try typing:   linux single

at the lilo prompt,, then when you are in,, type:  passwd root
and make another root password..

if you are using grub,, I don't know what to tell you.

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _  
---/ /  (_)__  __   __  
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 March 2001 12:51 AM
 To:   Linux-Newbie
 Subject:  [newbie] forget password of root 
 Hi to all...
 What can I do, if a forgot the password of root?
 (I can login with other user, but I don't remeber the password)
 Thanks in advance.


Re: [newbie] cdrecord

2001-03-12 Thread Adrian Smith

hi, a comment about your original problem.  just to eliminate something simple, have 
you tried different brands of blank CDs?

see, my burner was working fine under linux, then suddenly it started trashing about 
50% of the CD-Rs i tried to burn.  i was trying to figure all this out and one day it 
occured to me that when i used my CD-RWs (4 of them, every weekend to backup) i never 
had a problem.

i was using Memorx CDs (should have known better) so i bought a pack if Imation (for 
half the cost) and guess what.  they work perfect.  i haven't made a single coaster 
yet since using up the Memorx.  and yes, i did shuffle between the Memorx  Imation 
disk all in one session.  it was the media, not my hardware / software.

one other thing, on this win vs. linux thing.  i recently installed Win98se on a 
different hard drive, but my same computer.  the CD burner would not work.  yet again 
-- if you think windows is "easy" to install, i don't think you've tried it lately.  
this last install took me over 2 hours and the burner nor sound card work at all.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

Re: [newbie] cd music can not play in lm8, need help

2001-03-12 Thread eric

M J wrote:
 Hi Eric,
 I have noticed that in mandrake 8 some dev are differend than in 7.2
 I am not near my linux so this is what I remember
 open cd-player and find preferences or someting like that

I did not see any icon or drop-down list cd cd-player(from kde,
multimedia, sound) named preferences,  
  I tried KMid , try to open file from /mnt/cdrom it show blank on that
location even I put the Filter content as *(mean any files)  or
/dev/cdrom it reponse /dev/cdrom is not a regular file

hope to see your help again or any successful uers 's help

 no check what dev cd-player use.
 It can be /mnt/cdrom or /dev/cdrom or something like that
 try differend lines in that /mnt/... or /dev/...
 it can also be something like /dev/hd?
 I think I use that /dev/hd0
 so try and when you can hear music you know what is right one.
 ps. it would be nice to hear if you get it work or ask if you need more help
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] Telnet/IP MASQ

2001-03-12 Thread Quaylar

At 10:31 12.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:

I dont know what I changed, but I can telnet into my Linux machine
(Firewall) from my internal network, however I can do it from the

well.if u are the only user on your internal network and  no security 
concerns are against it u could allow the whole internal network
(or just one machine) to access services on your server.

i did this on my router to allow my internal network access the linux box :

ipchains -A input -s (my internal net) -d 0/0 -i eth0 ( the 
lan card for my internal net) -j ACCEPT

What is the ipchain command I need to allow me in again?,  I also cant
ftp, access the apache website in my linux server.

And my other question is what is the difference in IPCHAINS for INPUT,
OUTPUT and FORWARD, I am confused as to the meaning of these

well..as the name says, INPUT is the chain for all packets that are 
coming into your machine (regardless which interface, either from your lan 
or the internet)
OUTPUT is the chain for all packets leaving your machine (to the internet 
or to your lan)
and FORWARD is the chain for all packets which are just passing the server, 
for example if u have a masqed machine behind your linux server, all the 
packets coming from the masqed machine (destined for lets say the internet) 
will traverse the FORWARD chain.
that is why u would have to have a masq target in your FORWARD chain (if u 
are doing masquerading ;) )

i recommend the ipchains howto at www.linuxdoc.org , it has a very good 
description of the different chains and how they are handled.





[newbie] I can't install Mandrake 7.2

2001-03-12 Thread Jacek i ukasz Grobelny

Recently I have tried to install your product 
Linux Mandrake 7.2 Odyssey.
I tried to do it in many ways: booting from CD, 
floppyprepared withcdrom.img, all.img.But it didn't work - 
installation stops while installatoris trying(I'm not sure) to 
detect my hardware. It stops after recognizing my LG CD-ROM CRD 8482B.I 
have second SAMSUNG DVD-ROM SD-604 and it isn't detected. instalator stops 
I visited your website and looked at fixes for installation 
problems. I havefound only this (from your site) :

"Error scenario: Problem with some SCSI cards using the 
aha2940 and aha2930 (and possibly other) chipsets. As a result, SCSI drives and 
CD-ROMs are not recognized, and you may receive a message like "I could not 
mount a device on /dev/scd0" or you will see pci error messages looping in the 
console output. When: During installation with some SCSI cards 
that use the aha2940 chipset. Please note that not all SCSI cards using this 
chipset are affected. Solution: Download this new CD-ROM boot floppy 
image file and this patch floppy image 
file. You will need two blank floppy diskettes and you 
must create a boot floppy and patch floppy of the two images (using dd 
if=image.img of=/dev/fd0). Boot from the newly created boot floppy and at 
the first prompt press F1. At the syslinux prompt type: patch. You will then be 
prompted to insert the patch floppy with contains the the proper aic7xxx module. 
This will then create a proper initrd during installation."

This problem isn't as mine, but the floppy let 
installator go a bit farther.

I prepared boot floppy using RawWriteand 
booted Linux.Itwent aheadmy problem (there was even preparing 
for second stage installation), but it didn't prompt to insertpatch floppy and at the endI recived message "you may safely reboot 
your system"

What can I do with this? I'm using Windows and I wanted to try 
your Mandrake. I'm asking you for help

Lukasz Grobelny: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

subscribe newbie  

Re: [newbie] cdrecord

2001-03-12 Thread angry

As the original poster of this, I'm thinking its time to put it to rest,
It was not my intention to start a MS vs. Linux discussion as I feel
this is not the place for it.  I think those of us on this list have
mandrake and/or some other distro for our own reasons, probably most of
us also use microsoft products for our own reasons and that's probably
enough said.  Now on to the (non)solution to the original problem(seems
it must be a hardware problem).

 Re: cdrecord errors??
 Mon, 12 Mar 2001 11:12:29 -0500 (EST)
 Mon, 12 Mar 2001 17:11:41 +0100 (MET)
original message stating problems w/cdrw and cdrecord
Mitsumi ignores SCSI standards, I cannot help.

However, the CD should be OK after some time.


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jrg Schilling D-13353
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (uni)  If you don't have
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (work) chars I am J"org
 URL:  http://www.fokus.gmd.de/usr/schilling

RE: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

2001-03-12 Thread Riker

Here is the page I used to get it setup. So far everything is working like
it should; no bugs so far.


I also installed 8.0 and it made it all the way through. Think it might be
your disk? Just a thought.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of michael
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 9:29 PM
Subject: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

With primary ata100 cable connected to both hd's 7.2 won't install, and
8.0 only gets half way thru the second disk. Does anyone have any
experience with this board?

Re: [newbie] 24 hrs -- not just for the military

2001-03-12 Thread Shane Roppel
Sorry, just read this and it sounds a little testy. Please don't take it that way, thanks! - Original Message - From:Shane Roppel Sent:Monday, March 12, 2001 8:41 AM To:. . Subject:Re: [newbie] 24 hrs -- not just for the military  Yes, this is true, and even known to me. But, the military did create the 24hrs clock system.   - Original Message - From:Kipling Cooper Sent:Friday, March 09, 2001 5:37 PM To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Re: [newbie] 24 hrs -- not just for the military * Shane Roppel [EMAIL PROTECTED] [07 Mar 01 18:23]: I'm not big on the whole military time thing here... could someone tell me how to change the time format kde2 to 12 rather than 24?FWIW, the 24hr clock is used by many who work shifts, such asmedical staff (like my mother) and railwaymen. I guess growing upwith it, I never figured counting to 24 caused such discomfort.For reasons unknown to me, French Canadians also seem to prefer the24hr clock.--Good Hunting!Kipling+(Linux Newbie since 24 Dec 00)Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] OK, another problem su is unresponsive [resolved]

2001-03-12 Thread Paul R

Ok, here's a clarification of the problem, and the resolution.

I upgraded my glibc packages from 2.1.3-16mdk to 2.1.3-18.3mdk.  I did 
this from the command line as advized by the Mandrake site (my Mandrake 
Update was refusing to propperly handle them).

I then found that I could not use the "su" command in the gnome terminal 
while in Gnome.  I also found that I could not open administrative GUI 
programs in Gnome (as user) that would normally bring up a password 
dialogue box.

With the help of some friendly folks at #gnome-help over at 
irc.gnome.org , I learned the problem was with the xalf v. 0.42 package. 
  So I went over to rpmfind.net found v. 0.8 and violla!  Problem 
resolved.  Another potential resolution is to simpply uninstall xalf.

Thanks for hearing me out, folks.

Just wanted to leave this documented here in case anybody else runs into 
this problem.

-Paul R

PS for the record:


This is a small utility to provide feedback when starting X11 applications.

Feedback can be given via four different indicators:
* an invisible window (to be used in conjunction with a task pager 
like Gnomes tasklist_applet or KDE Taskbar)
* an generic splashscreen
* an hourglass attached to the mouse cursor
* or an animated star

Paul Rodrguez wrote:

 I upgraded the glibc libraries on my computer from glibc "2.1.3-16mdk" to
 "2.1.3-18.3mdk" for glibc, glibc-devel, and glibc-profile.  I tried doing
 this from within MandrakeUpdate, but the install would stall, not giving me
 any error messages.  So I downloaded them from rpmfind.net (not the cooker
 version, the normal mandrake ones).  I exited X, from a virtual desktop I
 typed (a la mandrake website):
 rpm -Fvh glibc-2.1.3-18.3mdk-i586.rpm
 rpm -Fvh glibc-devel-2.1.3-18.3mdk-i586.rpm
 rpm -Fvh glibc-profile-2.1.3-18.3mdk-i586.rpm
 Everything seemed normal, except, after re-entering X, I found I couldn't
 access the "su" command.  I get the following error:
 "error in loading shared libraries:libxalflaunch.so.0:cannot open shared
 object file:no such file or directory"
 This only happens in Gnome.  Trying to open DrakConf, rpmdrake, or anything
 that would normally open up a password dialog window, doesn't do anything.
 What happenned?  How can I fix it?
 -Paul R
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: RE: [newbie] Good word for Mozilla .8

2001-03-12 Thread Michael Scottaline

jeremy wrote:

 remove me
 Jeremy Yeung
 Staff Engineer

Sorry Jeremy,
No one you've reached on this list can do that FOR you.  You have to remove 
Go back to where you signed up and read the directions for removal.

"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

[newbie] MS Outlook

2001-03-12 Thread Jason High

Is there an e-mail client for linux that will allow me to migrate all of my e-mail 
from Microsoft Outlook.  I am currently leaving the Win32 platform in favor of Linux, 
but I have to dual-boot until I figure out how to migrate my mail.

To answer your questionRTFM!!
Visit my web site at http://socialengineering.iscool.net

Email account furnished courtesy of AntiOnline - http://www.AntiOnline.com
AntiOnline - The Internet's Information Security Super Center!

Re: [newbie] 3com card problem

2001-03-12 Thread Jeff Davis

Well it still didn't work. I am at a complete loss. I even tried another
3c509 card I had just in case this one was bad. No diffrence. It just does
not see the card. Anyone have any more ideas?

- Original Message -
From: "Quaylar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 3:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 3com card problem

 At 02:51 12.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:
 I have a model 3c509b ethernet card. I use a utility from 3com to disable
 PnP. I get the following error message when using modprobe 3c509 at
 command prompt:
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/3c509.o: invalid parameter parm_io
 insmod/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/3c509.o failed
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/3c509.o: insmod 3c509 failed
 can anyone advise on how to fix this problem and get my card working ?
 THanks, Jeff

 hi jeff,

 this is what worked for me :

 1) enable pnp on your 3com card
 2) set irq and io with the 3com utility according to the free resources on
 your machine
 3) set "pnp os=no" in your computers bios
 4) on next bootup your bios will init the 3com card and linux will
 recognize it with the parameters u have set before in your 3com config
 utility, upon loading the 3c509 module.

 try this (it HAS to work) and come back if any problems occur...:)



Re: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

2001-03-12 Thread michael

On Monday 12 March 2001 09:09, you proffered:
 Here is the page I used to get it setup. So far everything is working like
 it should; no bugs so far.


 I also installed 8.0 and it made it all the way through. Think it might be
 your disk? Just a thought.

  experience with this board?
Thank you #1. 

Re: [newbie] Telnet/IP MASQ

2001-03-12 Thread Nadin Merali


I meant I can access myLinux machine through telnet, ftp and XDMCP from my
internal network, however I cant do any of it from the internet.  I want
to be able to do it.  I have pmfirewall installed, but I also have
fbuilder installed, and it might be fbuilder however I have no idea how to
get rid of it(fbuilder) and any scripts.

(My linux machine is my connectionr(firewall) to the internet



On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Quaylar wrote:

 At 10:31 12.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:
 I dont know what I changed, but I can telnet into my Linux machine
 (Firewall) from my internal network, however I can do it from the
 well.if u are the only user on your internal network and  no security 
 concerns are against it u could allow the whole internal network
 (or just one machine) to access services on your server.
 i did this on my router to allow my internal network access the linux box :
 ipchains -A input -s (my internal net) -d 0/0 -i eth0 ( the 
 lan card for my internal net) -j ACCEPT
 What is the ipchain command I need to allow me in again?,  I also cant
 ftp, access the apache website in my linux server.
 And my other question is what is the difference in IPCHAINS for INPUT,
 OUTPUT and FORWARD, I am confused as to the meaning of these
 well..as the name says, INPUT is the chain for all packets that are 
 coming into your machine (regardless which interface, either from your lan 
 or the internet)
 OUTPUT is the chain for all packets leaving your machine (to the internet 
 or to your lan)
 and FORWARD is the chain for all packets which are just passing the server, 
 for example if u have a masqed machine behind your linux server, all the 
 packets coming from the masqed machine (destined for lets say the internet) 
 will traverse the FORWARD chain.
 that is why u would have to have a masq target in your FORWARD chain (if u 
 are doing masquerading ;) )
 i recommend the ipchains howto at www.linuxdoc.org , it has a very good 
 description of the different chains and how they are handled.

[newbie] Suondstudio Broken

2001-03-12 Thread Vic

I can't run soundstudio

It says:

[ntr@kittypuss ntr]$ studio
Error in startup script: couldn't execute "/usr/lib/SoundStudio/studio_tool": 
no such file or directory
while executing
"exec $FILE(Tool) diagnostics"
(procedure "CARDSetter" line 5)
invoked from within
(file "/usr/lib/SoundStudio/init.tk" line 157)
invoked from within
"source $MYFILES/init.tk
(file "/usr/bin/studio" line 33)
[ntr@kittypuss ntr]$

I don't want the old version, its too big and it won't fit on my screen,
it used to run, but something punked it up.

RE: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

2001-03-12 Thread Jeff Norris


That is a very adult attitude. Now if we could get 'KompuTwit' to figure out
how to act, we'd be okay. :) Maybe he's stressed from all the
activity on his Website. After all, he's had '62' visitors in the last 1.5
years!!!  :)


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

wow Hansdidn't know you had it in you...
THATS a start...good for you...Praise God !!!

"Hans N." wrote:

 Banning is a little harsh. Personally, I'd rather let everyone have the
 freedom to say what they want no matter how inappropriate and just use my
 freedom to disregard what was said.

 Sincerely and respectfully,
 Hans N.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
 Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 11:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

 On Sunday 11 March 2001 20:46, you wrote:
  let's not start banning people.. I might be next...
  - Original Message -
  From: "Miark" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 1:08 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list
   Hans! That is an excellent idea! I'm gonna do that
   immediately, too.
   Which brings up a question: is there some way to ban people
   - Original Message -
   From: "Hans N." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:35 PM
   Subject: RE: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list
Everything you say is so annoying and disrespectful, I'm
   going to filter you
to my trash. Have a great day.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.
-Original Message-
   Behalf Of

 Yowie, no banning please, just use your filters if you must,
 but lt isn't
 good in an open source community to start banning. Please!
 Dennis M. Registered Linux user # 180842

Registered Linux User: 167369
= http://www.kompukit.com =
Personal WebServer:   http://kompukit.dyndns.org
WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

[newbie] Recommend ftp rpm site for mandrake

2001-03-12 Thread Gary Nielson

I want to configure rpmdrake to check for rpms on an ftp or http
server. What is a good one that I can point to? What URL? Any help

Re: [newbie] 24 hrs -- not just for the military

2001-03-12 Thread Renaud OLGIATI

On Monday 12 March 2001 10:16, Shane Roppel wrote:

  Yes, this is true, and even known to me. But, the military did create the
 24hrs clock system.

Nope; i was created by the railways companies in England, who found a need 
for it long before the military did.


Ron the Frog, on the balmy banks of the Paraguay River.
 One of the functions of myth in the twentieth century
is to glorify the leaders who betray our ideals.
   -- James Bacque
  ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

[newbie] problem with chipset

2001-03-12 Thread John Arkoulis

Some additional info 
I forgot to include in my previous message.
The Motherboard is 
ASUS K7M with Via chipset and the cpu is AMD ATHLON at 650

[newbie] Problem with chipset and V card

2001-03-12 Thread John Arkoulis

Friend of mine has a 
computer with an AMD II with the Via chipset on the 
He installed ATI 
Xpert 2000 Pro 32MB AGP and the motherboard does not support this card. The 
instructions on the card say that you have to install the driver before the 
operating system. Is that possible?? 
The computer right 
now runs on Win98 and LM 7.1

[newbie] Are You Connected?

2001-03-12 Thread Tim Holmes

Somebody was asking where to find this background a few months ago
and since I just found it, I thought I'd drop the group a line in 
hopes that that person will see this.


T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

Re: [newbie] Recommend ftp rpm site for mandrake

2001-03-12 Thread Michael

Gary Nielson wrote:
 I want to configure rpmdrake to check for rpms on an ftp or http
 server. What is a good one that I can point to? What URL? Any help

Michael Lewis   
Registered Linux User #197864

Re: [newbie] 3com card problem

2001-03-12 Thread Quaylar

At 14:57 12.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:
Well it still didn't work. I am at a complete loss. I even tried another
3c509 card I had just in case this one was bad. No diffrence. It just does
not see the card. Anyone have any more ideas?

post the output of following commands :

cat /proc/ioports
cat /proc/interrupts
cat /proc/devices

is your card recognized at bios initalization, that means does it show up 
when u power up your computer (after the ram count) ?


- Original Message -
From: "Quaylar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 3:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 3com card problem

  At 02:51 12.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:
  I have a model 3c509b ethernet card. I use a utility from 3com to disable
  PnP. I get the following error message when using modprobe 3c509 at
  command prompt:
  /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/3c509.o: invalid parameter parm_io
  insmod/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/3c509.o failed
  /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/net/3c509.o: insmod 3c509 failed
  can anyone advise on how to fix this problem and get my card working ?
  THanks, Jeff
  hi jeff,
  this is what worked for me :
  1) enable pnp on your 3com card
  2) set irq and io with the 3com utility according to the free resources on
  your machine
  3) set "pnp os=no" in your computers bios
  4) on next bootup your bios will init the 3com card and linux will
  recognize it with the parameters u have set before in your 3com config
  utility, upon loading the 3c509 module.
  try this (it HAS to work) and come back if any problems occur...:)

Re: [newbie] Telnet/IP MASQ

2001-03-12 Thread Quaylar

At 13:57 12.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:

I meant I can access myLinux machine through telnet, ftp and XDMCP from my
internal network, however I cant do any of it from the internet.  I want
to be able to do it.  I have pmfirewall installed, but I also have
fbuilder installed, and it might be fbuilder however I have no idea how to
get rid of it(fbuilder) and any scripts.

(My linux machine is my connectionr(firewall) to the internet



i once installed pmfirewall, i think its just a nice config utility for 
i cant advise u how to set pmfirewall to allow ftp/telnet but i can tell u 
the direct way to do it:

these commands will allow *anybody* to ftp/telnet into your machine from 
the internet :

ipchains -A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p tcp --dport 20 -j ACCEPT

these 2 are for ftp (port 20 is ftp-data)

ipchains -A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p tcp --dport 23 -j ACCEPT

and this is telnet, u can simply add these 2 commands to your 
/etc/rc.local, however i would recommend to read the ipchains howto and 
build a *custum* firewall to your needs, its important to really understand 
what u are doing when building a firewall.

unfortunately i dont know what XDMCP is so i cant tell u the ipchains rule 
to allow it, maybe someone else can help here.



[newbie] cd/rw compatiblity Aopen CRW1232

2001-03-12 Thread angry

With my previous dissappointment with my current cdrw, I'm looking at
buying a new one.
I'm looking at the Aopen CRW1232 it is not listed int the compatible
list but I'm wondering if this is just because its relatively new on the
market place or if it is really not compatible.  If anyone is using this
drive, please let me know what your experience has been with it


"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck,
is probably the day Microsoft starts making vacuum cleaners."
- Ernst Jan Plugge

Re: [newbie] Recommend ftp rpm site for mandrake

2001-03-12 Thread Matt Schroeder

Here's one...


- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Nielson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:14 PM
Subject: [newbie] Recommend ftp rpm site for mandrake

 I want to configure rpmdrake to check for rpms on an ftp or http
 server. What is a good one that I can point to? What URL? Any help

[newbie] Excessive NAKs

2001-03-12 Thread R. L. Carroll

I too am getting excessive NAKS though the keyboard seems to
 work fine in Windows.  I changed to a plain jane keyboard,
 also from Microsoft, and got the same problem.  I am using a
 3 month old Dell XPS B1000 1 GHz machine, though I stole the
 plain jane from a brand new 1.4GHz Dell machine.

I have a probably related question.  When I installed
 Mandrake 7.2 I saw the NAK messages.  Eventually the system
 got to the point where it asks for the name and password of
 the root user.  I could not type in anything--no repsonse to
 the keyboard.  So I clicked " no password" and
 proceeded--apparently leaving root as the user with no
 password.  When the installation finished I was able to type
 at will.  I would also like to be able to correct the "root"
 problem.  Is there a way at this point to do so? I did a
 renistall by the way that went the same way and left me in
 the same state.



I lofet phone messsages and email on other probelms last
 MOnday and never heard back from your support folks.

Re: [newbie] MS Outlook

2001-03-12 Thread Ritesh Ahya

there is K mail, a good email client.
check if it is in yoru linux box, if not just let me know it too for further

- Original Message -
From: "Jason High" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 12:21 AM
Subject: [newbie] MS Outlook

 Is there an e-mail client for linux that will allow me to migrate all of
my e-mail from Microsoft Outlook.  I am currently leaving the Win32 platform
in favor of Linux, but I have to dual-boot until I figure out how to migrate
my mail.

 To answer your questionRTFM!!
 Visit my web site at http://socialengineering.iscool.net

 Email account furnished courtesy of AntiOnline - http://www.AntiOnline.com
 AntiOnline - The Internet's Information Security Super Center!

[newbie] Does your update and installer freeze mdk7.2?

2001-03-12 Thread Romanator

Hi everybody,

Lately, whenever I try to install a package, the installation causes my
drive to whir away. Then, the desktop freezes. Has any one experienced
this with mdk7.2? This is after I installed KDE2.1 beta 2.

Registered Linux User #179293
Powered By the Tux Email Creator

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and Netbeui

2001-03-12 Thread Dave


As you will find, TCP/IP can be used for both local and Internet traffic at 
the same time. Hope your Samba reading goes well, and good luck.


At 10:52 PM 3/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
 I thought since TCP/IP was being used for the internet connection on
both PC's (with 2 different IP addresses and subnets) that I couldn't use
TCP/IP to network them together too.
 I guess I need to do some more reading on what samba can do.  I went out
and bought a book today so I'm going to give it a try.  Thanks.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 and Netbeui

  Just out of curiosity, why don't you just use TCP/IP for all your network
  needs? Running NetBEUI will slow both systems down, because it's a very
  "chatty" protocol.
  At 01:00 PM 3/10/01 -0500, you wrote:
   I am trying to get netbeui installed on my LM 7.2 box and not
  much luck.  I realize this is not the preferred method of networking 2
  computers (1 LM 1 WinME) together but both computers are using TCP/IP to
  connect to the internet via a cable modem (with 2 separate IP addresses
  via a router) and I would like the 2 to share files and printers.
   After alot of searching I found a company (ProCom) that has a
  kernel module and they sent me a .tgz file.  I unpacked it and followed
  the instructions to modify the makefile and when I run it I get tons of
  errors.  Evidently their default locations for the kernel source and
  samba are not the same as LM 7.2.
   I was wondering if anyone on the list has successfully installed
  netbeui and could offer me some tips.  Any help would be appreciated.
  0101 1010 0111 01101100 0110 01100111   01101001
  01110011   01100100 01100101 0111 01100100   01001110 0110
  01100111   01101100 01101001 01110110 01100101   01100100 01101001
  01101001 01110100 0111 01101100
  (Go figure it out.)

0101 1010 0111 01101100 0110 01100111   01101001 
01110011   01100100 01100101 0111 01100100   01001110 0110 01101110 
01100111   01101100 01101001 01110110 01100101   01100100 01101001 01100111 
01101001 01110100 0111 01101100
(Go figure it out.)

[newbie] Time Space

2001-03-12 Thread Gerry

When most of you ppl reply to something, you include all of the message you
replied to, which in its turn may include messages it's replied to, etc.
Sometimes the interesting part in the original message are just one line,
while the whole msg might be 100 lines.. So, this means that of the 500k i
get in the mailbox a day from these lists (newbie and expert), 90% is stuff
i've already read, that i don't need to read again, and that's not relevant
to the reply at all. My point is, could you please try to just include the
part of the message you're actually replying to ?

This will save time and space both when downloading the messages from the
mailserver (for those who doesn't have dsl, cable, fiber-optic etc.
connections), and also when reading the message, so that we don't have to
skip through a whole lot of uninteresting text.


Re: [newbie] Excessive NAKs

2001-03-12 Thread David Grubb

I had this exact same problem.

I'm using a USB keyboard, although my system has provision for PS/2 connections - I 
only get the NAKS error when the USB keyboard is plugged in, although the keyboard 
itself works fine in Linux.

I got around the "can't type during install" thang by using a PS/2 keyboard during the 
install then switching the the USB after the install completes.

Not sure if it helps.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/13 5:07 am 
I too am getting excessive NAKS though the keyboard seems to
 work fine in Windows.  I changed to a plain jane keyboard,
 also from Microsoft, and got the same problem.  I am using a
 3 month old Dell XPS B1000 1 GHz machine, though I stole the
 plain jane from a brand new 1.4GHz Dell machine.

I have a probably related question.  When I installed
 Mandrake 7.2 I saw the NAK messages.  Eventually the system
 got to the point where it asks for the name and password of
 the root user.  I could not type in anything--no repsonse to
 the keyboard.  So I clicked " no password" and
 proceeded--apparently leaving root as the user with no
 password.  When the installation finished I was able to type
 at will.  I would also like to be able to correct the "root"
 problem.  Is there a way at this point to do so? I did a
 renistall by the way that went the same way and left me in
 the same state.



I lofet phone messsages and email on other probelms last
 MOnday and never heard back from your support folks.


WARNING: This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain 
confidential/privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please 
delete it and notify the sender. Views expressed in this messages are those of the 
individual sender, and are not necessarily the views of the NSW Department of Land and 
Water Conservation. You should scan any attached files for viruses.

Re: [newbie] cd music can not play in lm8, need help

2001-03-12 Thread eric

M J wrote:
 M J wrote:
   Hi Eric,
   I have noticed that in mandrake 8 some dev are differend than in 7.2
   I am not near my linux so this is what I remember
   open cd-player and find preferences or someting like that
 I did not see any icon or drop-down list cd cd-player(from kde,
 multimedia, sound) named preferences,
I tried KMid , try to open file from /mnt/cdrom it show blank on that
 location even I put the Filter content as *(mean any files)  or
 /dev/cdrom it reponse /dev/cdrom is not a regular file
 hope to see your help again or any successful uers 's help
 This is how it is done in 7.2 it should be same in 8.0 beta
 I think it is kde - multimedia -sound -CD palyer.
 it should open the player.
 below there are some boxes, 4 from left should be box with hammer and
 something else.
 push that and it should open kscd configutation
 - KSCD Options there is line CDROM device.
 check what is in that box. is someting like /dev/cdrom or /mnt/cdrom
 try those if there are not any text.
 if those do not work try /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd if you have more than
 2 cdrom or dvd.
 if you can read data from cdrom, look what device id mounted to it.
 use command mount
 hope this help.
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

it show /dev/cdrom but that is not too much useful, because I can not
read any data from my cd drive(hda) , I tried 
 mount  -t ext2  /dev/hda   /mnt/cdrom
mount: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda,
   or too many mounted file systems

do you know what is fs type of music cd?


[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 'make' woes

2001-03-12 Thread Dave Wilson

Okay, I did a fresh complete install of Mandrake 7.2 (using discs from the 
Complete box set).  My problem is when I extract a tarball and ./configure 
it, I get errors when I use the 'make' command.  I would think that Mandrake 
would have everything necessary to do this included on the install, so 
perhaps I am doing something wrong.  Much thanks in advance for any and all 

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] MS Outlook

2001-03-12 Thread Bob Parker

On Tuesday 13 March 2001 10:53, you wrote:
 there is K mail, a good email client.
 check if it is in yoru linux box, if not just let me know it too for
 further informations.

I'll second that. I'm quite happy with KMail.
But your original query was about importing the collection you had in Outlook.
I don't know of any program that will do that but i'm very new too.
What you could do in Outlook is Edit - Select All, Edit Copy then paste the 
result into Notepad. Then in Linux you can view your Notepad texts using your 
choice of text editor via /mnt/windows/whatever folder you used for your texts

Bob Parker

Re: [newbie] Time Space

2001-03-12 Thread Bill Barto

- Original Message -
To: "Linux Mandrake Newbie List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 9:07 PM
Subject: [newbie] Time  Space

 This will save time and space both when downloading the messages from the
 mailserver (for those who doesn't have dsl, cable, fiber-optic etc.
 connections), and also when reading the message, so that we don't have to
 skip through a whole lot of uninteresting text.


Good point Gerry ! Also as a newbie who subscribes to several lists it is
uncommon for me to get 300+ emails/day. It also helps a lot if the poster
puts the real question/problem in the Subject: line instead of generic
or "question" or "Mandrake 7.2". On real hectic days those have a tendency
to get lost in the shuffle.

Re: [newbie] MS Outlook

2001-03-12 Thread Kyle Baker

There is a companion piece of software to KMail called kmailcvt.
 It is a utility that lets you import various address book
types, including MS Outlook Express among others.  The address
book in KMail is still fairly primitive when compared to
Outlook, but it's getting there.

One thing you have to be sure to do after performing an import
is to go into: SettingsConfigurationAppearanceAddress Book
tab and from there change the layout from the traditional layout
to another layout such as KAB.  That's the only way your
recently imported contacts are viewable.

Kyle Baker

--- Ritesh Ahya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 there is K mail, a good email client.
 check if it is in yoru linux box, if not just let me know it
 too for further
 - Original Message -
 From: "Jason High" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 12:21 AM
 Subject: [newbie] MS Outlook
  Is there an e-mail client for linux that will allow me to
 migrate all of
 my e-mail from Microsoft Outlook.  I am currently leaving the
 Win32 platform
 in favor of Linux, but I have to dual-boot until I figure out
 how to migrate
 my mail.
  To answer your questionRTFM!!
  Visit my web site at http://socialengineering.iscool.net
  Email account furnished courtesy of AntiOnline -
  AntiOnline - The Internet's Information Security Super

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 'make' woes

2001-03-12 Thread Aldo Baez

I was getting the same problem, its wierd because sometimes mandrake
installed the make command files or whatever they are and sometimes
they didn't.  What you need to do is go to the rpm installer packager thing
and look for make on your install cd, then install it.  It should work fine
under that.


 Okay, I did a fresh complete install of Mandrake 7.2 (using discs
 from the
 Complete box set).  My problem is when I extract a tarball and
 it, I get errors when I use the 'make' command.  I would think
 that Mandrake
 would have everything necessary to do this included on the install, so
 perhaps I am doing something wrong.  Much thanks in advance for
 any and all

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com


2001-03-12 Thread Andrei Raevsky

My DrakeConf/PackageManager does not work.  Could you help me locate a 
complete and downloadble list of all the software available on the Mandrake 
7.2 Power Pack CDs?
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] SB32 is not working

2001-03-12 Thread Joan Tur

Lcio Costa escribi:

 In command Line
 # su
 Pass:  your pass
 type sndconfig

In my Linux box i haven't got that program (full installation mdk 7.2)
in either /usr/bin or /sbin  8-?

It isn't in my laptop either (same distro)...


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] PPP daemon missing

2001-03-12 Thread PENA FAMILY

I finally got a Linux distro installed on my newly built system. I played
with a bit and was very impressed more so that it finally installed and
loaded the desktop like advertised.

My problem is that I want to connect to the Internet and update 7.2 if
needed. I put the CD in the tray and tried figuring out how to find ppp
daemon which Linux tells me is missing and needed to configure my Internet

I also need help with setting up my modem. I have a Creative Labs Blaster
modem and it is not listed within Linux. There is a name there but nothing I
recognize. Remember I am a complete newbie I have no clue about command line
within Linux or familiar with the tech talk most of you use when dealing
with configuring Linux.

Also on the plus side I was very very impressed on how Linux recognized and
installed my HP 682C printer faster than Windows and Macintosh; this is
through a parallel port connection which is why I was so impressed. The test
page was very clean and although I was a bit skeptical with the problems
with CUPS so many users have had.

Thanks in advance.

RE: [newbie] MS Outlook

2001-03-12 Thread Aldo Baez

I think he means whether he can import individual pieces of mail
from outlook to kmail.  I've always wondered that myself. What I've 
done in the past is just forwarded/copied all the mail I wanted
to have in my new mail client, the in the new client receive it
again.  Thats really the only way I have figured to get it right.


 There is a companion piece of software to KMail called kmailcvt.
  It is a utility that lets you import various address book
 types, including MS Outlook Express among others.  The address
 book in KMail is still fairly primitive when compared to
 Outlook, but it's getting there.
 One thing you have to be sure to do after performing an import
 is to go into: SettingsConfigurationAppearanceAddress Book
 tab and from there change the layout from the traditional layout
 to another layout such as KAB.  That's the only way your
 recently imported contacts are viewable.
 Kyle Baker

   Is there an e-mail client for linux that will allow me to
  migrate all of
  my e-mail from Microsoft Outlook.  I am currently leaving the
  Win32 platform
  in favor of Linux, but I have to dual-boot until I figure out
  how to migrate
  my mail.

RE: [newbie] MS Outlook

2001-03-12 Thread angry

I've never used outlook so i can't speak for it, but here's what i have
done with netscape
i've created sym links to the netscape mail folders to somewhere in my
linux home directory and pointed kmail/mutt whatever at those folders.
works for me maybe for you too

Re: [newbie] SB32 is not working

2001-03-12 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Joan Tur wrote:
 Lcio Costa escribi:
  In command Line
  # su
  Pass:  your pass
  type sndconfig

 In my Linux box i haven't got that program (full
 installation mdk 7.2) in either /usr/bin or /sbin  8-?

 It isn't in my laptop either (same distro)...


 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Joansndconfig is in /usr/sbin and if it's not on your 
system it can be found on CD 2 (the supp CD) in the package 

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