Re: [newbie-it] caratteri

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sandro

Il 02:40, mercoledì 08 agosto 2001, hai scritto:

 Grazie per il suggerimento, ma non è cambiato niente :(( sigh!
 Preso da disperazione ho installato anche OpenOffice, e lì sono brutti
 (nel senso che sembra che siano come mangiati), anche quelli della barra
 dei menù, delle finestre, ecc... non solo quelli del corpo testo...

 Poi ho installato una demo Applix, e lì tutto va alla perfezione...

 Sto diventando matto (damnit!).

 Può dipendere dalla mia S3 Trio 3D/2X? Visto che usa (credo) XFree 3.3.6
 (e quindi ninte anti-aliasing)?

 Ciao a tutti e grazie :))

Non so che versione usi (mdk8 o che?) - se hai la mdk8 hai forse installato 
XFree 3.3.6 perché la S3 non era supportata dal XFree 4.x?
Se questo è il caso e se non utilizzi Linux per giochi 3D puoi rimettere 
XFree 4.x e configurare la scheda come SVGA standard.
D'altra parte mi ricordo che con la 7.2 non avevo problemi di visualizzazione 
sbagliata dei caratteri. Il problema si è avuto con la 8 ma l'ho risolto come 
ti ho descritto.
Inoltre, forse non ho capito bene, l'effetto sgradito te lo fa solo con 
StarOffice (che è un problema a parte) oppure, ad esempio, con kword e simili?
Hai provato ad utilizzare, ad esempio, Gnome ed i suoi applicativi specifici? 
Ti fa lo stesso effetto?
Se si, allora il problema, come dici tu, è di XFree e non ti rimane altro che 
Un'altra domanda: con Xfree 3.3.6 la scheda grafica te la vede come S3 o come 
una SVGA? Perchè, nel caso potresti, senza cambiare XFree, cercare driver 
aggiornati per la scheda.
Fammi sapere

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux User: 203143
Linux Machine: 103048

Re: [newbie-it] idle

2001-08-08 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Qualcuno sa spiegarmi perche' quando il pc non ha da fare nulla, c'e'
 processo (apm-idle) che ciuccia il 98% di CPU? Come faccio a
 disabilitarlo? E soprattutto qual'e' la sua utilita'?

 Grazie a chi mi scioglie questo dubbio amletico!

con l'aiuto di APM la CPU può segnalare
  al BIOS i periodi di inattività, permettendogli di fare un po' di
  economia - p. es. riducendo il clock della CPU, spegnendo l'hard disk,
  la retroilluminazione dello schermo ecc,

  L'APM è anche responsabile del modo ``system suspend'' (o ``sleep'') e
  del modo ``suspend to disk'' (o ``hibernation'').

io comunque ne ho sentito parlare molto per quanto rigurda i portatili,
poi non so',

   Stefano Barberis
   WEB home page:

Re: [newbie-it] caratteri

2001-08-08 Per discussione Andrea Colanicchia

Hai provato ad impostare i font Adobe?
In genere sono i font urw standard a dare questi problemi, puoi mettere Adobe Helvetica per il sans-serif, Adobe Times per il 
serif e Adobe Courier per il carattere a spaziatura fissa.

Anch'io avevo lo stesso problema e mi sembra che l'ho risolto così.
Comunque, sono importanti anche le dimensioni, infatti alcuni caratteri li 
vedo tarlati se imposto certe dimensioni, se invece cambio, li rivedo bene.

Io ho messo dimensione 10 a tutti i caratteri con una risoluzione video 
1024x768. Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto.

Ciao, Andrea.

Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.

2001-08-08 Per discussione freefred

 fosse la soluzione migliore, comunque ritengo che lo spazio occupato da
 questi programmi sia eqivalente, qualche mese fà ho installato una versione
 ridotta di Red Hat 6.0,-in quel periodo non sapevo bene cosa installavo di
 Linux, neanche adesso ma ne ho una vaga idea- su un PC con la mia stessa
 configurazione hardware ed ho utilizzato 120Mb di hard disk, sembrava
 funzionante (compreso SSL), ma il modem faceva schifo, quindi?

sinceramente, temo dovrai essere un po' piu' preciso.
cioe' per es. cosa significa il modem faceva schifo?
non riuscivi a connetterti?
la connessione era lenta?
il modem e' brutto?
(vabbe', sorry)


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] Creare una procedura di backup....

2001-08-08 Per discussione Luca Minari - STD s.n.c.

Dovrei creare una procedura di backup settimanale (cron.weekly) e/o
giornaliera (cron.daily) di una directory

/home/progetti/pippo\ 2001

Ho creato in cron.weekly -- (come sotto)

#script per il backup della directory Disegni 2001

$data =`date +%d-%m-%Y`;
$data = substr($data, 1, 10);
printf(Creazione del backup...);
system(tar -cPzf /home/backup/pippo2001.tar.gz /home/progetti/pippo\\
printf( OK\n);

Non riesco a renderla funzionante per l'aggiunta della data di creazione in
maniera d'avere un file con data sempre diversa
es: pippo2001_12-01-2001.tar.gz

Per il momento mi sarebbe sufficiente, poi col tempo vorrei fare in modo che
ogni volta che fa la procedura, mi andasse a cancellare il backup

Grazie a tutti

Luca Minari

Re: [newbie-it] Unable to handle kernel NULL...

2001-08-08 Per discussione viger71

Il 02:59, mercoledì 08 agosto 2001, hai scritto:
  --- viger71 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  Ti consiglio di ricompilare il Kernel che ha
  installato sul sistema
  operativo e fai attenzione a tutto quello che togli
  e soprattutto fai
  caricare i moduli dal kernel di tutte le periferiche
  che haihai, perché non
  credo le le utilizzi tutte insieme, aggiungi anche
  il supportoper le porte
  USB se c'è qulcosa collegato. Fammi sapere perché ho
  avuto lo stesso problema
  che ho risolto x caso, magari tu riesci a capire il
  problema nei suoi

 Ok, provero' a dare un'occhiata alla configurazione
 del kernel che ho compilato e faro' un po' di prove.
 Ho cercato di ridurlo al minimo... magari ho tagliato
 via qualcosa di troppo... :P
 Se riesco a capirci qualcosa ti faccio sapere.

 Ciao. Steo.

Ci conto e in bocca la lupo.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

Re: [newbie-it] Fetchmailconf: messaggio ignoto.

2001-08-08 Per discussione viger71

Il 08:57, mercoledì 08 agosto 2001, hai scritto:
  fosse la soluzione migliore, comunque ritengo che lo spazio occupato da
  questi programmi sia eqivalente, qualche mese fà ho installato una
  versione ridotta di Red Hat 6.0,-in quel periodo non sapevo bene cosa
  installavo di Linux, neanche adesso ma ne ho una vaga idea- su un PC con
  la mia stessa configurazione hardware ed ho utilizzato 120Mb di hard
  disk, sembrava funzionante (compreso SSL), ma il modem faceva schifo,

 sinceramente, temo dovrai essere un po' piu' preciso.
 cioe' per es. cosa significa il modem faceva schifo?
 non riuscivi a connetterti?
 la connessione era lenta?
 il modem e' brutto?
 (vabbe', sorry)


Tutto quello che hai elencato, più alcuni errori di configurazione.
Finalmente ho trovato qualcuno dalla battuta acida come me.
Appena mi riparano il vecchio 486(ha sempre avuto problemi con 
l'alimentatore) ti tengo aggiornato sull'istallazione.


 Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
 Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
 ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] font per abiword

2001-08-08 Per discussione GiulioF

CIAO a tutti !
Uso la mandrake 7.2 e vorrei saperecome si devono 
inserire nuovi font per abiword in modo che siano selezionabili 
direttamente nella lista di selezione. In quale directory devo inserirli 
Ciao e grazie !!!

[newbie-it] Connessione manuale con ppp

2001-08-08 Per discussione GiulioF

Ciao !
Sto cercando difare una connessione a mano usando 
ppp (mi sono documentato sul ppp how-to) 
il problema è che quando cerco di usare minicom per 
comunicare con il modem dopo aver inserito la stringa: 
il computer si connette (non mi richiede la password 
ela userID, dovrebbe essere giusto visto che ho inserito il tutto nel file 
pap-secrets) e invia sullo schermo tutti i segni strani che dovrebbero indicare 
la connessione ... però dopo 4/5 secondi si blocca tutto e mi da il messaggio 
Come mai si blocca ??? (CARRIER significa che non mi ha 
identificato ??)
Ciao e grazie per la risposta !!!

[newbie-it] Connessione OffLine?

2001-08-08 Per discussione viger71

Esiste un modo, o più modi, x impostare la connessione in modalità non in 
(Uso Mand.8)

Grazie e ciao.

Re: [newbie-it] idle

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 15:57:01 +0200 
Stefano Barberis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 l'unica cosa che fa il ciclo idle  =E8 quella di eseguire un comando
 (Halt) quando il sistema =E8 inattivo per risparmiare i circuiti
della cpu
 (praticamente ne spegne le parti che non stanno facendo nulla.
 Serve a mantenere bassa la temp. della cpu e a risparmiare corrente
 Non rallenta gli altri processi.
Cioe' io dovrei essere tranquillo che un processo che il top mi da al
in verita' mi sta congelando la cpu per risparmiare energia e
soprattutto per raffredarlo???
ciao e... grazie ancora!!
Secondo me hai ragione: c' e' qualcosa che non va.
E' vero che le istruzioni HLT vengono inviate durante il ciclo idle ma
indipendentemente dal fatto che l' apm sia attivo o meno.
Hai controllato fra i servizi all' avvio se c' e' qualcosa che abbia a
che fare con l' apm (o acpi)?
Oppure l' hai attivato nella compilazione del kernel?
Anch' io l' ho attivato per ottenere lo spegnimento automatico del pc e
non mi da alcun problema, al limite prova a mettere apm=off sulla riga
che carica il kernel nel file di conf del tuo bootmanager.


Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-08-08 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

Finalmente è uscita anche a Viareggio la rivista Linux Magazine e così mi 
sono trovato finalmente quei 25M si sorgenti del kernel (2.4.5) per fare la 
mia prima compilazione.
Ho trovato molto comoda la possibilità di lavorarci sopra senza toccare 
l'installazione originale.
Ora infatti nel boot tra le varie voci linux, floppy, windo$ ecc. ho anche 
MyKern che sarebbe appunto il mio esperimento.
Peccato che non funzioni.
La cosa più grave è che non trova i driver nvidia e quindi non parte x.
Dovrei includere in questa email anche il log iniziale, ma non l'ho trovato.
Se qualcuno mi suggerisce dove sia...

Comunque, i dubbi più grossi sono questi:
-dove devo mettermi a compilare? i vari HowTo indicano di mettersi 
direttamente in /usr/src mentre il README dice di non farlo.

-devo poi spostare moduli, files, directory? Devo rinstallare i drive nVIDIA?

-nel README c'è anche l'indicazione di compilarlo:

Make sure you have gcc-2.91.66 (egcs-1.1.2) available.  gcc 2.95.2 may
   also work but is not as safe, and *gcc is no longer supported*.

che possono fare i poveri utenti di Mandrake 8.0?

Un'ultima domanda per Fabio, che aveva scritto che le attuali versioni del 
kernel funzionano bene con la scheda SCSI Adaptec 2904CD: funzionerà anche 
con il kernel 2.4.5 o devo upgradare fino al 2.4.7?

Ho visto che è uscito un RPM del kernel 2.4.7 per la Mandrake, l'avete 
provato. Potrebbe essere comodo usarlo, ma per me è veramente ostico 
scaricare tutti quei 20M. Se mi aiutate torno alla carica con la compilazione!

a presto,

Re: [newbie-it] caratteri

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sandro

Il 15:19, mercoledì 08 agosto 2001, hai scritto:

 Va da sè che uso la MDK 8.0 :))
 Cmq i problemi li ho risolti con tutto il sistema tranne che con
 StarOffice, con il quale i caratteri continuano ad essere uno schifo...

Te l'avevo detto che StarOffice è un problema a parte. :-)  Anche a me si 
visualizzano che è un quasi schifo. Io ho installato, comunque, i font true 
type di windows e utilizzandoli in StarOffice ottengo dei risultati 
leggermente migliori.

 Se voglio digitare del testo e vedere i caratteri in maniera decente,
 devo mettere una visualizzazione di Soffice al 109%...
 Ma perchè con la 7.2 non lo faceva???

Bella domanda!! Me la sono posta anche io :-)

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux User: 203143
Linux Machine: 103048

RE: [newbie] can't startx

2001-08-08 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Sheez all these complex answers to a simple problem...


service xfs restart

THEN try



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Errant
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 5:59 PM
Subject: [newbie] can't startx

Hi all,

I suddenly can't get x up and running on my LM8 box. After issuing 
the startx command as Root from console, it returns the following:

Could not init font path element unix/:-1, removing from list!

Fatal Server Error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

Can someone help me fix this, and explain how it might have happened?

Thanx a bunch,


[newbie] Kernel 2.4.7. is out as RPM

2001-08-08 Per discussione Paul

Find it at
(Europe) or


RE: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez
Title: Message

only thing that would cause this, is if Linux activated UDMA/66 (or 100) on a 
UDMA capable drive that was only working at UDMA/33 or below under 

Certain drives, onceset to UDMA/66 
continue to attempt to operate in this mode, even through a power 

 Seagate have a utility to ENABLE/DISABLE this.

your motherboard is UDMA/66 capable, you might want to make SURE that you have 
an 80 conductor UDMA IDE cable.

are denser than the normal cable(s) running to CD-ROMS, etc.

If the 
OS, Linux, or utility put the drive into UDMA/33/66/100 mode and you do not have 
a 80 conductor cable, you'll end up with a lot of errors..


  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Greg TaylorSent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 2:01 
  AMTo: Linux-NewbieSubject: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems 
  after using Linux
  I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when 
  it comes to harddrives, but it seems that every time I install any flavor of 
  *nix on a drive that was formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall 
  windows on the drive again without it not working or being awfully unstable. 
  I'm not sure why this happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer wants to 
  work. I even went as far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get in the 
  fdisk, and create a new empty dos partition table, saved it, then rebooted, 
  fdisk'd off a boot floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted, formatted 
  it, then tried the installer. It didn't make it past the system checker thing 
  at the beginning of the installer, gave some weird errors about the drive. 
  Anyway, anyone else having this problem?

Re: [newbie] YahooMessenger

2001-08-08 Per discussione s

Yeah, I tried it out.  I didn't have any trouble.  What is the specifics of 
your problem?

On Wednesday 08 August 2001 12:18 am, you wrote:

 I found a version of YahooMessenger for Linux, at:

 And Instructions were:

 To install the Linux version of Messenger:

   1.. Save the file ymessenger-0.93.0-1.i386.rpm to your machine.
   2.. Log in as root, and type rpm -i ymessenger-0.93.0-1.i386.rpm to
 install the application. 3.. Type ymessenger from a prompt to launch the
 But when I did ... or try to do so... it didn't work... Said something
 extra was needed.

 Has anyone tried to install it... and succeded?

 I have a downloaded vesion of LM-8.0.



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Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione Robin Ballantine

On Wednesday 08 August 2001  2:00 am, you wrote:
 I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it comes to harddrives,
 but it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix on a drive that
 was formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall windows on the
 drive again without it not working or being awfully unstable. I'm not sure
 why this happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer wants to work. I even
 went as far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get in the fdisk, and
 create a new empty dos partition table, saved it, then rebooted, fdisk'd
 off a boot floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted, formatted it,
 then tried the installer. It didn't make it past the system checker thing
 at the beginning of the installer, gave some weird errors about the drive.
 Anyway, anyone else having this problem?

I have read somewhere, but can't remember where, That if you are going to 
install Windows on a partition then you should format that partition with the 
dos version of fdisk as supplied with windows or with the disk installation 
floppy. I believe the linux version of fdisk formats a dos partition slightly 
Hope this helps, 

Re: [newbie] Reasons for use LM 8.0

2001-08-08 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 23:18:41 -0400
Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

TH This really comes down to what do they want to do with the machines.
TH Are these going to be desktops for users?  Are these going to be
TH servers?  Are these going to be used to teach a class on Linux?
Big snip to preserve bandwidth
TH Slackware wasn't anything impressive honestly.  It's install was a lot
TH like FreeBSD, but nothing special.  I honestly didn't leave it
TH installed
TH long enough since I had to use that machine as a test server for
TH for our current project.
TH But where you'll find a fair comparison of the distros to let you know
TH which one you should choose for what, good luck!  I've looked.  All of
TH them have been out dated, and biased.  But something like this should
TH be
TH researched AFTER they know what they want to do with the machines.
TH Hope that helps a little.
TH tdh

Nice tidy summation, Tim.  You hit most of the major Linux and *BSD
distros in a fairly unimpassioned, relatively _nuetral_ manner.  I once
read of Slackware (on another list I believe) that i wa not really a
distro, at all, just a tarball of someone's hard drive ;o)

If a man loses his reverence for any part of life, he will lose his
reverence for all of life.
 -- Albert Schweitzer

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[newbie] mars_nwe

2001-08-08 Per discussione Jhun Bacala

Hi! All,

I've heard of a program called MARS_NWE which is a clone Novell Netware. 
Has anyone ever tried to install it in Linux-Mandrake? If so, can anyone 
give me some guide on how to install it in Linux-Mandrake?  



[newbie] uninstall nautilus

2001-08-08 Per discussione kalimank

Hi all!

Somebody knows how to uninstall Nautilus from Gnome desktop?
It seems merged into Gnome!?!? 
I want a lighter file manager.


¿Te desesperan las chapuzas caseras? No lo dudes y entra en Aprenderás todo tipo de trucos, para hacerte la vida 
más fácil. ¡Pincha aquí!

Re: [newbie] uninstall nautilus

2001-08-08 Per discussione etharp

Hmmm, seems to me that you don't _NEED_ to uninstall Nautilus, just select a 
different file mangler, or a different window mangler.

On Wednesday 08 August 2001 07:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!

 Somebody knows how to uninstall Nautilus from Gnome desktop?
 It seems merged into Gnome!?!?
 I want a lighter file manager.



 ¿Te desesperan las chapuzas caseras? No lo dudes y entra en Aprenderás todo tipo de trucos, para hacerte la vida
 más fácil. ¡Pincha aquí!

[newbie] please remove me from mail list

2001-08-08 Per discussione Reiner Stucky

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of etharp
Sent: 08 August 2001 12:58
Subject: Re: [newbie] uninstall nautilus

Hmmm, seems to me that you don't _NEED_ to uninstall Nautilus, just select a
different file mangler, or a different window mangler.

On Wednesday 08 August 2001 07:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!

 Somebody knows how to uninstall Nautilus from Gnome desktop?
 It seems merged into Gnome!?!?
 I want a lighter file manager.



 ¿Te desesperan las chapuzas caseras? No lo dudes y entra en Aprenderás todo tipo de trucos, para hacerte la vida
 más fácil. ¡Pincha aquí!

Re: [newbie] locked cdrom and floppy

2001-08-08 Per discussione Donnie Green

I don't know anything about MandrakeFreq 2, but if it is Linux, you should 
check the file /etc/fstab to check the perms of the line for /mnt/cdrom.  A 
quick check to see if it is the problem would be to:

1. su to root
2. umount /mnt/cdrom
3. mount /dev/device /mnt/cdrom
  (note: to find out what device [hda,hdc,etc.] your cdrom is, type  
dmesg and scrollthrough until you see your cdrom info)
4. cd /mnt/cdrom  ---you should have access

If this solves your problem you will want to edit your /etc/fstab file.  
Read the manpage on fstab for additional options like auto, users, and 

The same thing can be done for the floppy drive.  Hope this helps

From: Oder Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] locked cdrom and floppy
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:51:28 -0300

I have just installed MandrakeFreq 2 in my Toshiba Satellite 1715 XCDS and
all running great except to cdrom and floppy. When I click it I receive the
message: You do not have permissions to read file:/mnt/cdrom. What should
I do to unlock this? Any help would be really appreciate. Thanks in 

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] Reasons for use LM 8.0

2001-08-08 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Honestly Mike... I think it started out that way.  You'd have to find a
serious Slacker to confirm that though.  I think most people still
install it via FTP, but basically the install is a FreeBSD install.  It
installs everything from source, I think it may use RPMs, but as I said,
I didn't have it installed long enough as I needed that hardware to
build a test machine.  (Work calls, and the play things get wiped out!
:0( OH well, huh?)

I think it's a good idea that people who consider themselves advanced
users, install and play with as many distros as possible.  This is more
feasable for me since I have the hardware to do so.  I have a machine
that I could wipe out once a week and install something new if I felt
the need to do so.  But it helps verse the user in how other distros

That's one reason why I've tried so many *nix distros.  Heck, I've even
installed Linux in VMware!  Couldn't get it to load Xwindows, but dang
it I tried!

But I try and keep an unbiased look at things like this.  When
recommending to a client what OS they should use for an install, ya get
pretty good at that. 

I like Mandrake for a workstation.  I spend all day making sure things
work and stay working on servers, or fixing things on other
workstations, I don't want to spend part of that day fixing my
workstation as well!  Now that I've installed Mandrake so many times, it
takes me 2 hours to install and configure my machine, and then I don't
have to do anything but check the logs. :0)


T. Holmes
Real Men Use Vi!

  7:37am  up 6 days, 18:32,  6 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 23:18:41 -0400
| Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:
| Nice tidy summation, Tim.  You hit most of the major Linux and *BSD
| distros in a fairly unimpassioned, relatively _nuetral_ manner.  I once
| read of Slackware (on another list I believe) that i wa not really a
| distro, at all, just a tarball of someone's hard drive ;o)
| Mike
| -- 
| If a man loses his reverence for any part of life, he will lose his
| reverence for all of life.
|  -- Albert Schweitzer
| _
| Do You Yahoo!?
| Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione James S Bear

Last time I said this, a lot of people yelled at me, but download a utility from
the drive manufacturer and do a low-level format.
Quoting Greg Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it comes to harddrives, but
 it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix on a drive that was
 formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall windows on the drive
 again without it not working or being awfully unstable. I'm not sure why this
 happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer wants to work. I even went as
 far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get in the fdisk, and create a
 new empty dos partition table, saved it, then rebooted, fdisk'd off a boot
 floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted, formatted it, then tried the
 installer. It didn't make it past the system checker thing at the beginning
 of the installer, gave some weird errors about the drive. Anyway, anyone else
 having this problem?

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] please remove me from mail list

2001-08-08 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

Reiner Stucky wrote:


Hi, please follow the instructions at this URL:

Note the email address:


Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager

2001-08-08 Per discussione paul rodríguez

Please forgive me if you recieved multiple copies of this email

I have been looking for a way to disable Nautilus as my desktop manager.
Everyone has been telling me that it is in the Nautilus preferences
(which I thought as well), but it doesn't seem to be in the preferences
in my version (1.0.3-3mdk) from Mandrake Freq2.  I am currently using
gnome with sawfish and would like more control of my desktop environment
through these applications.

-Paul Rodríguez

On 07 Aug 2001 11:02:48 -0300, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
 open the nautilus browser in the last menu from left to right (is a
 drawing like a diamond) then... go to preferences and disable the option
 Choose Nautilus to draw my desktop... or something like that
 - Original Message -
 From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager
  On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 03:23, Paul wrote:
   It was Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:40:40 +1000 when Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
   I haven't used Nautilus in a while, but I vaguely recall an option for
this existing in Nautilus' preferences.
   I recall it is nautilus --nodesktop.
   Just tried it: that's it.
  The problem here is that when you start GNOME, Nautilus will load
  automatically to manage the desktop. There is no opportunity to enter the
  --nodesktop flag. The flag will only work if Nautilus is not already
  (and hence not managing the desktop). To control how Nautilus behaves at
  GNOME startup, you need to change the preferences setting.
   On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:50, paul rodrguez wrote:
I chose to have nautilus run as my desktop manager during the initial
setup of my LM 8 freq2 gnome system.  Now it seems neither gnome nor
nautilus are fully in control of my desktop, the icons appear as
files and i can't change the background image.  I would like to take
nautilus' control of the desktop, how can I set this?
   Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson
   Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her,
   and one for them together.
   Jacqueline Bisset - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
   ** - when you care **
  Sridhar Dhanapalan.
  There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
  LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
  -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] locked cdrom and floppy

2001-08-08 Per discussione Donnie Green

Yes. The directory must exist (command mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom3)  Were you 
able to unlock your CDROM?  BTW, don't do the supermount option--there is an 
exploit against it.  Hope that helps.

From: etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Donnie Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] locked cdrom and floppy
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 08:22:30 -0400

Don, Thanks for posting this, perhaps you could help me with almost the
same problem. I have a cdrom, (slave ide channel 1) and a cd/DVD (slave ide
channel 2) and a usb cd writer. I know it is seen as /dev/scd0, and can 
in Gcombust. the problem is I would like to be able to mount and read the
files on a cd in that drive as well. when I try mount /mnt/cdrom3 
it seems as if it is mounting but the last line is;
mount: mount point mnt/cdrom3 does not exist

should I mkdir /mnt/cdrom3?

On Wednesday 08 August 2001 07:33, you had thoughts to the concept of:
  I don't know anything about MandrakeFreq 2, but if it is Linux, you 
  check the file /etc/fstab to check the perms of the line for /mnt/cdrom. 
  quick check to see if it is the problem would be to:
  1. su to root
  2. umount /mnt/cdrom
  3. mount /dev/device /mnt/cdrom
(note: to find out what device [hda,hdc,etc.] your cdrom is, type
  dmesg and scrollthrough until you see your cdrom info)
  4. cd /mnt/cdrom  ---you should have access
  If this solves your problem you will want to edit your /etc/fstab file.
  Read the manpage on fstab for additional options like auto, users, and
  The same thing can be done for the floppy drive.  Hope this helps
  From: Oder Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [newbie] locked cdrom and floppy
  Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:51:28 -0300
  I have just installed MandrakeFreq 2 in my Toshiba Satellite 1715 XCDS 
  all running great except to cdrom and floppy. When I click it I receive
   the message: You do not have permissions to read file:/mnt/cdrom. 
   should I do to unlock this? Any help would be really appreciate. 
   in advance.
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] locked cdrom and floppy

2001-08-08 Per discussione Donnie Green

I have a CD-RW also, but have not set it up (I'm concentrating on locking my 
box down--SECURITY).  How is the program Gcombust?

From: etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Donnie Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] locked cdrom and floppy
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 08:22:30 -0400

Don, Thanks for posting this, perhaps you could help me with almost the
same problem. I have a cdrom, (slave ide channel 1) and a cd/DVD (slave ide
channel 2) and a usb cd writer. I know it is seen as /dev/scd0, and can 
in Gcombust. the problem is I would like to be able to mount and read the
files on a cd in that drive as well. when I try mount /mnt/cdrom3 
it seems as if it is mounting but the last line is;
mount: mount point mnt/cdrom3 does not exist

should I mkdir /mnt/cdrom3?

On Wednesday 08 August 2001 07:33, you had thoughts to the concept of:
  I don't know anything about MandrakeFreq 2, but if it is Linux, you 
  check the file /etc/fstab to check the perms of the line for /mnt/cdrom. 
  quick check to see if it is the problem would be to:
  1. su to root
  2. umount /mnt/cdrom
  3. mount /dev/device /mnt/cdrom
(note: to find out what device [hda,hdc,etc.] your cdrom is, type
  dmesg and scrollthrough until you see your cdrom info)
  4. cd /mnt/cdrom  ---you should have access
  If this solves your problem you will want to edit your /etc/fstab file.
  Read the manpage on fstab for additional options like auto, users, and
  The same thing can be done for the floppy drive.  Hope this helps
  From: Oder Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [newbie] locked cdrom and floppy
  Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:51:28 -0300
  I have just installed MandrakeFreq 2 in my Toshiba Satellite 1715 XCDS 
  all running great except to cdrom and floppy. When I click it I receive
   the message: You do not have permissions to read file:/mnt/cdrom. 
   should I do to unlock this? Any help would be really appreciate. 
   in advance.
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione X - A - W - K

I would suggest you get a Windows98 boot disc with fdisk and delpart

First you boot form floppy, then you make delpart to loose everything on
your hard drive, you use fdisk to create new partitions you reboot your
machine with your floppy inside... then you format your hard drives format
c:/s and you should be able to install Winblows...

Once I had other problem I could not do anything with the hard drive (I
was even not able to boot from floppy...)... so the only way to get hdd
again working was make a clone. I asked a friend of mine to make a clone
of WindowsNT using Northon Goust... and then I could insall winblows without
any problem...

If this doesn't work... I think you need to change your hard drive

X - A - W - K

- Original Message -
From: Greg Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux-Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 1:16 AM
Subject: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it comes to harddrives, but
it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix on a drive that was
formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall windows on the drive
again without it not working or being awfully unstable. I'm not sure why
this happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer wants to work. I even went
as far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get in the fdisk, and
create a new empty dos partition table, saved it, then rebooted, fdisk'd off
a boot floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted, formatted it, then
tried the installer. It didn't make it past the system checker thing at the
beginning of the installer, gave some weird errors about the drive. Anyway,
anyone else having this problem?


Jest niezly ... i liscik napisze 
OnetKomunikator [ ]

[newbie] Fwd: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc

2001-08-08 Per discussione Charlie Oriez

Hash: SHA1

interesting.  note the sixth paragraph.  it would be nice if they mentioned 
linux a little sooner.

- --  Look what the cat dragged in:  --
Subject: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 22:04:10 +1000
From: Pc's for Kids Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Charlie Oriez [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Australian charity Pc's for Kids, which is the focus of International
awareness was forced to suspend operations because of actions by Microsoft
Legal department, has started building the first of many computers destined
for underprivileged kids.

Mr. Bayes issued a statement saying; Our kids need us, the International
public and Australians vowed us to continue our work assisting Children
Bridge the Digital Divide. Our members voted to take a stand for the
advancement of kids  and not let this issue with Microsoft dampen many a
child's dream of obtaining their own computer.

Microsoft and Pc's for Kids become the focus of worldwide attention when the
Software giant told the charity not to use its software unless it is legal.
The standoff lasting well over a month has raised many questions of the
philanthropic efforts of Microsoft's Co-Founder Mr. William Gates and
Microsoft intentions of not granting a simple Refurbishment License to the

Lets face it Microsoft, if you do not support the old redundant software of
Dos 6.22 and Win 3.11 together with Windows 95 then why not make it Public
Domain so the older computer equipment can be used. You state that kids
need the latest technology but what happens to the tons of waste IT
equipment - send it to landfill Mr. Bayes said.

Pc's for Kids Inc, which is based in Geelong Victoria Australia will ship
the first of 50 refurbished machines to children next week, thanks to the
generosity of the IT public who have scrounged around to locate their old
Win 95 certificates. We will give each system Windows 95 and load a full
version of Sun Micro-Systems Star Office which was donated by Sun to pass
onto our less fortunate children Bayes stated.

Mr. Bayes also is pleased at the support offered by the Linux community, We
have just completed training with Linux in Melbourne and are looking at
offering children the choice of both. The learning of Linux will take some
time to perfect so in the meantime we will keep sending out systems with
donated Windows, Apple has issued a letter supporting our efforts and fully
agree that children need assistance with any means of computer technology,
we will be sending to Tonga another 20 refurbished Apple units early next

Mr. Bayes is now appealing to the public and IT sector to keep the dream
alive by locating the old software so this charity can continue it works.
We need over 1,000 copies for the next 12-months so please dig deep and
help us place a smile on a child's face - Remember your old systems and
software will assist our disadvantaged kids all over the world Mr. Bayes

Visit Pc's for Kid's and post an email with your pledge.

Press Release Issued By:
Colin Bayes President / Founder (0402) 149719 (24-Hours Contact)

Pc's for Kids Inc Ph: 61 (3) 52444146 Fax: 61 (3) 52436026
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Wednesday, August 08, 2001

- ---

- -- 
- ---
Oh come now.  At least pretend to be scared.  The media spent millions 
trying to psyche you up for this - User Friendly, 08/01/01 on the Code Red 
virus scare

Version: PGP 6.5.8


Re: [newbie] uninstall nautilus

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Place Nautilus into expert mode (click the black diamond) and then enter the 
preferences. There should be an option to disable Nautilus from managing the 
desktop. You can then use GMC to manage your desktop if you wish, or have no 
manager at all (and use another file manager).

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 20:58, etharp wrote:
 Hmmm, seems to me that you don't _NEED_ to uninstall Nautilus, just select
 a different file mangler, or a different window mangler.

 On Wednesday 08 August 2001 07:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all!
  Somebody knows how to uninstall Nautilus from Gnome desktop?
  It seems merged into Gnome!?!?
  I want a lighter file manager.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] unknown sender

2001-08-08 Per discussione chris

Hi. I just recieved an exe file from an 'unknown' sender.

How is this done, does anyone know?  I cannot reply to him as the machine 
recognises no address.  I can only assume it is a virus. but the lack of an 
address is puzzling.

I am using kmail

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

I think (well, I hope) it'll only be a matter of time before they begin 
shipping more GNU/Linux systems than Windos ones. It'll take a while before 
PC's for Kids is used to GNU/Linux and the open source philosophy. They 
cannot distribute a Windos PC without a certificate, and these would be in 
short supply. They already give StarOffice, which is available for GNU/Linux 
as well. Hopefully children will become aware about the technical and 
usability edge that GNU/Linux offers and they will opt for that instead.

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 00:12, Charlie Oriez wrote:
 interesting.  note the sixth paragraph.  it would be nice if they mentioned
 linux a little sooner.

 --  Look what the cat dragged in:  --
 Subject: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc
 Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 22:04:10 +1000
 From: Pc's for Kids Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Charlie Oriez [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Australian charity Pc's for Kids, which is the focus of International
 awareness was forced to suspend operations because of actions by Microsoft
 Legal department, has started building the first of many computers destined
 for underprivileged kids.

 Mr. Bayes issued a statement saying; Our kids need us, the International
 public and Australians vowed us to continue our work assisting Children
 Bridge the Digital Divide. Our members voted to take a stand for the
 advancement of kids  and not let this issue with Microsoft dampen many a
 child's dream of obtaining their own computer.

 Microsoft and Pc's for Kids become the focus of worldwide attention when
 the Software giant told the charity not to use its software unless it is
 legal. The standoff lasting well over a month has raised many questions of
 the philanthropic efforts of Microsoft's Co-Founder Mr. William Gates and
 Microsoft intentions of not granting a simple Refurbishment License to
 the charity.

 Lets face it Microsoft, if you do not support the old redundant software
 of Dos 6.22 and Win 3.11 together with Windows 95 then why not make it
 Public Domain so the older computer equipment can be used. You state that
 kids need the latest technology but what happens to the tons of waste IT
 equipment - send it to landfill Mr. Bayes said.

 Pc's for Kids Inc, which is based in Geelong Victoria Australia will ship
 the first of 50 refurbished machines to children next week, thanks to the
 generosity of the IT public who have scrounged around to locate their old
 Win 95 certificates. We will give each system Windows 95 and load a full
 version of Sun Micro-Systems Star Office which was donated by Sun to pass
 onto our less fortunate children Bayes stated.

 Mr. Bayes also is pleased at the support offered by the Linux community,
 We have just completed training with Linux in Melbourne and are looking at
 offering children the choice of both. The learning of Linux will take some
 time to perfect so in the meantime we will keep sending out systems with
 donated Windows, Apple has issued a letter supporting our efforts and fully
 agree that children need assistance with any means of computer technology,
 we will be sending to Tonga another 20 refurbished Apple units early next

 Mr. Bayes is now appealing to the public and IT sector to keep the dream
 alive by locating the old software so this charity can continue it works.
 We need over 1,000 copies for the next 12-months so please dig deep and
 help us place a smile on a child's face - Remember your old systems and
 software will assist our disadvantaged kids all over the world Mr. Bayes

 Visit Pc's for Kid's and post an email with your pledge.

 Press Release Issued By:
 Colin Bayes President / Founder (0402) 149719 (24-Hours Contact)

 Pc's for Kids Inc Ph: 61 (3) 52444146 Fax: 61 (3) 52436026
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Wednesday, August 08, 2001


 Oh come now.  At least pretend to be scared.  The media spent millions
 trying to psyche you up for this - User Friendly, 08/01/01 on the Code Red
 virus scare

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] rpm catch22's

2001-08-08 Per discussione Judith Miner

Matt wrote:
 Linux is cool and all, but man can installing software be a

I couldn't agree more. I have had similar sad sagas more times than I
care to recall. For example, I tried to install the latest Gnucash,
which I've heard has many improvements over the version that came with
my Mandrake 8. When I tried to install the rpm package, I got a HUGE
list of dependencies I'd need. There was no way I was going to try to
find them, install them keeping my fingers crossed that something else
wouldn't break in the process, and see if the silly thing would work.
Especially since I don't even know if I'd like Gnucash. I *must* have an
easy-to-use checkbook manager on my system, and my trial of the Gnucash
that came with the distro was not exactly a roaring success. It made a
mess of its import of my Quicken data, which is Requirement No. 1 for
any checkbook manager I might consider.

I hope they get their act together on package installations. It's got
to work better than it does now.
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager

2001-08-08 Per discussione Charles A. Punch

I had a little problem understanding the instructions posted to the 
list, until I realized that you must change the preferences to 
advanced and then click preferances. The advanced option is the 
triangle that one post spoke of.

Registered Linux user # 217118

paul rodríguez wrote:

 Please forgive me if you recieved multiple copies of this email
 I have been looking for a way to disable Nautilus as my desktop manager.
 Everyone has been telling me that it is in the Nautilus preferences
 (which I thought as well), but it doesn't seem to be in the preferences
 in my version (1.0.3-3mdk) from Mandrake Freq2.  I am currently using
 gnome with sawfish and would like more control of my desktop environment
 through these applications.
 -Paul Rodríguez
 On 07 Aug 2001 11:02:48 -0300, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
 open the nautilus browser in the last menu from left to right (is a
 drawing like a diamond) then... go to preferences and disable the option
 Choose Nautilus to draw my desktop... or something like that
 - Original Message -
 From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager
 On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 03:23, Paul wrote:
 It was Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:40:40 +1000 when Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 I haven't used Nautilus in a while, but I vaguely recall an option for
 this existing in Nautilus' preferences.
 I recall it is nautilus --nodesktop.
 Just tried it: that's it.
 The problem here is that when you start GNOME, Nautilus will load
 automatically to manage the desktop. There is no opportunity to enter the
 --nodesktop flag. The flag will only work if Nautilus is not already
 (and hence not managing the desktop). To control how Nautilus behaves at
 GNOME startup, you need to change the preferences setting.
 On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:50, paul rodrguez wrote:
 I chose to have nautilus run as my desktop manager during the initial
 setup of my LM 8 freq2 gnome system.  Now it seems neither gnome nor
 nautilus are fully in control of my desktop, the icons appear as
 files and i can't change the background image.  I would like to take
 nautilus' control of the desktop, how can I set this?
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson
 Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her,
 and one for them together.
 Jacqueline Bisset - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
 ** - when you care **
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sevatio

Yes, if you're going to use Diskdrake to set up your HD, you CANNOT go 
back in and resize it with Partition Magic.  They are different enough to 
result in mysterious data loss over a period of time and eventually, 
you'll end up losing everything.  I had this experience over several 
machines and this is the response I received from Powerquest Partition 
Magic's tech-support.


 Original Message 

On 8/8/01, 6:28:51 AM, Robin Ballantine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote regarding Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux:

 On Wednesday 08 August 2001  2:00 am, you wrote:
  I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it comes to harddrives,
  but it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix on a drive that
  was formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall windows on the
  drive again without it not working or being awfully unstable. I'm not 
  why this happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer wants to work. I 
  went as far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get in the fdisk, 
  create a new empty dos partition table, saved it, then rebooted, fdisk'd
  off a boot floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted, formatted it,
  then tried the installer. It didn't make it past the system checker thing
  at the beginning of the installer, gave some weird errors about the 
  Anyway, anyone else having this problem?

 I have read somewhere, but can't remember where, That if you are going to
 install Windows on a partition then you should format that partition with 
 dos version of fdisk as supplied with windows or with the disk 
 floppy. I believe the linux version of fdisk formats a dos partition 
   Hope this helps,

Re: [newbie] ipchains vs. iptables

2001-08-08 Per discussione jennifer

--- civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 07 August 2001 22:20, jen wrote:
  L's and G's,
  This is my first time setting up
 InteractiveBastille and I must admit, It
  is a little nerve-racking to not know exactly what
 your doing. While I do
  undertand the premises of services, ports and
 basic TCP/IP-acks-denies and
  so-forth, I do not understand why most of these
 questions advise me that if
  I use Iptables, I should not worry about most of
 these settings.
  I did choose the I want to spend an hour learning
 my system option But
  half of the questions tell me I don't need to
 worry if I'm using iptables.
  Would someone be kind enough to tell me smiles
 or tell me where I might
  go to better understand the differences in the
 kernels. I never have dealt
  with anything other than 2.4.X (mandrake 8.0)
  as always, thanks in advance.
 OK the difference in ipchains and iptables besides
 some obvious syntax in the rules
 is that iptables is _stateful_ while ipchains is
 not.  And it looks like we got there with
 it just in time for people to start using it.
 What does stateful mean?  It means that sending a
 packet changes the state of the
 engine handling packets.  
 There are many ways to crack a TCP connection or to
 put intruder packets into a 
 system.  Most of them require the attacking system
 to have raw socket capability.
 With raw sockets, a machine can claim its packets
 are from any IP address and
 are of any protocol.  It can also malform the
 packets sent for various purposes,
 as is done with the famed tear drop, bonk, ping
 of death: and nestea 
 attacks to knock a computer off the internet..
 Until recently, the easily compromised systems did
 not have raw socket capability,
 but now, this October, there will be WinXP with full
 raw socket capability and the
 famous nonexistent Microsoft security.  Script
 kiddies will be recruiting new 
 soldiers by compromising these systems, and their
 attacks will be extraordinarily
 The windows machines recruited in the past could
 basically send pings and huge
 UDP packets to attack other machines, but now they
 can come in saying, Hi, I'm
 the packet from your best friend's machine, right in
 the middle of a trusted 
 dialogue.  Or, here is the nameservice information
 you requested, (return address
 is in fact that of your nameserver).
 With ipchains, you have NO defense against such
 rogue packets--they come through
 and try to do whatever it is they came to accomplish
 (not very much on a linux
 system, but if you are using your linux to protect a
 network of windows machines...)
 With iptables, the answer is, I beg your pardon,
 there was no dialogue?  or Sorry,
 I have all answers I was looking for from
 nameservices  In either case the rogue 
 packet is dropped on the floor.
 With kernel 2.4.3 there is an iptables hole
 regarding ftp packets at the moment.  We
 are testing a kernel udate which should plug this


Thank You...this is good information and will help me
know where to look for more info.

Aren't you supposed to be on Vacation?

va·ca·tion (v-kshn, v-)
A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or
relaxation, especially one with pay granted to an

A holiday. 
A fixed period of holidays, especially one during
which a school, court, or business suspends
Archaic. The act or an instance of vacating. 

Thanks again!

Registered Linux User #221463 
Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
#include knowledge.h
void ignorance (it offers no value)
*/A freely given answer can offer enlightment to those who ask valid questions

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: [newbie] unknown sender

2001-08-08 Per discussione jennifer

Did it look anything like this?

Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice
See you later. Thanks  

But a reply does not bring up an email address in the 
TO: field?

If so it is virus attempt. Albiet harmless to Linux. I
believe the address part of the code is simple HTML
which strips the senders info. One thing you can do
however is to take a look at the long headers on the
email and you can find out what domain it was sent
from. In fact, a computer name and ip address should
be there as well. For example, This is from an email
sent from my home coputer:

Received: from quantum
( [])
by (8.9.3/8.8.5) with SMTP
id KAA09183



--- chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi. I just recieved an exe file from an 'unknown'
 How is this done, does anyone know?  I cannot reply
 to him as the machine 
 recognises no address.  I can only assume it is a
 virus. but the lack of an 
 address is puzzling.
 I am using kmail

Registered Linux User #221463 
Yahoo IM: jlynn2k
#include knowledge.h
void ignorance (it offers no value)
*/A freely given answer can offer enlightment to those who ask valid questions

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

[newbie] Hello!! From Linux!!! :o) Could install YahooMessenger

2001-08-08 Per discussione Adrian Ivanov Correa Moreno

Hello List!!

I'm writing this joyful message from my Linux HyperCool machine!!

Until now I was still using OutLook Express, but now, this is from Mozilla Mail.

I had sent a previousm ail telling I coul not install YahooMessenger... But I could finally intall it.
The problem I had was about "dependencies"... and maybe it got solved when
I installed the Application from the prompt (text mode) as a SuperUser...


Have a Great Day!!

Adrin... :-)
Being free and legal feels great!

[newbie] Reply-To ? Where Does It Go?

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sevatio

When you hit the Reply-To option with your Mail-client, does it go back 
to the Newbie-List or does it go the the person that posted the message?

I'm using StarOffice5.2 for my mailclient and it annoyingly defaults at 
sending back to the person that posted the message instead of going to 
the list.  I was just wondering if this was normal with other 


Re: [newbie] Franki: Fetchmai/Yahoo

2001-08-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Mon, 6 Aug 2001 13:33:44 -0400 when Michael Scottaline wrote:

 for this pop feature by going through the 'options' in webmail.  After
 all setup, you can go ahead and setup up two account in kmail, two
 (if you want) and send/check away...
Does the 1.2v of kmail allow two smtp accounts.  I used to run an older
version (1.0.28) and while it would allow multiple pop accounts, it could
only be configured for one smtp server.
   Sylpheed, of course, does not have this limitation ;o)

I hope someone else can answer that. I don't use KMail. As stated to the
obvious ;)

Bureaucrat, n.: A person who cuts red tape sideways.
-J. McCabe - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Help please !

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sevatio

I can't remember the exact program for doing this... But what you could 
do (if you find a better answer) is to run your installation CD's again.  
This time choose UPGRADE.  You don't have to install any programs but 
eventually, it walks you through the Video setup part.


 Original Message 

On 8/8/01, 9:18:40 AM, Gonzalix le Druide [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding [newbie] Help please !:

 Hi All!!

 Please help me: I installed LM7.2 on a Pentium II 350 Mhz, 256 Mb RAM,
 Video Card Trident 975 agp 4 Mb.

 I've probed Xconfigurator, xf86cfg and xf86config.

 I was trying to find some command XFree86Setup or something like that
 I don't remember.

 I installed already XFree 3.3.6, but it doesn't work anyway.

 I will appreciate any ideas.

 G le D

Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager [not resolved]

2001-08-08 Per discussione paul rodríguez

I'm so sorry.  I appear to have been careless and premature.  Nope,, not
resolved.  Whereas Gnome can now set the background (it couldn't
before), I still get two sets of icons overlapping each other, one with
pretty pictures, the other with default, no icon to display ugly ones).
Anybody know what is going on, is this gnome/sawfish and nautilus both
doing there job at the same time or something else.

Soryy to bother, thanks for the help, everyone!

-Paul Rodríguez

On 08 Aug 2001 12:42:37 -0400, paul rodríguez wrote:
 The preferences are set to advanced but there is still no option in my
 Nautilus preferences to stop managing the desktop.  
 But I did find a work-arround!  Yes!  I went to /home/user/.nautilus and
 deleted the file called first-time-flag this is a file which let
 Nautilus know that the program had been executed before.  The next time
 I opened Nautilus, it gave me the startup dialog again.  Yay!
 Thanks, everyone!
 -Paul Rodríguez
 On 08 Aug 2001 10:49:03 -0400, Charles A. Punch wrote:
  I had a little problem understanding the instructions posted to the 
  list, until I realized that you must change the preferences to 
  advanced and then click preferances. The advanced option is the 
  triangle that one post spoke of.
  Elder PCUSA
  Registered Linux user # 217118
  paul rodríguez wrote:
   Please forgive me if you recieved multiple copies of this email
   I have been looking for a way to disable Nautilus as my desktop manager.
   Everyone has been telling me that it is in the Nautilus preferences
   (which I thought as well), but it doesn't seem to be in the preferences
   in my version (1.0.3-3mdk) from Mandrake Freq2.  I am currently using
   gnome with sawfish and would like more control of my desktop environment
   through these applications.
   -Paul Rodríguez
   On 07 Aug 2001 11:02:48 -0300, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
   open the nautilus browser in the last menu from left to right (is a
   drawing like a diamond) then... go to preferences and disable the option
   Choose Nautilus to draw my desktop... or something like that
   - Original Message -
   From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 9:53 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager
   On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 03:23, Paul wrote:
   It was Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:40:40 +1000 when Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
   I haven't used Nautilus in a while, but I vaguely recall an option for
   this existing in Nautilus' preferences.
   I recall it is nautilus --nodesktop.
   Just tried it: that's it.
   The problem here is that when you start GNOME, Nautilus will load
   automatically to manage the desktop. There is no opportunity to enter the
   --nodesktop flag. The flag will only work if Nautilus is not already
   (and hence not managing the desktop). To control how Nautilus behaves at
   GNOME startup, you need to change the preferences setting.
   On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:50, paul rodrguez wrote:
   I chose to have nautilus run as my desktop manager during the initial
   setup of my LM 8 freq2 gnome system.  Now it seems neither gnome nor
   nautilus are fully in control of my desktop, the icons appear as
   files and i can't change the background image.  I would like to take
   nautilus' control of the desktop, how can I set this?
   Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
   LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
   -- Jeremy S. Anderson
   Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her,
   and one for them together.
   Jacqueline Bisset - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
   ** - when you care **
   Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
   LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
   -- Jeremy S. Anderson
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Get your free address at

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] Reply-To ? Where Does It Go?

2001-08-08 Per discussione s

It's not just star office.  I set up a rule in kmail to fix this, but I don't 
know if star office has a rules config.  If so, just make a rule that states 
anything with newbie in the subject or from newbie, set reply to as 

On Wednesday 08 August 2001 11:36 am, you wrote:
 When you hit the Reply-To option with your Mail-client, does it go back
 to the Newbie-List or does it go the the person that posted the message?

 I'm using StarOffice5.2 for my mailclient and it annoyingly defaults at
 sending back to the person that posted the message instead of going to
 the list.  I was just wondering if this was normal with other


Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione tazmun

I'm not 100% sure I understand your problem correctly, but no where in this
text do you mention running DOS fdisk command to resetup DOS partitions for
windows support.  I'm not that familiar with the linux form of fdisk but at
least in the GUI disk convertors while they do a great job for linux
partitions and may offer to set up fat 32 for dos, well it never worked for
DOS for me.  Try the DOS fdisk first and then format from the DOS disk as
well, then give loading winders a try again.  If this still doesn't work
it's my opinion that you need to try the low level format or write test
using the hard drive manufacturers utility.  All data will be lost using any
of these methods however.  Don't mess with the low level format however
until you have exhausted all other possibilities as it has been a subject on
this list, that has in my opinion not been determined yet, whether or not it
potentially can harm the drive.

(I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it comes to harddrives,
but it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix on a drive that
was formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall windows on the
drive again without it not working or being awfully unstable. I'm not sure
why this happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer wants to work. I even
went as far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get in the fdisk, and
create a new empty dos partition table, saved it, then rebooted, fdisk'd off
a boot floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted, formatted it, then
tried the installer. It didn't make it past the system checker thing at the
beginning of the installer, gave some weird errors about the drive. Anyway,
anyone else having this problem?)

[newbie] Re: [Help] Nautilus deskop [resolved

2001-08-08 Per discussione paul rodríguez

Finally!  Thank you, sir!  Thinks makes sense now.  All this time, the
desktop option in preferences did not appear, it didn't occur to me
untill I read your post that the icon in my gnome panel (default of
Mandrake 8.0 f2) was set to run nautilus --no-desktop.  Now this makes
sense and all problems solved.

-Paul Rodríguez

On 08 Aug 2001 19:13:08 +0200, Mario Vukelic wrote:
 On 08 Aug 2001 09:12:27 -0400, paul rodríguez wrote:
  Thank you for the clarification, Mario. 
 I agree that all those distinctions are somewhat stupid from a users'
 point of view :o)
  Running nautilus --no-desktop
  does not solve my problem as I set nautilus up during its initial use to
  manage my desktop during setup.  
 Stange, my understanding always was that --no-desktop should prohibit
 use of the desktop, regardless of what the preferences are set to. I
 believe this not working is a bug.
  There is no option to reverse this choice in Nautilus'
 [Thinks ... starts nautilus ... looks in preferences ... scratches head
 ... thinks ... restarts nautilusEureka!!!]
 You're right, there is no option if you specify --no-desktop on the
 nautilus command line. However, if you run it without the option, there
 it is right in the Windows  Desktop Section of Preferences.
 I run nautilus 1.0.4 (but I'm fairly shure it has been there for a long
 time), my User Level is Advanced.
 Kind regards, M.
 I did not vote for the Austrian government

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sevatio

What is needed are volunteers to install and show these kids the ways of 
Linux.  Their minds are like a sponge and will in very short time 
understand this.  Being that they may not have the distractions that 
money bring, they would ended up with a lot of time to learn on their 
own.  Then they'll show it to their friends and so on and so on.  We just 
need to start the avalanche whenever and wherever we can.  We can't 
underestimate their abilities and intelligence.


 Original Message 

On 8/8/01, 7:33:24 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] Fwd: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc:

 I think (well, I hope) it'll only be a matter of time before they begin
 shipping more GNU/Linux systems than Windos ones. It'll take a while 
 PC's for Kids is used to GNU/Linux and the open source philosophy. They
 cannot distribute a Windos PC without a certificate, and these would be 
 short supply. They already give StarOffice, which is available for 
 as well. Hopefully children will become aware about the technical and
 usability edge that GNU/Linux offers and they will opt for that instead.

 On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 00:12, Charlie Oriez wrote:
  interesting.  note the sixth paragraph.  it would be nice if they 
  linux a little sooner.
  --  Look what the cat dragged in:  --
  Subject: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc
  Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 22:04:10 +1000
  From: Pc's for Kids Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Charlie Oriez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Australian charity Pc's for Kids, which is the focus of International
  awareness was forced to suspend operations because of actions by 
  Legal department, has started building the first of many computers 
  for underprivileged kids.
  Mr. Bayes issued a statement saying; Our kids need us, the International
  public and Australians vowed us to continue our work assisting Children
  Bridge the Digital Divide. Our members voted to take a stand for the
  advancement of kids  and not let this issue with Microsoft dampen many a
  child's dream of obtaining their own computer.
  Microsoft and Pc's for Kids become the focus of worldwide attention when
  the Software giant told the charity not to use its software unless it is
  legal. The standoff lasting well over a month has raised many questions 
  the philanthropic efforts of Microsoft's Co-Founder Mr. William Gates and
  Microsoft intentions of not granting a simple Refurbishment License to
  the charity.
  Lets face it Microsoft, if you do not support the old redundant software
  of Dos 6.22 and Win 3.11 together with Windows 95 then why not make it
  Public Domain so the older computer equipment can be used. You state 
  kids need the latest technology but what happens to the tons of waste 
  equipment - send it to landfill Mr. Bayes said.
  Pc's for Kids Inc, which is based in Geelong Victoria Australia will ship
  the first of 50 refurbished machines to children next week, thanks to the
  generosity of the IT public who have scrounged around to locate their old
  Win 95 certificates. We will give each system Windows 95 and load a full
  version of Sun Micro-Systems Star Office which was donated by Sun to 
  onto our less fortunate children Bayes stated.
  Mr. Bayes also is pleased at the support offered by the Linux community,
  We have just completed training with Linux in Melbourne and are looking 
  offering children the choice of both. The learning of Linux will take 
  time to perfect so in the meantime we will keep sending out systems with
  donated Windows, Apple has issued a letter supporting our efforts and 
  agree that children need assistance with any means of computer 
  we will be sending to Tonga another 20 refurbished Apple units early next
  Mr. Bayes is now appealing to the public and IT sector to keep the dream
  alive by locating the old software so this charity can continue it works.
  We need over 1,000 copies for the next 12-months so please dig deep and
  help us place a smile on a child's face - Remember your old systems and
  software will assist our disadvantaged kids all over the world Mr. Bayes
  Visit Pc's for Kid's and post an email with your 
  Press Release Issued By:
  Colin Bayes President / Founder (0402) 149719 (24-Hours Contact)
  Pc's for Kids Inc Ph: 61 (3) 52444146 Fax: 61 (3) 52436026
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Wednesday, August 08, 2001
  Oh come now.  At least pretend to be scared.  The media spent millions
  trying to psyche you up for this - User Friendly, 08/01/01 on the Code 
  virus scare

 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
   LSD and UNIX. We 

Re: [Help] Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager [resolved]

2001-08-08 Per discussione paul rodríguez

Ok, really resolved now.  Playing arround with Nautilus and deleting the
/home/user/.nautilus/first-time-flag and then restarting the computer
finally brought that preferences option back.  I wonder why it was not
there, but ever since I first installed my system it was missing, (and
not because of the advanced setting), little bug is all I guess. 
Worked out now.

Thank you very much to everyone who responded, you helped me see where
the problem was and made it very easy to fix.  I appreciate all the
responses very much.

-Paul Rodríguez

On 08 Aug 2001 10:22:32 -0600, John Fleck wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 09:07:23AM -0400, paul rodríguez wrote:
  Please forgive me if you recieved multiple copies of this email
  I have been looking for a way to disable Nautilus as my desktop manager.
  Everyone has been telling me that it is in the Nautilus preferences
  (which I thought as well), but it doesn't seem to be in the preferences
  in my version (1.0.3-3mdk) from Mandrake Freq2.  I am currently using
  gnome with sawfish and would like more control of my desktop environment
  through these applications.
 Paul -
 On my Nautilus 1.0.4 open the preferences-edit preferences menu.
 In the left pane click on Windows  Desktop. The first option at the
 top is Use Nautilus to Draw the Desktop. Uncheck that.
 Sorry if this is what you've already tried and the 1.0.3 setup is different,
 but I'm pretty sure this option has been there a while. 
 John Fleck

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Re: [Help] Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager [not resolved]

2001-08-08 Per discussione Mario Vukelic

On 08 Aug 2001 12:51:14 -0400, paul rodríguez wrote:
 I'm so sorry.  I appear to have been careless and premature.  Nope,, not
 resolved.  Whereas Gnome can now set the background (it couldn't
 before), I still get two sets of icons overlapping each other, one with
 pretty pictures, the other with default, no icon to display ugly ones).
 Anybody know what is going on, is this gnome/sawfish and nautilus both
 doing there job at the same time or something else.

Probably gmc (the old but still included gnome filemanager) and
Start gnome control center. (It's in menu System/Settings if you're
using Ximian Gnome)
Goto Session properties  Startup (Section Session, probably last one
in left panel)
Go to tab Startup programs and click on Browse currently running
programs (at bottom)
If you have both nautilus and gmc programs listed here, we have
found the problem. If you want only nautilus, mark everything with gmc
in the name and click Remove (top right)
Now save the session (original gnome has a Save session now somewhere
in the menus. IIRC Ximian gnome doesn't have it in the Ximian menu: Then
do this: in Session properties  Startup see if Automatically save
changes to session is turned on in the Session Options tab. Turn on
if it's not. Now say OK in Control Center and exit gnome. If you find
this all too complicated: it is. Alternatively, you can simply do it
from a terminal: look at 'man save-session' and follow the instructions.
It's a really easy manpage)

On login, the problem should be solved if it is what I suspect.
Otherwise, just ask me further

Kind regards, M.

Re: [newbie] unknown sender

2001-08-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Wed, 8 Aug 2001 22:35:01 +0800 when chris wrote:

Hi. I just recieved an exe file from an 'unknown' sender.

How is this done, does anyone know?  I cannot reply to him as the machine 
recognises no address.  I can only assume it is a virus. but the lack of an 
address is puzzling.

I am using kmail

It is not difficult to generate an unknown sender. As long as the pop3 server
accepts mails with no from address, that's all you need.
Better to remove the file, indeed.
Can't you tell from the headers in the mail where it came from? The popserver
should have added something to it (unless it's someone's own box doing the


Bureaucrat, n.: A person who cuts red tape sideways.
-J. McCabe - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** - when you care **

RE: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

This is true of any 2 partitioning programs.
Always use only 1 for creating, resizing and moving.

I prefer using either PM or SystemCommader, but not on the same machine.
Unlike fdisk or DiskDrake PM and SC can handle all partition types.

The only time I use Diskdrake is to change the file type on  pre-existing
Linux partitions and I never use fdisk.


Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sevatio
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 11:46 AM
 To: Robin Ballantine; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

 Yes, if you're going to use Diskdrake to set up your HD, you
 back in and resize it with Partition Magic.  They are
 different enough to
 result in mysterious data loss over a period of time and eventually,
 you'll end up losing everything.  I had this experience over several
 machines and this is the response I received from Powerquest
 Magic's tech-support.


  Original Message 

 On 8/8/01, 6:28:51 AM, Robin Ballantine
 wrote regarding Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux:

  On Wednesday 08 August 2001  2:00 am, you wrote:
   I'm not sure if I just have really bad luck when it comes
 to harddrives,
   but it seems that every time I install any flavor of *nix
 on a drive that
   was formerly Winblows, I can't turn around and reinstall
 windows on the
   drive again without it not working or being awfully
 unstable. I'm not
   why this happens, it's a pity my 20gb drive no longer
 wants to work. I
   went as far as to go back in the installer on Redhat, get
 in the fdisk,
   create a new empty dos partition table, saved it, then
 rebooted, fdisk'd
   off a boot floppy, created a primary partition, rebooted,
 formatted it,
   then tried the installer. It didn't make it past the
 system checker thing
   at the beginning of the installer, gave some weird errors
 about the
   Anyway, anyone else having this problem?

  I have read somewhere, but can't remember where, That if
 you are going to
  install Windows on a partition then you should format that
 partition with
  dos version of fdisk as supplied with windows or with the disk
  floppy. I believe the linux version of fdisk formats a dos
Hope this helps,

[newbie] KMail HTML

2001-08-08 Per discussione Robin Ballantine

Hi All,
I seem to be having a bit of a problem with KMail 2.1.2
Even after ticking the box that says prefer plain text to html it still seems 
to render html in emails I receive. Can't figure out why. 
I am using:
LM 8.0
KDE 2.1.1 with the 2.1.2 updates
Kernel 2.4.3-20mdk
wwwoffle proxy server
Any help or suggestions welcome.

Re: [newbie] Reply-To ? Where Does It Go?

2001-08-08 Per discussione Robin Ballantine

On Wednesday 08 August 2001 12:36 pm, you wrote:
 When you hit the Reply-To option with your Mail-client, does it go back
 to the Newbie-List or does it go the the person that posted the message?

 I'm using StarOffice5.2 for my mailclient and it annoyingly defaults at
 sending back to the person that posted the message instead of going to
 the list.  I was just wondering if this was normal with other


You also need to put  [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the Cc box so that it 
gets posted to the mailing list as well.

[newbie] upgrading LM ver via Wev dwnld???

2001-08-08 Per discussione Donnie Green

I have seen on the web all the different versions of LM and all the RPMS 
each one contains.  I was wondering if anyone knows how to upgrade from one 
version of LM to any other version of LM, by downloading the RPMS from the 
web?  What apps/rpms do you have to download and install?


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

RE: [newbie] rpm catch22's

2001-08-08 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Judith Miner
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 10:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] rpm catch22's

 Matt wrote:
  Linux is cool and all, but man can installing software be a

 I couldn't agree more. I have had similar sad sagas more times than I
 care to recall. For example, I tried to install the latest Gnucash,
 which I've heard has many improvements over the version that came with
 my Mandrake 8. When I tried to install the rpm package, I got a HUGE
 list of dependencies I'd need. There was no way I was going to try to
 find them, install them keeping my fingers crossed that something else
 wouldn't break in the process, and see if the silly thing would work.
 Especially since I don't even know if I'd like Gnucash. I
 *must* have an
 easy-to-use checkbook manager on my system, and my trial of
 the Gnucash
 that came with the distro was not exactly a roaring success. It made a
 mess of its import of my Quicken data, which is Requirement No. 1 for
 any checkbook manager I might consider.

 I hope they get their act together on package
 installations. It's got
 to work better than it does now.
  --Judy Miner

If you are interested in upgrading apps beyond those carried
in the Security updates add a Cooker source to your Software Mgr.
This will auto download and install any depends that might be needed.

In the case of GnuCash you will get a glibc warning.
Do a force on it since glibc-dev is alao being upgraded.

This in not a cure all procedure.
Some apps will upgrade simply with no depends, but other will have 15 or
and then you can still end up with conflicts and have to abort the install.

The only way for the for the package installation to become simpler is for
to stop evolving, for all pkgs except for applications to become frozen,
that there be only 1 kernel in use, and that all distributions be the same.
Is it just me or does this sound like the way someone esle does things.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

Re: [newbie] Wildcards - selecting almost *

2001-08-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Tue, 7 Aug 2001 22:30:13 +1000 when George Petri wrote:

Is there a way, in bash, to specify all files EXCEPT one or two?
e.g. I want to:

cp /home/george/* (except for untouchable.txt) /somewhere_else

I could think of a bash script that either uses nono-parameters, or uses a
file containing the nono-files that's grepped. Another way... not in my head.


Bureaucrat, n.: A person who cuts red tape sideways.
-J. McCabe - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Reply-To ? Where Does It Go?

2001-08-08 Per discussione • Karel •

   You also need to put  [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the Cc box so that it
 gets posted to the mailing list as well.

 Bad idea, I don't want to get few messages two times :(

Re: [newbie] locked cdrom and floppy

2001-08-08 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Oder Santos wrote:
 I have just installed MandrakeFreq 2 in my Toshiba
 Satellite 1715 XCDS and all running great except to cdrom
 and floppy. When I click it I receive the message: You do
 not have permissions to read file:/mnt/cdrom. What should
 I do to unlock this? Any help would be really appreciate.
 Thanks in advance. Oder

Oderthe locks are a feature of supermount.  But 
supermount is broken in MandrakeFreq (20010619) so you'll 
need to disable it.  It'd be a good idea to backup your 
/etc/fstab first, just in case you get a kernel that 
supermount isn't broken in.  The command supermount -i enable 
is flawed and can change entries that don't need changing.  
Anyway in a console as root type:

supermount -i disable

After a reboot, supermount will be disabled and the locks 
will be gone.

Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear All,
I agree about using System Commander. I had my hard disk totally go bad 2 
weeks ago and then put in a new one. I almost used fdisk to partition but 
last minute I decided to try my System Commander. It worked absolutely great. 
I was very impressed. I am up and running now without a problem and now I do 
not think I would use anything else for that job. I used fdisk before and I 
definitely prefer System Commander. 


On Wednesday 08 August 2001 13:33, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 This is true of any 2 partitioning programs.
 Always use only 1 for creating, resizing and moving.

 I prefer using either PM or SystemCommader, but not on the same machine.
 Unlike fdisk or DiskDrake PM and SC can handle all partition types.

 The only time I use Diskdrake is to change the file type on  pre-existing
 Linux partitions and I never use fdisk.


Re: [newbie] KMail HTML

2001-08-08 Per discussione Randy Kramer


The email you've sent is plain text, not HTML, so I'm guessing that the
option you've selected only affects outgoing mail.  There might not be
an option to control whether you see HTML or not.

Randy Kramer

Robin Ballantine wrote:
 Hi All,
 I seem to be having a bit of a problem with KMail 2.1.2
 Even after ticking the box that says prefer plain text to html it still seems
 to render html in emails I receive. Can't figure out why.
 I am using:
 LM 8.0
 KDE 2.1.1 with the 2.1.2 updates
 Kernel 2.4.3-20mdk
 wwwoffle proxy server
 Any help or suggestions welcome.

Re: [newbie] mars_nwe

2001-08-08 Per discussione Brandon Caudle

Yes I have heard of mars_nwe I am working with it now. But it only emulates
NetWare Bindary Server 3.12

- Original Message -
From: Jhun Bacala [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 6:26 AM
Subject: [newbie] mars_nwe

 Hi! All,

 I've heard of a program called MARS_NWE which is a clone Novell Netware.
 Has anyone ever tried to install it in Linux-Mandrake? If so, can anyone
 give me some guide on how to install it in Linux-Mandrake?



Re: [newbie] Reply-To ? Where Does It Go?

2001-08-08 Per discussione Robin Ballantine

On Wednesday 08 August 2001  2:16 pm, you wrote:
  You also need to put  [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the Cc box so that it
  gets posted to the mailing list as well.

  Bad idea, I don't want to get few messages two times :(

I know you will receive this message twice but that gives you twice the 
chance of actually noticing a reply to your email, especially if you filter 
mail to separate folders.  In fact I would recommend the use of filters for 
this as it gives you a much greater chance of picking up a late reply to your 
Anyhow, you have to at least post to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that 
everyone can benefit from your pearls of wisdom.
Almost all messages are quite small (usually 4k) so receiving a reply twice 
is pretty insignificant. At least you received a reply? :-)

[newbie] 2.4.7-8mdk automount

2001-08-08 Per discussione Joan Tur


I've installed kernel-2.4.7-8mdk on my LM8... on first startup i saw the
message disabling automount.

How can i have it working again?

Thanks!  ;)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] gtk upgrading via rpmdrake

2001-08-08 Per discussione paul rodríguez

How safe is it to upgrade my gtk libraries via rpmdrake?  Should I
choose to force the installations?

-Paul Rodríguez

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

RE: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux

2001-08-08 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

It is a Great bootloader as well.
It is what I use on any of my systems that have more than 2 OSes installed.
It certainly simplifies the life of adding, changing and removing.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

 -Original Message-
 From: Marcia Waller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 2:38 PM
 To: Charles A Edwards; Newbie (E-mail)
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Hard-Drive Problems after using Linux
 Dear All,
 I agree about using System Commander. I had my hard disk 
 totally go bad 2 
 weeks ago and then put in a new one. I almost used fdisk to 
 partition but 
 last minute I decided to try my System Commander. It worked 
 absolutely great. 
 I was very impressed. I am up and running now without a 
 problem and now I do 
 not think I would use anything else for that job. I used 
 fdisk before and I 
 definitely prefer System Commander. 
 On Wednesday 08 August 2001 13:33, Charles A Edwards wrote:
  This is true of any 2 partitioning programs.
  Always use only 1 for creating, resizing and moving.
  I prefer using either PM or SystemCommader, but not on the 
 same machine.
  Unlike fdisk or DiskDrake PM and SC can handle all partition types.
  The only time I use Diskdrake is to change the file type on 
  Linux partitions and I never use fdisk.

[newbie] MoBo 4 Linux?

2001-08-08 Per discussione Joan Tur


I'm planning to upgrade from K6-III to Thunderbird... what's the best
mobo for you?  Is the USB2 support important?  What about RDRAM
support?  8-?

Thanks in advance!!  ;)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] StarOffice 5.1 not working with LM8

2001-08-08 Per discussione Phil

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 14:24 pm, you wrote:
 The latest version of StarOffice is 5.2.  You can download it for free from

That version also comes with the latest powerpack edition. Unfortunately I've 
had no luck at all installing Star Office on my system. Something in the 
Start Office setup locks my PC up completely, I've given up on it for 
now. I don't yet have a reliable method of backing up and having to power 
down to get the thing running again is too chancy.


Re: [newbie] Help please !

2001-08-08 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Gonzalix le Druide wrote:
  Hi All!!
  Please help me: I installed LM7.2 on a Pentium II 350
  Mhz, 256 Mb RAM, Video Card Trident 975 agp 4 Mb.
  I've probed Xconfigurator, xf86cfg and xf86config.
  I was trying to find some command XFree86Setup or
  something like that I don't remember.
  I installed already XFree 3.3.6, but it doesn't work
  I will appreciate any ideas.
  G le D


According to Çivileme:

Thr trident card you mention requires

  Option 'noaccel

In the Graphic Device Section of


You will need to edit that in as root. :)

Re: [newbie] KMail HTML

2001-08-08 Per discussione Robin Ballantine

On Wednesday 08 August 2001  6:50 pm, you wrote:
 Hi All,
   I seem to be having a bit of a problem with KMail 2.1.2
 Even after ticking the box that says prefer plain text to html it still
 seems to render html in emails I receive. Can't figure out why.
 I am using:
 LM 8.0
 KDE 2.1.1 with the 2.1.2 updates
 Kernel 2.4.3-20mdk
 wwwoffle proxy server
   Any help or suggestions welcome.

Got it sorted thanks. Took a look at the 'READER' section of Kmailrc in 
.kde/share/config/kmailrc and changed htmlMail=false to htmlMail=true.
Yes I know this is the wrong way round and it also leaves the 'Prefer 
plain-text to HTML rendering' box unticked in the 'Configure Kmail' box,
but it works. Any html mail with links and code now shows as plain text, with 
my fonts and no silly adverts etc.
My system must be either back to front or else there is a bug in 2.1.2
Only hope now I'm not sending out HTML to the list. Perhaps someone could let 
me know if I am.

[newbie] DHCP...please help

2001-08-08 Per discussione Matt Buckley

Hello.  I am trying to stup/enable a DHCP client on my linux machine.  I am
running LM8.0 right now.
I have a book about setting up an internet server for linux, but all the
examples are based off of RH6.2  I could install that, but I would prefer to
stay w/ LM8.0.  (I have read the debate on ipchains/tables and deffinatly
like the way iptables sound.)

Now, the book shows the following examples of ipmasq, and DHCP, which is all
well and good...if I were using the CDrom from the book.  Can anyone tell me
where the DCHP and ipmasq files are located (by default) on LM8, and the
commands to initialize them?  If they're the same as RH, then I should be
able to get it w/out an example.  I could play around w/ them to figure it
out, but cannot find the DCHP files or ipmasq ones.

The book's example of installing the DCHP rpm file is this:

# rpm -i /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/dhcp-2.ob1pl6-6.i386.rpm [enter]

When I installed Linux-mandrake, I selected the option that was for
firewall/router, so I'm pretty sure the DHCP client is already install.  If
it is not, where should I start looking?

-Thanks for all your help, folx.  It has been a great asset.


Re: [newbie] Modem Config!

2001-08-08 Per discussione s

On Wednesday 08 August 2001 10:03 pm, you wrote:
 Thanks for the information.

 Been playing around in KDE systems control looking at everything
 listed.  I went through each device in the list but I'm still not sure
 which one to use.

 If it's located under Communication Controllers, it is listed as an
 unknown device. It still gives the I/O Area and Interrupt though.

That's it.

 Under Connectors is listed Com1 and Com2 only!

Com3 will show up once you associate your modem to it.



Re: [newbie] Modem Config!

2001-08-08 Per discussione s

Oh, another thing I forgot to mention, when you type your ioport portion of 
the setserial command, place an 0x (that's a zero) in front of it.  For 
example here's mine:

setserial /dev/ttyS4 uart 16550A port 0xb800 irq 5 


hope all this works for ya.

Re: [newbie] ./ ?????

2001-08-08 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Try checking the permissions.  Are the permissions so that you could
execute it?  They would look something like this.

[timh@yoda timh]$ ls -la `which mutt`
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  426528 May 27 16:42 /usr/local/bin/mutt

As you can see, the x means it's executable.  Try also sh command.
That may help.  But I'd check the permissions to start out with.  Hope
that helps.

T. Holmes
Real Men Use Vi!

   11:36pm  up 7 days, 10:31,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
| When I type ./COMMAND whatever that command may be, it doesnt always work. 
| Sometmes it says it can not execute the binary file, other times it says I 
| can find the file. I cant do it as root or a normal user.
| ~Lance

Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 16 in Mandrake 8

2001-08-08 Per discussione Linus Drouhard

To see if I had Kmix, I went to the menus of installed programs.  I also 
checked in the Package Manager, didn't find Kmix at all there.  I don't know 
any other way (remember I'm a total newbie to Linux).

I can get CD's to play, just not MP3's.  I've not tried any other audio 
I'll try what you said,  ALSA was checked to start, but not running.  Right 
now I'm burning a CD and don't want to kill that to reboot. 

thanks for your to why my printer has gotten really slow...for 
another post...

On Tuesday 07 August 2001  5:31, etharp wrote:
 let me get this straight, you ARE using Mandrake 8.0. you do not think you
 have Kmix on your system. how did you check to see if kmix was installed?
 do you have the available hard drive space to install it? do not install
 more sound drivers (as far I rememrber, alsa and OSS conflict, and you may
 already have some conflicting sound problems). in fact, in this case, the
 answer may be as likely to uninstall a sound service as to install one.
 this is a partial quote from a report by someone whom knows ALOT more about
 this stuff than I do.

  Mandrake Control Center = System = Services and unchecked
 at boot for alsa once I noticed that it was checked at boot and wasn't
 running anyway.  Then I opened KDE Control Center=Sound=Sound Server
 and made the default the sound driver (neither ALSA not autodetect) then
 logged out an rebooted.  Sound was afterwards fine.

 On Monday 06 August 2001 23:17, Linus Drouhard wrote:
  Ok, I made sure that PNP was turned off in BIOS (already was off).
  I tried to find Kmix, don't have it.  I did get CD Player to work.  But I
  cannot get XMMS to work.  It still scrolls the MP3 title and sits there.
  It (xmms) freezes whenever I try to stop it.  In fact, just about any of
  the sound applications freeze when I try to exit them.  None (but CD
  Player) work.  Could there be a setting somewhere that has been
  accidentally switched, effectively killing my card?
  I'm ready to try ALSA, but after spending several long nights with WINE
  (and then disappointed at the results) several more nights with SANE
  (didn't get that to work right and gave up, at least for now) and now
  ALSA, I want something to go easy.  The mini-howto on ALSA is 29 pages
  and its for kernel 2.2, not the 2.4.3 that comes with Mandrake 8.0. I'm
  not sure I want to tackle that now.  Please help a newbie in distress.
  On Sunday 05 August 2001  5:21, etharp wrote:
   run Kmix and make sure the levels are respectable to hear (half way)
   and that in BIOS,  plug and pray aware OS is set to OFF.
   On Sunday 05 August 2001 14:05, Linus Drouhard wrote:
I have an old Soundblaster 16 that I cannot get to work.  I ran
sndconfig and it would play the sample sounds in the configuration
routine.  I think that the first test was the word Hello but I got
a Hel sounded like it cutoff. The midi track played fine.
Anyway, I tried configuring it through Harddrake, couldn't fine
isapnp.config, or something like that.
I tried using it anyway.  CD-player spins away, but no sound. 
Running an MP3 through XMMS (and other MP3 players) doesn't work
either.  The title scrolls by, but the song won't play.  If I slide
the progress bar, I get snippets of sound, 1/2 second or so long.
Any help would be appreciated in setting this classic soundcard up.
AMD K6-II 400 @420
128 MB Ram
Nvidia TNT2 M64 with 32MB
Realtek NIC

Re: [newbie] How to acess other screens (terminals)?

2001-08-08 Per discussione jennifer

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 19:58, Amien Salie wrote:

 Try ctrl+alt+F keys


 On Wednesday 08 August 2001 00:25, emammendes wrote:
  I had 7.2 on my old computer and with it I could use alt+F keys to access
  different screens (terminals)?  Now with 8.0
  alf+F2 to 9 won't work so I am stuck with just one screen.  How can I
  make them available?
  Many thanks
  NetZero Platinum
  Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month!

Whoa!!!  Leave it to a newbie to randomly try out the advice on this list!!

I tried out the cntrl+ALT+ F 1,2,3,4,5, etc keys together while in X. lemme 
tell you, the results were not what I expected.

C+A+F1 = non graphic login screen (no big deal)
C+A+F2 = x server crash message (I don't know where these logs are so i can't 
C+A+F3-6= nongraphic login screen (same as 1)
C+A+F7 however, brought up what I imaginge is my ports entry log. (i don't 
know where it lives yet so  can't share) But, X went away and I had a 
portsentry alert of a UDp scan by host 
C+A+F10 -11 brings up a blinking curser after x goes away
C+A+F12 brings up the graphical state of the system.(just like when its 

Of course, C+A+F9 brings back X no matter what I tried. Strange...What 
different from my system that this doesn't work??

And is this a cool feature of portsentry that you can simply press C+A+F7 to 
see your log and then C+A+F9 to enter back into X??

Re: [newbie] ./ ?????

2001-08-08 Per discussione Paul

It was Wed, 8 Aug 2001 21:54:32 EDT when [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I type ./COMMAND whatever that command may be, it doesnt always work. 
Sometmes it says it can not execute the binary file, other times it says I 
can find the file. I cant do it as root or a normal user.

If COMMAND doesn't work, first check with ls -l COMMAND if the x permissions
are on. The eXecute permissions. If they're not, then do chmod +x COMMAND to
get them on.


All effort is in the last analysis sustained by the faith 
that it is worth making.
-Ordway Tead - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] How to acess other screens (terminals)?

2001-08-08 Per discussione jennifer

On Thursday 09 August 2001 00:40, jennifer wrote:
 On Tuesday 07 August 2001 19:58, Amien Salie wrote:
  Try ctrl+alt+F keys
  On Wednesday 08 August 2001 00:25, emammendes wrote:
   I had 7.2 on my old computer and with it I could use alt+F keys to
   access different screens (terminals)?  Now with 8.0
   alf+F2 to 9 won't work so I am stuck with just one screen.  How can I
   make them available?
   Many thanks
   NetZero Platinum
   Sign Up Today - Only $9.95 per month!

 Whoa!!!  Leave it to a newbie to randomly try out the advice on this list!!

 I tried out the cntrl+ALT+ F 1,2,3,4,5, etc keys together while in X. lemme
 tell you, the results were not what I expected.

 C+A+F1 = non graphic login screen (no big deal)
 C+A+F2 = x server crash message (I don't know where these logs are so i
 can't share)
 C+A+F3-6= nongraphic login screen (same as 1)
 C+A+F7 however, brought up what I imaginge is my ports entry log. (i don't
 know where it lives yet so  can't share) But, X went away and I had a
 portsentry alert of a UDp scan by host
 C+A+F10 -11 brings up a blinking curser after x goes away
 C+A+F12 brings up the graphical state of the system.(just like when its

 Of course, C+A+F9 brings back X no matter what I tried. Strange...What
 different from my system that this doesn't work??

 And is this a cool feature of portsentry that you can simply press C+A+F7
 to see your log and then C+A+F9 to enter back into X??

 I forgot to include A+C+F8 
That brings seems to start the postfix deamon.

Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager [not resolved]

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Before Nauiltus came along, GMC controlled the GNOME desktop. Perhaps you can 
turn off GMC's control of the desktop in GMC's settings.

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 02:51, paul rodríguez wrote:
 I'm so sorry.  I appear to have been careless and premature.  Nope,, not
 resolved.  Whereas Gnome can now set the background (it couldn't
 before), I still get two sets of icons overlapping each other, one with
 pretty pictures, the other with default, no icon to display ugly ones).
 Anybody know what is going on, is this gnome/sawfish and nautilus both
 doing there job at the same time or something else.

 Soryy to bother, thanks for the help, everyone!

 -Paul Rodríguez

 On 08 Aug 2001 12:42:37 -0400, paul rodríguez wrote:
  The preferences are set to advanced but there is still no option in my
  Nautilus preferences to stop managing the desktop.
  But I did find a work-arround!  Yes!  I went to /home/user/.nautilus and
  deleted the file called first-time-flag this is a file which let
  Nautilus know that the program had been executed before.  The next time
  I opened Nautilus, it gave me the startup dialog again.  Yay!
  Thanks, everyone!
  -Paul Rodríguez
  On 08 Aug 2001 10:49:03 -0400, Charles A. Punch wrote:
   I had a little problem understanding the instructions posted to the
   list, until I realized that you must change the preferences to
   advanced and then click preferances. The advanced option is the
   triangle that one post spoke of.
   Elder PCUSA
   Registered Linux user # 217118
   paul rodríguez wrote:
Please forgive me if you recieved multiple copies of this email
I have been looking for a way to disable Nautilus as my desktop
manager. Everyone has been telling me that it is in the Nautilus
preferences (which I thought as well), but it doesn't seem to be in
the preferences in my version (1.0.3-3mdk) from Mandrake Freq2.  I am
currently using gnome with sawfish and would like more control of my
desktop environment through these applications.
-Paul Rodríguez
On 07 Aug 2001 11:02:48 -0300, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
open the nautilus browser in the last menu from left to
right (is a drawing like a diamond) then... go to preferences
and disable the option Choose Nautilus to draw my desktop... or
something like that
- Original Message -
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] nautilus as desktop manager
On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 03:23, Paul wrote:
It was Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:40:40 +1000 when Sridhar Dhanapalan 
I haven't used Nautilus in a while, but I vaguely recall an
option for this existing in Nautilus' preferences.
I recall it is nautilus --nodesktop.
Just tried it: that's it.
The problem here is that when you start GNOME, Nautilus will load
automatically to manage the desktop. There is no opportunity to
enter the --nodesktop flag. The flag will only work if Nautilus is
not already
(and hence not managing the desktop). To control how Nautilus
behaves at GNOME startup, you need to change the preferences
On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:50, paul rodrguez wrote:
I chose to have nautilus run as my desktop manager during the
initial setup of my LM 8 freq2 gnome system.  Now it seems
neither gnome nor nautilus are fully in control of my desktop,
the icons appear as
files and i can't change the background image.  I would like to
nautilus' control of the desktop, how can I set this?
Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson
Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her,
and one for them together.
Jacqueline Bisset - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** - when you care **
Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Hello!! From Linux!!! :o) Could install YahooMessenger

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

That's wonderful, but please don't post in HTML. Below is a text-only version 
of your message. As you can see, it looks just fine that way. With HTML, a 
message's size can grow exponentially, leading to longer downloads for all of 

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 01:15, Adrian Ivanov Correa Moreno wrote:
   Hello List!!

 I'm writing this joyful message from my Linux HyperCool machine!!

 Until now I was still using OutLook Express, but now, this is from
 *Mozilla Mail*.

 I had sent a previousm ail telling I coul not install YahooMessenger...
 But I could finally intall it.
 The problem I had was about dependencies... and maybe it got solved
 when I installed the Application from the prompt (text mode) as a


 Have a Great Day!!

   *Adrián...* :-)

 Being free and legal feels great!

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] How to upgrade LM?

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

You'd be much better off doing a clean install. Package names and file 
locations can change a lot between distro versions, and installing RPMs from 
a newer distro can really mess things up.

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 10:27, Donnie Green wrote:
 I have seen on the web all the different versions of LM and all the RPMS
 each one contains.  I was wondering if anyone knows how to upgrade from one
 version of LM to any other version of LM, by downloading the RPMS from the
 web?  What apps/rpms do you have to download and install?


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Some time ago I posted a link to an article which said that the owner of offered to give free GNU/Linux distribution CDs and 
free installation on machines. I'm sure if some LUGs got involved things 
could happen even faster.

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 02:00, Sevatio wrote:
 What is needed are volunteers to install and show these kids the ways of
 Linux.  Their minds are like a sponge and will in very short time
 understand this.  Being that they may not have the distractions that
 money bring, they would ended up with a lot of time to learn on their
 own.  Then they'll show it to their friends and so on and so on.  We just
 need to start the avalanche whenever and wherever we can.  We can't
 underestimate their abilities and intelligence.


  Original Message 

 On 8/8/01, 7:33:24 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

 regarding Re: [newbie] Fwd: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc:
  I think (well, I hope) it'll only be a matter of time before they begin
  shipping more GNU/Linux systems than Windos ones. It'll take a while


  PC's for Kids is used to GNU/Linux and the open source philosophy. They
  cannot distribute a Windos PC without a certificate, and these would be


  short supply. They already give StarOffice, which is available for


  as well. Hopefully children will become aware about the technical and
  usability edge that GNU/Linux offers and they will opt for that instead.
  On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 00:12, Charlie Oriez wrote:
   interesting.  note the sixth paragraph.  it would be nice if they


   linux a little sooner.
   --  Look what the cat dragged in:  --
   Subject: Latest press Pc's for Kids Inc
   Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 22:04:10 +1000
   From: Pc's for Kids Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Charlie Oriez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Australian charity Pc's for Kids, which is the focus of International
   awareness was forced to suspend operations because of actions by


   Legal department, has started building the first of many computers


   for underprivileged kids.
   Mr. Bayes issued a statement saying; Our kids need us, the
   International public and Australians vowed us to continue our work
   assisting Children Bridge the Digital Divide. Our members voted to take
   a stand for the advancement of kids  and not let this issue with
   Microsoft dampen many a child's dream of obtaining their own computer.
   Microsoft and Pc's for Kids become the focus of worldwide attention
   when the Software giant told the charity not to use its software unless
   it is legal. The standoff lasting well over a month has raised many


   the philanthropic efforts of Microsoft's Co-Founder Mr. William Gates
   and Microsoft intentions of not granting a simple Refurbishment
   License to the charity.
   Lets face it Microsoft, if you do not support the old redundant
   software of Dos 6.22 and Win 3.11 together with Windows 95 then why not
   make it Public Domain so the older computer equipment can be used.
   You state


   kids need the latest technology but what happens to the tons of waste


   equipment - send it to landfill Mr. Bayes said.
   Pc's for Kids Inc, which is based in Geelong Victoria Australia will
   ship the first of 50 refurbished machines to children next week, thanks
   to the generosity of the IT public who have scrounged around to locate
   their old Win 95 certificates. We will give each system Windows 95 and
   load a full version of Sun Micro-Systems Star Office which was
   donated by Sun to


   onto our less fortunate children Bayes stated.
   Mr. Bayes also is pleased at the support offered by the Linux
   community, We have just completed training with Linux in Melbourne and
   are looking


   offering children the choice of both. The learning of Linux will take


   time to perfect so in the meantime we will keep sending out systems
   with donated Windows, Apple has issued a letter supporting our efforts


   agree that children need assistance with any means of computer


   we will be sending to Tonga another 20 refurbished Apple units early
   next month
   Mr. Bayes is now appealing to the public and IT sector to keep the
   dream alive by locating the old software so this charity can continue
   it works. We need over 1,000 copies for the next 12-months so please
   dig deep and help us place a smile on a child's face - Remember your
   old systems and software will assist our disadvantaged kids all over
   the world Mr. Bayes said.
   Visit Pc's for Kid's and post an email with your


   Press Release Issued By:
   Colin Bayes President / Founder (0402) 149719 (24-Hours Contact)
   Pc's for Kids Inc Ph: 61 (3) 52444146 Fax: 61 (3) 52436026
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Wednesday, 

Re: [newbie] KMail HTML

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:04, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Robin Ballantine wrote:
  Only hope now I'm not sending out HTML to the list. Perhaps someone could
  let me know if I am.

 Nope, it's still plain text!

 Randy Kramer

KMail can't send HTML mail; it can only read it. This is the way things 
should be :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] rpm catch22's

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

These issues have received a lot of press coverage recently. The new version 
of GNUcash requires a great many packages that are not included in standard 
distributions. Hopefully MandrakeSoft will include them in 8.1.

The main problem with RPM at present is its lack of an automated dependency 
resolution system. Debian have the wonderful apt-get system, which can easily 
resolve these sorts of problems. Connectiva (a Brazilian distro) have ported 
this to RPM, and Mandrake have it in their contribs FTP directories. 
Mandrake, of course, have their own urpmi system (as used in Software 
Manager), but from what I have read apt-get looks to be much better.

As for chequebook managers, MoneyDance is supposed to be good, although I 
haven't tried it myself.

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 00:49, Judith Miner wrote:
 Matt wrote:
  Linux is cool and all, but man can installing software be a


 I couldn't agree more. I have had similar sad sagas more times than I
 care to recall. For example, I tried to install the latest Gnucash,
 which I've heard has many improvements over the version that came with
 my Mandrake 8. When I tried to install the rpm package, I got a HUGE
 list of dependencies I'd need. There was no way I was going to try to
 find them, install them keeping my fingers crossed that something else
 wouldn't break in the process, and see if the silly thing would work.
 Especially since I don't even know if I'd like Gnucash. I *must* have an
 easy-to-use checkbook manager on my system, and my trial of the Gnucash
 that came with the distro was not exactly a roaring success. It made a
 mess of its import of my Quicken data, which is Requirement No. 1 for
 any checkbook manager I might consider.

 I hope they get their act together on package installations. It's got
 to work better than it does now.
  --Judy Miner

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 16 in Mandrake 8

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Try running aumix. If the command doesn't exist, install the package of the 
same name.

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 14:04, Linus Drouhard wrote:
 To see if I had Kmix, I went to the menus of installed programs.  I also
 checked in the Package Manager, didn't find Kmix at all there.  I don't
 know any other way (remember I'm a total newbie to Linux).

 I can get CD's to play, just not MP3's.  I've not tried any other audio
 I'll try what you said,  ALSA was checked to start, but not running.  Right
 now I'm burning a CD and don't want to kill that to reboot.

 thanks for your to why my printer has gotten really slow...for
 another post...

 On Tuesday 07 August 2001  5:31, etharp wrote:
  let me get this straight, you ARE using Mandrake 8.0. you do not think
  you have Kmix on your system. how did you check to see if kmix was
  installed? do you have the available hard drive space to install it? do
  not install more sound drivers (as far I rememrber, alsa and OSS
  conflict, and you may already have some conflicting sound problems). in
  fact, in this case, the answer may be as likely to uninstall a sound
  service as to install one. this is a partial quote from a report by
  someone whom knows ALOT more about this stuff than I do.
   Mandrake Control Center = System = Services and unchecked
  at boot for alsa once I noticed that it was checked at boot and wasn't
  running anyway.  Then I opened KDE Control Center=Sound=Sound Server
  and made the default the sound driver (neither ALSA not autodetect) then
  logged out an rebooted.  Sound was afterwards fine.
  On Monday 06 August 2001 23:17, Linus Drouhard wrote:
   Ok, I made sure that PNP was turned off in BIOS (already was off).
   I tried to find Kmix, don't have it.  I did get CD Player to work.  But
   I cannot get XMMS to work.  It still scrolls the MP3 title and sits
   there. It (xmms) freezes whenever I try to stop it.  In fact, just
   about any of the sound applications freeze when I try to exit them. 
   None (but CD Player) work.  Could there be a setting somewhere that has
   been accidentally switched, effectively killing my card?
   I'm ready to try ALSA, but after spending several long nights with WINE
   (and then disappointed at the results) several more nights with SANE
   (didn't get that to work right and gave up, at least for now) and now
   ALSA, I want something to go easy.  The mini-howto on ALSA is 29 pages
   and its for kernel 2.2, not the 2.4.3 that comes with Mandrake 8.0. I'm
   not sure I want to tackle that now.  Please help a newbie in distress.
   On Sunday 05 August 2001  5:21, etharp wrote:
run Kmix and make sure the levels are respectable to hear (half way)
and that in BIOS,  plug and pray aware OS is set to OFF.
On Sunday 05 August 2001 14:05, Linus Drouhard wrote:
 I have an old Soundblaster 16 that I cannot get to work.  I ran
 sndconfig and it would play the sample sounds in the configuration
 routine.  I think that the first test was the word Hello but I
 got a Hel sounded like it cutoff. The midi track played fine.

 Anyway, I tried configuring it through Harddrake, couldn't fine
 isapnp.config, or something like that.

 I tried using it anyway.  CD-player spins away, but no sound.
 Running an MP3 through XMMS (and other MP3 players) doesn't work
 either.  The title scrolls by, but the song won't play.  If I slide
 the progress bar, I get snippets of sound, 1/2 second or so long.

 Any help would be appreciated in setting this classic soundcard



 AMD K6-II 400 @420
 128 MB Ram
 Nvidia TNT2 M64 with 32MB
 Realtek NIC

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Reply-To ? Where Does It Go?

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Most mail clients have a Reply to all function. Usually if you just click 
Reply, the mail will only go to one person.

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001 02:36, Sevatio wrote:
 When you hit the Reply-To option with your Mail-client, does it go back
 to the Newbie-List or does it go the the person that posted the message?

 I'm using StarOffice5.2 for my mailclient and it annoyingly defaults at
 sending back to the person that posted the message instead of going to
 the list.  I was just wondering if this was normal with other


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Reply-To ? Where Does It Go?

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sevatio

That's the predicament.  To double or not to double.  I think most 
importantly, the List needs to see the correspondence so that answers are 
shared among all of us.  So, this sounds like it could have been solved 
at the source by having the mailing-list daemon include the proper 
headers to avoid this extra work.  I know that some other mailing-lists 
will show the Sender to be Joe Blow but when you hit the Reply-To, it 
automatically goes back to the Newbie Mailing-List.  Any experts out 
there with Mailing-List Server knowledge?  Is this possible?


 Original Message 

On 8/8/01, 6:38:10 PM, Robin Ballantine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote regarding Re: [newbie] Reply-To ? Where Does It Go?:

 On Wednesday 08 August 2001  2:16 pm, you wrote:
 You also need to put  [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the Cc box so that 
   gets posted to the mailing list as well.
   Bad idea, I don't want to get few messages two times :(

 I know you will receive this message twice but that gives you twice the
 chance of actually noticing a reply to your email, especially if you 
 mail to separate folders.  In fact I would recommend the use of filters 
 this as it gives you a much greater chance of picking up a late reply to 
 Anyhow, you have to at least post to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that
 everyone can benefit from your pearls of wisdom.
 Almost all messages are quite small (usually 4k) so receiving a reply 
 is pretty insignificant. At least you received a reply? :-)

Re: [newbie] How to acess other screens (terminals)?

2001-08-08 Per discussione Paul

 C+A+F1 = non graphic login screen (no big deal)
 C+A+F2 = x server crash message (I don't know where these logs are so i can't 
 C+A+F3-6= nongraphic login screen (same as 1)

These are normal. The crash message in tty2 should not be there I think.
But if X works after you hit ctrl-alt-f9 that's fine.

 C+A+F7 however, brought up what I imaginge is my ports entry log. (i don't 
 know where it lives yet so  can't share) But, X went away and I had a 
 portsentry alert of a UDp scan by host 

I know there is a text screen that shows the messages from the Xwindow server.
And you found it ;)

 C+A+F10 -11 brings up a blinking curser after x goes away

These are extra sessions where X can live. When you log into tty3, you can
start another X session which will live under ctrl-alt-f10, etc.

 C+A+F12 brings up the graphical state of the system.(just like when its 

Never saw that, I'll try it someday :)

 Of course, C+A+F9 brings back X no matter what I tried. Strange...What 
 different from my system that this doesn't work??
 And is this a cool feature of portsentry that you can simply press C+A+F7 to 
 see your log and then C+A+F9 to enter back into X??

Nope, that is pretty standard. Has nothing to do with PortSentry.

Re: [newbie] splitting up a file on floppys

2001-08-08 Per discussione Sevatio

Sorry about throwing this pile of info at you.  I'm a bit short on time 
right now.  But in the follow pasted info, you'll find your answers.  
I'll leave you the task of trimming it down.


2.18. How do I split a compressed backup into smaller files onto another 
hard disk?
This type of backup is typically done by those who want to split the 
archive into smaller chunks to fit on a CDR or to avoid the 2GB file size 
limitation. To do this type of backup you will need Dylan's boot disk, 
your original A drive to backup and a DOS FAT formatted hard drive to put 
the backup on. The drive needs to have enough space to hold the backup. 
It should be noted that if your TiVo has been used much the backup will 
be exceedingly large and doing a disk to disk image is generally a better 
idea. If the A drive is from a virgin TiVo this compressed image could be 
anywhere from 600MB to 20GB. The size will vary even for virgin TiVo's 
because some have the store demo mode on them and some don't. For the 
example below we will assume the following drive connections. 
 Original A drive connected to secondary port as the master drive ( 
/dev/hdc ) 
 DOS/Windows formatted drive connected to Primary port as the master 
  drive ( /dev/hda ). The partition can be either a FAT16 or FAT32 
  partition. Dylan's bootdisk does support Ext2 partitions also if 
  you wish to use one. 
 Do not connect the DOS/Windows drive to anything but Primary master. 
  Byte swapping is used for all other devices and Linux will not be 
  able to mount DOS partition connected to them. 
The following are the steps needed to do the backup. 
1.Connect the drives as stated above 
2.Boot the computer with Dylan's boot disk in the floppy drive 
3.Login in as root 
4.Type mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt (no quotes) 
5.Type dd if=/dev/hdc bs=32k | gzip -9c | split -b 650m - 
/mnt/tivodisk_ (no quotes).
Use dd conv=noerror,sync if=/dev/hdc bs=32k | gzip -9c | split -b 
650m - /mnt/tivodisk_ (no quotes) 
instead, if the first command gives you an error.
6.In the step above 650m denotes 650 Megabytes. This size file 
  should fit on a CD later for burning. You can make this value 
  whatever best suits your needs. 
7.Go relax because this will take awhile. Depending on the speed of 
  the computer, size of the A drive, this could take anywhere from 
  3 to 24 hours! 
8.When finished make sure there were no errors. 
9.Type umount /mnt (no quotes) 
   10.Power down the PC. 
To restore the backup do the following. Remember that this will erase 
whatever is on the drive connected to the secondary master port. 
1.Connect the drives as stated above 
2.Boot the computer with Dylan's boot disk in the floppy drive 
3.Login in as root 
4.Type mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt (no quotes) 
5.Type cat /mnt/tivodisk* | gzip -dc | dd of=/dev/hdc obs=32k (no 
6.Go relax because this will take awhile. Depending on the speed of 
  the computer, size of the A drive, this could take anywhere from 
  3 to 24 hours! 
7.Make sure there were no errors reported 
8.Type umount /mnt (no quotes) 
9.Power down the PC

 Original Message 

On 8/8/01, 5:03:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding [newbie] 
splitting up a file on floppys:

 hi all.
 it seem i remember that somehow linux can split files up on floppys, can
 someone give me a hint as to what command i would use to do this.  do i 
 TAR to do this (as one would do with PKZIP in windoze)?  or is there 

 thanks much.

 also, this is my first post from AOhelL.  if it is in HTML format please 
 at me so i can fix it.  thanks
