[newbie-it] File Manager sempre in crash !!!

2001-01-22 Per discussione pacmo

Ho aggiornato la Mandrake alla 7.2, tutto ok, ma il 
file manager non parte. Mi apre una finestra di Konqueror dicendo che è andato 
in crash con un errore di segnale 11 su Siginit. Ho provato a reinstallare KDE 
2, ma il problema persiste. Ho guardato nei pacchetti installati relativi a 
Konqueror e precisamente : kdebase, kdelibs, kdesupport e ho trovato installato 
kdebase 1.1.2-61 e kdebase 2.0-2
kdelibs 1.1.2-19 e 2.0-5
kdesupport 1.1.2-17 e 2.0
Cosa posso fare per farlo funzionare ? 

L'update non ha dato alcun problema.
Pier Antonio

[newbie-it] Aggiornare a kde 2.0.1 per crash ?

2001-01-22 Per discussione pacmo

Come ho detto in alcune mie mail precedenti non 
riesco ad utilizzare con il nuovo kde 2 il file managere ora mi accorgo 
neppure il Kpanel. Ho cercato nel Database dei bug ed ho visto che sono 
bug di konqueror. Nel Cd di Linux  c c'è la versione di kde 2.0.1 che 
dovrebbe sistemare alcuni innominati bug. Volevo sapere ?
Qualcuno di voi sa che bug sistema 
quest'aggiornamento ?
Mi consigliate di aggiornarla ?
Eventualmente il disinstallare kde 2 e reinstallare 
la vecchia versione darebbe controindicazioni con Mandrake 7.2 ?
Grazie mille
Pier Antonio

Re: R: [newbie-it] I: Urgesi moduli

2001-01-22 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Germano wrote:
 Forse ho cantato vittoria prima del tempo. Ho eseguito i comandi che mi hai
 consigliato, ma con esito tragico.Ho cercato di capire prima cosa mettere al
 posto dei "" in " rpm -qlp kernelrpm" con "rpm -qi kernel" ed 
 uscito fuori che il nome del pacchetto  "kernel-2.2.15-4mdk.src.rpm". 
Non ci siamo capiti.
Io davo per scontato che, se vuoi i moduli compilati, devi cercarli 
nel pacchetto rpm del kernel compilato e non in quello dei
Quindi devi cercare in qualcosa tipo "kernel-..versione...-4mdk.586.rpm"

 Il problema  la "p" nelle opzioni perch il pacchetto kernel  installato
 completamente e quindi secondo lui non c' nient' altro da
"-qlp" significa di cercare (query) la lista (l) dei file
contenuti in un package.rpm (p).
Ossia "rpm -ql pippo" ti dice cosa risulta gia` installato col pacchetto
pippo controllando nel data base di rpm. 
"rpm -qlp pippo-4.5.5.mdk.586.rpm" cosa e` contenuto, pronto per essere
installato,  nel file del pacchetto leggendo nell'elenco presente nel
file pippo-4.5.5.mdk.586.rpm .

Il tutto serviva per appurare da quale file.rpm puoi estrarre
i moduli che ti servivano.

Un modo alternativo, visto che i moduli figurano come installati 
nel tuo database di rpm e` dare
"rpm -qf /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/misc/hisax.o"

 Infatti quei moduli li avevo installati ma poi cancellati a mano.
 E' possibile che il pacchetto sia solo nel Cd?

se li hai cancellati dal disco e` difficile (quasi impossibile)
recuperarli. Devi riprenderteli dal CD.

 Se  cos come prendere da l solo ci che mi serve?

Una volta che ti sei assicurato che quello che cerchi e`
effettivamente in quel file lo estrai con "mc" o con una delle
sue varianti kde/gnome: "kmc" o "gmc". O, volendo fare
il "duro" con rpm2cpio.

 S invece  anche nell' hard disk dov' e come fare a dirgli che voglio
 reinstallare un file precedentemente istallato?

forse e` ancora anche sull'hrd disk. Pero`, cancellandolo tu hai
detto al filesystem che quell'area di disco non e` piu` "riservata"
a quel file. Quindi potrebbe essere stata usata per scriverci sopra
qualcos'altro. Per recuperarlo dovresti capire qual'e` l'inode
da cui partiva la memorizzazione del file e poi, con un editor
esadecimale, sperando che sia tutto contiguo, recuperarlo.
Sono cose che si fanno quando si e` disperati e quello che si
cerca non e` recuperabile altrimenti (dati personali).
Il punto piu` difficile per un file binario e` capire esattamente
dove inizia e dove finisce.
ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] I: I: ATT.NE NEW VIRUS !!!

2001-01-22 Per discussione bosva

Qualcuno sta trasmettendo un salvaschermo
molto carino con le rane della
birra Budweiser.
* Se lo installi, perderai tutto!
* Il disco rigido si rovinerà e qualcuno da internet vi toglierà

* E' uscito ieri. Per favore, distribuite questo messaggio.
* E' un virus nuovo e perverso del quale poca gente ha sentito
* Quest'informazione e stata diffusa dalla Microsoft ieri mattina.
* Per favore, condividi quest'informazione con tutti quelli che
conosci e che navigano in internet.
* Invia questo messaggio a TUTTE le persone di cui hai l'indirizzo
e-mail per frenare quest'espansione!
* America On Line ha detto che si tratta di un virus
pericoloso e che per il momento

veramente al lavoro già un paio di mac (un cube, ed un i-mac) hanno
scaricato ed installato un salvaschermo con le rane della budwaiser...da almeno
un paio di mesi...e finora non è successo nulla...
ciao, osva

[newbie-it] Asuscom isdnlink 128k interno

2001-01-22 Per discussione caterina

Con Mandrake 7.2 riconosce detta scheda che  interna, per la connessione 
Durante l'installazione configuro per la connessione, ma poi non trovo come 
fare a connettermi, anche se clicco su DrakConf, digito la password di root, 
poi clicco su Configurazione internet e rete locale e subito dopo sono 
connessa a internet con la linea isdn.
Con kisdn, non riesco a capire, perch dopo che lo avvio la prima volta non 
si riavvia pi, in pi non s come funziona e come impostarlo (se deve essere 
fatto) anche perch dopo il primo riavvio non si apre pi e non si intalla 
Se qualcuno ha un metodo pi semplice per connettersi a internet con la linea 
isdn con la suddetta scheda, vi prego aiutatemi.
Con kppp, non riesco ad arrivare alla connessione, sente la linea isdn ma non 
arriva a connettersi.

Re: [newbie-it] stampante CANON BJC 5100

2001-01-22 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Francesco Speranza wrote:
 purtroppo credo che non ci sia nulla da fare ... se vai su list printer del
 sito di Mandrake la 5100 risulta fra quelle non funzionanti ...
 probabilmente a causa di un software proprietario della Canon a menocche'
 questa non rilasci un software specifico.

Per sicurezza controlla su www.linuxprinting.org.

Mandrake riporta solo le periferiche sicuramente funzionanti.
Linuxprinting anche quelle che funzionicchiano con opportuni
accorgimenti. E spiega come fare.

Se pero` Linuxprinting te la classifica "paperweight", allora
puoi usarla solo come fermacarte :-(
Salvo che, in futuro, tutto puo` accadere.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] masterizzatore ide

2001-01-22 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Salve a tutti. Scusatemi se vi chiedo cose che vi verranno sicuramente
fuori per le orecchie ma sono in un vicolo cieco. Ho una mandrake 7.1
installata prima di acquistare il masterizzatore,un volta fatto
l'acquisto (TEAC CD-W54E ide/atapi), ho montato l'hardware e ho avviato
la macchina. A un certo punto del boot è partita un'applicazione che mi
ha riconosciuto il dispositivo come cd-rom.Finito il boot però non vedo
il masterizzatore (da kde) e tantomeno riesco a configurarlo in
xcdroast. Ho letto un pò di HOW-TO, si parla di ricompilare il kernel,
di attivare l'emulazione ide-scsi ecc... ,ma niente da fare, dopo ore
di smanettamento sono punto e a capo.Sul sito di zio budda c'è scritto
addirittura che dalla Mandrake 7 in poi non c'è bisogno di ricompilare
il kernel,ma bisogna solo configurare xcdroast. Se qualcuno è già
riuscito a sbrogliarsi da questa matassa, e vuol darmi una mano lo
ringrazio già da adesso. Ciao e scusate la prolissità.

[newbie-it] Netscape e ISDN

2001-01-22 Per discussione root


Una volta configurata perfettamente la scheda ISDN e attivata la
connessione dalla finestra di configurazione di Mandrake (non mi ricordo
il nome... forse  "drak conf"?), faccio partire Netscape o altri browser
e tutti ignorano il fatto che la connessione sia gi attiva, dandomi
quindi dei messaggi di errore ad ogni mia richiesta di visualizzazione
pagnie web.

Come fare?



[newbie-it] Aiuto per kde

2001-01-22 Per discussione pacmo

Scusate se "rompo" ancora, ma il problema è il 
Dopo l'update a Mandrake 7.2. ho problemi di crash 
su determinate applicazioni di kde (file manager, kpanel )
Ho provato a installare l'update a kde 2.0.1 con il 
rpm -F *.rpm poi il rebuilddb ed infine 
update-menus .
Mi dà un errore di dipendenza in riferimento alcuni 
A questo punto sono andato nuovamente a controllare 
cosa c'è di installato nei miei rpm di kde e qui trovo un po' di versione 
1... ed un po' di versione 2.0. Qualcuno doppio.
Per esempio kdebase risulta solo la versione 
Ora mi chiedevo, anzi vi chiedo.
Se disinstallo i pacchetti con la versione 
precedente creo dei "casini" ?
E' meglio che disinstalli interamente kde ed 
installi da zero la versione 2.0 ? 
Insomma cosa mi consigliate di fare ?
Grazie mille
Pier Antonio

[newbie-it] perdita tabella partizioni

2001-01-22 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tentando di caricare mandrake 7.2 ad un certo punto è apparso lo
slogan:"error loading ramdisk",proseguendo nell'installazione il
sistema mi dice che non riesce più a leggere la tabella delle
partizioni e che continuare sarebbe a mio rischio. A questo punto esco
dall'installazione, riavvio e grub si ferma col prompt:"grub".Dopo
prove e riprove capisco che effettivamente la tabella partizioni è
sputtanata. C'è la possibilità di recuperarla? Prima la situazione era
così:hd da 15 gb con due partizioni win (c: e d:)e una partizione ext2
per linux.grazie a chi vorrà aiutarmi (sono disperato :-( ).

Re: [newbie-it] perdita tabella partizioni

2001-01-22 Per discussione Stefano Pessini

Ma  sputtanata la tabella delle partizioni o  solo grub che non riesce a
far eseguire correttamente il boot?
Se ho capito bene tu non riesci pi ad avviare il pc neanche in Windows per
via del fatto che grub si impianta.

Se  cos ti  sufficiente farti fare un dischetto di boot DOS da un amico
(se non ce l'hai gi tu).
Avvia il pc con il dischetto di DOS dove hai copiato sopra anche il
programma fdisk (fdisk.exe).
Gi da qui puoi vedere se il DOS riconosce le tue partizioni C: e D:
Se le vede digita:

fdisk /mbr

questo comando ripristina il master boot record originale eliminando grub,
dopo ci il pc riparte in Windows senza passare da nessun bootloader.
...a meno che la tua tabella delle partizioni non sia realmente

in bocca al lupo, Stefano.

- Original Message -
To: "newbie-it linux-mandrake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:16 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] perdita tabella partizioni

Tentando di caricare mandrake 7.2 ad un certo punto  apparso lo
slogan:"error loading ramdisk",proseguendo nell'installazione il
sistema mi dice che non riesce pi a leggere la tabella delle
partizioni e che continuare sarebbe a mio rischio. A questo punto esco
dall'installazione, riavvio e grub si ferma col prompt:"grub".Dopo
prove e riprove capisco che effettivamente la tabella partizioni 
sputtanata. C' la possibilit di recuperarla? Prima la situazione era
cos:hd da 15 gb con due partizioni win (c: e d:)e una partizione ext2
per linux.grazie a chi vorr aiutarmi (sono disperato :-( ).

[newbie-it] Settaggio Video

2001-01-22 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Ho un monitor Philips 15 brillance e una scheda 
video NVIDIA TNT2 64 , ma lo schermo e' leggermente spostato a destra per cui la 
barra di scorrimento e' parzialmente coperta e sono costretto a spostare le 
finestre leggermente a sinistra.Con Drakconf. non riesco a risolvere il problema 
in quanto non c'e' un settaggio ottimale ,da notare pero' che quando chiedo il 
test video lo schermo per circa 1-2 secondi ritorna ad uno stato 
perfettamentenormale , quindi presumo che linux non riesca da solo a 
settare il video. Ho provato con kvideogen per modificare il file XF86Conf 
modificando il file con un editor ma mi e' andata male (per fortuna avevo una 
copia ...a proposito.. quale editor mi conviene usare??? se dovessi 
riprovare..) ; su un HOWTO mi consigliano di utilizzare xvidtune .. ma dove lo 
trovo ??? e' forsenel programma di linux e se si dove ?
Vi prego di aiutarmi 

Re: [newbie-it] perdita tabella partizioni

2001-01-22 Per discussione pacmo

Guarda la settimana scorsa mi  capitata la stessa cosa.
Con grub sono riuscito a recuperare Linux, mentre per Windows ho dovuto
riformattare, non mi accettava senza formattazione neppure la
Da grub digita help
Pier Antonio
- Original Message -
To: "newbie-it linux-mandrake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:16 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] perdita tabella partizioni

Tentando di caricare mandrake 7.2 ad un certo punto  apparso lo
slogan:"error loading ramdisk",proseguendo nell'installazione il
sistema mi dice che non riesce pi a leggere la tabella delle
partizioni e che continuare sarebbe a mio rischio. A questo punto esco
dall'installazione, riavvio e grub si ferma col prompt:"grub".Dopo
prove e riprove capisco che effettivamente la tabella partizioni 
sputtanata. C' la possibilit di recuperarla? Prima la situazione era
cos:hd da 15 gb con due partizioni win (c: e d:)e una partizione ext2
per linux.grazie a chi vorr aiutarmi (sono disperato :-( ).

Re: [newbie-it] Settaggio Video

2001-01-22 Per discussione Casa

Il 23:29, marted 30 gennaio 2001, scrivesti:


 , quindi presumo che linux non riesca da solo a settare il video. Ho
 provato con kvideogen per modificare il file XF86Conf modificando il file
 con un editor ma mi e' andata male (per fortuna avevo una copia ... a
 proposito... quale editor mi conviene usare??? se dovessi riprovare..) ; su
 un HOWTO mi consigliano di utilizzare xvidtune .. ma dove lo trovo ??? e'
 forse nel programma di linux e se si dove ? Vi prego di aiutarmi 

Uhmmm... che vuol dire che ti e' andata male?

Il file che devi editare e' /etc/X11/XF86Config

Ciao, Nicola.


chi va pian va san e va lontan

Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto per kde

2001-01-22 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 19:47, luned 22 gennaio 2001, scrivesti:

  Scusate se "rompo" ancora, ma il problema  il seguente.
 Dopo l'update a Mandrake 7.2. ho problemi di crash su determinate
 applicazioni di kde (file manager, kpanel ) Ho provato a
 installare l'update a kde 2.0.1 con il comando
 rpm -F *.rpm  poi il rebuilddb ed infine update-menus .
 Mi d un errore di dipendenza in riferimento alcuni pacchetti.
 A questo punto sono andato nuovamente a controllare cosa c' di
 installato nei miei rpm di kde e qui trovo un po' di versione 1...  ed
 un po' di versione 2.0. Qualcuno doppio. Per esempio kdebase risulta
 solo la versione vecchia.
 Ora mi chiedevo, anzi vi chiedo.
 Se disinstallo i pacchetti con la versione precedente creo dei
 "casini" ? E' meglio che disinstalli interamente kde ed installi da
 zero la versione 2.0 ? Insomma cosa mi consigliate di fare ?

Il readme secondo me  sbagliato, crea qualche problema con le 
Procedi cos: metti in una directory tutti gli RPM, ed anzich -F usi le 
rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force *.rpm
( brutale, installa i pacchetti anche se non avevi la versione vecchia 
installata ma funziona; ingnora pure i warnings)

Poi puoi dare 
rpm --rebuilddb 
update-menus -v

Mi raccomando, fallo da console, con Xwindow spento. (init 3, ad esempio)
Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova 
Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie] Windows 2000

2001-01-22 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Wine might work for you, but I doubt it'll be stable enough to use. Win4Lin 
is meant to be good at this sort of thing - some even say that it's faster 
than running Windos natively! Unlike wine, however, it costs money :-(. 
Plex86 (an open source VMware) is still very much under development, but it's 
worth a try.

Your best bet, however, is to run a native Linux programme that can let you 
get your work done. Wordperfect is free for Linux (the free version is 
missing a few features, but you probably won't need those anyway). Since it 
is a direct port from Windos, it runs just like the Windos version. It can 
open and save M$ Word documents. Gnumeric is a great M$ Excel replacement, 
and it can open and save in Excel format. StarOffice is an integrated office 
suite that is a great replacement for (almost) all of M$ Office. I know it 
can open and save M$ Word and Excel files, and I think it can do Powerpoint 
files too.

On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 16:24, Blomquist, Niklas wrote:

 I have installed MD 7.2 for a couple of days ago, and dam, I like it!

 But on my work do I need to run Office 2000. Is there any way to run Office
 2000 under Linux (exept from VMWare)?

 Is there any Windows-emulator that works?


  -Ursprungligt meddelande-
  Frn: civileme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Skickat: den 18 januari 2001 10:16
  mne: Re: [newbie] Broken? bad wiring? bug?? Help please.
  On Wednesday 17 January 2001 17:36, you wrote:
   Duplicate entry 'append' near line 17 in file /etc/lilo.conf
   what this mean?
   my lilo.conf
  It means that you cannot have two appends
  make it
  append="hdd=ide-scsi mem=64M"

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...

2001-01-22 Per discussione Mike Tracy Holt

add -r (rm -rf) in order to remove any child folders also.

Skye Louey wrote:

 If you are not the owner of the file/or in the group the file belongs to you
 will not be allowed to change it.  Log in as an authorized user(or root) and
 you should be able to delete the file.
 Another thing you could try is rm -f filename to "force" removal.
  ? ?? ? 
 "Zankoku na tenshi no youni."
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Blomquist, Niklas
 Sent: 2001?1?22? 15:30
 Subject: SV: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
  have tried to do that with chmod, but it says the same thing.
 How do I change the permission?
 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Frn: Mike  Tracy Holt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 22 januari 2001 07:31
 mne: Re: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
 Blomquist, Niklas wrote:
 I have a realy stupid problem.
 I have a drive that with vfat on, and I can't delete some
 files from it. The
 files have been copied from CD-rom and have read only and
 system. I get the
 error messages permission denied.
 How do I change this?
 If you copied the files from a cdrom, you've also copied
 their read-only
 permissions.  You need to change permissions on the files
 before you can
 delete them.

SV: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...

2001-01-22 Per discussione Blomquist, Niklas

I am the owner and root, but I can't delete this file.

I have tried with rm -f as well...

It is very annoing!


 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Frn: Skye Louey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 22 januari 2001 08:47
 mne: RE: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
 If you are not the owner of the file/or in the group the file 
 belongs to you
 will not be allowed to change it.  Log in as an authorized 
 user(or root) and
 you should be able to delete the file.
 Another thing you could try is rm -f filename to "force" removal.
  ? ?? ? 
 "Zankoku na tenshi no youni."
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Blomquist, Niklas
 Sent: 2001?1?22? 15:30
 Subject: SV: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
  have tried to do that with chmod, but it says the same thing.
 How do I change the permission?
  -Ursprungligt meddelande-
  Frn: Mike  Tracy Holt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Skickat: den 22 januari 2001 07:31
  mne: Re: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
  Blomquist, Niklas wrote:
   I have a realy stupid problem.
   I have a drive that with vfat on, and I can't delete some
  files from it. The
   files have been copied from CD-rom and have read only and
  system. I get the
   error messages permission denied.
   How do I change this?
  If you copied the files from a cdrom, you've also copied
  their read-only
  permissions.  You need to change permissions on the files
  before you can
  delete them.

Re: [newbie] Re: I want Micro-EMACS

2001-01-22 Per discussione abe

What?  I do all of my text editing/writing in emacs and I have the
downloaded verison.  I can't imagine that the "complete" version
wouldn't have it since the download version is basically the first to
disks of the other versions.

Fire up drakconf, start the package manager there, choose installing and
search for emacs.  You'll find it.  


Len Lawrence wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, civileme wrote:
  Ummm, do you realize that the install of 7.2 you made probably has both emacs
  and xemacs?  These run like Micro-EMACS (same commands plus some features)
  without a new compile.
 The 7.2 Complete distribution does not appear to have emacs.  I had to
 install xemacs, which is fortunately able to use most of my old
 customization file (.emacs), although there are one or two keys which can
 no longer be used.
  The one link I found for a port of Micro-EMACS to linux _says_ it is GPL, but
  the original text from the author suggests it is shareware.
  It compiles easily, it runs nicely (in a terminal), and it supports a nice
  subset of emacs commands.  The port does use French messages.  It runs from
  whatever directory you put the binary into after compiling.  It appears to
  demand that any files edited BE in that directory, because it doesn't appear
  to support directory paths.
  is the link I used.  I don't think I will use MicroEMACS unless I have a very
  limited machine.  I would dearly miss the color-coding of c, bash, perl, and
  python source.

RE: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...

2001-01-22 Per discussione Skye Louey

I have actually come across this problem before, what I had to do is boot
into another operating system and delete the file.  There could be a flag in
the table that is preventing it from being deleted, Linux will not clear
this flag but Windoze can (since you said it was VFAT and not ext2fs).

Another thing to check is the mount rights.  Check if it is mounted as RO.


 ? ?? ? 
"Zankoku na tenshi no youni."

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Blomquist, Niklas
Sent: 2001?1?22? 16:28
Subject: SV: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...

I am the owner and root, but I can't delete this file.

I have tried with rm -f as well...

It is very annoing!


 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Frn: Skye Louey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 22 januari 2001 08:47
 mne: RE: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...

 If you are not the owner of the file/or in the group the file
 belongs to you
 will not be allowed to change it.  Log in as an authorized
 user(or root) and
 you should be able to delete the file.

 Another thing you could try is rm -f filename to "force" removal.


  ? ?? ? 
 "Zankoku na tenshi no youni."

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Blomquist, Niklas
 Sent: 2001?1?22? 15:30
 Subject: SV: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...

  have tried to do that with chmod, but it says the same thing.

 How do I change the permission?


  -Ursprungligt meddelande-
  Frn: Mike  Tracy Holt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Skickat: den 22 januari 2001 07:31
  mne: Re: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
  Blomquist, Niklas wrote:
   I have a realy stupid problem.
   I have a drive that with vfat on, and I can't delete some
  files from it. The
   files have been copied from CD-rom and have read only and
  system. I get the
   error messages permission denied.
   How do I change this?
  If you copied the files from a cdrom, you've also copied
  their read-only
  permissions.  You need to change permissions on the files
  before you can
  delete them.

[newbie] newbie questions

2001-01-22 Per discussione Riza Manshuri

hello forum
i just installed my first linux, and intend to do 
that for a small networking. i have several questions (sorry if my english is 
1. My sound card is Yamaha PCI. how come my linux 
don't detect it ? is it not compatible yet ? what should i do ?
2. i have configured the basic networking stuff, 
and tested it by pinging to othe machines in my network. but my problem is when 
my modem dialled...it turned off by it self rite when it's going to connect. i 
have queried the modem from the kppp setup, it worked fine. what should i do 

Thank so much all..

Re: [newbie] Getting into Linux..

2001-01-22 Per discussione civileme

On Sunday 21 January 2001 04:41, you wrote:
 Getting back in can be done with a boot disk (which hopefully you made
 when asked if you wanted one).  If it were lilo, it would just be a
 matter of running /usr/sbin/lilo.  Try that with grub and see if it
 works for you.  (/usr/sbin/grub)

You can also get back in this way:

Put in your install CD#1

at the splash screen hit F1 and type "rescue"

Now we hope you remember which partition on the hard disk that you put the 
filesystem labeled /.  If you don't, then run this

# fdisk /dev/hda

where # is the system prompt and the other keystrokes are yours.  You will 
then have a look at the partition table--record all partitions where the type 
is "Linux Native"  Lets say for example that your linux native partitions are 
listed as /dev/hda5 /dev/hda7 and /dev/hda9

Do this

# mount /dev/hda5 /mnt
# cd /mnt/etc

If you get an error message that the directory doesn't exist issue this 

# umount /dev/hda5
and try the next on your list.

If it changes directory then
# cd /
# chroot /mnt
# /sbin/lilo
# shutdown -r now

And remove your boot CD.

You will be using lilo, but you should be able to change back to grub (both 
stay in sync through drakboot).


  Chris Hall wrote:
 I recently had to reinstall Winblows and it wiped out Grub. How can
  I get back into linux and set it back up? Thanks!

Re: [newbie] linux-win lan thoughts.......

2001-01-22 Per discussione Quaylar

At 15:59 21.01.2001 -0800, you wrote:
are you using DHCP on the windows machines or static IP's?

i use static ips.no DHCP

Quaylar wrote:
  as u will possibly know from various earlier posts i am trying to connect a
  linux and a win machine through thin ethernet.
  up to now i was having the problem that the 2 machines were not able to
  ping each other although everything was set right on both sides..
  now i found a posting on deja where a guy described the same problem, he
  was stating that his lan was working IF:
  he first powered up the win machine and THEN the linux machine..
  so i tried this and it really worked, the lan works when i am first
  powering up the win machine and then the linux machine, vice versa i get
  ping timeouts..
  has anyone of u already experienced this or can anyone give any hints on
  this phenomenon ?...
  any thoughts will be appreciated..;)
  Icq# 30932448
  ! Knowledge is power 

Re: [newbie] What file was it?

2001-01-22 Per discussione Quaylar

At 19:46 21.01.2001 -0800, you wrote:
Hello!  I just forgot what file and where is the file
that I can enter commands so that it starts off
daemons?  I guess its like an autoexec.bat for windows
but Im looking for the one in Linux.

I want to start a oidentd daemon everytime I boot up.


are u talking about "ntsysv" ?..this command will open a small gui and 
let u choose wich services to run at startup, among others it will allow u 
to start the service "INET"...


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Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

Re: [newbie] newbie questions

2001-01-22 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 10:58, Riza Manshuri wrote:
 hello forum
 i just installed my first linux, and intend to do that for a small
 networking. i have several questions (sorry if my english is bad): 1. My
 sound card is Yamaha PCI. how come my linux don't detect it ? is it not
 compatible yet ? what should i do ? 

From a root console, type "sndconfig". If this doesn't work, then you need to 
install a package by that name for it to work.

 2. i have configured the basic networking stuff, and tested it by pinging
 to othe machines in my network. but my problem is when my modem
 dialled...it turned off by it self rite when it's going to connect. i have
 queried the modem from the kppp setup, it worked fine. what should i do ??

What type of modem do you have? Is it Linux-compatible?

Also, please don't post in HTML on this list. Text-only messages are 

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] ssh/vnc not working, this is getting silly

2001-01-22 Per discussione Tim Holmes

You had problems installing SSH on the machine?  Myself, and a few other
colleagues, have SSH installed with no problem.

We're all running 7.1 or greater.  We're also running OpenSSH as well. 
Not sure if you're running another "version" of SSH, but OpenSSH ran
and installed with no problem, and my only complaint about it was that
I can't seem to get it installed under SuSE.

Check out http://www.openssh.com/ and download the RPMs, and install
them.  Here are the following packages I have:

[root@yoda /root]# rpm -qa | grep opens

All of which I downloaded either from OpenSSH or from Mandrake.  If you'd
like I can upload them to a public FTP site of yours, or another if you 
can't get ahold of them, but you shouldn't have a problem doing that.  At
which point I just put them all in the same directory, and ran a rpm -ivh
opens* and it installed all of the packages.

From there just create your key, ssh-keygen, and SSH is now installed. 
What problems did you have when trying to install and set it up?  Are
you using another "flavor" of SSH?  I've noticed there are other versions
made by other companies, some even more geared towards Windoze.

One a quick side note, the openssl that I have listed above is NOT needed
to get SSH up and working, but it's nice for added security in other appz,
LICQ being one of them as well as a few other chat programs.

Hope that helps, and if it doesn't, then hopefully I didn't waste your time
reading this! :0)
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi." 

* Ben Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010119 19:34]:
 After failing to get ssh working I then tried to set vnc working.  I used 
 to use redhat and this worked easily.  Before I ditch Mandrake and go back 
 to redhat (which I don't want to do as I have installed oracle on it and 
 like Mandrake) has anyone got any ideas.  Maybe someone could tell me how 
 to get telnet working.
 * Ben Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]+44 (0)7970 269 522 *
 * Campaign Against proper English, Dyslexia division *
 * Homepagehttp://www.gifford.co.uk/~bedwards *
 * i-Contact Progressive Videohttp://www.videonetwork.org *
 * Smashing the Corporate image http://www.subvertise.org *
 * Bristol's radical newshttp://www.bristle.co.uk *
 * Open Directory Project http://www.dmoz.org *

Re: [newbie] Getting into Linux..

2001-01-22 Per discussione Romanator

 Chris Hall wrote:
I recently had to reinstall Winblows and it wiped out Grub. How can
 I get back into linux and set it back up? Thanks!

Log in as root. From and command prompt, type in: lilo
Press the enter key. 
Reboot you computer.
Registered Linux User #179293
Penguin Charged Email

Re: [newbie] Windows 2000

2001-01-22 Per discussione Tim Holmes

You should also try running appz from the StarOffice suite.  It should
come installed *STANDARD* with Mandrake 7.2.  But you should be able 
to create and open Office2000 files in StarOffice with very little
problems.  And there should be NO problems opening Office9x in StarOffice.

If it did not come installed, check your Mandrake CDs for the RPMS, or 
download the packages.

Personally I don't do anything on Office.  But I have been sent docs from
other people that I just open in various StarOffice appz and have had no
problems todate.

But running Office2000 in Wine... would be a very bad idea!  Wine itself
is a beast to configure and in my experience, not worth the work you put
into it.  But I've known people actually boot Win98 via Wine, but if you
ask my opinion, avoid it like the plague!
T. Holmes

"GUI... BAD!  Console.. GD!! :0)"

* Blomquist, Niklas [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010122 00:24]:
 I have installed MD 7.2 for a couple of days ago, and dam, I like it!
 But on my work do I need to run Office 2000. Is there any way to run Office
 2000 under Linux (exept from VMWare)?
 Is there any Windows-emulator that works?

Re: SV: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...

2001-01-22 Per discussione Romanator

Don't forget to select execute. 
Registered Linux User #179293
Penguin Charged Email

"Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
 I am the owner and root, but I can't delete this file.
 I have tried with rm -f as well...
 It is very annoing!
  -Ursprungligt meddelande-
  Frn: Skye Louey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Skickat: den 22 januari 2001 08:47
  mne: RE: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
  If you are not the owner of the file/or in the group the file
  belongs to you
  will not be allowed to change it.  Log in as an authorized
  user(or root) and
  you should be able to delete the file.
  Another thing you could try is rm -f filename to "force" removal.
   ? ?? ? 
  "Zankoku na tenshi no youni."
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Blomquist, Niklas
  Sent: 2001?1?22? 15:30
  Subject: SV: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
   have tried to do that with chmod, but it says the same thing.
  How do I change the permission?
   -Ursprungligt meddelande-
   Frn: Mike  Tracy Holt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Skickat: den 22 januari 2001 07:31
   mne: Re: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
   Blomquist, Niklas wrote:
I have a realy stupid problem.
I have a drive that with vfat on, and I can't delete some
   files from it. The
files have been copied from CD-rom and have read only and
   system. I get the
error messages permission denied.
How do I change this?
   If you copied the files from a cdrom, you've also copied
   their read-only
   permissions.  You need to change permissions on the files
   before you can
   delete them.

[newbie] New to Mandrake

2001-01-22 Per discussione Kerr, Jim

Hi everyone,

I am getting back into the Linux world after 5 years.  We're a huge NT shop
and I now need to get some stability in here!  I've researched the current
distributions and have decided to go with Mandrake.  I started my Linux days
using the Slackware release and it appears a lot has changed in 5 years!
I'd like to here from some of you to make sure I have made the right
decision and to find out about any "Gotchas"!

Where are all of the latest HOW-To's etc..??  I hope to be a regular
contributor soon.


[newbie] DNS and Mandrake 7.2

2001-01-22 Per discussione Martin, Debi (REO)


I have installed Mandrake 7.2 on a Pentium III pc and need to configure the
machine as a DNS

Can anyone here help ? 

I've configured the DNS server settings in Linuxconf but if i type nslookup
on the command
line, an error message appears that says 'server unavailable'. Its not even
using the 5 second
timeout before the error message comes up. 

any help would be really appreciated. 


Re: [newbie] ssh/vnc not working, this is getting silly

2001-01-22 Per discussione Ben Edwards

Thanks for replying.  I am using Mandrake 7.2, ssh was installed from the standard
2 CD distribution so I dont think I am using a strange flovour.  I have done
the keygen already.  Was trying at one point to get a firewall/internet sharing
working, but SSH did not work before this anyway.  Maybe I should do a re-install
and start from scratch.  Is there anyway I can re-install linux without frying
the oracle instalation I have.

Not sure if you're running another "version" of SSH, but OpenSSH ran
and installed with no problem, and my only complaint about it was that
I can't seem to get it installed under SuSE.

From there just create your key, ssh-keygen, and SSH is now installed. 
What problems did you have when trying to install and set it up?  Are
you using another "flavor" of SSH?  I've noticed there are other versions
made by other companies, some even more geared towards Windoze.

RE: [newbie] lilo config problems

2001-01-22 Per discussione Sean Kenny

 Hi Sean

 Change the default setting to "windows" minus the quotes of course giving
 you a line that reads:
 default =windows

That what i have been attempting to do using the emacs editor, but every
time I run /sbin/lilo to get lilo to accept the edited changes I get the
cylinder error message I spoke of.

 as for the cylinder error. I had a similar error when I disabled
 lba during
 installation. I take it windows on your system has something like the 1st
 8gig of the HD? If so, look for where you are asked about lba
 suuport during
 installation. I can't recall exactly where it was now, but I suspect that
 may solve the prob.

Windows ME actually takes up the first 4 gb of my HD and Mandrake the
remaining 4GB, am I going to have to reinstall again?


 - Original Message -
 From: "Sean Kenny" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 8:52 AM
 Subject: [newbie] lilo config problems

  Here's my lilo.conf file and below is the problem I'm having
  append=" hdb=ide-scsi"
  append=" hdb=ide-scsi failsafe"
  I want to change this to boot into Windows by default, while I'm
  myself with Mandrake, and because the kids insist, but whether I do this
  Klilo or edit it myself in emacs and run /sbin/lilo I get the following
  warning: device 0x0307 exceeds 1204 cylinder limit
  Fatal: geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (2991  1023)
  Wgat does this mean and how can I get around it?

Re: [newbie] Getting into Linux..

2001-01-22 Per discussione Tim Holmes

When I get a grub prompt it doesn't give me any option to log in 
as root.  I've tried to su - root several times and I get nothing.
I just slap in a Winbloze98 floppy in there, and do a fdisk /mbr.
So how do I log in as root?
T. Holmes

"GUI.. BAD!  Console... GOOOD!"

* Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010122 06:18]:
  Chris Hall wrote:
 I recently had to reinstall Winblows and it wiped out Grub. How can
  I get back into linux and set it back up? Thanks!
 Log in as root. From and command prompt, type in: lilo
 Press the enter key. 
 Reboot you computer.
 Registered Linux User #179293
 Penguin Charged Email

[newbie] fs fs=iso9660 not supported by kernel

2001-01-22 Per discussione Donald Hinds

I'm getting that error when I try to 
mount /mnt/cdrom
same for the floppy.  (MD 7.2) The same error occurs during the graphical boot

In 'filesystems' the list of devices is correct. Any other file I can check?


Re: [newbie] Getting into Linux..

2001-01-22 Per discussione John Rye

On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 08:29:22 -0500, Tim Holmes said:

   When I get a grub prompt it doesn't give me any option to log in 
as root.  I've tried to su - root several times and I get nothing.
I just slap in a Winbloze98 floppy in there, and do a fdisk /mbr.
So how do I log in as root?

Tim, Did you make a boot disk when you installed Linux??

What options does your Grub menu give you??

I'm not familar with Grub but I'm sure there must be a 'failsafe',
'Single user' or similar option for you to try.

Seriously the Linux boot disk is the best option, using a dos boot and
then FDISK /MBR is going to destroy your boot sector in linux terms and
throw you into your Windows system.

If you can get into linux via grub, you should be able to su to root from
your user account and make yourself a boot disk with the following

" mkbootdisk `uname -r` " (without the double quotes but WITH the reverse
quotes shown around the uname option)

Give it a try ??


* Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010122 06:18]:
  Chris Hall wrote:
 I recently had to reinstall Winblows and it wiped out Grub. How can
  I get back into linux and set it back up? Thanks!
 Log in as root. From and command prompt, type in: lilo
 Press the enter key. 
 Reboot you computer.
 Registered Linux User #179293
 Penguin Charged Email

"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
   (The UNIX Programmers' Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972)

[newbie] can't view ntfs

2001-01-22 Per discussione Emilio Correa

Hi, thanks that I could install my LM7.2 and W2K in the same hard disk 
without any trouble and with grub as the boot manager!
Now I couldn't mount the ntfs to view my w2k partition, and I looked in the 
fstab but I think the ntfs doesn't exist. May be I have to install something.
Any suggestion?

Re: [newbie] Getting into Linux..

2001-01-22 Per discussione Chris Hall

Yeah, I have quite a few. Thanks. 
- Original Message - 
From: "David  Julie Matheson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Getting into Linux..

  Chris Hall wrote:
 I recently had to reinstall Winblows and it wiped out Grub. How can
  I get back into linux and set it back up? Thanks!
 Hi Chris
 Simply use your Linux boot Disk you do have one don't u??
 then set up grub again and all should be fine

[newbie] Enlightenment Problems (yes, still)

2001-01-22 Per discussione Tim Goodaire

Ok. I have still been unable to get the latest version of Enlightenment to
compile. I thought that maybe if I tried removing the current version of
Enlightenment (the one that came with Mandrake 7.2) and tried compiling the
new one it might fix itself. Yes, in retrospect this was a dumb idea, but I
had no other ideas.

So I removed Enlightenment and the new version still didn't compile. It's
still complaining about not being able to find IMLIB_CONFIG, even though I
know it's there. I've even installed a newer version. Blah. The gods don't
want me to use Enlightenment it seems.

So, I gave up on getting the latest version of Enlightenment to compile. I
tried to reinstall the older version from my Mandrake CDs through RPMDrake.
It told me that it needed to install several required libraries. I said ok.
It then complained that the versions of these libraries that I had on my
system were newer than the ones it wanted to install. I said ok. The install
crapped out. I think that's probably a bug. It seems to me that having newer
libraries than what's necessary shouldn't make an install crap out.

My next attempt was to try and install the enlightenment rpm from the
command line. It gave me some sort of "dump" error that I didn't understand
and crapped out.

How am I going to get Enlightenment on my box? Does anyone have any ideas?
This is getting pretty annoying. I'll post more specifics on the errors I'm
getting if it helps. This really shouldn't be this difficult, should it?

Tim Goodaire

[newbie] Memory Question

2001-01-22 Per discussione surya

I have ML7.2 installed on my machine. I have about 128MB of RAM. After I log in 
if I see the mem occupancy using either Hard Drake or xsysinfo or one of the 
other X-utils, I see that only about 4-12 Megs appear to be free. Consequently 
the machine is horribly slow.

Agreed that I am doing this on an old Cyrix 6X86 200MHz processor. But I still 
feel that 128 Megs ought to make the machine atleast launch an X-term quickly. 

Any idea why the machine is this slow?

Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] newbie questions

2001-01-22 Per discussione Riza Manshuri

- Original Message -

 What type of modem do you have? Is it Linux-compatible?
 Err..i'm not sure..it's just a usual plain 56 K modem with a rockwell
chipset. when i detect it in harddrak, the result is unknown.should i change
it ??

 Also, please don't post in HTML on this list. Text-only messages are
 My apologies..

Re: [newbie] Memory Question

2001-01-22 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 22 January 2001 08:11 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have ML7.2 installed on my machine. I have about 128MB of RAM.
 After I log in if I see the mem occupancy using either Hard Drake or
 xsysinfo or one of the other X-utils, I see that only about 4-12 Megs
 appear to be free. Consequently the machine is horribly slow.
 Agreed that I am doing this on an old Cyrix 6X86 200MHz processor.
 But I still feel that 128 Megs ought to make the machine atleast
 launch an X-term quickly.
 Any idea why the machine is this slow?
(in an Xterm):  'free'  
 total   used   free sharedbuffers 
Mem:255484 252656   2828  0  18276  
-/+ buffers/cache: 173972  81512
Swap:   184676  0 184676

 You misunderstand memory usage.  In my example above, I have very 
little 'Mem' shown as free, but that's because Linux is keeping 80mb 
available in 'buffers/cache'.  That memory is readily available to any 
app that needs it.  Memory handling is much different (and much better) 
than with Windoze.

If you're not using a lot of swap (-0- in my example above), the 
slowness is prob'ly your hardware, particularly that Cyrix cpu. Have 
you used 'hdparm' to optimize your HDD's ?

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] can't view ntfs

2001-01-22 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


 Hi, thanks that I could install my LM7.2 and W2K in the same
 hard disk without any trouble and with grub as the boot

  Well, let's say with "some" trouble.  I too ran into trouble
with ntfs.  When I'd installed lm7.2 on my girlfriend's box, I'd
alrady an existing dual-boot between RedHat 6.0  W2k.  That
install, deleting the RedHat partition  installing lm7.2, went
fine  rw access to w2k existed without any special work from me
except during the lm install.

  When I went to do the same on my Dell 500MHz box, I'd gone from
a RedHat 6.0 only to dual-boot lm7.2  W2k.  After the first
attempt where W2k decided that it didn't want to install on the
first, 10GB, partition  installed on the second, 17GB,
partition, I started over just setting up a 10GB partition
leaving the remaining unformatted.

  Got eveything installed , wouldn't you know it, I couldn't
mount the W2k partition rw -- it would only allow ro.  I'd even
planned to recompile my kernel to be sure that the ntfs rw module

  I didn't bother though.  I'm getting another scanner
(eventually) from my father, so I'd reinstalled W2k on vfat to
make things siimpler since W2k, now, is only for Windows  DOS
games -- once I get the scanner, if it doesn't work in Linux, I
should be able to get something out of W2k.

 May be I have to install something.

  I would suggest you recompile.  There are two ntfs kernel
modules -- one is ro, the other (though considered experimental,
I've used it with both NT 4.0  W2k without any trouble) is rw.
You want to be sure both are set to install -- not just probe --
at boot.

  If you'd like, after you do some reading (if you've never
compiled a kernel), I can send you a short explanation  the easy
steps tonight.

  Lemme know.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] HDparm question

2001-01-22 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

How do I use HDparm to optimize my HD settings?

Thanks guys,
Chris Kelly
Men are from Earth
Women are from Earth
Deal with it...

Re: [newbie] HDparm question

2001-01-22 Per discussione monty

Go to www.linuxnewbie.org and check out their NHF section.  They have some
good info on optimization of your hard drive using hdparm.

Hope this helps


Re: [newbie] HDparm question

2001-01-22 Per discussione Kevin Tambascio

Check out this article...I've tried it and it works pretty good.


good luck,

- Original Message - 
From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "'Newbie'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 9:46 AM
Subject: [newbie] HDparm question

 How do I use HDparm to optimize my HD settings?
 Thanks guys,
 Chris Kelly
 Men are from Earth
 Women are from Earth
 Deal with it...

RE: [newbie] HDparm question

2001-01-22 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Thanks, Monty

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HDparm question

Go to www.linuxnewbie.org and check out their NHF section.  They have some
good info on optimization of your hard drive using hdparm.

Hope this helps


Re: [newbie] New to Mandrake

2001-01-22 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 22 January 2001 12:53, you wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I am getting back into the Linux world after 5 years.  We're a huge NT shop
 and I now need to get some stability in here!  I've researched the current
 distributions and have decided to go with Mandrake.  I started my Linux
 days using the Slackware release and it appears a lot has changed in 5
 years! I'd like to here from some of you to make sure I have made the right
 decision and to find out about any "Gotchas"!

 Where are all of the latest HOW-To's etc..??  I hope to be a regular
 contributor soon.

HOWTOs are on your installation diskettes and on www.linuxdoc.org

Manuals are on the menu for any non-server installation.

/usr/share/doc has a little additional information

www.mandrakeuser.org has tips and tricks

www.linux-mandrake.com/en/72last.php3 has some dodges for the odd hardware 

www.linux/mandrake.com (Demos) has some nice tutorials and a few fixes.

www.mandrakeforum.com has discussions and sometimes detail on warps, tips, 
and tricks as technical articles.

This mailing list and the expert mailing list are both archived and the 
archive has a nice search engine.  Links to the archives are at 

You will probably want to take a machine where you have done a workstation or 
development install and familiarize yourseld with webmin by opening konqueror 
or netscape and using this URL

login as root with the root password and browse what you can do.

There is corporate server 1.0.1 which has a collection of very stable 
packages and is updated on a schedule suitable for servers.  Then there is 
the regular distro which always has some very new stuff and seems to be 
produced about 2.7 times per year.  Finally there is cooker--the open 
development process--which has the most bleeding-edge things available.  At 
present, new compilers, rpm versions, and libraries have made cooker not 
forward compatible with 7.2 though cooker is backwards compatible to 7.2 
applications.  /Mandrake-devel/unsupported contains quite a few rpms of the 
newest packages compatible with 7.2, including KDE 2.1 Beta.  User-made 
packages are at places announced on www.mandrakeforum.com.

Welcome to the community.



Re: [newbie] newbie questions

2001-01-22 Per discussione John Catral

--- Riza Manshuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hello forum
 i just installed my first linux, and intend to do
 that for a small networking. i have several
 questions (sorry if my english is bad): 
 1. My sound card is Yamaha PCI. how come my linux
 don't detect it ? is it not compatible yet ? what
 should i do ?

Check Mandrake's Hardware compatibility list on their


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[newbie] Thoughts on sharing an internet connection with a windows box...

2001-01-22 Per discussione Matt Schroeder

As I'm a cheap bastard I like to use free internet dialups like NetZero or
Juno, etc.

What are the thoughts on getting a 486 or P150 or something with a "minimal"
winblows 95 and dial up networking running networked to my P3 600 Mandrake
7.2 box?  Maybe I could find some kind of half baked windows "firewall" to
keep things a little on the safer side.

What is needed if I were to do this?  (Software on the Linux end I mean...)

There are advantages to this...  I can keep the ad bar they throw at you on
the windows box without a monitor and keep them happy.

After I get settled and save up a little $ I'm getting DSL so this is a
short term deal.

While I'm writing are there and recommendations on DSL services especially
considering Linux?

For sure I know I can get COVAD and QWEST and I think ATT...

I looked at QWEST's service info and it said some thing I didn't really want
to see.  Although I think I could get it set up fine by myself.  I've found
phone techs to really be terrible and not worth their wages anyway...

Anyone know how they get it to not work with any other DSL modem?

**NOTE: The Qwest Support Line for installation and repair only provides
support to the single PC application. It does not provide support to a LAN
or Hub application. Also, the Qwest Support Line will not support customers
who work on a UNIX, LINUX or IBM OS2 platform.

Final NOTE: Qwest MegaBit DSL service will only work with a Qwest modem,
i.e., a Cisco 675, 605 or Intel 2100. Qwest does NOT support DSL modems
purchased through ANY SOURCE OTHER THAN Qwest. Any modems purchased outside
of the Qwest offering will NOT work. U S WEST MegaBit Services are
designed to work only with Qwest modems. There are other brands and
configurations of DSL modems on the market, installed in "DSL ready"
computers and available through catalogs, the Internet and retailers. These
alternative DSL modems DO NOT comply with the Qwest standard and WILL NOT
WORK with MegaBit Services. Alternatively, the U S WEST MegaBit Services
modems will NOT work on other vendors' DSL service. Also, if you need an
initial or new Network Interface Card (NIC), you need to purchase it from a
computer retailer. Qwest provides one NIC per DSL Line IF you choose one of
the U S WEST MegaBit Services offerings along with the Cisco 675 modem.
Qwest only supplies this NIC with the initial package.

Re: [newbie] DNS and Mandrake 7.2

2001-01-22 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 22 January 2001 13:03, you wrote:

 I have installed Mandrake 7.2 on a Pentium III pc and need to configure the
 machine as a DNS

 Can anyone here help ?

 I've configured the DNS server settings in Linuxconf but if i type nslookup
 on the command
 line, an error message appears that says 'server unavailable'. Its not even
 using the 5 second
 timeout before the error message comes up.

 any help would be really appreciated.


Well, that means the server is not running.  Normally it is set to OFF.

To make sure the server starts, you open DrakConf from a graphic desktop or 
type DrakConf from the command line.  Go to startup services and make sure 
named is listed and configured to start at boot time.

Now in addition, you may want to configure BIND8 from webmin.  To do this,
from the machine you want to configure, enter netscape or Konqueror and use 
this URL

login as root and give the root password then click on the servers tab to 
configure BIND8  (BIND4 is old and should not be used for new installations)

Of course Webmin can be accessed from a remote, given the right IP, with 
https on port 1, even using MSIE if you like.  You have the option in 
webmin setup to change how it behaves and where it will listen.  Also, you 
will have to do this if you have a server install since you won't have a 
local graphic desktop.


Re: [newbie] HDparm question

2001-01-22 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 22 January 2001 08:46 am, Kelly, Christopher wrote:
 How do I use HDparm to optimize my HD settings?

First read 'info hdparm', it's one of the better man pages and 
contains a lot of useful and important info.

Next, make sure either lilo or grub (whichever you use) doesn't 
have any "ide autotune" statements.  

Then as root, run hdparm, prob'ly with at least the -c1 and -d1 
switches, eg,   hdparm -c1 -d1 /dev/hd*   where * is the letter of the 
drive you want to test.  This turns on 32bit and DMA. For many drives 
it's all that's needed.  Then runhdparm -tT /dev/hd*Once you 
have found the optimum  hdparm  line, add it to the end of  
/etc/rc.d/rc.local   and then run it, eg,   ./rc.local Be careful 
of enabling ata/66 (or /100). It will cause problems unless the HDD(s), 
the cable, and the motherboard/controller all together _properly_ 
support it.  If you experience any problems, it's also the first thing 
to turn off.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] 7.2 Installation - System hangs after reboot

2001-01-22 Per discussione KishoreKolli

Hi All,
 I have gone thru the 7.2 install GUI (booted from the floppy) from the
iso images available on the web. No problems with  the install. When the
pc reboots, it comes back up and displays "stage1" and  hangs. I don't
know what to do to correct it. I have gone thru the install couple of
times and nothing seems to make a difference.

Running a AST Bravo Pentium 133MHz, 96MB Ram. I have two physical drives
and am trying to install Linux as the only operating system.

Please Help

Sr. Programmer.
Sabre, Inc.

Re: SV: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...

2001-01-22 Per discussione Altoine Barker

The real problem is that your kernel is configured to show that windows partition as 
read-only. What you need to do is recompile your kernel and say yes to the rw 
(Experimental) capability for Windows95, That is why when even as root, you can not 
delete any files from there. I had the same problem but after I recompiled my kernel, 
I was all fine!

-- Al


 Don't forget to select execute. 
 Registered Linux User #179293
 Penguin Charged Email
 "Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
  I am the owner and root, but I can't delete this file.
  I have tried with rm -f as well...
  It is very annoing!
   -Ursprungligt meddelande-
   Frn: Skye Louey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Skickat: den 22 januari 2001 08:47
   mne: RE: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
   If you are not the owner of the file/or in the group the file
   belongs to you
   will not be allowed to change it.  Log in as an authorized
   user(or root) and
   you should be able to delete the file.
   Another thing you could try is rm -f filename to "force" removal.
    ? ?? ? 
   "Zankoku na tenshi no youni."
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Blomquist, Niklas
   Sent: 2001?1?22? 15:30
   Subject: SV: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
have tried to do that with chmod, but it says the same thing.
   How do I change the permission?
-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Frn: Mike  Tracy Holt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: den 22 januari 2001 07:31
mne: Re: [newbie] Problem with deleting files...
Blomquist, Niklas wrote:

 I have a realy stupid problem.

 I have a drive that with vfat on, and I can't delete some
files from it. The
 files have been copied from CD-rom and have read only and
system. I get the
 error messages permission denied.

 How do I change this?

If you copied the files from a cdrom, you've also copied
their read-only
permissions.  You need to change permissions on the files
before you can
delete them.
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Re: [newbie] 7.2 Installation - System hangs after reboot

2001-01-22 Per discussione Matt Schroeder

I think that's GRUB the boot loader hanging.

I had it happen too and I put the install disc in again and did an "upgrade"
install and it fixed itself.

There might be a better way though.

White Bear Lake, MN

- Original Message -
From: "KishoreKolli" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:46 AM
Subject: [newbie] 7.2 Installation - System hangs after reboot

 Hi All,
  I have gone thru the 7.2 install GUI (booted from the floppy) from the
 iso images available on the web. No problems with  the install. When the
 pc reboots, it comes back up and displays "stage1" and  hangs. I don't
 know what to do to correct it. I have gone thru the install couple of
 times and nothing seems to make a difference.

 Running a AST Bravo Pentium 133MHz, 96MB Ram. I have two physical drives
 and am trying to install Linux as the only operating system.

 Please Help

 Sr. Programmer.
 Sabre, Inc.

Re: [newbie] quick question

2001-01-22 Per discussione Scott Mills

Hi Christopher ,

My Name is Scott , No you do not need to do a Fdisk on your drive .
If you have the info on how to edit GRUB could you send it to me ,
send it to (home E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
.. ( this is from my UNIX box @ work )
please do not send it here ,, Thanks

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
That's what I thought. Thanks Aston.
-Original Message-
From: Po Kwok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] quick question
"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
> Do I need to Fdisk a drive before installing Linux? I can't remember.
> Thanks guys and gals,
> Chris Kelly
> ---
> Men are from Earth
> Women are from Earth
> Deal with it...
depends ... if you had all the approprirate partition spaces set out,
then you don't really need to run a partition tool.
sydney, australia

[newbie] installation of alsa for yamaha sound card

2001-01-22 Per discussione nomad creaktop

Basically i've got a problem with installing the alsa drivers 0.5.9d ;
0.5.10 and 0.5.10a for my yamaha pci sound card on Linux-Mandrake 7.2 .

In 7.1 where my sound didn't work at all, i installed 0.5.9d without a 
problem. However, in 7.2 i have got sound but the quality is absolutely 
Incidentally 7.2 installed 0.5.9c for my  soundcard. I followed the 
instructions as provided by the 'Installing ALSA for the Yamaha DS-XG Sound 
Card' from linuxnewbie.org.

'./configure' seems to work fine, but when i subsequently enter 'make' i 
get the following error message with all 3 packages:

{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:9: Warning: Ignoring changed section attributes for .modinfo
make[1]: *** [sound.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/creaktop/alsa-driver-0.5.10a/kernel'
make: *** [compile] Error 1

this message is preceeded by a whole load of other stuff that i dont
comprehend (not that i understand this!), but that does not seem to
be error messages.

I cant find any Mandrake specific rpms of alsa drivers beyond 0.5.9c,
which is currently installed.

I've looked all over, but cant find any documentation on this
error message, and i'd greatly appreciate some help.

BTW: can anyone recommend a file-utility with which i can access my
Linux harddrive from windows?



 Please contact me for my PGP key

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

Re: [newbie] 7.2 Installation - System hangs after reboot

2001-01-22 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 22 January 2001 17:46, you wrote:
 Hi All,
  I have gone thru the 7.2 install GUI (booted from the floppy) from the
 iso images available on the web. No problems with  the install. When the
 pc reboots, it comes back up and displays "stage1" and  hangs. I don't
 know what to do to correct it. I have gone thru the install couple of
 times and nothing seems to make a difference.

 Running a AST Bravo Pentium 133MHz, 96MB Ram. I have two physical drives
 and am trying to install Linux as the only operating system.

 Please Help

 Sr. Programmer.
 Sabre, Inc.

Well, your booter should have a "failsafe" choice, try that first.

I am guessing that the kernel thought it recognized a situation for a fast 
disk and made some incompatible settings in the ide.

Install as you did but add the following to the bootloader install--edit each 
system that comes up and plug this into the Append line.

ide0=noautotune ide1=noautotune idebus=16

If you have PIO set for 33MHz and the chipset can only do 16.6
Anyway that should back the kernel off from optimizing enough to get you 

If it doesn't, then check your cabling and your memory in that order.  The 
boot kernel will use almost all RAM available all of the time, and may be 
uncovering a defect in a memory chip.  More likely, it is a drive cable that 
has seen too much vibration.


[newbie] Netscape engineers are weenies?

2001-01-22 Per discussione -michael-

Hey Civileme:
Could you please enlighten me/us as to what you meant by "...backdoors based 
on the phrase Netscape engineers are weenies (reversed) that go undiscovered 
for years." in a post to another list which was talking about the much ado 
over the recent redhat server security problem?  

[newbie] Using a Creative Webcam 3 in LM 7.2

2001-01-22 Per discussione Seb

As the Subject line says , anyone got anyideas?

i know that Drakeconf see the webcam under USB but I don't have a clue how
to access it and what programs would be able to use it . Is anyone  out
there doing webcam stuff with linux ?

RE: [newbie] quick question

2001-01-22 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Hey Scott,
Here is my instructions for how to edit Grub.
Open it up with an editor. Open a terminal, su to root, type in: 
vi /boot/grub/menu.lst
then type: a
then use the arrow buttons to navigate, backspace to delete something, type
as usual.
then type: Esc the escape key
then type: : colon
then type: wq
Have fun,
Chris Kelly 
Men are from Earth 
Women are from Earth 
Deal with it... 


-Original Message-
From: Scott Mills [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] quick question

Hi Christopher , 

 My Name is Scott , No you do not need to do a Fdisk on your
drive . 
If you have the info on how to edit GRUB could you send it to me , 
send it to (home E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED].. ( this is from my UNIX
box @ work ) 
please do not send it here ,, Thanks 

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote: 

That's what I thought. Thanks Aston. 

-Original Message- 
From: Po Kwok [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 11:44 AM 
Subject: Re: [newbie] quick question 

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote: 
 Do I need to Fdisk a drive before installing Linux? I can't remember. 
 Thanks guys and gals, 
 Chris Kelly 
 Men are from Earth 
 Women are from Earth 
 Deal with it... 

depends ... if you had all the approprirate partition spaces set out, 
then you don't really need to run a partition tool. 

sydney, australia

[newbie] problem installin mozilla 0.7

2001-01-22 Per discussione Emiliano Ogando

I need two files for install mozilla 0.7:

libc.so.6 (Glibc-2.2)

where can I download it??

RE: [newbie] Thoughts on sharing an internet connection with a windows box...

2001-01-22 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

To me the easiest way to share a connection on a Win machine with a Linux
machine is to use DHCP.
You will need a NIC in each machine and I would suggest a hub (both you
would most likly still be able to use when you upgrade to DSL).
You will need to install MS Family Network on your Win machine.
On your Linux machine you will need to install DHCP and using either
DrakConf or netconf configure the network. (You can also accomplish this
after all your hardware has been connected by running the Mandrake
installation as an upgrade.)
You will need to connect to your free ISP in Windows and then you should be
able to access the connection from linux.

As to a DSL provider I use BellSouth. The main reason for doing so is that
they were the first to offer the service in my area. I will admit that I did
make the wrong choice in modems. I choose a USB modem so I am forced to use
the system I outlined above in order to use the connection in linux.

As long as your local phone company offers DSL you should also be able to
get it from any other national provider,i.e. MSN, Prodigy, Earthlink, Yahoo,
There are How-Tos availible for setting up your connection in linux so you
need not worry if your ISP does not support linux.
You can use this link for a listing of the providers who offer DSL in your

Once you get some $ and have DSL you will love it.

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Schroeder
 Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:50 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Thoughts on sharing an internet connection with a
 windows box...

 As I'm a cheap bastard I like to use free internet dialups
 like NetZero or
 Juno, etc.

 What are the thoughts on getting a 486 or P150 or something
 with a "minimal"
 winblows 95 and dial up networking running networked to my P3
 600 Mandrake
 7.2 box?  Maybe I could find some kind of half baked windows
 "firewall" to
 keep things a little on the safer side.

 What is needed if I were to do this?  (Software on the Linux
 end I mean...)

 There are advantages to this...  I can keep the ad bar they
 throw at you on
 the windows box without a monitor and keep them happy.

 After I get settled and save up a little $ I'm getting DSL so
 this is a
 short term deal.

 While I'm writing are there and recommendations on DSL
 services especially
 considering Linux?

 For sure I know I can get COVAD and QWEST and I think ATT...

 I looked at QWEST's service info and it said some thing I
 didn't really want
 to see.  Although I think I could get it set up fine by
 myself.  I've found
 phone techs to really be terrible and not worth their wages anyway...

 Anyone know how they get it to not work with any other DSL modem?

 **NOTE: The Qwest Support Line for installation and repair
 only provides
 support to the single PC application. It does not provide
 support to a LAN
 or Hub application. Also, the Qwest Support Line will not
 support customers
 who work on a UNIX, LINUX or IBM OS2 platform.

Re: [newbie] problem installin mozilla 0.7

2001-01-22 Per discussione Jesse C. Chang

Emiliano Ogando wrote:

 I need two files for install mozilla 0.7:
 libc.so.6 (Glibc-2.2)
 where can I download it??

Try searching for them at www.rpmfind.com

With any luck, they won't be RPM 4.  :)

Out of curiosity, is it just me, or does Mozilla 0.7 crash a lot?  I've
also had some problems with Netscape 6.  I tend to use Netscape 4.73 the
most, since it seems to be faster and more stable, though there are some
pages 4.73 is unable to view.


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   "I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best."  -- Oscar Wilde

Re: [newbie] quick question

2001-01-22 Per discussione Scott Mills

Thanks Christopher ,

  I'll give it a try .  :-)

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:

 Hey Scott,

 Here is my instructions for how to edit Grub.

 Open it up with an editor. Open a terminal, su to root, type in:
 vi /boot/grub/menu.lst
 then type: a
 then use the arrow buttons to navigate, backspace to delete something, type
 as usual.
 then type: Esc the escape key
 then type: : colon
 then type: wq

 Have fun,
 Chris Kelly
 Men are from Earth
 Women are from Earth
 Deal with it...

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Mills [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] quick question

 Hi Christopher ,

  My Name is Scott , No you do not need to do a Fdisk on your
 drive .
 If you have the info on how to edit GRUB could you send it to me ,
 send it to (home E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED].. ( this is from my UNIX
 box @ work )
 please do not send it here ,, Thanks

 "Kelly, Christopher" wrote:

 That's what I thought. Thanks Aston.

 -Original Message-
 From: Po Kwok [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 11:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] quick question

 "Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
  Do I need to Fdisk a drive before installing Linux? I can't remember.
  Thanks guys and gals,
  Chris Kelly
  Men are from Earth
  Women are from Earth
  Deal with it...

 depends ... if you had all the approprirate partition spaces set out,
 then you don't really need to run a partition tool.

 sydney, australia

RE: [newbie] Enlightenment Problems (yes, still)

2001-01-22 Per discussione Tim Goodaire

No. I couldn't figure out what was going on with $prefix.

How do I use --enable-fsstd and what does it do?

I'll try the E-devel mailing list next I guess.

Thanks for your help though!

Tim Goodaire

-Original Message-
From: Jesse C. Chang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Enlightenment Problems (yes, still)

Tim Goodaire wrote:

 So I removed Enlightenment and the new version still didn't compile. It's
 still complaining about not being able to find IMLIB_CONFIG, even though I
 know it's there. I've even installed a newer version. Blah. The gods don't
 want me to use Enlightenment it seems.

Did you fix any discrepancies with $prefix and all that?  Did you try
--enable-fsstd?  If you can figure out where imlib_config is being looked
for, you can try creating a link there, assuming it's different from the
actual path of imlib.config.

Otherwise, I have no idea why you're having such problems.  :(

Have you tried posting to the E-devel mailing list?


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   "I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best."  -- Oscar Wilde

Re: [newbie] Unable to see cdrom

2001-01-22 Per discussione Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Sun, 21 Jan 2001 16:03:37 -0800,Mike wrote:

 ls: /mnt/cdrom: Input/output error
 If I try to access /Root/mnt/cdrom from Konqueror I get:-
 unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom. You do not have access rights
 to this location.
 I would be very grateful if anyone can help me.
 Mike Baker 

Mon, 22 Jan 2001  13:29:08

You cannot access these files as a user Mike...try with root
privileges, by  click the big "K" ..then on the menu select
"applications" then "file tools" then "file manager super user mode"

Enter your root password into the block and you can now read
all those root files..be careful what you change.

Olly P

RE: [newbie] Re: GNOME or KDE

2001-01-22 Per discussione Adrian Smith

 "Thio Yu Jin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:43:01 AM 1/20/01 
Why is Enlightenment so much better than KDE or Gnome?

*haha*  now you are starting a war.   =)   just kidding.

i like E because it doesn't look like windows...
no icons on the desktop.  no menu bar at the bottom.
i like the pagers as they make it easy to jump from one desktop to another.
the eyecandy is great...  i mean really really nice.   sometimes i just turn off all 
the lights and look at  the screen.   =)
it is very easy to customize, and tho some of the things are a bit difficult to figure 
out, once you get the hang of it cutomizing the menus, desktop, blah blah blah is 
really easy.
it also comes with some nice themes, and you can download many more.

it really is all just a matter of personal taste, and i would rather have a "slicker" 
interface that is a bit slower.  i'm not in that much of a hurry.  =)

also, the E "team" (they are more like leaderless bandits) is working on Enlightenment 
17.  my understanding is they are completely recoding much of it, and expect the whole 
thing to be much faster, smoother, even easier to configure and there has been talk of 
an integreated file manager (don't quote me on the last one).  so i think things will 
be much much better.

also, Eterm is great.

hey Civilme  Mandrake, can we have Eterm 9.1 in the next release?  i use it  it's 
perfectly stable as far as i can tell.  that would be the bomb.

remember, to say E is "better" than X, Y or Z all depends on exactly what you want to 
do.  for many users Blackbox or KDE or Gome is "better".  this is what i like about 
the mandrake package.  they give you a whole bunch of WM to play with.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

Re: [newbie] Netscape engineers are weenies?

2001-01-22 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 22 January 2001 09:43, you wrote:
 Hey Civileme:
 Could you please enlighten me/us as to what you meant by "...backdoors
 based on the phrase Netscape engineers are weenies (reversed) that go
 undiscovered for years." in a post to another list which was talking about
 the much ado over the recent redhat server security problem?

Heeheehee...  OK

It might be in various archives, but it refers to Windows NT version 4 .  
There was a backdoor in it based on a 62 character sliderule encryption 
scheme with the key "Netscape engineers are weenies!" backwards.  Microsoft 
claimed it was unaware of the backdoor and promised to discover the employees 
responsible; the headlines vanished, and apparently it also vanished from the 
memory of most people.  It had limited scope, but the summary is here:

and here:

This was some time after the flap about the second cryptographic key in 
Windows not being a backup but actually a back door for the NSA (See 
http://www.cryptonym.com and read their archives).

And there are many other back doors in commercial code which have even more 
blatant consequences.  http://www.insecure.org has some three-year old ones 
for programs that will shock you.  There are some games you may not want to 
play again over the 'net.  Of course, some have been open-sourced and fixed 
since then.  The point was and is, systems based on free software are 
inherently more secure for the user.

Here's another example:


Re: [newbie] HDparm question

2001-01-22 Per discussione Emilio Correa

How do I use HDparm to optimize my HD settings?

Hi, type "man hdparm" in the terminal and read it, it explins you how to 
use and the way to change hd settings.

Thanks guys,
Chris Kelly
Men are from Earth
Women are from Earth
Deal with it...

Re: [newbie] HDparm question

2001-01-22 Per discussione abe



"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
 How do I use HDparm to optimize my HD settings?
 Thanks guys,
 Chris Kelly
 Men are from Earth
 Women are from Earth
 Deal with it...

Re: [newbie] problem installin mozilla 0.7

2001-01-22 Per discussione abe

I use netscape 4.76 and occasionally Mozilla.  Netscape 6 is slow,
bloated and unstable IMO.
I haven't found any websites that netscpae 4.76 can't view yet.  Can you
send me a link to one?  I'm curious ;-)


"Jesse C. Chang" wrote:
 Emiliano Ogando wrote:
  I need two files for install mozilla 0.7:
  libc.so.6 (Glibc-2.2)
  where can I download it??
 Try searching for them at www.rpmfind.com
 With any luck, they won't be RPM 4.  :)
 Out of curiosity, is it just me, or does Mozilla 0.7 crash a lot?  I've
 also had some problems with Netscape 6.  I tend to use Netscape 4.73 the
 most, since it seems to be faster and more stable, though there are some
 pages 4.73 is unable to view.
!!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   `|'   "I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
   /|\   satisfied with the best."  -- Oscar Wilde

[newbie] Kernel optimizations for AMD Athlon

2001-01-22 Per discussione Blomquist, Niklas


Witch kernel optimizations should I use for a AMD Athlon?


Re: [newbie] Unable to see cdrom

2001-01-22 Per discussione Mike Baker

Sorry, I forgot to say I was logged in as root.

At 19:38 22/01/2001, you wrote:
On Sun, 21 Jan 2001 16:03:37 -0800,Mike wrote:

  ls: /mnt/cdrom: Input/output error
  If I try to access /Root/mnt/cdrom from Konqueror I get:-
  unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom. You do not have access rights
  to this location.
  I would be very grateful if anyone can help me.
  Mike Baker

Mon, 22 Jan 2001  13:29:08

You cannot access these files as a user Mike...try with root
privileges, by  click the big "K" ..then on the menu select
"applications" then "file tools" then "file manager super user mode"

 Enter your root password into the block and you can now read
all those root files..be careful what you change.

Olly P

Mike Baker aka [RaG]Pixie[MwG]
Frag Fest LAN Parties www.fragfest.f2s.com

[newbie] Install Problems with V7.2 and SystemCommander 2000 V5.04

2001-01-22 Per discussione Stephen L LaBelle


I am attempting to multi-boot Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Mandrake 7.2
on an intel platform with System Commander.

I have the Windows 98 and Windows 2000 boots installed and functional 
on the first harddrive HDA. The Windows 98 is there to house System
Commander. Everything on that first drive works.

I run the custom Mandrake install, not the "full expert" but the middle
choice. I choose to install Mandrake directly, so I do not use the
System Commander O/S create utility. I just let System Commander find it
upon the reboot. BTW, this method works for custom installs of Red Hat
or SUSE which I have done several times in the past.

The Mandrake install is onto the 2nd drive fully, HDB, and I get all the 
way thru the install. System Commander finds the new Linux, but when I
try to boot Mandrake I get the following:

"panic unable to mount root filesystem" or something of that

I took a look at the Linux partitions from the System Commander 2000
disk partioning tool and see that the /boot partition is there and
identified as a Linux EXT2 file system, which is good. However the rest
of the Mandrake install space is not sliced into partitions, it is a 
single big partition that System Commander see as a generic Unix single
partition. That would seem to be the problem, is there something 
special I need to know about Mandrake???

Can someone advise me? As said earlier I have been able to do the same
setup methodology with Red Hat and SUSE and it worked.

Thanks for anyones help


# Stephen LaBelle  #
# Senior Unix Systems Administrator#
# Metropolitan State College of Denver #
# Denver, Colorado  USA#

Re: [newbie] Install Problems with V7.2 and SystemCommander 2000 V5.04

2001-01-22 Per discussione bascule

did you partition the rest into more than one partition i.e. /usr /home etc.?
did you use reiserfs? i installed lm7.2 onto a machine and thoughtlessly 
forgot to deselect the reiserfs package on installation and only realised i 
had done this when using partition magic i noticed that i couldn't resise my 
linux partitions


   "panic unable to mount root filesystem" or something of that
 I took a look at the Linux partitions from the System Commander 2000
 disk partioning tool and see that the /boot partition is there and
 identified as a Linux EXT2 file system, which is good. However the rest
 of the Mandrake install space is not sliced into partitions, it is a 
 single big partition that System Commander see as a generic Unix single

Re: [newbie] Kernel optimizations for AMD Athlon

2001-01-22 Per discussione abe

with the 2.2.x series you can use PPro.  If your using the 2.4.x kernel
there is a K7 optimization option.

"Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
 Witch kernel optimizations should I use for a AMD Athlon?

[newbie]Hearts game

2001-01-22 Per discussione marcia

Dear Romanator  All, I finally have enough things in working order that
I feel ready to tackle this Hearts game. 

Romanator, I believe you mentioned that you have the Hearts game working
with LM 7.2? Excuse me if you are not the one who mentioned that. Either
you or someone said they have the Hearts game for Linux working just
fine in LM 7.2. 

I could not get any faces to appear on the cards after I installed it. I
have LM 7.2 with the 4.x version of X.  How did you or anyone get this
game to work? I went as far as to contact the game's author about
this.He wrote me personally to give me some advice, however my computer
crashed shortly after that so I lost that info. Even he had the same
problems I had when he put it on LM 7.2. It worked great for me when I
had LM 7.0. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Marcia

Re: [newbie] messages

2001-01-22 Per discussione Romanator

-michael- wrote:
 Has anyone else noticed the dearth of messages from the list the past couple

Yep.  Me too.

Registered Linux User #179293
Penguin Charged Email

RE: [newbie] Install Problems with V7.2 and SystemCommander 2000 V5.04

2001-01-22 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

The problem most likely stems from the way the partitions were made.
Use the SysCom partitioning tool to delete the extended partition and then
to create it again with however many logical linux partitions you choose
then during the Mandrake installation use DiskDrake only for mounting and
formatting the partitions.

The only time I have used the SysCom OS Wizard was to install BeOS and that
is because the Be bootloader is not installed unless written to the MBR and
the OS Wizards allows SysCom to pick-up the boot record.
All the other installations on that system were done by setting the BIOS to
boot from CD-ROM
and inserting the installation CD. When the install completes all that is
necessary is to toggle the needed partition as bootable and it is added to
SysCom as a boot option.

I have done it a few times. I have a 45GB and a 15GB hd on that system with
all OSes being booted by SysCom2000.
Those include Win98, BeOS, Storm, Caldera, Suse, VA Red Hat, and Mandrake
and I have tried others.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stephen L LaBelle
 Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 4:10 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Install Problems with V7.2 and SystemCommander 2000


 I am attempting to multi-boot Windows 98, Windows 2000, and
 Mandrake 7.2
 on an intel platform with System Commander.

 I have the Windows 98 and Windows 2000 boots installed and functional
 on the first harddrive HDA. The Windows 98 is there to house System
 Commander. Everything on that first drive works.

 I run the custom Mandrake install, not the "full expert" but
 the middle
 choice. I choose to install Mandrake directly, so I do not use the
 System Commander O/S create utility. I just let System
 Commander find it
 upon the reboot. BTW, this method works for custom installs of Red Hat
 or SUSE which I have done several times in the past.

 The Mandrake install is onto the 2nd drive fully, HDB, and I
 get all the
 way thru the install. System Commander finds the new Linux, but when I
 try to boot Mandrake I get the following:

   "panic unable to mount root filesystem" or something of that

 I took a look at the Linux partitions from the System Commander 2000
 disk partioning tool and see that the /boot partition is there and
 identified as a Linux EXT2 file system, which is good.
 However the rest
 of the Mandrake install space is not sliced into partitions, it is a
 single big partition that System Commander see as a generic
 Unix single
 partition. That would seem to be the problem, is there something
 special I need to know about Mandrake???

 Can someone advise me? As said earlier I have been able to do the same
 setup methodology with Red Hat and SUSE and it worked.

 Thanks for anyones help


 # Stephen LaBelle  #
 # Senior Unix Systems Administrator#
 # Metropolitan State College of Denver #
 # Denver, Colorado  USA#

[newbie] l-m doesnt detect my modem or printer

2001-01-22 Per discussione michelle cain


i recently installed l-m 7.1, and it detects neither my modem (56K, V.90
compatible data/fax modem) nor my printer (hp deskjet 710c). the printer
drivetrs are not on the list it shows - is there anywhere i can download
them? mind you, that wont help unless i can connect.


Re: [newbie]Hearts game

2001-01-22 Per discussione Romanator

marcia wrote:
 Dear Romanator  All, I finally have enough things in working order that
 I feel ready to tackle this Hearts game.
 Romanator, I believe you mentioned that you have the Hearts game working
 with LM 7.2? Excuse me if you are not the one who mentioned that. Either
 you or someone said they have the Hearts game for Linux working just
 fine in LM 7.2.
 I could not get any faces to appear on the cards after I installed it. I
 have LM 7.2 with the 4.x version of X.  How did you or anyone get this
 game to work? I went as far as to contact the game's author about
 this.He wrote me personally to give me some advice, however my computer
 crashed shortly after that so I lost that info. Even he had the same
 problems I had when he put it on LM 7.2. It worked great for me when I
 had LM 7.0. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Marcia

Hi Marcia,

Long-time-no-hear. Try reducing the resolution on your monitor. It could
be your graphics card.

Registered Linux User #179293
Penguin Charged Email

Re: [newbie] modem problem

2001-01-22 Per discussione Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 03:39:54 ,Mark wrote:

i recently bought a zoom 56k fax/modem.  i added it to my computer and 
configured it properly.  i then went to dial my isp and when it tried to 
initialize, it sat there for ever.  and it did not dial.
i am using mandrake 7.2  with kde.
i was wondering if there was something i am overlooking.

Mon, 22 Jan 2001  15:12:00

Well Mark, I just went through a long struggle to finally get my Zoom
2920 working sucessfully
You need to give a little more info...is it PCI? are you
trying with KPPP? what errors are you getting?

Olly P

Re: [newbie] l-m doesnt detect my modem or printer

2001-01-22 Per discussione Dave Burrows

Hi, Michelle; 

I'm struggling with the modem issue myself right now (making progress,
thanks to Charles).  Please search the archives for "winmodem" and you'll
find a number of discussions about these and other sorts of softmodems
including linmodems for Linux systems, available for a few modems.  A
number of websites have been linked in just the past few days.

But I can help you, I think, with the printer.  I use an hp712c which is on
the list.  Just a little while ago by coincidence, I was using DiskDrake to
poke around and look at stuff and noticed the driver installed for my
printer was 710c.. not surprising since they're part of the same series. It
is surprising that the 712c is and the 710c isn't on the list when it
appears as though it's the 710c driver used for at least those 2 printers. 
Other possibilities also exist.  In any case, try the 712c. I think that'll
get you to where you want to be.  Mine installed and tested well during the
install.  Great little printer, isn't it?

um, wait.. I just noticed.. you are installing 7.1.  Hmm.. I may have to
step back a minute because I installed 7.2.  Still, our printers are older
than 7.1 so they ought to be included.  Have you considered using 7.2?  :)

Another possible culprit might be that your BIOS are set to let the OS find
your PnP devices.  I believe with both Windows and Linux OS, the OS relies
on the BIOS to detect your PnP devices so the option should read "no" or
"disable".  If you've not been in there before, it can be a little
intimidating but if you pay attention to what you do, change nothing unless
you are sure (this option, when you find it with the PnP options in your
Setup, is the one you should change in this session and no other) and read
the prompts in the legend to navigate, you'll be fine.  If you are familiar
with your BIOS, you probably already know to do this.  Hopefully, someone
else reading might find it useful.  You see, if the BIOS think the OS
system is supposed to detect PnP devices and the OS isn't programmed to,
none are found.  Since you didn't mention your CD device(s), I am guessing
that this is not the issue in your case.


michelle cain wrote:
 i recently installed l-m 7.1, and it detects neither my modem (56K, V.90
 compatible data/fax modem) nor my printer (hp deskjet 710c). the printer
 drivetrs are not on the list it shows - is there anywhere i can download
 them? mind you, that wont help unless i can connect.

Dave Burrows
741 Cleveland Road
Washington, PA  15301  

[newbie] install with /home unchanged

2001-01-22 Per discussione Busterfred

I run mandrake 7.1, with


on separate partitions.

I wish  to install mandrake 7.2.

Can I leave everything except  /  untouched and retain my music binaries
in  /user/storage  and my four identities and their desktop preferences in
 /home ? Or is it simpler and cleaner just to start over?

I assume I just avoid formatting my storage and home as I install. Any help


Re: [newbie] l-m doesnt detect my modem or printer

2001-01-22 Per discussione David Long


i got through my modem issues by looking at all the "man" pages i
could.  (do you know that command?) also i looked at all of the
documentation that came with 7.2.  it's very comprehensive. it sounds
like your having fun.  wish i had more time to fool witu stuff.  talk


Dave Burrows wrote:
 Hi, Michelle;
 I'm struggling with the modem issue myself right now (making progress,
 thanks to Charles).  Please search the archives for "winmodem" and you'll
 find a number of discussions about these and other sorts of softmodems
 including linmodems for Linux systems, available for a few modems.  A
 number of websites have been linked in just the past few days.
 But I can help you, I think, with the printer.  I use an hp712c which is on
 the list.  Just a little while ago by coincidence, I was using DiskDrake to
 poke around and look at stuff and noticed the driver installed for my
 printer was 710c.. not surprising since they're part of the same series. It
 is surprising that the 712c is and the 710c isn't on the list when it
 appears as though it's the 710c driver used for at least those 2 printers.
 Other possibilities also exist.  In any case, try the 712c. I think that'll
 get you to where you want to be.  Mine installed and tested well during the
 install.  Great little printer, isn't it?
 um, wait.. I just noticed.. you are installing 7.1.  Hmm.. I may have to
 step back a minute because I installed 7.2.  Still, our printers are older
 than 7.1 so they ought to be included.  Have you considered using 7.2?  :)
 Another possible culprit might be that your BIOS are set to let the OS find
 your PnP devices.  I believe with both Windows and Linux OS, the OS relies
 on the BIOS to detect your PnP devices so the option should read "no" or
 "disable".  If you've not been in there before, it can be a little
 intimidating but if you pay attention to what you do, change nothing unless
 you are sure (this option, when you find it with the PnP options in your
 Setup, is the one you should change in this session and no other) and read
 the prompts in the legend to navigate, you'll be fine.  If you are familiar
 with your BIOS, you probably already know to do this.  Hopefully, someone
 else reading might find it useful.  You see, if the BIOS think the OS
 system is supposed to detect PnP devices and the OS isn't programmed to,
 none are found.  Since you didn't mention your CD device(s), I am guessing
 that this is not the issue in your case.
 michelle cain wrote:
  i recently installed l-m 7.1, and it detects neither my modem (56K, V.90
  compatible data/fax modem) nor my printer (hp deskjet 710c). the printer
  drivetrs are not on the list it shows - is there anywhere i can download
  them? mind you, that wont help unless i can connect.
 Dave Burrows
 741 Cleveland Road
 Washington, PA  15301

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 installation problem

2001-01-22 Per discussione David Johnson

I have a 1 Ghz Athlon, Asus A7v  motherboard, Plexwriter 8/4/32A CD-RW, 128
MB ram.

I downloaded the two Mandrake 7.2 iso files and validated the md5 sums.
I burned my own CD-RWs with Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.  I created the CD-RWs
from the iso images.  Selecting Create CD  Disc-at-once options (I also
tried Track-at Once).
The CD-RWs burned successfully.

I rooted from the install CD-RW and after it got to the initializing CDROM
point, I got a message
saying that the CDROM device did not seem to contain a Linux Mandrake CDROM.

Any Ideas about what is causing this message?

-- http://USFamily.Net/info - Unlimited Internet - From $7.99/mo! --

Re: [newbie] install with /home unchanged

2001-01-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Monday 22 January 2001 11:12 pm, you wrote:
 I run mandrake 7.1, with


 on separate partitions.

 I wish  to install mandrake 7.2.

 Can I leave everything except  /  untouched and retain my music binaries
 in  /user/storage  and my four identities and their desktop preferences
 in  /home ? Or is it simpler and cleaner just to start over?

 I assume I just avoid formatting my storage and home as I install. Any help

Right, do not reformat the partitions you want to keep, and format the rest. 
That's the way I did it on one machine and so far no problems.YMMV. Good Luck,
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 installation problem

2001-01-22 Per discussione bascule

in windows what does explorer show as the contents of the cd's, iso files or 
a list of directories and files?
i.e. did you 'create a cd from an image' or did you drag and drop the iso 
files to the cd listing before burning?

 I downloaded the two Mandrake 7.2 iso files and validated the md5 sums.
 I burned my own CD-RWs with Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.  I created the CD-RWs
 from the iso images.  Selecting Create CD  Disc-at-once options (I also
 tried Track-at Once).
 The CD-RWs burned successfully.
 I rooted from the install CD-RW and after it got to the initializing CDROM
 point, I got a message
 saying that the CDROM device did not seem to contain a Linux Mandrake CDROM.
 Any Ideas about what is causing this message?

[newbie] pppd died unexpectedly

2001-01-22 Per discussione John MacCallum

Hi all,

I have a Pentium 133Mhz running MDK 7.2 with kernel-2.4.0-5mdk.  When I try
to connect to the internet using Kppp, it tells me, after the login process,
that pppd has died unexpectedly.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


[newbie] SCSI, Tape Drives and Linux compatibility

2001-01-22 Per discussione Homer Shimpsian

Can anyone comment on their experiences with SCSI?

TapeStor DAT 240 6-Cart.$3,479.00

Ok, so I figured out that Linux supports Ultra 160...  now can anyone tell
me if I would run into problems sticking any old 6 tape capacity tape
changer on there.   I would imagine it needs Linux specific drivers in order
to change the tapes and keep track of what is where.

Can anyone reccommend a tape backup drive that can swap 4-6 tapes in Linux?

Re: [newbie] Kernel optimizations for AMD Athlon

2001-01-22 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Would this really make a difference in speed/performance? Most of what I've 
read regarding kernel recompiles say that there's not much to be gained from 

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 08:36, abe wrote:
 with the 2.2.x series you can use PPro.  If your using the 2.4.x kernel
 there is a K7 optimization option.

 "Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
  Witch kernel optimizations should I use for a AMD Athlon?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] What is best Xfree upgrade option for 3D Blaster Savage4?

2001-01-22 Per discussione Bob Currey

I have 7.2 running on it, with XFree 3.3.6 in some places and 4.0.1 in
others (as it came with 7.2 cd).  I found an upgrade on Creative Labs site,
but it doesn't say what version its for in the README or anywhere else I
could find..  I also found XFree 4.0.2, but its not available as an RPM, so
I'd be on my own as far as getting it working.  I heard that 4.0.2 supports
the 3D Blaster Savage4.

What is my best bet?  Anyone else have the card, or has upgraded to 4.0.2,
already?  How was it?  Any tricky things?



[newbie] Looking for 2 computer TCP/IP open source arcade type games

2001-01-22 Per discussione Bob Currey

I have a son that wants to learn to code.  Nothing like taking things that
work, dissecting them, and tweaking them a bit as a fun learning tool.  Any
suggestions?  Java games, maybe?  I'll be playing, too (code and game wise).

Thanks for any suggestions,


Re: [newbie] pppd died unexpectedly

2001-01-22 Per discussione Jason Stegman

On Monday 22 January 2001 19:44, you wrote:
 to connect to the internet using Kppp, it tells me, after the login
 process, that pppd has died unexpectedly.  Any help would be greatly

First, check your timeout setting.  Make sure you are giving the ISP enough 
time to establish a connection.  2 minutes should be plenty.  mine is set at 
1 min.

If that isn't the problem, then I would say its has to do with how your ISP 
wants you to connect and authenticate.  To help you out with this I am going 
to need more information.  What authentication method are you using?  what 
pppd arguments are you using? etc...

I could also be the modem initialization string you are using.  your ISP may 
want a certain kind of connection and you are sending the wrong kind.  For 
instance, my ISP operates with V.90 and 56K but not K56flex.  So I have to 
make sure K56flex is turned off on my modem via the initialization string, 
which looks like atfw2s109=2s38=1%c0.  This initialization string other 
things but mainly ensures a V.90 connection.  Every ISP and modem are 
different. Consult your ISP and your modem's AT command manual.  I lucked 
out, and my ISP offers linux support.  Hopefully your does too.


Re: [newbie] sing both cdrw and cdrom from X

2001-01-22 Per discussione Dave Burrows


After reading your details, I noticed you are from Murcia! While I have
never been to Spain, my son and I have hosted 3 exchange students from
Spain, and the last was from Murcia.  Alejandro Romero Tejero.  I have not
heard from him in a while but I know I will again one day.  I would like to
visit Spain a lot.  I'm real glad to have known all 3 boys.

Anyway, your message is timely as I just installed Linux-Mandrake for the
first time and my CD-ROM and CD-RW are not working although I can see them
both in the device manager.  What confused me until your message was that
there were 2 incidents of the CD-RW, the second, a SCSI.  I have no SCSI
devices or interface on my machine.  What you said sorta cleared up that
mystery and also gave me an avenue of approach to make my drives



 Hello again
 This is not a message with a problem, but with a solution.
 Under mandrake 7.1 in my old Pentium II xcdroast detected both, the
 cdrom and the cdwriter. Under MDK 7.2 just the cdwriter emulating scsi
 is recognized, so the cdwriter must work hard, reading the origen cd and
 writing the new cd.
 Actually this is the situation using MDK installation, but I have read
 that this could be solved, I will show the steps I have followed in my
 case. I have a Sony CR-X160E cdwriter and a Hitachi DVD. The scsi
 emulation has been installed by Mandrake 7.2 just for the cdwriter, but
 it is also possible to do that for the DVD.
 Firs of all in my case the cdwriter is the hdc (ide 1, master) and the
 DVD is the hdd (ide 1, slave).
 1) In all the lines of /boot/grub/menu.lst for start linux I had to add
 2)From a konsole I typed "mknod scd1 b 11 8"
 3) From konsole, I typed "ln -s scd1 cdrom2"
 4) Due to a kudzu bug, I could not acces to cdrom2 for normal use; I
 needed to type also:"
 "cd /dev rm cdrom2  ln -s scd1 cdrom2"
 to solve the wrong link created by kudzu.
 5) Restart linux
 It was easy to comprobate if everything were running; I try to read
 pc-cdroms from both cdrom units; no problems. I load the udf module and
 my DVD Hitachi could read a DVD disk. And to know if the scsi emulation
 was also running I use the next commands:
 cdrecord --scanbus (both cdrom and cdwriter were shown)
 cat /proc/scsi/scsi (similar results)
 run xcdroast and go to setup; both drivers appears.
 Now I can read the cds using my Hitachi DVD and burn they using the Sony
 CDwriter. great!
 Se you soon
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

Dave Burrows
741 Cleveland Road
Washington, PA  15301  

Re: [newbie] can't view ntfs

2001-01-22 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


 Ok it would be very usefull to install this modules and to
 recompile my kernel in order to view ntfs in LM7.2, I accept
 because I have never done it.

  No problem.

  Now, though trouble rarely occurse, be sure to back up your
data first.  And be sure to read my instructions to the end
before you begin.

  If you've not installed your kernel source (ls -al
/usr/src/linux-2.2.17 or whatever version of the kernel you have
in /usr/src) do so from your CD now.

  Log out of XWindows , log out as user, log in as root  open
X, in a terminal type after the #:

1. # cd /usr/src/linux-2.2.17
2. # make xconfig
In here, you'll mostly just want to look round  become familiar
(to some degree) with the layout -- someday you'll be coming in
to make specific changes for new hardware.  For now, you want to
go to the OS tab (it may be a little different in your version),
scroll down to the section for NT/W2k/ntfs, etc (it will likely
read ntfs).  There are two settings.  The first, which is already
set to load, is for read only access.  There is another there for
read/write access (you may find it in another sub section,
requiring you click a button to get to it).  Click on the option
to load the module at boot as opposed to probing (I don't think
it'll even allow probing, so just "turn it on".  OK or save out 
3. # make dep
4. # make clean
5. # make bzimage
6. # make modules
7. # make modules_install

  Each of these from number 5 will take a little time, so
be prepared.  There's one last step, but if you want to continue
using grub as your boot loader instead of lilo, you'll have to
read the grub documentation.  You see, for those of us who prefer
(or only use) lilo, the next step is to tell lilo (if grub, it's
telling grub) that you've a new kernel.  This, with lilo, is
done by:

8. # make bzlilo

  I don't know the command for grub.  Sorry.

  You shouldn't have any trouble.  Once you've finished 
rebooted, try cd'ing to your W2k directory.  Once there, do this:

either as user or root (user might be better, but if root can do
it, there's just a matter of making a few changes to some
things).  Now type:

pico test

 press your Enter key.  Type a few characters  do Ctrl x to
close pico.  Then pico asks if you want to save the changes.
Press y for yes  press Enter to save it as "test".  Now, watch
the status line to see if pico saves the file or tells you it
can't.  There's no reason it shouldn't save the file, but if
you'd done so as user, su to root  try it again.

  If it still won't save, the partition isn't in r/w mode.  So,
cd to roots home, umount your W2k directory, check /etc/fstab to
be sure fstab says to mount in r/w mode (the last bit on the line
for your W2k partition should read something like this:

user,exec,umask=0 0 0

  If it is different, change it to what's above.

  Remount the W2k partition  try it again.  Should be fine:-).


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 installation problem

2001-01-22 Per discussione David Johnson

I did 'create cd from CD image'.  Explorer shows lists of directories/files.
The CD-RW does boot.
I assume Mandrake can read the CD-RW or I would get a different error.
I don't know what test is failing
I downloaded an iso file from a different site and the same thing happened.
How can I check that the CD-RW was written properly???

Thanks for any help
- Original Message -
From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 installation problem

 in windows what does explorer show as the contents of the cd's, iso files
 a list of directories and files?
 i.e. did you 'create a cd from an image' or did you drag and drop the iso
 files to the cd listing before burning?

  I downloaded the two Mandrake 7.2 iso files and validated the md5 sums.
  I burned my own CD-RWs with Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.  I created the
  from the iso images.  Selecting Create CD  Disc-at-once options (I also
  tried Track-at Once).
  The CD-RWs burned successfully.
  I rooted[booted] from the install CD-RW and after it got to the
initializing CDROM
  point, I got a message
  saying that the CDROM device did not seem to contain a Linux Mandrake
  Any Ideas about what is causing this message?

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Re: [newbie] Tape drive problem

2001-01-22 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Actually, I do have another idea. Try the command the other way.

taper -T st0

I think you'll find that it works. I too have a SCSI tape device and that
is the command that I use to start the program and tell it where and what
it is.


On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Dan Shanahan wrote:

 Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 22:46:59 -0800
 From: Dan Shanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Tape drive problem

 Thanks for the suggestion,
 I took a quick look at the documentation  the command is

 taper -T scsi

 but it still doesn't work. When I select "Restore Module" taper does not
 resond  I cannot exit (same as with mt -f /dev/st0). And when I check the
 status of the process, it again says "down". Again, I cannot kill the process.

 Any other ideas?

  try using Taper.
  as root use this command.
  taper -T st0
  thats the program I use for my tape drive and it works fine.
  "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
  "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
  Linus Torvalds
  On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Dan Shanahan wrote:
   I am not able to read from my tape drive.
   About 3 weeks ago, I installed Mandrake 7.1. Before that I had Redhat
   5.2. I backed up some file on tape before installing Mandrake 7.1, but I
   can't read them. When I type in any mt command, like
   mt -f /dev/st0 tell
   the xterm appears to not respond.
   If I check the process in another xterm, the ps command lists the
   process as "down"  I can't kill the process.
   Does anyone know what would cause mt to not respond?
   Thanks, Dan

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 installation problem

2001-01-22 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

If you can view a list of directories in Explorer then the CD was written

Are you running the Mandrake installation from your CD-RW drive or from a
CD-ROM drive?
If you are using a CD-ROM drive it is possible, especially if it is an older
drive, that the drive can not read CD-RWs.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Johnson
 Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 installation problem

 I did 'create cd from CD image'.  Explorer shows lists of
 The CD-RW does boot.
 I assume Mandrake can read the CD-RW or I would get a different error.
 I don't know what test is failing
 I downloaded an iso file from a different site and the same
 thing happened.
 How can I check that the CD-RW was written properly???

 Thanks for any help
 - Original Message -
 From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 6:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 installation problem

  in windows what does explorer show as the contents of the
 cd's, iso files
  a list of directories and files?
  i.e. did you 'create a cd from an image' or did you drag
 and drop the iso
  files to the cd listing before burning?
   I downloaded the two Mandrake 7.2 iso files and validated
 the md5 sums.
   I burned my own CD-RWs with Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.  I
 created the
   from the iso images.  Selecting Create CD  Disc-at-once
 options (I also
   tried Track-at Once).
   The CD-RWs burned successfully.
   I rooted[booted] from the install CD-RW and after it got to the
 initializing CDROM
   point, I got a message
   saying that the CDROM device did not seem to contain a
 Linux Mandrake
   Any Ideas about what is causing this message?

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