[cia-drugs] Singapore: deal die.

2010-08-15 Thread michael1
Coming drug split:
After forming huge economic alliances, (Africa may become United States of
Africa), the tendency will for smaller geographic areas worldwide to be
controlled on their own.
States will have the power of former countries, counties will have the
power of former states, and towns will have the former power of counties.

In many areas the tendency is for drugs to become more legalized.  This
tendency will grow.

There is also the opposite tendency, for some small areas to shun drugs
completely.  This will become very dependant on a number of factors.

Singapore today is a prime example:  There are zero teenage drug deaths in
Singapore.  There are about zero drugs.  Why?  I just saw the stamps on a
flight ticket this morning.  If you are caught with drugs in Singapore you
die.  Period.


Both full legalization and full-complete illegalization work.  Nothing in
Singapore is almost like an old Greek city-state.  It is one of the most
international places.  International shipping is #1.  For this to work
they need complete safety.  Shipping #1 also explains why drugs-no

Exceptions prove rule.  General mass tendency will be for greater
legalization.  And as smaller areas get more power answers to all are
easy.   Move next door.


2010-07-25 Thread michael1


Re: webs above: Iran's was featured.

What would members of this list suggest the CIA be replaced with?  And how
would you propose to fund it without illegal drug money?  I am being
serious, not funny. (I apologize for times I was a bit snide.)

Personally I am glad/proud that I ended the us vs. them game.

With glee Putin replays the inner aspects of the 'Pollard spy / Israeli'
pointer.  Betrayed by who and why??

I am looking for direction.  What is a way forward that will keep real
security?  Why do we continue to play the ain't it awful game?

This should start with understanding exactly why the 118 (correct, up from
108) nations of the reformed Non-allied  Nations support Iran.


Re: [cia-drugs] Drug users must be decriminalized along with scale-up of combination treatment and changes to drug control

2010-07-23 Thread michael1
Article in Bangor Daily News: (Bangor, Maine).
They are legalizing pot for medical reasons, you must have a script.

First discussions were about who could dispense.  Now discussion is of
price per ounce.  Dispensers now say they must sell at high price, about
$400 bucks an ounce.  Their reasoning: buyers might resell.  Real reason: 
They are playing both sides of street, legal and illegal, and want the

My answer:
When dispensers open hit them with an anti-trust suit.

 Drug users must be decriminalized along with scale-up of combination
 treatment and changes to drug control
 July 20, 2010

 In a paper in The Lancet Series on HIV in people who use drugs, a call
 to action is made by experts who say that while scale-up of various
 interventions outlined in earlier papers are vital, these are not
 enough. Drug users should be decriminalised, along with other changes
 in policy on drug control and law enforcement. The paper is by
 Professor Chris Beyrer, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
 Health, Baltimore, MD, USA, and colleagues.

 The authors highlight that it is possible to control HIV epidemics in
 people who use drugs with currently available strategies, such as
 opioid substitution (OST), needle and syringe programmes (NSP), and
 antiretroviral treatment (ART). The evidence backs a massive scale-up
 of all three in combination. Now is the time, say the authors, for
 countries to realise that national harm-reduction policies, programmes
 and services are desperately needed; failure to act or continuing with
 inadequate pilot programmes will not prevent the HIV epidemic in drug
 users advancing.

 The authors say: The dangers of inaction in meeting the needs of
 people who use drugs include continuing spread of HIV infection in new
 populations and regions, increased complexity of HIV-1 epidemics at
 molecular levels, decreased access to opioids for pain management and
 palliative care, and the human, family, health, and social costs of
 mass incarceration and detention.

 They add: Expanded action and advocacy by health professionals on
 behalf of people who use drugs are urgently needed in both health-care
 and criminal justice sectors. Health professionals should not be
 complicit in programmes and policies that have no evidence base or
 that violate human rights. The voice of people who use drugs
 themselves needs to be heard at all levels, from service delivery to
 policy decision making.

 Highlighting that reform of justice systems is a large part of harm
 reduction, the authors call for decriminalisation of drug users, along
 with legal services and access to health services for people who use
 drugs in all forms of prison and detention. They say: If drug control
 sectors and law enforcement are not a part of new approaches, then
 harm-reduction programmes will be closed, substitution clinics will
 stay sparsely attended, and ART and preventive interventions will have
 a low uptake by drug users.

 They conclude: Only around 10% of people who use drugs worldwide are
 being reached [by current treatment programmes], and far too many are
 imprisoned for minor offences or detained without trial. To change
 this situation will take commitment, advocacy, and political courage
 to advance the action agenda. Failure to do so will exacerbate the
 spread of HIV infection, undermine treatment programmes, and continue
 to expand prison populations with patients in need of care.

[cia-drugs] gulf in Gulf

2010-06-17 Thread michael1
Swedish firm Stena AB out of Gothemburg just steamed a giant rig, (‘Stena
Forth’, under own power), all the way from the Gulf of Mexico to midcoast
Maine, (Rockland), for quick repair.
Six giant thrusters will be replaced. This means they will be lowered to
the harbor floor, 120 feet down, and as ship moved they are then pulled up
by barge. Then procedure reversed. Quite a project.

Many rigs are operated by Sweden who also monkey-flag the vessels and are
subcontracted by oil firms. The one that blew in the Gulf of Mexico was
monkey-flagged from Marshall Islands. Though Marshall Islands are US
territory the US in not responsible for inspection. The Marshall Islands
were responsible and they could not possibly perform that function. And
this why chosen. Hush-hush, blush-blush.
This is never mentioned as all the mud is thrown at BP. The problem is
international and can only be solved in that manner. Ships offered by
Europe to help clean up were illegal because of the US Jones Act. And on
and on. Law of Seas only since 82 and very, extremely, weak.

Stuff I am mentioning here is not being talked about in the open.

Re: [cia-drugs] Dissociative Identity Disorder From the Child Abuse Wiki

2010-06-05 Thread michael1
From below at end:
...One review of the literature found physiologic and  ocular
differences across alter personalities. ...
Often one personality needs glasses and another can see fine.  Same eyes.
No explanation.
We don't know what this is.
Often some personalities do not know of others.  But at times they all
come together and produce what is called in the military a 'Clear eyes'.

Truth is...
we don't know too much at all.
 Dissociative Identity Disorder From the Child Abuse  Wiki


 copied  with permission

 Dissociative identity disorder (formerly called  Multiple Personality
 Disorder or MPD) is defined in the DSM-IV-TR as the  presence of two or
 personality states or distinct identities that  repeatedly take control of
 behavior. The patient has an inability to  recall personal information.
 extent of this lack of recall is too great to  be explained by normal
 forgetfulness. The disorder cannot be due to the direct  physical effects
 of a
 general medical condition or  substance.[1]

 DID entails a failure to integrate certain aspects of  memory,
 consciousness and identity. Patients experience frequent gaps in their
 memory for their
 personal history, past and present. Patients with DID report  having
 physical and sexual abuse, especially during childhood. The  reports of
 patients with DID are often validated by objective  evidence.[1]

 Physical evidence may include variations in  physiological functions in
 different identity states, including differences in  vision, levels of
 tolerance, symptoms of asthma, the response of blood  glucose to insulin
 sensitivity to allergens. Other physical findings may  include scars from
 physical abuse or self-inflicted injuries, headaches or  migraines, asthma
 irritable bowel syndrome.[1]

 DID is found in  a variety of cultures around the world. It is diagnosed
 three to nine times more  often in adult females than males. Females
 15 or more identities, males  eight identities. The sharp rise in the
 reported cases of DID in the U.S. may be  due the greater awareness of
 diagnosis, which has caused an increased  identification of those that
 previously undiagnosed.[1]

 The  average time period from DID’s first presentation of symptoms to
 diagnosis  is six to seven years. DID may become less manifest as patients
 reach past their  late 40’s, but it can reemerge during stress, trauma
 substance abuse. It is  suggested in several studies that DID is more
 likely to
 occur with first-degree  biological relatives of people that already have
 DID, than in the regular  population.[1]


 Individuals  diagnosed with DID demonstrate a variety of symptoms with
 fluctuations  across time; functioning can vary from severe impairment in
 daily functioning to  normal or high abilities.[2]

 Patients may experience an extremely  broad array of other symptoms that
 resemble epilepsy, schizophrenia, anxiety  disorders, mood disorders, post
 traumatic stress disorder, personality  disorders, and eating


 The causes  of dissociative identity disorder are theoretically linked
 the interaction  of overwhelming stress, traumatic antecedents,[3]
 insufficient childhood  nurturing, and an innate ability to dissociate
 memories or
 experiences from  consciousness.[2] Prolonged child abuse is frequently a
 factor, with a very high  percentage of patients reporting documented
 often confirmed by  objective evidence.[1] The Diagnostic and Statistical
 Manual of Mental Disorders  states that patients with DID often report
 a history of severe physical  and sexual abuse. The reports of patients
 suffering from DID are often  confirmed by objective evidence, and the
 notes that the abusers in those  situations may be inclined to deny or
  these acts.[1] Research has  consistently shown that DID is characterized
 by reports of extensive childhood  trauma, usually child abuse.[5][6][7]
 Dissociation is recognized as a  symptomatic presentation in response to
 psychological trauma, extreme emotional  stress, and in association with
 dysregulation and borderline  personality disorder.[8] A study of 12
 murderers established the connection  between early severe abuse and

 DSM  inclusion

 DID meets all of the guidelines for inclusion in the DSM  and is supported
 by taxometric research.[10] Research has established DID as a  valid
 diagnosis.[10] In one study, DID was found to be a genuine disorder with a
 constant set of core features.[11]


 The 19th  century saw a number of reported cases of multiple personalities
 which Rieber  estimated would be close to 100.[12]

 By the late 19th century there  was a general 

Re: [cia-drugs] BREAKING NEWS: Ship MV RACHEL CORRIE delivering humanitarian aid requests safe passage to Gaza

2010-06-01 Thread michael1
Much was gained by renaming the President Warfield the MV ‘Exodus’ in 1947


The name 'MV Rachel Corrie' is not bad.

But can always be renamed the MV ‘Moses’.

“Let my Gaza people be.”


 BREAKING NEWS: Ship MV RACHEL CORRIE delivering humanitarian aid requests
 safe passage to

  [image: Rachel

 *Photo:  Matthias Chang and volunteers on MV RACHEL CORRIE*

 Ship MV RACHEL CORRIE delivering humanitarian aid requests safe passage to

 The ship MV Rachel Corrie is delivering hospital supplies to the hospital
 Gaza that that not had supplies for 3 years since the blockade on Gaza

 The MV Rachel Corrie has well-meaning UN diplomats on board like Dennis
 Halliday, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq.


 After the MV Rachel Corrie left Ireland, its engines died as it went
 the Straits of Gilbraltar, and it was left behind by the flotilla.

 Apparently now the MV Rachel Corrie is determined to continue with its
 humanitarian mission of delivering the hospital supplies for the hospital

 I just found out that this morning through an email from my friend Mathias
 Chang that a number of my friends like Dennis Halliday and Matthias Chang
 are on board the MV Rachel Corrie and are determined to deliver the
 supplies to Gaza.  Dennis and Matthias and I are friends, because I am a
 Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, and Mattthias is the Chief
 Prosecutor of the Tribunal, which has indicted George W. Bush and Tony
 for war crimes in Iraq.

 They have asked people to get the word out to Israel that their intentions
 are peaceful.

 As an international Judge, I am now in communication with the office of
 Prime Minister of Israel, and of Ambassador Gabriela Shalev, the Israeli
 Ambassador to the UN

 We are trying to avoid another incident on the high seas here with good
 faith negotiations.

 On behalf of the MV Rachel Corrie, we have asked the Prime Minister and
 Foreign Minister of Israel and Israel's UN Ambassador to give safe passage
 to the MV Rachel Corrie to deliver its humanitarian cargo to Gaza.

 Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: matth...@skzcchambers.com matth...@skzcchambers.com
 Date: Jun 1, 2010 8:38 AM
 To: undisclosed-recipients



 RACHEL CORRIE: MV Rachel Corrie is now the sole ship on the international
 freedom flotilla moving towards Gaza.

 The Malaysian and Irish peace and humanitarian activists aboard share
 deepest grief and sense of lost with the loved ones of those killed and
 injured in the illegal action undertaken by Israel on Monday 31st May 2010
 in the international waters of the Mediterranean.

 In the names of our friends, we are more determined than ever to continue
 into Gaza with our humanitarian cargo and our support for the blockaded
 suffering people of Gaza.

 We expect Israel to respond to the international condemnation of its
 violence by not impeding by any means the safe passage of the Rachel

 We appeal to the international community and United Nations to continue to
 demand Israel our safe passage into Gaza.

 Jointly issued by Malaysians and Irish on board the Rachel Corrie.


 Sent on behalf of the humanitarian activists on board the Rachel Corrie -
 PGPO land team (Ram Karthigasu and Christopher Chang)


 Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
 3339 West 41 Avenue
 Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
 TEL/FAX: 604-733-8134
 Email: pe...@peaceinspace.org


[cia-drugs] Rare Blair Snare

2010-05-21 Thread michael1
Mr. Clark Hoyt (‘public’ editor)

Dear Mr. Hoyt,

Re: today’s New York Times editorial regarding the sinking of the North
Korean corvette Cheonan and the death of 46 sailors.

Many note the timing of the resignation of Admiral Dennis C. Blair and the
twisted-off editorial blaming ‘only’ North Korea for the obvious act of
war.  Many are remembering that it was Admiral Blair while head of Pacific
Command in a speech in Monterey who said not to worry about war breaking
out between North and South Korea.  Admiral Blair noted being in a light
plane where you could see both sides of the peninsula and noted both sides
would suffer too much if anything really broke out.

Admiral Blair:

Times’ Cheonan editorial:

Many note how near the Demarcation Line when you go from the Yellow Sea
toward the Bo Hai.

Many note that absent from both your reporting and the editorial is that
not only would subs firing the missile be unnecessary but noting the
waters would also be unlikely.  Many note that the likelier scenario would
be setting the torpedo as a mine with an exploding sensor of the signature
of that particular ship.  And note how easy for anyone to do so noting the
closeness of well-traveled sea-lanes.  Many note that absence as glaring.

Many note the Times’ aim in the editorial is to get the public to continue
to support the misuse of the UN Security Council.  Many note that 118
nations are supporting Iran in that area.

The ‘many’ noted above are not the average New York Times reader.  But the
many above are more knowledgeable.  The lesser ‘many’ above will in time
trump your more numerous average reader.

Michael Donovan

[cia-drugs] BP pp

2010-05-06 Thread michael1
dis da pi**

Maritime Professional weekly update
Networking, News  Opinion

Too Big to Fail?
The scope of the U.S. Gulf oil spill continues to expand, testing the
limits of
public and private response capabilities. We can't afford to fail. Can BP
afford to
Magic Pipe Murkiness Surfaces Again
Time to stop loading the dice against masters
Indian shipping tonnage at record level
Recent vessel acquisition spree by Indian ship owners has helped to
bolster the
national shipping tonnage.
Propulsion Shaft Failures
The University of Gdansk, Poland published a paper quoting ABS figures for
propulsion shaft failures and Offshore Supply Vessels and tugs amounted to 66
percent of the total failures in the report.
Suez Canal
The vital waterway between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea
First Free Trade Warehouse Zone likely by SKIL
Free Trade Warehousing zones are the latest creation of the container
trade of
Jawaharlal Nehru Port

Re: [cia-drugs] Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack

2010-05-02 Thread michael1
If or not rig blown.  Many swat teams called out.  Depleted all swat teams
as so many rigs.  Indicates some at top thought it might have been blown.

If so… who…?  Fairly sophisticated so environmentalists would not be high
on list.  So still a question.

Implication if blown…:  In any case…, even if just a question…:  Shows how
fragile all is.  We can’t afford wars.  Peace is ugly.

 Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack
 By Captain Eric H. May
 Intelligence Editor
 The Lone Star Iconoclast
 Rush to Judgment?
 HOUSTON, May 3, 2010 -- Rush Limbaugh, the superstar of right-wing talk
 radio, has always been quick to savage conspiracy
 theories. On Thursday though he revealed his own, which is that the BP
 Horizon explosion was caused by environmentalists, and that federal
 SWAT teams fanning out across the Gulf of Mexico are part of a national
 defense response.
 What better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants, than by
 blowing up a rig? he rhetorically asked. I'm just, I'm just noting the
 timing here.
 Rush Limbaugh blames ‘environmentalist wackos’ for massive oil
 spill, The Raw Story, 4/29/2010,
 We shouldn’t dismiss “Rushbo” as a conspiracy theorist, even though
 the master of talk radio has learned to hurl that pejorative at callers
 who suggest unpopular explanations that he would rather not hear or
 broadcast. No, we should recognize that Rush understands political and
 criminal reality well enough to recognize what I learned in four years
 with Houston-area police: conspiracy is one of the most common crimes on
 the books.
 I began to listen to Rush in 1990, the same year I was a Desert Storm
 volunteer. I often disagreed with his geo-political positions,
 but appreciated his on-air (and self-proclaim) excellence in
 broadcasting.” I shared his contempt for the mainstream media, even
 after I began publishing regularly op-eds in mainstream publications like
 the Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle, and the Houston Post. I
 continued to laugh at his satire and oratory, enjoying his brawling
 bombast even when he put his foot in his mouth. I generally accepted
 his pro-football analysis, and was disappointed when he flubbed up and
 lost his position as a Monday Night Football commentator.
 Bush's military misadventures brought us to a parting of the ways.
 Writing military analysis for the Houston Chronicle, I published pieces
 forecasting a long, unwinnable “quicksand war” in Iraq. Rush, one of
 many pro-war hawks with no military experience, predicted the same cake
 walk that the Bush administration did. I had the strong impression that
 Rush was waking up to the Bush League errors of the cheerleader in chief
 in the summer of 2003, but within weeks of his first remarks against
 George W., he was arrested in Governor Jeb Bush’s Florida on narcotics
 An Anti-Lambaugh Conspiracy?
 It was my own conspiracy theory that the Bush boys were working in tandem
 to make sure that Limbaugh parroted the official line -- or else. The same
 view was pretty common among my Texas journalism buddies, who, like me,
 were personally familiar with the likes of George W., Jeb, George H.W.,
 Joe Albaugh and Karen Hughes. They were capable of any kind of dirty trick
 or payback.
 Like most regular Rush listeners I was convinced when he used to accuse
 the Clintons of sexual misconduct, Whitewater crimes and even
 assassinations, most notably White House lawyer Vince Foster. Unlike most
 “ditto heads” though, I could see the same truths of corruption and
 killing when the shoe was on the right foot. For those who blame Rush for
 not criticizing Bush, let them consider that a month after Rush was under
 virtually arrest, pending Bush League prosecution, George W.’s biggest
 political danger died mysteriously in Houston, and was as covered up by
 the mainstream media as Vince Foster had been a decade before:  
 Dead Woman Who Accused Bush of Rape Pravda, 11/12/2003,
 It was high irony for this Cold War, Russian-speaking military
 intelligence officer that I had to read the story of her death in Pravda.
 Sometimes a good scout has to look behind enemy lines to assess the real
 situation. To this day I continue to read such sources as Pravda, Haaretz,
 Al Jazeera and Press TV. Anyone with a background in investigation learns
 to scan and process as many diverse sources as possible, and to shun the
 public relations and propaganda that combine to spoil the American
 monopoly mainstream media.
 Conflicting Conspiracies
 Two extremely divergent publications below illustrate the value of
 The first is an Israeli newspaper noted for its connections with the
 ruthless and resourceful Mossad intelligence agency. In a 

[cia-drugs] Illicit drug mud

2010-04-12 Thread michael1
We use illicit drugs to pay for world nuclear security.  Power corrupted. 
It is falling apart.  Now something hit the Internet that has many going,
Oh, s**t.
It is accurate.  It blows apart so many areas of 'defense'.  It is hard to
argue with.  If one would start to, as many do, argue against Aegis, some
would counter. You cannot counter this.  Nothing is said.  Quotes because
it came from someplace.  Does not matter where.

(Quote: from someplace knowledgeable)
“…The Problem With Proliferation: Cruise Missile Edition:
March 2011. The still of the pre-dawn darkness is only slightly disturbed
by the passage of a container ship. Like the many thousands of others like
her plying the ocean’s ways, this one’s cargo is neatly stacked on the
deck — ISO shipping containers in a multitude of colors and shippers
markings. As the fog bank thickens, a radar scope is closely scrutinized
on the bridge. Out here, off the shipping lanes no other merchant traffic
is expected and, it would appear, neither were there any signs of fishing
craft or more troubling, naval or coast guard ships. Earlier in the night
a code had been passed via an internet podcast and confirmed via a secure
webpage. Soon, very soon, part of the ship’s cargo would complete the long
journey begun in Sverdlovsk.
Up forward, locks are removed on two of the containers and a pair of
shadowy figures enter each container. A series of muffled noises from the
interior of the boxes is rapidly followed by their tops falling to one
side and a brace of four tubes quickly rise to the vertical. A minute or
two passes and the quiet is shattered by a series of explosions. From each
tube a long, slender figure emerges atop a cloud of gases.
Bright flames suddenly appear and the forms race off to the far horizon,
away from the sun, still hours away from rising.
NAVSTA Norfolk has been home to US naval aviation ever since Eugene Ely
first flew his fragile, kite-like aircraft off a makeshift platform
mounted on the anchored USS Birmingham. From her roadsted, flattops of the
Essex, Midway, Forrestal, Enterprise and now the Nimitz class sortied to
distant spots on the globe to carry out the missions assigned — presence,
deterrence, and when necessary, the fury unleashed from their decks and
the holds of their escorts reinforced the determination of a free people
to remain free.
On this early morning, Pier 12 is brightly lit in floodlights as the two
Nimitz-class carriers, USS Harry S Truman (CVN 75) and USS Theodore
Roosevelt (CVN 72) complete preparations for an emergency sortie on the
tide. Both had pulled into Norfolk one day prior with their full airwing
complement on board to take on one final round of provisions and the
remainder of their embarked airwing personnel and equipment. Tensions have
dramatically risen in the Gulf over the past few weeks following Iran’s
declaration of nuclear capability. There had been no detonation, and some
were saying it was just a boast – that the Iranians were still years away
from really having the capability for even a couple of weapons. Still,
Israel had attempted a long-range strike only to recall it when the US
threatened to expose the mission. A show of force was in order and to
reinforce the two carrier presence in the Gulf (Eisenhower and Washington
were already there) the Vinson was being turned back from a Hong Kong port
visit and TR with Truman would join her outside the Straits of Hormuz.

After launch, the boosters on the eight 3M54TE1 missiles quickly burnout,
fall off and quieter turbojets take over. Guided by GPS coordinates they
sped along at little over 50 ft above the ocean’s surface, their terminal
homing radar units quiet for now. Back on the container ship, a new course
is plotted, away from the launch scene. As the ship steadies up on an
easterly heading, a series of explosions rip through her keel and below
the waterline. The ship breaks in two, the stern section quickly sliding
beneath the waves. As containers break free and plunge into the sea, the
bow slowly rolls over and begins a long slow descent to the bottom. An oil
slick, some debris and a few containers supported by trapped pockets of
air are all that is left. There are no life boats.
Farther to the west, in the operations center of NORTHCOM/NORAD a watch
officer notes a disturbance and places a report.
“Watch supe, DSP1. I have a multiple IR event, western Atlantic off the
North Carolina coast. Position 36-21 north by 74-24 west.”
“OK…initial analysis?”
“It looks like a possible series of explosions, but there isn’t anything
else – whatever it was happened fast.”
“Roger – initiating conference call” Reaching for the intercom panel,
punches up a series of buttons.
“All stations, NMCC, this is NORTHCOM watch with a multiple IR event
report. At 0807Z DSP1 reported a multiple IR event position 36-21 north
and 074-24 west – request by station report”
“STRATCOM with negative space or missile event”
“FAA – no air traffic that area”
“Fleet Forces with a 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: 10 Shot 4 Dead in DC Tonight

2010-04-05 Thread michael1
  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, michael1@ wrote:
   A few days ago there was quite a bit of shooting on Howard
  Don't know who wrote paragraph below but the phrase ...no show...
  got me
  thinking he might really know what he is talking about.
  I've ...slowed my roll
   Road, where another good samaritan like me received a shot
   over the bow and I was called out by name and several men
   came down and I casually looked them in the eye and went
   about my business, slowly. I was getting attention because
   I gave a ride to somebody they regarded as a rat for calling
   cops on them because they were using the interior stairs
   for seating for a social club, no problem, but were verbally
   intimidating and scared a resident into having police ban
   them from the stairs. They shoot in the air after cop cars
   pass with their lights flashing, many times. I waited on
   another corner for a person to show up, and an undercover
   (I did not know so) asked if I wanted him to unlock the
   building front door but I declined the offer. A rented van
   asked a woman on the corner who I was, which did not
   make sense right away, but then after a no-show I decided
   to leave and then pretty soon the police jumped out all
   over with guns drawn and stayed into the next day when
   a horse-mounted cop joined in. Not sure what that was
   really about, and police so far do not say they know of a
   motive for tonight's driveby.

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: 10 Shot 4 Dead in DC Tonight

2010-04-04 Thread michael1
I am now assuming that you are not actively driving a cab in DC.  Correct?
I wrote my 'The Fall of Norfolk' piece after I was out of area.  Kept my
mouth shut there on most things.
But we had codes for shootings over radio, Happy human activity on 29th
Bay.  Meaning best to stay away from there.

There is massive change at top.  Internet is taking its toll.  Few in
alternate media even see this.
And yes, inside military taking control.  General McCrystal now has the
power that generals would have, not Joint Forces Command confusion.
Alternate media sees much of the Israel vs US snippy match more just for
show not looking at why.  The 'why' is Internet.
Thank you for keeping me up.
You were doing something else.

 I was supposed to wait ten minutes but after two hours I left.
 It all depends whether I would leave or not. The person did
 show up after that, and then two or three van loads of
 undercovers jumped out and next day, a horse-mounted
 cop. The current story about Fellowship and Friends low
 rent for rightwing congressmen(doesn't sound low to me!)
 is C St SW too but on the other side of the Anacostia River
 in Capitol Hill.

 After reading your piece about the third time, here's related
 news. Something about Denmark and Russia meeting in a
 curiously limited group, probably Canada, maybe Iceland.
 Then Gates limits retired generals pay and conflicts of
 interest when consulted. Army ranked over other services
 in new/reverted chain of command at Pentagon. Plus
 a few other things like Israel embarrassing US with Gaza
 attacks and Obama turning on the implacability with Iran
 like Bush with Saddam.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

  A few days ago there was quite a bit of shooting on Howard
 Don't know who wrote paragraph below but the phrase ...no show...
 got me
 thinking he might really know what he is talking about.


 I've ...slowed my roll

  Road, where another good samaritan like me received a shot
  over the bow and I was called out by name and several men
  came down and I casually looked them in the eye and went
  about my business, slowly. I was getting attention because
  I gave a ride to somebody they regarded as a rat for calling
  cops on them because they were using the interior stairs
  for seating for a social club, no problem, but were verbally
  intimidating and scared a resident into having police ban
  them from the stairs. They shoot in the air after cop cars
  pass with their lights flashing, many times. I waited on
  another corner for a person to show up, and an undercover
  (I did not know so) asked if I wanted him to unlock the
  building front door but I declined the offer. A rented van
  asked a woman on the corner who I was, which did not
  make sense right away, but then after a no-show I decided
  to leave and then pretty soon the police jumped out all
  over with guns drawn and stayed into the next day when
  a horse-mounted cop joined in. Not sure what that was
  really about, and police so far do not say they know of a
  motive for tonight's driveby.

Re: [cia-drugs] 10 Shot 3 Dead in DC Tonight

2010-03-31 Thread michael1

 A few days ago there was quite a bit of shooting on Howard
Don't know who wrote paragraph below but the phrase ...no show... got me
thinking he might really know what he is talking about.


I've ...slowed my roll

 Road, where another good samaritan like me received a shot
 over the bow and I was called out by name and several men
 came down and I casually looked them in the eye and went
 about my business, slowly. I was getting attention because
 I gave a ride to somebody they regarded as a rat for calling
 cops on them because they were using the interior stairs
 for seating for a social club, no problem, but were verbally
 intimidating and scared a resident into having police ban
 them from the stairs. They shoot in the air after cop cars
 pass with their lights flashing, many times. I waited on
 another corner for a person to show up, and an undercover
 (I did not know so) asked if I wanted him to unlock the
 building front door but I declined the offer. A rented van
 asked a woman on the corner who I was, which did not
 make sense right away, but then after a no-show I decided
 to leave and then pretty soon the police jumped out all
 over with guns drawn and stayed into the next day when
 a horse-mounted cop joined in. Not sure what that was
 really about, and police so far do not say they know of a
 motive for tonight's driveby.

Re: [cia-drugs] Vatican denies abuse liability, Pope implicated, bishop accused beating orphans

2010-03-31 Thread michael1
From Yahoo link below:
...VATICAN CITY – Dragged deeper than ever into the clerical sex abuse
scandal, the Vatican is launching a legal defense that it hopes will
shield the pope from a lawsuit in Kentucky seeking to have him answer
attorneys' questions under oath.

Court documents obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press show that Vatican
lawyers plan to argue that the pope has immunity as head of state, that
American bishops who oversaw abusive priests weren't employees of the
Vatican, and that a 1962 document is not the smoking gun that provides
proof of a cover-up
Were the priest 'agents of a state'?  If diplomatic immunity affirmed by
the Kentucky court then it ups the anti into higher international.
court keeping Pope as head of state.  Still responsible.

Non absolved if you do-don't.


 Law firm implicates Vatican, Pope in abuse case By CHRISTINE ARMARIO  AP
 March 31, 2010 MIAMI - A South Florida law firm is implicating the
 and Pope Benedict XVI in its handling of a priest accused of sexually
 abusing children. Jessica Arbour, an attorney representing one of the
 victims, says documents show the Vatican was aware of Rev. Ernesto
 Garcia-Rubio's misconduct as early as 1968. Thirteen years later, Benedict
  became head
 of the Vatican office that received a petition from Garcia-Rubio  seeking
 to leave the priesthood. Arbour says the paperwork was lost. Arbour says
 they do not have any evidence indicating children were abused during that
  A lawsuit has been filed against the Archdiocese of Miami, claiming it
  negligent in its supervision and assignment of the reverend. Arbour says
 it may  be amended to include the Vatican.

 Vatican offers 3 reasons it's not liable for abuse   By NICOLE  WINFIELD,
 AP  Mar 30, 2010 VATICAN CITY – Dragged deeper than ever into the
 sex abuse scandal, the Vatican is launching a legal defense that it  hopes
 will shield the pope from a lawsuit in Kentucky seeking to have him answer
 attorneys' questions under oath. Court documents obtained Tuesday by The
 Associated Press show that Vatican lawyers plan to argue that the pope has
 immunity as head of state, that American bishops who oversaw abusive
 weren't employees of the Vatican, and that a 1962 document is not the
  gun that provides proof of a cover-up.

 The Holy See is trying to fend  off the first U.S. case to reach the stage
 of determining whether victims  actually have a claim against the Vatican
 itself for negligence for allegedly  failing to alert police or the public
 about Roman Catholic priests who molested  children.

 The case was filed in 2004 in Kentucky by three men who claim  they were
 abused by priests and claim negligence by the Vatican. Their attorney,
 William McMurry, is seeking class-action status for the case, saying there
 thousands of victims across the country.

 This case is the only case that  has been ever been filed against the
 Vatican which has as its sole objective to  hold the Vatican accountable
 for all
 the priest sex abuse ever committed in this  country, he said in a phone
 interview. There is no other defendant. There's no  bishop, no priest.
 Vatican is seeking to dismiss the suit before Benedict  XVI can be
 questioned or documents subpoenaed.

 describes  abuse

 German bishop accused of beating orphaned girls April 1,  2010 One of the
 Pope's closest conservative allies in Germany, Bishop Walter  Mixa, has
 accused of brutally beating and flogging children in his care.  The Bishop
 of Augsburg, 68, denies the claims by five former pupils at a
 orphanage and care facility. But they will be a source of deep
 and concern in the Vatican: Bishop Mixa is part of a conservative  axis in
 Pope Benedict XVI's native Bavaria that has always backed the pontiff in
 his most controversial decisions, from criticising the violence of Islam
 Regensburg cathedral, to rehabilitating the Holocaust-sceptic Bishop
 WilliamsonThe beatings were regular and always brutal.

 At least 50  times Mr Mixa pulled down my trousers and beat me on the
 bottom with a stick,  five or six whacks each time, Mr Tagwerk
 blows were always  administered in places where the bruising could be
 hidden -
 high up on the arm  or on the bottom. One of the victims, a man who is now
 44, reports being flogged  with a carpet beater, 35 strokes each time._

Re: [cia-drugs] Health dooms America to Pharma-domination

2010-03-23 Thread michael1

The Army Times far more independent than most realize. Still conservative,
of course.
This is big.
It is such a deliberate misuse of humans.
Army Times also broke the General Van Riper story.
These are good signs. Much of the inside military had to be behind this
for this to come about.

 From: stard...@bellsouth.net

 Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and

 Monday, March 22, 2010
 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
 Editor of NaturalNews.com

 (NaturalNews) Today the medical mafia struck another devastating blow to
 the health and freedom of all Americans . With the support of an
 inarguably corrupt Congress that has simply abandoned the real needs of
 the American people, the sick-care industry has locked in a high-profit
 scheme of disease and monopoly-priced pharmaceuticals in a nation that can
 ill afford either one.

 And this Pharma-funded betrayal, it turns out, was led by the Democrats.
 Passed on a 219-212 vote that was only accomplished thanks to closed-door,
 last-minute secret meetings among the last holdouts, this new legislation
 puts America under the stranglehold of the medical mafia while doing
 absolutely nothing to address real health care reform. There is no mention
 in the bill, for example, of vitamin D for preventing cancer, or
 orthomolecular medicine for preventing degenerative disease. There's not
 even a word about protecting health freedom or ending the century of
 oppression that has been waged against naturopathic practitioners by the
 AMA, FDA and FTC .

 The new legislation does, however, lock in billions of dollars in monopoly
 profits for the pharmaceutical companies -- the same companies who spent
 millions of dollars pushing for its passage and who depend on the
 continuation of sickness and disease for their future profits.

 There's only one problem with this health care reform bill: It doesn't
 reform health care . It has almost nothing to do with health care at all,
 in fact: It's really more of an effort to expand a broken sick-care system
 . When faced with the problem that our sick-care system doesn't work ,
 Congress somehow decided that fixing the problem merely involved expanding
 the failures to include everyone!

 And you don't even get a choice in the matter, either. All Americans are
 now required to pay into a sick-care system of monopolized, pharmaceutical
 medicine even if they reject that failed system of medicine . So the
 healthy people who actually take responsibility for their health are
 financially penalized and forced to subsidize profits for drug companies!

 Watch my recent video called Healthy Without Health Insurance in America .
 It's on YouTube right now at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWuX2s7h55A
 Has America gone mad?

 I love America. Or, more accurately, I love what America is supposed to
 stand for: Freedom, opportunity, abundance, free choice, diversity...

 But I'm increasingly noticing that America's leaders don't believe in
 those ideals at all. They are betraying the American people by selling out
 our futures to the corporate monopolists. They are turning America into a
 corporatocracy , and the passage of this monopoly sick-care system is yet
 another perfect example of just how easily our own lawmakers will sell out
 the People just to appease the powerful chemical industrialists who
 dominate medicine today.

 They have sold out our futures to keep themselves in power, and isn't that
 the worst kind of betrayal of all? People's live are on the line here.
 While people like myself and many other health freedom champions are
 fighting for health freedom and an end to human suffering among our fellow
 brothers and sisters, we've got our national leaders essentially aiming
 the artillery at our own people and yelling Fire! Through their actions
 with this health care reform bill, they are forcing people into
 circumstances that are going to cost countless lives and many trillions of
 dollars in wasted expenditures and lost economic productivity.

 Our Congress has betrayed us (yet again). I believe that with perhaps the
 exception of Rep. Ron Paul, every single Senator and House Representative
 should be thrown out of office at the next election, stripped of their
 power and sent home to face their home-district families that they have
 now doomed to a lifetime of sickness, disease and pharmaceutical toxicity.
 Our national leaders claim to be voting on Health Care but what they
 really delivered was Hell Care , because dying of cancer while on
 chemotherapy while no doctor can legally tell you that vitamin D prevents
 4 out of 5 cancers is, indeed, a living hell (or dying hell, in this

 And speaking of Hell, the dark energies that have been provoked and called
 upon in this battle for pharmaceutical dominance over the 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-22 Thread michael1
Thank you, Karma.
Islam was provided with what is acknowledged as the greatest military
invention that the world has ever come up with.  They used it wisely.

Gaddafi has really learned the ropes.  He came close to being whacked.  At
that level there are some rules for assassination.  Basically “You
assassinate ‘them’ not ‘us’ at our level.”  In the past I found that
upsetting.  If assassinations were allowed to go to leaders every leader
would be a target.  Now this can only be done under certain conditions.

Gaddafi sent a strong message with where he put his ceremonial tent when
he spoke in the UN.  (Hard to explain.)   This was in conjunction with
Russia’s Arctic Sea statement.  The loud screams that continue over Iran
sound, and are, more and more in desperation.

I always check the remarks on news sites after a story when possible.  On
some they can be ordered into the ‘most recommended’.  You should have
seen the reaction to drug killings in Mexico.  Both the US and Mexican
governments are blamed and most just said that the only choice is to
legalize all of it.  Most every reply, (about 2/3rds), used ‘Prohibition’
in the first sentence.

You might think I am popping around but trying to get to the spread of
attitude change.
When I wrote the ‘Aqaba is in Dallas’ piece here I should have prefaced it
with more basic ‘island nations’ vs. ‘land nations’ or ‘allies’ vs. ‘axis’
info.   ‘Axis’ is an old term that was popularized by Bonito Mussolini. 
It is a line from Murmansk on top of Russia to Cape Town, South Africa. 
This is the land axis that has been pummeled by the sea traders for the
last 5 to 6 hundred years.  They do have the resources.  What was talked
about in Pakistan was worrisome because it made such sense.  You can whack
those who are problems under certain conditions.  But you can’t alter
(Trades were made.  When is the last time you were in a US motel not run
by Pakistanies?)  (I started Bhutto’s daughter’s book but never finished

This is what is again emerging.  And it is for real:
It keeps snapping back to the man with the hammer.  The greatest military
invention of all time is the stirrup.  I’m better at poetry:

I With Kubla Khan Did Beat

I with Kubla Khan did beat
White war hoof on the victim street.
And shared with every victor seat
The splendor of the foe’s retreat.

T’was I who fought so close to you,
Who stayed the charge – Fu Tut Manchu.
Who with Czar-son – Petrofski Skevar
Had boasted multitudes of scar.
And with the Shah-son – Balbul Amir
Had charged the steppes with bow and spear.
Who with Tartar and Cossack and Hindu and Turk
Under stirrup and pack did your dirtiest work.

More, I from Kubla Khan had fled
White war hoofs that had turned to red.
And with retreating bleeding dread
Had stood beside my master – dead.

Did you think of me as your bearer of Mars?
As with head in the saddle you looked at the stars?
While you slept so close to earth,
This I heard from Heaven’s mirth:

“Far above his lover’s wail
Earth’s poet god beyond the pale,
Dreams sea-cousins in fighting ships
Whose right hand stands upon the sea,
And leaves his left, with our hoof on ground:
Land nations as a fort surround,
To war by war each beat to pound.”

But this I heard alone in clouds
As sleep you lay in dreamy shrouds.
As sleep you lay on saddle earth
Whose picket line of sentry worth,
Of steaming nostrils, silvered girth,
Has framed the stars that gave you birth.
And who rode through all your wars?
Who cavalries Calvary’s troubled sores?
And so destined to your course
Has breathed so noble as I, your horse?

 nice thread. just wanted to add a bit of buried history here. in 1974,
 pakistan's zulfikar ali bhutto convened an islamic summit in
 islamabad. co-chaired with gaddafi. attended by all leaders of islamic
 nations, from saudi royalty to uganda's idi amin.

  gaddafi's and bhutto's proposal was simple and brilliant. the islamic
 world at the time held a population of 800 million and controlled vast
 resources. united they could form a third major power in a world carved
 up by the west and the soviets.

  three years later bhutto was toppled and five years later he was hanged.
 not long after, gaddafi had sanctions imposed on his country over the
 lockerbie affair and he survived a bombing raid.

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-21 Thread michael1
Thanks, you made many good points.
It is fairly well, (about completely), acknowledged in Africa that you
cannot plop down and form of democracy.  There are no long-standing
institutions to base it upon.  Military dictatorships work best to start. 
Moscow trained long-standing Sudan head, Omar al-Bashir, wrote a good
piece on this but can’t find it on the Internet.

South Africa is an example of pushing democracy too quickly: not good at all.

Islam works best to start.  They have prevailed in running backward
societies for a long time.  Within a short time the situation becomes very

When Gaddafi stood up at the UN and said that the Security Council is
corrupt, (head of the secret non-use of nuke pact), he got a standing
ovation.  This was spun another way in Western news.  The sudden crisis in
Nigeria is because we are loosing inner control.  That is why Gaddafi made
his ‘odd’ statement to the effect that Nigeria had better either work
together or break up.  Nigeria, in some respects, has been the most
dynamic holding those three strong tribes together.

What is developing now is that it is working together to become one large
political and banking block.  A real force.  Thanks.

 Beautiful poem. I should not give too much away.
 I have a shangaan ringtone. I felt the horse liniment
 last summer, and things happened like visions before
 the campfire. I know people with those names, too.
 Maybe the Mao Mao were homeless squatters, the
 victims of false flag ops. Maesai and pygmies have
 recently been evicted, some to concentration camps,
 and now the US citizens are beginning to experience
 that 1920's 1930's Dust Bowl Grapes of Wrath here.
 Matthew McDaniel rides his horse OR to NYC to
 protest land stealing by a US-backed monarch in
 Thailand. Have Sri Lankan fishermen won back
 their beach villages since the hurricane(see Naomi
 Klein on US wrong side there again). Bush New
 Orleans. Jessica Lynch was well treated in Iraq.
 Israeli apartheid and Leb Hezbollah won that Alamo.
 US aggression in Somalia caused taxation by piracy.
 Pat Robertson and Ibrahim Bah; blood diamonds.

 Every African nation where they have succeeded at
 democracy, truth and reconciliation with or without
 justice process, development, also is working against
 misogyny and rape. Women's issues and enfranchisement
 are moving forward in Africa, and one reason the USG
 had to hang Lockerbie Pan Am 103 on Libya's Gadafi
 was because Libya had equality for women and ended
 exim nationalization while the US still had exim and
 banking nationalized without land reform completed
 yet in El Salvador or glasnost perestroika. Now we
 are still backing misogyny, dictators, warlords, and
 would no doubt back monarchs if Afghanistan and
 Iraq had not both refused US transparent attempts
 to prolong British monarchy as in Jordan and Saudi.

 It should have been obvious in Liberia in 2004 that
 though cannibals, the indigenous side was the only
 right side due to only fighting for enfranchisement
 and an end to Afro-American imitation of southern
 US plantation model and a caste system. We back
 monarchs and dictators and secretly raise up the
 misogynist political islamists and practice cocaine
 colonialism and monocropping and a host of other
 evil and stupid losers. There is no way to win
 with any of that, except in the old British sense of
 making an empire wheeze on a little longer. Old
 Pat Robertson bought blood diamonds from RUF
 army child hand hackers to oppose abortion as
 wedge issue collapsing into empire as Bushwa

 Either we stop giving US bees patent medicine or
 they die off. Then we wouldl take down trade barriers
 to foreign food with melamine and pesticides and
 whatever Blackwater  wants to feed us at whatever
 price the hidden Enron partners want to charge us
 from Dubai. FEMA pointed guns at hungry and
 thirsty people in New Orleans. There was no free
 gas for airboats. Burning oil and a photo op for
 Bush was all the dimwit losers had.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

Re: [cia-drugs] Power in north Re: Power in south

2010-03-21 Thread michael1
Thanks, Bob,
I would imagine a lot of inner doo-doo in changing North American
transportation!  Don’t have a lot of the specifics.

You might remember the Video’s of the Branch Davidians made by that female
attorney.  Her name and the names of her vid’s escape me.  Linda
Thompson? Perhaps.  I spent some time with her on the phone in the mid
nineties.  She was curious about an early map of my father’s dividing the
US into ten districts.  I see that today it is the FEMA districts.  So any
map she was referring to was pre 1975.
Very early long term planning must be done.  I am now of two minds
regarding some of this.  In many respects democracy is just a pain in the
rear.  You must do the inner planning anyway.  When I got into problems
with the government I tried to see it as ‘all bad’.  Thankfully I got rid
of that giant resentment.
Gorby said, “Your turn next,” when the wall was taken down.  We have just
begun. We cannot have long-term growth capitalism.  That would be death. 
We need a period where every screams ‘isms’, (you commie twat, you liberal
twit, you socialist ghost), until the lungs tire out.  Already laws are
being changed to allow short-sea.  Put that in the open and all hell would
break loose.

Yes, sometimes governments need lead on the inside.  But in the West we
have become so corrupt that it seems impossible to change.  It runs on its
own muck.  That was bothering me.

Now I see the change will start elsewhere.
South America is really collecting into one force.  Many shocked that US
and Spain would somewhat support Argentina re recent Falkland smugabug. 
But it is a desperate attempt to hold on to inside power that is slipping.
The main forces, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru are saying ‘get out’.  Columbia
is a silly smile, “Okay, fine.  We will play your drugwar game.  Shoot
some bullets in the air and give some baked up body counts.”  Why not? 
Money is money.  And they know the drug game weakens us in the long run.
All the methods of corruption around both African and South American
governments are known.  They are being slyly countered.
Sudan agreeing with Chad is the start of another Peace of Westphalia which
the entire world sorely needs.
Slog slog.  Mud is mud.  But I see a bright future.

 Michael, you would really have fun looking at the geography
 of the Colossus of Roads. Have you met Mary Hartman here?
 Something's up where Saudis, Mayo, St Lawrence seaway,
 Mississipi, interstates north-south east-west, Canada-US,
 east-west and north-south railroads, O'Connor Lansky crupt,
 strategic offensive biowar, Whitewater-CastleGrande-Branson
 land stealing crew, CIA, wilderness and species conservation
 with CIA and human genocidal and land stealing aspects,
 FBI running police cover like Franklin-APEC-Boystown,
 all suggests Carroll Quigley's starship Civitas Dei is about
 to land again. Maybe they have Thomas Gold deep earth oil,
 but so far it's just all the other geography, and your interior.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-20 Thread michael1
We are all on same page.  AFRICOM important.  Did I post the letter I
wrote to General Ward of AFRICOM?  I think I did.
From looks of Chad and Sudan and even strangness in Nigeria I think Africa
is doing their own Peace of Westphalia but keeping it inside.  Anything
they do out in open becomes a target.
And I certainly support Turkey.  I don't know what Sweden is doing, have
friends there and they too are embarrassed.
France and England just as responsible for Armenia. Armenia teaches you
not to trust a jump country.  Keeping enemies close does not mean
betraying them while in their lap, lol.
 hear hear!
 albeit experience has demonstrated you not reciprocating communication /
 direct question.
 That is of course your prerogative, and I love ya just the same,
 but such seems to go counter to your below expressed position?
 My Friend ;-)

 - Original Message -
 From: muckblit muckb...@yahoo.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 11:11:22 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

 The level of political, intellectual discourse by the common people
 in Latin America and Africa leaves us behind. They are not afraid
 of the old CIA puppet dictators. No African nation wants AFRICOM.
 People mob farm foreclosure auctions in Latin America and either
 shut them down or buy the farmer's land cheap for him. Then it
 surprised me to hear that the same paradigm was practiced here
 during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression.

 I thought we were still being beat up by importing smart people
 from India and Pakistan. Paks have taken Brighton Beach from
 the Russians. Why do we need broadband if we can just let all
 the B-1B foreigners replace us at a third the cost? Can't we all
 just be morons? Being middle class has so many obligations,
 including an orderly thought process so as not to spam the


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Many in the US might be so shocked at level of inside control that
 think unstoppable. The real solution will come from the outside. The
 Third World. To many this is hard to believe. This is why I posted
 the opera in Mexico.

 Another sign all over the net is the expensive decision to get
 to as many citizens as possible in the US and in the UK. Why?

 Because we are falling more and more behind in invention. Less and
 percent of patents and on and on.

 So the broadband decision shows the level of desperation.



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Re: [cia-drugs] Power in south

2010-03-20 Thread michael1
Wow, thanks. General Zinni too.

 dear Michael,

 this might interest you?:

 National Broadband Plan

 also, if you feel like it, please elaborate on the 'South Power' factor.


 - Original Message -
 From: micha...@midcoast.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 5:51:37 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Power in south

 Many in the US might be so shocked at level of inside control that they
 think unstoppable. The real solution will come from the outside. The
 Third World. To many this is hard to believe. This is why I posted about
 the opera in Mexico.

 Another sign all over the net is the expensive decision to get broadband
 to as many citizens as possible in the US and in the UK. Why?

 Because we are falling more and more behind in invention. Less and less
 percent of patents and on and on.

 So the broadband decision shows the level of desperation.



 Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/

 Please let us stay on topic and be civil.

 Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [cia-drugs] Power in south

2010-03-20 Thread michael1
Re: Power in the South:
Simplification of world situations is the hardest.

One simplification, (not an oversimplification), is:  “Aqaba is in
Dallas”, “Hadrian’s Wall is in New Bedford”, and “The only road back to
Jerusalem is through Gulu”.  These are just broad, but useful, geographic
images from history.

“Aqaba is in Dallas”:  We control the world by using navies to control the
flow of oil.  Technology has turned on itself.  The AK-47 now trumps the
carrier based battle group.  This is now admitted to even in the
prestigious Naval Institute’s magazine: Proceedings.
Like Lawrence’s decision to cross the desert and attack Aqaba the guns are
trained on the sea and cannot be turned.  This is why Chavez visits the
Kalashnikov factory in Russia.  It is to reinforce the knowledge of this. 
(BTW the 47 stands for 1947!)

“Hadrian’s Wall is in New Bedford.”  Most all colonialism, the contacts,
were based on the contacts in the first world-wide industry; whaling. 
Even in the American Revolution the seaports were bonded to the
international bankers- New York City remaining Tory until the end.  Mao
knew it was far more important to take the countryside.  Once he won he
moved all universities inland.  We have reached that limit.  Normal war is
impossible throughout most of Latin American and a good portion of Africa.
 In vast areas of South American the cities are in the high-ground- at
altitudes for better temperature.  In one case a mere squad of men held up
all transportation to a city by attacking a nexus of roads through the
jungle for a full month.   Many of these areas can also exist better
without electric or oil.  Not well…, but exist.  War is war.  Another way
of saying this:  The South is less dependent on resources such as oil and
very rich in them.  Much of our oil, for example, comes from Venezuela and

“The only road back to Jerusalem is through Gulu.”  This is really coming
about at present.  ‘Jerusalem’ here is used to represent a world coming
together on critical strategic issues.  It really is in progress.  Even
the Christian Science Monitor admitted to the CIA’s focus on Gulu, (north
of Kampala), as a listening post.  We must accept a collecting Africa. 
They are to be the breadbasket of the world.  (Perhaps not so oddly this
too has just been touted by the Christian Science magazine format.)  As
Africa collects into one power it both reinstates the Peace of Westphalia
concept, (more than just Chad and Sudan), but wisely leaves the Gulu and
LRA area for last.  Like the United States ‘island jumping’ in the South
Pacific in the war against Japan.  LRA not on the maps but for a long time
an African country bigger than the Iberian peninsula covering areas north
of Gulu, teensy slices of Ethiopia, large portions of southern Sudan,
parts of CAR and big hunks of the Congo.  Both Turkey and China are very
ahead in understanding this.  Now most critical international meets are in
Istanbul, (not Ankara!!).
Chinese language teachers in hot demand both in Africa and all over South
America including land-locked Bolivia.

As this is new to some will repeat with slightly different slant:

“Aqaba is in Dallas. Hadrian’s Wall is in New Bedford. And the ONLY road
back to Jerusalem is through Gulu.”

Aqaba is in Dallas:
The present control of the world is mainly the Western world’s sea power
protecting the oil business. From the demonstration of General Van Riper,
etc, this has finally been admitted. The NYTimes did so in editorial but
was careful to use the phrase ‘mid ocean navy’ and omitting the terms
‘blue water navy’ and ‘littoral’. You might be able to research this by
Googling littoral and navy but you would need wade through tons of ‘mil.
babble’. To simplify this just realize that the AK-47 has trumped the
cruise missile. Eventually low-tech beats high-tech but it is a slow
The image comes from WW I and Lawrence of Arabia’s surprise attack on
Aqaba across the assumed impassable desert as the guns of Aqaba were
trained on the sea and could not be turned. ‘Dallas’ represents oil

Hadrian’s Wall is in New Bedford:
We are still enmeshed in a postcolonial period worldwide. In general this
shows itself on the first worldwide sea trade, the whaling industry. To a
great extent, (worldwide), there is tension between the port areas and
inland areas. New York City stayed ‘Tory’ until the end of the American
Revolution. Mao saw this and kept his Long March inward ignoring the
seaports until the end. Even after that revolution he saw the continuing
psychological danger and moved all colleges and universities inward to the
countryside. Areas in northern latitudes where technology is more
necessary, (cold climates etc.), inland areas are reduced to inward
frustration. They are far more a real power south. Those land areas more
vested in ports tend to break off. Portugal is to Spain as the Benelux
nations and old Holland is to Germany as the real Phoenicians were to the

Re: [cia-drugs] Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests' 30.09.06 The Pope played a leading

2010-03-20 Thread michael1
The comments are telling on the link.  Seems you might look at the
banking/political angle within the Church as being very similar to
Franklin etc.  This is bigger mostly because of the emotional impact.

 Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests' 30.09.06 The Pope played a
 leading role in a systematic cover-up of child sex abuse by Roman Catholic
 priests, according to a shocking documentary to be screened by the BBC
 tonight.  In 2001, while he was a cardinal, he issued a secret Vatican
 edict to
 Catholic  bishops all over the world, instructing them to put the Church's
 interests ahead  of child safety. The document recommended that rather
 reporting sexual  abuse to the relevant legal authorities, bishops should
 encourage the victim,  witnesses and perpetrator not to talk about it.
 And, to
 keep victims quiet, it  threatened that if they repeat the allegations
 would be  excommunicated.

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south

2010-03-20 Thread michael1
(Note: less than two weeks after I sent this Kenya exploded.)

General William E. Ward
Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller
Ambassador Mary Carlin Yates

Dear Ambassador Yates, General Ward and Admiral Moeller,

Permission to speak frankly as you three are in deep doo doo.

You learned nothing from Lebanon?  The militia was part of a female social
organization the power of which surprised both the CIA and Mossad.  The
greater war for Africa looms.  First we had the stupidity of Admiral
Timothy J. Keating with his almost ‘nuke terrorist’ exercise in
Charleston, S.C.   I posted letter to him on Internet prior (over 14,000
readers first week) and the exercise that would have ‘given too much away’
called off.  See http://www.midcoast.com/~michael1/webnukeletter.htm

But you go into deeper shit.   “Coastal” meetings have taken place that
starts the process of Africa working together as “…one country…”.   It
will: but not in that fashion.  That is the ‘outside’.   As Mao understood
prior to his ‘long march’ the interior is far more important.  You
continue to ‘play sides against each other’.  It did not work in ‘many
groups / religions’ Lebanon and it will not work in Africa.  Africa will
collect from the ‘inside’.  It will not be ‘ordered’.  No, (at least
visible), ‘central command’. Who will you be fighting then?  Terrorists?

Are a group of guys who shoot soldiers in the back when there is no
declared war terrorists?  Of course they are.  It happened.  They met
later in a barn frightened that the ‘government’ would come after them and
hang them for treason.  But a rider pulls up and informs them that a
revolution is afoot.  Ethan Allen names his group the Green Mountain Boys
and continues.

You did right when you set up a ‘CIA’ listening post in Gulu (Christian
Science Monitor).  But you didn’t listen.   You wish to prosecute Joseph
Kony.  He was caught between the old Black Jewish sects of Ethiopia,
Christians and Muslims.  The Lords Revolution Army was: “One God, Ten
Commandments or we shoot you.”  Seems nonsensical until you realize that
it is a common denominator that you dare not go past.  So even if UN
captures and hangs him after peace declared, so what?  It was not that
specific philosophy but the general concept that spread to Lebanon.  As it
will now spread (from inside out) in Africa.  That seed is sown: the
ground fertile.

Admiral Moeller,
You learned nothing from General Van Riper?  First you ‘overlook’ the
sinking of the H.M.S Sheffield because ‘only other navies (secretly our
‘friends’)’ could do such.  And you held that view even after ‘surprise
Soviet naval maneuvers’ of 1984.  Missiles better than that French missile
can now be hid in the sand on the seabed.  Woods Hole Oceanagraphic
‘Hydrods’ can only detect metal to 3 meters.  You even used ‘platoons’ of
dolphins off the Gunsten Hall.  But you had to keep bringing in animal
trainers because of ‘dolphin boredom’.  You sent down divers over every
point you saw a trawler stop in the Golf.  Think that is enough?  Attack
on Cole and whatever was in Aqaba was inept compared to what is coming. 
John Lehman made a big point about loosing surface ships as “…sometimes
necessary…” citing Midway.  How many do you think you could afford to
loose in this day and age, sir?  You nixed the Land Attack DD 21 in favor
of “Littorals’.  All four are out of San Diego because of Malacca.  Before
you tried to protect that 1200 miles of shoreline with rubber boats and
fifty caliber.  Think this is better?  You can bury effective missiles in
the sand with launchers made from nothing but liquid vinyl and sawdust. 
About anything else you would need can be picked up at Toys-R-Us.  Those
Littorals are now only targets.

General Ward,
Sir, there is one thing you will never do here.  You will never be able to
‘define the battlefield’.   A non-military for intel?  More shades of
Rummy, sir?
What is being shown as ‘prime target’?  If Algeria example, it will be the
Of course.  See ‘play’ at link above.

Ambassador Yates,
Ahmadinejad states recently that he is holding another unspecified card
re: nukes.  What do you imagine this is?  See also play at link above.

Hedley Donovan was the best at naval intelligence in WW II.  (Song from
South Pacific, ‘Happy Talk’ was tribute.) Once in Hawaii he had only a
short time to locate Jap fleet.  He puts out simple directive to spies on
every island.  They had to go down to the local bar and report the talk as
either ‘happy’ or ‘serious’, nothing in-between.  With just this he
located fleet at Leyte Gulf.  In the same sense if you want to see what is
‘connecting’ in Africa watch for those ‘army’ Toyota pick-ups that have
the most females with the soldiers (as Lebanon).  But that won’t even do. 
They will think of this also.

I see just what you are doing.  What I think about your present
relationship with Kenya is unprintable.

Perhaps some poetry will express this better.  Poetry follows.

With all respect,

[cia-drugs] Power in south

2010-03-19 Thread michael1
Many in the US might be so shocked at level of inside control that they
think unstoppable.  The real solution will come from the outside.  The
Third World.  To many this is hard to believe.  This is why I posted about
the opera in Mexico.

Another sign all over the net is the expensive decision to get broadband
to as many citizens as possible in the US and in the UK.  Why?

Because we are falling more and more behind in invention.  Less and less
percent of patents and on and on.

So the broadband decision shows the level of desperation.


Re: [cia-drugs] US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego Garcia for coming attack on Iran

2010-03-17 Thread michael1
Today in Mexico that opera goes on and on and makes a storm.
Protesters around the President chant: “You are the drug runner, President.”

Not so here.  Here we have no-course changing art.  As a group we are too
afraid and/or the situation has not become dire enough.

I am beginning to see why Mr. Roberts was a success.  We have all played
Mr. Roberts at one point or another.  I remember mine.  I locked our
platoon sergeant in his 2nd floor squad room.  All hell broke loose and
there was a company formation with the top screaming at us.  They would
‘catch this guy’, whoever did it.   I spoke up in formation and said, “I
locked him up.” The top dismissed the formation except me.  When the CO
gave out the article 15, (a light wrist slap), he had trouble keeping a
straight face.  I was known from then on as “Lockup Donovan” or just
“Lockup”.  But now I see that it probably, as in the play, inspired others
to do the same.

We don’t dare toss off the captain’s potted palm here.

 - Original Message -
 From: micha...@midcoast.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 10:54:36 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego
 Garcia for coming attack on Iran

 There the play is the thing...
 Here we are still learning to play Mr. Roberts...

 ruxpert response:

 we, Here fully practiced on our TVs, Already know how to play such,
 right Here as we see you  me play precisely such, Mr. Roberts! ;-)

 La Société du spectacle - Society of the Spectacle

Re: [cia-drugs] US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego Garcia for coming attack on Iran

2010-03-16 Thread michael1
Iran takes the uranium and puts it right out in the open.  Makes a thing
of it.

NYTimes does a beautiful job spinning it.  Saturday edition, front page.
(Sat least read they did not want to push it.)
The spin is this: “Oh, we are so confused, we don’t understand what this

The obvious is: Iran: “You would not dare.”
And we wouldn’t: hence spin.

And now they play the alternate media like lap dogs.  Just put some nukes
in Garcia and let it out.
The coming peace is far more frightening than war.

 - Forwarded Message -
 From: James Morris
 To: traitors...@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010
 Subject: US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego Garcia for
 coming attack on Iran

 US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego Garcia for coming attack
 on Iran



 Additional via http://AMERICA-HIJACKED.COM

Re: [cia-drugs] US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego Garcia for coming attack on Iran

2010-03-16 Thread michael1
There the play is the thing...
Here we are still learning to play Mr. Roberts...

 Ya, but that's what we do, while simultaneously increasingly establishing
 serfs into condition of accepting such glocal homegrown terrorism
 police-state propaganda harmonization;
 we comply to commensurate our part demonstrating as appeased satisfied
 swapping headlines like baseball cards, in simulation as if we are working
 together to crack the cube; when we already have Had more than enough
 evidence to administer the required righteous peaceful coup.

 Seemingly easily immediately more attractively addicting than otherwise
 simply uniting as Required to fix what we seem to otherwise lament about?

 Bread  circus / kabuki theater / the sociopathy of spectacle /
 ourselves misdirected while organized corruption increasingly despoils 
 enslaves us via such absurd maneuvers mocking our will to pull freedom's
 trigger in the face of slavery's assualt, or we would have united by now,
 via all the blatant screaming evidence, and easily, in our vast numbers,
 imprisoned or hung the traitorous terrorists in our midst with said over
 abundance of evidence.

 Will we get what we deserve, or 

 Perhaps we just need to give it a bit more time until Interpol has
 established itself in the world's eye able willing to do what we could not
 do regarding our own homegrown terrorists that have been performing their
 role abusing the world ... not to worry, it shouldn't be much too long
 when the time  mood is right, Interpol will establish itself policing
 of our time world wide ... and having saved us from ourselves, albeit
 reduced to a third world country fitting our current character; perhaps
 cogdis addiction could begin to subside, with the rising sun of a new
 order in our mind's eye? After so much disappointment, self-betrayal, and
 murderous chaos; perhaps then with nothing left inside, no-longer any
 self-respect lingering in the way, we can finally wearied rest as soft
 to be reborn into somethingk that at least seems to make sense:

 war is peace
 freedom is slavery
 ignorance is strength


 Georgette Orwell Reply:
 March 12th, 2010

 I told you once and I'll tell you again:


 The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in
 the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or
 or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means
 will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of
 past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who
 resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the
 Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never
 had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps
 even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited
 time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human
 would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever
 seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means;
 it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard
 revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the
 The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is
 The object of power is power.

 feature article:

 20 Signs That The US Is Rapidly Becoming A Police State


 La Société du spectacle - Society of the Spectacle

 stay 'tuned', keep doing what we're doing;

 IMF shock therapy coming soon

 - Original Message -
 From: micha...@midcoast.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:44:15 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego
 Garcia for coming attack on Iran

 Iran takes the uranium and puts it right out in the open. Makes a thing
 of it.

 NYTimes does a beautiful job spinning it. Saturday edition, front page.
 (Sat least read they did not want to push it.)
 The spin is this: “Oh, we are so confused, we don’t understand what

 The obvious is: Iran: “You would not dare.”
 And we wouldn’t: hence spin.

 And now they play the alternate media like lap dogs. Just put some nukes
 in Garcia and let it out.
 The coming peace is far more frightening than war.

 - Forwarded Message -
 From: James Morris
 To: traitors...@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010
 Subject: US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego Garcia for
 coming attack on Iran

 US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego Garcia for coming

[cia-drugs] Robinita Hood:

2010-03-12 Thread michael1
Robinita Hood:

“…We don’t need no stinking badges…,” is now the 9mm Chica with the sneaka.

I love it.


Michael D.

Re: [cia-drugs] A Terrible Mistake?

2010-03-11 Thread michael1
Seems that by the mid eighties there were in place some ‘not-public’
agreements concerning use of mind control drugs.  This is why TASS made
such a stink about

There the NYTimes is trying to spin out of responsibility.   The Times
story of TASS raising hell that came out one month prior has been wiped
from Internet.  That story was buried in the back of the least read day,
Saturday, about a month prior
I was searching and what came up was a prior CIA drugs post:


It is good that this is starting in the past as “digging up old bones”
could be counter-productive at this point.
Sometime in the mid/late 90s the head medical doctor of Finland, (position
of US Surgeon General) said that mind-control ops/drugs the biggest threat
to democracy.

Perhaps France in this is good as there started the basic for all our
international agreements: UN, Geneva Convention,
Switzerland-agreed-bankers-bank,… da da da… it all goes back to
Westphalia.  The year was 1648.  Not even four centuries ago:



So there seems some deliberate breaking of that agreement, using the past,
in the form of some other negotiation or statement-making.

France also came out and agreed that China has no choice but to invade
Tibet.  CIA ops in Tibet were threatening China’s water-shed.  Why France?
 Of the “Island Nations” France got the worst deals post Bonapart in both
the colonialism and neo colonialism game.  France shit when Dullas tried
to get it to use 2 A-bombs in the mid fiftes.

(Life imitating art: “Hello Nellie Forbush”.)
As for Tibet: Obama had to try compromise and made real point of seeing
that Deli Lama guy in the White House maproom, not Oval Office.

No bad news is bad news.



 A Terrible Mistake?

 Today in the French News, was the startling announcement that the French
 Government is demanding explanations from the United States for a
 outbreak of mass insanity in the South Eastern Village of
 that occurred almost 60 years ago. 500 hundred people were affected and
 there were 5 deaths. The implications could have long range effects on
 Franco-American relations.

 The incident occurred in 1951 and started with the hospitals being flooded
 with people in various stages of outward insanity. Children tried to
 their parents, victims screamed that red flowers were growing from their
 heads, that their heads ahad turned to molten lead, their stomachs were
 filled with snakes. Others were enthralled and claimed they saw heavenly
 visons, heard cosmic music and were filled with the holy spirit.
 At the time, scientists came up with various explanations ranging from
 mercury tainted wheat to a recurrence of ergotism, or St. Anthony's Fire,
 alegendary afflicion that vanished with the Middle Ages and was caused by
 rye grains infected with the ergot fungus, which among other substances,
 produced lysergic acid which is the active ingredient of LSD.

 Mercury tainted wheat sold illegally by an Italian firm in the this decade
 in Iraq was responsible for an outbreak of seeming insanity in an Iraqi
 village, but the symptoms also were lethal in many cases, from the

 The Pont-Saint-Esprit mystery was speculated about for years. Indeed a
 tantalizing clue was given by Albert Hoffman, the Swiss scientist who
 for Sandoz Laboratories who developed LSD and documented its effects. He
 wrote in his work, LSD, My Problem Child, about the connection with Sandoz
 and the American CIA and how Sandoz was able to interest the Americans in
 the possible use of an aerosol delivered LSD for military use.

 Recently after the allegations of American involvement began to resurface
 2009 and were never successfully quashed, the Author, H.P. Albarelli Jr.
 just released a book in the USA called A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of
 Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments.

 He documents through the revelations of Ex CIA personel that the outbreak
 1951 in Pont-St-Esprit was the direct result of a covert CIA experiment
 an aerosol LSD which was carried out by the Special Operations Division of
 Fort Detrick, MD.

 He documents that the scientists who produced the explanations were
 working for Sandoz which was supplying the US Army and the CIA with LSD
 experimental use.
 He goes on to say, that at one point and this has been documented in many
 places, the CIA entertained the idea of using  LSD in a control in an
 American city by placing it in the water system, but the results of the
 French experience were so horrific that they reconsidered it.

 Indeed, in documents that Alberelli obtained from Ft. Dertrick, the

[cia-drugs] Not the only judge to sense this.....

2010-03-09 Thread michael1

The government has as much of a right to control what I as an adult put
into my body as it does what I put into my mind. It's none of their
business. So says Jim Gray, who recently retired as the presiding judge
of the Superior Court of California for Orange County. A former drug
warrior as a prosecutor and then a judge, Gray came to see that
prohibition of disfavored intoxicants was a perverse and impractical
policy -- and one with serious moral and economic consequences.

Gray was unusual among government officials who have turned against
prohibition in that he started speaking out while he was on the bench,
making public appearances calling for changes in policy, including full
legalization, and authoring a book making the same case.

He presents his arguments in short form in the video below from ReasonTV.
... (unquote)

Re: [cia-drugs] FW: If We LET Them, They'll Work Us TO DEATH While Making Us PAY for the Privilege

2010-03-02 Thread michael1
The good news:
One characteristic of longevity is (quote) ...keen interest in current
events...  This is from a study done by my grandfather, one of the
founders of psychiatry in the US, Dr. Stephen P. Jewett.
His studies are now being quoted by new age writer Deepak Chopra.
The links are funny on this, tested and did not work.
But if you google Deekpak Chopra and Jewett it comes up first.

 -- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 10:21:32 EST
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com,
 Subject: If We LET Them, They'll Work Us TO DEATH While Making Us PAY
 for the

 Average age at death by Age at retirement

 Dr. Ephrem (Siao Chung) Cheng study (http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa...
 http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa )

 This is something we all would like to believe is true -- that there is
 inverse relationship between the age we retire and the age that we
 expect to
 die. According to a study conducted by Dr. Ephrem, based on data of
 from Boeing Aerospace, the earlier we retire, the longer our life span
 going to be.   For example, if we retire at around the age of 50, we
 expect to live to age 86, another 36 years old.In contrast, if we
 later at age 65, we would expect to live only for another 2 years.
 retirement age is 65, and yet this study of Boeing employees supports
 another 2 years of life span.   However, we need to understand the
 [reflected] by this result -- this experience is based on one particular
 and may not apply to everybody in the broadest sense.  But it seems to
 sense that if we do retire early, we could escape from the pressure of
 and could expect to live longer. Just as with any other results of
 data, we have to be cautious.



 Study On Life Expectancy Based On Early Retirement

   Earlier it was believed that  people who took early retirement ended
 having longer life  expectancy compared to people who retired at normal
 age of
 retirement. However, this belief has now been proven wrong after
 conducted a study on life expectancy based on early  retirement.

 The study on life expectancy based on early retirement was conducted in
 over a period of 26 years. More than 3,500 employees of Shell Oil were
 during this period. The researchers studied the lives of employees who
 at the ages of 55, 60 and 65 and they also studied employees who
 working at the ages of 55 and 60. The employees came from all grades.

 During the course of the study, researchers found that early retirement
 not at all connected to higher or increased life expectancy. In fact, it
 discovered that employees who retired early, at age 55, were more likely
 die before those who continued to work.  The study found that mortality
 was twice as high in the first ten years after retirement at the age of

 Unfortunately the study could not calculate the average life expectancy
 of the
 workers ! because many of them were still alive [after retiring] when
 study concluded.


 Retirement Age vs Life Expectancy:
 Why Social Security Is Going Broke



 You can have healthcare, to keep you alive, or Social Security, to cover
 bare-minimum cost of living, but NOT BOTH.  Take your choice.  Very soon
 the bankers, insurers and accountants who like to call themselves your
 government will FORCE you to make a choice.  Object and you won't get

 Their logic is as simple as the math.  If government is allowed to raise
 age of retirement to the age of life expectancy --age 77 as of 2010--
 that big
 chunk of cash they've taken out of every paycheck, picking your pocket
 in the
 guise of deductions for Social Security, is 100% profit for THEM -- not
 single penny will ever return to YOU as promised.

 What the governmen will tell you, of course, is that (like any Ponzi
 the money you never got will go back into the System to replenish
 general fund, in order to provide  Social Security for OTHERS when THEY
 retire.  However, keep in mind that NO ONE ELSE who waits until age 77
 retire will live long enough to see that money EITHER!

 So where does all the money you've *involuntarily* entrusted to the
 government to save for YOUR retirement GO?  To the government, who
 spends it
 as fast as you give it to them, for the sheer pleasure of it, without a
 in the world, no 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FW: Police Being Trained to Shoot to Kill the Homeless, Jobless, and Food Rioters

2010-03-01 Thread michael1
It is not necessary to teach killing enjoyment.  It is programmed in.  A
good deal of PTSD (shell shock, battle fatigue) is the product of a
'moral' person not being able to handle this feeling.
It is rarely even addressed in literature.  However, there are a few
1- Mario Puzo's Godfather: Where Michael kills the police captain in the
restaurant and almost forgets to drop the gun on the way to the get-away
car.  Before entering the car he exclaims to himself, My God, it is just
like sex.
2- Lawrence of Arabia. This is both in Seven Pillars of Wisdom and the
movie.  Lawrence complains to General Gordon that he does not wish to
return to the desert, the killing bothers him.  The general makes some
remark about all hating it but it necessary.  Lawrence then says, You
don't understand, sir.  I enjoy it.  General Gordon does understand and
there is nothing he can say.  He must then order Lawrence.

Serial murders are almost always the result of some angry action and the
perpetrator suddenly getting an unexpected rush and that rush setting off
an addictive pattern to try to repeat it.

Law enforcement does always attract those who enjoy hurting others,
lording over them.  Good management needs spend much time weeding this
out.  If this 'natural sickness' goes to management level all hell can
break loose in a covered way.
Such is life.

 When a CIA lackey was in training he was reading a book written by a
 military shrink that dealt with teaching soldiers to enjoy killing. 
 Clearly the technique they are using has flaws because suicide among our
 soldiers is at an all-time high; but given the psychological make-up of
 many who enter the law enforcement field, it may turn out to be an
 effective technique for use here at home. 

 --- On Mon, 3/1/10, muckblit muckb...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: muckblit muckb...@yahoo.com
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: FW: Police Being Trained to Shoot to Kill the
 Homeless, Jobless, and Food Rioters
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, March 1, 2010, 9:24 PM


 Although there are four crematoria around the CIA blue building in
 Westfield(Bilderber ger meeting site for Hillary Clinton and Obama)
 Chantilly, VA, the very first things that come to mind are Jena Six, the
 Southern Gun Nut Mentality, and let me see if I can find the clipping
 to show this is yet another degree of foolish brother Cain's denialism.

 Yes, He encouraged the officers to come up with a plausible story
 that would allow him to conclude that the shooting was justified

 http://www.nytimes. com/2010/ 02/25/us/ 25orleans. html

 Lieutenant Lohman, 42 and now retired, concluded shortly after arriving
 on the scene that the shooting was legally unjustified,  federal
 authorities said. He encouraged the officers to come up with a plausible
 story that would allow him to conclude that the shooting was justified,
 the authorities said...When another police investigator told Lieutenant
 Lohman that he was going to plant a gun under the bridge to bolster the
 story that the officers were being fired at, Lieutenant Lohman went along,
 and even asked if the gun was traceable, the authorities said...At the
 encouragement of Lieutenant Lohman, the officers who were involved made up
 details, the authorities said, like a claim that one victim had reached
 for a shiny object in his waistband... At one point, according to the
 documents, Mr. Lohman was frustrated that the cover-up story in the
 report, which was drafted by a police sergeant, was not logical, so he
 drew up one of his own, which
  broadly changed details to fit the false story. The sergeant later
 replaced that report with a shorter one that was changed to fit the
 audiotaped statements of the police who were involved. 

 -- Forwarded Message

 From: dasg...@... dasg...@...
 Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 23:10:48 EST
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@. ..
 Cc: ema...@..., j...@..., jim6...@..., christian.ream@ ...
 Subject: Police Being Trained to Shoot to Kill the Homeless, Jobless,
 and Food Rioters

 Louisiana Cops Plan for End of the World Scenario http://www.prisonpl
 anet.com/ louisiana- cops-plan- for-%e2%80% 9cend-of- the-world% e2%80%9d-
 scenario. html
 Kurt Nimmo
 Infowars.com, February 28, 2010

 Police in Louisiana's Bossier Parish are training for an end of the
 world scenario, according to the Shreveport Times http://www.shrevepo
 rttimes.com/ article/20100227 /NEWS01/2270314/ 1060/NEWS01 .
  http://www.shrevepo rttimes.com/ article/20100227 /NEWS01/2270314/

 The program is dubbed Operation Exodus, inspired in part from the Book
 of Exodus in the Bible.

 Parish Sheriff Larry Deen told the newspaper the buck stops with him.
 The liability stops with Larry Deen. I am the chief law enforcement
 officer in this parish, and it is incumbent upon me [to] protect all of
 the people in it, the officer said, referring to himself in the third

 Deen's plan is to protect Bossier Parish's vital resources, like 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: The Last Columbine Mystery

2010-02-26 Thread michael1
Re: Where was the FBI kid?...
I assume you mean the son of Dwayne Fuselier the lead FBI investigator in
the Columbine 'whatever'.  He founded the Trenchcoat mafia but graduated
a year before and was a freshman in college.  FBI, (oddly), did not see a
conflict of interest in this.  There should have been a
conflict-of-interest flag on that position in any case.  Here the son of
the lead FBI investigator has founded the same group and the same high
school that the 'shooters' belonged to.
I have one link on this:
The above has been well established and not even denied by FBI, (how could
they deny?).  The story was in one main stream media, Denver Post if my
memory holds.
Yetyet it gets buried anyway.
Former female head government medical doctor of Finland, (same as chief
surgeon here), had stated some years ago that mind control operations were
the biggest threat to democracy.

 Where was the FBI kid? That's the last mystery for me.

 We almost had a Columbine here. A 12-year-old brought a bag of rifles
 and shotguns to school. He rode with his mother, who worked at the
 school. An assistant principal jumped him in the bathroom when the
 ap heard a gun cocking or lock and load sound. The boy had pointed
 a gun at people in another room, and been seen walking the hall with
 a rifle. I spoke on cell phone with a student who was locked in a class
 room, and with our CIA drug refugee who was off campus. I phoned
 a parent to tell him to pick up his son at a nearby elementary school.
 I had been alerted by a huddle of cops while a helicopter hovered
 above the school, which said to me there was a hostage situation.

 I think the mother did jail time.

 Where was the Columbine FBI kid? If we're talking about how Eric
 Harris and Dylan Kliebold got that way, they were in an FBI program
 written by the lead investigator after the fact. Where was the FBI kid?


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis
 thehatefuln...@... wrote:

 The Last Columbine Mystery
 by Dave Cullen

  AP Photo As another school shooting rocks Littleton, Colorado, Dave
 Cullen reveals the secret meeting of Eric Harris' parents with his
 victims' kin-offering a rare glimpse into how they saw their son.

 It's been nearly 11 years since the Columbine tragedy rocked the
 nation, and the largest remaining questions center on the killers'
 parents: Did they see it coming? Why do they think it happened? How did
 the tragedy affect them? Do they feel remorse? Have they expressed it to
 the victims?

 Sue Klebold finally addressed those questions last October in an essay
 in O Magazine. But her son Dylan was the junior partner in the attack.
 Eric Harris was the mastermind, and his parents have never spoken
 publicly. But it turns out they secretly met with two victims' families,
 who quietly but diligently pursued contact for years. The existence of
 those meetings-one of which is recounted in detail here-has never before
 been reported.

 Wayne and Kathy accepted that Eric was a psychopath. Where that came
 from, they didn't know. But he fooled them, utterly.

 Tom and Linda Mauser's son Daniel was shot to death by Eric in the
 Columbine library. Last summer, the couple finally met Eric's parents.
 The meeting took years to arrange. It began in 2007, with an angry
 letter from Tom Mauser. He and Linda had chosen not to take part in
 lawsuits many of their peers leveled against the Harrises and Klebolds.
 But they were just as hungry for answers. Eventually, Tom's frustration
 boiled over. All those years and he still didn't know how the boys got
 away with it. And resentment had set in: Why hadn't the parents reached
 out more? So he set down some pointed questions. That approach failed.
 The Harrises declined to meet, though their attorney provided some

 So then Tom Mauser wrote to Sue Klebold, who met with him. Sue was
 very apologetic, but had no surprises. He didn't push too hard. Linda
 stayed home. What an emotional undertaking. Looking those people in the
 eye-was she ready for that? Would she offer forgiveness? Withhold it?
 Linda wasn't prepared to wrestle with all that, especially with the
 wrong family. It wasn't her kid that killed my son, she says. It was

  Columbine. By Dave Cullen. 464 Pages. Twelve. $15.99. Linda had been
 struggling with grief since Daniel's murder, but recently made a
 breakthrough in therapy: She began telling people what she really
 thought. She channeled that new expressiveness toward a solution:
 writing a followup to the Harrises in early 2009. She wrote warmly: no
 demands, just how she felt. Honestly, she felt conflicted. She wasn't
 sure what Wayne and Kathy had done. But she was decided on Eric. She
 forgave him.

 Word came back slowly from the attorney: Would they like to meet? Yes.


Re: [cia-drugs] Re: The Last Columbine Mystery

2010-02-26 Thread michael1
Re: ...for a week, and arrested a carload of
muslims in Chesapeake(I think) after they laundered their Boston
car in Va Beach on their way to FL :

Yes, in Chesapeake, there was something there covered up.  Virginia Pilot
covered it and it disappeared.
But what do we do about Cassius?  And the group?
The real leadership must simply go along with Cassius and Brutus and the
others of the senate league.  Or get whacked.  Bodies of Caesars will pile
to the Nile til gunboats of peasants get dressed up in style.

In a more serious tone:
Sites like this and alternate media have begun to bring out horrors that
were considered standard but not public.  Public is still in tv trance. 
Brutus types and Cassius types are also still in a quandary.  What can be
done?  Revolutions of all types set history back.  This is a slow plod to
change.  Alas, it will pass, but boils on the ass.

The only reason that the musical 'Kismet' has not been through a revival
on Broadway is that in many respects little has changed in Baghdad. Or

I don't know what time is ment to be
If it's my friend or enemy
or does it only run - Run to set and end
Secrets are the crazy dream
or just a bad Reality
I don't know...

'Sands of Time' from Kismet:

 son of Dwayne Fuselier the lead FBI investigator in  the  Columbine
 He founded the Trenchcoat mafia but graduated a year before and was a
 freshman in college.  FBI, (oddly), did not see  a conflict of interest
 in this

 Yes, that's the last Columbine mystery I'm interested in, if I can have
 NATO officer MK tour aspect before that. Dad wrote the trenchcoat
 son made the video; no conflict there that I can see. Just plain old
 mazzini gangers shaking us down every which way.

 The bully had also graduated the year before, so maybe bullying was not
 the reason why. Or if it was, the script was written the year before and
 the media kept to it!?

 The thing about the Fuselier kid graduating the year before is that his
 whereabouts still ought to be accounted for, like GHWB 11-22-63. The
 internet rumor I heard is that his whereabouts are unaccounted for,
 but, they initially would be, until questions were asked and...what?
 Maybe the NATO officers know what the new MK models can do,
 dollar for dollar, compared to the old Matrix gamegunboys.

 MK and Franklin/APEC/FBI anthem:
   Rubber Dolly gets played every time


 FBI confiscated mail in Bird's Nest, Virginia, on the way down
 from NJ to Norfolk and FL, for a week, and arrested a carload of
 muslims in Chesapeake(I think) after they laundered their Boston
 car in Va Beach on their way to FL. Anthrax? We didn't hear about
 anthrax for a while. Car incident 9/11/2001. Week of no mail
 right about then too, way before anthrax arrived anywhere. Ives
 didn't do Russell Welch anthrax. Anthrax is at a lot of labs. It
 was in Walter Reed CIA-Detrick lab a few decades ago. It comes
 down to simple oligarchy scams and shakedowns, doesn't it?

 Who knows who these guys are:

 'The  gunmen drive in mainly four-wheel vehicles and quickly disappear
 from  the crime scene.' Silencer guns kill 67 in one day in Baghdad
 .htm  By Anwar Jumaa 23 Feb 2010 Last Sunday 67 corpses were  brought
 to Baghdad morgue all shot with silencer guns, medical sources  said.
 The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said silencer  guns
 have instilled fear and terror in Baghdad and most of the victims  were
 civil servants, former Baathists and army officers. The latest
 [Blackwater] victim has been a university professor who was shot dead on
 Monday as he drove home. The sources named the victim as Dr. Thamer
 Kamel, head of  the human rights section at the Ministry of Higher
 Education and  Scientific research.

 Taliban strike at heart of Kabul, killing at least 16
 -kabul-killing-at-least-16-1912345.html  --Indians believed to be
 targets, but Italian secret  service officer and French film producer
 also dead 17 Feb 2010 With suicide bombs, grenades and gunfire,
 insurgents struck at the heart of Kabul yesterday, killing at least 16
 people in co-ordinated attacks that the Afghan President said were
 targeted at Indians, but which also claimed the life of a senior member
 of the Italian secret service and a French film producer. The targets of
 the two-hour explosion of violence included two guesthouses used by
 foreigners and Kabul's first shopping mall.
 Severin  Blanchet, a French documentary filmmaker who was training young
 Afghans, died 

Re: [cia-drugs] ANTI - TANK DOGS !

2010-02-24 Thread michael1
It is that 'assured bonding'.  Needs be there young.   We are more attached
to animals in building civilization than we realize.
Both the Great Wall(s) of China and Hadrian's Wall were mainly to stop
horses.  The greatest military invention of all time was the stirrup.
There is a direct overlap of horse DNA with those areas first civilized.
Exceptions prove rule.

 Why is that Michael..the 'very loved' part?

 On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 10:48 PM, micha...@midcoast.com wrote:

 Thank you, Akif et al.
 Re: standard war dog: You are looking for 1 year old Doberman or German
 Shepard VERY well loved. So if either of those breeds, well loved and
 need to sell the Army will give serious look and good price. Some basic
 training, not much. Goes through basic-- most cut there. Then we are
 talking about many months of training. Serious training. If told to keep
 quiet one bark would give your position and kill you. Often there is a
 need to warn noiselessly. Not always. They must be able to hide, and
 well quickly on command. And of course attack. Though big difference
 between Dobies and Shepards is that a Dobie will go to sure death and a
 Shepard will not…. Still fairly equal in the long run. Just matter of
 Mercenary buddy pinned down in Nicaragua. They spent nearly ½ hour just
 watching their war dog’s ears.., (a dobie). Then crawled to escape
 the area that the ears never pointed. Dobie took homemade C-4 landmine
 and lost leg. Friend kept him, many years with a 3 legged dobie. But the
 first point was the most important. They must have been VERY loved that
 first year. If you are in the business of killing and not being killed
 then love is the key.

  Anti-tank dogs, also known as dog bombs or dog mines, were hungry dogs
  explosives harnessed to their backs and trained to seek food under
  armoured vehicles.
  By doing so, a detonator (usually a small wooden lever) would go off,
  the explosives and damaging or destroying the military vehicle.
  The dogs were employed by the Soviet Union during World War II for use
  German tanks. The dogs were kept without food for a few days, then
  find food under a tank.
  The dogs quickly learned that once released from their pens, food
  under tracked vehicles. Once trained, the dogs were fitted with an
  charge and set loose into a field of oncoming German tanks and other
  When the dog went underneath the tank—where there was less
  would detonate and damage the enemy vehicle.
  According to Soviet sources, the anti-tank dogs were successful at
  disabling a
  reported three hundred German tanks. They were enough of a problem to
  advance that the Germans were compelled to take measures against them.
  An armoured vehicle's top-mounted machine gun proved ineffective due
  relatively small size of the dogs and the fact that they were low to
  fast, and hard to spot. Orders were dispatched that commanded every
  soldier to shoot any dogs on sight. Eventually the Germans began using
  tank-mounted flame-throwers to ward off the dogs. They were much more
  at dissuading the attacks, but some dogs would not stop.
  In 1942, one use of the anti-tank dogs went seriously awry when a
  contingent ran amok, endangering everyone in the battle and forcing
  of an entire Soviet division.
  Soon afterward the anti-tank dogs were withdrawn from service.
  anti-tank dogs continued until at least June 1996.

Re: [cia-drugs] ANTI - TANK DOGS !

2010-02-24 Thread michael1
Below is present Dolphin problem in general:

Dolphins used in 2nd Iraq invasion because in prior war game General Van
Riper played the enemy and sunk most of the US fleet in the Persian Gulf.

One of the number of precautions:  U.S. Dolphins were used, more than one
“platoon” of them, (7 dolphins to a platoon).  The skipper of the USS
Gunsten Hall volunteered his ship.  However the navy hand to keep flying
in more and more animal trainers as right away a giant Dolphin boredom
problem developed.

 Today the US military keeps dolphins for suchs purposes.



   - Original Message -
   From: Akif / Chulo / El Ecologista / The Green Wrangler
   To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 6:07 AM
   Subject: [cia-drugs] ANTI - TANK DOGS !

   Anti-tank dogs, also known as dog bombs or dog mines, were hungry dogs
   explosives harnessed to their backs and trained to seek food under tanks
   armoured vehicles.

   By doing so, a detonator (usually a small wooden lever) would go off,
   the explosives and damaging or destroying the military vehicle.

   The dogs were employed by the Soviet Union during World War II for use
   German tanks. The dogs were kept without food for a few days, then
 trained to
   find food under a tank.

   The dogs quickly learned that once released from their pens, food could
 be found
   under tracked vehicles. Once trained, the dogs were fitted with an
   charge and set loose into a field of oncoming German tanks and other

   When the dog went underneath the tank-where there was less armour-the
   would detonate and damage the enemy vehicle.

   According to Soviet sources, the anti-tank dogs were successful at
 disabling a
   reported three hundred German tanks. They were enough of a problem to
 the Nazi
   advance that the Germans were compelled to take measures against them.

   An armoured vehicle's top-mounted machine gun proved ineffective due to
   relatively small size of the dogs and the fact that they were low to the
   fast, and hard to spot. Orders were dispatched that commanded every
   soldier to shoot any dogs on sight. Eventually the Germans began using
   tank-mounted flame-throwers to ward off the dogs. They were much more
   at dissuading the attacks, but some dogs would not stop.

   In 1942, one use of the anti-tank dogs went seriously awry when a large
   contingent ran amok, endangering everyone in the battle and forcing the
   of an entire Soviet division.

   Soon afterward the anti-tank dogs were withdrawn from service. Training
   anti-tank dogs continued until at least June 1996.

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan

2010-02-23 Thread michael1
Thank you so much, Muckbit.
Thought so but thought better check.

 Yes, WP 20100222 A4 really a tiny item and then three well-placed
 distractions about Afghanistan to chaff all the US civilian casualty
 stores and McChrystal going to Karzai and apologizing for those
 horrendous war crimes.

 It was the right time to tell us about an Afghan boy molestation cult.
 That's in the north, so let's not look south where the ethnic cleansing
 campaign is going to be very hard on our boys and theirs, and it's gay,
 too, since a real man would have common sense, especially after hearing
 Aaron Russo explain what Rockefeller said to him about fake wars that
 cannot be won or lost.

 It was also the right time to tell us Karzai and other top Afghan
 officials are buying multi-million dollar Dubai homes and condos, and
 who their anonymizer agent is, and interview all of them for us.

 Then since Petraeus encapsulated and made old news the higher US
 casualties prediction, then today it was not necessary to dwell on the
 prospect of higher US casualties today as we are now learning that over
 the next 18 months there will be a village to village ethnic cleansing
 campaign,Marjah is just the beginning. Then Karzai and friends can be
 dusted off the US embassy roof and choppered to Dubai. I want to know
 about Ymelda Marcos' shoes. Are the Karzai bobbleheads out yet?

 Today, Cheney tucked away in hospital with chest pains. During
 Republican convention he was really meeting with Georgian Soros men,
 promising weapons and aid for causing more trouble in S Ossetia, so we
 don't know where he is now really. If he has chest pains maybe he's not

 US  blitz kills 33, injures several Afghan  civilians
 http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119201sectionid=351020403  22
 Feb 2010 Fresh  air strikes  by the United States have killed at least
 33 civilians and injured  several  others in southern Afghanistan, the
 Afghan interior ministry says.  Afghan  authorities announced that the
 fatalities included four women and a  child.  US-led forces said that
 they fired by mistake on a group of vehicles  that  carried women and

 French missile kills 2 in  Afghanistan
 http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119203sectionid=351020403  22
 Feb 2010 At least two  Afghan  civilians, including one child, have been
 killed in a French missile  strike in  the northeastern of the war weary
 country. Local Afghan officials said  that six  civilians were also
 wounded in the attack that occurred in Dolat Khel in  Kapisa  province
 on Monday. Witnesses told Press TV the French missile hit a car  that
 was carrying local traders.

 Food and water runs out for Marjah  civilians
 (FEMA New Orleans to seize land for developers, 20,000 troops to 5000
 remaining residents, and Haiti terminator capitalist invasion to occupy
 oilgold deja vu, Faluja white phos and attack ambulances and hospital)

 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Do you have a date for Gen. Petraeus' firewall?  There has been a
 firescreen, filtered news.  It would be telling if related to current
 northern actions.
 And source?
 Tried Wash Post, but can't navigate.
 Trying to separate 'normal' screen from 'other'.  You indicate this is
 'other' but when is question.
 Thank you,

Re: [cia-drugs] ANTI - TANK DOGS !

2010-02-23 Thread michael1
Thank you, Akif et al.
Re: standard war dog:  You are looking for 1 year old Doberman or German
Shepard VERY well loved.  So if either of those breeds, well loved and
need to sell the Army will give serious look and good price. Some basic
training, not much.  Goes through basic-- most cut there.  Then we are
talking about many months of training.  Serious training.  If told to keep
quiet one bark would give your position and kill you.  Often there is a
need to warn noiselessly.  Not always. They must be able to hide, and hide
well quickly on command.  And of course attack.  Though big difference
between Dobies and Shepards is that a Dobie will go to sure death and a
Shepard will not…. Still fairly equal in the long run.  Just matter of
Mercenary buddy pinned down in Nicaragua.  They spent nearly ½ hour just
watching their war dog’s ears.., (a dobie).  Then crawled to escape toward
the area that the ears never pointed.  Dobie took homemade C-4 landmine
and lost leg.  Friend kept him, many years with a 3 legged dobie.  But the
first point was the most important.  They must have been VERY loved that
first year.  If you are in the business of killing and not being killed
then love is the key.

 Anti-tank dogs, also known as dog bombs or dog mines, were hungry dogs
 explosives harnessed to their backs and trained to seek food under tanks
 armoured vehicles.

 By doing so, a detonator (usually a small wooden lever) would go off,
 the explosives and damaging or destroying the military vehicle.

 The dogs were employed by the Soviet Union during World War II for use
 German tanks. The dogs were kept without food for a few days, then trained
 find food under a tank.

 The dogs quickly learned that once released from their pens, food could be
 under tracked vehicles. Once trained, the dogs were fitted with an
 charge and set loose into a field of oncoming German tanks and other

 When the dog went underneath the tank—where there was less armour—the
 would detonate and damage the enemy vehicle.

 According to Soviet sources, the anti-tank dogs were successful at
 disabling a
 reported three hundred German tanks. They were enough of a problem to the
 advance that the Germans were compelled to take measures against them.

 An armoured vehicle's top-mounted machine gun proved ineffective due to
 relatively small size of the dogs and the fact that they were low to the
 fast, and hard to spot. Orders were dispatched that commanded every German
 soldier to shoot any dogs on sight. Eventually the Germans began using
 tank-mounted flame-throwers to ward off the dogs. They were much more
 at dissuading the attacks, but some dogs would not stop.

 In 1942, one use of the anti-tank dogs went seriously awry when a large
 contingent ran amok, endangering everyone in the battle and forcing the
 of an entire Soviet division.

 Soon afterward the anti-tank dogs were withdrawn from service. Training of
 anti-tank dogs continued until at least June 1996.

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: FW: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption | Judicial Watch

2010-02-23 Thread michael1
I filed a RICO suit in fed court where one of the defendants was a top
U.S. Attorney General in another district, (and state).  He was the head
of Criminal Division.  Amazing the case stayed in court that long. 
Remember visiting US DOJ office E.Dis Vir and having the entire office,
perhaps 30 people all looking at me while pretending they were not. 
Spilling coffee.  Papers unnoticed flying out of the Xerox..., etc.

Years pass.

I am more blase about it.  Things get tied up in the process.  What goes
round returns bound.

 Minnesota has a blatantly un-US-constitutional anti-American censorship
 law that I sure would daze and mystify readers.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Mary Hartman hartmanmar...@...
 Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago Is a Dark Pool Of Political Corruption |
 Judicial Watch [8 Attachments]
 Operation Gambat was one of the more  recent FBI investigations into
 Chicago corruption.  Minnesota is every  bit as bad, infected with the
 Chicago mob since the days of Meyer  Lansky.  Unlike Chicago; however,
 we cut deals and established something  called the O'Connor System and
 set up a cozy relationship with  organized crime.  During the smoke and
 mirrors investigation into the  BEARCAT Hollow front operating outside
 of Rochester I uncovered a  transnational money laundering operation.  I
 took the information to the  FBI and was SA David Price (RO-retired)
 said he knew about the OC here  but the city, county, state, federal and
 local officials with Mayo and  IBM cut a deal in the late 60's so OC can
 operate here with impunity as  long as they don't whack anyone within
 city limits.  I thought he was  joking, but it appears he was not.  We
 have never had a corruption probe of public officials in this state, and
 when Representative Dan Severson suggested cleaning out our corrupt
 judiciary he was wished good luck - the system here is too corrupt to

 In the case I handed to the FBI, the case the FBI couldn't  make; a
 county attorney admitted to taking a bribe, and the court  record
 reflects a District Court Judge willfully breaking the law and  allowing
 the fleecing of Minnesotan's in order to continue cash flow to  an
 operation that was KNOWN to be criminal.  When civil rights of the
 residents of Racine were violated the FBI yawned.  When innocent
 citizens were charged with crimes they didn't commit the FBI looked
 dumb-founded.  Data-mining, destruction of evidence, withholding of
 evidence, fabrication of evidenceall proven and well documented were
 ignored.  Matters were taken to Federal District Court Justice Ann
 Montgomery, the same judge who sat for the smoke and mirrors trial of
 Ken and Nancy Kraft, and the same judge  who dismissed the charges
 against one Craig Perry lest his trial reveal  the putrid mess that is
 Mower County court/law enforcement.  Judge  Montgomery dismissed the
 civil rights claims, an act called,  bewildering given the mountains of
 fact based evidence you have to  support the allegations. (Martin
 Carlson, MN AG's office)  When her  dismissal was appealed, the court
 file (according to the clerk in St.  Louis) disappeared from the record.
 After 7 months there was no word  and so the clerk was notified and
 said, This is all really bizarre.   I've never seen anything like this
 before.  I'll check into it and see  what is planned.  She never could
 find anyone to answer her questions  but said the file was for some
 reason, being pulled.  The average  amount of time for an Appeal in
 St. Louis Federal Court is 5 months.  12  months and 10 days after the
 Appeal was filed, a decision arrived at my home and at the  home of
 another victim of our corrupt government, Clyde Boone.  This  date just
 so happened to coincide with my birthday.  There was no  discussion, and
 only a reference to another case.  We looked the case up  and realized
 that the individuals in Minnesota's Justice system, the  same who
 pulled the file from scrutiny by the District Court, had mailed  this
 from Fergus Falls, MN with a citation that said we were A pain in  the

 Tim Pawlenty, current Governor of MN, wants to be  President.  He has
 asked super-lobbyist and past head of the National  Endowment for
 Democracy, Vin Weber, to help with his campaign.  (See  Phillip Agee's
 articles on NED and it's funding of coups with  CIA/USAID.)   The
 corruption in Minnesota, long protected by the FBI,  has allowed
 infiltration by the CIA and other forces and they want to  follow in
 the Chicago way and take this dog and pony show to Washington.


 ---  On Tue, 2/23/10, Kris Millegan roads...@...  wrote:

 From:  Kris Millegan roads...@...
 Subject: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago  Is a Dark Pool Of Political
 Corruption | Judicial Watch [8  Attachments]
 To: c...@... c...@..., c...@yahoogroups.com
 c...@yahoogroups.com, cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010,  5:00 PM

 -- Forwarded Message

Re: [cia-drugs] Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan

2010-02-22 Thread michael1
Do you have a date for Gen. Petraeus' firewall?  There has been a general
firescreen, filtered news.  It would be telling if related to current
northern actions.
And source?
Tried Wash Post, but can't navigate.
Trying to separate 'normal' screen from 'other'.  You indicate this is
'other' but when is question.
Thank you,

Re: [cia-drugs] U.S. placed under international police-state?

2010-02-02 Thread michael1
Good, great..., far more balanced now.  I am tired by the time I get to
email. lol.

 dear michael1,

 Thank you

 It is critical we process critically, rather than get lost/misdirected;
 what about the following?:

 Did Obama exempt Interpol from same legal constraints as American

 Inviolable archives means INTERPOL records are beyond US citizens'
 of Information Act requests and from American legal or investigative
 discovery (unless such immunity be expressly waived.)

 It also appears to mean that Americans who get arrested on the basis of
 Interpol work cannot get the type of documentation one normally would get
 the discovery process, which is a remarkable reversal from Obama's
 efforts to gain due process for terrorists detained at Gitmo. Does the
 White House intend to treat Americans worse than the terrorists we've
 captured during wartime?

 === related:


 Section 2(c) Property and assets of international organizations, wherever
 located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such
 immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of
 international organizations shall be inviolable.

 === *** This Guy Really Digs In ;-):

 Nudge, nudge folks…
 This seems a minor change but let us break it out for you as we see it.
 Let’s look at the section from Executive Order 12425.
 Obama Executive Order Cedes US Sovereignty, Citizen Rights to Interpol


 can we please try deal with your 'modulated corruption authority'
 After the Obama Executive Order Amendment thingk, Please!? ;-)
 (sometimes my brain gets so busy it starts to overheat, and
 everythingk starts to melt  meld confused me thingks, dear friendO!)

 Cognitive-Dissonance as the way of being,
 Welcome to the future now,
 Soylent Green ;-)

 ifin ya knows whatta means? ;-)

 - Original Message -
 From: micha...@midcoast.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, February 1, 2010 10:33:35 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] U.S. placed under international police-state?

 Okay, see your point, I move too fast.
 Okay, I read again and read new site too.. There are most likely other
 issues, not named, such as is InterPol becoming a Mossad front? Perhaps.
 InterPol like Mossad is 95% Benelux anyway. I still don’t see a giant
 problem as law reads. For example by rules of procedure if anything used
 against a US citizen in court then access to records could not be used
 unless other party had access.

 Granted the US is a police state. Few can see the extent. Part of this
 is necessary though, but much not. I know that picky sounds icky. About
 1994 I met a German lady in a restaurant on Cape Cod. She asked me out of
 the blue, “Don’t you Americans realize that you are living in a police
 state?” I answered that I realized we are a police state but that most
 don’t and won’t.

 In some utopian state spying might not just be legal but be esteemed. But
 here the patriot game is still played, even heavily in alternate media.
 At times it helps me to think about the implications of Richard Wagner’s
 opera: Das Rheingold.
 It still remains that for greater security spying is still necessary. Or,
 in other words, in life-on-life’s-terms, spying is both necessary and
 illegal. In the Opera the Rhein maidens can hand out the golden ring.
 The ‘Golden Ring’ is the ring of power. It is necessary for power to
 operate. Power must have critical knowledge.
 You can see why spy organizations are always referred to as ‘rings’.
 can’t have a simple back and forth. A large ‘inner tube’ must be
 organized so what goes around one way can check on what goes around the

 Now and then people complain about ‘submarines’ in prisons,
 the ‘max’ fed prisons like Marion, Ill. This is where a few prisoners
 given whatever they want. Nice suite, drugs, women…, whatever. Yet this
 MUST be. How could trust develop unless those caught in bad biz, as bad
 biz is needed, get fixed up when caught in the wiz.
 When you think about it the necessity of protecting these ‘unpatriotic
 spies’ is the same necessity that with ‘golden ring’ we exempt
 from testifying against each other.

 Ain’t perfect, but that’s life.

 dear michael1,

 rather than us getting lost/misdirected via the ever downward-spiraling
 cognitive-dissonance of 'broad-stroke' posturing as to 'what is proper
 posting', in lieu of embracing the more precise accountability we
 seek ... can we instead please begin by addressing

Re: [cia-drugs] U.S. placed under international police-state?

2010-02-01 Thread michael1
Thank you so much for the links.  I read them.  The links show that the
immunities are limited.  It does not give any sort of blanket protection
from law.
Even your congressman is exempt from certain arrests, this was so that his
horse and buggy would not be stopped by others wanting to block his vote.
The InterPol is far less than this and involves records.

The articles are painting with too broad a brush.  Without protection of
sources, (one of main reasons), not only would they be ineffective, (as in
who could trust), but organizations would not give natural
check-n'-balance to each other.  (Reason why FBI offices are, at least on
paper, independent.)
The 'Police State' headline is a horror.  Police state there is.  These
broad brushes are not helping.


 International Organizations Immunities Act.

 Just What Did President Obama's Executive Order regarding INTERPOL
 Do?December 30, 2009

 Did Obama exempt Interpol from same legal constraints as American


 - Original Message -
 From: micha...@midcoast.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, February 1, 2010 4:14:24 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] U.S. placed under international police-state?

 I too was going to mention that the U.S. placed under international
 police-state? sounds like writer does not understand. Granting those
 types of immunity helps all of us. They are limited to InterPol
 operations. In no manner does it allow InterPol to be exempt from general
 US laws. Here average-Joe only benefits. Alternate media often jumps
 into things it does not understand.
 Michael Donovan

 You know what InterPol is?
 And how it functions?
 And what it does?

 On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 2:00 PM, homepu...@comcast.net wrote:

 Subject: U.S. placed under international police-state?

 *U.S. placed under international police-state* *?*

 In the dead of night on December 17, 2009, President Barack Hussein
 placed the United States of America under the authority of the
 police organization known as INTERPOL, granting the organization full
 immunity to operate within the United States.

 On December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order
 Executive Order
 It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new
 level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and
 other International Organizations as set forth in the United States
 International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945.



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Re: [cia-drugs] U.S. placed under international police-state?

2010-02-01 Thread michael1
Okay, see your point, I move too fast.
Okay, I read again and read new site too..  There are most likely other
issues, not named, such as is InterPol becoming a Mossad front?  Perhaps. 
InterPol like Mossad is 95% Benelux anyway.  I still don’t see a giant
problem as law reads.  For example by rules of procedure if anything used
against a US citizen in court then access to records could not be used
unless other party had access.

Granted the US is a police state.  Few can see the extent.  Part of this
is necessary though, but much not.  I know that picky sounds icky.  About
1994 I met a German lady in a restaurant on Cape Cod.  She asked me out of
the blue, “Don’t you Americans realize that you are living in a police
state?”  I answered that I realized we are a police state but that most
don’t and won’t.

In some utopian state spying might not just be legal but be esteemed.  But
here the patriot game is still played, even heavily in alternate media.
At times it helps me to think about the implications of Richard Wagner’s
opera: Das Rheingold.
It still remains that for greater security spying is still necessary.  Or,
in other words, in life-on-life’s-terms, spying is both necessary and
illegal.  In the Opera the Rhein maidens can hand out the golden ring. 
The ‘Golden Ring’ is the ring of power.  It is necessary for power to
operate.  Power must have critical knowledge.
You can see why spy organizations are always referred to as ‘rings’.  You
can’t have a simple back and forth.  A large ‘inner tube’ must be
organized so what goes around one way can check on what goes around the

Now and then people complain about ‘submarines’ in prisons, particularly
the ‘max’ fed prisons like Marion, Ill.  This is where a few prisoners are
given whatever they want.  Nice suite, drugs, women…, whatever.  Yet this
MUST be.  How could trust develop unless those caught in bad biz, as bad
biz is needed, get fixed up when caught in the wiz.
When you think about it the necessity of protecting these ‘unpatriotic
spies’ is the same necessity that with ‘golden ring’ we exempt spouses
from testifying against each other.

Ain’t perfect, but that’s life.

 dear michael1,

 rather than us getting lost/misdirected via the ever downward-spiraling
 cognitive-dissonance of 'broad-stroke' posturing as to 'what is proper
 posting', in lieu of embracing the more precise accountability we
 seek ... can we instead please begin by addressing the following
 sent to thee:

 Did Obama exempt Interpol from same legal constraints as American
 (as such appears salient question as to 'Police State' issue, and at least
 directs us back to subject issue)


 ('It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new
 level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select
 U.S. placed under international police-state?'}
 I agree, the article's author presents such problematically vague/broad,
 lending itself to be ridiculed and misdirected from a more precise review
 understanding of what Obama's Amending Executive Order 12425 might
 actually 'Mean'/do/become/be? ( but It DID catch our attention! ;-)

 btw, Be careful your Own 'broad approach' does not hypocritically continue
 the problem of misdirecting from a more critical examination of the
 subject issue: Obama's Amendment To Executive Order 12425
 (also btw, a new level of full diplomatic immunity appears to present a
 bit doublespeakish: *new-level OF full* ;-) ifin ya knows whatta means?
 some lively discussions examining subject issue here (also, see additional
 related links, futher below)

 Obama exempts INTERPOL from search and seizure on US lands
 lively comments/discussions follow article


 now, regarding concept/condition of:
 (if/when/whether U.S. has-been/will-be placed under international

 what criteria shall we use to define/gauge if/what/when such constitutes
 itself, if not already?

 With that context in mind, it appears we might most agree with your
 following statement:
 michael1 wrote:
 Police state there is.


 note ~ (perhaps Obama's Amendment To Executive Order 12425 appears to
 'compliment' Reagan's initial Op? ;-)
 kinda a frog-boil kinda thingk ;-)


 Obama exempts INTERPOL from search and seizure on US lands
 lively comments/discussions follow

 Obama gives Interpol free hand in U.S.

Re: [cia-drugs] Atomic Obsession

2010-01-29 Thread michael1
Sorry, when I get to this stuff I am so tired and don’t express myself
well.  It is a complex subject not because of the logic but because of the

I am stating that John Mueller is incorrect…: wrong.

There were two days between Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  In that period
Oppenheimer made a speech at Los Alamos.
At first he was very upset noting that the bomb was so easy to make.  Then
he became very upbeat stated that the device would put an end to war.
When you think about this it is very true.  What would happen if even a
nuke was threatened?  So secret agreements were made between the nuke
nations and those who soon would be.  This started a serious game of
lying.  First the secret agreements were covered over by the nuke nations
continually holding meetings as to how agreements could be made without
ever an intention of making an open agreement. (Richard Pearl was even
quoted joking as to this.)

We need be clear about the difference between counter value targets and
counter force targets.  Value targets are those that are psychological
images to the enemy such as targeting an icon such as Statue of Liberty or
simply civilians themselves as we did in bombing raids over Germany
leaving the British Air Force to take the higher casualties as their
counter force targets, (gun factories  such), had to be flown in
daylight.  Almost always, even when much of the target is counter force,
the greater impact with nukes is counter value.  (Up to a point counter
value targets can have the reverse of the intended effect.  This has often
been noted with simple bombing.  The use of a nuke would have the correct
counter value effect as public would do anything to stop this.)

This might even simply be a problem with definitions.
The greatest threat is now from groups that would want to use nukes to
destroy an ideology such as capitalism. (Target Wall Street, etc.)  They
would want the masses to see that under any circumstances the state
attacked should change.  They would not want to use a weapon that could be
stated as not being a weapon such as ‘scalar’ or biological.  You can’t
say a mushroom cloud and massive fallout was some sort of accident.

These groups would need to have the wherewithal to obtain uranium on their
own.  They would not be so foolish as to even test the black market in
this area.  Obtaining uranium is far easier than the mainstream media
allows.  The most common tool for mining is the simply jackhammer and can
be hidden in some construction type projects such as road or bridge
building.  Because the West controls much of the world with simple bribery
and labor is cheap, there are many areas where this could be done. 
However, I am defining ‘State terrorism’ as that where the heads of states
are aware of the specifics.  Here some with enough bribe money on their
own, of own initiative, would be smart enough to keep the state out of the
loop.  Refining uranium is also simpler than media allows public to
understand, a centrifuge is a centrifuge is a centrifuge.

More confusing is that much of media defines ‘terrorist groups’ or ‘non
state aligned terrorist groups’ as those groups that are inside intel
known anyway.  The greatest threat is from the unknown.  And with those
‘unknown groups’ both the means and motive are available.

Hope this makes it clearer.
Again the background play is:

 Hello Michael,

 so that I may better understand  learn,
 would you please help to clarify the following:

 are you expressing that John Mueller is correct regarding:

 the likelihood of a terrorist obtaining a nuclear device
 and using it against the U.S. is far smaller than most people think.

 Yes, regarding the 'terrorist' referenced by the Media for the
 'usual-suspect' false-flag patsy propaganda agenda,
 But No, regarding The State 'Terrorists' (whom present a Larger likelihood
 of obtaining a nuclear device)
 Which are not the 'terrorist' John Mueller is referencing,
 and the Media do not reference as such, but in fact misdirect from via
 'referencing'/blaming those patsy 'terrorist' / usual-suspects,
 that John Mueller must be obviously referencing .

 Do I understand you correctly?


 - Original Message -
 From: micha...@midcoast.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:26:47 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Atomic Obsession

 It has been admitted that real nuclear attack is becoming more probable
 than ever before. During most of the Cold War there were secret
 Most 'terrorists' are major intel groups concocted. 'Rogue states' would
 be dumped on in a heartbeat if they even thought of a nuke. But real
 terrorists who would be 1- smart enough not to identify with any
 particular state, 2- would obtain the uranium themselves not try to buy on
 black market (most common tool is the jackhammer and can

Re: [cia-drugs] Atomic Obsession

2010-01-27 Thread michael1
It has been admitted that real nuclear attack is becoming more probable
than ever before.  During most of the Cold War there were secret
Most 'terrorists' are major intel groups concocted.  'Rogue states' would
be dumped on in a heartbeat if they even thought of a nuke.  But real
terrorists who would be 1- smart enough not to identify with any
particular state, 2- would obtain the uranium themselves not try to buy on
black market (most common tool is the jackhammer and can be disguised in
simple projects like roads or bridge work, 3- the 'hard-to-process' bull
is just for the public i.e. a centrifuge is a centrifuge.
Notice as per first paragraph that Adm. Keeting called off terrorist nuke
exercise shortly after the letter (as it was posted on Rumor Mill News)
had 14,000 readers within a few days. Why?  He was giving away too much.
My understanding is that there was a 'terrorist nuke exercise' eventually
held but 99% under cover.

 Atomic Obsession
 video 09.11.11:

 John Mueller argues that our decades-long fear of a nuclear attack has
 unwarranted and that the likelihood of a terrorist obtaining a nuclear
 device and using it against the U.S. is far smaller than most people
 Professor Mueller took up these topics in his latest book, Atomic
 He spoke about the book at the University of Missouri in St. Louis.

Re: [cia-drugs] Volcker: Obama pissing off the Oligarchs?

2010-01-23 Thread michael1
Mein Kamph is suddenly selling well in the Third World mainly through
economic departments of universities.
The dollar strength is not in manufacturing nor in commodities.  It is in
ownership of processes, experience with technology.  That is nothing

Chavez understands this and this is why he is saying the auto industry
cannot continue to keep ownership of invention.

It will even out.  Good is still good.  We have our troops quietly toss
made in USA junk weapons and carry AK-47s.  The 47 is the year.  1947.

Write it.

 I'm going to write an article on this.  What says't all of thee?
 Ok, so after World War One, the Allies forced reparations on Germany.
 Germany was basically forced to pay about 100 times the amount of money
 that actually existed in the entire world at that time. LOL. So what did
 they do? They printed it up out of nothing and said, HERE YOU GO BITCHES.
 DON'T SPEND IT ALL IN ONE PLACE. This was called the Weimar
 Hitler brought in Hjalmar Schacht to knock about 8 zeros off the Deutch
 Mark and called the new currency a Reich Mark.
 So, what does this have to do with Obama? Simple.
 The Wall Street/City of London Finance Oligarchy want to repudiate our
 (our) foreign debt with China (and foreign debt in general) through this
 very same hyperinflationary method. The dollar would be destroyed, the
 debt would be paid off via the printing press, and they would bring in
 the new Euro-style regional currency, the Amero.
 But Volcker will NOT do that. LOL. Volcker is the guy who was Fed Chair
 before Greenspan. Carter stuck him in there, and the dude promptly HALTED
 the excessive monetary creation of the 70s. I mean it was radical. Rates
 went WAY the fuck up.
 Well guess what. We're right back to doing that same type of shit, and
 Obama (who is very similar to Carter in many ways, even works for the same
 people, the Trilateralists under Brzezinski) is bringing in Volcker as an
 economic advisor!
 Bernanke said, If all else fails, we can print out money and drop it from
 helicopters. Seriously. Google Helicopter Ben. What he meant was that
 they can use their organized criminal connections to siphon money into the
 economy. But the bottom line is that Greenspan and Bernanke were
 Volcker is the diametric opposite of that. LOL. Holy shit dude. KEEP AN

 The Volcker Revolution - Providing Some Much Needed Answers
 Just who is this Paul Volcker who will now be the President's seemingly
 primary economic advisor, and more importantly, what will his policies be
 like? Luckily, an extensive blueprint already exists, and Zero Hedge
 readers should be quite familiar with it by now.

Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Will Oliver Stone's Secret History Expose How the Bush Family Financed Hitler?

2010-01-11 Thread michael1
How well we used McCarthy!!!
McCarthy was right!  Of course the Army had to work with the commies. 
Nukes are nukes.  But the public would be horrified.  We used McCarthy to
put the mass mind in a vice.  If you went too far left you were called a
commie.  However, if you called those at top commies for needing to
work with commies then you were called a 'McCarthyite'.  The perfect vice
for the perfect vice.
Hitler..., perhaps Stone will show us why  Mein Kampf is suddenly selling
so well in economic departments of Third World universities.
An understanding of Stalin might show us why we HAD to, (and still have
to), support Israel.
Knowing exactly why Mao was the 'odd man out' between Stalin and Truman
might make us understand the present focus on Indonesia.  And might make
us pay more attention to Admiral Blair.
Good for Stone.  Might be a small step but at least it is in the right

 -- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 02:00:22 EST
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, j...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com
 Subject: Will Oliver Stone's Secret History Expose How the Bush Family
 Financed Hitler?

 January 09, 2010
 Oliver Stone's 'Secret History' to put Hitler 'in context'
 http://www.thrfeed.com/tca/  -- Director Oliver Stone's upcoming
 documentary miniseries Secret History of America promises to put mass
 murderers such as Stalin and Hitler in context.

 Stalin, Hitler, Mao, McCarthy -- these people have been vilified pretty
 thoroughly by history, Stone told reporters at the Television Critics
 Association's semi-annual press tour in Pasadena.

 Stalin has a complete other story, Stone said. Not to paint him as a
 but to tell a more factual representation. He fought the German war
 more than any single person. We can't judge people as only 'bad' or
 Hitler is an easy scapegoat throughout history and its been used
 cheaply. He's
 the product of a series of actions. It's cause and effect ... People in
 America don't know the connection between WWI and WWII ... I've been
 able to
 walk in Stalin's shoes and Hitler's shoes to understand their point of
 We're going to educate our minds and liberalize them and broaden them.
 We want
 to move beyond opinions ... Go into the funding of the Nazi party. How
 American corporations were involved, from GM through IBM. Hitler is just
 a man
 who could have easily been assassinated.

 The controversial director's 10-part documentary series for Showtime
 ica-.html  promises to focus on events that at the time went
 but crucially shaped America's unique and complex history of the last 60
 years. Subjects in History include President Harry Truman¹s decision
 drop the atomic bomb on Japan and the origins of the Cold War with the

 You cannot approach history unless you have empathy for the person you
 hate, Stone said during the show's trailer, which promised to put
 villains in context. I don't want to put out conventional History
 product where it's easy to like it.

 He's not saying we're going to come out with a more positive view of
 emphasized professor Peter Kuznick, the lead writer on the project. But
 going to describe him as a historical phenomenon and not just somebody
 appeared out of nowhere.

 Stone said that conservative pundits will dislike the show.

 Obviously, Rush Limbaugh is not going to like this history and, as
 we're going to get those kind of ignorant attacks, said Stone, who also
 compared the experience of sympathizing with war criminals to making his
 movie about George W. Bush. I'm trying to understand somebody I

 Stone also warned that the same military industrial complex forces that
 explored in movies such as JFK and in Secret History, are now
 Barack Obama.

 You can understand why Obama is following in Bush's footsteps in
 Afghanistan, Stone said.Obama is very much trapped, we believe, in
 system. And so that's what we're going to try and show you -- the way it

 -- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] The Crescent and the Star: part III:

2010-01-11 Thread michael1
The Crescent and the Star: part III:

Islam, the fastest growing religion, holds the most strategic military
areas: the key Malacca choke point, the African Horn, and much of the
areas that either hold present or future oil as well as the coming world
bread basket.  All military actions are becoming more determined by the
social settings.  This was one of the main points of General Charles
Krulak’s retirement speech, ‘The Strategic Corporal’.  Not only does low
tech trump high tech, as in the AK-47 trumping the cruise missile, but
high tech at this point can have unexpected negative PR.   Videos of what
the ‘out-of-danger’ drone operators see as they fire missiles are now
floating all over the Internet.  In some you see the last seconds of
humans trying to run for their lives from cars as they hear the drone
approaching.  Bloody war was thought neatly tucked away in the dishwasher
with the Cascade. Being drawn and quartered seems, compared to those last
seconds, ‘almost nice’.  Emotionally many see those flying body parts, and
the imagination of Internet viewers, as one would look down upon the
Coliseum as Christians were thrown to the lions.  And that martyrdom no
small factor, (most likely decisive factor), in the Christians soon taking
The drones break not only international boundaries but also rules of

Bottom-drawer tech combos of mere grappling hooks, AK-47s and duct-tape
patched Evinrudes now tie up much of above-equator navies.  The more what
is held in reserve is also held back to, (just-only), be a question…, then
the more powerful a factor the question itself becomes.  Seabed-missile,
rogue torpedo, and mine have morphed into one hydra hybrid as close as the
nearest Toys-R-Us or PC.  ‘Regulars’ can scream “unsymmetrical” as loud as
the Redcoats screamed about those hiding behind stonewalls and as loud as
knights screamed about the longbow.  And with the same result…: littoral
to the coral.

Military logistics was the power of the West as it babbles on that the
untrained talk strategy while the pros talk logistics.  That has been
thrown to the wolves and the drones and the lions as the West now fights
on far too many fronts.  All the explosions in the no-lines of the Hindu
Kush are not as powerful as one sneeze in Karachi.

Africa collects as slowly and as strongly as the Prophet did in Medina. 
As safety in Africa equates with arms military tactics often precede
Islam.  The winners often act Islamic way prior to converting.  Rebellion
has spread not only into Eritrea but also well into Ethiopia.  Kenya, once
one of only a few unarmed places in Africa, now has well armed rebels well
into eastern areas.  Juba quiets and collects.  Kampala may, with
Museveni, still ‘Sow The Mustard Seed’ but the office by necessity becomes
more effectively Inman than statesman.  Juba sees the long term.

North, over the Aden Gulf, Bab El Mandeb may still mean terror but the
land is trumping the sea.  Sanaa cooks a one-ingredient stew: money. 
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh in anger yells at the US “don’t come
in” as Admiral Mullen yells back in anger, “we won’t come in”.  This anger
is as soft as the money is hard.  It is now more openly realized that
there is no northern border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.  Sanna is like
a log cavalry fort in the Old West with only one weapon against the
Apaches: money.   As the English did in India the West’s main tactic is to
pay off one tribe to ruthlessly control the others.  Not as sure when all
tribes are armed.  But money is money and as was oft the case in India the
paid off would only play a game giving an occasional wrong head and
smilingly pocket the cash.

But the poor with the guns increase in number.  But in Islam control with
money is against the main tenants of the religion.  The fort’s logs
quickly rot in that sand.  Yet even with a possible slow rot in any war of
attrition the party that can most afford to wait will win.

Re: [cia-drugs] First Post to CIA-Drugs -- my background

2010-01-09 Thread michael1
Dear Captain May,
Wow, you certainly have a story!  Welcome.

I was going to write my story.  I half completed a book but saw that all
the wrong people would be hurt.  I put it aside.  Years later a visiting
Australian lady saw the first part and said I should put the early part
about my upbringing into the form of a play as it already read like one. 
I finally did a few years ago: ‘A Spy In Time’.
I was a child at the time but remember the planning for America’s near
second use of atomic weapons at the end of April 1954, Operation Falcon. 
“According to Richard Nixon the plan involved the Joint Chiefs of Staff
drawing up plans to use 3 small tactical nuclear weapons in support of the
French.”  From:
That was some years after as Ike was president in 54.  I was a child and
the talk, to my memory, was either one or two bombs.  But it was then that
I understood that we had, (and have), secret agreements about
non-use-of-nukes brokered by Luce first with Joe Stalin.  Within a short
time we started using the fairly new Israeli Mossad as a combination
KGB/CIA and other nuclear power intel agencies to keep the secret deal
honest.  It is only human that such would get out of control.  The problem
is that at this point we don’t have anything to replace it with.  But this
is also why the Third World, (through Turkey), is starting to suggest that
the world needs a ‘new’ and ‘different’ world organization.

The play puts these complexities in more simple terms as it is viewed from
the perspective of an eleven-year-old child.  When I put it on the
Internet it had 14,000 viewers in the first week.  I have become more
optimistic over these issues over time and no longer play the ‘us’ vs.
‘them’ game.  I am sensing that time will soon force us all together.

‘A Spy In Time’ is here:

At any rate…: Welcome.

 I've been on a mission of conscience since 2003, with the outbreak of the
 illegal Iraq war. A month ago my publisher at the Lone Star Iconoclast
 published a story on my earliest actions:
 Captain Courageous Witnessed: Dr. Kelly Assassinated!

[cia-drugs] Crescent and the Star. (Part I)

2010-01-09 Thread michael1
Crescent and the Star. (Part I)

Most understand that the symbol of, and the meaning of, the crescent in
Islam have nothing to do with anything religious. But few in the West
understand the giant crescent meaning in the war tactics of the highly
precise hordes of the Mongols that were transferred to the Ottoman Empire.

With horde organization a decimal system was used: 10 in an Arav, 100 made
a Zuut, 1000 at Minghan and 10,000 a Tumen. A horde was 2 Tuman that
corresponds in number to the older concept of our army ‘division’.

Unlike today’s standard military the hordes required tactics that demanded
that the average cavalry soldier perform many duties and work in ways that
took abilities that could only be started in childhood. The crescent was a
deceptive form of attack that ended in a crescent shape that suddenly
reversed. This general type of deception can be found in such Boer War
battles such as Spion Kop and Colenso but with nowhere near the precision
of a trained horde. I cannot think of any human endeavor that worked with
such precision as the horde.  Training was so complex that you had to
start as a child.  Calvary would each have 3 to 4 mounts as with the
continual maneuvers they would wear.  It was like non-stop barrel racing
with turns that had to remain at gallop as much as possible as precise
arrows could only fly in that 1 to 1 1/4 second that all hoofs would not
touch the ground.  Not even in sending men to the moon had so many minds
had to work collectively together with such precision as in a horde
crescent development.

The crescent shape was formed when the enemy advanced and begun to think
it breached the center. When the precise crescent shape emerged the
counter began and the enemy would not expect it nor expect that the points
of the crescent could ever outflank in the manner that they did.

I now see all of Islam forming a crescent. Though this crescent can be
viewed militarily it also uses economics. Played into with some cheer this
‘war’ could move to a gentle ‘tit-a-tat’ with all sides and issues
benefiting. But here the entire world is involved, most unknowingly!!!

Many are now referring to the Seth Material and his prediction through
Jane Roberts that the next large religious drama would begin in Indonesia.
I jumped right into the question of which island: Java, Sumatra or Borneo.
Perhaps I jumped the gun, (or here bucked the scimitar), when I should
have started more generally and slowly and with some building up. In other
words more of a ‘process’. (Indonesia is the only area of Islam never
directly built by hordes. Start in the beginning and that will come.)

This could turn into a wide discussion that many could play into. For
example I see, by Iceland’s economic trials in Reykjavik is now one of the
crescent ‘horns’ or points. Something that once started anyone can add to
like an open game of scrabble. While the world plays monopoly the scrabble
game will trump.  Argentina is the other horn for whatever icon Argentina
will beg cry for them only toward the end will they cry for themselves.
End part one:
Michael Donovan

[cia-drugs] The Crescent and the Star: part II

2010-01-09 Thread michael1
Many accuse the powers-that-be of orchestrating a war between the West and
Islam.  It is true that there is some orchestration in that area, false
flags and all. However this same conflict is also an interior final
showdown deeper than the present powers would have imagined or wanted.  It
is at core a world-mind psychological showdown: the integration of the
world’s mass mind.

Violence is being rejected by the world’s mass mind but in steps designed
to unify.  The origin is within the inner/unconscious/hidden mass mind. 
Although the numbers of small conflicts as at times increased the overall
casualties have steadily decreased.  Anyone can go to the lists of names
of the fallen and see graphically by list size the steady decrease from WW
I.  In WW II the Americans lost more men in one month in the Battle of the
Bulge than the number of uniformed boots-on-ground that the US presently
has in Afghanistan.   With this the real increasing threats of violence,
and as much demonstration as needed to show threat is real, will go hand
in hand with the decrease.

Here starts a list of overall trends that must be considered: Military,
female-social, social, and economic:

1- Military:
Militarily low tech is trumping high tech at an unstoppable rate.  In the
most expensive war game ever, prior to the Second Gulf War, General Paul
Van Riper played the Iraq/Iran enemy and by using low tech sunk most of
the American fleet.  He maxed the low tech giving orders that no form of
electronic communication was allowed.  All communication used such things
as mirrors, flashlights, and cycle carriers.  Much of the gadgets in the
swarm attack that goofed the radar of and sunk the US fleet can easily be
obtained at Toys-R-Us.  In simple terms the Kalashnikov now trumps the
cruise missile.

2- Female-social:
It is axiomatic that the world feminizes at the equator.  This does not so
much as ‘soften’ military action as much as make it far more tricky.  As
the power of the southern hemisphere moves up the factor will quickly
dominate the north.

3- Social:
On the whole Islamic culture provides inner social values that will far
more easily withstand coming military and economic changes.  Western
values are primarily based on economic principles that cannot last in the
coming age.  Though this is the area that will be resisted by the West in
the psychological/social arena it is also this same resistance that will
form the crescent that will be the West’s undoing.

4- Economic:
There is the slow but unstoppable realization that the world must choose
between letting go of growth economy or committing mass suicide.  With
this there is the duel seemingly opposed trends of economic centralization
and self-sustaining areas that will merge into an organic and continually
morphing stew.

Each of these four areas needs to be broadened out.

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Colla’ Walla or drug smug?

2009-12-16 Thread michael1
Thank you, Bob.  I don't know as much as you about the specifics.  I was
worried as I could see a plan of getting all addicted , legal or illegal.


 That's what I thought you said, as far as poppy growing in Australia
 proper, not Tasmania. Reading the Doug Valentine book, trineday.com,
 Strength of the Pack, about the DEA, Valentine says that in the days of
 the FBN 1920-40, the morphine and heroin were produced legally in European
 labs and the ethnic mafias including Chinese tongs were
 only inserted at the distribution level as cut-outs in the US. I
 don't think other countries need to salute US schizophrenic neo
 puritan madness. Just grow poppies everywhere, grow flowers instead
 of nukes, bypass US war on this and that but not really.

 Grow a poppy in the windowbox to medicate the boys over there when
 they come home with all the flesh stripped off their bones by HMX
 liberated along with the poppies to make it a war and bloody the
 bully, solving the image problem for perennial war.

 We have fields of poppies blooming in highway medians, and if they aren't
 blooming, we have lots of bright lights in New Cholon City, and discos and
 gyms for the boys over here. Those are only sterile
 terminator poppies and boys and gyms though. Don't drop weights on the
 floor there because we should stay estrogenized, constipated, and
 paranoid. Flowers, yes, reality, no, not here.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Bob, I was thanking you for posting that information. I will repeat what
 said, Muckbit, Thank you ever so much!!! So 'Hillbilly Heroin' is
 heroin- just some tricky botany and some good lawyers.  Wow.  This needs
 to be passed around.  There is legal poppy for pharma, (but seems too
 much).  The original BBC of wallaby in Australia still does not come up,
 is replaced by Tasmania. (Still don't understand that.).  So regular
 Heroin type poppy is legal only with special permission.  But an
 poppy is legal, (bypasses restrictions), but a special process with this
 produces ocycontin.  And the answers to your questions are 'no'.
 I was only thanking you for that information.

  Michael, putting words in my mouth backwards is two strikes
  (unpredicated fake inference and then internal cross-wiring). If
  you are actually being tendentious as well, as far as boosting
  off of your false inference and plus your cross-wired internal
  reversal, in order to then over arch us with your choice of
  strategic catch-all, then that would be three strikes since
  you had no basis in anything I said. Try quote for quote as
  repartee next time. Let the little toys meet each other on the
  I posted quotes without comment, therefore no inference is
  possible as to whether I stated or implied that wallaby poppies
  are Papaver somniferum(morphine) or P. bracteatum (hillbilly
  heroin, oxycontin, only presently sourced candidate for Michael
  Donovan's wallabilly heroin). Do we have that clear now, Michael?
  Beyond that, your second leap was an instance where of your mind
  simply crossed up internally one time. As we get older that is
  an early sign that we need to be more careful what we eat.
  It appears that Michael Donovan believes that some of the
  Australian poppies are Papaver somniferum. Is that fair?
  Michael Donovan believes that more poppy is being grown in
  Tasmania than would be allowed under international medical
  quota. Is that fair to say?
  Would Michael like to say that Australia proper is growing some
  poppies, as well as Tasmania? He may have said that originally.
  Bolivia has legal and illegal coca growing areas which used to reflect
  political bases in each, as Colombia has a de facto
  legal growing status for rightwing paramilitary areas controlled
  by US School of the America graduates competing with nominally
  leftwing coca guards who invest in clinics and roads and not
  in Wall Street, if what we read is all we should believe. The
  official stories contain the notion of all Australian poppies
  being grown behind a moat, as it were, on an island, rather
  than on the continental island of Australia proper.
  The office line is that
  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, michael1@ wrote:
  Muckbit, Thank you ever so much!!!
  So 'Hillbilly Heroin' is heroin- just some tricky botany and some
  lawyers.  Wow.  This needs to be passed around.
   With over-production of licit opium by Turkey and Australia (which
   technically not permitted to grow poppy under international
   India reduced its licensed acreage from 63,000 to 11,000 hectares.
   (June 25 stoned wallabies story)
   Australia is arguing that it should be given

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Colla’ Walla or drug smug?

2009-12-15 Thread michael1
 or they are sprayed with
  treatments to change them, from producing morphine to producing
  These plants do it naturally so we're very excited about this and
  there is enormous potential for us and also the farmers that grow with
  A mystery solved « Waterloo Idler
  6 hours ago by Gavin
  Anyway, what the Australian farmers on Tasmania have found is that
  wallabies occasionally get in to the opium fields and eat the poppies.
  Apparently after a while they begin to act strangely and hop around in
  circles before falling down ...
  Mystery Solved: Blame trippy Skippy « Randomness and Waffle
  14 hours ago by Ali
  Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop
 circles as
  they hop around as high as a kite, a government official has said.
  Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, said
  kangaroo-like ...
  Deepen the Conversation: Black Opium Symposium
  12-3-2009 by i...@... (qtix Box Office)
  Black Opium Symposium A groundbreaking book inspired one of
  most distinguished indigenous artists, Fiona Foley, to create a
  powerful and immersive public artwork: Black Opium. After reading
  Sustaining opium reduction in Southeast Asia | Australian Policy ...
  8-16-2009 by paitken
  17 August 2009Since 1998 opium production in Southeast Asia has
  by some 67% from 1437 tons in 1998 to 469 tons in 2007. The area under
  cultivation has also declined by over 80% from 158230 hectares to
  hectares during the ...
  'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' — My Blog
  6 hours ago by admin
  -like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for medicine.
  was reporting to a parliamentary hearing on security for poppy crops.
  Australia supplies about 50% of the world's legally-grown opium used
  make morphine ...
  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, michael1@ wrote:
  Colla' Walla or drug smug?
  …Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop
  as they hop around as high as a kite, a government official has
  Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania,
  the kangaroo-like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for
  medicine….  This is from BBC `'Stoned wallabies make crop circles'
  This article is a repeat of a similar one.  Though it is listed on
  of BBC's read-list it is not even listed on the Internet drop list
  buried on the Asian-Pacific area page.  Why so hot?  Why so hot even
  so buried?  Is it the funny part or the not so funny?
  Now this in New York Times.  Was on front page:
  (quote) …Poor Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics
  New federally financed drug research reveals a stark disparity:
  covered by Medicaid are given powerful antipsychotic medicines at a
  four times higher than children whose parents have private insurance.
  the Medicaid children are more likely to receive the drugs for less
  conditions than their middle-class counterparts, the data shows….
  Putting these two stories together you can see how illegal drugs and
  pharma have combined to addict as many as possible illegally or
  What are kids doing on antipsychotics anyway?  Seems mostly for being
  noisy and for being kids.  Easier when they sit stoned in front of
   Other Wallaby story showed too much grown for just morphine.
  Leads to questions that we don't want to ask ourselves such as:
  1-Laws don't work.  Medicine is controlled.  What does work?  Only
  in public attitudes--- but how?  Must think in terms of general
  2-So many complain about illegal drugs being the money to support
  international CIA-type security operations.  I say `CIA-type' as CIA
  KGB were combined in early fifties with other nuclear powers to form
  inside security to secret non-use-of-nuke deals.  Same op is security
  anything else now up to nanotech.  These activities cost.  How else
  you fund?  Seriously.  This is facing life on life's terms, not
  dreamy platitudes.  If this were to seriously be replaced you might
  to start with throwing out political `isms'.  This is not undoable
  the masses, but difficult.
  Example from another conversation:  There was talk about CIA Director
  Stansfield Turner when he tossed knuckledraggers.   Adm. Turner
  got the mad idea that he could rely entirely on technology, i.e.
  `listening devices', and therefore did not need `humtel' – human

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Colla’ Walla or drug smug?

2009-12-13 Thread michael1

Muckbit, Thank you ever so much!!!
So 'Hillbilly Heroin' is heroin- just some tricky botany and some good
lawyers.  Wow.  This needs to be passed around.

 With over-production of licit opium by Turkey and Australia (which is
 technically not permitted to grow poppy under international conventions),
 India reduced its licensed acreage from 63,000 to 11,000 hectares.
 (June 25 stoned wallabies story)
 Australia is arguing that it should be given better access to the U.S.
 market...Australia, which started its commercial opium poppy industry in
 1970, is already the world's largest legal producer
 for 20 years was the world's biggest poppy producer until 2004 when it
 was overtaken by France
 We're investigating a very exciting crop for us which is called Papaver
 bracteatum. So the normal poppy that is grown around the world is called
 Papaver somniferum and that's an annual crop. With this crop we're doing
 some trial work on is a perennial crop. So we plant this once and we
 expect to get three to four years out of the crop. It has benefits to
 farmers in that it's a more robust poppy species and you don't have the
 risk of germination each year once it's established.

 The other key difference between this poppy and the normal poppy is whilst
 the normal poppy Papaver somniferum is very high in morphine. This poppy
 does not have any morphine at all in it. It is high in a different
 alkaloid called thebane. And since the early 90s, thebane has been
 commercially of interest as it's used for a lot of the other products for
 pain relief such as Oxicodone.

 But also interestingly, a lot of the products that are actually used for
 opiate substitution treatments, such as Bupremorphine, Naloxone and
 Naltrexone are other products that are obtained from thebane. And this
 poppy is a very high-yielding thebane, much higher than the standard
 poppies which are either genetically altered or they are sprayed with
 treatments to change them, from producing morphine to producing thebane.
 These plants do it naturally so we're very excited about this and think
 there is enormous potential for us and also the farmers that grow with
 A mystery solved « Waterloo Idler
 6 hours ago by Gavin
 Anyway, what the Australian farmers on Tasmania have found is that
 wallabies occasionally get in to the opium fields and eat the poppies.
 Apparently after a while they begin to act strangely and hop around in
 circles before falling down ...
 Mystery Solved: Blame trippy Skippy « Randomness and Waffle
 14 hours ago by Ali
 Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles as
 they hop around as high as a kite, a government official has said. Lara
 Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, said the
 kangaroo-like ...
 Deepen the Conversation: Black Opium Symposium
 12-3-2009 by i...@qtix.com.au (qtix Box Office)
 Black Opium Symposium A groundbreaking book inspired one of Australia's
 most distinguished indigenous artists, Fiona Foley, to create a complex,
 powerful and immersive public artwork: Black Opium. After reading Rosalind
 Sustaining opium reduction in Southeast Asia | Australian Policy ...
 8-16-2009 by paitken
 17 August 2009Since 1998 opium production in Southeast Asia has declined
 by some 67% from 1437 tons in 1998 to 469 tons in 2007. The area under
 cultivation has also declined by over 80% from 158230 hectares to 29200
 hectares during the ...
 'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' — My Blog
 6 hours ago by admin
 -like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for medicine. She
 was reporting to a parliamentary hearing on security for poppy crops.
 Australia supplies about 50% of the world's legally-grown opium used to
 make morphine ...

 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Colla' Walla or drug smug?
 …Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop
 as they hop around as high as a kite, a government official has said.
 Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania,
 the kangaroo-like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for
 medicine….  This is from BBC `'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' at:

 This article is a repeat of a similar one.  Though it is listed on
 of BBC's read-list it is not even listed on the Internet drop list and
 buried on the Asian-Pacific area page.  Why so hot?  Why so hot even
 so buried?  Is it the funny part or the not so funny?

 Now this in 

[cia-drugs] Colla’ Walla or drug smug?

2009-12-12 Thread michael1
Colla’ Walla or drug smug?
“…Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles
as they hop around as high as a kite, a government official has said.
Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, said
the kangaroo-like marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for
medicine….”  This is from BBC ‘'Stoned wallabies make crop circles' at:

This article is a repeat of a similar one.  Though it is listed on hottest
of BBC’s read-list it is not even listed on the Internet drop list and
buried on the Asian-Pacific area page.  Why so hot?  Why so hot even when
so buried?  Is it the funny part or the not so funny?

Now this in New York Times.  Was on front page:


(quote) “…Poor Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics
New federally financed drug research reveals a stark disparity: children
covered by Medicaid are given powerful antipsychotic medicines at a rate
four times higher than children whose parents have private insurance. And
the Medicaid children are more likely to receive the drugs for less severe
conditions than their middle-class counterparts, the data shows….”

Putting these two stories together you can see how illegal drugs and
pharma have combined to addict as many as possible illegally or legally.

What are kids doing on antipsychotics anyway?  Seems mostly for being
noisy and for being kids.  Easier when they sit stoned in front of the TV.
 Other Wallaby story showed too much grown for just morphine.

Leads to questions that we don’t want to ask ourselves such as:

1-  Laws don’t work.  Medicine is controlled.  What does work?  Only change
in public attitudes--- but how?  Must think in terms of general public..,
2-  So many complain about illegal drugs being the money to support inside
international CIA-type security operations.  I say ‘CIA-type’ as CIA and
KGB were combined in early fifties with other nuclear powers to form
inside security to secret non-use-of-nuke deals.  Same op is security for
anything else now up to nanotech.  These activities cost.  How else would
you fund?  Seriously.  This is facing life on life’s terms, not relying on
dreamy platitudes.  If this were to seriously be replaced you might need
to start with throwing out political ‘isms’.  This is not undoable with
the masses, but difficult.

Example from another conversation:  There was talk about CIA Director Adm.
Stansfield Turner when he tossed knuckledraggers.   Adm. Turner somehow
got the mad idea that he could rely entirely on technology, i.e.
‘listening devices’, and therefore did not need ‘humtel’ – human
intelligence operatives.  First thing was that thousands of humtels simply
went ‘off reservation’ to the other side for jobs.  No biggie, a job is a
job.  At higher levels there is no ‘off reservation’.   To put that in
another frame realize that spying must be legal in the real world but has
only remained illegal because with the masses the patriot game works and
other games don’t.  So we lie.  We ‘level’, we ‘compartmentalize’, we
paste confused-grin over knowing-smirk.

To a great extent this is a psychological exercise.  The ‘upper’ chit-chat
now is the Red Book, the book that was written by Carl Jung that his
family would not allow published until 2001 as it would have made him look
a bit whacky.  (A new copy is $114.00 bucks!)  In the Red Book he states
that the ultimate process is your own inward venture.  But mine seems to
go in two areas.  One is the nice-nice talk of new-age.  Many of these
things I believe in.  Another is real world horror.  I have seen first
hand the horrors of crack and how evil it is that we foster that on Blacks
but only cocaine on Whites.  But trying to ‘fix’ that is asking to be
permanently fixed yourself.  Life on life’s terms means life has its own

I hear 'CIA and drugs', sob sob..., 'CIA and drugs', sob sob  So what
is the real solution?

In other words:  I am just seeing what happens when I switch icons.  Where
do you get ‘in the zone’?

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Georgia and South Ossetia War Photos and Links

2009-12-09 Thread michael1
Interesting connections.
A good friend was on a CIA scholarship.
Ho Chi Minh was a busboy at the Parker House near the Common when he went
to Harvard.
There was a mention of ‘MSU’ and ‘former president of Liberia’ in prior
post.  Don’t see how that could be Taylor, he was a Mass drug dealer and
only many ever to escape from the Plymouth County, MA jail.

 Wife of South Vietnam's dictator/President Diem, as an MSU cheerleader,
 with green garb and white pompoms...When MSU invited Iraqi war strategist
 Condoleeza Rice to deliver its commencement address on May 7, the
 cheerleader image was resurrected. The cover of Lansing's popular
 alternative weekly City Pulse featured Condi Rice as a giddy MSU
 cheerleader on May 5th

 Local workmen beware, do not take money from these rich drunken whores
 unless you have police clearance to discredit yourselves.

 Yes, Michigan State U received a lot of attention from Hilaire du Berrier
 in his Vietnam book, manuscripted in 1950's already, called Background to
 Betrayal. MSU trained the Diem-Nhu fascist police state, to the extent it
 had not already been trained by Ed Lansdale's curious choice for head of
 all Vietnamese police, Phan Ngoc Thao, brother of Ho Chi Minh's right hand
 man, and son-in-law of a communist professor, son of the head of the Viet
 Minh, and himself the former head of Viet Minh police. Lansdale knew how
 to run a security check.

 McPherson of MSU? Check. Must be another international secret society plot
 to loot us anew. McPherson is documented at the first link as being a
 radical neolib-neocon on the model of Milton Friedman. See Naomi Klein's
 Shock Doctrine. McPherson talks about shocking out Iraq and privatizing
 away their marvelous functioning oil socialism which just worked, in favor
 of idealistic mayhem that still does not work in terms of basic services
 they had in Iraq before, not to mention millions, literally millions, of
 educated professionals such as doctors have left Iraq never to return,
 thanks to the US and McPherson.

 McPherson will not, apparently, come to the defense of David Wiley, MSU's
 Director of African Studies who has taken the courageous stance of
 fighting an attempt by Republicans to force African Studies departments to
 accept military intelligence and CIA funding as part of the Title VI
 language and area studies grants...McPherson was Reagan's USAID chief from
 1981 to 1987[USAID fronted CIA lat am
 death squadding in Guatemala]

 Yes, truly a dangerous man, literally a death squadding threat to
 democracy, free elections, and equality under law.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Mary Hartman hartmanmar...@... wrote:

 Hi Bob,

 Pull these up and read them.  I found them while looking up things on
 Bruce Atwood and McPherson.  These explain alot about the subversion of
 the U of MN since these two are bosom buddies.  Articles tie McPherson,
 who is a Clinton liberal, to both Bush's as well. 

 I used to get bogged down with the labels: Democrat/Republican.  Guys
 like McPherson move seamlessly between them all, exploiting, looting,
 subverting wherever he can to make a buck and destroy lives.  He's a
 dangerous man. 

 Condi Rice salutes war president, It's not who - The Free Press ...In
 May 2003, after President Bush came calling,  the MSU Board of Trustees
 released McPherson to serve 130 days, to oversee the economic
 restructuring of ...
 www.freepress.org/departments/display/20/2004/705 - CachedWho is
 Michigan's Empire Man? Big Ten University - The Free Press ...August 18,
 2003 I think this must be heaven, Peter McPherson told the State News
 ... One of the few MSU faculty to publicly criticize McPherson is Lewis
 www.freepress.org/departments/display/20/2003/327 - Cached

 --- On Wed, 12/9/09, muckblit muckb...@... wrote:

 From: muckblit muckb...@...
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Georgia and South Ossetia War Photos and Links
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 10:00 PM


   Lots of links to follow in blog below these pics.

 Explosives seem to improve like other technologies.

 Soros, Cheney war, even while Soros was sounding so

 liberal and supporting Obama. Cheney was over there

 agitating during the Republican National nominating

 convention. I'm going back and follow links later.

 Just ran into this while looking for LSD torture of

 al-CIA-duh lab monkeys.

 http://lsd-25. ru/2008/08/ 14/voyna- v-yuzhnoy- osetii-89- fotografiy-
 arkadiya- babchenko/

Re: [cia-drugs] CIA Heart Attack Gun?

2009-12-08 Thread michael1
Hit with ‘electronic LSD’ developed by Astronics.  In light amounts it is
like some pot.  In fact that amount tried by ‘Tip’ O’Neal in part of
demonstration.  In larger amounts it is freaky but only really upsets if
you are not prepared.
Naval Intel did this to me after interrogation the night of April 13th,
1984.  I gave three names, Pavlita, C.W. Cho, and Kozyrev.

I had paperwork on the first two but not on Kozyrev.  The way it works the
first time you relax you get major high.  Set and setting is everything so
I freaked big time.  It was turned up.   On either May 8th or 9th buried
in the back of the New York Times was an article on a Sergi Koslov, a
Soviet mathematician visiting Pasadena in some sort of exchange program.  
The same methods were used on him.  This was the guy who later also
freaked at Dullas claiming CIA was trying to mind control him.  Shrinks
brought in, etc.  The interrogation was taped by Navy with my knowledge
and permission.  Seems that I slur a bit and my spoken Kozyrev was
mistaken for Koslov.  I did not give a first name.

TASS had a fit.  First and only time, (not including ultrasound waves at
embassy deal), that I ever heard of wherein one major power accused
another of mind control.  We were obliged to print the accusation in our
major media.

There have been a number of times that I sensed this device was used in
jury tampering.  Once was in the Reagan Secretary of Labor RICO trial:
Raymond Donovan


Not upset anymore.  In fact under circumstances it was nice I was not
Michael Donovan


 Check Out the CIA Heart Attack Gun, De-Classified in 1975, Mentioned on
 the Show!  Click Here For the Story

 CIA secret weapon of assassination

Re: [cia-drugs] Did the CIA's Afghan mujahideen operatives shoot down TWA Flight 800 in July 96

2009-12-06 Thread michael1
Where did this  come from

Few Flight 800 facts:
1-  SEALS seen in standard rubber boats in impact area early morning prior
to shootdown.  This from Commander Donaldson – ‘Dentist’ group.
2-  Perry et al on Fire Island initially identified naval ship as fitting a
British frigate.
3-  100s saw the missile go up and hit the plane.
4-  About 100 also swear they saw the shootdown right on CNN that morning,
a video.  Just as many swear they were watching CNN all during that time
and saw no such thing.  Who was right?  Both.  It was cable.
5-  About two weeks prior fighters escorting commercial flights out of 

The only thing that the facts fit is a payback for infraction of secret
international agreement concerning non-use-of-nukes.  As in point 3 above,
a little more ‘sting’ had to be agreed to.  Not too much to give away,
just enough to cause some problems.

 Did the CIA's Afghan mujahideen operatives shoot down TWA Flight 800, on
 July 17, 1996?

 The settling of Afghan-trained mujahideen in the Balkans began around
 1992, when recruits were brought into Bosnia by the ruling Islamic party
 of Bosnia, the Party of Democratic Action, from Chechnya, Saudi  Arabia,
 Egypt, Pakistan, as well as Italy, Germany and Turkey.

From 1993 to 1995, money, arms and expertise flooded from the United
 States to al Qaeda military networks in Bosnia-Herzegovina -- all under
 the watchful eye of Gen. Michael V. Hayden -- then chief of U.S.
 military intelligence in the region as director of the U.S. European
 Command Intelligence Directorate, with a headquarters based in
 Stuttgart, Germany.

 Hayden's name has been linked repeatedly to allegations that the
 American government provided arms and other support to al Qaeda-linked
 militants inside Bosnia.  Hayden accompanied U.S. envoy Richard
 Holbrooke on a trip to Croatia in November 1994, during which Holbrooke
 told the Bosnian government that the U.S. would encourage third-party
 countries to make covert shipments of arms and supplies for the use of
 al Qaeda's Bosnian network, in violation of a U.N. embargo.

 The official representing Bosnia at the November 1994 meeting (in which
 Holbrooke gave explicit approval to violations of the embargo) also sat
 on the board of a Vienna charity funded by Osama bin Laden. That charity
 – the Third World Relief Agency – directly shipped arms from the
 Sudan to Bosnian militants and also sent more than $40,000 in cash to
 the New York terrorist cell responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center

 Arms also came from Sudan and Iran to mujahideen forces fighting on
 behalf of the Bosnian government.   The shipments included weapons,
 ammunition, uniforms, helmets, new anti-tank weapons and Stingers,
 according to the Dutch intelligence survey.

 Source:  May 8, 2006   http://intelwire.egoplex.com/hayden-bosnia.htm

 TWA Flight 800, a Boeing 747 blew up off the coast of Long Island on
 July 17, 1996. See more about this below.

In January 1999, NATO bombed Serbia and Kosovo for 78-day which killed
 hundreds of people in hospitals, schools, churches, parks and television
 studios, and destroyed economic infrastructure.   Bombing these places
 is a war crime.

 The Kosovo Liberation Army, an Albanian paramilitary organization
 supported by NATO, was used to exacerbate ethnic tensions in Kosovo in
 order to legitimize a NATO intervention. This conflict occurred in the
 context of broad Western, particularly U.S., objectives in the Balkans.

 NATO bombing of Serbs was an undeclared US war and a war crime

 The KLA acted as a ground force for NATO, drawing out Serbian forces so
 that NATO air command could target them.  The Times reported that U.S.
 intelligence admitted its linkages to the KLA. The CIA had provided the
 KLA with arms and training.  President Bill Clinton's special envoy to
 the Balkans, Robert Gelbard, described the KLA as, without any
 questions, a terrorist group.  The Serbian government also reported
 that the KLA had killed and kidnapped no fewer than 3,276 civilians of
 various ethnic descriptions including some Albanians

 The former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for
 Yugoslavia in the Hague was Carla Del Ponte. Carla Del Ponte, published
 her memoir The Hunt: Me and War Criminals. This book reveals unpalatable
 truths about the West's intervention in Kosovo.  Under pressure from
 Washington and London, an investigation into NATO war crimes at this
 tribunal, were scrapped.

 The justification for the NATO bombing was that the Serbs were
 committing genocide in the secessionist province of Kosovo against
 ethnic Albanians.  The truth was that the Kosovo Liberation Army killed
 the Albanians.

 There was sufficient evidence to prosecute the Kosovar Albanians for war
 crimes, but the investigation was nipped in the bud  The Hague judges
 were terrified of the Kosovar Albanians--the 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: The Administration Guts Its Own Argument for 9/11 Trials

2009-11-24 Thread michael1
Of the motels you have stayed at over the last 20 years or so what % do
you think were run by Pakistanis?
Remember John Walker in East Ocean View in Norfolk.
What was he allowed to do?

 The big picture of this type of self-corruption is that by using
 these high pressure shunts to pragmatism, all the Jack Bauer 24
 we're the good guys let's John Wayne the evil incarnate terrorists
 with a lynch mob, the end result is looking out at the whole world
 with the same eyes and then we judge and jury millions of civilians
 to die under our wmd. Somebody makes money. We go on with those
 closed eyes thinking we're being pragmatic John Wayne against real
 bad guys. Nobody notices how many civilians we're killing. The
 argument against looking at how many civilians we're killing is
 that we have to kill one or two consummate bad guys, we absolutely
 have to, so whatever, ignore the collateral damage. That's only
 about profits.

 Domestically we kill a scapegoat now and then, but again, we
 trash a lot of innocent or nearly innocent people. Domestically
 that would take the form of non-violent drug-related crime.

 The high profile scapegoat always has to be alleged the sole
 perpetrator. That's part of the hypnotism. He has to be killed
 without really being proven guilty, or being proven guilty by
 lies, even if he was guilty, and then he has to be the sole
 perp, though that is NEVER true in these high profile show
 trials! Somehow that is part of corrupting people to carry on
 and judge and sentence thousands or even millions of civilians
 to die in Indonesia, Palestine, Lebanon July 2006, Iraq DU and
 white phosphorus, latin american death-squadding. If we can
 kill one man without a good trial and lying that he was the
 sole perp, then we have passed the psychological point of
 reference to do the dirty deeds for profit of a few all
 over the world.

 John Muhamed was some kind of bad guy but he was juiced in
 Virginia on the basis that the bullet went into the big hole
 and there was no small hole, but there was. He was placed at
 the scene of the crime by a woman perjuring herself to say
 that she saw him at a gas station a mile away. That is all
 just a measure of how corrupt we are and to what extent we
 have signed on for more mad nazi atrocities worldwide.
 Apparently we have passed the test again! Here we go!

 I would like to see it go the other way with KSM in NYC.
 He killed Daniel Pearl. He really did plan WTCbomb the
 FBI(Salem ci) operation. If everything about Pak ISI
 and CIA and FBI running all the ops including killing
 Pearl that would take things back the other way.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, John Stroebel john.stroe...@... wrote:

 They were arrested by OUR COUNTRY and illegally at that.

 They were denied ALL RIGHTS and were abused and tortured like we were

 It was decided to try them. SINCE WHEN IS THE USA AGAINST TRIAL BY JURY?
 be so is COMPLETELY Unamerican.

 So since they are being tried in the USA THEY ARE ENTITLED TO ANY

 Or do you wish to go against our Constitution?

 On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 10:01 PM, ruxpert homepu...@... wrote:

  *The Administration Guts Its Own Argument for 9/11
  November 20, 2009 by Salon.com
  Glenn Greenwald
  *NYC 9/11 Trial Will Shine the Lights on the Roots of
  By Ray McGovern, Consortium News
  Posted on November 17, 2009, Printed on November 21, 2009
  Lawyer: 9/11 Defendants Want Platform For
  *Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed - The War on Truth*
  Trial of the Century  the Long Shadow of 9/11

[cia-drugs] Good news.

2009-11-23 Thread michael1
Sherri Sullivan, member of Families of Lost CIA, wins her case.
This is the second case won.  In the first she gets almost a million.
Now, in the second, it is 21 million and she is already starting to get paid.

This came about with help of Senator Collins of Maine member of both the
Homeland Security Committee and the Armed Forces Committee.

God bless Collins!

Sherri's dad was sheepdipped and 'under identity'.  Though a high rank in
military he was transferred to just a private in army for mission.  When
he went missing military claimed no knowledge.  Others came to Sherri's
help and got papers showing he was in service and took it to Senator
All back insurance with 30 years interest etc. paid..., that was first case.

Second was against Cuba as her dad died under torture.  Cuba did not go to
court case. Monies will be paid out of funds held back from Cuba after Bay
of Pigs.
I know Sherri and some others involved.  Wow..., this is a heart warming
story.  All Sherri ever wanted was her dad's remains so she could bury

[cia-drugs] Limitations of this list....:

2009-11-16 Thread michael1
Okay, now I see.  Thanks, Bob.

I might as well get off my chest two limiting horrors I sense about this

Horror # one:
The giant limitation created by misunderstanding what/who ‘CIA’ is in
relation to drugs.  CIA is something that, even though it operates all
over the world, is associated as being American controlled.  It is not.  A
former head of the CIA, (William Colby), was murdered for stating over and
over that the international drug cartels were now more powerful than any
government.  (Our assassin was a young kid, foreign, about 18  great
swimmer who freaked out when he read in papers the next day whom he
killed.  Google “Kay Griggs” for more.)
‘CIA’ is only a part.  Between the bombs going off in Nagasaki and
Hiroshima Oppenheimer made a speech in Los Alamos stating that the bombs
were easy to make and that the world must end war.  To counter this and
control the masses secret deals were made not to use nukes.  To keep such
secret deals ‘honest’ there had to be some sort of structure.  The newly
formed Israel’s Mossad was used as a combination of KGB and CIA and
agencies of other powers that openly had nukes.  Many close references to
this.  Both Russia and China are more reluctant then and now in this
agreement and stick only to the letter.  This is why Iran’s actions are
seen as open defiance.  It is defiance to the secret group that CIA is
only a part of.
See also:
Of if the link does not take on the list then just google “A Spy In Time”
and it will come up first.
Not understanding this is causing some real danger here.  First of all
many in alternative media are becoming prejudiced against the Jewish
people or even ‘Zionism’.  Most of the Jewish people do not know of what I
said here.  Many on this list are above average in intelligence and don’t
live in areas of the US that are more prone to acting on prejudice.  We
are not talking about ‘political correctness’ but real possibility of
We need understand that the Jewish people have been used and that even
most of them don’t know that they are nor why.

Horror # two:
The giant misunderstanding created by limiting the concept of what ‘drugs’
About the year 1000 a monk outside of Rome wrote a paper in Latin that was
passed around the world.  He stated that the best way of controlling
populations was to use lightly addictive drugs.  This was the paper that a
few hundred years later formed organizations such as the East India Tea
Company.  They were already into the more heavily additive drugs.  Opium
is not new.  Most Americans have been taught that men went out to a more
dangerous sea to engage in the ‘spice trade’.  Sure.  They would go out on
water without even compasses and risk their necks just for some f***ing
Today, thankfully, one small mammal showed the full extent of what ‘drugs’
are.  The mammal was a drug-stoned wallaby.  It happens that stoned
wallabies are funny as hell to watch when stoned out on opium.  They jump
straight up and down with a weird expression.  A youtube of a hysterically
stoned wallaby goes all over the Internet jumping up and down in an opium
field.  With this it gets out worldwide the giant extent of the opium
fields in Australia, hundreds of thousands of thousands of acres.  With
this it is stated that the pharmaceutical companies for ‘experimentation’
and a bit of morphine own the giant acreage.  Plausible if you are half
asleep and even then but barely.  However this would cause a problem if
Taliban, as they did before, outlawed opium production and sowed waving
fields of grain.
This is why they are moving the opium production north in Afghanistan and
outlawing it only south.  They are preparing to move the opium to
Turkmenistan.  This is why the sudden interest in Baku, other side of the
Caspian but close enough.
You cannot limit the concept of drugs by seeing some as legal and others
as illegal.  Or some misuse as of the legal, (medications), and some of
illegal.  Diseases are now created such as ATD to create drugs such a
ritalin.   Psychiatrists are forced into the position of just prescribing
drugs and can only survive economically by doing four patients per hour in
this manner.  The diagnostic rules and categories have been altered with
this in mind.  Bit by bit psychiatrists are being forced into the position
of becoming just like your local crack dealer.  This is one reason why
now, as a category, they have the highest rate of suicide.  Our troops are
now being given ‘happy pills’ by the bottle.  They don’t even need to go
to a medic.  “Sarge has them.”  Therefore there is not even a suggestion
of dosage control.  These ‘happy pills’ all have ‘withdraw symptoms’. 
Legal or illegal?  What is the real difference?  None.  But the pills get
four or five tours out of the troops so then they can be misdiagnosed as
anything but PTSD by the VA and tossed on the street.
And the wallaby shows us that the same companies control both

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Eric Holder re: Alleged 9/11 mastermind

2009-11-15 Thread michael1
Below John S. asked:
“Why do you suppose Americans never stood up and screamed for the truth?”

I am in a coffee shop in Maine, USA.  I have wonderful friend who
describes himself as a ‘knuckledragger’- one who for 30 years had to go
all over the world and do the sick things that the CIA thought up.  Now
has the biggest heart I have ever seen.

We are talking but about nothing very ‘inside’, just current events talk
of day.  We are just some ‘old men’.  But two very young girls, about 20
years old, keep staring at us and whispering to themselves.  Felt strange.
 Then one comes over and asks where we are from.  We say, “From here-
Maine.”  She sort of frowns and goes back and starts whispering again. 
They keep listening and it is a bit uncomfortable.

Finally they come over.  They happen to be two foreign students that had
been at a photography studio in Rockport for the last six months.  They
were from opposite sides of the world, one from Beirut and the other from
Mexico City.

They said that our simple conversation amazed them as it was the, (quote),
“…First conversation that they had heard in six months.”  They said that
they had, “Stopped talking to Americans because talking to Americans is
useless- impossible.”  Why?  “Because Americans don’t know anything.”  
They blamed this on TV.

I have had a number of older people state the impossible: that they have
been seeing Chemtrails since jets first started flying.   Impossible they
started at the max about 15 years ago.  What would make someone say such a

Reasoning, of course.  They simply figure that if there was anything
unusual about chemtrails the TV would have told them.  ‘TV’ trumps

Baku is big talk everywhere except the USA.  This ain’t no backwater. 
Baku not only has its own subway system but it is almost half the size of
Boston’s subway system.  Why can’t you talk about this in America? 
Because few if any know where or even what Baku is.

Why will Baku become opium city?  How did one small mammal, the size of a
rabbit, make that happen?.

 9/11 was to a great extent, a psychological operation.  Our sense of
 security was undermined and so when the President took a proactive stance
 and loaded up battleships for the trek to Afghanistan, we felt
 psychologically more secure.   When we got over the shock of the big
 lie and started noticing the fact that the government's dots didn't
 connect, we did begin to stand up and scream.  But as always, we have
 been ignored and we will continue to be ignored because the accountability
 is too great for too many powerful people and we do not, historically,
 hold them to the same standard.   
 --- On Sat, 11/14/09, John Stroebel john.stroe...@gmail.com wrote:

 From: John Stroebel john.stroe...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Eric Holder re: Alleged 9/11 mastermind
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 11:12 AM


 One question:

 Why do you suppose Americans never stood up and screamed for the truth?

 On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:32 PM, ruxpert homepu...@comcast. net wrote:


 and the '911Commission' was a misdirection/ Obstruction of Justice device,
 not even tasked with finding guilt/WhoDid911?
 The most immedieate prime crime of Obstruction of Justice Continues!

 Who Did 9/11?   We Need To Know!
 http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/LibertyBan dwagon/message/ 34638
 - Original Message -
 From: muckblit
 To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com
 Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 8:13 PM
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Eric Holder re: Alleged 9/11 mastermind

 I mean to say that last Tuesday, the DC sniper John Muhamed
 was executed in Virginia as a typical patsy who dies to end
 investigation of a larger government operation like JFK hit
 and OKCbomb.

 --- In cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com, muckblit muckb...@... wrote:
 http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/cia- drugs/message/ 47787

 The 911 Commission report conceals the fact that both Khalid Sheikh
 Mohamed and Amed Omar Saeed Sheikh, KSM the mastermind and Saeed Sheikh
 the moneyman, both, are Pakistani. Additionally, the report leaves out
 the fact that Sheikh acted on orders from Pak intel chief Mahmud Amed

 http://www.google. com/search? q=saeed+sheikh+ pak+isi+mahmud

 KSM attacked the World Trade Center with a truck bomb years before 911.

 Daniel Hopsicker find more money coming from Lebanese, CIA, and Saudi
 sources in Florida. Although helping stage 911 for CIA, in exchange for
 quid pro quo of US liberating poppies from Afghan Taliban, Pakistan was
 not very involved in 911. Thus giving KSM the death penalty for 911 when
 he was not giving orders, while not prosecuting him for his role in
 FBI's WTCbomb false flag operation, ends up being a diversion by Eric
 Holder, especially if KSM and Sheikh are not being tried for the
 kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal report Daniel Pearl.

 http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/cia- 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Eric Holder re: Alleged 9/11 mastermind

2009-11-15 Thread michael1
Not sure who the 'they' is that you are referring to below.

 They speak better english, accent or no, and no doubt
 still read books in school. Maybe they have not had
 their brainwaves modified by tv and videogames and
 club drugs. You could not converse with Americans
 either for the same reasons.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 Below John S. asked:
 Why do you suppose Americans never stood up and screamed for the

 I am in a coffee shop in Maine, USA.  I have wonderful friend who
 describes himself as a `knuckledragger'- one who for 30 years had to go
 all over the world and do the sick things that the CIA thought up.  Now
 has the biggest heart I have ever seen.

 We are talking but about nothing very `inside', just current events talk
 of day.  We are just some `old men'.  But two very young girls, about 20
 years old, keep staring at us and whispering to themselves.  Felt
  Then one comes over and asks where we are from.  We say, From here-
 Maine.  She sort of frowns and goes back and starts whispering again.
 They keep listening and it is a bit uncomfortable.

 Finally they come over.  They happen to be two foreign students that had
 been at a photography studio in Rockport for the last six months.  They
 were from opposite sides of the world, one from Beirut and the other
 Mexico City.

 They said that our simple conversation amazed them as it was the,
 …First conversation that they had heard in six months.  They said that
 they had, Stopped talking to Americans because talking to Americans is
 useless- impossible.  Why?  Because Americans don't know anything.
 They blamed this on TV.

 I have had a number of older people state the impossible: that they have
 been seeing Chemtrails since jets first started flying.   Impossible
 started at the max about 15 years ago.  What would make someone say such

 Reasoning, of course.  They simply figure that if there was anything
 unusual about chemtrails the TV would have told them.  `TV' trumps

 Baku is big talk everywhere except the USA.  This ain't no backwater.
 Baku not only has its own subway system but it is almost half the size
 Boston's subway system.  Why can't you talk about this in America?
 Because few if any know where or even what Baku is.

 Why will Baku become opium city?  How did one small mammal, the size of
 rabbit, make that happen?.

  9/11 was to a great extent, a psychological operation.  Our sense of
  security was undermined and so when the President took a proactive
  and loaded up battleships for the trek to Afghanistan, we felt
  psychologically more secure.   When we got over the shock of the
  lie and started noticing the fact that the government's dots didn't
  connect, we did begin to stand up and scream.  But as always, we have
  been ignored and we will continue to be ignored because the
  is too great for too many powerful people and we do not, historically,
  hold them to the same standard.   
  --- On Sat, 11/14/09, John Stroebel john.stroe...@... wrote:
  From: John Stroebel john.stroe...@...
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Eric Holder re: Alleged 9/11 mastermind
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 11:12 AM
  One question:
  Why do you suppose Americans never stood up and screamed for the
  On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:32 PM, ruxpert homepu...@comcast. net
  and the '911Commission' was a misdirection/ Obstruction of Justice
  not even tasked with finding guilt/WhoDid911?
  The most immedieate prime crime of Obstruction of Justice Continues!
  Who Did 9/11?   We Need To Know!
  http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/LibertyBan dwagon/message/ 34638
  - Original Message -
  From: muckblit
  To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com
  Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 8:13 PM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Eric Holder re: Alleged 9/11 mastermind
  I mean to say that last Tuesday, the DC sniper John Muhamed
  was executed in Virginia as a typical patsy who dies to end
  investigation of a larger government operation like JFK hit
  and OKCbomb.
  --- In cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com, muckblit muckblit@ wrote:
  http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/cia- drugs/message/ 47787
  The 911 Commission report conceals the fact that both Khalid Sheikh
  Mohamed and Amed Omar Saeed Sheikh, KSM the mastermind and Saeed
  the moneyman, both, are Pakistani. Additionally, the report leaves
  the fact that Sheikh acted on orders from Pak intel chief Mahmud Amed
  http://www.google. com/search? q=saeed+sheikh+ pak+isi+mahmud
  KSM attacked the World Trade Center with a truck bomb years before
  Daniel Hopsicker find more money coming from Lebanese, CIA, and Saudi
  sources in Florida. Although helping stage 911 for 

[cia-drugs] Wantabe Wallaby Or Just Simple Dope?

2009-11-08 Thread michael1
Wantabe Wallaby Or Just Simple Dope?

By Michael Donovan

United States suffers from being the only industrial country without a
general staff.  It has killed our military.  It has also shredded our
economy.  Now it has gotten to the point where the real inside military
had to stand up to the administration.  This has been occurring bit by bit
in the years following Millennium 2000 and Lt. General Paul Van Riper.

First real sign was the appointment of Admiral Dennis C. Blair as Director
of National Intelligence.  Certainly the Administration did not make that
appointment.  It was forced upon them, (thankfully).

Then General McChrystal stood up and put reality to the Administration.  A
minimum of 8 more divisions would be needed or we should leave
Afghanistan.  This was put forth in harsh military terms following the
military axiom that all war is based on this rule: you always send strong
to weak- never weak to strong.  We were sending weak to strong meaning
that we either reinforce or leave.  Truly reinforcing would mean
reinstating the Draft and that would lead to an all out resurrection
bigger than the 60s.

McChrystal knows all the dirty inside information too.  Seems that one
silly animal, a wallaby, turned on an unexpected light..  When stoned
wallabys go nuts, go hop-hop-hoppy-poppy and are funny to look at.  They
got stoned in poppy fields, this got on Youtube, and in a period of hours
the entire world knows of the giant opium acreage in Australia.  
Officially the pharmaceutical companies own this acreage for ‘testing’ and
a bit of morphine.  It seems obvious that the acreage is far too much for
just that..., but what can you say?

But what happens if we pull out of Afghanistan and the Taliban go back to
growing waving-fields-of-grain and outlawing the hoppy poppy?   Then the
lid of hopped is poppy popped.

Notice that opium is grown in the north of Afghanistan but not in the
south.  Why?
They are preparing Turkmenistan as a backup.  This is why all the sudden
interest now in Baku, close enough to Turkmenistan but not in.  Baku is no
backwater.  It even has a giant subway system.

If the US finally went to giving the military a general staff it would
straighten the whacked fascism to real working fascism.   In order to keep
soldiers in tour after tour they are now handing out happy pills with no
restrictions.  You don’t even need to see a medic.  There is no
restriction on dosage so it is predicted that as many as half, (not less
than 35%), will be suffering from PTSD.  Much of this PTSD will be from
simply trying to withdraw from the legal dope.

It is also becoming more obvious that both the ‘legal’ dope and the
illegal dope are run by the same companies, (company).
Would you not have PTSD?  Why are no journalists allowed in either
theatre?  If they took any pictures the public would see that the troops
have been quietly issued AK-47s.  They don’t want the public to see this
though you can simply ask any coming home from either Iraq or Afghanistan.

General Staff???

How many know what the 47 stands for?  When the public finds out what the
47 really stands for they will see in horror the giant waste.  Perhaps
then the United States can have a general staff.  Only the paid off
Congress would suffer.
Michael Donovan

[cia-drugs] AFRICOM letter re Muckbit's post:

2009-08-02 Thread michael1
(Note: I mailed this with that Kenya sentence in it just two weeks prior
to Kenya suddenly blowing up.  Just luck.  I did not have a glue.

General William E. Ward
Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller
Ambassador Mary Carlin Yates

Dear Ambassador Yates, General Ward and Admiral Moeller,

Permission to speak frankly as you three are in deep doo doo.

You learned nothing from Lebanon?  The militia was part of a female social
organization the power of which surprised both the CIA and Mossad.  The
greater war for Africa looms.  First we had the stupidity of Admiral
Timothy J. Keating with his almost ‘nuke terrorist’ exercise in
Charleston, S.C.   I posted letter to him on Internet prior (over 14,000
readers first week) and the exercise that would have ‘given too much away’
called off.  See http://www.midcoast.com/~michael1/webnukeletter.htm

But you go into deeper shit.   “Coastal” meetings have taken place that
starts the process of Africa working together as “…one country…”.   It
will: but not in that fashion.  That is the ‘outside’.   As Mao understood
prior to his ‘long march’ the interior is far more important.  You
continue to ‘play sides against each other’.  It did not work in ‘many
groups / religions’ Lebanon and it will not work in Africa.  Africa will
collect from the ‘inside’.  It will not be ‘ordered’.  No, (at least
visible), ‘central command’. Who will you be fighting then?  Terrorists?

Are a group of guys who shoot soldiers in the back when there is no
declared war terrorists?  Of course they are.  It happened.  They met
later in a barn frightened that the ‘government’ would come after them and
hang them for treason.  But a rider pulls up and informs them that a
revolution is afoot.  Ethan Allen names his group the Green Mountain Boys
and continues.

You did right when you set up a ‘CIA’ listening post in Gulu (Christian
Science Monitor).  But you didn’t listen.   You wish to prosecute Joseph
Kony.  He was caught between the old Black Jewish sects of Ethiopia,
Christians and Muslims.  The Lords Revolution Army was: “One God, Ten
Commandments or we shoot you.”  Seems nonsensical until you realize that
it is a common denominator that you dare not go past.  So even if UN
captures and hangs him after peace declared, so what?  It was not that
specific philosophy but the general concept that spread to Lebanon.  As it
will now spread (from inside out) in Africa.  That seed is sown: the
ground fertile.

Admiral Moeller,
You learned nothing from General Van Riper?  First you ‘overlook’ the
sinking of the H.M.S Sheffield because ‘only other navies (secretly our
‘friends’)’ could do such.  And you held that view even after ‘surprise
Soviet naval maneuvers’ of 1984.  Missiles better than that French missile
can now be hid in the sand on the seabed.  Woods Hole Oceanagraphic
‘Hydrods’ can only detect metal to 3 meters.  You even used ‘platoons’ of
dolphins off the Gunsten Hall.  But you had to keep bringing in animal
trainers because of ‘dolphin boredom’.  You sent down divers over every
point you saw a trawler stop in the Golf.  Think that is enough?  Attack
on Cole and whatever was in Aqaba was inept compared to what is coming. 
John Lehman made a big point about loosing surface ships as “…sometimes
necessary…” citing Midway.  How many do you think you could afford to
loose in this day and age, sir?  You nixed the Land Attack DD 21 in favor
of “Littorals’.  All four are out of San Diego because of Malacca.  Before
you tried to protect that 1200 miles of shoreline with rubber boats and
fifty caliber.  Think this is better?  You can bury effective missiles in
the sand with launchers made from nothing but liquid vinyl and sawdust. 
About anything else you would need can be picked up at Toys-R-Us.  Those
Littorals are now only targets.

General Ward,
Sir, there is one thing you will never do here.  You will never be able to
‘define the battlefield’.   A non-military for intel?  More shades of
Rummy, sir?
What is being shown as ‘prime target’?  If Algeria example, it will be the
Of course.  See ‘play’ at link above.

Ambassador Yates,
Ahmadinejad states recently that he is holding another unspecified card
re: nukes.  What do you imagine this is?  See also play at link above.

Hedley Donovan was the best at naval intelligence in WW II.  (Song from
South Pacific, ‘Happy Talk’ was tribute.) Once in Hawaii he had only a
short time to locate Jap fleet.  He puts out simple directive to spies on
every island.  They had to go down to the local bar and report the talk as
either ‘happy’ or ‘serious’, nothing in-between.  With just this he
located fleet at Leyte Gulf.  In the same sense if you want to see what is
‘connecting’ in Africa watch for those ‘army’ Toyota pick-ups that have
the most females with the soldiers (as Lebanon).  But that won’t even do. 
They will think of this also.

I see just what you are doing.  What I think about your present
relationship with Kenya is unprintable.

Perhaps some

[cia-drugs] Where biggest political party now called 'Pirates'...

2009-07-03 Thread michael1
.The Local - Sweden's news in English

3rd July 2009

Hello, and welcome to The Local's weekly roundup of the news
from Sweden.

All the legendary glamour and pizzazz of the European roadshow
arrived in Sweden this week with the country assuming the
reins of the ambulatory EU presidency:

As the capital fills up with dayglo delegates and bouncy
bureaucrats, the carnival atmosphere in sweltering Stockholm
is almost too much to bear. 

Re: [cia-drugs] ACL's Non-Fiction Studies of Communitarianism

2009-03-26 Thread michael1
Whatever is going on?  Links in Communitarianism do not work.  Did hear of
this and followed a link to George Washington University.  But did not
know of any association of something called The Third Way.
In the mid nineties The Third Way was hot and many sites on Internet. 
This was for areas to have own government, sustainable and very adoptable
to own area/problems.  If there was any international organization it was
only for a few international problems, population etc.  The Third Way had
things such as peek-a-boo banking where any ‘aid’ to an area would be
tracked on Internet to the penny, no possibility of corruption.

Then, within a few years, say 1999 to 2001, all this wiped from Internet
and replaced with another Third Way which seemed contrived on the spot to
replace/bury the first Third Way.

What is this?
Do you know more?
Michael Donovan

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: America's Africa Ambitions

2009-03-14 Thread michael1
(following letter sent just prior to violence in Kenya.  Following letter
also AFRICOM rejected by all African nations EXCEPT Liberia.  You know
Liberia, the nation where a recent president, Taylor, was the only person
to ever escape from the Plymouth County, MA jail, drug dealer.)

General William E. Ward
Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller
Ambassador Mary Carlin Yates

Dear Ambassador Yates, General Ward and Admiral Moeller,

Permission to speak frankly as you three are in deep doo doo.

You learned nothing from Lebanon?  The militia was part of a female social
organization the power of which surprised both the CIA and Mossad.  The
greater war for Africa looms.  First we had the stupidity of Admiral
Timothy J. Keating with his almost ‘nuke terrorist’ exercise in
Charleston, S.C.   I posted letter to him on Internet prior (over 14,000
readers first week) and the exercise that would have ‘given too much away’
called off.  See http://www.midcoast.com/~michael1/webnukeletter.htm

But you go into deeper shit.   “Coastal” meetings have taken place that
starts the process of Africa working together as “…one country…”.   It
will: but not in that fashion.  That is the ‘outside’.   As Mao understood
prior to his ‘long march’ the interior is far more important.  You
continue to ‘play sides against each other’.  It did not work in ‘many
groups / religions’ Lebanon and it will not work in Africa.  Africa will
collect from the ‘inside’.  It will not be ‘ordered’.  No, (at least
visible), ‘central command’. Who will you be fighting then?  Terrorists?

Are a group of guys who shoot soldiers in the back when there is no
declared war terrorists?  Of course they are.  It happened.  They met
later in a barn frightened that the ‘government’ would come after them and
hang them for treason.  But a rider pulls up and informs them that a
revolution is afoot.  Ethan Allen names his group the Green Mountain Boys
and continues.

You did right when you set up a ‘CIA’ listening post in Gulu (Christian
Science Monitor).  But you didn’t listen.   You wish to prosecute Joseph
Kony.  He was caught between the old Black Jewish sects of Ethiopia,
Christians and Muslims.  The Lords Revolution Army was: “One God, Ten
Commandments or we shoot you.”  Seems nonsensical until you realize that
it is a common denominator that you dare not go past.  So even if UN
captures and hangs him after peace declared, so what?  It was not that
specific philosophy but the general concept that spread to Lebanon.  As it
will now spread (from inside out) in Africa.  That seed is sown: the
ground fertile.

Admiral Moeller,
You learned nothing from General Van Riper?  First you ‘overlook’ the
sinking of the H.M.S Sheffield because ‘only other navies (secretly our
‘friends’)’ could do such.  And you held that view even after ‘surprise
Soviet naval maneuvers’ of 1984.  Missiles better than that French missile
can now be hid in the sand on the seabed.  Woods Hole Oceanagraphic
‘Hydrods’ can only detect metal to 3 meters.  You even used ‘platoons’ of
dolphins off the Gunsten Hall.  But you had to keep bringing in animal
trainers because of ‘dolphin boredom’.  You sent down divers over every
point you saw a trawler stop in the Golf.  Think that is enough?  Attack
on Cole and whatever was in Aqaba was inept compared to what is coming. 
John Lehman made a big point about loosing surface ships as “…sometimes
necessary…” citing Midway.  How many do you think you could afford to
loose in this day and age, sir?  You nixed the Land Attack DD 21 in favor
of “Littorals’.  All four are out of San Diego because of Malacca.  Before
you tried to protect that 1200 miles of shoreline with rubber boats and
fifty caliber.  Think this is better?  You can bury effective missiles in
the sand with launchers made from nothing but liquid vinyl and sawdust. 
About anything else you would need can be picked up at Toys-R-Us.  Those
Littorals are now only targets.

General Ward,
Sir, there is one thing you will never do here.  You will never be able to
‘define the battlefield’.   A non-military for intel?  More shades of
Rummy, sir?
What is being shown as ‘prime target’?  If Algeria example, it will be the
Of course.  See ‘play’ at link above.

Ambassador Yates,
Ahmadinejad states recently that he is holding another unspecified card
re: nukes.  What do you imagine this is?  See also play at link above.

Hedley Donovan was the best at naval intelligence in WW II.  (Song from
South Pacific, ‘Happy Talk’ was tribute.) Once in Hawaii he had only a
short time to locate Jap fleet.  He puts out simple directive to spies on
every island.  They had to go down to the local bar and report the talk as
either ‘happy’ or ‘serious’, nothing in-between.  With just this he
located fleet at Leyte Gulf.  In the same sense if you want to see what is
‘connecting’ in Africa watch for those ‘army’ Toyota pick-ups that have
the most females with the soldiers (as Lebanon).  But that won’t even do

Re: [cia-drugs] Firestorm Brewing Between U.S. States and Federal Government

2009-02-22 Thread michael1
Dear Norgesen,
Thank you for ‘Firestorm Brewing Between U.S. States and Federal Government’.

This concept is getting both positive and negative reaction.  I think both
reactions need a deeper historical overview to grasp both the implications
and the bigger picture this needs to fit into.  Here is a negative one.

Posted By: Il_Bagattel
Date: Saturday, 21 February 2009, 11:33 a.m.

(Quote) ...Exactly as the hyperdimensional Luciferians planned. Small
feudal states (I believe the neurolinguistic name is breakaway
republics), kept bickering among themselves and divided along
socio-economic lines are much easier to control and rule. This is basic
Machiavelli 101.
 …” (Unquote and I greatly shortened)

He goes on to state a breakup of the US is all part of a horrid ‘secret
government’ plan.
The ‘negative view’ poster is also equating this sign of trend with
‘balkanization’. Though the specific I don’t think directly referenced in
Machiavelli’s The Prince the concept of dividing areas you wish to control
into competing factions and playing one against the other is known. In
that sense he equates smaller and smaller independent areas as harmful. A
glance at some maps might show this far more case specific.

Here is a classic:
Central Europe about 1547 (845K) [p.114-115] [1926 ed.]
The link is here:
Note the breaking into very small kingdoms. This period was relatively
very peaceful except for the slight gooking of Schmalkaldic League.

Wars did abound during that century, but there were also strong times of
relative peace.  The Reformation was still frothing. In times of peace the
world tends to reduce, (or ‘balkanize’ if you wish), into smaller and
smaller kingdoms/states. In times of war the world forms into greater and
greater alliances until such as WW II only a few countries in the world
are neutral.

I could add my own comments to the post. However I feel it best that all
think how differently the man who wrote it might have aimed the post with
more background.

The giant question of smaller states vs large alliances gets very
complicated. This was brought forth by the situation in Georgia and the
Ukraine. On one hand the former Soviet Union WANTED to break up. This was
known here in 1984 and there were briefings in the Pentagon in 86 though
the curtain did not come down until 89/90. (The Pentagon briefings were
very large, 1000s of varied officers and not classified but not too loud.)
 This was a case where the Soviet/Russian alliance/federation knew the
trend was to smaller areas and allowed such.  At the same time the West
used the opportunity of new governments to go in and buy infrastructures
to take over economies. Both the Ukraine and Georgia were, to an extent,
examples of this. The war in Georgia showed how the West took over to the
point of both military and public relations stupidity. After the recent
Georga War the Ukraine saw it in its best interest to more ‘tilt’ back
toward the Russian alliance. However, (in relation to timing Black Sea
agreements), Russia quasi-openly stated something to the effect, “We know
the world needs to go local but for a short time you had best lean on this

The ‘pro breakup’ email post, in and of itself, is harder to criticize. 
Certainly the trend should be noted.
It is far better to fit this into the bigger picture.   For both
protection and sustainability the world, (hopefully!!!), will tend to
smaller and smaller governing areas.  As much as possible the necessities
will be available locally.  The small areas will be independent enough to
satisfy all.  In a sense these smaller areas will be somewhat like
Parishes in Louisiana are today.   One Parish might be ‘super fundamental
Christian’ so you can’t even buy a can of beer.  In the next Parish there
would be quasi-open prostitution and gambling.

Obviously at the same time there would be greater need for global
cooperation particularly in survival areas such as population control and
enviornment.  That is the rub and, yes, it is one heck of a rub.
Some envision four international, (non-profit?), corporations: energy,
communications, banking/commerce, and police/military.   These might have
relatively low paid staffs.  In fact the presiding officer of one might
even do one hour a day emptying trash baskets.

As this, (possible/hopeful?), trend continues its course you will see some
giant area alliances.  One obvious new geopolitical alliance is the AU’s
announcement of plans for a United States of Africa.   There many other
lines need be redrawn as it would be far better to base smaller
governments on old tribal areas than Colonial Era bicker/settle lines.
Thank you again, Norgeson.  I do keep abreast of this list every day.


Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Evidence suggests CIA funded experiments at state hospital

2009-01-08 Thread michael1
More relaxed about my personal experience in this area.

Way back the night of April 13th, 1984. After a naval interrogation I was
hit with ‘electronic LSD’.  It starts to work the first time you relax,
doze.   Device originally produced by company called Astronics.  In truth
was very light treatment, better than a slug in my brain.  In light doses
it is much like pot and even tested on members of Congress.  Tip O’Neal
was one.   On other hand, (given odd ‘set and setting’), expecting a slug,
it did freak me out big time for some period.

At the interrogation I gave three names but only had paperwork for two of
the names.  I had no paperwork on Kozyrev, (Nikoli).  It happened that a
Koslov (Sergi) was a Soviet Mathematician on loan to a college in
California, (think Stanford).  Navy tape recorded interrogation with my
knowledge and consent.  Same sort of things happened to Koslov a number of
days after my interrogation.  (Names sound similar and I most  likely
slurred anyway.) He is the one who crashed out at Dullas airport with all
kinds of shrinks being brought in.  TASS then accused the United States of
wrongfully using psychotropic devices.

This is the ONLY time that I know of, (discounting the Moscow embassy
micro harassment that I don’t think applies), EVER-EVER-EVER, that either
the United States or the former Soviet Union ever openly accused the other
of using psychoactive drugs or psychotronic devices.

There is some tangential evidence that the device, (the Astronics one
above), has also been used in jury tampering.  I saw that possibility in
the prosecution of Reagan Secretary of Labor Raymond Donovan.  This was a
RICO trial prosecuted by the Manhattan DA, Morganthal (spelling?).  The
trial was complex, expected to be very long, so the judge empanelled extra
jurors.  The extras got sick as trial dragged on.  At some point a woman
juror with no psychiatric disorder, (either history or seen by shrinks
then brought in), freaks out disrupting trial.  Usually this would bring
on a mistrial.  However judge continued with eleven jurors.  Donovan
acquitted anyway.

More than a year later (Aug 14th 1985) Russell Baker did a New York Times
funny op ed that related to the overall situation.  Seems that is deleted
from on line records. (Taking off the Armor – The Naked Truth About King
John).   Would be complex to demonstrate how and why.

Michael Donovan

 1834 Connecticut Ave. N.W

 Was that near the old Drug Fair? My dad worked for CIA near the old
 Drug Fair.

 A friend of mine in high school was not considered mentally ill. He
 was arrested in a Vietnam war protest around 1970. He stuffed a roll
 of toilet paper in the toilet. The whole floor of the jail was
 flooded, and cells were packed with protestors. A black man with US
 flag jeans told him,Now they're going to take you and do things to
 you. Robert Spicer was taken to the MKULTRA clinic near or at 1834
 Connecticut Ave NW and injected with what he was told was a world's
 record dose of Thorazine.

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Evidence suggests CIA funded experiments at state hospital

2009-01-08 Thread michael1
Thank you, Bob.
The Astronics device simply separated (more separated) the synapses. It is
also talked about in an old book called 'Mind Wars' by Ron Mcray
Good news is that seems, at least in that time, the US and Soviets had
some sort of non use deal regarding these weapons.  Hey, a start is a

 Thank you, Michael Donovan. Keyword Astronics.

 In 1977 I was in New Orleans with Admiral Bonner's (Haiphong mining)
 daughter for five minutes and somebody taps me on the shoulder and
 asks if we need a place to stay. Two beautifil anesthesiologists, a
 brain surgeon, and a deep sea oil rig diver on vacation. The brain
 surgeon worked for Delgado of Tulane. He did normal emergency room
 work, and then for Delgado he made implants on convicts. The
 obsessive-compulsive convicts would keep activating their pleasure
 centers by their handy control box. I hope it did not cost much to
 make that discovery, scarcely more valuable than insect mating studies
 and Iraq reconstruction contracts.

 I went to sleep. I hope I didn't receive an implant.

 Sony has a patent on projection of visual and audio perception by EMF
 into brain.

 Calgon manufactured simple rfid type of transmitter implants. McVeigh
 worked there as a security guard.

 Some of the drugs also key on that zone of falling asleep, as can

 The harassment can simply be brutal microwaving as Catherine Austin
 Fitts' doctor called internal burns by microwave. Soviet embassy
 microwaving was said to be eavesdropping by measuring distance to
 window glass as membrane, but was sure to have been also some degree
 of baking people with microwaves. Soviet eavesdropping tech and Tesla
 studies suggest they could do more.

 Colors and frequency can be therapeutic or torture. Kind of hard to
 hide in a courtroom. Speaking of courtroom, how about the chess game?
 The Soviet mind control specialist could just have been cover for


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:

 More relaxed about my personal experience in this area.

 Way back the night of April 13th, 1984. After a naval interrogation
 I was
 hit with `electronic LSD'.  It starts to work the first time you relax,
 doze.   Device originally produced by company called Astronics.

Re: [cia-drugs] Prescription Drug Abuse Rises Among Iraqi Troops

2008-12-25 Thread michael1
Happy pills are now handed out to US troops like candy.  You don't even
need to see a medic.  'Sarge' has them.  Seems someone's idea of 'why not
treat PTSD before it occurs.  Would certainly help the reup stats!
I heard this and had it confirmed recently.


 Prescription Drug Abuse Rises Among Iraqi Troops
 Max Becherer/Polaris, for The New York Times

Re: [cia-drugs] Russian state tv suggests US involved in drug-trafficking.

2008-12-23 Thread michael1
Wow, this is news!  With that, perhaps on this list, link to msm story
that Columbia war on drugs phony as 'kill stats' phony.

 You are here:  Home 
 Drugs | Site last updated on December 23rd, 2008

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] The Madoff scandal

2008-12-16 Thread michael1
We can't say at this point what is really going on here, but we can say
that this scandal occurs at a point when the financial system is
liquidating as the various players are battling each other in a desperate
fight for survival, with the more powerful eating the weaker. The
suspicion grows that the Madoff affair is itself a cover-up for something
even worse.

Still, whatever it is, it serves as yet another reminder that the system
itself is corrupt, the product of speculation gone not only unchecked, but
actively promoted by those whose responsibility was to protect the public
trust. This system is beyond redemption, and must be shut down.


 Highlighted in blue: this is probably the ONLY reason this case was
 prosecuted.  The DOJ does not take down big fish when they have bilked
 millions from little guys - only when they've angered big friends.

 --- On Tue, 12/16/08, RoadsEnd roads...@aol.com wrote:
 From: RoadsEnd roads...@aol.com
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] The Madoff scandal
 To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs Cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 3:19 PM

 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Alamaine, IVe fratl...@gra. midco.netDate: December 16, 2008
 6:56:28 AM PSTTo: c...@yahoogroups. comSubject: [ctrl] The Madoff
 scandalReply-To: c...@yahoogroups. com
  http://www.wsws. org/articles/ 2008/dec2008/ pers-d16. shtml
 World Socialist Web Site

 The Madoff scandal
 16 December 2008

 The repercussions from the collapse of Bernard L. Madoff Investment
 LLC, whose founder and owner was arrested last Thursday after admitting
 his $17 billion investment advisory business was a giant Ponzi scheme,
 continue to widen. According to a criminal complaint filed by the FBI and
 civil action brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the
 elderly Madoff estimated that the losses from his fraud exceeded $50
 The tally of losses already reported by banks, hedge funds and wealthy
 investors climbed over the weekend to nearly $20 billion.

 Banks and hedge funds around the world-in the US, Britain, Italy, Spain,
 France, Switzerland and Japan-are reporting hundreds of millions and even
 billions in losses. University endowments, charities and other
 that entrusted their money to Madoff or to hedge funds that invested in
 Madoff's company are reeling from the news that their investments are

 Prominent and wealthy individuals- including J. Ezra Merkin, the chairman
 GMAC, Fred Wilpon, the principal owner of the New York Mets, Norman
 Braman, the
 former owner of the Philadelphia Eagles professional football team, Frank
 Lautenberg, the multimillionaire Democratic senator from New Jersey, and
 Mortimer Zuckerman, the owner of the New York Daily News-are among those
 have lost millions. Among the thousands and even tens of thousands of
 individuals likely to be affected is no small number of retirees of
 modest means whose life savings were tied into Madoff's operation.

 The fallout from the Madoff scandal will inevitably result in the failure
 other investment firms, impacting thousands more individuals and hundreds

 Madoff's scam could not have been carried out without the complicity of
 highest echelons of the financial elite and the government.

 US officials now allege that Madoff was engaged in a Ponzi scheme-using
 revenues from investors to meet payments due to existing investors-at
 since 2005. As of yet, no one really knows how long Madoff, a former
 of the Nasdaq Stock Market and current member of the board of governors of
 National Association of Securities Dealers, was paying his old clients
 money obtained from new ones. The scheme collapsed after clients requested
 $7 billion in redemptions.

 As the New York Times reported Saturday, There is fragmentary evidence
 Mr. Madoff's alleged scam may have lasted for years or even decades... It
 not even clear whether Mr. Madoff actually made any of the trades he
 to investors.

 One thing is clear, Madoff, known as a Wall Street legend, was a man with
 connections in high places. Since 2000, he has given at least $100,000 to
 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and more than $23,000 to the
 candidates, including Senator Charles Schumer of New York, the chairman of
 Joint Economic Committee of Congress, and Senator Lautenberg. His legal
 team includes Mark Mukasey, the son of the current attorney general.

 There were ample signs that Madoff's operation was fraudulent. He made his
 reputation and his millions by delivering solid returns of 1 or 2 percent
 month to his investors month in and month out from the day he launched his
 investment advisory business as an adjunct to his brokerage firm. Wealthy
 investors and hedge 

Re: [cia-drugs] The UN's Peacekeeping Army is Falling Apart

2008-12-15 Thread michael1
More and more of the world are considering the UN as enemy.  I agree.
UN troops just killed and raped in Eastern Congo.   All over Africa the UN
is seen as enemy.
Pravda just published an article tearing the UN to shreds.  A real ‘rant’
but very true.

The UN Security Council is a cover for illegal secret deals concerning non
use of nukes brokered by Henry Luce.  More and more of the world is seeing
through this.

1-  http://www.midcoast.com/~michael1/webnukeletter.htm
2-  AND http://www.midcoast.com/~michael1/aspyintime.htm

Ecuador has just created world wide Boston Tea Party.
It has begun.


 The UN's Peacekeeping Army is Falling Apart

 By strategy page


 The UN's peacekeeping army of 112,000 troops, is falling apart.
 Corruption, casualties and lack of success are discouraging countries from

Re: [cia-drugs] Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow Deseret News 12/10/08

2008-12-10 Thread michael1
Link says: ...


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 Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow  Deseret  News
 12/10/08 describes crimes -

 She isn't Rachel Hopkins anymore. Anne A Johnson Davis is shedding the
 moniker she used in a 1995 Deseret News story about her childhood as a
 victim of
 ritualistic Satanic abuse and speaking out in a memoir of her life. Davis,
 a  Lehi mother of three, is stepping into the spotlight again with the
 publication  of her book Hell Minus One. I have had enough healing and
 closure of
 my own,  I feel I'm in a place where I really feel the call to share what
 have to help  others find courage, Davis said in an interview Wednesday.
 story is so  bizarre, it's hard to believe it actually happened — save
 the fact that she  has signed confessions from her mother and stepfather,
 financial settlement  and investigators from the Utah Attorney General's
 who vouched for her.  From age 3 until she ran away at 17, she said she
 sexually abused, tortured,  bathed in blood and forced to hurt her
 siblings in
 Satanic rituals.  They  would tell me, 'Now you're one of us. If you tell
 anybody, they won't believe  you and they'll put you in a mental
 hospital.' And they
 threatened to torture me  until I was dead, Rachel Hopkins said in 1995.
 was a study by the Utah  Attorney General's Office that downplayed ritual
 abuse that prompted Davis to  come forward. At the time, she insisted on a
 pseudonym and did interviews in  silhouette. I'm glad that she's come out
 of the
 shadows and she's in the  sunlight to tell her story so other victims will
 out and know they don't  have to be afraid anymore, said Paul Murphy, a
 spokesman for the Utah Attorney  General's Office who interviewed her as a
 reporter back in 1995. He also  wrote a blurb on the book's jacket. Davis
 takes issue with the attorney  general's report, which came out at a time
 ritual abuse was being attacked  as indicative of false memory syndrome
 — events
 and fantasies imagined by  patients or planted by unscrupulous
 therapistsThe Utah Attorney General's  Office has no plans to revisit
 the controversial
 study, but continues to  investigate any reports of ritual abuse. We take
 child abuse very  seriously, Murphy saidWhen she ran away from home
 17, Davis said she cut  ties with her family and anyone associated with
 She heard her stepfather  died a few years ago but has no idea what
 happened to
 her mother. She also isn't  scared about publishing the family secrets.
 Secrecy is their greatest weapon,  she said. I don't believe I have
 anything to
 be afraid of.  _http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705269563,00.html_

 **Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and
 favorite sites in one place.  Try it now.

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: SPITZER SHOULD KNOW...his article against bailouts

2008-12-05 Thread michael1
Spitzer’s article linked below.  Loved comment: “…This is the message that
was interrupted by his bust….”
I agree.
The American ‘system’ wants politicians who are under secret control. 
Problem was that many governors were starting to voice the same warning
but just not as vocal.
Tidewater area is the crossover between CIA and international Mafia. 
Mayor of Virginia Beach is the niece of Meyer Lansky.  Odd court case
there showed that one company out of VB controls most all escort services
in the US.  The full, ½ and ¼ page ads in all major cities are not
competitors but all run out of Virginia Beach.  But case also showed that
company could not in any way afford such coast-to-coast full and half page
Yellow Page advertising.  What was this?  Led to a joke.  What is the
Yellow Pages?  It is the R.R. Donnelly Company.  What is the R.R. Donnelly
Company?  It is the phone company.  Who is the biggest pimp in the United
States?   The National Security Agency, of course.


Note that in that link Katherine Pollard Miller is the “Kay Griggs” who is
responsible for getting rid of Rummy.  She went back to maiden name prior
to her videos getting so big on Internet.  Just met an enlisted Marine
just back from Iraq.  I asked him if he knew who Kay Griggs was.  His word
for word reply was, “…Are you kidding?  Every grunt in Iraq knows who Kay
Griggs is.”

 Begin forwarded message:

 From: anita sands [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: December 5, 2008 1:34:58 AM PST
 Subject: SPITZER SHOULD KNOW...his article against bailouts

 RARELY do we ever get a politico who picks up the pieces.

 Too Big Not To Fail
 We need to stop using the bailouts to rebuild gigantic financial

 By Eliot Spitzer
 Posted Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008, at 5:59 PM ET

 Last month, as the financial crisis and the government rescue plan
 dominated headlines, almost everyone overlooked a news item that could
 enormous long-term impact: GE Capital announced the acquisition of five
 mid-size airplanes—with an option to buy 20 more—produced by CACC, a
 Chinese-government-sponsored airline manufacturer.

 Why is that so significant? Two reasons: First, just as small steps
 signaled the Asian entry into our now essentially bankrupt auto sector
 years ago, so the GE acquisition signals Asia's entry into one of our
 remaining dominant manufacturing sectors. Boeing is still the world's
 leading commercial aviation company. CACC's emergence—and its particular
 advantage selling to Asian markets—means that Boeing now faces the
 of an entirely new competitive playing field and that our commercial
 airplane sector is likely to suffer enormously over the coming decades.

 But the second implication is even bigger. The CACC story highlights the
 risk that current bailouts—a remarkable $7.8 trillion in equity,
 loans, and
 guarantees so far—may merely perpetuate a fundamentally flawed status
 So far, at least, we are simply rebuilding the same edifice that just
 collapsed. None of the investments has even begun to address the
 structural problems that are causing economic power to shift away from
 United States, sector by sector:

 * Our trade deficit has ballooned from about $100 billion to more
 $700 billion annually in the past decade, and our federal deficit now
 approaches $1 trillion. These twin deficits leave us at the mercy of
 foreign-capital inflows that may diminish as Asian nations, in
 invest increasingly at home.
 * Our household savings rate has been close to zero—and even
 in some years—not permitting the long-term capital accumulation required
 for the investments we need; China's savings rate, by comparison, is an
 astonishing 30 percent of household income.
 * U.S. middle class income has stagnated over the past decade, while
 the middle class in China—granted, starting from a lower base—has seen
 income growing at about 10 percent annually.
 * Our intellectual advantage could soon turn into a new third
 deficit, as hundreds of thousands of engineers are being created
 in China.
 * We are realizing that the service sector—all the lawyers,
 bankers, advertising agencies, and accountants—follows its clients and
 wealth creation. This, not over-regulation, is the reason
 investment-banking activity has begun to migrate overseas.

 The great irony is that our new place in the global economy is a direct
 consequence of our grand victory over the past 60 years. We have,
 converted virtually the entire world into one integrated capitalist
 economy, and we must now bear the brunt of serious and vigorous
 competition. In the immediate aftermath of World War II, the United
 was essentially the only nation with financial capital, 

Re: WRONG!!! [cia-drugs] Iraq/Afghan Veterans Facing PTSD Join the Homeless

2008-11-16 Thread michael1
End of article referenced is partly bull…., very wrong.
Here is the last paragraph of article referenced: (quote)

 …I think the problem is war itself, she said. War changes a person. I
talk to all vets. The same experiences we had coming home from Iraq are
the same experience World War II (vets) saw, Vietnam saw, Korean War saw,
so it hasn't changed. I think the real problem is probably just war
itself…. (unquote)

World War I war psychosis was called ‘shell shock’.  Then WW II, Korea, it
became ‘battle fatigue’.  Then PTSD etc.   But it is not just the names
that changed.  Common types of ‘psychoses’ such as a soldier not being
able to see but there being nothing wrong with his eyes, (he wanted to get
back and help his buddies), were common in WW I and comprised a good
portion of ‘shell shock’.   By the time Nam rolled around such symptoms
were almost unheard of.  General trend: soldiers are becoming less in
denial and far angrier.

Afghanistan and Iraq worse still:
In order to ‘preempt the PTSD’ psycho pills are now handed out to troops
‘as much as they want’.  They don’t even need to see a medic.  ‘Sarge has
them’!   The army gets many more combat ‘months/years’ out of each troop. 
But when done they are addicts on the streets and needing lifetime drugs

Yes, though, the problem is ‘war itself’.  Attitudes changing.

 Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans Facing PTSD Join the Homeless
 Anna Sussman, The San Francisco Chronicle: Ethan Kreutzer joined the Army
 at the age of 17 and fought with the 19th Airborne in Jalalabad,
 Afghanistan. When he returned home, he had no money, no education and no
 civilian job experience. He soon became homeless. He slept in an alley off
 Haight Street, behind two trash cans.

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Sarah Palin Supports New 9/11 Investigation

2008-10-28 Thread michael1
This caught my attention.  Perhaps simple cover up.  In this manner:
1- The realization that the truth will come out at top.  Thousands of
people demonstrated at site on anniversary last month.  The protesters all
carried signs saying 'we did it' and 'inside job'.  This was not in US
news at all but on prime time television oversees.  I saw it on Russian
television, story was also in English.  Cynthia McKinney was speaking
there. Also why few know Cynthia is on ballot, (Green Party), for pres. 
You knew of Ralph Nader when he was but not Cynthia.  Reason?  She comes
right out and states we did 9/11.
2- If they know it will come out better to be part of the 'outting' than
have your pants pulled down.  'Oswalds' being selected etc.

I am not saying this is the case.  Only that it crossed my mind.  However
if this thought is true then it would help 'scape goat' the bad energy and
they could simply continue.
 Probably looking for the disgruntled Iranian-influenced Iraqi Shiite
 fallback to Iraqi 911 angle. Bomb Iran and damn the torpedoes of logic
 and factual evidence for Porter Goss, Lebanese heroin families, Pak
 intel, Saudi intel, maybe even Syrian intel (Monzer Al Kasser of Pan
 Am 103 who placed the bomb at Frankfurt must have been involved in 911
 if Lebanese heroin families were using lead hijacker Atta to fly
 heroin to Porter Goss' in Terrortown).


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis

 *Sarah Palin Supports New 9/11 Investigation*
 Alaska Governor gives unexpected answer during Ohio rally

 Paul Joseph Watson
 Prison Planet.com http://prisonplanet.com/
 Tuesday, October 28, 2008

 John McCain?s presidential running mate Sarah Palin, much to the
 bewilderment of the 9/11 truth community, seemingly expressed support
 for a new investigation into the terrorist attacks during a rally in
 Ohio last week.



 */ http://www.prisonplanet.tv/subscribe.html/*
 */TURN ON, TUNE IN, WAKE UP. Join the community at Prison Planet.tv and
 get immediate access to every Alex Jones film and thousands of other
 pieces of multimedia! /**/Click here to subscribe/*/./

Re: [cia-drugs] Top world military leaders meet in Lake Placid

2008-10-21 Thread michael1
Many meetings.  Odd, don't think regular.  Large meeting between US and
Russian military (top) in Finland now also.  Always look for who goes to
who.  Finland not Moscow.., still  !

 Rght, because they can't pick up a secure telephone to discuss these
 things and they don't have any other opportunities to get together.
 What's the pricetag on this retreat, held while we're bailing out their
 Wall Street buddies?   Are they really this stupid and out of touch with
 reality?  (that's rhetorical, v-mann)

 --- On Wed, 10/22/08, Vigilius Haufniensis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Vigilius Haufniensis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Top world military leaders meet in Lake Placid
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 3:28 AM

 Perhaps it was someone's birthday... -Vmann

 He said the meeting is an annual event that is
 rotated amongst the countries.

 http://www.pressrep ublican.com/ homepage/ local_story_ 295092819. html

 Top world military leaders meet in Lake

 LAKE PLACID — Some of the most powerful military commanders in the
 world met in Lake Placid over the weekend.

 Speculation was rife after a C-32, the
 military equivalent to a Boeing 757 airliner, touched down Friday at
 the Adirondack Regional Airport in Lake Clear.
 The 155-foot-long jumbo jet, which is used
 as Air Force 2 when the vice president is aboard, was emblazoned with
 “United States of America” on the side and parked on the eastern edge
 of the airport.
 “I was contacted by the Department of
 Defense approximately a month ago, and they indicated they had some
 foreign dignitaries that they wanted to bring in through the airport,”
 said Ross Dubarry, the airport’s manager.
 Following the landing, a motorcade led by
 State Police rushed Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs
 of Staff, and top military commanders from four nations — Britain,
 France, Germany and Italy — to a resort in Lake Placid.
 The motorcade returned Sunday afternoon,
 and the C-32 and an Italian military jet departed.
 Defense Department officials wouldn’t
 comment this weekend, but the day after the planes had left, Capt. John
 Kirby, a special assistant to Mullen, confirmed that the top military
 leaders from five countries met in Lake Placid to discuss mutual
 security issues, including Afghanistan.
 “I’m not at liberty to go into the details
 that was discussed, but they went through a wide range of security
 issues that are common to all five nations,” Kirby said.
 “They discussed, in broad terms, progress
 in Afghanistan and where we’re heading with regard to Afghanistan,
 particularly the NATO mission there. And they discussed other mutual
 issues of security concerns.”
 Security was tight at the Whiteface Lodge
 and Resort — the site where the military leaders were rumored to have
 stayed, though the resort would not confirm that.
 Kirby confirmed that Sir Graham Stirrup of
 Britain’s Royal Air Force, German Army Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan,
 French Army Gen. Jean-Louis Georgelin and Italian Air Force Gen.
 Vincenzo Camporini took part in the two-day meetings.
 He said the meeting is an annual event that
 is rotated amongst the countries.
 The U.S. military picked Lake Placid
 because while it’s relatively close to Washington, D.C., it’s still
 fairly tranquil, Kirby said.
 “They try to choose sites that are
 relatively quiet that allow these leaders to focus on the issues and
 not be distracted by other things.”
 Harrietstown Supervisor Larry Miller, whose
 town owns and operates the airport, said the airport was contacted
 about a month ago about whether it could handle large aircraft and
 foreign dignitaries.

[cia-drugs] Re: Bush Generations

2008-10-19 Thread michael1
Forget first name, but a Bush family member, perhaps great grandfather of
Prescott Bush...:
At any rate he was first to step foot on defeated H.M.S. Gerrier.  U.S.S.
Constitution, (even with two tiers of guns), was still only a frigate. 
There were special boarding parties at time, (no Marines yet), and Bush,
(think then Lt.), swore he would be first to set foot on Gerrier.  He was.
Shot dead on the spot.

 I just thought of another fulfilment of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad
 World, the Spencer Tracy flick: Four CROOKED bushes make a big W.


 Four mads.

 Four **CROOKED** Bush generations make a Big Dubya.

 One-bid treasure for military keynesianism under Big Dub.

 A walk in the park, meaning war is always falsely advertised.

 It's a mad, mad, mad, mad (4 generations) world, where four
 generations of crooked Bush make a big W (GWB). One-bid treasure is
 buried under Big Dubya. 190,000 mercs in Iraq outnumber 150,000
 troops, and who do they bring home from Iraq to help in New Orleans
 after Hurricane Katrina? Louisiana National Guard? No, Blackwater!
 Mad, mad, mad, mad!

 A walk in the park. No Man's Land WWI, every war forecast to be two
 weeks long, invaders supposed to be greeted with flowers and parades
 as liberators, don't bring your winter clothing. It's all been said
 before, but Iraqwar had to be called off after two weeks or the
 Pyrrhic victory would have been exposed as a defeat as US troops got
 too sick from DU not to be noticed.

 Four generations of Bush have profited off of both sides of trumped up
 wars. That form of colonialism is not about seizing resources
 overseas, it's about seizing taxpayer assets at home. That is not my
 opinion, that is their confession: If the American people knew what
 we are doing, they would chase us down the street and lynch us from
 the lamp posts...what we are doing is capital transfer to those who
 are higher, tighter, and righter...the velvet glove is off the iron

Re: [cia-drugs] vote green

2008-10-02 Thread michael1
I agree.  vote for no pol who does not push for true look at 9/11 as does
 vote Green

 [Please forward broadly]

 Dear Green-Rainbow Party  Friends,

 It is time that we let our Congresspeople hear our dismay and  our
 And it is time that we let the world know that there are other  voices
 the corporate duopoly of Democrats and Republicans. We must work  to open
 the debates and to have our voices heard.

 On Saturday, the  Senate passed a $488 billion Pentagon budget -- on a
 meaning  that the names or numbers of Senators voting for and against were
 not  recorded.
 The spending bill that passed also threw in $70 billion for  occupation of
 Iraq and
 Afghanistan, $25 billion in subsidized loans to the  auto industry, and
 lifting of
 off-shore drilling bans.

 Late  last night, the Senate passed a $700 billion Wall Street  bailout,
 representing a
 purchase by taxpayers of junk assets from troubled  financial institutions
 who were
 gambling away other people's money. The  fear-mongering around this bill
 with demands
 that it must happen and  bipartisan agreement from the leading
 -- follows  the same path that led us into invading Iraq.

 It is clear that we need  more voices represented in the US political
 The actions below are  some ideas for registering our voices loudly  and


 1. Open the Debates Action Week - 100  letters to the editor
 2. Call your Congressperson - 'no' to the bailout
 3.  Participate in the ThirdPartyTicket.com pledge to open the debates
 4. Become  a pollworker and ensure fair treatment of third party (and all)
 5.  Donate to the Green-Rainbow Party
 6. Donate to the McKinney/Clemente  Campaign


 1.  Open the Debates Action Week, Oct. 1-7: Let Cynthia  Rosa debate!
 - 10/7/08

 Open the Debates Action Week, October 1-7: Let Cynthia   Rosa debate!
 Help get Cynthia McKinney  Rosa Clemente in the news  and in the debates!
 Goal: 100 letters to the editor in newspapers across the  US

 On Thursday, Oct. 2, the first vice presidential debate will take  place
 Washington University in St. Louis.  And on Tuesday, Oct. 7,  the second
 presidential debate is planned for Belmont University's Curb Event  Center
 Nashville, Tennessee.  The third presidential debate is on  Oct. 15 at
 Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.

 The debate  sponsors intend to exclude the Green Party's presidential
 ticket.  Let's  not let that happen without a fight for democratic
 of all qualified  candidates!

 By excluding all candidates except Democrats and Republicans,  the debate
 sponsors are rigging the election.  Cynthia and Rosa are on  the ballot in
 enough states to win the election, so they deserve an  invitation, and
 deserve to hear them debate!

 We encourage all  Greens and friends to participate in the first in a
 of actions we're  planning for October.  Please help us spread the word
 the  McKinney-Clemente campaign and their right to take part in the
 Stay  tuned for more actions throughout the month.

 Here's what you can do:•  Write a letter to the editor about how
 important it
 is for Cynthia and Rosa  to participate in the debates.  See the Talking
 Points below for  ideas.  Keep the letter short and focused — five or
 sentences is  good.  We're aiming for 100 letters sent by Greens to
 newspapers and  news web sites all across the US.  Visit the
 page to look  up a newspaper and post a letter — use the provided text
 as a
 basis, or write  your  own:

 •  Go viral!  Recommend and promote video clips and articles with
 coverage of Green candidates by 'Digging' them  (http://digg.com).

 • Promote the McKinney-Clemente Power to the People  campaign on
 Myspace, and blogs.  Don't forget to add links to  these important web
 State and  local Green Party and other Green campaign sites

 • Host a Debate-Watching  House  Party:

 •  Contact TV, radio, blog sites, and urge them to cover the campaign.

 •  Other actions: write an op-ed column or article and submit it to a
 newspaper  or news web site.  Post a message on an e-mail bulletin board.
 Call in  to a radio talk show.

 • Make a donation to the McKinney-Clemente campaign  to help the
 travel around the US for media appearances and  campaign  events:

 ~  Talking points ~

 Open the debates to Cynthia McKinney and other  candidates on the ballot!

 Cynthia tells the truth.

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: When Is an Assassination Plot NOT a Plot? When the Target Is a Black Democrat?

2008-08-27 Thread michael1
Logistics came out on another list.  Don't know how true.  They would not
be able to get withing 750m.  Exact weapons, (as far as I know), not
1000m conceivable but even top sniper would have trouble.  So, in that
respect, not a threat.
Not that those caught could not have been set up to 'give a message' etc.
Just that real assassination attempt would be near impossible for those.
Feds would need prove 'not just talk' in court.

 Talk about not having what it takes to get the job done?!   How 'bout
 those highly trained federal agents. What a joke!

 - Original Message 
 From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs Cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:28:06 AM
 Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: When Is an Assassination Plot NOT a Plot?  When
 the Target Is a Black Democrat?

 Begin forwarded message:

 Date: August 26, 2008 11:12:50 PM PDT
 Subject: When Is an Assassination Plot NOT a Plot?  When the Target Is a
 Black Democrat?

 When is a plot not a plot?
 A group of armed meth heads reportedly discussed shooting Barack Obama,
 but the feds opted for lesser charges.
 By Mike Madden
 http://www.salon. com/news/ feature/2008/ 08/27/plot/
 Aug. 27, 2008 | DENVER -- Late Saturday night, the cops in Aurora, Colo.,
 stopped a blue Dodge truck that was swerving all over the road. The
 driver, a 28-year-old trance D.J. named Tharin Gartrell, had a suspended
 license, a criminal record and four grams of methamphetamine in his
 pocket. In his trunk, he had two rifles (one stolen), a few boxes of ammo,
 a bulletproof vest and a portable meth lab. By the next day, based on what
 Gartrell told them, the cops had called in the feds, and authorities had
 arrested his cousin, a convicted burglar named Shawn Adolf, and a friend,
 Nathan Johnson, and turned up more drugs. And in Adolf's case, a
 background check turned up some outstanding warrants, one with a $1
 million bail set. Which might explain why Adolf jumped out the window of
 his hotel room in Glendale, Colo., when the Secret Service showed up to
 arrest him on Sunday. From the sixth floor.
 Shawn Robert Adolf, left, Tharin Gartrell and Nathan Johnson
 That might have been the end of the episode, and it might just have been
 unusually dramatic fodder for the local paper's crime blotter, except it
 turned out Gartrell, Johnson and Adolf had a problem with Barack Obama.
 Namely, they objected to the Democratic presidential nominee's being
 black, though court documents say they expressed that fact in less
 delicate terms. And a woman who'd been hanging out in their hotel to
 chill and do drugs, according to court papers, told federal agents the
 three had gathered on the outskirts of Denver in order to try to do
 something about it. Specifically, to shoot him with the rifles and ammo
 they'd brought along.
 Nathan Johnson confirmed the plotin an interview with a local Denver
 television reporter from inside the Denver jail. So your friends were
 saying threatening things about Obama? the reporter asked.
 a rel=nofollow target=_blank
 Yeah, Nathan Johnson replied.
 It sounded like they didn't want him to be president? continued the
 Well, no, Johnson said.
 He don't belong in political office.. Blacks don't belong in political
 office. He ought to be shot.
 a rel=nofollow target=_blank
 By Tuesday, officials had decided the three men didn't have the capacity
 to act on their racist impulses, no matter how heavily armed they were.
 But the whole episode was a strange, and alarming, reminder of why Obama
 has had Secret Service protection since the spring of 2007 -- there are a
 lot of people out there who hate the idea of a black president, and are
 crazy enough to say they'll do something about it. The arrests raised the
 frightening specter of yet another of America's charismatic young leaders
 being gunned down by a lunatic. Obama aides declined to comment, citing a
 strict policy of not discussing security.
 The arrests seemed more threatening when they first became public. Serious
 brass was pulled in; Attorney General Michael Mukasey was briefed. But
 Tuesday, after an investigation involving three different federal
 agencies, Colorado's U.S. attorney, Troy Eid, announced that authorities
 had decided Adolf, Johnson and Gartrell were basically not as dangerous as
 they looked. The feds didn't plan to charge any of the three men with
 threatening a presidential candidate, a federal felony that comes with a
 possible five-year prison term. Instead, Eid charged Adolf (who is

Re: [cia-drugs] Please Express Your Opinion

2008-07-15 Thread michael1
From time to time I write a letter.  Wrote to the lawyer defending the
younger of the two.  It was copied with a cover letter to the Virginia
I pointed out that if mind control is not used as a defense he is breaking
all ethics.

 I would like to hear your opinion on one idea.

 John Muhamad of Muhamad and Malvo, DC-area snipers during Iraqwar
 voting, was only tried for one murder, that of Dean Meyers.

 Muhamad only represented himself for part of that trial. While he was
 representing himself, a witness perjured herself to place him at the
 scene of the crime. Muhamad did not attack her testimony.

 What do you think of that?

 The witness was a woman who worked at First Virginia Bank. I put the
 mapquest map in cia-drugs photos, showing that the bank is a mile from
 the crime scene. Why play lawyer yet pass up the opportunity to crush
 a softball and send it over the outfield fence as Matlock or Perry Mason?

 By crush a softball, I mean it was this easy. Matlock: You say your
 bank is in the same shopping center as SUNOCO. What is the name of the
 shopping center?

 The bank is not actually in a shopping center

 What is the name of the shopping center SUNOCO is in then?

 SUNOCO is not actually in a shopping center either.

 You said they were in the same shopping center, and then you said
 that neither is actually in any shopping center. Are they in the same
 parking lot?


 Do you realize that your bank is exactly one mile from SUNOCO?

 If you say so

 Your bank and SUNOCO are on opposite sides of six lanes of highway, a
 grass median strip, two sidewalks, and two parking lots. Neither is in
 a shopping center. Did you tell the prosecution before this trial that
 you saw the defendant in the same shopping center where you worked?

 No, they told me to say that

 The prosecution suborned you to perjure yourself by claiming to have
 seen the defendant at the scene of the crime?

 Exactly, yes.

 Were your two co-workers lying here today when they called you a liar
 about events the day of the murder?

 I guess not


Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Little help fellow researchers?

2008-04-06 Thread michael1

Best UFO site is Dr. Greer, www.disclosureproject.com


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 6:32 pm
 Subject: [ctrl] Little help fellow researchers?

 I'm trying to gather information for my recent and not-so-recent pages and
 would love suggestions of what to add to:








 And for free-energy and UFO researchers




 As always, I still need more information for




Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Little help fellow researchers?

2008-04-06 Thread michael1
Nice quote from Colby.  He was whacked, foreign assassin, young kid who
freaked when he found out who he did when in papers.
Google Kay Griggs.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 6:32 pm
 Subject: [ctrl] Little help fellow researchers?

 I'm trying to gather information for my recent and not-so-recent pages and
 would love suggestions of what to add to:








 And for free-energy and UFO researchers




 As always, I still need more information for




Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!

2008-04-06 Thread michael1

Though I erred, (It is Swedish -confused with Vodka that starts with
'S')..yes, amounts to same thing.  Swedes backing Russia is this, our
stupid 'expansion'.  They have been more connected to Russia than most
realize from the time Charles XII defeated by Peter.
It IS a political statement and they don't mind some stupid 'boycott'
which won't last anyway to make the statement.
Those states becoming more and more Spanish.  There are NO hispanics in
Miss. Alabama, Ark.  Why?  Why should they go there and compete with the
Blacks.  And those states becoming more and more controlled by Blacks.
Economically Washington state is more and more connected to Vancouver both
places saying 'why should we be controlled by D.C. and Ottawa?'.
 Maybe something to do with the Russians in Alaska, Seward's Folly in
 purchasing it from them. Seward's Absolut-ion?

 Maybe confusion between Alyeska and Aztlan.


 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Where is the sense of humor here?  Am sure laughing their heads off
 Absolut is a Russian company, lol.
 Michael Donovan

*Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!*
  The latest advertising campaign in Mexico from Swedish vodka maker
  Absolut promises to push all the right buttons south of the U.S.
  but it could ruffle a few feathers in El Norte.
  Absolut http://www.flickr.com/photos/newcorrespondent/2383371667/
  The billboard and press campaign, created by advertising agency
  Teran\TBWA http://www.terantbwa.com.mx/  and now running in
 Mexico, is
  a colorful map depicting what the Americas might look like in an
  Absolut -- i.e., perfect -- world.
  The U.S.-Mexico border lies where it was before the
 Mexican-American war
  of 1848 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican-American_War when
  California, as we now know it, was Mexican territory and known as Alta
  Following the war, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo saw the Mexican
  territories of Alta California and Santa Fé de Nuevo México ceded
 to the
  United States to become modern-day California, Texas, New Mexico,
  Colorado and Arizona. (Texas actually split from Mexico several years
  earlier to form a breakaway republic, and was voluntarily annexed
 by the
  United States in 1846.)
  The campaign taps into the national pride of Mexicans, according to
  Favio Ucedo, creative director of leading Latino advertising agency
  Grupo Gallegos in the U.S.
  Ucedo, who is from Argentina, said: Mexicans talk about how the
  Americans stole their land, so this is their way of reclaiming it.
  very relevant and the Mexicans will love the idea.
  But he said that were the campaign to run in the United States, it
  fall flat.
  Many people aren't going to understand it here. Americans in the East
  and the North or in the center of the county -- I don't know if they
  know much about the history.
  Probably Americans in Texas and California understand perfectly and I
  don't know how they'd take it.
  Meanwhile, the campaign has been circulating on the blogs and
  strong responses from people north of the border.
  I find this ad deeply offensive, and needlessly divisive. I will now
  make a point of drinking other brands. And 'vodka and tonic' is my
  drink, said one visitor, called New Yorker, on MexicoReporter.com
  Reader Paul Green goes into a discussion on the blog Gateway Pundit
  of whether the U.S. territories ever belonged to Mexico in the first
  place, and the News12 Long island
  site invited people to boycott Absolut, with one user, called
  LivingSmall, writing: If you drink Absolut vodka, you can voice your
  approval or disapproval of this advertising campaign with your
  purchases. I know I will be switching to Grey Goose or Stoli and will
  never have another bottle of Absolut in my house.
  Hey Absolut ... that's my form of social commentary.
  -- Deborah Bonello and Reed Johnson in Mexico City

Re: [cia-drugs] Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!

2008-04-04 Thread michael1
Where is the sense of humor here?  Am sure laughing their heads off 'there'.
Absolut is a Russian company, lol.
Michael Donovan


   *Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!*

 The latest advertising campaign in Mexico from Swedish vodka maker
 Absolut promises to push all the right buttons south of the U.S. border,
 but it could ruffle a few feathers in El Norte.

 Absolut http://www.flickr.com/photos/newcorrespondent/2383371667/

 The billboard and press campaign, created by advertising agency
 Teran\TBWA http://www.terantbwa.com.mx/  and now running in Mexico, is
 a colorful map depicting what the Americas might look like in an
 Absolut -- i.e., perfect -- world.

 The U.S.-Mexico border lies where it was before the Mexican-American war
 of 1848 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican-American_War when
 California, as we now know it, was Mexican territory and known as Alta

 Following the war, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo saw the Mexican
 territories of Alta California and Santa Fé de Nuevo México ceded to the
 United States to become modern-day California, Texas, New Mexico, Utah,
 Colorado and Arizona. (Texas actually split from Mexico several years
 earlier to form a breakaway republic, and was voluntarily annexed by the
 United States in 1846.)

 The campaign taps into the national pride of Mexicans, according to
 Favio Ucedo, creative director of leading Latino advertising agency
 Grupo Gallegos in the U.S.

 Ucedo, who is from Argentina, said: Mexicans talk about how the
 Americans stole their land, so this is their way of reclaiming it. It's
 very relevant and the Mexicans will love the idea.

 But he said that were the campaign to run in the United States, it might
 fall flat.

 Many people aren't going to understand it here. Americans in the East
 and the North or in the center of the county -- I don't know if they
 know much about the history.

 Probably Americans in Texas and California understand perfectly and I
 don't know how they'd take it.

 Meanwhile, the campaign has been circulating on the blogs and generating
 strong responses from people north of the border.

 I find this ad deeply offensive, and needlessly divisive. I will now
 make a point of drinking other brands. And 'vodka and tonic' is my
 drink, said one visitor, called New Yorker, on MexicoReporter.com

 Reader Paul Green goes into a discussion on the blog Gateway Pundit
 of whether the U.S. territories ever belonged to Mexico in the first
 place, and the News12 Long island
 site invited people to boycott Absolut, with one user, called
 LivingSmall, writing: If you drink Absolut vodka, you can voice your
 approval or disapproval of this advertising campaign with your
 purchases. I know I will be switching to Grey Goose or Stoli and will
 never have another bottle of Absolut in my house.

 Hey Absolut ... that's my form of social commentary.

 -- Deborah Bonello and Reed Johnson in Mexico City

[cia-drugs] Heed General Lenoid Ivashov’s warning.

2008-03-27 Thread michael1
Heed General Lenoid Ivashov’s warning.

Post Lebanon I have discounted all the Internet hype concerning possible
US attack on Iran until now.  Lebanon was complete surprise and the only
person I know who predicted level of resistance was former Swiss Army
officer, Michael St. Clair.  Sure, it was part of the ‘plan’.  But the
neocon ‘plan’ has gone to poof ten ways to the middle and they continue to
continue it worse following bad. For first time I have serious reason for
concern we are building for near, very near, attack.
Reader should read these links first.
General Lenoid Ivashov also had an article in an American Foreign police
magazine not too long ego.  It concerned our coming election and was at
time that it was thought sure to be McCain vs. Hillary.  As therein he
could not be too outspoken he used Admiral Mahan as a code above most
heads but ‘above’ stating that the US will keep same policy no matter
which next president and that we have overestimated our sea power.  He was
not talking modern navy vs. modern navy or any navy but that technology
has made all naval vessels vulnerable in littorals.  (Google “General Van
Riper”)   In ‘Millennium 2000’ Van Riper played Iraq in the most expensive
war game ever and sunk most of the US fleet in the Persian Gulf.  For a
time kept very quiet but story broke first in Army Times.  All stops were
taken out to counter.  Woods Hole Oceanographic ‘hydroids’ were plowing
bottom.  Naval divers were exhausted. Even ‘platoons’ of trained dolphins
were used off an Amphibious, USS Gunsten Hall, but more animal trainers
had to be flown in to deal with ‘dolphin boredom’.  Nothing seemed to work
and it was like suddenly minor nations and even ‘terrorists’ had a ‘long
bow’ that could take out a knight.  Low tech beat high tech.  Still does
with this.
We have at present much odd military activity.  Almost all naval ships on
West Coast are at sea.  Massive convoys have been conveying military
equipment from Ft. Bragg all the way up to Ft. Drum, New York, etc. 
Planes intercepting Russian bombers off Alaska are here called
General Pace contradicted Bush way past point of insubordination but kept
his position for some time.  In fact he was more insubordinate than
MacArthur, (but inversed!).  Admiral Fallon may have erred only by NOT
referring to nukes and implying ANY military actions against Iran would be

General situation if this goes forward:
In general bombing is known more to tick off enemy.  Logistics to forces
we have will be far more complex.  Persian Gulf will be far too risky. 
The United States cannot use air power to control over 2000 Chinese anti
ship missiles hidden in Iran (all far superior to what sunk the HMS
Sheffield).  Oil flow will stop.  Gas will be sky high to point of run on
banks (see Ft. Drum above) etc.  Afghanistan already has, by deployment,
almost a front to east and would greatly extend southeast.   Secret
overland from Pakistan would cease (or even the question!!!).  The never
talked about overland to Iraq, trans Jordan from Aqaba, would be a giant
risk.  Horn of Africa will more than ‘flair up’- it will explode.  Syria
will turn.  Turkey will hold as still as possible.

On the inside the generals and decent flag officers have been screaming
against any thought of attacking Iran.  So what exactly would be the
motivation to go forward anyway?  This is a thousand times more difficult
to explain because it goes very much against massive wrongful programming
given to the masses for more than half a century.  Understanding this
would explain how dangerous it is for those now in power it would be if
Iran did nothing else but hold present course.  It is my hope that some
will understand and it will be passed around enough to overt dangerous
military stupidity.

If Iran is simply to hold present course a secret deal brokered first
between Henry Luce and Joe Stalin will come to an end.  This deal is the
central glue that holds massive illegal activity, drugs/arms/you-name-it
together as that has been the all important checking mechanism as the deal
secret.  It is through this deal that, on a level few know about, the
formation of the Israeli Mossad was really a cover for combining checking
apparatus for CIA/KBG and bringing in other nuclear or soon-to-be-nuclear
others.  This is why level of violence had to be maintained there to have
Israeli people consent to pay for all this even though they were unaware
of it.  (Google “Kay Griggs” to see how this was done.)

There is a good overview of the deal and simplified as it was explained to
a child turning 11 years old in the form of a ‘true-story’ play at:
In essence it was seen early how easy nukes were to make.  In the day
between the bombs going off over Nagasaki

Re: [cia-drugs] Kosovo II: The Next Color Revolution (Nagorno-Karabakh)

2008-02-22 Thread michael1
Yes, Armenia will be involved in some fashion.  There are four quarters
still in old Jerusalem.  Which are  Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and few
can guess that the other is Armenian or know why.  Because Armenia is a
country that 'jumped over Turkey' when in trouble.  Armenia (and that old
old banking) was Phoenicia (from Wikipedia)enterprising maritime trading
culture that spread across the Mediterranean between the period of 1200 BC
to 900 BC.  They 'moved bank' when in trouble.
As for Kosovo..
Again we never read history, another geographic strangeness.  Serbia not a
location but an altitude.  You can be Serbian in any location in old Yugo
if high enough.  And they have NEVER LOST.  Don't even try.  Even
Alexander the Great was next door in Macedonia and conquered world but
when suggested that he go just a bit north Hell no, Am I a fool?
Serbia always wins in long run and all that time between three families
(Romanovs, Hapsburgs, Osmilis) NEVER LOST.
AFRICOM told to go to hell embarasing the hell out of Bush.  This is all
leading to he biggest US military defeat ever.

 latest update from vera:  www.putinfreakshow.blogspot.com

 TINDERBOX CAUCASUS - Sparks Flying along the Pipeline
 July 3, 2006
 By Walter Mayr


 PROJECT.(Brief Article)
 From: IPR Strategic Business Information Database  |  Date: 5/17/2000


   Will pipeline development bring about another Armenian-Azerbaijani war
 over Nagorno-Karabakh?

   Foreign Affairs Opinion (Published)
   Source: oilandgas.com
   Published: 26-06-99
   Posted on 08/08/1999 15:24:08 PDT by mit
 Will pipeline development bring about another Armenian-Azerbaijani war
 over Nagorno-Karabakh?

 By Manos Karagiannis

Re: [cia-drugs] Suspicion lingers over a string of deaths

2008-02-16 Thread michael1

Why not suspect British as much as Russians?
 Suspicion lingers over a string of deaths

 By Caroline Gammell
 Last Updated: 1:49am GMT 14/02/2008

   Badri Patarkatsishvili is the latest in a series of former Soviet
 Union exiles and their associates whose deaths in Britain raised
 suspicions over the activities of the Russian security service and
 its allies.

   In November 2006, Alexander Litvinenko suffered a drawn-out death
 after being poisoned in a London hotel.

   He had met Andrei Lugovoi, a former KGB bodyguard, before having
 lunch at a sushi restaurant with an Italian acquaintance, Mario
 Scaramella, on Nov 1.

   He fell ill later that day and a photograph taken in hospital
 showing his gaunt features was published around the world.

   In March 2004, Stephen Curtis, a lawyer closely linked to Kremlin
 opponents such as the exile Boris Berezovsky, died in a helicopter

   Mr Curtis was managing director of the Menatep Group, which had oil
 interests in Russia.

   There was speculation that his death was not accidental although no
 connection to the Russian authorities was ever proved.

   Mr Curtis reportedly said shortly before the crash that if he died
 mysteriously, it would not be an accident.

   Last year, Mr Berezovsky revealed that a plot to murder him had been
 foiled by the British security services.

   He said he was told that an assassin had been sent from Russia and
 he was advised to leave Britain.

   He said: I went overseas for a week and then the police informed me
 that I could return.

   I have been asked by the police not to go into detail about the
 assassination attempt. All of these threats bear the hallmarks of
 Russian security service activity.

   In the Soviet era, the Bulgarian dissident and playwright Georgi
 Markov was assassinated in London in 1978.

   He was killed by a poison dart fired from the tip of an umbrella
 into his leg as he waited for a bus near Waterloo Bridge.

   KGB agents and the Bulgarian secret police were believed to be
 behind the killing.


2008-01-17 Thread michael1
Swiss referendum also but this as recent as around 1980.  They were voting
on if or not to ban 'secret banking'.  From what I heard it was not passed
mainly because it would move someplace else and be done badly.  Cayman
Islands would be overcrowded.

 yeah, but the pdf is NOT attached.

 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, radar runner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Eric Phelps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: Eric Phelps [EMAIL 
 To: Eric Jon Phelps [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:53:03 -0500


   Dear Brethrens / Friends :

   Attached herewith in Acrobat PDF File is a historical flier as to
 why Article 51 of the Swiss Constituition banned the Jesuits.

   Respectfully yours,

   Community Of World Historians

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