[newbie-it] refresh video

2002-09-24 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Salve non sono riuscito ad installare Linux Mandrake 8.1 perche' il mio 
(vecchissimo ) monitor non supporta la risoluzione dell' installazione 
con conseguente sfarfallio che non fa capire nulla.
Esiste un modo per far partire l' installazione alla risoluzione 
640*480 senza troppi milioni di colori(che e' la massima supportata dal 
mio monitor)??

[newbie-it] HD portatile su USB

2002-09-24 Per discussione guido

Ringrazio la ML (sandro) per la risposta 
(come sotto)al quesito in oggetto.

Scusate se non sono molto tempestivo nel seguire le 
risposte, ma ho il PC solo in ufficio e qui vogliono che lavori (che pretese 

Purtroppo MDK 8.2 non riconosce il portatile, 
 come si può vedere dagli allegati (lsmod e usbmod e "foto" di harddrake e 
centro di controllo).

Chiedo, per piacere, un altro aiutino anche perchè 
con il portatile attaccatto il sistema carica il modulo "usb-storage" e quindi 
qualcosa vede (si dice così ..?).

(.. ops... ho dovuto zippare gli allegati per 
postare alla ML)

grazie guido.

Alle 09:59, lunedì 16 settembre 2002, hai scritto: 
ciao a tutti ho un disco fisso portatile da un paio di GB su porta USB 
(Travel HDD: non so che marca sia - in rete non ho trovato niente ma 
funziona benissimo con WIN$ purtoppo). Vorrei utilizzarlo con 
mdk 8.2 ma non riesco a montarlo. Qualcuno ha qualche idea ? per 
maggiore comprensione: da WIN$ fanno caricare un paio di driver: USB to 
IDE (adattarore ? USBDEV.INF) e poi qlc di specifico per il disco: 
USBIDE.INF.Devi essere sicuro, prima di tutto, che il sistema lo 
rilevi.Semplicemente, se usi kde, vai nel Centro di Controllo, quindi 
"Informazioni", quindi "Dispositivi usb" e vedi se è rilevato.Se è 
rilevato prova a montarlo come se fosse un dispositivo scsi con il device 
sdax (per "x" puoi provare 0,1,2 ecc.).In sintesi dai, da root, 
l'istruzione:mount -t vfat /dev/sdax 
/mnt/tuadirectorydimontaggioCiao e fammi sapere,Sandro

Description: Binary data

[newbie-it] Stampante Epson Stilus color 760

2002-09-24 Per discussione francesco manini

Ho installato Linux mandrake 8.2 con kernel 2.4.18-6 e KDE 2.2.2 ed utilizzo 
una stampante Epson Stilus color 760 collegata e funzionante con altro 
sistema operativo.
Non mi riesce di stampare con Linux.
Ho controllato in Mandrake control center che ha risposto alla ricerca 
 sto leggendo i dati della stampante  
cheking installed software
sto preparando printer drake
dopo tale verifica la stampante risulta installata come lp Epson stylus 
color 760 on parallel port # (predefinto).
Ho provato a stampare la pagina di prova senza esito (la pagina di prova è 
stata mandata alla stampante).
tuttavia non riesco a stampare.  
Aprendo l'icona della stampante risulta  che la stessa ha nome lp  utilizza 
il sistema di stampa genrico unix lpd.
La cosa che mi lascia perplesso è che sotto il nome c'è  la seguente 
indicazione stato : inattiva .
Vorrei sapere cosa possa fare per stampare. 
Grazie a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom

2002-09-24 Per discussione Arwan

Alle 21:07, lunedì 16 settembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: [newbie-it] Gli 
scherzi dei CDrom, paolo brusasco hai scritto: 

 non ti arrabbiare con la lista. ognuno fa il suo meglio.

Opsss... non volevo dare l'idea di essere arrabbiata, con nessuno. chi mi sente spesso 
(in privato) lo sa, che stavo scherzando!!!

 non ho seguito la storia.
 non prendertela se dico banalità od errori perchè sono suscettibile.

Per nulla, tranquillo. Il soggetto messo alla berlina dalla mia mail e' un vecchi e 
caro amico, che, se lo desiderasse, per quanto ho scritto potrebbe benissimo suonarmi 
il campanello e farmi vedere le stelle... ;-)

 potrebbe essere un errore dei parametri di boot.
 secondo me devi capire fisicamente quale è il masterizzatore.


 normalmente hai il lettore su hdb ed il masterizzatore su hdc o hdd.

Il mio lettore e' hdb, mentre su hdc c'e un gloriossimo Maxtor da... 245 Mb!

 il riconoscimento del masterizzatore come dispositivo scsi è dato dai
 parametri del bootloader.
 apri control center, avvio, configura, ok;
 ti compaiono le scelte del bootloader.
 scegli linux, modifica voce.
 alla riga aggiungi devi avere e probabilmente avrai qualcosa tipo
 devfs=mount hd?=ide-scsi.
 se hd? non è il masterizzatore ma il lettore da qui nasce il casino.
 sii innanzitutto sicuro di quale hd? è l'hard disk per non fare casini.
 poi metti come hd? il masterizzatore e controlla dove punta /dev/scd0.


Re: [newbie] rebuilding from src=no rpm

2002-09-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Angus Auld wrote:

Well, after installing literally hundreds of megs of software on my system, I'm still 
not getting anywhere trying to rebuild my fluxbox-0.1.12-1mdk.src.rpm.

I am getting more lines of text scrolling in my terminal, but the final output is 
still the samerpm build errors.

I wonder if someone would tell me how to get the output of my terminal to a file? I 
tried adding {filename}.txt after the rpm --rebuild {filename}.src.rpm command, 
but it doesn't seem to transfer all of the output to the file. 

I am going to try a different src rpm, just to see if it is just this flux rpm that 
won't build.

I'm still having fun though ;-)


The ,


shopuld be


and if you want it on desktop,

2 /home/Desktop/filename.txt


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Cannot install OpenOficce1.0

2002-09-24 Per discussione ZeroFighter1969

Hi all,

I cannot install OpenOffice1.0. Could possibly teach me how to install OpenOffice on 
my computer step by step pelase? I am using Mdk 8.2 and Gnome. I know that this is a 
very stupid question, but I am a beginner for Linux. Thank you for your help.



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Re: [newbie] Cannot install OpenOficce1.0

2002-09-24 Per discussione Todd Franklin


Here's a link to a page that has open office in rpm format! It works like
a champ and is much easier to install. The links will install to the mandrake
menus under "office." Download the file (you'll need to "save target as"
from netscape) then just go to the console as root and do: 

rpm -ivh OpenOffice.org-1.0-5.1mdk.i586.rpm

the link: 


  Hi all,

I cannot install OpenOffice1.0. Could possibly teach me how to install OpenOffice on my computer step by step pelase? I am using Mdk 8.2 and Gnome. I know that this is a very stupid question, but I am a beginner for Linux. Thank you for your help.



The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! http://channels.netscape.com/ns/browsers/download.jsp 

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at http://webmail.netscape.com/


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Re: [newbie] File conversion

2002-09-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Sunday 22 September 2002 05:17 pm, you wrote:

For reasons I need not go into, I transfer *.JPG files across from
Windblows to Mandrake and work on them in gimp,and
when I'm finished I have a montage of prints I wish to assemble
as a composite.

I've hit a snag.

Winblows names it's files in higher case.
Montage(the programme, part of image magic) seems only willing
to work with lowercase named files. There are too many to manually

How can I convert windblows named *.JPG files to *.jpg named
files on the command line ?


Hi John. Just cp the files to where you need them, then while you are in that 
directory from a shell, type:

for i in *[A-Z]*

Now you at a  prompt. Type

do mv $i `echo $i |tr A-Z a-z`  (note those are ` not ' , located below 
your tilde key)

and finally:


Hope this helps! :-)


Yes, that works too, don't you just love being in control.


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Print Spooling Problem

2002-09-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Printer USB Z53
USB Hub detects it,
kde Printing manager has printer enabled, under CUPS,
Colour cartridge fairly new, black cartridge getting low.

When I send print job to printer , usual print selection window, Ok'd ,
slider bar ,everything looks good.

But nothing appears in Print job administration as it should, which is 
set on auto.
there are no entries and when the mouse cursor is placed over this 
window the
cursor flicks between cursor and hour clock symbol, which to my mind 
something wants to get there but cannot.
I feel that I have jammed the spooling operation.

The only thing I can remember doing is emtying /var/spool/cups of it's
old files and folders.I don't think this should effect it but am I possibly
wrong, or what if any suggestions can people make.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Alastair Scott


It can be got from the various mirrors; I'm downloading mine from the
fast and reliable UK academic network


kindly paid for by the British taxpayer ... er ... um ... myself and
others ;)

The curious thing is that the ISO files, although dated last night, are
still called '...rc3...', but the belief is that Mandrakesoft has done
this, as it apparently did with 8.2, in order to damp down a mad rush:
the filenames will be changed in time.

I also note that the third ISO is 100MB larger than has been in the
various betas and RCs; in about nine hours from now I'll find out what's
been added.

Now to hide under the bed to escape all the complaints from people who
wanted their 'pet bug' fixed and find out it wasn't (ouch! - but it had
to be said)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Todd Franklin

Confirmation: This is the real deal.  I haven't burned them yet, but 
here's the information from eroaster:

Volume ID: MandrakeLinux9.0-inst-1
Volume ID: MandrakeLinux9.0-inst-2
Volume ID: MandrakeLinux9.0-i18n-doc

I'm still a bit sceptical whether the distro is ready for prime-time 
yet, but they ARE here.


P.S.  Mandrake, please don't kick me off your list... :-)

Alastair Scott wrote:


It can be got from the various mirrors; I'm downloading mine from the
fast and reliable UK academic network


kindly paid for by the British taxpayer ... er ... um ... myself and
others ;)

The curious thing is that the ISO files, although dated last night, are
still called '...rc3...', but the belief is that Mandrakesoft has done
this, as it apparently did with 8.2, in order to damp down a mad rush:
the filenames will be changed in time.

I also note that the third ISO is 100MB larger than has been in the
various betas and RCs; in about nine hours from now I'll find out what's
been added.

Now to hide under the bed to escape all the complaints from people who
wanted their 'pet bug' fixed and find out it wasn't (ouch! - but it had
to be said)



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Re: [newbie] The print job that wouldn't die

2002-09-24 Per discussione tim

I have had problems like the original poster. I solved them by doing a quick 
'ps -A' and looking for a process named 'parallel' or something similar, I 
can't remember at this time. Then a quick 'killall -9 (process name)' does 
the trick


It's is not, it isn't ain't, and it's it's, not its, if you mean it 
is. If you don't, it's its. Then too, it's hers. It isn't her's. It 
isn't our's either. It's ours, and likewise yours and theirs. 
-Oxford University Press, Edpress News

On Monday 23 September 2002 18:32 pm, et did speak unto the huddled masses, 
 On Monday 23 September 2002 09:17 pm, you wrote:
  If the printer has a very large memory buffer inside
  it (40+ pages), killing the print job at the computer
  will not stop the printer from finishing printing what
  is in it's memory buffer already.

 maybe unplugging the AC power from the printer. and waiting about 2 min.
 before plugging it back

  --- Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Reboot the computer and the printer. (?)
   If that doesn't work, call up a priest
   and ask him to bring holy water...  ;-)
   Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
I have a print job I want to kill, but not even a
   stake through it's
heart seems to work. I have tried:
* Killing it with the CUPS web admin tool
   (localhost:631). CUPS now says
there are no jobs pending, but the printer keeps
* ps ax. There's nothing obvious to kill.
* lpq. It says lp is ready and no entries
* cancel lp. It says cancel: cancel-job failed:
What else can I try to kill off this monster?
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
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  New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

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Re: [newbie] Printing from the net

2002-09-24 Per discussione Anne Wilson

Hi Erik

I think I originally set up the printer configurations (I have four, with 
settings for specific purposes) from Mandrake Control Center.  Using the CUPS 
printer management tool I find that they are using Foomatic + hpijs.  The 
problem is that my default setup is two-sided, two up, which is great for 
long documents in relatively large fonts, as many web pages are, but 
impossible on some pages, which I would like to print out in 1-up from 
another printer setting.

Not sure that this helps Marcia, though, as her problem is more serious - no 
printing at all from the web, I think


On Monday 23 Sep 2002 8:42 pm, you wrote:
 Marcia and Anne:

 I may have missed it, but I haven't seen info on how the printer was set
 up originally?  Did you set it up to use CUPS, Post Script or both in
 LM8.2?  When I see HP, I immediately think Post Script, but I'm not
 that familiar with them in Linux...in Windows they can be a real PITA.

 When I set up my Epson 740 USB, I set it up in CUPS as Printer
 (printer0) and in Post Script as Printer1.  Now, the only problems I
 have printing from the net or email is when someone includes emoticons
   with those, I have to select all, copy and paste into OO, remove
 the emoticon(s) and then print.


 Marcia wrote:
  Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 22 Sep 2002 5:28 pm, you wrote:
  Dear All,
  Printing works fine on my LM8.2 with my HP 940c deskjet printer (USB)
  except when I try to print from the net, email, or xpdf. It works in
  of the other applications I believe. Any help will be appreciated.
  Can't answer this, but I can add a bit that might spark inspiration
  in someone more knowledgeable.  My printer is a DJ 990, so should be
  identical to yours (940 is, I believe somewhat slower and without the
  duplexer, but otherwise identical).  I have printing from a browser,
  but no control.
  Printing from every browser I have tried does not allow me access to
  any of my setup printers.  It specifies PostScript/Default, shows a
  dropdown box, but that has no other entries in.  This seems to be the
  setting for the default printer, without any possibility of changing
  any properties/settings.
  Hope someone can use this to come up with an answer for you
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to
  Dear Anne,
  Thank you for this added info. Mine does the same thing from browsers,
  but does not print. I am sure there has to be a simple solution. Thanks.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Re: monitor flickering problem

2002-09-24 Per discussione rhp.mac

Asunto: Re: [newbie] Re: monitor flickering problem
Fecha: lun., 23 sept 2002 19:04


 Which video card did apple put in your iMac?  My partner's iMac has an
 Nvidia card, so at install, he used video=riva (or whatever it
 lists)...the point is that he installed with riva drivers.

 Which video card did apple put in your iMac?

 My partner's iMac has an Grapuic card: ATI MACH 64.

 how may I fix flickering problem?

 thanks for help


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Spellchecker for Openoffice 1.0.1

2002-09-24 Per discussione Robert W. Dempsey

Good Morning,

I have found this same locking also happens in Star Office - only to a 
lesser degree.  If I spell check a document (regardless of whether it is 
on a local machine or not, or on a Linux or Win2K server) if I add words 
to the dictionary then it locks up and unless I saved the file 
pre-spellcheck it is gone. Very strange...

- Robert Dempsey

mudder wrote:
 I was fooling around tonight and I realized that the Openoffice 1.0.1 that 
 installed with rc3 did not have a spell checker.
 Looked on the Openoffice.org web page and found instructions to install a
 spell checker.
 Trouble is, I believe that I followed the instructions but when I load a test
 document that has deliberate misspellings the system locks hard...
 so hard that I have no alternative than to press the reset button.
 (don't like to have to do that)
 I was able to install a 641 version and the spellchecker works fine.
 Does anyone know if this is a problem that is common of have I done
 something drasticly wrong?
 Any help would be appreciated.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione David Stevenson

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd Franklin
 Sent: 24 September 2002 09:17
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

 Confirmation: This is the real deal.  I haven't burned them yet, but
 here's the information from eroaster:

 Volume ID: MandrakeLinux9.0-inst-1
 Volume ID: MandrakeLinux9.0-inst-2
 Volume ID: MandrakeLinux9.0-i18n-doc

 I'm still a bit sceptical whether the distro is ready for prime-time
 yet, but they ARE here.


 P.S.  Mandrake, please don't kick me off your list... :-)

 Alastair Scott wrote:

 It can be got from the various mirrors; I'm downloading mine from the
 fast and reliable UK academic network

kindly paid for by the British taxpayer ... er ... um ... myself and
others ;)

The curious thing is that the ISO files, although dated last night, are
still called '...rc3...', but the belief is that Mandrakesoft has done
this, as it apparently did with 8.2, in order to damp down a mad rush:
the filenames will be changed in time.

I also note that the third ISO is 100MB larger than has been in the
various betas and RCs; in about nine hours from now I'll find out what's
been added.

Now to hide under the bed to escape all the complaints from people who
wanted their 'pet bug' fixed and find out it wasn't (ouch! - but it had
to be said)


Hi All,

Just spoken to linuxemporium.co.uk and have just told them about these
changes. They had not noticed, but are prepared to supply the 'phantom rc3'
versions if wanted. They are downloading them while I type. I don't have a
fast connection so I have just pre-ordered the full versions.

Thought it might interest someone...

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Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'm getting pretty pissed off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Patrik Marxer

Hi femme,

I just sent a Palladium/TCPA reminder to most of my friends. It seems there 
are two dominant opinions among windows users, that I know: 
1) sombody will write a crack 
2) fuck them, that's horrible - but I am helpless.

there is no
3) I have had enough of this shit, I quit !!

They are now _used_ to be fucked by their OS. It is an enemy to them. My 
friends spend so much time to circumvent those Serial keys, Service Packs 
that won't install on pirated XPs, XP Professional that (used as a server) 
allows only 10 connections (which renders it useless), Media Player calling 
Redmond, removal of spyware and Dialers

instead of investing this time to learn your way around a new OS.

If you buy a PC you are forced to also pay for an OS that you have to fight 
against from then on. It is so normal like it may be normal to children in 
Sudan to be hungry.

I would have given up and feel helpless just like my friends if the 
installation on my Thinkpad hadn't been (almost) completely painless. (and 
vmware did make it easier too to delete the windows partition - one of these 
days I will remove vmware too)

Thanks to the wonderful work of Mandrake and those volunteers that make 
programs available for free. 

I only could convince one of my friends (but it is the one with the server) 
to use Linux and we managed to make good progress (fortunately they used 
mySQL, PHP and Java even in Windows). 

BTW. there are now translations available for the Palladium/TCPA FAQ for a 
lot of languages:
Deutsch: http://moon.hipjoint.de/tcpa-palladium-faq-de.html
English: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/tcpa-faq.html
Spanish: http://bulmalug.net/body.phtml?nIdNoticia=1398
Italian: http://www.complessita.it/tcpa/
Chinese: http://chat.ttv.com.tw/TCPA-Palladium_FAQ.html

I think it is worth reading it. 

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 02:06, FemmeFatale wrote:

 One of these days when I Can completely stop using windows I will enjoy it
 very much.

 OTOH, this affects Linux too apparently so... what to do ?

 *sigh*  I need an OS that won't fuck me over ... and ditto for
 manufacturers  politicians.  Nice dream I know...

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Re: [newbie] How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2002-09-24 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Monday 23 Sep 2002 10:40 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 22:00, iggy wrote:
  I've been reading the documentation for mandrake 9.0 rc2 and came across
  this little gem of a linkat
  http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html . I thought I'd
  share it with everyone as I can state, definatele, I've been guilty of
  these.  Maybe I'm not the only one :^)

 It has value up to a point, but is too rigid and is ignorant of people
 with abilities different to those of the author. It reminds me of the
 frightful proscriptive grammar textbooks used when education was a
 little less enlightened.

 For example, Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language
 sounds wonderful until someone who is dyslexic wants to ask a question,
 for example; not everyone's strength is in the written form of a
 language, and one has to be forgiving.

To say nothing of those whose first language is not English


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[newbie] HOWTO compile kernel FAQ's for Mandrake on the web?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Steve Jeppesen

Hello all,

in preparing for MD 9.0, I am looking for any howto's, faq's or anything
that lists all the steps needed for compiling a kernel specifically for
Mandrake on the web (or blush is the howto already on my system?)

I have found some links, but it seems each one contains different 
steps/commands from the other links, and I believe that each link I 
found is for older kernels and or other versions of linux.

Am currently using MD 8.2 on a Dell Optiplex, P3-500mhz with no
problems, just interested in optimizing the kernel.

Can anybody point this NooB in the right direction? 


Linux user #280097
Machine #162480


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Re: [newbie] another one of OO's annoyances..

2002-09-24 Per discussione robin

Damian G wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 19:43:56 -0600
 Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Would I be correct if I guessed that when 
you _print_ the page, it comes out correct?


 wouldn't know, miark, i never even tried.
 however, i doubt it, i found only minutes later
 that the spellchacker was, for some obscure 
 reason only comprehensible to the maker of such feature,
 replacing  -  ( what do you call these in english? ;o))
 with  question marks. it was not a bug in OO, not a font glitch,
 the spellchecker was actually replacing the char, so 
 probably that's what i would get.
 thanks anyway for your quick response. disabling 
 spellchecker worked.
You could also try going to autocorrect options and turning on
the feature that replaces minus signs with dashes.  It's moderately 
in that it will only autocorrect if there is a space on either side,
though of course it's not up to the clever typesetting stuff in LyX/LaTeX.

I suppose another alternative would be to manuaaly spellcheck a document 
containing minus signs (they're not real dashes or hyphens) and 
enter them into the personal dictionary, but I haven't tried this (I 
only use OO Writer for reading Word documnets or converting to HTML when 
wv doesn't work - for my own writing I still prefer LyX.

Sir Robin

So I repeat myself?  I am great, I contain tautologies.

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi


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[newbie] galeon and mozilla

2002-09-24 Per discussione Anne Wilson

I have a problem in mozilla that does not occur in galeon -

When visiting a site like amazon.co.uk the tabs and buttons do not display, 
so it is impossible to navigate in mozilla.  However, launching galeon brings 
up everything, and I have no problems at all.  I'm using mozilla 1.o with 
java and flash plugins.

Does anyone know what would be the cause of this, and is there any cure?


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Re: [newbie] galeon and mozilla

2002-09-24 Per discussione Jason Guidry

Yes, upgrade to 1.1.  there is quite a bit of funkiness with 1.0 that is
fixed with the new one, including that privacy leak problem.

On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 07:01, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I have a problem in mozilla that does not occur in galeon -
 When visiting a site like amazon.co.uk the tabs and buttons do not display, 
 so it is impossible to navigate in mozilla.  However, launching galeon brings 
 up everything, and I have no problems at all.  I'm using mozilla 1.o with 
 java and flash plugins.
 Does anyone know what would be the cause of this, and is there any cure?

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Re: [newbie] galeon and mozilla

2002-09-24 Per discussione Anne Wilson

Great.  I've been told to upgrade so many of my packages now that I think I 
need to hibernate for a week to catch up :-)


On Tuesday 24 Sep 2002 12:17 pm, you wrote:
 Yes, upgrade to 1.1.  there is quite a bit of funkiness with 1.0 that is
 fixed with the new one, including that privacy leak problem.

 On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 07:01, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I have a problem in mozilla that does not occur in galeon -
  When visiting a site like amazon.co.uk the tabs and buttons do not
  display, so it is impossible to navigate in mozilla.  However, launching
  galeon brings up everything, and I have no problems at all.  I'm using
  mozilla 1.o with java and flash plugins.
  Does anyone know what would be the cause of this, and is there any cure?
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] rebuilding from src=no rpm

2002-09-24 Per discussione Angus Auld

 Angus Auld wrote:
 Well, after installing literally hundreds of megs of software on my system, I'm 
still not getting anywhere trying to rebuild my fluxbox-0.1.12-1mdk.src.rpm.
 I am getting more lines of text scrolling in my terminal, but the final output is 
still the samerpm build errors.
 I wonder if someone would tell me how to get the output of my terminal to a file? I 
tried adding {filename}.txt after the rpm --rebuild {filename}.src.rpm command, 
but it doesn't seem to transfer all of the output to the file. 
 I am going to try a different src rpm, just to see if it is just this flux rpm that 
won't build.
 I'm still having fun though ;-)
 The ,
 shopuld be
 and if you want it on desktop,
 2 /home/Desktop/filename.txt
 John Richard Smith


Thank you John. I have jotted that one down, just so I don't forget.

Much obliged.


Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do 
that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.--Mark Twain
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Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'mgetting pretty pissed off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 01:06, FemmeFatale wrote:
 One of these days when I Can completely stop using windows I will enjoy it 
 very much.

Being a non-games-player I stopped a year ago; there was no need to
keep a partition to do things. The only software which could
conceivably be installed is that which accompanies my new Clie but, on
inspection, it's all flapdoodle and most of what it does can be done
from the command line.

Something rather worrying is The (Sunday) Times being used as a
Microsoft mouthpiece. 

I remember when The Times was almost completely taken over by
Microsoft-sponsored coverage of the Windows 95 launch; the row was
phenomenal, I suppose because, at that time, The Times was still
expected to be (reasonably) objective.

(Mind you, the other newspapers were far from blameless: The Guardian
published a negative review of Windows 95 by Douglas Adams which was
deplorably technically ignorant - as I remember he was a Mac user - and
was widely parodied. It didn't try that again).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] Print Spooling Problem

2002-09-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 24 Sep 2002 9:41 am, you wrote:

Printer USB Z53
USB Hub detects it,
kde Printing manager has printer enabled, under CUPS,
Colour cartridge fairly new, black cartridge getting low.

When I send print job to printer , usual print selection window, Ok'd ,
slider bar ,everything looks good.

But nothing appears in Print job administration as it should, which is
set on auto.
there are no entries and when the mouse cursor is placed over this
window the
cursor flicks between cursor and hour clock symbol, which to my mind
something wants to get there but cannot.
I feel that I have jammed the spooling operation.

The only thing I can remember doing is emtying /var/spool/cups of it's
old files and folders.I don't think this should effect it but am I possibly
wrong, or what if any suggestions can people make.


It  might be totally irrelevant, but I did have a similar problem a while 
back.  I couldn't find a way out, but I did notice that the driver setting 
looked strange.  I must have done this without noticing.  Since I didn't know 
what it had originally been, I used Control Center to install a new copy of 
the printer.  Sure enough this worked without problems, so I then deleted the 
original one.




Thanks Ann,

That more or less got me out of a hole,
I actually decided to reinstate rather than replace, and that did not 
work. but I clicked restart server in kde  and then was immediately able 
to print off a test page. I don't know what the server has to do with 
it, I don't have one as such,
mine is merely a local printer attatched via a usb cable, but it's 
happily printing off now.Perhaps someone with more knowledge could explain.



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2002-09-24 Per discussione Angus Auld

 On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 22:00, iggy wrote:
  I've been reading the documentation for mandrake 9.0 rc2 and came across this 
  little gem of a linkat http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html .  
  I thought I'd share it with everyone as I can state, definatele, I've been 
  guilty of these.  Maybe I'm not the only one :^)
 It has value up to a point, but is too rigid and is ignorant of people
 with abilities different to those of the author. It reminds me of the
 frightful proscriptive grammar textbooks used when education was a
 little less enlightened. 
 For example, Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language
 sounds wonderful until someone who is dyslexic wants to ask a question,
 for example; not everyone's strength is in the written form of a
 language, and one has to be forgiving.
Thank you Alastair...I agree. I love this interaction that goes on here. Makes me feel 
like I have a whole bunch of friends out there who are a kind of family. 

Most of us have asked dumb questions, I know I sure have. If we adhered to the letter 
of the rules as outlined in the Smart Way to ask, this wouldn't be near as much 
fun. ;-)
Everyone is at a different of ability, and understanding.

IMHO, at least.


Live for today...but with a hope for tomorrow.--A.A.

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Re: [newbie] another one of OO's annoyances..

2002-09-24 Per discussione Gary Montalbine

I believe the problem is that the minus sign (-) on the number pad can 
be taken as a minus or a dash by OO. Hence the (?). If you use the dash 
(-) on the regular keyboard you should not have that trouble. It works 
for me.

Damian G wrote:

 wouldn't know, miark, i never even tried.
 however, i doubt it, i found only minutes later
 that the spellchacker was, for some obscure 
 reason only comprehensible to the maker of such feature,
 replacing  -  ( what do you call these in english? ;o))
 with  question marks. it was not a bug in OO, not a font glitch,
 the spellchecker was actually replacing the char, so 
 probably that's what i would get.
 thanks anyway for your quick response. disabling 
 spellchecker worked.

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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-24 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Sunday September 22 2002 01:48 am, Roland Hughes wrote:
 The reason for the mem=nopentium in the lilo is that when the
 kernal was developed there are memory commands/coding that refer to
 pentium only commands. If you are running a Athlon/duron which do not
 have these commands they cause flaky/erratic behaviour. Roly

   That's the common misconception, pretty much the first rumor based on 
nVidia's first reaction to the 'bug'.  But it's not the case, it was a 
kernel bug and video driver issue. The kernel was fixed months ago. I 
believe XFree86 was also.

Note: There *is* an Athlon/AGP issue.  This issue has
 *not* been tied to a bug with the Athlon/Duron processors.
 Our conclusion is that the operating system is creating coherency
 problems within the system by creating cacheable translation to AGP
 GART-mapped physical memory.   

   Pay particular attention to this sentence,

AMD's educated guess is that these Athlon/AGP stability problems have 
to do with speculative writes by the CPU and how they can cause 
indavertent trashing of AGP memory if pages are mapped with
indiscretion by the OS and drivers.

All mem=nopentium does is to limit pages to 4k, nothing to do with 
pentium only commands.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Technoslick

I checked out Alastair's "UK" FTP link and the FTP site directory lists the ISO's as rc3's. I haven't downloaded them as yet. Are you saying that they came down that way, but eroaster recognized the contents of each ISO as being "the real thing"?


I tried the PCLinux On-line link (even logged in as a member) and it came back with an error message that stated that the download area doesn't work. Can you tell me where else you found "the real things" at?

I have looked around some mirror sites (U.S. only) and found all references to the current beta distribution. I ralize that even the new release will have 'concerns', so I am only being anal by saying that I want the full release. 

Has anyone else jumped on this news and/or has any recommendations or comments on this?


Todd Franklin wrote:
Confirmation: This is the real deal.  I haven't burned them yet, but here's the "information" from eroaster:

Volume ID: MandrakeLinux9.0-inst-1
Volume ID: MandrakeLinux9.0-inst-2
Volume ID: MandrakeLinux9.0-i18n-doc

I'm still a bit sceptical whether the distro is ready for prime-time yet, but they ARE here.


P.S.  Mandrake, please don't kick me off your list... :-)

Alastair Scott wrote:


It can be got from the various mirrors; I'm downloading mine from the
fast and reliable UK academic network


kindly paid for by the British taxpayer ... er ... um ... myself and
others ;)

The curious thing is that the ISO files, although dated last night, are
still called '...rc3...', but the belief is that Mandrakesoft has done
this, as it apparently did with 8.2, in order to damp down a mad rush:
the filenames will be changed in time.

I also note that the third ISO is 100MB larger than has been in the
various betas and RCs; in about nine hours from now I'll find out what's
been added.

Now to hide under the bed to escape all the complaints from people who
wanted their 'pet bug' fixed and find out it wasn't (ouch! - but it had
to be said)



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Re: [newbie] The print job that wouldn't die - SOLVED

2002-09-24 Per discussione Warren Post

El lun, 23-09-2002 a las 15:01, s escribió:

 delete the files in /var/spool/cups  /var/spool/cups/tmp  then 
 service cups restart.

That, plus rebooting the printer (not the computer) finally took care of
it. Thank you!
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

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[newbie] OT: Won't boot if headless

2002-09-24 Per discussione Warren Post

This is a hardware problem, not a Linux problem. But perhaps someone has
faced this problem before.

I've amazed my friends by setting up a Linux-firewall-on-a-floppy in our
city hall on an ancient 486 that was retired ages ago. But when I try to
run it headless, it won't boot unless I plug a keyboard back in. As a
workaround I've got an old keyboard that doesn't work very well plugged
into the box, but that is both an inelegant solution and a temptation to
idle fingers. Nor is this an idle complaint: our frequent power outages
mean that the box must reboot often and reliably.

I suspect that the problem is hardwired and the only solution is to
change the motherboard. (I see no BIOS settings that should affect the
keyboard.) But somebody prove me wrong, please.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] OT: Won't boot if headless

2002-09-24 Per discussione Technoslick


If your 80486 CMOS BIOS is that old, where it doesn't offer you the opportunity to 
ignore the a missing keyboard, then that's the way it is. I suppose someone may have 
devised a null plug to compensate. Late-model 486 boards came out with this capability 
and that's been the case with most motehrboards since then.

An alternative is to shop around your local conputer stores and on-line for a keyboard 
that has a cover, especially one that locks. IT's and MIS's out there must have seen 
these in their monthly solicitations. Check out Processor.com. 
http://www.processor.com . I have been getting their periodical for years. 
Subswcription is free to those in the computer industry. I haven't been at their site 
in ages, so you will have to look to see if they have anything on-line that can help 
you. Most likely, a good computer store in your area would have something like this. 
You could also fashion your own locable cover. If you are gifted in that department, 
it may be the simplest solution for you.

Of course, the most cost effective answer would be to look in your local papers for a 
used Pentium box. You would get the benefit of a newer system and with more upgrade 
possibilities as your needs grow.

Good luck...


Warren Post wrote:
This is a hardware problem, not a Linux problem. But perhaps someone has
faced this problem before.

I've amazed my friends by setting up a Linux-firewall-on-a-floppy in our
city hall on an ancient 486 that was retired ages ago. But when I try to
run it headless, it won't boot unless I plug a keyboard back in. As a
workaround I've got an old keyboard that doesn't work very well plugged
into the box, but that is both an inelegant solution and a temptation to
idle fingers. Nor is this an idle complaint: our frequent power outages
mean that the box must reboot often and reliably.

I suspect that the problem is hardwired and the only solution is to
change the motherboard. (I see no BIOS settings that should affect the
keyboard.) But somebody prove me wrong, please.
-- Warren Post Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras http://www.srcopan.vze.com/

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Re: [newbie] galeon and mozilla

2002-09-24 Per discussione Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 13:01:29 +0100
Subject: [newbie] galeon and mozilla

 I have a problem in mozilla that does not occur in galeon -
 When visiting a site like amazon.co.uk the tabs and buttons do not display, 
 so it is impossible to navigate in mozilla.  However, launching galeon brings 
 up everything, and I have no problems at all.  I'm using mozilla 1.o with 
 java and flash plugins.
 Does anyone know what would be the cause of this, and is there any cure?
Hi Anne, I don't use Galeon, but I do use Mozilla 1.0 occasionally. My main browser is 
Opera 6.03. 
I do have Galeon 1.2.5 though.

I tried each of these browsers on the site amazon.co.uk, and they all seemed to render 
it OK...tabs, buttons, etc.
I have java and flash plugins enabled as well.
I don't know what your problem could be. Does this occur on other sites as well?

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. 8-)


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Re: [newbie] galeon and mozilla

2002-09-24 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Tuesday 24 Sep 2002 3:40 pm, you wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 13:01:29 +0100
 Subject: [newbie] galeon and mozilla

  I have a problem in mozilla that does not occur in galeon -
  When visiting a site like amazon.co.uk the tabs and buttons do not
  display, so it is impossible to navigate in mozilla.  However, launching
  galeon brings up everything, and I have no problems at all.  I'm using
  mozilla 1.o with java and flash plugins.
  Does anyone know what would be the cause of this, and is there any cure?

 Hi Anne, I don't use Galeon, but I do use Mozilla 1.0 occasionally. My main
 browser is Opera 6.03. I do have Galeon 1.2.5 though.

 I tried each of these browsers on the site amazon.co.uk, and they all
 seemed to render it OK...tabs, buttons, etc. I have java and flash plugins
 enabled as well.
 I don't know what your problem could be. Does this occur on other sites as

It did happen on one other site - I think it was computerbooksdirect.co.uk, 
but I'm not sure.  Amazon is the only one that I visit regularly that shows 
the problem.  It's interesting, though, that you seem to have the same setup 
without the problem.  

Wouldn't it be great if webmasters would put a tiny link to a page setting 
out just what plugins you do need to properly view the page?  I feel that 
there are still far too many IE only pages on high profile sites.


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Re: [newbie] HOWTO compile kernel FAQ's for Mandrake on the web?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday September 24 2002 06:54 am, Steve Jeppesen wrote:
 Hello all,

 in preparing for MD 9.0, I am looking for any howto's, faq's or
 anything that lists all the steps needed for compiling a kernel
 specifically for Mandrake on the web (or blush is the howto already
 on my system?)

   Good place to start ;)


Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] File conversion

2002-09-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote,


Yes. By default, it changes all filenames to lower case. So

  # chcase *

will probably do what you want.


Many thanks Sridhar,
Can I run my results past you again.
I copied the perl text to a text file called chcase and inserted it
in /usr/local/bin, as follows,

root]# cd /usr/local/bin
 bin]# ls
chcasedivxPlayer*  fsgrab*lexmarkz53@  mplayer*
compupic@ divxPlayer.bin*  gmplayer@  lxsetconf@
cvs_mplayer*  e2recover*   gxset* mencoder*

bin]# cd
root]# chmod 755 chcase
chmod: failed to get attributes of `chcase': No such file or directory
I do not understand ?  what attributes ?

root]# # chmod 755 chcase
It didn't seem to mind this.so,

root]# cd /root/Desktop/mont

mont]# ls
All present and correct.

mont]# chcase
bash: /usr/local/bin/chcase: Permission denied
So I went to directory mont and gave all the permissions,but,

mont]# chcase
bash: /usr/local/bin/chcase: Permission denied
still permission denied

I guess it is something to do with the way the first, chmod 755 chcase
was rejected, while,# chmod 755 chcase was accepted , could this be 
correct do you think.Note the inclusion of the # 
Any further ideas ?



John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie] Kernel Panic on boot from Install CD on Athlon

2002-09-24 Per discussione gerCO

Follow these steps:
1. Enter to setup
2. Disable APM in power management
3. Save and Exit
4. When it appears the indicator boot: write linux text and press Enter
5. :)

Greetings !!!


-Mensaje original-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Cory
Enviado el: Lunes, 23 de Septiembre de 2002 05:06 p.m.
Asunto: RE: [newbie] Kernel Panic on boot from Install CD on Athlon

Also, what video card is being used? What happens when you attempt an
install in text mode? It would seem that if the problem continues across
multiple distros, then hardware would be the first place I would start
looking. Try a different video card. Also, you may want to look into the
possibility of a bad install CD, I had a similar problem installing MDK 8.2,
and then burned another copy and it worked flawless... a lot of research,
time and effort was wasted on that one. (unlikely that this is the case
since redhat does the same thing, but worth a shot.)

 -Original Message-
From:   ravi r [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, September 23, 2002 10:20 AM
Subject:[newbie] Kernel Panic on boot from Install CD on Athlon

  File: message.footer  Hi,

I am trying to install Mandrake8.2 on my new
Athlon(XP1800+) box from the installation CDs
(downloaded from one of the mirrors).
The installer interface comes up and when i choose to
install, it fails and issue a kernel panic.
The following are the first few error msgs:

vesafb:frame buffer  and some hex numbers
vesafb:mode is 800X600X16; line length = 1600; pages 3
vesafb:protected mode interface at c000:c590

I would like to know what is the problem and how i can
get around it.
I had the same problem when i tried to install

Other info.
has win2k running( planning to make a dual boot


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Re: [newbie] OT: Won't boot if headless

2002-09-24 Per discussione Gary Traffanstedt

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 07:21 am, Warren Post scribbled something about:
 This is a hardware problem, not a Linux problem. But perhaps someone has
 faced this problem before.

 I've amazed my friends by setting up a Linux-firewall-on-a-floppy in our
 city hall on an ancient 486 that was retired ages ago. But when I try to
 run it headless, it won't boot unless I plug a keyboard back in. As a
 workaround I've got an old keyboard that doesn't work very well plugged
 into the box, but that is both an inelegant solution and a temptation to
 idle fingers. Nor is this an idle complaint: our frequent power outages
 mean that the box must reboot often and reliably.

 I suspect that the problem is hardwired and the only solution is to
 change the motherboard. (I see no BIOS settings that should affect the
 keyboard.) But somebody prove me wrong, please.

Check the BIOS and see if there is something like halt on error. I've 
encountered this problem before and by changing the halt on error to 
something else, the computer was able to boot cleanly each time with no 
keyboard. I realize that you said you couldn't find anything in the bios 
about it but the actual setting doesn't really look like it would have 
anything to do with the keyboard. Which bios does that machine have?


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Re: [newbie] OT: Won't boot if headless

2002-09-24 Per discussione Richard Holt


Check in the Bios Setup if it's set to stop on errors or only keyboard errors. 
Use F1 to continue. 

On 24 Sep 2002 08:21:02 -0600 Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a hardware problem, not a Linux problem. But perhaps someone
 has faced this problem before.
 I've amazed my friends by setting up a Linux-firewall-on-a-floppy in
 our city hall on an ancient 486 that was retired ages ago. But when I
 try to run it headless, it won't boot unless I plug a keyboard back
 in. As a workaround I've got an old keyboard that doesn't work very
 well plugged into the box, but that is both an inelegant solution and
 a temptation to idle fingers. Nor is this an idle complaint: our
 frequent power outages mean that the box must reboot often and
 I suspect that the problem is hardwired and the only solution is to
 change the motherboard. (I see no BIOS settings that should affect the
 keyboard.) But somebody prove me wrong, please.
 Warren Post
 Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 15:11, Technoslick wrote:

 I tried the PCLinux On-line link (even logged in as a member) and it came back with 
an error message that stated that the download area doesn't work. Can you tell me 
where else you found the real things at?
 I have looked around some mirror sites (U.S. only) and found all references to the 
current beta distribution. I ralize that even the new release will have 'concerns', 
so I am only being anal by saying that I want the full release. 
 Has anyone else jumped on this news and/or has any recommendations or comments on 

The clue is the date of the .iso files. If the date is 23 September,
it's the 9.0 release (despite the filename); if it's 17 September, it's

Looking at CD 1, there's a file VERSION which contains

Mandrake Linux 9.0 Dolphin-i586 20020923 15:18

Also, the burned CD 1 is named Mandrake9.0-inst-1 on my desktop.

If it looks like a dolphin, and reads like a dolphin ... it's a dolphin!


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

Yeah, I have just downloaded the 2/3 isos, but I have bad news for those 
using an old CD writer like me (HP 8100i): The isos are too big for the 
writers. I have used 700MB CD's, but have never been able to burn over the 
690MB's. The first 2 images contain data that is around the 693 and 699 

I have mounted the 2 images, and see quite a few things I would never use. 
I only need to free up a few MB's per CD.

How could I go about properly deleting these to bring down the ISO-sizes to 
burnable sizes? Mount the ISO, copy the files to a temp directory, delete 
the couple of files, then remake an ISO. But, how would I successfully go 
about making a bootable CD?

Does anyone have any experience with re-creating Distro-CD's?

I'm sure I won't be the only one with this problem, so any knowledgeable 
advice would be great :-)

Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

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Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too,which I'm getting pretty pissed off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Charlie M.

OT personal opinions alert! :-)

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 5:16 am, Patrik Marxer wrote:
 Hi femme,

 I just sent a Palladium/TCPA reminder to most of my friends. It seems
 there are two dominant opinions among windows users, that I know:
 1) sombody will write a crack
 2) fuck them, that's horrible - but I am helpless.

My small circle of friends (end users all, mostly) is standing at around 80% 
Mandrake use. Only 7 are dual booting; the hard-core gamers. If one 
includes acquaintances the numbers grow much larger, but the percentages much 
lower. Introduction to Bug Traq and various security sites seems to get the 
message across. Or a Google search for security announcements/vulnerabilities 
in Windows. When they can breath again most will at least listen.

 there is no
 3) I have had enough of this shit, I quit !!

I get a lot of this but the ones that are this adamant are usually poor 
benighted souls that are forced to use the virus transport system at work. 
Most of them don't want to even _see_ Windows when they go home after 
relatively short exposure to a 'better way to do things.'

 They are now _used_ to be fucked by their OS. It is an enemy to them. My
 friends spend so much time to circumvent those Serial keys, Service Packs
 that won't install on pirated XPs, XP Professional that (used as a server)
 allows only 10 connections (which renders it useless), Media Player calling
 Redmond, removal of spyware and Dialers

I must have some of the same friends. ;-) 

The ones that complain the loudest are the ones with gigabytes of somewhat 
less than official copies of music, applications, games, even operating 
systems. I find it humorous (it seems to be human nature though) that these 
complainers are the same people that hate what Microsoft is doing to us and 
voice this disgust the loudest. They want free? They need only ask and I'll 
give them a copy of Mandrake to try. Many complain that It's too hard or 
they don't want to be bothered to learn anything. Likely for the same reason 
they're running a cracked version of XP. They want something for nothing. 
Nothing in this case being zero effort. Does the 'open source/free software 
community' actually want people such as this? Hell Desk nightmares, all of 

 instead of investing this time to learn your way around a new OS.

 If you buy a PC you are forced to also pay for an OS that you have to fight
 against from then on. It is so normal like it may be normal to children in
 Sudan to be hungry.

Depends where you buy it. Most of the quality shops here in Edmonton will 
build/sell anything without a Microsoft Everlasting Lease Usury Agreement. I 
only buy hardware locally even when it's slightly more dear. If I wanted 
Windows I would specify it. I don't, I won't pay for it, if the assembler 
doesn't want to listen then they really don't want any of my money, now do 

Not too many shops have a clue when it comes to installing and configuring a 
GNU/Linux box but that's OK. That's why there are lists such as this one. 
Most of them don't have a clue what to do with Windows either other than 
reboot, reinstall, pray. Lots of minesweeper consultant software experts on 

 I would have given up and feel helpless just like my friends if the
 installation on my Thinkpad hadn't been (almost) completely painless. (and
 vmware did make it easier too to delete the windows partition - one of
 these days I will remove vmware too)

The more trouble that I had getting something to work when I started with 
Mandrake 7.1 the more stubborn I got. Even then I had less difficulty than 
one of my friends has had with XP. The OS that eats or refuses the drivers 
for his GeForce 3 Ti 500, the SoundBlaster Live! Value 5.1 his wife bought 
him for Christmas and his on board LAN controller for his cable connection. 
Continuously. With the next release Mandrake 9.0 (the one I'm typing this 
on) things are getting to the point of idiot simple. They must be since I'm 
running it.

 Thanks to the wonderful work of Mandrake and those volunteers that make
 programs available for free.

Kudos from me as well. The developers may be perfectionists but they rock!

 I only could convince one of my friends (but it is the one with the server)
 to use Linux and we managed to make good progress (fortunately they used
 mySQL, PHP and Java even in Windows).

 BTW. there are now translations available for the Palladium/TCPA FAQ for a
 lot of languages:
 Deutsch: http://moon.hipjoint.de/tcpa-palladium-faq-de.html
 English: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/tcpa-faq.html
 Spanish: http://bulmalug.net/body.phtml?nIdNoticia=1398
 Italian: http://www.complessita.it/tcpa/
 Chinese: http://chat.ttv.com.tw/TCPA-Palladium_FAQ.html

 I think it is worth reading it.

 On Tuesday 24 September 2002 02:06, FemmeFatale wrote:
  One of these days when I Can completely stop using windows I will enjoy
  it very much.

Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Damian G

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 19:19:13 +0200 (CEST)
Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah, I have just downloaded the 2/3 isos, but I have bad news for those 
 using an old CD writer like me (HP 8100i): The isos are too big for the 
 writers. I have used 700MB CD's, but have never been able to burn over the 
 690MB's. The first 2 images contain data that is around the 693 and 699 
 I have mounted the 2 images, and see quite a few things I would never use. 
 I only need to free up a few MB's per CD.
 How could I go about properly deleting these to bring down the ISO-sizes to 
 burnable sizes? Mount the ISO, copy the files to a temp directory, delete 
 the couple of files, then remake an ISO. But, how would I successfully go 
 about making a bootable CD?
 Does anyone have any experience with re-creating Distro-CD's?
 I'm sure I won't be the only one with this problem, so any knowledgeable 
 advice would be great :-)

i think you can do it by keeping the bootable iso, and when
using mkisofs to make the new, smaller one, you can 
tell it to copy boot sectors from the original image.

this is just the theory, read man mkisofs, you'll find
it quick ( commands are listed alphabetically, it's under b
for 'boot' ).


boot into windows?
what has smashing glass with footwear got to do with Operating systems?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Erik

I have an HP8100+ (8100i) writer .  I have not d/l or tried to burn 
 these ISOs yet, so I don't have results to compare.

After reading your post, I checked the HP website and found that the 
'claim' to support 80 min (700MB) CDs, but add the disclaimer that they 
recommend using HP 80 min CDs.


I would be most interested in hearing if others with this version of CD 
writer have the same problem you do.


Ralph Slooten wrote:

Yeah, I have just downloaded the 2/3 isos, but I have bad news for those 
using an old CD writer like me (HP 8100i): The isos are too big for the 
writers. I have used 700MB CD's, but have never been able to burn over the 
690MB's. The first 2 images contain data that is around the 693 and 699 

I have mounted the 2 images, and see quite a few things I would never use. 
I only need to free up a few MB's per CD.

How could I go about properly deleting these to bring down the ISO-sizes to 
burnable sizes? Mount the ISO, copy the files to a temp directory, delete 
the couple of files, then remake an ISO. But, how would I successfully go 
about making a bootable CD?

Does anyone have any experience with re-creating Distro-CD's?

I'm sure I won't be the only one with this problem, so any knowledgeable 
advice would be great :-)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Now that you've upgraded.....

2002-09-24 Per discussione Mike Settle

Anybody have any of the printed Mandrake User Guides or Reference Manuals
they want to sell?  I'm looking for versions 7.2, 8.1, and 8.2 - In English
or Spanish.

Mike S.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Damian G wrote:

 i think you can do it by keeping the bootable iso, and when
 using mkisofs to make the new, smaller one, you can 
 tell it to copy boot sectors from the original image.
 this is just the theory, read man mkisofs, you'll find
 it quick ( commands are listed alphabetically, it's under b
 for 'boot' ).

Ok, this seems good news. But the thing is this. I have looked at the man 
page already, but I don't understand much of it :-( There are some *.img 
files in the images directory, but I presume these are for floppies. Then 
there are some files in isolinux, but how and what I would not know.
The man page presumes that a person using mkisofs actually understands the 
components of build-up of a CD; I don't ;-)

I was actually hoping that someone with experience or knowledge would 
explain what to do, which file to use, and what mkisofs command to use ;-)

I suppose this is one of those things that once you have done one, you 
never forget, but unfortunately I have never come remotely close to this 

Thanks anyway.

Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'm getting pretty pissed off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Franki

I got lucky,,, my position has some perks, and I use all of them to proclaim
the coolness of linux..

My boss knows I am a nut for it, and HE asked me if I could replace all
their windows/office machines, with linux variants..

So I am starting with one machine, see if I can make it as useful, and if
they are happy with the result, then we can put it on all of them... very
cool  :-)

The more business and home users we initiate to linux, the harder it will be
for M$ to use paladium to reinforce their monopoly.. (and collect info from



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charlie M.
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2002 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which
I'm getting pretty pissed off with...

OT personal opinions alert! :-)

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 5:16 am, Patrik Marxer wrote:
 Hi femme,

 I just sent a Palladium/TCPA reminder to most of my friends. It seems
 there are two dominant opinions among windows users, that I know:
 1) sombody will write a crack
 2) fuck them, that's horrible - but I am helpless.

My small circle of friends (end users all, mostly) is standing at around 80%
Mandrake use. Only 7 are dual booting; the hard-core gamers. If one
includes acquaintances the numbers grow much larger, but the percentages
lower. Introduction to Bug Traq and various security sites seems to get the
message across. Or a Google search for security
in Windows. When they can breath again most will at least listen.

 there is no
 3) I have had enough of this shit, I quit !!

I get a lot of this but the ones that are this adamant are usually poor
benighted souls that are forced to use the virus transport system at work.
Most of them don't want to even _see_ Windows when they go home after
relatively short exposure to a 'better way to do things.'

 They are now _used_ to be fucked by their OS. It is an enemy to them. My
 friends spend so much time to circumvent those Serial keys, Service Packs
 that won't install on pirated XPs, XP Professional that (used as a server)
 allows only 10 connections (which renders it useless), Media Player
 Redmond, removal of spyware and Dialers

I must have some of the same friends. ;-)

The ones that complain the loudest are the ones with gigabytes of somewhat
less than official copies of music, applications, games, even operating
systems. I find it humorous (it seems to be human nature though) that these
complainers are the same people that hate what Microsoft is doing to us
voice this disgust the loudest. They want free? They need only ask and I'll
give them a copy of Mandrake to try. Many complain that It's too hard or
they don't want to be bothered to learn anything. Likely for the same reason
they're running a cracked version of XP. They want something for nothing.
Nothing in this case being zero effort. Does the 'open source/free software
community' actually want people such as this? Hell Desk nightmares, all of

 instead of investing this time to learn your way around a new OS.

 If you buy a PC you are forced to also pay for an OS that you have to
 against from then on. It is so normal like it may be normal to children in
 Sudan to be hungry.

Depends where you buy it. Most of the quality shops here in Edmonton will
build/sell anything without a Microsoft Everlasting Lease Usury Agreement. I
only buy hardware locally even when it's slightly more dear. If I wanted
Windows I would specify it. I don't, I won't pay for it, if the assembler
doesn't want to listen then they really don't want any of my money, now do

Not too many shops have a clue when it comes to installing and configuring a
GNU/Linux box but that's OK. That's why there are lists such as this one.
Most of them don't have a clue what to do with Windows either other than
reboot, reinstall, pray. Lots of minesweeper consultant software experts

 I would have given up and feel helpless just like my friends if the
 installation on my Thinkpad hadn't been (almost) completely painless. (and
 vmware did make it easier too to delete the windows partition - one of
 these days I will remove vmware too)

The more trouble that I had getting something to work when I started with
Mandrake 7.1 the more stubborn I got. Even then I had less difficulty than
one of my friends has had with XP. The OS that eats or refuses the drivers
for his GeForce 3 Ti 500, the SoundBlaster Live! Value 5.1 his wife bought
him for Christmas and his on board LAN controller for his cable connection.
Continuously. With the next release Mandrake 9.0 (the one I'm typing this
on) things are getting to the point of idiot simple. They must be since
running it.

 Thanks to the wonderful work of Mandrake and those volunteers that make
 programs available for free.

Kudos from me as well. The developers may be perfectionists but they 

Re: [newbie] rebuilding from src=no rpm

2002-09-24 Per discussione ollyplaine

On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 06:49:09AM +0500, Angus Auld wrote:
 I wonder if someone would tell me how to get the output of my terminal to a file? I 
tried adding {filename}.txt after the rpm --rebuild {filename}.src.rpm command, 
but it doesn't seem to transfer all of the output to the file. 
Tue Sep 24 14:16:38 CDT 2002 

I use script Angus,  before I start the project I start a script and
it puts everything done subsequently into a file..it works nice. see
man script.

Olly P

  2:14pm  up 4 days, 17:42,  9 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] mozilla plugin

2002-09-24 Per discussione Norman Zhang

In mozilla when I tried to open a page, I get

This page contains information of a type (application/x-java-vm) that can
only be viewed with appropriate Plug-in

I think it is the java virtual machine machine. But I don't know where to
get in RPM format. I have the CDs but I don't know what the filename is.
Would someone please help me in this regard?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-24 Per discussione Marcia

Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Sunday September 22 2002 05:16 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 19 Sep 2002 8:56 pm, you wrote:

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:46:37 -0500

Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

lilo append mem=nopentium

Charles, could you tell me more about this?  Is this something that
all of us using Athlons/Durons should be using?  Obviously this is
there to avoid specific problems, what are they?

Altho all chipsets and processors have bugs (errata), any 
manufacturer, AMD, Intel, Cyrix, SiS, VIA, etc., the best way to avoid 
Athlon or Duron problems is to _only_ use motherboards and power 
supplies that are recommended by AMD

That link is for XP's, but there's similar links for Tbirds and 
Durons. I suspect Marcia's problem probly starts with the PSU and/or 
motherboard. Ram quality is another likely culprit. Ram performance and 
reliability is greatly affected by the quality of the mobo and PSU tho.  
So even very good ram mght have problems on a marginal mobo/PSU. 
'Course overheating is always a suspect.

FWIW, I've had a 1.4 Tbird oc'd to 1.55 with an AMD approved mobo 
and PSU for over a year an a half. Never used the nopentium option, 
never had any problems. GeF2 w/64mb's usin the open source XFree86 
driver. The nopentium parameter is to limit the page size requests from 
system ram for the AGP card.  If the video card has 16mb ram or more 
onboard, the system ram probly will never, or rarely be used anyhow.  
If system ram is being used by the Vcard, and causing problems, one 
quick and dirty way fix is to set the AGP aperature in bios to 4mb. 
Drawback is that it effectively disables AGP sidebanding and will 
somewhat decrease 3d/accel performance.

   For more on the AMD/AGP issue see,  
   Note: There *is* an Athlon/AGP issue.  This issue has
*not* been tied to a bug with the Athlon/Duron processors.
Our conclusion is that the operating system is creating coherency
problems within the system by creating cacheable translation to AGP
GART-mapped physical memory. 

   IMO, another suspect is closed source proprietary drivers. As I said, 
even on a highly oc'd, hot system, I've not had any problems without 
nopentium usin the openXFree86-4.2.1 source driver which BTW, now 
provides some 3d/accel support for nvidia cards. XFree86-4.2.1 included 
with Mdk 9.0. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Dear All,

I have been following this thread since the mem=nopentium did not 
completely solve my problem afterall.  I went to the ftp site with the 
fix and downloaded it. Actually I could not download it from the main 
site and had to search for a mirror for it. Anyway it downloaded a 
textfile. I am just a newbie with no programming skills, so I have no 
idea what to do with it. I would love to fix this instability problem as 
soon as possible. Could anyone help me with this? Thanks for all of the 
help. It is too bad that there is such a problem between Linux and amd. 
Will this be resolved with mandrake 9?



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Can't ftp to my linux-system - solved

2002-09-24 Per discussione Mark Weaver

C. van Roest wrote:
 After installation and configuration of pure-ftpd the problem is solved...

Hey! good news. glad I could help. I too use Pure-ftp and I really like 
this ftp server.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] mozilla plugin

2002-09-24 Per discussione Les Henderson

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Norman Zhang wrote:
 In mozilla when I tried to open a page, I get
 This page contains information of a type (application/x-java-vm) that can
 only be viewed with appropriate Plug-in
 I think it is the java virtual machine machine. But I don't know where to
 get in RPM format. I have the CDs but I don't know what the filename is.
 Would someone please help me in this regard?
in mozilla (1.0 and 1.1 at least) you can go to the help menu and look at
the 'About Pluggins' selection.  in the top left side of the window you
will see something about going to netscape.com to learn more about
pluggins.  on the web site that you are brought to you will see a 'pluggin
finder' on the left menu.  using that you can find the jre that you need.

Les Henderson

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] mozilla plugin

2002-09-24 Per discussione Norman Zhang

: In mozilla when I tried to open a page, I get
: This page contains information of a type (application/x-java-vm) that can
: only be viewed with appropriate Plug-in

I found the plugin and downloaded from Sun. May I ask how do I create a
symbolic link to libjavaplugin_oji.so in
/usr/java/j2re1.4.0_02/plugin/i386/ns610. I tried copying this file to
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. But when I try to view the java page, mozilla


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] demo UT 2003 released

2002-09-24 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Jason Guidry wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-09-14 at 10:31, Alastair Scott wrote:
On Sat, 2002-09-14 at 13:24, Ralph Slooten wrote:

Sorry for the off toppic e-mail, but the Demo of the Unreal Tournament 2003
has been released, including a Linux version (100MB's)! Works great here =)

 oh really?  take into consideration that my sound and video aren't
 supported in 8.2 and explain this:
 [jason@orpheus jason]$ ut2003_demo 
 open /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
 [ 1]  ./Core.so [0x409d2692]
 [ 2]  /lib/libpthread.so.0 [0x40d945bb]
 [ 3]  /lib/libc.so.6 [0x40b62478]
 [ 4] 
 rDevice+0x2a) [0x42f54176]
 [ 5] 
 eviceP9UViewporti+0xd0) [0x42f53910]
 [ 6] 
 portPCwiii+0x11e) [0x42f1e806]
 [ 7] 
 ii+0x223) [0x42f1d7d3]
 [ 8]  ./Engine.so(Init__11UGameEngine+0x1043) [0x4025ca63]
 [ 9]  ./ut2003-bin [0x80550ce]
 [10]  ./ut2003-bin(main+0x296e) [0x80580ce]
 [11]  /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x90) [0x40b50280]
 [12]  ./ut2003-bin(GetFullName__C7UObjectPw+0x71) [0x80511b1]
 Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
 [jason@orpheus jason]$ 
 i'm really looking forward to 9.0

don't get too wound up about 9.0 just yet cause supermount is a little 
dodgy where the CDROM is concerned. In order to install Unreal 
Tournament on RC3 I had to disable supermount on the CDROM and then 
recreate the fstab entry for the damn thing and mount it as in the old 
days from the command line to get the game to install. supermount 
doesn't work correctly in 8.2 either. In fact, supermount hasn't worked 
correctly since 7.2.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'm getting pretty p'o'd off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Sorry Charlie! Meant to send my last reply to Franki!

My bad!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Charlie M.
Sent: September 24, 2002 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which
I'm getting pretty p'o'd off with...

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 12:52 pm, Franki wrote:
 I got lucky,,, my position has some perks, and I use all of them to
 proclaim the coolness of linux..

Lucky you. I don't have a 'position' per se. I'm just a
rouser that gets weird calls late at night from various friends that
seem to 
think I may have some useful knowledge or skill. Are they ever mistaken!

 My boss knows I am a nut for it, and HE asked me if I could replace
 their windows/office machines, with linux variants..

It would seem your boss is a very open minded person. One person/company
at a 
time is a fantastic way to build some momentum.

 So I am starting with one machine, see if I can make it as useful, and
 they are happy with the result, then we can put it on all of them...
 cool  :-)

I'll wish you luck Frank; even though you seem to have a good grasp on
you're doing. In any case it's always helpful to be lucky when you can't

Better still to be both though. grin

 The more business and home users we initiate to linux, the harder it
 be for M$ to use paladium to reinforce their monopoly.. (and collect
 from users)

I agree so much my head hurts! Or maybe it was the shout when I read it.


snip 'n' edit the subject cause Air New Zealand didn't like some of the
Heather chose, and bounced it back at me.Mail Marshall. h
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] demo UT 2003 released

2002-09-24 Per discussione s

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 03:20 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:

  i'm really looking forward to 9.0

 don't get too wound up about 9.0 just yet cause supermount is a
 little dodgy where the CDROM is concerned. In order to install
 Unreal Tournament on RC3 I had to disable supermount on the CDROM
 and then recreate the fstab entry for the damn thing and mount it
 as in the old days from the command line to get the game to

yeah, me too.  To get any game to install I keep having to do this.  
Actually I disable -i right after install anymore, and I always have 
to fix the fstab cause my dvd  burner are never set up right.  
That's not a complaint cause it takes like 30 seconds to fix, just 
passing on info.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'm getting pretty p'o'd off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Charlie; I'll be surprised if you actually run into major problems with
the boss. Soon after I started my government job as a network
administrator, I had the Dubious pleasure of telling my boss that our
NT4.0 servers were without licenses, except for the original 5 that
comes with each CD. To get us up to par would have cost us 7 or 8

Seems the previous NetAdmin hadn't been an actual Netadmin at all. He
was a programmer, and new little or nothing about this stuff ( His
comment, not mine!). To make a long story short, this problem was the
incentive for a complete change of the old servers and everything went
to Linux, with the exception of 1 server which ran a proprietary

As of now, I've got a total of 13 servers on Mandrake Prosuite 8.2, 16
LTSP terminals, and 40 workstations on Mandrake 8.2, 3 SNF Firewalls,
and 5 Windows 2000 workstations for the graphics staff. 

The biggest problem I have is the slight embarrassment I feel when my
MCSE buddies talk about re-booting their servers to prevent crashes, and
I mention that mine have been up and running almost non-stop for a year
and a half, with the exception of a couple of power failures, and
regular hardware updates.

My guess is that you'll do fine. Give 'em hell Charlie! Personally, I've
been sleeping a lot better ever since!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Charlie M.
Sent: September 24, 2002 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which
I'm getting pretty p'o'd off with...

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 12:52 pm, Franki wrote:
 I got lucky,,, my position has some perks, and I use all of them to
 proclaim the coolness of linux..

Lucky you. I don't have a 'position' per se. I'm just a
rouser that gets weird calls late at night from various friends that
seem to 
think I may have some useful knowledge or skill. Are they ever mistaken!

 My boss knows I am a nut for it, and HE asked me if I could replace
 their windows/office machines, with linux variants..

It would seem your boss is a very open minded person. One person/company
at a 
time is a fantastic way to build some momentum.

 So I am starting with one machine, see if I can make it as useful, and
 they are happy with the result, then we can put it on all of them...
 cool  :-)

I'll wish you luck Frank; even though you seem to have a good grasp on
you're doing. In any case it's always helpful to be lucky when you can't

Better still to be both though. grin

 The more business and home users we initiate to linux, the harder it
 be for M$ to use paladium to reinforce their monopoly.. (and collect
 from users)

I agree so much my head hurts! Or maybe it was the shout when I read it.


snip 'n' edit the subject cause Air New Zealand didn't like some of the
Heather chose, and bounced it back at me.Mail Marshall. h
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too,which I'm getting pretty p'o'd off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Charlie M.

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 3:21 pm, Dan LaBine wrote:
 Sorry Charlie! Meant to send my last reply to Franki!

 My bad!

big snip

No harm no foul. Or is that fowl? :-)


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[newbie] Cool linux clothing?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Gary Traffanstedt

I've looked all over and I haven't found anything that really catches my eye 
or has a catchy slogan or phrase. With all of the activity creating themes 
and everything else to personalize linux the way we want, I thought it would 
be easy to find tshirts that show my love for linux when I'm out and about... 
but no such luck.
Thus I ask for your assistance in helping me track down some snazzy t's. I'd 
like t's that have something to do with Mandrake, Linux in general, anti-MS, 
or something along those lines. I currently have a Debian swirl shirt that I 
bought way back when I played around with Debian but it's getting a little 
faded (and I haven't used Debian in quite some time).

TIA for your help!!

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Re: [newbie] Upgrade of Samba - help!

2002-09-24 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Derek Jennings wrote:
 Ranger has prepared some excellent updated RPMs for Samba which you can find 
 here   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/mandrake/mandrake8.2/  follow the 
 instructions for urpmi access and you can install them using Mandrake 
 Software Manager
 BTW: What was wrong with the Samba on the CDs?


the version of Samba that comes with Mdk8.2 stinks in plain words. It's 
a huge pain in the ass to get running correctly and doesn't like to play 
nice with non-root users.

On the other hand, the version of Samba that is currently on cooker is a 
different story. That one, for what ever reason, works very nicely.

As for configuration the best and most idiot proof way to configure 
Samba is through Webmin using SWAT to create and configure all your 
shares and users as well as permissions. works like a charm. As long, 
that is, as it's a Linux server with windows clients. If you're going 
Linux to Linux then don't even bother mucking about with Samba. Use NFS. 
  Much less problematic from the administrators perspective. and the 
user perms are good from server to client. they're native.


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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-24 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday September 24 2002 09:57 am, Marcia wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  snip  spare y'all from repeats ;)

 Dear All,

 I have been following this thread since the mem=nopentium did not
 completely solve my problem afterall.  I went to the ftp site with
 the fix and downloaded it. Actually I could not download it from the
 main site and had to search for a mirror for it.

   What 'fix'?


Since the 'nopentium' bandaid didn't fix it, let's start again 
Marcia. List the hardware involved, particularly mobo, psu, video, and 
what Mandrake version, which video drivers are used.  Ram vendor, if 
you know?  IIRC, it's Mdk 8.2, with an ECS mobo. Got the model/ 
revision/bios vendor and numbers?  A link to their website for the 
board would be best, and we can try an' figure it all out together.  As 
you only mentioned 'onboard video', which? ...how much system ram does 
it use? If it's a ready made system, from who ? What was the original 
installed OS ?

   Also, while we're at it, what does
cat /proc/interrupts ...and
lspcidrake   ...and 
lspci say?

   FWIW, your problem may not be video related at all, but hardware and/ 
or configuration in general. So, in the meantime, try takin the case 
cover off and point a table fan into it directed towards the cpu-hs/fan 
and the mobo's chipset. Does that reduce or eliminate the problem? It 
would help a lot if you have lm_sensors/gkrellm installed and report 
some temps under load. Another good report would be if you can run 
memtest86 overnite without errors (there's an rpm for it on your CD's). 
I'll warn you upfront tho, it's a hard, often lengthly process for 
anybody to diagnose hardware problems 'over the phone'  (ie, not hands 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] OT: Won't boot if headless

2002-09-24 Per discussione Technoslick


Interesting question. I don't know the answer with Linux. I have never tried using 
that old a 486 in that manner: disconnecting the keyboard after boot-up, then trying 
to access a Linux operating system on connecting it up again. Last time I did anything 
like that was in the days of Windows 3.1 and MS-DOS. If I remember correctly, once 
disconnected, I couldn't re-establish a keyboard connection (with a BIOS not able to 
stop probing for one.) It's been too long for me to remember. I am assuming that 
Warren doesn't want to do a hard boot to gain control again. Is it different with 


et wrote:
I take it the obvious answer of boot with keyboard, then disconnect it 
untill next boot is not a reasonable solution?

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 10:42 am, you wrote:


 If your 80486 CMOS BIOS is that old, where it doesn't offer you the
 opportunity to ignore the a missing keyboard, then that's the way it is. I
 suppose someone may have devised a null plug to compensate. Late-model 486
 boards came out with this capability and that's been the case with most
 motehrboards since then.

 An alternative is to shop around your local conputer stores and on-line for
 a keyboard that has a cover, especially one that locks. IT's and MIS's out
 there must have seen these in their monthly solicitations. Check out
 Processor.com. http://www.processor.com . I have been getting their
 periodical for years. Subswcription is free to those in the computer
 industry. I haven't been at their site in ages, so you will have to look to
 see if they have anything on-line that can help you. Most likely, a good
 computer store in your area would have something like this. You could also
 fashion your own locable cover. If you are gifted in that department, it
 may be the simplest solution for you.

 Of course, the most cost effective answer would be to look in your local
 papers for a used Pentium box. You would get the benefit of a newer system
 and with more upgrade possibilities as your needs grow.

 Good luck...


 Warren Post wrote:
 This is a hardware problem, not a Linux problem. But perhaps someone has
 faced this problem before.

 I've amazed my friends by setting up a Linux-firewall-on-a-floppy in our
 city hall on an ancient 486 that was retired ages ago. But when I try to
 run it headless, it won't boot unless I plug a keyboard back in. As a
 workaround I've got an old keyboard that doesn't work very well plugged
 into the box, but that is both an inelegant solution and a temptation to
 idle fingers. Nor is this an idle complaint: our frequent power outages
 mean that the box must reboot often and reliably.

 I suspect that the problem is hardwired and the only solution is to
 change the motherboard. (I see no BIOS settings that should affect the
 keyboard.) But somebody prove me wrong, please.
 -- Warren Post Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras http://www.srcopan.vze.com/

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 Changed your e-mail?  Keep your contacts!  Use this free e-mail change of
 address service from Return Path.  Register now!

Changed your e-mail?  Keep your contacts!  Use this free e-mail change of address 
service from Return Path.  Register now!

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Re: [newbie] Printing from the net

2002-09-24 Per discussione Marcia

Dear Erik and Anne,

Thanks for helping with this. I configured my printer with cups at the 
beginning then went to the www webmin admin to setup with one as lp 
using Foomatic + hpijs, and the other xpp using cups+Gimp-printv4.2.0. 
This setup always worked fine for me in earlier distributions of LM. Any 

Erik wrote:

 Marcia and Anne:

 I may have missed it, but I haven't seen info on how the printer was 
 set up originally?  Did you set it up to use CUPS, Post Script or both 
 in LM8.2?  When I see HP, I immediately think Post Script, but I'm 
 not that familiar with them in Linux...in Windows they can be a real 

 When I set up my Epson 740 USB, I set it up in CUPS as Printer 
 (printer0) and in Post Script as Printer1.  Now, the only problems I 
 have printing from the net or email is when someone includes emoticons 
   with those, I have to select all, copy and paste into OO, remove 
 the emoticon(s) and then print.


 Marcia wrote:

 Anne Wilson wrote:

 On Sunday 22 Sep 2002 5:28 pm, you wrote:

 Dear All,

 Printing works fine on my LM8.2 with my HP 940c deskjet printer (USB)
 except when I try to print from the net, email, or xpdf. It works 
 in all
 of the other applications I believe. Any help will be appreciated.

 Can't answer this, but I can add a bit that might spark inspiration 
 in someone more knowledgeable.  My printer is a DJ 990, so should be 
 identical to yours (940 is, I believe somewhat slower and without 
 the duplexer, but otherwise identical).  I have printing from a 
 browser, but no control.

 Printing from every browser I have tried does not allow me access to 
 any of my setup printers.  It specifies PostScript/Default, shows a 
 dropdown box, but that has no other entries in.  This seems to be 
 the setting for the default printer, without any possibility of 
 changing any properties/settings.

 Hope someone can use this to come up with an answer for you



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 Dear Anne,

 Thank you for this added info. Mine does the same thing from 
 browsers, but does not print. I am sure there has to be a simple 
 solution. Thanks.



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Creating Netscape 7.0 Kicker icon

2002-09-24 Per discussione Chris Edwards

I am going to assume that you know next to nothing about Linux. The 
following steps, while simple individually, are numerous. They will, 
however, make your life easier in the long run.

Step 1 - Confirm location of Netscape 7.0
1 - Click Kmenu, then Home Directory.
2 - Browse to: /usr/local/netscape/
3 - Click on the file: netscape
4 - This should be the file that starts Netscape 7.0. If you cannot find 
this file or Netscape does not start email me right away so I can help.

Step 2 - Confirm location of Netscape 7.0 icon
1 - Browse to: /usr/share/pixmaps/
2 - There should be a file called: Netscape.xpm
3 - From the file menu choose: View, Preview, images. (This should show 
you that this is Netscape icon with the big N straddling the globe).

Step 3 - Create a Netscape 7.0 icon in you're Kmenu (like MS Windows 
Start Menu button).
1 - Click Kmenu, Configuration, Other, Menudrake.
2 - Click on the plus beside networking, then WWW.
3 - Click on WWW to highlight this level in the menu.
4 - Just above click: Add entry.
5 - Just below (and to the right) in the Title field type: Netscape
5 - In the Long title field type (this will be your mouse hover text): 
Netscape 7.0
6 - In the Command field type (all lowercase): /usr/local/netscape/netscape
7 - Just below click on the no icon box.
8 - Just above click on the Path: box and select Gnome.
9 - Scroll down the list of icons presented and select the file: 
10  - Click OK.
11 - Click Save.
12 - Click the window's Close button.

Step 6 - Create a Netscape 7.0 icon in you're Kicker panel (like MS 
Windows taskbar).
1 - Right Click the Kmenu (K superimposed on a gear: aka Start Menu).
2 - Click Panel, Add, Button, Networking, WWW, Netscape.
3 - Right click this newly created icon and drag to move it where you 
want it.

Chris Edwards

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'mgetting pretty pissed off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 20:06, FemmeFatale wrote:
 One of these days when I Can completely stop using windows I will enjoy it 
 very much.
 OTOH, this affects Linux too apparently so... what to do ?
 *sigh*  I need an OS that won't fuck me over ... and ditto for 
 manufacturers  politicians.  Nice dream I know...

I've got some more stuff that may be of interest to you here, Femme. 
Plus some comments for everyone --


Excerpts from the above article:

Advanced Micro Devices will include Microsoft's Palladium trusted --
meaning Microsoft-approved software only -- support in its next
generation of chips,  according to published reports.

The Opteron chip, to be released in 2003, will refuse to run
applications or display content that has not been digitally signed by
Microsoft or one if its designees. This, Microsoft says, will increase
security. Certainly it will increase the security of Microsoft
Corporation and its shareholders

AMD has been working toward Palladium compliance for some time as a
result of pressure from the motion picture and music industries..

It is envisaged that once the TCPA system is fully functioning, our PCs
would quietly report to authorities any unauthorised content on our
machines. PCs and other devices would also refuse to play content, such
as a music CD, tied to another device, and may be instructed by a remote
server to delete information from the owner's hard drive

If legislation sponsored by Sen. Ernest Hollings, Democrat of South
Carolina, is approved, there could be federal prison time awaiting
anyone who disables security features his legislation would mandate.
The bill calls for adoption of whatever is the industry standard
technology for protecting the copyrighted work of movie and music
companies, which more and more looks as if it will be Palladium..

(Me again..) So the synopsis is that since they (M$) consider it too
expensive or too much work or that Linux is way too competitive
securitywise, they then will simply fill the security gap by using
hardware features to spy on your personal computing activities.  They
will then save much money by getting the federal government to use it's
workforce (the FBI) to go after people who break the DMCA (which is a
piece of shit violation of your rights in the first place).

So basically the US government will now go after whoever they label a
cyberterrorist, instead of M$hit fixing their software responsibly on
their own.  In other words, Palladium and the US government are now
taking up M$hit's slack in security.  The force of law will now make up
for M$hit's horrendously bad software.  Thru lobbied legislation(lobbied
by M$ and Hollywood), the force of law is now behind M$hit.

Consider too the inside track on the method by which the DMCA is
currently enforced:


If you think you're not being tracked or watched, think again.  Your
anonymous proxy is no protection.  Neither are your spoofed packets.

The point that we all must remember is not to sit back and say, Heck,
they are just going to get hacked again; they'll never learn...

That's not going to work.  Because eventually everyone who does a port
scan or who circumvents Palladium will be in jail.  Don't think you are
immune.  The real answer is to change the legislation by getting
involved with the Electronic Frontier Foundation and following their
recommendations.  The way to get them where it hurts is to carry the
fight to your representatives.

Good Luck,


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Cool linux clothing?

2002-09-24 Per discussione et

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 05:46 pm, you wrote:
   I've looked all over and I haven't found anything that really catches my
 eye or has a catchy slogan or phrase. With all of the activity creating
 themes and everything else to personalize linux the way we want, I thought
 it would be easy to find tshirts that show my love for linux when I'm out
 and about... but no such luck.
   Thus I ask for your assistance in helping me track down some snazzy t's.
 I'd like t's that have something to do with Mandrake, Linux in general,
 anti-MS, or something along those lines. I currently have a Debian swirl
 shirt that I bought way back when I played around with Debian but it's
 getting a little faded (and I haven't used Debian in quite some time).

 TIA for your help!!
you have, of course, checked the nice tee shirts and hats at the 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'm getting pretty pissed off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Barry Michels

I'm trying to do the same thing in my company.  I'll never be able to
totally convert over to Linux because of the closed-source software we have
to run is only available for Windows.  But, I've installed a Linux machine
as a router (up 83 days and counting).  This week, I'm going to convert our
old server into a file  printer sharing server.  Maybe one day I'll be able
to replace our Exchange server with something under Linux...

Slowly, but surely.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 2:52 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'm
getting pretty pissed off with...

 I got lucky,,, my position has some perks, and I use all of them to
 the coolness of linux..

 My boss knows I am a nut for it, and HE asked me if I could replace all
 their windows/office machines, with linux variants..

 So I am starting with one machine, see if I can make it as useful, and if
 they are happy with the result, then we can put it on all of them... very
 cool  :-)

 The more business and home users we initiate to linux, the harder it will
 for M$ to use paladium to reinforce their monopoly.. (and collect info



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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-24 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday September 24 2002 10:53 am, Marcia wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:

 Dear Tom  Charles,

 I just sent a post that should show up mentioning that I downloaded
 the patch. It is a text file and I do not know what to do with it
 being the newbie that I am.

I already replied to that post, you'll probly see it before this

 Anyway, I am wondering if I just would
 download and install the Xfree 4.2.1 if that would resolve the

Highly doubtful

  Any thoughts about this? My video is the onboard video
 which is I believe the integrated Savage 8 2D/D3 video Accelerator,
 32MB shared memory.  Is there a specific driver for this that would
 improve things or would the latest XFree resolve it? Thanks for any
   Should be covered from XFree-3.3.x on up, it's nothin new, sort'a 
old. BUT, since it's onboard and sharing system ram, there should be an 
append in lilo (or grub) to let the kernel know.  IE, since you have 
512 MB's of installed ram, then there should be an append statement (or 
part of it) in lilo sayin no more than   mem=480M  (eg, 512 -32).  I 
doubt this is your 'Constant computer crashes' problem tho. See my 
other reply, I suspect it's not a video problem anyhow. 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'mgetting pretty p'o'd off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Lanman

Uh, I think it's the first one, but what the hell, either one works for


On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 17:42, Charlie M. wrote:
 On Tuesday 24 September 2002 3:21 pm, Dan LaBine wrote:
  Sorry Charlie! Meant to send my last reply to Franki!
  My bad!
 big snip
 No harm no foul. Or is that fowl? :-)

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Dan LaBine
Maximum Lans
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'mgetting pretty pissed off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Lanman

Here's a thought. Perhaps we should start billing Microsoft for the
increase in Bandwidth consumption that these quiet little reports will
generate? After all, a large network in a corporate office will
certainly increase their bandwidth consumption if the office PC's are
constantly sending reports. 

What about hitting them with an invasion of privacy lawsuit? There's
gotta be something that can be done? Where's Robert Stallman's phone
number when you need it? 

Maybe the easiest way to Fix it is to create a Bogus service on a
Linux PC that fakes the replies to the reports, as if they connected to
an authentic server? Firewalling the ports used by content reporter
software wouldn't help, as they would refuse to launch the app or media

Any thoughts? What if we hit AMD with a flood of complaints?


On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 18:27, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 20:06, FemmeFatale wrote:
  One of these days when I Can completely stop using windows I will enjoy it 
  very much.
  OTOH, this affects Linux too apparently so... what to do ?
  *sigh*  I need an OS that won't fuck me over ... and ditto for 
  manufacturers  politicians.  Nice dream I know...
 I've got some more stuff that may be of interest to you here, Femme. 
 Plus some comments for everyone --
 Excerpts from the above article:
 Advanced Micro Devices will include Microsoft's Palladium trusted --
 meaning Microsoft-approved software only -- support in its next
 generation of chips,  according to published reports.
 The Opteron chip, to be released in 2003, will refuse to run
 applications or display content that has not been digitally signed by
 Microsoft or one if its designees. This, Microsoft says, will increase
 security. Certainly it will increase the security of Microsoft
 Corporation and its shareholders
 AMD has been working toward Palladium compliance for some time as a
 result of pressure from the motion picture and music industries..
 It is envisaged that once the TCPA system is fully functioning, our PCs
 would quietly report to authorities any unauthorised content on our
 machines. PCs and other devices would also refuse to play content, such
 as a music CD, tied to another device, and may be instructed by a remote
 server to delete information from the owner's hard drive
 If legislation sponsored by Sen. Ernest Hollings, Democrat of South
 Carolina, is approved, there could be federal prison time awaiting
 anyone who disables security features his legislation would mandate.
 The bill calls for adoption of whatever is the industry standard
 technology for protecting the copyrighted work of movie and music
 companies, which more and more looks as if it will be Palladium..
 (Me again..) So the synopsis is that since they (M$) consider it too
 expensive or too much work or that Linux is way too competitive
 securitywise, they then will simply fill the security gap by using
 hardware features to spy on your personal computing activities.  They
 will then save much money by getting the federal government to use it's
 workforce (the FBI) to go after people who break the DMCA (which is a
 piece of shit violation of your rights in the first place).
 So basically the US government will now go after whoever they label a
 cyberterrorist, instead of M$hit fixing their software responsibly on
 their own.  In other words, Palladium and the US government are now
 taking up M$hit's slack in security.  The force of law will now make up
 for M$hit's horrendously bad software.  Thru lobbied legislation(lobbied
 by M$ and Hollywood), the force of law is now behind M$hit.
 Consider too the inside track on the method by which the DMCA is
 currently enforced:
 If you think you're not being tracked or watched, think again.  Your
 anonymous proxy is no protection.  Neither are your spoofed packets.
 The point that we all must remember is not to sit back and say, Heck,
 they are just going to get hacked again; they'll never learn...
 That's not going to work.  Because eventually everyone who does a port
 scan or who circumvents Palladium will be in jail.  Don't think you are
 immune.  The real answer is to change the legislation by getting
 involved with the Electronic Frontier Foundation and following their
 recommendations.  The way to get them where it hurts is to carry the
 fight to your representatives.
 Good Luck,
 Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
 Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
 Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to 

Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 12:19 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 Yeah, I have just downloaded the 2/3 isos, but I have bad news for those
 using an old CD writer like me (HP 8100i): The isos are too big for the
 writers. I have used 700MB CD's, but have never been able to burn over the
 690MB's. The first 2 images contain data that is around the 693 and 699

 I have mounted the 2 images, and see quite a few things I would never use.
 I only need to free up a few MB's per CD.

 How could I go about properly deleting these to bring down the ISO-sizes to
 burnable sizes? Mount the ISO, copy the files to a temp directory, delete
 the couple of files, then remake an ISO. But, how would I successfully go
 about making a bootable CD?

 Does anyone have any experience with re-creating Distro-CD's?

 I'm sure I won't be the only one with this problem, so any knowledgeable
 advice would be great :-)

I can not access any servers in England and all the other mirrors are still 
showing the 9/18 rc3 versions on them so it looks like someone is spoofing or 
English mirrors have an exclusive the URL given earlier is not accessable any 
more, at least by my machine.  We will have to wait another day or two?
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] demo UT 2003 released

2002-09-24 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 03:40 pm, s wrote:
 On Tuesday 24 September 2002 03:20 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
   i'm really looking forward to 9.0
  don't get too wound up about 9.0 just yet cause supermount is a
  little dodgy where the CDROM is concerned. In order to install
  Unreal Tournament on RC3 I had to disable supermount on the CDROM
  and then recreate the fstab entry for the damn thing and mount it
  as in the old days from the command line to get the game to

 yeah, me too.  To get any game to install I keep having to do this.
 Actually I disable -i right after install anymore, and I always have
 to fix the fstab cause my dvd  burner are never set up right.
 That's not a complaint cause it takes like 30 seconds to fix, just
 passing on info.
Funny, I don't do any of the above as far as the demo goes. Are you talking 
about the actual store bought UT2003 CD or a d/l version?
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Franki

Its working for me, I just downloaded the first CD from the listed FTP

will burn it later...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 12:19 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 Yeah, I have just downloaded the 2/3 isos, but I have bad news for those
 using an old CD writer like me (HP 8100i): The isos are too big for the
 writers. I have used 700MB CD's, but have never been able to burn over the
 690MB's. The first 2 images contain data that is around the 693 and 699

 I have mounted the 2 images, and see quite a few things I would never use.
 I only need to free up a few MB's per CD.

 How could I go about properly deleting these to bring down the ISO-sizes
 burnable sizes? Mount the ISO, copy the files to a temp directory, delete
 the couple of files, then remake an ISO. But, how would I successfully go
 about making a bootable CD?

 Does anyone have any experience with re-creating Distro-CD's?

 I'm sure I won't be the only one with this problem, so any knowledgeable
 advice would be great :-)

I can not access any servers in England and all the other mirrors are still
showing the 9/18 rc3 versions on them so it looks like someone is spoofing
English mirrors have an exclusive the URL given earlier is not accessable
more, at least by my machine.  We will have to wait another day or two?
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which I'mgetting pretty pissed off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Franki

We SHOULD all complain to AMD, most of the open source people love and
support AMD.

It would be very sad if they turned their back on us now...

If they do, then I might be tempted to swap to a mac platform.

The funny thing is that M$ and the recording/movie companies think that just
stamping out piracy will massively increase their bottom line, but thats
just not true.. I very much doubt that people with 15gigs of MP3's on their
drives would have bought them all if they couldn't have downloaded them..

Ditto with M$, people who use priated copies of office would most likely use
a cheaper office product like OEM lotussuite or something.. (like openoffice
or staroffice now..)

Thats just my impression, but I really think that even if they do stamp out
piracy completely, they will not see their bottom line increase by a
similiar amount...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lanman
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too, which
I'mgetting pretty pissed off with...

Here's a thought. Perhaps we should start billing Microsoft for the
increase in Bandwidth consumption that these quiet little reports will
generate? After all, a large network in a corporate office will
certainly increase their bandwidth consumption if the office PC's are
constantly sending reports.

What about hitting them with an invasion of privacy lawsuit? There's
gotta be something that can be done? Where's Robert Stallman's phone
number when you need it?

Maybe the easiest way to Fix it is to create a Bogus service on a
Linux PC that fakes the replies to the reports, as if they connected to
an authentic server? Firewalling the ports used by content reporter
software wouldn't help, as they would refuse to launch the app or media

Any thoughts? What if we hit AMD with a flood of complaints?


On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 18:27, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 20:06, FemmeFatale wrote:
  One of these days when I Can completely stop using windows I will enjoy
  very much.
  OTOH, this affects Linux too apparently so... what to do ?
  *sigh*  I need an OS that won't fuck me over ... and ditto for
  manufacturers  politicians.  Nice dream I know...

 I've got some more stuff that may be of interest to you here, Femme.
 Plus some comments for everyone --


 Excerpts from the above article:

 Advanced Micro Devices will include Microsoft's Palladium trusted --
 meaning Microsoft-approved software only -- support in its next
 generation of chips,  according to published reports.

 The Opteron chip, to be released in 2003, will refuse to run
 applications or display content that has not been digitally signed by
 Microsoft or one if its designees. This, Microsoft says, will increase
 security. Certainly it will increase the security of Microsoft
 Corporation and its shareholders

 AMD has been working toward Palladium compliance for some time as a
 result of pressure from the motion picture and music industries..

 It is envisaged that once the TCPA system is fully functioning, our PCs
 would quietly report to authorities any unauthorised content on our
 machines. PCs and other devices would also refuse to play content, such
 as a music CD, tied to another device, and may be instructed by a remote
 server to delete information from the owner's hard drive

 If legislation sponsored by Sen. Ernest Hollings, Democrat of South
 Carolina, is approved, there could be federal prison time awaiting
 anyone who disables security features his legislation would mandate.
 The bill calls for adoption of whatever is the industry standard
 technology for protecting the copyrighted work of movie and music
 companies, which more and more looks as if it will be Palladium..

 (Me again..) So the synopsis is that since they (M$) consider it too
 expensive or too much work or that Linux is way too competitive
 securitywise, they then will simply fill the security gap by using
 hardware features to spy on your personal computing activities.  They
 will then save much money by getting the federal government to use it's
 workforce (the FBI) to go after people who break the DMCA (which is a
 piece of shit violation of your rights in the first place).

 So basically the US government will now go after whoever they label a
 cyberterrorist, instead of M$hit fixing their software responsibly on
 their own.  In other words, Palladium and the US government are now
 taking up M$hit's slack in security.  The force of law will now make up
 for M$hit's horrendously bad software.  Thru lobbied legislation(lobbied
 by M$ and Hollywood), the force of law is now behind M$hit.

 Consider too the inside track on the method by which the DMCA is

Re: [newbie] Creating Netscape 7.0 Kicker icon

2002-09-24 Per discussione s

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 05:22 pm, Chris Edwards wrote:
 I am going to assume that you know next to nothing about Linux. The
 following steps, while simple individually, are numerous. They
 will, however, make your life easier in the long run.

Shoot that's an aweful lot of clicking.  I right click on desktop  
add link to new app.  then in properties for title type Netscape and 
click on the empty (or generic) icon box and pick out the netscape 
icon.  Then under execute  command type:  
/usr/local/netscape/netscape (or just netscape since I made a link to 
it called /usr/bin/netscape for ymessenger  such), and click ok.  
Then just drag it to panel/kicker and then delete it.

OR download Texstar's netscape version and it puts an entry in the 
menus from which you can add a panel icon the traditional way.  His 
also has java, flash, acroread  real player plugins etc.   This is 
really the way to go.  He has even put a synthesis.hdlist.cz in his 
directory where you can add it as a source for uprmi/rpmdrake.  :)

but thanks for your input as I'm sure many will like your way and your 
howto format.

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Re: [newbie] More reasons to Hate M$hit. Creative too,which I'm getting pretty p'ed off with...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Charlie M.

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 4:27 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

I know it won't do anything except make me feel better. However this is a copy 
of an e-mail I sent to the AMD hardware support address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
earlier today with the subject line:

AMD, Microsoft, Palladium, and the future.

Since I have no idea to whom this should be directed I'll send it to the 
generic hardware support address.

I have been reading in the tech press for some time regarding AMD's plans to 
include support for Microsoft and their Palladium or Trusted Computing 

I will state unequivocally that should this come to pass I will be a former 
customer of yours; as I was once a customer of Intel's, Microsoft's,  
Anti-Virus vendors (pick one), the music industry, the film industry, etc.

I refuse to be bullied and indirectly accused of terrorism or thievery because 
I choose to play a compact disk or a DVD; that I purchased, on my computer. I 
refuse to allow Microsoft, the BSA, or any government agency, snoop through 
my personal files just because I might have kept a copy of a song from one of 
those disks in a compressed format on one of my hard drives for convenience. 
Once I have paid my money to use someone's Intellectual Property for an 
individual copy of the work I find it ludicrous that I must; in effect, 
request permission every time I wish to peruse the movie, listen to the 
recording, write a document, or boot the operating system of my choice on 
hardware that I own. Microsoft's Everlasting Usurious Lease Agreement is 
the primary reason I will never again load that corporation's software on a 
machine that is under my control.

Your bowing to them in order to gain some soi disant advantages will be the 
reason I am no longer an AMD customer. It may be your undoing. Many of us 
read 1984 © and remembered what we read. Anything that smacks of Big 
Brother is so distasteful it's possible that it may become a cause 
celebre. Can you say Boycott? By every GNU/Linux user on the planet? 

Anything is possible.

I know the thoughts a message such as this generate in the recipient's mind; 
he's one consumer, probably one of those Cancerous operating system 
users/advocates, a hermit that is socially inept and reclusive, with no 
friends or influence. Or possibly just a rabble rousing trouble maker. 
Probably doesn't spend all that much on hardware anyway, right? 

Guess again; and I'll answer that with this question:

How many of us are there? Can you afford to offend us all?

Charlie Mahan
Edmonton Alberta Canada
September 24, 2002

I received an automated acknowledgement, I wonder if a human being will read 
it. Fire retardant suit applied. ;)
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
I profoundly believe it takes a lot of practice to become a moral slob.
-- William F. Buckley

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Re: [newbie] demo UT 2003 released

2002-09-24 Per discussione s

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 06:24 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:

   don't get too wound up about 9.0 just yet cause supermount is a
   little dodgy where the CDROM is concerned. In order to install
   Unreal Tournament on RC3 I had to disable supermount on the

  yeah, me too. 

 Funny, I don't do any of the above as far as the demo goes. Are you
 talking about the actual store bought UT2003 CD or a d/l version?

Well, I think we were originally talking about the dl'd version of 
ut2003, but then got off on other games.  But yeah, especially with 
winex I had to disable supermount and mount manually.  Cause the 
discs just weren't readable even by ls in console.  I'd get:  
'the filename is unreadable :  no such file or directory' error.  
But of course it wasn't necessary for the downloadable demo.

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Re: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-24 Per discussione Scott Felton

On Friday 20 September 2002 08:09 pm, you wrote:

  Many people suggested a FAT32 common area to read/write files between
  Linux and WindowsXP but I can't do that here. The Windows disk that came
  with my machine will only install using NTFS and it takes the entire 40g
  hard drive for itself with no consideration for what may already be on
  the disk. I haven't found a (free) tool that will let me claim back some
  of that space to use as anything other than NTFS.
  I will have the last laugh when I put my final chosen Linux dist on here
  using both 40g disks and use those Windows CDs for coasters! (margarittas
  anyone? :)

 I've _heard_ of an alternative to Partition Magic (either freeware or
 relatively inexpensive shareware) that does the same things as PM. I
 _believe_ it's called Ranish Partition Manager. That would be one way of
 setting up a FAT32 common data area. (Weasel words underlined because I've
 never used it.. Hell, I'm not even sure if I've got the name spelled
 correctly.) Be cautious, but it might be worth a Google.
 -- cmg

Thanks for that info Carroll. It didn't look like the Ranish Partition 
Manager was going to work for me on NTFS but I did start searching and found 
a shareware product (BootitNG) that *did* let me resize my WinXP NTFS volume, 
add a Fat32 volume to act as a go-between area. It is also a boot manager so 
I can dual boot WinXP or Mandrake. Now Windows has the size partition it 
deserves.4g out of 80 :)

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[newbie] What can I save from 8.2?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Scott Felton

I have a fairly new install of Mandrake 8.2. If (when) I decide to upgrade to 
9.0 what should I or can I save? Is it easier to start from scratch or can I 
save what is in my /home directory? I'm just not sure if eveything in /home 
would be compatible with whatever would be installed during an upgrade to 9.0?

I have seperate partitions for:
and a 300m swap partition.

Starting from scratch is not a big issue but I thought I'd get some opinions 
and advice. My machine is a just for fun workstation.

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[newbie] Panel Applet - unadd?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Scott Felton

OK I'm stumped. I've been having a grand time playing with Mandrake 8.2 and 
I've got many things configured to my liking. Then I did this

Right click on panel
Runaway Process Catcher

I now have a smiley on my panel that frowns from time to time. How do I get 
rid of him? I can't find anything in the help files or menus to make him go 
away. TIA...

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Re: [newbie] Another task bites the dust

2002-09-24 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 21:01:47 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I recently installed Gqview, which allows browsing of my photo
 directories.  This week I decided to try my elderly Camedia C1000L with
 Gphoto - it uses a serial connection, you can guess how old it is.  No
 problem - program starts, camera is on list, program works!  Great.  All
 I lack, then, is a program to allow printing several photos to a page; I
 had two or three such in windows. Wait a mo, though - do I really need
 this?  KWord is frame based and should do the job.  And of course it
 does, no problems at all.
 It just shows, I've been using Mandrake for 6 months now, and pretty
 well full time for about four, but still I find myself thinking of the
 windows way of doing things, instead of simply analysing and attacking
 the problem.  I'm pleased to say that most things are solved as easily
 as this, once the blinkers are off.  It's sad, though, that there are
 still a few - very few - things that I can only do in windows.  The day
 will come, though...


John Richard Smith and I were working on a script that uses ImageMagick's
montage to automatically generate a composite image suitable for printing
on a4 paper. The limitations right now are

1. images must all be the same size
2. images must all have the same orientation (unless you plan on
separating them)

It works on an entire directory.



Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within
himself. (Galileo)

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Re: [newbie] Constant computer crashes

2002-09-24 Per discussione Roland Hughes

My mistake, but it still made my system more stable.

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 09:01:16 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday September 22 2002 01:48 am, Roland Hughes wrote:
  The reason for the mem=nopentium in the lilo is that when the
  kernal was developed there are memory commands/coding that refer to
  pentium only commands. If you are running a Athlon/duron which do
  not have these commands they cause flaky/erratic behaviour. Roly
That's the common misconception, pretty much the first rumor based
on nVidia's first reaction to the 'bug'.  But it's not the case, it
was a kernel bug and video driver issue. The kernel was fixed
months ago. I believe XFree86 was also.
 Note: There *is* an Athlon/AGP issue.  This issue has
  *not* been tied to a bug with the Athlon/Duron processors.
  Our conclusion is that the operating system is creating coherency
  problems within the system by creating cacheable translation to AGP
  GART-mapped physical memory.   
Pay particular attention to this sentence,
 AMD's educated guess is that these Athlon/AGP stability problems have
 to do with speculative writes by the CPU and how they can cause 
 indavertent trashing of AGP memory if pages are mapped with

 indiscretion by the OS and drivers.
 All mem=nopentium does is to limit pages to 4k, nothing to do with
 pentium only commands.
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

The directions said to install Windows 98/2000 or better!
 So I installed Linux!

Linux Counter: 241069

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Re: [newbie] galeon and mozilla

2002-09-24 Per discussione Paul Kaplan

Last word on the subject:
Mozilla.org announced the release of their Phoenix browser today for Windoze 
and Linux.  It's supposed to be a real speed demon.  I gave it a whirl on 
Windoze 2K today (haven't tried LM8.2 yet).  My impression is that it was 
comparable in speed to Opera 6.05 (win32) with better rendering of Exploder 
pages.  I had only one crash (on a page that challenged Opera.  At v0.1, 
however, there is plenty of room for improvement...also no preferences 
setting yet.

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] File conversion]

2002-09-24 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 14:53:25 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Todd Slater wrote:
 John Richard Smith saith:
 For reasons I need not go into, I transfer *.JPG files across from
 Windblows to Mandrake and work on them in gimp,and
 when I'm finished I have a montage of prints I wish to assemble
 as a composite.
 I've hit a snag.
 Winblows names it's files in higher case.
 Montage(the programme, part of image magic) seems only willing
 to work with lowercase named files. There are too many to manually
 How can I convert windblows named *.JPG files to *.jpg named
 files on the command line ?
 montage will work with names with caps. If you are doing a directory,
 just use *.JPG instead of *.jpg.
 Todd, You know what it was, it was too damned obvious.
 But upon further consideration, and bearing in mind that
 I will often want to mix and match file images from differing
 sources it is best to convert all my source image files
 to the same file format for ease of processing because
 when it comes to it, the command line is going to get awfully
 complicated if I have to start allowing for more than one
 file format. So upon further consideration  it is best
 while my current camera, epsilon1.3( a cheapie I can afford to
 drop and break if necessary) is not supported in linux, even 
 as a mass storage device, and I must resort to copying across 
 from W2K, to get things organised by converting everything 
 there and then to a single(lowercase ) standard.

Another option, if you're going to be using a script, is to use `find` and
say something like:

for image in `find [yourdirectory] -type f -iname '*.jpg'`  # -iname means
case insensitive
echo $image  list.$$  # the .$$ generates a unique temporary file id
for list

montage [all montage options here] `cat list.$$` outfile.jpg # use each
file in list.$$ as an argument

rm list.$$  # don't need the list anymore


Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
There are only two places in the world where time takes precedence over
the job to be done. School and prison. (William Glasser)

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Re: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-24 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 07:55 pm, Scott Felton wrote:

 Thanks for that info Carroll. It didn't look like the Ranish Partition
 Manager was going to work for me on NTFS but I did start searching and
 found a shareware product (BootitNG) that *did* let me resize my WinXP NTFS
 volume, add a Fat32 volume to act as a go-between area. It is also a boot
 manager so I can dual boot WinXP or Mandrake. Now Windows has the size
 partition it deserves.4g out of 80 :)

Glad to be of help. Anything to whittle away at Bill's empire. 76 gb here, 76 
gb there, it all adds up.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Damian G

 Ok, this seems good news. But the thing is this. I have looked at the man 
 page already, but I don't understand much of it :-( There are some *.img 
 files in the images directory, but I presume these are for floppies. Then 
 there are some files in isolinux, but how and what I would not know.
 The man page presumes that a person using mkisofs actually understands the 
 components of build-up of a CD; I don't ;-)

i finally found some free time to look for it myself, but i can't find it :o(
looks like it's a good idea to re-read TFM after an upgrade...

 I was actually hoping that someone with experience or knowledge would 
 explain what to do, which file to use, and what mkisofs command to use ;-)

oh, no. sorry, not me. :o)

 I suppose this is one of those things that once you have done one, you 
 never forget, but unfortunately I have never come remotely close to this 

most likely.

anyway, I'm positive there must be a way to copy boot sectors from
one ISO to another. i'll dig into it a bit further today.

boot into windows?
what has smashing glass with footwear got to do with Operating systems?

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RE: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

2002-09-24 Per discussione Franki

Well, I think this is the real thing...

I grabbed the first ISO tonight.. (via adsl) and just finished burning it...

I haven't installed it yet, but I booted one system with the CD. to see what
the install screens had to say..

The date on the install screen was Sept 22. (if I remember correctly) and it
made no reference to beta or release candidate... (I have a beta 4 machine
here that mentions beta in the install screen.. but I don't know if the
RC1,RC2,RC3 disks did the same.)

This new one just says Mandrake 9.1 inst 1.

So it seems that its the real thing...

I'll grab the other CD's tonight (free bandwidth at night.)

Then I will try and install the lot

If it really is the real thing, I think I know why they do it. (I mean call
it RC3 instead of the real thing.)
I imagine they would do it in the hope that people don't catch on and the
mirrors all get a copy of everything without all the bandwidth chewing of
10,000 users downloading at the same time.  Then when its all syncronised,
they can simply rename the files and its all go...  I am hoping that I can
the other 2 CD's before it goes mainstream.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Damian G
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2002 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.0 believed to be out (in mild disguise)

 Ok, this seems good news. But the thing is this. I have looked at the man
 page already, but I don't understand much of it :-( There are some *.img
 files in the images directory, but I presume these are for floppies.
 there are some files in isolinux, but how and what I would not know.
 The man page presumes that a person using mkisofs actually understands the
 components of build-up of a CD; I don't ;-)

i finally found some free time to look for it myself, but i can't find it
looks like it's a good idea to re-read TFM after an upgrade...

 I was actually hoping that someone with experience or knowledge would
 explain what to do, which file to use, and what mkisofs command to use ;-)

oh, no. sorry, not me. :o)

 I suppose this is one of those things that once you have done one, you
 never forget, but unfortunately I have never come remotely close to this

most likely.

anyway, I'm positive there must be a way to copy boot sectors from
one ISO to another. i'll dig into it a bit further today.

boot into windows?
what has smashing glass with footwear got to do with Operating systems?

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Re: [newbie] rebuilding from src=no rpm

2002-09-24 Per discussione Angus Auld

 On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 06:49:09AM +0500, Angus Auld wrote:
  I wonder if someone would tell me how to get the output of my terminal to a file? 
I tried adding {filename}.txt after the rpm --rebuild {filename}.src.rpm 
command, but it doesn't seem to transfer all of the output to the file. 
 Tue Sep 24 14:16:38 CDT 2002 
 I use script Angus,  before I start the project I start a script and
 it puts everything done subsequently into a file..it works nice. see
 man script.
 Olly P

Thanks Olly P, I'll check out man script.

All the best.


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Re: [newbie] Panel Applet - unadd?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Richard Holt

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 19:45:15 -0400 Scott Felton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OK I'm stumped. I've been having a grand time playing with Mandrake
 8.2 and I've got many things configured to my liking. Then I did
 Right click on panel
 Runaway Process Catcher
 I now have a smiley on my panel that frowns from time to time. How do
 I get rid of him? I can't find anything in the help files or menus to
 make him go away. TIA...

Keep left or right? clicking on the left side of the little panel the
smiley is on, eventually you'll get lucky and see cross bars and can
drag it off or a menu comes up to allow removing it. There's probably an easier way 
but that's what finally worked for me. 

Good luck,


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RE: [newbie] What can I save from 8.2?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Franki

I prefer to find everything on the entire install that I want to keep,
including home, any config stuff and whatever else.. and put the lot in its
own directory... (say /backup)

Then tar that directory up...:

tar -zcvvf backup.tar.gz /backup

and make yourself a nice compressed tar of everything you need...

then copy that somewhere else.. (off that system or a protected partition)
and reinstall, then uncompress the tar after you have your old user accounts
setup again..

that why file ownership doesn't become an issue.. (since tar files preserve
file permissions.)
Its also a small need way of keeping backup copy of that stuff without
wasting space.

just my theory



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carroll Grigsby
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2002 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What can I save from 8.2?

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 08:04 pm, Scott Felton wrote:
 I have a fairly new install of Mandrake 8.2. If (when) I decide to upgrade
 to 9.0 what should I or can I save? Is it easier to start from scratch or
 can I save what is in my /home directory? I'm just not sure if eveything
 /home would be compatible with whatever would be installed during an
 upgrade to 9.0?

 I have seperate partitions for:
 and a 300m swap partition.

 Starting from scratch is not a big issue but I thought I'd get some
 opinions and advice. My machine is a just for fun workstation.


The conventional advice is to keep /home, and reformat/rewrite the others.
You may end up with some extraneous stuff (but then you're the guy with two
40 gb drives, too), and some settings might need tweaking, but nothing
horrendous should occur. You will lose any apps that you've added since the
8.2 install, but that may not be a bad thing, since dependencies and file
locations have been known to change from version to version.

The Mandrake install does provide an option to upgrade your current
installation rather than do a fresh install. Unless this has been greatly
improved since I last tried it, don't do it. It takes much, much longer to
complete, and you'll probably end up with a lot of stuff that is just taking
up space. While I'm sure that upgrading has its advantages in certain
situations, for a simple single-user system, a fresh install is usually the
best way to proceed. Quicker, too.

While you're at it, consider adding a partition that can be used as a
space (mine's called /archives). You can copy your old /home there, do a
completely fresh install, and then just bring back the stuff that's worth
saving. Works for me.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Icon for Netscape 7.0

2002-09-24 Per discussione Henry Oliver


Hi there!

I am using Mandrake Linux on my computer and I installed Netscape 7.0, but there is 
no icon anywhere on menu and desktop. What is happening on my computer and how can I 
have an icon for Netscape 7.0? I really would like to use Netscape 7.0 on my 
computer..Plus I am using Gnome. Thank you for your help.



The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! 

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I believe that you can right click on the desktop which gets you a menu. 
Select Menu and Link to Application. You must go to the application and 
put the link on the desktop. There you should be able to select the icon.

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Re: [newbie] Icon for Netscape 7.0

2002-09-24 Per discussione Todd Franklin

you'll need to create a simlink to /usr/local/bin/netscape. If I were you,
I'd try KDE, it's much more user-friendly than gnome, esp for first-time
users. In KDE, just right-click on the desktop, create new, and choose link
to application. Browse to /usr/local/bin/ and select "netscape" You can
also create an icon on the taskbar, just right-click and select link to "non
kde application" then it's the same process. to choose an icon, just click
the properties of the link (on either the destop or the task bar) click on
the icon, browse to the netscape icon under system icons, applications. (these
are the default icons anyway) 
Before everbody starts shouting troll, let me just say that my view on kde
vs. gnome is my OPINION. (which happens to be true but I digress  :-) ) ---we're still a free country
(at least for now)


Henry Oliver wrote:
  Hi there! 
I am using Mandrake Linux on my computer and I installed Netscape 7.0, but
there is no icon anywhere on menu and desktop. What is happening on my computer
and how can I have an icon for Netscape 7.0? I really would like to use Netscape
7.0 on my computer..Plus I am using Gnome. Thank you for your help. 
The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! http://channels.netscape.com/ns/browsers/download.jsp
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at http://webmail.netscape.com/ 

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I believe that you can right click on the desktop which gets you a menu.
 Select Menu and Link to Application. You must go to the application and
 put the link on the desktop. There you should be able to select the icon. 

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Re: [newbie] File conversion

2002-09-24 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 16:18:08 +0100, John Richard Smith
 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote,
 Yes. By default, it changes all filenames to lower case. So
   # chcase *
 will probably do what you want.
 Many thanks Sridhar,
 Can I run my results past you again.
 I copied the perl text to a text file called chcase and inserted it
 in /usr/local/bin, as follows,
 root]# cd /usr/local/bin
  bin]# ls
 chcasedivxPlayer*  fsgrab*lexmarkz53@  mplayer*
 compupic@ divxPlayer.bin*  gmplayer@  lxsetconf@
 cvs_mplayer*  e2recover*   gxset* mencoder*
 bin]# cd
 root]# chmod 755 chcase
 chmod: failed to get attributes of `chcase': No such file or directory
 I do not understand ?  what attributes ?

That's strange. Are you still in the directory that contains the chcase file?

 root]# # chmod 755 chcase

The # signifies a root prompt. You are not meant to type it. If you do, it will
ignore the command.

 It didn't seem to mind this.so,
 root]# cd /root/Desktop/mont
 mont]# ls
 All present and correct.
 mont]# chcase
 bash: /usr/local/bin/chcase: Permission denied
 So I went to directory mont and gave all the permissions,but,
 mont]# chcase
 bash: /usr/local/bin/chcase: Permission denied
 still permission denied
 I guess it is something to do with the way the first, chmod 755 chcase
 was rejected, while,# chmod 755 chcase was accepted , could this be 
 correct do you think.Note the inclusion of the # 
 Any further ideas ?

Make sure chcase is owned by root:

  # chown root:root /usr/local/bin/chcase

Then check its permissions:

  # ls -la /usr/local/bin/chcase

Leave the # out when typing these (as I have explained above). You should get
something like:

  -rwxr-xr-x1 root root 3921 Sep 25  2002 /usr/local/bin/chcase*

Make sure the permissions are -rwxr-xr-x (as above), and that the owner and
group are root.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I was never a big thinker. One of my philosophies in Linux has always been to
not worry about the future too much, but make sure that we make the best of what
we have now - together with keeping our options open for the future and not
digging us into a hole. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] What can I save from 8.2?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 08:04 pm, Scott Felton wrote:
 I have a fairly new install of Mandrake 8.2. If (when) I decide to upgrade
 to 9.0 what should I or can I save? Is it easier to start from scratch or
 can I save what is in my /home directory? I'm just not sure if eveything in
 /home would be compatible with whatever would be installed during an
 upgrade to 9.0?

 I have seperate partitions for:
 and a 300m swap partition.

 Starting from scratch is not a big issue but I thought I'd get some
 opinions and advice. My machine is a just for fun workstation.


The conventional advice is to keep /home, and reformat/rewrite the others. 
You may end up with some extraneous stuff (but then you're the guy with two 
40 gb drives, too), and some settings might need tweaking, but nothing 
horrendous should occur. You will lose any apps that you've added since the 
8.2 install, but that may not be a bad thing, since dependencies and file 
locations have been known to change from version to version.

The Mandrake install does provide an option to upgrade your current 
installation rather than do a fresh install. Unless this has been greatly 
improved since I last tried it, don't do it. It takes much, much longer to 
complete, and you'll probably end up with a lot of stuff that is just taking 
up space. While I'm sure that upgrading has its advantages in certain 
situations, for a simple single-user system, a fresh install is usually the 
best way to proceed. Quicker, too.

While you're at it, consider adding a partition that can be used as a storage 
space (mine's called /archives). You can copy your old /home there, do a 
completely fresh install, and then just bring back the stuff that's worth 
saving. Works for me.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] rebuilding from src=no rpm

2002-09-24 Per discussione ollyplaine

On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 06:23:06AM +0500, Angus Auld wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 06:49:09AM +0500, Angus Auld wrote:
   I wonder if someone would tell me how to get the output of my terminal to a 
file? I tried adding {filename}.txt after the rpm --rebuild {filename}.src.rpm 
command, but it doesn't seem to transfer all of the output to the file. 
  Tue Sep 24 14:16:38 CDT 2002 
  I use script Angus,  before I start the project I start a script and
  it puts everything done subsequently into a file..it works nice. see
  man script.
  Olly P
 Thanks Olly P, I'll check out man script.
 All the best.
Tue Sep 24 21:19:20 CDT 2002 

Reading my reply to you Angus, I did not make it as clear as I should
have..It sounds like I was talking about writing a bash script but
script is a program that makes text files. It has nothing to do with
regular expressions and such.

I didn't want you to just put it in the too hard to do file. If you
read the manpage man script it explains it in about a hundred words or
less..it is very simple to use, just type  in a terminal  script
whatevername.txt and hit enter..it will say.  script started (the
name.txt.  When you are done type exit and it will say script stopped.

your file will be in the working directory.

Olly P

  9:18pm  up 5 days, 46 min,  8 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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[newbie] depend on what you mean by different.

2002-09-24 Per discussione et

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 06:11 pm, you wrote:

 Interesting question. I don't know the answer with Linux. I have never
 tried using that old a 486 in that manner: disconnecting the keyboard after
 boot-up, then trying to access a Linux operating system on connecting it up
 again. Last time I did anything like that was in the days of Windows 3.1
 and MS-DOS. If I remember correctly, once disconnected, I couldn't
 re-establish a keyboard connection (with a BIOS not able to stop probing
 for one.) It's been too long for me to remember. I am assuming that Warren
 doesn't want to do a hard boot to gain control again. Is it different with
that I guess would depend on what you mean by different. if what you are 
asking is can I set it up so I can connect to the linuxbox thru the network 
without a keyboard attached to the linux box, and do all the maintanance 
without having to connect it, including rebooting? the answer is yes. Would 
I also disconnect the video display? yes. would I plug any of those things 
back in while the machine was on and plugged in? no. in fact, ever since I 
let the smoke out of some of those little black smoke containers my first 386 
Mobo by connecting the printer with the power on and the box booted. ( I 
guess I had touched a couple of wrong pins together trying to find the 

By the way, where are you located? 


 et wrote:
 I take it the obvious answer of boot with keyboard, then disconnect it
 until next boot is not a reasonable solution?

 On Tuesday 24 September 2002 10:42 am, you wrote:
  If your 80486 CMOS BIOS is that old, where it doesn't offer you the
  opportunity to ignore the a missing keyboard, then that's the way it is.
  I suppose someone may have devised a null plug to compensate. Late-model
  486 boards came out with this capability and that's been the case with
  most motehrboards since then.
  An alternative is to shop around your local conputer stores and on-line
  for a keyboard that has a cover, especially one that locks. IT's and
  MIS's out there must have seen these in their monthly solicitations.
  Check out Processor.com. http://www.processor.com . I have been getting
  their periodical for years. Subswcription is free to those in the
  computer industry. I haven't been at their site in ages, so you will have
  to look to see if they have anything on-line that can help you. Most
  likely, a good computer store in your area would have something like
  this. You could also fashion your own locable cover. If you are gifted in
  that department, it may be the simplest solution for you.
  Of course, the most cost effective answer would be to look in your local
  papers for a used Pentium box. You would get the benefit of a newer
  system and with more upgrade possibilities as your needs grow.
  Good luck...
  Warren Post wrote:
  This is a hardware problem, not a Linux problem. But perhaps someone has
  faced this problem before.
  I've amazed my friends by setting up a Linux-firewall-on-a-floppy in our
  city hall on an ancient 486 that was retired ages ago. But when I try to
  run it headless, it won't boot unless I plug a keyboard back in. As a
  workaround I've got an old keyboard that doesn't work very well plugged
  into the box, but that is both an inelegant solution and a temptation to
  idle fingers. Nor is this an idle complaint: our frequent power outages
  mean that the box must reboot often and reliably.
  I suspect that the problem is hardwired and the only solution is to
  change the motherboard. (I see no BIOS settings that should affect the
  keyboard.) But somebody prove me wrong, please.
  -- Warren Post Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras http://www.srcopan.vze.com/
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  Changed your e-mail?  Keep your contacts!  Use this free e-mail change of
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 Changed your e-mail?  Keep your contacts!  Use this free e-mail change of
 address service from Return Path.  Register now!

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Re: [newbie] What can I save from 8.2?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Scott Felton

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 09:37 pm, you wrote:

 I prefer to find everything on the entire install that I want to keep,
 including home, any config stuff and whatever else.. and put the lot in its
 own directory... (say /backup)

 Then tar that directory up...:

 tar -zcvvf backup.tar.gz /backup

 and make yourself a nice compressed tar of everything you need...

 then copy that somewhere else.. (off that system or a protected partition)
 and reinstall, then uncompress the tar after you have your old user
 accounts setup again..

 that why file ownership doesn't become an issue.. (since tar files preserve
 file permissions.)


Thanks Frank. I've actually installed 8.2 twice now. The second install was 
after I figured out how to resize my WinXP partiton. I took everything in 
/home and burned it on a CD, did a fresh install, then replaced eveything in 
/home with the files on the CD. I can't remember if I did this as root or 
maybe it was the CD files became read only but it was a heck of a mess. I 
couldn't delete mail in Kmail, configure any settings (the old ones just 
returned I guess because the files were read only). Half were owned by me and 
half were owned by root. I did a lot of reading up on chown and chmod before 
I got it fixed! I'll take your tarball method as a better option.

 The conventional advice is to keep /home, and reformat/rewrite the others.
 You may end up with some extraneous stuff (but then you're the guy with two
 40 gb drives, too), and some settings might need tweaking, but nothing
 horrendous should occur. You will lose any apps that you've added since the
 8.2 install, but that may not be a bad thing, since dependencies and file
 locations have been known to change from version to version.

Yes Carroll, this is what I'm afraid of. With so little time invested I have 
very little to loose. I want to avoid having bits and pieces of two versions 
of Mdk on here. I think the only file I installed that wasn't part of 8.2 to 
begin with was Everybuddy (the one with Mdk8.2 wouldn't log on to Yahoo chat 
for me). I may just save some stuff from my /home directory and start with 
all new.

 While you're at it, consider adding a partition that can be used as a
 space (mine's called /archives). You can copy your old /home there, do a
 completely fresh install, and then just bring back the stuff that's worth

This is a good idea if I understand you. If I create an /archive partition, 
copy anything worth saving there, then during a fresh install /archive is 
left untouched when I define my usual partitions/mount points during a new 
install? I guess I would have to mount that partition from a terminal window 
to copy from it after the install? Thanks all

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[newbie] trouble configuring printer ...

2002-09-24 Per discussione Rainer


i followed the instructions in the user's guide and was not able to install 
my printer. when i put in my cd1 to install the packages, i get numerous 
'error in fetching such and such file. i pressed skip because i couldn't 
think of anything else to do. tried auto-detection, manual, and expert modes 
and nothing. any advice? thanks (printer=epson stylus color 880)

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Re: [newbie] Panel Applet - unadd?

2002-09-24 Per discussione Scott Felton

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 09:19 pm, you wrote:

  I now have a smiley on my panel that frowns from time to time. How do
  I get rid of him? I can't find anything in the help files or menus to
  make him go away. TIA...

 Keep left or right? clicking on the left side of the little panel the
 smiley is on, eventually you'll get lucky and see cross bars and can
 drag it off or a menu comes up to allow removing it. There's probably an
 easier way but that's what finally worked for me.

 Good luck,

Thanks Richard. That worked just fine. I never even noticed those little 
stipples next to the icon. I would have been pulling out (what's left of) 
my hair for days!

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