Re: [newbie-it] Sceda rete pcmcia

2002-03-13 Per discussione Stefano Bigotta

 scusate se mi intrometto a thread già avviato,

scherzi? ogni consiglio é piú che ben accetto!!
comunque dopo aver essermi spaccato la testa sull'how-to
relativo allle schede pcmcia ho scoperto che il problema era
nella configurazione della memoria... é bastato mettere i
dati che avevo salvato prima di eliminare windows e ora é a
posto (la scheda, non la connessione in rete... quella non
va ancora, ma non dispero =)


Re: [newbie-it] Device cancellato

2002-03-13 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, nicola wrote:

 Alle 20:15, domenica 10 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  Salve a tutti,
  ho fatto una cazzata: ho rimosso il file /dev/tts/LT0
  convinto che si ricreasse al prossimo boot.
  Di fatto non accade.
  Cosa si fa in questi casi?
 L'unica cosa che posso consigliarti, è scoprire (se non lo sai già) cosa sia 
 il device cancellato, e casomai guardare nella directory 
 /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ e cercare il file che indica la lista dei 
 dispositivi , con loro Major number e minor number. Se lo trovi ricrealo 
 nella solita posizione con mknod nomedev Major Minor

Il fatto straordinario di questo Devfsd (active device filesystem) che 
Mandrake 8.1 ha portato con se e' che il problema si e' auto risolto.
E' bastato montare i giusti moduli nel kernel ed il device e' stato creato 
Grazie lo stesso

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-03-13 Per discussione tom

Alle 22:02, martedì 12 marzo 2002, nicola ha scritto:
 Alle 19:25, sabato 9 marzo 2002, hai scritto:

 Ciao, scusate se mi intrometto, ma l'argomento è molto interessante, ed ho 
 provato anche io a emulare scsi il mio cd, ma incorro in un problema, non 
 esiste il dispositivo /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd da te indicato, 
 devo crearlo con mknode? Quale Major,minor usare?

anche da me non conpariva il dispositivo! (non ricordo se in target1 o 
se ho capito bene hai gia modificato lilo e fastab..giusto?
ora non devi far altro che creare i link simbolici in /dev
controllando prima in fastab la giusta sequenza
#ln -s /dev/scdx /dev/cdromx

se ti puo essere d'aiuto questo è come risultano ora a me
#cdrecord -scanbub
0,0,0 0) 'TEAC' 'CD-532E-A   ' '1.0A' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) 'YAMAHA  ' 'CRW2100E' '1.0G' Removable CD-ROM
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake in crisi!?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 11:45, mercoledì 13 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Scusate se interrompo il normale svolgimento della mailing-list ma vi
 chiederei di dare uno sguardo al seguente link

 dove si parla della crisi economica di Mandrake.

 Visto che ci dovrebbero essere luoghi appositi per una eventuale
 discussione il mio consiglio si ferma qui, lasciando a ciascuno di voi
 l'eventuale giudizio.
 Se pensate che il tema proposto debba essere discusso ci si può sentire
 anche privatamente oppure si può ricorrere all'apposito forum (vd. link nel

 Ciao a tutti


 P.S: scusate per il cross-posting (si dice così, no?)

Ciao Germano,
mi scuso con te e con gli altri utenti se posto qui la mia risposta, 
generando un po' di traffico OT rispetto alla ML (ma in fin dei conti si sta 
sempre parlando di Linux Mandrake, o no?).
MandrakeSoft è una società appena agli inizi; quindi è normale, soprattutto 
considerando il business model tipico del mondo Linux, che sia a corto di 
soldi. A quanto pare, però, la situazione è sufficientemente grave da far 
loro decidere di pubblicare l'avviso che tutti abbiamo letto.
Io butto lì un'idea. Il nodo centrale è il solito malinteso per il quale 
free software dovrebbe necessariamente equivalere al concetto di software 
gratuito, quando invece il concetto è quello di software libero (che è molto 
Io ho scoperto Linux proprio grazie a MandrakeSoft, da circa 16 mesi.
Normalmente acquisto l'ultima release allegata a qualche rivista, quindi 
praticamente gratis (in genere il prezzo è sui 5 euro).
La mia proposta è molto semplice: se installiamo Linux e troviamo questa 
distribuzione molto ben fatta (come credo che sia), perchè - dopo averla 
acquisita a costo zero - non inviamo a MandrakeSoft dei soldi?
Parlo di cifre modeste, nelle possibilità di molti, se non di tutti: 20-25 
euro sarebbero abbastanza (e per tutto il software contenuto nei CD di ogni 
release, sono decisamente un'ottimo prezzo!!!). Chi vuole, in alternativa, 
potrebbe acquistare qualcosa dal sito MandrakeStore; chi infine avesse più 
soldi (e la voglia di spenderli) potrebbe iscriversi al MandrakeClub. 
Insomma, se il loro lavoro ci pare ben fatto, perchè non sostenerli? Credo 
che, in media, ogni utente aggiorni il proprio sistema un paio di volte 
all'anno. Anche inviando ogni volta qualche euro, la spesa sarebbe nel 
complesso modica; ed il risultato sarebbe quello di avere un sistema 
operativo sempre aggiornato, stabile, sicuro (più di Windows, sicuramente) e 
libero ad un prezzo di molto inferiore ai sistemi operativi proprietari. Ai 
quali saremo prima o poi costretti a tornare, se non avremo saputo supportare 
un minimo le società i cui sforzi consentono a progetti come KDE, GNOME, 
OPENOFFICE, THE GIMP, e tutto il rimanente ottimo software, di procedere.
A presto...


Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake in crisi!?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Anch'io sono d'accordo sul fatto che il mondo open debba essere supportato.
Infatti una volta provata la distribuzione, spendo volentieri 60 Euro 
per il pacchetto completo, che tra le altre cose permette più 
rapidamente di installare i vari programmi che comunque dopo dovremmo 
procurarci/installare in altro modo.

Fate un po' voi.

PS: Se potessi mi iscriverei al Mandrake Club.

[newbie-it] Lilo e win

2002-03-13 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

salve come faccio a rimettere lilo dopo che win se lo e' mangiato?

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Lilo e win

2002-03-13 Per discussione Germano

Come root digita lilo in un qualunque terminale, così facendo non dovrebbe 
far altro che riscrivere il contenuto del file /etc/lilo.conf nel Master Boot 
Per sicurezza man lilo

Ciao, Germano

Il 15:31, mercoledì 13 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 salve come faccio a rimettere lilo dopo che win se lo e' mangiato?

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake in crisi!?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Anch'io sono d'accordo sul fatto che il mondo open debba essere supportato.
 Infatti una volta provata la distribuzione, spendo volentieri 60 Euro
 per il pacchetto completo, che tra le altre cose permette più
 rapidamente di installare i vari programmi che comunque dopo dovremmo
 procurarci/installare in altro modo.
 Fate un po' voi.
 PS: Se potessi mi iscriverei al Mandrake Club.

In effetti, come fanno notare, non e` una grossissima spesa:
meno di un biglietto del cinema al mese.
Pero`, non rientra molto nella mentalita` italiana. :-(
E` piu` abituale in altri paesi come gli USA, dove pratiche
simili sono anche incentivate con sconti fiscali: il contributo ad
associazioni viene detratto dalle tasse del donatore o (per i
piu` giovani) dei genitori.
 Infatti, qualche mese fa avevo visto sul sito Mandrake una statistica
in merito, dove eravamo proporzionalmente (oltre che in termini 
assoluti) molto staccati dagli USA.

Per chi non ha soldi ma un po' di capacita` e buona volonta`,
avrei una proposta costruttiva: contribuire alla distro 

Lasciamo perdere i piu` bravi, per i quali c'e` la possibilita` di 
lavorare sullo sviluppo software.
Per quelli come me, che non si considerano degli hacker
(in senso positivo), c'e` la possibilita` di collaborare 
alle traduzioni italiane. 
Fornire manuali, software, pagine web, ... localizzati
e` un grosso costo per una distribuzione Linux.

Io, per un po' ho collaborato con Mandrake e ci ho anche
guadagnato una copia della 8.0 ufficiale :-)
Ultimamente, ho lasciato un po' perdere perche' sono piu`
preso sul lavoro, sto dedicando molte (per mia moglie troppe)
sere alla versione italiana dell'imminente kde-3.0 e,
fondamentalmente, perche' mi sto impigrendo. :-(
Adesso, sto pensando di rifarmi sotto.

Quindi, chi vuole potrebbe contattare Giuseppe Ghibo` 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] che coordina il team dei traduttori italiani.
o [EMAIL PROTECTED] che coordina tutti i team.
Io la considero un'utile esperienza. Credo che la Mandrake
porebbe considerarla equivalente all'iscrizione al club. 
Infine, perche' no, potrebbe essere parte di un curriculum 
professionale per chi volesse, in futuro, fare il traduttore 
La cosa e` tutt'altro che difficile: bisogna capire esattamente cosa
si legge (ti insegna anche ad usare Linux) e padroneggiare abbastanza 
bene l'italiano per trovare una frase equivalente e non ... troppo piu`
lunga ;-)

Maggiori informazioni si trovano a partire dalla pagina: .
soprattutto dai link in fondo alla pagina.
Altri link utili sono:

ciao, andrea

R: [newbie-it] Mandrake in crisi!?

2002-03-13 Per discussione gian

credo che sia arrivato il momento di contribuire economicamente, se non
vogliamo cambiare distribuzione.

Penso che se lo meritano.
Io mi comprerò la distribuzione era già da un pò che ci stavo pensando.

Comunque se tutti o quasi collaboriamo secondo le nostre possibilità
possiamo aiutarli.

ciao a tutti.
- Original Message -
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake in crisi!?

 Brunini Alessandro wrote:
  Anch'io sono d'accordo sul fatto che il mondo open debba essere
  Infatti una volta provata la distribuzione, spendo volentieri 60 Euro
  per il pacchetto completo, che tra le altre cose permette più
  rapidamente di installare i vari programmi che comunque dopo dovremmo
  procurarci/installare in altro modo.
  Fate un po' voi.
  PS: Se potessi mi iscriverei al Mandrake Club.

 In effetti, come fanno notare, non e` una grossissima spesa:
 meno di un biglietto del cinema al mese.
 Pero`, non rientra molto nella mentalita` italiana. :-(
 E` piu` abituale in altri paesi come gli USA, dove pratiche
 simili sono anche incentivate con sconti fiscali: il contributo ad
 associazioni viene detratto dalle tasse del donatore o (per i
 piu` giovani) dei genitori.
  Infatti, qualche mese fa avevo visto sul sito Mandrake una statistica
 in merito, dove eravamo proporzionalmente (oltre che in termini
 assoluti) molto staccati dagli USA.

 Per chi non ha soldi ma un po' di capacita` e buona volonta`,
 avrei una proposta costruttiva: contribuire alla distro

 Lasciamo perdere i piu` bravi, per i quali c'e` la possibilita` di
 lavorare sullo sviluppo software.
 Per quelli come me, che non si considerano degli hacker
 (in senso positivo), c'e` la possibilita` di collaborare
 alle traduzioni italiane.
 Fornire manuali, software, pagine web, ... localizzati
 e` un grosso costo per una distribuzione Linux.

 Io, per un po' ho collaborato con Mandrake e ci ho anche
 guadagnato una copia della 8.0 ufficiale :-)
 Ultimamente, ho lasciato un po' perdere perche' sono piu`
 preso sul lavoro, sto dedicando molte (per mia moglie troppe)
 sere alla versione italiana dell'imminente kde-3.0 e,
 fondamentalmente, perche' mi sto impigrendo. :-(
 Adesso, sto pensando di rifarmi sotto.

 Quindi, chi vuole potrebbe contattare Giuseppe Ghibo`
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] che coordina il team dei traduttori italiani.
 o [EMAIL PROTECTED] che coordina tutti i team.

 Io la considero un'utile esperienza. Credo che la Mandrake
 porebbe considerarla equivalente all'iscrizione al club.
 Infine, perche' no, potrebbe essere parte di un curriculum
 professionale per chi volesse, in futuro, fare il traduttore
 La cosa e` tutt'altro che difficile: bisogna capire esattamente cosa
 si legge (ti insegna anche ad usare Linux) e padroneggiare abbastanza
 bene l'italiano per trovare una frase equivalente e non ... troppo piu`
 lunga ;-)

 Maggiori informazioni si trovano a partire dalla pagina: .
 soprattutto dai link in fondo alla pagina.
 Altri link utili sono:

 ciao, andrea

R: [newbie-it] Mandrake in crisi!?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

 dove si parla della crisi economica di Mandrake.

Ho letto l'articolo è da quanto ho capito hanno dei gravi problemi
finanziari, ma solo a breve termine in quanto a medio-lungo prevedono buoni
risultati: in poche parole prevedono di chidere il 2002 in profitto, ma al
momento hanno i conti in verde.

Quindi dicono che stanno cercando di sopravvivere a un problema difficile,
ma che durerà solo qualche mese.

Di Fresco Marco

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[newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

Ciao a tutti,
per prima cosa chiedo scusa se non chiudo gli altri thread che ho aperto
(Installazione da partizione fat, Connesso o non connesso? e quello di
mettere /home su partizione fat), ma al momento per motivi pratici ho
bloccato l'uso di linux! Quando mi rimettero, se i problemi ci sarranno
ancora, proverò le soluzioni che mi avete consigliato.

Avrei un'altra domanda da proporvi, per la verità è solo una curiosita:
sentendo parlare di linux ho sentito varie volte il termine Journaling (ho
scritto giusto?)! Qualcuno mi sa dire di cosa si tratta? Mi sembra di aver
capito che riguarda un tipo di filesystem!

Grazie in anticipo.

Di Fresco Marco
ICQ #51985192

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Re: [newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 22:23, mercoledì 13 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 per prima cosa chiedo scusa se non chiudo gli altri thread che ho aperto
 (Installazione da partizione fat, Connesso o non connesso? e quello di
 mettere /home su partizione fat), ma al momento per motivi pratici ho
 bloccato l'uso di linux! Quando mi rimettero, se i problemi ci sarranno
 ancora, proverò le soluzioni che mi avete consigliato.

 Avrei un'altra domanda da proporvi, per la verità è solo una curiosita:
 sentendo parlare di linux ho sentito varie volte il termine Journaling
 (ho scritto giusto?)! Qualcuno mi sa dire di cosa si tratta? Mi sembra di
 aver capito che riguarda un tipo di filesystem!

 Grazie in anticipo.

 Di Fresco Marco
 ICQ #51985192

Ciao Marco,
visto che la spiegazione mi pare decisamente chiara, te la giro così com'è 
sul sito ...
Buona lettura:

«Immaginate ad esempio un uomo che sta svolgendo tranquillo le sue attività 
normali. Ad un certo punto, per cause che possono essere le più diverse, 
riceve una solenne botta in testa, sviene, e al risveglio non ricorda più 
nulla delle ore precedenti al trauma. Per di più si trova in un grosso stato 
confusionale; dovrà trascorrere molte ore cercando di riannodare i fili della 
sua mente, e non è neppure detto che ci riesca se i buchi nella sua memoria 
saranno troppo importanti. È insomma in una situazione molto vicina a quello 
che succede a un sistema che venga bruscamente interrotto nella sua attività: 
anche lui dovrà riannodare i fili dei dati in cui riscontra inconsistenze, 
ed anche lui affronterà gli stessi problemi e le stesse lungaggini. A questo 
punto immaginate però che l'uomo abbia la lodevole abitudine di tenere un 
diario di ogni azione da lui compiuta; gli basterà allora rileggere le ultime 
pagine del diario per sapere tutto ciò che ha fatto e che è, in breve tempo e 
senza possibilità di errore! 
Questo è esattamente quello che fanno i filesystem di questo tipo, denominati 
filesystem journaled: mantengono al loro interno un file speciale che agisce 
da diario (in inglese journal, appunto), dove registrano tutti i cambiamenti 
che vengono fatti a file e metadata. In questo modo, anche se tali 
cambiamenti non vengono poi fisicamente applicati, il filesystem ha comunque 
tutte le informazioni necessarie per riparare i disallineamenti. 
La soluzione, insomma, è semplice: in questo modo si risolvono in un solo 
colpo entrambi i problemi che abbiamo individuato poc'anzi, rendendo l'attesa 
al reboot molto breve (nella maggior parte dei casi di soli pochi secondi, 
indipendentemente dalla dimensione del supporto), e soprattutto garantendo in 
misura molto maggiore la sicurezza dei dati, che ben difficilmente subiranno 
danni. In alcuni casi potranno andare perduti gli ultimissimi dati scritti, 
quelli che non avevano fatto in tempo ad essere scritti fisicamente su disco, 
ma non vi sarà rischio di ritrovarsi file corrotti, e questo è decisamente 
molto importante. 
D'altro canto, per avere queste caratteristiche notevoli si paga un prezzo: 
il file di journal occupa un certo spazio su disco, quindi lo spazio 
d'immagazzinamento totale sarà minore che utilizzando altri filesystem. 
Inoltre, l'aggiornamento continuo del journal impiega tempo, e questo implica 
una generale lentezza delle operazioni: i filesystem journaled saranno più 
lenti rispetto ai loro colleghi non-journaled. Ovviamente, sta all'utente 
finale stabilire se e quanto questi aspetti negativi annullino i vantaggi di 
cui abbiamo parlato; dipende dal contesto in cui si opera, dal valore dei 
dati che si immagazzinano, dal rischio effettivo che corrono, e così via. Del 
resto, è sempre possibile creare soluzioni ibride, con partizioni di lavoro 
che utilizzano un filesystem normale, e partizioni d'immagazzinamento che 
ne utilizzano uno journaled; l'ideale insomma è aver la possibilità di 
scegliere tra entrambe le soluzioni in modo semplice e quanto più trasparente 
possibile, e per fortuna le cose si stanno muovendo proprio in questa 


Re: [newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Leonardo Orazi

Ottima spiegazione,

io però ritengo che, per l'utente medio, il journaled file system non è
necessario ne conveniente.

Penso sia molto più importante avere un sistema operativo veloce e robusto in
modo da
scongiurare per quanto possibile i pericoli di crash.

Direi che i file system di questo genere siano adatti per server, macchine
contenenti database ecc...
In queste macchine il rapporto costi/benefici diventa sicuramente vantaggioso
soprattutto perché
(credo), oltre a scongiurare la perdita dei dati, siano drasticamente abbassati i
tempi di ripristino.

(un discorso a parte se, nel posto in cui si opera la corrente elettrica sparisce
13 volte al giorno).



Re: [newbie-it] Cos'è Journaling?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Marco Forti

 io però ritengo che, per l'utente medio, il journaled file system non 
 necessario ne conveniente.

Beh, devo dirti che dopo un paio d'anni di ext2 ho provato l'ext3 con 
Mandrake 8.1 e i vantaggi sono evidenti anche per chi soffre di 
mancanza di corrente poche volte al mese. 
Di svantaggi ancora non ne ho notati...



[newbie] Setting up the DVD

2002-03-13 Per discussione Walter Logeman


What is the way to set up the DVD  in fstab (and/or wherever) I 
have no /dev/dvd which seems to be what my dvd player is looking 
for.  At present I need to change it to dev/cdrom - that works.


Walter Logeman

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[newbie] Email Messages

2002-03-13 Per discussione Pauljames Dimitriu


 I'm trying to send messages to my account on my
Linux machine but it keeps bouncing.  I have the ip
address set up correctly, I have port forwarding for
POP3 on my router, but I get the following:

(reason: 554 email addr: Recipient address rejected:
Relay access denied)

 What does this mean and how can I fix this?  How
can I check to see if POP3 is working?



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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all AND Geek vs whatever

2002-03-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 12:33 am, David wrote:

   In answer to your off topic ??'s  1,2,3,4


 Bainbridge, GA

  I grew up in Buckhead, GA.  Know where that is ?   ;)

. still don't care for bill elliott all that much
  ... I'm a Earnhardt fan you see, I live'n die by #3
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 12 March 2002 09:30 pm, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
Geez it's winter in South Texas and it hit close 30°C here
  today  that's more commonly known as about 85° in these
  parts. Almost warm enough to hit the beach, not quite tho, still
  a little too chilly ;)
Thought y'all were havin summer Down Under ?   Since spring
  starts here in a few days... y'all fixin to do autumn ?

 Quaylar is from Austria, a nation in Europe [and a nice one at that
 :) ].

   Austria != Australia

 I'm in Sydney, Australia [no Kangaroos here either, unless you
 travel a few hundred kilometres inland, or visit a zoo :) ]. It's
 14:30 and 23 degrees Celsius (it's usually hotter, but we've had a
 lot of rain the past few days).

   You ruined my fun too soon Sridhar. What's a 'l' an a extra 'a' 
here'n there amongst friends?  Jus' coupl'a 1000 miles and one 
equator, NBD  ;)  Betch'a Quaylar figured I was just playin'

   BTW, I believe my great great great grandparents are from
Austria.  Sort'a kind'a German, French, et al   Can't spell it but it 
sounds somethin like Alsainse-Loraine

   (This is one'a the best threads we've had in a long time)
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione mooseman

alright, i am in...

telkwa, bc, canada.

it was 30c here, minus 30c that is. but now a balmy -10c
fine spring weather indeed!

light snow this year. only have two feet right now.


Quoting Henry B. Wangle Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Guy, Arkansas  USA
 Presently 40F slightly cloudy, 
 Tomorrow just wait it will change

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all AND Geek vs whatever

2002-03-13 Per discussione Lee

On Tuesday 12 March 2002 10:32 pm, David wrote:
It's the dreaded List Police.
Run, everyone

 TO ALL who have posted to this:

 This type of stuff has ABSOLUTLY NO, NONE , ZERO, NADA, ZILCH, place on
 this list.  Please find a chat room.

 On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 22:18:22 -0800

 Mithrilhall2000 Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Chicopee, Massachusetts
  -Original Message-
  From: Hanan Shargi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: March 12, 2002 7:49 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all
  Paul Vortex wrote this on his reply to programs running on wine post,
  and since there is this trend in the past 2 days in the list where
  people are
  posting things that are not neccesarily  == ( never mind the spelling
  ...hint would be nice to add a spell checker in Kmail /hint) related
  to the list objectivs :)
  Why dont we people post in what part of the world r we ??
  Name: Hanan
  Country: Fairfax, VA   United States
  IP:  .. nah ;-)
  Hanan AL-Shargi
  Do You Yahoo!?
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Registered Linux user #223705

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with 

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione g. sanders

(This is one'a the best threads we've had in a long time)

It has been funeven with the volumes of email that have come in today 
(that I'm adding to at the moment! ;-))

mushy stuff I usually just sit back, lurk and learn, but I'd like to take 
this opportunity to thank everyone who contributes to this list. Almost evey 
question I've had has been answered by searching the archives, so the people 
who have helped me haven't even been aware they were doing here's a 
big blanket thanks so much to everyone willing to spend a little time and 
share their expertise. /mushy stuff

--Gina (who's still in san diego, and looking forward to another beautiful 
day tomorrow)

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all AND Geek vswhatever

2002-03-13 Per discussione John Rye

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 01:33:14 -0500
David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Trimmed somewhat 

Take a look at /etc/security/limits.conf

As I recall there is a parameter in there with has something to do
with the problem you describe.

Mind you this is from the land which holds the Americas Cup - STILL!!!



 With that said, on to current problems 
 I recently, against my better judgement and on advice given from someone
 on this list, performed an OS upgrade to fix a boot problem caused by
 altering my partition table.  The problem is now fixed.  I can boot
 without the boot disk now.  BUT, this caused more problems:  
 1- I cannot su.  error reads:   su: cannot set groups: Operation not
 2- I cannot mount or umount as user. ( I could before ) 
 3- I cannot run a program as root. error reads:  GET THIS  Incorrect
 password! Please try again. 
 4- I cannot log in as root on CLI, only in GUI - this makes ABSOLUTLY NO
 sense to me whatsoever 
 I have no idea how to fix any of these.  Any help would be most appreciated.  
 Bainbridge, GA 

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[newbie] Geek vs the rest dilemma. NOW NUTZ BOLTZ

2002-03-13 Per discussione john rigby

Hi Damien,

What distro was it?
I still have a Full Box 8.0 which failed on my old machine and I am going to
try it  on another System which has a Ricoh CDRW.
My plan now is try it and see - if it doesn't work on this one, I will try
an 8.2 update
I want to put the 8.0 on to get the IBM ViaVoice product which came with it
( wouldn't even install on the last try).

The last few messages have given me a little hope again...

Different machine:
MSI 6320 Board
P3 667 Chip
On Board Video (Intel) 8513 series chips
Als 4000 Sound card
 1x Sony  CD
1x Ricoh 7120A CDRW
- Original Message -
From: Damian Gatabria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Answers to the Geek vs the rest dilemma.

 well, my machine? just a P2 400 MMX .. 256 MB Ram, 6,4 GB and 30 GB hd's,
 Intel 8 MB AGP video card, 64 bit Creative labs Sound... and yes,
 a Samsung 12x8x32 burner, which worked right after install.

 geek... i don't think i tinker enough with the stuff to fall into that
 category.. however i do spend a lot of time with my computer.

 i guess i'm kind of a hybrid between regular user and geek, kinda.. i
 got this Dr. Jeckill  Mr. Hyde into me.. but concerning your questions..
 absolutely no tweaking. MDK worked for me 100%.

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[newbie] Geek vs the rest dilemma.: How to tell a Geek - simplified

2002-03-13 Per discussione john rigby

Hi Ed, Shane  folks,
For even further edification and the eluctation of any interloculators, may
I present an even easier Geek test?

Q1:  Given the option of having a date with Britney or finagling a fix for
that recalcitrant Soundcard, which would you choose?  (a) Britney(b) The

Q2:  Would you consider it boring if HYPOTHETICALLY anyone, just anyone
could plug in a Cd and do a full M8+ install, what would you do?
(a) immediately switch and start learning a REAL system:  Berkley!  (b) Be
happy for the lowly Users.

Q3:  Do you know the names of fifteen Command Line Utilities? (a) yes (b) no

Q4:  Do you opt to use the already available GUI display options to execute
existing programs, or automatically crack open a Terminal?  (a) Terminal
(b) You crazy? Click it!

Q5:  You had no idea what a command line was until you discovered Linux  (a)
Always used them even in Windows.  (b) I thought white on black was a
Display theme!

Q6:  You always cook  your own kernels.  (a) Doesn't everyone, isn't it
mandatory?  (b) No, I order with Fries over the counter.

Q7:  You can remember 5 level path assignments for fifty executables and
think anyone who uses autocomplete is a wuss.  (a) What else is there to
remember/think about?  (b) You mean I don't have to write them down and type
them in each time?

Q8: You can have a complete conversation with another person about the
latest distro and never complete a full word in actual English (or your
native language).  (a) Yes, of course(b) What is a distro?

Q9:  Your children, fellow employees, mate, never say the MS word without
spitting and crossing themselves - even though Baptists.  (a) Yes, and rub a
Penguin icon.(b) What's a MS word?

Q10:  You see no reason why you can't enjoy the best of both worlds and use
Win4lin as well.
(a)  What's Win4lin?(b) Yeah, what's Win4lin?

If you scored more than one (a) you are  geeky.
2 you are a worry
3 you are definitely a geek
4+. You need help to re-enter the real world. Or, not. (You aren't missing

If you scored any more than one (b) you are a user!


Him Again

- Original Message -
From: ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Answers to the Geek vs the rest dilemma.

 hey shane, if it talks like a geek, and walks like a geek, and can install
 any OS, then Jon says you are a geekGRIN

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[newbie] Email Service

2002-03-13 Per discussione Pauljames Dimitriu

Hi All,

 Forgive if this message appears twice, but I
don't see it on the list.

 Question:  How do I set up my computer as a POP3
account?  When I try to send a message to my account
on my Linux machine, I get the following bounce

554 email addr: Recipient address rejected: Relay
access denied 554 5.0.0 email addr... Service

 I have my IP address configured correctly on the
DNS end and I have the proper port forwarding on my
router.  How can I check to see if POP3 service is
running?  If it is running, what could be the problem?

 Thanks again,


Do You Yahoo!?
Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email!

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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Lee

OK, I got it now.

Anyone who has positive input to your thread is a geek or power user

Darn.  Guess I buy the next box at Kmart.

When Mandrake works then, can I please just be a user?


P.S.  My real nightmares are all MS experiences from my dark past.  

 Hi Lee,
 Thanks for your info, but you are a Power-User by the sound of the box
 specs! :-)
 I'm trying to determine if Linux - especially Mandrake is true to the old
 idea of not needing a monster box to run.
 I know of Linux Servers that are running on Steam-powered old things and
 just don't fall over.
 The sad thing is that I don't know anyone not at least a p/time geek who
 has made it all go without enough research and effort for a PhD.

 And of course, you mentioned 8.2 - which isn't even there for us
 chickens. Altho I noticed it got a couple of accolades on fixing earlier
 problems in reviews.

   The 8513 Chipset?
   The X Motherboard?
   Onboard sound, video?
   MSI Boards? (Models?)
   Asus Bds? (Models?)
   Anyone got Win4lin going in one go?
   Anyone got WINE to run anything? FrontPage?
   Has it ever happened?
  In a word.mostly
  8.2 fired up everything nicely.
  Soyo Dragon Plus
  Radeon 7200
  AMD Athlon 1900
  Only problem isn't a Linux problem and I've said it before.
  I will probably have a WinBox 'til the cows come home because, in my


  I have to communicate with people in their own (wordprocesser) language.
  When I get a letter in Word, I have to respond in Word to avoid obvious
  problems with recipients.  WordPerfect in WordPerfect, etc.
  Frankly, I don't see where that is a problem.  Linux is a tool, not a
  religion.  It is doing faithfully everything that I expect, and did so


  out of the ISO.
  Would that the rest of life were so simple.
  Every once in a while, I stumble around in the dark and either install a
  program or crash the computer, just for sport.  Crashes and other
  self-inflicted wounds are becoming less frequent as Mandrake and I both
  More fun than a bowl of pollywogs.

Registered Linux user #223705

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with 

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation

2002-03-13 Per discussione peter

sda wrote:

On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 09:45:45AM -, Barran, Richard wrote:

Morning all,

I've received a very interesting Mandrake Community Newsletter this
morning. I'm including here the two most relevant paragraphs:

That said I'd like to join the club, however each time I've tried it
asks for a credit card number and won't let me proceed without entering
one. I'm quite surprised that MandrakeSoft doesn't provide for
alternative methods of payment. I for one, *never* provide my credit
card information online or over the telephone as a matter of principal.

AND there are a few who will never get one  ( Credit Card ) as a matter 
of principal. Why do I have to pay for something I don't realy need ??

I hope someone from MandrakeSoft gets this loud and clear. I will
contribute, but only by cheque/mo `what-have-you' and a snail mail

If they want our money I guess they have to !
Bye Peter

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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

2002-03-13 Per discussione john rigby

Hi Lee and folks,
- Original Message -
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

 OK, I got it now.

 Anyone who has positive input to your thread is a geek or power user

No, No!
Anyone who has something positive to say will help give me heart to try it
all yet again!  But I need it to be someone who isn't an expert at it :-)

Many centuries ago, I hired a young kid to help me with a small problem I
was having.
I didn't know you couldn't do it so ...
I was interfacing $5,000 Osborne Executive microcomputers (Transportable
P.C.) to $55,000 Photoypesetting computers because they could do so much
So, I was aiming for a $5000 really useful Terminal, instead of paying
$23,000 for a real Terminal.

The kid read machine code directly, like I read a Dunn's Report. ( Something
most Software Engineers today have no idea of its even existence - but it is
the ones and zeros end stuff.)

He was very lonely. Nobody really understood anything he was talking about.
I introduced him to some VHT (very high tec) people in the Big computer
industry. He was mightily unimpressed.
He worked 18 hours a day for a couple of weeks and then went away - found
something more interesting somewhere else.
But I had the first input system of its kind in the whole world - even the
manufacturers couldn't work out how the kid did it.  He did the analysis
 determined the technical job) programmed it, built the circuitboards, even
devised a cable signal cleaner.
Never even seen a Modem. I showed him how to use it and roughly what it did.
He went and made up new ones for my branches that *really* worked - they
were the first smart modems I ever knew of..

Could not type or spell to save his life.  Could hardly read.  You had to
talk to him and show him what you wanted but once he

Now, he was the True Geek. Like the guys who think writing advanced computer
games is easy.
So geekness is a many faceted thing.
It isn't the kid who knows a bit more than the true Newbie and quotes what
he has read /been told, it is a state of mind - AND a knack with the tin

But at the other end are the simple users - people like me who never want to
see a command line if there is no reason to - who simply want to plug it in
and go.  Even Doze 98SE can do that.

It can be done. Mandrake can do it. All that is necessary is to stop trying
to be all things to all people.
Put out a RETAIL product for the rest of us.
We don't need Servers in a distro for God's sake!
Or 5000 utilities that even the laws of statistics tell us will have a 50%
no-go rate.
We need an approved list of bits that work - like MS does, but on a smaller
We need small entrepreneurs who will put together setup boxes for people. OR
help by installing it on existing systems - putting in Win4Lin (next
version!) if necessary for already exposed users.
But mainly putting in the equivalent, or literally, Wordperfect Office.  99%
of all prospects out there only want/need to get on the net, write a letter,
run simple accounts and have a source of help on line AT THEIR LEVEL.

OK, I guess I AM an evangelist in a way.
but I have a dream...
well, a nightmare anyway - called Dot NET.


Him Again
John Rigby

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Re: [newbie] alias problem

2002-03-13 Per discussione skinky

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 05:16, alex wrote:
 Did you restart your computer after you saved the alias or at least
 reboot?. I  use a lot of aliases and after saving them, I just reboot back
 into Linux.  Incidently, I have never put
 the aliases into $HOME/.bashrc  or  $HOME/.bashrc_profileThe only
 place I put them is into
 etc/bashrc, do a save and then reboot.

You don't have to reboot.  Just type 
$   source path to file   eg. $   source ~/.bashrc

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 02:38:53 -0600, Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Tuesday 12 March 2002 09:30 pm, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 Geez it's winter in South Texas and it hit close 30°C here
   today  that's more commonly known as about 85° in these
   parts. Almost warm enough to hit the beach, not quite tho, still
   a little too chilly ;)
 Thought y'all were havin summer Down Under ?   Since spring
   starts here in a few days... y'all fixin to do autumn ?
  Quaylar is from Austria, a nation in Europe [and a nice one at that
  :) ].
  Austria != Australia
  I'm in Sydney, Australia [no Kangaroos here either, unless you
  travel a few hundred kilometres inland, or visit a zoo :) ]. It's
  14:30 and 23 degrees Celsius (it's usually hotter, but we've had a
  lot of rain the past few days).
You ruined my fun too soon Sridhar. What's a 'l' an a extra 'a' 
 here'n there amongst friends?  Jus' coupl'a 1000 miles and one 
 equator, NBD  ;)  Betch'a Quaylar figured I was just playin'

Oops! My bad. I figured you were messing around but I saw your message mainly as
an opportunity to get in on the thread. I guess it's one of those me too! kind
of things ;)

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Bad design. I'm not touching it with a ten-foot pole.
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

2002-03-13 Per discussione john rigby

Hi Todd,
Thanks for the info.
But you are right you are disqualified!  :-)
Home built box indeed!  :-0

- Original Message -
From: Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

 Everything was easy. Things that have gone wrong have done so because I
 tinker. It's the same thing I did with Windows95, and that's how I learn.

 I have a feeling I'll be disqualified from your survey because I've used
 acronyms and specified models.

Actually, though, putting a tinthing together is far easier than the
software side today.
You are right. If the Newbie is truly new to the PC - it will all be the
same - horrific! :-)
I had a friend who developed a serious reflex problem which left him able to
handle hitting keys but not the dreaded rodent.
I printed him out the standard keyboard shortcuts for W98 and then installed
some specials for him and macros.
Now I envy him!
His sister, a totally conditioned Apple-eater was finally shocked into
silence with the wizardry now possible on the derided PC.!  :-{

Interestingly, it was the heart of the Apple success that it followed the
Ford Motor Co principle:
Any colour you like so long as it's black - coupled with the outrageous
lies of the totally brilliant marketing of the things.  There were no
options, no choices, no nothing. Even the screens were mono long after the
world had moved on.  BUT compared to how you were presented with a P.C. they
were SIMPLE TO USE because there were very few things it could do. Choices
were extremely limited.

This is what Linux needs. To reach the non-geek market. There are very few
geeks comparatively and they tend to be poor ( :-) )  There are squillions
of people out there whose first reaction will be to price. Nobody can do a
low-level low-cost deal like a Linux box can.
All we have to do is get it to work together by distinguishing the
geeks and users
two TOTALLY different markets requiring a totally different approach and



There aren't any great teachers, there are great absorbing subjects of the
time and greatly interested students. Without the latter there is no former

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[OT] Re: [newbie] Answers to the Geek vs the rest dilemma.

2002-03-13 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 02:45, john rigby wrote:
 Hi Michael,

 Then by definition they are ipso facto, NOT real Geeks.  :-)

 NB: In the weird world of Computers, the hierachy is very strict. 
 Techo's look down on the Marketeers, Programmers look down on both
 of them and REAL Designers don't even acknowledge the existence of
 any of the others except as nuisances on the long haul to PAI (
 pure artificial intelligence).

Operators think they're software engineers.
Technicians think they're hardware engineers.
Hardware and software engineers think they're computer scientists.
Computer scientists think they're cognitive scientists.
Cognitive scientists think they're philosophers.
Philosophers think they're God.
God thinks he's a sysadmin.

(adapted from something fortune threw at me once)


Give me the views, and I'll give you the arguments. - Chrysippus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Minimizing the cult factor

2002-03-13 Per discussione ed tharp

 I hate to debate.  However you're sucking me in.  *Sigh*

 shane wrote:
  the real point here is that you can have the full KDE or the CL only
  and about 20 flavors in between.  how many can you get on most other
  operating systems?  ok now how many of those come with it?

 Yes I'll agree with that.  But I still contend its not easy to do or
 setup properly for the avg user.  I disregard 4 year olds, they know
 nothing, ergo they have nothing to learn but what you present to them.
 IOW, we've got habits as adults  need to sometimes re-learn.  It's

  really it is, you just have to be totally new.  i never could get the
  second graders i taught linux to understand why they had to know there
  was a c drive and a d drive and that the d drive on one machine is a
  CD and on another it the CD is e and...

 see above :)

  a _very_ large part of that is the install.  if you could walk into your
  local compfryusacityeletric superstore and try out a few windows, a few
  linux and maybe a bsd before you buy, and go home with it all installed,
  huge parts of that would go away.

 Doubtful, and the install is not the largest problem.  The largest
 problem is the way *Nix was evolved.  It wasn't meant to be anything but
 a distributed computing environment.  So it was not meant either to be
 used by anything but gurus. Configuration  use aren't easy on Linux.
 Maybe that will change.  I hope so.  I mean, why do I have to edit a cfg
 file in *nix to get a modem to HUP  NOHUP properly(If that's a good
 example?).  My point...I can't even give a decent example because this
 OS is not intuitive. 
can I butt in here? no machine can be considered to be intuitive it can 
only be either be more or less intuitive, in relation to some other object. 
what if at some point some of the gurus said lets take this great open 
software, and make it ...well... use-able? by joe desktop? and to do that, 
lets start with hardware compatiblity and say easy install in a computer 
that already has windows installed  hey since it is suppossed to be 
automagic, we can name it after a magician from the 60's comics,,, Mandarke 
The Magician. 
now mind you this is all a fantasy. and a sign I have way too much time to 
think and not enough to do with my hands.

 Granted M$'s isn't either in some ways, however
 they at least *attempt* to make it so, and do well at it for the most
 part.  I'll leave the IRQ conflicts  installation problems out of
 this.  That's normal for any OS.

   Either way, we all will use the programs/software we find best for us.
  optimist!  :-)

 Ya ya, sue me ;)  I am, always will be.  Life's too good not to be.


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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Metamorphysical

Augusta, Maine.
- Original Message -
From: Paul_Vortex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes...

 Walnut Creek (bay area) California here

 and bar hoping would _not_ be a good idea.  can see a bunch of rowdy linux
 geeks in one bar?  ;-)

LoL... ever hear of Pigdog? Being a Sanfranciscan and all.


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RE: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Barran, Richard

 -Original Message-
 From: john rigby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 March 2002 10:34
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?
 It can be done. Mandrake can do it. All that is necessary is 
 to stop trying
 to be all things to all people.
 Put out a RETAIL product for the rest of us.
 We don't need Servers in a distro for God's sake!
 Or 5000 utilities that even the laws of statistics tell us 
 will have a 50%
 no-go rate.
 We need an approved list of bits that work - like MS does, 
 but on a smaller
 We need small entrepreneurs who will put together setup boxes 
 for people. OR
 help by installing it on existing systems - putting in Win4Lin (next
 version!) if necessary for already exposed users.
 But mainly putting in the equivalent, or literally, 
 Wordperfect Office.  99%
 of all prospects out there only want/need to get on the net, 
 write a letter,
 run simple accounts and have a source of help on line AT THEIR LEVEL.

Music to my ears!
Speaking as a relative newcomer to the world of Linux, I was at first
impressed by how many applications came with LM8.1, then dismayed by how few
actually worked out of the box, or did anything useful.
I was reminded of the PCs that you can buy in England from a company called
Time - the HDs are bloated with loads of applications such as another
million indispensable fonts (release 3). Sounds impressive in the adverts,
but that's it.

I don't have much patience for a lot of the tosh that litters my
installation CDs - for example, none of the CD burner software worked, most
had absolutely no documentation, and many of the games seemed to crash
straight away. And the games that did work... well, they made Solitaire look
A retail release as suggested by John would be great for me - leave out
all the server stuff *AND* any alpha/beta releases *AND* anything that's
undocumented/has no help menus. Some people like the fun of getting an
undocumented cd-burner GUI to run. I just want to burn MP3s.

Yes, the success of Linux is down to people who like to tinker with things
to get them to work, and no, I am not trying in any way to denigrate what
they are doing.
What I'm trying to say is that I totally agree with John that Mandrake can't
be all things to all people - I'd say that to seriously appeal to users
rather than geeks, you need a different version of the product: a cut-down
version, not one with extra/different packages.

By analogy, try this:

You buy Windows in a retail pack. You try the included utilities, one is
rubbish. You curse Microsoft.
Then you download some shareware to try out, and it either works or it's
rubbish. If it's rubbish, you shrug your shoulders and move on.
Same rules should apply in the Mandrake world: everything that's on the
retail Cd should work (especially if we're supposed to be paying for it
After that we'll take our chances with all the free RPMs/sources out there

Just my EUR0.02's worth.


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Re: [newbie] Setting up the DVD

2002-03-13 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:11:52 +1300
Walter Logeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is the way to set up the DVD  in fstab (and/or wherever) I 
 have no /dev/dvd which seems to be what my dvd player is looking 
 for.  At present I need to change it to dev/cdrom - that works.
You do not need to change fstab.
If your listing for your dvd is /dev/cdrom then su to root and enter:

ln -s cdrom /dev/dvd


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation

2002-03-13 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 03:47, Tom Brinkman wrote:

Last, and probly the least contribution (Mandrake doesn't make
 much, the middle men do) is to buy Mandrake in a store like
 Wal*Mart or Best Buy, or other retail outlet.

The one thing to be said in favour of this is that buying Mandrake 
(or whatever) encourages retail stores to keep stocking it, thus 
improving the visibility of the product, and of Linux in general.  
Here in Ankara, you don't see Linux distros in shops, though it's 
started making an appearance on the street (literally) next to all 
the pirated games and Windows CDs.

Actually, the fact that you can pick up Windows 98/Me/2000 on the 
street for about $2 is probably one reason why Linux is still a 
rarity in Turkey - when Windows costs the same as two beers, the free 
speech vs. free beer distinction becomes academic.  Paradoxically, 
pirating helps proprietary software by making sure the alternatives 
are ignored.  

In case anyone's interested, here's how I obtained my various distros:

Office box: all FTP downloads from our university mirror, currently 
running 8.1.

Home box:

RH 6.0 - Cheapbytes
Mandrake 7.0 - CD free with a computer magazine.
Mandrake 7.2 - Cheapbytes
Mandrake 8.0 - off the street

I may get a boxed set for 8.2 - the download edition may well work 
out cheaper than Cheapbytes, when shipping is taken into 
consideration.  I'd take a lot of persuading to buy the powerpack, 


Give me the views, and I'll give you the arguments. - Chrysippus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ? NOW what for?

2002-03-13 Per discussione john rigby

You are being very, very rude and are thus, probably very, very young.
I will however answer you.

The reason the *quiet moneymakers* use Frontpage and the early 98 version at
that, is because THE WORLD uses I. E. and I.E. compatibility.

Nobody in their right mind wouldn't design expressly for  I.E.  It is 90%+
of the users.
( Professional real world marketers tend to look to these sort of things)

No package known to me or that group, can do the cheap and quick product -
that the world demands - the way it can, and then allow a small client to
edit simply, on his own, using the freebie FP Express.

Finally, the whole point *is* that I have had completely untrained people in
the 100's install/upgrade their own Windows 98 on a simply prepared box over
the years. ( I founded and ran a very large computer users group for many

FACT: I and obviously, *very few others* have ever successfully been able to
comfortably install Linux as is being proved on this list every day, by the
great range of problems.

I am returning to Mandrake's excellent community support once again, to see
if it has evolved into something I personally can use and recommend to my
friends. It appears that 8.1 was a big improvement over 8.0 and 8.2 beta is
claimed to be even better.

The vast majority of responses have been sincere attempts to enlighten me
toward the chances of finding M8+ useful in a real business environment.
Unfortunately, there are still very few users seriously using it except for
fun and their own amusement/challenges.
Serious use of it requires access to working/workable business programs at
least equal to those in the vast majority. So far there seems to be none.
Which leaves the Win4lin option.


 The only people to really fear are those who know that they are right -
especially those who are not

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

 bullshit, really, seriously, FP is good only for creating MS documents for
 MSbrowsers, and anyone who thinks that is all you need will have a rude
 awakening when a combination of linux/mac/bsd users and AOL using gecko as
 their engine puts IE back under 40% on the browser share.

 front page is to the webpages what oil spills are to the environment, a
 stinking mess that someone will have to clean or will just keep on

 i was taking you seriously until now.  lets get one thing straight.
 who can install any other OS can install linux.  yes this leaves some
 people out, but those people couldn't install windows either.  shall we
 make them all use type writers?

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Re: [newbie] fpversion

2002-03-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  uname -a
  for several things. ;-)
 You can do cat /proc/something
 for instance try
 cat /proc/cpuinfo
 do an ls /proc to see all the infor available
 Gerald Waugh

Geralds right. One of the more useful cat /proc commands I use (especially
if I'm trouble-shooting!) is:

cat /proc/interrupts (help track down any nasty IRQ conflicts!)


cat /proc/pci |less

Hope this is all helpful. ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation: PayPal

2002-03-13 Per discussione john rigby

Hi Femme,

True? No!
I think that is put around by the Banks. :-)
It is especially useful to small traders trading internationally.  It is on
Fablor's recommended list.
Has done wonders for some of their Academy members.

The only real worry is that some operator will take them over.



- Original Message -
From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation

 pay pal is also one of the most insecure methods of doing e-business so
 I'm told by a business friend of mine.

 True? No?

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Paul_Vortex wrote:
 shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes...
  Walnut Creek (bay area) California here
  and bar hoping would _not_ be a good idea.  can see a bunch of rowdy linux
  geeks in one bar?  ;-)
 LoL... ever hear of Pigdog? Being a Sanfranciscan and all.

Was just with a bunch of rowdy geeks last October on the Linux Lunacy cruise
in the Caribbean... ;-)

We managed to not run aground, sink the ship (or any islands!) although we did
founder a few times...! grin


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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

DanLori Buchanan wrote:

 Dan Buchanan
 Chicagoland (far north burbs) USA
 where it's been in the low 20s at 6:00 and might get to 50 today.

Had that weather yesterday here in the hills of Eastern Kentucky (USA).
Prestonsburg, to be exact...where I'm so far up in Conley Fork that our
Saturday morning cartoons don't come in 'till Sunday! grin

Its okay though, I've got Mandrake-Linux, the 'Net, and this mailing
well as an ice-cold beer... ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Paul Vortex

Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes... (in two messages!)

 ...Was just with a bunch of rowdy geeks last October on the Linux Lunacy
 cruise in the Caribbean... ;-)

 We managed to not run aground, sink the ship (or any islands!) although we
 did founder a few times...! grin...

Oh yes... Linux Users and Parties... A dangerous Spocktail!

 ...Its okay though, I've got Mandrake-Linux, the 'Net, and this mailing
 well as an ice-cold beer... ;-)

There's that word again!... I hate being skint!


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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Peter Watson


I've followed this thread for a while and think I may be what you are 
looking for.

I'm 58 yrs old and have a PII 266 with 64kb. Last year i bought 
mandrake 8.0 power pack, i stuck it in the cd and eveything went fine.

I have KDE, Internet connection, web browsing, Star office, xmms, 
gimp, bluefish, gcash and loads of other things, also proper sound 
and all with vey little hassle although its a little slow.

For me it was just as easy as M$98 which was my only other  os 
install experience.

Long live mandrake

regards Pete

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[newbie] Digital TV PCI cards - suggestions, recommendations, working setups, problems...

2002-03-13 Per discussione magnet

System: Mandrake 8.0 running on a Gigabyte GA-71XE4 mobo, Athlon 1.2GHz, 256MB ram
and a 20Gb HDD. Very stable atm :)

I would like to know if there is a PCI card that would enable me to view terestrial
television broadcasts like bbc1, bbc2, bbc4, bbc knowledge, itv1, itv2, channel 4 and
channel 5 using the signal from my ariel?

I'm not interested in satellite or pay-to-view channels, but just the standard channels
and the free digital-via-ariel channels.

It would be great to use the linux box rather than buying a whole new television or 
a set-top-box for my old television, allowing me to view true widescreen output on
a crisp monitor display.

Do such cards also offer the possibility to capture programs onto the harddrive 
for saving or just viewing later [digital VCR effectively]?

Teletext would be a bonus, but not essential ;-)

Hope you can help me with this question :)


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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all AND Geek vs whatever

2002-03-13 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 12:08 am, David wrote:
 Yes this is a community, and it does have a very _welcome_ feel to it.
 But I have a point to make.

 My email a while ago received quite a number of replies.  I have posted
 actual problems to this list more than a couple of times and the total
 number or responses from them all did not equal the ones from this
 evening (read: some were not answered at all).

 Is there something I am missing here?  Do I just not get it? Someone help
 me out here.


As for what you're missing: In scanning through the responses, I noticed many 
references to beer, particularly in those posted last night. Cheer up, the 
sun will be under the yardarm soon enough. If not, consider raising the 
yardarm. (Mine's set to trigger about 4:30 this time of year.)
-- cmg
Located in Raleigh NC -- Redhat's soon-to-be home.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation

2002-03-13 Per discussione Randy Kramer

sda wrote:
 Maybe they do, Maybe they don't, but the internet is NOT a safe place to
 be entrusting that kind of information to foreign third parties. I hope
 debit card acceptance proliferates soon.

I think a debit card is worse than a credit card -- money is drawn
directly from your bank account with a debit card.  With a credit card
there is at least some limitation on your liability under certain
circumstances (like a stolen card / number, etc.)

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] connection sharing partly blocked

2002-03-13 Per discussione Stojs

I have my connection sharing working almost prefectly. The only problem
is with a windows program called direct connect. It is a p2p program.
When I run it with windows connected directly to the internet it runs
perfectly, but connected through linux with firewall stopped it cannot
reach out to search.

Is there a way to make the linux connection sharing completely

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] ARRRRRGH Big stinky MESS!!!! (was : Xwindows and RPMdrake problems}

2002-03-13 Per discussione Jussi Aalto

Hi Paul

There is a way recovering lost/destroyed partition table. When you 
are done with your partitioning and installing necessary OS'es, do 
'fdisk -l /dev/hdX' from command line.With Linux fdisk, not the DOS one 
(replace X with a for ide1, b ide2 etc.). Then write the output down or 
print it. That way you have something to start with if the tables get 
lost again. Remember to update the info if you modify the partitions 
after installation. For recovery you have to have somekind of media to 
run Linux from, a rescue floppy or rescue-CD. For example the Mandrake 
installation CD includes rescue mode IIRC. That is of course if the BIOS 
supports bootable CD-ROMs.

I have used this method couple of times with success, once Window$ 
decided it's not happy with current partitions and ate the partition 
table. So I booted Linux (with floppy) from the other hard disk and 
restored the partition table with the info provided by fdisk.

The important sections from fdisk -l output are Device, Boot, Start, End, 
Id and System. 'man fdisk' for additional info.


On Wednesday 13 March 2002 05:37, you wrote:
 Is it just *ME*!?

 I tried the suggestion for doing an update install of the Mandrake 8.1
 and the whole thing went *HAYWIRE*!

 For some reason, it still wanted to mess around with *partitions*!   I
 got mixed up and must've clicked the wrong button and it destroyed my
 partitions set up... Totally unrecoverable!... My regular windows boot
 couldn't even *see* the C:\ drive!

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Re: [newbie] Geek vs the rest dilemma. NOW NUTZ BOLTZ

2002-03-13 Per discussione Damian Gatabria

 What distro was it?

8.1 Download Edition

 I still have a Full Box 8.0 which failed on my old machine and I am going
 to try it  on another System which has a Ricoh CDRW.

i downloaded 8.0 as well, but never tried it much. looked good anyway.

 My plan now is try it and see - if it doesn't work on this one, I will try
 an 8.2 update

by do we wanna see 8.2 :o)

 I want to put the 8.0 on to get the IBM ViaVoice product which came with it
 ( wouldn't even install on the last try).

 The last few messages have given me a little hope again...

have faith. brotha ;oP

 Different machine:
 MSI 6320 Board
 P3 667 Chip
 On Board Video (Intel) 8513 series chips
 Als 4000 Sound card
  1x Sony  CD
 1x Ricoh 7120A CDRW
 - Original Message -
 From: Damian Gatabria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Answers to the Geek vs the rest dilemma.

  well, my machine? just a P2 400 MMX .. 256 MB Ram, 6,4 GB and 30 GB hd's,
  Intel 8 MB AGP video card, 64 bit Creative labs Sound... and yes,
  a Samsung 12x8x32 burner, which worked right after install.
  geek... i don't think i tinker enough with the stuff to fall into that
  category.. however i do spend a lot of time with my computer.
  i guess i'm kind of a hybrid between regular user and geek, kinda.. i
  got this Dr. Jeckill  Mr. Hyde into me.. but concerning your questions..
  absolutely no tweaking. MDK worked for me 100%.

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Re: [newbie] descent3 demo install

2002-03-13 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 18:03:51 +0100
Stojs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I installed the MESA, and I still get the same error message. Do I have to configure 
 is there anything else to do? (Sorry for the incorrect subject on my last post in 
the thread)

I hate to be the one to break this to you but the S3 Savage card Does Not have DRI 
support in XFree.
This means that all GL apps are software rendered.
For some this is fine but when play a game demo such as Descent you need DRI.

You can check this site for more info

Were I in your position and it was within my budget I would look at replacing the 
video card.

The ATI Xpert2000 is a good card (32MB Rage 128) and if you do not mind OEM you can 
find it online for as low as $25.


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Re: [newbie] Email Service

2002-03-13 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 02:17:39 -0800 (PST)
Pauljames Dimitriu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
  Forgive if this message appears twice, but I
 don't see it on the list.
  Question:  How do I set up my computer as a POP3
 account?  When I try to send a message to my account
 on my Linux machine, I get the following bounce
 554 email addr: Recipient address rejected: Relay
 access denied 554 5.0.0 email addr... Service
  I have my IP address configured correctly on the
 DNS end and I have the proper port forwarding on my
 router.  How can I check to see if POP3 service is
 running?  If it is running, what could be the problem?

My problem is that once I fix something, I never remember how I did it :(

So, are you running Postfix or some other mailer? Have you verified that
the service is running either through Webmin or the Control Center?

If you are running a firewall, make sure you don't have your mailer

Can you send mail to an outside addy using your local account?


Todd Slater
What does education often do? It makes a straight cut ditch of a free
meandering brook. (Henry David Thoreau)

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Re: [newbie] Geek vs the rest dilemma. NOW NUTZ BOLTZ

2002-03-13 Per discussione Damian Gatabria

--  Mensaje reenviado  --

Subject: Re: [newbie] Geek vs the rest dilemma. NOW  NUTZ  BOLTZ
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 14:46:00 -0300
From: Damian Gatabria [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What distro was it?

8.1 Download Edition

 I still have a Full Box 8.0 which failed on my old machine and I am going
 to try it  on another System which has a Ricoh CDRW.

i downloaded 8.0 as well, but never tried it much. looked good anyway.

 My plan now is try it and see - if it doesn't work on this one, I will try
 an 8.2 update

by do we wanna see 8.2 :o)

 I want to put the 8.0 on to get the IBM ViaVoice product which came with it
 ( wouldn't even install on the last try).

 The last few messages have given me a little hope again...

have faith. brotha ;oP

 Different machine:
 MSI 6320 Board
 P3 667 Chip
 On Board Video (Intel) 8513 series chips
 Als 4000 Sound card
  1x Sony  CD
 1x Ricoh 7120A CDRW
 - Original Message -
 From: Damian Gatabria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Answers to the Geek vs the rest dilemma.

  well, my machine? just a P2 400 MMX .. 256 MB Ram, 6,4 GB and 30 GB hd's,
  Intel 8 MB AGP video card, 64 bit Creative labs Sound... and yes,
  a Samsung 12x8x32 burner, which worked right after install.
  geek... i don't think i tinker enough with the stuff to fall into that
  category.. however i do spend a lot of time with my computer.
  i guess i'm kind of a hybrid between regular user and geek, kinda.. i
  got this Dr. Jeckill  Mr. Hyde into me.. but concerning your questions..
  absolutely no tweaking. MDK worked for me 100%.


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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ? NOW what for?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Nelson Bartley

You know, I didn't want to say anything about this, however I should
just for relevence.

I currently do both PHP and ASP programming for various customers, as
well as myself. I use Frontpage for quite a few things. Yes it does
produce SOME bad code, however 2002 does produce acceptable code for the
basic layout. I do alot of rough work, and table planning and outlining
in frontpage, just because I find it handles it better then Dreamweaver.
Now, I'll admit that I don't polish these pages w/ Frontpage, that would
be silly as it honestly doesn't do a great job. But if I didn't want to
polish these pages they would be more then acceptable in either
Mozzilla, or IE. 

I personally found FP the nicest on code I put in manually. Too often
I've opened up a page in Dreamweaver and have it start to reformat the
HTML code on me. Not only that, but I really like the window switching
that was enabled in 2002 for multiple windows open. When I'm doing mass
edits (5+ files) I don't like having all 5 windows open w/
Dreamweaver... it becomes very clutered. The Child Window system of
Fronpage makes life alot easier.

As for the world running on unix, linux, freebsd, and other direvitives
(sp?) that's very true. It's also true that quite a few LARGE companies
who license a lot of microsoft products have a lot of intranet servers
running IIS just because it's easy for them to set up their windows file
share server with IIS for the various groups that want to have webpages.

Ohh... one last thing. For the person who said that really web designers
hand code HTML. That's fine. You code your complex table structure
manually. I personally will do it in a WYSIWYG editor myself... for me
it takes way less time.


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 10:39, sda wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 10:28:50PM +1000, john rigby wrote:
  You are being very, very rude and are thus, probably very, very young.
  I will however answer you.
  The reason the *quiet moneymakers* use Frontpage and the early 98 version at
  that, is because THE WORLD uses I. E. and I.E. compatibility.
 You really are incorrect SIR. Being that Im in publishing and that
 includes  divisons that do *complete* Web design as well as SFX for
 filmwork and tradional publishing I'm qualified enough to give a
 rebuttal. I've been in this business for 15 years.
 Nobody and I mean nobody, uses FrontPage in the professional world. It
 would be like people doing professsional print design using M$ Pubisher
 as opposed to Quark, Framemaker, InDesign and PageMaker. The reason? The
 code generated by FrontPage is atrocious and only works `sometimes' with
 IE, and ASP, the whole WORLD doensn't use ASP or MIIS. Most professional 
 web design is done by designers who do the nice look using DreamWeaver 
 and/or GoLive. They both produce reasonably clean html. Some designers 
 actually use something like HomePage, or BBEdit as they prefer to tweak 
 raw code. Then the look is handed over to the second tier who do the 
 backend stuff, the programmers, who tie it all into PHP,ASP for serverside 
 dbases using Perl, Python and XSLT, in additon to other fine languages. Very 
 few of these operations run on M$ software. So FrontPage is useless, and 
 additonal time is spent fixing up the atrocious results, which isn't preferable 
 in a production environment. The hobbyists - like FrontPage as it's easy to 
 produce relatively nice looking pages in their default browser. But as soon 
 as db enter the eqation, and most corporate websites use them, FrontPage
 use is out of the question. 
  Nobody in their right mind wouldn't design expressly for  I.E.  It is 90%+
  of the users.
  ( Professional real world marketers tend to look to these sort of things)
 Again you really don't know whereof you speak. The software that runs
 the internet runs on Linux, BSD or Unix hardware/software - not M$.
 That's what counts. 
   -^-   -^-
   ?   ?Steve
 '   `


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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Fred Fraley

US - Great Lakes region
Akron-Cleveland Ohio area   
Medina, Ohio, US to be specific

But I miss the Eastern Kentucky mountains.

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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Fred Fraley

 On Tuesday 12 March 2002 07:48, Hanan Shargi opened a hailing frequency and

 Walnut Creek (bay area) California here

 and bar hoping would _not_ be a good idea.  can see a bunch of rowdy linux
 geeks in one bar?  ;-)

Gee, I recall a special Linux tour to Germany a couple of years ago.  
Really, you could probably find it in the archives of comp.os.linux.announce.
Linux lectures during the day and Brauhauses for the evenings.  
Unfortunately, my commitments and finances did not permit.  I visualized it 
as either as extreme fun or extreme, um, well, let me just say I saw no 
middle ground :-)
Now this bunch  sounds as if a few days could be interesting and relaxing.


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Re: [newbie] network

2002-03-13 Per discussione quaylar

At 18:59 12.03.2002 +, you wrote:
Hello all,

I have my network up and running great.  I can access the Linux machine from
the win box.  Could some give me a point in the right direction on how to
access the win box from Linux?  Thanks

Registered Linux user #225209

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samba is your friend ;) !


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Re: [newbie] Installing WordPerfect on Mandrake 8.1??????

2002-03-13 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 08:33,  Wm. G. McGrath opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 Has anyone had any success installing Word Perfect 8 on Mandrake

you will need libc-5.3.12-35mdk.i586.rpm and both 
of which can be found at places like or tuxfinder.  if you 
can't locate them, and don't mind a 2 MB attachment i can send them to you.

There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't.

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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RE: [newbie] Hex dump at startup

2002-03-13 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Hex dump at startup

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Moye
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:49 AM
Subject: [newbie] Hex dump at startup


I have a Gateway 200mhz 256 MB RAM, with 2 hard drives. The master ide
drive is with Win 2000. The slave drive has Mandrake 8.1. The CD ROM is
an ide. 

Setup ran fine. (several times in fact). 
Lilo dual boot seems fine.
I get a GUI lilo screen, and if I pick Windows,
then Win2000 loads just fine. 
If I pick Linux or failsafe, it begins to start just fine, uncompresses
OK and starts to boot the kernel. But then I get a hex dump to the
screen, in the format of [C01073e7] and this continues indefinitely.

Same with GRUB.

I looked in the archive and someone reported the same issue and was
given the following answer:

At the boot menu press F1 and at the boot prompt enter:
linux nobiospnp.
After you have successfully booted edit your lilo.conf with the nobiospnp
append and then rerun lilo.
That should take care of your problem

Please allow me to be dense. What boot menu? At the boot menu that has
Linux, failsafe, Windows? My F1 key does nothing in lilo or grub.
I have also tried the F1 at startup time to get to the system setup and
changed the pnp settings. No joy. I have a feeling that I am missing
something real basic here.

Any suggestions? I suppose that I am paying for the First go install
success that occurred with 7.2 on another machine (IBM) two years ago. 
Thanks in advance,

in Vermont USA

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Tom, stick the first CD in the drive, boot from that cd and when that first screen pops up, press F1 and then you can type in the linux nobiospnp and hit enter. HTH

[newbie] change ultrasparc bootup sequence

2002-03-13 Per discussione Derek
Title: RE: [newbie] Hex dump at startup

Any one know how to change ultraspac bootup 
sequence so it boots from CD?

Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation

2002-03-13 Per discussione PENA FAMILY

Every Linux distro I have and used has been bought. Primarily because
downloading any of them is not feasible with my dial up connection and the
users who want to go online. If I had a high speed connection then, honestly
speaking, would download Linux for free.

The donation part is a little goofy side, again speaking frankly, so I tend
to believe that my purchasing 4 Linux distros from $40 and up is helping.

Please don't get offended with my remarks on the donation part as a way of
contributing to the Open Source Community. I can imagine having to work hard
and be paid by donations would make me and maybe many others very insecure
with their financial future. Its a harsh world and money is a part of it.
Still, though this is a bump in the road and don't see it effecting Linux in
the whole. Linux-Mandrake on the other hand is having business woes which
every company who wants to compete is and has to go through. The management
will have to adapt and make the necessary changes to keep alive and
eventually grow.

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[newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-13 Per discussione cervix couch

I've been having a problem in Linux and I have no idea where to look for the culprit.

My problem is that, periodically, while I'm online (and only when I'm online), the 
system will get extremely sluggish to the point where I usually have to power down and 

When this happens, there are sounds like there's a lot of hard disk activity going on 
and it never stops. 

I've tried unplugging the modem, but it doesn't do any good. 

Does anyone know why this happens?


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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

2002-03-13 Per discussione civileme

john rigby wrote:

Hi Lee and folks,
- Original Message -
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

OK, I got it now.

Anyone who has positive input to your thread is a geek or power user

No, No!
Anyone who has something positive to say will help give me heart to try it
all yet again!  But I need it to be someone who isn't an expert at it :-)

Many centuries ago, I hired a young kid to help me with a small problem I
was having.
I didn't know you couldn't do it so ...
I was interfacing $5,000 Osborne Executive microcomputers (Transportable
P.C.) to $55,000 Photoypesetting computers because they could do so much
So, I was aiming for a $5000 really useful Terminal, instead of paying
$23,000 for a real Terminal.

The kid read machine code directly, like I read a Dunn's Report. ( Something
most Software Engineers today have no idea of its even existence - but it is
the ones and zeros end stuff.)

He was very lonely. Nobody really understood anything he was talking about.
I introduced him to some VHT (very high tec) people in the Big computer
industry. He was mightily unimpressed.
He worked 18 hours a day for a couple of weeks and then went away - found
something more interesting somewhere else.
But I had the first input system of its kind in the whole world - even the
manufacturers couldn't work out how the kid did it.  He did the analysis
 determined the technical job) programmed it, built the circuitboards, even
devised a cable signal cleaner.
Never even seen a Modem. I showed him how to use it and roughly what it did.
He went and made up new ones for my branches that *really* worked - they
were the first smart modems I ever knew of..

Could not type or spell to save his life.  Could hardly read.  You had to
talk to him and show him what you wanted but once he

Now, he was the True Geek. Like the guys who think writing advanced computer
games is easy.
So geekness is a many faceted thing.
It isn't the kid who knows a bit more than the true Newbie and quotes what
he has read /been told, it is a state of mind - AND a knack with the tin

But at the other end are the simple users - people like me who never want to
see a command line if there is no reason to - who simply want to plug it in
and go.  Even Doze 98SE can do that.

It can be done. Mandrake can do it. All that is necessary is to stop trying
to be all things to all people.
Put out a RETAIL product for the rest of us.
We don't need Servers in a distro for God's sake!
Or 5000 utilities that even the laws of statistics tell us will have a 50%
no-go rate.
We need an approved list of bits that work - like MS does, but on a smaller
We need small entrepreneurs who will put together setup boxes for people. OR
help by installing it on existing systems - putting in Win4Lin (next
version!) if necessary for already exposed users.
But mainly putting in the equivalent, or literally, Wordperfect Office.  99%
of all prospects out there only want/need to get on the net, write a letter,
run simple accounts and have a source of help on line AT THEIR LEVEL.

OK, I guess I AM an evangelist in a way.
but I have a dream...
well, a nightmare anyway - called Dot NET.


Him Again
John Rigby

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My 14 year old son took a downloadable CD set (8.2 Beta4) and installed 
it.  His 13 year old friend then did the same.  Neither asked me any 
questions.  They are happily playing crossfire on the internet.

Both used Recommended installs then downloaded the crossfire rpms from 
Mandrake-devel.  They prefer it to Windows-compatible crossfire which 
they claim crashes a lot with loss of experience points for their game 
characters.  On my son's computer, a single-board VIA C3-733MHz 
processor based  item with AC97 sound and Trident Cyberblade video, the 
crossfire sound worked without a tweak.

8.0 had a deadly problem for those who had off-board controllers for 
IDE drives, like some ASUS motherboards and some rigs with Promise 
Chipsets.  Unless the Freq release following 8.0 is used, it will see 
the drives one way during install and try to boot them a different way 
later, resulting in an unbootable system, for a few hardware configurations.

Anyway, the number of systems that will install out of the box with no 
tweaks is increasing, but some do still require some effort.  There are 
ways the hardware configuration can be analyzed and 8.1 and 8.2 have 
easily accessible alternate install and boot images to take care of 
older systems and weird systems.  

And 8.2 as it is soon to be released will support vastly more hardware 
than windows XP, and 

Re: [newbie] network

2002-03-13 Per discussione rick

Have a look at vnc.  It come with md8.1.  It lets you take control of the desktop of 
one from the other.  Great tool.  And it is free.  You will have to download the 
version for the win machine.

On Wed, 13 March 2002, quaylar wrote:

 At 18:59 12.03.2002 +, you wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have my network up and running great.  I can access the Linux machine from
 the win box.  Could some give me a point in the right direction on how to
 access the win box from Linux?  Thanks
 Registered Linux user #225209
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to
 samba is your friend ;) !

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RE: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul_Vortex
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes...

 Walnut Creek (bay area) California here

 and bar hoping would _not_ be a good idea. can see a bunch of rowdy linux
 geeks in one bar? ;-)

LoL... ever hear of Pigdog? Being a Sanfranciscan and all.

Nebraska Cornhusker here, but not fanatical about it. Been all over the world so I know there is life outside of the midwest. Ha! 

Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] Setting up the DVD

2002-03-13 Per discussione Miark

On Thu, 14 Mar Walter Logeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 What is the way to set up the DVD  in fstab (and/or wherever) I 
 have no /dev/dvd which seems to be what my dvd player is looking 
 for.  At present I need to change it to dev/cdrom - that works.

What are you trying to do? Mount a movie? When I installed Ogle,
I had to make a sym link from /dev/hdd (my DVD drive) to /dev/dvd:

  ln -s /dev/hdd /dev/dvd

If you do that, you can use /dev/dvd in fstab.


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Re: [newbie] Hex dump at startup

2002-03-13 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:49:22 -0500
Tom Moye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a Gateway 200mhz 256 MB RAM, with 2 hard drives. The master ide
 drive is with Win 2000. The slave drive has Mandrake 8.1. The CD ROM is
 an ide. 
 Setup ran fine. (several times in fact). 
 Lilo dual boot seems fine.
 I get a GUI lilo screen, and if I pick Windows,
 then Win2000 loads just fine. 
 If I pick Linux or failsafe, it begins to start just fine, uncompresses
 OK and starts to boot the kernel.  But then I get a hex dump to the
 screen, in the format of [C01073e7] and this continues indefinitely.
 Same with GRUB.
 I looked in the archive and someone reported the same issue and was
 given the following answer:
 At the boot menu press F1 and at the boot prompt enter:
 linux nobiospnp.
 After you have successfully booted edit your lilo.conf with the nobiospnp
 append and then rerun lilo.
 That should take care of your problem
 Please allow me to be dense. What boot menu? At the boot menu that has
 Linux, failsafe, Windows? My F1 key does nothing in lilo or grub.
 I have also tried the F1 at startup time to get to the system setup and
 changed the pnp settings. No joy. I have a feeling that I am missing
 something real basic here.
 Any suggestions?  I suppose that I am paying for the First go install
 success that occurred with 7.2 on another machine (IBM) two years ago. 
 Thanks in advance,
 in Vermont USA

Hi, I found this:

Solution: Press ESC when you see the LILO bootloader screen, and type linux
nobiospnp. The system will boot correctly, giving you the change to edit
 /etc/lilo.conf. Add the nobiospnp option to every append= line
in lilo.conf, then run /sbin/lilo, and reboot.

If this doesn't get you a boot prompt I will try to get the prompt myself
but to test this I'll have to reboot :(

-Frans (in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 5 degrees Celcius :) )

Btw, I just saw the post from Dennis: Two ways of doing the same thing?
Though 'my' solution requires being able to boot to at least the 'LILO'
screen from the harddisk.

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Re: [newbie] Setting up the DVD

2002-03-13 Per discussione Walter Logeman


 You do not need to change fstab.  If your listing for your dvd 
is /dev/cdrom then su to root and  enter:   ln -s cdrom /dev/dvd

What I did (I found the answer just browsing the ogle list) was:

ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/dvd

To the same place by another route. The cdrom is a DVD/CD-RW combo 
and set as a scd0 somewhere.

I wonder if there is any difference in the two ways of doing it?

Anyway its done. And another bit of learning about linux achieved, 
simple though it may seem to some - it still has to be learnt.


-- Walter Logeman Psychotherapist

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Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-13 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, cervix couch wrote:
 I've been having a problem in Linux and I have no idea where to look for the culprit.
 My problem is that, periodically, while I'm online (and only when I'm online), the 
system will get extremely sluggish to the point where I usually have to power down 
and reboot.
 When this happens, there are sounds like there's a lot of hard disk activity going 
on and it never stops. 
 I've tried unplugging the modem, but it doesn't do any good. 
 Does anyone know why this happens?
You need more RAM
Linux is trying to run swapping everything back and forth to the hard drive

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake's financial situation

2002-03-13 Per discussione Pena Family

You make a very interesting point and I think I can follow up with an

I live near a huge electronic store called Fry's Electronic. I have
purchased everything from my laptop, the parts for my own gigahertz tower,
two monitors, iMac, Linux-Mandrake 7.0-7.1 and 8.0, WindowsME and XP,
digital camera, cabling up the whazoowell needless to say I get all of
my toys there.

Up to the release of Linux-Mandrake 8.0 they had stockpiled most of the well
known Linux distros. Last trip I was told when I asked about where and when
the 8.1 would be available and realized that Red Hat had dominated the
shelves. Corel was gone so was Linux-Mandrake and Suse had been cut to a
1/3. BSD had now joined the fray. The store clerk told me there was no point
in keeping Mandrake since there was a vast majority flocking to Red Hat and
BSD had been demanded for a while. There are other stores where they are
still keeping Mandrake, but they have mentioned the same thing. For the
immediate area there is not much demand for it.

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[newbie] Lycoris or Mandrake?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Aryan Ameri

Hi there:
I am an old windows user that is tired and sick of 
Microsoft's policies. So I turned to Linux and I now Love this OS and the open 
source community. I only have one problem with Linux and that's the ease of 
I used to use Red Hat 7.1 for a couple of months 
and then I found out that it wasn't for me. I was able to find my way trough KDE 
but couldn't play my VCDs for example. Also I never understood tar files. Now 
I'm in search for the easiest Linux Distro. I really don't too many software 
packages or stability ( any Linux Distro is Stable comparing to Windows). I just 
need the easiest to use Distro. 
I found out that Mandrake is the Distro that 
everybody says suits my needs. But I also found out that there is a Company 
named Lycoris ( formerly known as Redmond Linux) that is making a Distro called 
Desktop/LX. As far as I can see it's very easy to use. It is very user 
friendlyfor windows users and it use WINE ( by default) and also 
play DVDs and VCDs Automatically ( I really like this). As far as I can see 
other than Documentation there is no clause for me to use Mandrake.( also I'm a 
little concerned about mandrake soft's financial problems). 
Maybe this is not the right place to ask this 
question because it is a Mandrake mailing list. But I really can't make up my 
mind in this mater. I am going to buy One of these distros in about a week. 
Please help mein this. 
Linux eager Newbie 

Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-13 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 22:31, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, cervix couch wrote:
  I've been having a problem in Linux and I have no idea where to look for
  the culprit.
  My problem is that, periodically, while I'm online (and only when I'm
  online), the system will get extremely sluggish to the point where I
  usually have to power down and reboot.
  When this happens, there are sounds like there's a lot of hard disk
  activity going on and it never stops.
  I've tried unplugging the modem, but it doesn't do any good.
  Does anyone know why this happens?

 You need more RAM
 Linux is trying to run swapping everything back and forth to the hard drive

Given that it only happens online, it sounds like it could be more than a 
simple RAM problem, though getting a lot of RAM might well solve it.  for a 
quick check, while offline, run a lot of RAM-heavy processes at the same 
time. For example, open the GIMP, get it to do some complicated rendering on 
a couple of big graphics files (or better still, do some 3D rendering ,f you 
have a program like Blender), then open StarOffice, then, hell, I don't know, 
compile some source code or something.  If the system doesn't complain too 
much while it's doing all this, you do _not_ have a RAM problem.

If it's purely an online phenomenon, the culprit could be fetchmail, which 
can slow things down a lot, or possibly Netscape, which is a real RAM-hog, 
and sometimes chokes while trying to load a dodgy plugin (4.* is notoriously 
buggy; 6.2 is much better, but seems to use even more RAM).  Again, you can 
test by disabling the fetchmail daemon if it's running, then opening a nice 
simple web page in Konqueror.  You might also want to check that you haven't 
inadvertantly instaled some servers that you don't actually want to use 
(sounds silly, but it happens).

BTW, for a typical workstation install, 64MB of RAM should be enough (though 
you might want to cook dinner while you wait for Star Office to open) and 
128MB is plenty.  If you want to do stuff like video capture or 3D animation, 
you'll need a lot more, and a fast processor into the bargain.  At the other 
extreme, I've run Mandrake with 32MB of RAM, but that was too slow to run KDE 
(IceWM worked fine).


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Re: [newbie] System Getting Sluggish

2002-03-13 Per discussione civileme

Gerald Waugh wrote:

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, cervix couch wrote:


I've been having a problem in Linux and I have no idea where to look for the culprit.

My problem is that, periodically, while I'm online (and only when I'm online), the 
system will get extremely sluggish to the point where I usually have to power down 
and reboot.

When this happens, there are sounds like there's a lot of hard disk activity going 
on and it never stops. 

I've tried unplugging the modem, but it doesn't do any good. 

Does anyone know why this happens?

You need more RAM
Linux is trying to run swapping everything back and forth to the hard drive

Gerald Waugh

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What browser are you using?

Several will fill the memory with cache and not flush.  

The command line

bdflush -d

will display the settings for the flush.  Share them and we will know more.

If the message is command not found, INSTALL bdflush and start it 
without parameters at boot time--put the line


as the next to last line of /etc/rc.local


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Re: [newbie] Setting up sound - help

2002-03-13 Per discussione Miark


If the laptop is a company computer, I'm guessing there are others
in your company--others running Winblows. Take a look at System
Properties on one of those Winsux machines to determine what card 
it has, what IRQ it likes, etc. Then configure the card in your 
Linux box manually.


On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 08:55:41 -0600, Burrows, Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke 

 Hi all,
 I've a MD 8.1 distro - works well.  I purposly did not allow the sound card
 to be configured at install since I'm
 using a laptop at work for this and it's all having to be done on my own
 time.  But my company has
 since shown support for me learning Linux as such I'd like to get my systems
 sound working.
 I've (at a terminal window as root) run sndConfig.  It could not determine
 what sound card I have probably
 cuz it's an older Dell laptop.
 I'm concerned if I put the install CD's back in it'll attempt to re-do the
 partitions and stuff.  
 Scott Burrows 
 For every victory,  let it be said of me,...
  my source of strength, my source of hope, 
is Christ the Lord.

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[newbie] rsync over ssh

2002-03-13 Per discussione Joan Tur


I'd like to use draksync to sync my laptop and pc, and i'd prefer to use 
rsync over ssh instead of insecure ftp...

I've used ssh-keygen to create public and private key but now i don't know 
what to do... can you help me?  8-?

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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[newbie] need to re-install OS

2002-03-13 Per discussione David

I need to re-install OS.  Can I do so without having to re-install all my apps?  

Is it possible to save some of my setting?  

If it matters my partitions table is as follows:  

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda8   489992299049165643  65% /
none 79456 0 79456   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda11 7218432   3329464   3522288  49% /home
/dev/hda10 3020140844508   2022216  30% /usr

Also what is that partition @ mnt point /dev/shm?  I didn't put that there.  



Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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[newbie] An apology and a round of virtual beer

2002-03-13 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

Being the guy who initiated the Minimizing the cult-factor-thread,
I've learned a few things :

1. Never raise a general question unless you are prepared to get carried
away big-time.
2. Dvorak was wrong : Nobody (well, almost) here wants to keep linux for
themselves (the Ferrari versus the Ford - syndrome).
3. Very, very few geeks here (geeks drink Coke, not beer).
4. Femme Fatale is english, not french.
5. One question answered, ten more raised.
6. You CAN have it all : Mandrake ! (The pure-at-heart can just rpm -e
all the eye-candy i.e. KDE, Gnome, XFCe, Blackbox, Enlightenment etc..
Then XFree86 itself and thus enjoy the command-line in all its beauty.
The rest of us can do as we please).
7. I can create an alias for myself and join the Mandrake Club once
more. And I will.
8. My english needs improvement.
9. It's a small world.

Probably more than that, but I don't care right now, 'cause I've just
opened my fridge and poured myself a big foamy glass of Carlsberg.
Raised it to my big mouth and pronounced :

Cheers, all - I love you more than somewhat !

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] connection sharing partly blocked

2002-03-13 Per discussione civileme

Stojs wrote:

I have my connection sharing working almost prefectly. The only problem
is with a windows program called direct connect. It is a p2p program.
When I run it with windows connected directly to the internet it runs
perfectly, but connected through linux with firewall stopped it cannot
reach out to search.

Is there a way to make the linux connection sharing completely

Thanks in advance,

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Well, Active FTP won't work through a firewall/connection sharing scheme 
either.  It appears that this may be a similar case, sending out 
machine-specific addresses which it picks up from netstat (which is a 
program existing in both worlds)for reply, and of course if your 
meachine is behind a connection sharing device (even a router) without a 
real internet address, (using one of the local-only sets 10.x.y.z or 
172.16.y.z through 172.31.y.z or 192.168.y.z) then no reply over the 
internet is possible because the routers won't relay the message.

This is specific to your program rather than to the sharing setup, all 
of which use a form of Network Address Translation or masquerading to 
put several machines through one internet-valid IP address.  Chances are 
it will work only in direct connect unles it, like FTP, has a passive 
mode not requiring port commands.


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[OT] HTML editors. [Was: Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ? NOW what for?]

2002-03-13 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 20:25, Nelson Bartley wrote:


 I currently do both PHP and ASP programming for various customers, as
 well as myself. I use Frontpage for quite a few things. Yes it does
 produce SOME bad code, however 2002 does produce acceptable code for the
 basic layout. I do alot of rough work, and table planning and outlining
 in frontpage, just because I find it handles it better then Dreamweaver.
 Now, I'll admit that I don't polish these pages w/ Frontpage, that would
 be silly as it honestly doesn't do a great job. But if I didn't want to
 polish these pages they would be more then acceptable in either
 Mozzilla, or IE.

To be fair, a lot of the bloated, non-standard pages that litter the web are 
produced with Frontpage Express, rather than the full Frontpage, which I am 
told allows you to specify the HTML version you want.  And the really sucky 
pages are often produced, not with HTML editors, but with MS Word.  But I try 
not to blame the authors, many of whom are new to the web.  When I started, I 
too used Save as HTML and didn't notice anything was wrong until I started 
getting emails about my unreadable pages.  I was also pointed to a program 
called demoronizer which stripped MS smartquotes (an oxymoron).  I didn't 
know what to do with it, so I mailed back and got the reply, Just untar it 
and run it on the file, no arguments needed, or something like that.  Like 
Huh? That was my introduction to UNIX, which got me into Linux.

 Ohh... one last thing. For the person who said that really web designers
 hand code HTML. That's fine. You code your complex table structure
 manually. I personally will do it in a WYSIWYG editor myself... for me
 it takes way less time.

I asked a friend of mine who teaches web design what tools he had his 
students use.  His answer was pencil and paper.  Ironically, WYSIWYG tools 
work fine in the hands of people who learnt their HTML the hard way.

Sorry if this is way off topic, but I did mark it as such!  BTW, I'm happy to 
see off-topic mails on this list (I'd be a hypocrite if I wasn't) but I'd 
appreciate it if people could put OT or something in the header.  Then I 
can read those first ;-)

And please change the subject header when the subject gets too far from the 
original post.  Sometimes I miss really entertaining polemics because they 
still have a subject like Re: SB AWE64 drivers.


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[newbie] I love you guys.

2002-03-13 Per discussione Nelson Bartley

I love you guys.

With the palm syncing working correctly on rc1 (I hadn't tried since
december), I now have no more reason to use win other then to play my
silly games.

If I wasn't broke (or rather in debt), I would sign up for a 20$/month
club package.

You guys are great. Time for a virtual hug. :)


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Re: [newbie] An apology and a round of virtual beer

2002-03-13 Per discussione shane

well said!

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 14:40, Kaj Haulrich opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 2. Dvorak was wrong : Nobody (well, almost) here wants to keep linux for
 themselves (the Ferrari versus the Ford - syndrome).

ver y true, linux users are highly evolved beings you see ;-P

 6. You CAN have it all : Mandrake ! (The pure-at-heart can just rpm -e


 7. I can create an alias for myself and join the Mandrake Club once
 more. And I will.

i may have to buy gift memberships.

sin lies only in hurting others unnecessarily.  all other sins are 
invented nonsense. (hurting yourself isn't sin, just stupid) -heinlein

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] need to re-install OS

2002-03-13 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Thursday 14 March 2002 00:25, David wrote:
 I need to re-install OS.  Can I do so without having to re-install all my

 Is it possible to save some of my setting?

 If it matters my partitions table is as follows:

 Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda8   489992299049165643  65% /
 none 79456 0 79456   0% /dev/shm
 /dev/hda11 7218432   3329464   3522288  49% /home
 /dev/hda10 3020140844508   2022216  30% /usr

Since most apps are in /usr, your apps may well survive the reinstall (unless 
you reformat /dev/hda10, of course!) so long as you install the same 
libraries etc.  No guarantees, though. There may be some things in /bin or 
/sbin that will be broken, but my guess is that it's unlikely - these are 
usually system thingies that will be reinstalled.

Some apps may be in /opt, so you should back them up first, and copy them to 
your new /opt (no problems with dependencies there, since, if I've RTFMed 
correctly, /opt is for self-contained apps that don't follow the normal Linux 
tree structure).

 Also what is that partition  mnt point /dev/shm?  I didn't put that

Beats me - /dev is always full of mysterious stuff!  But since it's all 
hardware-related, it shouldn't make any difference to a reinstall.


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[somewhat OT] Re: [newbie] An apology and a round of virtual beer

2002-03-13 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Thursday 14 March 2002 00:40, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 Being the guy who initiated the Minimizing the cult-factor-thread,
 I've learned a few things :

 1. Never raise a general question unless you are prepared to get carried
 away big-time.

True, but that's what makes it fun!

 2. Dvorak was wrong : Nobody (well, almost) here wants to keep linux for
 themselves (the Ferrari versus the Ford - syndrome).

True - we want the whole world to be geekified ;-)

 3. Very, very few geeks here (geeks drink Coke, not beer).

Nah. Real geeks dring Jolt. 

 4. Femme Fatale is english, not french.
 5. One question answered, ten more raised.
 6. You CAN have it all : Mandrake ! (The pure-at-heart can just rpm -e
 all the eye-candy i.e. KDE, Gnome, XFCe, Blackbox, Enlightenment etc..
 Then XFree86 itself and thus enjoy the command-line in all its beauty.
 The rest of us can do as we please).

Exactly.  People who call for a stripped down, newbie-friendly Mandrake (or a 
no bloated apps, serious geeky Mandrake) are ignoring the fact that, as with 
most distros, you, the user, choose how much or how little you install.  
Anyway, the lost-beyond-all-hope geeks use Debian.

 7. I can create an alias for myself and join the Mandrake Club once
 more. And I will.
 8. My english needs improvement.

Very little, I would say (speaking as an English teacher).

 9. It's a small world.

 Probably more than that, but I don't care right now, 'cause I've just
 opened my fridge and poured myself a big foamy glass of Carlsberg.

I'm jealous. I'm drinking Efes Dark, which is the closest Turks get to an 
English beer. That's why I usually stick to raki.

 Raised it to my big mouth and pronounced :

 Cheers, all - I love you more than somewhat !

Me too.  It's good to find a computer-related list that is both friendly 
_and_ informative.


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[newbie] OTM$ to stop shipping windoze?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Bill Davidson

Anyone think they would do it?


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Re: [newbie] Geek vs the rest dilemma. NOW NUTZ BOLTZ

2002-03-13 Per discussione ed tharp

well if you would ever ask a question, instead of acting so damn know it all, 
you might get an answer that will at least get you started in the direction 
of getting your box to run the way you want. if all you are willing to part 
with is I still have a Full Box 8.0 which failed on my old machine then you 
may not ever figure out what is wrong with the way you are trying to set up 
your box. where did it fail? what were the error messages. heck, do you 
expect the OS to work without tweaking in every possible hardware combination?
I guess it would have to to allow an install by someone _you_ consider a 
so when you wrote menu for CP/M, whom was your employeer? and who kept the 
intellectual property rights? I am very interested in the history of early 

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 03:41, you wrote:
 Hi Damien,

 What distro was it?
 I still have a Full Box 8.0 which failed on my old machine and I am going
 to try it  on another System which has a Ricoh CDRW.
 My plan now is try it and see - if it doesn't work on this one, I will try
 an 8.2 update
 I want to put the 8.0 on to get the IBM ViaVoice product which came with it
 ( wouldn't even install on the last try).

 The last few messages have given me a little hope again...

 Different machine:
 MSI 6320 Board
 P3 667 Chip
 On Board Video (Intel) 8513 series chips
 Als 4000 Sound card
  1x Sony  CD
 1x Ricoh 7120A CDRW
 - Original Message -
 From: Damian Gatabria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Answers to the Geek vs the rest dilemma.

  well, my machine? just a P2 400 MMX .. 256 MB Ram, 6,4 GB and 30 GB hd's,
  Intel 8 MB AGP video card, 64 bit Creative labs Sound... and yes,
  a Samsung 12x8x32 burner, which worked right after install.
  geek... i don't think i tinker enough with the stuff to fall into that
  category.. however i do spend a lot of time with my computer.
  i guess i'm kind of a hybrid between regular user and geek, kinda.. i
  got this Dr. Jeckill  Mr. Hyde into me.. but concerning your questions..
  absolutely no tweaking. MDK worked for me 100%.

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Re: [newbie] Lycoris or Mandrake?

2002-03-13 Per discussione shane

i should also have pointed out you can download mandrake for a test run so 
to speak, if you have doubts, in case you didn't know.  having said it, if 
you do like it, please buy it.  support real software..

We are Linux. Resistance is measured in Ohms.

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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[newbie] OFF Topic: Unix TTY Config Question

2002-03-13 Per discussione Paul Kraus

I know this is off topic but most ppl with linux exp have some
unix.(openserver 5.06). Are server runs a distribution package that
prints to both spooled and direct(/dev/ttyx). I am migrating the
information from the old server to a new. How do I configure a tty port
to the correct settings to match my printers? If i use print manager
then everything works like a champ but if I use the tty port then at
about 2 or 3 pages everything gets garbled. I am assuming this is a
handshaking issue. Thanks.

Paul Kraus

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Re: [newbie] Digital TV PCI cards - suggestions, recommendations, working setups, problems...

2002-03-13 Per discussione ed tharp

yes, any wintv pci card should work great, as long as the card supports PAL 
the software will too, the brooktree drivers (BTTV84X chips) work fine in my 
mandrake setup, and have in every version since 7.0, right out of the box. 

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 12:10, you wrote:
 System: Mandrake 8.0 running on a Gigabyte GA-71XE4 mobo, Athlon 1.2GHz,
 256MB ram and a 20Gb HDD. Very stable atm :)

 I would like to know if there is a PCI card that would enable me to view
 terestrial television broadcasts like bbc1, bbc2, bbc4, bbc knowledge,
 itv1, itv2, channel 4 and channel 5 using the signal from my ariel?

 I'm not interested in satellite or pay-to-view channels, but just the
 standard channels and the free digital-via-ariel channels.

 It would be great to use the linux box rather than buying a whole new
 television or buying a set-top-box for my old television, allowing me to
 view true widescreen output on a crisp monitor display.

 Do such cards also offer the possibility to capture programs onto the
 harddrive allowing for saving or just viewing later [digital VCR

 Teletext would be a bonus, but not essential ;-)

 Hope you can help me with this question :)


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Re: [newbie] Shame we live in diff countries and all

2002-03-13 Per discussione Warren Post

Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
23 celsius, warm and sunny

On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 09:45, Paul_Vortex wrote:
 Hanan Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...
  Name: Hanan
  Country: Fairfax, VA   United States
  IP:  .. nah ;-)
 Greenock, Scotland here.

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Re: Re :[newbie] I got the 2nd NIC start another round ?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Brian Parish


I'm jumping in without having read the previous stuff in this thread,
but have you installed a firewall on the linux box?  This would seem to
be the most likely reason you can't ping it - if the rules have been set
to drop pings on the local LAN interface.

If you have installed a firewall, perhaps you could post the config


On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 08:25, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 For the life of me I cant seem to get the w2k machine to see the linux machine 
 which is really weired coz If w2k can get through the internet how cant it see 
 the linux machine ?!!@!:
 I can ping the w2k from linux ( both by IP and by host name )
 but I cant do the same from the w2k, the w2k can ping itself but cannot see 
 the linux machine. w2k machin can only ping 10.x.x.x (= the isp's gateway )
 here is the latest configurations, (I'v been tampering with them all day):
 W2K machine:
 w2k   ( dont worry gerald these are fake nakmes :)  )
 the hosts file has:  w2k
 the same info is in /etc/hosts  plus:
 eth0 has the 10.x.x.x  IP( static / onboot )
 eth1 has the   IP ( static / onboot)
 what I'm I missing here ?
 Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] need to re-install OS

2002-03-13 Per discussione Miark


 I need to re-install OS.  Can I do so without having to re-install all my apps?  
 Is it possible to save some of my setting?  

Probably, but if you want a stable system, you should really start 

 If it matters my partitions table is as follows...

I personally use two partitions: one for / and one for /home. But
most of your settings will be in /home, so you may as well keep
your partitions as is. That is, keep your partitions as is, and
format them all except /home.


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Re: [newbie] Hex dump at startup

2002-03-13 Per discussione FemmeFatale

This may or may not answer you correctly *Forgive me if I'm wrong*.

The F1 answer I don't understand either.

However I do understand the part about editing lilo.conf.

Just find that file on your harddrive, load it into an editor  edit it
so it reads:

linux=vmlinuz (default):nobiospnp.

Alternatively, in the Bios itself, turn OFF PNP if that is an option. 
It has the same effect IIRC.


Tom Moye wrote:
 I have a Gateway 200mhz 256 MB RAM, with 2 hard drives. The master ide
 drive is with Win 2000. The slave drive has Mandrake 8.1. The CD ROM is
 an ide.
 Setup ran fine. (several times in fact).
 Lilo dual boot seems fine.
 I get a GUI lilo screen, and if I pick Windows,
 then Win2000 loads just fine.
 If I pick Linux or failsafe, it begins to start just fine, uncompresses
 OK and starts to boot the kernel.  But then I get a hex dump to the
 screen, in the format of [C01073e7] and this continues indefinitely.
 Same with GRUB.
 I looked in the archive and someone reported the same issue and was
 given the following answer:
 At the boot menu press F1 and at the boot prompt enter:
 linux nobiospnp.
 After you have successfully booted edit your lilo.conf with the nobiospnp
 append and then rerun lilo.
 That should take care of your problem
 Please allow me to be dense. What boot menu? At the boot menu that has
 Linux, failsafe, Windows? My F1 key does nothing in lilo or grub.
 I have also tried the F1 at startup time to get to the system setup and
 changed the pnp settings. No joy. I have a feeling that I am missing
 something real basic here.
 Any suggestions?  I suppose that I am paying for the First go install
 success that occurred with 7.2 on another machine (IBM) two years ago.
 Thanks in advance,
 in Vermont USA
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ? NOW what for?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Nelson Bartley

No.. Dreamweaver Can work w/ wine, however it does not work as
quickly, nor is it as functional as on windows. (I personally coulnd't
get it to install.)


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 20:13, FemmeFatale wrote:
 sda wrote:
  On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 10:28:50PM +1000, john rigby wrote:
 . Most professional
  web design is done by designers who do the nice look using DreamWeaver
  and/or GoLive. 
 As an aside, is it possible, as someone on this list wanted to give up
 M$ for Linux...but couldn't b/c dreamweaver won't work on Linux w/out
 Is it possible instead to use Codeweavers Wine to help in that effort?
 Just curious  wondering, not that I know wtf Dreamweaver is :)

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[newbie] apache mod_dav install

2002-03-13 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

Has anyone installed the mod_dav module for apache?

I get an error 
Cannot load to server:
/usr/lib/apache/ undefined symbol: XML_SetElementHandler

how do I get / find XML_SetElementHandler
Gerald Waugh
New Haven, Connecticut USA

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[newbie] NVIDIA driver w/ rc1 KDE

2002-03-13 Per discussione Nelson Bartley


I've just installed my nvidia driver (hadn't bothered until now) and all
of a sudden all of my kde fonts have changed. It doesn't appear to
affect any programs other then those that run off of KDE.

Is there a way to set my fonts back to the way they were before I
installed my nvidia driver?

I'm not quite sure what happened but here's an exact list of what I did.

Downloaded most recent glx and kernel src rpms.
rebuilt kernel src rpm
installed rebuild kernel rpm and glx rpm
edited XF86Config-4 file
added load glx in appropriate spot
changed driver nv to driver nvidia
restarted X-server

Then my fonts changed.

Any help would be appreciated and I can provide config and log files if


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Re: [newbie] Lycoris or Mandrake?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 04:53 pm, Aryan Ameri wrote:
 Hi there:
 I am an old windows user that is tired and sick of Microsoft's policies. So
 I turned to Linux and I now Love this OS and the open source community. I
 only have one problem with Linux and that's the ease of use. I used to use
 Red Hat 7.1 for a couple of months and then I found out that it wasn't for
 me. I was able to find my way trough KDE but couldn't play my VCDs for
 example. Also I never understood tar files. Now I'm in search for the
 easiest Linux Distro. I really don't too many software packages or
 stability ( any Linux Distro is Stable comparing to Windows). I just need
 the easiest to use Distro. I found out that Mandrake is the Distro that
 everybody says suits my needs. But I also found out that there is a Company
 named Lycoris ( formerly known as Redmond Linux) that is making a Distro
 called Desktop/LX. As far as I can see it's very easy to use. It is very
 user friendly for  windows users and it use WINE ( by default) and also
 play DVDs and VCDs Automatically ( I really like this). As far as I can see
 other than Documentation there is no clause for me to use Mandrake.( also
 I'm a little concerned about mandrake soft's financial problems). Maybe
 this is not the right place to ask this question because it is a Mandrake
 mailing list. But I really can't make up my mind in this mater. I am going
 to buy One of these distros in about a week. Please help me in this. Linux
 eager Newbie
 Aryan Ameri


Earlier this week, there was a very favorable review of lycoris at (I'm not familiar with the site, or the credibility of its 
reviews.) The big appeal of lycoris is that it sets up a basic KDE desktop 
made to look pretty much like Windows -- down to the wallpaper clouds. You 
don't get a lot of options. (Which is not necessarily a bad thing for a 
newbie.) I found one of the comments to be very interesting: The poster said 
that he would continue to use Mandrake for his work machine, but he would 
install Lycoris for others who just needed a basic desktop system. (There's 
some irony there... hang around linux for a while and you'll see what I 

Before you make your decision, I would suggest you poke around the lycoris 
sites ( -- support, and -- marketing), and 
then do the same at the linux-mandrake site. In particular, look at the 
support resources available at Mandrake -- the mail lists, 
(check out both the docs and the forum sections), the tutorials, etc. Granted 
that a simple installation doesn't need as much support, but then it doesn't 
provide the options, either. Also bear in mind that lycoris is a brand new 
system. Mandrake has been around for quite a while.

Good luck,
-- cmg

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[newbie] kmail attachments

2002-03-13 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

I am unable to receive attachments from co-workers. I have three separate 
email accounts. I am able to receive attachments on two of the accounts but 
on the third, all I receive are the message headers. No attachment. 
Unfortunately, I must be able to use this account; it is my work account.
I have not made any changes to the setup in KMail settings. I believe that 
the originating mails are sent from Groupwise. 

Any thoughts?

Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] kmail attachments

2002-03-13 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 10:03 pm, Bill Winegarden wrote:
   I am unable to receive attachments from co-workers. I have three separate
 email accounts. I am able to receive attachments on two of the accounts but
 on the third, all I receive are the message headers. No attachment.
 Unfortunately, I must be able to use this account; it is my work account.
   I have not made any changes to the setup in KMail settings. I believe that
 the originating mails are sent from Groupwise.

someplace along the line someone is filtering attachments to stop virus 
Probably the senders email server.

Gerald Waugh
New Haven, Connecticut USA

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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

2002-03-13 Per discussione Pascal
john rigby wrote:

 Hi Shane,
 Sorry you are disqualified, too!   :-)
 You are obviously very techo if not Geek!

 What I'm chasing is whether any non-tech/geek people have ever succeeded.
 These are Users.
 People who simply want to make/improve their earning capacity via increased
 People who are ancient - like over 30.

At last I found a field in which I can qualify!

 Anyone who has previously successfully installed any kind of Network is
 disqualified. :-)

Oops! I am disqualified! I happened once to plug a localtalk cable to a
And it worked.

 Anyone who LOVES the challenge of computer exercises.
 The THRILL of recovering trashed records, totalled systems.

No, seriously this time:

As for the success history:

I have bought Mandrake 8.0 powerpack. Once I inserted the disks, I had to
follow the menus only and I didn't have to reply to obscure questions Every
board was detected, the printer worked at once. As for the network, yes, I
had to condigure it (i.e. I had to choose "DHCP" to connect to my modem),
and that was it. KMail worked at once, KWord, K-everything. So to summarize,
I didn't have to configure anything except DHCP and the screen resolution
after first reboot.
As for FrontPage, I don't know, I have never used it. But netscape's
editor works well for all what I want to do.

As a comparison, I didn't success to fully install Win 98. it asks obscure
questions, it needs 4 or 5 reboots + one extra reboot after each driver
And the top, the cherry on top of the cake: when you install a driver,
Win is not even able to find the driver itself in the floppy / CD you insert.
You have to point the path. It is not even capable of knowing that it has
to search not in the NT directory, but in the W98. This was the end of my
w98 experience. Fortunately, I didn't pay for it. Well, this is way off-topic.

Sorry. Back to Mandrake.

Now the critics:
- Installing the system in Japanese is not smooth and there is some work
to be done. Not very geeky, but nevertheless it has to be done. I am looking
foreward to installing 8.2. to see how it works (I couldn't get an error-less
download yet, so I guess I'll have to wait for the CDS).
- CD burning software is geeky (at least for me). I opened the GUIs for
CD burning, and there are tons of buttons, asking me whether I want
ISO something, Joliet (or was it Romeo???) or whatever. So I bought a
G4 and I fry my CDs with it. By the way, does anyone know a _SIMPLE_
GUI for CD burning on Linux? I mean an interface with 3 buttons: burn,
erase, and open file? A further choice music / data / disc image would be
acceptable although it should be the burner's job to decide what to do
according to the contents. All the geeky stuff should be in the prefs.

As for the productivity, it never freezes. Win used to freeze once a day,
or at least several times a week. From that point, it was as stable as MacOS.
But now, I didn't freeze Linux over about 1 year. I also like the ability
of writing pdf files, and I have a high compatibility degree with my
I really hope Japanese will work out of the box for later releases in order
to start Linux evangelism here.

That's about it for the "usable out of the box" subject.

As a conclusion:
- as long as you install an english (and probably all
other western language) system, you get everything working at once
without computer knowledge. All the network / ISP parameters are on
your ISP contract.
- There are still a few geeky softwares that you have to get used to.
Although this is not an OS issue, the average end user does not
necessary understand where the OS / application border is.

Yes, there are some first go success stories with a very minimal knowledge.
Well, if you don't know what a mouse is, like president Chirac, I'm
not sure you will success.


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Re: [newbie] Any First Go success stories ?

2002-03-13 Per discussione David

What was the original question to this posting?   

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 12:29:51 +0900
Pascal Pascal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 john rigby wrote:
  Hi Shane,
  Sorry you are disqualified, too!   :-)
  You are obviously very techo if not Geek!
  What I'm chasing is whether any non-tech/geek people have ever
  succeeded. These are Users.
  People who simply want to make/improve their earning capacity via
  increased productivity.
  People who are ancient - like over 30.
 At last I found a field in which I can qualify!
  Anyone who has previously successfully installed any kind of Network
  is disqualified. :-)
 Oops! I am disqualified! I happened once to plug a localtalk cable to a
 And it worked.
  Anyone who LOVES the challenge of computer exercises.
  The THRILL of recovering trashed records, totalled systems.
 No, seriously this time:
 As for the success history:
 I have bought Mandrake 8.0 powerpack. Once I inserted the disks, I had
 to follow the menus only and I didn't have to reply to obscure questions
 Every board was detected, the printer worked at once. As for the
 network, yes, I had to condigure it (i.e. I had to choose DHCP to
 connect to my modem), and that was it. KMail worked at once, KWord,
 K-everything. So to summarize, I didn't have to configure anything
 except DHCP and the screen resolution after first reboot.
 As for FrontPage, I don't know, I have never used it. But netscape's
 editor works well for all what I want to do.
 As a comparison, I didn't success to fully install Win 98. it asks
 obscure questions, it needs 4 or 5 reboots + one extra reboot after each
 driver install.
 And the top, the cherry on top of the cake: when you install a driver,
 Win is not even able to find the driver itself in the floppy / CD you
 insert. You have to point the path. It is not even capable of knowing
 that it has to search not in the NT directory, but in the W98. This was
 the end of my w98 experience. Fortunately, I didn't pay for it. Well,
 this is way off-topic.
 Sorry. Back to Mandrake.
 Now the critics:
 - Installing the system in Japanese is not smooth and there is some work
 to be done. Not very geeky, but nevertheless it has to be done. I am
 looking foreward to installing 8.2. to see how it works (I couldn't get
 an error-less download yet, so I guess I'll have to wait for the CDS).
 - CD burning software is geeky (at least for me). I opened the GUIs for
 CD burning, and there are tons of buttons, asking me whether I want
 ISO something, Joliet (or was it Romeo???) or whatever. So I bought a
 G4 and I fry my CDs with it. By the way, does anyone know a _SIMPLE_
 GUI for CD burning on Linux? I mean an interface with 3 buttons: burn,
 erase, and open file? A further choice music / data / disc image would
 be acceptable although it should be the burner's job to decide what to
 do according to the contents. All the geeky stuff should be in the
 As for the productivity, it never freezes. Win used to freeze once a
 day, or at least several times a week. From that point, it was as stable
 as MacOS. But now, I didn't freeze Linux over about 1 year. I also like
 the ability of writing pdf files, and I have a high compatibility degree
 with my colleagues.
 I really hope Japanese will work out of the box for later releases in
 order to start Linux evangelism here.
 That's about it for the usable out of the box subject.
 As a conclusion:
 - as long as you install an english (and probably all
 other western language) system, you get everything working at once
 without computer knowledge. All the network / ISP parameters are on
 your ISP contract.
 - There are still a few geeky softwares that you have to get used to.
 Although this is not an OS issue, the average end user does not
 necessary understand where the OS / application border is.
 Yes, there are some first go success stories with a very minimal
 knowledge. Well, if you don't know what a mouse is, like president
 Chirac, I'm not sure you will success.


Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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