Re: [newbie-it] scelta firewall

2002-09-22 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 23:51, sabato 21 settembre 2002, hai scritto:
 buonasera a tutti.

 vorrei un consiglio su quale  firewall installare sul mio pc mand 8.2.
 il pc è standalone per solo uso personale domestico.
 si connette ad internet via normalissimo modem
 prossimamente spero via adsl
 sulle distro (8.2 download e 8.1 powerpack) ce ne sono vari
 le mie esigenze sono UNA SOLA:
 che sia FACILE e rapido da installare e IDIOTA da usare.
 poi se non è il massimo della sicurezza non mi interssa.
 l'importante è non perdere tempo a configurare.

 se ne avete installato qualcuno e potete consigliarmi grazie.

 qui si passa la vita a configurare, configurare, configurare...
 ho fatto il programmatore per otto anni e non voglio più dedicare tempo
 in eccesso a questa scatola di latta.
 voglio solo usare e solo interfacce grafiche, per principio.
 perdonate lo sfogo.

..Beh, Bastille dovrebbe essere il firewall installato di deafault per mdk.
Lo puoi attivare con un paio di semplici cliccate direttamente dal Mandrake 
Control Center.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] scelta firewall

2002-09-22 Per discussione francesco.melo

Fabio Manunza wrote:

Alle 23:51, sabato 21 settembre 2002, hai scritto:

buonasera a tutti.

vorrei un consiglio su quale  firewall installare sul mio pc mand 8.2.
il pc è standalone per solo uso personale domestico.
si connette ad internet via normalissimo modem
prossimamente spero via adsl
sulle distro (8.2 download e 8.1 powerpack) ce ne sono vari
le mie esigenze sono UNA SOLA:
che sia FACILE e rapido da installare e IDIOTA da usare.
poi se non è il massimo della sicurezza non mi interssa.
l'importante è non perdere tempo a configurare.

se ne avete installato qualcuno e potete consigliarmi grazie.

qui si passa la vita a configurare, configurare, configurare...
ho fatto il programmatore per otto anni e non voglio più dedicare tempo
in eccesso a questa scatola di latta.
voglio solo usare e solo interfacce grafiche, per principio.
perdonate lo sfogo.

..Beh, Bastille dovrebbe essere il firewall installato di deafault per mdk.
Lo puoi attivare con un paio di semplici cliccate direttamente dal Mandrake 
Control Center.


Guardog è recensito molto bene su linux pratico e potrebbe esserti utile.
shorewall è alla base del mandrake security , quello che loro usano per 
la distro di sicurezza, ho provato ad usarlo con poco successo, ma io ho 
avuto  problemi con routing  della mia piccola lan domestica.
bastille è molto semplice ma, mi è parso che sia stato un po' abbandonato.
kmyfirewall è graficamente carino e semplice
 molto buono è anche turtlefirewall  che si usa come modulo per webmin 
ed è un progetto italiano

spero di esserti stato d'aiuto

ciao francesco

Re: [newbie-it] in attesa di stampa

2002-09-22 Per discussione Giorgio Griffon

Grazie a tutti per le spiegazioni. Ogni volta si imparano cose nuove!

Re: [newbie-it] R: ext2 - swap

2002-09-22 Per discussione Giorgio Griffon

Il mio intervento è OT, e anche in ritardo, ma poiché ho visto che si è 
parlato varie volte di defrag, mi pare che valga la pena di far presente 
quanto segue:
per impostazione predefinita uindous, dal '98 in poi, esegue un defrag 
particolare, nel senso che sposta le parti dei programmi maggiormente 
utilizzati nei settori iniziali del disco fisso, perché sembra che questo 
acceleri l'esecuzione. In compenso il defrag viene rallentato in maniera 
mostruosa, per cui se si vuole impiegare meno di due giorni bisogna andare su 
avvio - programmi - accessori - utilità di sistema - utilità di 
deframmentazione dischi - impostazioni e lì deselezionare la casellina 
riorganizza i file dei programmi per un avvio più rapido.
E' una delle tante assurdità che ti fanno venir voglia di cambiare sistema 

[newbie-it] Ram drive

2002-09-22 Per discussione ENx

Ciao a tutti,
vorrei fare un ram drive, ma non so proprio da dove cominciare.
Qualcuno può darmi una mano?
Grazie a tutti, ENx

[newbie-it] Macromedia shockwave

2002-09-22 Per discussione francesco manini

Ho installato Linux mandrake 8.2  con Kernel 2.4.18-6 e KDE 2.2.2 ed
utilizzo Konqueror come navigatore.
Mi è capitato di recente durante alcune navigazioni ( per 
fare un esempio) di vedermi aprire diverse finestre di Konqueror (7 e anche 
8) con la richiesta di Macromedia di aggiornare il loro Flash Player 5 
scaricandolo dal sito Macromedia.
Ho provato a scaricarlo ma il problema si ripresenta di nuovo (in effetti 
l'unico scarico previsto per Linux riguarda il solo navigatore Netscape).
Come posso fare per eliminare questo inconveniente ?
Faccio presente che sono da poco passato a Linux e quindi mi farebbe piacere, 
anche se la cosa fosse una banalità, una risposta possibilmente comprensibile.
Grazie e saluti a tutti.

[newbie] OpenOffice worry

2002-09-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson

From time to time I have had problems with an OO save, causing a spontaneous 
logout.  The worry is that sometimes the save has completed OK before the 
logout, and sometimes the document is corrupted, making it difficult if not 
impossible to resurrect the data.

For text documents I have laboriously opened them in a text editor and 
stripped out all control codes, saving the day, but I'm very worried about 
the possibility of losing crucial spreadsheet data.

Has anyone else experienced this?  What did you do about it?


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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Thursday 19 Sep 2002 8:56 pm, you wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:46:37 -0500

 Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

 lilo append mem=nopentium

Charles, could you tell me more about this?  Is this something that all of us 
using Athlons/Durons should be using?  Obviously this is there to avoid 
specific problems, what are they?



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Re: [newbie] e-mail agent

2002-09-22 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002 17:50:34 -0400
[EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:

Hi everyone,
Been a long time since i've been in the mailing list.
While everybody seems to have new version of mandrake, I still hang on
the old version - Mandrake 8.0 .
I was wondering if anyone know a good e-mail agent for the Gnome of that 
version. I have the Kmail 1.2 but i can't get my attachement I click on
it but dont do nothing ...just maybe a URL.
Thanks in advance.
I highly recommend sylpheed.  Lightweight, very fast, configurable
keybindings, and user friendly interface.

In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. 
Then he made School Boards.
- Mark Twain, _Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar_

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[newbie] Ndivia TNT2 and UT2003

2002-09-22 Per discussione Bart Salien

I've just updated my NVIDIA kernel and GLX drivers via RPM so i could try the 
new UT2003 demo .

When i look in the Xfree86.0.log the kernel and the glx module are loaded 
correctly .

But when i try to start the UT2003 demo the program exits and gives an error 
message :

open /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
Xlib:  extension XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD missing on display   :0.0 .
OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support .

I get the impression that the program is asking for something that my TNT2  
card is not supporting , or could there be something missing in my libs ?

I am running Mandrake 8.2  on a PIII  1GHz with a RIVA TNT2 64 vid. card and 
the NVIDIA driver 1.0-3132

The UT2003demo log file :

Uninitialized: Log file open, Sun Sep 22 13:57:53 2002
Uninitialized: Initializing file manager
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Log: Your locale: [ISO-8859-1].

Init: Version: 1077 (120.28)
Init: Compiled: Sep 13 2002 18:19:44
Init: Command line:
Init: Base directory: /usr/local/games/ut2003_demo/System/
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Build label: UT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2002-09-13_17.31]
Log: Bound to
Log: Bound to
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
Init: CPU Speed=996.831740 MHz
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Bound to
Init: Detected 0 joysticks
Init: SDLClient initialized.
Log: Bound to
Init: Initializing OpenGLDrv...
Log: binding
Log: (Karma): Beginning Karma for game.
Log: (Karma): Creating MeAssetDB.
Log: (Karma): Loading: jugg.ka
Log: (Karma): Finished Creating MeAssetDB (2 Assets).
Log: LoadMap: Entry
Log: Bound to
Log: Bound to
Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleABodyA
Log: Bound to
Warning: Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleABodyA
Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleAHeadA
Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleBBodyA
Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleBHeadA
Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
Log: Level is Level Entry.myLevel
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 
ScriptLog: InitGame:
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: 
Log: LoadMap: 
Log: (Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.
Log: Static mesh batches: 508608 vertex bytes, 110460 index bytes
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 15389-15350; refs: 149451
Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
Log: Level is Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel
Warning: Paths may not be valid.
Log: Bringing Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Gorge?team=255
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is NvidiaLogo.Mutator
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
Log: Bound to
Log: Bound to
Log: Bound to
Init: ALAudio: no OpenAL devices found.
Error: Audio initialization failed.
ScriptLog: Team 255
ScriptLog: Login: Player
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: CinematicPlayer NvidiaLogo.CinematicPlayer
Log: CinematicPlayer got player SDLViewport
Error: Map NvidiaLogo.LevelInfo0 does not have an associated MUSIC track
Log: No ScoreBoardType specified in GameInfo
Init: Input system initialized for SDLViewport
Log: Enter SetRes: 800x600 Fullscreen 1
Log: OpenGL
Init: GL_VENDOR : NVIDIA Corporation
Init: GL_VERSION: 1.3.1 NVIDIA 31.23
Init: Device supports: GL
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
Init: Device supports: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture
Init: C32 RGB888 Z24 S8
Critical: OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support.
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Executing USDLClient::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: Exiting.
Log: Waiting for file streaming thread to finish...
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, Sun Sep 22 13:57:57 2002

Thanks for any ideas ,


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Re: [newbie] e-mail agent

2002-09-22 Per discussione robin

Michael Scottaline wrote:

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002 17:50:34 -0400
[EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:


Hi everyone,
Been a long time since i've been in the mailing list.
While everybody seems to have new version of mandrake, I still hang on
the old version - Mandrake 8.0 .
I was wondering if anyone know a good e-mail agent for the Gnome of that 
version. I have the Kmail 1.2 but i can't get my attachement I click on
it but dont do nothing ...just maybe a URL.
Thanks in advance.

I highly recommend sylpheed.  Lightweight, very fast, configurable
keybindings, and user friendly interface.


After messing around with KMail and Evolution, I eventually settled for 
Mozilla.  Current RPMs may not work on 8.0, but if they don't, you can 
always install from the tarball.  The nice thing is that it's platform- 
and GUI-independent.  It doesn't have all the Outlook-like features of 
Evolution, but it's still pretty configurable, and thanks to the ease 
(?) of XUL programming, Mozilla is developing at an impressive rate, so 
it's a good long-term investment.  The one thing I really miss the 
ability to stop the mail client loading images (I have a lot of 
image-heavy Korean spam!).

Sir Robin

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those
 who understand binary and those who don't -

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Ndivia TNT2 and UT2003

2002-09-22 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

Umm, just an idea. Have you tried installing the Mesa-demos RPM from your 
CD's? They contain a few handy programs to see if your card is working. One 
that springs to mind is gears ... if that runs, then it's your soundcard 
(/dev/dsp) that's causing the problem here. If it doesn't then it's your 
config for your NVidia.

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, Bart Salien wrote:

 I've just updated my NVIDIA kernel and GLX drivers via RPM so i could try the 
 new UT2003 demo .

Updated? YOU mean it was installed before and working fine with OpenGL 
 open /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy

First problem. I had someone ask me this same question a few days ago, but 
I still don't know the solution to /dev/dsp . Mine works that I know, but 
if it was broken, I wouldn't have the first clue.

 Xlib:  extension XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD missing on display   :0.0 .
 OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support .

The rest here goes a bit too far for my advice (I could give it, but would 
probably be incorrect, so rather not). Maybe someone else on the list has 
better ideas here?

I am running a GeForce 2 card with NVidia's drivers, and it's working 
great. That's all I can say here ;-)

 Critical: OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support.

Umm, ok... probably important, but again... *shrug*


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[newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Angus Auld

Greetings all,
I thought maybe I could do this, but it looks like I was mistaken.
I am trying to rebuild a source rpm, and having some problems. I have installed the 
following packages on my 8.2 system so far in my noob attempts to rebuild src: 
rpm-build, spec-helper, libtool, XFree86 devel, glibc-devel, kernel-headers, make, 
gcc, binutils, libbinutils2, automake, autoconf, m4-1.4ppre2-2mdk...and still, no 

Can anyone help me to do this rebuilding? I will attach the terminal output of my 'rpm 
--rebuild fluxbox-0.1.12-1mdk.src.rpm' attempt. Also an error.txt file with some 
additional info.

 Many TIA's for any feedback.   


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

Reg. Linux User #278931

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Free OperaMail at

Powered by Outblaze

Translation.m:172: invalid character: message ignored (looong list of these with 
different numbers after .m:)
/bin/sh: g++: command not found
make[2]: *** [BaseDisplay.o] Error 127
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
error: Bad exit status from /home/angus/rpm/tmp/rpm-tmp.38256 (%build)
  Bad exit status from /home/angus/rpm/tmp/rpm-tmp.38256 (%build)

Installing fluxbox-0.1.12-1mdk.src.rpm
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /home/angus/rpm/tmp/rpm-tmp.47325
Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /home/angus/rpm/tmp/rpm-tmp.38256
Remember to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' to `'.
You should update your `aclocal.m4' by running aclocal.
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc... i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc
checking for C compiler default output... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc... gcc3
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-g++... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-c++... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gpp... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-aCC... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-CC... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-cxx... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-cc++... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-cl... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-FCC... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-KCC... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-RCC... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-xlC_r... no
checking for i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-xlC... no
checking for g++... no
checking for c++... no
checking for gpp... no
checking for aCC... no
checking for CC... no
checking for cxx... no
checking for cc++... no
checking for cl... no
checking for FCC... no
checking for KCC... no
checking for RCC... no
checking for xlC_r... no
checking for xlC... no
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... no
checking whether g++ accepts -g... no
checking dependency style of g++... none
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for sed... sed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking errno.h usability... yes
checking errno.h presence... yes
checking for errno.h... yes
checking ctype.h usability... yes
checking ctype.h presence... yes
checking for ctype.h... yes
checking dirent.h usability... yes
checking dirent.h presence... yes
checking for dirent.h... yes
checking fcntl.h usability... yes
checking fcntl.h presence... yes
checking for fcntl.h... yes
checking libgen.h usability... yes
checking libgen.h presence... yes
checking for libgen.h... yes
checking locale.h usability... yes
checking locale.h presence... yes
checking for locale.h... yes
checking nl_types.h usability... yes
checking nl_types.h presence... yes
checking for nl_types.h... yes
checking process.h usability... no
checking process.h presence... no
checking for process.h... no
checking signal.h usability... yes
checking signal.h presence... yes
checking for signal.h... yes
checking stdarg.h usability... yes
checking stdarg.h presence... yes
checking for stdarg.h... yes
checking stdio.h usability... yes
checking stdio.h presence... yes
checking for stdio.h... yes
checking time.h usability... yes
checking time.h presence... 

Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-22 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Sunday September 22 2002 05:16 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 19 Sep 2002 8:56 pm, you wrote:
  On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:46:37 -0500
  Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  lilo append mem=nopentium

 Charles, could you tell me more about this?  Is this something that
 all of us using Athlons/Durons should be using?  Obviously this is
 there to avoid specific problems, what are they?

Altho all chipsets and processors have bugs (errata), any 
manufacturer, AMD, Intel, Cyrix, SiS, VIA, etc., the best way to avoid 
Athlon or Duron problems is to _only_ use motherboards and power 
supplies that are recommended by AMD,,30_182_869_4348,00.html

That link is for XP's, but there's similar links for Tbirds and 
Durons. I suspect Marcia's problem probly starts with the PSU and/or 
motherboard. Ram quality is another likely culprit. Ram performance and 
reliability is greatly affected by the quality of the mobo and PSU tho.  
So even very good ram mght have problems on a marginal mobo/PSU. 
'Course overheating is always a suspect.

FWIW, I've had a 1.4 Tbird oc'd to 1.55 with an AMD approved mobo 
and PSU for over a year an a half. Never used the nopentium option, 
never had any problems. GeF2 w/64mb's usin the open source XFree86 
driver. The nopentium parameter is to limit the page size requests from 
system ram for the AGP card.  If the video card has 16mb ram or more 
onboard, the system ram probly will never, or rarely be used anyhow.  
If system ram is being used by the Vcard, and causing problems, one 
quick and dirty way fix is to set the AGP aperature in bios to 4mb. 
Drawback is that it effectively disables AGP sidebanding and will 
somewhat decrease 3d/accel performance.

   For more on the AMD/AGP issue see,
   Note: There *is* an Athlon/AGP issue.  This issue has
*not* been tied to a bug with the Athlon/Duron processors.
Our conclusion is that the operating system is creating coherency
problems within the system by creating cacheable translation to AGP
GART-mapped physical memory. 

   IMO, another suspect is closed source proprietary drivers. As I said, 
even on a highly oc'd, hot system, I've not had any problems without 
nopentium usin the openXFree86-4.2.1 source driver which BTW, now 
provides some 3d/accel support for nvidia cards. XFree86-4.2.1 included 
with Mdk 9.0. 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Angus Auld

 On Sunday 22 September 2002 08:41 am, Angus Auld wrote:
  Greetings all,
  I thought maybe I could do this, but it looks like I was mistaken.
  I am trying to rebuild a source rpm, and having some problems. I have
  installed the following packages on my 8.2 system so far in my noob
  attempts to rebuild src: rpm-build, spec-helper, libtool, XFree86 devel,
  glibc-devel, kernel-headers, make, gcc, binutils, libbinutils2, automake,
  autoconf, m4-1.4ppre2-2mdk...and still, no fun!
  Can anyone help me to do this rebuilding? I will attach the terminal output
  of my 'rpm --rebuild fluxbox-0.1.12-1mdk.src.rpm' attempt. Also an
  error.txt file with some additional info.
   Many TIA's for any feedback.
  Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
  awareness.--James Thurber
  Reg. Linux User #278931
 Have you installed kernel-source ? That one is needed for sure. HTH
 Dennis M. linux user #180842
Thanks Dennis for the fast reply. 
No, I haven't installed the kernel-source. I didn't get any messages that it was 
needed. I will promptly install it, and try my rebuild again!

Thanks a lot for the help! I will post back with my results.

PS. Are all of the packages that I installed required to rebuild from src? I am a bit 
concerned about wasting space on my hd w/uneeded packages.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

Reg. Linux User #278931
Download the FREE Opera browser at

Free OperaMail at

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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 22 September 2002 08:41 am, Angus Auld wrote:
 Greetings all,
 I thought maybe I could do this, but it looks like I was mistaken.
 I am trying to rebuild a source rpm, and having some problems. I have
 installed the following packages on my 8.2 system so far in my noob
 attempts to rebuild src: rpm-build, spec-helper, libtool, XFree86 devel,
 glibc-devel, kernel-headers, make, gcc, binutils, libbinutils2, automake,
 autoconf, m4-1.4ppre2-2mdk...and still, no fun!

 Can anyone help me to do this rebuilding? I will attach the terminal output
 of my 'rpm --rebuild fluxbox-0.1.12-1mdk.src.rpm' attempt. Also an
 error.txt file with some additional info.

  Many TIA's for any feedback.


 Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
 awareness.--James Thurber

 Reg. Linux User #278931
Have you installed kernel-source ? That one is needed for sure. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Angus Auld

  Have you installed kernel-source ? That one is needed for sure. HTH
  Dennis M. linux user #180842
 Thanks Dennis for the fast reply. 
 No, I haven't installed the kernel-source. I didn't get any messages that it was 
needed. I will promptly install it, and try my rebuild again!
 Thanks a lot for the help! I will post back with my results.
 PS. Are all of the packages that I installed required to rebuild from src? I am a 
bit concerned about wasting space on my hd w/uneeded packages.

I tried to install kernel-source for my kernel, which is 2.4.18-6mdk, with Software 
Manager. When I clicked on install, Software Manager was going to install 
kernel-source for 2.4.18-8.1mdk from my update site!!! What is with 
that??? I didn't know what to do except XKill SM. 

I tried it again, and SM wanted to do the same thing...install kernel-source 
2.4.18-8.1mdk. I'm stumped with this behaviour from SM.
Any thoughts on this?


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

Reg. Linux User #278931
Download the FREE Opera browser at

Free OperaMail at

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Re: [newbie] Ndivia TNT2 and UT2003

2002-09-22 Per discussione Kirtis Bakalarczyk

Unfortunately TNT2's don't support S3TC texture compression under Linux (It only works 
in windows because directx emulates it)  

So you're just gonna have to get a new video card which would have been a good idea 
anyway because UT2K3 would run REALLY slow on a TNT2.


On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 14:30:17 +0200
Bart Salien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've just updated my NVIDIA kernel and GLX drivers via RPM so i could try the 
 new UT2003 demo .
 When i look in the Xfree86.0.log the kernel and the glx module are loaded 
 correctly .
 But when i try to start the UT2003 demo the program exits and gives an error 
 message :
 open /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
 Xlib:  extension XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD missing on display   :0.0 .
 OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support .
 I get the impression that the program is asking for something that my TNT2  
 card is not supporting , or could there be something missing in my libs ?
 I am running Mandrake 8.2  on a PIII  1GHz with a RIVA TNT2 64 vid. card and 
 the NVIDIA driver 1.0-3132
 The UT2003demo log file :
 Uninitialized: Log file open, Sun Sep 22 13:57:53 2002
 Uninitialized: Initializing file manager
 Init: Name subsystem initialized
 Log: Your locale: [ISO-8859-1].
 Init: Version: 1077 (120.28)
 Init: Compiled: Sep 13 2002 18:19:44
 Init: Command line:
 Init: Base directory: /usr/local/games/ut2003_demo/System/
 Init: Character set: Unicode
 Init: Build label: UT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2002-09-13_17.31]
 Log: Bound to
 Log: Bound to
 Init: Object subsystem initialized
 Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
 Init: CPU Speed=996.831740 MHz
 Init: Unreal engine initialized
 Log: Bound to
 Init: Detected 0 joysticks
 Init: SDLClient initialized.
 Log: Bound to
 Init: Initializing OpenGLDrv...
 Log: binding
 Log: (Karma): Beginning Karma for game.
 Log: (Karma): Creating MeAssetDB.
 Log: (Karma): Loading: jugg.ka
 Log: (Karma): Finished Creating MeAssetDB (2 Assets).
 Log: LoadMap: Entry
 Log: Bound to
 Log: Bound to
 Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleABodyA
 Log: Bound to
 Warning: Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
 Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleABodyA
 Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleAHeadA
 Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleBBodyA
 Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleBHeadA
 Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
 Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
 Log: Level is Level Entry.myLevel
 Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 
 ScriptLog: InitGame:
 ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator
 ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
 Log: Browse: 
 Log: LoadMap: 
 Log: (Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.
 Log: Static mesh batches: 508608 vertex bytes, 110460 index bytes
 Log: Collecting garbage
 Log: Purging garbage
 Log: Garbage: objects: 15389-15350; refs: 149451
 Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
 Log: Level is Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel
 Warning: Paths may not be valid.
 Log: Bringing Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 
 ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Gorge?team=255
 ScriptLog: Base Mutator is NvidiaLogo.Mutator
 ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
 Log: Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
 Log: Bound to
 Log: Bound to
 Log: Bound to
 Init: ALAudio: no OpenAL devices found.
 Error: Audio initialization failed.
 ScriptLog: Team 255
 ScriptLog: Login: Player
 Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: CinematicPlayer NvidiaLogo.CinematicPlayer
 Log: CinematicPlayer got player SDLViewport
 Error: Map NvidiaLogo.LevelInfo0 does not have an associated MUSIC track
 Log: No ScoreBoardType specified in GameInfo
 Init: Input system initialized for SDLViewport
 Log: Enter SetRes: 800x600 Fullscreen 1
 Log: OpenGL
 Init: GL_VENDOR : NVIDIA Corporation
 Init: GL_VERSION: 1.3.1 NVIDIA 31.23
 Init: Device supports: GL
 Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
 Init: Device supports: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
 Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
 Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture
 Init: C32 RGB888 Z24 S8
 Critical: OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support.
 Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
 Exit: Executing USDLClient::ShutdownAfterError
 Exit: Exiting.
 Log: Waiting for file streaming thread to finish...
 Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
 Uninitialized: Log file closed, Sun Sep 22 13:57:57 2002
 Thanks for any ideas ,

Re: [newbie] Ndivia TNT2 and UT2003

2002-09-22 Per discussione Bart Salien

Op Sunday 22 September 2002 13:11, schreef u:

I was expecting this a bit , the best choise at the moment would be a 
geforce3 or 4 because most supported under linux ?

thkx for the answers .


 Unfortunately TNT2's don't support S3TC texture compression under Linux (It
 only works in windows because directx emulates it)

 So you're just gonna have to get a new video card which would have been a
 good idea anyway because UT2K3 would run REALLY slow on a TNT2.


 On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 14:30:17 +0200

 Bart Salien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've just updated my NVIDIA kernel and GLX drivers via RPM so i could try
  the new UT2003 demo .
  When i look in the Xfree86.0.log the kernel and the glx module are loaded
  correctly .
  But when i try to start the UT2003 demo the program exits and gives an
  error message :
  open /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
  Xlib:  extension XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD missing on display   :0.0 .
  OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support .
  I get the impression that the program is asking for something that my
  TNT2  card is not supporting , or could there be something missing in
  my libs ?
  I am running Mandrake 8.2  on a PIII  1GHz with a RIVA TNT2 64 vid. card
  and the NVIDIA driver 1.0-3132
  The UT2003demo log file :
  Uninitialized: Log file open, Sun Sep 22 13:57:53 2002
  Uninitialized: Initializing file manager
  Init: Name subsystem initialized
  Log: Your locale: [ISO-8859-1].
  Init: Version: 1077 (120.28)
  Init: Compiled: Sep 13 2002 18:19:44
  Init: Command line:
  Init: Base directory: /usr/local/games/ut2003_demo/System/
  Init: Character set: Unicode
  Init: Build label: UT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2002-09-13_17.31]
  Log: Bound to
  Log: Bound to
  Init: Object subsystem initialized
  Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
  Init: CPU Features: CMov FPU RDTSC PAE MMX SSE
  Init: CPU Speed=996.831740 MHz
  Init: Unreal engine initialized
  Log: Bound to
  Init: Detected 0 joysticks
  Init: SDLClient initialized.
  Log: Bound to
  Init: Initializing OpenGLDrv...
  Log: binding
  Log: (Karma): Beginning Karma for game.
  Log: (Karma): Creating MeAssetDB.
  Log: (Karma): Loading: jugg.ka
  Log: (Karma): Finished Creating MeAssetDB (2 Assets).
  Log: LoadMap: Entry
  Log: Bound to
  Log: Bound to
  Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleABodyA
  Log: Bound to
  Warning: Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
  Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleABodyA
  Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleAHeadA
  Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleBBodyA
  Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleBHeadA
  Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
  Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
  Log: Level is Level Entry.myLevel
  Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds:
  ScriptLog: InitGame:
  ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator
  ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
  Log: Browse:
  Log: LoadMap:
  Log: (Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.
  Log: Static mesh batches: 508608 vertex bytes, 110460 index bytes
  Log: Collecting garbage
  Log: Purging garbage
  Log: Garbage: objects: 15389-15350; refs: 149451
  Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
  Log: Level is Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel
  Warning: Paths may not be valid.
  Log: Bringing Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds:
  ScriptLog: InitGame:
  ?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Gorge?team=255 ScriptLog: Base
  Mutator is NvidiaLogo.Mutator
  ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
  Log: Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
  Log: Bound to
  Log: Bound to
  Log: Bound to
  Init: ALAudio: no OpenAL devices found.
  Error: Audio initialization failed.
  ScriptLog: Team 255
  ScriptLog: Login: Player
  Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: CinematicPlayer NvidiaLogo.CinematicPlayer
  Log: CinematicPlayer got player SDLViewport
  Error: Map NvidiaLogo.LevelInfo0 does not have an associated MUSIC track
  Log: No ScoreBoardType specified in GameInfo
  Init: Input system initialized for SDLViewport
  Log: Enter SetRes: 800x600 Fullscreen 1
  Log: OpenGL
  Init: GL_VENDOR : NVIDIA Corporation
  Init: GL_VERSION: 1.3.1 NVIDIA 31.23
  Init: Device supports: GL
  Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
  Init: Device supports: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
  Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
  Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture
  Init: C32 RGB888 Z24 S8
  Critical: OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support.

Re: [newbie] Ndivia TNT2 and UT2003

2002-09-22 Per discussione Bart Salien

Op Sunday 22 September 2002 15:40, schreef u:

I have installed the mesa-demos now and tried the gears program and it 
works fine .

As far as i can hear my sound card is working ok , it is a PCI 128 and it 
works when i play tuxracer and when using XMMS .

Until now i nerver played any openGL games under linux .

 Umm, just an idea. Have you tried installing the Mesa-demos RPM from your
 CD's? They contain a few handy programs to see if your card is working. One
 that springs to mind is gears ... if that runs, then it's your soundcard
 (/dev/dsp) that's causing the problem here. If it doesn't then it's your
 config for your NVidia.

 On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, Bart Salien wrote:
  I've just updated my NVIDIA kernel and GLX drivers via RPM so i could try
  the new UT2003 demo .

 Updated? YOU mean it was installed before and working fine with OpenGL

  open /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy

 First problem. I had someone ask me this same question a few days ago, but
 I still don't know the solution to /dev/dsp . Mine works that I know, but
 if it was broken, I wouldn't have the first clue.

  Xlib:  extension XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD missing on display   :0.0 .
  OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support .

 The rest here goes a bit too far for my advice (I could give it, but would
 probably be incorrect, so rather not). Maybe someone else on the list has
 better ideas here?

 I am running a GeForce 2 card with NVidia's drivers, and it's working
 great. That's all I can say here ;-)

  Critical: OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support.

 Umm, ok... probably important, but again... *shrug*


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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 22 September 2002 09:35 am, Angus Auld wrote:
  On Sunday 22 September 2002 08:41 am, Angus Auld wrote:
   Greetings all,
   I thought maybe I could do this, but it looks like I was mistaken.
   I am trying to rebuild a source rpm, and having some problems. I have
   installed the following packages on my 8.2 system so far in my noob
   attempts to rebuild src: rpm-build, spec-helper, libtool, XFree86
   devel, glibc-devel, kernel-headers, make, gcc, binutils, libbinutils2,
   automake, autoconf, m4-1.4ppre2-2mdk...and still, no fun!
   Can anyone help me to do this rebuilding? I will attach the terminal
   output of my 'rpm --rebuild fluxbox-0.1.12-1mdk.src.rpm' attempt. Also
   an error.txt file with some additional info.
Many TIA's for any feedback.
   Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
   awareness.--James Thurber
   Reg. Linux User #278931
  Have you installed kernel-source ? That one is needed for sure. HTH
  Dennis M. linux user #180842

 Thanks Dennis for the fast reply.
 No, I haven't installed the kernel-source. I didn't get any messages that
 it was needed. I will promptly install it, and try my rebuild again!

 Thanks a lot for the help! I will post back with my results.

 PS. Are all of the packages that I installed required to rebuild from src?
 I am a bit concerned about wasting space on my hd w/uneeded packages.


 Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
 awareness.--James Thurber

 Reg. Linux User #278931
The only one I don't seem to have installed is make and that is needed for 
tar files, so I should add it, but I just noticed you didn't list 
rpm-rebuilder and that should be added. With the header-source and 
rpm-rebuilder you should be able to install source files. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 22 September 2002 10:09 am, Angus Auld wrote:
   Have you installed kernel-source ? That one is needed for sure. HTH
   Dennis M. linux user #180842
  Thanks Dennis for the fast reply.
  No, I haven't installed the kernel-source. I didn't get any messages
  that it was needed. I will promptly install it, and try my rebuild again!
  Thanks a lot for the help! I will post back with my results.
  PS. Are all of the packages that I installed required to rebuild from
  src? I am a bit concerned about wasting space on my hd w/uneeded


 I tried to install kernel-source for my kernel, which is 2.4.18-6mdk,
 with Software Manager. When I clicked on install, Software Manager was
 going to install kernel-source for 2.4.18-8.1mdk from my update site!!! What is with that??? I didn't know what to do except XKill

 I tried it again, and SM wanted to do the same thing...install
 kernel-source 2.4.18-8.1mdk. I'm stumped with this behaviour from SM. Any
 thoughts on this?


 Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
 awareness.--James Thurber

 Reg. Linux User #278931
You have an older rpm on the disk and Software Manager sees this since you 
have the updates or security or bug fix buttons activated. I think you will 
be fine if you just let it go. It may be a more secure rpm or have a bug 
fixed in it.  It should still be ok. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Ndivia TNT2 and UT2003

2002-09-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 22 September 2002 10:39 am, Bart Salien wrote:
 Op Sunday 22 September 2002 13:11, schreef u:

 I was expecting this a bit , the best choise at the moment would be a
 geforce3 or 4 because most supported under linux ?

 thkx for the answers .


  Unfortunately TNT2's don't support S3TC texture compression under Linux
  (It only works in windows because directx emulates it)
  So you're just gonna have to get a new video card which would have been a
  good idea anyway because UT2K3 would run REALLY slow on a TNT2.
  On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 14:30:17 +0200
  Bart Salien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've just updated my NVIDIA kernel and GLX drivers via RPM so i could
   try the new UT2003 demo .
   When i look in the Xfree86.0.log the kernel and the glx module are
   loaded correctly .
   But when i try to start the UT2003 demo the program exits and gives an
   error message :
   open /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
   Xlib:  extension XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD missing on display   :0.0 .
   OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support .
   I get the impression that the program is asking for something that my
   TNT2  card is not supporting , or could there be something missing in
   my libs ?
   I am running Mandrake 8.2  on a PIII  1GHz with a RIVA TNT2 64 vid.
   card and the NVIDIA driver 1.0-3132
   The UT2003demo log file :
   Uninitialized: Log file open, Sun Sep 22 13:57:53 2002
   Uninitialized: Initializing file manager
   Init: Name subsystem initialized
   Log: Your locale: [ISO-8859-1].
   Init: Version: 1077 (120.28)
   Init: Compiled: Sep 13 2002 18:19:44
   Init: Command line:
   Init: Base directory: /usr/local/games/ut2003_demo/System/
   Init: Character set: Unicode
   Init: Build label: UT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2002-09-13_17.31]
   Log: Bound to
   Log: Bound to
   Init: Object subsystem initialized
   Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
   Init: CPU Features: CMov FPU RDTSC PAE MMX SSE
   Init: CPU Speed=996.831740 MHz
   Init: Unreal engine initialized
   Log: Bound to
   Init: Detected 0 joysticks
   Init: SDLClient initialized.
   Log: Bound to
   Init: Initializing OpenGLDrv...
   Log: binding
   Log: (Karma): Beginning Karma for game.
   Log: (Karma): Creating MeAssetDB.
   Log: (Karma): Loading: jugg.ka
   Log: (Karma): Finished Creating MeAssetDB (2 Assets).
   Log: LoadMap: Entry
   Log: Bound to
   Log: Bound to
   Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleABodyA
   Log: Bound to
   Warning: Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
   Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleABodyA
   Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleAHeadA
   Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleBBodyA
   Warning: Missing Texture Texture PlayerSkins.JuggFemaleBHeadA
   Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
   Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
   Log: Level is Level Entry.myLevel
   Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds:
   ScriptLog: InitGame:
   ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator
   ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
   Log: Browse:
   Log: LoadMap:
   Log: (Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.
   Log: Static mesh batches: 508608 vertex bytes, 110460 index bytes
   Log: Collecting garbage
   Log: Purging garbage
   Log: Garbage: objects: 15389-15350; refs: 149451
   Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
   Log: Level is Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel
   Warning: Paths may not be valid.
   Log: Bringing Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds:
   ScriptLog: InitGame:
   ?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Gorge?team=255 ScriptLog: Base
   Mutator is NvidiaLogo.Mutator
   ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
   Log: Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
   Log: Bound to
   Log: Bound to
   Log: Bound to
   Init: ALAudio: no OpenAL devices found.
   Error: Audio initialization failed.
   ScriptLog: Team 255
   ScriptLog: Login: Player
   Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: CinematicPlayer NvidiaLogo.CinematicPlayer
   Log: CinematicPlayer got player SDLViewport
   Error: Map NvidiaLogo.LevelInfo0 does not have an associated MUSIC
   track Log: No ScoreBoardType specified in GameInfo
   Init: Input system initialized for SDLViewport
   Log: Enter SetRes: 800x600 Fullscreen 1
   Log: OpenGL
   Init: GL_VENDOR : NVIDIA Corporation
   Init: GL_VERSION: 1.3.1 NVIDIA 31.23
   Init: Device supports: GL
   Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
   Init: Device supports: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4

Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Charlie M.

On Sunday 22 September 2002 9:09 am, Angus Auld wrote:
   Have you installed kernel-source ? That one is needed for sure. HTH
   Dennis M. linux user #180842
  Thanks Dennis for the fast reply.
  No, I haven't installed the kernel-source. I didn't get any messages
  that it was needed. I will promptly install it, and try my rebuild again!
  Thanks a lot for the help! I will post back with my results.
  PS. Are all of the packages that I installed required to rebuild from
  src? I am a bit concerned about wasting space on my hd w/uneeded


 I tried to install kernel-source for my kernel, which is 2.4.18-6mdk,
 with Software Manager. When I clicked on install, Software Manager was
 going to install kernel-source for 2.4.18-8.1mdk from my update site!!! What is with that??? I didn't know what to do except XKill

 I tried it again, and SM wanted to do the same thing...install
 kernel-source 2.4.18-8.1mdk. I'm stumped with this behaviour from SM. Any
 thoughts on this?


You're getting close Angus but the kernel you're running is apparently the 
original 8.2 install kernel and there was an update. The 2.4.18-8.1mdk is the 
security updated model. The was a notification about this a few months back. 
This link:

will show the necessary updates and the version numbers to update to. 8.2 is 
roughly two thirds of the way down the page.

The src package the software manager is trying to install is the one in the 
advisory. Have you been keeping up to date on bugfixes and security fixes? 
Are you actually still running the older kernel or has it been updated? Try 
in a terminal typing: uname -r 
and the version of your running kernel should display. You really don't want 
to run any mismatches (voice of past experience here :-) when it's easy to 
get everything current and matched. But you should be running the version 
that matches the software manager selection in my opinion.

Registered user 244963 at
A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
without ketchup and mustard.

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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Angus Auld

  I tried to install kernel-source for my kernel, which is 2.4.18-6mdk,
  with Software Manager. When I clicked on install, Software Manager was
  going to install kernel-source for 2.4.18-8.1mdk from my update site!!! What is with that??? I didn't know what to do except XKill
  I tried it again, and SM wanted to do the same thing...install
  kernel-source 2.4.18-8.1mdk. I'm stumped with this behaviour from SM. Any
  thoughts on this?
 You're getting close Angus but the kernel you're running is apparently the 
 original 8.2 install kernel and there was an update. The 2.4.18-8.1mdk is the 
 security updated model. The was a notification about this a few months back. 
 This link:
 will show the necessary updates and the version numbers to update to. 8.2 is 
 roughly two thirds of the way down the page.
 The src package the software manager is trying to install is the one in the 
 advisory. Have you been keeping up to date on bugfixes and security fixes? 
 Are you actually still running the older kernel or has it been updated? Try 
 in a terminal typing: uname -r 
 and the version of your running kernel should display. You really don't want 
 to run any mismatches (voice of past experience here :-) when it's easy to 
 get everything current and matched. But you should be running the version 
 that matches the software manager selection in my opinion.
 Registered user 244963 at
 A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
 without ketchup and mustard.

Thanks for the valuable info Charlie,

I am indeed still running the original 2.4.18-6 kernel.
I've only been running Mdk, and Linux in fact, for a few short months now. I guess I 
missed the update notice from Mdk.

That looks like it's going to be a formidable task to update all those packages on a 
dialup. I have been keeping my system updated w/security and bugfixes that I thought 
were applicable to me. Do I have to install each of the listed packages manually, or 
will rpm install them if I update the kernel?? I'm really nervous to mess with the 
kernel, after reading warnings of danger if you don't know what you're doing (and, I 
don't know a lot about what I'm doing).

Please, if you don't mind, advise. Thanks much.  


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

Reg. Linux User #278931
Download the FREE Opera browser at

Free OperaMail at

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice worry

2002-09-22 Per discussione Richard Holt

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 11:12:47 +0100, Anne Wilson

 From time to time I have had problems with an OO save, causing a
 spontaneous logout.  The worry is that sometimes the save has
 completed OK before the logout, and sometimes the document is
 corrupted, making it difficult if not impossible to resurrect the
 For text documents I have laboriously opened them in a text editor and
 stripped out all control codes, saving the day, but I'm very worried
 about the possibility of losing crucial spreadsheet data.
 Has anyone else experienced this?  What did you do about it?

I've never experienced those sorts of problems. Tell more about your
instalation (this is standard for the download from OOorg: 
1. Network install  (# ./setup -net)  to e.g. /opt/OOo101/
2. Workstation install ($ ./setup from /opt/OOo101/) 
to /home/user/OOo101



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[newbie] E mail bounces

2002-09-22 Per discussione Poogle

I am trying to reply to an e mail from a friend but I get the following 
bounce message:-

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: dns; (
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.0.0 Spaming or open relays not allowed.

This comes from my ISP (NTL broadband in the UK)
The part that confuses me is the reference to open relays, how can I check 
this and resolve it if necessary ?

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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-22 Per discussione Marcia

Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Sunday September 22 2002 05:16 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 19 Sep 2002 8:56 pm, you wrote:

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:46:37 -0500

Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

lilo append mem=nopentium

Charles, could you tell me more about this?  Is this something that
all of us using Athlons/Durons should be using?  Obviously this is
there to avoid specific problems, what are they?

Altho all chipsets and processors have bugs (errata), any 
manufacturer, AMD, Intel, Cyrix, SiS, VIA, etc., the best way to avoid 
Athlon or Duron problems is to _only_ use motherboards and power 
supplies that are recommended by AMD,,30_182_869_4348,00.html

That link is for XP's, but there's similar links for Tbirds and 
Durons. I suspect Marcia's problem probly starts with the PSU and/or 
motherboard. Ram quality is another likely culprit. Ram performance and 
reliability is greatly affected by the quality of the mobo and PSU tho.  
So even very good ram mght have problems on a marginal mobo/PSU. 
'Course overheating is always a suspect.

FWIW, I've had a 1.4 Tbird oc'd to 1.55 with an AMD approved mobo 
and PSU for over a year an a half. Never used the nopentium option, 
never had any problems. GeF2 w/64mb's usin the open source XFree86 
driver. The nopentium parameter is to limit the page size requests from 
system ram for the AGP card.  If the video card has 16mb ram or more 
onboard, the system ram probly will never, or rarely be used anyhow.  
If system ram is being used by the Vcard, and causing problems, one 
quick and dirty way fix is to set the AGP aperature in bios to 4mb. 
Drawback is that it effectively disables AGP sidebanding and will 
somewhat decrease 3d/accel performance.

   For more on the AMD/AGP issue see,
   Note: There *is* an Athlon/AGP issue.  This issue has
*not* been tied to a bug with the Athlon/Duron processors.
Our conclusion is that the operating system is creating coherency
problems within the system by creating cacheable translation to AGP
GART-mapped physical memory. 

   IMO, another suspect is closed source proprietary drivers. As I said, 
even on a highly oc'd, hot system, I've not had any problems without 
nopentium usin the openXFree86-4.2.1 source driver which BTW, now 
provides some 3d/accel support for nvidia cards. XFree86-4.2.1 included 
with Mdk 9.0. 

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This is all very interesting to me. By the way how and where exactly 
would I append Lilo with the 'lilo append mem=nopentium'?  I would very 
much like to try this option since I continue to have to reboot to get 
most things working. Would it be worth it for me to get XFree86-4.2.1? I 
know I am not having overheating problems. I have extra cooling. I have 
Windows 95 as a dual boot and it seems to do fine.  I am a newbie still 
and I need exact instructions. Thank you very much for your ideas and 



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Re: [newbie] E mail bounces

2002-09-22 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 18:11, Poogle wrote:

 I am trying to reply to an e mail from a friend but I get the following 
 bounce message:-
 Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Action: failed
 Status: 5.1.1
 Remote-MTA: dns; (
 Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.0.0 Spaming or open relays not allowed.
 This comes from my ISP (NTL broadband in the UK)
 The part that confuses me is the reference to open relays, how can I check 
 this and resolve it if necessary ?

I've had endless trouble (as a listmaster) in the past with NTL email
subscribers, although I haven't seen this sort of problem for a few
months :(

The usual meaning of 'open relay' is that someone logged in at is
trying to send an email to someone at via a SMTP server at
(rather than; this can be used for dubious purposes, as it makes
the message appear to come from rather than, and is usually
blocked by with the type of message you see being returned. seems to think that you, at, are using
(rather than as the downstream SMTP server. From previous
experience, this is because NTL is trying to be clever (for obscure
reasons best known to itself) and rewrite email headers ...

Unfortunately there's no obvious cure apart from resending until it
works; I've had arguments in the past trying to get NTL to just handle
email as it is.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] giving up the ship?

2002-09-22 Per discussione Ibly Piblo

I stopped ipchains with service ipchains stop
then service iptables start, but its still broken.

Is ipchains broken?

Why is this software defective and
how do I fix it?

I wish they would write software that works,
this is very frustrating when someone can't
write proper software!

:( ...

]# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module
parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
modprobe: insmod
modprobe: insmod ip_tables failed
iptables v1.2.5: can't initialize iptables table
`filter': iptables who? (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
[root@localhost Desktop]#

Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

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[newbie] Importing fonts from that other OS...

2002-09-22 Per discussione Marco Baciarello


I've been importing fonts from that other OS (toOS hereafter :) several 
times in Red Hat 7.3, using KDE's utility from the Control Center. The 
process has always been smooth and easy, and not only did KDE apps work 
fine with those fonts, but also Mozilla and other generic X apps would 
show perfect, un-ugly fonts.

When I got Mandrake 9 RC2 I found another font utility, drakfont. I 
imported fonts with that one, but it froze (or so I think) and I had to 
complete the process manually, using several X and xfs commands from 
the shell. I was able to use the imported fonts in KDE apps, but in X 
apps such as Mozilla they look, well, ugly, albeit anti-aliased by the 
desktop manager. I tried to over-import the fonts using the old KDE 
utility, to no avail.

I have yet to try and use the KDE font utility first in Mandrake, so has 
anyone had the same experience importing fonts from toOS? Can anyone 
confirm the KDE utility works better than drake's?

Thanks in advance for any feedback,


marco baciarello

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Re: [newbie] ping flood?

2002-09-22 Per discussione dfox

 If your machine is reasonably current (300Mhz or faster, 128MB+ RAM),
 then I would have to suspect a distributed attack via a virus or worm.

Maybe. There were a large number of different, seemingly random, hosts
all trying port 4156. Portsentry seems to be the way to get rid of these,
and all the hosts it reported are now blocked. I just had to do a little
reading and edit the config file. 

I'm back to normal, at least for now :).

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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-22 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 09:37:15 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For more on the AMD/AGP issue see,
Note: There *is* an Athlon/AGP issue.  This issue has
 *not* been tied to a bug with the Athlon/Duron processors.
 Our conclusion is that the operating system is creating coherency
 problems within the system by creating cacheable translation to AGP
 GART-mapped physical memory. 

This is the same AGP 'bug' for which AMD issued a Win2k patch and this
'bug' exists in the 
Linux 2.4 kernel series unless the kernel has been built for Athlon
I may be be mistaken but do you not build your kernel, Tom?

At any rate there are numerous threads on the kernel mailing list
regarding this issue when AGP is used and the always recommended
solution is to use mem=nopentium.

In support of my position see:

If others are desired just do a google-linux search for mem=nopentium.

I currently use mem=nopentium on my systems and can confirm that without
this option random X lock-ups will occur if using the Nvidia driver, and
on systems with the ATI Rage128 using either the ati or r128 driver if
DRI is used.

Even should men=nopentium be only a placebo I'll still take my medicine.


We don't smoke and we don't chew, and we don't go with girls that do.
-- Walter Summers
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Charlie M.

On Sunday 22 September 2002 10:39 am, Angus Auld wrote:
 Thanks for the valuable info Charlie,

 I am indeed still running the original 2.4.18-6 kernel.
 I've only been running Mdk, and Linux in fact, for a few short months now.
 I guess I missed the update notice from Mdk.

 That looks like it's going to be a formidable task to update all those
 packages on a dialup. I have been keeping my system updated w/security and
 bugfixes that I thought were applicable to me. Do I have to install each of
 the listed packages manually, or will rpm install them if I update the
 kernel?? I'm really nervous to mess with the kernel, after reading warnings
 of danger if you don't know what you're doing (and, I don't know a lot
 about what I'm doing).

 Please, if you don't mind, advise. Thanks much.


You're askin' _me_ for advice? ;-) 


You don't need anything to do with the 2.2.xx kernels since you aren't running 
that version and have probably never even tried to boot the old kernel 
anyway. It's still around as a legacy thing as far as I know. Almost all 
modern hardware is supported in the 2.4 series and that wasn't true of 2.2. 
So from the list you need only the 2.4.18 rpms. The devfsd also has to be 
upgraded manually and you have to disable the running version to do it. The 
easiest way to do the upgrades is to first open the file manager as super 
user, save a copy of etc/lilo/conf (just in case) and then edit lilo.conf 
with your favourite editor (kwrite, kate, emacs, vi, whatever you feel comfy 
with). Change the line that says append=devfs=mount to 
append=devfs=nomount.  Done here for now. Close it all up back to userland.
a784430846ca56b52151b64f74744528  8.2/RPMS/devfsd-1.3.25-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
32969698f7badf0c3bc7fa3e4f278977 8.2/RPMS/kernel-
b40235a56e88bef36e827fd3baec374c 8.2/RPMS/kernel-source-2.4.18-8.1mdk.i586.rpm
from your update source server.

That's still a sizeable download but manageable I suspect. It's trimmed so 
much 'cause you don't need enterprise, security, smp kernels or the 2.2 
series. Be certain you know what directory you've saved them to! I have one I 
called downloads that is empty unless I'm working with something. Reboot your 
machine to be sure devfsd isn't running. (the =nomount, remember?) If you 
log into X automatically you'll want to kill X after you log in. 
altctrlbackspace should get you there. From the command prompt type su 
enter then type the root password enter then cd [the directory you saved 
the new kernel etc in] enter. 
From that command prompt type the following:
rpm -ivh kernel-
without quotes then hit enter.
When that's done type again without quotes:
rpm -Fvh devfsd-1.3.25-1.1mdk.i586.rpm enter
rpm -Fvh kernel-source-2.4.18-8.1mdk.i586.rpm enter
Then type: 
/sbin/lilo -v
When these steps are done type exit and you should be back at the user command 
prompt. Type: 
startx enter 
and you'll be back in GUI space. Reverse the Lilo changes. Change the 
append=devfs=nomount back to append=devfs=mount in other words. Reboot 
and you should have the option to pick the original kernel or the new one, 
and you've already installed the kernel source package you wanted a few steps 
back. The software manager will upgrade the kernel documentation and other 
frivolous :-) items without problems when you run it in the usual manner.

I know this is _way_ oversimplified and I hope nobody finds it offensive that 
this is so. Also; if I've left anything out, or made mistakes please correct 
and give me hell. I can do this stuff; it's the explanations I have trouble 
with. grin Good luck Angus.

Registered user 244963 at
There is nothing which cannot be answered by means of my doctrine, said
a monk, coming into a teahouse where Nasrudin sat.
And yet just a short time ago, I was challenged by a scholar with
an unanswerable question, said Nasrudin.
I could have answered it if I had been there.
Very well.  He asked, 'Why are you breaking into my house in
the middle of the night?'

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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-22 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 07:24:46 -0500
Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is all very interesting to me. By the way how and where exactly 
 would I append Lilo with the 'lilo append mem=nopentium'?  I would
 very much like to try this option since I continue to have to reboot
 to get most things working.

Here is a copy of 1 of my kernel entries in lilo from /etc/lilo.conf

append= devfs=mount hdg=ide-scsi hdh=ide-scsi mem=nopentium

After making and saving the change/changes be sure to run lilo.
[root@localhost charles]# lilo


The sooner our happiness together begins, the longer it will last.
-- Miramanee, The Paradise Syndrome, stardate 4842.6
Charles A Edwards


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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice worry

2002-09-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Sunday 22 Sep 2002 4:30 pm, you wrote:
 On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 11:12:47 +0100, Anne Wilson

  From time to time I have had problems with an OO save, causing a
  spontaneous logout.  The worry is that sometimes the save has
  completed OK before the logout, and sometimes the document is
  corrupted, making it difficult if not impossible to resurrect the
  For text documents I have laboriously opened them in a text editor and
  stripped out all control codes, saving the day, but I'm very worried
  about the possibility of losing crucial spreadsheet data.
  Has anyone else experienced this?  What did you do about it?

 I've never experienced those sorts of problems. Tell more about your
 instalation (this is standard for the download from OOorg:
 1. Network install  (# ./setup -net)  to e.g. /opt/OOo101/
 2. Workstation install ($ ./setup from /opt/OOo101/)
 to /home/user/OOo101



This is going to sound really stupid:  I can only half-remember installing 

I think it was from Mandrake's disk3.  It's a user install, into 
usr/lib/openoffice, and the main files are dated 13/03/2002.  Much of the 
time I have no problem, but just occasionally these crashes, which always 
seem to happen just as I am saving a file.


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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Sunday 22 Sep 2002 3:37 pm, you wrote:
 On Sunday September 22 2002 05:16 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Thursday 19 Sep 2002 8:56 pm, you wrote:
   On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:46:37 -0500
   Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
   lilo append mem=nopentium
  Charles, could you tell me more about this?  Is this something that
  all of us using Athlons/Durons should be using?  Obviously this is
  there to avoid specific problems, what are they?

 Altho all chipsets and processors have bugs (errata), any
 manufacturer, AMD, Intel, Cyrix, SiS, VIA, etc., the best way to avoid
 Athlon or Duron problems is to _only_ use motherboards and power
 supplies that are recommended by AMD,,30_182_869_4348,0

 That link is for XP's, but there's similar links for Tbirds and
 Durons. I suspect Marcia's problem probly starts with the PSU and/or
 motherboard. Ram quality is another likely culprit. Ram performance and
 reliability is greatly affected by the quality of the mobo and PSU tho.
 So even very good ram mght have problems on a marginal mobo/PSU.
 'Course overheating is always a suspect.

 FWIW, I've had a 1.4 Tbird oc'd to 1.55 with an AMD approved mobo
 and PSU for over a year an a half. Never used the nopentium option,
 never had any problems. GeF2 w/64mb's usin the open source XFree86
 driver. The nopentium parameter is to limit the page size requests from
 system ram for the AGP card.  If the video card has 16mb ram or more
 onboard, the system ram probly will never, or rarely be used anyhow.
 If system ram is being used by the Vcard, and causing problems, one
 quick and dirty way fix is to set the AGP aperature in bios to 4mb.
 Drawback is that it effectively disables AGP sidebanding and will
 somewhat decrease 3d/accel performance.

For more on the AMD/AGP issue see,
Note: There *is* an Athlon/AGP issue.  This issue has
 *not* been tied to a bug with the Athlon/Duron processors.
 Our conclusion is that the operating system is creating coherency
 problems within the system by creating cacheable translation to AGP
 GART-mapped physical memory.

IMO, another suspect is closed source proprietary drivers. As I said,
 even on a highly oc'd, hot system, I've not had any problems without
 nopentium usin the openXFree86-4.2.1 source driver which BTW, now
 provides some 3d/accel support for nvidia cards. XFree86-4.2.1 included
 with Mdk 9.0.

Thank you - most helpful.


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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Charlie M.

On Sunday 22 September 2002 12:12 pm, Charlie M. (the halfwit!) wrote:

 and you'll be back in GUI space. Reverse the Lilo changes. Change the
 append=devfs=nomount back to append=devfs=mount in other words. Reboot
 and you should have the option to pick the original kernel or the new one,
 and you've already installed the kernel source package you wanted a few
 steps back. The software manager will upgrade the kernel documentation and
 other frivolous :-) items without problems when you run it in the usual

in a terminal as super user type /sbin/lilo -v once more to reset the append 
line to what you just changed. Sorry about that! :-(

Registered user 244963 at
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
-- Aesop

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[newbie] xcdroast revisited

2002-09-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson

Browsing Mandrakes 'update disk' I found this:

%package xcdroast
Update: Thu Apr 25 2002 11:28:15
Importance: bugfix

A problem was discovered with compatability between the version of cdrecord
included in 8.2 and the version of xcdroast included.  This update corrects
the compatability issues and allows xcdroast to detect discs in CD-ROM

I wonder if that explains problems we talked about recently?


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[newbie] Tar or zip?

2002-09-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson

I need to send a collection of fonts (about a dozen in all) to a windows 
user.  I thought a zip file would be the easiest way., but I'm not sure how 
to get a zip file in linux (Mdk 8.2).  I thought I would temporarily copy the 
files into a separate directory so that I can zip all the files in the 
directory.  Could someone please point me at the way?  I think she has Winzip 
8, so if I'm stuck, she could probably unzip a tar file.


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[newbie] Sounds scarey to me

2002-09-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson

Having looked through the update disk I can see a number of things that I 
would like to update, hoping that it would fix problems, but the whole thing 
looks really scarey.

I mean, if I break one app that's not too bad.  A little time lost, but I'll 
soon be up and running (fingers crossed), but talking about updating the 
kernel is a different cup of tea.  If I break that I've had it.  Just how 
risky is this?  I presume it's necessary before doing any of the rest?


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Re: [newbie] Tar or zip?

2002-09-22 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 20:05, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 22 Sep 2002 7:54 pm, you wrote:
  On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 19:34, Anne Wilson wrote:
   I need to send a collection of fonts (about a dozen in all) to a windows
   user.  I thought a zip file would be the easiest way., but I'm not sure
   how to get a zip file in linux (Mdk 8.2).  I thought I would temporarily
   copy the files into a separate directory so that I can zip all the files
   in the directory.  Could someone please point me at the way?  I think she
   has Winzip 8, so if I'm stuck, she could probably unzip a tar file.
  The easiest way is to install zip. unzip is already installed but, for
  some inscrutable reason, unzip isn't (on 9.0RC3). So
  urpmi zip
  zip name of zip list of files
  will do the job.
 Do I take it, then, that (once I have installed zip), I use
 zip list_of_files_separated_by_spaces ?



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] Tar or zip?

2002-09-22 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 19:34, Anne Wilson wrote:

 I need to send a collection of fonts (about a dozen in all) to a windows 
 user.  I thought a zip file would be the easiest way., but I'm not sure how 
 to get a zip file in linux (Mdk 8.2).  I thought I would temporarily copy the 
 files into a separate directory so that I can zip all the files in the 
 directory.  Could someone please point me at the way?  I think she has Winzip 
 8, so if I'm stuck, she could probably unzip a tar file.

The easiest way is to install zip. unzip is already installed but, for
some inscrutable reason, unzip isn't (on 9.0RC3). So

urpmi zip


zip name of zip list of files

will do the job.

WinZip will expand .tar.gz files, but painfully - in two steps and with
a clunky user interface ...


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] Tar or zip?

2002-09-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Sunday 22 Sep 2002 7:54 pm, you wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 19:34, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I need to send a collection of fonts (about a dozen in all) to a windows
  user.  I thought a zip file would be the easiest way., but I'm not sure
  how to get a zip file in linux (Mdk 8.2).  I thought I would temporarily
  copy the files into a separate directory so that I can zip all the files
  in the directory.  Could someone please point me at the way?  I think she
  has Winzip 8, so if I'm stuck, she could probably unzip a tar file.

 The easiest way is to install zip. unzip is already installed but, for
 some inscrutable reason, unzip isn't (on 9.0RC3). So

 urpmi zip


 zip name of zip list of files

 will do the job.

Do I take it, then, that (once I have installed zip), I use

zip list_of_files_separated_by_spaces ?


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Re: [newbie] Inporting informix DB to MySQL.

2002-09-22 Per discussione Dan Butler

When you export a informix database you can use the dbexport command
which will create a sql file with the constraints, indexes, triggers, etc
for the import.  Typical usage would be dbexport -i /directory/ -d database

Dan B

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 1:15 AM
Subject: [newbie] Inporting informix DB to MySQL.

 Hi guys,

 I want to import a rather large Informix database into MySQL database..

 anyone know if there is an easy way to do this? or will I have to recreate
 it manually???



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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-22 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Marcia wrote:

 Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Sunday September 22 2002 05:16 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

 On Thursday 19 Sep 2002 8:56 pm, you wrote:

 On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:46:37 -0500

 Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

 lilo append mem=nopentium

 Charles, could you tell me more about this?  Is this something that
 all of us using Athlons/Durons should be using?  Obviously this is
 there to avoid specific problems, what are they?

Altho all chipsets and processors have bugs (errata), any 
 manufacturer, AMD, Intel, Cyrix, SiS, VIA, etc., the best way to 
 avoid Athlon or Duron problems is to _only_ use motherboards and 
 power supplies that are recommended by AMD,,30_182_869_4348,00.html 

That link is for XP's, but there's similar links for Tbirds and 
 Durons. I suspect Marcia's problem probly starts with the PSU and/or 
 motherboard. Ram quality is another likely culprit. Ram performance 
 and reliability is greatly affected by the quality of the mobo and 
 PSU tho.  So even very good ram mght have problems on a marginal 
 mobo/PSU. 'Course overheating is always a suspect.

FWIW, I've had a 1.4 Tbird oc'd to 1.55 with an AMD approved mobo 
 and PSU for over a year an a half. Never used the nopentium option, 
 never had any problems. GeF2 w/64mb's usin the open source XFree86 
 driver. The nopentium parameter is to limit the page size requests 
 from system ram for the AGP card.  If the video card has 16mb ram or 
 more onboard, the system ram probly will never, or rarely be used 
 anyhow.  If system ram is being used by the Vcard, and causing 
 problems, one quick and dirty way fix is to set the AGP aperature in 
 bios to 4mb. Drawback is that it effectively disables AGP sidebanding 
 and will somewhat decrease 3d/accel performance.

   For more on the AMD/AGP issue see,
   Note: There *is* an Athlon/AGP issue.  This issue has
 *not* been tied to a bug with the Athlon/Duron processors.
 Our conclusion is that the operating system is creating coherency
 problems within the system by creating cacheable translation to AGP
 GART-mapped physical memory.
   IMO, another suspect is closed source proprietary drivers. As I 
 said, even on a highly oc'd, hot system, I've not had any problems 
 without nopentium usin the openXFree86-4.2.1 source driver which BTW, 
 now provides some 3d/accel support for nvidia cards. XFree86-4.2.1 
 included with Mdk 9.0.


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

 This is all very interesting to me. By the way how and where exactly 
 would I append Lilo with the 'lilo append mem=nopentium'?  I would 
 very much like to try this option since I continue to have to reboot 
 to get most things working. Would it be worth it for me to get 
 XFree86-4.2.1? I know I am not having overheating problems. I have 
 extra cooling. I have Windows 95 as a dual boot and it seems to do 
 fine.  I am a newbie still and I need exact instructions. Thank you 
 very much for your ideas and input.




/etc/lilo.conf, note the append= line, just add the mem=nopentium to it 
as follows,

append=devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp mem=nopentium

don't worry about the extras Ihave,

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] S3 Virge DX/GX 375/385

2002-09-22 Per discussione George Baker

Hi - I've just upgraded from a 486 to a P166 with a S3 Virge DX/GX PCI
graphics card with 2MB memory. Installed MDK 7.0 today but can't get X
desktop to display properly. There is a jagged box under the curser and
lines running through the display. If I move a window it leaves shadows
I was running Win95 on the 486 with built in graphics and in 800X600 res it
would fill up my whole screen. Now on my P166 with WIN98 there are gaps on
either side of the display (also in 800X600 ) - same monitor.
Do I need an updated driver for the S3 Virge? or how can I fix both the MDK
and WIN problems.

  *  System Summary  *

Processor:  GenuineIntel Pentium(R)  167 MHz xB1  mxB1
Math Support:   On Chip
BIOS:   Compaq 07/08/97
Bus Type:   PCI
Ports:  1 Parallel, 2 Serial
Memory: 64.0 MB  (63% Utilized)
Floppy Disks:   1.44 MB
Hard Disks: 3.02 GB
Multimedia: CD-ROM
Video:  800x600 in 64K Colors, S3 ViRGE-DX/GX PCI (375/385)
Ver. 4.0

 Operating System 
Windows:4.10 (Build  A )
Net Clients:
Microsoft Network
  *  Display Summary  *

Monitor: AcerView 33D
Video Chipset: S3 ViRGE-DX/GX PCI (375/385) Ver. 4.0
Resolution: 800x600 in 64K Colors

 Device Information 
  Driver Version: 4.0
  Technology: Raster display

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice worry

2002-09-22 Per discussione Richard Holt

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 19:23:52 +0100, Anne Wilson

 On Sunday 22 Sep 2002 4:30 pm, you wrote:
  On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 11:12:47 +0100, Anne Wilson
   From time to time I have had problems with an OO save, causing a
   spontaneous logout.  The worry is that sometimes the save has
   completed OK before the logout, and sometimes the document is
   corrupted, making it difficult if not impossible to resurrect the
   For text documents I have laboriously opened them in a text editor
   stripped out all control codes, saving the day, but I'm very
   worried about the possibility of losing crucial spreadsheet data.
   Has anyone else experienced this?  What did you do about it?
  I've never experienced those sorts of problems. Tell more about your
  instalation (this is standard for the download from OOorg:
  1. Network install  (# ./setup -net)  to e.g. /opt/OOo101/
  2. Workstation install ($ ./setup from /opt/OOo101/)
  to /home/user/OOo101
 This is going to sound really stupid:  I can only half-remember
 installing it.  
 I think it was from Mandrake's disk3.  It's a user install, into 
 usr/lib/openoffice, and the main files are dated 13/03/2002.  Much of
 the time I have no problem, but just occasionally these crashes, which
 always seem to happen just as I am saving a file.

Probably the best thing is to upgrade to OOo101. From the date, you're
probably using one of the more 'beta' files than 101. Fixed quite a few
bugs --think I remember the random Crash on Save was one of them. 



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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-22 Per discussione Marcia

Carl J. Bauman wrote:

 John Richard Smith wrote:

  /etc/lilo.conf, note the append= line, just add the mem=nopentium to
  it as follows,
 append=devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp 
  don't worry about the extras Ihave,
 I noticed that contained
 the following caveat:

 Notice that if you are using SCSI emulation, e.g. for an IDE CD burner,
 the 'ide-scsi' option must come after the 'mem=nopentium' option (that
 is you have to insert that option before 'ide-scsi'). Otherwise the
 emulation might stop working correctly.

 I don't know if this is still true or not.  Just thought I'd mention it.


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Thanks alot for this. I do have the scsi , so I will go and change this. 
It seems the mem=nopentium may have made a positive difference for my 
system even though it comes after the scsi entry. I am still checking on 
things and will let you know. Thanks alot again.



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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-09-22 Per discussione et

On Sunday 22 September 2002 12:42 pm, you wrote:
 Dear All,

 I really do not know if there is a connection but since I got my scanner
 working I cannot get Gimp to open anymore. It starts to and stops at
 /usr/lib/gimp-1.2plugins/miff or something close to this.  The scanner
 works with the lib gimp plugin now , with xsane and with kooka. I am
 pleased about this since I had to apply the niash patch to the
 sane-backend as well as do some configuration to get my unsupported
 HP4300c scanjet (USB) working. Does anyone know how I can get the gimp
 to work again?

 Thanks for the help.

I bet everyone would love to hear how you got the scanner to work, and maybe 
someone in the future will read the archives and be able to get their scanner 
working too... so... how did you do it?

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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Angus Auld

 On Sunday 22 September 2002 12:12 pm, Charlie M. (the halfwit!) wrote:
  and you'll be back in GUI space. Reverse the Lilo changes. Change the
  append=devfs=nomount back to append=devfs=mount in other words. Reboot
  and you should have the option to pick the original kernel or the new one,
  and you've already installed the kernel source package you wanted a few
  steps back. The software manager will upgrade the kernel documentation and
  other frivolous :-) items without problems when you run it in the usual
 in a terminal as super user type /sbin/lilo -v once more to reset the append 
 line to what you just changed. Sorry about that! :-(
 Registered user 244963 at
 Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
   -- Aesop
Charlie, thanks so much for the explanation of the whole procedure! I think I can do 
it now even!
It's a bit intimidating, to be sure. I am pretty much committed to Linux at this 
point, and Mdk is where its at I believe. 
I am already running with devfsd-1,3.25-1.1mdk, which I upgraded a while back, will 
that simplify things some?

I am dual booting w/Windows still (just makes me feel safer), but I hope to outgrow 
that soon! When I make the move to Mdk9, I may just go all Mdk. I really have been 
reverting back to MS very little the past while, and I feel quite good about that too. 

Does my dual-boot present any special concerns for the kernel upgrade?

I have created a /tmp/kernel folder where I will download the necessary packages. I am 
thankful that I don't have to download all of the ones that were listed! I will start 
the process tonight.
 No doubt I will be looking for your learned advice again.
All the best, and thank you again.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

Reg. Linux User #278931
Download the FREE Opera browser at

Free OperaMail at

Powered by Outblaze

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[newbie] bouncing messages with KMail

2002-09-22 Per discussione Chris

Has anyone had any luck using Kmails bounce feature with earthlink dsl?  I'm 
pretty sure that the problem is that Kmail uses MAILER-DAEMON as the from 
address on the bounced mail and earthlink doesn't recognize that as a vaile 
from address.  Anyone know of any work arounds?

  Registered Linux user #283774
  8:29pm  up 1 day, 25 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.24, 0.27, 0.50

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Re: [newbie] S3 Virge DX/GX 375/385

2002-09-22 Per discussione Erik

S3 Virge can be a nightmare on Windows systems.  The company that 
produced them is out of business.  There are still drivers archived, 
although choosing the correct one must be done carefully.  You probably 
will be o.k. updating for Win98 or maybe even Win98 SE as long as you're 
using Win95 drivers (Win98 and SE were expensive bug fixes for Win95) 
...  but I wouldn't try it (--from personal experience) on WinMe, Win2K 
or WinXP (these are listed for others who read this) because the 
available drivers either can't be installed successfully (windows 
doesn't recognize or use them) or they crash the card.

Have you considered changing to a more mainstream card?


robin wrote:

 George Baker wrote:

 Hi - I've just upgraded from a 486 to a P166 with a S3 Virge DX/GX PCI
 graphics card with 2MB memory. Installed MDK 7.0 today but can't get X
 desktop to display properly. There is a jagged box under the curser and
 lines running through the display. If I move a window it leaves shadows
 I was running Win95 on the 486 with built in graphics and in 800X600 
 res it
 would fill up my whole screen. Now on my P166 with WIN98 there are 
 gaps on
 either side of the display (also in 800X600 ) - same monitor.
 Do I need an updated driver for the S3 Virge? or how can I fix both 
 the MDK
 and WIN problems.

 That card is an absolute bugger (if you restart X, you'll see amongst 
 the messages flashing down the screen something like Found an S3 card 
 -ugh).  I installed 7.0 on a similar system and got it working 
 eventually - you just need to play around with the X settings at 
 random until something works - I'm sorry, I can't remember the 
 configuration I found.  My advice is to upgrade to at least 7.2, which 
 should handle this well (I found 7.2 to be good at handling old 
 hardware).  8.0 should also work OK, 8.1 is problematic in general 
 (though can be made to work if you don't mind some hacking if you want 
 supermount).  I haven't tried 8.2 with that card, and 9.0 - let's see.

 For Windows, I'd say yes, download the latest driver.  486s and 
 Pentiums work pretty differently AFAIK.

 Sir Robin

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[newbie] galeon and opera

2002-09-22 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

I would like to get opinion about the relative qualities of galeon 1.0.3 and 
opera 6 regarding speed etc.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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[newbie] opera 6 and java

2002-09-22 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

I have java installed. I included path for plugins in opera. still no jre 
report i get. I didn't find any option in preferences for showing java path.
How to make it recognize java
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-22 Per discussione Keith

Gatto is not strictly unschooling, buy big on ANYTHING other than what we 
have now.  He is big on charter schools, MAJOR reform, and homeschooling.  
His latest book is the best (over 400 pages), heavily footnoted and rich in 
information on not only education, but living a rich (not money wise) life.  
The list of well known people complimenting it goes on for several pages.
Check out his web site until you have time to get the books :)

n Wednesday 18 September 2002 10:40 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:43:31 -0500

 Keith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  With these quotes on education, you may ENJOY reading John Taylor Gatto,
  former 31 year New York City teacher, teacher of the year for the state
  his last two years, last 3 years for the city, then he resigned via a
  Wall Street Journal op-ed piece, saying he could no longer harm
  children, the educational system needs major reform to truly educate.
  His books are facinating.

 I've not read his books, but I'm familiar with the
 un-schooling/de-schooling concept, which I'm very seriously considering
 for my daughter. I'm particularly fond of Roger Schank and Peter McLaren.
 I suppose Ivan Illich is the one who turned me on to the deschooling

 It turns out I have JTG's Dumbing us Down on my wishlist.


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Re: [newbie] Can't get rid of menu bar

2002-09-22 Per discussione Keith

On 8.2 Kmail suddenly wants me to type my pass word each time i connect.
weird.  Keith

On Thursday 19 September 2002 07:33 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
On On Wednesday 18 Sep 2002 7:06 pm, you wrote:
  On Wednesday 18 September 2002 10:50 am, Anne Wilson did speak unto the
  huddled masses, saying:
   Funny, when I tried it it went off and stayed off.  Teaching your
   granny and all that, but have you tried turning it off, then logging
   out and back in, to make it forget?  Might be a stupid idea, but
   harmless, I think
  the menu bar is a save settings on exit issue?  odd.

 Crazy, I know, but I've had such wierd problems with KDE - like the 'beep
 on arrival' coming back yesterday, without obvious reason, and not working
 again this morning, when all I did was sleep for a few hours!  So I rule
 out nothing. :-)


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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-22 Per discussione Keith

Gatto is not strictly unschooling, buy big on ANYTHING other than what we 
have now.  He is big on charter schools, MAJOR reform, and homeschooling.  
His latest book is the best (over 400 pages), heavily footnoted and rich in 
information on not only education, but living a rich (not money wise) life.  
The list of well known people complimenting it goes on for several pages.
Check out his web site until you have time to get the books :)

n Wednesday 18 September 2002 10:40 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:43:31 -0500

 Keith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  With these quotes on education, you may ENJOY reading John Taylor Gatto,
  former 31 year New York City teacher, teacher of the year for the state
  his last two years, last 3 years for the city, then he resigned via a
  Wall Street Journal op-ed piece, saying he could no longer harm
  children, the educational system needs major reform to truly educate.
  His books are facinating.

 I've not read his books, but I'm familiar with the
 un-schooling/de-schooling concept, which I'm very seriously considering
 for my daughter. I'm particularly fond of Roger Schank and Peter McLaren.
 I suppose Ivan Illich is the one who turned me on to the deschooling

 It turns out I have JTG's Dumbing us Down on my wishlist.


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Re: [newbie] [OT]Nondeliverable messages?

2002-09-22 Per discussione Keith

me too...

On Thursday 19 September 2002 03:00 pm, Damian G wrote:
  Am I the only one this is happening to?


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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-22 Per discussione Keith

Gatto is not strictly unschooling, buy big on ANYTHING other than what we 
have now.  He is big on charter schools, MAJOR reform, and homeschooling.  
His latest book is the best (over 400 pages), heavily footnoted and rich in 
information on not only education, but living a rich (not money wise) life.  
The list of well known people complimenting it goes on for several pages.
Check out his web site until you have time to get the books :)

n Wednesday 18 September 2002 10:40 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:43:31 -0500

 Keith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  With these quotes on education, you may ENJOY reading John Taylor Gatto,
  former 31 year New York City teacher, teacher of the year for the state
  his last two years, last 3 years for the city, then he resigned via a
  Wall Street Journal op-ed piece, saying he could no longer harm
  children, the educational system needs major reform to truly educate.
  His books are facinating.

 I've not read his books, but I'm familiar with the
 un-schooling/de-schooling concept, which I'm very seriously considering
 for my daughter. I'm particularly fond of Roger Schank and Peter McLaren.
 I suppose Ivan Illich is the one who turned me on to the deschooling

 It turns out I have JTG's Dumbing us Down on my wishlist.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-22 Per discussione Keith

Gatto is not strictly unschooling, buy big on ANYTHING other than what we 
have now.  He is big on charter schools, MAJOR reform, and homeschooling.  
His latest book is the best (over 400 pages), heavily footnoted and rich in 
information on not only education, but living a rich (not money wise) life.  
The list of well known people complimenting it goes on for several pages.
Check out his web site until you have time to get the books :)

n Wednesday 18 September 2002 10:40 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:43:31 -0500

 Keith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  With these quotes on education, you may ENJOY reading John Taylor Gatto,
  former 31 year New York City teacher, teacher of the year for the state
  his last two years, last 3 years for the city, then he resigned via a
  Wall Street Journal op-ed piece, saying he could no longer harm
  children, the educational system needs major reform to truly educate.
  His books are facinating.

 I've not read his books, but I'm familiar with the
 un-schooling/de-schooling concept, which I'm very seriously considering
 for my daughter. I'm particularly fond of Roger Schank and Peter McLaren.
 I suppose Ivan Illich is the one who turned me on to the deschooling

 It turns out I have JTG's Dumbing us Down on my wishlist.


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[newbie] OT: Fwd: Nondeliverable mail

2002-09-22 Per discussione Chris

Hmm, I'm getting the same even though the message showed up in the list.  
This came much later.

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Nondeliverable mail
Date: 23 Sep 2002 04:21:48 +0200

--Transcript of session follows ---
The system cannot find the path specified.


  Registered Linux user #283774 @
  9:46pm  up 1 day,  1:43,  1 user,  load average: 0.31, 0.07, 0.02

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[newbie] Quake3A and SBLive! 5.1

2002-09-22 Per discussione Sharrea

CPU = AMD Athlon 1GHz
MB = Soltek SL-75KAV
RAM = 1024 MB
VIDEO = GeForce2 64MB GTS Pro
SOUND = SB Live! 5.1

A few months back I was dual booting with RedHat 7.3 and could play Quake 
III Arena no problem there but trying to play it in Mandrake Cooker (up to 
9.0) always resulted in this error message (following other 
initializations) when starting the game from a terminal:

--- sound initialization ---

Received signal 11, exiting...

I've since removed RH and gone back to MDK 8.1 (couldn't keep up with 
downloads of Cooker with slow internet connection) and I still get the same 
error message.  The README file states Please note that at the time of 
this writing, PCI based sound cards such as the SoundBlaster Live and 
Diamond Monster MX series were not supported.  But I can't understand why 
it worked in RH on the same hardware but not in MDK.  It makes no 
difference whether I try to start the game as root or user.

Is there anyone here with an SB Live! soundcard that can play Q3A in MDK?  
If so, perhaps you may know what I'm doing wrong?

PS. Nvidia drivers are installed and 3D works fine (eg. Tuxracer).  I only 
have the demo version of Quake III Arena.
The box said Requires Windows 95 or better so I installed Linux.

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Re: [newbie] newbie rebuilding src rpm=no fun yet

2002-09-22 Per discussione Charlie M.

On Sunday 22 September 2002 6:21 pm, Angus Auld wrote:

 Charlie, thanks so much for the explanation of the whole procedure! I think
 I can do it now even! It's a bit intimidating, to be sure. I am pretty much
 committed to Linux at this point, and Mdk is where its at I believe. I am
 already running with devfsd-1,3.25-1.1mdk, which I upgraded a while back,
 will that simplify things some?

I agree with that analysis. Mandrake seems to try harder than the other 
distributions I've tried. Having done that update will make it easier. :-) 
You can skip the two edits of lilo.conf since you don't have to upgrade 
devfs. Just follow the rest of the steps.

 I am dual booting w/Windows still (just makes me feel safer), but I hope
 to outgrow that soon! When I make the move to Mdk9, I may just go all Mdk.
 I really have been reverting back to MS very little the past while, and I
 feel quite good about that too. ;-)

You're gonna like Mandrake 9. IT'S SWEET!!! :-)

 Does my dual-boot present any special concerns for the kernel upgrade?
Makes 'no never minds no how' Angus. I know what you're saying with the lack 
of boots into Windows. I reclaimed my disk space when I realized I hadn't 
booted Windows for almost three months.

 I have created a /tmp/kernel folder where I will download the necessary
 packages. I am thankful that I don't have to download all of the ones that
 were listed! I will start the process tonight. No doubt I will be looking
 for your learned advice again.
 All the best, and thank you again.

If you start talking to me that way I'll run and hide Angus. I'm still a 
gnubie myself; I just suffer from insatiable curiosity, and I learn fairly 
quickly. You can do this, I have no doubt.


 Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
 awareness.--James Thurber

 Reg. Linux User #278931
You're very welcome, I hope it was useful information. Let the list know how 
it works out for you?

Registered user 244963 at
We're here to give you a computer, not a religion.
- attributed to Bob Pariseau, at the introduction of the Amiga

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Re: [newbie] opera 6 and java

2002-09-22 Per discussione Damian G

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 06:52:14 +0530
L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have java installed. I included path for plugins in opera. still no jre 
 report i get. I didn't find any option in preferences for showing java path.
 How to make it recognize java

first, go to the plug-in page in the configuration, and then:

can you that window inside of which you can specify paths for Opera
to find plug-ins? you can open it up pushing the 'modify path' button.
well, inside of that, click on 'add' and
the path to your jre's _netscape 4_ plugin. ( not java main executable,
you have to find a ns4 directory somewhere. that's what you are
looking for ) for example, i use jre1.4.1 and my path for Opera's 
plugin is this:


after that, close all instances of Opera and restart.



boot into windows?
what has smashing glass with footwear got to do with Operating systems?

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[newbie] CDRW DVD Recommendation

2002-09-22 Per discussione Andrewd

I am thinking of buying and installing a CDRW and DVD player, anyone want to
recommend a brand, something which is easily recognised by Mandrake 8.2 and
people have installed themselves

Andrew D

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Re: [newbie] Gimp HP 4300c scanner

2002-09-22 Per discussione Marcia

et wrote:

On Sunday 22 September 2002 12:42 pm, you wrote:

Dear All,

I really do not know if there is a connection but since I got my scanner
working I cannot get Gimp to open anymore. It starts to and stops at
/usr/lib/gimp-1.2plugins/miff or something close to this.  The scanner
works with the lib gimp plugin now , with xsane and with kooka. I am
pleased about this since I had to apply the niash patch to the
sane-backend as well as do some configuration to get my unsupported
HP4300c scanjet (USB) working. Does anyone know how I can get the gimp
to work again?

Thanks for the help.


I bet everyone would love to hear how you got the scanner to work, and maybe 
someone in the future will read the archives and be able to get their scanner 
working too... so... how did you do it?

First of all my Gimp opens just fine now. It seemed to resolve itself. 
Thank you all for your help.

To get my HP 4300c to work:

I got the testtool which contains the patch script for the sane-backend 
from On this page you 
can find the forum which provided most of the help for me.

Here is my account of how I got my HP 4300c usb scanner to work.  To 
patch SANE do the following:

1) Download and unpack the testtool and sane-backends source packages
2) Copy to usr/local/src
2) install libusb:
 usb.h comes from libusb0.1.5, make sure you uninstalled libusb0.1.4 
with no deps. Then do any make uninstall of libusb0.15, and the 
./configure , make, su to root and make install.
 YOU WILL need to run ./configure | make | make install again on 
sane-backends-1.0.8 AFTER reinstalling libusb-0.1.5 !
3) Unpacking the testtool package is done by:
tar -xzvf testtool-20020816_1.tar.gz
which creates a directory 'testtool' with some files in it, including 
the readme. Run make in the testtool directory.
4) Go to the testtool directory and patch sane-backends:
./ ~/sane-backend-1.0.8
 the patch script should be run with the path to the sane-backends 
sources as an argument.
In my case it was:
./ /usr/local/src/sane-backends-1.0.8
(substitute the proper sane-backend directory)
5) Go to the sane-backend directory and build sane-backends:
make install
It is  suggested to first try the testtool before trying to make SANE work.

In addition to the directions above,  I  copied some of the niash 
specific binaries to a directory belonging to an already installed sane 
rpm. Then I added niash to the dll.conf file and ran ldconfig. This way 
I did not have to uninstall the sane that was already setup.

Here are the steps for this below:

1) copied backend/.libs/ to /usr/lib/sane
2) made some symlinks in /usr/lib/sane named and pointing to the file just copied.
3) added niash to /etc/sane.d/dll.conf
4) ran ldconfig
5) changed /dev/usbscanner in niash.conf to /dev/usb/scanner0- if 
your device is a different name then you would use that name instead of 

I hope this is complete. There is alot of help from sourceforge and 
other instructions if you want to install another method. The author of 
testtool promptly answered my questions in the forum. This testtool also 
works for HP 3300c, HP 3400c, and the Agfa Touch. The one problem I am 
still having is my image is stretched which the author told me is 
supposed to be fixed so I am waiting for an answer about this right now. 
If anyone gets their HP scanner running and does not have a stretched 
image please let me know. Otherwise I am very pleased to have it working 
so well.



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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-22 Per discussione Marcia

Carl J. Bauman wrote:

 John Richard Smith wrote:

  /etc/lilo.conf, note the append= line, just add the mem=nopentium to
  it as follows,
 append=devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp 
  don't worry about the extras Ihave,
 I noticed that contained
 the following caveat:

 Notice that if you are using SCSI emulation, e.g. for an IDE CD burner,
 the 'ide-scsi' option must come after the 'mem=nopentium' option (that
 is you have to insert that option before 'ide-scsi'). Otherwise the
 emulation might stop working correctly.

 I don't know if this is still true or not.  Just thought I'd mention it.


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Thank you Carl and all who helped me with this change to lilo. It may be 
too early to tell but it looks like this fix in lilo may have turned my 
horribly unstable system into a very stable system now. Everything so 
far that I tried to use is working and does not crash. My panel does not 
disappear on me anymore either. I hope others with similar systems learn 
of this fix. Thanks so much for your input. I had been struggling with 
this since July. Thanks very much again.



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Re: [newbie] File conversion

2002-09-22 Per discussione Miark


I just whipped up the following simplistic Perl script. Put it in the
directory in which the JPG files live, give it a name like 
and then 

  chmod 755

Then to run it, type


and it will rename all files ending with JPG. By the way, this will
NOT work on FAT32 filesystem directories. Let me know if you need
it to and I can modify it.


--The following line must be the FIRST line of the script.

opendir(PINS_DIR, .);
@dir = readdir(PINS_DIR);

foreach (@dir) {
   next if !m/JPG$/;
   $before = $_;
   $after = $_;
   print Renaming $before to $after...\n;
   system(mv $before $after);

print \nAll files in this directory have been renamed.\n\n;
--The previous line is the LAST line of the script

John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 For reasons I need not go into, I transfer *.JPG files across from
 Windblows to Mandrake and work on them in gimp,and
 when I'm finished I have a montage of prints I wish to assemble
 as a composite.
 I've hit a snag.
 Winblows names it's files in higher case.
 Montage(the programme, part of image magic) seems only willing
 to work with lowercase named files. There are too many to manually
 How can I convert windblows named *.JPG files to *.jpg named
 files on the command line ?
 John Richard Smith

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