Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-06 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi JS,

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 7:38 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 Oh come on. Aren't you pushing this a bit too far? We're not playing
 anyone's game, just using a tool that allows us to compile code on a given
 platform. This platform choice (which is only one option, we support Linux
 too, but cannot go away from Windows completely) is dictated by our clients
 and past history. That's what's locking us into using that tool, not the
 tool itself.

I'm not suggesting dropping windows support, I'm just saying that you
keep all the platform specific hacks as far away from general code as
possible.  You keep is as localised as possible, this is the key to
cross platform development - it's why the OSG is so portable.

Adding obscure platform specific hacks to all header files is totally
wrong for this project, and make it less maintainable. It would be a
backwards step that I won't merge.

 Even if I were working on personal projects only, I would still advocate for
 OSG to support VS in the best way possible. It's too big a market and a user
 base to push to the wayside and have half-baked support for.

Not supporting the MS pet way of doing things isn't providing poor
windows support.  The OSG supports VS just fine.

Using CMake you can disable the Export pragma's, you have complete
control.  If you want to then isolate the warnings from OSG headers
yourself then again you have complete control to do so.  Rather than
stuff macro's or extra includes why not in your own application just
have your own macro such as:

#define INCLUDE(header) /
   #pragma (warning(push)) /
   #pragma (warning(disable : a b c d)) /
   #includeheader /
   #pragma (warning(pop))

Then in your own code you just have:


Like the ScopedLock trick we use for Mutex management - it's an design
pattern that ensures robust resource management and far more
maintainable than need to enclose everything carefully with lines that
are only relevant to a single platform.

 But then even OSG's headers will generate warnings. A library should not
 generate warnings, but should not obscure the warnings in your own code.
  Period. Do you at least agree with that?

I really stove for the ideal of the OSG header not generating any
warnings so not requiring the pragma's, I wrote just this as my goal,
but we've falling short, and through lack of effort.

The reality is that modern compilers at high warning levels produce
lots of false positives on perfectly correct code.

 As Matthew said, this could be replaced by macros in a single header, or
 something else. As I said, I was trying to suggest something, anything, in
 the hope we could go forward in some way. Just arguing back and forth
 doesn't help anything, so I think I'll stop replying about this subject if
 we don't go forward at least a bit.

Mathew's suggest is marginally better, but still a horrible hack.

 What happens if I forget to add #endif to the end of a header to close the
 include guards? That's not standard C++ either, just common practice, and no
 one really fights that.

The #ifdef #endif around headers is a back that we all have to employ
across all platforms.  If someone missing it out we have a good chance
of catching it on the any platform.  It's a pain but it is at least
maintainable without too much effort or likely-hood of introducing

Contracts this we push/pop macro/include errors - the code would still
compile even under VisualStudio, no one would know about a problem
until someone starting looking for errors that were being accidentally
suppressed.  If you code typically doesn't generate warnings, and
continues not to generate warnings you'll happily assume everything is
dandy... but it's not, it's broken, but... where o lots of
headers to go through.
 Well, since you don't even see the VS warnings, and don't see errors related
 to OSG_EXPORT, and don't see... I don't understand how that's worse. Someone
 (probably me, lucky as I am) will compile on Windows, see the error, track
 it to the missing end marker (whatever that may be) and submit the fix, the
 same as a missing OSG_EXPORT. For the number of times a new header is added
 to OSG, I think it's really minor.

The OSG_EXPORT issues is a pain, but at least if they are missing
someone eventually picks up the error and the error report you get
pinpoints the problem precisely.  The push/pop is a very different
beast - its an untraceable and largely un-noticable error.

The OSG_EXPORT also provides a function to the binaries, doesn't add
any extra lines of code to the headers and is well understood by most
developers.   So it's more functional, and less intrusive and more
maintainable than the proposed push/pop macro/headers.

 This certainly won't make help code portability and maintainability.

 Let's just suppress all warnings in osg/Export then, and see if users like
 that. (I'm only partly joking)

 Anyways, the basic premise I'm maintaining is 

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-06 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

Sigh.  I have worked my bollocks off trying to reduce the number of
suppressed warnings in include/osg/Export.  We have got as far as we
are going to get without holding back the release for many more weeks,
and without modifying many hundreds of files, needless changes too,
then won't actually fix any bugs, it just compilers over zealous
warnings we are suppressing via code changes to code that is typically
perfectly correct in the first place.

One thing I never suggested (even remotely) is holding back the 2.8 
release because of warnings. Worst case, we could go back to the 
situation as it was before, OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS to off by 
default on Windows and no one notices.

There's no reason to spend the major part of your work hours on OSG 
trying to fix Windows warnings, when it can be done gradually over a 
couple weeks after the release, so as to not get fed up with it as you 
seem to be now.

Out of curiosity, I just diffed osg/Export between revision 9235 (Nov. 
24, 2008, before the warnings blitz) and the trunk to see what had been 
removed. There were 8 disables before, now there are 4. So I guess it's 
progress, at least. If nothing else comes up, it's a good middle ground.

I was just trying to see if we could satisfy the users who have come by 
the list in the past, saying why does OSG disable warnings in my own 
code?. It's happened a few times IIRC. So my hope was to be able to get 
0 warning disables in osg/Export, not 50% of what we had... But it 
doesn't seem possible. Me, I don't care, other than having an 
ideological stance that doesn't help anyone.

What is far far more important is testing and fixing real bugs. Fixing
real bugs benefits everybody.

Well said. I'll get back to work now.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Cedric Pinson
I am not sure if it's related or not but i tried to compile the trunk 
this morning and here the warning i get.

[ 8%] Building CXX object src/osg/CMakeFiles/osg.dir/OcclusionQueryNode.o
In function ‘int std::__convert_from_v(char*, int, const char*, _Tv, 
__locale_struct* const, int) [with _Tv = double]’:
instantiated from ‘_OutIter std::num_put_CharT, 
_OutIter::_M_insert_float(_OutIter, std::ios_base, _CharT, char, 
_ValueT) const [with _ValueT = double, _CharT = char, _OutIter = 
std::ostreambuf_iteratorchar, std::char_traitschar ]’
instantiated from ‘_OutIter std::num_put_CharT, 
_OutIter::do_put(_OutIter, std::ios_base, _CharT, double) const [with 
_CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iteratorchar, 
std::char_traitschar ]’
instantiated from ‘_OutIter std::num_put_CharT, 
_OutIter::put(_OutIter, std::ios_base, _CharT, double) const [with 
_CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iteratorchar, 
std::char_traitschar ]’
instantiated from ‘std::basic_ostream_CharT, _Traits 
std::basic_ostream_CharT, _Traits::operator(double) [with _CharT = 
char, _Traits = std::char_traitschar]’
instantiated from here
warning: format not a string literal, argument types not checked
warning: format not a string literal, argument types not checked


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi JS,

Thanks for the warning fixes, I've merged about 2/3rds of them, but
will record some of the other ones.   The server isn't accessible
right now so I'm not able to check in right now.  I'll have  bash
tomorrow morning.  These last warning fixes won't affect runtime at
all so the 2.8.0-rc1 as it stands right now should be good enough for


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Hi Robert,

As I said on my other post, I don't seem to get any warnings (other than
can't open build log for writing, which is weird but benign - the warnings
if any would still go to stdout and thus get reported in the CDash warnings
page for the build). I'll try another full rebuild and see for sure. Then if
I get any I'll see what needs to be done.

OK, I've had a go at fixing the warnings. I've attached a zip containing the
build output before the fixes for you to see, as well as the changed files.

The PDB warnings (which come from the fact that a given 3rd party library
was compiled with debug information split into a separate file instead of
embedded into the library) we can just ignore. They only happen at link time
for the given plugin. Same thing for the default library MSVCRT
conflicts... warning, though that might indicate a bigger problem. The next
time someone makes a 3rd party package, those things should be taken care

Other than that, here are the warnings I fixed:


osgUtil.lib and osglauncher example

4C:\Tools\msvs8\VC\include\list(42) : warning C4510:
'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' : default constructor could not be

(and other similar and related warnings)

Simply adding an empty default constructor to the arc class in
TriStrip_graph_array.h and the Xample class in osglauncher.cpp fixed this

You could see that std::list was not the problem, but the class used as a
template argument, because lower in the warning message there was mention of

: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::list_Ty' being

which pointed to the type to which a default constructor needed to be added.
It comes down to deciphering VS's messages... :-)

osga plugin

198..\..\..\..\src\osgPlugins\osga\OSGA_Archive.cpp(727) : warning C4512:
'OSGA_Archive::WriteObjectFunctor' : assignment operator could not be
198..\..\..\..\src\osgPlugins\osga\OSGA_Archive.cpp(719) : see
declaration of 'OSGA_Archive::WriteObjectFunctor'

(and so on for the other Write*Functors)

I didn't find any way to fix this other than locally suppressing it, since
creating a default constructor would imply constructing a default
osg::Object, which is abstract so I can't do that. So I suppressed it around

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Cedric Pinson

Hi Robert,
I use the gcc 4.1.2 i guess it's bogus on this version, i will try to 

Thank you


Robert Osfield wrote:

HI Cendric,

The line that is trigger this warning is essentially of the form:

  float myValue
  ostream  this is very silly, can't even write out a float these
days myValuestd::endl;

This is of course perfectly valid C++, this screams out a bug in the
standard library, or the compiler, and not in the OSG.  The only thing
we can do is disable this particular warning as it's clearly bogus.
Note, not all versions of gcc has this bug, for instance I'm using
4.3.2 and don't get these errors.

I'm just testing the removal of the --format==2 entry from the
aggressive warnings.  I'll check this in once I've got a complete
build of the 2.8 branch.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:

I am not sure if it's related or not but i tried to compile the trunk this
morning and here the warning i get.

[ 8%] Building CXX object src/osg/CMakeFiles/osg.dir/OcclusionQueryNode.o
In function 'int std::__convert_from_v(char*, int, const char*, _Tv,
__locale_struct* const, int) [with _Tv = double]':
instantiated from '_OutIter std::num_put_CharT,
_OutIter::_M_insert_float(_OutIter, std::ios_base, _CharT, char, _ValueT)
const [with _ValueT = double, _CharT = char, _OutIter =
std::ostreambuf_iteratorchar, std::char_traitschar ]'
instantiated from '_OutIter std::num_put_CharT, _OutIter::do_put(_OutIter,
std::ios_base, _CharT, double) const [with _CharT = char, _OutIter =
std::ostreambuf_iteratorchar, std::char_traitschar ]'
instantiated from '_OutIter std::num_put_CharT, _OutIter::put(_OutIter,
std::ios_base, _CharT, double) const [with _CharT = char, _OutIter =
std::ostreambuf_iteratorchar, std::char_traitschar ]'
instantiated from 'std::basic_ostream_CharT, _Traits
std::basic_ostream_CharT, _Traits::operator(double) [with _CharT = char,
_Traits = std::char_traitschar]'
instantiated from here
warning: format not a string literal, argument types not checked
warning: format not a string literal, argument types not checked


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi JS,

Thanks for the warning fixes, I've merged about 2/3rds of them, but
will record some of the other ones.   The server isn't accessible
right now so I'm not able to check in right now.  I'll have  bash
tomorrow morning.  These last warning fixes won't affect runtime at
all so the 2.8.0-rc1 as it stands right now should be good enough for


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:


Hi Robert,

As I said on my other post, I don't seem to get any warnings (other than
can't open build log for writing, which is weird but benign - the
if any would still go to stdout and thus get reported in the CDash
page for the build). I'll try another full rebuild and see for sure.
Then if
I get any I'll see what needs to be done.


OK, I've had a go at fixing the warnings. I've attached a zip containing
build output before the fixes for you to see, as well as the changed

The PDB warnings (which come from the fact that a given 3rd party library
was compiled with debug information split into a separate file instead of
embedded into the library) we can just ignore. They only happen at link
for the given plugin. Same thing for the default library MSVCRT
conflicts... warning, though that might indicate a bigger problem. The
time someone makes a 3rd party package, those things should be taken care

Other than that, here are the warnings I fixed:


osgUtil.lib and osglauncher example

4C:\Tools\msvs8\VC\include\list(42) : warning C4510:
'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' : default constructor could not be

(and other similar and related warnings)

Simply adding an empty default constructor to the arc class in
TriStrip_graph_array.h and the Xample class in osglauncher.cpp fixed this

You could see that std::list was not the problem, but the class used as a
template argument, because lower in the warning message there was mention


: see reference to class template instantiation 

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Cendric,

The line that is trigger this warning is essentially of the form:

  float myValue
  ostream  this is very silly, can't even write out a float these
days myValuestd::endl;

This is of course perfectly valid C++, this screams out a bug in the
standard library, or the compiler, and not in the OSG.  The only thing
we can do is disable this particular warning as it's clearly bogus.
Note, not all versions of gcc has this bug, for instance I'm using
4.3.2 and don't get these errors.

I'm just testing the removal of the --format==2 entry from the
aggressive warnings.  I'll check this in once I've got a complete
build of the 2.8 branch.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:
 I am not sure if it's related or not but i tried to compile the trunk this
 morning and here the warning i get.

 [ 8%] Building CXX object src/osg/CMakeFiles/osg.dir/OcclusionQueryNode.o
 In function 'int std::__convert_from_v(char*, int, const char*, _Tv,
 __locale_struct* const, int) [with _Tv = double]':
 instantiated from '_OutIter std::num_put_CharT,
 _OutIter::_M_insert_float(_OutIter, std::ios_base, _CharT, char, _ValueT)
 const [with _ValueT = double, _CharT = char, _OutIter =
 std::ostreambuf_iteratorchar, std::char_traitschar ]'
 instantiated from '_OutIter std::num_put_CharT, _OutIter::do_put(_OutIter,
 std::ios_base, _CharT, double) const [with _CharT = char, _OutIter =
 std::ostreambuf_iteratorchar, std::char_traitschar ]'
 instantiated from '_OutIter std::num_put_CharT, _OutIter::put(_OutIter,
 std::ios_base, _CharT, double) const [with _CharT = char, _OutIter =
 std::ostreambuf_iteratorchar, std::char_traitschar ]'
 instantiated from 'std::basic_ostream_CharT, _Traits
 std::basic_ostream_CharT, _Traits::operator(double) [with _CharT = char,
 _Traits = std::char_traitschar]'
 instantiated from here
 warning: format not a string literal, argument types not checked
 warning: format not a string literal, argument types not checked


 Robert Osfield wrote:

 Hi JS,

 Thanks for the warning fixes, I've merged about 2/3rds of them, but
 will record some of the other ones.   The server isn't accessible
 right now so I'm not able to check in right now.  I'll have  bash
 tomorrow morning.  These last warning fixes won't affect runtime at
 all so the 2.8.0-rc1 as it stands right now should be good enough for


 On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

 Hi Robert,

 As I said on my other post, I don't seem to get any warnings (other than
 can't open build log for writing, which is weird but benign - the
 if any would still go to stdout and thus get reported in the CDash
 page for the build). I'll try another full rebuild and see for sure.
 Then if
 I get any I'll see what needs to be done.

 OK, I've had a go at fixing the warnings. I've attached a zip containing
 build output before the fixes for you to see, as well as the changed

 The PDB warnings (which come from the fact that a given 3rd party library
 was compiled with debug information split into a separate file instead of
 embedded into the library) we can just ignore. They only happen at link
 for the given plugin. Same thing for the default library MSVCRT
 conflicts... warning, though that might indicate a bigger problem. The
 time someone makes a 3rd party package, those things should be taken care

 Other than that, here are the warnings I fixed:


 osgUtil.lib and osglauncher example

 4C:\Tools\msvs8\VC\include\list(42) : warning C4510:
 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' : default constructor could not be

 (and other similar and related warnings)

 Simply adding an empty default constructor to the arc class in
 TriStrip_graph_array.h and the Xample class in osglauncher.cpp fixed this

 You could see that std::list was not the problem, but the class used as a
 template argument, because lower in the warning message there was mention


 : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::list_Ty' being


Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

Thanks for the warning fixes, I've merged about 2/3rds of them, but
will record some of the other ones.   The server isn't accessible
right now so I'm not able to check in right now.  I'll have  bash
tomorrow morning.  

The server is back up and I've been able to do an update. All warnings 
fixes I sent are in except the one in 
src/osgPlugins/osga/OSGA_Archive.cpp. Is there a reason or it just got 
forgotten in the batch?

Also, I would have preferred if you had kept my push/pop in 
QOSGWidget.cpp, since users might want the given warning to be enabled 
in their own code and this shows how to suppress it for Qt's headers but 
not for their code. And the same pattern should be used for 
osgviewerGLUT.cpp too.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi JS,

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 The server is back up and I've been able to do an update. All warnings fixes
 I sent are in except the one in src/osgPlugins/osga/OSGA_Archive.cpp. Is
 there a reason or it just got forgotten in the batch?

I moved the suppression of OSGA_Archive.cpp warning into
include/osg/Export as others were reporting lots of warnings of this
type elsewhere in the OSG.

 Also, I would have preferred if you had kept my push/pop in QOSGWidget.cpp,
 since users might want the given warning to be enabled in their own code and
 this shows how to suppress it for Qt's headers but not for their code. And
 the same pattern should be used for osgviewerGLUT.cpp too.

For specific headers I think push/pop is barely tolerable, but for a
.cpp I think it's a real waste of lines of code.  Were are talking
about suppressing a warning in an example, and warning that is pretty
bogus w.r.t helping us detect and fix bugs.  Our examples shouldn't be
about how to work around idiosyncracies of VS, there should be about
how to write applications with the OSG, so the less extra crude the

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

For specific headers I think push/pop is barely tolerable, but for a
.cpp I think it's a real waste of lines of code.  Were are talking
about suppressing a warning in an example, and warning that is pretty
bogus w.r.t helping us detect and fix bugs.  

That's your opinion but you shouldn't be making judgement calls like 
that for other people's projects, which is why I think putting 
suppression in include/osg/Export is a bad practice. But I know I won't 
make you change your opinion on this.

I just think if OSG wants to be a truly cross-platform library it needs 
to do things the right way on all platforms. On VS, using push/pop is 
the way to go so you don't cause warnings to be suppressed in user code 
(which is the other project's call to make).

Our examples shouldn't be
about how to work around idiosyncracies of VS, there should be about
how to write applications with the OSG, so the less extra crude the

On that I agree. But doing things the right way (whatever the 
platform/compiler may be) doesn't count as crud IMHO. Anyways, as you 
said it's an example, so someone who wants to base their code on that 
example can do it however they want.

Anyways, we've been around these opinions before, so we can just change 
the subject. I just saw the changes being merged differently and was 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi JS,

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 That's your opinion but you shouldn't be making judgement calls like that
 for other people's projects, which is why I think putting suppression in
 include/osg/Export is a bad practice. But I know I won't make you change
 your opinion on this.

I have *really* *really* hard to get the pragma's out of the
include/osg/Export.  I've have poured several weeks of my life trying
to do so.  I have only added suppression back into the Export because
the remaining warnings were just detracting form the real job in hand
- fixing the code rather adding workarounds.

 I just think if OSG wants to be a truly cross-platform library it needs to
 do things the right way on all platforms. On VS, using push/pop is the way
 to go so you don't cause warnings to be suppressed in user code (which is
 the other project's call to make).

push/pop adds a lot of extra syntax to headers for just one single
platform, it's not cross platform in any whatso ever.  Polluting our
headers and .cpp's with lots of pragma's for just one platform because
it's warnings are misleading and impractical/impossible to fix is not
good practice.  One should only do hacks like this when you absolutely
have to.

Don't forgot fixing warnings are double edge sword.  Right now I've
investigating a new bug that has occurred because of the warnings
work.  I hate taking step backs on code quality and this one is
exactly because of an attempt at fixing bugs.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

push/pop adds a lot of extra syntax to headers for just one single
platform, it's not cross platform in any whatso ever.  

I see things from the opposite perspective: if OSG wants to be used 
multi-platform, it has to work well on each platform, the way that 
platform works. Otherwise, just make VS unsupported and make everyone 
build through cygwin if they want to build on Windows... That way gcc is 
always used and you don't have to worry about how VS does things.

If you want a native Windows build, people need to use VS. If OSG has to 
be compiled through VS, it needs to conform to how VS does things (and 
any other compiler, I'm not putting VS in a special bunch here just 
putting it on the same footing as gcc).

Polluting our
headers and .cpp's with lots of pragma's for just one platform because
it's warnings are misleading and impractical/impossible to fix is not
good practice.  One should only do hacks like this when you absolutely
have to.

The problem is that *in OSG* and *in your opinion*, these warnings add 
nothing. But if they exist at all, it must be because they add something 
sometimes. Hence my assertion that OSG should not make decisions as to 
what warnings to suppress for user code.

OK, back to trying to find solutions as opposed to opinionated 
discussions that don't lead anywhere (I'm talking about me, not you :-) )

What we could do is kind of like what (I think) SDL does. Instead of 
having each header start with

#include osg/Export

// rest of header

it could be something like this:

#include osg/HeaderStart

// rest of header

#include osg/HeaderEnd



#if defined(_MSC_VER) %% defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: a b c d e f g)


#if defined(_MSC_VER) %% defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
#pragma warning(pop)

That way, the code would not be littered with push/pop/disable pragmas, 
but the warnings would be disabled only for the OSG headers, and it 
would not seep into user code. We could do the same for any cpp file 
that has warnings we want to disable (so instead of 
HeaderStart/HeaderEnd maybe it could be called FileStart/FileEnd)...

Sure, if we implement that solution it will imply changing a lot of 
files. But no less than the recent warnings purge(s) have...

Anyways, I just thought I'd try to suggest a constructive solution just 
so you know I'm not just complaining. :-)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Matthew Fuesz

Skylark wrote:
 #if defined(_MSC_VER) %% defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
 #pragma warning(push)
 #pragma warning(disable: a b c d e f g)
 #if defined(_MSC_VER) %% defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
 #pragma warning(pop)

You can actually roll the pragamas all up into two macros - one to begin 
(push+disable) and one to end.

e.g., in a common header, (osg/Export or whatever), include the following block:

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define SUPPRESS_WARNINGS __pragma (warning(push)) __pragma (warning(disable : 
a b c d))
#define POP_WARNINGS __pragma (warning(pop))

Now, obviously, you could also define these macros to selectively suppress 
warnings in other compilers by including proper conditional switches for each 
in the above block.

I myself do this often, and have a common macros header, which gets included 
pretty much everywhere, for this purpose (it also defines macros for 
declaration specifiers and other compiler- or OS-specific code features).

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Robert Osfield
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 I see things from the opposite perspective: if OSG wants to be used
 multi-platform, it has to work well on each platform, the way that platform
 works. Otherwise, just make VS unsupported and make everyone build through
 cygwin if they want to build on Windows... That way gcc is always used and
 you don't have to worry about how VS does things.

I strongly disagree with adding lots of platform specific hacks into
headers and cpp's.  Standard C++ and OpenGL, CMake all exist for a
reason - to make code more portable with the need for lots of platform
specific hacks and expertise.

Once you start adding lots of platform specific code you are on
slippery slope on poor maintainability and portability.

 If you want a native Windows build, people need to use VS. If OSG has to be
 compiled through VS, it needs to conform to how VS does things (and any
 other compiler, I'm not putting VS in a special bunch here just putting it
 on the same footing as gcc).

Just because we use VS doesn't mean that we have to do everything the
MS way.  The MS way is to code everything for Windows and Windows
only, cares for portability are very much against MS's strategic goals
of vendor lock-in.  Play their game  and you end up tied to just a
single platform and benefiting that vendor rather than your customers.

 The problem is that *in OSG* and *in your opinion*, these warnings add
 nothing. But if they exist at all, it must be because they add something

The add something sometimes, so you have to review them all carefully
and them make a judgement call, once you've made that judgement call
and it's clear the code is correct, and the warning misleading then
you have to then look at quashing it, but only then.

Don't forget that even the include/osg/Export pragam's can be switched
off via CMake so you can easily do a periodic double check to see if
any of the warnings point to some genuine problem.

 Hence my assertion that OSG should not make decisions as to what
 warnings to suppress for user code.

We'll we did try very hard to avoid the need for pragma's but even
MS's own code produces warnings

 OK, back to trying to find solutions as opposed to opinionated discussions
 that don't lead anywhere (I'm talking about me, not you :-) )

 What we could do is kind of like what (I think) SDL does. Instead of having
 each header start with

#include osg/Export

// rest of header

 it could be something like this:

#include osg/HeaderStart

// rest of header

#include osg/HeaderEnd

Goodness, this is pretty long departure from having clean Standard C++
headers...  Adding two header includes to our headers just to quieten
down warnings on one specific compiler set, or one specific platform
so everyone pays for the convenience of one platform.  What happens if
you forgot to add the closing HeaderEnd??  What happens if you miss
the beginning one?  Yep the push/pop won't balance.  If I make such a
mistake ut wont' effect me working under unix, I won't even spot it,
but port my problem code to windows and bang lots of odd problems.
This certainly won't make help code portability and maintainability.

I won't be seeing this suggestion merged into the core OSG.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

Just because we use VS doesn't mean that we have to do everything the
MS way.  The MS way is to code everything for Windows and Windows
only, cares for portability are very much against MS's strategic goals
of vendor lock-in.  Play their game  and you end up tied to just a
single platform and benefiting that vendor rather than your customers.

Oh come on. Aren't you pushing this a bit too far? We're not playing 
anyone's game, just using a tool that allows us to compile code on a 
given platform. This platform choice (which is only one option, we 
support Linux too, but cannot go away from Windows completely) is 
dictated by our clients and past history. That's what's locking us into 
using that tool, not the tool itself.

Even if I were working on personal projects only, I would still advocate 
for OSG to support VS in the best way possible. It's too big a market 
and a user base to push to the wayside and have half-baked support for.

The add something sometimes, so you have to review them all carefully
and them make a judgement call, once you've made that judgement call
and it's clear the code is correct, and the warning misleading then
you have to then look at quashing it, but only then.

Again, the judgement call only applies to one situation (OSG). Others 
should be free to make another judgement call depending on their situation.

Don't forget that even the include/osg/Export pragam's can be switched
off via CMake so you can easily do a periodic double check to see if
any of the warnings point to some genuine problem.

But then even OSG's headers will generate warnings. A library should not 
generate warnings, but should not obscure the warnings in your own code. 
 Period. Do you at least agree with that?

Goodness, this is pretty long departure from having clean Standard C++
headers...  Adding two header includes to our headers just to quieten
down warnings on one specific compiler set, or one specific platform
so everyone pays for the convenience of one platform.

As Matthew said, this could be replaced by macros in a single header, or 
something else. As I said, I was trying to suggest something, anything, 
in the hope we could go forward in some way. Just arguing back and forth 
doesn't help anything, so I think I'll stop replying about this subject 
if we don't go forward at least a bit.

What happens if
you forgot to add the closing HeaderEnd??

What happens if I forget to add #endif to the end of a header to close 
the include guards? That's not standard C++ either, just common 
practice, and no one really fights that.

What happens if you miss
the beginning one?  Yep the push/pop won't balance.  If I make such a
mistake ut wont' effect me working under unix, I won't even spot it,
but port my problem code to windows and bang lots of odd problems.

Well, since you don't even see the VS warnings, and don't see errors 
related to OSG_EXPORT, and don't see... I don't understand how that's 
worse. Someone (probably me, lucky as I am) will compile on Windows, see 
the error, track it to the missing end marker (whatever that may be) and 
submit the fix, the same as a missing OSG_EXPORT. For the number of 
times a new header is added to OSG, I think it's really minor.

This certainly won't make help code portability and maintainability.

Let's just suppress all warnings in osg/Export then, and see if users 
like that. (I'm only partly joking)

Anyways, the basic premise I'm maintaining is that

a) a library should not cause any warnings when including its headers in 
user code

b) a library should not suppress warnings caused by user code

If you don't agree with that, then I'll let go, because suppressing 
*some* warnings in osg/Export is probably the best middle ground I'm 
likely to get.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert and JS,

I won't take part of this inflamed discussion, but I just want to add a little 
technical note:
Whenever the #include osg/HeaderStart is worth trying or not, I guess there 
is a way to avoid most missing headers by the way of defines, such as:

// Opening
  #error You added twice the start header


// Closing
  #error You added twice the end header, or forgot the start header

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Thu, 05 Feb 2009 20:38:53 +0100, Jean-Sébastien Guay a écrit:

 Hi Robert,

 Just because we use VS doesn't mean that we have to do everything the
 MS way.  The MS way is to code everything for Windows and Windows
 only, cares for portability are very much against MS's strategic goals
 of vendor lock-in.  Play their game  and you end up tied to just a
 single platform and benefiting that vendor rather than your customers.

 Oh come on. Aren't you pushing this a bit too far? We're not playing
 anyone's game, just using a tool that allows us to compile code on a
 given platform. This platform choice (which is only one option, we
 support Linux too, but cannot go away from Windows completely) is
 dictated by our clients and past history. That's what's locking us into
 using that tool, not the tool itself.

 Even if I were working on personal projects only, I would still advocate
 for OSG to support VS in the best way possible. It's too big a market
 and a user base to push to the wayside and have half-baked support for.

 The add something sometimes, so you have to review them all carefully
 and them make a judgement call, once you've made that judgement call
 and it's clear the code is correct, and the warning misleading then
 you have to then look at quashing it, but only then.

 Again, the judgement call only applies to one situation (OSG). Others
 should be free to make another judgement call depending on their situation.

 Don't forget that even the include/osg/Export pragam's can be switched
 off via CMake so you can easily do a periodic double check to see if
 any of the warnings point to some genuine problem.

 But then even OSG's headers will generate warnings. A library should not
 generate warnings, but should not obscure the warnings in your own code.
   Period. Do you at least agree with that?

 Goodness, this is pretty long departure from having clean Standard C++
 headers...  Adding two header includes to our headers just to quieten
 down warnings on one specific compiler set, or one specific platform
 so everyone pays for the convenience of one platform.

 As Matthew said, this could be replaced by macros in a single header, or
 something else. As I said, I was trying to suggest something, anything,
 in the hope we could go forward in some way. Just arguing back and forth
 doesn't help anything, so I think I'll stop replying about this subject
 if we don't go forward at least a bit.

 What happens if
 you forgot to add the closing HeaderEnd??

 What happens if I forget to add #endif to the end of a header to close
 the include guards? That's not standard C++ either, just common
 practice, and no one really fights that.

 What happens if you miss
 the beginning one?  Yep the push/pop won't balance.  If I make such a
 mistake ut wont' effect me working under unix, I won't even spot it,
 but port my problem code to windows and bang lots of odd problems.

 Well, since you don't even see the VS warnings, and don't see errors
 related to OSG_EXPORT, and don't see... I don't understand how that's
 worse. Someone (probably me, lucky as I am) will compile on Windows, see
 the error, track it to the missing end marker (whatever that may be) and
 submit the fix, the same as a missing OSG_EXPORT. For the number of
 times a new header is added to OSG, I think it's really minor.

 This certainly won't make help code portability and maintainability.

 Let's just suppress all warnings in osg/Export then, and see if users
 like that. (I'm only partly joking)

 Anyways, the basic premise I'm maintaining is that

 a) a library should not cause any warnings when including its headers in
 user code
 b) a library should not suppress warnings caused by user code

 If you don't agree with that, then I'll let go, because suppressing
 *some* warnings in osg/Export is probably the best middle ground I'm
 likely to get.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Cedric Pinson

Humm can we remove the Export header ? just joking ;)

Sukender wrote:

Hi Robert and JS,

I won't take part of this inflamed discussion, but I just want to add a little 
technical note:
Whenever the #include osg/HeaderStart is worth trying or not, I guess there 
is a way to avoid most missing headers by the way of defines, such as:

// Opening
  #error You added twice the start header


// Closing
  #error You added twice the end header, or forgot the start header

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Thu, 05 Feb 2009 20:38:53 +0100, Jean-Sébastien Guay a écrit:


Hi Robert,

Just because we use VS doesn't mean that we have to do everything the
MS way.  The MS way is to code everything for Windows and Windows
only, cares for portability are very much against MS's strategic goals
of vendor lock-in.  Play their game  and you end up tied to just a
single platform and benefiting that vendor rather than your customers.

Oh come on. Aren't you pushing this a bit too far? We're not playing
anyone's game, just using a tool that allows us to compile code on a
given platform. This platform choice (which is only one option, we
support Linux too, but cannot go away from Windows completely) is
dictated by our clients and past history. That's what's locking us into
using that tool, not the tool itself.

Even if I were working on personal projects only, I would still advocate
for OSG to support VS in the best way possible. It's too big a market
and a user base to push to the wayside and have half-baked support for.

The add something sometimes, so you have to review them all carefully
and them make a judgement call, once you've made that judgement call
and it's clear the code is correct, and the warning misleading then
you have to then look at quashing it, but only then.

Again, the judgement call only applies to one situation (OSG). Others
should be free to make another judgement call depending on their situation.

Don't forget that even the include/osg/Export pragam's can be switched
off via CMake so you can easily do a periodic double check to see if
any of the warnings point to some genuine problem.

But then even OSG's headers will generate warnings. A library should not
generate warnings, but should not obscure the warnings in your own code.
  Period. Do you at least agree with that?

Goodness, this is pretty long departure from having clean Standard C++
headers...  Adding two header includes to our headers just to quieten
down warnings on one specific compiler set, or one specific platform
so everyone pays for the convenience of one platform.

As Matthew said, this could be replaced by macros in a single header, or
something else. As I said, I was trying to suggest something, anything,
in the hope we could go forward in some way. Just arguing back and forth
doesn't help anything, so I think I'll stop replying about this subject
if we don't go forward at least a bit.

What happens if
you forgot to add the closing HeaderEnd??

What happens if I forget to add #endif to the end of a header to close
the include guards? That's not standard C++ either, just common
practice, and no one really fights that.

What happens if you miss
the beginning one?  Yep the push/pop won't balance.  If I make such a
mistake ut wont' effect me working under unix, I won't even spot it,
but port my problem code to windows and bang lots of odd problems.

Well, since you don't even see the VS warnings, and don't see errors
related to OSG_EXPORT, and don't see... I don't understand how that's
worse. Someone (probably me, lucky as I am) will compile on Windows, see
the error, track it to the missing end marker (whatever that may be) and
submit the fix, the same as a missing OSG_EXPORT. For the number of
times a new header is added to OSG, I think it's really minor.

This certainly won't make help code portability and maintainability.

Let's just suppress all warnings in osg/Export then, and see if users
like that. (I'm only partly joking)

Anyways, the basic premise I'm maintaining is that

a) a library should not cause any warnings when including its headers in
user code
b) a library should not suppress warnings caused by user code

If you don't agree with that, then I'll let go, because suppressing
*some* warnings in osg/Export is probably the best middle ground I'm
likely to get.


osg-users mailing list

+33 (0) 6 63 20 03 56  Cedric Pinson

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Sukender wrote:
 My mistake, I meant that the volatile and  should be removed (not the 
 whole static_cast).
 May static_castunsigned int do it? (since I'm not certain volatile here 
 is useful, because we simply return a copy).

I've just got confirmation from Mathias that removing the cast should
be OK, so I've gone ahead and committed this change.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

I have now made the OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, the svn entry for it is:

If those don't CDash builds (as well as everyone else) move across to
using this branch as the base for testing the OSG-2.8 release series.
I'll also soon be making an OSG-2.8.0-rc1, but first I'll do a fresh
build on the 2.8 branch and see how I get on.  It'd be useful to have
feedback from others as well on how the OSG-2.8 is fairing.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Mattias Helsing
Hi Robert,

I checked out a fresh 2.8 source tree (rev 9648) and it built fine on
vs 2005 xp! But I still see a few warnings and they are attached.


On 2/4/09, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have now made the OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, the svn entry for it is:

 If those don't CDash builds (as well as everyone else) move across to
 using this branch as the base for testing the OSG-2.8 release series.
 I'll also soon be making an OSG-2.8.0-rc1, but first I'll do a fresh
 build on the 2.8 branch and see how I get on.  It'd be useful to have
 feedback from others as well on how the OSG-2.8 is fairing.

 osg-users mailing list

_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' : default constructor could not be generated
15C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\list(38) : see 
declaration of 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node'
15C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\list(111) : 
see reference to class template instantiation 
'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' being compiled
15C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\list(110) : 
while compiling class template member function 
*std::list_Ty::_Nextnode(std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node *)'
: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::list_Ty' being compiled
c:\public\openscenegraph-2.8\src\osgutil\TriStrip_tri_stripper.h(257) : see 
reference to class template instantiation 
'triangle_stripper::common_structures::graph_arraynodetype,arctype' being 
15C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\list(42) : warning 
C4610: struct 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' can never be instantiated - 
user defined constructor required
15C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\list(42) : warning 
C4510: 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' : default constructor could not be 
15C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\list(38) : see 
declaration of 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node'
15C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\list(111) : 
see reference to class template instantiation 
'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' being compiled

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

If those don't CDash builds (as well as everyone else) move across to
using this branch as the base for testing the OSG-2.8 release series.

Quick question about this: Since the Nightly build is still called 
Nightly in the 2.8 branch, it will replace any result of a nightly 
build of the trunk right? So I don't have to schedule a nightly build of 
both, just the 2.8 branch, until 2.8 is out. Am I right?

BTW, I've got a build from last night on the CDash dashboard (WHITESTAR) 
and it looks like it built fine, though with 13 warnings from compiling 
the 29 changed files.

I've started a build of the 2.8 branch, since it's the first it will be 
a complete build and the results should be there in about 20 minutes.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Morné Pistorius
Hi Robert,

Just built a clean checkout of the 2.8 branch on Windows Vista, Visual
Studio 8 SP1.  Apart from the std::list warning that we can't do much
about, there were 4 left in OSGA_Archive.cpp (below).  I tested the
build in our app and everything worked as expected.


warning C4512: 'OSGA_Archive::WriteObjectFunctor' : assignment
operator could not be
warning C4512: 'OSGA_Archive::WriteImageFunctor' : assignment operator
could not be generated  
warning C4512: 'OSGA_Archive::WriteHeightFieldFunctor' : assignment
operator could not be
warning C4512: 'OSGA_Archive::WriteNodeFunctor' : assignment operator
could not be generated  

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have now made the OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, the svn entry for it is:

 If those don't CDash builds (as well as everyone else) move across to
 using this branch as the base for testing the OSG-2.8 release series.
 I'll also soon be making an OSG-2.8.0-rc1, but first I'll do a fresh
 build on the 2.8 branch and see how I get on.  It'd be useful to have
 feedback from others as well on how the OSG-2.8 is fairing.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi JS,

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 Quick question about this: Since the Nightly build is still called Nightly
 in the 2.8 branch, it will replace any result of a nightly build of the
 trunk right? So I don't have to schedule a nightly build of both, just the
 2.8 branch, until 2.8 is out. Am I right?

Yes, move across to making the builds from the 2.8 banch till 2.8.0 is
out.  Even after 2.8.0 is out, there is some value in having periodic
builds of the 2.8 branch as there may well be a 2.8.1+ later released,
although we could probably just make a request for new tests of the
2.8 if we actually need to make a 2.8.1+

 I've started a build of the 2.8 branch, since it's the first it will be a
 complete build and the results should be there in about 20 minutes.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert,

I'm terribly sorry, but I don't have the time right now. I just hope someone 
else will do it.
PS: I launched an experimental build. I'll tell you about the results.

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Wed, 04 Feb 2009 15:57:45 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi Window's users,

 I've tried really hard to fix all these Windows warnings, while most
 seem now fixed/workaround/suppressed some have resisted my attempts to
 remotely fix them, we me doing several unsuccessful attempts at this
 last persistent warnings.  A fundamental problem is that I can't make
 a change and see whether the problem is fixed or not, this makes it
 really inefficient...

 So could a windows hack take over the attempt at fixing these
 warnings.  Suppressing these warnings is fair game at this stage,
 especially if simple code changes aren't possible, suppressing a
 warning for a single .cpp is also note such a bad thing, especially if
 you use the convention set up in the include/osg/Export that allows
 you to switch off the disabling of the MSVC warnings.   The
 src/osgPlugins/cfg/ConfigLexer.cpp has one such example (that doesn't
 seem to work... if the latest build results are correct).

 #if defined(_MSC_VER)  defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
 // disable '=' : conversion from 'int' to 'char', possible loss of
 data style warnings
 #pragma warning( disable : 4244)

 Just send me the code changes that resolve these final warnings.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

Yes, move across to making the builds from the 2.8 banch till 2.8.0 is

OK, I've disabled the nightly build of the branch for now.

Even after 2.8.0 is out, there is some value in having periodic
builds of the 2.8 branch as there may well be a 2.8.1+ later released,
although we could probably just make a request for new tests of the
2.8 if we actually need to make a 2.8.1+

We could perhaps have the same thing as for 2.6 - a Nightly-2.8 target, 
so that the build would end up in a different category and not overwrite 
the build of the trunk on the dashboard page?

I've started a build of the 2.8 branch, since it's the first it will be a
complete build and the results should be there in about 20 minutes.

Which is now done (20.2 minutes), and it seems that the only warnings 
were could not open build log for writing... Good job on the warnings 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I've tried really hard to fix all these Windows warnings, while most
seem now fixed/workaround/suppressed some have resisted my attempts to
remotely fix them, we me doing several unsuccessful attempts at this
last persistent warnings.

As I said on my other post, I don't seem to get any warnings (other than 
can't open build log for writing, which is weird but benign - the 
warnings if any would still go to stdout and thus get reported in the 
CDash warnings page for the build). I'll try another full rebuild and 
see for sure. Then if I get any I'll see what needs to be done.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Window's users,

I've tried really hard to fix all these Windows warnings, while most
seem now fixed/workaround/suppressed some have resisted my attempts to
remotely fix them, we me doing several unsuccessful attempts at this
last persistent warnings.  A fundamental problem is that I can't make
a change and see whether the problem is fixed or not, this makes it
really inefficient...

So could a windows hack take over the attempt at fixing these
warnings.  Suppressing these warnings is fair game at this stage,
especially if simple code changes aren't possible, suppressing a
warning for a single .cpp is also note such a bad thing, especially if
you use the convention set up in the include/osg/Export that allows
you to switch off the disabling of the MSVC warnings.   The
src/osgPlugins/cfg/ConfigLexer.cpp has one such example (that doesn't
seem to work... if the latest build results are correct).

#if defined(_MSC_VER)  defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
// disable '=' : conversion from 'int' to 'char', possible loss of
data style warnings
#pragma warning( disable : 4244)

Just send me the code changes that resolve these final warnings.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi JS,

Thanks for the warning fixes, I've merged about 2/3rds of them, but
will record some of the other ones.   The server isn't accessible
right now so I'm not able to check in right now.  I'll have  bash
tomorrow morning.  These last warning fixes won't affect runtime at
all so the 2.8.0-rc1 as it stands right now should be good enough for


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 As I said on my other post, I don't seem to get any warnings (other than
 can't open build log for writing, which is weird but benign - the warnings
 if any would still go to stdout and thus get reported in the CDash warnings
 page for the build). I'll try another full rebuild and see for sure. Then if
 I get any I'll see what needs to be done.

 OK, I've had a go at fixing the warnings. I've attached a zip containing the
 build output before the fixes for you to see, as well as the changed files.

 The PDB warnings (which come from the fact that a given 3rd party library
 was compiled with debug information split into a separate file instead of
 embedded into the library) we can just ignore. They only happen at link time
 for the given plugin. Same thing for the default library MSVCRT
 conflicts... warning, though that might indicate a bigger problem. The next
 time someone makes a 3rd party package, those things should be taken care

 Other than that, here are the warnings I fixed:


 osgUtil.lib and osglauncher example

 4C:\Tools\msvs8\VC\include\list(42) : warning C4510:
 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' : default constructor could not be

 (and other similar and related warnings)

 Simply adding an empty default constructor to the arc class in
 TriStrip_graph_array.h and the Xample class in osglauncher.cpp fixed this

 You could see that std::list was not the problem, but the class used as a
 template argument, because lower in the warning message there was mention of

 : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::list_Ty' being

 which pointed to the type to which a default constructor needed to be added.
 It comes down to deciphering VS's messages... :-)

 osga plugin

 198..\..\..\..\src\osgPlugins\osga\OSGA_Archive.cpp(727) : warning C4512:
 'OSGA_Archive::WriteObjectFunctor' : assignment operator could not be
 198..\..\..\..\src\osgPlugins\osga\OSGA_Archive.cpp(719) : see
 declaration of 'OSGA_Archive::WriteObjectFunctor'

 (and so on for the other Write*Functors)

 I didn't find any way to fix this other than locally suppressing it, since
 creating a default constructor would imply constructing a default
 osg::Object, which is abstract so I can't do that. So I suppressed it around
 those 4 classes.

 cfg plugin and osgviewerGLUT example

 You had tried suppressing warnings in these two cases, protected by

 #if defined(_MSC_VER)  defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)

 but you needed to include osg/Config before that, so that

 osgviewerQT example

 : warning C4512: 'QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager' : assignment operator
 could not be generated
 : see declaration of 'QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager'

 Since this is in Qt's headers, I just suppressed this locally (for both Qt 4
 and Qt 3 - I'm using Qt 4 and I have no way of knowing if this appears for
 Qt 3).

 I'm doing a full rebuild now (and as you all know now thanks to the
 dashboard reports, this takes 20 minutes on my machine if nothing else is
 happening) so I'll tell you when this is done if any fixable warnings
 remain, but I think it should look good.

 Of course as we can see from osgviewerQT, there are perhaps warnings lurking
 in other examples/plugins which I don't compile... Others will have to pitch
 in for fixing those.


 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi JS et. al,

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 Sooo... What are you planning as an upload area for packages? :-) You said
 we'd put them into SVN, but do you plan to give all of us commit access to a
 given area of the SVN? Perhaps an FTP would be easier, we could just upload
 and people would download and then once we've confirmed the packages are
 good you can commit the packages to SVN...

After the last discussion on this topic I end up leaning towards not
using svn for binaries.  The server supports webdav as well as ftp.
I'll go an experiment with these routes and report back.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread John Vidar Larring


svn rev 9631 builds correctly on CentOS 4.7:
- Kernel: 2.6.9-78.0.8.ELsmp
- gcc: 3.4.6-10

I have also setup a continuous build for trunk which will keep on 
building until 2.8 is out! Appreciate everybody's effort in getting 2.8 
out asap;)

Best regards,

Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi All,

I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
let me know how you get on.

In prep for the branch I've now updated the version and so numbers so
we now have:

  OpenThreads-2.4.0, SO version 11
  OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0, SO version 55

I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
won't be able to test the XCode projects.

osg-users mailing list

Best regards,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Melchoir,

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
 Just for the record: I've had several segfaults in OSG's
 particle code (threading related) since I updated a few
 days ago. I'll post a backtrace when I run into it again.

The particle code has changed very little in the last year, and only a
tiny tweak recently that won't effect threading stability.  It could
be an old problem that has only just now surfaced, or perhaps just a
build consistency issue.

Do any of the standard particle examples reproduce the crash?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Umit,

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 3:58 AM, Ümit Uzun wrote:
 Sorry for late but I have already tried 2.8 :)
 There are some problem, while using osgviewer sometimes there was a Error:
 [Screen #0] GraphicsWindowWin32::swapBuffersImplementation() - Unable to
 swap display buffers problem.

  And almost all examples working on my system but osgprecipictation example
 make my computer lock and after I run this example I get push emergency
 shutdown button :) Maybe because of my system's configuration. But I have no
 luck to figure it out what was the problem because of there was no message
 in deadlock mode :(

 My System : XP Pro SP3, Core2 2.2GHz, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2300, 2 GB Ram

I suspect the problems are caused by dodgy ATI drivers - both the swap
buffers and
the preciptation rendering. I have seen first hand ATIcards really
struggling with
osgpreciptiation, it looks like drivers are errors in particle sizing
that in turn causes
huge fill requirements that in turn leads to very low framerate, which
makes the
particles even larger due to the motion blurr that osgparticle implememts, which
makes things worse...

With decent drivers osgparticle works well even on relatively low
hardwre, but it
has to support GLSL properly.

 Thanks for Ver-2.8 to OSG-Family and especially Robert by 9 passion
 hardworking years :)

Thanks.  This morning it occurred to me that it's now 2009, which means it's
actually a decade now since I started putting significant amounts of
time into the OSG.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Serge Lages
About the stats display problem, it's resolved here, thanks !

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Umit,

 On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 3:58 AM, Ümit Uzun wrote:
  Sorry for late but I have already tried 2.8 :)
  There are some problem, while using osgviewer sometimes there was a
  [Screen #0] GraphicsWindowWin32::swapBuffersImplementation() - Unable to
  swap display buffers problem.
   And almost all examples working on my system but osgprecipictation
  make my computer lock and after I run this example I get push emergency
  shutdown button :) Maybe because of my system's configuration. But I have
  luck to figure it out what was the problem because of there was no
  in deadlock mode :(
  My System : XP Pro SP3, Core2 2.2GHz, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2300, 2 GB

 I suspect the problems are caused by dodgy ATI drivers - both the swap
 buffers and
 the preciptation rendering. I have seen first hand ATIcards really
 struggling with
 osgpreciptiation, it looks like drivers are errors in particle sizing
 that in turn causes
 huge fill requirements that in turn leads to very low framerate, which
 makes the
 particles even larger due to the motion blurr that osgparticle implememts,
 makes things worse...

 With decent drivers osgparticle works well even on relatively low
 hardwre, but it
 has to support GLSL properly.

  Thanks for Ver-2.8 to OSG-Family and especially Robert by 9 passion
  hardworking years :)

 Thanks.  This morning it occurred to me that it's now 2009, which means
 actually a decade now since I started putting significant amounts of
 time into the OSG.

 osg-users mailing list

Serge Lages
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

So are we ready for the OSG-2.8 branch??  It looks like we are a good
position to tag.  Please raise your hand now if there is something
amiss that I need to address.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sukender,

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Sukender wrote:
 Uh??? I sent you a 7z file... it's okay if it's binary, isn't it?

There wasn't an extension on the end of the file, I didn't get to find
out that it was a 7z file...

 Here is a zip with only the CSV inside (the txt is about 360 ko). Please tell 
 me if it's okay.

This came through fine.  CSV doesn't add anything, straight compiler
output is actually the most convenient for me, as I don't need remove
an non essential stuff like the warning number in the list.

From looking at the file was is very clear is that
include\osgIntrospection\TypedMethodInfo generates almost all the
warnings.  So I'd suggest we using a #pragma to disable the specific
C4121 warning for this header.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sukender,

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 From looking at the file was is very clear is that
 include\osgIntrospection\TypedMethodInfo generates almost all the
 warnings.  So I'd suggest we using a #pragma to disable the specific
 C4121 warning for this header.

To the include/osg/TypedefMethodInfo header I've added:

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// disable for this header the VS warning C4121 : alignment of a
member was sensitive to packing
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4121)


#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning( pop )

In attempt to disable this specific warning for just this file, in the
hope that it'll quieten things done.  This change is now checked in.
File also attached.

Could you try a rebuild to see if this warning is now gone?  If this
doesn't work we'll need to remove the push/pop.

I'll now look at the other warnings.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Donald Cipperly
Building on Windows XP, Visual Studio 2008 sp1.  All builds fine, but
getting same warnings as Sukender (haven't tried your latest updates
Robert...about to rebuild with latest revision).

Examples run good except getting crash in osgTexture2D with a map/set
iterator not incrementable error.  This error goes away if I add
viewer.setThreadingModel( osgViewer::Viewer::SingleThreaded ); to the
example...maybe thread safety issue with incrementing _currPos??

Stack Trace:

msvcp90d.dll!std::_Debug_message(const wchar_t * message=0x017ab278, const
wchar_t * file=0x0178, unsigned int line=304)  Line 24C++

,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator::operator==(const
,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator 
_Right=({_ptr=0xcdcdcdcd },{_glyphs=[0]() _coords=[0]()
_transformedCoords={...} ...}))  Line 304 + 0x17 bytesC++

,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator::operator!=(const
,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator 
_Right=({_ptr=0xcdcdcdcd },{_glyphs=[0]() _coords=[0]()
_transformedCoords={...} ...}))  Line 316 + 0xc bytesC++
state={...}, const osg::Vec4f  colorMultiplier={...})  Line 1746 + 0x33
state={...}, const osg::Vec4f  colorMultiplier={...})  Line 1368C++
renderInfo={...})  Line 1252C++
 osg55-osgd.dll!osg::Drawable::draw(osg::RenderInfo  renderInfo={...})
Line 898 + 0x13 bytesC++
renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf * previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 60 + 0x19

renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 419 +
0x19 bytesC++
renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 384 +
0x17 bytesC++

renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 469 +
0x35 bytesC++

 renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line
renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 384 +
0x17 bytesC++
renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8, bool 
doCopyTexture=false)  Line 848C++
renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 1108 +
0x1b bytesC++
 osg55-osgUtild.dll!osgUtil::SceneView::draw()  Line 1540 + 0x37
 osg55-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::Renderer::draw()  Line 451 + 0xf

osg55-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::Renderer::operator()(osg::GraphicsContext *
context=0x0277fb30)  Line 693 + 0xf bytesC++
 osg55-osgd.dll!osg::GraphicsContext::runOperations()  Line 688 + 0x33
 osg55-osgd.dll!osg::RunOperations::operator()(osg::GraphicsContext *
context=0x0277fb30)  Line 135C++
 osg55-osgd.dll!osg::GraphicsOperation::operator()(osg::Object *
object=0x0277fb30)  Line 50 + 0x19 bytesC++
 osg55-osgd.dll!osg::OperationThread::run()  Line 413 + 0x26 bytes
 osg55-osgd.dll!osg::GraphicsThread::run()  Line 40C++

ot11-OpenThreadsd.dll!OpenThreads::ThreadPrivateActions::StartThread(void *
data=0x026f82ac)  Line 116 + 0xf bytesC++
 msvcr90d.dll!_callthreadstartex()  Line 348 + 0xf bytesC
 msvcr90d.dll!_threadstartex(void * ptd=0x026f9830)  Line 331C

- Donny

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Donald,

This looks to be a threading issue with the text label being updated
while being rendered.

There was no text-setDataVariance(DYNAMIC) so I've added this, and
checked this change into svn/trunk.  Could you please test.  Modified
osgtexture2D.cpp also attached.


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Donald Cipperly wrote:
 Building on Windows XP, Visual Studio 2008 sp1.  All builds fine, but
 getting same warnings as Sukender (haven't tried your latest updates
 Robert...about to rebuild with latest revision).

 Examples run good except getting crash in osgTexture2D with a map/set
 iterator not incrementable error.  This error goes away if I add
 viewer.setThreadingModel( osgViewer::Viewer::SingleThreaded ); to the
 example...maybe thread safety issue with incrementing _currPos??

 Stack Trace:

 msvcp90d.dll!std::_Debug_message(const wchar_t * message=0x017ab278, const
 wchar_t * file=0x0178, unsigned int line=304)  Line 24C++

,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
 ,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator::operator==(const
,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
 ,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator 
 _Right=({_ptr=0xcdcdcdcd },{_glyphs=[0]() _coords=[0]()
 _transformedCoords={...} ...}))  Line 304 + 0x17 bytesC++

,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
 ,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator::operator!=(const
,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
 ,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator 
 _Right=({_ptr=0xcdcdcdcd },{_glyphs=[0]() _coords=[0]()
 _transformedCoords={...} ...}))  Line 316 + 0xc bytesC++
 state={...}, const osg::Vec4f  colorMultiplier={...})  Line 1746 + 0x33
 state={...}, const osg::Vec4f  colorMultiplier={...})  Line 1368C++
 renderInfo={...})  Line 1252C++
  osg55-osgd.dll!osg::Drawable::draw(osg::RenderInfo  renderInfo={...})
 Line 898 + 0x13 bytesC++
 renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf * previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 60 + 0x19

 renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 419 +
 0x19 bytesC++
 renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 384 +
 0x17 bytesC++

 renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 469 +
 0x35 bytesC++

  renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line
 renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 384 +
 0x17 bytesC++
 renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8, bool 
 doCopyTexture=false)  Line 848C++
 renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 1108 +
 0x1b bytesC++
  osg55-osgUtild.dll!osgUtil::SceneView::draw()  Line 1540 + 0x37
  osg55-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::Renderer::draw()  Line 451 + 0xf

 osg55-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::Renderer::operator()(osg::GraphicsContext *
 context=0x0277fb30)  Line 693 + 0xf bytesC++
  osg55-osgd.dll!osg::GraphicsContext::runOperations()  Line 688 + 0x33
  osg55-osgd.dll!osg::RunOperations::operator()(osg::GraphicsContext *
 context=0x0277fb30)  Line 135C++
  osg55-osgd.dll!osg::GraphicsOperation::operator()(osg::Object *
 object=0x0277fb30)  Line 50 + 0x19 bytesC++
  osg55-osgd.dll!osg::OperationThread::run()  Line 413 + 0x26 bytes
  osg55-osgd.dll!osg::GraphicsThread::run()  Line 40C++


Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sukender,

If we can't work out what it's on a bout and the warning looks benign,
should we just suppress it?


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Sukender wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 Not many ideas, but:
 - This may be related to the IC class used at this moment. Unfortunately, 
 there is no clue in the log about which IC causes it, except it's in osgDB 
 wrapper. So this may be the DatabasePager. Perhaps is it linked to:
I_StaticMethod0(osgDB::DatabasePager *, create,
create a DatabasePager by cloning 
 DatabasePager::prototype(). ,
 in DatabasePager.cpp?

 - Could this be related to the fact that ConstructorInfo is private 
 inheritance? I guess no, but...
 - Just for info, the help says VC generates 4702 when a catch() block cannot 
 be reached (when functions called in try() are all C, because extern C 
 functions are assumed to not throw).

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

 Le Tue, 03 Feb 2009 14:32:59 +0100, Robert Osfield 
 a écrit:

 Hi All,

 I'm look at the follow warning under Windows.  I can't figure out why
 there is a warning of this type:

 : warning C4702: unreachable code

 The code is:

 templatetypename C, typename IC
 struct TypedConstructorInfo0: ConstructorInfo
 TypedConstructorInfo0(const ParameterInfoList plist,
 std::string briefHelp = std::string(), std::string detailedHelp =
 :ConstructorInfo(typeof(C), plist, briefHelp, detailedHelp)

 Value createInstance(ValueList  /*args*/) const
 return IC::create();
 }  This is line 36 for which the warning is being emited.


 The offending line is overriding a virtual createInstance(ValueList)
 const method from the ConstructorInfo base class.  This usage pattern
 is also used in the many other template classes in
 include/osgIntrospection/TypedConstructorInfo but none generate

 Strange, any chance that someone can shine some light on this warning?
 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert, hi all,

const T *v: When T is a function, I guess the compiler reads pointer to a 
const function instead of const pointer to a function. Thus the const 
applied on a function has no meaning. I don't know, however, how to avoid this, 
since const (T *) v will result in a parse error.
Any idea?

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Tue, 03 Feb 2009 14:41:21 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi All,

 I can't quite fathom the following warning either...

 164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/Value(373) : warning C4180:
 qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored
 164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/TypedMethodInfo(84) : see
 reference to function template instantiation
 'osgIntrospection::Value::Valuebool(osg::Object ,osgDB::Input )(T
 (__cdecl *))' being compiled
 164T=bool (osg::Object ,osgDB::Input )
 164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/TypedMethodInfo(77) : while
 compiling class template member function 'osgIntrospection::Value
 osgIntrospection::Value ,osgIntrospection::ValueList ) const'
 164.\osgDB\DotOsgWrapper.cpp(58) : see reference to class
 template instantiation 'osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo0C,R' being

 templatetypename T Value::Value(const T *v)
 _inbox = new Ptr_instance_boxconst T *(v);This is
 line 373, which generates the warning
 _type = _inbox-type();
 _ptype = _inbox-ptype();

 I have other stuff to chase up so I'll leave this is the hands of
 those more community to see if they figure it out and suggest a way to
 resolve the problem.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Windows experts,

Here's another Windows warning that I'll like a hand resolving:

2..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
'volatile const unsigned int '

The code is:

Atomic::operator unsigned() const
return _value;
return static_castunsigned const volatile (_value);
 Here is line 133, problem line.
return static_castunsigned const volatile(_value);
# error This implementation should happen inline in the include file

To me a fix would be to remove the  from the static_castunsigned
const volatile  as it seems a tad superfluous in this method as it's
returning an unsigned int on the stack anyway.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Morne,

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Morné Pistorius wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 I think in VS, specifiying something as just unsigned causes the
 compiler to read unsigned int.

 If you change the line to

 return static_castunsigned long const volatile (_value);

 I think the warning will disappear.

This will just then invoke an implicit case from unsigned long to
unsigned int, it's better to keep the cast explict.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Paul Melis

Sukender wrote:

Hi Robert, hi all,

const T *v: When T is a function, I guess the compiler reads pointer to a const function 
instead of const pointer to a function. Thus the const applied on a function has no meaning. I don't know, 
however, how to avoid this, since const (T *) v will result in a parse error.
I don't think you can avoid it, as it seems that the Value constructor 
in question (Value::Value(const T* v)) is used when T is a function 
type. The different variations of it (const T* v,  T* v,  const T v) 
make sense in general, just not all for a function type.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

After the last discussion on this topic I end up leaning towards not
using svn for binaries.  The server supports webdav as well as ftp.
I'll go an experiment with these routes and report back.

OK, let me know.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Window dev's,

I've now checked in fixes for the majority of the warnings that
Sukender reported, there are a few left:

2..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
'volatile const unsigned int '

  24D:\Prog\Libs\3rdParty\include\GL/glut.h(549) : warning C4505:
'glutCreateMenu_ATEXIT_HACK' : unreferenced local function has been

164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/Value(373) : warning C4180:
qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored

: warning C4702: unreachable code

For the first of these it looks like the  should be removed. For the
GLUT one, this is a header issue, nothing to do with our code so the
only avenue is to ignore or suppress it.  The last two errors
generated in osgIntrospection look to me like pretty unhelpful
warnings, and neither look to be ones that point to a problem that
needs to be solved code wise, so I'm inclined to suppress it.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Donald Cipperly

That did indeed fix the issue.



On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Donald,

 This looks to be a threading issue with the text label being updated
 while being rendered.

 There was no text-setDataVariance(DYNAMIC) so I've added this, and
 checked this change into svn/trunk.  Could you please test.  Modified
 osgtexture2D.cpp also attached.


 On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Donald Cipperly
  Building on Windows XP, Visual Studio 2008 sp1.  All builds fine, but
  getting same warnings as Sukender (haven't tried your latest updates
  Robert...about to rebuild with latest revision).
  Examples run good except getting crash in osgTexture2D with a map/set
  iterator not incrementable error.  This error goes away if I add
  viewer.setThreadingModel( osgViewer::Viewer::SingleThreaded ); to the
  example...maybe thread safety issue with incrementing _currPos??
  Stack Trace:
  msvcp90d.dll!std::_Debug_message(const wchar_t * message=0x017ab278,
  wchar_t * file=0x0178, unsigned int line=304)  Line 24C++
 ,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
  ,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator::operator==(const
 ,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
  ,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator 
  _Right=({_ptr=0xcdcdcdcd },{_glyphs=[0]() _coords=[0]()
  _transformedCoords={...} ...}))  Line 304 + 0x17 bytesC++
 ,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
  ,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator::operator!=(const
 ,std::allocatorstd::pairosg::ref_ptrosgText::Font::GlyphTexture const
  ,osgText::Text::GlyphQuads ,0 ::const_iterator 
  _Right=({_ptr=0xcdcdcdcd },{_glyphs=[0]() _coords=[0]()
  _transformedCoords={...} ...}))  Line 316 + 0xc bytesC++
  state={...}, const osg::Vec4f  colorMultiplier={...})  Line 1746 + 0x33
  state={...}, const osg::Vec4f  colorMultiplier={...})  Line 1368C++
  renderInfo={...})  Line 1252C++
  Line 898 + 0x13 bytesC++
  renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf * previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 60 +
  renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 419
  0x19 bytesC++
  renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 384
  0x17 bytesC++
  renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 469
  0x35 bytesC++
   renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line
  renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 384
  0x17 bytesC++
  renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8, bool 
  doCopyTexture=false)  Line 848C++
  renderInfo={...}, osgUtil::RenderLeaf *  previous=0x02a5f4d8)  Line 1108
  0x1b bytesC++
   osg55-osgUtild.dll!osgUtil::SceneView::draw()  Line 1540 + 0x37
   osg55-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::Renderer::draw()  Line 451 + 0xf
  context=0x0277fb30)  Line 693 + 0xf bytesC++
   osg55-osgd.dll!osg::GraphicsContext::runOperations()  Line 688 +
   osg55-osgd.dll!osg::RunOperations::operator()(osg::GraphicsContext *
  context=0x0277fb30)  Line 135C++

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Tony Horrobin wrote:
 I believe it is due to virtual inheritence of Object as in CullCallback - 
 NodeCallback - Object.

Ahh... good clue... I've added an explicit initialization of the
osg::Object and checked it in, fingers crossed it'll fix the warning.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Guys,

Since I've had no feedback on the remaining WIndows warnings I've gone
ahead and added pragma's to suppress the following warnings that
seemed to be appropriate for supression given that fixes aren't
possible/don't look easily resolvable, and the warnings don't point to
a real problem in the code either.

 24D:\Prog\Libs\3rdParty\include\GL/glut.h(549) : warning C4505:
'glutCreateMenu_ATEXIT_HACK' : unreferenced local function has been removed

164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/Value(373) : warning C4180:
qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored

 warning C4702: unreachable code

An svn update should fix these warnings.  In case of osgIntrospection
I've added the warning disable  pragma's to the
include/osgIntrospection/Export rather each header as doing so ended
up many lines of coding for just a single warning disable, not good
news when each code change comes with a potential from introducing
typo's + associated build/runtime problems.

This leaves one warning left:

 2..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
 used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
 'volatile const unsigned int '

For this I think the proper solution is to remove the .  Thoughts?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Donald Cipperly

Removing the  generates another warning:

warning C4197: 'volatile const unsigned int' : top-level volatile in cast is

However, changing line 133 to just

return _value;

generates no warnings on Visual Studio 2008 sp1.

I also see these warnings:

warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'qu' used
warning C4512: 'CopyPointsToVertexArrayVisitor' : assignment operator could
not be generatedc:\OpenSceneGraphSVN\src\osgUtil\Simplifier.cpp

- Donny

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Guys,

 Since I've had no feedback on the remaining WIndows warnings I've gone
 ahead and added pragma's to suppress the following warnings that
 seemed to be appropriate for supression given that fixes aren't
 possible/don't look easily resolvable, and the warnings don't point to
 a real problem in the code either.

  24D:\Prog\Libs\3rdParty\include\GL/glut.h(549) : warning C4505:
 'glutCreateMenu_ATEXIT_HACK' : unreferenced local function has been removed

 164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/Value(373) : warning C4180:
 qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored

  warning C4702: unreachable code

 An svn update should fix these warnings.  In case of osgIntrospection
 I've added the warning disable  pragma's to the
 include/osgIntrospection/Export rather each header as doing so ended
 up many lines of coding for just a single warning disable, not good
 news when each code change comes with a potential from introducing
 typo's + associated build/runtime problems.

 This leaves one warning left:

  2..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
  used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
  'volatile const unsigned int '

 For this I think the proper solution is to remove the .  Thoughts?

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Donald,

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Donald Cipperly wrote:
 Removing the  generates another warning:

 warning C4197: 'volatile const unsigned int' : top-level volatile in cast is

 However, changing line 133 to just

 return _value;

Tempting to go with this, but there must have been a motivation for
the use of volatile here.  I'll track down the original author.

 generates no warnings on Visual Studio 2008 sp1.

 I also see these warnings:

 warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'qu' used
 warning C4512: 'CopyPointsToVertexArrayVisitor' : assignment operator could
 not be generatedc:\OpenSceneGraphSVN\src\osgUtil\Simplifier.cpp

I've just checked in fixes for these, could you do an svn update and
let me know how things build.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

I can't quite fathom the following warning either...

164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/Value(373) : warning C4180:
qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored
164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/TypedMethodInfo(84) : see
reference to function template instantiation
'osgIntrospection::Value::Valuebool(osg::Object ,osgDB::Input )(T
(__cdecl *))' being compiled
164T=bool (osg::Object ,osgDB::Input )
164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/TypedMethodInfo(77) : while
compiling class template member function 'osgIntrospection::Value
osgIntrospection::Value ,osgIntrospection::ValueList ) const'
164.\osgDB\DotOsgWrapper.cpp(58) : see reference to class
template instantiation 'osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo0C,R' being

templatetypename T Value::Value(const T *v)
_inbox = new Ptr_instance_boxconst T *(v);This is
line 373, which generates the warning
_type = _inbox-type();
_ptype = _inbox-ptype();

I have other stuff to chase up so I'll leave this is the hands of
those more community to see if they figure it out and suggest a way to
resolve the problem.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Tony Horrobin

I believe it is due to virtual inheritence of Object as in CullCallback - 
NodeCallback - Object.



[quote=Jeremy Moles]On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 17:32 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
[quote]HI Jeremy,

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Jeremy Moles  wrote:

 The only MAJOR one I'm getting anymore is this:
 In copy constructor
 osgViewer::InteractiveImageHandler, const osg::CopyOp)':
  warning: base class 'class osg::Object' should be explicitly initialized in 
 the copy constructor
  warning: base class 'class osgGA::GUIEventHandler' should be explicitly 
 initialized in the copy constructor
  warning: base class 'struct osg::Drawable::CullCallback' should be 
 explicitly initialized in the copy constructor

The warning remains with the latest revision; osg::Object must also be
initialized for this warning to go away. Why this is the case, I do not

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Ümit,

There are some problem, while using osgviewer sometimes there was a 
Error: [Screen #0] GraphicsWindowWin32::swapBuffersImplementation() - 
Unable to swap display buffers problem.

 And almost all examples working on my system but osgprecipictation 
example make my computer lock and after I run this example I get push 
emergency shutdown button :) Maybe because of my system's configuration. 

I cannot reproduce either of these two problems. Perhaps it's a driver 
issue on your side? I'm on Vista 32bit, nVidia 9800GTX+, driver 180.48

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Paul Melis

Sukender wrote:

Hi Robert, hi all,

const T *v: When T is a function, I guess the compiler reads pointer to a const function instead of const pointer to a function. 
That's not specific to functions, as const C *c where C is a class 
means the same: c is a pointer to a const instance of C. If you want a 
const pointer you would have to write C *const c.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert,

Not many ideas, but:
- This may be related to the IC class used at this moment. Unfortunately, 
there is no clue in the log about which IC causes it, except it's in osgDB 
wrapper. So this may be the DatabasePager. Perhaps is it linked to:
I_StaticMethod0(osgDB::DatabasePager *, create,
create a DatabasePager by cloning 
DatabasePager::prototype(). ,
in DatabasePager.cpp?

- Could this be related to the fact that ConstructorInfo is private 
inheritance? I guess no, but...
- Just for info, the help says VC generates 4702 when a catch() block cannot be 
reached (when functions called in try() are all C, because extern C functions 
are assumed to not throw).

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Tue, 03 Feb 2009 14:32:59 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi All,

 I'm look at the follow warning under Windows.  I can't figure out why
 there is a warning of this type:

 : warning C4702: unreachable code

 The code is:

 templatetypename C, typename IC
 struct TypedConstructorInfo0: ConstructorInfo
 TypedConstructorInfo0(const ParameterInfoList plist,
 std::string briefHelp = std::string(), std::string detailedHelp =
 :ConstructorInfo(typeof(C), plist, briefHelp, detailedHelp)

 Value createInstance(ValueList  /*args*/) const
 return IC::create();
 }  This is line 36 for which the warning is being emited.


 The offending line is overriding a virtual createInstance(ValueList)
 const method from the ConstructorInfo base class.  This usage pattern
 is also used in the many other template classes in
 include/osgIntrospection/TypedConstructorInfo but none generate

 Strange, any chance that someone can shine some light on this warning?
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

I'm look at the follow warning under Windows.  I can't figure out why
there is a warning of this type:

: warning C4702: unreachable code

The code is:

templatetypename C, typename IC
struct TypedConstructorInfo0: ConstructorInfo
TypedConstructorInfo0(const ParameterInfoList plist,
std::string briefHelp = std::string(), std::string detailedHelp =
:ConstructorInfo(typeof(C), plist, briefHelp, detailedHelp)

Value createInstance(ValueList  /*args*/) const
return IC::create();
}  This is line 36 for which the warning is being emited.


The offending line is overriding a virtual createInstance(ValueList)
const method from the ConstructorInfo base class.  This usage pattern
is also used in the many other template classes in
include/osgIntrospection/TypedConstructorInfo but none generate

Strange, any chance that someone can shine some light on this warning?
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Morné Pistorius
Hi Robert,

I think in VS, specifiying something as just unsigned causes the
compiler to read unsigned int.

If you change the line to

return static_castunsigned long const volatile (_value);

I think the warning will disappear.


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi Windows experts,

 Here's another Windows warning that I'll like a hand resolving:

 2..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
 used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
 'volatile const unsigned int '

 The code is:

 Atomic::operator unsigned() const
return _value;
return static_castunsigned const volatile (_value);
 Here is line 133, problem line.
return static_castunsigned const volatile(_value);
 # error This implementation should happen inline in the include file

 To me a fix would be to remove the  from the static_castunsigned
 const volatile  as it seems a tad superfluous in this method as it's
 returning an unsigned int on the stack anyway.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sukender,

Could you send the file as an ascii file, just came through as binary here.

W.r.t warnings, if we can't fix them easily and non-intrusively then
we'll have to suppress them.


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Sukender wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 As the dashboard limits the warnings to 50, I did a full rebuild of rev. 9631 
 (VC8sp1) for you. So attached is an archive containing:
 - The full log (maybe useless, but who knows?)
 - The warnings as a CSV file (Tab separated, '' as text separator).
 Enjoy these 1841 warnings... ;)
 Well of course, most of them can be ignored since 1738 of them are alignment 
 of a member was sensitive to packing for introspection, and there are some 
 assignment operator could not be generated too. Just sort by description :)

 Hope it helps.

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

 Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 21:54:34 +0100, Sukender a écrit:

 Hi Robert,

 Second experimental build launched. (SUKENDER1 2009-02-02 on the dashboard, 
 rev 9631, VC8sp1, all inclusive).
 Maybe you'll have the result before going to sleep (= To all: this is a 
 joke... Robert NEVER sleeps! :D Even kill_and_go_to_bed -9 can't get rid 
 of him!!!)

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

 Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 21:36:03 +0100, Robert Osfield a écrit:

 Hi Sukender (et. al)

 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Sukender wrote:
 Robert: Dashboard updated.
 Jeremy: What kind of machine do you have??? It seems to take ages to 
 compile on my computer (Core2Duo 2.5Ghz)! Or maybe you've compiled just 
 before and there was few to recompile...

 I've now gone through all the 50 warnings reported on Dashbord from
 your VS build, I have applied fixes for them all.  Whether they are
 fixed or not... we I can't say till you or others do another build.  I
 have checked my changes into svn/trunk.

 Since the at the end of Dashboard log there the line:

 The maximum number of reported warnings or errors has been reached!!!

 I suspect there are more warnings lurking, and even if I fix these 50,
 more will pop up in their place.  How many we'll have to wait an see.

 Could everyone do another svn update on svn/trunk and build to see how
 things are now hanging.  Posting your results on Dashboard helps me
 keep track of things.

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

I'm still waiting on feedback from a few emails regarding failed
builds reported on CDash, and email from Mathias Froehlich on the
Atomic.cpp volatile related warning, but as it's into the evening here
at the westerly end of Europe I'd guess we won't get a reply tonight.
I could press ahead and make the branch, but right now I'd rather wait
till the morning.

This gives you all a chance to do some more testing of svn/trunk :-)

As long as there are no show stoppers reported overnight I'll press
ahead with the OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch  + 2.8.0-rc1 tomorrow

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Sukender
 Sukender wrote:
 Hi Robert, hi all,

 const T *v: When T is a function, I guess the compiler reads pointer to a 
 const function instead of const pointer to a function.
 That's not specific to functions, as const C *c where C is a class
 means the same: c is a pointer to a const instance of C. If you want a
 const pointer you would have to write C *const c.


Hi Robert and Paul,

Yes, that sounds logical when T is a class to give the const object 
pointer/reference method. However, it's useless for functions. Actually, the 
code would look like:

#if T is a not a function
Value::Value(const T *v) { ... }

Of course, we can't do *that* simple. If the whole Value class was templated, 
we could partially specialize the templated class (= removing the 
Value::Value(const T *v) definition in the specialization when T is a 
function). But this is not the case.

May we use something similar to boost::add_const type traits then? Something 
that adds a const only if possible:
templatetypename T Value(add_constT::type *v);
But I don't understand one point with functions: why don't the compiler 
complain about having twice the same constructor then, since we have 
Value::Value(const T *v) and Value::Value(T *v), and that the const is 
If the last point is not a problem, then I suggest we use an add_const-like 

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Sukender
My mistake, I meant that the volatile and  should be removed (not the 
whole static_cast).
May static_castunsigned int do it? (since I'm not certain volatile here is 
useful, because we simply return a copy).

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Tue, 03 Feb 2009 22:28:26 +0100, Sukender a écrit:

 I don't even understand the reason of the static_cast... why it is there? 
 IMHO, it should be removed, but I'm no Atomic/Threads/etc expert.

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

 Le Tue, 03 Feb 2009 15:48:03 +0100, Robert Osfield 
 a écrit:

 Hi Windows experts,

 Here's another Windows warning that I'll like a hand resolving:

 2..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
 used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
 'volatile const unsigned int '

 The code is:

 Atomic::operator unsigned() const
 return _value;
 return static_castunsigned const volatile (_value);
  Here is line 133, problem line.
 return static_castunsigned const volatile(_value);
 # error This implementation should happen inline in the include file

 To me a fix would be to remove the  from the static_castunsigned
 const volatile  as it seems a tad superfluous in this method as it's
 returning an unsigned int on the stack anyway.

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert,

Sorry about not anwsering sooner, but I was very busy this late afternoon.

I sum up:
About the #1 and #3 warnings (C4239 nonstandard extension, and C4180), I 
suggested in previous posts static_castunsigned int and an 
add_const-like solution... does it make sense for you?

About C4702 unreachable code, well, I'm really stuck. I told this may be from 
DatabasePager, but I don't have more clues.

... And sorry about not having much time to test these solutions... maybe 

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Tue, 03 Feb 2009 16:28:04 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 HI Window dev's,

 I've now checked in fixes for the majority of the warnings that
 Sukender reported, there are a few left:

 2..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
 used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
 'volatile const unsigned int '

   24D:\Prog\Libs\3rdParty\include\GL/glut.h(549) : warning C4505:
 'glutCreateMenu_ATEXIT_HACK' : unreferenced local function has been

 164..\..\include\osgIntrospection/Value(373) : warning C4180:
 qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored

 : warning C4702: unreachable code

 For the first of these it looks like the  should be removed. For the
 GLUT one, this is a header issue, nothing to do with our code so the
 only avenue is to ignore or suppress it.  The last two errors
 generated in osgIntrospection look to me like pretty unhelpful
 warnings, and neither look to be ones that point to a problem that
 needs to be solved code wise, so I'm inclined to suppress it.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-03 Thread Sukender
I don't even understand the reason of the static_cast... why it is there? 
IMHO, it should be removed, but I'm no Atomic/Threads/etc expert.

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Tue, 03 Feb 2009 15:48:03 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi Windows experts,

 Here's another Windows warning that I'll like a hand resolving:

 2..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
 used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
 'volatile const unsigned int '

 The code is:

 Atomic::operator unsigned() const
 return _value;
 return static_castunsigned const volatile (_value);
  Here is line 133, problem line.
 return static_castunsigned const volatile(_value);
 # error This implementation should happen inline in the include file

 To me a fix would be to remove the  from the static_castunsigned
 const volatile  as it seems a tad superfluous in this method as it's
 returning an unsigned int on the stack anyway.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert, STOP

Experimental build launched on rev. 9622 (trunk) STOP
Using VC8sp1 STOP
See results on dashboard when available (Machine's name is SUKENDER1) STOP
Should be finished in... err... when it's done! :)

Sukender STOP
PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine - 

Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 16:01:55 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi All,

 I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
 for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
 2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
 with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
 be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
 looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
 2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
 the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
 let me know how you get on.

 In prep for the branch I've now updated the version and so numbers so
 we now have:

   OpenThreads-2.4.0, SO version 11
   OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0, SO version 55

 I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
 fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
 remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
 won't be able to test the XCode projects.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Osfield
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
 fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
 remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
 won't be able to test the XCode projects.

OSX CMake/Make Intel builds.

Kubuntu 8.10, 64 bit builds.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Morne,

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Morné Pistorius wrote:
 I successfully built the current trunk on Windows, VS8.  Attached are
 more warnings if you are interested (about 71), they look to be mostly

Thanks, I'll do a review of the warnings and look to get the fixed (or
suppressed if we have to) before  OSG-2.8.0 goes out.

 In tests with my app I found some curious behaviour with the
 QOSGWidget (non-GraphicsWindowEmbedded) implementation.

 Since moving from the GLWidget approach to this, the throwing
 functionality of the TrackballManipulator disappeared.  This is also
 visible in the osgViewerQt example - spinning a model works for the
 GLAdapterWidget, but not for the QOSGWidget. (Oh, and the example
 hangs when pressing ESC.)

Could you specify the command line you are using to reproduce these problems?

 Also, I have problems manually adding/removing views from a composite
 viewer.  Adding/removing works fine until I remove the last view and
 try to add a view to an empty composite viewer.  The viewer just shows
 garbage from the last view visible before it was removed and wont
 update with any new views added. I will try and reproduce this in the
 composite viewer example.

If the window doesn't have any camera's active on it then there is
nothing to clear the window, if one enable the clear on the window
this issue may well disappear.  As for adding views back after they've
all been removed should work, but I haven't tested this combination

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Jeremy Moles
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 15:01 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
 for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
 2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
 with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
 be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
 looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
 2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
 the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
 let me know how you get on.
 In prep for the branch I've now updated the version and so numbers so
 we now have:
   OpenThreads-2.4.0, SO version 11
   OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0, SO version 55
 I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
 fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
 remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
 won't be able to test the XCode projects.

I'm still getting a good deal of warnings (the same from my previous
submission); in particular, the one from InteractiveImageHandler in
ViewerEventHandlers. On my own system I'm having to fix that every time
so that I can use warnings in my code...

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Serge Lages
Hi all,

Here everything build fines under WinXP, VS8 SP1.
But I have a little question, when I call :

osviewer.exe --window 100 100 800 600 cow.osg

Then I try to display the stats, nothing appears before several hits on the
s button, and I just see some parts of the stats, is it normal ?

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Morné Pistorius wrote:

 Hi Robert,

  In tests with my app I found some curious behaviour with the
  QOSGWidget (non-GraphicsWindowEmbedded) implementation.
  Since moving from the GLWidget approach to this, the throwing
  functionality of the TrackballManipulator disappeared.  This is also
  visible in the osgViewerQt example - spinning a model works for the
  GLAdapterWidget, but not for the QOSGWidget. (Oh, and the example
  hangs when pressing ESC.)
  Could you specify the command line you are using to reproduce these

 osgviewerQT --QOSGWidget cow.osg

  Also, I have problems manually adding/removing views from a composite
  viewer.  Adding/removing works fine until I remove the last view and
  try to add a view to an empty composite viewer.  The viewer just shows
  garbage from the last view visible before it was removed and wont
  update with any new views added. I will try and reproduce this in the
  composite viewer example.
  If the window doesn't have any camera's active on it then there is
  nothing to clear the window, if one enable the clear on the window
  this issue may well disappear.  As for adding views back after they've
  all been removed should work, but I haven't tested this combination

 Yup, I have the clearmask enabled for the viewer and it works fine as
 long as at least one
 view is still present.  But as soon as the last camera is removed, the
 entire viewer stops working, even if adding new views afterwards.  I
 am trying to reproduce that now in a small example, will send it in a

 osg-users mailing list

Serge Lages
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Jeremy Moles
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 17:20 +0100, Sukender wrote:
 Hi Jeremy, hi Robert,
 Robert: Dashboard updated.
 Jeremy: What kind of machine do you have??? It seems to take ages to compile 
 on my computer (Core2Duo 2.5Ghz)! Or maybe you've compiled just before and 
 there was few to recompile...

I have two machines: a laptop (Dell M90 with Core2Duo 1.6Ghz) and a
desktop (QuadCore 2.6Ghz). It takes about 20 minutes to build from
scratch on my laptop (no including the introspection stuff) and about 5
minutes on my desktop.

The laptop runs Fedora 10 and the desktop Vista 64.

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -
 Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 16:56:06 +0100, Jeremy Moles a 
  On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 15:01 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
  Hi All,
  I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
  for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
  2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
  with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
  be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
  looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
  2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
  the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
  let me know how you get on.
  In prep for the branch I've now updated the version and so numbers so
  we now have:
OpenThreads-2.4.0, SO version 11
OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0, SO version 55
  I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
  fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
  remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
  won't be able to test the XCode projects.
  I'm still getting a good deal of warnings (the same from my previous
  submission); in particular, the one from InteractiveImageHandler in
  ViewerEventHandlers. On my own system I'm having to fix that every time
  so that I can use warnings in my code...
  osg-users mailing list
  osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Jeremy,

Could you please capture the warnings you are getting now.  They are
almost certainly be the same set as the original warnings you sent as
I have fixed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of warnings, having
spent well over a week of my life dedicated to just aggressive
warnings level.  Please also could specify the compiler options as
well - are they different from the standard options used by the OSG?
(I only see warnings with 3rd party libs that we can do no thing about
on my builds).


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Jeremy Moles wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 15:01 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi All,

 I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
 for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
 2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
 with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
 be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
 looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
 2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
 the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
 let me know how you get on.

 In prep for the branch I've now updated the version and so numbers so
 we now have:

   OpenThreads-2.4.0, SO version 11
   OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0, SO version 55

 I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
 fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
 remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
 won't be able to test the XCode projects.

 I'm still getting a good deal of warnings (the same from my previous
 submission); in particular, the one from InteractiveImageHandler in
 ViewerEventHandlers. On my own system I'm having to fix that every time
 so that I can use warnings in my code...

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Sukender,

Alright... Strange thing it took 40 minutes on my machine (which is faster than 
your laptop, and I had a few *.cpp already compiled). Or maybe you disable 
compiling wrappers, examples, applications, plugins or such (I do compile them 

If you don't use the wrappers, disable those. That will likely cut your 
compile time in half if not more. The wrappers really take a long time 
to compile.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Sukender
Hi J-S,

Hem... I *do* use osgGA wrapper... And yes, I saw they cost much in compile 
time. :)

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 17:36:49 +0100, Jean-Sébastien Guay a écrit:

 Hi Sukender,

 Alright... Strange thing it took 40 minutes on my machine (which is faster 
 than your laptop, and I had a few *.cpp already compiled). Or maybe you 
 disable compiling wrappers, examples, applications, plugins or such (I do 
 compile them all)?

 If you don't use the wrappers, disable those. That will likely cut your
 compile time in half if not more. The wrappers really take a long time
 to compile.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Jeremy Moles
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 17:44 +0100, Sukender wrote:
 Hi J-S,
 Hem... I *do* use osgGA wrapper... And yes, I saw they cost much in compile 
 time. :)

Yeah, I don't compile the introspection stuff because it makes it take
about 40 minutes here, too.

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -
 Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 17:36:49 +0100, Jean-Sébastien Guay a écrit:
  Hi Sukender,
  Alright... Strange thing it took 40 minutes on my machine (which is faster 
  than your laptop, and I had a few *.cpp already compiled). Or maybe you 
  disable compiling wrappers, examples, applications, plugins or such (I do 
  compile them all)?
  If you don't use the wrappers, disable those. That will likely cut your
  compile time in half if not more. The wrappers really take a long time
  to compile.
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Serge,

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Ack... two steps forward, one step back...  Looks like a bug fix for
 another stats rendering problem broke this particular combination.  I
 see the problem under Linux as well so can chase it up personally.

I've now improved the handling of the scaling the stats projection
matrix, this ensures that the

   osgviewer cow.osg --window 100 100 800 500

works fine, as well as the usage case that was previously broken. This
change is now checked into svn/trunk. Could you please test svn/trunk
to see if this problem is solved at your end as well.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Serge Lages
Thanks Robert, I'll only be able to test tomorrow morning but i'll let you

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Serge,

 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Robert Osfield
  Ack... two steps forward, one step back...  Looks like a bug fix for
  another stats rendering problem broke this particular combination.  I
  see the problem under Linux as well so can chase it up personally.

 I've now improved the handling of the scaling the stats projection
 matrix, this ensures that the

   osgviewer cow.osg --window 100 100 800 500

 works fine, as well as the usage case that was previously broken. This
 change is now checked into svn/trunk. Could you please test svn/trunk
 to see if this problem is solved at your end as well.

 osg-users mailing list

Serge Lages
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Jeremy Moles
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 16:23 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi Jeremy,
 Could you please capture the warnings you are getting now.  They are
 almost certainly be the same set as the original warnings you sent as
 I have fixed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of warnings, having
 spent well over a week of my life dedicated to just aggressive
 warnings level.  Please also could specify the compiler options as
 well - are they different from the standard options used by the OSG?
 (I only see warnings with 3rd party libs that we can do no thing about
 on my builds).

The only MAJOR one I'm getting anymore is this:

In copy constructor
osgViewer::InteractiveImageHandler, const osg::CopyOp)’:
 warning: base class ‘class osg::Object’ should be explicitly initialized in 
the copy constructor
 warning: base class ‘class osgGA::GUIEventHandler’ should be explicitly 
initialized in the copy constructor
 warning: base class ‘struct osg::Drawable::CullCallback’ should be explicitly 
initialized in the copy constructor

I'm using GCC 4.3 building both my software
(osgPango/osgCairo/osgWidget) and OSG itself using:

-W -Wall -Wno-unused

Speaking of Cairo, what did you ever decide to do about that? :)

 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Jeremy Moles wrote:
  On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 15:01 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
  Hi All,
  I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
  for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
  2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
  with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
  be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
  looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
  2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
  the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
  let me know how you get on.
  In prep for the branch I've now updated the version and so numbers so
  we now have:
OpenThreads-2.4.0, SO version 11
OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0, SO version 55
  I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
  fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
  remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
  won't be able to test the XCode projects.
  I'm still getting a good deal of warnings (the same from my previous
  submission); in particular, the one from InteractiveImageHandler in
  ViewerEventHandlers. On my own system I'm having to fix that every time
  so that I can use warnings in my code...
  osg-users mailing list
  osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Jeremy,

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Jeremy Moles wrote:
 The only MAJOR one I'm getting anymore is this:

 In copy constructor
 osgViewer::InteractiveImageHandler, const osg::CopyOp)':
  warning: base class 'class osg::Object' should be explicitly initialized in 
 the copy constructor
  warning: base class 'class osgGA::GUIEventHandler' should be explicitly 
 initialized in the copy constructor
  warning: base class 'struct osg::Drawable::CullCallback' should be 
 explicitly initialized in the copy constructor

I've just checked in a fix for this.  Could you do an svn update and
let me know what warnings remain.

 I'm using GCC 4.3 building both my software
 (osgPango/osgCairo/osgWidget) and OSG itself using:

-W -Wall -Wno-unused

 Speaking of Cairo, what did you ever decide to do about that? :)

For Cairo I've kept the implementations local in the svg and gecko
plugins.  Rather than go for an CarioImage subclass class, I opted to
have a custom user data object that implements the Cario integration.
This allows one to add and then remove the Cario support to any image
- it needn't be one subclassed from a Cario base class.

For 2.8 I've not rolled this Cario helper class out into osgWidget as
it was a another little feature that could cause complication and
necessitate wider platform testing/debugging.  Once 2.8 is out we can
look at the issue of exposing an Cario helper class out into osgWidget
or other NodeKit.  I still think it's probably be best to keep such a
class entirely in the header.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Jeremy Moles
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 17:32 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
 HI Jeremy,
 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Jeremy Moles wrote:
  The only MAJOR one I'm getting anymore is this:
  In copy constructor
  osgViewer::InteractiveImageHandler, const osg::CopyOp)':
   warning: base class 'class osg::Object' should be explicitly initialized 
  in the copy constructor
   warning: base class 'class osgGA::GUIEventHandler' should be explicitly 
  initialized in the copy constructor
   warning: base class 'struct osg::Drawable::CullCallback' should be 
  explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
 I've just checked in a fix for this.  Could you do an svn update and
 let me know what warnings remain.
  I'm using GCC 4.3 building both my software
  (osgPango/osgCairo/osgWidget) and OSG itself using:
 -W -Wall -Wno-unused
  Speaking of Cairo, what did you ever decide to do about that? :)
 For Cairo I've kept the implementations local in the svg and gecko
 plugins.  Rather than go for an CarioImage subclass class, I opted to
 have a custom user data object that implements the Cario integration.
 This allows one to add and then remove the Cario support to any image
 - it needn't be one subclassed from a Cario base class.
 For 2.8 I've not rolled this Cario helper class out into osgWidget as
 it was a another little feature that could cause complication and
 necessitate wider platform testing/debugging.  Once 2.8 is out we can
 look at the issue of exposing an Cario helper class out into osgWidget
 or other NodeKit.  I still think it's probably be best to keep such a
 class entirely in the header.

I agree entirely, and it would be nice to strike osgCairo off my list of
software dependencies (especially for osgPango, which I'm making
incredible progress on and which now works pleasantly well in Windows).

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Jan Ciger
Hash: SHA1

Robert Osfield wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build
 with a fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I
 can remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build
 though, won't be able to test the XCode projects.
 OSX CMake/Make Intel builds.
 Kubuntu 8.10, 64 bit builds.

Also Mandriva 2009, 32 bit builds OK and seems to work.
BTW, OSG package in Mandriva is being updated right now, the packager is
waiting for 2.8 to be out.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mandriva -

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Jeremy,

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Jeremy Moles wrote:
 The warning remains with the latest revision; osg::Object must also be
 initialized for this warning to go away. Why this is the case, I do not

This class doesn't directly inherit from osg::Object, I added all the
initializers that should be required.

Could it be one of the parent classes need the explicit initializer?
Could you look into this.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sukender (et. al)

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Sukender wrote:
 Robert: Dashboard updated.
 Jeremy: What kind of machine do you have??? It seems to take ages to compile 
 on my computer (Core2Duo 2.5Ghz)! Or maybe you've compiled just before and 
 there was few to recompile...

I've now gone through all the 50 warnings reported on Dashbord from
your VS build, I have applied fixes for them all.  Whether they are
fixed or not... we I can't say till you or others do another build.  I
have checked my changes into svn/trunk.

Since the at the end of Dashboard log there the line:

The maximum number of reported warnings or errors has been reached!!!

I suspect there are more warnings lurking, and even if I fix these 50,
more will pop up in their place.  How many we'll have to wait an see.

Could everyone do another svn update on svn/trunk and build to see how
things are now hanging.  Posting your results on Dashboard helps me
keep track of things.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

Thanks for the all the testing, a few more bugs and warnings have been
fleshed and should be now resolved, alas this has taken me pretty well
all the day, so it's now too late for me to go create the
OpenSceneGraph-2.8 today.  What I'll do is leave svn/trunk to be
tested over night and in morning if things look sane I'll go ahead and
make the 2.8 branch and the 2.8.0-rc1 from this.

Once 2.8.0-rc1 is done, it'll be time to even more build and runtime
testing, and for those planning to help out with packaging to start
creating packaging for the rc1.  In the past we've required a couple
rc's so we should expect the same, but your never know perhaps all the
i's have been doted and we'll be able to make rc1 gold and then I can
take the rest of week off :-)

With the rc1 done I'll be starting to nag people for feedback on how
their own projects are running against the rc1, testing against real
apps is what will start shaking down the build and runtime fully.

My aim is to the final get 2.8.0 tagged this week, and if possible
packages up for the main platforms.

Thanks for you assistance,
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

Once 2.8.0-rc1 is done, it'll be time to even more build and runtime
testing, and for those planning to help out with packaging to start
creating packaging for the rc1.  

Sooo... What are you planning as an upload area for packages? :-) You 
said we'd put them into SVN, but do you plan to give all of us commit 
access to a given area of the SVN? Perhaps an FTP would be easier, we 
could just upload and people would download and then once we've 
confirmed the packages are good you can commit the packages to SVN...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert,

Second experimental build launched. (SUKENDER1 2009-02-02 on the dashboard, rev 
9631, VC8sp1, all inclusive).
Maybe you'll have the result before going to sleep (= To all: this is a 
joke... Robert NEVER sleeps! :D Even kill_and_go_to_bed -9 can't get rid of 

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 21:36:03 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi Sukender (et. al)

 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Sukender wrote:
 Robert: Dashboard updated.
 Jeremy: What kind of machine do you have??? It seems to take ages to compile 
 on my computer (Core2Duo 2.5Ghz)! Or maybe you've compiled just before and 
 there was few to recompile...

 I've now gone through all the 50 warnings reported on Dashbord from
 your VS build, I have applied fixes for them all.  Whether they are
 fixed or not... we I can't say till you or others do another build.  I
 have checked my changes into svn/trunk.

 Since the at the end of Dashboard log there the line:

 The maximum number of reported warnings or errors has been reached!!!

 I suspect there are more warnings lurking, and even if I fix these 50,
 more will pop up in their place.  How many we'll have to wait an see.

 Could everyone do another svn update on svn/trunk and build to see how
 things are now hanging.  Posting your results on Dashboard helps me
 keep track of things.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Sukender
+1 :)

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 21:51:05 +0100, Jean-Sébastien Guay a écrit:

 Hi Robert,

 Once 2.8.0-rc1 is done, it'll be time to even more build and runtime
 testing, and for those planning to help out with packaging to start
 creating packaging for the rc1.

 Sooo... What are you planning as an upload area for packages? :-) You
 said we'd put them into SVN, but do you plan to give all of us commit
 access to a given area of the SVN? Perhaps an FTP would be easier, we
 could just upload and people would download and then once we've
 confirmed the packages are good you can commit the packages to SVN...


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Paul Melis

Robert Osfield wrote:

I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
let me know how you get on.
On Linux the new TF1D seems to work fine indeed (and the setColor() and 
friends API seems to make more sense).


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Sukender
Quick note: build is done, but most warnings are wrappers-related (and seem 

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 21:54:34 +0100, Sukender a écrit:

 Hi Robert,

 Second experimental build launched. (SUKENDER1 2009-02-02 on the dashboard, 
 rev 9631, VC8sp1, all inclusive).
 Maybe you'll have the result before going to sleep (= To all: this is a 
 joke... Robert NEVER sleeps! :D Even kill_and_go_to_bed -9 can't get rid of 

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

 Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 21:36:03 +0100, Robert Osfield 
 a écrit:

 Hi Sukender (et. al)

 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Sukender wrote:
 Robert: Dashboard updated.
 Jeremy: What kind of machine do you have??? It seems to take ages to 
 compile on my computer (Core2Duo 2.5Ghz)! Or maybe you've compiled just 
 before and there was few to recompile...

 I've now gone through all the 50 warnings reported on Dashbord from
 your VS build, I have applied fixes for them all.  Whether they are
 fixed or not... we I can't say till you or others do another build.  I
 have checked my changes into svn/trunk.

 Since the at the end of Dashboard log there the line:

 The maximum number of reported warnings or errors has been reached!!!

 I suspect there are more warnings lurking, and even if I fix these 50,
 more will pop up in their place.  How many we'll have to wait an see.

 Could everyone do another svn update on svn/trunk and build to see how
 things are now hanging.  Posting your results on Dashboard helps me
 keep track of things.

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Serge,

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Serge Lages wrote:
 Here is a screenshot fo my bug.

Ack... two steps forward, one step back...  Looks like a bug fix for
another stats rendering problem broke this particular combination.  I
see the problem under Linux as well so can chase it up personally.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Sukender
Alright... Strange thing it took 40 minutes on my machine (which is faster than 
your laptop, and I had a few *.cpp already compiled). Or maybe you disable 
compiling wrappers, examples, applications, plugins or such (I do compile them 

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 17:25:22 +0100, Jeremy Moles a 

 On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 17:20 +0100, Sukender wrote:
 Hi Jeremy, hi Robert,

 Robert: Dashboard updated.
 Jeremy: What kind of machine do you have??? It seems to take ages to compile 
 on my computer (Core2Duo 2.5Ghz)! Or maybe you've compiled just before and 
 there was few to recompile...

 I have two machines: a laptop (Dell M90 with Core2Duo 1.6Ghz) and a
 desktop (QuadCore 2.6Ghz). It takes about 20 minutes to build from
 scratch on my laptop (no including the introspection stuff) and about 5
 minutes on my desktop.

 The laptop runs Fedora 10 and the desktop Vista 64.

 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

 Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 16:56:06 +0100, Jeremy Moles a 

  On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 15:01 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
  Hi All,
  I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
  for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
  2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
  with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
  be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
  looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
  2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
  the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
  let me know how you get on.
  In prep for the branch I've now updated the version and so numbers so
  we now have:
OpenThreads-2.4.0, SO version 11
OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0, SO version 55
  I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
  fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
  remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
  won't be able to test the XCode projects.
  I'm still getting a good deal of warnings (the same from my previous
  submission); in particular, the one from InteractiveImageHandler in
  ViewerEventHandlers. On my own system I'm having to fix that every time
  so that I can use warnings in my code...
  osg-users mailing list
  osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Jeremy Moles
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 17:32 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
 HI Jeremy,
 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Jeremy Moles wrote:
  The only MAJOR one I'm getting anymore is this:
  In copy constructor
  osgViewer::InteractiveImageHandler, const osg::CopyOp)':
   warning: base class 'class osg::Object' should be explicitly initialized 
  in the copy constructor
   warning: base class 'class osgGA::GUIEventHandler' should be explicitly 
  initialized in the copy constructor
   warning: base class 'struct osg::Drawable::CullCallback' should be 
  explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
 I've just checked in a fix for this.  Could you do an svn update and
 let me know what warnings remain.

The warning remains with the latest revision; osg::Object must also be
initialized for this warning to go away. Why this is the case, I do not

  I'm using GCC 4.3 building both my software
  (osgPango/osgCairo/osgWidget) and OSG itself using:
 -W -Wall -Wno-unused
  Speaking of Cairo, what did you ever decide to do about that? :)
 For Cairo I've kept the implementations local in the svg and gecko
 plugins.  Rather than go for an CarioImage subclass class, I opted to
 have a custom user data object that implements the Cario integration.
 This allows one to add and then remove the Cario support to any image
 - it needn't be one subclassed from a Cario base class.
 For 2.8 I've not rolled this Cario helper class out into osgWidget as
 it was a another little feature that could cause complication and
 necessitate wider platform testing/debugging.  Once 2.8 is out we can
 look at the issue of exposing an Cario helper class out into osgWidget
 or other NodeKit.  I still think it's probably be best to keep such a
 class entirely in the header.
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Morné Pistorius
Hi Robert,

 In tests with my app I found some curious behaviour with the
 QOSGWidget (non-GraphicsWindowEmbedded) implementation.

 Since moving from the GLWidget approach to this, the throwing
 functionality of the TrackballManipulator disappeared.  This is also
 visible in the osgViewerQt example - spinning a model works for the
 GLAdapterWidget, but not for the QOSGWidget. (Oh, and the example
 hangs when pressing ESC.)

 Could you specify the command line you are using to reproduce these problems?

osgviewerQT --QOSGWidget cow.osg

 Also, I have problems manually adding/removing views from a composite
 viewer.  Adding/removing works fine until I remove the last view and
 try to add a view to an empty composite viewer.  The viewer just shows
 garbage from the last view visible before it was removed and wont
 update with any new views added. I will try and reproduce this in the
 composite viewer example.

 If the window doesn't have any camera's active on it then there is
 nothing to clear the window, if one enable the clear on the window
 this issue may well disappear.  As for adding views back after they've
 all been removed should work, but I haven't tested this combination

Yup, I have the clearmask enabled for the viewer and it works fine as
long as at least one
view is still present.  But as soon as the last camera is removed, the
entire viewer stops working, even if adding new views afterwards.  I
am trying to reproduce that now in a small example, will send it in a

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Morné Pistorius
Hi Robert,

I successfully built the current trunk on Windows, VS8.  Attached are
more warnings if you are interested (about 71), they look to be mostly

In tests with my app I found some curious behaviour with the
QOSGWidget (non-GraphicsWindowEmbedded) implementation.

Since moving from the GLWidget approach to this, the throwing
functionality of the TrackballManipulator disappeared.  This is also
visible in the osgViewerQt example - spinning a model works for the
GLAdapterWidget, but not for the QOSGWidget. (Oh, and the example
hangs when pressing ESC.)

Also, I have problems manually adding/removing views from a composite
viewer.  Adding/removing works fine until I remove the last view and
try to add a view to an empty composite viewer.  The viewer just shows
garbage from the last view visible before it was removed and wont
update with any new views added. I will try and reproduce this in the
composite viewer example.


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi All,

 I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
 for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
 2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
 with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
 be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
 looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
 2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
 the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
 let me know how you get on.

 In prep for the branch I've now updated the version and so numbers so
 we now have:

  OpenThreads-2.4.0, SO version 11
  OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0, SO version 55

 I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
 fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
 remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
 won't be able to test the XCode projects.

 osg-users mailing list

Warning 1   warning C4239: nonstandard extension used : 'static_cast' : 
conversion from 'volatile const long' to 'volatile const unsigned int '
c:\P\TestLibs\OSG\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\src\OpenThreads\common\Atomic.cpp  133 
Warning 2   warning C4189: 'pd' : local variable is initialized but not 
Warning 3   warning C4512: 'TransformVisitor' : assignment operator could 
not be generated  c:\P\TestLibs\OSG\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\src\osg\Transform.cpp
Warning 4   warning C4512: 'DrawShapeVisitor' : assignment operator could 
not be generated  
c:\P\TestLibs\OSG\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\src\osg\ShapeDrawable.cpp  67  
Warning 5   warning C4512: 'ComputeBoundShapeVisitor' : assignment operator 
could not be generated  
c:\P\TestLibs\OSG\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\src\osg\ShapeDrawable.cpp  1058
Warning 6   warning C4512: 'PrimitiveShapeVisitor' : assignment operator 
could not be generated 
c:\P\TestLibs\OSG\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\src\osg\ShapeDrawable.cpp  1328
Warning 7   warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'p' 
Warning 8   warning C4245: '=' : conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned int', 
signed/unsigned mismatch  
c:\P\TestLibs\OSG\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\src\osgAnimation\Timeline.cpp  30  
Warning 9   warning C4245: '=' : conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned int', 
signed/unsigned mismatch  
c:\P\TestLibs\OSG\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\src\osgAnimation\Timeline.cpp  45  
Warning 10  warning C4512: 'WriteValue' : assignment operator could not be 
Warning 11  warning C4512: 'RemapArray' : assignment operator could not be 
Warning 12  warning C4510: 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' : default 
constructor could not be generated C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
8\VC\include\list  42  
Warning 13  warning C4610: struct 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' can 
never be instantiated - user defined constructor required C:\Program 
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\list  42  
Warning 14  warning C4510: 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' : default 
constructor could not be generated C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
8\VC\include\list  42  
Warning 15  warning C4610: struct 'std::_List_nod_Ty,_Alloc::_Node' can 
never be instantiated - user defined constructor required C:\Program 

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Sukender
Hi Jeremy, hi Robert,

Robert: Dashboard updated.
Jeremy: What kind of machine do you have??? It seems to take ages to compile on 
my computer (Core2Duo 2.5Ghz)! Or maybe you've compiled just before and there 
was few to recompile...

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Mon, 02 Feb 2009 16:56:06 +0100, Jeremy Moles a 

 On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 15:01 +, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi All,

 I've now finished all the merges/bug/features fixes that is required
 for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch.  I had to do a few more changes since
 2.7.9 than I would have liked due to resolve usage problems associated
 with the osg::TransferFunction1D class.  TransferFunction1D has had to
 be refactored in API and implementation.  I've done testing here at it
 looks to be running fine (now with .osg support that was missing in
 2.7.9) but as I don't have Windows and other platforms I can't test
 the build there, so pretty please could people do an svn update and
 let me know how you get on.

 In prep for the branch I've now updated the version and so numbers so
 we now have:

   OpenThreads-2.4.0, SO version 11
   OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0, SO version 55

 I will now go across the machines I have and test out the build with a
 fresh checkout.  I'll also do testing on an OSX box that I can
 remotely log into - I'll test just the CMake/Makefile build though,
 won't be able to test the XCode projects.

 I'm still getting a good deal of warnings (the same from my previous
 submission); in particular, the one from InteractiveImageHandler in
 ViewerEventHandlers. On my own system I'm having to fix that every time
 so that I can use warnings in my code...

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-02 Thread Melchior FRANZ
Just for the record: I've had several segfaults in OSG's
particle code (threading related) since I updated a few
days ago. I'll post a backtrace when I run into it again.

osg-users mailing list