[newbie-it] problema modem USB ADSL

2002-11-06 Thread gandalf virgilio

Ciao a tutti !

Scusa Paolo per il messaggio in HTML, non me ne ero accorto... Grazie per l
indirizzo, mi è stato utile ma non ha risolto il problema.
La Mandrake 8.2 vede il modem come periferica USB ma non lo menziona tra le
periferiche da sfruttare per la connessione ad internet.
In Mandrake Control Center, tra le periferiche mi vede il modem Digicom
Michelangelo USB ma non lo mette tra le opzioni della configurazione della
connessione ad Internet ADSL...
Scusate ma sono priprio alle prime armi con Linux.

Grazie a tutti per l'aiuto !!!


2002-11-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Dopo aver preso i dati identificativi del master. con l'opzione scan
bus, ho
  provato a fare una copia con cdrdao di un cd audio nel seguente modo
  #cdrdao read-cd --device 0,0,0, tocfile
 ulp... mi manca... e' per fare le copie al volo?


 Per fare l'ìmmagine iso uso (he, he, col giochino di parole...)
 mkisofs -o cdprova.iso -J -r dir
J, se non ricordo male, e' per dare l'impostazione Joliet, cioe' quella 
 hanno i CD sotto Win$
 dove dir e' la directori coi dati che si vogliono masterizzare.
 Per farti un'idea del risultato monta l'iimagine:
 muont -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 cdprova.iso /mnt/test
 Poi per masterizzare:
 cdrecord -v -eject -dev=0,1,0  -speed=2 cdprova.iso
 dove 0,1,0 e' il risultato dello scanbus per il masterizzatore.

..volo devo emulare scsi anche il
  lettore ( ehm... come si fà?)
 Devi modificare una riga di lilo.conf, 
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi
 dove hdb e hdc sono i due device incriminati
  3 -
 in che cosa varia la sintassi dei comandi tra un cd audio o dati?



Io usavo
cdrdao read-cd --read-raw --datafile nomefile.bin --device bus,id,lun 
--driver generic--mmc-raw nomefile.toc
Questo mi creavea nella directory in cui avevo lanciato il comando un 
bin ed uno toc che poi provvedevo a bruciare con
cdrdao write --eject --speed numero --device bus,id,lun --driver 

#cdrdao read-cd --datafile filediprova.bin device 0,1,0 --driver 
generic-mmc filediprovatoc


#cdrdao write --eject --speed 2 --device 0,0,0 --driver generic-mmc 





Re: [newbie-it] Linux su un secondo HD - DualBoot

2002-11-06 Thread Andrea Celli
On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 17:21:53 +0100
tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alle 22:15, lunedì 4 novembre 2002, Alessandro Salina ha scritto...sempre che 
 abbia capito bene!:
  Sul mio pc sono presenti 2 HD
  1) Master con installato W2000
  2) Slave vuoto
  Ora vorrei installare linux Mandrake 9 sul secondo HD e vorrei avere una
  sorta di dual boot( ad esempio GRUB)
  Ora in futuro è probabile che debba staccare uno dei due dischie qui
  sorgono i primi dubbi
  Cosa succede se tolgo il secondo HD?? Se installo Grub sull MBR dovrebbe
  bloccarsi tutto non permettendomi nemmeno di lanciare W2000 o sbaglio???
 Scusate un attimo..magari sto dicendo una c@@@a !! frustatemi se 
 Se il Boot Manager viene installato nel MBR del primo Hd..che fastidio da 
 al 2° Hd???
 Mi spiego meglio..una volta tolto l'Hdb (fisicamente) con MDK,la chiamata 
 al Winz2000 dovrebbe rimanere li!! o no??

Credo che lilo e grub si comportino diversamente:

lilo ha le proprie istruzioni in /etc/lilo.conf. Quando lo installi, le
trascrive sul settore di boot, dopo di che puoi riuovere lilo.conf.
Per esempio, rimuovendo il secondo hard disk.
Una modifica a lilo.conf non ha effetto finché non lanci lilo per

Grub ha le proprie istruzioni in /boot/gruc/menu.lst. Credo che nel settore
di boot venga essenzialmene riportato solo l'indirizzo fisico di questo file,
che viene letto al momento del boot. Infatti, quando lo modifichi il
cambiamento è immediatamente operativo, senza bisogno di lanciare trascrizioni.
Quindi, mi aspetto che se gli togli il secondo harddisk con menu.lst si
impalli tutto.

Comunque, quello che ho detto è un misto di cose sicure ed illazioni.
Controlla bene tutto prima di decidere.

In sintesi, nella tua situazione, ti consiglio nell'ordine di
1) usare il boot loader di win2k per tutto,
2) usare lilo

Credo che usare grub, salvo accurate verifiche, sia molto rischioso.
Mentre, usare il floppy è solo una pizza :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] accesso a partizioni... di altre distribuzioni

2002-11-06 Thread giamgax
Il Tue, 5 Nov 2002 10:00:35 +0100
Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 On Mon, 4 Nov 2002 17:51:30 +0100
 giamgax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ci sono troppi b :-)
 Per fissare le idee mi riferisco a hda=disco-vecchio e hdb=disco-nuovo
perfettamente ragione, mi è scappata la b al posto della a
 Credo si possa fare tutto graficamente da mcc.

mcc = mandrake control center?
 Comunque per vedere le altre partizioni, a mano, occorre:
 - creare in mndk-9 una directory per ogni partizione da montare, ad es /mnt/home82 
per hda5
 - aggiungere in /etc/fstab una riga per ogni partizione, ad es.
   /dev/hda5   /mnt/home82   ext2defaults
1 1
 - lanciare mount -a
 Mentre, per sistemare lilo, occorre:
  che sia montata la partizione di 8.2 che contiene /boot (ad es. /mnt/root82)
 a questo punto puoi usare mcc o
 - aprire /etc/lilo.conf e controllare che l'immagine del kernel da cui viene
   lanciata la 8.2 abbia l'indirizzo completo: NON devovono esserci /boot/...
   ma solo /mnt/root82/boot/... 
 - chiudere /etc/lilo.conf e lanciare lilo per trascrivere le modifiche su MBR
 ciao, Andrea
grazie, ora ci provo
Scarica il nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: con webcam, nuove faccine e tante altre novità.

Re: [newbie-it] accesso a partizioni... di altre distribuzioni

2002-11-06 Thread Andrea Celli
On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 12:27:38 +0100
giamgax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Credo si possa fare tutto graficamente da mcc.
 mcc = mandrake control center?

esatto :-)

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] HELP..... ho problemi ad istallare il modem...

2002-11-06 Thread luigi d'ignazio

Ciao a tutti, ho da poco tempo istallato mandrake9.0 ma o dei grossi problemi per il settaggio del modem in quanto mi vengono richiesti dei dati di cui non sono a conoscenza.. tipo il protocollo per la connessione adsl o quale tipo di driver installare...
Spero che qualcuno di voi possa gentilmente aiutarmi a risolvere questo problema... possiedo un modem Atlantis I-Storm ADSL wan usb. mi sapreste aiutare???

Chiacchiera con gli amici online, prova MSN Messenger! Clicca qui 

Re: [newbie-it] CD MDK 9.0

2002-11-06 Thread tom

 Ciao Tom,
 se i CD sono difettosi io tenterei questa strada, per prima... perchè devi
 impazzirti a rimasterizzare i CD se puoi farteli sostituire (sperando
 LinuxCo non abbia commercializzato un'intera partita di CD buggati)?


Esatto!!! ho fatto cosi!! mi ha sostituito il cd! x fortuna
ma mi sa che c'è una partita di CD buggati
l' installazione questa volta è partitacon un po di dificolta ma è
stiamo a vedere che succede!!!

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9.0....software dove sta?

2002-11-06 Thread Sandro
Alle 14:10, mercoledì 6 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti
 Scusate se spedisco con Outlookoprometto che al piu presto non lo faro
 piu!! :))

Per questa volta passi :-)

 Ho appena installato la 9.0 (dopo aver sostituito il primo cd comperato con
 all' avvio mi sono reso conto che non sono piu presenti alcuni programmi a
 me familiari,
 tipo: Kmail,Kvirc,xine,etc etc etc
 poi non ho trovato traccia dell O.O.1,0,1

Guarda, credo che ci sia qualche problema nei tuoi cd o nella tua 
installazione. Infatti ti sto scrivendo dalla 9.0 e tutti i programmi che 
citi ci sono.
Prova a farti sostituire i cd dall'edicola o, in alternativa, cerca Linux 
Magazine che ha, anche essa, i cd della mdk 9.0 allegati.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] openoffice senza help nella 9.0!?

2002-11-06 Thread pigi

 In effetti (sollecitato dal tuo post) sono andato a vedere e la guida non è
 Però basta andare nel Mandrake Control Center, caricare la sezione che
 serve a installare il software e cercare tra i pacchetti - la guida in
 italiano c'è e si può installare.
 Il pacchetto è: OpenOffice.org-help-it

Grazie, ho istallato ed è ok!

[newbie-it] Autoconf

2002-11-06 Thread Nicola
Ho installato con successo e soddisfazione la nuova relase di mdk9.0, ed ho 
tentato di configurare alcune aggiunte per kde, come il kicker trasparente ed 
altro. Ma incontro un problema strano
Mi chiedono di installare una versione di autoconf 2.5 . Io ho controllato e 
mdk installa ben due versioni diverse, ma quella a cui punta il link di 
autoconf non è la 2.5 ma una versione precedente. Come posso fare cancello il 
link simbolico e lo attacco semplicemente alla versione che mi serve per 
compilare questi programmi?

Grazie Nicola
Uno psichiatra e' un uomo che va alle Folies Bergeres e guarda il
-- Da it.hobby.umorismo

[newbie-it] Conversione posta!

2002-11-06 Thread Alessandro Salina
Sono ancora io!
Posso, più o meno tranquillamente, convertire la posta da Outlook Express o
Eudora in formati compatibili con Kmail o Express. Esiste un modo per
effettuare il procedimento inverso??


P.S. Tra poco passo definitivamente a Linux Non appena mi tolgo questi
piccoli dubbi!

Re: [newbie-it] impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il percorso di rete

2002-11-06 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 02:03, mercoledì 6 novembre 2002, Paolo Tomiato ha scritto:

 Moolto interessante!!! finalmente una risposta concreta.
 Quindi mi confermi che il problema interessa il DNS; allora avresti anche
 la pazienza di spegarmi passo-passo cosa devo fare x fare funzionare il
 tutto? Guarda, oramai sono cosi' confuso e ammareggiato che sono come un
 bambino nelle tue mani...

 Aspetto nuove e x adesso vado a dormire che sono cotto, spero di leggerti
 al + presto.

 PS: mi basta anche qualche dritta su cosa andarmi a leggere che la
 documentazione ce l'ho ma sono talmente frastornato che nn so + da dove

E proprio nella documentazione che devi cercare;scarica i file di esempio più 
recenti dalla rete (c'è un indirizzo proprio nella stessa - sez. 
configurazione standalone), e segui passo passo la spiegazja; ti darà un'idea 
di assieme su come è impostato shorewall e di cosa devi andare a modificare.
In caso di problemi son qua...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] nt + opera

2002-11-06 Thread paolo brusasco
io ho installato nt downloader sulla 9.0 dolphin prendendolo da 8.2 
vitamin (download)  e funziona perfettamente.
se hai 8.2download per x86 dovrebbe essere sul disco 3 come

giamgax ha scritto:

Re: [newbie-it] impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il percorso di rete

2002-11-06 Thread Paolo Tomiato

 E proprio nella documentazione che devi cercare;scarica i file di esempio più
 recenti dalla rete (c'è un indirizzo proprio nella stessa - sez.
 configurazione standalone), e segui passo passo la spiegazja; ti darà un'idea
 di assieme su come è impostato shorewall e di cosa devi andare a modificare.
 In caso di problemi son qua...

Scusa ma dovresti essere + preciso: quale documentazione? Quella di MDK?, quella
di Shorewall? Cosa sono i files di esempio? Intendi i manuali? Io la sezione
configurazione standalone nn la trovo mica...

X favore fai ancora solo questo piccolo sforzo! ;)

Re: [newbie-it] Conversione posta!

2002-11-06 Thread francesco.melo
Alessandro Salina wrote:

Sono ancora io!
Posso, più o meno tranquillamente, convertire la posta da Outlook Express o
Eudora in formati compatibili con Kmail o Express. Esiste un modo per
effettuare il procedimento inverso??


P.S. Tra poco passo definitivamente a Linux Non appena mi tolgo questi
piccoli dubbi!


risposta semplice e defintiva:


ciao francesco

Re: [newbie-it] CD MDK 9.0

2002-11-06 Thread Arwan
Alle 23:36, martedì 5 novembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] CD 
MDK 9.0, tom hai scritto: 

 Ho preso sta sera Linux$C per provare come era la nuova MDK.
 qualche minuto fa cercavo di fa partire l' installazionesenza sucesso
 mi daca una serie infinita di errori di settori sull hdc (il lettore
 cd).. quindi deduco che il primo e fondamentale CD di instalazione sia
 bugato! Se non ricordo male qualche tempo fa era sucessa una cosa del
 genere! ma non ricordo ne l'oggetto ne (cosa piu importante) la soluzione!
 Ricordo che i cd erano stati ri masterizzati.se non ricordo male con
 Nero, ma non ricordo che opzioni erano stae attivate-disattivate

Se non erro erano stati rimasterizzati facendo un'immagine su disco, con 
Nero. Non so quali opzioni fossero state usate (ne avevo bisogno anch'io), 
penso che non fosse stato detto. Cmq io non sono mai riiuscita a fare la 
copia di quei cd (della 8.2)... e i miei funzionano bene!


2002-11-06 Thread Arwan
Alle 09:37, mercoledì 6 novembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] 

  cdrecord -v -eject -dev=0,1,0  -speed=2 cdprova.iso


Prego. Chissa' su che how-to l'ho letta...
C'e' parecchia roba (in italiano) anche su KDE-documentazione-How-to


Re: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-06 Thread Anders Lind

  Why not just settle for something like say, Enlightenment? It's fast,
  highly configurable, has heaps of themes, low on resource, has heaps of
  epplets with it...(it is in your package if you want to install it)

Because I don't like Enlightenment LOL, Enlightenment is the reason why I
stopped using Gnome a long time ago when it was the default WM for Gnome.

I like WindowMaker much betterit is pretty easy to work with, it is fast

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Re: [newbie] Shared directories

2002-11-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 4:17 am, you wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 23:01:47 -0500

 Paul Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone know if it's possible to share partitions between distros? 
  For example, if I choose to have two distros, e.g., a production distro
  and an experimental one, can they share /home?

 Sure they can.


Are there any problems with the config entries put there by apps, which may 
be different version?


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[newbie] Wireless Tools

2002-11-06 Thread Min-Jii Hsiao

I couldn't find wireless tools wlancfg and wlanctl-ng for prism2 after 
replace Mandrake 8.2 with Mandrake 9.0. Which rpm can I find them or how 
to configure prism2 after new install without re-compile the prism2 
source code? Thanks.


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-06 Thread Christian Goldstein
Thanks a lot for all the input. I will be trying out the windowmanagers you 
mentioned and see what suits me better. Guess I'm slowly starting to 
realize that there are plenty of things that Linux offers that Windows 
doesnt. Might take some time till I get used to that, tho.

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RE: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-06 Thread Franki
just my preference, but I'd try icewm if i were you...

it small, its fast and its configurable...

I like it because generally most of the time I need a GUI on linux its on
simple servers for running MandrakeUpdate and such..

since it only runs when I need it, I don't want to spend alot of time
getting it like i want it..

icewm is pretty well laid out right from the word go...

runs great even on crappy system...

looks alot like win95 actually.



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Christian Goldstein
Sent: Wednesday, 6 November 2002 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Windowmanager

Thanks a lot for all the input. I will be trying out the windowmanagers you
mentioned and see what suits me better. Guess I'm slowly starting to
realize that there are plenty of things that Linux offers that Windows
doesnt. Might take some time till I get used to that, tho.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-06 Thread Anders Lind

 just my preference, but I'd try icewm if i were you...
 it small, its fast and its configurable...
 I like it because generally most of the time I need a GUI on linux its on
 simple servers for running MandrakeUpdate and such..
 since it only runs when I need it, I don't want to spend alot of time
 getting it like i want it..
 icewm is pretty well laid out right from the word go...
 runs great even on crappy system...
 looks alot like win95 actually.

IceWM is also a nice WM that is for sure...FWWM2 is not too bad either
for that matter. Speaking of WM's, does anybody know if there is still
any development on UDE (Unix Desktop Enviroment), I saw it like three
years ago and then it was pretty nice


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] using MS fonts in Mdk

2002-11-06 Thread Derek Jennings
You can import Windows fonts using Samba.

Just mount the remote windows directory with Samba and then use the 'Advanced' 
button in Drakfont to point to individual font files.  Or else copy the font 
files to any media and import from there.

NOTE: There is an issue with drakfont - A required RPM often does not get 
installed. Before importing your Windows fonts make sure you have the 
perlftlib RPM installed.


On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 4:55 am, Steve Jeppesen wrote:
 Howdy Angus, list memebers,

 I am curious if anybody knows will this work if I do not have Windows
 installed on my system, can I still import windows fonts into mandrake

 I do have a computer in the house which has WinME (that is the
 newest version of windows I have access to) and have copied the font
 directory to my system.  Do have to create a windows/font directory on a
 fat32 file system - which I still have on a second hard drive in my
 system, then just point Drakfont to it?

 Suppose I could just try it, but after reading about other problems
 people have had with Drakfont I thought I would ask and hopefully
 somebody has done the same thing as I am attempting.

 Thanks for any help

 On Tue, 05 Nov 2002 13:41:03 -0300

 Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Greetings, I  just wanted to pass this along...I thought I would
  import my MS fonts from my windows partition (winME), after reading
  about being able to do that with Drakfont. Also, I read that MS fonts
  are much better than those used by Mdk.
  I am more partial to readability than style, and I really like just
  plain old Arial font. Arial was not available in Mdk however.
  Well, I used Drakfont in the Mandrake Control Center-System
  Configuration Tool to get windows fonts. Drakfont imported the
  fonts w/o trouble, and I am now using MS fonts (Arial [Monotype]). I
  can't believe the difference! The fonts are so much clearer. I will
  never bash MS for their fonts at least, again ;-)
  This has made my Mandrake 9.0 look so much cleaner and easier on the
  Just thought I would share my observations. :-)
  All the best.
  How do you destroy a righteous person? Give him or her one follower!
  --ancient Cherokee saying (fr. Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams)
  *Reg. Linux User #278931*
  *Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*
  Get your free email from http://mymail.operamail.com
  Powered by Outblaze

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
I think the UDE project rather died...I was trying to follow it...that
was back in '98 or '97 I think...

November 3rd 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!   Mashed potatoes can be your friend.  !

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Anders Lind
Sent: Wednesday, 6 November 2002 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Windowmanager

IceWM is also a nice WM that is for sure...FWWM2 is not too bad either
for that matter. Speaking of WM's, does anybody know if there is still
any development on UDE (Unix Desktop Enviroment), I saw it like three
years ago and then it was pretty nice


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-06 Thread Jamie . Kerwick
It would seem that it was updated in March of this year, go here for info,

Internal Extension : 5806
Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:stephen.kuhn;gmx.net] 
Sent: 06 November 2002 10:29
Subject: RE: [newbie] Windowmanager

I think the UDE project rather died...I was trying to follow it...that was
back in '98 or '97 I think...

November 3rd 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!   Mashed potatoes can be your friend.  !

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com] On Behalf Of Anders Lind
Sent: Wednesday, 6 November 2002 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Windowmanager

IceWM is also a nice WM that is for sure...FWWM2 is not too bad either for
that matter. Speaking of WM's, does anybody know if there is still any
development on UDE (Unix Desktop Enviroment), I saw it like three years ago
and then it was pretty nice


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-06 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 10:53 pm, you wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:38 pm, you wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working 
with images,
but have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of 
photos I'm
working with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images. 
Some of the
.bmps were written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto. 
 The .jpgs
display as thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.

In a third directors there are images that were captured 
from video by a
windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show 
as .BMP.
These images do display as thumbnails.

All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32 
partition, so
renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.

Any ideas, anyone?


What about the name of the files ?


Non-displaying ones are in the order of pic3.bmp and 
displaying ones
are Svid003.BMP.


Well I'm not familiar with those file names as such but I do 
know many
windblows file names have to be changed, that is what jhead and 
are there for, but just as
an experiment try changing the name to something all lowercase 
and see what

Wouldn't that be counter-productive?  It's the mixed case ones 
that do
display correctly.

BTW, the pic* names are because that's the way the smartmedia 
card names its
.jpg files, and I use .bmp when processing them to avoid further 
 The Svid* files are a user'defined prefix from the video 
capture software.


All I can go on is my experiences with Windblows files , and any
Johnfiles that
were higher case I had to rename in all lower case to work in 
linux, and
to that end chcase and jhead did the job.

John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-11-06 Thread Malcolm Candlish
Dear Charlie,

Thought I would let you know that the problem is solved!!! Nothing very
technical simply the CD-RW in the writer did not function. It was a
Memorex High speed 8X 12X, nor would it work with WinXP/Nero. Other
CD-Rs work well. It appears that a 4X speed writer will not work on a
higher speed disc.

Anyway, thank you for guiding me to the final destination. Your a

Best wishes,

On Sat, 2002-11-02 at 17:55, Charlie wrote:
 On Saturday 02 November 2002 08:49 am, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
  Dear Charlie,
 Hello Malcolm; (interspersed)
  It's getting worse! 'cdrecord -scanbus' seems to have lost the plot. I
  have copied the results as follows:-
  [rootlocalhost malcolm]# cdrecord -V speed=0 dev=0,3,0 -eject
 That capital V is incorrect, it should be -v for verbose. Also 'speed=0' 
 isn't going to do a thing you want. You'll have to change that to a value of 
 1,2,3 or4 to fit the capabilities of the Mitsumi. It actually won't burn 
 anything at zero ya know. As far as writing a raw file from a mount directory 
 goes I've never tried it. RAW is supposed to be one of the supported formats 
 but I'll have to find what flags to use with it. I'll get back to you on 
 Have you neglected your daily caffeine intake? speed=0??? ;)
  Cdrecord 1.11a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
  scsidev: '0,3,0'
  scsibus: 0 target: 3 lun: 0
  cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg3'. Cannot open
  SCSI driver.
 Because you gave it conflicting commands.
  cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you
  are root.
  [rootlocalhost malcolm]# cdrecord -scanbus
  Cdrecord 1.11a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
  cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open
  SCSI driver.
 Conflict because it's still trying to execute the previous command maybe?
  cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you
  are root.
  [rootlocalhost malcolm]#  ##What on earth is /dev/pg3, I have no
  /dev/pg files!
 Interesting question here. I'm on a research run looking for a reason for 
 this. I'll let you know when I find something unless one of the people that 
 _know_ what the devil they're about are willing to throw us a bone? It would 
 help (probably) to check /etc/fstab to see whether it's recognized as a valid 
 drive. Also check /etc/mtab (mount table) and /etc/lilo.conf. Maybe post 
 those here? If you have posted them in the past sorry, I'll have to read 
 through the whole thread again to be sure I don't duplicate previous efforts.
 It almost seems the scsi emulation module (or kernel driver, I can never 
 remember which it is) isn't loading, or the cd-rw can't be mounted any 
 longer; maybe because of of the conflicting command you used. If that's the 
 case a reboot may take care of it. Or is it just displaying all of this 
 'cause you told it to burn at zero burn speed? If so it may be that simply 
 logging out and back in may do it. Honest Malcolm, I ain't givin' you a hard 
 time about that speed=0 thing! 
 Much. :-)
  Before I reinstall Mandrake 9.0 to get back where I was, I am wondering
  if my file system which is ext3 may make a difference. Is that your
 I have /boot, and /root mounted ext3 but the rest of my drives and partitions 
 are XFS. Shouldn't make a difference since ext3 is mostly journalling and a 
 few other goodies tacked onto ext2 (linux native) anyway. I don't think it 
 would make a difference anyway.
  I am grateful for your help, this is driving me crazy and pleased to
  recompense you for your trouble; after all I would have to pay with
  MandrakeExpert and this I will do for you. Please let me know your
  postal address.
 We can correspond here or via off list e-mail or by snail mail all you like 
 and thank you, but recompense isn't being sought, nor would it be accepted in 
 any event Malcom. I am not an expert at anything more technical than twisting 
 words into funny patterns; and refuse to recognise any such characterization 
 of myself. If I have ever helped anyone my only request would be that the 
 beneficiary pass it on in the same spirit it's offered. Free; and happily so. 
 Free advice is worth what you pay for it most times. grin
  The file:/usr/doc/cdrdao-1.1.6/README was not installed on my system.
 Probably 'cause you don't have cdrdao installed. My bad, sorry.
 Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
 f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgrmmng.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread QingHua Wang

Hi there,

Can you explain in detail about what you do for the 
dual booting? I am struggling with this problem. I have asked about it but the 
answer is to find some disk tools such as PatitionMagic to make a partition for 
Linux from thepredefined NTFS partition(WinXP). However, PartitionMagic is 
not a free program. So can I share your experiences with this problem? Thanks in 



Re: [newbie] Keeping accurate system time

2002-11-06 Thread gnukid
actually, what's appearing on the timestamp of your email is 1/19/2038. 
you're almost 4decades ahead of us LOL, no offense =) j/k just made me 
laugh after another frustrating day.

Maybe it has something to do with the public time server, not on your side.

magnet wrote:
Hi all,
Digging thru Webmin I came across a page to enter the host/address of a time 
server. I have searched google and found only ONE UK public server on IP but if I use it and request webmin to sync the time my system 
clock is reset to the year 1969.
Now... have I lost the plot on this or am I simply doing something wrong?

As usual your help is appreciated :)


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this is my signature, it's not much but I was able to make one

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Burning frustration

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick

If turning DMA on works, and you are satisfied --- 
use it!

T :-)

- Original Message - 
From: gikoreno 
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Burning frustration
Hey John,sorry to have taken so long to reply.I tried 
taking away the none in the fstab, but it didn't work. I think that's the way it 
is supposed to be on Mandrake 9.0.It turned out the reason why it wasn't 
burning at a decent speed was DMA related. I turned DMA on as per the other 
posts and it worked.Knowing how people warn on the reliability of CD-ROMS 
when coupled with DMA, I am not convinced it's the best idea (will corruption 
follow?), but the performance of the system definitely went tremendously 
up.So I guess I'll figure it out soon.Thanks!gikoreno

Join Excite! - http://www.excite.comThe most personalized portal on 
the Web! 

[newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-06 Thread Silent Bob
My Mandrake freezes without warning shortly after reboot. But this one is a
hardware problem. I tested the harddrive in other machine.

Does anyone know what is the normal operating temperature for AMD duron
1300. Mine is running at 59C and I think that over heating could be the
problem. Although I have a cooler with 2 fans witch is for AMD processors up
to 1,5 Ghz

Sorry if this is too much of topic, but I didn't have anyone else to turn to


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Re: [newbie] Hardware question

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick
Thanks, Bryan.

My MDK 9.0 machine is now a dual-boot with Win XP Pro. Having found drivers
for Win 2K/XP for this card, I am going to install it today, get both O/S's
running the card, and see what I can do in MDK to find the apps I need. I am
glad to hear that you didn't have to do any weird dances or mumble obscene
incantations to get the Bt card to work. 'Easy' can be a good things,
sometimes. ;-)

Thanks for info,


- Original Message -
From: Bryan Tyson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hardware question

On Tuesday 05 November 2002 19:53, Technoslick wrote:

 I have a Bt848KPF video capture card that came with my 3Com
 BigPicture Vidcam. I did a little research on it and found that the
 Brooktree chipset on the card is very compatible under Linux. I can
 see on the card that it was made by Hauppage. I no longer care to use
 the Webcam that came with it, but instead use the card for retrieving
 video from my VHS-C recorder. Did you have to make any adjustments or
 configurations in MDK 9.0 after you installed it for it to work? Does
 KWinTV work well for video retrieval and editing?

I am still on Mandrake 8.1, but I did not need to do anything special to
view my camcorder on KWinTV. I would say this program is OK for
creating video clips if you don't need sound. I have only been able to
record silent video clips with KWinTV, despite the presence of a video
+ audio option. KWinTV cannot be used for video editing as far as I

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
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Bryan S. Tyson

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-06 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 10:53 am, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 10:53 pm, you wrote:
  Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:38 pm, you wrote:
  Anne Wilson wrote:
  I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working

 with images,

  but have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of

 photos I'm

  working with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images.

 Some of the

  .bmps were written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto.

   The .jpgs

  display as thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.
  In a third directors there are images that were captured

 from video by a

  windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show

 as .BMP.

  These images do display as thumbnails.
  All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32

 partition, so

  renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.
  Any ideas, anyone?
  What about the name of the files ?
  Non-displaying ones are in the order of pic3.bmp and

 displaying ones

  are Svid003.BMP.
  Well I'm not familiar with those file names as such but I do

 know many

  windblows file names have to be changed, that is what jhead and


  are there for, but just as
  an experiment try changing the name to something all lowercase

 and see what

  Wouldn't that be counter-productive?  It's the mixed case ones

 that do

  display correctly.
  BTW, the pic* names are because that's the way the smartmedia

 card names its

  .jpg files, and I use .bmp when processing them to avoid further


   The Svid* files are a user'defined prefix from the video

 capture software.


 All I can go on is my experiences with Windblows files , and any
 Johnfiles that
 were higher case I had to rename in all lower case to work in
 linux, and
 to that end chcase and jhead did the job.

I'm beginning to think that the answer is much more simple.  pic00039.bmp 
does not display, but pic00039a.bmp, which is a heavily cropped version, 
does.  Is it simply a matter of size?  I think it may be, since the camer 
pics are much larger than the video pics that display OK.  Later, I'll try 
some cropping to test this theory.


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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed 0.8.5-compilation problems

2002-11-06 Thread Len Lawrence
On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 15:18:02 +0100
Anders Lind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello friends,
 now with the keen help of this list I have managed to solve
 my NFS-problems and now I encountered something else:
 I wanted to upgrade my Sylpheed-version to 0.8.5 from 0.8.2
 that I am using today. RPM misses a lot of dependcies and 
 I don't wanna work through them all so I decided to try
 and compile it myself instead (Kvirc3 took about two hours
 to compile on my Pentium 166 (I don't want to think about how
 long a kernel compile would take LOL)) but when I run ./configure
 on this MDK 8.2-system I get the following error:
 Checking for GLIB-version = 1.2.6... no
 The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found
 If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in 
 your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG enviroment variable to the 
 full path to glib-config
 Now I have a couple of questions.
 This has been tried on two MDK 8.2-machines with the same result
 which leads me to think that GLIB is strangely installed if at all
 installed on 8.2 (Please note that I do not have Gnome installed,
 but I have Gnome-libs and so on installed). I tried to download a
 glib-RPM but only with the result that there was a conflict if
 tried to upgrade (Which should mean that glib is installed I guess)
 If I do whereis glib I cannot find it. Can anyone point me in the 
 right direction on what I should and can do
Sorry Anders.  Can't help, but you should know that this seems to be a common problem. 
 I have had similar messages with many other installs, in particular
with packages from magazine cover disks.  The GLIB one has certainly come up.
Nobody has yet put forward an explanation, let alone a fix, so it must be
some kind of bug in the installation script, which I would guess would be propagated 
from one script to another if a faulty script is used as a template.
As far as I can recall there have been instances of a first time install 
where configure looks for a pre-existing config script - not logical at all.
That is why I feel it must be a bug.  I certainly never had the time to try
and track it down.  I have completely lost patience with tarball installations.

Please let us know if you do fix your problem.

Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick

I haven't got around to trying to view many images under MDK that were made
elsewhere (camera, webcam or under a different O/S). But, I have experienced
oodles of problems in Windows working with bitmaps under several graphics
programs and with files that came from other O/S (like Macs). If I am going
to have any problems, it seems to be from either compression or 'bit-depth'.
you can make a BMP file at carious bit-depths (2-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, etc.).
Some programs can't handle all the combinations. However, if you are
starting out with images from a digital camera, they are most likely
compressed BMPs. Could it be possible that your editing program is able to
handle compressed BMPs and therefore opens them properly to allow for
editing, but KView cannot understand the compression scheme used by yoour
camera and therefore making them unviewable until you remove it?


- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 10:53 am, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 10:53 pm, you wrote:
  Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:38 pm, you wrote:
  Anne Wilson wrote:
  I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working

 with images,

  but have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of

 photos I'm

  working with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images.

 Some of the

  .bmps were written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto.

   The .jpgs

  display as thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.
  In a third directors there are images that were captured

 from video by a

  windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show

 as .BMP.

  These images do display as thumbnails.
  All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32

 partition, so

  renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.
  Any ideas, anyone?
  What about the name of the files ?
  Non-displaying ones are in the order of pic3.bmp and

 displaying ones

  are Svid003.BMP.
  Well I'm not familiar with those file names as such but I do

 know many

  windblows file names have to be changed, that is what jhead and


  are there for, but just as
  an experiment try changing the name to something all lowercase

 and see what

  Wouldn't that be counter-productive?  It's the mixed case ones

 that do

  display correctly.
  BTW, the pic* names are because that's the way the smartmedia

 card names its

  .jpg files, and I use .bmp when processing them to avoid further


   The Svid* files are a user'defined prefix from the video

 capture software.


 All I can go on is my experiences with Windblows files , and any
 Johnfiles that
 were higher case I had to rename in all lower case to work in
 linux, and
 to that end chcase and jhead did the job.

I'm beginning to think that the answer is much more simple.  pic00039.bmp
does not display, but pic00039a.bmp, which is a heavily cropped version,
does.  Is it simply a matter of size?  I think it may be, since the camer
pics are much larger than the video pics that display OK.  Later, I'll try
some cropping to test this theory.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-06 Thread Anne Wilson
Could be - but pic00039 and pic00039a were both edited and re-written by 
Gimp, so if the compression was being changed I would have expected it to be 
so in both pics.


On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:20 pm, you wrote:

 I haven't got around to trying to view many images under MDK that were made
 elsewhere (camera, webcam or under a different O/S). But, I have
 experienced oodles of problems in Windows working with bitmaps under
 several graphics programs and with files that came from other O/S (like
 Macs). If I am going to have any problems, it seems to be from either
 compression or 'bit-depth'. you can make a BMP file at carious bit-depths
 (2-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, etc.). Some programs can't handle all the
 combinations. However, if you are starting out with images from a digital
 camera, they are most likely compressed BMPs. Could it be possible that
 your editing program is able to handle compressed BMPs and therefore opens
 them properly to allow for editing, but KView cannot understand the
 compression scheme used by yoour camera and therefore making them
 unviewable until you remove it?


 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 6:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

 On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 10:53 am, you wrote:
  Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 10:53 pm, you wrote:
   Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:38 pm, you wrote:
   Anne Wilson wrote:
   I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working
  with images,
   but have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of
  photos I'm
   working with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images.
  Some of the
   .bmps were written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto.
The .jpgs
   display as thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.
   In a third directors there are images that were captured
  from video by a
   windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show
  as .BMP.
   These images do display as thumbnails.
   All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32
  partition, so
   renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.
   Any ideas, anyone?
   What about the name of the files ?
   Non-displaying ones are in the order of pic3.bmp and
  displaying ones
   are Svid003.BMP.
   Well I'm not familiar with those file names as such but I do
  know many
   windblows file names have to be changed, that is what jhead and
   are there for, but just as
   an experiment try changing the name to something all lowercase
  and see what
   Wouldn't that be counter-productive?  It's the mixed case ones
  that do
   display correctly.
   BTW, the pic* names are because that's the way the smartmedia
  card names its
   .jpg files, and I use .bmp when processing them to avoid further
The Svid* files are a user'defined prefix from the video
  capture software.
  All I can go on is my experiences with Windblows files , and any
  Johnfiles that
  were higher case I had to rename in all lower case to work in
  linux, and
  to that end chcase and jhead did the job.

 I'm beginning to think that the answer is much more simple.  pic00039.bmp
 does not display, but pic00039a.bmp, which is a heavily cropped version,
 does.  Is it simply a matter of size?  I think it may be, since the camer
 pics are much larger than the video pics that display OK.  Later, I'll try
 some cropping to test this theory.



 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed 0.8.5-compilation problems

2002-11-06 Thread Anders Lind
On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 12:19:09 +
Len Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry Anders.  Can't help, but you should know that this seems to be a common 
problem.  I have had similar messages with many other installs, in particular
 with packages from magazine cover disks.  The GLIB one has certainly come up.
 Nobody has yet put forward an explanation, let alone a fix, so it must be
 some kind of bug in the installation script, which I would guess would be propagated 
from one script to another if a faulty script is used as a template.
 As far as I can recall there have been instances of a first time install 
 where configure looks for a pre-existing config script - not logical at all.
 That is why I feel it must be a bug.  I certainly never had the time to try
 and track it down.  I have completely lost patience with tarball installations.
 Please let us know if you do fix your problem.

Yes, I fixed with the help of the person that suggested to force the installation of
glib and subsequently with GTK+ as well, which will be next thing you will encounter.

I personally don't mind compiling when I have the time for it, because that will make
it better for the computer.

What you need to is the following

install the rpm's for glib and gtk+ (the libgtk+ that is) then just compile the
sylpheed-package, it is possible that after you fix the above things it might be
possible to install the rpm, but I have not tried this

It is possible that it is a bug in the configuration script or perhaps that Mandrake 
doesn't install it if you do not put in Gnome.


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Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick
Did you change the color or grayscale depth between the two?


- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

Could be - but pic00039 and pic00039a were both edited and re-written by
Gimp, so if the compression was being changed I would have expected it to be
so in both pics.


On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:20 pm, you wrote:

 I haven't got around to trying to view many images under MDK that were
 elsewhere (camera, webcam or under a different O/S). But, I have
 experienced oodles of problems in Windows working with bitmaps under
 several graphics programs and with files that came from other O/S (like
 Macs). If I am going to have any problems, it seems to be from either
 compression or 'bit-depth'. you can make a BMP file at carious bit-depths
 (2-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, etc.). Some programs can't handle all the
 combinations. However, if you are starting out with images from a digital
 camera, they are most likely compressed BMPs. Could it be possible that
 your editing program is able to handle compressed BMPs and therefore opens
 them properly to allow for editing, but KView cannot understand the
 compression scheme used by yoour camera and therefore making them
 unviewable until you remove it?


 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 6:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

 On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 10:53 am, you wrote:
  Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 10:53 pm, you wrote:
   Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:38 pm, you wrote:
   Anne Wilson wrote:
   I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working
  with images,
   but have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of
  photos I'm
   working with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images.
  Some of the
   .bmps were written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto.
The .jpgs
   display as thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.
   In a third directors there are images that were captured
  from video by a
   windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show
  as .BMP.
   These images do display as thumbnails.
   All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32
  partition, so
   renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.
   Any ideas, anyone?
   What about the name of the files ?
   Non-displaying ones are in the order of pic3.bmp and
  displaying ones
   are Svid003.BMP.
   Well I'm not familiar with those file names as such but I do
  know many
   windblows file names have to be changed, that is what jhead and
   are there for, but just as
   an experiment try changing the name to something all lowercase
  and see what
   Wouldn't that be counter-productive?  It's the mixed case ones
  that do
   display correctly.
   BTW, the pic* names are because that's the way the smartmedia
  card names its
   .jpg files, and I use .bmp when processing them to avoid further
The Svid* files are a user'defined prefix from the video
  capture software.
  All I can go on is my experiences with Windblows files , and any
  Johnfiles that
  were higher case I had to rename in all lower case to work in
  linux, and
  to that end chcase and jhead did the job.

 I'm beginning to think that the answer is much more simple.  pic00039.bmp
 does not display, but pic00039a.bmp, which is a heavily cropped version,
 does.  Is it simply a matter of size?  I think it may be, since the camer
 pics are much larger than the video pics that display OK.  Later, I'll try
 some cropping to test this theory.



 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick

It seems to me that someone has suggested here 
before that there is a shareware/freeware tool that will resize an NTFS 
partition safely. I think the reference was not very detailed, so I may have 
assumed that it was 'free' and not a commercial product.

Have you tried to do a search through the last 
archive done of the newbie listservfor'NTFS' to see what others have 
said? I have never tried to do this, opting to back up what I have to save and 
redoing the partition from scratch to the size I now want it.


- Original Message - 
From: QingHua Wang 
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

Hi there,

Can you explain in detail about what you do for the 
dual booting? I am struggling with this problem. I have asked about it but the 
answer is to find some disk tools such as PatitionMagic to make a partition for 
Linux from thepredefined NTFS partition(WinXP). However, PartitionMagic is 
not a free program. So can I share your experiences with this problem? Thanks in 



Re: [newbie] Burning frustration

2002-11-06 Thread John Richard Smith
Technoslick wrote:

If turning DMA on works, and you are satisfied --- use it!
T :-)
- Original Message -
*From:* gikoreno mailto:gikoreno;excite.com
mailto:BAGSOFCHOICE;oldtolley.fsnet.co.uk ; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:newbie;linux-mandrake.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:12 AM
*Subject:* Re: [newbie] Burning frustration

Hey John,

It turned out the reason why it wasn't burning at a decent speed was 
DMA related. I turned DMA on as per the other posts and it worked.
Knowing how people warn on the reliability of CD-ROMS when coupled 
with DMA, I am not convinced it's the best idea (will corruption 
follow?), but the performance of the system definitely went 
tremendously up.
So I guess I'll figure it out soon.


As a matter of interest, when it goes wrong using DMA, what
is the result, I mean , is it just data loss or something, or is there 
hardware breakage.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread Derek Jennings
It is interesting to note that the new Xandros distribution can apparently 
resize NTFS partitions.

However since Xandros have decided  not to publish any of their work under the 
GPL, and to not allow downloads of their distro, then I shall never find out 
how effective it is.

BTW: There are cheaper alternatives to Partition Magic. For example
(I have not tried it)


On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:18 pm, Tim Werner wrote:
 If you don't want to re-install Windows, probably the easiest thing is to
 add a hard drive and put Linux on that drive.  As far as I know, there is
 no freeware tool to re-partition a drive without losing the data.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of QingHua Wang
 Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 5:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

 Can you explain in detail about what you do for the dual booting? I am
 struggling with this problem. I have asked about it but the answer is to
 find some disk tools such as PatitionMagic to make a partition for Linux
 from the predefined NTFS partition(WinXP). However, PartitionMagic is not a
 free program. So can I share your experiences with this problem? Thanks in

 Introducing NetZero Long Distance
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-06 Thread Anne Wilson


On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:30 pm, you wrote:
 Did you change the color or grayscale depth between the two?


 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

 Could be - but pic00039 and pic00039a were both edited and re-written by
 Gimp, so if the compression was being changed I would have expected it to
 be so in both pics.


 On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:20 pm, you wrote:
  I haven't got around to trying to view many images under MDK that were


  elsewhere (camera, webcam or under a different O/S). But, I have
  experienced oodles of problems in Windows working with bitmaps under
  several graphics programs and with files that came from other O/S (like
  Macs). If I am going to have any problems, it seems to be from either
  compression or 'bit-depth'. you can make a BMP file at carious bit-depths
  (2-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, etc.). Some programs can't handle all the
  combinations. However, if you are starting out with images from a digital
  camera, they are most likely compressed BMPs. Could it be possible that
  your editing program is able to handle compressed BMPs and therefore
  opens them properly to allow for editing, but KView cannot understand the
  compression scheme used by yoour camera and therefore making them
  unviewable until you remove it?
  - Original Message -
  From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 6:58 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler
  On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 10:53 am, you wrote:
   Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 10:53 pm, you wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:38 pm, you wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working
   with images,
but have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of
   photos I'm
working with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images.
   Some of the
.bmps were written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto.
 The .jpgs
display as thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.

In a third directors there are images that were captured
   from video by a
windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show
   as .BMP.
These images do display as thumbnails.

All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32
   partition, so
renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.

Any ideas, anyone?


What about the name of the files ?


Non-displaying ones are in the order of pic3.bmp and
   displaying ones
are Svid003.BMP.


Well I'm not familiar with those file names as such but I do
   know many
windblows file names have to be changed, that is what jhead and
are there for, but just as
an experiment try changing the name to something all lowercase
   and see what

Wouldn't that be counter-productive?  It's the mixed case ones
   that do
display correctly.

BTW, the pic* names are because that's the way the smartmedia
   card names its
.jpg files, and I use .bmp when processing them to avoid further
 The Svid* files are a user'defined prefix from the video
   capture software.
   All I can go on is my experiences with Windblows files , and any
   Johnfiles that
   were higher case I had to rename in all lower case to work in
   linux, and
   to that end chcase and jhead did the job.
  I'm beginning to think that the answer is much more simple.  pic00039.bmp
  does not display, but pic00039a.bmp, which is a heavily cropped version,
  does.  Is it simply a matter of size?  I think it may be, since the camer
  pics are much larger than the video pics that display OK.  Later, I'll
  try some cropping to test this theory.


  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread Anne Wilson
...but I have read many complimentary reviews about it.  It must be worth 
checking out.


On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:50 pm, you wrote:
 It is interesting to note that the new Xandros distribution can apparently
 resize NTFS partitions.

 However since Xandros have decided  not to publish any of their work under
 the GPL, and to not allow downloads of their distro, then I shall never
 find out how effective it is.

 BTW: There are cheaper alternatives to Partition Magic. For example
 (I have not tried it)


 On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:18 pm, Tim Werner wrote:
  If you don't want to re-install Windows, probably the easiest thing is to
  add a hard drive and put Linux on that drive.  As far as I know, there is
  no freeware tool to re-partition a drive without losing the data.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of QingHua Wang
  Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 5:58 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?
  Can you explain in detail about what you do for the dual booting? I am
  struggling with this problem. I have asked about it but the answer is to
  find some disk tools such as PatitionMagic to make a partition for Linux
  from the predefined NTFS partition(WinXP). However, PartitionMagic is not
  a free program. So can I share your experiences with this problem? Thanks
  in advance.
  Introducing NetZero Long Distance
  1st month Free!
  Sign up today at: www.netzerolongdistance.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Burning frustration

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick
No breakage. What I have noticed is that a CD-ROM drive becomes unreliable
in reading. It works sometimes, other times not. Can't tell that the
contents of the drive has changed. Or stops working. With storage mediums
that you write to, like hard drives, it will begin to scramble it, until you
are not able to use it. I have not seen any drives actually harmed. I ended
up having to start over again in loading Windows.

I tend to forget as much as I remember anymore, so when Tom Brinkman
mentioned the problem was actually stemming from the motherboard's chipset,
I remembered reading about that a long time ago. If you are using an older
motherboard, especially one that happens to be a cheap brand, there is a
chance that applying DMA witll cause a Read-Only device to not work properly
or a hard drive to scramble its data.

You  need to keep in mind that I still use a lot of old equipment and
therefore am more sensitive to these issues than those who are working with
equipment less than a few years old. I am using EPOX, MicroStar and some
VxPro boards, that have not been avaiable for years. The same goes for my
peripheral cards and stuff. I have too many computers, and not the wallet to
justfy replacing everything I own every few years to keep up with the
Jones'. I agree with what has been said by many here that there shouldn't
be any problems with today's equipment using DMA. My question is...How many
users throughout the world are trying to use Mandrake Linux on an older box
that may have problems activating DMA?

I'll take some heat and good-natured debate over this if someone takes my
advice and backs up their data first before taking the plunge on old
equipment, knowing that it could be a problem. :-)


- Original Message -
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Burning frustration

Technoslick wrote:

 If turning DMA on works, and you are satisfied --- use it!

 T :-)

 - Original Message -
 *From:* gikoreno mailto:gikoreno;excite.com
 mailto:BAGSOFCHOICE;oldtolley.fsnet.co.uk ;
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:newbie;linux-mandrake.com
 *Sent:* Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:12 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [newbie] Burning frustration

 Hey John,

 It turned out the reason why it wasn't burning at a decent speed was
 DMA related. I turned DMA on as per the other posts and it worked.
 Knowing how people warn on the reliability of CD-ROMS when coupled
 with DMA, I am not convinced it's the best idea (will corruption
 follow?), but the performance of the system definitely went
 tremendously up.
 So I guess I'll figure it out soon.


As a matter of interest, when it goes wrong using DMA, what
is the result, I mean , is it just data loss or something, or is there
hardware breakage.

John Richard Smith

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Installing fonts

2002-11-06 Thread robin
Miark wrote:

Does Linux suffer at all if you load in a mountain of fonts?

Other than perhaps slowing things down a bit, there should be no 
probvlem if they're good fonts - broken fonts can make X hang.  Oh, and 
don't try to make them all accessible to OpenOffice unless you have a 
very fast system!

Sir Robin

You almost never hear that word computer anymore, do you?
They're part of everything now. They used to be boxes with
keyboards, you know. - Tad Williams

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi


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Re: [newbie] Installing fonts

2002-11-06 Thread Guilherme Cirne
Miark wrote:
 Does Linux suffer at all if you load in a mountain of fonts?

Other than perhaps slowing things down a bit, there should be no 
probvlem if they're good fonts - broken fonts can make X hang.  Oh, 
don't try to make them all accessible to OpenOffice unless you have a
very fast system!

Sir Robin

Supposing I already have a lot of fonts accessible to OpenOffice, how 
do I go about making some of them unaccessible.

Guilherme Cirne

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Tar'ing - I'm confused

2002-11-06 Thread Ken Walker
I tried to Tar to dat from a smbmount and use the following,

tar cvf /dev/nst0 *.*

It stopped after about 400mb

Tried it again and it did the same, so i tar'd to the hd such as

tar cvf /usr/Cad12/tartest *.*

and it did the same thing, stopped at about 400mb.

It tar'd one folder and the loose files in the root of where tar was run

So then i did 

tar cvf /dev/nst0 .

and that did the trick

The question is, *.* implies everything, and '.' implies the current
directory. Anybody know why it only did one folder and its contents and
loose files in the root.

The total was about 26 folders and 4.4Gb.

Kenny baby :o)

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Re: [newbie] Burning frustration

2002-11-06 Thread John Richard Smith
Technoslick wrote:

No breakage. What I have noticed is that a CD-ROM drive becomes unreliable
in reading. It works sometimes, other times not. Can't tell that the
contents of the drive has changed. Or stops working. With storage mediums
that you write to, like hard drives, it will begin to scramble it, until you
are not able to use it. I have not seen any drives actually harmed. I ended
up having to start over again in loading Windows.

I tend to forget as much as I remember anymore, so when Tom Brinkman
mentioned the problem was actually stemming from the motherboard's chipset,
I remembered reading about that a long time ago. If you are using an older
motherboard, especially one that happens to be a cheap brand, there is a
chance that applying DMA witll cause a Read-Only device to not work properly
or a hard drive to scramble its data.

You  need to keep in mind that I still use a lot of old equipment and
therefore am more sensitive to these issues than those who are working with
equipment less than a few years old. I am using EPOX, MicroStar and some
VxPro boards, that have not been avaiable for years. The same goes for my
peripheral cards and stuff. I have too many computers, and not the wallet to
justfy replacing everything I own every few years to keep up with the
Jones'. I agree with what has been said by many here that there shouldn't
be any problems with today's equipment using DMA. My question is...How many
users throughout the world are trying to use Mandrake Linux on an older box
that may have problems activating DMA?

I'll take some heat and good-natured debate over this if someone takes my
advice and backs up their data first before taking the plunge on old
equipment, knowing that it could be a problem. :-)

Technoslick wrote:



Well I guess you have a point because my msi mobo comes with a bios
setting by default is DMA disabled. I don't suppose they do that for 
So I for one will keep the substance of this discussion stowed away at the
back of my mind. Just in case.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Shared directories

2002-11-06 Thread Miark
There could be.

I would make myself a different user on the second distro
and access data files of the original user using group


On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 08:43:36 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 4:17 am, you wrote:
  On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 23:01:47 -0500
  Paul Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Does anyone know if it's possible to share partitions between distros? 
   For example, if I choose to have two distros, e.g., a production distro
   and an experimental one, can they share /home?
  Sure they can.
 Are there any problems with the config entries put there by apps, which may 
 be different version?

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RE: [newbie] Tar'ing - I'm confused

2002-11-06 Thread Richard Urwin
You're showing your roots.
*.* is a MS pattern. The corrosponding Unix pattern is *

I guess that tar backed-up everything with a dot in it?

Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Ken Walker
Sent: 06 November 2002 13:55
Subject: [newbie] Tar'ing - I'm confused

I tried to Tar to dat from a smbmount and use the following,

tar cvf /dev/nst0 *.*

It stopped after about 400mb

Tried it again and it did the same, so i tar'd to the hd such as

tar cvf /usr/Cad12/tartest *.*

and it did the same thing, stopped at about 400mb.

It tar'd one folder and the loose files in the root of where tar was run

So then i did 

tar cvf /dev/nst0 .

and that did the trick

The question is, *.* implies everything, and '.' implies the current
directory. Anybody know why it only did one folder and its contents and
loose files in the root.

The total was about 26 folders and 4.4Gb.

Kenny baby :o)

This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
around the clock, around the globe, visit http://www.messagelabs.com

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Re: [newbie] Tar'ing - I'm confused

2002-11-06 Thread Miark
What happens if you do 

  tar cvf /dev/nst0 *.*



On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 13:54:51 - 
Ken Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried to Tar to dat from a smbmount and use the following,
 tar cvf /dev/nst0 *.*
 It stopped after about 400mb

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Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick
From what little I have gathered here, you are making a change to the
original image and that is the only way it is viewable through KView. Right?
If this is really true, you are making a change to the file that makes the
difference, whatever that may be. I cannot think of anything specific that
would be causing this without testing it out myself. I don't think size is
the issue, unless the originals happens to be very many MBs to begin with.
Then it could be size related and either a limnitation of KView or something
that can be adjusted for by changing a setting in a configuration file.
(Just talking out loud...)

I have an Earthlink digital camera (freebie) that I can connect up to my MDK
9.0 box and see if I can reproduce the problem. I believe the camera makes
compressed BMPs, by default. I'll let you know what I come up with as soon
as I try it out. Hopefully, someone with some experience with this will get
to you, first.


- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler



On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:30 pm, you wrote:
 Did you change the color or grayscale depth between the two?


 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

 Could be - but pic00039 and pic00039a were both edited and re-written by
 Gimp, so if the compression was being changed I would have expected it to
 be so in both pics.


 On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:20 pm, you wrote:
  I haven't got around to trying to view many images under MDK that were


  elsewhere (camera, webcam or under a different O/S). But, I have
  experienced oodles of problems in Windows working with bitmaps under
  several graphics programs and with files that came from other O/S (like
  Macs). If I am going to have any problems, it seems to be from either
  compression or 'bit-depth'. you can make a BMP file at carious
  (2-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, etc.). Some programs can't handle all the
  combinations. However, if you are starting out with images from a
  camera, they are most likely compressed BMPs. Could it be possible that
  your editing program is able to handle compressed BMPs and therefore
  opens them properly to allow for editing, but KView cannot understand
  compression scheme used by yoour camera and therefore making them
  unviewable until you remove it?
  - Original Message -
  From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 6:58 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler
  On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 10:53 am, you wrote:
   Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 10:53 pm, you wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:38 pm, you wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working
   with images,
but have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of
   photos I'm
working with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images.
   Some of the
.bmps were written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto.
 The .jpgs
display as thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.

In a third directors there are images that were captured
   from video by a
windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show
   as .BMP.
These images do display as thumbnails.

All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32
   partition, so
renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.

Any ideas, anyone?


What about the name of the files ?


Non-displaying ones are in the order of pic3.bmp and
   displaying ones
are Svid003.BMP.


Well I'm not familiar with those file names as such but I do
   know many
windblows file names have to be changed, that is what jhead and
are there for, but just as
an experiment try changing the name to something all lowercase
   and see what

Wouldn't that be counter-productive?  It's the mixed case ones
   that do
display correctly.

BTW, the pic* names are because that's the way the smartmedia
   card names its
.jpg files, and I use .bmp when processing them to avoid further
 The Svid* files are a user'defined prefix from the video
   capture software.
   All I can go on is my experiences with Windblows files , and any
   Johnfiles that
   were higher case I had to rename in all lower case to work in
   linux, and
   to that end chcase and jhead did the job.
  I'm beginning to think that the answer is much more simple.
  does not display, but pic00039a.bmp, which is a 

Re: [newbie] Hardware question

2002-11-06 Thread Tony Castro
I have a hauppage tv tuner with the brooktree chipset
and it seems to work fine. I never use the card in
linux but i do get the blue screen from the yellow
jack and i get snow from the coax. So it does work.
I haven't actually tried capturing video with it Linux
but I assume that it will work.

--- Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Bt848KPF video capture card that came with
 my 3Com BigPicture
 Vidcam. I did a little research on it and found that
 the Brooktree chipset
 on the card is very compatible under Linux. I can
 see on the card that it
 was made by Hauppage. I no longer care to use the
 Webcam that came with it,
 but instead use the card for retrieving video from
 my VHS-C recorder. Did
 you have to make any adjustments or configurations
 in MDK 9.0 after you
 installed it for it to work? Does KWinTV work well
 for video retrieval and
 - Original Message -
 From: Bryan Tyson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 7:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Hardware question
 On Tuesday 05 November 2002 16:25, Anne wrote:
  I have been using a usb gizmo under windows to
 capture stills from an
  analogue video camera.  There's no chance, I
 think, of getting a
  Linux driver for this, so I wonder what next.
 I have connected a camera to the composite input of
 my Hauppage WinTV
 and grabbed stills using KWinTV.
 Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
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 Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread qhwang
I have found something interesting in the FAQs of Ranish Partition Manager.
It says,

18. What about resizing of NTFS partitions?

  Unfortunately, there are no free utilities yet to do this. So you need to
  go for commercial/shareware utilities.

  Bootit Next Generation: http://www.terabyteunlimited.com
  Partition Magic:http://www.powerquest.com .

It seems that I have to buy a small hard disk for Linux.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] sawfish configuration

2002-11-06 Thread Paul Rodriguez
Has anybody gotten sawfish configuration to work in 9.0?  Anytime I
click on any of the sawfish config programs in the gnome config menu,
none of the programs open.

- Paul Rodriguez

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Re: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-11-06 Thread Charlie
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 03:53 am, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
 Dear Charlie,

 Thought I would let you know that the problem is solved!!! Nothing very
 technical simply the CD-RW in the writer did not function. It was a
 Memorex High speed 8X 12X, nor would it work with WinXP/Nero. Other
 CD-Rs work well. It appears that a 4X speed writer will not work on a
 higher speed disc.

 Anyway, thank you for guiding me to the final destination. Your a

 Best wishes,


Hello Malcolm;

If my small assistance was of any value you are very welcome and I'm 
delighted. I'm very happy that you solved the problem since my brain was 
starting to hurt trying to come up with a solution that made sense. Or was 
that a weather change migraine? H ;-)

The CD-R that you used is also probably a high speed media type. It must be 
the difference in the recording substrate that won't accept a lower speed and 
a lower intensity laser for a CD-RW. I've never had that problem since all my 
CD-RWs are rated for minimum speeds well within the operating envelope of the 

Too weird in any event.

Kudos for not giving in or giving up. I've known a few people that ran back to 
Windows screaming Linux is too hard! over less puzzling difficulties. 
You've done well my friend.

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Politics is not the art of the possible.  It consists in choosing
between the disastrous and the unpalatable.
-- John Kenneth Galbraith

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Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday November 6 2002 05:41 am, Silent Bob wrote:
 My Mandrake freezes without warning shortly after reboot. But this
 one is a hardware problem. I tested the harddrive in other machine.

 Booting into X, or to level 3 ?  Booting into X it could be a video 
problem. Configure to boot to level 3 till you get things sorted out.

 Does anyone know what is the normal operating temperature for AMD
 duron 1300. Mine is running at 59C and I think that over heating
 could be the problem. Although I have a cooler with 2 fans witch is
 for AMD processors up to 1,5 Ghz

 Most AMD proccesors have a failure temp of ~90 to 95C internal 
core. If 59C is from bios it's pretty much useless, the system has just 
booted and the cpu is under low load. Your cpu heats very rapidly as 
soon as you begin to boot into an OS.  If it's from lm_sensors, it's 
comin from a probe (thermistor) that either reads one of the cpu's 
pins, or is in contact with the die.  From a pin is slightly better, 
but in either case the reported temp is 10 to 20C less than the actual 
internal core temp. So 59C could mean a core temp closer to 79C, but 
probly ~low 70C's.  Anyway, it's too high.  You want to see reported 
probe temps of 45 to 55C under 100% cpu load, 40 to 50C is better.

 Your cooler is probly fine, but do you have it mounted with a 
thermal pad or grease? Grease is much better, specially over time. Your 
case temps maybe too high to let the cooler do it's job. Take the case 
cover off and point a table fan directly into the box aimed at the cpu 
and chipset heatsinks. Does the problem go away?  If it doesn't, next 
likely culprits are marginal power supply (is yours AMD approved?), or 
marginal motherboard/ram (they work together, equally important). Try 
testing with memtest86, the rpm is on your CD's. It'll create a lilo 
(or grub) option to boot 'memtest86-xx'. Let it run overnight. You 
should see -0- errors.

Your question is not off topic. IMO, most problems reported on this 
list have a basis in hardware and configuration, while Mandrake gets 
blamed.  At least you've yourself pointed in a good direction, as 
hardware problems should always be checked and eliminated first ;)

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-11-06 Thread Miark
On Wed, 06 Nov 2002 09:02:37 -0700
Charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The CD-R that you used is also probably a high speed media type. It must be 
 the difference in the recording substrate that won't accept a lower speed and 
 a lower intensity laser for a CD-RW. I've never had that problem since all my 
 CD-RWs are rated for minimum speeds well within the operating envelope of the 

Run cdrecord -atip dev=0,0,0 or whatever you dev is, and the CD will report
what speeds it's good for. I was surprised to find a set new CDs I that bought 
said they had a minimum speed of 4. I was surprised at the time, but it makes
more sense now, considering laser power levels.


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Re: [newbie] Keeping accurate system time

2002-11-06 Thread Kristjan

I think it does not matter if you use your lokal UK server or something else.
If your UK server does not work for you just use something else.
I am using one server in Norway and secondary in France, I have 2 hours time 
difference between me and Norway.
I have specified my timezone and my sytem time is always accurate.

And there is a big list already existing in the time settings from MCC, sipmly select 
the one you wish no need to search google for additiopnal.


 Wed, 06 Nov 2002 19:11:11 +0800
gnukid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 actually, what's appearing on the timestamp of your email is 1/19/2038. 
 you're almost 4decades ahead of us LOL, no offense =) j/k just made me 
 laugh after another frustrating day.
 Maybe it has something to do with the public time server, not on your side.
 magnet wrote:
  Hi all,
  Digging thru Webmin I came across a page to enter the host/address of a time 
  server. I have searched google and found only ONE UK public server on IP but if I use it and request webmin to sync the time my system 
  clock is reset to the year 1969.
  Now... have I lost the plot on this or am I simply doing something wrong?
  As usual your help is appreciated :)
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 this is my signature, it's not much but I was able to make one

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RE: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-06 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Way, way of topic

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Brinkman
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

On Wednesday November 6 2002 05:41 am, Silent Bob wrote:
 My Mandrake freezes without warning shortly after reboot. But this
 one is a hardware problem. I tested the harddrive in other machine.

 Booting into X, or to level 3 ? Booting into X it could be a video 
problem. Configure to boot to level 3 till you get things sorted out.

 Does anyone know what is the normal operating temperature for AMD
 duron 1300. Mine is running at 59C and I think that over heating
 could be the problem. Although I have a cooler with 2 fans witch is
 for AMD processors up to 1,5 Ghz

 Most AMD proccesors have a failure temp of ~90 to 95C internal 
core. If 59C is from bios it's pretty much useless, the system has just 
booted and the cpu is under low load. Your cpu heats very rapidly as 
soon as you begin to boot into an OS. If it's from lm_sensors, it's 
comin from a probe (thermistor) that either reads one of the cpu's 
pins, or is in contact with the die. From a pin is slightly better, 
but in either case the reported temp is 10 to 20C less than the actual 
internal core temp. So 59C could mean a core temp closer to 79C, but 
probly ~low 70C's. Anyway, it's too high. You want to see reported 
probe temps of 45 to 55C under 100% cpu load, 40 to 50C is better.

 Your cooler is probly fine, but do you have it mounted with a 
thermal pad or grease? Grease is much better, specially over time. Your 
case temps maybe too high to let the cooler do it's job. Take the case 
cover off and point a table fan directly into the box aimed at the cpu 
and chipset heatsinks. Does the problem go away? If it doesn't, next 
likely culprits are marginal power supply (is yours AMD approved?), or 
marginal motherboard/ram (they work together, equally important). Try 
testing with memtest86, the rpm is on your CD's. It'll create a lilo 
(or grub) option to boot 'memtest86-xx'. Let it run overnight. You 
should see -0- errors.

 Your question is not off topic. IMO, most problems reported on this 
list have a basis in hardware and configuration, while Mandrake gets 
blamed. At least you've yourself pointed in a good direction, as 
hardware problems should always be checked and eliminated first ;)

 Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas

Also make very sure that the heat sink ledge is oriented correctly. If the heat sink is
turned around then it may not be making contact with the cpu core and overheating is very fast.
It can be put on incorrectly. 
HTH, Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread Charlie
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 03:58 am, QingHua Wang wrote:
 Hi there,

 Can you explain in detail about what you do for the dual booting? I am
 struggling with this problem. I have asked about it but the answer is to
 find some disk tools such as PatitionMagic to make a partition for Linux
 from the predefined NTFS partition(WinXP). However, PartitionMagic is not a
 free program. So can I share your experiences with this problem? Thanks in




Is there a reason you can't just totally start from scratch and build the 
partitions you need for XP and just leave a portion of the drive for Mandrake 
unformatted or formatted for FAT 32? That would make it easy to use diskdrake 
to do the chore afterward.

For utilities to do the deed from predefined NTFS; pick one. The utilities 
you'll find at this link all seem to have either a demo or shareware 
version that you can try to resize the NTFS partition(s) on your drive 
without additional cost. All down-loadable I believe. I haven't used anything 
other than Ranish for this for many moons and choose not to work on 
pre-installed Windows XP machines if I can possibly avoid it.


Does anyone else find it strange that Microsoft juggles the file system format 
just enough to kill the possibility of using built in _free software_; thus 
forcing one to pay good money to try something other than their operating 
system? Forcing people to upgrade to their latest and greatest.

Talk about getting you coming and going or what? Good luck!

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Are you sure you're not an encyclopedia salesman?
No, Ma'am.  Just a burglar, come to ransack the flat.
-- Monty Python

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick

Have you used the newest version (beta)? If so, did you think that it was
stable enough to trust as a beta partitioner? Or is the version before it
able to work with NTFS as well?

As for M$'s attitude on changing the O/S to make it hard to use freeware on

I think you may be giving them too much credit. When you are that arrogant
and self-important, you only worry about the bigger picture and large
competitors. If M$ really cared that much, they would have figured out some
way to disable the use of Windows whenever someone loaded Linux for
dual-booting. ;-)

On the other hand, who's to say that they might now be working on that right

Just my own flavor of cynicism towards the big M$. :-D


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

On Wednesday 06 November 2002 03:58 am, QingHua Wang wrote:
 Hi there,

 Can you explain in detail about what you do for the dual booting? I am
 struggling with this problem. I have asked about it but the answer is to
 find some disk tools such as PatitionMagic to make a partition for Linux
 from the predefined NTFS partition(WinXP). However, PartitionMagic is not
 free program. So can I share your experiences with this problem? Thanks in




Is there a reason you can't just totally start from scratch and build the
partitions you need for XP and just leave a portion of the drive for
unformatted or formatted for FAT 32? That would make it easy to use
to do the chore afterward.

For utilities to do the deed from predefined NTFS; pick one. The utilities
you'll find at this link all seem to have either a demo or shareware
version that you can try to resize the NTFS partition(s) on your drive
without additional cost. All down-loadable I believe. I haven't used
other than Ranish for this for many moons and choose not to work on
pre-installed Windows XP machines if I can possibly avoid it.


Does anyone else find it strange that Microsoft juggles the file system
just enough to kill the possibility of using built in _free software_; thus
forcing one to pay good money to try something other than their operating
system? Forcing people to upgrade to their latest and greatest.

Talk about getting you coming and going or what? Good luck!

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Are you sure you're not an encyclopedia salesman?
No, Ma'am.  Just a burglar, come to ransack the flat.
-- Monty Python

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-11-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday November 6 2002 10:20 am, Miark wrote:
 On Wed, 06 Nov 2002 09:02:37 -0700

 Charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The CD-R that you used is also probably a high speed media type. It
  must be the difference in the recording substrate that won't accept
  a lower speed and a lower intensity laser for a CD-RW. I've never
  had that problem since all my CD-RWs are rated for minimum speeds
  well within the operating envelope of the Mitsumi.

 Run cdrecord -atip dev=0,0,0 or whatever you dev is, and the CD
 will report what speeds it's good for. I was surprised to find a set
 new CDs I that bought said they had a minimum speed of 4. I was
 surprised at the time, but it makes more sense now, considering laser
 power levels.


These are _real_ cheap generic CDR's from OfficeMax, $11 for a 50 
spindle.  I can always write successfully to 'em a 8x (max for my 
burner). I suspect 'Indicated writing power: 5' (below) doesn't refer 
to max writing speed as (IRRC) the label on the spindle said they were 
good for 16x. FWIW tho, anything important to me I burn at 4x.

tom$ cdrecord -atip dev=0,3,0
Cdrecord 1.11a36 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg 
scsidev: '0,3,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 3 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.6'
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'PLEXTOR '
Identifikation : 'CD-R   PX-W8432T'
Revision   : '1.09'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Driver flags   : MMC SWABAUDIO
Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P 
ATIP info from disk:
  Indicated writing power: 5
  Is not unrestricted
  Is not erasable
  Disk sub type: Medium Type A, low Beta category (A-) (2)
  ATIP start of lead in:  -11634 (97:26/66)
  ATIP start of lead out: 359849 (79:59/74)
Disk type:Short strategy type (Phthalocyanine or similar)
Manuf. index: 3
Manufacturer: CMC Magnetics Corporation

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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RE: [newbie] Tar'ing - I'm confused

2002-11-06 Thread Ken Walker
Spot on Richard.

Yep there was a single directory named janet.d, and the files sat in the
root were .tiff's.

Many thanks oh bright one :o)

here's a this week story. 

Student scanning. I saw her on the scanner for 3 hours. Mmmm i thought, lets
see what she's been scanning.
So on me samba server i had a nosy. Well me spare space of 3.5G had shrunk
down to 750mb... U i thought.

So what had she done. well she was scanning a ring, not to complicated
really. But for the fact that she scanned it at 800dpi at 24bit colour AND
scanned the whole scanning area. well 184Mb for a ring, what made it worse
was the fact that she did it 16 time, with the ring in a different place on
the scanner each time.

If only these lecturers could teach :o)

I got here to do it again, but just the once. Still at 800dpi ( mega
overkill for what she wanted but i wanted to show her the difference using
selective scanning ) and the final result was under 15Mb and one file.

She said, it took a long time to save em...

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Richard Urwin
Sent: 06 November 2002 2:23 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Tar'ing - I'm confused

You're showing your roots.
*.* is a MS pattern. The corrosponding Unix pattern is *

I guess that tar backed-up everything with a dot in it?

Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Ken Walker
Sent: 06 November 2002 13:55
Subject: [newbie] Tar'ing - I'm confused

I tried to Tar to dat from a smbmount and use the following,

tar cvf /dev/nst0 *.*

It stopped after about 400mb

Tried it again and it did the same, so i tar'd to the hd such as

tar cvf /usr/Cad12/tartest *.*

and it did the same thing, stopped at about 400mb.

It tar'd one folder and the loose files in the root of where tar was run

So then i did 

tar cvf /dev/nst0 .

and that did the trick

The question is, *.* implies everything, and '.' implies the current
directory. Anybody know why it only did one folder and its contents and
loose files in the root.

The total was about 26 folders and 4.4Gb.

Kenny baby :o)

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service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread Sharrea
On Thursday 07 Nov 2002 4:31 am, qhwang wrote:
 I have found something interesting in the FAQs of Ranish Partition
 Manager. It says,

 18. What about resizing of NTFS partitions?

   Unfortunately, there are no free utilities yet to do this. So you need
 to go for commercial/shareware utilities.

   Bootit Next Generation: http://www.terabyteunlimited.com
   Partition Magic:http://www.powerquest.com .

 It seems that I have to buy a small hard disk for Linux.

Haven't checked recently, but Bootit NG (above) used to have a free trial 
(30 days) which I've used in the past - actually I ended up purchasing it 
because it was very easy to use and was the cheapest available.  It works 
too!  The first time I ever tried linux, I repartitioned with Bootit but 
that was with Win98SE (FAT32) not NTFS.

If they still have the trial version, download it and read the docs.  If it 
says it can resize NTFS then it will.  Its not a bad little program IMHO.  
Like I said, its very easy to use.  I've even used it to backup partitions 
to CD-RW and used them to restore (back when I used Winblows, that is).

Don't forget to backup first.

Good luck
Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] Burning frustration

2002-11-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday November 6 2002 08:04 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Technoslick wrote:

 I tend to forget as much as I remember anymore, so when Tom Brinkman
 mentioned the problem was actually stemming from the motherboard's
  chipset, I remembered reading about that a long time ago. If you
  are using an older motherboard, especially one that happens to be a
  cheap brand, there is a chance that applying DMA witll cause a
  Read-Only device to not work properly or a hard drive to scramble
  its data.

   It's got more to do with the quality and design of the motherboard.
IE, layout design, races (imbeded wiring) and other components, eg, 
capacitors, rather than the chipset used (VIA, AMD, Intel, nForce, SiS, 
etc.). I know I upset some people by sayin this, but Abit is probly a 
good yet popular example of all the above, poor design, poor 
implementation, marginal components.  OTOH, even a good mobo will have 
problems if powered by a marginal power supply.

 Well I guess you have a point because my msi mobo comes with a bios
 setting by default is DMA disabled. I don't suppose they do that for
 So I for one will keep the substance of this discussion stowed away
 at the back of my mind. Just in case.

MSI makes good boards, they're often some of the first ones on AMD's 
recommended list. They were the first for 2700+ XP's followed shortly 
by Asus and Gigabyte. Similar implied recommendation can be made for 
their Intel boards (IMO). For an insite into why DMA is disabled read 
down thru /etc/rc.sysinit till you get to # Turn off DMA on CD-ROMs. 
It more often than not

The very next section will tell you how to turn it back on,
# Turn on harddisk optimization   IE, uncomment 'USE_DMA=1' and 
copy that 'fixed' harddisks file to 'harddiskhd?' for each drive you 
want DMA enabled. I always enable it for all drives.  I use to do it 
with rc.local, but now use the newer method with 'harddisks' as it 
catches it earlier in the boot proccess.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread Charlie
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 10:07 am, Technoslick wrote:

 Have you used the newest version (beta)? If so, did you think that it was
 stable enough to trust as a beta partitioner? Or is the version before it
 able to work with NTFS as well?

 As for M$'s attitude on changing the O/S to make it hard to use freeware on

 I think you may be giving them too much credit. When you are that arrogant
 and self-important, you only worry about the bigger picture and large
 competitors. If M$ really cared that much, they would have figured out some
 way to disable the use of Windows whenever someone loaded Linux for
 dual-booting. ;-)

 On the other hand, who's to say that they might now be working on that
 right now?

 Just my own flavor of cynicism towards the big M$. :-D


Hey T.;

I've been avoiding XP like the plague (as much as possible) while staying 
within my self imposed help a friend guidelines. I still haven't had to try 
to resize any partitions on anything newer than W2K Pro and with that version 
of the wonder from Redmond the beta of Mikhail Ranish's freeware (2.40 beta 
if I recall correctly) worked. There's just enough difference in the NTFS 
format from Win 2k to XP to break with the version I used though. I think. I 
had no trouble with that 'project' and I think the lady still occasionally 
boots to Win 2K. Not often since she has a shared FAT 32 partition now. 
Something must have worked since she only calls to say howdy lately. g

I still think the best solution is to start from scratch and leave enough room 
unformatted for whatever alternatives the user wants to tackle. Back-ups are 
easy enough and cheap enough for that. The main difficulty most people have 
is no install disk, just some kind of restore disk included with 
pre-installed/proprietary machines. Like H-Paq, Dell, etc. That makes it 
tough to do anything non standard as far as repartitioning and will 
probably void the warranty anyway. In fact I'm sure of it in at least one 
case; since I have a friend that works in customer service (the Hell Desk) 
for Compaq.

Microsoft as a corporation is just as arrogant as you imply; or worse. The 
theme seems to be either buy the competitor, or destroy them somehow. 
Regardless of size. Hardware manufacturers would like to be that arrogant but 
many are just stupid IMNSHO.

I don't think either of us could be considered anywhere near cynical enough 
about Microsoft. :-)

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
The future is a race between education and catastrophe.
-- H.G. Wells

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-11-06 Thread Charlie
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 09:20 am, Miark wrote:
 On Wed, 06 Nov 2002 09:02:37 -0700

 Charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The CD-R that you used is also probably a high speed media type. It must
  be the difference in the recording substrate that won't accept a lower
  speed and a lower intensity laser for a CD-RW. I've never had that
  problem since all my CD-RWs are rated for minimum speeds well within the
  operating envelope of the Mitsumi.

 Run cdrecord -atip dev=0,0,0 or whatever you dev is, and the CD will
 report what speeds it's good for. I was surprised to find a set new CDs I
 that bought said they had a minimum speed of 4. I was surprised at the
 time, but it makes more sense now, considering laser power levels.


Yep, I was aware of that but why the devil didn't any of us think to tell 
_Malcolm_? LMAO Just shows that if things become automatic for a person in 
GNU/Linux it's hard to remember how we got there so we can pass it on to a 
fellow 'gnubie', doesn't it? 

Thanks Miark.
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.
-- Aristotle Onassis

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RE: [newbie] news ticker

2002-11-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
Title: Message

Mate, I've seen heaps of different "news tickers" for 
either Gnome/Gnome2, KDE or even gKrellm - and some that just nicely sit off in 
a little window somewhere on your desktop...last one I used was with KDE3 - 
worked like a champ...(If you read the news, you know!) - or you could get 
creative and build a small html thatretrieves the data from news sites and 
useQTDesigner to make a dockable window for 

-Original Message-From: 
Behalf Of Bill WinegardenSent: Thursday, 7 November 2002 4:57 
AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] news 

  Hi All,
   How's this for a 180. I'm so 
  used to using linux at home that I want it's flexibility and useability in 
  windows, at work. 
   My question, is there a 
  similar product to the news ticker(that I use in LM9)for windows? 
  I find it one of the most useful apps for the taskbar. It gives 'at a glance' 
  information on stories that interest me.
   No flames please, I am 
  fighting the fight here at work to get some acceptance for linux and open 
  source. Till I'm successful, I'm forced to use this OS. 
  Bill W.
  "education was never meant to be efficient. It 
  was meant to be difficult, interesting, pleasurable, errant, prodigal in every 
  respect, transgressive, personal, lengthy, demanding and hospitable - but not 
  efficient" - St. Augustine

[newbie] getting mail from spool to sylpheed

2002-11-06 Thread Todd Slater
I access e-mail remotely using ssh and mutt. With mutt, I'm actually
reading the spool, so I can't read old messages I have in my sylpheed
folder, and messages I send using mutt do not go to my sylpheed outbox. 

Is there a way I can have mail sent from the spool to sylpheed (without
even running sylpheed?) and then use mutt to access that folder?

At least I think that's the question I want to ask.


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Re: [newbie] Installing fonts

2002-11-06 Thread Robin Turner
Guilherme Cirne wrote:

Miark wrote:

Does Linux suffer at all if you load in a mountain of fonts?

Other than perhaps slowing things down a bit, there should be no 
probvlem if they're good fonts - broken fonts can make X hang.  Oh, 


don't try to make them all accessible to OpenOffice unless you have a
very fast system!

Sir Robin

Supposing I already have a lot of fonts accessible to OpenOffice, how 
do I go about making some of them unaccessible.


Sir Robin

A free man ought not to learn anything under duress.
Compulsory physical exercise does no harm to the body,
but compulsory learning never sticks in the mind. - Plato

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] Zip drive/hdc=ide-scsi ramblings...(long post)

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick
I tried to manually add my external zip drive to MDK 8.2, following the
HowTo, as well as the information given on the Iomega Web. The two clashed a
bit on what to do, so I probably never made the right combinations happen
for it to work for me. When I decided that I didn't have anything to lose in
reinstalling 8.2, I did so with the drive attached and on. MDK 8.3 picked it
up very early on during installation and created no problems for me
thereafter. As a matter of fact, I have had no supermount problems on 8.2
with my zip drive...EVER! It has only been with the
reading/rereading/ejecting of the CD-RW. You have to admit, it's really
handy having an eject button on the zip drive that actually ejects the
disk when you push it in. :-P

Anyway, I am so glad that your conclusions mirror that of what a fresh
install did for me. I just wish that you could have come over for a couple
of beers and some of the best Italian pizza in the world. I know you would
have been able to show me what I did wrong when I was trying to do it
manually... :-)


- Original Message -
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 2:11 AM
Subject: [newbie] Zip drive/hdc=ide-scsi ramblings...(long post)

Just thought I'd post this in case it helps anyone else who has had zip
difficulties at one time or the other.

 When I installed v8.2 of Mandrake, I got a Zip drive icon on my KDE desktop
that would not work. Clicking it gave the usual (and now well-read, at least
on this list) error messages - doesn't exist, mounted too many times,
superblock, blah, blah, blah. So I deleted that icon, edited my /etc/fstab
file to show this:

/dev/hdc4 /mnt/zip vfat nosuid,user,noauto,nodev 0 0

where hdc is the info suppled by dmesg. I then created a new zip icon by
right-clicking on my desktop, new floppy device, changed the mounted and
unmounted icons, and pointed it to /dev/hdc4. I also edited /etc/lilo.conf
disable devfs.

All works well - I can mount, unmount and eject the drive from the drop down

Seems like the end of the story doesn't it? WelI thought it was,
until I was backing up everything on my system yesterday. I use my zip cart
for a catch all for files that I grab. Every so often, I burn a CD of the
zip cart, rm all the files there, and start over. (hey, data is
I started to do that this time, using Gcombust, but guess what happened?
dropped to 1% in about 3-5 seconds and I got a nicy, shiny beer coaster.
that I can't use another one but...). So what gives? I've pointed Gcombust
the /mnt/zip dir. many times in the past and burnt it in one go. I'd used
Gcombust all day to back up files from my hard drive, so it wasn't that. I
looked over the error messages from the output window and it got me to
thinking. When I edited /etc/lilo.conf, I removed hdc=ide-scsi from it.
After all, my Zip is an IDE device at hdc. What the heck, I put
back into /etc/lilo.conf and did /sbin/lilo. I did a mount -a as su, and I'm
back to where I was originially - I can't access my Zip drive again. So I'm
thinking (yeah, it happens) - if Mandrake's install is treating this device
like its SCSI, then I should too. I started Galeon, and google-ized (is that
a verb?) linux zip drive howto. What I was looking for and found, was info
how to setup an external drive, treated as SCSI. From that, I gleaned that
the device I needed to enter into /etc/fstab was this:

/dev/sda4 /mnt/zip vfat nosuid,user,noauto,nodev 0 0

sda4. Yep, reran everything, pointed my KDE Zip desktop icon to it, and
voila! I can access it again. For final proof, I and add /mnt/zip into
Gcombust and it burns it flawlessly. Problem solved.

Hope this helps anyone who has a Zip drive - and sorry for rambling so
much :-)


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Changing screen resolution

2002-11-06 Thread Owen Berio
I'm using a A-B switch box between two computers. One is dedicated to 
WIN2000, the other is dedicated to Mandrake 8.2. The box allows me to utalize 
the same monitor, keyboard and mouse.

  Even though the monitor resolution is set the same for both boxes, some of 
the menue boxes run off the screen when using Mandrake. The situation is so 
bad that even with the title bars removed the icons for minimize, 
maximize,close on the top of the screen cannot be seen. The same goes for the 
bottom where the boxes for, o.k. or cancel are normallyfound. The sides are 
rendered the same so that the resize or move cannot be accessed.

  Any suggestions how I can solve this? I don't want to change my resolution 
from 600 to 800. Six hundred is what I use in Windows, anything smaller I 
find hard to see. Mostly I'm using KDE

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Re: [newbie] Installing Zope-zserver

2002-11-06 Thread Michael
Glad to hear you got it going.  The Zope.org website is a phenomenal resource 
of add-on products, how-to's, e-books etc.  The Zope mail list is also a 
tremendous help to get your questions answered that you can't find answers 
for in the how-to's.  Zope is a powerful and flexible development 
environment, although their editor stinks.  if your using KDE you can click 
on the little house icon for your home directory and in the location window 
enter  ftp://your_username;your.servername:8021/your_site_root_folder and you 
will have acces to your folders and files within Zope.  You can then right 
click on any file and select open with and you can choose the editor you 
wish to use.  I use Nedit.  Quanta will also ftp in.  Good Luck!


On Wednesday 06 November 2002 11:11 am, Miark wrote:
 Thanks, Michael. I followed your suggestion and am successfully running
 Zope now.


 On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 22:23:17 -0700

 Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would suggest you go to http://www.zope.org/Products/Zope/  and
  download from there.  Zope 2.6 is the latest release,  I'm using Zope
  2.4.4 with Python 2.1.3 and Apache 1.3.22 until I can determine stability

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[newbie] screen/menu resolution problem

2002-11-06 Thread Owen Berio

I'm using a A-B switch box between two computers. One is dedicated to 
WIN2000, the other is dedicated to Mandrake 8.2. The box allows me to utalize 
the same monitor, keyboard and mouse.

  Even though the monitor resolution is set the same for both boxes, some of 
the menue boxes run off the screen when using Mandrake. The situation is so 
bad that even with the title bars removed the icons for minimize, 
maximize,close on the top of the screen cannot be seen. The same goes for the 
bottom where the boxes for, o.k. or cancel are normallyfound. The sides are 
rendered the same so that the resize or move cannot be accessed.

  Any suggestions how I can solve this? I don't want to change my resolution 
from 600 to 800. Six hundred is what I use in Windows, anything smaller I 
find hard to see. Mostly I'm using KDE

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Re: [newbie] news ticker

2002-11-06 Thread Charlie
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 12:26 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Mate, I've seen heaps of different news tickers for either
 Gnome/Gnome2, KDE or even gKrellm - and some that just nicely sit off in
 a little window somewhere on your desktop...last one I used was with
 KDE3 - worked like a champ...(If you read the news, you know!) - or you
 could get creative and build a small html that retrieves the data from
 news sites and use QTDesigner to make a dockable window for it...

[responses interspersed]

Hi Stephen;

Wasn't the question the other direction? A Windows app that will work as well 
(yeah, right ;-) as the one he uses in Mandrake?


 Bill's message read thusly;

 Hi All,
 How's this for a 180. I'm so used to using linux at home that I want
 it's flexibility and useability in windows, at work.
 My question, is there a similar product to the news ticker (that I
 use in LM9) for windows? I find it one of the most useful apps for the
 taskbar. It gives 'at a glance' information on stories that interest me.
 No flames please, I am fighting the fight here at work to get some
 acceptance for linux and open source. Till I'm successful, I'm forced to
 use this OS.

 Bill W.

Bill you might want to check check:

for dockable newsreaders:


for example.

There seems to be a lot of links for such a beast.

For free-ware in windows I used to use (and still recommend to friends using 
that operating system):


The search on the site sorta sucks though which is why I recommended Google. 
Look in the Internet section for news apps I believe. The site owner checks 
the listed software for spyware and apparently flags any that are. Used to 

Good luck.
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
There comes a time in the affairs of a man when he has to take the bull
by the tail and face the situation.
-- W.C. Fields

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Hardware question

2002-11-06 Thread Anne Wilson
This is all sounding fairly encouraging.  I know that there are many hauppage 
tv tuners - how can I tell which models have the brooktree chipset?  Does the 
connection have to be at the back, or is it possible to bring a lead forward?


On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 3:10 pm, you wrote:
 I have a hauppage tv tuner with the brooktree chipset
 and it seems to work fine. I never use the card in
 linux but i do get the blue screen from the yellow
 jack and i get snow from the coax. So it does work.
 I haven't actually tried capturing video with it Linux
 but I assume that it will work.

 --- Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a Bt848KPF video capture card that came with
  my 3Com BigPicture
  Vidcam. I did a little research on it and found that
  the Brooktree chipset
  on the card is very compatible under Linux. I can
  see on the card that it
  was made by Hauppage. I no longer care to use the
  Webcam that came with it,
  but instead use the card for retrieving video from
  my VHS-C recorder. Did
  you have to make any adjustments or configurations
  in MDK 9.0 after you
  installed it for it to work? Does KWinTV work well
  for video retrieval and
  - Original Message -
  From: Bryan Tyson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 7:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Hardware question
  On Tuesday 05 November 2002 16:25, Anne wrote:
   I have been using a usb gizmo under windows to
  capture stills from an
   analogue video camera.  There's no chance, I
  think, of getting a
   Linux driver for this, so I wonder what next.
  I have connected a camera to the composite input of
  my Hauppage WinTV
  and grabbed stills using KWinTV.
  Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
  KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
  This is a Microsoft-free computer
  Bryan S. Tyson


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Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-06 Thread Anne Wilson
I'll be interest to know what happens.  It's going to be Friday or maybe 
weekend before I can take time to explore the effect of reducing size.  I 
want to play about to see if I can really get an idea whether there is a 
maximum size for KView.  The 'don't display' files are about 2.2Mb.


On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 2:38 pm, you wrote:
 From what little I have gathered here, you are making a change to the
 original image and that is the only way it is viewable through KView.
 Right? If this is really true, you are making a change to the file that
 makes the difference, whatever that may be. I cannot think of anything
 specific that would be causing this without testing it out myself. I don't
 think size is the issue, unless the originals happens to be very many MBs
 to begin with. Then it could be size related and either a limnitation of
 KView or something that can be adjusted for by changing a setting in a
 configuration file. (Just talking out loud...)

 I have an Earthlink digital camera (freebie) that I can connect up to my
 MDK 9.0 box and see if I can reproduce the problem. I believe the camera
 makes compressed BMPs, by default. I'll let you know what I come up with as
 soon as I try it out. Hopefully, someone with some experience with this
 will get to you, first.


 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler



 On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:30 pm, you wrote:
  Did you change the color or grayscale depth between the two?
  - Original Message -
  From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:23 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler
  Could be - but pic00039 and pic00039a were both edited and re-written by
  Gimp, so if the compression was being changed I would have expected it to
  be so in both pics.
  On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 12:20 pm, you wrote:
   I haven't got around to trying to view many images under MDK that were
   elsewhere (camera, webcam or under a different O/S). But, I have
   experienced oodles of problems in Windows working with bitmaps under
   several graphics programs and with files that came from other O/S (like
   Macs). If I am going to have any problems, it seems to be from either
   compression or 'bit-depth'. you can make a BMP file at carious


   (2-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, etc.). Some programs can't handle all the
   combinations. However, if you are starting out with images from a


   camera, they are most likely compressed BMPs. Could it be possible that
   your editing program is able to handle compressed BMPs and therefore
   opens them properly to allow for editing, but KView cannot understand


   compression scheme used by yoour camera and therefore making them
   unviewable until you remove it?
   - Original Message -
   From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 6:58 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler
   On Wednesday 06 Nov 2002 10:53 am, you wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 10:53 pm, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 Nov 2002 6:38 pm, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
 I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working
with images,
 but have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of
photos I'm
 working with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images.
Some of the
 .bmps were written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto.
  The .jpgs
 display as thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.
 In a third directors there are images that were captured
from video by a
 windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show
as .BMP.
 These images do display as thumbnails.
 All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32
partition, so
 renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.
 Any ideas, anyone?
 What about the name of the files ?
 Non-displaying ones are in the order of pic3.bmp and
displaying ones
 are Svid003.BMP.
 Well I'm not familiar with those file names as such but I do
know many
 windblows file names have to be changed, that is what jhead and
 are there for, but just as
 an experiment try changing the name to something all lowercase
and see what
 Wouldn't that be counter-productive?  It's the mixed case ones
that do
 display correctly.
 BTW, the pic* names are because that's the way the smartmedia
card names its
 .jpg files, and I use 

[newbie] Really important suggestion for mdk9.1 installation.

2002-11-06 Thread Franki
Hi guys,

I am installing 9.0 on a box that was having some probs after updating 8.2
security updates..

Anyway, my CD's were burnt at 2x speed, the checksum's matched and it worked
on another system I have..

Occasionally, with some hardware, the installer has probs with some
packages.. and instead of offering to eject the CD so you can clean it, or
asking if you want to retry, it just asks if you want to continue..

Why not ask if it should retry???

I even have more then one copy of mdk9.0, so I could stick in another copy..

but the install just asks if i want to continue

My suggestion is can we have the ability to retry, and even clean the

its annoying to have to stop the install to clean the CD (or whatever) and
have to start from scratch again..

Anyone else ever had the installer give that message?

I have a near new 48x CDROM that sometimes (fairly occasionally) results in
that message.. and each time I've had to start the install again...



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RE: [newbie] news ticker

2002-11-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
 Hi Stephen;
 Wasn't the question the other direction? A Windows app that will work
 as well (yeah, right ;-) as the one he uses in Mandrake?

Newsticker in Windoze? Gads...sorry...if I'd have known that, I'd not
have made a suggestion...(grin)...oh wait, but there IS a nifty utility
called WinBar that I snagged from www.BetaNews.com quite a while back
that has the ability to have a newsticker rather like Gnome or
KDE...was nicely configurable as well...(when in Windoze, I run VMWare
to run a real OS)

07 11th 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!  Graduate Of The Uncle Fester  Keith  !
!   Moon School of hair styling  !

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Hardware question

2002-11-06 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 03:58 pm, you wrote:
 This is all sounding fairly encouraging.  I know that there are many
 hauppage tv tuners - how can I tell which models have the brooktree
 chipset?  Does the connection have to be at the back, or is it possible to
 bring a lead forward?


Umm, I missed the start of this thread but I've got a WinTV (hauppage chip 
set) and it works fine under Linux. XawTV is always installed from the start. 
(although I usually wind up with this icon from Hell that takes a priest to 
remove from my desktop!) :-)

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Zip drive/hdc=ide-scsi ramblings...(long post)

2002-11-06 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 02:47 pm, you wrote:

 Anyway, I am so glad that your conclusions mirror that of what a fresh
 install did for me. I just wish that you could have come over for a couple
 of beers and some of the best Italian pizza in the world. I know you would
 have been able to show me what I did wrong when I was trying to do it
 manually... :-)


Or vice-versa! Anyways, I sure would have enjoyed the beer 'n pizza!


  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] news ticker

2002-11-06 Thread Charlie
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 02:19 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Hi Stephen;
  Wasn't the question the other direction? A Windows app that will work
  as well (yeah, right ;-) as the one he uses in Mandrake?

 Newsticker in Windoze? Gads...sorry...if I'd have known that, I'd not
 have made a suggestion...(grin)...oh wait, but there IS a nifty utility
 called WinBar that I snagged from www.BetaNews.com quite a while back
 that has the ability to have a newsticker rather like Gnome or
 KDE...was nicely configurable as well...(when in Windoze, I run VMWare
 to run a real OS)

That's the one I was looking for to answer this same question from a friend. 
He's stuck sitting behind Windoze all day or night (Compaq Hell Desk) and I 
couldn't remember the name of it. 

Too long since I ran anything other than a real operating system I s'pose.

Thanks Stephen. g
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Stenderup's Law:
The sooner you fall behind, the more time you will have to catch up.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Hardware question

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick
(Dark Lord -- sorry for hijacking your post, but I never got Anne's...)


It says on the largest chip of the small video capture card Bt??. Mine
is an older card, so it has a different set of numbers than what you might
find around now. Here's the site I found that gives me some direction on the
use of Hauppage Bt848 series card in Linux:


And here's a good FAQ that explains a lot about the use of Brooktree
technology in video capture cards and what can be done with them:


I can't wait to install mine and see what I can do with it... :-D


On Wednesday 06 November 2002 03:58 pm, you wrote:
 This is all sounding fairly encouraging.  I know that there are many
 hauppage tv tuners - how can I tell which models have the brooktree
 chipset?  Does the connection have to be at the back, or is it possible to
 bring a lead forward?


Umm, I missed the start of this thread but I've got a WinTV (hauppage chip
set) and it works fine under Linux. XawTV is always installed from the
(although I usually wind up with this icon from Hell that takes a priest
remove from my desktop!) :-)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] news ticker

2002-11-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
 That's the one I was looking for to answer this same question from a
 friend. He's stuck sitting behind Windoze all day or night (Compaq
 Hell Desk) and I couldn't remember the name of it.
 Too long since I ran anything other than a real operating system I
 Thanks Stephen. g

Here's the URL for WinBar: http://www.winbar.nl/index.php
Just so's to keep ya from having to surf too hard...

11 07 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!PC! Politically Correct (or) Pure   !
!  Crap! !

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Really important suggestion for mdk9.1 installation.

2002-11-06 Thread Technoslick
I have just finished installing RH 8.0 on and old P233 with one of those
not-to-be-spoken-of CD-RWs that cannot read over 650 MBs. All the RH distros
to current are less than 650 MBs for some reason. ;-) Ahem! AnywayI
can't speak highly enough about RH 8.0 allowing you to check all your CDs
for readability before you start the install. Sure gave me the warm fuzzies
before I settled down to a long install...


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 4:10 PM
Subject: [newbie] Really important suggestion for mdk9.1 installation.

Hi guys,

I am installing 9.0 on a box that was having some probs after updating 8.2
security updates..

Anyway, my CD's were burnt at 2x speed, the checksum's matched and it worked
on another system I have..

Occasionally, with some hardware, the installer has probs with some
packages.. and instead of offering to eject the CD so you can clean it, or
asking if you want to retry, it just asks if you want to continue..

Why not ask if it should retry???

I even have more then one copy of mdk9.0, so I could stick in another copy..

but the install just asks if i want to continue

My suggestion is can we have the ability to retry, and even clean the

its annoying to have to stop the install to clean the CD (or whatever) and
have to start from scratch again..

Anyone else ever had the installer give that message?

I have a near new 48x CDROM that sometimes (fairly occasionally) results in
that message.. and each time I've had to start the install again...



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] news ticker

2002-11-06 Thread Charlie
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 02:46 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 Here's the URL for WinBar: http://www.winbar.nl/index.php
 Just so's to keep ya from having to surf too hard...

Passed along to the interested party; thanks again.

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Don't look now, but the man in the moon is laughing at you.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Donation suggestion

2002-11-06 Thread Miark
I have an HP SureStore T4 tape drive with accompanying SCSI 
card. I have no use for it and thought there might be an open
source project, site, whatever that can get some use out of 
it. Any suggestions?


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Re: [newbie] sawfish configuration

2002-11-06 Thread Paul Rodriguez
So does that make this an official bug?  Anybody know how to file it?

- Paul

On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 13:41, Sharrea wrote:
 On Thursday 07 Nov 2002 4:34 am, Paul Rodriguez wrote:
  Has anybody gotten sawfish configuration to work in 9.0?  Anytime I
  click on any of the sawfish config programs in the gnome config menu,
  none of the programs open.
  - Paul Rodriguez
 Same here.  Been wondering 'bout that myself...
 Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] Donation suggestion

2002-11-06 Thread Kenneth E. Spress
Mark If you want to you can send it to me and I will throw it in my
Kenneth E. Spress

(586) 945-3801

You Finally Have A Choice In Local Telephone
Service Ask Me How.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 4:56 PM
Subject: [newbie] Donation suggestion

 I have an HP SureStore T4 tape drive with accompanying SCSI
 card. I have no use for it and thought there might be an open
 source project, site, whatever that can get some use out of
 it. Any suggestions?


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Donation suggestion

2002-11-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com wrote: 
 I have an HP SureStore T4 tape drive with accompanying SCSI
 card. I have no use for it and thought there might be an open source
 project, site, whatever that can get some use out of it. Any

Why not donate it to SourceForge.net or FreshMeat.net?

11 07 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!   Oh for the wings of any bird, other  !
!  than a battery hen... !

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] sawfish configuration

2002-11-06 Thread Stephen Kuhn
mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com wrote: 
 So does that make this an official bug?  Anybody know how to file it?
 - Paul
 On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 13:41, Sharrea wrote:
 On Thursday 07 Nov 2002 4:34 am, Paul Rodriguez wrote:
 Has anybody gotten sawfish configuration to work in 9.0?  Anytime I
 click on any of the sawfish config programs in the gnome config
 menu, none of the programs open.
 - Paul Rodriguez
 Same here.  Been wondering 'bout that myself...
 Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

I think that part of the issue is to ask whether or not you changed the
actual window manager from MetaCity to Sawfish in the first place...if
you didn't change the window manager, then nothing Sawfish will work.
I'm working on getting rid of MetaCity right now as I just don't like
it...rather have Sawfish...and having problems with installing it via
RPM as well as source...digging up the necessary libs and getting them
linked properly is a pain...then again, if I could only get Gnome2
removed and go back to the old-faithful Gnome 1.4 - had a lot more
features and was a tad more configurable...

11 07 2002
/  \ /| |'-.
   .\__/ || |   |
_ /  `._ \|_|_.-'
   | /  \__.`=._) (_
   |/ ._/  ||
   |'.  `\ | |
   ;/ / | |
   smk  ) /_/| |.---.|
   '  `-`'  
!  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
!   Now go away or I shall taunt you a   !
!  second time!  !

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] using MS fonts in Mdk

2002-11-06 Thread Angus Auld

 Howdy Angus, list memebers,
 I am curious if anybody knows will this work if I do not have Windows
 installed on my system, can I still import windows fonts into mandrake
 I do have a computer in the house which has WinME (that is the
 newest version of windows I have access to) and have copied the font
 directory to my system.  Do have to create a windows/font directory on a
 fat32 file system - which I still have on a second hard drive in my
 system, then just point Drakfont to it?
 Suppose I could just try it, but after reading about other problems
 people have had with Drakfont I thought I would ask and hopefully
 somebody has done the same thing as I am attempting.
 Thanks for any help
 On Tue, 05 Nov 2002 13:41:03 -0300
 Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Greetings, I  just wanted to pass this along...I thought I would
  import my MS fonts from my windows partition (winME), after reading
  about being able to do that with Drakfont. Also, I read that MS fonts
  are much better than those used by Mdk. 
  I am more partial to readability than style, and I really like just
  plain old Arial font. Arial was not available in Mdk however. 
  Well, I used Drakfont in the Mandrake Control Center-System
  Configuration Tool to get windows fonts. Drakfont imported the
  fonts w/o trouble, and I am now using MS fonts (Arial [Monotype]). I
  can't believe the difference! The fonts are so much clearer. I will
  never bash MS for their fonts at least, again ;-)
  This has made my Mandrake 9.0 look so much cleaner and easier on the
  Just thought I would share my observations. :-)
  All the best.

Hi Steve, yes I think you can do it by just pointing Drakfont to the directory that 
you have put the fonts in. But don't take my word for itplease. I had no problem 
getting the fonts from my winME partition. I followed the directions that I found 
here:  http://lli.linux-bangalore.org/ttfonts.php
Check it out, and see what you think. Maybe someone else more knowledgable can advise 
you more.

Good luck to you! All the best. 


How do you destroy a righteous person? Give him or her one follower! --ancient 
Cherokee saying (fr. Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams)

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread RichardA
Stephen Kuhn, Wednesday 06 November 2002 19:15:
 Downloaded - going to have to try this on a customers computer to see
So /you're/ the model for the BOFH stories!

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Re: [newbie] getting mail from spool to sylpheed

2002-11-06 Thread Todd Slater
On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 14:42:52 -0500
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I access e-mail remotely using ssh and mutt. With mutt, I'm actually
 reading the spool, so I can't read old messages I have in my sylpheed
 folder, and messages I send using mutt do not go to my sylpheed outbox. 
 Is there a way I can have mail sent from the spool to sylpheed (without
 even running sylpheed?) and then use mutt to access that folder?
 At least I think that's the question I want to ask.

OK, I did a little more digging and added this to ~/.mutt/muttrc

set folder=~/sylmail
set mbox=+inbox
set mbox_type=MH

(Sylpheed uses MH format for mail.) Now, I run mutt and get mail from the
spool. If I run mutt -f =inbox I get my Sylpheed inbox, and mutt -f
=inbox/otherfolder for other folders inside the inbox. Pretty close to

Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: [newbie] Thumbnail view puzzler

2002-11-06 Thread Roland Hughes
Some times a non-gimp generation of graphics files do not generate a thumb-nail ajunct 
file which is what most thumb nails are. When I find one I push the generate thumb 
nail button and then it has one from then on.

On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 18:08:03 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I use KView's ability to display thumbnails, when working with images,
 but have come across a real puzzler.  In the large batch of photos I'm
 working with, two directories contain .jpg and .bmp images. Some of
 the .bmps were written by a windows program, and some by gPhoto.  The
 .jpgs display as thumbnails, but the .bmps don't.
 In a third directors there are images that were captured from video by
 a windows application, then trimmed in Gimp.  These all show as .BMP. 
 These images do display as thumbnails.
 All three directories are subdirectories in a fat32 partition, so
 renaming *.bmp to *.BMP makes no difference.
 Any ideas, anyone?

The directions said to install Windows 98/2000 or better!
 So I installed Linux!

Linux Counter: 241069

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[newbie] mdk 9 with tamil

2002-11-06 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I installed mdk 9 with tamil language support.
As user, in control center selecting various keyboards didn't allow me to type 
in tamil. As root I changed the keyboard in hardware. Then I could type tamil 
letters. But unfortunately, by trial and error also I couldn't find all tamil 
letters. ie tha or dha and also . above letters(mei ezhuththukkal). Can I get 
tscii keyboard layout used in mdk9 and how to get various combinations. I 
tried http://www.tamil.net/tscii/. I couldn't find. Can I get correct url for 
the same.

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Re: [newbie] using MS fonts in Mdk

2002-11-06 Thread Steve Jeppesen
I took my own suggestion and attempted importing the windows fonts. 
After some trial and error, I was able to import the fonts (and after
reading your message Derek, I discovered I do not have perlftlib
installed???) but now I have a /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/tmp
directory which appears to hold the exact same contents of
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont - my question is does anybody else
have this?

Can I delete that directory without any problems?

I was thinking that maybe during my attempts to import the fonts,
somehow I imported twice, and the excess /tmp directory just
contains a previous - but apparently successful import.

Now the only problem is how to get those fonts into Galeon, or sylpheed.
They show up in preferences for gedit, not galeon or sylpheed. What...do
I have to reboot or restart x in order for them to show up?

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 10:13:59 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can import Windows fonts using Samba.
 Just mount the remote windows directory with Samba and then use the
 'Advanced' button in Drakfont to point to individual font files.  Or
 else copy the font files to any media and import from there.
 NOTE: There is an issue with drakfont - A required RPM often does not
 get installed. Before importing your Windows fonts make sure you have
 the perlftlib RPM installed.

Linux user #280097
Machine #162480


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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-06 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 02:07 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:


 ... and I always make sure that I move my FAT/VFAT/NTFS partitions
 to the end of the first disk so that my free space is always below the
 1024 cylinder for linux. ...


My understanding is that the 1024 cylinder limit hasn't applied to Mandrake 
since 7.1 (assuming a 1998 or later BIOS).
-- cmg

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