Re: [newbie] home directory limits

2001-08-04 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well... back to the issue at hand. :0) What do you get from this command? [timh@r2d2 timh]$ df -h FilesystemSize Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/hde5 13G 1.8G 10G 15% / /dev/hdf6 9.8G 794M 8.6G 8% /backup /dev/hdf5 9.8G 438M 8.9G 5%

Re: [newbie] weird apache log

2001-08-04 Per discussione Tim Holmes
It's CodeRed trying to infect you. Don't worry, yo'ure good to go. There are three other worms floating around. If you look through the log and see the same info except with in there, that's the first strand of the worm. There are also two worms going around that try and run a cmd.exe on

Re: [newbie] Ping

2001-07-28 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Sounds like a firewall issue. Do you have something like Norton's Internet Security running? It will not all echo requests so you won't get a response from the host whe pinging that machine. Try to telnet to the Linux box. If you can get through, then it's most likely an issue like that.

Re: [newbie] SuSE User on Mandrake List

2001-07-27 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I agree completely. I think every Linux should try the other flavors. Kinda like Kool-Aid. :0) Personally, I've installed most of the distros. I don't think that I've missed any of the major ones. But each distro handles things different. I currently have 3 machines at home. JEDI --

Re: [newbie] ISP

2001-07-26 Per discussione Tim Holmes
There's a 'good' reason why you can't connect, and JUNO gave you line of BS for two reason. 1) They don't know how their network works since they don't maintain it. 2) It's not in their best interest to tell the world how it works. My day job is working for Worldcom, which handles, literally

Re: [newbie] Extreme *nix user wantabee

2001-07-26 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Basically anton's correct. It makes the Makefile clean. When you run a ./configure and it goes down and checks a lot of things, do you have this, do you have that, do you need this, do I care that you don't have this? Stuff like that. Then in the Makefile it adds a lot of extra stuff. When

Re: [newbie] A job using linux?

2001-07-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I agree with Jim. I wouldn't so much say that Linux knowledge is what's in high demand, but more of *nix. If you have a very comprehensable knowlegde of Linux, especially the command line ascpect of it, then applying for work where your work station will be a SunOS machine, or you're doing

Re: [newbie] deleting user

2001-07-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Personally I would have tried and fixed the corrupted userID before I would have deleted the user. That should always be the very last option when all else fails. But at this point it's a bit late for that huh? :0) Never go through an just vi /etc/passwd, or whatever editor you use. Learn

Re: [newbie] some install questions

2001-07-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Wsup Robert? Well here's the run down. Postfix is a mail server. Basically it does what sendmail is so famous for doing, but Mandrake seems to love it, so that's why it's in the standard install. Go ahead and let it install. By default it's a close port so you won't have to worry too much

Re: [newbie] MAC addresses

2001-07-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Frans is right... ifconfig is your friend on many levels. In Mandrake, ifconfig is not in a regular user's path. So you'll need to be root, or have to include the full path. /sbin/ifconfig But here's a way to get the MAC address. Just use this command here to cut out what you need with out

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Re: WinXP is better....My reply to this BS

2001-07-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
This is amazing! I mean I'm completely dumb-founded at this. I know, as a previous computer gamer, hardware in my machine changed drastically from one week to the next. I remember at on point, inside one month, I added two new HDD, I added a new video card and then swapped in a better one.

Re: [newbie] AVI player in mdk8?

2001-07-22 Per discussione Tim Holmes
How do you open the I can't open it with the Archiver, and it asks for that to be present before I do a make make install. Config files successfully generated by ./configure ! Please check config.h and config.mak files, tune CPU and optimization flags if you don't like these

Re: [newbie] I want to register a miracle...

2001-07-22 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Another thing to add to this point. Everybody is absolutely right, but another thing that will make Linux faster then Windows9x and WindowsME, is that Micro$HAFT thinks their god. So they made everything for themselves. Micro$HAFT wrote their own version of TCP/IP. Pretty much what they did

Re: [newbie] Enlightment windows manager

2001-07-19 Per discussione Tim Holmes
When you log onto your machine, does it go in and give you a graphical prompt to login to? IF it does, it should give you the option. Enter in your userID, passwd and then select the Windows Manager from list. If you don't login in that way. And actually login and then type xinit, then

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-19 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well look at it this way. How much of a tax write off do you think there is for giving way Windows9x? About 2% of what they would gain if the OS was bought legally. Even then, we all know that Microsoft has used very aggressive tactics with dealing with competition. So going after a few

Re: [newbie] Got a question...

2001-07-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well does anybody know how to turn it off in vim? I've checked the .viminfo and I can't see anything in there. And there's no .vimrc or .virc. Anybody have a clue? tdh -- T. Holmes - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Real Men Us Vi! Uptime:

Re: [newbie] sorting a file/list in a special way

2001-07-15 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Personally I like using vi or vim. But that's because I find it faster then any other editor. Now it's not the only one that I use, but it is the main editor that I use. If I'm editing really large files, I'll use nedit, but I honestly use nedit more for viewing then anything. But with typing

Re: [newbie] kernel doubts

2001-07-15 Per discussione Tim Holmes
That was a real helpful response. What makes you think you need to recompile your kernel to install your WinModem? The drivers for the modem say that's required? Basically the difference between the 4.4.3-20mdk and the 4.4.3 is that the -20mdk is more customized for Mandrake. As far as

Re: [newbie] Lacking MAKE command

2001-07-14 Per discussione Tim Holmes
When you run the command 'which make' what do you get? Do you get output like this? [timh@r2d2 timh]$ which make /usr/bin/make What's the error message you get when you type make? Does it say it can't find make, or that there isn't a make file to user and read? tdh -- T. Holmes

Re: [newbie] Soundcard for Mandrake Linux.

2001-07-12 Per discussione Tim Holmes
For the most part, any SoundBlaster card will work, and not cause many problems. I think SoundBlaster 16 PCI is still the most common and most stable. However I'm running a SoundBlaster 128 in my machine, and I've heard the 512 does the job as well. Check out the Mandrake's supported hardware

Re: [newbie] Running ./configure, make and make install on card game in LM8

2001-07-12 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Try looking in /usr/local/bin. When installing from tarball, it doesn't install it in the same place that RPMs do. As your regular user, type these commands. cd source .bash_profile I'm assuming you're using bash. which app_name It should do a quick scan of all the paths in your $PATH, and

Re: FW: [newbie] curious ....

2001-07-11 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I just got around to this post after going through my email. Just wanted to make a few quick comments. Windows9x CAN survive with out IE, but IE is there way in. That's how they keep tabs on what's going on the machine, and that's how they update the OS. Ever wonder why an update for IE is

[newbie] Procmail

2001-07-10 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I just noticed that procmail on my workstations has died. Suddenly, and unexpectedly. I was looking at mail in my in box this morning and noticed that it should have been in another folder. So I check the procmail.log, and the last time it was edited was on June 29th. Two weeks ago or so. I

Re: [newbie] Re: Run My KMail While Logged Under Root?

2001-07-10 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I agree with Sridhar completely! If you've ever installed your machine with high security, you can't even login with a Windows Manager with the root user. The only time I've done it, has been to compile kernels, and the machine was NOT on the Internet. I do a su - for maybe 10 or 15 minutes a

Re: [newbie] Good ISP for Linux?

2001-07-10 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Any external modem will do the trick. As long as it's a hardware modem, you're pretty safe. So go with external, and serial port. They are easy to maintain, and next to NO configuration needed. The only thing you need to configure would be the dialing software like kppp or whatever you

Re: [newbie] imici problems

2001-07-10 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I've installed the app, and used it for maybe a few days. The thing about the software, is, meanwhile it's a good idea, it doesn't work very well in my experience. I've tried to use it with all of those at the same time, but it won't connect with each one. It will connect with AIM one minute,

Re: [newbie] Mandrake80-inst.iso [install]

2001-07-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes
If you burned the ISO to CD, it's most likely already bootabled, but your lmes - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Real Men Us Vi! Uptime: 8:04AM up 4 days, 11:11, 5 users, load averages:

Re: [newbie] deleting contents of a file

2001-07-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Bascially you want a file, like a log, that had tons of data in it, to have all the data removed, but there still be a log file there? Does that sound about right? What I would do, would be delete the file rm -f file.log And then to get the file there again, with the bit size of 0 (zero) I'd

Re: [newbie] XFree 86 4.1.0????

2001-07-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I just installed DualHead on my Mandrake workstation. (Like two weekends ago.) Well in trying to do this, the Matrox site went down, and I couldn't find the right driver I needed. In hopes trying to get the drivers to work and blah blah blah, I downloaded and installed XF86 4.1.0. I downloaded

Re: [newbie] Linux app for MSN Messenger.

2001-07-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Imici does as well. You have to get an account with them first, and then you can use that to connect to AOL, YAHOO, ICQ, and something else too I think. I think it's, but you can search for it on FreshMeat as well. tdh -- T. Holmes - [EMAIL

Re: [newbie] XFree 86 4.1.0????

2001-07-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Honestly, I'd say go with the usual saying, If it ain't broke, don't fix it! No need to upgraded at this point. I haven't noticed any performance differences, X has never crashed on me. The only reason I upgraded was because I thought it would help my issue with the drivers. (When the real

Re: [newbie] Fetchmail problem

2001-07-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes
To start out, run this command. [timh@r2d2 timh]$ rpm -qa | grep fetchmail fetchmail-5.7.4-5mdk [timh@r2d2 timh]$ which fetchmailconf which: no fetchmailconf in (SNIP) Now that I look at it, I'm not sure why my workstation doesn't have the daemon installed, but here's what your *should* look

Re: [newbie] Single User.

2001-07-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes
able to access root that way. This | way, even if you forget the root password, you have a way to change it. | | Michael | | Michael Viron | Registered Linux User #81978 | Senior Systems Administration Consultant | Web Spinners, University of West Florida | | At 09:57 PM 07/09/2001 -0400, Tim

Re: [newbie] Single User.

2001-07-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes
| | | -- -- +- \./ | Tim Holmes -- em@il: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (0Y0) | Real men us Vi! -ooO--(_)--Ooo--+- Uptime: 9:57PM up

Re: [newbie] Remote X-windows session

2001-07-07 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Personally, I'm confused as to what exactly you want here. Now if you're on another Linux box, while running Xwindows, and you want to open nedit or an xterm over the network from another machine on your desktop, that is pretty simple. Edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config and /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Re: [newbie] Network configuration help...

2001-07-06 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well is it actually installed? Have you checked looking in HardDrake? Does it show the card there? Better yet, try these things: [timh@r2d2 timh]$ cat /etc/modules.conf | grep eth0 alias eth0 3c59x [timh@r2d2 timh]$ cat /proc/interrupts | grep eth0 3:1161676 XT-PIC usb-uhci,

Re: [newbie] ./configure

2001-07-05 Per discussione Tim Holmes
And to even take it a little further, it's not so much an issue of the ./configure command, but more of the ./ command. If you go through the steps that Paul pointed out, and untar a program to install, then do a ls -la configure you will see that it's an executable script. For example,

Re: [newbie] secure copy

2001-07-05 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I use scp all the time. We have 5 *nix boxes on our network that all have direct IP. We use scp to transfer software, we use sftp as often as possible for security. Now you can download and install SFTP clients on your Windows box, and then use SFTP to transfer files. There's also program

Re: [newbie] Acrobat

2001-07-04 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I take it you downloaded the tar.gz from Adobe's web page? From there type : [root@r2d2 installed] tar -zxvf linux-ar-405.tar.gz ILINXR.install/ILINXR.TAR ILINXR.install/INSTALL ILINXR.install/INSTGUID.TXT ILINXR.install/LICREAD.TXT ILINXR.install/READ.TAR ILINXR.install/ReadMe [root@r2d2

Re: [newbie] Small desktop

2001-07-04 Per discussione Tim Holmes
What it sounds like to me, is that you're booting and then X is loading failsafe. Now when I load failsafe, it shows up in the lower right hand corner, but it may be something I've set up. I doubt it has anything to do with what version of X you're running. Then again... it could be loading

Re: [newbie] Dial in?

2001-07-03 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Your email is confusing. You say you want to set Mandrake up to be a DialUp server, and then you say you want to dial from home to work and access software. Which exactly is it you'd like to do. tdh -- T. Holmes - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Real Men Us

Re: [newbie] 3com 509 on Mandrake 8.0

2001-07-02 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Oh my goodness... a ISA 3com card? WOW! Well, does Mandrake recognize it? Check /etc/modules.conf and /proc/interrupts. Do you see anything in there having to do with Mandrake at all? Maybe something along these lines? [timh@r2d2 timh]$ cat /etc/modules.conf | grep eth0 alias eth0 3c59x

Re: [newbie] Dual Heads

2001-07-01 Per discussione Tim Holmes
As of about an hour ago or so, I finally was able to get DualHead working on my Mandrake 8.0 box. I had problems getting it installed because I didn't have the right drivers, and the Matrox support web page was down all damn weekend. Once I got the mga and mga_hal driver in the right place, all

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-30 Per discussione Tim Holmes
This is a good post. People constructively discussing an issue with out a lot of the mess that has gone in the past when Micro$HAFT has been mentioned. But I will agree with some of the things said, understand some others, and just simply comment on others. Linux is sort of a Hippie sort of

Re: [newbie] How come the mouse wigs out during install

2001-06-30 Per discussione Tim Holmes
It's doing this because it's going down the list looking for drivers. Pretty much the same thing that happens when you put a Windows9* boot disk in your floppy drive. If you tell it to boot into Windows9* with CDROM support it takes forever. It's doing that because it loads every CDROM driver

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-29 Per discussione Tim Holmes
As far as market share goes, I think you'd have to take FreeBSD out of that list. FreeBSD is the ISP UNIX. It's a downsized UNIX, but still a step above Linux. I don't know of anybody personally that's using FreeBSD as a desktop/workstation (Meanwhile I do have a FreeBSD server at home.) and

Re: [newbie] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I agree with Paul. It all depends on what you do with your Linux box. Myself, I'm an admin amongst many other things. I write scripts, I test software, as well as fixing other things that don't require root access, or another kind of access. Even when I'm doing something that does require

Re: [newbie] Re: [SLE] Use of Linux

2001-06-29 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Either way you do it, getting around those permission is going to be a security risk. You could provide the passwd in the script but all soembody needs to do is stumble across teh script and now they have root access. Or you could change the permissions in the correct places to allow certain

Re: [newbie] ctrl+s under X not always working...

2001-06-28 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Turn off your NumLock, or Scroll Lock. You may have to activate NumLock to deactivate Scroll Lock, and then turn off NumLock, but once those are all off, everything will work fine. tdh -- T. Holmes - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Real Men Us Vi! Uptime:

Re: [newbie] Telnet/FTP not starting after install

2001-06-27 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Honestly, it doesn't sound like the server is installed, but I think that with 7.1, it was installed automatically unless you tell it otherwise. Make sure it is installed. [root@r2d2 /root] rpm -qa | grep telnet telnet-0.17-7mdk gnome-telnet-2.4-2mdk ktelnet-0.7b1-7mdk You need to make sure

Re: [newbie] Hotmail Mail

2001-06-27 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Yes, FreeBSD does use different licenses. Most BSD licenses do. They run off a BSD license and is much different then GPL. Meanwhile, the fact that Micro$HAFT has to rely on a *nix machine period is a victory for OpenSource period! tdh -- T. Holmes - [EMAIL

Re: [newbie] Thought on Hardware purchase?

2001-06-26 Per discussione Tim Holmes
The thing is, there are some people that have had no problem with that motherboard. For example, me. I don't have any weird hardware configs, or just weird hardware either, but the board works just fine with me. Then again I have had problems with custom kernels, but I can't attribute that to

Re: [newbie] Weird no such file or directory message

2001-06-26 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well first off, the actual game for Maelstrom isnt' kept in /usr/games. Secondly /Maelstrom would be that folder in /, which does not exist. Now there is a /usr/games/Maelstrom, but it's just a folder. If you want to play the game itself, try running the actual program. [timh@r2d2 timh]$ which

Re: [newbie] Thought on Hardware purchase?

2001-06-25 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well the processor and motherboard are kind of intertwined. For example, the motherboard you chose there as the A7V133. IT supports the 200/266 FSB. In order to take advantage of that you'll have to get a processor that supports that. Currently the smallest processor that does support that

Re: [newbie] cable modem, router problem

2001-06-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
ping packets? Again I don't have any experience with this problem, I'm just giving out suggestions of what I'd do in this case. Maybe something will be of help. tdh +- \./ | Tim Holmes -- em@il: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [newbie] How can I figure out my IP address?

2001-06-23 Per discussione Tim Holmes
And contrary to popular belief, you don't HAVE to be root to run ifconfig. The only problem is it's not in the usual users's PATH. So you'll have to either edit your PATH, or just type out the entire path location. [timh@r2d2 timh]$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr

Re: [newbie] Merging Mail Folders

2001-06-23 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I don't use a GUI mail client, but my sister uses KMail. I thought I saw an option for import/export. Not sure if that means you can assimilate mail into your mail boxes, but if you can, all you should need to do would be copy the folders to your $HOME and then use Kmail's drop down menus and

Re: [newbie] oh no... deleted something....

2001-06-23 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Did you do this in a console window? If you did a: rm file_name And told it verified that you wanted it deleted, then it's gone, and you can't get it back. Now if you had an icon some place and highlighed the icon and then clicked delete, then it should be in your TrashCan if you haven't

Re: [newbie]

2001-06-23 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Did you mount the floppy? mount /dev/floppy /mnt/floppy Do that as root of course, and then try to access the floppy. I'd suggest cd /mnt/floppy and then doing an ls -la, but you could also try to click on the icon and use the GUI as well. tdh i-- T. Holmes -

Re: [newbie] cable modem, router problem

2001-06-23 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Meanwhile, I'm not exactly sure how those routers identify themselves, but I have a guess. I THINK the router's switch port has a MAC address. And that's probably why it's causing a problem. RoadRunner identifies machines on it's Cable network via MAC address. When you had your machine

Re: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 pop3 server problem (should be simple for you)

2001-06-18 Per discussione Tim Holmes
When you respond to that email address in your Hotmail account, what email address is it? Is the email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]? Does your machine always have the same IP address? For example... I can send an email to my machine directly, since it always has the same IP address, and it has

Re: [newbie] Licq Question

2001-06-18 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Are you using the GUI plugin for LICQ? If you are, there are plenty of menus to do just about anything. If you're using the console mode, if you type /help I believe it is, it will display a quick help menu for you. The thing I love about LICQ, is you don't actually have to get the

Re: [newbie] Speaking of Dell and Linux.........

2001-06-18 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Yeah... Microsoft CDs are good for coasters. Especially the MSN CDs. They at least have the pretty colors of that butterfly on them! Company seems to like those when the come over! :0) tdh -- T. Holmes - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Real Men Us Vi!

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia is totally unfounded

2001-06-18 Per discussione Tim Holmes
And honestly, the abscence of such stickers has been my only real complaint about Mandrake! SuSE comes with stickers, RedHATE comes with a bumper sticker and some other stickets for the outside of the machine and everything. But not for Mandrake! I've been looking at the online store

Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft

2001-06-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes
That's odd... because I remember reading some place that Compaq and DELL both shipped like 15% of their machines a year with a Linux OS, mainly RedHat. (I don't remember the number, I just tossed 15% in there for the comment.) I think it came from a RedHat site, so it may have been publicity

Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft

2001-06-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Yes... this is another Micro$HAFT advocate. But we really can't knock them since we are all... well most of us, are Linux advocates. But the truth is that Uncle Bill and Microsoft were not the first. As a matter a fact Gates and Jobs both stole most of there original code and made it better.

Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft

2001-06-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Try Quanta. Comes standard with Mandrake. It does have a WYSIWYG like interface. I like it because it works pretty well to help teach you HTML as well. Which I think is a good thing. Give it a try. I've used it to write basic HTML doc pages for our network. I used to know HTML really

Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft

2001-06-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes
EXACTLY!!! As a real techie I think you have to measure your success and your knowledge on how well you can trully mess up your workstation! Because that's when you really start to learn about your system. If you do something that bad in Windows, you don't have the liberty of editing a few

Re: [newbie] nslookup

2001-06-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I've been looking for this as well. IT seems that Mandrake got rid of nslookup since they've moved over to bind almost completely. I've tried looking on the CDs. For Mandrake 7.1 up to 8.0 and can not find it. I've even tried doing a search for it on but only found a perl

Re: [newbie] Is windows REALLY easier to install?

2001-06-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Yet another war story that people think are far and few between. I've installed all of Windows OS's to date, except Win3.1, and the beta XP. All of them have been a pain in the butt to do, and are far more time consuming. Going through and hand picking the packages I wanted in Mandrake still

Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft

2001-06-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes
pico is part of pine actually. If you check out the man pages for it, the first few lines normally tell you where the syntax comes from. Name pico - simple text editor in the style of the Pine Composer I don't care much for pico, or pine so I never installed either one of them. I use

Re: [newbie] telnetscript

2001-06-16 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well depending on how many commands you want to run, you can just use ssh. For example. [timh@yoda timh]$ ssh chewbacca cat .aliases | grep root | wc -l timh@chewbacca's password: 3 So I ssh'd to CHEWBACCA, cat'd the .aliases file I have in my root directory. grep'd out the word root,

Re: [newbie] change hostname

2001-06-15 Per discussione Tim Holmes
You can also use the hostname command. Just type hostname That will do the trick as well. That's what I've used in FreeBSD. Since there's no Linuxconf to use that I know of, and I don't have X installed to find another GUI. tdh -- T. Holmes -

Re: [newbie] Super Newbie

2001-06-15 Per discussione Tim Holmes
To start, I suggest that you start installing programs and packages from the console. You start to really learn the system and where things go as well as being able to add new things to new programs/packages. But using the Mandrake Package Manager that's in Mandrake 8, is another means of

Re: [newbie] Multiple Identity Mail Program With Password Protection?

2001-06-13 Per discussione Tim Holmes
What I don't understand is why you would need to do this? Linux is a multi-user system. If each person logs in, and opens KMail, it will only access the work that user has done. For example, say you have two users on the machine. zeus and hera. You log in as zeus and configure KMail for zeus'

Re: [newbie] FTape modules

2001-06-11 Per discussione Tim Holmes
You should be able to compile your kernel to just load the module at boot. Here's some of the info in the kernel config file. # # Ftape, the floppy tape device driver # # CONFIG_FTAPE is not set CONFIG_AGP=y CONFIG_AGP_INTEL=y CONFIG_AGP_I810=y CONFIG_AGP_VIA=y CONFIG_AGP_AMD=y

Re: [newbie] mutiple moniters

2001-06-10 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Meanwhile, I've not actually done this myself, nor have I seen it outside of a magazine, but yes it can be done. It's something I've wanted to do, but becomes an expensive project if erally done right. But Maximum Linux magazine did an article in their March/April 2001 edition about it. The

Re: [newbie] USb mice?

2001-06-08 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Mandrake sees the mouse as a PS/2 mouse. It doesn't matter if you have a PS/2 mouse and you connected it to your machine via a serial adapter, it's how it actually connects to the machine that it cares about. So if the PS/2 connection is how it gets to your machine, that's what kind of mouse

Re: [newbie] Current IP Address

2001-06-08 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Try and grep out the information you need from the command /sbin/ifconfig. If you're root, all you need is ifconfig, since it's in your path name, however any other user, ifconfig is not. But that command will give you a lot of info, one of which is the IP address. Something like the

Re: [newbie] Current IP Address

2001-06-08 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well you should be using some sort of connection software. I used kppp personally, and had no real problems with it. When connected it will tell you that it's done so. But you can set kppp to not disconnect when you log out. As long as the machine is booted, it will stay connected, of

Re: [newbie] RPM Install

2001-06-08 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Are you doing this as root? If you do that as root, try rpm -ivh FILE.RPM. That may do the trick, but it sounds like you're not running this as root. At least from what I gathered from the email. tdh T. Holmes - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Real Men Us

Re: [newbie] un-Enlightenment

2001-06-07 Per discussione Tim Holmes
What makes you say this? I know we use Enlightenment about 90% of the time. Our main workstations are Mandrake 8 machines, and we love Enlightenment! We even downloaded a whole boat load of themes. But I don't get the impression that Enlightenment is trying to phased out or something. I

Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up

2001-06-06 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I'm assuming you're trying to connect this Linux box to the RoadRunner server by itself, and not through a gateway router. Let's start in DrakConf. Since you're using Mandrake 8, there's an option on the left, that reads Network Internet. Select that option, then select the Connection

Re: [newbie] LAN Cable connection set up

2001-06-06 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well, having had my own problems with my cable connection, and then being even more frustrated when all it took was a modem reboot to fix the problem. It appears that the modem connects first, downloads any software updates for the modem each time. And if there isn't something there asking for

Re: [newbie] How to Compile Kernel

2001-06-04 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Well here's the deal. Start out with this web page. It tells you that you can go through and create your own .config file but I suggest you use the make xconfig. I didn't want to do it that way to start, but having tried to do it

Re: [newbie] usb modem configurating

2001-06-04 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Good luck is right! 90% USB Modems are WinModems. I found this out two months ago when I was trying to give a USB modem I have to a friend to use with a dual boot Mandrake/Windows machine. IN trying to make sure it would work on my machine, I found out it was a WinModem! So it didn't work.

Re: [newbie] CDROM question

2001-06-03 Per discussione Tim Holmes
On install, all you need is for the motherboard to boot from the CDROM. At which point Mandrake will load a CDROM driver to do the rest. Form there you will be set to go with no problems. That is of course provided that you have a supported CDROM that's fast enough. Check the Supported

Re: [newbie] udm66

2001-06-02 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Why did you disable UDMA66? If it works with that enabled, then leave it enabled. It may need that for the drives. tdh T. Holmes - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Real Men Us Vi! | hello i have some problems with my friends pc | when i install a linux

Re: [newbie] Renaming files...

2001-06-02 Per discussione Tim Holmes
The mv command will perform that function. For example, you take a JPEG named test.jpg and you want to name it background.jpg. The following command will do the trick for ya. mv test.jpg background.jpg It takes the test.jpg and moves it to the destination you specified. This of course

Re: [newbie] How to Compile Kernel

2001-06-02 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Hey Ed. Well, first of I'm not going to be able to fix your problem, but a few things came to mind as I read the message. Have you tried to locate that bzImage? Mandrake has a cron set up so it will update the locate database at like 4 AM every day. I'm assuming it's been a day or so later,

Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard

2001-05-31 Per discussione Tim Holmes
*sigh* HTML in email is EVIL! But back to the point... the ASUS A7V133, is a VERY NICE motherboard. That's what I'm running right now. It supports 266 FSB, it has a Promise ATA Controller on board, which will handle 4 IDE devices. IT then comes with the regular IDE controller that all

Re: [newbie] Remote access to Webmin

2001-05-31 Per discussione Tim Holmes
There's something else you're going to want to look for, or your webadmin will NOT allow you access to the interface. As ROOT, edit the file /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf I believe it's line 11, that by default reads: ssl=1 Unless you have ssl configured and the cert created, you will not be

Re: [newbie] Modems?

2001-05-31 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Actually, about 85% of all USB modems are Winmodems. I've only actually seen one hardware modem that was USB personally, and it was a good $150+. I have a Viking USB modem that works beautifully in Windows, but when I tried to give it to a friend to use in Linux, I found out it doesn't

Re: [newbie] Search for text in a directory

2001-05-31 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Do a man on grep. Grep is a VERY useful tool in *nix. It's great for use in scripts, as well as just basic use. For example, say you're looking for an error message, or something else in a log file, and you're too lazy to just read through the whole file, use a command like this. [timh@yoda

Re: [newbie] Fw: Cron root@mandrake run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

2001-05-30 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Touching the file creates it, but then it complains about the permissions later. I then went and did a chmod news:news /var/log/news/nntp* and it still complains. So I said SCREW IT! I went and did a chmod -x /etc/cron.hourly/in-cron-nntpsend. So it doesn't try and run that every hour,

Re: [newbie] netscape + mousewheel

2001-05-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I've noticed this as well. I've had it come down to working one night, and the next day, it doesn't. In Netscape that is. I can use the mousewheel in XTerms and Nedit and things of that nature, but if I try and use it with Netscape, it doesn't work. It's like it works when it wants to. But

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 and executables that don't.

2001-05-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
But doesn't the ./script_name tell it what directory to use? So it doesn't need or care about the path name? At least that's what I was always under the impression of. But that's something I'll have to keep in mind. As for Will, after you edit your .bashrc or .shellrc make sure you source it

Re: [newbie] hosts.deny not working

2001-05-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
Meanwhile I've not set this up myself, the first thing that comes to mind is to restart certain daemons. For example, you may need to: /etc/init.d/sshd restart Then try and log in. That may fix the problem. tdh T. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] Real Men use Vi. * Franki [EMAIL

Re: [newbie] How to get IntelliMouse to work

2001-05-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I've noticed this to happen several times myself. What I did to fix it was to boot the machine, and not go into XWindows. From there I ran mouseconfig. Configured the mouse, made sure all the daemons were started, and then started XWindows. Well now the only problem I have with the

Re: [newbie] KVM switches

2001-05-24 Per discussione Tim Holmes
I CAN! I have a BELKIN OmniCube 4-Port KVM, and I love it! I've been telling friends to get them, who don't even have multiple machines! That's how much I swear by it. I bought mine through At the time I believe this model was $120, and then it was $12 for KVM cables.

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