Re: [TMIC] question about sexual function

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
This one is for the  guys...
In a message dated 1/25/2013 5:59:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

serious question here,
is it possible for a paraplegic to engage in sex and achieve  ejaculation 
after 13 years without having done it,has anyone on here had  this problem 
and what did they do to resolve it.
   Tm  2000,Ms  2005

Re: [TMIC] question about sexual function

2013-01-25 Thread Roger Terese Pratt
Jeff, I have had TM for 18+ years and yes I have this problem (and I am not 
paraplegic, just have nerve damage).  When I have asked doctors about it they 
look give me a blank look, suggest Viagra and then talk about something else.  
I have never heard of something that will resolve it.  Maybe someone else has 
better input (although this seems to be a sensitive subject that people tend to 
avoid).  Roger in Kennewick, WA

 From: jeff bernier
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 2:59 PM
Subject: [TMIC] question about sexual function

serious question here,
is it possible for a paraplegic to engage in sex and achieve ejaculation after 
13 years without having done it,has anyone on here had this problem and what 
did they do to resolve it.
   Tm 2000,Ms 2005 

RE: [TMIC] question - knee replacement

2011-01-10 Thread Maggie

I know this is a very late reply, but for what it is worth . . .
I had a partial knee replacement - Avon - on my right knee on March 26, 2009.  
It was the best thing I did!  
I had severe arthritis and bone on bone.  So at 47 years of age, my doctor 
suggested the Avon partial replacement.
Before my surgery I was very limited to what I could do.  I was to minimize the 
amount of walking and avoid stairs.  The only exercise I was permitted was 
swimming and golf if I took a cart.  I was in constant pain.
When I woke from surgery, my knee ached.  But within a few hours after the 
surgery, I literally had no pain at all.  The nurses would not believe me so I 
had to lie and tell them that my pain level was around 3 on a scale of 1 to 10. 
 That seemed to make them happy and they would leave me alone and not try to 
force pain meds on me.
My surgery was at 1:00 PM on Thursday and I spent the day in bed.  On friday 
morning, they removed my catheter and I used the walker twice, once to get to 
washroom to wash up and the second time to actually use the washroom.  After 
that I was on crutches.
Because of the 14 surgeries I had on my right knee prior to the partial 
replacement, I had a great deal of scar tissue which hampered my mobility.  I 
relied on my crutches for 10 weeks and then went to a cane for almost 4 weeks.
I have full mobility and aside from a squeek I have absolutely no pain. 
Best thing I ever did.

Subject: Re: [TMIC] question - knee replacement
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 18:16:19 -0500

Hi Patti,
I'm not sure if he is right or wrong, but my physical therapist told me that I 
probably have hypersensitivity.  I am not sure if that had anything to do with 
the pain issue, but I don't think so.  I think it's due to the fact that I 
don't walk well and that I wouldn't be able to do the rehab as well or in the 
same manner as somebody who is walking much better.  I know that they keep you 
comfortable with pain meds, but I went through plenty with my shoulder, needing 
to put pressure on it just to be able to ambulate about a little.  I still 
needed to get back and forth to the bathroom, on and off a toilet, etc and 
that's just the minimum.  

Wow, it seems like a double replacement is rather common.  Although I cannot 
imagine doing 2 at once, it may be nice if you need to do them. to get the pain 
and rehab over with all at once.  And.then on with your life!
Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Patricia Cooley
To: 'Barbara Alma'; RPall; 
Sent: Wed, Dec 8, 2010 7:04 am
Subject: RE: [TMIC] question

Barbara my husband had double knee replacement in 2006.  Whatever pain he had 
must not have been too bad as he didn’t complain.  I think the one thing that 
made it easier for him is doing your pre-surgery exercised to strengthen leg 
muscles.  A month before surgery he a given a 3-ring binder with all the 
excises listed.  He did them faithfully all day so his body was ready for the 
demand surgery would put on his legs.  In fact, he only went to P.T. for about 
3-4 weeks, as they said they couldn’t do any more for him and Medicare wouldn’t 
pay for it any more.  He was driving again in less than 4 weeks.  Of course, he 
didn’t have any other health problems, which might make a big difference.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Patti - Wisconsin

From: Barbara Alma [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

Hi Rob,


After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor 
circulation, I found out that 

I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, which means 
I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I can put it off for 
awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably never wear it out.  


I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to see 
a physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so I 
could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist told me 
that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the 
surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand what you mean about 
rehab differently.  From what I understand, and I really didn't go into it all 
the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told me that a very painful part 
is straightening the knee, as it will want to be bent to be in less pain, but 
not good since you develop scar tissue very quickly and if not careful, you 
will not be able to straighten it fully.  I had a couple of visits and from the 
exercises that I was doing for my legs I no longer had the pain that I was 


At the time I

RE: [TMIC] question - knee replacement

2011-01-10 Thread Patricia Cooley




From: Maggie [] 
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 2:00 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] question - knee replacement


I know this is a very late reply, but for what it is worth . . .
I had a partial knee replacement - Avon - on my right knee on March 26,
2009.  It was the best thing I did!  
I had severe arthritis and bone on bone.  So at 47 years of age, my doctor
suggested the Avon partial replacement.
Before my surgery I was very limited to what I could do.  I was to minimize
the amount of walking and avoid stairs.  The only exercise I was permitted
was swimming and golf if I took a cart.  I was in constant pain.
When I woke from surgery, my knee ached.  But within a few hours after the
surgery, I literally had no pain at all.  The nurses would not believe me so
I had to lie and tell them that my pain level was around 3 on a scale of 1
to 10.  That seemed to make them happy and they would leave me alone and not
try to force pain meds on me.
My surgery was at 1:00 PM on Thursday and I spent the day in bed.  On friday
morning, they removed my catheter and I used the walker twice, once to get
to washroom to wash up and the second time to actually use the washroom.
After that I was on crutches.
Because of the 14 surgeries I had on my right knee prior to the partial
replacement, I had a great deal of scar tissue which hampered my mobility.
I relied on my crutches for 10 weeks and then went to a cane for almost 4
I have full mobility and aside from a squeek I have absolutely no pain. 
Best thing I ever did.


Subject: Re: [TMIC] question - knee replacement
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 18:16:19 -0500

Hi Patti,


I'm not sure if he is right or wrong, but my physical therapist told me that
I probably have hypersensitivity.  I am not sure if that had anything to do
with the pain issue, but I don't think so.  I think it's due to the fact
that I don't walk well and that I wouldn't be able to do the rehab as well
or in the same manner as somebody who is walking much better.  I know that
they keep you comfortable with pain meds, but I went through plenty with my
shoulder, needing to put pressure on it just to be able to ambulate about a
little.  I still needed to get back and forth to the bathroom, on and off a
toilet, etc and that's just the minimum.  

Wow, it seems like a double replacement is rather common.  Although I cannot
imagine doing 2 at once, it may be nice if you need to do them. to get the
pain and rehab over with all at once.  And.then on with your life!


Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA


-Original Message-
From: Patricia Cooley
To: 'Barbara Alma'; RPall;
Sent: Wed, Dec 8, 2010 7:04 am
Subject: RE: [TMIC] question

Barbara my husband had double knee replacement in 2006.  Whatever pain he
had must not have been too bad as he didn't complain.  I think the one thing
that made it easier for him is doing your pre-surgery exercised to
strengthen leg muscles.  A month before surgery he a given a 3-ring binder
with all the excises listed.  He did them faithfully all day so his body was
ready for the demand surgery would put on his legs.  In fact, he only went
to P.T. for about 3-4 weeks, as they said they couldn't do any more for him
and Medicare wouldn't pay for it any more.  He was driving again in less
than 4 weeks.  Of course, he didn't have any other health problems, which
might make a big difference.


Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Barbara Alma [ ] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question


Hi Rob,


After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor
circulation, I found out that 

I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, which
means I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I can put it
off for awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably never wear it out.


I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to
see a physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so
I could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist told
me that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the
surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-13 Thread Alton Ryder
I had a total left hip replaced in 1993. The butt was sore from all that 
cutting, etc, but the joint inside did and does function smoothly.  

It was during the rehab period when I popped my Achille's tendon, but that's 
another story.


On Dec 7, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

 Have any of you gotten replacement hips or knees…..I think I may need a new 
 knee and I was wondering….. if you have no feeling (other than pain) how do 
 you rehab…surely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?
 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-11 Thread Janice Nichols
Re: [TMIC] questionDalton, you said you are going to see your neuro, but have 
you seen a pain management doc?He has done far more for me than my neuro.
Good luck,

From: Dalton Garis 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 9:58 AM
To: Bernie ; TMIC 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

Well, friends;

Since I last wrote, I am unable to walk very far or even stand up for very 
long.  Probably just temporary, but the pain in my limbs and torso is really 
intense.  Gotta see the neuro.  I can’t even imagine how I will get to work 
tomorrow, or what I will do once there.

I will ask neuro about Tegritol, but I already get convulsions and cramps, so I 
don’t know what he will think.

But I gotta get a handle on this pain or its game over.

Thanks, all.


From: Bernie
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 03:30:19 -0600
To: Dalton Garis, TMIC
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

  Hey Dalton,
 Shot in the dark, but my doctors put me on Tegratol.  Now it's original 
use is for seizures, but one of the side effects is it does sometimes stop the 
electrical, lightning bolt sensations.  I was on it for a while, but started 
having seizures; my body couldn't metabolize the Tegratol correctly so it 
caused me to have seizures.  It is a rare occurrence, but I seem to get them  But while I was taking it, it did help a lot with the 'electrical' 
impulses and shocks going through me.  Might ask your doctor about it...
Bernie in Texas

On 12/8/2010 2:59 AM, Dalton Garis wrote: 

  May I break in with a question of my own? 

  I am having a great deal of trouble with cramping and what I just learned is 
called hypertonis, which is too much muscle tone and willingness to contract, 
and the feedback loop to the brain that would tell the muscle not to contract 
being damaged by the TM in my brainstem, where the lesion was actually found.

  I can't continue to function with this hypertonis, which feels as if I am 
being electrocuted from the base of my spine, all the way down my legs and 
arms, so that it hurts a lot to move at all, or even talk.  Only by being 
completely still and relaxed does this pain subside.

  Have any of you had experience with this?  And if so, can you recommend a 
medication which might be useful?

  Thanks, and hope to hear back soon,



  On Dec 8, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Barbara Alma wrote:

Hi Rob,

After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor 
circulation, I found out that 
I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, which 
means I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I can put it off 
for awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably never wear it out.  
I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to 
see a physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so I 
could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist told me 
that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the 
surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand what you mean about 
rehab differently.  From what I understand, and I really didn't go into it all 
the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told me that a very painful part 
is straightening the knee, as it will want to be bent to be in less pain, but 
not good since you develop scar tissue very quickly and if not careful, you 
will not be able to straighten it fully.  I had a couple of visits and from the 
exercises that I was doing for my legs I no longer had the pain that I was 
At the time I also was having a lot of pain with my shoulder over for a 
year and a half at that point, so knew it would be extra painful on the 
shoulder.  I use canadian crutches or a rolling walker to get around, and the 
orthopedic surgeon says that I walk on my shoulders, lol. I had rotator cuff 
surgery and a bone spur removed two months ago and am no longer in pain there, 
so when I really need the knee, I'll hopefully be in better shape.  
Good luck Rob, just thought I'd share my small bit of knowledge.
 Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall
To: tmic-list
Sent: Tue, Dec 7, 2010 8:43 am
Subject: [TMIC] question
Have any of you gotten replacement hips or knees…..I think I may need a new 
knee and I was wondering….. if you have no feeling (other than pain) how do you 
rehab…surely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?

Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-11 Thread Dalton Garis
We don¹t have such things here;

No doubt the ³locals² have one, but for us expats, it¹s pretty basic.
Essentially, if something fancy is needed the locals are flown to some
European or North American country for treatment.  But if we are in need of
such a thing, we are sent home and our work visa is cancelled.

The locals are a family, meaning that the weak members are supported.  The
expats are a team, meaning that the weak members are cut and sent home.


From: Janice Nichols
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 16:21:15 -0600
To: Dalton Garis, Bernie, TMIC
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

Dalton, you said you are going to see your neuro, but have you seen a pain
management doc?He has done far more for me than my neuro.
Good luck,
From: Dalton Garis
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 9:58 AM
To: Bernie  ; TMIC
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
Well, friends;

Since I last wrote, I am unable to walk very far or even stand up for very
long.  Probably just temporary, but the pain in my limbs and torso is really
intense.  Gotta see the neuro.  I can¹t even imagine how I will get to work
tomorrow, or what I will do once there.

I will ask neuro about Tegritol, but I already get convulsions and cramps,
so I don¹t know what he will think.

But I gotta get a handle on this pain or its game over.

Thanks, all.


From: Bernie
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 03:30:19 -0600
To: Dalton Garis, TMIC
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

  Hey Dalton,
 Shot in the dark, but my doctors put me on Tegratol.  Now it's original
use is for seizures, but one of the side effects is it does sometimes stop
the electrical, lightning bolt sensations.  I was on it for a while, but
started having seizures; my body couldn't metabolize the Tegratol correctly
so it caused me to have seizures.  It is a rare occurrence, but I seem to
get them  But while I was taking it, it did help a lot with the
'electrical' impulses and shocks going through me.  Might ask your doctor
about it...
Bernie in Texas

On 12/8/2010 2:59 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:
 May I break in with a question of my own?
 I am having a great deal of trouble with cramping  and what I just learned is
 called hypertonis, which is too much muscle  tone and willingness to contract,
 and the feedback loop to the brain that  would tell the muscle not to contract
 being damaged by the TM in my brainstem,  where the lesion was actually found.
 I  can't continue to function with this hypertonis, which feels as if I am
 being  electrocuted from the base of my spine, all the way down my legs and
 arms, so  that it hurts a lot to move at all, or even talk.  Only by being
 completely still and relaxed does this pain  subside.
 Have any of you had experience  with this?  And if so, can you recommend a
 medication which might be  useful?
 Thanks, and hope to hear back  soon,
 On  Dec 8, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Barbara Alma  wrote:
 Hi  Rob,
 After having trouble with  what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor
 circulation, I found out  that
 I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of  arthritis, which
 means I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so  figure if I can put it
 off for awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll  probably never wear it out.
 I was  actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to
 see a  physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so
 I  could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist  told
 me that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful,  after the
 surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand what  you mean about
 rehab differently.  From what I understand, and I really  didn't go into it
 all the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told  me that a very painful
 part is straightening the knee, as it will want to be  bent to be in less
 pain, but not good since you develop scar tissue very  quickly and if not
 careful, you will not be able to straighten it  fully.  I had a couple of
 visits and from the exercises that I was  doing for my legs I no longer had
 the pain that I was having.
 At the time I also was having a lot of  pain with my shoulder over for a year
 and a half at that point, so knew it  would be extra painful on the shoulder.
 I use canadian crutches or a  rolling walker to get around, and the
 orthopedic surgeon says that I walk  on my shoulders, lol. I had rotator
 cuff surgery and a bone spur removed  two months ago and am no longer in pain
 there, so when I really need  the knee, I'll hopefully be in better shape.

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-10 Thread Alton Ryder
I had a total hip seventeen years ago - beyond my memory of details,


On Dec 7, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

 Have any of you gotten replacement hips or knees…..I think I may need a new 
 knee and I was wondering….. if you have no feeling (other than pain) how do 
 you rehab…surely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?
 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-09 Thread Kevin Wolfthal
I'm still having contracture in both legs. It is painful when I try to 
straighten my legs more
than about 60 degrees, my knees just won't allow them to straighten any 

I recently completed about 3 months of painful physical therapy at home, 
and now
I am in the process of trying to arrange wheelchair transport to an 

PT group. The 20 degree weather is not helping, but I have to do this.

Years of being sedentary/bedridden has caused this according to the PT. 
I guess
I just gave up when my Mom got sick and passed, but I'm trying the best 
I can.

Best to all,

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-09 Thread john snodgrass
Kevin I suppose all we can do is all we can do. I hate the problems that i not 
only share with TM'rs but the problems that I do not have I cringe when i read 
of them.
 My own paranoia leads me to thoughts of oh no! is that what I am heading for!
but thats just thoughts and I suppose we all fight our own thoughts.

I hate to see others in struggles and pain of any sort.

nothing but positive thoughts towards you!

for those that have fought and have regained this or that is always an 
encouragment to us all!

stay after it man,,,need to hear a victory story!

keep on the fireing line!

John in WV 

--- On Thu, 12/9/10, Kevin Wolfthal wrote:

 From: Kevin Wolfthal
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
 Date: Thursday, December 9, 2010, 4:21 AM
 I'm still having contracture in both
 legs. It is painful when I try to straighten my legs more
 than about 60 degrees, my knees just won't allow them to
 straighten any further
 I recently completed about 3 months of painful physical
 therapy at home, and now
 I am in the process of trying to arrange wheelchair
 transport to an outpatient
 PT group. The 20 degree weather is not helping, but I have
 to do this.
 Years of being sedentary/bedridden has caused this
 according to the PT. I guess
 I just gave up when my Mom got sick and passed, but I'm
 trying the best I can.
 Best to all,


Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-08 Thread Barbara Alma

Hi Rob,

After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor 
circulation, I found out that 
I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, which means 
I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I can put it off for 
awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably never wear it out.  

I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to see 
a physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so I 
could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist told me 
that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the 
surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand what you mean about 
rehab differently.  From what I understand, and I really didn't go into it all 
the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told me that a very painful part 
is straightening the knee, as it will want to be bent to be in less pain, but 
not good since you develop scar tissue very quickly and if not careful, you 
will not be able to straighten it fully.  I had a couple of visits and from the 
exercises that I was doing for my legs I no longer had the pain that I was 

At the time I also was having a lot of pain with my shoulder over for a year 
and a half at that point, so knew it would be extra painful on the shoulder.  I 
use canadian crutches or a rolling walker to get around, and the orthopedic 
surgeon says that I walk on my shoulders, lol. I had rotator cuff surgery and 
a bone spur removed two months ago and am no longer in pain there, so when I 
really need the knee, I'll hopefully be in better shape.  

Good luck Rob, just thought I'd share my small bit of knowledge.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall
To: tmic-list
Sent: Tue, Dec 7, 2010 8:43 am
Subject: [TMIC] question

Have any of you gotten replacement hips or knees…..I think I may need a new 
knee and I was wondering….. if you have no feeling (other than pain) how do you 
rehab…surely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?
Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-08 Thread Dalton Garis
May I break in with a question of my own?

I am having a great deal of trouble with cramping and what I just learned is 
called hypertonis, which is too much muscle tone and willingness to contract, 
and the feedback loop to the brain that would tell the muscle not to contract 
being damaged by the TM in my brainstem, where the lesion was actually found.

I can't continue to function with this hypertonis, which feels as if I am being 
electrocuted from the base of my spine, all the way down my legs and arms, so 
that it hurts a lot to move at all, or even talk.  Only by being completely 
still and relaxed does this pain subside.

Have any of you had experience with this?  And if so, can you recommend a 
medication which might be useful?

Thanks, and hope to hear back soon,


On Dec 8, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Barbara Alma wrote:

 Hi Rob,
 After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor 
 circulation, I found out that
 I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, which 
 means I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I can put it 
 off for awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably never wear it out. 
 I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to 
 see a physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so 
 I could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist told 
 me that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the 
 surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand what you mean about 
 rehab differently.  From what I understand, and I really didn't go into it 
 all the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told me that a very painful 
 part is straightening the knee, as it will want to be bent to be in less 
 pain, but not good since you develop scar tissue very quickly and if not 
 careful, you will not be able to straighten it fully.  I had a couple of 
 visits and from the exercises that I was doing for my legs I no longer had 
 the pain that I was having.  
 At the time I also was having a lot of pain with my shoulder over for a year 
 and a half at that point, so knew it would be extra painful on the shoulder.  
 I use canadian crutches or a rolling walker to get around, and the orthopedic 
 surgeon says that I walk on my shoulders, lol. I had rotator cuff surgery 
 and a bone spur removed two months ago and am no longer in pain there, so 
 when I really need the knee, I'll hopefully be in better shape.  
 Good luck Rob, just thought I'd share my small bit of knowledge.
 Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Pall
 To: tmic-list
 Sent: Tue, Dec 7, 2010 8:43 am
 Subject: [TMIC] question
 Have any of you gotten replacement hips or knees…..I think I may need a new 
 knee and I was wondering….. if you have no feeling (other than pain) how do 
 you rehab…surely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?
 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-08 Thread Bernie

*Hey Dalton,
Shot in the dark, but my doctors put me on Tegratol.  Now it's 
original use is for seizures, but one of the side effects is it does 
sometimes stop the electrical, lightning bolt sensations.  I was on it 
for a while, but started having seizures; my body couldn't metabolize 
the Tegratol correctly so it caused me to have seizures.  It is a rare 
occurrence, but I seem to get them  But while I was taking 
it, it did help a lot with the 'electrical' impulses and shocks going 
through me.  Might ask your doctor about it...

Bernie in Texas*

On 12/8/2010 2:59 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:

May I break in with a question of my own?

I am having a great deal of trouble with cramping and what I just 
learned is called *hypertonis*, which is too much muscle tone and 
willingness to contract, and the feedback loop to the brain that would 
tell the muscle not to contract being damaged by the TM in my 
brainstem, where the lesion was actually found.

I can't continue to function with this hypertonis, which feels as if I 
am being electrocuted from the base of my spine, all the way down my 
legs and arms, so that it hurts a lot to move at all, or even talk. 
 Only by being completely still and relaxed does this pain subside.

Have any of you had experience with this?  And if so, can you 
recommend a medication which might be useful?

Thanks, and hope to hear back soon,


On Dec 8, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Barbara Alma wrote:

Hi Rob,
After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's 
and poor circulation, I found out that
I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, 
which means I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I 
can put it off for awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably 
never wear it out.
I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I 
asked to see a physical therapist in order to best 
improve the strength in my body so I could get through the rehab in 
the best way possible.  The therapist told me that the knee is no 
walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the surgery, but 
especially the rehab.  I don't understand what you mean about rehab 
differently.  From what I understand, and I really didn't go into it 
all the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told me that a very 
painful part is straightening the knee, as it will want to be bent to 
be in less pain, but not good since you develop scar tissue very 
quickly and if not careful, you will not be able to straighten it 
fully.  I had a couple of visits and from the exercises that I was 
doing for my legs I no longer had the pain that I was having.
At the time I also was having a lot of pain with my shoulder over for 
a year and a half at that point, so knew it would be extra painful on 
the shoulder.  I use canadian crutches or a rolling walker to get 
around, and the orthopedic surgeon says that I walk on my 
shoulders, lol. I had rotator cuff surgery and a bone spur removed 
two months ago and am no longer in pain there, so when I /really/ 
need the knee, I'll hopefully be in better shape.

Good luck Rob, just thought I'd share my small bit of knowledge.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall
To: tmic-list
Sent: Tue, Dec 7, 2010 8:43 am
Subject: [TMIC] question

Have any of you gotten replacement hips or knees…..I think I may need 
a new knee and I was wondering….. if you have no feeling (other than 
pain) how do you rehab…surely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?

Rob in New Jersey

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Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 426/3303 - Release Date: 12/07/10

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-08 Thread lynne myers
I also take Tegretol, it helps me the most with my banding.  Was suprised with 
the amount of relief I got within a short time after starting it.

--- On Wed, 12/8/10, Bernie wrote:

From: Bernie
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
To: Dalton Garis, TMIC
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 4:30 AM

Hey Dalton,
    Shot in the dark, but my doctors put me on Tegratol.  Now it's original use 
is for seizures, but one of the side effects is it does sometimes stop the 
electrical, lightning bolt sensations.  I was on it for a while, but started 
having seizures; my body couldn't metabolize the Tegratol correctly so it 
caused me to have seizures.  It is a rare occurrence, but I seem to get them  But while I was taking it, it did help a lot with the 'electrical' 
impulses and shocks going through me.  Might ask your doctor about it...
Bernie in Texas

On 12/8/2010 2:59 AM, Dalton Garis wrote: 
May I break in with a question of my own? 

I am having a great deal of trouble with cramping and what I just learned is 
called hypertonis, which is too much muscle tone and willingness to contract, 
and the feedback loop to the brain that would tell the muscle not to contract 
being damaged by the TM in my brainstem, where the lesion was actually found.

I can't continue to function with this hypertonis, which feels as if I am being 
electrocuted from the base of my spine, all the way down my legs and arms, so 
that it hurts a lot to move at all, or even talk.  Only by being completely 
still and relaxed does this pain subside.

Have any of you had experience with this?  And if so, can you recommend a 
medication which might be useful?

Thanks, and hope to hear back soon,


On Dec 8, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Barbara Alma wrote:

Hi Rob,
After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor 
circulation, I found out that 
I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, which means 
I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I can put it off for 
awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably never wear it out.  
I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to see 
a physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so I 
could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist told me 
that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the 
surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand what you mean about 
rehab differently.  From what I understand, and I really didn't go into it all 
the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told me that a very painful part 
is straightening the knee, as it will want to be bent to be in less pain, but 
not good since you develop scar tissue very quickly and if not careful, you 
will not be able to straighten it fully.  I had a couple of visits and from the 
exercises that I was doing for my legs I no longer had the pain that I was 
At the time I also was having a lot of pain with my shoulder over for a year 
and a half at that point, so knew it would be extra painful on the shoulder.  I 
use canadian crutches or a rolling walker to get around, and the orthopedic 
surgeon says that I walk on my shoulders, lol. I had rotator cuff 
surgery and a bone spur removed two months ago and am no longer in pain there, 
so when I really need the knee, I'll hopefully be in better shape.  
Good luck Rob, just thought I'd share my small bit of knowledge.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall
To: tmic-list
Sent: Tue, Dec 7, 2010 8:43 am
Subject: [TMIC] question

Have any of you gotten replacement hips or knees…..I think I may need a new 
knee and I was wondering….. if you have no feeling (other than pain) how do you 
rehab…surely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?
Rob in New Jersey 

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RE: [TMIC] question

2010-12-08 Thread Patricia Cooley
Barbara my husband had double knee replacement in 2006.  Whatever pain he had 
must not have been too bad as he didn’t complain.  I think the one thing that 
made it easier for him is doing your pre-surgery exercised to strengthen leg 
muscles.  A month before surgery he a given a 3-ring binder with all the 
excises listed.  He did them faithfully all day so his body was ready for the 
demand surgery would put on his legs.  In fact, he only went to P.T. for about 
3-4 weeks, as they said they couldn’t do any more for him and Medicare wouldn’t 
pay for it any more.  He was driving again in less than 4 weeks.  Of course, he 
didn’t have any other health problems, which might make a big difference.


Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Barbara Alma [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question


Hi Rob,


After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor 
circulation, I found out that 

I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, which means 
I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I can put it off for 
awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably never wear it out.  


I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to see 
a physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so I 
could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist told me 
that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the 
surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand what you mean about 
rehab differently.  From what I understand, and I really didn't go into it all 
the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told me that a very painful part 
is straightening the knee, as it will want to be bent to be in less pain, but 
not good since you develop scar tissue very quickly and if not careful, you 
will not be able to straighten it fully.  I had a couple of visits and from the 
exercises that I was doing for my legs I no longer had the pain that I was 


At the time I also was having a lot of pain with my shoulder over for a year 
and a half at that point, so knew it would be extra painful on the shoulder.  I 
use canadian crutches or a rolling walker to get around, and the orthopedic 
surgeon says that I walk on my shoulders, lol. I had rotator cuff surgery and 
a bone spur removed two months ago and am no longer in pain there, so when I 
really need the knee, I'll hopefully be in better shape.  


Good luck Rob, just thought I'd share my small bit of knowledge.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA


-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall
To: tmic-list
Sent: Tue, Dec 7, 2010 8:43 am
Subject: [TMIC] question

Have any of you gotten replacement hips or knees…..I think I may need a new 
knee and I was wondering….. if you have no feeling (other than pain) how do you 
rehab…surely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?


Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-08 Thread Dalton Garis
Well, friends;

Since I last wrote, I am unable to walk very far or even stand up for very
long.  Probably just temporary, but the pain in my limbs and torso is really
intense.  Gotta see the neuro.  I can¹t even imagine how I will get to work
tomorrow, or what I will do once there.

I will ask neuro about Tegritol, but I already get convulsions and cramps,
so I don¹t know what he will think.

But I gotta get a handle on this pain or its game over.

Thanks, all.


From: Bernie
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 03:30:19 -0600
To: Dalton Garis, TMIC
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

   Hey Dalton,
     Shot in the dark, but my doctors put me on Tegratol.  Now it's original
use is for seizures, but one of the side effects is it does sometimes stop
the electrical, lightning bolt sensations.  I was on it for a while, but
started having seizures; my body couldn't metabolize the Tegratol correctly
so it caused me to have seizures.  It is a rare occurrence, but I seem to
get them  But while I was taking it, it did help a lot with the
'electrical' impulses and shocks going through me.  Might ask your doctor
about it...
 Bernie in Texas
 On 12/8/2010 2:59 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:
 May I break in with a question of my own?
 I am having a great deal of trouble with cramping and what I just learned is
 called hypertonis, which is too much muscle tone and willingness to contract,
 and the feedback loop to the brain that would tell the muscle not to contract
 being damaged by the TM in my brainstem, where the lesion was actually found.
 I can't continue to function with this hypertonis, which feels as if I am
 being electrocuted from the base of my spine, all the way down my legs and
 arms, so that it hurts a lot to move at all, or even talk.  Only by being
 completely still and relaxed does this pain subside.
 Have any of you had experience with this?  And if so, can you recommend a
 medication which might be useful?
 Thanks, and hope to hear back soon,
 On Dec 8, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Barbara Alma wrote:
 Hi Rob,
 After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor
 circulation, I found out that
 I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, which
 means I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I can put it
 off for awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably never wear it out. 
 I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to
 see a physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so
 I could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist told
 me that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the
 surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand what you mean about
 rehab differently.  From what I understand, and I really didn't go into it
 all the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told me that a very painful
 part is straightening the knee, as it will want to be bent to be in less
 pain, but not good since you develop scar tissue very quickly and if not
 careful, you will not be able to straighten it fully.  I had a couple
 of visits and from the exercises that I was doing for my legs I no longer had
 the pain that I was having.  
 At the time I also was having a lot of pain with my shoulder over for a year
 and a half at that point, so knew it would be extra painful on the
 shoulder.  I use canadian crutches or a rolling walker to get around, and the
 orthopedic surgeon says that I walk on my shoulders, lol. I had rotator
 cuff surgery and a bone spur removed two months ago and am no longer in pain
 there, so when I really need the knee, I'll hopefully be in better shape.  
 Good luck Rob, just thought I'd share my small bit of knowledge.
  Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA
 -Original Message-
  From: Robert Pall
  To: tmic-list
  Sent: Tue, Dec 7, 2010 8:43 am
  Subject: [TMIC] question
 Have any of you gotten replacement hips or kneesŠ..I think I may need a new
 knee and I was wonderingŠ.. if you have no feeling (other than pain) how do
 you rehabŠsurely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?
 Rob in New Jersey
 No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 426/3303 - Release Date: 12/07/10

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-08 Thread Akua

Not an answer but a suggestion.
If your lesion is in your brainstem perhaps some of the the medications
and approaches used for MS might be helpful.


May I break in with a question of my own?

I am having a great deal of trouble with cramping and what I just 
learned is called hypertonis, which is too much muscle tone and 
willingness to contract, and the feedback loop to the brain that 
would tell the muscle not to contract being damaged by the TM in my 
brainstem, where the lesion was actually found.

I can't continue to function with this hypertonis, which feels as if 
I am being electrocuted from the base of my spine, all the way down 
my legs and arms, so that it hurts a lot to move at all, or even 
talk.  Only by being completely still and relaxed does this pain 

Have any of you had experience with this?  And if so, can you 
recommend a medication which might be useful?

Thanks, and hope to hear back soon,



Re: [TMIC] question - knee replacement

2010-12-08 Thread Barbara Alma

Hi Patti,

I'm not sure if he is right or wrong, but my physical therapist told me that I 
probably have hypersensitivity.  I am not sure if that had anything to do with 
the pain issue, but I don't think so.  I think it's due to the fact that I 
don't walk well and that I wouldn't be able to do the rehab as well or in the 
same manner as somebody who is walking much better.  I know that they keep you 
comfortable with pain meds, but I went through plenty with my shoulder, needing 
to put pressure on it just to be able to ambulate about a little.  I still 
needed to get back and forth to the bathroom, on and off a toilet, etc and 
that's just the minimum.  

Wow, it seems like a double replacement is rather common.  Although I cannot 
imagine doing 2 at once, it may be nice if you need to do them. to get the pain 
and rehab over with all at once.  And.then on with your life!

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Patricia Cooley
To: 'Barbara Alma'; RPall; 
Sent: Wed, Dec 8, 2010 7:04 am
Subject: RE: [TMIC] question

Barbara my husband had double knee replacement in 2006.  Whatever pain he had 
must not have been too bad as he didn’t complain.  I think the one thing that 
made it easier for him is doing your pre-surgery exercised to strengthen leg 
muscles.  A month before surgery he a given a 3-ring binder with all the 
excises listed.  He did them faithfully all day so his body was ready for the 
demand surgery would put on his legs.  In fact, he only went to P.T. for about 
3-4 weeks, as they said they couldn’t do any more for him and Medicare wouldn’t 
pay for it any more.  He was driving again in less than 4 weeks.  Of course, he 
didn’t have any other health problems, which might make a big difference.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Patti - Wisconsin

From: Barbara Alma [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question


Hi Rob,


After having trouble with what I thought was my leg due to 2 DVT's and poor 
circulation, I found out that 

I am not totally bone on bone yet, but there is a lot of arthritis, which means 
I could get the replacement.  I'm only 59, so figure if I can put it off for 
awhile, I will.  As much as I walk, I'll probably never wear it out.  


I was actually on schedule for a knee replacement last year when I asked to see 
a physical therapist in order to best improve the strength in my body so I 
could get through the rehab in the best way possible.  The therapist told me 
that the knee is no walk in the park.  It is extremely painful, after the 
surgery, but especially the rehab.  I don't understand what you mean about 
rehab differently.  From what I understand, and I really didn't go into it all 
the way, you have exercises and walking.  He told me that a very painful part 
is straightening the knee, as it will want to be bent to be in less pain, but 
not good since you develop scar tissue very quickly and if not careful, you 
will not be able to straighten it fully.  I had a couple of visits and from the 
exercises that I was doing for my legs I no longer had the pain that I was 


At the time I also was having a lot of pain with my shoulder over for a year 
and a half at that point, so knew it would be extra painful on the shoulder.  I 
use canadian crutches or a rolling walker to get around, and the orthopedic 
surgeon says that I walk on my shoulders, lol. I had rotator cuff surgery and 
a bone spur removed two months ago and am no longer in pain there, so when I 
really need the knee, I'll hopefully be in better shape.  


Good luck Rob, just thought I'd share my small bit of knowledge.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA


-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall
To: tmic-list
Sent: Tue, Dec 7, 2010 8:43 am
Subject: [TMIC] question

Have any of you gotten replacement hips or knees…..I think I may need a new 
knee and I was wondering….. if you have no feeling (other than pain) how do you 
rehab…surely you cannot do it the normal rehab way?


Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-08 Thread bobby jim
Re: [TMIC] questionI've read elsewhere that once one's brain is affected by 
myelitis or sclerosis, that makes it an MS issue.   And there are several 
medications to ameliorate that one.

  From: Akua To: Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 
2010 12:47Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

  Not an answer but a suggestion.
  If your lesion is in your brainstem perhaps some of the the medications
  and approaches used for MS might be helpful.


May I break in with a question of my own?

I am having a great deal of trouble with cramping and what I just learned 
is called hypertonis, which is too much muscle tone and willingness to 
contract, and the feedback loop to the brain that would tell the muscle not to 
contract being damaged by the TM in my brainstem, where the lesion was actually 

I can't continue to function with this hypertonis, which feels as if I am 
being electrocuted from the base of my spine, all the way down my legs and 
arms, so that it hurts a lot to move at all, or even talk.  Only by being 
completely still and relaxed does this pain subside.

Have any of you had experience with this?  And if so, can you recommend a 
medication which might be useful?

Thanks, and hope to hear back soon,


Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-08 Thread Dalton Garis
Thanks, Bobby Jim;

In fact, they thought it was MS to begin with, and I was also convinced of
this until my attack on 23 April, when it hit both sides, and I became as I
am now.  But we share the same meds to a large extent, Baclofen, as an
example.  My neuro won¹t give me Baclofen because he says I would become too
fatigued.  But I think it¹s time because with this pain it¹s game-over,


From: bobby jim
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 18:27:55 -0600
To:, Akua
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
Resent-Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 16:28:30 -0800

I've read elsewhere that once one's brain is affected by myelitis or
sclerosis, that makes it an MS issue.   And there are several medications to
ameliorate that one.
 From:  Akua   To:
 Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 12:47 Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
 Not an answer but a suggestion.
 If your lesion is in your brainstem perhaps some of the the  medications
 and approaches used for MS might be helpful.
 May I break in with a question of my  own?
 I am having a great deal of trouble with  cramping and what I just learned is
 called hypertonis, which is too  much muscle tone and willingness to
 contract, and the feedback loop to the  brain that would tell the muscle not
 to contract being damaged by the TM in  my brainstem, where the lesion was
 actually found.
 I can't continue to function with this  hypertonis, which feels as if I am
 being electrocuted from the base of my  spine, all the way down my legs and
 arms, so that it hurts a lot to move at  all, or even talk.  Only by being
 completely still and relaxed does  this pain subside.
 Have any of you had experience with this?   And if so, can you recommend a
 medication which might be  useful?
 Thanks, and hope to hear back  soon,

RE: [TMIC] Question

2010-09-20 Thread Robert Pall
I took Marinol for a couple of yearsit just made me hungry!
Rob in New Jersey

From: Regina Rummel [] 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 11:36 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Question

Does anyone take Marinol for pain?
And what's the difference between Marinol and Sativex?
And, if Marinol is approved in the U.S., how come I never see it on the
list of meds you list that you take from time to time.
Just curious.

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-09-16 Thread

 I was on it yrs ago (have had tm since 8/13/95) , then went off it due to the cost. When it went generic,I tried it again,and it didn't work anymore. So,maybe it's possible that it loses effectiveness for some people.
 Cheryl in Easthampton,MA.
--- On Thu, 9/16/10, Chantal Lamontagne wrote:
From: Chantal Lamontagne m...@ntl.sympatico.caSubject: [TMIC] questionTo: tmic-list@eskimo.comDate: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 10:12 AM


Hi everyone, I have had TM since about 7 years agoI have been reading alot of your mails
I have a question about medication...I have been taking Gabapentin -2700mg a day. Recently my legs started acting up...constant shooting pins aand needles..I did go to my family Dr and she sent a request for an MRI of my head and spinal cord...the Dr has herself MS and found it funny that we have alot of simular symptoms...she is wonderinf if I do have TM or MS...she will send me to see my neuro (12 hrs away) depending on the results of my MRI (takes about 1 to 2 months)I am wondering if it is possible that Gabapentin is no longer helping me...


Re: [TMIC] question

2010-09-16 Thread Janice Nichols
NatureI have not had TM as long as you have, and I only take 1800mg a day.  
 I have a good friend that has MS and our symptoms are very much alike.Some
of the meds are the same too.Why would it take so long to get the MRI 

From: Chantal Lamontagne 
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:12 AM
Subject: [TMIC] question


Hi everyone,  I have had TM since about 7 years agoI have been reading alot 
of your mails
I have a question about medication...I have been taking Gabapentin -2700mg a 
day.  Recently my legs started acting up...constant shooting pins aand 
needles..I did go to my family Dr and she sent a request for an MRI of my head 
and spinal cord...the Dr has herself MS and found it funny that we have alot of 
simular symptoms...she is wonderinf if I do have TM or MS...she will send me to 
see my neuro (12 hrs away) depending on the results of my MRI (takes about 1 to 
2 months)I am wondering if it is possible that Gabapentin is no longer 
helping me...
anabnr2.gifNature Bkgrd.jpg

Re: [TMIC] question

2010-09-16 Thread frank


Where in Canada do you live? I live part time in Montreal, and go to McGill 
University, Montreal General Hospital, Pain Clinic. Dr. MarkWare started me on 
Sativex which is used for pain, spasm, and alot of the other problems of TM.

Take Care


attachment: anabnr2.gifattachment: Nature Bkgrd.jpg

RE: [TMIC] Question

2010-09-16 Thread Emily
Idiopathic means they don't know what caused the TM.  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:57 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Question

What's the difference between idopathic tm and just tm ? Diagnosed with
idopathic tm 2007 -memphis tn. :)
Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

Re: [TMIC] Question

2010-09-16 Thread Dalton Garis
It means;

³Cause unknown.²  That is distinct from those cases where the cause is
discovered, such as from a known viral infection opening the door for TM, or
something else.

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 03:56:38 +
Subject: [TMIC] Question
Resent-Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 19:57:28 -0700

What's the difference between idopathic tm and just tm ? Diagnosed with
idopathic tm 2007 -memphis tn. :)
Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

Re: [TMIC] Question

2010-06-13 Thread Janice Nichols


My advice to anyone that develops something new like that is to see your 
neurologist as soon as possible.

Good luck, Janice

From: Towery, Ruben Dale
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2010 8:14 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Question

Hey everyone,

I have another question. I am going on week 8 of being diagnosed with
TM. I am able to walk and use my legs, although my left leg seems to
be impacted the most. It is very weak, and I have a tedancy to lose my
balace sometimes. I can usually walk without a cane, but I typically
use one just to be safe. I started PT this week, which involves a lot
of leg exercises, using my ab lounger to strenghten my core, pushups
against a wall to strengthen my upper body, and riding a stationary
bike for 15 minutes. I do this every day and can tell a big difference
in the strength of my left leg. Although my question is on something
totaly different. My TM hit the conus of my spinal cord around T12-
L1.  Which is the area of the spinal cord that controls all functions
of the lower part of the body.  I slept last night on my right side
and woke up this morning and I can't feel half of my left hand. Has
this happened to anyone else before, or have some suggestions on what
may have caused this. Especially since my TM has not affected my upper
body at all to this point. Thanks.

Ruben Towery
Mount Olive, AL (Birmingham)

Sent from my iPod


2010-04-17 Thread Grace M.
 Hello Sue,

I've looked at the website and it appears to be just another snake oil
cure.  If there were a drug or herb that was guaranteed to treat myelitis
and resolve symptoms, the medical community would have jumped on it.




2010-04-17 Thread Laura Beaudin
Not necessarily. While I do believe that 99.8% of all cures out there 
are pure bunk, Big Pharma has a lot fo pull and they go out of their way 
to discredit anything natural. Do you know that there's an actual 
treatment that can almost cure CP if the chold is young enough? Pure 
oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber.

There was a big study done in Quebec, but because no meds were needed, 
just oxygen, they pulled the plug on it. While it was a double-blind 
study, it wasn't hard to figure out who was getting O2 vs. 
who were completely immobile were walking and talking.

My roomate was a student shadow and her student was in this trial, but 
on the placebo. Parents had to pay through the nose to go have it done 
in another province privately. So yes, there are sometimes cures that 
people don't know about because the pharma companies go out of their way 
to discredit and bash them so that people mistrust.

My first question to myself is usually, can it hurt to try? If there's 
riskm, then yes, I'd be weary, but if it's something that wouldn't harm 
me regardless, bring it on.

  You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do 
nothing for him. -James D. Miles- ...empowering ourselves!
On Practical-Homeschooling: 10 Free or Inexpensive Homeschool Options

On 17/04/2010 11:53 AM, Grace M. wrote:

Hello Sue,
I've looked at the website and it appears to be just another snake oil 
cure.  If there were a drug or herb that was guaranteed to treat 
myelitis and resolve symptoms, the medical community would have jumped 
on it.



2010-04-17 Thread Patricia Cooley
I agree Laura, but you do have to be very careful.  Right after I got TM, I
saw an ad for a herbal supplement for TM that came from Hong Kong through a
company in London.  I sent for it and took it for several months.  I did not
noticed any problems or benefits, but then one of my doctors had me do a a
liver test.  They found my liver enzymes were in terrible shape.  As soon as
I stopped the drug, my enzymes went back to normal.  I am so glad the doctor
did a routine check, or who knows how much damage I might have done.  The
one good thing is that the company did refund all the money I had spent on
the drug.

Be wise and be careful.

Patti - Wisconsin

-Original Message-
From: Laura Beaudin [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 1:02 PM
To: Grace M.

Not necessarily. While I do believe that 99.8% of all cures out there 
are pure bunk, Big Pharma has a lot fo pull and they go out of their way 
to discredit anything natural. Do you know that there's an actual 
treatment that can almost cure CP if the chold is young enough? Pure 
oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber.

There was a big study done in Quebec, but because no meds were needed, 
just oxygen, they pulled the plug on it. While it was a double-blind 
study, it wasn't hard to figure out who was getting O2 vs. 
who were completely immobile were walking and talking.

My roomate was a student shadow and her student was in this trial, but 
on the placebo. Parents had to pay through the nose to go have it done 
in another province privately. So yes, there are sometimes cures that 
people don't know about because the pharma companies go out of their way 
to discredit and bash them so that people mistrust.

My first question to myself is usually, can it hurt to try? If there's 
riskm, then yes, I'd be weary, but if it's something that wouldn't harm 
me regardless, bring it on.

   You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who
can do nothing for him. -James D. Miles- ...empowering ourselves!
On Practical-Homeschooling: 10 Free or Inexpensive Homeschool Options

On 17/04/2010 11:53 AM, Grace M. wrote:
 Hello Sue,
 I've looked at the website and it appears to be just another snake oil 
 cure.  If there were a drug or herb that was guaranteed to treat 
 myelitis and resolve symptoms, the medical community would have jumped 
 on it.


2010-04-17 Thread kevin weilacher
This is a good point...and I have heard of
situations where the oxygen fed hyperbaric chamber has been an
effective treatment for quite a few diseases and disorders to include
Multiple Sclerosis.

Case in point, Ronnie Lane who was one of the
founding members of the 60's band, The Small Faces developed MS and
tried every treatment he could find and it was only when he found the
chamber did he get any relief and actually started to get better. 
Here is an excerpt of an interview with Ronnie Lane
that raises some very interesting information regarding the MS
Society and other info. 
I will also provide a link to the entire interview,
it is worth the read
Well, no, it’s notall going to Florida. It’s all going to ARMS, to set up ARMS 
America). And Florida... Professor Neubauer is the doctor in Florida
that has an HBO center. And, in fact, he’s the leading man on
hyperbaric oxygen.
He started it.
How long ago did this treatment come about, then?
A long time ago!
It just hasn’t gotten that much attention...
Well, what happened was there was a report made by a Dr. Fischer that
was, I think, in 1978. That report came about (because) the MS
Society hired Fischer to disprove Neubauer, and he couldn’t
disprove Neubauer! I’ll show you a video in a minute. He couldn’t
disprove him, and his report was completed in 1980, and it’s only
just come out this year!I mean, what is it all
about?! So, this whole concert is also a little bit of the rebel
coming out of rock and roll!It’s not quite as
straightforward! They know...
One thing is for sure: there’s a bit more to this Multiple
Sclerosis Society than meets the eye! Without a doubt!
In thiscountry.
Because they blocked going ahead for hyperbaric oxygen, and they’ve
really got no right to because...
They like the double –blind trial. Okay, they’re playing it super-safe.
But, when ARMS was formed about six years ago... this is an English
group of everybody who is fed
upwith going to
MS Society meetings, and they’re told you’ve got a
...accept it!...
Leave it at that...
You’re slowly going to become disabled. So, be a good boy now
and go into your wheelchair, and make it easy on the people who have
to look after you.That sort of whole
mentality: There’s nothing we can do for you. And that,
to me, is killing somebody before they’ve even started. The whole
Action Research is Up
you, MS Society!
And it’s all people and friends and relatives of people who have MS
that started it. The person that’s going around now about
hyperbaric oxygen, his wife died! Not from MS, but from septicemia,
from bedsores. It’s disgusting, isn’t it? But, HBO helps the
bedsores! It helps the skin heal. And, in fact, in Whipp's Cross
Hospital and in Ascot, another hospital, they have HBO units where
they put people who have bedsores into their HBO chamber,

Link to the entire interview

Now, as far as the Larneton goes...that
stuff is bunk...too many discredits that I have found and read...

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

From: Laura Beaudin
To: Grace M.
Sent: Sat, April 17, 2010 2:01:50 PM

Not necessarily. While I do believe that 99.8% of all cures out there are 
pure bunk, Big Pharma has a lot fo pull and they go out of their way to 
discredit anything natural. Do you know that there's an actual treatment that 
can almost cure CP if the chold is young enough? Pure oxygen in a hyperbaric 

There was a big study done in Quebec, but because no meds were needed, just 
oxygen, they pulled the plug on it. While it was a double-blind study, it 
wasn't hard to figure out who was getting O2 vs. who were completely 
immobile were walking and talking.

My roomate was a student shadow and her student was in this trial, but on the 
placebo. Parents had to pay through the nose to go have it done in another 
province privately. So yes, there are sometimes cures that people don't know 
about because the pharma companies go out of their way to discredit and bash 
them so that people mistrust.

My first question to myself is usually, can it hurt to try? If there's riskm, 
then yes, I'd be weary, but if it's something that wouldn't harm me regardless, 
bring it on.

  You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can 
do nothing for him. -James D. Miles- ...empowering ourselves!
On Practical-Homeschooling: 10 Free or Inexpensive Homeschool Options

On 17/04/2010 11:53 AM, Grace M. wrote:
 Hello Sue,
 I've looked at the website and it appears to be just another snake oil cure.  
 If there were


2010-04-17 Thread Akua
My first question to myself is usually, can it hurt to try? If 
there's risk, then yes, I'd be wary, but if it's something that 
wouldn't harm me regardless, bring it on.

What's most interesting about this is that every pharma I've been 
prescribed has risks ()

The last one i got  rid of, Oxy-B, was found to affect short term memory.


Re: [TMIC] Question on meds

2010-02-01 Thread Janice Nichols
Have never taken it.  Janice

From: Patricia Cooley 
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 2:13 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Question on meds

I have a good friend that has severe neuropathy in her feet, which I also 
suffer from.  Mine is no where as bad.  Her doctor put her on Amitriptyline 
which has helped per pain quite a bit.  Before I ask my neuro about it, I was 
wondering if any of you have any experience with it.  When I looked it up on 
the internet, there are a lot of side effects, and it seems I always suffer 
from them.  I would appreciate any info you can give me.


Patti - Wisconsin

Re: [TMIC] Question

2009-11-30 Thread Janice Nichols
Really, Jeanne?
What did you have to promise to be offered such things!?!?!?!

From: jrushton 
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 10:09 AM
To: Kevin Wolfthal ; tmic 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question

  Hey, but I've been offered all sorts of things from the UK as in all 
sorts of big money and a girlfriend or boyfriend...  Yikes  j

  ---Original Message---

  From: Kevin Wolfthal
  Date: 11/28/2009 10:35:25 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question

  Thanks all. I would never order drugs overseas.

  The whole thing sounds like an oddball scheme.



RE: [TMIC] Question

2009-11-29 Thread Patricia Cooley






From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2009 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question



In a message dated 11/28/2009 7:04:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm mainly wondering about the APLS/APS as I've never heard of them, and 
the Tramadol.
Make sense to anyone?

I don't know Kevin but before you do anything, I would ask my doctor and I
would not order the drugs from overseas..Ella 


Re: [TMIC] Question

2009-11-29 Thread Laura Beaudin


I've ordered drugs before from overseas...heck, I lived overseas for 6 
years and they have better drugs than here. Anyhow, I'm sure that if you 
had tried the US version of the same drug, you would have has the same 
effect. The problem isn't ordering drugs from overseas, it's from 
ordering drugs that your doctor hasn't prescribed for you.

I'm on an anti-depressant not available here (available in the rest of 
the world). My doctor supports my taking it because that's the one my 
psychiatrist in the Middle East...who is Canadian, put me on and it 
worked better than anything they trialed me with I order it in 
with their full support.


On 29/11/2009 9:20 AM, Patricia Cooley wrote:




*From:* []
*Sent:* Saturday, November 28, 2009 7:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Question

In a message dated 11/28/2009 7:04:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm mainly wondering about the APLS/APS as I've never heard of
them, and
the Tramadol.
Make sense to anyone?

I don't know Kevin but before you do anything, I would ask my
doctor and I would not order the drugs from

Re: [TMIC] Question

2009-11-29 Thread jrushton
Hey, but I've been offered all sorts of things from the UK as in all sorts
of big money and a girlfriend or boyfriend...  Yikes  j

---Original Message---
From: Kevin Wolfthal
Date: 11/28/2009 10:35:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question
Thanks all. I would never order drugs overseas.
The whole thing sounds like an oddball scheme.

Re: [TMIC] Question

2009-11-28 Thread Alle111

In a message dated 11/28/2009 7:04:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm mainly wondering about the APLS/APS as I've never heard of them,  and 
the Tramadol.
Make sense to anyone?

I don't know Kevin but before you do anything, I  would ask my doctor and I 
would not order the drugs from  overseas..Ella  

Re: [TMIC] Question

2009-11-28 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thanks all. I would never order drugs overseas.

The whole thing sounds like an oddball scheme.


Re: [TMIC] Question

2009-11-28 Thread anndillon

Have been using tramadol for years.  It does not take away the pain but does 
dull it some.  Have no trouble getting tramadol in the states.

Ann in Virginia

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal
Sent: Sat, Nov 28, 2009 7:04 pm
Subject: [TMIC] Question

Someone sent me this email. Does it make sense to anyone? 
Transverse myelitis 
Transverse myelitis 
Have you considered the following: 
TM is usually caused by Antiphospholipid Syndrome /Hughes Syndrome (also known 
as APLS  APS). If it is you may find relief in the other treatments for it. 
Second, have you gone to a Pain Management doctor? For years I was never 
informed of such but for Neurologists. Not all Neuros are also Pain Management. 
They will run diagnostics and properly treat the pain. 
Otherwise, you can order overseas through a trusted pharmacy I've used for 
years at and look for Tramadol. Its not 
considered a controlled substance and its legal. If the site is down, keep 
trying. The bandwidth gets used up easily and it is shopping season. Its all 
legal. :) 
I hope something here helps. I do have APLS so I dread the potential. I will 
pray for you. :o) 
I'm mainly wondering about the APLS/APS as I've never heard of them, and the 
Make sense to anyone? 

Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-11 Thread

 It is something we all have to live with; something we al l have to work out 
 with pain and suffering. Lol. When my  bowel is full, I can't empty my 
 bladder either!  Learned  a long time ago what Dr. Kerr meant by digital 

I find mineral oil, one Tbs., taken orally along with prunes every other day 
works nicely.


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-11 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Kevin,
Just think about the extra weight you're caring around when you're 
constipated.  LOL
Also, remember that it's help to drink a lot of water and to be able to do 
standing exercises.  I understand this is harder for most of us, but any 
exercises is better than none.  I have found that any exercises with the legs 
even in a chair and even better if you able to stand up does help with a good 
bowel movement.
May we'll feel better today,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Kevin Wolfthal wrote:

From: Kevin Wolfthal
Subject: [TMIC] question
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 4:16 PM

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
worse, such as spasms?


RE: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread wim from holland

I had trouble with the bowl, after 6 month TM. Went in the hospital for a week, 
I was complete filled up, and to less came out. After It was done, I was put on 
Lactulose, every day use. The spasme went much better. I still am on use of 
Lactolose, it has been 12 years now.


 Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 17:16:01 -0400
 Subject: [TMIC] question
 Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
 your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
 worse, such as spasms?

Nieuws, entertainment en de laatste roddels. Je vind het op!

Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread anndillon
Have a pain all the time on my right side. When I become constipated the pain 
becomes much worse and goes all the way up to my shoulder

Ann in Virginia

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal
Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 5:16 pm
Subject: [TMIC] question

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving?
your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms?
worse, such as spasms??

Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread bradebi
Janice I eat ice...when I am having a flash I drink the Pepsi then eat
the ice..all this while I am drenched with sweat and I plop down in front of
the is a wonderful feeling isn't it!?

---Original Message---
From: Janice
Date: 8/9/2009 8:50:37 PM
To: Janet Dunn;  'Kevin Wolfthal';
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
Do you also have problems with just sitting in your air-conditioned  room,
doing nothing, and all of a sudden you can feel yourself
getting uncomfortably warm? Or with some activity - like making a bed -
and you start dripping with sweat?I live in Missouri
and the summers are really hot, the winters really cold - but it doesn't
really matter.   I still get hit with this.   My doc says there is
not a lot that can be done without causing other problems.I wear a patch
on my arm - clonidine - and that is about all they can
do for me, but it doesn't do much good.I just have to quit whatever I am
doing, sit down and drink something cold.After a
while, I get better.I'm a mess!
- Original Message -
From: Janet Dunn
To: 'Kevin Wolfthal';
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 7:38 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] question
 Yes, I have noticed that.  It also makes the bladder issues worse.  Glad I
 am not alone in this.

 I also, being a person from a northern climate, do not know how you down
 the warmth stand the heat.

 Too much heat and my burning bands drive me nuts.  Too much cold and I
 trouble walking.  Maybe I need to be in a bubble.


 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Wolfthal []
 Sent: August 9, 2009 2:16 PM
 Subject: [TMIC] question

 Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
 your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
 worse, such as spasms?



Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread jrushton
 Hi, Ann, I don't know about the pain but I do know that when you become
constipated and your stool stays in your bowel, your body will absorb the
fluids which makes the stool even harder and more uncomfortable and more
difficult to extract.  Having the TM aggravates the issue with all of our
nerve problems especially for those of us who have no feeling in that area. 
Each one of us has to find our own answer to the constipation problem or we
will continue suffering.  It's not healthy to have that stuff stay in our
system, either. Not fun, is it?  Jeanne
---Original Message---
Date: 8/10/2009 4:48:59 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
Have a pain all the time on my right side. When I become constipated the
pain becomes much worse and goes all the way up to my shoulder

Ann in Virginia

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal
Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 5:16 pm
Subject: [TMIC] question

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving 
your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms 
worse, such as spasms? 


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread rj_rankin
I teach high school and have pains n my side and other places - do those count? 
Pardon the humor. 
--Original Message--
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
Sent: Aug 10, 2009 5:48 PM

Have a pain all the time on my right side. When I become constipated the pain 
becomes much worse and goes all the way up to my shoulder
 Ann in Virginia
 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Wolfthal
 Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 5:16 pm
 Subject: [TMIC] question
Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving 
 your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms 
 worse, such as spasms? 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
I am right there with you! I am amazed how everything effects everything...
 I get terrible shooting pains down my legs when I am constipated!! Prunes,
prunes and more prunes.  :)

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 6:14 PM, wrote:

 I teach high school and have pains n my side and other places - do those
 count? Pardon the humor.
 --Original Message--
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
 Sent: Aug 10, 2009 5:48 PM

 Have a pain all the time on my right side. When I become constipated the
 pain becomes much worse and goes all the way up to my shoulder

  Ann in Virginia

  -Original Message-
  From: Kevin Wolfthal
  Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 5:16 pm
  Subject: [TMIC] question

 Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
  your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
  worse, such as spasms?


 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Everything is possible for one who believes,
still more for one who hopes,
even more for one who loves

Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread jrushton
 Funny how when you are a nurse you can talk about things like this as if
you are talking about the weather!  ::))
---Original Message---
From: Trudy Ogilvie
Date: 8/10/2009 9:07:04 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
I am right there with you! I am amazed how everything effects everything... 
I get terrible shooting pains down my legs when I am constipated!! Prunes,
prunes and more prunes.  :)  

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 6:14 PM, wrote:

I teach high school and have pains n my side and other places - do those
count? Pardon the humor.

--Original Message--


Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
Sent: Aug 10, 2009 5:48 PM

Have a pain all the time on my right side. When I become constipated the
pain becomes much worse and goes all the way up to my shoulder

 Ann in Virginia

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Wolfthal
 Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 5:16 pm
 Subject: [TMIC] question

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving 
 your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms 
 worse, such as spasms? 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Everything is possible for one who believes,
still more for one who hopes, 
even more for one who loves


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread cle5964
It is something we all have to live with; something we all have to work out 
with pain and suffering. Lol. When my bowel is full, I can't empty my bladder 
either!  Learned a long time ago what Dr. Kerr meant by digital disimpaction!
Cora in Ok
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

-Original Message-
From: jrushton

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 07:30:04 
To: Trudy;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

 Funny how when you are a nurse you can talk about things like this as if
you are talking about the weather!  ::))


---Original Message---


From: Trudy Ogilvie

Date: 8/10/2009 9:07:04 PM



Subject: Re: [TMIC] question


I am right there with you! I am amazed how everything effects everything... 
I get terrible shooting pains down my legs when I am constipated!! Prunes,
prunes and more prunes.  :)  



On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 6:14 PM, wrote:

I teach high school and have pains n my side and other places - do those
count? Pardon the humor.

--Original Message--




Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

Sent: Aug 10, 2009 5:48 PM

Have a pain all the time on my right side. When I become constipated the
pain becomes much worse and goes all the way up to my shoulder

 Ann in Virginia

 -Original Message-

 From: Kevin Wolfthal


 Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 5:16 pm

 Subject: [TMIC] question

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving 

 your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms 

 worse, such as spasms? 




Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Everything is possible for one who believes,

still more for one who hopes, 

even more for one who loves


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread Janice
I also have fatigue.   I thought it was just my body not getting stronger to be 
back to normal yet.   But, after hearing you guys
talk about it, I figured out I must have it too.   If I am fairly busy in the 
morning, I can count on needing to sit with my legs up
for a good portion of the afternoon.
Also, the band you are talking about just under the breast.   I  complained to 
my doc about that and he said it was spasms.  What
he told me to do was stretch my body as far as I could get myself straight and 
even leaning backwards.   You need to stretch
out that sharp pain.  It does help me, but jeepers I hate that pain.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Janet Dunn 
  To: 'jrushton' ; 'tmic' 
  Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 12:13 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] question

  Hey Jeanne

  When you say that the pain starts worsening at T4 (which is where mine is) 
and you know the rest is coming, what do you mean by that?  I am finding lately 
that the fatigue is awful.  I spent yesterday morning garage saleing, and then 
the afternoon was naptime.  Today, I could hardly drag my butt out of bed, and 
I did a little yard work this afternoon, and then back to bed.  The band is 
like a jagged razor blade, under my breast.  

  I just get so tired, and so sore.  That is what frustrates me.  And yes, the 
constant work at keeping the plumbing working.  Yikes that makes me crazy.   
One thing changes in your routine, and you are down for the count for days. 

  Enough of that.






Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread Janice
 Kevin, I hear you about keeping the house cool.In the winter and 
sometimes in the summer with the AC on, our friends know

to grab the afgfans for warmth.

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Wolfthal

To: Janet Dunn;
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

Thank you and everyone who answered this.

TM has to be one of the oddest afflictions there is.

I also can't take extremes of heat or cold.  I even
have to turn on my AC in the winter if it's too hot
in my room.  Wierd.


Janet Dunn wrote:
Yes, I have noticed that.  It also makes the bladder issues worse.  Glad 

am not alone in this.

I also, being a person from a northern climate, do not know how you down 

the warmth stand the heat.
Too much heat and my burning bands drive me nuts.  Too much cold and I 

trouble walking.  Maybe I need to be in a bubble.


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal [] Sent: August 9, 2009 
2:16 PM

Subject: [TMIC] question

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
worse, such as spasms?


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread Janice
That is the way the body heat hits me too.   I absolutely hate it!!I can't 
be in a room without the fans going too.
What a mess!
  - Original Message - 
  From: jrushton 
  To: Kevin Wolfthal ; tmic 
  Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 10:30 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

  Kevin, I think the only thing we can do is just literally treat 
the symptoms and we have many  

  I will break out in a sweat from above the spinal cord injury 
where water will just fall off of my face.  I think it's past 'sweating' but 
nothing at all below the T4 level where the TM got me!!!  What a study we could 
be!!  Jeanne

  ---Original Message---

  From: Kevin Wolfthal
  Date: 8/9/2009 11:47:41 PM
  To: Janet Dunn;
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

  Thank you and everyone who answered this.

  TM has to be one of the oddest afflictions there is.

  I also can't take extremes of heat or cold.  I even
  have to turn on my AC in the winter if it's too hot
  in my room.  Wierd.


  Janet Dunn wrote:
   Yes, I have noticed that.  It also makes the bladder issues 
worse.  Glad I
   am not alone in this.
   I also, being a person from a northern climate, do not know how 
you down in
   the warmth stand the heat.
   Too much heat and my burning bands drive me nuts.  Too much 
cold and I have
   trouble walking.  Maybe I need to be in a bubble.
   -Original Message-
   From: Kevin Wolfthal []
   Sent: August 9, 2009 2:16 PM
   Subject: [TMIC] question
   Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
   your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
   worse, such as spasms?


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread Janice
 I hate this hot feeling so much - do you realize how many baths and 
shampoo's I take in a week's time?I am
 so looking forward to fall and winter.   I really seem to do better then.  
   I also suck on those frozen koolaid
 sticks that kids like in the summer.  I sit in front of a fan with it!  
Love it.It really does help me.
  - Original Message - 
  From: bradebi 
  To: Janet Dunn ; 'Kevin Wolfthal' ; ; Janice 
  Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 4:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

Janice I eat ice...when I am having a flash I drink the Pepsi then 
eat the ice..all this while I am drenched with sweat and I plop down in front 
of the is a wonderful feeling isn't it!?

---Original Message---

From: Janice
Date: 8/9/2009 8:50:37 PM
To: Janet Dunn;  'Kevin Wolfthal';
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

Do you also have problems with just sitting in your air-conditioned  
doing nothing, and all of a sudden you can feel yourself
getting uncomfortably warm? Or with some activity - like making a 
bed -
and you start dripping with sweat?I live in Missouri
and the summers are really hot, the winters really cold - but it doesn't
really matter.   I still get hit with this.   My doc says there is
not a lot that can be done without causing other problems.I wear a 
on my arm - clonidine - and that is about all they can
do for me, but it doesn't do much good.I just have to quit whatever 
I am
doing, sit down and drink something cold.After a
while, I get better.I'm a mess!

- Original Message -
From: Janet Dunn
To: 'Kevin Wolfthal';
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 7:38 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] question

 Yes, I have noticed that.  It also makes the bladder issues worse.  
Glad I
 am not alone in this.

 I also, being a person from a northern climate, do not know how you 
 the warmth stand the heat.

 Too much heat and my burning bands drive me nuts.  Too much cold and I
 trouble walking.  Maybe I need to be in a bubble.


 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Wolfthal []
 Sent: August 9, 2009 2:16 PM
 Subject: [TMIC] question

 Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
 your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
 worse, such as spasms?



Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread Janice
By all means, all pain counts and we all seem to have it in different 
places!  I worked in the nurse's office in one of our
high schools for 19 years.I loved it - every day was completely 

What do you teach? Janice

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

I teach high school and have pains n my side and other places - do those 
count? Pardon the humor.

--Original Message--
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
Sent: Aug 10, 2009 5:48 PM

Have a pain all the time on my right side. When I become constipated the 
pain becomes much worse and goes all the way up to my shoulder

Ann in Virginia

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal
Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 5:16 pm
Subject: [TMIC] question

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
worse, such as spasms?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-10 Thread Janice
   I think being around doc's so much and having a great group like this that 
you can talk to about anything, makes it
   so much easier to talk about.   No matter what the subject is!   
  - Original Message - 
  From: jrushton 
  To: Trudy Ogilvie ; tmic 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 7:30 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

   Funny how when you are a nurse you can talk about things like 
this as if you are talking about the weather!  ::))

  ---Original Message---

  From: Trudy Ogilvie
  Date: 8/10/2009 9:07:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

  I am right there with you! I am amazed how everything effects 
everything...  I get terrible shooting pains down my legs when I am 
constipated!! Prunes, prunes and more prunes.  :)  

  On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 6:14 PM, wrote:

  I teach high school and have pains n my side and other places - 
do those count? Pardon the humor.

  --Original Message--


  Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
  Sent: Aug 10, 2009 5:48 PM

  Have a pain all the time on my right side. When I become 
constipated the pain becomes much worse and goes all the way up to my shoulder

   Ann in Virginia

   -Original Message-
   From: Kevin Wolfthal
   Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2009 5:16 pm
   Subject: [TMIC] question

  Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving 
   your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms 
   worse, such as spasms? 


  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

  Everything is possible for one who believes,
  still more for one who hopes, 
  even more for one who loves


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-09 Thread Louise Croyden

Hi Kevin,

The short answer is yes.  For me, any kind of pressure inside the colon, 
e.g., being empty, having gas, constipation, etc., flares up all my 
neuropathic problems from that area down into the legs and feet.  It's 
difficult to keep everything stable.



- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Wolfthal

Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 5:16 PM
Subject: [TMIC] question

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
worse, such as spasms?


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-09 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thank you and everyone who answered this.

TM has to be one of the oddest afflictions there is.

I also can't take extremes of heat or cold.  I even
have to turn on my AC in the winter if it's too hot
in my room.  Wierd.


Janet Dunn wrote:

Yes, I have noticed that.  It also makes the bladder issues worse.  Glad I
am not alone in this.

I also, being a person from a northern climate, do not know how you down in
the warmth stand the heat. 

Too much heat and my burning bands drive me nuts.  Too much cold and I have
trouble walking.  Maybe I need to be in a bubble.


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal [] 
Sent: August 9, 2009 2:16 PM

Subject: [TMIC] question

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
worse, such as spasms?



RE: [TMIC] question

2009-08-09 Thread Janet Dunn
Hey Jeanne

When you say that the pain starts worsening at T4 (which is where mine is)
and you know the rest is coming, what do you mean by that?  I am finding
lately that the fatigue is awful.  I spent yesterday morning garage saleing,
and then the afternoon was naptime.  Today, I could hardly drag my butt out
of bed, and I did a little yard work this afternoon, and then back to bed.
The band is like a jagged razor blade, under my breast.  

I just get so tired, and so sore.  That is what frustrates me.  And yes, the
constant work at keeping the plumbing working.  Yikes that makes me crazy.
One thing changes in your routine, and you are down for the count for days. 

Enough of that.





RE: [TMIC] question

2009-08-09 Thread jrushton
 When the band starts to hurt and you described it very well, I know that
the pain is going to get worse from my breast line on down.  It feels like a
steel wire just getting tighter and tighter.  It hurts so bad and then the
pain intensifies from there on down.  I usually add Tylenol or Ibuprofen to
what I'm already taking to take the edge off but it just makes my whole body
drag. It makes me tired just to breathe!!  You explained it perfectly.  I
just don't know what triggers it other than the weather.  It does help to do
my water therapy in the hot tub, tho.  Quite a job, having this TM, isn't
it??!!  :)
---Original Message---
From: Janet Dunn
Date: 8/10/2009 12:13:11 AM
To: 'jrushton';  'tmic'
Subject: RE: [TMIC] question
Hey Jeanne
When you say that the pain starts worsening at T4 (which is where mine is)
and you know the rest is coming, what do you mean by that?  I am finding
lately that the fatigue is awful.  I spent yesterday morning garage saleing,
and then the afternoon was naptime.  Today, I could hardly drag my butt out
of bed, and I did a little yard work this afternoon, and then back to bed. 
The band is like a jagged razor blade, under my breast.  
I just get so tired, and so sore.  That is what frustrates me.  And yes, the
constant work at keeping the plumbing working.  Yikes that makes me crazy.  
One thing changes in your routine, and you are down for the count for days. 
Enough of that.


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-09 Thread jrushton
Kevin, I think the only thing we can do is just literally treat the symptoms
and we have many  

I will break out in a sweat from above the spinal cord injury where water
will just fall off of my face.  I think it's past 'sweating' but nothing at
all below the T4 level where the TM got me!!!  What a study we could be!! 

---Original Message---
From: Kevin Wolfthal
Date: 8/9/2009 11:47:41 PM
To: Janet Dunn;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question
Thank you and everyone who answered this.
TM has to be one of the oddest afflictions there is.
I also can't take extremes of heat or cold.  I even
have to turn on my AC in the winter if it's too hot
in my room.  Wierd.
Janet Dunn wrote:
 Yes, I have noticed that.  It also makes the bladder issues worse.  Glad I
 am not alone in this.

 I also, being a person from a northern climate, do not know how you down
 the warmth stand the heat.

 Too much heat and my burning bands drive me nuts.  Too much cold and I
 trouble walking.  Maybe I need to be in a bubble.


 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Wolfthal []
 Sent: August 9, 2009 2:16 PM
 Subject: [TMIC] question

 Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
 your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
 worse, such as spasms?



Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-19 Thread LadyOwl1961
Okay it looks like I got some answers to my question. It now seems that I need 
to drink alcohol with my lyrica to get rid of my anger. It also looks like I 
have to time my beer, wine or scotch as well as my lyrica. Well doing this I 
will have to avoid walls, floors and toilet rings. It will also give me amnesia 
and send me into lala land so I won't know I am angry. 

 ROTFLMNAO (rolling on the floor laughing my NUMB ass off)

Thank you to those who answered because it has given me a great laugh. I spoke 
with my doctor and we decided since I was going to be lessening my lyrica 
gradually that we are hoping the anger will dissipates. I think the anger is 
more due to the fact that I let myself catch that darn virus which threw me 
back into a TM bout. I have never been on a anti depressant and I don't know 
how I feel about starting one as normally I am able to handle the little bouts 
of depression I get with my TM. I really am afraid of adding more medication to 
the mix as since going on lyrica I have been able to get rid of most other 
medication and just keep a few on hand for break through pain  sensations when 
I need it. 

Thank you again all.. sometimes I wonder where I would be if I did not have a 
life full of laughter. 


Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-19 Thread jrushton
Kathy, I would never have made it in life without laughter and mainly at my
self!  When TM hit, I made my friends and family promise that we would all
get thru the process laughing and teasing me thru the more awkward processes
such as the pottie issues which there were many and occasionally still are a

There are time when the tears are needed, also.  They are just as important
as the laughter..  They are a cleansing of the soul.

One thing the neuro told me in ICU was that an antidepressant was very
important because of having to go thru all of the issues of being paralyzed
and the changes I would have to go thru with my life.  I was taking a very
good, low dose one for PMS so I wouldn't have the urge to maim anyone once a
month and it worked perfectly so I continued it.  There is no shame in it. 
It is like having to take any other med when our body does not work like it
is supposed to and there are so many out there that you sometimes have to
find one that works just for you.

Dang, once I start yakking, I just can't seem to quit   Hugs,  Jeanne

---Original Message---
From: LadyOwl1961
Date: 6/19/2009 9:16:35 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
Okay it looks like I got some answers to my question. It now seems that I
need to drink alcohol with my lyrica to get rid of my anger. It also looks
like I have to time my beer, wine or scotch as well as my lyrica. Well doing
this I will have to avoid walls, floors and toilet rings. It will also give
me amnesia and send me into lala land so I won’t know I am angry. 
 ROTFLMNAO (rolling on the floor laughing my NUMB ass off)
Thank you to those who answered because it has given me a great laugh. I
spoke with my doctor and we decided since I was going to be lessening my
lyrica gradually that we are hoping the anger will dissipates. I think the
anger is more due to the fact that I let myself catch that darn virus which
threw me back into a TM bout. I have never been on a anti depressant and I
don’t know how I feel about starting one as normally I am able to handle the
little bouts of depression I get with my TM. I really am afraid of adding
more medication to the mix as since going on lyrica I have been able to get
rid of most other medication and just keep a few on hand for break through
pain  sensations when I need it. 
Thank you again all.. sometimes I wonder where I would be if I did not have
a life full of laughter. 

RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-19 Thread Trudy OGILVIE

 I too have been on Lyrica for quite a few yearsh.. so that means that 
you WERE all with me last week at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware! I rarely drink 
liquor - but weren't those Margaritas fantastic!!! Yup 5 days of just the 
ladies  eight of us, partying, shopping, sunning!!  I am a beer/wine 
person.I have weaned myself off of Cymbalta... but not much chance of 
weaning off Amstel light or Pinot Grigio!! Not EVERY day (well almost not 
every day!) but I do enjoy my cold beer and wine! Besides since Feb. 7th 2002 I 
always walk as if I've had a few!!I definitely need a walker/cane to get 
around...It's TGIFwatch out for those walls or floors. been there done 
Sunday I head up to New York for a week of visiting friends and family!! I'm 
sure I'll see you there too!  :)

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:16:33 -0500

it looks like I got some answers to my question. It now seems that I need to 
drink alcohol with my lyrica to get rid of my anger. It also looks like I have 
to time my beer, wine or scotch as well as my lyrica. Well doing this I will 
have to avoid walls, floors and toilet rings. It will also give me amnesia and 
send me into lala land so I won’t know I am angry. 
 ROTFLMNAO (rolling on the floor laughing 
my NUMB ass off)
you to those who answered because it has given me a great laugh. I spoke with 
doctor and we decided since I was going to be lessening my lyrica gradually 
we are hoping the anger will dissipates. I think the anger is more due to the 
fact that I let myself catch that darn virus which threw me back into a TM 
I have never been on a anti depressant and I don’t know how I feel about 
starting one as normally I am able to handle the little bouts of depression I 
get with my TM. I really am afraid of adding more medication to the mix as 
going on lyrica I have been able to get rid of most other medication and just 
keep a few on hand for break through pain  sensations when I need it. 

you again all.. sometimes I wonder where I would be if I did not have a life 
full of laughter. 
Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®.

Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-18 Thread


Alcohol may cause amnesia- not remembering events after consuming the alcohol.

Good Luck


Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-18 Thread rj_rankin
Haha. Now that's funny! True true - still funny. It can also prevent u from 
being able to tell the difference between the wall and the floor! (don't ask). 
Unfortunately, a demylenating brain stem can too - but there aren't any funny 
stories to tell your friends later. 
--Original Message--
To: Cody
To: Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
Sent: Jun 18, 2009 8:33 AM


Alcohol may cause amnesia- not remembering events after consuming the alcohol.

Good Luck


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-18 Thread
 It can also prevent u from being able to tell the difference between the wall 
 and the floor! (don't ask).

That is also very true.

A lot depends on how much you drink and if the walls are made of floor boards.


Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-18 Thread jrushton also can make one become very up close and personal with the
toilet ring(don't ask on that one, either)  Jeanne

---Original Message---
Date: 6/18/2009 9:13:15 AM
To:;  Cody;  TMIC;  Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
Haha. Now that's funny! True true - still funny. It can also prevent u from
being able to tell the difference between the wall and the floor! (don't
ask). Unfortunately, a demylenating brain stem can too - but there aren't
any funny stories to tell your friends later.
--Original Message--
To: Cody
To: Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
Sent: Jun 18, 2009 8:33 AM
Alcohol may cause amnesia- not remembering events after consuming the
Good Luck
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-18 Thread jrushton
 I also take Lyrica and once in awhile I will have a glass of wine or a beer
but I try not to take it close to the time I take the med.  I have never had
an issue with it but am very careful about the timing.  Jeanne
---Original Message---
From: Janet Dunn
Date: 6/17/2009 8:05:39 PM
To: 'Cody';  'TMIC'
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
 OH Cody
How you have made my day.  And all this time I have denied myself the
pleasure of a tall cold one. 
God Bless Ya, I am a happy camper to hear this news.
TIAD  but I’ve got today to get through.
From: Cody [] 
Sent: June 17, 2009 4:41 PM
To: TMIC; Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
RobertI specifically ask my new pain management doctor about this
subject. I ask because my wife always gets after me when I want a scotch and
reminds me of the Lyrica warning label. I am on the same dosge as you 150mg
3XD and Baclofen as well.  He said no problem with a beer, a scotch or a
glass of wine. He just said be careful and not overdo and absolutely don't
drive. He also said the warning labels are written by lawyers and not by
doctors or pharmacist. He said the caution on the warning labels are
appropriate but there is a certain element of CYA for the drug company built
in as well. I never have over two drinks and most of the time only one and
not every day either. So that's my 2 cents worth for the day as I sip my
glass of Pinot..Cody in Austin

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 6.12630


Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-18 Thread Janice
  That is the way I am about taking Baclofen.Having a drink on top of that 
can put
   you in la la land!! janice
  - Original Message - 
  From: jrushton 
  To: Janet Dunn ; tmic 
  Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 6:22 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

 I also take Lyrica and once in awhile I will have a glass of wine or a 
beer but I try not to take it close to the time I take the med.  I have never 
had an issue with it but am very careful about the timing.  Jeanne

---Original Message---

From: Janet Dunn
Date: 6/17/2009 8:05:39 PM
To: 'Cody';  'TMIC'
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

 OH Cody

How you have made my day.  And all this time I have denied myself the 
pleasure of a tall cold one. 

God Bless Ya, I am a happy camper to hear this news.


TIAD  but I've got today to get through.

From: Cody [] 
Sent: June 17, 2009 4:41 PM
To: TMIC; Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

RobertI specifically ask my new pain management doctor about this 
subject. I ask because my wife always gets after me when I want a scotch and 
reminds me of the Lyrica warning label. I am on the same dosge as you 150mg 3XD 
and Baclofen as well.  He said no problem with a beer, a scotch or a glass of 
wine. He just said be careful and not overdo and absolutely don't drive. He 
also said the warning labels are written by lawyers and not by doctors or 
pharmacist. He said the caution on the warning labels are appropriate but there 
is a certain element of CYA for the drug company built in as well. I never have 
over two drinks and most of the time only one and not every day either. So 
that's my 2 cents worth for the day as I sip my glass of Pinot..Cody in 

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 6.12630


Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-18 Thread Janice
   Oh My!!   I am learning all kinds of tidbits on my TM friends!!
  - Original Message - 
  From: jrushton 
  To: ; tmic 
  Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 5:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica? also can make one become very up close and personal with the 
toilet ring(don't ask on that one, either)  Jeanne

---Original Message---

Date: 6/18/2009 9:13:15 AM
To:;  Cody;  TMIC;  Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

Haha. Now that's funny! True true - still funny. It can also prevent u 
from being able to tell the difference between the wall and the floor! (don't 
ask). Unfortunately, a demylenating brain stem can too - but there aren't any 
funny stories to tell your friends later.
--Original Message--
To: Cody
To: Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
Sent: Jun 18, 2009 8:33 AM


Alcohol may cause amnesia- not remembering events after consuming the 

Good Luck


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Pall
I have been on Lyrica for at least 3 years...I started with 2 pills a day 
(150mg each) and 2 years ago I increased it to 3 pills or 450 mg per day. I 
have had TM for 12 years and have found Lyrica to be the best drug as for 
helping the banding,numbness and pins and needles. The only side effects are 
they increase my appetite and you can not drink alcohol when you are taking 
Lyrica (I still have a beer or two..but no hard liquor).
Rob in New Jersey

From: LadyOwl1961 [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:49 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

On May 6th of this year I was visiting friends in Thunder Bay, Ontario, 
Canada (where I am originally from and lived until 1999) when both myself and 
the friend I was staying with  got a very bad chest cold that lasted 2 ½ weeks. 
It was actually longer but just the tired run down feeling lingered. I visited 
my family doctor in Thunder Bay on May 11th to have my prescriptions updated 
and refilled when during all of this and he reminded me about my TM symptoms 
flaring up after a very bad flu/cold as this seemed to be the trigger in my 
1st. and  2nd  bouts. I returned home to the States on May 25th. It was about 
June 1st. that I woke up at home and it was like every symptom of my TM was in 
over drive. With no health care and not knowing what else to do I called my 
doctor in Thunder Bay. He then talked to my neurologist himself and called me 
back telling me that they agreed I should increase my Lyrica gradually then 
decrease it again over the course of 2 months as my bouts seem to last 
approximately 3 weeks. I am in the middle of doing all of this right now. My 
question is that I am wondering about the increase and decrease and if you 
noticed any change in your moods? Lately for some unknown reason I am angry. 
Angry at any and everything and the least little thing can set me off (sorry 
for the read receipt thing). I am trying to figure out if this is due to the 
lyrica (a side effect is depression) or just my emotions over having another 


Kathy (who now feels bad about her read receipt email)

Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-17 Thread Cody
RobertI specifically ask my new pain management doctor about this subject. 
I ask because my wife always gets after me when I want a scotch and reminds me 
of the Lyrica warning label. I am on the same dosge as you 150mg 3XD and 
Baclofen as well.  He said no problem with a beer, a scotch or a glass of wine. 
He just said be careful and not overdo and absolutely don't drive. He also said 
the warning labels are written by lawyers and not by doctors or pharmacist. He 
said the caution on the warning labels are appropriate but there is a certain 
element of CYA for the drug company built in as well. I never have over two 
drinks and most of the time only one and not every day either. So that's my 2 
cents worth for the day as I sip my glass of Pinot..Cody in Austin
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Pall 
  To: LadyOwl1961 ; 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:58 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

  I have been on Lyrica for at least 3 years...I started with 2 pills a day 
(150mg each) and 2 years ago I increased it to 3 pills or 450 mg per day. I 
have had TM for 12 years and have found Lyrica to be the best drug as for 
helping the banding,numbness and pins and needles. The only side effects are 
they increase my appetite and you can not drink alcohol when you are taking 
Lyrica (I still have a beer or two..but no hard liquor).

  Rob in New Jersey

  From: LadyOwl1961 [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:49 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

  On May 6th of this year I was visiting friends in Thunder Bay, Ontario, 
Canada (where I am originally from and lived until 1999) when both myself and 
the friend I was staying with  got a very bad chest cold that lasted 2 ½ weeks. 
It was actually longer but just the tired run down feeling lingered. I visited 
my family doctor in Thunder Bay on May 11th to have my prescriptions updated 
and refilled when during all of this and he reminded me about my TM symptoms 
flaring up after a very bad flu/cold as this seemed to be the trigger in my 
1st. and  2nd  bouts. I returned home to the States on May 25th. It was about 
June 1st. that I woke up at home and it was like every symptom of my TM was in 
over drive. With no health care and not knowing what else to do I called my 
doctor in Thunder Bay. He then talked to my neurologist himself and called me 
back telling me that they agreed I should increase my Lyrica gradually then 
decrease it again over the course of 2 months as my bouts seem to last 
approximately 3 weeks. I am in the middle of doing all of this right now. My 
question is that I am wondering about the increase and decrease and if you 
noticed any change in your moods? Lately for some unknown reason I am angry. 
Angry at any and everything and the least little thing can set me off (sorry 
for the read receipt thing). I am trying to figure out if this is due to the 
lyrica (a side effect is depression) or just my emotions over having another 


  Kathy (who now feels bad about her read receipt email)

RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

2009-06-17 Thread Janet Dunn

 OH Cody


How you have made my day.  And all this time I have denied myself the
pleasure of a tall cold one. 


God Bless Ya, I am a happy camper to hear this news.




TIAD  but I've got today to get through.


From: Cody [] 
Sent: June 17, 2009 4:41 PM
To: TMIC; Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?


RobertI specifically ask my new pain management doctor about this
subject. I ask because my wife always gets after me when I want a scotch and
reminds me of the Lyrica warning label. I am on the same dosge as you 150mg
3XD and Baclofen as well.  He said no problem with a beer, a scotch or a
glass of wine. He just said be careful and not overdo and absolutely don't
drive. He also said the warning labels are written by lawyers and not by
doctors or pharmacist. He said the caution on the warning labels are
appropriate but there is a certain element of CYA for the drug company built
in as well. I never have over two drinks and most of the time only one and
not every day either. So that's my 2 cents worth for the day as I sip my
glass of Pinot..Cody in Austin

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 6.12630

Re: [TMIC] Question?

2008-12-29 Thread westgold

yes, you need serious antibiotics immediately.  this is much more serious than 
a bladder infection, and if you don't bomb it immediately your kidneys can be 
damaged. I know.  Go right now to the dr.  today.


 Never have had a kidney infection, I'm wondering if I have one now.  I've got
 a HORRIBLE backache on the left side just above my hip bone and it's tender
 to the touch; I break out sweating for no reason - running 99.8 which is a
 fever for me; I've lost my bladder control, what little I had - I go to the
 bathroom, wash my hands or walk just a few steps and the urine just starts
 flowing.  I'm also much more tired than usual.  
 Can anyone give me a clue?
 Candy K.

Re: [TMIC] Question?

2008-12-29 Thread Mary Anne Egan
My daughter gets urinary overflow incontinence when she has a UTI, to date
she has not had a bladder infection but if I am not mistaken it depends how
long the infections sit there

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 12:43 PM, CANDIS KALLEY cakal...@embarqmail.comwrote:

 Never have had a kidney infection, I'm wondering if I have one now.  I've
 got a HORRIBLE backache on the left side just above my hip bone and it's
 tender to the touch; I break out sweating for no reason - running 99.8 which
 is a fever for me; I've lost my bladder control, what little I had - I go to
 the bathroom, wash my hands or walk just a few steps and the urine just
 starts flowing.  I'm also much more tired than usual.

 Can anyone give me a clue?

 Candy K.

Mary Anne Egan
The Stettler Group, Inc.
(908) 806-3001
(908) 806-3113 Fax

RE: [TMIC] Question?

2008-12-29 Thread Patricia Cooley
Yes, I agree.  It sounds like a kidney infection and you need to see your
doctor or an urgent care clinic right away.  The sooner you get on
antibiotics the better. You don't want to damage your kidneys.

Patti in Wisconsin

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question?

yes, you need serious antibiotics immediately.  this is much more serious
a bladder infection, and if you don't bomb it immediately your kidneys can
damaged. I know.  Go right now to the dr.  today.


 Never have had a kidney infection, I'm wondering if I have one now.  I've
 a HORRIBLE backache on the left side just above my hip bone and it's
 to the touch; I break out sweating for no reason - running 99.8 which is a
 fever for me; I've lost my bladder control, what little I had - I go to
 bathroom, wash my hands or walk just a few steps and the urine just starts
 flowing.  I'm also much more tired than usual.  
 Can anyone give me a clue?
 Candy K.

Re: [TMIC] Question from Randy

2008-11-14 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello Bernie
It has been ages since we have  heard from you.  What has been going on in 
your life?  You  always have such interesting stories to tell and new ideas you 
say we  ought to try.
What is the big idea about  Solu-Medrol?  What kind of positive effects do 
get from it?   Isn't is comparable to a dose-pack?  How bad is the pain on 
 fourth day?  I figure that it must be worth it.
God Bless,
In a message dated 11/12/2008 2:26:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Diagnosed with TM in 2002, MS in 2008. But I was getting it  before the
MS diagnosis. Last time I got it was 9/08, due next month.  The sick
effect goes away completely in a week, then I feel better.  Overall, I
don't know if it does anything, but it is supposed to  reduce
inflammation in my spinal cord and nerve myelin, and therefore  prevent


-Original  Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008  1:55 PM
To: Butcher; Butcher, Bernard G (NY80); Jenna;  TMIC
Subject: Re: RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy

 Yes,  I get this infusion every 3 months, 1G/day for 3 days. It's
  prednisone. For me, I get a bit sick after the fourth day, but  my
 says that that is not the norm - just me. After that  I feel pretty


That'sa  lot of medication!! 

For what disease do you get that much  Solu-Medro??

Have you started to get the side  effects?

Good  Luck


**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news  

Re: [TMIC] Question from Randy-Solu-Medrol

2008-11-14 Thread Jenna

Most of the time when they give you Solu-Medrol for MS or TM you get 1000mgs a 
day.  The dose pac's are much lower dose of steroids.  

I have such bad reactions to it that I had to be put in the hospital each time 
I needed it.  Instead of doing 1000mg once a day, they have to spread it out 
and do 250mg every 6 hours.  It makes me very sick and I spend 6 days in the 
hospital.  Then come home for a day or two and then go back for a day, because 
my blood sugar is so messed up and has problems readjusting. Spend a day and 
get things settled down.  I am always very sick for two weeks following the 
Solu-Medrol.  It takes 9 weeks or so before I really start feeling good again.  
Durning all this time I can't drive and spend most of the time in bed.  And am 
very grouchy

Thank goodness I have not had to that for almost 3 years now.  I am so very 
blessed and happy about that.  I have a friend here that did the Solu-Medrol 
for the first time and was asking me if I ever had a relaps again would I do 
the steroids again.  And I told her as bad as it is on my body, yes I would 
because it did help so much.  As Frank said in an e-mail there are some bad 
permanet  side effects.  It is something you really need to talk about with 
your Dr.


Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 3:39:05 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question from Randy

AOL Email 
Hello Bernie
It has been ages since we have  heard from you.  What has been going on in your 
life?  You  always have such interesting stories to tell and new ideas you say 
we  ought to try.
What is the big idea about  Solu-Medrol?  What kind of positive effects do get 
from it?   Isn't is comparable to a dose-pack?  How bad is the pain on the  
fourth day?  I figure that it must be worth it.
God Bless,
In a message dated 11/12/2008 2:26:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
Diagnosed with TM in 2002, MS in 2008. But I was getting it  before the
MS diagnosis. Last time I got it was 9/08, due next month.  The sick
effect goes away completely in a week, then I feel better.  Overall, I
don't know if it does anything, but it is supposed to  reduce
inflammation in my spinal cord and nerve myelin, and therefore  prevent


-Original  Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008  1:55 PM
To: Butcher; Butcher, Bernard G (NY80); Jenna;  TMIC
Subject: Re: RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy

 Yes,  I get this infusion every 3 months, 1G/day for 3 days. It's
  prednisone. For me, I get a bit sick after the fourth day, but  my
 says that that is not the norm - just me. After that  I feel pretty


That'sa  lot of medication!! 

For what disease do you get that much  Solu-Medro??

Have you started to get the side  effects?

Good  Luck


Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news  more!


RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy

2008-11-14 Thread Butcher, Bernard G (NY80)
Hi Jude - Great to hear from you - hope  pray you are better. I have
posted from time to time, but I don't know if I always get through.

My life (with Mr. MS) now is: get up, go to work (using walker), come
home (totally exhausted) eat, then bed,  do it all again. On weekends,
rest up as much as possible for next week.
The positive effects are that I feel better for a while, a month or two,
then after 3 months get another dose. I also do it because my neuro
recommends it (?) I think it's worth it. Plus up until now, I get it
done at home. 

What's a dose pack?

After the fourth day, I have no pain really, just ill, like, flu-ish - I
take two naps per day for two or three days, then I begin to come back
to normal



Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 3:39 AM
To: Butcher, Bernard G (NY80);
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question from Randy


Hello Bernie


It has been ages since we have heard from you.  What has been going on
in your life?  You always have such interesting stories to tell and new
ideas you say we ought to try.


What is the big idea about Solu-Medrol?  What kind of positive effects
do get from it?  Isn't is comparable to a dose-pack?  How bad is the
pain on the fourth day?  I figure that it must be worth it.


God Bless,



In a message dated 11/12/2008 2:26:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Diagnosed with TM in 2002, MS in 2008. But I was getting it
before the
MS diagnosis. Last time I got it was 9/08, due next month. The
effect goes away completely in a week, then I feel better.
Overall, I
don't know if it does anything, but it is supposed to reduce
inflammation in my spinal cord and nerve myelin, and therefore


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 1:55 PM
To: Butcher; Butcher, Bernard G (NY80); Jenna; TMIC
Subject: Re: RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy

 Yes, I get this infusion every 3 months, 1G/day for 3 days.
 prednisone. For me, I get a bit sick after the fourth day, but
 says that that is not the norm - just me. After that I feel


That'sa lot of medication!! 

For what disease do you get that much Solu-Medro??

Have you started to get the side effects?

Good Luck


Get the Moviefone Toolbar
1 . Showtimes, theaters, movie news  more!

RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy-Solu-Medrol

2008-11-14 Thread Butcher, Bernard G (NY80)
Hi Jenna - yes it is bad for your body - I took a bone density scan test
 flunked - now I have osteo penia.



From: Jenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 8:47 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Butcher, Bernard G (NY80);
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question from Randy-Solu-Medrol



Most of the time when they give you Solu-Medrol for MS or TM you get
1000mgs a day.  The dose pac's are much lower dose of steroids.  

I have such bad reactions to it that I had to be put in the hospital
each time I needed it.  Instead of doing 1000mg once a day, they have to
spread it out and do 250mg every 6 hours.  It makes me very sick and I
spend 6 days in the hospital.  Then come home for a day or two and then
go back for a day, because my blood sugar is so messed up and has
problems readjusting. Spend a day and get things settled down.  I am
always very sick for two weeks following the Solu-Medrol.  It takes 9
weeks or so before I really start feeling good again.  Durning all this
time I can't drive and spend most of the time in bed.  And am very

Thank goodness I have not had to that for almost 3 years now.  I am so
very blessed and happy about that.  I have a friend here that did the
Solu-Medrol for the first time and was asking me if I ever had a relaps
again would I do the steroids again.  And I told her as bad as it is on
my body, yes I would because it did help so much.  As Frank said in an
e-mail there are some bad permanet  side effects.  It is something you
really need to talk about with your Dr.





Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 3:39:05 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question from Randy

Hello Bernie


It has been ages since we have heard from you.  What has been going on
in your life?  You always have such interesting stories to tell and new
ideas you say we ought to try.


What is the big idea about Solu-Medrol?  What kind of positive effects
do get from it?  Isn't is comparable to a dose-pack?  How bad is the
pain on the fourth day?  I figure that it must be worth it.


God Bless,



In a message dated 11/12/2008 2:26:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Diagnosed with TM in 2002, MS in 2008. But I was getting it
before the
MS diagnosis. Last time I got it was 9/08, due next month. The
effect goes away completely in a week, then I feel better.
Overall, I
don't know if it does anything, but it is supposed to reduce
inflammation in my spinal cord and nerve myelin, and therefore


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 1:55 PM
To: Butcher; Butcher, Bernard G (NY80); Jenna; TMIC
Subject: Re: RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy

 Yes, I get this infusion every 3 months, 1G/day for 3 days.
 prednisone. For me, I get a bit sick after the fourth day, but
 says that that is not the norm - just me. After that I feel


That'sa lot of medication!! 

For what disease do you get that much Solu-Medro??

Have you started to get the side effects?

Good Luck


Get the Moviefone Toolbar
1 . Showtimes, theaters, movie news  more!


RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy

2008-11-12 Thread Butcher, Bernard G (NY80)
Yes, I get this infusion every 3 months, 1G/day for 3 days. It's
prednisone. For me, I get a bit sick after the fourth day, but my neuro
says that that is not the norm - just me. After that I feel pretty good,



From: Jenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 1:19 PM
To: TMIC; Kim; Martha Fleming; Betty
Subject: [TMIC] Question from Randy


Randy  asked me to forward this.  Anyone what to tell him their
experience with Solu-Medrol? 





Ok u might forward this to group. I have no forward ability on
blackberry. They are treating me with IV methyprnisolone (solu-medrol)
and added tergetal for the facial pain. Could someone look up, explain
or add personal experiences from the methyprnisolone. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 05:39:18 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: October TM meeting

Very good Randy!  Hopefully the new ENT will have good news too!  Take
care and keep me updated.





Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:01:11 AM
Subject: Re: October TM meeting

Great news the doc says that it isn't ms. The facial nerves are inflamed
but the brain stem is ok. Theyu don't knw the cause but believe it is an
ear infection that attacked the nervous system. But it isn't a nuro
problem per say. The steriods seem to be working. They also have a
better ENT going to look at me. They say that I will probably have to
have surgery on inner ear. But that is left up to the ENT. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 15:56:05 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: October TM meeting

Wow what a day.  Well I am praying for you and hoping you will recover





Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7:43:57 PM
Subject: Re: October TM meeting

I had two lumbar punctures. The first got nothing. The second was not
much better and the guy hit a nerve TWICE that sent a shock to my
testees. It was horrific. They did some evoke potential tests where they
electricute ur hands and ankles. I had another mri. They did some visual
and auditory tests. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 15:36:30 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: October TM meeting

How are you feeling?  What are they doing for you??





Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7:33:59 PM
Subject: Re: October TM meeting

Sunday is best for me. I should b out. I thnk the girls said sunday. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 15:28:19 -0800 (PST)
CC: Martha Fleming[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Betty
Subject: Re: October TM meeting

I can meet on Saturday or Sunday just let me know.





Cc: Martha Fleming [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Betty Budnek
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 6:12:21 PM
Subject: Re: October TM meeting

R we going to meet this weekend???

-- Original message from Jenna [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

When and where are we meeting.  Sunday is fine with me so that
Randy can be there.  Please let me know.  Thanks so much!!  Have a great
week all. 





Cc: Martha Fleming [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Betty Budnek
Sent: Sunday, November 9, 2008 7:40:53 PM
Subject: Re: October TM meeting

Maybe we can find something between Hiram and D'ville?

-- Original message from Martha Fleming

Okay. Sounds good to me.


Subject: Re: October TM meeting
Cc: Martha Fleming [EMAIL PROTECTED], Betty Budnek
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 7:56 PM

With Thanksgiving comming up, next weekend might 

Re: RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy

2008-11-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes, I get this infusion every 3 months, 1G/day for 3 days. It's
 prednisone. For me, I get a bit sick after the fourth day, but my neuro
 says that that is not the norm - just me. After that I feel pretty good,


That'sa lot of medication!! 

 For what disease do you get that much Solu-Medro??

Have you started to get the side effects?

Good Luck


RE: RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy

2008-11-12 Thread Butcher, Bernard G (NY80)
Diagnosed with TM in 2002, MS in 2008. But I was getting it before the
MS diagnosis. Last time I got it was 9/08, due next month. The sick
effect goes away completely in a week, then I feel better. Overall, I
don't know if it does anything, but it is supposed to reduce
inflammation in my spinal cord and nerve myelin, and therefore prevent


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 1:55 PM
To: Butcher; Butcher, Bernard G (NY80); Jenna; TMIC
Subject: Re: RE: [TMIC] Question from Randy

 Yes, I get this infusion every 3 months, 1G/day for 3 days. It's
 prednisone. For me, I get a bit sick after the fourth day, but my
 says that that is not the norm - just me. After that I feel pretty


That'sa lot of medication!! 

 For what disease do you get that much Solu-Medro??

Have you started to get the side effects?

Good Luck


Re: [TMIC] question about post

2008-10-28 Thread kevin weilacher
I think that is a wonderful idea Jeanne...   kind of no different than when 
someone puts something like NWS for Not Work Safe when they are sending 
something not appropriate to be viewed or read while at work.

Thanxx for the idea..

From: jrushton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jenna [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 7:30:13 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] question about post

I have a simple suggestion after all of the 
discussion on religion and politics...maybe too simple?  What if we were to 
add 'Rel' or 'Poll' to the Subject line whenever we want to add either and that 
way it will give the reader a chance to delete it without having to read it 
first??  I'm fine without it but it might help keep peace for all and I 
mean that in a good way.
 Jeanne in Dayton


Re: [TMIC] question about post

2008-10-28 Thread jrushton
Hi, Gilly,

I think I've been part of the TMIC and when I first came on, there was a 
spirited discussion of some kind then but because there was so much caring 
between those involved, I watched caring hearts work it out so it is like a 
family.  Things come up??  We work it out!!!  j

Re: [TMIC] question about post

2008-10-28 Thread Gillian Clark
Yep, that is exactly how it is!  For the fairly new to the list family, you 
should know that in general, the old Timers who stay on the list to help are 
those who have not had a full recovery, so, like you, we are suffering.  Those 
who have stayed only for a short time, are usually those who have had a most 
significant recovery.  We stay, we post in good faith and in the spirit of a 
close family who care for each other but don't always agree.

  - Original Message - 
  From: jrushton 
  To: Gillian Clark ; tmic 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:30 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] question about post

  Hi, Gilly,

  I think I've been part of the TMIC and when I first came on, there was a 
spirited discussion of some kind then but because there was so much caring 
between those involved, I watched caring hearts work it out so it is like a 
family.  Things come up??  We work it out!!!  j

Re: [TMIC] question about post

2008-10-27 Thread jrushton
I have a simple suggestion after all of the discussion on religion and 
politics...maybe too simple?  What if we were to add 'Rel' or 'Poll' to the 
Subject line whenever we want to add either and that way it will give the 
reader a chance to delete it without having to read it first??  I'm fine 
without it but it might help keep peace for all and I mean that in a good way.

 Jeanne in Dayton

Re: [TMIC] question about post

2008-10-26 Thread jrushton
Jenna, as far as I'm concerned, how else are we going to know about some that 
are unable to let us know themselves?  I'm thankful we have people like you 
that are willing to help each other.  Isn't that what the TMIC site is all 
about??  Helping each other??  I thank you for being so kind as to do this act 
for someone..  Jeanne in Dayton

Re: [TMIC] question about post

2008-10-26 Thread CANDIS KALLEY

I personally believe in prayer and its healing and comforting abilities.  
Requesting prayers and praying for one another is the humanly response.  We all 
may not believe in the name of who/what we call our higher power, but I do 
believe in a higher power which I call GOD. 

I vote for anyone requesting prayers, directly or thru other members, should be 
allowed.  Those who do not believe in a higher power do not have to 

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly!  
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably .  
And never regret anything that made you smile. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 1:48:10 PM (GMT-0500) America/Bogota 
Subject: [TMIC] question about post 

OK I have a question.  Is it still OK to post information about people from the 
list that are to sick to post and/or are in the hospital?  And some of them are 
asking for prayer and thoughts.  I have updates from people on the list but now 
I am not sure if that bugs people too?? 

Just not wanting to make any mistakes or make anyone mad. 


Re: [TMIC] question about post

2008-10-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm not against requests for prayers,I requested them over 9 yrs ago when my 
first great grandson was born weighing 2 lbs1 oz.
  I'm talking about the other religious emails.I'm drawing a blank on how to 
explain what I mean;could someone else please explain it for me?

--- On Sun, 10/26/08, CANDIS KALLEY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] question about post
Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 3:03 PM

#yiv963255076 {font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:12pt;color:#00;}

I personally believe in prayer and its healing and comforting abilities.  
Requesting prayers and praying for one another is the humanly response.  We all 
may not believe in the name of who/what we call our higher power, but I do 
believe in a higher power which I call GOD.
I vote for anyone requesting prayers, directly or thru other members, should be 
allowed.  Those who do not believe in a higher power do not have to 

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 1:48:10 PM (GMT-0500) America/Bogota
Subject: [TMIC] question about post

OK I have a question.  Is it still OK to post information about people from the 
list that are to sick to post and/or are in the hospital?  And some of them are 
asking for prayer and thoughts.  I have updates from people on the list but now 
I am not sure if that bugs people too??

Just not wanting to make any mistakes or make anyone mad.



Re: [TMIC] question about post

2008-10-26 Thread laura . eichler
Hmmm. I am thinking that maybe it would be emails that try to teach religion
or are meant to persuade others to your religious opinion. Just briefly
asking for prayers (without getting too detailed about your beliefs) doesn't
seem to be offensive to the majority here.

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 3:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

   I'm not against requests for prayers,I requested them over 9 yrs ago when
 my first great grandson was born weighing 2 lbs1 oz.
   I'm talking about the other religious emails.I'm drawing a blank on how
 to explain what I mean;could someone else please explain it for me?

 --- On *Sun, 10/26/08, CANDIS KALLEY [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 Subject: Re: [TMIC] question about post
 Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 3:03 PM

  I personally believe in prayer and its healing and comforting abilities.
 Requesting prayers and praying for one another is the humanly response.  We
 all may not believe in the name of who/what we call our higher power, but
 I do believe in a higher power which I call GOD.
 I vote for anyone requesting prayers, directly or thru other members,
 should be allowed.  Those who do not believe in a higher power do not have
 to participate.

 Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly!
 Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably .
 And never regret anything that made you smile.

 Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

 Candy K.

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 1:48:10 PM (GMT-0500) America/Bogota
 Subject: [TMIC] question about post

  OK I have a question.  Is it still OK to post information about people
 from the list that are to sick to post and/or are in the hospital?  And some
 of them are asking for prayer and thoughts.  I have updates from people on
 the list but now I am not sure if that bugs people too??

 Just not wanting to make any mistakes or make anyone mad.


Re: [TMIC] question

2008-10-18 Thread Jan Hargrove
Hi Pat,
Sorry you've had to become a member of this family, but you've come to the 
place for help (and love)!  
I'm aware of Sjogrern's as a good friend of mine also has it. As you know, 
(like tm) is an immune system problem which is frequently the case, you have 
one immune problem and that puts you at greater risk for another which is not 
in this group .my immune problem is excema and my dernatologist has tried 
to put 
me on Imuranmy system wouldn't allow me to take it.I was still teaching 
at the
elementary level at that time so I was very aware of the increased possibility 
that I was more likely to pick up things from my doc told me to 
keep the children at
arms length  from me as much as possible and to wash my hands frequently!  
that time I had no problems except rejecting the Imuran.  
I am aware that there are some of the tm folks who use the immune suppressants,
so surely you'll get more definitive responses than mine...just choose your 
activities carefully, crowds, etc...the second time we tried Imuran, I chose to 
not go to events or places where I knew there would be more opportunities to 
catch something..same results, the only problem was my body rejecting the 
Anyway, I assume you'll get some responses that are more helpful than 
know I care, and you're not alone in this fight!!
--- On Sat, 10/18/08, Patricia Cooley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Patricia Cooley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [TMIC] question
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 12:32 PM

I am looking for some information.  I came down with TM in June.  My doctors 
believe I have Sjogren’s Syndrome which caused the TM.  They put me on a drug 
to suppress my immune system.  I am taking the meds but I am concerned with the 
cold and flu season starting and I have been advised NOT to have a flu shot.   
Has anyone out there been on that type of drug and did you have any problems?
I would appreciate any information you may have.
Thanks for your help.
Pat in Wisconsin

Re: [TMIC] Question - bum pain

2008-07-12 Thread Jim Lubin

Have you tried a mattress overlay?

Do a search for Isotonic topper pad. I tried one and thought it 
felt great but I sunk into it so much that it was difficult for the 
nurse to turn me.

I now use a Sierra Gel Mattress Overlay. very comfotable.

The Sierra Gel Mattress Overlay incorporates a series of gel 
bladders encapsulated between high-density polyurethane sculptured 
foam and support base. This combination creates a therapeutically 
advanced yet cost effective support surface. Optimal environment for 
prevention/treatment of pressure sores. One-Piece construction 
requires no assembly. Easy to clean, non-shear/low friction surface. 
Elastic corner straps to secure overlay to mattress. Base foundation 
is a high-density solid one-piece foam constructed core. Convoluted 
high-density polyurethane foam topper. Cover material in Unitek™, a 
soft nylon urethane coated OFX non-vapor permeable material. Bladders 
contain an aqueous non-toxic gel solution. Size hospital twin. 
Components conform to CAL TECH 117 and all infection control 
standards. Medicare Reimbursable Code HCPCS EO185 applies to standard 
size. Size: 34W x 76L x 3H
In my wheelchair I use a Roho High Profile Quadtro Select Cushion. 
For me it works much better than the gel cushion. I'm in my 
wheelchair about 15 hours a day.

At 02:33 PM 7/11/2008, CANDISKALLEY wrote:

I'm wondering if any of you have the feeling as if your hip/pelvic 
bones are trying to come through your bum muscles or as if I fell on 
my bum and it is terribly bruised?  This is the only feeling I have 
on my bum other than I know when my bum is touched.

I had to do alot of sitting yesterday - driving to Dr. office, in 
the office, and drive back home.  Today my bum is so sore like it is 
bruised.  This is not the first time - it seems to happen anytime 
that I have to sit for long periods of time.  This is the only 
feeling I have in bum and it really hurts!  Pain pills do not help.

I've laid on my sides so much that they are also hurting.  I can't 
lay on my stomach because I have an ileostomy - my colon has been 
removed along with the rectum and the small intestine comes out on 
my left side of my lower abdomen, so laying on my stomach is out.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Candy K.

Jim Lubin
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Re: [TMIC] Question - bum pain

2008-07-11 Thread Diane
Candy, you're bound to get different replies on this but I have to tell you 
that I suffer from bum pain - and it does feel like bruising.  In my case, it 
is the beginning of pressure sores.  They start very deep  will worsen if you 
don't take the pressure off in some way.  I bought some of the special cushions 
they use in wheelchairs  they help a bit.

I have a tendency to pressure sores everywhere.  The dr explained that even 
though I am 'mobile', I do have residual paralysis (which I knew of course).  
Because of that, when there is an area(s) where the blood supply is squashed 
from sitting/lying/leaning , the signal to and back from the brain does not 
occur  I don't move.  Pressure sores develop.

I tend to get very careful when I get the sores (open or not), then I start 
feeling better and I forget to move again - or I don't move at all in my sleep. 
 I've been on this roller coaster for about 5 yrs.  I'm just healing from this 
last painful bout.  The last count when I saw the dr this Winter was 18 - 15 of 
them below the waist.  I sleep on a row of pillows.  I wrap my feet with 
elastic bandage before I go to bed to protect the sores on my ankles.  And on, 
and on, and on.

I am very thankful that I've never had infection in my sores but I am sick of 
I'm looking for some kind of timer that would chime every 15 min. or so to 
remind me to move.  I've found watches that chime but the sound is so soft, I 
don't hear it if the TV is on and of course, it wouldn't wake me up.  There are 
watches with alarms but I don't want to have to re-set constantly.  Anybody out 
there know of anything that would work?

Best of luck, Candy.  Be careful  keep moving.
  - Original Message - 
  To: tmic-list 
  Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 5:33 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Question - bum pain

  I'm wondering if any of you have the feeling as if your hip/pelvic bones are 
trying to come through your bum muscles or as if I fell on my bum and it is 
terribly bruised?  This is the only feeling I have on my bum other than I know 
when my bum is touched.

  I had to do alot of sitting yesterday - driving to Dr. office, in the office, 
and drive back home.  Today my bum is so sore like it is bruised.  This is not 
the first time - it seems to happen anytime that I have to sit for long periods 
of time.  This is the only feeling I have in bum and it really hurts!  Pain 
pills do not help.  

  I've laid on my sides so much that they are also hurting.  I can't lay on my 
stomach because I have an ileostomy - my colon has been removed along with the 
rectum and the small intestine comes out on my left side of my lower abdomen, 
so laying on my stomach is out.

  Anyone have any suggestions?

  Candy K.

Re: [TMIC] Question - bum pain

2008-07-11 Thread Alle111
Hi Candy, 
I don't have much of an answer as I am in a wheelchair, but if you hurt from 
sitting too long, why not try a gel cushion to use when sitting. You can get 
one online or anywhere that sells medical supplies/equipmentElla

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Re: [TMIC] Question - bum pain

2008-07-11 Thread Diane
Forgot to add and I so agree with Michelle re taking an Advil or any kind of 
pain killer.  If there is pain, you will remember to move more often.
Diane in Canada
  - Original Message - 
  From: Diane 
  To: CANDIS KALLEY ; tmic-list 
  Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 6:27 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question - bum pain

  Candy, you're bound to get different replies on this but I have to tell you 
that I suffer from bum pain - and it does feel like bruising.  In my case, it 
is the beginning of pressure sores.  They start very deep  will worsen if you 
don't take the pressure off in some way.  I bought some of the special cushions 
they use in wheelchairs  they help a bit.

  I have a tendency to pressure sores everywhere.  The dr explained that even 
though I am 'mobile', I do have residual paralysis (which I knew of course).  
Because of that, when there is an area(s) where the blood supply is squashed 
from sitting/lying/leaning , the signal to and back from the brain does not 
occur  I don't move.  Pressure sores develop.

  I tend to get very careful when I get the sores (open or not), then I start 
feeling better and I forget to move again - or I don't move at all in my sleep. 
 I've been on this roller coaster for about 5 yrs.  I'm just healing from this 
last painful bout.  The last count when I saw the dr this Winter was 18 - 15 of 
them below the waist.  I sleep on a row of pillows.  I wrap my feet with 
elastic bandage before I go to bed to protect the sores on my ankles.  And on, 
and on, and on.

  I am very thankful that I've never had infection in my sores but I am sick of 
  I'm looking for some kind of timer that would chime every 15 min. or so to 
remind me to move.  I've found watches that chime but the sound is so soft, I 
don't hear it if the TV is on and of course, it wouldn't wake me up.  There are 
watches with alarms but I don't want to have to re-set constantly.  Anybody out 
there know of anything that would work?

  Best of luck, Candy.  Be careful  keep moving.
- Original Message - 
To: tmic-list 
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 5:33 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Question - bum pain

I'm wondering if any of you have the feeling as if your hip/pelvic bones 
are trying to come through your bum muscles or as if I fell on my bum and it is 
terribly bruised?  This is the only feeling I have on my bum other than I know 
when my bum is touched.

I had to do alot of sitting yesterday - driving to Dr. office, in the 
office, and drive back home.  Today my bum is so sore like it is bruised.  This 
is not the first time - it seems to happen anytime that I have to sit for long 
periods of time.  This is the only feeling I have in bum and it really hurts!  
Pain pills do not help.  

I've laid on my sides so much that they are also hurting.  I can't lay on 
my stomach because I have an ileostomy - my colon has been removed along with 
the rectum and the small intestine comes out on my left side of my lower 
abdomen, so laying on my stomach is out.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Candy K.


2008-04-04 Thread LadyNotes
Ditto.  I have not been physically ill, since my TM  onset.  I did not even 
get a flu shot this year, but I have not had a cold  or flu, or any of these 
things since I've had TM (knock on wood).  


C4-incomplete, quadriplegic since July 2005
due to Transverse  Myelitis

**Planning your summer road trip? Check out AOL Travel Guides.


2008-04-04 Thread wim from holland

The TM made that some tissue around the spine is damaged. This damaged tissue 
is seen by the body as wrong element. The immune system attacs this tissue. The 
fact that some parts are not working or bad working is proof that the immune 
system is working.
Thats why some people get treatments to bring the immune system to zero, in the 
hope that when it recoveres, the body is back to normal. At the end, I never 
heard proof it worked, sometimes for a short period.
Fact is when I have a UTI, I have erections , while being heathy, forget it. 
What ever I tried. Also when I go for a pee, I can empty my bladder complete, 
normal I have to caterise. So when the immune system let me down at some 
points, parts will work.
Wim from Holland

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 13:09:29 -0400From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 

It is funny after having TM for more than 10 years I still don't truly 
understand it. Do we have weak immune systems or did we merely have an episode 
in which our immune system did not work properly…a one time (for many of us) 
Rob in New Jersey 
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2008-04-02 Thread jrushton
Rob, we get so many different theories from so many doctors and neurologists
  The answer I've gotten more than any is that it is a one time episode(in
most cases) BUT we each have to relearn so much because the lesion in our
spinal cord blocks what used to run freely from our brain.  We have to learn
how to reroute the messages and sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't. 
That is why some of us have gone from total paralysis (in my case from the
chest down) to being able to walk even tho we cannot actually 'feel'  plus
we suffer with constant pain, spasms, and temperature sensitivity.  Each one
of us are so different.  A lot also has to do with the degree of the 'attack
.  A lot also has to do with the amount of PT that we have done.  So many
questions, huh?  It's going to be interesting to read all of the other's

Jeanne in Dayton where the sun is shining and looks and feels like Spring!!
---Original Message---
From: Robert Pall
Date: 4/2/2008 12:09:42 PM
It is funny after having TM for more than 10 years I still don't
truly understand it. Do we have weak immune systems or did we merely have an
episode in which our immune system did not work properly…a one time (for
many of us) thing?
Rob in New Jersey 

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