Re: Just one tip

2003-12-30 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
I totally agree graywolf, which is why I think my strike rate needs
improving.  At the moment, like I mentioned, I am getting probably 18
salable images from a roll of 24 exposure film.  Of those, probably 4 of the
rejects are due to eyes closing/subject moving etc.  The two remaining are
usually rejects due to being underexposed, or out of focus etc.  Even though
the bulk of the rejects are usually due to the subject did something the
photographer has no control over, I still consider this my fault as I
should be able to predict or at least anticipate these things, and make
allowances for it.  I still stand by my original goal - when I get to
consistentantly producing 22 salable shots per 24 roll, I will be happy to
some degree with my own competency level.  But until then, I still think,
basically that I'm not worthy of people's 


- Original Message - 
From: graywolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: Just one tip

 Maybe I should clarify this. I am speaking specifically about event

 graywolf wrote:

  You were thinking of works of art, Tanya is thinking of salable
  pictures. There is a big difference. Any pro who does not get a salable
  picture with every shot except where the subject did something the
  photographer has no control over is not very competent.


 You might as well accept people as they are,
 you are not going to be able to change them anyway.

Re: COMPLETELY OT, but relevant to New Year's Eve...

2003-12-30 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Happy anniversary Kevin!


- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Waterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: COMPLETELY OT, but relevant to New Year's Eve...

 This one time, at band camp, Tanya Mayer Photography

  lol! that's funny Bill! I am the same with our annual Melbourne Cup
  race.  They say it is the race that stops a nation.  And everyone who
  anyone bets on it - except me!

 and me :)

 Tonight I will lounge around the pool with family and friends and have a
 Watch the fireworks at 9:00 (for the kids) wait till midnight then bed.

 Point of trivia. I was married at midnight Jan 1 2000, so it will also
 be my wedding anniversary.

 Kind regards

 (_ \
  _) )           
 |  /  / _  ) / _  | / ___) / _  )
 | |  ( (/ / ( ( | |( (___ ( (/ /
 |_|   \) \_||_| \) \)
 Kevin Waterson
 Port Macquarie, Australia

Re: Pentax's dSLR future?

2003-12-30 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
lol!  I was talking to Rob about this comment today.  In Australia, the term
pissed is taken to mean drunk or intoxicated, so when I read it for
the first time, I was even more confused, thinking that he meant he was
drunk at the time and so wasn't as angry as he had anticipated! lol...


But, upon rereading it, I *thought* it was intended to read as: My angst
diminished when I picked up an ist D the first time.
I *was* pissed. meaning that he had been previously annoyed, UNTIL he
picked it up at which time his angst diminished and so his state of being
pissed was in past tense ie was.

hehe, how silly to be deliberating over such trivial things.  I am
procrastinating as I should be working, I have more of those product shots
that Shel hates so much to shoot.  Already, wasted much of my day
gas-bagging to Rob on the phone, so I really should get back to it...


Re: Color film processing at home 1st results (Att: Dave)

2003-12-30 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
John, I can't see any of your pics on photonet...


- Original Message - 
From: John Daniele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 3:26 PM
Subject: Color film processing at home 1st results (Att: Dave)

 Well I blew the dust off the jobo duolab and gave it a try I have posted
 4 of the photos of my first results.
 Here are the details for those interested.
 Camera Super A w/smca 35-105 camera and lens set to auto (note these
 were just some quick snaps to see developing results) 
 Film El-cheapo Max 800 kodak
 Tetanal Press Kit 14.95 @ BH PHOTO makes 1 liter 
 JOBO duolab (basically a rotary drum with an aqua stat and a slot
 processor in the rear)
 I followed the directions for the press kit exactly you can get a copy
 at the jobo web site in the support section.
 Mixing the chemicals was easy and surprising to me no odor (I hate the
 smell of BW fixers)
 I was amazed at how easy this whole thing was and I am a complete
 amateur I am absolutely positive you can do this in a bucket of warm
 The original scans were equal to anything I have picked up at the one
 hour place the scans on photo net are all low resolution.
 Conclusion I will be developing more color film and scanning the shots I
 want printed will go to disc then to the photo lab for printing at least
 Wont be paying for the shots I would not have wanted printed (I take
 lots of crumby shots between good ones)
 Regards JD

Re: 50/1.2 in Trading Post

2003-12-30 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Bill, I just phoned the number and it was answered by a very old sounding
man who said it was his son selling the lens ( he also has a K1000 listed in
the Trading Post for $235.00!), and that he would get him to ring me back.
He didn't speak English very well though, so I won't hold my breath as I am
not sure how well he took down my number.  Will let you know what I find


- Original Message - 
From: William R. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 11:47 PM
Subject: RE: 50/1.2 in Trading Post

 That is a great price!  I`m so tempted in buying another one  especially
 that price too bad I don`t like to buy things without seeing it in person.
 I`ve had a bad experience buying at ebay once so I`m wary of auctions and
 such.  I may change my mind later though there are some good deals on

 Anthony that link you gave us doesn`t seem to be working.

 William R.

 From: Anthony Farr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: 50/1.2 in Trading Post
 Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 20:10:18 +1100 has a listing for:
 Pentax F1.2 50mm lens, excellent cond, $185 (03)98002825 Wantirna
 (not mine).  That area code is in Victoria, from other countries you
 dial 61-3-98002825.
 It looks like a good price ($Aus1.00 = $US0.74), but I can't vouch for
 condition beyond the sellers description (no photo but that's not unusual
 this site)
 The actual web page is but
 a search result so you may have to enter via the home page above, choose
 Victoria on the map, choose the audiovisual category and the
 photographic sub-category, then search Pentax.  After all that it
 have sold already but you'd never know without enquiring.
 Just a heads up, especially for new *istD owners looking for a fast
 lens.  As it's not an auction I guess it's OK to spread the word.
 Anthony Farr

 Linguaphone :  Learning English? Get Japanese lessons for FREE

Re: Just curious ... Related questions

2003-12-30 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
I am almost embarrased to say that I am one of the ones that falls into the
never category having never developed my own films in a darkroom.  I did
purchase all the gear to set one up a few years back, but sold it all again
when I found that I was expecting our baby and would need the room as a


Re: Just one tip

2003-12-30 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Bill said:Tanya, that is bullshit. What it means is that you shoot an extra
couple of rolls of film on any given job to get the number of hits you

- that is exactly what I *do* do now Bill, it sucks though, cause I really
wish that I could be confident that I could open the package straight from
the lab and know that it would be ok if my client was sitting over my
shoulder looking at them as I was, and not feel that I need to hide any
from them...

increase your prices to compensate the extra material cost, and get on with

- easier said then done.  I feel really bad expecting people to pay for my
mistakes, so generally, I just wear it, and hope that I continue to

When your hit percentage increases to where you want it to be, which is
unreralistic at the moment, but you'll either figure that out on your own,
or you'll slit your wrists, you can cut back on the amount of film you have
to shoot,

- but as Tom said anything less than 100% means that I am incompetent as a
photographer.  What do you (and others) think IS a realistic goal to aim

raise your prices again because you are a better photographer, and put the
extra money towards something nice.

- like, maybe a certain DSLR and then, I could shoot as much as I wanted
without regard to cost?!? ;-)

 At least thats what I think anyway.

- thanks for your thoughts Bill, they are both appreciated and respected.  I
will never turn down genuine constructive criticism and always take it as it
in the nature that it is intended.


contact sheets...

2003-12-30 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
A question to those shooting digital - just wondering how you present your
proofs to your clients...

do you:

a) print out a contact sheet such as that generated in PS?

b) hand over a CD with low res files for the purpose of proofing?

c) present them to your client as a slideshow etc?

d) do something that isn't covered in any of the above options?

Just wondering as I am trying to decide on the best way to present the shots
I am currently shooting which include both product shots and fashion shots
of a kids clothing line.  Also included in this lot are some landscape and
still-life shots of country oriented items to use as backgrounds etc for
the country themed product line.  The shots will be on the company's website
and in their mail order catalogue, print advertising etc.


Re: Pentax's dSLR future?

2003-12-30 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Bill said: And this is in no way to imply that I find you or your internet
company tiresome. Quite the opposite, I find your posts delightful, and
enjoy poking around your website as well.

Must admit, I *was* starting to wonder if I should take the hint when you
said Of course, I could also tell someone to piss off, which would mean
that I find their company tiresome.

hehe.  We too, use the term pissed off, piss off etc in Oz, but rarely
is it shortened to just pissed, which is kind of ironic really considering
how famous Aussies are for shortening almost every common phrase that they
use.  eg afternoon/arvo, sandwich/sanga, spaghetti bolognaise/spag bog.
etc...  Oh, and then there are peoples names - such as Caroline, Darren,
Barry, Russell, Sharon, Kerry, Gary, Larry, Murray, Geraldine (my best
friend's name), who in the traditional Aussie way, are generally shortened
to result in Cazza, Dazza, Bazza, Rusty, Shazza, Kezza, Gaza, Lazza, Muzza
and Gezza... lol... try saying that quickly after a few New Year's Eve

tan.  (who is dying to hear Cotty's comeback on Bill's use of the term
poking around in reference to him viewing my website)...

Re: Kodak TMAX 3200 or Fuji Press Pro 1600

2003-12-31 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Boris, I recently did exactly what you are planning and experimented at a
friends wedding, knowing that they had already hired another photographer
for their formal shots.  I decided to have a play and used Fuji Press Pro
800.  The resulting grain was a pain in the butt.  It wasn't significant
enough to look artsy but was too much to look good.  Also, the skin
tones were TERRIBLE. My bride looked blotchy and even as though she had a
fake tan in places, whereas shots I had just taken on a different camera
with the same light and equivalent exposure with Fuji NPH 400 (my fav.
wedding film), looked gorgeous.
I have never used the TMAX film, but I wouldn't recommend shooting anything
for a wedding with film faster than 400 unless you are going for a REALLY
artsy look and using the grain for its creative/artistic merits.  And
don't even think about group or family photos, as you can just about
guarantee that people will want enlargements of these, which will of course
look shocking with the grain.  My preference would be to take a tripod and
shoot with a 400 speed film.  If you look here, I did exactly this for this
wedding, which was another friends and at which I also let myself do a
little experiment.  These shots were shot handheld (and leaning against
poles/church pews etc in place of a tripod) using only available light, in a
dark church with a 135mm prime lens, and T400cn film.  Not what I would
refer to as my best work, but an interesting experiment nonetheless...



Re: PUG January is open

2003-12-31 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Wow, there are some great shots there guys and gals...

I think that my pick of them would have to be Fluffy by Fred Widall, I
also love Cotty's use of DOF with his The Eyes Have It.  Funny that I
should pick these two as I am SO not a cat person!

Not sure why, although I know that the colours grab me, but I also really
like  Denali Caribou  by  Kenneth Waller, it really seems to jump from
that background

Fanned Out by Lon Williamson is great too, I really like the light coming
through the tail feathers, and despite your comments Lon, I love the
composition.  Would love to see the better ones if this isn't one of them!

Lovin'  Fly  by  Dag Thrane - it is one of those shots that really makes
me want to know the how and whys of how it was made.  What is the fly
sitting on? Is it a reflected surface? etc etc...

Love the sidelighting in  Walking on a Strange Animal  by  Gianfranco
Irlanda, a shot that was captured with great timing!

 Watch  by  Alin Flaider has fantastic focus, depth of field and just the
right amount of flash to add that punch to the colours (IMO) - the colours
in the bokeh only serve to make the lizard stand out even more whilst adding
a warmth to the overall shot that makes it really eyecatching.

 Nemo  by  Christian Skofteland, - underwater photography is something
that has been slowly building my curiosity in the past year or two, and
having the Great Barrier Reef only four hours drive away - it is really
something I should learn about.  The vibrancy of the colours are fantastic
here and the focus and composition are just great.  Amazing to think that
you took this shot whilst under water!  Oh, and I showed it to my kids too,
and it was obviously a resounding success! I *possibly* would have cropped a
fair wack of the out of focus pink side of the anemonae, off but still not
sure if it would really benefit this image or not.  Either way, I love it...

 *istDaRose  by  Joseph Tainter, is a fantastic shot and a great take on a
very traditional subject.  I love the texture that the petals have, and the
colour is great.  You really can have fun mixing light temperatures...

 Bingo Grain  by  Michal Mesko, is a great, memorable shot, although just
slightly too sepia for my tastes, I prefer subtle tonings, but that is just
a personal opinion.  Other than that, I love the shot...

 Looking at You  by  Bruce Dayton, is a gorgeous shot.  Love the
sidelighting and skin tones, and just look at that hair... and those eyes!
SO cute!

Thanks to all for sharing your wonderful images, on a personal level, I
learn so much from viewing them and always get really excited when it comes
to going through the gallery each month.  I don't think there has ever been
one image posted that I haven't learnt *something* from...


Re: Happy New Year from Australia

2003-12-31 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
John wrote:  ... so anyone without kids leads a shallow, worthless

Sheesh, of course, John, that is *not* how I meant it to come across.  I
probably should have emphasised the our and the we or rephrased it to
read  It is because of *my* kids that all that *I* do on a daily basis
becomes worthwhile... .  When I made reference to our and we I was
referring to my husband and myself, not making a generalisation for everyone
else on the entire list!  Sorry if I offended with a comment that was given
as a gesture of friendship, love and goodwill to welcome in the New Year,
and which I assumed would be taken as such.  I'll just go back and hide
behind my camera now, I feel much safer there sometimes...


Re: Happy New Year!!

2004-01-01 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography

Bill said: ... and I am sipping on Champagne that I made using the
traditional method...

Ok, that sounds very ominous... exactly what is the traditional method?!?

BTW, Happy New Year to you too...!
Must be some heavy duty partying happening in the Northern Hemisphere, the
list is veeery quiet this afternoon...


Re: AP liked the *ist 35mm best

2004-01-01 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
ERN asked: Who wears a skirt when taking photographs??

Actually, you know what, I should have said that I was 'figuratively'
speaking when I typed that cause, guess what? I NEVER wear a skirt when I am
shooting - and especially not weddings.  Last week I had 3 guys hoist me and
my tripod up onto the roof of a Golf Club to take a large group shot of all
the guests - can you imagine that if I'd been wearing... NOT a pretty sight
would that have been...


And it would be even less wise to wear one when shooting kids, as I almost
always end up sitting or lying down with them and shooting at ground level,
or at least sitting and playing with them for a bit to capture candid

I'll try and dig up a shot of me that I know I have *somewhere* of me
dressed in my uniform...


Re: AP liked the *ist 35mm best

2004-01-01 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
LOL!  He'll be a bit out of fashion dressed like that though!

- Original Message - 
From: Pieter Nagel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: AP liked the *ist 35mm best

 On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 08:53:24AM +1000, Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:
  and i know who looks better in a skirt...
 True. Lewis the Robot Photographer is more suited for a corset and hoop
  /_)  /| /
 /   i e t e r/ |/ a g e l

Re: PUG January is open

2004-01-01 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
 I tried numerous versions of cropping the shot and really liked this one
 most.  The relationship between fish and anemone is very special and I
 wanted to convey that in the picture.

 Thanks again!


Yeah, Christian, I think I would tend to agree with you.  In fact, I really
like the composition, my main thoughts behind the cropping possibility was
due to the out of focus part of the anemone to the left.  BUT, in hindsight,
I tend to agree with you, and the crop as it is gives true scale to the
shot, depicting just how small the clown fish truly is in relation to his
chosen home.  Either way, I love the shot.

You know what, I have never been scuba diving, or even snorkelling for that
matter.  I have asthma and have never been able to go when the opportunity
has presented itself to me...  It is so funny that we get so complacent
(sic?) with those regions that we come to know and never truly explore
them.  I have said to my hubby on a number of occasions that it is ironic
that people travel from all over the world to visit what we literally have
on our doorstep, and are yet to properly explore ourselves.


Re: AP liked the *ist 35mm best

2004-01-01 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Christian said: bet he can't drop his cameras

hmmm, maybe so, and even if he did, he is probably equipped with the
technology to fix them himself anyways! lol...

Christian asked: have you seen tv in a skirt...?

*eek*, i really didn't need *that* picture in my mind's eye, that is going
to haunt me all day now! vbg (no offence of course, tv!)

...mind you, he *could* start a new trend in wedding photography attire;
pity tv is shooting digital, cause it would make for some very easy
warming opportunities for film straight out of the fridge... (as cotty and
paul discussed already...)

tan.  (waiting for the kilt jokes to start rolling in...)

scary stuff with win 98...

2004-01-01 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Omigosh, I just went into Windows 98 Explorer to add some actions to my
Photoshop folder, and discovered all of these icons and folders that are
faded in their appearance! These are in the c: directory.  Then when I go
into the Windows folder, there are more of them AND 304 empty notepad files
with all of these weird names.

I am scared - this looks like virus-like activity to me, but I am totally up
to date with all of my virus definitions and only just last night did a full
system scan that came up all clear...

Can anyone help here?


Re: scary stuff with win 98...

2004-01-01 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Not that I know of Trevor...

They *do* look exactly how you described - it is as though I have selected
them all and clicked on cut, but alas, I have not, and they are in a
number of different directories, and even after I clear the clipboard, they
still remain...

this is not good...

- Original Message - 
From: Trevor Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject: RE: scary stuff with win 98...

 G'day Tanya.
 Usually the icons and folders appear faded: when they have been 
 Edit...Cut or if they are hidden or system files.
 You didn't press something by mistake did you?

 Regards, Trevor

 -Original Message-
 From: Tanya Mayer Photography [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 2 January 2004 12:29 PM
 Subject: scary stuff with win 98...

 Omigosh, I just went into Windows 98 Explorer to add some actions to my
 Photoshop folder, and discovered all of these icons and folders that are
 faded in their appearance! These are in the c: directory.  Then when I
 go into the Windows folder, there are more of them AND 304 empty notepad
 files with all of these weird names.

 I am scared - this looks like virus-like activity to me, but I am
 totally up to date with all of my virus definitions and only just last
 night did a full system scan that came up all clear...

 Can anyone help here?


The weirdest booking ever...

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Ok, so now that I have p*ssed Cotty off with another of my enormous Aussie
posts, just wanted to share with you all the strangest thing that just

I just got a booking from an Englishman, who phoned me from, wait for it
Sultanate of Oman!!  I had to Google to even find out where in the world
that was!! He and his partner are getting married in 3 weeks time, in, of
all places, Brisbane, Australia.

So, this is incredibly weird because - a) he was calling from the Middle
East! b) he has no budget and said that money is no object, they are just
determined, after viewing my website, that I am the one that they want to
shoot their wedding because they love the romance of my work and my
philosophy (go figure?!?! there is no accounting for taste with some
people, i guess) c) i have only 3 weeks notice for a wedding that is 1500kms
away! d) the wedding is to take place on a Monday - Australia Day to be
exact. a public holiday) and e) did I mention that he was calling me from
the Middle EAST?!?!!?

Seriously, he even said to me, that if I already had another booking on that
day, that they would pay me whatever I wanted to cancel that booking and
shoot theirs!!  OMG, fairygirl is on a role (and knowing Murphy's Law, is
just waiting for the bubble to burst...)...

*eek* more airfares to book...

Now I am totally nervous that I won't be able to live up to this couples
high expectations...


Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Ok, I'll play too...  These are just my photography related ones, you
should see my personal list...

1. To complete my calendar and see it for sale in every
newsagent/Target/Kmart/Angerson Robertson Bookworld in Australia...

2. To get my books setup properly so that the tax man doesn't hunt me

3. To shoot in at least 3 separate Australian states...

4. To purchase/lease a DSLR/lens/accessories that is compatible with all of
my current kit...

5. To purchase a big flat screen LCD monitor...

6. To upgrade my RAM...

7. To purchase a laptop/data projector...

8. To become enabled with a Pentax FA 100m f2.8 macro...

9. To win an award of some description for my photography...

10. To finish my blasted website...

11. To publish a book of my works about fairies... (shh, that's a secret,
don't tell anyone about that...)

12. To stop making so many crazy, unachievable New Years resolutions...


Re: scary stuff with win 98...

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Ta Ryan...


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: scary stuff with win 98...

 Tanya, I think you meant to post this to the list but you only replied to
 me. Here's forwarding it. For the record- Trevor, Robert, Kevin.. if it
 any more of a glamorous problem, I wouldn't have a clue! :-)


 - Original Message - 
 From: Tanya Mayer Photography [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 2:44 PM
 Subject: Re: scary stuff with win 98...

  Bingo!!!  That's what it was, yaay, for Ryan! - and it was my own fault
  actually changed that setting the other day when I was browsing a CD for
  file that I couldn't find, and obviously I forgot to change it back...
  am breathing again now, phew!  Thanks for your help everyone...
   Hi Tan, I'm not sure if you've tried this already, but it sounds like
   setting to 'view all files and folders' is on when most of the time
   hidden. If this is the case, open up explorer/tools/folder
   not show hidden files and folders. Not guaranteed, but worth a shot..

Re: AP liked the *ist 35mm best

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Ok, I SO didn't need THAT mental picture just before going to sleep...

Cotty, I blame you if I have nightmares tonight!



ERN wrote:

Tanya posted, among many other things: and i know who looks better in a
skirt...  vbg
Who wears a skirt when taking photographs??

To which, Cotty responded: Do nappies (diapers) count?

Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Cotty said: snip...and I just need the resolution to see them through.

Bloody whinging Poms, never happy, I thought that 6mp should be plenty of
resolution for you...



Re: Today, I feel as though I have achieved something....

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Kevin, I can't believe that you actually went through them ALL!  Thankyou so
much for your encouraging comments.  This most certainly was my first
attempt at this type of shoot.  Previous to this, anything I have shot that
was even remotely commercial, has always had people in it, and was generally
shot outside with available light.  Many of these were shot late in the
night, after my kids had gone to bed!

Again, thankyou so much Kevin for taking the time to wade through them all
and to respond to my (dizzying!) post...


Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Mainly for showing proofs to my clients Boris, but probably for photo
editing too, I have a window that site right behind me and I really need a
non-reflective surface to work from... Is this a no-no?

I can feel another lesson for fairygirl coming on...



 TMP 5. To purchase a big flat screen LCD monitor...

 Tanya, you're not going to use it for photo editing, are you?


Re: Today, I feel as though I have achieved something....

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Leon wrote a really detailed, and most appreciated reply which included:

 Is there a reason for using manual focus? 

Yeah, a couple really - I am still getting used to the feel of the
autofocus on the Olympus - it feels very different to any of my Pentax
bodies, and as I am unfamiliar with it, I didn't want to risk it.  Also,
due to the nature of the shots being so close-up and with very low depth of
field in some instances (I was shooting in macro with f2 in some places -
remember these are young childrens clothes, veeerrry small...), and
again, I just didn't trust it and wanted to be sure that I got what I
wanted in focus, in focus, iykwim?  And I am also pedantic, and almost
always use manual focus anyways, except at weddings when I need to be

Digital is a great learning tool, now all I need is some more time and a
couple of soft boxes.

Yup, me too!  I would love some.  I lit these shots with only one monobloc
bounced into a white umbrella, which I was moving around all the time to
stop those blasted reflections on the stickers etc.  I lit the backdrop with
my trusty Pentax AF360fgz, on slave mode (had to mention Pentax to keep it
somewhat on topic! lol)... And used a gold reflector when I needed it...

 I can be a harsh critic, and having said that some of your photography is
better than I ever hope to achieve, but you asked

Really?!? I am truly humbled...

The shots are very good, but I think it is the ones with people in them
that will sell the clothes...

Yeah, those are the ones I am looking forward to.  The purpose of these
shots isn't really to sell the clothes as much as to illustrate them for
mail order/web site purposes.  They will be used more in a shopping cart
context rather than a marketing one - hence the closeups on
buttons/stitching/labels/pockets etc.  I can't wait to start working on the
shots with the kids, I have some cool ideas that I am hanging to put into

You'll do a great job for this wedding in Brisbane too.  Can you supply
some details of where you will be shooting?  I grew up in Brisbane and shot
some weddings about 16-17 years ago up there.

I have no idea!  This has all only come about this afternoon, so the details
aren't nutted out as yet.  I have another in Brookefield (a place called
Bundaleer Rainforest Gardens) on 28 Feb, another in Sandgate (on the beach!
yy, I love shooting beach weddings!) on 14 March, and then one in
Coolum, and one in Noosa in August, and another in Brisbane (not sure of
exact location) in September too...

...If there are a few lose threads or bits of grass out of place on the
images it's difficult to see on the small files, but it's probably best to
correct that before shooting - it's difficult to exactly match fabric
textures by cloning on a curved piece of fabric.

I totally agree! And this is what I thought I'd done!  Seriously, this lens
is that good - some of the fibres that were showing when I viewed the shots
at full resolution were amazing!  I went back and looked at the cuffs of one
shirt in particular and for the life of me, I could not find, until I looked
at them with a magnifying glass, those said fibres!  Also, shooting in low
light (only using a 60watt modelling lamp), at night, made it difficult to
see such things...

... I wonder about some of the shots you deleted.

Most were just duplicates of some that were already there, and others were
obvious stuff ups whereby, I missed the focus or wasn't happy with a
reflection/shadow due to the position of the light...

I can see some obvious landscape crops in some of you portrait shots (and a
little the other way).  Some of the shots are a bit unbalanced, but I can
see a 6x4.5 crop in them that would make them right.  This may have been
your idea from the start, I just notice it because in all cases I would crop
fully from one side of your images - I tend to allow extra on both sides of
the image and crop the middle, so I notice it more in your images.

Nh, that's just me, I'm a bit warped and unbalanced myself you see

Seriously though, yep, mucho cropping to be done yet, and much more other
editing too...

Once you get the *istD or if the Oly allows it consider shooting in RAW
format.  It gives you a lot more latitude in the image and cuts down the
need to bracket (some of the shots of the dark fabrics were a little too
dark and with only a 24 bit image to work with could be difficult to lighten
enough and keep the tonal range smooth).

I *can* shoot RAW with the Oly, but to be honest, I'm a bit too scared too,
I really need to read up on it alot more to fully understand what it is all
about.  I have a great article in, I think, Australian Camera Enthusiast
from a few months ago, that I have been meaning to go back and read so, I
really should do that...

What did you have?  We had a potato bake.

! potato bake, ymmy! Whenever I make it, we have huge domestics
over it cause my hubby tries to sneak all of the 

Re: Today, I feel as though I have achieved something....

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
ok, so I set myself up for that one, I really should have anticipated the
whip jokes...  At least that one was G-rated...

Hardy, har, har!


Christian, the smart-arse, said:Now, how does this tie in with Children's
clothing?  Keeping them in-line are you? VBG

Re: Happy new Year from a new list member (Charles Braswell)

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Mark wrote...

 For those who don't know, Charles was Best of Show winner at GFM in
 2003. Listmeister Brewer and I judged he's the contest (just so you
 don't attach *too* much credibility to his win!) and Charles's photo is
 the one for which I unofficially re-named the awards: Instead of
 Honorable Mention, Runner-Up and Winner, I suggested they be
 categorized as Great Shot, I Wish I'd Taken That One and, I Hate
 This Guy! ;-)

 Here's Charles' winning shot:
 (It looks even better as a print or projected)

 He *also* won the Wildflower category:

omigosh!  When I was first considering GFM and browsing their website, I
looked over those photographs!  I was completely blown away by them both,
and particularly the leaf one.

I am humbled to be in such talented company...


Re: Today, I feel as though I have achieved something....

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Leon asked:Does the Oly have depth of field preview?

No, but I generally have a gut instinct of what will and will not be in
focus.  My MZ-6 has it and I have never used it!  I think that this, like
most of my photography related knowledge is one of my instinctual
things, that for some reason, I just seem to know...  Pity I couldn't say
the same about exposure and metering though... ;-)

Does the gold reflector change the colour?  I have a small silver/white
reflector that I have used on the figurines and other products I have
photographed and was thinking of a larger one for natural light portrait
photography, but have yet to decide if the gold would be more use than a
silver/white one.

I have a 5-in-1 disc reflector (has gold, silver, white, translucent and a
black panel that absorbs light), which I love.  I also have a couple of car
window shades that do just as good a job when needed.  I love the gold
reflector, but that is cause I primarily shoot people and it adds that tiny
touch of warmth to their skin that I am always seem to be chasing.  Not sure
how it would affect your type of shooting, but it is very subtle and not
obvious at all.  I never use silver for shooting people, unless I am going
for a high-end fashion look, as it gives obvious shine, and high contrast to
them, and has an almost harsh look at times.

Sounds like you are getting jobs from all over.  What do you charge for
travelling to Brisbane?

Uh-oh, its my rates again... I love to travel to Brisbane, the break away is
so much fun.  I generally just charge about an extra $400 on top of my
standard price.  The airfare is around the $250 mark, and then the rest
covers food/taxis etc.  I have many friends in SE QLD and can basically pick
and choose so don't need to pay for accom.  I just make my money on my
normal day rate that I add to my wedding packages, as really I'm not
putting in any extra work than I would be shooting up here...   Soon, when I
get some courage, I will start to drive in Brisbane, so then there will be
car hire to add to that, I guess...

Thanks again Leon,

Re: The weirdest booking ever...

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Tom Reese wrote:I always feel that way when I have an assignment. That
nervousness can help you as long as your hands aren't shaking G. Use it to
motivate you to do good work.

Many thanks Tom, and I totally agree.  I often tell myself (and other people
in earshot when I mention that I am nervous), that if I ever stop feeling
nervous before a job, I will stop shooting for money.  I think the
nervousness aids to keep me grounded, ensuring that I never get complacent
with what I do, and reminds me that I still have so very much to learn when
it comes to photography...


Re: The weirdest booking ever...

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Frank said:  English accent?  Sounded like he was talking from a million
miles away?  You recently (despite his protestations to the contrary) pissed
off that vengeful bastard Cotty?

Hohum, and I thought I had this great booking to look forward to, but
really, it was just another of those bloody whinging pommie bastards pulling
my leg



Re: Today, I feel as though I have achieved something....

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Vic wrote:Maybe incorporate some Australian landmarks in the background to
help identify it. I'm not suggesting these photos
 would be better than what you have already shot, just different and it may
lead to a visual concept that would help sell the clothing. I know that in
North America anything Australian is pretty cool.

Many thanks for your lovely comments and great suggestions Vic!  This is
exactly what we intend to do with the location photography, incorporating
the kids wearing the clothes, some very Aussie backdrops, and the kids doing
some very Aussie things...

I will be sure to post some for you to see when they are done, and again,
many thanks...


Re: The weirdest booking ever...

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Frank wrote: English accent?  Sounded like he was talking from a million
miles away?  You recently (despite his protestations to the contrary) pissed
off that vengeful bastard Cotty?

And to think, I was all excited about this very cool possible booking, when
really it was only yet another of those bloody whinging pommy bastards
pulling my leg...



Re: The weirdest booking ever...

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Thanks Frank, now lets just hope I don't stuff it up...

That's great gnus.  Good things happen to good people (so I've been telling
myself for years g).


Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Chris asked... How do you pronounce whinging?  I assume it's wine-ing,
but I keep saying win-jing in my head.

then, Bob said: Australians pronounce 'bastards' wonderfully. That's why we
whinge so much - we just love to listen to their cute little accent

followed by Franks image of fairygirl in a, *gulp* cheerleader's outfit...

and then, Chris's observations of fairygirl complaining about her puppies
or something...

it gets worse... cause then, Bob W chimes in with his FANTASTIC explanation
of the definition and history behind the terminology bloody whinging pommy
bastards and adviced that fairygirl could remove her cheerleader's outfit
now *double EEK*...

to which Graywolf added his very concise, and accurate definition of the
aforementioned terminology...

and then, Cotty, the only one who apparently is talking ANY sense at all,
sums it all up with World Goes Mad - Official...

WHAT a fantastic way to wake up in the morning, I came to my 'puter and
literally laughed my way through breakfast.  You guys are so hilarious, and
have just increased my motivation to get to GFM about 10-fold...

Ok, seems that there is an Aussie accent lesson in order here...

The terminology is pronounced as follows in my neck o' the woods (thanks
for the quote Al Rocker...), hehe...

drum-roll please...

blud-dee win-jin' pom-ee baar-stads! (with emphasis on the EXCLAMATION
mark!) lol...

meaning as follows in said context:

bloody - please place emphasis on the following terminology, and know that
it is said with passion...

whinging - a verbal occurance that happens frequently and continuously,
usually a complaint of sorts, that is both annoying and punishable with
violence toward the whinger, if repeated frequently and continuously
enough... (the point at which it reaches enough is decided upon at the
discretion of the whingee...)

pommy - an individual of English descent, usually with fair skin, pink
cheeks, and generally assumed to have a very strange concept of bathing...

bastard - an australian colloquial, generally meaning whinging pommy, so
really, a tautology when used in conjunction with the above defined terms,
*however*, in typical australian form, it generally has many meanins and can
also be taken as a term of endearance when used in an altogether separate
context... eg.  how ya goin', ya fat bastard?, usually accompanied by a
friendly slap on the back, and said as the recipient is being offered a
seat, and having a coldie forced into his awaiting palm.  This term has
also been known to be used in context with display of the typically
Australian tall poppy syndrome, when someone achieves at a high level of
their chosen vocation, phrased as follows 'friggin' lucky bastard, how did
he/she manage to get THAT far/famous/rich etc?!?

hope this clears some things up for you, obviously uneducated mob of
vegemite hating, pentax loving, bloody hooligans...

hooroo...! VBG

tan.  *as she ducks for cover*

Re: Nick's pics

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Some great shots there Nick!  I particularly love that bee one, I have tried
shooting bees before and they are bloody hard - the move so quickly and are
so difficult to get in focus!

Now, if you could only add some cute little babies faces poking out of those
bee outfits, the image would be just about perfect...
(that one was for Frank, the huge fan of all things Anne Geddes)


Re: Evening / night photography

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Ho hum, only serves to remind me how hopeless I am at anything that doesn't
involve people!

Tom these shots are fantastic!

Don't ask me why, but I really love this on:


Re: It's Stopped Raining

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Ok, I now declare Frank to be 100% crazy...

8 degrees celsius!?!?!? That is sitting by the fire, wrapped in a blanket,
watching a DVD and drinking hot milo (aussie hot chocolate), weather in
these parts.  And in fact, I don't think it is ever below 18 degrees celsius
in anytime other than the dead of night, at any time of the year around
here.  I think that last year, in the middle of winter, the coldest night
was around 0 degrees celsius (for like, half an hour at sunrise!) in the
early morning, and the coldest temp during the day was around 19 degrees
celsius...  Going outside to photograph at 8 degrees celsius, well, lets
just say, you won't have anywhere left to warm your films next time you
remove them from the fridge, if you do it on a regular basis...


Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Ok, so moral of the story is that I am better off just bying a normal flat
screen 19 monitor that costs pretty much half the price of the LCD displays
anyways?!!?  Just gotta find room on my desktop for the huge montrosity of a


Re: It's Stopped Raining

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Bill said:Right now, we are dreaming of the warmth of 8ºC. Daytime highs
here are around -20ºC, night time lows are probably
around -30ºC

Seriously, how do you drag yourself out of bed in weather like that?!!?  How
do you get your fingers to work?!!?

Give me hot sun, and sweat any day...


Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Chris said: That has to be the best o' the lot so far.  Thanks, Tan.  :)

Chris, I have no idea what you are talking about, those definitions were
plaguarised straight from the Oxford Dictionary of Australian
Pronounciations and Prose - a text that is used and referred to in
Universities all over the country!!



Re: Regarding Legal Proceedings

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Bernard, a legal partner(?!?) declared in this here public forum known as

Please be advised that our client, Mr. F Therriault, has been declared
unable to look after his own affairs by a judicial order instigated by his
family. A few days ago, Mr. Therriault started an action against certain
members of  the Pentax Discuss organization.  This action will proceed, as
Mr. Therriault is not deemed compentant to  dismiss his council, and his
legal guardian feels this action has enough merit to go ahead.

Commiserations to you Frank, it seems that it is all out of your hands now.
I will be sure to visit you in the Loony Bin, and I will endeavour to pass
the hat around to fellow PDML'ers so that we may all be able to put in for a
Pentax oriented Care Package for you too

Pity, don't think they'd have any Photo Lab facilities within those padded
walls though  At least it will make great sound insulation, no more
worries about noisy autofocus or shutter sounds...

BTW, your LX MLU never did stop working, that was just crazed mind of yours
playing tricks on you...


Re: Semi OT: Anyone do a big print yet

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Mark, wear did the trails go?!?

Cool shots, btw...

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Cassino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Semi OT: Anyone do a big print yet

 The first one was shot on Royal Gold 400, so it's hard to say what the
 colors were exactly like.  But the first shot (last year) was taken during
 a January thaw after a few inches of snow had melted, during a very dark
 and over cast day.  This winter has seen no snow and it was in the 50's
 today - so the leaves on the ground were not tamped down - and there was
 actual sunlight shining through a high overcast today. So the colors were
 different, though I'd say the contrast levels are more the results of
 lighting and media.

 - MCC

 At 08:18 PM 1/2/2004 -0800, you wrote:
 Are the colors in the two scenes really as different as the photos show?
 Mark Cassino wrote:


 Mark Cassino Photography

 Kalamazoo, MI


Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Really Chris, do I detect a strange tone to your voice?  Sarcasm? Cynicism
even?  I promise you, I could never lay claim to such eloquently written
words, and yes, I do agree that the imparitiality and objectivity are to be
admired.  I'll have to look it up and see just who it is that gets chosen to
write these things...

;-) oops, who put that wink there?!?


 Ah, yes... I couldn't help but be bowled over by the overwhelming
 impartiality and objectivity that is the hallmark of academic writing.  :)
 Good job on the transcription.


 On Sat, 3 Jan 2004, Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

  Chris said: That has to be the best o' the lot so far.  Thanks, Tan.
  Chris, I have no idea what you are talking about, those definitions were
  plaguarised straight from the Oxford Dictionary of Australian
  Pronounciations and Prose - a text that is used and referred to in
  Universities all over the country!!

Re: Semi OT: Anyone do a big print yet

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Mark, do you have a printer at home that is capable of printing 12x18?!?!
Or do you have a lab nearby that is able to make one quickly?  Or do you run
a business yourself?  Sorry for the barrage of questions, I was just amazed
that you said you were shooting today and that you already had a 12x18


Re: It's Stopped Raining

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
*eek*, it's a wonder that people aren't sick all the time with colds and flu
with temperature fluctuations such as those...

I am a real baby - I hate the cold and I would be quite happy to hibernate
right through our winter, during which times temperatures generally range
from 3degrees celsius during the night, and sit at around the 20 degrees
celsius during the day.  BTW Gianfranco, how to you get the little o
(degrees sign) next to your numbers?!?!!?


Gianfranco said: Tan, you'd better avoid to come here (Naples, Italy) in
this period, when you can have a 12°C day, followed by a 21°C day and then
another day at 5°C... (really happened last December.)

Re: It's Stopped Raining

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Bill said:  Or, use the character map.

Ok, Bill so enlighten me on what a character map is...


Re: Semi OT: Anyone do a big print yet

2004-01-02 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Bill, does this mean that Mark works at, or runs/owns a lab?

Bill said: 
 The lab I work at can go as big as 12x18 from digital.
 The first 12x18 print I did from my ist D was printed within about 15
 minutes of being shot.
 William Robb


Re: Today, I feel as though I have achieved something....

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
OMG!!  I have a wedding in Airlie Beach on Friday (did you visit the Reef
via Airlie?  It is the hub where most of the ferries leave for the islands
and the Great Barrier Reef.  Or did you go there via Rockhampton/Yeppoon?)!
Imagine the fun I could have if I could get my hands on one of these before


Christian posted these great links:

 Much better than the accessories available for Pentax digital cameras for
 underwater use which is NONE!

 Blub, blub...

Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
That's a great suggestion John, and one that in fact I am in the process of
doing.  I will be purchasing a laptop by the month's end hopefully, for the
express purpose of burning cds on the run and showing slideshows to clients
immediately following their shoot.  I am also aiming to purchase a data
projector so that I can project their images as a slideshow at their wedding
reception.  I have many clients who are extremely excited about this concept
and so, this is my next cab off the rank so to speak...

I hadn't even thought of the flexibility it would offer by plugging my
monitor in and allowing them to view that way.  In fact, when I do get my
19 monitor, I *will* already have a second monitor to do just that, namely
the one that I am using right now!


- Original Message - 
From: John Coyle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

 I guess if I wanted to minimise the weight and size of the kit, and
 the flexibility I would buy a laptop and a second monitor, which could be
 plugged into it.  I've used that setup to demo programs to clients, and it
 works well, as you can sit anywhere and drive the program while they sit
 comfortably opposite you and can see what you're doing.  The laptop can
 replace a desktop too, and you can always pick it up and take it with you,
 for both on-site downloading and display to clients without the second
 John Coyle
 Praxis Data Solutions (
 Brisbane, Australia
 - Original Message - 
 From: Herb Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 9:07 AM
 Subject: Re: Photographic New Years Resolutions?

  Tanya specifically
  wants to sit with someone else to show them her photos.

Re: PUG idea..

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Yeah, I tend to agree with Fred on this one Ryan - it is much nicer to keep
it friendlyand besides that - everyone is so subjective, and photography
is really a matter of opinions rather than something that can be given an
overall scale.  This is why I detest the rating system, as it can
never truly give a representation of the quality of your work, due to the
large variation in people's likes and dislikes.

Also, now with the added Open gallery, how do you judge an image that is
submitted in for eg the animal category such as this month's and then a
portrait of a child that is submitted into the Open gallery - two very
different genres of photography there.  And THEN, you have the difficulty of
judging colour images against black and white...

Believe me, I know, it is more trouble than its worth.  I am the
steward/co-ordinator and main judge for the past 2 years (this year will be
my 3rd) for the Photography Section at our local show (hehe, our small
version of the EKKA), and last year I completely re-did all of the
categories to try and make it easier, and more objective for the judges and
to give fairer competition to the various types of images submitted.  Prior
to this there had been colour images up against black and white, landscapes
up against portraits, it was just crazy...

Anyways, you can all tell me to pull my head in if you like, but those were
just my thoughts on the idea, and I hope I haven't offended you Ryan, by my
voicing them...


Fred said:

 No.  Trying to combine Friendly and Best of Show competition
 gets you an oxymoron.


Re: laptop question...

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Cotty said:  You buy it. You take it out of the box. It works.

Yeah, but my credit card won't if I went out and bought that thing!

I have so much that I need to buy at the moment, and the laptop is one of
the things that I feel I can scrimp on a little, I really don't need
anything with the latest you-beaut, flasho technologies, just something that
can transfer my files from their respective CF Cards/Smartmedia cards to a
cd, and something that I can use to run a projected slideshow for clients at
their wedding receptions etc.  One day, when I win the lottery, Cotty,
you'll be the first person that I turn to for advice...

BTW, as great as they are (and I HAVE worked with them whilst I was at
Uni.), Apple Macs are almost non-existent in this part of the world.  Not
trying to flame here, but I am dead serious, I have never seen one in this
town at all, and you cannot buy any software or hardware for them until you
hit Brisbane (which is 1500kms away!)...


Re: Thanks for the Welcome!

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Jasmine, I would like to also welcome you to the list...

There never can be too much girl power around here! lol...

I have only been back on list for just over a month now, (I use to
subscribe a couple of years ago) and I have been welcomed so warmly, it is
like I was never gone.  The advice, the assistance, the kind words, the
knowledge, and the bloody hilarious entertainment are in a class of their
own.  I really feel as though I have found a little part of the world here
that was designed just for someone like me - who is a mum, and married to a
great guy, but whose husband has little to no interest in photography or
equipment, or even computers for that matter.  I am extremely passionate and
pedantic about what I do, which is mainly people photography, and this
list truly allows me to express it freely, whilst providing constructive and
useful advice that I am always able to put into practice.

It isn't always Pentax related, or even photography related for that matter,
but that's cool cause sometimes we all need a little digression to lighten
the atmosphere...  And believe me, these guys are the KINGS and QUEENS of
digression - prime example, the recent topic asking people to post their
Photographic New Year's Resolutions, which quickly degenerated into a
lengthy, and hilarious, topic about the definition of what whingeing pommie
bastard is and ending with people having visions of me looking like Lucy
Lui in a cheerleaders outfit (yep, you can thank your official welcomer
Frank for that saga! lol)...

As for asking silly questions, well, I fear that I am very guilty of that
crime, and way too frequently, too!  Lucky for us, despite them primarily
being a bunch of Grumpy Old Men vbg, for some reason, most of them seem
to tolerate my frivolous use of bandwidth with amazing patience, and usually
offer explanations that are both helpful and concise and not patronising at

If you are anything like I was when I picked up my first camera just under 4
years ago, you will soon see that not only is photography addictive, but it
becomes both a passion and a way of life second to none...

Again, welcome aboard, and get ready for an interesting ride...  These are a
great group of people always willing to help.

tan.  (aka fairygirl in these parts)

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 5:43 AM
Subject: Thanks for the Welcome!

 Hi again,

 Thanks for the welcome.  Frank, that was helpful, thanks.  The needle
 doesn't move!  Is that the light meter?  Where can I get a battery?  Can
 I go to a drugstore or camera store?

 I love this camera!  I took a roll of film when I first got it (about a
 month ago), but haven't developed it yet.  I will in the next couple of
 days - it will be interesting to see how I did.  Interesting or
 embarrassing!  I have some pictures of my ex-boyfriend on there so
 hopefully those are the ones that DON'T turn out!

 One thing I would like to get is a flash-thingy.  Are they hard to
 find?  Expensive?  (and yes, I said flash-THINGY - I have a fine command
 of the English language, thank you very much!)

 I just realized I've had the skylight filter on for all my photos.  Is
 that ok?  What does the filter do?  It's not colored, so does it just
 soften the photos?  Hey!  Will it make me look younger?  :)


Re: January PUG Comments Part I

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
It's a lovely shot Herb, and only made better by viewing in the correct
colour space...

tan. *who is REALLY itching for an underwater housing*

- Original Message - 
From: Herb Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: January PUG Comments Part I

 i entirely forgot to convert to sRGB before uploading.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Tanya Mayer Photography [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 5:29 PM
 Subject: Re: January PUG Comments Part I

  Ok, so I just did it, and this is what I found - viewing that particular
  image in Adobe RGB most definitely does improve it significantly.  The
  colours are richer, there is higher contrast and it looks much less
  out in general.

Re: Today, I feel as though I have achieved something....

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Ok, so this topic ended up relating primarily to, yet again, my rates,
with John, Chris observing:

  That's not a budget - it's a joke.
  four rolls of film, and expecting 100 shots?

Hmmm, now how do I respond?

Well, it all started back in August when a local lady approached me and told
me that she was starting up a kids clothing label.  She was going to be
developing a website, and would need about 18 photographs.  Her budget was
au$400.  I told her immediately that, I would need to shoot at least 4 rolls
to come up with the 18 that she would need, to allow her at least some
choice etc.  At this stage, it didn't include any studio work, this was JUST
for the location stuff with the kids dressed in the clothes etc.

The reasoning for my quote?  Then, I had never done anything commercial at
all.  Fashion is an opportunity that  I don't get to do very often out here,
but it is the root of my photographic passions, I love to do it that much.
Combine this with getting to shoot with the kids, and I get to double my
fun.  I felt awkward and fraudulent charging her too high a rate for
something that I have little to no experience in, so, I quoted her a
rate of au$100 per roll of processed film.  She would receive, as proofs,
first run 5x7 prints, plus negs.  To be honest, I was just covering my
expenses, cause I would have done this entire shoot for free just to gain
the experience and the exposure from her website.  This lady has vision, and
mark my words, her label is going to go places...

au$100 per roll, is what I was then charging for my portrait sittings, so I
just quoted her the same.

Well, time passed, and there were delays at the manufacturers etc.  My lady
only received her final garment samples last week.  Obviously my situation
has now changed somewhat than what it was in August.  I am now able to offer
her digital services.  S, basically, I won't incur any processing/film
costs that I had already factored into the original $400 and so, that in
effect, is clear cut profit.  I didn't want her to feel as though I was
ripping her off, as she knows very well that I now wouldn't have to pay for
film/processing, so instead I gave her more of my time.  I still have
another 2 or 3 days work to go.  I know that this averages out at a very low
hourly rate, but like I said, remember, I would have done this job for free,
I love this type of work THAT much, and never get to do any of it out here
where I am located.  *eek* i just worked it out and it is like, $7.30 per
hour of shooting time alone, that is without factoring in post-production,
archiving, burning, etc...

When she pays me the $400 in coming days, it will go straight to the seller
of the camera, and so, really, she has assisted in enabling me with said
camera, and for that I am very greatful.  Add to this, the exposure that I
am hoping to get from her website, and I feel that in this instance, I have
truly been paid enough.  You just cannot put a price on the value of a valid
tear sheet/full website combination (but I am secretly hoping that the
website is very well designed and doesn't look dodgy! although knowing this
lady, I doubt that it would be done any other way than wonderfully, as she
is very calculated about everything that she does)...

To be able to refer someone to that site and say, oh, yeah, btw, all of the
photography on that site is mine... would just be so fantastic...

Secondly, she has already booked me for a second shoot for her fashion line
that will be released in April, on the strengths of the images that I
offered her the other day after my studio shooting.

So, now I feel that I have painted myself into a corner (as warned by
many of you already!), and now I am trying to work out how to increase my
prices for the next shoot so that she still feels as though she is getting
value for money, whilst paying more for it.  If I were doing the same amount
of work that I have done for this one, I would want the budget increased to
around the $1500 for it to be feasible I would think, that way I would at
least be making around au$25 per hour, something that I think is much more
reasonable. (still too cheap by most of your standards, I know, but
reasonable to me...).

She is really appreciative that she got a great deal for the first time
around and does expect it to increase somewhat - so I was thinking that I
could maybe invoice her for the $400, but divide it out over a per hour
basis so that she does actually see that I was only earning $7 per hour,
which is less than the award wage for a Check-out Chic in these parts!  So,
that way when I invoice her for the next job, I can simply put 60 hours @
$25 per hour = $1500 .  This is more inline with an average weekly wage, and
I am sure that she would appreciate that, knowing that I put in well over an
average weeks worth of work.

What do you guys think?


Re: Introductions, introductions...

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Hi Steve!  Welcome!

I luurv this one...

ok, now we are surrounded by bloody whingeing Pommies...



- Original Message - 
From: Steve Jolly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 9:54 AM
Subject: Introductions, introductions...

 Since there's this whole introductions thing going round, I thought I 
 might as well join in the fun...
 I'm Steve, I live in the UK, theoretically in London, although I've been 
 exiled to Bristol while I try and finish off my PhD thesis.  Photography 
 is a major hobby of mine - I'd describe myself as an improving 
 amateur. :-)
 Equipment-wise, I own an ME Super, a cheap Sigma 28-70 compact zoom, a 
 rather curious Sigma AF 55-200 Zoom (the AF one for manual-focus cameras 
 with the entire focussing mechanism incorporated into the lens) and a 
 few sundry items.  Oh, and the standard M50 1:1.7.  I also have a 
 collection of cheap nasty compact cameras which I'll try to avoid 
 mentioning here too often... ;-)
 Some kind of online gallery link seems traditional - most of my photos 
 are on the web, and I keep an album of my all-time favourites at (largish thumbnails, but should 
 be OK even over a modem).
 Anyways, this looks like a nice list - hopefully I'll be able to 
 contribute usefully to the conversation :-)

Re: It's Stopped Raining

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Congratulations on your wedding Thrainn!  Here's hoping that you and your
new wife live a long and happy life together...

You will have much more opportunity for that *istD to get a workout should
you decide to add to your family!

all the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Thrainn Vigfusson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: It's Stopped Raining

I'm afraid I've got my *istD quite wet a few times and also used it
immediately after bringing it in from the cold. It shows no signs of any

This was all done against my better judgement. My girlfriend and I were
married on Dec. 30th. It was a very small wedding, with only parents and
siblings present. I had also taken pictures of the church the evening
in the rain. We used a birthday party the 30th to celebrate on my wite's
and a family gathering New Years Eve to celebrate with my family, and that
meant lots of pictures inside and outside, because of the fireworks. Since
there were a number of relatives visiting here for the holidays, I was
to use the *istD so everybody could see the pictures before they left.

In hindsight, I'm glad I found out the *istD is more  weather-resistant than
some people believe, but I don't think I'll take any more chances if I can
help it. I've previously used plastic bags to cover my cameras in the rain
and snow, but I never really liked using them, since there is always wind
tugging at the bag.

I'm now toying with the idea of taking some fairly heavy material (e.g.
denim), spray it with some sort of water resistant spray (e.g. the silicon
aerosol that you can buy to waterproof clothing and shoes), and sewing
strips to tighten one end around the front of the lens.


On Saturday 03 January 2004 23:37, mike wilson wrote:

 Dag T wrote:
   After living 10 years on the west coast, I couldn't agree more.
   Downside is that it drains batteries faster. And that it takes a lot
   more time
   to acclimatise the gear to room temperature afterwards...
   I was very impressed with the MZ-S in this respect.  Coming out of
   below 20degrees under zero into a warm and moist cafe, it produced
   enough condensation to soak about 30 paper napkins.  I just kept
   it off until it had warmed up sufficiently to cease creating.  Never
   a problem of any sort.  I was also using the 28-70/2.8 FA* lans.
  ME Super, Super A and LX also handles this great.  Have anybody taken
  the chance on the *istD yet?  I didn´t take the chances on new years

 Given my (apparent) stance on DSLRs I was rather afraid to ask this -
 but I am interested in the answer.


Re: Introductions, introductions...

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography


- Original Message - 
From: Stan Halpin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: Introductions, introductions...

 Actually, there is a PDML FAQ. It was once set to all new subscribers 
 and then to all members once a month. It is still out there on the web 
 somewhere if you want to do a search
 Steve - welcome.
 FYI, and for others as well, you can find anything you want about Pentax 
 lenses and cameras via my site, Boz's site (referenced from mone) or 
 this list.
 Stan  [NOTE new address...]
 Mark Roberts wrote:
 Steve Jolly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 frank theriault wrote:
 I just replied to his initial post, making nice to the new guy, you 
 know, not scaring him off or anything
 Oh, don't worry about scaring me off - I read the Frank Theriault 
 section of the PDML FAQ... :-P
 Is there a PDML FAQ???
 I had no idea. I'd better have a look. Probably contains warnings about
 several members. I'm probably one of them...

Re: Epson 1640 SUP scanner prob ?

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography

I have the Epson Perfection 1650.  It seriously sucks for neg scans and I
loathe the day that I bought the thing.  For print scanning it is great, but
I shouldn't have been such a tight-wad and spent the extra 500 or so bucks
to get a neg scanner.

I can't help you much cause I've never been able to get it to do anything
that is even remotely usable for me...


Re: laptop question...

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Ok, ok, at the risk of this thread becoming a world record holder in length,
I feel that I do need to respond as I have had many of you taking the time
to give me advice both on list and off.  And so, here goes...

In regards to the laptop - I actually had them mixed up and the one with the
burner wasn't the one that I preferred, it was actually this one here, which
I am winning at this point:

Bigger HDD, bigger monitor, faster processor.  Yes, the RAM does suck, but I
am only running 256mb on my home PC and that is with Photoshop, Image Ready,
Go Live etc, and I've never really had an issue with it (am planning to
upgrade it to 1gb fairly soon though just for the sake of it really).

And I am looking at buying this (or something similar) to run with it:

or this one:

Honestly, I really think it will be ample for what my needs will demand of
it... for now.

Remember, this is a *temporary measure*.  For some time in our house, we
have had ongoing arguments over the home PC due to the kids and their
computer games etc.  So, I am planning on buying one of this level now and
passing it onto the kids in a month or two for them to have.

Why the rush to get one NOW rather than wait until I can afford the real
thing?  Well, I am now digitally enabled.  I have 6 weddings in the next 6
weeks where I will be able to shoot digitally, but it is ridiculous to even
attempt it without a laptop, as I will be 1500kms away from my home PC for
them.  I can't afford anything decent right now - I have a young family,
who just had a very expensive Christmas, we have ongoing house renovations,
and I have just spent over $4k in the past month on equipment as well.

On a personal level, we have our own bills to pay, and my husband was
injured when a diesel tank exploded in his face 8 weeks ago and has been
unable to work, and so I have been basically supporting the family with my
income during this time.  He has now gone back to work this week, BUT there
have been bills that have been neglected over the past 8 weeks that will
need attending to asap.  Ok, so basically, as much as I would love to, I
can't devote ALL of my profits straight back into equipment - I need to feed
my kids first, and I would feel much too guilty and selfish buying toys
for myself when I know that as a family we have other priorities.  Although,
I have been really busy with photography work over the past 2 months, all of
my profits have really been spent on pulling my family through a rather
difficult time financially.

Anyways, enough of the sob story...  The moral of the story is, that I will
be leasing a decent laptop as soon as I can, BUT I will still need $1000
or thereabouts as a required deposit as my business has only been trading
for under a year and there are very little financial records that I can
provide when applying for such agreements.

Anyways, sorry for the prattling on, but basically, I am buying a little
laptop to get me through the next few weeks or maybe month or two, so that I
am able to shoot these upcoming bookings digitally, and thus make a larger
profit from them (ie no film/processing costs...), I will then ditch it in
favour of something that will keep me going on a longer term basis.

I *could* of course just wack all of my resources into a laptop right now,
but I really want to get my *istD as well, and am still trying to aim for a
certain trip to the US come June, and so I feel that this is a pretty good
compromise and will settle many a dispute in our house when the kids finally
get to have it!

Stan, you observed this: As John Francis commented, you have a situation
where you should not be fretting over a few dollars...

And I aim that eventually, I won't have to.  BUT, the fact is, that I am a
mum first, a wife second and a photographer third.  My priorities are such
that, for the time being, every little cent certainly does count.

Stan also said: I figure your gross income each year should be about $200k
ASD, a net of $100k before taxes.

ROFLMSAO (Rolling on the floor laughing my skinny arse off...!),
hahahahahaha, heeheeheeheehee, hohohohohoho!!! phew, ok, taking  a
breath now...

In reply to that comment - are you kidding me?  If I was making that sort of
money, my hubby could quit his job and be a full-time house husband and I
would travel the world flogging my wares.  Remember, guys, I live in a
small, drought stricken country town.  I am only just now branching out to
the metropolitan areas where people have a much more disposable income.  My
aim is that in 5 years time I am earning that amount, but seriously, there
is only one of me, and only so many hours in a day.  I have three babies
that need me in that day as well.  Last year, by a rough estimate (I wasn't

Re: PUG January is open

2004-01-03 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
If you are eating stakes graywolf, you'd wanna watch out for those blasted
splinters - at least you won't be short on toothpicks though... ;-)

Sorry, couldn't help myself, nasty aren't I to play on a typo?!?!


graywolf wrote: Ah yes, the 4 basic food groups: pizza, beer, stake,

Re: PUG January is open

2004-01-04 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Nothing wrong with that graywolf - I lrv(ed) Buffy.

Actually, was just looking at the series on DVD on Ebay...


- Original Message - 
From: graywolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 2:26 AM
Subject: Re: PUG January is open

 Watching too much Buffy grin.


 Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

  If you are eating stakes graywolf, you'd wanna watch out for those
  splinters - at least you won't be short on toothpicks though... ;-)
  Sorry, couldn't help myself, nasty aren't I to play on a typo?!?!
  graywolf wrote: Ah yes, the 4 basic food groups: pizza, beer, stake,


 You might as well accept people as they are,
 you are not going to be able to change them anyway.

Re: OT: While we're on language, have a collective noun won't ya..

2004-01-04 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
graywolf said:

 So, they are geese? How about a pantheon of photographers (are they gods)?
No, I
 got it a murder (crows) of paparazzi. GRIN

DEFINITELY a pantheon of photographers, but only if it allows for godESSES
too! lol


Down off my high-horse... with a thump.

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Hi all, well, it is 2.12am here and I am heading for bed after a long night
of invoicing, contracts, photoshopping files for ftp'ing etc.

I just wanted to tell you all about my rollercoaster of a day.

Just when I thought I might have been getting somewhere with this whole
charging what i'm apparently worth thingy, I was quickly dragged down off my
high-horse by a would-be wedding client.  They had telephoned me in late
November after seeing my website and an add in the paper (this was a local
enquiry), and the bride to be had said omigosh, i've just seen your website
and you HAVE to shoot my wedding - your images are just beautiful, our
budget is this, but i don't really care what you charge, i just want you,
blah, blah.  So, we talked budget, deposits etc and she promised to pay her
deposit within 7 days as I always require, to reserve her day etc.  Well, 14
days came and went and I telephoned her and she said that they had had some
unexpected bills and so could she pay on 24 December?  No worries I say, I
understand these things.  26th December, no money received, so I phone her
again, reminding her that if anyone else wants her date before her deposit
is paid, and they are flashing $$$ under my nose, I will be forced to give
it to them.  I said this extremely politely of course, and she responded
with well, too bad, i can't afford it now until 7 Jan, and if someone else
pays before then well that's just not fair because i booked it first.  Ok,
so in the meantime, whilst waiting for 7 Jan to role around, I send her out
a really nice package of information, a very polite congratulations on your
engagement and thankyou for choosing TMP letter, some sample images etc.  I
figure this will wet her appetite a bit and maybe make her keep her word
this time.  Well, today, I ring her back to check if she was going to
deposit the payment tomorrow as promised and who should answer but the
groom-to-be, he says to me oh, is this about the photos.  well, i've
decided that i don't want you as i have found this bloke with a better deal,
thanks anyway... I ask him if it was the quality of my work that has let me
down and he says no didn't even look at your work, it was dollar signs that
i was looking at.  Click! And that was the end of that conversation...

Now this was, let me tell you after he was presented with my OLD price
list - imagine what he would've said had I shown him my new improved,
fairygirl charging for what she is apparently worth list?!!?  Just goes to
show that I am not worth as much as you all seem to think...

So, then my day progresses, and I get a phone call from my kids clothing
lady who starts the conversation by telling me just how much she loves the
work that i have so far completed for her, and really appreciates all of the
extras I have given her, and how she has always loved my stuff etc, and that
she has paid me by depositing the funds into my account.  Ok, so far, so
good...  then i go on to explain about how i am re-assessing my rates and
how i need to start making money rather than just covering costs as i will
never be a true professional photographer until i do (her and i have become
quite friendly during all of this and discuss business/money issues all the
time as she is just starting out too).  she agrees with everything that i
say, even adding comments such as well, there is no use being in business
if you aren't able to pay yourself a wage etc.  So, then i explain that any
future work that i do for her will be charged out at either an hourly rate
($25 p/hr) rather than a flat quote, OR on a by image basis, whereby she
pays $100 per image that she decides to use on her website/catalogue etc.
Suddenly, her tone completely changes and she says that she could never
afford that and that she would have to fly her dad (a landscape
photographer) up here for any future work.  She said the only reason that
she didn't get him up here for this job was because she loved my work so
much and it is very different from the sort of stuff that he does...  I
said, I totally understand, but I can't keep working so many hours and
palming my kids off to people for no reason, and I thought that of all
people she would appreciate that as we have just completed a business
management course and in the classes she was SUCH a stickler for working out
the financial side of things.  I said please no that I won't be upset if
you need to use your dad in future, and I am sure that you will be as happy
with his work as you have been with mine and that it will help you to sell
your products just as well, she said well, i won't be, cause he's a
landscape photographer and you are the only person around here that i really
trust, but i won't have a choice now will i, i'll just have to make do with

Now fairygirl is dragging on the ground, eating dust behind her

Round three - the Arab guy.  Emails me after seeing my packages, and says
yep, we want you and we want X-package, but without these 

Re: Re[2]: PUG January is open

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
You are most very welcome Bruce, credit where credit is due I say, and that
little girl of yours is adorable too...


 Bruce D:
 Thanks for noticing.  Means alot when a people photographer notices.
 That hair is fun at times, but can be a real pain when she doesn't
 want to cooperate (seems like most of the time).  She does like to
 pose, however, for which I am grateful.  They seem to grow out of that
 after awhile.

Re: JanEweAviary Pug Comments (all photos, long post)

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography

Bruce and Lon observed:

Bruce: ...I'm not a huge fan of cropping out part of the head

Lon: I wouldn't change a thing, and this violates one rule I've heard of
never to crop a person's head in a portrait.

Fairygirl says:

The best thing to do with rules is to learn them really well, and then to
learn how to break them even better...

Here's my middle son, one of my all time favourite pics, still makes me melt
when I see it:

My eldest son:

Both boys:

And just to keep you guys interested (this is my sister by the way, the one
I always whinge about):

And one for the girls just for good measure:

This one has always been one of my favourites:

Gosh, I didn't realise it, but looking through my site, it appears that I
have developed into a serial head cropper...

It must be just one of those things that makes me, me... vbg (to quote the
great tv)...


Re: *ist D lens problem -Healed!

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
My question is, have you since tried it again WITHOUT the grip?  And if so,
did it revert to not working with those lenses again, or did it keep on
keepin' on?


  2) My lens problem with my *ist D has gone away.  FYI, I had three FA
  lenses (50 1.4, 100 macro 2.8 and 135 2.8) that could not send
 aperture info or AF with the *ist D body, even though they worked fine on
  MZ-S in A mode.  Other A, FA, and sigma AF lenses worked just fine.
  Extensive contact cleaning did nothing.  They began to work after I
  added the grip, for which I took the batteries out of the camera.
  I'm convinced this is what worked and that it must have been some
 electronic glitch.
  Steven Desjardins

Re: Homonym

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
very cool idea!!


- Original Message - 
From: mapson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 12:26 AM
Subject: Homonym

 Seeing the popularity of the word, maybe we should change one of the PUG 
 themes to : H O M O N Y M  ?
 This would test creativity!

Re: Nice Website

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
omg, that is one phenomenal photographer, check this it for a fantastic
shot... it is totally unique...

thanks for posting that link Robert!


- Original Message - 
From: Robert  Leigh Woerner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 12:23 AM
Subject: Nice Website

 Hey gang,

 Check this website out. It rocks.



Re: Techniques [Was: Re: JanEweAviary Pug Comments (all photos, long post)]

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
OMG, WHAT a beautiful site!!

Your niece is more talented than I could ever be Bruce...

Must be in the genes in your family! lol.

- Original Message - 
From: Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Kostas Kavoussanakis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 2:47 AM
Subject: Re: Techniques [Was: Re: JanEweAviary Pug Comments (all photos,
long post)]

 Hello Kostas,

 This is a link to my niece's site.  She is a working Wedding/portrait

 If you look through a bunch of her stuff you will note that many shots
 are very tight (cropping into the head, etc) and that many are shot on
 an angle.  It is certainly a style.  Some really like it and some
 don't care so much for it.

 Two books that I rather like that might be more what you are looking
 for are:
 The Art of Wedding Photography by Bambi Cantrell  ISBN0-8174-3325-2
 Master Posting Guide for Portrait Photographers
by J.D. Wacker   ISBN 1-58428-057-3

 Best regards,

 Monday, January 5, 2004, 8:32:17 AM, you wrote:

 KK On Mon, 5 Jan 2004, Bruce Dayton wrote:

  the slight angle type shots

 KK Could you elaborate on this a little bit please? What are these shots?

 KK BTW, could anybody recommend a book on photographing techniques? I
 KK have picked up the theory of things like the rule of the thirds from
 KK here (PDML :-) and there (just as I am trying to pick up the slight
 KK angle thing now) but nothing systematically. I have an old version
 KK of Hedgecoe (which I should read again) but would like something with
 KK less equipment and darkroom (or none at all) and more shooting. Oh,
 KK and no Photoshop either if possible. I shoot all kinds of things but
 KK poorly :-)

 KK Thanks,
 KK Kostas

Re: *ist D lens problem -Healed!

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Yeah Steve, I get that, :-) but what I wanted to know is - have you tried it
again without the grip?  And if so, did the lenses continue to work?  Or
does it now ONLY work whilst using the grip?


 I moved the batteries from the camera to the grip.  I have been using
 the CR-V3 variety.  As mentioned, I think the important part was the
 rebooting that occurred when I removed the batteries entirely.

 Steven Desjardins
 Department of Chemistry
 Washington and Lee University
 Lexington, VA 24450
 (540) 458-8873
 FAX: (540) 458-8878

Re: OT: While we're on language, have a collective noun won't ya..

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
In Australia, an eiderdown IS a blanket that is stuffed with said filling.
And in the typical, Australian way, we have shortened it to be doona...  a
word that I always thought was funny for some reason! ;-)


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 4:00 AM
Subject: Re: OT: While we're on language, have a collective noun won't ya..

 Eiderduck is a kind of duck. :-)
 Traditionally, supplier of the softest filling you can get for your
 Nesting many places in Europe, including Norway, Scotland and Iceland.

 There's a couple of North American relatives too, I think...

 Pictures at:
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 3:36 AM
 Subject: Re: OT: While we're on language, have a collective noun won't

   Hmm Ern, isn't an eider a type of duck? I just went to check and the
   was looking for was 'a flush of ducks'. It's more fascinating then I
   it'd be- I did a Yahoo search on collective noun and ducks
   and got
   and I must say it's a bountiful poet's resource! One for ducks was a
   badelynge of ducks and I have no clue what a badelynge or a badling
   ooh.. :) And one I thought was fascinating, an RSVP of egrets.
   have thought of it in a million years! 2 more entries in my
   Tom- a plague of photographers alliterative and apt!
  I remember eider as a collective from years ago; I recall noticing
  was the same as a variety of duck. But -- the site I found with some of
  interesting terms
  didn't have eider.
  The Concise Oxford didn't back me up, eider; so I can only assume
  that eider I remember it wrong, or was given wrong information Way
  by some source. Probably a substandard textbook.

Re: Loving an image you really hate

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography

  Bumper sticker:  If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they
made of

 Yet another good bumper-sticker slogan butchered (sic) by the sub-editor.

 The right slogan:

 If we're not supposed to eat *people*, why are they made of meat?

 Or, in the Flanders  Swann version (which predates any bumper-sticker):

 If the Juju had meant us not to eat people,
 He wouldn't have made us of meat!

 As far as I can tell this is the original, from their 1956 review.

I am so offended by this post, I am a vegetarian you know...


j/k, - my family  tend to only eat small amounts of red meat, but  we LIVE
on chicken - eat it probably 5 times a week.  This is because of two reason
really - taste - no-one in our house likes Pork, (w!), only likes Lamb a
little bit, and although we all like a good steak, we can't afford to eat it
very often.  This, despite the fact that we live, smack bang in the middle
of the Beef Capital of Australia - yes, they take a beast from paddock 1km
from here, they slaughter him, cut it up, send it to Brisbane for
distribution and then send it back to us with a 500% mark-up!  Ironic, isn't

Anyways, I have discovered that chicken mince makes THE yummiest lasagne...


Re: *ist D lens problem -Healed!

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Oops, please disregard my last post, as I just saw this:

 Quoting Steve Desjardins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I tried what Tanya suggested, and the camera/lens works without the
  grip.  I also waited a while before re-inserting the batteries inot
  the body.  Since there is not little button battery hiding somewhere
  that I know of, the camera should have been completely powered down.


Re: Cropping Heads

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Cotty wrote:

 Sorry, but I gotta do it, I gotta quote one of my hero's again here,
 Jenloup Sieff:

 I make picture for myself, if someone else likes them, to bad!!

Great quote Cotty!  Mark, are you taking notes for next year's hall of



Re: Cropping Heads

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
lol! Spot on Bill!


- Original Message - 
From: Bill Owens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: Cropping Heads

 Also add another o to to.
 - Original Message - 
 To: pentax list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 4:53 PM
 Subject: Re: Cropping Heads
  On 5/1/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:
  Sorry, but I gotta do it, I gotta quote one of my hero's again here,
  Jenloup Sieff:
  I make picture for myself, if someone else likes them, to bad!!
  One day I am going to learn to proofread. Strike the apostrophe and add
  an 'e' in heroes, and add an 'a' in Jeanloup.
  ||   (O)   |  People, Places, Pastiche
  Free UK Mac Ads

Re: Cropping Heads

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Mark Roberts wrote: Yeah. I've already snagged this one from you:
 The best thing to do with rules is to learn them really well, and then
 to learn how to break them even better...

What THAT 'ole thing? - it was just something that I copied out of that same
book I plaguarised from for the whingeing thread, I believe it was called
the Oxford Dictionary of Australian Pronounciations and Prose  for
Dummies...! lol.


Re: Cropping Heads

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Cotty said:

 What a bloody nightmare!
 The last time:
 ' Sorry buy I gotta do it, I gotta quote one of my heroes again here,
 Jeanloup Sieff:
 I make pictures for myself, if someone else likes them, too bad !! '
 And now, an exploding penguin.

You DO know that there is no such word as gotta don't you...?



Re: Cropping Heads

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
really?!?!  well, there you go, that's what I get for being a smart-arse...

I am going to check my dictionary right now...

just checked Chambers English Dictionary and low and behold, there it was!

I stand corrected...

You truly do learn something new everyday - especially on the PDML...


 Gotta believe there IS, Tan. . .

 keith whaley

 Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:
  Cotty said:
   What a bloody nightmare!
   The last time:
   ' Sorry buy I gotta do it, I gotta quote one of my heroes again here,
   Jeanloup Sieff:
   I make pictures for myself, if someone else likes them, too bad !! '
   And now, an exploding penguin.
  You DO know that there is no such word as gotta don't you...?

Re: Down off my high-horse... with a thump.

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography

 frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All of Frank's reply was excellent but this really stood out for me:

 I'm sure that she just loved the little arrangement she had with you.
 It seems that you thought of her as almost a friend.  She wasn't.
 She was a business associate.

mark roberts: wrote:

 You have no idea how many times people try to rip off others (not just
 photographers) by using this technique (consciously or unconsciously). I
 always had an *idea* of what was going on but never really *got* it
 until Frank put it so succinctly.

This is an excellent observation and one that is completely true in this
instance, more fool me for thinking it, but I really had begun to think of
her as a friend and this is why I initially hesitated so much in charging
her the extra for the next job.

I am GETTING to a reply to all of these wonderful responses to this thread,
please don't think that I am being rude to you all, it is just that there
are SO MANY! lol.  And they are all very detailed, so it is taking me some
time to really process it all, iykwim?

tan. (who just got a really nice phone call from Leon and now feels much
happier about things!)

Re: Cropping Heads

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Yes, that's right Shel - they are referred to as happy accidents and this
is a term that I learnt when I was a subscriber of PDML last time!

See, I DO remember some things... vbg


 Sometimes accidents make great photos ... and the photog learns
 something new.

 graywolf wrote:
  The first rule is: never break these rules ACCIDENTALLY.

Re: Another Beee-uteeful site....

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Bob W observed:

 Why do people try to hide what it is behind a verbal fig leaf??

Can't answer that one Bob, but LOVE the terminology

He also says Viewer disgression is recommended. 'Disgression'? After  all
that trouble making a really professional-looking website he can't bothered
to check the spelling?

Maybe his smell-checker was broked

As an aside, I didn't even notice the link to that page, I looked at the
Model, Portrait and Landscape galleries and then my telephone rang and I
forgot to go back to it! lol...


Re: cable release

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Isn't it the same one that you use for the Mz-S and the Mz-6 etc?


- Original Message - 
From: mapson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 3:17 PM
Subject: cable release

 Does anyone know if the current cable release for *istD [CS-205] is
 different from the old cables for the 35mm cameras. Apart from the jack
 connection and the looks, is the rest the same or different?

 IMHO cable switch is just that. Why change then? I do not think there is
 awful amount of electronics in the new one. I think it wasn't a smart move
 for a company that has a reasonably record of being backward-compatible
 with their equipment. Plus for me the old one seems to be handier to use


Re: Cropping Heads

2004-01-05 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
graywolf said:

 Most of these little rules are intended for beginners. Don't cut off Aunt
 Tillie's head. Always have the sun over your shoulder. Compose with the
rule of
 thirds. They are basic, how not to fuck up your photo rules.

 Once you have them down then you can experiment to your hearts content,
but by
 then you are no longer a beginner, are you?

 Next, you do your own damn thing, because you are now an artist.

 Finally, you combine them all, because you have something to say and that
 what it take to get the message across. You have nothing to prove to
anyone. If
 a simple snapshot tells the story you use a simple snapshot. If it takes a
 surrealistic avant-garde photo to say it that is what you use. Not too
many ever
 reach this point. Many don't even realize it exists.

great points tom and thanks for sharing them...

Uh-mah - he said the f word, I'm dobbing



Re: On a hot summers night...

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Cool shots Kevin, I love those ship ones...  How cool is that effect of the
moon behind those clouds.  Funny actually, cause I was outside with my boys
at around 8.30 and Jaimyn (my 5yo) observed that tonight the moon is round,
so we call it full, and tommorrow it will be a half-moon, you just wait and
see.  Of course it is not actually a full moon tonight, but it does look
like it to him.  Anyways, sorry to digress, they are lovely shots and you
did a really good job with the guestimations.

BTW, it is bloody hot up here tonight too - and so humid, you could just
about stick your tongue out and have a drink!  Wish it would just rain,
cause it generally cools off for a couple of hours after it...

It is 11.10pm here now, and still well over 30°c, and that is WITH the air
con on! (Thanks Butch, I used the degrees symbol!)

'night all,

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Waterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 10:27 PM
Subject: On a hot summers night...

 8:30pm and the temp is still over 35C. So to cool off I took a drive
 into town for some atmosphere. In town there is a small carnival and
 a ship has anchored in the river. I thought I would try my hand with
 the Bulb setting on the *istD and rather than let the camera do the
 exposure work, I thought I would do it myself, without the camera
 meter, or ambient light meter. Basically what I have done here is
 alter the aperature and guestimate the correct exposure, counting
 the seconds in my brain cell. Here are some of the results.

 Kind regards

 (_ \
  _) )           
 |  /  / _  ) / _  | / ___) / _  )
 | |  ( (/ / ( ( | |( (___ ( (/ /
 |_|   \) \_||_| \) \)
 Kevin Waterson
 Port Macquarie, Australia

Re: *ist D lens problem -Healed!

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
ROFLMAO - I have this dreadful mental image of Steve trying to insert his
batteries into Mr Wong...

Ok, change of subject, I don't think I *like* said mental image so much...



Steve noted:


 The CR-V3's are hard to put in Wong. 

 I meant to say wrong, and I know of no one named Wong that requires
 batteries ;-)

 Steven Desjardins
 Department of Chemistry
 Washington and Lee University
 Lexington, VA 24450
 (540) 458-8873
 FAX: (540) 458-8878

Re: Down off my high-horse... with a thump.

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Hi guys - I meant to comment on this when graywolf and frank raised it.

Where I am, it is standard practice to ask for money up front, and I have no
problem with that.  If they balk at it, I usually just tell them that due to
me being such a small business, I don't have enough through-put with the
labs meaning that I have to pay for the order *when* I send it off, and
don't get the luxury of having accounts with them etc.  I actually like this
though, as it means that I never get this huge surprise bill from my lab at
the end of the month.  Instead, I pay as I order, and we are always

Oh, anyways, back to the topic.  My wedding contract clearly stipulates that
all monies must be paid 2 weeks prior to the wedding.  I require a
non-refundable $350 deposit within 7 days of them booking me to reserve
their day, or it will remain open to other couples.  (Like mapson, I
generally remind them that I am really happy for you to keep looking
around at other photographers and what they can offer you, but please be
aware that I already fully booked that month except for your chosen weekend,
and it is highly likely that another booking could come in before you get
your deposit to me, and if this is the case, and if they wish to pay their
deposit immediately, then the day will become theirs.

And I never do any work, book any flights or accomodation etc, until their
package is completely paid for, that just goes without saying for me.  Eg,
the Arab guy?  Well, he payed me today via Paymate, so I then went ahead and
booked my plane tickets, hire car, accomodation etc, but there is no way I
would've done that until I saw the $!

Commercial work is different though, as most businesses in this locale work
on an account basis, so they get invoiced for their job and my payment
terms are listed at the bottom of the page as strictly a 7 day account,
remittance can be made by... etc..  The kids clothing lady?  I emailed her
an invoice yesterday, the money was already in my account when  I woke this

One thing to be said about Country people, they might be tight-wads but they
are usually people of their word!


Chris Brogden said:
  .  The best way to handle these
  situations, IMO, is to let your potential clients know that no date is
  booked until you have received the first deposit, usually 25-50% of the
  total amount.  No money, no booking.  Period.  No exceptions.  If they
  can't pay you now, what makes you think their promises to have the money
  later will hold water?   chris

Dave said:
 Can't agree more with this statment,Chris.When i first started my horsey
 work,people would
 email me wanting a picture or two.I would tell them the charges and they
would agree,the
 cheque will
 be mailed today type of thing.I would then print the picture and wait and
wait etc.They
 never sent any
 Now im out X number of $ for ink paper time etc.

 Now its like Ebay.Pay me and i'll do you pictures.

 I still get people ordering and not sending,but now i'm not out any money

 Good luck Tanya with this.I'm sure the people who appreciate your work
will eventually
 find you.


Re: Ergonomics of *istD

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
mapson wrote:  * camera too small - with grip is OK - my wife says the same

This was one of the concerns I have wondered about, I do love my camera to
be big and chunky and to look like a professional camera rather than a toy


Re: My first photo-wedding

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Boris wrote:

So when he recovered, he turned to me and said something like Bro, we have
a dangerous job. I was very pleased, one may say g.

Cool, a feather to put in your hat! Congratulations...

 It would take too much of mental power out of me.  It is plain difficult.
Since I came to have fun, I did have fun. But I wasn't paid for that.

Glad that you had fun Boris!  What you say is so true.  It is truly
draining, and Bill's sentiments about the whole whoring thing couldn't
ring truer.  For every wedding that I do, I hand over the proofs feeling
that a little piece of me is going with them.  I now give the negs with my
packages (they get them after their family have ordered
prints/enlargements), cause I just keep the scans, and I am generally
petrified of being responsible for storing them for goodness knows how many
years to come.  The first wedding that I did this for, it just about tore my
soul out.  I was literally shaking as I passed the negs to the couple, as I
felt that I was also giving them a very personal part of myself.  Of course,
I am learning to deal with this now, and all is getting better in that
respect, and like I said, I have since discovered the joys of roll scanning
with processing, so I at least get to keep copies of everything that I

But anyways, the point was, that yes, it is emotionally, mentally,
intellectually draining.  And the best cure for this is to eat a huge block
of chocolate, and listen to loud, boppy music in the car on the way home,
whilst singing very loud and hoping to God that no-one hears you! lol.
(yes, I admit to having done this MANY times, but I probably drive many more
km's than most of you too.  The wedding I have this Friday, I will be doing
a 750km round trip for, and all in the one day.  So, singing and chocolate

 By the way, Tanya, do you do weddings with MZ-6 you have? If so, I must
really ask, how on earth you manage to time your shots w.r.t. very slow and
unreliable AF of this camera, even with such a lens as FA 50/1.7. I missed
several shots just because the darn thing wouldn't focus, even with its
middle sensor...

Hmmm, now let me think.  At the risk of sounding blasphemous,  I generally
keep the MZ-6 as a second camera, loaded with bw and with said FA 50mm f1.7
lens attached, and use my much older, less featured cameras as my main ones.
I only shoot an average of 2-3 rolls of bw per wedding, so it doesn't really
get much of a workout.  (The main cameras that I use are the Z-20, which I
love!  Don't ask me why, I think it is just the feel of the thing in my
hand, but I also know the controls so well now that it is very intuitive to
me to use this camera).  Anyways, back to the question...  When I do use the
MZ-6 with that lens, I almost always use it for shots that I have already
taken in colour and have then thought to myself oooh, that would be a good
one in BW, so I'll generally set it up to look as similar as possible, and
then reshoot it.  Also, I shoot in Manual focus alot, so in light of these
two things, I'd have to say that I have never even noticed the AF problems.
I am assuming that you were shooting with the camera in a Portrait hold when
this happened?  The only time with any of my cameras that I have had
problems with the AF is when I am holding the camera this way.  I always get
around it by turning it around to hold it in the Landscape position, AF on
my object, and half press the shutter to lock the focus (or quickly switch
it to manual focus) and then turn camera back to the Portrait hold to shoot
the image.  Sounds like a long-winded process, but really, it is second
nature to me now, and takes probably less than 2 or 3 seconds to do it.  I
almost never change the AF switch thingy to the wide option, always
keeping it on the little middle point option thingy so that I always know
what point in the pic will be most in focus.  (I know that said thingies
have proper names, but I never remember these things.  I know what the
buttons do and that's all that matters to me, who cares about their names?)

 Well, I'd appreciate any responses, including some advise.

Well, I probably shouldn't really be giving advice cause I am such a newbie
at it myself, however, I hope my comments have helped, and I can't wait to
see the pics!


Re: The Toughest Pentax

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
tom and alex were discussing:

  Or even the *ist D.  My *ist D fell a few weeks ago and the CF door
  cracked.  Someone else on dpreview dropped one in November with a
  flash attached and the flash ripped off of the hotshoe.

 The shoe on the camera ripped out?

 The flashes are designed so that the foot on the flash will break
 before the shoe on the camera.

 At least that's what I was told by Pentax after having broke about 9
 of them.


tom!  I have had the same problem!  Only when using crappy Sigma flash guns
though.  Since getting myself a genuine Pentax AF360fgz I haven't broken
even one!  When I was using only the Sigma flashes, I broke that many that
despite having 3 separate flash heads, I would often find myself without a
working flash!  S, I got clever, phoned CR Kennedy (the importer of said
flashes) and order 3 x of those little module thingies that have the foot on
them for each of my separate flash guns.  I think that they were around 30
bucks each.  So, I just kept them in my cupboard and each time I snapped one
off, I would unscrew it, pull out a couple of little connectors and attach a
new one. Kept me going for ages, but just thinking about it now, I'd better
order some more cause I may be out of them.  Bloody plastic

What is it about you and I and breaking our gear?!?!  Actually, I know
exactly why I do this with my flashes so often, it is because I leave the
gun attached to the camera and usually have a second camera, (with flash
attached) swinging around my neck, and many times this has resulted in it
being ripped off by someone running past me and catching themselves on it,
me running into or backing into a doorwar etc with it, oh, and dropping it
on the road and getting it runover will do it too...



Re: Ergonomics of *istD

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Christian said:
  This was one of the concerns I have wondered about, I do love my camera
  be big and chunky and to look like a professional camera rather than a

 Is it time to start THAT thread again?  So small is definately
 non-proffessional regardless of feature set, right? ;-)

 I guess my LX and MX were toys  VBG  Of course there are some on
 list that would call all 35mm SLRs toys...


Naah, that's not *really* what I was getting at Christian, it is totally
about personal preference and I have seen many a professional wedding
photographer sporting old Canon, Nikon *and* Pentax SLR's around their necks
that are older than I am!

Of course you are totally correct that many who call themselves
professionals would never consider anything but MF for a wedding

My main point was that *I* have tiny, weeny hands (people comment on how
small they are all the time), and scrawny little arms, and yet even *I* find
some of the MZ range feeling as though I am wielding not much more than a
ps.  My Mz-6 with the FA50mm 1.7 is a perfect example of this.  Mind you,
must admit that it *is* much easier for me to handhold in lowlight...

I never was one that took to the little credit card sized mobile phones
either though, just another thing for me that would become too easy to lose
and abuse, and I would *never* do that to a Pentax  vbg


Re: OT: While we're on language, have a collective noun won't ya..

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
hehe, I like the whiff one Bob!


- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: OT: While we're on language, have a collective noun won't ya..

  I quite like:
  a bokeh of photographers.
 I'm sure the correct expression is a sweat of photographers. Or
 perhaps a whiff.

Re: wedding photography...ugh!

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Tom Reese said:

 The wedding photography thread got me thinking about my experiences...

 I wanted to shoot some portraits of a bride and groom and couldn't find
 groom. He was outside behind the building smoking dope with the best man.
 the end of the reception he was stoned out of his mind and trying to give
 a handful of cash from the wedding gifts that the BG received (of course
 turned him down...several times).

Are you crazy man, like, you should've like, taken the dosh dude... oh, and
like, peace, man, OKAAAY!?


At least he would've been nice and relaxed for his night, pity though as he
would've had red eyes in all of his shots!  I have seen it to many times
in grooms and it is just so obvious!

 Another time, I showed up at the brides house at 12:00 noon per my
appointment for the pre-wedding portraits of
 bride with mom, dad, etc. The bride answered the door in jeans and a
t-shirt and asked me to wait while they all ate lunch. 

I had one who had made the appointment for me to arrive at 1.30pm after
doing the grooms preparation shots, so I got there at 1.35pm (yeah, I was 5
mins late due to said groom deciding at the last second to use his drag car
in the shots and having to go and pick it up).  When I arrived she was
beetroot red and screamed at me when I walked in the door.  Omg, where the
hell have you been, we've been ready since ONE O'CLOCK I was like
ummm, I'm sorry that I am a little late but the groom wanted to add the car
to his shots and they had to go and get it.  She yells WELL, ISN'T IT
immediately, devastakingly (sic) nervous and proceeded to shake my way
through every shot, all the while hoping against hope that I didn't stuff
any up or Bridezilla would have me for breakfast!  So, we got through the
preparation shots, and the ceremony, after which I took the bride and groom
back into the church to do some creative stuff with the stain glass windows
behind the alter.  Whilst I was setting up the shot with my tripod etc.  She
was chatting away with the groom and bitched about how I was 3/4 of an hour
late.  To which he and I BOTH responded in unison (sic, too lazy to check
it!), you mean 5 minutes late? and she said no, 3/4 of an hour late, she
was supposed to be there at 1pm.  I showed her my diary where I had
originally written 1pm and then crossed it out and changed it to 1.30pm when
she had *phone me and aske me to do it*!!  The groom confirmed it and the
bride apologised and spent the rest of the afternoon embarrassed that she
had verbally attacked me and blaming herself if the photos are a mess cause
i upset the photographer for no reason.  Anyways, some of the shots are on
my site, under the Roses Are Red link, and she was more than happy with
the result.  Thank gawd!  BTW, the wedding wasn't until 4pm and we had
finished shooting by 2pm and so had to sit there twiddling our thumbs for
almost 2 full hours!  I always recommend that I don't come until around half
an hour before the wedding, unless I am covering the hair/makeup/getting
dressed thing, cause it really doesn't take that long to take shots of the
bridesmaids/bride/mum, dad etc

 I quit doing them eventually. I couldn't take wearing the jacket in the
hot weather (summer weddings suck IMO), the neckties, the drunks and all the
other aggravation. I wish I could just shoot the B G portraits and forget
about all the other stuff...

Har!  Did I ever tell you about the time the couple was having a nuptual
(sic, yeah, again, i know i'm lazy!) mass, where they have communion etc and
it goes for like 2 hours, on the hottest day we had had in 5 years?  It was
48 degrees inside the darn church and people were dropping like flies.
Literally, fainting all over the place, including my assistant, who happened
to do so just as they were about to exchange the rings...!  It was so hot,
the guys in the wedding party didn't even wear their jackets, just their
vests and shirts, and they even had to send out for an esky of bottled iced
water to hand out to the guests during the ceremony.

I learned my lesson and don't take an assistant with me anymore...


Re: OT: While we're on language, have a collective noun won't ya..

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography


 For those who can't afford the istD
a cache of photographers
 For those who can afford the istD
a cash of photographers
 For those who work with tv
a crash of photographers

Re: Down off my high-horse... with a thump.

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
 Cotty, I honestly think that if one was given enough supply of drinks 
 they would be very dead by now. You know, having *that* many drinks in 
 sequence is a bad idea. I know, I know, some bodies are better suited 
 for drinks than some other bodies... But still, I wonder if you could 
 just tell us what the integral value of these drinks would be. Then we 
 can substitute different beverages and get the netto value of the 
 spirit intake...
 That wasn't a coercion to have lots of drinks, it was lots of coercion to
 have just one drink!

Har! But yes, my friend you omitted to remember that I am a teatotaller!  

I like a dash of water with my red cordial though...


tan. *who wonders how many of you northerners know what cordial is*?

Re: *ist D lens problem -Healed!

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography

very clever...


- Original Message - 
From: John Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:45 AM
Subject: Re: *ist D lens problem -Healed!

  ROFLMAO - I have this dreadful mental image of Steve trying to insert
  batteries into Mr Wong...

 Now you know why it's called assault and battery ...

Re: Truth in photography (was: OT - Digital B/W or Colour ?)

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
That certainly gives me some food for thought.  Thanks for posting that
Cotty and Christian...


Christian said: A great quote from that article:

 I  hear the word manipulation forming on someone's lips. Yes, you're
 converting a digital file to monochrome in Photoshop is manipulation, but
 photography is manipulation from beginning to end. Your choice of lens is
 manipulation; so is the way you frame, the shutter speed and aperture at
 which you shoot, your selection of Fuji or Kodak color film if film is
 you're shooting, which frame you select from the contact sheet, or even
 whether you print your selection on matte or glossy paper. How many times
 have you waited until golden hour before shooting a landscape? Isn't
 manipulation? The reality is that real life doesn't look like a
 photograph, which of course is one of the reasons that we take photographs
 in the first place.

 I think I was making this argument recently.


Cotty posted: Bearing in mind the prevalence of the *ist D and others in
the kit bags
  of folk on this list, I thought it would be worth mentioning this
  I found while going through the back issues of The Digital Journalist
  ( On the subject of monochrome versus colour,
  with film you load it and get that mindset on. With digital 

Re: wedding photography...ugh!

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Bob admitted:  Hi,

 I crashed a wedding a few years ago in Transylvania. I'd spent the day
 in a nearby village photographing a funeral, and getting very, very drunk
 on the local moonshine. Back at my hotel I stumbled, half blind, into a
 wedding and started photographing the dancing. Some of the guests
 plied me with large quantities of whiskey. One of the guests waved me
 over to his table and insisted on a portrait. He was dressed in black
 trousers, black rollneck and black leather jacket. All the other
 men at his table were dressed the same. I think they Securitate who had
 privatised themselves. At least, that was the impression they wanted to
 give. When he learned where I was from he said OK, you send me the
 I have many friends in London. If you don't do as I ask, you go missing.
 laughed in the face of danger. I was very, very drunk at the time.

 None of the wedding pictures came out.

That is BLOODY hilarious!!

This is a great thread...


Re: Flash photography and *istD

2004-01-06 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography

Fritz wrote: I disafree here. With flash compensation I would be able to
control how
much flash I ad to the existing ambiant light. For instance, someone in
the sun, will have harsh shadows. These shadows can be reduced by the
usage of flash. If however, the flash has the same brightness as the
ambient light, the flash will be too dominant, so I would like to be
able to have less flash output with still the same correct exposure for
the ambient. The result is that you still get shadows from the sun, but
not too strong.
Look at
Taken with the PZ-1 and the Metz 40MZ-2 in TTL, the flash output is too
high for my taste.
Frits Wüthrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh, I totally hear you Frits! Sorry, I may have written that a little
ambiguously.  Of course there are *many* situations where flash compensation
is required, for *many* different reasons.  I just meant that in regards to
the *istD, if the TTL was working in the first place for normal shooting,
you shouldn't have to *need* to fiddle with yet another setting by also
having to think of flash compensation.

In regards to the shot that you posted, I would have actually INCREASED the
output for that one.  The model is still in too much shadow for my tastes.
Of course, you are dealing with the reflection on her glasses, but a
polariser could have helped that.  The polariser could have also assisted in
saturating the background creating less contrast, BUT fill flash can have a
similar effect as well so that such a bright background doesn't overexpose,
and your sky and ocean would've been bluer etc, just from increasing the
output of the flash a little more.  Ok, so probably everyone will disagree,
cause I am not very good at this technical stuff, but that is just how I
would've tackled that particular shot...

She is very pretty btw...


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