Re: [newbie-it] mouse ottico

2003-09-27 Thread Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro Giorgio Griffon, 
perche' ho le prove, il venerdì 26 settembre 2003, alle 21:30 hai scritto: 

 Peraltro, come Arwan ha giustamente osservato, il topo in 
 questione non è mio ma di un amico che sto convertendo a forza... il 
 poverino voleva comprare un altro mouse, l'ho bloccato in tempo.

Ah! Parevami... e quando gli dici di venire in lista? ;-)

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] è nata la 9.2

2003-09-27 Thread bombadur
*** on Saturday 27 September 2003 01:02, tom wrote:

 a breve disponibile le iso nei vari ftp
 per ora è disponibile solo ai soci o a quelli che hanno fatto
 donazioni e mi pare anche giusto :)

ah!, e io pensavo che stessi parlando della 9.1 di quell'altra; 
giustamente, qui non la usa nessuno... ;-)))
* Coltivate Linux, tanto Window$® si pianta da solo *

[newbie-it] MINI-HOWTO configurazione Mouse a 5 Bottoni

2003-09-27 Thread kudega
Sono tutto orecchi. Vai con la mini spiegazione (se non ne hai voglia
o tempo mi basta la sezione di XF86Config relativa al tuo mouse).
Allora sono dovuto andarmi a rivedere gli appunti perchè non mi  
ricordavo più... :) Cmq il primo passo è andare a modificare X86FConfig

Section InputDevice
  Identifier  Mouse0
  Driver  mouse
  Option  Device /dev/mouse
  Option  Protocol ExplorerPS/2
  Option  Buttons 7
  Option  ZAxisMapping 6 7
  Option  resolution 200
Ho aggiunto le ultime righe che prima non c'erano.
7 assi che sono:
i 2 soliti bottoni di qualunque mouse, i 2 laterali, la rotellina che  
funzica da 5° bottone e il movimento di quest'ultima Up e Down!!
Resolution 200 è per il problema del mouse ottico, (già postato pochi  
giorni fa).
Il secondo passo da fare è mettere un file di configurazione da noi  
creato in modo che parta in automatico, con kde basta metterlo sotto  
Ed in questo file metteremo...

# Configura gli assi del mouse
xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5
Per provare a vedere se i tasti laterali funzionano digitate:
xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
vedrete che i tasti laterali del vostro mouse funzioneranno al posto  
della rotellina!! E la rotellina del mouse... non funzionerà più perchè  
ovviamente ai tasti laterali non avete settato nessuna funzione in  
In poche parole andate ad invertire la funzione della rotellina con i  
tasti laterali del mouse.
Ora che avete verificato che anche i tasti laterali funzionano potete  
rimettere a posto le posizioni degli assi rimettendo 1 2 3 6 7 4 5
Ora non ci resta che assegnare ai nostri tasti laterali un'azione  
quindi per prima cosa dobbiamo scaricare un programmino chiamato
imwheel scaricabile all'url:
è un tar.gz di dimensioni ridotte 476 K.
Una volta installato il nostro imwheel creiamo il file di conf dove  
andremo ad inserire l'azione dei pulsanti laterali...

# File di conf dei bottoni laterali del mouse
None, Up, Alt_L|F1
None, Down, Alt_L|F4
Ora non ricordo di preciso, però Up e Down erano inerenti al movimento  
della rotellina, None... , mentre quelli che ci servono sono Alt_L|F1 e  
F4. Nel centro di controllo di kde andiamo a vedere le azioni sotto la  
voce Scorciatoie della tastiera, ad esempio nel mio per iconificare  
la finestra basta premere Alt_L + F1... quindi avrete già capito come  
impostare altre azioni nel file imwheelrc ad esempio Alt_L + F4 server  
per killare la finestra. Nel file imwheelrc il + viene sostituito dal |  
Cmq quando scomppattate il tar.gz nel README troverete spiegazioni più  
Ultima operazione è quella di legare l'azione assegnata al mouse,  
semplicemente mandando in esecuzione imwheel... come?
imwheel -k -p -b 67
questa riga aggiungetela nel file precedentemente creato sotto  
in modo che ogni volta che parte kde vi setta il mouse come dal file  

Per spiegazioni o chiarimenti sono sempre a disposizione.
ciao ciao

Re: [newbie-it] x Paolo Brusasco e non solo

2003-09-27 Thread NIC
 oops.. ho dimenticato di dire di strafregarsene della firma errata e

Esattamente come ho fatto io ho continuato e ho tentato di installarli ma non 
c'è stato verso perchè mi bloccava tutto per via di vari conflitti.

scusate. peraltro forse i pacchetti restano salvati da
 qualche parte, 

Certo rimangono in /var/cache/urpmi/rpms ti chiede infatti se vuoi elimminarli 
o meno.Io ho risposto di no e da scollegato ho provato ad installarli uno ad 
uno.Alcuni sono andati a buon fine,mentre altri mi ha fallito il tutto sempre 
per via di dipendenze e conflitti vari.
Ti scoccia dirmi tutti i pacchetti che ti sei installato tu di mplayer per 
vedere se magari corrispondono ai miei o se mi manca qulcosa che siano plf o 
Grazie ancora

...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.È la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario che

Re: [newbie-it] Stampanti

2003-09-27 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 13:05, mercoledì 24 settembre 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] 
Stampanti,  BEZIER Database e Web Service   ha scritto:

 avanti. Parto infatti con l'installazione da windows e, sia sul win98
 che sul winXP mi viene detto che la stampante di rete che voglio
 installare non è collegata (in questo caso credo intenda che non è
 collegata al pc che fà da server)

non la trova,
come la  installi?
- -passi la coda, e la usi con la url //PC/coda
- -catturi la coda e la mappi su lptn
- -sfogli la rete e punti lo share,

facci vedere la sezione printers di smb.conf

- -- 



Slackware 8.1  GNU/Linux 2.4.22 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
+- R.U.#219755 -+- S.R.U.#705 -+- R.M.#110932 -+

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] scusate se ...

2003-09-27 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 15:26, venerdì 26 settembre 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] scusate 
se ...,  Piter   ha scritto:
 ...rompo ancora le scatole con i martian_sorce.
 Ho risolto il problema grazie a Mike che mi ha postato questo

 # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ppp0 -s -j DROP

 e funziona a meraviglia,
 il problema è che lo devo digitare tutte le volte che spengo

cerca dove guarddog salva i suoi script
se usa una sintassi simile a quella di iptables, aggiungi la linea così 
come è
altrimenti dovrai tradurla un pò...

in alternativa, consiglio sempre di usare iptables senza frontend,
in considerazione che un client ha DENY su tutto e  usa solo la 
statefull inspection e la connection tracking  per far entrare le 
risposte dei serve alle proprie richieste e nel caso girarle a 
eventuali macchine collegate (e siamo già in situazioni più complesse 
del normale..)

 (attualmente uso guarddog). Sto cercando in rete una versione del man
 di iptables in Italiano, purtoppo non conosco l'inglese, 

sul sito del pluto c'è il man tradotto in italiano

okkio non è una versione ufficiale, non è riconosciuta e più che una 
traduzione è una libera interpretazione,
comunque utile per  capire di cosa si parla,
in rete trovi molti howto in italiano comunque


- -- 



Slackware 8.1  GNU/Linux 2.4.22 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
+- R.U.#219755 -+- S.R.U.#705 -+- R.M.#110932 -+

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] x Paolo Brusasco e non solo

2003-09-27 Thread Corrado
Il sab, 2003-09-27 alle 13:17, NIC ha scritto:
  oops.. ho dimenticato di dire di strafregarsene della firma errata e
 Esattamente come ho fatto io ho continuato e ho tentato di installarli ma non 
 c'è stato verso perchè mi bloccava tutto per via di vari conflitti.

Io ho installato Mplayer e plugin e codec vari senza problemi con Urpmi;
mi sorge un dubbio: tra le fonti di urpmi hai aggiunto anche contrib
e texstar? Hai aggiornato le fonti prima di scaricare i pacchetti?

[newbie] Kicker?

2003-09-27 Thread Lance Cummings
Got this new little app-launch button on the taskbar after upping to 
RC2.  Looks kind of like a little gear.  Clicking it produces an 
error window:

Unable to run the command specified. The file or directory 
file:/home/lance/.kde/share/apps/kicker/Welcome.desktop does not 

Should I be concerned about this?  (Sorry for the plethora of what 
are probably simple questions, but I *am* a newbie.) ^_-


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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft critic loses job over report -PDF POSTED

2003-09-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 09:47, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 09:38:43 +1000
 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  You'd never be able to put IIS on it and have it up for more than a
  day or so, mate...
 Meanwhile, it stayed up for 90 days, that poor wittle P166, til the big
 power outage. It could probably still handle a lot more than I'm
 currently throwing at it too, if I added a bit more RAM I could prolly
 use the new Samba and make it a bloody PDC! LOL!
 Try that with Win2K3!

You couldn't.

BTW, it's nice to say Yeah - my machine's been up for 90 days! - but
for home systems it's nice to bring'em down every 30 days and blow out
the dust/dirt/bugs and whatnot...

I bought a new case for my server at home - new fans and the likes - so
that's why she's coming down this weekend...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Sorry never means having your say to love.

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Re: [newbie] an apology, WAS: Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 14:43, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Friday 26 September 2003 10:42 pm, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
  Excuse me, Ma'am. My english is not so good, and I wonder what you mean by
  'ty'. You seem to use it quite often.
 I'm pretty sure it simply means thank you. 

I thought it meant treacle yogurt

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
There are no winners in life, only survivors.

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Re: [newbie] Kicker?

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 12:06 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
 Got this new little app-launch button on the taskbar after upping to
 RC2.  Looks kind of like a little gear.  Clicking it produces an
 error window:

 Unable to run the command specified. The file or directory
 file:/home/lance/.kde/share/apps/kicker/Welcome.desktop does not

 Should I be concerned about this?  (Sorry for the plethora of what
 are probably simple questions, but I *am* a newbie.) ^_-


Yep, you're running cooker all right. (-:

Hold the Alt button and hit F2 at the same time. You can type Konsole or 
rxvt to open a terminal and become super user. If you like you can save a 
step by clicking the options button and open the terminal as root. Then run 
the following command:

rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  update-menus -n  ldconfig

You should get your menus back. Assuming of course that part of KDE hasn't 
gone missing, in which case let the list know and we shall see what we shall 

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
00:40:31 up 6 days, 14:00, 1 user, load average: 0.21, 0.18, 0.17
Death is a spirit leaving a body, sort of like a shell leaving the nut behind.
-- Erma Bombeck
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Loosing Chinese users?

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 04:24 am, Pipkin wrote:
 Please remove me from your mailing list.  This is Spam and an invasion of
 my privacy.

Since you signed up for the list yourself you'll have remove yourself.

SPAM? Yeah if you say so. It's hard to call a mailing list you requested spam 
under any form of logic with which I'm familiar. I won't even mention the 
Reply To: you set in Lookout. sigh

Click the following link to remove yourself:

follow the instructions.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
00:49:57 up 6 days, 14:10, 2 users, load average: 0.30, 0.39, 0.27
A waist is a terrible thing to mind.
-- Ziggy
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft critic loses job over report

2003-09-27 Thread Margot
Dale Huckeby wrote:
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Margot wrote:

If I suddenly inherited Microsoft (hey Bill - I'm your long-lost 
daughter!) I'd try to trace all the people that the empire had ripped 
off and give them their money back, and then give remaining 
unidentifiable funds to a suitable charity.


Dale Huckeby

Some of the former M$ users may already be dead, with no surviving 
family to claim their share, and some might not claim because they'd 
feel too embarrassed at being outed as M$ users, so the shares of the 
money that could not be applied to rightful owners would go to the charity!


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Re: [newbie] Kicker?

2003-09-27 Thread Lance Cummings
On Saturday 27 September 2003 15:48, Charlie M. wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 September 27, 2003 12:06 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
  Got this new little app-launch button on the taskbar after
  upping to RC2.  Looks kind of like a little gear.  Clicking it
  produces an error window:
  Unable to run the command specified. The file or directory
  file:/home/lance/.kde/share/apps/kicker/Welcome.desktop does not
  Should I be concerned about this?  (Sorry for the plethora of
  what are probably simple questions, but I *am* a newbie.) ^_-

 Yep, you're running cooker all right. (-:

I would never lie about such a thing.  ^_^ --We do them this way in 

 Hold the Alt button and hit F2 at the same time. You can type
 Konsole or rxvt to open a terminal and become super user. If
 you like you can save a step by clicking the options button and
 open the terminal as root. Then run the following command:

 rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  update-menus -n  ldconfig

 You should get your menus back. Assuming of course that part of
 KDE hasn't gone missing, in which case let the list know and we
 shall see what we shall see.

Okay, did that, and the drive light got serious for a while (quite a 
while, actually), and I got a couple of lines on the xterm saying 
some things had been written.  But nothing changed.  Logged out of X 
and back in, too (MS habit lol nearly rebooted to see if that 
would help). ^_-


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[newbie] IBM wacks SCO...again

2003-09-27 Thread John Wilson
Just cause it hasn't shown up on the list yet :)

My, my what a nasty hole they're digging for themselves!



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Re: [newbie] an apology, WAS: Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-27 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 27 September 2003 02:42 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 I thought it meant treacle yogurt

Or tenacious Yorkshire

Or treacherous Yankee

Or timber, YO!

Or tumultuous yangtze

Or truly young

Or tamed Yak

Or tubular yams

Or Topten Yaz

Or tincture yellow

Or terrible year

Or truly yucky

Or   :-)


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Re: [newbie] Kicker?

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 01:14 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
  Yep, you're running cooker all right. (-:

 I would never lie about such a thing.  ^_^ --We do them this way in

 Great now I'm learning Japanese. g

  Hold the Alt button and hit F2 at the same time. You can type
  Konsole or rxvt to open a terminal and become super user. If
  you like you can save a step by clicking the options button and
  open the terminal as root. Then run the following command:
  rpm --rebuilddb  updatedb  update-menus -n  ldconfig
  You should get your menus back. Assuming of course that part of
  KDE hasn't gone missing, in which case let the list know and we
  shall see what we shall see.

 Okay, did that, and the drive light got serious for a while (quite a
 while, actually), and I got a couple of lines on the xterm saying
 some things had been written.  But nothing changed.  Logged out of X
 and back in, too (MS habit lol nearly rebooted to see if that
 would help). ^_-


Try in the root terminal;

which kicker

you should see something similar to this:
# which kicker   

If not we may have to do something drastic. Like type;


and use the software manager to find the missing KDE packages to get all the 
fun stuff like menus back. That command is one of the names for the 
Mandrake Control Centre. I think you can also use mcc as well.

Too many choices

We'll get there. Even if I fall asleep Stephen is always around, and according 
to the Virgin Radio stream I'm listening to it's morning in Europe so Derek 
may be back soon too.

One can only hope, right? ^_^

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
01:55:55 up 6 days, 15:16, 1 user, load average: 0.14, 0.34, 0.28
Some marriages are made in heaven -- but so are thunder and lightning.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] IBM wacks SCO...again[test]

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 02:08 am, Charlie M. wrote:

What happened to my key

Ignore, just testing.


- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
02:16:49 up 6 days, 15:36, 1 user, load average: 0.12, 0.24, 0.29
Do not drink coffee in early A.M.  It will keep you awake until noon.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] an apology, WAS: Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 01:36 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Saturday 27 September 2003 02:42 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  I thought it meant treacle yogurt

 Or tenacious Yorkshire

 Or treacherous Yankee

 Or timber, YO!

 Or tumultuous yangtze

 Or truly young

 Or tamed Yak

 Or tubular yams

 Or Topten Yaz

 Or tincture yellow

 Or terrible year

 Or truly yucky

 Or   :-)

Tickle Yvette?

Don't you ever sleep either? G

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
02:13:23 up 6 days, 15:33, 1 user, load average: 0.25, 0.34, 0.33
... Logically incoherent, semantically incomprehensible, and legally ... 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] Test

2003-09-27 Thread Graham Watkins
Changed my e-mail address to escape spam so re-subscribed. Just checking 
I did it right.

No need to reply to this (though there's generally at least one who 
can't resist it)
Graham Watkins

On the whole, I preferred cats to women because cats seldom if ever used 
the word relationship.(Kinky Friedman - Greenwich Killing Time)

Registered Linux user number 265254

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Re: [newbie] an apology, WAS: Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 18:15, Charlie M. wrote:

 Tickle Yvette?
 Don't you ever sleep either? G

Look, Ronald lives up in a holler in the mountains in a
double-wide...bug prolly lit up the bug-killin-light and he thought it
was daytime again...either that or he's been sitting waiting for his
still to finish a new batch...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
The less a statesman amounts to, the more he loves the flag. -- Kin

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Re: [newbie] GTKam cannot contact my fuji mx 2900

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:42 am, Mike Adolf wrote:

 I am pretty sure mine has a serial (non USB) connection.  The
 connector is not a small rectangle like the standard USB.  The
 camera is found on /dev/ttys0 (COM1).

 Anyway, I took your advice and used gPhoto and first tried MX 2700.
  It found the camera and downloaded all the thumbnails to the index
 page.  But when I tried to download an image, I got 'camera not
 responding' error.   So, I tried an MX 1200.  This time after the
 thumbnails loaded, I double-clicked one and IT DOWNLOADED. 

Glad you got it working, Mike.  To help others it would be useful to 
have this on the TWiki HardwareCompatibility list at

Could you write a few lines?  Just camera model, which model driver 
you had to choose, and that it worked with gPhoto.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft critic loses job over report

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 7:56 am, Margot wrote:
 Dale Huckeby wrote:
  On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Margot wrote:
 If I suddenly inherited Microsoft (hey Bill - I'm your long-lost
 daughter!) I'd try to trace all the people that the empire had
  ripped off and give them their money back, and then give
  remaining unidentifiable funds to a suitable charity.
  Dale Huckeby

 Some of the former M$ users may already be dead, with no surviving
 family to claim their share, and some might not claim because
 they'd feel too embarrassed at being outed as M$ users, so the
 shares of the money that could not be applied to rightful owners
 would go to the charity!


And many didn't bother to register their purchases.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] Shot myself in the foot...again.

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 3:54 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On the CDROM, do you have it set as master or slave? Make sure the
  jumper is in position for whichever you choose.  Put the Primary
  master as hard drive and on the end connector of the cable, the
  slave on primary master should be on the mid connector. I think
  that the best way to connect is to have the HDs on Primary
  (master and slave)  and the CDROM and CDRW on secondary master
  and slave. Others may prefer a different arrangement. I have run
  into the problem with the hard drive as you have and the only way
  I could get the harddrive recognized was to reformat. I first
  erased it with DiskEraser and then did a clean install. HTH --

 I have the 20Gb HD now set to primary master (on ribbon and jumper
 settings) and the cdrom set to secondary master.  Still no change. 
 Also, is there a difference in IDE cables?  I notice the ribbon for
 the hd that came with the new system is slimmer than the ones I
 have in the old system.  Would that have an effect?  In other
 words, if I'm trying to use an older ribbon on the newer system,
 will that keep the old stuff from operating properly?  Could the
 newer motherboard and power supply short out the old HD and cdrom?

Not sure what you mean by slimmer, but newer drives often come with an 
80-wire cable, not a 40-wire one.  If your mobo is recent it will 
have at least the primary connector set up to receive that cable - 
there are, I understand, thinner pins on the new connector, so old 
style cables may not be making proper contact.  HTH

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] Shot myself in the foot...again.

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 3:00 am, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 19:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Swap the positions of the 256 and the 128 chips. if the BIOS
   finds 128Meg in the first slot it wont look for the extra
   memory BTW please set your wraparound to 79 char or
   less.(scrolling sideways makes me dizzy;-) )
  I've tried the swap and, when the 256 chip is in the first
  position, I get nothing; absolutely nothing.  No boot up,
  nothing.  The power comes on, but nothing happens.  When I leave
  just the 256 chip in by itself, I get a really long beep and,
  again, nothing.

 your 256 chip is kaput.

Or your chips are incompatible - it happens.  Either one would work, 
but not both together.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] nasty upgrade surprise

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 6:42 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
  That is *not*, however, something one expects
 of an upgrade routine. 

Lance, anything on Cooker is not at release status, and you install at 
your own risk.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] ATI 8500DV AIW video drivers

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 3:50 am, Kelly McCormick wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 Is there anybody out there with some experience with this card
 under ML9.1? At a minimum, I would like to get the 3D acceleration
 and the TV tuner functions working. It is my understanding that the
 ATI drivers will provide GL acceleration but will do nothing for
 any of the other functions of this card and that the Gatos drivers
 can provide atleast nearly full funtionality to this card under
 linux. I have also found reports that the ATI drivers may work
 better for the 3D acceleration than the ati.2 gatos drivers
 provide? Any thoughts or experience on this subject? Also, is it
 possible to mix and match the drivers to use ATI's own drivers for
 3D Accelation and the Gatos drivers for the TV tuner, tivo
 functions, remote, etc.? I have also noted that ATI's driver rpm
 fglrx-glc22-4.2.0-2.5.1.i586.rpm is built for glibc 2.2 and their script reports that I have glibc 2.3, as I understand it
 this shouldn't be a problem, but I'm wondering if there is a better
 rpm to use? or a better solution? During my attempts to decipher
 the gatos website I have gotten the impression that these drivers
 are intended to be used with XFree86 version 4.1.0 and work atleast
 somewhat with 4.2.0, what is this going to mean to me since I am
 running 4.3.0? The more information I find, the more confused I
 become on this entire video driver subject. If someone can point me
 in the right direction here, I'd really appreciate it. What I'm
 really looking for is any advice on how to get the best results
 with this card, and a heads up on any problems that I can expect to
 run into. If there are any good information sources on this that
 could help clear some of these things up, please let me know where
 to find them. below are the results of running the script
 from the ATI website, if there is any further information that I
 can provide that will help with this discussion, please let me know
 what you need and since it's likely that I don't know, how to find
 that info.

== ATI Technologies
== Checking which OS you're running...
 uname reports 'Linux' version '2.4.21-0.13mdk', architecture
 'i686'. Object format is 'ELF'.
 libc version is '6.3'.

 XFree86 Version 4.3.0 is installed.

 No package available for glibc 2.3.  Try fglrx-glibc22.tgz
 Binary package name is 'fglrx-glibc21.tgz'

 Thanks in advance for any and all help provided. I know I'm asking
 for a lot of info here but as I said, now that I have been looking
 into this for a while, I am no longer even sure where to start.
 RTFM one too many times I guess.

Try here:

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] keep password broken?

2003-09-27 Thread Dick Gevers
Hash: SHA1

Hi Lance, Richard and others,

On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 17:15:54 +0100, RichardA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
about Re: [newbie] keep password broken?:

Don't read man sudoers -- your head will explode.

Pardon me for saying so but a/ there is no man sudoers, at least not on my
MD 9.1; b/man sudo can be read for sure. If it looks too hard to comprehend
remember to visit it at a later stage. 

IMNSHO I do believe an advice of `Don`t read man...` is not a good advice.

I use sudo all the time and it`s a blast. In combination with that I made
aliases for all of the sudo commands that I use and put them in my
~/.bashrc, for example:
alias sps='sudo /sbin/service prelude status'

BTW, don`t be turned off by the fact that /etc/sudoers must be edited with
vi. If you are not (yet) familiar with vi, you can try editing with any
editor and follow this up by a command `visudo -c` (in /etc) and this will
check the syntax for you and report errors, if any.

Finally, on a related part of the thread, I would like to point out that
whether the `keep password` is flagged or not, the kdesu thread remains
resident even if terminated, same with the gnome similar prog (can`t
remember the name immy.). Probably the same phenomenon as the hour`s
keep in memory that was remarked. As I don`t like zombie threads, I kill
them asap. Lately I found it much cleaner to open a terminal window and
`su`  pwd  appname

=Dick Gevers=


Mandrake visibility? See headers ...


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Re: [newbie] Test

2003-09-27 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 09:44:24 +0100
Graham Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No need to reply to this (though there's generally at least one who 
 can't resist it)

OK, we won't reply then *ggg*

...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Test

2003-09-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 20:23, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 09:44:24 +0100
 Graham Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No need to reply to this (though there's generally at least one who 
  can't resist it)
 OK, we won't reply then *ggg*

I thought we weren't allowed to reply to test messages - I'd hate to
bring the wrath of the list-Nazi's down on me - ya know - like Femme,
Anne or MayhireWac/HoeJill...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
It's is not, it isn't ain't, and it's it's, not its, if you mean it is.
If you don't, it's its. Then too, it's hers. It isn't her's. It isn't
our's either. It's ours, and likewise yours and theirs. -- Oxford
University Press, Edpress News

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft critic loses job over report

2003-09-27 Thread Margot
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 7:56 am, Margot wrote:

Dale Huckeby wrote:

On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Margot wrote:

If I suddenly inherited Microsoft (hey Bill - I'm your long-lost
daughter!) I'd try to trace all the people that the empire had
ripped off and give them their money back, and then give
remaining unidentifiable funds to a suitable charity.

Dale Huckeby
Some of the former M$ users may already be dead, with no surviving
family to claim their share, and some might not claim because
they'd feel too embarrassed at being outed as M$ users, so the
shares of the money that could not be applied to rightful owners
would go to the charity!

And many didn't bother to register their purchases.


But if they've used their M$ packages to access the internet, M$ knows 
who they are anyway Death is the only escape! ;-)

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft critic loses job over report

2003-09-27 Thread robin
Aron Smith wrote:

On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 16:51, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 19:21, Margot wrote:

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

Who says you can't buy an opinion or create the idea of security? If
you've got more than enough money, you can even kill off your critics!
stephen kuhn - owner

Of course, there are two sides to every story...,3604,1049085,00.html

So Bill's really a Saint, yeah?


That should be a duty for those with money like that - not just a
charitable thing - a duty. But y'all already know he's doing it to get
good press - charitable events make for good press - and it's a means by
which to show the world he ain't all that evil - even if his products

And it's tax deductable

Also, if you compare the amounts of money involved to Gates' net worth, 
it's not that different from you or I giving our loose change to a beggar.

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] nasty upgrade surprise

2003-09-27 Thread robin
Lance Cummings wrote:

On Saturday 27 September 2003 14:02, yankl wrote:

On Saturday 27 September 2003 12:27 am, Lance Cummings wrote:

I put Cooker RC2 over my Bamboo last night, and I'm pretty
unhappy that I did so.



Kde packages after 3.1.2 got really segmented first try to run
kmail from cli. If you will get an erorr message try to reinstall
kdenetwork package. Just urpmi kdenetwork as root.

Reinstall of kdenetwork successfull, and thankfully mail database 
still there.  whew  That is *not*, however, something one expects 
of an upgrade routine.  (I still have to reconfigure my taskbar 
application launch buttons, which is kind of rude.)  ^_^

Can you explain what you mean by 'got segmented'?  I understand the 
words of course, but not the context as it relates to what happened 
to me.

A lot of things got moved out of the kdebase into different packages.  
Sensible, since many people use KDE as a dektop environment but don't 
want every single app that starts with a K ;-) (for example, I use KDE 
for my desktop, largely because I share it with Windows users, but I use 
Mozilla for mail and browsing, LyX and OpenOffice for office work, and I 
connect with vdial rather than  kppp).

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Margot
I used to get sound, but I had to reinstall Mandrake some months ago to 
get the internet connection working, and I think I messed up somewhere 
as I hadn't a clue what I was doing, because I haven't had any sound 
since the reinstall.

I've been fiddling with this on and off for months, reading hundreds of 
messages in the archive and tweaking this and that, but no luck yet.

Problem has now become urgent, because I've moved furniture around and I 
now can't listen to CDs on the stereo while sitting at the computer 
unless I turn it up so loud it upsets the neighbours! Headphone cord not 
long enough, so I really need to be able to play CDs through the computer!

I think I know what the problem is, but I have no idea how to fix it.

MCC thinks I have a Sound Card. I haven't. I've got something called 
Integrated AC97 Audio. How do I get Mandrake to recognise this?


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[newbie] deleting loads of small files

2003-09-27 Thread Anarky
   any way to give some kind of command to delete all files smaller 
than a specified size in a certain path recursivelly?

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Re: [newbie] keep password broken?

2003-09-27 Thread robin
What I'd like to do is a little less drastic than previous posts.  I use 
korganizer to access a calendar stored on a remote server, but this 
means that whenever I login, KDE presents me with a password request.  
The KDE Control Centre (or Konqueror configuration) insists that I set a 
timeout on stored passwords, which is silly considering that I have the 
same password stored permanently by other apps (e.g. ncftp, wvdial).  I 
know this is a security feature to stop users doing silly things, but 
there should also be a workaround for people who are willing to take 
risks and sensible enough to take precautions (this is, after all, a 
one-user workstation, not a server controlling a nuclear power 
station).  So is there a workaround?

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft critic loses job over report

2003-09-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 20:45, Margot wrote:

 But if they've used their M$ packages to access the internet, M$ knows 
 who they are anyway Death is the only escape! ;-)

Bear in mind that there are ways by which to disable the ability of M$
to know about non registered machines and/or software...just a matter
of knowing how to turn off certain features, hack the registry and the
likes - amongst other things...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Man who sleep in beer keg wake up sticky.

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Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-27 Thread robin
rikona wrote:

Hello Anne,

Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 2:43:16 PM, you wrote:


It may be in the docs, but not in a form that is readily accessible
by a simple search.

AW It's an interesting proposition, but not an overnight job, I think g  

True. How does one get a group together to develop it?


Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Fwd: Re: [newbie] Shot myself in the foot...again.

2003-09-27 Thread Richard Urwin
Sending again, with KMail set up right

On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 2:00 am, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 19:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've tried the swap and, when the 256 chip is in the first position, I
  get nothing; absolutely nothing.  No boot up, nothing.  The power comes
  on, but nothing happens.  When I leave just the 256 chip in by itself, I
  get a really long beep and, again, nothing.

 your 256 chip is kaput.

I agree. A long beep is the BIOS Power-On Self-Test (POST) telling you that
 it has no memory. The various beep signals change by manufacturer, but this
 one seems familiar. The BIOS website should have a list of beep codes if you
 are really interested.

rantNote to everyone who handles chips of whatever type. If you damage a
chip by static electricity it doesn't fail now, it fails in about two weeks
time. Which in the case of a reseller, is probably when the new owner tries
to use it, and in any case is long after you remember carrying it across the
nylon carpet while wearing a nylon shirt and stroking the cat./rant

Your disk problems: check the master and slave jumpers and the cable
positions. This is the recognised best way of doing things:

Primary IDE---Slave HD--Master HD
Secondary IDE--Slave CD--Master CD

You may want to do it this way:

Primary IDE---empty--Master HD
Secondary IDE--Slave HD--Master CD

Which will (IIUC) give you faster HD speeds if you are not accessing the CD,
but adding another CD (eg a DVD or writer) would mean swapping the HD back
(and thereby changing the mount point,) or making disk accesses slower.

The 80 conductor cables are more sensitive to the order of devices than the
old 40 conductor cables were. The long end must plug into the mainboard. The
master must be on the other end.

Check the orientation of the cable, just because it has a key it doesn't mean
you can't plug it in the wrong way. I've certainly done it frequently. Check
all the plugs are secure after you finish. You may have pulled one plug
partially out in your attempts to get the next into its socket.

I always like to ensure that each drive is powered from a different set of
cables from the power supply; I avoid the daisy-chained plugs if at all
possible. Otherwise any noise or voltage drops created by one drive will be
seen by the other.

Some drives have different jumper settings for master-with-slave and

Test everything before you put the case back together. Murphy's law ensures
that it is more likely to go wrong when you have screwed it together and put
it back in its corner befoer checking that it works. (I'm only half joking

Richard Urwin


Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] deleting loads of small files

2003-09-27 Thread Anarky
Richard Urwin wrote:

On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 11:10 am, Anarky wrote:

   any way to give some kind of command to delete all files smaller
than a specified size in a certain path recursivelly?

A quick man find shows that find can do the job. I wouldn't like to give you 
the exact command as I haven't used it yet.

ok, so with this I can find them .. but how do I then delete them?

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft critic loses job over report

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 11:45 am, Margot wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 7:56 am, Margot wrote:
 Dale Huckeby wrote:
 On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Margot wrote:
 If I suddenly inherited Microsoft (hey Bill - I'm your
  long-lost daughter!) I'd try to trace all the people that the
  empire had ripped off and give them their money back, and then
  give remaining unidentifiable funds to a suitable charity.
 Dale Huckeby
 Some of the former M$ users may already be dead, with no
  surviving family to claim their share, and some might not claim
  because they'd feel too embarrassed at being outed as M$
  users, so the shares of the money that could not be applied to
  rightful owners would go to the charity!
  And many didn't bother to register their purchases.

 But if they've used their M$ packages to access the internet, M$
 knows who they are anyway Death is the only escape! ;-)

Over the years I have bought 6 or 7 licenses for home use.  I may have 
registered the first one (don't remember for sure) but there is no 
reason why they should know about the rest.  I have never used IE or 
OE.  I never used M$ updates before the lan was on a router, and 
those machines that have used it (2) would both report win98, so 
again, they just wouldn't know.  So, when Margot gets her evil way, I 
will get recompense for one system, and a charity will get it for the 
rest g

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 1:11 pm, Margot wrote:
 Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 21:10, Margot wrote:
 I used to get sound, but I had to reinstall Mandrake some months
  ago to get the internet connection working, and I think I messed
  up somewhere as I hadn't a clue what I was doing, because I
  haven't had any sound since the reinstall.
 I've been fiddling with this on and off for months, reading
  hundreds of messages in the archive and tweaking this and that,
  but no luck yet.
 Problem has now become urgent, because I've moved furniture
  around and I now can't listen to CDs on the stereo while sitting
  at the computer unless I turn it up so loud it upsets the
  neighbours! Headphone cord not long enough, so I really need to
  be able to play CDs through the computer!
 I think I know what the problem is, but I have no idea how to fix
 MCC thinks I have a Sound Card. I haven't. I've got something
  called Integrated AC97 Audio. How do I get Mandrake to recognise
  The AC97 is a sound system built into the motherboard - not
  always the greatest, but workable. You might want to open a term,
  su as root, then try running /usr/sbin/sndconfig to see if it
  will properly recognise the card - if all else, you might want to
  consider actually getting a proper sound card and disabling the
  AC97 in your BIOS...sorry to say...
  stephen kuhn - owner


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]# /usr/sbin/sndconfig
 bash: /usr/sbin/sndconfig: No such file or directory

 Now what? Where did I go wrong?

 I don't see that I should need to buy a sound card - this thing,
 whatever it is, used to work - until I reinstalled.


If it used to work, it should again.  Have you tried running 

If that doesn't work, to get sndconfig to work you will have to boot 
into init 3 - at the lilo splash hit Esc, then type linux 3.  Login 
as root and try the command again.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Do you have a 17' LCD monitor (or 15' one)?

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 1:21 pm, Richard Urwin wrote:
 Sending agin, with KMail setup right

 On Friday 26 Sep 2003 5:10 pm, Anguo wrote:
  Do any of you use a 17' LCD monitor?
  Which one?
  If not, do you have a 15' one?
  Which one?
  Have you been able to configure a nVIDIA graphic card with
  Which one?

 Yes, an AOC LM720 (17 and 1280x1024) with a Hercules 3D Prophet
 (Nvidia GeForce 2 Ti chipset. )

 I've just installed the nvidia driver for the second time, and it
 went perfectly smoothly both times.

  Linux support for the latest technologies and most recent
  hardware tend to be lacking.
  My brother has not been able to install the nVIDIA drivers
  to go with his 17' inch LCD monitor, so, as a complete
  newbie, he had to give up the powerpack to install with the
  free download edition. He told me that there is not option
  for 17'monitors during installation, so he couldn't select
  his monitor.

 Nothing has ever asked me to select a monitor. Everything has
 always been automatic. The X windows system reads the monitor's
 capabilities direct from the monitor and sets itself up

 I did have a problem when I first got the monitor. My ancient video
 card was incapable of driving it at the right frequency (The
 bandwidth appeared to be high enough, but that close to the top end
 it couldn't produce a frequency within the monitor's pass band,
 just a bit too far one way or the other.) That will not be a
 problem with anything you are likely to use, it was a very old card
 (I even had a 3D accelerator card to go with it.)

  I'd like to change my 14' CRT monitor for a 17' LCD one, but
  I'd like to see if anyone had any luck with them before I
  buy one.

 Well I can certainly recommend the LM720.

Have you put it on the Compatibility List yet? g

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Margot
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 1:11 pm, Margot wrote:

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 21:10, Margot wrote:

I used to get sound, but I had to reinstall Mandrake some months
ago to get the internet connection working, and I think I messed
up somewhere as I hadn't a clue what I was doing, because I
haven't had any sound since the reinstall.
I've been fiddling with this on and off for months, reading
hundreds of messages in the archive and tweaking this and that,
but no luck yet.
Problem has now become urgent, because I've moved furniture
around and I now can't listen to CDs on the stereo while sitting
at the computer unless I turn it up so loud it upsets the
neighbours! Headphone cord not long enough, so I really need to
be able to play CDs through the computer!
I think I know what the problem is, but I have no idea how to fix
MCC thinks I have a Sound Card. I haven't. I've got something
called Integrated AC97 Audio. How do I get Mandrake to recognise
The AC97 is a sound system built into the motherboard - not
always the greatest, but workable. You might want to open a term,
su as root, then try running /usr/sbin/sndconfig to see if it
will properly recognise the card - if all else, you might want to
consider actually getting a proper sound card and disabling the
AC97 in your BIOS...sorry to say...
stephen kuhn - owner

[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]# /usr/sbin/sndconfig
bash: /usr/sbin/sndconfig: No such file or directory
Now what? Where did I go wrong?

I don't see that I should need to buy a sound card - this thing,
whatever it is, used to work - until I reinstalled.

If it used to work, it should again.  Have you tried running 
I'm not sure I know what you mean by running HardDrake - I've had a 
look at MCC Sound section, which goes into great detail about the sound 
card that I haven't got, but there doesn't seem to be an option to 
delete or change this. Am I looking in the wrong place?

If that doesn't work, to get sndconfig to work you will have to boot 
into init 3 - at the lilo splash hit Esc, then type linux 3.  Login 
as root and try the command again.

Just tried this. Result: command not found.

I don't understand this - how can a command be not found? I could 
understand it if it said it couldn't RUN the command, but how could I 
have LOST a command?

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Re: [newbie] deleting loads of small files

2003-09-27 Thread Richard Urwin
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:14 pm, Anarky wrote:
 Richard Urwin wrote:
 On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 11:10 am, Anarky wrote:
 any way to give some kind of command to delete all files smaller
 than a specified size in a certain path recursivelly?
 A quick man find shows that find can do the job. I wouldn't like to give
  you the exact command as I haven't used it yet.

 ok, so with this I can find them .. but how do I then delete them?

from man find:
   -exec command ;
  Execute  command;  true  if 0 status is returned.  All following
  arguments to find are taken to be arguments to the command until
  an  argument  consisting of `;' is encountered.  The string `{}'
  is replaced by the current file name being processed  everywhere
  it occurs in the arguments to the command, not just in arguments
  where it is alone, as in some versions of find.  Both  of  these
  constructions might need to be escaped (with a `\') or quoted to
  protect them from expansion by the shell.  The command  is  exe-
  cuted in the starting directory.

So your find command might include
-exec rm \{\} \;
If it were me I'd try
-exec echo \{\} \;
Richard Urwin

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[newbie] Co-Founder of Caldera on SCO lawsuit

2003-09-27 Thread HaywireMac,4149,1300723,00.asp

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
-- Muad'dib [Frank Herbert, Dune]

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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Do you have a 17' LCD monitor (or 15' one)?

2003-09-27 Thread Richard Urwin
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:27 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Have you put it on the Compatibility List yet? g

Oooh! My first telling-off from Anne. I have *arrived*.

(It's on there now.)

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 22:11, Margot wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]# /usr/sbin/sndconfig
 bash: /usr/sbin/sndconfig: No such file or directory
 Now what? Where did I go wrong?
 I don't see that I should need to buy a sound card - this thing, 
 whatever it is, used to work - until I reinstalled.

Sorry - got a bit turned around - was working on a RedHat system too
much today - draksound...that's the ticket, yeah...and just change the
driver and then make sure that the mod is loading in the
/etc/modules.conf - that's the ticket...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Truth is the most valuable thing we have -- so let us economize it. --
Mark Twain

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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Margot
Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 22:11, Margot wrote:


[EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]# /usr/sbin/sndconfig
bash: /usr/sbin/sndconfig: No such file or directory
Now what? Where did I go wrong?

I don't see that I should need to buy a sound card - this thing, 
whatever it is, used to work - until I reinstalled.


Sorry - got a bit turned around - was working on a RedHat system too
much today - draksound...that's the ticket, yeah...and just change the
driver and then make sure that the mod is loading in the
/etc/modules.conf - that's the ticket...
stephen kuhn - owner
Sorry Stephen, maybe my brain just isn't working today, I'm sure that's 
really good advice but I just don't understand what to do where/when! 
Could you explain in very simple newbie terms for this very simple 
newbie please? ;-)


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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 23:42, Margot wrote:

 Sorry Stephen, maybe my brain just isn't working today, I'm sure that's 
 really good advice but I just don't understand what to do where/when! 
 Could you explain in very simple newbie terms for this very simple 
 newbie please? ;-)

Ok...first, open a terminal up. Then type su and put in the root
password...then type draksound - wait a sec and then you'll get a
dialogue come up with the hardware information - it will tell you IF
there is a driver loaded or not...and what is supposedly right for
y'alls can then click the down-arrow and either choose one
of the drivers listed (if one ain't already chosen for ya)...or you can
click the button that says Let me pick any driver - or the Trouble
Shooting button...either which - this is a start...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Dow's Law: In a hierarchical organization, the higher the level, the
greater the confusion.

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[newbie] Clock set to UTC instead of EDT

2003-09-27 Thread Trey Sizemore
Having a problem with timezones...for some reason, my clock in KDE is
displaying time in UTC instead of EDT (America/New York).  When I
attempt to change the timezone via the KDE clock, I get an error saying
'error setting new timezone'.   I can go into MCC and make changes
there, but that throws the clock in KDE off more.  How do I go about
getting this straightened out?


At a given moment I open my eyes and exist.
And before that, during all eternity, what was there?
- Ugo Betti

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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Russ
Hi Margot,

My sound worked perfectly from instillation in MD9.0 but when I 
reinstalled MD9.1 I got no sound. I was told then (can't remember by who 
though) that most sound problems are because it is muted. I was told to 
run Aumix and adjust the settings. I did and it worked. I have since 
installed MD9.1 2 separate times (fine tuning my setup, I think I got it 
now) and each time I've had to adjust those setting for sound to work.

Don't know if that is your problem, but it may be something to look at.


Margot wrote:

I don't see that I should need to buy a sound card - this thing, 
whatever it is, used to work - until I reinstalled.


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[newbie] subscribe

2003-09-27 Thread John Bevington
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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 08:21, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 1:11 pm, Margot wrote:
  Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 21:10, Margot wrote:
  I used to get sound, but I had to reinstall Mandrake some months
   ago to get the internet connection working, and I think I messed
   up somewhere as I hadn't a clue what I was doing, because I
   haven't had any sound since the reinstall.
  I've been fiddling with this on and off for months, reading
   hundreds of messages in the archive and tweaking this and that,
   but no luck yet.
  Problem has now become urgent, because I've moved furniture
   around and I now can't listen to CDs on the stereo while sitting
   at the computer unless I turn it up so loud it upsets the
   neighbours! Headphone cord not long enough, so I really need to
   be able to play CDs through the computer!
  I think I know what the problem is, but I have no idea how to fix
  MCC thinks I have a Sound Card. I haven't. I've got something
   called Integrated AC97 Audio. How do I get Mandrake to recognise
   The AC97 is a sound system built into the motherboard - not
   always the greatest, but workable. You might want to open a term,
   su as root, then try running /usr/sbin/sndconfig to see if it
   will properly recognise the card - if all else, you might want to
   consider actually getting a proper sound card and disabling the
   AC97 in your BIOS...sorry to say...
   stephen kuhn - owner
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]# /usr/sbin/sndconfig
  bash: /usr/sbin/sndconfig: No such file or directory
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]#
  Now what? Where did I go wrong?
  I don't see that I should need to buy a sound card - this thing,
  whatever it is, used to work - until I reinstalled.
 If it used to work, it should again.  Have you tried running 
 If that doesn't work, to get sndconfig to work you will have to boot 
 into init 3 - at the lilo splash hit Esc, then type linux 3.  Login 
 as root and try the command again.

or be root, or install sndconfig
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Re: [newbie] keep password broken?

2003-09-27 Thread RichardA
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 14:25:27 +0300, robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I'd like to do is a little less drastic than previous posts.  I
 use korganizer to access a calendar stored on a remote server, but
 this means that whenever I login, KDE presents me with a password
 request.  The KDE Control Centre (or Konqueror configuration) insists
 that I set a timeout on stored passwords, which is silly considering
 that I have the same password stored permanently by other apps (e.g.
 ncftp, wvdial).  I know this is a security feature to stop users doing
 silly things, but there should also be a workaround for people who are
 willing to take risks and sensible enough to take precautions (this
 is, after all, a one-user workstation, not a server controlling a
 nuclear power station).  So is there a workaround?
 Sir Robin

'Expect' seems to do this kind of thing. Perhaps you'd have a script
using expect as a wrapper around korganiser?

Get up and turn I loose

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Re: [newbie] Kicker?

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 05:23 am, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Saturday 27 September 2003 02:06 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
  Got this new little app-launch button on the taskbar after upping to
  RC2.  Looks kind of like a little gear.  Clicking it produces an
  error window:
  Unable to run the command specified. The file or directory
  file:/home/lance/.kde/share/apps/kicker/Welcome.desktop does not

 Try deleting or renaming the ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc file.

I should have thought to tell him that Greg, thanks. I must have been half 
asleep again. I must have some loose wires in my cranium again. ^_^

He (and everyone else) probably knows it but the tilde..(~); well it isn't 
just the go home flag it's often used for. Too much trivia as usual from 
me. (-:

Also the dot before a file or directory name sets that object's state to 
hidden. So if Lance is looking for that file he won't find it unless he uses 
the exact name to find it with an editor or sets his file management browser 
to show hidden files in the view setting.

I should go back to sleep. I'm not sure if any of that made any sense. Or 
mattered to the state of world peace. g

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
09:07:58 up 6 days, 22:28, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.08, 0.28
if it GLISTENS, gobble it!!
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] subscribe

2003-09-27 Thread ed tharp
On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 22:59, John Bevington wrote:
Hey john, you have a virus... try no longer using M$ until you get that
fixed hey? 

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[newbie] cursors - global

2003-09-27 Thread Russ
Hi All,

I was finally able to figure out how to change my cursors (didn't really
care for the black arrow). However It only works when I am logged in as 
me. How can I get it to work globally? When someone else is logged in or 
when I am logged in as root (never do unless I am told I have to to 
finish an instillation).


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Re: [newbie] Clock set to UTC instead of EDT

2003-09-27 Thread Richard Urwin
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 2:09 pm, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 Having a problem with timezones...for some reason, my clock in KDE is
 displaying time in UTC instead of EDT (America/New York).  When I
 attempt to change the timezone via the KDE clock, I get an error saying
 'error setting new timezone'.   I can go into MCC and make changes
 there, but that throws the clock in KDE off more.  How do I go about
 getting this straightened out?

Fix the timezone in MCC. Then set the time in MCC.
Do not adjust the time in KDE, it doesn't work. Everytime you log in it'll be 
off by the timezone (IME.)

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 1:51 pm, Margot wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 1:11 pm, Margot wrote:
 Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 21:10, Margot wrote:
 I used to get sound, but I had to reinstall Mandrake some
  months ago to get the internet connection working, and I think
  I messed up somewhere as I hadn't a clue what I was doing,
  because I haven't had any sound since the reinstall.
 I've been fiddling with this on and off for months, reading
 hundreds of messages in the archive and tweaking this and that,
 but no luck yet.
 Problem has now become urgent, because I've moved furniture
 around and I now can't listen to CDs on the stereo while
  sitting at the computer unless I turn it up so loud it upsets
  the neighbours! Headphone cord not long enough, so I really
  need to be able to play CDs through the computer!
 I think I know what the problem is, but I have no idea how to
  fix it.
 MCC thinks I have a Sound Card. I haven't. I've got something
 called Integrated AC97 Audio. How do I get Mandrake to
  recognise this?
 The AC97 is a sound system built into the motherboard - not
 always the greatest, but workable. You might want to open a
  term, su as root, then try running /usr/sbin/sndconfig to see
  if it will properly recognise the card - if all else, you might
  want to consider actually getting a proper sound card and
  disabling the AC97 in your BIOS...sorry to say...
 stephen kuhn - owner
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]# /usr/sbin/sndconfig
 bash: /usr/sbin/sndconfig: No such file or directory
 Now what? Where did I go wrong?
 I don't see that I should need to buy a sound card - this thing,
 whatever it is, used to work - until I reinstalled.
  If it used to work, it should again.  Have you tried running

 I'm not sure I know what you mean by running HardDrake - I've had
 a look at MCC Sound section, which goes into great detail about the
 sound card that I haven't got, but there doesn't seem to be an
 option to delete or change this. Am I looking in the wrong place?

No, you are in the right place.  There are two buttons on the right 
hand side - one of those puts you into a sort of Expert mode which 
will allow you to select your card.  There are warnings about knowing 
what you are doing, but since you do know what you've got you should 
be OK.

  If that doesn't work, to get sndconfig to work you will have to
  boot into init 3 - at the lilo splash hit Esc, then type linux 3.
   Login as root and try the command again.

 Just tried this. Result: command not found.

 I don't understand this - how can a command be not found? I could
 understand it if it said it couldn't RUN the command, but how could
 I have LOST a command?

As I understand it, sndconfig only works with some types of sound 
card, mainly isa ones, I think. Maybe it was not installed if it 
seemed irrelevant.  Try the MCC way first.  If that doesn't work, 
we'll have to look into this one again.  FWIW, I don't have a 
/usr/sbin/sndconfig either.  Like Ed, I'm inclined to think that it 
may not be installed.  But then it's not under the alphabetical list 
of packages installable, at least under that name.  Help, Ed?

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] Co-Founder of Caldera on SCO lawsuit

2003-09-27 Thread robin
HaywireMac wrote:,4149,1300723,00.asp

Interesting article, though it's hard to take someone with a name like 
Ransom Love seriously - makes him sound like a Bond girl.

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] GTKam cannot contact my fuji mx 2900

2003-09-27 Thread Michael.Adolf
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote ..
 On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:42 am, Mike Adolf wrote:
  I am pretty sure mine has a serial (non USB) connection.  The
  connector is not a small rectangle like the standard USB.  The
  camera is found on /dev/ttys0 (COM1).
  Anyway, I took your advice and used gPhoto and first tried MX 2700.
   It found the camera and downloaded all the thumbnails to the index
  page.  But when I tried to download an image, I got 'camera not
  responding' error.   So, I tried an MX 1200.  This time after the
  thumbnails loaded, I double-clicked one and IT DOWNLOADED. 
 Glad you got it working, Mike.  To help others it would be useful to 
 have this on the TWiki HardwareCompatibility list at
 Could you write a few lines?  Just camera model, which model driver 
 you had to choose, and that it worked with gPhoto.
 Registered Linux User No.293302
 Have you visited yet?


I went to the above site, registered and then tried to logon,no luck.  I then saw that 
you could use twikeguest/guest, that also didn't work.  I'll try again later.

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[newbie] cool quoting feature in sylpheed

2003-09-27 Thread Eric Huff
If you want to only include a little bit of a previous message in
you reply, you can hilite it first, then hit reply.  

I knew this already, bt i just discoverd something really cool:

If i am in the preview pane, and someone has attached a text file,
it shows me that file below the senders message.

If i just hit return, it only quotes the message, not the
attachment. But if i seletc the test in the attachment (and probably
the message), it includes both in the reply.


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Re: [newbie] GTKam cannot contact my fuji mx 2900

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 4:58 pm, Michael.Adolf wrote:
 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote ..

  On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:42 am, Mike Adolf wrote:
   I am pretty sure mine has a serial (non USB) connection.  The
   connector is not a small rectangle like the standard USB.  The
   camera is found on /dev/ttys0 (COM1).
   Anyway, I took your advice and used gPhoto and first tried MX
   2700. It found the camera and downloaded all the thumbnails to
   the index page.  But when I tried to download an image, I got
   'camera not responding' error.   So, I tried an MX 1200.  This
   time after the thumbnails loaded, I double-clicked one and IT
   DOWNLOADED. Fantastic!
  Glad you got it working, Mike.  To help others it would be useful
  to have this on the TWiki HardwareCompatibility list at
  Could you write a few lines?  Just camera model, which model
  driver you had to choose, and that it worked with gPhoto.
  Registered Linux User No.293302
  Have you visited yet?


 I went to the above site, registered and then tried to logon,no
 luck.  I then saw that you could use twikeguest/guest, that also
 didn't work.  I'll try again later.

Thanks for trying, Mike.  I don't know whether the registration is 
absolutely immediately effective.  It's quite likely that the problem 
is that we are currently doing some work on reorganisation.  If I had 
the page open for editing at just that moment you wouldn't have been 
able to edit it at the same time.

Hope it works out when you try again.  If not, come back to us.

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] keep password broken?

2003-09-27 Thread robin
RichardA wrote:

On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 14:25:27 +0300, robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What I'd like to do is a little less drastic than previous posts.  I
use korganizer to access a calendar stored on a remote server, but
this means that whenever I login, KDE presents me with a password
request.  The KDE Control Centre (or Konqueror configuration) insists
that I set a timeout on stored passwords, which is silly considering
that I have the same password stored permanently by other apps (e.g.
ncftp, wvdial).  I know this is a security feature to stop users doing
silly things, but there should also be a workaround for people who are
willing to take risks and sensible enough to take precautions (this
is, after all, a one-user workstation, not a server controlling a
nuclear power station).  So is there a workaround?
Sir Robin

'Expect' seems to do this kind of thing. Perhaps you'd have a script
using expect as a wrapper around korganiser?
Would work if I could work out what the signals were, but KDE apps tend 
not to have a dbug mode.  Grrr.

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Bootable

2003-09-27 Thread Derek
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:37 pm, Mr. George K John wrote:

 I am new to linux. I have a linux server with Mandrake 9. I have a folder
 called Mandrake8.2 with all the instalation files. I would like to do
 remote installation in my client. How can I create a bootable floppy?


You will find instructions in the base folder of the Mandrake installation 

Have fun


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Re: [newbie] cursors - global

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 26, 2003 09:28 pm, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 I was finally able to figure out how to change my cursors (didn't really
 care for the black arrow). However It only works when I am logged in as
 me. How can I get it to work globally? When someone else is logged in or
 when I am logged in as root (never do unless I am told I have to to
 finish an instillation).


Bit of background would probably be helpful but I'll take a swing at it. How 
did you change your cursors? I installed cursor_themes as soon as Buchan 
Milne announced it on the cooker list and have been using it since. 

Close everything you have open in any of the virtual desktops. In a terminal 
as super user type choose_cursor enter pick the global cursor setting you 
want accept the offer to restart the X-server and just to be certain, log out 
and log back in. All users (including root) should now have the same cursor.

To set the cursors to be the same for all users may not be a good idea. If you 
have multiple users on the system some may not want to use the animated 
penguin as a cursor, or a flaming red one or g Hey, it's your system.

Best of luck;
- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
09:45:45 up 6 days, 23:05, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.06
For the first time we have a weapon that nobody has used for thirty years.
This gives me great hope for the human race.
-- Harlan Ellison
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Clock set to UTC instead of EDT

2003-09-27 Thread Derek
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 3:09 pm, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 Having a problem with timezones...for some reason, my clock in KDE is
 displaying time in UTC instead of EDT (America/New York).  When I
 attempt to change the timezone via the KDE clock, I get an error saying
 'error setting new timezone'.   I can go into MCC and make changes
 there, but that throws the clock in KDE off more.  How do I go about
 getting this straightened out?

Are you running 9.2 RC2?  I reported this as a bug in 9.2.

Your Timezone is controlled by a file called /etc/localtime  This is a binary 
file used to describe your timezone.
But in 9.2RC2  /etc/localtime is a directory which contains the 'localtime' 
files for different timezones around the world. To get mine working I had to 
rename the /etc/localtime directory, and then copy the timezone file for my 
region out of that renamed directory to the file /etc/localtime.



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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 09:47 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I'm not sure I know what you mean by running HardDrake - I've had
  a look at MCC Sound section, which goes into great detail about the
  sound card that I haven't got, but there doesn't seem to be an
  option to delete or change this. Am I looking in the wrong place?

 No, you are in the right place.  There are two buttons on the right
 hand side - one of those puts you into a sort of Expert mode which
 will allow you to select your card.  There are warnings about knowing
 what you are doing, but since you do know what you've got you should
 be OK.

   If that doesn't work, to get sndconfig to work you will have to
   boot into init 3 - at the lilo splash hit Esc, then type linux 3.
Login as root and try the command again.
  Just tried this. Result: command not found.
  I don't understand this - how can a command be not found? I could
  understand it if it said it couldn't RUN the command, but how could
  I have LOST a command?

 As I understand it, sndconfig only works with some types of sound
 card, mainly isa ones, I think. Maybe it was not installed if it
 seemed irrelevant.  Try the MCC way first.  If that doesn't work,
 we'll have to look into this one again.  FWIW, I don't have a
 /usr/sbin/sndconfig either.  Like Ed, I'm inclined to think that it
 may not be installed.  But then it's not under the alphabetical list
 of packages installable, at least under that name.  Help, Ed?


classic bug sound tester:

lspcidrake -v | fgrep AUDIO will tell you which driver your card use
by default

grep sound-slot /etc/modules.conf will tell you what driver it
currently uses

/sbin/lsmod will enable you to check if its module (driver) is
loaded or not

/sbin/chkconfig --list sound and /sbin/chkconfig --list alsa will
tell you if sound and alsa services're configured to be run on
initlevel 3

aumix -q will tell you if the sound volume is muted or not

/sbin/fuser -v /dev/dsp will tell which program uses the sound card.

All of that is under the trouble shooting button in the harddrake section of 
Mandrake Control Center but I've always found it easier to just do as Stephen 
posted and run draksound as super user rather than clicking button after 
button. Or just use the commands above (and post the results) since that's 
where they just came from. g


- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
09:57:12 up 6 days, 23:17, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.07, 0.07
The absence of labels [in ECL] is probably a good thing.
-- T. Cheatham
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] cursors - global

2003-09-27 Thread yankl
On Friday 26 September 2003 11:28 pm, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 I was finally able to figure out how to change my cursors (didn't really
 care for the black arrow). However It only works when I am logged in as
 me. How can I get it to work globally? When someone else is logged in or
 when I am logged in as root (never do unless I am told I have to to
 finish an instillation).

As root extract the cursor files in directory to 
 Edit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme.
 Add following:
 [Icon Theme]
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086

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Re: [newbie] keep password broken?

2003-09-27 Thread Derek
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:25 pm, robin wrote:
 What I'd like to do is a little less drastic than previous posts.  I use
 korganizer to access a calendar stored on a remote server, but this
 means that whenever I login, KDE presents me with a password request.
 The KDE Control Centre (or Konqueror configuration) insists that I set a
 timeout on stored passwords, which is silly considering that I have the
 same password stored permanently by other apps (e.g. ncftp, wvdial).  I
 know this is a security feature to stop users doing silly things, but
 there should also be a workaround for people who are willing to take
 risks and sensible enough to take precautions (this is, after all, a
 one-user workstation, not a server controlling a nuclear power
 station).  So is there a workaround?

 Sir Robin

Thats what sudo is for. With sudo you can allow a specific user or group of 
users to execute commands they would not normally have permission for, either 
without a password, or giving their own user password.

All you need to do is edit /etc/sudoers using the special editor visudo (as 
man sudoers 
describes the syntax (which is pretty tricky)
Then you can call up the command with
'sudo command parameters'
To save having to type sudo every time you can create an alias in your 
For example
command=sudo command


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Re: [newbie] Kicker?

2003-09-27 Thread yankl
On Saturday 27 September 2003 11:28 am, Charlie M. wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 September 27, 2003 05:23 am, Greg Meyer wrote:
  On Saturday 27 September 2003 02:06 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
   Got this new little app-launch button on the taskbar after upping to
   RC2.  Looks kind of like a little gear.  Clicking it produces an
   error window:
   Unable to run the command specified. The file or directory
   file:/home/lance/.kde/share/apps/kicker/Welcome.desktop does not
  Try deleting or renaming the ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc file.

 I should have thought to tell him that Greg, thanks. I must have been half
 asleep again. I must have some loose wires in my cranium again. ^_^

 He (and everyone else) probably knows it but the tilde..(~); well it
 isn't just the go home flag it's often used for. Too much trivia as usual
 from me. (-:

 Also the dot before a file or directory name sets that object's state to
 hidden. So if Lance is looking for that file he won't find it unless he
 uses the exact name to find it with an editor or sets his file management
 browser to show hidden files in the view setting.

 I should go back to sleep. I'm not sure if any of that made any sense. Or
 mattered to the state of world peace. g

 - --
 Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
 Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
 09:07:58 up 6 days, 22:28, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.08, 0.28
 if it GLISTENS, gobble it!!
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


I surprised how quickly this list loosing it attention. :) The original 
question was should he be concerned if one of the apps on the kicker is not 
running? The answer is NO. I am guessing, judging by the name of the program, 
this is a Welcome message from Mandrake. that nether ended up in his .kde 

The gear icons you see means that system could not find an icon for specific 
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft critic loses job over report

2003-09-27 Thread Eric Huff
  Some of the former M$ users may already be dead, with no
  surviving family to claim their share, and some might not claim
  because they'd feel too embarrassed at being outed as M$
  users, so the shares of the money that could not be applied to
  rightful owners would go to the charity!
 And many didn't bother to register their purchases.


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Re: [newbie] keep password broken?

2003-09-27 Thread robin
Derek wrote:

On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:25 pm, robin wrote:

What I'd like to do is a little less drastic than previous posts.  I use
korganizer to access a calendar stored on a remote server, but this
means that whenever I login, KDE presents me with a password request.
The KDE Control Centre (or Konqueror configuration) insists that I set a
timeout on stored passwords, which is silly considering that I have the
same password stored permanently by other apps (e.g. ncftp, wvdial).  I
know this is a security feature to stop users doing silly things, but
there should also be a workaround for people who are willing to take
risks and sensible enough to take precautions (this is, after all, a
one-user workstation, not a server controlling a nuclear power
station).  So is there a workaround?
Sir Robin

Thats what sudo is for. With sudo you can allow a specific user or group of 
users to execute commands they would not normally have permission for, either 
without a password, or giving their own user password.

All you need to do is edit /etc/sudoers using the special editor visudo (as 
man sudoers 
describes the syntax (which is pretty tricky)
Then you can call up the command with
'sudo command parameters'
To save having to type sudo every time you can create an alias in your 
For example
command=sudo command


Sorry, I probably phrased  the question badly - the problem is that KDE 
is not storing the password I use to connect to a remote server; it's 
nothing to do with permissions on this machine.

Sir Robin

I can say: 'Thank these bees for their honey as though they were kind people who have 
prepared it for you'; that is intelligible and describes how I should like you to conduct 
yourself. But I cannot say: 'Thank them because, look, how kind they are!'--since the next 
moment they may sting you.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] nasty upgrade surprise

2003-09-27 Thread yankl
On Saturday 27 September 2003 05:10 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 6:42 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
   That is *not*, however, something one expects
  of an upgrade routine.

 Lance, anything on Cooker is not at release status, and you install at
 your own risk.


My fair lady. 
I would call it a bug. Upgrade should recognize that I had kmail and install 
it. A specially in RC2 that usually a last RC before final. How ever it is 
not a RC2 or mandrake problem it is KDE issue. KDE start changes in the 
packaging with out considering the rpm upgrade schema. It like they expect 
every one to uninstall KDE and then reinstall it from scratch.

PS Did you like my poetry?   
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086

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[newbie] Modem help for a M$ refugee

2003-09-27 Thread Kaj Haulrich
My son-in-law just dumped his Windows2000 after the latest attack 
from virus,  worms and BSODs. I talked him into trying MDK 9.1. 
Everything seemed to go well until he tried to connect. That's 
why it is a little difficult for me to help him out, 'cause we 
are 400 kilometes apart. So - until further progress is made - 
we must communicate over phone line.

His problem is modem related. It is an E-Tech 56K Flex V.90. 
Extern hardware modem. It seems to come with a Rockwell chipset. 
When running drakconnect, he can go as far as to query the 
modem. Then : nothing. No strings, no connection, nada.

I've googled around to no avail. Doesn't show up on the 
compatibility lists, be it Mandrake, RedHat or S.u.S.E.. Some 
posts on mailing lists claims it incompatible, some not.

Questions :

1. Does anyone here know if it is compatible ?
2. If it isn't : what modems are ?

Thanks in advance,

Kaj Haulrich. 

*This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

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[newbie] Workgroup change

2003-09-27 Thread dlwiggers
I know someone told me how to do this a couple of weeks ago, but I
just can't find my notes.

How do I change workgroups so komba2 will see my 9.2 cooked box as
part of the windows workgroup?


User #223705 Linux Counter,

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[newbie] 9.2 flawless install

2003-09-27 Thread Lee Wiggers
Spent the past few hours dl and installing/updating 9.2.

I picked the Australian mirror for the update at 8 AM Fla time cause
I knew they were all out partying about then.

Best urpmi experience ever.

VMware also flawless install.  Win2k easier this way by far.

Came with the RC4 Open Office, too.  oofice and we're off.

What a beautiful thing.

Now if I can change my workgroup, I can move to box 3 and start


User #223705 Linux Counter,

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Re: [newbie] nasty upgrade surprise

2003-09-27 Thread yankl
On Saturday 27 September 2003 07:15 am, robin wrote:
 Lance Cummings wrote:
 On Saturday 27 September 2003 14:02, yankl wrote:
 On Saturday 27 September 2003 12:27 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
 I put Cooker RC2 over my Bamboo last night, and I'm pretty
 unhappy that I did so.
 Kde packages after 3.1.2 got really segmented first try to run
 kmail from cli. If you will get an erorr message try to reinstall
 kdenetwork package. Just urpmi kdenetwork as root.
 Reinstall of kdenetwork successfull, and thankfully mail database
 still there.  whew  That is *not*, however, something one expects
 of an upgrade routine.  (I still have to reconfigure my taskbar
 application launch buttons, which is kind of rude.)  ^_^
 Can you explain what you mean by 'got segmented'?  I understand the
 words of course, but not the context as it relates to what happened
 to me.

 A lot of things got moved out of the kdebase into different packages.
 Sensible, since many people use KDE as a dektop environment but don't
 want every single app that starts with a K ;-) (for example, I use KDE
 for my desktop, largely because I share it with Windows users, but I use
 Mozilla for mail and browsing, LyX and OpenOffice for office work, and I
 connect with vdial rather than  kppp).

 Sir Robin
Thanks Sir Robin. Yes the 15 or so packages become I guess 25-30 packages in 
KDE 3.1.2. So good idea is to do following. From command line in cli as root 
run : urpmi kde. This will give you all packages that have word kde in it. 
Look at this list and see if you need anything and then urpmi the proper full 
name of package. 
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086

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Re: [newbie] Exploits (Was: keep password broken?)

2003-09-27 Thread Derek
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 1:13 am, Lance Cummings wrote:

 y Bad idea, If your computer connected to the Internet. Even though, the
 number y of viruses/trojans for LINUX is miniscule it not 0. Given all
 user root y rights will increase chance for getting your box compromise.

 Along that line . . . what are some of the Internet gotchas
 regarding Linux?  With Windows of course there are a multitude of
 file types that by merely being opened can allow an attacker into the
 system, and anyone running without a well-tuned firewall and good
 real-time virus protection is really begging to get compromised. That
 said, I'm up virtually 24x7 on 100 MB/sec glass, and I've never been
 compromised yet, which I think says at least something about the care
 and attention that I devote to this (not that you have to devote
 *that* much attention to it; just not being incredibly naive avoids a
 lot of trouble). But I have little idea what to be wary about in
 terms of Linux -- so with respect to this OS I would at least be more
 naive than I would be in Windows. I suspect I'm operating a ton of
 services I don't need right now in Linux, and in the Windows world
 that's one sure invitation to trouble right there. Any hints on what
 makes the suspicion meter go into the red zone appreciated.

There are very few gotchas. But here are a few things to consider

1/ Do not run as root- If you do then just visiting a web site with a browser 
which has an exploit could cause arbitary code to execute as root. Not very 
likely, but technically possible.

2/ Do not use weak root or user passwords. There are utilities which will 
guess a weak password quite quickly. Also make sure you are running at a 
security level high enough to report unsuccessful logins  (I think 'standard' 
security is OK)

3/ Make sure you enter an email address in the Mandrake control Centre 
Security window. That way you will be alerted to security attacks.

4/ Install the chkrootkit RPM which will examine your system daily to see if 
you have been compromised. It does not need any set up. Its reports will come 
in your daily Mandrake security report.

5/ Read about how msec (Mandrake Secure) works at

6/ Do your Mandrake Security updates regularly, either by the GUI, or from an 
automated cron job
The command
urpmi.update updates  urpmi --update --auto-select
will do the updates for you.
(That assumes you have defined a urpmi update source called updates) 

Note:Now you are running Mdk 9.2RC2 you **must** delete your current 9.1 urpmi 
sources and add 9.2 sources.  


Get urpmi sources from

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Re: [newbie] Modem help for a M$ refugee

2003-09-27 Thread ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 15:07, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 My son-in-law just dumped his Windows2000 after the latest attack 
 from virus,  worms and BSODs. I talked him into trying MDK 9.1. 
 Everything seemed to go well until he tried to connect. That's 
 why it is a little difficult for me to help him out, 'cause we 
 are 400 kilometes apart. So - until further progress is made - 
 we must communicate over phone line.
 His problem is modem related. It is an E-Tech 56K Flex V.90. 
 Extern hardware modem. It seems to come with a Rockwell chipset. 
 When running drakconnect, he can go as far as to query the 
 modem. Then : nothing. No strings, no connection, nada.
 I've googled around to no avail. Doesn't show up on the 
 compatibility lists, be it Mandrake, RedHat or S.u.S.E.. Some 
 posts on mailing lists claims it incompatible, some not.
 Questions :
 1. Does anyone here know if it is compatible ?
 2. If it isn't : what modems are ?
 Thanks in advance,
 Kaj Haulrich. 
if this is an external serial connected modem, as long as you are
looking at the correct ttySx where x equals the 'real' number of the
serial port you should not be having this problem, does the serial port
have a setting to disable it in bios? what ttyS0 is the config pointing

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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Margot
Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 23:42, Margot wrote:

Sorry Stephen, maybe my brain just isn't working today, I'm sure that's 
really good advice but I just don't understand what to do where/when! 
Could you explain in very simple newbie terms for this very simple 
newbie please? ;-)


Ok...first, open a terminal up. Then type su and put in the root
password...then type draksound - wait a sec and then you'll get a
dialogue come up with the hardware information - it will tell you IF
there is a driver loaded or not...and what is supposedly right for
y'alls can then click the down-arrow and either choose one
of the drivers listed (if one ain't already chosen for ya)...or you can
click the button that says Let me pick any driver - or the Trouble
Shooting button...either which - this is a start...
stephen kuhn - owner
Thanks Stephen - here's what I got:

Here you can select an alternative driver (either OSS or ALSA) for your 
sound card (Creative Labs|SB Live! (audio)).

Your card currently use the OSS audigy driver (default driver for your 
card is snd-emu10k1)

I checked the drop-down menu, and that is the only driver available. 
Problem is, I don't actually have that sound card, or any sound card at 
all, so presumably I need to delete the card first..

I didn't see a button saying Let me pick any driver or 
Troubleshooting - just Help, OK or Cancel. Tried help, and it 
told me the difference between OSS and ALSA, but not how to delete a 
phantom sound card!

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Re: [newbie] Modem help for a M$ refugee

2003-09-27 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Saturday 27 September 2003 05:43 pm, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 15:07, Kaj Haulrich wrote:


  His problem is modem related. It is an E-Tech 56K Flex V.90.
  Extern hardware modem. It seems to come with a Rockwell
  chipset. When running drakconnect, he can go as far as to
  query the modem. Then : nothing. No strings, no connection,
  I've googled around to no avail. Doesn't show up on the
  compatibility lists, be it Mandrake, RedHat or S.u.S.E..
  Some posts on mailing lists claims it incompatible, some
  Questions :
  1. Does anyone here know if it is compatible ?
  2. If it isn't : what modems are ?
  Thanks in advance,
  Kaj Haulrich.

 if this is an external serial connected modem, as long as you
 are looking at the correct ttySx where x equals the 'real'
 number of the serial port you should not be having this
 problem, does the serial port have a setting to disable it in
 bios? what ttyS0 is the config pointing to


OK Ed, his modem is a serial one, external. It is connected to 
ttsy1. - (I guess ttys0 is occupied by his original winmodem) - 
and drakconnect recognizes it - somehow. I don't know about his 
BIOS. We'll try again. - What about this Rockwell chipset - does 
it matter ? I saw something about software compression not 
working in linux on this chipset (whatever that is).

Thanks Ed, I'm afraid we have a long journey ahead of us.

Kaj Haulrich.
*This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 flawless install

2003-09-27 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 13:26:59 -0400
Lee Wiggers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Spent the past few hours dl and installing/updating 9.2.
 I picked the Australian mirror for the update at 8 AM Fla time
 cause I knew they were all out partying about then.
 Best urpmi experience ever.
 VMware also flawless install.  Win2k easier this way by far.
 Came with the RC4 Open Office, too.  oofice and we're off.
 What a beautiful thing.
 Now if I can change my workgroup, I can move to box 3 and start

One small thing.  There was no shell icon in the taskbar and no
run thingy (technical term) either.

Would have stumped me not long ago. g

 User #223705 Linux Counter,

User #223705 Linux Counter,

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Re: [newbie] an apology, WAS: Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-27 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 27 September 2003 04:15 am, Charlie M. wrote:

 Tickle Yvette?

Liked that one!

 Don't you ever sleep either? G


Guess its a night shift thing - I work 12 hour shifts, 7pm-7:30am so even on 
my nights off I'm daylight challenged. It drives my wife nucking futs.  :-)))


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Re: [newbie] an apology, WAS: Ford Motor Co. opens arms to Linux!

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 12:04 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Saturday 27 September 2003 04:15 am, Charlie M. wrote:
  Tickle Yvette?

 Liked that one!

  Don't you ever sleep either? G

 Guess its a night shift thing - I work 12 hour shifts, 7pm-7:30am so even
 on my nights off I'm daylight challenged. It drives my wife nucking futs. 

I've never slept more than three hours a night in my life. 

Except when I spent a lifetime in a coma one year that is. Maybe that's why 
I sleep even less now. ((-;

Your wife has more patience than my ex. Obviously. g

By the way; Yvette wasn't amused. lmao

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
12:21:22 up 7 days, 1:41, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.04, 0.06
You have a truly strong individuality.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Clock set to UTC instead of EDT

2003-09-27 Thread Trey Sizemore
Do you then have to relogin or restart for this to take effect?  I just
copied the Eastern file from the US folder in timezones and renamed both
the file and the original localtime folder (called it 'localtime2' and
the Eastern file 'localtime').


On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 16:12, Derek wrote:
 On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 3:09 pm, Trey Sizemore wrote:
  Having a problem with timezones...for some reason, my clock in KDE is
  displaying time in UTC instead of EDT (America/New York).  When I
  attempt to change the timezone via the KDE clock, I get an error saying
  'error setting new timezone'.   I can go into MCC and make changes
  there, but that throws the clock in KDE off more.  How do I go about
  getting this straightened out?
 Are you running 9.2 RC2?  I reported this as a bug in 9.2.
 Your Timezone is controlled by a file called /etc/localtime  This is a binary 
 file used to describe your timezone.
 But in 9.2RC2  /etc/localtime is a directory which contains the 'localtime' 
 files for different timezones around the world. To get mine working I had to 
 rename the /etc/localtime directory, and then copy the timezone file for my 
 region out of that renamed directory to the file /etc/localtime.

Today's Affirmation (selected automatically just for you):

At a given moment I open my eyes and exist.
And before that, during all eternity, what was there?
- Ugo Betti

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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card[length alert]

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 12:35 pm, Margot wrote:
  classic bug sound tester:
  lspcidrake -v | fgrep AUDIO will tell you which driver your card use
  by default

 snd-emu10k1 : Creative Labs|SB Live! (audio) [MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO]
 (vendor:1102 device:0002 subv:1102 subd:0020)

# lspcidrake -v | fgrep AUDIO
snd-emu10k1 : Creative Labs|SB Live! (audio) [MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO] 
(vendor:1102 device:0002 subv:1102 subd:8027)

OK, that tells me that the system has found the card which seems based on a 
Creative SB chipset; and loaded a module for a SoundBlaster Live! See below 
for driver comparison. 

Mine (SB Live Value Digital circa 1999) uses the snd-emu10k1 driver without 
trouble. Your seems to be using the other drivers (audigy) and either 
should be fine, but there have been reports that the audigy drivers have 
caused people grief. You can try to change it in the draksound dialogue. 
Click the Run configuration Tool button to access the next dialogue where 
the choices should be.

  grep sound-slot /etc/modules.conf will tell you what driver it
  currently uses

 alias sound-slot-0 audigy

# grep sound-slot /etc/modules.conf alias sound-slot-0 

  /sbin/lsmod will enable you to check if its module (driver) is
  loaded or not

 Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
 ppp_deflate41024   0  (autoclean)
 bsd_comp4344   0  (autoclean)
 sr_mod 15096   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 floppy 49340   0  (autoclean)
 autofs4 9340   2  (autoclean)
 parport_pc 21672   1  (autoclean)
 lp  6720   0  (autoclean)
 parport23936   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
 audigy 58700   2
 ac97_codec  9928   0  [audigy]
 soundcore   3780   0  [audigy]
 nfsd   66576   0  (autoclean)
 lockd  46480   0  (autoclean) [nfsd]
 sunrpc 60188   0  (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
 ppp_async   7456   1
 ppp_generic20064   3  [ppp_deflate bsd_comp ppp_async]
 slhc5072   0  [ppp_generic]
 af_packet  13000   0  (autoclean)
 ip_vs  74328   0  (autoclean)
 ipchains   39656   0  (unused)
 supermount 14340   2  (autoclean)
 ide-cd 28712   0
 cdrom  26848   0  [sr_mod ide-cd]
 ide-scsi8212   0
 scsi_mod   90372   2  [sr_mod ide-scsi]
 printer 6944   0
 usb-uhci   21676   0  (unused)
 usbcore58304   1  [printer usb-uhci]
 rtc 6560   0  (autoclean)
 ext3   74004   2
 jbd38452   2  [ext3]

I would have snipped a lot of the next copy'n'paste but the great minds 
around here may learn something that helps you or someone through the 

Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
isofs  28148   1  (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1   3484   0  (autoclean)
sg 35068   0  (autoclean)
loop   14260   0  (autoclean)
aes31808   0  (autoclean) [loop]
udf88736   0  (autoclean)
ipt_TOS 1592  12  (autoclean)
ipt_REJECT  3960   4  (autoclean)
ipt_LOG 4184   6  (autoclean)
ipt_state   1080  10  (autoclean)
ipt_multiport   1176   0  (autoclean)
ipt_conntrack   1560   0  (autoclean)
iptable_filter  2316   1  (autoclean)
iptable_mangle  2712   1  (autoclean)
iptable_nat20814   0  (autoclean) (unused)
ip_conntrack   26468   3  (autoclean) [ipt_state ipt_conntrack 
iptable_n  at]
ip_tables  15072  11  [ipt_TOS ipt_REJECT ipt_LOG ipt_state 
ipt_mult  iport ipt_conntrack iptable_filter 
iptable_mangle iptable_nat]
snd-seq-midi5056   0  (autoclean) (unused)
snd-emu10k1-synth   5276   0  (autoclean) (unused)
snd-emux-synth 31900   0  (autoclean) [snd-emu10k1-synth]
snd-seq-midi-emul   6924   0  (autoclean) [snd-emux-synth]
snd-seq-virmidi 4588   0  (autoclean) [snd-emux-synth]
snd-seq-oss32000   0  (unused)
snd-seq-midi-event  6080   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-virmidi snd-seq-oss]
snd-seq42544   2  [snd-seq-midi snd-emux-synth 
snd-seq-midi-emul   snd-seq-virmidi snd-seq-oss 
snd-pcm-oss43652   0 
snd-mixer-oss  14200   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-emu10k170948   0  [snd-emu10k1-synth]
snd-pcm79588   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-emu10k1]
snd-timer  18436   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd-page-alloc  9044   0  [snd-emu10k1 snd-pcm]
snd-rawmidi17760   0  [snd-seq-midi 

Re: [newbie] cursors - global

2003-09-27 Thread Russ
Hi Charlie,

This was actually my third attempt at trying to change the cursors. This 
computer is totally Linux now and I donot miss Win at all. However, even 
though I love Linux, I really didn't care for the black cursor. I found 
the flat white ones (ya, the ones from Win) on and followed 
the install instructions (extract the zip, then navigated to the source 
folder and typed make install).

With Yankl's post:

As root extract the cursor files in directory to 
 Edit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme.
 Add following:
 [Icon Theme]
(Thanks Yankl)

I now have global white cursors (even in the login screen - cool).

As an added benefit here, I like using both, Konquere and Mozilla 
(Mozilla seems to do better on some pages) but I didn't like the little 
hand that mozilla used when passing over a link. Now it uses the same 
hand as Konquerer (I know, trivial, but hey - eye candy :-)

Charlie M. wrote:

Bit of background would probably be helpful but I'll take a swing at it. How 
did you change your cursors? I installed cursor_themes as soon as Buchan 
Milne announced it on the cooker list and have been using it since. 

Close everything you have open in any of the virtual desktops. In a terminal 
as super user type choose_cursor enter pick the global cursor setting you 
want accept the offer to restart the X-server and just to be certain, log out 
and log back in. All users (including root) should now have the same cursor.

To set the cursors to be the same for all users may not be a good idea. If you 
have multiple users on the system some may not want to use the animated 
penguin as a cursor, or a flaming red one or g Hey, it's your system.

Best of luck;

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Re: [newbie] Who uses AC97?

2003-09-27 Thread Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

September 27, 2003 01:11 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Margot is having a problem.  If you use AC97 on-board sound, will you
 please tell us what HardDrake calls your card, and what driver it is
 using?  Thanks


Hi Anne;

I pasted a whole whack of a pile of stuff to compare for the viewing pleasure 
of the gurus to try to help Margot figure this out.

AC97 is kind of misleading. It's a set of sound server codecs (compression 
decompression instructions) that work with the chipset to handle audio format 
files. They exist even in my SoundBlaster.

There are also various flavours of AC97 instructions depending what year and 
what 'standard' the sound chip was designed in and for.

Bottom line is I think she needs to switch the drivers she's using from 
audigy to emu10k1 (OSS).
- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
13:54:06 up 7 days, 3:14, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.18, 0.21
What makes the universe so hard to comprehend is that there's nothing
to compare it with.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Margot
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 6:53 pm, Margot wrote:

I didn't see a button saying Let me pick any driver or
Troubleshooting - just Help, OK or Cancel. Tried help, and
it told me the difference between OSS and ALSA, but not how to
delete a phantom sound card!

Margot - bottom button - Run Config Tool.  See attached pic.


As usual g my pic not the same as yours! See attached.
inline: snapshot1.pngWant to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Who uses AC97?

2003-09-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

Margot is having a problem.  If you use AC97 on-board sound, will you 
please tell us what HardDrake calls your card, and what driver it is 
using?  Thanks



Which sound chip ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] ATI 8500DV AIW video drivers

2003-09-27 Thread Kelly McCormick
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 3:50 am, Kelly McCormick wrote:

Hello everyone,

Is there anybody out there with some experience with this card
under ML9.1? At a minimum, I would like to get the 3D acceleration
and the TV tuner functions working. It is my understanding that the
ATI drivers will provide GL acceleration but will do nothing for
any of the other functions of this card and that the Gatos drivers
can provide atleast nearly full funtionality to this card under
linux. I have also found reports that the ATI drivers may work
better for the 3D acceleration than the ati.2 gatos drivers
provide? Any thoughts or experience on this subject? Also, is it
possible to mix and match the drivers to use ATI's own drivers for
3D Accelation and the Gatos drivers for the TV tuner, tivo
functions, remote, etc.? I have also noted that ATI's driver rpm
fglrx-glc22-4.2.0-2.5.1.i586.rpm is built for glibc 2.2 and their script reports that I have glibc 2.3, as I understand it
this shouldn't be a problem, but I'm wondering if there is a better
rpm to use? or a better solution? During my attempts to decipher
the gatos website I have gotten the impression that these drivers
are intended to be used with XFree86 version 4.1.0 and work atleast
somewhat with 4.2.0, what is this going to mean to me since I am
running 4.3.0? The more information I find, the more confused I
become on this entire video driver subject. If someone can point me
in the right direction here, I'd really appreciate it. What I'm
really looking for is any advice on how to get the best results
with this card, and a heads up on any problems that I can expect to
run into. If there are any good information sources on this that
could help clear some of these things up, please let me know where
to find them. below are the results of running the script
from the ATI website, if there is any further information that I
can provide that will help with this discussion, please let me know
what you need and since it's likely that I don't know, how to find
that info.
== ATI Technologies
== Checking which OS you're running...
uname reports 'Linux' version '2.4.21-0.13mdk', architecture
'i686'. Object format is 'ELF'.
libc version is '6.3'.
XFree86 Version 4.3.0 is installed.

No package available for glibc 2.3.  Try fglrx-glibc22.tgz
Binary package name is 'fglrx-glibc21.tgz'
Thanks in advance for any and all help provided. I know I'm asking
for a lot of info here but as I said, now that I have been looking
into this for a while, I am no longer even sure where to start.
RTFM one too many times I guess.
Try here:

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Thanx for the info Anne, I have been looking into the twiki site lately 
but hadn't run across that page yet. I see that a new rpm is available 
on the ATI site fglrx-glc22-4.3.0-3.2.5.i586.rpm this appears to be a 
newer version of the one listed in the twiki, I assume it may be better 
to substitute? Also I notice that nothing is mentioned of compiling 
kernel modules for agppart etc. did you not find this necessary?


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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Saturday 27 September 2003 04:09 pm, Margot wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 6:53 pm, Margot wrote:
 I didn't see a button saying Let me pick any driver or
 Troubleshooting - just Help, OK or Cancel. Tried help, and
 it told me the difference between OSS and ALSA, but not how to
 delete a phantom sound card!
  Margot - bottom button - Run Config Tool.  See attached pic.

 As usual g my pic not the same as yours! See attached.

Margot, how are you testing the sound?  Are you trying to play a CD or are you 
testing sound by using some KDE sound or something?  The reason that I ask is 
that your aumix levels show the CD device as being muted or having a sound 
level of 0.  If you are trying to play a CD, you will not be able to hear 
Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] cursors - global

2003-09-27 Thread yankl
On Saturday 27 September 2003 03:55 am, Russ wrote:
 Hi Charlie,

 This was actually my third attempt at trying to change the cursors. This
 computer is totally Linux now and I donot miss Win at all. However, even
 though I love Linux, I really didn't care for the black cursor. I found
 the flat white ones (ya, the ones from Win) on and followed
 the install instructions (extract the zip, then navigated to the source
 folder and typed make install).

 With Yankl's post:
  As root extract the cursor files in directory to
   Edit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme.
   Add following:
   [Icon Theme]

 (Thanks Yankl)

 I now have global white cursors (even in the login screen - cool).

 As an added benefit here, I like using both, Konquere and Mozilla
 (Mozilla seems to do better on some pages) but I didn't like the little
 hand that mozilla used when passing over a link. Now it uses the same
 hand as Konquerer (I know, trivial, but hey - eye candy :-)

 Charlie M. wrote:
  Bit of background would probably be helpful but I'll take a swing at it.
  How did you change your cursors? I installed cursor_themes as soon as
  Buchan Milne announced it on the cooker list and have been using it
  Close everything you have open in any of the virtual desktops. In a
  terminal as super user type choose_cursor enter pick the global cursor
  setting you want accept the offer to restart the X-server and just to be
  certain, log out and log back in. All users (including root) should now
  have the same cursor.
  To set the cursors to be the same for all users may not be a good idea.
  If you have multiple users on the system some may not want to use the
  animated penguin as a cursor, or a flaming red one or g Hey, it's
  your system.
  Best of luck;
Ah :-) the power of manually changing the script. I love linux for that. 
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086

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Re: [newbie] Who uses AC97?

2003-09-27 Thread yankl
On Saturday 27 September 2003 03:11 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Margot is having a problem.  If you use AC97 on-board sound, will you
 please tell us what HardDrake calls your card, and what driver it is
 using?  Thanks


At some point some one suggest for her to run soundconfig what chipset it 
Tiny IT guy.
100 % Micro$oft free.
Registered linux users 181086

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Re: [newbie] Who uses AC97?

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 9:55 pm, yankl wrote:
 On Saturday 27 September 2003 03:11 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Margot is having a problem.  If you use AC97 on-board sound, will
  you please tell us what HardDrake calls your card, and what
  driver it is using?  Thanks


 At some point some one suggest for her to run soundconfig what
 chipset it reported?

As far as I know she hasn't managed to find it yet.  I may not be 
installed, but it's not obviously in the packages available.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] ATI 8500DV AIW video drivers

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 9:38 pm, Kelly McCormick wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 3:50 am, Kelly McCormick wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 Is there anybody out there with some experience with this card
 under ML9.1? At a minimum, I would like to get the 3D
  acceleration and the TV tuner functions working. It is my
  understanding that the ATI drivers will provide GL acceleration
  but will do nothing for any of the other functions of this card
  and that the Gatos drivers can provide atleast nearly full
  funtionality to this card under linux. I have also found reports
  that the ATI drivers may work better for the 3D acceleration
  than the ati.2 gatos drivers provide? Any thoughts or experience
  on this subject? Also, is it possible to mix and match the
  drivers to use ATI's own drivers for 3D Accelation and the Gatos
  drivers for the TV tuner, tivo functions, remote, etc.? I have
  also noted that ATI's driver rpm
  fglrx-glc22-4.2.0-2.5.1.i586.rpm is built for glibc 2.2 and
  their script reports that I have glibc 2.3, as I
  understand it this shouldn't be a problem, but I'm wondering if
  there is a better rpm to use? or a better solution? During my
  attempts to decipher the gatos website I have gotten the
  impression that these drivers are intended to be used with
  XFree86 version 4.1.0 and work atleast somewhat with 4.2.0, what
  is this going to mean to me since I am running 4.3.0? The more
  information I find, the more confused I become on this entire
  video driver subject. If someone can point me in the right
  direction here, I'd really appreciate it. What I'm really
  looking for is any advice on how to get the best results with
  this card, and a heads up on any problems that I can expect to
  run into. If there are any good information sources on this that
  could help clear some of these things up, please let me know
  where to find them. below are the results of running the script from the ATI website, if there is any further
  information that I can provide that will help with this
  discussion, please let me know what you need and since it's
  likely that I don't know, how to find that info.
 == == ATI Technologies
 == == Checking which OS you're running...
 uname reports 'Linux' version '2.4.21-0.13mdk', architecture
 'i686'. Object format is 'ELF'.
 libc version is '6.3'.
 XFree86 Version 4.3.0 is installed.
 No package available for glibc 2.3.  Try fglrx-glibc22.tgz
 Binary package name is 'fglrx-glibc21.tgz'
 Thanks in advance for any and all help provided. I know I'm
  asking for a lot of info here but as I said, now that I have
  been looking into this for a while, I am no longer even sure
  where to start. RTFM one too many times I guess.
  Try here:
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

 Thanx for the info Anne, I have been looking into the twiki site
 lately but hadn't run across that page yet. I see that a new rpm is
 available on the ATI site fglrx-glc22-4.3.0-3.2.5.i586.rpm this
 appears to be a newer version of the one listed in the twiki, I
 assume it may be better to substitute? Also I notice that nothing
 is mentioned of compiling kernel modules for agppart etc. did you
 not find this necessary?


Sorry, can't help you myself - I use Matrox.  However, the bits about 
the ATi 8500 were written [EMAIL PROTECTED](nospam).ca and  
[EMAIL PROTECTED](nospam).com  You may wish to contact them personally 
and ask your question.  If you do, please let us know what happens.  
The more info we can collect the more it helps someone else.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] XFCE 4 is released

2003-09-27 Thread Miark
Anybody venture to guess when a Mandrake-specific RPM will be available
of this?


On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 10:20:17 +0200, Anders Lind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 if you have not noticed XFCE 4 is now released in a sharp version.

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Re: [newbie] MCC thinks I have a Sound Card

2003-09-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 9:09 pm, Margot wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 6:53 pm, Margot wrote:
 I didn't see a button saying Let me pick any driver or
 Troubleshooting - just Help, OK or Cancel. Tried help,
  and it told me the difference between OSS and ALSA, but not how
  to delete a phantom sound card!
  Margot - bottom button - Run Config Tool.  See attached pic.

 As usual g my pic not the same as yours! See attached.

And this is 9.1?  Truly wierd.  I hope the pics compared suggest 
something to one of our gurus.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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