Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake9.1 hp scanjet 2300c

2003-06-09 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 16:36, venerdì 6 giugno 2003, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
... In questi casi, oltre a continuare a
 cercare informazioni o provare a prendere contatto con gli sviluppatori del
 progetto SANE, è buona norma inviare una email al produttore: hai visto mai
 che HP, spinta dalle email dei suoi utenti, non decida di supportare Linux
 e rilasciare i driver o le specifiche perchè qualche sviluppatore open
 source li realizzi autonomamente?
 Buon fine settimana...

Qualche iniziativa del genere c'è già
Ne avevo viste alcune tempo fa, adesso con un'occhiata a google ho trovato

Non l'ho guardato bene. Forse è già utile. Forse, cercando meglio ... 
viene fuori qualcosa di utile

Buona ricerca :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] open-ssh e interfaccia grafica

2003-06-09 Per discussione francesco.melo
Alle 13:37, lunedì 9 giugno 2003, Pollo ha scritto:
 Qualcuno conosce un interfaccia grafica per opens-ssh e più in
 particolare per scp. Quella che mi piacerebbe avere a me è sullo stile
 di gftp dove c'è una finestra sulla destra con il fylesystem locale e
 una finestra a sinistra con il filesystem remoto. Mi piacerebbe
 un'interfaccia così perchè devo usare spesso un filesystem remoto e
 copiare directoty e navigare nel filesystem diventa troppo pesante solo
 da console. Dimenticavo: mi interessa una interfaccia che non dipenda
 dalle librerie di gnome in quanto non volevo installarle...

 Grazie, Pollo.
 apri konqueror 
e scrivi :
credo sia ciò che cerchi :)))
fammi sapere

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione rpm

2003-06-09 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 01:13, sabato 7 giugno 2003, kua79 ha scritto:
 E' da un pò che voglio fare questa stupida domanda...
 Quando io installo un programma, in questo caso da rpm, dove cavolo me
 lo installa ?!?! 
i binari in usa dir di binari (es. /usr/bin), la documentazione tra la 
documentazione (es in /usr/share/doc/..), 

 Come faccio poi a trovare il file per mandare in
 esecuione sto benedetto progr ??

A parte i tool grafici (ad es. quelo compreso nel MandrakeControlCenter),
un man rpm ti spiega diverse cose (forse troppe ;-) ), tra cui:

rpm -qlp pacchetto.rpm  elenca tutti i file di un pacchetto NON installato
rpm -ql pacchetto   elenca tutti i file di un pacchetto installato

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] open-ssh e interfaccia grafica

2003-06-09 Per discussione Pollo
Il lun, 2003-06-09 alle 15:04, francesco.melo ha scritto:
 Alle 13:37, lunedì 9 giugno 2003, Pollo ha scritto:
  Qualcuno conosce un interfaccia grafica per opens-ssh e più in
  particolare per scp. Quella che mi piacerebbe avere a me è sullo stile
  di gftp dove c'è una finestra sulla destra con il fylesystem locale e
  una finestra a sinistra con il filesystem remoto. Mi piacerebbe
  un'interfaccia così perchè devo usare spesso un filesystem remoto e
  copiare directoty e navigare nel filesystem diventa troppo pesante solo
  da console. Dimenticavo: mi interessa una interfaccia che non dipenda
  dalle librerie di gnome in quanto non volevo installarle...
  Grazie, Pollo.
  apri konqueror 
 e scrivi :
  fish ://[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 credo sia ciò che cerchi :)))
 fammi sapere
Perfetto, è prorpio quello che mi intendevo ti ringrazio.

Ciao, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] fstab

2003-06-09 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Monday 09 June 2003 18:44, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] fstab (e 
chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), miKe ha scritto: 

  Ueh miKe, ci si sente anche quì??? ;)

 internet è troppo piccola per tutti e due !!

Il problema non e' sentirsi qui, ma da tutte le altre parti!


Re: [newbie-it] fstab

2003-06-09 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:26, lunedì 9 giugno 2003, Giovanni Mazzamati ha scritto:
 Ecco, appunto..

 Come scrivevo in precedenza il formato di fstab è:

 /device   /mountpoint filesystem  opzioni parametri_di_ceck

 Guarda il mio fstab sotto Slack:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gigi]# cat /etc/fstab
 /dev/hdb1swap swapdefaults 0   0
 /dev/hda6/reiserfsdefaults 1   1
 /dev/hda5/oboot   reiserfsdefaults 1   2
 /dev/hdb2/ohome   ext3defaults 1   2
 /dev/hdb3/olinux  ext3defaults 1   2
 /dev/hda1/win vfatnoauto,user  1   0
 /dev/sr0 /sr0 iso9660 noauto,user,ro   0   0
 /dev/cdrom   /cdrom   iso9660 noauto,user,ro   0   0
 /dev/fd0 /floppy  autonoauto,user  0   0
 devpts   /dev/pts devpts  gid=5,mode=620   0   0
 proc /procprocdefaults 0   0
 //win/documenti  /net/win smbfs   noauto,user  0   0

 Spero di essere stato chiaro
 Per provare prova a dare, da root;  # Piaciuto il gioco di parole...

 mount /dev/cdrom -t iso9660 /mnt/cdrom

 Ueh miKe, ci si sente anche quì??? ;)

Grazie a tutti, adesso funziona!
Certo che è una faticcacia pazzesca togliere il supermount!
Come mai a me il cdrom emulato si chiama scs0 e a te sr0? È una 
questione di distribuzione o che significa questa differenza? 
(Ovviamente non influisce sul funzionamento ma vorrei sapere di più)
Sai che ho scoperto che  Gigi in turco significa dolce?
A me non piace e non mi faccio più chiamare così!
- -- 
Sono stato picchiato, ma mi sono difeso bene.  A uno di quelli gli ho 
la mano: mi ci e' voluta tutta la faccia, ma ce l'ho fatta.
-- Woody Allen
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie] Spammers

2003-06-09 Per discussione Robin Turner
rikona wrote:
Hello Dennis,

Sunday, June 8, 2003, 2:38:24 PM, you wrote:

DM Well I don't get much spam, but spamassassin has now been set up
DM to use bysean (spelling?) algorythms and has caught 100% of the
DM spam I have been sent.
A question: does SA come with a separate set of 'rules', as
SpamBouncer did? If not, how is it updated? Does the entire program
get updated to keep up with the spammers?
IIRC it uses Vipul's razor.

Sir Robin

Hackers appear to wear black more because it goes with everything and 
hides dirt than because they want to look like goths.
 - Eric Raymond

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Privacy in linux?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 12:28 am, rikona wrote:

 There has been discussion about security, but little about privacy.
 Granted, Mandrake seems FAR less intrusive then M$ when updating, and
 with 'call home' programs. Thank you, thank you, Mandrake.

 It would seem that the primary risk is in the browser, chats, and
 perhaps in email. I'm starting to look at privoxy for increasing
 privacy in browsing. If anyone has used it, are there pre-configured
 files set up to protect against the common privacy leaks?

 Has anyone had experience in using the host file to block ads/snoops?
 Does it hang the browser in waiting for the localhost to time out if
 the host file is used [this is a problem in Opera, at least].

 Has anyone used a DNS proxy to block ads/snoops? If so, are there
 pre-configured files for the common ad servers?

 How secure are the various 'wallet' programs in linux? I note that the
 Mozilla 'wallet' seems to point back to a server at Mozilla - not so
 hot, I'd think.

 In email, do any of the email clients go to the web for HTML
 references that might be in email?

 Finally, what has to be configured so that my local info is not sent
 with, say, finger, or some other probe?

 Did I miss any other privacy considerations for linux?

In my experience privoxy works great out of the box for the vast majority of 
sites. I find it particularly easy to use with Opera and Galeon because those 
browsers allow you to put 'bookmarklets'  on your task bar to get quick 
access to the privoxy config if you want to toggle privoxy, or customise its 
settings.  I also find Opera runs faster with privoxy because it no longer 
waits for the last advert to arrive before rendering the page.

(Although I think the latest Opera7.11 no longer has that issue anyway, and is 
in my opinion a *seriously* good browser)

After using privoxy for some time I am always shocked when I use a computer 
away from home at how many adverts there are around the web. Privoxy makes 
surfing much more peaceful :-)



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RE: Re[4]: [newbie] Privacy in linux?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Frankie
Hi again,

I made a point of not using cookies on our gateway..

For the simple reason that you can't guarantee that the user will accept
them or that the client is capable of accepting them..
personally I deny any cookie that isn't set to expire within a day of being

You are correct about often the same techniques being used for spying, its
sad that
that is the case, but that doesn't mean that ecommerce should stop using

Wait till paladium hits us.. then it will all be digitally signed and
to M$ and all its advertisers (agreed to via EULA) and the web will suck

I was talking about a different issue. It is true that my stored
'privacy info' is either blank or wrong, but the info I submit is
correct. I also selectively accept SESSION cookies to store this info
for the transaction. I DON'T accept it if this personal info is coded
to stay in my computer until 2025. :-) Wouldn't an encrypted SESSION
cookie take care of your concerns, assuming you could get enough user
trust to accept it?

How do we validate that it was YOU that submitted that info if you show up
as blank in all

Cookies are not safe.. a combination of SSL, server session files and other
things are far more
secure. having said that, many clients dont' have their own payment gateways
and rely on third party servers like the one I worked for.

Problem is that they usually have some sort of cart, that links to the
payment gateway.
which links back to the cart (for receipts/email etc)

So, we have HTML/forms that are part of the cart which must be validated by
the cart as having been from the cart itself, then we have communication to
the gateway (usually SSL by this stage) to be validated, and finially we
have the return form the gateway to the cart. (usually not SSL unless they
have their own Cert)

To make sure all the communication between the users browser, the cart, and
the payment gatway is all legit is a difficult task.

Also take logging into account. our gateway stores no personally identity
info at all, it does log IP address and the exact time of the transaction
for some fraud info.. if someone tries funny business we need to know as
much about them as possible..  so our gateway does a number of IP tests to
ensure that should you be a nasty character, we at least have a starting
point to come after you.
The point is that if you don't have some valid data, we can't allow you to
use the gateway because then we'd be opening the doors to all manner of
fraud attempts.

Right now, if you try using our gateway with any required info blocked, our
gateway will redirect you to a page telling you why you can't be allowed to

The web can be a nasty place for online stores.. don't punish the good guys
(the ones that don't spam you silly or track you for advertising purposes).

(our security was not limited to the above, we also created hashkeys of all
form data to be validated at both ends to ensure its not changed and a
number of other tests as well.. but nothing is perfect, we just have to do
the best we can.)



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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Spammers

2003-06-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 08 Jun 2003 11:24 pm, rikona wrote:
 Hello Dennis,

 Sunday, June 8, 2003, 2:38:24 PM, you wrote:

 DM Well I don't get much spam, but spamassassin has now been set up
 DM to use bysean (spelling?) algorythms and has caught 100% of the
 DM spam I have been sent.

 A question: does SA come with a separate set of 'rules', as
 SpamBouncer did? If not, how is it updated? Does the entire program
 get updated to keep up with the spammers?

Spamassassin runs a suite of over 50 tests 
some of which are the conventional style 'look for strings  common in spams',
while others look for evidence of fabricated headers, others refer to online 
databases of known spam sources or known spam mail checksums.
Finally the latest techique is to use Baysian analysis to calculate the 
probability of a group of words appearing in a spam mail based on a textual 
analysis of every mail spam and non spam you have ever received.
See here for a description of Bayes algorithms 

Spamassassin does not rely on any one of these techniques to identfy spam. 
They all combine to reach a conclusion.
See also

Spamassassin does need to be updated periodically since spammers specifically 
set out to try to get low spamassassin scores, but updating consists simply 
of 'urpmi spamassassin'


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Re: [newbie] Copy/paste question

2003-06-09 Per discussione Brian Parish
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 05:44, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Hey gang. In all Mandrake versions before 9.1, I was able to highlight text in 
 a shell then paste it into kedit.
 Under 9.1 I can't do this. Is there a workaround? Thanks!

It still works here. Highlight, kedit, middle click, done.

Does pasting work with other apps?  Is it just kedit?

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RE: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-09 Per discussione MARTIN HENDRIK RAD
I've been using Linux and Windows side-by-side (work/home) for a couple of
years now. I've moved on from Mandrake 8.0 to 9.1, but I've never moved on
to WinXP. So I was curious to see what it looks like when my father-in-law
got it. Guess what! WinXP is for dummies! At least, that's what it looks
like... I'd rather stick to Linux which is a serious computing environment.

Hendrik Martin


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Re: [newbie] Automatic start

2003-06-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 08:18, Miark wrote:
 Hi all,
 I want to automatically run POPFile every time I boot, but 
 I'm not sure where to put it. rc.local perhaps? It has to
 run from the root directory of the app, so it must do this,
 essentially: cd /usr/local/bin/popfile/;

Create a script and plop that executable script wherever, but call it
from your /etc/rc.d/rc.local - that's your best bet, mate.

Mon Jun  9 17:45:00 EST 2003
 17:45:00 up 2 days,  3:36,  2 users,  load average: 1.54, 1.42, 0.79
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of.
-- Ogden Nash

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Re: [newbie] DSL

2003-06-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 10:53, Aron Smith wrote:
 Anyone Know of a DSL provider here in the Bay Area
 that if not supporting Linux is at least linux Friendly?
 eg. easy to set up under Mandrake

Linux Friendly is a really bad term to use. Any ISP that REQUIRES the
usage of linux unsupported hardware is another issue.

Any internet access is dependent on three things - a username, a
password, and SOME means by which to gain and IP address from them.

If you can get a stand-alone ADSL router that allows for you to plug it
into either an ethernet card or into a hub, you can get DSL going.

Mon Jun  9 17:50:00 EST 2003
 17:50:00 up 2 days,  3:41,  2 users,  load average: 1.60, 1.36, 0.93
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

   Is it a right to remain ignorant?
  -- Calvin

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Re: [newbie] test n0 2

2003-06-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 12:57, FemmeFatale wrote:

 you we'll call The Unnamed utter it is to invoke evil I think...
 FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Isn't that just a nice way of saying Rat Bastard ?

Mon Jun  9 17:55:01 EST 2003
 17:55:01 up 2 days,  3:46,  2 users,  load average: 1.17, 1.21, 0.97
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The young lady had an unusual list,
Linked in part to a structural weakness.
She set no preconditions.

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Re: [newbie] Copy/paste question

2003-06-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 15:44, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Hey gang. In all Mandrake versions before 9.1, I was able to highlight text in 
 a shell then paste it into kedit.
 Under 9.1 I can't do this. Is there a workaround? Thanks!

Now that's strange - I can do it quite easily (if I couldn't I would
have really spat the dummy a long time ago!)

Mon Jun  9 18:00:00 EST 2003
 18:00:00 up 2 days,  3:51,  2 users,  load average: 1.25, 1.25, 1.04
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The Great Movie Posters:

She's got the biggest six-shooters in the West!
-- The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend (1949)

CAST OF 3,000!
Be Brave--bring your troubles and your family to:
-- The Prince of Peace (1948).  Starring members of the
   Wichita Mountain Pageant featuring Millard Coody as Jesus.

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Re: [newbie] Unaware

2003-06-09 Per discussione Richard Urwin
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 2:11 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Sunday 08 June 2003 04:37 am, Aron Smith wrote:
  I forgot that the winbox was running
  and I add WAS sometime in the last week It crashed and I never noticed

 Do you have any idea of when it crapped out? Anything over ten days should
 be in contention for the Guiness Book of Records.

It always amused me that there was a bug in win95 that caused a crash after 43 
days of uptime, and nobody noticed until five years after release.

Richard Urwin

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[newbie] Need Help

2003-06-09 Per discussione Benjamin Jeeves
Hi all

Had my Laptop work until I made a time that it was time to reinstall Mandrake 
8.0 now I can not install any version of Mandrake, RedHat this is what I get?

The Laptop is Compaq Armada 3500, PII 266, 128MB RAM.

RAMDISK: Compressed format (err=1)6Freeing initrd memory: 286k freed
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:03

I think it is the cd/dvd player that is the problem have a UBS bruner but can 
not get it to boot from that drive. 

The Problem is that I am doing a design show for my dissertation which was 
develop on Linux Mandrake. The show is next Wed at my Uni was hoping for so 
help from you people might be able to help on this problem.

Thank You


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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-09 Per discussione Steven Broos
Try ? Or do you need specific kernels for mandrake ?
(in that case, I don't know)

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 05:46, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 Where can I find later versions of the kernel for 9.1?  I'm experiencing 
 the ldm_validate_partition_table problem.  I've looked on both pbone and 
 rpmfind and neither of them appears to have new versions.  pbone 
 actually did have one a couple months ago (which unfortunately did not 
 solve the problem), but now I can't find one there.  Thanks.  BTW, I 
 searched MandrakeClub and didn't find anything there either.

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Re[3]: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-09 Per discussione Cody Harris

At 02:49 PM 6/8/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Hello Cody,
Sunday, June 8, 2003, 1:10:05 PM, you wrote:
CH It took 4 hours to install MDK 8.1, and 60 mins for
Perhaps 9.1 is faster. Also, I included the time to install apps as
well, not just the OS (even though linux installed faster than
Win2000). I put around 30 apps on each, and this is where the time
difference really shows up. I can't tell you how tired I got from
rebooting Win2000 for the 30th time. :-) Linux is clearly better in
installing new apps.
I don't restart after every install. Most of the time it runs anyways
without a problem and restarting is unneeded. But if i do have to
restart, i only restart AFTER i'm done.

CH My friends all have
Likewise, but there is significant interest in other OS's.
CH They send me windoze programs and we play Windoze games and
CH Windoze stuff.
I run a LOT of Win apps, mostly 'serious' software. I rarely play
games. If your main interest is in playing games, especially the
latest game craze, Win is probably better.
Once and awhile it's good stress reliver if you play GTA3.

Thank you,

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-Cody Harris
| Linux Rox My Sox! |
| Check out HCHS! |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server. |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598 |

| Registered Linux Computer #200951 |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

Re: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-09 Per discussione Cody Harris

At 05:50 PM 6/8/2003 -0600, you wrote:
quoting Cody Harris's missive of
Sunday 08 June 2003 02:10 pm:
 It took 4 hours to install MDK 8.1, and 60 mins for
That must have included the time required to figure out what the hell all
those packages were in the individual package selection type
install, then 
deciding which ones you wanted. Granted it is a *really long* list
It only took me like 10 mins at the MOST. If that.

This box is only a Pentium 3 500
MHz and it did _not_ take that long to do a 
*network* install of 9.1 from a network.img floppy. (This entails
and installing from a mirror. No CDs involved) From scratch! On a totally
unformatted hard drive. :-) That took just over an hour over my cable
Minimal install, just internet and multi-media workstation, and then
packages after (Open Office, games, xscreensavers, Texstars KDE packages,
few others); maybe another 30 to 40 minutes.
What were you doing for the other (roughly) 3 hours? Installing Windows
your sleep? g
Installing Linux. The biggest % was installing the packages. It took A
LONG time. 200 MHz 32 MB. I used the CDs.

 My friends all have Windoze.
They send me windoze programs and we play
 Windoze games and run Windoze stuff.
 -Cody Harris
It almost sounds as though Windows may be right for you, and that's OK
But please don't dismiss GNU/Linux in general; and Mandrake in
just because it's different and doesn't do things the Windows
Two major points in relating a Mandrake (or almost any other GNU/Linux,
especially Mandrake) install to a Windows install:
1.) In Mandrake if the hardware in the box or attached to it is supported
all it installs, and is ready for use, when you first boot to user space.

Printers and scanners or ZIP drives and flash readers will need some

configuration probably, but not much else.
Usually. Unless the user screwed something up at the summary screen.

We all know who we are, don't we? :-)
In Windows you have to be certain you have all of the drivers for
in the box or attached to it before you start or you're hooped. I've had
chase down drivers for network cards, modems, printers, scanners, video,
nauseum, for every Windows install I've ever been forced to help anyone
This usually happens due to the standard My machine came with
preinstalled computer that the person bought needing
Reinstall Windows 
every 90 days (at least) whether you think it's needed or not
It usually is. 
Then the operating system will whine about the drivers or refuse to load
Cause they ain't signed. Which is a joke since the
signatures are wide 
open and any cracker can fake them.
Don't forget genuflections to the Gods of Redmond and
Saints Steve B. and 
Craig M. Or is the requirement a virgin sacrifice this year? I can
How many times will you have to reboot to register the
drivers and (maybe) 
make things work? 
System restore? HAH!
2.) After installing Mandrake you still own the box. You have the option
connect to a network or the internet or not, decide whether to send any

information to the distributor of the operating system. You _have
control_ of 
everything that goes in or out of what you paid for. Can reboot as many
as your equipment will without running into the limited
warnings. You don't have to ask the owner's permission to
listen to music, 
read a document, surf the 'net, watch a video.
After installing Windows.
Can you say Frisbee®? ;-)
Edmonton,AB,Canada Registered user 244963 at
Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo (cooked)
16:23:54 up 26 days, 8:27, 3 users, load average: 0.20, 0.13, 0.11
Krogt, n. (chemical symbol: Kr):
metallic silver coating found on fast-food game cards.
Rich Hall, Sniglets

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-Cody Harris
| Linux Rox My Sox! |
| Check out HCHS! |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server. |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598 |

| Registered Linux Computer #200951 |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

Re: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 11:30 am, Cody Harris wrote:
 At 05:50 PM 6/8/2003 -0600, you wrote:
 quoting Cody Harris's missive of Sunday 08 June 2003 02:10 pm:
   It took 4 hours to install MDK 8.1, and 60 mins for Windoze.
 That must have included the time required to figure out what the
  hell all of those packages were in the individual package
  selection type install, then deciding which ones you wanted.
  Granted it is a *really long* list but

 It only took me like 10 mins at the MOST. If that.

 This box is only a Pentium 3 500 MHz and it did _not_ take that
  long to do a *network* install of 9.1 from a network.img floppy.
  (This entails downloading and installing from a mirror. No CDs
  involved) From scratch! On a totally new unformatted hard drive.
  :-) That took just over an hour over my cable modem. Minimal
  install, just internet and multi-media workstation, and then
  added packages after (Open Office, games, xscreensavers, Texstars
  KDE packages, a few others); maybe another 30 to 40 minutes.
 What were you doing for the other (roughly) 3 hours? Installing
  Windows in your sleep? g

 Installing Linux. The biggest % was installing the packages. It
 took A LONG time. 200 MHz 32 MB. I used the CDs.

That really is odd.  I installed 9.0 on a really ancient AMD board 
(around 5 years old) in around 45 minutes.  It has a 400 processor 
and 128 MB ram - nothing specially good and a lot that's not good.  
It's very slow doing some things, but it works.

Can't imagine what took so long.


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Re: [newbie] Re : urpmi mailing list

2003-06-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 2:20 am, Gregory K. Meyer, CPA wrote:
 On Sunday 08 June 2003 08:43 pm, Johan Scheepers wrote:
  2) After (1) is done - what to expect?

 ANy time you want to install something, just type urpmi
 oackagename.  urpmi will download and install the app as well as
 any dependencies required.  It's that easy.  To remove something,
 use urpme.

  3) Will you be able to pick what to update?

If you prefer a gui (and the advantage is a short description of each 
package) you may wish to use Configuration  Packaging  Install 
Software (or Remove Software).  The same can be found in mcc 
(Mandrake Control Centre) under Software Management.  It does exactly 
the same as Greg told you - it just adds a gui front-end.


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Re: [newbie] Solving needed packages

2003-06-09 Per discussione JoeHill
On 09 Jun 2003 00:37:49 -0400
Trey Sizemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 How do I either satisfy the needed files or exclude these from a urpmi
 --auto --auto-select.  I have tried the --allow-nodeps argument to no

first do this: urpmi.update -a

then try again.

don't do nodeps. bad medecine.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 06:47:40 up 6 days,  4:51,  4 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.03, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] Automatic start

2003-06-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 8:46 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 08:18, Miark wrote:
  Hi all,
  I want to automatically run POPFile every time I boot, but
  I'm not sure where to put it. rc.local perhaps? It has to
  run from the root directory of the app, so it must do this,
  essentially: cd /usr/local/bin/popfile/;

 Create a script and plop that executable script wherever, but call
 it from your /etc/rc.d/rc.local - that's your best bet, mate.

So do you put the full-path-to-script in the rc.local?  Something like

/home/anne/ ?

(Totally ignorant question g - I'm good at them)


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Re: [newbie] Copy/paste question

2003-06-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 6:44 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Hey gang. In all Mandrake versions before 9.1, I was able to
 highlight text in a shell then paste it into kedit.

 Under 9.1 I can't do this. Is there a workaround? Thanks!

Hi, Ronald.  Have you checked the clipboard?  For some strange reason 
it doesn't always select the entry you just made.  You may find it's 
there, but you have to click on it to activate it.


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Re: [newbie] My Audigy 2 Player has problems on Mandrake Linux 8.2 and Mandrake Linux 9.0

2003-06-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 11:08 am, Stefan Boglou wrote:
 htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV
 PMynbsp;Audigy 2 Playernbsp;has problemsnbsp;on Mandrake Linux
 8.2. My HardDrake doesn't locate it and at the startup it is
 locating it as audigy. My mixer setting are set to full but i still
 can't hear any sound. I tryed to upgrade to Mandrake Linux
 9.0nbsp;and the HardDrake in the instalation was locating it as
 audigy of course i couldn't hear any sound. I tried to open the
 HardDrake but it crashed.BR/P/DIV DIV
 Boglou/EM/U/STRONG/FONT/P/DIV Pe-mail: A
/P/divbr clear=allhrThe new a
 href=;MSN 8:/a smart spam
 protection and 2 months FREE* /html

Stefan - first, I had real trouble reading this, because you sent html 
only.  html causes problems for many of us, though if you send in 
html and plain at least it is readable in KMail.

OK - audigy.  9.0 should find it without problems.  Mine is audigy 
platinum, not audigy2, but I wouldn't have thought that should cause 

You say that harddrake crashed.  Can you describe exactly what 
happened?  How did you start harddrake, and what did you see?


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Re: [newbie] X crashing problem

2003-06-09 Per discussione ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 00:41, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Sunday 08 June 2003 07:03 pm, ed tharp wrote:
  and what are we doing about acpi, apm, apic, both in BIOS and software,
  and what is the AGP settings? also, does this MoBo bios rest to defaults
  when it crashes? (I mean when you have to power off by the switch, if
 Acpi and apic are turned off in lilo.conf, and apm is turned off under 
 services. Don't remember BIOS settings for the first 2, but apm is turned off 
 for all events in BIOS except to kick the monitor off after so long.
 The AGP settings in BIOS are all turned off by default except for post-write 

what about agp memory aperture?

 Its a Soyo Dragon Plus MB, I don't think it does reset. Anyways, the crash is 
 not hard, just back to the shell. startx takes you right back to KDE.

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Microsoft to license UNIX code

2003-06-09 Per discussione Trevor Rhodes
   I am almost at the top of the hill stage. She realises all of
   what you have mentioned. The genealogical software she uses isn't
   available on Linux. She has certainly been talking about wanting
   to use linux.
  What about gramps (genealogical software) as a replacement

 If it's a case of too much work already done to start again, why not
 consider running her software under wine, if it will, or win4lin?  I
 have Generations 8 running under win4llin.

It shouldn't be too hard though.  Export a gedcom from one program and import 
into Gramps.  Thats what we have had to do there though.

Other problem is that if you are using 9.1 then you will need to get the 
gramps file from Mandrake Club.  The latest release of gramps on the gramps 
site won't install under 9.1

  Trevor Rhodes
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.1
Registered Linux user # 290542 at
Registered Machine #'s 186951
Mandrake Club Silver Member
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.
 21:35:21 up  8:32,  3 users,  load average: 1.03, 1.04, 1.07
I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up!

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RE: Re[2]: [newbie] Privacy in linux?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 21:52, Frankie wrote:
 Hi Rikona,

 You are quiet right, for normal browsing you have (or should have) the right
 to be nobody.
 but for any sort of shopping, you are hurting youself more then anyone else
 by blocking any means to make sure you are who you say you are.

 Thats a very basic example, but you can see how being able to get your IP,
 referer and whatnot can make it much much harder for someone else to pretend
 to be you. Its still possibly to spoof all that, but it is much more
 If you shopping as nobody, your very easy to copy aren't you???
But most of the time (and this is one of the reasons that I will not buy
on line) they want a lot of  information before you can even price check
an item
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of rikona
 Sent: Monday, 9 June 2003 12:13 PM
 To: Frankie
 Subject: Re[2]: [newbie] Privacy in linux?
 Hello Frankie,
 Sunday, June 8, 2003, 7:08:01 PM, you wrote:
 F privacy in browsering is cool..
 And getting rarer with time. :-(((
 F just keep in mind that you have no right to expect ecommerce apps to work
 F you make all authentication methods non functional...
 If I'm ordering something, I don't expect to be anonymous, of course,
 but why do I have to be authenticated if I am just visiting a site?
 Why would you force me to accept a cookie from someone who is trying
 to track my every move on the net?
 Why would I want to accept a script designed to snoop in my computer
 as much as possible?
 If I have trouble with a site, I'll go to another one. One usually
 gets a few in Google. :-) If EVERY  site I find is disfunctional, I'll
 buy it locally if I can. If not, I'll call their 800 number and read
 the item from the screen. If at all possible, I will NOT deal with an
 intrusive merchant!
 F We have precious little authentication methods available to us now.
 F If people all start spoofing their details online then no-one can
 F expect this stuff to work anymore.
 Why not? Perhaps I am not understanding what you mean by
 F my point is turn it off when using online apps.
 It would seem as though that is where it is needed most. Am I missing
 It seems as though the basis for placing ads is to track every move of
 the user. A bit like someone following me around. I drive to a store,
 they record the path I took to get there. When I get out of the car,
 they follow me in the store. They record everything I look at in the
 store, especially if I pick it up, and if I come back to look that
 gets recorded too. If I buy something, the purchase is recorded. In
 many cases the name, address, phone, email address are sent to the
 advertiser to sell on some list for spammers.
 Now if someone was doing that physically, would you not object and
 consider it an invasion of privacy?
 Please tell me why it is so hard to build an app that just lets me
 visit and look around anonymously.
 Thank you,
  rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [newbie] Automatic start

2003-06-09 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 06:53, Anne Wilson wrote:

 So do you put the full-path-to-script in the rc.local?  Something like
 /home/anne/ ?

That's it!

 (Totally ignorant question g - I'm good at them)

Remember Plato: I only know that I know nothing (free translation from
spanish). IOW, the more you know, the more you know you don't know.

Corollary: we'll be newbie for good.

(This doesn't apply to the Winblows world where every body knows every
thing so they don't know that they don't know. Another corollary:
Winblows = The Matrix)

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //mobile: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax   : +58 212 952-6797   //pager : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-09 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Sunday 08 June 2003 11:46 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 Where can I find later versions of the kernel for 9.1?  I'm experiencing
 the ldm_validate_partition_table problem.  I've looked on both pbone and
 rpmfind and neither of them appears to have new versions.  pbone
 actually did have one a couple months ago (which unfortunately did not
 solve the problem), but now I can't find one there.  Thanks.  BTW, I
 searched MandrakeClub and didn't find anything there either.

There has not been an official kernal update for 9.1 yet.  You would have to 
try and build your own, or you could also try the Cooker kernel.  If you do 
try the cookwe kernel, make sure you install it without removing your old 
kernel so you can boot back to it if stuff desn't work.

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2003-06-09 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
Damn...thought I'd end my day with a new WM to play with - BUT THERE
AIN'T NO DAMN STARTXFCE4 in the RPM's Ah well, ah hell...guess I
have to muck around with it tomorrow...

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Re: [newbie]

2003-06-09 Per discussione todd
On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 10:03:17PM +1000, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Damn...thought I'd end my day with a new WM to play with - BUT THERE
 AIN'T NO DAMN STARTXFCE4 in the RPM's Ah well, ah hell...guess I
 have to muck around with it tomorrow...

Yeah, did you see the startup script on my d/l page? If you just save
that as .xsession and make it executable it'll start when you startx.
If you're using kdm or gdm, select default from the wm list. I now
know how to add an entry to the wm list for kdm if you're interested!


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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 1:02 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 08 June 2003 11:46 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
  Where can I find later versions of the kernel for 9.1?  I'm
  experiencing the ldm_validate_partition_table problem.  I've
  looked on both pbone and rpmfind and neither of them appears to
  have new versions.  pbone actually did have one a couple months
  ago (which unfortunately did not solve the problem), but now I
  can't find one there.  Thanks.  BTW, I searched MandrakeClub and
  didn't find anything there either.

 There has not been an official kernal update for 9.1 yet.  You
 would have to try and build your own, or you could also try the
 Cooker kernel.  If you do try the cookwe kernel, make sure you
 install it without removing your old kernel so you can boot back to
 it if stuff desn't work.

Youcould try the mm kernel (it's on the disks). Why are you wanting 
this, though?  The  ldm_validate_partition_table problem only refers 
to the fact that there isn't a disk in a removable drive - it's 
harmless.  Or is there something else?


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[newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Per discussione Yves Arsenault


I have recently followed a tutorial in the webmin docs on configuring the
Bind DNS server, so I`ve added a domain and followed the tutorial as
precisely as possible

When I run host serverip

It still doesn`t find the domain name.
I keep getting: connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Is Bind dependant on other programs that I might not have running?


Yves Arsenault
Carrefour Infotech
5,promenade Acadian
Charlottetown, IPE
C1C 1M2
(902)368-1895 ext.242
ICQ #117650823

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Re: [newbie] Need Help

2003-06-09 Per discussione JoeHill
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 09:30:23 +
Benjamin Jeeves [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Had my Laptop work until I made a time that it was time to reinstall
 Mandrake 8.0 now I can not install any version of Mandrake, RedHat
 this is what I get?
 The Laptop is Compaq Armada 3500, PII 266, 128MB RAM.
 RAMDISK: Compressed format (err=1)6Freeing initrd memory: 286k freed
 Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:03
 I think it is the cd/dvd player that is the problem have a UBS bruner
 but can not get it to boot from that drive. 

you could try booting from a floppy instead, Mandrake has floppy images
for download, but I have doubts you'll be able to find one for 8.0. It
actually sounds more like either a hard-drive or memory error, however.
If it was the CD drive, it would *usually* be more of an all or
nothing type of problem, ie. it wouldn't boot at all. Try the boot
floppy and install 9.1 if you can, but I wouldn't recommend KDE or Gnome
on that dinosaur! If push comes to shove, the last resort is to do a
network install, which I did with my webserver, and there is a special
boot floppy for that too! worked like a charm, it did! :) Check out the
Mandrake site under Installation Instructions I believe.

 The Problem is that I am doing a design show for my dissertation which
 was develop on Linux Mandrake. The show is next Wed at my Uni was
 hoping for so help from you people might be able to help on this

 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:01:40 up 6 days,  7:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie]

2003-06-09 Per discussione JoeHill
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 08:13:54 -0400
todd [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Yeah, did you see the startup script on my d/l page? If you just save
 that as .xsession and make it executable it'll start when you startx.
 If you're using kdm or gdm, select default from the wm list. I now
 know how to add an entry to the wm list for kdm if you're interested!

or just add to your .xinitrc like this:

exec xfce4 (depending on case of course).

 Registered Linux user #282046
 08:58:06 up 6 days,  7:01,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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[newbie] ADSL - mgmt.0 - how do I get this ?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Idea.list2BT
I can't get mgmt.o from\dvrreg_lx.htm (the address
supplied by ML9.1 install).
I can't even see 'mgmt.0' mentioned on that site.
I downloaded the 'SpeedTouch USB Linux driver' but all I got was a zip which
expanded to two files - KQD6P1.eni and KQD6P2.eni. God knows what I am
supposed to do with these, but I don't.

(I have the old mgmt.0 - which worked with ML8.1 but doesn't appear to work
with ML9.1)

Advice how to obtain the current mgmt.0 appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Unaware

2003-06-09 Per discussione JoeHill
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 09:06:10 +0100
Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 It always amused me that there was a bug in win95 that caused a crash
 after 43 days of uptime, and nobody noticed until five years after

 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:16:05 up 6 days,  7:19,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-09 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 08 Jun 2003 21:01:48 -0600
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 yes i call that sacriledge!  Appropriating lesbian themes/icons/etc
 will be penalized by death!!!  or castration... whichever comes first
  I enjoy more. :D

I'll take the death, thank you...but can I see the Lesbian pr0n first?

 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:19:03 up 6 days,  7:22,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] HIJACKED: Linux viruses

2003-06-09 Per discussione JoeHill
On Mon, 09 Jun 2003 07:18:00 -0300
Cody Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I have no idea what it is and what it does or why it's needed.

It's something that a lot of people use to guarantee that their e-mail
is legit, which for some is really a necessity. HTML mail, however, is
unreadable by many on the list who use mail clients in text mode or
various other reasons. That is why on the sign-up page it asks nicely to
send in plain text only. The GPG sig causes *no* problems for anyone,
therefore it is not an issue on the list.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:21:08 up 6 days,  7:24,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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RE: [newbie] DSL

2003-06-09 Per discussione Sabin, Matthew
Title: RE: [newbie] DSL

A slight correction:

Internet access requires an IP address.

My ISP ( figures that if I'm on the end of my particular DSL line, I must be me, or at least authorized by me to use the 'net.

usernames and passwords are required for more draconian ISP's who can't understand their hardware well enough to figure out who's on the end of which wire.



-Original Message-
From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 3:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] DSL

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 10:53, Aron Smith wrote:
 Anyone Know of a DSL provider here in the Bay Area
 that if not supporting Linux is at least linux Friendly?
 eg. easy to set up under Mandrake

Linux Friendly is a really bad term to use. Any ISP that REQUIRES the
usage of linux unsupported hardware is another issue.

Any internet access is dependent on three things - a username, a
password, and SOME means by which to gain and IP address from them.

If you can get a stand-alone ADSL router that allows for you to plug it
into either an ethernet card or into a hub, you can get DSL going.

Mon Jun 9 17:50:00 EST 2003
17:50:00 up 2 days, 3:41, 2 users, load average: 1.60, 1.36, 0.93
| __ __ |kuhn media australia |
| /-oo /| |'-. | |
| .\__/ || | | ||
| _ / `._ \|_|_.-' |stephen kuhn |
| | / \__.`=._) (_ | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3 
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
* This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

 Is it a right to remain ignorant?
   -- Calvin

Re: [newbie] ADSL - mgmt.0 - how do I get this ?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 1:37 pm, Idea.list2BT wrote:
 I can't get mgmt.o from\dvrreg_lx.htm (the address
 supplied by ML9.1 install).
 I can't even see 'mgmt.0' mentioned on that site.
 I downloaded the 'SpeedTouch USB Linux driver' but all I got was a zip
 which expanded to two files - KQD6P1.eni and KQD6P2.eni. God knows what I
 am supposed to do with these, but I don't.

 (I have the old mgmt.0 - which worked with ML8.1 but doesn't appear to work
 with ML9.1)

 Advice how to obtain the current mgmt.0 appreciated.



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Re: [newbie] linux game help

2003-06-09 Per discussione JoeHill
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 04:25:03 -0500
Saud N. [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 i put in my coutnerstrike cd and i  want to know how to run setup.exec

you got a ways to go, my friend! For Counterstrike to work under
Mandrake (thanks to Valve for never releasing Linux installers or
binaries), you will need to use Winex (Google it!). There is a free
version for download, but it is not *easy* to install, and may be
impossible unless you installed all the Development packages when you
installed Mandrake. If you want to give it a try, there are tutorials
for installing Winex from CVS (the free version), or you could pay the
people that put out Winex 5 bucks a month subscription fee and get a
nice installer in RPM format.

 lol sounds NOOB but i just now converted form windows and have no
 internet connection on theat comoputer

we all start out as NOOBs, don't worry about it.

You can, however, play all three Quakes and Unreal Tournament on Linux
without Winex, as well as many others.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 09:27:20 up 6 days,  7:31,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Java in Netscape

2003-06-09 Per discussione rluchor

On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 22:13, Troy Davidson wrote:

Login as root, and go to this page:

Download the plugin and you are all set.

That did it, Troy - Thanks!


Re: [newbie] Copy/paste question

2003-06-09 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 09 June 2003 01:29 pm, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 05:44, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Hey gang. In all Mandrake versions before 9.1, I was able to highlight
  text in a shell then paste it into kedit.
  Under 9.1 I can't do this. Is there a workaround? Thanks!

 It still works here. Highlight, kedit, middle click, done.

 Does pasting work with other apps?  Is it just kedit?

Works fine from say, web sights to kedit, or kedit to kedit... Or Klipper to 

Odd eh?


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Copy/paste question

2003-06-09 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 09 June 2003 06:56 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 09 Jun 2003 6:44 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Hey gang. In all Mandrake versions before 9.1, I was able to
  highlight text in a shell then paste it into kedit.
  Under 9.1 I can't do this. Is there a workaround? Thanks!

 Hi, Ronald.  Have you checked the clipboard?  For some strange reason
 it doesn't always select the entry you just made.  You may find it's
 there, but you have to click on it to activate it.


Hi Anne. I can bring up klipper after highlighting text in eterm and grab it 
that way. Its an extra step though. I'm used to just grabbing it from eterm, 
and a simple middle mouse button click puts it anywhere I want it to go.


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] X crashing problem

2003-06-09 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 09 June 2003 07:20 am, ed tharp wrote:

 what about agp memory aperture?

I have a 64 meg Ti4200 Nvidia card so I set the aperture to 64 megs.

Is that okay?


 Dark Lord

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RE: [newbie] Mini ITX form factor

2003-06-09 Per discussione Sabin, Matthew
Title: RE: [newbie] Mini ITX form factor

I had 7.2, 8.x and 9.x all running at one time or another on a mini ITX with 1.0Ghz Celeron. All installed without much difficulty. I agree with the below observation that they aren't all that good at graphics, but they're more that up to OGG/MP3 etc.

BTW, anyone got a lead on a miniITX with 12V porew input, or a 12V power supply for one? I've got a desire to build a car-toy, and a house-wide UPS with 12V output (saves on the losses to convert up to 110 just to convert back down)


-Original Message-
From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mini ITX form factor

On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 10:08:40 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday June 7 2003 02:39 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
  Has anyone installed Mandrake on a mini ITX form factor board?
  I'm thinking the 800 Mhz with a 30 GB slim disk would fit in the
  radio slot on my Jeep real nice.(and I would be able to play any
  format wav Mp3 Ogg Vorbis etc.
 I don't (wouldn't) have one. The VIA-Cyrix processors report 
 themselves as i686. They're not, they're not even fully i586, 
 retaining some i486 only capabilities. Mandrake i586 installs on 
 these systems can be a problem, as when a i686 cpu is reported, the 
 install will try to use /lib/i686/ libraries for a little more 
 optimization. The VIA C3 cpu's won't work with i686, and barely 
 with i586.
 I believe 9.1 is fixed to cope with VIA C3's. There's quite a 
 bit of info on the Web about C3's. One bit is the 800mhz C3 
 performs at about 400mhz levels due to dated design and inadequate 
 L caches. It's really only the old Cyrix cpu with VIA's name tacked 
 on. You might wanna do a lot more checking before goin for one of 
 these systems, specially for multimedia use.
 Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas

Mandrake 9.1 installs perfectly on Via C3's even with i686 libraries
Mandrake 9.0 has to be tweaked.
The latest generation of C3 with the 'Nemenhiah' core is fully compliant with i686. 

Where the performance of ITX boards falls down is in the performance of the graphics chips set used on them.
The Linux drivers 'aint great. 2D is fine. 3D you can forget about.
Where they are good, is in general computing environments where raw power is not necessary, and low power/noise/small form factor is required.

Several ITX mobos also come with raw 12V DC input making them perfect for mounting in a car which I believe is what the original poster wanted to do.


RE: [newbie] DSL

2003-06-09 Per discussione Sabin, Matthew
Title: RE: [newbie] DSL

shameless plug

I've been using Speakeasy for two years now, and have nothing but great things to say. Take a look at them.
If you decide to sign up, consider using this URL: 

They say they'll help fund my hobbies (brewing and computing) with a referall credit if you sign up.

/shameless plug

-Original Message-
From: Aron Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 8:53 PM
Subject: [newbie] DSL

Anyone Know of a DSL provider here in the Bay Area
that if not supporting Linux is at least linux Friendly?
eg. easy to set up under Mandrake

Re: [newbie] ADSL - mgmt.0 - how do I get this ?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Idea.list2BT

From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Monday 09 Jun 2003 1:37 pm, Idea.list2BT wrote:
  I can't get mgmt.o from\dvrreg_lx.htm (the address
  supplied by ML9.1 install).
  I can't even see 'mgmt.0' mentioned on that site.
  I downloaded the 'SpeedTouch USB Linux driver' but all I got was a zip
  which expanded to two files - KQD6P1.eni and KQD6P2.eni. God knows what
  am supposed to do with these, but I don't.
  (I have the old mgmt.0 - which worked with ML8.1 but doesn't appear to
  with ML9.1)
  Advice how to obtain the current mgmt.0 appreciated.


Got it !
Thanks DJ

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Re: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Per discussione Steven Broos
Can you give us more information about what you've done, what is in your
config-files etc ?

Some thing that goes through my mind now:
- before restarting bind, open another terminal and do 
tail -f /var/log/messages  
  It gives valueable information about possible errors.
- Put your loopback in /etc/resolve.conf
- use dig for DNS lookups


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 14:56, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 I have recently followed a tutorial in the webmin docs on configuring the
 Bind DNS server, so I`ve added a domain and followed the tutorial as
 precisely as possible
 When I run host serverip
 It still doesn`t find the domain name.
 I keep getting: connection timed out; no servers could be reached
 Is Bind dependant on other programs that I might not have running?
 Yves Arsenault
 Carrefour Infotech
 5,promenade Acadian
 Charlottetown, IPE
 C1C 1M2
 (902)368-1895 ext.242
 ICQ #117650823
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Java in Netscape

2003-06-09 Per discussione rluchor

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 09:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 22:13, Troy Davidson wrote: 

Login as root, and go to this page:

Download the plugin and you are all set.

That did it, Troy - Thanks!

Looks like I spoke too soon; the java plugins show as being installed in about plugins, but only work when I'm logged in as root. How do I change permissions of the plugins so they work when I'm logged in as myself?


Re: [newbie] HIJACKED: Linux viruses

2003-06-09 Per discussione RichardA
On 09 Jun 2003 09:13:25 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 02:00, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Look, even out of the box or brownbag - literally any linux distro
 upon initial installation and configuration (granted that passwords
 HAVE been put in place) is going to be able to sit nicely without very
 many issues as opposed to a Windows installation brownbag - the Win
 box is going to get hit FIRST TIME SURFING with either adware or
 spyware - irregardless of what or where the user surfs to - but that
 cannot happen on a linux box.

I think that's a wild exaggeration. I surfed for years using Win98 and
never once had a problem. Admittedly I was cautious, and later started
using Eudora, Opera and ZoneAlarm, but I started out with IE, OE etc.

Look at XP. It was released with a known vulnerabilty (UPNP), but many
people are probably unpatched and still surfing without having been hit.

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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Re: [newbie] Privacy in linux?

2003-06-09 Per discussione magnet
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 7:28 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Monday 09 Jun 2003 12:28 am, rikona wrote:
  There has been discussion about security, but little about privacy.
  Granted, Mandrake seems FAR less intrusive then M$ when updating, and
  with 'call home' programs. Thank you, thank you, Mandrake.
  Has anyone had experience in using the host file to block ads/snoops?
  Does it hang the browser in waiting for the localhost to time out if
  the host file is used [this is a problem in Opera, at least].

Ok, in konqueror this works a charm. I'm currently blocked from banner spam 
etc from over 6000 servers all listed in my /etc/host file. Copy it across 
and you're set to go. Browsing has speeded up nicely thanks to this. It also 
helps as this is the only spot in my county that cannot get adsl services so 
every bit helps.

If you want a copy derek then email me off-list and I'll send you a very 
up-to-date copy as I added about 25 more servers to it only yesterday.


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RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Per discussione Yves Arsenault

In my file,  I  have the following contents: IN  SOA (
38400 ) IN  NS IN  A IN  A  CNAME IN  MX  10

Are there any other files that you would like to see?

Yves Arsenault
Carrefour Infotech
5, Acadian Dr.
Charlottetown, PEI
C1C 1M2
(902)368-1895 ext.242
ICQ #117650823 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Steven Broos
Sent: June 9, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] More about Bind...

Can you give us more information about what you've done, what is in your
config-files etc ?

Some thing that goes through my mind now:
- before restarting bind, open another terminal and do 
tail -f /var/log/messages  
  It gives valueable information about possible errors.
- Put your loopback in /etc/resolve.conf
- use dig for DNS lookups


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 14:56, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 I have recently followed a tutorial in the webmin docs on configuring the
 Bind DNS server, so I`ve added a domain and followed the tutorial as
 precisely as possible
 When I run host serverip
 It still doesn`t find the domain name.
 I keep getting: connection timed out; no servers could be reached
 Is Bind dependant on other programs that I might not have running?
 Yves Arsenault
 Carrefour Infotech
 5,promenade Acadian
 Charlottetown, IPE
 C1C 1M2
 (902)368-1895 ext.242
 ICQ #117650823
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Privacy in linux?

2003-06-09 Per discussione magnet
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 3:31 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 09 Jun 2003 7:28 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Monday 09 Jun 2003 12:28 am, rikona wrote:
   There has been discussion about security, but little about privacy.
   Granted, Mandrake seems FAR less intrusive then M$ when updating, and
   with 'call home' programs. Thank you, thank you, Mandrake.



   Has anyone had experience in using the host file to block ads/snoops?
   Does it hang the browser in waiting for the localhost to time out if
   the host file is used [this is a problem in Opera, at least].

 Ok, in konqueror this works a charm. I'm currently blocked from banner spam
 etc from over 6000 servers all listed in my /etc/host file. Copy it across
 and you're set to go. Browsing has speeded up nicely thanks to this. It
 also helps as this is the only spot in my county that cannot get adsl
 services so every bit helps.

 If you want a copy derek then email me off-list and I'll send you a very
 up-to-date copy as I added about 25 more servers to it only yesterday.


Hmm... got that wrong in last post. typo... Its actually 16000 servers.
See, it's kinda comprehensive coz spam bugs me out.


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Re: [newbie] Whilst on the music files subject

2003-06-09 Per discussione RichardA
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 10:41:13 +0100
Inhabitant of Zion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have some shn files on my system and can't seem to find a program
 that will deal with them and that works.

shn - lossless compressed wav file format. Xmms will play them with a
plugin, or a tool called shorten translates between shn and wav.

I've seen a MDK 9.0 package of shorten, but I think the licence means it
won't be in the default distro (the licence is 'free for non-commercial
use' rather than free as in fries, sorry freedom).

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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Re: [newbie] Java in Netscape

2003-06-09 Per discussione Troy Davidson
Hmmm...  that's strange.  I have never had to change permissions for the
plugins for my machine.  Are you running at a higher security level?  My
security level is default.

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

Follow the adventures of a 
real life computer and 
  gaming nerd! 

** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **


 On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 09:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 22:13, Troy Davidson wrote: 
   Login as root, and go to this page:
   Download the plugin and you are all set.
  That did it, Troy - Thanks!
 Looks like I spoke too soon; the java plugins show as being installed in
 about plugins, but only work when I'm logged in as root.  How do I
 change permissions of the plugins so they work when I'm logged in as

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Re: [newbie] Copy/paste question

2003-06-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 2:50 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 09 June 2003 06:56 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Monday 09 Jun 2003 6:44 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
   Hey gang. In all Mandrake versions before 9.1, I was able to
   highlight text in a shell then paste it into kedit.
   Under 9.1 I can't do this. Is there a workaround? Thanks!
  Hi, Ronald.  Have you checked the clipboard?  For some strange
  reason it doesn't always select the entry you just made.  You may
  find it's there, but you have to click on it to activate it.

 Hi Anne. I can bring up klipper after highlighting text in eterm
 and grab it that way. Its an extra step though. I'm used to just
 grabbing it from eterm, and a simple middle mouse button click puts
 it anywhere I want it to go.

It's hazy memory time g.  I have always found that while the 
highlight/middle-click thing worked usually, there were some 
occasions where ctrl-c had to be used - sometimes with ctrl-v, and 
sometimes the middle-click worked.  Never did figure out why I had 
these occasional problems, I just got into the habit of going back to 
the terminal and doing ctrl-v if it hadn't worked.

Not much help, sorry


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RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Per discussione Steven Broos
Did you try   tail -f /var/log/messageswhile restarting bind ?
I would like to know if it gives any error-messages...

I think there is a ; missing after the last bracket of your time-to-live
settings.  I never understood why it had to be there, but it had...

Maybe try your config-file this way? :
There could be errors in it, but maybe it puts you on the right track ?

$TTL 38400
@ IN  SOA (
38400 );
IN  MX  10

this should be a hostname in the domain   IN  A
this should be a hostname in the domain   IN  A
 #The previous line is not possible, because you use 2 times the same 
 #IP address.  Use a CNAME instead of a A-record.
mailIN  CNAME   this should be a hostname already defined

I don't know what you are trying to do with the ilebranchee-thing.  You
need to put the hosts from your domain in this file, without the
domain-name, without a point after them. 


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:27, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 In my file,  I  have the following contents: IN  SOA (
 38400 ) IN  NS IN  A IN  A  CNAME IN  MX  10
 Are there any other files that you would like to see?
 Yves Arsenault
 Carrefour Infotech
 5, Acadian Dr.
 Charlottetown, PEI
 C1C 1M2
 (902)368-1895 ext.242
 ICQ #117650823 
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Steven Broos
 Sent: June 9, 2003 11:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] More about Bind...
 Can you give us more information about what you've done, what is in your
 config-files etc ?
 Some thing that goes through my mind now:
 - before restarting bind, open another terminal and do 
   tail -f /var/log/messages  
   It gives valueable information about possible errors.
 - Put your loopback in /etc/resolve.conf
 - use dig for DNS lookups
 On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 14:56, Yves Arsenault wrote:
  I have recently followed a tutorial in the webmin docs on configuring the
  Bind DNS server, so I`ve added a domain and followed the tutorial as
  precisely as possible
  When I run host serverip
  It still doesn`t find the domain name.
  I keep getting: connection timed out; no servers could be reached
  Is Bind dependant on other programs that I might not have running?
  Yves Arsenault
  Carrefour Infotech
  5,promenade Acadian
  Charlottetown, IPE
  C1C 1M2
  (902)368-1895 ext.242
  ICQ #117650823
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
  Go to
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Need Help

2003-06-09 Per discussione Benjamin Jeeves
Get it working by using my usb cdwriter and 9.1 hdcdrom_usb.img looks likey 
things are looking up and learn abit about the booting and kernel of linux

On Monday 09 Jun 2003 1:09 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 09:30:23 +

 Benjamin Jeeves [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Had my Laptop work until I made a time that it was time to reinstall
  Mandrake 8.0 now I can not install any version of Mandrake, RedHat
  this is what I get?
  The Laptop is Compaq Armada 3500, PII 266, 128MB RAM.
  RAMDISK: Compressed format (err=1)6Freeing initrd memory: 286k freed
  Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:03
  I think it is the cd/dvd player that is the problem have a UBS bruner
  but can not get it to boot from that drive.

 you could try booting from a floppy instead, Mandrake has floppy images
 for download, but I have doubts you'll be able to find one for 8.0. It
 actually sounds more like either a hard-drive or memory error, however.
 If it was the CD drive, it would *usually* be more of an all or
 nothing type of problem, ie. it wouldn't boot at all. Try the boot
 floppy and install 9.1 if you can, but I wouldn't recommend KDE or Gnome
 on that dinosaur! If push comes to shove, the last resort is to do a
 network install, which I did with my webserver, and there is a special
 boot floppy for that too! worked like a charm, it did! :) Check out the
 Mandrake site under Installation Instructions I believe.

  The Problem is that I am doing a design show for my dissertation which
  was develop on Linux Mandrake. The show is next Wed at my Uni was
  hoping for so help from you people might be able to help on this


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RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Per discussione Yves Arsenault

I get this when I type tail -f /var/log/messages

Jun  9 12:00:00 man1 CROND[9022]: (mail) CMD (/usr/bin/python -S
Jun  9 12:01:00 man1 CROND[9027]: (root) CMD (nice -n 19 run-parts
Jun  9 12:01:00 man1 CROND[9029]: (mail) CMD (/usr/bin/python -S
Jun  9 12:01:00 man1 su(pam_unix)[9032]: session opened for user news by
Jun  9 12:01:01 man1 su(pam_unix)[9032]: session closed for user news
Jun  9 12:01:01 man1 msec: changed mode of /var/log/news/nntpsend.log from
660 to 640
Jun  9 12:01:01 man1 msec: changed mode of
/var/log/samba/log.dstill-of-lapmd from 644 to 640
Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: loading configuration from
Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: /etc/named.conf:12: expected port number
or '*' near 'allow'
Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: reloading configuration failed: unexpected
tokenJun  9 12:00:00 man1 CROND[9022]: (mail) CMD (/usr/bin/python -S
Jun  9 12:01:00 man1 CROND[9027]: (root) CMD (nice -n 19 run-parts
Jun  9 12:01:00 man1 CROND[9029]: (mail) CMD (/usr/bin/python -S
Jun  9 12:01:00 man1 su(pam_unix)[9032]: session opened for user news by
Jun  9 12:01:01 man1 su(pam_unix)[9032]: session closed for user news
Jun  9 12:01:01 man1 msec: changed mode of /var/log/news/nntpsend.log from
660 to 640
Jun  9 12:01:01 man1 msec: changed mode of
/var/log/samba/log.dstill-of-lapmd from 644 to 640
Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: loading configuration from
Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: /etc/named.conf:12: expected port number
or '*' near 'allow'
Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: reloading configuration failed: unexpected

Being an extreme newbie, I`m not sure what it all means...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Steven Broos
Sent: June 9, 2003 11:52 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

Did you try   tail -f /var/log/messageswhile restarting bind ?
I would like to know if it gives any error-messages...

I think there is a ; missing after the last bracket of your time-to-live
settings.  I never understood why it had to be there, but it had...

Maybe try your config-file this way? :
There could be errors in it, but maybe it puts you on the right track ?

$TTL 38400
@ IN  SOA (
38400 );
IN  MX  10

this should be a hostname in the domain   IN  A
this should be a hostname in the domain   IN  A
 #The previous line is not possible, because you use 2 times the same
 #IP address.  Use a CNAME instead of a A-record.
mailIN  CNAME   this should be a hostname already defined

I don't know what you are trying to do with the ilebranchee-thing.  You
need to put the hosts from your domain in this file, without the
domain-name, without a point after them.


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:27, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 In my file,  I  have the following contents: IN  SOA (
 38400 ) IN  NS IN  A IN  A  CNAME IN  MX  10

 Are there any other files that you would like to see?

 Yves Arsenault
 Carrefour Infotech
 5, Acadian Dr.
 Charlottetown, PEI
 C1C 1M2
 (902)368-1895 ext.242
 ICQ #117650823

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Steven Broos
 Sent: June 9, 2003 11:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] More about Bind...

 Can you give us more information about what you've done, what is in your
 config-files etc ?

 Some thing that goes through my mind now:
 - before restarting bind, open another terminal and do
   tail -f /var/log/messages
   It gives valueable information about possible errors.
 - Put your loopback in /etc/resolve.conf
 - use dig for DNS lookups


 On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 14:56, Yves Arsenault wrote:
  I have recently followed a tutorial in the webmin docs on configuring
  Bind DNS server, so I`ve added a domain and followed the tutorial as
  precisely as possible
  When I run host serverip

Re: [newbie] HIJACKED: Linux viruses

2003-06-09 Per discussione JoeHill
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 15:15:42 +0100
RichardA [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I think that's a wild exaggeration. I surfed for years using Win98 and
 never once had a problem. Admittedly I was cautious, and later started
 using Eudora, Opera and ZoneAlarm, but I started out with IE, OE etc.

same experience here, but unfortunately it's not currently relevant. If
you were using Win98 anything more than 3 years ago, you simply cannot
compare the two time-frames. With worms and virii, it is literally
reaching the point of exasperation with the majority of Windows users,
and that has been the situation since maybe mid 2001. The problem
certainly existed before that, obviously, but it's only been in the
years since XP was released that it's become so egregious, since it
includes so many features that enable users to do things like run an IIS
web server without knowing the slightest thing about it, and the dangers
involved. Steve Gibson was right, XP has been the worst thing to hit the
internet since spam.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 10:21:38 up 6 days,  8:25,  3 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.04

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[newbie] fonts

2003-06-09 Per discussione Rafe

Mandrake 9.1

My problem is that in some applications the fonts look washed out.  It usually 
looks like some form of Helvetica, but I am not sure.  How do I control the 
fonts that applications use in KDE?

KDE's control panel lets one change the fonts kde uses for menus and file 
names, but I need to control the fonts within an application.

I know this is very vague.  Any pointers on where to find information about 
fonts would be appreciated.

I seem to remember having this trouble on a linux system years ago and back 
then the solution including coping a bunch of fonts from a windows system and 
using them within Xwindows.  I kind of doubt that is still done, but please 
correct me if I am wrong.


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RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Per discussione Steven Broos
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:59, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: loading configuration from
 Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: /etc/named.conf:12: expected port number
 or '*' near 'allow'
 Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: reloading configuration failed: unexpected

Every line contains the process tat triggered the log-message.  Here are
the three last lines from named (the bind server)
Aparently, there is a fault in your configfile, at line 12.
- /etc/named.conf:12: expected port number or '*' near 'allow'

Now you can track that fault, and correct it.  When that's done, restart
named, again take a look at /var/log/messages, and keep on going until
it works :-)

I hope this helps.


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[newbie] How do I undate my urpmi database ?

2003-06-09 Per discussione John Richard Smith
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi GKT
no package named GKT
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]#  urpmi GKT
no package named GKT
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi GTK = 2.0.6
The following packages contain GTK: libAiksaurusGTK0 
libwxPythonGTK2.4-devel libwxPythonGTK2.4 perl-GTK-GtkHTML 
perl-GTK-GdkImlib libAiksaurusGTK0-devel perl-GTK-Glade 
perl-GTK-GdkPixbuf perl-GTK2-devel wxPythonGTK AiksaurusGTK 
perl-GTK-Gnome perl-GTK-GLArea wxGTK perl-GTK perl-GTK2
The following packages contain 2.0.6: libxfs1-devel Xdialog postfix 
xfsprogs libxfs1 apache2-mod_authenticache cvsweb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libAiksaurusGTK0 libwxPythonGTK2.4-devel 
libwxPythonGTK2.4 perl-GTK-GtkHTML perl-GTK-GdkImlib 
libAiksaurusGTK0-devel perl-GTK-Glade perl-GTK-GdkPixbuf perl-GTK2-devel 
wxPythonGTK AiksaurusGTK perl-GTK-Gnome perl-GTK-GLArea wxGTK perl-GTK 
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be 
installed (24 MB):
Is this OK? (Y/n) y
Installation failed, some files are missing:
You may want to update your urpmi database

So does that mean going back to main on easy to go through that long 
list of rebuilding ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Dear Steve: Time for Microsoft Linux?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 4:23 pm, Alan Dunford wrote:
 How can
  Microsoft participate in an open operating system? Two ways:
  First, by making it as robust an OS as possible.

Yes, well 


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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-09 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 5:03 pm, eric huff wrote:
Don't know, but it's 2.4.21-0.16 instead of 2.4.21-0.13m so I presume 
it's later.  I have both installed, but haven't seen any difference.


 Just curious:
 What exactly is different about the mm (multimedia, right?) kernel?

  Youcould try the mm kernel (it's on the disks).

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[newbie] Optimizing my system

2003-06-09 Per discussione Patrick Coffey
My question is pretty simple, I downloaded Quake III:Arena demo the other 
day to compare how it played in linux and in windows. To my surprise the 
intro and menus were very slow and choppy and the game pretty much didn't 
play it was so slow. So my question is, how do I check to see if I have the 
right video drivers loaded, and how else could I optimize my system. I'm 
running an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1.6Ghz with 256 MB DDR and a GeForce 4 ti 
4200 with 128mb.

Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

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Re: [newbie] Optimizing my system

2003-06-09 Per discussione Steven Broos
Install the nvidia drivers.  You can find them @
there should be info about how to install...

If you start X, you first get a NVIDIA splash-screen.  If you don't see
that, the correct drivers are not installed. 


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 18:36, Patrick Coffey wrote:
 My question is pretty simple, I downloaded Quake III:Arena demo the other 
 day to compare how it played in linux and in windows. To my surprise the 
 intro and menus were very slow and choppy and the game pretty much didn't 
 play it was so slow. So my question is, how do I check to see if I have the 
 right video drivers loaded, and how else could I optimize my system. I'm 
 running an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1.6Ghz with 256 MB DDR and a GeForce 4 ti 
 4200 with 128mb.
 Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Java in Netscape

2003-06-09 Per discussione rluchor

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 10:50, Troy Davidson wrote:

Hmmm...  that's strange.  I have never had to change permissions for the
plugins for my machine.  Are you running at a higher security level?  My
security level is default.

Strange indeed! My security level is also default (5?). I've tried 
changing permissions on netscape and netscape-bin to no avail. 

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

Follow the adventures of a 
real life computer and 
  gaming nerd!

** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **


 On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 09:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 22:13, Troy Davidson wrote: 
   Login as root, and go to this page:
   Download the plugin and you are all set.
  That did it, Troy - Thanks!
 Looks like I spoke too soon; the java plugins show as being installed in
 about plugins, but only work when I'm logged in as root.  How do I
 change permissions of the plugins so they work when I'm logged in as

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Re: [newbie] Scanner problem on mdk 9.1

2003-06-09 Per discussione Poogle
On Sunday 08 Jun 2003 H:24 pm, Marco Verheul wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 10:11, Poogle wrote:
   When I do  cat /proc/bus/usb/devices I get exactly that, except for the
   ProdID that is different from yours e26. My ProdID 0x208f is similar to
   that shown on so that part seems to be
   in order.
  Make sure that your snape50.bin is executable
  Now from the command line type   sane-find-scanner
  within the output from this you should see these lines (I've taken mine
  and put the id numbers for the e50 usb in)
  found USB scanner (vendor=0x06bd, product=0x208f) at /dev/usb/scanner0
  found USB scanner (vendor=0x06bd, product=0x208f) at libusb:002:002
  Now assuming you see this again from the command line type scanimage -L
  and you should get this:-
  device `snapscan:/dev/usb/scanner0' is a AGFA SNAPSCAN flatbed scanner
  If you don't get all or any of these results post your output here.

 Again the output is as you described above. No surprises there. It seems
 that whatever I do, my scanner is recognized, but that somehow
 Scannerdrake fails to add it to the list of configured scanners. Every
 time I try again, it doesn't find any configured scanners, only new

 Also I noticed that when I boot my machine, configuring the scanner and
 starting Xsane performs at a normal speed. When I try again, it takes
 much more time. It seems to me the hardware detection takes much longer.
 Is this an indication of something familiar?

I'm struggling now, assuming the following:-
you are using ..
sane-frontends version 1.0.10 -1mdk 
sane-backends version 1.0.11 -5mdk 
xsane version 0.90 -2mdk 
which come with 9.1
and that you have snape50.bin in your path and executable by you
and that sane-find-scanner and scanimage -L correctly find your scanner
it should work, this model is reported to work correctly.
Have you checked that you have permissions set to allow you 
access to group usb ? Have you tried to access it as root - TAKE CARE !
Finally a last desperate shot in the dark, is it really a model e50 or is it a 
newer variation that might not be supported - the e50 has been around for a 
while and may have been upgraded ?


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Re: [newbie] Dear Steve: Time for Microsoft Linux?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Steven Broos
I stopped reading half away, when i read MS Linux for the third time.
I don't like that... Not at all !

What MS needs to do, is making its own applications open source, so they
can be enhanced (and ported).
What I don't like, is MS building on a linux platform.  I think this
will give a whole new, negative dimension on so called open source.

Let MS focus on regular home-PC-users and basic desktop-systems, and let
linux for the people who want more...  There is no way MS (the cpy) can
work together with Linux, because the overall goals of both 'projects'
are too different.

I'm not against MS, but I'm pro linux!  Er... sometimes I am against MS


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 17:23, Alan Dunford wrote:
 A friend sent this to me - thought it might be of some interest!!!
   This story was printed fromZDNN   ,This message was forwarded 
 to you from ZDNet (
  Dear Steve: Time for Microsoft Linux?
  By David Coursey, AnchorDesk
  June 8, 2003 9:00 PM PT
  Dear Steve Ballmer:
  Concerning Linux and your memo/exhortation of June 4, I'm
  pleased to see you've finally recognized--publicly, at least--the
  threat posed to Microsoft by Linux.
  Some in the Linux community must imagine you with a sort of
  deer in the headlights look, not quite sure of your fate but
  certain it can't be good. They could see your memo as a
  legitimization of Linux, an admission by Goliath that David has a
  point after all. The Linux hardcore must be hooting and hollering
  and marking June 4 as a future national day of liberation from the
  evil empire.
  I THINK they have it backwards. I think Linux proponents are the
  ones who should be afraid.
  Why? Because Microsoft has been in this situation before and,
  once the battleship was turned, fought and won. Your company also
  ended up being declared a monopoly, making a deal with the feds, and
  spending large millions on legal fees. But what's that to
  Microsoft's multibillion-dollar war chest?
  You remember the fall of 1995? Back then, people thought
  Microsoft was hopelessly late in acknowledging the existence of
  something called the Internet. Competitors were popping up, the
  industry was abuzz, and Microsoft was nowhere to be found.
  As I remember, Microsoft had some important projects to finish
  the previous summer, in particular a little something called Windows
  95. But by December, once that had shipped and people had a chance
  to rest and regroup, Bill invited the media up to Microsoft for a
  talk about the Internet.
  That turned out to be one of the most fateful days in personal
  computing history. Bill told several hundred reporters that
  Microsoft wouldn't be building Internet products. Instead, it
  would be putting the Internet into all Microsoft products. Every
  future Microsoft product would have Internet capabilities
  NOW, I'M NOT SURE your June 4 memo is the same war cry I heard
  nearly eight years ago. But if I were Linux and faced with the
  prospect of Microsoft throwing everything it could at me, I'd
  find some way to get out of your path.
  Here's my suggestion for how Microsoft should deal with Linux:
  Don't beat 'em, join 'em.
  Do a release of MS Linux. Create Office for Linux. Improve Linux
  support in your development tools. Do such a good job of
  embracing and extending Linux that the world won't care when you
  essentially annex it for your own. A more cynical person than myself
  might add: Then you can kill it. I won't, because I believe Linux
  deserves to live.
  I think this is the only way Microsoft can both give its
  customers what they want and manage the threat Linux poses on
  something approaching your own terms.
  The first question people will immediately ask is: How can
  Microsoft participate in an open operating system? Two ways:
  First, by making it as robust an OS as possible. Second, by
  creating a collection of services and applications that run atop
  Linux that only Microsoft controls.
  The goal here is to shift the competition away from commodity
  operating systems running on commodity computers. Instead, you
  should compete on services that sit atop the OS, tools to build
  applications for it, and integration between the OS and other
  servers and desktops in the Microsoft world.
  The second inevitable question: What about Linux on the desktop?
  While Apple has proven with OS X that a really great desktop can
  be built atop Unix, I'm not sure how far Microsoft wants to go
  down this road. There should probably be an Office for MS Linux,
  because some people will want to run Office on Linux desktops.
  But I'd probably stop there.
  BY ADOPTING Linux as its own, Microsoft can 

RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Per discussione Yves Arsenault

Thanks Steven

You know what, the small error on that line was the only thing causing the

Thanks a million!



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Steven Broos
Sent: June 9, 2003 12:15 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:59, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: loading configuration from
 Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: /etc/named.conf:12: expected port number
 or '*' near 'allow'
 Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: reloading configuration failed:

Every line contains the process tat triggered the log-message.  Here are
the three last lines from named (the bind server)
Aparently, there is a fault in your configfile, at line 12.
- /etc/named.conf:12: expected port number or '*' near 'allow'

Now you can track that fault, and correct it.  When that's done, restart
named, again take a look at /var/log/messages, and keep on going until
it works :-)

I hope this helps.


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Re: [newbie] DSL

2003-06-09 Per discussione RichardA
On 08 Jun 2003 17:53:26 -0700
Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone Know of a DSL provider here in the Bay Area
 that if not supporting Linux is at least linux Friendly?
 eg. easy to set up under Mandrake

Which Bay Area? Whitley Bay?

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-09 Per discussione Guy Rouillier
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 1:02 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:

On Sunday 08 June 2003 11:46 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:

Where can I find later versions of the kernel for 9.1?  I'm
experiencing the ldm_validate_partition_table problem.  I've
looked on both pbone and rpmfind and neither of them appears to
have new versions.  pbone actually did have one a couple months
ago (which unfortunately did not solve the problem), but now I
can't find one there.  Thanks.  BTW, I searched MandrakeClub and
didn't find anything there either.
There has not been an official kernal update for 9.1 yet.  You
would have to try and build your own, or you could also try the
Cooker kernel.  If you do try the cookwe kernel, make sure you
install it without removing your old kernel so you can boot back to
it if stuff desn't work.

Youcould try the mm kernel (it's on the disks). Why are you wanting 
this, though?  The  ldm_validate_partition_table problem only refers 
to the fact that there isn't a disk in a removable drive - it's 
harmless.  Or is there something else?
Thanks all for the replies.  I tried a 16 kernel that I had found on 
pbone, but it does not fix the problem.  According to this fix is only in 
versions 17 and later.

Anne, you are correct in that this appears to be a nuisance only, and 
not a malfunction.  But it is enough of a nuisance that I'd like to fix 
it.  It causes about a 30-second pause (old hardware 233 MHz dual 
Pentium MMX) in multiple places during boot-up, then another similar 
pause when I log on.

I'll try Greg's suggestion and see if I can get a later kernel from cooker.


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Re: [newbie] Optimizing my system

2003-06-09 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 09 June 2003 12:36 pm, Patrick Coffey wrote:
 My question is pretty simple, I downloaded Quake III:Arena demo the other
 day to compare how it played in linux and in windows. To my surprise the
 intro and menus were very slow and choppy and the game pretty much didn't
 play it was so slow. So my question is, how do I check to see if I have the
 right video drivers loaded, and how else could I optimize my system. I'm
 running an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1.6Ghz with 256 MB DDR and a GeForce 4 ti
 4200 with 128mb.

 Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Grab the Nvidia drivers, installation is a snap on the latest version.

Quake 3 flies here. (well, it did under 9.0 - I've not tried it yet under 


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] urpmi: You may want to update your urpmi database

2003-06-09 Per discussione RichardA
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 16:49:25 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check your mirror for 9.0 contrib is still there. A lot of the 9.0
 mirrors have been disappearing off the web recently.

Got it - the message isn't update the details of your sources, it's
update the actual sources you use.

I'll do that. Thanks.

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Per discussione Steven Broos
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 18:57, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 Thanks Steven
 You know what, the small error on that line was the only thing causing the
 Thanks a million!

I'm glad I finally could help someone.  Most of my answers are too dumb
to remember :)


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Re: [newbie] HIJACKED: Linux viruses

2003-06-09 Per discussione RichardA
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 10:26:55 -0400
JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 15:15:42 +0100
 RichardA [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I think that's a wild exaggeration. I surfed for years using Win98
  and never once had a problem. Admittedly I was cautious, and later
  started using Eudora, Opera and ZoneAlarm, but I started out with
  IE, OE etc.
 same experience here, but unfortunately it's not currently relevant.
 If you were using Win98 anything more than 3 years ago, you simply
 cannot compare the two time-frames. With worms and virii, it is
 literally reaching the point of exasperation with the majority of
 Windows users, and that has been the situation since maybe mid 2001.
 The problem certainly existed before that, obviously, but it's only
 been in the years since XP was released that it's become so egregious,
 since it includes so many features that enable users to do things like
 run an IIS web server without knowing the slightest thing about it,
 and the dangers involved. Steve Gibson was right, XP has been the
 worst thing to hit the internet since spam.
  Registered Linux user #282046
  10:21:38 up 6 days,  8:25,  3 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.04

Good point. I haven't used Windows at home for a while.
I think the IIS thing started in Win2K. Our install instructions at work
say tell it not to install IIS, then turn off the IIS it installed.

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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Re: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-09 Per discussione Charlie
quoting Anne Wilson's missive of Monday 09 June 2003 04:41 am:

  Installing Linux. The biggest % was installing the packages. It
  took A LONG time. 200 MHz 32 MB. I used the CDs.


If I recall correctly that machine is your server? How much more than 'just 
server' packages did you install? Office packages, graphics packages, audio 
packages, firewall, etc.? How many different desktops? KDE, GNOME, what else? 
Did any of that extra software get installed from your (1) Windows install 
disk? Do you think the sheer _size_ of the install on that limited system may 
have had some effect on how long it took? Installing three or four times the 
number of applications may actually TAKE three or four times as long? On the 
same machine?

 That really is odd.  I installed 9.0 on a really ancient AMD board
 (around 5 years old) in around 45 minutes.  It has a 400 processor
 and 128 MB ram - nothing specially good and a lot that's not good.
 It's very slow doing some things, but it works.

 Can't imagine what took so long.


Hey! Easy with that 'ancient board' crack Anne. This system was built in early 
1999. Or late 1998, I can never recall. But I resemble that ancient remark. 

Yeah, that's a slow processor Cody is using alright. But it ain't the problem. 
Check out the difference in RAM between what you installed on and what Cody 
had trouble with. Then remember the minimum specs for Mandrake 8.1. If I 
remember correctly it was 64 MB minimum recommended, but I'm not going to dig 
the box out of the closet to check. May actually have been double that. g

As a check; I never had much luck with 8.1. I didn't run it for very long 
before I cookered this box. Hangs, X crashes, *very* slow operation. I had 
512 MB of memory when I installed it then I added another 512. I had to cut 
it back to 768 total because of a failing memory slot but just 
didn't like my system. Or me. ;-)

With only 32 MB of physical memory I'm surprised it installed at all. 9.0 or 
9.1 wouldn't, not if one planned to use the graphical installer. You *might* 
get disk 1 to install but 2 and 3 wouldn't be available; no memory to hold 
the package lists and the GUI.


If you want to learn, and to be able to run any GNU/Linux distribution, might 
I suggest that you start with basics? System requirements are published for a 
reason, errata pages are published for a reason. 
notMail lists such as this exist so that smart @$$ people such as myself can 
hang around to offer unhelpful help to try advising you on how to make things 
There are a number of (lots actually, and you may have pissed one or more of 
them off yesterday) truly helpful and intelligent people that answer 
questions on these lists. As volunteers. Because they believe in the ideals 
exemplified by the availability of distributions such as Mandrake. Added 
factor: they really like to help.

It requires a minimum commitment on your part. You need to actually _read_ and 
give thought to the information that's made available though, or that someone 
offers links to for you. I don't think anyone actually expects you or anybody 
else to get it on the first go; but I do think you're expected to try, and 
ask more questions when you need to. Don't just start the Windows is better 
as a subconscious defence against feeling inadequate. That's old and tired, 
we've all seen far too much of it.

If Windows is really your thang have fun. Just don't expect very many people 
that read this, or any other like list, to agree with you. From the post I 
originally quoted from:

 It took 4 hours to install MDK 8.1, and 60 mins for Windoze.

On that same machine? A working Windows install? With all of the extras 
you installed from the Mandrake disks?

In 60 minutes on that hardware? Wellno. Very unlikely. Try again.

Comparisons are only as useful as the basic premise allows them to be. This 
one may not reflect reality.

Final thoughts on this subject then I'm outta here; how much would all of the 
software/server packages you installed have cost you from Microsoft? How much 
did it cost you from Mandrake? What have you paid for the training you've 
been offered here?

Edmonton,AB,Canada Registered user 244963 at
Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo (cooked)
10:44:05 up 27 days, 2:48, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.04, 0.01
Have a nice day!

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Re: [newbie] Dear Steve: Time for Microsoft Linux?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Mike Larson
Another typical stupid article by David Coursey to generate more hits 
for ZDNet.

M$ is in business solely for the purpose of squeezing the most $ 
possible from the locked in users of their monopolistic and proprietary 
OS. They would never (willingly) have anything to do with open source. 
If someday Linux has 90% of the market, they might reconsider, but by 
that time their stock price would be approaching zero and it wouldn't 



Alan Dunford wrote:
A friend sent this to me - thought it might be of some interest!!!

   	This story was printed fromZDNN   ,This message was forwarded 
to you from ZDNet (

 Dear Steve: Time for Microsoft Linux?
 By David Coursey, AnchorDesk
 June 8, 2003 9:00 PM PT
 Dear Steve Ballmer:

 Concerning Linux and your memo/exhortation of June 4, I'm
 pleased to see you've finally recognized--publicly, at least--the

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[newbie] Apache question

2003-06-09 Per discussione Yves Arsenault

Hello again,

I'm pleased to report that my site now comes up, Bind works well, Apache
works well.

Now when I type in the IP address in my browser the website comes up by

How do I set the IP to point to another page?

Thanks again,

Yves Arsenault
Carrefour Infotech
5,promenade Acadian
Charlottetown, IPE
C1C 1M2
(902)368-1895 ext.242
ICQ #117650823

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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-09 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Monday June 9 2003 11:03 am, eric huff wrote:
 Just curious:
 What exactly is different about the mm (multimedia, right?)
 kernel? eric

   For most users, more advanced/better supermount and the low 
latency and preempt patches.  The cooker ready made rpm should have 
no problems on older releases. One of the rare times cooker is 
suitable in this regard. Latest is  2.4.21-0.18mm-mdk  on cooker 
/contrib (RPM2) mirrors.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] linux game help

2003-06-09 Per discussione Tango Echo

Well first ya gonna need Internet for counter-strike

But after you get that, try this HOWTO for installing
WineX - its what you need to play...

--- Saud N. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i put in my coutnerstrike cd and i  want to know how
 to run setup.exec lol sounds NOOB but i just now
 converted form windows and have no internet
 connection on theat comoputer 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

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Re: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-09 Per discussione Cody Harris

At 12:10 PM 6/9/2003 -0600, you wrote:
quoting Anne Wilson's missive of
Monday 09 June 2003 04:41 am:
  Installing Linux. The biggest % was installing the packages.
  took A LONG time. 200 MHz 32 MB. I used the CDs.
If I recall correctly that machine is your server? How much more than
server' packages did you install? Office packages, graphics packages,
packages, firewall, etc.? How many different desktops? KDE, GNOME, what
Did any of that extra software get installed from your (1) Windows
disk? Do you think the sheer _size_ of the install on that limited system
have had some effect on how long it took? Installing three or four times
number of applications may actually TAKE three or four times as long? On
same machine?
I installed most things, because it was just a server

 That really is odd. I
installed 9.0 on a really ancient AMD board
 (around 5 years old) in around 45 minutes. It has a 400
 and 128 MB ram - nothing specially good and a lot that's not
 It's very slow doing some things, but it works.

 Can't imagine what took so long.

Hey! Easy with that 'ancient board' crack Anne. This system was built in
1999. Or late 1998, I can never recall. But I resemble that
ancient remark. 
Yeah, that's a slow processor Cody is using alright. But it ain't the
Check out the difference in RAM between what you installed on and what
had trouble with. Then remember the minimum specs for Mandrake 8.1. If I

remember correctly it was 64 MB minimum recommended, but I'm not going to
the box out of the closet to check. May actually have been double that.
As a check; I never had much luck with 8.1. I didn't run it for very long

before I cookered this box. Hangs, X crashes, *very* slow
operation. I had 
512 MB of memory when I installed it then I added another 512. I had to
it back to 768 total because of a failing memory slot but just

didn't like my system. Or me. ;-)
With only 32 MB of physical memory I'm surprised it installed at all. 9.0
9.1 wouldn't, not if one planned to use the graphical installer. You
get disk 1 to install but 2 and 3 wouldn't be available; no memory to
the package lists and the GUI.
If you want to learn, and to be able to run any GNU/Linux distribution,
I suggest that you start with basics? System requirements are published
for a 
reason, errata pages are published for a reason. 
notMail lists such as this exist so that smart @$$ people such as
myself can 
hang around to offer unhelpful help to try advising you on how to make
There are a number of (lots actually, and you may have pissed one or more
them off yesterday) truly helpful and intelligent people that answer

questions on these lists. As volunteers. Because they believe in the
exemplified by the availability of distributions such as Mandrake. Added

factor: they really like to help.
It requires a minimum commitment on your part. You need to actually
_read_ and 
give thought to the information that's made available though, or that
offers links to for you. I don't think anyone actually expects you or
else to get it on the first go; but I do think you're
expected to try, and 
ask more questions when you need to. Don't just start the Windows
is better 
as a subconscious defence against feeling inadequate. That's old and
we've all seen far too much of it.
If Windows is really your thang have fun. Just don't expect
very many people 
that read this, or any other like list, to agree with you. From the post
originally quoted from:
 It took 4 hours to install MDK 8.1, and 60 mins for
On that same machine? A working Windows install? With all of
the extras 
you installed from the Mandrake disks?
In 60 minutes on that hardware? Wellno. Very unlikely. Try
Comparisons are only as useful as the basic premise allows them to be.
one may not reflect reality.
Final thoughts on this subject then I'm outta here; how much would all of
software/server packages you installed have cost you from Microsoft? How
did it cost you from Mandrake? What have you paid for the
training you've 
been offered here?
Edmonton,AB,Canada Registered user 244963 at
Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo (cooked)
10:44:05 up 27 days, 2:48, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.04, 0.01
Have a nice day!

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-Cody Harris
| Linux Rox My Sox! |
| Check out HCHS! |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server. |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598 |

| Registered Linux Computer #200951 |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

[newbie] Keys for Contrib packages?

2003-06-09 Per discussione Tango Echo
Hi all,

I have recently decided to install the package
chkrootkit after hearing it can be a useful tool with
security.  However when I do so I receive an error:

The following packaages have bad signatures:
full path ../chkrootkit-0.39-1mdk.i586.rpm

I have been told I need the keys for the contrib
packages.  I'm not sure this is accurate.  But I am
sure that I do not want any errors like this when
installing chkrootkit (plz dont' tell me to just
ignore it) Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] urpmi updates - Bad signatures

2003-06-09 Per discussione Charlie
quoting Trey Sizemore's missive of Sunday 08 June 2003 09:13 pm:
 Trying to update my system using 'urpmi --auto --auto-select' and I'm
 getting the message on several packages:

 The following packages have bad signatures:
   --Lists of packages

 If I suspect these are actually good packages, is there a way to get
 them installed?  They are from Cooker and Texstart mostly (GAIM,
 Apache2, etc.)


The cooker do know running cooker packages on a 9.1 
system is a good way to break things I'm certain. Not all, but some anyway.

For Tex packages it's easier. Just import his keys. From PCLinuxonline:
GPG Key Instructions

Rpmdrake requires the maker of the rpm to sign their rpms. Here is how to 
download and install my gpg key.
my pubring.gpg key for Linux Mandrake 9.1
Drop to the console and su to root.
Type: gpg --import pubring.gpg
Thats it! Now when installing my rpms via rpmdrake you will no longer get 
invalid or not signed warnings.

Edmonton,AB,Canada Registered user 244963 at
Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo (cooked)
12:55:10 up 27 days, 4:59, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.15, 0.08
Human beings were created by water to transport it uphill.

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Re: [newbie] Keys for Contrib packages?

2003-06-09 Per discussione JoeHill
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 12:08:18 -0700 (PDT)
Tango Echo [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 (plz dont' tell me to just ignore it)


 Registered Linux user #282046
 15:14:51 up 6 days, 13:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Whilst on the music files subject

2003-06-09 Per discussione Inhabitant of Zion

I downloaded and compiled the atest version but it does funny things when I use it.

Pity they can't write a nice GUI like there is for windows that you just drag and drop 
the files into and they get converted to wav in a folder on the drive.

Can't be too hard to do surely?

Anyway I decided the music was not worth me going to the effort of booting windows and 
having it crash 3 times to get them converted so I binned them.


On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 15:40:59 +0100
RichardA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 10:41:13 +0100
 Inhabitant of Zion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have some shn files on my system and can't seem to find a program
  that will deal with them and that works.
 shn - lossless compressed wav file format. Xmms will play them with a
 plugin, or a tool called shorten translates between shn and wav.
 I've seen a MDK 9.0 package of shorten, but I think the licence means it
 won't be in the default distro (the licence is 'free for non-commercial
 use' rather than free as in fries, sorry freedom).
 Registered Linux user 246658 at

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I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me. 

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Re: [newbie] Texstar' version of KDE

2003-06-09 Per discussione Keith Powell
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 11:53 am, Miark wrote:
 Hi Keith,

 The improvements are because of what KDE people did between 3.1 and 3.1.2,
 which you can read about at From that you can decide which bugs,
 if any, affect you and whether it's worth a lengthy download.


 On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 16:19:20 + Keith Powell   I am running KDE3.1.0 as 
came with 9.1, but I see that Texstar has a
  version 3.1.2.
  Are there many improvements in his version? I have only got a dial-up
  connection, so the download would take several hours and I want to be
  certain that it would be worth it.

Hello Miark.

Thanks for the information.

I thought that perhaps Texstar had done some work on KDE3.1.2 and it was 
different to the one from KDE. That is why I asked.

I'll look at the KDE site and then decide what to do.



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Re[2]: [newbie] Spammers

2003-06-09 Per discussione rikona
Hello Robin,

Sunday, June 8, 2003, 11:02:21 PM, you wrote:

 A question: does SA come with a separate set of 'rules', as
 SpamBouncer did? If not, how is it updated? Does the entire program
 get updated to keep up with the spammers?

RT IIRC it uses Vipul's razor.

Nice - more sophisticated than just rules. Might explain why it works
so well.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] X crashing problem

2003-06-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 09:53 AM 6/9/2003 -0400, you wrote:
On Monday 09 June 2003 07:20 am, ed tharp wrote:

 what about agp memory aperture?

I have a 64 meg Ti4200 Nvidia card so I set the aperture to 64 megs.

Is that okay?


 Dark Lord
i don't know if it applies to linux but in windows 128 is normal...not 
matter what size your video ram is.  Tho 64 is safe if you feel 128 is 
pushing it too hard.

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] FTP Access

2003-06-09 Per discussione Cody Harris

Could someone give me off list assistance with ProFTPD? I know this is
the wrong place but...

-Cody Harris
| Linux Rox My Sox! |
| Check out HCHS! |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server. |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598 |

| Registered Linux Computer #200951 |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

RE: [newbie] Mini ITX form factor

2003-06-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 10:00 AM 6/9/2003 -0400, you wrote:

I had 7.2, 8.x and 9.x all running at one time or another on a mini ITX 
with 1.0Ghz Celeron.  All installed without much difficulty.  I agree with 
the below observation that they aren't all that good at graphics, but 
they're more that up to OGG/MP3 etc.

BTW, anyone got a lead on a miniITX with 12V porew input, or a 12V power 
supply for one?  I've got a desire to build a car-toy, and a house-wide 
UPS with 12V output (saves on the losses to convert up to 110 just to 
convert back down)

Shuttle computers.
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Copy/paste question

2003-06-09 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 11:56 AM 6/9/2003 +0100, you wrote:
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 6:44 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Hey gang. In all Mandrake versions before 9.1, I was able to
 highlight text in a shell then paste it into kedit.

 Under 9.1 I can't do this. Is there a workaround? Thanks!
Hi, Ronald.  Have you checked the clipboard?  For some strange reason
it doesn't always select the entry you just made.  You may find it's
there, but you have to click on it to activate it.
in my case clipper doesn't always show it up!  Period!  I check klipper it 
doesn't exist there either!  very very frustrating when copying from 
evolution to browser bar. :\
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re[2]: [newbie] Privacy in linux?

2003-06-09 Per discussione rikona
Hello Derek,

Sunday, June 8, 2003, 11:28:06 PM, you wrote:

DJ In my experience privoxy works great out of the box for the vast
DJ majority of sites.

Nice to hear. Ever use Proxomitron in Win? If so, how does it compare?

DJ (Although I think the latest Opera7.11 no longer has that issue
DJ anyway, and is in my opinion a *seriously* good browser)

Agreed, I like Opera too, but have not upgraded yet. :-)

DJ After using privoxy for some time I am always shocked when I use a computer 
DJ away from home at how many adverts there are around the web. Privoxy makes 
DJ surfing much more peaceful :-)

That was exactly my experience in surfing with linux. :-) I haven't
seen all that flashing junk for years. I really need to fix it.

Do you use a host file and/or DNS filtering as well?

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Copy/paste question

2003-06-09 Per discussione Paul
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 21:51, FemmeFatale wrote:
 in my case clipper doesn't always show it up!  Period!  I check klipper it 
 doesn't exist there either!  very very frustrating when copying from 
 evolution to browser bar. :\

Easiest to copy from Evo that I found: right-click the link, select
'copy link location', switch to browser, do Ctrl-L / Ctrl-V (works for
netscape and mozilla anyway)

Paul (back from vacation)

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Any month whose name contains the letter A, E, or U 
is the proper time for chocolate. 
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