[newbie-it] colori menu xconfig

2001-11-28 Per discussione Perfect Dark

in sede di ricompilazione del kernel il primo comando che lancio è 'menu 
xconfig': purtroppo la finestra delle opzioni che appare è color panna con 
lettere nere e a malapena si riesce a capire se l'opzione è y, m o n.
Sapete per caso come si fa a cambiare colore della finestra di selezione?

Linux Mandrake 8.1
P133 - 48 Mb Ram

Incredibile! Posso fare altre cose con il PC mentre masterizzo!

Re: [newbie-it] colori menu xconfig

2001-11-28 Per discussione Leonardo Osti

E' la mia prima installazione di Linux in assoluto. Ho la 8.1 in versione
grafica e devo installare e configurare una scheda di rete Hamlet PCMCIA.
Come faccio ad entrare nella configurazione del kernel da riga testuale

Re: [newbie-it] cdrom-cdrw

2001-11-28 Per discussione kroton

Alle 16:39, martedì 27 novembre 2001, hai scritto:
 mdk8.1 pIII 733MHz
 HD primary master
 CDRW secondary master
 CDrom secondary slave
 ho provato ad installare qualche pacchetto dai 3 cdrom di mdk 8.1, che non
 avevo installato all'inizio. tutto bene: mi trova i pacchetti che posso
 installare, li scelgo, controlla le dipendenze e mi dice di inserire il
 cdrom n°1, 2 o 3 (a seconda del pacchetto) nel cdrom2. e mi apre il
 cassettino del cdrom. non appena metto il cd richesto e chiuso il
 cassettino gli do ok...dopo 3 secondi di attesa mi riapre il cassettino e
 mi chiede nuovamente di mettere il cd rom...non riesce a vederlo! a questo
 punto idea geniale! lo prendo dal cd rom e lo metto nel masterizzatore, gli
 do oke mi installa il pacchetto richiesto, senza alcun problema...a
 parte il fatto che non riesco più a fargli aprire il masterizzatore se non
 riavviando il pc... perchè mi chiede di mettere il cd nel cdrom2 e mi apre
 il cassettino del lettore ma non riesce a vedere il cd? perchè se metto il
 cd nel masterizzatore (aprendolo a mano) mi fa l'installazione e non mi
 restituisce più il cd? forse fa confusione tra le due periferiche?
 grazie mille per le dritte
 salutatemi a bilgheiz

fa la stessa cosa acnhe con me 

- mal comune mezzo gaudio - 

Re: [newbie-it] scheda di rete hamlet (era: colori di xconfig))

2001-11-28 Per discussione Marco

 E' la mia prima installazione di Linux in assoluto. Ho la 8.1 in versi
 grafica e devo installare e configurare una scheda di rete Hamlet PCMC
 Come faccio ad entrare nella configurazione del kernel da riga testual

Perché vuoi entrare nella configurazione del Kernel?
A mio avviso, se hai fatto una installazione normale, non ne avrai 
alcun bisogno.
A me (ho un portatile toshiba con una scheda di rete PCMCIA proprio 
della Hamlet) è bastato impostare kudzu in modo che si attivi al boot 
poi ho spento tutto, ho inserito la card nello slot PCMCIA, ho acceso 
il portatile e nella fase di boot mi ha riconosciuto e configurato 
Al termine di tutto ho ridisabilitato kudzu al boot (solo perché in 
passato mi ha dato qualche problema).



Re: [newbie-it] scheda di rete hamlet (era: colori di xconfig))

2001-11-28 Per discussione Leonardo Osti

Scusa la mia infinita ignoranza...ma cosa è kudzu???!!
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] scheda di rete hamlet (era: colori di xconfig))

  E' la mia prima installazione di Linux in assoluto. Ho la 8.1 in versi
  grafica e devo installare e configurare una scheda di rete Hamlet PCMC
  Come faccio ad entrare nella configurazione del kernel da riga testual

 Perché vuoi entrare nella configurazione del Kernel?
 A mio avviso, se hai fatto una installazione normale, non ne avrai
 alcun bisogno.
 A me (ho un portatile toshiba con una scheda di rete PCMCIA proprio
 della Hamlet) è bastato impostare kudzu in modo che si attivi al boot
 poi ho spento tutto, ho inserito la card nello slot PCMCIA, ho acceso
 il portatile e nella fase di boot mi ha riconosciuto e configurato
 Al termine di tutto ho ridisabilitato kudzu al boot (solo perché in
 passato mi ha dato qualche problema).



Re: [newbie-it] cdrom-cdrw

2001-11-28 Per discussione Marco

  ho provato ad installare qualche pacchetto dai 3 cdrom di mdk 8.1, c
he non
  avevo installato all'inizio. tutto bene: mi trova i pacchetti che po
  installare, li scelgo, controlla le dipendenze e mi dice di inserire
  cdrom n°1, 2 o 3 (a seconda del pacchetto) nel cdrom2. e mi apre il
  cassettino del cdrom. non appena metto il cd richesto e chiuso il
  cassettino gli do ok...dopo 3 secondi di attesa mi riapre il cassett
ino e
  mi chiede nuovamente di mettere il cd rom...non riesce a vederlo! a 
  punto idea geniale! lo prendo dal cd rom e lo metto nel masterizzato
re, gli
  do oke mi installa il pacchetto richiesto, senza alcun probl
  parte il fatto che non riesco più a fargli aprire il masterizzatore 
se non
  riavviando il pc... perchè mi chiede di mettere il cd nel cdrom2 e m
i apre
  il cassettino del lettore ma non riesce a vedere il cd? perchè se me
tto il
  cd nel masterizzatore (aprendolo a mano) mi fa l'installazione e non
  restituisce più il cd? forse fa confusione tra le due periferiche?

 fa la stessa cosa anche con me 

basta aprire un terminale e smontare (umount /mnt/cdrom) il cdrom prima 
di inserire il secondo cd 
poi, almeno a me, funzia tutto! ;-)



[newbie-it] Partizioni linux e.... modem

2001-11-28 Per discussione Emma e Gigi

Salve, mi sono appena iscritto a questa ML (non so nemmeno se sto procedendo
bene per spedire queste mie righe...)
Ho installato Mandrake 8.0!!  Non ci capisco ancora molto ma... mi piace
Ho notato che la partizione che le avevo assegnato (13 Giga su 19 del mio
secondo HD) è così suddivisa: 3.5 Giga per la root ed il rimanente per
l'utente. Domanda: I programmi dove vengono installati? Va bene così la
suddivisione o devo aumentare lo spazio dedicato alla root?
Un'altra cosa: questo collegamento è tramite Windows, dato che il mio è uno
stramaledetto WinModem interno della Conexant Sto per acquistarne uno
esterno: sono graditi suggerimenti per un modem compatibile con Linux !!!

Mia configurazione:
Pentium III processor GenuineIntel 1004MHz
512 RAM
2 Hard Disk: Generic Ide Disk Type47 e Generic Ide Disk Type80 da 20 Giga
Conexant SoftK56 Data, Fax, RTAD PCI Modem
ESS Allegro-1 PCI AudioDrive
Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead
Masterizzatore Waitec Raptor Red
Lettore _Nec DV-5700b
Stampante HP 690C

Ciaooo e grazie per la vostra pazienza!!

Re: [newbie-it] scheda di rete hamlet (era: colori di xconfig))

2001-11-28 Per discussione Marco

Kudzu è un demone, cioè un servizio che ha come compito quello di 
rilevare e configurare nuovo hardware.
Da Mandrake Control Center vai in Sistema e poi in Servizi (vado a 
memoria, qui in ufficio ho solo win), scegli kudzu e seleziona Avvio 
al boot sempre che non sia già selezionato.
Conferma ed esci.



Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni linux e.... modem

2001-11-28 Per discussione Emma e Gigi

Il fatto è che non essendo riuscito a collegarmi (Linux mi dice sempre che
il modem è occupato...) ho provato ad informarmi, e mi hanno riferito che il
mio modem non va bene (per la verità mi crea qualche problema anche con la
connessione Wind sotto Windows).
Per quanto ho potuto capire dalla pagina
http://www.linux-mandrake.com/it/fhard.php3 mi risulta che la colpa sia
proprio del modem o no? (Non è che sia proprio un esperto)
Comunque grazie mille.

- Original Message -
From: Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni linux e modem

 On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Emma e Gigi wrote:

  Salve, mi sono appena iscritto a questa ML (non so nemmeno se sto
  bene per spedire queste mie righe...)
  Ho installato Mandrake 8.0!!  Non ci capisco ancora molto ma... mi
  Ho notato che la partizione che le avevo assegnato (13 Giga su 19 del
  secondo HD) è così suddivisa: 3.5 Giga per la root ed il rimanente per
  l'utente. Domanda: I programmi dove vengono installati? Va bene così la
  suddivisione o devo aumentare lo spazio dedicato alla root?
  Un'altra cosa: questo collegamento è tramite Windows, dato che il mio è
  stramaledetto WinModem interno della Conexant Sto per acquistarne
  esterno: sono graditi suggerimenti per un modem compatibile con Linux
  Mia configurazione:
  Pentium III processor GenuineIntel 1004MHz
  512 RAM
  2 Hard Disk: Generic Ide Disk Type47 e Generic Ide Disk Type80 da 20
  Conexant SoftK56 Data, Fax, RTAD PCI Modem
  ESS Allegro-1 PCI AudioDrive
  Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead
  Masterizzatore Waitec Raptor Red
  Lettore _Nec DV-5700b
  Stampante HP 690C
  Ciaooo e grazie per la vostra pazienza!!

 siete sicuri che il vostro modem non sia supportato?
 Non mi sembra che rientri nella tipologia dei connexant non supportati
 Date un occhiata al link che parte da
 E' in francese, se vi serve una mano fatemi sapere.

 Not all who wander are lost

 Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it] floppy e cdorm su 8.1 mandrake

2001-11-28 Per discussione seygues

Scusate, avevo anche io problemi con il floppy e ho ricevuto consigli da 
questa lista. Pensavo di aver risolto tutto, ma stasera mi sono accorto che 
il cdrom e il masterizzatore non venivano ne' letti, nè montati.
Ho provato a rimettere il comando devfs=mount (l'originale) che avevo 
cambiato (devfs=nomount) tentando di far funzionare il floppy, ho lasciato 
solo il comando nobiospnp, ho fatto ripartire la macchina e tutto ha 
funzionato bene.
Magari se qualcuno ha ancora problemi con il floppy  provi a fare così: 
aggiunga alla riga append solo il comando  nobiospnp.
Fatemi sapere se ho imbroccato la soluzione o è stato solo un caso.

Ma i problemi non sono finiti per me!
Il lettore midi Kmidi non funziona e compare l'avviso di kde che mi dice che 
l'applicazione è andata in crash per un bug nel programma.

Ho provato a usare sndconfig, sento solo il messaggio audio, mentre non viene 
lanciato il test midi. Anche da mandrake control center non sento il suono 
midi? cosa posso fare?

Ultima domanda (pietà!), su windows e su atari ho usato Cubase come programma 
sequencer, c'è un equivalente su linux abbastanza funzionante?


[newbie-it] devfs

2001-11-28 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani

1) Come si possono fissare le modifiche, come proprietari e permessi, link, 
sui vari device?

Post script
Non riesco ancora ad avere il suono perche sndconfig che vede benissimo la 
mia scheda non trova isapnp che è installato, ma con lsmod non compare mai!!!

[newbie-it] MuLinux

2001-11-28 Per discussione CyberPenguin

Egregi tutti, un saluto a Voi.
Non so come ma ci sono riuscito!
Alcune settimane fa, su consiglio di LukenShiro, ho scaricato
MuLinux http://sunsite.dk/mulinux/
 una minuscola ma interessante versione del nostro sistema
operativo installabile anche e direttamente da un'unica
partizione DOS.
Dopo essermi studiato le scarne e contraddittorie informazioni
allegate ai file prelevati, concernenti l'installazione di
MuLinux da una partizione dos ed avendo superato il problema di
come trasferire un file .tgz di 1828 K sul notebook senza
connessione LAN e senza cd-rom, mi sono tuffato
nell'installazione sul vecchio laptop. Ho sudato freddo
(soprattutto per il mio inglese scolastico) ma ora, anche se
ancora da configurare, ho una mini versione di Linux utilizzabile
anche sul laptop.
Vengo al dunque...
Una volta loggato mi ritrovo al prompt di MuLinux, che in questo
caso è /# da qui mi si apre un universo quasi sconfinato (dico
quasi perché ho letto che in MuLinux alcuni comandi sono stati
eliminati per ragioni spazio). Non sorridete se vi vengo a
chiedere da dove posso prelevare qualcosa di assimilabile a veri
e propri esercizi per cominciare a lavorare anche tramite la
bash, ammesso che tali esercizi esistano.
Un grazie già da ora.


Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni linux e.... modem

2001-11-28 Per discussione CyberPenguin

Emma e Gigi hanno scritto:

 Salve, mi sono appena iscritto a questa ML
  dato che il mio è uno
 stramaledetto WinModem interno della Conexant Sto per acquistarne uno
 esterno: sono graditi suggerimenti per un modem compatibile con Linux !!!

 Ciaooo e grazie per la vostra pazienza!!

Ciao ragazzi,
io anche sotto Linux sto usando un U.S. Robotics 56K Voice Faxmodem, ed anche in
quest'ambiente non mi ha procurato il benché minimo problema. E' solo un
Ciao ;-))

Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni linux e.... modem

2001-11-28 Per discussione Emma e Gigi

Per quanto riguarda la partizione:
ho cancellato e reinstallato Mandrake. Al momento di scegliere dove
reinstallare Mandrake, mi ha segnalato l'esistenza della vecchia partizione
creata precedentemente. Chiaramente ho scelto questa ed è proprio allora che
mi è apparsa una finestra con le due suddivisioni che ho menzionato. Io ho
capito che in una poneva l'utente root (mi chiedeva espressamente se volevo
aumentare lo spazio dedicato) e nell'altra UTENTE con relativo nome. Io ho
pensato di aumentare lo spazio root, dato che li vengono installati i
programmi (la scritta diceva proprio così!).
MODEM: Vuoi dire che tutti i seriali esterni vanno bene?

Scusate se sono troppo lungo (il fatto è che non ne so.)

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni linux e modem

 Emma e Gigi ha scritto:
  Salve, mi sono appena iscritto a questa ML

 Benvenuto :))

  Ho notato che la partizione che le avevo assegnato (13 Giga su 19 del
  mio secondo HD) è così suddivisa: 3.5 Giga per la root ed il rimanente
  per l'utente.

 Quindi hai destinato piu` di una partizione a Linux... Per partizione
 dell'utente intendi /home? Ad ogni modo, io farei il contrario: 3.5Gb per
 l'utente, il resto per la root (non /root, ma / ), dove vengono installati
 i programmi (anzi, sotto /bin,  /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin)

  Sto per acquistarne uno esterno: sono graditi suggerimenti per un modem
  compatibile con Linux !!!

 Seriale, esterno.
 Cosi` non dovresti avere problemi. Se invece vuoi passare un po' di tempo
 a 'giocare' con le configurazioni puoi buttarti sull'usb ;-)

  Mia configurazione:
 Complimenti, e` un computerone (qui e` PII@26696+4.3Gb) :))

Re: [newbie-it] installazione xine divx 4.02

2001-11-28 Per discussione luigi pinna

 La 0.9.5 l'ho scaricata ma non ho ancora provato a
 compilarla. Quella che sono riuscito ad installare
 era la 0.9.4.
 Puoi provare a ri-scompattare il file: magari tar
 ti ha estratto tutto quello che ti serviva...
 Ciao. Steo.
ho provato a installare le librerie 0.9.5. operazioni
a questo punto in compilazione comincia a dare msg
strani che allego alla mail.
risultato le librerie non vengono installate! qualcuno
ci capisce qualcosa?

make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: Leaving directory
Making install in libw32dll
make[2]: Entering directory
Making install in wine
make[3]: Entering directory
make[4]: Entering directory
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[4]: Leaving directory
make[3]: Leaving directory
Making install in DirectShow
make[3]: Entering directory
make[4]: Entering directory
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[4]: Leaving directory
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[3]: Entering directory
make[4]: Entering directory
/bin/sh ../../mkinstalldirs
/bin/sh ../../libtool-nofpic  --mode=install
/usr/bin/install -c xineplug_decode_w32dll.la
/usr/bin/install -c .libs/xineplug_decode_w32dll.so
/usr/bin/install -c .libs/xineplug_decode_w32dll.lai
PATH=$PATH:/sbin ldconfig -n
Libraries have been installed in:

If you ever happen to want to link against installed
in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use
libtool, and
specify the full pathname of the library, or use the
flag during linking and do at least one of the
   - add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment
 during execution
   - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment
 during linking
   - use the `-Wl,--rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag
   - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to

See any operating system documentation about shared
libraries for
more information, such as the ld(1) and ld.so(8)
manual pages.
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[4]: Leaving directory
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: Leaving directory
Making install in libmad
make[2]: Entering directory
make[3]: Entering directory
/bin/sh ../../mkinstalldirs
/bin/sh ../../libtool-nofpic  --mode=install
/usr/bin/install -c xineplug_decode_mad.la
/usr/bin/install -c .libs/xineplug_decode_mad.so
/usr/bin/install -c .libs/xineplug_decode_mad.lai
PATH=$PATH:/sbin ldconfig -n
Libraries have been installed in:

If you ever happen to want to link against installed
in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use
libtool, and
specify the full pathname of the library, or use the
flag during linking and do at least one of the
   - add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment
 during execution
   - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment
 during linking
   - use the `-Wl,--rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag
   - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to

See any operating system documentation about shared
libraries for
more information, such as the ld(1) and ld.so(8)
manual pages.

RE: [newbie] sound does work but xmms dont - mandrake 8.1

2001-11-28 Per discussione Len Lawrence

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

 KDE is part of the stock LM8.1 release.
Yep, I did know that.  This is the first time I left it out.

 If you haven't installed it you'll probably also be missing other tools
 you'll need to get your system to run properly. This may be why you are
 having such difficulty. If you haven't done a FULL installation all bets
 are off. Even then the installer omits about 50% of the RPM's.
Mandrake should make that clear.  As it is I always use expert mode to
ensure that home and data partitions are preserved and to try and ensure
that all needed RPMs are installed - always miss a few though.
On the last but one reinstall the script got into a loop which did not
allow a graceful exit (no hdlists found, after the partitioning stage)
then lost the partition table.  No disk when I tried to reinstall again.
17 Gbs lost, including hundreds of digital photos collected over the last
two years and six months programming.  Am now running from the secondary
disk, which is a lot smaller, hence the need to streamline the system.
This system will only boot from floppy as well because the default disk
is invisible.

 LM8.1 relies on having KDE around like it or not.

 I.E. the KDE Control Center sets up the Alsa-CTRL files used by the
 bootup scripts, etc.
Reluctant to reinstall.  Maybe a piecemeal installation of KDE
applications?  And would KDE Control Center resolve the access/permissions

Thanks once again Jose for taking the trouble to reply.
Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] SRPMS

2001-11-28 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


Maybe someone can explain what are the SRPMS? I usually install programs
from a .tar.bz2 file, using the 'configure, make, make install'
sequence. What should I do with the other files that I find the SRPM? 
(Especially the SPEC files, and the patches). What is the advantage of
using these instead of the plain .tar.bz2 files?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] install newbie

2001-11-28 Per discussione Caspar Kennerdale

i'll try that- i forgot about pico- i use it remotely on my server ( brain
like a seive)

I tried startx as this is what i thought it was- however i may have done
start x


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of skidley
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 00:29
Subject: Re: [newbie] install newbie

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, caspar kennerdale wrote:

 I just installed 8.1 on a linux partition (my computer also has win 2k on

 I have two questions-

 fistly lilo has set a defualt of 5 seconds to choose the desired os./ Can
 this be changedto 30 secs or whatever I want? where do I change it- i've
 looked in the boot folder and have found a message documsnt but it cant be

 Also how do I start xwindows or navigate through the installed software.

 When mandrake opens i give my user and p word on the cpomand line.

 I can navigate through the folder but most of ot seems to be system files.

 Thanks in advance

For your lilo question, open /etc/lilo.conf with an editor like pico or
joe thats easy as you seem to be real new. eg, pico /etc/lilo.conf (as
root) Within the first few lines you'll see an option: timeout=50, this is
milliseconds, You can change it to 300 for 30 secs or whatever you want.
Save the edited file andthen at command line type lilo and enter to rerun
lilo and update it. To start X at the command line type startx. You can
use other commands for different desktops but for a start just type
Chad Young
Registered Linux User #195191 @ http://counter.li.org

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-28 Per discussione Steve Weltman

Considering that Wild Bill and the Redmond Bunch just called open source (ala 
Free) software Unamerican,  I doubt that they would ever put their browser 
on my beloved desktop (it would find it's way pretty quickly to the /dev/null 

Gimme a chance to break outa the fog I've been in for years with MS products 
and really see what my system is able to do (for far less $$!).

(Just my $.02).

Steve Weltman...By the way, MSIE really isn't that much better (if at all) or 
any faster than any of the other browsers that are in Linux already.  Why go 

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 08:49 am, Matt Greer wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 November 2001 01:25 pm, you wrote:
  I have seen screen shots of people running this  on linux and was
  wondering where I could  find it. Any and all help would be appreciated.

 Are you sure it wasn't the Unix version? IE was made available for some
 flavors of Unix, but not Linux. The IE for Unix is also old and out of

 The day MS supported Linux, you'd know about it. It'd be enormous news.


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Do You Yahoo!?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] InteractiveBastille error messages.

2001-11-28 Per discussione Charles Darcy

On Wed, 2001-11-28 at 17:33, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Whoa, sorry, I was a bit tired.  I actually meant iptables, I read your
 message as iptables, not chains.  You should check to make sure iptables
 is installed.

I've now installed iptables (as well as ipchains). Bastille now

about to run through config file ...
iptables v1.2.4: invalid TCP port/service 'linuxconf' specified.

... which is similar to the second problem I had with ipchains
mentioned in a prior post.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] y linux sucks (humor)

2001-11-28 Per discussione Robin Turner

Matt Greer wrote:

  At the moment I just open a different browser on different desktops
  (including Lynx) for the hell of it.
  Deffinitly UN-productive:) Al least let there be a bad one among them so I
  can kick one out:(
 Oh there is, Netscape still comes with Mandrake.

Yeah, but even Netscape's getting better these days.  I think
Microsoft should sue them for unfair competitive practices.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] SRPMS

2001-11-28 Per discussione NDPTAL85

SRPMS are Source RPM's. RPM's are Red Hat package Manager installs. 
Mandrake, is an RPM based distro so you can use RPM's to install things 
instead of compiling from source as you have been. Enter man rpm into 
your terminal to learn more. Once you have gotten the basic commands 
down check out rpmfind.net and search for new software to install.

On Wednesday, November 28, 2001, at 03:09 AM, Moshe Kaminsky wrote:


 Maybe someone can explain what are the SRPMS? I usually install programs
 from a .tar.bz2 file, using the 'configure, make, make install'
 sequence. What should I do with the other files that I find the SRPM?
 (Especially the SPEC files, and the patches). What is the advantage of
 using these instead of the plain .tar.bz2 files?


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RE: [newbie] SRPMS

2001-11-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Source RPM's are used to create the final distribution rpm's for

The spec files and patches are all applied against the base
distribution. The software is included this way so that changes can be
easily isolated against a base.

However you should -NOT- be dealing with any of this.

RPM does all the work for you!

To create a final installable software RPM from a Source (SRPM) merely
grab the source rpm and issue a command such as this...

rpm --rebuild Software.src.rpm

If everything goes ok, RPM will unpack the SRPM, apply the patches and
updates configure and compile everything.

It leaves the resulting files in /usr/src/RPMS/RPMS/ix86 and

You can then rpm -Uvh Software.ix86.rpm to install the newly compiled

Simple eh?


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
|Moshe Kaminsky
|Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 3:10 AM
|Subject: [newbie] SRPMS
|Maybe someone can explain what are the SRPMS? I usually 
|install programs from a .tar.bz2 file, using the 'configure, 
|make, make install' sequence. What should I do with the other 
|files that I find the SRPM? 
|(Especially the SPEC files, and the patches). What is the 
|advantage of using these instead of the plain .tar.bz2 files?

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[newbie] ssl not working after updating apache

2001-11-28 Per discussione Jhun Bacala


The ssl of my LM8.1 was working fine not until I updated the apache to 
Can anyone here tell me what's wrong with this update?


Jhun Bacala
New City Commercial Corporation
MIS-Dept. Davao

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Re: [newbie] gimp print trouble

2001-11-28 Per discussione Derek Jennings

try replacing the print command in printer setup with 'qtcups' (without 
That worked for me.


On Wednesday 28 November 2001 05:48, you wrote:
 Anybody know why printing would work in ee, mozilla, and command line,
 but not the gimp?

 -Paul Rodríguez

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[newbie] wassup with the texstar files, then?

2001-11-28 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

OK, I've installed the Texstar KDE files, and i can see that things are a 
little faster. Not so much faster that my monitor is in danger of 
meltdown, but a little faster.  Some of the files are also less bulky than 
the cooker versions.

Could some kind soul please explain in word of 2 syllables or less what 
object-prelinking is and what it is good for?

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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Re: [newbie] Servers

2001-11-28 Per discussione Derek Jennings

I think you are right. I have not seen any facility for Samba to use Netbeui. 
But there is no need. Windows computers by default bind file sharing to both 
Netbeui and TCP/IP Is there a particular reason why it has to be Netbeui  ?

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 03:11, you wrote:
 On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 20:32, Robert Boggs wrote:
  In windows I have a small network set up. I use netbeui, and I wish to do
  the same in linux using Samba, with netbeui. Can anyone tell me how to
  set these up. I really like the new Mandrake. I think I may go to it as
  my full time system. My wife, however cannot do this, as she is blind and
  has JAWS for windows, and there is not any GUI talkers for linux, that we
  know of. This is why I must set her systems up to access my box from
  Widows. I wish someone could make a system for linux that would talk in x
  and gnome and KDE. Please help. You may E-mail me at
  [EMAIL PROTECTED], if you wish.

 As far as I know, Samba only works with TCP/IP networks. I could be


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[newbie] How to find Space on HD?

2001-11-28 Per discussione Neil R Porter

Hi All

Might sound like a trivial question (and most prob is!)... but if on windows
I want to know how big each partition is and how much space i have left and
have used etc it's easy... how can I do this in linux... I installed LM8.1
and took the default partitioning (if memory serves it was a bit for swap
and about 3GB for home and 15GB for the rest - 20GB hd)...

I can see my file system fine.. but I want to know where I can store big
files and when I am running out of space etc ...



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Re: [newbie] y linux sucks (humor)

2001-11-28 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 23:46, A V Flinsch wrote:

 Tell me about it, but it is not the choice of browsers that I have a
 problem with, it is the 30 different window managers I have installed.
 One for each day of the month!

And just how many text editors can one human being be expected to use?
Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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RE: [newbie] Servers

2001-11-28 Per discussione Neil R Porter

If you already had filesharing setup in windows then (as Derek suggests)
samba will just work out of the box (if not goto control panelnetworksmake
sure filesharing is ticked/installed... and make sure you have firewall
settings on linux such that it doesn't stop it working.  Again, Derek has a
link to where there is help for this.  As for Linux to windows filesharing
(i.e. the other way round, cos samba doesn't do both to my knowledge), I use
Komba2 to mount my Windows machines' files.

If you have any probs setting these up then I might be able to help since
I've only just done it myself and haven't quite had time (approx 1 month
lol) to forget how I did it yet.  :)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Servers

I think you are right. I have not seen any facility for Samba to use
But there is no need. Windows computers by default bind file sharing to both
Netbeui and TCP/IP Is there a particular reason why it has to be Netbeui  ?

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 03:11, you wrote:
 On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 20:32, Robert Boggs wrote:
  In windows I have a small network set up. I use netbeui, and I wish to
  the same in linux using Samba, with netbeui. Can anyone tell me how to
  set these up. I really like the new Mandrake. I think I may go to it as
  my full time system. My wife, however cannot do this, as she is blind
  has JAWS for windows, and there is not any GUI talkers for linux, that
  know of. This is why I must set her systems up to access my box from
  Widows. I wish someone could make a system for linux that would talk in
  and gnome and KDE. Please help. You may E-mail me at
  [EMAIL PROTECTED], if you wish.

 As far as I know, Samba only works with TCP/IP networks. I could be


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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-28 Per discussione Ed Tharp

if you read in linux, then the viri ain't your problem, if you are a M$ user, 
look for a file called setup.pif. 

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 23:28, you wrote:

 Franki wrote:
  Hi all,
  Frank McKenna just sent the list the above virus/worm.. the email will
  try to automatically save the file and opens it in media player..

 ok. so frank mckenna sent list a virus/worm.

 well, not really... virus/worm sent itself.

 frank did not send virus/worm intentionally, with malaise or malice.

 shit happens when you eat regularly. virus/worm happen when you use ms.

 when did this virus get sent? what was 'subject:'?

 if you are going to inform, please inform. tho from 'hate mail' sent to
 list, you should have informed frank off list.

 i have check thru all messages from this list for all messages sent by
 frank, and i have yet to find any indication of a virus. only attachments
 were mandrake's attached pack/service spam.

 even check norton antivirus for any quarantines and there were none.

 if this virus/worm got thru to my systems, i would like to clean it out.
 as i am sure anyone else using ms would like to do.

 one thing that i did note for sure. those who replied blasting frank and
 microsoft, do not seem to know how to cut out unneeded quotes. but that
 seems to be norm for this list.

 no, i do not like ms bs. have not liked it from first dos version he
 stoled from digital research. but, like others, i have to use it because
 of clients that have to use it.

 this is not a perfect world, nor is usa a perfect country. if it was,
 bg would still be in jail and we would all still be enjoying unix,
 cp/m, cdos, and drdos.

 frank, glad you were able to get your system cleaned up frank. i lost 2.5
 months of work thanks to a trojan sent by ole.

 as a suggestion, for those having to use ms, drop ie and ole. use netscape
 or some other good msos browser and mail handler. install norton antivirus,
 or what ever, and keep it updated.



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Re: [newbie] IE way OT now

2001-11-28 Per discussione Ed Tharp

yep, I am considering getting arrested then asking the judge if for my 
punishment I can offer to claen the highways for 25 dollars an hour, since 
I normally charge 85 dollars an hour for my time... and do it when and where 
_I_ feel like it, so _I_ can make sure the section of road deserves cleaning?

by the way, I get a stuck mail when trying to send to 

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 21:05, you wrote:
 thereby improving their market with a user who otherwise couldnt afford
 a computer at all. Sounds like a great marketing plan. Big penalty huh

 On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 17:19:50 -0500

 Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 27 November 2001 16:52, you wrote:
   so complain to the DOJ they let ms give away a crap browser despite
   being guilty of abusing their monopoly
  don't you just know the settlement will allow the to offer discount
  pricing to poor schools, so a dis-advantaged school can get a OS worth
  about 12 dollars, at a discounted price of only 40 dollars, instead of
  110.00 since MS was bad.

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[newbie] 8.1, supermount and samba sharing a floppy.

2001-11-28 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

One of the Pc's here, (the old ladies) doesn't have a floppy drive (its a
network PC, Compaq 4000N)

So I thought, no problem, I'd setup a network drive linked to the linux
box's floppy (using Samba).. so she can just stick a floppy in that and save

Anyway, then I realised that with supermount not working, I'd need to teach
her how to mount and umount the floppy..
which is more pain then its worth... So I am trying to think of a way around

Is there anyway I can get supermount or similiar working? even if its just
on the floppy

then I can setup the floppy as a share in samba, and she can map it as a
network drive, and just stick in a floppy and save..

any suggestions anyone?

linux box details:
mandrake 8.1 Powerpack.
kernel 2.4.13-9mdk
network allready up and working with samba and NAT over a 10/100 switch.

Server: PentiumPro 200, 96M ram, 3 gig free hard disk.
workstations: one with 98, one with 2000Pro



PS, has Samba gotten anywhere with Active Directory yet?

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RE: [newbie] sound does work but xmms dont - mandrake 8.1

2001-11-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

I'm not exactly sure which RPM's need to be installed to get everything

I know that prior to having installed all of the packages and THEN
installing the missing RPM's from the CD's (the ones which DO NOT get
installed by default) I could not get full sound blaster support. 

Out of curiosity I started pouring thru the sound source code and
noticed that Midi support was a reality. This set me on the path of
trying to find out how to get it to work.

Having run across Mandrake interdependancies before... I.E. for proper
diald operation make sure you install Linuxconf and all of it's modules
as well, but only install the diald rpm AFTER you have PPP working via
Linuxconf... (WHERE IS THIS DOCUMENTED!) ...I assumed that I would need
the extra RPMs'

I've helped a few others on the list. Most have done the full
installation and then gone back and added the missing ALSA and AUXMIX

Once done, and following the requisites of letting Mandrake's Control
center set things up, then using Kcontrol, auxmix, etc. EVERYTHING

I have no trouble running XMMS while KDE event sounds play back thru
the same card now.

Midi works, all the SBLive extra inputs work, the Joystick works, etc.

Originally my SBLive was no more than a wave sound card.. With the
above it finally became full featured.

One exception, Sound Fonts must be less than 32 megs in size...

BTW: You've already invested more time than I did.


|-Original Message-
|From: Len Lawrence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
|Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 3:04 AM
|To: Jose M. Sanchez
|Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Harrison, Neil'
|Subject: RE: [newbie] sound does work but xmms dont - mandrake 8.1
|On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
| KDE is part of the stock LM8.1 release.
|Yep, I did know that.  This is the first time I left it out.
| If you haven't installed it you'll probably also be missing other 
| tools you'll need to get your system to run properly. This 
|may be why 
| you are having such difficulty. If you haven't done a FULL 
| installation all bets are off. Even then the installer omits 
|about 50% 
| of the RPM's.
|Mandrake should make that clear.  As it is I always use expert 
|mode to ensure that home and data partitions are preserved and 
|to try and ensure that all needed RPMs are installed - always 
|miss a few though. On the last but one reinstall the script 
|got into a loop which did not allow a graceful exit (no 
|hdlists found, after the partitioning stage) then lost the 
|partition table.  No disk when I tried to reinstall again. 17 
|Gbs lost, including hundreds of digital photos collected over 
|the last two years and six months programming.  Am now running 
|from the secondary disk, which is a lot smaller, hence the 
|need to streamline the system. This system will only boot from 
|floppy as well because the default disk is invisible.
| LM8.1 relies on having KDE around like it or not.
| I.E. the KDE Control Center sets up the Alsa-CTRL files used by the 
| bootup scripts, etc.
|Reluctant to reinstall.  Maybe a piecemeal installation of KDE 
|applications?  And would KDE Control Center resolve the 
|access/permissions issue?
|Thanks once again Jose for taking the trouble to reply.
|Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

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RE: [newbie] Servers

2001-11-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Neil R Porter
|Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 5:51 AM
|To: Linux Newbie
|Subject: RE: [newbie] Servers
|If you already had filesharing setup in windows then (as Derek 
|suggests) samba will just work out of the box (if not goto 
|control panelnetworksmake sure filesharing is 
|ticked/installed... and make sure you have firewall settings 
|on linux such that it doesn't stop it working.  Again, Derek 
|has a link to where there is help for this.  

|As for Linux to windows filesharing (i.e. the other way round, cos
|doesn't do both to my knowledge), I use Komba2 to mount my 
|Windows machines' files.


Check out SMBClient and SMBMount...

All Komba2 does is invoke these programs, which are part of Samba.


smbclient -L \\Windowsmachine -U Validuser 

Where validuser is a username that you have used at least once at your
Winblows box to log into the network. (this is important!).

If you can do this Samba will let you utilize Winblows printers from
Linux, even WinPrinters (read brain damaged printers)!

Lisa/Reslisa let's Konqueror BROWSE Winblows shares as well.


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RE: [newbie] sound does work but xmms dont - mandrake 8.1

2001-11-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

More drivel from me... From a prior post...


--- SNIP -

|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Oscar
|Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 6:17 AM
|Subject: Re: [expert] SB Live! - no midi devices in kde -SOLVED
|Gracias de nuevo, Jose!
|I don't know what of the steps I have followed is the real
|fix... I have followed your indications and more:
|- Remove all references to sound modules in /etc/modules.conf
|- Reboot
|- lsmod does not show any sound module. Ok.
|But I did it before, and the midi devices weren't in KDE 
|control panel, 
|I had an idea: In lilo.conf, I changed devfs=nomount to 
|after upgrading kernel for security issues. Maybe this did the 
|trick (or 
|maybe the trick was to install all rpm's containing the string 
|And sfxload...
|Now the midi devices were in kde control center but no sound was
|listened when playing any file.
|I had another problem... I looked for info in 
|[EMAIL PROTECTED] and find a post 
|from you 
|(JMS) mentioning aumix.
|rpm -q aumix  -- package is not installed
|Then I installed aumix, set the volumes and TA-D! SB Live
|Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
|Alsa is started first, then sound during boot, at either init-3 or

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RE: [newbie] Servers

2001-11-28 Per discussione Neil R Porter

 |-Original Message-
 |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Neil R Porter
 |Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 5:51 AM
 |To: Linux Newbie
 |Subject: RE: [newbie] Servers
 |If you already had filesharing setup in windows then (as Derek
 |suggests) samba will just work out of the box (if not goto
 |control panelnetworksmake sure filesharing is
 |ticked/installed... and make sure you have firewall settings
 |on linux such that it doesn't stop it working.  Again, Derek
 |has a link to where there is help for this.

 |As for Linux to windows filesharing (i.e. the other way round, cos
 |doesn't do both to my knowledge), I use Komba2 to mount my
 |Windows machines' files.


 Check out SMBClient and SMBMount...

 All Komba2 does is invoke these programs, which are part of Samba.

nice gui though


 smbclient -L \\Windowsmachine -U Validuser 

 Where validuser is a username that you have used at least once at your
 Winblows box to log into the network. (this is important!).

 If you can do this Samba will let you utilize Winblows printers from
 Linux, even WinPrinters (read brain damaged printers)!

 Lisa/Reslisa let's Konqueror BROWSE Winblows shares as well.

As does Komba2... by default I think it puts the shares in
/home/user/komba2/... so you can browse with konq.



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RE: [newbie] Servers

2001-11-28 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

|-Original Message-
|From: Neil R Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
|Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 7:05 AM
|Cc: Linux Newbie
|Subject: RE: [newbie] Servers
| |-Original Message-

|As does Komba2... by default I think it puts the shares in 
|/home/user/komba2/... so you can browse with konq.
| -JMS

Lisa/Reslisa lets you browse the contents of the shares W/O mounting the

You can see the files and folders, but you can't get to them until you
mount them though.

But I digress...


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Re: [newbie] Error compiling NVIDIA kernel...

2001-11-28 Per discussione joe

On Saturday 24 November 2001 08:27, you wrote:
 On Saturday 24 November 2001 16:50, you wrote:
 Install the kernel-headers and kernel-source packages first. They aren't by
 default . Then you'll be upaway:)

That's _EXACTLY_ the problem.  

When I went to install kernel-source using the software manager the package 
didn't show up under installable so I assumed it was.  I actually had to go 
look for the source rpm on the mandrake install CDs...so something else is 
going wrong there ???

Anyway problem solvedboth components successfully recompiled and are 
being installed

 For the archives: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/flists.php3

 Good luck
 Harm Bathoorn

  I'm getting the following error when I try to compile the latest version
  of the NVIDIA_kernel driver.
  In file included froThanks,
That's _EXACTLY_ the problem.  When I went to install kernel-source using the 
software manager the package didn't show up under installable so I assumed it 
was.  I actually had to go look for the source rpm on the mandrake install 
CDs...so something else is going wrong there ???

Anyway problem solvedboth components successfully recompiled and are 
being installedm nv.c:50:
  /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:1:2: #error Modules should never use
  kernel-headers system headers,
  /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:2:2: #error but headers from an
  appropriate kernel-source
  ...using v3.0.2 of the gcc compiler
  Any help would be much appreciated
  ps... where is the archive of these discussions kept..that's probably a
  good place to begin looing in the future

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Re: [newbie] Error compiling NVIDIA kernel...

2001-11-28 Per discussione Marek M

Problem with Realtek 8139(abc) lan card.

My LAN is connected to a LAN (13 comps). everyone runs WINxx, but i decided
to install MAndrake 80. There's a problem because while initializing system
(loading modules) there's a problem with my card (eth0). I've fot 2 DNS,
gateway ip and my ip. Is it enough to connect to the internet ?
And where to put those ip's.

If you counld answer on my mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Error compiling NVIDIA kernel...

 On Saturday 24 November 2001 08:27, you wrote:
  On Saturday 24 November 2001 16:50, you wrote:
  Install the kernel-headers and kernel-source packages first. They aren't
  default . Then you'll be upaway:)

 That's _EXACTLY_ the problem.

 When I went to install kernel-source using the software manager the
 didn't show up under installable so I assumed it was.  I actually had to
 look for the source rpm on the mandrake install CDs...so something else is
 going wrong there ???

 Anyway problem solvedboth components successfully recompiled and are
 being installed

  For the archives: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/flists.php3
  Good luck
  Harm Bathoorn
   I'm getting the following error when I try to compile the latest
   of the NVIDIA_kernel driver.
   In file included froThanks,
 That's _EXACTLY_ the problem.  When I went to install kernel-source using
 software manager the package didn't show up under installable so I assumed
 was.  I actually had to go look for the source rpm on the mandrake install
 CDs...so something else is going wrong there ???

 Anyway problem solvedboth components successfully recompiled and are
 being installedm nv.c:50:
   /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:1:2: #error Modules should never use
   kernel-headers system headers,
   /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:2:2: #error but headers from an
   appropriate kernel-source
   ...using v3.0.2 of the gcc compiler
   Any help would be much appreciated
   ps... where is the archive of these discussions kept..that's probably
   good place to begin looing in the future

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com


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[newbie] Quake 3 problem solved...

2001-11-28 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Okay, if you recall my message about not being able to run Q3 after installing
Mplayer, Aviplay, and Gkrellm, I decided to experiment a little bit. I had
compiled Mplayer and Aviplay, so I removed the RPM's for Lm-sensors and

Reinstalled Q3 and it works fine...

Anybody else have trouble with Gkrellm/lmsensors interfering with Quake 3?



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RE: [newbie] Servers

2001-11-28 Per discussione Neil R Porter

 |-Original Message-
 |From: Neil R Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 |Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 7:05 AM
 |Cc: Linux Newbie
 |Subject: RE: [newbie] Servers
 | |-Original Message-
 |As does Komba2... by default I think it puts the shares in
 |/home/user/komba2/... so you can browse with konq.
 | -JMS
 Lisa/Reslisa lets you browse the contents of the shares W/O 
 mounting the volumes... 
 You can see the files and folders, but you can't get to them 
 until you mount them though.


 But I digress...

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[newbie] Cable modem setup

2001-11-28 Per discussione Cortney M. Masters

Well, I'm new to linux here, and finally settled with Mandrake after
trying many different ones.  However, I seem to have gotten stuck on my
cable modem configuration. I have att@home and should be using dhcp to
obtain my ip address.  Basically what happens after I stop and restart the
netowrk is getting the IP address fails.  Any help with this would be much


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Re: [newbie] install newbie

2001-11-28 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

caspar kennerdale wrote:
 I just installed 8.1 on a linux partition (my computer also has win 2k on

Congratulations on the Mandrake installation, my condolences on Windows.

 I have two questions-
 fistly lilo has set a defualt of 5 seconds to choose the desired os./ Can
 this be changedto 30 secs or whatever I want? where do I change it- i've
 looked in the boot folder and have found a message documsnt but it cant be

Go to the Control Center - Boot Config - first section tells what you are
using, pick configure. You should be able to set it there.

 Also how do I start xwindows or navigate through the installed software.

The command is startx.

 When mandrake opens i give my user and p word on the cpomand line.
 I can navigate through the folder but most of ot seems to be system files.
 Thanks in advance

Hope this helps ya! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Backup MySQL Data

2001-11-28 Per discussione Michael Viron

There are a couple different methods for backing up information on a
server.  You can backup over smb, ftp (or nfs) to another PC on your local
network, or you can backup to a different disk on the same PC or you can
even backup to an 'offsite' location.

Of course, you didn't need to send two copies of the same message to the
list (in HTML no less) within 2 minutes.  I'm sure most people got the
first one.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:26 PM 11/28/2001 +0800, you wrote: 

Hi!  I have configure MySQL in my Linux Server. How can  I backup the data
... ? I don't have any Backup-Tape Device  ... Can someone plase give me
some information  ?  Best Regards, SKLIM 

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Re: [newbie] How to find Space on HD?

2001-11-28 Per discussione Michael Viron

do a 'df -h' which will tell you how large each partition is, how much
you've used, how much is available for use, and what percent of the
partition is being used.  If any % is higher than about 75-80%, it's
usually time to take a look to see where you can free up some room.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:34 AM 11/28/2001 -, Neil R Porter wrote:
Hi All

Might sound like a trivial question (and most prob is!)... but if on windows
I want to know how big each partition is and how much space i have left and
have used etc it's easy... how can I do this in linux... I installed LM8.1
and took the default partitioning (if memory serves it was a bit for swap
and about 3GB for home and 15GB for the rest - 20GB hd)...

I can see my file system fine.. but I want to know where I can store big
files and when I am running out of space etc ...



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Samba/NFS Newbie tip

2001-11-28 Per discussione Derek Jennings

While we are discussing samba today, here's a little tip for the newbies out 
there.  (well it is a newbie list) This is particularly useful if you have 
used SWAT to set up your samba.

if  once you have samba working you open KDE Control Center  Information 
 Samba status
you will (probably)  be able to see any active samba shares, but see no 
information in the log or statistics tabs, and at the bottom of the exports 
tab you see a message Samba 2.2.1a Error: Unable to run showmount

To fix it do this :-
In your users .bash_profile  change the line beginning PATH to 

This will make the error message go away after you next log in, and any 
active NFS shares will appear in the 'Exports' tab as well as the samba ones.

If you have used SWAT to set up your Samba, then the default log file it 
creates will be /var/log/samba/log.username  and there will be a different 
log for each windows users samba activity.

To show  a combined log in KDE samba status then configure SWAT to use the 
Log file /var/log/samba/log.   and configure samba status to use the same 

By default  SWAT sets the log level to 0 which is no logging. You have to 
select 'Advanced Options' in SWAT to see the field to change it. Slelect log 
level 1 for info of who is mounting samba shares, and log level 2 for 
information on each file accessed. Level 3 is for the severely paranoid.

Once you have changed the log level, SWAT will then show that field in the 
'Basic' view.

You will now be able to view the log and statistics windows in KDE Samba 

Hope that has helped someone 


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Re: [newbie] upgrading 8.0 to 8.1

2001-11-28 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

Grant Fraser wrote:
 I give up trying to upgrade a piece at a time. When trying to upgrade to KDE
 2.2.2 I found that it wanted me to install setup which conflicts with
 bash and I cant force it.
 Is there an 8.1 upgrade disk? even with cable internet it still takes 10
 hours to download one ISO. The last time I tried to do that I just got bad
 disks and actually had to go out and pay money for an OS.
 I may even have to give up on linux altogether. No sound, crappy video, no
 opengl support. Can you say SIS Chipset?

You can buy the CD's from cheapbytes.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] How to find Space on HD?

2001-11-28 Per discussione Lanman

Michael, et al: Just a tidbit of info (as in - suggestion),  that I follow 
all the time. When installing Mandrake (for a workstation or stand-alone PC), 
on a large drive,  I'd like to suggest that you break your /home partition 
into 2 partitions. Typically, DiskDrake will setup 3 partitions (ie; / , 
swap, and /home), but I suggest a fourth partition which can be used as an 
archive (read as storage) partition.  I use it for ALL downloads, documents, 
RPM updates, and extra programs (ie; Gnapster, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Newer 
Mozilla builds, Java Runtime Environments, and Openoffice). That way, even if 
I decide to wipe the other three partitions and do a full install, all my 
extra programs and packages are still intact and ready to be re-installed. 
Then it's just a matter of telling my word-processor where to find My 
Documents on the /archive partition, and putting a shortcut  on the desktop 
for everything I regularly use. As a matter of fact, once your desktop is 
fully configured the way you want it, you can also copy your /home/user 
folder over to the /archive partition as a backup copy.  

Whenever Mandrake releases a new version, I like to erase everything in /home
as well as /, and swap partitions, and start fresh. But by saving the 
important stuff on the /archive partition, I save a lot of download time.  
Then all that I need to do is to update the files every once in a while. It 
also speeds up Mandrake Update since the RPM's , and description list is 
already on the hard drive. 

Just my 25 cents !

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 09:21 am, you wrote:
 do a 'df -h' which will tell you how large each partition is, how much
 you've used, how much is available for use, and what percent of the
 partition is being used.  If any % is higher than about 75-80%, it's
 usually time to take a look to see where you can free up some room.


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Re: [newbie] XINE reccomendation: [was] mplayer error

2001-11-28 Per discussione ethan

I was able to install from the link but get the error when I try to play
the DVDs:

xine-panel: PLAY
xine_play: xine open xine-ui version 0.9.5cvs, start pos = 0, start time
= 0 (sec)
xine: cannot find input plugin for this MRL

can I know what is causing this ?

thank you.


Paul Rodrguez wrote:
  I was able to get mplayer installed on my machine, from source, but Iwasn't all that impressed.  Take a look at xine.  Much better overall,nicer gui, better playback, etc.  And much easier to install!I've had success installing using source rpm's fromhttp://cambuca.ldhs.cetuc.puc-rio.br/xine/ on 8.1.These are daily rpm build from CVS, so you know they are current.-Paul RodrguezOn Sun, 2001-11-25 at 23:14, skidley wrote:
I am trying to compile mplayer on mdk 8.1, I'm using gcc-3.0-3.0.2-1mdkfrom the cooker. I get this error when compiling:Dec.o DS_AudioDec.cppIn file included from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_cwchar.h:43, from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/fpos.h:40, from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_iosfwd.h:41, from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/stl_algobase.h:77, from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_list.h:61, from /usr/include/g++-v3/list:31, from allocator.h:8, from outputpin.h:8, from DS_Filter.h:6, from DS_AudioDecoder.h:5, from DS_AudioDec.cpp:5:/usr/include/wchar.h: In function `long long int wcstoq(const wchar_t*,   wchar_t**, int)':/usr/include/wchar.h:514: cannot convert `const wchar_t* __restrict' to `const   __gwchar_t*' for argument `1' to `long 
long int __wcstoll_internal(const   __gwchar_t*, __gwchar_t**, int, int)'/usr/include/wchar.h: In function `long long unsigned int wcstouq(const   wchar_t*, wchar_t**, int)':/usr/include/wchar.h:520: cannot convert `const wchar_t* __restrict' to `const   __gwchar_t*' for argument `1' to `long long unsigned int   __wcstoull_internal(const __gwchar_t*, __gwchar_t**, int, int)'make[1]: *** [DS_AudioDec.o] Error 1I wonder has anyone else had similar errors and how to fix it. Do I needanother package or something?

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Re: [newbie] Cable modem setup

2001-11-28 Per discussione Mark D'voo

i had some trouble getting dhcp to work with att@home also, if you have a 
windows machine, get it running and find out your ip address.  you should be 
able to just use that static address as mine never changed once in the year i 
had it.  If your address does constantly change, you can purchase a static ip 
address from att for pretty cheap.


On Wednesday 28 November 2001 20:07, you wrote:
 Well, I'm new to linux here, and finally settled with Mandrake after
 trying many different ones.  However, I seem to have gotten stuck on my
 cable modem configuration. I have att@home and should be using dhcp to
 obtain my ip address.  Basically what happens after I stop and restart the
 netowrk is getting the IP address fails.  Any help with this would be much


  2:49pm  up 1 day, 11:44,  2 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.12, 0.04

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-28 Per discussione Mark D'voo

I love galeons tabbed browsing. It's a godsend when you end up at a page with 
50 pop-ups

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 16:14, you wrote:
 Ok, you guys convinced me. With all the nice talk about galeon I'll be
 giving that a try. I always have my work computer with windows and IE
 installed for testing my websites.


 - Original Message -
 From: Mark D'voo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 3:50 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

  i agree, galeon is better than any browser to date, the only reason i
  have wine on my computer right now is for return to castle wolfenstein,


  the linux binaries come out in a week, bye bye wine
  On Tuesday 27 November 2001 23:40, you wrote:
   I see no reason to run IE on Linux. Attempting to do so only continues
   to vindicate M$.
   There are many excelent browsers that run great on linux. There's no
   need to run M$ crapware on a good operating system.
E Estes wrote:
I have seen screen shots of people running this  on linux and was
wondering where I could  find it. Any and all help would be
5:49pm  up 14:44,  3 users,  load average: 2.03, 1.66, 1.24


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  2:52pm  up 1 day, 11:48,  2 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.10, 0.03

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Re: [newbie] Samba/NFS Newbie tip

2001-11-28 Per discussione Derek Jennings

 To show  a combined log in KDE samba status then configure SWAT to use the
 Log file /var/log/samba/log.   and configure samba status to use the same

Just realised two things.
1/ You have to restart Samba before it will start logging to the new
2/ By default your user  does not have permission to enter the directory
/var/log/samba so you must change the permissions appropriately

 You will now be able to view the log and statistics windows in KDE Samba

 Hope that has helped someone


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Re: [newbie] upgrading 8.0 to 8.1

2001-11-28 Per discussione Lanman

Grant; a couple of tips here. First, if your downlad speeds are that slow, 
try a different FTP site. On cablemodem, I usually hit speeds over 100kbps., 
and so should you. If your download is slow, it's probably because your 
connected to an FTP site that is really busy. 

Second, when you do the KDE 2.2.2 upgrade, login using a different desktop 
environmant like Gnome, then open the Mandrake Control Center/Software 
Manager, and do the updates from there. If you download the updates and KEEP 
them on your hard drive, you can define the folder which holds the updates as 
a source location for the updates. That way you're not downloading them again.
I just did the updates exactly as I described, and it's running perfectly (so 
far). Hope that helps?


On Wednesday 28 November 2001 09:35 am, you wrote:
 Grant Fraser wrote:
  I give up trying to upgrade a piece at a time. When trying to upgrade to
  KDE 2.2.2 I found that it wanted me to install setup which conflicts
  with bash and I cant force it.
  Is there an 8.1 upgrade disk? even with cable internet it still takes 10
  hours to download one ISO. The last time I tried to do that I just got
  bad disks and actually had to go out and pay money for an OS.
  I may even have to give up on linux altogether. No sound, crappy video,
  no opengl support. Can you say SIS Chipset?

 You can buy the CD's from cheapbytes.
 -- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Cable modem setup

2001-11-28 Per discussione Lanman

First, make sure that you're running a DHCP Client and not a DHCP Server. 
A client goes looking for an IP, a server hands out IP's. But the IP you need 
is handed out by ATT@HOME not by your machine. Secondly, make sure you have 
the DNS numbers for ATT's DNS servers properly configured.  Make sure that 
your firewall (if you have one) isn't blocking OUTGOING ports as well. That 
would prevent you from getting Internet access as well. That one costed me 5 
days of hell!  But only one time ! LOL! Third, open a root console, and try 
these commands,...ifconfig and ifup eth0 - without the quotes. ifconfig 
ought to give you the Ip assigned by your ISP (ATT@HOME). If there's an IP 
address associated with your eth0 network card, then your problem is 


On Wednesday 28 November 2001 03:50 am, you wrote:
 i had some trouble getting dhcp to work with att@home also, if you have a
 windows machine, get it running and find out your ip address.  you should
 be able to just use that static address as mine never changed once in the
 year i had it.  If your address does constantly change, you can purchase a
 static ip address from att for pretty cheap.


 On Wednesday 28 November 2001 20:07, you wrote:
  Well, I'm new to linux here, and finally settled with Mandrake after
  trying many different ones.  However, I seem to have gotten stuck on my
  cable modem configuration. I have att@home and should be using dhcp to
  obtain my ip address.  Basically what happens after I stop and restart
  the netowrk is getting the IP address fails.  Any help with this would be
  much appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] wassup with the texstar files, then?

2001-11-28 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 05:09 pm, Michel Clasquin wrote:
 OK, I've installed the Texstar KDE files, and i can see that things
 are a little faster. Not so much faster that my monitor is in
 danger of meltdown, but a little faster.  Some of the files are
 also less bulky than the cooker versions.

 Could some kind soul please explain in word of 2 syllables or less
 what object-prelinking is and what it is good for?

   No :)  (2 syllables if you count the smilely)

   FWIW, I tried teachin myself C/C++ almost 10 years ago. I doubt I 
remember enough to write a 'hello world' program now, but then I 
progressed into learnin classes public and private, hierarchy, etc. 
Actually wrote some very useful COGO programs I used at work.
C is object orientated programming (OOP) and functions, classes, 
includes, etc. are linked to the app at runtime. So simply put, 
objprelink'g speeds up runtime with a faster algorithm than is 
normally used before the start of the program begins, ie, main()
  [probly more descriptive than accurate]

   the real story is here 

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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RE: [newbie] How to find Space on HD?

2001-11-28 Per discussione Neil R Porter

Thanks to all who replied.. I only knew about du.. So df and kwikdisk
were nice to find out about!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
 Ronald J. Hall
 Sent: 28 November 2001 14:07
 Subject: Re: [newbie] How to find Space on HD?
 Neil R Porter wrote:
  Hi All
  Might sound like a trivial question (and most prob is!)... 
 but if on 
  windows I want to know how big each partition is and how 
 much space i 
  have left and have used etc it's easy... how can I do this 
 in linux... 
  I installed LM8.1 and took the default partitioning (if 
 memory serves 
  it was a bit for swap and about 3GB for home and 15GB for 
 the rest - 
  20GB hd)...
  I can see my file system fine.. but I want to know where I 
 can store 
  big files and when I am running out of space etc ...
 Hi Neil. No problem just do a du or df on the partition 
 in question. For further use of these two commands, do a man 
 du or man df.
 BTW, if you are using KDE, just right-clicking on a folder, 
 and picking properties will calculate the size...


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Re: [newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-28 Per discussione Terry Smith


This would be in the FWIW department. I'm a newbie myself and don't
pretend to understand the ins and outs of printing.

I have a HP PSC 500 (all-in-one type printer) hung on my parallel port.
It was configured and printing on LM 8.0. There were 3 drivers available
for that printer in CUPS. I tested them all and setup a 'lp' and a 'lp1'
using two of the choices.

In the last month I did a 'clean' installation of LM 8.1, including
updates of CUPS and CUPS drivers.  I ran through the CUPS installation
process in the installation menu (you can do this from within the
Mandrake Control Center after the fact as well). I selected the printer
using my preferred driver and did a test page. Everything was OK in
terms of the test.

However, from any application (and from a desktop drop) I was getting
garbage out (symptoms the same as you described in your original note).
I was stuck until I discovered that the the new version of cups-drivers
had added another choice to the list. I chose it. All print tests were
passed and, more importantly, it prints from any application. I have no
idea why the old drivers no longer work.

So my questions. Can you configure the printer and send it a test page?

If so, consider trying all the available drivers for your printer (or
similar printers) to see if you can get around the problem.

Terry Smith

Marcia wrote:
 Dear Linus,
 Thank you for your advice. It did not work for me although I may not have
 done everything correctly. Could you send me your exact steps? Did you use
 cups again or change the spooling? I am still quite the newbie in some areas.
 I installed lpr because it was not installed before. I wonder if I could just
 skip cups and use lpr or pdq instead. Would anyone be able to give me the
 steps for that?
 How do I change the spooling system from cups to lpr without reinstalling? I
 really do not want to do that again. I have heard that lpr for spooling has
 cleared up problems.
 Does anyone here have Epson Stylus Color that is printing fine in 8.1? If you
 do could you tell me what you did?
 Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have no printing at all and my
 husband and I both need it desperately. He has not been fond of Linux anyway
 and I do not want to give him more reasons to not like it.
 Thanks for any help.
 On Tuesday 27 November 2001 10:34 pm, you wrote:
   Thank you for your suggestions. The lpq command tells me that xpp is
   ready and printing with an active job listed that belongs to me.
   Unfortunately the job is not printing. That is the problem. The strange
   thing is the printing worked for a couple of days although it needed
   tweaking for quality. Then out of the blue it stopped working. Has anyone
   had a similar situation that they were able to fix? Thanks for any help.
  Yes, I've had similar experiences.  The only way that I've been able to
  recover was to delete all instances of my printer and reinstall the printer
  drivers from scratch with PrinterDrake.  I gave the printer a new name
  and used the new name.  I know there must be a better way, but when you're
  desparate, anything that works... good luck!
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Re: [newbie] Cable modem setup

2001-11-28 Per discussione Matt Greer

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 08:07 am, you wrote:
 Well, I'm new to linux here, and finally settled with Mandrake after
 trying many different ones.  However, I seem to have gotten stuck on my
 cable modem configuration. I have att@home and should be using dhcp to
 obtain my ip address.  Basically what happens after I stop and restart the
 netowrk is getting the IP address fails.  Any help with this would be much

@home gave you an ID number. It's in the form of Cxxx-A. In windows this 
is the name of your computer (control panel - network - identity tab).

In linux, set that as your host name, use dhcp, and your cable modem should 
fire right up.

The easiest way to set the host name is to go into mandrake control center, 
then network-connection-configure.

the only downside is your bash prompt will be [user@cxxx-a user]$, 
although there's surely ways to change that.


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Re: [newbie] upgrading 8.0 to 8.1

2001-11-28 Per discussione Manuel Drake

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 Grant Fraser wrote:
  I give up trying to upgrade a piece at a time. When trying to upgrade to KDE
  2.2.2 I found that it wanted me to install setup which conflicts with
  bash and I cant force it.
  Is there an 8.1 upgrade disk? even with cable internet it still takes 10
  hours to download one ISO. The last time I tried to do that I just got bad
  disks and actually had to go out and pay money for an OS.
  I may even have to give up on linux altogether. No sound, crappy video, no
  opengl support. Can you say SIS Chipset?

I'm just about ready to give up on Mandrake.  First time it agressively
overwrote a windows dist, and this upgrade joke is even worse.

For you, go RED HAT 7.2, as I have experience getting that working on a
SIS board with all built-in SIS stuff.  The only thing not working is
accellerated video.

My 8.0 to 8.1 upgrade lost half my prefs, now tries to mount a floppy
twice upon bootup, and renamed all my groups from 'users' to numbers,
which causes an error every time I bring up a terminal.

Has *anybody* had ANY luck with this supposed upgrade?

30-35 packages failed to 'upgrade' without any explanation why, all on

Yesterday I had a perfectly functioning M8.0 dist, with working Xv and
Xine, today I have a crap M8.1 dist with holes, and Xine won't even run in
Xv mode.

I'm disgusted as well, is there a M$ mole on the upgrade team?

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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-28 Per discussione g

Ed Tharp wrote:

 if you read in linux, then the viri ain't your problem, if you are a M$ user,
 look for a file called setup.pif.

thank you, ed.

i use both linux and ms, but do email in ms. i like early version, 4.07,
of netscape, and it is not available for linux.

would you know what date message was sent and 'subject:'?

reason i ask, i would like to check back and see what happened and why i
did not see it come into this system.

i have ms os locked down and should have seen it come thru. i need to
check back thru ms and linux logs to insure that i did not release it.

neither i, nor any of my clients have had a problem, but i do want to
know for sure.

sending list a flame about a virus/worm without full info is almost as
bad as sending virus.



 think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
   send text email..   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] How to find Space on HD?

2001-11-28 Per discussione Lanman

Hey Michael; Actually, I meant to send the email to the person to whom you 
were responding as well. Nice to see I'm not the only Common Sense person 
here! I imagine that most folks on the list are! After all, Linux  is based 
on common sense (amongst other things) . 


On Wednesday 28 November 2001 10:55 am, you wrote:

 Something that I already do.

 On the last system I set up, there are 3 hard drives, each of which has a
 specific use.

 Our 6.4 GB hda is used as the system drive (/, /usr, /tmp, /var, and swap),
 20 GB hdb is used as /home, and 20 GB hdd is used as /backup.  hdd and hdb
 are both using reiserfs, as we have 'intermittent' power outages which
 normally last longer than our UPS is rated for (at about 15-20 minutes).

 FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda1 486M   64M  397M  14% /
 /dev/hdd1  19G  2.6G   16G  14% /backup
 /dev/hdb1  19G  919M   18G   5% /home
 /dev/hda81003M   32k  952M   0% /tmp
 /dev/hda6 2.9G  1.9G  814M  71% /usr
 /dev/hda5 1.4G  159M  1.2G  11% /var


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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-28 Per discussione Manuel Drake

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, g wrote:

 Ed Tharp wrote:
  if you read in linux, then the viri ain't your problem, if you are a M$ user,
  look for a file called setup.pif.

 thank you, ed.

 i use both linux and ms, but do email in ms. i like early version, 4.07,
 of netscape, and it is not available for linux.

I think it's the 4.08 netscape navigator that you use, and yes, it's
available for linux too, as I use it now.

just an FYI

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[newbie] messin with PPPD and KPPP.

2001-11-28 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

In an effort to start preparing to replace my one last winblows box, I am
trying to get dialup working.

I have tried the mandrake connection setting for it..
and I have dikked with it endlessly myself..

all to no avail.

KPPP can do it just fine..

for some reason, once or twice a day, my script will work, from then on, it

the error I get is this:

LCP: timeout getting Config-Requests

then I get a not 8 bit clean message..

So, I trolled google.com/linux and found 10,000 pages on it,, looked at most
of them,
tried most of the options including:
lcp-max-configure 60

as well as the normal options:
(NOTE, I didn't use all the former options together, (for example, I didn't
use lcp-max-connfigure with passive))

I tried changing the connect script in various ways, and some other stuff..
nothing I did worked..
Then I tried minicom, got to the ppp stage, then it seemed to lock up and I
had to kill it. (I was trying to log out of minicom without resetting the
modem, (usually ALT Q or CTRL AQ) but that didn't work either..

and yet kppp and my windows box work fine...

So my question is this:

How can I find out exactly what kppp did to get connected?
that way I can use those settings to get my script happening.

This is most annoying, I don't like using kppp, I usually make a bash file
called dial, and another called
hangup, and they just do: ifup ppp0 and ifdown ppp0 respectively, then I can
tell my girlfriend to just use those (the box isn't usually in GUI, so kppp
isn't really an option normally.)

any suggestions would be most appreciated..

While I am seeing if a wise man is around, I am trying to use linuxconf to
set this up

it didn't work in MDK7.2, but who knows, maybe its different now..



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[newbie] File transfer under komba2

2001-11-28 Per discussione D. Lee Wiggers

Hi list

I went to bed last night with a satisfied smile.  mp3 files on the
old windows box were transferring slow but sure to my 8.1 linux
box.  Whew

When I got up 6.1 gig had transferred, leaving 4 gig behind, and
the linux box was frozen with the monitor black.  Windows box was
laughing away, happy as a clam.

System is smc router w/3 windows boxes and 1 linux box w/ 9 gig scsi 
hard drive and 60 gig ide (where the files were going.)

On reboot there was no failure noted and everything works fine so far.

Any idea why?  Should I worry or just sweep up the odds and ends and not tell anyone?



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Re: [newbie] Evolution RC2 problem

2001-11-28 Per discussione Dave Sherman

On Wed, 2001-11-28 at 10:10, Jim Dawson wrote:
 I finally managed to get Evolution RC2 installed on my LM 8.1 system, but now the 
'Contacts' and 'Mail' portions don't work, Does anyone know how to fix this?
 Thanks in advance.

When I upgraded to Evo RC1, I found that I had to log out and log back
in to get it working correctly. I may have even restarted the X server,
but I don't remember for sure. Anyway, the problem seems to be with
loading new shared libraries, and the fact that the older libs are
loaded already when you install/upgrade Evolution, and the new libs
won't be loaded until you log out and back in.

Falling in love makes smoking pot all day look like the ultimate in
-- Dave Sim, author of Cerebrus.

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] NVidia and Shutdown problem

2001-11-28 Per discussione Mr.E.

I don't know if the two are related, but
I installed the Nvidia rpm's from MandrakeUser then did XFdrake (all steps done from 
console with no X running).

then did a  Shutdown now  so I can come back with a cold re-boot.

BUT, the system wouldn't shut down all the way.

I got a going to single user message, with a prompt that was sh or ssh 2.23 (I 
think) where I tried the Shutdown now again, but no luck.. back to that weird 
message and prompt.

Finally issued a Ctrl-Alt-Delete... and system then Rebooted.

Any reasons why this would occur

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[newbie] Is This Badtrans ?

2001-11-28 Per discussione poogle

Someone (not on this list) sent me an e mail which I opened in kmail.
It contained a lot of text which looks like code, a snip of the source is 
shown below, is it badtrans ?

Content-Type: audio/x-wav;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-ID: EA4DMGBP9p

Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
by it)

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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-28 Per discussione g

Manuel Drake wrote:

 I think it's the 4.08 netscape navigator that you use, and yes, it's
 available for linux too, as I use it now.

actually, i am using 4.06. or are you refering to what is avaiable
for linux?

not sure about version diffs between linux and ms, but there was a
drastic change from 4.06 to 4.08.

4.06 messenger is in seperate windows, where 4.08 is all in one.
which i do not care for and why i held with 4.06.

i would like to look at 4.08 linux. where did you find it?

 just an FYI

and just maybe what i am looking for. thanks.



 think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
   send text email..   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-28 Per discussione Manuel Drake

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, g wrote:

 Manuel Drake wrote:

  I think it's the 4.08 netscape navigator that you use, and yes, it's
  available for linux too, as I use it now.

 actually, i am using 4.06. or are you refering to what is avaiable
 for linux?

I thought I was talking of both.

 not sure about version diffs between linux and ms, but there was a
 drastic change from 4.06 to 4.08.

Hrmm, unsure, yes, nothing before 4.08 is findable for me.

 4.06 messenger is in seperate windows, where 4.08 is all in one.
 which i do not care for and why i held with 4.06.

Ah, messenger... no, never, bit of a security hole letting your browser
know your email address.  I use the standalone navigator ONLY.

 i would like to look at 4.08 linux. where did you find it?

good question, I'll have to look around, but would start with download.com

  just an FYI

 and just maybe what i am looking for. thanks.

hope so, good luck.

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RE: [newbie] Is This Badtrans ?

2001-11-28 Per discussione Franki

yes, it probably is,

badtrans has a number of different filenames that it can use...

I think that the .scr extension is the predominant one.

(I think there is a pif file as well, thats one of the other variations.)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of poogle
Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2001 4:45 AM
Subject: [newbie] Is This Badtrans ?

Someone (not on this list) sent me an e mail which I opened in kmail.
It contained a lot of text which looks like code, a snip of the source is
shown below, is it badtrans ?

Content-Type: audio/x-wav;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-ID: EA4DMGBP9p

Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those
by it)

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-28 Per discussione Marcia

Dear Linus,

Thank you for your suggestions. Unfortunately I cannot even get a test page 
to print now. Test pages were printing for awhile but not anymore. It is very 
strange, because everything worked at first then just slowly stopped working.
I do not know what else to do. I think I would like to use a whole different 
printing system at this point but I do not know how to switch at this point. 
I want to stay away from reinstalling if I can.

Thanks for your help. I will continue to research and maybe will find an 
answer. Thanks very much for your help.



On Wednesday 28 November 2001 01:08 pm, you wrote:

 This would be in the FWIW department. I'm a newbie myself and don't
 pretend to understand the ins and outs of printing.

 I have a HP PSC 500 (all-in-one type printer) hung on my parallel port.
 It was configured and printing on LM 8.0. There were 3 drivers available
 for that printer in CUPS. I tested them all and setup a 'lp' and a 'lp1'
 using two of the choices.

 In the last month I did a 'clean' installation of LM 8.1, including
 updates of CUPS and CUPS drivers.  I ran through the CUPS installation
 process in the installation menu (you can do this from within the
 Mandrake Control Center after the fact as well). I selected the printer
 using my preferred driver and did a test page. Everything was OK in
 terms of the test.

 However, from any application (and from a desktop drop) I was getting
 garbage out (symptoms the same as you described in your original note).
 I was stuck until I discovered that the the new version of cups-drivers
 had added another choice to the list. I chose it. All print tests were
 passed and, more importantly, it prints from any application. I have no
 idea why the old drivers no longer work.

 So my questions. Can you configure the printer and send it a test page?

 If so, consider trying all the available drivers for your printer (or
 similar printers) to see if you can get around the problem.

 Terry Smith

 Marcia wrote:
  Dear Linus,
  Thank you for your advice. It did not work for me although I may not have
  done everything correctly. Could you send me your exact steps? Did you
  use cups again or change the spooling? I am still quite the newbie in
  some areas. I installed lpr because it was not installed before. I wonder
  if I could just skip cups and use lpr or pdq instead. Would anyone be
  able to give me the steps for that?
  How do I change the spooling system from cups to lpr without
  reinstalling? I really do not want to do that again. I have heard that
  lpr for spooling has cleared up problems.
  Does anyone here have Epson Stylus Color that is printing fine in 8.1? If
  you do could you tell me what you did?
  Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have no printing at all and my
  husband and I both need it desperately. He has not been fond of Linux
  anyway and I do not want to give him more reasons to not like it.
  Thanks for any help.
  On Tuesday 27 November 2001 10:34 pm, you wrote:
Thank you for your suggestions. The lpq command tells me that xpp is
ready and printing with an active job listed that belongs to me.
Unfortunately the job is not printing. That is the problem. The
strange thing is the printing worked for a couple of days although it
needed tweaking for quality. Then out of the blue it stopped working.
Has anyone had a similar situation that they were able to fix? Thanks
for any help.
   Yes, I've had similar experiences.  The only way that I've been able to
   recover was to delete all instances of my printer and reinstall the
   printer drivers from scratch with PrinterDrake.  I gave the printer a
   new name and used the new name.  I know there must be a better way,
   but when you're desparate, anything that works... good luck!
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-28 Per discussione g

Manuel Drake wrote:

 I thought I was talking of both.

was not sure. why i asked.

 Hrmm, unsure, yes, nothing before 4.08 is findable for me.

 Ah, messenger... no, never, bit of a security hole letting your browser
 know your email address.

interesting. would you please elabarate?

i have a lot of nc email that i will need to maintain, and i plan to end
up using mutt.

 good question, I'll have to look around, but would start with download.com

i will go back thru my old distrib cds, rh4.0 and up, to see what is on them.
several had netscape on them, but i do not recall what version.

 hope so, good luck.

thank you. and thank you again for your responce.



 think green...
  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
   send text email..   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-28 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 22:01, you wrote:
 Dear Linus,

 Thank you for your suggestions. Unfortunately I cannot even get a test page
 to print now. Test pages were printing for awhile but not anymore. It is
 very strange, because everything worked at first then just slowly stopped
 working. I do not know what else to do. I think I would like to use a whole
 different printing system at this point but I do not know how to switch at
 this point. I want to stay away from reinstalling if I can.

 Thanks for your help. I will continue to research and maybe will find an
 answer. Thanks very much for your help.


Maybe, just maybe you should check if the printer hasn't given up on you. 
I.e. it's a (defective) hardware problem. These things do happen at the most 
unexpected moments!
I remember having a Canon bjc2000 that just quit, the printer head died --so 
I bought a replacement -- the next day the powerunit (ac to dc) died:(
I bought a bjc 2100 (never buy that!) an my initial woes were over.

What I'm saying: Test all your hardware before you start messing with the 
software too much.
You don't even want to know about when my little daughter's hamster gnawed 
through my mouse connection cable, and the state windblow$3.1 was left in 
before I figured that out. As a matter of fact I still keep that 48MB 
harddisk around as a souvenir:)

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RE: [newbie] galeon

2001-11-28 Per discussione Mark Stewart

Thanks for the tip about the RedHat version of mozilla-0.9.6. Alas, I don't
really have the time at work to install all the -devlop rpms and compile
galeon from it's src.rpm. I tried the rh6 version of the ready-made rpm
(installed along with mozilla) but it immediately hiccups:

/usr/bin/galeon-bin: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/bin/galeon-bin:
undefined symbol: _t24__default_alloc_template_2b1i0.free_list

I guess they were serious about the g++ binary incompatibilities...

Ah well, it'll have to wait till I have more time I guess.

Thanks also to the other responses.

 On Monday 26 November 2001 04:27 pm, Mark Stewart wrote:
  I've been wanting to give galeon a try for a while but on my 8.1
  box at home the version that came with the distro does little but
  crash. (People running 8.1 at work haven't had any problem with it;
  must be something different in the networking setup that galeon
  doesn't like). At work, I'm running 7.2 and can't upgrade for a
  little while yet. Does any know where I can get a somewhat recent
  rpm for this ancient version of Mandrake?

   Galeon depends on mozilla. You need to upgrade both at the same
 time.  I recently did. I used Red Hat's mozilla-0.9.6-0
 so I did'nt haft'a deal with libpng3 stuff.

Then the rpm from Galeon,

 Name: galeon   Relocations: (not
 Version : 1.0   Vendor: (none)
 Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 23 Nov
 2001 04:51:52 PM EST
 Install date: (not installed)   Build Host:
 Group   : Applications/Internet Source RPM:
 Size: 5117879  License: GPL
 Packager: Marco Pesenti Gritti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 URL : http://galeon.sourceforge.net

   Moz 9.6 isn't an' improvement for me. Galeon is a 'not quite ready
 for prime time' browser IMO.  Konq, even Mozilla is way better.
   Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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[newbie] Floppy drive question........

2001-11-28 Per discussione E Estes

I did a fix to get myfloppy 
driveworking. NowI havejust one more questionabout it. 
When I click the floppy desktop icon I see the activitey light go on but only 
the first time I click it. If I click it agian with a different disk in there it 
just brings up the same files that were on the first 

Re: [newbie] galeon

2001-11-28 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Tobias over on the expert list posted this recently


for all those who want to use the cooker rpms of mozilla with their 
mandrake 8.1, i've rebuild the source rpm. you can find them here: 

they work just fine with the galeon 1.0 rpm from 
http://galeon.sourceforge.net. both display pngs as expected.

have fun!

I've tried it out it works fine.
If you have already tried to instal libpng3 then you must remove it first, 
and then reinstall libpng2 even though it says it is already present.
The command is 
rpm -i --replacepkgs libpng2 blah blah

Tobias' Mozilla and the Galeon from sourceforge seem to work OK at least on 
my 8.1, and no compiling necessary.


On Wednesday 28 November 2001 23:04, you wrote:
 Thanks for the tip about the RedHat version of mozilla-0.9.6. Alas, I don't
 really have the time at work to install all the -devlop rpms and compile
 galeon from it's src.rpm. I tried the rh6 version of the ready-made rpm
 (installed along with mozilla) but it immediately hiccups:

 /usr/bin/galeon-bin: error in loading shared libraries:
 /usr/bin/galeon-bin: undefined symbol:

 I guess they were serious about the g++ binary incompatibilities...

 Ah well, it'll have to wait till I have more time I guess.

 Thanks also to the other responses.

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[newbie] subscribe newbie

2001-11-28 Per discussione Reid Pennebaker

Re: [newbie] Servers

2001-11-28 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 06:55:58 -0500, Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Check out SMBClient and SMBMount...
   All Komba2 does is invoke these programs, which are part of Samba.
   smbclient -L \\Windowsmachine -U Validuser 
   Where validuser is a username that you have used at least once at your
   Winblows box to log into the network. (this is important!).
   If you can do this Samba will let you utilize Winblows printers from
   Linux, even WinPrinters (read brain damaged printers)!
   Lisa/Reslisa let's Konqueror BROWSE Winblows shares as well.

   any tips on configuring LISA? the document that it came with is too cryptic and 
,even if I followed all the instruction, the LISA tab in the configuration still 
displays the 'not yet configured' message. ill look into komba since I dont use 
konqueror much (I use xwc).



Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] Error compiling NVIDIA kernel...

2001-11-28 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 05:22:42 -0800, joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Saturday 24 November 2001 08:27, you wrote:
On Saturday 24 November 2001 16:50, you wrote:
Install the kernel-headers and kernel-source packages first. They aren't by
default . Then you'll be upaway:)
   That's _EXACTLY_ the problem.  
   When I went to install kernel-source using the software manager the package 
   didn't show up under installable so I assumed it was.  I actually had to go 
   look for the source rpm on the mandrake install CDs...so something else is 
   going wrong there ???


  somebody said that the tree view in rpmdrake does not show all packages as not to 
overwhelm the new user. some packages are 'hidden' and only the more 'useful' files 
are shown in the treelist. i think this was implemented in 8.1 and there was a couple 
of post in the mandrakeforum about it. you can always try the other tab so all rpms 
are viewable (or try the search..)

just my 2 cents.


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer

2001-11-28 Per discussione Flotcho

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 08:53 am, Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:

Many good valid points snipped here

   2) Elitist? Being elitist does not necessarily mean a negative trait, its
 just most people associate elitism with snobbishness and arrogance. I dont
 think this list is elitist (negatively meant as you may have intended) as I
 found this as one of the most helpful list that I ever registered in.
 Somebody even said that this is almost as good as commercial technical
 support (although that doesnt mean squat as techsupp is legendary for
 'unsupportiveness' ;-). Experienced users may have an 'elitist' air in hem
 but that comes with the part of being experienced. For me elitist means
 special and the mere fact that these people have an idea on how to solve my
 problems mean they are more special than me (im just an ordinary guy but i
 am special in my own way ;-).

and here again

Mr. Diaz, I appreciate your thoughtful response, and I agree this is for the 
most part a very helpful list. I was simply trying to make the point that 
some people on this list are so anxious for an oppertunity to bash windows 
that they overlook the pertinent questions of newbies. I realize that they 
are not bashing the person, just windows, but my point is, what help is that 
to the newbie with a question they need an answer for? In the string of posts 
I was referring to, of the dozen or so replies to the original post, only 
Shane offered any hint of a solution. I'm just saying that this can be 
intimidating, especially for someone struggling with the nuances of an 
unfamiliar OS. I myself am a rank newbie, and I believe Linux to be the best 
OS out there, and I hope to eventually ditch MS products entirely. Perhaps I 
reacted a bit strongly, I just found some of the responses a little 
unneccessary. My response was triggered largely by my concern that some 
potential Linux converts will be alienated by this negitivism, and resign 
themselves to a life under MS. Again, thanks for an intelligent and well 
taken response. :~)

Registered Linux user # 224563

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Re: [newbie] Batchfile in Windows to check mail on linux mail server

2001-11-28 Per discussione Mark

I have a linux mail server on my network that is checking mail over a 
dialup link
once an hour.  I'd like to setup a batchfile that I could run on another 
computer when I want to check mail on the linux server in addition to 
the once
an hour check.
 While I can set this up pretty easily in Linux, I have no idea how to 
do it in Windows.
 Is there a series of commands I can issue from windows to do this 
automagically?  It really needs
to be a file so my wife can run it without trying to get into the server.  


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[newbie] dying connection

2001-11-28 Per discussione Pascal Goguey


I have noticed that my internet connection dies after
a (relatively long) timeout when I don't use it.
I have an ADSL router, and it is supposed to allow
24 h /24 connection time, so I guess the timeout
might be internal (I mean, depending on the OS).
I don't care too much for my home connection, but
if I want to install a server...
Is there a setting somewhere?
Can there be another reason causing my network
connection to shutdown?
By the way, yesterday I wanted to restart the network
from the internet setup GUI, but it didn't work. I
found no better solution than reboot.

Thanks for any hint!


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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-28 Per discussione Ed Tharp

That was just the name that was attached to that one mail in question. as I 
understand it, it can take a number of names from the hard drive of the 
person who sent it to you really why , if you have a box that can run 
Mdk, and you do have MDK, would you run the risk? it seems to me so much 
more ...shall we say intelligent to use the OS that is NOT vulnerable. 
don't take it as a flame, or as directed to you personallly (unless the shoe 
fits) when some of the folks who know better, get frustrated at those who 
refuse to know better, especially since it costs everyone for the crap MS 
push down the consumers throat. if you don't think the chewing up of 
bandwidth by M$ propagated worms costs folks that don't use M$ products, ask 
your ISP for a rebate, since you don't spread worms as a linux user. (who 
NEVER signs in as root, when a network interface is up) or ask a PSInet stock 

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 13:22, you wrote:

 Ed Tharp wrote:
  if you read in linux, then the viri ain't your problem, if you are a M$
  user, look for a file called setup.pif.

 thank you, ed.

 i use both linux and ms, but do email in ms. i like early version, 4.07,
 of netscape, and it is not available for linux.

 would you know what date message was sent and 'subject:'?

 reason i ask, i would like to check back and see what happened and why i
 did not see it come into this system.

 i have ms os locked down and should have seen it come thru. i need to
 check back thru ms and linux logs to insure that i did not release it.

 neither i, nor any of my clients have had a problem, but i do want to
 know for sure.

 sending list a flame about a virus/worm without full info is almost as
 bad as sending virus.



  think green...
   save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
send text email..   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
  if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] The problem with Linux

2001-11-28 Per discussione Richie

On November 27, 2001 04:48 am, Franki wrote:
 you have a small flaw in your logic...
No, I don't.  There was no Logic in the first place, I told you that 

And while we're at it the day Linux starts acting completely like Windows
is the same day I have to defragment my ReiserFS partition after I do a
virus scan because my firewalling software didn't work.

...Was hyperbole, a calculated exaggeration.  I have not been applying any 
logic anywhere, I've just been relating that *my experience* with Linux has 
not been all that difficult,... No logic necessary as I've only been drawing 
on my experiences.

If you're looking for a fight, go somewhere else, I'm entitled to my opinion.


 whenever any company releases a product that does something better, it gets
 adopted by others because it is better.

 when a company release something that sucks.. it doesn't usually get
 adopted, (unless there are marketing reasons or blackmail behind it..)

 Winblows knicked ideas from Mac, they knicked stuff from bsd.. they knicked
 lots of stuff I think... why? because it
 did the job easier and simplier then what they had at the time, (assuming
 they had something.)

 linux then knicked stuff from M$,, like KDE's layout and format... why?
 because it was easier to understand, and
 the majority of people already understand it.

 nobody is suggesting that linux should knick crap like BSOD's or fat32 or
 adopt its usability in reiserfs or anything..
 but there is nothing wrong with copying the functionality of useful
 stuff..stuff that makes things more efficient (there is that word again.)

 when ABS for cars came out, wow, what a reaction, but it was patented
 worldwide, once it expired, it got installed into most new mid to high end
 cars,, why? because it saved lives..(you can equate that to increased
 efficiency if you like, I have always found that I work better when I'm
 alive.) who cares who invented it?

 Don't let hate for M$ blind you, the only area where M$ has superiority
 over linux is its simplicity... even most linux diehards are not blind to
 that... but things are getting closer.. why? because we can take the best
 of their ideas, (or ideas that they have knicked) and leave the dross with
 winblows.. and slowly linux is doing just that..



 PS, you don't need an application to install windows apps, you find an
 install.exe file, and you dbl click on it.. and then answer questions..
 thats it... rpmdrake is good and a huge step up from compiling at a
 console, but its still lagging behind just starting a setup.exe file...

 for better or worse, I think that is one of the main reasons that even
 experianced windows users don't like linux (and most of us started as
 experianced windows users.)

 -Original Message-
 From: Richie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] The problem with Linux

 Sorry, my message wan't pointed directly at you,,,

 On November 25, 2001 10:33 am, Franki wrote:
  Firstly, I wasn't talking about me.. I was refering to people unfamiliar
  with the proceedure..

 That's the point I was trying to make, it's the lack of familiarity, not a
 problem inherent to Linuxes (... or Linuxi?)

  I have always managed to get things going.. but I know a shitload of


  that haven't been able to.
  ..Wow, what a lazy bunch of buggers!
  First, the 'hunting for libraries' complaint is moot: I have yet to look
  any further than my own LM install disks for libraries-- LM is probably
  better than many distros out there as they actually provide you with more
  than one install CD and all the stuff they offer has been compiled for a
  Mandrake system so it's going to work.
  like I said, not my problem, but you don't have to install them in
  windows,, (their method sux, with overwriting
  and such, but it does make it more or less dead easy.)

 ...I'll stand by installations on Linux being different and not difficult
 when you're installing RPMs through RPMDrake, dependencies are installed in
 the same go anyway so what's the big deal?

  Second, no one says you *have* to install the latest kernel and it isn't
  necessary unless you're adding brand new hardware that didn't exist six
  months ago-- how many of you out there are installing kernels just
  because it
  has a higher number?
  What about the recommended kernel upgrades, there have always been some
  in the last few mdk versions..
  sometimes more then one,,  (ie 7.2) 8 has had a security kernel upgrade,
  and mandrake 8.1 has one now too.
  (to address the recent ptrace bug and others..)

 OK, valid-- but that's two critical updates over hundreds of unwarranted
 kernel version updates (unwarranted for the average user...)

  By-and-by the install process is standard-- using RPMs is easy enough and
  the odd times when I 

Re: [newbie] Floppy drive question........

2001-11-28 Per discussione bascule

you aren't unmounting the first disk before removing it, you need to do this,
right click on the icon and choose 'unmount' (in kde anyway)


On Thursday 29 Nov 2001 2:51 am, you wrote:
 I did a fix to get my floppy drive working. Now I have just one more
 question about it. When I click the floppy desktop icon I see the activitey
 light go on but only the first time I click it. If I click it agian with a
 different disk in there it just brings up the same files that were on the
 first disk.

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[newbie] LAN and eth0 loading

2001-11-28 Per discussione Marek M

The problem is that my eth card doesnt want to load while starting linux
M8.0. How to fix it ? DAMN!

som errors i dont understand.
- Original Message -
From: Anuerin G.Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mandrake 
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Servers

 On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 06:55:58 -0500, Jose M. Sanchez



Check out SMBClient and SMBMount...

All Komba2 does is invoke these programs, which are part of Samba.


smbclient -L \\Windowsmachine -U Validuser 

Where validuser is a username that you have used at least once at
Winblows box to log into the network. (this is important!).

If you can do this Samba will let you utilize Winblows printers from
Linux, even WinPrinters (read brain damaged printers)!

Lisa/Reslisa let's Konqueror BROWSE Winblows shares as well.



any tips on configuring LISA? the document that it came with is too
cryptic and ,even if I followed all the instruction, the LISA tab in the
configuration still displays the 'not yet configured' message. ill look into
komba since I dont use konqueror much (I use xwc).



 Programming, an artform that fights back.


 Anuerin G. Diaz
 Design Engineer
 25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
 ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
 Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
 Philippines 1605

 Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] LAN and eth0 loading

2001-11-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 20:51, you wrote:
 The problem is that my eth card doesnt want to load while starting linux
 M8.0. How to fix it ? DAMN!

 som errors i dont understand.
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Have you tried the command 
ifup eth0  or  eth1   wichever your card is?
if that gets an error message then try 
insmod 1839rtl  or  again what ever module your card would be.  You should be 
able to see it from the Mandrake Control Center Hardware   and then ethernet 
or network card.  HTH
Dennis M.

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Re: [newbie] LAN and eth0 loading

2001-11-28 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 20:51, you wrote:
 The problem is that my eth card doesnt want to load while starting linux
 M8.0. How to fix it ? DAMN!

 som errors i dont understand.
 - Original Message -

I forgot to mention that you can look in your /etc/modules.conf  file to see 
if you see a line that says 
alias eth0  8139too   or something similar for your ethernet card. (w/o the 
quotes of course) .   Hope I'm not going over trampled ground. HTH
Dennis M.

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Re: [newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-28 Per discussione pesarif

On Sun, 25 Nov 2001 04:20, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Sat, 24 Nov 2001 15:13:18 +1100, pesarif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 06:45, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
   On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 10:33:48 -0500, Paúl Mancheno H.
  i want to save a html page, but when I did it with Konqueror... it
only saved the text, and i need the images... I mean i need the page
like in the internet but off-line... How do I do that with konqueror
or any app??
   Konqueror can save pages to a WAR file, which is simply a tarball with
   the entire page (including graphics) inside. This is good because
   everything is in one file, but bad because only Konq can read it
   without having to manually unpack it.
  Please tell me where this option is in Konqueror.

 In Konqueror:

   Tools - Archive Web Page.

I'm using KDE 2.2.  My Tools menu only has Run Command..., Open 
Terminal... and Find file

What am I doing wrong?

Please help!

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[newbie] a good help to mandrake 8.0

2001-11-28 Per discussione Marek M

Fellows!I piss on MS and i wont buy any 
netter, faster, more stable, cheaper system. OVER ! I WANT LINUX !!! But I'm 
green socan you tell me (Give) an address where i could download tutorial or 
getting started to Mandrake8 ?Better in Polish - if not 
EnglishRemember: The MS stategy is to sell fast, much and (primo) earn 
as much as it is possible.

Have a nice new year!(with no 

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[ http://oferty.onet.pl ]

Re: [newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-28 Per discussione Mark D'voo

upgrade to 2.2.2

On Thursday 29 November 2001 09:15, you wrote:
 On Sun, 25 Nov 2001 04:20, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Sat, 24 Nov 2001 15:13:18 +1100, pesarif [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 06:45, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 10:33:48 -0500, Paúl Mancheno H.
   i want to save a html page, but when I did it with Konqueror...
 it only saved the text, and i need the images... I mean i need the
 page like in the internet but off-line... How do I do that with
 konqueror or any app??
Konqueror can save pages to a WAR file, which is simply a tarball
with the entire page (including graphics) inside. This is good
because everything is in one file, but bad because only Konq can read
it without having to manually unpack it.
   Please tell me where this option is in Konqueror.
  In Konqueror:
Tools - Archive Web Page.

 I'm using KDE 2.2.  My Tools menu only has Run Command..., Open
 Terminal... and Find file

 What am I doing wrong?

 Please help!

  4:04am  up 2 days, 59 min,  3 users,  load average: 1.10, 0.64, 0.27

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Re: [newbie] a good help to mandrake 8.0

2001-11-28 Per discussione Mark D'voo

www.linuxdocs.org has a bunch of good faqs for the newbie


On Thursday 29 November 2001 10:02, you wrote:

 I piss on MS and i wont buy any netter, faster, more stable, cheaper
 system. OVER ! I WANT LINUX !!! But I'm green socan you tell me (Give)
 an address where i could download tutorial or getting started to Mandrake8
 ? Better in Polish - if not English

 Remember: The MS stategy is to sell fast, much and (primo) earn as much as
 it is possible.

 Have a nice new year!
 (with no MS)

 Tego nie znajdziesz w adnym sklepie!
 [ http://oferty.onet.pl ]

  4:07am  up 2 days,  1:02,  3 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.47, 0.26

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[newbie] Help, XP uptime is greater than my linux

2001-11-28 Per discussione Jon Doe

I'm tired of this computer freezeing! My XP box never freezes, my Mandrake box freezes 
multiple times a day.
I know mandrake is better than this. I am pretty new to linux and don't know where to 
start checking, but somthing has to be done, I can't rely on this linux box anymore.
I was thinking it was the eth1 but now I'm not sure. Here is my system info:

HP Pavilion 8655c
318mb Ram
Genuine Intel P3 (coppermine) 535 Mhz
Intel 810 82810E Graphics 
Creative Labs SBLive
Eth0 Linksys LNE100TX
Eth1 Linksys LNE100TX

Anything else? Please someone who has a clue help me get this worked out.

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[newbie] Printing with a HP PSC750 via USB

2001-11-28 Per discussione Steve Weltman

Hey group,

I am using an HP all-in-one thng...Prints, copies, scans (well, sort of), 
connected via USB, and was detected at my original install correctly.  I am 
not able to print to this device ever, but I really want to get rid of MS on 
this system if I can.  

Can someone help me on this?  I believe that I have the correct drivers 
(CUPS-o-matic script, HPIJS, ghostscript, foomatic, and even the usb), but I 
would like to know who else out here has a printer that is using the USB 
interface and is successful with it.

At the moment, its a fantastically expensive paperweight, so I'd like to use 
it before the inkjets dry up and blow away! =)

Well, TIA!!

Steve Weltman
from LA, CA

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Re: [newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-28 Per discussione Linus Drouhard

Marcia, hang in there.  Printing can be (is) often frustration.  I don't 
pretend to know all of the answers.  I'm just a newbie that has struggled 
through this a couple of times.  I just know what worked for me.  I have an 
Epson Stylus 777 (good quality printer, but very expensive cartridges).

Here's what I recall about getting my printer to work when it quit (or gave 
me reams of ASCII garbage that I couldn't turn off). 

I use CUPS, and have the best luck using the WWW version of QTCUps 
administration.  I deleted all printers from my system with the admin tool.  
I then reinstalled the CUPS printer driver and gave the printer an altogether 
new name.  You can give the printer any name you want, but I think you should 
not use a command such as lpr as a printer name.  Don't know if that's bad, 
but I didn't do it.  I used Printer, KDEPrinter, among others.  Anyway, I 
don't know if that was necessary either.  That's just what I did.  Reinstall 
the printer driver.  You should be able to get a test page at this point.  
Select the appropriate resolution (mine will almost not work with the default 
setting of 180 x 180 (or whatever it is) but works MUCH better at 360 x 360). 
If this works, you should be able to select this new printer from your 
applications.  I don't know about XPP and what it might be doing.  I 
sometimes use XPP and it appears to use the same driver that I installed for 
CUPS.  Maybe someone else can explain that.  Good luck!

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 03:01 pm, Marcia wrote:
 Dear Linus,

 Thank you for your suggestions. Unfortunately I cannot even get a test page
 to print now. Test pages were printing for awhile but not anymore. It is
 very strange, because everything worked at first then just slowly stopped
 working. I do not know what else to do. I think I would like to use a whole
 different printing system at this point but I do not know how to switch at
 this point. I want to stay away from reinstalling if I can.

 Thanks for your help. I will continue to research and maybe will find an
 answer. Thanks very much for your help.



 On Wednesday 28 November 2001 01:08 pm, you wrote:
  This would be in the FWIW department. I'm a newbie myself and don't
  pretend to understand the ins and outs of printing.
  I have a HP PSC 500 (all-in-one type printer) hung on my parallel port.
  It was configured and printing on LM 8.0. There were 3 drivers available
  for that printer in CUPS. I tested them all and setup a 'lp' and a 'lp1'
  using two of the choices.
  In the last month I did a 'clean' installation of LM 8.1, including
  updates of CUPS and CUPS drivers.  I ran through the CUPS installation
  process in the installation menu (you can do this from within the
  Mandrake Control Center after the fact as well). I selected the printer
  using my preferred driver and did a test page. Everything was OK in
  terms of the test.
  However, from any application (and from a desktop drop) I was getting
  garbage out (symptoms the same as you described in your original note).
  I was stuck until I discovered that the the new version of cups-drivers
  had added another choice to the list. I chose it. All print tests were
  passed and, more importantly, it prints from any application. I have no
  idea why the old drivers no longer work.
  So my questions. Can you configure the printer and send it a test page?
  If so, consider trying all the available drivers for your printer (or
  similar printers) to see if you can get around the problem.
  Terry Smith
  Marcia wrote:
   Dear Linus,
   Thank you for your advice. It did not work for me although I may not
   have done everything correctly. Could you send me your exact steps? Did
   you use cups again or change the spooling? I am still quite the newbie
   in some areas. I installed lpr because it was not installed before. I
   wonder if I could just skip cups and use lpr or pdq instead. Would
   anyone be able to give me the steps for that?
   How do I change the spooling system from cups to lpr without
   reinstalling? I really do not want to do that again. I have heard that
   lpr for spooling has cleared up problems.
   Does anyone here have Epson Stylus Color that is printing fine in 8.1?
   If you do could you tell me what you did?
   Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have no printing at all and my
   husband and I both need it desperately. He has not been fond of Linux
   anyway and I do not want to give him more reasons to not like it.
   Thanks for any help.
   On Tuesday 27 November 2001 10:34 pm, you wrote:
 Thank you for your suggestions. The lpq command tells me that xpp
 is ready and printing with an active job listed that belongs to me.
 Unfortunately the job is not printing. That is the problem. The
 strange thing is the printing worked for a couple of days although
 it needed tweaking for 

Re: [newbie] InteractiveBastille error messages.

2001-11-28 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

I had this trouble some time ago as well (can't remember what version of
Bastille, and iptables I was running).  I any case, I was advised, that
to get rid of that message, i can get rid of linuxconf from the list of
services that Bastille audits.  I don't know much about the issue, and
can't find the message in the archives.  But I think the point was,
unless you are concerned with someone with physical access to the system
making changes via linuxconf, you don't need linuxconf auditing.

-Paul Rodríguez

On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 15:47, Charles Darcy wrote:
 On Wed, 2001-11-28 at 16:02, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
  Is ipchains installed?
 Ok, I installed ipchains, which fixed the first problem, but
 Bastille now complains:
   about to run through config file.
   /sbin/ipchains: invalid port/service 'linuxconf' specified.
 I have linuxconf installed, if that's what is being referred to, but
 otherwise the message is a mystery to me.
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Re: [newbie] No printing in 8.1 now

2001-11-28 Per discussione christian posratschnig

H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Wednesday 28 November 2001 22:01, you wrote:

Dear Linus,

Thank you for your suggestions. Unfortunately I cannot even get a test page
to print now. Test pages were printing for awhile but not anymore. It is
very strange, because everything worked at first then just slowly stopped
working. I do not know what else to do. I think I would like to use a whole
different printing system at this point but I do not know how to switch at
this point. I want to stay away from reinstalling if I can.

Thanks for your help. I will continue to research and maybe will find an
answer. Thanks very much for your help.


Maybe, just maybe you should check if the printer hasn't given up on you. 
I.e. it's a (defective) hardware problem. These things do happen at the most 
unexpected moments!
I remember having a Canon bjc2000 that just quit, the printer head died --so 
I bought a replacement -- the next day the powerunit (ac to dc) died:(
I bought a bjc 2100 (never buy that!) an my initial woes were over.

What I'm saying: Test all your hardware before you start messing with the 
software too much.
You don't even want to know about when my little daughter's hamster gnawed 
through my mouse connection cable, and the state windblow$3.1 was left in 
before I figured that out. As a matter of fact I still keep that 48MB 
harddisk around as a souvenir:)

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Regarding Canon BJC 2100 and BJC 2000
I actually work for Canon and I use at home a BJC2100 why do you say 
never buy that?
It works for  that little printing that I do at home fine for over a 
year now .

Christian Posratschnig

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Re: [newbie] Searching for Image Browser

2001-11-28 Per discussione Mr. E.

You can also try CompuPic.. but it's commercial software.. you can download
a trial version of the Pro or Standard:

(Linux and Windoze versions)

At 09:01 PM 11/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
GQview, included in most Gnome installs is a very fast and useful image
browser.  You can set it to view thumbnails as well.

-Paul Rodríguez

On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 13:21, Jim Dawson wrote:
 I am looking for an image browser, i.e. a program to display a thumbnail
image of every .jpg/.gif/.bmp/.png/etc file in a directory.
 Konqeror has a image preview mode, but it leaves a little to be desired.
 Ximian Gnome included one that was pretty good, but I don't remember
what it is called.
 Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] Floppy drive question........

2001-11-28 Per discussione Mithrilhall2000

Yep, I'm a dummy. Thanksit's been  really  bothering me.
- Original Message -
From: bascule [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Floppy drive question

 you aren't unmounting the first disk before removing it, you need to do
 right click on the icon and choose 'unmount' (in kde anyway)


 On Thursday 29 Nov 2001 2:51 am, you wrote:
  I did a fix to get my floppy drive working. Now I have just one more
  question about it. When I click the floppy desktop icon I see the
  light go on but only the first time I click it. If I click it agian with
  different disk in there it just brings up the same files that were on
  first disk.

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