[newbie-it] kernel

2001-12-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dove trovare versioni aggiornate del kernel mandrake?
Son fermo alla 2.4.3-mdk!

Cu s%N!
Ciaociao  Byez ! L8r \\marco
[www] http://members.xoom.it/verbal_666 ||| http://surf.to/verbal_666
[icq] 19758469

] do you have an opinion ?
] a mind of your own ?
] i thought you were special.
] i thought you should know.
] but i've run out of patience,
] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,
] pray the Lord my soul to keep,
] if i die before i wake,
] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] Dance! Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

Re: [newbie-it] SAMBA

2001-12-16 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 19:03:03 +0100

 Ho appena downloadato la v. 2.2.2 dal sito www.samba.org!
 C'è modo di farla girare sotto Mandrake 8.0?
 Ho provato di tutto... la compilazione RPM non va a buon fine!
 Allora al solito sono andato in sources e configure/make/make install!
 Ma il servizio? Non me lo attiva da solo?
 Se avete qualche hint per l'installazione DEL SERVIZIO...
Beh io non uso piu' mdk dalla 7.2 ma dovrebbe esserci ancora il tool che
permette di scegliere i servizi da avviare, senno' puoi farlo a mano
creando i symlink nella dir del tuo runlevel di default.
Comunque tutto questo non ti serve perche' e' altamente consigliabile
avviare i due demoni di samba (smbd e nmbd) tramite il superserver inetd
cosi' da poterne controllare gli accessi tramite host.allow e host.deny
(tcp wrapper).
Quindi l' unico servizio che devi avviare e' inetd e configurare poi
quest' ultimo per avviare i due demoni di cui sopra.
Io uso ancora il vecchio inetd che si configura semplicemente editando
il file /etc/inetd.conf, ma nella tua distro credo che ci sia xinetd che
e' un po' diverso.
Dovrebbe esserci una dir /etc/xinetd con all' interno un file per ogni
servizio nei quali devi mettere enabled per attivarlo.
Mi spiace di non essere troppo preciso ma come ti ho detto non conosco
mdk 8.x, comunque il solito man potra' senz' altro esserti d' aiuto.



Re: [newbie-it] grip

2001-12-16 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 18:03:55 +0100 (CET)
lori cava [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ciao a tutti.
 Ho provato a rippare e a codificare dei brani da cd a
 mp3 con grip (mdk8.1), ma il risultato è un file
 inascoltabile, sembra un disco fatto girare al doppio
 della velocità, ho provato anche con mp3c, ma il
 risultato è lo stesso. Con mdk8.0 tutto andava bene
 anche se l'encoder era diverso (lame per la 8.0 e
 oggenc per la 8.1). Qualcuno può darmi dei consigli?
 Grazie in anticipo.
Scusa ma non puoi usare ancora lame?
Oggenc non l' ho mai provato ma puo' darsi che sia lui il problema.
Se vuoi un suggerimento installa gogo (non ricordo il sito ma dovresti
trovarlo su freshmeat): usa lo stesso lame come encoder ma e' molto +



Re: [newbie-it] grip

2001-12-16 Thread Tommaso Leddi

18:03, sabato 15 dicembre 2001, lori cava:
 Ho provato a rippare e a codificare dei brani da cd a
 mp3 con grip (mdk8.1), ma il risultato è un file

Ogni tanto mp3izzo qualche traccia da cd usando semplicemente da terminale 
cdda2wav e bladeenc che ci sono in tutte le mandrake.
Se voglio rippare la seconda traccia e chiamare il file seconda.mp3 faccio 

cdda2wav -t 2 seconda.wav -D 0,3,0
bladeenc seconda.wav

-t 2 significa traccia 2
-D 0,3,0 sono le coordinate del mio lettore SCSI CD,  dovrebbe funzionare 
anche con -D /dev/cdrom 

Trovi varie opzioni con:
man cdda2wav


Re: [newbie-it] kernel

2001-12-16 Thread Perfect Dark

Il 10:55, domenica 16 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Dove trovare versioni aggiornate del kernel mandrake?
 Son fermo alla 2.4.3-mdk!


siamo alla 2.4.16 (fino a venerdì 14/12...)

Linux Mandrake 8.1
P133 - 48 Mb Ram

Incredibile! Posso fare altre cose con il PC mentre masterizzo!

[newbie-it] StarOffice 5.2 + Adabas

2001-12-16 Thread Fabio Manunza

..Non riguarda proprio Mandrake.
Accedo a StarOffice attraverso un bottone che ho 
costruito con menudrake il cui comando è /home/fabio/Office52/soffice. Così 
facendo però, quando voglio accedere ad un database Adabas il programma mi dice 
che non è stato in grado di caricare adabas. Se però lo stesso comando lo do 
dalla shell non c'è alcun problema; da qui infatti sembra che venga 
correttamente letto .bashrc che contiene le variabili di ambiente del 
Come posso farle leggere anche con il tasto 
costruito con menudrake?
Grazie anticipate a chi saprà 

Re: [newbie-it] grip

2001-12-16 Thread lori cava

 --- Sebastiano Cordiano [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 Scusa ma non puoi usare ancora lame?
 Oggenc non l' ho mai provato ma puo' darsi che sia
 lui il problema.
 Se vuoi un suggerimento installa gogo (non ricordo
 il sito ma dovresti
 trovarlo su freshmeat): usa lo stesso lame come
 encoder ma e' molto +

Ho seguito il tuo consiglio, mi sono scaricato i
sorgenti di lame e li ho compilati (non ti dico che
casini!). Ora tutto funziona bene come prima. Bye.


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[newbie-it] come configurare il mio server apache.

2001-12-16 Thread Stefano

Salve  a tutti, sono un nuovo iscritto alla ml.
di lavoro faccio il web master  e siccome mi sono appassionato di PHP e
MySQL voglio iniziare ad utilizzarlo in Linux, ma non riesco a capire come
modificare la directory dove memorizzare  le pagine del mio sito ne
tantomeno dove memorizzare i miei DB.
ho provato a modificare il file apache.conf ma così facendo all'avvio mi
dice che non riesce più a caricare un sacco di moduli...
Qualcuno mi può spiegare bene come si fà?


[newbie-it] Internet

2001-12-16 Thread Pollo

Navigando in rete (uso Mdk 8.1 e Mozilla 0.9.4) sono andato sul sito di
trenitalia e mi è comparso il seguente messaggio:

This page contains information of a type (application/x-java-vm)that can
only be viewed with the appropriate Plug-in.

Chiaramente ho subito scaricato i plug-in, che si sarebbero dovuti
installare da soli. Ho riavviato Mozilla ma il messaggio è sempre lo
stesso. Ho controllato le impostazioni riguardanti java e java-script
abilitandoli ma ancora niente.

Qualcuno sa aiutarmi? Chiedo perdono per la mia ignoranza. Grazie. 

[newbie-it] Salve

2001-12-16 Thread Claudio Pedretti

Ciao a tutti, ho appena installato Mandrake 8.2 sul mio note acer travelmate
Non funziona ne la scheda audio ne il modem!!Confesso che non so dadove
cominciare,che faccio?
Ciao grazie


RE: [newbie-it] Salve

2001-12-16 Thread Lost Hobbit

E la 8.2 quando è uscita?

Ciao a tutti, ho appena installato Mandrake 8.2 sul mio note acer travelmate
Non funziona ne la scheda audio ne il modem!!Confesso che non so dadove
cominciare,che faccio?
Ciao grazie


Re: [newbie] host name look up failure

2001-12-16 Thread lee

Thanx alot for the reply Derek.To answer you 1 by 1 here...

1)Yep.. localhost is there alright...  1 for 1 eh :)

2) DNS is indeed enabled,and the ip of the proxy is there..so good so far :-)

3) The default gateway is also the ip of the proxy.

Now something that's bothering me is this,I was under the (false) impression 
that if I used a host file,I didn't need DNS. anyway..I do have DNS enabled 
(required for normal operation ?) in linux.conf (under names server spec)

I'm still geting this host name lookup failure  in the place I described 
below?  Anyway's it's 3:30 am sun. morning and I'm still trying..lol

Hava great Sun. all :-)


 Do you have an entry in your /etc/hosts file that says localhost

 Do you have your DNS enabled and the host names of your DNS servers in it?
 Have you declared a default gateway?  The default gartway will be the IP
 address of the machine between you and the Internet.
 You can use netconf to set up all that stuff.


 On Saturday 15 December 2001 12:15, lee wrote:
  Hi folks,
  Ok..running 8.1 here,using the box as a proxy (squid),at present trying
  to connect another box (also 8.1). I can ping the proxy ( vice versa)
  but can't surf thru it (dns?).
  X does not start auto. So I enter my login info  enter the command to
  start x. All well up TO this point. Now however, after entering the
  command, I see a message host name lookup failure. Then x starts as
  Now as I look thru my stuff..I see the hostname in all the places it's
  supposed to be ( I think..lol ). Just not sure how to fix this issue..and
  whether it's contributing to my inability to get this box to proxy. There
  may very well be issues with squid that is causing this..but if I could
  get this message to go away..I'd sure feel better  :-)
  fwiw..getting (unknown host) when i try to surf. Also I just noticed that
  when I do a whereis for lisa --kde2,it finds it,,but nmblookup is a
  command that cannot be found. Furthermore when in drakconf,and Itry to
  start named..aka bind..I get a failed message (x-tra command line
  arguments). not sure if it has anything to do with what I'm trying to
  do,as I'm thinking this may be a web thing,but if I can ping but not
  surf,that would be a dns issue..correct ?
  Thank you all very much for your time. I'm sorry for the long post,just
  trying to be complete :-)

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Re: [newbie] Linmodems

2001-12-16 Thread Kaj Haulrich

 Roy Barton wrote:
 I'm new to this wonderful thing called linux, but i love
 it.  i understand the file system and the fact that
 everything is a file.  i know there is support for some
 linmodems, including the one i my machine.  8.1 did not
 autodetect it so i went on a search for a rpm that would
 work and found one. i installed it, but cannot get the
 internet dialer to recognize it. is there another dialer i
 can use .. or would it be best to by an external modem?.
 i have the same problem with my PDA.. the soft where is
 there, but it is looking @ /dev/polit when it is connect
 to comm2.. does any one know of some free training one the
 web or some good books i can read. i want to use my
 machine on the web instead of going under windoz all the

HI - I don't know what a linmodem is, but considering the
low cost of an external modem, buy one and use it instead !

Best book about linux I've ever seen is : Running Linux
from O'Reilly. It is very beginner-friendly and with a touch
of humour too. Enjoy !


Kaj Haulrich

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] cd rom and cd writer

2001-12-16 Thread Kaj Haulrich

 Robert Boggs wrote:
 In harddrake I can see my cdrom and my cd writer, however,
 they will not mount in root. How do I force them to? These
 are SCSI. RB

Robert, you have to check (and possibly edit - (as root))
two files :

1. the file /etc/lilo.conf should read something like this

append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount 
the important line being : append= hd(your CD-drive
which tells the kernel to see your ATAPI CD-ROM as a SCSI
After editing this file, remember to run lilo (at a
command-prompt, type : lilo.
Then reboot to let the kernel know the changes.

2. the file /etc/fstab should read something like this :

/dev/hda2 / reiserfs notail 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda4 /home reiserfs notail 1 2
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto
0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat
iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
the important lines being the ones with the cdrom's.


Kaj Haulrich

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Identd

2001-12-16 Thread Eric Budinger


having some problems.. First my system: Mandrake 8.1
on a network. I have a cable router (Linksys).. Problem.. I am trying to get my eggdrop
bot to work and everytime my
bot goes to connect I get a must install IDENTD.. Well the IDENTD service is running..
any help?


Re: [newbie] Linmodems

2001-12-16 Thread Onur Kucuk

RB ok..

RB I'm new to this wonderful thing called linux, but i love it.  i understand the 
file system and the fact that everything is a file.  i know there is support for some 
linmodems, including the one i
RB my machine.  8.1 did not autodetect it so i went on a search for a rpm that would 
work and found one. i installed it, but cannot get the internet dialer to recognize 
it. is there another dialer i
RB can use .. or would it be best to by an external modem?.

RB i have the same problem with my PDA.. the soft where is there, but it is looking @ 
/dev/polit when it is connect to comm2.. does any one know of some free training one 
the web or some good books
RB i can read. i want to use my machine on the web instead of going under windoz all 
the time.. 

RB thanks

RB roy

I did make some models work fine under linux, but all have different
styles to be configured. Which modem are you trying to make work ?
What rpm did you use ?

Btw, many of the modems can not work with rpms, as they need to be
compiled against your machine.

 Onur Kucuk

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RE: [newbie] Linmodems

2001-12-16 Thread Franki

in its simplist terms, a winmodem is a modem where half the hardware has
been replaced by software..

so certain stuff that would normally be done by the modem itself is done by
your PC's CPU via the driver software..

The problem is that not many winmodem manufactures make linux drivers or
even supply the specs so that one may be written.

makes it hard to get them working properly.

a linmodem is generally one that either had linux drivers supplied for it,
or someone has worked out how to write one for it themselves and have
released it..

I am of the belief that nothing does as well as a good old serial external
modem, it won't need a driver at all, and should have you up and away almost
instantly, it also puts alot less load on your PC, since your CPU isnt'
doing half the work of the modem.

be careful of USB external modems, alot of them are also winmodems.



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kaj
Sent: Sunday, 16 December 2001 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linmodems

 Roy Barton wrote:


 I'm new to this wonderful thing called linux, but i love
 it.  i understand the file system and the fact that
 everything is a file.  i know there is support for some
 linmodems, including the one i my machine.  8.1 did not
 autodetect it so i went on a search for a rpm that would
 work and found one. i installed it, but cannot get the
 internet dialer to recognize it. is there another dialer i
 can use .. or would it be best to by an external modem?.

 i have the same problem with my PDA.. the soft where is
 there, but it is looking @ /dev/polit when it is connect
 to comm2.. does any one know of some free training one the
 web or some good books i can read. i want to use my
 machine on the web instead of going under windoz all the



HI - I don't know what a linmodem is, but considering the
low cost of an external modem, buy one and use it instead !

Best book about linux I've ever seen is : Running Linux
from O'Reilly. It is very beginner-friendly and with a touch
of humour too. Enjoy !


Kaj Haulrich

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

fdisk ??? Re: [newbie] partition not mounted at boot.

2001-12-16 Thread Anguo

In the following HOWTO:

I see that the result of fdisk gives a listing of the following format:

Disk /dev/hdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 523 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hdb1 1 153 1228941 83 Linux
/dev/hdb2 154 166 104422+ 82 Linux swap
/dev/hdb3 * 167 291 1004062+ 83 Linux
/dev/hdb4 295 523 1839442+ 5 Extended
/dev/hdb5 295 422 1028128+ 83 Linux
/dev/hdb6 423 523 811251 6 FAT16

Mine however looks much stranger:

 #fdisk -l

 Disk /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 3649
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

 Device BootStart   EndBlocks
 Id  System
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1   * 1   216   1734988+
 b  Win95 FAT32
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2   217   292610470
 83  Linux
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3   293  2846  20515005
 5  Extended
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4  2202  2583   3068415
 83  Linux
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part5   293   342401593+
 82  Linux swap
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part6   343  1106   6136798+
 83  Linux
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part7   ?224061112815 1253901899
 29  Unknown

I can't use Linux now.
Do you know where does the problem come from and how I could solve it???

I just stumbled on this:
for my hard drive (hda), I have the following symlinks:
/dev/hda --- /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc
/dev/hda1 --- /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1
/dev/hda2 --- /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2
and so on.
but i don't know if it is relevant at all...

And also following a link from google, I find this quote:
(DiskDrake won't like /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 instead of
/dev/hda1 ...)
I used diskdrake to add one partition and my problems started (not
immediately) after that...
The rest of the page doens't give anything helpful though...

I am puzzleder and puzzleder.



Below is the background information from my previous posts.

  Linux doesn't mount /home and other important partitions at boot. It
  mount / and /usr though...
  It does mount win98 c:/ but not d:/  win98 can't read d:/ anymore.
  There seems to be a problem with my partition table...
  I am still investigating how I can solve the problem. I found the
  rescue mini howto which may or may not be relevant in my case.
  I'll look more for the answer but if anyone knows where the problem is
  could give me some pointers, I'd be grateful.

  Would you please post the content of cat /etc/fstab

 /dev/hda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda7 /archive ext2 defaults 1 2
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda9 /files ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda8 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hda10 /mnt/windows2/ vfat umask=0 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda4 /redhat ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda6 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

  #df -h
  FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/hda2 587M  133M  424M  24% /
  none  125M 0  124M   0% /dev/shm
  /dev/hda1 1.7G  1.5G  236M  87% /mnt/windows
  /dev/hda4 2.9G  4.0k  2.7G   1% /redhat
  /dev/hda6 5.8G  1.6G  3.9G  29% /usr
  #fdisk -l
  Disk /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 3649
  Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes
  Device BootStart   EndBlocks
  Id  System
  /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1   * 1   216
  b  Win95 FAT32
  /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2   217   292610470
  83  Linux
  /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3   293  2846  20515005
  5  Extended
  /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4  2202  2583   3068415
  83  Linux
  /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part5   293   342
  82  Linux swap
  /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part6   343  1106
  83  Linux
  /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part7   ?224061112815
  29  Unknown
  #fdisk -l -u
  Disk /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 3649
  Units = sectors of 1 * 512 bytes
  Device BootStart   EndBlocks
  Id  System

RE: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-16 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Non domain windows machine authenticate every time they open a share.

Domain controlled machines basically log in once, then have access to
the resources allocated on a per user basis. 

Domain controlled machines can also do some interesting things...

E.G. autoconfiguration of printers, network logon scripts, roving
profiles, etc.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Frank McKenna
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

Hi Michael,

 To make things easier, you can set up your Linux box as a domain
 and therefore will only have to deal with username / passwords on the
 side.  If you want to pursue that, let me know.

Could you please let me know how to do this and why it would be


Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love someonebut it
takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] host name look up failure

2001-12-16 Thread Derek Jennings

I forgot to ask the other obvious question.

Have you entered the proxy port nunber into your browsers proxy settings?
The default port number for Squid is 3128

However you should still be able to surf without Squid being properly 
configured so long as you have enabled Network Address Translation (NAT or IP 
Masquerading) in the Gateway Computer. Can you surf if you do not declare the 
proxy in your browser?

You can test if IP Masquerading (NAT) is working if you can ping the Ethernet 
adapter on the Internet side if the gateway computer.
If you can ping that, then try pinging the DNS servers.
If that works then try pinging a network server by name like :-
ping www.yahoo.com

It might be worthwhile stopping the Firewall while you debug the system. 
Firewalls are notorious for stopping services and get in the way of 
faultfinding.  You can stop the firewall with this command
/etc/rc.d/init.d/bastille-firewall stop

As for your question about Host Tables and DNS.
Your computer has to try to resolve network host names into IP addresses 
since IP packets use only IP address and never host names.
It will always start by looking at the host table. If there is a match there 
it will use that IP address. If there is no entry in the host table for a 
given name, then it will use DNS to look up a name.

This is why leaving out the 'localhost' entry is bad. If the localhost entry 
is missing, then everytime the computer has to attach to a local socket the 
computer will go and ask the DNS server where 'localhost' is, and of course 
will not get an answer.

On Saturday 15 December 2001 22:16, lee wrote:
 Thanx alot for the reply Derek.To answer you 1 by 1 here...

 1)Yep.. localhost is there alright...  1 for 1 eh :)

 2) DNS is indeed enabled,and the ip of the proxy is there..so good so far

 3) The default gateway is also the ip of the proxy.

 Now something that's bothering me is this,I was under the (false)
 impression that if I used a host file,I didn't need DNS. anyway..I do have
 DNS enabled (required for normal operation ?) in linux.conf (under names
 server spec)

 I'm still geting this host name lookup failure  in the place I described
 below?  Anyway's it's 3:30 am sun. morning and I'm still trying..lol

 Hava great Sun. all :-)


  Do you have an entry in your /etc/hosts file that says localhost
  Do you have your DNS enabled and the host names of your DNS servers in
  it? Have you declared a default gateway?  The default gartway will be the
  IP address of the machine between you and the Internet.
  You can use netconf to set up all that stuff.
  On Saturday 15 December 2001 12:15, lee wrote:
   Hi folks,
   Ok..running 8.1 here,using the box as a proxy (squid),at present trying
   to connect another box (also 8.1). I can ping the proxy ( vice versa)
   but can't surf thru it (dns?).
   X does not start auto. So I enter my login info  enter the command to
   start x. All well up TO this point. Now however, after entering the
   command, I see a message host name lookup failure. Then x starts as
   Now as I look thru my stuff..I see the hostname in all the places it's
   supposed to be ( I think..lol ). Just not sure how to fix this
   issue..and whether it's contributing to my inability to get this box to
   proxy. There may very well be issues with squid that is causing
   this..but if I could get this message to go away..I'd sure feel better 
   fwiw..getting (unknown host) when i try to surf. Also I just noticed
   that when I do a whereis for lisa --kde2,it finds it,,but nmblookup
   is a command that cannot be found. Furthermore when in drakconf,and
   Itry to start named..aka bind..I get a failed message (x-tra command
   line arguments). not sure if it has anything to do with what I'm trying
   to do,as I'm thinking this may be a web thing,but if I can ping but not
   surf,that would be a dns issue..correct ?
   Thank you all very much for your time. I'm sorry for the long post,just
   trying to be complete :-)

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Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-16 Thread Mark Weaver

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 06:56:50 -0500
Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Non domain windows machine authenticate every time they open a share.
 Domain controlled machines basically log in once, then have access to
 the resources allocated on a per user basis. 
 Domain controlled machines can also do some interesting things...
 E.G. autoconfiguration of printers, network logon scripts, roving
 profiles, etc.

heavens! all I wanna do is just be able to read and write from the windows box to the 
linux box and be able to use the Linux printer. honest. 

how ya'll doing today. I was pretty well fried when i went to bed last night.

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  3:05am  up 6 days,  5:00,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-16 Thread Mark Weaver

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 00:11:14 -0500
Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Password Encryption?

as in is encryption turned on? as far as i know it is. is this a bad thing?

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  3:05am  up 6 days,  5:00,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] cd rom and cd writer

2001-12-16 Thread Ed Tharp

what command are you using to mount? what is the error message?

On Sunday 16 December 2001 01:53, you wrote:
 In harddrake I can see my cdrom and my cd writer, however, they will not
 mount in root. How do I force them to? These are SCSI. RB

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Re: [newbie] Modem causes mouse to be unistalled

2001-12-16 Thread Ed Tharp

turn OFF plug and pray aware OS in bios, yes that is the first thing. how did 
you do it? reserve (also in Bios , isa-pnp) an IRQ for the ISA slot slot the 
modem is in. you might also have to see if there is a setup utility to set 
the modems IRQ (probly dos based) or if this modem has jumpers or dip 

On Sunday 16 December 2001 01:51, you wrote:
 Hi All,

 I want to desperately get my Linux box online but my modem causes my mouse
 to uninstall and I currently cannot navigate that well in command prompt

 My latest acquisition is a 1998 Diamond System Multimedia Communications
 Division 56 K ISA internal modem

 Maybe someone will be able to tell me how to stop my mouse from being
 uninstalled when I insert my modem.

 I think that I have turned off PnP if that is the first thing that anyone
 is going to suggest.

 Frank McKenna

 Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

 Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
 someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
 someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Modem causes mouse to be unistalled

2001-12-16 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 09:45:51 -0500
Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 turn OFF plug and pray aware OS in bios, yes that is the first thing. how did 
 you do it? reserve (also in Bios , isa-pnp) an IRQ for the ISA slot slot the 
 modem is in. you might also have to see if there is a setup utility to set 
 the modems IRQ (probly dos based) or if this modem has jumpers or dip 
 On Sunday 16 December 2001 01:51, you wrote:
  Hi All,
  I want to desperately get my Linux box online but my modem causes my mouse
  to uninstall and I currently cannot navigate that well in command prompt
  My latest acquisition is a 1998 Diamond System Multimedia Communications
  Division 56 K ISA internal modem
  Maybe someone will be able to tell me how to stop my mouse from being
  uninstalled when I insert my modem.
  I think that I have turned off PnP if that is the first thing that anyone
  is going to suggest.

You are going to have to chage the jumpers on the modem for com port.
Right now it is set to use the same port that your mouse is on, this is why
you loose the mouse.
Your ISA moden will have anywhere from 1 to 3 jumoers, allowin you to manually
set the com port, IRQ and I/O address.
If you do not have the docs for the modem then check the Diamond site.


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[newbie] quickie kernel compile

2001-12-16 Thread Franki

Hi all,

out of curiosity, I tried to rebuild my kernel.src.rpm

I have these packages installed:

rpm -qa | grep kernel

as you can see, tht is pretty much everything.
So I tried this:
rpm --rebuild kernel-2.2.19-6.3mdk.src.rpm

(I wanted to just get a quick i686 kernel without all the fuss of a normal
source compile.)

and I got this:

+ echo 'Patch #250 (linux-2.2.19-deep-symlinks-ptrace-security.patch.bz2):'
Patch #250 (linux-2.2.19-deep-symlinks-ptrace-security.patch.bz2):
+ /usr/bin/bzip2 -d
+ patch -p1 -s
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ echo 'Patch #251 (linux-2.2.19-synq-security.patch.bz2):'
Patch #251 (linux-2.2.19-synq-security.patch.bz2):
+ /usr/bin/bzip2 -d
+ patch -p1 -s
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ cp ibcs/CONFIG.i386 ibcs/CONFIG
+ cp /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES/rhkmvtag.c .
+ find . -name '*~' -o -name '*.orig'
+ xargs rm -f
+ rm -f pcmcia alsa
+ exit 0
Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.31501
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ cd linux
++ gcc --version
+ '[' 2.95.3 = 2.96 ']'
FLAGS=-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -s -mcpu=pentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -
ffast-math -fexpensive-optimizations
echo -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -s -mcpu=pentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -f
fast-math -fexpensive-optimizations
-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -s -mcpu=pentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -ffast-
math -fexpensive-optimizations
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ '[' -x /usr/bin/getconf ']'
++ /usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
+ '[' 1 -eq 0 ']'
+ rm -rf /var/tmp/kernel-2.2.19-6.3mdk-root
+ BuildSecure
+ cp arch/i386/defconfig arch/i386/defconfig.secureorig
+ BuildKernel secure
+ '[' -n secure ']'
+ Config=i686-secure
+ KernelVer=2.2.19-6.3mdksecure
+ echo BUILDING A KERNEL FOR secure...
+ cp /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES/kernel-2.2.19-i686-secure.config
cp: /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES/kernel-2.2.19-i686-secure.config: No such file or
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.31501 (%build)

So why is it missing that file or directory?  I have installed everything
bar the docs...

don't get it,,

anyone got any ideas?



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Re: [newbie] Linmodems

2001-12-16 Thread Roy Barton

I'm am using a LT winmodem(lucent chip) and 
ltmodem-kv_2.4.8_34.1mdk-6.00b7-1.i586.rpm. it installed a device.. i think 
using /dev/ltmodem ? linux rpm installers dont tell you much of what they are 

also.. thanks for refering the basiclinux course. i 
have signed up for it...


  - Original Message - 
  Bill Winegarden 
  Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Linmodems
  Hi Roy,I was in the same boat as you. I needed a ltmodem 
  driver for my modem to work. If you could supply a little more 
  information; specifically which modem you are using, which 'rpm' did you 
  use, I might be able to help. There are many on this list who can supply 
  the answers you seek. Regards,Bill W.On Saturday 15 
  December 2001 23:18, you wrote: ok.. I'm new to this 
  wonderful thing called linux, but i love it. i understand the 
  file system and the fact that everything is a file. i know there 
  is support for some linmodems, including the one i my machine. 
  8.1 did not autodetect it so i went on a search for a rpm that would 
  work and found one. i installed it, but cannot get the internet dialer 
  to recognize it. is there another dialer i can use .. or would it be 
  best to by an external modem?. i have the same problem 
  with my PDA.. the soft where is there, but it is looking @ /dev/polit 
  when it is connect to comm2.. does any one know of some free training 
  one the web or some good books i can read. i want to use my machine on 
  the web instead of going under windoz all the time.. 
  thanks roy

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[newbie] KDE Media Player broken

2001-12-16 Thread Matt

Hi there,
Can anyone give some ideas on troubleshooting this?  I've been using KDE 
Media Player (noatun) steadily since I installed with little to no problems.  
Of course, I've tweaked some sound server settings to get better playback, 
but I'm still using the default settings in Media Player.  Recently, it's 
showing some strange behavior.

When I start it from the K menu, it looks like it's opening, but never comes 
up.  I can use Konq and select an .ogg file and actually listen to music, but 
I can't get to my playlist or see the noatun interface.  So, Media Player 
seems to be running in the background, but I can't see anything of it.  It 
even shows up in the list of running processes.  So, what can I do here?


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Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-16 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi Jose,

Thank you for your reply and sorry for the long post everyone.

 1) Are the user accounts valid.

 smbclient -L Sambabox -U Windowsuser

Have done this for all three users and there does not appear to be any error

 is the Windows Login name (that you used on the Windows machine to log
 in initially) that you have added to Samba via smbpasswd -a Windowsuser.

As far as I know, things are set up correctly for this.

The password that I entered while doing smbclient -L Sambabox -U
Windowsuser should be the same as the Linux/Windows password or am I wrong

 Normally NETBIOS name to IP resolution is done by the DNS, but you
probably don't have one.

I had DNS set up before I broke my install and had to reinstall the O/S.  I
thought that I had everything set up the same way as before but that would
make sense.  I am stumbling around in the dark with this.  How would I find
out if DNS is running?  I know that it is enabled in smb.comf

 You must then help windows. There are several ways to do this...

 A) Create a HOSTS file (in the same location as your LMHOSTS or
 LMHOSTS.SAM example file) which contains the IP - NETBIOS equivalences.

 Not sure where I would put this or what I would have to put in it.

 C) Enable the WINS component in Samba and create a local HOSTS entry,
 and then point the workstations to the Samba box's IP for WINS

Have done th is except for the local hosts entry.  Could you explain the
local HOSTS entry please

 Changing the hashing depth to 8 helps.

This is a new term for me.

 Also remember that Windows uses Encrypted passwords, when you use
 SMBCLIENT locally you are sending clear text so if it works locally but
 not remotely (from Windows) it's likely that you do not have encryption
 set up properly...

In my smb.conf, I have encrypted password = Yes.  On my Windows 98 box, I
have hacked the registry to send passwords in clear text.  On my W2K box I
did nothing in terms of password encryption and I can still log on.

If smb.conf is correct, you may be missing a crypt lib or something else
 and/or too high of a security setting...

Crypt.lib is a new term as well. When you say security settings do you mean
security = user or the settings for Linux itself?


Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

 Bear in mind that this is different, but related to the FQDN for your


 It sounds like your login is failing, and you are falling thru to a
 Guest share which has no rights!

 You MUST NOT get an invalid password message, if you do Samba normally
 has rejected the password sent by Windows... See my other posts about


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[newbie] new partition and moving /usr/local - help

2001-12-16 Thread joe

I need some help

/dev/hdd is partitioned in the following way

--  2.1GB primary partition - free space
hdd512GBlogical partition
--  6.2 GB  logical partition

I want to bring the current free space online as linux partitions and then
mount /usr/local on the 6.2gb partition.

Currently, /usr/local is part of the / mount point.

I would really appreciate having someone help walk me throuhg this process.  
I took a look a cfdisk ... I can't afford to wipe out the 12GB 
partition...which is what I am concerned about doing...  


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[newbie] Epson scanners

2001-12-16 Thread David

according to the mandrake website the following epson scanners are supported



Perfection 1640 SU

Perfection 1650 photo

but the Epson website says these below are suported on mandrake 8.1. atm i am 
on scanner number 2 and going onto scanner3 in the search of a supported 
This scanner is the 1250 ,according to the guy in the pc shop its the same 
drivers as the 1240 (obviously not) . i think i might find it easier to get a 
1240 rather than any of the others so i was wondering if anyone out there was 
using a 1240 on mandrake 8.1 ..  

Perfection 1240U
Perfection 1640SU
Perfection 1650/ Perfection 1650 Photo
Perfection 2450 Photo
Expression 1600
Expression 1680
Expression 1640XL
.. David

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[newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-16 Thread Wes Gregg


I have installed Mandrake Linux 8.1 (Powerpack) on my system.  
I have a problem with my mouse.  When I try to move the cursor it 
goes crazy.  It likes to go to the lower left of the screen but it may go 
anywhere...  So fast it almost seems to just appear there.  Along 
the way it may open menus, move my menu bar from along the 
bottom of the screen to the left side.  (How do I put it back along the 
bottom - in Gnome desktop?)

My mouse is a MS Intellimouse Optical.  I am using (well, trying 
to 8-(  ) Xfree86 4.0 so I am looking at xfree86config-4, correct?

It said:
Section InputDevice

Identifier Mouse1
Driver mouse
Option Protocol IMPS/2
Option Device /dev/mouse or /dev/mouse1 or something
(I changed it to /dev/psaux)
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

and the cordmiddle option is # so it isn't activated.

I have tried various things including reinstalling approximately 15 
times now.  Nothing changes.  I started out with a logitech 2 button 
mouse and some keyboard.  Was going crazy all over the screen.  
Tried reinstalling.  Nope.  Got the wife to go get a different mouse.  
She came home with the intellimouse packaged with the MS 
Internet Keyboard.  Still the same behavior.  Exactly the same.  
Goes crazy opens menus moved my task bar to the left crazy.

At one point I got to the mouse screen where I roll the mouse 
wheel to activate.  I did, it worked for up down push wheel push left 
button push right button.  Movement worked.  Ok, complete install 
still crazy.  Two mice two keyboards still crazy.  Crazy.

Surely I'm not the only one in existance that can't get mouse to 
stop being crazy.  What do I need to do that it can't figure out by 
itself?  Is crazy I say!

Must do in Gnome, KDE locks up at screen.  Where blinking 
icon loading window manager it stops blinking locked up.  That is 
another problem always in every installation.  Will worry about that 
later, got option #2 Gnome to work.  Mouse crazy in login and 
Gnome.  Crazy.

Help.  Trying to use this keyboard mouse emulation is crazy 
too, will start moving and stop but pointer keeps to edge of screen 
then I have to remember what way I was moving and hit that key 
again and then it stops trying to move that way and I can move back. 
 Sometimes different keys act this way.  Noticed I was trying to type 
in my user password and it wasn't working.  Went back to input user 
name to test and sure enough...  All my input was in caps, the #'s 
were in @#!@%!!  My shift key was stuck so I pressed them and 
retyped user, password fine.  Is there a conflict between my mouse 
and keyboard?  Would explain multiple keyboards/mice exhibiting 
the same problem?  According to the colors on the plugs/ports and 
also the labeling I've got them plugged into the correct ps2 ports.  
And they work fine in Windows98 (as if that's supposed to be any 
colsolation GRIN).

I have the bios configured for Plug  Play OS OFF like the 
installation guide that came with ML8.1PP said to.

Wes Gregg

Stuck in Windows where my mouse is a mouse and my 
keyboard is a keyboard and they both work fine.  8-(

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Re: [newbie] host name look up failure

2001-12-16 Thread lee

Thanx again,very much derek for taking the time to reply. The port # has been 
entered. 3128..I've also tried using port 80  port 8080 too..lol. Anyways 
I'm back to 3128 as we speak :-). It definately won't surf when configged as 
a direct connection.

The firewall has been shut down, I was using InteractiveBastille,which along 
with iptables  chains have been shut down,taking no chances for the 

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by pinging the nic on the 'net side

So now in the meantime I got the bright idea to just try a fresh install 
(idiot) cause now I'm back to the problem of getting that modem is busy 
message again I fixed this once before and I can't remember how I did it !!

So I'll start over again.The good part is no Bastille has been configged at 
all. Gotta get some air now tho..lol.

Hava great Sunday friends :-)


 I forgot to ask the other obvious question.

 Have you entered the proxy port nunber into your browsers proxy settings?
 The default port number for Squid is 3128

 However you should still be able to surf without Squid being properly
 configured so long as you have enabled Network Address Translation (NAT or
 IP Masquerading) in the Gateway Computer. Can you surf if you do not
 declare the proxy in your browser?

 You can test if IP Masquerading (NAT) is working if you can ping the
 Ethernet adapter on the Internet side if the gateway computer.
 If you can ping that, then try pinging the DNS servers.
 If that works then try pinging a network server by name like :-
 ping www.yahoo.com

 It might be worthwhile stopping the Firewall while you debug the system.
 Firewalls are notorious for stopping services and get in the way of
 faultfinding.  You can stop the firewall with this command
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/bastille-firewall stop

 As for your question about Host Tables and DNS.
 Your computer has to try to resolve network host names into IP addresses
 since IP packets use only IP address and never host names.
 It will always start by looking at the host table. If there is a match
 there it will use that IP address. If there is no entry in the host table
 for a given name, then it will use DNS to look up a name.

 This is why leaving out the 'localhost' entry is bad. If the localhost
 entry is missing, then everytime the computer has to attach to a local
 socket the computer will go and ask the DNS server where 'localhost' is,
 and of course will not get an answer.

 On Saturday 15 December 2001 22:16, lee wrote:
  Thanx alot for the reply Derek.To answer you 1 by 1 here...
  1)Yep.. localhost is there alright...  1 for 1 eh :)
  2) DNS is indeed enabled,and the ip of the proxy is there..so good so far
  3) The default gateway is also the ip of the proxy.
  Now something that's bothering me is this,I was under the (false)
  impression that if I used a host file,I didn't need DNS. anyway..I do
  have DNS enabled (required for normal operation ?) in linux.conf (under
  names server spec)
  I'm still geting this host name lookup failure  in the place I
  described below?  Anyway's it's 3:30 am sun. morning and I'm still
  Hava great Sun. all :-)
   Do you have an entry in your /etc/hosts file that says localhost
   Do you have your DNS enabled and the host names of your DNS servers in
   it? Have you declared a default gateway?  The default gartway will be
   the IP address of the machine between you and the Internet.
   You can use netconf to set up all that stuff.
   On Saturday 15 December 2001 12:15, lee wrote:
Hi folks,
Ok..running 8.1 here,using the box as a proxy (squid),at present
trying to connect another box (also 8.1). I can ping the proxy (
vice versa) but can't surf thru it (dns?).
X does not start auto. So I enter my login info  enter the command
to start x. All well up TO this point. Now however, after entering
the command, I see a message host name lookup failure. Then x
starts as planned.
Now as I look thru my stuff..I see the hostname in all the places
it's supposed to be ( I think..lol ). Just not sure how to fix this
issue..and whether it's contributing to my inability to get this box
to proxy. There may very well be issues with squid that is causing
this..but if I could get this message to go away..I'd sure feel
fwiw..getting (unknown host) when i try to surf. Also I just noticed
that when I do a whereis for lisa --kde2,it finds it,,but nmblookup
is a command that cannot be found. Furthermore when in drakconf,and
Itry to start named..aka bind..I get a failed message (x-tra
command line arguments). not sure if it has anything to do with what
I'm trying to do,as I'm thinking this may be a web thing,but if I can
ping but not surf,that would be a dns issue..correct ?
Thank you all very much for your time. I'm sorry for the long

[newbie] Mozilla 0.9.4?

2001-12-16 Thread Michael Leone

I currently have Mozilla 0.9.4, running on 8.1. I used to have Moz
0.9.5, from Cooker, but had to remove it, for some reason (I forget
why). Anyway, I can't seem to find that version anymore, only 0.9.6 ...
which uses a different libpng. I'm a bit leery about updating libpng,
since many apps depend on it.

I tried rebuilding from src.rpms, but that didn't work. I also tried
using RedHat's rpms, but had no luck rebuilding. 

Has anybody done this - updated to 0.9.6 from Cooker, with associated
libpng upgrade? And if so, has it broken any applications? I'm thinking
specifically of things like Evolution, Konqueror, Opera, GIMP, etc.


Michael J. Leone  Registered Linux user #201348 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 50453890 AIM: MikeLeone

PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF
PGP public key:

Foreman, roving paving crew, Dept. of Roads, Hades.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[newbie] Two apache questions

2001-12-16 Thread Jon Doe

I know I have asked these before but I can't seem to find them in the 
archives and I have somehow lost them.

1. How do I setup a password protected site? 
The .htaccess file goes in the directory you want protected? 
What goes in the .htaccess file? What goes in and where does the .htpaswd 
file go? Or is that even the right file?

2. How do I create my own certificates for my site? I know it has something 
to do with mod_ssl right?

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RE: [newbie] Linmodems

2001-12-16 Thread skidley

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001, Franki wrote:

 in its simplist terms, a winmodem is a modem where half the hardware has
 been replaced by software..

 so certain stuff that would normally be done by the modem itself is done by
 your PC's CPU via the driver software..

 The problem is that not many winmodem manufactures make linux drivers or
 even supply the specs so that one may be written.

 makes it hard to get them working properly.

 a linmodem is generally one that either had linux drivers supplied for it,
 or someone has worked out how to write one for it themselves and have
 released it..

a winmodem is basically a soundcard

  . ---
  |o_o |
  |:_/ |   Give Micro$oft the Bird
 //   \ \  Use Linux
(| | )
/'\_   _/`\
Chad Young
Registered Linux User #195191
@ http://counter.li.org
Linux localhost 2.4.17-rc1 #5 Thu Dec 13 18:25:16 AST 2001 i686 unknown
  2:00pm  up 41 min,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-16 Thread Bill Winegarden

I am using an intellimouse optical on LM8.1 (on a laptop). The mouse works 
beautifully. The only difference that I see between our free86config-4 files 
is that my mouse is pointed to /dev/mouse. Have you tried that?

Bill W.

On Sunday 16 December 2001 12:17, you wrote:

   I have installed Mandrake Linux 8.1 (Powerpack) on my system.
 I have a problem with my mouse.  When I try to move the cursor it
 goes crazy.  It likes to go to the lower left of the screen but it may go
 anywhere...  So fast it almost seems to just appear there.  Along
 the way it may open menus, move my menu bar from along the
 bottom of the screen to the left side.  (How do I put it back along the
 bottom - in Gnome desktop?)

   My mouse is a MS Intellimouse Optical.  I am using (well, trying
 to 8-(  ) Xfree86 4.0 so I am looking at xfree86config-4, correct?

 It said:
 Section InputDevice

   Identifier Mouse1
   Driver mouse
   Option Protocol IMPS/2
   Option Device /dev/mouse or /dev/mouse1 or something
 (I changed it to /dev/psaux)
   Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

 and the cordmiddle option is # so it isn't activated.

   I have tried various things including reinstalling approximately 15
 times now.  Nothing changes.  I started out with a logitech 2 button
 mouse and some keyboard.  Was going crazy all over the screen.
 Tried reinstalling.  Nope.  Got the wife to go get a different mouse.
 She came home with the intellimouse packaged with the MS
 Internet Keyboard.  Still the same behavior.  Exactly the same.
 Goes crazy opens menus moved my task bar to the left crazy.

   At one point I got to the mouse screen where I roll the mouse
 wheel to activate.  I did, it worked for up down push wheel push left
 button push right button.  Movement worked.  Ok, complete install
 still crazy.  Two mice two keyboards still crazy.  Crazy.

   Surely I'm not the only one in existance that can't get mouse to
 stop being crazy.  What do I need to do that it can't figure out by
 itself?  Is crazy I say!

   Must do in Gnome, KDE locks up at screen.  Where blinking
 icon loading window manager it stops blinking locked up.  That is
 another problem always in every installation.  Will worry about that
 later, got option #2 Gnome to work.  Mouse crazy in login and
 Gnome.  Crazy.

   Help.  Trying to use this keyboard mouse emulation is crazy
 too, will start moving and stop but pointer keeps to edge of screen
 then I have to remember what way I was moving and hit that key
 again and then it stops trying to move that way and I can move back.
  Sometimes different keys act this way.  Noticed I was trying to type
 in my user password and it wasn't working.  Went back to input user
 name to test and sure enough...  All my input was in caps, the #'s
 were in @#!@%!!  My shift key was stuck so I pressed them and
 retyped user, password fine.  Is there a conflict between my mouse
 and keyboard?  Would explain multiple keyboards/mice exhibiting
 the same problem?  According to the colors on the plugs/ports and
 also the labeling I've got them plugged into the correct ps2 ports.
 And they work fine in Windows98 (as if that's supposed to be any
 colsolation GRIN).

   I have the bios configured for Plug  Play OS OFF like the
 installation guide that came with ML8.1PP said to.

   Wes Gregg

   Stuck in Windows where my mouse is a mouse and my
 keyboard is a keyboard and they both work fine.  8-(

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla 0.9.4?

2001-12-16 Thread Steve

On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 12:45:55PM -0500, Michael Leone wrote:
 I currently have Mozilla 0.9.4, running on 8.1. I used to have Moz
 0.9.5, from Cooker, but had to remove it, for some reason (I forget
 why). Anyway, I can't seem to find that version anymore, only 0.9.6 ...
 which uses a different libpng. I'm a bit leery about updating libpng,
 since many apps depend on it.
 I tried rebuilding from src.rpms, but that didn't work. I also tried
 using RedHat's rpms, but had no luck rebuilding. 
 Has anybody done this - updated to 0.9.6 from Cooker, with associated
 libpng upgrade? And if so, has it broken any applications? I'm thinking
 specifically of things like Evolution, Konqueror, Opera, GIMP, etc.

Michael, I've always had better luck using the official Mozilla
binaries/installer. I'm using 8.1 as well and I've never had to worry
about this dependency you're having and I'm using the latest nightly.

Since you appear to have an official Mandrake mozilla package, leave it
installed and install using mozilla's net install. Then all you need to
do is call mozilla from the command line using the default path, which
is /usr/local/mozilla. A bit of a kludge but it's the easiest way to do
things IMHO.




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Re: [newbie] Mozilla 0.9.4?

2001-12-16 Thread Russ Kepler

On Sunday 16 December 2001 10:45 am, you wrote:
 Has anybody done this - updated to 0.9.6 from Cooker, with associated
 libpng upgrade? And if so, has it broken any applications? I'm thinking
 specifically of things like Evolution, Konqueror, Opera, GIMP, etc.

I used rpmfind to grab all the required rpms to go with the cooker version of 
Mozilla 0.9.6 and updated the whole kit  kaboodle at one time.  No problems 
as yet and it's been about a week.  It did clean up several problems that I 
was seeing - broken display of pages with html showing in the middle, etc.  
It feel a little bit faster as well, but that could be perception.

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[newbie] Mouse-Pointer offset with Trident Cyberblade

2001-12-16 Thread Kaj Haulrich

Good news ! - I remember some people here on the list (or was it the
expert-one ?) having big-time trouble with their Trident chipsets. It
almost drove me nuts as well ! - The problem manifested itself only
occasionally : the mouse-pointer got an offset, and couldn't be moved to
the left rim of the screen, but stopped dead about 30 pixels from it.
Furthermore, when clicking something, I had to point the cursor about
those 30 pixels to the RIGHT of focus. Only cure was to reboot - and
that's not something we linuxers like ;-)

Well, I looked around on the net and found the answer to all my troubles
on the S.u.S.E. - mailing list :


The solution is surprisingly simple : pass the option sw_cursor to
CF86Config !

In my case, only thing I had to do was to uncomment the line Option
sw_cursor bu removing the #-mark.

This being a newbie-list, I'll show how I did it my way :

1. Open a console-window
2. type : su
3. enter your root-password
4. open Midnight Commander by issuing the command : mc
5. highlight the file /etc/X11/XF86Config and press F4 to edit it
6. search for the entry below ( or something very similar ) :

# **
# Graphics device section
# **

Section Device
Identifier Generic VGA
Chipset   generic

Section Device
Identifier  Trident CyberBlade (generic)
VendorName  Unknown
BoardName   Unknown
#   Chipset CyberBlade
#   VideoRam4096
#   Clock lines

# Uncomment following option if you see a big white block
# instead of the cursor!
  Option  sw_cursor
  Option  power_saver

# **
# Screen sections
# **

7. either remove the #-mark in front of Option sw_cursor or simply add
the line
8. save the file by pressing F2
9. exit Midnight Commander by pressing F10
10. back in the console-window, type exit , and you are done
11. restart the X-server or reboot.

That's all, folks. And credit for this advice to the S.u.S.E. - people !

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla 0.9.4?

2001-12-16 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Ditto.  I've had some good experiences like Steve below with Mozilla's
installer.  Don't forget that to install flash and java you may need
some extra steps.  Flash is pretty straight forward, follow the README.
You will need to download and install jre from java.sun.com .  Then
create a symlink from
/usr/java/jre1.3.1_01/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so to you
mozilla plugin directory, for me:

ln -s /usr/java/jre1.3.1_01/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so

To give credit where it's due, someone on #mandrake on
irc.openprojects.org helped me figure this out.  You can get help there
too if you need it, try xhcat from the networking menu.

-Paul Rodríguez

On Sun, 2001-12-16 at 13:12, Steve wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 12:45:55PM -0500, Michael Leone wrote:
  I currently have Mozilla 0.9.4, running on 8.1. I used to have Moz
  0.9.5, from Cooker, but had to remove it, for some reason (I forget
  why). Anyway, I can't seem to find that version anymore, only 0.9.6 ...
  which uses a different libpng. I'm a bit leery about updating libpng,
  since many apps depend on it.
  I tried rebuilding from src.rpms, but that didn't work. I also tried
  using RedHat's rpms, but had no luck rebuilding. 
  Has anybody done this - updated to 0.9.6 from Cooker, with associated
  libpng upgrade? And if so, has it broken any applications? I'm thinking
  specifically of things like Evolution, Konqueror, Opera, GIMP, etc.
 Michael, I've always had better luck using the official Mozilla
 binaries/installer. I'm using 8.1 as well and I've never had to worry
 about this dependency you're having and I'm using the latest nightly.
 Since you appear to have an official Mandrake mozilla package, leave it
 installed and install using mozilla's net install. Then all you need to
 do is call mozilla from the command line using the default path, which
 is /usr/local/mozilla. A bit of a kludge but it's the easiest way to do
 things IMHO.

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla 0.9.4?

2001-12-16 Thread Darwin Gottfried

On Sunday 16 December 2001 11:56, you wrote:
 Ditto.  I've had some good experiences like Steve below with Mozilla's
 installer.  Don't forget that to install flash and java you may need
 some extra steps.  Flash is pretty straight forward, follow the README.
 You will need to download and install jre from java.sun.com .  Then
 create a symlink from
 /usr/java/jre1.3.1_01/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so to you
 mozilla plugin directory, for me:

 ln -s /usr/java/jre1.3.1_01/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so

 To give credit where it's due, someone on #mandrake on
 irc.openprojects.org helped me figure this out.  You can get help there
 too if you need it, try xhcat from the networking menu.

*smiles and winks*

 -Paul Rodríguez

 On Sun, 2001-12-16 at 13:12, Steve wrote:
  On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 12:45:55PM -0500, Michael Leone wrote:
   I currently have Mozilla 0.9.4, running on 8.1. I used to have Moz
   0.9.5, from Cooker, but had to remove it, for some reason (I forget
   why). Anyway, I can't seem to find that version anymore, only 0.9.6 ...
   which uses a different libpng. I'm a bit leery about updating libpng,
   since many apps depend on it.
   I tried rebuilding from src.rpms, but that didn't work. I also tried
   using RedHat's rpms, but had no luck rebuilding.
   Has anybody done this - updated to 0.9.6 from Cooker, with associated
   libpng upgrade? And if so, has it broken any applications? I'm thinking
   specifically of things like Evolution, Konqueror, Opera, GIMP, etc.
  Michael, I've always had better luck using the official Mozilla
  binaries/installer. I'm using 8.1 as well and I've never had to worry
  about this dependency you're having and I'm using the latest nightly.
  Since you appear to have an official Mandrake mozilla package, leave it
  installed and install using mozilla's net install. Then all you need to
  do is call mozilla from the command line using the default path, which
  is /usr/local/mozilla. A bit of a kludge but it's the easiest way to do
  things IMHO.

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Re: [newbie] Printers-Epson

2001-12-16 Thread Ralph Slooten

Hiya, back to this topic. 1 Week ago I bought an Epson Stylus C80.
According to the www.linuxprinting.org this is a very good buy. So I have
it, but I cannot get it to work :-( Whether it's me or what I don't know. I
tried so many things, after inserting their driver for the C80, and
eventually someone said to me that I had to install the latest gimp-print.
I did this but the damage was already done. CUPS seems extremely messed up,
and when running printerdrake now it just hangs for about 5 minutes, and
finally when I get through to the configure printer screen, things do not

Has anyone here else (running Mandrake) go a C80, and if so, how did you
get it to work? I know it does work, as users running Debian and Redhat
have told me, but maybe it's Mandrake (don't think so), or just my CUPS.

I tried uninstalling CUPS and deleting all config files created by it, but
this didn't help. It just hangs. I am thinking about reinstalling Mandrake,
but then at least I should know what to do beforehand.

I would appreciate any ideas / info you guys could offer :-)

Thanks in advance

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[newbie] kapm-idled

2001-12-16 Thread Florian

Hello i just finished configuring a new desktop machine and a samba, print, 
nfs, server, gateway (weeew).
On the desktop machine (athlon 1333 ddrram etc.) running Mandrake 8.1 with 
kde 2.2.2 and a kernell 2.4.13, i suddenly realised the a prozess called 
kapm-idled uses between 15 and 40% of my cpu allthetime! What can i do about 
it does that have something to do with apm ? I dissabled that in 
drakxservices but still kapm-idled continues lurking through my system.
Give me a hint im damn tired that was like 10 hours configs i got behind=).

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Re: [newbie] auto update of files?

2001-12-16 Thread dfox

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 09:21, you wrote:
 I heard once of a program that will automatically update files on your
 computer from a remote server.  Any body know how I can automate, say,

Well, if there is a way to access the site and file with rsync that would 
probably be the best way. Otherwise you can use cvs or cvsup depending on 
how you can access the site. If there's only Web access you might try
'lynx -dump' followed by the full url of the program name. Once you've been 
able to determine how you can get the file from a command line it should be 
easy to make a crontab to automate this every night.

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RE: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-16 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Heh, then the much simpler share level authentication is all you need.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 8:49 AM
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 06:56:50 -0500
Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words
to ponder:

heavens! all I wanna do is just be able to read and write from the
windows box to the linux box and be able to use the Linux printer.

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RE: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-16 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

I know exactly what you want to do, but can you get by with something
just slightly less?

The reason I ask is that one way to make things almost do what you want
is to use the


Section type configuration and hide the [homes] share itself by making
it non-browseable.

(assuming you eliminated all the other shares for the moment...)

Each user then only sees ONE entry for themselves when they double click
on the server.

This entry is user dependant, so if you log in as Jim, all you see is a
share called Jim...

Of course you can actually use the macro functions to make it appear as
machine name, user name, etc. or even the name of a passed variable...
(Samba logs in as the authenticated user on the Linux box so you can
pass user specific variables this way...)

Once this is set up, you can always add shares that you do want everyone
to see.

You can replicate this technique for multiple shares, and even to point
certain users to specific directory shares which only appear when they
log in.

Yeah I know you talked about it before, but by hiding the homes share
itself it almost appears to the user that there are user/login specific
shares available... Not really of course...

BTW: the NMB portion of Samba could be easily patched to give you what
you want if the browseable function was changed slightly. This may be
something worth suggesting to the Samba group.

Browsing is already controlled by a boolean per share, if instead it
could be set to use passed variables then you have your cake and

A thought.


-Original Message-
From: Jose M. Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 8:48 PM
To: 'Julian Opificius'
Subject: RE: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

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RE: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-16 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

No it's needed.

I'm speculating, but given what you posted it sounds like you almost
have everything set up properly.

If this is the case the useraccount and/or password being passed is not
recognized by samba.

If a lib were missing you'ld get this behaviour...

Also what version of Windows are you trying to connect with?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 8:54 AM
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 00:11:14 -0500
Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words
to ponder:

 Password Encryption?

as in is encryption turned on? as far as i know it is. is this a bad

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  3:05am  up 6 days,  5:00,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] kapm-idled

2001-12-16 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Sunday 16 December 2001 02:58 pm, Florian wrote:
 Hello i just finished configuring a new desktop machine and a samba, print,
 nfs, server, gateway (weeew).
 On the desktop machine (athlon 1333 ddrram etc.) running Mandrake 8.1 with
 kde 2.2.2 and a kernell 2.4.13, i suddenly realised the a prozess called
 kapm-idled uses between 15 and 40% of my cpu allthetime! What can i do
 about it does that have something to do with apm ? I dissabled that in
 drakxservices but still kapm-idled continues lurking through my system.
 Give me a hint im damn tired that was like 10 hours configs i got behind=).

Don't worry about it -- it's a process that keeps track of idle CPU time. If 
you want further information, look up last week's (Thursday, 12/13/01) thread 
under the same topic. Ed Tharp's posting was a classic.
-- cmg

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RE: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-16 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Frank McKenna
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

Hi Jose,

Thank you for your reply and sorry for the long post everyone.

 1) Are the user accounts valid.

 smbclient -L Sambabox -U Windowsuser

Have done this for all three users and there does not appear to be any
error messages

 is the Windows Login name (that you used on the Windows machine to log

 in initially) that you have added to Samba via smbpasswd -a 

As far as I know, things are set up correctly for this.

The password that I entered while doing smbclient -L Sambabox -U
Windowsuser should be the same as the Linux/Windows password or am I

Yes and it is case specific!

You can get around this slightly by changing the password hashing


 Normally NETBIOS name to IP resolution is done by the DNS, but you
probably don't have one.

I had DNS set up before I broke my install and had to reinstall the O/S.
I thought that I had everything set up the same way as before but that
would make sense.  I am stumbling around in the dark with this.  How
would I find out if DNS is running?  I know that it is enabled in

 You must then help windows. There are several ways to do this...

 A) Create a HOSTS file (in the same location as your LMHOSTS or 
 LMHOSTS.SAM example file) which contains the IP - NETBIOS 

 Not sure where I would put this or what I would have to put in it.


The example LMHOSTS.SAM shows you what to do...

Basically if the name of your Linux box's SAMBA Netbios name
(specified in smb.conf) is SAMBABOX and it's ip is then
you put a line in to HOSTS like this SAMBABOX



Should return

 C) Enable the WINS component in Samba and create a local HOSTS entry, 
 and then point the workstations to the Samba box's IP for WINS 

Have done th is except for the local hosts entry.  Could you explain the
local HOSTS entry please


See above...

 Changing the hashing depth to 8 helps.

This is a new term for me.



password level = 8
username level = 8

Entries in smb.conf control how many characters in the user name and
password Samba will hash in attempting to match the login name and

Say you entered MaryS as a user name and in Windows you also entered the

Windows loves to change the case of entries. As a result Samba may be
seeing MARYS as the username, coming from Samba (or marys). In this case
Samba would not accept the user!

The USERNAME LEVEL = entry tells Samba to try up to 8 characters
changing each to different combinations of uppercase and lower case
letters until it gets a match.

Without it things must be EXACT.

 Also remember that Windows uses Encrypted passwords, when you use 
 SMBCLIENT locally you are sending clear text so if it works locally 
 but not remotely (from Windows) it's likely that you do not have 
 encryption set up properly...

In my smb.conf, I have encrypted password = Yes.  On my Windows 98 box,
I have hacked the registry to send passwords in clear text.  On my W2K
box I did nothing in terms of password encryption and I can still log

DAMN that's the problem

You are not consistent!

If encrypted passwords is set to ON in samba then it expects encrypted
passwords from Windows. No wonder your W2K box can log in. It's sending
encrypted passwords while Windows is not.

REVERSE the registry hack in Windows. Make it NOT send cleartext and


If smb.conf is correct, you may be missing a crypt lib or something else
 and/or too high of a security setting...

Crypt.lib is a new term as well. When you say security settings do you
mean security = user or the settings for Linux itself?


Neither, the security level for the Linux box overall. You set this
during installation and you can reset it in the Mandrake Control



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Re: [newbie] KDE Media Player broken

2001-12-16 Thread Mark Evans

Hi Matt

I had exactly the same problem.  I deleted the config file and now media 
player shows its self!!!


Mark Evans

On Sunday 16 December 2001 3:39 pm, you wrote:
 Hi there,
   Can anyone give some ideas on troubleshooting this?  I've been using KDE
 Media Player (noatun) steadily since I installed with little to no
 problems. Of course, I've tweaked some sound server settings to get better
 playback, but I'm still using the default settings in Media Player. 
 Recently, it's showing some strange behavior.

   When I start it from the K menu, it looks like it's opening, but never
 comes up.  I can use Konq and select an .ogg file and actually listen to
 music, but I can't get to my playlist or see the noatun interface.  So,
 Media Player seems to be running in the background, but I can't see
 anything of it.  It even shows up in the list of running processes.  So,
 what can I do here?


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Re: [newbie] kapm-idled

2001-12-16 Thread Florian


 Don't worry about it -- it's a process that keeps track of idle CPU time.

Ok thanks now i got it (pheew) now i can go to sleep and dream of penguins =).

Good concept actually nice work linus!

 If you want further information, look up last week's (Thursday, 12/13/01)
 thread under the same topic. Ed Tharp's posting was a classic.

Maybe seti is worth a try lol


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Re: [newbie] Linmodems

2001-12-16 Thread Bill Winegarden

Hi Roy,
Same basic configuration as me. Before we try anything more complicated, you 
should go into the kppp , setup tab. In there, under 'device' you should try 
the /dev/tty0 or /dev/tty1 .
Also, I have flow control set to xon/xoff. Under the 'modem' tab, there is a 
'query' button. You could give that a try and see if your modem is responding 
at all.
I'm sure you're very close.

Bill W.

On Sunday 16 December 2001 10:37, you wrote:
 I'm am using a LT winmodem(lucent chip) and
 ltmodem-kv_2.4.8_34.1mdk-6.00b7-1.i586.rpm. it installed a device.. i think
 using /dev/ltmodem ? linux rpm installers dont tell you much of what they
 are doing..

 also.. thanks for refering the basiclinux course. i have signed up for

   - Original Message -
   From: Bill Winegarden
   Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 2051
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Linmodems

   Hi Roy,
   I was in the same boat as you. I needed a ltmodem driver for my modem to
   work. If you could supply a little more information; specifically which
 modem you are using, which 'rpm' did you use, I might be able to help.
 There are many on this list who can supply the answers you seek.

   Bill W.

   On Saturday 15 December 2001 23:18, you wrote:
I'm new to this wonderful thing called linux, but i love it.  i
understand the file system and the fact that everything is a file.  i
know there is support for some linmodems, including the one i my
machine.  8.1 did not autodetect it so i went on a search for a rpm
that would work and found one. i installed it, but cannot get the
internet dialer to recognize it. is there another dialer i can use ..
or would it be best to by an external modem?.
i have the same problem with my PDA.. the soft where is there, but it
is looking @ /dev/polit when it is connect to comm2.. does any one know
of some free training one the web or some good books i can read. i want
to use my machine on the web instead of going under windoz all the


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Re: [newbie] host name look up failure

2001-12-16 Thread Derek Jennings

 I'm not sure I understand what you mean by pinging the nic on the 'net

Just that your gateway computer has two network interfaces. One facing the 
internal network, the other facing the outside world.  You ought to be able 
to ping both interfaces from within your internal network.

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[newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-16 Thread Ivan Offalich

I looked all over the Linux Documentation Project website for this 
information. I couldn't seem to find it anywhere so I was hoping someone 
could help me with it on this list.

I'll explain my situation.

I have two hard drives installed on my computer.
hda is dedicated to Windoze.
hdc is dedicated to Linux.
When I install Linux (I've gone through the process a few times) it has me 
choose between LILO and GRUB. I have chosen LILO since I've read more about 
it than GRUB and I have a better understand of how it works.
After installing and booting up, I get the choice of booting Linux-Secure, 
Linux, Linux Failsafe, or Windoze. Everything works fine like it should. 
When I installed I tried both the normal boot and also the nicer looking 
boot (the equivalent of  vga=791 in the config. file), they both worked fine.

The trouble comes afterwards.
I edited my /etc/lilo.conf file, saved it, and then typed lilo into the 
It returned a confirmation that the file was edited properly.
When I restarted my computer the BIOS went through its normal checks and 
when it got to the OS Loading... part the screen starts filling with 01 
00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 etc.

I understood that this meant my MBR was corrupted, so I did a fdisk /mbr 
from my DOS bootdisk. This allowed me to get into Windoze normally and I 
could of course get into Linux using my Linux bootdisk. I restored the 
/etc/lilo.conf file to its original condition and typed lilo once more. 
When I restarted my computer the next time I got the same 1s and 0s.

Considering that I took much care into editing the /etc/lilo.conf file 
originally, this leads me to believe that it wasn't the result of a typo in 
the file.

What it does lead me to believe is that the installation process writes to 
the MBR differently than LILO does from Linux. I'm not sure if that's the 
case though. It's also possible that I'm doing something wrong somehow that 
I don't realize. Is it possible that hda isn't being mounted properly 
before it's being written to? Does the fact that the drive is used for 
Windoze make a difference in this case? Is there something else I'm 
overlooking here?

I'd appreciate any help that anyone can offer to fix this problem. I'd like 
to be able to boot into Linux without a floppy disk again and be able to 
use LILO properly.


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Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-16 Thread lee


On the update issue...yes..instead of doing an install...click the update 
box..and then don't install anything(unless there's something else on there 
you want). For me,I always choose the expert (altho I'm FAR from that) mode. 
both of these mice should install tho...

On your Nvidia card,if you'll look on the Linux-Mandrake site..under errata 
you'll find an issue with the Nvidia cards. Something about 8.1 only loading 
the binary version of the driver? If my memeory is correct here, they 
instruct us to log in as root, then to a terminal,then enter the command 
depmod -a   Then reboot..but PLEASE..read from the site..don't take my 
word..it is there tho.  :-)

   So I can act like I'm reinstalling but type update when it gives me
 that option?  I thought that was just for going from one # to another
 (7.2 to 8.1 for example).

 I am using an intellimouse optical on LM8.1 (on a laptop). The mouse
   works beautifully. The only difference that I see between our
   free86config-4 files is that my mouse is pointed to /dev/mouse. Have
   you tried that?

   Yes.  It actually seems to return itself that way periodically.

   Going as crazy as my mouse.  I wonder if it has something to do
 with my keyboard which is also giving me fits.  Don't seem to have
 an IRQ conflict, although my sound only works for a bit and then
 freezes the system.  (I just learned this even applies to playing an
 mp3 file from my windows partition.)

   Thanks for trying everyone.  Still hoping to solve this because the
 wife and I both like what we can see so far.  Waiting on the mouse to
 start working so I can tackle the nVidia driver install and see some of
 the 3d apps/games.


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RE: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-16 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Eh, this may not be a lilo problem at all.

Linux may be getting an erroneous report about the hard drive size (of
the primary or secondary) and the location of the boot sector of the

This would result in the behaviour you have seen. The initial installer
may have received an erroneous report, now when you run LILO it's
putting the location of the boot sectors at the wrong place in it's

Of course it could be backwards.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ivan Offalich
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 8:58 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

I looked all over the Linux Documentation Project website for this 
information. I couldn't seem to find it anywhere so I was hoping someone

could help me with it on this list.

I'll explain my situation.

I have two hard drives installed on my computer.
hda is dedicated to Windoze.
hdc is dedicated to Linux.
When I install Linux (I've gone through the process a few times) it has
choose between LILO and GRUB. I have chosen LILO since I've read more
it than GRUB and I have a better understand of how it works. After
installing and booting up, I get the choice of booting Linux-Secure, 
Linux, Linux Failsafe, or Windoze. Everything works fine like it should.

When I installed I tried both the normal boot and also the nicer looking

boot (the equivalent of  vga=791 in the config. file), they both
worked fine.

The trouble comes afterwards.
I edited my /etc/lilo.conf file, saved it, and then typed lilo into
It returned a confirmation that the file was edited properly. When I
restarted my computer the BIOS went through its normal checks and 
when it got to the OS Loading... part the screen starts filling with
00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 etc.

I understood that this meant my MBR was corrupted, so I did a fdisk /mbr

from my DOS bootdisk. This allowed me to get into Windoze normally and I

could of course get into Linux using my Linux bootdisk. I restored the 
/etc/lilo.conf file to its original condition and typed lilo once
When I restarted my computer the next time I got the same 1s and 0s.

Considering that I took much care into editing the /etc/lilo.conf file 
originally, this leads me to believe that it wasn't the result of a typo
the file.

What it does lead me to believe is that the installation process writes
the MBR differently than LILO does from Linux. I'm not sure if that's
case though. It's also possible that I'm doing something wrong somehow
I don't realize. Is it possible that hda isn't being mounted properly 
before it's being written to? Does the fact that the drive is used for 
Windoze make a difference in this case? Is there something else I'm 
overlooking here?

I'd appreciate any help that anyone can offer to fix this problem. I'd
to be able to boot into Linux without a floppy disk again and be able to

use LILO properly.


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[newbie] Memory Problem?

2001-12-16 Thread Larry Varney

  I've got Mandrake 8.0 on my system right now (but I'm writing this from
Windows, for reasons that will be made clear). My system, an Athlon 950 from
Gateway, came with 128 Megs of RAM. Everything installed and ran fine. So,
of course, I had to change things.
  I added 256 Megs of RAM. It's not the same overall dimensions as the OEM
one, but they both are SDRAM and 133 Mhz, so they should be fine. And, they
work fine under Windows ME. But when I try to boot back into Linux (using
LILO), it tries to start up the Xwindows, and then boots back to a command
prompt, asking for a logon. Before I can even do that, I start seeing a
series of error messages, apparently having something to do with the USB
support. Since this worked fine with 128 Megs, I think that this isn't the
problem, but that the memory is.
  So: does Mandrake not like changing the installed memory after you've got
a system up and running? Should I boot from the boot disk and add a
parameter telling it of the new amount of RAM? (That would be 'Linux
append=mem=384, right?) Or should I just reinstall?
Larry Varney
Cold Spring, KY

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[newbie] SCSI Emulation of CD-ROM

2001-12-16 Thread Ira Bargon III


I have just installed Linux Mandrake 8.1. I am running it on a system with 
and ide atapi cdrom (Kenwood 52X True-X) and a ide atapi cd-rw (Creative 
6424). When i installed mandrake it set up my cdrw for scsi emulation but it 
kept my cdrom as ide. Everything works fine, but i cant use X-cdroast to do a 
direct copy of a cd because, my cd-rom isn't set up with scsi-emulation and 
the program only knows of scsi devices.  Does anyone know of a way i can 
setup my cdrom for scsi emulation and is their a way without recompiling my 
kernel. Maybe a script of something. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Crazy Mouse

2001-12-16 Thread Dennis Myers


   I have a mouse with IMPS/2.  Nothing else seems to work at all.

  As for a suggestion for a fix...well if it was me,and everything else
  worked ok...I'd try an update (from the cd's,assuming(dangerous) you
  installed that way) and this time give the mouse install a few minutes to
  get its head together..lol.

   So I can act like I'm reinstalling but type update when it gives me
 that option?  I thought that was just for going from one # to another
 (7.2 to 8.1 for example).
Just thought I best jump in here and let you know that using update to go 
from one version to a newer version is not a good idea. Unless, you place all 
of your important files on a partition such as /goodstuff or what ever you 
want to call it, then when you upgrade on a new version you pick the expert 
install and when it goes into the diskdrake mod and has your partitions 
showing you can set them all up as named before but reformat everything but  
/goodstuff.  This will save the good stuff but install all of the files and 
their libraries without leaving any of the older libraries behind. That can 
sometimes cause problems.  This is not a sure fire guaranteed method, cause 
some of the good stuff may be dependent on libraries you no longer have.  
Well, that's the way I understand things as of today, if anyone on the list 
want's to correct me or clarify or add to what I have here, just jump right 
in, HTH.

Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] LILO issues with 2 hard drives.

2001-12-16 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 16 December 2001 20:57, you wrote:
 I looked all over the Linux Documentation Project website for this
 information. I couldn't seem to find it anywhere so I was hoping someone
 could help me with it on this list.

 I'll explain my situation.

 I have two hard drives installed on my computer.
 hda is dedicated to Windoze.
 hdc is dedicated to Linux.
 When I install Linux (I've gone through the process a few times) it has me
 choose between LILO and GRUB. I have chosen LILO since I've read more about
 it than GRUB and I have a better understand of how it works.
 After installing and booting up, I get the choice of booting Linux-Secure,
 Linux, Linux Failsafe, or Windoze. Everything works fine like it should.
 When I installed I tried both the normal boot and also the nicer looking
 boot (the equivalent of  vga=791 in the config. file), they both worked

 The trouble comes afterwards.
 I edited my /etc/lilo.conf file, saved it, and then typed lilo into the
 It returned a confirmation that the file was edited properly.
 When I restarted my computer the BIOS went through its normal checks and
 when it got to the OS Loading... part the screen starts filling with 01
 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 etc.

 I understood that this meant my MBR was corrupted, so I did a fdisk /mbr
 from my DOS bootdisk. This allowed me to get into Windoze normally and I
 could of course get into Linux using my Linux bootdisk. I restored the
 /etc/lilo.conf file to its original condition and typed lilo once more.
 When I restarted my computer the next time I got the same 1s and 0s.

 Considering that I took much care into editing the /etc/lilo.conf file
 originally, this leads me to believe that it wasn't the result of a typo in
 the file.

 What it does lead me to believe is that the installation process writes to
 the MBR differently than LILO does from Linux. I'm not sure if that's the
 case though. It's also possible that I'm doing something wrong somehow that
 I don't realize. Is it possible that hda isn't being mounted properly
 before it's being written to? Does the fact that the drive is used for
 Windoze make a difference in this case? Is there something else I'm
 overlooking here?

 I'd appreciate any help that anyone can offer to fix this problem. I'd like
 to be able to boot into Linux without a floppy disk again and be able to
 use LILO properly.

when you did this, did you take note of the harddrive showing in the lilo 
config. Since linux is on the second harddrive lilo probably wrote to that 
one and then when you  boot now your computer is looking at hda not hdc for 
the config file  where it isn't .  Try setting it up again as before but make 
sure that it is configuring and writing to the hda drive. You should then get 
the screen to select the OS of your choice and all other intelligent beings 
on the planetLINUX-MANDRAKE ! (huge applause and cheers heard in the 
background).  :  )
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Memory Problem?

2001-12-16 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 16 December 2001 21:31, you wrote:
   I've got Mandrake 8.0 on my system right now (but I'm writing this from
 Windows, for reasons that will be made clear). My system, an Athlon 950
 from Gateway, came with 128 Megs of RAM. Everything installed and ran fine.
 So, of course, I had to change things.
   I added 256 Megs of RAM. It's not the same overall dimensions as the OEM
 one, but they both are SDRAM and 133 Mhz, so they should be fine. And, they
 work fine under Windows ME. But when I try to boot back into Linux (using
 LILO), it tries to start up the Xwindows, and then boots back to a command
 prompt, asking for a logon. Before I can even do that, I start seeing a
 series of error messages, apparently having something to do with the USB
 support. Since this worked fine with 128 Megs, I think that this isn't the
 problem, but that the memory is.
   So: does Mandrake not like changing the installed memory after you've got
 a system up and running? Should I boot from the boot disk and add a
 parameter telling it of the new amount of RAM? (That would be 'Linux
 append=mem=384, right?) Or should I just reinstall?
 Larry Varney
 Cold Spring, KY
First thing I would do is use Tom Brinkmans' trick and take the new ram and 
very gently use an eraser to clean the contacts and put it back in, and try 
again. Linux is very good about seeing new ram unless it is defective. 
Windows will tell you you have all that ram when it may not be working 
correctly.  If after cleaning and you boot up again and don't see the correct 
ram identified on the screen just before it goes to the gui or if you have it 
set on  single user mode and it goes to the blocky penguin screen, the ram is 
shown there, then try appending the correct amount of ram to lilo. If that 
doesn't work try using memtest86 which is on the 8.1 download CDs .  HTH
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Epson scanners

2001-12-16 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Sunday 16 December 2001 11:18 am, David wrote:
 according to the mandrake website the following epson scanners are



 Perfection 1640 SU

 Perfection 1650 photo
 but the Epson website says these below are suported on mandrake 8.1. atm i
 am on scanner number 2 and going onto scanner3 in the search of a supported
 This scanner is the 1250 ,according to the guy in the pc shop its the same
 drivers as the 1240 (obviously not) . i think i might find it easier to get
 a 1240 rather than any of the others so i was wondering if anyone out there
 was using a 1240 on mandrake 8.1 ..

 Perfection 1240U
 Perfection 1640SU
 Perfection 1650/ Perfection 1650 Photo
 Perfection 2450 Photo
 Expression 1600
 Expression 1680
 Expression 1640XL

 .. David

While I don't know much about scanners, I did stay at a Holiday Inn last 
night, so here goes...
I took look at www.yolinux.com (an excellent source of linux information 
BTW). Their tutorial on linux scanning that a link to 
(www.freecolormanagement.com/sane/). This is the guy that writes 
the sane backends for Epson scanners, and he says that the 1250 is not and 
probably never will be supported, but that the 1240 is OK.

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Re: [newbie] cd rom and cd writer

2001-12-16 Thread Carlos Arigós

El Domingo 16 Diciembre 2001 21:36, escribió:
 OK Carlos,  your English is probably better then mine (I'm danish).

 I think you've got it right ! It seems that you are afraid of adding
 something to the append-line in your lilo.conf ? - Don't be. Just to
 clarify a few things :

 hda is the hard drive (the master on your first IDE-bus) and contains 8
 partitions, some of them with windows on them - right ?

 hdb is your CD-ROM (the slave on your first IDE-bus). Accordingly, add
 the following to the append :
 hdb=ide-scsi (just put space between the statements in the append-line).
 In your fstab-file this drive should be named /dev/scd0.

 Then I suppose, your second CD-drive (cdrom2) is the master on your
 second IDE-bus, right ?
 This drive should be named /dev/scd1 in the fstab-file, and in
 lilo.conf, just put the statement :
 hdc=ide-scsi after the other statements, separated with one or two

 If you are afraid of spoiling something, then start by copying your
 original files to e.g. fstab_old, and lilo.conf_old in your home
 directory before editing it. then you can reuse them if anything goes

 Good luck, Carlos, I think you are done !

 Kaj Haulrich

I'm done, Kaj, and thanks a lot! That do the trick! Finally, and after 
several months asking about this, I'm burning with X-CD-Roast on the fly; 
and, in between, I build and print  the labels. Linux is a real multitask OS. 
Is there any windoze apps that can do that? I don't believe. 


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla 0.9.4?

2001-12-16 Thread Brian Parish

That sounds good to me too, but I seem to be getting into one of these chase 
the dependencies until you forget what you were trying to install in the 
first place loops.

DL'd the RPMs mentioned below.  Galeon demands something called GConf  
whatever LM 8.1 installed.  Found and DL'd a tarball of the required GConf 
version - configure can't find something called oaf-config.

Usually when I get to this point I give up because I knew a little about what 
I tried to do first, less about the next layer and so on until I figure I 
know so little about what I'm doing that all I'll acheive is a totally 
screwed system.  Well, maybe not a great philosophy, but it works for me - at 
least to the extent that my system still boots ;-)

Comments? Advice?


On Monday 17 December 2001 10:32 am, you wrote:
 Go here

 Texstar keeps lots of nice RPM's on his site. The mozilla0.9.6 here is
 compiled against libpng2, so no need to mess up your system.
 Also here is galeon 1.01 compiled against libpng2. They work just dandy.


 On Sunday 16 December 2001 17:45, Michael Leone wrote:
  I currently have Mozilla 0.9.4, running on 8.1. I used to have Moz
  0.9.5, from Cooker, but had to remove it, for some reason (I forget
  why). Anyway, I can't seem to find that version anymore, only 0.9.6 ...
  which uses a different libpng. I'm a bit leery about updating libpng,
  since many apps depend on it.
  I tried rebuilding from src.rpms, but that didn't work. I also tried
  using RedHat's rpms, but had no luck rebuilding.
  Has anybody done this - updated to 0.9.6 from Cooker, with associated
  libpng upgrade? And if so, has it broken any applications? I'm thinking
  specifically of things like Evolution, Konqueror, Opera, GIMP, etc.

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[newbie] Cannot get into system, how do I rescue Lilo?

2001-12-16 Thread Mick

Hi folks,

A dual boot system. I was trying repair an earlier 
problem, and of course made it even worse. Now Lilo will not boot up. It gets to 
LI and just sits there blinking. How do I re-install Lilo so as to access the 
system again. I have tried booting into the boot cd and typing 'rescue', I can 
then get to a prompt. After looking at an article about basic Unix commands I 
used 'ls' to see my directories. Whoopee, I can see then 'til I'm blue in the 
face. I swear I am going to take a course in basic Linux commands after I get 
through this! 
I did also try to reinstall the whole kit and 
kiboodle, but each time I try, it gets as far as installing packages and then 
just quits, with two minutes to go! The activity lights on thecdrom 
drive and HD just die. I've tried waiting for ages! Nothing! I tried using the 
Plextor burner as a boot device and to load the OS from but with the same 
Here are some tech details that may 
Any help will be gratefully appreciated, as I'm 
kinda' dead in the water here. (Posting from the wifes machine here, 

AMD Athlon 1Ghz
512 ram
Plextor CD Burner
LM 8.1

[newbie] Vmware

2001-12-16 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

I have downloaded Vmware 2.0.4 plus the 2.0.4 prebuilt kernel modules however 
I am having trouble getting it all installed in my Linux Mandrake 8.1. I 
continue to get a message that I do not have the correct modules. How do I 
get VMware 2.0.4 and the modules to install correctly? Any help will be 
greatly appreciated.



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Re: [newbie] Memory Problem?

2001-12-16 Thread Carlos Arigós

El Domingo 16 Diciembre 2001 23:31, escribió:
   I've got Mandrake 8.0 on my system right now (but I'm writing this from
 Windows, for reasons that will be made clear). My system, an Athlon 950
 from Gateway, came with 128 Megs of RAM. Everything installed and ran fine.
 So, of course, I had to change things.
   I added 256 Megs of RAM. It's not the same overall dimensions as the OEM
 one, but they both are SDRAM and 133 Mhz, so they should be fine. And, they
 work fine under Windows ME. But when I try to boot back into Linux (using
 LILO), it tries to start up the Xwindows, and then boots back to a command
 prompt, asking for a logon. Before I can even do that, I start seeing a
 series of error messages, apparently having something to do with the USB
 support. Since this worked fine with 128 Megs, I think that this isn't the
 problem, but that the memory is.
   So: does Mandrake not like changing the installed memory after you've got
 a system up and running? Should I boot from the boot disk and add a
 parameter telling it of the new amount of RAM? (That would be 'Linux
 append=mem=384, right?) Or should I just reinstall?
 Larry Varney

Larry. A couple of days ago, like you, I upgrade from 128 to 384 without 
problems. Try the Tom-Dennis's hint.

Good luck.

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Re: [newbie] Slow image activation

2001-12-16 Thread Brian Parish

Thanks for the responses to this.  I don't think that there are any extra 
servers running.  One thing that may be related is that if I run linuxconf 
and quit, it complains that squid isn't running and will start it if I let it 
do so.  Could this be implicated?  I notice that during the shutdown, I get 
error messages telling me it failed to be stopped, presumably because it 
wasn't running, so it seems that something expects it to be started.

Hosts files shouldn't be an issue as I am using DHCP and therefore don't have 
any addresses there other than that of the server.

thanks again for the input!


On Friday 14 December 2001 10:10 pm, you wrote:
 have you both considered turning off all the servers possible ? this sounds
 to me like a dns , routed or ypbind server running (that you don't need,
 and is not correctly configured. are you trying to run a local DNS server?
 (as oppsosed to a local cacheing name server) do you have ypbind running
 (but don't have yellow pages needed?). Are all the local network computers
 hosts file correct? what about the IP numbers for the DNS servers? do you
 have it set to need DNS all the time? are you running reiserFS on the
 dedicated server, which offers some NFS exports (not a good Idea)
 my bet is on the DNS.
 I always thought a novell server would use ipx/spx, not tcp/ip?

 On Thursday 13 December 2001 23:19, you wrote:
  On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:40:46 +1100
  Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] frantically pecked out this

   I have a total of 4 Linux machines (OK, some of them dual boot, but
   let's not talk about that) on a home/office LAN.  One of them is a
   dedicated server, which offers some NFS exports.
   Everything works very nicely, except that programs take forever to load
   the first time.  Just to fire up a konsole can take 10 seconds plus -
   this on a machine rated at 2800 bogomips with lots of memory.
   After things have been up for a while (don't know how long, but many
   minutes at least), everything is quick again.
   Haven't tested exhaustively, but it seems that with the LAN unplugged,
   none of this applies.
  This is a network issue if I've ever heard one. There is something not
  right with the network. I have a feeling it's got something to do with
  authentication somewhere on that LAN. Or, (the last time I saw this one
  of the machines responsible was a windows box - the novell client went
  south and killed the TCP/IP stack.) In that case when the TCP stack
  became corrupt it really dirtied the TCP communications on the network
  between that machine and the servers. While it didn't affect the overall
  performance of the network itself, it affected profoundly the machine
  that was having the trouble.
  In that case the offending client was uninstalled, as well as the TCP/IP
  stack which was then reinstalled, along with a newer, upgraded version of
  the Novell client. Problem happily solved.
  I'm presently having some similar problems on my home LAN when it comes
  to FTPing from a client machine to the FTP server here on my Mandrake
  box. Outside my network FTP server response is very quick, but locally on
  the LAN from time to time connecting and resolving that connection in
  order to do any transfers can take a few minutes.
  hope this helps at least shed some light.

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Re: [newbie] Linmodems

2001-12-16 Thread Roy Barton

HOORAY! i'm getting close! thanks for all of your 
help. I used /dev/modem under kppp and it queried my LT linmodem but it 
did not respond. i tried to dial up any ways and it didnot initialize. when i 
ran the query it found the modem but it did not give any response back.. under 
my isapnp.conf the modem is set to irq 3 or 4 cant remember cauze i had to come 
back to windoze.. my bios says its on 9 when my machine boots up.. could this be 
the problem?


  - Original Message - 
  Bill Winegarden 
  Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Linmodems
  Hi Roy,Same basic configuration as me. Before we try 
  anything more complicated, you should go into the kppp , setup tab. In 
  there, under 'device' you should try the /dev/tty0 or /dev/tty1 .Also, 
  I have flow control set to xon/xoff. Under the 'modem' tab, there is a 
  'query' button. You could give that a try and see if your modem is 
  responding at all.I'm sure you're very close.Regards,Bill 
  W.On Sunday 16 December 2001 10:37, you wrote: I'm am using a 
  LT winmodem(lucent chip) and 
  ltmodem-kv_2.4.8_34.1mdk-6.00b7-1.i586.rpm. it installed a device.. i 
  think using /dev/ltmodem ? linux rpm installers dont tell you much of 
  what they are doing.. also.. thanks for refering the 
  basiclinux course. i have signed up for it... 
  roy - Original Message - From: 
  Bill Winegarden To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 2051 Subject: Re: 
  [newbie] Linmodems Hi 
  Roy, I was in the same boat as you. I needed a ltmodem 
  driver for my modem to work. If you could supply a little 
  more information; specifically which modem you are using, which 'rpm' 
  did you use, I might be able to help. There are many on this list who 
  can supply the answers you seek. 
  Regards, Bill W. On Saturday 
  15 December 2001 23:18, you wrote:  
  ok..   I'm new to this 
  wonderful thing called linux, but i love it. i  
  understand the file system and the fact that everything is a file. 
  i  know there is support for some linmodems, including 
  the one i my  machine. 8.1 did not autodetect it 
  so i went on a search for a rpm  that would work and 
  found one. i installed it, but cannot get the  
  internet dialer to recognize it. is there another dialer i can use 
  ..  or would it be best to by an external 
  modem?.   i have the same 
  problem with my PDA.. the soft where is there, but it  
  is looking @ /dev/polit when it is connect to comm2.. does any one 
  know  of some free training one the web or some good 
  books i can read. i want  to use my machine on the web 
  instead of going under windoz all the  
  thanks   roy 
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Re: [newbie] Linmodems

2001-12-16 Thread Bill Winegarden

Once again, this is exactly the same response that I would get. In order to 
get a functioning modem there is a setup to follow
This fellow from the Linmodem mailing list solved the problem for me and many 
Apparently, it has something to do with the devfs (file system) and some 
drivers. Anyway, go here.



Bill W.

On Sunday 16 December 2001 23:31, you wrote:
 HOORAY! i'm getting close! thanks for all of your help.  I used /dev/modem
 under kppp and it queried my LT linmodem but it did not respond. i tried to
 dial up any ways and it didnot initialize. when i ran the query it found
 the modem but it did not give any response back.. under my isapnp.conf the
 modem is set to irq 3 or 4 cant remember cauze i had to come back to
 windoze.. my bios says its on 9 when my machine boots up.. could this be
 the problem?

   - Original Message -
   From: Bill Winegarden
   Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 1423
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Linmodems

   Hi Roy,
   Same basic configuration as me. Before we try anything more complicated,
 you should go into the kppp , setup tab. In there, under 'device' you
 should try the /dev/tty0 or /dev/tty1 .
   Also, I have flow control set to xon/xoff. Under the 'modem' tab, there
 is a 'query' button. You could give that a try and see if your modem is
 responding at all.
   I'm sure you're very close.

   Bill W.

   On Sunday 16 December 2001 10:37, you wrote:
I'm am using a LT winmodem(lucent chip) and
ltmodem-kv_2.4.8_34.1mdk-6.00b7-1.i586.rpm. it installed a device.. i
think using /dev/ltmodem ? linux rpm installers dont tell you much of
what they are doing..
also.. thanks for refering the basiclinux course. i have signed up for
  - Original Message -
  From: Bill Winegarden
  Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 2051
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Linmodems
  Hi Roy,
  I was in the same boat as you. I needed a ltmodem driver for my modem
to work. If you could supply a little more information; specifically
which modem you are using, which 'rpm' did you use, I might be able to
help. There are many on this list who can supply the answers you seek.
  Bill W.
  On Saturday 15 December 2001 23:18, you wrote:
   I'm new to this wonderful thing called linux, but i love it.  i
   understand the file system and the fact that everything is a file. 
   i know there is support for some linmodems, including the one i my
   machine.  8.1 did not autodetect it so i went on a search for a rpm
   that would work and found one. i installed it, but cannot get the
   internet dialer to recognize it. is there another dialer i can use
   .. or would it be best to by an external modem?.
   i have the same problem with my PDA.. the soft where is there, but
   it is looking @ /dev/polit when it is connect to comm2.. does any
   one know of some free training one the web or some good books i can
   read. i want to use my machine on the web instead of going under
   windoz all the time..
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   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] Linmodems

2001-12-16 Thread Joseph Braddock

Try this.  Open a shell or terminal window.  SU and then type/run modemconf.  
This will display a window with an option to autodetect.  Select it and if it 
finds your modem, it will configure the /dev/modem appropriately.  For 
instance, under Windows98, my winmodem is on IRQ 3, under Linux, it is IRQ 
15.  Anyway, assuming it finds it, it means that a) you have the correct 
driver installed and b) it should work for you after you accept the settings. 
(if you get a command not found error, then you didn't SU before running it!)


On Sunday 16 December 2001 10:31 pm, you wrote:
 HOORAY! i'm getting close! thanks for all of your help.  I used /dev/modem
 under kppp and it queried my LT linmodem but it did not respond. i tried to
 dial up any ways and it didnot initialize. when i ran the query it found
 the modem but it did not give any response back.. under my isapnp.conf the
 modem is set to irq 3 or 4 cant remember cauze i had to come back to
 windoze.. my bios says its on 9 when my machine boots up.. could this be
 the problem?

   - Original Message -
   From: Bill Winegarden
   Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 1423
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Linmodems

   Hi Roy,
   Same basic configuration as me. Before we try anything more complicated,
 you should go into the kppp , setup tab. In there, under 'device' you
 should try the /dev/tty0 or /dev/tty1 .
   Also, I have flow control set to xon/xoff. Under the 'modem' tab, there
 is a 'query' button. You could give that a try and see if your modem is
 responding at all.
   I'm sure you're very close.

   Bill W.

   On Sunday 16 December 2001 10:37, you wrote:
I'm am using a LT winmodem(lucent chip) and
ltmodem-kv_2.4.8_34.1mdk-6.00b7-1.i586.rpm. it installed a device.. i
think using /dev/ltmodem ? linux rpm installers dont tell you much of
what they are doing..
also.. thanks for refering the basiclinux course. i have signed up for
  - Original Message -
  From: Bill Winegarden
  Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 2051
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Linmodems
  Hi Roy,
  I was in the same boat as you. I needed a ltmodem driver for my modem
to work. If you could supply a little more information; specifically
which modem you are using, which 'rpm' did you use, I might be able to
help. There are many on this list who can supply the answers you seek.
  Bill W.
  On Saturday 15 December 2001 23:18, you wrote:
   I'm new to this wonderful thing called linux, but i love it.  i
   understand the file system and the fact that everything is a file. 
   i know there is support for some linmodems, including the one i my
   machine.  8.1 did not autodetect it so i went on a search for a rpm
   that would work and found one. i installed it, but cannot get the
   internet dialer to recognize it. is there another dialer i can use
   .. or would it be best to by an external modem?.
   i have the same problem with my PDA.. the soft where is there, but
   it is looking @ /dev/polit when it is connect to comm2.. does any
   one know of some free training one the web or some good books i can
   read. i want to use my machine on the web instead of going under
   windoz all the time..
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com


   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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RE: [newbie] Two apache questions

2001-12-16 Thread Franki

do a search on google for htaccess  you will find more info then you know
what to do with..

there are a heaps of differnt things you can put in there depending on what
you want to do,
so you would be better off seeing for yourself then my telling you..

you may have to change your httpd.conf to allow overrides to,, you can do
that from linuxconf
if you need to, ,and don't like manual editing..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jon Doe
Sent: Monday, 17 December 2001 1:57 AM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Two apache questions

I know I have asked these before but I can't seem to find them in the
archives and I have somehow lost them.

1. How do I setup a password protected site?
The .htaccess file goes in the directory you want protected?
What goes in the .htaccess file? What goes in and where does the .htpaswd
file go? Or is that even the right file?

2. How do I create my own certificates for my site? I know it has something
to do with mod_ssl right?

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Re: [newbie] Cannot get into system, how do I rescue Lilo?

2001-12-16 Thread Damian G

you did fine booting the cd and goin' to the rescue. at the prompt, you have 
to execute lilo again. Sorry i can't quite remember the full path to it, but 
since you can see your directories, you will probably find it in no time.. 
once you have, sit on that directory and type './lilo'
.. that will reinstall it and it should go just fine.

Subject: [newbie] Cannot get into system, how do I rescue Lilo?
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 08:10:45 -0800

Hi folks,

A dual boot system. I was trying repair an earlier problem, and of course 
made it even worse. Now Lilo will not boot up. It gets to LI and just sits 
there blinking. How do I re-install Lilo so as to access the system again. 
I have tried booting into the boot cd and typing 'rescue', I can then get 
to a prompt. After looking at an article about basic Unix commands I used 
'ls' to see my directories. Whoopee, I can see then 'til I'm blue in the 
face. I swear I am going to take a course in basic Linux commands after I 
get through this!
I did also try to reinstall the whole kit and kiboodle, but each time I 
try, it gets as far as installing packages and then just quits, with two 
minutes to go! The activity lights on the cdrom drive and HD just die. 
I've tried waiting for ages! Nothing! I tried using the Plextor burner as a 
boot device and to load the OS from but with the same result.
Here are some tech details that may help.
Any help will be gratefully appreciated, as I'm kinda' dead in the water 
here. (Posting from the wifes machine here, sshhh...)

AMD Athlon 1Ghz
512 ram
Plextor CD Burner
LM 8.1

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Re: [newbie] PCMCIA Card Question

2001-12-16 Thread Joan Tur

Es Dilluns 17 Desembre 2001 01:12, en Shadow va escriure:
 I'm attempting to install Linux for the first time ever. I'm installing
 Mandrake 8.1 on a Dell C600 laptop.  The problem I'm currently running into
 concerns my PCMCIA Card.  I have a Linksys PCMPC100 ethernet card.  I'm
 using the Gnome desktop and when I go into Mandrake control center and
 attempt to configure my network card, it detects the card and then presents
 me with a list of drivers, asking which Net Driver to use.  I've checked
 several websites and have found that I should use axnet_cs as the driver.
 Unfortunately, that driver is not listed in the table the command center is
 presenting to me.
/etc/pcmcia/config shows that your card is shown as:
Linksys Etherfast 10/100 Fast Ethernet or
Linksys Etherfast PCMPC100 V3 Fast Ethernet

You should try these.  If it doesn't work the following cards use axnet_cs 
-Asix AX88190 Fast Ethernet
-Ambicom AMB8110 Fast Ethernet
etc.  To try more look for axnet_cs string in /etc/pcmcia/config

Hope that helps...  ;) 

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Yahoo  AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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[newbie] Mitch Wilson/AUS/NIC is out of the office.

2001-12-16 Thread Mitch . Wilson

I will be out of the office starting  12/17/2001 and will not return until

I will respond to your message when I return. I am on vacation from Dec 17
- 21, the week before Xmas.

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