Re: [newbie] Help with memtest and errors. (a little long)

2003-10-16 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday October 15 2003 06:05 pm, Terence J. Golightly wrote:

 I posted last month message me thinks I got a virus.  Well..
 I'm almost positive that I don't have a virus.  I am still having
 the locking up problem and I downloaded memtest ISO burned it to
 a CD and ran the standard tests.  It locked up on test 5 with
 errors in the 5 figures range.  I ran it successfully by starting
 at 5 but the system crashed on 8.  According to the documentation
 on the memtest86 web site, these are the crucial tests that
 shouldn't fail. Indicating that I have a bad DIMM. I read
 something about setting up memtest as a selection from the
 bootloader writing the bad memory blocks to disk and using
 another program/module to tell the kernel to not use that memory.
  Has anybody done anything like this?  If not too involved I
 would like to try it before I buy new.  In the event that this
 route is not feasible for any reason, would someone care to
 comment on the ram that they use and who make quality memory.  I
 know that this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find
 them on the newbie mailing list archives. The search engine
 hasn't worked for me yet. If someone remembers the month I'll go
 back and check it out, no need to add any more bandwith like this
 sentence :).



First, remove the ram and clean the contacts. A pencil eraser is 
good for this. Rub lightly, if it's decent ram the contacts are 
gold. Blow out any dust from the mobo slots. Re-seat the ram and 
check again. Try it in a different slot. If you have more than one 
stick, change the order you install them, ie, swap slots around.  
Still errors? then,

I've come to believe memtest86 is a very lenient ram check. So 
if it found errors, the ram is surely bad, and probly will get 
worse. Best to replace it. In answer to your question tho. Install 
the Mandrake memtest86 rpm on your CD's (you never needed to get it 
from their website). The rpm will install memtest86 and make it a 
boot option in lilo and grub. 

Boot to memtest86, and as soon as it's running, press the c 
key for configuration. From memory, I believe you want to then 
select 6, then 2, then 8. Check the docs, but this should restart 
the test, log and report bad memory areas. Then you can add those 
statements to lilo or grub to let the kernel know not to use them. 
All of this works only if you are running one of the latest 
Mandrake kernels with the 'badmem' patch. AFAIK, that means, 
2.4.22-7mdk or newer. I know for sure the tmb kernels have this 
patch, eg, 2.4.22-12.tmb.1mdk

   I'd just replace the ram, and offer the old stuff to somebody I 
didn't like ;)  You can always depend on Crucial for quality ram.
 Corsair is good too,

   A good measure is to buy better ram than you need. EG, if pc100 
is required, buy pc133. Ditto, pc2700 is required, get pc3200. 
Those are just consumer labels tho. Important ratings are ns 
(nanosecond) and Cas rating. The lower the better. I recently 
failed to follow my own advice, and now I'm stuck with some under 
performing (no bad areas tho) Kingston junk till I get around to 
replacin it.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] 9.2 torrent, I was wrong

2003-10-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
This mornin I got up and was readin my email. Much of which was 
down on bittorrent (sux!), much of which was very positive. So 
what'a heck, I started a 9.2 iso torrent after checking here, to see how many givers 
and getters were online. After the first hour, my upload connection 
was maxed out. Making sending email, even surfing very slow. I was 
getting about 5kB/s down, but uploading 12kB/s up.  SOS, seemed as 
bad as my prior experience gettin cooker iso's with torrent.
Many of the positive on torrent posts, gave the links and even 
posted the edits to tweak bittorent to increase performance and not 
kill your connection for other use. I decided to try. During my 
prior cooker experience, I was usin bittorrent on the CL. This time 
I was usin the GUI.  So I stopped the current torrent.

Seems all I had to do was edit...
   and change

defaults = [
('max_uploads', None, 2,
  ^ this was a 4

 .and limit upload.

('max_upload_rate', None, 6,
'maximum kB/s to upload at, 0 means no limit'),

 The 6 was a 0, or unlimited. My adsl connection is only 128 
kilobit up, about 14kB/s upload max. More likely 12 in the real 
world. So I made the upload rate about 50%, or 6kB/s, 2 getters 
instead of 4.

Made a world of difference. My internet connection became 
completely usable, yet in the next hour after restarting (it 
resumed where it had been stopped) bittorrent started going. Took a 
while to ramp up, but then started getting over 300MB/hour (50% of 
my normal speed). About 6 times as fast as when I first tried with 
the default config.

So I was wrong. Bittorrent does make sense for getting Mandrake 
iso's.  Specially since Mandrake depends on donated mirror space 
and bandwidth, and torrent goes easy on both.  And since the 
reduced upload rate makes my connection otherwise completely 
usable, I intend to keep torrent runnin long after my d/l is 
complete. It's only fair to do so.  Thanks,
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 torrent, I was wrong

2003-10-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday October 15 2003 02:48 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  So I was wrong. Bittorrent does make sense for getting
  Mandrake iso's.  Specially since Mandrake depends on donated
  mirror space and bandwidth, and torrent goes easy on both.  And
  since the reduced upload rate makes my connection otherwise
  completely usable, I intend to keep torrent runnin long after
  my d/l is complete. It's only fair to do so.  Thanks,

 Tom, is there anything special one has to do to connect with a
 tracker? Open a port or whatever, I have a Lynksys router with
 the 688x ports forwarded, but have not gotten a tracker since
 starting yesterday. The folders were  made automagically and
 files for the iso's but they are 0 bits. Any suggestions?
 Grasping at straws to make sure I have this set up right. --
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

   You're not askin an expert ;)  Shortly after I posted the 'I was 
wrong' sentiment, the BT GUI crashed.  Well, it froze anyhow. I 
killed it and restarted. But it wouldn't. Here's the steps I took;

   I used 'rpm -Uvh --force bittorrent-*' to reinstall the 
bittorrent rpms. That didn't do it. Still no go. So

   I did a similar deal with it's deps,  'rpm - Uvh --force' 
   (these are all, 9.2 cooker versions, I'm already runnin)
   Try'd again, still no go. 404. By now I wished I'd never bitched 
about torrent, or said 'I was wrong' and it 'makes sense'.

   Last straw;  I deleted my bittorrent file and re d/l'd it from 
Club. Voila!! (or as we say in TX, walja!!). The damn torrent 
connection started goin again ... right where it left off. So I 
guess when BT GUI froze, an I killed it, my.torrent file got 
screwed. Re-install'n the rpms with --force was probly not needed. 
Re-doin my '' edits was, again, to limit upload, speed 
up d/l and keep my connection otherwise usable.

As I started off with, this bittorBS is new to me, never been a 
fan of p2p anyhow. There's a growin consensus of docs, FAQ's, an 
smart BT people tho. Use the list archives, cooker, expert, an 
newbie, Club links, plus Google for people smarter than me.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] XWC - Undelete?

2003-10-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday October 14 2003 10:39 am, Jason Greenwood wrote:
 Anyone know how to undelete in XWC? I accidentally deleted some
 files I'd dearly like to have back =(

 Cheers All,


File manager you use isn't the question, what file system you 
use is. Anyhow, undelete is not doable, and/or you won't be too 
happy with the results anyhow.  If the files you accidently deleted 
belong to a package, just use 'rpm -Uvh --force package.rpm' (same 
version/patch level as already installed) to replace the missing 
files. See 'man rpm' to see just what --force does. This is just 
about the only proper use of --force. If it was your data or config 
files, restore from the backups you regularly make ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] XWC - Undelete?

2003-10-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday October 14 2003 08:59 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday October 14 2003 10:39 am, Jason Greenwood wrote:
  Anyone know how to undelete in XWC? I accidentally deleted some
  files I'd dearly like to have back =(
  Cheers All,

 File manager you use isn't the question, what file system you
 use is. Anyhow, undelete is not doable, and/or you won't be too
 happy with the results anyhow.  If the files you accidently
 deleted belong to a package, just use 'rpm -Uvh --force
 package.rpm' (same version/patch level as already installed) to
 replace the missing files. See 'man rpm' to see just what --force
 does. This is just about the only proper use of --force. If it
 was your data or config files, restore from the backups you
 regularly make ;)

   Just an addition. There's a pertinent article to the subject 
today at

It's mostly about recovering file systems, but deals with 
undeleting also. If you read the whole article, I believe you'll 
see why I wrote 'undelete is not doable, and/or '.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] ksysguard loses connection to local host TOP Segfaults

2003-10-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday October 11 2003 01:16 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:

 i've never seen this before  am at a loss as to what to do or
 where to look...

 my system was OCed till last night..but vid problems are forcing
 me to look at this issue further...

 i was running Ksysguard to keep an eye on a program that tends to
 have a memory leak.


   From what you wrote, I believe I've had a similar issue recently. 
With the added variable that I run cooker 9.2+. In my case, 
whenever I run pan and d/l from binary newsgroups, I need to close 
pan before I do anything else, particularly with the files I just 
d/l'd, or the X server sometimes loses connection and the screen 
goes screwy or just black. Requires a cold shutdown for at least 30 
seconds to a minute. Safer yet was not to close pan normally, but 
to kill it with Ctrl+Alt+Esc. You might experiment with the same 
for the app you suspect has a memory leak.

   BUT, most problems like this are hardware related. I finally 
found that reducing ram tweaks, specially pre-charge from 2T 
(ticks) to 3, all but eliminates the pan problem. I also set Cas to 
3, and disabled banking just to be cautious. I believe the real 
problem is I foolishly bought Kingston DDR ram recently, instead of 
Crucial or Corsair, as I knew I should'a. So much for payin 
attention to rave Website hardware reviews. Of course with any oc'd 
system, the first step should be to un-overclock, set default 
values for FSB, multiplier, voltages, etc. Seems you've already 
done that.

Don't bother with memtest86. It's not a very good ram test. But 
you could try it first. Too often tho it doesn't find ram problems.
So get run 
 ./mprime -mand choose menu item 17 (torture test). Let it run 
for hours. You're probly OK it it doesn't stop an give a hardware 
error message (seti is not a substitute for this).  As always, heat 
could be the problem if errors are seen. Take the case cover off an 
point a table fan directly into the box.  Try again.  Until 
hardware error (and/or mis-configuration) possibility is eliminated 
first, there's no sense lookin for software reasons for problems.

If you really wanna verify the hardware is solid as configured,
install the Mandrake 'cpuburn' rpm (it's on your CD's) and run the 
module appropriate for your cpu. In your case Femme, I think that's
'burnP6'.  It'd probly be wise to check with memtest86 and mprime 
first tho.  Another opinion (?), I'm beginning to believe there's 
no sense overclocking new systems that are already wicked fast and 
high Ghz.  Hard to admit for an oldtime overclocker ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] annoying alarm on standby.

2003-10-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday October 12 2003 06:52 am, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 07:03, Jerry Barton wrote:
  On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 18:34:36 +0800
  Aidan Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Saturday 11 October 2003 11:33 pm, Charlie M. wrote:
   Thanks Jerry and Charlie for your responses.
   I am very new to linux, and so I wouldn't have a clue how to
   see if I have gkrellm and lm_sensors running, but I'll
   certainly explore and see what I can find.One more
   question for you, if it is a cpu overheating, I can
   understand it doing it after the computer has been on for a
   while, but why would it stop again once i press a button on
   the keyboard to start working again??

 just a guess, the fan is spinning down to save power, but the CPU
 is not going all the way to sleep. (zombies?)

   That'd be my guess also. During standby the cpu is normally still 
busy. Just somewhat lower loads than when the system is up and 
running. For the original poster, some suggestions and opinions;

   In bios you should have an option to disable the fan spinning 
down. Set it to run 100% fan speed all the time. The sound you 
heard from the system speaker was most likely the bios alarm for 
cpu overheating. Probly nothin to do with lm_sensors, and since you 
didn't know what lm_sensors is, you probly don't have it installed 

OTOH, it shouldn't happen. When the cpu temp went too high, 
bios should'a turned the fan speed back up. Could be marginal 
motherboard and/or bios (win)design. Could be due to a thermal pad 
instead of grease being used. Could be a lot of things including 
dust bunnies. In any event, I suspect your cooling (including case) 
might just be barely adequate.

I believe there's a way to alter fan behavior using 'setpci', 
but since I've never needed it, I don't know how to use it. I was 
recently contacted offlist by someone who is using setpci to vary 
fan speeds with load/temp (a bad idea IMO). So there's probly a way 
to force 100% fan speed all the time. 

   Check an see if you have a bios option to enable/disable HLT 
(halt) commands to the cpu. If so enable it, if not the Linux 
kernel HLT signals just might not are being sent to the cpu, even 
if you see  Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.  in /var/log/dmesg

   It could be that your motherboard came with a Windoze CD, and 
winsux software to handle what the bios should be doin at the 
hardware level, fan an HLT wise, ie, (win)designed. Specially if 
you don't have fan speed and HLT options in bios. All too common 
situation in ready made systems or motherboards designed primarily 
for Windoze use. Even otherwise very good ones. IOW's, an 
increasing prevalence of win-hardware and shifting hardware/bios 
functions to software. Billy's real crime.

IMO, all these power saving deals are just gimmicks anyhow, 
'cept for powering down the monitor. Any chip, particularly those 
that require a heatsink, does NOT have steady temps. Instant heat 
spikes in the core are the norm, even on standby. If you reduce fan 
rpms, then the mass of the heatsink base will be hotter than when 
running the fan at 100% all the time. So when the spikes do occur, 
then the heatsink is less able to handle them. 

 If you want to see this happening, run a cpu load gauge (like 
gkrellm). When you see the gauge shoot from under 5% to around 25 
to 50% and higher, and then right back down, the cpu core temp just 
spiked up correspondingly.  Note how often these spikes occur too. 
Almost constantly. This is completely normal behavior, and even on 
standby the cpu still has work to do.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] have we killed the reason we are here?

2003-10-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday October 9 2003 01:50 am, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 22:55, HaywireMac wrote:
  On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 19:21:57 -0500
  Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   Nobody will bite  your head off ...
  that's nonsense and you know it.

 awww just because...

   Ironically, just after I posted this request to move OT traffic 
to the OT list  now I can't post to MdkOT. All my posts 
eventually get returned with

Message from
Unable to deliver message to the following address(es).

Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1)
I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too 

It's a damn shame the only DSL connection I can get is SBC- 
Yahoo.  Yahoo sux, but they handle my mail and I'm stuck with that.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Windows Must be Stopped

2003-10-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday October 9 2003 08:08 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 The recent report by the CCIA gave us an academic viewpoint as to
 why Windows is a blight on the Internet.

 This article provides a concrete example as to why Windows
 machines should be disconnected from the Internet, quarantined,
 and otherwise shut out, wherever possible, until MS decides to
 take responsibility for this outrageous lack of security.,1367,60747,00.html


 According to Tubul, his group controls 450,000 Trojaned
 systems, most of them home computers running Windows with
 high-speed connections. The hacked systems contain special
 software developed by the Polish group that routes traffic
 between Internet users and customers' websites through thousands
 of the hijacked computers.

Well, many big ISP's are doin somethin about M$ users. 
Unfortunately they don't get it right a lot of times. Most all 
medium to small ISP's do nothin. For example, just this mornin I 
got an email from SBC DSL Services.  It said in part,

Failure to act may require us to temporarily suspend
your service.  
Unfortunately, we have reason to believe that your computer
has been infected with a variant of the Blaster worm
(also known as Blaster.D and Welchia) and that it is
continuing to infect other computers. Because of the
nature of this particular worm, you may not notice any
effects right away. However, the worm on your system could
have significant impact on others. It is necessary for us
to request your immediate action in order to help protect
all SBC Internet Services members.
[went on to give M$.com links to clean my computer and to call SBC 
when this was done]

There's not one byte of Microsoft or any other Winsux virus 
transport software installed on this computer. So I called SBC, and 
fortunately got a woman who realized that Linux is incapable of 
getting or spreading M$ viruses. She put me on ignore for a while, 
then came back an told me I should disregard their email, an 
apologized. Said my use of 100% Linux and absolutely no M$ software 
would be noted in my SBC account records. 

Still if I showed up to them as a false positive, I can only 
wonder how many infected Winblows users they miss detecting. OTOH, 
disconnecting many Winsuz users, even just the infected ones, would 
put any ISP out of business. Big or small. Specially since a lot of 
Windoze users refuse to believe they're infected, or do anything 
about it even if they are. Usual response is I'm not havin any 
problems. Besides I have a virus checker and use Zone Alarm. (both 
of which are cruel jokes).  I can only wonder if I might have 
showed up in SBC's logs as receiving infected email from Winsux 
users. Probly most of whom don't realize (or care) that they are 
spreading viruses and fsckin up the Internet. 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] have we killed the reason we are here?

2003-10-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday October 9 2003 08:07 am, Aron Smith wrote:
  It's a damn shame the only DSL connection I can get is SBC-
  Yahoo.  Yahoo sux, but they handle my mail and I'm stuck with

 I had been meaning to ask you about that SBC DSL connection I
 inquired at SBC about DSL and when I said Linux ... Well I'm not
  gonna ask again.

It was either them or cable. I get about 70 channel cable 
service thru the RV park I'm in at no cost. I didn't wanna give 
that up, plus Time Warner cable in this area has a lot of outages. 
So there was a good potential of not havin TV or an Internet 
connection for hours at a time. Cable was out for 6.5 hours just 
last Friday, 11AM to 5:30PM. Also many short fallouts due to sun 
spot activity this far south on the planet.

   OTOH, I believe I know what you're alluding to about SBC-Yahoo 
DSL. Only windoze is supported, and you _must_ use their Winsux 
installer to connect the first time to get a user name and 
password. They won't give you one over the phone. So I had to clear 
my first partition on hda and format it for fat32, install W98 and 
SBC's dumbass installer. Connect and establish userID and password. 
Then I booted Mandrake's 1st CD and reinstalled lilo, booted Linux 
and installed rp-pppoe, did the setup and connected! No muss, no 
fuss ;)  Then I used diskdrake to erase Winsux and reformat hda1 
for ReiserFS ;) PITA, but I only had to do it that one time.

The connection is good. It's 1.5Megabit and averages about a 
steady 145 to 150Kbytes/sec thru Southwestern Bell. Never down. 
Unfortunately mail is thru Yahoo's server,  
and it sux. I get some posts a day after they were sent. Some I 
never see, only replies to them. SW Bell has a Usenet newsfeed, but 
I also use (need) two paid services. Giganews and Athena, mostly 
for binaries. Stuff ISP newsfeeds don't carry (or allow) ;
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Windows Must be Stopped

2003-10-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday October 9 2003 01:41 pm, rikona wrote:
 Hello Tom,

 Thursday, October 9, 2003, 8:37:48 AM, you wrote:

 TB I can only wonder if I might have showed up in SBC's logs as
 TB receiving infected email from Winsux  users.

 Perhaps someone spoofed your address and SBC doesn't know/care
 who really sent it.

Well, I suppose that's possible, but it seems more likely it was 
incomin Windoze emails from lists or privately from other people. I 
run iptables an every scan tells me all my ports are 
blocked/stealthed. I don't run any servers, even webmin. I also 
regularly run 'chkrootkit' an always get a clean bill of health.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] have we killed the reason we are here?

2003-10-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday October 9 2003 01:01 pm, ed tharp wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 08:37, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Thursday October 9 2003 01:50 am, Aron Smith wrote:
   On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 22:55, HaywireMac wrote:
On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 19:21:57 -0500
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 Nobody will bite  your head off ...
that's nonsense and you know it.
   awww just because...
 Ironically, just after I posted this request to move OT
  traffic to the OT list  now I can't post to MdkOT. All my
  posts eventually get returned with
  Message from
  Unable to deliver message to the following address(es).
  Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1)
  I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue
  too long.
  It's a damn shame the only DSL connection I can get is SBC-
  Yahoo.  Yahoo sux, but they handle my mail and I'm stuck with

 damn shame I guess that explains why you did not have something
 to say about;...

   I did, I asked if that was your wife sittin next to me ;ppp
   It failed to get thru tho ;(
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] VIA KT600 chipset

2003-10-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday October 7 2003 01:34 pm, 70233,2610 wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 08:30, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  N B, I've got a KT400a and 9.2. Basically the same chipset
  as the KT600. Everything should work right out of the box. The
  6 channel VIA AC97 works great.  You don't really need a 600
  unless your gonna use a XP 3200+ with 400Mhz FSB (the only
  difference between the 400a and 600).  Both my chipset and the
  KT600 support SATA, but from all I've read, I'd stick to usin
  the ATA/133 ports, and forget SATA with Linux. It won't be any
  faster, probly slower than /133 anyhow.

 Thanks, Tom.  You're right, of course.  The main dif btw the two
 chipsets is the FSB speed.  Its just that I've fallen in love
 with an EpoX board with the KT600.  I got a small grant to build
 (I think that's what the committee liked - sweat equity) four lab
 workstations to run free software and National Semi's Labview for
 Linux, and could probably squeeze in the XP3200+ CPUs, but I sure
 don't have to for this application.  They'll replace six Pentium
 133 machines running Win95! The lab already has an nbd special
 KT333 computer running MDK 9.1.  I know enough to stay away from
 the nForce chipsets.

 I'm thinking of the future too; in two years the kid they hire to
 replace me (at twice my salary) can upgrade to the by-then cheap
 400 MHz FSB CPUs and soup them up a bit.

 You're probably right that everything will work right out of the
 box, but I'm spending student technology fee money here so I'm a
 bit cautious.  I wish I knew somebody with one of these boards;
 I'd bring my Knoppix disk to try it out.  I presume the 2.6
 kernel would solve it all in 2004 anyhow; maybe I can just take
 my time building them since they're not really needed until next


  The only Epox board AMD recommends for the 3200+ is the
NVIDIA nForce2 Ultra 400 

   I'd advise to avoid nVidia nForce chipset boards for now. They're 
no better supported under Linux than their video chipsets. IOW's, 
proprietary drivers that need to be changed any time you change 
kernels. Plus all the other garbage that goes with needin a 3rd 
party closed source tainted kernel.  There's been other complaints 
about nForce + Linux too.

  OTOH, if you've found an Epox VIA chipset board that supports 
400mhz FSB, the AMD lack of recommend might not be that big'a deal. 
Epox makes quality boards. 3200+'s are relatively expensive tho. 
For the purposes you cite, I'd look at AMD recommended VIA chipset 
boards for a XP 2500+ (cheap, about $80). Probly the current 'best 
bang for the buck' cpu AMD currently sells. It overclocks well too.,,30_182_869_4348^7923~63674,00.html

   In any event, I believe you'll do well keeping to VIA chipset 
boards. Their best one's are usually their A series, eg, KT400a. 
The latest stepping, revision, ie, last of the runs with some 
improvements over prior steppings (production runs). But w'ta heck, 
the only way you could do worse is to buy a ready made computer ;)
Then quality is certainly not there, an Linux compatibility is 
suspect also. 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] New to the list

2003-10-05 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday October 5 2003 04:24 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 If the existing drive is WD, don't panic.  I understand that more
 modern WD drives don't have the problem, and while I wouldn't buy
 one, just in case, I would happily try out an existing one.  Back
 up any existing data before you start, and you should have no


   It's the new drives that do have the CRC checking shortcuts. 
Prior to August 1998, WD's did proper CRC checks, were some of the 
best drives.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] New to the list

2003-10-05 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday October 5 2003 09:18 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 It's the new drives that do have the CRC checking shortcuts.
  Prior to August 1998, WD's did proper CRC checks, were some of
  the best drives.

 Now you've really confused me, Tom.  I posted Civileme
 explanation to another list and they said that it was old hat -
 no longer a problem. I guess the answer is if you've got one try
 it, if you haven't, steer clear, to be safe.


Here's the whole story. Overclockers long favored WD, Quantum, 
and IBM IDE drives, particularly WD's. Mainly because they did much 
better on off-spec PCI buses (anything SCSI has problems on an 
off-spec bus). Often necessary to overclock Intel cpu's of the era. 
In the fall of '98, many started complaining of problems and 
failures of WD IDE drives. Research by the more knowledgable 
overclocking gurus, soon revealed that WD had lowered their drive 
specs (8/98). AFAIK their current specs are the same or even lower. 
OTOH, many HDD manufacturers have lowered their specs over the last 
several years, and consequently, their warranty periods.

While Civileme was/is certainly an authoritative source, an even 
better source, the final answer for the WD-CRC checking situation 
is the linux kernel mailing list. It was the kernel hackers that 
discovered the WD problem, and AFAIK, the improper CRC checking is 
still the situation with WD drives. Your research may vary,

I've just avoided WD since '98, but maybe the kernel gurus have 
found a work around for WD's. I doubt it tho (I lurk on lkml), 
since the problem was WD drives depend on (Windoze) software for 
CRC checking rather than including the needed hardware and firmware 
on their drives. It made their drives slightly cheaper and a little 
faster than their competitors drives. For windoze users (and system 
OEM's), this was seen as a Good Thing (and probly why WD did it).

IMO tho, I'd worry more about tainting a Linux system with 
closed source software and drivers, or other forms of win-hardware, 
before I'd replace a perfectly good working WD drive. IOW's, for 
those with WD drives and no problems with them, or traceable to 
them, I wouldn't give this WD-CRC deal another thought. Bottom line 
is, keep backups, all drives today are lesser quality than they use 
to be.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] have we killed the reason we are here?

2003-10-05 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday October 5 2003 03:08 pm, ed tharp wrote:
  That's not bad as a general rule, but I still think there is a
  place for MS-related posts when there is a relevance to
  Linux/OSS, as in the case of the Phoenix BIOS post.
  BTW, please delete the reply-to field in your mail client!
  Sir Robin

 Just so long as I don't have to acknowledge any M$ product as
 'the alpha male'. I might even go so far as anti-anything
 messages should be kept to the barest possible minimum. lets work
 for 'positive' and pro-active solutions

   Hell, if we couldn't rant on about M$ B$, a lot of threads would 
lose a bunch of substance. Most of y'all attack the sloppiness of 
Billy's software, but fail to see how much M$ influence has 
degraded desktop hardware quality and ability over the years. If it 
keeps up I'll probly need to buy server racks to keep runnin Linux.
M$ comments should be embedded in (intending to be) 'helpful' Linux 
use replies. 

   New users' queries to newbie about Linux shouldn't be overly 
scared away with posts about windoze hardare and software 
crapiness an questionable suitability for Linux. After all the 
Linux community is workin very hard to deal with proprietary 
hardware, even M$ software. And doin better each an every day. 
There I agree, tryin be positive an not derogative in replies to 
new Linux users. Problem is, so is the dark side, an they're gainin 
ground. More'n more hardware (even firmware) is becoming more'n 
more M$ and/or proprietary dependant. To quote M$ and many other 
hardware vendors, 'It only works with Windows (XP)'.  

I didn't join in to the M$ bios thread because I considered it a 
'borderline' OT subject, but the recent stories (really old news) 
about M$/bios integration  is nothin new. IBM, Apple, and some 
others have long ago adopted that strategy. Difference is they did 
it with OPEN standards. I doubt M$ will do so since they've tried 
to corral anything they can get a foot in the door with, and EEE 
(extend, embrace, extinguish  or control). IOW's ... CLOSED. 
The real shame is the hardware (or specially in the case of 
win-hardware) SUX!  (btw, the worst bios, Phoenix... has for 
several years since they bought 'em, owned the best .. Award. Think 
of it as OEM it's probly Phoenix, quality it's still Award)

   I too noticed the alpha male remark. It's part of M$'s 
successful brain washin. They've got a lot of the world's 
population thinkin they were the beginning ... and will be the end 
all. Neither of which is/will be true, in spite of many not even 
being aware of anything else, before or after. But OTOH, most new 
Linux users wouldn't be here unless they've already suspected M$ 
veracity an capability.

   As to the subject, there's only one solution. Ignore, don't 
participate in OT for the list threads. If ya wanna spout about 
topics semi or completely unrelated to Mandrake Newbie, please join 
us at
Please realize that newbies are the most important Linux users, with 
their testing, questions, complaints an suggestions. Without them, 
there'd only be M$, and viable much better alternatives would be 
only for a few, an certainly not single desktop users.

   I was reluctant to reply to this thread, as I thought it at least 
semi off topic. BUT this list needs to seriously reduce OT posts. 
Please post Linux accomplishments and or M$ failures to the OT 
list. Specially political, even religious topics. Nobody will bite 
your head off ... you might even convince somebody or two.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Filtered TCP ports 1080-1081

2003-10-05 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday October 5 2003 04:23 pm, Björn Olsson wrote:
 Good evening, or morning or whatever...

 Every now and then I use to scan my machine for open ports. Today
 I visited and did a more thorough scan than
 usual. With all firewalls disabled (Yes, I _did_ disable them.
 Stupid, I know, but I was curious.) most ports showed up closed
 but TCP ports 1080 and 1081 were stealthed. Now, how can that be?
 Could it be that they are filtered by my ISP?


   Try a better scan(s),
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Using K3B making an ISO

2003-10-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday October 3 2003 11:32 am, Josenildo Marques wrote:

   Actually, what is the advantage to creating an ISO image as
   opposed to simply burning the data files to CD?
 I dunno, but I always make an image of data files and then
  burn the image to CDr.  Simple as 'bdcd cd_image'
  (alias bdcd='cdrecord -v -eject speed=4 dev=0,0,0  -data')
  Hell'uva lot easier than any of the damn GUI's ;)

 Hi Tom

 With CDRDAO I usually issue the command

 cdrdao copy --driver generic-mmc --device 0,0,0 --datafile

 Yeah, with Linux there's always several ways to do it. I'm 
aware of cdrdao, but I don't favor usin Disk at Once except for 
iso's. Then I use 'biso NameOfIso'
 (alias biso='cdrecord -v -eject speed=4 dev=0,0,0 -dao')

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Some MS Propaganda for ya (Funny)

2003-10-01 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 30 2003 05:37 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 17:40:45 -0400

 Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I'll look forward to seeing your letter.  Will you sign it JH
  or haywire? ;-) Best,

 *If they print it...* Who knows where it will end up?

 Dear Editor,

 The abovementioned article is so rife with inaccuracy and
 untruth, it is difficult to believe it was not dictated directly
 from Redmond and printed verbatim.

 First of all, the reason Microsoft is the target of most hack
 attacks has nothing whatsoever to do with it's market share. The
 internet suffers unduly because of egregious security flaws in
 Microsoft's operating system, *despite* the fact that most of
 the websites on the Internet and most of the Internet's structure
 is built on Unix, Linux, and other non-Microsoft platforms. The
 internet continues to function in a useable manner day-to-day
 only because the non-Microsoft software that it runs on is able
 to cope with the load that Microsoft vulnerabilities generate.

 This bit of propagandistic fluff is clearly an editorial response
 to the report issued recently by the Computer and Communications
 Industry Association, which quite rightly heaps almost all of the
 blame for the woes of the average user's Internet experience
 squarely where it belongs: Microsoft. The fact that said report
 is not mentioned *once* is in itself a glaring oversight on the
 part of the journalist.

 Microsoft's corporate culture is characterized by inattention to
 security, and has been for decades, not the hardware
 manufacturers, not vendors of Unix products, not the Open Source
 community, only Microsoft.

 This is why, increasingly, Governments across the globe are
 turning to alternatives to Microsoft, not only for the reduced
 costs and less restrictive licensing terms, but out of concern
 for their security. The U.S. govenment itself is turning to Linux
 to power it's most secure operations, such as the N.S.A.

 I would hope that Mr. Lohr, supposedly the author of this
 article, do more and better research to get his facts straight in
 the future.

 T Bruce Milne

All right, where is the real JoeHill?   ;)

BTW, M$ servers are currently 23.5% of all web servers and their 
share has been in decline over the last year.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] installing a fix for x86

2003-09-16 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 16 2003 02:46 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 20:36:13 +0100

 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  BTW: Mandrake 9.2 is (currently) using XFree86-4.3-23mdk


 I'm still not good for understanding the versioning numbers

 I have XFree86-devel-4.3-5mdk, so is XFree86-4.3-23mdk ahead for

 4.3 is the version number, -23mdk is the patch level. You could 
interpet patch level as bug fix, security fix, compatibility with 
other packages, fix a typo in the description, change deps and/or 
requires, .

 kdebase is up to patch level -78, a new height even for Laurent ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 already out?

2003-09-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 11:25 pm, David E. Fox wrote:
  Last I heard... September 20th, probly the announcement on
  the 22nd. AFAIC, it's already ready. Install RC2, update to

 I've been upgrading via urpmi to cooker contiinually since I
 upgraded from RC1, so I figure I alrady have at least RC2. When
 was RC2 released? I haven't managed yet to burn RC2 disks, and
 will be on vacation so maybe final will be out by the time I get
 back (9/21).

 Judging from the activity in urpmi, there's a lot of changin'
 going on :).

 You're way past RC2 if you're currently updated. Since cooker 
is frozen since RC1, it's just about all bug fixes up till now. 
Unless you've got some weird hardware expectations, it's done, 
_fini_. A lot of the updates (specially KDE, Gnome) are as trivial 
as fixin spellin errors in the rpms' description/change log. Tho 
new kernels are still comin, ie, kernel- is current, but 
kernel- is the current change log. Probly be on the 
mirrors soon.

   RC2 as near as I can tell was roughly a September 4 snapshot of 
cooker. Can't be more precise since the Mandrake internal server is 
always ahead of the cooker mirrors, even the primaries (sunsite, 
sunnet, an now uninett), by a day or so. Sunsite still remains the 
most current, tho I keep hearin they're fixin to retire.

  At this point I wouldn't bother with gettin RC2. OTOH, I'll be 
late gettin the final iso's myself. Got'a go to Talladega an watch 
'em run real loud'n fast next weekend. Hang out with my brother in 
Alabama's temporary second largest city, the 'other' Mardi Gras 
twice a year ;)   
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday September 14 2003 01:32 am, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  Anyway, ya just gotta ask yourself why t'hell you would want,
  or would need to regularly update everything with force an
  nodeps in the first place (?)  Specially cooker

 Is anyone reading my posts?

  Yes, I know --allow-force != --force, if nothin goes wrong, if it 
works as it's supposed to, if the mirrors aren't borked. You 
haven't had any updates in the last month or so remove most of KDE, 
without asking? Remove other files, links, and even directories, 
without askin?

 Let me say it again.  When you run the command above it will try
 to install the packages.  If it runs into a dependency it can't
 resolve it asks me if I want to try to install the offending
 package without checking for dependencies.  I say yes or no
 depending on what the package is and what the possible effects
 would be of allowing it to do so.  If I say no it exits.  If I
 say yes it then tries to install the packages without checking
 for dependencies.  If it still cannot do it because of a conflict
 with an already installed package it asks if I want to force the
 install.  I again have the option of saying Y or n. If I say no
 it exits.  If I say yes it installs the package without checking
 anything.  It forces it to install without any regard for
 breaking dependencies or conflicting with existing packages.

So I ask again, why do you believe that usin --allow-force and 
--allow-nodeps regularly is a good idea?  I'm sure you know what 
you're doin, but IMO, it's dangerous, and could be misconstrued by 
a lot of newbie cookers as a good thing to do regularly. It's not. 
It's not even a good thing to do in the few cases it's needed. 
Better to switch mirrors, get the src.rpm and rebuild it, or wait 
till the problem is fixed in cooker and/or on the mirrors.  I 
believe since cooker unfroze shortly after 9.1 release, I've 
needed/used either --allow option all of about twice. And then just 
waitin a day or so for new updates on the mirrors would've made 
--allow-* unnecessary.

 used absentmindedly.  You have to think about what you are doing
 when you add that extra option (-f).

I have. I added it a long time ago when the mirrors were worse 
than they are now. It only gets the synthesis.hdlist download (a 
few extra seconds), needed or not.  I did it because the hdlist 
wasn't being updated even tho the one in ../base on the mirror was 
newer.  Due to upgrades in urpmi and perl-URPM, it no longer seems 
to have any effect and isn't needed. I've been meaning to take it 
out. But it can't/doesn't hurt anything to leave it in either.
 urpmi.update -a -f --wget  urpmi --wget --no-verify-rpm 
--auto-select -v
It'd be nice if signatures were proper and --no-verify-rpm 
wasn't still needed too. It'd be nice if the mirrors were more 
dependable and --wget wasn't needed also.  But they're not 
dangerous options. And I know Mandrake has little or no control 
over donated mirrors.  In a perfect cooker world all that would be 
needed isurpmi.update -a  urpmi --auto-select

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Installing BibleTime from source

2003-09-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday September 14 2003 10:04 am, Russ wrote:
 Hi All,

 I attempted to install BibleTime from an rpm designed for mdk9.1
 because they had none for 9.0 (which I am running). I recieved
 several failed dependancies. I was able to get an answer from
 them and was told I would probably need to compile it from a
 source code.

Probly, but before you go with a tarball, try to find a Mandrake  
src.rpm. I just looked an found one for 9.2, so they must exist.   
Try an find one closest to version 9.0 and, as root
rpm --rebuild bibletime-1.2.2-2mdk.src.rpm
   (that's the 9.2 cooker version, it probly won't work)

   If that doesn't work out for you, then you'll need to learn about 
compiling from source tarballs. Start here, read all 3 pages

Hint, when you believe you're ready to compile, use
  ./configure --prefix=/usr   rather than just plain ./configure
That'll put the binaries created in directories normally used by 
Mandrake. Otherwise the program will probly put 'em in /usr/local

   You'll probly have more questions after readin mandrakeuser, so 
holler back ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2rc2 and MD5sums

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday September 12 2003 11:53 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  Thanks all got it this time altho I don't think that 9.2 is
  quite ready for prime time.

 You are right, it is 9.2rc2 which is Release Candidate 2, it is
 not final yet.

  RC2 is also not a release in itself, it's just a cooker 
snapshot. Quite old by now.  There's been a sh!+load of new 
packages since, most all of them bug fixes.  Install a few cooker 
mirror sources, and   'urpmi.update -a -f --wget  urpmi --wget 
--no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v'to get current.

 On the MandrakeLinux web site there is a poll 
 asking if they should use 650MB iso or 700MB cause they can get
 more on the 700. Mentions a lot of good stuff left off, because
 KDE and Gnome grew, IIRC.

Hmmm, been no mention of it on the cooker list, and I couldn't 
find it on Mandrake sites, including the Club.  Could you post the 
link Dennis ? 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] importing contacts into Evolution?

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday September 12 2003 06:40 pm, Merlin Zener wrote:
 ls -l in the /usr/bin directory scrolls off the end of the page,
 and even scrolling back up doesn't go as far as files beginning
 with c, so I don't know. I looked in 'man ls' but I didn't see
 any way to make it just show one screenful of info at a time.

You shouldn't need 'ls -l'.  Check to see, type 'alias ll' in a 
console, EG,
tom $ alias ll
alias ll='ls -l'
It's long been a standard alias that Mandrake uses. To see all 
of 'em (including any you've created) just type 'alias'.

   For displaying large outputs, use  'll |less'  and then you can 
Arrow, Page down, or scroll with your mouse down thru the output, 
either a page or line at a time.  EG,

  'll |less /usr/bin'
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2rc2 and MD5sums

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 12:22 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  Hmmm, been no mention of it on the cooker list, and I
  couldn't find it on Mandrake sites, including the Club.  Could
  you post the link Dennis ?

 Hi, you might of found this by now but here is the site/ it is
 the club site and first on the list of the club homepage.  Sorry
 for the delay getting back to you all.
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

   Thanks, but I can't help rememberin the arguin that went on with 
9.1.  650MB won out in that deal.  I voted for 700 even tho I don't 
really care.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Laptop memory not recognized

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 03:15 pm, Noah A Hicks wrote:
 Thanks all for the input
 After messing around with the BIOS it seems apparent that my
 problem is located there.  After turning off quiet boot I could
 observe the system checking the memory up to 127mb passed ok.
 The memory setting in the bios does not allow me to change the
 value (ie it just displays the number)  Is there any way to force
 the BIOS to recognize my 256mb chip?


   Noah, I've long wondered. I install additional, ram, but on boot 
even the bios doesn't see it. Made sure it was seated properly, the 
clips snapped into position the first time. Still no go. Take it 
out an redo the whole deal  presto, added ram on boot.  Blame 
it on gremlins ;) 

   Either that or motherboards, try changin the order or the ram 
sticks around in the slots. Usually what works best is to put the 
best ram in slot1, then slot2, an so on. I had a board some time 
ago that didn't like this arrangment tho. Slot1 empty, slot2, then 
slot 3, slot4 worked fine tho.

   That said, FedEx has another 256MB Corsair stick on it's way to 
me, so I hope I remember this advice ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] ShockWave for Mozilla ??

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 03:17 pm, Bob Read wrote:
 I've been doing searches for Shockwave for Mozilla on Linux
 but all I'm finding is questions from others.  Does anyone
 have answers they can point to?

 Much thanks,


Mandrake has an rpm,  FlashPlayer-6.0-3mdk.i586.rpm
I've had it for a while in storage, but IIRC you can get it off the 
Club or /unsupported mirrors. Just install it, you should then have 
flash in NS, Mozilla, Konqueror ... with nothin on your part to do.

   Oh, I sux, here's the link
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 10:46 am, Aron Smith wrote:
 Why do so many people in the Linux community think that it is
 cool to use a black or purple or dark blue background on their
 web sites? My 60 year old eyes can't take it.

  Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Aron. Heck, I'm a youngin' 
at 55 ;ppp
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 04:41 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 HaywireMac wrote:
 On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:09:59 -0500
 Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 I know cause I just did it using Tom B.s instructions.
 basically it would be urpmi --update --auto-select?

 Here's what I use to update.

 urpmi -v --auto-select --allow-nodeps --allow-force

 -v to see everything that going on
 --auto-select to update everything that needs to be updated
 --allow-nodeps to allow you to install without checking
 dependencies if needed
 --allow-force to allow you to force the installation if needed
 --no-verify-rpm to keep it from complaining about bad gpg

 That'll do it.

   With often dire results. The allow --allow-nodeps --allow-force 
being the BAD offenders. Here's what I've gravitated to. I install 
several 'trusted' mirrors that I have some current confidence in. 
It's a movin target, now I'm currently usin  uninett, sunsite,, a PLF source (also club-internet) simultaneously 
and then update several times a day with

 tom # cook   (that's all I need to type ;)

alias cook='urpmi.update -a -f --wget  urpmi --wget 
--no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v'  (in /etc/bashrc)

I've found --wget much slower than curl, but more reliable. 
It'll keep on tickin, takes a lickin, when the default curl will 
fail on unwilling mirrors.   --no-verify-rpm   gets by bad package 
signin, still plaguing cooker as they move to a new signature 
model.  NBFD, anyway.   The last -v just gives verbose output. The 
dbl ampersand in the middle just says, 'don't run this next command 
unless the last one completed successfully'. When I see major 
updates I run 'upall' an login/out, restartin the X server with 
Ctrl+AltBspace in between.   (alias upall='rpm --rebuilddb  
updatedb  update-menus -n  ldconfig')

  There are a few situations from time to time when --allow-nodeps 
--allow-force might be called for or needed, but those are usually 
best avoided by being a cookerer. By that I'll just say again, 
Y'all shouldn't be runnin cooker unless you subscribe to an read 
the cooker and CHRM (change log) mailin lists. (I know you do 
Brant, so I'm surprised you cavalierly use force, nodeps), it's a 
must before you do updates. Need for force or nodeps will have 
already been suggested by the developers or other cookerers.   
when called for in rare instances, an then only for certain rpms. 
Just as often as not, the better solution is to the d/l the current 
src.rpm for the package an rebuild it yourself.

The only time I've ever had problems, cooker being my only 
installed system for years, is when I disregard this, my own, 
gathered mostly from others advice. Other than that, it's always 
been better than the last (what some of y'all call) 'stable' 
release. Just takes a little more effort. IE, updating with --auto, 
or a cron job is an equally BAD idea.

Case in point, a little more'n a week ago a very bad initscripts 
rpm update was on the mirrors (shortly before RC2). I woke up, made 
some coffee, an typed 'cook'. THEN read the cooker an CHRPM lists. 
Sure enough, as I could'a been forewarned, I'd just updated to an 
initscripts package that fubar'd many of my /etc/initd* links. In 
my case it also wiped a bunch of /proc subdirs. I should'a read the 
lists first ;(  A fixed package was available in short order.

It soon became apparent that a fresh install of RC1, an update 
to current cooker would be needed for my situation. The whole deal 
was only my negligence. Still, it got me off my butt to take a look 
at the new installer ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 RC2

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 05:59 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Sunday 14 September 2003 00:26, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 I should clarify that --allow-force and --allow-nodeps does not
 automatically install without checking dependencies or force an
 Actually it does! check all the aliases to find out where Mdk
  does all the handholding.
 Thatway you'll find out why rm -r xxx is a PITA on mdk:o)
 rm -f xxx solves that BTW or change the aliases. If you don't
  know how...don't!!!
 That's another one up for the mandrakians:o)
 Good luck,

 I'm aware of the safety net implemented for the rm command, but
 what does this have to do with what I said?  --allow-nodeps
 whether an alias or a true option passed to urpmi does indeed ask
 you before it does its business.  The same with --allow-force.

 See man urpmi:

   Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation
 using no depen-
   dencies checking due to error. By default urpmi
 exit immediately
   in such case.

   Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation
 using no depen-
   dencies checking or forced installation due to
 error. By default
   urpmi exit immediately in such case.

 Alias or not, these are the actions of those options.

   Bet your life on it Brant?  My money's on HarM ;)

urpmi --allow-force --allow-nodeps --auto-select

Will allow packages to be updated, and --ALLOW it without 
checking for dependencies, and will --ALLOW replacement of files 
and directories. I know it's supposed to ask, but it doesn't 
always, _if_ you include force. IE, (from man urpmi)
  Assumes yes on all questions.
  Allow urpmi to ask user to continue installation
 using no dependencies checking or forced installation due to error.   
 By default urpmi exit immediately in such case.

   Often as not it Assumes yes on all questions, or just exits 
doin nothing. The first case can be a disaster, the second case a 
waste of time and bandwidth. These options should not be used 
except in rare cases. Nor should they with 'rpm'.  --force is good 
for re-installing already installed rpms of the exact same version/ 
patch level, to correct links and files. --nodeps is fine after the 
rpm packager admits a fsck'up in his/her %requires, and/or package 
and says it's no problemo.

YMMV, stick around, you'll see ;  alias safety nets have got 
nothin to do with it. (_Don't_ use the --force, Luke ;)   Anyway, 
ya just gotta ask yourself why t'hell you would want, or would need 
to regularly update everything with force an nodeps in the first 
place (?)  Specially cooker

   Better to go gently thru the night
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] configuring a monitor

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 05:22 pm, d2ci1fj g1nf24 wrote:
 I am using a flat screen crt monitor. It is a Logisys LGX-750 crt
 flat screen. I attached the monitor config file to this email.
 Would anybody help me with this? The parts in the monitor
 configuration file that I was wondering about are some of the

There's not all that much to do. It's a generic (plug'n play) 
monitor. So run XFdrake an choose 1024x768, 65k colors (16bpp), @ 
60 refresh rate. That'll work for any 17 crt monitor. 

   What video card?  The monitor doesn't run all by itself ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 already out?

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 07:42 pm, Anarky wrote:
 oh .. ok ... you know .. I think I've looked like half a
 dozen times already at by when 9.2 will be out .. and yet I
 forgot again ... mid september or octomber?

Last I heard... September 20th, probly the announcement on the 
22nd. AFAIC, it's already ready. Install RC2, update to current 
cooker, you'll be as close to 9.2 final as it gets.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] ShockWave for Mozilla ??

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 08:04 pm, Bob Read wrote:
 Thanks Tom.  I have FlashPlayer installed, but it doesn't play
 ShockWave files.

Yeah, meal culpa. I realize I totally had a brain fade an missed 
what you were askin for.  Sorry ;(
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Teach yourself unix in 24 hours

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 09:56 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 Don't forget The Rute Users Guide you can buy a copy or
 download either HTML or PDF version from

 If it's not already on your Mandrake CD's (me thinks its is, has 
been for a long long time), then

 tom # urpmi rute
installing /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/rute-0.9.1-3mdk.noarch.rpm

 tom $ loci rute
 tom $ xpdf /usr/share/doc/rute-0.9.1/rute.pdf
Then you can read it

  (First thing I do after an install is disable the CD sources, as 
they're already obsolete. I go to mirrors to get current. 'Course 
first thing I do with instructions is throw 'em in the trash ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] This is just the most heinous idea...

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 08:32 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 Flunk the test, and you lose the privilege of paying

   I already did. I'm on the receiving end. You don't wanna go 
there. Stay young an healthy ... pay the damn taxes.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 09:23 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Aron. Heck, I'm a
  youngin' at 55 ;ppp


 Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Tom. Always imagined you
 about 27, living inside a computercase, eating disks with
 screwdrivers :-)

 Kaj Haulrich.

  You're only as young as you think. I live in a travel trailer, so 
that's sort'a like a computer case. I've still got my teeth, so no 
need for screwdrivers yet. I do like tortilla's tho. That's as 
close to 'eatin disks' as I get now'a days.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Weird Web pages..Rant

2003-09-13 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 13 2003 06:32 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 17:02, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Saturday September 13 2003 10:46 am, Aron Smith wrote:
   Why do so many people in the Linux community think that it is
   cool to use a black or purple or dark blue background on
   their web sites? My 60 year old eyes can't take it.
Jeez, I didn't know you were THAT OLD Aron. Heck, I'm a
  youngin' at 55 ;ppp

 So you LIKE dark blue on Black ??

  As long as it ain't on my butt.  If I don't like websites, they're 
history. OTOH, I've got a real good pair of Wal*Mart readin glasses 
($8) that sort'a kind'a restore my tired ol' eyes.

   Seriously, they've got kids recruited worldwide that determine 
ergonomics and marketing appeal for these things. Colors'n all. Not 
just Linux web sites. Personally I believe the Winsux ones are a 
lot uglier.

   Face it we're just cranky old fogies.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2rc2 and MD5sums

2003-09-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday September 12 2003 02:01 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 Have been trying to get 9.2rc2 up on a spare box . however the
 MD5sum that whe website has does not match the sum generated by
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] aron]$ cd distros
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] distros]$ md5sum MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso
 MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso [EMAIL PROTECTED] distros]$

 So what am I doing wrong?

   These are the correct ones

9725a5942d84390c691d78f95084b5ee  MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD1.i586.iso
78374f7ff4335f5b46b3cd7d8e2f3e94  MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD2.i586.iso
70de3baa4a1e3f3c0229bed38b237d8a  MandrakeLinux-9.2rc2-CD3.i586.iso

If you have   9.2rc2.md5sums.asc   with these sums, and the 
three ios's all in the same directory, then   
  'md5sum -c 9.2rc2.md5sums.asc'   in that directory will do the 
checks for you, an should just output 'OK' for each file. Check 
again after you burn 'em, as some GUI apps for cdrecord can screw 
things up. Or just burn the iso's on the CL with 
  cdrecord -v -eject speed=4 dev=0,0,0 -dao iso
. The most important part being  -dao.   Check the CDr's with
   md5sum /dev/scd?   
(replace ? with the dev number for your CD-RW)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 3 quick questions

2003-09-10 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday September 10 2003 12:35 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 13:44, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 With this in mind, today after twice rebooting to new
  kernels'finding modules' was instantaneous. Hardly a blink.

 Uh...what kernels are you booting to now?

 2.4.22-7mdkxp7   Actually a 2.4.23 pre kernel, compiled for 
AthlonXP.  But I've never hung on 'finding modules' as far back as 
I can remember.  FWIW, I'm a believer that recompiling kernels is 
of no performance benefit. I only do it recently to test and time 
my new hardware.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] RC2

2003-09-10 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday September 10 2003 11:11 am, Gilligan wrote:
 Is there a way to upgrade to RC2 without dling the iso's and
 creating discs via ftp? I am running RC1 and really would like to
 just dl and install.


   Create cooker mirror sources for both main (RPMS/) and contrib 
(RPMS2/) and thenurpmi.update -a -f --wget  urpmi --wget 
--no-verify-rpm --auto-select -vin a terminal as root.  I just 
did this a few days ago an it took 1.5 hours with a 1.5Mbit adsl 
connection. Still it's a lot less d/l'ing than getting the RC2 
iso's. When you're done you'll actually be well past RC2.

You can use  urpmi.setup   (as root) to easily add cooker 
sources. It's pretty intuitive, you'll figure it out quickly. I'd 
suggest uninett as it's a fairly current an stable primary mirror.
If you then keep your cooker install current, by the third week in 
September, you'll have 9.2 final.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Intel |Unveils

2003-09-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 9 2003 04:14 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 So once again AMD are ahead of the game.So does anyone know of a
 Mobo, and which AMD processor is currently the right choice for
 testing , 64 bit architecture.
 Why will it be some while before it's mainstream PC ? I mean, if
 it works, it works for whatever software ?  or are you saying the
 technical aspects of PC's means it will not be compatible until
 someone does the necessary ?

 I might have a think about trying it.  Just where does one obtain
 the 64 bit M9.2 version anyway, cooker I suppose, but what would
 it be called ?


   Well, I see Charlie already gave you a best answer. The only 
thing I'd add, is there's no sense in havin a 64bit desktop, till 
most all the apps you use are ported to 64bit. Same deal as dual 
processors (SMP). Then expect some of them to run slower due to the 
overhead of addressing at twice the amount. I'll just stick to what 
I said originally, it's gonna be quite a while before 64 bit hits 
the desktop. And 64bit versions of most all distros have been 
available for quite some time  for servers.

As to Mandrake,
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] A Serious Question - Do You Ever Stop?

2003-09-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 9 2003 03:01 pm, ed tharp wrote:
  Costs too damn much $50.00 /lb here (California)

 and do you think it would be worth it if it only cost 2 times as
 much as starbucks?
 not me

   well, Ed, you need to remember that $50 in California is only $25 
every where else, 'cept maybe Chicago an NYC.   $15 in S Texas ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 3 quick questions

2003-09-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 9 2003 06:01 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  1) When booting there is about a 18 second delay while the
  system checks modules.  Is this normal?  All the other steps
  seem to pass quickly.

 20 seconds is normal, 18 is fast. Something MUST be wrong - or we
 can teach you how to set the time-out much higher(JOKE)

 Yeah, that's about normal...

   With this in mind, today after twice rebooting to new 
kernels'finding modules' was instantaneous. Hardly a blink. I 
don't remember it ever bein any different (?). The only thing that 
did ever lag is 'eth0', 20 maybe 30 seconds. I have a dynamic DSL 
connection. BUT, I found changing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ 
ifcfg-eth0,  BOOTPROTO=dhcp to BOOTPROTO=static  makes it zip by 
eth0 on boot in less than a second.  With either config, eth0 is 
still up and working. My edit just gets rid of the boot lag. I've 
discussed it with the Mandrake developers an they're scratchin 
their heads too. This was durin 9.1 devel, but it still holds true 
for me now in 9.2 RC2 + updates.

   Anyways, if your boot is takin 18 or more seconds to resolve 
module deps, somethin ain't configured properly, or somethin is 
weird. OTOH, like my eth0 deal above, sometimes when they're try'n 
make sure stuff works out of the box for everybody, the config's 
and apps sometimes are less than optimal for those who don't need 
the kludges in the first place. I never had the eth0 situation till 
a few complained on the 9.1 devel (cooker list) that there were 
problems with dhcp-client and their connections ;)  They won, I had 
to scratch.  NBFD, eth0 works either way, otherwise you wouldn't 
have to read this ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Blue Bash

2003-09-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 9 2003 04:56 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 07:54:16 -0500

 mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  PS1=\[\033[36m\][\$(date +%H%M)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w]$ 

 second gives me a cyan prompt...but ty.



  PS1= \W \\$just gives ya a good 'ol

 tom $   (as user)
 tom #   (as root)   'tom' is the working directory with either.

   if you edit /etc/bashrc, not your local one.

  Femurs, aren't those leg bones?
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Intel |Unveils

2003-09-09 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 9 2003 02:56 pm, ed tharp wrote:
 Well, I see Charlie already gave you a best answer. The only
  thing I'd add, is there's no sense in havin a 64bit desktop,
  till most all the apps you use are ported to 64bit. Same deal
  as dual processors (SMP).

 I might take a bit of this last one up with you Tom, that be
 there Winblows thinking... about SMP anyway.
 I promise there is a marked difference between an SMP machine
 doing anything in MDK-Linux, and the same machine with out 2
 cpus. in Winblows, including W2kp, and XP, if they ain't special
 SMP aware apps, there ain't no value, but in MDK, everything
 (when really loading up the box) is faster SMP. the visual
 difference is roughly the same as going from 128 meg ram to 256
 meg ram, as UP vs SMP

   OK, we've got an argument Ed! ;)  I talk to people all the time 
(Winblows users), they use their computers (if you can call ready 
made laptops computers) to email, use as typewriter, or surf the 
web. And they think they need broadband an faster computers. Most 
of 'em hunt'n peck like I do on a keyboard, an consult with their 
mouse. When they ask me for advice, I tell'm I don't do Windoze, an 
I don't do laptops. Not one believes that M$ is their biggest 
problem. I don't push the issue. Not even after they say I think 
my computer has a virus. I just offer free Mandrake CD's and 
support as my only solution. But I digress ...

   Twin 1 Ghz processors does not a 2 GHz system make. It's still a 
1GHz system. Same speed, just more lanes on the highway. If they're 
open to traffic (software). Anything above 600 Mhz, single 
processor is good for compiling kernels, specially 'make modules'. 
That's about it.   BTW, with the lastest kernels a few weeks ago, 
my 1.4 Athlon, oc'd to 1.5Ghz, plain old sdram, would take a stock 
Mdk config an 'make modules' in 40+ minutes. Now with an XP 3000+ 
oc'd to 2.3Ghz, DDR 400 sdram @ DDR 427, it doesn't even take 20 
minutes. If it was dual cpu, it'd most likely still take close to  
20 minutes. It surely wouldn't get done in 10.

   BFD anyhow, everything else is hardly at all noticeably quicker.  
My typin is slower I think.  An what makes you think addin ram 
makes a system faster? If the ram amount was adequate to the task 
to begin with, addin more just means it might be able to do more at 
the same speed without VM (/swap). 'Cept for Windoze, then the 
system gets slower ;  Or in all truth, a Linux industrial strength 
multi processor server is slower too with a bunch of ram, if it's 
used close to capacity.  SMP has little merit on the desktop.  For 
loaded down servers, a dual processor system surely wouldn't even 
cut it. Then bunches are called for. Just not on a desktop, ever. 

  So it's not about how fast, it's more a situation of how much. 
Sure multiple proccesors can do more in a given length of time, 
given lots'a ram... but for a desktop, No.  Desktop: UP, run it 
hard an put it up wet. Overclocking will produce much more than 
SMP. They only use one motor on winning race cars. The multi motor 
cars are called 'crowd pleasers', but they're not fast, just showy.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Request Motherboard and CPU suggestions

2003-09-08 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday September 8 2003 11:27 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  Most decent HS's now ship with grease, not pads. There's
  two big problems with pads. They're not as heat transfer
  efficent as grease, and they deteriorate fairly quickly. Often
  in just a few months. The hotter the processor runs, the
  quicker the pads fail.

 I hate to horn in on this Tom, but you made it too interesting.

No problem, the more the merrier. As I said earlier 'never take 
just one person's advice'.

 I would like to add that pads are one shots.


 They are designed 
 for one mounting and one only; after that their efficiency is
 shot. Theoretically pads are supposed to have an advantage over
 grease, but only if you never upgrade. (i.e., remove the heat
 sink and put it back with the same pad)  Also much of the
 efficiency advantage is lost comparatively speaking if you use
 a superior heat compound like Arctic Silver 3, which is according
 to test results the best stuff on the market right now.

Here we differ. The pads are not as efficient. They soon 
detiorate, often gettin dried out and baked, split an cracked, 
almost turned into dust. Even if never disturbed. I've dealt with 
'problem hardware', where the pad had burned away to nothin. Even 
worse, usually on the cache side of the die where it's needed the 
most. Causing the HS to tip slightly, an then not work for the 
other side either. 

   As to 'a superior heat compound like Arctic Silver 3' that's all 
marketing B$. Radio Shack's $3 tube that'll build several dozens of 
systems is just as good. Even the little generic silicon based bits 
of grease they now ship on or with heatsinks is just as good. The 
XP 3000+ kit (I've overclocked to 2323mhz from 2166), came with a 
generic HS that had grease already on the HS's base. I judged it 
too thick an scaped some off. Spread it thinner, cleaned of the 
excess, an attached it to the cpu. Temps are normal for an 
overclocked system. They wouldn't be a half degree lower with 
Arctic Silver. Even in south Texas ;)

 One more suggestion I have, and I think it's the most important
 one, wear your static wrist band secured to a valid earth ground
 while you are inside the machine, so that you will keep your
 computer equipment in mint condition.


I don't fool with those things. Work on the system barefoot on a 
tile floor ... no static. Just touch the case every once'n a while 
to make sure you're discharged. A few beers doesn't hurt either, 
MOF it's a prerequisite. 'Sides, soon as I get to pushin hardware 
to it's limit, it's no longer mint condition ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Wireless Lan/Internet

2003-09-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday September 7 2003 08:02 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Actually you will be lucky to get more than  5 Mbps of 'goodput'
 out of an 11Mbps wireless card. I spent some time recently
 putting together a wireless router for a small ISP here in the
 UK, and that was the best throughput I measured, (side by side on
 the bench) and agreed with info I have read around the web. Its
 the packet overhead and forward error correction that limits it.

 I found some chip sets were better than others. Cisco Aironet was
 a bit faster than Orinoco/Agere , and Atmel (usb) was a fair bit
 faster than Prism 2.5 (usb) There is not much in it so do not
 base your choice just on my say so.


 OK, thanks. That all seems to confirm what I've read. I'm not 
considering wireless, just curious.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Request Motherboard and CPU suggestions

2003-09-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday September 7 2003 09:39 am, Michael Lothian wrote:
 Your best bet is going to be a motherboard that uses a via
 chipset (as apposed to an nvidea one)

 As these are very well supported under linux. Maybe your best
 going for a KT400 instead of the newer KT600 as linux is always a
 little behind in supporting new features.

 As most motherboard manufacturers stick to the standard chipset
 from via and don't substitute them for others everything should
 work out the box. It's only when the manufacturer decides that
 sticking some cheep network/sound/name_of_device_here chip
 instead that people have problems in linux.

 Also people can have trouble with Nvideas stuff as they require
 drivers which aren't GPLd (IFAIK) which means if you try and
 change your kernel without setting up your drivers again linux
 won't boot up :(

 I think that was everything. In short buy a very popular board
 that uses a via chipset as more linux people will use them and
 write drivers for them. ;)


I'd agree. nforce boards are not for Linux. Let the Windoze 
users buy 'em. I've never liked anything SiS. So that leaves VIA.

   A few weeks ago I bought an Aopen AK77-400/Max. On board Realtek 
NIC and AC97 5.1 surround sound, KT400a chipset. Mandrake 9.2 
cooker booted with the new board, found and properly configured the 
NIC and sound. No muss no fuss with anything. KT400a meets or beats 
nforce chipsets for performance. But those are Windoze hardware 

   So when it comes to pickin a motherboard,
o  Don't be guided by Windoze hardware reviews
o  For AMD, only buy a motherboard on their recommended list.
   The ones not listed, aren't listed for very good reasons.
   Tho for the very latest cpu's (eg, XP 3000+, XP 3200+), some 
   motherboard brands just might not have been AMD tested yet.  
o  Only use a PSU and wattage that's AMD recommended.,,30_182_869_4348,00.html
o  Keep in mind that ram is just as important, don't use generic. 
   (Crucial or Corsair is currently the best)  Buy one grade above 
   what's required, eg, DDR400 when DDR333 is required. This is very
o  Motherboards that allow for increasing voltages with bios
   settings are a big plus, even if you don't overclock. Greatly
   enhances stability, specially for cpu, ram, and AGP cards.
   Some of the better boards provide increased voltages by default 
   if they don't have bios settings to raise them.
o  IMO, an Award bios is a plus. Avoid Phoenix.
o  Any decent heatsink and fan will do, but use thermal grease,
   not a thermal pad.  Provide plenty of air movement (ie, case
o  Study bios settings an what they affect. So you can configure   
   and tweak the system properly. Many hardware problems are
   really just configuration mistakes.
o  Don't just take one person's advice ;)
For Intel cpu's, you're on your own. IMO, there hasn't been a 
decent chipset for Intel processors since the good ol' 440BX. 
Probly best to use an Intel Retail (not OEM) board for P4's to be 
on the safe side.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Virus

2003-09-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday September 7 2003 08:45 am, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 08:55, DrewMartin wrote:
  Hi All,
   Before this turns into a flame war between those of us
  how still use Windows to some degree(or are forced to for
  various reasons). It is a well know fact that the script
  kiddies who write these insidious pieces of code only do so,
  because Windows is such a wide spread OS in the world out
  there.If/when Linux(or Macs) become the OS of choice for the
  world at large,then the will start writing viri for these OS's
  too. Yes I do know for a virus to have full affect in Linux you
  must be running as root,but some clever bastard out there will
  one day work out how to rip thought that level of secretly.

 ahh NO!

I was gonna stay out this. Oh well ;)  I was thinkin of posting 
the same link Ed. 

   OTOH, M$ OS's being attacked because Windows is such a wide 
spread OS in the world just goes to show how successful M$ FUD is 
for those who want to believe it. Many do. For Linux to ever be as 
vulnerable as any M$ OS is, all the simplest security measures 
would have to be ignored, and you'd need to run, and connect to the 
Net as root. There's very real reasons M$ currently has their own servers hiding behind some Linux boxes.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Graphical Log-in Problem

2003-09-07 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday September 7 2003 01:24 pm, crak600 wrote:
 'lspcidrake' and 'ddcxinfos' will tell you which video card
  you have, and what your monitor specs are (HorizSync,
  VertRefresh) if the hardware has this info imbedded in it's
  firmware. There's another utility that reports onboard video
  ram, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. Vram
  shouldn't be a problem for configuring the Vcard an monitor

 as root in a terminal, 'ddcxinfos' will tell you the video card
 ram size.  

   Yep, I knew I'd seen it somewhere ;)

 just ran it, so that's how i know.  sadly, this 
 NVidia GeForce2 card is only a 32mb card, the same as the NVidia
 RIVA TNT2 i took out, but i can tell a visual difference between
 the cards.  the images on the screen with the GeF2 card are much
 clearer, sharper, have more depth to them.  everything looks
 better.  MUCH better.  and i didn't think it was bad to begin

32mb is plenty. Set the aperature to 32 also. You'll never need 
more than that.  Most of the time you're only usin about 4mb of 
video ram, even at the resolutions you mentioned I snipped. A lot 
of onboard video ram is mostly a marketing gimmick.

 now that i'm in the GUI and can see all this, in the GUI it's
 showing that i'm using the RIVA TNT2 card still and says i'm
 using a plug'n play moniter, although in a terminal it's showing
 that i'm using the GeF2 card.  should i be concerned with this?
  the command line makes me 'god' to the computer and i would
 think any info i got from a terminal would be more correct than
 info gotten from a GUI.  is that right?

   I dunno, I've never had that happen, and I have changed video 
cards before. I wouldn't worry about it tho. Probly an artifact 
left from an upgrade, rather than a fresh install.

 going back up to the first paragraph in your reply Tom, do i need
 to do all that now considering i'm 'in' mandrake now anyway?  or
 should i just skip it and do as stated below, delete the 'old'
 stuff from lilo and do all my updates to the 'new' install and
 just forge on?

Sounds like all you've got left to do is get rid of the 'old' 
stanzas in lilo.conf. Actually you could'a removed them during the 
upgrade usin the installer's tool. Now just edit lilo.conf, delete 
them an re-run lilo. I believe you can also do this with a GUI in 

  As to 'old' stanza's in lilo.conf, just delete them, an run
  'lilo'. I believe MCC has a GUI for doin it too. If your /boot
  partition is gettin full, carefully delete old images (vmlinuz)
  an initrd's. They're the only files that use a lot of disk
  space, the links (, config*, etc.) you can leave (or
  delete). Just be careful. If you have a spare partition to back
  up to, it's probly a good idea to backup /boot before you try
  any deleting.

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Graphical Log-in Problem

2003-09-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 6 2003 01:20 am, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 Did you install a kernel capable of using that much memory when
 you did your upgrade?

 I believe you need to do the initial install with the standard
 kernel and then, afterwards, you can install the Enterprise
 Kernel to take advantage of the extra RAM.  You need to specify a
 lower amount of RAM to do the initial install or it will not
 work.  Once you have upgraded the kernel you can then specify the
 new (larger) amount of RAM, re-install your nVidia drivers, if
 that is what you used, and you're off to the races.

 Same thing I was wonderin. With 1 gig of ram I believe he'd be 
better off keeping the UP kernel and adding  'mem=860M' to lilo, or 
booting with 'linux mem=860M'.  There's a significant memory 
management performance hit in the BigMem (enterprise) kernels in 
order to provide addressing = 4gig's of ram.

I have an nvidia GeF2, but use the XFree86 driver. IIRC, there's 
issues with nvidia's proprietary driver and = 1 gig of ram and/or 
the bigmem kernels. I think the mem=860 restriction with the UP 
kernel would eliminate those problems too (if they still exist?).
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 installation problem - Geforce4 recognised but doesn't work....

2003-09-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 6 2003 06:32 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 12:07:32 +0100

 Pete Stean [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  will be my third attempt at installing the o/s - we all love to
  hate MS but I'm beginning to see why people don't venture out
  into the wild
  unknown of  linux  phew!

 Well, talk to Tom Brinkman about that. Not to excuse the lag in
 hardware support in Linux, but there is a very good reason.

 When a hardware vendor comes out with a new product, in your case
 I believe the display is the prob, not the Nvidia, they are lined
 up at MS's door to get software support, while Linux hackers have
 to beg and plead and hack and reverse engineer support for the
 latest and greatest.

 My point is, considering the way Linux is deliberately and
 egregiously shut out of the hardware advancement train with
 closed-source drivers and the like, it's a miracle that Linux
 developers are able to even keep up. These people are to be
 lauded and praised for their continues efforts, in many if not
 most cases for *free*.

 You don't choose Linux, as I think you implied, for the whiz-bang
 multimedia support, though it is fairly good for that too, you
 choose it because it is an alternative to the insecurity,
 instability, and wickedly bloodthirsty licensing and upgrade
 paths of MS OS's.

 Am I getting this right Tom? Tom? Wake up Tom!

  You did fine. Tho I'd stress blaming Bill Gates and his licensing 
agreements, arm twisting, and shady backroom deals, rather than the 
hardware vendors. M$ develops many windoze hardware drivers for, or 
in cooperation with the vendors, and forbids releasing any source 
in order to protect M$ IP. Yeah right. Truth is Billy Goat doesn't 
want the latest and greatest to work properly on any other OS's but 
his. M$ can dictate to the hardware manufactures because Windoze is 
over 90% of their market. 

   The result is the same old poor cooperation with the open source 
community. What's needed is an open source spy to infiltrate TSMC 
( They make most of the 
chips hardware manufacturers and vendors use. Have all the plans 
and specs ;)  EG, they make all the chips for both ATI and nVidia, 
most of the latest other video, sound, network chips, et al out 
there. Then Linux would soon have better drivers and hardware 
support than Windoze ;   jus need to find someone willing to 
go to prison for a long time ;(
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 installation problem - Geforce4 recognised but doesn't work....

2003-09-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 6 2003 08:12 am, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 08:42, HaywireMac wrote:
  On 06 Sep 2003 08:25:37 -0400
  ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   gee,, George Lucas, and Industrial Light and Magic choose
   Linux. AMD and NVidia just for that.
   the August Linux Journal has a great writeup about the
   Rackspace built linux powered ILM 'deathstar' render-farm.
   some 1500 AMD athlon 1600, on 750 MoBos, each with 2 gigs
   ahhh to dream of such power... just wait a few years (like
   20),, I swear I will have that much power.
  that's comparing apples and oranges. they are using Linux for
  the raw power, not too support an advanced flat panel display.
  there's a difference between computing power and hardware
  support, no?
  I betcha they still use Mac's at the end-user level, the Linux
  rendering farms are just for nuclear-powered computing at the
  level of drawing huge amounts of polygons in a short time (and
  without crashing, LOL!).

 the article does not say what sort of display they are using,
 only that use Kodak Cineon for film capture, OpenEXR (an Open
 Source Software released by ILM)  as a new floating point image
 format, and does mention that Cinepaint (formerly
 Film-Gimp),Alais|wavefront Maya, pixar renderman and Mental
 Images Mental Ray as the software run. It does say however that
 the desktops are Linux, and that after everyone goes home,
 instead of shutting them down, they are included in the cluster
 for use as render nodes, considerably increasing the load that
 can be handled (some 70 terrabytes of info a day over the

 These large enterprises sign licensing agreements, and make 
deals for closed source proprietary hardware support. They'd need 
to in any event because of their specialized needs, regardless of 
OS. Something the open source community can't and won't do.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Graphical Log-in Problem

2003-09-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 6 2003 10:34 am, crak600 wrote:
 so anyway, how do i fix my screwups?  the lilo screen now has all
 the regular options plus the old linux, old linux-nonfb, old
 linux failsafe, which those are the ones that i can't get
 anywhere in.  do i just forge onward and remove those things from
 lilo.conf or can i fix what i screwed up?  thanks!


I'm a little fuzzy on just what your video problems are. If you 
inherited the GeF card on a screwed mobo, it could just be that the 
card is compromised also. I believe I'd boot to lilo, an hit Esc, 
then,  'linux init 3 mem=860M' (check you current lilo.conf, you 
might need to add other parameters, eg, acpi=off)  and as root run 
'XFdrake'. Choose conservative video card an monitor settings to 
get started with. Probly 1024x768 @ 60Hz, 30-70 kHz HorizSync
50-120 Hz VertRefresh.

   'lspcidrake' and 'ddcxinfos' will tell you which video card you 
have, and what your monitor specs are (HorizSync, VertRefresh) if 
the hardware has this info imbedded in it's firmware. There's 
another utility that reports onboard video ram, but for the life of 
me I can't remember what it is. Vram shouldn't be a problem for 
configuring the Vcard an monitor tho.

As to 'old' stanza's in lilo.conf, just delete them, an run 
'lilo'. I believe MCC has a GUI for doin it too. If your /boot 
partition is gettin full, carefully delete old images (vmlinuz) an 
initrd's. They're the only files that use a lot of disk space, the 
links (, config*, etc.) you can leave (or delete). Just 
be careful. If you have a spare partition to back up to, it's 
probly a good idea to backup /boot before you try any deleting.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Wireless Lan/Internet

2003-09-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 6 2003 11:02 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Saturday 06 Sep 2003 3:03 pm, Jason Greenwood wrote:
  Ok all, I have decided to ditch the wires and go wireless for
  my ADSL Modem/router/Accesspoint and NIC at home. What is the
  guts of it?? Nowadays adsl modems and nic's almost always work
  with Linux (my Nokia Modem/Router and Generic NIC work great
  under 9.1/Cooker). What are the pitfalls to watch out for to go
  wireless? What websites for wirelss under Linux do you
  recommend? Any brands known to work, not work with Linux??
  Right now on there seems to be a good deal on the
  item listed below (thoughts?):
  Benq AWL-700 wireless router 802.11b
  in perfect condition, as new still in box with manuals and cd
  WITH benq 11Mbps wireless lan pc card(AWL100) both work
  together great.
  I can get these now for NZ$230
  Jason Greenwood

 There is a list of wireless cards and their drivers here

 I know from experience that Mandrake works with anything
 Orinoco based works 'out of the box'.

 The Benq AWL100 uses the Prism 2.5 chip set which uses the
 wlan-ng driver which I know was not included in Mandrake 9.0 but
 I was able to get it working by compiling it.

 I do not know about Mandrake 9.1



Derek, I'd reckon you know. I read lately that wireless at best 
only delivers about 80% of the connection speed. An that the 
further you get from the source, the percentage drops further. At 
10 meters it's all but gone. True?
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Restoring Mandrake CDs as urpmi sources

2003-09-06 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday September 6 2003 01:26 pm, Margot wrote:
 OK, now I'm confused! This is what I got:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ df
 FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda5  49G  2.2G   44G   5% /
 /dev/hda6 8.1G  406M  7.7G   5% /home

 My HD is supposed to be 60G, but 49G + 8.1G = 57.1G, and for the
 first line 2.2G + 44G = 46.2G - where's the rest?


   Your harddrive vendor lied to you ;)  The difference is whether a 
K is 1000 bytes, or what it really is, 1024 bytes in hexdecimal, 
2's complements that computers use.  So (1000/1024)^2, or 
0.9536743164 * 60 gigs = 57.22 gigs.  Your slight difference, ie, 
57.1  57.22 is due to 'df' rounding off to make the output human 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] deleting apps in Mandrake?

2003-09-04 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday September 4 2003 07:47 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 just wondering: since I'm using Evolution now, I don't see any
 need to have Kmail sitting there taking up space; could someone
 point me to some beginner's instructions on how to go about
 deleting it?
 [and other apps that I don't think I'll be needing...]

Unless you're using 9.2, you can't uninstall kmail. It's part of 
kdenetwork.  In the coming 9.2 it's split out to kdenetwork-kmail, 
and you could uninstall that rpm with 'urpme' or 'rpm -e'.  About 
the closest you could come to uninstalling kmail, is to do a
'locate -i kmail', and go around deleting all the files and 
directories that command returns. That's probly more trouble than 
it's worth, and could lead to disastrous results.

For other apps, first check if they have their own rpm with 
'rpm -qa | grep -i app'.  If the app is in a separate rpm, then 
'urpme rpm_name' is the easiest and safest way to uninstall. Where 
rpm_name is somethin like 'urpme kdenetwork-kmail' (ie, just the 
name, no version numbers).

Hint:  rather than havt'a type out that rpm find command each 
time, put this in the end of /etc/bashrc. 
alias frpm='rpm -qa | grep -i'   (_with_ the quotes)
   Then when you start a new terminal, just typing 'frpm app' will 
do all the extra typing for you ;)

 If you don't wanna do any of that, I believe rpmdrake will 
uninstall apps for you in a GUI, but I don't use it ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 X server startup/shutdown slow - ReiserFS?

2003-09-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 2 2003 11:41 am, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 I didn't think it relevant but I do indeed have a separate
 partition for /boot that is 100 MB, formatted ext2.  I have a
 single swap partition that is 500 MB.  That should be okay,

100 MB for boot's a bit much, but it's fine. See Charles' post 
that /boot can be ReiserFS, ext2,3 /boot is still needed for XFS. 
Charles' advice is always to be trusted too.

   I use 500mb /swap with 500mb ram, but actually only at least a 
250mb /swap is needed. Even when video encoding or recoding 700 to 
800 mb movies, I don't get into /swap hardly at all if ever.
[tom /tom] $ free -m
total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 502458 43  0 83125
-/+ buffers/cache:  250252
Swap:509  0509
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] HD SATA

2003-09-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 2 2003 10:35 am, Frankie wrote:
 OTOH, I don't believe SATA is that much if any improvement
  over ATA/133. I've read Net reports to that affect.  Some
  Mandrake users have posted SATA hdparm -Tt numbers on various
  groups an forums, an they're all less then the numbers my
  ATA/133 puts out. Actually most of 'em were closer to what my
  ATA/100 drive gets.

 At the moment there is no real improvement over ATA drives
 because the SATA drives are really just ATA drives wtih a SATA
 interface tacked on.. when they start designing drives around the
 SATA standard, things will pick up and we'll have  game on.



 Yes, that info plus some other stuff I didn't really understand 
was in the Net reports I've read. Also it was predicted that before 
SATA catches on, we'll be movin into PCI-eXpress ;)  Now to my 
mind, that's where the improvement was always needed. IE, gettin 
off the old an tired 33mhz PCI bus.

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] No sound in Games after running mplayer

2003-09-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday September 3 2003 12:39 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 I tried installing arts (urpmi arts), and restarted the sound
 service again, but in mplayer I still do not have the option to
 configure the arts sound driver...

 am I missing a step here?

   From the CL, 'mplayer -ao  arts filename' will use aRts for the 
sound output.

   I made an alias for files alsa doesn't like (mostly Sorenson v3 
QT movies). alias mpy='mplayer -ao  arts' 
   So 'mpy filename' plays usin aRts.  Otherwise mplayer will use 
the default sound server for your snd chip. Run 'draksound' as 
root, an it'll tell you the default server, what you're currently 
usin, plus a drop down list of those you can switch to. Best to 
stay with your default tho, and only switch when needed on a temp 
basis, like my alias does.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] No sound in Games after running mplayer

2003-09-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday September 3 2003 02:40 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 13:12:58 -0500

 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 From the CL, 'mplayer -ao  arts filename' will use aRts
  for the sound output.

 In fact, even if I run the artsd when X starts, and play a movie
 the way you suggest (I do get sound), then when I quit mplayer, I
 still get no sound in games; but this is the really crazy part.
 If I restart the soundserver, I get sound in Unreal Tournament,
 Medal of Honour, but not iD games like Quake 1,2,3 or Urban


   Are you usin mplayer or gmplayer? Even the developers of mplayer 
dislike, disown gmplayer (see the mplayer list archive).  Take a 
minute to learn the CL options for mplayer (man mplayer), and 
you'll never use the GUI again. As with many things, it's more 
featured, more reliable ... on the CL. There's many things you can 
adjust 'on the fly' on the CL, that aren't even in the GUI.

If you are usin mplayer on the CL, loss of sound smacks of a 
problem with your system. If a logout/back into your WM fixes it 
it's probly software (the games?). Otherwise it's probly hardware.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] No sound in Games after running mplayer

2003-09-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday September 3 2003 01:42 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 13:12:58 -0500

 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 From the CL, 'mplayer -ao  arts filename' will use aRts
  for the sound output.

 AO: [arts] can't connect to aRts soundserver
 Could not open/initialize audio device - no sound.
 Audio: no sound

 the prob is, tho, the arts sound server is not running, do I need
 to be in KDE for it to run?

 and once mplayer has grabbed /dev/dsp, is there no way to get it
 back without rebooting?

   Do you have all of aRts installed?
libarts1-devel-1.1.3-7mdk   (might not need)
  (not necessarily those versions)

  Then check with
$ ps -A |grep arts   (and you'll see somethin like...)
 9234 ?00:00:13 artsd

$ ll /dev/dsp   (should be somethin similar to this)
lr-xr-xr-x1 root root9 Sep  3 15:34 /dev/dsp - 
(ie, _x_ecutable by by owner, group, all users)

Normally artsd does run all the time, but only uses the sound 
service when needed, then releases. This of course depends on your 
configuration. Bruce it might be better if you read this, specially 
the part, non-aRts applications, ..  suspends after 60 seconds, 
it doesn't for me?
   an browse this
I believe there's a way to reduce the suspend aRts time from 
60s, but since I never needed it, I'm not familiar with it. Sorry.

   Facts are, there's no one Linux sound solution. Maybe one'a 
Linux's weakest points.  Sound on Linux (Un*x) is a hodgepodge. 
Video's not a whole lot different. Better manufacturer support 
would probly go a long way to solve it and make it seamless for the 
user. Until then, Windoze is for games. It's gotta be good for 
somethin, no? ;)  At least as long as M$ has the hardware 
manufacturers in their pocket.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 X server startup/shutdown slow - ReiserFS?

2003-09-02 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday September 1 2003 09:19 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 System Commander trashed my hard disk when I attempted to resize
 my Win2K NTFS partition, so I'm forced to reinstall everything,
 including Linux on that same drive.  This time around, I decided
 to try out ReiserFS as my root file system.  During setup, I
 configured boot options, but after doing so, the installation
 program never returned.  I rebooted and used drakxconf to install
 my X server.  When I start up X in KDE, it starts up very slowly,
 and actually never puts up the desktop icons.  The cursor remains
 a clock for several *minutes*, but the system is not locked.  I
 can log off of KDE (back to the boot up terminal session) without
 a problem.  If I start up gnome, it starts up okay, including all
 the desktop icons.  But when I try to log off, it won't. I try to
 log off about 5 times in a row.  Eventually, something will get
 it to put up the log off dialog.

 Could this be ReiserFS doing this?  Should I switch back to ext2?
  I played around with XFS in a different installation on this
 same hardware, and it didn't appear to have any issues (other
 than the fact that it defaults to read-only.)  Thanks for all

 I'd try another install.  This time make /boot a separate 
partition, ext3.  Make your other partitions ReiserFS. I've been 
usin ReiserFS since 7.2 beta's never a problem.  If you opt for 
XFS, still make an ext3 /boot partition, 20 to 50 mb.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] HD SATA

2003-09-02 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday September 3 2003 09:26 am, Eko Budiharto wrote:
 Hi Tom,
 isn't the 9.2 still beta? If not, can you tell me where you get
 the non beta version?

 It's not so much a Mandrake version deal, as it is kernel and 
driver. Promise recently released their SATA driver under the GPL, 
an I believe it's already in the latest kernels.  That's the one 
I'd need, so it's the only one I've paid any attention to.  I'm 
pretty sure 9.x would handle SATA, but I don't know which 
controllers are supported, if you'd need a newer kernel, or if 
you'd need to d/l a 3rd party driver for your SATA controller.

OTOH, I don't believe SATA is that much if any improvement over 
ATA/133. I've read Net reports to that affect.  Some Mandrake users 
have posted SATA hdparm -Tt numbers on various groups an forums, an 
they're all less then the numbers my ATA/133 puts out. Actually 
most of 'em were closer to what my ATA/100 drive gets.

   (Eko, you've got your mailer's 'reply to' set to yourself. You 
should leave the reply to configuration line blank.  Thanks)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] HD SATA

2003-09-01 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday September 2 2003 05:58 am, Eko Budiharto wrote:
 have anyone of you ever installed in SATA with MDK?
 Is HD SATA working with MDK?

   In 9.2 yes, I don't know about 9.1 an older.  I have a SATA port, 
but no SATA drive. So I can't say how well it works.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-30 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday August 29 2003 09:21 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
  We are now going to do the adapter probings. Some adapters may
 hang halfway
  through; we can't really help that. Also, some chips will be
 double detected;
  we choose the one with the highest confidence value in that
 case. If you found that the adapter hung after probing a certain
 address, you can
  specify that address to remain unprobed. That often
  includes address 0x69 (clock chip).

 Next adapter: Velleman K8000 (Bit-shift algorithm)
 Do you want to scan it? (YES/no/selectively): y

 It hangs / stops there.  Idea?  help?  Never done this



What motherboard? IIRC, you've got a i875somethin chipset? 
Looks like sensors doesn't like it.  As the error message suggests, 
did you try 'selective' probes?  You might need to just keep doin 
that by trial'n error to see if you get thru the tests.

   OTOH, some motherboards don't support the i2c/SMbus (hardware 
monitoring). Many ready made or OEM boards don't. The acid test is 
if you see temps, fan speeds and voltages in bios. If you don't the 
board probly doesn't support monitoring. If you do, it definitely 
does.  You might need to go to their homepage for more info
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] SCO reversal

2003-08-30 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday August 29 2003 08:56 pm, David E. Fox wrote:
  So they've changed their minds then... surprise, surprise...


 Now it's our turn. Isn't false presentment of legal action where
 no action is contemplated actionable in an of itself? I work in a
 collections company and it's possible for our company to be sued
 if we tell a person we are going to take a certain action and not
 have an intent of pursuing that action.

 If they've attempted (using that letter) to create a
 debtor-consumer relationship vis a vis the linux community or
 corporate users, SCO may have violated the law.

 That's what SCO said Friday mornin, later in the day they 
changed their tune ... again

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-29 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday August 28 2003 04:25 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 13:21, Tom Brinkman wrote:

  run the appropriate 'burn' module on your
  (her) system, it's not stable IMO.  Many store bought (ready
  made) computers won't pass. Any laptop surely won't. There's no
  reportin, the system either stays up or fails. Usually just a
  spontaneous reboot.  CPU temp monitoring durin the test is
  almost imperative. If it gets too high, Ctrl+C will abort the
  For ready mades an laptops, I'd suggest a lengthly run of
  mprime-17, the torture test. That's as close as you'll get.
  These tools, mprime an cpuburn, are old overclockers tools to
  test stability. Not really a check for Winblows faults.

 Hm...just went to the link you provided... I used a diff cpuburn
 program I guess.

 I found it originally thru google IIRC here:

 is that not the same program!?

 Confuzzled Femme

'urpmi cpuburn'  The Mandrake rpm is on your CD's and on the 
mirrors. cpuburn-1.4-4mdk
[tom /tom] $ burn
burnBX   burnK6   burnK7   burnMMX  burnP5   burnP6

 IIRC, you've got a Intel cpu, so use 'burnP6'
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Ethereal for Mandrake 9

2003-08-29 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday August 29 2003 11:03 am, Nurv wrote:
 Can someone tell me where I can find a copy of ethereal for
 Mandrake? I looked on the cooker site, which is where Ethereal
 tells you to go, but I can find the file(s). Any help would be


 ethereal-0.9.13-1mdk  should be on the cooker mirrors. If 
you're gonna try a cooker package tho, get the src.rpm and rebuild 
it on 9.0
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread Tom Brinkman

   Keep in mind my usual advice on this list is that hardware needs 
to be eliminated from any problems, specially if it's a ready made, 
in the first place. OC'd or not. OTOH, if it's there, RUN IT!!

   Windoze reviews: the current darlings are the nforce an newer KT 
400a/600 chipset boards runnin AMD XP's. P4's are bitin the dust, 
still no decent chipsets to run on. OTOH, are these winsux reviews 
applicable to Linux?  As far as chipsets go yes an no. nforce* 
chipset boards have several unresolved issues with Linux, gcc, an 
GNU. Forget anything SiS. As far as Winblows reviews on hardware 
sites, disregard, IMO, is usually the better idea. They have little 
to do with a real OS.

   So, just a report. I changed out a tired an old oc'd 1.4 Athlon 
(1.553g) on a Soyo KT133a chipset with sdram, for an XP 3000+ with 
Kingston DDR400 on an Aopen AK77-400 Max with a KT400a chipset. 
Didn't really wanna but the ancient (8 years!) ram was startin to 
fsck'up on the old mobo. Run hard, put up wet. Might'a been the cpu 
L caches anyhow...

   Pulled the case out from under the table, changed out the 
motherboard/ram/cpu. What'a heck, tryin boot. .. No problemo,
harddisk recognized a differnet NIC (now onboard), different AC97, 
now 5.1 surround, and 9.2 cooker went about it's business. No 
disruption for aDSL or sound. HDD's love the new board /cpu/ram/ 

So went to testin and clockin. The Kingston ram was a 
convienice. I got it bundled with the cpu/mobo. It was a variable, 
even a concern since it's only sold by Mwave as Cas 3 DDR ram. 
After several weeks testin tho, the ram has performed flawlessly at 
Cas2.5, Ras/Cas 2, pre-Charge 2, at 2-bank, now DDR427. Way over 
it's specs. Ram is what'll do, an I'm not sure I've found the top 
of this Kingston yet. Still, I wish I'd gone to the trouble of 
gettin Crucial or Corsair.

   Currently (as I type), the XP is at 2301mhz (13x177, 354 FSB, PCI  
35.2mhz) and rock steady. I keep inchin it up. Might go a bit or 
more further. I haven't tried reducin the multiplier and goin to a 
200+ FSB yet. I reckon I'm better off stay'in with oc'd 166@ 177 
since the PCI is only out'a spec @ 35.2mhz, an the AGP is just over 
70mhz. Some view this mistakenly as overclocked. It's not. It's 
just out'a spec. Damn nVidia card was complain, but recent cooker 
updates to XFree86 cooled that off. (XFree86-4.3-19mdk)
I know y'all believe memtest86 is _THE_ test, an I confess I run 
it first too. But it's a weak test. It sort'a sux. Better is 
mprime's #17, the torture test. Harder still, the acid test is, 
cpuburn's 'burnK7'. One or two passes with memtest is a breeze, run 
mprime's torture test thru test #1800 or so, run burnK7 for 25 
minutes . then you know your hardware is stable. So far I am 
with an XP core at 2301, CL2.5-2-2-2 DDR427. 

  So I gott'a XP Whatever (3600+?) that RUNS like a scalded ape. 
Glibc compiles are a lot shorter ;)   No Winsux ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Making Linux Converts

2003-08-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday August 28 2003 04:34 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 sir robin:
  Takes a _long_ time to load, but I got the animation in the end
  (that's with Mozilla).

 Have to say, after several attempts to get it, then the long
 load, it was disappointingly short

   Konqueror works fine too. Yes it was short but cute. Sort'a like 
me ;)  There was a similar clip a while back where the one penguin 
sticks his foot out real quick, and the innocent one trips over it. 
Ran a little longer. I reckon HaywireMac was involved in both 
episodes, but for the life of me I can't think of anybody to play 
the innocent one ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] XFS Mount

2003-08-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday August 27 2003 12:13 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday August 26 2003 09:54 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 Miark wrote:
 It's possible the old mount setting in fstab is still active.
 Have you checked mtab to make sure the partition isn't already
 There are no entries for either drive in mtab.
mtab is generated from fstab, an shouldn't be fooled with
Brant, try puttin your 1st CD in an check the partitions with
  the installers diskdrake. It could be that when you used
  diskdrake the changes were never made, or the partitions were
  never formatted for XFS, an they're still ReiserFS. Probly
  cause the partitions weren't unmounted. Also, with either
  ReiserFS or XFS, Civileme use to suggest a ext3 /boot
  partition. IME, it was/is good advice.

 I did exactly that and that is what I found.  I posted my
 findings to the expert list last evening.  I forgot to post them
 here as well.

Well, jeez, I had that notion when you first posted the problem, 
but with the chronology mismatches in the lists, I often see 
responses before the original problem ;(  So I was a little 
reluctant to jump in, since I was only seein others diagnosis of 
the problem. No sooner than I hit 'send', I saw a reply from you 
that you'd figured it out by yourself.  Good for you ;)

I don't believe it's a diskdrake bug tho. MOF, it's a feature to 
safeguard still mounted partitions. The only bug would be that 
diskdrake didn't tell you that nothin was done to disk, since the 
partitions weren't successfully unmounted to be reformatted. An I 
believe the developers are already aware of, an workin on that. 
I've been aware that diskdrake runnin from CD is much better than 
foolin with it on the booted system. Actually that's the resolution 
IMO, just always use diskdrake from the 1st CD.  Then it's 
bulletproof ;)

IIRC, you're runnin cooker. FWIW, RC1 iso's look like they're
 comin to the mirrors today. The beta2 iso's are gone, and so far
 the RC1 md5sum file is posted. So maybe ya want to wait for
  those before fixin your partitions.

 I saw that.

 Warly, from Mandrakesoft, released the bittorrent info for them: --url
iso.torrent --saveas MandrakeLinux-9.2rc1-CD1.i586.iso

Yeah an bittorrent sux for me. That's why I bitched'n moaned on 
the cooker list to get the iso's posted to ftp. bittsux has been 
workin on CD2  3 for almost 20 hours now, about 50% done. I've 
never been much of a p2p fan.  Now I'm fixin to be an enemy of it.
I shortened the url an took a look at the site first. All 3 iso's 
were there. Soon after I pasted Warly's CL into a term, it dawned 
on me the if I just changed the 1 to a 2 after both 'CD's, I could 
start a CD2 'torrent' (what'a misnomer). Same with 3.

OTOH, we all need to get along, so I'm letin all three iso's to 
be uploaded from my connection. Even tho I'm givin far more than 
gettin. I'm gettin tired of Mandrake's increasing games as releases 
get closer to final tho. I was only amused when they resorted to 
false names for iso's, but this bitchtorrent method really sux.

   At least my complaint (maybe?) got Warly to post the 1st CD. It 
was d/l'd and burned within the hour. I only need the damn things 
for backup anyhow, and to take a look at the installer. I'm already 
past RC1. Be even further if the primary mirror (sunsite) ever 
straightens out.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday August 28 2003 08:55 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 1:41 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  On Thursday 28 August 2003 01:22 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
   I know y'all believe memtest86 is _THE_ test, an I
   confess I run it first too. But it's a weak test. It sort'a
   sux. Better is mprime's #17, the torture test. Harder still,
   the acid test is, cpuburn's 'burnK7'. One or two passes with
   memtest is a breeze, run mprime's torture test thru test
   #1800 or so, run burnK7 for 25 minutes . then you know
   your hardware is stable. So far I am with an XP core at 2301,
   CL2.5-2-2-2 DDR427.
  Tom, I know you remember when I was having the spontaneous
  reboot problems? Well, you're right about memtest - I ran it
  overnight 2/3 different times and never found anything -
  cpuburnnow thats *another* story!

 Care to tell us more?  My granddaughter's 1-year-old (win98) box
 suffers from recurrent problems, and I'm wondering if this test
 would help.  So - what's involved in running it, how risky is it,
 and what sort of reporting does it give?


   All three apps, memtest86, mprime, an cpuburn have Windoze 
versions. memtest is no risk, neither is mprime-17. Cpuburn OTOH, 
really takes the cpu/cache/ram/motherboard/buses to the limit, an 
then some. Read the warning  An you 
can d/l the software. For Mandrake, it's on your CD's.

   Still if you can't run the appropriate 'burn' module on your 
(her) system, it's not stable IMO.  Many store bought (ready made) 
computers won't pass. Any laptop surely won't. There's no reportin, 
the system either stays up or fails. Usually just a spontaneous 
reboot.  CPU temp monitoring durin the test is almost imperative. 
If it gets too high, Ctrl+C will abort the test.

For ready mades an laptops, I'd suggest a lengthly run of 
mprime-17, the torture test. That's as close as you'll get. These 
tools, mprime an cpuburn, are old overclockers tools to test 
stability. Not really a check for Winblows faults.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday August 28 2003 04:55 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 So what were you needing your newbie help with Tom?


  It works both ways. I was jus' braggin an pontificatin ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday August 28 2003 06:21 am, ed tharp wrote:
So I gott'a XP Whatever (3600+?) that RUNS like a scalded
  ape. Glibc compiles are a lot shorter ;)   No Winsux ;)

 damn what a screamer... I am sure jealous.
 What became of the old box, or parts?

  Sittin in a box till I figure out what to do with 'em. The mobo 
and cpu were run hard. Probly not worth hardly anything anymore. 
The ram I kept tho is. 1, 256mb stick; 1, 128mb stick of Crucial 
Micron Cas2 7ns ram. (what y'all call good pc133)

  First one to ask can have the Soyo k7vta pro mobo and the 1.4 gig 
Athlon for the cost of mailin.  Ah, heck, I'll throw in the ram 
too. My brother could use it, but he doesn't know that. 'Sides he 
considers somethin like that  major surgery.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Overclock!

2003-08-28 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday August 28 2003 02:20 pm, mike wrote:
 I'll take them if ther not gone already

 Mike McNeese

   First one to ask can have the Soyo k7vta pro mobo and the 1.4
  gig Athlon for the cost of mailin.  Ah, heck, I'll throw in the
  ram too. My brother could use it, but he doesn't know that.
  'Sides he considers somethin like that  major surgery.

 I apologize to the list. Mea Culpa. I should'a specified off 
list responses. In any event, Darklord beat everybody to the punch.

   He's a good guy anyhow ;)   Sort'a helpful around here.

Sorry Mike,
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] XFS Mount

2003-08-27 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday August 26 2003 09:54 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 Miark wrote:
 It's possible the old mount setting in fstab is still active.
 Have you checked mtab to make sure the partition isn't already

 There are no entries for either drive in mtab.

   mtab is generated from fstab, an shouldn't be fooled with

   Brant, try puttin your 1st CD in an check the partitions with the 
installers diskdrake. It could be that when you used diskdrake the 
changes were never made, or the partitions were never formatted for 
XFS, an they're still ReiserFS. Probly cause the partitions weren't 
unmounted. Also, with either ReiserFS or XFS, Civileme use to 
suggest a ext3 /boot partition. IME, it was/is good advice.

   IIRC, you're runnin cooker. FWIW, RC1 iso's look like they're 
comin to the mirrors today. The beta2 iso's are gone, and so far 
the RC1 md5sum file is posted. So maybe ya want to wait for those 
before fixin your partitions.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-25 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 24 2003 02:23 pm, David E. Fox wrote:
 That's all done and running properly. 'date', xclock, what have
 you, all show the correct time. There was one time recently when
 the time was about 20 minutes off but I fixed it. It's the *KDE*
 clock display that's wrong. Right now it's fine but give it a
 while and it'll spontaneously change. Or maybe it won't. We'll
 see. I just did a urpmi --auto-select earlier this morning and I
 notice 160 new / changed packages.

A few times after KDE cooker updates I've had to reset the 
clock. R-click on it, adjust time an date, make sure format is set 
to USA-english.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-25 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 24 2003 01:56 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 How, specifically, are you adjusting your time zones?

   With ntpd?  Just pick a time server in your zone. For syncing 
your software clock to your hardware clock see 'man hwclock'. EG, 
hwclock --systohc'
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 24 2003 07:04 am, Lanman wrote:
 Since the release of 9.2 Beta2 I haven't heard or seen anything
 about it from anyone on the list. Is this because it's so amazing
 that list members are speechless? 

I've run cooker only since 7.2. Current cooker is solid, no 
problems on a overclocked XP 3000+. 2266 Mhz on a KT400a chipset 
with 512MB DDR 419, Cas2.5, R/C 2, preCh 2, 2-bank.  I don't have 
or need a printer.  I highly suggest you read this site,

 Or because they can't finish an 
 install, and are therefore disconnected from the Net ? I tried
 burning and installing them, and it quickly went to hell. Several
 restarts later (this is the short version), I got to the end of
 the install. When it tried to detect my printer (Brother
 MFC4800), which is not supported by Linux yet, it displayed a
 message that it was unable to find printer.rpm and stopped
 there. That's it. All done. It simply wouldn't go any further.
 I'm considering re-doing the install without a printer attached
 to see if that solves it, but without the above-noted rpm, I
 doubt it will finish properly at all. Obviously, either the rpm
 is not on the CD's at all, or the path statement used by the
 installer is wrong. Either way, it's not happening.

Get a connection and use urpmi to update to current. I'd 
recommend you first 'urpmi urpmi', then urpmi --auto-select. I use 
this alias to update several times a day, alias cook='urpmi.update 
-a -f --wget  urpmi --wget --no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v'
I'd also suggest you install the current kernel ASAP,  
$ uname -r

Mirrors have been screwed up lately, but since Sat. (8/23) 
they're in order again.  OTOH, RC1 was due last Friday. Look for it 
to come out very soon (probly why the mirrors were froze ;)
I suspect if you update to current, you'll have RC1

 Any suggestions or similar situations out there in Mandrake-Land?
 I realize that it's a Beta, and that there may be bugs in it
 still, but perhaps there's a work-around? Also, didn't Mandrake
 announce that the new 2.6 Kernel would be added to Beta2? Didn't
 find it. FYI, I checked the md5sums of course. Just curious if
 anyone had something to offer about any of this ?

 Thanks in Advance,...


Only issue I've had lately is with DM's. None of the Session 
Managers wanna work properly for me. So I boot to level 3 and 
'startx'. Nobody else is complainin so I reckon I've got a borked 
config file. Level 3 is better for testing overclocking with 
mprime-17 and burnK7 tho anyhow ;)

You didn't say anything about your hardware, other than your 
tree killer ;  Some things like nforce2 chipsets have issues. 
Check the cooker ML archive (or LKML).   has a good 
search engine. IMO, runnin cooker requires daily reading of the 
cooker and CHRPM (change log) lists. If your printer is still a 
problem, post to the cooker list, and if need be file a bug report 
on bugzilla. Hurry every chance you get, it's gettin late in the 
9.2 testing stages.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 24 2003 10:27 am, David E. Fox wrote:
 Lanman, see my other post to Tom on this. The upshot is that even
 with the missing rpm message, you can reboot and get a working
 install. It's nearly at the end of the install.

 RC1 (rumor unsubstantiated) is out. You could burn new images.

Haven't got your post yet David. I don't see RC1 on the mirrors 
yet, just checked. I'm fairly certain current cooker is RC1. I'd 
just go ahead an update beta2 to current, rather than fool with the 
iso's. I just usually d/l the iso's for backup, or to take a look 
at the installer (upgrade an already current cooker). Then urpmi 
any missing rpms from the beta2 install.

  e's a work-around? Also, didn't Mandrake announce that the new
  2.6 Kernel w= ould be added to Beta2? Didn't find it. FYI, I
  checked the md5sums of cours=

 Hmm. I have not seen it. I'm not about to try something that

 :). You might want to urpmi kernel to see if it shows up. AFAIK
 : 2.6 is

 not going to be shipped with 9.2.

   Whether it will or not, it's on cooker mirrors in /contribs 

 That's test3, test4 should be available shortly. I don't think 
2.6 will be in mainstream distros till early next year. I wouldn't 
fool with it just now.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-24 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 24 2003 09:59 am, David E. Fox wrote:
  I've run cooker only since 7.2. Current cooker is solid, no
  problems on a overclocked XP 3000+. 2266 Mhz on a KT400a

 It's *pretty* solid. There are still some issues I'm
 experiencing. One is the timezone drift in kde's clock - my time
 zone is 5 hours off. I have retried the fix multiple times with
 no luck. The best approach seems to be to restart KDE. It is
 getting better. With the last urpmi, it lasted nearly the whole
 weekend and then all of a sudden it's five hours off. It thinks
 I'm in SSY+ time now. If I try to adjust it the closest I can get
 to my time zone is your time zone :). Maybe I should move to
 Texas? :) ;)

 I think I got that one reported to Cooker bugzilla recently.

Do you have your time set correctly in bios? Do you run ntpd ?
I have no time issues with 9.2 over two differnet sets of hardware 
(motherboard clock RTC chipsets). has a list of 
time servers, ntp is in cooker (ntp-4.1.2-1mdk) I use, 
(U of Houston, Central time). You'll need to have your time set 
fairly close before ntpd can sync it with a server's atomic clock. 
It uses a calculus algorithm to correct the error half at a time, 
eventually approaching an exact sync. (n/2  0)

[root /tom] $ service ntpd status
ntpd (pid 1795) is running...I have a dynamic IP, an I shut the 
connection off every once in awhile to get a different IP (for 
security sake). ntpd doesn't complain when the connection's not up.

 Then you might not have noticed bug #2, which I think is a show
 stopper. I can't print. Printing here results in launching a Perl
 process (used to be parallel:/dev/lp1, there also was a 'gs'
 process) that will just eat all RAM  swap. Since you have 512
 megs of RAM yours might not fall over like mine, but there's no
 indication that the Perl is not requesting infinite memory.

I don't have a printer. No problems here ;)

   the install. When it tried to detect my printer (Brother
   MFC4800), which is not supported by Linux yet, it displayed a
   message that it was unable to find printer.rpm and stopped

 Also, noatun and kaboodle no longer function. They haven't for
 some time. OK, so there are other sound programs to use.

They work fine here. Onboard AC97 5.1 surround sound, uses alsa. 
I did recently havt'a start usin aRts to play QT (Sorenson) .mov's
(mplayer -ao  arts That's a latest mplayer issue tho.
The latest alsa in cooker works fine for everything else. MOF, I'm 

 Then there are the random unexplained seg faults in konqueror,
 and in k3b (coastered cds.)

I wouldn't touch k3b with a ten foot pole. 'Sides, the CL is 
quicker an easier for burnin CDr's than any GUI app. No problems 
here. If you're stuck in a GUI, try simplecdrx. It won't fsck'up 
your fstab like k3b wants to, and can.

   Sig11's point as much to hardware (ram) as anything else. So 
eliminate that first. Memtest86 is OK, but not a ram test. It uses 
cpu/cache/ram (L1  L@ cpu caches and the ram).  Run it without the 
caches enabled ('c' for configure) to try and get closer to 
checking installed ram. mprime is a better, harder cpu/cache/ram 
test. Choose 17, the torture test. It should just keep on chuggin 
along, no errors.

 LX brought this up last weekend: How are you supposed to be able
 to make a boot disk in cooker 9.2? The kernel image is too damned

Support for all the crazy hardware people go out an buy, then 
see if it'll work on Linux. Instead of the other way around. If 
you're not usin XFS, then you should be able to compile a trimmed 
down kernel and 'mkbootdisk $(uname -r)'. But why?... the first CD 
provides rescue functions. I haven't bothered with a boot floppy in 
ages. 'Sides my ancient floppy drive died some time ago anyhow ;)

 Most of this admittedly belongs on cooker's list but I haven't
 subscribed to it. I subscribed to changelog though.

   That's you're first mistake IMO. Read the cooker list, or at 
least daily check the archive. Which takes more time to do than 
just subscribin to an readin the list.

  Mirrors have been screwed up lately, but since Sat. (8/23)
  they're in order again.  OTOH, RC1 was due last Friday. Look
  for it

 Hmm. Well, I'm just running another urpmi.update -a  urpmi
 --auto-select just for good measure.

Latest (synthesis)hdlist is 8/23, 9:23 AM on the primary mirror, 
with no files missing. Cooker should be updated daily.

  to come out very soon (probly why the mirrors were froze ;)
  I suspect if you update to current, you'll have RC1

 RC1 is out? (yum)

   An educated conjecture on my part. I expect the iso's on mirrors 
any time now. Probly by Mon. or Tues.  I'll let ya have first crack 
at 'em ;) I'm already runnin RC1.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Dell TFT 17Flat Screen

2003-08-23 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday August 23 2003 02:07 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I think I'm going to wait till the right offer for a 19
 1280x1024 at maybe 85Hz?
 is that about right for the refresh rate,  eventually comes


That's what I'm doin ... waitin. Don't expect prices to come 
down, actually they're goin up. I'm waitin for better quality LCD's 
that don't cost a small fortune.

   FWIW, I wouldn't buy one on specs. You need to see it in a 
store's showroom. Then get the model number an buy it online after 
checking for Linux compatibility and performance. The one's you see 
in a store are runnin Winsux. Same for online reviews.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Rars PDF files

2003-08-17 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday August 16 2003 09:30 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 16, 2003 at 05:02:57PM -0600, Heather/Femme wrote:
  can someone email me on or offlist how to work with these files
  in linux pls?  RTFM, instructions, URLS ..whatever welcome.  I
  just know it has been discussed on here but I don't have the
  time to look through the archives at the moment.  So forgive my
  laziness, lack of time, insert jab at me here. :)

 Not exactly sure what you mean by work with the files, but if
 you've got a rar archive to unpack, you can do it with:

 unrar e file.rar

unrar-3.20-1plf   is on PLF.  If there's multiple parts, then 
  'unrar e file.part01.rar'  will start the process, and use all the 
remaining parts. OTOH, if you want to use a GUI, then
   'cp /usr/bin/unrar /usr/bin/rar'and install File Roller. 
Clicking on the first rar part in a file manger (eg, Konqueror) 
will launch File Roller and then just choose Extract, and click OK.
Try both the CL and the GUI, see which method you like the best ;)
unrar needs to be copied to rar, because that what File Roller looks 
for and uses. So don't skip that step. 'Course you could also do it 
with a link.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] chkrootkit

2003-08-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday August 14 2003 05:22 pm, Chris wrote:
 On Thursday 14 August 2003 01:11 am, Inhabitant of Zion wrote:
Running chkrootkit I get the following when searching for
suspicious files and directories.  Does this mean these are
suspicious or just the ones checked?
  I think it may well mean they are suspicious. I get one on my
  Searching for suspicious files and dirs, it may take a while...
  Dunno what to do about it. Delete the files ASAP?

 Anyone else have thoughts on this?  What exactly does chkrootkit
 check for in these files?

 I noticed most all the suspect files belonged to closed source 
proprietary applications. Namely StarOffice and Java.  Use of 
closed source drivers and apps is always a security risk.

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] M8.1 Shutdown fails

2003-08-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday August 15 2003 12:04 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Sorry about the delay, too many things on the go at once.

 No, completely hung , not even,

 ctrl+alt+f3] does anything,

 so it's a complete crash, swithch the power off at source.

 It then , of course, has to do a complete fsck as part of the

   It's often not necessary to hit the 'panic' button.

 So what's with stopping kheader ?
 what does this mean , or is it something else really ?

   No idea but you're gonna haft'a eliminate hardware causes first.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Linux saves MS's butt.

2003-08-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday August 15 2003 05:02 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On 16 Aug 2003 07:49:28 +1000

 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Wonder if they're going to change their official stance on
  linux and OSS now that they've had to resort to linux to save
  their ass?

 No, once it has passed, they'll probably just fire the tech who
 set it up and disavow any knowledge of it.


 Well someone please tell me how you'd run  Microsoft-IIS/6.0 on 
Linux ??  ... or is the server just spoofed?   

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Linux saves MS's butt.

2003-08-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday August 15 2003 01:58 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:
 Yesand no.  What I see is a cache server (akamai) running
 Linux.  The MS site is an IIS server.  It is a way for MS to use
 a third party to lighten the bandwidth load--having akamai serve
 up a cached copy of the Windows Update site.

That still amounts to Linux savin their butt. Their main site,
 still comes back 
An error occured while loading
Unknown host

 and is down

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] mp3 to wav to ogg to mp3 different bitrate conversion tool

2003-08-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday August 15 2003 03:47 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 Michael Adams wrote:
 On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 10:36:02 -0400
 Brant Fitzsimmons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anarky wrote:
is there like a audio conversion tool that can handle all
  different stuff like this (like saving as an mp3 with a
  different bitrate/stereo/mono, converting to wave, or
  compressing back)? Is there like an unified toool like this
  with some gui?
 Wouldn't this be accumulating losses exponentially?
 Like 5% loss in original mp3. Convert to wav then 5% loss from
  wav to ogg = total loss of 25%. Of course i may be blowing

 I don't believe it would accumulate like that.  I think that if
 you recompress an .mp3 to another lossy file format you *may*
 have a cumulative loss of quality relative to the original
 uncompressed .wav file.  I think it depends on the compression
 format that is being used on both files.

 If you save an .mp3 as a wav file it will have the same quality
 as the .mp3 but with a much larger file size.  It will not
 increase the quality of the file.  It can't get any better than
 the file from which it is created (the mp3).  It will sound
 exactly the same and will take up 5, 6, 7 or more times the space
 on your hard drive depending on the bit rate of the original
 file.  To get the best quality you need to create compressed
 files directly from the original wav.

Well y'all surely got this figured better than I can. I know tho 
if I take a 800mb movie an an rescale it usin

mencoder input.mpg [or .avi or .wmv] -ovc lavc -lavcopts 
vcodec=mpeg4 -vop scale=640:480 -oac copy -o output.avi

   The output.avi MB's are cut in half, the quality difference isn't 
discernable. I can burn it to a CDr along with a smaller movie, 
whereas before it wouldn't fit by itself. I've yet to have a need 
to rescale mp3's or wav's tho. Cdr's are cheap, I already fit 
around 20 to 25 normalized wav's to an audio CDr, 100 to 125 mp3's 
to a data CDr ;)


Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] VMWare Workstation 3.2.0 Serial Number

2003-08-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday August 15 2003 04:38 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Look - sometimes serials numbers fall out of the sky especially
 when you're surfing around sites like
 - don't know where they come from, but you'd be surprised at the
 amount of random numbers that are generated that for some reason
 seem to work properly with applications that require things like
 serial numbers and CD keys...go figure


 ...need any more hints?

   I believe there's a crack in this theory

   I gave up that theory of operation when I quit winsux
   'Sides, the good cracks were gettin harder to find anyhow ;

   Linux has made an honest man out'a me
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] FS conversion/Partition resizing

2003-08-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday August 13 2003 10:35 am, Haywiremac wrote:
 On 13 Aug 2003 12:27:37 +0100

 Douglas Bainbridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Can you shrink partitions in place?

 actually, I am curious about this myself. I stupidly divided my
 60 GB drive into 30/30 for / and /home, but I would now like to
 shrink the / partition since I need nowhere near 30 GB for the

 any thoughts Tom? I don't see any options in MCC for this...

Partitions can be shrunk. The tool would depend on the FS. BUT 
you'd still need to backup all data, 'cause it's a risky business. 
Better to delete partitions and re-create them. In Douglas' case 
this is necessary since they need to be re-formatted anyhow. 

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] hdd copying VERY slow

2003-08-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday August 11 2003 02:49 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 WD 120 gb:[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# hdparm -tT /dev/hda

  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.19 seconds =673.68
 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  1.45 seconds =
 44.14 MB/sec

 No idea if thats normal or good or bad.. i dunno what i'm looking thought i'd throw this in  ask. :)

 I ran the test 3 times too... thats the last reading.

   Average is important, over 5 or 6 runs. But those numbers are 
very good. Mine average 650/47. The highest I've seen is 698/48.

   OTOH, the latest hdparm-5.4-2mdk uses bigger, different tests. It 
measures T over 2 seconds, about 1200 to 1300mb rather than the old 
128mb test. Similarly with t, it measures over 3 seconds, about 
140+ mb's, rather than 64mb. So the numbers might not be all that 
comparable. I've tested with the old and new hdparm tho, and the t 
number, the important one, Timing buffered disk reads is constant 
... 47+ mb/sec. I suspect the new hdparm is more accurate.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] hdd copying VERY slow

2003-08-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 10 2003 11:38 am, Anarky wrote:
 hi everybody ... me new ... I just had a very embarassing
 moment today. A friend came by with his hdd .. and I was copying
 about 1Gb of data from one hdd to another.  My linux preaching
 was going pretty well .. and he was pretty much willing to give
 it a try too ... but then ... well .. copying from one hdd to
 another was SOO slow that I had to reboot in windows. very
 anyway, now I've done some tests and copying with Krusader
 gave me some speed results:
 the copying starts off at a boooming nice 8Mb/second .. and then
 gradually by the time it copies 200Mb it's at like 1Mb per sec ..
 and my hdds are making a noise like they're going to die ... plz
 help. It can't be hardware problems because in windows it copies
 the stuff fast .. and at a constant speed (can't say exactly ...
 but I got a feel for the time it takes to copy 700Mb ... and it
 takes a LOT longer in linux)

 Now for my specs:

 I should mention that Im copying from on fat32 partition to
 another. running mandrake 9.1, no updates,
 the tested drive speeds are:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] void]# hdparm -tT /dev/hda

  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.85 seconds =150.59
 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  1.87 seconds =
 34.22 MB/sec

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] void]# hdparm -tT /dev/hdd

  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.85 seconds =150.59
 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  2.87 seconds =
 22.30 MB/sec

 both my drives are udma if I read the output of 'hdparm -i
 /dev/hda'  'hdparm -i /dev/hda' correctly:
 for hda:
 UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 *udma4 udma5 udma6
 and for hdd:
 UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 *udma2 udma3 udma4

 so that's not it ...

 umm .. what else: I've got 256Mb SD ... and I don't know the
 motherboard type exactly (kt133B?) ... anyway, the proc is K7
 Athlon 550Mhz slot A

 he me ... please!!!

 greets  thanks in advance to everybody

[root /tom] $ hdparm -tT /dev/hd[ab]

/dev/hda:  (ata/133, udma6)
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   1232 MB in  2.00 seconds = 616.00 
 Timing buffered disk reads:  140 MB in  3.00 seconds =  46.67 

/dev/hdb:  (ata/100, udma6)
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   1252 MB in  2.00 seconds = 626.00 
 Timing buffered disk reads:  122 MB in  3.02 seconds =  40.40 

 Your hardware is a good part of the slowness. OTOH, you didn't 
say how you were transferring. I suspect it was with a GUI. If 
you'd have used the CL, Linux would smoke Winblows. Maybe not 
necessarily faster, but Linux does proper verification, Winsux 
slides over this.  Google 'CRC checks'  Also, if the files had been 
on a real file system, and not subject to M$ fragmentation, the 
transfer would'a been no problem.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] hdd copying VERY slow

2003-08-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday August 11 2003 02:21 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 yes, I think I experienced this when we went through my own
 configuration with you a while back, and the conclusion I came to
 was that overdoing  anything the makers recomend is a  zero sum
 game to the degree to which you overclock, you get nothing for
 nothing, so I went back to makers recommended settings, and since
 I am not into gaming , blow it all.

   Not so fast partner ;  I was referring to HDD performance. 
Somethin cpu/cache/ram intensive scales linearly up with 
overclocking. A glibc src.rpm or kernel 'make bzImage', 'make 
modules' compile for examples. Most all benchmarks. OTOH, I've 
always overclocked mostly like mountain climbers say, just 'cause 
its there.  Besides, now'adays if your hardware isn't 
overclockable, you probly should'na bought it to begin with ;)  If 
it isn't clockable, it probly won't run all that well at the specs 
the 'makers' set out. Dell is a good example ;
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Installation query: Passing multiple arguments to installer routine

2003-08-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday August 10 2003 02:42 am, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On 09 Aug 2003 19:56:16 -0400

 ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if you are installing 9.1, there is no expert mode, like
  there was in 7.0-9.0, but in some sections (like configuring
  the network) you can chose an expert mode.

 There is still an expert mode.
 It is not avaiable from the default installation but has to be
 called from F1.

 # linux expert vga=normal or simply
 # expert vga=normal



   I've sometimes got some good opinions ;) Charles has the right 
answers when you can get him to speak up ;)  BTW folks, y'all 
should be made aware that Charles is a highly valued member and 
contributor to Mandrake's current development. Now an in the past. 
Often thankless an unpaid efforts.

   There are some situations were F1, options won't go tho. Some 
hardware, particularly with USB keyboards. I didn't have a USB 
kybd, but with my old hardware, F1 - expert, would not complete 
loading the 2nd stage ramdisk with 9.1. Default install loaded with 
no problem. Green gremlins were to blame ;) 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] hdd copying VERY slow

2003-08-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday August 12 2003 02:44 am, Anarky wrote:
 On Monday 11 Aug 2003 6:15 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 Well, I'm reading this thread and seein the suggestions to
  use hdparm parameters in rc.local or harddisks with some
  wonderment. With Mandrake 9.x, you shouldn't need to configure
  any hdparm parameters. Mandrake does it automatically unless
  it detects known

 so, the idea is that I should leave my hdparm alone? And,
 well, following sugestions here I did a coulpe of commands ...
 did they remain active even after a reboot? and if so: how do I
 set them back?

  No, they don't remain active unless you put 'em in rc.local.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] FS conversion/Partition resizing

2003-08-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday August 13 2003 02:56 pm, Haywiremac wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 13:12:58 -0500

 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Partitions can be shrunk. The tool would depend on the FS.
  BUT you'd still need to backup all data, 'cause it's a risky
  business. Better to delete partitions and re-create them. In
  Douglas' case this is necessary since they need to be
  re-formatted anyhow.

 I am using Ext3, so what tool would I use? Would this tool allow
 me to simultaneously, or otherwise, shrink the / partition and
 *grow* the /home partition?

 ...and don't worry, I back everything up all the time, just cuz
 I'm usin a Maxtor ;-)

parted, fips, some commercial ones

   Returned quite a few hits.  As I alluded to before tho, I'd 
delete existing partitions and re-create 'em. Specially since you 
can replace from backup.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] DSL connection (SBC)

2003-08-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday August 13 2003 04:24 pm, Julien Sobrier wrote:
 Sabin, Matthew wrote:
  Are you using the correct cable?  Cat5 crossover cable vs.
  normal cable?
  Your PC would have connected to the LAN with a normal cable,
  but the DSL/modem (misnomer) may require a crossover cable to
  connect to a PC.

  Yes it is a misnomer. It's not a modem as there's nothing to 
be modulate/demodulated (analog POTS  digital) as the DSL input 
and output are already digital. It's properly called an ATU-R, 
(adsl transceiver unit-remote) but most everybody calls 'em modems 
out of old habits.  The Telco's DSLAM is also called an 


 The connection works under Windows, so I guess I have the good


 Julien, try installing rp-pppoe. It's on your CD's. Run (as 
root) 'adsl-setup' (w/o the quotes) and answer the half dozen 
questions. Your user name should be the whole deal, ie, somethin 
For DNS don't enter any, enter 'server' (w/o the quotes).
Typing (as root) 'adsl-start' should do it, 'adsl-stop' to quit

  See Roaring Penguin's site for more information and help

  Also, Menu | Documentation | Howto's | DSL-Howto is worth a read. 
SBC DSL is easy to setup on Mandrake once you have a userID and 

 FWIW, I've had SBC DSL for almost a year. A few weeks ago the 
connection abruptly slowed by over half. I soon found the problem. 
I had the DSL phone line running thru an APC surge protector, which 
normally is a good idea. Putting the line straight to the ATU-R 
immediately restored full speed. Also I sometimes (actually rarely) 
need to power cycle the ATU-R (unplug power, wait a minute, restore 
power).  So try that if you feel you've got the connection properly 
configured, but can't connect.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] FS conversion/Partition resizing

2003-08-14 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday August 13 2003 06:27 am, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
 MD9.1. Two queries:

 Is it possible to convert ext3 to Reiser FS in place?


 If not and 
 you had to convert by re-installing the system, would there be
 any way of transferring or copying an ext3 /home into the new
 Reiser system ?

Copy your user directory from /home to a storage partition. 
You do have one don't ya?  After re-installing the system on 
ReiserFS, you can copy it back to /home, overwriting the user dir 
the install created.  Any filesystem for the storage partition is 
suitable, but if you copy it to a Windoze partition, tar it up 
first to preserve permissions.

 Can you shrink partitions in place? I'm wondering about creating
 separate partitions for /boot and /var. Could you give me advice
 about appropriate sizes for those mount points?

 For /boot 20 mb is enough. Use 50 mb if you like to try a lot 
of new kernels. Use ReiserFS for all other partitions, but use ext3 
for /boot **.  For /var, do a 'du /var' to see how big it is now, 
then allow for some room.  How much? I dunno. I've never made /var 
a separate partition.  For most desktop users, /swap, /boot, /, and 
/home are all that's needed for a flexible system.  There's no need 
to shrink existing partitions. Just delete them when you do the 
install, and make new partitions. You'll need to reformat anyhow to 
change to ReiserFS.
 ** Why, I dunno, but Civileme suggested it when ReiserFS or XFS is 
used for all other partitions. Civileme did extensive FS testing 
while he was a Mandrake employee.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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