[Finale] Crash: Fin2007, Patterson, TGTools

2010-01-26 Thread Aaron Sherber

Hi all,

I'm working on an intensive Finale project right now, and I'm noticing 
something I've never seen before involving frequent Finale crashes.

I'm working in WinFin2007 on XP Pro SP3 with the latest Patterson 
Plugins and TGTools. I'm using TGTools to map F7 to Patterson Mass Copy, 
so that I can select a region, hit F7 to set the source, select a 
destination, and hit F7 again to paste. After several times doing this 
(the number varies), Finale crashes with an unhandled Win32 exception. 
This is behavior I don't remember seeing before, especially with such 
regularity. My only workaround is to save my work very frequently, so 
that when Finale crashes I don't lose too much.

This is the same computer I've had for about 4 years, so it's unlikely 
to be hardware related. The only difference from previous intensive 
Finale work periods is that I'm on SP3 now instead of SP2.

Because of how I have this set up, there's no good way for me to tell 
whether the problem is in Finale, or in the TGTools keyboard hook, or in 
Mass Copy itself. Yes, I could do further testing to isolate what's 
going on, but I'm afraid I don't have time for that right now. So 
basically, I'm writing just to see whether anyone else has experienced 
this -- and Robert and Tobias, if you're reading, to see whether you 
have any idea what's going on.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Question on Current Finale Versions Lyrics

2010-01-22 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 1/22/2010 3:17 AM, Mark D Lew wrote:

algorithm looking at the lyric syllables at all.  For such a piece,
I'd space the entire thing with lyrics unchecked. Then if there are
one or two measures where the lyrics collide, go back and respace
just those measures with lyrics checked.

This brings to mind a feature request I made a few years back: spacing 
styles, which could be applied to measures like staff styles. There are 
many instances where spacing as a document-wide setting is clearly 
inappropriate, and having to remember to (a) change the setting, (b) 
space the problem measures, and then (c) change the setting back is a 
hassle. We should be able to set the document spacing for something like 
avoid lyric collisions and then apply a style to melismatic measures 
with avoid lyric collisions unset. Then we could space the whole piece 
at once.

This came up in my case when I was doing a piece which moved mostly in 
moderato or allegro quarter notes, but which had one section in largo 
4/8. For that section, I wanted wider spacing to make the change to an 
eighth note pulse more obvious, and I had to go through the same 
gymnastics of remembering to manually space that section differently.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Question on Current Finale Versions Lyrics

2010-01-22 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 1/22/2010 9:03 AM, dc wrote:

I can only second that request. Is there any place where one can officially
do so?

Well, you can submit something to the support people through 
http://makemusic.custhelp.com  My feature request was made in January 
2007; the reference number is 070322-041052. You can tell them that 
you're agreeing with the ideas in this request.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Open Recent

2010-01-15 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 1/15/2010 10:19 AM, Mark McCarron wrote:

I wish I could clear some of the files from the open recent list.
 Is there a way to do this?

Sure -- open a bunch of new files and the old ones will drop off the 
list. g

No, seriously, you can control the number of files which appear in this 
list by going to Edit | Program Options | Open.

Also, you don't say whether you're on Mac or Win, but on Windows the 
names of the files in this list are stored in the registry at 
HKCU\Software\Makemusic\Finale2009\Finale\Recent File List. (Use your 
current version of Finale in place of 'Finale2009'.) You could go there 
and delete the entries under that key.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Sibelius crossgrade price $129

2010-01-11 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 1/11/2010 6:38 AM, dhbailey wrote:

You don't lose the functionality of any Finale version you
have installed on your computer, and as long as you send an
older version's installation CD you lose absolutely nothing
from your current version, including the ability to
reinstall it if you need to.

Also, there's nothing stopping you from making a copy of the Finale CD 
before you send it in for the crossgrade.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] importing pdf as graphic

2009-12-28 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 12/28/2009 1:45 PM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

How? In Mac OS9 there was a wonderful little freeware utility called
Print2Pict that would make a pict (or TIFF or GIF) out of a pdf file or
anything else, but I know of nothing equivalent under OSX. I now find
myself in need of importing whole pdf pages into Finale as graphics,
and I sure would like to be able to do that without rebooting in System
9 each time I want to make one of these...

I wasn't following the whole thread either, but the full version of 
Acrobat can save a PDF as a TIFF. You could also open the PDF in 
Illustrator and save as a TIFF.

Of course, Hiro's suggestion is free for Mac.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] finale - indesign (workflow considerations)

2009-12-22 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 12/22/2009 6:18 AM, SN jef chippewa wrote:

aaron, i wasn't able to do this, i even made sure to check it with a
font that is defined tonever be embedded in my acrobat distiller

I think you mean always embedded, right? Also, this would only come 
into play with PDF, since EPS doesn't go through Distiller.

 can you gove me a bit more info on your setup and what
items are checked that allow you to edit text once exported in
EPS/PDF from finale?

I'm working in Fin2007 on Windows. I opened a score and did Graphics | 
Export Pages, type EPS, all PostScript options checked. Then I opened 
InDesign CS2 and placed the EPS file in a new document (File | Place).

I opened the EPS file in Illustrator CS2, used the text tool to change 
some of the text, and saved the EPS file back out, using the Illustrator 
defaults for EPS. The only wonky part here was that a word like Title 
actually became 2 bits of text in the EPS: T was one block, and itle 
was another. I could also use the select tool to delete text blocks.

In InDesign, I did File | Preflight, which showed that my image had been 
modified. I hit Update, and the image updated to show my changed text. 
(The Finale image also moved a bit within the EPS page image; not sure 
why, but there's probably a way around that.)

My InDesign and Illustrator settings are whatever the defaults are, 
because this is a new computer with a fresh install.

I hope that helps a bit. My other thought was that since you're only 
putting the text in Finale to give you a spacing guide, couldn't you 
just set the text font to Hidden in Finale? That way, it would appear 
lightly on the screen but wouldn't appear in the EPS/PDF at all.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] finale - indesign (workflow considerations)

2009-12-19 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 12/19/2009 3:08 PM, SN jef chippewa wrote:

(freehand, or something similar, i believe).  is there a way to
export from finale so that the text is editable using indesign (or
illustrator)?  or am i stuck masking it or erasing it in the graphics

Well, if you make PDFs of your Finale examples instead of EPS, and make 
sure that your PDF settings include all fonts, you can later open the 
PDF in Illustrator and edit the text. PDFs can also be placed in 
InDesign as links.

- export pages (not selections) from finale in EPS (include tiff
preview, include fonts, allow transparency)

I'm not sure how transparency plays into all of this, or how that works 
with PDFs.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] finale - indesign (workflow considerations)

2009-12-19 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 12/19/2009 3:56 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

Well, if you make PDFs of your Finale examples instead of EPS, and make
sure that your PDF settings include all fonts, you can later open the
PDF in Illustrator and edit the text. PDFs can also be placed in
InDesign as links.

Actually, it looks like you can do the same with EPS -- open them up in 
Illustrator and edit the text. I don't use EPS much, which is why I 
suggested PDFs first.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] scale page vs. scale system

2009-12-18 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 12/17/2009 8:00 PM, SN jef chippewa wrote:

1) anyone feels there is some advantages of using one over the other
as a default for the file

I initially used page scaling, but some years back I changed to system 
scaling. There was a discussion about it here, and some people 
(Johannes? Robert? Jari?) gave some very good reasons in favor of system 
scaling. I like it because it means I don't need to mentally scale my 
page margins, and I don't need to use fixed-size text for page-attached 

2) anyone has a brilliant solution to the different appearance of
fixed font expressions with enclosures in PT and (reduced) SC,

Sorry, I've never seen that, because I don't use fixed-size fonts in 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] scale page vs. scale system

2009-12-18 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 12/18/2009 8:09 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:

Aaron, may I ask, then, are you happy with microscopic rehearsal
letters and tempo changes in your scores? Once the score sizing gets
down to 60% or so (not at all unusual in an orchestra score) then all
these items are illegible.

For the type of thing I do (generally chamber orchestra scores at 65% on 
8.5x11), it works out fine. For larger scores, it's a bit of a moot 
point. I wouldn't conduct from anything much smaller than 65%, so if I 
have more staves I would blow it up onto larger paper at a larger 
percentage. I think I might find that fixed sizes have the opposite 
problem: if they're the right size for the parts, then the proportion 
relative to the music in the score would be too great. So I can see the 
argument for something else which has been discussed, the option to 
specify different sizes for expressions in score and parts (either fixed 
or proportional).

I am okay with fixed sizes for tempo marks and rehearsal letters,
because there is actually an advantage to having these items be
grotesquely large in the score compared with the staff height, but

From a conductor's perspective, I disagree. I would rather have 
everything on the page be at an appropriately scaled size. By the time I 
get to rehearsal, I'm not really reading tempo marks and such, because I 
know how the piece goes, and anything I need I will have marked in my 
favorite 6B pencil. And if I have to lean in a bit to verify a rehearsal 
letter when we're starting up, I don't mind.

I imagine that things might be different in the recording world, where a 
conductor might be leading a group through a commercial or something 
that he'd gotten just the day before. In that case, very large markings 
might help compensate for the lack of preparation time.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] nudge different according to view percent

2009-12-18 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 12/18/2009 11:21 AM, SN jef chippewa wrote:

REALLY!?  you mean when you are dealing with the look of the score
you think it is better to change view percentages?

It's funny, my instinct is to agree with Richard, but I think I've just 
been well trained by Finale. In layout programs like InDesign, the arrow 
keys nudge by fixed distances, not related to view percentages, as jef 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] scale page vs. scale system

2009-12-18 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 12/18/2009 11:43 AM, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

The only time I've ever used page scaling was in scores for a visually
challenged individual. I took a score originally sized about 5 1/2 x 8,
and scaled it up 200 percent using page scaling, and printed the
resulting score on 11 x 17 paper, with less than a dozen mouse clicks
and a like number of key strokes.

In recent Finales (at least since 2007), you don't even need page 
scaling for this. In the print dialog, just make sure 1-up is selected 
under Layout, and then check the box that says Fit to page. Select the 
appropriate size paper in your print driver, and Finale will (or should) 
autoscale it correctly, relative to the size of your page in Finale.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mass Edit

2009-11-07 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 11/7/2009 8:10 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

Fin Mac 2007.

In previous versions of Finale I could COPY and then use a shortcut
(COMMAND SHIFT) to Paste into the designated measures.

I believe it's now just Command-Click. Take a look in the manual on the 
first page of the Mass Edit Tool section, under Special Mouse Clicks.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mass Edit

2009-11-07 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 11/7/2009 8:33 AM, J D Thomas wrote:

Hmm.  I always thought (and used) Option-shift.

Well, whatever it used to be on the Mac side, try leaving out the shift 
key in 2007+. That's what happened on Win. Or check the manual.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Dies Irae

2009-10-27 Thread Aaron Sherber
It may not be as classical as you intend, but the Dies Irae figures 
prominently throughout the score of Sweeney Todd.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Archives Down?

2009-10-22 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 10/22/2009 1:35 PM, Ryan Beard wrote:

Hi, I can't log onto the archives web page. Can someone write to me off list 
and confirm that the archives are down and that it's not a problem on my end?

The archives appear to be fine.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Darcy! On NPR!

2009-10-13 Thread Aaron Sherber



Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Piano Duet Layout

2009-10-11 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 10/11/2009 2:28 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

On 11 Oct 2009 at 12:15, Randolph Peters wrote:

 One quibble: the bother of having to go to PDFs and interlacing
 pales in comparison to the hassle (among other things) of the method
 listed above. Just drag and drop the PDF pages into the sidebar of
 Preview or Acrobat and resave the result.

Not everyone is on a Mac. Not everyone has Acrobat.

I have the PDF995 editing tools, which are free to use if you don't
mind seeing the online ads, but it's not so easy as drag-and-drop to
stitch together multiple PDFs.

Easy is always in the eye of the beholder, of course, but on Windows 
there's a great free command line tool called PDFTK. Given a PDF of left 
hand (LH) pages and one of right hand (RH) pages, you can interlace with 
three easy steps:

pdftk lh.pdf burst output %04d_a.pdf
pdftk rh.pdf burst output %04d_b.pdf
pdftk 0*.pdf cat output piano-duet.pdf

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] The Finale nail in the coffin

2009-10-03 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 10/3/2009 12:38 AM, Michael Greensill wrote:

Now I know I don't have to upgrade every time but they always reel you
in with something that can't have taken much effort to program, like
chord symbols being attached to beats in 2010. But should they charge
$100 for that feature. And half the time we're paying the $100 to have
fixes to things that were the programmers fault in the first place.

I know I posted an anti-Makemusic sentiment earlier in the thread, but 
now I'm going to support the other side.

First of all, as has been pointed out here many times, we have no way of 
knowing what is easy or hard to implement for the Finale programmers. 
Some of us on this list do some programming, and may have a slightly 
better idea than most, but even so, you can't make this sort of 
assessment without knowing the program in question. And the particular 
example you gave (chord symbols attached to beats) is almost certainly 
*not* something easy to do.

Second, I always look at these things in terms of my time. There have 
been several Finale upgrades which added seemingly minor things, hardly 
worth the price of upgrading. But my bottom line question is, Will these 
minor features save me enough time to justify the upgrade price? For 
most of us, if the new features in the upgrade save us more than 2 or 3 
hours over the course of the year, the answer is probably yes. A good 
case in point is the ability to optimize in groups. My recollection is 
that the year that was introduced, there wasn't much else in the upgrade 
that interested me, but that one feature saved me several hours of work 
and made the upgrade worth it.

Having said all of that, I'll flip-flop again. I think I wouldn't mind 
all of this so much if Makemusic just came out and said that they're 
switching to a subscription model. I'm not crazy about subscription 
models, but it's a more honest description of MM's business practices, 
and somehow I don't think I'd grumble so much about shelling out that 
$100 each year.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] The Finale nail in the coffin

2009-10-03 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 10/3/2009 8:34 AM, dhbailey wrote:

I would definitely object to a subscription model, since
that implies that if one wishes to stop subscribing then the
software will stop working as of whatever date the current
subscription runs out.

That's not what software subscription implies, in my experience.

If the subscription only carries
with it automatic updates with an annual fee but will not
render the software useless if one cancels one's
subscription then it really isn't any different from the
current system.

Except that it changes expectations. As I said earlier, when I buy a 
piece of software, I expect more than a year's worth of bug fixes, and I 
expect major bugs to be fixed even after the next version comes out. For 
example, MS continues to put out critical fixes for Office long after 
the next version is released. If Makemusic just said You can buy the 
software, and you get one year's worth of free upgrades -- which is 
essentially what their practice it -- then I woudn't be bothered so much 
by having to shell out that money each year to get fixes to longstanding 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] The Finale nail in the coffin

2009-10-03 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 10/3/2009 5:24 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

If Finale were a subscription program, would I be paying every year
to keep using Finale 2003? Would I pay less each year to keep using
it? Or would I not have to pay anything unless I wanted the current

I answered this in my previous email. In the software subscription 
models I've seen, you buy the software and can use it for however long 
you want. The subscription part is to keep getting updates (and support, 
in some cases). So if you bought Fin03 and liked it, you wouldn't have 
to pay any more money to use it. But if you wanted any bugfixes after 
the first year, you'd have to pay the subscription fee to get them.

If the latter, I can't see how this would be any different at all
from what you already have.

Right. This is what I've said a couple of times now. The difference is 
one of expectiations. Put simply, when I buy software, I expect bug 
fixes for a couple of years. Finale doesn't do that. They give you 
bugfixes for only one year (or less), which is more like a subscription 
model. So I would rather they just call it that.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] The Finale nail in the coffin

2009-10-02 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 10/2/2009 2:22 PM, dhbailey wrote:

Secondly, it's important that we all remember that MakeMusic
has never forced anybody to upgrade.  At least as far as I
know, they've never put a gun to anybody's head and said
Buy this upgrade for $100 or I'll blow your head off.
They have forced people who deal with others (who have
bought the upgrade) to buy the upgrade in order to be
version compatible to share files, but that is a very small
percentage of the Finale-user-base.

We have also been forced to upgrade in order to continue to receive bug 
fixes, often important bug fixes. Most software companies bring out a 
major version every few years, with free bug fixes in between. Many 
software companies continue to provide free important bug fixes for the 
previous version (or two) even after the next one has come out. 
Makemusic has done neither of these things, essentially moving to a 
subscription model without saying so.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Trill to notes in Finale 2010?

2009-09-30 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 9/30/2009 8:43 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:

Hmm, I use Bill Duncan's Finale Productivity fonts, which contain
parenthesised noteheads with and without sharps, flats and naturals,

The Engraver font contains the same characters. I guess you could define 
your own artculations with them.

As for TGTools, the parenthesized trill notes tool is part of the full 
packages, not the lite version that comes with Finale.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Tempo Detection in Audacity

2009-09-26 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 9/26/2009 4:11 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

Or am I stuck doing this manually (ugh!)?

I know this isn't what you were asking, but why is doing it manually so 
tough? If you have a stopwatch and Excel, you can get the metronome 
timings just by counting off a few beats and plugging the duration into 
a formula.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] harp pedal diagram

2009-09-11 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 9/11/2009 9:48 PM, toronado...@gmail.com wrote:

Anyone use the engraver text fonts to do graphical harp pedal diagrams? (O,
shift -O, P, shift -P)

A much better solution is Matthew Hindson's freeware Harp Pedal font:


I've used this for a few projects and been very pleased.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] More problems staff styles....no names

2009-08-26 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 8/26/2009 2:41 AM, terry cano wrote:

I was able to get a part to extract but the Inst name doesn't appear on the 
extracted part...it is in the Staff (Full and Abrv) on the score

In 2008, the instrument name doesn't get automatically copied from the 
staff when you extract a part. You need to put a text insert in your 
score containing the Score/Part Name, and set it to show in the parts 
but be hidden in the score. (I think this is done for you automatically 
if you create a new score from a 2008 template.)

This has to do with linked parts. An extracted part in 2008 is nothing 
more than a saved copy of the linked part. And if you think about it, a 
linked part can't automatically insert anything -- it has to be 
something that you put there.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Somewhat OT: How marked-up can/should rental parts be?

2009-08-20 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 8/20/2009 6:43 PM, Daniel Wolf wrote:

bargaining position vis a vis the publishers.)  But the most immediate
concern is that I just got a set of parts returned from a major European
radio orchestra.  They are completely marked-up, with bowings and much
more.  Should the orchestra have cleaned them up? Should I erase all of
these marks, or should some of them be kept?

It depends what your rental agreement says.

When I rent music from publishers, the agreement usually stipulates that 
parts should be returned free of markings, and that a fee may be charged 
if they are not (to cover the publisher's time in erasing them). This 
implies that the publisher sends out clean parts, the renter marks them, 
uses them, and cleans them, and then sends back clean parts.

In practice, just about all the rental parts I get arrive with lots of 
markings in them. I erase those markings, add my own, use the parts -- 
and then return them with my markings still in. The net effect on my 
time is the same: one cycle of marking and one of cleaning. I have never 
complained to a publisher about markings already in the parts, and I 
have never been charged by a publisher for leaving markings in.

In part, this works because of what you suggest. It can actually save me 
time if parts arrive with bowings and such already in them, unless I 
have strong preferences for a different set of markings. But I never 
rent assuming that the parts will have usable markings. Sometimes a set 
arrives with half the parts marked one way and half another. Sometimes a 
set actually arrives clean!

You as the publisher need to decide which way you want to handle this. 
And if your agreement states that parts should be returned clean, and 
you decide to hold renters to this, then you should also make sure that 
you send out the parts clean.

Pricing is a whole other issue. You're right that none of the publishers 
like to talk about this directly. My experience has mostly been with 
renting music on behalf of small to medium sized dance and opera 
companies, and in general I assume that one way or another I will wind 
up paying about 10% of the potential gross of the concert for rentals 
and royalties.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: jazz articulations

2009-07-28 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 7/28/2009 12:56 PM, toronado...@gmail.com wrote:

Whoa! Sorry about the multiple posts! I only sent once.

You're fine -- only one came through.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Fonts for text-related items in scores

2009-07-14 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 7/14/2009 3:30 PM, Mark D Lew wrote:

In any way that ordinary users use fonts, I'm not sure it's even possible
to use the fonts when the software isn't running.

Since the EULA comes with MS Office, I think the question is what the 
user is allowed to to when *Office* isn't running, not when there's no 
software running at all. That is, does the EULA allow for the use of 
these fonts in other software programs, like Illustrator or Finale? The 
EULA appears to neither allow nor deny this use.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Fonts for text-related items in scores

2009-07-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 7/13/2009 2:10 PM, Mark D Lew wrote:

ClearType is a specific method of type definition*, developed and
owned by Microsoft, introduced with Vista. The purpose of ClearType
was to enhance screen readability.


typeface in two different languages, which may have behaved
differently in different software. ClearType is a new such language.

A minor correction (and I haven't been following this whole discussion): 
ClearType is not a font programming language or a method of type 
definition. It is a technology for displaying fonts on digital displays, 
regardless of whether those fonts are TrueType or OpenType (or PS I 
guess, though I haven't used those in a long time). There are no 
ClearType font files.

The so-called ClearType fonts (Calibri et al.) are ordinary OpenType 
fonts which were designed to be optimized for ClearType display. In 
fact, if you're using them on any display device which does not support 
ClearType, or which does not have ClearType enabled (like any CRT 
monitor), they tend to look worse than other fonts. (They all print very 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Fonts for text-related items in scores

2009-07-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 7/13/2009 2:10 PM, Mark D Lew wrote:

ClearType is a specific method of type definition*, developed and
owned by Microsoft, introduced with Vista.

Also, ClearType was introduced with XP, though I think it may have been 
off by default. It can be turned on in the Display control panel.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Fonts for text-related items in scores

2009-07-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 7/13/2009 2:34 PM, Mark D Lew wrote:

Thanks for the correction.  But is it not true that to be optimized
for ClearType display they must have data in them that the ClearType
renderer reads? Did OpenType fonts have this data all along, or is it

My understanding is that there is no extra data used by the ClearType 
rendering engine. ClearType is essentially a method of font smoothing 
which uses the existing curves and hints in the font file to make the 
screen display look better. The difference between ClearType and earlier 
smoothing technologies is that it makes explicit use of the fact that a 
pixel on an LCD monitor is actually 3 separate RGB pixels crammed in 
next to each other. So it is able to fool our eyes by smoothing at a 
subpixel level. There's a good discussion of this here: 

The proof of this is that ClearType makes all TrueType fonts look 
better, not just those optimized for the technology. The only kind of 
font ClearType can't work with is the really old bitmapped fonts; a 
bitmapped font contains specific recipes to place pixels at specific 
font sizes, whereas TrueType et al. define curves to be filled in by 
pixels. (I'm simplifying a little.)

For example, the default Windows font for menus and so forth used to be 
a bitmapped font called MS Sans Serif. I think as early as Windows 2000 
they started also shipping a font caleld Microsoft Sans Serif, which was 
just a TrueType version of the earlier font. Newer versions of Windows 
use Tahoma or Segoe, both TrueType fonts. Anyway, you may have had the 
experience of using an older application alongside newer ones, and the 
text in the dialog boxes of the older app looks *awful*. This is because 
the older app is probably hardcoded to use MS Sans Serif, which can't be 
improved by ClearType, and it looks particularly bad next to the smooth 
goodness in other apps.

As to optimized for ClearType, my understanding is that those 
particular fonts were designed with an understanding of how the 
ClearType display algorithms would work on them, and so the curves were 
plotted in such a way that they would look particularly good after they 
were run through ClearType.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Linked parts--yes or no?

2009-07-03 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 7/3/2009 11:32 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:

There IS new material to learn. Extracted parts have to go through
the same new part creation process that linked parts do. If you use
the Setup Wizard, most of the work is done for you, but if you open a
pre-2007 file in 2007 or later, you have to create the parts, then
extract them. It's not hard, you just have to read the manual.

Just to clarify, the process is actually very simple. If you open a 
pre-2007 file and go to Extract Parts, you'll see that there are no 
parts listed. All you have to do, in most cases, is press the button 
that says Generate Parts. Then your parts magically appear in the 
dialog, and you can extract them.

In some cases, you'll have to go into the Manage Parts dialog and make 
some changes before extracting.

The reason for all of this is from Fin2007 on, an extracted part is 
nothing more and nothing less than a saved copy of a linked part. So in 
order to extract parts, Finale first creates the linked parts (if you 
haven't already) and then saves each one to its own file. If you have no 
interest in the conveniences of linked parts, you don't need to actually 
work with them at all. You can pretend they're not even there and just 
work with the extracted copies.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Can't make PDFs from Finale 2k9 Mac

2009-06-18 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 6/18/2009 9:11 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

very small jobs. Do I now have to get 2k10 to get this fixed? If that is
the case Sibelius is becoming a very likely option. I am certainly not
going to feed the folks at MM for their ridiculous bugs.

I agree that this is an unfortunate side effect of MM's yearly upgrade 
schedule, which essentially becomes a subscription model. When a new 
release comes out, MM completely stops fixing any bugs in previous 
versions, meaning that the usable lifespan of each release is only a 
year. If you want bugfixes after that, you need to buy the next version 
-- and hope that the new bugs aren't worse than the old ones.

This is especially frustrating for something like the current Finale 
2010 release. It doesn't have an awful lot of new functionality and 
would probably be considered a point release by some other software 
companies -- that is, an intermediate upgrade which goes out free to 
owners of the existing version. I don't think this is particularly 
customer-friendly behavior from MM, but ultimately they must feel it 
makes financial sense for them.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Fin2010 announced

2009-05-31 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 5/31/2009 8:43 PM, John Howell wrote:

I fully realize that different people have different ways of working,
but I find this particular argument (duration before pitch or pitch
before duration) rather amusing.  In hand copying (remember doing
THAT, anyone?!!), you do both simultaneously, placing a note on a
line or space and making it black or white, and then finish up the

But in hand copying you *don't* do both simultaneously. You first move 
your hand to the right position on the staff, and then you put a 
specific kind of note there. There's no other way to do it in hand 
copying -- you can't draw a note of a specific duration until you have 
first decided what the pitch is going to be.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Fin2010 announced

2009-05-31 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 5/31/2009 9:39 PM, John Howell wrote:

Hi, Aaron.  Not meaning to be picky, but you're breaking a single
integrated action up into two distinct actions (which is what Finale,
Sibelius, and Mosaic all do).  When I move my hand I already know
both the pitch and the duration I'm going to write, so it's a single
mental action, and that single action encompasses note placement,
note shape, and note color.  The computer only knows one thing at a

I think your choice of words is clouding your argument here. I agree 
that the mental decision to write a certain note generally encompasses 
both the pitch and the duration, but the act of writing that note 
consists of two steps -- moving your pen to the correct staff level and 
then drawing the appropriate duration. You use the word action for 
both the mental and physical parts of this, and then you seem to imply 
that because the former is indivisible, the latter must be also. But 
this is not true.

Compare, for example, hand copying of music with old style engraving 
with punches. It is clear that the two methods require a different order 
to the component actions. In hand copying, you move to the correct pitch 
and then draw a duration. With punches, you have to pick up the punch of 
the correct duration before you can place the note on the staff. In both 
cases, the engraver knows beforehand both pitch and duration, and yet 
the order is clearly important.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Fin2010 announced

2009-05-31 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 5/31/2009 9:48 PM, Christopher Smith wrote:

Sure you can. I do it all the time. It's a great way to compose,
actually, writing the rhythms and maybe an approximate contour, then
go back and choose the pitches. I can only do it with a pencil,
though (so far!)

But I think you two are talking apples and oranges. John was
discussing copying, implying that you already know what you are
putting down on paper.

Actually, I was discussing copying as well. I hadn't thought about it, 
but I can certainly see why duration first might be useful for a 
composer. That's an important distinction. Good thing Finale allows for 
both, as we keep coming back to.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Fin2010 announced

2009-05-30 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 5/30/2009 12:22 AM, Ralph Whitfield wrote:

I'll spring for it just for the rehearsal marks and percussion updates.

This has been my attitude for several years with Finale. Of course, we'd 
all like to see updates that get us really excited about a host of new 
features and bugfixes and which we're clearly happy to pay for. But the 
truth is, if the new features don't seem that exciting or extensive but 
still save you just a few hours of work over the course of a year, it's 
worth paying the $99 from a time/money standpoint.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] End point of Smart Slur glissandi and accidentals

2009-05-26 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 5/26/2009 8:09 AM, Chuck Israels wrote:

As far as I know, the shapes are not that smart.  I do it by hand.  I
am also eager to know if there's an automated solution.

TGTools has a wonderful function to adjust the ends of glissandi for 
accidentals (Modify | Shift). So my base settings assume no accidentals, 
and then I just zip through section by section with TGTools.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] 2K7 woes

2009-05-17 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 5/17/2009 10:30 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

believe that Finale would not create multi-measure rests
automaticallyso, what am I failing to do before I extract my

It depends a bit on what your workflow is. If you want MM rests created 
automatically, you need to go to Document | Manage Parts. Click on Part 
Creation Preferences and make sure that Create MM rests is checked. I 
think you'll need to save this in your template to make sure that all 
new documents inherit it.

If you're working in an existing score, and if you haven't yet created 
linked parts, you can visit this dialog before you do so and make sure 
that the box is checked.

If you're working in an existing score and you've already created linked 
parts, then select the Measure tool and go to Measure | Multimeasure 
Rests | Create for Parts/Score. Click Select All, then deselect the 
Score, and hit OK.

(I know you're talking about extracted parts, but in Fin07 and later, 
extracted parts are nothing more than extracted copies of the linked 
parts. So whatever you do to the linked parts will be present when you 

Hope this helps.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] 2K7 question

2009-04-05 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 4/5/2009 6:23 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

that I created while using 2K4c.  Does this change anything with
regard to making parts with instrument labels the default behavior
now that I am using 2K7?

Yes. As I indicated, instrument labels will only be generated in 
extracted (or linked) parts if the text box with Part/Score Name is 
present in your score. If you want this label always to be present in 
new scores you create, you need to edit your default file and put the 
text box in. Otherwise, you will need to add the text box in each new 
score you make.

Christopher indicated that the part generation process remains the same, 
which is true. But the part labels will not be there unless the text box 
is there first, either because the current document comes from a 
template that has the text box, or because you added the text box to the 
document yourself.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] 2K7 question

2009-04-04 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 4/4/2009 11:48 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

When I extract parts in 2K7, I do not see the staff name on the extracted part.
For example:  Trumpet 1 in Bb

Christopher Smith gave you some answers having to do with linked parts, 
which were introduced in 2007. If you want to go the old-fashioned 
Extract Parts route, Finale will still generate linked parts 
automatically behind the scenes; an extracted part is just a linked part 
snapshot split out into its own file.

If you go through the Extract Parts dialog and you only see Score 
listed, you first need to click the Generate Parts button to get Finale 
to create the linked parts. You can then check off the parts you want 
and extract.

Now, to get back to your original question about part names. What you 
will need to do is first generate the linked parts. Then go to page view 
in your score and add a text box. In this text box, put in the text 
insert that says Part/Score Name. Now you want to make sure that this 
text box is hidden in the score (because a box that says Score isn't 
helpful) but displays in the parts. On Windows, I would hold down the 
Ctrl key, right click on the text box, and choose Hide. I don't know 
what the Mac equivalents are to Ctrl and right-clicking. The text box 
will now appear a light orange in the score (meaning unlinked and 
hidden) and regular orange in the part (meaning unlinked and showing).

If you create a new score through the setup, this should be taken care 
of for you automatically, since the default files that come with 2007 
include this text box.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] controlling the Selection Tool

2009-03-22 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 3/22/2009 12:22 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

Is there some trick I am missing having to do with how to control
Selection Tool behavior?  When I am doing editing work that involves a
lot of moving elements selected with the tool, the dialog box
associated with the expression (for instance) will appear before I can
move the expression.

Off the top of my head, sounds to me like a mouse issue, not a Finale 
issue. It sounds like there's a short in your mouse which is sending a 
double-click rather than a click. Does this happen to you in other 
applications? If you go to move a file icon on your desktop, for 
example, do you find that the file opens before you can move it?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] create mp3 files!

2009-03-20 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 3/20/2009 7:35 AM, Rod McDonald wrote:

'Save As' only allows me to save as midi  file while 'export to Audio' only
allows me to save as a .wav file. I seem unable to save as mp3. No 'Save as
Audio' option!!!

You said you were on WinFin2009b. The process there is File | Export to 
Audio File. Click the radio button that says 'Compressed MP3 File'.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] create mp3 files!

2009-03-20 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 3/20/2009 7:35 AM, Rod McDonald wrote:

allows me to save as a .wav file. I seem unable to save as mp3. No 'Save as
Audio' option!!!  Guess midi will have to do!

Of course, you could also save as a WAV and convert to MP3 with any 
number of free utilities.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Garritan on old files

2009-03-20 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 3/20/2009 10:51 AM, Richard Huggins wrote:

I was excited to hear the much-improved orchestral sounds of Finale
2009. I opened an old file so I cold hear it with these sounds, but
instead the old sounds were heard. How do I achieve playback using the
Garritan sounds that shipped with '09?

If you take a look in the user manual, there's a tutorial called GPO 
and HP Tutorial. This covers converting old scores to use the new 
sounds, as well as creating new scores that use these sounds.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] create mp3 files!

2009-03-20 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 3/20/2009 3:20 PM, Christopher Smith wrote:

iTunes is quick and easy for audio format conversions, but for mass
conversions I use Max, a free utility that gives more options.

iTunes is generally considered not to be a particularly good quality MP3 

In general, LAME is considered to be one of the best encoders, and there 
are lots of free apps which use LAME to do encoding. (Including Max.)

On Windows, I use RazorLame, which is nothing more than a (somewhat 
outdated) graphical front end to the LAME command-line app.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Default document

2009-03-15 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 3/15/2009 4:42 PM, Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:

How did you do that? The help folder contains a large number of .htm and image 
files. Is there a User Manual in pdf separate from the help system?

The Finale help system was changed in Finale 2008. Earlier versions have 
a manual in PDF form; the most recent two versions have an HTML-based 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] so simple - so strangely missing

2009-03-08 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 3/8/2009 1:34 PM, Katherine Hoover wrote:

1.  I wish to delete some finale files.  Simple, eh?
Moved them to trash singly.  Wouldn't go in.
Moved them to trash as a group.  No dice.
Dragged one to desktop to try from there - it made a new copy.

Well, this isn't a Finale issue. It's something going on with your 
operating system. (You don't say if you're on Mac or Win.) On the other 
hand, if you've got the file open in Finale at the same time that you're 
trying to delete it, it won't work. Files can't be deleted by the system 
if they're in use by some application.

2.  Also embarrassingly simple but I've spent too much time on this as
well:  How do I get a new folder into my listing of files to organize

Again, I'm not sure what you mean here by listing of files, but it 
sounds like you're talking about something that's OS related and not 
FInale related. In Windows, you would right-click in a folder window and 
choose New -Folder.

3.  Not quite so simple: what is the easiest way of setting up a part
for - say Bb Clarinet on the right pitch but without a key
signature?  At this point I make the file in the automatic fashion,
go to Staff, Edit Staff Attributes, and choose No Key.

What you want do do is select Chromatic transposition, up M2. That will 
get all the notes to play back a whole step lower than written. You'll 
still need to enter any accidentals in the part, but they'll play back 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finaletips site?

2009-02-23 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/23/2009 7:20 PM, David McKay wrote:

Googling Finale tips I found

The last of these is Jari's site, to which Johannes was referring. It 
used to live at the domain name finaletips.nu. That domain name no 
longer resolves anywhere, although it looks like Jari still owns it.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Editing

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/13/2009 11:57 AM, Dean M. Estabrook wrote:

I just made a recording of a choir rehearsal last night with my H2
digital.  I recorded in the MP3 mode. It is possible to edit said
files (other than just splitting a file on the H2) once they are
uploaded to my Mac?

I believe that most audio editing programs are able to open MP3s. Take a 
look, for example, at the open source Audacity: 

However, keep in mind that MP3s are like JPG images -- they use lossy 
compression, meaning every time you edit and save, you introduce some 
artifacts (which may or may not be audible/visible). This is why it's 
always better to record and edit in a non-lossy format like WAV or AIFF, 
and then convert to MP3 if needed when you're sending the finished 
product to someone else.

What you might want to do is open this MP3 in Audacity and save it as a 
WAV. Then you can edit, save, edit, save, etc. as much as you like with 
the WAV without further degradation of the original MP3. And then again, 
only convert your finished WAV to MP3 when you're done, if needed.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Editing

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/13/2009 4:19 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 13 Feb 2009, at 4:02 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

 Hmm. I was unaware that there were mainstream apps that could edit
 MP3s natively.

There certainly are. You can open an MP3 in QuickTime Player and edit
it directly there without converting to some other format. And Fission
(the app I use to split long single audio files recorded at my gigs
into individual tracks and normalize them) also works on whatever
audio format you begin with, without converting anything.

That goes against my understanding; I'll have to look into it some more.

You are right that that up-sampling *shouldn't* introduce any new
artifacts. But if you take an MP3, up-sample it and save as WAV, and
then (without editing anything) down-sample it and save it as an MP3,
the resultant MP3 will sound worse than the original MP3.

Yes, but that's not because of the *upsampling* -- it's because of the 
subsequent re-downsampling.

as even more of a reason not to save the file out as a WAV file before
editing, since (if I understand the situation correctly) any work you
do in Audacity will always be done in its own native format.

Yes, but Audacity's native format is still lossless, like WAV, so 
there's no penalty there.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Editing

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/13/2009 5:25 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Instead, my first suggestion would be to use an editing application
that operates on the original MP3 file and does not require you to re-
encode -- which, as far as I know, is what is happening with the app I
use (Fission).

I don't believe that is true, although I don't have direct experience 
with Fission. But David's and Lee's comments seem to back me up.

Looking around a bit more on the web, I do think we need to distinguish 
different kinds of editing. It appears that certain kinds of edits can 
be made to MP3s without needing to recode, namely splitting up an MP3 
into pieces and applying gain. (See http://sherber.com/url/3c , for 
example.) Other kinds of edits I think require re-encoding.

Failing that: assuming David is correct that Audacity has its own
native format, then Step 1 above seems unnecessary. Just open the MP3
in Audacity, make the edit, then save back to MP3.

Yes -- unless you plan to do more editing. Keeping in mind that every 
save to MP3 format degrades quality, what you want to avoid is open the 
MP3, make an edit, save back to MP3. Open the new MP3 a week later, make 
some more edits, save back to MP3. Repeat again the next day. You've now 
re-saved as MP3 3 times, introducing more artifacts along the way. If 
you open the MP3 and save your intermediate work each time as a WAV, you 
incur no further loss penalty until you're done and you convert your WAV 
to MP3 to share with others.

(It's the same with images. If someone sends you a JPG that you plan to 
edit repeatedly, you should first open it and save it as a TIF, and then 
make all your edits to the TIF. When you're done editing, you can export 
the TIF as a JPG for portability, keeping your source TIF for any 
further changes. If you edit and save as JPG, you incur loss and 
introduce artifacts each time.)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Editing

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/13/2009 6:15 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

These are, in fact, the only kinds of edits Fission allows (cut
paste, normalization and fades),

Ah, interesting. Lee, can you comment on this? Is it true that these 
kinds of edits can be made to an MP3 without needing to recode afterwards?

(It makes a certain amount of sense. For example, with the right 
software you can rotate a JPG 90 deg. and save losslessly.)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Editing

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Sherber
I'm going to preface all of this by saying that I'm always happy to be 
proved wrong in things like this.

On 2/13/2009 7:22 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

The usual method is to have, say, a 15% compression ratio. When you
open a file, your graphics editing progam knows what the compression
ratio that it was saved at is,

I don't believe that's true. Neither Paint Shop Pro nor GIMP appear to 
display this information; I suppose they may know it internally, but 
this is the first I've heard this assertion.

Actually, look at http://photo.net/learn/jpeg/#ijg . It discusses a 
utility which allows the *estimation* of the quality settings for any 
given JPG. It also says It would be most useful for Jpeg writing 
software to list the prior quality level so you could rewrite (if 
necessary) at the same level.

I do lots of graphics editing and while I keep TIFs as my source
files, I do lots of editing in JPGs once the graphic has reaced a
certain point in the editing process. And that includes multiple
edits and multiple saves, and the quality does not decrease with each

Well, see http://www.faqs.org/faqs/jpeg-faq/part1/section-10.html , 
which would seem to disagree with you. They do say that relatively 
little further degradation occurs, but that's not the same as no change 
in quality.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Editing

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/13/2009 7:37 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

I don't think this is correct, Aaron. When you edit the MP3, you
aren't editing the original data, but a waveform that is result of
expanding the data from the MP3 file. If you save that waveform to
exactly the same bitrate as the original source MP3, you won't lose
anything that was not already missing in the original MP3.

I really don't think the latter part of this is true. I think the 
waveform will include some data which is interpolated from the lossy 
MP3. When you then save again to MP3, those interpolations are 
themselves subject to lossy compression -- they're not just recognized 
as interpolations and tossed out somehow.

As always, this is only the opinion of a reasonably experience layman. 
If anyone has links to contradictory information, please share.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Editing

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/13/2009 8:08 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

They don't display the information, but PSP, at least (which is what
I use for all my graphics editing -- I can't stand the GIMP), does
not continue to compress the file beyond its current compression

Except that I don't think PSP has any way of actually determining a 
file's current compression ratio.

Try it in PSP. I just took a file and saved it 6 times with
compression set at 15%. When I compare the version saved 6 times to
the original it is absolutely indistinguishable.

Were you closing and opening the file, or just hitting Save 6 times? The 
latter won't do anything, because each time you hit Save, PSP just 
compresses and writes out the bitmap it has in memory. And in the former 
case, the sources I have read do say that saving in the same app with 
the same compression ratio produces virtually no artifacts. And that 
artifacts would really only appear in areas you've edited, so that 
repeated opening and saving wouldn't be expected to show any 
degradation. But this whole conversation has been about editing files.

It's only the save process that
discards data, and if you're saving back to the same compression
ratio as the source file, you won't see any difference at all.

If you're saving back with the same application, at the same compression 
ratio, with no edits, then I suppose you're right.

It says that if you're saving at the same ratio, any loss is very
tiny. My experience says that for all practical purposes, there is no

I'm not disagreeing with you here. But practical purposes vary from 
user to user. The fact is that there *is* further loss, and the loss may 
be noticeable depending on the size of the source file, the compression 
ratio applied, and the users' eye.

I do note that the JPGs that I saved don't have the same file

Well, that in itself indicates that the files are not *strictly* identical.

Of course, I didn't actually do any edits, just saved the file.

Right. And as the articles point out, edited areas of the photo will 
show greater loss.

I think your concerns are overblown.

Quite possibly. I'm just pointing out guidelines for best and safest 
practice: Always save your master in a non-lossy format.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Editing

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/13/2009 9:12 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

It doesn't actually need to. Once the file is open, it's an
uncompressed bitmap, with 100% of the information that the original
file contains. As long as the save uses the same compression ratio,
the result should be, for all intents and purposes, identical.

Yes -- for all intents and purposes.

But the difference is a few bytes, a tiny percentage of the whole
datastream, which means there can't possibly be any *visible*

First, let me say that in general, I agree with you here. However, this 
thread has been all about lossy compression in the context of file 
*editing*. If you edit a JPG in any non-trivial way (and I don't know 
offhand exactly what that definition is) and save it again as a JPG, the 
changed parts of the photo will be subject to recompression, possibly 
resulting in visible artifacts.

Also -- and I admit this isn't particularly relevant here -- comparing 
file sizes isn't really an adequate way of comparing the files. You're 
saying that because one file is only a few bytes bigger or smaller, 
there can't be much difference between the two. But of course, even if 
the two JPGs were exactly the same size, the actual data could be wildly 

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Editing

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/13/2009 8:29 PM, Richard Yates wrote:

I have heard the first theory and decided to test it. I opened a high
resolution photo in Photoshop and saved it with the maximum compression as a
jpg. Then reopened it and saved again with maximum compression. After
repeating this seven times I can see no further degradation after the first
compression. The file size remains exactly the same also.

Yes. If a JPG is opened and saved, with no editing, by the same 
application, at the same compression ratio, you will likely see no 
visible degradation. But the thrust of this discussion has assumed that 
there is editing going on. If you make edits to the JPG and save it 
again, the parts which were edited will be recompressed and degraded in 
a way which may or may not be visible.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] (no subject)

2009-02-12 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 2/12/2009 7:31 PM, Katherine Hoover wrote:

1. In Finale 2000 and before, I could hit say a quarter note with
the 4 key (on  a Mac) and it would turn into an 8th.

My Finale 2004 will not do this.  I have to erase and do over.  Is
there a way to reset this?

You don't say what entry method you're using. And I no longer have 2004 
around, but in 2007 and later this still works in Speedy Entry.

2. The program automatically fills in a measure, that I have not
necessarily finished, with rests.  I am told there is a way to reset
this.  Will I find it under options?

Depending on what entry method you're using, look at Simple | Options or 
Speedy | Options. Uncheck 'Fill with rests at end of measure'.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Hiding Notes and Rest

2009-01-30 Thread Aaron Sherber

On 1/30/2009 5:12 PM, David Rhodes wrote:

In Finale 2k9b when I try to hide notes or rest with the plug-in or H key it 
only dims them.. I attach
Chord Symbols to rest and then hide them to leave the symbols to use as guides. 
 The earlier versions completly
hid rest until you revealed them again.. How do you hide rest completely in 
2009 windows?

They are hidden -- that is, they won't print. They show up gray on 
screen to remind you that something is there.

You can change how light they appear on screen by going to Program 
Options | View and changing the value for Hidden Object Shading 
(0=invisible, 100=black). You can also hide them by unchecking View | 
Show | Hidden Notes and Rests.

I generally recommend using the second method. The reason is that I 
sometimes use invisible expressions to do things like change tempo or 
instruments. Changing the Hidden Options Shading to 0 will hide 
expressions as well, and then I'll never find them. Unchecking Hidden 
Notes and Rests, however, will only affect notes and rests and will 
leave non-printing expressions displayed as gray.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Full measure rests

2008-12-26 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 05:28 AM 12/26/2008, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
 There are a lot of things for which this is true. I sent in a
feature request a few years ago for something like staff styles that
could be used for note spacing. (I had a piece that went along nicely
in 4/4 and 3/4 and then had a section in very slow 4/8. I wanted a
wider spacing for the 4/8 to make it clearer that it didn't just clip
along like 2/4 in the main tempo.)

But this you can do easily without staff styles. Just space the piece by
sections with different settings. 

Yes, of course -- but then you have to remember to go in and change 
the settings each time you want to respace a section. Not what I 
would call easily. It would be so much better if you could save the 
spacing preferences (or other preferences, as I suggested) on a 
section by section basis, and then just respace the entire piece as needed.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Full measure rests

2008-12-25 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 11:38 AM 12/25/2008, Robert Patterson wrote:
As for centering double wholes, I don't know a great way. A
not-so-painful workaround would be to turn off Display Whole Rests in
Empty Bars (using a staff style if need be) in the 4/2 passage. Then
apply the double-whole rest as an expression in the empty bars. You
should be able to design one that autopositions correctly.

If there is a better way than this, I'd like to know it too.

TGTools! Modify | | Shift Rests.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Full measure rests

2008-12-25 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 12:06 PM 12/25/2008, Aaron Sherber wrote:
TGTools! Modify | | Shift Rests.

That should be Modify | Rests | Shift Rests, of course.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Full measure rests

2008-12-25 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 12:52 PM 12/25/2008, Robert Patterson wrote:
Do the rests retain their positioning in the parts if you use TGTools?

Sadly, no. TGTools appears to figure out how wide the measure is and 
apply an EVPU offset to the rest. The offset is the same in score and 
parts, so if there are different measure widths, or if you later 
change measure widths, you're out of luck.

And would this not also break up multimeasure rests?

Well, simply entering the double whole rest breaks MM rests, 
regardless of what you do with the positioning.

Sorry, I guess I was just answering the detail question of how to 
position the rest, not really thinking about the larger issues.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Full measure rests

2008-12-25 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 04:46 PM 12/25/2008, David W. Fenton wrote:
It would be nice if this were something you change in staff styles.

There are a lot of things for which this is true. I sent in a feature 
request a few years ago for something like staff styles that could be 
used for note spacing. (I had a piece that went along nicely in 4/4 
and 3/4 and then had a section in very slow 4/8. I wanted a wider 
spacing for the 4/8 to make it clearer that it didn't just clip along 
like 2/4 in the main tempo.)

Really, what would probably be most useful would be the ability to 
apply to a measure or group of measures a style which could alter any 
of the base settings in Document Options.


Finale mailing list

[Finale] O.T. Professional MP3 players

2008-11-14 Thread Aaron Sherber

Hi all,

I thought I might tap the collective expertise of this list on a 
different topic.

I have a need for an iPod-like portable music player with the 
following requirements:

1. Hard-drive based (not flash)
2. Must support WAV playback
3. Must have a single-track mode, like CD players
4. Good quality output jack

The iPod itself fails on #3 -- unless you set up each track as its 
own album, which has a different set of issues for me. And the output 
jack is only average.

Does anyone have any suggestions for brands or models to look at?


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] O.T. Professional MP3 players

2008-11-14 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 03:49 PM 11/14/2008, Darcy James Argue wrote:
Do you mean the
ability to play a single track once and then stop? The iPod has that,

Yes, I do mean that. I have been unable to find this on my Nano 3G, 
and I've also seen it discussed elsewhere as a shortcoming of the 
iPod. If you have different info, could you please share? It's quite 
possible I'm missing the blindingly obvious.

I also suspect you'd have a great deal of difficulty finding a
portable MP3 player with a better output jack than the iPod.

Do you get better results from the headphone jack, or from something 
that plugs into the dock connector? I have seen differing opinions.

I did in the past see players with RCA outputs, which would be 
preferable in my case. (Yes, I know I can also get a patch cable to 
go from headphone jack to RCA.)


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] O.T. Professional MP3 players

2008-11-14 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 04:14 PM 11/14/2008, Darcy James Argue wrote:
My recollection was that if you chose a song from the Song menu
instead of the Album menu, it would stop after one song, but I just
tried that now and it seems I was mistaken. You do actually need to
set up a playlist for each song in order to do what you want.

Ah, that's what I thought. Thanks for checking.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] getting rid of bar lines

2008-11-03 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 08:43 PM 11/3/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
anyone know how to get rid of bar lines? 

Go to a less crowded bar.

(Or use the Measure Tool to set the barline style on a single bar or 
small group of bars to Invisible. Or set the staff attributes to not 
display barlines, to suppress barlines on all measures on that staff. 
Or define a staff style that doesn't display barlines, and apply it 
to a group of measures.)


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Fonts

2008-10-29 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 06:02 AM 10/29/2008, Lawrence David Eden wrote:
What are Font Annotation Files and what do they do?

Basically, they describe the bounding box of characters in a font, so 
that Finale can allot the proper amount of space for collision 
avoidance of text expressions and articulations.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Selecting Partial Measures (Stupid Question)

2008-10-18 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 01:12 PM 10/18/2008, Neal Gittleman wrote:
In the old days I was accustomed to selecting partial measures just
by clicking and dragging the mouse.  Now the click highlights the
entire bar

Start your click-drag outside the staff, slightly above or below it. 
The entire measure will only be selected if you click inside the bar.

When copying music via shift-option-click, how do you get to the old
dialogue that asks how many times you want to copy?

In Windows, it's Alt-Ctrl-click. Take a look in the help file under 
Copying Music in the Encyclopedia.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] sending parts via email

2008-10-15 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 06:03 AM 10/15/2008, Lawrence David Eden wrote:
To clarify:  I am on a Mac running OS X.  The client is on a PC.  I
have Stuffit and can ZIP the files.

You can also create a zip file right from the Finder (is it still 
called that?), as others have pointed out. I think it's caleld 
creating an archive on Mac.

 Are there any cross-platform
issues with Zipping the .pdf files?


I use Eudora  as my mail program.

While I agree that a zip file is the way to go, your original 
question was about attaching multiple files. In Eudora, this is easy. 
Just do Message | Attach and select all the files you want to attach. 
If the files are all in the same directory, you should be able to 
grab them all at once. Alternately, in Windows you can select files 
in Explorer and just drag them onto an open message to attach them; I 
would imagine you could do the same thing in Mac with Finder.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] sending parts via email

2008-10-14 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 08:02 PM 10/14/2008, Lawrence David Eden wrote:
My question is:  Can I
send all 40 parts in 1 large mailing, or do I need to send each part

You should be able to send them all together.

I know how to do the latter, but if I can send them in a bulk
mailing, I need directions.

That depends entirely on what email application you're using.

You could also put all the PDFs into a single zip file and just send 
the zip file.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Transposing from percussion clef

2008-10-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 08:22 AM 10/13/2008, Dana Friedman wrote:
it before, but had never used it. Thanks. However, this particular
rendition of the score is ONLY for playback/recording to an MP3. I
don't care if it's a little messy, as I'm not touching the original
:). Once the MP3's made, this version of the score gets trashed.
:)...Nonetheless, if editing the percussion map will allow for a
single score for playback, conducting, and parts..well, that's what
we call a good thing. That's the technical term, anyway.

Yeah, you can do all you want by editing the percussion map. Maps are 
really ugly, and the interface isn't great to to work with, but it 
makes sense eventually.

Bascially, the percussion map lets you correlate three things: (1) 
the MIDI note you play or enter when you want a certain sound, (2) 
where on the staff you want that sound to appear, and (3) what MIDI 
note Finale needs to output in order to produce that sound.

So for example, take a look at the General MIDI entry and playback 
map, and look at where it says MIDI Pitch 38 D2. That line says that 
when you enter MIDI 38 (D2) into Finale, you want Finale to place the 
notes in the third space, and you want to use regular closed and open 
noteheads. And when Finale plays back, you want also it to emit MIDI 
38. In most general MIDI setups, this will produce an acoustic snare sound.

Now, for example, for a piece I just finished, I wanted snare to show 
up on the fourth line, and I wanted to enter it that way too (like a 
treble clef D). So I went down to MIDI Pitch 74 (D5), and I changed 
that so that the notes displayed on the fourth line, and I changed 
the playback pitch to 38. (If I'd wanted to, I could have also 
changed the noteheads to be Xs or something.) So when I entered a 
treble D, Finale put the note on the fourth line, and when it played 
back it still emitted MIDI 38, which triggered the snare drum.

The final step, as David Bailey pointed out, is making sure that your 
entries are active. Probably the easiest way to do this is to click 
the All Notes button in the lower right. You'll notice that asterisks 
appear next to each line in the map; this means that each translation 
entry is now active.

So in your case, if you've got the notes where you want them, all you 
have to do is select each entry you use on your percussion staff and 
change the playback note to be a third lower. If your snare plays 
back on MIDI pitch 35 instead of 38, then select the line for MIDI 38 
and change Playback Note to 35, leaving everything else alone. You've 
just told Finale that where you have input MIDI 38, you want Finale 
to playback MIDI 35.

Above all, have a big cup of coffee before you start, and save a copy 
of your score so you can always go back if something gets screwed up.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Transposing from percussion clef

2008-10-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 09:16 AM 10/13/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
consistently the same, then the simplest solution is to copy the
percussion staff to a scratch staff that is NOT a percussion staff,
transpose the notes on that staff using Mass Edit/Selection Tool, then
copy it back to the percussion staff. 

Or, as I suggested, just set the notatin style on the percussion 
staff to Standard, transpose, and set it back to Percussion. No need 
for a scratch staff at all!


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Transposing from percussion clef

2008-10-13 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 06:54 AM 10/13/2008, dhbailey wrote:
Actually they won't work properly, because percussion maps
require that each line/space which is used be defined
properly for playback AND they be selected to be included in
that percussion map.  simply putting the note on the new
line or space will do nothing to get playback to work properly.

From the original poster's description, it's possible that she 
already has her map set up so that if the notes were transposed 
down a third, the new slots are already defined and activated the way 
she wants them. If not, then as both you and I suggested, it will 
probably be less work just to edit the existing map to alter playback 
pitches rather than muck around with moving the notes *and* altering the map.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Fin08 changes

2008-10-12 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 05:46 PM 10/12/2008, Robert Patterson wrote:
I finally graduated to using Fin08 for all my new work, and I am now
greatly missing the old Mass Mover metatools. Is there any way to assign
metatools to transpositions and also to viewing elapsed time?

Look in the help file, encyclopedia section, under metatools. The old 
mass mover metatools are now Ctrl+number. The transposition metatools 
are programmed with Ctrl+Shift+number.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Transposing from percussion clef

2008-10-12 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 07:48 PM 10/12/2008, Dana Friedman @ Dragonfly Technologies wrote:
trying to get particular phrases on particular drums. The new patch
I'm using requires placement a third below where it is now. I used
the selection tool, transposed down a third, and it didn't move. I
tried diatonic, I tried chromatic. I even tried changing clefs (which
shouldn't have to have been the answer anyway). Zip. Nada..Gournisht.
The noteheads stay where they were originally placed.

This can all get a little complicated because of percussion maps. For 
example, if you like the way the part looks but you just want to 
change the MIDI pitch each note emits, you can get this by editing 
the percussion map you're using. (Staff tool, double-click the staff 
handle, click the Select button next to Notation Style, and then Edit 
the percussion map. Change the playback note for each item you want to change.)

On the other hand, if you think your problems would be solved if you 
could actually just move all the notes down a third, then there's 
something else you can try. Select the Staff Tool, double-click the 
staff handle, and set Notation Style to Standard. Then transpose the 
section, and go back and set Notation Style to Percussion again. 
Hopefully, things will line up the way you want with your percussion map.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] measure number question

2008-10-06 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 08:31 PM 10/6/2008, Lawrence David Eden wrote:
I am doing a transcription that needs a special measure number.  The
situation is this:

I have measure 108 and I need to add measure 108a as a safety vamp
during the show.  How is this done?  I want the measure numbers to
begin again at measure 109

You don't say what version of Finale you're using. If you're using 
Fin2007 or later, select the measure tool and double-click the 
measure you want to be 108a. Under Options, uncheck Include in 
Measure Numbering. Now Finale will skip this measure; the one before 
will be 108, and the one after will be 109.

I don't think Finale can actually display a measure number with 
numbers and letters, like 108a, so you'll probably have to create a 
measure expression and attach it to that measure.

If you're using an earlier version of Finale, you'll need to create a 
second measure number region. Select the measure tool, and do Measure 
| Measure Numbers | Edit Regions. You probably only have one region 
defined. Select it, and set it to include measures 1 through 108. 
Then click the Add button. Define this second measure to include 
measures 110 through 999, and set First Measure in Region to 109. You 
now have 2 measure regions, leaving out the 109th measure. Again, 
you'll probably need a measure expression to get 108a on that measure.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] measure number question

2008-10-06 Thread Aaron Sherber

Ah, I missed the Prefix and Suffix boxes, right there in front of my face.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Comb binding supplies

2008-09-08 Thread Aaron Sherber

Thanks for the comb info, Andrew.


Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT: Comb binding supplies

2008-09-07 Thread Aaron Sherber

Hi all,

I have some parts I inherited which are bound with 23-ring plastic 
combs, and I need to rebind them. Does anybody know a good place to 
order these combs? Even 21-ring combs would be preferable to the 
19-ring combs I have. (Google was not particularly helpful.)


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Comb binding supplies

2008-09-07 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 11:24 AM 9/7/2008, Chuck Israels wrote:
Are you talking about the length of the coils?  I just found a local
duplication place here in little Bellingham that has ordered some 15
coils for me from a supplier in Seattle.  I didn't think to ask the
name of the Seattle supplier (I like to support the local businesses
when I can), but longer lengths seem to be available.  Perhaps a
similar duplication shop in Baltimore can help.  Greg Hamilton
(copyist/engraver) in Vancouver BC has told me he buys them in 36
lengths so he can bind large scores.

Chuck, it sounds like you're talking about spiral binding (metal 
coils). I'm talking about plastic comb binding. Most of the combs you 
see in stores or online have 19 rings on them, used for binding an 
11 edge. But I know they come in other sizes. That's what I'm looking for.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Fin/Mac 2008 measurement unit/EVPU location

2008-09-07 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 07:30 PM 9/7/2008, mystrom1 wrote:
Where do I find the command to change to evpus? I looked in the table of
contents, it kind of leads me to the edit menu, but I dont see anything when
I pull down on the edit menu.

Edit | Measurement Units


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Comb binding supplies

2008-09-07 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 08:55 PM 9/7/2008, Andrew Stiller wrote:
I get my long combs from the Spiral Binding Co., Totowa NJ,
www.spiralbinding.com, phone 973-256-0666. They will cut combs to just
about any length you like, but since there is a surcharge for every
cut, I find it considerably cheaper to buy them full-length (76 rings) 

Wow! How much does a comb that long cost?


Finale mailing list

[Finale] Repeat wing styles

2008-09-04 Thread Aaron Sherber

Hi all,

Repeat wing style is set in document options (none, curved, single, 
double). Is there any way to override this choice for one linked part?

I've got a score with the 'none' style selected, but for the drum 
part, I want curved. I know I can just extract the drum part and 
change the style there, but I'm looking for a solution within linked parts.



Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Repeat wing styles

2008-09-04 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 06:29 PM 9/4/2008, Christopher Smith wrote:
You can fake it, though, using a measure-attached expression. I
believe the wings are actual characters,

Oh, would that this were true! And it does sort of look like they're 
just characters added on to the regular repeat, but I don't see the 
chars in any of the Finale fonts.

though even if they aren't
you could export a graphic and then import it.

Very interesting solution. Thanks.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale Documentation Review

2008-08-28 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 05:53 AM 8/28/2008, shirling  neueweise wrote:
on the finalemusic.com downloads page i can't select the version
(menu is visible but not accessible) and the search for finale
updates doesn't seem to work. i also can't log in as an existing
online customer.  is their site jammed?

just checked again, still same problems.  checked on another computer
(PC) as well, can't get past the first level on their site.

All is working fine for me this morning. Have you (just for kicks) 
tried a different browser?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale Documentation Review

2008-08-28 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 10:24 AM 8/28/2008, shirling  neueweise wrote:
for e.g. i get to the login page, type in
username/pass hit go and it starts to go and
hangs.  a few minutes later i get a server too
busy message.

You mean http://finalemusic.com/store/login.aspx?t=myaccount.aspx ? 
It worked for me both last night and right now, so I'm not sure why 
it's not working for you. Sorry.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale Documentation Review

2008-08-25 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 02:48 PM 8/25/2008, Giz Bowe wrote:
I don't like having to use Internet Explorer to access help. In fact,
I don't like to go online at all for help.

You do need IE (or some other browser) to access the new help files, 
but you don't need to be online. The help files all reside on your 
hard drive, and no Internet access is needed.

If it must be online, there should be a direct Index link from the
Finale help menu

There's Help | User Manual | Table of Contents -- is that not what you want?

I liked the alphabetical guide/link in the index when it was actually
in the program.

What do you mean? The new help files still have an Index section.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale Documentation Review

2008-08-25 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 05:35 PM 8/25/2008, David W. Fenton wrote:
On 25 Aug 2008 at 15:38, Allen Fisher wrote:

 What about the help button that's right in dialogs?

It should be mapped to the F1 key on Windows, and the appropriate key
on a Mac.

F1 works for me on Win -- does it not work for you?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale Documentation Review

2008-08-25 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 08:55 PM 8/25/2008, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:
very often. But one thing that I would suggest would be an invaluable
aid is to incorporate an expanded version of The Visual Index, now
found in the Quick Reference Guide, into the full user documentation.

This is already there. When you start up the help files, Visual Index 
is the third link down on the right.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale Documentation Review

2008-08-25 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 09:39 PM 8/25/2008, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:
To my suggestion:
 incorporate an expanded version of The Visual Index, now
 found in the Quick Reference Guide, into the full user documentation.

Aaron Sherber wrote

 This is already there. When you start up the help files, Visual Index
 is the third link down on the right.

to which I can only note that I did not see it when I consulted the most
recent version of Finale I had installed, WIN 2k7.

Finale 2007 used an entirely different help system; there was a 
WinHelp file and a PDF version of the manual. Both of these were 
replaced in 2008 with an HTML-based help system, and this is what is 
currently in 2009. The Visual Index is easy to access from this help system.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] TAN: Wireless hi-fi

2008-08-21 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 01:24 PM 8/21/2008, Phil Daley wrote:
I have a receiver with wires running to the speakers.

Is it possible to replace the wires with a transmitter/receiver package
that would allow one to move speakers anywhere without running wires?

Well, there are wireless speakers. Basically, these are bookshelf 
speakers with small radio receivers built in, and a transmitter you 
hook up to your amp:


If you want to use your own speakers, you'll want something where the 
receiver has its own little built-in amp and audio outs. When I 
looked into this a few years ago, I didn't really see anything. But 
now I find these:




Google wireless amplifier speaker for more results.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Score staff separators

2008-08-15 Thread Aaron Sherber
On Fri, August 15, 2008 11:10 pm, Craig Parmerlee wrote:
 At some point, I think it is fair put some responsibility on the
 software designers.  If there is a property that hides or shows a text
 object on a linked part, that property should be accessible in the
 context menu (right click), as would be the case with any properly
 designed Windows application.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Hide and Show are most definitely 
from the context menu for these items. And the use of the override key is 
explained in
the help file.

(For what it's worth, the help file section on linked parts which Darcy 
recommended even
has an entry titled To show an item in the Score (and hide it in all Parts).)


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] 4/4 vs. Common Time

2008-08-13 Thread Aaron Sherber
On Wed, August 13, 2008 7:45 pm, Blake Richardson wrote:
 Is there any way to change the default from C to 4/4?

You don't say what version of Finale you're using, but open the Document 
Options dialog
and look under Time Signatures. Uncheck the box at the top that says 
Abbreviate common
time to.

If you want this change to stick for all your new documents, then open your 
default file
(probably Maestro Font Default.ftm), make the change, and then Save As a 
template file
back to the same file name.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Translation help needed: French to english

2008-08-05 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 08:42 PM 8/5/2008, Darcy James Argue wrote:
1. leave it in French (cuivré)

The English would be brassy, but Darcy is right 
that the French term is commonly used and understood.

5. div. by desk, although probably just div. is fine.

Au contraire! div. by itself usually implies 
division *at* the desk (i.e., inside/outside). 
div. by desk is the correct translation here.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Score Binding Question

2008-08-04 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 12:41 PM 8/4/2008, John Howell wrote:
Hi, Richard.  Do you mean legal size?  8.5 x 14?  A double spread
in that case would be 14 x 17, not 11 x 14.  Or maybe I'm just

I think Richard is talking about an 11x14 page size, not spread size. 
This is what I use for most of my large scores as well. I buy a ream 
of 11x17 paper (off-white, 70lb offset) and have the bottom 3 
trimmed off to give me 11x14.

Most of the places where I have conducted have conductors' stands 
with an oversized desk, something like 30x20; Wenger makes a very 
nice one that many orchestras have. But in a pinch, an 11x14 score 
will fit adequately on two regular stands put side by side, whereas 
an 11x17 score will have too much hanging over the edge.


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