Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-04-01 Thread Triode

Could you try kernel #6 again?  I think it is working now with 192k


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-31 Thread Triode

indypants;698727 Wrote: 
 Thanks John. I must admit, it had already been my intention to put the
 Isolator between the hub and the DAC, but probably for the completely
 wrong reason. I was under the (false?) impression that the Isolator did
 something to stop the power feed getting through, and that this might
 stop the hub from working properly (it's powered, yes?). I'm not very
 technical with this kind of thing, as you might have guessed!

Yep that's another good reason for doing it that way round.  Just
wanted to reasure you it worked...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-31 Thread Triode

indypants;698728 Wrote: 
 So what are your thoughts on the effects of the Isolator?
 Placebo or not?

Must admit I've not spent a long time listening to the differences.  I
have spent more time building new kernels and trying to get the usb
support to wotk in the first instance.  I must get back to listening


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-31 Thread Triode

indypants;698736 Wrote: 
 Intersetingly, I notice that the USB buffer on the MDAC is more stable
 now, being rock solid at 50% with the hub in. On kernal#1 and no hub,
 is was going up and down a lot.

Yep - this is the way it works with other players.  The hack in kernel
#1 exploits the fact that the Lakewest code will support more data sent
less frequently, but this then causes the buffer fill variation you see
(or at least the bar graph goes up and down a lot).  Dominik seemed
happy with the hack though in terms of his code would work with it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-31 Thread Triode

I've just added a new kernel (Kernel #6).  This supports usb and the
192k  digital ouput as kernel #5, but the non working 192k analog
output is removed.  

I intend to release this with a simplified installer applet, so am
looking for people to test this out to see if it works ok.  Please
could a couple of people test with normal and usb dacs.

[The new applet will automatically install this kernel to make it
simpler for people to install hopefully making it several less steps. 
I want to make sure the kernel is ok first though.]


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-31 Thread Triode

indypants;698778 Wrote: 
 Just tried kernel#6 with the MDAC and CDQ and I'm not getting anything
 from the USB. 192K is working OK from optical and coax though.
 Reloaded kernel#5 and everything is working again.

With the hub?  It should be the same - I need to look at it again :(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-30 Thread Triode

indypants;698597 Wrote: 
 I used this one

Same isolator I have and I think you our ordering the Hama hub - I can
confirm this combination is working for me.  As John says, connect the
hub to the player and the isolator between it and the dac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-30 Thread Triode

gh0st;698666 Wrote: 
 another field report...
 MDAC (latest beta firmware)
 SBT with TT3.0
 source material 16/44.1  24/96 flac and 320k spotify (thanks Triode,
 highly superior to the official plugin :)
 Kernel #1: works fine provided the buffer in TT3.0 is set to 5000. I
 haven't tried every graduation in between, but 4000 was a definite
 failure - pops every couple of seconds. With 5000 the MDAC's usb buffer
 display is always ~45-80%.
 Kernel #3: less successful, I set the buffer up to the SBT default of
 2, but this made little or no difference to the buffer depleting
 and a corresponding pop when it hit bottom and refilled. With the
 16/44.1 it would consistently fill to about 20% and then descend
 steadily to nothing, then jump to 20% again and so on. With 24/96 it
 filled up higher, maybe 60-70%, and descended more slowly, but would
 still hit zero and pop.
 Has anyone seen a software fix for this or is it the usb hub / isolator
 cheers ./dom

Anything other than kernel #1 will need a hub.  Kernel 1 has a
workaround specifically for this, but is limited to 44/48k sampling
rate and only works with some dacs such as MDAC.

If you want to play higher resolution I suggest getting an external
hub, otherwise stick to kernel 1.  There will be an easier way to
install soon which will integrate the different kernels and make the
kernel 1 capability an option.

Note - its the hub which fixes this, not the isolator.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-30 Thread Triode

gh0st;698672 Wrote: 
 thanks - is this the fella?
Looks like it - though I remember the price being slightly different,
but I think the comments look like those against the one I bought. 
[key point is it needs to be a high speed hub with an internal
transaction translator]

 Besides not solving the pop problem, is the isolator recommended for
 any other reason?
It's recommended to isolate the dac from the player electrically which
can remove some usb cable borne noise.  There's been some debate on
pink fish about whether they are needed - but some people have reported


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-24 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;697100 Wrote: 
 Aha! I was playing a 192 WAV file which of course streams PCM. I'll
 change it and send flac for the wav.
 Thats a strange limitation that SP will not receive 192 PCM. Is that an
 explicit limitation or just that it can't keep up?

It needs a change to lms and squeezeplay for pcm as the server needs to
tell the player the samplerate and this is not currently an option in
the code.  With flac, the player flac library is used to detect
samplerate and already supports these rates.  I think I can add it to
7.8 with andy's permission.. (even though 192k is considered harmful
:)).  It will mean you need to run 7.8 builds though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-24 Thread Triode

Triode;697101 Wrote: 
 I've tested again, 176/192 is broken on the internal dac (wrong speed),
 but I believe works on the spdif output [which is what I was testing
 with mostly and was my real target for this].  Please constrain testing
 to the spdif output at present.

Looks like 176/192 doesn't work with the internal ak4220 dac.  I will
remove this from the next version until I understand this - in the
interim please test usb and spdif only at these sample rates.

[Note for John S - if you have access to the test gear I'm be
interested in the BCLK and MCLK getting to the dac in the 176/192k
case...  I am changing a divider on BLCK but it doesn't seem to do


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-23 Thread Triode

dsdreamer;696999 Wrote: 
 I've had an AudioEngine D1 plugged into a USB2.0 hub and thence into the
 Touch, and it has been working very well for 44.1kHz ripped CDs and
 24/96kHz FLAC downloads. Today I tried to play a low quality stream
 from a local radio station and got a Pinky and Perky impression.
 Nevertheless, the USB Audio info page reported 32kHz audio rate, which
 I think is correct. I have exactly the same issue with Klaus'
 TouchToolbox on the same stream. 
 Oddly enough, when I go back to play a CD rip at 16/44.1kHz the DAC is
 no longer in asynchronous mode, and is stuck at at sample frequency
 slightly higher than 44.1kHz (i.e. 44,250Hz), with the expected audio
 clicks. Pressing reset on the SBT recovers the situation. 
 This is 100% repeatable: playing the 32kHz internet radio station
 breaks asynchronous USB until reset is pressed. 
 32kHz is not a big deal for me normally, but it would be interesting to
 know if this is a peculiarity of the DAC I'm using or is also true for
 other DACs.

Does the audioengine claim to support the sample rate in the
/proc/sound/ entry?  The usb code will only play back the native sample
rates of the hardware (which is what TT does when it bypasses the plug
layer).  In the case of SB internal devices they don't support 32k (or
don't look to have been configured for it), but some usb dacs may.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-23 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;697007 Wrote: 
 I tried the latest applet and kernel, I could not get 192 on the
 internal DAC to work. I currently don't have anything that can read 192
 S/PDIF so I couldn't try that either.

I've tested again, 176/192 is broken on the internal dac (wrong speed),
but I believe works on the spdif output [which is what I was testing
with mostly and was my real target for this].  Please constrain testing
to the spdif output at present.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-22 Thread Triode

CardioFitness;696818 Wrote: 
 I got a Nad M51 2.0 usb which needs to install the 2.0 USB drivers on
 windows but not on iOS because supposely already has them. So any
 chance it will work with the touch ?
 Also so far only up to 96 is working right ?

If it works with linux and osx uac 2.0 then there is a good chance it
should work with kernels 3 onwards on SB Touch.  Windows does not
include uac 2 drivers, but as long as the dac works with the native
driver for linux then there is a good chance it will work  (can't
promise though)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-21 Thread Triode

MWelschenbach;696722 Wrote: 
 Triode, what exactly do you mean by reset the output device?

Go into the usb dac menu and set the output device back to default.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-21 Thread Triode

ste1;696725 Wrote: 
 Hi Triode,
 I have tried this with a Musical Fidelity V-Dac 2.  This is an asynch
 dac however I do not know if it is USB 1 or 2.
 I followed the instructions on page 1 of this thread last night and
 both applets insalled OK.
 Problem I have is that the DAC doesn't appear by name to select in the
 USB Audio Output menu. Instead I get 2 options: Digital Output(44-192)
 and Analgoue Output(44-192). 

Those outputs are the internal digital and analog ports (which this
kernel also supports at 192k sample rate).  You should have seen a
separate entry at the end for your dac.

Can you ssh into the touch and let me know what the following command

cat /proc/asound/cards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-21 Thread Triode

PietB;696768 Wrote: 
 Just tried, the touch didn't loop-reboot and my rDac is playing now over
 usb-out, however not constantly but hickups

Hum - that's a pity.  Do you have a high speed usb hub between the dac
and the touch?  Does the momentary frequency update when it is playing
on the info menu for the dac?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-21 Thread Triode

PietB;696786 Wrote: 
 No high speed usb hub, tried hires 96000 hz now and is playing fine, no
 Only resetted the touch and rDac before playing.
 playing another song and switching to 16 bit 44, hickups
 Switching back to 24/96 agan playing fine, also 24/88 
 Info menu for the dac shows the correct frequencies

So the key issue for async is that the momentary frequency should
change based on the feedback from the dac.  Sometimes it will be too
high then too low, but I would expect it to update about once per
second when working correctly.  This probably does need an external
high speed hub though as the touch has some hardware limitations - can
you try to use one and see?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-21 Thread Triode

MWelschenbach;696794 Wrote: 
 I observe the frequency alternating between 96005 and 96006 Hz or
 between 192010 and 192011 Hz respectively about every second, sometimes
 even two or three seconds. Is this as it is supposed to be?

Yes it should alter as it's a feedback mechanism - this is what async
usb is all about.  The dac tells the transport how fast to go and the
transport changes its rate as told.  The critical thing is that the
crystals in dac and player will be at slightly different frequencies. 
There is a buffer in the dac, so all that is required is that the dac
tells the transport to slow down or speed up to keep the buffer half
full - this is what is happening with the different rates you see.  The
fact it is changing means it is working in async mode.  

It's interesting how different dac manufacturers have implemented these
changes differently - my audiolab for instance alters the frequency by
100Hz or more between the go faster and go slower message.  Your dac
appears do adjust on a more fine grain manner.  However the bit that
matters is that it is updating.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-20 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;696600 Wrote: 
 The internal DAC and S/PDIF is probably going to be more difficult.
 Their drivers have tables which take the desired sample rate and set
 processor registers appropriately. Unfortunately these tables only go
 up to 96. I did a quick look at this a couple years ago and could not
 figure out the correct register values by looking at the other values,
 it was not obvious. One would have to get the processor data book and
 figure out the right values. Not too hard but it takes some time.

I was being too obscure.  They show good signs of working me with
modified drivers, but not with alsa plug layer so they only work one at
a time and I'm not sure on the cpu load yet.  Will have something to
test soon.  [I've not really listened in anger to check for dropouts in
the output fifo though.  However my dac registers 192k sample rate and
the same 192k file plays back on the internal dac.  So this is a
definate possiblity at present]


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-20 Thread Triode

I've just added a new kernel and updated the output selection applet.

Please try these two together as the kernel includes some changes which
require the new applet.  Best installation process is to: reset the
output device, update the applet and then update the kernel.  Then
select your chosen output device.

The new kernel includes:
- possible work around for the rDAC issue (based on my option 2, it
ignores the parameter from the dac and uses a smaller parameter - the
question is whether the dac likes this..?)
- format text in /proc/asound/card/stream0 changed to latest kernel
- option to select Digital (spdif) and Analog (ak4420 internal dac)
- tentative 176.4k and 192k support for Digital and Analog outputs when
used separately (note 1) (note 2) (note 3)

(note 1) note this is not tested very well and may not work.  I've not
tried 176.4 at all as I don't have a test file.  192k looks to work,
but I've not listened for a long period to check whether there are any

(note 2) this does not work in default output mode where both
internal outputs are enabled - at present this case is broken as the
server does not resample, but the player can't sustain the stream.  I
need to find a way to put back resampling on the server for this case.

(note 3) note by playing through the output separately, support of
sampling rates below 44.1 is removed, this may impact some internet
radio streams.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-19 Thread Triode

jackocleebrown;696408 Wrote: 
 Using kernel 1 and 2 I get:
 asyc-dac hack: changing datainterval from 0 to 1
 2:1:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x1
 iso: int: 2 usec: 12 c_usec: 0 maxp: 585 raw_mask: 000f tt_usecs:
 iso: int: 128 usec: 1 c_usec: 1 maxp: 3 raw_mask: 1c01 tt_usecs:
 fsl-ehci fsl-ehci.0: request c732f760 would overflow (2048+1282048)
 cannot submit syncpipe for urb 2, error -27: internal error
 Same error just with some other info in there.

I believe I know what is going on.  I suspect it is because your dac
asks for frequency reports every 128 ms, whereas other dacs ask for
them more frequently.  There is a known limitation in the kernel usb
scheduler code where infrequent requests get refused.  I have two
routes to fix this: 1) adding more patches to the usb scheduler code
from more recent linux kernels, 2) ignoring the request from the dac
and always using a more frequent interval to poll for frequency.  I
will look at next weekend and try to do 1) as it seems more general -
please look out for an update.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-19 Thread Triode

Mnyb;696022 Wrote: 
 Is not 192k converted to 96k by the server ( with the eminent help of
 SoX ) .
 Even with this special kernel ?

Answering this specific question.  192k playback is possible if the
output device reports it as an avaliable rate.  Squeezeplay (the
playback app) queries alsa for the max samplrate supported by the
output port and reports this to the server.  The server then
automatically uses sox to resample if the rate is above that reported.

UAC 2 devices should be able to do 192k.  The internal spdif and dac
also appear capable of it if the alsa plug layer is bypassed (i.e. one
at a time).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-18 Thread Triode

jackocleebrown;696302 Wrote: 
 I tried to set asound.conf to use the DAC but this results in the same
 rebooting loop. If I hotplug the DAC with my modified asound.conf then
 try and play a track then I get no playback and dmesg includes the
 ALSA sound/usb/clock.c:227: 2:1:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x1
 which may be relevant.
Don't worry about that line - I've commented it out in later kernels as
it appears most dacs don't allow this to be displayed.

 It was mentioned earlier in the thread that one solution to this type
 of issue may be editing the file
 /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/SqueezeboxFab4.lua to set a
 different bit depth. I've tried this and it does not help, however
 whatever changes I make to that file seem to be overwritten
 on/etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/SqueezeboxFab4.lua a reboot.
The plugin is only updating this file.  Did you sync before reboot
when you updated this?  (otherwise it was possibly not valid json?)

Try setting the alsaPlaybackDevice=hw:CARD=DAC and alsaSampleSize=24
for your dac.

The plugin should do this automatically - but lets find our what your
dac needs first.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-18 Thread Triode

Likely that it needs a more specific card name - can you try aplay -l
from the command line and see what it lists as the options for devices?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-18 Thread Triode

jackocleebrown;696330 Wrote: 
 This is what I get (boot with usb plugged in but applet configured for
 normal operation):
 # aplay -l
  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
 card 0: TXRX [MXC SPDIF TX/RX], device 0: MXC_SPDIF [MXC_SPDIF]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 card 1: DAC [ARCAM DAC], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 card 2: fab4 [fab4], device 0: fab4-ak4420 []
 Subdevices: 0/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 card 3: fab4_1 [fab4], device 0: fab4-wm8974 []
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

Which kernel are you using - try with kernel 4 + the manual


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-18 Thread Triode

jackocleebrown;696339 Wrote: 
 is this down to the version of alsa? or are you bypassing alsa
 completely? I was trying to get it to work by fiddling with the aplay
 command line options.

Its using the alsa kernel driver so it would be good if you can make it
play via aplay.  I don't see what it wrong there - can you narrow down
which hardware params don't work?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-18 Thread Triode

jackocleebrown;696359 Wrote: 
 I've not found a combination of parameters to get playback with aplay
 working from the touch. There is an entry for every attempt in DMESG:
 checking quirk table for id: 0c560002
 ALSA sound/usb/clock.c:227: 2:1:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x1
 ALSA sound/usb/urb.c:824: cannot submit syncpipe for urb 2, error -27:
 internal error

Do you get the same with kernel 1 or 2?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-18 Thread Triode

jackocleebrown;696409 Wrote: 
 lsusb -v on my laptop returns:

Thanks - will look at this and get back to you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-17 Thread Triode

Based on Mark's feedback I've updated the Usb Audio Output applet to
version 0.6.  This should now support detection and selection of dacs
wanting 32bit samples.  This is working for Mark with kernel #4 to
support uac 2 dacs.  Anyone else with a uac 2 dac may wish to try this
combination and post here.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-16 Thread Triode

RadBadMark;696010 Wrote: 
 Asynchronous class 2 audio appears to be working well, although using
 your applet to change the soundcard doesn't work for me for some reason
 - when I select the USB DAC in the menu and the SBT reboots, it enters a
 continuous boot loop until I unplug the DAC, at which point it then
 boots normally and I can change it back to the default soundcard. To
 get round this I've selected the USB DAC by modifying asound.conf
 instead - I'm assuming this amounts to the same thing although I
 obviously don't have the the info from the app available. Can I get
 hold of this data elsewhere in the system?

Thats very good progress - thanks for testing.  By modifying the
asound.conf layer you are going through a layer of alsa which I had
hoped to bypass by targetting the device directly.

I think the problem is that the sound card is expecting format 0xa
which is not supported by the main squeezeplay code at present (only 16
and 24 bit mode are).  I will need to look at adding this to the
jive_alsa code which is something I had hoped to avoid.

 I'm using test kernel 4 and it's been running in the background now for
 a couple of hours with no noticeable clicks, pops or dropouts. I'm not
 connected via a hub either, the DAC is bus powered and plugged straight
 into the back of the touch. Seems quite happy playing
 44.1/48/88.2/96/176.4  192kHz off the server too, although I don't
 know what the SBT is doing internally. I should be able to verify
 output sample rates tomorrow as my other DAC has sample rate indicators

As its a high speed device, I believe it should work directly connected
to touch (its only the 2-1.1 portion of the touch silicon which
appears to have a limitation).  Can you see the momentary frequency
changing - this would indicate async is working correctly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-16 Thread Triode

Mark - could you post the dmesg for when the audio stream is started? 
(I'm not sure I enabled debug on that kernel, but would be useful to
see what it records).  Do you know if the dac only supports S32_LE
format over uac 2?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-16 Thread Triode

RadBadMark;696085 Wrote: 
 I did look at dmesg but couldn't spot anything relevent so I didn't post
 it, I'll check again later though. I don't know about sample formats off
 the top of my head but I'll see what I can find out.

Ok - no worries.  Can you pm me an email address.  I will update the
binary to support S32_LE and let you have it to validate.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-15 Thread Triode

RadBadMark;695955 Wrote: 
 Triode - thanks for the effort from you and John with this!
 I have a couple of DACs that are class 2 capable - I'll try and give it
 a test either tonight or over the weekend. Is there anything specific
 that I can feedback that would be particularly useful? Are you
 expecting them to run at high speed or fall back to full speed?

Do they work - and what the dmesg shows (when you ssh into touch and
type dmesg).  Most interesting if they don't work so we can try to get
them to the point when they may.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-11 Thread Triode

MWelschenbach;695327 Wrote: 
 Is someone here who tried the kernels provided by Triode with Eximus
 DP1, or with any other USB audio class 2 dac?

I don't think anyone has posted about tests using an audio class 2 dac
yet - I'm awaiting with interest.  [I was also holding off doing any
more kernels until we got some feedback on this]


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-11 Thread Triode

MWelschenbach;695364 Wrote: 
 Since USB audio class 2 is specified as downward compatible to class 1
 it should work, don't you think?

Well I think it would be useful to have some test cases. I don't think
we have tried anything running as a high speed (480M) device yet.  If
the dac has a 1.1 full speed port then that will work, but I suspect
this is not the case.  In summary - I'm hopeful we can make it work,
but at present with no test cases can't be sure.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-11 Thread Triode

MWelschenbach;695369 Wrote: 
 But again, the USB 2.0 high speed port is supposed to be downwards
 compatible to USB 1.1, so if the dac has a high speed USB port it
 should be able to operate the touch. However, some positive test cases
 to confirm this would be appreciated.

Its all under software control so will only be the case if the software
supports this and works as intended...  If the dac has a configuration
to force it into 1.1 mode I would be reasonably confident it will work.
If not and it negotiates to a lower rate then I am less confident.  I
think you would be the first person trialing it with a high speed


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-10 Thread Triode

dsdreamer;695065 Wrote: 
 I hope he will keep his unofficial applets available for the future.
 They are starting to become indispensable!

It looks like Logitech is unable to accept the patches as part of the
mainstream kernel at present as they are concerned about the amount of
testing required.  I will therefore be looking at making it an easier
3rd party addition to install - I think we can make the applet
automatically download and install the kernel after it is installed and
trap the case of a missing dac better.  I also want to merge the
features of kernels #1 and 3 so that we can have one install with an
option to support the no hub case at 44/48k for dacs which work with


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-09 Thread Triode

gaunaik;695027 Wrote: 
 M-DAC and Kernal *3 seems to work with 96/24 without the use of a hub.
 This has already been reported by another tester.
 Good news indeed or is is the MDAC being fooled into thinking this is
 the case? Music plays flawlessly.
 Thanks for your efforts Triode and John S.  
 Your instructions on the required updates worked first time, I think
 its a very painless process.  
 Worth pointing to this thread on Pinkfishmedia.  I know many members on
 there are using touch with the M-DAC.

Without a hub it will play, but I am not sure if it will be working in
async mode.  If you go to the settings, advanced, usb audio menu and
then look at the info for the dac does the frequency change?  If not
then its working on a fixed frequency and you will get a pop as the
buffer fills or empties.  MDAC has a useful buffer level display which
can help show when this will happen.  It will depend on the frequency
difference between the crystal in the touch and the mdac how often
these pops occur - you may be lucky and it does not happen very often. 
Suggest buying a £6 hub if you see this...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-04 Thread Triode

warpian;693938 Wrote: 
 I did several comparisons with the M2Tech Evo, Audiophilleo and Fostex
 HP-P1 and the SPDIF output from these devices clearly outperform the
 one from the SBT (with or without Soundcheck). Tests where performed
 with a Moon 650 (with the new async USB Interface) and an AMR DP 777. 

Did you do any of these tests using the SBT USB output (as discussed on
this thread).  If so can you confirm so we can record which dacs are
working.  Very interested if any of these dacs are usb audio class 2.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-04 Thread Triode

warpian;693954 Wrote: 
 I will install your kernel 3 sometime next week and hook the
 Audiophilleo up to the SBT and let you know :-)
Suggest trying with kernel #4 as it has slightly more debug messages. 
Can you ssh into touch and see what dmesg shows when you try to start
playback (this is where any errors will be shown)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2012-03-03 Thread Triode

realmadrid;693809 Wrote: 
 Hi Triode:
 Look at:
 Works very well on Vortexbox

So if you have one - could you try it on Touch with my kernel and let
me know how you get on?  I'm not looking to buy one, I was hoping
people here would have usb audio class 2 dacs they could try with touch
and help us make it work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-27 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;692872 Wrote: 
 If you never want to go above 48 you should be able to use kernel #1
 without a hub. There might be some DACs where this does not work. The
 hub lets you go up to 96. Most DACs seem to be able to do this without
 one of the special kernels. 
 John S.

To add to this - with the hub the dac will work as its designer
intended.  The approach in kernel #1 is to ignore the request from the
dac for data to arrive every 1ms and it make touch send every 2ms, so
that the return async packets can be scheduled in the slots in between.
This only works with some dacs, but if it works then I don't see any
reason for needing a hub as long as you only want to go to 48k.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-27 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;692799 Wrote: 
 I tried the new USB audio applet 0.4, with the default kernel, it works
 great with both the HRT streamerII (async class 1.0) and the 2706
 (adaptive, 16 bit class 1) based DAC. The 2706 DAC works at all sample
 rates (44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96) which is a bit unusual since its only
 supporting up to 48. So either its using plug, or the server is
 resampling. I checked the info while it was playing different sample
 rates, and its just playing 44.1 or 48. I thought your jive_alsa was
 doing hw not plug so I'm not sure what is going on here. 
Its using the card direct as hw and so should only support the options
provided by the player - interested in what is going on here.

 I tried kernel 3 and got exactly the same results. In addition I also
 tried the EMU-0404, which works in 44.1 but has bizarre sound in higher
 rates. So it looks like the EMU-0404 specific code did not make it into
 this kernel. I do not have any class 2.0 DACs to try at this point. 

I will look at the source later this evening, but I didn't consiously
leave this out.  I will rebuild kernel #3 with some debuging enabled so
we can get some dmesg output for these cases to help debug.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-27 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;692799 Wrote: 
 I tried kernel 3 and got exactly the same results. In addition I also
 tried the EMU-0404, which works in 44.1 but has bizarre sound in higher
 rates. So it looks like the EMU-0404 specific code did not make it into
 this kernel. I do not have any class 2.0 DACs to try at this point. 

John - the EMU-0404 code is definately there.  Could you try with
kernel #4, this is the same code but with a couple of extra printks
added in the relavent quirk section and with the
CONFIG_SND_VERBOSE_PRINTK kernel option.  What's the dmesg say?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2012-02-26 Thread Triode

Does anyone here have a USB Audio Class 2 dac??  If so I would be
interested in what happens with my kernel #3 in the usb dac experiement
thread.  I can't test as I don't have the appropriate dac, but I think
I've included the more recent linux changes which _may_ allow class 2
dacs to do something.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-26 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;690417 Wrote: 
 I've tried USB audio 0.3 (I hope that's the right one) and it still
 doesn't work with my 2706 based DAC. It just continuously reboots.
John - I found a bug in the 0.3 version of USB Audio Output - could you
try updating to 0.4 and trying again with your 16 bit dac?  (Ideally
also try the new #3 kernel with the dac too so I know it supports these


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-25 Thread Triode

I've added another test kernel and would like to see feedback from
people using a range of dacs with kernel #3.

This is differnet from previous kernels which aimed to include minimal
patches to the original linux kernel used in touch.  Kernel #3 includes
the majority of patches added to the usbaudio driver to bring it up to
date with the linux kernel tree as of April 2011.  (This changes are
resticted to sound/usb)

This means the driver includes new code to parse the requirements of
the dac and also _possibly_ provides support of USB Audio Class 2.  [I
have no idea as I can't test, but I've included what looked to be the
relavent patches]

As with kernel #2, if you have an async usb 1 device then you will need
an external hub.

Very interested in test results.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-25 Thread Triode

MWelschenbach;692575 Wrote: 
 Is it possible to install the new kernel over kernel #2?

Yes - just go to the Kernel Updater menu and select the new one.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-24 Thread Triode

bluegaspode;692310 Wrote: 
 John preferred A in all cases with some statistical significance even
 though he never knew when A was played or not.

Yes this is how I interpret them, which leads me to what to review the
code as the difference between A and D is not expected.  Also its not a
consitent view across other cases.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-24 Thread Triode

NoRoDa;692368 Wrote: 
 To me the different settings seem a bit mysterious, like you just made
 something that is using CPU without doing anything?
 My head was focused on hearing improvements (or maybe changes), not
 knowing that the best I could hope for is no improvement.
This is not necessarily so - my original hypotheris is that variations
on the power rail couple into the audio output in some way.  In this
case varying cpu load and specifically going in and out of low power
mode are likely to have more impact than constantly using 100% cpu. 
Hence a 100% process which avoids getting to the low power state could
be expected to have an impact which may be positive...   (or maybe not)
However I did reason it could have an impact one way or another. 
Clearly in a perfect world it would have no impact.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-23 Thread Triode

Interesting results so far - in that there's no clear benefit/degrade of
specific changes.  I though I'd share what the modification is in test
#2 to encourage more people to try if they are interested...

Test #2 contains 4 test case these are:
A: runs a process which does nothing (sleeps for a second and then
B: runs a process which uses as much cpu as possible, but runs as a
IDLE priority process, i.e. uses all cpu when no other processes are
C: as B but also reads and writes from random locations in memory
(memory block larger than the cache to create constant activity on the
memory bus)
D: does nothing

The basis of this is to examine the hypothersis that cpu load and
memory access have an impact on sound quality.  Its possible to argue
that the load on the cpu and or the frequency and duration of tasks
running on the cpu could have an impact on sound.  Also that turning
priorties and buffer lengths influence the durations different
processes spend running and the frequency they do.  I also note that
the linux kernel puts the cpu into a lower power mode whenever in the
kernel's idle process so spending more time in idle will mean lower
power load and also changing the time/frequency of the kernel doing
real work vs stitting in the idle process is likely to change the load
the cpu places on the cpu power rails.

Now my test case was to see whether cases B and C have noticable and
repeatable impact on audio quality in comparison to the two control
cases of A and D.  I would say from the existing data they do not.  The
inference from this would be that cpu load does not have a significant
bearing on the audio quality, but I wonder whether now you know the
test cases whether people are able to hear any difference


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-23 Thread Triode

garym;692286 Wrote: 
 To be clear will people now know when doing the tests which case they
 are in (A,B,C,D)?  Or is this part still blind to the tester?  I hope

No the individual test cases are still blind (randomly chosen).  The
result should now make sense to people.  I want to drum up some
interest in taking the test!

I should not have used the letters A  B in two places...  When Test
Case A and Test Case B are presented they are randomly chosen from
the four options [which are labled A, B, C, D but they do not


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-22 Thread Triode

MWelschenbach;691957 Wrote: 
 It seems to be consistent: After the LMS not being available due to the
 nightly stand-by phase of the NAS the Touch requires a reboot for
 playing files after the LMS is up and running again. Its not that the
 Touch is not responding at all, for instance it is possible to log in
 via SSH, but it just won't play any music files. With the Touch being
 in this state, the 8200CDQ does not show any connection via USB. Only
 after the reboot the bit depth and sample rate of the music file to be
 played are displayed by the DAC.

Did you turn the dac off overnight too?  It definately won't support


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-22 Thread Triode

tufty;692056 Wrote: 
 I was wondering about this: is it currently necessary to reset the Touch
 if the DAC is turned off and then on later? Has seemed that way to me.
 Is this something that can be fixed?

Yes this is the case.

It can only be fixed with changes to the core logitech code, which if
I do and distribute it means that you loose features from the firmware
which are not open source.  At present squeezeplay (the player
application run on touch) only opens the audio device at startup and
assumes that it only starts up at reboot of the box.  It may be
possible to reboot just the app, but a better approach would be to be
able to open the audio device when a new dac is detected.  This is not
possible at present.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-22 Thread Triode

NoRoDa;691975 Wrote: 
 I tried this last night.
 But, maybe I was tired, aren't there three tests?
There are two sets of tests: 
Audio Tests #1
Audio Tests #2

Tests #1 has 3 cases in it and is to familarise you with the test
process - it is unlikely that you will detect any difference between
Tests #2 has 4 cases and I was hoping that you may be able to hear some
differences between specific ones of them.  With the results thus far I
conclude you can't which is interesting in itself given what the tests
do - will post this soon...

 Tried it without the TT3.0 installed, but it's also possible to do it
 with the toolbox installed?
Should be able to do the tests with it installed or not, though clearly
anything turning off the screen will impact the ability to run the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-22 Thread Triode

MWelschenbach;692066 Wrote: 
 Yes, the dac is off for the night. 
 One other observation: I tried the plugin with the default kernel 7.7.1
 from Logitech, neither kernel #1 nor kernel #2 installed, and it seems
 to work perfectly with my dac even with 24/96 material. Is this as it
 is supposed to be?

Very likely - kernel #2 is very similar to the default kernel, the only
signficant difference is that some dacs will need kernel #2 as they ask
for more bandwidth on the usb bus than the default kernel offers.  (In
the case of the MDAC for instance it requires this)

The main thing with kernel #2 and the default kernel is the need for an
external hub to may async work as the silicon inside touch appears to
have a limitation which the hub fixes.

[I would like to get the 2 changes in kernel #2 into the standard
firmware, but am awaiting feedback from logitech]


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-21 Thread Triode

toby10;691753 Wrote: 
 Pardon my ignorance in ABX listening but isn't posting results going
 to taint the overall test results?  Example:  If someone reads this
 thread, sees that most hear no difference on tests 1  2, won't there
 now be an expectant bias to also not hear a difference on those same
 I'm no scientist nor audiophile, so maybe (quite possibly) I'm missing
 something in understanding such testing methods.  :)

I think it can re-enforce the expectation bias that the test cases show
no difference or do show differences.  However the idea behind the test
is that you don't know which test case you are voting on, so it should
not influence the specific results within a test other than to
amplify/reduce your expectation to record differences...

I should come clean on one thing (which I believe I stated before):
Test #1 has no significant differences and is the control 
Test #2 does do something which I reasoned would potentially have an
impact on the sound in a similar way to buffer tuning/prioritisation of

I wrote the test app as I thought I could tell the difference with my
mod, but then with the test app I was not so sure...  Lets see if any
more results for test 2 show any significant results.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-20 Thread Triode

lovejoy;691543 Wrote: 
 Now to work out whether there is any audible difference between kernel
 #1 and kernel #2!
I doubt it - kernel #1 is sending bigger packets every 2ms, kernel #1
smaller packets every 1ms.  Other than that they are the same.  The
feedback packets return at the same time.

Maybe a test of kernel #1 without hub vs kernel #2 with hub, but if the
hub works then this is the case where the dac is working as intended.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-20 Thread Triode

MWelschenbach;691626 Wrote: 
 By testing systematically I found that the minimal buffer size for
 playing 24/96 material is 7000, with less than 7000 there is no sound
 at all.
 Did anyone observe that with the kernel #2 and TT 3.0  the Touch needs
 to go through a power off/ power on cycle behause it won't stir after a
 couple of hours in standby mode?

I've not experienced this - was the touch still connected to the server
in this case?  (Standby mode really only means a different display
screen, so it would normally look the same from the server perspective)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-19 Thread Triode

warpian;691389 Wrote: 
 I have ordered an Audiophilleo #1 and will hook it up to the SBT with
 your Kernel #2. The Audiophilleo comes with a small oled screen that
 provides quite some diagnostic info. Will report back here when it
 arrives (sometime next week).

That looks to be a usb 2 dac - i.e. high speed.  I don't think the
current kernels will support that.  If it can be forced to operate as a
usb 1 dac then I suspect it will work.  Otherwise it will probably need
some more kernel updates.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-19 Thread Triode

warpian;691460 Wrote: 
 I guess that involves updating the USB driver on the Touch. Some time
 ago I had read that this upgrade is not easy to accomplish?
I am looking at this - would be interested in having someone who could
test a usb2 device, but wanted to make you aware that the kernels
available at present are unlikely to work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-17 Thread Triode

Mnyb;691025 Wrote: 
 Is the Touch still bitperfect in all the test modes ? no level
 manipiulation as I have some DTS tracks in my playlist and anything but
 100% volume would make a loud hissing noise ?

Yes and with the TT mods - all these mods do is change the other things
going on within touch to some extend - you will still get the same bits
out of the output.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-17 Thread Triode

Soundman;691066 Wrote: 
 I ran the tests several times but could not hear any difference at all.

This is totally expected for test #1 and an interesting result for #2. 
(I will post what #2 does when we have a few more test results.  However
I'm interested in results like this from people who can detect the
difference with buffer and priority tuning as its trying to
validate/dispel a theory related to this.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-17 Thread Triode

tufty;691078 Wrote: 
 I had TT3.0 installed with Logitech priorities and buffersize of
 2... I did not take it off first, and it doesn't appear to be
 interfering. Is it actually doing anything when playing out on USB?
Yes the TT priorisation will intefer as it overrides a priority change
the USB applet makes to ensure the Usb irq process is real time
priority (it is not by default or in the TT mods as its not expected to
be used for audio).  Buffer tuning should not matter in terms of
dropouts as long as the priority is set.  Though YMMV in terms of
whether you detect audio difference - in which case try my bind test
applet too...

 1) On regular CD FLAC rips, they read as 44.1k and 16-bit on CDQ
 2) ...unless I am using ReplayGain adjustment, in which case it will
 display as 22-bit or 23-bit depending on how aggressively it is being
 3) 48k 24-bit material I have always says 24-bit regardless of
 ReplayGain setting.
This is down to the audiolab code (well lakewests's usb code - suggest
you ask in more detail on pinkfish).  My understanding is that it will
indicate the bit depth based on whether it sees data in the bits - so
although 24 bit audio is send from Touch if its from a CD and has no
processing then you will see it as 16 bit.  If you have RG enabled then
squeezeplay is doing some processing and so there may be more bits.  If
you use a lossy codec you probably also see more bits as the codec in
Touch is outputting 24 bits.

And as far as jitter - the theory with async usb is that the clock is
generated in the dac.  As JohnW would say first order impact of jitter
is removed, but there's still scope for 2nd order things to mean
noise/RF couples from the SBT to the dac.  You could try a usb
issolator to reduce this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-14 Thread Triode

TheOctavist;690553 Wrote: 
 0 0 0
No supprise for that...

 0, -1, 1, 0
Interesting - if you repeat the test do you reenforce the score?  (i.e.
if you do it a second time or select the option to run more tests do the
same ones come out as preferred?)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-13 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;690417 Wrote: 
 I've tried USB audio 0.3 (I hope that's the right one) and it still
 doesn't work with my 2706 based DAC. It just continuously reboots. My
 guess is that both jive_alsa process die and the watchdog kicks in.
 Because of the way the USB DAC gets setup it wind up as card 2 which
 causes the effects jive_alsa to die and the music one still has
 problems.  I need to try this with my udev setup which guarantees that
 all internal interfaces show up with their usual card numbers no matter
 whether there is a USB DAC or not. That should at least prevent it from
 crashing the processor.  (or using TT3.0 to turn off the watchdog).
 John S.

Hum - can you check what got written to the settings file to see if it
looks right?  I would expect it to work by setting the device name
directly as it should remove the card number problem, but it needs
jive_alsa to open the device with settings which work - else you get
the problem you have seen.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-13 Thread Triode

Mnyb;690419 Wrote: 
 Play music of you own choice, if I understand triode here he have
 changed something in the sound system settings in the Touch what it is
 you are not suposed to know just try with whatever music you please :)

Exactly - you should play whatever music you like and see if you can
hear any difference.  You can leave and return to the comparison menu
if you need to change tracks.  The test will only progress or stop when
you record results or reboot SBT.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2012-02-12 Thread Triode

I'd like to encourage more people to try the USB tests on the link
above.  It looks like my modifications + an external high speed hub
enable usb 1.1 async dacs to work without any drops.  Would like to get
more postive results of this.

I consider the modifications stable enough for more people to try now.

Note - you are probably likely to need an external high speed hub which
will cost  10 GBP.  (See explination on experiment thread)


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Blind Testing app - testers wanted

2012-02-12 Thread Triode

I'm interested in a few testers to see if they can tell any audible
difference between a few cases using a blind testing applet I've put
together for Touch called Audio Blind Tester.  The idea is that it
allows multiple people to evaluate a set of configurations and rate
which sounds preferable without knowing which configuration they are
listening to at the specific time.  This is intended to help validate
that specific configurations really do sound better...

The applet only supports changes which can be made on the fly without
restarting Touch, but I hope this is useful enough to try out some

To try following the following steps:
- add the url: to your
additional repositories section on the LMS plugin setting page
- from the Touch menu: Settings, Advanced, Applet Installer; unselect
recommended only and install Audio Blind Tester

When the Touch reboots, there should be a new option on the Extras
menu: Audio Blind Tester, this contains a list of test sets which you
can run (two by default) when you enter a test set you will navigate
through a series of test which compare two setting (Test case A and
Test case B).  These represent randomly selected pairs of
configurations and you can select either one as many times as necessary
from the menu to make a decision of which sounds preferable.  Once you
have, select the Record Preference menu and then select whether A  B
(A sounds better than B), A  B (A sounds worse than B) or A = B (sound
the same).  Once you have registered your preference the menu will move
onto the next pair of test cases.  Rate each pair and you will get to a
Results menu which records the scores of each of the underlying test. 
Each case gets a +1 score if you preferred it, a -1 score if you did
not prefer it and 0 if you did not hear any difference.

The purpose of the applet is to see if the same person always rates the
same test cases as preferable and if other users rate the cases in the
same way.

I've included two test sets with the applet:
- Audio Tests #1 - demo test set which shows how the applet works
- Audio Tests #2 - test set including some changes which may impact

I'd be interested in people's scores for each of these cases and also
whether they can regularly rate the different options within a test set
in the same order.  [If this is so then it justifies that configuration
as a better configuration].  I'll post later on whether there is
actually any difference, so will hold off explaining this now...

Expert users:
The test applet can be extended by adding additional xml files into the
/usr/share/jive/applets/AudioBlindTester folder containing
configurations which can be started and stopped via linux commands. 
See tests1.xml as an example, but don't post here what's in it as this
will spoil people's enjoyment of the test :)

Please post if you think this is useful and specifically if you can
regularly rate either of the test sets in a specific order.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Library in triode plugin?

2012-02-11 Thread Triode

spollock;689998 Wrote: 
 Using the triode Spotify plugin, is there a way to make use of Library 
 Artists and Albums?  They are all empty. 

The library feature only shows what you store to the library from the
context menus (its not the same library which spotify use which is
all playlist and starred tracks).  I should probably have chosen a
different name for it, but I don't really use the spotify PC
application and so didn't realise this until top late.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] radio 3 aac streams

2012-02-10 Thread Triode

diddy;689938 Wrote: 
 many thanks for your help.i also posted on the FoR3 forum and someone
 there gave me a different url to try which has sorted the problem.i'm
 sure they wouldn't object to me posting details here.if anyone is
 interested the instructions  url info are:
 go to your ‘’ page - click on favorites - under ‘add
 favorite’, paste in this address:
 Name it what you like, click on ‘add’…. After you’ve done this, you’ll
 need your SBT to be connected to the server. Then go
 to favorites, either on the Touch home page, or using the remote
 control function on the page - and it should do the
 trick (it does for me). …No flash, so you won’t get the live text, but
 you should get a quick connection to the stream (at 320kbps aac), and
 get it without blips, skips, glitches, and remote host resetting the
 it's working perfectly for me.

If you use the Radio 3 menu in the BBC Radio applet or BBCiPlayer
plugin it should use this url anyway if you have aac streams selected. 
This should give you 320k with live text.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-08 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;67 Wrote: 
 It works with the samplebit set to 16. This can be found in the stream0
 (which I presume you are already looking at) in the format:
 0x2 = S16_LE
 0x6 = S24_LE   (format used by Touch internal drivers, 4 bytes with 24
 bits in the bottom 3 bytes)
 0x20 = S24_3LE   (most 24 bit USB DACs, 3 bytes)
 BTW the streamer II works fine with the normal kernel, just install the
 USB Audio applet. 
 John S.

I've updated the Usb Audio Output applet to hopefully parse these
values and set the right bitdepth for 16 bit dacs.  Please try and
report back.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Triode Spotify rebuffering Touch

2012-02-06 Thread Triode

Spotify uses peer to peer for their desktop apps and streaming from
their central site for hardware players via libspotify (which always
require a premium subscription).  Sometimes the server at the spotify
end if congested if so this is often resolved by the plugin moving
server, but is clearly at the mercy of the congestion at the spotify
end.  I don't see any sign of spotify stopping support for hardware
players as it always generates revenue for them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-06 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;688921 Wrote: 
 The results are quite a bit better than without TT3.0, it was a pretty
 shocking difference to me. Interestingly with the internal DAC the
 daemon killer made a big difference, but with the Streamer II on the
 hub it hardly made any difference at all.

That's interesting - do you have a usb issolator to hand to test if
that makes any difference?  Trying to guess what the interaction is
with the dac if the clock really is entirely local to the dac...

I will add something to the USB output applet for 16 bit.

Also kernel #2 only contains a couple of changes over the default
kernel.  Its likely with dacs that don't also use HID that the default
kernel will work in place of kernel #2, they will get a divide by 0
backtrace in dmesg but I suspect they will work.  Other dacs need one
of the other changes I've make for kernel #2


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-05 Thread Triode

FredNowak;688699 Wrote: 
 I installed Kernal #2 and thought I would see what would happen without
 a hub. It is so good I have not bothered to hook up a hub. I have not
 heard any clicks or pops and will post again if they start.
 Many thanks, Triode. I must also thank John Swenson for getting us to
 this point.

Hi Fred - is this an async or adaptive dac - the hub is only needed for
async, but pleased it is working.  Can you give us the details of the
working dac?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-05 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;688733 Wrote: 
 Do NOT attempt any of this by hot plugging, plugging in the DAC or hub
 with the Touch powered up. It won't physically hurt anything, but it
 won't work properly if hot plugged. 
Yes for hot plugging to work the jive application would need to support
restarting with a new output interface.  As it is at boot time it claims
the output device and so we need to have the usb dac available at that
Hence I think anything which doesn't mess with the jive app needs to
assume the dac is there when you start up touch.  [so I've ruled out
hotpluging as something to target for the moment]

The playback solution uses the updated jive_alsa backend which supports
sending data direct to the dac, bypassing the plug layer.

 I tried kernel #2 out with an old adaptive (2706 based) DAC and it did
 not work at all, the Touch just continually rebooted (whether plugged
 into the hub or direct). I haven't had time to do any debugging on
 this. I haven't had time to try this DAC out with kernel #1.  
I supsect this is more of a problem with the device name and bit depth
- try editting /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/SqueezeboxFab4.lua
direct to change the sample size and output device name then reboot? 
The USB Audio Applet is responsble for setting this - if you can find
the right things to parse out of /proc/asound/ to get the settings then
I will uptdate.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-05 Thread Triode

FredNowak;688786 Wrote: 
 It looks like the title is not part of the quoted text so you could not
 see the dac is a Music Streamer II when you wrote this note. The dac is
 async and only has a usb input. The firmware is 1.7.
 Perhaps the Squeezebox Touch firmware is important. I got on the
 nightly channel for the server software to try to solve a scanning
 problem so I have the latest beta server software. It updated the Touch
 firmware to 7.7.2-r9597.
 Here is what USB Audio Output says:
 Status: Running
 Interface: 1
 Allset = 1
 URBs = 2(84)
 Packet Size = 600
 Momentary freq = 44100 (0x2c.199a)
 Interface 1
 Allset 1
 Format: 0x20
 Channels: 2
 Endpoint: 1 OUT (ASYNC)
 Rates: 96000,88200,48000,44100,32000
 Interface 1
 Allset: 2
 Format: 0x2
 Channels: 2
 Endprint: 1 OUT (ASYNC)
 Rates: 96000,88200,48000,44100,32000
 The above is for MOG, CD's ripped to WAV files and stored MP3 files.
 The Momentary freq changes to 96000 Hz (0x60.) for the 96k file
 that comes with the Music Streamer II.
 I still do not have any pops or clicks with any file format I have

So I suspect you are lucky there then - with the momentary frequency
set at the sample frequency and not changing it looks like it is
working without receiving any feedback messages.  However this is
probably only ok as your dac's clock is close to the same frequency as
the internal clock SBT is using to calculate how much data to send.  I
suspect you do get clicks/pops but they are so far apart you don't
notice...   If you had a hub in the way then I would expect the
momentary frequency to update.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-04 Thread Triode

As an update to this - I've confirmed that that a cheap bus powered hub
works - here's the one I've just purchased for this case (less than 10

I think this makes the external hub option a very viable way of using a
1.1 usb dac.  Interested in others trying.

Note the hub must be a high speed USB 2.0 hub.  (So the very cheapest
ones around which are 1.1 are no good, but there are lots of cheap high
speed usb 2.0 ones around)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-01 Thread Triode

Hi - I've been doing some more tests on this and have another kernel for
people to try (Test Kernel #2)

Please also update to USB Audio Output 0.2 as this includes something
to improve 96k playback.

I should point out what the different kernels do and what is leading me
to look at this.  From tests with my dac it appears that there is some
form of limitation with the USB hardware in Touch related to the
Transaction Translator.  This is part of the usb implementation which
supports usb 1.0/1.1 devices connected to a usb 2.0 host.  The specific
limitation is that it does not appear to support output and input iso
packets (sitd) in the same 1ms timeslot on the usb bus.  The two
kernels work round this in different ways and so one may be appropriate
to you:

Kernel #1 - supports up to 44/48k sampling rates by restricting output
packets to every other 1ms frame, thus allowing async input packets on
the interviening frames.  This relies on the async implementation in
the dac supporting data arriving every other frame it asked for.  It
works with my Audiolab dac (with usb firmware by Lakewest audio) and
I've verified with the author of that firmware that it should work. 
However it is breaking the requested parameters and so does not looks
to work with several other dacs.  This is probably the reason for the
other test cases above failing.

Kernel #2 - supports up to 96k sampling rate by not changing the usb
protocol.  (Its a very minor modification of the default kernel to
avoid the not enough bandwidth message seen with some usb devices) 
However it is intended to be used with an external usb high speed hub. 
In this configuration, the usb 1.0 to 2.0 translation is done by the
external hub rather than the silicon within Touch and this seems to
bypass the problem hardware.  It works for me with the hub in my
monitor - it is worth people testing with any high speed hub.  Note
there can be problem with rebooting the Touch, hub and dac in the right
order so the Touch sees the dac, but once working seems to work ok at
all sampling rates upto 96k for me.

Thanks to Dominik of Lakewest for suggesting the hub approach.

Please test and post here if these work better for you


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-01-30 Thread Triode

paul.raulerson;687238 Wrote: 
 Installed and tried on a MF VLink, A Wavelength CoSecant, and a
 Peachtree DAC*IT.
 No synch to the VLink or CoSecant.
 The Peachtree played the music cleanly, but the music dragged if that
 makes any sense. 
 By the way, install was flawless and the uninstall was also flawless.
 Good work, please don't get discouraged! :) 

Hi Paul - can you confirm whether you saw the words USB Test Kernel
on the startup screen?  I want to make sure that you actually installed
the test kernel as the other case looks like it was not running.  I've
added to the instructions to hopefully make this clearer, but it would
be good to understand what you saw in more detail..


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-01-29 Thread Triode

As reported by John S I've been looking at support for async usb dacs
connected to the Usb port of Touch.  I believe I've made some progress
and have some changes to the touch firmware which I believe are worth
sharing.  At present this is really a proof of concept and I am looking
for testers who have an async usb dac (usb 1.1 devices for the moment)
and are willing to try some tests.

I've been testing these modifications with a usb 1 dac (Audiolab MDAC)
- it will play at 44.1 and 48k sampling rates with my modified kernel. 
(The dac is capable of 96k, but to make it work with Touch at present
I've modified the kernel to only support these lower rates)


The process for installing the updates is slightly involved, but should
all be able to be done from the normal user interface.  Instructions

1) Update to latest released Touch firmware
2) Perform factory reset to ensure any previous usb mods are removed
3) Add the following new repository url to the LMS Web settings page:
Settings, Plugins (additonal repositories at bottom of page), press
4) Go to Settings, Advanced, Applet Installer on the player, unselect
Recommended Applets Only and two new applets should appear in the
list: Kernel Updater and USB Audio Ouput - install them one at a time
(touch will reboot each time you install one)
5) Go to Settings, Advanced, Kernel Updater and install the new kernel
USB Test Kernel #1 (touch will reboot)
6) Ensure USB Dac is pluged in and turned on
7) Go to Setttings, Advanced, USB Audio Output and see if your USB Dac
appears in the menu - if so select it (touch will reboot)
8) Touch should now be using the selected USB device for its audio
output - to see the status return to the Settings, Advanced, USB Audio
Output menu and select the device - this should show the current status
of any playing stream

Important - before you update to the standard firmware again, you must
reselect the Default output on the USB Audio Output menu otherwise the
touch will continually reboot.  [If you get to this point, press and
hold the reset button to perform a factory reset and it should boot

Please report your findings here - interested in which dacs and what

I'll start by saying that my Audiolab MDAC appears to work in async
mode with 44.1/48k sampling rates.

My intention is to try other changes to the kernel which will result in
additional alternative kernels to help test what changes are needed for
different dacs.  If/when I do this, I will post here and make them
available via the Kernel Updater applet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2012-01-29 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;674869 Wrote: 
 I have a little bit of news, Triode from these forums is now looking
 into the issues as well, he's looking into the inner workings of the
 low level USB driver which is where the issues seem to be coming from.
 Say tuned this may eventually get resolved. 
 John S.

I've started a new thread to discuss where I have got to on this:

I'm looking for people to try out the kernel modification I've made and
wanted to avoid diluting all the useful information here with my tests. 
If/when we make progress on my thread will post back here.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-01-29 Thread Triode

dynaudiorules;687173 Wrote: 
 Would step 3 be done on the Touch itself or on the Server side???
 I ask because I dont see the option you listed shown after I select
 Settings-Plugins on the Server side.
 Don't know or can't find LMS Web setting page either.

Server side - its on the settings, plugin tab at the bottom of the
page.  Note also that the url text is compressed by this forum it
should be:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-01-29 Thread Triode

dynaudiorules;687190 Wrote: 
 Okay found out that Additional Repositories does not show on Linux

Shows on my linux server...

 I am using a Musical Fidelity V-Link, I get very faint pops about 1 min
 apart. Otherwise it works great.
Does the instantaneous frequency update on the Usb Audio Output info
display on touch?  It could be that your dac has a smaller buffer than
mine.  This kernel overrides the rate at which the dac asks for data to
make sure the feedback packets arrive.  I will add more debugging info
to the next kernel to help us understand more.  Lets get some more
reports first though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-01-29 Thread Triode

dynaudiorules;687194 Wrote: 
 Yes if I select the V-Link on the Touch I can see all the information.

Does it say the output endpoint is ASYNC?

Also does the Momentary freq update (the page is refreshed once a
second).  On my dac every couple of seconds this updates to a value
either side of the nominal frequency.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-01-29 Thread Triode

dynaudiorules;687199 Wrote: 
 Yes it says Async
 No update on the Momentary freq
 44084 Hz (0x2c. 15a0)
 If I switch songs it updates
 44113 Hz (0x2c. 1cf8)

Hum - async is not working then - should be being updated..  Are you
able to ssh into the touch and type dmesg - what does it say for the
last few lines while it is playing?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-01-29 Thread Triode

That doesn't look right - could you capture the entire dmesg and post
here or mail to me?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-10-19 Thread Triode

JohnSwenson;664319 Wrote: 
 Another interesting tidbit is the firmware used. With an early 7.5.1
 firmware I get LOTS of xruns with 88.2 (this is all aplay), but a
 recent 7.5.1 has almost no xruns (still a few about two per song). This
 is with everything else setup exactly the same. With 96 the early and
 recent 7.5.1 give about the same results. SOMETHING in the firmware
 changed which caused major differences in xruns. 

What firmware revisions are the differences between?  Not sure I see
any differences in what built them - should all be here:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-09-15 Thread Triode

indypants;657761 Wrote: 
 Hi Mjensen,
 First of all, thanks for sharing that info, it is very much
 I've already got John's updated jive_alsa and also own the 8200CDQ DAC,
 but so far I still get the odd click coming through.
 Looking through your summary of changes, the thing that stands out that
 I've not yet tried is part (3), so I will be giving this a go when I get
 some time (and once I've figured out why USB doesn't seem to work at all
 since I downloaded the last official firmware upgrade :-( ). 
 Your asound.conf updates also look quite different to the changes
 recommended by John, but would I be correct that this just a different
 way of achieving the same result?

Interested in how people are using their USB Dacs - is it the only
device attached?  It does sound that the audiolab stuff doesn't work in
async mode at present, I'm wondering about getting one and looking at
the touch code.  How frequent are the dropouts at present?

[John did you ever just build the image with a newer alsa - I was
thinking this may work for a usb only case?]


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] RSS news feeds as screensaver

2010-09-22 Thread Triode

neilcoburn;578301 Wrote: 
 Thanks, Toby10.  I'm sure you're right about it being a Logitech effect.
 The thing I can't work out is that there is an official Logitech Info
 Browser Applet that allows one to read RSS etc, but unless you manually
 browse through the pages, you can't actually access it. And why would
 you want to use a Squeezebox for this kind of web browsing when most
 people will have devices better suited? Surely the obvious application
 of news feeds is to display the stories in a screen saver when powered
 off, just like RSS News Ticker does for Classic.
 Perhaps I'll post something on the 'official' forum and see if anyone
 from Logitech responds!

So the official Info browser applet is a third party contribution
from me - so although its packaged in the main release its 3rd party
supported.  I have been focussed on other things and have not looked at
this side of things recently.

I did look at this and decided it needed some C code to enable better
scrolling if we want to make it look like a ticker - i.e. scrolling on
one side and off the other.  If we just want to display an RSS feed but
not make it scroll of make it wrap round scroll (as RSS news did several
years ago on classic) then it would be easier.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] InfoBrowser problem

2010-05-22 Thread Triode

bandi;549756 Wrote: 
 I have installed the InfoBrowser plugin to the Touch, and it works
 nicely when the Touch is connected to my PC. While when connected to
 the SD card, I get the error message No information feeds found.
 Please check IB is enabled on server.
 Could you pls advice.

Yes I suspect this is likely to happen - the problem is that it is
trying to get information from the embedded server which does not
support InfoBrowser.  This is a bug - it should really give a better
error message or try to get information from  Could you raise
a bug report for this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Installed some applet on the Touch, how to use them?

2010-04-27 Thread Triode

Tony T;541020 Wrote: 
 Then its a bug?  I would write the report on bugzilla, but I wouldn't
 know how to properly explain this one other than it doesn't work :-)

The applet list not appearing when using TinySC is a known bug which
should be fixed in 7.5.1 (as in I believe I have fixed it, but would be
pleased for any feedback)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Installed some applet on the Touch, how to use them?

2010-04-27 Thread Triode

erland;541001 Wrote: 
 I think it's more like a vision to have ALL available, the goal is
 probably to make it possible to install every applet on the official
 repositories when connected to MySB. Applets not on the official
 repositories will probably require a standard SBS. Of course, all
 developers can get on the official list, they just have to let Logitech
 know they want their repository to be added.

Agreed - this is the current target.  All applets seen via a clean
server (no additional repositories added by the user) should also be
available via  Note that the selection of whether to include
only recommended applets or all applets in the logitech hosted list
is now performed by the player menu - this is so you can get the same
list from as a local server (but it means that the option
selection or all 3rd party on the local server is not used when
browsing the list from Touch or Radio)

Now that we have more applets for 7.5 from Erland and others, I was
thinking we should restart the voting process on the 3rd party forum so
we can promote a few more applets to recommended status.  This needs
logitech buy-in, but the first step would be users recommending applets
they see as recommended...  Any takers?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SSH into my Touch, any nice things to explore?

2010-04-17 Thread Triode

scp and sftp are different - use scp as this should be available.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SSH into my Touch, any nice things to explore?

2010-04-17 Thread Triode

scp and sftp are different - use scp as this should be available.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Network test on Touch does not go above 2000kbps

2010-04-16 Thread Triode

I'm confused by the comment on network test being a bad name...

The current test, tests the network performance from the server to the
selected player.  This shows whether there is enough network bandwidth
in your home network to stream at this rate to the player.  I think
this is all that can actually be tested.  It is the most useful measure
for playback of local files from the server (which was the dominant use
case when it was written)

The problem with network test readings is the way it currently works -
it can read low due to lack of cpu power on server or client rather
than lack of network capacity.  The original limitation came from the
fact that its a server only plugin and I had no access to the player
firmware to add any code.  With Squeezeplay devices I now have access
to the firmware and can think about this again.  Given a low power cpu
at the client end and a possibly low power cpu at the server end, the
current method is always going to be an approximation.  I hope it does
provide some useful information though...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Network test on Touch does not go above 2000kbps

2010-04-15 Thread Triode

Mnyb;535127 Wrote: 
 Any chance that the web-UI based tool would come back as a plugin :)
 They dropped it from the sbs to save cpu, ram, whatnot ?
 All perfmon stuff is gone (for non programmers anyway, I suppose weird
 undocumented command-line options can still be used), i really liked
 that stuff.

Actually I dropped the web interface when the event loop was rewritten
and it would have needed a major upgrade.  There were also lots of
comments about users not understanding it!  Instrumentation of how long
the server takes to perform events is still available if you start the
server from the command line, however the only output is to the log
file/command line rather than a web page.  I guess I felts the majority
of the benefit was achieved by this without the questions about how to
use it from less technical people...

Anyway re network test, there have also been questions about how to
dump down the interface on this to make it less geeky.  If it didn't
have any options but just showed a single display of how fast it could
go - similar to a broadband speed checker, would this be useful?   Is
the history graph currently shown also useful?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Network test on Touch does not go above 2000kbps

2010-04-14 Thread Triode

Yes - by design at present.  Voting may help motivation to improve this
(nb network test is all a 3rd party development by me so it needs me to
find time to look at it or logitech to find time!)

I know how to make it much faster, but have not had time or been
certain on the requirement up until now.


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