Re: [newbie] Firewal not working...

2004-03-15 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Wednesday 10 March 2004 04:26 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Wednesday 10 March 2004 01:24 pm, Marc Resnick wrote:
  rhein wrote:
   And one more...
   I red the instruction to setup a firewall. I use my machine since the
   first MDK installation with no firewall.
   In my case I had just to remove the everything cross and install a
   package. No problem until I tried to connect to the net or open a
   website. Nothing works.
   I go back to the firewall and click in everything and I'm back on
   the net.
   What shall I do?
   Is the firewall not just limiting the access to my machine?
   Thanks for your help.
  The firewall is blocking all connections in and out, thereby limiting
  any internet connection. Only block what you'll never use, or specify
  ports instead. It happens to be a very good firewall. For instance, I
  was talking through gAIM once, while playing with the firewall.
  Suddenly, no communication. Interesting, how well it blocks

 For a starter you will need port 80 open for the web


but thats only if you're running a web server. If there's aren't any 
services being run on this machine then it doesn't matter. The firewall has 
to be at least enabled in some fashion in order for the inet connections to 
function correctly. Which is why the poster notices functionality when the 
firewall is turned on, and no functionality when the firewall is turned 

By far the easiest and least troublesome firewall app I've seen and have 
been using now since Mandrake 8.2 is Bastille. I've seen Shorewall, and a 
bunch of the others; and have in fact tried them out. I always came back to 
Bastille. It just works.

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Re: [newbie] Firewal not working...

2004-03-15 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Thursday 11 March 2004 04:52 am, rhein wrote:
 I opened port 80 by typing tcp/80 udp/80 in the advanced panel of the
 firewall setup.
 Still no access to the net.
 I removed all the firewall and I can connect again.
 What did I wrong?


check my reponse to Aron just above this one. It explains a bit more as to 
whats going on.

In brief, if the firewall is turned off, then the inet connections become 
inoperable. When it is turned on things work. Thats a feature and not a 
bug. If this is a workstation behind an already configured firewall, then 
just allow everything. If not, then you'll have to configure some sort of 
rudamentary firewall. If you've got no services running other then maybe 
ssh to this machine, then when you turn the firewall on open the ports for 
the service you're running. Thats really all there is to it.

I would suggest reading up on IP Tables a bit so you've got some idea of 
whats going on as opposed to relying solely a GUI config wizard. If you can 
find the packages try installing Bastille on your system. Its probably the 
easiest out there to configure, and once its done you just let it alone.

If you have found a very wise man, then you've found
a man that at one time was an idiot and lived long enough
to learn from his own stupidity.

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Re: [newbie] Ad-Aware

2004-03-15 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Saturday 13 March 2004 01:51 pm, David Williams wrote:
 Is there any thing for Linux like Ad-Aware for Windows?
 Is there even a need for anything like Ad-Aware for Linux?

I love these kinds of questions...they're so cute! In answer to your 
question, no. There is no need for such software for your linux system. As 
you learn and grow with Linux you're going to find a whole new world of 
freedom as well as a place to go and relax without having to worry about 
everything little thing that is affecting windows users...or should I say 
afflicting them.

If you have found a very wise man, then you've found
a man that at one time was an idiot and lived long enough
to learn from his own stupidity.

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Re: [newbie] Triple Boot Mandrake

2004-03-15 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Sunday 14 March 2004 09:04 am, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Sunday 14 March 2004 07:22 am, Philip Cronje wrote:
  On Sunday, 14 March 2004 14:10, Stephen Reynolds wrote:
   Will the Mandrake 10.0 Community installation process automatically
   add the second installation of Mandrake to lilo.conf or will it
   overwrite lilo with Mandrake 10.0 Community.
  I'm guessing that it will overwrite. Seems to be the logical thing for
  it to do, considering that you won't be upgrading, but installing.
  (Your 9.2 partition won't be mounted, thus it won't know about your
  But this is just me firing shots in the dark :)

 It is quite easy.  During installation of 10.0, you will be asked a
 question of where to install the bootloader.  The choices should be 1) on
 MBR 2) on / (root) partition, or 3) do not install.

 You want to choose number 2, install to root partition.

actually in this situation the best thing to do is simply install the 
bootloader to a floppy and boot the third Mandrake installation from there. 
It works flawlessly this way, and also keeps from getting the bootloader 
stuff already on the hard disk all messed up. Saves on user stress as well.

If you have found a very wise man, then you've found
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Re: [newbie] KDM 3.2 still bites...

2004-03-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Saturday 30 August 2008 06:03 am, anton wrote:
 Big hairy things!
 ARGGGH! My one real wish with 3.2 was to put the KDM blues (having
 to use GDM) behind me. Alac, alas, not to be! The piece of )*()*^ still
 doesn't work (for me)! It will log me into a desktop now (before, with
 3.1.3, not even that), but only Ice. No KDE, no Gnome. What? Why? How?
 GDM, however, does it just hunky dorey! If Gnome didn't suck so bad I
 would, well, use it!
 Any ideas on why KDM has suckiness embedded deep within it are most
 welcome. Cheers
 ... I want a VEGETARIAN BURRITO to go ... with EXTRA MSG!!

I dunnojust updated my 9.2 workstation here with the community release 
of 10.0 and KDE 3.2 is blazing! In fact I read some of the reviews written 
by folks who had done the 10.0 install and was a bit skeptical about the 
increased speed of 10. No longer...I've seen it with my own eyes, and I'm 
lovin it!

Good job Mandrake!

If you have found a very wise man, then you've found
a man that at one time was an idiot and lived long enough
to learn from his own stupidity.

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Re: [newbie] MandrakeMove problem

2004-03-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Friday 26 March 2004 08:47 pm, John Carver wrote:
 It appears the dcopserver file is not working properly.
 KDE will not execute its programs because this setup is not running.
 Any help on this?

I'm not sure this was meant to do anything other then allow folks to preview 
Mandrake and what it looks like. I never got the impression it was meant to 
do anything else.

If you have found a very wise man, then you've found
a man that at one time was an idiot and lived long enough
to learn from his own stupidity.

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Re: [newbie] Samba vs LinNieghborhood

2003-10-03 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Mark Weaver wrote:

Burrows, Scott wrote:

Hi all,

I have my MDK 9.1 box connected to our Windows network here at work 
Samba.  From a windows box I can see my linux box on the network.

Using Samba alone should I be able to browse the windows network?  
I dont seem to be able to.

If yes can I log onto the Windows network from my linux box and 
browse the

If I can use Samba for that then what is LinNieghborhood used for?

Thanks from a newbie.


Hi Scott,

In order to browse the Windows network you would be using 
LinNeighborhood and Samba together. LN would use the SambaClient to 
access the negotiate the connection to the windows network. For this 
all that is necessary is to have the Samba-client package installed on 
your machine. LinNeighborhood would do the rest.

Do you mean that once we install LinNeighborhood we can do all of that 
without the need for SWAT and WEBMIN?


something like that because all you need is the samba client and 

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Budianto Yudi wrote:
No i choose standard mouse.
well ok... its your computer.

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Budianto Yudi wrote:
PS 2 mouse.
yes...I have one too!

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Re: [newbie] Urgent !!!!! Error after installation reboot. Urgent!!!!!!!!

2003-10-01 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Budianto Yudi wrote:
 install madrake linux 9.1 from CD.
Problem 1 : when the installation ask for the languange which i choose, 
the mouse pointer always hang, and i must reset my computer and start 
over the linux installation so the mouse pointer can be moved. Why ? is 
there something wrong with my mouse ?

Problem 2 :
In the summary part of the installation, I configure my display 
adapater, when it offer me to test my display adapter, the mouse pointer 
always hang, so i must use keyboard to finish my installation. Is this a 
serious problem ? how must i do to fix it ?

Problem 3 :
in the exit part of the installation. the linux always reboot the 
system. when it goes to the black screen there is some error this.

install succeeded
sending termination signals ... done
sending kill signals ... done
unmounting file systems ...
  /mnt umount failed
failed to umount some file systems
How to fix this error ? After i reset my computer and runs linux for the 
first time linux run for fsck and linux offer me to repair automatically 
and i choose yes. but after that I cannot run into xwindows and the 
linux ask about login name.

I note some error when linux preparing the system to run xwindows. there 
are some error when loading the saslauthd. The linux says there is error 
with shared library or directory doesn't exist. How to fix this error ?

Please help me. I need it urgent.
I believe you have a partition error. Are you partitioning your drive 
through the expert install or are you allowing the installation routine 
to partition the disk for you? And what kind of drive are you installing 
Mandrake on? I ask because it sounds as though not everything is getting 
correctly written to disk. Another cause for this could be bad media. 
i.e. the Cd's you're installing from.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
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Re: [newbie] XFce 4.0

2003-09-30 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 06:03, Mark Weaver wrote:

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 13:41, Todd Slater wrote:

I finally got around to making the RPM's for XFce 4.0, available at as always.

WHAT A GUY! Gee, mate, you're a sport! Good on ya! Hip hip hoorah!
Todd's neater than sliced bread! Kudos! Nudos! Das ist gut! Muy bien!
Yowzah! Geewillickers!
stephen kuhn - owner
here here...I'm with Stephen on this. I LOVE IT! Man! has this desktop 
ever come a long way. Thank you SO much for putting this stuff online. 
It is Beauutiful and so stinkin easy to 
install and get going I almost got bored!

The only thing I have to whinge about (whinge = whine) is that when I
try to run or use another right-click function - it takes SO I re-arranged my path statements and that helped a bit...but
wonderingdoes anyone else have to deal with that? (Probably best
posted to the XFCE4 group - but ain't hurting to post it here - YES -
Stephen's asking a question...)...blah...
stephen kuhn - owner
I haven't noticed any of that although I find myself wishing for the 
right-click main menu such as the one found in KDE, Fluxbox, IceWM, and 
so on. How's come XFce4 doesn't have that feature. Thats really my only 

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
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Re: [newbie] Where I can find mdk 9.2 (final) in Mandrake Club?

2003-09-30 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Lucio_Costa wrote:
 --- Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

On Tuesday 30 September 2003 09:24 am, Lucio_Costa
Greetings All.

I subscribe me in Mandrake Club and I can't find
MDK9.2 in there.
Can anyone help me to find it in there?
As far as I know Mdk9.2RC2 _is_ the same as the final release. If they 
haven't yet frozen cooker, which I'm sure if they haven't will be doing 
so rather soon, you should be able to get ever you need from RC2+Cooker. 
That should hold you till the final ISO's hit the mirrors.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
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Re: [newbie] XFce 4.0

2003-09-30 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Todd Slater wrote:
On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 12:03:47PM -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

The only thing I have to whinge about (whinge = whine) is that when I
try to run or use another right-click function - it takes SO I re-arranged my path statements and that helped a bit...but
wonderingdoes anyone else have to deal with that? (Probably best
posted to the XFCE4 group - but ain't hurting to post it here - YES -
Stephen's asking a question...)...blah...
I haven't noticed any of that although I find myself wishing for the 
right-click main menu such as the one found in KDE, Fluxbox, IceWM, and 
so on. How's come XFce4 doesn't have that feature. Thats really my only 

Have you tried MenuMaker? It will generate a root menu for many WM's,
XFce4 included. I just can't remember if it's right-click for menu or
workspaces now.
Interesting! I'd never heard about MenuMaker. I've usually got my nose 
in a block of PERL code or some other language and seldom come up for 
air. Much to my wife's shagrin.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
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Re: [newbie] XFce 4.0

2003-09-29 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 13:41, Todd Slater wrote:

I finally got around to making the RPM's for XFce 4.0, available at as always.

WHAT A GUY! Gee, mate, you're a sport! Good on ya! Hip hip hoorah!
Todd's neater than sliced bread! Kudos! Nudos! Das ist gut! Muy bien!
Yowzah! Geewillickers!
stephen kuhn - owner
here here...I'm with Stephen on this. I LOVE IT! Man! has this desktop 
ever come a long way. Thank you SO much for putting this stuff online. 
It is Beauutiful and so stinkin easy to 
install and get going I almost got bored!

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
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Re: [newbie] XFce 4.0

2003-09-29 Per discussione Mark Weaver
HaywireMac wrote:
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 16:03:17 -0400
Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

here here...I'm with Stephen on this. I LOVE IT! Man! has this desktop

ever come a long way. Thank you SO much for putting this stuff online.

It is Beauutiful and so stinkin easy to 
install and get going I almost got bored!

and it's even better when you combine it with Pekwm...

Loove it!
Nice Joe! how'd ya do that? And what is Pek? for me I'm trying to figure 
out why my app window fonts are so large?

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
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Re: [newbie] XFce 4.0

2003-09-29 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Boulytchev, Vasiliy wrote:
Ladies and Gents,
Does anyone know/use a Groupware Linux Email client that replaces Outlook?
Vasiliy Boulytchev
Colorado Information Technologies, Inc.
Evolution comes to mind. As far as real GRoupWare apps take a look at 
what Novell has with GroupWise 6.5!
If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
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Re: [newbie] groupware email client

2003-09-29 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Boulytchev, Vasiliy wrote:
Ladies and Gents,
Does anyone know of a good Linux Groupware Email client that would synch up 
just like Oulook?

Vasiliy Boulytchev
Colorado Information Technologies, Inc.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
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Re: [newbie] XFce 4.0

2003-09-29 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
At 04:03 PM 9/29/2003, Mark Weaver said something remarkably like (but 
somehow subtly different from):

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 13:41, Todd Slater wrote:

I finally got around to making the RPM's for XFce 4.0, available at as always.

WHAT A GUY! Gee, mate, you're a sport! Good on ya! Hip hip hoorah!
Todd's neater than sliced bread! Kudos! Nudos! Das ist gut! Muy bien!
Yowzah! Geewillickers!
stephen kuhn - owner

here here...I'm with Stephen on this. I LOVE IT! Man! has this desktop 
ever come a long way. Thank you SO much for putting this stuff online. 
It is Beauutiful and so stinkin easy to 
install and get going I almost got bored!

Another newbie question here.g What is XFce 4.0 anyway?
a very awesome and very light weight desktop manager.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
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Re: [newbie] Me thinks I got a virus

2003-09-29 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Terence J. Golightly wrote:

I just started my machine after leaving it off while away from home. I
noticed that when I booted the machine, right over the third? column
where the devices are listed with there associated interrupts was a
rectangular section colored green with four greek letters shaped like
Es (I can't remember the name of the letter its been too long) spaced
like this: E EEE.  The machine hung after that and I was forced to reset
the unit. When it rebooted, I got a bios checksum error so I restarted
again and reset the bios to optomized settings and the machine restarted
(didn't see the colorized box again though).  It did kill my menu with
my logout buttons and a couple of buttons some other panels.  

I noticed that it took a long time for the file systems to be mounted
and when it did final come up ( 1min) I logged in and opened gqview. 
The box locked up I tried the AltSysReq R,S,E,I,U,B key sequence but
to no avail.  I reset it.  I'm back up and creating this document.

My first question is obvious: How to get rid of the virus?

How to check why the alt sysrqst key sequence isn't working?

Thanks with Urgency,


P.S.  I hesitate to go in as superuser, I don't know if the virus is
scanning for passwords or not.
Hi Terry,

I seriously doubt you've got a virus. If you do, and I don't think thats 
what it is, then that would be something very new. Secondly, what is 
alt sysrqst key sequence? I've never heard of that for restarting a 
linux machine. OTOH, if you're refering to CTRL+ALT+DEL then that would 
and should usually restart a machine unless it is seriously locked up at 
which point the only way to get one going again is a hard boot.
( hitting the reset button. )

To my knowledge there are only two viruses in the linux world and they 
haven't been around for quite some time. So I really don't think thats 
your problem. It sounds more like a hardware problem. Could be bad RAM 
that is causing the kernel some very nasty headaches. Has this machine 
ever acted strangely before? Are you sure no one else had access to the 
machine while you were away? Did you load any new software on the 
machine before going away and shutting it down that may have been 

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
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Re: [newbie] HP Laserjet 1000

2003-08-30 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Frans Ketelaars wrote:
On Wednesday 20 August 2003 07:19, Matthew Dunaway wrote:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
I am using Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack. I would like to go M$ free. The
only thing stopping me is I can't get my Laserjet 1000 printer to
work. Does anybody know how to get this printer to work? I would love
to ditch Windows, but I won't if I can't get this printer to work. I
don't know diddly about Linux, hence being on the newbie
Can anybody helpbr

And please don't send html mail :)



I had, at one time, purchased the same kind of printer, and found it 
impossible to get working with my Mandrake system. I didn't find the 
affore mentioned site to be any help at all. So, I did the next best 
thing. I took the printer back to where i bought it from, and this time 
purchased a REAL hardware printer. An HP 1200 LasarJet. The 1000 is not 
a real hardware device and is also known as a win-printer disguised as a 
hardware laserjet. It relies on software to do what real hardware 
printers use their own firmware to do.

Try as i might I could not get this printer to work. I'm glad I took it 
back because the printer I came home with hooks up on a parallel port 
and has all the firmware it will ever need inside the device. And to 
thing I only paid $120 for this beauty.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
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Re: [newbie] lexmark z54 driver

2003-05-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Adolf, Michael F scribbled nervously after reading Mark's message:
 No luck yet finding a linux driver for lexmark z54 inkjet. Has
 anyone got a z54 to work?


Hi Mike...

I've got some good news and I've got some bad news. First, the bad
news...the Lexmark Z series printers are horrible on windows and nigh
onto impossible in Linux. ( it really depends on how much time,
effort, and sanity you wish to invest. ) The good news is, if you're
REALLY tenacious it can be done. Although, you probably won't like the

The Lexmark Z series has next to no firmware in the machine which
means it has to get all it's instructions from the drivers it uses. I
was able to get one of these to work, but as I said the results were

What ended up happening I had to go through, with trial and error, and
try ever cups driver for the Lexmark Z series till I found one that
worked. It was aweful, so I went to Office Max and bought an HP
LaserJet (HP 1200). I Love it! they were on sale at the time and it
cost me $150.00. Very painless to install and get working and
Extremely well supported in Cups.


Stupidity has no moral high ground. It can't see that high!

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Re: [newbie] Help!!!!!

2003-05-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Erylon Hines wrote:
You are joking, right?  Download additions don't have serial numbers, and no 
registration is necessary.  If you buy the boxed set, there is a support 
number, but download editions aren't supported by Mandrake, except by the 
help lists, such as this one.  Mandrake Linux is a COMMUNITY, and while we 
may occasionally rant about something on this list, the Mandrake Newbie 
Community tends to be very helpful and supportive.  (Just don't post in 
html--ha, ha--inside joke.  Stick around and you'll understand.)

Ask your questions here.  It is very likely that someone on this list will 
know the solution to your problem.  Sometimes we fail, but it's been my 
experience, with my own problems, that this list is quite knowledgeable.  
Lord knows, I have a 3 ring binder plumb full of stuff.
aw heavens! I keep mine tarballed on disk. easier to lug around on a 
floppy if'n I need to access'em quickly.

The definition of stupid is doing something the same way twice
and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Linux User Since 1996
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Re: [newbie] securing postfix

2003-05-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Is there anything that one needs to do to secure postfix out-of-the-box
configuration in 9.1? I need to allow relaying to run mailing lists, but
I don't want to become a relay for spammers.

Go to this page. It has all you'll ever want to know about securing a 
Postfix server.

The definition of stupid is doing something the same way twice
and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Linux User Since 1996
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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Steve Ballmer: No sleep lost over Linux

2003-05-30 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Stephen Kuhn wrote:
Kinda old, but I just found this - thought it might be of interest to
some of y'all...actually quite funny when you think about it...,248630,20274086,00.htm
Ballmer is such a bafoon!

The definition of stupid is doing something the same way twice
and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Linux User Since 1996
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[newbie] Re: [expert] usb problem with PDA palm zire

2003-04-01 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Shamot wrote:
Hello. I have just problem when to try hotsync because of nonexisting 
/dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1

When I do hotsync it seems kernel recognizes my device and try to load modules 
and creare /dev/ust/tts/0.

Something is wrong here coze I get this from kernel:

Mar 30 19:26:02 Shamota kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor / Palm 4.0 / 
Cli 4.x converter now attached to ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs) Mar 30 
19:26:02 Shamota kernel: usbserial.c: Handspring Visor / Palm 4.0 / Cli 4.x 
converter now attached to ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs) Mar 30 19:26:02 
Shamota devfsd[143]: error copying: /lib/dev-state/usb/tts/0 t o 
/dev/usb/tts/0 Mar 30 19:26:02 Shamota devfsd[143]: error copying: 
/lib/dev-state/usb/tts/1 t o /dev/usb/tts/1 Mar 30 19:26:03 Shamota 
kernel: usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame# 244 Mar 30 19:26:03 Shamota 
kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 00:1d.1-2 addres s 14

hotsync is canceled then and no files in dev are created. Any suggestion how 
to solve this problem ?
Thanks Shamot
Assuming you've got devfs running on boot try setting the device to use
/dev/pilot. that should do the trick. If you're attempting a hotsync
with Kpilot I'd suggest you also give Jpilot a try. I've found this to
work wonderfully. I'm using a Handspring Visor and am having no trouble
what-so-ever hotsyncing my visor with Jpilot.
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Re: [newbie] Fonts in 9.1

2003-03-06 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Todd Slater wrote:
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 15:28:24 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wednesday 05 Mar 2003 1:28 pm, Todd Slater wrote:

I was checking out some stuff from texstar and came across some
screenshots of Mandrake with XFT2 and just about fell off my chair. Is
this the font treatment in 9.1, or is there something special that has
to be done for XFT2?
On another subject, if you're using a recent Mozilla, how do you like
the automatic image resizing? I haven't made up my  mind yet.

Yep. 9.1 looks much like that :-) Nice isn't it?

There will still be some tweaking possible to improve it still more such
as enabling the bytecode interpreter in the freetype2 RPM (Disabled by
default because of a patent issue)

Very nice. I considered moving to RH8 after seeing its font treatment in a
screenshot, but I didn't want to trouble with learning another system and
I like the MDK community. 


you would have been sorely disappointed since there aren't any admin 
tools in RH8.x. That is one immasculated OS.


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Re: [newbie] [OT] true alcohol stories...please read

2003-03-06 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Robert Wideman wrote:
I was taking a friend home Wednesday evening when on the radio was a
commercial type thing that reported a Sophomore in Lake Travis High School
was in a drunk driving accident.  He had 2 friends with him who were killed
instantly when they hit another car head on, the driver of the other vehicle
was killed as well.  The only surviving person was the student that was
drunk, due to the burns from the accident, he has no nose and ears, nor does
he have ANY use of his hands, has NO hair, and his face was completely
destroyed.  40 surgeries to this student has not helped over the years.
My friend whom I was taking home stated that she went to high school with
him and knows him personally.  After the ad was over we had kept talking
about it and she stated that the student drunk driver was 5 times over the
legal Texas limit for alcohol consumption.  She also stated that for killing
3 people while being 5 times over the legal limit got him 7 years...ONLY 7 Huntsville (Texas' state prison just north of Houston).
Another story.
I recently had a temporary bar job.  The first day there was a story going
that the bar owner told us that needs to be taken to heart.  One of the
regulars to the bar left one night and was in a car wreck.  I do not know
the damage of what happened but he was in the hospital for 1.5 weeks.
Legally it was the bars job to take his keys away.  After that night I have
seen several times where the bartenders do take the keys away until the
customer is sober.
The moral of these true stories is I do not care if you drink...but give up
your keys if you drove.  Be responsible, be an adult.  If you drink you take
on these responsibilities automatically.

Robert Wideman

PS-Please pass this on.
what the HELL is this doing on the List?



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Re: [newbie] no sound in 9.0

2003-03-02 Per discussione Mark Weaver
lewis wrote:
On Saturday 01 March 2003 05:19 pm, robin wrote:

lewis wrote:

Hello,  I have Mandrake Linux 9.0 installed on my computer.  The sound
doesn't work but it does on the windows side of the partition.  I have an
AMD Mainboard that uses SiS 740 chipset. It also has a built in AC97
Codec.  I am not sure what other information you might need out of the
book.  I am very new to Mandrake Linux.  There is so much I don't
understand.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks  Brenda
Try exiting X-window and running sndconfig (as root).

Sir Robin

Hi,  I logged in as root and tried the sndconfig, but it says no PNP or PCI 
sound cards were found.  It said to select my card type but I didn't know 
which one to pick.  I did try the Intel i810 AC97 Audio but no luck.   I also 
looked at Mandrake Control Center but the hardware list only had a floppy, 
disk, CDRom, and mouse.  Thanks again.   Brenda
I'm betting that your sound card is of the onboard variety. This being the 
case you be need to try another card. Disable the onboard card in the BIOS 
and stick another sound card in. Mdk9.0 likes the Ensoniq chipset fairly 
well. At least a bit better then it likes the Intel i810 chipset.

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Re: [newbie] Worried

2003-03-02 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Ronald J. Hall wrote:
On Sunday 02 March 2003 07:01 am, Andrew Scotchmer wrote:

Now don't get me wrong I love linux and  have been with Mandrake since v6.0
though I must say in my opinion v9.0 is not one of it's best, perhaps,
sorry, definately a bit hasty with this release!

Well Andrew, I have a question for you:

R U a Troll?

I've seen this same message a couple of times now. In fact, as is per normal 
for this list, it received excellantly reasoned and constructed responses.  
Hi Ron,

I wouldn't know a dupe message if I fell over it. In fact I haven't seen one 
since I started using procmail filtering two years ago. Although I have been 
wondering about whats been going on with the lists the last few days. Any

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
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Re: [newbie] Unofficial February stats

2003-03-02 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Todd Slater wrote:
Monthly stats for Mandrake-newbie

Total posts processed:3027

Most active threads

 86  Rpmdrake in 9.1 needs to be stomped and burned
 47  Xwindows Stability
 43  Lovin' KDE 3.1
 38  OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!
 34  Update the kernel ?
 34  Another one...
 33  This fellow needs help. His mails are being rejected.
 33  NFS after MDK9 reinstall/update
 33  Fun discussion question for the list
Most active posters

200	 Robert Wideman 
158	 Anne Wilson 
135	 et 
123	 Greg Meyer 
104	 Stephen Kuhn 
100	 FemmeFatale 
 78	 Derek Jennings 
 77	 civileme 
 77	 Tom Brinkman 
 72	 Ronald J. Hall 
heh! Stephen!! you're still in the top five.  :)

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
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Re: [newbie] Unofficial February stats

2003-03-02 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Saturday 01 Mar 2003 3:34 pm, Todd Slater wrote:

Most active posters

   200   Robert Wideman
   158   Anne Wilson

Shucks - I'm still talking too much.  I thought I'd been quieter lately.

look at the bright side Anne. At least you're not still fighting with Java 
and Mozy. :P

If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
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Re: [newbie] unkillable process?

2003-02-17 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:

On Sun 2003-02-16 at 14:46:03 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:


Correct. If it does not, there is nothing a mere user (or admin) can
do about it.

I know it's late in the thread but I thought I'd mention that when I get 
a process that I can't kill from top or using ps then I've always had 
success doing it from webmin. haven't had one yet that couldn't be 
killed from webmin.

Sorry to say so, but that makes no sense. webmin has not access to
anything that kill or top hasn't.

You made me curious enough that I installed webmin and had a look at
the source and it uses the usual kill() system call as do the CLI kill
and top. Really, if you observed this behaviour, I wonder why. You did
use signal 9 (aka SIGKILL) when trying with kill/top, didn't you?



Can't explain it and you're right when you say it doesn't have any 
access that isn't the same as ps or top, but as I said, I've not had a 
process yet that it couldn't get rid of when the others have failed. 
thats the simple fact of the experience.

As for what signal was used...pretty much any and all. the fact that 
they wouldn't die was part of what led me to try webmin. I wasn't 
physically at the machine and ssh was a bit dodgey that day, so I 
connected to webmin and viola! no more nasty-refusing-to-die process.

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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-17 Per discussione Mark Weaver
robin wrote:

Or more specifically, you build a package and upload it to the 
contribs folder that actually works and everyone else can use. for me, 
prolly a long way off. I'm still in the break it and fix it area.

Funnily enough I came within a whisker of doing that with lyx-qt-1.3, 
but someone beat me to it while I was still messing around with the spec 
file. It was fun learning how to make an RPM, though - not nearly as 
hard as I'd imagined it would be.

Sir Robin

True, but those spec files can make you go blind if you stay at it too 
long without allowing proper blood flow to the brain now and then. ;)

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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Friday 14 February 2003 04:42 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:

Oh come one. I like 12 hour shifts.  They are easier than 16 hour shifts.

You know, I used to work this weekend shift thing - where I pulled 2 sixteen 
hour shifts, Sat and Sun, then was off 5 days a week. They gave me 8 hrs for 
doing it , to make my 40 hrs a week. I loved being off 5 days in a row. Just 
hated working -every- weekend...

That'd be kinda tough at first, but after a while I think I'd love being 
off for 5 days in a row myself.

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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
mycal62 wrote:

Greg Meyer wrote:

 I thought this would be a fun question to discuss.

 How can you tell you are not a Newbie anymore?


All this humility is very nice. ;-)

that aside, it's interesting how the responses have been. with anything 
and especially with opinion
it's really a matter of perspective, and It becomes a relative thing as 
When I first tried Linux RH 5.2 ( I think ) I would  say I was an 
absolute Newbie. Now after several
years can I say I am an Expert? Most definitely NOT, but I don't feel I 
am a true Newbie either.

In all seriousness the difference between a newbie, at least on this 
list, and a _true_ expert is relative to the comparison between most of 
us here on the list and Civileme.

Civileme = expert
everyone else(self included) = newbie

As always, the = operator flows to the left.

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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
et wrote:

On Friday 14 February 2003 09:31 pm, mycal62 wrote:

Greg Meyer wrote:

I thought this would be a fun question to discuss.

How can you tell you are not a Newbie anymore?

All this humility is very nice. ;-)

that aside, it's interesting how the responses have been. with anything
and especially with opinion
it's really a matter of perspective, and It becomes a relative thing as
When I first tried Linux RH 5.2 ( I think ) I would  say I was an
absolute Newbie. Now after several
years can I say I am an Expert? Most definitely NOT, but I don't feel I
am a true Newbie either.
I would call myself a User in perpetual training  ( I really don't
think I'll ever be an expert though
because that would take more brains than I have left. )

But then , That's purely from MY perspective,   massive grin 

I Like a saying of Confucius :  to know that what you know is what you
know, is not knowledge,
But to know that what
you do not know is what you do not know 
That is the beginning
of understanding

somethng like that.

I often say the one thing I learned about computers in 1992 that I still use, 
and is still true, is that what ever you buy today will be obosolete in 3 
years, and the same goes with software, (actully I have one program that was 
written for win95 and I bought in 1995, that I still use almost every day, 
and that is winfax for win 95, since I have kept my hourly billing on it as a 
faxed document since 1995 but the OS it ran on is no longer avail, good thing 
it still runs using other M$products) and I still use pine when I ssh into a 
shell account, and it has been around (without much change that I can see) 


Pine does gorgeous threading now-a-days.

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Re: [newbie] Fun discussion question for the list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
et wrote:

On Friday 14 February 2003 08:17 pm, Robert Wideman wrote:

If you're lucky, you never stop being a newbie.

No joke.  I am personally going to be taking a newbie learning course (not
a course, just a self taught action) in Apache/Perl/Python/SQL programming
here soon.  So i totally understand that statement.


sounds like looking for fun in all the right places

yeah, but how can you show-horn Python in the same phrase with 
Apache/PERL and SQL? is that legal?

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Re: [newbie] unkillable process?

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:

On Wed 2003-02-12 at 14:22:41 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

what i'm doing:
ps ax | grep process 
kill -s signal pid

using all kinds of signals starting with sigterm, sigkill,

Those two is all you need. kill -s TERM will ask the process to
terminate (the process may refuse), kill -s KILL forcefully tries to
kill the process (.

If it doesn't terminate after a KILL signal, there is no way to do
it. Usually it means that your kernel got a hickup which shouldn't
normally happen. There are cases where the kernel cannot remove a
process due to its internal state[1], but I only encountered these with
either broken kernels (i.e. an update fixed it) or with broken

signals like sigrtmin+2 even were [and man kill does not say])

man 7 signal

(that's mentioned in man kill)

not wanting to get mucking around too much with something i didn't
fully understand i didn't use them ALL but it seems like sigkill
should kill just about anything :-/

Correct. If it does not, there is nothing a mere user (or admin) can
do about it.

I know it's late in the thread but I thought I'd mention that when I get 
a process that I can't kill from top or using ps then I've always had 
success doing it from webmin. haven't had one yet that couldn't be 
killed from webmin.

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Re: [newbie] Possibly dumb USB question

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charles A Edwards
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Possibly dumb USB question

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 08:59:30 -0800
Myers, Dennis R NWO [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  From: Myers, Dennis R NWO [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Possibly dumb USB question
  Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 08:59:30 -0800
  X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)


Dennis I am ashamed of you.
Give yourself 30 lashes and no sex tonight (with anything)  (-;

Ya know, if I could I would delete all MS from this computer. Only 
trouble is then I would get fired and thrown in jail to boot. Seems like 
at odd times  and for unknown reasons Outlook decides to switch over to 
html by itself. I have turned it off and next thing it's back in there. 
And Billy calls linux a virus. Ha. Hopefully it is off again. Funny when 
I check format it says plain text. So let me know if it was me or the 
one I answered that had the html. grumblemumblegrumblesniff. Dennis M.


If your network admins are employing the use of Novell and Zenworks then 
it's likely your workstation is being imaged and when you start it up at 
the beginning of the day your hard drive is, for all intents and 
purposes being reimaged as it's starting up. Which could be a good 
explanation for why Outlook seemingly won't relent in it's HTML mail 

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[newbie] Mandrake Off Topic list

2003-02-16 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hi all,

Given the amount of traffic and passion related over the last few days
concerning things totally off topic where Mandrake Linux is concerned
has led me to a place where I'm willing to try an experiment of sorts.

I've created a mailing list for anyone here on the newbie and expert
lists where they can freely talk about all the off topic stuff they have
a need for. The link to sign up is below.

If you wish to subscibe by sending a message to the list software you
can use the email address below.


The format for the command is as follows, while the subject header is
meaningless to the list software.

In the body of the message place this information as you see it:

subscribe your.password plain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

your.password = a password of your choice = your email address.

Example subscribe command:

	subscribe password plain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All are welcome.
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Re: [newbie] Installing Java...

2003-02-12 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Monday February 10 2003 09:33 am, Mark wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 Or simply 'rpm -Uvh j2re-1.4.1_01-5mdk.i586.rpm' does it all.

HI Tom,

that method has never worked for me. I don't think that package
likes me much. which is why I just started unpacking the contents
into /usr/java, and then making symlinks from /usr/java/bin to

- --

Yes, I believe Anne and a few others had the same comments.  I 
dunno why, it's Sun's java packaged by Mandrake to put all the files 
in the right places for any Mandrake system to find and use them. I 
can only conjecture that some of y'all have mucked around in your 
systems and they are no longer Mandrake compliant.

Tom! I'm shocked! Me? muck around in my system? why I'd never think of 
doing such a thing.  ;)

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Re: [newbie] Vi vs Emacs... Not a flamewar!!! Any flames will beignored

2003-02-10 Per discussione Mark Weaver
civileme wrote:

On Thursday 06 February 2003 06:46 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:

Anders Lind wrote:

OK I just read some stuff about VI  Emacs.  Now I'm not one for super
complex editors of text.  Having said that I realize it behooves me
(Correct context for behooves?  sp!?) to learn one or the other so I


edit files on any system.  I realized a while back those 2 editors are
standard to Any *nix environment.

OK... so whats the real diff between those 2 editors  which one is more
newb friendly?  If neither is newbie friendly, well name something that
is and is more or less standard on most *nix's.  For the moment I'm


Whether you're hackin code or just editing a file somewhere on the file
system VI is the cat's meow. no question, and anyone how says different
is just outa his/her tree.  :)


Well everyone has to test his wings eventually :-)

I can hack code with either, but stub functions and compilation/debugging has 
to be easier to do from emacs... Of course some IDEs offer as much but 
usually for one language.  I never know whether I will be using Python, C++, 
ada, pike, expect, tcl/tk, shell, lisp, or xbasic til I get into the problem, 
though these days Python is awfully attractive for anything but something 
requiring speed or scripts for eggdrop bots.  With xbasic, I will use their 
IDE, cause it is like glade, coding functions to handle their widgets (which 
they call grids).

And by now I am more comfortable with the arcane series of keystrokes for 
emacs, so that is what I use.  When I go into unknown environments, I take an 
editor with me that will compile on almost anythinjg I don't already have a 
binary for and which offers multiple keybindings but a whole lot less p[ower 
than either emacs or vi.

But really I have always felt trapped in these discussions.  I don't believe 
there is really enough common ground to compare them.  emacs is easier to get 
started with thanks to the tutorial built in, and vi is easier to master.  
emacs is at the same time a desktop, a shell, a scripting host, and a 
basically crash-proof word processor (Yep I was around when computers worked 
with 64K memory and MINCE+SCRIBBLE / Final Word II/Borland's SPRINT was a 
going enterprise and crashes were frequent, and that bound me closer to 
emacs, cause I always forgot to save on WordStar).

Besides, I have an affection for wheat on dark slate gray that always looks 
green to me... :-)


Man! I wanna be like you when I grow up!! exactly how long has it taken 
you to learn all those languages? I'm seriously awed by that list.

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Re: [newbie] Vi vs Emacs... Not a flamewar!!! Any flames will beignored

2003-02-10 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:

On Tue 2003-02-04 at 21:21:06 -0900, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[... cool overview about available editors ...]

If I am on a desktop and I need a quick edit, I usually grab for
kedit, but any heavy work is emacs unless it is a sudoers file in
which case a special variant of vi called visudo is absolutely the
only way to do it without adding a session of hair-pulling getting
things to work as you planned afterward.

Well, just a clarification: visudo is not an editor, but only the
Right Way to call an editor for the /etc/sudoers file. visudo will
call anything you put in your EDITOR environment variable. So it will
gladly use emacs, if you want it to (I assume, you know that civilme,
but it was ambigous, IMHO).

Now my personal opinion about editor choice: learn the most basic vi
keystrokes - one day you will be glad to know how to edit a line and
save it using vi, believe me. Although both emacs and vi (and
variants) are very commonplace on UNIX, if only one editor is
installed (e.g. on a minimal server), it will be vi.

Aside from that, I prefer emacs for almost everything (startup speed
and size are not really an argument with even yesterday's hardware).
And it can do anything you want (news  mail reading, shells, remote
editing, file browsing, being a full IDE, some games, web browsing
with(!) images... you name it).

But both, emacs and vi, will take some time to learn. And setting them
up to do everything the way you prefer will take some time and
involves config files in a way or another. This only pays of, if you
need to use them regularly (I do).

If you want something with a short learning curve, nedit, kedit and
friends are more suitable, but will show their limits somewhen.



Ok, but how do you turn on number lines insise Emacs. If I've coding in 
Java and the compiler tells me I've got an OutOfBoundsException on line 
4893 I don't want to have to count 1,2,3... from the top if the page, ya 
know?  ;)

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Re: [newbie] NFS after MDK9 reinstall/update

2003-02-06 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Robert Wideman wrote:

to tell you the truth though, it's been my experience that going
Linux to
Linux, which I do 97% of the time on my home Lan, NFS is killer compared
to the misery Linux-Linux samba brings. IMHO samba only exists to allow
winders machines to connect to and share files with a Linux machine.

I agree.  Also isnt NFS more secure?  I mean can be more secure if
properly setup.

Yes, it can be secure enough, if properly setup, but at the same
time it's really never more secure then samba if there even can
be such a thing as secure where these two are concerned. You
actually have more control with samba as far as I've seen, so in
the very loosest of terms, Samba is somewhat more secure then NFS.

As long as you have your clients clearly defined as being the only
ones that are allowed to access the NFS shares then you should be just
fine. If you really want to be as sure as you can about access then
set things up on the NFS server so that the machine has two NICs
in it. eth0 being your outside interface (internet) and eth1 being
the local interface (LAN), and only allow NFS access (port 2049)
across the LAN (eth1).


If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
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2003-02-06 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Sunday 02 Feb 2003 3:24 am, Adolfo Bello wrote:

On Sat, 2003-02-01 at 22:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just out of curiosity. What ads?

Perhaps he means addresses and instructions for subscribing/unsubscribing.  
They are not as accessible as they might be.  I know I've got them written 
down somewhere, but I'll have to dig to find them.


Are you asking how to get unsub'd from the list?


If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
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Re: [newbie] NFS after MDK9 reinstall/update

2003-02-06 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Robert Wideman wrote:

thats ok... but it sounds like you've been brain-washed into thinking
graphical interfaces are a bad thing. they're real handy to have around
when you've got a ton of other things to do and you just need to get
something config'ed quickly so's you can get that assignment finished
before it's time to leave for class or something. ;)

I dont think they are bad, just some ways i like to do via CLIits just
me i guess.
Yes i like GUI myself.

I know what you mean. I have a friend that started in Linux from
windows and when I found the CLI he just went nuts. He even installed
one machine that has NO X at all. Purely terminal everything. :)


If necessity is the mother of invention, then who's the father?
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Re: [newbie] Javascript and browsers -NS7

2003-02-04 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Sunday 02 Feb 2003 12:17 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 30 Jan 2003 8:31 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:


Actually you don't have to do that at all. Start Netscape with the
-ProfileManager argument and create just the profile for Netscape.
That should take care of Netscape.

As for Mozilla, since the two are sharing a home dir, (.mozilla) then
I'd 86 the preferences.js file and allow Mozilla to create a new copy of
that file. It's very likely that Netscape and  Mozilla have been
fighting over this file and probably been trashin the place.

I've tried to set this up and run into problems.  If I navigate to
/usr/local/netscape (as root) and click on netscape I get the profile
manager, from which I can select the new profile, and all is well.  From
the menu (as user) I get the mozilla profile.  The menu editor says that it
is calling /usr/netscape/netscape.

Any idea what's going wrong?


I've got a bit further with this.  If I start the program by navigating to 
/usr/local/netscape/netscape as root I get the correct profile.  If I do 
exactly the same as user I don't.  I've made absolutely sure there is no 
other difference.  the .netscape and .netscape6 files only seem to have 
plugins, but there must be profile and preference files somewhere.  Does 
anyone know where they're going?


Hi Anne,

At this point I think I'd pick either Netscape or Mozilla, and uninstall 
the other. When thats done setup the program and user profile. Then 
after that being done get the plugins installed and everything running.

At this point it should be ok to install the other browser if you really 
need to. I suspect Mozilla will be the easier of the two to deal with 
and should be a good bit more behaved when you attempt to start the 
ProfileManager to set things up for Mozy.

The two of them do indeed run on the same browser engine, but they don't 
seem to want to play nice together. I've experienced this on both 
winders and Linux. Speakin of Winders...I blew up my XP installation 
last night. I prolly oughta git to work on it. I still have tax returns 
to prepare. GOD! I love Mandrake. takes a lickin and keeps on tickin!!

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Re: [newbie] Javascript and browsers -NS7

2003-02-04 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 02 Feb 2003 12:17 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 30 Jan 2003 8:31 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:


Actually you don't have to do that at all. Start Netscape with the
-ProfileManager argument and create just the profile for Netscape.
That should take care of Netscape.

As for Mozilla, since the two are sharing a home dir, (.mozilla) then
I'd 86 the preferences.js file and allow Mozilla to create a new copy of
that file. It's very likely that Netscape and  Mozilla have been
fighting over this file and probably been trashin the place.

I've tried to set this up and run into problems.  If I navigate to
/usr/local/netscape (as root) and click on netscape I get the profile
manager, from which I can select the new profile, and all is well.  From
the menu (as user) I get the mozilla profile.  The menu editor says 
that it
is calling /usr/netscape/netscape.

Any idea what's going wrong?


 I've got a bit further with this.  If I start the program by 
navigating to
 /usr/local/netscape/netscape as root I get the correct profile.  If I do
 exactly the same as user I don't.  I've made absolutely sure there is no
 other difference.  the .netscape and .netscape6 files only seem to have
 plugins, but there must be profile and preference files somewhere.  Does
 anyone know where they're going?


Hi Anne,

At this point I think I'd pick either Netscape or Mozilla, and uninstall
the other. When thats done setup the program and user profile. Then
after that being done get the plugins installed and everything running.

At this point it should be ok to install the other browser if you really
need to. I suspect Mozilla will be the easier of the two to deal with
and should be a good bit more behaved when you attempt to start the
ProfileManager to set things up for Mozy.

The two of them do indeed run on the same browser engine, but they don't
seem to want to play nice together. I've experienced this on both
winders and Linux. Speakin of Winders...I blew up my XP installation
last night. I prolly oughta git to work on it. I still have tax returns
to prepare. GOD! I love Mandrake. takes a lickin and keeps on tickin!!

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Re: [OT-ish] XP vs. Mandrake [was Re: [newbie] Javascript and browsers-NS7]

2003-02-04 Per discussione Mark Weaver
robin wrote:

Mark Weaver wrote:

The two of them do indeed run on the same browser engine, but they 
don't seem to want to play nice together. I've experienced this on 
both winders and Linux. Speakin of Winders...I blew up my XP 
installation last night. I prolly oughta git to work on it. I still 
have tax returns to prepare. GOD! I love Mandrake. takes a lickin and 
keeps on tickin!!

And the beauty of it is -

1) If you've not done something like irreparably destroying your 
partition table (and even that takes some doing) or reformatting your 
hard disk, a couple of hours messing around and asking questions on 
lists like this will get it back to normal.

2) If you can't do that, or can't be bothered to do it, assuming you've 
backed up /home (and who wouldn't), you can get everything back to 
normal within an hour with Mandrake's wonderful installation proggie. 
There have been a couple of occasions when I've done that out of sheer 
laziness - compared to reformatting my hard disk, installing Windows 98, 
installing drivers not included in Win98, installing MS Office etc, 
re-installing Mdk is about as stressful as sitting in a candle-lit jacuzzi.

BTW - isn't there any good Linux software for doing tax returns?  If 
not, someone should write it - an easy-to-use tax return program could 
be that killer-app we've been waiting for!

Sir Robin

Hi Robin,

As far as I know there still arn't any real apps for doing tax returns 
on Linux. I, like SO many others are still waiting. For the life of me I 
can't understand why HR Block hasn't ported their Tax Cut to Linux yet.

As a side note I remembered there was a cool thing included in XP that 
allows one to boot the system from the last successful time it booted. 
This I did and immediately performed a roll-back on the little bugger. 
Phew! Now I can do my taxes.

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Re: [newbie] NFS after MDK9 reinstall/update

2003-02-04 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Robert Wideman wrote:

Ok, I have been fighting NFS for the last hour and it is pissing me off.  I
basically just reinstalled MDK b/c of my newbie experience with PLF and
library issues.  I have just installed and updated MDK9 and that is all.  I
edited /etc/exports and restarted nfs server and this is what i am getting.
The only items i see on 50 million sites on google are like a few years old
and noone has an issue posted up.  Any thoughts?

# mount -t nfs /mnt/disk
mount: failed, reason given by server:
Permission denied
# more /etc/exports
#/home/rwideman 192.168.1(rw)
/home/rwideman  192.168.1.*(ro)
# cat /var/log/messages
Feb  2 02:45:39 rwideman2 rpc.mountd: refused mount request from rwideman2
for /home/rwideman (/): no export entry

Good God man! you're doing it the hard way!

1) on the server running NFS ( exporting the filesystems )
   start Linux conf-Networking-
	server task tab
2) Export file systems (NFS)

3) click on the add button to add a filesystem to export.
   a) fill in the blanks  i.e.
	1. Path to export |/mnt/arc   |
	2. Comment (opt)  | Archive 1 |
	3. Client name(s) | |
	4. |x| may write
	5. | | root privileges
	6. |x| Request access from secure port

4) click on the Accept button and exit from Linuxconf, or define more
   shares if you wish.

5) after exiting from Linuxconf open a terminal window on the NFS server
   as root and issue this command to start the service:
	service nfs start

And thats all there is to it.

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Frank Mertens wrote:

The United States are about to start a war without of consideration
for international law. If you want to speak against it, the UN are
collecting signatures to work against this tragically event. Please
do copy this e-mail to a new mail, sign it at the end of the
attached list and send it to all the people you know. If you've received a
list with more than 500 signatures, please send another copy to the United
Nations mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Even if you decide not to sign, please forward this petition! 

In all seriousness your time and energy would be far better spent 
sending these sigs to the US congress and senate and communicating your 
feelings to them rather then sending them to a body that has no balls.

Let Washington know and hear how you feel. you've a much better chance 
at least getting heard.


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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Lanman wrote:

Mark; Could you take a moment to define your use of the word Balls?
I'm hoping that your intended use of the word was in reference to the
fact that this list is not a political group, and therefore is probably
unable to effect a change in the foreign policies of the United States
where war is the outcome, rather than implying that this group or
members thereof have no will or courage of their own?

A clarification would probably go a long way to minimizing the list of
replies that your post would otherwise generate!


Hi Lanman,

Actually just after hitting the send button, (it was rather early in the 
morning and had just gotten my first cup of coffee for the morning) I 
realized that I could have worded it differently. What I really meant to 
say is that as far as the UN is concerned they and the current US 
administration aren't exactly on the best of terms at the moment. So, 
anything coming directly from the UN isn't going to carry anywhere near 
the amount of passion and volume was it would coming from people both 
in and outside the US. Which is why I suggested they make their case 
directly instead of going through a third party that isn't likely to be 

In that manner the UN is effectively without balls as in Eunch. 
nuetered...know what I mean? Not that they have no valid authority or 
anything, because they are comprised of member nations from all over the 
globe and as such carry the weight and opinion of those nations 
represented. Only that, as I said, the current administration, whether 
right or wrong, isn't likely going to give much weight to statements and 
mandates coming from the UN. It would appear that their mind is set, (US 
administration) and they've decided which direction they're going to go. 
I would to God that it were no so. I really believe there is a better 
way of dealing with Iraq and I also personally believe it should be 
strong, thorough, permanant, decisive, and most of all multi-national 
through the UN. Anything else will only enflame the situation and make 
America's standing in the global community that much more tenuous.

Sorry for the confusion. :) I'll try to refrain from responding to 
matter of weight until I've at least *finished* my first cup of coffee.

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Todd Slater wrote:

On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 07:14, Mark Weaver wrote:

In all seriousness your time and energy would be far better spent 
sending these sigs to the US congress and senate and communicating your 
feelings to them rather then sending them to a body that has no balls.

Let Washington know and hear how you feel. you've a much better chance 
at least getting heard.


You think the US legislative branch has balls? Maybe one or two members.
Most are corporate whores.


When it suits them, yes... please see my reponse to Lanman. I sort of 
mispoke myself. it was rather early in the morning and blood-level in my 
coffee stream was way out of balance.

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver


I interpreted his disparagement to apply to the UN rather than to
us.  Still, clarity is a good thing when insulting randomly and
in a public forum (or amy discourse in any forum, for that matter).

Sorry for any confusion...My intent wasn't to disparage anyone. Not the 
UN and not the US, nor any other caring, viable world power. And vialble worold power I mean any nation with a heart beat. 
just wanna make sure I don't leave the door open to mis-interpretation.

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-01-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Dick Mazierski wrote:

Frank Mertens wrote:

The United States are about to start a war without of consideration
for international law. If you want to speak against it, the UN are
collecting signatures to work against this tragically event. Please
do copy this e-mail to a new mail, sign it at the end of the
attached list and send it to all the people you know. If you've 
received a
list with more than 500 signatures, please send another copy to the 
Nations mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Even if you decide not to sign, please forward this petition!

What does this have to do with Newbie - linux-mandrake?
If anything was ever off topic - this beats them all

nothing, but trimming is nice. :)

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Off Topic list

2003-01-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Todd Slater wrote:

On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 01:27:15PM -0500, Mark Weaver wrote:

Hi all,

Given the amount of traffic and passion related over the last few days 
concerning things totally off topic where Mandrake Linux is concerned 
has led me to a place where I'm willing to try an experiment of sorts.

I've created a mailing list for anyone here on the newbie and expert 
lists where they can freely talk about all the off topic stuff they have 
a need for. The link to sign up is below.


Good idea, thanks for offering that. I see you're using Mailman. I have
a script that will generate list statistics on a monthly basis:

Attempted posts, successful posts, Total bytes, Top 10 posters, Top 10 threads.

I also run posts through stripmime, cause HTML really messes up the

If you're into stats, I can send you that script.


Hi Todd,

that script sounds great! thanks. Send away.

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[newbie] Mandrake Off Topic list

2003-01-31 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hi all,

Given the amount of traffic and passion related over the last few days 
concerning things totally off topic where Mandrake Linux is concerned 
has led me to a place where I'm willing to try an experiment of sorts.

I've created a mailing list for anyone here on the newbie and expert 
lists where they can freely talk about all the off topic stuff they have 
a need for. The link to sign up is below.

If you wish to subscibe by sending a message to the list software you 
can use the email address below.


The format for the command is as follows, while the subject header is 
meaningless to the list software.

In the body of the message place this information as you see it:

subscribe your.password plain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

your.password = a password of your choice = your email address.

Example subscribe command:

	subscribe password plain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All are welcome.
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Re: [newbie] Dell Optiplex

2003-01-29 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Kaj Haulrich wrote:

On Tuesday 28 January 2003 06:55 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:



I'm glad to hear that they are giving consumers a
choice.  Although I'm disappointed to hear that they
expect to give winblows preinstalled.

My comment is that I would like to know what their
partitioning scheme is on the system that you get,
before it is wiped forevermore.  Also, it does sound
like a good plan, cause they will have to get all
devices working before it is shipped out to you.

It might be a good idea to review what modules are
loaded with an lsmod b4 you wipe all the partitions. 
That way, if you've got something exotic, you've got a
heads up on it before you go into the Mandrake

Not saying that LM won't autodetect everything.  But the
info may come in handy.



Thanks, Lyvim and Tony.

The story goes on : 5 minutes ago I had a telephone 
conversation with a Dell Denmark representative. He wasn't 
sure what linux-distro they offered, only he gave a 
guarantee, that an Optiplex SX260 would run linux. After 
some additional pressure I managed to get a bargain :

Dell Denmark  will deliver an Optiplex with only a 
rudimentary DOS in it. He claimed that it would be 
necessary in order to get the hard disk running (???) and 
maybe for legal reasons. The price cutoff would be around 
70-80 euros relative to a box with WindowsXP.

Sounds good, eh ?

Kaj Haulrich 

indeed! that is a sa-WEET deal.

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Re: [newbie] Packaging systems [was: ANNOUCEMENT: KDE 3.1 IS OUT]

2003-01-28 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 28 January 2003 08:23 am, Anders Lind scribbled nervously:
 On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 08:13:08 -0500 (EST)

 Anthony Abby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There aren't any Mandrake rpms yet anyway are there?

 I know that RPM's are much simpler to use, but my opinion is that compiling
 is better then using RPM's.

 Speaking of packagaingsystems, after installing FreeBSD on our server here
 at work I can't even begin to say how impressed I am by its is awsome

do tell? I can't stand the suspense. descibe this new beast to me!
- -- 
Powered By Mandrake Liinux 9.0 || Toshiba Portege
ICQ# 27816299
Saying Open Source DRM is the same as saying 
Military Intelligence. Repeating it makes my brain hurt!

author Unknown...
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] question about Kmail

2003-01-28 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

Hi List,

I'm curious about something. With Kmail, is there a way to advance from on 
message to another with the view pane completely closed and viewing the 
message in a window all its own? I use this method of reading messages with 
Mozilla and would like to be able to do this as well in Kmail but it doesn't 
appear to want to cooperate.

- -- 
Powered By Mandrake Liinux 9.0 || Toshiba Portege
ICQ# 27816299
Saying Open Source DRM is the same as saying 
Military Intelligence. Repeating it makes my brain hurt!

author Unknown...
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Packaging systems [was: ANNOUCEMENT: KDE 3.1 IS OUT]

2003-01-28 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 28 January 2003 09:40 am, Anders Lind scribbled nervously:
 On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 09:24:15 -0500

 Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  do tell? I can't stand the suspense. descibe this new beast to me!

 Actually it is not really new, just new to me ;o) Anyway...under /usr there
 is a directory called ports and in that you have a load of different
 directories called irc, www and so on, you get the picture. Under there you
 have different software, if you go into those directories and type make
 install the system will download, satisfy potential dependicies, compile
 and install the program for you. I find it very handy and great. I have
 always found apt-get to be perhaps not the ultimate package system (Hence
 dselect in the installation program) but this beats it by far.



I have GOT to see this... and you said it was FreeBSD, correct?
- -- 
Powered By Mandrake Liinux 9.0 || Toshiba Portege
ICQ# 27816299
Saying Open Source DRM is the same as saying 
Military Intelligence. Repeating it makes my brain hurt!

author Unknown...
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] OT-Homeland Security dumps winblows

2003-01-28 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Carroll Grigsby wrote:

On Tuesday 28 January 2003 03:29 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

Check this out:

- by Tina Gasperson -
The United States Department of Homeland Security ( changed
its servers over to Oracle on Linux last week, after running on Windows
2000 for several months. Experts say that it is unlikely the change is a
reaction to Slammer, the MS SQL server worm that rocked the Internet
last week.

Netcraft shows the change took place on January 24th and 25th. The site
had previously run off the U.S. Office of Personnel Management servers,
but now is listed with Energis Squared, the same group that hosts the
White House website


Ah, but wait. There's more. A story broke this morning about Microsoft's own 
servers being slammed by Slammer over the weekend. Why, you ask? Well, it 
seems that they hadn't been patched, although the patches have been available 
to the public since last summer. Oh, the delicious irony of it! Not only does 
the Emporer not have any clothes on, but closer inspection indicates that 
he's somewhat deficient in the anatomical department, too.
-- cmg

This is just WAY too sweet! I Love it!!
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Re: [newbie] StarOffice setup

2003-01-25 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

Chris wrote:
| When installing Star Office 6.0 what is the preferred method,
Workstation or
| Local install?  I remember this thread from quite aways back and
searched the
| archives but can't find the msg I'm looking for that explained the
| difference.  I think the correct way was to start the install as root,
| workstation which will allow users other than root to access SO.  Could
| someone enlighten me again.
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Hi Chris,

The best way to install StarOffice is when issuing the install command
from the commandline to use the /net argument. That makes the program
accessible to all users on the system. That way, when you start the
program for the first time as a user you can do the workstation
install and the program copies only a few files to the user's home

	./setup /net

- --
- ---
Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2  9.0
ICQ# 27816299
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [newbie] re: java

2003-01-24 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Raffaele Belardi wrote:

To check the path(s), type
$ env | grep PATH

$ echo $PATH

I don't think java.rpm sets up the path to the executables. You can do 
it by hand adding it to your .bashrc. Or, you can create a 
/etc/profile.d/ as root, and put those settings there, so they 
will be loaded by all the users when they login.

For example, here's my /etc/profile.d/ (but for .bashrc it would 
be the same):
# Configuration variables added by me

# variables for Forte Java Developement environment
export JDK_HOME=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0/

# variable for Mozilla 1.0
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/local/mozilla

The ony advantage I see of having a ~/bin is that its content will not 
be deleted (provided /home is in its own partition) when you upgrade the 
distribution. But be warned that normally rpm packages will install in a 
system directory (i.e. /usr/local or the like) and it will not be easy 
to convince them to use ~/bin instead. I abandoned the ~/bin almost 
Unless, of course, you plan to develop your own stuff. In this case, a 
~/bin and the proper path is the way to go.


Or, you could simply place symlinks from the java executables into 
/usr/bin and you wouldn't have to fuss with any of the PATH stuff cause 
/usr/bin is already in all the $USER paths.


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Re: [newbie] Toshiba Laptop installation ?

2003-01-24 Per discussione Mark Weaver
H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Wednesday 22 January 2003 21:05, Marc wrote:

  When it locks up I am unable to use the mouse and there is no
hard drive activity and as of yet I have founnd no keyboard
commands that work. The display stays frozen.and I am unable to do
anything but a hard shutdown but then that goes back to the
subject of the SysReq key.


Have you tried different windowmanagers?

I've had laptops with lower specs running 9.0 (well it wasn't fast!) just NOT 
using KDE or Gnome.
Give Icewm a try or windowmaker to see if that gives any relief --it should.

Aside from that: turn off as many services at boot time as you can. daemons 
like crond an atd use up quite a bit of memory when they're at work. And 
there's more, a lot more depending what use you want to put the laptop to=:o)

Also: boot into text first (init 3) and later into X with the command startx.
That way you'll have the opportunity to finetune your system without it 
locking on you.

With a P133 it's not going to be a mean and lean machine but with 80M it 
should be useable.
Hang in there we'll get you going:o)

Good Luck,


You may also want to take a look at Fluxbox. It's even lighter then 
IceWM. I'm using that Window Manager exclusively on a Toshiba Protege 
with only 64MB of RAM and I've got no complaints at all.

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[newbie] Installing Java plugin for Mozilla

2003-01-24 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hi there,

I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of inflation),
for every time I've seen this need addressed in these lists. Doesn't
anyone read the archives any more? ;)

with this thought in mind I've saved this message as a template on my
system and will send it to the list probably once a week so in case
anyone misses the post it will show up again and again and again on the
list for those poor souls that missed it the previous time it was
posted. Almost as many times as the question, where can I get the Java
plugins for Mozilla/Netscape...etc...

anyway...if you're needing the java plugin for Netscape, or Mozilla go
follow the link below and you'll be able to download and install the
java plugin. And by the way...this does not require the download and
install of Sun's JDK or JRE packages. This is a seperate browser plugin.

IMPORTANT NOTE: you Must be root user when you do this or the plugin
will NOT install.


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Re: [newbie] Java

2003-01-24 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Friday 24 Jan 2003 9:59 am, Ongkie PDS wrote:

Dear Friend,

I need to open a website that use java applet, where can I download the
java rpm?

Do you need the whole java?  Which browser are you using?  If it's Mozilla, go 
to and they have a link page for plugins.  Netscape also have a 
link page.  If you need more than just a java plugin for a browser, go to 
Sun's site for a download.  Come back if you need more help.


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IMPORTANT NOTE: you Must be root user when you do this or the plugin
will NOT install.

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Re: [newbie] Trojan alert

2003-01-22 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Trevor Rhodes wrote:


From the way his log file read it sounds as though it's already too
late and he should just do a reload.

What your saw of my logfile was from the DLink Router/Firewall.  Not one of 
those attempts got past the router.  This has been confirmed in several ways 
and from several sources.  Reload?  Hah, I say, HAH   :^)

it's good to hear nothing got through. sure does suck when that happens.

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Re: [newbie] why china likes linux

2003-01-21 Per discussione Mark Weaver
et wrote:

On Monday 20 January 2003 02:56 pm, daRcmaTTeR wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:

On Wednesday 15 Jan 2003 5:29 am, Robin Turner wrote:

Richard Babcock wrote:

Interesting article in my local paper.

Looks like we got our user base!

Sir Robin

When I was there 18 months ago it was common to see buses with linux
slogans on the side.


as a followup to this thread this morning when I opened my email client
there was the usual message from the system with the overnight logs for
review. at the top of the list was about 75 lines revealing a brute force
attack that was launched against my server around 8:00 am Sunday morning.
apparently, from the logs they were attempting to gain access through
ipop3d by running a list of possible login usernames. they were of course
quite unsuccessful. Chinanet appears to have more then their fair share of
no-job-havin-script-kiddie-scumbags that have nothing better to do then
behave as low-brow felons.

I just wish the Chinese ISP's would respond to the emails I've been
sending them letting them know their network is being used to attempt
illegal access of remote computer systems!

you are s damn funny...I am laffing my ass off at that idea ... not even 
an anagram. 

hmwhat-er-ya trying to say et? you don't think they can read 
english er somthin?

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-21 Per discussione Mark Weaver
walt wrote:

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 13:05, daRcmaTTeR wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Colin McElhatton wrote:

The single BIGGEST problem for end user to this day remains being able to 
find the information that will get them going and *their* willingness to 
avail themselves of that information and learn it. simply dumbing down the 
interface and the core processes of the system will _never_ make a better, 
more usable system. It only makes one weaker and far less stable. I 
believe windows is perfect proof of this.

But it is this dumbing down that will sell linux (and this is a
shame!!!) ..people do not want to do anything but turn on a computer and
have everything work the first time, every time. Linux has come a long
way since I first tried it 5 years ago. I do not have everything working
properly yet but I know that I will because I am willing to do some
research and ask questions. I have winxp on another hard drive but
haven't used it for about a week or so now. (I actually thought that I
couldn't live without it, LOL) 

that is where techs come in handy. Someone who knows how to do something 
and gets paid for doing it. They either make use of them, and there are 
a lot of people out there that can and would do such a thing for money. 
It's either that or just simply dust off the old brain a bit and 
actually learn to do something for themselves.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-21 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 20 Jan 2003 10:26 pm, walt wrote:

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 13:05, daRcmaTTeR wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Colin McElhatton wrote:

The single BIGGEST problem for end user to this day remains being able to
find the information that will get them going and *their* willingness
to avail themselves of that information and learn it. simply dumbing down
the interface and the core processes of the system will _never_ make a
better, more usable system. It only makes one weaker and far less stable.
I believe windows is perfect proof of this.

But it is this dumbing down that will sell linux (and this is a

Why?  Why can't we have a default install that's as dumbed down as you like, 
will handle all your basic needs, and let you get on with your more urgent 
needs as though you were still in windows.  Then you can learn more at your 
own speed.  After all, you will have some free time now there's no longer all 
those 'need to reboot' messages to say nothing of crashes and re-installs.


Actually, there isn't anything that says we can't have that, however, 
someone is going to have to be willing to write such an install routine 
and then get a distro to incorporate it into their installation process.

The caveat I can see with that is this; the user is still going to have 
to know some things. I.e.  ISP connection information, mailservice 
information etc... It would still require the end user to know something.

Thing is...If one is going to purchase a PC with Linux already on it the 
hard work is finished and the machine then, in many ways as far as the 
user is concerned, is no different then a windows machine in that the 
user must now get to know the machine and how to operate it. This is 
true for Windows and Linux. It's a new machine, the user is new to 
computers so the learning curve is a pretty much identical.

	1) learn to navigate the menu system.
	2) learn the basics about the filesystem as to where things are
   kept and how to create/delete/change files and directories
On the other hand...I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a user who 
already has some experience using computers and can perform the most 
basic things as described above, to do some research, a little bit of 
reading if necessary, and think things through if they're going to take 
on the task of installing the operating system themselves. They would 
have to do the very same thing IF they were going to do this with a 
windows installation and they'd never done it before.

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Re: [newbie] Trojan alert - Australian IP (

2003-01-21 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Ralph Slooten wrote:

On Sat, 18 Jan 2003 18:37:53 -0500
Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


have you done the leg work in tracking these connections and reported
to the ISP they're coming from yet? That _should_ be the first place
to begin. If your theory is correct then the sooner they know about it
the better for all concerned all the way around.


Hi Mark

Yeah, I know the ISP and IP and times and ports and so on... I just
thought I would alert the list as I figured that the person is probably
on this list. Rather they clean their system than get a nasty letter
from their ISP, as I'm guessing this trojan is not intential. But to get
back to the point, Stephen has just helped me out with the reports, now
to see if they respond to it (ISP).


lets hope that they do. the last thing any of us need is a trojan 
knocking at the door.

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Re: [newbie] why china likes linux

2003-01-21 Per discussione Mark Weaver
et wrote:

hmwhat-er-ya trying to say et? you don't think they can read
english er somthin?

or they are less likely to give a $hit than my cat

yeah...i guess you're right, but ya can't blame a fella for tryin. what 
else could I do? guess I shouldn't complain too awfully much because it 
does cause me to have to learn more about securing my box and it's 

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-21 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 21 Jan 2003 2:07 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:

walt wrote:

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 13:05, daRcmaTTeR wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Colin McElhatton wrote:

The single BIGGEST problem for end user to this day remains being able to
find the information that will get them going and *their* willingness
to avail themselves of that information and learn it. simply dumbing
down the interface and the core processes of the system will _never_
make a better, more usable system. It only makes one weaker and far less
stable. I believe windows is perfect proof of this.

But it is this dumbing down that will sell linux (and this is a
shame!!!) ..people do not want to do anything but turn on a computer and
have everything work the first time, every time. Linux has come a long
way since I first tried it 5 years ago. I do not have everything working
properly yet but I know that I will because I am willing to do some
research and ask questions. I have winxp on another hard drive but
haven't used it for about a week or so now. (I actually thought that I
couldn't live without it, LOL)

that is where techs come in handy. Someone who knows how to do something
and gets paid for doing it. They either make use of them, and there are
a lot of people out there that can and would do such a thing for money.
It's either that or just simply dust off the old brain a bit and
actually learn to do something for themselves.

But as I said almost a year ago, it's not as easy to find a linux tech as a 
windows one.



I'm not overly expensive! At present when I'm not doing dad things and 
I'm not over burdened with home work for school I charge $25 an hour for 
custom programming and Website design and maintainence. It helps keep me 
in goodies for my ever growing population of Penguins and their trappings.

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Linux User Since 1996
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Re: [newbie] Trojan alert - Australian IP (

2003-01-21 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Ralph Slooten wrote:

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 01:10:19 +1100
Trevor Rhodes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The following is a third of my logfile.  Is this not normal for you
folks?  Why do so many people get so worried when something shows up. 

Why? well just read what I added to almost all your submitted port
attacks. Sorry to say this, but this is ignorance. You are being probed
from all sides my trojans, and you don't realise it.

It did, it does and it always will while ever the Script Kiddies that
Stephen loves so much are around.

Therse aren't scrip-kiddies, but documented trojans, probably most are
from Windows, but like the one I had... Redhat Linux. It's not normal
for people to try ftp into you, or fetch mail from your server... but
look at the list of trojans... there are many for those 2 ports.

From my DI-704P Ethernet Broadband Routers Log:

port 137	= (UDP) - Bugbear, Msinit, Opaserv, Qaz
port 1433	= Voyager Alpha Force
port 1524	= Trinoo
port 21		= ADM worm, Back Construction, Blade Runner, BlueFire, Bmail,
		  Cattivik FTP Server, CC Invader, Dark FTP, Doly Trojan,
		  FreddyK, Invisible FTP, KWM, MscanWorm, NerTe, NokNok,
		  Pinochet, Ramen, Reverse Trojan, RTB 666, The Flu, WinCrash,
		  Voyager Alpha Force
port 22		= InCommand, Shaft, Skun
port 25		= Antigen, Barok, BSE, Email Password Sender , Gip, Laocoon,
		  Magic Horse, MBT , Moscow Email trojan, Nimda, Shtirlitz,
		  Stukach, Tapiras, WinPC
port 3128	= Reverse WWW Tunnel Backdoor , RingZero
port 3389	= nothing I can find
port 443	= Slapper
port 445	= Nimda
port 515	= MscanWorm, Ramen
port 6346	= nothing I can find, I believe it's the giFT port

Just thought I would let you know ;-) Let's just hope you have the
non-logged ports closed ;-)


Hey Ralph,

From the way his log file read it sounds as though it's already too 
late and he should just do a reload.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Financial Problems

2003-01-21 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 21 Jan 2003 6:31 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

But as I said almost a year ago, it's not as easy to find a linux tech as
a windows one.



I'm not overly expensive! At present when I'm not doing dad things and
I'm not over burdened with home work for school I charge $25 an hour for
custom programming and Website design and maintainence. It helps keep me
in goodies for my ever growing population of Penguins and their trappings.

That sounds pretty reasonable to me ;)  But I think your expenses bill might 
be too big if I asked you to pop round to sort out my usb - Yorkshire's a 
long way away g


I dunno...I've always seen USB as one of those things that either worked 
or it didn't. and if it didn't it was likely due to bad hardware. 
what-cha usin USB for?

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Re: [newbie] postfix problems

2003-01-21 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 11:22 pm, - netmaniac - scribbled nervously:



 htmldiv style='background-color:'DIVI've two mail servers on my
 network: a w2kserver and a linux one. The w2k box is the PDC which is
 connected to the internet and the mail server is working fine. But, when I
 try to send any e-mail to the linux box (postfix) I can't read them. I
 mean, I don't know where they went to. There's nothing in the spool
 folders, but the w2kserver says that the message was delivered. /DIV
 DIVBy the way, if someone has any good documentation about postfix I
 would like to know the url./DIV DIVnbsp;/DIV
 DIVnetmaniac/DIV/divbr clear=allhrMSN Messenger: converse com os
 seus amigos online. a href=;Instale grĂ¡tis.
 Clique aqui./a /html

- -- 
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ICQ# 27816299
Saying Open Source DRM is the same as saying 
Military Intelligence. Repeating it makes my brain hurt!

author Unknown...
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] mandrake 9.1 beta2

2003-01-18 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Jure Repinc wrote:

Walt wrote:

got this from the expert list

beta 2 is out on the french mirrors
it is 2 cd's

Great. I was unable to bring up the network (3Com 3C905B NIC) in beta 1. 
I hope they fixed this in beta 2.

It wasn't broke in beta1. The networking worked just fine for me. In 
fact, the networking
in beta1 was better then in Mdk9.0. NFS in 9.0 has a terrible time 
umounting from shares
while beta1  beta2 are absolutely flawless. could it be that your NIC 
is a might flaky?

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Re: [newbie] Trojan alert - Australian IP (

2003-01-18 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Ralph Slooten wrote:

Hiya all again,

My webserver is running portsentry, and has, on a daily basis been
blocking and banning all connection attemps from an Australian IP,
running on the network.

-= Reason for the block =-
Port-scanning on port 635

-= What is relevance is Port 635 =-
Name: ADM worm
Aliases: ADM Inet w0rm, Linux.ADM.Worm,
Ports: 21, 23, 37, 53, 70, 79, 109, 110, 111, 113, 143, 513, 514, 635,
31337 Files: Admw0rm-v1.tar.gz - 7,427 bytes Admw0rm.tgz - Admw0rm -
1,725 bytes Gimmeip - 545 bytes Gimmerand.c - 314 bytes Incremental -
765 bytes Named_admv2.c - 5,892 bytes Remotecmd.c - 4,098 bytes
Scanconnect.c - 1,483 bytes Startup - 670 bytes Testvuln.c - 4,299 bytes
Created: May 1998 Requires:
Actions: Worm / Rootkit / Backdoor
Notes: Works on Unix (Linux). Affects Linux RedHat 4.0 to 5.2

I'm presuming this is a dial-up system, as there aren't too many Linux
systems running those old versions of Redhat, but it maybe someone's
server or something. My guess is that it's someone on this list trying
to access my webserver on a daily
basis, as it's some coincedence that I get 1 block every day from the
same network.

IP: Well, there is no real point in publicising the IP, as every day
it's different (hence the dial-up theory), but in total about 75% of all
my blocks / bans come from the network.

It doesn't bother me, but it may be bothering you as I'm sure my server
won't be the only one blocking/banning all connections from you, so the
better option is to find and get rid of this problem.

Please, if any of you are on this network, and suspect you may be
infected, or are just worried if it's you, contact me (privately), and
we can see if we can find a solution for this.

As to the security breach of this trojan, I'm not sure. But it's not
good anyway, considering it's a trojan ;-)

Look, I may be wrong, as it may be the ISP itself, but before I alert
them, I think you guys concerned should maybe have a browse around and
check it ain't you.



have you done the leg work in tracking these connections and reported to 
the ISP they're coming from yet? That _should_ be the first place to 
begin. If your theory is correct then the sooner they know about it the 
better for all concerned all the way around.

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Re: [newbie] Trojan alert - Australian IP (

2003-01-18 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Ralph Slooten wrote:

On 18 Jan 2003 16:51:54 -0600
Jason Guidry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 15:03, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

For any POM's and Yanks that have a whinge,  /dev/null

I think I speak for all the americans on the list when I say...HUH???

Hehe, I knew this would happen LOL. Stephen you started it again,
lmoa :D  But the point of this toppic is missed already. Jason, you
ain't on the australian network I mentioned, so that's cool ;-) Let me
rephrase the above sentence to:

cat  /dev/null

... just to save 4000 replies ;-)



Thats something I've not yet done. Just exactly how does one do that to 
an incoming connection. I'd be real interested to learn.

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 9.1 beta2

2003-01-18 Per discussione Mark Weaver
H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Saturday 18 January 2003 18:31, Mark Weaver wrote:

H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Saturday 18 January 2003 17:37, Walt wrote:

got this from the expert list

beta 2 is out on the french mirrors
it is 2 cd's

Dang, I've got a monthly max of 2500M and I'm at 1780 already.=:o(

Looks like I'll have to pass on beta2 this time and wait for beta3 in
That's a shorter month luckily=:o)

Good Luck,

well heck Harm...maybe I could mail'em to ya. No charge! I can't think
it would cost more
then a few bucks to get'em to ya.

Good of you to offer, but not much use as I'll be short of time too.

It's weekend so at the earliest it'd get here by Tuesday. Which wouldn't give 
me more than a single day for testing and bug reporting.

On Wednesday I'm aboard ship again making preparations to load on Thursday to 
France, with a mere 9.5k gsm connection and no proper testboxes. That means 
no big maillists or downloads until I'm back round about the 4th.
by that time beta3 or maybe even 4 will be out=:o)

So no testing but a perked up bank account for amends, a person could do 
With a bit of luck I might even pick up a copy with one of the French mags, 
they've got a choice of 3 - 4 excellent linux mags there.

It always makes my day to get off ship during the unloading and buy all of 
them at the nearest 'maison de la presse'=:o)

I'll just have to take your word for it, on how bad or good it is in the 
So do keep posting yer yeeha's!=:o)

good testing,

Will do. Safe sailing and have a good trip.

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Re: [newbie] problems with new install

2003-01-15 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 03:17 am, Colin Jenkins scribbled nervously:
 On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 21:01:51 -0500

 Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For your printing have you tried installing Cups for that. Cups does a
  real nice job of taking care of printing needs and has the drivers for
  most, if not all, of the major brands of printers you can get these days.
  As for your DNS entries...check the /etc/resolv.conf file and see if your
  entries are there. If not, enter them directly into that file. That
  should take care of that for you.
  - --

 thats the problem Mark, something is overwriting resolv.conf every time I
 reboot. I also have a which does not get overwritten.
 As for the printing problem, I am using CUPS. As I said, I have
 reinstalled, but somthing must be corrupted. (sounds just like windows)

scary, isn't it?

have you tried making the changes to resolv.conf and the chmod'ing the file to 
600 so that its readOnly? I'd give that a try and see if your changes stick 
after a reboot.
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ICQ# 27816299
Saying Open Source DRM is the same as saying 
Military Intelligence. Repeating it makes my brain hurt!

author Unknown...

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla error messages

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Sunday 12 January 2003 11:50 pm, John Richard Smith scribbled nervously:
 Everytime I put up mozilla web browser, I get an error message about
 now having /usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/chrome/packages/core/sidebar.xul

 but it doesn't say anything about what to do to correct it.

 Any suggestions

 clicking the message off does not seem to harm things much
 that I can tell so far, but maybe I haven't come across the problem


Hi John,

The first thing I would do to correct this problem is Uninstall all the 
Mozilla packages and then reinstall them. first though, just for the same of 
curiosity, check the path that is given in the error message to verify that 
the file it's complaining about is indeed not there. 

Once you've installed the app things should be ok then.
Powered By Mandrake Liinux 9.0 || Toshiba Portege
ICQ# 27816299
Saying Open Source DRM is the same as saying 
Military Intelligence. Repeating it makes my brain hurt!

author Unknown...

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Re: [newbie] Where is proftpd?

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Tuesday 14 January 2003 11:39 am, fifner the dragon scribbled nervously:
 I ran the ftp utility in the mandrake control center (mandrake9). It
 installed proftpd for me.

 Where can I find proftpd?

 And does it run with a GUI? If not, can I get a GUI for it?

 Thanks in advance,


the answers to your questions are in order of appearance:

runs as a service - it is an FTP server: service proftpd start|stop|restart|

I'm wondering though...from your post it sounds as though you understood 
Proftpd to be a client that would allow you to transfer files? is this 
correct? If so...that is not the case. Proftpd is an FTP server and will 
allow others to upload/download files to/from your machine. Once it's 
correctly configured that is...

If all you really wanted was a client program with which you could 
download/transfer files from your computer to other computers then gFTP does 
a nice job and is very likeyly already on your system.

In the event that you did indeed mean to install an FTP server on your 
computer, then why eat hamburg when you can just as readily eat steak? and 
very good steak at that. ( Pure-FTPd ) IT's much more secure and a bit less 
work to get setup and running. each his own...
Powered By Mandrake Liinux 9.0 || Toshiba Portege
ICQ# 27816299
Saying Open Source DRM is the same as saying 
Military Intelligence. Repeating it makes my brain hurt!

author Unknown...

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Re: [newbie] M9.1beta1 install

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Dennis Myers scribbled nervously after reading Mark's message:
 On Sunday 12 January 2003 06:56 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:
  3) Bootloader refused non install , insisted on being installed
  4) refused opportunity to create boot disc
  5) upon reboot , found lilo had not been installed after
 all,though it certainlyleft you the impression it had.

 I ALWAYS use an expert install (press f1 when the cdrom first
 boots and at boot: type expert) since it gives one more options.
 lilo can be installed on the first sector of the boot partition
 (hda7 in your case), boot disk option is available.

 I used expert install on my second harddrive with cdrom as secondary
 slave and  ide0 disabled. Install was flawless, except I couldn't
 get kmail to work  (might have been firewall problem if I could find
 the firewall) sound card is  recognized but can't find the volume
 control, it is very sparse for apps with  only one cd.  Oh yeah, I
 forgot that I had hdc mounted on my main hda and so  when it changed
 the partitions with the OS install on hdc my hda boot up  install
 failed on errors on /dev/hdc1, couldn't get a recovery so had to
 reinstall and wipe /usr and the /hdc1 and /hdc6 partitions to get
 hda back.  Dumb mistake. Any hoo, I am not thrilled with the default
 KDE icons colors  etc and wish I knew why kmail can recieve but not
 send. Said that senders  address was missing a ? can't remember.
 Will try again on beta 2.  Charge on, --
 Dennis M.  linux user # 180842


I'm curious as to the type of error you got with Kmail, because I've
been running it under 9.1 and it's working just fine. I'm wondering
what I've done, or you've done differently.


Stupidity has no moral high ground. It can't see that high!

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Re: [newbie] My friends don't know better yet (can Mandrake 9 handle a .zip file ?)

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Stephen Kuhn scribbled nervously after reading Mark's message:

 Unless I know who the ZIP file is from, I generally use:

 rm -rf


 UnZIP has been part of linux for quit some time - and ARK (if you're
 using KDE) or File-Roller should be able to pick it up just by a
 double-click on the archive itself - but here is the output from
 just typing unzip in a terminal: that a new one? I don't recognize that unzip command.  ;)

Stupidity has no moral high ground. It can't see that high!

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Re: [newbie] Free the code

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 13 January 2003 05:09 pm, Anne Wilson scribbled nervously:
 No go, Derek.  I found the plugins in /usr/local/netscape/plugins, so I
 copied them to /usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/plugins and /usr/lib/netscape/plugins. 
 I reckoned that I must have covered all the options by then, but when I
 re-activated the link to Free the Code I still got an almost empty page.



have you considered trying Opera? you don't appear to be having very good luck  
with Mozilla or Netscape. ;)_
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Re: [newbie] M9.1beta1 install

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 14 January 2003 06:11 am, Anne Wilson scribbled nervously:
 On Monday 13 Jan 2003 10:16 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
  I've just had a very trying experience trying to install this.
  1) ps2 mouse scrole wheel not detected at all, hardly important though.
  2) no /swap partition detected

 Although 9.1 is downloaded I haven't had time to look at it, so I'm reading
 with interest.  Just wanted to comment - 9.0 didn't see my swap partition -
 it installed another.  I have two swap partitions g


Hi Anne,

have you checked the cooker list at all for this particular weirdness? I've 
heard this a few times, but no one has yet really followed up on it. On my 
box the 9.1 install saw the swap partition without a problem.
- -- 
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Saying Open Source DRM is the same as saying 
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author Unknown...
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Re: [newbie] Install Mandrake 9.1 problem

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 14 January 2003 06:09 pm, Kaj Haulrich scribbled incoherently:
  you mean the drive itself couldn't handle the 700MB
  media? thats a new one for me, although I'm not saying
  it can't happen.
  - --

 Exactly, Mark. I repeated the fiasco on my laptop, same
 thing happened. Went back to 8.2, no problem there !
 It seems Mandrake made the .iso's hit the roof.

As I recall when 9.0 came out there was quite a lot of discussion on the lists 
as to why this came about, but I don't recall as to the why of it all. What 
speed did you burn the iso's at?
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Re: [newbie] Free the code

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 14 January 2003 05:00 pm, Anne Wilson scribbled incoherently:
  have you considered trying Opera? you don't appear to be having very good
  luck with Mozilla or Netscape. ;)_
  - --

 Well, life's a bitch sometimes, but by and large I can get what I need
 between them, so there are more important things to think of right now. 
 Maybe sometime I'll get a round tuit ;)


:) not to worry. I'm sure it'll never come to that. at least I hope not.
- -- 
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Re: [newbie] problems with new install

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 14 January 2003 05:59 am, Colin Jenkins scribbled incoherently:
 Hi all,
 got a strange problem here... finally got rid of winxp and installed mdk9.
 sound cd burners and nvidia card working fine..BUT
 whne trying to add a printer, got the error 'cant find /usr/sbin/lpd'
 reinstalled everything I could think of relating to printing, but no joy.
 Also, when I configure networking, I loose the dns search domain setting
 when I reboot. I have tried linuxconf and netconf with the same results. (I
 have 3 other boxes with 9 installed without this problem. dont know if its
 related, butselection grub does not seem to save either, it defaults beck
 to lilo. also just found a problem that my address book in Sylpheed did not
 seem to save.


For your printing have you tried installing Cups for that. Cups does a real 
nice job of taking care of printing needs and has the drivers for most, if 
not all, of the major brands of printers you can get these days.

As for your DNS entries...check the /etc/resolv.conf file and see if your 
entries are there. If not, enter them directly into that file. That should 
take care of that for you.
- -- 
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Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R)
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Re: [newbie] why china likes linux

2003-01-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 12:29 am, Robin Turner scribbled incoherently:
 Richard Babcock wrote:
  Interesting article in my local paper.

 Looks like we got our user base!

 Sir Robin

That would certainly explain all the crack attempts at my system over the last 
few months. Hell! I don't even bother going to the whois query servers any 
more I've become so familiar with the IP addy's that are showing up in my log 
files. I just write the owner of the netblock and tell'em to put those dogs 
on a shorter leash cause I don't like'em screwin around at the doors trying 
to find a weakness somewhere.
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Re: [newbie] This is personal!

2003-01-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Todd Slater wrote:

Playing with ROX and Fluxbox on 8.2. I have the pinboard working OK so I
can have desktop icons (not that I use them). So I spent time today
looking for icons and just generally customising the look and feel. (See
if you're curious.)

Problem is, I've invested so much time and effort in getting everything
just the way I want it, I'm having a hard time convincing myself I should
move to 9.0 or 9.1!

As has often been repeated on this list, choice is good.



how did you get past the glibc problem?

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Re: [newbie] This is personal!

2003-01-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Todd Slater wrote:

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 09:35:09 -0500
Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


how did you get past the glibc problem?

Funny you should ask, Mark. I hosed my system once trying to
upgrade all those packages. I'm running an old version of ROX (1.2.1).
Getting the latest version is really what's calling me to move to 9.0, but
I'm thinking I can hold out until 9.1


Hi Todd,

A funny thing happened today. just shortly after I sent that message I 
finished downloading the last of the packages I needed to satisfy those 
dependencies from cooker, and the install went flawlessly. glibc and 
all. first time I've ever seen that happen. And it was on a laptop to boot!

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla/Netscape problems

2003-01-12 Per discussione Mark Weaver
On Saturday 11 January 2003 10:59 am, Mike Larson scribbled incoherently:
 If I have a Mozilla (1.2.1 XFT) window open and try to open a Netscape
 7.01 window, I get another Mozilla window. If I close all browser
 windows and start Netscape, it opens normally. On the other hand, I
 _can_ open a Phoenix 0.3 window when Mozilla is running. I am starting
 all from the menu, which calls from /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla ,
 /usr/local/netscape/netscape  and /usr/local/phoenix/phoenix

 Anyone have an idea on how I can open Netscape without closing all
 Mozilla windows? I tried opening in a termialdoen't work.


Hi Mike,

Both Netscape and Mozilla use the same user directory, .mozilla, to do their 
thing when they're running. ergo, when you had Mozilla running and started 
Netscape it appeared as though another instance of Mozilla was running. 
When, in fact, it was actually Netscape.

The way to get around this is to setup a seperate profile for Netscape so that 
it isn't looking at your Mozilla dir, or the files contained therein. Once 
you've done this you shouldn't have this problem again.
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Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

2003-01-10 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 4:02 am, Mark Weaver wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Sunday 05 Jan 2003 4:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Success!  OK, partial success.  I removed all trace of java from my
machine, ran the upgrade from the 9.0 discs and then installed the
Blackdown java.  Mozilla and Galeon now work OK, but for some reason
Netscape 7.0 still refuses to recognize java.  Oh well, if I need it, I
have it!

Thanks for everyone's help.

I still can't work out what's going on here.  I installed Netscape 7 and
the java works perfectly.  Mozilla and Galeon on the other hand list the
plugins, but they don't work.  Mozilla has lost certain setting that it
had, and is now exactly like the Netscape setup.  They must be sharing
something somewhere.

It doesn't make any sense at all



They are indeed. They're both using the .mozilla directory. If you want
Netscape to appear as it's own app then create a new profile that you'll
use when running Netscape complete with it's own mail settings,
bookmarks and address book. That should straighten things out for you.


The whole thing is odd.  You may remember that all of this started for me 
because I could not get the navigation tabs and links to work in Mozilla on 
some sites.  After installing Netscape 7 I found that everything worked 
there, but there was no change to the problem in Mozilla.

Last night I found that Mozilla now displays all the tabs and links, though 
not all of the are active.  I suppose this means that I have changed a 
setting somewhere that is affecting it, but for the life in me I don't know 

Anne could always experiment with a fresh install of Mozilla. 
Uninstall the mozilla packages making sure you delete the dir and all 
the files therein in /usr/lib/mozilla-1.1, then do a fresh install of 
mozilla which you'll also want to create the symlink from the JDK 
package netscape java plugin to the /usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/plugins dir 
when you're finished and see what that does.

or...not. :)

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Re: [newbie] Which version of Mandrake?

2003-01-10 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Wednesday 08 Jan 2003 11:08 am, Walt Frampus wrote:

On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 02:18, Kesav Tadimeti wrote:

Someone (Sir Robin I believe) said that V8.1 was bad and 8.2 was
Mandrake's best release yet. Mandrake Linux 9.0 didn't receive a
favorable review from OS news .com. Is it better to wait for 9.1 or go
ahead for 9.0? And how do I upgrade an existing 8.1 to 9.0. Delete the /,
/usr mounts and reinstall? Please help.

Thanks in advance...

I love 9.0 but have to use it on an older machine because it doesn't
like the chipset on my newest computer but 8.2 will work flawlessly on
it. Not sure if any problems would incur if you choose 'upgrade' when
you put disk one of 9.0 in. It worked for 8.2 but I actually prefer a
clean install.

Agreed - go for the clean install.


I'll second and third that. Upgrades are troublesome and can be 
problematic at best. Clean installs are always best.

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Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server

2003-01-10 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Angus Auld wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Lyvim Xaphir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 08 Jan 2003 07:16:44 -0500
To: NewbieMandrake-List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] IBM Deskstars in Mandrake 9.0 server

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 10:52, Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Monday January 6 2003 08:00 pm, Andrew Miller wrote:

I built a server recently for web server, email server, file server
and other uses  and am running Mandrake 9.0 on it.  I used a pair
of 100 GB IBM Deskstars (120GXP's I believe).  IBM is having
problems with these drives failing and now recommends only using
them 330 hours a month, something less than 50% of the time (see  My question is whether my
use of these drives in a server application is something I should
avoid? Also, is there a setting for power savings that would sleep
the drive when it is not getting any hits (most of the time). 
Looks l could add a decent SCSI drive that is meant for always-on
use. Your feedback is welcome.

There's two schools on this, I side with those that believe 
spinning the drives down is a bad idea.  Sort'a like a lightbulb, 
they last longer if you're not always turnin 'em off and on ;)
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Lyvim Xaphir wrote: 
I'm in the school that turns stuff off.  I'm very uncomfortable with the
idea of comparing a hard drive with a short circuit.  I'm more amiable
to thinking of a hard drive as having miles, like a car; which is a
much closer anology.  It's closer because of bearing surfaces; the
number of rotations that the bearings have is finite,  just as the
number of rotations that your car crankshaft has is finite.  You don't
want to leave your car running all the time just to keep it operational.

Most of the time a drive fails not from it's controller electronics, but
rather from sealed bearing failure.  I know a fellow in the data
recovery business, and he is constantly getting old drives spinning long
enough to extract the data.  He does not spend a comparatively long time
replacing drive electronics.

Yes the temperature differentials have an impact, but only in those
cases that don't have good enough ventilation.  Also the impact of
temperature differentials is directly proportional to the scope or
variation bandwidth of those temperature differentials.  In a light bulb
scenario you are talking about probably the most extreme variance
possible in an appliance, since it goes from room temperature to several
hundred degrees in a fraction of a second within power-on.  In a direct
current solid state device, such as a hard drive, this is far from the
case, and even less so with adequate airflow.

I've been involved with hardware since the late 80's, and I still have
hard drives operational from that time.  They are not powered on 24/7.

Just my wooden nickel...


Wow Lyvim, do I ever agree wholeheartedly! I have never been 
comfortable with the idea of leaving something on when it isn't in 
use. Not a light bulb, not anything really. 

I don't know a lot about electronics, but I have been interested in things mechanical all my life. A hard drive has major mechanical components, and those type of components wear with use. Auto engines suffer from a wear factor upon startup that is more severe than normal, mainly due to lack of lubrication 
until the oil pump is able to supply the required oil under pressure to 
the bearing surfaces. HD's don't have that type of startup considerations.

I shut my comp down when I'm not using it. It makes me feel better to 
do that, it just seems the environmentally friendlier thing to do. 

Of course, that's just IMHO. I know there are those who make a valid case 
of on 24/7 too. To each his/her own. 

All the best!


all this stuff about DeskStars makes me real glad I'm a Maxtor only man. 
All my machines have Maxtor drives in them and they all run 24/7. 
Especially my gateway/firewall. The only time any of the machines are 
powered down is for a lightning storm or when I got on vacation. my 
gateway/firewall machine and the fileserver/mailserver have been running 
24/7 for the past two years. half the time I forget they're even there 
unless there's a problem with on the mailserver.

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Re: [newbie] Phoenix 0.5

2003-01-07 Per discussione Mark Weaver
David Williams wrote:

On Monday 06 January 2003 09:07 pm, Todd Slater wrote:

On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 20:24:41 -0500

David Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not that anybody really cares.

But I tried Phoenix and I am about to uninstall it. I don't notice any
difference in performance between Mozilla and Phoenix (I have a 1.4GHZ
AMD) and I like the stuff like Open a Web Page in Moziila (among
other things). Just my two cents worth in case anybody else is going to
try Phoenix out.
David Williams

What's the Open a Web Page you refer to?


Actually, its Open a Web Location under the File heading. I have it set to 
Open in a New Navigator Tab. I like the feature as you have a pull down for 
commonly used web pages like Slashdot.  I think the implementation of tabs 
is better done in Mozilla than in Phoenix.

You can also access that functionality by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+L.


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Re: [newbie] Which is better:KDE or Gnome?

2003-01-07 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 06 Jan 2003 8:04 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:

james Mellema wrote:

On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 11:49, walt wrote:

Actually the only thing republicans are doing is creating an unnecessary
war but that has nothing to do with linux.. besides, Linux users must be
left wing liberal Democrats because they don't follow the norm..


Whose is Norm?

I vote for:
KDE, libertarian, mechanist, Alaskan ANWAR oil exploration.

May I as a list member on a dial-up connection with limited mail box
space ask WhoTF Norm  is and WhyTF politics are doing on a linux list?
Come on guys answer a few questions or take your non-linux stuff off list


Or set a filter on your machine to ignore them



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