Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Saturday September 13 2003 04:41 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:09:59 -0500

Dennis Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

I know cause I just did it using Tom B.s instructions.

basically it would be urpmi --update --auto-select?

Here's what I use to update.

urpmi -v --auto-select --allow-nodeps --allow-force
-v to see everything that going on
--auto-select to update everything that needs to be updated
--allow-nodeps to allow you to install without checking
dependencies if needed
--allow-force to allow you to force the installation if needed
--no-verify-rpm to keep it from complaining about bad gpg
That'll do it.

  With often dire results. The allow --allow-nodeps --allow-force 
being the BAD offenders. Here's what I've gravitated to. I install 
several 'trusted' mirrors that I have some current confidence in. 
It's a movin target, now I'm currently usin  uninett, sunsite,, a PLF source (also club-internet) simultaneously 
and then update several times a day with

tom # cook   (that's all I need to type ;)

alias cook='urpmi.update -a -f --wget && urpmi --wget 
--no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v'  (in /etc/bashrc)

   I've found --wget much slower than curl, but more reliable. 
It'll keep on tickin, takes a lickin, when the default curl will 
fail on unwilling mirrors.   --no-verify-rpm   gets by bad package 
signin, still plaguing cooker as they move to a new signature 
model.  NBFD, anyway.   The last -v just gives verbose output. The 
dbl ampersand in the middle just says, 'don't run this next command 
unless the last one completed successfully'. When I see major 
updates I run 'upall' an login/out, restartin the X server with 
 in between.   (alias upall='rpm --rebuilddb && 
updatedb && update-menus -n && ldconfig')

 There are a few situations from time to time when --allow-nodeps 
--allow-force might be called for or needed, but those are usually 
best avoided by being a cookerer. By that I'll just say again, 
Y'all shouldn't be runnin cooker unless you subscribe to an read 
the cooker and CHRM (change log) mailin lists. (I know you do 
Brant, so I'm surprised you cavalierly use force, nodeps), it's a 
must before you do updates. Need for force or nodeps will have 
already been suggested by the developers or other cookerers.   
when called for in rare instances, an then only for certain rpms. 
Just as often as not, the better solution is to the d/l the current 
src.rpm for the package an rebuild it yourself.

Please read my email in response to your earlier comments.  (I don't 
know why I post if those posting responses are not going to read my post 
before commenting.)  At no time did I use --force.  Why would I use an 
option to negate the other options I passed to urpmi (--allow-nodeps and 
--allow-force)?  It just doesn't make sense.  I don't use them 
cavalierly.  Since, as I have said before, it asks me if I want to use 
those options I have them at my disposal should I feel the need to use 
them.  I have a gun, whose ownership and use I don't take cavalierly 
either, but I have it should I be in a situation where I would need to 
use it.

   The only time I've ever had problems, cooker being my only 
installed system for years, is when I disregard this, my own, 
gathered mostly from others advice. Other than that, it's always 
been better than the last (what some of y'all call) 'stable' 
release. Just takes a little more effort. IE, updating with --auto, 
or a cron job is an equally BAD idea.

   Case in point, a little more'n a week ago a very bad initscripts 
rpm update was on the mirrors (shortly before RC2). I woke up, made 
some coffee, an typed 'cook'. THEN read the cooker an CHRPM lists. 
Sure enough, as I could'a been forewarned, I'd just updated to an 
initscripts package that fubar'd many of my /etc/initd* links. In 
my case it also wiped a bunch of /proc subdirs. I should'a read the 
lists first ;(  A fixed package was available in short order.

   It soon became apparent that a fresh install of RC1, an update 
to current cooker would be needed for my situation. The whole deal 
was only my negligence. Still, it got me off my butt to take a look 
at the new installer ;)


Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
02:30:00 up 7 days, 13:46,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.08, 0.13
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Saturday September 13 2003 05:59 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Sunday 14 September 2003 00:26, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

I should clarify that --allow-force and --allow-nodeps does not
automatically install without checking dependencies or force an

Actually it does! check all the aliases to find out where Mdk
does all the handholding.
Thatway you'll find out why "rm -r xxx" is a PITA on mdk:o)

"rm -f xxx" solves that BTW or change the aliases. If you don't
know how...don't!!!
That's another one up for the mandrakians:o)
Good luck,

I'm aware of the safety net implemented for the rm command, but
what does this have to do with what I said?  --allow-nodeps
whether an alias or a true option passed to urpmi does indeed ask
you before it does its business.  The same with --allow-force.
See "man urpmi":

 Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation
using no depen-
 dencies checking due to error. By default urpmi
exit immediately
 in such case.
 Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation
using no depen-
 dencies checking or forced installation due to
error. By default
 urpmi exit immediately in such case."
Alias or not, these are the actions of those options.

  Bet your life on it Brant?  My money's on HarM ;)

Absolutely.  I use that command every time I want to upgrade.  I may not 
be a rocket scientist, but I know when I'm asked a question during an 
upgrade or install.

urpmi --allow-force --allow-nodeps --auto-select

   Will allow packages to be updated, and --ALLOW it without 
checking for dependencies, and will --ALLOW replacement of files 
and directories. I know it's supposed to ask, but it doesn't 
always, _if_ you include force. IE, (from man urpmi)
 Assumes yes on all questions.
 Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation
using no dependencies checking or forced installation due to error.   
By default urpmi exit immediately in such case.

  Often as not it "Assumes yes on all questions", or just exits 
doin nothing. The first case can be a disaster, the second case a 
waste of time and bandwidth. These options should not be used 
except in rare cases. Nor should they with 'rpm'.  --force is good 
for re-installing already installed rpms of the exact same version/ 
patch level, to correct links and files. --nodeps is fine after the 
rpm packager admits a fsck'up in his/her %requires, and/or package 
and says it's no problemo.

   YMMV, stick around, you'll see ;>  alias safety nets have got 
nothin to do with it. (_Don't_ "use the --force, Luke" ;)   Anyway, 
ya just gotta ask yourself why t'hell you would want, or would need 
to regularly update everything with force an nodeps in the first 
place (?)  Specially cooker

  Better to go gently thru the night

Is anyone reading my posts?

urpmi -v --auto-select --allow-nodeps --allow-force --no-verify-rpm

At what point in the previous line did I include --force?  I didn't.  
There's a very good reason I didn't.  Why?  Because I don't want it to 
force an install without asking me first.  I though I made this pretty 

Let me say it again.  When you run the command above it will try to 
install the packages.  If it runs into a dependency it can't resolve it 
asks me if I want to try to install the offending package without 
checking for dependencies.  I say yes or no depending on what the 
package is and what the possible effects would be of allowing it to do 
so.  If I say no it exits.  If I say yes it then tries to install the 
packages without checking for dependencies.  If it still cannot do it 
because of a conflict with an already installed package it asks if I 
want to force the install.  I again have the option of saying Y or n.  
If I say no it exits.  If I say yes it installs the package without 
checking anything.  It forces it to install without any regard for 
breaking dependencies or conflicting with existing packages.

I'm not crazy.  I know when I'm asked a question during an update.  I 
have had to do it twice in the last couple of days when upgrading a 
cooker box.

As to the remark about the "safety net" "rm -i" is aliased to "rm" so 
that you have to explicitly state that you don't want to be asked for 
each deletion by using "rm -f".  It *is* a safety net.  It is a 
workaround for a bad design.  The same goes for "mv" and "cp".  It 
forces you to go through extra effort to do something that is quite 
powerful and can be very destructive when used absentmindedly.  You have 
to think about what you are doing when you add that extra option (-f).

Don't ever bet against the house. ;-)

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #

Re: [newbie] This is just the most heinous idea...

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 21:32:05 -0400
Carroll Grigsby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Well, you certainly f**ked up my Saturday. Makes you feel happy,
> doesn't it?

Far be it from me to get peeps riled... :-)
Registered Linux user #282046
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Re: [newbie] how to low level format a hard disk?

2003-09-13 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 14 September 2003 01:36 am, David E. Fox wrote:
> > I know it's dangerous. But I do need it now. How to?
> Why?
> Is the disk full of bad or questionable sectors? AFAIK it's not
> possible with IDE -- that's what some engineers have told me. The
> last time I tried to do it was back in 1993 or thereabouts, with a
> Seagate ST-1144A (126 meg drive) which had started to develop problems
> just after 18 months of use.

I'd have to 2nd this - I've always been told to reformat an IDE drive, not 
low-level though, leave that to SCSI drives. I'm told it can actually destroy 
and IDE drive and render it useless. My understanding is, that under that 
*other* OS, when you pick format, its actually saying "partition" :-)

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Re: [newbie] how to "find files" and look everywhere except /mnt?

2003-09-13 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 13 September 2003 12:00 pm, Miark wrote:
> On 13 Sep 2003 03:50:36 +0700, Merlin Zener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I wonder if it's possible to make the "find files" look everywhere
> > *except* in the /mnt directory?
> You can use slocate (which you can invoke with "locate") and grep
> everything that's not in /mnt. You can do that as follows:
> locate filename | grep -v /mnt
> Miark

You can also set slocate/updatedb to not compile the listing for files in 

Edit /etc/updatedb.conf

and that should do it. Funny thing here, /mnt was already excluded by default.

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Re: [newbie] Teach yourself unix in 24 hours

2003-09-13 Thread Aron Smith
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 21:04, Ken Rhodes wrote:
>   This link didn't work for me:
> > >
> > > __
> > > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> > > Go to
try this one
> > 
> > 
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> > Go to

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 already out?

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 11:25 pm, David E. Fox wrote:
> > Last I heard... September 20th, probly the announcement on
> > the 22nd. AFAIC, it's already ready. Install RC2, update to
> > current
> I've been upgrading via urpmi to cooker contiinually since I
> upgraded from RC1, so I figure I alrady have at least RC2. When
> was RC2 released? I haven't managed yet to burn RC2 disks, and
> will be on vacation so maybe final will be out by the time I get
> back (9/21).
> Judging from the activity in urpmi, there's a lot of changin'
> going on :).

 You're way past RC2 if you're currently updated. Since cooker 
is frozen since RC1, it's just about all bug fixes up till now. 
Unless you've got some weird hardware expectations, it's done, 
_fini_. A lot of the updates (specially KDE, Gnome) are as trivial 
as fixin spellin errors in the rpms' description/change log. Tho 
new kernels are still comin, ie, kernel- is current, but 
kernel- is the current change log. Probly be on the 
mirrors soon.

   RC2 as near as I can tell was roughly a September 4 snapshot of 
cooker. Can't be more precise since the Mandrake internal server is 
always ahead of the cooker mirrors, even the primaries (sunsite, 
sunnet, an now uninett), by a day or so. Sunsite still remains the 
most current, tho I keep hearin they're fixin to retire.

  At this point I wouldn't bother with gettin RC2. OTOH, I'll be 
late gettin the final iso's myself. Got'a go to Talladega an watch 
'em run real loud'n fast next weekend. Hang out with my brother in 
Alabama's temporary second largest city, the 'other' Mardi Gras 
twice a year ;)   
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Teach yourself unix in 24 hours

2003-09-13 Thread Ken Rhodes
Found this link for "Linux: Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition"
can download html or pdf file:

- Original Message -
From: Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 23:43:21 -0500
Subject: Re: [newbie] Teach yourself unix in 24 hours

> On Saturday September 13 2003 09:56 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
> > Don't forget "The Rute Users Guide" you can buy a copy or
> > download either HTML or PDF version from
> >
> >sition
>  If it's not already on your Mandrake CD's (me thinks its is, has 
> been for a long long time), then
>  tom # urpmi rute
> installing /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/rute-0.9.1-3mdk.noarch.rpm
> Preparing...
> ##
> ##
>  tom $ loci rute
> /usr/lib/menu/rute
> /usr/share/doc/rute-0.9.1
> /usr/share/doc/rute-0.9.1/rute.pdf
>  tom $ xpdf /usr/share/doc/rute-0.9.1/rute.pdf
> Then you can read it
>   (First thing I do after an install is disable the CD sources, as 
> they're already obsolete. I go to mirrors to get current. 'Course 
> first thing I do with instructions is throw 'em in the trash ;)
> -- 
> Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

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Re: [newbie] how to low level format a hard disk?

2003-09-13 Thread David E. Fox
> I know it's dangerous. But I do need it now. How to?


Is the disk full of bad or questionable sectors? AFAIK it's not
possible with IDE -- that's what some engineers have told me. The 
last time I tried to do it was back in 1993 or thereabouts, with a 
Seagate ST-1144A (126 meg drive) which had started to develop problems 
just after 18 months of use.

I borrowed Spinrite (?) my memory is foggy as to the program - but it
was under DOS. It worked up to a point - after several hours it had 
managed to progress through 1/3 of the disk and subsequently crashed.
This left the rest of the disk not too terribly usable.

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 06:32 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 17:02, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> > On Saturday September 13 2003 10:46 am, Aron Smith wrote:
> > > Why do so many people in the Linux community think that it is
> > > cool to use a black or purple or dark blue background on
> > > their web sites? My 60 year old eyes can't take it.
> >
> >   Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Aron. Heck, I'm a
> > youngin' at 55 ;ppp
> So you LIKE dark blue on Black ??

  As long as it ain't on my butt.  If I don't like websites, they're 
history. OTOH, I've got a real good pair of Wal*Mart readin glasses 
($8) that sort'a kind'a restore my tired ol' eyes.

   Seriously, they've got kids recruited worldwide that determine 
ergonomics and marketing appeal for these things. Colors'n all. Not 
just Linux web sites. Personally I believe the Winsux ones are a 
lot uglier.

   Face it we're just cranky old fogies.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 09:23 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> >   Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Aron. Heck, I'm a
> > youngin' at 55 ;ppp
> Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Tom. Always imagined you
> about 27, living inside a computercase, eating disks with
> screwdrivers :-)
> Kaj Haulrich.

  You're only as young as you think. I live in a travel trailer, so 
that's sort'a like a computer case. I've still got my teeth, so no 
need for screwdrivers yet. I do like tortilla's tho. That's as 
close to 'eatin disks' as I get now'a days.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] This is just the most heinous idea...

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 08:32 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> Flunk the test, and you lose the privilege of paying
> taxes.

   I already did. I'm on the receiving end. You don't wanna go 
there. Stay young an healthy ... pay the damn taxes.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Teach yourself unix in 24 hours

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 09:56 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
> Don't forget "The Rute Users Guide" you can buy a copy or
> download either HTML or PDF version from

 If it's not already on your Mandrake CD's (me thinks its is, has 
been for a long long time), then

 tom # urpmi rute
installing /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/rute-0.9.1-3mdk.noarch.rpm

 tom $ loci rute
 tom $ xpdf /usr/share/doc/rute-0.9.1/rute.pdf
Then you can read it

  (First thing I do after an install is disable the CD sources, as 
they're already obsolete. I go to mirrors to get current. 'Course 
first thing I do with instructions is throw 'em in the trash ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 already out?

2003-09-13 Thread David E. Fox
> Last I heard... September 20th, probly the announcement on the 
> 22nd. AFAIC, it's already ready. Install RC2, update to current 

I've been upgrading via urpmi to cooker contiinually since I upgraded
from RC1, so I figure I alrady have at least RC2. When was RC2 released? 
I haven't managed yet to burn RC2 disks, and will be on vacation so
maybe final will be out by the time I get back (9/21).

Judging from the activity in urpmi, there's a lot of changin' going on :).

> Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-13 Thread David E. Fox
> Why 20 times? How is it possible to recover a file that has been overwritten once?

Forensics :).

I don't understand that well how this works at the lower (physical) level,
but even so, I'd imagine it could be a moot point for binary files, i.e., 
traces of pr0n ::).

Even if you don't shred, after an erase and a few writes to the same
general area you might end up with a few lines of jpeg -- maybe not
even enough to raise their suspicions and give them probable cause to go
use forensics to try and recover the rest. Unless of course certian
bit patterns are worth looking for and in and of themselves exclaim pr0n!
that is.

For sensitive text documents, shredding is a good thing if you're Enron
or some other big corporation. 

> Miark

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] Teach yourself unix in 24 hours

2003-09-13 Thread Eric Huff
> Don't forget "The Rute Users Guide" you can buy a copy or download
> either HTML or PDF version from

You can also rpm it!

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Re: [newbie] ShockWave for Mozilla ??

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 08:04 pm, Bob Read wrote:
> Thanks Tom.  I have FlashPlayer installed, but it doesn't play
> ShockWave files.
> Bob

Yeah, meal culpa. I realize I totally had a brain fade an missed 
what you were askin for.  Sorry ;(
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 already out?

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 07:42 pm, Anarky wrote:
> oh .. ok ... you know .. I think I've looked like half a
> dozen times already at by when 9.2 will be out .. and yet I
> forgot again ... mid september or octomber?

Last I heard... September 20th, probly the announcement on the 
22nd. AFAIC, it's already ready. Install RC2, update to current 
cooker, you'll be as close to 9.2 final as it gets.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Teach yourself unix in 24 hours

2003-09-13 Thread Ken Rhodes
  This link didn't work for me:
> >
> > __
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> > Go to

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

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Re: [newbie] Teach yourself unix in 24 hours

2003-09-13 Thread Aron Smith
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 18:01, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> On Saturday 13 September 2003 10:25 am, Curt Tresenriter wrote:
> > I've started to read this book and I'm wondering whether or not it's
> > worth the time since what I'm really interested in is Linux.
> > Is enough of it relevant to make it worthwhile... or is just some of
> > it helpful? Are there parts that may as well be be passed over, or
> > am I better off focusing on a Linux book?
> Curt:
> I've only given the 24 hour books a brief look. IIRC, they have a version for 
> Red Hat that should be closer to Mandrake than a Unix reference. However, 
> given that I can barely learn my own telephone number in 24 hours, I bought:
> 1. Running Linux (textbook)
> 2. Linux in a Nutshell (reference)
> Both are published by O'Reilly ( -- about $75 for the pair.
> -- cmg
Don't forget "The Rute Users Guide" you can buy a copy or download
either HTML or PDF version from
> __
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

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Re: [newbie] This is just the most heinous idea...

2003-09-13 Thread Aron Smith
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 18:32, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> On Saturday 13 September 2003 10:38 am, HaywireMac wrote:
> > MS fubars the internet, and it's our fault...
> >
> >
> >0911/ap_on_hi_te/digitally_informed
> Well, you certainly f**ked up my Saturday. Makes you feel happy, doesn't it?
> You got me thinking. Since the IRS (and it's counterparts in other countries) 
> have a hell of a problem with improper tax returns, to say nothing of 
> outright cheating and other forms of chicanery, why not institute a 
> taxpayer's license? Flunk the test, and you lose the privilege of paying 
> taxes.
> -- cmg
works for me
> __
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

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Re: [newbie] configuring a monitor

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 05:22 pm, d2ci1fj g1nf24 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using a flat screen crt monitor. It is a Logisys LGX-750 crt
> flat screen. I attached the monitor config file to this email.
> Would anybody help me with this? The parts in the monitor
> configuration file that I was wondering about are some of the
> settings.

There's not all that much to do. It's a generic (plug'n play) 
monitor. So run XFdrake an choose 1024x768, 65k colors (16bpp), @ 
60 refresh rate. That'll work for any 17" crt monitor. 

   What video card?  The monitor doesn't run all by itself ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] monitor configuration

2003-09-13 Thread d2ci1fj g1nf24

From: Carroll Grigsby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [newbie] monitor configuration
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 20:36:02 -0400
On Friday 12 September 2003 11:37 pm, d2ci1fj g1nf24 wrote:
> Hi,
> There's an attachment to this email about configuring a monitor. I don't
> understand most of it. Would somebody be to able explain it to me?
> How do I read a .bz2 file from the text login screen?
>  From,
> _
> Express yourself with MSN Messenger 6.0 -- download now!
I didn't get the attachment. Got a link to it?
-- cmg
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I sent another email called "help with configuring a monitor" that has all 
of the details. If you don't see it let me know and I will resend it.

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 05:59 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> >On Sunday 14 September 2003 00:26, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> >>I should clarify that --allow-force and --allow-nodeps does not
> >>automatically install without checking dependencies or force an
> >> install.
> >
> >Actually it does! check all the aliases to find out where Mdk
> > does all the handholding.
> >
> >Thatway you'll find out why "rm -r xxx" is a PITA on mdk:o)
> >
> >"rm -f xxx" solves that BTW or change the aliases. If you don't
> > know how...don't!!!
> >That's another one up for the mandrakians:o)
> >
> >Good luck,
> >HarM
> I'm aware of the safety net implemented for the rm command, but
> what does this have to do with what I said?  --allow-nodeps
> whether an alias or a true option passed to urpmi does indeed ask
> you before it does its business.  The same with --allow-force.
> See "man urpmi":
> "--allow-nodeps
>   Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation
> using no depen-
>   dencies checking due to error. By default urpmi
> exit immediately
>   in such case.
>   Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation
> using no depen-
>   dencies checking or forced installation due to
> error. By default
>   urpmi exit immediately in such case."
> Alias or not, these are the actions of those options.

   Bet your life on it Brant?  My money's on HarM ;)

urpmi --allow-force --allow-nodeps --auto-select

Will allow packages to be updated, and --ALLOW it without 
checking for dependencies, and will --ALLOW replacement of files 
and directories. I know it's supposed to ask, but it doesn't 
always, _if_ you include force. IE, (from man urpmi)
  Assumes yes on all questions.
  Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation
 using no dependencies checking or forced installation due to error.   
 By default urpmi exit immediately in such case.

   Often as not it "Assumes yes on all questions", or just exits 
doin nothing. The first case can be a disaster, the second case a 
waste of time and bandwidth. These options should not be used 
except in rare cases. Nor should they with 'rpm'.  --force is good 
for re-installing already installed rpms of the exact same version/ 
patch level, to correct links and files. --nodeps is fine after the 
rpm packager admits a fsck'up in his/her %requires, and/or package 
and says it's no problemo.

YMMV, stick around, you'll see ;>  alias safety nets have got 
nothin to do with it. (_Don't_ "use the --force, Luke" ;)   Anyway, 
ya just gotta ask yourself why t'hell you would want, or would need 
to regularly update everything with force an nodeps in the first 
place (?)  Specially cooker

   Better to go gently thru the night
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] how to low level format a hard disk?

2003-09-13 Thread Xuer
I know it's dangerous. But I do need it now. How to?

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Re: [newbie] ShockWave for Mozilla ??

2003-09-13 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Saturday 13 September 2003 09:04 pm, Bob Read wrote:
> Thanks Tom.  I have FlashPlayer installed, but it doesn't play
> ShockWave files.
> Bob

And there ain't no pure Linux solution that I've found. Will (3 year old 
grandson) likes some kiddie sites ( and that 
intermingle Flash and ShockWave stuff. Flash works fine, but ShockWave 
doesn't. Luckily, his dad runs Windows, so when I tell Will that I can't make 
that game work, he accepts it. He's getting smarter, though, and one of these 
days I'll probably do the Codeweavers thing.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 04:41 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> HaywireMac wrote:
> >On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:09:59 -0500
> >
> >Dennis Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> >>I know cause I just did it using Tom B.s instructions.
> >
> >basically it would be urpmi --update --auto-select?
> Here's what I use to update.
> urpmi -v --auto-select --allow-nodeps --allow-force
> --no-verify-rpm
> -v to see everything that going on
> --auto-select to update everything that needs to be updated
> --allow-nodeps to allow you to install without checking
> dependencies if needed
> --allow-force to allow you to force the installation if needed
> --no-verify-rpm to keep it from complaining about bad gpg
> signatures
> That'll do it.

   With often dire results. The allow --allow-nodeps --allow-force 
being the BAD offenders. Here's what I've gravitated to. I install 
several 'trusted' mirrors that I have some current confidence in. 
It's a movin target, now I'm currently usin  uninett, sunsite,, a PLF source (also club-internet) simultaneously 
and then update several times a day with

 tom # cook   (that's all I need to type ;)

alias cook='urpmi.update -a -f --wget && urpmi --wget 
--no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v'  (in /etc/bashrc)

I've found --wget much slower than curl, but more reliable. 
It'll keep on tickin, takes a lickin, when the default curl will 
fail on unwilling mirrors.   --no-verify-rpm   gets by bad package 
signin, still plaguing cooker as they move to a new signature 
model.  NBFD, anyway.   The last -v just gives verbose output. The 
dbl ampersand in the middle just says, 'don't run this next command 
unless the last one completed successfully'. When I see major 
updates I run 'upall' an login/out, restartin the X server with 
 in between.   (alias upall='rpm --rebuilddb && 
updatedb && update-menus -n && ldconfig')

  There are a few situations from time to time when --allow-nodeps 
--allow-force might be called for or needed, but those are usually 
best avoided by being a cookerer. By that I'll just say again, 
Y'all shouldn't be runnin cooker unless you subscribe to an read 
the cooker and CHRM (change log) mailin lists. (I know you do 
Brant, so I'm surprised you cavalierly use force, nodeps), it's a 
must before you do updates. Need for force or nodeps will have 
already been suggested by the developers or other cookerers.   
when called for in rare instances, an then only for certain rpms. 
Just as often as not, the better solution is to the d/l the current 
src.rpm for the package an rebuild it yourself.

The only time I've ever had problems, cooker being my only 
installed system for years, is when I disregard this, my own, 
gathered mostly from others advice. Other than that, it's always 
been better than the last (what some of y'all call) 'stable' 
release. Just takes a little more effort. IE, updating with --auto, 
or a cron job is an equally BAD idea.

Case in point, a little more'n a week ago a very bad initscripts 
rpm update was on the mirrors (shortly before RC2). I woke up, made 
some coffee, an typed 'cook'. THEN read the cooker an CHRPM lists. 
Sure enough, as I could'a been forewarned, I'd just updated to an 
initscripts package that fubar'd many of my /etc/initd* links. In 
my case it also wiped a bunch of /proc subdirs. I should'a read the 
lists first ;(  A fixed package was available in short order.

It soon became apparent that a fresh install of RC1, an update 
to current cooker would be needed for my situation. The whole deal 
was only my negligence. Still, it got me off my butt to take a look 
at the new installer ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Saturday 13 September 2003 11:46 am, Aron Smith wrote:
> Why do so many people in the Linux community think that it is cool to
> use a black or purple or dark blue background on their web sites? My 60
> year old eyes can't take it. and so I tend to move on to somewhere else.
> BTW Linux is not alone in this Gaming sites seem to be the worst
> offenders.
>   Get a clue guys if people don't read it then people don't read it. I
> know that you can put words the same color as background text
> (invisible) to increase your chances of a web search engine hit. But I
> still ain't gonna waste my time on an unreadable page.

Amen. I'll sign your petition.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Aron Smith
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 17:02, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Saturday September 13 2003 10:46 am, Aron Smith wrote:
> > Why do so many people in the Linux community think that it is
> > cool to use a black or purple or dark blue background on their
> > web sites? My 60 year old eyes can't take it.
>   Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Aron. Heck, I'm a youngin' 
> at 55 ;ppp
So you LIKE dark blue on Black ??

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[newbie] 9.2 already out?

2003-09-13 Thread Anarky
Dennis Myers wrote:

On Saturday 13 September 2003 03:40 pm, HaywireMac wrote:

From other threads on here, I get the impression that if I install 9.2
RC2, I can eventually just use urpmi to update it so that it is
essentially the full release, no?

Yes you can, but from the rc2 release  you will update about 150 rpms. I know 
cause I just did it using Tom B.s instructions. On slow cable it took about 3 
hours. On fast cable a lot less. HTH

   do you mean that 9.2 is already out???

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Sunday 14 September 2003 12:02 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:

>   Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Aron. Heck, I'm a
> youngin' at 55 ;ppp

Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Tom. Always imagined you 
about 27, living inside a computercase, eating disks with 
screwdrivers :-)

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux - Mandrake 9.1  kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdk
Sent to you from a 100 % MicroSCOft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] This is just the most heinous idea...

2003-09-13 Thread yankl
On Saturday 13 September 2003 07:23 pm, Bryan Phinney wrote:
> On Saturday 13 September 2003 06:07 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> > HaywireMac wrote:
> > >MS fubars the internet, and it's our fault...
> > >
> > >
> > >00 30911/ap_on_hi_te/digitally_informed
> >
> > If they had a real forum we could tear it up with facts instead of the
> > current paranoia directed at an innocent party.  How may of theses
> > vulnerabilities were created by those upon whom they seek to impose a
> > license requirement?
> >
> > Unless the licensee works at MS, not one fscking one!
> You know the most ironic thing about that, the people who would actually be
> able to get a license, don't need it and the ones who do need it couldn't
> get it.  You don't need a license to get on the Internet, you should need a
> license to operate a MS Windows computer, that is where it is needed.

If you buy a product any product and its misbehave to the point its harms you 
or some other people you can sue the manufacture of such product. Sadly, this 
is not a case with software manufacturers. In the case of the car imagine 
that oil manufacturers produce an oil that stalls your car when you turn on 
windshield wiper. The company will be sued in non existence. M$ produce an OS 
that have problem after problem and who get blamed, users who use it 
according to specification.
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086

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Re: [newbie] FWD; by Ed Tharp; Dear EFF Supporter:...

2003-09-13 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Friday 12 September 2003 10:38 pm, ed tharp wrote:
> Dear EFF Supporter:
> We'll deliver the petition to Congress once we've hit 10,000 signatures.
> This is a grassroots campaign - please take the time to tell your
> friends
> and family about this issue. Thanks for support!
> Sincerely,
> Ren Bucholz
> EFF Activist

Thanks for the link. BTW, they now have over 19,000 signatures.

(Couldn't remember if it was Kuhn or Khun? Stephen or Steven? Decided to enter 
all four possible combinations.)
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 10:46 am, Aron Smith wrote:
> Why do so many people in the Linux community think that it is
> cool to use a black or purple or dark blue background on their
> web sites? My 60 year old eyes can't take it.

  Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Aron. Heck, I'm a youngin' 
at 55 ;ppp
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Software install rpm (failed dependancies)

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:34:12 -0700
Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Anyway, this is the failed part:
> Installation failed:
> is needed by bibletime-1.3-1
> is needed by bibletime-1.3-1
> is needed by bibletime-1.3-1
> Any ideas please
> Thanks
> Russ

what was the exact command you used to try the install, and what was the
exact output?

If you don't have it right now, try the install again and record

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
With listening comes wisdom, with speaking repentance.

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Re: [newbie] Software install rpm (failed dependancies)

2003-09-13 Thread Russ
okay, followed the instructions and all seemed to go well. Then I tried 
to install again, in the end it failed again only this time it only 
listed 3 files instead of 6. I saved a copy of the text for the install 
attempt if anyone wants to look at it. I did the source update and the 
install in the same console but it seems to have chopped the source 
update section off.

Anyway, this is the failed part:

Installation failed: is needed by bibletime-1.3-1 is needed by bibletime-1.3-1 is needed by bibletime-1.3-1
Any ideas please
HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:59:49 -0700
Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

Can you tell me what urpmi is suppose to do and how it relates to rpm?

Just follow the instructions on the page, it's very simple, step 1, step
2, etc.
it has nothing to do with having all the updates and patches, it has to
do with having all of your *sources* configured, urpmi will take care of
all dependencies for you, as opposed to rpm.

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Re: [newbie] ShockWave for Mozilla ??

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 03:17 pm, Bob Read wrote:
> I've been doing searches for Shockwave for Mozilla on Linux
> but all I'm finding is questions from others.  Does anyone
> have answers they can point to?
> Much thanks,
> Bob

Mandrake has an rpm,  FlashPlayer-6.0-3mdk.i586.rpm
I've had it for a while in storage, but IIRC you can get it off the 
Club or /unsupported mirrors. Just install it, you should then have 
flash in NS, Mozilla, Konqueror ... with nothin on your part to do.

   Oh, I sux, here's the link
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] This is just the most heinous idea...

2003-09-13 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Saturday 13 September 2003 06:07 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> HaywireMac wrote:
> >MS fubars the internet, and it's our fault...
> >
> >
> >30911/ap_on_hi_te/digitally_informed
> If they had a real forum we could tear it up with facts instead of the
> current paranoia directed at an innocent party.  How may of theses
> vulnerabilities were created by those upon whom they seek to impose a
> license requirement?
> Unless the licensee works at MS, not one fscking one!

You know the most ironic thing about that, the people who would actually be 
able to get a license, don't need it and the ones who do need it couldn't get 
it.  You don't need a license to get on the Internet, you should need a 
license to operate a MS Windows computer, that is where it is needed.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Laptop memory not recognized

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 03:15 pm, Noah A Hicks wrote:
> Thanks all for the input
> After messing around with the BIOS it seems apparent that my
> problem is located there.  After turning off "quiet boot" I could
> observe the system checking the memory up to "127mb passed ok".
> The memory setting in the bios does not allow me to change the
> value (ie it just displays the number)  Is there any way to force
> the BIOS to recognize my 256mb chip?
> Thanks
> -Noah

   Noah, I've long wondered. I install additional, ram, but on boot 
even the bios doesn't see it. Made sure it was seated properly, the 
clips snapped into position the first time. Still no go. Take it 
out an redo the whole deal  presto, added ram on boot.  Blame 
it on gremlins ;) 

   Either that or motherboards, try changin the order or the ram 
sticks around in the slots. Usually what works best is to put the 
best ram in slot1, then slot2, an so on. I had a board some time 
ago that didn't like this arrangment tho. Slot1 empty, slot2, then 
slot 3, slot4 worked fine tho.

   That said, FedEx has another 256MB Corsair stick on it's way to 
me, so I hope I remember this advice ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Sunday 14 September 2003 00:26, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

I should clarify that --allow-force and --allow-nodeps does not
automatically install without checking dependencies or force an install.

Actually it does! check all the aliases to find out where Mdk does all the 

Thatway you'll find out why "rm -r xxx" is a PITA on mdk:o)

"rm -f xxx" solves that BTW or change the aliases. If you don't know 
That's another one up for the mandrakians:o)

Good luck,
I'm aware of the safety net implemented for the rm command, but what 
does this have to do with what I said?  --allow-nodeps whether an alias 
or a true option passed to urpmi does indeed ask you before it does its 
business.  The same with --allow-force.

See "man urpmi":

 Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation using no 
 dencies checking due to error. By default urpmi exit 
 in such case.

 Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation using no 
 dencies checking or forced installation due to error. By 
 urpmi exit immediately in such case."

Alias or not, these are the actions of those options.

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
18:50:00 up 7 days,  6:06,  1 user,  load average: 0.49, 0.69, 0.49
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 08:21, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> On Sunday 14 September 2003 00:15, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > Yer jest beeun a slacker. A bludger. LayZee. Fraidy Kat. Chick-IN!
> > Kin hear'um cluckin' all the way down hyah! Bwawk buck buck buck!
> Yay, where you been lately?
> Some nice long threads over on expert we could've needed your expert help.
> Getting old or is the wife getting at ya?
> Good luck,
> HarM

Oy - can't a guy make a living? Aside from that, I've been nominated to
take over the position of "PR and Marketing" for the Illawarra Computer
Enthusiats club - which means more advertising for MY biz as well as
being an outspoken advocate of GNU/Linux/Open Source - and a few more
biz opportunities...c'mon...gotta make more money so I can buy more FANS
before the spring and summer hit us mate...(g)

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Building translators is good clean fun. -- T. Cheatham

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Re: [newbie] 9.2rc2 and MD5sums

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 12:22 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
> > Hmmm, been no mention of it on the cooker list, and I
> > couldn't find it on Mandrake sites, including the Club.  Could
> > you post the link Dennis ?
> Hi, you might of found this by now but here is the site/ it is
> the club site and first on the list of the club homepage.  Sorry
> for the delay getting back to you all.
> --
> Dennis M. linux user #180842

   Thanks, but I can't help rememberin the arguin that went on with 
9.1.  650MB won out in that deal.  I voted for 700 even tho I don't 
really care.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 00:35:30 +0200
"H.J.Bathoorn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Actually it does! check all the aliases to find out where Mdk does all
> the handholding.
> Thatway you'll find out why "rm -r xxx" is a PITA on mdk:o)
> "rm -f xxx" solves that BTW or change the aliases. If you don't know 
> how...don't!!!
> That's another one up for the mandrakians:o)

man yer full of energy today! ;-)

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
The door is the key.

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Re: [newbie] ShockWave for Mozilla ??

2003-09-13 Thread Derek Jennings
On Saturday 13 Sep 2003 9:17 pm, Bob Read wrote:
> I've been doing searches for Shockwave for Mozilla on Linux
> but all I'm finding is questions from others.  Does anyone
> have answers they can point to?
> Much thanks,
> Bob

If you want Shockwave in Linux then you are going to have to use Wine to run 
The Windows version of Shockwave.

The easiest way of getting Shockwave running under Wine is to pay (yes I said 
PAY) for Codeweavers Crossover plugin product which will install Shockwave, 
Windows Media Player, and several other browser plugins for you.



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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 14 September 2003 00:26, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> I should clarify that --allow-force and --allow-nodeps does not
> automatically install without checking dependencies or force an install.

Actually it does! check all the aliases to find out where Mdk does all the 

Thatway you'll find out why "rm -r xxx" is a PITA on mdk:o)

"rm -f xxx" solves that BTW or change the aliases. If you don't know 
That's another one up for the mandrakians:o)

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] HTML Validation

2003-09-13 Thread John Wilson
On September 13, 2003 04:02 am, HaywireMac wrote:

> ag! Don't you peeps read other's posts?!
> Heh, yer the 42nd person to point that out, now corrected.
> However, thank you very much for your concern and for your reply!

Hey!  Of course I do :)

Just that the thousands of emails coming onto the list to help you hadn't 
popped into my machine until after I'd replied :-)

BTW, do you need any slightly burnt lodgepole pine or old railway tressles?



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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 17:41:20 -0400
Brant Fitzsimmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

Here's what I use to update.

urpmi -v --auto-select --allow-nodeps --allow-force --no-verify-rpm

-v to see everything that going on
--auto-select to update everything that needs to be updated
--allow-nodeps to allow you to install without checking dependencies
if needed
--allow-force to allow you to force the installation if needed
--no-verify-rpm to keep it from complaining about bad gpg signatures

Cool! This is a keeper, fer sure, but it looks like I saved my 9.1
install, so no excuse for me to upgrade now :-(
I'm sure I'll find an excuse when the final comes out tho!


I should clarify that --allow-force and --allow-nodeps does not 
automatically install without checking dependencies or force an install.

If urpmi runs into a problem with resolving a dependency for any 
particular package, or group of packages, it will ask you whether or not 
you would like to try to install them without checking dependencies.  If 
it is still having problems it will ask if you want to force the install 
of the packages.

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
18:20:01 up 7 days,  5:36,  1 user,  load average: 0.16, 0.31, 0.33
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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[newbie] configuring a monitor

2003-09-13 Thread d2ci1fj g1nf24
I am using a flat screen crt monitor. It is a Logisys LGX-750 crt flat 
screen. I attached the monitor config file to this email. Would anybody help 
me with this? The parts in the monitor configuration file that I was 
wondering about are some of the settings.

1.  > If you complete all hardware setup, save the configuration file.

  > Now execute the X-window.
Even though you setup all above procedure, the X-Window can't run.
If the X-window doesn't run properly, you have modify the x86config 
file as follows.

< Linux Modification Items >

  >  Replace the "#" with the value of Bandwidth refer to user's manual

  >  Modify the other additional hardware modification.

  >  At last, you have to select the video mode.

  >  Now run the X-Window.

It says to go to the x86config file. How do I get to the file? It also says 
to re place the "#" with the value of bandwith. What is that?

 2.>Using the monitor installation diskette
   - Open the Xf86Config file with Linux Editor.
   - Move to [Monitor] Section.
   - After you select the monitor model in your install diskette, copy 
the data of HorizSync and VertRefresh
 to XF86Config.
   - Disable the resolution using the "#" at ModeLine.
 And after you select the monitor model in your install diskette, 
copy the data of ModeLine to XF86Config.

How do I do this?

It says that if the bandwith is not set correctly that it could cause a 
problem with the login to the desktop. I thought that might be a  reason I 
could not login?

Fast, faster, fastest: Upgrade to Cable or DSL today!
5. Linux Monitor Installation Procedure

1)Linux Install Procedure

  In order to execute the X-window, you have to make the XF86Config file 
which is
  the system setup file. Your monitor also can setup through this file.
  Also this file is generated by executing the XF86config.

  > After execute the xf86config, press "Enter" at first and second 

  > At third display, you can see the display of installation of mouse

  > At this time you have to setup your mouse according to your mouse 

  > And next display is the installation of Keyboard.

  > You have to setup your keyboard according to your keyboard.

  > From now on , the monitor installation will be come out.

  > At first, you have to setup the Horizontal frequency. Select the number 
which you want to setup.
And also you can type the frequency directly.  See monitor user's 

  > And then you have to setup the Vertical frequency. Following is the 
same as Horizontal frequency.

  > Type the name of monitor. This name is not related to X-window 

  > Now the monitor setup is completed

  > Complete the other hardware setup.

  > If you complete all hardware setup, save the configuration file.

  > Now execute the X-window.
Even though you setup all above procedure, the X-Window can't run.
If the X-window doesn't run properly, you have modify the x86config 
file as follows.

< Linux Modification Items >

  >  Replace the "#" with the value of Bandwidth refer to user's manual

  >  Modify the other additional hardware modification.

  >  At last, you have to select the video mode.

  >  Now run the X-Window.

2)Monitor Installation Tip

 < Explanation and Concept regarding the display monitor >

   The related the document is located at dm/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/Video 
Mode.doc and read the "readme.txt".

   >Horizontal Sync. Frequency (Unit Khz)
 This is the Dot Line per 1 seconds. And if you setting the H-Frequency 
incorrectly, it causes to make the
 problem at monitor hardware. you have to set the H-Frequency 

   >Vertical Sync Frequency(Refresh Rate,  Unit Hz)
 This is the frame number per 1seconds. And if you setting the 
V-Frequency incorrectly, it cause to make flicker.
 If you work long time with this stituation, your eye will be tired. In 
order to reduce this problem,
 you have to increase the V-Frequency  up to 70Hz.

   >Dot Clock (Bandwidth)
 This is indicate the speed of Video Signal.
   >ModeLine Data Detail
ModeLine "640x400"   25.175   640 664 760 800 400 409 411 450 -hsync +vsync
640x480 --> Resolution
   25.175  --> Dot Clock(MHz)
   >Using the monitor installation diskette
   - Open the Xf86Config file with Linux Editor.
   - Move to [Monitor] Section.
   - After you select the monitor model in your install diskette, copy 
the data of HorizSync and VertRefresh
 to XF86Config.
   - Disable the resolution using the "#" at ModeLine.
 And after you select the monitor model in your install diskette, 
copy the data of ModeLine to XF86Config.
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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 14 September 2003 00:15, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> Yer jest beeun a slacker. A bludger. LayZee. Fraidy Kat. Chick-IN!
> Kin hear'um cluckin' all the way down hyah! Bwawk buck buck buck!

Yay, where you been lately?

Some nice long threads over on expert we could've needed your expert help.
Getting old or is the wife getting at ya?

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 07:52, HaywireMac wrote:

> Cool! This is a keeper, fer sure, but it looks like I saved my 9.1
> install, so no excuse for me to upgrade now :-(
> I'm sure I'll find an excuse when the final comes out tho!
> Cheers!

Yer jest beeun a slacker. A bludger. LayZee. Fraidy Kat. Chick-IN!
Kin hear'um cluckin' all the way down hyah! Bwawk buck buck buck!

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
"Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown!" -- The

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Re: [newbie] This is just the most heinous idea...

2003-09-13 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
HaywireMac wrote:

MS fubars the internet, and it's our fault...

If they had a real forum we could tear it up with facts instead of the 
current paranoia directed at an innocent party.  How may of theses 
vulnerabilities were created by those upon whom they seek to impose a 
license requirement?

Unless the licensee works at MS, not one fscking one!

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
18:00:01 up 7 days,  5:16,  1 user,  load average: 0.24, 0.39, 0.38
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] broken libpng?

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 07:28, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 06:47:39 +1000
> Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Awdid you bweak you wittle Mandwake? (g)
> ya, it's definitely gdk-pixbuf
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/joehill]>$urpmi -a --fuzzy librsvg
> installing
> /usr/src/mdk3/Mandrake/RPMS3/librsvg2_2-devel-2.2.3-3mdk.i586.rpm
> /usr/src/mdk3/Mandrake/RPMS3/librsvg-2.2.3-3mdk.i586.rpm
> Preparing...   
> ##
> ##
> ##
> /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.87200: line 1: /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders: No
> such file or directory error: execution of %post scriptlet from
> librsvg-2.2.3-3mdk failed, exit status 127
> so I am missing "/usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders".
> any ideas?

I'd be grabbing the source code and re-cowpiling...
...but that's me...and I like doing things the difficult way - the
time-consuming way - the thorough way...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
A man with 3 wings and a dictionary is cousin to the turkey.

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 17:41:20 -0400
Brant Fitzsimmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Here's what I use to update.
> urpmi -v --auto-select --allow-nodeps --allow-force --no-verify-rpm
> -v to see everything that going on
> --auto-select to update everything that needs to be updated
> --allow-nodeps to allow you to install without checking dependencies
> if needed
> --allow-force to allow you to force the installation if needed
> --no-verify-rpm to keep it from complaining about bad gpg signatures

Cool! This is a keeper, fer sure, but it looks like I saved my 9.1
install, so no excuse for me to upgrade now :-(

I'm sure I'll find an excuse when the final comes out tho!


Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
No matter where I go, the place is always called "here".

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Re: [newbie] broken libpng? [solved! woot!]

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 17:33:01 -0400
HaywireMac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> tried both already...see the upcoming post, I think I've isolated the
> prob...

as I always say, google/linux is my best friend...

gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders is part of GTK+2


rpm -e --nodeps gtk+2.0-2.2.1-2mdk


urpmi urpmi gtk+2.0-2.2.1-2mdk

and I'm back in bizness, fer now anyway, LOL!

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
Even the best of friends cannot attend each other's funeral.
-- Kehlog Albran, "The Profit"

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:09:59 -0500
Dennis Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

I know cause I just did it using Tom B.s instructions.

basically it would be urpmi --update --auto-select?

Here's what I use to update.

urpmi -v --auto-select --allow-nodeps --allow-force --no-verify-rpm

-v to see everything that going on
--auto-select to update everything that needs to be updated
--allow-nodeps to allow you to install without checking dependencies if 
--allow-force to allow you to force the installation if needed
--no-verify-rpm to keep it from complaining about bad gpg signatures

That'll do it.

Brant Fitzsimmons
Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
   KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
17:35:01 up 7 days,  4:51,  1 user,  load average: 0.17, 0.25, 0.19
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] broken libpng?

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 07:24:37 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> If libpng is broken, you could always either cowpile from source or do
> a forced rpm installation - also, DOUBLECHECK your /etc/ and
> re-run ldconfig, mate...helps...

tried both already...see the upcoming post, I think I've isolated the

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it.

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Re: [newbie] broken libpng?

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 06:47:39 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Awdid you bweak you wittle Mandwake? (g)

ya, it's definitely gdk-pixbuf

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/joehill]>$urpmi -a --fuzzy librsvg

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.87200: line 1: /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders: No
such file or directory error: execution of %post scriptlet from
librsvg-2.2.3-3mdk failed, exit status 127

so I am missing "/usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders".

any ideas?

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened.
-- Lao Tsu

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Saturday 13 September 2003 23:21, HaywireMac wrote:
> basically it would be urpmi --update --auto-select?

Oh gawd, when you piss, you want us to hold it too? ;o)

Jess pulling yer leg...but hell, take some chances, man!
We're always there to say: "Told ya so!", if you mess up.

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] broken libpng?

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 07:00, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 06:47:39 +1000
> Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Awdid you bweak you wittle Mandwake? (g)
> startin' to look that way...
> tried reloading libgdk-pixbuf, still no go...
> well, this is as good an excuse as any to go for 9.2, if I can't figger
> somethin' out in the next day or so, I'll just do a clean install of
> 9.2 and have myself a grand adventure I'm sure... :-)

If libpng is broken, you could always either cowpile from source or do a
forced rpm installation - also, DOUBLECHECK your /etc/ and
re-run ldconfig, mate...helps...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
"I think the sky is blue because it's a shift from black through purple
to blue, and it has to do with where the light is. You know, the farther
we get into darkness, and there's a shifting of color of light into the
blueness, and I think as you go farther and farther away from the
reflected light we have from the sun or the light that's bouncing off
this earth, uh, the darker it gets ... I think if you look at the color
scale, you start at black, move it through purple, move it on out, it's
the shifting of color. We mentioned before about the stars singing, and
that's one of the effects of the shifting of colors." -- Pat Robertson,
The 700 Club

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:09:59 -0500
Dennis Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I know cause I just did it using Tom B.s instructions.

basically it would be urpmi --update --auto-select?

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
Coincidences are spiritual puns.
-- G.K. Chesterton

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Re: [newbie] Software install rpm (failed dependancies)

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:59:49 -0700
Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Can you tell me what urpmi is suppose to do and how it relates to rpm?

Just follow the instructions on the page, it's very simple, step 1, step
2, etc.

it has nothing to do with having all the updates and patches, it has to
do with having all of your *sources* configured, urpmi will take care of
all dependencies for you, as opposed to rpm.

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
One meets his destiny often on the road he takes to avoid it.

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Re: [newbie] ???? was: urpmi hosed??

2003-09-13 Thread Curt Tresenriter
I removed those two files but as soon as I ran --auto-select, they 
reappeared. :-(
Imagination is more important than knowledge. ~ Einstein

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Re: [newbie] Software install rpm (failed dependancies)

2003-09-13 Thread Russ
okay, opened a console in su, typed in urpmi bibletime and it began to 
install, then gave me this error:

The signature of the package 'bibletime-1.3-mdk9.1.i386' is not correct. 
No GPG signature. Do you want to install anyway?   and when I say 
'yes' it gives me another window giving me the same list of bad files.

So might this be a problem with the rpm I dl or what?

PS I am relatively new to Linux (tinkered with it some in the past), but 
this time I am commited to making it work. My Win drive self destructed 
(literally) and I just decided to trash it altogether. Decided not to 
reinstall Win at all.

HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 12:47:37 -0700
Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

Anyone know what these are and how I can fix it?

1. Go here and configure all your sources:

2. then as root, urpmi [packagename]

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Dennis Myers
On Saturday 13 September 2003 03:40 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
> From other threads on here, I get the impression that if I install 9.2
> RC2, I can eventually just use urpmi to update it so that it is
> essentially the full release, no?
Yes you can, but from the rc2 release  you will update about 150 rpms. I know 
cause I just did it using Tom B.s instructions. On slow cable it took about 3 
hours. On fast cable a lot less. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] testing pop filters - no message

2003-09-13 Thread Curt Tresenriter

Imagination is more important than knowledge. ~ Einstein

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Re: [newbie] broken libpng?

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 06:47:39 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Awdid you bweak you wittle Mandwake? (g)

startin' to look that way...

tried reloading libgdk-pixbuf, still no go...

well, this is as good an excuse as any to go for 9.2, if I can't figger
somethin' out in the next day or so, I'll just do a clean install of
9.2 and have myself a grand adventure I'm sure... :-)

-- HaywireMac
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
Do not seek death; death will find you.  But seek the road which makes
a fulfillment.
-- Dag Hammarskjold

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Re: [newbie] urpmi hosed??

2003-09-13 Thread Curt Tresenriter
On Saturday 13 September 2003 03:54 pm, David E. Fox wrote:
To what are you urpmi'ing? Cooker? I think that's a bit of a leap. 

No cooker here!

Check for the presence of _db.00? files in /var/lib/rpm.
Sometimes a process exits uncleanly and you end up with those
temp files and the only thing that will make it work agein is to
remove them.`

Yes, there's .001 and .002

Imagination is more important than knowledge. ~ Einstein

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Re: [newbie] Software install rpm (failed dependancies)

2003-09-13 Thread Russ
Thank you very much for the help. I went there but I really do not know 
what I am suppose to do there. If you are trying to get me to update 
what I have, I have already done so. I am running MDK 9.0 with all 
updates & patches available (Through Red Carpet and MDCC updater).

Can you tell me what urpmi is suppose to do and how it relates to rpm?

HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 12:47:37 -0700
Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

Anyone know what these are and how I can fix it?

1. Go here and configure all your sources:

2. then as root, urpmi [packagename]

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Re: [newbie] urpmi hosed??

2003-09-13 Thread David E. Fox
> I did a clean install of 9.0 then ran urpmi urpmi - after that I=20
> tried --auto-select it wanted to uninstall a couple packages - I=20

To what are you urpmi'ing? Cooker? I think that's a bit of a leap. 

> it won't do --auto-select.
> Anyone have a clue?

Check for the presence of _db.00? files in /var/lib/rpm. Sometimes 
a process exits uncleanly and you end up with those temp files and
the only thing that will make it work agein is to remove them.

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] Laptop memory not recognized

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 06:15, Noah A Hicks wrote:

> Thanks all for the input
> After messing around with the BIOS it seems apparent that my problem is
> located there.  After turning off "quiet boot" I could observe the system
> checking the memory up to "127mb passed ok".
> The memory setting in the bios does not allow me to change the value (ie
> it just displays the number)  Is there any way to force the BIOS to
> recognize my 256mb chip?
> Thanks
> -Noah

Hate to say this, but if BIOS ain't seeing it, you can TRY to update
your BIOS, but chances are that it ain't going to see the RAM. The issue
might actually be that the RAM you are putting in is either a different
speed or it could be "double sided" whereas your current RAM is "single
sided" - or vice versa...

Try booting the machine with only the new RAM and see if it's
recognised...if not, then, well, um, you're shafted.

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
panic("mother..."); 2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/drivers/block/cpqarray.c

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Re: [newbie] broken libpng?

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 05:37, HaywireMac wrote:
> I wanted to add support for svg icons to use in ROX and idesk, so I did
> urpmi librsvg, which said 'everything already installed'...ya right, I
> thought.
> So I used the MCC software installer, it said 'installed successfully'.
> Then I noticed ROX wasn't working...
> Then I noticed gkrellm wasn't working anymore...
> Then I tried to uninstall librsvg thru MCC...won't load...
> drakconf from the command line informs me 'fatal error' as it cannot
> load the png image format, and when I back out of X and see the output,
> it turns out xpm image formats are broken too.
> I tried uninstalling librsvg:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/joehill]>$urpme librsvg-2.2.3-3mdk
> /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.55861: line 1: /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders: No
> such file or directory error: execution of %postun scriptlet from
> librsvg-2.2.3-3mdk failed, exit status 127
> I tried uninstalling libpng with --nodeps and then reinstalling, no
> diff.
> downloading 9.2 RC2 as we speak, any way I can fix this b4 I whack it
> and do what I always do when I've hosed something beyond seemingly easy
> repair, ie. install the latest release...? LOL!, I'm alway looking fer
> an excuse, but if anyone has an easy fix, much appreciated.
> Most else is working, I can use everything 'cept ROX and Gkrellm (and
> MCC, but that's no big loss). Sylpheed, my WM, even idesk (which is
> loading .png's fine (?!)) all work...weird.

Awdid you bweak you wittle Mandwake? (g)

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
You'll never be the man your mother was!

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[newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac

>From other threads on here, I get the impression that if I install 9.2
RC2, I can eventually just use urpmi to update it so that it is
essentially the full release, no?

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
If we do not change our direction we are likely to end up where we are

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Re: [newbie] monitor configuration

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 01:39, Miark wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 03:37:10 +, "d2ci1fj g1nf24" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There's an attachment to this email about configuring a monitor. I don't 
> > understand most of it. Would somebody be to able explain it to me?
> > 
> > How do I read a .bz2 file from the text login screen?
> You must first de-compress the file by typing
>   bunzip filename.bz2
> Then if it's a text file, you can read it with 
>   less filename
> Miark

...or you can use tar -xjvf if it's filename.tar.bz2

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Anybody that wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years
organising and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office.
-- David Broder

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Re: [newbie] This is just the most heinous idea...

2003-09-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 00:38, HaywireMac wrote:
> MS fubars the internet, and it's our fault...

Yeah - right. I can see this going over like a lead zepplin, mate.

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
The strong give up and move away, while the weak give up and stay.

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Re: [newbie] ShockWave for Mozilla ??

2003-09-13 Thread Paul
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 23:17, Bob Read wrote:
> I've been doing searches for Shockwave for Mozilla on Linux
> but all I'm finding is questions from others.  Does anyone
> have answers they can point to?
> Much thanks,
> Bob

As I understand it, there isn't one for Shockwave, only Flash..

But if you do find one please let me know.

Paul M

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[newbie] urpmi hosed??

2003-09-13 Thread Curt Tresenriter
I did a clean install of 9.0 then ran urpmi urpmi - after that I 
tried --auto-select it wanted to uninstall a couple packages - I 
said yes then it listed 30 or 40 it wanted to install and again I 
said yes. At that point it hung - let it sit for a good long time 
but no go. Since then I've installed a few packages using urpmi but 
it won't do --auto-select.
Anyone have a clue?
Imagination is more important than knowledge. ~ Einstein

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[newbie] ShockWave for Mozilla ??

2003-09-13 Thread Bob Read
I've been doing searches for Shockwave for Mozilla on Linux
but all I'm finding is questions from others.  Does anyone
have answers they can point to?
Much thanks,


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Re: [newbie] Ethereal and perms on eth0

2003-09-13 Thread Richard Urwin
On Saturday 13 Sep 2003 1:05 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 07:57:48 -0400
> HaywireMac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > I want to run Ethereal on my server, but must it be run as root?
> >
> > Is there some way to give myself or group perms on reading eth0?
> >
> > Tanks!
> scratch that, too much of a load on the server, LOL!
> how about a nice CLI tool I can use to show traffic in real time,
> filtering out local traffic, ie. DHCP, etc., that won't put a huge
> load on this tired old P166...?

tethereal is the CLI build of ethereal. If you have ethereal then you 
have tethereal.

There is no easy answer to the permissions problem since capturing raw 
network traffic requires one or two capabilities that only root has. 
The official* line is to wait until the filesystems become 
capability-aware, on which there doesn't seem to be any movement since 
kernel 2.2.19.

* In as much as a GPL project has an oficial line.
Richard Urwin

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[newbie] checking to see if HTTP::Request::Common is installed

2003-09-13 Thread Grant
I know this is off topic, but I'm in a tight spot.  I need to find out if
HTTP::Request::Common is installed on the web server my site is hosted on.
It's actually Red Hat.  Does anyone know how to find out?  Sorry it's OT!

- Grant

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Aron Smith
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 11:12, John Richard Smith wrote:
> Aron Smith wrote:
> >Why do so many people in the Linux community think that it is cool to
> >use a black or purple or dark blue background on their web sites? My 60
> >year old eyes can't take it. and so I tend to move on to somewhere else.
> >BTW Linux is not alone in this Gaming sites seem to be the worst
> >offenders.
> > Get a clue guys if people don't read it then people don't read it. I
> >know that you can put words the same color as background text
> >(invisible) to increase your chances of a web search engine hit. But I
> >still ain't gonna waste my time on an unreadable page.
> What 's worse these are supposed (or Wannabe) Professional people.
I never have had much good to say about Marketing People ..But I don't
think they would do that.
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> Tend tto agree, and the worst is black lettering on a dark blue background.
> John

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[newbie] HP wireless mouse

2003-09-13 Thread Benjamin Hiller
Hi I have a HP wireless mouse and keyboard the keyboard works but you 
can't left click with the mouse. Please help. Thanks

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Re: [newbie] 9.2rc2 and MD5sums

2003-09-13 Thread Dennis Myers
On Saturday 13 September 2003 08:55 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Friday September 12 2003 11:53 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
> > > Thanks all got it this time altho I don't think that 9.2 is
> > > quite ready for prime time.
> >
> > You are right, it is 9.2rc2 which is "Release Candidate 2", it is
> > not final yet.
>   RC2 is also not a release in itself, it's just a cooker
> snapshot. Quite old by now.  There's been a sh!+load of new
> packages since, most all of them bug fixes.  Install a few cooker
> mirror sources, and   'urpmi.update -a -f --wget && urpmi --wget
> --no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v'to get current.
> > On the MandrakeLinux web site there is a poll
> > asking if they should use 650MB iso or 700MB cause they can get
> > more on the 700. Mentions a lot of good stuff left off, because
> > KDE and Gnome grew, IIRC.
> Hmmm, been no mention of it on the cooker list, and I couldn't
> find it on Mandrake sites, including the Club.  Could you post the
> link Dennis ?
Hi, you might of found this by now but here is the site/ it is the club site 
and first on the list of the club homepage.  Sorry for the delay getting back 
to you all.  
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread John Richard Smith
Aron Smith wrote:

Why do so many people in the Linux community think that it is cool to
use a black or purple or dark blue background on their web sites? My 60
year old eyes can't take it. and so I tend to move on to somewhere else.
BTW Linux is not alone in this Gaming sites seem to be the worst
Get a clue guys if people don't read it then people don't read it. I
know that you can put words the same color as background text
(invisible) to increase your chances of a web search engine hit. But I
still ain't gonna waste my time on an unreadable page.

Tend tto agree, and the worst is black lettering on a dark blue background.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-13 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 13, 2003 10:18 am, Mathieu Frenette wrote:

Top posting because it's brief.

The difference between "shredding" and deleting is a matter of degree. 
Wipe and overwrite _now_ versus wipe and overwrite whenever you get a 
"round-to-it." ;-)

Any major university electronics lab with access to a scanning 
tunnelling electron microscope can almost always recover enough 
fragments of data to put together an overall picture from the "magnetic 
residue" left behind. Even from seized or otherwise damaged drives. 
That's what companies that offer data recovery services do. 

It takes major amounts of time and expensive equipment, and is not 

The NSA can do all sorts of magic if there's a reason. That reason would 
have to "make sense," especially "politically" since the Intelligence 
Oversight Committee would be crawling up their butts otherwise. Which 
for the drives of most of us (home and small business users) it 
wouldn't. So the question becomes:

"Of course I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid *enough?*"


> Hi!
> > Why 20 times? How is it possible to recover a file that has been
> > overwritten once?
> Because hard drives use magnetic imprints (I don't know the exact
> term for that), even once the magnetic information has been replaced
> by other information, the old one should still be present as a kind
> of ghost magnetic field.  Obviously, such a ghost cannot be recovered
> with the tools provided with any OS.  However, I guess that if a well
> organized institute or electrical engineer opens your hard drive and
> start analyzing the disks themselves with advanced machines, they
> could "see" this ghost and extract the old information out of it.  It
> may sound like pure sci-fi, but I'm sure NSA has just the right tools
> for the task! ;-)
> When "shred" does 10 or 20 overwrites, I guess it alternates the bit
> patterns at each pass, such as to "scramble" the ghost information.
> Because one would have to actually "open" the hard drive and use
> advanced machinery to extract information that was overwritten
> *once*, it does not mean that doing a simple "delete" is sufficient,
> since in this case it is not overwritten at all, which allows for a
> simpler recovery with OS tools.
> By the way, anybody knows what are the Linux tools for that? 
> Something similar to DOS "undelete"?
> Mathieu.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-8mdk
10:45:40 up 13:18, 1 user, load average: 0.12, 0.10, 0.10
Q:  What's yellow, and equivalent to the Axiom of Choice?
A:  Zorn's Lemon.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] free software & frozen bubble & Linus Torvalds

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:25:56 -0300
Josenildo Marques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I see you point and I agree with you, but I'd like to add something
> else to the stew. For what it is worth.
> We are political and ideological beings and there is no escaping from
> it. If you do something because you believe it is fun and it may help
> people have fun it' s an ideological viewpoint. Paradoxically. So we
> could call it the ideology of fun. Ideology is a way through which we
> see the world. Ancient peoples like the greeks thought a mountain was
> a sacred place where the gods lived. In our times, a mountain is just
> a place where people can extract minerals from. See what i mean ?
> I also think that people wanted to keep the name short. So "Linux" is
> much better than "GNU/Linux" for marketing, etc.

I always liked this quote, and what you wrote brought it to mind:

"Athens built the Acropolis. Corinth was a commercial city, interested
in purely materialistic things. Today we admire Athens, visit it,
preserve the old temples, yet we hardly ever set foot in Corinth."

- Dr. Harold Urey, Nobel Laureate in chemistry

Registered Linux user #282046
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It is Fortune, not Wisdom, that rules man's life.

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[newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Aron Smith
Why do so many people in the Linux community think that it is cool to
use a black or purple or dark blue background on their web sites? My 60
year old eyes can't take it. and so I tend to move on to somewhere else.
BTW Linux is not alone in this Gaming sites seem to be the worst
Get a clue guys if people don't read it then people don't read it. I
know that you can put words the same color as background text
(invisible) to increase your chances of a web search engine hit. But I
still ain't gonna waste my time on an unreadable page.

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Re: [newbie] advertising in Mandrake?

2003-09-13 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 13, 2003 09:59 am, Anguo wrote:
> Being a club member is pretty pointless... we have to read
> slashdot or newsforge to get to know the latest news about
> Mandrake.

Being a member of the club is a method of supporting the distribution, 
not an invitation to insinuate oneself into executive decisions of the 
company. Similar in fact to some of the "volunteer developers" that 
inhabit the cooker list whining that they were never told about this 
decision prior to it becoming fact, and should have been asked for 
feedback first. DRECK. The company isn't run by pessimists or it would 
be dead already. It almost was, and still could be if the alarmists get 
their way.

 The articles on /. and News Forge were posted prior to any announcement 
that anything newsworthy was happening. If the originators had a clue 
about business they'd know that one doesn't make any announcements 
about such until there's something to announce.

What's pointless is the level of alarmist B.S. (that doesn't stand for 
brown sugar) coming from some posters on the Mandrake mailing lists and 
those "news" sites. Fact: MandrakeSoft is fighting for it's life, they 
aren't "selling out the users, ignoring the volunteer development 
members, prostituting the distribution." Whatever you may think being a 
Club Member or buying a box set from retail or the Mandrake Store are 
not an excuse to believe that you have a right to dictate how the 
company generates revenue. This sale of ad space is not infringing on 
users in any way, and I for one am willing to adopt a "wait and see" 
attitude to see if it ever does.

> Advertising during installation, in screensaver and in
> browser bookmarks: the idea is certainly a necessary one,
> maybe even a good one, but as far as I am concern, it's
> already a public relation failure, only the latest one is a
> series of such mistakes (like that of failing to officially
> state that the removal of the Republic of China's flag was
> not -?- due to Communist China's pressure on them -?-.)

It's a "Public Relations Failure" because of shit such as this. You 
already know there's no advertising in screen savers and yet you 
insinuate that it will happen. You know NOTHING about what will happen 
in the future unless you're part of the management team.

There will be no advertising in the screen savers, there will be ONE ad 
in the installation graphics. That's what I read from the MandrakeSoft 
web-site and I'm inclined to believe them. As for bookmarks why not? 
The default bookmarks are easily changed, the default screen savers are 
easily changed, and bowing to "political pressure" is exactly what the 
complainers are asking the company to do now. 

Are people ever satisfied?

> Any comment on the new (or rather old but augmented) policy?
> They removed the pricing from their page, but it got copied
> on /.

Sure, to keep the bullshit "debate" thriving. Some people delight in 
whining and bitching. /. is one of the gathering places for such 

> /.ers have written both positive and negative feedback...
> what do you girls (and guys) think?
> Augustin

I think this is a waste of bandwidth. I think the people complaining the 
loudest fall into two distinct categories:

1.) Control freaks that want all of the decision making power with none 
of the financial responsibility of being sure a company survives.

2.) "Freebooters" that have never paid dime one to support the 
development of Mandrake Linux and pride themselves on being "Members of 
the Open Source Community" because they use a GPL compliant downloaded 
operating system for everything but the games they've purchased. Then 
whine that they can't play their fscking games with free software. Many 
of those games were likely "kazaa'ed" onto their drives anyway.

Unlike the fortune tag in my signature I'm not afraid to speak up, or to 
vote my conscience. This entire diatribe is about as relevant and 
valuable as the post it's a reply to.

If you don't like the direction being taken to ensure the survival of 
this distribution then use something else. It is open source, and 
therefore all about choices.

Without regard to the "sensibilities" of those that think "Corporation" 
is equivalent to "Evil."

Charlie Mahan
- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-8mdk
10:06:17 up 12:39, 1 user, load average: 0.32, 0.32, 0.28
Conscience doth make cowards of us all.
-- Shakespeare
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] free software & frozen bubble & Linus Torvalds

2003-09-13 Thread Josenildo Marques
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 13:10, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:
> Hi!
> On Mon 2003-09-01 at 00:00:59 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >I was at the frozen bubble game site and there was this bit about 
> > free software:
> > 
> > "
> > 
> > Free software is a very interesting (and important) concept. It was 
> > brought to mankind by Richard M. Stallman, the founder of the Free 
> > Software Foundation . Free software is copyrighted 
> > software with special licensing terms (the GPL, "General Public 
> > License") that allow users to copy, ameliorate, and redistribute 
> > software as long as the licensing terms don't restrict those rights.
> > 
> > Too many people simply "refuse" to see the ideology behind free software 
> > (unfortunately, that's the case of Linus Torvalds, the Linux kernel 
> > author). Free software is not only good quality software. Free software 
> > tells you that your freedom is valuable. It tells you that it's good for 
> > a society when people can share good software with friends, without 
> > being stopped by a license refusing you this right, and can 
> > ameliorate/bugfix programs if they are technically literate. It tells 
> > you that proprietary software is taking away your freedom.
> > 
> > Because of these reasons, please promote and use Free Software.
> > 
> > ... please somebody explain to what's that part about Linus 
> > Torvalds ... I thought he was the founder of Linux ... and suporter of 
> > free software .. & stuff lik that ...
> This is in reference to statements from Linus Torvalds such as:
> (taken from:
>   Quite frankly, I don't _want_ people using Linux for ideological
>   reasons.  I think ideology sucks. This world would be a much better
>   place if people had less ideology, and a whole lot more "I do this
>   because it's FUN and because others might find it useful, not
>   because I got religion".
> So the statement above doesn't mean that Linus Torvalds hasn't done a
> a lot for the free software community. It just means, that he didn't
> do it with ideology as his primary motive. Linux wasn't created
> because he wanted to replace something, but because he thought it was
> fun to do.
> In contrast, GNU software has been created purely for ideologic
> reasons. Already the name GNU (GNU's Not Unix) gives it away: it was
> set out to be a replacement for the proprietary Unixes.
> Regards,
>   Benjamin.


I see you point and I agree with you, but I'd like to add something else
to the stew. For what it is worth.

We are political and ideological beings and there is no escaping from
it. If you do something because you believe it is fun and it may help
people have fun it' s an ideological viewpoint. Paradoxically. So we
could call it the ideology of fun. Ideology is a way through which we
see the world. Ancient peoples like the greeks thought a mountain was a
sacred place where the gods lived. In our times, a mountain is just a
place where people can extract minerals from. See what i mean ?

I also think that people wanted to keep the name short. So "Linux" is
much better than "GNU/Linux" for marketing, etc.


> __
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Re: [newbie] free software & frozen bubble & Linus Torvalds

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On 13 Sep 2003 12:23:26 -0400
ed tharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I think you can and should say the same for Mandrakesoft and Mandrake
> the community as well. the GPL version is all GPL to the best of
> anyones ability, as far as I know.

I'm not putting down Mandrake, I am commending Debian. There *is* a
difference in the philosophies, however slight you might see it. OTOH,
there are things I might commend Mandrake for that I wouldn't for
Debian, hypothetically speaking, since I have little experience
actually*running* Debian.

In the end, the main point is that I believe no matter how hard you try,
you cannot seperate philosophy from practice, and it is important to
define where you stand, even if it is merely in opposition to the
proprietary software model that MS has dumped on the world, and has
caused so much mayhem.

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished:
if you're alive, it isn't.

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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-13 Thread Eric Huff
> > Shredding it will overwrite the file about 20 times making it 
> > impossible to recover.
> Why 20 times? How is it possible to recover a file that has been
> overwritten once?

I imagine that if you measure the 1's and 0's with a device that takes
an analog reading, you can tell wether it was previously a 1 or a 0.  I
could see this possibly working for a few iterations.

I think i also heard that each time a a write takes place, the location
radially is not perfect, so if you look at the edges you can see preious
data. Presumably in normal use the read head looks at a narrower path
than the write head.

Not sure which (if either) method is valid...

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Re: [newbie] Viruses..........

2003-09-13 Thread crak600
On Monday 08 September 2003 10:23 am, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 16:44:01 +
> crak600 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > well, currently all my mail is saved onto my /home partition, but
> > every other document/file/picture/whatever i get e-mailed to me that i
> > want to save, i save it to my other hard drive, which is all FAT32.  i
> > actually do want to figure out how to make KMail save all my e-mail on
> > one of those FAT32 partitions, so if i have to wipe out MDK for
> > whatever reason (or screw it up and wipe it all out)
> if/when you ever had to reinstall Mandrake, you don't have to format
> your /home partition, in fact there's no reason to at all.
> also, saving your mail to a fat32 partition defeats the whole purpose of
> using Linux, ie. you are potentially saving mail that may contain
> malicious code that the Windows partition, once booted into that
> horrible OS, will do exactly what it is programmed to do, whereas on a
> Linux partition it will just sit there, harmless.

ok, i understand that the /home partition doesn't need to be formatted out, 
just the / when doing a re-install or whatever.  but i did that once already 
to solve some problems and i lost everything in kmail.  that was a lot to 
lose, i was not happy.  i don't want to have it happen again.  

i do, however, know how to go in and make partitions using diskdrake, and i 
could make myself another journalized fs3 partition specifically for storing 
mail, but after that, i don't know how to move everything over to it and keep 
it all there so i don't lose it again.  hard drive space is not an issue for 
me.  i've got ms-win and mdk on a 20gb hard drive (with / and /home both 
recieving 7gb space each) and i've got a 100gb hard drive for storage of 
anything and everything, and it's partitioned 6 ways currently, so carving 
out another partition speficially for e-mail, no problem.  i prefer to do 
things this way anyway, as it can save a lot of data in the event of bad 
things happening.  so can anyone help me walk through this so i don't lose 
all my stuff?  

it looks like i'm going to format out / within the next few days and start all 
over again.  i've screwed it up pretty good.  i can't even do updates.  i 
really don't want to have to go through all this again, i've got just bout 
all my settings where i really like them, but hey, it's more practice on 
setting up the system, as i've only done it maybe 3-4 times.  yeah, it's the 
easy way out, but i'm running on a full schedule between kids and school, so 
sometimes i gotta opt for the easiest quickest way to fix something.  


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Re: [newbie] free software & frozen bubble & Linus Torvalds

2003-09-13 Thread ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 12:09, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 17:43:27 +0200
> Benjamin Pflugmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Just to clarify. RMS does not want the Linux kernel name to have any
> > "GNU" extension. What RMS wants is that Linux based *distributions*
> > and anyone referring to such Linux based distributions by the label
> > "Linux" uses "GNU/Linux" instead, in order to give proper credits to
> > GNU's part of such a distro.
> > 
> > If you are interested in more details, you can read the FSF side of
> > the story here (warning: it is heavily biased by idiology):
> > 
> >
> Hmmm, I can see his point. The kernel is all Linus' work, sure, but as
> it says here:
> "Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the
> machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an
> essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can
> only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
> normally used in a combination with the GNU operating system: the whole
> system is basically GNU, with Linux functioning as its kernel."
> Source:
> I guess this is why Debian refers to itself as "Debian GNU/Linux". This
> is one reason I have always had a sentimental desire to at least make a
> serious effort at trying Debian, is the absolute commitment to
> non-commercial code (distinctions between free-as-in-speech and
> free-as-in-beer acknowledged). 
I think you can and should say the same for Mandrakesoft and Mandrake
the community as well. the GPL version is all GPL to the best of anyones
ability, as far as I know.

> Does anyone know what Linus' response or argument to this is?
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Re: [newbie] free software & frozen bubble & Linus Torvalds

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 18:10:42 +0200
Benjamin Pflugmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> This is in reference to statements from Linus Torvalds such as:
> (taken from:
>   Quite frankly, I don't _want_ people using Linux for ideological
>   reasons.  I think ideology sucks. This world would be a much better
>   place if people had less ideology, and a whole lot more "I do this
>   because it's FUN and because others might find it useful, not
>   because I got religion".
> So the statement above doesn't mean that Linus Torvalds hasn't done a
> a lot for the free software community. It just means, that he didn't
> do it with ideology as his primary motive. Linux wasn't created
> because he wanted to replace something, but because he thought it was
> fun to do.
> In contrast, GNU software has been created purely for ideologic
> reasons. Already the name GNU (GNU's Not Unix) gives it away: it was
> set out to be a replacement for the proprietary Unixes.

Reminds me of the old Wobblie song, "which side are you on...?"

I see his point about ideology, but there's a difference between
ideology and *philosophy*, which I think describes the GNU project more
accurately than "ideology".

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
We can embody the truth, but we cannot know it.
-- Yates

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Re: [newbie] Shered VS Delete

2003-09-13 Thread Mathieu Frenette

> Why 20 times? How is it possible to recover a file that has been overwritten once?

Because hard drives use magnetic imprints (I don't know the exact term
for that), even once the magnetic information has been replaced by other
information, the old one should still be present as a kind of ghost
magnetic field.  Obviously, such a ghost cannot be recovered with the
tools provided with any OS.  However, I guess that if a well organized
institute or electrical engineer opens your hard drive and start
analyzing the disks themselves with advanced machines, they could "see"
this ghost and extract the old information out of it.  It may sound like
pure sci-fi, but I'm sure NSA has just the right tools for the task! ;-)

When "shred" does 10 or 20 overwrites, I guess it alternates the bit
patterns at each pass, such as to "scramble" the ghost information.

Because one would have to actually "open" the hard drive and use
advanced machinery to extract information that was overwritten *once*,
it does not mean that doing a simple "delete" is sufficient, since in
this case it is not overwritten at all, which allows for a simpler
recovery with OS tools.

By the way, anybody knows what are the Linux tools for that?  Something
similar to DOS "undelete"?


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Re: [newbie] advertising in Mandrake?

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 23:59:54 +0800
Anguo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Advertising during installation, in screensaver and in 
> browser bookmarks: the idea is certainly a necessary one, 
> maybe even a good one, but as far as I am concern, it's 
> already a public relation failure,

Oh, for the love of $DEITY, this has already heavily infected the Expert

What's the big fscking *deal*?!

Please, please, please, let's let this DIE.

You'd think they were shipping shishkebobbed dead babies with their next
release or something...

If you don't like it, switch.

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's & More:
We're all in this alone.
-- Lily Tomlin

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Re: [newbie] free software & frozen bubble & Linus Torvalds

2003-09-13 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann

On Mon 2003-09-01 at 00:00:59 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I was at the frozen bubble game site and there was this bit about 
> free software:
> "
> Free software is a very interesting (and important) concept. It was 
> brought to mankind by Richard M. Stallman, the founder of the Free 
> Software Foundation . Free software is copyrighted 
> software with special licensing terms (the GPL, "General Public 
> License") that allow users to copy, ameliorate, and redistribute 
> software as long as the licensing terms don't restrict those rights.
> Too many people simply "refuse" to see the ideology behind free software 
> (unfortunately, that's the case of Linus Torvalds, the Linux kernel 
> author). Free software is not only good quality software. Free software 
> tells you that your freedom is valuable. It tells you that it's good for 
> a society when people can share good software with friends, without 
> being stopped by a license refusing you this right, and can 
> ameliorate/bugfix programs if they are technically literate. It tells 
> you that proprietary software is taking away your freedom.
> Because of these reasons, please promote and use Free Software.
> ... please somebody explain to what's that part about Linus 
> Torvalds ... I thought he was the founder of Linux ... and suporter of 
> free software .. & stuff lik that ...

This is in reference to statements from Linus Torvalds such as:
(taken from:

  Quite frankly, I don't _want_ people using Linux for ideological
  reasons.  I think ideology sucks. This world would be a much better
  place if people had less ideology, and a whole lot more "I do this
  because it's FUN and because others might find it useful, not
  because I got religion".

So the statement above doesn't mean that Linus Torvalds hasn't done a
a lot for the free software community. It just means, that he didn't
do it with ideology as his primary motive. Linux wasn't created
because he wanted to replace something, but because he thought it was
fun to do.

In contrast, GNU software has been created purely for ideologic
reasons. Already the name GNU (GNU's Not Unix) gives it away: it was
set out to be a replacement for the proprietary Unixes.



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Re: [newbie] free software & frozen bubble & Linus Torvalds

2003-09-13 Thread HaywireMac
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 17:43:27 +0200
Benjamin Pflugmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Just to clarify. RMS does not want the Linux kernel name to have any
> "GNU" extension. What RMS wants is that Linux based *distributions*
> and anyone referring to such Linux based distributions by the label
> "Linux" uses "GNU/Linux" instead, in order to give proper credits to
> GNU's part of such a distro.
> If you are interested in more details, you can read the FSF side of
> the story here (warning: it is heavily biased by idiology):

Hmmm, I can see his point. The kernel is all Linus' work, sure, but as
it says here:

"Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the
machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an
essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can
only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in a combination with the GNU operating system: the whole
system is basically GNU, with Linux functioning as its kernel."


I guess this is why Debian refers to itself as "Debian GNU/Linux". This
is one reason I have always had a sentimental desire to at least make a
serious effort at trying Debian, is the absolute commitment to
non-commercial code (distinctions between free-as-in-speech and
free-as-in-beer acknowledged). 

Does anyone know what Linus' response or argument to this is?

Registered Linux user #282046
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He is truly wise who gains wisdom from another's mishap.

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[newbie] advertising in Mandrake?

2003-09-13 Thread Anguo

Being a club member is pretty pointless... we have to read 
slashdot or newsforge to get to know the latest news about 

Advertising during installation, in screensaver and in 
browser bookmarks: the idea is certainly a necessary one, 
maybe even a good one, but as far as I am concern, it's 
already a public relation failure, only the latest one is a 
series of such mistakes (like that of failing to officially 
state that the removal of the Republic of China's flag was 
not -?- due to Communist China's pressure on them -?-.)

Any comment on the new (or rather old but augmented) policy?

They removed the pricing from their page, but it got copied 
on /.

/.ers have written both positive and negative feedback... 
what do you girls (and guys) think?


In the news: What Gates' attacks on the GPL really mean
Bill Gates has recently been intensifying his attacks on the 
GNU Public Licence. At the invitation of ZDNet UK, Richard 
Stallman defends his philosophy and extracts the underlying 
message in Gates' latest polemic
Read more:,,t479-s2117582,00.html

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Re: [newbie] how to "find files" and look everywhere except /mnt?

2003-09-13 Thread Miark
On 13 Sep 2003 03:50:36 +0700, Merlin Zener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if it's possible to make the "find files" look everywhere
> *except* in the /mnt directory? 

You can use slocate (which you can invoke with "locate") and grep 
everything that's not in /mnt. You can do that as follows:

locate filename | grep -v /mnt


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Re: [newbie] importing contacts into Evolution?

2003-09-13 Thread RichardA
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 09:19:49 -0500, Tom Brinkman
> You shouldn't need 'ls -l'.  Check to see, type 'alias ll' in a 
> console, EG,
> tom $ alias ll
> alias ll='ls -l'
> It's long been a standard alias that Mandrake uses. To see all 
> of 'em (including any you've created) just type 'alias'.
>For displaying large outputs, use  'll |less'  and then you can 
> Arrow, Page down, or scroll with your mouse down thru the output, 
> either a page or line at a time.  EG,
>   'll |less /usr/bin'

That I did not know. The only problem is when you install, say, Debian,
type "cd.." and it slaps you in the face because it wanted "cd .."

Or worse still, you get used to typing "rm" and having the -i switch
aliased in, and then go to A.N. Other distro...

"Get up and turn I loose"

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