Re: [newbie] Fortune on login

2000-09-22 Thread flupke

On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, Tyler Longren wrote:

 Hello everybody,
 How do I make fortune execute after a user logs in?  Just like
 /etc/motd.  I've read a few articles on how to do this, but I haven't
 been able to get any of them to work.

I think that it should work simply by installing fortune and executing it
in your ~/.bashrc or /etc/profile.


 There's no place like ~ 

Re: [newbie] files ending with a ~

2000-09-22 Thread flupke

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Veit Waltemath wrote:

 Hey folks,
 after running a perl-script al files an directories on a separate
 partition are now ending with a ~ like file~ or directory~ and are only
 visible in the shell.
 How can i get this back?

I can't figure out what happend or what script you have run to have that,
but if all you want to do is removing the trailing ~ at the end of your
filenames, then you can issue the following command :
  for i in * ; do mv $i ${i%%\~} ; done


 There's no place like ~ 

Re: [newbie] Good book

2000-09-22 Thread flupke

On 22 Sep 2000, ed wrote:

 HI all I am wondering if anybody knows of a good linux security book
   that will explain firewalls,ports,scaners..etc... To use to secure my linux
 box and learn more about security. thanks in advance.

You can already start, without spending any money, by reading the
security-HOWTO and the NAG (Network Administrator's Guide).
I even wonder if those are not part of the distribution (but I'm not
sure...). If it's not the case, a search at should lead you
to the right place.


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Re: [newbie] Pine and dialup

2000-09-21 Thread flupke

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Vic wrote:

 Well, yes and no.
 Since pine relies on only the local mailbox in
 the Linux mail spool, which only works with either
 internal network mail or with a static ip domain
 thing, it is not set up to talk to a pop server,

Well, errr, this is not true
You can define your inbox path (in the setup menu or in your ~/.pinerc
file) as beeing :

And, of course, this works as well with POP3.

 but I thikn there is a little app or daemon
 called fetchmail?? I think, that does talk
 to the pop server that you specify and it
 I think, puts the mails from the pop server
 into the local mail spool on your machine,
 therefore making it retreivable by pine.
Yes. Fetchmail is another alternative to do nearly the same work.
The difference is that you can retrieve mail from several remote mailbox
with fetchmail (I don't think it's possible with pine. Please, if it IS
possible, tell me how. It would help me.)


  Since nobody answered my first post does this mean I can't use Pine
  with a dialup connection?

I don't know how it works, but I know that you can have diald
automagically connecting you to the internet as soon as any program needs


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Re: [newbie] commands problems

2000-09-21 Thread flupke

On Thu, 21 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now can you tell me why ?when I try to install an rpm from the Command
 line (Konsole)and I type :"./configure " ,or " make" ,"xmkmf" the konsole
  tells me :"No such file or directory,or Command not found,no target
 ,stop? all I want to do is install the driver for my sound card
 (alsa)following the instructions but it doesn't worked and other staff
 that downloaded it.

If it is really an rpm file, then you install the thing with :
  rpm -Uvh file.rpm

But what you tell here would rather make me think that it is a .tgz
archive. If it is the case, the you have to uncompress it before being
able to install it. The *usual* way to handle it, is the following :
  tar vzxf file.tgz
  cd newly created directory
  su -c "make install"

If the file extention (.rpm, .tar.gz or .tgz) can't help you determining
the file type, then the "file" command is your friend...


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Re: [newbie] Talk Daemon

2000-09-20 Thread flupke

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 alright i had one of my friends telnet onto my comp and log in on an account 
 i made for him. Then i tried to use talk to talk to him but it says "No 
 response from talk daemon" does anyone know why this is?  Thanks in advance

Check that the 'talk' entry in /etc/inetd.conf is not commented. If it is,
remove the leading '#', save the file, HUP (or restart) inetd, and all
should be fine.


 There's no place like ~ 

[newbie] ApacheJServ + SSI zone properites : AAAARGH!

2000-09-18 Thread flupke

I'm developping a web site running under apache, apachejserv, and ssi
(+postgresql, but I don't think it has anything to do with my problem).
The problems are about the servlets path : When the servlets are located
in /home/httpd/servlets, I have no problem to access them.
But if I put them in /home/httpd/servlets/any_dir/, then I can acces them
via an SSI page (ie : by adding a servlet code=[...]/any_dir/servlet),
but not by requesting them directly(ie :
http://localhost/servlets/any_dir/servlet). In this last case, I get an
"Servlet error : ClassNotFoundException : any_dir" in the log files.

I tried modifying the jserv config files during several hours and finally
got it to work, but I don't know how.

I fear the moment when I'll have to put the site on our main server in the
DMZ. I don't think I'll be able to reconfigure it correctly, and I don't
want to blindly take the current config files and put them on the
main server. Beside, I don't know how to configure virtual hosting, and
I'll have to do it.

If somebody could show me some good docs about apacheJServ and apache
virtual hosting (possibly without having to go through all the apache
bible), or could give me a good explaination, I'll be very gratefull.


 There's no place like ~ 

Re: [newbie] Is there a 'Nix command for...

2000-09-14 Thread flupke

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Is there a 'Nix command that will change filenames in a directory from UPPER
 case to all lowercase?

This will lowercase all your filenames :

  for i in *[A-Z]* ; do mv $i `echo $i |tr "A-Z" "a-z"` ; done

PS : note that the single quotes are reversed...


 There's no place like ~ 

Re: [newbie] I downloaded the .iso what?

2000-09-08 Thread flupke

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, WarmFuzzy wrote:

 Which program are y'all using to turn the .iso file into a Linux
 distribution? I mean besides cdrecord and mkisofs. I have XCDroast,
 Kisocd and gtoaster. None of them seem to know about an image that ends 
 in .iso. My only experience so far is to wind up with an unusable CD
 with one huge file on it that ends in .iso. I can do it fine on my NT
 machine at work using Adaptech Easy CD Creator. 

I can't understand why you don't want to use cdrecord tu burn your image.
All you have to do is "cdrecord -scanbus", to see the number of your
burner, then make a "cdrecord -v -eject dev=0,0,0 img.iso".

I already tried use gcombust or others GUI tools to burn, and always had
problems with them.


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Re: [newbie]

2000-09-08 Thread flupke

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Jason Ashman wrote:

 Out of curoiusity, what are all of your's preferred Window Manager?

I currently use WindowMaker. I think it's the best compromise between a
light and a user-friendly wm.


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Re: [newbie] DVD player

2000-09-07 Thread flupke

On Tue, 5 Sep 2000, Paul wrote:

 Now, I know there's been a lot of trouble with getting DVD's to play on
 Linux.  Anybody have any clue how it's done?

I heard (without ever testing it) that you can read DVDs with mtv, from
the package mpegtv. You should find it on freshmeat.


 There's no place like ~ 

Re: [newbie] Mass directory delete

2000-09-06 Thread flupke

On Tue, 5 Sep 2000, Vic wrote:

 I need to delete a bunch of directories called .xvpics that has
 somehow got scattered all over my system (I don't know how)
 I just want to know what to type in to make it do as I tel it
 and erase all these little stupid useless directories.

If there are several directories called ".xvpics", and you want to erase
them all, issue a :
  find / -type d -a -name .xvpics -exec rm -rf {} \;
and it will erase all of them without any confirmation prompt.


 There's no place like ~ 

Re: [newbie] man select is pulling up the wrong man page

2000-08-31 Thread flupke

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Mark Johnson wrote:

 I'm trying to find the man page on the C api "select()" but instead it's
 pulling up the man page for the shell keyword "select".  How to I find the
 correct man page?

Try "man 2 select" (to select man pages from the 2nd category)
or "man man"... ;-)


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Re: [newbie] homes directory

2000-08-31 Thread flupke

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Juggernaut wrote:

 1. At windoze, (Network Neighborhood) I found the homes directory and pungki
 directory. I think I don't created those directory. And it has the same
 data. It will point to /home. I want to delete one of them. How can I do
 that ?
You mean that you don't want your home directory to be shared? Then you
have to comment out the [home] section in /etc/smb.conf

 2. If I want to access windoze from Linux, how can I do that ? I didn't
 found the link to windoze computer. Do I need another program to do that ? I
 have tried use smbclient, with command like this :
 smbclient -L is windoze computer). And then, I
 got an error message like this :
 "session request to TETEH.NET failes (called name not present).
 Password :"
 How can I solve a problem like this ?
smbclient is an ftp-like client for accessing smb shares. So you should be
able to do it. Maybe you have to add an entry in your /etc/hosts file.

Once you can use smbclient with a share, you will be able to smbmount a
share to access it as if it was a local drive.

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Cant Mount CD-ROM Problem...

2000-07-05 Thread flupke

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, John Catral wrote:

 *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
 Paul wrote:
 Well, i tried mounting /dev/cdrom2 to /mnt/cdrom and it worked.
 When I tried mounting /dev/cdrom to /mnt/cdrom2 I still got the same
 error.."mount:/dev/cdrom is not a valid block device"
 wa! =(  Anymore tips? =(

Did you try to mount the device itself rather than the link? ie : if your
cdrom is secondary master :
   mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom
or if scsi emulation is enabled (which is likely, if you have a cd
burner) :
   mount /dev/scd0 (or scd1) /mnt/cdrom

If one of these works, then you just :
   rm /dev/cdrom
   ln -s /dev/working device /dev/cdrom
to recreate the good link.


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Re: [newbie] How do you format a zip disk?

2000-07-02 Thread flupke

AFAIK, if your zip drive is in hdc, a simple
   mke2fs /dev/hdc
should create a ext2 file system on your zip drive.
But I might be wrong.


On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Mike  Tracy Holt wrote:

 Hello all,
   The subject just about covers it, I would like to know the command line
 (and also if there's a gui version) for formatting my zip disks to
 either ext2 or vfat.  As a bonus, could I also get the same info for
 hard drives?  I'm spoiled by Windows - point, right click, select
 'format' - any thoughts?
 Thanks, Mike

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Re: [newbie] Firewall/security

2000-07-02 Thread flupke

Sorry, Paul, but I don't agree with what you said:
a low security level can help intruders to have access to your computer
and it can also give more privileges to those people.

Maybe this is not the place to discuss how and why it can happen, but I
think that people on this list that care about their security on internet
should be aware of that.

Of course, the security level can also prevent bad or stupid local users
to do nasty or unwanted things.

Can a guru correct me if I said something stupid, please?


On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Paul wrote:

 On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:
 I'm using security setting of medium. Does that make a difference? I was
 also wondering since I'm using PMfirewall do I need to keep my security
 setting at medium, or can I lower it to low?
 I think the firewall is more a protection for things coming in from the
 big bad world. Internal security is more an issue for warding off stupid
 users. If you have no (stupid) users on your system, you can go to low
 Keep firewalling!

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Re: [newbie] Sendmail

2000-06-25 Thread flupke

To see the state of sendmail, you have to specify the full path of the
script : /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail [start|stop|status]

Maybe I shouldn't say it, as it could lead to endless debate, but I would
advice you to forget about sendmail and to install qmail instead. It is
really easier to configure. The complexity of sendmail is considered as a
security hole.


On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a domain name registered to my IP Address.  I am trying to set my Linux
 box up as a mailserver.  All I want to do, is be able to get mail at
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Can anyone out there give
 me some advice as to how to set this up using Sendmail.  I am not sure where to
 start. I do have send mail up and running except when I type in; "sendmail
 status" from the command line it says "user uknown".  Any help advice or
 refrences would be greatly appreciated.
 If you need more information or more specific information please let me know.
 Thanks in advance,

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Fetchamil is broken! :(

2000-06-25 Thread flupke

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, ~*Mark*~ wrote:

 Monte Milanuk wrote:
  Well, I haven't had this problem myself (yet), but a few things to try
  might be to check your system logs, in case fetchmail is really running
  into the firewall, it may leave a trace in the logs.  The only part of
  fetchmail that I would think would have problems w/ a firewall would be
  the last stage where it feeds it to the MTA (sendmail) on port 25.  But
  you said you left that open explicitly.  The other thing to maybe try is
  to run fetchmail w/ the ' -vvv' flag for extremely verbose reporting, and
  see what it says.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
 Ok...I've done those checks and fetchmail is reporting that it cannot
 connect with localhost. It's communicating fine with the servers at my
 ISP and is able to bring down the mail, but it's failing to talk with my
 I opened and edited pmfirewall.conf and added a line to the local.rules
 giving access to POP3 port 110 but that didn't make any difference
 either. Is there some way that I must configure sendmail to allow proper
 access? Should I set up a POP3 account here on my machine for fetchmail
 to talk to when it's pulling down the mail from my ISP?
 I'm perplexed about this cause when I was running Mandrake 7.0 all this
 worked just fine with no configuration. I didn't start experiencing
 trouble of any kind till the 7.1 upgrade, and subsequent firewall
 installation. I'm wondering now if it's the firewall or 7.1 that's
 causing the trouble. 7.1 can go, but the FW must remain.

Seems like you should open the smtp (25) port on your firewall.
Fetchmail transmits the mail from a remote pop3 server to a local smtp


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Re: [newbie] Fetchamil is broken! :(

2000-06-25 Thread flupke

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, ~*Mark*~ wrote:

 I re-ran the and made sure that ports 25 and 110 are indeed
 open. FM is still not bringing down the mail for use in Pine. I really
 came to like that program! Wish I could get it running again.

try "telnet localhost 25", and see what happens.
If you are explicitly ejected, then there is a problem with the
server. Check that it is enabled in /etc/inetd.conf, and that there is
nothing wrong in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.

If there is no response, maybe it just canot resolve "localhost" (that
already happend once to me). In this case, check your /etc/hosts. Or try
to "telnet your.local.ip.address 25" and see if it is better. 


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Re: [newbie] Sendmail

2000-06-25 Thread flupke

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Dan Ferris wrote:

  I have a domain name registered to my IP Address.  I am trying to set my Linux
  box up as a mailserver.  All I want to do, is be able to get mail at
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Can anyone out there give
  me some advice as to how to set this up using Sendmail.  I am not sure where to
  start. I do have send mail up and running except when I type in; "sendmail
  status" from the command line it says "user uknown".  Any help advice or
  refrences would be greatly appreciated.
  If you need more information or more specific information please let me know.
  Thanks in advance,
 Yeah, don't use sendmail.  It will drive you batty.  Qmail or
 Postfix would be much better choices.  There is another mail
 server who's name I can't quite remember that is specifically
 designed for small time users.  I wish I could remember the name
 offhand, maybe somebody else can remember.
Don't you speak about smail or something?

 BTW, qmail's claim to fame is that it is VERY secure.  There
 is/was some kind of prize on the qmail web site for somebody to
 find a security hole.  Far as I know the prize is unclaimed :-)
It is now over. Nobody could find a hole. The $1000 prize has been sent to
the free software foundation.



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Re: [newbie] file copying

2000-06-25 Thread flupke

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:

 Ok, here's an easy one, (he said) I have downloaded a couple
 of .tar.gz files and would like to save them to a floppy or
 ten.  I have been through the two books  on  linux that are
 in my library, and can't find a way to do it.  I think my
 problem is again the Windows mentality getting in the way.
 So I may be asking myself the wrong question and looking in
 the wrong place in the books.  A little help here, and
 remember that your talking to a guy who spent an hour trying
 to get his pppd to come back up and it was a problem with
 the extension cord he was hooked up to. Ha!   Thanks ahead
 of time,   Dennis

If I understand your problem, you want to make multi-volume archives.
The most simple way I see to do that is to move all the files into one
directory, and make a multi-volume archive with tar :

   tar cMf /dev/fd0 directory/with/your/files

It should prompt you when you have to change the floppy.
Sorry if it fails. I never did that. I just can hope it will work.


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Re: [newbie] Where are the apps??

2000-06-24 Thread flupke

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Andrew Miller wrote:

 Loaded Mandrake 7.0 on a Thinkpad 760XL and used RPM to install 
 StarOffice and Apache.  Now I can't find them.  They don't show up in 
 any KDE application menus and the only icon that shows for StarOffice 
 just runs the installer.  I've done that twice and can't find the 
 This seems really basic, but where are they?  I perused the directory 
 that StarOffice created and find nothing that seems to be an app.  As 
 for Apache, the find utility finds nothing with Apache in it.  Do I 
 have to run a second installer from the hard drive?  I know I'm doing 
 something very basic wrong, but can't figure out what it is. 

To list all the files installed with the staroffice, issue an
rpm -ql staroffice
   rpm -qpl staroffice.rpm

The files located in directories called bin are usually meant to be
Try to start them from an xterm or something.

More infos about the usage of rpm in "maximum rpm" available at


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Re: [newbie] simple question

2000-06-23 Thread flupke

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Gary Morgan wrote:

 ok, I'm new to Linux, the only knowledge I have is from the books I have
 read.  But all of them have seem to skip over, what seems to me as, simple
 1.  I notice when I do an "# ls" I get a directory listing but some objects
 (files, directorys etc.) are listed in different color text, or have
 distinctive markings next to them (ie. directories are blue, symbolic links
 have the "@" symbol next to them).  What do all these, besides the ones I
 have mentioned mean?
It is due to the fact that mandrake sets up several aliases during
install. type "alias" and you will see that ls stands for "ls --color=auto
-F" (--color=auto for colors and -F to add @ to symlinks, * to executable
files, / to directories, ...)
man ls for more details

 2.  What are the exact differences between the install security levels?  I
 noticed that if I install with "High" security I cannot, by default, login
 via ftp or telnet, even from the local machine, and I cannot restart (via
 ctrl-alt-del) without being logged in first, however I can do both if I
 install with "Medium" security.
This is handled by the msec package. Look at
/usr/doc/msecversion/security.txt and for details about
different security levels.
You can use the msec command to switch from one security level to another
(man msec)

 Gary Morgan


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Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Thread flupke

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:

 Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on furiously for
 a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program set up
 by Mandrake to act regularly at this time. 
 I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and acron
 tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to study
 their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I didn't
 fint a man page. 
 Daoes anybody know? 

rpm -qi msec


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Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Thread flupke

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Joe Lore wrote:

 That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
 ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?

I already saw a "defrag.tgz" package, but AFAIK, the ext2 driver takes
care of defragmentation by itself.
About scnadisk, there is e2fsck.


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RE: [newbie] networking question

2000-06-18 Thread flupke

On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

 Once it's up and running, you don't need much.
 The problem is that the installers and configuration utilities utilize X
 Yes, you can do this in textmode... but it becomes very complicated for a
 newbie to deal with textmode and script editing... etc.
Once you begin to deal with firewalls, I think it's really worthfull to
learn how your system really works and  how to use commands such as
ifconfig, route, ipchains, etc... But even if you are not familiar with
these, you don't really need it. You seem to forget that the linuxconf
client can also run in text mode.

ok, linuxconf is YAUSR (Yet Another Unneeded Server Running), but it is
less place and ressource consuming than X.

 Anyway after things are set up 32 megs or less will often do as long as the
 latency between your interfaces is relatively low.
True. And You usually  don't need much network performance between a LAN
and an internet connection...

 You have a P100 which is normally adecuate for cable modem speeds, esp. due
 to the PCI bus.
 He is talking about a 486. Have you every tried a dual ISA 486
I can't speek for myself, but I already heard about such configurations
(for example in the OpenBSD mailing list).

 It works, if you minimize the installation requirements... but performance
 is not optimal... or you can run something like the floppy based bare Linux
 distros which tend to work well... like the Linux Router Project...
Of course, a mini-distro is also a good solution.

 For Mandrake, however he is best advised to get more RAM... just to permit
 the install to complete. Use X to set things up and test... and then he can
 dump X and all the X apps.
It is true as long as you are speaking about the 7.1 version. Personaly,
on my P100, I installed an mdk 6.1 and performances are not a problem. And
I already used linux on a 486 (not as a router, but as a file server) and
it worked quite well.

 Or, help him set it up in text mode...
No problem. I can do that... :-)



 |-Original Message-
 |From: flupke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 |Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2000 6:21 AM
 |To: bascule
 |Subject: Re: [newbie] networking question
 |I don't agree. I have a firewall between my LAN and my cable-modem
 |internet connection, with the following configuration :
 |P100, 24 MB RAM, 300 MB HD, 2 PCI NE200 compatible nics, no screen, no
 |keyboard. And the average load of the machine is near the 0%.
 |Concerning X, I personnaly consider it as a waste of space and resource,
 |on a machine that really don't need it. And I find it dangerous to add an
 |unneeded server on a machine that has to deal with security.
 |Just my 2 cent...
 |One do really not need to have much memory to make a firewall.
 |On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, bascule wrote:
 | hi, and what a useful answer!
 | this is exactly the stuff that the books i have looked at assumed i
 | already knew!
 | i have to admit though, that i'm a bit worried about needing so much
 | memory for my 486, i keep reading about how such machines make good
 | firewalls for smalltime users like me but i don't think my 486  can have
 | 64meg!
 | thanks again
 | bascule
 |  ---
 |  it is my intention to one day have the 486 machine be a firewall, i
 |  perceive that one day the uk will have reasonably priced unmetered isp
 |  access and i want to be ready!
 |  ---
 |  I hope your 486 has at least 64megs of RAM.
 |  While a 486 does fine as a router, it normally does so if it
 |is not bogged
 |  down with things like Xwindows. You can use X to set things up
 |though, then
 |  merely have the computer come up in text mode.
 |  -JMS
 | There's no place like ~ ! 

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Re: [newbie] (no subject)

2000-06-17 Thread flupke

You could read the smb-HOWTO and the different samba commands manual
pages (smbmount, smb.conf, smbclient, nmblookup, ...)
And there are more docs at


On Fri, 16 Jun 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:

 Something is not working correctly.  I am trying this again after
 receiving a missent message.  I am try to set up Samba.  Using Sams
 teach yourself Linux-Mandrake in 24 Hours is  useless.  "Running Linux"
 is ok if you understand the C language or are comfortable in a text
 mode.  I am a visual person and need things spelled out for me line by
 line or better yet a picture drawn. Anyway the user guide that came with
 my Linux-Mandrake distro is no help.  Anybody know where I can find (or
 a title to ) help in setting up "Samba". Thanks in advance for any help.

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] rc.firewall

2000-06-17 Thread flupke

I coulnd't tell you the use of the rp_filter, but I know that I have
already set up several masquerade firewall and never changed its velue. I
only make sure that ip_forward is set to 1


On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Victor Richardson wrote:

 I'm setting up a home cable-modem home behind a
 Mandrake 7.1 box, I've
 checked out the MASQ and Firewall HOWTO's and
 understand them. Actually,
 I used them with 6.0. Although, a few things have
 changed since then. I
 also searched the archives and there was only one
 posting that didn't
 answer this basic question;
 What does the default entry in /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall
 "echo 1  
 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter" do? Or more
 directly - what is
 Do I need to include this line in the MASQ/firewall
 rules provided in
 the docs?
 Thanks, Victor

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Mdk-7.1 and NT-boot.ini

2000-06-17 Thread flupke

Are you SURE that lilo (and not grub) is installed on /dev/hdc5 (check
that there is a line boot=/dev/hdc5 in your /etc/lilo.conf).

If this is the case, try to re-execute /sbin/lilo before make again an
image of the boot sector and copy it to your nt partition.


On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Andrea Celli wrote:

 I'va a strange problem with Mandrake-7.1.
 In my box i've installed several Linux distributions and
 I use Nt-loader (in a dos partition) to choose operative System
 at boot time.
 Now, i've installed Mandrake-7.1 in a free partition,to test it 
 before upgrade 7.0.
 I choose to install lilo in bootsector of mdk-7.1 partition
 Then I copied this sector in dos partition
 dd if=/dev/hdc5 of=/mnt/dos/BOOTSECT.M71 bs=512 count=1
 and added the usual line to boot.ini:
 This is the same procedure i followed many time and actually
 works to load Mandrake-7.0 and SuSE-6.4.
 It doesn't work to load mandrake-7.1 !
 If at boot, i choose mandrake-7.1 i've got only a black 
 I'm able to start others operative systems from boot.ini
 and mandrake-7.1 from boot-floppy.
 Any suggestion?
 ciao, Andrea Celli

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Re: [newbie] security

2000-06-17 Thread flupke

Indeed, a too high security level prevents one from being able to login as
root, even in a console.

This is is handled by the msec package.

See the files under /usr/doc/msecversion for more infos about the
different security levels and how to change it.


On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Michael H. Collins wrote:

   OOPS.  I must have set the high security thing.  One cannot login as
 root, but one can su to root.
 I had to do a text install, but I never saw the security question.
 How do I fix it, or maybe not,  
 oh yes, only root can run X.

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] networking question

2000-06-17 Thread flupke

I don't agree. I have a firewall between my LAN and my cable-modem
internet connection, with the following configuration :
P100, 24 MB RAM, 300 MB HD, 2 PCI NE200 compatible nics, no screen, no
keyboard. And the average load of the machine is near the 0%.

Concerning X, I personnaly consider it as a waste of space and resource,
on a machine that really don't need it. And I find it dangerous to add an
unneeded server on a machine that has to deal with security.

Just my 2 cent...


One do really not need to have much memory to make a firewall.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, bascule wrote:

 hi, and what a useful answer!
 this is exactly the stuff that the books i have looked at assumed i
 already knew!
 i have to admit though, that i'm a bit worried about needing so much
 memory for my 486, i keep reading about how such machines make good
 firewalls for smalltime users like me but i don't think my 486  can have
 thanks again
  it is my intention to one day have the 486 machine be a firewall, i
  perceive that one day the uk will have reasonably priced unmetered isp
  access and i want to be ready!
  I hope your 486 has at least 64megs of RAM.
  While a 486 does fine as a router, it normally does so if it is not bogged
  down with things like Xwindows. You can use X to set things up though, then
  merely have the computer come up in text mode.

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Installing linux-ar-405.tar.gz

2000-06-17 Thread flupke

You uncompress the archive :
   tar zxf linux-ar-405.tar.gz
then you go into the newly created directoy, su to root, and execute the
installation script :
   ./INSTALL (or is it ./SETUP???)

Then, the rest should be self prompting.


On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Romanator wrote:

 I may have asked this before but I cannot for the life of me install
 I would like to install Adobe. Has any one been successful?
 I must be missing a command. Can any one help?

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Installing linux-ar-405.tar.gz

2000-06-17 Thread flupke

As far as I remember, you have to write ./INSTALL with uppercase letters.


On Fri, 16 Jun 2000, Roman Bysh wrote:

 I think I used the wrong commands. I downloaded it to my root directory.
 Next, I typed in tar-xvzf linux-ar-405.tar.gz
 A new directory named lLINXR.install was created. I could see the
 install script with dark monitor.
 Every time I changed to this directory and typed in ./install it would
 indicate that the directory or file is missing.
 flupke wrote:
  You uncompress the archive :
 tar zxf linux-ar-405.tar.gz
  then you go into the newly created directoy, su to root, and execute the
  installation script :
 ./INSTALL (or is it ./SETUP???)
  Then, the rest should be self prompting.
  On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Romanator wrote:
   I may have asked this before but I cannot for the life of me install
   I would like to install Adobe. Has any one been successful?
   I must be missing a command. Can any one help?
   There's no place like ~ ! 

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Re: [newbie] mass multiple file erasure

2000-06-17 Thread flupke

On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, Vic wrote:

 What would I type in to get linux to
 erase every single *.rpmorig file
 on the drive or at least under the 
 dir I am currently in (including the
 subdirs) I already know 'rm *.rpmorig'
 but it wont erase the files in other dirs
 under me.

In the current dir :
  find . -name "*.rpmorig" -exec rm -f {} \;

To erase all the *.rpmorig in your system, replace the "." by a "/"


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] NT and Linux

2000-06-16 Thread flupke

The technic consist of installing lilo on your linux partition (not the
MBR)and make an image of your lilo boot sector. So , if your linux (and
your lilo) is on /dev/hda2, type :
  dd if=/dev/hda2 of=~/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

Then copy the image (~/bootsect.lnx) to your NT partition, and, in NT,
change your c:\boot.ini and add a line :

(note that you'll have to change your c:\boot.ini file's attribute to do

Next time you boot, you should see a linux entry in the ntldr menu.

If you have problems, read the Linux+NT-Loader-mini-HOWTO


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Fred Hamilton wrote:

 How can I have Linux and NT 4.0 Server on the same machine and have Linux 
 show up on the NT start menu instead of using the Linux boot manager? Can 
 it be done? I am getting ready to do a clean install of both operating 

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Swap partition

2000-06-16 Thread flupke

I think that the easiest thing to do would be to add a 250 MB partition,
so that you won't have to resize anything.

Use fdisk, cfdisk, or any other disk partitionner, and create a 250 MB
swap parttion (let's say you do it in /dev/hdb2).

Then, initialize the swap partition :
  mkswap /dev/hdb2
in your /etc/fstab, add a line :
  /dev/hda2  swap  swap  defaults 0 0
and activate your swaps :
  swapon -a

And you now should have two swap partition of each 250 MB.


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Edison Gica wrote:

 Hi all:
 I installed LM 7 under Recommended and the swap partition was set to 250MB.  
 I want to increase my swap to 500MB.  any help would be sincerely 
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] networking question

2000-06-16 Thread flupke

Hi Bascule.

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, bascule wrote:

 i am having trouble setting up two machines to talk to each other, i'll
 put all the questions in this one post since they are all related,
 1) do i need to 'fake' a domain for both machines to belong to or is it
 enough to give each machine a name?
It's better to have a domain.

 2)is the ip address of each nic the same as each machine or is that
 different? (i ask because i know that one machine could have more than
 one nic)
No. Each nic has an IP adress. If a machine has 5 nics, then it will
respond to 5 IPs.

 3)do i need a default gateway or to set up any routing info if i only
 have two machines connected via a hub?
If you just intend to communicate between the two comps, it's not
necessary. But if you want for instance set up a firewall masquerading to
share your connection between your machines, then that becomes another

 4)i know about the reserved ip addresses but does it matter which
 address in an allowed range is used? i have used on one box
 and on the other
That's fine.

 5)what other quiestions should i have asked?!
Depends on what you plan to do with your network... :-)

 i have never connected two machines before, i have read a couple of
 books but they are a little over my head and seem to assume a lot, my
 machines both run mandrake 7-02 one is a 486 and one is an amdk6-2 400,
 i have installed a netgear ea201 in each machine and according to the
 diagnostic disk provided both are setup ok. of course until i know that
 linux is configured properly in both machines i won't know this for
 any answers, recommended books, urls gratefully received,
I would suggest you to read the LAME (Linux Administration Made Easy) and
other books from the LDP (the NAG and SAG [Network/System Administrator's
Guide],...) Thoses are available in different formats and language at . There sure are other mirrors somewhere else, but
I don't know them.

 it is my intention to one day have the 486 machine be a firewall, i
 perceive that one day the uk will have reasonably priced unmetered isp
 access and i want to be ready!
Well, prepare your knowledge before worying about hardware (but ok,
it's also important to have something to make it run...). Read as lot as
you can about TCP/IP, routing, browse the HOWTOs, etc...


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Re: [newbie] No window manager in X...

2000-06-16 Thread flupke

On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Sam Dunham wrote:

 I installed Mandrake 7.0 (severl times) and everything seems to work
NO NEED to reinstall when you have a problem. Nearly never!
 great, except that I don't get a Window Manager when X starts. My
 Graphical login comes up on a plain Jane X screen, I log in, and I get
 two terminal emulation boxes, but no Window Manager. How do I fix this
 so that I can get KDE up and running?
Does it work if you type "kde" in one of the xterms? If not you probably
just have to install the appropriate rpms packages. If it works, then edit
your ~/.Xclients file and put the commands to start kde there.



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Re: [newbie] GL Heretic...

2000-06-15 Thread flupke

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, lilbambi wrote:

  I'm also trying to get GL Heretic running on my
  setup (Voodoo 3 3000).
  I tried to install the RPM but get an error about needing 2 files. I
  went to RPMnet, freshmeat, and a couple of other places but could not
  find them.
  Anyone have any ideas where to get:
libasound is provided by alsa-lib-0.5.7
libSDL comes from SDL

both packages are on the mandrake CD.


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Re: [newbie] automatic start of process

2000-06-15 Thread flupke

You can add your commands in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
This script i executed at the end of the boot process.

Or you can see if it is the services proposed by the "setup" program.

You could also see if there is a way to include its starting/stopping in
the runlevels with tksysv.


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Craig Fels wrote:

 Does anyone know how I can have my Mandrake 7.0 box start a process
 I'm running Squid and would like squid to start when the machine boots.

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Fvwm2 dependencies

2000-06-15 Thread flupke

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Glyn Millington wrote:

 I'm trying to install the latest version of fvwm2 on my system
 which runs Mandrake 7.0.  One of the unsatisfied dependencies
 which prevents me installing is the need for a file
 I can't track this down!  Can anyone tell me which rpm I'm
 looking for?
You can find this by yourself. Mount your mandrake cdrom and type :
   for i in /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm ; do
   rpm -qpl $i |grep -q '/usr/sbin/install-menu'  echo $i

and it should tell you which package you have to install.

For more info , man bash and man rpm

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: Compiling source, was RE: [newbie] Make errors

2000-06-14 Thread flupke

Did you compile it yourself or did you try "rpm --rebuild pack.src.rpm"?

Maybe there is a BAD solution you could try :
make a symlink from /usr/include/xpm.h to /usr/X11R6/include/X11/xpm.h.
This is not nice, but there are chances that it works. But hopefully,
someone will have a better solution.

If you don't get any other answer here, you could also try the expert
mandrake mailing list.


On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Kaplan, Paul wrote:

 You seem quite knowledgeable about the rebuilding process so I will put to
 you a question that I asked on one of the redhat lists and has yet to be
 I am trying to re-compile a recent wine release from a src.rpm file.  The
 ./configure script trips when it tries to find the file X11/xpm.h, insisting
 that I should install xpm and xpm-devel packages, and then quits.  The
 packages xpm-3.4k-1 and xpm-devel-3.4k-1 are both installed on my system and
 the file /usr/X11R6/inlcude/X11/xpm.h exists.
 On someone else's suggestion, I tried to CFLAGS ="-I$CFLAGS
 /usr/X11R6/include".  Then ./configure returns:
 checking whether the C compiler (gcc /usr/X11R6/include ) works... no
 configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot
 create executables
 I also tried to CFLAGS ="$CFLAGS /usr/X11R6/include"...(without the -I) and
 ended up with the same response I initially had.
 Any thoughts?
 Paul Kaplan

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Re: [newbie] Problems with comp.ne2000(a) in Mandrake 7.0-2

2000-06-13 Thread flupke

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, iagoba wrote:

 Oks, I finally could made than Linux detects my Ethernet Card, thanks to
 all :)), but now I got the next problem, HOW can I configure my lan? I
 got two computers in my house, connected by a Twisted RJ-45, the other
 computer got W98 (and the modem to connect to Internet), how can I must
 configure Linux to allow it to see the other computer, and the access to
To communicate between the two comps, once the two nics are properly
setup, with private ip addresses, you're done. You can, for example,
telnet your linux box from your windows. You can share your files by
setting up samba on your linux box, ...

To share your internet connection, it's another problem. You say that your
modem is on your zInbl0w$ box. That's a bad, idea! You can use proxies and
such, running under windows, but you shouldn't. It's not secure.
The best way to do it, is to configure your modem on your linux box, and
then setup the masquerading so that you will be able to browse the
internet from your intranet.
Read the ip-masquerading-HOWTO for more infos about that.

   Thanks to all for your help, you're helping me a lot in my first
 attempt to install this OS :)
 P.D.: I got other question, I develop in C++, I got one C++ compiler in
 Linux, isn't it? 
Of course... It's called gcc.

 Re-P.D.: Sorry for my English , I'm Spanish 


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Problems with Mandrake 7.1 installation

2000-06-13 Thread flupke

I also installed XFree4.0 while I shouldn't BUT I DIDN'T REINSTALL THE OS.
Please FORGET about this BAD idea! You are in a UNIX environnement! This
is NOT windows!
If you have installed XFree4.O and want to install XFree3.3.6, then you
just have to boot, uninstall XFree4.0 and install XFree3.3.6. And you are
Everybody should understand that if one package has problems, then you
just handle the faulty package. And you don't have to reinstall the whole
thing from scratch. Could it be a problem with X, the security level, the
internet connection, or anything, you can repair it.

Sorry, but I had to say it.

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 Carlthat sounds like what I experienced when I first
 installed 7.1 and chose version 4 of XF86.  I reinstalled 7.1
 and picked version 3.6 of XF86 and those symptoms no longer
 Carl Kehley wrote:
  I just installed Mandrake 7.1 yesterday, development install from
  install and ext. cd's, and I've got a few minor problems.  Any help
  would be greatly appreciated.
  First, Mandrake refuses to recognize my mouse as  Logitech MouseMan+,
  and instead keeps calling it a generic PS2.  I've changed it in the
  mouseconfig in DrakConf, it's recognized correctly in Lothar, but I've
  got no support for the wheel(even as a third button).
  Next, gnome-ppp--what is meant by "remote name" in the config?  I've
  set it up exactly the same as kppp, but it disconnects about 30 seconds
  after the handshake, and I've got no dns, even though everything is
  entered correctly.
  Finally, there seem to be major conflicts between the RealPlayer 7
  Netscape plugin and plugger in Communicator, to the point where
  RealPlayer freezes and I've got to reboot to get my sound back.  I
  remember seeing something similar in the list last week, but I didn't
  save the message, and can't locate it in the archives.
  Any help, advice, creative criticism gladly accepted.
  Thanks in advance,
  Carl Kehley

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Problems with comp.ne2000(a) in Mandrake 7.0-2

2000-06-13 Thread flupke

ok. Start netconf, choose "basic host informations", then fill in the
requested fields in "Host Name" and "Adaptator 1".
Once this is correctly done, you should be able to ping the nic on your
comp and also the one in the other comps of your network. Apparently, you
already have done that.

You don't need to set up neither a DNS nor a gateway, as long as you stay
on your local network. You could maybe fill your /etc/hosts to be able to
write "ping winhost" instead of "ping".

Now, all you have to do is to install and configure the servers and
clients that you need to communicate between your two comps. Usually,
people like to set up samba in order to be able to share files between a
win and a linux machine. Refer to the samba-HOWTO and to the docs
available at to do that.


On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, iagoba wrote:

 Thanks Flupke but my question is also, how configure the ip, and all
 that things in the Linux? I thing that is using the Net Configuration
 (netconf), as root, but I'm not sure if I must put more things than I
 I'm filling the Basic equipment Information with this info:
 Host Name = iagoba.HouseRed 
 IP  =   -- The other PC is
 ... = eth0
 ... = ne
 I/O = 0x240
 IRQ = 0x11
 and I mark is as active, and Normal, I think that this all I must made
 to configure my Linux PC, isn't it? perhaps I must fill the DNS or other
 flupke wrote:
  On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, iagoba wrote:
   Oks, I finally could made than Linux detects my Ethernet Card, thanks to
   all :)), but now I got the next problem, HOW can I configure my lan? I
   got two computers in my house, connected by a Twisted RJ-45, the other
   computer got W98 (and the modem to connect to Internet), how can I must
   configure Linux to allow it to see the other computer, and the access to
  To communicate between the two comps, once the two nics are properly
  setup, with private ip addresses, you're done. You can, for example,
  telnet your linux box from your windows. You can share your files by
  setting up samba on your linux box, ...
  To share your internet connection, it's another problem. You say that your
  modem is on your zInbl0w$ box. That's a bad, idea! You can use proxies and
  such, running under windows, but you shouldn't. It's not secure.
  The best way to do it, is to configure your modem on your linux box, and
  then setup the masquerading so that you will be able to browse the
  internet from your intranet.
  Read the ip-masquerading-HOWTO for more infos about that.
 Thanks to all for your help, you're helping me a lot in my first
   attempt to install this OS :)
   P.D.: I got other question, I develop in C++, I got one C++ compiler in
   Linux, isn't it?
  Of course... It's called gcc.
   Re-P.D.: Sorry for my English , I'm Spanish
   There's no place like ~ ! 

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Packages

2000-06-13 Thread flupke

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Robert F. Trettel wrote:

 I have a question on packages that are on Linux. Is there a web site that 
 gives details of what the package is and etc?? I would like to be able to 
 know what to install and what I don't need. I think I am wasting space by 
 taking everything that is offered in the install.
 This way I will know what is what as to everyday use of Linux.
 Robert F. Trettel

You might want to learn a bit about the use of the rpm command :
To list all the packages installed in your comp, use :
  rpm -qa
To have infos about an installed package, use :
  rpm -qi installed_package
To have infos about an uninstalled package, use :
  rpm -qpi uninstalled_package_file.rpm

To have a list of the files contained in a package, replace the i by a l.

For A LOT more infos about rpm, read "maximum rpm" available at


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Problems with Mandrake 7.1 installation

2000-06-13 Thread flupke

I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I just wanted to attract
everybody's attention on the fact that there is generally no need to
reinstall linux. I see too often people saying "It didn't work, so I
reinstalled everything." And I REALLY felt like I had to say that it is
not a good solution.

If you think I have been rude towards you, please accept my apologies and
let's forget about it. This remark wasn't meant to be read only by you,
and that's why I insisted so much about it.

Again, I'm sorry.

 On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 flupkebecause your opinion/solution and mine differ is no
 reason to be rude towards me when you expound upon your own
 remedy.  Yelling that my suggestion to help this person was
 'BAD' was simply not called for and I resent it.  
 Yelling in general is rude, but what you said, in the manner
 in which you said it, was pompous and condescending in the
 extreme as well as just plain rude.  
 Please contemplate and consider the above comments when
 composing future public messages.
 flupke wrote:
  I also installed XFree4.0 while I shouldn't BUT I DIDN'T REINSTALL THE OS.
  Please FORGET about this BAD idea! You are in a UNIX environnement! This
  is NOT windows!
  If you have installed XFree4.O and want to install XFree3.3.6, then you
  just have to boot, uninstall XFree4.0 and install XFree3.3.6. And you are
  Everybody should understand that if one package has problems, then you
  just handle the faulty package. And you don't have to reinstall the whole
  thing from scratch. Could it be a problem with X, the security level, the
  internet connection, or anything, you can repair it.
  Sorry, but I had to say it.
  On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
   Carlthat sounds like what I experienced when I first
   installed 7.1 and chose version 4 of XF86.  I reinstalled 7.1
   and picked version 3.6 of XF86 and those symptoms no longer
   Carl Kehley wrote:
I just installed Mandrake 7.1 yesterday, development install from
install and ext. cd's, and I've got a few minor problems.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
First, Mandrake refuses to recognize my mouse as  Logitech MouseMan+,
and instead keeps calling it a generic PS2.  I've changed it in the
mouseconfig in DrakConf, it's recognized correctly in Lothar, but I've
got no support for the wheel(even as a third button).
Next, gnome-ppp--what is meant by "remote name" in the config?  I've
set it up exactly the same as kppp, but it disconnects about 30 seconds
after the handshake, and I've got no dns, even though everything is
entered correctly.
Finally, there seem to be major conflicts between the RealPlayer 7
Netscape plugin and plugger in Communicator, to the point where
RealPlayer freezes and I've got to reboot to get my sound back.  I
remember seeing something similar in the list last week, but I didn't
save the message, and can't locate it in the archives.
Any help, advice, creative criticism gladly accepted.
Thanks in advance,
Carl Kehley
   There's no place like ~ ! 

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Shutdown problem with v7.0...

2000-06-12 Thread flupke

On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:

 flupke wrote:
  Sorry, I didn't follow this tread from the begining, so I hope I won't say
  anything stoopid or something that has already been said.
  If I understand, the problem here is all the dump of the stack and
  registers caused by a page default or something at the end of a shutdown.
  I have the same problem. I think it only happens on Motherboards with VIA
  chips. I don't mind about it since it doesn't cause any damage, but it is
  nice to get rid of that bad stuff.
  I solved the problem by modifying the /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file and
  change the line
  eval $command -i -d -p
  eval $command -i -d
  PS : :-)
 Well, I tried my own advise and it didn't work for me either.  I see the
 suggestion to edit or modify the rc.d files but don't know how to do that. The
 last time I tried to change a file I crashed the whole config and had to
 reinstall.  By the way, I am getting very good at reinstall or new install since
 there seems to be something  that causes me to lose my mouse and Keyboard every
 now and then.  I keep trying to find the problem but no luck so far.  I am
 running an AMD K6 II - 333  with a soyo 5EMA + motherboard 64 meg ram  and
 western Digital  13.6 gig ide hard drive, generic floppy and cdrom.   If there is
 a man page or faq that talks about editing files I would like to know.  I am not
 trained in computers just determined to learn.   Thanks in advance for any help
OK, Dennis. Don't be afraid. To avoid problem when modifying a file that
is important for the system, you just have to save before editing :
  cd /etc/rc.d/init.d/
  cp halt halt.orig
  vi halt

(NB : DON'T DO THAT if you never used vi... in that case, use kedit, pico 
or another one that you know. But if you want to give vi a blind try,
once it is opened, just type "G$xxx" to go to the last line of the file,
go to the end of the line and erase the last 3 chars, then type ":wq" and
press enter to save the file and quit edition)

That way, if there is a problem, you simply have to boot in single-user
mode and put the files as they were before. But note that there is no
danger here, since the file that has to be edited is only invoked at
shutdown or reboot time.

There is also something that can be usefull : make an archive of /etc and
put it in a safe place, so that you can restore a file that you broke.

For doc about safe edition, maybe you could browse the HOWTOs. There is a
security-HOWTO that talks about safety in a network, maybe there is
another one about safety in your system...
For doc about edition itself, well, I must say that I'm a vi fan. So, I
would suggest you two things :
- In the man vi, I think you will find a reference to a basic
  tutorial. Read that tutorial.

- Then, you take a cup of cofee, you start vi, and you type ':help'


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Re: [newbie] happens and now it happened to me:)

2000-06-12 Thread flupke

I also had troubles configuring X during mdk 7.1 install. It was because I
couldn't figure out how to configure XFree4.0 with my voodoo3 2000 (has
someone here done it?) and I didn't know how to reverse my choice of using
So after the install process, I uninstalled XFree4.0, installed XFree3.3.6
and configured it with the mandrake dedicated tool (I think it is called
drakconf), and all went allright.


On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Mark Wolf wrote:

 I downloaded 7.1 iso files for mandrake.  I burned the cd, it autostarted everything 
looked cool until I got to xconfigure.  Something is broken with X because dumped me 
out of set and shut down linux.  
 What do I do now.  I am pretty good with the terminal window but don't want to run 
linux only from the command line.  
 anyone else have trouble with the x config with 7.1 install. 
 Any suggestions would be apreciated. 

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] LNE100tx / Tulip driver again

2000-06-12 Thread flupke

On Sun, 11 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the reply.  It doesn't work on mine for some reason.  I really, 
 really, really wish I knew why since I have about eight of these little 
 suckers and I would like to use them.  Does it show in Lothar?  It doesn't 
 appear in mine.

Couldn't it be a matter of "PNP OS" in your BIOS settings?


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Quicktime 3 question...

2000-06-12 Thread flupke

On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, michael wrote:

 On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  You cannot view Quicktime movies in Linux because Apple hasn't made a player
  for Linux yet. So the only way you can view it is to boot up Windows. 
 How can we orchestrate a campaign to persuade the well paid, smart, driven
 folks at Apple to do so? 
I once saw a petition to ask Apple's people to help linux developpers. But
I don't know wether these guyz are bothering about linux and open
source. Honnestly, I doubt of it...

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Quicktime 3 question...

2000-06-12 Thread flupke

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Anthony Huereca wrote:
  You cannot view Quicktime movies in Linux because Apple hasn't made a player
  for Linux yet. So the only way you can view it is to boot up Windows.
 Er...I *can* view Quicktime movies in Linux
 now, just not Quicktime 3. Thats why I was
 asking if I needed a newer version of (or
 something different than) xanim. (and if the
 only way I can view them is with Windblows,
 then they won't be seen here) ;-)
 PS Heck, I could watch most Quicktime formats
 on my 16mhz/16 meg Atari Falcon 030, running
 MiNT (a Unix variant). ;-)

What software did you use for that?


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Problems with comp.ne2000(a) in Mandrake 7.0-2

2000-06-12 Thread flupke

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, iagoba wrote:

 Hi to all,
   First of all, I want to say Hi to all the people in this list, this is
 my first mail, and hope you can help me.
   I got some problems with my Clonic Ethernet card, I Installed Mandrake
 7.0-2 in my computer, in a second partition of 3 GB, (I got Windows 98
 in the other partition), my computer got this characteristics:
 AMD K6-2 500 Mhz.
 128 MB Ram
 13.0 Gb. HD
 Clonic Ethernet Card 10/100 MB ne2000 compatible.
 CD-ROM 48x
 My Ethernet Card is ISA, 16 bits and PnP, Linux Detect it, but in a
 different I/O address and different IRQ, when I put the correct I/O
 address (240h), and IRQ (11), when I re-initiate my computer, it says
 "Bringing eth0 ... [OK]"
 but here it finish to initiate Linux, don't loading it and don't making
 Anything, what could be the problem? when I change that I/O or IRQ, it
 says "Bringing eth0 . [FAILED]" but initiates Linux,
 (without working the eth0 of course).
   Hope you could help me.

Does it work if you boot with the wrong nic settings and then load the
module with the right parameters? (insmod ne io=0x330).

I also heard about some ISA nics that had to be initialized with a DOS
program provided with the drivers before beeing able to work. If this is
your case, you'll have to boot in DOS, run the program, and then boot
linux with loadlin.


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Shutdown problem with v7.0...

2000-06-11 Thread flupke

Sorry, I didn't follow this tread from the begining, so I hope I won't say
anything stoopid or something that has already been said.
If I understand, the problem here is all the dump of the stack and
registers caused by a page default or something at the end of a shutdown.

I have the same problem. I think it only happens on Motherboards with VIA
chips. I don't mind about it since it doesn't cause any damage, but it is
nice to get rid of that bad stuff.
I solved the problem by modifying the /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file and
change the line
eval $command -i -d -p
eval $command -i -d

PS : :-)


On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Fran Parker wrote:

 I second what Ronald wrote...I went to DRAKCONF and
 found it there no problem and disabled it.  Shutdown and
 there were all the things on the screen again...full screen
 all over the screen...
 I also already had the power management in KDE disabled
 as well.
 Oh, well it was worth a shot.
 Anyway, reboot works just fine :)
 "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
  Paul wrote:
   Log in as root, or run "su"
   Then run "setup" in a console
   Go to system services, and uncheck the APM daemon. it is right below the
   anacron daemon.
   After a reboot you're all set!
  Hi. Well, I opened up a shell on my desktop,
  ran su, password, typed in "setup" and it told
  me, "bash: command not found".
  So I went into the DRAKCONF and ran startup,
  found it (under anacron, like you said) and
  disabled it. Unfortunately, after powering
  down, and rebooting, the problem still exists.
  I also have dmps disabled from the kde desktop
  (don't know if that needed to be or not). Any
  other possible ideas as to what it might be?
  (Thanks to Dennis Myers for the DRAKCONF tip)
  Thanks much!
  PS Did you see the reply I posted with the details
  on the screen that I'm left with? Maybe you can
  find a clue there...
  See ya...

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Telly card

2000-06-10 Thread flupke

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Emanuele La Rosa wrote:

 I would like to use TV card on linux. The point is that I've downloaded
 Kwintv, I installed it, but it can find my TV card (device /dev/video). I hope
 anybody can tell me a way to install my TVcard modell  Magic TView (I ignore
 the chip inside because it is a present)

You will find out what chip you have by issuing this command :
cat /proc/pci
One of the entry that will be displayed will concern you TV card.

Then, before running kv4lsetup and kwintv, you have to load the
appropriate module into the kernel. With my Pinnacle studio PCTV, I have
to load videodev, i2c, tuner and bttv. But maybe this is not the case for
There is a bttv mini-HOWTO. Read it for more info.

PS : I think that I also had to rebuild the video devices (man MAKEDEV)


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Re: [newbie] path

2000-06-10 Thread flupke

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, ryan geer wrote:

 ive downloaded suns sdk and cant seem to get the path set right. 
 probably because i dont really understand the whole path concept 
 so  if you have a good source of information re: paths or 
 more specifically have installed suns free jdk, could you drop me a 

You have to modify some environement variables in order to have the sun
jdk running correctly. I have already done it, and I simply followed the
instructions provided in the various README's in the package. But I don't
remember exactly how it worked.
If you want to avoid problems, you can choose the easy solution and simply
install the kaffe package on the mdk CD. It also provides a java
environement, but without the $PATH problems.


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Keyboard Problem

2000-06-10 Thread flupke

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Mick Spice wrote:

   I have recently installed the Mandrake Gold Pack version of Linux, and 
 most things seem to be working fine.
 I have two problems.
 1) My sound cards is new, and not on the supported list(s). I realise that 
 I will need to replace this with something that is supported. Any 
 suggestions as to what to buy would be appreciated.
I have an SB128. It's cheap and it works great, as far as you don't want a
high-quality sound system. It's fine for gaming, listening to music and

 2) [and more of a problem] is the fact that system seems to think that I 
 have a US keyboard, whne in fact I have a UK keyboard. This makes life at 
 the prompt a problem :-( with no 'pipe' character readily available.
 I assume that there is some way (short of a re-install) that I can fix this ?
I think you can change that in drakxconf. Or you can also modify your
boot files, but I don't know which one loads the keyboard...


 There's no place like ~ ! 

[newbie] rhosts format

2000-06-10 Thread flupke

Hi there.
Can anyone remind me of the format used in the ~/.rhosts file?
I want to exec commands on a remote host in my intranet with rsh.

Also : will it work with ssh or do I have to use another authentification
method? And if I must, how do I do it?


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] .src.rpm

2000-06-09 Thread flupke

What error message did you get?
How were you trying to install them?

May be you just tried to "rpm -Uvh" them. It's not going to work with
that. A src.rpm package is the source code of a program. You have to
compile it before using it :
   rpm --rebuild any-package.src.rpm
will compile the sources and build a binary package in
/usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i[X]86/ (The [X] in the path depends on
your architecture).
Then you can go to that dir and install the binary package with
   rpm -Uvh any-package.rpm

If this doesn't solve your problem, please be more explicit when
describing what is wrong.


On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, mrc wrote:

 Tried to install an .src.rpm and failed. 
 Does this mean that on Linux-Mandrake  such rpms will not work?

 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] Administration Question

2000-06-03 Thread flupke

Hi Bascule,

I didn't really meant that a group can own a file (even if the man chgrp
says :  chgrp - change group ownership). Sorry if I didn't express
myself correctly. I just meant that there are permissions to a file that
are specific to a particular group.

I might be wrong, but I don't think it's possible to make a group member
of another group.
And I also think that this term "ownership" could be misleading. I
rather think about a file as being a member of a group.

Sorry again if I wasn't clear enough.

bascule wrote:
 hi flupke,
 your answer to john's post is interesting because it says that a group
 can own files, i always assumed that an 'owner' had to be a user (though
 i never saw that written anywhere), can a group also be a member of
 another group like a user can?
 flupke wrote:
  I think the best way to make what you want would be to create a new
  group dedicated to the files shared by fred and tom. Lets call it
  fredandtom (groupadd fredandtom).
  Make Both fred and tom member of this new group (by adding "fred,tom" to
  the entry fredandtom in the /etc/group file).
  Then make the fredandtom group the owner of /home/shared (chgrp
  fredandtom /home/shared). From now on, the files in /home/shared whose
  group is fredandtom and are group writable (chmod g+w file) will be
  accessible to both tom and fred. But the files whose group is fred or
  tom will be only accessible to respectively fred or tom.
  John Rye wrote:
   I have two users call them 'fred' and 'tom'
   I need for these two users to be able to share files (usually text).
   Both users are members of their own groups named for their usernames.
   How should I go about this?
   'fred' may NOT have access to 'tom's files and 'tom' may NOT have
   access to 'fred's files.
   I intention is to create a directory named say: /home/shared or similar
   in which these two users can drop the exchange files.
   As I remember if I make both of these users members of the same group
   the each is able to 'see' what the other is doing? or has in her
   directory. That is not an option in this case..
   Suggestions are most welcome.
   New Zealand - Home of the Americas Cup

Re: [newbie] Administration Question

2000-06-02 Thread flupke

I think the best way to make what you want would be to create a new
group dedicated to the files shared by fred and tom. Lets call it
fredandtom (groupadd fredandtom).
Make Both fred and tom member of this new group (by adding "fred,tom" to
the entry fredandtom in the /etc/group file).
Then make the fredandtom group the owner of /home/shared (chgrp
fredandtom /home/shared). From now on, the files in /home/shared whose
group is fredandtom and are group writable (chmod g+w file) will be
accessible to both tom and fred. But the files whose group is fred or
tom will be only accessible to respectively fred or tom.


John Rye wrote:
 I have two users call them 'fred' and 'tom'
 I need for these two users to be able to share files (usually text).
 Both users are members of their own groups named for their usernames.
 How should I go about this?
 'fred' may NOT have access to 'tom's files and 'tom' may NOT have
 access to 'fred's files.
 I intention is to create a directory named say: /home/shared or similar
 in which these two users can drop the exchange files.
 As I remember if I make both of these users members of the same group
 the each is able to 'see' what the other is doing? or has in her
 directory. That is not an option in this case..
 Suggestions are most welcome.
 New Zealand - Home of the Americas Cup

Re: [newbie] LILO boot time

2000-06-02 Thread flupke

You changed your /etc/lilo.conf, but did you execute /sbin/lilo after


Andrew Scotchmer wrote:
 Hi again,
 I have got Linux installed on hda1 after ditching Windoze a couple of months
 ago now.  When at the lilo prompt I have to wait 5 seconds for it to boot the
 kernal or press enter for instant booting.
 I know it is petty but how can I configure lilo to boot Linux instantly with
 out the prompt.  I have looked into  /etc/lilo.config  and messed about
 with the timeout option but it has no effect.  Therefore the waiting time
 command must be within another file but where?
 As I said it is a petty issue but it has become a bit of an obsession with me
 --In the pursuit of knowledge
 Everyday something is aquired--
  (Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching)
 ICQ 50762100

Re: [newbie] Command execution

2000-06-02 Thread flupke

When you ask your shell to execute a command without telling him where
it is, it looks for it in the directories specified in the $PATH
variable ("echo $PATH" to see it).

When you specify a directory (here : the . directory [=the current
directory]), it will search the command in the specified directory.

NB : If you don't want to be annoyed by that, you can add the ./
directory in the $PATH environnement variable. (PATH=$PATH:./)

As simple as that.


Barry Winch wrote:
 Can someone please explain the concept behind ./ in executing a command.
 If I am in the directory where the programme resides and type the programme
 name, I get a:
 "bash: programme name: command not found" message
 If, from the same directory I type ./programme name everything works as

Re: [newbie] About blackbox window manager

2000-05-31 Thread flupke

Thanks a lot for your help but I could configure my menus, finally.
I just didn't saw that there was a "session.menuFile" entry in the
~/.blackboxrc file.

Now, I can have my menu the way I want. But Paul still can't set the
window raising as he want to do it (raising a window when he clicks
anywhere on it). And I would also be interrested in knowing how to do

Thanks again

Andy wrote:
 hey can i know how to configure it. I was able to do it from the blackbox
 site. What did you have troubles with?
 - Original Message -----
 From: flupke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 11:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] About blackbox window manager
  Hi Paul.
  I usually use Blackbox. I really like it!
  But I never figured out how to configure its menus.
  I didn't find any deep documentation on the official site or anywhere
  I suppose it is just because I didn't search correctly...
  I'm afraid I couldn't help you much in that matter. But I could install
  several bb applications (bb-pager, ...)
  However, I currently use mdk 7.1 hydrogen, and the menu configuration
  provided with it really fits me!
  But I'm still wondering how to configure it!
  If you (or anyone else) can help me, I'd be really glad.
  Paul wrote:
   Hi all,
   I am toying about a bit with Blackbox.
   Some things puzzle me, though. Is there someone here that is a bit more
   proficient with blackbox? Thought I'd ask first, before throwing around
   bunch of questions...
   What you are when you are not trying
   is what you really are
   )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
   Registered Linux User 174403
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Re: [newbie] Why MPEGs are so slow??

2000-05-31 Thread flupke

Aktion isn't good at decoding mpg. I only use it to read .mov files.
You should try the smpeg or mtv packages.


Nickolay Belostotsky wrote:
 I tried to use aKtion to play my MPEG files, and the speed of playback is
 ~1fps. What is the reason of it?
 System: PIII-500, ASUS V3800TVR nVidia based card, XFree 3.3.6
 Any suggestions?
   -- Koly

Re: [newbie] Removing a windows partition

2000-05-31 Thread flupke

I think that it is safer not to extend a partition. I think you'd better
change your FAT into a linux (ext2) partition. This is easily done with
fdisk (or cfdisk. This one is a bit more user-friendly).

Once this is done, you can make an ext2 filesystem on it (with mke2fs)
and mount it somewhere in your system. IE : If you need place for
personnal files, you could mount it in your /home directory or something
like that.
If you don't know how to proceed to transfer your /home (or any other
part of your linux filesystem) to your new partition, the
Harddisk-upgrade-HOWTO (or mini-HOWTO. I can't remember) should give you
some good hints. If you are still lost with it, scream for help on the
list. (Or browse the list archive. This has already been answered)


Eric Mings wrote:
 I originally setup my disk with both linux and a windows partition. I am
 no longer using windows on this machine and would like to remove the
 partition without risk of damaging my linux data. Ideally I would like to
 be able to expand one of my linux partitions to take advantage of the new
 space, however making a new linux partition would be an acceptable option
 as well. How can I do this without the possibility of damaging my linux
 system data? Thanks.
 Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] Setting lilo to dual boot 98 from seperate drive???

2000-05-31 Thread flupke

Aaron wrote:
 Linux is on the primary disc (hda) and win98 is on the secondary disc (hdb).
 I tried adding it to lilo but when I choose win98 at boot it doesn't do
 anything.  Do I have to do anything to win98 to make this work?  What do I
 need to do?

Could you post your /etc/lilo.conf file and describe what exactly
happens when you try to boot zinblows? (or maybe you will be able to
solve the problem by yourself if you read the man lilo.conf)


Re: [newbie] high security server and ftp and telnet

2000-05-31 Thread flupke

rharvey wrote:
 I setup a linux box with the server choice and high security.  I finally
 found the place to turn on the web service. http web services are running
 now. The ftp seems to be installed. all the info I have found says its all
 set up but I can't ftp into the server. I need ftp to upload my web pages.
 I also want telnet. It does not work either.  i can ping the server. I can
 go from the server to other computers thru telnet.
First, make sure you have the telnet-server package installed.
Then, enable the telnet and ftp servers in /etc/inetd.conf. I think you
just should uncomment the lines corresponding to the servers.
After you have done that, I think that it should be ok.

But if you care about security, I think you'd better forget about telnet
and install ssh instead.

 Is it the security level?
maybe the servers are not enabled with the high-security level (this
would not be surprizing. And even rather normal. telnet is NOT

 do i need to re-install and set the secutity level down?
Even if you decide to change the security level, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO
LINUX Everybody should be aware of that. I see too often people
saying "It didn't work so I reinstalled". Sorry, but that is NOT the
solution. We are here in a unix environnement. Forget about the BAD BAD
EVIL habits you had with Mikr0$oft.
(sorry for the shouting, but I really want to focus everybody's
attention about this point)

The security levels are handled by the msec package. Read the files in
/usr/doc/msecversion/ for details about security levels and how to
change it.

 How do I get access to the services.. ( I do not have the gui auto loading.
 i can startx but i can't get any of the gui's to run..kde...gnome..ect...)
To access a graphical login from a root command prompt, type "init 5".
To automatically load the GUI login screen at startup, change the line
in your /etc/inittab file.

No window manager comes when you start X because (I think that) they are
not installed in the server installation. Install them from the mdk CD.

 so I guess any info sent on how to fix this will have to be no-gui commands.
Not anymore... :-)

 thanks in advance


Re: [newbie] Window manager(KDE,Enlightenment,BlackBox...)

2000-05-18 Thread flupke

I don't like KDE or gnome. I find them too "resource consuming". They can
be usefull for people not wanting to learn how to really use linux. Linux
newbies generally like it, but once they discover how much it wastes
memory and CPU, they change their mind and use the "power" of the
command line.
I usually use blackbox. It's light and fast. Just what I need : a
graphical interface, but no silly unneeded features.

Enlightenment is pretty cool, too, but I fear that  E 0.17, with the
integration of efm, will show the same waste of resources as KDE or Gnome.
But what I like in E, it's that, unlike KDE or gnome, it has its own
personality and features. It is not intended to look like Zinblow$.


On Wed, 17 May 2000, Michael wrote:

 Who uses which for what? It seems each of the "session types" ie.
 WindowMaker, After Step, Enlightenment,Gnome, KDE,etc has its
 proponents. I'd like to know what you guys think is the best .
   -michael brower-
"Dancing with Penguins"
 Registered Linux User #175480

Re: [newbie] Untar

2000-05-18 Thread flupke

You just have to mount your floppy and treat it like any other tgz
  mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
  cd /tmp
  tar zxf /mnt/floppy/kxicq.tgz


On Wed, 17 May 2000, John Arkoulis wrote:

 OK here is a newbie question.
 I downloaded kxlicq and I want to try it.
 It is on a floppy and off course its tar.gz format.
 I am reading the manual (page290) how to uncompress it but it does not make
 sense to me.
 How do I do it??/
 If it was on my HD it would be easier but I have no idea how to go with the
 files being on a floppy.
  --  Windoze is a virus with a user interface!
 This message created with Linux!

Re: [newbie] reaching maximal mount count

2000-05-18 Thread flupke

Do you believe me if I say that it's because you mounted your HD the
maximal number of time before an automatic e2fsck? :-)

Don't panic. It's normal. It will do that each time your HD has been
mounted a certain number of time. (I don't know how many)

If this annoys you, well... Don't turn off your comp. :-)


On Thu, 18 May 2000, Wade wrote:

 Hi List,
 During boot up this morning I saw a new message that said;
 /dev/hda5 has reached maximal mount count
 mount count check forced
 What have I done to generate this 'mount count check'?
 After running through the mount count check all seems to be well and
 running smoothly, but
 I just want to know how I caused this and how I prevent it in the
 Much thanks,
 PS - Thanks for you help with my list subscription Denis!

Re: [newbie] ip chains (newbie confusion)

2000-05-16 Thread flupke

This seems weird... :-(
What does it say when you try "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"?
If that doesn't give any error, then you must be able to 
"echo 1 /proc/.../ip_forward" as root.

If it does give an error, Check that the file exists (ls -l
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward) and that the kernel has everything he
needs. Maybe you have to build a new kernel, but I doubt that this is the
case. There must be another problem. I don't know which one. :-(

If the ip_forward file doesn't exist, build a new kernel (following what
they say in the HOWTO).

If it does exist, I'm out of ideas. Post your question on the expert list,
or another mailing list about ipchains.


On Mon, 15 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I read the HOWTO some more and with your help modprobed the 
 nessesary modules and this is what happens afterwards.
 echo  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 echo  bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission Denied
 echo  whoami
 echo  root
 any ideas
  Here is the list :
  On Mon, 15 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sorry trying to understand the HOWTO and it's not straight
   forward.  Which modules are suppose to be modprobed.  It 
   lists several but all I want to do is share a internet 
   connection(for now:).   
If you just want to share your connection, you just have to go through
some easy steps :
First modprobe the necessary modules. They are listed in the
ipchains-HOWTO, and should already built with mandrake. The kernel should
also already be properly configured.

Then enable the forwarding :
  echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.
If that doesn't work, that means that I was wrong and that you have to
make a new kernel.

Then you tell the kernel to masq the packages that come from your intranet:
ipchains -A forward -s a.b.c.d/e -d -j MASQ
where a.b.c.d is the address of your local network and e is the number of
bit set to 1 in your netmasq ( - 8, - 16, - 24)
Then you set the gateway of your router to be the one of your ISP
For your intranet computers, the gateway is your router.

That should do it. Of course, there are a lot of other possibilities with
ipchains. Thats why you should read the ipchains-HOWTO step by step.

Maybe I forgot some steps, but these are the main ones.
If you have problems, tell exactly what is going wrong and post the output
of the ipchains -L command.

On Thu, 11 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been setting up a samba server with adsl connected
 to several win98 boxes.  I was told that to share the dsl
 connection all I had to do was set up IP chains.  I then 
 downloaded the current ip chains howto and am now completely
 lost.  I read the first 4 chapters right up to where you set
 up the win98 boxes.  Do I have to recompile the Kernel (I 
 have never done this before); I am running mandrake 7.02.  
 I was assuming that the IP chains was already built in.  Is
 there a easy way to set it up.  I don't mind recompiling but
 could use any suggestions or help that anyone could put 
 Thanx in advance
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Re: [newbie] ip chains (newbie confusion)

2000-05-15 Thread flupke

Here is the list :


On Mon, 15 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry trying to understand the HOWTO and it's not straight
 forward.  Which modules are suppose to be modprobed.  It 
 lists several but all I want to do is share a internet 
 connection(for now:).   
  If you just want to share your connection, you just have to go through
  some easy steps :
  First modprobe the necessary modules. They are listed in the
  ipchains-HOWTO, and should already built with mandrake. The kernel should
  also already be properly configured.
  Then enable the forwarding :
echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.
  If that doesn't work, that means that I was wrong and that you have to
  make a new kernel.
  Then you tell the kernel to masq the packages that come from your intranet:
  ipchains -A forward -s a.b.c.d/e -d -j MASQ
  where a.b.c.d is the address of your local network and e is the number of
  bit set to 1 in your netmasq ( - 8, - 16, - 24)
  Then you set the gateway of your router to be the one of your ISP
  For your intranet computers, the gateway is your router.
  That should do it. Of course, there are a lot of other possibilities with
  ipchains. Thats why you should read the ipchains-HOWTO step by step.
  Maybe I forgot some steps, but these are the main ones.
  If you have problems, tell exactly what is going wrong and post the output
  of the ipchains -L command.
  On Thu, 11 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have been setting up a samba server with adsl connected
   to several win98 boxes.  I was told that to share the dsl
   connection all I had to do was set up IP chains.  I then 
   downloaded the current ip chains howto and am now completely
   lost.  I read the first 4 chapters right up to where you set
   up the win98 boxes.  Do I have to recompile the Kernel (I 
   have never done this before); I am running mandrake 7.02.  
   I was assuming that the IP chains was already built in.  Is
   there a easy way to set it up.  I don't mind recompiling but
   could use any suggestions or help that anyone could put 
   Thanx in advance
   Get your own free email account from
 Get your own free email account from

Re: [newbie] Telnet/SSH

2000-05-14 Thread flupke

I don't think so, but I once saw a kssh package. You have to have ssh
installed first. I think that's what you need.


On Sat, 13 May 2000, Wade wrote:

 Hi List,
 I turned on Telnet and told it to connect to one of my remote domains,
 and no probs what so ever. The remote servers I use have SSH available
 and I would like to make use of it and  was wondering if I can use
 kTelnet to make an SSH connection? 

Re: [newbie] KDE Desktop

2000-05-12 Thread flupke

from your telnet session, you could try to kill KDE :
 ps aux |grep -i kde |grep -v grep
 kill -9 [PID]
PID is the PID of KDE (the number in the 2nd column after the "ps"

If it doesn't work, try to kill your X session


On Thu, 11 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
 My KDE desktop is not responding to the mouse-clicks. I am not able to open
 Netscape, console etc. I can access the system through telnet and does not
 want to reboot. Any suggestions ?
 - anil

RE: [newbie] KDE Desktop

2000-05-12 Thread flupke

How right you are, Ron! I always forget this usefull utility (pidof).
Anybody knows why it is located under /sbin?
I usually don't include /sbin in my $PATH.


On Fri, 12 May 2000, Ron Greer wrote:

 Eesh that sounds like WAAY to much command line :)
 kill -9 `pidof kwm`
 -Original Message-
 From: flupke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 6:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE Desktop
 from your telnet session, you could try to kill KDE :
  ps aux |grep -i kde |grep -v grep
  kill -9 [PID]
 PID is the PID of KDE (the number in the 2nd column after the "ps"
 If it doesn't work, try to kill your X session
 On Thu, 11 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
  My KDE desktop is not responding to the mouse-clicks. I am not able to
  Netscape, console etc. I can access the system through telnet and does not
  want to reboot. Any suggestions ?
  - anil

Re: [newbie] multiple xsessions

2000-05-12 Thread flupke

Try just "xinit -- :1" or "X -- :1"
If these work, then there must be something wrong in your startx script.
If this is the case, check the way that it passes the arguments when
starting the server.


On Fri, 12 May 2000, quaylar wrote:

 On Fri, 12 May 2000 09:29:50 -0700, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 quayyou left out a space between the second dash and the
 startx -- :1
   ^  ^
 i was told this by someone else too...but i get the mentioned error message although 
typing it correctly..
 startx -- :1
 it still doesnt work..
 quaylar wrote:
  hi all.
  i would like to know how to start multiple xsessions on diff. vt's.
  i know there is the command startx --:1 which (should) start another xserver
  but this produces following error :
  Fatal server error:
  Server is already active for display 0
  If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
  and start again.
  When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
  the full server output, not just the last messages
  what am i doing wrong ? there an option in x-config files i have to set in
  order to get this working ?
  thx in advance...

Re: [newbie] 3Dfx

2000-05-11 Thread flupke

That means that the device-3dfx package comes as a src.rpm package. It is
source code. You have to compile it before install it. It's really easy,
you will just have to type "rpm --rebuild device3dfx-...-.rpm", then only
issue an rpm -Uvh command.

But it's clearly explained in the 3dfx linux driver page.
Just do as Ron said, and it will be all right.


On Thu, 11 May 2000, John Bullerwell wrote:

 What's that last part about the binary RPM?
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 4:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 3Dfx
  "A.CAnela" [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 
   Does anyone know how can I install the 3dfx drivers 
  and Glide for Linux in a Mandrake Linux System??
  Visit and select the drivers appropriate 
  for your 3dfx videocard. You will need to compile the 
  source RPMS. There is enough information on the site to 
  enable a novice (if that is what you are) to complete all 
  steps.  After the drivers are installed and tested in both 
  2D and 3D modes, you can use a Mandrake 7.02 binary 
  RPM which allows users other than 'root' to use the 
  drivers when installed.  
  Ilmainen Internet @

Re: [newbie] VMware 2 run Linux/Win together!

2000-05-11 Thread flupke

After your trial period, you cannot boot your virtual machine anymore.
As simple as that.


On Thu, 11 May 2000, Drake X wrote:

 Anyone know anything about VMware? I was looking at their website 
 ( recently. They say you can run both Linux and MS Windows on 1 
 computer at the same time in their own virtual desktops! They have a 30 day 
 Linux trial copy to download. I don't know what happens after the trial 
 period ends though. 

Re: [newbie] RPM TRouble...please help!

2000-05-10 Thread flupke

I suppose that it is because you don't give to rpm the right name of
package :
Once a package file [foo.rpm] is installed, it is recorded in the rpm
database as beeing the package "foo". So you have two choices :
Query the installed package :
rpm -ql foo
or query the uninstalled package file (and add a parameter that tells rpm
to look in the file, and not in the rpm database) :
rpm -qpl foo.rpm

I suppose that this is the mistake you are doing.
For (a LOT) more info about rpm, get the "maximum rpm" book downloadable
at This doc is REALLY usefull, and the explainations
are simple. It's worth the time to read it.


On Wed, 10 May 2000, James McLaughlin wrote:

 I have a system running Mandrake 7.0.  Whenever I run rpm -Uvh foo.rpm (or
 ivh)it runs through the
 and brings me back to a prompt. Then I querry the rpm that I just
 installed..and it says "package not installed"
 The current RPM I am trying to work with is the gcc.rpm that came on Disk2
 of my distro.  Does anyone know what would cause mandrake to run through the
 motions...but not really install the package.  Is there a command that will
 tell the rpm database to refresh itself and in turn Mandrake will recognize
 that the compiler is installed.  If not...I really don't want to go through
 all of the ^*( to download the tarball and compile the compiler
 myself...ugghh..what a pain :(
 A friend of mine throught it was something to do with my bash file within
 Please help...I cant get any SQL or HTDIG working without a gcc g++ compiler
 installed :(

Re: [newbie] Got X started, now how to start Gnome?

2000-05-10 Thread flupke

You can start it straight from the text console :
xinit -e gnome -- :1

Or first start a "nude" x session :
xinit -- :1
And then, from the xterm that will appear (put the mouse cursor in it to
give it the focus), start whatever wm you want to try (enlightenment,
blackbox, gnome, window maker...)


On Wed, 10 May 2000, Anthony Huereca wrote:

 I finally got that second X session thing to work for me (that "startx -- :1"
 thing). The only problem is it starts up in KDE, and I like Gnome more. So how
 do I get it to start up in Gnome instead of KDE? 
 Anthony Huereca
 Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] watch what you say on this list

2000-05-09 Thread flupke

Well, I also had the same problem while answering to someone stating that
a program told him that "his kernel was an asshole" or something like
I really don't apprciate this kind of mail sniffing. I find that
I sent them a mail, asking for explaination, who they were to afford to
watch my mail, saying that couldn't let a robot judge the content of an
email, etc...
Of course, I didn't receive any answer. I really think we should do
something against those people. I don't know what, but we have to find
something. Thinking about those guyz makes me sick!
Maybe adding a word like "porn", or "asshole" or something like that in
*EVERY* mail sent to the list would annoy them enough. Or if everyone
could send them a mail to ask for explaination would convice these guyz to
leave us alone and let the ineternet be a place of freedom.
Maybe others will have better suggestions.

I usually don't smile about other's problems, but I'm kind of glad that
this didn't happen only to me.


On Mon, 8 May 2000, WolfRyder wrote:

 Following is a copy of an email I am sending to the "filtering" site that 
 linux-mandrake uses. This is in reference to the email thread about 
 "Parental Control".
 I received an email just now saying my email was " inappropriate subject 
 matter ". It was logged by you. I don't understand why, though. I was 
 answering an email on a listserv of which I am a member and we were 
 discussing filtering software for Linux as opposed to parental monitoring.
 I don't understand why I was singled out for this type of monitoring when 
 the other people the list used the same word as I, but were not censured 
 (as far as I know).
 You can bet I won't be discussing the merits of software filtering on that 
 list again. If they use this service to strike fear in the hearts of it's 
 participants when discussing possible writing of filtering options, it's 
 not a site I wish to respond to at all.
 I am therefore unsubscribing right now.
  MIMEsweeper ChineseWall
  Server:   CN=NS005/OU=DSRV/O=Texas Utilities
  From:   WolfRyder [EMAIL PROTECTED] @ TU
  Date:   05/08/2000 07:42:46 AM
  Subject:Re: [newbie] Parental Control
  'ChineseWall Job' reports:
  TXU automatically screens all e-mail for inappropriate subject matter (i.e.
  material that is discriminatory, hateful, vulgar, pornographic,
  sexually-explicit, or obscene). This e-mail contains information that is
  considered inappropriate for the business environment and has been logged and
  will be reviewed to determine final disposition. If you have any questions,
  please direct them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
' porn ' found!
  Mail has been archived!

Re: [newbie] network configuration on boot

2000-05-08 Thread flupke

If netconf doesn't do it automatically (but it should!), add the line :
   alias eth0 3c509
in your /etc/conf.modules file to have the module automatically loaded by 

You can add the other lines in your /etc/rc.d/init.d/network file.


On Sun, 7 May 2000, _lee _kinkade wrote:

 So, working with an expert, i found i can get my ethernet card to work if
 after boot I type in the following:
 /sbin/insmod 3c509
 /sbin/ifconfig eth0 ip.address netmask netmask
 /sbin/route add _net network_addr netmask netmask
 /sbin/route add default gw metric 1
 How do I get this to happen automatically on boot?
 If you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question.

Re: [newbie] OT - Quake

2000-05-08 Thread flupke

No problem. There you have :

And not far from there, you also have the patches for the other loki games
(heretic, railroadtycoon II, myth2, ...)
You d/l the patch, run it (as root if you want to install the stuff in
/usr/local/games/quake3), then you replace the quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3 by
the one that stands on your Quake CD. Note that if don't have enough place
or don't want to waste it, you can just make a symlink ;-) (but it takes
more time to load the game and the arena's, of course)
If your GL drivers are correctly installed, you just type :
cd /usr/local/games/quake3
And then... YOU FRAG, YOU SHOOT, YOU KILL! :-)))


On Sun, 7 May 2000, Marcel wrote:

 I would be very interested in running Quake III in Linux using a Windows
 Quake III CD. I'm running a dual boot and I'd love to play it Linux.
 My efforts to find this "patch" were fruitless.
 If anyone has info on it and where to find it I'd be greatful
 flupke wrote:
 ...This WON'T work if you have the full win CD and want to play in linux
  with it. In order to do that, you have to download a patch (I don't
  remember where it is, but you will no doubt find it at tucows or something
  like that).

Re: [newbie] Configuration

2000-05-08 Thread flupke

Type netconf at a root prompt.
You can also do it with linuxconf.

Or if you are new to linux and like mental masturbation, you can do it
with the "modprobe", "ifconfig" and "route" commands. It's really
interresting and instructive, but it may sound like a waste of time if you
don't want to spend several hours understanding how it all works.


On Mon, 8 May 2000, Glenn Johnson wrote:

 Hi all. Installing Mandrake 7 there is a option to setup a dialup connection or
 a LAN. I want both. How do I get back into a 'setup' program to install the LAN

Re: [newbie] Mutt or Pine

2000-05-07 Thread flupke

I also had problems with mail on my mandrake.
I discovered that the problem did not come from the mail reader, but from
the mail delivry agent.
I had postfix installed, and I never figured how to configure it. (if
someone knows where I can find easy docs about it and about mail
configuration in general, I'm interrested.)

But once I uninstalled it and installed sendmail instead, all went fine
and I hadn't any problems anymore.


On Sun, 7 May 2000, Wayne Petherick wrote:

 Howdy all,
 I have read all of the mutt and pine how to's and man pages that exist and
 still cannot get either to work.  I appear to have my fetchmail set up properly
 in that it downloads my mail fine, but I do not know where to!!!  I am guessing
 that where it downloads it to is where I have to point my Pine MUA to, but I
 cannot find in any how to's where this is and how to set it up.  I would
 appreciate if anyone would avoid the temptation to point me to another how
 to (unless of course it is written for a complete spoon!) and give me some
 straightforward settings so I can get (preferably Pine) my mail up and running.
  I am gettting frustrated with underdeveloped GUI's.

Re: [newbie] OT - Quake

2000-05-07 Thread flupke

On Sun, 7 May 2000, Michael Holt wrote:

 I've heard there's a download of Quake available for Linux and I would
 like to try it out - could someone point me to where to find it
 (hopefully RPMS) and let me know what to copy?  I've never played it
 before but it looks cool.

You can download it from

But there must be some mirrors near you to download it faster.

NB : This WON'T work if you have the full win CD and want to play in linux
with it. In order to do that, you have to download a patch (I don't
remember where it is, but you will no doubt find it at tucows or something
like that).


Re: [newbie] browser history files

2000-05-07 Thread flupke

On Sun, 7 May 2000, Andrew Scotchmer wrote:

 Hi again,
 Can anyone help with this question as I need it for a newspaper article I am 
 writing about the Linux system.  Is there any way root can view the web browsers 
 history content of a particular user or how long a connection has been for?

For the history, it's really simple : each user's history is in his
$HOME/.netscape/history.list file. This file (as ANY other file) is of
course accessible by root.
About the lenght of the connection, could you be more precise, and tell
what exactly you want to know? If you are talking about monitoring each
tcp connection, (ie : watch "which computer is accessing which internet
site"), this can be done with netsat.

 I beleive, and I don't know if you agree, that one area in which Linux can grow
 is with the security it offers to parents who worry over how much time is spent by 
 their children surfing the net and what it is they are viewing.  Of course there are
 programs that stop particular material and sites being viewed, but my experience 
 of them whilst in windows was less than impressive.

Sure! Again, you monitor each connection currently in use with netstat and
you can setup a firewall to precise that "This computer cannot have access
to This site" or "Nobody can access this computer on the ftp port" and
things like that.
The tool to set it up is called "ipchains" and has recently been discussed
on this list.
Err, I won't even tell you my feelings about windows in that matter... :-)
(anyway this is not the place to discuss about it.)

 Therefore with the concern that is being voiced about the internet's content 
 and the lack of control parents have over what their children can view
 (in England anyway and I presume elsewhere) I feel that this is an area that Linux
 can exploit.  By showing parents that if they owned the root account they 
 are free to view the files and actions of their children and even dis-allow 
 permission to the internet if they are on a night out and worried that
 their fifteen year old, or worse, their baby sitter, may be running up a huge bill 
 on the telephone, may be one way to increase the interest and popularity of both
 Linux and the open source movement.

This is true. But at the moment, this kind of monitoring requires usually
a knowledge about TCP/IP and a "rather deep" (but not TOO deep, yet)  
understanding of the OS that most people are not ready to afford. I think
it's just because they are kind of  "afraid" of comuters, and don't want
to spend the time needed to learn how it all works (just my point of
Nevertheless, I'm sure that soon, developpers will create tools to make
all this easier. I'm not in favour of the "to make it work, just
click here, and click here" philosophy (cfr KDE), but I realize that it
could help some people.

 Well sorry it's been so long winded but your comments on my question or on 
 the subject as a whole would be appreciated.
Well, I think that if you are going to write about linux (in a positive
way!! ;-) ) in a magasine or any publication, it's worth the time to read
and answer you.
Keep on spreading the good word!


PS : Maybe you could mention freeBSD, openBSD, and such. Those are other
free unix operating systems, but they require a somewhat deeper knowledge
of computers and networks.

  --Learning at the deep end--

Re: [newbie] Downloading from the FTP Sites Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-05-07 Thread flupke

On Sat, 6 May 2000, Romanator wrote:

 This may be a stupid question, how do you download Linux Mandrake 7.0
 from the ftp sites?
 Should I create folder and copy each item their respective sub folders?
 Or, should I hold 
 down the SHIFT key, and then highlight all of the files beginning with
 RPMS - and so on...
 Is this the long way? I am copying it to my NTFS partition.
 I'm waiting for my CD to arrive.
 Any help would be appreciated.

I don't really understand why you want to download the distro if you're
gonna receive it on a CD in a few days...
But anyway, you have two choices :
find an iso image. This is a single file holding the whole CD. Easy to
Or you can download all the directory structure. To do this, I think the
most efficient and easy way would be to use an ftp client (such as [I
think] PROftp) or use wget. In both cases, the program will recreate
itself the directory structure.



Re: [newbie] dialup in Autostart

2000-05-07 Thread flupke

I think you should take a look at diald. It is a tool to automatically
establish a ppp connection when a request to internet is done.


On Sat, 6 May 2000, Andrew Scotchmer wrote:

 As I have free calls to the internet 24 hours a day 8^)  I would
 like to have my modem start dialing when beginning a session
 in KDE.
 I tried placing kppp in autostart but it only brings up the
 connection box (obviously)  I would like it to just start dialing
 when the GUI starts.  Is this possible??? 

Re: [newbie] CRON

2000-05-06 Thread flupke

If you run mdk 7.0 or higher, there should be a line in your
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime already containing the necessary
hdparms to optimize your hard drive.
Look at this script and modify it following your needs. I think it's the
best thing to do.


On Fri, 5 May 2000, Nickolay Belostotsky wrote:

 And how do I run, say:
 hdparm -d1 /dev/hda
 on every startup?

Re: [newbie] /etc initrunlvl

2000-05-06 Thread flupke

On Sat, 6 May 2000, Andrew Scotchmer wrote:

 Just a quick question.
 In /etc there is  /initrunlvl that when in command line mode is highlighted in
 red and flashes!!!
Just a little syntax note : if it is in /etc, it is not called
/initrunlvl is in / (=root)

 Giving the 'whatis' command I got the reply 'nothing applicable'. It is also
 completely empty or unrecognisable as when I try and have a look at it with vi
 it attempts to make a new file. 
 It is owned by root the permissions are 'lrwxrwxrwx' which I understand (does
 the l mean link)  but why is it flashing in red and what does it do? 
It is a symbolic link. It flashes because the file it points at doesn't



Re: [newbie] scsi drives

2000-05-06 Thread flupke

On Fri, 5 May 2000, Mike  Tracy Holt wrote:

 I'm getting ready to put together a new system and I'm considering using
 a scsi hard drive; can anybody tell me if there is much or any performance
 gain by doing this?
Definitely yes. SCSI HD are no doubt faster than IDE.

  I've seen quite a few posts on these lists about
 problems with scsi cards / scsi devices with Linux; is this normal or should
 I expect things to go smoothly?
For this point, I think you should consult the hardware-HOWTO and the
SCSI-HOWTO, in order to be sure you take linux-friendly devices.


 Thanks for any advise,

Re: [newbie] Mandrake-7.02.i486.iso ???

2000-05-06 Thread flupke

On Sat, 6 May 2000, mendes wrote:

   Thanks a lot.
   Can I simply mount the CD with Mandrake-7.02.i486.iso on a P-133 with
 CD on the other side of the lab and then use it to install mandrake on the old
Yes, but it is not necessary to burn the ISO image. You can mount it from
your hard drive :
mkdir mdk
mount -o loop Mandrake-7.02.i486.iso mdk

and the files will be accessible in the mdk directory


  There is a way to do a net install via FTP (and maybe HTTP too). I've been tempted 
to try it, just to say I did, but 
  haven't needed to. It involves making a boot disk which contains an extremely
  small version of linux.  
  You boot off the disk, and then into the installer, where you input the address of 
some ftp site which contains Mandrake.
  However, finding a non ISO of the i486 install might be hard. Blashpemous as it 
  Red Hat might be a better choice for your particular installation.
  Has pointers on where to start. Pedantic as it sounds, you'll probably want a fast 
  - Original Message - 
  From: "mendes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 9:22 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Mandrake-7.02.i486.iso ???
Is Mandrake-7.02.i486.iso an image for 486 SX?
I have an old 486 SX machine without CD rom but if a netcard. Could
   someone give a help on how to install Mandrake on such a machine?
Thanks a lot.

Re: [newbie] A little security....

2000-05-06 Thread flupke

On Sat, 6 May 2000, Andy wrote:

 Its great everyones talking about windows firewalls, but what about Linux
 firewalls. I have heard that a 486 with linux on it can become a great
 firewall for a business.
Yeah. Sure!
I have a pentium 100 with 24 MB mem and 300 MB HD, and I configured it as
a firewall between my intranet and the internet. It works great!

Take a look at the ipchains-HOWTO (and others like ipmasquerade,
firewall, ...), you'll find everything you need.


 - Original Message -
 From: WolfRyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2000 9:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] A little security
  We've been told by a couple of people on the net that this product sends
  info on all sites you've visited to their tracking site. Don't know if
  true or not, but different ppl have told us this.
  You might want to look at "Conseal" at There's a
  15 day trial before purchase. We've also used LockDown 2000, but are going
  with a different product today.
  At 02:19 PM 5/5/00 -0500, you wrote:
  Hey ppl,
  I just received this info on "Zone Alarm" for those of you still having
  to have WinDo$ for a second OS.  You can find it at
  and it is "Free" for personal use only.  For business users $20.  Just to
  maybe give a little security for WinDo$.
  Off Topic a little
   I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
   But now I know that what I thought I knew
   Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.
  Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
  Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
 NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
 Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

Re: [newbie] A little security....

2000-05-06 Thread flupke

On Sat, 6 May 2000, quaylar wrote:

 Am Sam, 06 Mai 2000 schrieben Sie:
  Its great everyones talking about windows firewalls, but what about Linux
  firewalls. I have heard that a 486 with linux on it can become a great
  firewall for a business.
 hmm...i also have a question to this...cuz im planning to set up a firewall
 on a 486 also acting as a proxy server to the internet for my PII
 350..but..isnt that 486 slowing down my inet connection for the PII ??
No, as far as you don't have a *REALLY* fast internet connection.
It won't affect your LAN's performances, and since internet connection are
not often faster than 50 - 60kB(ytes)/sec, this flow isn't high enough to
saturate your firewall.

Of course, this isn't the same for a firewall between, for instance, a
10Mb and a 100Mb network...

At least, that's what I think. But I may be wrong. (please tell me if this
is the case.)


  - Original Message -
  From: WolfRyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2000 9:02 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] A little security
   We've been told by a couple of people on the net that this product sends
   info on all sites you've visited to their tracking site. Don't know if
   true or not, but different ppl have told us this.
   You might want to look at "Conseal" at There's a
   15 day trial before purchase. We've also used LockDown 2000, but are going
   with a different product today.
   At 02:19 PM 5/5/00 -0500, you wrote:
   Hey ppl,
   I just received this info on "Zone Alarm" for those of you still having
   to have WinDo$ for a second OS.  You can find it at
   and it is "Free" for personal use only.  For business users $20.  Just to
   maybe give a little security for WinDo$.
   Off Topic a little
I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
But now I know that what I thought I knew
Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.
   Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
   Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:
  NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
  Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

Re: [newbie] Root Password

2000-05-05 Thread flupke

On Fri, 5 May 2000, hopper wrote:

 On Thu, 04 May 2000, you wrote:
  On Wed, 3 May 2000, David Smith wrote:
  Anyone know anything about how to set super permissions to a user without giving 
them the root password, or the authority to change the root password once they are 
granted super user permissions.
  Thanks in advance.
  You could add the user to the ROOT group, using userconf (as root).
 This question is sort of along the lost password lines.
 If I loose the root password, am I totally screwed?
No. You can boot and type "linux init 1" at the lilo boot prompt. You will
be dropped in a single-user shell without being asked any password. From
there, you can change root's password.
But I don't think it will work with a too high level security (can someone

If it still doesn't work, you'll have to boot with a cd that a has a live
system on it (like the slack or suse CD), or use a tiny distribution that
hold on a few floppoes (sorry I can't remember the name).
From there, you can mount your root partition, and change the etc/passwd
or etc/shadow file.



Re: [newbie] backing up...

2000-05-05 Thread flupke

Special files are files that represent a device. You should read a book
about linux basics, it will be explained.

To make a backup, use the tar command instead of cp.


On Fri, 5 May 2000, Kirk McElhearn wrote:

 I am trying to back up my Mandrake installation into a backup partition.
  When I do so, I get a message that XXX special files will not be copied.
  What are special files?  Does this compromise my backup?  I wanted to
 back up the entire installation in case I screw something up...
 vice versa   
   Translations - French to English, English to French | Technical Writing
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   Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France

Re: [newbie] Newbie Question

2000-05-05 Thread flupke

On Fri, 5 May 2000, Craig R Bathurst wrote:

 I just installed ver. 6.0 on my computer. It will be a duel boot suation
 with Windows 98 as the default OS.
 Linux is VERY NEW to me. It's like working in MS DOS again. 

 Can anyone recommend a good book (like Dummies Guide to Linux) that will
 will explain step by step 
 how to work with linux?
You can find lots of usefull informations at
And there are a lot of good books too.
I have one called "linux expert ressources" that helped me a lot.
There is also the "linux bible".
No doubt other people will provide good titles too.
But once you have the basic knowledges, you will find the info you need un
the man, HOWTOs, LDP, and other infos provided with your distro.

 Is there a graphical interface for Linux (like windows) that will make it
 easier to use Linux?
Yes. There is. If you installed the appropriate tools, type XF86Setup at a
root prompt, and it will bring up the config program.
Once you ared done with it, type startx, and it SHOULD work.
If you have problems, please post a detail of your hardware configuration.


 "Those who do not learn from History,
   are doomed to repeat it".
   Author unknown

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