Meta-suggestion about conduct of discussions (was: Re: The new linux-il - a few tips to get you (re)started)

2009-01-30 Thread Omer Zak
May I suggest that someone open a Web page, which will summarize the
main points (both pro and con) of the discussion so far?
Once such a Web page exists and is available for modifications (such as
being a Wiki), we can start enforcing the netiquette of expecting people
to say something only if they add something new to the discussion?

This reminds me of the way my DEAF-INFO Web site got started more than
10 years ago.  In a deafness related mailing list, to which I was
subscribed, the same arguments were hashed again and again in endless
arguments.  Until one day I got tired from this and summarized the main
points in a FAQ (sort of), and out of the FAQ, the Web site grew up.

If such a page already exists and I am not aware of it, simply let me
(and the entire list) know about it and I'll be glad to add a mention of
it to my .sig in future postings to Linux-IL about this subject.

On Sat, 2009-01-31 at 08:33 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Please, if we are going to be re-hashing discussions, let's try to keep 
 them two-way by LISTENING and ADDRESSING the counter points. Otherwise, 
 we are back at people re-stating their positions again and again in the 
 hope that someone will magically budge. If that's what we are doing 
 here, I'm out of the discussion and you all can just do whatever you like.

You haven't made an impact on the world before you caused a Debian
release to be named after Snufkin.
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They do not represent the official policy of any organization with which
I may be affiliated in any way.

Linux-il mailing list

[OFFTOPIC] IAA Performance (was: Re: israelt TV online (again))

2009-01-06 Thread Omer Zak
On Tue, 2009-01-06 at 10:08 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 2009/1/6 Dvir Volk
  Aren't the IAA the same bunch of losers who can't even get their job
  done, and got Israel's traffic safety ranking down to the level of
 [citation needed]

There was an article about it in the weekend supplement of Yediot
Aharonot about 1 1/2 weeks ago.
More recently, it was found that the landing strip in the Uvda airport
(near Eilat) is crumbling and now Israel has no backup airport for big

 I really thought that our safety record was alright. Note that I am
 unfamiliar with Zimbabwe's safety record.

We were lucky so far.

  --- Omer
Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Re: make question

2008-12-17 Thread Omer Zak
Hello Jason,

The following is what you need:
SOURCES = $(wildcard ../../some/other/path/*.eps)
TARGETS = $(patsubst ../../some/other/path/%.eps,%_fixed.eps)

all: $(TARGETS)

%_fixed.eps: ../../some/other/path/%.eps
[TAB] eps2eps $ $@
The above works with GNU Make (I use GNU Make 3.81 in Debian Etch).

DISCLAIMER: I did not actually check the above, but I use something very
similar in my own Makefiles.

 --- Omer

On Wed, 2008-12-17 at 15:21 -0500, Jason Friedman wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have had this make question that has been bugging me for a long time.
 I want to fix some eps files using eps2eps. This is the makefile I use:
 figure1_fixed.eps: figure1.eps
 [tab] eps2eps $ $@
 (replace [tab] with the tab character)
 This works fine, but when I have many eps files to convert, I have to
 repeat the command line many times. A similar problem is this one:
 figure2.eps: ../../some/other/path/some_long_ugly_filename.eps
 After lots of googling, I have not been able to find a solution. Is
 there a way to do this in make, if not, can you suggest another tool
 that can do this? I have been running into variants of this problem
 several times.
Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Is there a Free Software tool which already does it?

2008-12-10 Thread Omer Zak
1. A text string (for example Stop!)
2. An image which displays the above text string (for example, a screen
capture of a GUI button displaying the text Stop!)

Does a Free Software tool, which can get the text string as input,
process the image, and determine the following, already exist?
1. Background color (assume for now that it is uniform).
2. Foreground color (assume for now that it is uniform).
3. Whether the actually displayed text is the expected one.
4. Coordinates of the text origin in the image.
5. Font
6. Size
7. Style (bold/italic/unerline/strikethrough/etc.)

 --- Omer

Never let beliefs, God or Gods incite war and hatred among human beings.
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[OFFTOPIC] date format rant (was: Re: [OFFTOPIC] Daily Maily Spam)

2008-12-10 Thread Omer Zak
On Wed, 2008-12-10 at 16:24 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 2008/12/10 Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Looks like maybe someone along the chain to Dotan has mixed up
  American date format (MM/DD/) with the sane format (DD/MM/).
 I hate that format! Tbird and OOo _insist_ on using that format and it
 steers me wrong every time! Do American watches use a HH:SS:MM
 format?!? I have never heard of a middle-endian format being used in
 any other context!

Probably remnant from the days dates were written like this:
December 10, 1776.

Clueless office clerks and/or EDP managers then got this converted into

The Japanese system of -MM-DD is the best one.  I personally use a
modified variety (-MMM-DD which is not ambiguous) whenever I am free
to set the date format.
   --- Omer

Philip Machanick: caution: if you write code like this, immediately
after you are fired the person assigned to maintaining your code after
you leave will resign
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Re: [OFFTOPIC] Daily Maily Spam

2008-12-09 Thread Omer Zak
Encouraged by advice from few Linux-IL subscribers, I clicked on the
unsubscription link provided:[EMAIL PROTECTED]dm=DailyMaily
(quoted after censoring of my actual E-mail address).

I was directed to a form requesting me to fill my details - name,
company, phone numbers.  The field containing my E-mail address was
already filled.

This is a bad design - it seems that anyone can unsubscribe anyone else
from the mailing list.  A simpler unsubscription system would have
removed my subscription request as soon as I click on the link from the
E-mail message - and if the link was properly hashed, such a system
would also not allow other people to unsubscribe him.

When clicking on the הסירו אותי button, the unsubscription request was
rejected!!!  Red stars indicated that I must fill my first name and last
name.  Fortunately no further details (which I left empty) were

Only after filling first name and last name fields, and clicking again
on the above button, I got confirmation that my unsubscription request
was accepted and will be processed within three business days.

They indicate that it is possible to get further help in unsubscribing
by sending E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  --- Omer

On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 23:24 +1100, Arik Baratz wrote:
 2008/12/9 Gilad Ben-Yossef [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Omer Zak wrote:
  During December (since the anti-spam law came into force), I 
 received so
  far three E-mail messages from Daily Maily, without giving them
  permission to continue to E-mail me.

 If you ever went to one of those free people  Computers
 events, such as Go Linux, you signed an agreement to receive
 their publication. So it might not be my cup of tea or yours,
 but neither it is SPAM as the law defines it.
 Just unsubscribe and AFAIK they'll stop.

 My experience is that they stop immediately. Mine started when I gave
 Peli the Tiger my business card after he took my photo. I guess he
 subscribed me manually so I can see the result...
 -- Arik
In civilized societies, captions are as important in movies as
soundtracks, professional photography and expert editing.
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[OFFTOPIC] Daily Maily Spam

2008-12-08 Thread Omer Zak
During December (since the anti-spam law came into force), I received so
far three E-mail messages from Daily Maily, without giving them
permission to continue to E-mail me.

Is there anyone who is organizing a group lawsuit against them?
At any case, can anyone recommend a guide exactly what evidence to
provide and how to sue them?

--- Omer

In civilized societies, captions are as important in movies as
soundtracks, professional photography and expert editing.
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Interference with Markets (was: Re: [Haifux] Successful Windows Vista refund!!)

2008-12-06 Thread Omer Zak
I would be very wary of any law, which interferes with operation of
businesses.  There can always be unforeseen consequences.  One possible
consequence comes to one's mind:

Embedded system which is always sold with an operating system and
applications which allow its safe operation.
Then one has to define the borderline between a PC to be covered and an
embedded system to be exempted.

I have a better suggestion:

Encourage (by getting people to demand it) providers to sell PCs with
Linux, in which a VM is installed and runs a MS-Windows XP image.

Such a configuration will benefit the Free Software world by making it
easy to bridge between MS-Windows XP and Linux (no more having to
dual-boot the PC).

   --- Omer

On Sat, 2008-12-06 at 13:21 +0200, Dan Shimshoni wrote:
 I wish that there will be some serious initiative to take advantage
 of this precedent
 and to change the current status of PC/latop computer market
 in Israel ; I would wish that some
 law will be passed that would enforce ***every*** computer store in Israel
 to sale a PC/laptop with no OS on it, and also would enforce every 
 of these stores to declare this option clearly. This is election time now.
 Maybe an Atzuma should be prepared  ? maybe some parliament members
 will be interested in such an initiative ? Can anyone think of
 something ?

Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Re: Interference with Markets (was: Re: [Haifux] Successful Windows Vista refund!!)

2008-12-06 Thread Omer Zak
On Sat, 2008-12-06 at 14:31 +0200, sara fink wrote:
 Encourage (by getting people to demand it) providers to sell
 PCs with
 Linux, in which a VM is installed and runs a MS-Windows XP
 VM anyone can install. Asking VM installed with windows xp image will
 open the door to charge extra charge for the image of XP.  After all,
 if it's not registered image, after 30 days you can't use it anymore.
 You need to re- install the image.  

So what?
1. The seller could sell, as part of the deal, a MS-Windows XP license.
2. Not everyone has the expertise to install, configure and optimize a
VM.  If the seller can profit from doing this in behalf of the buyer,
why not?

--- Omer

In civilized societies, captions are as important in movies as
soundtracks, professional photography and expert editing.
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Re: silly bash scripting question

2008-12-04 Thread Omer Zak
I checked the expressions, using 'echo $whatever' in my bash, whose
version string is:
GNU bash, version 3.1.17(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

All behaved without extra quote marks or whatever.

So, Amos - please let us know which shell and version did you use for

--- Omer

On Fri, 2008-12-05 at 09:58 +1100, Amos Shapira wrote:
 I've been doing shell programming for years but this got me stomped
 (simplified version):
 rsync=/usr/bin/rsync -navHz --delete --delay-updates --bwlimit=256 -e
 'ssh -i /root/'
 $rsync $local/ $copyto/
 When I execute this script with sh -vx the final lines are:
 $rsync $local/ $copyto/
 + /usr/bin/rsync -navHz --delete --delay-updates --bwlimit=256 -e
 ''\''ssh' -i '/root/'\''' /mnt/data/html/minicpan/
 Missing trailing-' in remote-shell command.
 rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(361) [sender=3.0.4]
 It looks like the shell splits the value of $ssh into words and adds
 quoting around them.
 The rsync command line I'd like to see is:
 /usr/bin/rsync -navHz --delete --delay-updates --bwlimit=256 -e ''ssh
 -i /root/'' /mnt/data/html/minicpan/
 But whatever I tried so far playing with single quotes or back-slashes
 I haven't managed to make the shell do that.
 What am I missing?
Philip Machanick: caution: if you write code like this, immediately
after you are fired the person assigned to maintaining your code after
you leave will resign
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Re: grab focus

2008-12-01 Thread Omer Zak
On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 00:18 +0200, Erez D wrote:
 i'm looking for a command line util which lets me change x-focus.
 i am running two apps with no window manager, and i want to be able to
 switch focus between the two by command line
 any idea ?

OK, I'll bite even though I know of no such utility.
I assume that you are using X-Window server, but without any window
1. Find or develop an utility for simulating mouse events and delivering
them to X-Window.  Then use mouse events to change focus.
2. Find or write a very simple window manager, which knows to switch
focus by commands via a FIFO, to which your command line utility writes.
3. Is it possible to write a simple application which calls XSendEvent()
with suitable events?

Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Roll your own Window Manager (was: Re: Re: grab focus)

2008-12-01 Thread Omer Zak
I googled for the above and came up with: - a tiling window manager for
X-Window, written in Haskell.  Makes it possible to manage windows
without using a mouse.
Those articles describe the design of the above (written in Haskell, of
all languages!).  Version 0.1 is 490 lines of code, so does it (with
Haskell libraries) have sufficiently small memory footprint for use in
Erez D's system?

--- Omer

On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 07:43 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Omer Zak wrote:
  OK, I'll bite even though I know of no such utility.
  I assume that you are using X-Window server, but without any window
  1. Find or develop an utility for simulating mouse events and delivering
  them to X-Window.  Then use mouse events to change focus.
  2. Find or write a very simple window manager, which knows to switch
  focus by commands via a FIFO, to which your command line utility writes.
  3. Is it possible to write a simple application which calls XSendEvent()
  with suitable events?

 1 and 3 will simply not work. Without a window manager there are just 
 two options. The X default is that the focus follows the mouse. Changing 
 this default will lead to the focus hanging on a certain window until 
 changed via the API. There is no mouse or keyboard sequence to tell X to 
 switch focus to another window. This is 100% the window manager's task.
 As for 2, it will work, but it is probably a gross overkill.
 How do you intend to identify the window that is to receive focus? Do 
 you have its Window ID? Do you want to do it by screen coordinates?
 If the former, RTFM the XSetInputFocus command. Aside from the overheads 
 (opening the X session), this is a one function command, and should be 
 fairly straight forward. Be warned, however, that it may very well not 
 work if a window manager happens to be running, as a window manager has 
 total veto power over any command affecting, well, windows (size, 
 display/hide, move etc.), so if you are trying to test it with KDE or 
 Gnome running, and it does nothing, don't despair. Try it again with no 
 window manager.
Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Re: grab focus

2008-12-01 Thread Omer Zak
On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 08:27 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Erez D wrote:
  i'm looking for a command line util which lets me change x-focus.
  i am running two apps with no window manager, and i want to be able to 
  switch focus between the two by command line
  any idea ?
 I quickly wrote something.
 Let me know if this works for you.

At impulse, I downloaded and compiled it.  The 'Usage:' path works for

From usability point of view, the documentation (and maybe the
application itself) is missing a way to find out what window handles are
there now.  Remember - do not ask the window manager for this

How about having xfocus display a list of the handles of all open
windows (along with some identifying information such as window title or
controlling process ID - for the user to match up with more information
using ps's output) when provided with no window handle argument?

When done, xfocus will be cool little application!

--- Omer

You haven't made an impact on the world before you caused a Debian
release to be named after Snufkin.
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gspca with GeForge FX 5200 experience, anyone? (was: Re: Webcam Recommendations?)

2008-11-24 Thread Omer Zak
On Mon, 2008-11-24 at 20:29 +0200, Gilboa Davara wrote:
 On Mon, 2008-11-24 at 19:52 +0200, Chaim Keren-Tzion wrote:
  Any recommendations for a good webcam to use with linux? (Mainly for
  use with Skype)
 I'm using the (somewhat pricey) Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX and it
 works just fine. (gspca driver)

Does anyone have good experience working with the gspca driver in
conjunction with the nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] video

In my system, the driver causes video applications to hang up (Linux
kernel 2.6.18-6).

--- Omer

Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Re: gspca with GeForge FX 5200 experience, anyone? (was: Re: Webcam Recommendations?)

2008-11-24 Thread Omer Zak
I tested it only with 'nv' - never installed 'nvidia' in my PC.

On Mon, 2008-11-24 at 23:25 +0200, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
 Hi Omer,
  Does anyone have good experience working with the gspca driver in
  conjunction with the nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] video
  In my system, the driver causes video applications to hang up (Linux
  kernel 2.6.18-6).
 Does the problem repeats when you're using the nv (open source)
 driver and not the nvidia driver? if so, I think you should report
 it to nvidia (they are on #nvidia channel on freenode IRC)

Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Re: gspca with GeForge FX 5200 experience, anyone? (was: Re: Webcam Recommendations?)

2008-11-24 Thread Omer Zak
I don't have gspca for my current kernel (2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686) and
the gspca-source package didn't compile for it (there are Debian bugs
filed for it).

My story with gspca and the above video card is filed as bugs with

As far as I could see, no action was taken with those bugs.
So I am looking for people who experienced similar hang ups to help
diagnose the problem.
   --- Omer
P.S.: Hetz's suggestion to try with the vesa driver was nice, but when
configured to use vesa, the X server did not start.

On Tue, 2008-11-25 at 00:37 +0200, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote: 
 Well, I think you didn't install it due it closeness, if I'm right...
 My suggestion would be to install the closed driver and see if this
 problem returns. If it's not, then you should file in a bug with the If the problem still there, then it could be either the card or
 the camera's driver.
 You might also try the vesa driver to see if this problem appears,
 although I'm not sure if there aren't any specific parts of nv
 driver in vesa driver.
 On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:47 PM, Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I tested it only with 'nv' - never installed 'nvidia' in my PC.
  On Mon, 2008-11-24 at 23:25 +0200, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
  Hi Omer,
   Does anyone have good experience working with the gspca driver in
   conjunction with the nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] video
   In my system, the driver causes video applications to hang up (Linux
   kernel 2.6.18-6).
  Does the problem repeats when you're using the nv (open source)
  driver and not the nvidia driver? if so, I think you should report
  it to nvidia (they are on #nvidia channel on freenode IRC)
Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Re: Directory of open source related companies in Israel

2008-11-16 Thread Omer Zak
There used to be such a directory in but it
went away when the Wiki got vandalized.  The Wayback machine has the
list as it existed at January 2006 in the URL:

On Mon, 2008-11-17 at 11:57 +0800, Ohad Levy wrote:
 Hi All,
 Is there such thing? 

I am in middle of development of an application, which helps people use
the Wayback machine to recover information from vandalized Wikis.  The
project could use people who need such a thing besides,
especially if they can sponsor it.

  --- Omer

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[OFFTOPIC][JOB] Looking for the jobless PHP programmer

2008-11-11 Thread Omer Zak
Few days ago someone looked for a job for a PHP programmer, who was
recently laid off.
The E-mail message in question had the programmer's cellphone number.

Today I was contacted by someone, who is looking for a PHP programmer.
However I didn't find the aforementioned E-mail in archives - probably
suppressed because of the cellphone number.

If anyone has a copy of the message, can he/she forward it to me

P.S.: I am not 100% sure this is the right mailing list, but I cannot be
the only one subscribed to both Linux-IL, Hackers-IL and PHP-Israel, so
I hope this message gets to someone who can help.

 --- Omer
$ python
type 'type'  My own blog is at
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THANKS (was Re: [OFFTOPIC][JOB] Looking for the jobless PHP programmer)

2008-11-11 Thread Omer Zak
Thanks, Shlomi Fish and Boaz Rymland, for forwarding me the sought for
E-mail message!

Turns out that the E-mail message was in the PHP-IL mailing list.

On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 12:13 +0200, Omer Zak wrote:
 If anyone has a copy of the message, can he/she forward it to me
   --- Omer

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Not voting means voting for the candidate whom you hate the most!
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Re: Anyone succeeded in setting up anonymous IPv6 connectivity in Debian Etch?

2008-11-08 Thread Omer Zak
Hello Noam,
Thanks for your answer.  I still need more help.

On Sat, 2008-11-08 at 10:09 +0200, Noam Rathaus wrote:
 I have been able to do it using:
 apt-get install tspc

I installed it, too.

 verify tun works:
 ifconfig tun

I do not have tun, but I have sit0 and sit1.
Should tun exist as well?
If yes, how do I find why wasn't it set up as well?

According to lsmod, the following modules are loaded:
- tun
- sit
- tunnel4 (used by sit)
- ipv6 (used by sit)

Am I missing anything?

 and ping:
 PING 56 data bytes
 64 bytes from 2001:4860:0:1001::68: icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=305 ms
 64 bytes from 2001:4860:0:1001::68: icmp_seq=3 ttl=52 time=494 ms
 64 bytes from 2001:4860:0:1001::68: icmp_seq=4 ttl=52 time=505 ms
 --- ping statistics ---
 5 packets transmitted, 3 received, 40% packet loss, time 4013ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 305.720/435.197/505.567/91.669 ms

When I try to ping6, I get no response.  According to
wireshark, ICMPv6 echo requests are sent, but there are no echo replies.
I tried all 4 values of -I parameter of ping6:
sit0,sit1 - no response.
sit,tun - unknown iface.

I tried to ping6 both and 2001:4860:0:1001::68 (with -I
both sit0 and sit1) - no response.

 So I see two options:
 1) Your firewall is blocking
 2) Your NAT hinders it

How to check for those possibilities?

 Try to play with tunnel_mode=v6anyv4
 and if_tunnel_v6v4=sit1, if_tunnel_v6udpv4=tun

My /etc/tsp/tspc.conf already has those settings.

 You can use ethereal (wireshark) to see the data being sent on port 3653 - as 
 well as the channel being built.

According to wireshark, the channel does get set up.
I suspect something is strange in the output of route -6.  How should it
look like?
My route -6 output looks like this (certain information was censored by
replacing it by asterisks):
2001:5c0:8fff::8000:0::/128 ::
U 25600 sit1
2001:5c0:8fff::8000:1:: UC0  80 sit1
U 1  00 sit1
fe80::/64   ::
U 25600 eth0
fe80::/64   ::
U 25600 eth1
fe80::/64   ::
U 25600 sit1
::1/128 ::
U 0  78   1 lo
2001:5c0:8fff::8000:0::/128 ::
U 0  01 lo
fe80::/128  ::
U 0  02 lo
fe80::/128  ::
U 0  02 lo
fe80::/128  ::
U 0  02 lo
fe80:::/128   ::
U 0  01 lo
fe80:::/128 ::
U 0  01 lo
fe80:::/128   ::
U 0  01 lo
U 0  71 lo
fe80::2c0:cff::/128 ::
U 0  01 lo
U 25600 eth0
U 25600 eth1
U 25600 sit1


 --- Omer

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Re: Anyone succeeded in setting up anonymous IPv6 connectivity in Debian Etch?

2008-11-08 Thread Omer Zak
Hello Noam,
I may not have clarified myself.
Basically, when I set wireshark to listen to sit1, it captures my
ping6's Echo Request packets - but no replies.

I also found that there are no ppp0 or eth1 traffic corresponding to the
ping6-created sit1 traffic (my PC has two Ethernet cards, and eth1 is
the one which is connected to the ADSL modem; I use pptp and it creates
the network device ppp0; in other words, any IPv6 traffic is supposed to
pass through sit1-ppp0-eth1 and back).

I did see ppp0 traffic when tspc creates a tunnel, and it indicates
success in connecting to (the IPv6 tunnel broker which
I use, as it supports anonymous logins).

After reading the 2008-08-25 - Configuring IPv6 using AARNet's free
broker article at I found that my iptables
firewall blocked protocol 41 packets in both input and output.

On Sat, 2008-11-08 at 22:11 +0200, Noam Rathaus wrote:
  When I try to ping6, I get no response.  According to
  wireshark, ICMPv6 echo requests are sent, but there are no echo replies.
  I tried all 4 values of -I parameter of ping6:
  sit0,sit1 - no response.
  sit,tun - unknown iface.
 You shouldn't see any ICMPv6 traffic! TSPC tunnels everything via 
 IPv4/IPv4UDP, so no ICMPv6 should be visible.

See my comment above.

  I tried to ping6 both and 2001:4860:0:1001::68 (with -I
  both sit0 and sit1) - no response.
   So I see two options:
   1) Your firewall is blocking

This turned out to have been the case.
The following iptables commands fixed the problem
(where:   IPTABLES=/sbin/iptables


--- Omer
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SUCCESS (Re: Anyone succeeded in setting up anonymous IPv6 connectivity in Debian Etch?)

2008-11-08 Thread Omer Zak
On Sun, 2008-11-09 at 07:56 +0200, Noam Rathaus wrote:
 Hi Omer,
 So now it works? :)


 On Sunday 09 November 2008 01:04:10 Omer Zak wrote:
 1) Your firewall is blocking
  This turned out to have been the case.
  The following iptables commands fixed the problem
  (where:   IPTABLES=/sbin/iptables

--- Omer

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Anyone succeeded in setting up anonymous IPv6 connectivity in Debian Etch?

2008-11-07 Thread Omer Zak
After installation of the tspc package (version 2.1.1-6), the tspc
daemon can be started and when started, it sets up the sit1 interface
(which can be viewed by /sbin/ifconfig) and ping6 to the assigned IPv6
address works.

Since I am reluctant to register for a channel broker, I use the
anonymous login to

The problem is that even after setting up the tunnel, attempts to ping6
IPv6 hosts (such as or yield
no response.

Is there anything I should do besides starting the aforementioned
According to, I
should set up also sit0 interface.  What are the roles of sit0 and sit1,
and why are both necessary?  Is there anything I should do to get tspc
to set up also sit0?

   --- Omer
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IPv6 support by ISPs - current status? (was: Re: Links and some info about IPv6 in Linux lecture in Herzelinux yesterday)

2008-11-06 Thread Omer Zak
On Fri, 2008-11-07 at 01:14 +0200, Rami Rosen wrote:
 As I promised, here are some links and some additional info about
 IPv6 in Linux lecture, which was given in Herzelinux yesterday
 (6.11.08) by me:
[... snipped ...]

Few subjects, which I understand were not covered by the lecture and
have great practical interest:

1. What is the status of IPv6 by your ISP, by your Web hosting service,
by your E-mail provider?
2. Is it feasible TODAY to switch all your home/office network and its
Internet connections to IPv6 and drop altogether any IPv4 use?  If not,
3. What (if any) tunneling services are available if you want to access
IPv6-only resources in the open Internet?

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How not to enter an ID number when it's irrelevant (was: Re: Problem with navigate function in Firefox)

2008-10-31 Thread Omer Zak
On Fri, 2008-10-31 at 17:17 +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 On Friday 31 October 2008, Dotan Cohen wrote:
  2008/10/31 David Ronkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   The site is:
   I wrote them - but it only helps when many people do that.
   I still will be glad if anyone has some faster solution .
  I will write to them, that is quite the reason that I asked!
 I'd like to write to them too. But the contact form here:
 Requires one to enter the I.D Number which I'm reluctant to do.

You can try to enter all-zeroes ID number.
I did this in another Web site (I don't remember which), in which the ID
number was obviously irrelevant to my query.

I routinely employ similar tactics when a Web site demands my phone
number (I have only a FAX number).
   --- Omer
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Re: [YBA] Logical VS Visual Text Selection

2008-10-26 Thread Omer Zak
I think that Dov's idea is good one, and I'd be happy to see an
implementation of his idea.

Questions, whose answers require experimentation and tweaking:

1. Do we display sources and sinks over all the document or only at the
ends of the span, in which the cursor is now?

2. Do we display them all the time (toggled by the user in the same way
spaces are explicitly displayed in some wordprocessors, by displaying
small dots instead of spaces), or only when the user tries to select
text (i.e. automatically)?  And if automatically, how do we deal with
text displacement when sources and sinks show up/disappear?

3. Is this enough to make it easy to select text, or do we need also to
temporarily display text in logical-only ordering (see previous
discussion below)?

--- Omer

On Sun, 2008-10-26 at 09:20 +0200, Dov Grobgeld wrote:
 Sorry to join the discussion so late, but I have an idea  that I
 believe would make both selection and caret position easier for the
 user in a BiDi context. The idea is to visually display the points of
 direction discontinuity. I like to call these a source when the two
 directions diverge, and a sink when the two direction converges. 
 Heres an example:
 Logical:  abcABCabc
 Visual with sources and sinks displayed: abc||CBA||abc
 where || is a glyph indicating a sink point and a || is a glyph
 indicating a source point. If a source and a sink meet they cancel
 out. The user may now easily place the caret at the left or the right
 side of the source and the sink points, which today is very difficult
 to do.
 I hope to create a concept implementation one day.
 I'd be happy to hear comments about this idea.
 2008/10/7 Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello Jonathan,
 I think I begin to understand what you are trying to
 accomplish.  It is
 indeed difficult to precisely select a text segment when there
 several spans of different directionality properties (LTR/RTL,
 strong/weak, overrides, etc.) at its borders.
 There are several possibilities for improving the selection
 lookfeel in this case:
 1. Turn off BiDi ordering for the entire file (useful by
 itself for
 blind computer users; not directly related to our problem).
 2. Manually turn off BiDi ordering for a text segment (say, a
 and then manually turn it back on.
 3. Use the metaphor of using one hand to straighten out a
 piece of paper
 when writing using the second hand (or straightening a piece
 of cloth
 while doing needlework): turn off BiDi ordering 5 glyphs
 before and 5
 glyphs after the mouse position (as the mouse moves, we
 ordering of differing glyphs).  Have them displayed with
 having different color.
 (The exact numbers are to be determined by usability tests,
 and be
 user-configurable through a setup menu.  So is the background
 color to
 be used in this case.)
 4. Have a small pop-up window, which displays the text around
 the mouse
 without BiDi ordering and let the user guide his mouse actions
 using the
 pop-up display.  The regular text display would be unchanged.
 It would be nice to get Arabic speakers to be involved in
 this, as
 Arabic presents a special problem - probably unreadable when
 the order
 of glyphs is reversed without additional processing.  Hebrew
 and Latin,
 in contrast, are still somewhat readable even in reverse
--- Omer
 On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 09:36 +0200, Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:
  On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, Omer Zak wrote:
   Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2008 09:23:32 +0200
   From: Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: linux-il
   Subject: Re: [YBA] Logical VS Visual Text Selection
   From the discussion below, I understand that Shachar and
 me use the same
   definition of visual selection.  You drag the mouse from
 column X to
   column Y in the same row of the display, and get whatever
 text which
   happens to be displayed between those columns (the text
 could have been
   from different spans of the corresponding original text -
  We agree on the meaning of visual selection.
   Jonathan, can you clarify if you mean the same thing, or
 whether you
   really meant temporarily turn off BiDi ordering for a
 selected text

Re: [YBA] Logical VS Visual Text Selection

2008-10-07 Thread Omer Zak
From the discussion below, I understand that Shachar and me use the same
definition of visual selection.  You drag the mouse from column X to
column Y in the same row of the display, and get whatever text which
happens to be displayed between those columns (the text could have been
from different spans of the corresponding original text - logical

Jonathan, can you clarify if you mean the same thing, or whether you
really meant temporarily turn off BiDi ordering for a selected text
segment and display it?

   --- Omer

On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 09:09 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:
  Right, that's what the qualifier in effect means.
 Visual selection, to me, means selecting text from a continuous block 
 of visually ordered text. If the text is not visually ordered then the 
 selection cannot be considered visual. I conceded that definitions may 
 I agree with Omer that visual selection does not seem all that useful to 
 me. I am at a loss to think of what use to the end user a selection 
 containing the end of the Hebrew part of a sentence followed by the end 
 of the English part of the sentence is going to be. Same goes for the 
 beginnings of the sentences combined.

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Re: [YBA] Logical VS Visual Text Selection

2008-10-07 Thread Omer Zak
Hello Jonathan,

I think I begin to understand what you are trying to accomplish.  It is
indeed difficult to precisely select a text segment when there are
several spans of different directionality properties (LTR/RTL,
strong/weak, overrides, etc.) at its borders.

There are several possibilities for improving the selection GUI
lookfeel in this case:

1. Turn off BiDi ordering for the entire file (useful by itself for
blind computer users; not directly related to our problem).

2. Manually turn off BiDi ordering for a text segment (say, a paragraph)
and then manually turn it back on.

3. Use the metaphor of using one hand to straighten out a piece of paper
when writing using the second hand (or straightening a piece of cloth
while doing needlework): turn off BiDi ordering 5 glyphs before and 5
glyphs after the mouse position (as the mouse moves, we suppress
ordering of differing glyphs).  Have them displayed with background
having different color.
(The exact numbers are to be determined by usability tests, and be
user-configurable through a setup menu.  So is the background color to
be used in this case.)

4. Have a small pop-up window, which displays the text around the mouse
without BiDi ordering and let the user guide his mouse actions using the
pop-up display.  The regular text display would be unchanged.

It would be nice to get Arabic speakers to be involved in this, as
Arabic presents a special problem - probably unreadable when the order
of glyphs is reversed without additional processing.  Hebrew and Latin,
in contrast, are still somewhat readable even in reverse direction.

--- Omer

On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 09:36 +0200, Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:
 On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, Omer Zak wrote:
  Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2008 09:23:32 +0200
  From: Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: linux-il
  Subject: Re: [YBA] Logical VS Visual Text Selection
  From the discussion below, I understand that Shachar and me use the same
  definition of visual selection.  You drag the mouse from column X to
  column Y in the same row of the display, and get whatever text which
  happens to be displayed between those columns (the text could have been
  from different spans of the corresponding original text - logical
 We agree on the meaning of visual selection.
  Jonathan, can you clarify if you mean the same thing, or whether you
  really meant temporarily turn off BiDi ordering for a selected text
  segment and display it?
 No, we mean temporaroly turn off bidi re-ordering for a text, do a logical 
 selection (which is now the same as visual selection) of some subset and 
 then revert the display of the whole text back to bidi ordering. Selected 
 text wold be always be displayed in the same ordering as the unselected 
   - yba
--- Omer
  On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 09:09 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
  Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:
  Right, that's what the qualifier in effect means.
  Visual selection, to me, means selecting text from a continuous block
  of visually ordered text. If the text is not visually ordered then the
  selection cannot be considered visual. I conceded that definitions may
  I agree with Omer that visual selection does not seem all that useful to
  me. I am at a loss to think of what use to the end user a selection
  containing the end of the Hebrew part of a sentence followed by the end
  of the English part of the sentence is going to be. Same goes for the
  beginnings of the sentences combined.
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Re: [YBA] Logical VS Visual Text Selection

2008-10-07 Thread Omer Zak
On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 14:29 +0200, Matitiahu Allouche wrote:
 I have some contacts with Arabic experts, and I can tell you that for 
 their market, showing unshaped (improperly connected) letters, even in 
 proper ordering, is considered unacceptable.  All the more with LTR 

Then a possible solution is to force all relevant text to RTL ordering
when there are more than 1-2 Arabic glyphs in the selection.  Thus, the
Arabs will be allowed to rule over the world in this case.
Jara Cimrman.  A name to remember.
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Re: [YBA] Logical VS Visual Text Selection

2008-10-06 Thread Omer Zak
Hello Jonathan,
I think that visual caret motion with logical selection is the best
approach.  I do not see visual selection as an useful feature at all (at
least if it means what I understand it to mean).

If anything needs to be improved, then add, as a feature, a mode to turn
off BiDi ordering in the visual display of a text fragment.  This will
make easier the lives of people, who edit text, which mixes together
several RTL and LTR spans together with plethora of punctuation marks.

Another audience for such a feature is blind computer users, who wish to
edit text in Hebrew.  They read it LTR in Braille, and would like to
suppress the BiDi algorithm for such text.  Therefore, they need to turn
off BiDi ordering for a whole file.

About the best way to implement such a feature (how to
activate/deactivate) and whether the text is to be displayed in-line or
in another window - I'm deferring to other people to make suggestions.

--- Omer

On Mon, 2008-10-06 at 18:50 +0200, Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:
 What happened to
 Java Swing supports visual caret motion but logical selection. The 
 engineering decision for selection was based on technical realities 
 (read budget) rather than what was best for the bidi user. The asymmetry 
 of the situation never sat well with Brian Beck however. There is a chance 
 to change this in JavaFX, if it is perceived as adding significant value. 
 Is visual selection implemented in any bidi text editor?
 How much of an improvement would it be to implement visual text selection 
 in OpenOffice, in JavaFX? Would this be a killer feature to add to Hebrew 

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Re: [YBA] Logical VS Visual Text Selection

2008-10-06 Thread Omer Zak
Another point which I forgot to mention in my previous E-mail about the
I urge everyone to consider carefully changes in the look and feel in
this area.  Especially if Brian Beck is not a regular Hebrew user.

I still remember the debacle in one of the versions of AbiWord few years
ago.  One day, someone with good intentions implemented a feature in
AbiWord, which caused Hebrew letters at word ends to automatically
assume their final form, if they had any - like in Arabic.

The problem was that unlike Arabic, in Hebrew there are cases in which
one wants to leave a letter in word's end at its non-final form (for
example, in acronyms).  Due to this, the feature ironically rendered
that particular version of AbiWord unusable for Hebrew wordprocessing.
After outcry, the feature was removed.

The feature implementor did not take into account the fact that in
Hebrew, the 5 final form letters have their own code points and their
own keys in the keyboard and people are already used to type them at
word ends.

Unlike Jonathan (who at least asked us), the guy (whom I'm leaving
unnamed) sinned in not first asking actual Hebrew users about the
potential utility of the feature.
 --- Omer

On Mon, 2008-10-06 at 19:13 +0200, Omer Zak wrote:
 Hello Jonathan,
 I think that visual caret motion with logical selection is the best
 approach.  I do not see visual selection as an useful feature at all (at
 least if it means what I understand it to mean).

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Re: Firefox chokes on YNET

2008-09-27 Thread Omer Zak
I noticed similar phenomenon with the same version of Firefox
(technically, Iceweasel) on Debian Etch - but with

Firefox chokes and crashes if I open more than 2 or so tabs on the above
Web site.
--- Omer

On Sun, 2008-09-28 at 07:44 +0300, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
 I have firefox on Mandriva 2008.1 - all packages up-to-date.
 When I open YNET, CPU usage jumps to about 150% (AMD dual core - over 70% on 
 each core). Closing YNET brings thngs back to normal. Has anyone seen this 
 and/or any solutions?
 BTW - I should mention that I have way too many FF extensions, but that 
 doesn't cause any problems on other sites, so I don't think there's any 

My 25 year old Commodore 64 is suffering from slowness and insufficiency of
memory; and its display device is grievously short of pixels.  Can anyone help?
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Re: Looking for recommendations for image processing/analysis program

2008-09-08 Thread Omer Zak
DISCLAIMER: the following is based upon my very incomplete understanding
of David's needs.

You may want to look into ImageMagick and netpbm.
If you need/want to implement your own image processing algorithms, and
if you use Debian Etch, then the source code of netpbm, with
libnetpbm10/libnetpbm10-dev, can help you develop your custom netpbm
--- Omer

On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 11:40 +0300, David Harel wrote:
 I would like some guidance regarding a software solution that can
 receive a frame taken from a video camera, manipulate it according to
 a given set of parameters such as hue, contrast and such and then be
 able to:identify objects (say according to various color/shape/size
 patterns) and provide their location.
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Financing for Wine BiDi (was: Re: MSO in Wine: Hebrew backwards.)

2008-09-04 Thread Omer Zak

On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 08:06 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
  IMHO this is the kind of thing that the Chief Scientist's Office would


  We all know that 10K is hardly enough to achieve much 
 on Wine, and we all also know that getting the community to put in 10K 
 is extremely hard. At the moment, for example, the sum total raised, 
 despite numerous complaints about the matter, totals in a round zero.
 So, no, I don't think the CS is a very likely venue.

How about publicizing in Linux-IL the budget needed to fix Wine BiDi in
terms of money, equipment and human resources?

(I actually laughed when I saw the mention of the total raised so far,
without mention of the amount which should be raised.)

Can we also see a project plan, which will let us know where can we chip

And if I am at that, can you also publicize an estimate (should be
lower) of the effort (money+human resources) needed to prepare the Wine
BiDi project for execution by a group of students in GSoC of 2009?

   --- Omer

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Re: Financing for Wine BiDi

2008-09-04 Thread Omer Zak
So the budget is 1.25 months of work for fields 1,2, unknown for fields
3,4,5.  Given the numbers, fields 1,2 would cost about 19K NIS.

Assuming that 3,4,5 need 2.75 months of work, the total budget is 60K
NIS (not including Lingnu's own contribution in terms of reduced
prices).  I assume that it hugely underestimates the effort required in

One way to raise the money is to identify 600 Linux users, who would
like to use Wine BiDi, and it is worth 100NIS at least for each of them,
and get 100NIS from each of them.  Since I somehow managed to lead
totally MS-free life, I don't use Wine so I'm not counted among those

Are there Israeli companies, which deploy Linux solutions, and for which
it is worthwhile to avoid dual-booting or virtual machines yet support
clients, who still have legacy MS-Windows applications?
If yes, it may make sense to organize them into a consortium for
supporting Wine BiDi work.

About GSoC: this is why I asked about the budget for preparing the
project for GSoC - it has to be split into student-size bites and
probably there are also other preparations as well.

  --- Omer

On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 11:56 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Omer Zak wrote:
  How about publicizing in Linux-IL the budget needed to fix Wine BiDi in
  terms of money, equipment and human resources?

 These are rough estimates.
 Wine needs the following fields worked on:
 1. Move the BiDI code into Uniscribe, where it is on Windows
 2. Handle keyboard input language detection (essentially - rewrite 
 Wine's input processing - some of it already done)
 3. Start fixing the small bugs
 4. Implement a BiDi edit control
 5. Implement a BiDi rich edit control
 Lingnu is willing to chip in on such work, so the base for calculating 
 costs is 15Knis/month. Anyone contacting me for work on unrelated 
 projects should not expect those prices! 15K + employment overhead 
 translates to 110NIS/hour + VAT. Lets make it a round 125 sheqels/hour 
 with VAT.
 1. Move the infrastructure to where it belongs, split the BiDi algorithm 
 down to the components it has with Uniscribe, make sure it works as is, 
 implement a glue library (called LPK.DLL on Windows) to resolve circular 
 dependencies, and hook the functions back into where they are scattered 
 (GDI32.DLL, Advapi32.dll etc.): about a month of work.
 2. This is essential to get MSO working. A lot of the basic work is 
 done. You can find it attached to bug #735. Still quite a bit of work 
 getting it back into a state where it is commit ready. Lets mark it down 
 as a week's worth of work, though it might take more
 3. These are small bugs. None of them is too big in and on its own, but 
 they do require getting 1 above resolved before they can be approached.
 4. Unable to tell at this stage
 5. Same as 4, only worse :-)
 As for getting it done with GSoC, I tried it this year, and people said 
 it was too big a task. Oh well
By running MS-Windows XP on your PC, you are probably a multi-zombie.
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Re: Financing for Wine BiDi

2008-09-04 Thread Omer Zak
On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 14:28 +0300, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 2008/9/4 Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Omer Zak wrote:
  Are there Israeli companies, which deploy Linux solutions, and for which
  it is worthwhile to avoid dual-booting or virtual machines yet support
  clients, who still have legacy MS-Windows applications?
  Yes and no.
  No, no such company will pick up the price tag on its own. Yes, if the
  infrastructure work is done, the remaining part would be economical for
  companies. It's a case of putting money to, potentially, get some back.
 What order of magnitude are we looking at? It is very hard to state
 someone needs to come up with X shekels / euros / dollars without
 knowing whereabout X lies.

See one of my previous E-mail messages.
We are looking at 60K NIS.  If we can round up a group of companies with
total of 600 potential Wine users, then this should be doable - with
100NIS/head, the companies would save costs of dual-booting, VM
deployments and licenses on extra copies of MS-Windows XP that they'd
otherwise need.

   --- Omer

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Re: Financing for Wine BiDi

2008-09-04 Thread Omer Zak
On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 15:14 +0300, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 2008/9/4 Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  See one of my previous E-mail messages.
  We are looking at 60K NIS.  If we can round up a group of companies with
  total of 600 potential Wine users, then this should be doable - with
  100NIS/head, the companies would save costs of dual-booting, VM
  deployments and licenses on extra copies of MS-Windows XP that they'd
  otherwise need.
--- Omer
 Thanks, Omer. I'll sign up for the first four spots: me, the wife, the
 daughter, and another on the way.

Only if you are willing to fork over 400NIS.
I do not see families of private people donating more than 100NIS per
family, regardless of number of users.

Shachar (Lingnu CEO): can you open a PayPal account (or equivalent) to
collect money from private people?  Or do you have another mechanism to
deal with, say, 300 small payments?

Shachar (Hamakor chairman): are there any tax advantages in getting
Hamakor to handle this, and work out any conflict of interest issues?

Shachar (again, Lingnu CEO): seems that we might pull this off - so we
need more realistic estimates of the project cost.  What budget do you
need to cover the cost of reviewing bugs, edit control development and
RTF edit control development?
With this figure, we can plan on 2-stage project, each stage to be
budgetted separately:
stage 1 - plan the project and make estimates.
stage 2 - actually execute.
If the output of stage 1 is made publicly available, then maybe parts of
stage 2 can be performed by outside volunteers with their own sources of

  That's another 596 heads to find. I
 will be sure to drop hints wherever I can.

Yes, it would help.

 Both Google and MS have a presence in Israel. If I were to write to
 Google suggesting that it might be in their interests to at least
 partially sponsor the project, to where would I direct them for
 further information?

Shoshana Forbes, being a Google insider, is the first name which comes
to my mind.  Of course, we are speaking about sponsorship under a plan
different from GSoC.
  --- Omer

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Re: ( Marked As Spam ) Re: Financing for Wine BiDi

2008-09-04 Thread Omer Zak
On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 16:26 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Omer Zak wrote:
  Shachar (Lingnu CEO): can you open a PayPal account (or equivalent) to
  collect money from private people?  Or do you have another mechanism to
  deal with, say, 300 small payments?

 PayPal is fine. The main problem is what happens if too few people say 
 I will? How do you deal with returning everyone's money? There is also 
 the bitch of issuing invoices to everyone involved - not a trivial task!

1. In the following, you outlined possible stages for the project - bug
fixes; edit control (non-RTF).  In this staged approach, you can start
the next stage once there are enough funds for the stage.
Also, in the PayPal donation page you can state that unused funds will
go to Hamakor to fund other projects.
2. Assuming that not everyone wants or needs a paper invoice, you could
just print the invoices but actually send them only to those who request

  Shachar (again, Lingnu CEO): seems that we might pull this off - so we
  need more realistic estimates of the project cost.  What budget do you
  need to cover the cost of reviewing bugs, edit control development and
  RTF edit control development?

 I think we should leave RTF out of it right now. It does not add much to 
 the end user experience, and is probably a pain to implement.

Nevertheless, I suggest to plan also this.  If people still want it,
they'll fund also this part of the project.

  As for 
 edit - I'm supposed to be working on a project for ISOC that will 
 implement a BiDi edit control (not in Wine), and hopfully, once that 
 project is done, there will be enough reusable code to reduce the cost 
 of this element. At the moment, it is hard to estimate.

Make a worst case estimate (if you can't reuse the ISOC code).

 Please note that even without edit control, even just with #2 support, 
 MSO will work.
  With this figure, we can plan on 2-stage project, each stage to be
  budgetted separately:
  stage 1 - plan the project and make estimates.
  stage 2 - actually execute.
  If the output of stage 1 is made publicly available, then maybe parts of
  stage 2 can be performed by outside volunteers with their own sources of

 No problem with that. At the moment, the tasks are not really divisable. 
 Once #1 and #2 are done, hopefully, that will improve.

OK.  So now we need to raise 19K NIS to get #1, #2 done.  And then we'll
know what will be the cost estimate for #3, #4 and optionally #5.  Is
this the situation?

I suggest that people and corporations donate 35NIS/seat for #1,#2 and
put aside additional 85NIS/seat for #3,#4,#5.
(I took into account 10NIS per transaction to cover administrative
I do not see myself as a Wine user, but to put some money where my big
mouth is, I'll donate 35NIS once there is a way to donate to this
project (without putting aside the additional 85NIS).

--- Omer
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Debian Accessibility Presentation (forwarded from the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list)

2008-09-02 Thread Omer Zak
The full link to a low resolution OGG format is:

It is lacking captions (I already notified the lecturer), but according
what I saw from the presentation, the lecture should be a good one.

  --- Omer

 Forwarded Message 
From: Samuel Thibault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[... snipped ...]
Maybe it would be interesting to give the URL to the fosdem presentation
I made?

How accessible is Debian?
30 minutes, yes, the first minute is blank
[... snipped ...]

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Re: Small victories, but more work to be done

2008-08-27 Thread Omer Zak
Hello Dotan,
Recently, there was a long thread about this subject in the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

The problematic pages is the HOT broadcasts schedule page and the page
for contacting them:〈=he

--- Omer

On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 03:45 -0700, Valery Reznic wrote:
 Hi, Dotan.
  If you know of other Israeli websites that do not work in
  Firefox or
  Linux, please mention them and I will contact them. Thanks!
 Ben Gurion Airport site not work in the FF (at least on Linux)
 I can select nothing here: Comapny, Contry, City Airport.
 --- On Wed, 8/27/08, Dotan Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you know of other Israeli websites that do not work in
  Firefox or
  Linux, please mention them and I will contact them. Thanks!

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When to boycott hardware only partially supported by Linux? (Re: Preferred video card for Linux dual-head?)

2008-08-27 Thread Omer Zak
On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 15:07 +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 August 2008, Amos Shapira wrote:
  2008/8/26 Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Amos presumably needs a working solution TODAY.  Promises for bright
[... snipped ...]
  You pretty much nailed it, just like in the other mailing list I asked
  this question on - nVidia it is, with all the sympathy for ATI's FOSS
 Great, just great. So while considering all the apathy hang-vidia shows 
 towards open-source, their crappy BLOBs, and they dropping support from older 
 cards, and not releasing specs, etc. - you're still supporting them with your 
 wallet. How do you expect hardware vendors to ever play nicely with 
 open-source operating systems, if even Linux users still buy their products 
 despite their general apathy towards us?

I use (relatively) low-end nVidia graphic cards, with the Free 'nv'
driver (rather than their proprietary driver).

According to the way Amos described his people's needs, the 'nv' driver
is enough for their needs.

What Amos is voting against with his employer's wallet (if he follows
through this plan) is against high-end graphic cards and those features,
which require proprietary drivers.  For the (relatively) low-end graphic
market, nVidia is effectively Free.

 So, the real problem is with people like you, who are too pragmatist on their 
 free software ideals, and still support companies like nVidia. I personally 
 am not going to buy a product that's not properly supported under Linux, just 
 so I can be sure I'm not supporting such abusive companies with my wallet.

Amos' people's display needs are properly supported under Linux using
only Free drivers (assuming that my recommendation passes his
evaluation).  It is an interesting philosophical discussion (which
properly belongs to another Linux-IL thread) whether buying a product
with features A+B, for use which needs only feature A, and such that
feature B is supported only by proprietary software - is a violation of
boycott against hardware which is not supported by Free Software.

By the way, I still remember the days in which ATI were anti Free
Software, and I even signed a petition about this issue.

  --- Omer

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Re: Preferred video card for Linux dual-head?

2008-08-25 Thread Omer Zak
On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 19:56 +0300, Oron Peled wrote:
 On Monday, 25 בAugust 2008, Amos Shapira wrote:
  Since there are always swings around about best linux support which
  I didn't follow, what's the order of the day? Should go with nVidia,
  AMD or maybe Intel? Any specific card families/models?
[... snipped ...]
 * My second choice today would be ATI cards:
 1. As someone else mentioned older (e.g: r300) chipsets have
pretty good support in the FOSS driver (including
simple 3D, compiz etc.)
 2. AMD/ATI released hardware specs last year and started
cooperating with FOSS community, which is significant for
the newer cards (
 3. Because of (2.), there is better support for modern cards
on the pipe. Specifically, David Airlie (one of developers
from Red Hat) already announced not long ago about major
improvements in r500/r600 chipsets. This is bleeding edge
source in his git repository, but it is reasonable to expect
this code to land within 6-12 months in fast paced distros
(Debian testing, Fedora, etc.)

Sorry, but the 2nd and 3rd reasons to choose ATI exist in the future
rather than today.

If Amos Shapira can wait a year, then let him buy ATI a year from now.
But if he needs a solution today, then several of the above promises are
not relevant for him.
 --- Omer

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Re: Preferred video card for Linux dual-head?

2008-08-25 Thread Omer Zak
On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 00:16 +0300, Oron Peled wrote:
 On Monday, 25 בAugust 2008, Omer Zak wrote:
  On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 19:56 +0300, Oron Peled wrote:
   On Monday, 25 בAugust 2008, Amos Shapira wrote:
Since there are always swings around about best linux support which
I didn't follow, what's the order of the day? Should go with nVidia,
AMD or maybe Intel? Any specific card families/models?
  [... snipped ...]
   * My second choice today would be ATI cards:
   1. As someone else mentioned older (e.g: r300) chipsets have
  pretty good support in the FOSS driver (including
  simple 3D, compiz etc.)
   2. AMD/ATI released hardware specs last year and started
  cooperating with FOSS community, which is significant for
  the newer cards (
   3. Because of (2.), there is better support for modern cards
  on the pipe. Specifically, David Airlie (one of developers
  from Red Hat) already announced not long ago about major
  improvements in r500/r600 chipsets. This is bleeding edge
  source in his git repository, but it is reasonable to expect
  this code to land within 6-12 months in fast paced distros
  (Debian testing, Fedora, etc.)
  Sorry, but the 2nd and 3rd reasons to choose ATI exist in the future
  rather than today.
  If Amos Shapira can wait a year, then let him buy ATI a year from now.
  But if he needs a solution today, then several of the above promises are
  not relevant for him.
 Bzzt. You oversimplify:
  * Scenario I:
- Let's assume Amos buys today an old ATI (r300/r400 based)
  because he cannot wait.
- He gets reasonable 3D today (One of my Pentiums began
  doing compiz a year ago, after a regular update [ATI 9100IGP]).
- Items {2,3} *still* apply, because some of the future
  updates would improve even those old cards. For example,
  some of the updates Airlie work on, involve adding kernel
  modesetting support for the old r300/r400 as well.
  (this would help in monitor hotplugging, xrandr, etc.)
  * Scenario II:
- Amos buys today an ATI r500/r600 cards.
- Can use FOSS drivers today (no 3D acceleration etc.)
- Or can use proprietary drivers today.
- But because of items {2,3} he would get an *improved*
  FOSS drivers within the next year (cleanup, release engineering,
  distribution roll out).

Amos presumably needs a working solution TODAY.  Promises for bright
future are irrelevant.
If he chooses ATI cards, he should use only 1st reason to justify his
choice.  This reason may well be enough to make the justification.

 So with ATI we have an installment plan (Tashlumim)
 in two steps:
  * Get working (but limited) solution today (either old
cards or proprietary drivers or no 3D acceleration)
  * Get better support for the *same* hardware on the
next upgrade of your distro.

Plans of mice and men always change.  ATI might fold 8 months from now,
or be taken over by nVidia and have its product lines discontinued, or
switch to solar powered 3D holographic displays.

 Where's the second step for nVidia cards?

If they are cheap enough, then the following plan would make economic
1. Buy today the cheap nVidia cards (such as GeForce FX 5200, which I
chose because of its low price).
2. A year from now, ATI releases its gee whiz drivers.  Buy top of line
ATI cards to work with those drivers.  Their price will be lower than
the price you'd pay if you bought today the ATI cards.
3. Remove the cheap nVidia cards and have them recycled, or donate them
to one of the Linux based school computer labs.

The difference in price of the ATI cards will cover the cost of the
nVidia cards.
Caveat: the above would work unless Amos's people need to develop custom
graphic software which works only with one type of graphic cards.

--- Omer
One cannot argue with a Bayesian filter.   Peter Lorand Peres
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Re: Preferred video card for Linux dual-head?

2008-08-24 Thread Omer Zak
In my PC I have two nVidia GeForce FX 5200 video cards.  One with AGP
form factor, and the other - with PCI form factor.
This was the cheapest way to add a second display to my PC, and worked
because my PC had unused PCI slots.

Software:  Debian Etch, with Xorg version 7.1.0-19.
The driver being used is 'nv', for both video cards.

The following /etc/X11/xorg.conf section specifies how both screens are

Section ServerLayout
Identifier  DualHead Default Layout
Screen  2nd Screen RightOf Default Screen
Screen  Default Screen
Option  Xinerama
InputDevice Generic Keyboard
InputDevice Configured Mouse

I hope this helps.
  --- Omer

On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 08:51 +1000, Amos Shapira wrote:
 My boss bought second-hand extra monitors for all of us and I now need
 to buy graphics cards which can support dual-head for Debian/Ubuntu
 (and Windows XP and Vista).
 Since there are always swings around about best linux support which
 I didn't follow, what's the order of the day? Should go with nVidia,
 AMD or maybe Intel? Any specific card families/models?
 The computers are a mix of older (2-3 years?) to new (2 months old),
 so the system bus might be a bit limited too.
 I don't need to run games or anything too fancy - just plain
 programming/surfing and remote desktop, though support for Compiz
 would be a nice bonus.
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Re: global interactive search-and-replace in bash?

2008-08-18 Thread Omer Zak
I sometimes encounter similar situations, and my answer to the question
is that it is easier to remember the command and reconstruct it than to
remember what name I gave to the script running the command with my
supplied arguments.  (Reminds me of Richard Feynman's approach for
remembering theorems - by deriving the proof each time a theorem is

Maybe the right approach would be to have a script which collects
together all those one-liners and lets you choose one and supply
arguments.  Such a script would use 'dialog', 'whiptail' or 'zenity' to
prompt the user.
(Personally, I found 'dialog' to be more convenient than the other two
  --- Omer

On Mon, 2008-08-18 at 10:54 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Amos Shapira wrote:
  I have this long command line which I keep changing multiple instances
  of host names in it:

 I know this isn't answering your question, but still:
 If you keep using the same command line, why don't you script it?

Eli Marmor's Law:  netiquette forbids people from replying I agree with
you to messages in mailing lists, skewing discussions in favor of the
troublemaker type of dissenters.
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Linux related spam?! [Fwd: בואו להיות מומחי לינוקס]

2008-08-17 Thread Omer Zak

Does anyone know anything about the following spammer?
According to whois, the domain is owned by:
descr:yaron berenholtz adv
descr:12 menahem begin st'
descr:ramat gan
phone:+972 3 6122111
fax-no:   +972 3 6122119
e-mail: AT
And the domain has been registered at 2008 Jan 15.

--- Omer

 Forwarded Message 
From: Penguin IT Training Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: בואו להיות מומחי לינוקס
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 23:18:23 GMT

לפרטים נוספים וקבלת תוכנית לימודים לחץ/י 

או התקשר/י : 054-6789954, 077-7006751 

פנייה באימייל:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

במידה ואין ברצונך לקבל מידע מסוג זה, שלח/י 

Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
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Re: Linux related spam?! [Fwd: בואו להיות מומחי לינוקס]

2008-08-17 Thread Omer Zak
I received also a personal E-mail message from Doron Ofek with about the
same actual information and an (unneeded, because the spammer was not
him personally - but a nice gesture nevertheless) apology.

Can anyone with journalistic leanings pick up the story and publicize it
in a place like whatsup?  My goal, in proposing this, is for this to
serve as a lesson for people, who might consider spamming in the future.

 --- Omer

On Sun, 2008-08-17 at 14:18 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Omer Zak wrote:
  Does anyone know anything about the following spammer?
  According to whois, the domain is owned by:
  descr:yaron berenholtz adv
  descr:12 menahem begin st'
  descr:ramat gan
  phone:+972 3 6122111
  fax-no:   +972 3 6122119
  e-mail: AT
  And the domain has been registered at 2008 Jan 15.
  --- Omer

 penguin-it used to be Doron Ofek's company. After a chain of events I 
 have to admit I have not gotten to the bottom of, this seems to no 
 longer be the case.
Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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[Hebrew] Re: הסרתך מרשימת תפוצה

2008-08-17 Thread Omer Zak
שלום פבלו,
א. אני חרש.
ב. במקום לחפש אותי בטלפון, פשוט תסיר אותי מרשימת התפוצה - ברור לך
מהתכתובת שאני מתייחס לפרסומיכם כאל דואר זבל.
ג. ודאי ידוע לך שההזמנה לפנות לצורך הסרה מרשימות תפוצה של דואר זבל אינה
יכולה להתקבל ברצינות, לאור העובדה שרבים מהזבלנים מנצלים פניות כאלה לרעה.
לכן התרופה היחידה היא מלכתחילה לא להפיץ דואר זבל.
ד. בקשר להאשמותיך כלפי גורמים אחרים שעובדים עם זבלנים - גם אם הן נכונות,
אין הדבר פוטר אותך מהחובה להמנע מלזבל בעצמך.
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התפוצה שלכם שמשמשות אותכם למשלוח דואר זבל, שאני מחייב כל מי ששולח לי
דואר זבל בתשלום פיצוי (שערכו כיום 2800 שח).  אם לא זכור לך, ראה ב:
אם ברצונך לנקות את האווירה, אני ממליץ שהפיצוי ישולם בצורת תרומה למוסדות
* תרומה של 1400 שח לאגודה למלחמה בסרטן, אתר 
* תרומה של 1400 שח לאגודת החרשים בישראל, אתר
בשני המקרים, תציין שהתרומה התבצעה בתור פיצוי על משלוח דואר זבל אליי,
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תורמים להם כל שנה (באם אתם תורמים להם).

--- עומר זק

On Sun, 2008-08-17 at 16:23 +0300, pablo wrote:
 עומר שלום,
 אני פונה אלייך עקב התכתובת אשר מופיעה להלן והגיעה אליי לטיפולי.
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 ראשית-אנא קבל התנצלותינו באם נפגעת משליחת מייל זה אלייך, לא הייתה לנו
 כל כוונה לפגוע בך או בכל אחד אחר 
 ועל כן כל מי שביקש ויבקש להסירו מן הרשימה מוסר ממנה באופן מיידי.
 בהמשך לתגובתו של גלעד בן יוסף בעניין זה,איני יכול אלא שלא לקבלה שכן
 מכללת היי טק מפיצה ספאם על בסיס יום יומי ומפרסמת קורסים שגלעד בעצמו
 מלמד ומרוויח מהם באופן אישי.
 שוב- אנו מתנצלים באם נפגעת מתפוצה זאת ,דבר אשר לא יחזור על עצמו בעתיד.
 אשמח באם תיצור עימי קשר.
 תודה והמשך יום טוב,
 Best Regard,
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 Subject: Re: Linux related spam?! [Fwd: בואו להיות מומחי לינוקס]
 Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2008 14:33:39 +0300
 To: linux-il
 I received also a personal E-mail message from Doron Ofek with about the
 same actual information and an (unneeded, because the spammer was not
 him personally - but a nice gesture nevertheless) apology.
 Can anyone with journalistic leanings pick up the story and publicize it
 in a place like whatsup?  My goal, in proposing this, is for this to
 serve as a lesson for people, who might consider spamming in the future.
  --- Omer
 On Sun, 2008-08-17 at 14:18 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
   Omer Zak wrote:

 Does anyone know anything about the following spammer?
 According to whois, the domain is owned by:
 descr:yaron berenholtz adv
 descr:12 menahem begin st'
 descr:ramat gan
 phone:+972 3 6122111
 fax-no:   +972 3 6122119
 e-mail: AT
 And the domain has been registered at 2008 Jan 15.

 --- Omer
   penguin-it used to be Doron Ofek's company. After a chain of events I 
   have to admit I have not gotten to the bottom of, this seems to no 
   longer be the case.

Delay is the deadliest form of denial.C. Northcote Parkinson
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Re: Iglu site down?

2008-08-08 Thread Omer Zak
On Fri, 2008-08-08 at 12:04 +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
  Can't you set it up on your own home desktop for that purpose? Even
  absolute URL's can be tricked to point to the right content.
  Show me what you CAN'T do that way and I'll try to help you work around it.
 This will require downloading a whole lot of data (HTML, PHP, Perl, database 
 dumps, etc.) to my host, and then setting it up there only to later upload it 
 to again, and then It'd guarantee that it can *never* be 
 restored at which I don't want.

Does this mean that you never set up those backup scripts and routine
backups, as matter of course, in the first place?!  Nu-Nu-Nu!

 --- Omer

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Re: Debian Day 2008

2008-08-05 Thread Omer Zak
On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 11:40 +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 On Tuesday 05 August 2008, Omer Zak wrote:
  According to Debian Project News - August 4th, 2008, the 15th
  anniversary of the Debian project will be celebrated on Aug. 16, 2008.
 That's a Saturday, unfortunately.

Not necessarily.  Possible solutions:
1. Screw the Shabbat observants (including those who use SMS but do not
protest strongly against the anti-deaf halachic directives from Rabbi
Eliashiv and his ilk) and hold the event on Saturday nevertheless (see
the sig below).
2. Hold the event on Saturday evening, after end of Shabbat.
3. Hold the event on another day.
   --- Omer

Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
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Debian Day 2008

2008-08-04 Thread Omer Zak
According to Debian Project News - August 4th, 2008, the 15th
anniversary of the Debian project will be celebrated on Aug. 16, 2008.
More details are supposed to be in
but this link did not work for me.

Is any Debian Day planned in Israel?
 --- Omer

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release to be named after Snufkin.
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Which DNS servers did DHCP tell me to use? (was: Re: Smile 012 DNS cache (aka resolvers) servers)

2008-07-27 Thread Omer Zak
If I use DHCP, how do I determine (after the fact) which DNS servers am
I actually using?
This information is available in /var/log/everything/current (at least
in my Debian Etch installation).
However, it would be nice to know also which command/s can be used to
query for all information retrieved by means of DHCP (besides the IP
address assigned to me, available from /sbin/ifconfig).

   --- Omer

On Sun, 2008-07-27 at 15:16 +0300, Imri Zvik wrote:
 This email is for all the people who are customers of Smile 012
 (including what  used to be Internet Gold).
 If you are statically setting your DNS servers, and you are still
 using the old caching servers ( and,
 please replace them with the following servers: (primary) (secondary)
 The old IP addresses will still provide service, but the new ones are
 much faster and will provide you with a better service.
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[SOLVED] Which DNS servers did DHCP tell me to use?

2008-07-27 Thread Omer Zak
While I still do not know if and which command allows one to retrieve
all information transferred by a DHCP transaction, three people
(Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Ori Idan and Micha michf at
pointed out the file /etc/resolv.conf

Meanwhile, I found that when connection starts, the
original /etc/resolv.conf is renamed as /etc/resolv.conf.pppd-backup,
and a new /etc/resolv.conf is filled with values from the DHCP server.
When connection is severed, the original /etc/resolv.conf is restored.

There are also /etc/dhclient-script, /etc/dhclient.conf (consisting only
of comments), etc/dhcp3 (a directory, which has hooks for ntpdate and

   --- Omer

My Commodore 64 is suffering from slowness and insufficiency of memory;
and its display device is grievously short of pixels.  Can anyone help?
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Spam handling (was: Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting)

2008-07-26 Thread Omer Zak
On Sat, 2008-07-26 at 00:05 +0300, Ariel Biener wrote:
 1. SPAM is here to stay, mostly due to human nature. For people who want to
 sell something, this is an easy and cheap way to get more clients. This is
 from the human psychology/sociology point of view

Asking myself whether it would have been to snip spam at its bud, by
making domain registrars and ISPs more diligent about eliminating spam,
my answer is that in the long range it was good that they were not

The reason is that not having to deal with spam would have left the
networks and applications more vulnerable to a well-timed spam attach,
which is bound to occur.

 2. SPAM is here to stay, from a technical point of view, due to the fact that
SMTP (and the following RFCs that enhance it) were not designed to deal
with sender authenticity. In fact, I believe that up to this day, an RFC
compliant mail system is required to accept the following:

The following developments have the potential of changing the above
a. Massive switching of PC users from MS-Windows to a more secure OS,
removing them out of zombie networks.
b. New E-mail protocols, which are designed to prevent spam.  Those
protocols would supplant and eventually replace the existing ones.
c. Legal developments making domain registrars legally liable to the
actions of domains registered by them - with possibility of getting off
the hook by verifying the identity and addresses of the applicants.

 7. I do believe that some people on this list, while they have a theoretical
 point of view on how things should operate, lack the understanding of
 how things really turn out to be in the real world of ISP operations.
 Forgetting that the ISPs first, and foremost interest is to make money
 and make their shareholders happy is a fatal error, on the part of
 theoreticians. That however doesn't mean that everything ISPs do is
 acceptable, and sometimes very far from it. A balanced view however,
 that understands both the theory, and the practice is needed to be able
 to solve problems in the real ISP world.

Is it possible to set up non-profit ISPs?
How about mesh networks, based say upon WiFi and packet forwarding (old
Usenet style)?

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RE: Spam handling (was: Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting)

2008-07-26 Thread Omer Zak
On Sat, 2008-07-26 at 17:30 +0300, Imri Zvik wrote:
 While it is theoretically possible to setup a non-profit ISP, it is not 
 It takes A LOT of money to run an ISP - just the submarine uplinks costs a 
 couple of hundred K's of $ per month, and even if you manage to get a serious 
 staff working for you for free, or almost free (which I doubt, as ISP job is 
 24/7), you still need to buy expensive hardware, pay Bezeq for realms etc.
 So, unless you find someone with deep pockets who will fund this operation, I 
 don't see how it is possible.
 But I do like the idea :)

The nonprofit ISP's costs would be covered by payments from its clients,
just like for-profit ISPs.  The difference is that management will
answer to clients (via board of their representative, say) rather than
to profit-seeking owners.  Therefore the utility function to be
optimized will be to give the clients the best service possible at a
given cost, rather than to maximize the owners' profits regardless.

Another way to express it is that it is analogous to: by buying
subscription to the ISP's service, a client gets a share in the ISP (to
be surrendered when he terminates his subscription).  So he would
support a management which gives him good service rather than pay him
higher dividends.

I noticed that there were no comments about mesh networks with
WiFi/packet forwarding.  Such things are inherently non-profit.

--- Omer

Philip Machanick: caution: if you write code like this, immediately
after you are fired the person assigned to maintaining your code after
you leave will resign
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Article in Yediot Petah Tikva from today

2008-07-25 Thread Omer Zak
According to this article (pg. 30-31) in one of Petah Tikva's local
newspapers, the municipal education department decided to switch to

Congratulations to the unnamed activists who did the public relations
work behind the curtains!
   --- Omer
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Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting

2008-07-24 Thread Omer Zak
I have E-mailed my ISP about this.

You may want to add to your E-mail to your ISP also your concerns that
since ALL Israeli ISPs are blacklisted, the entire country is in danger
of being backlisted as a country.

While the real reason for such an action would be political, the spam
handling situation is too convenient excuse to pass up.

On Thu, 2008-07-24 at 12:57 +0300, Noam Rathaus wrote:
 Has anyone here tried to get the Bezeq Internation, Barak or Netvision to get 
 them off the blacklisting found here:
 Apparently all the Israeli ISP are blacklisted here (any host you put there 
 their hosting range) - and all because they don't have a policy of cleaning 
 up their network from spammers.
 This means we are all losing emails we send because our ISPs are doing a bad 

Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Anyone with spamassassin expertise?

2008-07-07 Thread Omer Zak
During the last few months, I get spam backscatter each few weeks - a
wave of few hundred bounce E-mail messages.
Almost all of them can be filtered using a rule which looks for my
E-mail address with the wrong sender name.

The line in question usually appears in an attachment, but sometimes it
is in the body of the bounce message.


  From: eliott feargus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (where eliott feargus could be anything except for Omer Zak
  case independent)

My PC has spamassassin version 3.2.3 installed (as part of the Debian
Etch set up), but it seems not to be trained to filter such E-mail.

Can anyone advise me how to instruct the E-mail delivery system to use
also this filtering criteria?


--- Omer

Every good master plan involves building a time machine.  Moshe Zadka
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Re: Grub weirdness

2008-07-03 Thread Omer Zak
Since no one has already suggested the following, I'm making this
1. cp -r /boot /tmp/boot-before
2. Untar the tarfile
3. cp -r /boot /tmp/boot-after
4. diff -r /tmp/boot-before /tmp/boot-after
5. Study the differences.
6. ???
7. Profit!

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 15:04 +0300, Noam Rathaus wrote:
 My aim is to take a dump of one server (tar.gz) and put it on a new server, 
 effectively duplicating the computer.
 On Thursday 03 July 2008 14:21:54 Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
  On Thu, Jul 03, 2008 at 02:03:13PM +0300, Noam Rathaus wrote:
   The blue menu doesn't appear, only the prompt.
   Everything is identical the only different between before and after
   is that the tar.gz is based on stable kernel, while the installer was
   based on a testing kernel.
   But that shouldn't affect it, as I am basically replacing everything...
   Maybe a better approach would be to format the /dev/sda partition
  I think that if your aim is to only replace kernel(s), you make sure
  your tar does not replace other files, only kernels, plus perhaps
  menu.lst (so that these kernels are selectable from the menu).
  Specifically, do not replace under /boot/grub any files except for,
  perhaps, menu.lst and
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Re: New network device causes 'jump' from eth0 to eth1

2008-07-03 Thread Omer Zak

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The relevant file is /etc/network/interfaces - see man 5 interfaces.

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 16:27 +0300, Noam Rathaus wrote:
 I moved an HD from one computer to another (not related to the grub issue 
 and because there is a different network card, eth0 is not longer present and 
 now eth1 is the deacto network card.
 I don't want to reconfigure a few products I have bounded to eth0 (mainly 
 firewall rules).
 How can I force it to use the new network card driver on eth0 instead of 
 Or basically, where is it written that eth0 is 'thismodule' while eth1 
 is 'thisothermodule'?
 I tried modprobe.conf/modules.conf:
 alias eth0 e1000e
 Without success - it still - after modprobe e1000e - gives me access to it 
 only through eth1
42 is the answer to everything.  Food is the answer to everything except
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Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Type: application/x-shellscript;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

# Checks if the given interface matches the given ethernet MAC
# if it does it exits with 0 status, if it doesn't then it exists
# with 1 (error) status.

set -e

export LANG=C

if [ ! -n $1 -o ! -n $2 ] ; then
echo Usage: $0 IFACE targetMAC
exit 1
targetmac=`echo $2 | sed -e 'y/ABCDEF/abcdef/'`
mac=$(/sbin/ifconfig $iface | sed -n -e '/^.*HWaddr 

if [ $targetmac = $mac ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi


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Gedit accelerator keys not working under KDE?

2008-07-03 Thread Omer Zak
I was not successful in using accelerator keys in Gedit, when running it
under KDE desktop.
Is this a known problem, or am I doing anything wrong?

The relevant versions are:
* Debian Etch Linux
* KDE desktop, version 3.5.5 (the kdebase package version is
* gedit 2.14.4 (the kedit package version is 2.14.4-8)

--- Omer

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Re: X cursor problem

2008-07-03 Thread Omer Zak
Looks like your cursor was loaded by an empty or transparent cursor

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 18:03 +0300, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
 My cursor dissappeared. By randomly movng the mouse, I could see that the 
 mouse was functioning (icons, windows, etc were highlighted so I 
 could guess where the cursor should have been). 
 I tried 2 possible solutions but neither solved the problem:
 1 - ctrl-alt-Backspace to restart X
 2 - ctrl-alt-F1 and from the terminal init 3 and then back to init 5
 In both cases, my new X/KDE sessions came up with no cursor.
 In the end, I rebooted and everything is back to normal - but, hey, I 
 shouldn't have to boot for something like this.
 What am I missing? 
 BTW - I've had this problem before (although very rare - last time was 
 months ago).
You haven't made an impact on the world before you caused a Debian
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Iceweasel/Firefox 3 for Debian Etch?

2008-06-27 Thread Omer Zak
I am looking for the Iceweasel debian package corresponding to Firefox
3.  Since I would like to install it in Debian Etch system, I looked for
it in the Debian backports
( domain, but did
not find such a thing there.

Since there must have been some Debian Etch users among the millions of
Firefox 3 downloaders - how did they deal with this issue?

   --- Omer

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Under which keywords can such systems be found?

2008-06-13 Thread Omer Zak
I am looking for a computer with small form factor (cellphone sized or
even smaller) with the following features:
1. Runs Linux.
2. RAM+disk - as needed to run a Linux system without X-Window.
3. Audio input.
4. At least one USB port.
5. Ethernet port.
6. Runs on batteries.
7. A way (such as a memory card built on another system) to install
Linux on the computer.
(Keyboard and display are not needed - programming can be done by

I would appreciate suggestions under which keywords to search for such a
system in Google (or in specialized product search Websites), and where
can it be obtained in Israel.
  --- Omer
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Re: Under which keywords can such systems be found?

2008-06-13 Thread Omer Zak
On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 11:57 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Omer Zak wrote:
  I am looking for a computer with small form factor (cellphone sized or
  even smaller) with the following features:
  1. Runs Linux.
  2. RAM+disk - as needed to run a Linux system without X-Window.
  3. Audio input.
  4. At least one USB port.
  5. Ethernet port.
  6. Runs on batteries.
  7. A way (such as a memory card built on another system) to install
  Linux on the computer.
  (Keyboard and display are not needed - programming can be done by
  I would appreciate suggestions under which keywords to search for such a
  system in Google (or in specialized product search Websites), and where
  can it be obtained in Israel.
--- Omer

 Two questions (Spanish inquisition non-withstanding).
 1. How much do you want to pay for it?

Less than Asus EeePC.

 2. Does it have to be Intel based?

No, but it needs to be supported by Debian.

I see that two just became two squared. :-)

 3. How many units do you need?

One - for experiments and prototyping.

 4. USB host or device?

USB host, as I want to connect USB devices to it.

 Any computer on a chip system can provide you with everything you 
 asked for (well, you will need to adapt the battery yourself, but the 
 voltage and, more importantly, amperage are compatible with battery 

Thanks for the keyword suggestion.
   --- Omer
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RE: Under which keywords can such systems be found?

2008-06-13 Thread Omer Zak
On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 15:07 +0300, ronys wrote:
 A friend of mine (in Israel) worked with these a couple of years ago - no
 idea how he bought them, though:

The comment about buying Gumstix stuff is pertinent - in their Web site,
Israel is not listed among the countries, to which they ship directly.
If any Linux-IL subscriber represents Gumstix in Israel, please stand

 --- Omer
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Anti-RTL mindset is similar to anti-accessibility mindset (was: Re: Openmoko Group sale)

2008-06-02 Thread Omer Zak
Chiming in the discussion, my 7 agorot (2 cents) are as follows.

The mindset of the Openmoko developers seems to me to be

It stands to reason that they'll turn down requests to provide for
accessibility to people with disabilities.  The devices are probably
inherently unusable by blind people (like music for deaf people).
However, deaf people can be victimized by software, which beeps without
visual indication.  Color-blind people can be victimized by software UI
design, which relies too much on color cues, and which does not provide
for ability to change colors.  Epileptic people can be victimized by
software, which insists upon blinking.

Nevertheless, the percentage of those people in the general population
is small enough for the Openmoko to make a case for ignoring their
needs, much the same way they make a case for ignoring the needs of RTL
   --- Omer

On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 00:52 +0300, Ira Abramov wrote:
 Quoting Dotan Cohen, from the post of Mon, 02 Jun:
  everyone, then I would expect that support for LTR, RTL, TTB, and
  other methods of writing should be a core part of the UI, not tacked
  on later.
 haven't seen the discussion, but I'd imagine the most sensible reply
 from OpenMoko would be we provide a hardware platform and a basic UI
 with 3(!) different toolkits. Don't make us pick sides, do your own

Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
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Re: [OT] Fragmentation in the community

2008-05-31 Thread Omer Zak
Another possibility:
The planet used to be in but was moved to yet there is no link from the original URL
to the up-to-date URL.
In fact, this is how I ceased (until today) to follow the planet.

On Sat, 2008-05-31 at 18:20 +0300, Lior Kaplan wrote:
 I've written about why does it seems most of the members of this list
 don't read
 I'd be happy to get answers about this, as I'm trying to make the
 community more closely related.
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release to be named after Snufkin.
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Re: OT:cheap and reliable web hosting anyone ?

2008-05-28 Thread Omer Zak
On Wed, 2008-05-28 at 10:54 +0300, Erez D wrote:
 however, i want it to ...
 ... leave security and backup issues to the hosting site
 (so i do not put it on my pc)

I would advise against this.
If your stuff is static, it is enough to backup it just once.  But it
must be backed up nevertheless.
   --- Omer

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PGP/GPG keys impact? (was: Re: Fwd: Debian SSH vulnerability: act now!)

2008-05-16 Thread Omer Zak
On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 11:09 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 I'll try to give context to Amos's message, as I think it is important.
 If you are running an ssh server on a machine which is not Debian, and 
 was never affected by the openssl key generation bug, you may be under 
 the impression that there is no need to do anything. This is not exactly 
 the case.

One more piece of context which I feel to be necessary:
Does the vulnerability affect also PGP/GPG keys generated during the
last two years?
If yes, how to invalidate those keys when they are already at large?

   --- Omer

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[OFFTOPIC] Re: New Article: What Makes Software High-Quality?

2008-05-06 Thread Omer Zak
On Tue, 2008-05-06 at 12:47 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Shlomi Fish wrote:
  Hi all!
  Here's a new article, fresh off the electronic press:
  It's available as HTML to read online, PDF (but please don't print it) and 
  DocBook/XML. The Licence is CC-by-2.5 (or later).

 If it's CC-by-2.5, then why not print it?

To save some precious natural CO2 disposal units?
Because the article is still in flux and you had better wait 3 months
until it stabilizes before printing it on parchment?

 --- Omer

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Re: mknod

2008-05-05 Thread Omer Zak
Why doesn't that developer have his own PC?
If the developer needs to write his own kernel modules, then he needs
root privileges anyway.
But if he just develops applications for an embedded system, which
already has debugged modules, then the devices can be created beforehand
(manually or via udev, as already suggested by someone else).

   --- Omer

On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 22:39 +0800, Ohad Levy wrote:
 for embedded platform development, its required to create devices
 which are hardware specific (i.e. our own modules).
 any way to reduce the risk?
 On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:32 PM, Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ohad Levy wrote:
 Hello All,
 Is there any risk to give a user sudo rights of mknod?
 as far as I understand it now, it can only create new
 devices, therefor the risk for a running system is
 As others mentioned, giving someone the right to mknod is
 equivalent to giving them root in a fairly straight forward
 May I ask, though, why you want to allow them to mknod?

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Status of IPv6 deployment in Israel?

2008-05-05 Thread Omer Zak
What is the current status of IPv6 deployment in Israel?

I am interested in an answer to this question because of the following

 --- Omer

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How to deal with bounce messages spam?

2008-04-30 Thread Omer Zak
My E-mail address somehow found its way into the reservoir of E-mail
addresses used by some spambots for forging the From: line in E-mail

The consequence is that during recent days I have been flooded with
bounce messages from mailer-daemon and postmaster of various domains,
which bounced back spam messages whose delivery to the final destination

My practice so far has been to filter spam messages into a junk folder
and manually inspectdelete them, so that I can catch any false
However, given the flood of the bounce messages spam, I'll need to
automatically get rid of them.

Fortunately, almost all of the messages which I want to automatically
delete seem to match the rule that the original message has a From:
line with my E-mail address but with another name.

The question is - is it possible and how to configure SpamAssasin and/or
Evolution (my E-mail client) to reject those messages (or file them in a
junk2 folder, for rapid deletion)?

   --- Omer

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Re: SourceForge down?

2008-04-30 Thread Omer Zak
Upon seeing the following E-mail, I tested and  As of 15:15 I can reach neither of them, and I am
connected via Golden Lines (

Anyone from outside of Israel, check both sites please?

On Wed, 2008-04-30 at 14:47 +0300, ronys wrote:
 Is it only me, or is unavailable over the last few hours?
 I can't reach them from Netvision or from Bezeqint. also seems down (both are owned by SourceForge Inc. - odd).

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Re: Gnucash annual reports for Israel

2008-04-06 Thread Omer Zak
If we are at this subject, can anyone, who has experience with using
GNUCash in Israel, write an HOWTO about configuring GNUCash to meet the
needs for micro-business accounting in Israel?

Sample questions:
1. How to set up things so that VAT will be automatically calculated and
credited to a VAT account?
2. How to get the accounts notarized (or whatever) by a CPA?

  --- Omer

On Sun, 2008-04-06 at 09:07 +0300, Yuval Hager wrote:
 Hi list,
 It's that time of year again (for submitting fiscal reports). This year I 
 everything under gnucash though!
 I was wondering what is the best way to file the reports to the accountant. 
 Assuming he does not know or care about the software - What reports should I 
 create and send to him? I know Gnucash reports are US oriented, and have no 
 idea which ones apply to Israel.
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Re: Gnucash annual reports for Israel

2008-04-06 Thread Omer Zak
While I know that there are lots of complications and non-sense things
in the Israeli tax laws, I am afraid that your point of view makes
things more complicated than they really are.

On Sun, 2008-04-06 at 10:14 +0300, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
  2. How to get the accounts notarized (or whatever) by a CPA?
 I don't think you would want to. In order for YOU to enter the data into
 an apporoved accounting program, you must be a level 3 (as in 1 is the
 lowest) certified bookkeeper.

I have been using an accounting program running in MS-DOS (!), but now
(due to reasons into which I'll not go now) I am faced with either going
back to fully manual method or switching to a Linux based accounting

 If you use an alternate method of entering the data and keeping the books,
 or you are not certified, you can not legally submit the data to the tax
 However if you provide the data to your accountant and they enter the data
 or have a level 3 certified bookkeeper enter it, those reports may be

My work flow has always been to provide the data to my CPA and have him
submit the reports.  The fact that this work flow will stay the same is
what is simplifying the problem.

 For best results and less cost, you can submit your data to them in a 
 format they can import the data into their program. From what I understand
 all the approved programs can read .xls (Exel format) spreadsheets.

This can be part of the proposed GNUCash-for-Israel HOWTO - how to
prepare a .xls file so that its contents can be imported into all
accounting programs approved in Israel.

 --- Omer

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Re: binary diff

2008-04-03 Thread Omer Zak
xxd's function is exactly to convert from binary into text.
Try to convert your binary files using:
xxd -p -c1
(works for me: xxd -v output is xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert).

I checked also how to do it using od.  The following would work
(my od --version is 5.97):
od -v -w1 -ta --address-radix none
od -v -w1 -tx1 --address-radix none

 --- Omer

On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 11:37 +0300, Yaacov Fenster - System Engineering
Troubleshooting and other stuff wrote:
 Erez -
 Perhaps you could first convert the binary files to text representation 
 (od --address-radix none) and then preform the comparison in that 
 Erez D wrote:
  i am looking for something like 'diff' which can compare binary files 
  and give a result other then just 'differ' or 'same'
  the same as what diff does for text files.
  i though of using xxd with a regular diff, but that doesn't help, as 
  if there is one byte missing, all lines are shifted which means they 
  are different textually, when they are not really.
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Re: major packet loss at hot server

2008-03-23 Thread Omer Zak
After having seen some E-mail messages about this subject, I decided to
run my own tests.

I found that when mtr'ing Israeli hosts, I get packet loss.  When
mtr'ing international hosts (,,
[hosted outside of Israel], I get less packet loss than when mtr'ing
Israeli hosts.  Weird!

I am connected via ADSL and

  --- Omer

On Sun, 2008-03-23 at 09:19 +0200, Noam Meltzer wrote:
 I live in Givatayim, and connected to the internet through HOT 
 Also, the connection to Bezeqint is without VPN (aka. חייגן)
 Apparently, I have some packet loss too. It appears like the packet
 loss are occurring exactly in the connection between HOT and Bezeqint.
 The following is the output of mtr to

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Re: Kernel question - what happens when a shell script is the interpreter for another shell script?

2008-03-20 Thread Omer Zak
Did you add /tmp/file1 to the list in /etc/shells?

On Thu, 2008-03-20 at 16:23 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Hi all,
 I tried the following experiment. /tmp/file1 (marked executable) has the
 following content:
 echo $@
 /tmp/file2 has the following content:
 echo File2
 when I run file2, I expect it to print out the current date. Instead, it
 prints out File2. In other words, it goes to /bin/sh to execute.

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[OFFTOPIC] How to switch to IPv6? (was: Re: IPv6 support in old (2.4) kernels)

2008-03-16 Thread Omer Zak
On Sun, 2008-03-16 at 17:43 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
  Let's not go into the question why 2.4 is important, OK?
 Can we get into the question of why IPv6 is important?

Can we get into the question how can we personally switch to IPv6 right
now?  How to connect to our current ISPs using IPv6, and how to
interoperate with legacy IPv4 Internet?

  --- Omer

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Re: all-in-one ink printer : looking for recommendations

2008-03-12 Thread Omer Zak
On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 14:15 +0200, Boaz Rymland wrote:
 I'm looking into buying an all-in-one printer.
 I'll probably go for ink printer since I don't print too much and 
 printing color output would be useful.

Avoid Epson Stylus CX3200 and similar printers.

While all of its functions work under Linux, it was designed to waste
ink.  Each power cycling wastes some ink.
Also, its ink cartridges contain a chip preventing them from refilled.

   --- Omer

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Re: Connecting more than one display to the same PC

2008-03-09 Thread Omer Zak
On Sun, 2008-03-09 at 12:14 +0200, Gilboa Davara wrote:
 On Sat, 2008-03-08 at 23:54 +0200, Omer Zak wrote:
  - I need it to be a PCI card, as the AGP slot is already occupied.
  However if an AGP card is much better, please let me know about it as
 You can also replace your AGP card with a new(er) card that has
 out-of-the-box dual monitor support.

Can you please refer me to information about configuring X-Window to
handle such a card?
For example, does each display have its own PCI address (in which the
information in can be used

 --- Omer
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Postmortem (Re: Connecting more than one display to the same PC)

2008-03-09 Thread Omer Zak
Now I have two working displays connected to my PC.  My PC's motherboard
still has one free PCI slot, which I might use for another video card
and 3rd display in the future.

I ended up buying 2nd GeForce FX 5200, so now I have two FX 5200 cards,
one having AGP interface and the other - PCI interface.
The 17 display was moved to the PCI card, and the 20/wide display
(which I bought as well) is connected via the AGP interface.  SVGA
cables are used for both, although the new display has also DVI

I worked at few stages.
First stage was to disconnect the 17 display and connect the 20
display to the AGP card.

I invoked (in my Debian Etch system):
dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and it created /etc/X11/xorg.conf,
which supports modes beyond 1280x1024 (namely 1680x1050, 1440x1440 and

Then I inserted the second FX 5200, and after turning the PC back on, I
ran lspci and manually edited the /etc/X11/xorg.conf according to
instructions in and
invoked /etc/init.d/kdm restart (to restart the X-Window server).

Once both displays worked, I invoked the Configure - KDE Control Module
(in KDE 3.5: start menu/Settings/Peripherals/Display/Multiple Monitors),
identified all displays (using the Identify All Displays button), and
configured where I want to see unmanaged windows (in the display
containing the pointer) and the splash screen (in the 20 display -
display 2).  The Multiple Monitor Support checked items were
satisfactory for me, so I didn't change them.

After backing up my manually edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, I ran again
dpkg-reconfigure as above and noticed that the file version created by
it overwrote my version of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  So I suppose that after
each upgrade of the xserver-xorg package I'll have to revisit

One problem I did not solve.  I want to have the menu start button (in
the left bottom corner of display 1) to appear in both displays - but
did not find how to configure KDE 3.5 to do this.

Thanks to Michael Tewner, Geoffrey S. Mendelson and Gilboa Davara who
answered my questions, even though I did not use their answers after
   --- Omer
My Commodore 64 is suffering from slowness and insufficiency of memory;
and its display device is grievously short of pixels.  Can anyone help?
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Connecting more than one display to the same PC

2008-03-08 Thread Omer Zak
After reading the article in about
this subject and seeing how simple it is to configure X-Window to handle
two displays, I would like to do this in my PC.

* What is your experience with driving 2-3 displays from your Linux PC?
* Given the following situation, what would you recommend/keep away

My PC currently has the nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev
a1) (according to lspci) video card in an AGP slot.
It also has two free PCI slots.

Linux flavor being used - Debian Etch, updated packages.
X-Window: Xorg version: 7.1.0-19.
Video driver being used: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
From /var/log/Xorg.0.log:
  (II) Module nv: vendor=X.Org Foundation
  compiled for 7.1.1, module version = 1.2.0
  Module class: X.Org Video Driver

* Specific issues and questions:

1. What is the best video card nowadays, by the following criteria:
- Linux support
- Support for OpenGL in Linux
- Support for 3D effects in Linux
- On the other hand, I am not a gamer and don't expect to play games on
- I need it to be a PCI card, as the AGP slot is already occupied.
However if an AGP card is much better, please let me know about it as

2. Is there any problem using two different video cards (say, nVidia and
ATI) in the same PC?

3. Not directly related to the above, but insights would be helpful:

I have a problem with the gspca Webcam driver - when trying to use any
application using a Webcam, the process gets stuck and cannot be killed
(i.e. the problem is in the driver).  The problem seems to be associated
with the video card/driver, because in another PC (with an ATI driver),
the gspca driver and Webcam work OK.

Does anyone know anything about this problem?  I already asked the gspca
developer and in some IRC forums - but found no help there.

 --- Omer
Delay is the deadliest form of denial.C. Northcote Parkinson
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Re: Efficient C++ XML validating parser?

2008-03-05 Thread Omer Zak
On Wed, 2008-03-05 at 12:43 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:
  How about using a binary format which is compiled from XML ?
 In this day and age, is it really all that faster? What makes XML hard 
 to parse, IMHO, is not the fact that it's text, it's the fact that it's 
  You get all the benefits of using XML and no parsing overhead.
 Well, you lose one benefit - it's no longer in a standard parsable, nor 
 even textual, format.

Not necessarily.
If you have a converter between XML and your binary format, and make it
available everywhere your application is available, then the messages
would still effectively be available in XML.  You'll need also some way
to force people to modify the converter whenever they modify the schema.

Another way is to use one of the serializer/unserializer modules
available in scripting languages such as Python or Perl.  This will
transform between your data structure's internal representation and a
binary format.

--- Omer
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Re: RTL in plaintext mails

2008-02-25 Thread Omer Zak
On Mon, 2008-02-25 at 13:14 +0200, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
   איך ההודעה הזו נראית?
 In hebrew, but justified to the left

I use Evolution (version 2.6.3, from Debian Etch) to read my E-mail, and
in Evolution, the Hebrew line is right-justified, with RTL direction
(the question mark is to the left).

--- Omer

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Subtitling/Captioning in Linux

2008-02-07 Thread Omer Zak
Subtitle manipulation tools for Linux
By Razvan T. Coloja on February 07, 2008

In civilized societies, captions are as important in movies as
soundtracks, professional photography and expert editing.
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Re: Finding porn links in hacked web pages

2008-01-28 Thread Omer Zak
1. When your Web site contains a blog (which may not be a problem for
Geoff's friend's Web site), the local copy upload method is not
feasible, unless designed to skip the blog part.

2. The local copy upload method does not alert you when vandalism has
actually occurred.

On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 09:48 +0200, Shahar Dag wrote:
 I would prefer to maintain a local copy of the web + once a day (using cron) 
 to upload it to the web server
 (or even better, maintain a SVN server that hold the local copy of the web)
 - Original Message - 
 To: linux-il
 Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 9:15 AM
 Subject: Re: Finding porn links in hacked web pages
  The method which I use is to:
  1. Perform periodic backup of the entire Web site, including SQL dumps
  of any databases driving it.
  2. Download the backup files to PC.
  3. Open them (into a subdirectory and import into a new DB instance,
  4. Run 'diff' between the opened files and the previous backup.
  For regular files, use 'diff'.  For DB comparison of two MySQL DBs, I
  use a Python script, which I wrote.
--- Omer
  On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 09:03 +0200, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
  Yesterday my wife went to a perfectly normal web page and after
  a few seconds a porn page replaced it.
  I looked at the HTML page source and found that at the bottom of the
  page were hundreds of links, which did not belong there. I called
  the publisher of the page, and he determined that his server had been
  hacked and the links added.
  He is not technicaly inclined at all, and does not have the ability
  to check his pages without going to each one in a browser and looking
  at the page source. He has thousands of pages and runs the site as
  a Jewish news site, with no income.
  I was thinking that I could write a program that scans each of his
  web pages using wget or lynx to download them, but don't want to
  start writing code if it has been already done.
  Any suggestions?
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Re: Finding porn links in hacked web pages

2008-01-27 Thread Omer Zak
The method which I use is to:
1. Perform periodic backup of the entire Web site, including SQL dumps
of any databases driving it.
2. Download the backup files to PC.
3. Open them (into a subdirectory and import into a new DB instance,
4. Run 'diff' between the opened files and the previous backup.

For regular files, use 'diff'.  For DB comparison of two MySQL DBs, I
use a Python script, which I wrote.
   --- Omer

On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 09:03 +0200, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
 Yesterday my wife went to a perfectly normal web page and after
 a few seconds a porn page replaced it. 
 I looked at the HTML page source and found that at the bottom of the
 page were hundreds of links, which did not belong there. I called
 the publisher of the page, and he determined that his server had been
 hacked and the links added. 
 He is not technicaly inclined at all, and does not have the ability
 to check his pages without going to each one in a browser and looking
 at the page source. He has thousands of pages and runs the site as
 a Jewish news site, with no income.
 I was thinking that I could write a program that scans each of his
 web pages using wget or lynx to download them, but don't want to 
 start writing code if it has been already done. 
 Any suggestions? 

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Re: gcc thoughts

2008-01-26 Thread Omer Zak
On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 09:24 +0200, Amit Aronovitch wrote:
 Leonid Podolny wrote:
[... snipped ...]
  This morning, while browsing through pages of frustratingly irrelevant
  cscope output, I got an idea. In every kosher *nix development
  environment, the cross-references (i.e. jump to definition of this
  struct/function) are built by some crippled 3rd party tool (such as
  ctags, cscope or home-brewed set of elisp scrips). On the other hand,
  the only tool that actually knows what is going on during compilation
  is gcc, so it's only logical that it should build cross-references
  along the way.
[... snipped ...]
 Sorry I did not read all the replys very thoroughly, but I did notice
 that nobody mentioned gcc_xml
 It does much more than what you need, but I'm sure that the information
 you seek is in fact stored in the output (I believe a simple SAX
 processor should be able to extract it fast enough to be integrated into
 the dev environ). Besides - you could probably use more than just the
 location of the defs.

From a brief glance at the gccxml Web site, the project looks to be
relatively unmaintained (at least).  The most recent release was at
  --- Omer
My Commodore 64 is suffering from slowness and insufficiency of memory;
and its display device is grievously short of pixels.  Can anyone help?
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Installing Emacs22 on Debian Etch

2007-12-29 Thread Omer Zak
When I looked for an Emacs22 package for Debian Etch, I found that the
regular Debian backports Web site at does not
include a backport of this package.

(The reason I looked for this version of Emacs was because of its
network connection support by means of ELISP functions like
make-network-process and open-network-stream.
It also has a cua mode, which allows you to use the now-standard C-x,
C-c and C-v key combinations for the standard operations.)

Today I found that the Emacs Wiki Web site has a page about exactly this

Following directions, Emacs22 was successfully installed and made the
default.  Details are as follows.

1. I worked as root, so I used the following to authenticate the package
# wget -O- | apt-key add -

2. As directed, I added the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb etch backports
deb-src etch backports

3. I used aptitude (rather than the various apt-get commands recommended
by the aforementioned Web page).  As usual, it complains when activated
for the first time after adding another source.  I restarted it, and the
complaint went away.

When running update, aptitude recommended that several packages (for
example, PHP5 related ones) be upgraded.  I blocked everything by the F
command (Forbid Upgrade), and selected the Emacs22 packages.

aptitude informed about a buffer overflow error, which was already fixed
in the Debian Lenny version of Emacs22.  I allowed it to be installed.
Installation proceeded without further incidents.

4. After installation, I checked which version of emacs is in effect
# update-alternatives --display emacs
Since I found it to be pointing at /usr/bin/emacs22-x rather
than /usr/bin/emacs21-x, no further action was needed.

--- Omer

MCSE - acronym for Minesweeper Consultant  Solitaire Expert. (Unknown)
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Re: Run out of inodes

2007-12-27 Thread Omer Zak
Few years ago a Linux system, which I used, ran out of inodes once in a
while.  The reason was that a directory in /var (I do not remember its
name) got filled by thousands of zero-length files, due to a botched
error recovery attempt by some daemon.  The cure was to delete all those

I would suggest that you look for obsolete archive files in /var/log and
for other obsolete stuff in other /var subdirectories.  Once those files
re deleted, you should be able to free several inodes.

  --- Omer

On Wed, 2007-12-26 at 09:12 +0100, Biran, Yahav (Yahav) wrote:
 df -I show:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mpower]# df -i
 FilesystemInodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
 /dev/cciss/c0d0p6 262144   10442  2517024% /
 /dev/cciss/c0d0p1  26104  54   260501% /boot
 none 1013170   1 10131691% /dev/shm
 /dev/cciss/c0d0p23989888  616728 3373160   16% /export/home
 /dev/cciss/c0d0p7 131616  20  1315961% /tmp
 /dev/cciss/c0d0p33842720  127472 37152484% /usr
 /dev/cciss/c0d0p8 131616  131616   0  100% /var
 Therefore I can't run any rpm nor up2date.
 How one can clean up some inodes? 

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Does anyone maintain nowadays?

2007-12-27 Thread Omer Zak
Today I tried to access it, and it took long time until my Web browser
reported that it has a problem.
 --- Omer
P.S.: I am looking for a Free Hebrew-English and/or English-Hebrew
dictionary file.  The nearest one, which I found is but the Hebrew words are
transcribed in Latin letters rather than in Hebrew letters.

Eli Marmor's Law:  netiquette forbids people from replying I agree with
you to messages in mailing lists, skewing discussions in favor of the
troublemaker type of dissenters.
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Re: Fwd: boot messages

2007-12-21 Thread Omer Zak
I compared your strace with strace in my system when running ls -la .

Since my system is Debian Etch, may I suggest that you request someone,
who is running Mandriva like you, to run strace and E-mail you his
strace output for comparison with yours?

On Fri, 2007-12-21 at 12:20 +0200, shlomo solomon wrote:
 On Dec 21, 2007 11:30 AM, Lior Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /]$ strace ls -la /-usr/bin/rpmquery
[... snipped ...]
 set_thread_area({entry_number:-1 - 6, base_addr:0xb7e6fab0,
 limit:1048575, seg_32bit:1, contents:0, read_exec_only:0,
 limit_in_pages:1, seg_not_present:0, useable:1}) = 0
 mprotect(0xb7faa000, 4096, PROT_READ)   = 0
 mprotect(0xb7fdf000, 4096, PROT_READ)   = 0
 munmap(0xb7fb9000, 50427)   = 0
 set_tid_address(0xb7e6faf8) = 15123
 sendto(-1209599232, umovestr: Input/output error
 0xc, 3085434868,
 ptrace: umoven: Input/output error
 {...}, 3216877960) = 0

The above is an I/O error which I do not see in my system's strace.
Google has a lot of stuff about umoven I/O error, but included no
explanations or solutions.  Some people said that those errors are
normal in straces.

 open(/usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) =
 -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) =
 -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1
 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1
 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1
 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT
 (No such file or directory)
 write(2, : Permission denied, 19: Permission denied) = 19
 write(2, \n, 1
 )   = 1

You may be having a problem with /usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/

 --- Omer
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Re: missing /home

2007-12-20 Thread Omer Zak
When checking for free disk space, check also inodes (by df -i).
According to past experience, when a partition runs out of inodes,
sometimes the system manages to continue to work and erratically fail
(when processes need to create new files without deleting others

Another shot in the dark:  which filesystem are you using on home -
ext2, ext3, reiserfs, ... ?
 --- Omer

On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 23:50 +0200, shlomo solomon wrote:
 On Dec 20, 2007 11:36 PM, Alon Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Another reason kde could fail to write is lack of disk space. Is /home full
  or close to full?
 No - over 20 Gb free on /home.
 BTW - it¶ not a KDE problem. I can login from a console (Ctl-Alt-1) either.
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Re: Top FOSS security vulnerabilities

2007-12-15 Thread Omer Zak
On Sat, 2007-12-15 at 02:35 +, Amos Shapira wrote:
 On 14/12/2007, Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: explains the philosophy and
  reasoning of Palamida, which found those vulnerabilities.  I found the
  article to be FUD-free.
 Should be very interesting, but the alleged link to the spreadsheet
 with data ( seems to link to some
 list of features.
 Do you have another link?

No, but you may want to have a look at - the
May 3, 2007 article (The False Positives of Vulnerability) and follow
links from there.
  --- Omer

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Re: automatic dyndns client for Debian Etch?

2007-12-15 Thread Omer Zak
I use dyndns, too, and am interested in the subject.
Therefore, I fired up aptitude in my Debian Etch installation and found
the following:

 v dyndns-client

and packages which implement the above:


Both of them seem to meet the requirements.
Does anyone from the mailing list have experience with those packages
and can make a recommendation?

--- Omer

On Sat, 2007-12-15 at 12:41 +, Amos Shapira wrote:
 It seems that the client I've been using for a few years now
 has stopped updating the account.
 I'm leaving for a few weeks in a couple of days and don't have time to
 investigate this too much, so I opened an account with and
 setup my home but all the packages I found for Debian Etch seem to be
 talking about (which is different?) or require manual
 Is there a simple daemon a-la the one provided for to keep
 my address up to date within a reasonable interval?

Kosher Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also:
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Top FOSS security vulnerabilities

2007-12-14 Thread Omer Zak explains the philosophy and
reasoning of Palamida, which found those vulnerabilities.  I found the
article to be FUD-free. lists the topmost 5 overlooked
vulnerabilities for 2007 according to them.

Of course, in their blog, they do not miss an opportunity to promote
their business (audit of corporate codebase to find uses of Free
Software and overlooked vulnerabilities).

DISCLAIMER:  I am neither affiliated nor customer (satisfied or
otherwise).  I only read some security related Web news items, and
thought it'll be good idea to bring those news items to general
   --- Omer

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Re: ptrace help

2007-12-08 Thread Omer Zak
On Sat, 2007-12-08 at 23:50 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 Hi all,
 I need help trying to wrap my head around ptrace. I'm trying to create 
 the most basic of programs:
 in the child process (right after the fork) I do:

[... snipped ...]

You provided us with a description of the expected and actual behaviors.
However, it would be better if you provided us with the full source code
of a sample program involving ptrace, as written by you.

From skimming man ptrace, it appears that the subprocess is stopped by
ptrace actions and needs to be restarted.  Overall the ptrace command
set seems to be designed around the metaphor of an human-controlled

  --- Omer

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