Re: [newbie-it] X e vicinanze

2002-11-03 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 02:52, domenica 3 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto: pigio (sono gia in ambiente grafico con
 Win..Make..) su xinitrc mi parte in sovraposizione KDE...questo
 mi fa pensare che siamo sulla strada giusta!

Ehm .. no, mi sa che abbiamo fatto un passo indietro :P; c'e' il rischio 
di rimanere ingabbiati nel circolo vizioso di scriptini (come dicevo)

 e qui come modifico lo script?
 Gli ho dato una sguardata ma mi rimanda (sempre che abbia capito bene)
 ad un altro file/script in un altar dir,che nn sono riuscito ad

ecco ...

  in /etc/sysconfig un file di nome desktop
 ho provato a cambiare un po le cose tipo mettendo Windetc
 al posto di KDE
 e qui nn ha avuto nessu efetto

Hai ben tre possibilita' di scelta:
1) recuperi in MDK control center il punto in cui viene scelto il WM e lo 
modifichi per usare wmaker [ma qui non mi ricordo proprio una mazza]; o
2) cerchi di seguire la selva di script che richiamano script che 
richiamano script che richiamano file di configurazione [diciamo che non 
ne vale la pena .. ]; oppure
3) crei un file nella tua $HOME di nome .xinitrc che avvia wmaker (cioe' 
contenga alla fine exec /usr/bin/wmaker)
Il mio e' piu' elaborato, il problema e' che non so se si attaglia alla 
tua distribuzione .. Prova a vedere se funziona cosi' (altrimenti ti 
mando il testo che ho io)

 poi o provato a sostituire Kdm con Wind..etc,e qui si è piantato X

No, le due alternative a kdm sono gdm e xdm (meglio lasciare quello che 

GNU/Linux * Slackware 8.1+9.0beta1 * LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583 (Parola di Microsoft ...)

[newbie-it] installazione pacchetto gtk+-2.0.2

2002-11-03 Thread fulvio
Cerco di installare il pacchetto in oggetto ma con ./configure alla fine 

checking for X11/Xft/XftFreetype.h... no
configure: error: pangoxft Pango backend found, but Xft not found

anche se:

[rootlocalhost gtk+-2.0.2]# locate XftFreetype.h

ed essendo:

[rootlocalhost gtk+-2.0.2]# echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Un saluto, Fulvio

Re: [newbie-it] X e vicinanze

2002-11-03 Thread tom
Alle 13:00, domenica 3 novembre 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto...sempre che 
abbia capito bene!:

 Ehm .. no, mi sa che abbiamo fatto un passo indietro :P; c'e' il rischio
 di rimanere ingabbiati nel circolo vizioso di scriptini (come dicevo)

  e qui come modifico lo script?
  Gli ho dato una sguardata ma mi rimanda (sempre che abbia capito bene)
  ad un altro file/script in un altar dir,che nn sono riuscito ad

 ecco ...

Come temevo!

 Hai ben tre possibilita' di scelta:
 1) recuperi in MDK control center il punto in cui viene scelto il WM e lo
 modifichi per usare wmaker [ma qui non mi ricordo proprio una mazza]; o

Trovato!!.ma qui c'è una cosa strana in stile Vimzowss!!! facio la 
modifica ma non ha alcun efetto..cambio KDE con Wmake allo startx c'è 
sempre KDE!!!
che strano!! nn capisco! (non è che KDE sta cercando di emulare troppo l' 
ambiente desktop di winzow?)

 2) cerchi di seguire la selva di script che richiamano script che
 richiamano script che richiamano file di configurazione [diciamo che non
 ne vale la pena .. ]; oppure

Cosi divento pazzo!

 3) crei un file nella tua $HOME di nome .xinitrc che avvia wmaker (cioe'
 contenga alla fine exec /usr/bin/wmaker)
 Il mio e' piu' elaborato, il problema e' che non so se si attaglia alla
 tua distribuzione .. Prova a vedere se funziona cosi' (altrimenti ti
 mando il testo che ho io)

Uhmmm questa strada sembra interessante... che dovrei creare di preciso?
( sono un po tordo! [:-)
devo inserire uno script? un semplice file di testo?
qui inizzio ad uscire da cio che mi è piu familire.

No, le due alternative a kdm sono gdm e xdm (meglio lasciare quello che 

A che servono questi parametri.sempre che siano parametri.
Scusa se ti chiedo tutte ste cose.vorrei capirci un po di piu.

Ciao , Tom

  poi o provato a sostituire Kdm con Wind..etc,e qui si è piantato X

 No, le due alternative a kdm sono gdm e xdm (meglio lasciare quello che

[newbie-it] Stampante

2002-11-03 Thread paolo
Salve a tutta la lista , ho installato oggi mandrake 9.0 , devo dire che è 
molto buona e quei fastidiosi bug che avevo sulla 8.1 non ci sono quindi devo 
dire che è molto buona .
Però ho avuto un problema con la stampante , nel configurarla tramite drakconf 
mi ha dato molti problemi specialmente con cups , cioè non voleva saperne di 
funzionare e non capisco il perchè , allora ho impostato il tipo di stampa 
LPR/LPRng  e in questo modo tutto funziona in modo corretto tranne che con 
gimp non stampa , con tutti gli altri programmi compreso openoffice la 
stampante funziona correttamente .
Per il momento posso rimediare salvando l'immagine e stampare con un altro 
programma tipo kview.
Qualcuno di voi ha avuto lo stesso problema oppure sa cosa ho sbagliato ?
In attesa di risposta ringrazio.

Ciao Lele
Scarica il nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: con webcam, nuove faccine e tante altre novità.

[newbie-it] gogo

2002-11-03 Thread mario
ciao a tutti sapete indicarmi un programma per rippare e codificare dei file 
da cd.wav=mp3 visto che con ripper e grip non riesco a combinare 
niente nel senso che mi compare un icona con il titolo del brano ma 
inascoltabile ...0byte!! inoltre sento parlare di gogo come 
encoder ma non rieco a trovarlo grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] gogo

2002-11-03 Thread stormymonday
mario wrote:

ciao a tutti sapete indicarmi un programma per rippare e codificare dei file 
da cd.wav=mp3 visto che con ripper e grip non riesco a combinare 
niente nel senso che mi compare un icona con il titolo del brano ma 
inascoltabile ...0byte!! inoltre sento parlare di gogo come 
encoder ma non rieco a trovarlo grazie a tutti


Ciao Mario
L'encoder di cui parli credo tu lo possa trovare qua:
Spero di esserti stato utile

Re: [newbie-it] X e vicinanze

2002-11-03 Thread LukenShiro
Alle 20:27, domenica 3 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
  1) recuperi in MDK control center il punto in cui viene scelto il WM
 facio la modifica ma non ha alcun efetto..cambio KDE con Wmake
 allo startx c'è sempre KDE!!!

Allora molto probabilmente questo funziona solo per il login grafico, 

  3) crei un file nella tua $HOME di nome .xinitrc che avvia wmaker
  (cioe' contenga alla fine exec /usr/bin/wmaker)
 devo inserire uno script? un semplice file di testo?

uno script di shell (e va reso eseguibile):
exec /usr/bin/wmaker

se non funziona correttamente (controlla per sicurezza la directory di 
wmaker) vuol dire che van messi anche altri dati (che poi ti passo ... 
_sempre che vadano bene_ ...)

 No, le due alternative a kdm sono gdm e xdm (meglio lasciare quello
 A che servono questi parametri.sempre che siano parametri.

Brevemente: sono gestori del login grafico tradizionale: kdm e' nei 
pacchetti di kde, gdm e' nei pacchetti di gnome, xdm e' quello che funge 
in assenza dei precedenti.

GNU/Linux * Slackware 8.1+9.0beta1 * LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583 (Parola di Microsoft ...)

Re: [newbie-it] Audio e misteri

2002-11-03 Thread Stefano Sebastiani

 controlla che esistano
 e /dev/mixer

esistono proprietario mio utente gruppo audio (a cui mio utente appartiene) 
permessi 600

 poi controlla  che abbiano permessi 666
 (o che tu appartenga ad un gruppo, es 'audio' che può
 scriverci, in questo caso vanno bene anche 660)
 [in questo caso, però,  root dovrebbe  poter accedere al
 dispositivo 'negato' all'utente ]

 poi controlla che il modulo della tua scheda audio sia
 stato caricato con lsmod

8139 carico e pronto!

 con lspci vedi il tipo di scheda, cerca quindi in
 modules.conf e in
 un modulo con un nome simile al dispositivo che monti

 se hai i moduli questi vengono caricati, hai il dsp, hai i
 permessi di scriverci, allora
 controlla di non aver settato in modo eretico il tuo kde...

CIOè in che senso eretico



 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il percorso di rete

2002-11-03 Thread Paolo Tomiato
  workgroup = MSHOME
  netbios name = LINUXBOX

se i nomi sono maiuscoli, controlla bene di scriverli allo
stesso modo in hosts e in fase di mount

I nomi  sono ok!

se fai ping LINUXBOX da win$ cosa ottieni?
nn lo pingo!

ma c'e' di +: in questi giorni ho continuato a fare prove su prove e ho anche
reinstallato varie volte il SO provando vari livelli di sicurezza e alla fine di
tutto ecco che cosa ho scoperto:

1 il livello di sicurezza nn influisce su questo problema.
2 se provo a cambiare il livello di sicurezza da centro di controllo di mdk il
sistema si blocca e nn permette + di tornare al menu' di configurazione
[Sicurezza] del centro di controllo.
3 in un solo modo la condivisione e samba funzionano e cioe' andando, sempre col
centro di controllo alla configurazione del firewall e aggiungendo manualmente
le porte137/tcp e 139/tcp alla voce [avanzate] e sempre qui ho potuto notare che
la condivisione dell'accesso a internet (adsl speedtouch usb che x altro
funziona) ha modificato l'abilitazione di tutti i servizi da me impostata in
fase di installazione, in cosa di preciso nn lo so ma la casellina [abilita
tutti] nn e' + spuntata bene, dopo avere abilitato appunto le suddette porte
137 e 139 e anche 1 (webmin), riavvio la macchina e: MIRACOLO! funziona
samba ma MERDA! nn mi condivide + la connessione a internet.

Inutile precisare che se riabilito la condivisione della connessione al primo
samba restart dalle macchine wins nn navigo + in Tux... anche se lo vedo (


+ vado avanti con linux e + mi sembra di nn capirci un cazzo! :((

[newbie-it] allarmi angosce

2002-11-03 Thread Arwan
Mi e' arrivata una mail, che riportero' tra asterischi, che mi indica che una 
mia lettera e' non e' arrivata a destinazione. Ma io non conosco il 
destinatario... e in allegato c'e' un file di tipo *.exe. E' possibile che 
qualche virus, per convincermi ad aprire l'allegato, possa mandarmi un avviso 
del genere dove, attenzione, sarei io il mittente?

Undeliverable mail--cellspacing
Data: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 16:20:27 -0200
Da: postmaster [EMAIL PROTECTED]


FONTThe following mail can't be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:br
Subject: cellspacingbr
The attachment is the original mail/FONT/BODY/HTML

Oppure ho davvero mandato (a mia insaputa) quella mail, e dunque ho un virus?
E se ho un virus, come l'ho beccato visto che da mesi ormai non uso piu' 
win$, e che non apro la posta da web?
Oppure ho beccato l'unico virus sfigato che affligge linux?
Insomma, devo preoccuparmi? Piangere e disperarmi?
Oppure e' il solito trucco per polli, e mi sto affannando per nulla?


[newbie-it] raccolte

2002-11-03 Thread Arwan
Innanzi tutto un grazie di cuore a Giorgio. Ho seguito il suo consiglio (non 
e' per fare pubblicita', ma merita davvero), ed ho comprato la raccolta dei 
primi quattro Linux Pratico: che dire, a parte il prezzo veramente modico 
(quattro riviste dell'anno scorso a 2,60 euro) gli argomenti trattati sono 
proprio quelli di base, dall'uso della shell all'archiviazine, dalla 
programmazione di operazioni ripetitive alla ricompilazione del kernel, dalla 
creazione di mp3 alla masterizzazione... insomma, e' una manna per chi ha 
bisogno - in italiano - di un po' di informazioni su cosa e come fare 
determinate operazioni con Linux. Il bello e' che magari la vostra attenzione 
e' rivolta a un solo argomento, pero' spulciando di qua e di la' la rivista 
mette la voglia di approfondire, di provare cose nuove, che si lasciavano in 
sospeso per un prossimo futuro (della serie: vorrei fare questo, ma dovro' 
aspettare di aver imparato a...), e scoprite come tutto rientra in un quadro 
globale molto piu' semplice da gestire di quanto non sembri ad un primo, 
superficiale sguardo, uno sguardo, insomma, da newbie. Se ne avete 
occasione, leggiucchiatevi qualche articolo.

PS: gli articoli parlano di Linux in generale, per tutte le distribuzioni, ma 
hanno una buona attenzione agli utenti della MDK


Re: [newbie-it] indici e appunti

2002-11-03 Thread Arwan
Alle 19:36, giovedì 31 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] indici e appunti, freefred hai scritto: 

 On Wednesday 30 October 2002 9:41 pm, Arwan wrote about [newbie-it] indici

  Per caso sapete se sugli appuntilinux c'e' un indice dei comandi, o uno
  analitico per ritrovare con facilita' gli argomenti?

 C'e' l'indice analitico, che uso in effetti quando cerco qualcosa di
 In che versione hai gli Appunti?

Una vecchiotta (un anno e mezzo fa, se non ricordo male), ma probabilmente 
riesco a mettere la mani su una piu' recente.

 Perche' in versione html il link e' subito nell'home page.

Ulp... non dirmi che sono diventata pazza e l'avevo sotto il naso...

 Per i comandi ho  anche dei doc specifici che ho preso tempo fa.
 Se cerchi con google con comandi unix o unix commands
 ne trovi un po' di tuti i generi.

Ottimo, grazie. Ne approfitto per un'altra domanda. Vorrei stampare parte 
delle pagine dei man di alcuni comandi, ma se lancio, per esempio:

man cdrecord  opzionicdrecord.txt

il file di testo che ottengo e' piuttosto sporco. Come posso ovvaire il 
problema? Ci sono directory o file da cui recuparare le stesse info che mi 
da' il man, senza impazzire con formattazioni strane?


Re: [newbie-it] allarmi angosce

2002-11-03 Thread sandro
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:13, domenica 3 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Mi e' arrivata una mail, che riportero' tra asterischi, che mi indica che
 una mia lettera e' non e' arrivata a destinazione. Ma io non conosco il
 destinatario... e in allegato c'e' un file di tipo *.exe. E' possibile che
 qualche virus, per convincermi ad aprire l'allegato, possa mandarmi un
 avviso del genere dove, attenzione, sarei io il mittente?


Tranquilla, sono messaggi spediti da qualche virus di cui è affetto qualcuno 
che ha il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica.
Ogni tanto ne arriva qualcuno anche a me (al posto di [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Quando mi arrivarono la prima volta, allarmato, spedii un messaggio di 
chiarimenti al postmaster di Virgilio ma mi risposero che nonerano loro e che 
si trattava, appunto, di un virus.

- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] M9.0 / NMB Services

2002-11-03 Thread Frank Mertens
On Sunday 03 November 2002 12:48 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 I keep getting error messages in the shutdown script for NMB Serices.

 I cannot find any references to NMB services, so unable to
 tackle the problem.

 What are NMB Serices and any ideas as to what I should do.


The startup / shutdown scripts of Mandrake are ill-minded anyway, so I always
write my own. But I think NMB refers to the nmbd, which belongs to the
Samba package. It's the nebios name service daemon as a counterpart
to smbd.


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2002-11-03 Thread Craig Lister

Brand new to Linux, and trying to install Mandrake 8.0 on an old Compaq
Proliant Server (1500) with P166 and 128. Also new to SCSI, and this machine
has tonnes of it.

I managed to boot off the installation diskette, and got to the install of
Linux, but was stopped when Linux could not find somewhere to load the OS
onto. I have heard that installaing linux on these servers isn't easy. I
used Compaqs Smart Start CD, and I think I got all that right.

Maybe there is a command line way to get this to work?

Wet  Behind em Ears!

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed again

2002-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 02 Nov 2002 1:15 pm, you wrote:
 I am using Galeon as my web browser, and have this;

 galeon '%s'

 in my config for launching an external web browser.

 From what I understand, galeon launches the web browser, and '%s'
 adds the link you click on.  Hope this works!

 Myself, am using Sylpheed claws version 0.8.5

I am using KMail and Mozilla 1 and wondered if I could use this launch 
facility, but can't find the place to add it.  I have presumed that it should 
be in the KMail settings, but I'm not sure.  I certainly can't find anywhere 
obvious in the configure pages.


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[newbie] [Fwd: Internet connection time]

2002-11-03 Thread hgm


In SuSE KDE I was used to monitor the internet connection status with an
icon from kinternet. This was helpfull as I have no flatrate and was
using Dial-on-demand. Is there something equivalent in Mandrake's
distribution. I really want to know, how long I am connected. Can
somebody please help me.

---End Message---
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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed again

2002-11-03 Thread Derek Jennings
On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 9:26 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 02 Nov 2002 1:15 pm, you wrote:
  I am using Galeon as my web browser, and have this;
  galeon '%s'
  in my config for launching an external web browser.
  From what I understand, galeon launches the web browser, and '%s'
  adds the link you click on.  Hope this works!
  Myself, am using Sylpheed claws version 0.8.5

 I am using KMail and Mozilla 1 and wondered if I could use this launch
 facility, but can't find the place to add it.  I have presumed that it
 should be in the KMail settings, but I'm not sure.  I certainly can't find
 anywhere obvious in the configure pages.


Kmail will by default launch konqueror.  To change it 

search for the entry for html and then add or move your browser of choice to 
the top of the list.


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Re: [newbie] Wireless

2002-11-03 Thread Derek Jennings
Do you hear the 'beeps' when pcmcia service starts?
Have a look in syslog (/var/log/syslog) for messages relating to pcmcia What 
do they say?

Is this a laptop or a desktop with a pcmcia-pci adapter? 

What happens if you type
in a root terminal window?


On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 2:32 am, Patrick Griffin wrote:
 Thanks derek for that have all installed as far as i can tell. Cardmanager
 reports No pcmcia driver in Proc/devices on start. What did I do wrong

 - Original Message -
 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 12:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Wireless

  BTW: I should have also said. If your pcmcia card is not detected then

 look at the file /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia  It should read

  On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 13:04:37 +
  Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 13:06:50 +1100
   Patrick Griffin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi All,
Running mandrake 8.2 and I'm trying to install a plx wireless

 carrier with an Orinoco wireless card. Tried reading the how to's with no
 success. Can any one step me through how to add this module. Hardware
 reports an unknown device.

Thanks in advance
Regards pat
   You need to install the pcmcia_cs and wireless-tools RPMS from your CDs
   Then next time you reboot yor pcmcia sockets should be detected and

 become active. You will hear two beeps from your computer when the pcmcia
 slots are enabled. Two beeps of different tone means your oricoco card was
 detected OK. Two beeps of same tone means it was not.

   Go through the Mandrake Control Centre Networking wizard. It should

 detected your card and installed the 'wvlan_cs' driver. In the wizard you
 can set the wireless parameters (encryption key rate etc)  after you
 complete the wizard with OK, DO NOT exit the GUI with OK.  A bug means that
 it will write your old configuration back again.  You must exit the GUI
 with 'Cancel'

   Your card should now be working. If it is not it is most likely a

 problem with encryption key or essid  (Note ASCII encryption keys have to
 be entered in the format s:key_name  )

   You can use the command 'iwconfig eth0' in a root terminal window to

 up the wireless card by hand, and 'man iwconfig' will give you all the



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RE: [newbie] [Fwd: Internet connection time]

2002-11-03 Thread Eric Richards
you forgot to put in your message

From Eric


Black text on white background HTML Emails and replied with white text on

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of hgm
Sent: 03 November 2002 23:19
Subject: [newbie] [Fwd: Internet connection time]

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.410 / Virus Database: 231 - Release Date: 31/10/02

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.410 / Virus Database: 231 - Release Date: 31/10/02

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed again

2002-11-03 Thread Paul
In reply to Len's mail, d.d. Sun, 3 Nov 2002 06:10:06 +:

 I am using Galeon as my web browser, and have this;
 galeon '%s'

galeon -n %s will open a URL in a new tab. :)


Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise.
-G. K. Chesterton Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.3
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

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RE: [newbie]

2002-11-03 Thread Aaron
could you be more specific.
do you make partitions?
did you call one of them swap
and what else did you do?

-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Craig Lister
Sent: þà 03 ðåáîáø 2002 11:18þ
Subject: [newbie]


Brand new to Linux, and trying to install Mandrake 8.0 on an old Compaq
Proliant Server (1500) with P166 and 128. Also new to SCSI, and this machine
has tonnes of it.

I managed to boot off the installation diskette, and got to the install of
Linux, but was stopped when Linux could not find somewhere to load the OS
onto. I have heard that installaing linux on these servers isn't easy. I
used Compaqs Smart Start CD, and I think I got all that right.

Maybe there is a command line way to get this to work?

Wet  Behind em Ears!

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Re: [newbie] Sylpheed again

2002-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 10:49 am, you wrote:
 On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 9:26 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Saturday 02 Nov 2002 1:15 pm, you wrote:
   I am using Galeon as my web browser, and have this;
   galeon '%s'
   in my config for launching an external web browser.
   From what I understand, galeon launches the web browser, and '%s'
   adds the link you click on.  Hope this works!
   Myself, am using Sylpheed claws version 0.8.5
  I am using KMail and Mozilla 1 and wondered if I could use this launch
  facility, but can't find the place to add it.  I have presumed that it
  should be in the KMail settings, but I'm not sure.  I certainly can't
  find anywhere obvious in the configure pages.

 Kmail will by default launch konqueror.  To change it

 search for the entry for html and then add or move your browser of choice
 to the top of the list.

Unfortunateliy it doesn't work now.  It did when I used 0.9.x as shipped, but 
hasn't worked with the new install.  I think that having two versions 
installed may have caused the problem.


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Re: [newbie] CD-Writing.

2002-11-03 Thread Malcolm Candlish
Hello Charlie,

I have listed my mtab  fstab files below and think they look ok. Also
tryed changing to speeds 1 2 3.or 4 and used the 'v' but still get the
cdrecord : Trying to use high speed medium on low speed writer.

You were certainly right about re-booting and getting the cdrecord -scanbus back on 

/etc/mtab file
/dev/hdb5 / ext3 rw 0 0
none /proc proc rw 0 0
none /dev devfs rw 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdb6 /home ext3 rw 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom supermount
ro,dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,--,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount
 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/nt ntfs ro,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0

/etc/fstab file
/dev/hdb5 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdb6 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,ro,--,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/nt ntfs ro,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb7 swap swap defaults 0 0

If you get too burdened with all of this please just say, but I am
grateful to you more than you know. It's useful to have you at my side
thrashing it out!

Best wishes,

On Sat, 2002-11-02 at 17:55, Charlie wrote:
 On Saturday 02 November 2002 08:49 am, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
  Dear Charlie,
 Hello Malcolm; (interspersed)
  It's getting worse! 'cdrecord -scanbus' seems to have lost the plot. I
  have copied the results as follows:-
  [rootlocalhost malcolm]# cdrecord -V speed=0 dev=0,3,0 -eject
 That capital V is incorrect, it should be -v for verbose. Also 'speed=0' 
 isn't going to do a thing you want. You'll have to change that to a value of 
 1,2,3 or4 to fit the capabilities of the Mitsumi. It actually won't burn 
 anything at zero ya know. As far as writing a raw file from a mount directory 
 goes I've never tried it. RAW is supposed to be one of the supported formats 
 but I'll have to find what flags to use with it. I'll get back to you on 
 Have you neglected your daily caffeine intake? speed=0??? ;)
  Cdrecord 1.11a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
  scsidev: '0,3,0'
  scsibus: 0 target: 3 lun: 0
  cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg3'. Cannot open
  SCSI driver.
 Because you gave it conflicting commands.
  cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you
  are root.
  [rootlocalhost malcolm]# cdrecord -scanbus
  Cdrecord 1.11a32 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
  cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open
  SCSI driver.
 Conflict because it's still trying to execute the previous command maybe?
  cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you
  are root.
  [rootlocalhost malcolm]#  ##What on earth is /dev/pg3, I have no
  /dev/pg files!
 Interesting question here. I'm on a research run looking for a reason for 
 this. I'll let you know when I find something unless one of the people that 
 _know_ what the devil they're about are willing to throw us a bone? It would 
 help (probably) to check /etc/fstab to see whether it's recognized as a valid 
 drive. Also check /etc/mtab (mount table) and /etc/lilo.conf. Maybe post 
 those here? If you have posted them in the past sorry, I'll have to read 
 through the whole thread again to be sure I don't duplicate previous efforts.
 It almost seems the scsi emulation module (or kernel driver, I can never 
 remember which it is) isn't loading, or the cd-rw can't be mounted any 
 longer; maybe because of of the conflicting command you used. If that's the 
 case a reboot may take care of it. Or is it just displaying all of this 
 'cause you told it to burn at zero burn speed? If so it may be that simply 
 logging out and back in may do it. Honest Malcolm, I ain't givin' you a hard 
 time about that speed=0 thing! 
 Much. :-)
  Before I reinstall Mandrake 9.0 to get back where I was, I am wondering
  if my file system which is ext3 may make a difference. Is that your
 I have /boot, and /root mounted ext3 but the rest of my drives and partitions 
 are XFS. Shouldn't make a difference since ext3 is mostly journalling and a 
 few other goodies tacked onto ext2 (linux native) anyway. I don't think it 
 would make a difference anyway.
  I am grateful for your help, this is driving me crazy and pleased to
  recompense you for your trouble; after all I would have to pay with
  MandrakeExpert and this I will 

[newbie] Boradcom Gigabit Netword card

2002-11-03 Thread Lanman
Has anyone succeeded in configuring a Broadcom 5700 Gigabit card before?
I realize that it's a new piece of hardware, but the drivers are out
there. Asus supplies them on their M/B CD, and their available from
Broadcom's web-site, but they haven't helped. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've read the
documentation for it, and compiled a driver RPM from the source code,
but can't set up the I/O and other settings. None of the forums I went
to indicated what they might be, and I'm stumped.

Also, there's a new (?) AC97 codec chip from Via that handles 6.1 audio
which we can't get working (same motherboard as the Broadcom 5700). 

By the way, for your information, Asus motherboards which use a Chipset
cooling fan should be closely watched. If that fan dies, the motherboard
will not beep to warn you, or shutdown. The end result is a damaged
BIOS, and in my case, one ATi Radeon 7200 had to be tossed out. 


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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Thanks M$ but no thanks.

2002-11-03 Thread ET
a Charlie, you are ever the optomist.

it is my bet that the only thing not to change is entropy.


On Friday 01 November 2002 05:06 pm, Charlie wrote:
 On Friday 01 November 2002 02:26 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 15:09, Charlie wrote:
   Hi all;
   This may actually be off topic but I figured someone else might need a
   chuckle too.
   I found it amusing but then I'm a sick puppy. :-)
  You're right.  It was funny! I especially liked the part about the MCSE
  paper tigers. ;) The M$ philanthropy sarcasm was especially


 Any occasion for a spanking (even verbally) of a drone from Microsoft is
 funny IMHO. :-)

 On a 'related note':

 The anti-trust trial drones on apparently. Judge CKK's full detailed
 decision will be announced 'after markets close today' but it seems
 whatever she's going to say was leaked anyway. If not why have M$ share
 prices been rising all day? sigh

 The talking heads on CNN have also said so in the past ten minutes. She
 approved most of the agreement between DOJ and MS is what I heard.

 Even the unsettling states proposed remedies didn't go far enough in my
 view. Whatever lapdogs Microsoft has bought (read politicians) should grab
 all they're able while they can; since from watching, and listening, it
 seems the world isn't going to put up with this crap much longer regardless
 what the 'powers that be' decide not to do.

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Re: [newbie] M9.0 / NMB Services

2002-11-03 Thread John Richard Smith
Frank Mertens wrote:

On Sunday 03 November 2002 12:48 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

I keep getting error messages in the shutdown script for NMB Serices.

I cannot find any references to NMB services, so unable to
tackle the problem.

What are NMB Serices and any ideas as to what I should do.


The startup / shutdown scripts of Mandrake are ill-minded anyway, so I always
write my own. But I think NMB refers to the nmbd, which belongs to the
Samba package. It's the nebios name service daemon as a counterpart
to smbd.



Thanks Frank,
That has given me something to go on.
I visited MCC - services , and noted no samba listed, which isn't surprising
because I didn''t install samba in the first place. There is something 
called SMB
which is running on boot.

Seems to me then that there is a piece of unwanted script in the shutdown
script that is seeking to close nmbd when no such device exists.
If this is so is it difficult to rewrite boot and shutdown scripts.
I'm guessing that they are probably bash scripts set up in some file that
is read at boot and shutdown and using a text editor with care one can
write or rewite them , is that so ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] M9.0 , two more problems

2002-11-03 Thread John Richard Smith
I have now had time to look around some more. I cannot see
anything else that might require resetting that isn't already
set to A4 page size, maybe I will come across something in

Yes, everything I do, I print to A4 as it's standard throughout 
and beyond
but maybe  one of my settings is set to letter without realising 
it.. I
will check
again today when I get a spare moment.But then as you say letter 
is larger
than A4, but wait a minute, isn't letter wider but shorter than A4.I
think so.

Joseph Braddock wrote:

Might the Z53 driver be set for A4 paper instead of letter?  A4 
is slightly smaller than letter and may be the cause of your 
margins being off.  That is of course, if you are trying to print 
to letter.


On Sat, 02 Nov 2002 23:45:11 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mandrake 9.0

I've been configuring printers all day. There are 4 possible 
drivers, I
have 2
working quite well, 1 works but has a serious problem, the 4th 
not at all.

The driver that works but has problems is:-

Lexmark Z53 CUPS+GIMP-print-v4.2.2
using that difficult to use Adjust margins+offsetsof printed page
programme, with settings,

ML=1.0 ins.
MB=0.5 ins.
MT=0.5 ins.
MR=0.5 ins

the page is centered right enough, but the headers and footers
of any test page are cut off.

I have in kde control center - system - printing manager
image set at  100% of page,
with margins
T0.988 cm
B0.988 cm
L2.505  cm
R0.988  cm

I don't think these settings should chop the headers and 
footers off
but something does when I use kword to send a test page to printer,
and the same test page in the other 2 working drivers print 
fine, so
it has to be either something to do with the driver itself or 
some setting
in the spooling I haven't got right. This driver is worth 
getting set
up as it worksquite well with Z53 printer in past experience.

I've run out of ideas

Help appreciated



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Thanks M$ but no thanks.

2002-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 1:39 pm, you wrote:
 a Charlie, you are ever the optomist.

 it is my bet that the only thing not to change is entropy.


You're such a ray of sunshine :-)


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[newbie] The Gimp

2002-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
I am feeling quite proficient now at the kind of adjustments I usually have 
to make to photos, but can't find a distort tool - you know, the sort where 
you can widen the top in relation to the bottom in order to correct 
perspective.  I'm sure it must be there.  Can anyone point me in the right 


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[newbie] KHdRecord

2002-11-03 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I am using mdk 9. I wanted to compile KHdRecord. First it couldn't find QTDIR. 
I gave export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3
Then while compiling I got this error
-lpthread \
-L. -Llib/ -lhdrecord -lmp3lame -lvorbis -lvorbisenc -logg -lqt
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lqt
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [KHdRecord] Error 1
How to go now?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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[newbie] Planning ahead

2002-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
I'm expecting my pre-ordered disks any day now, and, in the light of problems 
others have had with hardware no longer working, at least out of the box, I 
have to make decisions.  At the same time, I feel that I have a HDD 
catastrophe waiting to happen.

Currently I have two 20Gb disks and a 4Gb installed.  You can guess how old 
that one is (it has my /home on it), but the others are not so young either.

I think the best solution for the moment is to keep win98 (I still have a 
couple of essential apps there), keep Mdk 8.2 and install Mdk 9.0 as well.  
It would not, I think, be sensible to put in a fourth disk, so I'm wondering 
whether to put the lot onto 1 large disk, or split the os's - perhaps win98 
on a separate one?  Any pros and cons?

If I back up /etc /home /root and /var can I take it that I could find and 
restore any settings (including my mailboxes) that I may need?

I presume that if I do this it would still be wise to install win98 first.  
Are there any problems about installing the two versions of Mdk after that?  
I know some of you do have more than one.

Finally, if and when I get Mdk 9.0 as I want it, is it straightforward to get 
rid of 8.2 without risk to win98 and 9.0?  I would guess that it is simply a 
matter of reformatting that partition and then re-running lilo.  Am I right?

Any more thoughts?


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Re: [newbie] KHdRecord

2002-11-03 Thread John Richard Smith
L.V.Gandhi wrote:

I am using mdk 9. I wanted to compile KHdRecord. First it couldn't find QTDIR. 
I gave export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3
Then while compiling I got this error
-lpthread \
-L. -Llib/ -lhdrecord -lmp3lame -lvorbis -lvorbisenc -logg -lqt
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lqt
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [KHdRecord] Error 1
How to go now?


And I get ,

# make clean
rm -rf *.o
rm -rf *_object.c
rm -rf *.bak
rm -rf *~
rm -f libhdrecord.a
rm -f *.wav
rm -f *.mp3
rm -f *.ogg
rm -f k
rm -f KHdRecord
rm -f KHdRecordRemote

# make
echo Environment variable QTDIR is not set
Environment variable QTDIR is not set
echo QTDIR must point to the QT development system
QTDIR must point to the QT development system
make: stop_compilation: Command not found
make: *** [main.o] Error 127

but I have lame installed I suspect L.V.Gandhi does not, but my problem
seems to be QTDIR is not set , so what qt directory  do I need ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Planning ahead

2002-11-03 Thread Lanman
Anne; Interesting situation! Your 4Gb HDD is currently holding your
/home partition? Brave! Very Brave! That hard drive has to be  2 or 3
years PAST it's MTBF (Mean Time Before Failure), and it's holding your
personal data?

I'd like to suggest that you skip the new hard drive idea, unless you
want a large drive for storage, and stick with the 2 20's. I'd
reccommend setting up Windows 98 on the first drive, with ML8.2 nestled
right in beside it. Using 5 Gigs for Win98, and 6 for 8.2, would leave
you with roughly 8 or 9 Gigs for storage, and if you formatted the last
partition using FAT32, both O/S's would have unlimited access to it.

When you start the installs, make sure your 4 Gb drive is also
connected, but change the Mount Point to something like /temp, and
DO NOT format it. Later, you can drag 'n' drop all relevant files from
your /temp/anne folder to the corresponding folder(s) on your Mandrake
installs (yes,...both of them).

When your 9.0 CD's arrive, install it on the second 20 Gig drive, again
using 6 Gigs for the install, and the remainder for storage. If you
store all your downloads, documents, graphics, etc., on the storage
partitions, you should be able to re-install broken O/S's without fear
of losing or compromising any important data. You should have No problem
re-locating your Win98 My Documents folder to one of those storage
partitions, simply by right-clicking the desktop folder  Properties 
 Move. After that, all documents will be automatically saved there, and
recalled from there when re-opening them.

Each version of Mandrake installed will write a new lilo.conf file,
and should easily find all the other O/S's you have on the system. This
will also allow you to quickly restore most anything simply by running
the Expert Upgrade option in either Mandrake CD set that you have.

Once your installs are finished, and you've copied your original /home
folder contents from the 4 Gb drive, un-mount it from your system, make
sure your fstab files are written properly, shutdown the system, and
remove it. That way, you'll always have it available for emergencies,
but it won't get any older, nor will it face potential damage from power

Occasionally, you can reconnect it and copy your /home data onto it for
updated storage of critical information, then un-mount and store back on
a shelf.

Just a suggestion, but definitely safer than relying on that old hard


On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 09:16, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I'm expecting my pre-ordered disks any day now, and, in the light of problems 
 others have had with hardware no longer working, at least out of the box, I 
 have to make decisions.  At the same time, I feel that I have a HDD 
 catastrophe waiting to happen.
 Currently I have two 20Gb disks and a 4Gb installed.  You can guess how old 
 that one is (it has my /home on it), but the others are not so young either.
 I think the best solution for the moment is to keep win98 (I still have a 
 couple of essential apps there), keep Mdk 8.2 and install Mdk 9.0 as well.  
 It would not, I think, be sensible to put in a fourth disk, so I'm wondering 
 whether to put the lot onto 1 large disk, or split the os's - perhaps win98 
 on a separate one?  Any pros and cons?
 If I back up /etc /home /root and /var can I take it that I could find and 
 restore any settings (including my mailboxes) that I may need?
 I presume that if I do this it would still be wise to install win98 first.  
 Are there any problems about installing the two versions of Mdk after that?  
 I know some of you do have more than one.
 Finally, if and when I get Mdk 9.0 as I want it, is it straightforward to get 
 rid of 8.2 without risk to win98 and 9.0?  I would guess that it is simply a 
 matter of reformatting that partition and then re-running lilo.  Am I right?
 Any more thoughts?

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Re: [newbie] What do I do with the md5sums.90 file?

2002-11-03 Thread g
Dennis Myers wrote:

 The easiest way

 Then all you should have to do is
 type at the prompt  md5sum Mandrake90* and it will spit out the comparison
 alpha numerics or say something like all sums are correct. I don't recall for
 sure. HTH

that is if he is working under linux. from message header,
it appears that he may be of need to check under oos.

if running oos and need to do md5 checks, i would suggest
that you log you will see a screen
with various distribs, and to left side, you will note help

do not recall which, but there is a link to md5 check sum progs,
from which you can chose linux, msdos, or windbreaks os.

also, you will note links to some very help tips pages.


btw. does not store files on site, but
provides ftp links to other sites. if your files fail md5, try
there links. they are fast, if you catch a slow link, break it,
try again. you will rotate thru list of links.

peace out.


 think green...
save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] The Gimp

2002-11-03 Thread Todd Slater
On Sun, 3 Nov 2002 14:03:10 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am feeling quite proficient now at the kind of adjustments I usually
 have to make to photos, but can't find a distort tool - you know, the
 sort where you can widen the top in relation to the bottom in order to
 correct perspective.  I'm sure it must be there.  Can anyone point me in
 the right direction?


Right next to the crop tool, there's a tool whose icon looks like several
boxes with an arrow pointing to the bottom-right corner. That's a tool for
rotation, sheering, perspective. If you double-click that tool, you'll get
a dialog for options. I think that's what you're looking for.


Todd Slater
The current tune is Keb'Mo' - Come On Back
School days, I believe, are the unhappiest in the whole span of human
existence. They are full of dull, unintelligible tasks, new and unpleasant
ordinances, and brutal violations of common sense and common decency.
(H.L. Mencken)

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Re: [newbie] The Gimp

2002-11-03 Thread Jan Wilson
* Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [021103 08:11]:
 I am feeling quite proficient now at the kind of adjustments I usually have 
 to make to photos, but can't find a distort tool - you know, the sort where 
 you can widen the top in relation to the bottom in order to correct 
 perspective.  I'm sure it must be there.  Can anyone point me in the right 

Click on the Transform Tool, (when you hover over it, it says
Rotation, Scaling, Shearing, Perspective).  You may need to
double-click to get the Transform Tool dialog box.  Select
Perspective, and click in your photo.

You then see a grid over your image or layer.  You can click and drag
any of the 4 corner squares to adjust the grid to the perspective you
would like.  When you move those, a Perspective Transform dialog box
opens, and you can click Transform to make the transformation.

It will take a little experimentation to get what you want.  Undo
(Ctrl+Z) is your friend  ;-)

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, PHP, Perl, HTML

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[newbie] a little evangelism

2002-11-03 Thread Richard Babcock
Just had to post this from my 19 year old son. He is fed up with WindowsMe
and I have been walking him through the process of burning Mandrake cd's.
p.s. please respond soon.  I WANT A NEW OPERATING SYSTEM.  (sorry but i get
excited about this stuff too)
-end snip
One person at a time, we'll get the job done. ;-)
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Thanks M$ but no thanks.

2002-11-03 Thread Charlie
On Sunday 03 November 2002 06:59 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 1:39 pm, you wrote:
  a Charlie, you are ever the optomist.
  it is my bet that the only thing not to change is entropy.

 You're such a ray of sunshine :-)


He is that, isn't he? g

Miark and ET;
Pessimists may be correct more often but we optimists usually have more fun. 


It's painfully obvious that the only thing that can be expected from this 
revolting situation is that Microsoft will continue to scratch the backs of 
their pet elected officials; and that those worthies will in turn join with 
the spin doctors in trying to make it seem there has been useful progress 
made in forcing MS to simulate the behavior of a good corporate citizen. 
Shortly thereafter MS will find a way to leverage their right to innovation 
(read marketing and creative lawyering) to squeeze more money out of the poor 
abused consumer for inferior software and technology. Smoke and mirrors 
deployed, shut up and pay. You know, Microsoft's standard way of doing 

I've always been aware of that. However; I'm also aware that those of us that 
are called advocates for Open Source still have a chance to win many of the 
small battles for the mind space that is the consumer market, and that any 
'revolution' has to begin somewhere.

Cost this week of being an Optimist has been twelve formerly blank CD-Rs, 
and a few hours of time. The reward to the revolution is the four new 
acquaintances we all have that we didn't last week. They may eventually be 
friends. :-)

One tiny battle at a time people. It's easy to forget that whatever the 
decisions in the antitrust trial, people are still disgusted that the system 
is so rigged that entities such as Microsoft, and the directors of such 
entities, get treated differently than you or I or any private individual not 
a 'celebrity' would. When that disgust becomes advocacy for something else; 
and the corporation in question is punished by the consumer by losing even 
a portion of what they regard as their market, I consider it to be a good 
day. :-) 

Or a good week since I'll be hoping to make 3 new friends next week with three 
more assisted installs. I don't mind spending the time and disks at all.

Registered user 244963 at
...Saure really turns out to be an adept at the difficult art of papryomancy,
the ability to prophesy through contemplating the way people roll reefers -
the shape, the licking pattern, the wrinkles and folds or absence thereof
in the paper.  You will soon be in love, sez Saure, see, this line here.
It's long, isn't it?  Does that mean -- Length is usually intensity.
Not time.
-- Thomas Pynchon, _Gravity's Rainbow_

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Re: [newbie] Newbie Orientation

2002-11-03 Thread Derek Jennings
On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 6:47 pm, H. Carter Harris wrote:
 I have an almost virgin install of ML8.2 running and I am trying to bring
 up some sever applications.  So far the only one I have in a usable state
 is TightVNC and though I haven't tuned it the way I want it ... it is
 running nicely.  I have the box on a private IP address and the router is
 using NAT to send VNC requests to the box.

 During the install, Apache, BIND, and PostFix and MySQL were installed with
 defaults and now I want to use them.

 To try to educate myself, I bought the O'Reilly books on Apache and BIND
 and have been working my way through them.  I installed and have running M$
 DNS (on a 2000 box), IIS (on a NT4 box), a mail server (not Exchange) so I
 have some experience with these type applications.

 Here is one problem I keep running into:  I can't find stuff.  For example,
 Webmin was also installed on this system (after the initial install) from
 the Mandrake CDs.  I executed it when I was infront of computer so I think
 it is working.  Then for documentation I go to the webmin site and they
 tell me the rpm installs this application in /usr/libexec/webmin.  When I
 go there and try to list the files; there is no such folder.

 I want to configure webmin to run under apache.  I locate the documentation
 for putting webmin in a virtual folder and the first sentence says: 
 Create a new Apache virtual server with the document set to the directory
 where you installed Webmin.  How do I find out where that was done?

 If there is more technical/detailed information on the Mandrake
 installation process, I would appreciate a link to that place.  Thanks in
 advance, Carter.

I understand your confusion. Documentation is often a major failing of Linux 
apps and distros. 

First Finding stuff

Applications do not have to be installed in the locations the authors defined. 
The webmin authors may have selected /usr/libexec/webmin as the install 
folder, but Mandrake has its own standard for where apps go, and so the 
packager will have compiled webmin to go somewhere else. 
To find where an application is there are two really useful tools.

slocate and kpackage

Slocate will find any file on the system for you. Install the slocate rpm, 
then in a root terminal type 'updated'  After a few minutes you will have a 
database of every file on the system. To find a file type
slocate filename

kpackage (or similar apps) will tell you which files are in an RPM. Just 
select the RPM and look at the files list.

Running Webmin

Webmin does not need to run under Apache. It is a web server in its own right 
and is entirely independent of Apache. To run webmin just install the webmin 
RPM. Check the webmin service is running with Mandrake Control 
CentreSystemServices. Then open a browser and type
https://localhost:1  in the URL line (NOTE https NOT http)

You will get a message saying a certificate is self certified. Accept it and 
log in as root to webmin. 

As for Postfix I have a howto on my homepage which may help you. Most of the 
material on there is not required for a simple mail server, but you will get 
the idea.



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Re: [newbie] Planning ahead

2002-11-03 Thread Lanman
Anne; Never thought you were Daft, but I didn't know your experience
level, so I thought I'd be specific, just to make sure that no important
steps were missed.


On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 12:57, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 3:03 pm, you wrote:
  Anne; Interesting situation! Your 4Gb HDD is currently holding your
  /home partition? Brave! Very Brave! That hard drive has to be  2 or 3
  years PAST it's MTBF (Mean Time Before Failure), and it's holding your
  personal data?
 Hey, I'm not entirely daft :-)  Most of my data is in fat32 partitions, with 
 sort of working space plus my linux personal files in /home.  I do have some 
 backup of my linux partitions, though admittedly one is overdue.
 As for MTBFs, I've been amazed at the threads I've seen here - mine are 
 Fujitsu and Maxtor (the little one's Fujitsu), and . I'd better not tempt 
  I'd like to suggest that you skip the new hard drive idea, unless you
  want a large drive for storage, and stick with the 2 20's. I'd
  reccommend setting up Windows 98 on the first drive, with ML8.2 nestled
  right in beside it. Using 5 Gigs for Win98, and 6 for 8.2, would leave
  you with roughly 8 or 9 Gigs for storage, and if you formatted the last
  partition using FAT32, both O/S's would have unlimited access to it.
 I'll dig out the invoices tonight and see how old ghd 20Gb disks are.  That 
 should give us a clue as to whether they're reasonably safe to use.
  When you start the installs, make sure your 4 Gb drive is also
  connected, but change the Mount Point to something like /temp, and
  DO NOT format it. Later, you can drag 'n' drop all relevant files from
  your /temp/anne folder to the corresponding folder(s) on your Mandrake
  installs (yes,...both of them).
 Currently my 20Gb drives are formatted in 4s, for compact storage.  Some 
 partitions are fairly full, but others almost empty.  I think some hefty 
 housekeeping before doing anything is called for.
  When your 9.0 CD's arrive,  snip
 I've printed that out and will use it, subject to considerations above.

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Dan LaBine
Maximum Lans
(514) 489-7825
6915 Fielding Ave.
Suite # 228
Montreal, Quebec,
H4V 1P4

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[newbie] Bluefish Now Working Properly!!

2002-11-03 Thread Langsley T Russell
I Think!! Thanks for the help. 

Seeing as I got two different suggestions for what should be in the
Browser Command field, I figured I'd try one and if it didn't work I'd
try the other. It was a tossup which to try first. So I used the
printout that ended up on the top of the stack. That turned out to be
/usr/bin/mozilla -openURL(%s). I'm kind of interested in what would
happen if I used the other one suggested-  /usr/bin/mozilla  %s  
-but not enough to mess up the Bluefish view with Mozilla command again.

Thanks to both of you for the help!!


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Re: [newbie] Dog-slow networking

2002-11-03 Thread Miark
 what is the network card in the desktop? 

Allied Telesyn AT-2500TX (RTL-8139/8139C).

 and have you tried swapping ports on your hub/switch???

Yes--no change.

Thanks, Frank.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Miark
 Sent: Sunday, 3 November 2002 12:03 PM
 To: Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] Dog-slow networking
 I have four machines on my home network: a routing machine, and
 three boxes. When I download from the Internet to my laptop, it's
 as fast as my cable service: 180KB/sec. When I download to
 my desktop, it's 4.5KB/sec, and stalls frequently. I thought it was
 a fluke. So when I FTPed from the laptop to my desktop--yes, across my
 network--it's 4.5K and stall frequently.
 There's obviously something _seriously_ wrong with my desktop, but
 what could it be? Both it and my laptop are running 9.0. I tried
 rebooting, but it made no difference.

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Re: [newbie] Dog-slow networking

2002-11-03 Thread ET
have you swapped the cables around?

On Sunday 03 November 2002 01:37 pm, Miark wrote:
  what is the network card in the desktop?

 Allied Telesyn AT-2500TX (RTL-8139/8139C).

  and have you tried swapping ports on your hub/switch???

 Yes--no change.

 Thanks, Frank.


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Miark
  Sent: Sunday, 3 November 2002 12:03 PM
  To: Newbie
  Subject: [newbie] Dog-slow networking
  I have four machines on my home network: a routing machine, and
  three boxes. When I download from the Internet to my laptop, it's
  as fast as my cable service: 180KB/sec. When I download to
  my desktop, it's 4.5KB/sec, and stalls frequently. I thought it was
  a fluke. So when I FTPed from the laptop to my desktop--yes, across my
  network--it's 4.5K and stall frequently.
  There's obviously something _seriously_ wrong with my desktop, but
  what could it be? Both it and my laptop are running 9.0. I tried
  rebooting, but it made no difference.

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Re: [newbie] two different Linux distributions

2002-11-03 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 03 November 2002 18:20, john drouhard wrote:
 I currently have Mandrake 9.0. It is installed on a 40 GB hard drive. I
 want to mess around with RedHat 8.0 a little. I was wondering how to set up
 my machine so I can boot into either Mandrake or Redhat. I also need to
 know how to install RedHat in addition to Mandrake. Do I have to reformat
 my partitions? Thanks for any help.

 -John Drouhard

The easiest way is to install RedHat into a separate partition and boot it 
with a boot-floppy after installing it the way you normally would.
It's a bit slower to boot but that way you get some time to decide whether you 
want to keep it i.e. install some other distrib or whatever:o)

Be sure to create the needed partition first (''parted'' on floppies does a 
great job, especially if you need to resize) though. You can let RH and Mdk 
share the same swap, you won't be running them simultaneously.

If you want to, you can add your RH partition/install using your existing lilo 
(or grub) in Mdk but you will have to create the specific init.rd for it to 
point to. To tackle that you will have to have RH already installed so that's 
for later:o)

Good Luck,

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Re: [newbie] Planning ahead

2002-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 6:37 pm, you wrote:
 Anne; Never thought you were Daft, but I didn't know your experience
 level, so I thought I'd be specific, just to make sure that no important
 steps were missed.


No 'ffence taken, but I am guilty of having a machine that has grown like 
Topsy, and I guess I really should do something about it.  Trouble is, I 
spend so much time fixing those d'ed windows machines for all my family  
friends :-)


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Re: [newbie] Bluefish Now Working Properly!!

2002-11-03 Thread Bill Spatz
On Sunday 03 November 2002 11:37, Langsley T Russell wrote:
 I Think!! Thanks for the help.

 Seeing as I got two different suggestions for what should be in the
 Browser Command field, I figured I'd try one and if it didn't work I'd
 try the other. It was a tossup which to try first. So I used the
 printout that ended up on the top of the stack. That turned out to be
 /usr/bin/mozilla -openURL(%s). I'm kind of interested in what would
 happen if I used the other one suggested-  /usr/bin/mozilla  %s 
 -but not enough to mess up the Bluefish view with Mozilla command again.

 Thanks to both of you for the help!!


I blew mine also, came up with my solution by experimenting. The other 
suggestion may well be the default. Mine now opens multiple browsers on 
mulitple checks.


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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Thanks M$ but no thanks.

2002-11-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 17:06, Charlie wrote: 
 Any occasion for a spanking (even verbally) of a drone from Microsoft is funny 
 IMHO. :-)
 On a 'related note': 
 The anti-trust trial drones on apparently. Judge CKK's full detailed decision 
 will be announced 'after markets close today' but it seems whatever she's 
 going to say was leaked anyway. If not why have M$ share prices been rising 
 all day? sigh

Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly has perpetrated one of the greatest
travesties of justice in history.

Associated Press sent this piece out to almost everybody:,5744,5408601%255E462,00.html

The most disgusting part of that article:

The decision eliminates the establishment of a technical committee to
assess Microsoft's compliance with the agreement. In its place, a
corporate compliance committee consisting of Microsoft board members
will make sure Microsoft lives up to the deal, the judge said.

So in addition to the fact that there will be no real penalties, and
that the dissenting states' voices essentially will not be effective
after all, what few penalties that actually exist will only be policed
by M$ itself!  These are the consequences of anti-competitive
monopolistic business practices?? It is totally absurd!  And a travesty
of justice on the entire world.

A total of NINE judges have agreed that M$ is a threat to the public
interest, and this (Clintonian) judge CKK finally caved and told
Microshaft what it wanted to hear. (And I haven't even brought up the
nine states' objections.)

From 1997 to 2000 this DOJ case was carried out under a Democratic
administration; a total of three years under Clinton. More than enough
time to resolve this case; no judicial decision should take more than
two years.  For that matter, no judicial decision should take more than
one year; especially one of this importance.  

Note that the two judges that ruled against Microsoft, Stanley Sporkin
in 1995 and Penfield Jackson five years later, were both Ronald Reagan
appointees. Note also that Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly was a Clinton
appointee to the bench.  You can draw your own conclusions.

 The talking heads on CNN have also said so in the past ten minutes. She 
 approved most of the agreement between DOJ and MS is what I heard.
 Even the unsettling states proposed remedies didn't go far enough in my 
 view. Whatever lapdogs Microsoft has bought (read politicians) should grab 
 all they're able while they can; since from watching, and listening, it seems 
 the world isn't going to put up with this crap much longer regardless what 
 the 'powers that be' decide not to do.

You are certainly on the right track.  It is the people themselves who
are going to have to act, since Judge CKK has demonstrated she doesn't
give a flying crap about the public at large.  Which means that more
Linux geeks MUST become politically aware and active.  Before it's too

Otherwise, Microslop and it's democratic lapdogs will legislate Linux
and the GPL out of existence.  They've demonstrated that they have the
power, and recently they've shown their intentions to do just that with
their actions.  FOR EXAMPLE, read the following:,1411,55989,00.html

A piece from that article:

Earlier this week, three members of the House of Representatives, Adam
Smith (D- Wash.), Ron Kind (D-Wis.) and Jim Davis (D-Fla.), sent a note
to 74 Democrats in Congress attacking Linux's GNU General Public License
(GPL) as a threat to America's innovation and security.

The Democrats also originated the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act)
and the (CBDTA) Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act,
and have allied with the entertainment industry and RIAA to eliminate
peer to peer networks such as Napster.  Those are the facts; again, you
can draw your own conclusions.  US peeps should keep those conclusions
in mind when they vote this month.

Informed voting at this point is imperitive to the future of Linux.

 Registered user 244963 at
 Yow!  Are you the self-frying president?

Best Regards


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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[newbie] Properties, permissions

2002-11-03 Thread Eric Richards
how would one change the Properties, permissions of a file in a KDE
text window by changing from a home user to root user by logging on a root
user with su  password.

From Eric


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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Thanks M$ but no thanks.

2002-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 6:16 pm, you wrote:
 On Sunday 03 November 2002 06:59 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 1:39 pm, you wrote:
   a Charlie, you are ever the optomist.
   it is my bet that the only thing not to change is entropy.
  You're such a ray of sunshine :-)

 He is that, isn't he? g

 Miark and ET;
 Pessimists may be correct more often but we optimists usually have more




 I've always been aware of that. However; I'm also aware that those of us
 that are called advocates for Open Source still have a chance to win many
 of the small battles for the mind space that is the consumer market, and
 that any 'revolution' has to begin somewhere.

Considering the amount of time I spend trying to sort out the problems with 
windows computers for friends and family, I've been considering what is 
really needed for an introduction to Linux.

For many people, a clean install plus Open Office and any good web browser 
would be adequate (sometimes too many choices are counterproductive at 
first).  I would think that there needs to be a web page set up similar to 
the one Mandrake gave us with their links, but linking to lists of hardware 
compatibility and documentation.  Certainly no app should be on a beginner's 
machine if it doesn't have documentation available from Help.

There is a need for a magazine (or part of one) that trully tackles beginners 
needs.  Currently the series that run in our magazines need geeks to 
understand them.  Something on the level of Computer Active, that introduces 
new topics slowly, giving the user time to get to grips with a new concept, 
and introducing choice when they are ready for it.

Then of course there is a need for a simple installer, as fool-proof as 
Install Shield.  I think Mandrake are working well towards that, but there is 
a need for all distros to use the same method (at the user level, whatever 
the programmers feel is needed under the bonnet).  A distro like Mandrake has 
everything most users will ever need - but they have to be able to find it 
and install it.

The truth is that Linux is scarey if you don't have someone to hold your hand 
- and you are much more likely to find a windows user to hand-hold than a 
linux one - so startup must be simpler.  A certain level of computer literacy 
is required to use a list like this, valuable as it is.

A salutory lesson, though, whilst on holiday - I met a couple who had bought 
a Dell computer with WinXP and Office XP installed.  They say they have no 
manuals.  I presume they are on a disk somewhere, but they simply don't know 
how to get them.  They got a warning from Norton AV that their signature 
files were out of date, and thought that it meant they were infected.  They 
had reached the point where they would happily pack it up and send it back, 
if they could.  It seems that Windows can be just as scarey!

As for me - my 14 year old grandson wanders in from time to time, and says 
things like 'Is Linux difficult, then?'.  He is intelligent and will get 
there if I don't push.  I'm thinking of putting OO for windows on his 
machine, on the pretext that it will make it easier for him to communicate 
with the M$O users as school (all my family were brought up on Lotus 
SmartSuite, but it is really long in the tooth now).  Next step then would be 
The Gimp, because he is seriously interested in graphic work.  By the time he 
is using them he should be ready to change :-)

The front door isn't always the quickest way in


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Re: [newbie] Dog-slow networking

2002-11-03 Thread Miark
Before I go on with my answers, I'd like to point out that DVD
performance totally sucks under 9.0, and so does CD burning. I wonder
if the pathetic network performance is related.

Also, I have tried adding noapic to the appropriate place in lilo.

On 03 Nov 2002 00:12:03 -0600

 Have you tried...

I dual-boot into XP (for games, of course) and when I did a FTP
transfer from XP a minute ago, it worked normally. I'm guessing
hardware is not the problem.

 ...what is the difference in the NICs used--10/100?  

All my machines use 10/100 NICs.

 ...using the best match in drivers for the NIC in the desktop machine?

It's using the 8139too driver, which was chosen automagically during
installation. If memory serves, that's what it was under 8.2 aswell.
How would I determine if it's best?
 Route table?  


 DNS service?  

I don't run BIND, if that's what you mean.

 Netmask?  Gateway IP the same or both desktop and laptop?  

Desktop is; laptop is; router
All use a subnet mask of

 Is your local network set up on the entire class C or is it subnetted?  

Not sure what that means.

 Are your base IP and your broadcast IP totally free
 or does one or the other share an IP with the router or a box?  (no
 router or box on [presuming the subsnet begins with .0 and
 whatever IP you are using for broadcast])--and does the subnet mask
 match or did you use 

desktop's ifcfg-eth0:


laptop's ifcfg-eth0:


Router's ifcfg-eth0:


I never make anything .0 or .225, no.

 Did you accidently put two boxes on the same IP?

I've done that in the past, but not this time ;-)
 I'll do the best I can to assist.

Thanks much.


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RE: [newbie] Newbie Orientation

2002-11-03 Thread H. Carter Harris

Thanks again for your reply and your encouragement!

I'm now using Webmin under the VPN and it seems to work fine.  I'm going to
try to get some things going there this afternoon.

I will be in the office again tomorrow and I'll load up the CD and install
the rpms you recommend.  Sounds like they will be a huge help.

I am also looking at your website ... wonderful source of information ...
thanks again for your great response.


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Re: [newbie] Properties, permissions

2002-11-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 6:56 pm, you wrote:
 how would one change the Properties, permissions of a file in a KDE
 text window by changing from a home user to root user by logging on a
 root user with su  password.

The easy way is by using the graphics front-end.  K(startup menu) . 
Applications  File Tools  File Manager (Super User Mode).  Give the root 
password, navigate to the file in question, and look at Properties.


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Re: [newbie] M9.0 / NMB Services

2002-11-03 Thread John Richard Smith
Chuck Stuettgen wrote:

On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 02:24, Frank Mertens wrote:

On Sunday 03 November 2002 12:48 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

I keep getting error messages in the shutdown script for NMB Serices.

I cannot find any references to NMB services, so unable to
tackle the problem.

What are NMB Serices and any ideas as to what I should do.


The startup / shutdown scripts of Mandrake are ill-minded anyway, so I always
write my own. But I think NMB refers to the nmbd, which belongs to the
Samba package. It's the nebios name service daemon as a counterpart
to smbd.



If you installed the latest initscripts package from Mandrake Update
that may be the problem. (initscripts-6.91-13.1mdk.i586.rpm) It has
problems.  The update advisory from Mandrake says it fixes some problems
with some locales and corrects some issues with wireless link

Since I primarily use my Dell I4000 MDK9.0 wirelessly. I went ahead and
installed it, even though I wasn't having any problems with my wireless
link detection.   Boy was that a mistake...

I took me 6 hours to get my laptop back to the way it was before I
installed the 'update'.  I had to force remove the update and reinstall
the original initscripts rpm (initscripts-6.91-10mdk.i586.rpm) Then had
to bootup in maintenance mode three times to fix everything that broke
when I removed the update. 

Here are some of the 'features' of the 'updated'
initscripts-6.91-13.1mdk.i586.rpm that I experienced... YMMV.

1. NMB fails to start when booting.
2. SMB and NMB both fail to shutdown.
3. Wireless card is unable to detect a DHCP server on boot. 

If you are NOT in one of the affected locales and you are NOT having
having any issues with wireless link detection, I would recommend you
skip this update.


I am so glad I didn't then.
Not only did I not install the undate until a few hours ago I didn't
even have the slightest knowledge what NMB was about, actually
all I wanted to do was to do something about the shutdaown
error message I keep getting. I don't really know what to do if
anything, I suppose I could just ignore it, but it irks me to see
this M9.0 shutdown error message. I don't actually need wireless
connection at all, or do I , doesn't that depend upon programmes
like real player being installed. As you can see I'm still guessing
what NMB is all about

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] two different Linux distributions

2002-11-03 Thread John Richard Smith
H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Sunday 03 November 2002 18:20, john drouhard wrote:

I currently have Mandrake 9.0. It is installed on a 40 GB hard drive. I
want to mess around with RedHat 8.0 a little. I was wondering how to set up
my machine so I can boot into either Mandrake or Redhat. I also need to
know how to install RedHat in addition to Mandrake. Do I have to reformat
my partitions? Thanks for any help.

-John Drouhard

The easiest way is to install RedHat into a separate partition and boot it 
with a boot-floppy after installing it the way you normally would.
It's a bit slower to boot but that way you get some time to decide whether you 
want to keep it i.e. install some other distrib or whatever:o)

Be sure to create the needed partition first (''parted'' on floppies does a 
great job, especially if you need to resize) though. You can let RH and Mdk 
share the same swap, you won't be running them simultaneously.

If you want to, you can add your RH partition/install using your existing lilo 
(or grub) in Mdk but you will have to create the specific init.rd for it to 
point to. To tackle that you will have to have RH already installed so that's 
for later:o)

Good Luck,


So what you are saying then is that if you install redhat on one partition
then redhat installer will not automatically put it's  init.rd  file in 
a shared
/boot partition , you will have to do that afterwards, because when
I ever get around to doing  a RH install I planned not to install RH
lilo at all but then add a  stanzas in mandrake lilo.conf to boot RH.
My lilo sits in W2k MBR.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] M9.0 / NMB Services

2002-11-03 Thread Derek Jennings
As you can see I'm still guessing
 what NMB is all about

nmb is part of SAMBA. That smb process you have running is samba server.
Failures in nmb when shutting down samba is common (I think when there are no 
windows machines connected to samba) It is nothing to worry about.


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Re: [newbie] two different Linux distributions

2002-11-03 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 03 November 2002 20:52, John Richard Smith wrote:
 H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Sunday 03 November 2002 18:20, john drouhard wrote:
 I currently have Mandrake 9.0. It is installed on a 40 GB hard drive. I
 want to mess around with RedHat 8.0 a little. I was wondering how to set
  up my machine so I can boot into either Mandrake or Redhat. I also need
  to know how to install RedHat in addition to Mandrake. Do I have to
  reformat my partitions? Thanks for any help.
 -John Drouhard
 The easiest way is to install RedHat into a separate partition and boot it
 with a boot-floppy after installing it the way you normally would.
 It's a bit slower to boot but that way you get some time to decide whether
  you want to keep it i.e. install some other distrib or whatever:o)
 Be sure to create the needed partition first (''parted'' on floppies does
  a great job, especially if you need to resize) though. You can let RH and
  Mdk share the same swap, you won't be running them simultaneously.
 If you want to, you can add your RH partition/install using your existing
  lilo (or grub) in Mdk but you will have to create the specific init.rd
  for it to point to. To tackle that you will have to have RH already
  installed so that's for later:o)
 Good Luck,

 So what you are saying then is that if you install redhat on one partition
 then redhat installer will not automatically put it's  init.rd  file in
 a shared
 /boot partition , you will have to do that afterwards, because when
 I ever get around to doing  a RH install I planned not to install RH
 lilo at all but then add a  stanzas in mandrake lilo.conf to boot RH.
 My lilo sits in W2k MBR.

Yes, the initrd (or vmlinuz file) is specific for the kernel you want to run.
Like you would install a different kernel i.e. win4lin or Nvidia.
If the kernelversions are close enough the one might run the other with a lot 
of error messages, but what's the point.

If you let RH install the bootloader you would have to make an extra Mdk entry 
and point it to the right init.rd. Then it would be a matter of taste which 
bootloader you prefer.
Point is the RH loader will look for initrd images in the /boot directory on 
its own partition and so will Mdk.
I've never tried a shared separate /boot partition though, so I don't know 
if that'll work. Certain is that you will then have to leave /boot untouched 
as RH will rewrite (if not reformat) that /boot partition. tricky!
Maybe somebody else has some pointers on that:o)

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] The Gimp

2002-11-03 Thread Todd Slater
On Sun, 3 Nov 2002 17:47:56 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Todd  Jan.  I had been using the right click, so didn't find it.
 so what I need now is the ability to print reference sheets (equiv.
 contact prints).  Do you know any software that easily does this?  I'm
 using GQview for file browsing, but that doesn't seem to offer this.

man montage

It's a command line program, part if ImageMagick. I find it easiest to put
the images in a directory by themselves and run montage with my geometry
settings, and instead of listing each file I just use *.jpg.


Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
What we call education and culture is for the most part nothing but the
substitution of reading for experience, of literature for life, of the
obsolete fictitious for the contemporary real. (George Bernard Shaw)

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Re: [newbie] clock help

2002-11-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 15:31, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 Uhm, I don't think the power line frequency has anything to do with timing
 in computers like PC's that use crystals for timing :)

That is correct. 60 cycle ac is rectified and filtered to 12 and 5 volt
DC current in the power supply; that is it's purpose.  The motherboards
have no exposure whatsoever to AC utility current (and would be
destroyed if they did). Mobos source their clock signal from a quartz
crystal IC, or in some cases electrical IC's generate clock signals
without the help of a crystal; although I've been given to understand
that the latter is not as accurate or stable a method.

The clock case here in this thread is probably an instance of the
hardware clock being set to GMT instead of LOCAL time.  As David Rankin
 On Fri, 01 Nov 2002 08:59:46 -0500
 Bob Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sounds like the system clock is set for 50Hz  power line frequency,
  and you are using 60Hz power line.



Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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[newbie] install repair help

2002-11-03 Thread Rick Bailey
I have an Internet Appliance (I-Opener) that I have hacked to work with an
external hard drive.

I'd like to dual boot Win98SE and Linux Mandrake on it.

I installed the hard drive in another machine, and copied win98 setup files,
and ran the mandrake installation up to the first reboot, and then took the
drive out and placed it in my i-opener.

I cannot boot into linux mandrake, it's giving me some kind of init not
found error message.

I've figured out how to use a program call Winux that uses loadlin and at
least get into a text version of linux. I've tried to start kde from the
command line, but it looks like I don't have any of the environment
variables set.

Is there any way to repair this from the console line? I'm thinking that
maybe if I can get kde running, there might be some sort of user interface
to help me repair it? The other issue is that since this is an internet
appliance, I don't have a cd rom or floppy drive.

Any suggestions on how to tackle this?



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Re: [newbie] two different Linux distributions

2002-11-03 Thread Sharrea
On Monday 04 Nov 2002 8:52 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 So what you are saying then is that if you install redhat on one
 partition then redhat installer will not automatically put it's  init.rd 
 file in a shared
 /boot partition , you will have to do that afterwards, because when
 I ever get around to doing  a RH install I planned not to install RH
 lilo at all but then add a  stanzas in mandrake lilo.conf to boot RH.
 My lilo sits in W2k MBR.

Haven't used RH8.0 but (with 7.2  7.3) yes RH _will_ install into a /boot 

Disclaimer:  I AM NO EXPERT!  This may not be the correct way to do it, 
its just how I do it.

I think the shared /boot partn must be a PRIMARY partn for RH and I think 
ext2 fs would be a better bet than ext3 (you can always convert it to ext3 
later).  Sometimes RH didn't recognise the ext3 partns during installation 
(altho IIRC that was with 7.2 not 7.3).  During the MDK installation when 
you create your partns there is an option of making the partn Primary.

Just insert the 1st RH CD and follow the installation process thru.

You can setup your partns during the RH installation using RH's Disk Druid 
(their equivalent to diskdrake) - that is if you already have a primary 
/boot partn.  Don't format the MDK partns.

 WARNING  If you get a warning when you get to the partitioning bit 
about not being able to read your boot table (or something like that) and 
all data will be lost, do not click OK because it does exactly that!  It 
wipes everything!  Unlike MDK's diskdrake that does not overwrite the boot 
table until you tell it to by clicking the final OK.  So be warned.  I 
clicked OK thinking it was like diskdrake and wouldn't overwrite anything 
until I said so wng... and it wasn't my pc either!

In both RH7.2  RH7.3, even though I select Do not install a boot loader, 
it installs lilo anyway which overrides MDK's lilo.

Altho RH overwrites MDK's MBR just edit /etc/lilo.conf in RH to ensure it 
includes MDK, run lilo and reboot to MDK (MDK will be in the RH boot menu 
when you boot).  I found that I have uninstall lilo in MDK then reinstall 
it which overwrites the MBR - don't forget to edit MDK's /etc/lilo.conf to 
ensure it includes RH and rerun lilo.  Just editing /etc/lilo.conf and 
re-running lilo without uninstalling  reinstalling produces an error about 
the version being wrong - I figured thats because its RH's version in the 
MBR.  Or you can just continue to use RH's lilo boot loader (reckon its 
pretty ugly ;)  ).

IIRC, Civileme said its to install RH before you install MDK but I always 
end up doing it the other way round because I already MDK installed and I 
don't want to reinstall MDK.  Now, whenever I do a clean install (wipe 
entire hd), I make the /boot partn primary just in case I decide to 
install RH later.

Make sure you backup your data before starting... but I'm sure you were 
going to anyway :)

Good luck
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Re: [newbie] Newbie Orientation

2002-11-03 Thread Erik
On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 12:47, H. Carter Harris wrote:
 I have an almost virgin install of ML8.2 running and I am trying to bring up
 some sever applications.  So far the only one I have in a usable state is
 TightVNC and though I haven't tuned it the way I want it ... it is running
 nicely.  I have the box on a private IP address and the router is using NAT
 to send VNC requests to the box.
 During the install, Apache, BIND, and PostFix and MySQL were installed with
 defaults and now I want to use them.

 Here is one problem I keep running into:  I can't find stuff.  For example,
 Webmin was also installed on this system (after the initial install) from
 the Mandrake CDs.  I executed it when I was infront of computer so I think
 it is working.  Then for documentation I go to the webmin site and they tell
 me the rpm installs this application in /usr/libexec/webmin.  When I go
 there and try to list the files; there is no such folder.
 I want to configure webmin to run under apache.  I locate the documentation
 for putting webmin in a virtual folder and the first sentence says:  Create
 a new Apache virtual server with the document set to the directory where you
 installed Webmin.  How do I find out where that was done?

presuming that slocate has also been installed at a root prompt:

locate webmin

you should get a list of every path that incudes 'webmin' 

if the only response is a new prompt,since you think webmin is installed
already:   type: updatedb

wait for prompt, it could take a minutethen try:  locate
webmin again


Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

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[newbie] font problem in wine

2002-11-03 Thread chuck
I'm trying to run a couple of programs under wine but the fonts are
screwed up. All characters just show up as squares.  Anybody seen this
before or know how to fix it?


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[newbie] Quicktime in Netscape - OT?

2002-11-03 Thread Carl J. Bauman
Hi All,

I'm using Netscape 7.0 with Mandrake 9.0 and was wondering if there's 
plugin that I can use to handle the video/quicktime MIME type.  If so, 
how would I implement that plugin?  I apologize if this is OT for the 
list. Hopefully, I can be forgiven for such a slight transgression...

Thanks in advance,

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[newbie] Screensavers in 9.0 vs. 8.2?

2002-11-03 Thread Carl J. Bauman
I just upgraded from 8.2 to 9.0 about a week ago and am really loving 
the new version.  Kudos to all who contributed to it.  I didn't have any 
of the issues that I've seen from others on the list.  I had to 
re-install my Nvidia drivers but other than that the only issues are 
relatively trivial.

For instance, in 8.2, under Configuration-KDE-LookNFeel-Screensavers 
there were several different screensavers to choose from but in 9.0 all 
I see are Blank, Mandrake Slideshow, Tux, and random.  Are the 
rest available on some package I haven't loaded yet?


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RE: [newbie] Quicktime in Netscape - OT?

2002-11-03 Thread Craig Williamson (ENZ)
Title: RE: [newbie] Quicktime in Netscape - OT?

Try Codeweavers' Crossover-plugin. It has direct support for quicktime.

-Original Message-
From: Carl J. Bauman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 04 November, 2002 10:39 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie List
Subject: [newbie] Quicktime in Netscape - OT?

Hi All,

I'm using Netscape 7.0 with Mandrake 9.0 and was wondering if there's 
plugin that I can use to handle the video/quicktime MIME type. If so, 
how would I implement that plugin? I apologize if this is OT for the 
list. Hopefully, I can be forgiven for such a slight transgression...

Thanks in advance,

Re: [newbie] install repair help

2002-11-03 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 03 November 2002 22:10, Rick Bailey wrote:
 I have an Internet Appliance (I-Opener) that I have hacked to work with an
 external hard drive.

 I'd like to dual boot Win98SE and Linux Mandrake on it.

 I installed the hard drive in another machine, and copied win98 setup
 files, and ran the mandrake installation up to the first reboot, and then
 took the drive out and placed it in my i-opener.

 I cannot boot into linux mandrake, it's giving me some kind of init not
 found error message.

 I've figured out how to use a program call Winux that uses loadlin and at
 least get into a text version of linux. I've tried to start kde from the
 command line, but it looks like I don't have any of the environment
 variables set.

 Is there any way to repair this from the console line? I'm thinking that
 maybe if I can get kde running, there might be some sort of user interface
 to help me repair it? The other issue is that since this is an internet
 appliance, I don't have a cd rom or floppy drive.

 Any suggestions on how to tackle this?



Well if you're on the commandline in Mdk (init1 probably) just run lilo again 
by typing /sbin/lilo (not the quotes) and hitting enter.
You'll see output that lilo is being reinstalled. Then reboot into Mdk.

That's the usual way if an existing lilo got lost somewhere.

If that doesn't work for you you'll have to be more specific about this hacked 
i-opener and how it might have to edit /etc/liloconf.
Remeber to run /sbin/lilo to get your changes to work, just rebooting won't 
do the trick!

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Quicktime in Netscape - OT?

2002-11-03 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 03 November 2002 22:38, Carl J. Bauman wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm using Netscape 7.0 with Mandrake 9.0 and was wondering if there's
 plugin that I can use to handle the video/quicktime MIME type.  If so,
 how would I implement that plugin?  I apologize if this is OT for the
 list. Hopefully, I can be forgiven for such a slight transgression...

 Thanks in advance,

crossover plugin handles that quite well. is the adress.

Good fun,

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Re: [newbie] Properties, permissions

2002-11-03 Thread Robin Ballantine
On Sunday 03 November 2002 6:56 pm, Eric Richards wrote:
 how would one change the Properties, permissions of a file in a KDE
 text window by changing from a home user to root user by logging on a
 root user with su  password.

 From Eric

Each file has 3 sets of properties, owner,group and everyone else, with each 
set having the possibility of read, write and executable permissions
eg, ls -l somefile might show;

-rw-rw-r--1 robinwork 391 Oct 10 00:05 somefile

The first (-) shows it is a normal file and not a directory(d) or link(l).
The next 3, (rw-) relate to the owner, robin, and show that he can read and 
write to the file, but it is not an executable like a bash script.
The middle 3, (rw-) relate to the group work and show that anyone who belongs 
to the work group can also read and write to this file.
The last 3, (r--) relate to everyone else with access to the directory where 
this file is stored and shows that they can only read this file but are not 
able to write to it.

Each of the values of read,write and executable can also be represented 
respectively by the numbers, 4,2 and 1 (or 0 if the value is not set) which 
can be added up to represent a shorthand version of the properties (I think 
its called an octal number).

eg -rw-rw-r-- is equal to 664 (that is 4+2+0,4+2+0,4+0+0)
or -rwxr-xr-x is equal to 755 (that is 4+2+1,4+0+1,4+0+1)
or -rw-r--r-- is equal to 644 (that is 4+2+0,4+0+0,4+0+0)
or -rwxrwxrwx is equal to 777 (that is 4+2+1,4+2+1,4+2+1) Usually dangerous!

If you want to change the properties of a file that you own you can do so with 
the chmod command;
eg, chmod 644 somefile would change its properties to -rw-r--r--
or perhaps if you were writing a bash script just for yourself;
   chmod 700 somefile would equal -rwx-- giving you read,write and 
executable properties with no one else having access to it(except root of 
If you want to change the ownership of a file then use the chown command;
eg,  chown bob somefile would make bob the new owner of somefile. You will 
probably need to be root to do this.
If you want to change which group a file belongs to then use the chgrp command
eg, chgrp games somefile would make it part of the games group.


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Re: [newbie] Screensavers in 9.0 vs. 8.2?

2002-11-03 Thread Robin Ballantine
On Sunday 03 November 2002 9:52 pm, Carl J. Bauman wrote:
 I just upgraded from 8.2 to 9.0 about a week ago and am really loving
 the new version.  Kudos to all who contributed to it.  I didn't have any
 of the issues that I've seen from others on the list.  I had to
 re-install my Nvidia drivers but other than that the only issues are
 relatively trivial.

 For instance, in 8.2, under Configuration-KDE-LookNFeel-Screensavers
 there were several different screensavers to choose from but in 9.0 all
 I see are Blank, Mandrake Slideshow, Tux, and random.  Are the
 rest available on some package I haven't loaded yet?


If you're into screensavers then you really want to install xscreensaver plus 
the gl bits of it too and then put a link in the .kde/Autostart folder to 
start it automatically when you startup kde;

ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/xscreensaver ~/.kde/Autostart/xscreensaver

You can then configure the programme by running xscreensaver-demo
I think you'll be impressed!


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[newbie] best way to find things out

2002-11-03 Thread Tim Werner
Someone posted a documentation question earlier and got a pretty good
answer, but I'm still trying to figure out the best way to find things out.

I guess I'm a little spoiled by MSDN.  For instance, if I want to know about
file permissions, it would be Really Neat if there were a tool I could run
and enter file permissions into a search box, and get a list of matching

I remember there used to be something called the Linux Documentation
Project.  I'm sure they must still be working on it, but even years ago
there were more Howto's than you could shake a stick at.  I kind of expected
there to be a really cool downloadable manual by now.  Maybe it's out there
and I just haven't found it yet.

I get the impression that the Mandrake people are holding out for some
bucks, figuring people who won't pay for the OS might pay for the docs.
That's fine if that's what they want to do, but there must be a mother lode
of vanilla linux info out there somewhere.  The stuff I downloaded from the
Mandrake site was OK but a little disorganized and obviously incomplete.

Could someone maybe give a road map as to where the Good Documentation is,
and how to get it installed on one's machine?  Or could some of you give
some of your own tips on how you look things up?  It can't all be word of

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Re: [newbie] best way to find things out

2002-11-03 Thread Alan Shoemaker
Tim Werner wrote:
 Someone posted a documentation question earlier and got a
 pretty good answer, but I'm still trying to figure out the
 best way to find things out.

 I guess I'm a little spoiled by MSDN.  For instance, if I
 want to know about file permissions, it would be Really
 Neat if there were a tool I could run and enter file
 permissions into a search box, and get a list of matching

 I remember there used to be something called the Linux
 Documentation Project.  I'm sure they must still be working
 on it, but even years ago there were more Howto's than you
 could shake a stick at.  I kind of expected there to be a
 really cool downloadable manual by now.  Maybe it's out
 there and I just haven't found it yet.

 I get the impression that the Mandrake people are holding
 out for some bucks, figuring people who won't pay for the
 OS might pay for the docs. That's fine if that's what they
 want to do, but there must be a mother lode of vanilla
 linux info out there somewhere.  The stuff I downloaded
 from the Mandrake site was OK but a little disorganized and
 obviously incomplete.

 Could someone maybe give a road map as to where the Good
 Documentation is, and how to get it installed on one's
 machine?  Or could some of you give some of your own tips
 on how you look things up?  It can't all be word of mouth.

go to:


file permissions

which returns quite a few relevent hits.

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Re: [newbie] best way to find things out

2002-11-03 Thread Erik
Google Linux Documentation Project (with quotes)lots of entries

On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 17:17, Tim Werner wrote:
 Someone posted a documentation question earlier and got a pretty good
 answer, but I'm still trying to figure out the best way to find things out.
 I guess I'm a little spoiled by MSDN.  For instance, if I want to know about
 file permissions, it would be Really Neat if there were a tool I could run
 and enter file permissions into a search box, and get a list of matching
 I remember there used to be something called the Linux Documentation
 Project.  I'm sure they must still be working on it, but even years ago
 there were more Howto's than you could shake a stick at.  I kind of expected
 there to be a really cool downloadable manual by now.  Maybe it's out there
 and I just haven't found it yet.
 I get the impression that the Mandrake people are holding out for some
 bucks, figuring people who won't pay for the OS might pay for the docs.
 That's fine if that's what they want to do, but there must be a mother lode
 of vanilla linux info out there somewhere.  The stuff I downloaded from the
 Mandrake site was OK but a little disorganized and obviously incomplete.
 Could someone maybe give a road map as to where the Good Documentation is,
 and how to get it installed on one's machine?  Or could some of you give
 some of your own tips on how you look things up?  It can't all be word of
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Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

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[newbie] Monitor standby, suspend and power off

2002-11-03 Thread Peter Watson
I am using KDE 3.0 on LM 9.0. 

The monitor power saving features (standby, suspend and power off ) were 
working fine except that they interfered with ripping a DVD which went on 
for a long period and so I disabled them from ConfigureKDEPower 

After succesfully ripping the DVD I tried to re-enable Power Saving but no 
luck, the screen never blanks. A bit of digging showed that when trying to 
re-enable the menu's command  kcmshell energy puts rubbish in file 
~/.kde/share/config/kcmdisplayrc, I have edited this to be the same as 
/usr/share/config/kcmdisplayrc ie



but still no screen blanking. The other apparent fault is that 
~/.kde/share/config/kcminitrc is completely blank ie 0kb and I don't know 
what it should contain.

If anyone can give me any pointers onthis problem or post the contents of 
their ~/.kde/share/config/kcminitrc I would be very grateful.

Regards Pete

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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Thanks M$ but no thanks.

2002-11-03 Thread Terry Smith
Interesting note, Anne. Thanks.

Two comments, both I suppose related to Linux Format magazine..

First, of the linux serial publications (although there are a number of
'Linux for Dummies' type books around), Linux Format is pretty
accessible to the new user.

Second, this month's issue (November) has a review of a new distro,
Homebase, which fits nearly exactly your ideal system. It's a linux
distro for newbies, apparently installs seamlessly, and uses a
consistent browser interface (Mozilla-based). It's a free download
( You can also, for $19.95 US/yr, have a subscription
service that allows you to backup your files on their servers, store
configuration files, and more generally synchronize your machine with
your space on the server. You can also access your 'desktop' from
anywhere simply by logging in to your server Homebase.

Check out the review.

I have three boxes at home, all dual boots with Windows and various
flavors of linux (Mandrake, RedHat, Gentoo). One box is for the kids who
basically spend some time playing games on the internet or doing
research for school. They care not a whit about operating systems but
just want to sit down and browse around. I believe Homebase will be
ideal for them and will try it shortly (soon as I get my firewall box
setup properly!).

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 14:07, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 6:16 pm, you wrote:
  On Sunday 03 November 2002 06:59 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Sunday 03 Nov 2002 1:39 pm, you wrote:
a Charlie, you are ever the optomist.
it is my bet that the only thing not to change is entropy.
   You're such a ray of sunshine :-)
  He is that, isn't he? g
  Miark and ET;
  Pessimists may be correct more often but we optimists usually have more
  I've always been aware of that. However; I'm also aware that those of us
  that are called advocates for Open Source still have a chance to win many
  of the small battles for the mind space that is the consumer market, and
  that any 'revolution' has to begin somewhere.
 Considering the amount of time I spend trying to sort out the problems with 
 windows computers for friends and family, I've been considering what is 
 really needed for an introduction to Linux.
 For many people, a clean install plus Open Office and any good web browser 
 would be adequate (sometimes too many choices are counterproductive at 
 first).  I would think that there needs to be a web page set up similar to 
 the one Mandrake gave us with their links, but linking to lists of hardware 
 compatibility and documentation.  Certainly no app should be on a beginner's 
 machine if it doesn't have documentation available from Help.
 There is a need for a magazine (or part of one) that trully tackles beginners 
 needs.  Currently the series that run in our magazines need geeks to 
 understand them.  Something on the level of Computer Active, that introduces 
 new topics slowly, giving the user time to get to grips with a new concept, 
 and introducing choice when they are ready for it.
 Then of course there is a need for a simple installer, as fool-proof as 
 Install Shield.  I think Mandrake are working well towards that, but there is 
 a need for all distros to use the same method (at the user level, whatever 
 the programmers feel is needed under the bonnet).  A distro like Mandrake has 
 everything most users will ever need - but they have to be able to find it 
 and install it.
 The truth is that Linux is scarey if you don't have someone to hold your hand 
 - and you are much more likely to find a windows user to hand-hold than a 
 linux one - so startup must be simpler.  A certain level of computer literacy 
 is required to use a list like this, valuable as it is.
 A salutory lesson, though, whilst on holiday - I met a couple who had bought 
 a Dell computer with WinXP and Office XP installed.  They say they have no 
 manuals.  I presume they are on a disk somewhere, but they simply don't know 
 how to get them.  They got a warning from Norton AV that their signature 
 files were out of date, and thought that it meant they were infected.  They 
 had reached the point where they would happily pack it up and send it back, 
 if they could.  It seems that Windows can be just as scarey!
 As for me - my 14 year old grandson wanders in from time to time, and says 
 things like 'Is Linux difficult, then?'.  He is intelligent and will get 
 there if I don't push.  I'm thinking of putting OO for windows on his 
 machine, on the pretext that it will make it easier for him to communicate 
 with the M$O users as school (all my family were brought up on Lotus 
 SmartSuite, but it is really long in the tooth now).  Next step then would be 
 The Gimp, because he is seriously interested in graphic work.  By the time he 
 is using them he should be ready to change :-)
 The front door 

Re: [newbie] Screensavers in 9.0 vs. 8.2?

2002-11-03 Thread Terry Smith
Try xscreensaver (ver 4.0.5 is current I believe). I believe it's part
of the gnome desktop. It's also part of the Xfce windowing environment
or you can get it from A great set of totally
creative screensavers.

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Sun, 2002-11-03 at 16:52, Carl J. Bauman wrote:
 I just upgraded from 8.2 to 9.0 about a week ago and am really loving 
 the new version.  Kudos to all who contributed to it.  I didn't have any 
 of the issues that I've seen from others on the list.  I had to 
 re-install my Nvidia drivers but other than that the only issues are 
 relatively trivial.
 For instance, in 8.2, under Configuration-KDE-LookNFeel-Screensavers 
 there were several different screensavers to choose from but in 9.0 all 
 I see are Blank, Mandrake Slideshow, Tux, and random.  Are the 
 rest available on some package I haven't loaded yet?

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RE: [newbie] best way to find things out

2002-11-03 Thread Tim Werner
You know, just as I was hitting the send button I thought of that myself.

Must admit looks pretty good.  I think I might buy the

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Erik
 Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 6:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] best way to find things out

 Google Linux Documentation Project (with quotes)lots of entries

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Re: [newbie] Monitor standby, suspend and power off

2002-11-03 Thread Angus Auld

Peter Watson wrote:

 I am using KDE 3.0 on LM 9.0. 
 The monitor power saving features (standby, suspend and power off ) were 
 working fine except that they interfered with ripping a DVD which went on 
 for a long period and so I disabled them from ConfigureKDEPower 
 After succesfully ripping the DVD I tried to re-enable Power Saving but no 
 luck, the screen never blanks. A bit of digging showed that when trying to 
 re-enable the menu's command  kcmshell energy puts rubbish in file 
 ~/.kde/share/config/kcmdisplayrc, I have edited this to be the same as 
 /usr/share/config/kcmdisplayrc ie
 but still no screen blanking. The other apparent fault is that 
 ~/.kde/share/config/kcminitrc is completely blank ie 0kb and I don't know 
 what it should contain.
 If anyone can give me any pointers onthis problem or post the contents of 
 their ~/.kde/share/config/kcminitrc I would be very grateful.
 Regards Pete
 Ardnamurchan  Scotland
Hi Pete, my ~/.kde/share/config/kcminitrc is 0kb also.
My /usr/share/config/kcmdisplayrc is the same as yours. 
However, ~/.kde/share/config/kcmdisplayrc contains only the following: 

My power management seems to be working OK. I'm using KDE 3 on LM 9.0 as well.

Hope this helps.


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RE: [newbie] best way to find things out

2002-11-03 Thread Tim Werner
I like this.  Thanks.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Alan Shoemaker
 Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 6:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] best way to find things out

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[newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-03 Thread yaya

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Dual Boot?
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 08:05:10 +

How do I set up dual booting between Mandrake 9.0 and Windows XP?


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[newbie] Xscreensaver

2002-11-03 Thread Chris
After reading the suggestion to run xscreensaver, I remembered I had 
installed it quite awhile ago.  I brought it up and went to configure it 
again (I like Nose Guy) anyway, when restarting after the configuration I had 
the below show up.  Not sure what it means so any help would be appreciated.

xscreensaver: 20:36:43: xscreensaver-gl-helper did not report a GL visual!
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: initialization of Kerberos passwords failed.
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: running on display :0.0 (1 screen).
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: vendor is Mandrake Linux (XFree86 4.2.0, patch level 
9mdk), 4020.
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: useful extensions:
xscreensaver: 20:36:44:   MIT Screen-Saver
xscreensaver: 20:36:44:   Shared Memory
xscreensaver: 20:36:44:   Double-Buffering
xscreensaver: 20:36:44:   Power Management
xscreensaver: 20:36:44:   GLX
xscreensaver: 20:36:44:   XF86 Video-Mode
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: screen 0 non-colormapped depths: 24.
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: not using server's lame MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension.
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: consulting /proc/interrupts for keyboard activity.
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: 0: visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 24, cmap: default)
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: 0: saver window is 0x381.
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: selecting events on extant windows... done.
xscreensaver: 20:36:44: awaiting idleness.
xscreensaver: 20:37:16: 0: unrecognised ClientMessage _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW 
xscreensaver: 20:37:16: 0: for window 0x1e00027 (kmail / toplevel)
xscreensaver: 20:37:30: 0: unrecognised ClientMessage _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW 
xscreensaver: 20:37:30: 0: for window 0x2ea (konsole / toplevel)

  Registered Linux user #283774
  8:37pm  up 13 days,  4:18,  2 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.26, 0.17

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Re: [newbie] What do I do with the md5sums.90 file?

2002-11-03 Thread Angus Auld

 Dennis Myers wrote:
  The easiest way
  Then all you should have to do is
  type at the prompt  md5sum Mandrake90* and it will spit out the comparison
  alpha numerics or say something like all sums are correct. I don't recall for
  sure. HTH
 that is if he is working under linux. from message header,
 it appears that he may be of need to check under oos.
 if running oos and need to do md5 checks, i would suggest
 that you log you will see a screen
 with various distribs, and to left side, you will note help
 do not recall which, but there is a link to md5 check sum progs,
 from which you can chose linux, msdos, or windbreaks os.
 also, you will note links to some very help tips pages.
 btw. does not store files on site, but
 provides ftp links to other sites. if your files fail md5, try
 there links. they are fast, if you catch a slow link, break it,
 try again. you will rotate thru list of links.
 peace out.

If it's an md5sum checker for windows or dos that's needed, I've used this one 
w/winxp. It's easy to use and did the job:

Best regards.


How do you destroy a righteous person? Give him or her one follower! --ancient 
Cherokee saying (fr. Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams)

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*
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[newbie] Linux book in normal english

2002-11-03 Thread Marc

 A friend and I have been discussing linux in general and Mandrake in particular.
below is part of a email that I received from him. Can anyone suggest some good 
reading material for this guy?

Thanks all

   Personaly I have always found that working with it while I am
 learning works best for me . On computers and about anything elese
for that matter. But maybe that is  just me I seem to learn in kinda a
different way than most people.

That's usually true for me to, but in this case, don't want to upset my
applecart with regarding the things I use everyday... If I had a third
computer to play and learn on, that'd be different. And remember
learning enough to run my own is not enough, I want to be able to work
on others as well. So a lot of playing and futzing is required. And I'm
the kinda guy thats gotta have a gestalt. I need to build a construct
in my head of how this thing works and where all the switches and
buttons are just like I have with Winblows. Right now, I'm just
learning the terminology. And the tutuorials I'm finding so far are all
geek speek. They use one set of technical terms to explain another...
it's a circle.

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[newbie] /mnt problem

2002-11-03 Thread Bill Winegarden
Just installed LM9 on a Dell Inspiron 8000. Nice and easy but a few little 
I'll deal with them one at a time.

In Konqueror, whenever I click on /mnt in the sidebar, Konq freezes and has to 
be 'killed'.

Anyone with this problem? Any suggestions?

Bill W.

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[newbie] installation with laplink...

2002-11-03 Thread harry
thanks to Franki, I will install 7.0 version on my laptop!!  it only has
16mb RAM.

could anyone help me figure out how to transfer the installation file onto
the laptop hard drive via laplink?  that is all I have, aside from 1.2 gb
hardrive installed with windows 3.1 and Dos and 7.0 Mandrake CD...



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