RE: CS[List Owner] Whew!

2011-09-24 Thread starshar
Even though I am not even slightly interested in following MM's
group/site and can appreciated that the disruptiveness is now over, I
appreciate David's kind treatment of him here. And I 'get it'.
Thank you for speaking from your heart, David.
( and a thanks to Mike D for being such a gentleman about it)

  Mike Monet originally joined the group back in 2006 with complaints
 mold spores which is why he came to us. He was so desparate to find an
 answer about his mold problem to the point where he was triple washing
 clothes and burning holes in his bedsheets with strong chemicals. He
 mentioned fires in the microwave in his zealous though misguided
attempt to
 kill the spores he supected were poisening him.
 Mike is a brilliant electronics engineer. At some point his mind
fogged and
 he suspected the mold. As a result he came here and gleaned
information from
 the group. He improved his eating habits and developed scientific
methods of
 EIS production. His mind began to clear and he began to refine the
 Mike's intelligence is such that he has no social skills nearly to the
 of being a sociopath. As he got his mind back (who knows if it was
spores or
 what) he refined existing protocols for EIS production and now has hit
 something that makes logical sense to his electonics trained mind.
 his focus on things electrical and scientific was to the exclusion of
 skills and so he blasted through the group like a bull in a china shop
 considering he might be hurting peoples feelings. Indeed he would
scoff that
 a person would allow their rational mind to be overcome by a feeling.
 I write this so that you the reader might understand a little of the
 of Mike Monet and perhaps be able to forgive the crude manner in which
 communicated. Maybe even have empathy for him as he is surely a lonely
 David Bearrow

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSHow to Make Non-Glycerin Soap |

2011-05-25 Thread starshar
I was about to chime in with the same suggestion. The woman who sells
this was the first one to introduce Dr Judd to the internet world, and
she provided his book for sale. The first purchase I ever made from her
was rather ivory soap tasting (no glycerin), but she got the product
somehow more tolerable to the taste and offers different flavors.
Instead of the original little soap 'threads', it now comes as a liquid
in a dropper bottle. She also sells the form of phosphate that Judd
recommended. If you sign up for email, you'll just get notices of sales.
I want to say that her first name is Veronica, but I don't trust my
memory on that for sure.




Brooks wrote: It is very difficult to purchase non-glycerin soap from

sourcesbusiness marketers have, simply, eliminated the general
demand for such soaps.



Google tooth soap



RE: CSPrayer request...

2011-05-05 Thread starshar
Computer down all week. Adding healing prayers for rapid, uneventful
May it be so


-Original Message-
From: Scott Adams [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 3:03 PM
Subject: RE: CSPrayer request...

I will pray for him Mike! Let us know how the operation goes please! 

 -Original Message-
 From: M. G. Devour [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 8:01 AM
 Subject: CSPrayer request...
 Hello folks,
 One of the reasons I've been so quiet lately is that we're 
 dealing with my brother's health situation.
 He's undergoing a critical cardiac procedure this morning, to 
 attempt to open and place stents in at least three of the 
 grafts he received during a quadruple bypass operation 2-1/2 
 weeks ago, which evidently collapsed starting Sunday morning.
 He's only 60 years old, and a basically good, gentle person, 
 often bemused by this thing called... life. I've asked that 
 divine healers and the Christ attend him along with his 
 worldly doctors. Please send him your prayers and well-wishes.
 Thank you.
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSconsuming Thorvin kelp

2011-02-05 Thread starshar
WHEN I remember to take mine, I pour a glass of water. I put the kelp on
a tsp, I take a big sip of the water and immediately upon swallowing it,
I throw the spoonful of Thorvin in the mouth, and IMMEDIATELY wash it
down with another slug of water. Pretty painless.


However, I can't even make this method work for either brewer's yeast,
or dessicated liver!





On Brooks' advice, I have been buying granulated Thorvin kelp and
feeding it to my dogs.  The 2 young labs love it and gobble it up, the
senior Shelty mix will only eat it mixed with yogurt.  I give them each
2 heaping teaspoons a day.  I bought it from Hoeggar's Goat Supply, BTW.

For me, however, I'm having difficulty making the stuff palatable.  I
tried Brooks' method of mixing with lecithin, YECHH.  I'm able to sneak
in a half teaspoon into my morning green smoothie, any more and the
taste and texture get nasty.  I also tried mixing with applesauce, YECHH

Anyone found a good way to choke this stuff down?  I've thought about
putting it into the large 500mg gelatin capsules, but I have esophageal
spasm and large pills literally get stuck in my throat.

Alan Jones

RE: CS[List Owner] Thanks...

2010-12-24 Thread starshar
mm-mmm, the smell of baking!

A wonderful Christmas full of health and well being to you and your
family, Mike. Thanks for keeping this list glued together all these


 The tree is trimmed, the last present arrived with the smiling UPS
 and strains of Mannheim Steamroller are wafting through the house with
 the smell of baking... grin
 Thank you for being in my life this past year, and past decade in the
 case of some of you! LOL
 Above all, I wish the gift of healing and wellness to all.
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSDistilled Water....MORE Toxic than Municipal Tap Water?!

2010-12-19 Thread starshar
Ode, you have outdone yourself with this piece. I finally picked myself
up off the floor and am tempted to send it to every 'health' publication
in the world!

Made my day!


 -Original Message-
 From: Ode Coyote []
 Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 11:05 AM
 Subject: Re: CSDistilled WaterMORE Toxic than Municipal Tap
Swing wild enough and you'll hit something now and then.
 Think a bit and you can catch that line drive hiding in all those
 that you dropped.
 What is caught in left field doesn't apply to those in right field
 empty mitts, but a catch is a catch.
 One mans toxin is another mans cure.
 If I can't enjoy a coated with carcinogens  burnt animal on a bun with
 Sulfuric Acid producing Onions now and then, what's the point ?
   Fat free? I'll take a double order and thank you for the sale at
 McDoodles drive by Lube n' Scoot. [A lead belly burger a day keeps the
 other 5 meals away]
Don't drink that [Natures Distilled] rain water until it's been
 over every element there is for at least a few weeks.
 The food you eat has no minerals to replace those your body
 Old minerals are better than new ones, better not lose any.
   Your body is a complete helpless idiot with a data base and process
 control developed over thousands of centuries and you have to out
think it
 every moment ...or you'll die.
 If you do, you won't...right?
 VOCs  Second hand smoke kills even in some public park out doors,
 driving to the Air Nazi meeting, your car emits thousands of times
 VOCs than a smoker will in his entire life.
 Keep that stuff out of the water, never mind that the air is loaded
with can always stop breathing.
 One glass of tomato juice produces 50 times the methanol as a can of
 Coke...but Diet Coke is deadly.
 Belly up to the juice bar, boys.
 Got stuck with a straight 9 when I coulda had a V 3 !!
 Have a Red Beer on me. [tastes a LOT better than Diet Coke and
 added to make up the methanol difference]
My coal miner Grandad ate eggs, bacon and bacon fat fried potatoes
 grease soaked toasted white bread every day for 85 years and chain
 non filtereds from the age of 9 ...and it was the *eat only sticks and
 guy* that had a heart attack.
 Go figger.
 20 years ago Pop said that his Dads last 5 years weren't much fun
 So, my Dad does every kick that comes along and he's now 84...he might
 to be 94 or even 104, might not.
 Will his last 10 years be any more fun than his Dads last 5?
   Now Pop says, Son, don't get old, it's no fun a'tall 
 ..I'll go with what happens and be very glad to not die too old.
 I figger
 Shot by looters while chasin hooters will do just fine.
 ..and feed my body to the pigs and chickens, bacon and eggs is divine.
 Once in the morning and I don't want supper.
 ..and if I eat a Whopper and fries, I'm not hungry again for almost
2 days.
 If I'm thirsty, wet will do.
 I NEED salt.  A porcupine will eat the handle off your shovel to get
 some..they don't have Mortons in a shaker.
 The ocean has Mercury and Lead in it, so what?  Nothing else
 does?  Certainly not Sea Salt
 So you think you CAN stay away from Aluminum?
 Diet Coke doesn't need help from *Tomato Juicer Health Nazis* to taste
 Rum and real Coke, a much better source of methanol than Aspertame,
 with some useful Glucose...and some Phosphoric Acid to cut the rust
out of
 your belly button. [Naval Jelly]
 You need Phosphorus to assimilate Calcium, and fruit sugar turns into
 Glucose anyhow.
 So now I have a sweet bony rust free belly button.  Abs of stainless
 with corn syrup.
 Use only 4 nines Silver to make CS.
 Then make some Colloidal Copper as though you COULD avoid Copper.
 A pre 1965 circulation coin is 90% Silver and 10% Copperwhy NOT
 those for electrodes?
 Refiners use electrolysis to purify metals.
 It's how they make 4 nines Silver, 4 nines.
   At under around 24 volts, the Copper will stay on the coin.  If it
 doesn't?  So what?
 5 micrograms of Mercury in a Vaccine causes Autism, but taking a
 spewing diesel bus or a Mercury loaded coal fired power plant charged
 electric car  to the air conditioned doctors office with Tuna Fish
 sandwiches for lunch, doesn't.
 You catch and keep what works for you and drop what doesn't.
 Mercola just throws balls around like every other ex-spurt
   Professors, profess to know something.
 Doctors practice medicine.
 ..and over time, it all changes back to what it was and then to
 else as a everybody runs around in circles seeking home they
 stop ?
   Game over.
   I get a little dizzy, myself...start wandering away from the worry,
 though, I might actually be in charge ...of anything.
 I can't think of a single thing that does the SAME thing, to OR for

RE: CSArthritis vitamin B5

2010-12-12 Thread starshar
The one I use, bestcmo is animal based. It is the original formula made
by Harry Diehl and is highly recommended by Len Sands, an expert in the
field. It is more expensive than most because it also contains a
proprietary blend of enzymes to make it more bio-available. CMO can be
hard to digest.


If it weren't for this product, I would've already had to have my hip
replaced. With this CMO, it's been 4+1/2 yrs since I was told that
surgery was inevitable. I am walking better now than I was then. So far,
I've taken 3 bottles of this since the dx in June of '06, about 1 every
15 months.






How can I tell if it is plant or animal based?  Mine says made for The
Vitamin Shoppe.  A Proprietary Blend of Fatty Acid Esters. I have been
taking it for 30 days, with no results.  I have Osteoarthritis in both

RE: CSCODEX The first shot has been fired

2010-11-11 Thread starshar
For obvious reasons, the site they were in the process of rebuilding
is probably now frozen in time.



From: Lisa [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: CSCODEX The first shot has been fired


I am appalled that these things happen and probably more often than we
could ever imagine. The bottom line is greed.and it will be the ruin of
this country if things like this continue.


What's their website?






Mrs. Dews told me they had 3 warehouses around the country and will sell
off the products that are there, and that will be the end of the Dews
Twenty-First Century label. Jim will continue his consulting with Texas
AM for awhile.


I WISH I had enough spare $ to stock up on so many of their products! I
love, and depend on, their Vital Glands, for instance as well as many of
their digestive aids. But it's the shampoo, believe it or not, that I
will miss the most. It's the best shampoo I have ever used in my life!

Unfortunately this is not the whole story. She said they found out that
*five* other supplement companies will soon also be put out of business,
but she didn't know which ones they were!


Sadly reporting,



CSCODEX The first shot has been fired

2010-11-10 Thread starshar
I am both alarmed and furious at the story told to me this afternoon.
It's something everyone who depends on any kind of alternate health
needs to know, and to spread around. Thus, I am posting this to many
places and some of you may see this many times.


As a Certified Nutritionist I have the privilege of professional pricing
with several companies, one of which I called today for my once a year
order. Dew's Twenty-first Century products is not that well known to the
general public; I've only noticed some of their products being sold at
Dr William Wong's website, though there are sure to be some others. 

Jim Dews, a chemist, has formulated a superior line of nutritionals for
decades in Mineral Wells, TX. He became known to a lot of the 'lay
public' after the Biser brothers wrote several of their newsletters
about him, circa the late 70s-early 80s.  I 'believe, but am not
certain, that it was Jim Dews who formulated the original pancreatic
enzymes that Dr William Kelley made so well known as part of his cancer


For the first time, it was Mrs Dews who answered the phone when I
called. When she realized she was talking to a health professional. The
flood gates opened and she didn't stop for over 20 minutes. The gov't
shut them down just 2 days ago. They had just mailed out a special sale
flyer last week, to all their customers. She said it started at least a
yr ago. She talked so fast and the story bounced back and forth so I'm
not clear on all the details. They had received a notice that their
business was being shut down, with no charge and no explanation.
Lawyers were paid for and the business remained open


I think the next charge was some claim of mislabeling. They hired a
lawyer and Dews won that one. Then during the terrible winter
rain/snow/ice they were cited and fined well over 100K for their septic
field being flooded; never mind that so was eveyone else's for miles,
due to the weather conditions. They were told to shut down their
business permanently. More legal costs.


The next nuisance is just off the wall. They were again fined some
huge amount for having wet trash in their rest rooms, i,e, paper
towels from hand drying and the other things that are not flushed with a
septic system. She said they had a handyman who emptied the trash from a
total of 20 employees, 4x during each working day. She said try to find
any restaurant that can manage that level of cleanliness. 


But then came the killer notice. Jim Dews, age 75, was told that he
was being forced into retirement and must shut the doors of his
supplement business 'forever'. Yes, it's illegal and unconstitutional
(anyone remember that document in this land of the free?), but his
lawyers gave him a ballpark estimate of what the probable 2 year fight
would cost, and he just couldn't do it.  


The excuse for the forced retirement was that at his age he might make a
formulation mistake and put people in danger!


On this Monday, 2 days ago, they laid off all 20 employees and shut the
factory doors. They had just put $180,000 into updating the factory. 

Anyone in the area of Mineral Wells? Watch and see if a pharmaceutical
takes it over..


Mrs. Dews told me they had 3 warehouses around the country and will sell
off the products that are there, and that will be the end of the Dews
Twenty-First Century label. Jim will continue his consulting with Texas
AM for awhile.


I WISH I had enough spare $ to stock up on so many of their products! I
love, and depend on, their Vital Glands, for instance as well as many of
their digestive aids. But it's the shampoo, believe it or not, that I
will miss the most. It's the best shampoo I have ever used in my life!

Unfortunately this is not the whole story. She said they found out that
*five* other supplement companies will soon also be put out of business,
but she didn't know which ones they were!


I don't know if this is Codex Alimentarious sneaking in the back door,
so to speak, or Big Pharma who wants us all dependent on them, or just
plain old Big Brother. At this point I'm not sure it matters just
who it is, but what is happening is HUGE and may be noticeable at a
health store near you---so to speak.


I don't know what we the people can do about this and the similar
events that are coming. Nor, do I know what good it might do to spread
this all around. I can only hope that the more people know about this,
the more ideas for stopping the spread of these shut downs might come


Sadly reporting,



RE: CScetyl myristoleate

2010-10-21 Thread starshar
Thanks, Bob. A very good reminder of a healing modality!




From: Bob Banever [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: CScetyl myristoleate




   You might want to try some acupuncture.  It can be wonderful for



- Original Message - 

From: starshar  


Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 6:52 PM

Subject: RE: CScetyl myristoleate


Hi Day,


4+12 yrs ago I limped into an ortho's office, was thrown into an xray
machine, then told my left hip was 'shot' and you are going to need
that hip replaced.

I 'talked' to various lists, found a post from Brooks, and researched
the various brands. My favorite is from (off the top of my
head). It's a bit pricier than some, but has enyzmes built into the
formula, so no stomach upset. I even ignored advice not to drink coffee.

End of first bottle and I had no limp; was able to at least get around a


The following year, another bottle. I forget now whether I've taken 2 or
3 bottles since June of '06. In between I take Glucosamine, occasionally
some Celadrin (a bit similar to CMO, but not as potent).

I've gone through a bottle or two of collagen capsules, occasionally
some gelatin, and even a bottle of hyaluronic acid. In other words, the
kitchen sink is my protocol!


Somewhere in the past year I discovered I was able to lie on my left
side again! Not always for too long, but better than never. My hip is
not back to 'normal', I occasionally get twinges and I had a flare back
in June that almost sent me back to the ortho (I have not seen him since
6/06). Just as I was ready to break out the bottle of CMO that I have
stored in the freezer, the flareup went away,

I still do not need to take that waiting bottle yet.

My own hip is still attached---yay!


Oh, back to that first yr after the dx, I was still dealing with pain
and lameness, off and on. I had Pete Egoscue's book, Pain Free, and
there were times when I had to follow some of the 'positions' he gives
in that book to let my hips settle and realign.


CMO! I love it, swear by it!







I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis last year.  Didn't have any pain
until about 2 months ago.  I'd call it about a 4 or 5 out of 10.
Have it in both hips.  I seem to recall that someone on the list had
success with cetyl myristoleate.  anyone remember something about it?

Day Sutton

RE: CScetyl myristoleate

2010-10-20 Thread starshar
Hi Day,


4+12 yrs ago I limped into an ortho's office, was thrown into an xray
machine, then told my left hip was 'shot' and you are going to need
that hip replaced.

I 'talked' to various lists, found a post from Brooks, and researched
the various brands. My favorite is from (off the top of my
head). It's a bit pricier than some, but has enyzmes built into the
formula, so no stomach upset. I even ignored advice not to drink coffee.

End of first bottle and I had no limp; was able to at least get around a


The following year, another bottle. I forget now whether I've taken 2 or
3 bottles since June of '06. In between I take Glucosamine, occasionally
some Celadrin (a bit similar to CMO, but not as potent).

I've gone through a bottle or two of collagen capsules, occasionally
some gelatin, and even a bottle of hyaluronic acid. In other words, the
kitchen sink is my protocol!


Somewhere in the past year I discovered I was able to lie on my left
side again! Not always for too long, but better than never. My hip is
not back to 'normal', I occasionally get twinges and I had a flare back
in June that almost sent me back to the ortho (I have not seen him since
6/06). Just as I was ready to break out the bottle of CMO that I have
stored in the freezer, the flareup went away,

I still do not need to take that waiting bottle yet.

My own hip is still attached---yay!


Oh, back to that first yr after the dx, I was still dealing with pain
and lameness, off and on. I had Pete Egoscue's book, Pain Free, and
there were times when I had to follow some of the 'positions' he gives
in that book to let my hips settle and realign.


CMO! I love it, swear by it!







I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis last year.  Didn't have any pain
until about 2 months ago.  I'd call it about a 4 or 5 out of 10.
Have it in both hips.  I seem to recall that someone on the list had
success with cetyl myristoleate.  anyone remember something about it?

Day Sutton


2010-10-18 Thread starshar
Snopes is still saying false:  (I hope they're still correct!)

 REMINDER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month.
 REMINDER.  all cell phone numbers are being released to
 companies and you will start to receive sales calls.
 To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:
 It is the National DO NOT CALL list It will only take a minute of your
 time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from
the cell
 phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a
 phone number.
 HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 20 seconds.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSDeodorant

2010-10-10 Thread starshar
This reminds me--I read my last issue (ever, as I'm not
renewing) of Dr Jonathan Wright's newsletter. He talked about an email
he received from a male reader who told him about this variation on zinc
oxide as a deodorant. 
He told Wright that he rubbed it under his arms at night and he took his
shower in the morning. Said the deodorant effect lasted up to 3 days
(maybe he lives at the N Pole?)
Anyway, Wright was intrigued enough to try this himself and verified
that it was, indeed, a great deodorant.


 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 9:58 AM
 Subject: RE: CSDeodorant
 I've been using zinc oxide (Desitin) for years now as my only
deodorant. I
 can't tell any kind of excess zinc uptake symptoms from it and I
 take supplemental zinc from time to time to help heal various sprains
 Now I DO have a problems with tingling mild numbness in both left hand
 left foot but both are old problems from old injuries and drinking
 water helps both; they both come back to full feeling most of the
 The hand goes numb when I sleep, it's from a neck injury and the
 comes back with water and movement. The foot goes numb from too much
 especially in certain shoes, it's a hip injury and the feeling comes
 with rest.
 Nope, don't think zinc is causing it.
 BTW, in winter sometimes I can skip a day of underarm Desitin or maybe
 two days if it's cold enough and I don't sweat. The action lasts that
 even with daily washing so long as I don't over-scrub the underarms.
 I used to have a terrible, awful problem with underarm odor. I used to
 to trim my underarm hair every month all year round. With my first
taking of
 ionic silver back in 2000, that was fixed, and from then on it was
 regular common daily bacterial underarm odor that I had to deal with.
 that I was able to control it with Mennen Speed Stick deodorant only,
 anti-per spirant.
 And then I tried many alternatives to save money and stop filling up
 landfill with plastic. Zinc oxide in any form is cheap cheap cheap as
 deodorant. One tube lasts many months. My next trick will be to get a
 of the powder and make my own with some mild oil or petrolatum.
 Only one downer I've found- Zinc Oxide mixed with sweat on certain
 fiber shirts can actually make an odor that mimics bacterial underarm
 It's not bad, it leaves as soon as it dries, and it's on the fabric,
not the
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:silver-list-]
 On Behalf Of Ode Coyote
 Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:18 AM
 Subject: Re: CSDeodorant
   Excessive zinc absorption can cause nerve problems. [ Numbness or
 tingling] Some denture adhesives contain zinc and have been pulled for
 reason...but it takes long term exposure to absorb zinc faster than it
 be eliminated and skin doesn't absorb anything as fast as a palate.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSCS and Lymes Disease

2010-09-20 Thread starshar
Trust me--it's definitly LYME with no s. Named for the town Old
Lyme in Connecticut where it was first discovered.


Sharon, former Lymie


From: Costumes [] 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: CSCS and Lymes Disease


Ive always heard it pronounced as Lymes too ... 



You might have to spell it correctly though. ( Lyme) no s.

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 8:49 AM, j petras wrote:

The silver list ,(Google will bring it up) has archives...tons of
information from those who  

want to know about Lymes. I do not have direct knowledge of its'
treatment myself.


I hope this helps.



--- On Mon, 9/20/10, Ron Minnick wrote:

From: Ron Minnick
Subject: CSCS and Lymes Disease
Date: Monday, September 20, 2010, 11:24 AM 


Hi, my name is Doreen and I am looking for info on treating Lymes
disease with CS..thank you in advance 



RE: CSMA's brother

2010-09-08 Thread starshar
I never thought I'd see ANYone else describe the same exact symptoms I
get when I need HCL! It's the weirdest thing, and I don't even remember
how it first dawned on me that HCL was clearing up the 'want to cry'
feeling that came out of nowhere.


I then start taking it regularly with meals and after so many days, I
end up with acid symptoms elsewhere (like sciatica, for one) and have to
stop the HCL and use a bit of bicarb for a couple of days.

Before long, the whole merry-go-round starts all over again.


Thank you for putting this here, Melly, it keeps me from going over the
edge with the feeling that my body is the weirdest one ever born!







Another possibility is low in HCL.  As we age, we can be pretty low in
HCL.  The symptoms of this one, makes you think you will die soon from
heart attack, depression with no explanation - just like as if your
whole mind and body is so very sad you want to cry, can't get up in the
morning, jittery, cold, can't breathe, headaches, etc.  I underwent all
this and went to MD and he gave me antacid which made it really far
worse.  I mentioned it casually to my chiro, and he handed me Nutri-west
product called Hydra-D.  In half an hour i was renewed and fully
recovered.  He advised me not to take high doses of  HCL otherwise body
will get lazy in producing it.


Hope he fully recovers.




RE: CSA perplexing Problem....

2010-09-03 Thread starshar
I wonder if, especially with her age, the surgery was long enough, and
the anesthesia deep enough, to have caused oxygen deprivation to her

Her symptoms sound very similar to what happens to patients after
open-heart surgery, and that has definitly been linked to the oxygen

This may be too simplistic a guess, but sometime the simplest ideas are
on target.

Extreme nutrition should also be encouraged.




From: [] 
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 8:56 PM
Subject: CSA perplexing Problem


A energetic never sick extremely active woman of 68 years recently
underwent a complete hysterectomy; within two weeks of surgery she is
now depressed has no appetite and has extreme shakes   she has never
had any surgery's' before and it was her first time ever in a hospital.
Her doctors are at a loss   she keeps losing weight; her life is
slowly seeping away.

Has anyone heard of anything like this?   I believe the surgery was
prompted because of a sys or tumor on her ovaries.  

Appreciate any input.



RE: CSNeed some ideas, please

2010-09-03 Thread starshar
 I also found out this morning that he is on not one, but two
statin drugs.
From my files:
5/5/2009 Your Brain on Statins
By James LaValle, R.Ph, ND, CCN
May 5, 2009

I was recently made aware of huge news on statin drugs from the labs at
Iowa State University, where a researcher has confirmed something I have
long suspected regarding cholesterol-lowering drugs -- that they could
seriously harm brain health.

The concern comes from simply knowing that brain cells, like liver
cells, also manufacture cholesterol. Brain cells need cholesterol for a
variety of functions. For instance, cholesterol is a primary component
of the protective nerve coating called myelin. If your brain cells
didn't need cholesterol, they wouldn't make it.

In the past it was assumed that statins primarily affect the production
of cholesterol in the liver.  However, as a pharmacist I have always
thought it was naïve to think that a drug (statins) that circulates
throughout the whole body would not affect other cholesterol-producing
cells at all.  My fears have now been proven correct.

Yeon-Kyun Shin, a biophysics professor in the Department of
Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology at Iowa State, says his
research shows that statins do indeed slow the production of cholesterol
in the brain which then interferes with efficient brain function.1 His
study will soon be published in the Journal of the National Academy of

Shin found that too little cholesterol in brain cells significantly
affected a protein that is needed for the release of neurotransmitters.
Cholesterol is needed to change the shape of this critical protein, and
in his words, to stimulate thinking and memory.

I cannot overstate how important this information is, and how big a
ripple this news will cause as it is more widely reported.  At least, I
hope it will be widely reported.

If you deprive the brain of cholesterol, you directly affect the
machinery that triggers the release of neurotransmitters, said Shin.
Neurotransmitters affect the brain's data-processing and memory
functions. In other words -- how smart you are and how well you remember

As you probably already know, statins lower LDL, and while it is often
reported that they can also help raise HDL somewhat, I frequently see
people who cannot raise their HDL levels while they are on statin drugs,
especially when they are on higher dosages.  And other studies have
shown that low HDL cholesterol is linked with memory loss.2

Ever since statin drugs entered the marketplace, some users have
experienced severe memory problems from them.  Some of us have been
watching closely to see how wider usage of statins will end up affecting
the cognitive function of people using them.

Dr. Shin's research conclusively confirms our suspicion that statins can
be harmful to cognitive functioning.  Our study shows there is a direct
link between cholesterol and the neurotransmitter release, he said

The trend in medicine has been to get more and more people on statins,
but this could have dire consequences when it comes to long-term
cognitive health.   One group I am particularly concerned about is
people with diabetes.

A person with diabetes is in the high-risk category for heart disease,
therefore s(he) will be targeted for more aggressive cholesterol
lowering. This group is already at high risk for cognitive decline due
to blood sugar elevation. To add further insult to a diabetic's
cognitive function from statins could be very risky.

A study out of UCLA recently found that many people are having heart
attacks even though their cholesterol is at or below the 100 mg/dL
target.  There is no doubt in my mind that this study will be used as
fodder to encourage increased use of statins.  This will be despite the
fact that 21% of the people in the study were using statins, and still
had heart attacks.4

The bottom line is this: In addition to their CoQ10 lowering effects, we
can add this newest discovery to our growing list of concerns about
statin drugs.  Kudos to Dr. Shin for this much-needed research and
thanks to Ross Pelton, my friend and the co-author of my books on
drug-induced nutrient depletion for the information on this very
important discovery.

1. Iowa State University press release, Feb. 23 2008;
2. Singh-Manoux et al. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular
Biology. 2008;28:1556;

[James LaValle is the founding Director of the LaValle Metabolic
Institute, one of the largest integrative medicine practices in the

The Silver List is a moderated forum for 

RE: CSNeed some ideas, please

2010-09-03 Thread starshar
You are very welcome, Mary Ann. This is actually not what I was looking
for first. I'm going to check another file for info (hopefully that I
saved) on a doctor who lost his memory to the point of amnesia. He had
been put on a statin by his cardiologist. Experimentally, he stopped
taking the statin and over some period of time, his memory came back.
More passage of time and his cardiologist tested his cholesterol and
freaked on him, demanding he go back on the statin because it was so
high. Same problem, loss of memory and he quit the statin for
good--and has written a book about this experience. His story is on
the net, but I've got to come up with his name to find it!!

If found, I'll post here.


 Wow Starshar -- thank you so much -- this is something that I can
forward to
 brother and his wife -- something they can relate to immediately. 
Thank you.
 Mary Ann
 - Original Message 
  From: starshar
  From my files:
  5/5/2009 Your Brain on Statins
  By James LaValle, R.Ph, ND, CCN
  May 5, 2009
  I was recently made aware of huge news on statin drugs from the labs
  Iowa State University, where a researcher has confirmed something I
  long suspected regarding cholesterol-lowering drugs -- that they
  seriously harm brain health.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSA perplexing Problem....

2010-09-03 Thread starshar
Oh my, you sure are having a fun time these days! I don’t have anything saved 
on this. I’d suggest putting “open-heart surgery” and relevant words into 
google. Something like “oxygen deprivation” or even just ‘side effects’ should 
bring up a lot of info.


My ex husband had open heart surgery for a sextuple (he never has done anything 
in a small way!) bypass about 15 yrs ago. He’s still alive (a lot of truth 
about only the good dying young here inserting evil grin) but he went into a 
terrible depression that lasted for a long time afterwards. Though it did lift, 
he still deals with it. To be fair, he’s always had a depression problem, but 
my children tell me that it really worsened after the surgery. I’ve since found 
that this is quite common, and it is definitly linked to the oxygen deprivation 
as, I believe, the blood is shunted outside the body for a time during the 


I know I’ve run across recommendations for supplements to protect the brain for 
this procedure, but I have no idea where. This is something to be careful with 
as many supplements must be discontinued for some days/weeks before major 
surgery because of their natural blood thinning effects. Vit E, ginkgo, and 
possibly even vit c come to mind. Do your research!


Best of luck to you both!





Omigod -- what happens to patients after open-heart surgery?  My husband is 
scheduled for it on October 5th.



From: starshar

I wonder if, especially with her age, the surgery was long enough, and the 
anesthesia deep enough, to have caused oxygen deprivation to her brain.

Her symptoms sound very similar to what happens to patients after open-heart 
surgery, and that has definitly been linked to the oxygen deprivation.

This may be too simplistic a guess, but sometime the simplest ideas are on 

“Extreme” nutrition should also be encouraged.




From: [] 
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 8:56 PM
Subject: CSA perplexing Problem


A energetic never sick extremely active woman of 68 years recently underwent a 
complete hysterectomy; within two weeks of surgery she is now depressed has no 
appetite and has extreme shakes   she has never had any surgery's' before 
and it was her first time ever in a hospital.   Her doctors are at a loss   
she keeps losing weight; her life is slowly seeping away.

Has anyone heard of anything like this?   I believe the surgery was prompted 
because of a sys or tumor on her ovaries.  

Appreciate any input.



RE: CSOT hair loss

2010-08-24 Thread starshar
Hi Dianne,


For the overall remediation  of the effects of radiation, you would want
to emphasize antioxidants. For growing hair, B-complex always comes to
mind first. You should look for a very high quality product, perhaps
with a food base. There are 3 parts of the whole complex that should be
emphasized for hair  quality: PABA, Biotin, and Pantothenic acid. You
might want to buy those as an addition to the complete complex as the
various parts should not be used alone.

I wish your mother easy and comfortable healing!




From: Dianne France [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 7:04 PM
To: silver-list
Subject: CSOT hair loss


Hello Group


I need some advice for my 85 year old mother.  She had a colostomy done
4 months ago due

to diverticulitis with partial bowel removal.  We almost lost her to
pneumonia after the surgery.

She is clinically blind.  She had a cancer (6 mo ago) in her ear that
was removed and small radiation done on the spot.  The doctors didn't
tell her they did radiation until much later.  She has started losing
her hair.  This has started happening in the last two months and it is
coming out by handfuls.  I'm afraid she is not eating a proper diet,
maybe not enough protein.  She lives with my daughter and family.  She
was always very healthy until this last year.

Anyway, I need some advice as to supplements that might help her retain
her hair.  It is the one thing

she has left that she enjoys having fixed.  I don't know where to start
on this one so I am turning to

you guys.



RE: CSOT: Implants-materials/kinds/questions to ask

2010-08-24 Thread starshar


Thanks  for sharing this. Am I really reading that you use a 76 ounce
jar or is the 7 a typo and the jar size actually 16 oz?





The dentists mix used to be in the archives. I saw it when Mike said the
archives were on line again. In a 76 ounce jar I use 3 Tablespoons of
MSM + 3 Tabelspoons of Xylitol. Fill the jar with EIS, add a capfull of
H2O2 and shake well. I use a capfull of this mix and add 4 drops of DMSO
to brush my teeth.. I believe the Dentist said to saturate the EIS with
MSM. 3 Tabelspoons are pretty close to saturation.


I use this same mix for sinus cleanses except I add 1 drop of peppermint
oil and fill a 12 ounce cup with water.




RE: CSAnyone see the Today Show garbage about colloidal silver?

2010-08-09 Thread starshar
Got any hair left, Nancy? I keep tearing mine out!
But you've let me know I'm not alone in this situation; thanks for that.


 Sharon- I've been thinking about this very thing.  When I was a child,
 my parents and grandparents were a united front to keep us kids in
 check, and children were to be seen and not heard.  But when I grew up
 was still in the that younger generation status.  OTOH, my
 generation considers their parents old fogey's, and so I find myself
 the middle, like you feeling a lack of respect, but in both
 My  children also are not that accepting about using CS, even though
 they have seen the great results I have had for myself and also
 because of bad press on various internet sites.
  On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:02 PM, starshar wrote:
  Two of my dearly beloved children (anyway, they used to be!)
  caught it on ABC World News. Both are freaking out because good
  ol' Mom gave them CS to help kill a respiratory infection. These
  are, ahem, 'adults'.
  I really need something concise, with professional credibility
  for a rebuttal! And I am a Certified Nutrtition Consultant!
  I've long paraphrased a well known biblical saying, A prophet
  without honor in HER own country.
  Me'n Rodney; we get no respect!
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSAnyone see the Today Show garbage about colloidal silver?

2010-08-04 Thread starshar
Two of my dearly beloved children (anyway, they used to be!) caught it
on ABC World News. Both are freaking out because good ol' Mom gave them
CS to help kill a respiratory infection. These are, ahem, 'adults'. 


I really need something concise, with professional credibility for a
rebuttal! And I am a Certified Nutrtition Consultant! 


I've long paraphrased a well known biblical saying, A prophet is
without honor in HER own country. 


Me'n Rodney; we get no respect!





Does anyone seriously think that the lame stream network, MSNBC, has any

Who watches them anyway? I think they have a viewership of about 8

--- On Wed, 8/4/10, Deborah Gerard wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard
Subject: Re: CSAnyone see the Today Show garbage about colloidal
Date: Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 6:22 PM

send it again



From: needling around
Sent: Wed, August 4, 2010 6:13:49 PM
Subject: Re: CSAnyone see the Today Show garbage about colloidal

I wrote a comment and somehow it didn't go through!!!  Surprising?


- Original Message - 

From: Deborah Gerard 

To: cs 

Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 5:24 PM

Subject: CSAnyone see the Today Show garbage about colloidal silver?



RE: CSTick Bite

2010-07-05 Thread starshar
This former Lymie cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of a
minimum of 28 days of Doxy. All the rest should be additional. Otherwise
I can't stand antibiotics!







Thanks for all your information.  I have forwarded it to Jane.  It will
take a while to absorb.

Thanks to all others who have responded.

She was back home within 48 hrs of being bitten, and the doc here
immediately put her on Doxycycline, 100 mg twice a day for 3 days.

According to some postings, that should be continued for more days.

She is also using some colloidal silver, which she does not like to use
because it previously turned her cuticles silvery gray.

I am trying to persuade her to use my olive leaf, oregano oil
combination (which I take twice a day) - she is a bit fearful of that
because I had such strong detox symptoms when I first started using it.

The Salt/C protocol may be too strong for her.  She is very sensitive to
all meds and supplements.  However, she has not reacted to the Doxy yet.

I have a Godzilla zapper from V.  We also have the therapik, but my
understanding is, it is only useful if you get the bite right away.

She has already tried the Bentonite clay (with apple cider vinegar I
believe).   I will have her do more of that.  I had a really itchy
mosquito bite a few days ago, was driving me nuts, and an application of
bentonite clay took the itch away within minutes, and it never came
back.  That stuff really works.



- Original Message - 

From: Rowena  


Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 2:13 AM

Subject: Re: CSTick Bite


Google Salt and C protocol.
Real salt not table salt, or Himalayan, or the chemist's stuff, though I
would prefer Himalayan.
Might be a bit late to put salt, CS, etc. on the entry wound, but still
worth doing.

On 5/07/2010 10:31 AM, Del wrote: 


My wife, Jane, was bitten by a tick while visiting her mother on Shelter
Island, one of the Lyme capitals of the world. 
Anybody out there with knowledge of what should be done immediately to
deal with the possibility (probability?) of infection with Lyme? 
My understanding is that if you catch it early, it is easier to
eliminate, but doctors here in Vermont don't know much about dealing
with Lyme. 
There is actually too much information on the web, if you can believe
that, she wants an answer fast and my head is spinning with the many
Lyme articles I have already read, none of which were targeted at what
to do right away if bitten. 

We were told here that you have to wait four weeks to test to see if you
have been exposed to Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme spirochete), and then
the test (not sure what test they are talking about) costs $200, is NOT
covered by Medicare or our health insurance, and may or may not be
reliable. Anybody know about that? 


RE: CSTincture of Cayenne

2010-05-23 Thread starshar
Ack, sudden unpleasant recall. Had to watch my son play soccer on a
freezing Dec day. Temps in the low 20s. Heard about the cayenne in the
socks trick. I can't begin to tell you how interesting it was to have
body frozen all over, including feet, except the bottoms of them were
horribly burning. I had only put in a very light amount, too.

It was so bad I actually sat down on the sidelines, on the frozen
ground, took off my boots and socks and shook the socks out like mad
while begging hysterically laughing friends for ANYthing they might have
that I could wipe the bottoms of my feet with.

That was my One and Only Forever More cayenne in socks experiment.



I would think it would work the same way as people that put cayenne
powder in their socks in the winter, to keep their feet warm.  


If you wanted something like the patch, but couldn't find it,  I'd get a
small bottle of c tincture and add a little bit of DMSO to it.  That
would carry it in even faster and deeper, quickly to the blood.  Then
just rub it on a not sensitive area.  Any area works, but you'd want
something not as sensitive as say, the stomach.  So maybe the thigh?  Or
upper arm?  Many people put DMSO and liquid supplements over the stomach
area, but that might burn too much with the cayenne.





---Original Message---


I have some stomach issues so if i could use use a patch that would
great  i would be using this for circulation problems  


RE: CSwhere is everyone?/...TAITP~WBSF?

2010-04-16 Thread starshar
Hi Tony

You say your's is in the refrigerator, but it's in glass. Mine is in the
freezer, but it's in plastic.

(one of these days I'll dig it out and see how  it's holding up!)

I'm just trying to weigh the benefits and drawbacks on either side of
this storage equation.
Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only H2O2 packrat!


 Hi Shar,
 Theoretically It will probably have degrade a bit , It looses strength
 outgassing slowly. I have 1/2 a litre of the 35% in exactly the same
 place in my frig, but mine is in its glass bottle, in a strong plastic
 screwtop transport container. It gets used slowly here and I can't
 if it is weaker than it was when I bought it years ago. But the paper
 label on the bottle has disappeared; eaten by the H2O2 .
 On 15 Apr 2010 at 15:19, starshar wrote about :
 Subject : RE: CSwhere is everyone?/...TAITP
  Oh boy.
  I guess I'd better ask this question.
  I've had a pint of 35% in the freezer for at least the past 8 yrs.
  buried under and behind everything, and I think I've got it wrapped
  Any comments? (just the prinitable ones, please!)
   From: Tony Moody []
   Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 2:58 PM
   Hi Dee,
   Yes , Take it out of the cardboard tube, You could wrap it in
   plastic like bubble wrap if you feel nervous about it it bumping
   It would be good to keep it in a closed plastic container in the
   And very prominently marked.
   Umm If somebody does take a drink of it get them to drink water to
   the h202. There will be copious foam generated which must be
   release. They must drink glass after glass of water .
   Maybe take it to your pharmacy to keep for you.
   On 15 Apr 2010 at 18:06, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote about :
   Subject : Re: CSwhere is everyone?/...TAITP
Thanks for this Del--it is scary!  I have mine in the freezer
lid is tightly closed so none gets out.  It is also in a
Do you think I should take it out of there?  I can't wait to get
it actually - and just go back to 3% as I am a bit of a coward
things combustible!  dee
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
Rules and Instructions:
  Off-Topic discussions:
  List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSwhere is everyone?/...TAITP~WBSF?

2010-04-15 Thread starshar
Oh boy. 
I guess I'd better ask this question.
I've had a pint of 35% in the freezer for at least the past 8 yrs. It's
buried under and behind everything, and I think I've got it wrapped in

Any comments? (just the prinitable ones, please!)



 From: Tony Moody []
 Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 2:58 PM

 Hi Dee,
 Yes , Take it out of the cardboard tube, You could wrap it in
 plastic like bubble wrap if you feel nervous about it it bumping
 It would be good to keep it in a closed plastic container in the frig.
 And very prominently marked.
 Umm If somebody does take a drink of it get them to drink water to
 the h202. There will be copious foam generated which must be burped to
 release. They must drink glass after glass of water .
 Maybe take it to your pharmacy to keep for you.
 On 15 Apr 2010 at 18:06, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote about :
 Subject : Re: CSwhere is everyone?/...TAITP
  Thanks for this Del--it is scary!  I have mine in the freezer but
  lid is tightly closed so none gets out.  It is also in a cardboard
  Do you think I should take it out of there?  I can't wait to get rid
  it actually - and just go back to 3% as I am a bit of a coward about
  things combustible!  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSwhere is everyone?/...TAITP~WBSF?

2010-04-15 Thread starshar
T'aint for me. It's for emergencies.

The latest TAG may be the best of all!!


 A lot of good it's doing you...
 I'm developing TAGrophobia !
 On 4/15/2010 3:19:36 PM, starshar ( wrote:
  Oh boy.
  I guess I'd better ask this question.
  I've had a pint of 35% in the
  freezer for at least the past 8 yrs.
  buried under and behind everything, and I think I've got it wrapped
  Any comments? (just the prinitable ones, please!)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSChronic Ankle Pain after break (Greece)

2010-04-06 Thread starshar
Use of *systemic* enzymes between meals and at bedtime to clear up any
scar tissue or other left-over 'debris'. Serrapeptase, Wobenzyme, etc.

 -Original Message-
 From: Gayla Roberts []
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 9:21 PM
 Subject: Re: CSChronic Ankle Pain after break (Greece)
 Arnica gel. Boiron is made in France, I think.
 - Original Message -
 From: Misc. IP Group
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 9:56 AM
 Subject: RE: CSChronic Ankle Pain after break (Greece)
  Forgot to say they're in Greece! So finding acupincturists etc very
  -Original Message-
  From: needling around []
  Sent: 06 April 2010 19:42
  Subject: Re: CSChronic Ankle Pain after break
  Have broken the same ankle twice I would recommend 2 things... a
  acupuncturist and a good chiropractor.  If the chiropractor also
  acupuncture I would make sure they were a graduate of an accredited
  acupuncture school and were licensed in acupuncture as well.  I
would not
  accept a chiropractor who as done a few hundred hours of training
  nothing about Oriental Medicine diagnosing.
  Best of luck.
  PS:  nor would I accept an MD who hasn't gone through an accredited
  acupuncture school.
  - Original Message -
  From: Misc. IP Group
  Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 12:26 PM
  Subject: CSChronic Ankle Pain after break
  Very vague symptom descriptions as the problem was passed by word
  form a friend to a friend to me!! They've heard about the wonders
of CS!
  Anyway, basically the person broke their ankle about 8 years ago,
  there has always been a pain in her ankle and if she tries to flex
  a lot, she can't due to the pain. She's early to mid 40's.
  Any suggestions?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSDaily Silver for Rosacea

2010-04-06 Thread starshar
Hi Day

I'll let the others talk about best way to take your CS (I take mine
whenever I remember!). I did a small amount of research on rosacea a few
yrs go because DH tends to get it.

Your mention of arginine waved a red flag since it is a known
vasodilator and rosacea is known to have overly dilated veins as part of
it's condition.


And Dr Jonathan Wright has said many times that rosacea is related to a
lack of sufficient hydrochloric acid in the stomach. (why, I don't

I've also read elsewhere that some practitioners suggest the possibility
of some kind of mite as a cause. That makes me think of using a topical
application of CSfrequently!


Good luck!



From: Day Sutton [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 6:11 PM
To: Silver Post
Subject: CSDaily Silver for Rosacea


I make my CS/EIS with a silver-puppy, a gallon at a time.  How is the
best way to take about 16 oz per day for my Rosacea?  Would prefer to
take it all at once.  Best on an empty stomach?  I take L-Argenine after
breakfast with Acai Juice.  I take a tsp of MSM, a tsp of VitC, a tsp of
L-Lysine, and half tsp of Proline, half tsp of Magnesium all dissolved
in water after dinner. (along with my vitamins)

Day Sutton

CSRE OT, email problems

2010-03-17 Thread starshar
Thanks Carol. If I could figure out how to deal with the spam factor I would
do that. I've had a yahoo address for yrs and have never used it!

My Gmail addy is unusable until I can talk to a human being at google (when
pigs fly?). So far, comcast has delivered 2 days in a row-yay!



From: carolG [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS[List Owner] Some topic trimming, please?


Sharon, Why not to yahoo for your email account. I have Comcast services,
but never would I use them for email.  It's free too.





From: starshar
Sent: Tue, March 16, 2010 9:02:24 PM
Subject: RE: CS[List Owner] Some topic trimming, please?

Hi Everybody

After 3+ yrs of Comcast blocking my favorite list, it's letting me receive
it again! (It better last, too)

RE: CS[List Owner] Some topic trimming, please?

2010-03-16 Thread starshar
Hi Everybody

After 3+ yrs of Comcast blocking my favorite list, it's letting me receive
it again! (It better last, too)

I just had to jump in quickly as I'm roaring with laughter, seeing Mike's
(always) tactful post. It's as though I've been here all along! Made me feel
right at home again. 


Hi folks,

I've been skating along a day or two behind the discussion the last few 
days, or I might have posted this yesterday. grin

Could we end the threads which mention 'fart' in the subject, please? 

Also, may I remind everyone that religious topics are prohibited, with 
the exception of the occasional passing reference? Ken's post 
mentioning some ideas about Islam (among other things) is WAY into that 

If you review the list rules (at you'll know that I 
accept health-related questions and answers on subjects that are not 
related to CS, so long as they're handled more briefly -- so as to 
satisfy basic curiosity and direct people to other resources for 
further research. Meanwhile, most CS topics can, of course, be 
discussed until exhausted.

In practice, you know that I let things run pretty loosely most of the 
time, and I depend on each of you to discipline yourselves to keep the 
list functional and the discussion worthwhile.

Anyone with questions about CS, please ask. There is a lot of knowledge 
and practical experience amongst our members.  Letting us know what 
you're interested in right now is the quickest way to nudge the 
discussion into a fruitful direction for your needs.

Be well!

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS[List Owner] Standards of proof...

2008-10-19 Thread Starshar
 Anyway, thanks for pointing out my misstatements. I will be more
 careful about that in the future. Not sure if you read the whole
 discussion though, as there was a lot of email I never got the last
 couple of days and I have no way of knowing if all the email I sent got
 through. I think it was Comcast's fault, but am not sure...

I KNEW it-*^%*@ /Comcast WAS acting up again! 
I went about 36 hours with no email from this list, and probably other sources 
as well, judging by far lower email volume.

Yes, Indi, I think you are pointing the finger in exactly the right direction.
I'm glad to see this confirmation of my suspicions!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSIron overload ---for Sol

2008-10-14 Thread Starshar
My attention has been mostly elsewhere, with a family need, but I did pick up 
enough from skimming here the past few days to notice Sol talking about an 
excess iron problem.

I was just filing something away when I noticed this note I had in the file and 
thought maybe it would be useful for Sol. If this has already been mentioned 
here, please just hit 'delete'.

Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6): A search on Medline yielded numerous publications 
that indicated that IP6 held considerable promise for treating some forms of 
cancer. How does it function biochemically? It has been found in the blood of 
birds where its function is to facilitate the release of oxygen from 
hemoglobin. Therefore, the treatment with IP6 would logically work to 
compensate for the lack of carbon dioxide in the cancer cells and promote the 
availability of oxygen from hemoglobin. (There is some evidence that it may 
also act as an oxygen transporter independent of hemoglobin.) It is most 
interesting to note that its effect on cancer is not to kill the cells, but 
rather to cause them to revert back to normal cells, as this theory would 
predict. (David Gregg at Krysalis Sparx)


(The other option for folks who can't or won't utilize blood withdrawal is 
using IP6, which is basically purified phytate. Phytates are found in numerous 
plant foods, and can dramatically lower the rate of iron absorption. However, 
they can also interfere with the absorption of other minerals, so if you are 
going to use IP6, it's a good idea to supplement with non-iron minerals, 
especially magnesium, zinc and calcium. This way, you will preferentially lower 
iron without causing deleterious changes in your overall mineral status.By the 
way, don't try lowering your iron using phytates from foods such as soy or 
whole grain cereals. Do this, and you'll not only be getting phytates, but a 
whole host of other undesirable anti-nutrients such as lectins, enzyme 
inhibitors, and glycosides that can interfere with vitamin B6 and vitamin D 
absorption. In rodent studies, IP6 supplements protect against cancer, but no 
such protection is seen when the little critters are given an equivalent amount 
of phytate from cereal grains.In highly active folks, I think IP6 is actually 
the preferable option. In a typical blood withdrawal, you are giving almost 
half a liter of blood, which is quite a bit to lose in one hit. If you are in 
heavy training and lose that much blood, it can really knock you around, which 
is why blood collection agencies usually advise you to avoid heavy exercise for 
several days before and after blood withdrawals. However, competitive athletes 
and serious exercisers may not have the luxury of taking such a break from 
their training, especially on a regular basis. IP6 allows them to lower their 
iron levels in a less abrupt and more gradual manner than blood withdrawal.IP6 
is something you should take in a cyclic fashion. How much you take and how 
long you stay on it must be determined by regular blood testing. When I'm using 
IP6, I take a level teaspoon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. 
Anthony Colpo)

CSCS: Cancer cure to Debbie

2008-10-12 Thread Starshar
 Good book to read is Alkalize or Die Sorry, can't remember the Authors'  
 Best,   Harold

A brain cell woke up on this one. Dr Baroodyfirst name might be, 
probably is, Theodore.


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Re: CSArmour - Sol

2008-10-02 Thread Starshar
I'm a long time Armour taker and something is definitly going wrong with 
Forrest Pharmaceutical. For now, all the strengths up to 90 mg seem to be 
readily available. Higher than that and it just isn't coming through channels.

I had to ask for 60mg, double rx, so that I could get my daily 120mg dose. 
Drugstore readily did that for me. This drugstore, actually part of a 
supermarket chain, shows on their computer that the higher strengths will be in 
after 10/31.

However, the list owner of the iodine list who is in touch with health 
professionals who prescribe a lot of Armour was told that it would be Dec 
before the supply gets freed up.

I have not, however, heard any explanation of what this problem is--and 
it's worrisome!

If I could not ever get Armour again, my plan is to try 6 tabs a day of 
Standard Process' Thyrotrophin. I had read a claim, a long time ago, that 3 
tabs would deliver the equivalent of 60 mgs of Armour. I have no way of 
verifying this.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 1:46 PM
  Subject: CSArmour - Sol


  The following is what I got back from my daughter about the thyroid.  Had 
hoped for more information but the web site is there.  She said Walgreens and 
Walmart both told her they were having problems getting Armour and they were 
probably discontinuing production.  If someone knows where else is carrying it 
she would like to know.

  Subject: Julie
  Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 13:25:28 -0400

  Mom, I'm on ARMOUR now, 60 mg's.
  Ultra Raw Thyyroid is what I want to start taking,  web sight is 


Re: CSIodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems ) Bromide, cocoa

2008-09-07 Thread Starshar
That does it-I'm leaving the planet on the next ship out.

Messing with veggies is bad enough, but anything chocolate?-It's time for 

Just my quiet and humble opinion G

  One thing I was sad to find was that cocoa is likely to be sprayed with 
bromide against mold or whatever in export or shipping.  Organic is probably 
OK, at least one hopes it is not all sprayed automatically at ports or 
whatever.  Cocoa is what makes my coconut oil cookies work. 

Re: CSIodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-06 Thread Starshar
Hi Sol

I have a longish file on bromine, but I'll just put a couple of excerpts here:

Bromide is an insidious, additive used in many common products, and as a 
pesticide.  Because of the sheer amount of bromide-supplemented products, 
exposure to this man-made additive has caused a depletion of iodine in human 
populations.  Studies in lab animals provide alarming evidence that even small 
amounts of bromide exposure can be toxic. (1)

What products contain bromide?

Currently, bromide is found in pesticides (methyl bromide),  some bread 
products (potassium bromate), brominated vegetable oil that may be added to 
citrus-flavored drinks, hot tub cleansers, certain asthma inhalers and 
prescription drugs, plastic products, some personal care products, some fabric 
dyes, and as a fire retardant in mattresses, carpeting, etc.  (See expanded 
Products' Discussion Below.)

Back in 1999, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the FDA 
to prohibit the use of potassium bromate, charging that the FDA has known for 
years that bromate causes cancer in lab animals, but has failed to ban it. (24) 
 As of September 2007, the US FDA responded to Breast Cancer Choices inquir 
with the statement,  Potassium Bromate is still listed as a safe additive.

WATER When drinking water containing bromide is exposed to ozone, bromate ion, 
a powerful oxidizing agent, is formed.  Two significant recalls of drinking 
water involving bromate have occurred:  Wegmann's Food You Feel Good About 
Spring Water Recall in 2006, and Coca-Cola's Dasani in 2004. (25)

TOOTHPASTE, MOUTHWASH AND GARGLES Potassium bromate is an antiseptic and 
astringent in toothpaste, mouth and gargles.  Very toxic if taken internally.  
May cause bleeding and inflammation of gums in toothpaste.  (26)

BROMIDE IN FLAME RETARDANTS Flame retardants reduce the flammability of a wide 
variety of commercial and household products.  Some brominated home retardants 
migrate from the products in which they are used and are entering the 
environment and people.  (27)

PERSONAL PRODUCTS AND SOME COSMETICS Sodium bromate in Products: Permanent 
Waves, Hair Dyes, Textile Dyes Sodium bromate is in permanent wave 
neutralizers, hair dye material, and the textile dyeing process. (28) 
Benzalkonium is used as a preservative in some cosmetics. (29)

Chloride should not be a problem, but chlorine sure is.

The website:

is loaded with info on all the halogens that displace iodine, and why this is a 
problem (obviously no help to those with an iodine allergy, though)

Sharon M

 I have been unable to find any serious studies proving the bromine 
 idea.  Plus for me personally, I don't use very much processed food, at 
 least ones that contain bromine. Of course, it could be hidden, as is 
 iodine. Maybe chloride is also a problem?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCMO/Glucosamine with MSM

2008-09-02 Thread Starshar
For my arthritic hip, so bad that supposedly I'll need it replaced, CMO has 
been miraculous. I took one 'course' of it about 18 months ago. Then around 
June of this yr, the hip started acting up again, so I got another bottle. Like 
Rowena, I was very casual about taking the 2nd bottle, usually 3 caps late in 
the evening. 
Halfway through the bottle, I forgot I had a hip!

I'm dealing with a nasty case of fibromyalgia, and the CMO has done nothing for 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rowena 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 12:21 PM
  Subject: Re: CSCMO/Glucosamine with MSM

  Via another lady in Australia, I obtained a supply of EHP Myristin and 
Myrist-Aid, and also the cream.

  I heard from her recently that she is better, though on the way through the 
protocol she ended up on crutches.
  She took the capsules faithfully three times a day as prescribed. She also 
took Milk Thistle as recommended.

  I am much improved, and probably about half way through the course.
  45 minutes before meals rarely happens for me.
  I have to be content with taking them when I remember, whenever that happens 
to be, and as often as I remember. Ditto the cream.  I will put some of that on 
when I remember where I put it after coming home from holiday.  I finished off 
what Milk Thistle I had in the house, and after a gap of 3 weeks or so got 
another supply.  If I remember, I take those twice a day.

  I do have arthritis, but my main reason for taking them is that I heard that 
fibromyalgia improves also.


  Yes, I used CMO, and MSM and glucosamine, along with ibuprofen and the hot 
pad and magnets on the knees for pain, and it all worked. I`m now pretty much 
pain free. Marshalee

  Do any of you have personal experience and documented the usage of CMO 
and Glucosamine to recover from arthritis? 

  I would like to know if anyone has kept a daily log with dosages and time 
line and the results that were obtained.

  Ernie Patai 

Re: CS[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Starshar
Hi gang,

I've been on this list forever, except for the long period of time when 
Comcast blocked it (stifling rant on that topic).

I love this list! I think we have the best moderator on the 'net-kudos to 
you, Mike!

I love getting all the varied bits of info that you nice people throw out for 
all the rest of us.

And, yes, I do get a little crazed now and then when the off topic gets 
overwhelming. When my keyboard needs to be replaced, it will be because of the 
death of the delete key first.

I have been on other lists where the moderation got so tight that the list 
eventually just died out. I hate to see that happen!

Mike seems to step in when the heat gets quite high, and he manages to be so 
tactful that almost anyone can hang in there peacefully.

If this were a referendum, I'd vote to keep the list as is-just reminding 
others about that wonderful little key called delete!

Just my 1+1/2 cents worth,


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Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

2008-07-17 Thread Starshar
Brilliant Sharon blushing modestly  G

You're welcome, Dee

This is brilliant Sharon!  Thanks for that.  Dee 

---Original Message---

From: Starshar
Date: 17/07/2008 04:40:06
Subject: Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

Does anyone know of anything that works for Restless Leg Syndrome?


Had this in my files.

Sleep [2005] 28 (9) : 1069-1075
(Earley CJ, Connor JR, Beard JL, Clardy SL, Allen RP.)

Ferritin levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and restless legs syndrome: 
effects of different clinical phenotypes.

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine whether patients with restless legs 
syndrome (RLS) and controls differ in regard to levels of ferritin and 
transferrin in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) when samples are collected at 
night, to determine whether patients with early-onset and late-onset RLS show a 
different outcome for CSF values, and to determine whether the CSF ferritin 
level correlates with disease severity.

Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

2008-07-16 Thread Starshar
Does anyone know of anything that works for Restless Leg Syndrome?


Had this in my files.  

Sleep [2005] 28 (9) : 1069-1075
(Earley CJ, Connor JR, Beard JL, Clardy SL, Allen RP.)

Ferritin levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and restless legs syndrome: effects 
of different clinical phenotypes.

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine whether patients with restless legs syndrome 
(RLS) and controls differ in regard to levels of ferritin and transferrin in 
the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) when samples are collected at night, to determine 
whether patients with early-onset and late-onset RLS show a different outcome 
for CSF values, and to determine whether the CSF ferritin level correlates with 
disease severity.

DESIGN: Collection of CSF and plasma; assessment of disease severity using 
objective (periodic limb movements) and subjective (Johns Hopkins Restless Legs 
Severity Scale) measures of severity.

SETTING: General Clinical Research Center.

PARTICIPANTS: Thirty subjects with idiopathic RLS (15 early- and 15 late-onset 
RLS) and 22 age- and sex-matched controls.


RESULTS: Nighttime CSF ferritin levels were lower in the total RLS group 
compared with controls. Further assessment found that the early-onset (less 
than 45 years of age) but not the late-onset (greater than or equal to 45 years 
of age) RLS group had significantly lower CSF ferritin levels compared with 
controls. There was a strong correlation between the age of symptom onset and 
CSF ferritin values (r = 0.64): the earlier the age, the lower the ferritin 
level. A regression analysis showed that both sex and RLS subtype had 
significant effects on the CSF ferritin level, with women with early-onset RLS 
having substantial lower values than men with late-onset RLS. A comparison 
between these nighttime CSF values and previously published daytime samples 
suggests that diurnal changes may have effects on the findings.

CONCLUSIONS: This study is distinct in showing that the degree of the 
CSF-ferritin effect is best defined by the clinical phenotypes of sex and age 
of symptom onset and by the time of day that samples are collected.

 Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:56 pmPost subject: Ferritin levels are 
decreased in RLS

The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine [2006] 147 (2) : 67-73
(Clardy SL, Earley CJ, Allen RP, Beard JL, Connor JR.)

Ferritin subunits in CSF are decreased in restless legs syndrome.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder that may be related to 
iron misregulation at the level of the central nervous system. Evidence that 
iron is involved in RLS comes from magnetic resonance imaging data, autopsy 
studies, analyses of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and correlations of symptoms 
with serum ferritin.

Methods : To further examine the possibility that brain iron status is 
insufficient in RLS, we determined ferritin levels in the CSF. Specifically, we 
differentiated between the H- and L-subunits of ferritin, because these 
peptides are expressed from different chromosomes and have different functions. 
We measured H- and L-ferritin subunit levels in control and RLS human CSF using 
immunoblot analysis and found that both H- and L-ferritin are significantly 
decreased in early but not late-onset RLS. Additionally, we quantified total 
protein in each CSF sample to establish that the decrease in ferritin subunits 
in RLS did not reflect a decrease in total protein in CSF. Furthermore, we used 
equal amounts of total CSF protein in the immunoblot analyses, in contrast to 
previously published studies that provided only volumetric data, to determine 
which approach was more accurate for quantifying the amount of ferritin 
relative to other proteins in CSF.

Results : Our results establish a protein standard in RLS, provide a 
comparative analysis of protein-controlled versus volumetric immunoblot 
techniques, and argue for a profound loss of iron storage capacity in the brain 
in RLS, specifically in the early onset RLS phenotype.

Conclusions : These data suggest that CSF ferritin levels may provide a 
biomarker for assisting in the diagnosis of RLS.

Neurology [2005] 64: 1920-1924
(Högl B et al)

Study supports iron deficiency theory in restless legs syndrome
Austrian and Italian researchers find a high prevalence and under-recognition 
of restless legs syndrome in the general community.

In white adults in Europe and the USA, very similar prevalence rates of 
restless legs syndrome (RLS) of about 10 per cent have been reported. The 
distribution of disease severity in the general population has not been 
investigated systematically. Although the negative impact of RLS on quality of 
life is beyond doubt, very few patients receive drug treatment. Decreased iron 

Re: CSHigh Tech Repellant System

2008-07-04 Thread Starshar
From: M. G. Devour

 They picked up the chlorine tabs, and the mothballs, and literally threw
 them back out the holes!
 Which turns this into an engineering problem... How 'bout putting those 
 kinds of things in a sturdy metal container with holes in it and 
 anchoring it under there on a chain or a pole? If they can't get at it 
 to move it, they might decide not to live with it.
 Of course, if you *do* get them to move, you might want to take a look 
 around first and think about where they might decide to move *TO!*

Exactly! There are too many temptations available already.

I do like your engineering solution though; very creative.

grateful that the problem is not snakes, scorpions, etc

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Re: CSHigh Tech Repellant System

2008-07-03 Thread Starshar
Mothballs are a good secret weapon.

Couple of years ago a woodchuck was giving me grief.
Didn't want to kill him, just wanted him to move on.

I was real surprised that a few mothballs thrown in his burrow made
him disappear overnight.

When one engine fails on a twin-engine airplane you always have enough
power left to get you to the scene of the crash.

Oh, how I wish! I've thrown mothballs, chlorine tabs, smoke bombs, and, believe 
it or not, dried coyote urine under the shed where those fat varmints thrive!

They picked up the chlorine tabs, and the mothballs, and literally threw them 
back out the holes!

Back up to the house, watching from the deck, I swear those *%*^ groundhogs 
came out from under the shed (they've hollowed it out under there) and waved at 

DH got a Hav-a-Heart trap and finally got the whole family. He happily took the 
last one to a vast wooded wild land a few miles away.

The next morning, they either returned, or an interloper took up residence and 
proceded to reproduce.

My neighbors had their own problems with the critters housekeeping under their 
slightly raised deck. She called me a few yrs ago with apologies because her 
husband was parking the truck next to the deck and playind several hours of 
heavy metal music at top volume (I silently shook my head).
I think they were doing the woodchuck dance.

We've given up; just reluctantly coexisting


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Re: CSBlood vessel health

2008-06-23 Thread Starshar
A very big help would also be Rutin, which comes from buckwheat. It is in the 
bioflavinoid family and will really tone up blood vessels.
And consider anything that is recommended for varicose veins---same idea. 
Horsechestnut products are sold for this.
The mineral, silica, is also excellent for blood vessels.

Sharon M

 Can anyone tell me the best protocol for strengthening weak blood vessels 
 please.  My husband suffers from bleeds into the eye a lot and I am worried 
 because there is a weakness in his family for this (two died of it) he 
 started 1200mgs of vit C the other day, and almost immediately, had a bleed 
 in the eye, so I am assuming this would not be the thing for him.  He also 
 had 'a turn' a couple of years ago when supplementing with a fairly high dose 
 of Omega 3 so again I assume that this would not be the way to go either.  
 Any help appreciated.  Dee  

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Re: CSdrinking water

2008-06-23 Thread Starshar
Well water is also said to be naturally structured.

Sharon M

 I originally prepared this post for another group but thought that some 
 people here might also be interested.
 I'll start with what I do and then say a few things regarding the rationale 
 behind it.
 I take a disposable plastic bag, pour some tap water into it, put this into 
 the fridge, keep it there until about 60-70 percent of the water freezes, 
 remove the bag, drain and discard the remaining water, break the ice, put it 
 in a glass jar, and drink the thawed water.
 The two main reasons for doing it are: the water gets structured and a lot 
 of contamination that was present in the water is removed.
 Concerning the structuring bit, it does not refer to some esoteric process. 
 It has been very well explained scientifically by now. I did not 
 specifically try to research this subject. I first red about it in an old 
 popular scientific book published in the Soviet Union. It boils down to ice 
 water being very similar in structure to the water inside the body. The 
 author said that .as it was found out, plasma membranes of most body cells 
 as well as gigantic live molecules attract water molecules that are much 
 smaller and arrange them in a very specific order, creating an ice-like 
 matrix. The ice cover gets thicker with increasing molecular size. Cell 
 protoplasm and interstitial fluid are filled with countless icebergs. The 
 organism freezes a fairly large amount of its water!
 Today drinking this water is strongly promoted by many Russian alternative 
 medicine authors. They speculate that it may the reason why in the areas 
 with melting ice microorganisms multiply profusely or birds come to the 
 north from Africa to breed, etc.
 As for purification, it is the same process by which ice formed in the sea 
 is salt free. When water freezes it drives out foreign molecules. This is 
 why you only freeze about 60-70 percent of the water and let the impurities 
 accumulate in the unfrozen portion to be thrown out later.
 One recommendation that I currently forgo concerns heavy or deuterium water. 
 It is naturally present in all water and it is also dead water. As it 
 freezes at +3.8 degrees Celsius, the advice is to wait until a thin crust is 
 formed on the walls of your container in the fridge put the water from it 
 into another container to be used as described above and get rid of the 
 deuterium water ice. For now I skip this step.
 Concerning the taste, I might say that it tastes very good, this however 
 would be somewhat misleading as there is actually very little taste to it. A 
 better way to put it would be to say that it feels very nice and refreshing, 
 especially if drunk when still cold.
 By the way, I am not to be regarded as an expert on the subject. I just 
 tried it, liked it, and drink it.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFiguring Out the True Cause of Fibromyalgia

2008-06-18 Thread Starshar
And I have just started back on another course of this same brand. I had 2 
bottles, 1/2 full from about 18 months ago. I am determined to stay attached to 
this doggone misbehaving hip!
And I've got FM and did not realize that CMO could also be helpful for that!


  I have just started a course of CMO, which Daddybob has waxed lyrical about 
in the past.
  I was just sent this link which is encouraging 
to read.  As well as the arthritis I am taking it for, I see:

  Some practitioners have theorized that, in the case of arthritis for example, 
CMO merely acts upon pain receptors at the arthritic site. If that were so, 
CMO's effects would not be permanent. Furthermore, that theory cannot explain:

a.. how CMO lowers blood sedimentation rates in lupus patients 
b.. or how it reverses lung inflammation in emphysema, 
c.. or how it lowers the need for insulin in diabetics, 
d.. or how it reverses prostate inflammation, 
e.. or how it relieves certain symptoms of multiple sclerosis, 
f.. or how it corrects Crohn's disease, 
g.. or how it reverses fibromyalgia, 
h.. or how it reverses lung damage in sarcoidosis patients, 
i.. or how it lowers high blood pressure yet elevates low blood pressure, 
j.. or how it benefits virtually any ailment with autoimmune components. 
  Obviously, CMO is a general remedial immunomodulator that acts upon the 
memory T-cells which control the autoimmune processes within our bodies. Those 
who speculate otherwise have misunderstood the biophysiological actions of CMO 
within the body.

  Now that fibromyalgia reference interests me very much indeed!


Re: CSBrooks Post Collection

2008-06-13 Thread Starshar
This is greatly appreciated, Wayne.
During the long period of time that Comcast would not send me this list, I 
missed an awful lot of good info.

I am really glad to get all of Brook's posts.

Big thanks,


 I have added this file to the collection at CS_Notes.
 Of see them all at
 You can sort folders or files by clicking on the headers,
 We may have more later.
 I think I have most of the ones the Brooks stated was lost.
 ( this was due to his bad fire I think )
 Time for everyone to back up the Off Site Backup I suppose.
 I do not have 1996 until 1999 or 2000.
 Or... whenever I joined the silver list.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBrooks Post Collection

2008-06-13 Thread Starshar
Ok, I'll attempt to practice patience



 Evening Sharon,
 At 10:53 PM 6/13/2008, you wrote:
I am really glad to get all of Brook's posts.
 Who said you had all of them.  grin
 Likely barely 10 %,  maybe 20.
 I am working on processing many more.

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Re: CSWas:How to use site Now: Lyme for Mary Ellen

2008-06-12 Thread Starshar
Hi Mary Ellen,

Welcome! Please don't limit yourself to this one group, where the focus is on 
using 'colloidal'/EIS silver. The 'net is so full of Lyme info/treatments that 
you could spend a month researching before coming up for air.
You might want to get on one or more lists at yahoogroups that focus strictly 
on Lyme. If you go to and put Lyme in the search engine I think 
you'll find at least a 1/2 doz lists.

Here is one site where the treatment is highly recommended by many with long 
term Lyme:

Here is a comprehensive site with links for further info (including the 
'famous' salt/C protocol):


And that's just a small sample of the 100s of links about Lyme

May you find wellness!

Sharon (Lyme disease in '01. Used GALLONS of CS, etc)

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 7:04 PM
  Subject: CSWas:How to use site Now: Lyme for Mary Ellen

  Hi Mary Ellen.  First of all, welcome to the silver list.  I hope that you 
find the help that you need here, and in turn can help others in the future.  
Second, I am very sorry that you're sick with Lyme -- it's a terrible disease.  
I personally am in the middle of a round of antibiotics to ward off an 
infection, after being bitten by a Lyme tick six weeks ago.  It's my 
understanding that once the Lyme infection is established in your system, you 
will need intravenous antibiotics to defeat this disease.  Medical doctors 
would have to treat you with that -- have your doctors made that 
recommendation?  Also, I wonder if you couldn't find someone to give you 
intravenous Colloidal Silver?  You'd need an alternative doctor, that's for 
sure.  Anyway, there are people here who have had success with electrical 
treatment, and I'm sure they'll speak up.  Just wanted to let you know you're 
among friends.
  Mary Ann

-- Original message from Mary Ellen Murphy -- 

 I have posed a question. This is the third time. Most forums have 
 different way to stay on top of questions. But here goes again. I have 
 Lyme. I wss referred to this site from Wolf Creek who supplies 
 earth, and the terminator zappper, and colloidal silver. Someone there 
 been on this forum and has said that she has worked with people that have 
 Lyme and use these products. Anyone had success. I a pretty sick and 
 for the impatience. I am desperate. The Lyme is ruining my life and need 
 good protocol to and wondering if anyone has used these products with 
 with success. 
 Mary Ellen 
 -Original Message- 
 From:! ohana9 [] 
 Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 2:06 PM 
 Subject: Re: CSHow to use site 
 The site you are in touch with - - the archives 
 are down so all you have 
 to do is to pose a question on what you would like information on and 
 there are many of us 
 here ready to assist - 
 Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set 
 Find solutions for your business. Click here and get it done now! 
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSAg4O4

2008-06-11 Thread Starshar
Just saw on another list that Duncan just got married in the last week or so.

Looks like he's easing himself back on the 'net


From: bob Larson 

good idea, Dee.  if he doesn't chime in here in a bit i'll send him a note.
-Original Message-
From: Dee []
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:08 AM
Subject: RE: CSAg4O4

Duncan Crow is *definitely* the person to help you with this Bob, as he is very 
knowledgeable on the whey/glutathione protocol.  Is he still on this list; 
because I don't seem to see many posts from him' but he does have a website.  I 
know he is on the candida list though.  Dee 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSfood prep with cs

2008-06-01 Thread Starshar
All my produce gets washed,dried, then sprayed with CS before refrigerating. 
Lasts 2-3 times longer with the CS spray than without.
*when* I remember I also top off an open bottle of milk/cream with CS and it 
lasts a lot longer also.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Judy K 
  To: ; 
  Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2008 6:46 AM
  Subject: RE: CSfood prep with cs

  Yes -- especially for fresh cider. I add a tablespoon to a bottle.
  Being a recovering alcoholic, I don't want it to turn.
  Also, I have water for emergencies, and add 1/4 cup per gallon.
  Seems to be enough.
  Judy Down Maine

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 11:12 PM
  Subject: CSfood prep with cs

  Does anyone use cs in food preparation to inhibit spoilage? If so, how do you 
do it? 

Re: CSsafe deposit boxes- a true story

2008-03-02 Thread Starshar
I just came across this line while reading a financial article:

Federal agents should be empowered to supervise the opening of each deposit 
box and summon for penalty all those who cannot satisfactorily explain the 
possession of sequestered money. - New York Times, March 9, 1933 (page 2)


  - Original Message - 
  From: T. J. Garland 
  Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 11:55 AM
  Subject: Re: CSsafe deposit boxes- a true story

  I did this personally this last Tuesday.  No urban legend.

   I can assure you that they think as I do.  I am certainly on the list for a 
HS  conc. camp cell.  See the quote below.

  Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act-- Albert Einstein
- Original Message - 
From: Rowena 
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: CSsafe deposit boxes- a true story

TJ, are you saying this happened to you? And recently?  Cos this story has 
been around for two years already, and was classed as urban legend even then 
(well, it would be, wouldn't it, even if it were true?)
But oh, dear, TJ, you seem to have published the email addresses of your 
friends as well as the story.  They might not thank you for that.

   I use a small locally owned bank and know all the tellers very well. I 
had heard a rumor that ALL banks were briefed by Homeland Security about a new 
procedure last fall.   I casually asked a female teller when she had her 
homeland security briefing-- Nov. or Dec?  She asked  how I knew about the 
secret briefing..  I said I was a stockholder and tried to keep up on the 
bank's progress.

Re: CSchemtrails

2008-02-13 Thread Starshar
From: Jonathan B. Britten
 If memory serves me I've even seen contrails and chemtrails on the same  
 day, though I don't keep records of the sightings and wouldn't swear to  
 this.  I'm positive that I've witnessed the high-altitude chemtrail  
 flights concurrent with trail-less inbound and outbound commercial  
 aircraft.   There are many videos of the activity that correspond with  
 my own observations.

I'll swear to it! It's a frequent occurrence here in SE PA

Sharon (starshar)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSbest tick repellent

2008-01-30 Thread Starshar
I've got a herd of a dozen or so deer romping around here daily. I got Lyme in 
'01 partly because of my bad habit of walking around my patch of woods 
barelegged and barefooted.
Unwilling to change my Daisy Mae attire, I made my own tick repellants.

In a spray bottle half filled with water I put in a 'bunch' of drops of 
peppermint oil. Just to confuse the ticks, and amuse myself, I keep 2 other 
bottles, one with tea tree oil in the water, and the other with palmarosa. The 
last is because I actually read somewhere that palmarosa repels ticks. I use 
any one of these at a time.

I keep these bottles near the door out of the garage which is where I exit to 
walk the dog around. That way, I figure, I have a better chance of remembering 
to spritz this stuff all over right before I go into tick heaven out there.

So far, no tick bites, though I did find 3 on me last year but they weren't 
'biting'. Considering that I've got at least 120 'barefoot days', I'm thinking 
my repellants work!


Re: CSSciatica

2008-01-28 Thread Starshar
I've had a few bouts with sciatica, enough to know I don't want to experience 
another one. The first one I ever had was long before there was an internet to 
get so much wonderful info from. Hitting my reference books at the time, I 
learned that it was probably from an overly acidic condition that was 
irritating the sciatic nerve (I now know that I have degenerated disks that 
made the area susceptible to this acidity.)

I had been experimenting with heavy doses of ascorbic acid, so this made sense. 
I used small amounts of bicarb, 1/4 tsp here and there and found it very 
helpful. Some more research uncovered the role of thiamin/B-1 in alleviating 
anything to do with both an acid condition as well as anything to do with 
In the past 2 yrs I've kept Benfotiamine in the house and any time the sciatic 
nerve acts up, it's the first thing I reach for. It's a form of B-1 used by 
diabetics for thier diabetic neuropathy, and it's fat soluble. Works wonders 
for sciatica!
Of course, till the flare up dies down, I also use a heating pad, Advil, 
sometimes 1/2 valium while waiting for the Benfo and bicarb to do their wonders.


  Hi, Dianne,

  For Sciatica relief, I'll second the suggestion of taking L-Lysine!  Worked 
for me.  I'd suggest also adding Vitamin E to help combat internal scarring.  
You can google stretching exercises, the one that worked the best for me was 
stand with hands on hips and knees slightly bent, arch back slowly and 
slightly.  Let us know when you start feeling better!

  Take care,


  L-lysine is an essential amino acid for humans and therefore must be supplied 
in the diet.  For years, lysine has been considered in the treatment of herpes 
and cold sores, and more recently, has been attracting attention as a possible 
addition to the fast-growing list of muscle-building nutrients.  L-lysine helps 
to build muscle protein, it is good for those recovering from surgery and 
sports injuries.

  Vitamin E belongs to a family of fat-soluble compounds. It is available in 
different forms, the most common and potent being alpha tocopherol. Its main 
function is as an antioxidant. It Beneficial Effectss destruction of fats and 
vitamin A in the body by oxygen fragments. The vitamin also Enhances in the 
production of hormone-like substances that regulate blood pressure, 
reproduction, and muscle contraction.

Re: CSurinary tract infection

2007-11-28 Thread Starshar
I started having problems with repeat UTIs about 10 yrs ago. First time, I had 
no idea what hit me and ended up in Drs office. ABX for 10 days, and the darn 
thing came back 3 days later.

Then I discovered CS. 
I'm a kitchen sink kind've person, so I've knocked UTIs out of my life 
permanently by putting a scoop of D-Mannose in 1/2 cup of CS, and frequently 
put about a tsp of uva-ursi, and whatever other liquid herbals for the urinary 
tract that I may have around.

Taking even one dose of the above at the first sign that an infection *might* 
be showing up has forestalled every one.

Oh--right before I discovered CS, I did use Lugol's iodine successfully--6 
drops 4x a day. I will sometimes put a drop or two of Lugol's in the above 
'recipe'just for the heck of it.

Sharon M

CSRe:Start learning what to do Walter Russell .. Atomic Suicide

2007-11-03 Thread Starshar
I believe the title is The Man Who Tapped The Secrets of the Universe, and 
the author may be Glenn Clark. This little gem of a book is buried somewhere in 
my stacks of books.

His late wife was actually named Lao.


  From: Faith Saint Francis 

  So very easy, and yet I have tried all the mnemotechniques I know, to no 
avail ..
  am I getting elderly anyhow? Seems ye can't avoid.
  This Ätomic Suicide? is one book we should all read. It is profound, and it 
requires at least the basics of maths and physics, but it is good reading, and 
it does not obscure any of the hazards of the Atomic/Neutronic/Plutonic and 
what more ~nics there are, that we, the human race, so arrogantly fool around 
  I have lost the book, and also that precious title The man who sapped 
(Sapped???) the Secrets of the Universe. Wonder if it is still available 
  For your information respected name-sharer, if you browse Walter Russell, 
you'll find some very interesting information about him (and maybe about Tao, 
this special soul, his wife as well.)

Re: CSCS safety

2007-10-27 Thread Starshar
I mentioned this a few yrs ago but I don't think anyone noticed. For one of the 
best electrolyte formulas, far superior to Gatorade, go to:

Used by athletes worldwide. The sweetener is pure glucose which is at least 
better than sucrose, let alone fructose.


I used to add Gatorade to my CS, until they started adding high fructose 
 corn syrup to it.  As soon as I saw that on the list of ingredients, I 
 stopped using it, and advise everyone else to do the same.  I don't think 
 there is any Gatorade for sale now that does not contain HFCS.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS'Health Canada strikes

2007-10-13 Thread Starshar
I have bought silver band aids made by Curad, though they're not that easy to 


From: G Murray

 We do too, but I was wondering what other big name pharma was selling them
 Deborah Gerard wrote:
 Our dollar stores here in Michigan sell band-aids that have silver in 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBuffered Vitamin C

2007-10-12 Thread Starshar
It's the doggone humidity!

  When I opened my 3/4 empty jar of buffered vitamin C (first time after being 
gone for a month), there were brown tiny beads all over it, whereas it's 
supposed to be pure white powder.  I doesn't appear to be bugs, but does anyone 
know what happened here?


Re: CSTorn retina, laser treatment

2007-10-10 Thread Starshar
Hi Mike,

In July of '05, while having my first cup of coffee and reading something, I 
suddenly had flashing lights around my right eye. No injury to account for 
this. A bit later some big floaters were in my field of vision. I was in the 
eye doc's office (a first for me) an hour after I left the ER.
Detaching vitrous humour.
Treatment: none

I added the herb Bilberry to my daily supps, more Vit C, and ramped up on 
natural Vit A (not beta carotene). I occasionally use Chuck's eye formula, 
basicly a 'tea' made with very warm CS and an eyebright capsule steeped in it, 
along with MSM, filtered through a natural coffee filter. Haven't tried the 
addition of DMSO yet.

Problem has not recurred, though occasionally a floater will swim up from the 
sidelines. No big deal with that.

I'm sorry I can't address the laser surgery. I wish you luck and the wisdom for 
the right decision!


 Greetings my friends,
 I had an interesting day today.
 Background: Late last week I was working under one of our cars and 
 managed to whap myself hard on the outer third of my left eyebrow and 
 eye with the handle of a screwdriver. (Note to self: a screwdriver is 
 not a pry bar...) Two days ago I noticed that I'd actually given myself 
 a bit of a black eye; the fold of skin between the eyelid and brow was 
 a little bruised and sore.
 This morning I noticed a few sparks of light along an arc on the left 
 margin of the vision in my left eye. I wasn't overly concerned, but 
 made a mental note to keep an eye on them. (Pun intended.)  
 About noon I set out to do some errands. I'd just pulled up to a stop 
 light when I noticed a strange dark fluttering object flickering in and 
 out of existence on the dash board... Actually, it was in my left eye.
 Once I'd managed to focus on it, I realized I was seeing a perfectly 
 rendered image of a very small blood vessel bleeding into my eye. I was 
 literally seeing the tiny dots of red blood cells streaming out from a 
 point and dissipating, much like smoke from a chimney in a light 
 breeze. It left a diffused scattering of tiny translucent dots strewn 
 across my field of vision, which shifted back and forth with the 
 vitreous humor as I moved my head or shifted my eyes.
 Needless to say I was concerned. I called my wife on the cell phone and 
 told her what was going on. She volunteered to call the opthalmology 
 clinic she'd gone to before and see what they suggested. I ended up 
 with a 3:30 appointment.
 I finished my errands, meanwhile watching as the bleeding seemed to 
 stop and re-start several times over the next couple of hours.
 The exam (administered at various points by a resident, a medical 
 student, the attending physician and a laser specialist) did not reveal 
 the bleeding, which leads me to believe that it is truly microscopic in 
 scale and unlikely to be a major issue itself. However, they all did 
 find a torn spot on the inner, lower verge of my left retina, and some 
 posterior vitreous detachment to explain the bleeding and some of the 
 One of the tests the resident did (look straight ahead, how many 
 fingers am I holding here... here... etc.) revealed a small gap in my 
 peripheral vision at the upper left edge of my left eye field, which I 
 don't remember noticing before and probably corresponds with the 
 current injury. 
 The doctors feel it is a good candidate for laser treatment to tack 
 down the edges of the area to prevent fluids from getting behind the 
 retina to cause further damage.
 To complete the picture: Interocular pressure was slightly high in my 
 *right* eye, not in the left. The retinas look otherwise healthy. The 
 nerves may have a slightly elevated cup to disk ratio which might be 
 a very early sign of other things like glaucoma... or nothing 
 significant. My corrected vision is still very good and clear.
 Since the exam I now have somewhat more floaters in my left eye, 
 including a rather extensive one right in the middle, possibly a 
 consequence of all the poking, probing, dilating and numbing, or else 
 an independent continuation of whatever is going on inside my eye.
 I'm scheduled for a laser repair Friday afternoon. I could have had it 
 done today, but, in the absence of a critical situation, I decided to 
 give myself time to do at least a little research before going ahead.
 Okay, folks, now's your chance...
 Pros and cons of laser treatment to tack the torn spot back down? 
 Should I rush, or give other things a try first?
 Alternative or complementary therapies that can stop or help repair the 
 Long term strategies to prevent future problems?
 Anywhere else I should seek advice?
 In reviewing my archive of the list messages, I've seen some good 
 comments on the laser surgery; there's Chuck's concoction of CS, MSM, 
 DMSO, and eybright tincture (for floaters and general health); Marshall 
 mentioned organic germanium as a treatment for 


2007-09-11 Thread Starshar
I've got the group's home page open now; here's a copy and paste from the 

It should work, and you can sub from there


 That did not work:
 We are unable to deliver the message from
 Your message was sent to a group that does not exist.  Please check
 to make sure you spelled the group name correctly.
 For further assistance, please visit

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPotassium ( Jodi's File Filename )

2007-09-10 Thread Starshar
Thanks for this, Wayne.
I had that site bkmkd long ago and may even have that article saved on an old 

I found out about 2 yrs ago that Joe Viallis had died, though I did not learn 
the cause. He had a very interesting website that was mostly politically 

I'm glad to ensure I have the Potassium article again.

 I forgot ..

 the file name is potassium_01.doc

Re: CSWaving Hi

2007-09-09 Thread Starshar
From: S-Max

Hi Sasha,

It's been a bad day around here; seeing your message just made it a lot better.

Thank you!!


 Hi. Sasha here. Waving back at you. 
 .~**`..''*..~`''~..~''`~..*''..`**~.. (That's a wave) 
 Missed you and WELCOME BACK 
 We haven't been the same without you. 
 It is definitely different around here, and I for one, am lovin' the

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSWaving Hi

2007-09-08 Thread Starshar
Hi list,

I'm writing this note with great excitement. I am a Comcast subscriber who lost 
this list 18 months ago. Comcast arbitrarily blocked anything from eskimo 
because of a few complaints.
For some reason, the CS list started rolling in again for 2 wks in Aug of '06, 
then disappeared 'forever' from my inbox.
I am a very long time subscriber and this disaster left me distraught, 
depressed, discouraged, and downhearted G, (my typing fingers got stuck on 
the letter D).

About 2 wks ago, a very wonderful, kind hearted member of this list (hi Bob!) 
started forwarding the messages to me. Shortening this saga as much as 
possible, a few other comcast members learned of this and said they were 
getting the messages. I wrote to Mike, resubbed, and voila! I've been getting 
the list for the past week.

I'm a happy camper again!

Having been 'absent' for a year, I'm really able to notice quite a change in 
the 'flavor' of the CS list. For instance, in this past week, I think I've seen 
no more than *2* posts that mention CS!! (perhaps it would be more correct to 
say EIS)

It's ok for me; I boned up on the subject a long time ago. It's just funny not 
to find ANYthing that mentions the list topic!
As always, however, the range of subjects that do get talked about is still of 

The other thing that stands out, though, is the far higher amount of 'pot 
shots' folks are taking at each other!
Wha hoppen?
Sign of the times?
Anyone have suggestions for some 'happy pills'?

Just kidding (a bit). I am so happy to have this list coming in again (and in 
incredible numbers---holy cow!)

Again, just saying hi


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Re: CSComcast

2006-12-27 Thread starshar

From: Dan Nave
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 12:20 PM


I seem to be getting the silver list e-mails on Comcast again.

Since 12-11-06.

Ditto here! .Ever since Eskimo's latest fix.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS

2006-12-18 Thread starshar

Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 7:30 PM

  Caught a good program on PBS the other day...about a program called
  I am thinking of trying the products outlined in this program but I 
like to hear from others who may have tried it firsthave you ever 
heard of


I'm sorry, I know nothing about this

  Way back in May of this year I finally caved and accepted meds for the
high blood pressure...nothing but problems since and the kicker is ...the
pressure still isn't going down.

There are so many ways people have found to lower/normalize their blood 
pressure, that books have been written

But I'll pass along one that I have personal knowledge of.
The man in my life fights me tooth and nail over trying to get supplements 
into him, so I gave up the idea of pills for him.
He started taking prescription meds and I couldn't do anything to prevent 
What I did was get rid of all the regular supermarket salt in the house. 
He's used nothing but the best seasalts for the last 5 yrs.

His BP dropped to normal within a few months but the doc wouldn't agree to 
take him off the meds.

See, they're working said he (my comments to this are unprintable)
But a yr ago, in prep for major ENT surgery, that doc told him to stop the 
meds a month before.

A year later, no meds, no supps, but perfect BP.
Good ol' seasalt. I switch around between Celtic, Real Salt, and Himalayan.

And, BTW, this is a man who salts Bacon and Ham!!

The old time docs used to just give their hi BP patients potassium and 
found that it worked beautifully for most of them.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRE: floaters in the eyes/ OY...

2006-12-17 Thread starshar

Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 2:54 PM is spelled this the same as Cumin...the spice one 

in Chili Dishes?  V

Hi V,

You've probably seen other posts by now that tell you that Circumin is one 
of the ingredients found in the spice called Turmeric. Many supplement 
manufacturers have extracted the pure circumin and encapsulated it for those 
wishing a stronger dose. Since I can't stand the taste of turmeric, that's 
how I take my circumin. Vitamin Research Products is one of many who produce 
these capsules.

Anyway, learning from Chuck,
I warm up an oz or 2 of CS, open an eyebright cap ***(Eyebright as in the
Herb?) into it, making a tea,
stir in the MSM,***(do you think this would work without the MSM?) let it
steep, then strain.
Haven't tried putting in any DMSO, but that'll be next

I use Dr John Christopher's formula, now made by Nature's Way and it is an 
herbal blend called Eyebright. The eyebright herb is the dominant one in the 
The MSM is a good carrier for all the other ingredients, seems to 
potentiate the formula a bit.

Never thought about using it regularly for the floater/s I now have since
the vitreous in my right eye starting detaching last year. That was a fun
day that started with flashing lights and ended with the fat black 

that's when I ended up in the ER and then an eye Dr's office.

 Had the exact same experience...did this really clear up the 

  Do you still have the lights ?

There is still occasional evidence of the floater, very small. I think it 
has parked itself in the outer corner of the eye, only to show up when I 
look at strong light or move my head in some way.
The lights, thank God, have not shown up again. If they do, I'll have a 
genuine panic attack!

I make sure to take Vit C every day, accompanied by a Bilberry capsule, and 
also pycnogenol, as that is said to be helpful with detaching eye parts.
I should probably add lutein, but have not gotten around to it. There are 
good eye supplements on the market that have that, along with other 
ingredients all in one capsule. One, called Occudyne, springs to mind.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-16 Thread starshar

Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 5:13 PM

I if have to go thru all of this everytime I mention MY floater
regimen sigh

grin! I keep repeating my version of your formula, Chuck, around the 'net 

I'm posting some info from my files

I'm posting to see IF my post shows up on the list
(at this point that event will look like a Christmas gift!)

Anyway, learning from Chuck,
I warm up an oz or 2 of CS, open an eyebright cap into it, making a tea, 
stir in the MSM, let it steep, then strain.

Haven't tried putting in any DMSO, but that'll be next

I've only used this for the occasional appearance of tiny cysts on my 
eyelids. It's great for this, the darn things just detach after a few 
rinsings in an eyecup.

Never thought about using it regularly for the floater/s I now have since 
the vitreous in my right eye starting detaching last year. That was a fun 
day that started with flashing lights and ended with the fat black floater; 
that's when I ended up in the ER and then an eye Dr's office.


And here's some info I saved to a file:

Curcumin Treating eye disorders

Curcumin is apparently more than your typical kitchen spice. It's the 
substance that gives ginger its yellowish colour, and it has been implicated 
in the treatment of certain eye diseases and conditions. One of those is 
known as chronic anterior UVEITIS (CAU), an inflammatory condition of the 
vascular layer of the eye, particularly the area comprising the iris. In one 
small study, Curcumin was given orally to 32 chronic anterior uveitis 
patients who were divided into two groups. The first group received Curcumin 
alone, whereas the second group received a combination of Curcumin and 
antitubercular treatment. Amazingly, all of the patients treated with 
Curcumin alone improved, compared to a response rate of 86% among those 
receiving the combination therapy. The researchers concluded that Curcumin 
was just as effective as corticosteroid therapy, the only available standard 
treatment for chronic anterior uveitis at present, adding that the lack of 
side effects with Curcumin is its greatest advantage compared with 

Similar research using rats and rabbits found that Curcumin effectively 
inhibited chemically induced cataract formation, even at very low dietary 
levels. The same study also found, for the first time, that this type of 
induced cataract may be accompanied by apoptosis of epithelial cells in the 
eye and that Curcumin may lessen the apoptotic effect. In one of the 
earliest studies examining Curcumin as a potential cataract therapy, 
researchers fed two groups of rats, diets that included corn oil, or a 
combination of Curcumin and corn oil for 14 days. Afterward, their lenses 
were removed and examined for the presence of lipid peroxidation. The 
scientists discovered that the lenses from Curcumin-treated rats were much 
more resistant to. induced opacification than were lenses from control 

Awasthi S et al. Curcumin protects against 4-hydroxy-2-trans-nonenal-induced 
cataract formation in rat lenses. Am J Clin Nutr 1996 Nov;64 (5):761-6.
Lal B et al. Efficacy of curcumin in the management of chronic anterior 
uveitis. Phytother Res 1999 Jun;13(4):318-22.
Pandya U et al. Dietary curcumin prevents ocular toxicity of naphthalene in 
rats. Toxicol Lett 2000 Jun 5;115(3):195-204.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSList traffic report...

2006-12-10 Thread starshar
Here's a reply from a long time list member who's given up hope on ever 
seeing the list again (outside of Mike's posts, that is).
But I've blamed it all on Comcast and their very *stupid* spam filters. 
Oddly, though, there are maybe 2 days a week when I do get the list 
messages. But the offtopic list has Never showed up since Comcast decided it 
hates Eskimo

Sharon/starshar, with fingers crossed

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour

Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 4:52 PM
Subject: CSList traffic report...

Okay, for those who are saying you haven't received anything from the
list, here's my report on list traffic for you to compare with:

Dec 10 ... at least 6 so far, including this

Dec 9 ... 9 posts

Dec 8 ... 14 posts

Dec 7 ... 24 posts

... and so on.

If you have not received that number (or close) but you've received
*my* postings to the list, then incoming mail is still hosed somehow.

If you have not received *anything* from the list for several days,
then you may be unsubscribed (in which case you're not seeing *this*
message either!) or else Eskimo is being blocked or diverted into your
spam filters.

As I predicted, Robert has reconfigured things to prevent a recurrance
of these problems, setting it up so that incoming mail bridges two
machines, either of which can handle the incoming volume with immediate
fallback in case of failure of one. I'm letting him know of the
complaints we're having here so he can make sure something he's done
hasn't introduced another problem.

I won't mind if you all make test posts, or reply to a test post of
somebody else, so we can be sure you're subscription is functioning
normally. If it is not, try to reach me directly at
If I don't reply to you within 24 hours, even briefly, send a note via
anybody you see whose message got through to the list recently.

One way or another we'll work this stuff out. sigh

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSComcast

2006-09-03 Thread starshar

From: Dan Nave
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 5:10 PM

Well, after cajoling, threatening, and badgering Comcast,
I appear to be receiving the silver-list, at least for the

Oh wow---posts ARE showing up! I propose 3 big cheers for somebody-Mike, 
did you get this accomplished?

Sharon, a happy camper once again!

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CS'scuse the interruption, but..

2006-08-24 Thread starshar

Yippee, the list is getting through to this Comcast subscriber!

Whatever you did, Mike..



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Re: CSComcast blocking mail from Eskimo

2006-08-23 Thread starshar

Hi Mike,

THAT explains why I'm getting no cs posts!

I got this one, oddly enough.

I've got a user forum open this minute. Before posting my loud complaint (I 
went through this last Spring with many lists---thought they'd finally 
solved it)

I found this message back to a user:

You can't whitelist a server.  If the sources are receiving bounce messages 
that indicate their mail server is being blacklisted by Comcast, then those 
bounce messages will contain the IP address that needs to be sent to 
comcast--along with the e-mail address needed to request removal from the 
blacklist.  Unfortunately, it may be a temporary solution at best, if the 
IPs involved continue to be seen as spam sources by Comcast.

I do know that many of the newsletters had this problem, and apparently they 
had to send their IP addresses, and whatever the h*ll else Comcast wanted. 
It took 2 months for the newsletters to start showing up again.

NOW I will go and give them a piece of my mind.

Thanks for the head's up, Mike


- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour

Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:24 PM
Subject: CSComcast blocking mail from Eskimo

Hi all.

This is for Dan Nave (who's listening in via his work address) and
anybody else who uses a Comcast account to receive the list.

Apparently, Comcast has taken it into it's collective head to block e-
mail from for alleged spam activity. They did this without
warning or making any attempt to contact the owner of Eskimo North at
the standard abuse address or anything else. Besides which, eskimo is
extremely diligent about policing spam activity to begin with.

Since this message won't reach these people, and I won't be able to
reach them from my personal address, either, if you have a friend with
a comcast address, could you please foreward this to them?

Comcast users need to start complaining to their service provider.

Thank you, all.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSFunny!! Until you try it!

2006-08-06 Thread starshar

From: Marshalee Hallett
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 12:15 AM

Didn`t anyone think it was funny??
she asks plaintively...

Yes, Marshalee--it was very funny! And I sent it around to every female 
relative-all of those that I've been telling not to get mammograms, but 
who trust their Drs more.

Thanks for sharing it


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Re: CSMagnetic Rings

2006-08-02 Thread starshar

Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 4:48 PM

I can re-use Chuck's whole post, word for word.

I can now say that it would probably take 5 minutes to sell me the Brooklyn 
Bridge, instead of just 2.


I was wondering if anyone here has ever tried Alex Chiu's magnetic

rings.  It is mentioned in   Kevin Trudeau's book Cures they don't want

Yeah, I got 'em.
Gave them a fair run.
Noted nothing of consequence.
'cept I'm a little smarter now!

Actually I got them for a lark. I do things like that at least once a
I'm wearing a Lahkovsky coil now, just to see...


If your feet smell and your nose runs, you're built upside down.

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Re: CSBugs from Brown rice 2 - Pantry Moth Trap

2006-07-26 Thread starshar

From: Rowena
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 10:01 PM

It continued to be a problem for decades until I happened to notice
something called a pantry moth trap.  There are plenty of entries via 

search on those words, but I don't have an unopened pack to tell you about
what I can get here.  It's a flat cardboard that you fold into a 

tube.  You open up a lure and stick it on the sticky inside of the trap.
Moths are attracted to the lure, and get stuck on the sticky stuff.  I
hardly ever see a moth now - except stuck in the trap.


That's the one I posted the link to the other day. I get it from Gardens 
Alive here in the US.


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Re: CSBugs from Brown rice

2006-07-23 Thread starshar

From: Robb Allen
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 8:01 PM

I had the same thing happen!!!  I know they came from the rice because after 
one of the bags was about a month old, the same bugs were inside the bag and 
it wasn't even opened yetI checked and the bag was still air tight.  The 
funny thing is that they don't seem to get in any other food.  Good luck 
getting rid of themits been 2 months and I still see an occasional one 
and thats even after spraying for them over and over.  Swat them when you 
see themI've just about got them under control finally.  Robb

I've been having a constant infestation with every trip home from the 
grocery store. I try to put all grain products into sealed containers, but 
sometimes I just forget. So, what I've found that is really helpful is these 
little gadgets (traps) from this source:

It's called the Cupboard Moth Trap.
In fact, I think I'd better order some more now.


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Re: CSbody chemistry, mineral imbalances

2006-07-20 Thread starshar

From: sol
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:12 AM

That is fascinating. I will try to find some phosphorus supplement, 
meantime, what about simply adding more high phos foods to the diet? There 
don't seem to be a huge number of foods with high phosphorus and low 
calcium, but oats are one. I'm going to check the nutrient database for 

And I'm going to take a look at my blood test results.

Now that we've got good ol', wonderful ol' electricity (not to mention Air 
Conditioning!!) back, and half the tree limbs cleaned up, I'll just second 
what Terry wrote about lecithin being an excellent source of phosphorus. 
It's also wonderful for the gall bladder and cholesterol levels. It works 
differently in the body than phosphoric acid, which tends to erode calcium 
deposits and is a decent energy booster.
Lecithin is a fat emulsifier, and actually helps clean out those clogged 
arteries the pharmas like to animate in their fear based commercials.


starshar wrote:

I earned my Certificate in Nutrition for the most part by 
learning/studying the works of Melvin Page, DDS.  (I think the Weston 
Price site may have info on Page, also the Price Pottenger site).

Page taught that the ideal blood levels of CA and P (phosphorus) are 10 
and 4.5. It is the ratio, however, that is the most important factor, he 
said. CA should always be 2 and a half times the P.

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Re: CSStandard Process Products

2006-07-20 Thread starshar

From: Robert L. Booth
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:32 PM

 To get standard process products such as liquid phosphorus food go to 
this website

You'd better order quickly; SP has said they will take away the 
professional privilege from anyone attempting to sell their products on 
the 'net.

Sharon, who's wondering but keeping mouth shut 

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Re: CSBrooks B---EFT

2006-07-18 Thread starshar

Just a missing colon


This url give me a page on http, the hyperlink protocal specifications.

Marshall wrote:

EFT is the most effective technique I have ever come across in the last 

years. I am probably biased. A visit to http// could
perhaps help many on this list.

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CSRe:Terry's pH post

2006-07-17 Thread starshar
This information from Carey Reams is much appreciated, Terry. It is not easy 
to get ahold of Ream's

writings, much less have an understandable condensation such as this.

More would be most welcome!


From: Terry Chamberlin
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 1:22 PM

In the on-going discussion of pH and calcium, various
ideas have been expounded for resolving unbalanced pH.
The standard resolution proposed by most natural
health practitioners today revolves around so-called
acid-ash and alkaline-ash foods. The allopathic
medical industry pays scant attention to the subject
at all until extreme conditions - such as acidosis -

Recently the idea of excess calcium has been
presented, which prompts me to post information drawn
from my own training. The ideas I share here come from
the teachings of the late Dr. Carey Reams, biochemist
and biophysicist.


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Re: CSbody chemistry, mineral imbalances, was Re: CSbest vitamin c

2006-07-16 Thread starshar
I earned my Certificate in Nutrition for the most part by learning/studying 
the works of Melvin Page, DDS.  (I think the Weston Price site may have info 
on Page, also the Price Pottenger site).

Page taught that the ideal blood levels of CA and P (phosphorus) are 10 and 
4.5. It is the ratio, however, that is the most important factor, he said. 
CA should always be 2 and a half times the P.

For a long time, I'd check the routine blood work my doc ordered and I'd 
make adjustments to my supplements based on this ratio.
About 10 yrs ago my blood work came back absent the P. I asked my doc what 
happened and was told that the insurance companies decided to go by the 
Medicare guidelines and Medicare had decided that P was irrelevant! 
(stifling rant)

Now when I walk out of doc's office with lab slip in hand, I just check off 
Phosphorus before I go to the lab. I did ask my doc if this would be 
okjust in case the PTB would throw me in jail or something. G.

It was P that got me over a horrible fibromyalgia attack back in the late 
90s. I don't remember now if I had a current lab report when I took the P. 
What I have discovered is that when my P gets low or out of ratio  to CA, my 
teeth will start staining. This could be just an overly alkaline condition 
systemically, but P is an acid mineral and it always works for me.
At that time my neck was so tight that I had pain from the trapezius all the 
way up the side of my head, and I was immobilized---couldn't drive or even 
sleep anywhere but a reclining chair. Then I noticed my darkening teeth. P 
cured me of that bout in a few weeks.

It's not easy to find phosphorus. Any practitioner that carries Standard 
Process products could provide their Phosfood.  A websearch for 
orthophosphoric acid should produce at least one source.

After reading what I just wrote, I realized that it sounds so pat. NOT. 
Metabolic balancing is a subject that continues to drive me crazy!


From: sol
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 3:42 PM

Body chemistry is further confused by the fact that the body has a set 
point for blood levels of calcium, and if you don't get enough or what 
you take in is not properly utilized the body will remove calcium from the 
bones to maintain the blood levels. So I believe that blood levels of 
calcium and other minerals are not a very good indicator of what is really 
going on, or what the state of calcium in the body really is. Blood levels 
are therefore not totally reliable, but a poor tool is better than none, 
I myelf have been going by The Metabolic Typing Diet, which gives examples 
of different metabolic types needing different supplementation or diets 
that sometimes contradicts the blood results. There really is no one size 
fits all way to deal with mineral imbalances, or even vitamin 
deficiencies according to that book.


M. G. Devour wrote:

Sol wrote:

Without a proper calcium/phosphorus ratio, mammals can't properly use
calcium. The conventional wisdom seems to be that humans get plenty of
phosphorus and don't need to worry about it, but I wonder if that is
really true.

Right now my phosphorus levels are low, both absolutely and relative to 
calcium. The problem I'm overcoming is apparently calcium overload. I'm 
supplementing with bioavailable calcium and avoiding all inorganic 
sources. As I'm slowly getting rid of the precipitated calcium, the 
phosphorus levels are supposed to rise.

It's not easy to bring up phosphorus levels. It's supposed to take months.

Body chemistry is not simple. sigh

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CSLunar Influence on the Electrochemical Production of Colloidal Silver

2006-07-09 Thread starshar

Just a little something to add to the CS mix?
(with apologies if this has been posted here before)


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Re: CSBob Berger has passed away

2006-06-26 Thread starshar

From: Rich Adams
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 7:14 PM

Rest In Peace my friend.

Rich Adams

Thank you, Rich, for posting this link. Even though we on this list never 
met Ole Bob in person, this still gives us closure.

This world has lost another fine human being.


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Re: CSNiacin

2006-06-25 Thread starshar

From: Tad Winiecki
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:44 PM

I wrote about this before but since there are no archives I guess I'll
write it again- the Niacin flush is related to the prescence of histamines
in the body.  Histamines can be released by eating a food or substance you
are allergic to.  Therefore if you are not eating any foods you are
allergic to, you may not experience any flush at all.  I have been able to
take Niacin without flushing if I was careful to avoid know food 
A book was written but I can't remember the name about using this action 

Niacin to detect food allergies.  The anti-histamine would therefore keep
you from experiencing the flush by removing the histamines first.

Another way of putting it is by looking at the niacin effect through the 
lens of Metabolic Balancing. A person who is parasympathetic dominant 
(nearly always hi histamine levels in this state) will always flush with 
If I remember correctly, the late Dr William Kelley wrote about using niacin 
as one determining factor in deciding if a person had an autonomic nervous 
system that was unbalanced/stressed to the parasympathetic side.
People who are parasympathetic dominant are told never to use niacin, but 
only the amide form.

Kelley taught that most (if not all) people with allergies were in a 
parasympathetic imbalance, and these people always need adrenal support as 

Just some thoughts from the back burner


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Re: CSporphyria article

2006-06-20 Thread starshar

The article's author says she has variegate porphyria

Hope there's some helful info here


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Re: CSozonated olive oil

2006-06-10 Thread starshar

Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 11:53 AM

About a week and half ago, one of the members wrote the bennefits of using 
ozonated olive oil and posted a web site. I ordered it, and it came 
yesterday from SLW SERVICES in langley bc. It is an unlabeled white 2oz 
plastic jar, screw on lid. It was seeping liquid into the safeway plastic 
bags used for packaging.No note and on emailing thru the given pay-pal 
email listed as mail was returned as 
undeliverable. I have it in the refridgerator now and it is now in solid 
form. Does anyone know if ive been taken for $20, or is this a normal 
delivery for ozonated olive oil called natures gift(for skin, and after 
being mailed as a liquid would it still be effective).Ive never used this 
begore... Please advise.

The shipment probably went through some hot weather areas, always a hazard 
this time of year.

If you can still get a whiff of the ozone, then it's probably still 

I remember Saul Pressman saying that he kept his jar on his bathroom 
windowsill, perhaps between the actual window and a storm window. He did 
not, however, mention the season of the year.

I keep mine in the 'frig but then always forget about it!
After a few years of languishing there, I think it's mostly evaportated.


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Re: CSnon flushing niacin

2006-06-09 Thread starshar

From: Teri Johnston
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 6:20 PM

I know this has been covered before.  So sorry for asking but without and 
archive  Can anyone recommend a good brand or web site for non flushing 

Hi Teri,

Both TwinLabs and Source Naturals would be good for niacinamide. I know TL 
makes it in capsule form, which I prefer.

Almost every supplement company in existence will carry niacinamide!

Many, many sites on the web would carry these---iherb, Vitacost, 
VitaminShoppes, spring to mind.


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CSBetter stock up on silver wire

2006-06-08 Thread starshar
The Next it Product

John Rubino

While precious metals were getting whacked again today
and arguments were raging about whether this is a
healthy correction or the end of the run (see the
mainstream's take in Financial Times), the Wall Street
Journal gave silver investors a reason to stop
worrying and start buying. In an article titled This
War Against Germs Has a Silver Lining, the Journal
notes that the consumer products industry has suddenly
discovered that silver 1) kills germs without hurting
people, and 2) can be added to practically anything:

   Now, silver is showing up as a bacteria-and
odor-fighting material in a range of contemporary
consumer products, from sports socks to washing
machines. Specialty retailer Sharper Image recently
introduced a line of plastic food containers infused
with silver nanoparticles that are intended to keep
food fresher. The boxes, priced at $69.95 for a set of
12, have drawn positive reviews at, which
sells Sharper Image products -- including one owner
enthusing about strawberries staying fresh for 14

   In March, South Korea's Samsung Electronics
launched a new washer in the U.S. that uses silver
ions to sanitize laundry. Plank, a small Boston
company that sells Yoga accessories, recently
introduced Cor, a soap with silver as the main active
ingredient. The company says its supplier is also
developing silver-imbued shampoo and toothpaste.

   About three years ago, consumer products
incorporating silver as an antimicrobial ingredient --
some made using nanotechnology to bond materials at a
molecular level -- took off in Asia. Now some
observers believe they are poised to become big in the

   'Silver nanoparticles may very well become the
next 'it' product, much like antibacterial soaps that
took the consumer sector by storm a decade ago,' says
Marlene Bourne, president of Scottsdale, Ariz.-based
Bourne Research, which specializes in emerging

What this means is that silver, already in short
supply because of rising industrial demand and the
voracious appetite of the new iShares Silver Trust
ETF, is about to attract a new category of buyers.
Another positive: Where the silver used in many
industrial applications can be recycled, and the
bullion now being bought and stored by the ETF can be
dumped back on the market with a keystroke, silver
used in consumer products is pretty much gone for
good. No one will bother taking socks and shirts with
silver threads to a recycling center (at anything
close to today's silver prices, at least). Instead
they'll just throw them away or donate them to the
local Salvation Army. The silver built into the new
generation of washing machines is gradually leached
off and sent down the drain. Ditto for the silver
particles in soap, shampoo and toothpaste.

These new uses for silver, in other words, take it off
the market permanently. The more popular they are, the
less silver there is in the world's warehouses to
satisfy investment demand. As InvestmentRarities' Ted
Butler is fond of pointing out, there's already a
looming shortage of silver sufficient to send the
price into triple digits. And now the depletion rate
of the world's remaining silver is headed into
overdrive. I think this answers the question of
whether today's sell-off is a buying opportunity.

Copyright © 2006

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Re: CSRe: C.S. for Horses?

2006-05-21 Thread starshar

From: Sandee George
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:07 AM

What a tradgery to Barbaro - I wonder if they were using C.S. on
him?   Would be interesting to note.

I live about 20 miles from Barbaro's home stables, so of course he's on the 
news here in great detail.

As of 6:30 PM, eastern, he was in his 5th hour of surgery.
Knowing just where he's located, I know that this surgery is being performed 
by the vets at the New Bolten Center, an offshoot of the U of Penn vet 

He's in the best of hands, and we all have our fingers crossed around here.

The local news (Phila) showed a stream of people bringing flowers and teddy 
bears to the outside of the clinic; many of them were in tears.


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Re: CScs and stye infection-quick input needed pls!

2006-05-18 Thread starshar

From: Wendy
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:57 AM

Hi there. I have a friend with a stye/eye infection. She usually can
self prescribe, but despite everything she's doing she is having some

I left her a small bottle of cs a year ago (made with silvergen 6) to
put in her cupboard (she hasn't' delved into cs yet). I suggested she
put that in it. I have read testimonials on line about a soaked cloth in
cs as well.

If I were in your friend's shoes I would take up to 8 oz of the CS, gently 
heat it and dissolve a capsule of Dr Christopher's Eyebright formula in it. 
Let it steep for a few minutes, stir, then pour through a paper coffee 
filter. Put this solution in an old fashioned eye cup and bathe the eye like 
crazy. Every 15 minutes wouldn't hurt.

At bedtime, I'd make a clay poultice, green clay or pascalite would be fine, 
pile it into one of those eye shaped bandages you can get a drugstore and 
sleep with it over the eye.

If these don't start improving the eye within 24 hours, I'd hie me off to an 
eye doctor!


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Re: CSOT: A Shared Reflection

2006-04-28 Thread starshar

From: Brooks Bradley
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:01 PM

Quick note: I've read it and I second the motion!


  Dear Membership,
   As most of you know, from time to time I have an inexplicable 
outbreak of inchoate
ramblingstonight is one of those.  Throughout the immediately-past 55 
years of searching/seeking through scientific/philosophical academia I 
have, on rare occasions, come across a book of unusually powerful 
dimensions.  I wish to share with you, now, such a find.  This brief 
little book is as startling and powerful in impact (at least to me), as 
any I have ever read--and I have read thousands  (as an avid reader 
for the past 50+ yearsaveraging over 3 books a week one can see that 
is no idle statement).  It presents a mind-altering proposition relating 
to the field of Biology.  Written in a prose totally understandable to the 
entire layman audience, its central theme is (to me at least) little short 
of revolutionary.  Dr. Lipton's presentation addresses the reigning 
precepts of the current mainstream
Biological Reductionism.with a frontal attack it cannot withstand.  I 
do not want to spoil any possible ah-hah moments by summarizing its 
contents for anyone interested (who has not previously read
it)in reading it.  I will, however, state that his treatment of the 
dynamics of the CELL are nothing short of riveting.both in import 
and clarity of explanation.  Were I still teaching in academia, and 
Biology was my tenured subjectI would require all of my students to 
read this book.  No matter what their conclusions might be.the 
challenges toward independent reflection are more than sufficient to 
justify its reading.  Written in large type and only 205 pages in will read faster than
than the Sports Page in the newspaper.  You will be taken on a fascinating 
journey covering microbiology,  a truly understandable explanation of how 
proteins actually control the movement of life,
(plus illustrations of how it is done), how cells actually educate 
themselves, how life programs itself:  the true nature and role of DNA 
(Boy, will you be surprised); what is most influential in
controlling the life of the cell (its not what you may have thought) and 
the true brain of the cell.
plus much more of the concepts which have given birth to the entire 
discipline of Epigenetics and the
astounding effects of environment upon the actions of cells. Dr. Lipton's 
comments on the effects of Quantum Physics impacting Biology are, alone, 
worth reading this volume (Actually, he is the ONLY biologist I have known 
of-who possesses an actual working knowledge of quantum physics).
   The book is entitled The Biology of Belief, by Bruce Lipton, 
Phd.  For what it may be worth, this is the first and only book I have 
ever publicly touted large numbers to read.  You may
not be as enthusiastic about it as am I..but I bet you will be (at 
least the intellectual envelope pushers like Marshall Dudley, Ole Bob, 
Jim Holmes, Mikeand many others).
Mine is not a better way, mine is just a different way.  My 
apologies for taking up so much bandwidth with this epistle, but I promise 
to restrain myself for another year.if I last that long.

  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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Re: CSCalcium Oxilate Kidney Stones Help

2006-04-08 Thread starshar

From: Teri Johnston
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 10:23 PM

When visiting a good friend this week he inquired if I knew of any way to 
prevent Calcium Oxilate Kidney stones.  His doctor recommended diet 
changes and a supplement but he is forming new stones in spite of this. 
If anyone has any suggestions I could pass along I know he would 
appreciate it.

My son-in-law, a pilot with a major airline, was grounded in February with a 
calcium oxalate stone. It was 3 weeks after he passed the stone before he 
could fly again. He had to prove, by bloodwork, and 24-hour urine 
collections that his blood and kidneys no longer showed the parameters for 
forming further stones.

In addition to slavishly following the recommended diet, he takes potassium 
citrate and in the only instance of ever heeding his mother-in-law's 
nutritional recommendations, G, he's also taking magnesium and B-6.

So far, he's just fine. He is required by the airline to constantly be 
tested for this as the last thing the airline wants is the Captain doubled 
over and howling in pain at 30,000 feet.


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Re: CSHow to make up a CS/MSM/Xylitol solution?

2006-03-30 Thread starshar

From: tlwidmer
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:09 AM

 I am trying to find the right receipe for a sinus spray to help my 

How much MSM do I use--taking apart the capsules and mixing the power
in--per CS?  Is there another, better form to use?  Also, do I just buy
Xylitol in powdered form as well and mix it in?  How much would I use?

Hi Theresa,

I pour almost boiling water into a 4 oz glass, just to heat the glass; pour 
out the water and put in about 2 oz of CS. When the CS has warmed up from 
the heat of the glass, stir in 1/4 tsp of MSM. I have the powdered form on 
hand but I'm sure opening up a capsule would work the same way. Done! Put 
into sprayer or dropper bottle/s.

I made a batch with xylitol, probably used another 1/4 tsp but don't 
remember exactly.
I would've continued doing this except for a warning that DaddyBob posted 
here, or to another list.

He said that the xylitol actually caused a fungal condition, if I remember 

DaddyBob, where are you?

Anyway, just the CS/MSM does wonders.


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Re: CSEIS + DMSO on humans...

2006-03-27 Thread starshar

From: Pavel Hochmut
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 3:50 PM

Are there some experiences with EIS together with DMSO on humans?
We have some requirements the EIS to penetrate entirely and deeper to the 
skin and maybe deeper, uner the skin.
I have noticed, that DMSO causes some skin problems as excema or allergic 

Can you help?

DMSO will cause a localized histamine release. This is harmless, but 
annoying and itchy! As you continue to use the DMSO on the same location, 
the histamine reaction will eventually cease. Since the DMSO is also drying, 
it is helpful to follow up with a rich (and pure!) oil, such as emu, virgin 
coconut oil, or olive oil.
Diluting the DMSO directly with EIS is great, but use a low dilution, 
perhaps starting with 20%.


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Re: CSAllergy testing

2006-03-21 Thread starshar

From: Terry Chamberlin
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:22 AM

am I hopelessly old fashioned in believing that if you change the field, 
you would not be subject to allergies?
Some of my earliest nutrition/biochemistry studies (self study) came from 
the writings of Dr William Kelley, sometime in the late 70's I guess.

My son was having a lot of allergy symptoms in childhood and adolescence, 
the respiratory type.
I'm wracking my brain to remember the exact supplements I had him on, daily, 
for a year. At the end of the year he had his first allergy free season.
I treated him as though he was parasympathetic dominant, which involved 
acidifying his chemistry. I must've used some Standard Process products, 
which would have included Cal Amo (ammonium chloride based), calcium, 
pantothenic acid, probably niacinamide, and perhaps their unique chlorophyll 
*oil* perles. They work to neutralize guanidine in the GI tract (among other 
benefits). Vit C, of course.
That's my best recall at the moment. Fortunately he was not a big sugar 
eater at all, though pretzels were his downfall.

This successful program with unbelievable results is one of the reasons I 
have problems with the alkalize or die concept that is everywhere these 

Terry, I'm sure you're familiar with the free downloadable EFT manual at:

I think it is very easy to learn the technique and use for oneself.

I believe there is an emotional concept to every illness we are disposed to. 
Uncovering what that is, however, is definitly NOT the easiest thing to do. 
How well I know!


I was tested (sniff tests, scratch tests) for
pollens/chemicals, etc., when I was in HS. I reacted
to 75% of them. I received shots each week for three
years, with no improvement. Then a friendly family
doctor (not the one giving the shots) informed me that
the shots had an industry effectiveness average of
15%. 15%! The shots cost my parents over $3,000.

The Pulse test is more accurate (sniff and scratch
tests are worthless for testing foods), and EFT is
more effective in treating them. I am also currently
seeing a practitioner to receive NAET. Very expensive
and long-range. I pay $60 each week for the treatment
(plus $20 gas). I can see this will be easily a
year-long thing. He seems to know what he is doing -
combines NAET with accupuncture and muscle testing,
diet changes, etc.

As usual, the medical thing is to try to get rid of
the symptoms, with no concern or thought of the

I have to tell you, emotional stuff is, at the very
least, a contributor to allergies, if not the primary
initiator, IMO.

As far as I have been able to discover, there are no
Certified EFT practitioners anywhere near me, or I
would try to meet with them. Sigh, I suppose I could
try the phone consultation thing (several list members
do it).

You should almost expect that whatever is being
injected into your son also contains toxins. It's the
medical way.

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2006-03-18 Thread starshar

From: Pat
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 6:36 PM

I would love to find a way to help my son.  He's had irritable  bowel and 
lactose intolerance problems since he was three.  Thank  goodness I breast 
fed him till he was 2 years 4 months.  He tried  adding fiber supplements 
but that didn't help at all.  He eats the  typical American diet but does 
do more fresh food and sushi than  most.  He was tested by a 
gastroenterologist when in junior high  school to be sure it was irritable 
bowel syndrome.  He's using so  much Immodium, but that is the only thing 
that helps him.  He said  he gets pain so severe that he can't walk upright 
and breaks out in a  sweat.  One website says one should eat vegan, the 
other says one  should mostly eat raw meats.  Surely there's something in 
between  that makes more sense.

There's a very high possibility that he could have celiac disease with these 
My sister suffered for years with IBS. I finally talked her into going 
gluten free which she did for a month, then complained to me that it wasn't 
That same day she ran into an old friend at the health food store and was 
advised to continue wheat/gluten free diet and add probiotics and one garlic 
capsule a day.

Within 3 days her symptoms completely cleared up.

She continued this for 3 more months, then took a vacation to Ireland. She 
told me in advance there was no way she was staying gluten free with the 
breads in Ireland.
After she was there for 3 days she stopped into an internet cafe, and sent 
me just this message, It's the wheat--oh boy, is it ever the wheat!

She stays on a gluten free regimen *most* of the time, but if she falls off 
the gluten wagon she pays almost an instant price with the return of IBS.

Here are a few sites you could peruse:

My best healing wishes to your son,


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Re: CSDegenerative disk disease

2006-03-17 Thread starshar

From: ransley
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 8:59 AM

Hi DB,

I'm so glad you chimed in. I was (and will) going to order from ocean 
alchemy but I would've gone straight to the fire products as I know you had 
mentioned them elsewhere. So, great, I learned something of value already.

Ok, I'm grateful I only have bulges G. I do not want to get to the point 
you did, for sure! It's amazing what you've overcome in several areas.
I painted my lumbar spine with the Lugols and then added a very fine layer 
of DMSO gel on top. Boy, did I get the histamine reaction and fast! I then 
slathered some coconut oil on top to ease that. So far, so good.

I've really cranked up the Silver Puppy and am taking more CS than usual.
And I filter my well water through a Brita and drink between 2-3 qts a day.

As always, your experience and advice are of great value and I thank you!



Be thankful that you have bulges, not ruptures. You still have time. 
or not, when they actually rupture, you may have less pain because the 

of the disk is no longer pressing against the spinal cord. But that's
temporary, because the jelly inside of the disk moves into the spinal
column, where it is attacked by the microbes, calcifies, solidifies and
becomes stenosis. Then you really got troubles. I forgot to mention 

that I was diagnosed with severe lumbar stenosis and near critical
cervical stenosis.

Right now I'd say your cheapest and quickest options are to to use those
bulbs that V's been talking about, and regularly paint your spine with
Lugol's. You'll know you have enough iodine when you can taste it and your
nose runs. I'd also take magnesium, citrate or orotate.

The lower mannas of ormus preparations- particularly the salt
precipitates- may be all you need to renourish your disks. My condition 

so bad that I had to jump straight into the higher mannas. I DO NOT
recommend that. A year ago, my source of raw milk, a dairy farmer in 

South Carolina, was in pain (nowhere near what I had lived with but that's
not to make light of it). He listened to me and about 16 ounces of the 

manna was all he needed to get out of pain and back to work.

The lower manna that I refer to can be homemade:
I've never done it, got everything to do it with, just would rather pay 


I buy mine here:
Scroll down to-
Products of Water Alchemy:
Great Salt Lake Manna
Atlantic C-11 Manna
Dead Sea Gold
My dairy farmer friend used the Atlantic C-11.
Once again, DO NOT start out with the fire alchemy products.

Of course, keep taking CS. Low ppm CS is what killed off my chronic pain 

the first place, and began chasing disease out to my skin.

Drink LOTS of good spring or well water. Until I was able to bring about
more healing in my neck, my left arm would regularly go limp at my side 
the cervical problems. I would drink a gallon of water for two days, and 
arm would completely recover. I am very fortunate to own two wells that 
fantastic water that is back pressure from the ocean, filtered through 
of prehistoric oyster/clam beds. But there is still plenty of good water 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSharon's health issues

2006-03-17 Thread starshar

From: Terry Chamberlin
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 11:17 AM

Hi Terry,

We are on the exact same wavelength here! I do not allow Drs to do their 
thing at all. Because I'm fortunate enough to have health insurance, I use 
allopathy for diagnostics only. In a few rare cases I've used rx meds for a 
temporary situation until the nutritional methods kick in. I'm actually a 
certified nutritional consultant but have never practiced, so I don't have 
the in depth experience that would come from constantly dealing with 

I have a chiropractor who has become more of a naturopath these days, but 
this is the guy who really messed me up! He insisted last year that I have 
an xray of the lumbar spine and sent me to a local hosp. known fot it's 
minimal radiation exposure. He read the xray and informed me that I was born 
with a missing L-5.

Not according to the MRI!
Last visit about 4 wks ago, he hit me all over the lumbar area with the 
activator (I think I've got that right), and upon leaving his office I 
then discovered I couldn't lift my left leg into the car. I've had this 
sciatic pain ever since. Boy, he's going to get read the riot act next time 
I see him!
Yup, I'm actually trusting that once he knows the MRI results that he's 
going to have other modalities to get me over the sciatica. I'm so twisted 
and tilted that no nutritional therapy is going cure that; I've got to get 
back to some reasonable alignment.

CUT ME? Did I actually imply that? That'll happen when pigs fly!

I'm with you on all your suggestions, though I'm still cogitating on 
exactly what I'm going to put together. Allergy testing? A la Dr Coca? 
Somewhere I've got that old book, even if I don't properly recall his name. 
I remember that pulse testing.

I use a lot of Standard Process products, and grabbed their Ligaplex II for 
the discs, and Albaplex for the kidneys. I'm upping my Vit C, with 
synergists, and will add MSM, probably will also experiment with 
Serrapeptase. I'm ordering some UNhydrolyzed collagen as well. Meanwhile, I 
have some CMO in house and have started using it. It's long past expiry, but 
it'll do for now.
I've got the EFT manual, books, and a set of CDs. I've worked with a 
practitioner by phone, a year ago, so I've got a good handle on it--I 
just have to USE it!

And believe it or not, I happen to have a bottle of NCD but I'm not too sure 
if it's 'for' me or not. First dose left me feeling awful, and my own muscle 
testing always is negative on it. I don't really trust self testing, because 
of subjectivity and possible polarity reversal. Nevertheless, the negative 
response is very consistent. Of course, I could be subconsciously trying to 
avoid the herx!

You are absolutely right on mixing two modalities, and I'm in total 
agreement. If it weren't for the advantage of the diagnostic MRI, I'd still 
be thinking I just had a missing disc and possibly causing more damage. So 
for the diagnostics, I'll practice a small amount of gratitude for the 
orthodox side. Just a very *small* amount!

Now to see what's going on with the kidney---Tues for that. And there's no 
way they will be messing with my kidney!

Terry, I greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into this post to 
me---you are a gem!

Thank you for all the good ideas


The type of physical issues you are struggling with
actually have a very high response rate utilizing
nutrients/therapies outside of the standard medical

Many times plain old chiropractic works wonders.

I, like many others here, urge you to not allow the
doctors to do their thing on you.

This brings up an important point. You need to make a
health philosophy decision here. You need to go with
either the allopathic medical approach in coping
with/treating your health problem, or go with the
alternative approaches. On some things, you can
co-mingle treatments (take drugs but also take
nutritional supplements; take drugs but also be
adjusted by a chiropractor). More and more, as the
medical approach to health issues becomes more radical
and bizzare and barbaric, the two approaches to health
negate each other and you must choose one or the

An example: There are many health issues that a doctor
will treat by giving drugs that depress the immune
system because their treatment is so bizzare and
unnatural. In others, such as hypERthyroidism, the
medical answer is to deliberately destroy the thyroid
gland (with radiation) and give you very poor,
synthetic thyroid substitute the rest of your life
(with all the inevitable complications that ensue).

In your present situation, if you allow the doctors to
cut you in any way, you will probably never fully
recover from the effects no matter what you do (apart
from an act of God). Please understand, they DO NOT
know what is wrong with you, but they will they will
freely assign you the role of guinea pig. Since the
medical mentality has 

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