Re: CSRe: ozone machines

2003-05-22 Thread FHLew

-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: ozone machines

 Re: CSRe: ozone machines
 From: CKing001 (view other messages by this author)
 Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 21:12:41

   amperage (am'p?r-ij, am'pîr'-)


   The strength of an electric current expressed in amperes.

   The American Heritage Dictionary


  The American  Heritage Dictionary is useful for many things,  but it
  is not an engineering text.

  Anyone who  studied engineering would use the  terms  Amp, Amps,
  Amperes, etc.

  Note the capitalization, which is used in all engineering parameters
  to denote the person who did the original work.

  Obviously, the person who wrote that entry never studied engineering.

  And neither has Harvey.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: ozone machines

2003-05-21 Thread FHLew

-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: ozone machines

 Re: CSRe: ozone machines
 From: CKing001 (view other messages by this author)
 Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 21:12:41

   amperage (am'p?r-ij, am'pîr'-)


   The strength of an electric current expressed in amperes.

   The American Heritage Dictionary


  The American  Heritage Dictionary is useful for many things,  but it
  is not an engineering text.

  Anyone who  studied engineering would use the  terms  Amp, Amps,
  Amperes, etc.

  Note the capitalization, which is used in all engineering parameters
  to denote the person who did the original work.

  Obviously, the person who wrote that entry never studied engineering.

  And neither has Harvey.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: ozone machines

2003-05-21 Thread FHLew

-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: ozone machines

 Re: CSRe: ozone machines
 From: CKing001 (view other messages by this author)
 Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 21:12:41

   amperage (am'p?r-ij, am'pîr'-)


   The strength of an electric current expressed in amperes.

   The American Heritage Dictionary


  The American  Heritage Dictionary is useful for many things,  but it
  is not an engineering text.

  Anyone who  studied engineering would use the  terms  Amp, Amps,
  Amperes, etc.

  Note the capitalization, which is used in all engineering parameters
  to denote the person who did the original work.

  Obviously, the person who wrote that entry never studied engineering.

  And neither has Harvey.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: ozone machines

2003-05-21 Thread FHLew

-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: ozone machines

 Re: CSRe: ozone machines
 From: CKing001 (view other messages by this author)
 Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 21:12:41

   amperage (am'p?r-ij, am'pîr'-)


   The strength of an electric current expressed in amperes.

   The American Heritage Dictionary


  The American  Heritage Dictionary is useful for many things,  but it
  is not an engineering text.

  Anyone who  studied engineering would use the  terms  Amp, Amps,
  Amperes, etc.

  Note the capitalization, which is used in all engineering parameters
  to denote the person who did the original work.

  Obviously, the person who wrote that entry never studied engineering.

  And neither has Harvey.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: The Presence of the Pase with The SARS Variants

2003-05-12 Thread FHLew

There is an uploading of Prof Rupert Sheldrake's

Morphic Resonance at:


Please click   What is Morphic Resonance 

A Malaysian professor from a local university has extracted what he named as 
Sea Ion from the Ocean. It has been tested as an anti-microbial. I have tried 
it as a broad-spectrum antiseptic and a vegetables /Fruits washer

Since monkeys have been observed to wash their food with sea water before 
eating ,with others following,both local and distant, there must be a 
mysterious purpose in this human-like practice acquired by Morphic Resonance. 
Has anybody  examined or isolated  Sars Variants from the oceanic brine and can 
the Sars Variants survive in sea water ?


Constituents of Sea Water

Sea-water is 96.5 % pure water. The remaining 3.5 % consists of dissolved 
material of which some of the more abundant components are: 

Chlorine ion (55 %) 

Sodium ion (30.6 %) 

Sulphate ion (7.7 %) 

Magnesium ion (3.7 %) 

Potassium ion (1.1 %) 

The holography of our oceanic ancestry shows itself in the fluid/mineral 
compostion of our body in the  River of Life , the blood stream and tissue 
fluids which form Claude Bernard's  Milieu Interieur and in the tidal rising 
and ebbing of our urine. The entrained electromagnetic intelligence in the 
water molecules is the specific signature of the entity, be it a  a human cell, 
bacterium,fungus,yeast,parasite virus,chemical or heavy metal 

Vibrational Medicine - Lew


With regards


CSRE: SARS in Buddhism

2003-05-06 Thread FHLew
 Venerable Master Chin Kung's Talk on SARS
  Someone asked me; what is SARS about? Well. it 
 is a result of unkind thoughts. Greed anger delusion and arrogance caused the 
particles in 
 the air to become turbid arid virulent,
 givng rise to virus. All laws are created from the 
 mind and virus is also created from the mind.
 The best precaution therefore starts from the mind. 
 When the mind harbors greed, anger and
 delusion; these thoughts are the deadliest virus. They turn the entire 
external physical environment into poison. If the three negative 
 feelings are absent from within, how can virus
 survive on the outside? Compassion can neutralize and 
 detox~~ poison. Hence the mind must
 be pure and compassionate. Buddhists who are pure and 
 compassionate will not be infected. If
 you got infected it is because your practice is not 
 yet effective. When the practice is effective, you will not get ill, grow old 
or die.
 Talk given in 
 Singapore on March 29 2002

   There are some regions that are experiencing an 
 epidemic of SARS (Severe Acute
 Respiratory Syndrome); the Chinese called this is a 
 plaque. Where does plaque come from?
 All laws are created from the mind. From the mind 
 things are created, from consciousness
 things are changed. This is the overall principle. 
 What frame of mind will give rise to this
 plaque ? A mind that is not kind and actions that are 
 not kind. Unkind intentions will yield
 unkind actions. The situation is the manifestation of 
 unkind retributions. If we can repent and
 become kind? Cultivate pure actions, all unkind 
 retributions will disappear naturally.
 People are aware that they must sever evilness 
 and cultivate goodness. However, they  can not cut themselves off from vices 
entirely and the 
 goodness that they cultivate is limited.
 Hence, since thousands of years ago until now , there 
 has not been a year without plagues.
 Every year plaques will appear. Plaques and infections 
 occur most frequently at the time before
 and after the Tomb Sweeping Day (April). This time 
 there is no exception. The plaque will
 last about one month. Very seldom it will last for two 
 months. Many students ask me how to
 take precaution? The best precaution is to cultivate 
 purity and compassion. Purity and
 compassion can neutralize all disasters. They can turn 
 the molecular arrangements of our
 environment into beautiful crystal formations and 
 disaster will disappear as a result 
 We saw a report that when two bottles of water, 
 one labeled love and thanks and the
 other labeled hatred and disgusted were placed in a 
 laboratory for a few hours, they yielded
 very different forms of crystal arrangements as shown 
 by the photographs taken under a
 microscope. How did the change occur? Different 
 thinking caused the changes. Love and
 and thanks are good and positive thoughts of human. 
 Anger and hatred are negative thoughts. Actually
 symbols that contain the thoughts of human. 
 Without thoughts the symbols are
 empty and they will not be able to give rise to 
 changes. WHen characters were created, the
 creators have given the characters meanings. Hence 
 when the characters are used, the symbols
 are in consonant with our thinking and this thinking 
 is then transmitted to the water and the
 water naturally changes accordingly. 
 Talk given in 
 Australia on April 6,  

Water is liquified Light
  Let there be Light !

With regards


CSRe: CS nebulization and Chaotic Breathing

2003-05-02 Thread FHLew

Breathing causes chaos

Gas mix leaves airborne particles no way out of lungs.

16 July 2002 

Breathing difficulties: no way out for dust and pollution 

Gases may mix more thoroughly in our airways than had been thought, researchers 
have found. The discovery could overturn ideas about how airborne particles 
cause respiratory diseases, and how viruses and bacteria are transmitted in air.

Particles of dust and pollution called aerosols trigger or exacerbate 
conditions such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, silicosis and lung cancer. 
Aerosols were thought to find their way out of a lung the same way they went in 
- like Theseus following Ariadne's thread out of the Minotaur's labyrinth. 

But this gassy thread becomes extremely tangled during an inhalation, calculate 
Akira Tsuda of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and colleagues. 
The flow cannot simply be reversed by exhaling1. 

This indicates that aerosols may become trapped in the lungs more easily than 
current theory would have it.

Slice of life

The fate of inhaled aerosols depends on how the inhaled gas interacts with the 
gas already present in the highly branched passages of the lungs that terminate 
in tiny pockets known as alveoli.

When two rivers flow together, their waters rapidly swirl and mix. When fluids 
flow more slowly, or in narrower channels, they may act more like streams of 
treacle, remaining almost unadulterated. Air was thought to flow like this in 
the lungs.

Tsuda and colleagues worked on rat lungs. Instead of gases, they used two 
silicone liquids, one blue, one white. They filled the lungs with white liquid, 
representing gasses initially in the alveoli ; then they pumped blue fluid in 
and out.

The silicone liquids were much more viscous than air. The team allowed for this 
by pumping them in and out of the lungs very slowly - an 'inhalation' and 
'exhalation' together lasted around five minutes. 

Adding a curing agent solidified these fluids quite suddenly an hour later. 
Once solidified, the fluids preserved a snapshot of how they were mixed in the 
lungs, which could be inspected in slices under a microscope.

The liquids quickly became highly mixed. Slices of the polymerized lung 
revealed a turbulent, chaotic swirling pattern of blue and white, even in 
airways just a few tenths of a millimetre across.

This means that each packet of fluid in the flow takes a complex path and 
rapidly loses track of where it started. Any tiny particles suspended in the 
flow also lose their way and cannot easily escape from the lungs during 
Tsuda, A., Rogers, R. A., Hydon, P. E.  Butler, J. P. Chaotic mixing deep in 
the lung. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (2002). 

© Nature News Service / Macmillan Magazines Ltd 2002

With regards

Re: CSOT: Confused Quacks Ignoring Vital Sars Evidence

2003-05-01 Thread FHLew

I was asked [ on detuning and destruction of Morphic Resonance transmitted
by the SARS variants.]

  My question is what do they say to do to
keep healthy and not to have those dark energies sensitize a person, in your


  Stefanatos (1997, 228) tells us that the electromagnetic fields (EMF)
emanating from bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxic substances affect the
cells of the body and weaken its constifution.   So the vital force is
identified quite explicitly with electromagnetic fields and said to be the
causew of the disease.  But somehow the life energies of the body are
balanced by bioenergetic therapies. No anti-biotic or drug, no matter how
powerful, will save an animal/human if the vital force of healing is
suppressed or lacking (Stefanatos 1997, 229). So health or sickness is
determined by who wins the battle betweeen the good and bad electromagnetic
waves in the body.

What constitutes good electromagnetic oscillations for the
body ?  Can Colloidal Silver be in a biologically  transmutated form
of cell-salt ?

Now it would seem that all the effects of electromagnetic fields
in living things would be easily detectable, given the great precision with
which electromagnetic phenomena can be measured in the laboratory. Physics
can measure the magnetic dipole moment of the electron ( a measure of the
strength of the electron 's magnetic field to
one part in ten million and calculate it with the same accuracy. It should
surely be able to detect.

 Please point to URL :

 and CLICK   The Tissue Salts  [ Cell-salts ] 

With regards

-Original Message-
From: someone
Date: Thursday, May 01, 2003 2:47 PM
Subject: CSOT: Confused Quacks Ignoring Vital Sars Evidence

There was an interesting article recently in
(  --


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRE: The Brain's Nose and the SARS virus

2003-04-26 Thread FHLew

The SARS virus creates havoc in the Brain's Nose. If you are 
curious, please point to:

With regards

Re: CSRe: Wallach

2003-04-23 Thread FHLew
Greetings to my old and new friends in the Silver List.

C Creel wrote :

They all produce colloidal trace minerals.  

   I fought the Nipah Virus using Colloidal Silver as a component a few
years ago.. Now I am fighting the Sars virus. Malaysia reported the second
tragedy today.

Some may find it interesting to explore a River of Health
in China. Please point to:

  I do not import or sell the health stones.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: C Creel
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Wallach

 It turned out that there was no civilization of 140 year old people and
 that he was really selling crunched up shale water from a mine in Utah. It
 contained heavy metals as well as traces of everything else.

Where did you hear the latter part of this sentence?  The mine that
 minerals came from he was touting at the time was certified long ago to
 provide trace minerals in supplemrnt form.  In fact, it is the only mine
 the U.S. certified for this purpose.  Thre companies now have rights to
 mine.  They all produce colloidal trace minerals.  One of them has been in
 business since the 1940s.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS Generator

2003-04-23 Thread FHLew
Kathie wrote:

  I don't have a way to check PPM... 

  Where are you Trem ? I need one myself, urgently.I emailed you sometime 
ago on the same subject.

With regards

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 1:35 AM
  Subject: CSCS Generator

  Hi all...
  For @$7.00 we found a 2 qt Pyrex pitcher with a plastic cover at Walmart... 
We put 2 holes in the lid about 5 apart, suspended the silver wire into 2 qts 
of distilled water and attached alligator clips to the silver wires on top of 
the pitcher. We then placed 3 9v batteries together in series to form the 

  To connect the batteries required 3 9v battery connectors...Radio 
  They're soldered together 'in series'... To do this solder 1 black alligator 
clip to the first black wire...solder the red wire to the black wire of the 
next connector...then repeat soldering the red wire of the final connector to 
the red alligator clip... If you don't solder plastic connectors available to 
attach the wires...

  When the alligator clips are connected to the silver wires poking through the 
plastic top...remember not to let the silver wires touch. By touching they will 
short, the batteries will overheat and possibly cause a fire... and the CS 
process stops.

  Also at Walmart is a cheap aquarium pump...under $7.00 and a stone aerator 
and plastic hose for @ $2.00. Place the aerator in the the pour spout of the 
Pyrex pitcher with the plastic tubing connected to the pump...Then plug in the 
pump to create air bubbles...

  We usually run this process for @ 5hours... Less now that we have CS to 
'seed' our next batch.

  I don't have a way to check PPM, but our CS is clear with slight metallic 
taste... seems to work fine...and the Pyrex pitcher has a handy pour spout 
which is a real plus. We save our CS in glass mason jars. I put them in the 
cabinet, but thanks to Ole Bob, I don't worry anymore that the jars are 

  Someone mentioned an inexpensive device to measure PPM...I'd appreciate that 
information again...And thanks to everyone on this for all the great 

  Comments to improve our process are welcome. 

Re: CSShingles; was Listowner/need imfo 7 must unsub.

2002-07-12 Thread FHLew
   James Osbourne, Holmes wrote:

My reading of the  post indicates it heals the lesion;
does not remove the virus from the
 body.  I hope I am wrong. 

   No, you are not  really, Sir. The essence of a plant is in its
totality. The
healing harmony of the Whole is not the same as the sum of its parts. I
recall  I reviewed a
patient a few years back ,an out-patient, presenting with a history of
multiple injuries
both internal and external  injuries sustained in a Motor Vehicle
Accident,recently discharged
from the hospital. Physical examination showed multiple contusions over the
chest and limbs
with fractured ribs but without pneumothorax,[ lungs were not punctured by
broken ribs].   He
came merely for supportive treatment. Further history-taking revealed that
he felt  much better
after taking the concoction of a certain root which he dug up in front of
his house. He could breathe
better and deeper . Out of pure holistic interest, I followed him to his
house. It is a frangipani tree with white
 fragrant flowers.It is called the graveyard tree commonly planted near
graveyards in Malaysia. That same
evening I botanised many graveyards after paying my respect to the mortal
remnants for permission to
 dig up some roots for needy patients. Outside of the molecular biology
mainstream in the last
30 years,  are  fascinating insights into the inner state of living cells.
What has
been established by these means is, that cells have a specific kind of
communication that is closely connected to extremely weak, but biologically
highly effective, electromagnetic signals, comprising the Mitogenic
all within the ultra-violet range  and ultra-violet rays are

 In some people, Mr Muthotho says, herpes zoster infection
restricted chest movements during breathing, which clear
within two hours of applying the sap.

  By that, a new pathway of biophysical research has been
opened, which focusses exactly on those key
aspects of life that are systematically ignored by standard methods of
molecular biology and genetics - the Mitogenetic Radiation.This phenomenon
is manifested as Bioradiation by the germinating cells at rootlet tips in
intra-and extra-cellullar communication  and amplification.,between plants
and other organisms including
human beings. This is the Backster Phenomenon.  The sap is the distillate of
the root system ,
which acts on sites of traumatization , just  as the healing effect of of
the circulating Chi by needling
in Acupuncture .It is photonic healing by communication from source. The
clustered water
molecules in the sap distillate are highly sensitive antennae as
receivers,amplifiers and transmitters of
of the Mitogenetic Radiation,electromagnetically. It is sometimes called the
Living Wave.

 This herbal treatment originated from an anecdote from ancient
China about a petty thief  who was
caught and practically beaten to death by the villagers who left him for
dead.  Somehow he managed to
crawl beneath a tree for shelter. In the freezing cold  and  hunger, he
contrived to dig
up some roots of the tree to eat and to apply over his injuries.The
villagers thought they saw the ghost of
the thief, when spring  arrived. He was very much alive and well. The tree
was thought to be a  frangipani tree.

The healing effect of a plant in its
balanced totality is dependent on the intra- and extracellullar
communication of its parts regulated by Mitogenetic Radiation. There is a
time to grow
and a time to reap.  The Ephedra Sinica [ Joint Fir ] Ma Huang, is an
example. The stems are Diaphoretic - stimulant to respiration,dilate
bronchi, induce sweating
and diuretic.Whereas the roots are anti-diaphoretic.

With regards

- Original Message - From: James Osbourne, Holmes
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 6:50 AM
Subject: RE: CSShingles; was Listowner/need imfo 7 must unsub.


 The virus remains in the nervous system and will recurr.  My reading of
 post indicates it heales the lesion; does not remove the virus from the
 body.  I hope I am wrong.

: Holmes James-Osbourne

 -Original Message-
 From: Ellie Rosz []
 Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 4:41 PM
 Subject: Re: CSShingles; was Listowner/need imfo 7 must unsub.

 Thanks for sharing the info on a cure for Shingles.  Do you have any more
 information on how long ago this article was published, is there a product
 available here in the US containing this plant sap or anything else
 regarding these type of treatments available in the US.  I appreciate your

 From: Roman
 Subject: Re: CSShingles; was Listowner/need imfo 7 must unsub.
 Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:32:54 

Re: CScolloidal color

2002-06-19 Thread FHLew
 Greetings to all Silver list members

 Ode Coyote wrote:

  I might be
  crazy, but I see a relationship between color,
particle [crystal vs
 size and oxygen.
  The crystal shape of pure silver is 'face
centered cubic'.
 ..and..CS that dries on a white surface will stain that
surface brown.

 What if I say that I can hear the anti-microbial
properties in the 5 ppm  Colloidal
Silver in Blue and  taste the  cellular proliferation in the 10 ppm
in Yellow. It sounds crazier
than you. But there are individuals in our midst who see,talk and
think like that. This trait is
  What is synesthesia?

With regards


Thomas J. Palmeri, Randolph B. Blake and René Marois of the psychology
department and the Center for Integrative and Cognitive Neuroscience at
Vanderbilt University study synesthesia. They provide the following

When you eat chicken, does it feel pointy or round? Is a week shaped like a
tipped-over D with the days arranged counterclockwise? Does the note B taste
like horseradish? Do you get confused about appointments because Tuesday and
Thursday have the same color? Do you go to the wrong train station in New
York City because Grand Central has the same color as the 42nd Street
address of Penn Station? When you read a newspaper or listen to someone
speaking do you see a rainbow of colors? If so, you might have synesthesia.

Synesthesia is an anomalous blending of the senses in which the stimulation
of one modality simultaneously produces sensation in a different modality.
Synesthetes hear colors, feel sounds and taste shapes. What makes
synesthesia different from drug-induced hallucinations is that synesthetic
sensations are highly consistent: for particular synesthetes, the note F is
always a reddish shade of rust, a 3 is always pink or truck is always blue.

The estimated occurrence of synesthesia ranges from rarer than one in 20,000
to as prevalent as one in 200. Of the various manifestations of synesthesia,
the most common involves seeing monochromatic letters, digits and words in
unique colorsthis is called grapheme-color synesthesia. One rather striking
observation is that such synesthetes all seem to experience very different
colors for the same graphemic cues. Different synesthetes may see 3 in
yellow, pink or red. Such synesthetic colors are not elicited by meaning,
because 2 may be orange but two is blue and 7 may be red but seven is green.
Even more perplexing is that synesthetes typically report seeing both the
color the character is printed in as well as their synesthetic color. For
example,  is both blue (real color) and light green (synesthetic color).

Synesthetes report having unusually good memory for things such as phone
numbers, security codes and polysyllabic anatomical terminology because
digits, letters and syllables take on such a unique panoply of colors. But
synesthetes also report making computational errors because 6 and 8 have the
same color and claim to prejudge couples they meet because the colors of
their first names clash so hideously.

For too long, synesthetes were dismissed as having overactive imaginations,
confusing memories for perceptions or taking metaphorical speech far too
literally. Recent research, however, has documented the reality of
synesthesia and is beginning to make headway into understanding what might
cause such unusual perceptions.

Research has documented that synesthetic colors are perceived in much the
same way that nonsynesthetic individuals perceive real colors. Thus,
synesthetic color differences can facilitate performance on tasks in which
real color differences facilitate performance for nonsynesthetes and can
impair performance on tasks in which real color differences impair
performance for nonsynesthetes.

In one such task, people are asked to say the color of the ink a word is
printed in as quickly as possible (for example, responding pink to  and
blue to ). For lexical synesthetes, these words take on unique colors.
When the synesthetic color matches the ink color, responses are fast. But
when the synesthetic color mismatches the ink color, responses are slow,
presumably because subjects need to resolve the conflict over which color
name to respond with. Although such results demonstrate that synesthesia is
automatic, in the sense that they cannot turn off their synesthesic
experience even when it interferes with a task, these results do not reveal
whether synesthetic colors are perceptions or memories.

To demonstrate the perceptual reality of synesthetic colors, researchers
have introduced synesthetic color differences into a variety of 

Re: CS***Help/CC CS for swimming pools

2002-05-23 Thread FHLew

Debbie wrote:

 What kind of noxious gasses have been produced or would it
stay in the water. I could still smell chlorine so we bought two test kits
and they said it still had alot of chlorine. Another pool  person said , no
that is total chlorine not free chlorine and he said it
had formed chloromines?? 

   It was reported  in medical journals sometime ago that the incidence of
miscarriage was increased due to chloroform formation  in the water when
chlorine was utilized in swimming pools. Chlorine may also raise your blood
cholesterol level.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Debbie
To: *Silver-List* (E-mail)
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 11:12 PM
Subject: CS***Help/CC  CS for swimming pools

 I too wanted an alternative system and my husband bought an Eco Smart
 before I got to ask you all what would  happen. It is an ionizer that
 uses a copper bar and a titanium bar and they claim that only copper is
 released into the water and the titanium oxygenates??? it. Then what he
 did when we drained the pool and refilled was to add 50lbs of 97%
 chlorine to the  pool to burn off the stains on the side. He said the
 clorine would all dissipate rapidly since there was no stabilizer added.
 Then he tested the water, said there was only .5 of chlorine left and
 started up the ionizer. What kind of noxious gasses have been produced
 or would it stay in the water. I could still smell chlorine so we bought
 two test kits and they said it still had alot of chlorine. Another pool
 person said , no that is total chlorine not free chlorine and he said it
 had formed chloromines?? and to get rid of that we needed to shock it
 again In the mean time I am freaking because I have MCS and I am
 afraid to just walk outside with the dogs. Can any of you help me with
 what has probably happened with this and your general impression of such
 a unit anyway, What kind of noxious gasses have been produced
 or would it stay in the water. I could still smell chlorine so we bought
 two test kits and they said it still had alot of chlorine. Another pool
 person said , no that is total chlorine not free chlorine and he said it
 had formed chloromines?? and to get rid of that weAlso, they claim
that the copper will not be absorbed by the skin and
 the amount in the water is in safety levels anyway. ??
   Thanks for any help, Deb

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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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 To post, address your message to:
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSbottle for cs

2002-05-16 Thread FHLew
  Kevin Nolan asked:

I would like to know of one or more sources, preferably via URL's,
supporting the assertion that a prism creates rather than merely separates
spectral colours.

   A very academic enquiry! I recall it is the hands-on tutorials of
when I signed up for online courses in Art,Graphics and Animation that
led me to such edifying works on traditional giants  such as
Newton,Goethe ,Ruskins and Reid and their interpretations of Nature's
The Spectrum  and the subsequent evaluation of the foregoing studies for a
new understanding of the prismatic phenomenon. The copies I have are dusty
and maybe outdated but still provide fascinating research backgrounds. I
warn you,
it involves heavy reading.

1.The principles of Light and Color  by Edwin D. Babbit
   Including among other topics
 Chromo-Chemistry and Chromo Therapeutics
Discoveries and Practical Applications

1987 Reprint Edition by
 Copyright Babbit  Co.,

   2. Man Or Matter by  Ernst Lehrs
   Third Edition,Revised and Enlarged
   Published by Rudolf Steiner Press 1985

   3. Books by Dinshah Health Society

Spectro Chrome  Magazines [ Abridged ]
Let There Be Light  5th Edition Darius
Spectro-Chrome Metry Encyclopedia 4th
Dinshah P. Ghadiali

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Kevin Nolan
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 9:45 PM
Subject: Re: CSbottle for cs

 This stuff is really OT, but having been brought up here, I would like to
 know of one or more sources, preferably via URL's, supporting the
 that a prism creates rather than merely separates spectral colours.

 Kevin Nolan

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 8:20 AM
 Subject: Re: CSbottle for cs

  Hey, Lew!
  Still with us, are you?
  Glad to see you post again.
  BTW does a quartz prism give different hues than glass?
  What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered
  On Sat, 11 May 2002 05:19:02 +0800, FHLew wrote:
   Many experts  today still speak of  the spectral colours
  originally  contained in the light  Such a glamour of Newton's
  experiment in the prismatic splitting of light into rainbow colours.
  However, it is now  known that these colours are the result  of the
  interference of the apparatus [ prism ] with light. The prism actually
  manufactures the colours
  in  light. Glass blocks ultra-violet radiation but not Quartz. Goethe
  speculated on the  eye's experience of  colour.Goethe's discovery was
  rejected by many scientists who proclaimed that  Goethe
  never understood Newton .
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSbottle for cs

2002-05-16 Thread FHLew
Thank you, Chuck, for the cyberinfo.

You asked:

 BTW does a quartz prism give different hues than
Yes. This  is due to the presence of impurities in the quartz crystal.
Sometimes, bubbles containing gas or liquid may be observed in the Quartz
crystal. Quartz belongs to the Silica group.Quartz has piezoelectric , pyro-
electric properties and is a rotary polar.

With regards

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: CSbottle for cs

 Heh, sorry, I hate it when people spring acronyms on ME, too.
 BTW= cybergeek for by the way.

do practice Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they ?

 On Mon, 13 May 2002 00:43:38 +0800, FHLew wrote:

 Howdy Chuck
   You wrote:
BTW does a quartz prism give different hues than
 Thanks for the remembrance, Chuck  I am no good at
 What is BTW ?  You tell me , then I will answer your question.
  With regards

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSbottle for cs with URL

2002-05-16 Thread FHLew
Apology for incomplete URL

 Thank you, Chuck, for the cyberinfo.

You asked:

 BTW does a quartz prism give different hues than
 Yes. This  is due to the presence of impurities in the quartz crystal.
 Sometimes, bubbles containing gas or liquid may be observed in the Quartz
 crystal. Quartz belongs to the Silica group.Quartz has piezoelectric ,
 electric properties and is a rotary polar.

 With regards

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 7:11 AM
 Subject: Re: CSbottle for cs

 Heh, sorry, I hate it when people spring acronyms on ME, too.
 BTW= cybergeek for by the way.

  Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they  do practice ?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNew subject: cs and VCO

2002-05-15 Thread FHLew
   Mike D wrote:

   Is there any benefit from topical application of coconut oil for

Yes, I have on several ocassions prescribed  ozonated
Coconut Oil for my patients [ Geriatric,Adult and Paediatric ] with
dermatological problems. They responded satisfactorily. There was a case of
painful scalded
hand of a young girl. Immersion of the scalded hand in coconut oil bubbling
with ozone relieved the severe pain within minutes. Wet dressing of the
scalded areas with Colloidal Silver [5 to 10 ppm] expedites epithelization
of the scalded tissue. I have the presence of mind to videotape this
out-patient  case for clinical presentation.

  Coconut Oil, like the mother's milk, is rich in lauric
acid, which is converted in the body to the fatty acid, monolaurin, which is
anti-viral. The
presence of monolaurin may ward off  infectious viruses that cause Measles,
Herpes, Cytomegalovirus,Vesicular stomatitis and possibly the AIDS virus.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: CSNew subject: cs and VCO

  Robb Allen wrote:
  Does anyone know the mechanism that VCO uses to kill critters in the
  The lauric acid in VCO is converted by the body to monolaurin, which
  is the actual critter killer.

 Is there any benefit from topical application of coconut oil for skin

 Mike D.

 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNew subject: cs and VCO

2002-05-15 Thread FHLew

Maxine asked:

  Do you know if the Coconut oil has KILLIED the Zoster Virus   after
a  person has suffered thepain for 17 months of Shingles etc?

  To-date, No.

I am taking CS abt 14 + oz  a day, and now have some herbs and
trying Turkish Oregono in capsule form plus  some tea with a number of
herbal pain killers.  All just lessons some.  

A very simple way to try out an alternative to reduce herpetic pain
is to radiate Blue Light to the painful areas. Experiment using a torch and
any blue-tinted material  or direct exposure to blue light.  BTW  the
vibratory signature of Ozone is blue. As a gas, it is faintly blue and when
in the liquid form, it is dark blue. Constitutionally, the vibratory
signature of  the colour Blue has 3 resonating components:

 1. Thermal
 2. Electrical
 3. Anti-microbial

which contribute to its chromo-therapeutic effect as a
nervine,anti-inflammatory and cooling alternative.

   The therapeutic or the synergistic  effects of  any regime of medication
complementary or mainstream, depend largely on the chromo-chemical
composition of the products  and their photo-chemical compatibilities. I
rather discuss the topic on Chromo- Photo Therapeutics  in the new OT List
when the ocassion arises.

   From the variegated colours of the  brewed Colloidal
Silver and its aggregation, as observed and reported by list
members,including me, there are many unspoken questions I ask myself on
Colloidal Silver.

  How Colloidal Silver is affected by:

   1. Ambient Light
   2. Ambient Temperature
   3. Ambient Pressure
   4. Ambient Sound
   5. Chromo-chemical and photo-
   compatibilities/ properties
of its container  [ Plastic, Glass etc ]. I would like to address myself
to list members knowledgeable in their respective  fields when the
opportunity presents for shared learning.

   What is Gold but is Silver ?   All that glitters is
not GOLD.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Maxine Wilton
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: CSNew subject: cs and VCO

 Do you know if the Coconut oil has KILLIED the Zoster Virus   after  a
 person has suffered thepain for 17 months of Shingles etc?

 If so how would a person take and or use it or both??
 Maxine stioill after 17 month suffer the terrible pain.
 I am taking CS abt 14 + oz  a day, and now have some herbs and trying
 Turkish Oregono in capsule form plus  some tea with a number of herbal
 killers.  All just lessons some.
 -Original Message-
 From: FHLew
 Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: CSNew subject: cs and VCO

Mike D wrote:

Is there any benefit from topical application of coconut oil

 Yes, I have on several ocassions prescribed  ozonated
 Coconut Oil for my patients [ Geriatric,Adult and Paediatric ] with
 dermatological problems. They responded satisfactorily. There was a case
 painful scalded
 hand of a young girl. Immersion of the scalded hand in coconut oil
 with ozone relieved the severe pain within minutes. Wet dressing of the
 scalded areas with Colloidal Silver [5 to 10 ppm] expedites epithelization
 of the scalded tissue. I have the presence of mind to videotape this
 out-patient  case for clinical presentation.

   Coconut Oil, like the mother's milk, is rich in lauric
 acid, which is converted in the body to the fatty acid, monolaurin, which
 anti-viral. The
 presence of monolaurin may ward off  infectious viruses that cause
 Herpes, Cytomegalovirus,Vesicular stomatitis and possibly the AIDS virus.

 With regards

 - Original Message -
 From: M. G. Devour
 Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 5:37 PM
 Subject: Re: CSNew subject: cs and VCO

   Robb Allen wrote:
   Does anyone know the mechanism that VCO uses to kill critters in
   The lauric acid in VCO is converted by the body to monolaurin, which
   is the actual critter killer.
  Is there any benefit from topical application of coconut oil for skin
  Mike D.
  [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
  [Speaking only for myself...   ]
  The silver-list is a moderated forum

Re: CSbottle for cs

2002-05-12 Thread FHLew
Howdy Chuck

  You wrote:

   BTW does a quartz prism give different hues than glass?

Thanks for the remembrance, Chuck  I am no good at
What is BTW ?  You tell me , then I will answer your question.

 With regards

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: CSbottle for cs

 Hey, Lew!
 Still with us, are you?
 Glad to see you post again.
 BTW does a quartz prism give different hues than glass?

 What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered

 On Sat, 11 May 2002 05:19:02 +0800, FHLew wrote:

  Many experts  today still speak of  the spectral colours  as
 originally  contained in the light  Such a glamour of Newton's classical
 experiment in the prismatic splitting of light into rainbow colours.
 However, it is now  known that these colours are the result  of the
 interference of the apparatus [ prism ] with light. The prism actually
 manufactures the colours
 in  light. Glass blocks ultra-violet radiation but not Quartz. Goethe
 speculated on the  eye's experience of  colour.Goethe's discovery was
 rejected by many scientists who proclaimed that  Goethe
 never understood Newton .

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSbottle for cs

2002-05-10 Thread FHLew

 Sylvie wrote:

   If I wanted to use real smoke or blue cobalt bottles, eye dropper...
 ... a terrible tooth abcess and it had to be operated emergently.
 Apparently, it  was quite torture to go through this
... Knowing that ulcers are a  symptom and not a cause, would then
 be useless in treating this ailment?

There is rhythmicity in Colour and Sound. The very colours
themselves are the  effects of photonic vibrations proceeding from the
source of light , the resplendent sun. There is  a true shade  for each and
every colour.  Each colour wave has a mighty potency of a chemical,
electrical or thermal nature.

  Cobalt - blue glass transmits the following colours :

 1. Blue  2. Violet  3. Indigo  4. Green  5. Orange  6. Red
 7. Infra-red

   The nullifying effect of  the cobalt colour  is its
transmission  of
from the hot region which includes infra-red, part of the red and orange in
the prismatic scale. It is quite unsuitable then for a hot,excitable
brain,or for a very sensitive and over-nervous person and  by no means, it
is best for  inflammatory conditions  although  it is excellent for persons
with nervous
anxiety due to the predominance of the other concomitant  electrical

 Deep Blue Glass, tinted by cupro-diammonium-sulfate or the
sulfate of ammonia, which has a rich deep blue colour , is best suited   for
calming  and cooling of nerves  in inflammatory  conditions. This is  not
available as yet. Blue is  a cold, electrical and anti-microbial colour.

 Many experts  today still speak of  the spectral colours  as
originally  contained in the light  Such a glamour of Newton's classical
experiment in the prismatic splitting of light into rainbow colours.
However, it is now  known that these colours are the result  of the
interference of the apparatus [ prism ] with light. The prism actually
manufactures the colours
in  light. Glass blocks ultra-violet radiation but not Quartz. Goethe
speculated on the  eye's experience of  colour.Goethe's discovery was
rejected by many scientists who proclaimed that  Goethe
never understood Newton .

Is Argyria ,a bluish grey discolouration of the skin  a manufactured
light effect ? Can a skin biopsy prove it ?

With regards

- Original Message -
From: sylvie hargraft
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 8:46 PM
Subject: CSbottle for cs

 I would like to know what is good to keep cs in.

 1. I hear Mason jars are o.k., pop bottles(plastic??) smoke or blue

 2.  If I wanted to use real smoke or blue cobalt bottles, eye dropper...
 Where do I find them in Ontario or Canada. I know I can order on line but
 have come across various courier fees that are just rediculous.

 My mother has come to visit me and is returning Friday. I'd like to give
 some cs while she is here. She was telling me that one of my brothers had
 terrible tooth abcess and it had to be operated emergently. Apparently, it
 was quite torture to go through this ordeal, would having used cs take
 of the abcess only by swishing it in the mouth for a while?

 Also, would cs be of any help with stomach ulcers? Knowing that ulcers are
 symptom and not a cause, would then cs be useless in treating this
 Any input would be quite appreciated


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 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSonline discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m. ET.

2002-01-25 Thread FHLew

  When they confined the dear lady, Dr.Hulda Clark, we raised
hell didn't we? At least I did .I lost all
past postings because of viral corruption. It is always
an experience to re-read what one has written in the past.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: James Osbourne, Holmes
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 4:39 AM
Subject: RE: CSonline discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m.

 A couple of years ago I tried to have a friendly dialogue with him re: CS.
 Not possible.  I presumed thereafter a high probability that he is a  paid
 disinformation agent.  I understand that Dr. Hulda Clark et al are suing
 for all of the false statements that he has published about her.   I hope
 they nail him.

 James-Osbourne: Holmes

 -Original Message-
 From: Catherine Creel []
 Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 8:06 AM
 Subject: Re: CSonline discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1

 James said:

 He is a dip.

   I agree, James, but I think you're being too kind :-) I wish we had
 free access to him with questions. Unfortunately, questions are
 being filtered.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSdog bites

2002-01-21 Thread FHLew

Greetings to you  Sir/ Madam,

  You wrote:

. it spooked on her, and  bit her real bad in the face. stitches in 
the lip, and a lot of teeth marks just under the her to keep 
cleansing the wounds with a cotton ball soaked with CS,'ll tell her to 
cleanse the wounds with  h2o2 any other things i could prompt her on??? 

 Certainly ! You have given a graphic description
of bite injuries in the  dangerous area of the face  of 
your friend.Well done. In applied anatomy, the deep facial vein also drains the 
dangerous area of the face  through a deep network of facial veins called the 
pterygoid plexus which communicates through small holes in the base of the 
skull  with  the cavernous venous sinus inside the skull. The surgical 
significance of this is that any infection in the dangerous area of the face  
may spread  directly to the brain. I would not hesitate to prescribe a course 
of antibiotics under the circumstances when the injuries are extensive like the 
good doctor who attended to your friend.

 One has to rule out whether the bites are from a distempered  dog. 
Hospitalization is imperative when the
signs are positive. The cosmetic complications of scar
formation in facial injuries have to be considered.  
 For ordinary dogbites, I prescribed Hydrophobinum
30x [ potentised saliva from a distempered dog ] and
Hypericum Perforatum 30x for tetenus.  I have ceased using
tetanus toxoid and other vaccines years ago. For healing
with minimal scar formation, I dilute 10 drops of Mother Tincture Hyperecum  or 
Calendula with 1/2  Litre of water and use it for  cleansing and wetdressing. 
of wounds. To
extrude foreign bodies [ tiny pieces of glass , metals or wooden  splinters] in 
soiled injuries , I give Silica 30x.
The preparations mentioned are homeopathic medicine,
which is easily available.

 To promote faster and tissue repair with minimal scarring,
I use  polychromatic lasertherapy over minor or stitiched injuries. 

 Diluted Colloidal Silver and Hydrogen Peroxide are excellent
sterilizing and cleansing alternatives. Please bear in mind that some 
individuals have a congenital deficiency of Catalase which effects the breaking 
up of hydrogen peroxide. Inadvertent use of H2O2 with catalase deficiency may 
lead to severe  tissue damage. It may be surprising to know that human bites 
are equally infectious and  dangerous.

With regards


- Original Message - 
  From: Acmeair 
  Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 5:45 AM
  Subject: CSdog bites

  my ex- is a volunteer at the local animal shelter, in a group that tries to 
adopt out the inmates. she was working with a mal-treated 12 year old, that was 
scared to death. it spooked on her, and bit her real bad in the face. stitches 
in the lip, and a lot of teeth marks just under the eye.

  the doc sewed her up and prescribed the standard anti-biotics. by the time i 
heard about it, fever had set in , along with all the swelling. she insisted on 
taking the anti-biotics, but did agree to drink  CS, and keep a CS dampened 
cloth with the ice pack she is to use. i've got her to keep cleansing the 
wounds with a cotton ball soaked with CS, and to dring a cup of  CS 4 times a 
day.. i think , alsoi'll tell her to cleanse the wounds with h2O2.

  jim, O+, S

Re: CS Cracked sore hands

2002-01-18 Thread FHLew

Catherine Creel wrote:

No doubt it was the CS, with it's antibacterial actions This was
the smell observed.

  Cleansing foul-smelling discharges from septic
injuries with diluted 6% H2O2 followed by soaking the
cleansed wound with wet dressing using  very diluted
Colloidal Silver [ 10ppm ] gives satisfactory results.The wet dressing is
changed daily. Granulation of  tissue appears early with good cicatrization.
The deodorant and the healing  effect of this combined
regime works even with  1: 10 dilution  in all my outpatient cases.

 Incidentally, are you the same Catherine Creel I met
 in Medicinegarden famed for its Homeopathy,Flower Essences,Gemstones
,Metaphysics and Medical Astrology ? I may decide to request your ideas on
potentised Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Silver proving. when my Graphics
online courses are done.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Catherine Creel
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: CS Cracked sore hands

 Hi Larry,

You said:

  He said that there was a rotten smell coming from them ??
  His hands are now perhaps 98% clear. I've had my hands in
 bad shape before so I know what he means when he said
 Dad ,this has given me a whole new lease on life !
 Was it the CS ?? Due to the fact that for 2 years of wearing
 the rubber gloves which kept his hands soaked in sweat anyway,
 and with no changeI'd guess it was the CS

   No doubt it was the CS, with it's antibacterial actions.
 The rubber gloves he wore kept his hands, as you observed,
 in a moist, bacteria-friendly environment.This was the
 observed.   Nice work!


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS O2 research

2001-12-28 Thread FHLew
Happy New Year Greetings to all Silver-List members

Larry Tankersley wrote:

  .. to recognise the oxygen paradox -  life's
requirement for a fuel that destroys lifeDenham Harman..

  Reactive Oxygen Species {ROS}:  Nascent Oxygen,Superoxide, H2O2
etc, are the main transport for Negative Air Ions [NAI]. Chronic lack of NAI
leads to
depressed Immune Resistance and Ill-health. Esoteric
revelations and scientific findings explain many of the healing effects of
air currents around trees, grass and natural waters, which are expressed in
ancient wisdom.

  As for the future of the society and its members,Grisham notes that the
goal is to intervene where nature has left off.
There is only so much we can do with jungle juice biology,  

  To this very day, I still hug trees and swim in my birthday suit in
Mother nature's splendour, when nobody is looking.

 KNOW what can be KNOWN based on what is KNOWN
  untill  what is KNOWN is proven erroneous.

 Research by a  Microbe-Minerals inter-action group using
Biological Forced  Microscopy  may throw some light on the
impact of Iron and Manganese on the production of oxidative stress by free

With regards

- Original Message -
From: larry tankersley
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2001 4:43 AM
Subject: CS O2 research

 Dear list...  The following abstract is from HMS BEAGLE [a site by
 scientist for scientist]
   If you feel the scientific method is invalid -for what ever reason-
 you might want to skip this,as it deals with the pain staking process
 needed to KNOW what can be KNOWN based on what is KNOWN untill what's
 KNOWN is proven erroneous. Maybe science might be defined as a very high
 level of conjecture? Things Change
  And... perhaps one might want to  read further if considering the use
 of O2.
  Rusting from Within
 The Dark Side of O2
 by Pamela Weintraub
 Posted December 21, 2001 · Issue 117
 Free radicals produced as by-products of aerobic metabolism in
 mitochondria contribute to certain neurodegenerative diseases and aging.
 At the forefront of the fight against these scavengers, the Oxygen
 Society and its members seek to understand the mechanisms of free
 radical damage and develop interventions to slow the damage. Mention
 oxygen society and you cannot help but evoke the image of some posh
 Los Angeles club with interior chambers of pumped-in, purified oxygen,
 and potent elixirs of juniper, eucalyptus, and sage. When it comes to
 oxygen clubs, a search of the Internet shows those of a pro-oxygen
 mindset to be plentiful, indeed. But unbeknownst to the public, say some
 world-class scientists, the proprietors of these establishments have
 made a mistake.
 Oxygen is both essential and toxic.Enter a different type of oxygen
 club: the Oxygen Society, a group of scientists determined to set the
 oxygen worshippers straight. It is our very metabolism of oxygen, and
 the resulting toxic by-products, that causes cancer, neurodegeneration,
 aging, and death, the society says. Established only 15 years ago and
 already boasting an elite membership of more than 1,200 scientists,
 including three who have recently won the Nobel Prize, the
 California-based society has a mission statement that should leave no
 one confused: The Oxygen Society was established in 1987 in response to
 a growing recognition of the 'dark side' of oxygen as a major issue for
 the life sciences. The oxygen paradox tells us that oxygen is both
 necessary for aerobic life and toxic to all life forms. Free radicals
 and active oxygen species now touch every biological and medical
 discipline. Efforts to counteract the damage caused by these species are
 gaining acceptance as a basis for novel therapeutic approaches and the
 field of preventive medicine is experiencing an upsurge of interest in
 medically useful antioxidants.
 According to Kent Lindeman, executive director of the society, the group
 leads the charge against this Darth Vader of the body through its
 conferences, workshops, education programs, and especially its journal,
 Free Radical Biology and Medicine, the preeminent peer-reviewed
 publication in the field. Recent issues carried articles on such weighty
 topics as cell death, the impact of iron and manganese on the production
 of free radicals, oxidative stress in athletes during extreme endurance
 exercise, and oxidative stress in the brain during bacterial meningitis.
 Colleagues scorned Harmon for saying we rust from the inside.The first
 scientist to recognize the oxygen paradox - life's requirement for a
 fuel that destroys life - was Denham Harmon, a chemist, as well as a
 physician. It was back in the 1950s that he first compared the
 production of free radicals, the charged, reactive oxygen molecules
 generated as 

Re: CSFuture trends

2001-12-28 Thread FHLew
Greetings Mike,

Seeing is believing. Computers can get back at
you when you over work them.
I have just changed my browser and I did not configire it right during
installation. Thanks for the
correction. Opera6, a downloadable a try-out, seems to be fast.

I am like any of you mortals, absorbing and
imbibing things which I should not
and  trying to unlearn things which I should  while in medical school.
Trapped in the time-tunnel
between Past and Future, it is like walking in thin air with feet on the the etheric-material

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Mike Fuller
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 6:57 AM
Subject: CSFuture trends

 Hi Lew,

 I've got a better insight on your words of wisdom since noticing the date
 your last posting (Thursday, 28 December 2017 13:37)

 Thank you for sharing with us present day mortals :-)


 Mike Fuller

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 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSpeculation about variables in CS production

2001-12-27 Thread FHLew
 This phenomenon is  termed Psychic Transmutation by
paranormal researchers. Medical
scientists have now resorted to teaching patients to
visualise  and to make-believe  the motor or sensory functions of their
paralysed anatomy. The results are very encouraging.  The God-empowered gift
of visualization
 is unique in humans.Envisioning with great intent and desire to evolve
invokes a great channelling of energy bringing
about a  photonic kindling  to effect the crossing over from the etheric
to the material realm. This  morphic manifestation
is a result of the resonant collisions of sub-atomic particles creating
matter and giving rise to Form and Pattern with self-organizing  sympathetic
vibrations.  This  forms the basis of Prof Rupert Sheldrake's thesis on
Morphic Resonance 

 Thoughts, as visible speech, heard in  silent reading,
meditation or dialogue, are vibrations of the bones, amplified in
mineralised body cavities. The water molecules
in the serous layers lining body cavities are great electromagnetic

With regards

Marshall Dudley wrote:
 I have proven using a scanning spectorphotometer that one's
thoughts can easily and consistently change the structure of water.  And if
you change the structure of the water you are using for the CS, then I would
fully expect that there would be an effect on the colloidal silver

- Original Message -
From: Jonathan B. Britten
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: CSSpeculation about variables in CS production

 For persons interested in the ideas Marshall Dudley expresses below,  a
 very interesting book is available:  Margins of Reality,  by Dunne and
 Jahn as I recall.   Both were at Standford, investigating effects of
 thougth on extremely precise computers.   They claim to have proved a
 very consistent and repeatable effect,  vanishingly small,  demonstrable
 only over a long period w/ very fast computer counters and such.They
 found no superstars,  though husband/wife teams could do better than
 individuals in some cases.I have had experiences similar to those MD
 describes,  but I can not get around the fact that the occurances may
 have been mere chance.   I simply do not know.   I am interested to
 learn more about this.

 Marshall Dudley wrote:
  I have proven using a scanning spectorphotometer that one's thoughts can
  easily and consistently change the structure of water.  And if you
  change the structure of the water you are using for the CS, then I would
  fully expect that there would be an effect on the colloidal silver
  About a decade ago when the IBM personal computer first came out, the
  president of the company I was working for then demanded that we ship
  them with our systems.  Procedures required that anything we ship meet
  quality assurance, but the IBM personal computer was so poorly designed
  an built that QC would not approve it.  The president forced them to
  ship them anyway, but I had the very strong opinion that they were all
  unreliable pieces of junk.  Well, we all got IBM computers to work with
  in engineering, and mine would constantly bomb and lock up. I could not
  do anything for more than a few minutes without it crashing.  They would
  ship it back and get another one and it would do the same.  I would go
  to the other engineers offices and see if they were having the same
  problem, but they would all report that theirs never crashed, except
  when I would go in and ask, then they would crash.  It got where I was
  not allowed in the other engineers' offices when they were working on
  their computers because they claimed I crashed their system.  Anyway,
  they finally allowed me to build a clone computer for about 1/4th the
  cost of an IBM, and it never crashed.  Finally all the computers in
  engineering were swapped out to cheap clones, and none of the ever
  crashed like they did before.
  It was many years before I realized that the expectation of them being
  unreliable was what was causing the crashes.  There are many example of
  this, such as the cold fusion experimentation where those that expect it
  almost always get positive results and those who don't think it is
  possible usually get negative results. (that is why this is called a
  consensus reality, what is real is what the majority thinks is real!)
  James Allison wrote:
   Considering there are people like Uri Geller in this wondrous
   universe, you may have a point  ;) -James
- Original Message -
From: James Osbourne, Holmes
To: Silver-List
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 8:38 AM
Subject: CSSpeculation about variables in CS production
Since it has been demonstrated that mental activity can
influence matter perhaps the mental state of the
experimenter may 

Re: CSFw: CSQuestion: too much cs

2001-12-27 Thread FHLew
 of the mucous 
membranes,or in flour?1ike scaling of the skin. When the epidermal cells are 
irritated, molecules of Kali mur are lost and fibrin in the form of a white or 
greyish exudation, is thrown off. This,in drying,becomes a mealy eruption. If 
the irritation extends to the tissues beneath the epidermis,both fibrin and 
serum will exude,and the involved part of the skin will be pushed up in the 
form of blisters. This is exactly what takes place in small?pox,cow?pox and 
vaccine disease. Similar processes can take place within and among epithelial 
cells in mucosal lining. When the integrity ofthe affected cells are restored 
by administration of Kali muriaticum molecules, a reabsorption or throwing off 
of the exudation [mucusl occurs. This is attained by the production of 
hydrochloric acid  formed by one part of chlorine from KCl with hydrogen. The 
hydrochloric acid formed dissolves the fibrin in its incipient stage 
offormation. This patho-physiological   phenomenon corresponds to the second 
stage of inflammation of serous membranes

The gastric juice in man is a strong acid with a pH [hydrogen ion 
concentration] of 1. 6 2.0. The gastric walls are postulated to be covered and 
protected by the gastric mucosa which is derived from protein. Normally, 
proteins are dissolved in such strong acid. The moot point is: Why the gastric 
wall is not corroded? It is generally accepted that where microbes thrive and 
breed, decay sets in. This is not totally correct. The microbes have been found 
to reside only in the body system but not breed when the immune system of the 
body is intact  The protective mechanism of the living body particularly for 
its protein component is the maintenance of the stereo orientation of the 
tissue, its 3 dimensional structure.When this 3 dimensional property is 
sustained in the tissue structure, the microbes will not attack and the gastric 
secretion [ HCL I will not corrode. But, the moment, the tissue dies, that is 
when it loses its bioenergy , its 3 dimensional structure coliapses. As a 
result, the microbes  [ Helicobacter pylori ] will invade,causing putrefaction 
and the the hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice will corrode, giving rise to 
ulceration and ultimately perforation. In passing, it is worthwhile to remember 
that the nerve  ,Pneumo-Gastric, supplies both the Lungs and the Stomach. 
Hence, a cough may originate from the  stomach due to food allergies or 
mechanical /chemical irritation. Or it may be a reflex cough due to irritation 
from the ears.  Will the secreted mucus be a barrier to broad-spectrum uses  of 
Collodal Silver ? 

With regards  


  - Original Message - 
  From: FHLew 
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 1:54 AM
  Subject: Fw: CSFw: CSQuestion: too much cs

  - Original Message - 
  From: nan 
  Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2001 11:00 AM
  Subject: CSFw: CSQuestion: too much cs

   Can anyone comment on these  two situations?
  Thank you,

  - Original Message - 
  From: nan 
  Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2001 10:51 PM
  Subject: Re: CSQuestion: too much cs

  i can relate to that.  i've had a little tightness in my chest.  But i have 
energy, don;t feel sick.  i can cough up something, only if i try.  
  i am still blowing some but not a lot.  it is still mostly clear.
  i do have drainage but no sore throat.  My ears are itchy and very dry.  Feel 
like they may be trying to open up or heal.  But they are not stopped up.  i 
have had a shooting pain in one or the other of them a few times.  i have a 
feeling deep in my ear, sometimes when i swallow also.  
- Original Message - 
From: Connie 
To: nan 
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2001 8:40 PM
Subject: RE: CSQuestion: too much cs

since last tuesday i have had a tighness in my chest. very unconfortable at 
times.  was being to think it was pnemonia. this am I started coughing some 
phlegm up and nose was really full when i firt got up. chest has not hurt today 
but do have drainage running down back of throat, also have a slight sore 
throat and maybe a stopped up ear, you know like it feels like something is in 
my ear when i swallow
  -Original Message-
  From: nan []
  Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2001 11:25 AM
  To: Connie
  Subject: Fw: CSQuestion: too much cs

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2001 12:49 PM
  Subject: Re: CSQuestion: too much cs

  I don't think you are taking too much, but I'm not the expert here.
  I had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago. I consumed more than 
you at first. I think around 2 or 3 ounces 3 times a day increasing a little 
each day but not more than 5 to 6 ounces.
  I felt like I was getting the flu

Re: CSSpeculation about variables in CS production

2001-12-27 Thread FHLew

   Mike Fuller wrote:

You obviously haven't met my dog 

 I regard pets as members of the household. I have fish,crabs,
turtles, plants and of course my good  canine friend, Jimmy. I talk
to them, water them and feed them. Their  presence reminds me of the
natural world that I once lived in,not trapped like them, in the asphalt
jungle. Only till recently, I have birds flying freely in my  enclosed
premises. I have released all of them on auspicious ocassions. They
need more space than I do. I thrill at their aerial acrobatics  with their
inborn instincts and endowments. My companions from  the aquatic
world always remind me that I have  once shared their watery  environment
during my embroyonic  development. The human
system is a product of evolutionary success thus far but is regulated
by envisioning. The canine and the feline families manifest uncanny
abilities which have  great survival  values in their respective vibrational
planes but are rare ocurrences amongst humans  in our 35th - 40th Octave
world for seeing and hearing. The American eagle  not only can see its prey
from a great distance but can also smell it at the same time.
Dogs do not have sweat glands like humans do. Pores serve as acupoints which
regulate the flow of Chi, Prana or Vital Force.. The
traditional acupuncture meridial channels conduct light which feeds the
body. This phenomenon is demonstrated by the Russians. The sense
organs in the skin have shown to pick up vibrations,which through
sensory integration, can be interpretated by the brain as colours,Form
or Pattern as in Sound. Hearing is sensory dissociation  without
concentration. Listening to our body is sensory integration with
association of meaning  i.e using one's  mind's ear and eye.. The whole
human body is a finely tuned electomagnetic  sense organ in resonance,  It
is a cohesive manifestation of vibrationasl states of electromagnetism :
light, sound and geometry.  Visualization is harnessing the power of light
for morphic manifestation by the strength of Intention and Desire. This is
the Will of God for evolution from the highest evolved to the lowest
unicellular organism in the microbial world.
  Snatches of some of the teachings of my missionary teachers keep
  Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
  Thy Kingdom come 
  Give us this day our daily bread 

  Every living thing through the power of Light is a kingdom unto
itself. We need light ,which is photonic nutrient, for survival and

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Mike Fuller
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: CSSpeculation about variables in CS production

 Hi Lew,

 While I can sympathise with most of your post about Psychic Transmutation,
 can't agree with one part:

   The God-empowered gift of visualization is unique in humans.

 .You obviously haven't met my dog.

 Or my God :-)


 Mike Fuller

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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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 To post, address your message to:
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSArthritis?....and Computers?

2001-12-26 Thread FHLew
Greetings Tony,

Try to adjust the colours and to degauss your
monitor if these facilities
are in-built. Computers can play tricks when there are nearby geomagnetic
Sometimes, items do not show up where they are intended to be when
published in the web. Please check whether there is any problem with the
Display Unit.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Tony Moody
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: CSArthritis?and Computers?

 Hullo Lew,
 I have been to your site but cannot read much because of the colour.I get
 white background with a light green text. Can anything be done to get a

 FHLew wrote:
  Greetings Jonathan,
A fragmented tutorial posting I salvaged from the vicious
  computer virus attack in the recent past, may introduce you to some of
  basic aspects of Resonant  Field Imaging and its complementary
  For you and others who are curious, please point to:
For all those who have emailed me, ENJOY.
  With regards
  - Original Message -
  From: Jonathan B. Britten
  Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 7:27 AM
  Subject: Re: CSArthritis?and Computers?
   I am interested in almost anything pertaining to resonance effects
   apropos health.   I would be curious to read any info. you have about
   this topic,  esp.  RFI.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSComputer arthritis virus

2001-12-21 Thread FHLew

 I have really become somewhat convinced that that my computer is
either soley responsible.or partly  responsible for my arthritis
   - Robb Allen

I told you you had a computer virus!
   -  Terry Chamberlin

Diseases [Viral] can be induced in target cells
electromagnetically transmitted  by ultra-violet radiation  and absorbing
the mitogenetic radiation of Death Photons emitting from diseased and
dying tissue cells. This is named  The Mirror Cytopathogenic Effect [CPE]
by the
Russian  Kaznacheyev experimental group. So can also the molecular memories
of water ,digitally.

 Col. Tom Bearden, in his treatise on Extraordinary Biology, has given a
very concise account on the  Mirror Cytopathogenic Effect  and the counter
remedy  measures.

 It is not possible nowadays to escape the electromagnetic smog
which is suffocating us.  The feathers from our feathered friends, turkeys
in particular,
seem to be able to brush away  malefic oscillations that often cling to our
natural body
field, causing dis-ease and ill-health. The healing qualities of feathers
are no new discovery
in diverse cultures, East  or West.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Terry Chamberlin
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 12:05 AM
Subject: CSComputer arthritis virus

  I have really become somewhat convinced that that my

  computer is either soley responsible.or partly
  responsible for my arthritis

 I told you you had a computer virus!

 Send your holiday cheer with

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHello - New to List

2001-12-21 Thread FHLew
Seasonal greetings

 I`m currently a returned student at Brigham Young University 
at age 49. I took a short break (29 years!) to raise 4 kids. 
   Cellular regeneration is chronological standstill in your virtual 
self. Hence, one observes the radiant beauty of  a brand-new mother hood. The 
Biological Clock resumes its rhythmic ticking on returning to  other mundane 


 I beat you though, I'm ~~ u ~~ older than 50.

   Rejuvenation is chronological resetting to zero. That is why we do 
not grow old when in holistic homeostasis. We become senile due to holistic  
malnutrition. As for all the other traditional ocassions, the seasonal 
vibrations of
Christmas bring out the child in every one of us.

   There are 4 Seasonal ocassions in my country, Malaysia, I always 
look forward to :

 1. Deepavali 
 2. Hari   Raya
 3. Christmas
 4. Chinese New Year 

   We celebrate all these festive ocassions together.

With regards


  - Original Message - 
  From: Marilyn Bickell 
  Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2001 8:49 AM
  Subject: Re: CSHello - New to List

  Dear Kathryn,
  Here`s my story!

  ** Marshalee,
  WoW!! Awesome, yet scary story. 
  Even though I'm not the one intended for your story, thanks for sharing it!! 
  Doctors definitely are frustrating when they start shutting down and not 
listening to their patients! I recently (about a year ago) changed docs, but I 
have to drive almost 3 hours to see him. I'm hoping for no emergencies.**

  I`m currently a returned student at Brigham Young University at age 49. I 
took a short break (29 years!) to raise 4 kids. 

  **You go girl!!!
  I Graduated this past spring after taking a 27year break to raise 2 kids. 
well, if you count my husband, the count goes up by one. I beat you though, I'm 
~~ u ~~ older than 50.


Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

2001-12-20 Thread FHLew
Seasonal greetings

Marshall  wrote:

   The microscopic visualization of any
 one level is by energetic focussing w...
Can you point me where I can find more information on this. 

 You may find many innovative variants of Dr.Royal Rife
 original virtual microscope in these pages.




   Seasonal Greetings to all

With regards


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley
Date: Thursday, December 20, 2001 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

FHLew wrote:

 Marshall Dudley wrote:

  Mother Teresia had a very healthy mind, yet an unhealthy body. Many
 spirits choose an unhealthy body as a learning experience.

  Rife's research showed that inside the cell,
 microscopically, there are 16 internested deeper levels
 of reality,structured and organised.. The microscopic visualization of any
 one level is by energetic focussing w

Can you point me where I can find more information on this?



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSArthritis?....and Computers?

2001-12-18 Thread FHLew
Greetings Jonathan,

  A fragmented tutorial posting I salvaged from the vicious
computer virus attack in the recent past, may introduce you to some of the
basic aspects of Resonant  Field Imaging and its complementary concomitants.
For you and others who are curious, please point to:

  For all those who have emailed me, ENJOY.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Jonathan B. Britten
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: CSArthritis?and Computers?


 I am interested in almost anything pertaining to resonance effects
 apropos health.   I would be curious to read any info. you have about
 this topic,  esp.  RFI.



 FHLew wrote:
  Greetings Jim,
   I will get back to you offlist for more
  discussion when I have finished innoculating all my antique
  that the Computer Virus Alert is on.. As a matter of fact, I am working
  a project database for the visualization of the effects of minerals in
  biosystems such as plants and the human body by detecting their
  frequencies, using my licensed Resonant Field Imaging package which
  a  RFI software  for data input and interpretation., with sensitivity
  from 0 to 1.3 G Mhz..The project is on the Effects of Colloidal Silver
  the human system based on  the analysis of voice recordings [ wav
files ] on
  the diurnal tonal changes in the voice with
  Morning,Afternoon and Night samplings and mapping out
  the Health and Psychological profile [ electromagnetic web ]  4 to 18
  away from the human body, using the specially tuned frequency counter to
  detect the biofields in specified regions.The analysis of  voice can
  vibrational deficiences which can explain   many of
  unaccountable  and non-specific problems in health.The Nutrition Sound
  Database provides
  differential information on the specific vibrational deficiencies or
  excesses  involved. Silverlist members who are interested to join me in
  Colloidal Silver Project  incorporating  Voice Analysis and Resonant
  in the research and study of Colloidal Silver, please contact me offlist
  that other silverlist members are not disturbed.
  The researched information will be shared with the list when it is
ready. I
  am searching  the web  for free software on Voice and Imaging ,relevant
  this project so that participants are not financially burdened. Please
  With regards
  - Original Message -
  From: Jim Meissner
  Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 1:12 AM
  Subject: Re: CSArthritis?and Computers?
   Dear Lew:
 And the Frequency  Counter for Resonant
 Field Imaging for  the detection of  Bioenergies from
 living systems and objects and Subtle Energies  such as brain
   Please tell me more.  Possibly off list so as not to annoy anyone.  I
   frequency counters what else do I need?
Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
   Check out my Website at
   Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for
   your life and health.
   - Original Message -
   From: FHLew
   Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 1:00 PM
   Subject: Re: CSArthritis?and Computers?
Robb Allen wrote:
 ..for about 3
prior  to when I got sick..I was working on a computer for many
hoursevery  day...sometimes as many as 12 hours a day...then
became illwith  my arthritis...and also the watery eyes...{which
much connected}.is it possible for my computer
cpu itself?to make me sick?..or have any of the symptoms
  There is in existence a noxious wave, the French
radiesthetists called  Vert Negatif  or  Negative Green .
This malefic energy wave, Negative Green, has its spectral location
the colours,white and black. It is bactericidal and mummifies meat.
spectral band is divided into:
  1. Alpha waves - emanting from subsoil cavities
  and geological clefts.
  2. Beta waves - emanating from contaminated
  currents of water,sometimes known as  Black
  Streams from subterranean water-ways.
  3. Gamma rays, Theta,Nu,and Zeta waves which
  come from TV sets, or the wiring of the house
 Radonics sometimes detect strong sources of
negative green radiations underneath houses where apparently healthy
families succumb

Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

2001-12-16 Thread FHLew

Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Mother Teresia had a very healthy mind, yet an unhealthy body. Many
spirits choose an unhealthy body as a learning experience.

 Rife's research showed that inside the cell,
microscopically, there are 16 internested deeper levels
of reality,structured and organised.. The microscopic visualization of any
one level is by energetic focussing with a particular frequency of light.
Each cell is patterned  and functions  dynamically to the internested depths
of virtual reality, that is, it also functions hyperspatially where Mind and
Thoughts  are involved in these  living virtual strata .
Externally, the human system manifests 7 layers of etheric sheath  enclosing
the body : 3 of which are near the body surface and are visible [Photonic]
and the outer 4 layers are
invisible [Gravitonic]. This etheric or auric web is intangible
but has been scientifically and clairvoyantly proven.The biological system
stores electromagnetic energies but the storing of malefic oscillatory
energies produce cracks [mild]
and holes [severe] in the auric web which is a receiver, a transmitter and
a resonator. Pathological oscillations do not resonate with the Vital Force
in the body  by  generating  morbid Thought-Forms  which are the etheric
parasites and cockcroaches causing ill-health. At the photonic plane, Mother
Theresa was sickly because of retention of enviromental noxious oscillations
and she succumbed but virtually, at the gravitonic plane, she is her saintly

.Dr. Bernard Jensen said:

THE BODY IS THE MIND'S SHADOW. The body follows the mind like a shadow,
always coming along, always turning where we turn, stopping
when we stop. That's why I always say good health starts with the mind.

Mother Theresa left her people in Calcutta,
India, in good spiritual health, after an eventful earthly sojourn.

 I asked how dividing a whole into parts, then eating all of them
could be less healthy than eating it without dividing. 

Your dividing the whole into parts is more than mere
addition,multiplication,division, and subtraction of the
combinations of the atoms and molecules and is breaking
into the chain of the universe.It is not a question of
finding new elements,but of being able  to use energy and matter  by letting
Nature do the  atom splitting  for us.
You divide matter by severing the molecular links, thereby causing
disresonance along the chain that holds the cycle
of the universe together and only to have these joined to
non-resonating links elsewhere, resulting in change in wave-lengths or
frequencies. The fragmented  parts of the whole with altered oscillation
will lose their healing properties.
The parts are observed to be optically inactive under Polarised Light with
the loss of vitality.

  Simply  put, the ingenious biochemist may imitate an
egg by creating one using scientific technology by putting
parts together. But he or she cannot hatch it. This is the
subtle difference. The human body is a cohesive materialization of
vibrational states of  Sound, Light
and matter. These are infoldings of electromagnetism. This cohesive force
pervades the universe and is the life force that confers the healing quality
in wholesome food.

  With regards

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

 FHLew wrote:

  Marshall Dudley  wrote:
  You can't have a healthy mind in a sick body. Nutrition is
  not the entire solution, but it must be part of the entire solution. To
  healthy minds, we must have healthy bodies. To have healthy bodies,we
  make the

 While I agree with most of what you write, I think that concept is rather
 simplistic.  Mind is only one part of the equation.  For example I feel
 Mother Teresia had a very healthy mind, yet an unhealthy body. Many
 choose an unhealthy body as a learning experience.

   To have healthy bodies,we must make the
  right food and lifestyle choices. It's that simple. If you can see the
  for a healthier lifestyle and balanced food regimen in your life, you
  the next step. You have to find out what you need to do. Wisdom is
  feet on knowledge. Knowledge comes from sitting at
  the feet of wisdom.
I have great respect for this world- renowned teacher of
  nutritional sciences - Dr. Bernard Jensen. He taught me that removing
  few millimeters of the skin covering of the potato will lead to a  great
  loss of organic Potassium which is so essential for a healthy heart;

 That is one reason I eat the whole potato whenever I can.

  that pouring away the supernatant whey in yogurt will lose  the organic
  Sodium which maintains and preserves youth
  and the egg-yolk if eaten raw or half-boiled but not fried,
  will not raise the cholesterol level,because

Re: CS more on bacteria

2001-12-16 Thread FHLew

 Extract from:Nature November 29, 2001;414:555-558

 The organisms are obviously quite good at staying alive since they
withstand invading germs, bacteria-killing antibiotics and various
environmental shifts such as
dietary changes. This study suggests that an occasional change of wardrobe
is one way they do it.

One posting from another Complementary Health List

When Hahnemann talks about the syphilitic and gonorrheal miasms
, he talks about the taint... In today's
world where we have antibiotics to kill off at least these two bacteria, is
the taint still resident ? 

 My answer is yes.  The growth and development of an organism is an
intimate part of the organism 's genetic heritage. The latter's expression
is the result of successful evolution of the community of which the organism
is a part. The loss of that ability to adequately adjust to the morbid
fluctuations within the backdrop of the solar system and planet
earth,results in unbalancing of the various genetic expressions. An illness
followed by homeostatic recovery is a normal body reaction without any
entrapment of pathological energies. When the unbalance is prolonged,the
retention of the trapped morbid energies progresses deeper.
Its etiology,thus,has become deep-rooted and the resulting malady is the

  Louis Pasteur,the French chemist,discovered germs during his
experimentation on fermentation. His discovery was initially rejected but
was later enthusiastically accepted when the one germ - one disease model
was fashioned to order with its immense potential for commercial
exploitation. In 1914, Dr Rosenow, Associate of the Mayo Foundation,
the most eminent bacteriologist then, shattered the foundation of the serum
and drug industries  with the results of painstaking experimentation. The
Rosenow experiments,verifing the conclusions of Becham,Rife and
Naessens,showed that there exist no specific bacteria. The extant microbes
or endobionts [Mucor racemosus Fresen and Aspergillus niger van Tiegham] are
phasic microbes,which are always present and cannot be
removed from the living cell. They are the genotypic and phenotypic variants
with marked capacity to change their properties to ensure
survival in an unpreditable environment. Microbial variation
occurs selectively,modifying the microscopic,colonial,nutritional,
biochemical,antigenic,pathogenic and drug sensitivity attibutes of the
organism,when there is an alteration in the condition,nutrition and
temperature of the enviroment. Little is known of the morphogentic
manifestations in the microbial world till lately when the phenomenon
of microbial resistance to orthodox treatment is observed in mainstream

 Pasteur, in his death-bed, made the heretical statement:

The bacteria are nothing, the terrain is everything. 

  The following phases are easily seen in living blood  under darkfield

   Primitive phases [colloidal ] live in high alkaline
   Bacterial phases live in mild alkaline pH
   Viral Forms live in a strong acid pH


Another from the same List posted:

 Jakob Henle in his  Pathological Examinations
[1840] recognised,that the term miasm would lose the essence of his meaning
if it wasn't brought into contact with the knowledge about parasitic

My reply:
   Professor Dr Gunther Enderlein demonstrated
that all microbes go through the same stages of their development in the

  Colloid [ primitive phase ]  Bacterial [ middle phase ] 
   Fungus [end phase ]

 Dr. Royal Rife showed the transformation into the toxic  viral
phase. This phenomenon could not be seen under the ordinary light
microscope.  Rife's microscopic research revealed the classic 16 internested
living virtual phases intracellularly. Each phase,  when energetically
focussed with a specific spectral frequency microscopically, shows  a
dynamically patterened and
structured world of virtual reality.


  The moderator of the same list posted:

   All antibiotics do,usually, is to drive the  ' taint '
or symptoms deeper into the body --- they may disappear
for a while---but they always come back. 

 The  'disappearance' of a particular germ from the culture does
not mean that the germ is dead; it only became invisible due to its
transformationin to an invisible  form. That means,that the host organism is
now in a cancerous state.

   -  Dr. Karl Horst


 The endobionts are indestructible. and are demonstrated in
the cyclic phases intracellularly.

   It is saddening to realise that truth is often dictated by consensus of
opinions rather than by scientific 

Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

2001-12-15 Thread FHLew
Marshall Dudley  wrote:

   ...if I separate the
 beans from the covering of my green beans before eating them, it will not
be as healthy? 

 Dr. Bernard Jensen taught , in his book,  Chlorella,
Jewel of the Far East .

 Good health is more than a regular heartbeat and good bowel
elimination. However, without proper nutrition, we can't have any of
these.Without the right foods for the body, the mental life and spiritual
life become distorted and out of balance. We need to know this, in order to
appreciate the rule of nutrition. WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.
 Health is built up or torn down by what we do all the time, not by what we
do once in a while. THE BODY IS THE MIND'S SHADOW. The body follows the mind
like a shadow, always coming along, always turning where we turn, stopping
when we stop. We make all the decisions that either build health or tear it
down. That's why I always say good health starts with the mind.

  When you choose to eat junk foods, the body has no choice but to make
the best tissue it can with them. If your left knee is made of Aunt
Gertrude's pancakes and your right shoulder is chocolate cake, you have to
realize that your body is not at fault We don't catch a chronic disease. We
eat, drink, and think it into existence.
We earn our diseases - the back-lash effect of the mind
You can't have a healthy mind in a sick body. Nutrition is
not the entire solution, but it must be part of the entire solution. To have
healthy minds, we must have healthy bodies. To have healthy bodies,we must
make the
right food and lifestyle choices. It's that simple. If you can see the need
for a healthier lifestyle and balanced food regimen in your life, you know
the next step. You have to find out what you need to do. Wisdom is putting
feet on knowledge. Knowledge comes from sitting at
the feet of wisdom.
  I have great respect for this world- renowned teacher of
nutritional sciences - Dr. Bernard Jensen. He taught me that removing the
few millimeters of the skin covering of the potato will lead to a  great
loss of organic Potassium which is so essential for a healthy heart;
that pouring away the supernatant whey in yogurt will lose  the organic
Sodium which maintains and preserves youth
and the egg-yolk if eaten raw or half-boiled but not fried,
will not raise the cholesterol level,because it is balanced.
Oriental herbalists taught me that the stems of Ma Huang,
Joint Fir [ Ephedra Sinica ] are diaphoretic [ inducing or
causing perspiration ] the roots are  anti-diaphoretic and the
the combination is anti-asthmatic. Fragmented use of this
plant will lead to adverse effects in fluid balance and yang energy.
  Humans depend on plant life for sustenance and health. The
botanical  side of man  has need of stored up
energy by the resonance of two different wave-lengths of
light, the blue and the red, during photosynthesis. Hence,the energy in
plant food is the photosynthetic equivalent of a musical chord.  Whether in
humans or in plants, physiologically or abstractly, life is a melody. How
a part hear the Whole or a note, the Melody?

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

 FHLew wrote:

  The ESSENCE  of  a Plant
  or Food is in its TOTALITY. The healing HARMONY of
  the Whole is NOT the same as that of the sum of its part.

 I am not sure I follow you.  Are you saying for example, that if I
separate the
 beans from the covering of my green beans before eating them, it will not
be as
 healthy?  How can that be?


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

2001-12-14 Thread FHLew
Marshall Dudley wrote:

The whole grain is always going to  be healthier
than one in which the germ has been removed, and both are missing lot of
vitamins.  Simply adding the germ and vitamins would easily account for the
difference.  It is true that the molecular structure is changed,  molecular
 structure is always changed by heat.  That is what cooking does to food.

  Holistic medicine is based on the principal that Nature created the
human body in perfect balance and that sickness is the result of
interference with the equilibrium due to inappropriate nourishment. Nature's
food supply furnishes the elements that would restore the balanced
co-ordination of the various bodily functions. What is good for the body is
medicine and at the same time food. The
food nutrient in relation to health and diseases must meet the requirments
as a Resistance Builder, Repair Agent and a Recovery product to build sturdy
minds and bodies in esoteric yin-yang proportions. The ESSENCE  of  a Plant
or Food is in its TOTALITY. The healing HARMONY of
the Whole is NOT the same as that of the sum of its part.
The microwave oven I purchased was dismantled more
than two years ago.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Nina Silver
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

 - Original Message -
 From: Marshall Dudley
 Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:16 PM
 Subject: Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

  I am not sure you can reach that conclusion.  The whole grain is always
 going to
  be healthier than one in which the germ has been removed, and both are
 missing a
  lot of vitamins.  Simply adding the germ and vitamins would easily
  the difference.  It is true that the molecular structure is changed,
  structure is always changed by heat.  That is what cooking does to food.
  Puffing is exactly the same mechanism that pops popcorn.  The only
 difference is
  that in popcorn the husk forms the releasable container that ruptures
  steam pressure is high enough, and when puffing other grains, it is done
  placing in a contain in which the pressure is suddenly released.  When
  pressure is suddenly released the puffed grains fly out of the container
  (remember the shot out of cannons that Quaker use to use in their
  If puffing causes grains to be unhealthy, then the same would apply to
  which I do not believe it does.

 Puffing a grain has nothing to do with removing the germ or bran. And yes,
 cooking does change the molecular structure of food. However, puffing
 changes it to the point where the food is carcinogenic--at least,
 to Fallon.

 I don't know if the same applies to popcorn.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSArthritis?....and Computers?

2001-12-14 Thread FHLew
Robb Allen wrote:
 ..for about 3 ..months
prior  to when I got sick..I was working on a computer for many
hoursevery  day...sometimes as many as 12 hours a day...then I
became illwith  my arthritis...and also the watery eyes...{which seem very
much connected}.is it possible for my computer monitor?..or the
cpu itself?to make me sick?..or have any of the symptoms that I'

  There is in existence a noxious wave, the French
radiesthetists called  Vert Negatif  or  Negative Green .
This malefic energy wave, Negative Green, has its spectral location between
the colours,white and black. It is bactericidal and mummifies meat. This
spectral band is divided into:

  1. Alpha waves - emanting from subsoil cavities
  and geological clefts.
  2. Beta waves - emanating from contaminated
  currents of water,sometimes known as  Black
  Streams from subterranean water-ways.
  3. Gamma rays, Theta,Nu,and Zeta waves which
  come from TV sets, or the wiring of the house

 Radonics sometimes detect strong sources of
negative green radiations underneath houses where apparently healthy
families succumb to cancer. These
are called   cancer houses. I have come across cases
of patients who have exhausted  the many resources of
medical expertise and yet have found no relief. This category of patients is
under geopathic stress. There is no relief for them until the source is
removed  or  have their
place for sleeping or working changed. Sometimes , they
may have to change their residence. Then, there is the psychic stress. The
possibility of aluminium toxicity from
cooking utensils should be ruled out. I use a tri-field meter
for the detection of  magnetic, electric , radio/microwave
radiations. And the Frequency  Counter for Resonant
Field Imaging for  the detection of  Bioenergies from
living systems and objects and Subtle Energies  such as brain waves.

 With regards

- Original Message -
From: Robb Allen
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:52 AM
Subject: CSArthritis?and Computers?

 Hello again .This may sound rediculous..but another
 with the timing of when I first became ill..for about 3 ..months prior
 to whefor about 3 n I got sick..I was working on a computer for many
hours every
 day...sometimes as many as 12 hours a day...then I became ill with
 my arthritis...and also the watery eyes...{which seem very  much
 connected}.is it possible for my computer monitor?..or the cpu
 itself?to make me sick?..or have any of the symptoms that I'm
 having??if I'm nuts just say so*LOL*..Robb

 From: Acmeair
 Subject: Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still
 Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 11:27:43 -0800
 you might want to go to these sites, and look for info on foods that you
 should avoid based on your blood type.
 - Original Message -
 From: Robb Allen
 Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:50 PM
 Subject: CSMy Arthritis...Still
   Greetings All..
   since my last update about my arthritisI have severely
   personally 99% sure that what I am dealing with is none other than
   syndrome...I experience alergic-like reactions whenever I
   main symptom besides the arthritis is watery eyes.this is just
   drive me nuts!!!My arthritis pain comes and goesand thus
   still avoiding my hands{Thank God}..My worst spot is my
   shoulders.the attacks jump around...from place to
   it is very very bad in my left shoulder..Feels like it has eate
   way through the soft tissues...and is on raw boneI had no
   to take vioxx...nothing else I know of will take the edge off of the
   pain.I'm about to go nuts from all of this stuffif anyone
   offer any would be much appreciated..I'm still hell
   against letting the medical proffesion do its's
   I'm doing right nowI'm on the water cure..have been for a
   time..since I weigh about 200.give or take.I'm drinking
   100 ounces.I'm also on MSM6000 mg per day..b-12..6000 mcg
   day...I just started liquid alo vera.3 ounces per
   also just started PDA.these last two supplements were given by the
   advice of my local health food store guru.I've also stopped
   swallowing CS..I am doing the holding it in my mouth for 4 minute

Re: CShard science on homozon

2001-12-12 Thread FHLew
Chuck wrote:

Try to get it on approval in case the ozone smell bothers you. It
doesn't bother me, but my wife can't stand it.

The unit of 5 in 1 Ozone processor installed in my clinic premises
keeps purring away  merrily non-stop for
the past 7 days. It is an add-on for evaluation and research.  My fish enjoy
the 15 minute of ozonated
bath at 15 mg/hour because ozone cleans up their moldy
left-overs. My canine friend, Jimmy, who sleeps beside me was a bit restless
the past few days. This morning I found him sleeping in the store-room . It
could be the odour. Definitely, Gentle Jim,smells better now.

 In passing, it is found that animals like elephants
communicate  by generating extremely low frequencies [ELF]. It may come as a
surprise that the feline family,
with exception of tigers, generates atmospheric electro-
magnetic waves of 14 Hz [Extremely Low Frequencies
- ELF ] which have anecdotally provided relief to
rheumatic patients.Hence, the proverbial picture of an
old lady carrying a cat in her arms.The skeletal components in the human
system  form a crystalline
organ regulating the resonance of  internal and external
vibrational signatures. The skin,bones and muscles are good sonic
conductors. The thoughts, as visible speech,
we hear in silent reading, are osseous vibrations,amplified by mineralised
body cavities. Hugging a cat, a dog or a tree for that matter, has healing
effects,emotionally and physically, due to the  filtering and rectifying
transmission of  healthy oscillations to the human organism by resonance. As
proven by Russian Tesla  technology experiments in the 1950s, prokaryo
organisms  produce an external electromagnetic field which consists of the
combined radiations from the millions of moving molecules in the biological
system. Humans also produce electrofield
frequences in much the same way, except that the nervous
system plays a more significant role. The Kaznacheyev
experiments proved conlusively that cellular death and disease pattern due
to absorbed Ultra-Violet  Death
photons from dead cells, can be transmitted and induced
In Rife's technology, it is the Universal Vibratory Language
that Rife wanted to share : the resonance of vibrational signatures. The
French biologist, Jacques
Beneviste, demonstrated in Digital Biology that healing can be effected
electronically  through the internet for transmission with a sample, as the
vibratory signature of the medicine.

With regards

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: CShard science on homozon

 Try to get it on approval in case the ozone smell bothers you.
 It doesn't bother me, but my wife can't stand it.
 I'll put it on for a day if I see the need, rather than run continuous.
 Seems to work good for mold.
 Honk If You Love Peace and Quiet.

 On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 20:02:51 -0500, TJ Garland

 Does onyone have any experience with the Alpine ozone and ion air
 They apparently use Tesla Tech. and claim that they send their radio
 through walls to kill bugs inc. mites. Rife technology? I am considering
 buying one for molds in the basement.  Thanks.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-10 Thread FHLew
Greetings all silverlist members,

Jason/AVRA wrote:

  According to the study, the silver acetate ( NOT isolated silver! )
depletes the body of Vitamin E and Selenium.  If the body is deficient in
either ( as in the above reference ) than severe symptoms of silver
poisoining manifest, including increased silver retention in the kidneys and

The rationale of advocating wholesome raw food is based on the
preservation of the complete complement of the enzyme systems and whole
nutrients present in the food to drive the Kreb Cycle in maintaining
metabolism. Denatured food leads to robbing Peter to
pay Paul in the body in order to complete the Kreb Cycle , resulting in
drainage and defiencies of concomitant components [ Zinc, Copper, Magnesium,
Vitamins,Amino-acids etc ]. Ill-health subsequently results. This applies to
all patho-physiological processes in the human system.

  In radonics, I  advise colloidal  mineral supplementation
to maintain at least a minimal basal
 supportive level for those on radonic treatment. There has been reported
instances of deaths when the radonic beam was suddenly switched off. In
radonics, distance is not the criterion but the resonance of vibrational
signatures.The latter may be from homeopathics, flower essences, nutrients,
trace minerals, sounds and colours. Each element has its specific frequency
and this is its vibrational signature. These are beamed at the subject from
afar.The reported fatalities may be attributed to the sudden interruption in
the biological transmutational processes [ Professor Louis C. Kevran ] under
cold nuclear fusion [  Professor Panos Pappas ] due to low supportive
mineral reserve in the body and other geomagnetic factors. Minerals in the
form of cell-salts regulate the vitality and viability of tissue
cells,electromagnetically - The  Autonomous Nervous System , The
Cardio-Vascular System, namely . Any interference to electromagnetic
transmission in these vital systems may  lead to their dysfunction and
eventual death. These systems are regulated by the geomagnetic  rhythmicity
of 7.83 Hz conforming to Schumann's Resonance. There is still the mootable
cloud over the silver ion. What determines  the proverbial properties of
colloidal silver: in the biologically transmutated form, after absorption in
the body or in the form generated from my Robey Deluxe Mark II generator ?
The topic on Biological Transmutation by Prof  Louis C Kevran was posted in
the recent past in the Silverlist.

 I practise Isopathy, Homeopathy, Biochemic
Therapy [ 12 tissue salts ], Orthostatic Nutrition and
Naturotherapy  in the  morning cup of mid-stream urine I partake daily with
skin scrubbing using my own urine. I recycle my mineral reserves,
phytonutrients, immuno-endocrine secretions [ Melantonin, DHEA ] from my own
cistern. Those with uro-genital tract infection, please abstain fron
urinetherapy,until such time when the infection is under control. The
psychological block to this mode of treatment is inevitable. There is a lot
of information on this
topic in cyberspace. I recycle what my body has given back to me,
transmutated but good for the next cycle,with
minimal energy expenditure under cold nuclear fusion.
Scientists have narrowed down to minerals from outer space which provide
vestigial signatures to substantiate that life on Earth may indeed
originated from outerspace. The linking evidence is found in  bacteria
containing  minerals,on earth. Why silver is bactericidal to some microbes
and not to others ? And why Argyria
manifests in some and not in others? I share Prof
Louis C Kevran 's view  in accepting mainstream Chemistry for what it is and
that there is more to it in life that does not conform to exact sciences.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Jason / AVRA
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 5:22 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'


 Addition of silver acetate to the diet (130-1000 ppm) or drinking water
 (1500 ppm) of weaning rats fed a vitamin E deficient diet, precipitated a
 rapidly fatal hepatocellular necrosis and muscular dystrophy on day 14 of
 the treatment or subsequently. ( Grasso P. et al, 1967 Exp. Mol. Pathol.,
 11,186-199 ). According to the study, the silver acetate ( NOT isolated
 silver! ) depletes the body of Vitamin E and Selenium.  If the body is
 deficient in either ( as in the above reference ) than severe symptoms of
 silver poisoining manifest, including increased silver retention in the
 kidneys and liver.

 This was taken from a stock manufacturer's datasheet on silver acetate:



 Mild irritant and nuisance dust. Coughing, sneezing or possibly
 breathing difficulty upon the inhalation of large amounts.

 Effect will be similar to but normally less severe than with 

Re: CSVirii, hoaxes, etc.

2001-12-09 Thread FHLew

  Thank you sir/madam [Solar] for your technical guidance which
badly  needed in these troubled times. Those who have suffererd the loss
of those precious downloaded articles,painstakingly collected through the
 will truely understand the importance of vigilance.

With regards

With regards
- Original Message -
From: Solar
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 1:03 AM
Subject: CSVirii, hoaxes, etc.

 Hello silver-list,

   Once again, well-meaning people are polluting the list with
   stuff about virii, trojans, worms, etc. Let's go over this once

   1) The BEST way to protect yourself against email
   trojans/worms/virii/VB scripts is to NOT use ANY Microsoft product
   for your email client. Outlook and Outlook Express have many known
   vulnerabilities, and these are exploited on a daily basis. GET A

   2) Microsoft and Intel NEVER, EVER, EVER classify a virus. EVER. All
   of these mass emailings that people spread around that state such
   things are hoaxes. The sole intention of propagating such a hoax is
   so that email address grepping software, running on email servers
   owned/operated by bottom-feeding SPAMMERS, can extract more valid
   email addresses. The people who start these things are the scourge
   of the internet, and the vilest scum one can imagine. When you, with
   good intentions, email these out to all of your friends, you are
   assisting these pieces of garbage.

   3) Antivirus software that automatically scans email for the
   presence of a virus can, and does, give many false alarms. One can
   actually insert certain text into an all-text email that will set
   off most of the antivirus programs out there.

   4) If one is intent upon using Outlook or Outlook Expres as your
   email client, a very good way to protect yourself is by downloading
   a FREE program called ZoneAlarm. It will quarantine most suspect
   email, and prevent you from accidentally launching a suspicious
   attachment. It is a software firewall program, and I highly urge
   ANYONE who has a constant connection to the internet (such as xDSL
   or a cable modem) to install it. It is utterly amazing how many
   people have open machines that are constantly connected. Not only
   can all of the contents on your machine be viewed, but it can be
   changed as well. Add to this the fact that your machine can be used
   in a DDoS attack (and your ISP will hold YOU responsible for this in
   most cases), and you will begin to understand the importance of a
   software firewall.

   5) All posts on sujects like this, INCLUDING THIS ONE, are way
   off-topic, and really shouldn't become the thread that never dies!
   Actually, they probably shouldn't even be on list.

   Just a couple good email clients for Windows are Eudora, and The

   ZoneAlarm can be obtained at

   look around for the FREE version.

   A GREAT resource for investigating the much-circulated myths is

   I covers not only hoaxes and myths, but the hysteria that surrounds
   them as well. This hysteria is multiplied by various news
   organizations, such as CNN, who see it as a ratings-grabber.

   One last thing. Some may have questions, which is good. Please
   understand that I do NOT have the time to answer them. Look around
   the net. The answers for computer security are there if you look for

 Best regards,

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVirus Alert

2001-12-08 Thread FHLew

  James Osbourne,Holmes  wrote:

   The source of the info was from a trusted friend who is generally computer 
competent.   Now I have to restore that file on this machine.

   Albert himself has fallen into the trap 
   interpreting the Brownian motion as a result of molecular motion in a
wrong light. The molecular motion it is, but it is motion generated by
evaporation, by breakage and expansion of closed valence bonds of a
liquid. I was labouring  under the same delusion since school days. But my 
Slavek, updated me. I do not ignore any warning on internet viruses, real or 

With regards
  From: James Osbourne, Holmes 
  Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 9:56 AM
  Subject: RE: CSVirus Alert

  I am sorry to have caused a fuss.   I thought I was doing a good thing.  I 
regret any anxiety or inconvenience that I have caused.  The source of the info 
was from a trusted friend who is generally computer competent.   Now I have to 
restore that file on this machine.


  Thanks to all for the correction and the information needed to repair the 


  James-Osbourne: Holmes


  -Original Message-
  From: Quietcove []
  Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 8:44 AM
  Subject: RE: CSVirus Alert



  This is a fairly old virus hoax. Sulfnbk.exe is part of windows operating 
system and

  is a long file name backup utility. It is on your hard drive if you have 

  installed, and should not be deleted.



  -Original Message-
  From: James Osbourne, Holmes []
  Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 9:37 AM
  To: Mike Devour; Silver-List
  Subject: CSVirus Alert



  I received the following message on Saturday 12-8-01 AM from a friend with 
whom I correspond occasionally.  When I searched I found the file SULFNBK.EXE  
in C:/windows/command, and deleted it.  It has been over a month since I 
corresponded with him. 



  The message I received:


  ---start of message---


  Please check the following information to see if we

  transferred a VIRUS to anyone.


  I was sent this from a client -- and we did have it on

  our C-Drive.


  Sorry -- we hope this hasn't transferred to you.


  Do the following instructions:


  This is a time release virus which means that Norton

  and MacAfee Anti- virus do not pick it up until it is

  too late.

  I was told that the virus may have attached itself to

  everyone in my address book, and that I should send

  this warning to all of you regardless of whether or

  not I have emailed you in the past week or so.


  Please follow the following directions to see if you

  have the virus and if you do, to eliminate it.


  Click on start.

  Choose find or search.

  Choose files and /or folders.

  Select find.

  Select C drive.

  The file to search for is: SULFNBK.EXE


  If you find this file, DO NOT OPEN IT!



  Then close the window and EMPTY YOUR RECYCLE BIN.

  Then email everyone in your address book and ask them

  to follow the same procedures.

  ---end of message---


  James-Osbourne: Holmes


Re: CSVirus Alert

2001-12-08 Thread FHLew
Typo: Albert 
 Please read : Albert Einstein

With regards
  - Original Message - 
  From: FHLew 
  Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 3:52 PM
  Subject: Re: CSVirus Alert


James Osbourne,Holmes  wrote:

 The source of the info was from a trusted friend who is generally 
computer competent.   Now I have to restore that file on this machine.

 Albert himself has fallen into the 
trap of
 interpreting the Brownian motion as a result of molecular motion 
in a
  wrong light. The molecular motion it is, but it is motion generated by
  evaporation, by breakage and expansion of closed valence bonds of a
  liquid. I was labouring  under the same delusion since school days. But my 
  Slavek, updated me. I do not ignore any warning on internet viruses, real or 

  With regards
From: James Osbourne, Holmes 
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 9:56 AM
Subject: RE: CSVirus Alert

I am sorry to have caused a fuss.   I thought I was doing a good thing.  I 
regret any anxiety or inconvenience that I have caused.  The source of the info 
was from a trusted friend who is generally computer competent.   Now I have to 
restore that file on this machine.


Thanks to all for the correction and the information needed to repair the 


James-Osbourne: Holmes


-Original Message-
From: Quietcove []
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 8:44 AM
Subject: RE: CSVirus Alert



This is a fairly old virus hoax. Sulfnbk.exe is part of windows operating 
system and

is a long file name backup utility. It is on your hard drive if you have 

installed, and should not be deleted.



-Original Message-
From: James Osbourne, Holmes []
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 9:37 AM
To: Mike Devour; Silver-List
Subject: CSVirus Alert



I received the following message on Saturday 12-8-01 AM from a friend with 
whom I correspond occasionally.  When I searched I found the file SULFNBK.EXE  
in C:/windows/command, and deleted it.  It has been over a month since I 
corresponded with him. 



The message I received:


---start of message---


Please check the following information to see if we

transferred a VIRUS to anyone.


I was sent this from a client -- and we did have it on

our C-Drive.


Sorry -- we hope this hasn't transferred to you.


Do the following instructions:


This is a time release virus which means that Norton

and MacAfee Anti- virus do not pick it up until it is

too late.

I was told that the virus may have attached itself to

everyone in my address book, and that I should send

this warning to all of you regardless of whether or

not I have emailed you in the past week or so.


Please follow the following directions to see if you

have the virus and if you do, to eliminate it.


Click on start.

Choose find or search.

Choose files and /or folders.

Select find.

Select C drive.

The file to search for is: SULFNBK.EXE


If you find this file, DO NOT OPEN IT!



Then close the window and EMPTY YOUR RECYCLE BIN.

Then email everyone in your address book and ask them

to follow the same procedures.

---end of message---


James-Osbourne: Holmes


Re: CS***Re: Infrared saunas

2001-12-06 Thread FHLew
Greetings to all silverlist members,

  Ken wrote:

 I would be cautious with ozone [O3]  It is highly corrosive, will eat the
tires right off your car, has high atmospheric level warnings in weather
reports for people with respiratory problems and probably acts as a very
 potent free radical in the body...the sort of thing that people tak
antioxidents for.

  Ken has sounded a very relevant warning
which requires some elaboration on ozone applications in health care.

 Ozone concentration generated by ozone systems for different
applications is measured and described sometimes in different formats.

   ppm [parts per million ]
  1 gamma = 699 ppm]
  1 ppm =  0.0014306 gamma
  The Ozone Concentration is usually measured and described in GAMMA in
Ozone Therapies.

 % of Volume
 1 gamma= 0.0466 volume %
 1% =21.4592 gamma


* Ozone concentration of 0.05ppm is the allowable maximun
ozone concentration in an air-conditioned/ventilated space
* Ozone concentration of 0.003 ppm to 0.010 ppm is the
threshold of odour perception and is readily
detected by normal persons.
* Ozone concentration of 35,000 ppm [ 50
gamma or 2.3 volume % ] will literally dissolve on contact the latex
material ( Ken: ..tyres ) of the surgical glove.

   Ozone concentrations can be detected by
1. Digital Ozone Sensor
2. Ozone Test Strips

Ozone can be generated by feeding

  1. Dry Air or Humidified Air
  2.Welding or Technical Oxygen
  3. Medical Oxygen
  to Ozone systems.

 Ozone generated from air may only be used for
Water and Air Ozonation. It is not advisable to use it for inhalational
procedures because of the toxic effects of the
nitric oxide concomitantly generated. The more cost-effective
Technical/Welding  oxygen or desiccated air
may be used in times of shortage or emergency,for in-
sufflations,inhalations,water ozonation and all external
ozone treatments. The more expensive medical grade
oxygen is ideal for all ozone applications. This addresses
the quality of the ozone output.

  In an Ozonetherapy unit, the oxygen input and the ozone output are
regulated by calibrated flowmeters. The Ozone
Destroyer attached mops up the excess and the installed Ozone  Sensor
detects the enviromental saturation of ozone.
 Here are some of the ozone options for health care to help the
body to get rid of toxins and microbes.

  1. Nebulized inhalation by bubbling through,eg,
  Tea Tree Oil
  2. Insufflation of
 * Ears with [ ear stethoscope ]
 * Limbs [Limb Bagging ]
 * Body  [ Body Suit  Bagging ]
  [ Just to mention a few ]
3. Hyperthermic Ozonation:
 * Ozone Steam Sauna
4. Intravenous Ozonation: I avoid this procedure by choice.
5. Cupping:  Local ozonation of infected areas.
6. Water ozonation: Drinking quantities of ozonated water.
7. Immersion of Body or Limbs in ozonated water

  I hope I am not being impertinent to draw your attention
to another toxic gas - Radon. This geopathic emanation is global and it may
dwell in basement areas. Ozone warns us by its characteric adour which is a
respiratory tract irritant Radon, never warns of its presence. Insiduously,
it kills by causing lung cancer when chronically inhaled..  Ozone detoxifies
Radon, a silent killer.

  Free radicals are detrimental to the human
organism. But the new-born baby 's first cry is activated by  the free
radicals generated by the clamping of the umbilical cord, thus enabling the
new arrival  to take the first breath of life-giving atmospheric Chi, Prana
or Vital Force.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS***Re: Infrared saunas

   I would be cautious with ozone [O3]  It is highly corrosive, will eat
 tires right off your car, has high atmospheric level warnings in weather
 reports for people with respiratory problems and probably acts as a very
 potent free radical in the body...the sort of thing that people take
 antioxidents for.

 At 01:22 PM 12/5/01 -0600, you wrote:
 FHLew wrote:
   I also get conflicting reports on how much good ozone might do for
   I would be much obliged if you would kindly
  enlighten me on the conflicting reports of ozonetherapy.
 I just meant that I get no reports of people that try it and cure
 themselves of anything, the only good reports come second hand from
 those that sell it so I was hesitant as money is tight:) I have

Re: CS***Re: Infrared saunas

2001-12-05 Thread FHLew
Greetings to all members,

  Debbie wrote:

I had thought of the ozone sauna but the cost
is so high. 

   Ozonetherapy  can also be done by immersing
in temperature-adjusted ozonated water in a bath-tub. One is able to observe
the perspiration in the unsubmersed part of the body which drains part of
toxic load from the chemical swamp in the body. This is home-based and is
cost-effective. The only outlay is the
cost of a basic Ozone Generator and some Ozone Test

 I also get conflicting reports on how much good ozone might do for me. 

 I would be much obliged if you would kindly
enlighten me on the conflicting reports of ozonetherapy.

   Incidentally, Ozone is more than 3000  times  more
effective than Chlorine  in its anti-microbial range. It is
advisable to use medical grade oxygen in ozone generation for  water
[drinking] and aromatherapeutic [inhalational] ozonation. I
use ozonated colloidal silver for cleansing of
soft tissue injuries [medical] and aquarium [hobby].

I wear far infra-red products, from underclothing
to socks. These are woven with FIR fibres. The vegetables and fruits sealed
in FIR bags are fresher and can be kept for more than 2 weeks. Similarly,
meat soaked in ozonated colloidal silver sealed in FIR
bags keep longer.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: Debbie
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 11:40 PM
Subject: CS***Re: Infrared saunas

 Hi Nina,
   I was lucky to spot your note on FIR saunas, heat. Can you tell me
 more about it? I had thought of the ozone sauna but the cost is so high.
 I also get conflicting reports on how much good ozone might do for me. I
 guess my problems are all linked to the mercury toxicity but I am not
 wanting to get the mercury out till I have some avenues in place to
 detox safely. Thanks so much, Deb

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIs CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?

2001-11-30 Thread FHLew
Greetings to all  Silverlist members,

 Jim Meissner wrote:

   I just hear a disturbing
story about a severe reaction
 between CS and swimming pool water. 

 The optimum dermatological environment of the human skin  is
acidic. I have
come across cases of minor skin abrasions developing into full blown
after using  alkaline shower gel. This is  Soap Dermatitis  due to the
high alkalinity
present in the product. This is commonly observed  as a complication in 
Nappy Rash
 and sensitive skin   Using  a more acidic soap with a ph 5.5  for cleansing
usually  leads to an uneventful recovery.Anecdotally, the ph of the swimming
water is suspect : the pool water could be highly alkaline considering the
severity of
the skin reaction. Chlorine, as an irritant could not be ruled out. Swimming
conjuctivitis due to bacterial infection have been reported in medical
journals, more
likely as a concomitant. Incidentally, there have cases of  increased levels
of cholesterol
due to exposure to chlorine.

 . the local alternative health doctor who explained that CS and
chlorine is a very
dangerous  combination.  Could this be true?

Very unlikely. I have been using Colloidal Silver 5-10ppm diluted in
tap water,
which is chlorinated, for cleansing of soiled superficial tissue injuries
for the past few
years. To-date, I have no cause for complaints.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: I Anderson
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 7:18 PM
Subject: RE: CSIs CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?


 It is possible that the boy has an allergic reaction to silver, but
 more likely that he has had a reaction to the chlorine. Silver ions or
 silver chloride (solid) are benign and do not have a history of
 causing inflammation.

 The health professional is, as far as I know, quite mistaken, and
 would do better to concentrate on finding the real cause of this


  -Original Message-
  From: Jim Meissner []
  Sent: Friday, 30 November 2001 4:01 p.m.
  Subject: CSIs CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?
   Dear Group:
  I just hear a disturbing story about a severe reaction between CS
  swimming pool water.  The story is: The father put some 400
  PPM CS on a
  small abrasion on his son's arm.  After going swimming it
  became violently
  inflamed and the son ran a very high fever.  He called the
  local alternative
  health doctor who explained that CS and chlorine is a very dangerous
  combination.  Could this be true?  I know all the people
  involved and could
  ask more questions.
  Does anyone know?
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  colloidal silver.
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Re: CS in eyes

2000-12-31 Thread FHLew
Greetings to all Silverlisters.

 Harold wrote:

I wonder if anyone there might venture an opinion as to 
whether is is safe to spray CS into my eyes when I get up in the morning It 
is almost stuck shut in the morning from dried something during the night. 

   I have a friend  complaining of inflammed conjuctiva. She wears contact 
lenses which are cleansed by immersing in an ocular lotion
 overnight. I suggested Colloidal Silver drop instillation to both eyes at 10 
PPM in distilled water  as often as she wishes and that the contact lenses to 
be cleansed by  overnight immersion in Colloidal Silver.. I hear no more of 
ocular complaints from her to-date. I prefer the  more gentler mode of drop 
instillation where the eyes are concerned.

 The sticky stuck eyes often seen in the morning are due to the 
concretization of fibrinous exudate due to Potassium [K] deficit. The latter 
can also manifest in the form of mucous catarrh. For my paediatric cases, I use 
 potentised Potassium Chloride [ Kalium Muriaticum  6x] . For adults,  K salt 
is another alternative. K salt [ a US product ] available in Malaysia, is a 
combination of potassium gluconate, potassium acetate and mono-potassium 
phosphate. The K salt is dissolved in distilled water and is refrigerated. The 
chilled solution is taken as desired.
   The benefits of K salt:

   * Removes excess Sodium in cells
   * Build new tissues
   * Diuretic action: Counteracts water
 retention [ edema and puffy eyes ]
   *Replaces electrolytes in the body
   *Regulates kidney functions
   * Prevents cough and colds
   * Removes chest congestion
   * Strengthens the immune system 
 [ Colloidal Silver has this property]

  Potassium [K] is one of the most important minerals in the human 
body,being indispensable in tissue protein synthesis and enzymatic 
processes,helping to maintain intra-cellular pH and the regulation of kidney 

With regards


2000-09-15 Thread FHLew
Greetings to all list members

   Personally, I feel that the most appropriate
person to answer your medically-orientated questions
would be your personal physician because he or she
knows you best.

   I am but  one of your opt-in cyberfriends
who is merely trying to offer his 2 cents worth of
cyberinfo. Please take it in this spirit. Your personal
physician is the best.


  For those  cases where there is a history
of chronic recurrent urinary tract infection, I would suggest  a
gynaecological check-up to rule out any complications such as cervicitis, in
the first place.
An ultra sound may sometimes pick up small  kidney,
 ureteric or bladder stones [calculi] which may be contributary to the
persistent infection. Of course, a
full urinary and microscopic examination should be done
with a mid-stream sample. A  sample should be sent for culture for microbes
and sensitivity tests, for the choice of antibiotics [ of which there are
many natural alternatives].  I have to  be very careful and sensitive when
I elicit history  pertaining to the mindset and lifestyle of the patient -
the pyscho-sexual aspect.

With regards
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: CSUTI's

 In a message dated 09/15/2000 10:18:57 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

  . Any infection from the adjacent cervix
  can easily be spread to the urinary bladder. Any  failure to
  recognise this fact of applied anatomy often leads to untold
  sufferings and loss of grace. The possibility of  concomitant
  cervicitis should be kept in mind in any urinary tract infection.

   With regards
 What do you recommend for this?

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2000-09-15 Thread FHLew
Greetings to all silver list members,

In the management of Urinary Tract Infection,
particularly those chronic ones, often I find that the source of infection
is not necessarily  from the urinay tract. In the females, the urinary
bladder is separated from the cervix of the uterus by only a very
thin fibrous membrane. Any infection from the adjacent cervix
can easily be spread to the urinary bladder. Any  failure to
recognise this fact of applied anatomy often leads to untold
sufferings and loss of grace. The possibility of  concomitant
cervicitis should be kept in mind in any urinary tract infection.

 With regards

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 3:57 AM
Subject: Re: CSUTI's

 In a message dated 09/14/2000 9:15:30 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

  CS alone doesn't work well for UTIs for me.  Maybe there are
  kinds of bacteria involved.  I am currently doing a kidney cleanse with a
  product called Stone Free which is making everything work better.  Also
  taking cranberry capsules and Vitamin C.   (DO NOT drink Ocean Spray
  cranberry juice from the supermarket.  That does not work.  Besides, it's
  full of sugar.  Many people don't know.)

 I have found grapefruit seed extract works like a charm for me!!

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-05-23 Thread FHLew
 I am both intrigued and curious  about the cost-effective  LLLT device
described, comprising of 5 laser pointers. Please elighten me whether the 5 
pointers incorporate the use of Light-Emitting Diodes [LED]. Light rays from
light-emitting diodes are not collimated and are also incoherent. Thanks.

With regards


 My attention has just been called to a transmission error in my earlier
 post.  The pointer arrangement should resemble the dots on the face of
 dicefor the number five.  My email program shifted the dots.  
 apologies.  Brooks Bradley.

 To all interested list members.
 Since I am, already,  at my computer to comment on  a
 post by James Holmes, I will take the occasion to relate an item which
 may be of some interest.
 The college-age son of one of our staff researchers came
 up with an effective---if not cosmetically attractive---unit for use by
 persons with limiited funds and/or technical expertise.  He constructed
 an effective Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) unit by combining five (5)
 laser pointers in a very simple arrangement.
 The pointers were purchased from the local Harbor
 Freight outlet, for a cost of $6.50 ea., plus tax.  The configuration is
 as follows:   (1)  the physical arrangement provides for the natural
 arrangement for five similar bodies in an idealized space utilizing
 configuration.  e.g._  _
  _  _
 (2)   the operating switches (momentary, normally-open)
 require some form of constant-pressure to stay activated.  This is
 addressed by using several twists from a rubber band which contacts all
 of the four outside switches, simultaneously.
 (3)  the center pointer's on/off switch must be taped down
 prior to arrranging the four outer units.  (4)  arrange the four outer
 units in such a manner as to have their ON/OFF switch on a line directly
 toward the center of the assembly (this provides the maximum contact
 with the restraining rubber band.   (5)  assemble the pointers in a
 manner which causes the lower, sloping sections to be parallel to each
 other.  This furnishes the closest allowable focus of the beams.  (6)
 using tape, or preferably, a properly-sized rubber band, restrain them
 in the desired configuration.  (7)  next, apply the rubber band you have
 chosen to close the Power Switches of the four outside pointers.   Some
 of you more adept-types may chose to use the same rubber band to both
 hold the assembly togetherand to operate the power switches, of the
 outside pointers.   Since the four outside pointers will be in a
 divergent configuration toward the top of the assembly, some may desire
 to mechanically stabilize it.  This may be done through using short
 lengths of popcicle sticks, thin styrofoam inserts, etc., plus a weak
 rubber band around the top of the assembly.
 Although this explanation may be overly cumbersome, the
 unit itself, is exceptionally simple to assemble.and to use.  The
 power is low enough that the bulbs may be placed in direct contact with
 the outer skin (at least this has been our experience),   We have
 employed this unit for continuous periods up to 15 minutes in a single
 location, without any, detectable, adverse reactions beyond slight skin
 We have found this low-power unit to be quite effective for
 applications within its power range.  The chief advantage of the LLLT
 over the LED units is that of penetrating power of the coherent light
 beam.  We have found no advantage for LLLT in conditions involving
 superficial (outer cutaneous) insults- among the experimental
 Sincerely, Brooks Bradley..
 EYE/EYES  To do so can cause PERMANENT/IRREPARABLE damage to the centra other retinal damage.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFw: Dr. Hulda Clark -- CHARGES DISMISSED!!!

2000-04-18 Thread fhlew
Dear Listers,

Some of the people may be misled all the time
All the people for some time
But not all the people all the time.

The spirit of holistic medicine is with this brave lady
those trying days and will always be.. This is manifested in the multiple
voices of the people the world over. Mother Nature does care for her
faithful asistants.But,
in her great wisdom, She stands and waits to restore  the full dignity and
to her downtrodden and humiliated assistants, of the past and the present.
This is the inaudible and unspoken law of Mother Nature.

With regards
  Dr FHLew
[ Malaysia ]

DK Nihoa wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Dr. Clark Association
 Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 3:22 PM
 Subject: Dr. Hulda Clark -- CHARGES DISMISSED!!!

 Dear Guest of!

 I have some very very good news for you today: The charges against Dr.
 Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. are dismissed!! Dr. Clark was arrested
 in September and charged with practicing medicine without a license.
 This is a felony that can be pubished with up to eight years in prison!
 Dr. Clark was released on bail a few weeks later, but the uncertainty of
 the outcome of the trial were a heavy burden on the 71 year old
 researcher from San Diego, CA. Her enemies wanted to see her locked up
 behind bars. To the established medical interests, Dr. Clark's workable
 therapy against cancer is a huge threat. But now the charges were

 This is also the time to say THANK YOU to every one who contributed to
 the legal fund or helped in other ways.

 Also, the real fight is far from being over: The fight for freedom of
 choice in medical matters for the individual. I count on you being there
 also when the second round starts.

 David P. Amrein
 President, Dr. Clark Research Association

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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: SAMANTHA!!!! URGENT!!!! Re: CSFlu/peroxide

1999-12-31 Thread FHLew
 Any gesture to safeguard,advise or to help,with the best of intentions
selflessly  for the common good, needs no apology [ except for the typos ]. It
both social and survival values.

  The secret of some of these top Japanese executives staying sober
in a
reception party is taking 10 to 30 tablets of Chlorella [ a fresh-water
product of algae ] just before the party. The same principle holds good for
drinking while ushering in the beginning of the New Millennium.

 With regards
 Lew wrote:

 Thank you for the warning, Mike.  My food grade is 7% and I diluted it.  By
 the way, we feel better already having used it.  Thanks again for the tip,
 Chuck.  I REALLY do appreciate it!


 In a message dated 12/30/1999 9:29:02 AM CST, writes:

  Hi, Sam,
   Just wanted to make *ABSOLUTELY SURE* that you had the right
   instructions before you went ahead and did this. The food grade
   peroxide I've heard about from this list is all 35% and *extremely*
   caustic. If *that* is what you're using...
   DO NOT put that strong of peroxide in your ears or anywhere! OKAY?
   Diluting it to about the 3% level is, I believe, the recipe folks are
   talking about. Chuck might be mixing it a bit stronger, or his food
   grade peroxide is not as strong as some of the stuff other people
   have gotten.
   Whew! Don't try this at home, kiddies. grin
   Mike D.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFlu

1999-12-30 Thread fhlew
  Beth wrote:
   Tea tree oil  is another good
   agent but can't be taken internally 

 Tea tree oil is a volatile essential oil obtained
by steam distillation
   of the freshly harvested foliage of the Tea Tree [ Melaleuca
alternifolia ].
   The oil contains more than a hundred of natural compounds. It
is a clear
   and colourless to pale yellow liquid with a characteristic

   The pharmaceutical grade Tea Tree Oil contains:

  1,8-cineole  [ less than 4% ]
   terpinen-4-ol  [ more than 38 % ]

 Basic properties:

 * Broad  antimicrobial activity
 * Anti-fungal activity
 * Anti-viral activity
 *  Does not destroy healthy
 *  Penetrating properties
 *  Minimal skin irritation
 [ Formulations less than 10%
w/w pose less
   risk of skin irritation ]

   Oral administration of 100% Tea Tree Oil is
not advocated.
   But, in France, doctors trained in aromatherapy. do
   oral dosage of essential oils.
I find it very comforting for patients with
complaints of
   bodyache, weakness and aching joints,fever with
stuffy nose and
   a productive cough, by massaging  their soles with a
few drops of
tea tree oil in Olive Oil at least twice a day.
Patients down with
influenza should be well hydrated. Ozonated water if
will be ideal. I always keep in readiness a few
bottles of Cytolog,
an execellent immune booster against the viral
critters, for bad
cases of flu victims. The recent Nipah virus
epidemic in Malaysia
has taught us to be always on our guard against
these viral critters.

  Inhalation of ozonated Tea Tree Oil
using a Bioregene
 Nebulizer is really helpful for the exhausting
cough in any viral
 respiratory tract infection. This nebulizer can
also be used for
 the inhalation of liquid colloidal minerals [
Colloidal silver,etc ]
 and diluted 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide.

With regards

GB Rogers wrote:

 Hi Carol,
 I also came down with the same bug (Sunday too at the family Christmas
 gathering! G), and taking regular CS doses.  I sprayed some CS in my
 nostrils, (they were burning from the congestion already so the usual
 burn of water in the nose didn't bother me) and that seemed to help.
 I also put CS in the vaporizer.  I put some tea tree oil and
 eucalyptus oil on a cotton ball to help clear the sinuses.  Tea tree
 oil is another good antibacterial/antiviral agent, but can't be taken
 internally.  High doses of Vit C, echinacea and extra amino acids
 seemed to help too.  But most important for me was realizing that I
 had pushed my whole system prior to the holidays and now my body was
 telling me in no uncertain terms that it deserved a break, (along with
 a reason to chill out), and manifested this flu.  So hold tight and
 get yourself a good book, hot tea with lemon and honey and relax.

 To a healthy and happy Y2K!

- Original Message -
From: Marsha Hallett
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 1999 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: CSFlu

  Well, guys, in spite of daily doses of CS, I have the
  nastiest flu.  I also have that cough.  I have upped my
  dosage and am going to bed.  This has been gong on since
  Sunday.  Just shoot me.


Re: CSFlu

1999-12-30 Thread fhlew
  Beth wrote:
   Tea tree oil  is another good
   agent but can't be taken internally 

 Tea tree oil is a volatile essential oil obtained
by steam distillation
   of the freshly harvested foliage of the Tea Tree [ Melaleuca
alternifolia ].
   The oil contains more than a hundred of natural compounds. It
is a clear
   and colourless to pale yellow liquid with a characteristic

   The pharmaceutical grade Tea Tree Oil contains:

  1,8-cineole  [ less than 4% ]
   terpinen-4-ol  [ more than 38 % ]

 Basic properties:

 * Broad  antimicrobial activity
 * Anti-fungal activity
 * Anti-viral activity
 *  Does not destroy healthy
 *  Penetrating properties
 *  Minimal skin irritation
 [ Formulations less than 10%
w/w pose less
   risk of skin irritation ]

   Oral administration of 100% Tea Tree Oil is
not advocated.
   But, in France, doctors trained in aromatherapy. do
   oral dosage of essential oils.
I find it very comforting for patients with
complaints of
   bodyache, weakness and aching joints,fever with
stuffy nose and
   a productive cough, by massaging  their soles with a
few drops of
tea tree oil in Olive Oil at least twice a day.
Patients down with
influenza should be well hydrated. Ozonated water if
will be ideal. I always keep in readiness a few
bottles of Cytolog,
an execellent immune booster against the viral
critters, for bad
cases of flu victims. The recent Nipah virus
epidemic in Malaysia
has taught us to be always on our guard against
these viral critters.

  Inhalation of ozonated Tea Tree Oil
using a Bioregene
 Nebulizer is really helpful for the exhausting
cough in any viral
 respiratory tract infection. This nebulizer can
also be used for
 the inhalation of liquid colloidal minerals [
Colloidal silver,etc ]
 and diluted 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide.

With regards

GB Rogers wrote:

 Hi Carol,
 I also came down with the same bug (Sunday too at the family Christmas
 gathering! G), and taking regular CS doses.  I sprayed some CS in my
 nostrils, (they were burning from the congestion already so the usual
 burn of water in the nose didn't bother me) and that seemed to help.
 I also put CS in the vaporizer.  I put some tea tree oil and
 eucalyptus oil on a cotton ball to help clear the sinuses.  Tea tree
 oil is another good antibacterial/antiviral agent, but can't be taken
 internally.  High doses of Vit C, echinacea and extra amino acids
 seemed to help too.  But most important for me was realizing that I
 had pushed my whole system prior to the holidays and now my body was
 telling me in no uncertain terms that it deserved a break, (along with
 a reason to chill out), and manifested this flu.  So hold tight and
 get yourself a good book, hot tea with lemon and honey and relax.

 To a healthy and happy Y2K!

- Original Message -
From: Marsha Hallett
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 1999 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: CSFlu

  Well, guys, in spite of daily doses of CS, I have the
  nastiest flu.  I also have that cough.  I have upped my
  dosage and am going to bed.  This has been gong on since
  Sunday.  Just shoot me.


Re: CScorpal tunnel

1999-12-28 Thread fhlew
 Marshall asked :
   I had two people ask me if there was anything 
surgery for CT. Said I would try and find out. Anyone? 

I find it efficacious to use a non-invasive and non-surgical
modality for the management of Carpal Tunnel Sydrome . It is
the Low Level Light Therapy. A light-emitting diode device is
 used for photonic biostimulation of the afflicted part.
 I have included a few URLs for your perusal and introduction
 to LLLTherapy or LED Therapy.  Good phytonutriceutical and
 colloidal mineral support will expedite functional recovery. You
 may communicate with me by personal email if you need any
   http// 1 htnl

   With regards

d.linen wrote:

 I have carpal tunnel syndrome and when it's severe enough, I've had to
 resort to wearing wrist braces which keep the hand in a position which
 is less stressful. I've heard that there is a vitamin or mineral
 supplement that will help with this but I can't remember what it is at
 the moment. My brother had it and he had surgery for it but I'd have to
 really be in an intolerable situation before I'd resort to surgery.

 I'd like to thank all of you who have contributed to the information
 about the syndrome and possible help for it.

 Diane wrote:

  A couple of helps...
  A substance called CMO,a bunch of specific exercises;hurts while doing,but
  relieves for ages,
  combination of zapper with laser pointer on main wrist acupuncture point,B
  group vitamins,C,.
  Look up Rossiter  associates for the exercises on the net...we found the
  info there to be very helpful.
  Also check out Kombucha tea...can assist in reducing such pains as
  associated with caclifying tendonitis.
  I had two people ask me if there was anything besides surgery for CT.  Said
  would try and find out.  Anyone?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScorpal tunnel

1999-12-28 Thread fhlew
 Marshall asked :
   I had two people ask me if there was anything 
surgery for CT. Said I would try and find out. Anyone? 

I find it efficacious to use a non-invasive and non-surgical
modality for the management of Carpal Tunnel Sydrome . It is
the Low Level Light Therapy. A light-emitting diode device is
 used for photonic biostimulation of the afflicted part.
 I have included a few URLs for your perusal and introduction
 to LLLTherapy or LED Therapy.  Good phytonutriceuticall and
 colloidal mineral support will expedite functional recovery. You
 may communicate with me by personal email if you need any
   http// 1 htnl

   With regards

d.linen wrote:

 I have carpal tunnel syndrome and when it's severe enough, I've had to
 resort to wearing wrist braces which keep the hand in a position which
 is less stressful. I've heard that there is a vitamin or mineral
 supplement that will help with this but I can't remember what it is at
 the moment. My brother had it and he had surgery for it but I'd have to
 really be in an intolerable situation before I'd resort to surgery.

 I'd like to thank all of you who have contributed to the information
 about the syndrome and possible help for it.

 Diane wrote:

  A couple of helps...
  A substance called CMO,a bunch of specific exercises;hurts while doing,but
  relieves for ages,
  combination of zapper with laser pointer on main wrist acupuncture point,B
  group vitamins,C,.
  Look up Rossiter  associates for the exercises on the net...we found the
  info there to be very helpful.
  Also check out Kombucha tea...can assist in reducing such pains as
  associated with caclifying tendonitis.
  I had two people ask me if there was anything besides surgery for CT.  Said
  would try and find out.  Anyone?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScorpal tunnel

1999-12-28 Thread fhlew
 Marshall asked :
   I had two people ask me if there was anything 
surgery for CT. Said I would try and find out. Anyone? 

I find it efficacious to use a non-invasive and non-surgical
modality for the management of Carpal Tunnel Sydrome . It is
the Low Level Light Therapy. A light-emitting diode device is
 used for photonic biostimulation of the afflicted part.
 I have included a few URLs for your perusal and introduction
 to LLLTherapy or LED Therapy.  Good phytonutriceutical and
 colloidal mineral support will expedite functional recovery. You
 may communicate with me by personal email if you need any
   http// 1 htnl

   With regards

d.linen wrote:

 I have carpal tunnel syndrome and when it's severe enough, I've had to
 resort to wearing wrist braces which keep the hand in a position which
 is less stressful. I've heard that there is a vitamin or mineral
 supplement that will help with this but I can't remember what it is at
 the moment. My brother had it and he had surgery for it but I'd have to
 really be in an intolerable situation before I'd resort to surgery.

 I'd like to thank all of you who have contributed to the information
 about the syndrome and possible help for it.

 Diane wrote:

  A couple of helps...
  A substance called CMO,a bunch of specific exercises;hurts while doing,but
  relieves for ages,
  combination of zapper with laser pointer on main wrist acupuncture point,B
  group vitamins,C,.
  Look up Rossiter  associates for the exercises on the net...we found the
  info there to be very helpful.
  Also check out Kombucha tea...can assist in reducing such pains as
  associated with caclifying tendonitis.
  I had two people ask me if there was anything besides surgery for CT.  Said
  would try and find out.  Anyone?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScorpal tunnel

1999-12-28 Thread fhlew
 There are typos in the previous URLs I sent. Please try these:

 With regards

d.linen wrote:

 I have carpal tunnel syndrome and when it's severe enough, I've had to
 resort to wearing wrist braces which keep the hand in a position which
 is less stressful. I've heard that there is a vitamin or mineral
 supplement that will help with this but I can't remember what it is at
 the moment. My brother had it and he had surgery for it but I'd have to
 really be in an intolerable situation before I'd resort to surgery.

 I'd like to thank all of you who have contributed to the information
 about the syndrome and possible help for it.

 Diane wrote:

  A couple of helps...
  A substance called CMO,a bunch of specific exercises;hurts while doing,but
  relieves for ages,
  combination of zapper with laser pointer on main wrist acupuncture point,B
  group vitamins,C,.
  Look up Rossiter  associates for the exercises on the net...we found the
  info there to be very helpful.
  Also check out Kombucha tea...can assist in reducing such pains as
  associated with caclifying tendonitis.
  I had two people ask me if there was anything besides surgery for CT.  Said
  would try and find out.  Anyone?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScorpal tunnel

1999-12-28 Thread fhlew
 There are typos in the previous URLs I sent. Please try these:

   Please IGNORE all commercial aspects. These write-ups
  are principally for your information only. 

 With regards

d.linen wrote:

 I have carpal tunnel syndrome and when it's severe enough, I've had to
 resort to wearing wrist braces which keep the hand in a position which
 is less stressful. I've heard that there is a vitamin or mineral
 supplement that will help with this but I can't remember what it is at
 the moment. My brother had it and he had surgery for it but I'd have to
 really be in an intolerable situation before I'd resort to surgery.

 I'd like to thank all of you who have contributed to the information
 about the syndrome and possible help for it.

 Diane wrote:

  A couple of helps...
  A substance called CMO,a bunch of specific exercises;hurts while doing,but
  relieves for ages,
  combination of zapper with laser pointer on main wrist acupuncture point,B
  group vitamins,C,.
  Look up Rossiter  associates for the exercises on the net...we found the
  info there to be very helpful.
  Also check out Kombucha tea...can assist in reducing such pains as
  associated with caclifying tendonitis.
  I had two people ask me if there was anything besides surgery for CT.  Said
  would try and find out.  Anyone?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNew Scars On Face//Lew///Silica

1999-12-27 Thread fhlew
 I rather 1 dose 30x stat ; To be repeated after one month. If  your

your educated  provocation proved to be correct, probably you will find the
sharp aspect of the foreign body  surfacing. You could literally palpate the

spicule sticking out of the cicatrized matrix. Then, be prepared for the
of insolence - from the patient. Take it from the horse's mouth : it is not
very desirable experience.

  With regards

Vilik Rapheles wrote:


 Concerning homeopathic silica...

 Do you suggest 6x or a higher potency?


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSdonna OK???? gone bye bye

1999-12-23 Thread FHLew
   Methaemoglobinaemia can be due to chronic taking of  drugs like
phenacetin and to lack of an enzyme called methaemoglobin reductase. Apart
from a bluish
discolouration of the skin [cyanosis] in those patients with about 20 %
globin, these patients are well.  People over 50 always have some
in their blood. The cyanotic tinge may be modified by a concomitant dermatosis.
complicates the differential diagnosis of  the colouration of argyria.

With regards

Henry Reed wrote:

 If I recall correctly, only SHE could see any discoloration.  Her
 husband and son could not perceive it.  So the problem was miniscule if
 it existed at all.  It makes me think there was no problem except

 Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America wrote:
  Can we surmise that her case was DEFINITELY not Agyria?  Afterall, the
  requirement of permanent colorization was not met.  Right?
  -Original Message-
  Date: Thursday, December 23, 1999 3:52 AM
  Subject: Re: CSdonna OK gone bye bye
  Could be the AOL 30 day free offer ran out.
  Became dissatisfied with AOL restrictions or complexity.
  Got what she needed and moved on.
  Be kind, it's the season!
  Reality is a crutch for those who can't handle the paranormal.
  On Thu, 23 Dec 1999 04:33:21 EST, wrote:
  She has apparently deleted her AOL account; which means several things
  1) she is not okay  very angry
  2) she was an impostor (from the FDA or something)
 just looking for trouble
  3) she is okay but too embarrassed to show back up
  4) here under another name lurking . . . .
  just some thoughts,
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour
  NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
  Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: CSA Wish

1999-12-21 Thread fhlew
  May you ...find your account is in order, your money is still 
 any mistakes are in your favour.

My buddies and I have decided to run away from night duties on 
night of December 31 1999 to bivouac outside our favorite banks
with ATM machines, armed with gunny sacks. The prospects of
waiting for a epoch-making countdown in front of ATM machines 
better than waiting for patients,on this very night to usher in 
However, we wish you our Season's Greetings 
 all the best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Millennium.

 With regards
  [ Malaysia ] wrote:

  A Wish For The New Millennium...For all my Friends
 May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not
   and May your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your
   blood count and your mortgage interest not rise.
 May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your cardiologist,
   gastro-endocrinologist, your urologist, your proctologist, your 
   psychiatrist, your plumber and the IRS.
 May you find a way to travel from anywhere to anywhere in the rush hour 
   less than an hour, and when you get there May you find a parking space.
 May Friday evening, December 31, find you seated around the dinner 
   together with your beloved family and cherished friends, ushering in the 
   Year ahead. You will find the food better, the environment quieter, the 
   much cheaper, and the pleasure much more fulfilling than anything else you
   might ordinarily do that night.
 May you wake up on January 1st, finding that the world has not come to 
   end, the lights work, the water faucets flow, and the sky has not fallen.
 May you go to the bank on Monday morning, January 3rd and find your
   account is in order, your money is still there and any mistakes are in 
 May you ponder on January 4th; How did this ultramodern civilization of
   ours manage to get itself traumatized by a possible slip of a blip on a 
   made out of sand.
 May you have the strength to go through a year of presidential
   campaigning, and May some of the promises made be kept. May you believe
   at least half of what the candidates propose, and May those elected 
   least half of what they promise, and the miracle of reducing taxes and
   balancing budgets happen.
 May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you
   delight them.
 May the telemarketers wait to make their sales calls until you finish
   and May your check book and your budget balance, and May they include
   generous amounts for charity.
 May you remember to say I love you at least once a day to your spouse,
   your child, your parent; but not to your secretary, your nurse, your
   masseuse, your hairdresser or your tennis instructor.
 May we live as intended, in a world at peace and theawareness of the
   beauty in every sunset, every flower's unfolding petals, every baby's 
   and every wonderful, astonishing, miraculous beat of our heart.
 (And, you May forward this on to someone that could use a smile and a
   laugh to brighten their day
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: I wish you all a Happy Christmas.

1999-12-16 Thread fhlew
To all Christian Silver listers,
 To anticipate the rush of
listers leaving for
their Christmas break, I hasten to wish every silver-lister and  family
a happy
Christmas and a prosperous New Year-2000.

   With regards
  [ Malaysia ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: Bacteria Book

1999-12-15 Thread fhlew
Bill:  I remember Stan reminding  us to talk Rife and not Colloidal Silver in
   of the postings on CS. I suppose he was merely trying to draw us back
   from wandering afar. Stan is opening the  Textbook of Bacteriology now !

   There are many out there wanting to help you. That includes me.

With regards

fhlew wrote:

 Stan:  Probably, you have a gold nugget in your hand. You have not
   the author/authors of  the book:  Textbook Of  Bacteriolgy. I am
   by the short treatise on   Light and Other Radiations  which
 you have
   emailed in 4 pages.At present, I am looking into the photobiotive
of photons on phytochemicals and colloidal minerals [ colloidal
particular]  reinforced either by Photodynamic Sensitization or
Photodynamic Therapy, across the Blood-Brain Barrier [ Recently
a second blood-brain barrier has been located by a research
 group]. A
Russian group reported in an article some time ago that the
spinal fluid circulation is not necessarily confined to the
space, it extends peripherally to the distal parts of the
 body,bathing all the
ramifications of the nervous system. This report is called to
 mind when
a Canadian Group reported that their findings of toxic heavy
 metals in the
brains  and nervous systems of fishes,by passing the blood brain

  Light in photonic fluxes are conducted
 by special
 channels in plants  and the human body. It has been proven that
 Meridians or Energy Channels delineated by the system of
 conduct light. By  photonic stimulating of the relevant
 acupoints in the
 body along the Meridians, light can be directed to the target

   Photonic activation of the ATPase
 System ,inducing
 extrapolation by widening of the water channels in the bilayer
 of cell
 membrane, may facilitate better transportation  of
 phytochemicals or
 colloidal minerals across cells lining the blood-brain barrier.

 The induction may be effected by:

1. Rife's Resonance Therapy
2. Photon Sound Beam [ Lymphatic Massage ] -Ed Skilling
3. Light-Emiting Diode Red Light Therapy [ LED] - NASA
   [ Using the Visible Red Light and the Infra-Red Light
 photonic stimulation at acupoints for the routing
 of light
 along acupuncture pathways ]
 4. Colour Therapy: The 7  colours of  light [ VIBGOR]-
 each with a different wave-length for photonic
 stimulation of

   Man's dependence on photosynthesis is in
 more ways
 than one for sustenance and health. The botanical side of
 man has
 need of stored up energy produced by the resonance of two
wave-lengths of light  during photosynthesis. Hence, the
 energy in
plant food is the photosynthetic equivalent of a musical
Whether in man or in a plant,physiologically or abstractly,
 life is a
 melody. Light is a photonic nutrient and is futuristic

 What is good for the body is medicine and at
 the same
   time food  -  Lin Yutang

 The Textbook of Bacteriology  published in 1939  is more
   just   Light  and Other radiations .  I would like to buy and
 keep this

   With regards


 Stanley Truman Jr. wrote:

  List, I was going through an antique store ( Looking for a Rife machine
  GRIN ) and I found this book on the shelf. I started doing some
  reading last night and there are some interesting pages in it.
  Below are the pages that I found. The name of the book is Textbook Of
  Bacteriology and it was published in 1939.
  Start at reading at Light and other radiations.

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List maintainer: Mike

Re: CSShingles discussion

1999-12-15 Thread FHLew
Harold: It will be of  great help if you would kindly summarize for me your
past and present medical history leading to the frank herpetic
manifestation. You may make it
a personal email if you wish.

With regards

Harold Rand wrote:

 Has anyone discovered a shingles discussion group.  Surely there must
 be.  The prognosis in the large Nutritional Healing bood is so poor that
 I would like to explore other's experiences.  Best Wishes

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: Colloidal Silver : response to questions

1999-12-14 Thread fhlew
  Jim W [Rife-List, 08 December 1999] asked:

  What kind of risk is in overdosing on colloidal 

 fhlew wrote:

   The only medical condition I am aware of is argyria, a bluish-grey
  of the skin on ingestion of silver compounds by a small percentage of the
  idiosyncratic  population .  Ionic silver or metallic silver in distilled 
  is not known to date to precipitate this condition. Listers from the
  Silver-List will tell you anecdotally that they have been gulping down
  Colloidal Silver  for umpteen years without  adverse complaints. I do not 
  any salt or
  substance to the home distilled water which I use for the generation of
  Silver. I am more liberal with simple cases of respiratory tract infections 
  But  I
  will be very careful with chronic patients presenting with complications of
  Liver,Heart, Kidneys. The patient may need more than just Colloidal Silver 
  his or her management. The patient may require institutional treatment. 
  laboratory tests for blood,urine and excretions with  radiological and
  backup often help in screening patients from iatrogenic risks.
  With regards
   Lew wrote:
   In a message dated 11/30/1999 8:10:30 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
 In my practice,I have been using Colloidal Silver very freely. 
have good
 results with the old and  the young for infections  particularly 
 respiratory tract. The simple Colloidal Silver Generators, I purchased
the US,
 What kind of risk is in overdosing on Collodial silver ???
   Thanks for any info.
Jim W.

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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSa canany

1999-12-10 Thread fhlew
   Welcome  Harold:   I suppose everybody has to decide sometime in life

by taking the first step in the right direction. I am sure there are many
anecdotes  you can contribute to the silver list in  healthcare and at the
same time, you will be able to glean  a lot of useful information on
Colloidal Silver from the listers. I wish you a happy day. Be watchful for
replies to your posting from the  techno-
logical gurus.

 Are you from Texas, Harold,by any chance?  I like the song :  The
Yellow Rose of Texas  

 I am trained in East-West medicine and I practise holistic medicine
Malaysia, South-East Asia. To me, Colloidal Silver ,even at 5 to 10ppm,
1 to 2 table-spoonful 3 to 4 times daily for adults and half the dosage for
children, serves as  a relentless,antimicrobial fighter.

   With regards

Harold Rand wrote:

 Will anyone tak to a novice? I have 27 volt dc CS maker. I would just
 like to like to know how long to leave electrodes in  one quart jar of
 distilled water to obtain 5ppm or thereabouts

 Canary Story

 A Texan cowboy was once riding the range in the middle of winter,
 for a stray cow he was afraid would freeze to death. He comes across a
 little yellow canary, shivering in the cold winter wind. Being a very
 hearted man, he picks up the canary, holds it in his hands, and blows on
 to give some warmth. As he is doing this, he sees warm cow ship steaming
 cold. So the cow has to be near by, but what to do with the poor canary.

 With a flash of inspiration, he puts the canary in side the cow chip to
 warm, and rides off looking for his cow.

 After in minute in the cow chip, the canary is feeling quite toasty, and

 starts chirping loudly. A coyote hears chirping, tracks it down, and
 the canary. This story coming from Texas, has three morals to it:

 * First, he who puts you in it, is not necessarily your enemy.
 * Second, he who gets you out of it, is not necessarily your friend.
 * Third, when you find your self up to your neck in it, for heavens
 don't chirp about it.

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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAdvice Need - Taking 150ppm CS

1999-12-10 Thread fhlew
Fred wrote:
 The problem I see with very strong (
concentrated) medicines
is the chance of mis-use or overdose! Do you take 1/30 the dose others
More is not better and a homeopath will say less is better! 

 The Type-Effect Hypothesis,describing the typical
effects of a
medicinal drug,depending on the increasing dose,was refined by the
physician,Karl Kotschau,in the 1920's. It is presently known in biology
as The
Biphasic Response, and in Pharmacology,as The Time-Response Curve. The
biphasic action of drugs is an accepted [ but little used ] fact of
modern pharma-
cology : The more potent the drug, the smaller the dose necessary for
Most drugs of modern Western Medicine are administered in large doses
and therefore have,in general,an inhibitory effect. The Monotonicity
Rule is a con-
sequence of this law, which states that,within toxic limits,an increased
dose of a drug gives an increased effect,while a lower dose gives a
reduced effect.
It is the low concentration part of the dose-response curve which is of
homeopathic interest.  Clinically, homeopathy maintains that:

1. The therapeutic effect is altered by diluting the drug
2. The therapeutic effect is dependent on succussion or
3. The therapeutic effect , is not linear but is sinusoidal

In the lste 19th century, Hahnemann's discovery of the
micro dose was critically examined by conventional medicine and
expressed as  The
Arndt-Schults's Law, which states that   For every drug, the small dose

stimulates, the moderate dose inhibits and the larger dose kills.

With regards

Fred wrote:

  Terence, I would say you are not taking colloidal silver
 but possibly silver protein, which is the only way to get
 over 30-40 PPM. DC produced Cs is difficult to make
 at over 20PPM due to crystallization and users inform
 me HVAC can not produce over 40PPM.

 Now, if you want to get technical, PPM is by weight so
 it could be a few lumps of silver in a bottle but then it
 would still be mis-labeled as that is not a colloid!

 It could be a solution of silver salts (not colloid) as then
 you could get many 100's of PPM. It could also be just
 mislabelled and why the FDA keeps bothering us!

 The problem I see with very strong (concentrated)
 medicines is the chance of mis-use or overdose!
 Do you take 1/30 the dose others use? More is
 not often better and a homeopath will say less is

 Treating your gut with an antibiotic should be for a
 short term, as you also kill off you natural flora. I
 would not trust 150PPM and suggest you try a more
 normal silver colloid and just take more  of it.

 We test free, as do others, if you want to check the
 TDS but only a lab test can tell you what is in it!

 Terence said :Hello,

 I am very new here, and I find this list
 very interesting.

 I have some questions I would like to ask
 and know.

 Is the amount 150ppm CS very strong?

 I am using it to help me intestinal problem.
 The taste of the CS is very very metalic.
 Is there anything wrong with it?


CSRe: Colloidal Silver : response to questions

1999-12-08 Thread fhlew
Hi Silver Listers,

Harold Rand wrote:
Friends, I would like to know how
lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint of water to get 5 to 10 ppm using
the 27 volt set up

 Harold is my fellow rife-lister. Common guys,help me to help Harold.

With regards

fhlew wrote:

 Dear sir,
   We have very qualified technologists in the
 Silver-list, who will
 be very glad to answer your queries on the generation of Colloidal
 You are most welcome to join us by subscribing to:
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.comby emailing  with
 the word  'Subscribe'  in the SUBJECT LINE.

  However,  I will forward your query to the Silver-List and I am
 sure your question will be discussed and an amicable solution will be

 With regards

 Harold Rand wrote:

  I would like to know how lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint of
  water to get 5 to 10 ppm using the 27 volt set up

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRE:Colloidal Silver - FAQ

1999-12-08 Thread fhlew
Hi Silver Listers,

Harold Rand wrote:
Friends, I would like to know how
lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint of water to get 5 to 10 ppm using
the 27 volt set up

 Harold is my fellow rife-lister. Common guys,help me to help Harold.

With regards

fhlew wrote:

 Dear sir,
   We have very qualified technologists in the
 Silver-list, who will
 be very glad to answer your queries on the generation of Colloidal
 You are most welcome to join us by subscribing to:
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.comby emailing  with
 the word  'Subscribe'  in the SUBJECT LINE.

  However,  I will forward your query to the Silver-List and I am
 sure your question will be discussed and an amicable solution will be

 With regards

 Harold Rand wrote:

  I would like to know how lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint of
  water to get 5 to 10 ppm using the 27 volt set up

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRE:Colloidal Silver - FAQ

1999-12-08 Thread fhlew
Hi Silver Listers,

Harold Rand  [ Harold Rand] wrote:

Friends, I would like to know how
lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint of water to get 5 to 10 ppm using
the 27 volt set up

 Harold is my fellow rife-lister. Common guys,help me to help Harold.

With regards

fhlew wrote:

 Dear sir,
   We have very qualified technologists in the
 Silver-list, who will
 be very glad to answer your queries on the generation of Colloidal
 You are most welcome to join us by subscribing to:
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.comby emailing  with
 the word  'Subscribe'  in the SUBJECT LINE.

  However,  I will forward your query to the Silver-List and I am
 sure your question will be discussed and an amicable solution will be

 With regards

 Harold Rand wrote:

  I would like to know how lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint of
  water to get 5 to 10 ppm using the 27 volt set up

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRE:Colloidal Silver - FAQ

1999-12-08 Thread fhlew
Dear Silver Listers:  A  typo

 Common guys , help me to help Harold   A typo. Please read.
Come on guys, help me to help Harold.


With regards

fhlew wrote:

 Hi Silver Listers,

 Harold Rand  [ Harold Rand] wrote:

 Friends, I would like to know how
 lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint of water to get 5 to 10 ppm using
 the 27 volt set up

  Harold is my fellow rife-lister. Common guys,help me to help Harold.

 With regards

 fhlew wrote:

  Dear sir,
We have very qualified technologists in the
  Silver-list, who will
  be very glad to answer your queries on the generation of Colloidal
  You are most welcome to join us by subscribing to:
 silver-list-requ...@eskimo.comby emailing  with
  the word  'Subscribe'  in the SUBJECT LINE.
   However,  I will forward your query to the Silver-List and I am
  sure your question will be discussed and an amicable solution will be
  With regards
  Harold Rand wrote:
   I would like to know how lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint of
   water to get 5 to 10 ppm using the 27 volt set up

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Colloidal Silver : response to questions

1999-12-08 Thread fhlew
Ivan: Thanks. I hope Harold is considering joining the silver-list
 He will stand to gain more information on Colloidal Silver by

With regards

Ivan Anderson wrote:


 Probably a couple of hours per pint, but more information on his
 electrode dimensions and configuration required.


 - Original Message -
 From: fhlew
 Sent: Thursday, 9 December 1999 00:05
 Subject: CSRe: Colloidal Silver : response to questions

  Hi Silver Listers,
  Harold Rand wrote:
  Friends, I would like to
 know how
  lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint of water to get 5 to 10 ppm
  the 27 volt set up
   Harold is my fellow rife-lister. Common guys,help me to help
  With regards
  fhlew wrote:
   Dear sir,
 We have very qualified technologists in the
   Silver-list, who will
   be very glad to answer your queries on the generation of Colloidal
   You are most welcome to join us by subscribing to:
  silver-list-requ...@eskimo.comby emailing
   the word  'Subscribe'  in the SUBJECT LINE.
However,  I will forward your query to the Silver-List and I
   sure your question will be discussed and an amicable solution will
   With regards
   Harold Rand wrote:
I would like to know how lonf to leave silver in a quart or pint
water to get 5 to 10 ppm using the 27 volt set up
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
 to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V99 #808

1999-12-05 Thread fhlew
Karen:  You may try  Cineraria Maritima Succus  Eye Drops [Homeopathic
Medicine]. The active principle Cinerarin is derived from the species Senecia
Cineraria.  I use for my patients with  gradual loss of vision or double vision
as a result of senile or traumatic opacities of lens or cornea and complications
due to increase of intra-ocular pressure. Please seek a second
opinion from a holistic medical professional if  possible because other 

metabolic problems [High Blood Pressure,Diabetes etc] if concomitant, need
intervention. The patient cannot just be left to go blind. Please 

all suggestions and guidance from cyberspace are passive.

With regards
   Lew wrote:

 To All,
 Does anyone know of a way to stop Glaucoma from getting any worse?  My
 father-in-law has been using the traditional medical approach for a number of
 years and was just told that he will probably be blind within a year.  Thanks
 for any help you can provide!

 To the person who asked about electric blankets:
 We used to have one.  But after reading a book about preventing cancer I
 put it away and have never used it since.  I looked for the page to quote but
 couldn't find it.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRE radionics

1999-12-05 Thread FHLew
Dennis:  Good question. Please include me if there is one.

With regards

D G wrote:

 is there a radionics list around?



 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRE radionics

1999-12-05 Thread FHLew
Thanks for getting me  the address. By the by, is there any difference between

Radonics and Radionics ?

With regards


D G wrote:
 heh  just checked.




 Subject: Re: CSRE radionics
 Resent-Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999 09:58:38 -0800
 Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 02:01:35 +
 From: FHLew
 To:, DG

 Dennis:  Good question. Please include me if there is one.

 With regards

 D G wrote:

  is there a radionics list around?
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS and Arteries/James

1999-12-04 Thread fhlew
   Raised  Homocysteine levels todate have been found to be an independent
risk marker for cardiovascular disease. Research studies have
shown that elevated levels of homocysteine correlated well with patients with
Peripheral Vascular Disease, Cerebrovascular Accidents - Strokes,
Cardio-vascular Accidents- Heartattacks, Thrombosis, Angina Pectoris and
Intermittent Claudication. The Journal of the American Medical
Association[1992;268[7]:877-881], in an article, reported the sampling of 271
males with cardiovascular accidents- heart-attacks, had levels of
Homocysteine higher than controls. The raised levels of Homocysteine
can be readily treated by Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid ,Betaine and
Choline, according to the authors.

 The breakdown of Homocysteine is dependent on
Vitamin- and Nutrient-dependent enzymes. Homocysteine is a non-essential amino
acid in the body. Any blockage in its  metabolic
pathway due to:
1. Lack of Vitamin B6-dependent Enzyme [cystathionine
B-synthase, which removes sulphur from the
 homocysteine-methionine cycle. It is  alsoVitamin
 2. Failure of Remethylation of homocysteine back to
 methionine [ deficiencies of Vitamin B12, Folic
will lead to toxic accumulation of homocysteine in the blood causing an
elevation of homocysteine level. The latter is a risk factor for  Occlusive
Vascular Disease. The biochemical  markers for B12 deficiency are
Methyl Malonic acid and Homocysteine. The sustained elevation of
Methyl Malonic acid and/or Homocysteine can predict the imminent
B12 deficiency subclinically  within a year  even with normal blood levels.


 Homocysteine is considered the  second cholesterol  and
many instances, it has been found that patients developing cardiovascular
complications showed normal cholesterol levels.

  Elevated level of homocysteine due to a blocked metabolic
pathway, which is Vitamin and Nutrient dependent,can be simply resolved
by  cost-effective vitamins and nutrients.

  Elevated level of homocysteine is also a predictive risk
for diseases relevant to:
   1. Neurology
   2. Gynaecology
   3. Cardiology
   4. Geriatrics
5. Genetics

 Urinary and Blood tests for homocysteine will be a futuristic
routine  for a number of  undiagnosed conditions related to cardiac,
neurological, gynaecological, genetic and  geriactric diseases. These,
hopefully,will be cost-effective.

  One noted dental authority was quoted to have linked
every  root canal  to a cardio-vascular accident. Dr. Hulda Clark has
made it very clear that toxic heavy metals provide a favorable environment
for the survival of the microbes and parasites. It is not surprising to
find  microbes or parasites in the degenerated arterial walls with deposits
of toxic heavy metals.

With regards

Vilik Rapheles wrote:


 Thanks so much for this! Now, how about cholesterol...related to pathogens
 or CS


 At 08:15 PM 12/2/99 -0700, you wrote:
 Somewhere in my mass of not-well-organized.information?is an
 article saying that much of what was thought to be degenerative  vascular
 disease is now being attributed to pathogens.  Particularly heart disease.
  Vaguely, I remember something about people who took small amounts of
 tetracycline not getting Mis.
 Remember when ulcers were caused by stress.  Now it is heliobacter
  pilori.   We are probably just around a similar corner for some forms of
 arthritis too.
 Remember too, what Dr. Robert Becker says.  CS facilities the transition of
 neoplasms  into stem cells, and then into the appropriate tissue
 James Osbourne Holmes
 -Original Message-
 From:  Vilik Rapheles []
 Sent:  Thursday, December 02, 1999 1:45 AM
 Subject:   CS and Arteries
 Would someone be willing to tell me whether CS can be used to help
 arterial health? How does it affect arteries, and the possiblity of
 heart attacks or strokes?
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCitric acid and Silver

1999-11-06 Thread fhlew
Hi Sam,
 You wrote:
...I do know that ascorbic acid  is
not absorbed at the
cellular level unless it's in a mineral ascorbate form,which is the form
created in the
livers of other 99% of mammals on this planet ( besides humans and
guinea pigs )
that make their own Vitamin C. 

   We lost the gene for hepatic
synthesis of ascorbate from glucose some 60 million years ago. The
genetic defect, enzymatic absence of 1-
gulonolactone oxidase during the final stage of conversion of
1-gulonolactone into ascorbate, forms the basis of Dr.Irwin Stone's
hypothesis- Hypoascorbemia, a very
low blood level  of ascorbic acid. Dr Stone, a pioneer in vitamin
research and application,contended that Vitamin C is a pseudovitamin,and
that the superior
bioavailability of Vitamin C resides in its hepatic metabolite.
Esterified Vitamin
C, a synthetic,attains a faster blood level and maintains a higher blood
level than traditional Vitamin C ,contains similar hepatic metabolites?
Further research will
reveal whether the effective bioavailability of Ester Vitamin C is due
to its complementary or enhancing property on natural hepatic
metabolites. Linus Pauling's
megadosing recommendation for the common cold is considerably reduced
using Esterified C. What the human body cannot synthesize [ Vitamin C,
Linoleic acid ],
Nature has catered for in the natural form in man's diet. Natural
concomitants of
Vitamin C commonly encountered, are the bioflavonoids, collectively
called Vitamin P.

With regards

Sam Earle wrote:

 Sounds like he's made silver citrate by electrolyzing silver in a
 citric acid solution. Don't know if that's a good idea or not, but I
 do know that ascorbic acid is not absorbed at the cellular level
 unless it's in a mineral ascorbate form, which is the form created in
 the livers of the other 99% of mammals on this planet (besides humans
 and guinea pigs) that make their own Vitamin C. Alycer makes a
 powdered product called Emergen-C which is all mineral ascorbates (no
 silver) plus B vitamins, and it appears to be quite effective in my
 family. So maybe silver citrate or silver ascorbate is an interesting
 idea? Anyone know for sure? Sam

  - Original Message -
  From:Cindy Powell
  Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 9:38 PM
  Subject: CSCitric acid and Silver
   Hello all, I have recently been looking into a company that
  purports to have invented a silver solution using citric
  acid.  I asked the inventor if this was a colloidal silver
  solution, and he replied that his solution is a compound and
  is not colloidal silver, and yet the claims he is making
  sounds exactly like the claims for colloidal silver.  Is the
  citric acid contributing to germ kill according to your
  knowledge??  Or is the citric acid there so he can claim his
  solution is unique...Also he claims that his silver is in
  very low concentrations in the ppb parts per billion.I kinda
  thought this guy just basically had a colloidal silver type
  product, but I see that  water purification company named
  Innovative Medical (stock symbol PURE for anyone who wishes
  to read the recent press release) has announced an
  affiliation and distribution agreement for silver based
  purification and a wound cleanser.  There is also a health
  care supplement available using ionized silver and citric
  acid.  Hasn't someone commented on effects obtained when
  taking colloidal silver with orange juice??I would be
  interested in hearing from you knowlegable listers.  Someone
  must have heard something about citric acid being used in
  combination with ionized silver. Thanks in advance,Cindy

Re: CSOT - Sick child h2o2

1999-11-06 Thread fhlew
Hi  Silver Listers,

Ted wrote:
   Airlines use H2O2 to
disinfect their water tanks,...

  An American company nearly lost its licence because a
staff member tried
to send me a 1 Litre bottle of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide by air
for research. Thanks god the Air Transport and the Customs authorities
overlooked this
classified offence. Buy but please do not request for delivery by air.It
is not only highly corrosive but also explosive.

  Fred wrote:
..I must extend a
greater caution about using 35%
'Food' Grade- IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! The bottle I bought had a
slight leak on the way home and when I removed it from the protective
plastic bag
the label crumbled in my hand,.my hands started stinging/burning and
turning white!
The human system produces Catalase and Superoxide
Dismutase [SOD] for the catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide and Superoxides
generated in the body. It has been observed that there is about a 1% of
the human population born with
a congenital deficiency of the catalytic enzyme, Catalase. Those who
take Hydrogen Peroxide orally, should bear this genetic idiosyncrasy in
mind. Be mindful
of the dilution and the dosage. The consequences of  oxygen bubbles
form under
the skin,causing the burning sensation  are dreadful.

 In the same vein, I recall a Rife-list posting. [ On
Tue,2 Nov 1999 ]

  Char Boehm wrote:
hydrogen peroxide and O2 radicals
secreted by some mycoplasmas can damage surrounding tissues.

  I share your anxiety over such possibilities. The
human system deals in
such a situation by mobilizing its enzyme.catalase,to catalyze H2O2 to
water and oxygen. Its botanical equivalence is peroxidase. The danger
materializes only when there is a congenital absence of the
enzyme,catalase.  Please refer to these URLs if you care for more
information on the subject under discussion.


And are there certain metabolic situations
in which these
molecules become radicals, and therefore harmful instead of beneficial?

   For that matter,metabolically, combustion of
glucose produces
free radicals besides energy for bodily activities. But these are
quickly mopped
up by the free radical scavengers [ antioxidants ]  in the body,namely,
Vitamin C,
E and Selenium. It might be a consolation for you to know that the body
needs the free radicals to activate physio-chemical processes. The first
cry of a baby
when his or her umbilical cord is clamped or ligated at birth, is
initiated by the
generation of  these so called undesirablefree radicals.

   With regards.
  Lew wrote:

 The best way to take H2O2 is start with one drop of 35% in a glass of
 water 3 time each day, increase one drop each day until you either
 25 drops 3 time per day or until you can no longer stand the taste
 reverse the process back to 0.  I reached 15 drops 3 times  a day and
 could no longer stand the taste. Airlines use H2O2 to disinfect their
 water tanks, once you know what H2O2 taste like you will never forget


 Fred wrote:
  Hutt William J (Bill) DLPC wrote:
   Have you heard of anyone using hydrogen peroxide internally?
   If so, for what and how much. I have heard that bodybuilders using
   take a teaspoon to control the severe acne associated anabolic
  As Marshall stated the drug store 3% grade is not suited for
 internal use!
  However, I did a lot of research on H2O2 for medicinal uses and feel
  must extend a greater caution about using the 35% 'food' grade - IT
  EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! The bottle I bought had a slight leak on the
  home and when I removed it from the protective plastic bag the label
  in my hand, appearing to have been burned! While trying to spread it
 out to
  read the cautions my hands started stinging/burning and turning
  I went to the web to research what was happening and discovered that

  oxygen bubbles form under the skin, causing the burning  sensation
  that a spill on your clothes could cause them to burst into flames.
 It is an
  extremely strong oxidizer and thus a fire hazard and needs to be
 stored in
  your freezer for safety. It will not freeze until far below 32F!
  If you buy it, you should immediately dilute it 10:1 with distilled
  As to
  drinking it, I can not tolerate more then 3 drops of 3% in a glass
 of water, as
  I gag on the bubbles in my throat. There are many uses for it and
  results (many books are available about internal uses) but it is so
 hard to
  tolerate I gave up on 

Re: CSOT - Sick child h2o2

1999-11-04 Thread fhlew
Hi  Silver Listers,

Ted wrote:
   Airlines use H2O2 to disinfect their
water tanks,...

  An American company nearly lost its licence because a staff member
to send me a 1 Litre bottle of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide by air for 
Thanks god the Air Transport and the Customs authorities overlooked this
classified offence. Buy but please do not request for delivery by air.It is not 
highly corrosive but also explosive.

  Fred wrote:
..I must extend a greater 
about using 35%
'Food' Grade- IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! The bottle I bought had a
slight leak on the way home and when I removed it from the protective plastic 
the label crumbled in my hand,.my hands started stinging/burning and turning
The human system produces Catalase and Superoxide Dismutase 
[SOD] for
the catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide and Superoxides generated in the body. It 
has been
observed that there is about a 1% of the human population born with
a congenital deficiency of the catalytic enzyme, Catalase. Those who take 
Peroxide orally, should bear this genetic idiosyncrasy in mind. Be mindful
of the dilution and the dosage. The consequences of  oxygen bubbles form under
the skin,causing the burning sensation  are dreadful.

 In the same vein, I recall a Rife-list posting. [ On Tue,2 Nov 

  Char Boehm wrote:
...that hydrogen 
and O2 radicals
secreted by some mycoplasmas can damage surrounding tissues.

  I share your anxiety over such possibilities. The human system
deals in
such a situation by mobilizing its enzyme.catalase,to catalyze H2O2 to harmless
water and oxygen. Its botanical equivalence is peroxidase. The danger 
only when there is a congenital absence of the enzyme,catalase.  Please refer to
these URLs if you care for more information on the subject under discussion.


And are there certain metabolic situations in which
molecules become radicals, and therefore harmful instead of beneficial? 

   For that matter,metabolically, combustion of glucose
free radicals besides energy for bodily activities. But these are quickly mopped
up by the free radical scavengers [ antioxidants ]  in the body,namely, 
Viatamin C,
E and Selenium. It might be a consolation for you to know that the body 
needs the free radicals to activate physio-chemical processes. The first cry of 
when his or her umbilical cord is clamped or ligated at birth, is initiated by 
generation of  these so called undesirablefree radicals.

   With regards.
  Lew wrote:

 The best way to take H2O2 is start with one drop of 35% in a glass of
 water 3 time each day, increase one drop each day until you either reach
 25 drops 3 time per day or until you can no longer stand the taste then
 reverse the process back to 0.  I reached 15 drops 3 times  a day and
 could no longer stand the taste. Airlines use H2O2 to disinfect their
 water tanks, once you know what H2O2 taste like you will never forget


 Fred wrote:
  Hutt William J (Bill) DLPC wrote:
   Have you heard of anyone using hydrogen peroxide internally?
   If so, for what and how much. I have heard that bodybuilders using 
   take a teaspoon to control the severe acne associated anabolic steriods.
  As Marshall stated the drug store 3% grade is not suited for internal use!
  However, I did a lot of research on H2O2 for medicinal uses and feel I
  must extend a greater caution about using the 35% 'food' grade - IT IS
  EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! The bottle I bought had a slight leak on the way
  home and when I removed it from the protective plastic bag the label 
  in my hand, appearing to have been burned! While trying to spread it out to
  read the cautions my hands started stinging/burning and turning white!
  I went to the web to research what was happening and discovered that
  oxygen bubbles form under the skin, causing the burning  sensation and
  that a spill on your clothes could cause them to burst into flames. It is an
  extremely strong oxidizer and thus a fire hazard and needs to be stored in
  your freezer for safety. It will not freeze until far below 32F!
  If you buy it, you should immediately dilute it 10:1 with distilled water.
  As to
  drinking it, I can not tolerate more then 3 drops of 3% in a glass of 
  water, as
  I gag on the bubbles in my throat. There are many uses for it and excellent
  results (many books are available about internal uses) but it is so hard to
  tolerate I 

CS[Fwd: [Fwd: CS Mucous?]]

1999-10-24 Thread fhlew
You wrote:

..the inefficient activity of cs when there is a mucous barrier!?

In  March ,1873, Dr. Schussler of Oldenburg, Germany,
  his  new system of using The Twelve Tissue Salts,bringing
physio-chemical  and physio-pathological facts to bear on
his therapuetic procedure. According to Dr. Schussler, disease is a
result of a
disturbance of the molecular motion of one of the 12 inorganic tissue
salts. Rest-
oration of health by supplying a minimal dose of the same inorganic salt
to rectify the molecular configuration of the affected cell or tissue
salt,constitutes a cure. Virchow
defines disease as an altered state of the cell. Potassium Chloride
[Kali Muriaticum],
is one of the 12 tissue salts of Schussler.The pure chloride is prepared
by trituration
according to homeopathic pharmaceutical rules. A proving of the 6x
is reported in the Homeopathic Recorder,1900. The 6x trituration caused
a bad sore throat,pain on swallowing even water,tonsils inflammed,throat
filled with tough ,stringy mucus,ankle joints puffy. The prover was
perfectly well until he commenced to take the Kali Muriaticum [
Potassium Chloride ].

   According to Dr. Schussler, the cell
salt,potassium chloride has
 a significant biochemical role in the formation and production of
fibrin. Fibrin is produced by the interaction of the chloride of
potassium,with oxygen,on certain albuminoids. Biochemically, it has been
demonstrated that fibrin cannot be synthesized in the absence of
potassium chloride and that the fibrin cannot be held in
proper solution in the blood without the correct balance of the cell

   The white or grey coating on the
tongue,mucous lining or tonsils,
is the fibrin that has become non-functional because of a deficiency of
potassium chloride and oxygen. Similar fibrinous exudations  are also
found in discharges or
expectorations of a thick,white slime or phlegm,from any of the mucous
membranes,or in flour-like scaling of the skin. When the epidermal cells
are irritated,
molecules of Kali mur are lost and fibrin in the form of a white or
greyish exudation,
is thrown off. This,in drying,becomes a mealy eruption. If the
irritation extends to the
tissues beneath the epidermis,both fibrin and serum will exude,and the
involved part of the skin will be pushed up in the form of blisters.
This is exactly what takes place
in small-pox,cow-pox and vaccine disease. Similar processes can take
place within and among epithelial cells in mucosal lining. When the
integrity of the affected
cells are restored by administration of Kali muriaticum molecules, a
reabsorption or throwing off of the exudation  [mucus] occurs.  This is
attained by the production of hydrochloric acid formed by one part of
from K Cl with hydrogen. The hydrochloric acid formed ,dissolves the
in its incipient stage of formation. This patho-physiological phenomenon

corresponds to the second stage of inflammation of serous membranes.


The  mucous barrier   is due to  an exudation of a
blood product called fibrin precipitated by  a physio-chemical
deficiency.The cause is an irritation with loss
the molecular configuration of Kali mur in the cell or the cell salt.Its
resolution can be activated by supplying the body a minimal dose of the
appropriate cell salt of Schussler- Kali mur [potassium chloride].

 The gastric juice in man is a strong acid with a pH
[hydrogen ion concentration] of 1.6 - 2.0. The gastric walls  are
postulated to be covered and protected by the gastric mucosa which is
derived from protein. Normally, proteins
are dissolved in such strong acid. The moot point is: Why the gastric
wall is not corroded?

  It is generally accepted that where microbes thrive
and breed, decay sets in.  This is not totally correct. The microbes
have been found to reside only in the body system  but not breed  when
the following principles are observed:

   We are what we eat
   We are what we breathe
We are what we drink

The immune surveillance system of the body merely tolerates their
existence which
can be beneficial to the body's economy. This is the rationale of

 The protective mechanism of the living body particularly for its
protein component is the maintenance of the stereo orientation of the
tissue, its 3 dimensional structure.When this 3 dimensional property is
sustained  in the tissue structure, the microbes will not attack and the
gastric secretion [ HCL ] will not corrode. But, the moment, the tissue
dies, that is when it loses its bioenergy or aura, its 3 dimensional
structure collapses. As a result, the microbes will invade,causing
putrefaction and the
the hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice will corrode,giving rise to
ulceration and ultimately perforation.

 Health is maintained by an optimum supply 

Re: CSVortex made easy

1999-10-20 Thread fhlew
 Hi Wong,
You wrote:

Wouldn't just swirling water in a coke
bottle to create
a vortex...or it's just to pass by the magnets?

  I use swan-necked bottles labelled N and
S to make
   magnetized water and I  use either one to create a vortex.  A Cognac
   Otard  0.7 litre bottle has a long  and slender neck with a pulp stopper. The

   Cognac Otard bottle comes in two colours: Transparent and Deep Green. I
rather  you choose the transparent one.  My buddies  gave me a carton
   of Cognac Otard bottles- empty ones  !  See if you can get a pair of this
If you have a N and a S magnet and two slender neck bottles with
lips like that of the Cognac Otard bottle, you are on to create  a turbulent
Firstly,  fix the magnets 3'' above the broadest part of the bottle.   I
usually fill
the bottle with distilled water leaving the upper two and a half inches
empty. I add
a teaspoonful of colloidal minerals to the  bottle of distilled water. I
leave it for
10 minutes for revitalization while I get ready the other bottle.You will
that the circular borders of the bottle's mouth overhang  the slender neck
of the
 bottle by 1/2 . So when  you invert  the filled bottle with fixed magnets
over the
waiting, empty bottle and  the two properly aligned and balanced, what you
is something looking  very much like an elongated hourglass. You will see
forces at work creating a vortex  of churning water above and water rushing
the magnets to splash  into the receptacle bottle below. Honestly, I do not
which direction I must swirl because I am living near the equator. I just
make a swirling motion a few times and down it.

I really  hope you can get hold of two discarded Cognac
Otard bottles
for your experiment and use. These shapely bottles make attractive

   With regards
   Lew wrote:

 In a message dated 10/17/1999 2:04:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

  Just a follow-up to provide an example.
  I have a 2 liter bottle with a cap that has a 3/8 hole
  in it. I have attached the magnets on the shoulder by
  the neck.

 Wouldn't just swirling water in a coke bottle to create a vortex for a few
 minutes work? Must the water drain from one bottle to the other or it's just
 to pass by the magnets?

  need some space
  to get the water swirling around) and with finger over
  the hole, star swirling the water in what will be a clockwise direction
  when up side down and just as  I am removing finger from the hole, I am
  inserting the neck into a gallon milk jug.
  The neck just fits in and the jug will support the vortex bottle.
  Actually, the jug opening is just a bit too small to let in
  enough air.

  It works!

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS/pregnancy

1999-10-19 Thread fhlew
You wrote:

Can CS  be taken during pregnancy?

Strange to say, the maternal immune surveillance system still
regards the foetus
as non-self in the first trimester or the first three months of
pregnancy after
fertilization. Therefore, it is prudent for the mother-to-be to go easy
on immune boosters or immune stimulants in the first three months of
pregnacy. This is mainly to
offset any enhanced effect of the maternal immune system on the product
of conception, which may  cause  its spontaneous expulsion.

 Colloidal Silver has been known for its enhancing effect on the
immune system. Its ante-natal use, therefore, should be critically
cogitated in the first trimester of

  With regards

KIM BROWN wrote:

  Hi All, Can CS be taken during pregnancy?   Kimberley Brown
 Dream Country Ragdolls

CSSubject: What is a billion in a probiotic?

1999-10-18 Thread fhlew
   Hi ,

   The European usage of the term billion is unlike that
adopted in America. This is because an American billion is equal

to a thousand million,whereas, the European billion equals a
million million.

Expressed mathematically,therefore,an American billion is 10 ,
whereas in
Europe it is 10  .  Please be mindful of the standard  adopted
when taking
or prescribing a probiotic.

With regards

Re: CS-Ear infection

1999-10-16 Thread fhlew
   You wrote:

  I had an ear infection.had heard of the effectiveness of
garlic fresh squeezed juice. drop some into my earWell the
effect was,dramatic?

   The eighth cranial nerve carries information
from two highly
specialised end organs lie deep in the temporal bone of the skull.

1. The Auditory Apparatus: The Organ of
Corti which regulates
sound and hearing. This accounts for
BUZZING sound  when unduly stimulated
 2. The Vestibular Apparatus: It comprises
two components:

 a. The Semi-circular
 b. The Otolith Organs

  These regulate your sense of position
as in the balancing
  of your gait and stance. You 
actually collapsed to the
   floor  is because of the strong
stimulation given to the
   Vestibular Apparatus by the fresh
garlic juice causing
vertigo, a very unpleasant sense of
giddiness sometimes
associated with nausea and

For infection of the external auditory  passage,
normally , I
cleanse it first with Colloidal Silver  circa 10ppm and
then instill a
few drops of Mullein Oil into the affected ear and close
the auditory
opening with a cotten plug. Repeat the routine daily for
a few days.
I have received very good feedback from patients who are
deaf using Mullein Oil. This is my way of sharing
anecdotal experience.
 Please do not change the regime of  the attending
physician when under
 treatment. There is no substitute for that.

With regards
 Lew wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Rob Lowe
  Date: Saturday, 16 October 1999 9:11
  Subject: CS-Ear infectionRob,Our family has utilised cs
  directly via dropper into ears for effective relief of
  earaches.Childrenparticularly have shown rapid improvement.I
  was at one stage using cs drops into eyes,ears,and
  nose.during flu season my head remained ok but had a
  chest infection...about time to make the airbrush respirator
  I guess!Previous to cs useI had an ear infection...had
  heard of the effectiveness of garlic fresh squeezed asked my wife to drop some into my ear.Well
  the effect was,shall we say...dramatic?...I heard a VERY
  LOUD BUZZING sound and actually collapsed to the floor
  before rushing to the shower to flush out my ear.I can
  attest to it(garlic juice) immediate effect...infection
  definitely gonebut would admit that trying that trick
  again isn't on my agenda unless the juice is DILUTED..AT
  LEAST TO 20% with olive 1 drop garlic juice plus 4
  drops olive oil.petemc
   Hi!My wife has an ear infection. The Doctor prescribed an
  antibiotic which she is unwilling to take due to previous
  unpleasant experiences with thrush.Apart from taking an
  increased dose of oral CS, has anyone any experience in
  placing CS directlyin the ear. As a rough guess I would say
  that it would be safe and effective. If you can place it
  directly in the eyesthen its use for ears should be
  effective and safe?We use a home brewed CS which is around
  10ppm.Anyone help!Thanks, Rob

Re: CS-Ear infection

1999-10-16 Thread fhlew
You wrote:
 Are you saying that the Mullein Oil restored hearing,or
reduced infection, or both? 

  I will quote verbatim from page 212 Section D under 
Medicines from the Health Manual  Guide to Health  of the Fr.Muller Charitable
Institutions, Department-Homeopathic Poor Dispensary, Kankandy,Mangalore,South
India. This book is compiled by Rev.Fr.Augustus Muller,based on the research 
gleaned from medical records of patients treated.

**  Mullein Oil **

 In all inflammations of the ear,in abscess and suppuration in the
ear,acute and chronic,Mullein Oil is very effective. It allays the pain,removes
secretions and stops discharges. It is a specific for deafness,whether due to
inflammation,bathing or collection of wax or coming on gradually without any
apparent cause.It should be dropped into the ear twice a day or oftener,in cases
of sever pain. The ear should be protected with a pledget of cotton wool. In 
of pain around the ear and the adjacent parts of the face,Mullein Oil pure or
mixed with a little glycerine or oil,should be rubbed in several times a day.

  It is interesting to note that:

 Mullein Oil cures incontinence of urine in the young and the
aged;wetting the bed at night,constant dripping of urine,or frequent urging to
urinate. In these affections,it should be given internally,2 to 5 drops in a
spoonful of water two to four times a day. As the case improves,give less

  Its power in reducing pain and swelling is admirable. Similarly,in
inflammation and enlargement of lymphatic glands,it can be used externally with
success. Its use will prevent suppuration.

   In orchitis,[inflammation of the testicle] it should be applied
externally several times; a piece of lint dipped in a solution of 10 to 30 drops
of Mullein Oil and 1 oz water or olive oil.

   In bronchitis,pharyngitis and consumption,it should be rubbed on
the neck and chest. It promptly controls the irritating cough and hoarseness.

With regards

Charles King wrote:

 On Sat, 16 Oct 1999 23:22:47 +0700, fhlew wrote:

  I have received very good feedback from patients who are
 partially deaf using Mullein Oil.

 Are you saying that the Mullien Oil restored hearing, or reduced infection, or
 What do macrobiotic cats eat?   Brown mice!

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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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